
March 22, 2018 | Author: Brian Byars | Category: Conan The Barbarian, Unrest



NordheimThe Nordheimir are fierce warriors, proud and honourable. With white hot enthusiasm they pursue life, facing death fearlessly with a song on their lips. They are giant men who valued honour, loyalty and reputation above all things, for their land is harsh. Even the women are strong, running households while the men war with each other across the icy plains and mountains. War is an essential ingredient in the life of the Nordheimer. War is their economy. War is their social setting. War is their religion. War measures courage. War measures honour. War measures manhood. Thus, the Nordheimir favour the barbarian class Variant Rule Howard's Nordheimir live in a tundra land, frozen to the point where agriculture is pointless, thus they are hunters and gatherers, plunderers and raiders. For most of the Nordheimir, their lands are landlocked. Even the Vanir, some of whom live on the coast, have not really discovered long sea-voyaging. The background skill of Profession (farmer or sailor) listed in the Conan the Roleplaying Game rulebook is inappropriate for most Nordheimir. Substitute Intimidate instead. The hairy, fur-bedecked Nordheimer barbarian is an intimidating sight. Nordheimer Barbarians Nordheimir make fantastic barbarians, for their entire savage culture is predicated upon bloodshed and survival of the fittest. Nordheimir barbarians usually keep Survival maximised to make use of their Track ability. Spot is somewhat important in this savage land, but most Nordheimir do not bother much with Listen, Hide and Move Silently. Nordheimir are more concerned with valour and honour than stealth. Ambushing the enemy is not really their way. They are an artistic people, so ranks in Craft is appropriate, as are ranks in Intimidate, for the Nordheimir are simply intense, intimidating people. Jump and Climb is useful to them, so a few ranks in these skills are appropriate, although they are not as skilled in climbing as their southern neighbours, the Cimmerians. A social people, the Perform skill is important to them. They like to sing, tell stories and create poems. Those with at least 10 ranks in a Perform skill are called skalds and earn a +1 bonus to Reputation for every five ranks they possess in each Perform skill. Most Nordheimir take the Fighting-Madness feat and any other brute force feat they can. They rarely bother to finesse with weapons – instead they just bash their way to a bloody conclusion. Feats such as Power Attack, Improved Sunder and so on are appropriate for a Nordheimer barbarian. The savage scout (page XX), the clan chief (page XX), the shaman (page XX), the war chief (page XX), the harrower (page XX), and the berserker (see Conan: Free Companies) are all excellent class combinations for the Nordheimer barbarian. Clan chiefs must prove their worth as a barbarian warrior before they can claim their blood right as the son of a king or chief. Nordheimer Borderers Nordheimir borderers are a rare breed. He is usually the best hunter in the village and usually functions as a scout for the warriors. They often lead the warriors on hunts for meat or on raids against enemies or rivals. These are the Nordheimir who are in love with their environment, focused upon stealth and opportunity. They are uncannily attuned to their environments, able to seemingly hear ice and snow creak and move, able to spot faults and safe passages across ice bridges and across frozen lakes. Although Survival is always maximised, the Nordheimer borderer also focuses on Listen, Spot, Hide and Move Silently, in that order, as aids to his function in society. Nordheimir borderers take Fighting Madness and other power feats, for although they appreciate stealth, they are still Nordheimer at heart. When push comes to shove, the Nordheimer borderer intends to send his foe to Valhalla in a bloody splash. Bow and arrow are a coward's weapon, so Nordheimir do not respect nobility as it is practised elsewhere in the world. Culture Althing or Thing Personal lands Personal lands Master's lands Master's lands Primary Arena Political Political Social Political Social Social Social Economic Economic Economic Economic Social Status 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 0 -1 Base Legitimate Power +25 +20 +20 +15 +15 +15 +15 +10 +5 +0 – Maximum Power 40 40 30 30 30 30 20 20 10 0 – King: A king is a chieftain who has consolidated more than one tribe or clan under his rule. This ability remains even if the borderer has more than 7 levels in barbarian. The wild hunter is perhaps the most common of the class combinations. Nordheimer Power Attack Combat Style The Nordheimir are not precision combatants. the skirmisher (page XX). A man is judged on his character. the scout (see Conan: Free Companies) and the outlaw (page XX) are all excellent class combinations for the Nordheimer borderer. They rip through armour and shields with powerful blows and few can stand up to them for long in battle. The .the Nordheimer borderer usually chooses the two weapon fighting style or the Nordheimer power attack style (see page XX). Special: Nordheimir do not go unarmoured into battle. The wild hunter (page XX). A chieftain is expected to be generous in all things and to protect the honour of the clan against outsiders. even if you do not meet the normal prerequisites. Nobles Nordheimir do not have nobles. The class is inappropriate for Nordheimir characters in their native land. the runner (page XX). This combat style can be used even in medium or heavy armour. • 11th level: You are treated as having the Improved Critical feat with any sword or axe (excluding hatchets or throwing axes). usually owning around 18 farms. Nordheimir who later become a nobleman must multi-class into it. They fight with brute strength and brutal savagery. the guide (page XX). Nordheimir Precedence Position King Chieftain Chieftain's Family Hirðmaðr Skald Goði or Godar Lawspeaker Leiding Hauldr Løysing Thrall Control Over Clans or Tribes Clan or Tribe Clan or Tribe Enforcement of Chieftain's or King's will Popular Opinion Religion. • 2nd level: You hit armour with such brutal strength you add +1 to all armour piercing scores with your sword or battle axe. even if you do not meet the normal prerequisites. They are prohibited from taking the class at first level. They do not herd animals nor are they horsemen. The chieftain has the social responsibility to enforce the laws of Nordheimir society. • 5th level: You are treated as having the Improved Sunder feat. Nordheimer Nomads Nomads are a prohibited class for the Nordheimir. Chieftain: The chieftain is the head of a tribe or clan. not on his lineage. Other Nordheimir might become slaves if they find themselves unable to pay the mulct (fine) imposed by the Althing or Thing. then he will not be chosen for this role. Slaves work hard and the only thing they are allowed to own is a knife. Goði: The Goði (or Godar) is a Nordheimir scholar. He is usually still dependent upon and owes duties toward his former owner. thralls are not protected by the law but are treated as property. Leiding: The leiding is a man who rents or leases his land to another in return for payment in food. near sacred wells or within sacred arrangements of stones. his wealth and his Reputation. Religion tends to be a personal event among the Nordheimer. Nordheimer shamans. He is required to attend any Things or Althings or he loses his position. Killing a slave is not murder. a powerful warrior. Skald: A skald is a Nordheimir poet. Most people in Nordheimir society belong to this class of people. much as the Cimmerians do. although a few branch out into Cosmic Sorcery and/or Hypnotism. Children born of slaves are the property of the owner of the mother. Members of this class often participate in raids and military excursions in order to supplement their wealth. they take the bonus feats and bonus skill points in lieu of new styles and further advanced spells once they have learned the Divination sorcery style. He is a free man with all the rights and duties of such in Nordheimir society. They can make and bear weapons. If he is found lacking in any of these three areas. The only right they lack is a hereditary right to land. so the killer need only replace the slave if it was owned by someone else. Worship is conducted outdoors around places such as beneath guardian trees. Hirðmaðr: The Hirðmaðr are the loyal followers of the king or chieftain. Mostly. . a scholar who retains the oral history. such as participation in the Althing or Thing. a lawspeaker is a Nordheimir who has memorised the laws of the Thing or Althing. These scholars will focus on Knowledge skills (as many as possible) and Perform skills (to convey their knowledge). The children of løysing parents are free. The character must be descended from a king or shaman. his family has owned the land for at least six generations. He recites the laws at the outset of these gatherings to ensure the laws are remembered and obeyed by all present. known as godi in Vanaheim and godar in Asgard. Løysing: The løysing is a bondsman. Asgard. He has a chieftain like role in addition to religious duties. The Nordheimer shaman focuses on Divination sorcery styles almost exclusively. See Conan: Hyboria's Finest for more details. the Border Kingdom and Hyperborea. Hauldr: The hauldr is a true free man with full rights and duties in Nordheimir society. Scholars Nordheimir scholars are a rare breed. tend to be more political than religious. Cimmeria. The leiding is usually a wealthy land-owner or farmer and his tenant can be anyone from a former slave to a chieftain. but even they have their oracles.chieftain must be a good leader. The hauldr owns his own land and has a hereditary right to that land. a slave who had been set free by his owner because of hard work or exceptional service. Wealth is not dependent upon social status in Nordheimir society. A Nordheimer can only take the scholar class by virtue of his bloodline. Thrall: A thrall is a slave. those who have sworn Allegiance and fight by his side. taking a chieftain-like role as well as ensuring the proper ceremonies are conducted for any given event. an excellent speaker and able to inspire his men. he must be wealthy as Nordheimer measure wealth and his Reputation must exceed 10 before he can multi-class into scholar. culture and traditions of the clan. Nordheim. Lawspeaker: Usually a skald. or if a Nordheimir is unable to provide for himself and/or his family. and have many rights under Nordheimir law. Slaves are captured during raids into Pictland. Howard's world. Great Fortitude. Self-Sufficient. Their racial bonus to swords works well with the soldier class motif. Their bonuses to Hide. However. the Nordheimir soldier should take the Fighting-Madness feat to emphasise the fury lurking beneath his otherwise studied manner.Soldiers Nordheimir soldiers take a more studied approach to their warfare than the standard Æsir or Vanir warrior. Wastrel (page XX). The Vanir really have not developed ships like the Vikings did. Status in a Nordheimir community is determined by combat prowess and wealth. however. to capture the flavour of Robert E. Still a 'barbarian' by nature if not by class. Nordheimir Temptress By far the most common type of temptress found in Nordheim is the shield maiden (see page XX). and often wealth must be won through combat. Hard*. Bounty Hunter (page XX). Endurance. Bounty hunter Nordheimir usually take the Nordheimir Ice Storm Combat Style from Conan: Hyboria's Fiercest. This is not to say that a Vanir tribe could not become more Viking in tone and actually develop a Viking-style war ship. working in tandem with an ice nymph (see page XX for the nymph multiclass progression for temptresses) to victimise wounded Nordheimir. The berserker (soldier/barbarian) from Conan: The Free Companies is perfect for these frenzied warriors of the north. Climb. The wolf of the desert wanders the tundra and the great glaciers and female grimalkin often learn the Dance of Atali spell from Conan: The Scrolls of Skelos. Some Nordheimir thieves lurk on the glaciers. the character could realistically multiclass into pirate. At higher levels. These Nordheimir should take Profession (sailor) as one of their background skills. * indicates a new feat presented in this volume. once the character has been to civilisation for a while. live in land-locked villages and tribes. their Viking-like culture notwithstanding. Only coastal Vanir could realistically develop a first level pirate. . With their racial boost to Constitution and negative modifier to Dexterity. Nordheimir temptresses are not content to marry and run a man's household while the men war with each other across the icy plains and mountains. Fighting Madness. he can and should pick up those skills. Survival and Spot also lend themselves well to raiding and thieving in outdoor cold environments. Nordheimir Thief The Nordheimir are notorious raiders and warriors. Although rarely of the pick-pocket sort. Toughness or any other feat with a Constitution prerequisite. Listen. The Nordheimir temptress wants to run with pack and spill the blood of her enemies alongside the men. Giant red-haired or blonde women in armour and wielding a warsword with deadly proficiency is not an unknown site in that cold land. presuming the Æsir left Asgard. many are indeed thieves. Of course. Grimalkin (page XX) and Minder (page XX) concepts are all appropriate multi-class progressions for the Nordheimir. The Ruffian (page XX). as there would be little chance the character could have practised or even experienced a true lock or trap. Brawl. They take ranks in Concentration. A Nordheimir thief will not realistically put ranks into Open Locks or Disable Device. pirate is not prohibited to Nordheimir. Crime Lord (page XX). building on that racial modifier in a manner a barbarian cannot do past 7th level. A true pirate culture would be nearly impossible to sustain in Asgard. Swim and Survival. Nordheimir thieves are most suited for Constitution-based thieves. They often take feats such as Athletic. a warrior-woman who fights alongside the men. pirates should not be allowed for first level Æsir and most Vanir. Pain Driven*. Wolf of the Desert (page XX). Most Vanir. Asgard is land-locked. Diehard. giving rise to legends of the mighty Valkyries who fight alongside Ymir. Carouser. Nordheimir Pirate Technically speaking. Taking soldier instead of barbarian allows the character to focus and specialise in his weapon of choice. Move Silently. War is their economy. War measures manhood. for their land is harsh. although if the natural colour is pleasing the wool might not be dyed at all. such as tools. worsted wool or linen. tunics. With white hot enthusiasm they pursue life. Weapons Player Characters of any class may choose any two from the following list of weapons: broadsword. Characters also receive a comb made from antlers. barns and meat-drying sheds. she wears a wool apron-dress (tubular if Vanir. usually ditches and mounds. Any starting money is either sewn onto or into the character's clothes or . A third type is the vamp. such as turf from the tundra. the remains do not last long because they are mostly built from perishable materials. War is their religion. often tempting the wounded into following them into ambushes. often with a dragon or bird-of-prey motif. usually made from hide. Nordheimir villages are encircled by earthworks. including a piece of iron or steel over the nose (treat as a steel cap). War measures courage. running households while the men war with each other across the icy plains and mountains. Most wool are dyed red. facing death fearlessly with a song on their lips. The Nordheim also built saunas. coats and cloaks. Straps hang from the various brooches to hold personal items. War is an essential ingredient in the life of the Æsir and Vanir. Over this a long-sleeved coat pinned at the solar-plexus with another brooch is worn. The Manhunter (page XX). small tools to clean their fingernails and ears. A fabric belt is optional. Nymph (page XX). wrap-around if Æsir) suspended from the shoulders by a pair of oval tortoise brooches. War is their social setting. as well as stylised patterns. Characters may also include a cloak and a hood among their initial belongings. Even the women are strong. Ruins in Nordheim The Nordheimir are fierce warriors. Artefacts are the most easily recovered item in Nordheim. Most artefacts are highly decorated. but still. They are giant men who valued honour. The nymph progression indicates a Nordheimir who runs naked on the glaciers. She completes her costume with a fillet (optional). Vamp (page XX) and Shield Maiden (page XX) are appropriate Nordheimir multi-class options. Fighting. Most wealthy Nordheimir homes are longhouses with a fire pit or hearth in the centre. workshops. The frozen tundra often preserves the villages far longer than they would survive in a more humid climate. war spear. Work boots are also included in this kit. leather. Manipulator (page XX). A Nordheimir woman also has knitted stockings and short boots. Over the tunic. blue. The character also receives a leather helmet reinforced with pieces of metal. plague and famine wipe out entire settlements. battle axe. The vamp often arises from a captured or enslaved Nordheimir who manages her escape and decides on revenge against the world of men. brown or yellow. Grain storage buildings are built on stilts with a ladder to the door. Nordheimir Character Kit Male Costume Nordheimir men wear trousers. A round metal hump is place in the centre of the outer face of the shield to protect the hand holding the shield. A poor man's house is three. a mail shirt and a large shield made of wood and covered in leather hide or bearskin. hunting spear. Female Costume A Nordheimir woman wears a full-length tunic of wool with an oval neckline and long sleeves. loyalty and reputation above all things.Another type of Nordheimir temptress is the ice nymph who wanders the glaciers in naught but a wisp of gossamer. Nordheimir vamps learn the Dance of Atali spell from Conan: The Scrolls of Skelos. knives and combs. War measures honour.or five-yards long and rectangular in shape. proud and honourable. This predilection for war has left behind many ruined villages. Surnames are not usually hereditary. If a surname is used it usually is simply the father's name. Æsir Names Æsir names are usually Nordic in form. the son of Sven. Female Æsir Names Aase Alfhildr Arselma Auda Brita Danica Edit Gonnora Grimhilde Gum Gunnhild Haldana Hayliegh Inginn Injerd Kadlin Keki Magnild Odd Olof Rania Rika Runill Sierida Thorbiartr Truda Vaetilda Vigdis Aegileif Aricka Asdis Audhild Brunhild Diss Edney Gorm Groa Gundrea Gunnild Haldora Haylye Ingiridr Ite Kari Kelcee Magnilde Oddfrid Olve Ranveig Rinda Ryngewar Sifled Thorborg Uald Valda Volva Aese Arikka Astridr Audhilde Brunnehilde Dotta Edonia Gragas Gudfinna Gunhild Gunnilde Halea Hedvig Ingolv Jaldrud Katreena Luta Malmury Oddny Osk Raven Ringwar Saeunn Thjodhild Thordis Ulfhild Valgerd Ydany Ailsa Arnfrid Astrud Bothild Brynhild Driva Eir Grelauga Gudny Gunhilde Haili Halei Hel Ingrede Jodis Katrina Madrene Norberta Odindis Ota Reginleif Rona Salbjorg Thokk Torne Una Vandrad Ydenia Alfdis Arnkatla Asvoor Brenda Dalia Dyna Elfgifu Grid Gudrun Gunilda Hailiegh Hayleigh Helga Ingrida Jord Katryna Maerita Norna Ola Ove Reynilda Ronnaug Sela Thora Torny Unne Vebjorg Ydonea Alfgifu Arnthrud Asvora Brisingamen Dalla Eda Elle Grimhild Gulli Gunne Hailye Hayli Ingibjorg Ingrith Jorun Keirstin Magna Nud Olga Randi Ricci Runa Siegrid Thorberte Tove Uppsala Vendela Ylwa Male Æsir Names Aage Alaf Amhlaoibh Asvald Beini Eileifr Eowils Errict Eysteinn Finnvid Geirolf Gjuki Guthlac Adils Alfarin Amunde Aswarth Bergelmir Eindride Erech Erych Fafner Fogl Gemmel Gleipnir Guttormr Aevar Alfaster Askel Athulf Bern Einraedi Erek Eryque Faste Garth Gert Glum Gymir Aflaeg Alfgeir Asketel Balli Berse Eistein Eric Evynd Fenris Gaute Giertjof Gnup Gyrdh Agdir Alfrigg Askr Banke Dusi Eldgrim Erlend Eyjolf Fili Gautvid Gilby Gunnfrodr Haakon Agmund Alphege Assur Bardi Dyri Emund Erric Eyrar Finnbogi Geirfinn Ginnunggap Gunnolfr Haeringr . Girls do similar things.worn on a necklace or kept as a silver bracelet – amounts of silver needed are sliced off the bracelet when making a purchase. Aevar's son. in turn. such as Aegilieif Svensdaughter. or Aevar. might be Hrothgar Aevarsson. such as Aevar Svensson. Female Vanir Names Aesa Audumla Bestla Borghilda Brunhilda Dagne Disa Erica Freydis Frikka Gerd Gunnhildr Hallbera Hetha Hillevi Hrafnhild Idalee Idunnr Joreid Keirsten Maerta Mengi Norn Odindisa Ottkatla Rudda Swonild Agnis Auduna Biorg Borgny Bryngerd Dahlea Dota Ericka Freyja Fylgja Gerdie Gunnilda Halldis Hidegunr Hiordis Hrodny Idone Inge Jorunn Keirstyn Magnhildr Meregrota Noss Olaug Quenell Runild Syn Aldis Baugeid Bjadmynja Botilda Brynhilde Dale Draupnir Erikka Frida Gale Gunhilda Gunnildes Hallfrid Hilda Hlif Hulda Idonia Isgerd Kaia Kelcea Magnilda Mista Oda Olge Rind Rusila Thara Alfeid Bera Bjorg Brendie Bylgja Daleah Drott Ermingerd Fridgerd Garda Gunild Halfrid Hallgerda Hildegunn Holda Hvarflod Idony Jaddvor Katla Kelcey Malmfrid Nanna Oddbjorg Oluva Ringuar Sverra Thir Alfhilde Bergljot Bodil Brit Cvenild Daliah Ecgfrith Errica Frigg Geira Gunnborg Hali Herbjorg Hildigunnr Holle Hymir Iduna Jarnsaxa Katrena Lyngheid Maria Nidbjorg Oddnaug Ormhild Rogned Swanhilda Thjodhold . similar to the Æsir.Hafleikr Hunrodr Ingmar Isolfr Jolgeir Kleng Luloecen Mikkel Olle Ormr Ovaegir Randi Riodhr Saemund Suni Sverting Thilfr Thorgaut Uisdean Vandrad Vifil Hafnar Hvergelmir Ingolf Ivar Kaeti Knud Lutr Mjolnir Olof Osferth Ozur Randver Rodfos Salte Surtr Syr Thjostolfr Thorgest Ulfketill Vebjorn Vig Hafthi Hvitr Inguar Iwar Kalman Kodran Magni Mordr Omolf Osketel Pallig Raud Rolf Scula Svadi Teit Thoralf Turstin Ulfr Vedmundr Vigfus Hagen Im Ioli Jarl Ketilvast Kolfastr Mani Munan Onund Ossur Palne Raynor Rudo Sidroc Svartlingr Thambarsk Thorberg Tyrell Ulmer Vegeir Vigot Hakr Ingialdr Isi Jaroslav Kjarr Logi Margad Munin Opir Osten Radorm Reyni Rutland Sigbiorn Sven ThDrbjorn Thorbiartl Tyson Unni Vert Vindr Hrothgar Ingjald Isleifr Joalf Kjotvi Lothen Melsnati Myrkjartan Orgunleidi Othen Ragni Ring Saefari Summarliethi Sverre Thialfi Thorburn Ubbi Vaerdalen Vidar Vanir Names Aasina Alfifa Bertha Bodilla Britta Dagmar Dalr Ema Eryka Frija Geirlaug Gunnell Haliegh Herdis Hildr Holmfried Hyrrokkin Idunn Jofrid Katrinah Maere Medana Noma Oddveig Osla Ronalda Swanild Vanir names are Nordic in style. however. Stygian Nobility Arena and Turanian Nobility Arena. Brythunia. . Socio-Political Arenas are divided into national and general categories. and the Black Dragons. National Arenas. Phoenix on the Sword [[[ End Box ]]] In order to control one of the Hyborian age nations. These Socio-Political Arenas are also used to cause rivals to lose power. with men of the imperial troops guarding you day and night. They are used to gain power and retain power. and that's impossible. and every rogue in Poitain swears by you. Howard. Turan. The Socio-Political Arenas are these bases of power.' Robert E. for example – there is Aquilonian Nobility Arena. you must have some basis for power. There is no general Noble Arena. Criminal Influence. are tied to a specific race/region and to a group within that region or race. Your only danger is assassination. for example.Thola Unni Velaug Thorberta Vaetild Ydeneye Thorbertha Valborg Ydon Thorbjorg Valdis Yggsdrasil Thordia Valgerdr Yngvild Thordissa Var Yrsa Male Vanir Names Alfgeirr Anicho Arick Auliffe Bardr Brotulfr Dreng Eyvindr Flosi Fridmund Gardar Hakon Hodur Hradi Hrolf Iarund Kolan Krodo Naddodd Nutt Oliver Rimbert Salmundr Thorarin Thorir Ulfketel Vegard Vigard Alfr Anketil Arild Auun Baugi Bue Dufgall Faxi Forsetti Gaetir Gauti Hal Hofn Hrafn Hrollaug Ketilgrimr Kolbeinn Kuanbyr Nidhug Odward Olyn Ringerike Tayte Thorbert Thorkeld Ulfkil Veleif Vili Alrik Anstill Asrod Avang Beinir Bui Durin Fenrir Fotr Galar Geir Haldan Hogne Hran Hromund Ketilmund Kolbyr Kvasir Njall Ofeigr Omar Rorik Teitr Thorbjorn Thorketill Ulfmaerr Vermund Vinandr Alviss Anund Aswith Bakli Bergthor Buri Eigil Festi Fraethi Galli Haflidi Halldor Holmstein Hrifla Hubba Kjartan Konal Modor Njorthrbiartr Ogmund Onam Rothwell Thidrik Thorfredr Tyrkir Vagn Vidfari Yngvar Amund Anurend Atle Balder Brodir Byrie Eilaf Fleinn Freyvid Gamelus Hafr Hjorvardr Holvast Hrimthurs Hugin Kjolbye Kori Muninn Notker Ole Ormarr Royd Thiodulfr Thorgeif Ubba Valgard Vidkunn Yric Andvari Aric Atzer Baldr Brondolf Derek Eilif Floke Fridleif Gammell Hagall Hlenni Hord Hringr Hunbogi Klakkr Kormakr Mysing Nute Olen Orn Sali Thjalfi Thorgeirr Ufi Valr Vifill Yver Socio-Political Arenas Factions and Types [[[ Boxed Tex ]]] 'Let the people snarl! The mercenaries are ours. Each is obtained separately. Corinthia and so on. crosses racial boundaries – a character with criminal connections has dealings with thieves and thugs in Zamora. They hunt for their livelihood as befits a warrior race. Specialised Arenas are indicated by italics in the Arenas and Factions table. Dependent upon wildlife. Resources: A table showing what resources that Socio-Political Arena offers. kings and tribes Establishing a multi-defence treaty. Æsir or Vanir Jarls (Political) Description: Jarls are the upper classes of Nordheimir society. Characters choosing to have Social Power in these arenas must choose to have Æsir or Vanir arenas – a character cannot have a generic 'Nordheimir' Social Power. the wealthiest of the people. Contacts: Common contact types Pressures: What other Socio-Political Arenas this Arena can exert pressure on. Obtained by: Following an Æsir or Vanir chieftain or king into battle. gaining great wealth Contacts: King.There are also specialised Arenas. Socio-Political Arena Descriptions Each Socio-Political Arena is described as follows: Description: A short précis of what that Arena entails Obtained by: How a character might gain access to this Socio-Political Arena. combining efforts from two chieftains. for each village is like a kingdom unto itself. The Althing or Thing is a social setting of war. . The Black Ring and Hyperborean Witchmen are examples of this sort of specialised group. which are special subfactions within a race or nationality. kings and tribes Breaking a major treaty. A king is chosen during the Thing. A king is any local warrior who could maintain a following. The Nordheimir do not herd animals either. using both income and honour to hold onto that following. Nordheim (Asgard and Vanaheim) The frigid northlands are not suited for agriculture. combining efforts of four chieftains. In the center of these villages stood the largest and longest of the many buildings. The DC on the table indicates what sort of abstract influence check it takes to access that resource (see Abstract Influence Check on page XX). are usually near known animal trails and water. combining efforts of all chieftains. The king always leads his warriors into battle. War is their social setting. their villages. and the Nordheimir do not practice farming. combining efforts from three chieftains. but with barbaric honour and pride. The Nordheimir have many kings. chieftain. This method is called the Thing or Althing. servant. slave. kings and tribes Declaring war on a minor power. the arena in which most social combats are fought. War is their religion. built using whatever materials are close at hand or can be readily raided. War is an essential ingredient in the social life of the Æsir and Vanir. raising an army Establishing a trade agreement or non-aggression pact. which means that most Nordheimir kings die young. declaring war on a major power. any Nordheimir jarl Pressures: Any Æsir or Vanir Resources Requisitioning a scouting party Requisitioning a raiding party Order a Thing to be held. relative of king or chieftain. Games Masters can create additional Socio-Political Arenas as needed for their individual campaigns. kings and tribes D C 10 12 15 20 30 40 50 Æsir Althing or Vanir Thing (Social) Description: The Nordheimir have a democratic method of dealing with legislative and social issues. declaring war against a minor power Become chosen as king or chieftain Declaring war against a major power D C 10 12 15 20 30 40 50 Æsir or Vanir Economic Description: War is an essential ingredient in the life of the Æsir and Vanir. farm the land. then the slaves. in the southern reaches of Nordheim. . they also trade and. They are also active slavers. fishing is also an economic industry. Obtained by: Owning or working land in Asgard or Vanaheim. However. land-workers. access to cheap weapons and armour Access to a village's stores. then land-workers. They are followed by landowners. minor raiding of a neighbour's economy Major raiding of a neighbour's economy Cutting off supplies to a jarl or chieftain Generating a slave revolt D C 10 12 15 20 30 40 50 Nordheimir Government The Nordheimir are ruled by kings. Pressures: Any Æsir or Vanir Resources Advice. The Jarls are the upper class. slaves Pressures: Any Æsir or Vanir Resources Access to basic needs Trivial use of a village's resources. access to quality weapons and armour. War is their economy. which is the democratic body that deals with legislative or social issues. as chosen during the Thing (or Althing). Along the coasts. having Nordheimir friends. having a lot of Nordheimir friends Contacts: Any Nordheimir free man (karl or jarl). supplying raw materials to a clan or village Contacts: Land-owners. who can be any warrior able to maintain a following. local news Hear rumours from across Asgard or Vanaheim Have a case tried or settled with the loser paying mulct (a fine) Have a case tried or settled with the loser being enslaved or exiled Become the Law-Reader.Obtained by: Being a free man in Nordheimir society. the wealthiest of Nordheimir. access to average weapons and armour Use of a village's resources.
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