Norma ASTM G1.1207483-1

March 25, 2018 | Author: Laisa Candido Maia | Category: Sodium Hydroxide, Corrosion, Hydrochloric Acid, Zinc, Metals



Designation: G1 − 03 (Reapproved 2011) Standard Practice for Preparing, Cleaning, and Evaluating Corrosion Test Specimens1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation G1; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. 1. Scope D2776 Methods of Test for Corrosivity of Water in the 1.1 This practice covers suggested procedures for preparing Absence of Heat Transfer (Electrical Methods) (With- bare, solid metal specimens for tests, for removing corrosion drawn 1991)3 products after the test has been completed, and for evaluating G15 Terminology Relating to Corrosion and Corrosion Test- the corrosion damage that has occurred. Emphasis is placed on ing (Withdrawn 2010)3 procedures related to the evaluation of corrosion by mass loss G16 Guide for Applying Statistics to Analysis of Corrosion and pitting measurements. (Warning—In many cases the Data corrosion product on the reactive metals titanium and zirco- G31 Practice for Laboratory Immersion Corrosion Testing of nium is a hard and tightly bonded oxide that defies removal by Metals chemical or ordinary mechanical means. In many such cases, G33 Practice for Recording Data from Atmospheric Corro- corrosion rates are established by mass gain rather than mass sion Tests of Metallic-Coated Steel Specimens loss.) G46 Guide for Examination and Evaluation of Pitting Cor- rosion 1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as G50 Practice for Conducting Atmospheric Corrosion Tests standard. No other units of measurement are included in this on Metals standard. G78 Guide for Crevice Corrosion Testing of Iron-Base and 1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the Nickel-Base Stainless Alloys in Seawater and Other safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Chloride-Containing Aqueous Environments responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 3. Terminology bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific 3.1 See Terminology G15 for terms used in this practice. warning statements, see 1.1 and 7.2. 4. Significance and Use 2. Referenced Documents 4.1 The procedures given are designed to remove corrosion 2.1 ASTM Standards:2 products without significant removal of base metal. This allows A262 Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular an accurate determination of the mass loss of the metal or alloy Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels that occurred during exposure to the corrosive environment. D1193 Specification for Reagent Water 4.2 These procedures, in some cases, may apply to metal D1384 Test Method for Corrosion Test for Engine Coolants coatings. However, possible effects from the substrate must be in Glassware considered. 1 This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G01 on Corrosion 5. Reagents and Materials of Metals and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G01.05 on Laboratory 5.1 Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals shall be Corrosion Tests. Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2011. Published April 2012. Originally used in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that approved in 1967. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as G1–2003. DOI: all reagents conform to the specifications of the Committee on 10.1520/G0001-03R11. Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society where 2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM 3 Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on the ASTM website. Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Sep 11 07:24:38 EDT 2014 1 Downloaded/printed by (UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. It is also thereby lose the information contained in these corrosion products. and specimen. is often more MD.3 For more searching tests of either the metal or the provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently environment.4 Drilled holes may also be used to identify specimens products and not result in removal of any base metal. 7. surface. Dimensions determined to the third significant figure known to be small. dry specimens should be measured and tool may be used when the extent of corrosion damage is weighed. listed by the American Chemical Society. particularly of a multiphase alloy. . 7. In some cases the chemical cleaners described in service environments. To when extensive metal loss. Thu Sep 11 07:24:38 EDT 2014 2 Downloaded/printed by (UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro pursuant to License Agreement. 7. they should be recorded. The application 4 Reagent Chemicals. Inc. American Chemical Society Specifications.3.1 may not be reliable when heavily corroded specimens are to be cleaned. For Suggestions on the testing of reagents not surfaces will often. other methods should be chosen or the into the metal surface using hardened steel stencil stamps hit metallurgical condition must be corrected by subsequent treat- with a hammer. Dorset.3.2. For example.2.1.1. Care important to be sure that there are no galvanic interactions may be required so that uncorroded metal is not removed with the between the tag. shearing a specimen to size will cold work substantial corrosion has occurred. 6. American of replicate cleaning procedures to specimens with corroded Chemical Society. determine the mass loss of the base metal when removing or heavy scaling is anticipated. closely resem. Pharmacopeial Convention. including perhaps X-ray the specimen and the specimen identification can be stamped diffraction to determine crystal forms as well as chemical analyses to look on the tag.4 Rinse thoroughly. a commercial surface. G1 − 03 (2011) such specifications are available. Several tech. corrosion products. and store in desiccator.3.1. (USPC). This is because a corroded and National Formulary. 5.2 Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indicated. These scrapings can then fication.1 An ideal procedure should remove only corrosion 6.) to water shall be understood to mean reagent water as defined NOTE 1—Hot alkalies and chlorinated solvents may attack some metals. and the United States Pharmacopeia result in continuing mass losses.. will yield the most NOTE 3—Pickling may cause localized corrosion on some materials. However.2 It is desirable to mark specimens used in corrosion tests an abrasive paper (see Practices A262 and Test Method with a unique designation during preparation. D1384). The edges as well as the faces of the specimens should niques may be used depending on the type of specimen and be abraded to remove burrs. 6. superficial iron contamination in the marked area. measuring instruments. When more significant figures are available on the corrosion damage during testing. Methods for Preparing Specimens for Test 6. 6. U. that is. Rockville. A metal or plastic wire can be used to attach the tag to be subjected to various forms of analyses.S. this approach to marking is much and mass determined to the fifth significant figure are sug- more susceptible to having the marks lost as a result of gested. 6. A high purity to permit its use without lessening the accuracy of suitable procedure might be: the determination. replicate uncorroded control specimens and less costly than edge notching. NOTE 2—Ultrasonic cleaning may be beneficial in both pre-test and post-test cleaning procedures. DC. Methods for Cleaning After Testing pated.4 Other grades may be used. for example. Drilled holes may be simpler corrosion products. 6.2 The procedure given in 7. Edges should be ma- introduces localized strained regions and the possibility of chined. susceptible than a freshly machined or polished surface to Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). when NOTE 4—It is desirable to scrape samples of corrosion products before testing coated surfaces. see Annual Standards for Laboratory Chemicals. All of the chemical techniques that are discussed in Section 7 tend to destroy the corrosion products and wire will corrode or degrade in the test environment.1 Corrosion product removal procedures can be divided tests on steel alloys are examples where this approach is into three general categories: mechanical. Section 6 will suffice. wire. hot air dry. edge notches.1 Degrease in an organic solvent or hot alkaline cleaner. bling the one that would be used in service.5 When it is undesirable to deform the surface of be utilized to correct the corrosion mass loss. No further reproductions authorized. Poole. by Type IV of Specification D1193. It is important to ensure that neither the tag nor the for specific corrodants. BDH Ltd. standard surface finishes may be preferred. Long term atmospheric tests and sea water immersion 7.2. It is necessary to develop a code system when using trolytic.3.2. such as chlorides. cleaning.5 The clean. imprinting the designation code condition of the metal. A code system must be should be cleaned by the same procedure being used on the test developed when using drilled holes.2. chemical.1 Stencil or Stamp—Most metallic specimens may be 6. 6. specimens after preparation procedures.. The resulting imprint will be visible even after ment. the extent of metal loss resulting from cleaning can 6.K. However.4 When specimen preparation changes the metallurgical marked by stenciling.2 Pickle in an appropriate solution if oxides or tarnish 6. 6.3 Edge notching is especially applicable when extensive corrosion and accumulation of corrosion products is antici.1 For laboratory corrosion tests that simulate exposure to are present. Punched holes should not specimen.3 Abrade with a slurry of an appropriate abrasive or with 6. using any chemical techniques to remove them. even in the absence of corrosion products. meaningful results. this procedure and may possibly fracture the edges. U. test. and elec- applicable.2 Electric engraving by means of a vibratory marking 6. By weighing the control specimen before and after be used as they introduce residual strain. 6. references (See also Practice G31. Washington. tags may be used for specimen identi. accumulation of corrosion products. Several procedures are listed in Table A1. be used to remove corrosion products. Scrubbing with a nonmetallic requirements of 7.1.2 The mass loss should be graphed as a function of the 7.78 × 106 FIG. Corrosion Rate 5 ~ K 3 W ! / ~ A 3 T 3 D ! (1) where: K = a constant (see 8.1. and surfaces when corrosion products may accumulate in pits.3 Repeated treatment may be required for complete removal of corrosion products. The average (non metallic bristle) or ultrasonic cleaning of the test speci. These methods are often utilized to remove heavily repeated treatment may also be necessary because of the encrusted corrosion products. point B. 8. mechanical shocking. In such cases.3 To minimize uncertainty associated with corrosion should also follow the electrolytic cleaning to remove any of the metal by the cleaning method. water-jet blasting. See Practice G31 for further guidance. A. A = area in cm2. the bristle brush and a mild abrasive-distilled water slurry can also specimens should be thoroughly rinsed and immediately dried. Two lines corrosion products. As with other meth- sion test specimen in a specific solution that is designed to ods. the corrosion rate can be calculated in a variety of units with the following appropriate value of K: Constant (K) in Corrosion Corrosion Rate Units Desired Rate Equation mils per year (mpy) 3. care should be exercised. and D. and D = density in g/cm3 (see Appendix X1).1 The cleaning procedure should be repeated on speci.2 Many different units are used to express corrosion rates. firmed by examination with a low power microscope (for brushing.3 Chemical cleaning is often followed by light brushing mens several times.4 Mechanical procedures can include scraping. 8. bulky corrosion products. the 7. grit blasting.1 Vigorous mechanical cleaning may result in the re- and reagent grade chemicals. scrubbing. The mechanical forces used in cleaning should base metal. 8. and im- example. moval of some base metal.1. 1. This is particularly useful with pitted pact blasting (for example.1 Electrolytic cleaning should be preceded by brushing mass loss due to corrosion will correspond approximately to or ultrasonic cleaning of the test specimen to remove loose. a method should be loose slime or deposits.1 Corrosion rates are not necessarily constant with time of exposure. 7.1.2 Intermittent removal of specimens from the cleaning following method of determining the mass loss due to the solution for light brushing or ultrasonic cleaning can often cleaning procedure is preferred. Several useful methods for corrosion test will be obtained: AB and BC. ultrasonic cleaning. correction for metal loss due to the cleaning method is remove the corrosion products with minimal dissolution of any recommended.1.2).1 The initial total surface area of the specimen (making (Warning—These methods may be hazardous to personnel).1. 7.2. products.1.87 × 102 millimetres per year (mm/y) 8. choice of chemical procedure to be used is partly a matter of trial and error to establish the most effective method for a 8. grams per square meter per hour (g/m2·h) 1.1. Thu Sep 11 07:24:38 EDT 2014 3 Downloaded/printed by (UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro pursuant to License Agreement.2.76 × 104 micrometres per year (um/y) 8. G1 − 03 (2011) corrosion by the cleaning procedure. corrections for the areas associated with mounting holes) and 7. The mass loss should be determined after or ultrasonic cleaning in reagent water to remove loose each cleaning by weighing the specimen.2. Removal can often be con. 1 Mass Loss of Corroded Specimens Resulting from Repeti. 7× to 30×). T = time of exposure in hours.3.4 All cleaning solutions shall be prepared with water 7. adequate removal of corrosion products.76 × 107 picometres per second (pm/s) 2. Following the final treatment. This so forth). These should be used only when other methods fail to provide 7. No further reproductions authorized.00 × 104 × D tive Cleaning Cycles milligrams per square decimeter per day (mdd) 2.2. therefore. corrosion rate may then be obtained as follows: men to remove loose. cast iron. The be held as nearly constant as possible.2.2.1. 7. 7. bulky corrosion products. The 7. Brushing or ultrasonic cleaning 7. W = mass loss in grams. .4. would reduce the apparent mass loss. 7. Using the units in 7.1 for T. or steel are given in Table A2.40 × 106 × D Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved).1. The latter will correspond to specimens of iron.3 Electrolytic cleaning can also be utilized for removal of number of equal cleaning cycles as shown in Fig.45 × 103 inches per month (ipm) 2.2. corrosion of the metal after removal of corrosion products.1.45 × 106 inches per year (ipy) 3.2 Chemical procedures involve immersion of the corro. Assessment of Corrosion Damage specific metal and type of corrosion product scale. W.1. This will help to minimize any chosen to provide the lowest slope (near to horizontal) of line redeposition of metal from reducible corrosion products that BC. facilitate the removal of tightly adherent corrosion products.1 Chemical cleaning is often preceded by light brushing the mass lost during the test are determined. 7. 45 3 106 ! pm/s (2) cracking. can minimize both 8. However. loss. (3) chemical analysis of the stripping solution to determine the composition of the uncorroded 10. crevice reduced by corrosion. corrosive conditions can vary significantly and the may be measured with a depth gage or micrometer calipers estimation of how long corrosive conditions existed can with pointed anvils (see Guide G46). it is generally considered good practice to obtain a cross section 10.2 Mechanical Properties—An apparent loss in tensile 10. for example: 8. corro- will determine pit depth by focusing from top to bottom of the sion processes are not necessarily linear with time.4 Microscopical Examination—Dealloying. Generally. The procedure described above gives an average penetration mass measurements are not the limiting factor. An example of this mine mass values to 60. it is preferable to use the density of the corroded component (instead of the initial alloy density) for 9. specimens Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). or losses in mechanical properties. The precision of This examination will reveal the extent of selective corrosion calipers and other length measuring devices can vary widely. such as dealloy- ing taking place.1 cleaning. Guide G16 for more information on statistical analysis. uncorroded component. In such cases. uniformly distributed across the surface. it exposures. Microscopical methods present significant opportunities for error.3. such as cracking or intergranular 11. strength will result if a compositional change. Loss in tensile strength and elongation will 11. corrosion product removal.) 8. (5) using the mass measurement include improper balance calibration and stan- and density of the corroded component to calculate the average dardization. available that can obtain mass values to 60. such as corrosion rates (calculated from mass losses). 10. as are shown in Fig. . See (as measured by mass loss).3 Electrical Properties—Loss in electrical conductivity NOTE 5—If desired.3 The exposure time can usually be controlled to better misleading when deterioration is highly localized. 1. If corrosion is in the form of pitting. NOTE 7—See Guide G78 for guidance in evaluating crevice corrosion. but the maximum penetration for a inadequate corrosion product removal or overcleaning will multiphase alloy may be larger when the corroded phase is not affect precision. cracking. modern analytical balances can deter- thickness loss rate by use of Eq 1. metallographically polished. precise step in corrosion rate determinations.2 mg with ease and balances are procedure is given in Appendix X2. No further reproductions authorized. tarnishing. evaluation.3. surface preparations. 15 mpy 5 15 3 ~ 2. The use of 8. G1 − 03 (2011) micrograms per square meter per second (µg/m2·s) 2. as shown in Fig. it generally is not necessary to achieve better than the mechanism of attack. so that rate pit when it is viewed from above (using a calibrated focusing values may not be predictive of the future deterioration. damage. NOTE 6—See Guide G46 for guidance in evaluating depths of pitting.1 Corrosion penetration estimations based on mass loss strength will result if the cross-sectional area of the specimen can seriously underestimate the corrosion penetration caused (measured before exposure to the corrosive environment) is by localized processes. multiply by KY/KX. metals. Precision and Bias component.5. To convert a corrosion rate corrosion. Report from that of the alloy.1. or oxidation.4 Regression analysis on results. preparation. 8. Furthermore.) Loss in tensile corrosion.) in units X to a rate in units Y. Thu Sep 11 07:24:38 EDT 2014 4 Downloaded/printed by (UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro pursuant to License Agreement.2 Corrosion rates calculated from mass losses can be 10. but knob) or by examining a section that has been mounted and only are indications of the past exposure.5 Bias can result from inadequate corrosion product removal or metal removal caused by overcleaning.02 mg. (See Test Methods D2776. In general. exfoliation.78 × 106 × D 8. 8. these constants may also be used to convert can be measured when metal loss results from uniform corrosion rates from one set of units to another.3 Other methods of assessing corrosion damage are: repetitive cleaning steps. as in pitting than 61 % in most laboratory procedures. mass corrosion. (See Practice G50. and help in understanding However. of particular phases in the coating. rate of the coating. This is specimens. their metallurgical conditions.2 The determination of specimen area is usually the least through the corroded surface for microscopic examination. such as pitting.1 Appearance—The degradation of appearance by rust- of these errors. Keywords result from localized attack.3. However.3. 1. the deepest metal penetration to the average metal penetration can be used to obtain specific information on precision. done as follows: (1) cleaning to remove corrosion products and cleaning methods as well as measures of corrosion only and determine the mass loss of the corroded component. (4) performing a mass balance to calculate the 10. 61 % for area measurements for corrosion rate purposes. and so forth.1 The report should include the compositions and sizes of calculating average thickness loss rate by use of Eq 1.3 In the case of sacrificial alloy coatings for which there is preferential corrosion of a component whose density differs 9. The pitting factor is the ratio of 10. or intergranular attack may be detected by metallo- graphic examination of suitably prepared sections.1 The factors that can produce errors in mass loss composition of the corroded component. (See Practice G33. in field or crevice corrosion.78 3 106 ! / ~ 3. ing. (2) stripping the remaining coating to determine the mass of the maximum depths of pitting. C.5. Alloys Reagent water to make 1000 mL C.2.2 200 g chromium trioxide (CrO3) 1 min 20 to 25°C The barium salt is present to precipitate 10 g silver nitrate (AgNO3) sulfate.. Reagent water to make 1000 mL C.0 % sodium hydride (NaH) Bulletin SP29-370. sp gr 1.3. sp gr 1. 20 g barium nitrate (Ba(NO3)2) Reagent water to make 1000 mL C.2. Reagent water to make 1000 mL C..2 50 g ammonium acetate (CH3COONH4) 10 min 60 to 70°C .2).’’ C.4 120 mL sulfuric acid (H2SO4.3 250 g ammonium acetate (CH3COONH4) 5 min 60 to 70°C ..84) 1 to 3 min 20 to 25°C .3.. sp gr 1.3 100 mL sulfuric acid (H2SO4.1 Magnesium and Mag.42) 1 to 5 min 20 to 25°C Remove extraneous deposits and bulky corrosion products to avoid reactions that may result in excessive removal of base metal. “DuPont Sodium Hydride Descaling Process Operating Instructions..9 g sodium cyanide (NaCN) 1 to 3 min 20 to 25°C Removes copper sulfide corrosion products Reagent water to make 1000 mL that may not be removed by hydrochloric acid treatment (C. 50 mL phosphoric acid (H3PO4. sp gr 1.3 200 g sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 30 to 40 min 80 to 90°C Caution should be exercised in the use of 20 g granulated zinc or zinc chips any zinc dust since spontaneous ignition Reagent water to make 1000 mL upon exposure to air can occur. Reagent water to make 1000 mL C.2 4.3.. C. C.3.7.4 200 g diammonium citrate 20 min 75 to 90°C Depending upon the composition of the ((NH4)2HC6H5O7) corrosion product.4. attack of base metal Reagent water to make 1000 mL may occur.2. C.2 150 g diammonium citrate 10 to 60 min 70°C .5 g hexamethylene tetramine instances. C. sp gr 1. Longer times 50 g stannous chloride (SnCl2) may be required in certain instances..3..19) 1 to 25 min 20 to 25°C Solution should be vigorously stirred or 20 g antimony trioxide (Sb2O3) specimen should be brushed.4. Reagent water to make 1000 mL C. rinse.84) 5 to 10 s 20 to 25°C Removes redeposited copper resulting from 30 g sodium dichromate (Na2Cr2O7·2H2O) sulfuric acid treatment. Reagent water to make 1000 mL C. sp gr 1. Reagent water to make 1000 mL C. sp gr 1. CHEMICAL CLEANING PROCEDURES TABLE A1.1 Nickel and Nickel 150 mL hydrochloric acid (HCl. C.1. C. Reagent water to make 1000 mL C. G1 − 03 (2011) ANNEXES (Mandatory Information) A1..1 Stainless Steels 100 mL nitric acid (HNO3.5.. then minum Alloys 20 g chromium trioxide (CrO3) follow with nitric acid procedure (C.5 500 mL hydrochloric acid (HCl.5–2.69) 5 to 10 min 90°C to Boiling If corrosion product films remain.. C.1.1).42) 20 min 60°C .84) 1 to 3 min 20 to 25°C Remove bulky corrosion products before Reagent water to make 1000 mL treatment to minimize copper redeposition on specimen surface. Reagent water to make 1000 mL C. sp gr 1. Reagent water to make 1000 mL C. sp gr 1.6.2 Nitric acid (HNO3..2.2.1 Copper and Copper 500 mL hydrochloric acid (HCl.19) 10 min 20 to 25°C Longer times may be required in certain 3.19) 1 to 3 min 20 to 25°C .2 100 mL sulfuric acid (H2SO4. Thu Sep 11 07:24:38 EDT 2014 5 Downloaded/printed by (UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro pursuant to License Agreement.6 Molten caustic soda (NaOH) with 1 to 20 min 370°C For details refer to Technical Information 1. 150 g chromium trioxide (CrO3) 1 min Boiling The silver salt is present to precipitate nesium Alloys 10 g silver chromate (Ag2CrO4) chloride.1 Iron and Steel 1000 mL hydrochloric acid (HCl. No further reproductions authorized. sp gr 1.1 Chemical Cleaning Procedures for Removal of Corrosion Products Designation Material Solution Time Temperature Remarks C. .7. C.5 54 mL sulfuric acid (H2SO4.19) 1 to 3 min 20 to 25°C Deaeration of solution with purified nitrogen Alloys Reagent water to make 1000 mL will minimize base metal removal. Aluminum and Alu. Brushing of Reagent water to make 1000 mL test specimens to remove corrosion products followed by re-immersion for 3 to 4 s is recommended.4. sp gr 1..84) 30 to 60 min 40 to 50°C Deaerate solution with nitrogen.3..2 50 g sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 30 to 40 min 80 to 90°C Caution should be exercised in the use of 200 g granulated zinc or zinc chips any zinc dust since spontaneous ignition Reagent water to make 1000 mL upon exposure to air can occur.1 Lead and Lead Alloys 10 mL acetic acid (CH3COOH) 5 min Boiling . ((NH4)2HC6H5O7) Reagent water to make 1000 mL Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). C. sp gr 1.2 28 mL sulfuric acid (H2SO4.3 100 g citric acid (C6H8O7) 5 min 60°C . sp gr 0.9..84) 2 g inhibitor (diorthotolyl thiourea or quinoline ethyliodide or betanaphthol quinoline) Reagent water to make 1000 mL C..7. Reagent water to make 1000 mL E. Use carbon or platinum anode.6 200 g sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 20 min Boiling Caution should be exercised in the use of 50 g zinc powder any zinc dust since spontaneous ignition Reagent water to make 1000 mL upon exposure to air can occur.5 100 g ammonium persulfate ((NH4)2S2O8) 5 min 20 to 25°C Particularly recommended for galvanized Reagent water to make 1000 mL steel.1 Tin and Tin Alloys 150 g trisodium phosphate 10 min Boiling . quinoline ethyliodide or betanaphthol quinoline) Reagent water to make 1000 mL E..1 Zinc and Zinc Alloys 150 mL ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH. sp gr 1. 50 mL sulfuric acid (H2SO4..1 Iron.90) Reagent water to make 1000 mL followed by 50 g chromium trioxide (CrO3) 15 to 20 s Boiling The silver nitrate should be dissolved in water 10 g silver nitrate (AgNO3) and added to the boiling chromic acid to Reagent water to make 1000 mL prevent excessive crystallization of silver chromate. sp gr 1. 5 min 20 to 25°C . ELECTROLYTIC CLEANING PROCEDURES TABLE A2..3 100 g diammonium citrate 5 min 20 to 25°C Cathodic treatment with 100 A/m2 current den- ((NH4)2HC6H5O7) sity.8.4 200 g sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 5 min Boiling .7.84) 3 min 75°C Cathodic treatment with 2000 A/m2 current den- 0... Reagent water to make 1000 mL A2. platinum or stainless 75 g sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) steel anode.1. Thu Sep 11 07:24:38 EDT 2014 6 Downloaded/printed by (UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro pursuant to License Agreement..9.. Use carbon.. Reagent water to make 1000 mL C.3 200 g chromium trioxide (CrO3) 1 min 80°C Chloride contamination of the chromic acid Reagent water to make 1000 mL from corrosion products formed in salt environments should be avoided to prevent attack of the zinc base metal. Reagent water to make 1000 mL Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved)..2 50 mL hydrochloric acid (HCl. C.1.19) 10 min 20°C . C.2 100 g ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) 2 to 5 min 70°C .1 Continued Designation Material Solution Time Temperature Remarks C. Cast Iron.198–48 %) Reagent water to make 1000 mL C. Reagent water to make 1000 mL C. platinum or lead anode. (Na3PO4·12H2O) Reagent water to make 1000 mL C.. 30 g potassium permanganate (KMnO4) Reagent water to make 1000 mL followed by 100 g diammonium citrate ((NH4)2HC6H5O7) Reagent water to make 1000 mL C.9.9. G1 − 03 (2011) TABLE A1. Use carbon. sp gr 1.5 100 mL nitric acid (HNO3.9.5) 15 s 20 to 25°C Some zinc base metal may be removed. C.1. sp gr 1.4 85 mL hydriodic acid (HI.7.5 g inhibitor (diorthotolyl thiourea or sity.. A Reagent water to make 1000 mL control specimen (3.6 100 g ammonium acetate (CH3COONH4) 2 to 5 min 70°C .. The chromic acid must be sulfate free to avoid attack of the zinc base metal. ..42) 5 to 20 min 20 to 25°C .. Steel 75 g sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 20 to 40 min 20 to 25°C Cathodic treatment with 100 to 200 A/m2 cur- 25 g sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) rent density.8. C.7.1) should be employed. sp gr 1. 20 mL hydrofluoric acid (HF.1 Electrolytic Cleaning Procedures for Removal of Corrosion Products Designation Material Solution Time Temperature Remarks E.9. No further reproductions authorized.1. 5 g inhibitor (diorthotolyl thiourea or sity. 20 g sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 5 to 10 min 20 to 25°C Cathodic treatment with 300 A/m2 current den- minum. Aluminum Alloys UNS Number Alloy Density g/cm3 A91100 1100 2.98 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). E.1 Zinc and Cadmium 50 g dibasic sodium phosphate (Na2HPO4) 5 min 70°C Cathodic treatment with 110 A/m2 current den- Reagent water to make 1000 mL sity.66 A95086 5086 2.2 100 g sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 1 to 2 min 20 to 25°C Cathodic treatment with 100 A/m2 current den- Reagent water to make 1000 mL sity. Thu Sep 11 07:24:38 EDT 2014 7 Downloaded/printed by (UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro pursuant to License Agreement. E.5. platinum or stainless steel anode. Specimen must be energized prior to im- mersion.94 S32900 Type 329 7. Use carbon.69 A95456 5456 2. DENSITIES FOR A VARIETY OF METALS AND ALLOYS TABLE X1.98 S31600 Type 316 7.94 S30403 Type 304L 7.70 A97075 7075 2.70 A92024 2024 2. .69 A95454 5454 2. Use carbon or platinum anode.94 S30400 Type 304 7.68 A95083 5083 2.66 A96061 6061 2. G1 − 03 (2011) TABLE A2.69 A95052 5052 2.72 A95005 5005 2.3.98 N08330 Type 330 7.83 Stainless Steels S20100 Type 201 7. NOTE 2—An asterisk indicates that a UNS number not available.73 A93004 3004 2. E.71 A96101 6101 2.1 Copper and Copper 7.98 S32100 Type 321 7. A S31600 stainless steel anode may be and Tin Alloys) used.4.70 A96070 6070 2. sp gr 1.70 A95050 5050 2.1 Densities for a Variety of Metals and Alloys NOTE 1—All UNS numbers that include the letter X indicate a series of numbers under one category. Use carbon.5 g potassium chloride (KCl) 1 to 3 20 to 25°C Cathodic treatment with 100 A/m2 current den- Alloys Reagent water to make 1000 mL sity.84 A93003 3003 2.81 A97079 7079 2.66 A95357 5357 2. APPENDIXES (Nonmandatory Information) X1.1 Continued Designation Material Solution Time Temperature Remarks E.70 * 6062 2. Magnesium Reagent water to make 1000 mL sity.66 A95154 5154 2.78 A92219 2219 2. Specimen must be energized prior to im- mersion.94 S30200 Type 302 7.1 Lead and Lead Alloys 28 mL sulfuric acid (H2SO4. platinum or stainless steel anode.75 A97178 7178 2.71 A91199 1199 2.98 S31100 Type 311 7. platinum or lead anode.98 S31603 Type 316L 7.84) 3 min 75°C Cathodic treatment with 2000 A/m2 current den- 0. Use carbon.94 S30900 Type 309 7.1 General (excluding Alu. quinoline ethyliodide or betanaphthol quinoline) Reagent water to make 1000 mL E.4.98 S31700 Type 317 7.94 S20200 Type 202 7.98 S31000 Type 310 7. No further reproductions authorized.2. 86 C52400 Phosphor bronze.80 L5XXXX Chemical 11. 8 % 612 7.65 S50200 Type 502 7. 5 % 608 8.94 C71000 Copper nickel 710 8.78 * Composition M 8.53 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved).22 P04980 Platinum 21.52 C44500 Admiralty 445 8. 5 % 510 8.13 R60001 Zirconium 6.77 * 85-5-5-5 8.03 S41000 Type 410 7.60 L13002 Tin 7.30 R50250 Titanium 4.52 C68700 Aluminum brass 687 8.08 * Iron nickel chromium cast alloy 20 8.20 GXXXXX–KXXXXX Carbon steel 7.86 * Silicon iron 7.39 * Admiralty 442 8.16 * Aluminum bronze.52 C70600 Copper nickel 706 8.52 C28000 Muntz metal 280 8.52 C44300 Admiralty 443 8.2 N10276 Nickel chromium molybdenum alloy 8.8 C-276 N06985 Nickel chromium molybdenum alloy G-3 8.00 KXXXXX Low alloy steels 7.72 S44600 Type 446 7.52 C44400 Admiralty 444 8.82 Other Ferrous Metals F1XXXX Gray cast iron 7.51 N06625 Nickel chromium molybdenum alloy 625 8.74 R03600 Molybdenum 10.49 R05200 Tantalum 16.75 C26000 Cartridge brass 260 8.33 C22000 Commercial bronze 220 8. G1 − 03 (2011) TABLE X1. No further reproductions authorized.54 Z13001 Zinc 7. Thu Sep 11 07:24:38 EDT 2014 8 Downloaded/printed by (UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro pursuant to License Agreement.94 C75200 Nickel silver 752 8.85 Copper Alloys C38600 Copper 8.80 C65500 Silicon bronze 655 8.89 N04400 Nickel copper 400 8.80 C60800 Aluminum bronze.94 C71500 Copper nickel 715 8.1 Continued Aluminum Alloys UNS Number Alloy Density g/cm3 S34700 Type 347 8. .70 S43000 Type 430 7.77 C51000 Phosphor bronze.84 N06600 Nickel chromium iron alloy 600 8.3 Other Metals M1XXXX Magnesium 1. 10 % 524 8.14 N08020 Iron nickel chromium alloy 20 Cb-3 8.33 Nickel Alloys N02200 Nickel 200 8.02 N10665 Nickel molybdenum alloy B2 9.45 P07016 Silver 10.94 C23000 Red brass 230 8.45 * Composition G 8.75 Lead L53305–53405 Antimonial 10.44 N08825 Iron nickel chromium alloy 825 8. C X2.1 Initial aluminum content of coating. ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. “Twenty-One Year Results for Metallic.3. West Conshohocken.7) X2.6850! /0.5926 g (X2.218 micrometres per year International.5 X2.3. CALCULATION OF AVERAGE THICKNESS LOSS RATE OF AN ALLOY WHEN THE DENSITY OF THE CORRODING METAL DIFFERS FROM THAT OF THE BULK ALLOY X2.2.1 Example C u 5 57.592613. CA.7 3 3.0% Al (X2. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights.4) C 5 38.2. W t 5 W1W u 5 0. Wt uncorroded specimens.95 years at Point Reyes.2 % Al (X2.76 × 107 × 0.5 –3 The density.3. 284–291. A Rearranging gives C 5 ~ C 1 W t 2 C u W u ! /W (X2..2. United States.2 Mass of remaining uncorroded coating. C.3586 2 78. which you may (e-mail).6 Calculate the average thickness loss rate. or through the ASTM website (www.7% Al (X2. E. C1. Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (www. Wu X2.32 g/cm . Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.1 55% Al-Zn alloy coating on steel sheet exposed for 20.14) X2.5.8) Tests”). No further reproductions authorized.7660 5 0. W 3 5 75. (As reported in H. Townsend. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not L 5 ~K 3 W!/~A 3 T 3 D! (X2. Thu Sep 11 07:24:38 EDT 2014 9 Downloaded/printed by (UFRJ) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro pursuant to License Agreement.2) X2. Outdoor Atmospheric Corrosion. C.3 Total mass of original coating.3. PA.0810 g (X2.astm. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International. X2. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards.3.95 years 5 183 648 hours (X2.7 Aluminum content of remaining uncorroded coating by chemical analysis of the stripping solution.7660 2 75.7660 g (X2.H.2 Time of Exposure.6 Mass after removal of remaining coating according X2.3. or [email protected] % Al-Zn alloy is 4. G1 − 03 (2011) X2.3. W Coated Sheet in the ASTM 1976 Atmospheric Corrosion W 5 W 1 2 W 2 5 79.32) 5 STP 1421.6850 g (X2. X2. Townsend X2.2 Measurements W u 5 W 2 2 W 3 5 78.1. West Conshohocken.9. L (corro- to Table A1.. either reapproved or withdrawn.) and chemical analysis of X2.0810 5 3. as measured by stripping (Table A1. ASTM L = 0.1. Cu where: L = (8.4 Composition of corroded coating.1.13) X2. W2 X2.astm. they can W 2 5 78. COPYRIGHT/). C.3586 g (X2.1. T CW1C u W u 5 C 1 W t (X2.15) X2. H.5 Mass after exposure and removal of corrosion prod- ucts according to Table A1. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone).2.Lawson. In cases where alloy densities are not known. D.2.2. Ed. are entirely their own responsibility. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee.6850 5 4.0 3 4.1 Mass loss of corroded coating.12) A 5 300 cm2 (X2. PA 19428-2959. W3 sion rate per Eq 1).5926 (X2.10) C 1 5 55.3 Calculations and H.11) T 5 20.1) X2. .2776 g (X2.9) X2. 2002.3) C 5 ~ 55.2776 2 Specimen Area. at the address shown below.5926)/(300 × 183 648 × 4. PO Box C700. 100 Barr Harbor Drive.E. and the risk of infringement of such rights. of a 38. W1 W 1 5 79.3.4 Initial Mass.5) be estimated by linear interpolation of the component densities. 610-832-9555 (fax).
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