Nokia Managing Wcdma Ran and Flexi Direct Capacity
Nokia NetworksWCDMA RAN, Rel. RU40, Operating Documentation, Issue 06, Documentation Change Delivery 1 WCDMA RAN, Rel. RU40, Operating Documentation, Issue 09 Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity DN0972569 Issue 03I Approval Date 2014-09-19 Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity The information in this document applies solely to the hardware/software product (“Product”) specified herein, and only as specified herein. This document is intended for use by Nokia Solutions and Networks' customers (“You”) only, and it may not be used except for the purposes defined in the agreement between You and Nokia Solutions and Networks (“Agreement”) under which this document is distributed. No part of this document may be used, copied, reproduced, modified or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia Solutions and Networks. 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Nokia Solutions and Networks has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the content of this document is adequate and free of material errors and omissions, and Nokia Solutions and Networks will correct errors that You identify in this document. But, Nokia Solutions and Networks' total liability for any errors in the document is strictly limited to the correction of such error(s). Nokia Solutions and Networks does not warrant that the use of the software in the Product will be uninterrupted or error-free. NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF AVAILABILITY, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, IS MADE IN RELATION TO THE CONTENT OF THIS DOCUMENT. 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All rights reserved. f Important Notice on Product Safety This product may present safety risks due to laser, electricity, heat, and other sources of danger. Only trained and qualified personnel may install, operate, maintain or otherwise handle this product and only after having carefully read the safety information applicable to this product. The safety information is provided in the Safety Information section in the “Legal, Safety and Environmental Information” part of this document or documentation set. Nokia Solutions and Networks is continually striving to reduce the adverse environmental effects of its products and services. We would like to encourage you as our customers and users to join us in working towards a cleaner, safer environment. Please recycle product packaging and follow the recommendations for power use and proper disposal of our products and their components. If you should have questions regarding our Environmental Policy or any of the environmental services we offer, please contact us at Nokia Solutions and Networks for any additional information. 2 DN0972569 Issue: 03I Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table of Contents This document has 127 pages Summary of changes..................................................................... 9 1 Introduction to capacity management...........................................11 1.1 Purpose and scope of the document............................................11 1.2 3G RAN capacity management model.........................................13 1.3 Capacity management process....................................................16 2 Access network capacity and stability..........................................18 2.1 Generic access network capacity management aspects............. 18 2.1.1 Voice capacity.............................................................................. 18 Voice capacity - user plane.......................................................... 18 Voice capacity - control plane...................................................... 19 2.1.2 Data capacity............................................................................... 20 Data capacity - user plane........................................................... 22 Data capacity - control plane........................................................22 2.1.3 User capacity............................................................................... 22 2.2 Access network capacity monitoring............................................ 23 2.3 Access network stability monitoring............................................. 23 3 Radio interface capacity...............................................................25 3.1 Downlink power............................................................................25 3.2 Uplink interference....................................................................... 27 3.3 Common channel capacity...........................................................29 3.4 Channelization code tree............................................................. 31 4 Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity........................................ 34 4.1 BTS baseband capacity............................................................... 40 4.1.1 Baseband capacity configuration and processing principles........40 4.1.2 Baseband capacity monitoring..................................................... 44 4.2 BTS control plane capacity.......................................................... 50 4.3 BTS user plane capacity.............................................................. 53 5 RNC capacity............................................................................... 61 5.1 RNC control plane capacity..........................................................61 5.1.1 RNC control plane index.............................................................. 61 5.2 RNC user plane capacity............................................................. 62 5.2.1 Voice capacity.............................................................................. 63 5.2.2 Data capacity............................................................................... 64 5.2.3 RNC user plane fill factor............................................................. 66 5.2.4 RRC connected subscribers........................................................ 68 5.3 RNC connectivity..........................................................................69 5.3.1 Carriers and sites......................................................................... 69 5.4 IPA-RNC.......................................................................................70 Issue: 03I DN0972569 3 ...............................................7 SFU.......................89 5...7...............................4...........................................6 GTPU...................4............ 115 7.........................................................................3 ATM virtual channel............................................2..1 Calculation of the controller fill ratio (CFR).........................................3 EIPU..... 111 7 ATM transport interface capacity..........................4......... 90 5......................................................................... 79 5.........2....................................1 CFPU....4............................................................................ 121 4 DN0972569 Issue: 03I ..................................... 81 5..... 82 5.....2.....................4. 83 5.................2..........................................................................................................80 5... 73 5..........................................................................72 5..................5................4..............83 5.... 95 5............. 99 5................................7.... 91 5............................... 92 5.....74 5.............103 6...............................................4.......................................4 USPU........................................................14 NPGE.....4 KPIs relevant for controller capacity upgrade planning......................................................4........................................................1 ATM interface...........2..................................................................98 5....3...............................................................2.........2 RSMU....................................2....................3 OMU........8 A2SU......2 CSPU... 108 6................ 80 5..........102 6......................... 106 6.............................................1 cRNC DSP capacity for calls.........5.....................................................................2..........................5................................ 77 5...................................1 IP-based route: IFC enabled...4.3 IP-based route: CAC-controlled traffic.......................... 99 5......................................................5..............7 RNC capacity usage forecasting..............................121 7............................... 76 5..............................................................................2 IP-based route...105 6........5...2 ATM virtual path..........100 6 IP transport interface capacity..............1 Ethernet interface..................1 mcRNC DSP capacity for calls... 94 5.........................................................2.................. 77 5.2................5.................................4 OMS.....2..........2............................................ Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity 5.............2..................2..7.............6...................2.......................................4.............................2 IPA-RNC unit loads............................86 5....11 NIS1..................2 IP-based route: IFC disabled................4............ 80 5..........10 SWU...........................4..2................13 NPS1....2..2............................2 DSP........................1 ATM virtual channel - CBR...........4............................................................................. 120 7............4....................... 99 5..1 DMPG.............................................2..........2 Estimation of the date when internal resources might become limiting - quick estimation.......1 Flexi Direct RNC processing load..........................2...............................3 Estimation of the date when the internal resources might become limiting - standard trend follow-up.................................................... 85 5...............6 Flexi Direct RNC capacity...... 119 7............ 82 5................2.........................................................................4...5...................12 NIP1.....5......................5 DMCU.............9 MXU..................................7.2..... 90 5...............................4.....2 mcRNC units...............4.......................................... 78 5.............75 5.....2..........................4.............................5 mcRNC.......1 ICSU.............. 93 5............... ............................4 VCC bundle..............2 ATM virtual channel - UBR/UBR+..... 123 7...........................................................................126 Issue: 03I DN0972569 5 .3..Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity 7..... ....................126 6 DN0972569 Issue: 03I .................................109 Figure 29 Example for IP CAC monitoring for an IP-based route where IFC is also enabled.................................................................................................. 87 Figure 19 mcRNC unit architecture. 42 Figure 12 No BTS baseband pooling in use................................................................................................111 Figure 30 IP CAC: committed traffic blocking..104 Figure 27 IP route monitoring: IFC enabled................................................................ 72 Figure 17 DMCU HW Architecture........................................................................................................................................45 Figure 14 RNC capacity. 118 Figure 33 ATM transport interface: identified monitoring cases..............................97 Figure 23 IP interface capacity bottlenecks................................. 71 Figure 16 RNC196/450 architecture........................................................................................ 12 Figure 3 3G RAN capacity model....................................................... 29 Figure 8 Common channels mapped to two SCCPCHs.................... Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity List of Figures Figure 1 The principle of proactive capacity management.............. 112 Figure 31 ATM interface capacity bottlenecks................................................. 15 Figure 4 Simplified Capacity Management Process.... 103 Figure 25 Ethernet interface monitoring.................. 39 Figure 10 Non-overlapping baseband resources................................................................................................61 Figure 15 RNC2600 architecture.... 102 Figure 24 IP transport interface............................................................ 18 Figure 6 Radio interface............ 119 Figure 34 VCC bundle - UBR + VCCs bandwidth........................ 11 Figure 2 The principle of reactive capacity management.........78 Figure 18 mcRNC architecture............................................................................................................................................................ 30 Figure 9 FSMC/D/E and FSMF capacity..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 88 Figure 20 mcRNC HW and SW components.....................................89 Figure 21 Flexi Direct functional architecture............................................42 Figure 11 Overlapping baseband capacity and static resources reservation...... 115 Figure 32 Monitoring principle of ATM bottlenecks............................................................................................................ 45 Figure 13 BTS baseband pooling in use.................................................................................................................................. 96 Figure 22 Flexi Direct BTS functional interfacing........................................................................................................ 25 Figure 7 Common channels mapped to one SCCPCH.................. 103 Figure 26 IP resource overbooking.............106 Figure 28 IP route monitoring - traffic limited by feature RAN1110: HSPA Congestion Control................. 17 Figure 5 Access network capacity and stability................................................................ .... 15 Table 2 Network voice capacity - user plane................................................................................................................................64 Table 25 RNC user plane fill factor...................................................................................................................................................................................................................51 Table 21 BTS user plane capacity.....27 Table 7 Common channel capacity.. 37 Table 16 FSMC/D/E or FSMF capacity licensing..................................................................................... 73 Table 30 RNC ICSU capacity..................................................................................................................................66 Table 26 Number of RNC connected subscribers...................... 37 Table 15 FSMC/D/E and FSMF user capacity................................................40 Table 18 HSxPA processing sets................ 38 Table 17 R99 channel element pool-based license................................................18 Table 3 Network voice capacity - control plane...................36 Table 13 FSMC/D/E baseband capacity........................................Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity List of Tables Table 1 Template of the monitored capacity item....... 25 Table 6 Received total wideband power...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................82 Table 38 RNC NIS1 capacity......................................................................................................................................... 23 Table 5 Transmitted total carrier power...................82 Issue: 03I DN0972569 7 ............. 40 Table 19 Baseband capacity monitoring.... 74 Table 31 RNC RSMU capacity.........................................................................................................................54 Table 22 RNC control plane load index.........69 Table 28 DMCU fill factor.............. 76 Table 33 RNC DMPG capacity....................................................78 Table 34 RNC DSP load.......................................80 Table 36 RNC A2SP capacity.......................................................................................................................... 34 Table 10 FSMC/D/E BTS baseband configurations............ 37 Table 14 FSMC/D/E and FSMF throughput capacity........................................................................... 30 Table 8 Channelization code tree...36 Table 12 FSMF baseband capacity......................................................................................................................... 68 Table 27 IPA-RNC and mcRNC connectivity.............................................................61 Table 23 Voice capacity...................................31 Table 9 FSMC/D/E and FSMF logical configurations.................................. 81 Table 37 RNC MXU capacity........................................................................................................................................................... 35 Table 11 FSMF BTS baseband configurations............ 19 Table 4 Access network stability........ 76 Table 32 RNC OMU capacity.............................. 46 Table 20 BTS control plane capacity...................................................................63 Table 24 Data capacity................................................................................................................................ 72 Table 29 Supported unit types in IPA-RNC.....79 Table 35 RNC GTPU capacity........................................................................................... .......... 106 Table 53 IP route bandwidth: IFC disabled... 100 Table 51 Ethernet bandwidth capacity.... 104 Table 52 IP route bandwidth: IFC enabled...................................................................................................... 100 Table 49 KPIs for cRNC..... 85 Table 42 mcRNC DSP capacity....................................................................................... 100 Table 50 KPIs for mcRNC........................................................................ 126 8 DN0972569 Issue: 03I ................................................ 90 Table 43 CFPU load...................................................................................................................................................... 112 Table 55 Utilization of ATM interface.........93 Table 47 Flexi Direct RNC processing load................................ 84 Table 41 RNC NPGE capacity................................. 90 Table 44 CSPU load...................83 Table 40 RNC NPS1 capacity...................................................................................... 121 Table 58 Utilization of ATM virtual channel (UBR/UBR+).................................................................................................................................................................................. 109 Table 54 Committed bandwidth............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................97 Table 48 Common KPIs for capacity licenses........................................................................................................................ 92 Table 46 USPU load................................ Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 39 RNC NIP1 capacity.............. 120 Table 57 Utilization of ATM virtual channel (CBR)............................................................................................... 119 Table 56 Utilization of ATM virtual path.......................................................................123 Table 59 Utilization of ATM VCC bundle...91 Table 45 EIPU load....... RNC_2268a. RNC_2274a. the latest document issue contains all the changes made to previous issues. RU40) and 03I (2014-09- 19. RU40) and 03G (2014-04- 21. RNC_2275a. RNC2269a. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Summary of changes Summary of changes Changes between document issues are cumulative. RU40) Chapter 4 Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity • Added note before Table 19: Baseband capacity monitoring • Added section BTS cell level baseband capacity during mass events • Updated Table 16: FSMC/D/E or FSMF capacity licensing • Updated Table 18: HSxPA processing sets • Updated BTS control plane capacity – Added note before Table 20: BTS control plane capacity • Updated Figure 11: Overlapping baseband capacity and static resources reservation Chapter 5 RNC capacity • Updated Table 23: Voice capacity • Updated Table 26: Number of RNC connected subscribers • Updated Table 46: USPU load Changes between issues 03G (2014-04-21. RNC2264a. RNC_2276a descriptions in Table 19: Baseband capacity monitoring Chapter 5 RNC capacity • Updated KPIs relevant for controller capacity upgrade planning. Therefore. • Removed M1006C206 counter Issue: 03I DN0972569 9 . RU40) Chapter 4 Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity • Updated Table 9: FSMC/D/E and FSMF logical configurations • Updated Table 11: FSMF BTS baseband configurations • Updated Table 12: FSMF baseband capacity • Updated Figure 11: Overlapping baseband capacity and static resources reservation • Updated Radio Link Capacity attempts target • Updated Analyses for Radio link setup load in WBTS • Updated RNC_2258a. RNC_5499a CPU load of EITP in EIPU. Changes between issues 03F (2014-03-14. RNC_2270a. RU40) Chapter ICSU has been updated. RU40) and 03H (2014-06- 19. Changes between issues 03H (2014-06-19. Summary of changes Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity • Modified Table 35 Analysis 10 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Air Interface. is able to start the upgrade in time. Figure 2: The principle of reactive capacity management shows that reactive management concentrates on the current state of RAN. Issue: 03I DN0972569 11 . Figure 1: The principle of proactive capacity management shows the aims for planned or long-term upgrade of the capacity. which uses counters and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) KPIs defined in Radio Access Network (RAN). and indicating early enough when to upgrade the RAN capacity. there is no continuous dimensioning of the network or its parts (if the traffic parameters change or the traffic demand increases). this means monitoring the RAN capacity usage. Figure 1 The principle of proactive capacity management In proactive capacity management. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Introduction to capacity management 1 Introduction to capacity management 1. and Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Ultra BTS Baseband in the UltraSite WCDMA Base Station. 2. In the measurement-based capacity management. see Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Access Network (RNC). The network dimensioning is out of the scope of this document. There is no need to monitor the traffic itself. For details on dimensioning. Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Traffic Modeling. showing the evolution in time.1 Purpose and scope of the document The purpose of the document is to introduce the measurement-based capacity management. Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Flexi BTS Baseband. and based on the trend. the user is able to monitor the usage (utilization) of the resource directly. Operating Documentation Issue 01 documentation set. In practice. aiming for short-term bottleneck removal and tuning of the capacity. The network is dimensioned and planned earlier (with the use of available traffic parameters). There are two approaches of the measurement-based capacity management: 1. Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Access Network (Transport Interfaces). cluster of cells. and Product Information -> Reference Information -> KPI descriptions in NOLS. it concentrates on proactive approach. for example. city. Therefore. potential capacity problems are removed. Introduction to capacity management Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Figure 2 The principle of reactive capacity management In reactive capacity management. there are both proactive and reactive KPIs. and cannot predict with a trend line when the resource is exhausted. • The given use cases covers only a “single owner” RAN. • The O&M capacity management is not described in this document. Each capacity KPI is followed at the network. • It does not specify any capacity values or product configurations under a specific load. RNC. • It presents the product architecture and monitoring capabilities for the user and control plane capacity only if it is necessary for understanding the nature of the monitored capacity item. • It refers to RAN capacity features. The latter directly or indirectly indicates the QoS problems and blocking of the RAN. see the dimensioning guidelines and product descriptions. If there are no proactive means to monitor. For this kind of information. With the help of these KPIs. for monitoring needs. the user does not monitor the usage of the resource directly. 12 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . BTS. A capacity feature is a feature that allows more end-user services in the RAN without additional hardware needs. another type of KPI or counter is used. MORAN and Inter Circle Roaming cases are excluded. or levels depending on the need. This KPI/counter represents the blocking or the QoS degradation in the network. Blocking or degradation of service starts when the underlying capacity reaches 100% of utilization. see: Product Information -> Reference Information -> counter descriptions in NOLS. Instead. g For the full counter and KPI description with formulas. Document’s scope details: • At first. the reactive means should be used. • Profile smart UE is seen as the main control plane loader. Relevant call types or profiles- based on the following two main RAN services: • CS voice • data (including VoIP) Data and voice should be followed separately. the voice or data capacity needs may differ significantly. voice Capacity. or desktop) There are two main differences between the three profiles: • Profile basic UE and smart UE produce CS voice and data load to the network. the admission control (AC) and the packet scheduler (PS) are allowed to degrade (instead of blocking) the end-user services. 2. which consists of relevant call types (profiles) and subscriber types (profiles). With the working QoS parameterization. depending on the penetration shares between the three different UE groups.2 3G RAN capacity management model This document models the 3G RAN Capacity Management as two different but related hierarchical structures: • Traffic Model. and transport interfaces. Traffic Model The document breaks down the RAN Traffic Model to the needed level of presented call and subscriber types. The current 3G RAN capacity model covers the following: 1. subsystems and interface resource management functionalities interact closely. RNC. WBTS. The current 3G RAN Traffic model covers the following: 1. the access transmission blocking on the Iub interface influences directly the end-to-end quality of service. Relevant subscriber types or profile: • basic UE ( plain UE or M2M UE) • smart UE (smartphone or tablet) • wireless DSL (notebook. As an example. whereas group wireless DSL is seen as the main user plane loader. which consists of radio interface. • Capacity Model. A key difference between 3G RAN and other cellular networks is that in 3G RAN. that is monitored on BTS and RNC levels Issue: 03I DN0972569 13 . Therefore. laptop. whereas wireless DSL only produces data. Capacity Model The document breaks down the RAN Capacity Model to a level where possible capacity bottlenecks or monitored capacity is presented. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Introduction to capacity management 1. because there are separate resource pools for voice and data in some parts of the system. g The UEs in the wireless DSL profile may also produce significant control plane load. network element capacity • L3 control plane processing capacity • L2 user plane processing capacity • L2 control lane processing capacity • L1 interface capacity • connectivity Stability monitoring is also followed as a part of the capacity model. Introduction to capacity management Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity • control plane- CS service/call attempts (equivalent to CS RAB setup attempt) • user plane- CS Erlang 2. that is monitored on BTS and RNC levels • control plane: – PS service attempts (equivalent to PS RAB setup attempt) – PS session attempts (when a PS user is moved to CELL-DCH state because of a capacity request) – HS-FACH session attempt (when a PS user is moved to enhanced CELL- FASH state because of a capacity request) • User Plane: PS data throughput 3. data capacity. that is monitored on BTS and RNC levels • RRC connected mode users in the RNC • HSDPA users in RNC or BTS/WCELL • HSUPA users in RNC or BTS/WCELL 4. transport interface capacity • L2 user plane transport capacity • L2 control plane transport capacity 6. • service/call accessibility – service setup success rates – session setup success rates • service/call retainability – service success rates – session success rates 14 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . user capacity. radio interface capacity • radio resource utilization- affects network level setup success rates • resource manager- channelization codes • admission control: – transmission power levels – received power levels – common channel capacity- common channel load 5. the user is required to monitor all the capacity items presented in the document at the same time. or the traffic growth is exhausting the network capacity. it is possible to notice that the reason for quality degradation is the increasing load in the system. the top level is broken down to the WBTS level and the WBTS subcategories (the lowest category is the WBTS control plane). and control plane event frequencies. Monitored capacity item g There are different KPI IDs in use for WCDMA RAN (RNC_xxxxy) and Flexi Direct (IHSPA_xxxxy) It describes the part of the system. which enables capacity upgrades monitoring before hitting the overload state). The item covers possible architectural units (saleable units) and avoids details at a lower level (if possible). The control plane events include BHCA. the response of the item to the overload condition. which the increasing traffic might overload if not properly planned and dimensioned. Figure 3: 3G RAN capacity model shows a part of the monitored capacity item structure. The most important parameters of the traffic are Voice minutes and Erlangs. and NAS BHCA. Data Volume. Figure 3 3G RAN capacity model It is recommended that the user monitors the traffic as well. The monitored items should have the following threshold values mentioned (if they are known): Issue: 03I DN0972569 15 . As all the listed capacity items impact the system capacity. Table 1 Template of the monitored capacity item 1. In this example. Proactive monitoring includes the existing counters and KPIs related to the capacity item. and the means to upgrade the capacity. RRC state transitions. 2. which the user should collect from the whole access network. Each monitored capacity item includes the means of proactive or reactive monitoring of the resource. By correlating the traffic volume measurements with the reactive capacity counters. This document uses the template shown in Table 1: Template of the monitored capacity item. the analysis of the capacity item (using counters and KPIs). Proactive It describes what the user has to predict (the capacity item utilization. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Introduction to capacity management The stability is monitored both on Access Network and the network element levels. 4. part of an element. After reaching this level. collecting data. Reactive It describes that a particular element. Analysis It describes how to interpret the monitored counter values. 3. and analyzing trends of the counters. the network planners usually have recommended values for these counters/KPIs. or interface has become congested or monitoring overloaded. Upgrade It describes the ways in which the capacity upgrade is performed. or optimized. the system does not necessarily drop services. such as the bit rate. the capacity is expanded. The user should plan capacity upgrades so that they are implemented before the target level is reached. might be lower than expected. which vary between the networks. therefore. The document might mention how to optimize the capacity with parameters. or which other actions need to be performed if the upgrade cannot be done directly based on the monitored counters. but the QoS parameter values. but it is not the main purpose of this document. 6. The document mentions recommended actions for removing capacity limitation/overload (like adding sales units. this pertains to the nominal capacity. Based on the thresholds (after drilling down to a suitable level). Please note that RNC only uses the target and not the red flag.) Target: recommended capacity/counter-based KPI values for avoiding QoS degradation in the RAN system. suggesting which sub items need to be monitored. In case of the RNC. Introduction to capacity management Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 1 Template of the monitored capacity item (Cont. Overload It describes the system’s response to an overload condition when the traffic consumes the capacity up to 100%. reconfigured.3 Capacity management process Figure 4: Simplified Capacity Management Process shows the capacity management process that includes the monitored capacity items. 5. The document gives no recommended threshold values for avoiding service blocking or QoS degradation because the counter/KPI value is not proportional to the capacity item. capacity features). 16 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . they cannot be used for trending. However. 1. Red Flag: This attribute contains a capacity/counter value indicating severe QoS degradation or service blocking or call setup time degradation. for example. or cell) should be analyzed. The most important dimension is time. and week (a maximum of daily values over one week). The time dimension is further refined. When drilling down to the capacity bottleneck. day. a selected hour is the maximum hourly value for the day. The second important dimension is the space. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Introduction to capacity management Figure 4 Simplified Capacity Management Process The user is able to select counters and KPIs according to the aggregation level of the KPI. BTS. or the hourly value for a user-defined busy hour specified separately for each day of the week. or the topology of the network. both the capacity utilization trend over time dimension (such as the weekly time series). The user is able to collect counter values by hour. For trend calculations. Issue: 03I DN0972569 17 . and the location of bottleneck in space (such as the RNC. the weekly cycle in the capacity utilization patterns is a useful tool. 1. but the duration usually drops to half when pre-paid subscriptions are compared to “basic” subscriptions. The Erlang can be proactively monitored. the number of call attempts are expected to be the same.1 Voice capacity Required voice capacity is affected by activity of handheld UEs. voice Erlang capacity is not under any license. the share of pre-paid subscriptions should be taken into account when the voice capacity needs are estimated. In addition. Access network capacity and stability Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity 2 Access network capacity and stability The purpose of this chapter is to provide information about the Traffic Model parts. 2. that is. a pre-paid subscription needs as much as half of the capacity needed by a “basic” one. that is. 2.1 Voice capacity . the following management aspects are used. unit Target Red flag Description monitoring 18 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . here either plain UEs or smart phones (M2M might also produce CS voice but is ignored here). data capacity and user capacity. the less voice user plane capacity is required (compared to network with only “basic” voice subscribers).1 Generic access network capacity management aspects When combining the earlier presented Traffic and Capacity Models. voice capacity. This means that the more pre-paid voice subscribers in the network. The difference is expected on the user plane.user plane Table 2 Network voice capacity - user plane 1. Figure 5 Access network capacity and stability Access Network Capacity Access Network Stability Voice Data User Call Call Call Capacity Capacity Capacity Attempts Accessibility Retainability 2. there is a clear difference in required voice capacity between “basic” or pre- paid voice subscriptions. 2. Usually. Thus. However. There is no difference in expected capacity needs between Plain UEs and smart phones. there are given few stability type of KPIs that are needed in all types of Capacity monitoring. Monitored Network voice capacity - user plane capacity item Only hard voice capacity is taken into account.1.1. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. Issue: 03I DN0972569 19 . Monitored Network voice capacity - control plane capacity item The number of simultaneous voice calls are under the RNC level license. Table 3 Network voice capacity - control plane 1. If there is no valid AMR capacity 1 Erl license installed in the RNC2600. But as the CS Erlang load is just a part of the whole total RNC capacity pool. only the anchor RNC calculates AMR RAB. The AMR license usage can be monitored proactively with the license utilization KPIs. Overload See Table 25: RNC user plane fill factor.1. the AMR capacity 1 Erl license is mandatory. 5. between 80 and 90% of the AMR Capacity call distribution licensed capacity (occurrences compared to the ratio 80-90% total amount of distribution load occurrences). 2. Analysis CS Erlang CS Erlang must be compared to the available Erlang capacity in RNC. - 4.1. The AMR simultaneous call distribution in the Capacity with Licensed Capacity. 6. In addition you can reactively monitor with the setup success KPIs and BHCA. When you use anchoring. 2. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_1773a AMR Licensed 40% (together . If the threshold is exceeded there might be overload in the access network regarding the monitored RNC. only SRNC counts it as one AMR RAB. You can set the 3294 LICENCE CAPACITY WARNING and 3295 LICENCE CAPACITY EXCEEDED alarms to notify when the AMR capacity is close to the licensed capacity. unit Description monitoring . The license violations can be reactively monitored with the M1001C619 and M1001C620 counters. For details. . RNC Fill Factor threshold 3. There is no averaging applied. RNC traffic fill factor. CS Erlang = the CS RAB [Ehr] of the whole holding time. Reactive Counter/KPI Name.control plane In the RNC2600 and mcRNC HW configuration. Upgrade See Table 25: RNC user plane fill factor. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. It shows the percentage of Licensed simultaneous RNC_1774a) AMR call distribution. you need to consider the whole RNC traffic fill factor before taking any actions. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Access network capacity and stability Table 2 Network voice capacity - user plane (Cont. see SW License Key Controlled RNC Capacity. The RNC periodically calculates the number of simultaneous AMR RABs. it might not establish AMR RABs. If the UE is in a soft handover state during the AMR RAB is establishment.) RNC_280c Average CS Erlang 70% (a part .2 Voice capacity . that is. The AMR capacity defines the maximum number of simultaneous AMR radio access bearers. or if AMR RABs are being blocked/pre-empted because of exceeding the licensed capacity. The RNC will admit emergency calls even if the amount of AMR RAB is limited because of the AMR capacity 1 Erl license. RNC_229a RAB Attempts Voice [#] Voice BHCA. RNC (chapter RNC Capacity). These KPIs monitor reactively how often license-related overload actions need to be taken. Pre-emption is used. [#] Licensed AMR Capacity M1001C620 RAB ACTIVE RELEASES DUE The number of RAB releases because of pre-emption TO LICENCE PRE-EMPTION caused by the capacity license which was exceeded for FOR CS VOICE [#] CS voice calls. This measured traffic parameter describes the traffic demand for voice. more AMR capacity can be licensed or the RNC Fill Factor instructions followed. In case of overload the attempt number rapidly increases and the success rate rapidly decreases. 4.2 Data capacity The required data capacity is affected by activity of different smart UEs or wireless DSLs (basic UEs are ignored here). the AMR capacity license most likely needs to be updated. together with the degradation of voice call setup success ratio. Upgrade In case of upgrade need. When the number of AMR RABs is greater than the licensed capacity. 2. higher than 90% of licensed call distribution capacity (occurrences compared to the total ratio >90% amount of distribution load occurrences). 3-4.1.) RNC_1774a AMR Licensed 20% . the AMR RABs with higher priority might pre-empt the low-priority ones when the licensed capacity is exceeded. Overload is allowed and a hysteresis between starting and stopping the AMR limiting is used. 5-6.0/Ultrasite/EUBB)). or transport (chapters IP Transport Interface Capacity or ATM Transport Interface Capacity). that is. 5-6. It shows the percentage of simultaneous AMR call distribution. unit Description monitoring M1001C619 RAB SETUP FAILURES DUE The number of RAB setup failures caused by the AMR TO LICENCE FOR CS VOICE capacity license which was exceeded for CS voice. indicates problems in the network control-plane capacity. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. 6. the root cause can be either radio interface (chapter Radio Interface Capacity). Overload 1-4. Also the M1001C144 RAB ACTIVE RELEASES DUE TO PRE-EMPTION FOR CS VOICE counter is updated along with this counter. 20 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . 3. 5. Access network capacity and stability Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 3 Network voice capacity - control plane (Cont. AMR licensed capacity simultaneous call distribution ratios If there are more than 40% of all occurrences in either of the given KPIs. RAB Attempts Voice/Voice Call Setup Success Ratio (CSSR) An increase in RAB attempts voice. Service Attempts RNC_565f Voice Call Setup Success Ratio AMR Call Setup Success Ratio [%] over the reporting (CSSR) [%] period. see Table 25: RNC user plane fill factor. Analysis 1-2. BTS (chapters WBTS Capacity (Flexi Rel2.0) or WBTS Capacity (Flexi Rel1. the RNC does not admit new AMR RABs until the amount decreases below the licensed limit. and/or more than 20% in the RNC_1774a. In cases of degraded CSSR. The AMR simultaneous call distribution in the Capacity Licensed Capacity. But contemporary UE. the CELL-PCH/URA-PCH state consumes less energy than CELL-FACH. than when the UE is in idle mode. and especially than the CELL-DCH. From the UE perspective. In this state the PS UE can fully utilize the available network data capacity. Unlike in voice capacity. especially smart UE. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Access network capacity and stability There is a clear difference in expected capacity needs between smart UEs and wireless DSLs for both user and control plane. service keep-alive messages) that are meaningful to be handled in CELL-FACH state. but for example. • control plane: – Smart UEs need to save UE battery. This causes a heavy “burden” of the control plane. CELL-PCH/URA-PCH state is only used for keeping the location of a UE known (on a cell/routing area level). so it is beneficially to keep it in CELL-PCH/URA- PCH state whenever possible. • The smart UEs are clearly more numerous in the networks and will also remain at such high level. – The wireless DSLs do not share the need of smart UEs to save the battery and thus do not try to release the inactive services. different states related to the reserved data services must be considered. from data usage levels and patterns of the different UE groups. keeping alive messages for chat SW. The reasoning here is that it is much faster to activate data sending/receiving for the UE if it is in CELL- PCH/URA-PCH (and has an allocated PS RAB). Because of this they try to constantly release allocated services as soon as all related data is received/transmitted just to request soon again for a new service allocation. where the service is allocated or not. There are three different states possible for the PS UE to use: CELL-DCH. The two first-mentioned states make it possible for the UE to send/receive user-related data. often produce short and low data volume bursts (that are not related to user data. It means that there is a separate data capacity limit for the reserved data service amounts. but also for the reservation of all the different states for allocated services. and all the service resources (that is. Issue: 03I DN0972569 21 . for example. therefore the network uses various features to minimize smart UE signaling. CELL-FACH. and thus saving the CELL-DCH state capacity for “real” user data. there are often other control-plane loading activities to be considered. • produced data estimates: – The wireless DSLs produce up to 10 times more data than smart phones. However. as well as. PS RAB resources) need to be allocated. in radio network PS radio access bearers (RAB). The difference results from both the penetration shares between. and thereby ensuring faster activation of data sending/receiving via quick moves to CELL-DCH or CELL-FACH states. whereas in CELL-FACH state there are limits set to data rates and/or amounts. concerning active services. and CELL-PCH/URA- PCH. The state that is most meaningful from access network data capacity perspective-related PS service utilization is the CELL-DCH state. – The wireless DSLs produce up to 5 times more data than tablets. that is. 1 Data capacity . – CELL-FACH state data (on either legacy FACH or HS-FACH) transmission/reception on common channels falls under inactive PS category in this document. From network perspective it is beneficial to: • serve low capacity service needs on CELL-FACH - use the RAN1637: High Speed CELL_FACH DL and/or the RAN1797: Common Channel Setup features for this purpose • prevent frequent PS RAB setups and releases caused by smart UE - use the RAN2136: Fast Dormancy feature for this purpose • keep wireless DSLs in CELL-DCH state in cases the UE supports discontinues transmission - use the RAN1644: Continuous Packet Connectivity (CPC) feature for this purpose 2.2. the more extensive the data load will be - compared to a network with only hand-held UEs.1. that is. The share of wireless UEs should be taken into account when the data capacity needs are estimated.1.2. 2. E-DCH).3 User capacity The number of possible users / subscribers in the system varies based on the available network elements and installed user capacity. the more extensive the control plane load will be. or shared channels (HS-DSCH) - this is called a Packet Session in this document g Note that the Packet Session here is an RN-specific issue and shouldn't be mixed up the “packet session” in the PS core that means that there is a PDP context allocated.user plane The data capacity for the user plane is related to all the sent/received UE data in both CELL-DCH and CELL-FACH states.2 Data capacity . This means that the more smart UEs in the network. This means that the more wireless DSL subscribers in the network. The share of smart UEs should be taken into account when the data capacity needs are estimated. PS RAB can be either active or inactive • cases when the packet service is considered active: – CELL-DCH state transmission or reception on dedicated (DCH. Access network capacity and stability Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity 2. 22 DN0972569 Issue: 03I .control plane You need to monitor the following in relation to control plane data capacity: • cases when the packet service-utilizing UE is in any state.1. This session background counter update is depending on the profile attempts IHSPA_616a setting in the registry. Proactive Counter/KPI Name.2 Access network capacity monitoring The access network capacity monitoring information can be found in the monitoring use cases of the BTS control plane capacity and BTS user plane capacity sections in Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity and in the monitoring use cases of the RNC control plane capacity and RNC user plane capacity sections in RNC capacity The Access network capacity monitoring information can be found in the monitoring use cases of the BTS control plane capacity and BTS user plane capacity Control plane and User plane sections in the BTS and RNC chapters of this document. - 3. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Access network capacity and stability 2.3 Access network stability monitoring Table 4 Access network stability 1. . IHSPA_617a RNC_616a The number of RAB setup attempts requested Service or RAB attempts PS interactive and for PS interactive or background calls. unit Description monitoring RNC_229a The number of RAB setup attempts requested RAB attempts voice for CS conversational calls with RAB QoS IHSPA_229a parameter ‘source descriptor’ = Speech RNC_617a The number of RAB setup attempts requested RAB attempts streaming for streaming calls. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. . 2. Monitored Access network stability capacity item The following Access Network stability KPIs should always be monitored along with the selected capacity KPIs. accessibility Issue: 03I DN0972569 23 . 2. IHSPA_930c RNC_5456a HS-FACH session attempts HS-FACH session attempts IHSPA_5456a Service or RNC_565f Voice call setup success ratio (CSSR) AMR call setup success ratio [%] over the session [%] reporting period. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag . . RNC_930b Packet session setup attempts over the Packet session attempts reporting period. NRT services user perspective over the reporting period. the root cause can either be radio interface (chapter Radio interface capacity). 6. RNC (chapter RNC capacity). 4. IHSPA_5001c RNC_5459a The success ratio of transitions from Switched to enhanced HS-FACH CELL_DCH or CELL_PCH to Enhanced HS- success ratio [%] IHSPA_5459a FACH. or transport (chapters IP transport interface capacity or ATM transport interface capacity). 24 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . RNC_5476a The success ratio of transitions from Switches from enhanced HS-FACH enhanced HS-FACH to CELL_DCH or success ratio [%] IHSPA_5476a CELL_PCH. RNC_736b RAB success ratio for NRT services [%] from RAB success ratio. interactive and background IHSPA_5007b services. Covers the RAB active IHSPA_231a phase of a call. IHSPA_5000b RNC_916b Packet session setup success ratio Packet session setup success ratio [%] over (SSSR) [%] the reporting period. 5. BTS (chapter Multiradio flexi WBTS capacity). RNC_231d RAB success ratio of AMR voice [%] over the RAB success ratio. Analysis In cases of degraded accessibility or retainability. Access network capacity and stability Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 4 Access network stability (Cont. Upgrade The possible upgrade need is related to the monitored capacity case. voice (CSR) reporting period.) IHSPA_565a RNC_576e Packet service setup success ratio Packet service setup success ratio [%] over (CSSR) [%] the reporting period. the success rate rapidly decreases. Overload In case of overload. session retainability RNC_922b The packet session success ratio for Packet session success ratio streaming. Service or IHSPA_736a Covers the RAB active phase of a call. 1 Downlink power The BTS controls the amount of HSDPA DL transmission power. and common channels have been set up. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Radio interface capacity 3 Radio interface capacity Figure 6: Radio interface shows the main bottlenecks in the radio interface which are downlink power. NonHSDPA power. uplink interference. Table 5 Transmitted total carrier power 1. based on the M1000C342 - M1000C353 classification counters. 3. A proactive KPI has been defined. after the powers for DCH. common channels and the channelization code tree in the downlink. Figure 6 Radio interface 3. The mapping carrier power time 20% >50 IHSPA_5201 to power value depends on the share DL [%] a PRACHDelayRange WCEL parameter settings. and HSDPA power. unit Description monitoring RNC_5202a Overload Transmitted Share of time when the Transmitted Carrier Power (TxCrPwr) is in Carrier Power Time classes 9-10. a RNC_964a RRC setup FR due to RRC setup failure ratio caused by Admission Control. AC [%] IHSPA_964a Issue: 03I DN0972569 25 . HS-SCCH. The classification depends on the cell size setting (PRACHDelayRange parameter). Monitored Transmitted total carrier power capacity item The total transmitted power includes the downlink power allocated to the downlink DPCH. and HS-PDSCH. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. The BTS reports the Transmitted Carrier Power in absolute units. E-HICH. The BTS measures the total power. HSUPA control channels. E-AGCH. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5201a Share of time when the Transmitted Carrier Marginal transmitted Power (TxCrPwr) is in classes 7-8. The mapping to power value depends on the IHSPA_5202 Share DL [%] PRACHDelayRange WCEL parameter settings. 2. and the E-RGCH. the common channels. Radio interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 5 Transmitted total carrier power (Cont. Marginal (Overload) transmitted carrier power time share DL The primary indication for highly loaded sites is the percentage of time when these sites are in marginal and overload power classes. or handover (excluding frozen BTS failure). that is. CONTROL USING TFC SUBSET [#] M1002C602 DL DCH SELECTED This counter is updated when the HS-DSCH cannot be selected FOR STREAMING as a downlink transport channel because of DUE TO HSDPA PtxTotal>PtxTargetHSDPA or PtxNC>PtxTargetHSDPA POWER [#] conditions. 4. Analysis 1. RB releases and downgrades 26 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . It is updated when the user's HS-DSCH allocation is released because of the PtxNonHSDPA >= PtxTargetHSDPA+PtxOffsetHSDPA condition. when sending data. 4. cell change.) RNC_722d The average active HS-DSCH MAC-d cell throughput from network perspective. M1000C142 RB DOWNGRADE The number of radio bearer downgrades by the enhanced BY ENH OVERLOAD overload control using the TFC subset method. RNC_969b DL DCH selected due The number of times when the HS-DSCH downlink transport to the HSDPA power channel cannot be selected for an interactive or background class IHSPA_969a [#] connection because of downlink power limits. IHSPA_1879c [kbps] The active time refers to the scheduled TTIs. means that the WBTS has used all available downlink power in order to maintain the connection for the users. calculated as the HSDPA MAC-d throughput at BTS. b when sending data. TO RL POWER CONGESTION [#] M1000C166 RB RELEASE DUE The number of radio bearer releases by the enhanced overload TO ENH OVERLOAD control using the radio link reconfiguration method. 3. divided by the active HS-DSCH time from the network throughput IHSPA_5022 perspective. This counter includes both interactive and background OVERLOAD [#] class connections. CONTROL USING RL RECONF [#] M1000C149 HS-DSCH RELEASE The number of HS-DSCH allocation releases because of downlink DUE TO DL overload. user throughput divided by the active HS-DSCH time multiplied by the active users. M1000C155 RN RELEASE BY The number of radio bearers released by the dynamic link DYN LINK OPT DUE optimization for NRT traffic because of RL power congestion. RNC_1879d The average active HS-DSCH MAC-d throughput from end user Active HS-DSCH end perspective. The HSDPA throughput KPIs RNC_722d and RNC_1879a are observed together with the transmitted power KPIs. This counter is updated only when the HSDPA Static Resource Allocation is used. calculated as the HSDPA MAC-d throughput Active HS-DSCH cell at BTS. RRC setup failure rate due to AC Admission control might reject setup. The HSDPA contributes a major share here. that is. The active time refers to the scheduled TTIs. 2. Increase of failures indicated by the RRC setup failure rate because of AC. The cell-specific load control in the RNC maintains the estimated received wideband power value for the resource allocation of the RNC. because of excessive downlink power. The RNC limits the uplink noise using the PrxTarget parameter. If the downlink quality is bad. indicate low coverage for UEs. It does not include the contribution of the bearers. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Radio interface capacity Table 5 Transmitted total carrier power (Cont. the capacity of a WCDMA system is proportional to the level of interference in the system. High DL power levels. M1000C142. the estimated received wideband power value represents the received total wideband power (PrxTotal). M1000C166. the maximum HSDPA power increases to 45 dBm (also concerns the average power). The estimated received wideband power value represents the received interference of transferred active bearers. Upgrade With the 40 W LPAs. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. The PrxTotal is not estimated in the HSUPA cell. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5203b Share of time when the received total wideband power is in classes 13-16. Table 6 Received total wideband power 1. Note that the average available power for HSDPA influences the CQI seen by the UE. • If the HSUPA has been configured in the cell. as follows: • If the HSUPA has not been configured in the cell.2 Uplink interference The power control allows access to as many users as possible while minimizing the interference caused by these users. 6. together with a low throughput. At the same time. Improve the coverage by adding sites. Overload The system downgrades or releases a dedicated channel of a non-real-time RAB. 3. 5. The KPI Percentage of RTWP in 10% . high power for HSDPA does not necessarily mean high throughput (or low power - low throughput). and M1002C602 react in overload situation. there is not enough power to serve the users. However. M1000C149. which are allocated in the RNC (such as DCHs). A high RTWP level indicates an increase in interference in the cell. marginal area [%] IHSPA_5203 The total uplink power (RTWP) measurement b report samples the power values that are Issue: 03I DN0972569 27 . which have an E-DCH established with the scheduled transmission. which defines the maximum allowed increase in uplink noise in relation to the background noise floor. Monitored Received Total Wideband Power capacity item The Received Total Wideband Power (RTWP) reflects the total noise level within the UMTS frequency band of one single cell. 2. This is measured by the BTS.) Counters M1000C155. the estimated received wideband power value represents the received total non-E-DCH scheduled transmission wideband power (PrxNonEDCHST). is based on the M1000C320-41 counters. measured and reported by the BTS. M1000C152. IHSPA_976a RNC_661d HSDPA access failure rate HSDPA access failure rate because of the associated UL due to UL DCH [%] DCH. or releases. IHSPA_972a RNC_974a CS data service reject rate The number of video call requests that have been rejected on UL [%] the UL. Analysis 1. Total interference in UL The primary indication for a highly loaded BTS. RNC_972a. Service rejections Counters M1000C147. and RNC_976a react in overload situation. 28 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . CONGESTION [#] M1000C159 RB RELEASE BY PBS DUE The number of radio bearers released by priority-based TO INTERFERENCE scheduling (PBS) because of interference congestion. INTERFERENCE CONGESTION [#] RNC_970a The number of SRB requests that have been rejected on the SRB reject rate UL [%] UL. M1000C164 and KPIs RNC_970a. RNC_974a. IHSPA_970a RNC_972a AMR service reject rate UL The number of voice call requests that have been rejected on [%] the UL. downgrades. M1000C147 RB DOWNGRADE BY PBS The number of RB downgrades by priority-based scheduling DUE TO INTERFERENCE (PBS) because of interference congestion.) within a particular class range. There are no predefined thresholds for the frequency of rejections. Radio interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 6 Received total wideband power (Cont. M1000C159. HSDPA access FR due to the UL DCH An increase in the HSDPA access FR due to the UL DCH indicates that there is no room for more UEs to be connected to that particular cell because of UL power congestion.The number of RB downgrades by pre-emption because of EMPTION DUE TO interference congestion. 2. IHSPA_661a 4. CONGESTION [#] M1000C152 RB DOWNGRADE BY PRE. INTERFERENCE CONGESTION [#] M1000C164 RB RELEASE BY PRE. The counter takes into account the whole received power. The number of radio bearers released by pre-emption because EMPTION DUE TO of interference congestion. IHSPA_974a RNC_976a PS data service reject rate The number of PS data call requests that have been rejected UL [%] on the UL. 3. including HSDPA and Common Channels. Primary Common Control Physical Channel (PCCPCH). FACH-u (containing DTCH). When the load is still too high. Physical Random Access Channel (PRACH). mapped to the Paging Channel (PCH)) or Forward Access Channel (FACH). FACH-u.) 5. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Radio interface capacity Table 6 Received total wideband power (Cont. the sum of these loads. 4.). PCH. High-Speed Physical Downlink Shared Channel (HS-PDSCH) mapped to FACH. by measuring the loads on corresponding transport channels (RACH. the primary CCPH will always carry PCH only and the second SCCPH will carry FACH-u and FACH-c. The channels 1 - 3 are not the subject of the dynamic power control. Figure 7: Common channels mapped to one SCCPCH shows that there can be up to three SCCPCHs configured in the cell. because of excessive uplink congestion situations. Upgrade - 3. There can be up to three SCCPCH channels configured in the cell. The system measures the loads indirectly. and PCH loads on the SCCPCH channel(s). RACH-c. Overload The system downgrades or releases a dedicated channel of a non-real-time RAB (controllable load). and FACH-c. FACH. The total load of the common channels is thus. RACH and FACH load have separate control plane and user plane load: RACH-u. Secondary Common Control Physical Channel (SCCPCH). Figure 7 Common channels mapped to one SCCPCH Figure 8: Common channels mapped to two SCCPCHs shows that if the user configures two CSSPCHs in a cell. Issue: 03I DN0972569 29 . mapped to the BCH (Broadcast Channel) 2.). 3. RACH. and PCH. The transmission powers of the downlink common physical channels are determined during radio network planning and their bit rates are not configurable by the user. mapped to the Random Access Channel (RACH). it will carry FACH-c (containing DCCH/CCCH/BCCH). FACH and PCH are multiplexed into the same SCCPH.3 Common channel capacity The air interface physical channels map to transport channels in UTRAN: 1. Common channel load consists mainly of FACH. and BCH). the power control cannot mitigate failures because of non-controllable load. If only one SCCPH is used in a cell. 6. it will carry FACH-c (containing DCCH/CCCH/BCCH). but the RACH load measurements are used by the RNC for load control. which maps to it. calculated indirectly from the transport channels. Monitored Common channel capacity capacity item The main proactive KPI for the common channel load is the average SCCPCH channel load. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. RNC_2030b FACH-c load ratio provides information about the FACH transport channel control plane data load (the FACH-c load . RNC_2032a RACH-u load ratio provides information about the RACH transport channel user plane data load (the RACH-u load . RACH channel user data throughput is divided by the ratio [%] IHSPA_5090a corresponding transport channel maximum bit rate to get the load ratio). Assuming fixed transmit rates for each transport channel. RNC_2029b FACH-u load ratio provides information about the FACH transport channel user plane data load (the FACH-u load . Table 7 Common channel capacity 1. 2. Radio interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Figure 8 Common channels mapped to two SCCPCHs The system measures the RACH load in the NBAP interface in terms of acknowledged PRACH preambles. FACH channel control data throughput is divided by ratio [%] IHSPA_5089a the corresponding transport channel maximum bit rate to get the load ratio). FACH-u (containing DTCH). . There is no overload control algorithm for RACH. Additionally. . . when the downlink channel type (common or dedicated) is selected. and PCH. Average PCCPCH load: if one SCCPCH is used in a IHSPA_979a [%] cell. the user monitors each common transport channel proactively. the user follow s the load proactively. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_979a Average SCCPCH channel load - including the PCH in the measurement period. . 30 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . SCCPCH average load . FACH channel throughput is divided by the ratio [%] IHSPA_5088a corresponding transport channel maximum bit rate to get the load ratio). 10. URA. Issue: 03I DN0972569 31 . therefore. Evaluating whether there is a high level of signaling generated by the cell. Furthermore.4 Channelization code tree The available codes in the Channelization Code Tree in the BTS becomes a capacity bottleneck in the downlink direction. this will contain all other transport channels except PCH. Evaluating whether there is excessive user plane data transfer within the CELL_FACH. it is likely that the FACH channel will suffer. - 4. When two SCCPCHs are used. If so. consider reducing the RLC buffer thresholds that trigger the transition to CELL_DCH. Analysis Use RNC_979a to see how loaded the physical channel (SCCPCH) is in this configuration. Table 8 Channelization code tree 1. or PCH only) is reduced by: 1. 3. There is a fixed number of codes reserved for Common Channels. Upgrading the Node B configuration with an additional carrier 5. . RACH channel control data throughput is divided by ratio [%] IHSPA_5091a the corresponding transport channel maximum bit rate to get the load ratio). Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Radio interface capacity Table 7 Common channel capacity (Cont. by introducing a second SCCPCH) 2. if the FACH is loaded. HSDPA reserves 5. 3. the code tree is arranged per each UE. Upgrade The SCCPCH load (PCH+FACH. the system gives PCH traffic a higher priority compared to the FACH. no capacity bottleneck is expected. The channelization codes. or 15 codes. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. or routing area updates. unit Description monitoring . . there are also counters used to monitor the maximum and minimum code occupancy. This is used to detect the cell’s busy and non-busy hours. 6. REL99 services require a certain number of codes. Increasing the number of available SCCPCHs (for example. consider adjusting the area boundaries or reducing the size of the location and routing areas. 6. 4. are included in the KPI. In uplink. When the system notices congestion on this channel. which the system assigns to both common and dedicated downlink channels. Overload If there is only one SCCPCH. Channelization Code Blocking is the percentage of code allocation attempts that block because of code tree congestion. 3.) RNC_2033a RACH-c load ratio provides information about the RACH transport channel control plane data load (the RACH-c load . Using the RAN1202: 24 kbps Paging Channel feature if the PCH is loaded. Monitored Channelization code tree capacity item Channelization Code Occupancy provides an indication of the percentage of codes. especially when HSDPA and HSUPA are enabled in the cell. 5. location area. If so. Use the RAN1637: High Speed Cell_FACH DL feature. that the system uses or blocks. depending on the service bit rate. IHSPA_949a where the code tree situation of a cell is measured. It is updated when the code downgrade is started because of an NRT DCH-over-HSDPA prioritization. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_113a Average code tree The average code tree 70% 80 occupancy [%] occupancy. M1000C266 HSDPA CH CODE The number of HSDPA channelization code DOWNGRADE DUE TO downgrades because of congestion of RT DCH RT [#] requests. Spreading code blocking This measurement is based on 5% >5 rate in DL [%] cell resource measurement. 3. IHSPA_113a RNC_519b Min code tree occupancy The minimum code tree . - [%] occupancy. It is updated when the code downgrade is started because of a RT-over-HSDPA prioritization. CONGESTION [#] 32 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . unit Description monitoring M1000C248-258 DURATION OF HSDPA It is possible to calculate the average number of xx(5-15) CODES reserved SF16 codes for HSDPA based on the RESERVATION duration counters for each code (original transmitted xy (5-15) codes with QPSK or 16QA. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. Radio interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 8 Channelization code tree (Cont. depending on the R99 usage of codes. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. IHSPA_519a RNC_520b Max code tree occupancy The maximum code tree 80% 90 [%] occupancy. M1000C148 RB DOWNGRADE BY The number of RB downgrades by priority-based PBS DUE TO scheduling (PBS) because of spreading code SPREADING CODE congestion.) When a user enables HSDPA. The user is able to monitor the impact of code tree congestion reactively using counters related to HSDPA code and radio bearer downgrades/releases. There are counters for monitoring the number of HSDPA channelization code downgrades because of congestion of the RT or NRT DCH. M1000C267 HSDPA CH CODE The number of HSDPA channelization code DOWNGRADE DUE TO downgrades because of congestion of NRT DCH NRT DCH [#] requests. M5000). the system dynamically adjusts the number of SF16 codes reserved for HSDPA. IHSPA_520a RNC_949b Spreading code blocking rate of a cell over the reporting period. 2. Min code tree occupancy The minimum code occupancy is 3%. At the level of 80%. Add new codes with new carrier To obtain more codes. 4. the system reserves five codes. Upgrade Two basic solutions for avoiding the effect of code congestion are: 1. the code allocation failure rate still remains close to 0% and less than approximately 90% of maximum code occupancy means that the code allocation failure rate is <1%. the system frees the codes allocated to HSDPA. 5. When the maximum code occupancy is less than 80%. the system will try to use up to fifteen SF16 codes for HSDPA. Analysis 1. Reduce the code usage Reduce the initial R99 bit rate from 128 kbps to 64 kbps or even 16 kbps. the R99 traffic increase) the throughput per user decreases. in the BTS or Iub). code blocking starts to affect the QoS at the level of 70%. 6. install an additional carrier. SPREADING CODE CONGESTION [#] M1000C165 RB RELEASE BY PRE. If there is HSDPA traffic. the user can use the 85-90% limit. bringing the total occupancy to 35%. When HSDPA is active. Issue: 03I DN0972569 33 . Average code tree occupancy At the average code occupancy of 70%. SPREADING CODE CONGESTION [#] M1000C160 RB RELEASE BY PBS The number of radio bearers released by priority- DUE TO SPREADING based scheduling (PBS) because of spreading code CODE CONGESTION [#] congestion. when the common channels are active. Cells with HSDPA reserve a minimum of five SF16 codes for HSDPA at the start. or if there are other limits (for example. when required by the RT/NRT DCH allocation. The occupancy ranges from 35% to 100%. 3. 4. Overload With the increase of code occupancy (that is. service blocking can start. Max code tree occupancy The user can use the Maximum code tree occupancy KPI as a triggering point to upgrade (second carrier). It is not recommended to enable the high rate features if there are no 15-code UEs in the network. for example. The number of radio bearers released by pre-emption EMPTION DUE TO because of spreading code congestion. and there is no need for R99 codes. 2. Because of congestion. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Radio interface capacity Table 8 Channelization code tree (Cont. 2. The RT traffic (normal voice) has the highest priority. but there are no users. Allow R99 NRT to take codes from HSDPA. HSDPA channelization code downgrades RT (NRT) This counter indicates the code tree congestion related to simultaneous REL99 and HSDPA traffic in the cell. allow two SF16 codes to be taken.) M1000C153 RB DOWNGRADE BY The number of RB downgrades by pre-emption PREEMPTION DUE TO because of spreading code congestion. Therefore. so high voice traffic will be able to keep the number of SF16 codes for HSDPA at the minimum of five codes. that is. that is. that is. the number of HSPA schedulers in the BTS – user capacity. a separate license is needed for the user amounts on cell level. for example. - Other configurations: max 4 34 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . what is the current maximum level of available capacity: – license for R99 traffic. multi operator RAN (MORAN) case: – the split of the - BTS level - R99 Channel Element license between the used LCGs – the split of the - BTS level - HSDPA Processing Set license between the used LCGs – the split of the - HSUPA scheduler level - HSUPA Processing Set license between the used LCGs g RU40 does not bring any changes to FSMB baseband dimensioning rules. it is important to know the following: • used configurations: – logical configurations. whether there are one or multiple local cell groups in use – baseband configurations. that is. whether there are one or two system modules in use • possible capacity. R99 Channel Element license – license for HSPA traffic. For details on BTS configurations including HW FSMB System Module. CCH Processing Set licenses In addition. for example. the number of HSPA schedulers in the BTS • used licenses. DSP capacity (given in subunits) – throughput capacity. that is. that is. what is the “hard limit” of the entire capacity in the BTS: – baseband and control plane capacity. Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity 4 Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity In order to monitor Flexi BTS capacity issues. see the RU30 baseband dimensioning guidelines. for example. Used logical configurations Table 9: FSMC/D/E and FSMF logical configurations lists that FSMF is split into the following configurations: Table 9 FSMC/D/E and FSMF logical configurations FSMC/D/E and FSMF logical configurations Logical entity BTS level LCG level Cell level Logical cell group FSMF / no FBBA: max 2 . HSxPA Processing Set licenses – license for additional CCH resources. that is. • in the multiple LCG case. that is. • FSMC+FSMD: 9 • FSMD+FSMD: 12 • FSME+FSMD: 15 • FSME+ FSME: 18 Used baseband configurations Table 10: FSMC/D/E BTS baseband configurations lists the following issues that need to be taken into account when following up the capacity of the whole FSMC/D/E BTS. Currently FSMF is only available as stand-alone FSM. Table 10 FSMC/D/E BTS baseband configurations FSMC/D/E BTS baseband configurations * Baseband per BTS per LCG per SM entity System module max 1 one SM/BTS: shared between all - (SM) LCGs HSDPA based on SM for FSMC/D/E throughput max 2 scheduler(s) number shared/user number commissioned between all LCGs HSUPA based on max 1 max 2 scheduler(s) LCG number Issue: 03I DN0972569 35 . Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Table 9 FSMC/D/E and FSMF logical configurations (Cont.) FSMC/D/E and FSMF logical configurations Logical entity BTS level LCG level Cell level Cell 1 FSM: max 12 - • FSMC: 3 • FSMD: 6 • FSME: 9 • FSMF: 6 • FSMF + 1*FBBA: 12 • FSMF + 2*FBBA: 18 2 FSM: Only the most common FSM combinations given here. HSDPA based on max 2 max 8 scheduler(s) LCG number HSUPA based on max 1 max 4 scheduler(s) LCG number * for more information. see Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Flexi BTS Baseband.FSMF System module type F Subunits FSMF (no extension): 5.5 subunit FSMF + 2xFBBA: 17.5 subunit FSMC/D/E: The total capacity of the system module (s) depends on the system module type(s):Table 13: FSMC/D/E baseband capacity lists the total capacity of the system module(s) which depend on the system module type(s). see Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Flexi BTS Baseband. g The number of activated HSDPA schedulers depends on Tcell configuration. Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 11: FSMF BTS baseband configurations lists the following issues that need to be taken into account when following up the capacity of the whole FSMF BTS. 36 DN0972569 Issue: 03I .5 subunit FSMF + 1xFBBA: 11. Table 11 FSMF BTS baseband configurations FSMF BTS baseband configurations * Baseband entity per BTS per LCG per SM System module max 1 one SM/BTS: shared between all - (SM) LCGs Fixed/sector BB pooling: 1 Flexible BB pooling: Shared between LCGs based on parameter accessBBCapacity. Table 12 FSMF baseband capacity Baseband capacity . Possible system module capacity Table 12: FSMF baseband capacity lists the total capacity of the system module(s) which depend on the system module type(s). Table 15 FSMC/D/E and FSMF user capacity User capacity . Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Table 13 FSMC/D/E baseband capacity Baseband capacity .8 Mbit/s 20 116 Mbit/s throughput scheduler The table above shows the maximum throughput capacity of one HSDPA or HSUPA scheduler. The used throughput steps are also given in the table.2 Mbit/s 35 252 Mbit/s throughput scheduler HSUPA HSUPA 5. The total used capacity to the BTS depends on the number of HSPA schedulers. A detailed description about how throughput steps are mapped to the subunits in system modules is found in Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Flexi BTS Baseband.FSMC/D/E and FSMF Throughput Set by Throughput Available steps Max capacity type step HSDPA HSDPA 7. In addition.FSMC/D/E and FSMF User type Set by Max capacity Level HSDPA users HSDPA scheduler 240 users HSDPA scheduler HSUPA users HSUPA scheduler 240 users LCG Issue: 03I DN0972569 37 . there are separate limits in the HSUPA scheduler for LCG and Cell levels.FSMC/D/E System module type C D E Subunits 5 12 19 Possible throughput and user capacity: FSMC/D/E and FSMF: Table 14: FSMC/D/E and FSMF throughput capacity lists the total throughput capacity of the BTS which depend on the number of HSPA schedulers and the number of subunits in the system module(s). Whether it is possible to reach this depends on the number of available subunits in the related system module. The subunit capacity is mapped to throughput capacity (in Mbit/s) in terms of steps. Table 14 FSMC/D/E and FSMF throughput capacity Throughput capacity . Therefore. each scheduler has a dedicated share of total throughput.FSMC/D/E and FSMF User type Set by Max capacity Level g 480 per LCG is only possible if there is exactly one LCGx2xFSMr2 and cell to FSM mapping is used (2 schedulers in one LCG). Therefore. each scheduler has a dedicated share of total throughput. after 38 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . LCG2 Dedicated or Common share Throughput is proportionally Dedicated share Dedicated share common share shared at the start-up assignment. after the start-up is done. LCG3 Dedicated or Common share Throughput is proportionally Dedicated share Dedicated share common share shared at the start-up assignment. Table 16 FSMC/D/E or FSMF capacity licensing FSMC/D/E or FSMF capacity licensing LCGs R99 CE license HSDPA License Commissioning HSUPA License Commissioning commissioning Users Throughput Users Throughput LCG1 Dedicated or Common share Throughput is proportionally Dedicated share Dedicated share common share shared at the start-up assignment. Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 15 FSMC/D/E and FSMF user capacity (Cont. after the start-up is done. Therefore.) User capacity . HSUPA users HSUPA scheduler 128 users Cell Multiple LCG case Table 16: FSMC/D/E or FSMF capacity licensing lists options for the operator to share the licensed capacity between configured LCGS during multiple LCG cases. In addition. there are separate CCCH processing licenses in FSMF.) FSMC/D/E or FSMF capacity licensing LCGs R99 CE license HSDPA License Commissioning HSUPA License Commissioning commissioning Users Throughput Users Throughput the start-up is done. Figure 9 FSMC/D/E and FSMF capacity Issue: 03I DN0972569 39 . after the start-up is done. each scheduler has a dedicated share of total throughput. LCG4 Dedicated or Common share Throughput is proportionally Dedicated share Dedicated share common share shared at the start-up assignment. each scheduler has a dedicated share of total throughput. Therefore. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Table 16 FSMC/D/E or FSMF capacity licensing (Cont. 1.1 BTS baseband capacity This section consists of two parts. The baseband capacity licensing principles are introduced as well. The second section describes the baseband capacity monitoring with needed use cases including the available counters/KPIs.8 scheduler 40 DN0972569 Issue: 03I .2 HSDPA2 BTS 72 21 HSDPA3 BTS 72 84 HSUPA1 HSUPA 24 5. There are separate licenses for R99 and HSPA: Table 17 R99 channel element pool-based license R99 channel element pool based-license R99 license type Level CE vs. 4.1 Baseband capacity configuration and processing principles The operator is able to allocate the needed baseband capacity from the possible baseband capacity (see Possible system module capacity and Possible throughput and user capacity: FSMC/D/E and FSMF in this chapter) via licenses. Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity 4. subunit Maximum licensed capacity CEs Channel elements BTS FSMC/D/E: One Depends on used subunit = 48 R99 CEs system module type(s) FSMF: One subunit = 96 R99 CEs Table 18 HSxPA processing sets HSxPA processing sets HSxPA license Level HSxPA Processing set contains type Users Throughput HSDPA1 BTS 32 7. The first section describes the baseband capacity configuration and processing principles. If the operator uses Generic License key instead of dedicated processing set licenses. These are controlled with RAN level HSPA user number feature RAN1686: HSPA 72 Users Per Cell. the operator also needs to have separate HSPA user number licenses. there are issues related to dynamic and over-licensing to check not to cause a non-planned shortage in HSUPA resource utilization. HSDPA 2. then all the licensed set numbers are set to 99. 2. • Over-licensing of HSDPA users: The HSDPA scheduler user capacity is the actual user limit and not the licensed number. Issue: 03I DN0972569 41 . Even if the HSDPA-reserved HW are allocated first. licensing The HW resources to allocate are commissioned in the following order: 1. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity g The licensed number of processing sets will vary based on operator needs. • HSDPA throughput step parameter: This sets the available user capacity throughput regardless of what throughput level/step is licensed. there are issues to scheduler parameter settings and over licensing to check that can cause a non-planned shortage in HSDPA resource utilization. As the HSUPA HW reservation is done at last AND in conjunction with R99 HW reservation. CCH 3. g In addition to the HSxPA processing set licenses. HSUPA/R99 CE 1. R99 resources – Non-overlapping resources between HSUPA and R99 (see Figure 10: Non- overlapping baseband resources) – Overlapping resources between HSPUA and R99 (see Figure 11: Overlapping baseband capacity and static resources reservation) • Over-licensing of HSUPA users: The HSUPA scheduler user capacity is the actual user limit and not the licensed number. BTS HW commissioning vs. • Dynamic licensing of HSUPA vs. not available for Baseband resources R99 users and HSDPA available for R99 users data users Figure 11 Overlapping baseband capacity and static resources reservation One HSUPA BTS Processing Set (equivalent of 48 R99 CE) is always available for R99 users and HSUPA users* Overlapping scenario System Module Rel. 42 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . The maximum available Rel99 CEs per LCG and thus per BTS in these measurements depend on the configuration of these parameters. The parameters Access baseband capacity (accessBbCapacity) and Dedicated baseband capacity (dedicatedBbCapacity) are used to configure Rel99 CE license allocations for LCGs. R99 CE management The channel element (CE) represents the Rel99 processing capability of the DSP hardware located in the system module of the Flexi BTS.2 *Note: 48 CE in each LCG is always dynamic HSDPA (even without license HSUPA BTS R99 CE licenses commissioned overlapping). NOTE: Up to four HSUPA resource steps can be statically commissioned for HSUPA.2 HSDPA HSUPA BTS R99 CE licenses commissioned processing sets throughput Rel 99 users Baseband resources HSUPA users available for R99 users only! Overlapping baseband capacity 48 CE HSUPA BTS can be dynamically shared (dynamic) Processing sets between HSUPA and R99 users* *R99 users always have higher priority For overlapping Rel99 CE licenses and licensed HSUPA resources. Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Figure 10 Non-overlapping baseband resources License non-overlapping case One HSUPA BTS Processing Set (equivalent of 48 R99 CE) is always available for R99 users and HSUPA users* System Module Rel. processing sets throughput Free (unlicensed) baseband resources . commissioning can be performed in order to guarantee resources for HSUPA. HSUPA capacity management and processing principles There is only one type of the HSUPA processing set present. However. If baseband pooling is used. additional CCH resources (not included into FSM price) does not consume Rel99 CE license but CCCH PS licenses. the HSUPA licenses are divided between LCGs according to the commissioned share. The channel element bookkeeping rules for common channels and Rel99 services differ. If there is not enough DSP capacity represented by the channel elements for a new connection. the R99 allocations is made with this license (even without any R99 CE licenses). The system reserves the capacity for the HSUPA on the basis of need. however. NAS signaling (location updates. The DSP is also required for control plane. the HSxPA multi-RAB UE consumes capacity from the available HSDPA and HSUPA processing set. The licensed number of HSDPA users is controlled on the BTS level and is divided with shareOfHhsdpaUser between LCGs. the HSDPA is not enabled at all. The licensed throughput is divided between schedulers proportionally to the throughput commissioned with mhsdpaSchedList. the Tcell configuration of the LCGs should also be checked to find out the LCG's cell distribution on HSDPA schedulers and thus. Licensed HSDPA throughput. is controlled by a HSDPA scheduler. the maximum throughput available for the LCGs. and SMSs. The number of HSDPA users and the maximum throughput (processing set licenses) are controlled on the BTS level and is divided between the LCGs according to the commissioned shares when baseband pooling is used. The parameter used is shareOfHsupaLicenses. but up to the maximum available HW capacity only. A multi-RAB UE is treated as a single UE on the system level. The user is able to control the number of CEs with a license up to the limit supported by the hardware. by commissioning. the number of channel elements representing each service depends on the allocated UL/DL bit rate. it is possible to define minimum HSUPA resources with the HSUPA BB decoding capacity and HSUPA BB minimum users commissioning parameters if needed. Please note that in FSMF. routing area updates). Further HSUPA licenses are not dynamic unless they are overlapped with some R99 CE licenses at any time. References Issue: 03I DN0972569 43 . Another important aspect is that the very first HSUPA processing set license is dynamic. However. that is. The parameters used are shareOfHsdpaUser and mhsdpaSchedList. The BTS temporarily allows allocation of capacity beyond the licensed limit. Thus. its resource consumption method is similar to that of a single RAB UE. HSDPA capacity management and processing principles There are three options for the HSDPA processing sets depending on the traffic volumes. The only exception is the minimum reserved HSUPA capacity if any. If there is no HSDPA processing set available. thus from both the user count and throughput point of view. Note that the HSUPA/HSPA service is activated only if HSDPA is enabled on the BTS/cell level. If no HSUPA processing set is available. There is no default minimum reservation for the HSUPA. therefore. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity R99 CE processing principles Each Rel99 RAB type loads the DSP differently. the HSUPA is not enabled. with specific sizes of the resource steps. the BTS blocks the new service. that is. as the licensed baseband capacity is distributed among the LCGs according to the commissioning setup. Therefore. The BTS HW capacity is further grouped (pooled). and HSxPA processing sets as well as more detailed information on LCGs and baseband capacity distributions are described in Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Flexi BTS Baseband. that is. If needed. This is done via following the mapping instructions given above in the introduction section Possible system module capacity. The resource steps. the licenses are based on R99 CEs and HSxPA processing sets and not the subunits located in the system modules. If commissioning was not done. that is. the DSP HW resource. the monitoring is (primarily) based on following the license utilization rates and not the consumption of subunits/baseband/DSP HW resources (see Possible system module capacity). This common share is controlled on a BTS level. 4. then the problem is directly related to the BTS/HSUPA scheduler license shortage or baseband shortage (in case of all baseband capacity is licensed). The maximum value depends on the available HSDPA processing sets. sizes. Possible throughput capacity. the BTS consists of one to four pools (local cell groups. Monitoring sub case analyze: If LCG resource consumption is high. and licenses from that pool is by any LCG on need basis. the subunit utilization level can be seen. that is. there are two different cases for capacity monitoring: • One LCG. Unassigned Rel99 CE licenses are in common LCG pool. LCGs). – The assigned part of the R99 CE license is distributed to the LCGs according to the commission setup.2 Baseband capacity monitoring Baseband capacity monitoring cases description The available baseband capacity is based on a BTS-level or a HSUPA scheduler-level license. that is. common LCG pool and/or common schedulers. The operator also needs to consult the Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Flexi BTS Baseband document. as the BTS licensed capacity = the LCG licensed capacity. the throughput is shared 44 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity The CE reservations and dimensioning rules for common channels as well as more detailed information on LCGs and baseband capacity distributions are explained in Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Flexi BTS Baseband. • 2 - 4 LCGs. baseband pooling is not used (see Figure 12: No BTS baseband pooling in use): License monitoring is simple. Monitoring sub case setup: The monitoring is performed on either LCG or BTS level as the LCG level equals the BTS level.1. and Possible user capacity. baseband pooling is used (see Figure 13: BTS baseband pooling in use): License monitoring is more complicated. See WCDMA RAN License Operation and License Management Principles for more information related to license setup. Thus. This requires then additional mapping between the monitored license related utilization rates and what it means in terms of subunit consumption. – The licensed HSDPA throughput is shared between LCGs in case of commissioning. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity according to the default allocation rule (see Table System Module Rel. If commissioning was not performed for these licenses. then each LCG gets equal share. that is. – For HSUPA.2 HSDPA scheduler in Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Flexi BTS Baseband). the remaining capacity is put to the shared LCG pool.2 HSDPA throughput steps in section Flexi System Module Rel. or full BTS license shortage. – HSDPA user shares of used licenses in case of commissioning is shared between LCGs up to maximum allocation of 100% licensed capacity. Figure 12 No BTS baseband pooling in use Figure 13 BTS baseband pooling in use Issue: 03I DN0972569 45 . there is no common part - commissioning has to be performed so that values sum up to 100%. If commissioning was not performed. If not. – BTS Level monitoring: If the BTS resource consumption is high. then the problem is either based on the BTS license shortage or baseband shortage (in case of all baseband is licensed). then the problem is either based on the commissioned LCG resource shortage. then each LCG gets equal share and there is no common pool of licensed users. Monitoring sub case analyze: If the LCG resource consumption is high. separately for each baseband pool or for the whole BTS. Monitoring sub case setup: The monitoring is performed on an LCG level. or baseband shortage (in case of all baseband is licensed). see the Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA related performance monitoring feature RAN2626: Baseband Load Monitoring. Processing set utilization ratio is based on two utilization processing sets 70% 80% IHSPA_5407 conditions: throughput utilization and the number of utilization ratio [%] a users. HW utilization ratio R99 CE Baseband pools not in use: The “WBTS level monitoring” measurement (M5008) measures R99 CE utilization utilization on the WBTS level. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag In case baseband pooling is not used R99 CE RNC_5483a Average used CE 70% 80% The average amount of CE used for R99 users in utilization - DL for R99 DL [%] DL over the whole measurement period duration. summing all the samples and dividing by the number of samples for the measurement period. • The “HSPA in WBTS” (M5000) measurement measures HSxPA throughput on a cell level. For a complete list of available counters. Table 19 Baseband capacity monitoring 1. obtained by sampling with predefined sampling period. HSxPA Baseband pools not in use: The “WBTS level monitoring” measurement (M5008) measures HSxPA processing set processing set utilization on the WBTS level. 46 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . 2. Monitored Monitored capacity item description capacity item Total licensed The “WBTS level monitoring” (M5008) measurement measures HW utilization on the WBTS level. R99 CE RNC_5484a Average used CE 70% 80% The average amount of CE used for R99 users in utilization - UL for R99 UL [%] UL over the whole measurement period duration. Note that this is in the WBTS level. utilization Baseband pools in use: • The “WBTS R99 HW resource” (M5006) measurement measures HSxPA user utilization on LCG level. Note that this is in the WBTS level. HSxPA RNC_5407a The average HSDPA processing sets utilization processing set Average HSDPA ratio. Baseband pools in use: The “WBTS R99 resource” (M5006) measurement measures R99 CE utilization on the LCG level. Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity g There are more WBTS/LCG baseband monitoring counters/KPIs that are available than the indicated counters/KPIs in Table 19: Baseband capacity monitoring. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. summing all the samples and dividing by the number of samples of the measurement period. obtained by sampling with predefined sampling period. which indicate (100 or more) [%] that the Channel Elements Usage Ration was between 100% or more of existing resources. for uplink traffic. RNC_5408a The maximum HSUPA processing sets utilization Average HSUPA ratio. UL CE R99 utilization Threshold clarification: 3% 5% distribution rate . RNC_5406a The maximum HSUPA processing sets utilization Maximum HSUPA 100 ratio. 0% DL CE R99 Utilization Distribution Rate - (100 or utilization more)% provides information about the percentage R99 CE distribution rate . of measured events for Download traffic. In case baseband pooling is used RNC_2256a UL CE R99 utilization distribution rate - (80 - < 90)% provides information about the percentage of measured events. Red flag => when the consumption of CEs in BTS reaches 5% in the range of 80% - 90% of the available capacity. between 90% and 100% of existing resources. RNC_2258a UL CE R99 .) RNC_5405a The maximum HSDPA processing sets utilization Maximum HSDPA 100 ratio. which indicates utilization that the Channel Elements Usage Ratio was 1% 2% distribution rate . Processing set utilization is based on two processing sets 70% IHSPA_5405 % conditions: throughput utilization and the number of utilization ratio [#] a users. Target => when the consumption of CEs in BTS IHSPA_2431 (80 - < 90)% a reaches 3% (at least) in the range of 80% - 90% of the available capacity. Issue: 03I DN0972569 47 . which indicate that the Channel Elements Usage Ratio was between 70% and 80% of existing resources. 0% UL CE R99 Utilization Distribution Rate - (100 or Utilization more)% provides information about the percentage Distribution Rate . Processing set utilization is based on two processing sets - IHSPA_5406 % conditions: throughput utilization and the number of utilization ratio [%] a users. IHSPA_2432 (90 - < 100)% a Threshold clarification: see RNC_2256a description. which utilization - DL (100 or more) [%] indicate that the Channel Elements Usage Ratio was between 100% or more of the existing resources. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Table 19 Baseband capacity monitoring (Cont. of measured events for Uplink traffic. RNC_2264a DL CE R99 . Processing set utilization is based on two processing sets 70% 80% IHSPA_5408 conditions: throughput utilization and the number of utilization ratio [#] a users. R99 CE utilization - UL RNC_2257a UL CE R99 utilization distribution rate - (90 - < 100)% provides information about the percentage of UL CE R99 measured events for uplink traffic. 48 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . RNC_2274a HSPA DL user 3% 5% HSPA DL user utilization distribution rate - (80 - utilization 90)% provides information about the percentage of distribution rate . measured events for HSPA downlink traffic. for downlink traffic. which 100 [%] indicate that the Channel Elements Usage Ratio was 100% of the existing resources. which 100 [%] indicate that the Channel Elements Usage Ratio was 100% of the existing resources. Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 19 Baseband capacity monitoring (Cont. 0% HSPA UL user utilization distribution rate - 100% utilization provides information about the percentage of distribution Rate .) RNC_2262a DL CE R99 utilization distribution rate - (80 - < 90)% provides information about the percentage of DL CE R99 measured events for downlink traffic. measured events for HSPA uplink traffic. which utilization indicates that the Channel Elements Usage Ratio 3% 5% distribution rate . measured events for HSPA uplink traffic. was between 80% - 90% of existing resources. measured events for HSPA downlink traffic. IHSPA_2425 (80 - < 90)% a Threshold clarification: see RNC_2256a description. which utilization indicate that the Channel Elements Usage Ratio 1% 2% distribution rate . provides information about the percentage of distribution rate . RNC_2269a HSPA UL user 1% 2% HSPA UL user utilization distribution rate - (90 - < HSxPA utilization 100)% provides information about the percentage of processing set distribution rate . which (80 - < 90) [%] indicate that the Channel Elements Usage Ratio was between 60 and 80% of the existing resources. IHSPA_2263 (90 - < 100)% a Threshold clarification: see RNC_2256a description. which (80 - < 90) [%] indicate that Channel Elements Usage Ratio was between 60 and 80% of the existing resources. RNC_2268a HSPA UL user 3% 5% HSPA UL user utilization distribution rate - (80 - < utilization 90)%. RNC_2275a HSPA DL user 1% 2% HSPA DL user utilization distribution rate - (90 - HSxPA utilization 100)% provides information about the percentage of processing set distribution rate . measured events for HSPA downlink traffic. measured events for HSPA uplink traffic. RNC_2270a HSPA UL user . which utilization - (90 - < 100) [%] indicate that the Channel Elements Usage Ratio HSPA users was between 80 and 100% of the existing DL resources. RNC_2263a DL CE R99 utilization distribution rate - (90 - < 100)% provides information about the percentage of DL CE R99 measured events. was between 80% - 90% of existing resources. RNC_2276a HSPA DL user . 0% HSPA DL user utilization distribution rate - 100% utilization provides information about the percentage of distribution rate . which utilization - (90 - < 100) [%] indicate that the Channel Elements Usage Ratio HSPA users was between 80 and 100% of the existing UL resources. RNC_5484a • DL: M5008C5. and the HW utilization (HSUPA) separately and the bigger average value out of them. R99 utilization Follow the total CE utilization. unit Description monitoring See the reactive counters in User plane capacity. R99 CE utilization Follow the total CE utilization. CSoHSPA.2) HSxPA users utilization. Follow the average R99 CE utilization in the uplink and downlink with the following counters: • UL: M5008C8. Baseband pooling in use: 1. These KPIs measure the number of users. Instead. 4. and so on. a) HSxPA throughput utilization Issue: 03I DN0972569 49 . 2. RNC_2263a The sampling interval (95 seconds) used in the utilization KPIs might not capture the sharp load peaks. with the following KPIs: • UL: RNC_2256a. there are separate counters/KPIs for 2. processing set MAC-es throughput utilization . Analyses Use the RNC_5415a KPI to follow the utilization ratio of the total licensed HW on the BTS level. in the uplink and downlink. Reactive Counter/KPI Name.1) HSxPA throughput and 2. The HW is consumed by Rel99. common channels. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Table 19 Baseband capacity monitoring (Cont. processing set throughput [kbit/s] utilization - HSPA throughput DL 3. RNC_2263a The sampling interval (5 seconds) used in the utilization KPIs might not capture the sharp load peaks. HSUPA. Note that this KPI must be analyzed in conjunction with the Rel99 CE and HSxPA processing set utilization counters and KPIs to determine the specific area of the bottleneck. RNC_2257a • DL: RNC_2262a.) HSxPA RNC_5485a HSUPA average 70% 80% Average HSUPA MAC-es throughput [kbit/s]. in the uplink and downlink with the following KPIs: • UL: RNC_2256a. throughput. RNC_2257a • DL: RNC_2262a. HSxPA processing set utilization Average and maximum HSDPA processing set utilization (%) is monitored proactively by RNC_5407a and RNC5405a KPIs. HSxPA processing set utilization There are no specific counters/KPIs for HSxPA processing set utilization on the LCG level. RNC_5483a 2. Baseband pooling not in use: 1. [kbit/s] HSPA throughput UL HSxPA RNC_1455b HSDPA MAC-hs 70% 80% Average HSUPA Mac-hs throughput [kbit/s]. HSDPA. and the same for HSUPA processing set utilization (5) is monitored by RNC_5408a and RNC_5406a KPIs. In the case of no license and HW limitations. • provides a kbit/s and not a percentage (%) value like given for the threshold(s) – the licensed/commissioned throughput level must be obtained separately – after that. they must be separately summed up to LCG level. 4. Increase the R99 CE licenses if it is allowed by the installed HW.2 BTS control plane capacity The control plane at the BTS refers to processing of C-NBAP and D-NBAP messages. Upgrade Checking the licensed level of HW resources: In case there is a need to license more HW resources. Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 19 Baseband capacity monitoring (Cont. in the uplink and downlink. follow the steps found in BTS user plane capacity. follow the steps found in BTS user plane capacity. HSxPA processing set utilization: See overload instructions for BTS user plane capacity. Overload On nearing the 100% utilization level. In the case of no license and HW limitations. The system uses C-NBAP for the initial radio link (RL) setup signaling between RNC and BTS common channel measurements. there could be degradation in quality or rejection of service requests for the Rel99 and/or HSxPA. the System Module represents the MCU. RNC_2276a The sampling interval (5 seconds) used in the utilization KPIs might not capture the sharp load peaks. In the Flexi BTS. RNC_2270a • DL: RNC_2274a. 3. KPI RNC_5415a indicates the current percentage of the already licensed HW resources. RNC_2275a. Expand the capacity by installing a second system module in the Flexi BTS. 6. 2. The master control unit (MCU) processes the control plane. depending on which license is reaching the threshold. the percentage (%) value is obtained (measured kbit/s/licensed kbit/s) b) HSxPA user utilization Follow the total HSxPA user utilization. 3. RL additions. R99 CE utilization: See overload instructions for BTS user plane capacity. Possible upgrade actions: HSxPA capacity upgrade need 1. therefore. Expand the capacity by installing a second system module in the Flexi BTS. in the uplink and downlink. and deletions. Possible upgrade actions: R99 CE upgrade need 1. The system uses D-NBAP for signaling of the RL re-configurations. RNC_2269a.) Follow the HSxPA throughput utilization. 2. The MCUs 50 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . with the following KPIs: • UL: RNC_5485a • DL: RNC_1455b The counters/KPIs • are on a cell level. Increase the HSDPA/HSUPA processing set licenses if it is allowed by the installed HW. 5. with the following KPIs: • UL: RNC_2268a. BTS rejections setups due to congestion [#] Radio Link M1001C4 RRC setup The number of RRC setup failures caused by BTS or Iub overload Capacity . 2. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. and common (radio- technology-independent) support functions. unit Description monitoring Radio Link M5004C0 Number of Number of rejected radio link setup requests because of congestion Capacity . Peak radio link setup messages handled per setups per FSME) second. Therefore. FSMD) 70 RL/s (FSMF + 2xFBBA) Radio Link M5004C3 Average RL 500 ms . where the handled setups are those Capacity - second [#] that have not been rejected because of Attempts 22 RL/s (1 congestion. Delays queuing time [ms] 3. Iub overload The Service Level measurement (M1001) and RRC Signaling measurement (M1006) measures different protection Iub Overload Protection scenarios on WCELL level. Table 20 BTS control plane capacity 1. rejected RL on the MCU (signaling load too high). setup message queuing time before handled. hardware management. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. The given targets for the use cases below are based on the measured field experience from smart phone dominant environment as explained in the analyses part of Table 20: BTS control plane capacity. Average radio link setup request message Capacity . g The signaling capacity of the BTS Control Plane depends heavily on the traffic profile that is the assumed call mix produced by the different types of subscribers. there is a load on the MCU. failures due to control. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag Radio Link M5004C1 Peak RL 56 RL/s (2 . capacity item Radio link The signaling load in the WBTS measurement (M5004) measures the radio link capacity on the WBTS capacity level. even if the user traffic is not processed by the WBTS. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity also have other tasks related to O&M. Monitored Monitored capacity item description. RNC BTS reasons rejections [#] Issue: 03I DN0972569 51 . there is a need to setup a service on the Dedicated or Shared channel. 5. and the BTS CE capacity. If BTS C-plane capacity problems are suspected. The impact of the load that limits the network might vary. This is an indication that BTS control plane processor load is reaching maximum. Similarly. 2. for example: • UEs might lose the coverage. The given threshold is 40% above the upper boundary. the BTS having capacity equivalent to FSMF + 2xFBBA in used should not have more than 70 RL/s (usual high load conditions is between 38-50 peak RL/s). Radio link setup load in WBTS The RL setup message was selected to represent the BTS control plane load. The RNC does not send anymore RL setup messages to BTS. Target setting note: In normal high-load operating conditions. Therefore. The message queuing time adds to the RL setup time. verify if BTS control plane capacity is really the bottleneck. The load is available with the M5004C1 Peak RL setups per second counter. 5. but a value above 500 ms should be observed closely. Service Reject due to Capacity . In this case. The RNC does not send any RL setup messages to BTS in this overload condition. Iub overload RNC control rejections 4. The maximum queuing time is 3000 ms.) Common M1006C203 RRC The number of RRC connection rejections because of Iub overload Channel Connection control. 3. values of 56 RL/s or higher for peak RL setups per second indicate increased control plane traffic which can be an indication of capacity limitations at the user plane. Rejected RRC setups due to BTS reasons The counter records Radio Link rejections because of Iub overload detected in RNC or rejections by BTS (M1001C4). Congestion of these causes overload at the BTS control plane. the BTS having capacity equivalent to 1 FSMD in used should not have more than 22 RLs/s (usual high load condition is between 8-16 RL/s). 4. that is. BTS control plane overload is seen as a high value of rejected RL setups. In particular. there will be some overlapping between the usage of this counter and with M5004C0. Rejected RL setups due to congestion This counter points out the lack of control-plane capacity proactively. and thus the end-user experience. Analyses 1. See the WBTS product documentation for details on the maximum values of each BTS variant. not all RL setup rejections will be recorded in the primary BTS RL Capacity counter (M5004C0). But RNC will reject the operation in the RRC Connection setup phase. there is a need to setup a service on the Dedicated or Shared channel. Overload The BTS and/or RNC should limit the load during overload by rejecting radio link setups. RL setup message queuing time An increase in the RL setup message queuing time indicates that the BTS control plane cannot process all incoming messages immediately. Rejected RRC setups due to Iub overload control The counter records RRC Connection setup rejections because of the Iub overload detected in RNC. retries of the location update with the registration cause might occur. the BTS should not have more than 30- 40 peak RL setups per second for the BTS having capacity equivalent to 2FSMEs in use. after that. check the air interface. This case is transparent to BTS but the user will experience service degradation. Similarly. g As the M1001C4 includes also BTS related rejections. 52 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . In this case. Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 20 BTS control plane capacity (Cont. The number of rejected RL setups because of congestion increases sharply when the BTS reaches the signaling capacity limits and starts to reject new setups. Activate the RAN2136: Fast dormancy feature for smart phone dominant networks where signaling traffic is high. and the BTS maximum throughput capacity depends on activated features. 3. • The AMR allocation duration per call might become extremely low (a few seconds) because of the overload. Increase the R99 CE/HSxPA processing set licenses if it is allowed by the installed HW. In addition. 2. check the DCH initial bitrate and TBO and EPBP parameterization in RNC. 6. the CE resource usage in BTS for DCH bearer could be optimized so that the DCH bearers do not consume BTS CE resources inefficiently: – Tuning of TBO settings so that RNC downgrades inefficiently used DCH radio bearers’ bit rate fast enough.<isn’t it RU40 feature?> 6.) • The number of radio link setups can increase exponentially. In case of lack of CE resources causing overload in BTS. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Table 20 BTS control plane capacity (Cont. if there are any active. • With TBO (Throughput-Based Optimization) and EPBP (Enhanced Priority-Based Scheduling) parameterization.3 BTS user plane capacity BTS throughput capacity The maximum throughput supported by an HSDPA scheduler is 252 Mbps. Make sure that the C-NBAP bandwidth is sufficient (see KPIs found in IP-based route: IFC enabled and ATM virtual channel - CBR) and the reporting common measurement reporting period is not exhausting the C-NBAP. and the HSDPA scheduler throughput commissioned. 4. RNC downgrades existing users to accommodate for the new entrants. optimize the antenna placements to avoid fragmented cell coverage and black spots. Note that the subscriber also might try to connect repeatedly. Note that one System Module can have a maximum of two schedulers shared by all LCGs. because of repeated UE attempts to connect to the network. 2. 5. Disable the BTS load-limiting functions in RNC. BTS user capacity Issue: 03I DN0972569 53 . Add new hardware. – Tuning of EBBP settings so that in case of DCH congestion. Upgrade Possible upgrade actions: Control plane capacity improvement without license/HW upgrade 1. Activate the RAN1797: Common Channel Setup feature (see Activating RAN1797: Common Channel Setup) that reduces connection setup signaling and the users in Cell_DCH state. Activate RAN1644: Continuous Packet Connectivity feature (see Activating RAN1644: Continuous packet connectivity). Make sure that the user plane and feature licensing does not impose limitations that will be reflected in the control-plane overload. 4. number and types of HSDPA processing sets. Control plane capacity improvement with license/HW upgrade 1. there are two schedulers. and channel reconfigurations. The capacity of the downlink cell dedicated device in FSMC/D/E depends heavily on the downlink traffic profile. Table 21 BTS user plane capacity 1. With simplified AMR (voice only traffic profile) the commonly used target is roughly 80 AMR users per cell. new users (downlink channels) are no longer accepted in the cell by the BTS. this kind of congestion is not applicable due to different HW architectures. which means that comprehensive capacity target definition is very difficult in all possible traffic profile cases. for a 12-cell configuration. This happens if the RNC parameter has a higher value than what is allowed in the BTS (based on the HSUPA scheduler capacity). BTS cell level baseband capacity during mass events In FSMC/D/E. not the shared HS-PDSCH channel) of one cell are transmitted through one device. g In RNC. and the number and type of HSDPA processing sets. capacity 54 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . this means that a maximum total capacity of 2 * 480 users if there are two system modules in use. Note that the schedulers are shared across LCGs where the TCELL grouping is done to configure the cells to the schedulers. This downlink cell dedicated device might get congested when high amount of downlink channels are allocated to a single cell. all downlink channels (common and dedicated channels. The BTS-specific capacity does not represent the sum of the cells. Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity The cell connectivity is the number of subscribers connected to the BTS and the cell. Congestion might happen during mass events especially when admission-control-limits-related parameters (for example PrxMaxTargetBTS or PrxTarget ) for the cell are significantly increased from typical default values. radio interface or CE capacity limits the number of REL99 users. and this also depends on the activated features. Note that one system module can have a maximum of two schedulers shared by all LCGs. the maximum HSDPA users supported is 480. For more information. When congestion happens. There is a MaxNumberHSDPAUsers parameter. There is a limited number of HSUPA users per WBTS. such as the number of physical channels. spreading factors. The REL99 does not have any connectivity limits at the BTS. The maximum number of HSDPA users supported by the scheduler is 240. The number of local cell groups per BTS is limited to four. there is a parameter MaxNumberEDCHLCG that needs to be set according to the HSUPA scheduler limitation in order to avoid unnecessary HSUPA rejections. and one scheduler serves a maximum of cells. depending on the WBTS configuration and the HSUPA features that are enabled in the WBTS. Monitored Monitored capacity item description capacity item HSxPA The WBTS level monitoring (M5008) measurement measures HSxPA throughput capacity on the WBTS throughput level. see Dimensioning WCDMA RAN: Flexi BTS Baseband. On the BTS level. which might also limit some other numbers on the cell level. In FSMF. So. users The Cell Resource (M1000) measurement measures number of HSxPA users on the WCELL level. due to BTS HSxPA The Traffic (M1002) measurement measures different HSxPA failure reasons on the WCELL level. but the BTS HW shortage might cause the throughput to be lower than expected. setup failures Number of The WBTS level monitoring (M5008) measurement measures the number/licensed number of HSxPA users HSxPA on the WBTS level. the RNC sets up the E-DCH. Issue: 03I DN0972569 55 . HSUPA HW M1000C269 BTS HSUPA 36s 180s This counter indicates - limited HW limited the amount of time in duration duration [s] which the BTS local cell HW pool (where this cell belongs) is in HSUPA HW-limited state during the measurement period. limited durations Cell The L3 Signaling at Iub (M1005) measurement measures different RL congestion reasons on the WCELL congestion level. throughput utilization RNC_5402a Average Average HSUPA HSUPA throughput utilization throughput 70% 80% ratio per BTS in IHSPA_5402a utilization ratio reference to maximum [%] licensed throughput. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. In this state. The same counter value is updated for all HSUPA- enabled cells in the local cell group. 2. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5401a Average Average HSDPA HSDPA throughput utilization throughput 70% 80% ratio per BTS in IHSPA_5409a utilization ratio reference to maximum HSxPA [%] licensed throughput. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Table 21 BTS user plane capacity (Cont.) HSUPA HW The Cell Resource (M1000) measurement measures different HSUPA HW limitations on the WCELL level. Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 21 BTS user plane capacity (Cont. per cell [#] 56 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . 100% in reference to IHSPA_5399a utilization ratio maximum licensed per BTS [%] users. 100% in reference to IHSPA_5398a utilization ratio maximum licensed Number of per BTS [%] users. The target value WCELL depends on the number of HSDPA Average users enabled in the number of cell. per cell [#] RNC_1036b Average Average number of number of simultaneous HSUPA simultaneous 70% - users in the target IHSPA_1036a HSUPA users object. RNC_5399a Maximum number of Maximum HSUPA users number of utilization ratio per BTS HSUPA users . HSxPA users per WBTS RNC_5404a Average number of Average HSUPA users number of utilization ratio per BTS HSUPA users 70% 80% in reference to IHSPA_5404a utilization ratio maximum licensed per BTS [%] users. 100% and dual cell HSDPA IHSPA_1036a HSDPA users users. Number of RNC_645c Includes both single HSxPA and dual cell HSDPA users per users.) RNC_5403a Average 70% 80% Average number of number of HSDPA users HSDPA users utilization ratio per BTS utilization ratio in reference to IHSPA_5403a per BTS [%] maximum licensed users. RNC_1686a Maximum number of Includes both single simultaneous . RNC_5398a Maximum number of Maximum HSDPA users number of utilization ratio per BTS HSDPA users . simultaneous 70% - IHSPA_645a HSDPA users The target per cell [#] percentages should be g proportional to the maximum supported number of users. number of users. per cell [#] 3. background and streaming [%] class connections. HSUPA HW. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Table 21 BTS user plane capacity (Cont. percentages IHSPA_1726a to BTS [%] setup should be failures - due to resource RNC_956d g proportional to the maximum E-DCH Setup The percentage of the E-DCH setup failures due to shortage supported FR due to BTS BTS for interactive.M1000C270 BTS HSUPA This counter indicates the amount of time in which limited HW no the BTS local cell group HW pool (where this cell durations capacity belongs) is in the HSUPA HW-limited state during duration [s] the measurement period. background and streaming class [%] connections. The target HSxPA failure rate due for streaming traffic class. because BTS has reported to have no capacity available for E-DCH. RNC_660d DCH selected Congestion because of too many allocated users - due to too ratio of allocation requests that are directed to DCH many HSDPA (because of too many HSDPA users) over all IHSPA_660a users [%] HSDPA allocations. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. IHSPA_673b BTS [%] RNC_1726a Streaming HSDPA Setup HSDPA setup failure ratio because of BTS failures. HSxPA setup failures - due RNC_968c Percentage of unavailable E-DCH uplink transport to exceeded UL DCH channel for interactive. unit Description monitoring RNC_673d HSDPA Access failure HSDPA access failure rate because of BTS- rate due to originated reason. 100% simultaneous HSUPA IHSPA_1687a HSUPA users users per cell.) RNC_1687a Maximum number of Maximum number of simultaneous . RNc_957d E-DCH Not The percentage of times when E-DCH uplink Selected due transport channel cannot be selected in this cell for to BTS HW interactive. background and streaming number of selected due class connections because of maximum amount of users to too many E-DCH users in the cell exceed the limit defined by IHSPA_968b HSUPA users MaxNuberEDCHCell or the number of E-DCH [%] users in local cell group exceed MaxNumberEDCHLCG. In this state. the RNC Issue: 03I DN0972569 57 . Cell M1005C179 This counter The number of radio link setup failures for the first Congestion indicates the radio link due to miscellaneous cause. HSxPA users per BTS The given KPIs show directly the user resource utilization rates. 6. The system updates all M1000 counters for the primary cell of the CD-HSDPA connection. The number of HSDPA users on the cell level. the exceeded number of users means the cases when RNC sees that there are more users than allowed on WCELL level. is monitored with a KPI based on the cell resource measurement (M1000). therefore. HSxPA throughput utilization The given KPIs show directly the HSxPA throughput utilization rates. Note that the Dual Cell HSDPA required more resources (approximately twofold compared to single cell users. Note that the Dual Cell HSDPA required more resources (approximately twofold) compared to single cell users. or on the primary cell. g These KPIs show low values every time there are more licensed than the available HW. Analyses 1. number of RL can be established either in the RRC connection dedicated SETUP FAIL setup or state transition to CELL_DCH. HSUPA HW-limited durations 58 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . Note that here. The first link due to BTS. The system does not update counters for the secondary cell. 2.) does not set up the E-DCH. RNC_956d and RNC957d)) because of maximum users or throughput limitations reactively to give an indication of the capacity problem if the proactive counters are not capturing sharp load peaks. the exceeded number of users means the cases when BTS sees that there are more users than allowed on BTS and/or LCG level. to give an indication of the capacity problem if the proactive counters are not capturing sharp load peaks. Parameters define the maximum values of counters for HSDPA users on the BTS and cell level. Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 21 BTS user plane capacity (Cont. device FOR FIRST RL DUE TO MISC CAUSE 4. HSDPA and HSUPA setup failures a) Because of resource shortage Use the HSDPA and HSUPA setup failures (KPIs RNC_673d. HSUPA users per cell Use the maximum number of simultaneous HSUPA users per cell and the average number of simultaneous HSUPA users per cell to see when the maximum number of users is approaching the limit in a cell. g For the maximum HSUPA user amount per configuration. The user is able to count the Dual Carrier HSDPA users with the HSDPA in WBTS measurement (M5000). 3. b) Because of exceeded number of users Use the HSDPA and HSUPA setup failures (KPIs RNC_660d and RNC_968c) because of exceeded number of users reactively. HSDPA users per cell Use the maximum number of simultaneous HSDPA users per cell and the average number of simultaneous HSDPA users per cell to see when the maximum number of users is approaching the limit in a cell. see the BTS baseband dimensioning guideline. 5. The user is able to see the DC HSDPA user in both cells. the user can use the counters proactively. The same counter value is updated for all HSUPA-enabled cells in the local cell group. forming a dual cell pair. Note that here. RNC_1726a. 4. 3. Whether this unspecified counter is the real reason of the M1005C179 counter updates. It is therefore an indication that better throughputs could be given to the UE with additional HW. 2. Note that this counter also captures other failure reasons other than cell dedicated device related ones. 2. 7. A high signaling rejection rate occurs because of insufficient channel elements for signaling. or because the base station could not handle the signaling load. follow the steps found in Baseband capacity monitoring. the HSUPA throughput is affected and eventually new HSUPA users are blocked. and by tuning the SHO overhead for the NRT traffic. the throughput-based optimization and flexible upgrade features are be activated for the HSDPA return channel with the DynUsageHSDPAReturnChannel parameter. 5. • The M1000C270 counter is used as a reactive measure indicating the duration of no HSUPA HW capacity and thus no more HSUPA UEs are allocated as long as this state consists. 5. BTS congestion Use the RL setup failure counter to determine if there is a significant number of RL rejections because of congestion in the cell-dedicated-device realted during the measurement period. Activate RAN1201: Fractional DPCH (see Activating RAN1201: Fractional DPCH). See BTS control plane capacity for further analysis. In the case of license or HW upgrade need. Enable priority-based scheduling to downgrade users in case of congestion. • The M1000C269 (BTS HSUPA HW-limited duration) counter indicates that the BTS may need to limit throughputs of HSUPA UEs. Nokia BTS uses unspecified cause to indicate RL rejection of the congestion in the cell dedicated device.) Use the HSUPA HW-limited counters to determine if there has been limitations/lack of HW resources in processing sets for HSUPA during the measurement period.443). Issue: 03I DN0972569 59 . wait and guard timers. Overload 1. HSUPA user throughput capacity The lack of processing set resources for HSUPA leads to overload. and by tuning the SHO overhead for the NRT traffic. Possible upgrade actions: HSxPA throughput capacity improvement without license/HW upgrade 1. Use R99 resources efficiently by tuning CELL-FACH and CELL_DCH parameters (FACH/DCH inactivity timers. Upgrade Possible upgrade actions: R99 CE throughput capacity improvement without license/HW upgrade 1. wait and guard timers. With more overload. Enable the RAN1013: 16 kbit/s Return Channel DCH Data Rate Support for HSDPA feature. At this state the BTS gives the UE a minimum allocation of ~32kbps with an access to a peak data rate of ~384kbps. 2. A miscellaneous cause that updates the counter for any cause that is specified in NBAP specification (TS 25. 6. and so on. When 16 kbit/s is activated. the root cause can be analyzed other than counter means. Use R99 resources more efficiently by tuning CELL_FACH and CELL_DCH parameters (FACH/DCH inactivity timers. Enable the RAN395: Enhanced Priority Based Scheduling and Overload Control for NRT Traffic feature to downgrade users in case of congestion. R99 CE throughput capacity improvement with license/HW upgrade 1. 4. Mass event handling During BTS congestion. the RNC allocates an R99 connection instead. which improves the efficient use of HSDPA radio resources.). 3. and so on). new users (downlink channels) are no longer accepted in the cell by the BTS. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Table 21 BTS user plane capacity (Cont. HSDPA user capacity If the maximum number of HSDPA users has exceeded on the cell or BTS level. Activate the RAN1797: Common Channel Setup feature (see Activating RAN1797: Common Channel Setup). Possible upgrade actions: HSxPA user capacity improvement without license/HW upgrade 1. Activate RAN2879: Mass Event Handler feature to improve the networks' access during the mass event and to decrease the UL load caused by the sequential service requests. • Therefore. With this feature. the idle timer in Cell_DCH state is extended.) 6. follow the steps found in Baseband capacity monitoring. 3. Reconfigure the TCELL (if possible) to completely utilize the available HSDPA schedulers. this might be a problem if there are lots of laptops in the network that stays in CELL_DCH state all the time because of this feature and thus. occupying all the time the needed resources of one user. The key points to be noted are: • This is beneficial mostly for Control Plane capacity (see BTS control plane capacity/Upgrade instructions) • For baseband/HW capacity point of view. Multiradio Flexi BTS WCDMA capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 21 BTS user plane capacity (Cont. In the case of license or HW upgrade need. Activate RU30 feature RAN1637: High Speed Cell_FACH DLfor low capacity service needs. 2. HSxPA throughput capacity improvement with license/HW upgrade 1. follow the steps found in Baseband capacity monitoring. HSxPA user capacity improvement with license/HW upgrade 1. 60 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . Make sure that there are enough RNC licenses for the cell level capacity. which saves processing set resources as there are no additional reservations for DCH setups. the setting of the idle timer in CELL_DCH state needs to be tuned taking both baseband and control plane capacity into account. Do not use the default timer value (90 seconds) when the control plane capacity is sufficient even with a shorter value. In the case of license or HW upgrade need. The number of HSPA allocations is decreased when larger number of polling and web downloads occur when the UE is already in Cell_DCH state. 7. 8. Activate RAN1644: Continuous Packet Connectivity feature (see Activating RAN1644: Continuous packet connectivity) and optimize the Cell-DCH timer value. Add more LCGs if possible. mcRNC and Flexi Direct common and specific capacity issues. RNC control plane protocol processing concentrates on dedicated units. RNC control plane load factor. Hence. - 4. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity 5 RNC capacity This chapter covers IPA-RNC. 3. unit Description monitoring . the control plane monitoring is covered by the unit load monitoring. . Monitored RNC control plane load index capacity item The following RNC control plane load index KPI is meant to be used as normalization factor or capacity planning. They are not used on their own. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC control RNC_5234a Controller . . The user is able to follow the RNC capacity by monitoring the following capacity items. 2. Figure 14 RNC capacity RNC Capacity Control plane User plane Connectivity Units Capacity Voice Data User RNC DMCU / Carriers Planning Capacity Capacity Capacity USPU Fill Unit Loads and sites Factor 5. Reactive Counter/KPI Name.1. Single or [event/s] Multi RAB service setup.1 RNC control plane capacity 5. Each capacity item should be monitored separately.1 RNC control plane index Table 22 RNC control plane load index 1. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. transport channel setup and maintenance (including channel type switches. as a sum plane load control plane of relevant control plane events for RAN index load factor services: SRB service setup. like ICSU. Analyses See RNC Capacity Planning Proactive management / Controller Capacity Upgrade Planning Issue: 03I DN0972569 61 . HSPA serving cell changes). However. 3. ERL license is mandatory. Upgrade See RNC Capacity Planning Proactive management / Controller Capacity Upgrade Planning 5.) 5. other capacity bottlenecks might be limiting before the maximum number of RRC-connected users is reached. When you use anchoring. 4. Samples are averaged over a longer period. When you use anchoring. If the UE is in a soft handover state. that is the customers are charged according to the throughput consumption. However. Data capacity Even if the licensed PS data throughput covers Iub. The RNC periodically calculates the number of simultaneous AMR RABs. Iur traffic. The Flexi Direct RNC periodically calculates the amount of bytes in the GTP packets received on each Iu-PS interface. In Flexi Direct hardware configuration. on reaching this target value. only the anchoring Flexi Direct RNC calculates the AMR RAB. In Flexi Direct RNC. the total available hardware capacity is free to be used for CS services. 2. Voice capacity In RNC2600 and mcRNC. If the UE is in a soft handover state during the AMR RAB establishment. The Flexi Direct RNC periodically calculates the average and maximum number of simultaneous AMR RABs. There is no averaging applied. This capacity defines the maximum number of simultaneous AMR RABs. HW configuration. RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 22 RNC control plane load index (Cont. Overload See RNC Capacity Planning Proactive management / Controller Capacity Upgrade Planning 6. The user plane fill factor covers two aspects: the overall traffic in the RNC. The RNC calculates periodically the amount of bytes in the GTP packets received on each Iu-PS interface. and the number of ongoing voice calls. only the serving Flexi Direct RNC counts it as one AMR RAB. only the anchor RNC calculates AMR RAB. Throughput limiting will be applied by Flexi Direct RNC. it might not establish AMR Radio Access Bearers (RABs). the system performs measurement on the Iu-PS interface. the Iu-PS capacity licensing is trust-based. The PS throughput on the Iub is factored by adding the FP header overhead factor (11%) to the measured GTP throughput. there is maximum supported CS capacity (Erlangs) defined in the product descriptions. the user plane fill factor that sets the limit.2 RNC user plane capacity There are four main groups in the RNC user plane capacity: 1. the system performs the measurement on the Iu-PS interface. and the resulting throughput is changed to Mbit/s. RRC connected mode users The number of users in the RRC-connected states is limited to values that depend on the RNC capacity step. the AMR capacity 1. only SRNC counts it as one AMR RAB. If there is no valid AMR capacity 1 Erl license installed in RNC2600. 62 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . when the ARM RAB is established. Even if the PS data throughput covers Iub. In practice. User plane fill factor Regarding the user plane capacity of the RNC. The maximum target can be configured by the parameter RNFC-DLPSGTPDataThroughputMax. The system does not count the Iu-CS traffic. The AMR capacity defines the maximum number of simultaneous AMR radio access bearers. Samples are averaged over a longer period. or soft handover overhead of the PS data throughput. Licensed AMR failures due to which was exceeded for CS voice. The AMR simultaneous call distribution in capacity RNC_1774a) the licensed capacity. It shows the simultaneous percentage of AMR call distribution. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. This is the average number of AMR calls. This is the maximum number of AMR product description calls. or if AMR RABs are being blocked/pre-empted because of exceeding licensed capacity. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_1773a AMR licensed 40% (together with . The CS AMR usage can be monitored pro actively with the M802 counters. The AMR license usage is monitored pro actively with the license utilization KPIs. 3. In addition. M802C0 AMR_AVERA See Flexi Direct . Monitored Network voice capacity - IPA-RNC and mcRNC capacity item The number of simultaneous voice calls are under the RNC level license. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. The user sets the 3294 LICENCE CAPACITY WARNING and 3295 LICENCE CAPACITY EXCEEDED alarms to notify when the AMR capacity is close to the licensed capacity. call higher than 90% of licensed capacity distribution (occurrences compared to the total ratio >90% amount of distribution load occurrences). capacity RNC_1774a AMR licensed 20% . Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity 5.1 Voice capacity Table 23 Voice capacity 1. It shows the simultaneous percentage of AMR call distribution call between 80 and 90% of the licensed distribution capacity (occurrences compared to the ratio 80-90% total amount of distribution load Licensed AMR occurrences). see SW License Key Controlled IPA-RNC and mcRNC Capacity. unit Description monitoring M1001C619 RAB setup The number of RAB setup failures caused by the AMR capacity license. you can relatively monitor with the setup success KPIs and BHCA (see Access Network Stability). 2. Network voice capacity - Flexi Direct CS voice capacity is not licensed in Flexi Direct. Hard AMR GE product description capacity-Flexi Direct M802C1 AMR_MAX See Flexi Direct . The license violations is reactively monitored with the M1001C619 and M1001C620 counters. capacity license for CS Voice [#] Issue: 03I DN0972569 63 . For details.2. The AMR simultaneous call distribution in capacity the licensed capacity. RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 23 Voice capacity (Cont.) M1001C620 RAB active The number of RAB releases because of pre-emption caused by the releases due capacity license which, was exceeded for CS voice calls. Also the to license pre- M1001C144 RAB active releases because of pre-emption for CS voice emption for counter is updated along with this counter. CS voice [#] 4. Analysis Licensed AMR capacity If there are more than 40% of all occurrences in either of the given KPIs, and/or more than 20% in the RNC_1774a, the AMR capacity license needs to be updated. The reactive KPIs monitor how often RNC takes license-related overload actions. Hard AMR capacity The maximum and average CS AMR erlangs (M802C0 and M802C1) should be compared against the defined maximum target in the product descriptions. For example, when the Flexi Direct RNC is serving only CS services at any point, it should be able to reach the defined maximum Erlangs, with no limitations imposed by the HW. 5. Overload Licensed AMR capacity When the number of AMR RABs is greater than the licensed capacity, the RNC does not admit new AMR RABs until the amount decreases below the licensed limit. Overload is allowed and a hysteresis between starting and stopping the AMR limiting is used. Pre-emption is used, that is, the AMR RABs with higher priority might pre-empt the low-priority ones when the licensed capacity has exceeded. The RNC will admit emergency calls even if the amount of AMR RAB is limited because of the AMR capacity 1 Erl license. 6. Upgrade IPA-RAN/mcRNC In case of upgrade need, more AMR capacity can be licensed. Flexi Direct Maximum capacity is available without license restrictions. 5.2.2 Data capacity Table 24 Data capacity 1. Monitored Network data capacity - IPA-RNC and mcRNC capacity item There are two different cases to take into account: • licensed data capacity • hard data capacity The RAN monitors: • throughput utilization levels of interfaces that need a license, that is, Iub • the load of the Iu-PS interface (for the hard capacity case) The user is able to monitor the utilization on the Iu-PS licensed capacity pro actively with the RNC_1771a and RNC_1772a KPIs. There is a reactive RNC_1770a KPI, which reacts when the throughput exceeds the licensed capacity (and the rate limitation is active). 64 DN0972569 Issue: 03I Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Table 24 Data capacity (Cont.) The user is able to use the 3294 LICENCE CAPACITY WARNING alarm to notify that Iub PS data throughput is close to the licensed capacity, and the 3295 LICENCE CAPACITY EXCEEDED alarm to notify that system drops the PS data packets because of exceeding the licensed capacity. For details, see SW License Key Controlled RNC Capacity. Network data capacity - Flexi Direct Flexi Direct uses the trust-based licensing to control the average PS data throughput supported. You can monitor the average utilization of the Iu-PS capacity pro actively with the IHSPA_1873a and the peak utilization by IHSPA_5041b KPIs. There is no licensing applied on Iu-PS throughput utilizations but the capacity limit is defined by the RNW-parameter RNFC->DLPSGTPDataThroughputMax. 2. Proactive Counter/KPI Name, unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_1771a Iub-PS licensed 40% (together - Throughput distribution ratio of the Iub-PS capacity with licensed capacity. It shows the percentage of throughput RNC_1772a) throughput distribution, between 80 and 90% distribution ratio of the licensed capacity (occurrences - 80-90% compared to the total amount of distribution load occurrences). Licensed data capacity RNC_1772a Iub-PS licensed 20% - Throughput distribution ratio of the Iub-PS capacity licensed capacity. It shows the percentage of throughput throughput distribution, higher than 90% of distribution ratio the licensed capacity (occurrences compared >90% to the total amount of distribution load occurrences). IHSPA_1873a Iu-PS average See Flexi - This is Iu-PS average throughput downlink throughput Direct product direction. downlink description [Kbits/s] Hard data IHSPA_5041b Iu-PS peak - - This is peak Iu-PS throughput calls in one capacity throughput Flexi Direct RNC over the reporting period. [Mbits/s] RNC_5021b Iu-PS peak 90% - Iu-PS peak load in downlink direction throughput downlink [kbps] 3. Reactive Counter/KPI Name, unit Description monitoring RNC_1770a Iu-PS The percentage of time when the Iu-PS throughput was over the throughput over licensed capacity, and as a result, the rate limitation was active. licensed capacity [%] 4. Analysis Licensed data capacity If there are more than 40% of all occurrences in either of the given KPIs and/or more than 20% in the RNC_1772a, the Iu-PS capacity license, needs to be updated. Hard data capacity Issue: 03I DN0972569 65 RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 24 Data capacity (Cont.) Iu-PS average throughput must be compared to the peak throughput capacity in RNC. If the threshold is exceeded, there might be an overload in the access network regarding the monitored RNC. The capacity is dependent on the available interface capacity, that is, used RNC capacity step; for more information, see the RNC product description (RNC196 Product Description, RNC450 Product Description, RNC2600 Product Description, mcRNC Product Description ). 5. Overload Licensed data capacity When the throughput is higher than the licensed capacity, the RNC starts to limit the downlink PS throughput on each Iu-PS interface. The throughput is limited by dropping a small percentage of the GTP packets. If PS data throughput remains over the licensed capacity, the RNC increases the packet dropping percentage. 6. Upgrade Licensed data capacity Upgrade Iub PS throughput license. Flexi Direct Maximum capacity is available without license restrictions. 5.2.3 RNC user plane fill factor The RNC user plane fill factor represents the RNC user plane capacity at a high level. The RNC user plane fill factor, for simplicity, considers two types of traffic such as CS voice data, and PS data. The sum of the relative loads of both traffic types has to be less than or equal to one. The relative load is a result of dividing the measured traffic by the maximum allowed traffic for each traffic type. Table 25 RNC user plane fill factor 1. Monitored RNC user plane fill factor capacity item The RNC user plane fill factor compares the measured Iu-PS throughput and AMR Erlangs with the stated RNC capacity. In Flexi Direct, the capacity licensing is not introduced for both CS and PS capacities. The approach to be followed is a trust-based licensing/pricing. Thus the maximum CS/PS capacity is limited only by the hardware limitation. Look for the product descriptions and the specific configurations (peak rate features, BTS capacity licenses, and so on) if any to determine the maximum capacity in a particular network. For Flexi Direct RNC, the user plane fill factor can be calculated as follows: Flexi Direct RNC user plane fill factor = (IuPS throughput/Max IUPS throughput + CS Erl/Max CS Erl)*100% where Max IuPS throughput = The maximum IuPS user plane capacity available in the network (to be determined manually). Max CS Erl = The maximum IuCS user capacity available in the network (to be determined manually). IuPS throughput = M802C8CS Erl = IHSPA_280a g The stated RNC capacity is based on the Nokia Solutions and Networks traffic model, which is specified in the RNC documents (for more information, see RNC196 Product Description, RNC450 Product Description, RNC2600 Product Description, mcRNC Product Description ). Also, actual traffic characteristics might differ from the Nokia Solutions and Networks traffic model in each network, because the Nokia Solutions and Networks traffic model is reflecting an average of multiple Nokia Solutions and Networks customers’ networks. Therefore, the indicator might not be precise in all the networks. 66 DN0972569 Issue: 03I however. 6. M609C4 DSP_SERVICE FAIL_RES_MODIFY [#] The number of DSP resource modification failures. Overload The RNC overload control should limit the incoming traffic. it is recommended to start the capacity extension planning when the fill factor consistently reaches 100% level. Analyses DSP failures and PS setup failure rate The user should follow the DSP resource allocation and modification failures together with the pro-active indicator. This is the average Iu-PS throughput in _AVERAGE descriptions downlink direction from the core network to the Flexi Direct RNC.) 2. Therefore. streaming and background traffic class. 4. See cRNC DSP capacity for calls or mcRNC DSP capacity for calls. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag Traffic fill factor RNC_5204a RNC user < 70% . not the GTP - Flexi Direct header. The formula takes into account the measurement of the soft handover at the Iub. Note that the Flexi Direct RNC control plane might be limiting. The Flexi Direct RNC overload control should limit the incoming traffic. 3. This is CS Erlang. unit Description monitoring M609C3 DSP_SERVICE_FAIL_RES_ALLOC [#] The number of DSP resource allocation failures. IHSPA_280a Average CS See Flexi Direct product . Packet session RNC_1080b Packet call setup failure rate due to lack Packet call setup failure rate because of lack setup failures of user plane processing resources [%] of user plane processing resources for interactive. depending on the traffic mix. 5. The user plane fill factor might show values from 40 to 100%. meaning the CS Erlang (Erl) description RAB holding time. since the DSP CPU load might not capture sharp peaks and RNC user plane fill factor might still hide other capacity bottlenecks. Before upgrading. Upgrade The RNC user plane resources are partitioned into pools. It Traffic fill factor includes only user data. the control plane might limit the throughput. There is no resource pooling available in Flexi Direct RNC. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. Issue: 03I DN0972569 67 . M802C8 IU_PS_THR See Flexi Direct product . The RNC user plane fill factor plane fill compares the measured Iu-PS factor [%] throughput and AMR Erlangs with the stated RNC capacity. it is recommended to analyze the pool to see if it is possible to repartition them. it is recommended to start the capacity extension planning when the fill factor reaches 70%. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Table 25 RNC user plane fill factor (Cont. Therefore. Flexi Direct RNC user plane fill factor takes into account the user plane capacity of the Flexi Direct RNC. like suboptimal DSP pool configuration. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. The average number of users in ELL_PCH [#] product Cell-PCH state in the RNC description during the measurement period. The peak number of RRC mode users number of RRC product connected mode users in the connected description RNC (all states) during the mode users measurement period. RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity 5. The current limits are: • Cell_DCH state: 500 users • Cell_FACH state: 150 users 68 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . This is the sum of peak RRC connected product connected mode users divided mode users per description by the number of active IADAs. RRC connected M802C20 AVE_USERS_C See Flexi Direct . For example. The average number of users in mode users - ELL_FACH [#] product Cell-FACH state in the RNC Flexi Deirect description during the measurement period. Monitored Number of RRC connected subscribers capacity item The user is able to monitor the number of subscribers in various RRC-connected states pro actively with the measurement M802. RNC2600 Product Description. The average number of users in RA_PCH [#] product URA-PCH state in the RNC description during the measurement period. - 4. 2. it might require an upgrade in the RNC.2. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. IHSPA_1236a Peak RRC See Flexi Direct . mcRNC Product Description ). M802C21 AVE_USERS_C See Flexi Direct . it needs to be inserted to the KPI formula based on the relevant RNC version. unit Description monitoring . the maximum number of users in different RRC-connected mode states is restricted by the overload control functionality. RNC450 Product Description.4 RRC connected subscribers Table 26 Number of RNC connected subscribers 1. . M802C22 AVE_USERS_U See Flexi Direct . The maximum capacity is provided in the RNC product description (RNC196 Product Description. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. The average number of users in ELL_DCH [#] product Cell-DCH state in the RNC description during the measurement period. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RRC connected RNC_2173a Maximum See RNC . IADA[#] M802C19 AVE_USERS_C See Flexi Direct . RNC capacity usage. . 3. Flexi Direct In Flexi Direct RNC. Analyses IPA-RNC/mcRNC If the measured maximum number of RRC connected mode users is greater than 80% of the available capacity. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. Upgrade IPA-RNC/mcRNC Split the RNC or select a higher capacity model. Therefore. in a multi-operator RAN. This section only describes the monitoring possibilities. 5. The WBTSs that have Connectivity - [#] maximum number of no records for service level measurement sites sites per RNC. Issue: 03I DN0972569 69 .) • Cell_PCH/URA_PCH state: 2000 users 5. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Table 26 Number of RNC connected subscribers (Cont. 2. please contact Nokia Solutions and Networks product support. Flexi Direct If the traffic profile of the network is such that some of the these limits are faced. there can be up to four PLMN IDs per core item. (MORAN). the PLMN ID identifies the cells that need to be monitored. within a given period are not accounted for in this KPI. If that is needed. the RNC starts to reject RRC setups and/or move CELL-PCH users to idle mode. The number of WBTSs that have actual active WBTSs documentation for the measured traffic. If the multi-operator RAN feature is in use. The counters presented are valid for both IPA-RNC and mcRNC. 6. it is possible to adjust the limits with PRFILE parameters. Table 27 IPA-RNC and mcRNC connectivity 1.3 RNC connectivity The carrier (Cell) connectivity and Iur are not licensed in Flexi Direct system. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_2171a Number of See the RNC product . 5.1 Carriers and sites The RNC carrier and site connectivity is not related to traffic. Overload In case of RRC connected mode users overload. The system-defined maximum values for both of these are available in product descriptions. Monitored IPA-RNC and mcRNC connectivity capacity item The IPA-RNC and mcRNC keeps track of the number of unlocked cells. g Each cell has also a given PLMN ID in order to identify the operator that owns it. The maximum number of different PLMN IDs is four. The user is able to define the connectivity during the integration phase when the user configures the interconnections between the network elements and customize their parameters.3. If the IMSI-based handover is in use. The carrier connectivity license defines the maximum number of cells that the user can unlock in the RNC. there can be one PS interface per operator. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. Based on the application needs. 3. The WCELs that have active WCELs RNC is defined by the . interfaces RNC IHSPA_5216 32 IP/Ethernet 20 This is the number of Iur interfaces per a IP/ATM Flexi Direct BTS. 6. Overload The overload is not directly applicable to the RNC connectivity. 4. 5. IHSPA_1235 [#] RNC capacity license. As a result. which uses the licensed capacity type feature has 3295 LICENCE CAPACITY observed that its capacity usage level has reached the maximum value as EXCEEDED defined by the associated license. no records for service level measurement Connectivity . An application process. unit Description monitoring g This item is an alarm. measurement. RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 27 IPA-RNC and mcRNC connectivity (Cont. This alarm is an indication that operator should increase the available capacity. Analysis - 5. Number of Iur before it appears in the M1004 RNC interfaces per . Upgrade Install additional carrier connectivity license capacity in the RNC. Figure 15: RNC2600 architecture shows the internal connections and the external interfaces of RNC2600 as well as relevant functional units from the communications point of view. The maximum capacity value of a critical feature has been reached. Empty networks. Attempts to increase the number beyond the licensed capacity are rejected in the commissioning and integration phase. Note that there must be load on the configured Iur Connectivity . RNC_183c Cell . The number of cells is controlled by a license. The user is able to enhance the system capacity by adding sites and cells under the RNC (up to the maximum). the increase of RNC processing capacity can be achieved by upgrading computer units with more powerful variants. different tasks can use general computer units with redundancy. 70 DN0972569 Issue: 03I .) RNC_2172a The maximum The number of WCELs that have actual Number of number of cells per measured traffic. The RNC traffic utilizes ATM (AAL2 virtual channel connections and AAL5 connections) and Ethernet connections as the figure shows. the application process raises this alarm. without subscribers. The availability of the WCELs under a availability controlling RNC (cRNC) RNC_5216a 32 Sum of M1004 objects (=Iurs). create load that is directly proportional to the size of the network. In general.4 IPA-RNC The IPA-RNC feature is distributed among a set of functional units that consist of hardware and software. Install a new RNC or use a capacity step with better connectivity. within a given period are not accounted carriers a for in this KPI. . Issue: 03I DN0972569 71 . Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Figure 15 RNC2600 architecture Figure 16: RNC196/450 architecture shows the RNC196/450 architecture. Table 28 DMCU fill factor 1. Monitored DMCU fill factor capacity item The DMCU fill factor measures the utilization of RNC user-plane processing hardware. 72 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . with no assumption on traffic model or RNC capacity statement. User plane resource usage in IPA-RNC factor factor for (aggregated for all DMCU units). 2.4. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. High Speed CELL_FACH DL feature is used. RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Figure 16 RNC196/450 architecture 5. there is an own pool.1 cRNC DSP capacity for calls The DSP resources the DMCU in the RNC pool to common channels (CCH) and non- CCH (HS_DCH). unit Target Red Description monitoring flag DMCU fill RNC_5416a DMCU fill 95% . assuming the current resource usage per call. HS_CCH for the HS_FACH cell services. If the RAN1637. The HS_DCH pool handles both HSPA and R99 DCH traffic. The DMCU Fill Factor covers the number of ongoing calls. It calls [%] provides the highest resource usage value in the granularity period. The unit activity depends on the protection scheme. Overload The RNC overload control should limit the incoming traffic. it is recommended to start the capacity extension planning when the fill factor reaches 70%. Upgrade The RNC user plane resources are partitioned into pools. The supported unit types and the protection schemes for each RNC platform are listed in Table 29: Supported unit types in IPA-RNC. These measurements are the basis for the unit load KPIs. Combine four consecutive 15-minute periods. . 5. therefore the unit load KPIs have different variants. SN+ DMPG Data and Macro Diversity Group X X SN+ GTPU GPRS Tunneling Protocol Unit X . It is recommended to use the 60-minute period. to see if it is possible to repartition them.) 3. t Monitor the KPI separately for each unit type. The load of the OSE-based computer units (DSP) is measured with M617C1. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. The unit-type-specific KPI includes only the active units. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Table 28 DMCU fill factor (Cont. depending on the protection scheme of the unit. assuming that the current proportions of different radio bearers remain the same. - 4. Note that you should follow the other RNC capacity items as well. 6. it is recommended to analyze the pools. NP Issue: 03I DN0972569 73 . 5. The value of the counter is the arithmetical average of samples taken from the processor load. Therefore. SN+ ICSU Interface Control and Signalling Unit X X N+1 MXU Multiplexer Unit X X 2N NIP1 Network Interface Unit PDH X . When the fill factors exceed the target.2 IPA-RNC unit loads The M592C0 measurement (the average load for a monitored computer unit) measures the load of Chorus and DMX based unit types of RNC. which has the maximum processor loads (the busy hour). Analysis You can interpret the KPI value as a call fill factor for the user plane resources: the remaining percentage is an indicator of how many more calls the RNC can carry. Table 29 Supported unit types in IPA-RNC Unit Unit name RNC196/4 RNC2600 Protection type 50 Scheme A2SP AAL2 itching Processor X . start capacity planning. unit Description monitoring .4. Before making an upgrade. X NP NPS1P Network Processor Interface Unit STM-1 . depending on the RNC platform. NBAP. It performs signaling transactions towards other network elements and UEs. The system uses a WAC gate (TICKET Service) for overload control of originating and incoming signaling requests. based on the WAC Overload Control (M594) to see if the system has rejected RRC connection requests because of overload. 80% for calculated as the average CPU Unit [%] RNC2600 load of the most loaded unit. The dimensioning target for ICSU is 70-80% of the CPU performance. it drops part of NBAP requests.4. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5228a Average CPU load of 70% for RNC . The ICSU is present in both RNC196/450 and RNC2600. When the system detects that the queue length has reached the threshold. The ICSU also uses the buffer limit control (BLC) method to protect the unit from overload. The reactive M1003C47 counter measures how many paging messages the system has deleted because of the ICSU overload. The protocols terminated on ICSU are AAL2. X 2N Protected OMU Operation and Maintenance Unit X X 2N RSMU Resource and Switch Management Unit X X 2N SFU Switching Fabric Unit X X 2N 5. X 2N Protected NPS1 Network Processor Interface Unit STM-1 . NP NPGE Network Interface Unit Gigabit Ethernet . 2. Use 70% for RNC 196/450 and 80% for RNC2600. Table 30 RNC ICSU capacity 1. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. X NP NPGEP Network Interface Unit Gigabit Ethernet . RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 29 Supported unit types in IPA-RNC (Cont. You can use the reactive KPI. 74 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . The RNC ICSU unit load the most loaded ICSU 196/450. For details on the BLC and the WAC gate.) Unit Unit name RNC196/4 RNC2600 Protection type 50 Scheme NIS1 Network Interface Unit STM-1 X . RANAP. Monitored RNC ICSU capacity capacity item You can measure the ICSU load with a KPI. see RNC Overload Control.1 ICSU The Interface Control and Signaling Unit (ICSU) is a functional unit in the RNC.2. and RNSAP. based on the M592C0 counter. The signaling ATM adaptation layer (SAAL) and Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) socket interface for NBAP monitor the RRC message queue length in the ICSU. the ICSU is the source of most of the load on the RSMU. the call setups. the call setups. according to the request received from the ICSU. Overload Because of the RNC overload control. and DSP resource management tasks. 6. or even beyond the RNC. WAC reject ratio The WAC reject ratio gives an indication of RRC connection rejects caused by system level congestion.2. the overload control should cause QoS degradation. BHCA. g Note that the WAC is a general overload control mechanism. BHCA. The legs are connections inside the RNC (between the internal functions of the RNC). OVERLOAD 4. ratio [%] M1003C47 NBR OF DELETED Number of deleted paging messages because of overload in PAGING MESSAGES the ICSU. that is. The Leg Management Program Block (LGMANA) on the RSMU provides the services for establishing the legs. If the number of unhandled messages and the CPU load exceed the pre-defined higher values. Number of deleted paging messages due to ICSU overload The system discards paging messages if there is an overload in the unit responsible for handling the messages received from the connectionless SCCP relation (ICSU). only conversational calls and emergency calls are accepted. unit Description monitoring RNC_5206a Windows Access Ratio of total number of rejected WAC gate requests to all WAC Control (WAC) reject gate requests on RNC ICSUs. 2. You can use the following means to reduce the signaling in the network: • Reduce SHO area by changing add/drop window and reducing active set size • Reduce ping-pong (active set addition/deletion) by increasing penalty timers • Reduce RRC re-attempts • Selectively remove 2G to 3G neighbor relationships • Enable Common Channel RRC connection set-up 5. that is. The ICSU overload is caused by the subscriber or UE activity. Upgrade Upgrade RNC if the ICSU CPU loads are close to the targets or reduce the RNC C-plane load by optimizing the network.) 3. Analysis 1. LGMANA frees certain low-priority requests Issue: 03I DN0972569 75 . Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Table 30 RNC ICSU capacity (Cont. There are two thresholds for the overload control. 5. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. 3. The RSMU CPU load is directly correlated with the number of leg setups. ATM circuit hunting. ICSU CPU load The CPU load is caused by subscriber activity. The counter is updated when the paging message is DUE TO ICSU deleted because of overload in the ICSU. and the reason for the reject might be on some other unit than ICSU. After receiving the CPU load notification and if the number of the requests it can serve has exceeded certain threshold. the CPUs can safely go up to 70% (80%). only emergency calls are accepted.2 RSMU The Resource and Switch Management UNIT (RSMU) is required in all RNC configurations. After that.4. The RSMU performs UE connection control. LGMANA monitors the size of requests it has to serve and the CPU load. In the first phase. such as switch fabric control. Therefore. The RSMU also performs centralized resource management tasks. 3 OMU The Operation and Management Unit (OMU) performs the basic system maintenance functions such as hardware configuration. Upgrade You should start the capacity extension planning before the RSMU load reaches 70%.4. because the RSMU unit is overloaded. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. The system needs the RM3 functions for managing DSP resources when establishing the leg in the S-RNC. call setups start to fail. In addition. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_1871a Average CPU load of 70% . unit Description monitoring M1006C205 RRC CONN REJECT The number of RRC connection rejections because of DUE TO centralized signaling unit RSMU overload. 3. and centralized recovery functions. until eventually ongoing calls drop when the main branch drops. The RNC RSMU unit load. Overload The overload control mechanism on the RSMU rejects new creations and modifications and allows deletions of the controlled resources. (concerns PS calls) the impact on the RSMU overload is visible as the UE bitrate upgrade failures. 5. such as radio network management. It also contains RAN-related functions. Table 31 RNC RSMU capacity 1. and state management. RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity to create buffer space so that higher priority requests can still fit into the buffer. The BHCA load and functions related to RRC state changes are causing leg setups and DSP resource allocations. Monitored RNC OMU capacity capacity item 76 DN0972569 Issue: 03I .2. alarm system. Because of overload. soft handover leg additions start to fail. Monitored RNC RSMU capacity capacity item The nominal dimensioning target for RSMU is 70% of the CPU performance. which bases on the M592C0 counter. 5. The counter maps to WCEL or the RNC. calculated the active RSMU unit as the average CPU load of the most [%] loaded unit. 2. Analysis 1. The second important function in the RSMU is the Layer 2 resource manager (RM3). Table 32 RNC OMU capacity 1. and the ICSU reports the incident in the M1006C205 counter. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. The target CPU load (70%) is achieved with no impacts on the traffic. RRC CONN REJECT DUE TO CENTRALIZED UNIT OVERLOAD This counter on the ICSU is updated when the RNC sends the RRC CONNECTION REJECT message to the UE. the system updates the M1006C21 counter (total number of RRC Connection Request Reject messages) along with this counter. You can monitor the RSMU CPU load with a 2N redundant unit CPU load formula. Additionally. The system can establish legs with or without the DSP resources. databases. not directly to the RSMU unit. RSMU CPU load The RSMU CPU load level is directly related to leg establishments. radio network recovery. The RSMU protects itself against overload caused by ICSU. CENTRALIZED UNIT OVERLOAD [#] 4. 2. 6. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Table 32 RNC OMU capacity (Cont.) You can monitor the OMU CPU load with the KPI, which is based on M592C0 counter. You can monitor the volume of TCP/IP traffic in OMU, that is, O&M traffic, with the M563 measurement (TCP/IP Protocol). 2. Proactive Counter/KPI Name, unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5207a Average CPU 70% - RNC OMU unit load, calculated as the average CPU load of the active load of the most loaded unit. OMU unit [%] 3. Reactive Counter/KPI Name, unit Description monitoring - - - 4. Analysis The CPU load of OMU is caused by the O&M network traffic. The CPU is directly correlated with the IP packets routing rate. Note that the PM data at the end of measurement interval causes peaks in the CPU usage. These are many alarms related to the OMU overload. For details, see RNC Overload Control. 5. Overload The upper level alarm system monitors the OMU's CPU load and its own message queue length. If the load reaches the threshold, or the spare OMU unit is in the start-up phase, the system prevents the execution of the most of the loading MML commands (listing commands). In addition, OMU stops handling new alarm occurrences until the overload situation is over. 6. Upgrade - OMS OMS acts as a mediator device between external systems like OSS and managed network elements. RAN RNW profile under one RNC (and OMS) has impact on nature of the M-plane O&M traffic going through OMS (for instance, the frequency of PM measurement period and included measurements). Also the BTS configuration of the cell number has an impact. See the OMS product documentation for details of monitoring the OMS capacity. DMCU The Data and Macro Diversity Combining Unit (DMCU) provides RNC user and control plane functions including macro diversity combining, outer loop power control, RLC-U functions, and packet scheduling. Furthermore, the distributed part of the DSP resource management function has been located in Data and Macro Diversity Processor Group (DMPG). Data Signaling Processor (DSP) performs signal-processing tasks. The DMCU has a hierarchical HW structure, consisting of Data and Macro Diversity Processor Groups (DMPG) and DSPs: Issue: 03I DN0972569 77 RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Figure 17 DMCU HW Architecture DMPGs are independent of each other, and can communicate through an external ATM switch. DSPs communicate with Power PC (PPC) and CPM (Communications Processor Module) only. There are variants of the DMCU hardware, where the number of DMPGs, DSPs, and internal buses with their capacities might vary. In addition, the software architecture might differ in the DMCU variants. See the RNC product documentation for the DMCU options. Software is loaded to four DMPGs, on the PPCs and DSPs. The DMPG functional unit type continues traffic handling in the DMCU even if a single PowerPC-based computer core block is faulty. DMPG PPC (PowerPC) is a general-purpose processor inside the DMPG. It runs ChorusOS operating system, IPA2800 platform, and RNC application processes. The PPC capacity is related to the RNC control plane load. See the DMCU fill factor for DMPG user-plane- related capacity. The CPM does not have application software, but it handles the low- level communication functions towards other units in the RNC. Table 33 RNC DMPG capacity 1. Monitored RNC DMPG (PPC) capacity capacity item You can monitor the PPC CPU load with a KPI, which is based on the M592 measurement. There is preventive overload control on the DMPG, whose task is to reduce blocking probability for more critical services in overload situations. 2. Proactive Counter/KPI Name, unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_1981a Average CPU load of 80% - RNC DMPG unit load, calculated as the most loaded the average CPU load of the most DMPG (PPC) unit [%] loaded unit. 3. Reactive Counter/KPI Name, unit Description monitoring - - - 4. Analysis The KPI represents the maximum of average PPC processor loads on all DMPG units. 78 DN0972569 Issue: 03I Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Table 33 RNC DMPG capacity (Cont.) 5. Overload - 6. Upgrade The KPI does not identify the DSP pool, which is most loaded. Therefore, before upgrading, it is recommended to analyze the individual unit loads to see if the DSP pools can be repartitioned. See also DSP. DSP The DSP resources the DMCU in the RNC pool to common channels (CCH) and non- CCH (HC_DCH). The HS-DCH pool handles both HSPA and R99 DCH traffic. If the RAN1637: High Speed CELL_FACH DL feature is used, there is an own pool, HS_CCH for HS_FACH cell services. The DSP processor has a dedicated software depending on the pool it belongs to. With the introduction of HS CELL_FACH, there are different software images for each of the CCH, HS_CCH and HS_DCH pools. These roles are permanent at run time, except for HS_CCH, which can grow up to a configurable limit. Overall, R99 DCH and HSPA DSP capacity depends on the total number of DSP processors in a given RNC capacity step, and the number of processors configured for the pool types. Table 34 RNC DSP load 1. Monitored RNC DSP load capacity item The RNC DSP load measures the utilization of RNC user plane processing hardware, with no assumption on the traffic model or RNC capacity statement. 2. Proactive Counter/KPI Name, unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5209a Average CPU load of 80% - The RNC DSP load, calculated as the the most loaded DSP average CPU load of the most loaded Unit [%] unit 3. Reactive Counter/KPI Name, unit Description monitoring - - - 4. Analysis The DSP CPU load is one of the indications that the system uses for load balancing between the DSPs. If the loads are high, the DSPs are overloaded. However, if the loads are low, the system might still experience overload because of other factors such as uneven distribution of the services to DSP pools. Therefore, you should also check the DSP rejections. 5. Overload If the CPU load is above 80%, the DSP should narrow the current bandwidth. This leads to the slowing down of the packet sending from the TCP/IP application. If the CPU load is above 90%, the DSP starts to drop packets. Packet drops are applicable to the whole Mac-d flow, irrespective of the traffic class and priority. 6. Upgrade The RNC user plane resources are partitioned into pools. Before making an upgrade, it is recommended to analyze the pools, to see if it is possible to repartition them. Issue: 03I DN0972569 79 The A2SU contains four A2SPs. the system can establish a connection through the fabric. The dimensioning target for GTPU is 80% of the CPU performance.4. Analysis GTPU CPU load GTPU CPU load is directly correlated with the packet rate per second.2. The system does not drop packet sessions. like the AAL2 leg setups related to the 1-CID 80 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . From the GTPU capacity point of view there is no major difference between NRT and RT PS data. The Power Quicc processor core part of the A2SP handles the control plane-related issues. Table 35 RNC GTPU capacity 1. The GTPU is optional in the RNC (in that case NPGE (P) or NPS1(P) does the GTPU-tunneling).7 SFU The task of the Switching Fabric Unit (SFU) is to switch ATM cells from input ports of the switching fabric to correct output ports without blocking.4. The system cannot achieve high GTPU throughput with small packet size. unit Description monitoring . SFU is a non- blocking unit at the ATM connection level. RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity 5. If you cannot optimize capacity by reconfiguring the Iu-PS. Proactive Counter/KPI Name.6 GTPU The GPRS Tunneling Protocol Unit (GTPU) performs user plane functions that are related to handling of GTP in the Iu-PS interface. 6. 5. which is based on the M592C0 counter. because the packet frequency must be high to reach a given throughput. upgrade to NPxx units. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. loads load of the calculated as the average most loaded CPU load of the most loaded GTPU unit unit. the GTPU CPU load depends on the packet frequency.8 A2SU The task of the AAL2 Switching Unit (A2SU) is to perform switching and multiplexing of AAL2 CPS packets between external interfaces and signal processing units (DMCU). 5. 5. However. .2. Monitored RNC GTPU capacity capacity item You can measure the GTPU load pro actively with a KPI. Overload The GTPU monitors the system’s message queue and discards packets for the CPU overload. [%] 3. RNC GTPU unit load. - 4. If input and output capacity is available. The switching capacity of the unit varies depending on the type of used switching fabric plug-in units. 2. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC unit RNC_1872a Average CPU 80% . Upgrade Activate the Dedicated GTPU for Real-time IP Support.4.2. The ATM Multiplexer also includes part of ATM layer processing feature. unit Description monitoring M800C2 RES_INT_CAP The number of transport resource reservations rejected because of [#] lack of RNC internal capacity. The dimensioning target for A2SP is 80% of the CPU performance. OAM. Monitored RNC A2SP capacity capacity item You can measure the A2SP CPU load (Power Quicc processor core part) pro actively with a KPI. If there is not enough capacity in the A2SP unit terminating the AAL2 VCC. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity and N-CID channels and a part of the user-plane related issues. Issue: 03I DN0972569 81 . Overload Each A2SP monitors the CPU load and sends a high load notification directly to RSMU. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5212a Average CPU 80% . This is the number of resource reservations which are rejected by CAC since there are no RNC internal AAL2 processing resources available. the CPU load of the Power Quicc CPM part. 6. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. A2SPs also monitor their own CPM (Communications Processor Module) load and reject new connection creation tasks during the CPM overload. 5. A2SP CPU load The A2SP CPU load comes from BHCA and from RNC internal transport leg setups.0. Analysis 1. Rejected resource request is because of RNC-internal AAL2 resources This counter indicates that the A2SP unit terminating the AAL2 VCC has too high load. statistics.4. such as policing. Upgrade Correct the situation by moving some highly loaded connections to another A2SP unit. which are controlled by RSMU. 4. 2. and scheduling. The resource allocations rejected because of A2SP capacity can be monitored reactively with the M800C2 counter. 1CID count. The A2SP bottleneck can be the CPU load of Power Quicc Core part. the lack of capacity will block the set-up of new connections. 5.9 MXU The MXU multiplexes traffic from tributary units towards the switching fabric and finally to DSPs in the DMPGs. There is an overload control mechanism in the A2SP. like the internal flow control. The Communications Processor Module (CPM) part handles the user plane traffic load (related to the 1-CID and N-CID channels). loaded A2SP unit [%] 3. The RSMU does not select an overloaded A2SP for a new connection. Table 36 RNC A2SP capacity 1. RNC A2SP unit load.2. Starting from RN3. 2. or the AAL2UP connectivity (bandwidth. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. VP piping is used and there are no AAL2 legs established in the MXU. NCID count). A2SP does not reject new tasks but the RSMU balances the load between A2SPs according to high load notifications. buffer management. calculated as the average CPU load of the most load of the most loaded unit. which is based on the M592C0 counter. the load is distributed across the MXU cluster. 5. Monitored RNC MXU capacity capacity item You can measure the MXU load proactively with the KPI. . There is an overload control mechanism in the MXU. The dimensioning target for MXU is 80% of the CPU performance. Monitored RNC NIS1 capacity capacity item You can measure the NIS1 CPU load proactively with the KPI. RNC NIS1 unit load. for example for O&M purposes. Upgrade - 5. active MXU unit [%] 3. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. - 4. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5213a Average CPU 80% . Reactive Counter/KPI Name. - 82 DN0972569 Issue: 03I .4. should stay low compared to the centralized units of the RNC. . Proactive Counter/KPI Name. 2. The unit is dimensioned so that the CPU load. calculated as the average load of the CPU load of the most loaded unit. The dimensioning target for NIS1 is 80% of the CPU performance.10 SWU SWU does the Ethernet switching inside the RNC. RNC MXU unit load. loaded NIS1 unit [%] 3. unit Description monitoring . 6. It also does the Ethernet switching between the RNC and an external IP network. Overload The MXU CPU load should stay low. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. If overload occurs. 5. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5214a Average CPU 80% . RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 37 RNC MXU capacity 1. There is an overload control mechanism in NIS1.4. calculated as the average CPU load of the most load of the most loaded unit. 2. unit Description monitoring . No capacity bottlenecks have been noticed on this unit.11 NIS1 Network Interface Unit STM-1 provides STM-1 external interfaces and means to execute the physical layer and ATM layer feature. coming from leg setups. Analysis The MXU load comes from BHCA.2.2. Table 38 RNC NIS1 capacity 1. The same program block also monitors own unit’s CPU load and informs the RSMU about high load. A2SU. 5. Overload The CAC program on NIS1 receives the connection creation. coming from leg setups. and deletion tasks from ICSU. 2. unit Description monitoring . The main task of the unit is to manage traffic in the RAN logical interfaces and set up the AAL2 legs and GTP tunnels.2.4. modification.13 NPS1 NPS1 (NPS1P) combines the features of NIS1(NIS1P). RNC NIP1 unit load. 6. There is an overload control mechanism in NIP1. The unit has eight STM1 interfaces. NIS1-based AAL2 paths are always handled by A2SU. Table 39 RNC NIP1 capacity 1. - 4. . Analysis The NIS1 load comes from BHCA. Analysis The NIP1 load comes from BHCA. should stay low compared to the centralized units of the RNC. 5. calculated as the average load of the most CPU load of the most loaded unit. Overload The CAC program on NIP1 receives the connection creation. Upgrade - 5.) 4. which you can use as Iub.4. Upgrade - 5.2. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Table 38 RNC NIS1 capacity (Cont. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. Monitored RNC NIP1 capacity capacity item You can measure the NIP1 CPU load proactively with the KPI. and deletion tasks from the ICSU. The unit is dimensioned so that CPU load. coming from leg setups. NIP1-based AAL2 paths are always handled by A2SU. 6. and GTPU. loaded NIP1 unit [%] 3. should stay low compared to the centralized units of the RNC.5 Mbit/s PDH external interfaces and the means to execute the physical layer and the ATM layer feature. Iur and IU interfaces. The same program block also monitors own unit’s CPU load and informs the RSMU about high load. The main traffic management functions Issue: 03I DN0972569 83 . with ATM or IP over ATM transport solutions. modification. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5215a Average CPU 80% .12 NIP1 Network Interface Unit E1 / T1 / JT1 (NIP1) provides the 2Mbit/s and 1. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. The dimensioning target for NIP1 is 80% of the CPU performance. The unit is dimensioned so that CPU load. The NPS1 traffic is managed by the APP650 network processes. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. loaded NPS1 unit [%] RNC_1127a Average ATM .You can follow the traffic management impacts. separately in ingress and egress direction (traffic towards the SFU. flow control. Typically. . GTP is the protocol towards the Iu-PS. The NSP1 interface utilization (measured throughput/configured interface bandwidth) can be measured proactively using the M532 measurement (ATM Interface measurement). RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity are: classification of the traffic. divided by the configured ingress utilization bandwidth (egress direction). the system reserves related memory buffer for the incoming PS data packets. Table 40 RNC NPS1 capacity 1. congestion control. Interface utilization is the total number of transmitted unit interface ingress ATM cells. Interface utilization is the total number of transmitted unit interface ingress ATM cells. like packed drops caused by policing and QoS management reactively with the M528 measurement (ATM layer performance). Analysis 1. scheduling. to congestion [#] 4. 2. Within a PS RAB establishment. The dimensioning target for NPS1 is 80% of the CPU performance. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_1982a Average CPU 80% . policing. the system uses AAL2 channels internally for user plane traffic between NPS1 (P) and DMCU units. Internal packet processing capacity You can follow the APP650 network processor capacity proactively by monitoring the ingress and egress data volumes and correlating them with corresponding ingress and egress packet drop ratios. ingress [%] RNC_1128a Average ATM . or from the SFU). divided by the configured ingress utilization bandwidth (ingress direction). Monitored RNC NPS1 (P) capacity capacity item You can measure the NPS1 processor load proactively with the M592 measurement. RNC NPS1 unit load. the system reserves a certain amount of memory for the required GTP tunnel. unit Description monitoring RNC_5219a ATM discarded ATM cells dropped because of interface unit internal congestion cells ingress (ingress direction). RNC NPS1 CPU load The NPS1 load comes from BHCA causing GTP tunnel and AAL2 leg setups. egress [%] 3. Each time the UE’s state changes to CELL_DCH. 2. on any logical interface to the ICSU. queue mapping. due to congestion [#] RNC_5220a ATM discarded ATM cells dropped because of interface unit internal congestion cells egress due (egress direction). . Reactive Counter/KPI Name. calculated as the average load of the most CPU load of the most loaded unit. 84 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . The system routes control plane traffic. AAL2 switching. and Connection Admission Control (CAC). The system uses the parameter to shape the outgoing traffic. statistics. The NBAP/RANAP/RANSAP Signaling amount does not affect much to the CPU load since the signaling links are created statically during the configuration. This is the sum of received Ethernet data compared Port to the maximum value. reconfigure the logical interfaces to units that are not loaded. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_1983a Average CPU 80% . limited by the RX_Utilization RncEthernetBw parameter. Upgrade If part of the interface units is loaded. or upgrade the RNC to a higher capacity model. which you need to follow separately. Iur and IU. like Iub. with the received and transmitted packet drop ratios (to see if the unit has reached its capacity limit). the CPU load is not correlated to the user plane throughput because the user plane packet processing is performed by the APP650 network processor. The maximum throughput of NPGE(P) is 1. performed by the APP650 network processor. The element capacity should not be exceeded when configuring more capacity at the interfaces. The formula should be [%] used separately for each Ethernet port on the NPGE. The resources on the NPGE unit are needed for terminating the IP/UDP protocol. 2. Issue: 03I DN0972569 85 . and optionally for IPSEC. CS/PS call setup. over IP interfaces. 5. limited by the TX_Utilization RncEthernetBw parameter.14 NPGE The NPGE has similar functions as the NPS1. RNC_5222a NPGE Ethernet 80% . Note that the interface capacity is higher than the element-level capacity. The port bandwidth is limited by the operator-configurable RncEthernetBw parameter. The formula should be [%] used separately for each Ethernet port on NPGE. If all interface units are loaded and there is no more capacity available. 6. Also. and so on. Table 41 RNC NPGE capacity 1. You can measure proactively the internal packet processing of the NPGE. unit [%] RNC_5210a NPGE Ethernet 80% . The dimensioning target for NPGE is 80% of the CPU capacity.) This capacity item does not take into account the RAN logical interfaces. for example.2. deletion and modification caused by UE requests. Overload NPS1 might be a bottleneck in live networks if the traffic model in the network differs very much from the model used in the RNC dimensioning. Monitored RNC NPGE capacity capacity item You can measure the NPGE load proactively with the M592C0 counter. The maximum load of the NP2GE CPU unit.4. This is the sum of received Ethernet data compared Port to the maximum value. The CPU load is directly correlated to the internal creation. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Table 40 RNC NPS1 capacity (Cont. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. You can measure the interface utilization of each Ethernet port against the configured bandwidth in RX and TX directions.65 Gbps for symmetrical traffic at the ATM/AAL5 level. 5. load of the most calculated as the average CPU load of the most loaded NPGE loaded unit. add a new RNC. SHO. This is limited by the switching fabric (SFU) port rate. channel type switching and NAS signaling. There are two 1 Gbps Ethernet ports on the NPGE. 3. 5. Iur and IU. like Iub. Upgrade If some of the interface units are loaded. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. Overload The overload. RNC_5224a NPGE . unit Description monitoring RNC_1644a Ethernet frames Ingress Ethernet frames drop ratio. when units are used for Iub interfaces. and compares against the maximum SFU port rate (1650000 kbps).5 mcRNC mcRNC is a realization of the UTRAN 3G Radio Network Controller on a hardware comprised of many multi-core SoC processors along with necessary memory. reconfigure the logical interfaces to units that are not loaded. 2. might be limited by the RNC internal SFU port rate. summed up to unit level. which you need to follow separately. This might happen when the unit is configured with the Iu-PS. . [%] converts the measurements to Kbps. The unit should tolerate short bursts of overload. and call establishment fails because of call setup timers. NPGE throughput The NPGE unit total throughput. . Throughput overload can cause packet drops in those RAN interfaces that are configured on the interface. summed up to unit level. but when there is constant overload. Internal packet processing capacity You can follow the APP650 network processor capacity reactively by monitoring the ingress and egress packet drop ratios. switching. ingress [%] RNC_1645a Ethernet frames Egress Ethernet frames drop ratio. egress [%] 4. RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 41 RNC NPGE capacity (Cont. If all interface units are loaded. Ethernet port utilization The Ethernet port utilization comes from user plane data allocated to the Ethernet port. 4. This capacity item does not take into account the RAN logical interfaces. The same as above but with TX data. split the RNC or select a higher capacity model.) RNC_5223a NPGE . and networking equipment in a rack amount configuration. call setups become longer. The formula calculates the sum of received data RX_Utilization volumes measured from all Ethernet ports of NPGE. is caused by BHCA. The feature of the RNC is achieved by the software executing typically on 2 more such modules. The measured interface data is converted to the ATM/AAL5 level. RNC NPGE CPU load The NPGE CPU load comes from BHCA or other user activity causing the RAN control plane load. drop ratio. 6. which is the sum of the Ethernet ports on the unit. drop ratio. 5. storage. 86 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . TX_Utilization [%] 3. Analysis 1. Issue: 03I DN0972569 87 . SITP - Signalling Transport Plane EITP - External Interface functions in Transport Plane Finally. the services of the Control Plane and User Plane are functionally divided based on whether they are provided for a specific UE. Figure 18 mcRNC architecture mcRNC CFPU EIPU CFPU EIPU Ethernet USPU CSPU USPU CSPU Module 1 Module 2 The mcRNC consists of 4 functional planes - Control Plane. compared to cRNC. This includes the dedicated and shared channel services since they are relevant for a UE. In mcRNC architecture. User Plane. they are handled with USSR (User Specific SE for RNC O&M). OMU - Operations and Maintenance Unit functions The Transport Plane is divided based on whether it provides services for the internal network (also referred to as backplane) or external network (external interfaces). Transport Plane and Management Plane. wherein all the units are similar. Figure 19: mcRNC unit architecture shows the hardware point of view. common entities like BTS and cells or centralized in the Network Element for architectural reasons. Figure 18: mcRNC architecture shows the mcRNC architecture. The resulting functional units are: CSCP - Cell Specific functions and services in Control Plane USCP - UE Specific functions and services in Control Plane CFCP - Centralized Functions and services in Control Plane CSUP - Cell Specific functions and services in User Plane USUP - UE Specific functions and services in User Plane. comprising of 8 multicore processors. Management Plane will need external interface functions. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity The variety of functional units in mcRNC is considerable smaller. depending on the multiprocessor type. Oct 4 Oct 5 1 GigE Oct 6 Network Interfaces Oct 7 Oct 8 1 GigE Direct interface (Element management) The number of cores of the Octeon multiprocessors vary. PCIe VCMC 1 GigE SAS Direct interface cross connect HD (Element management) Interfaces Oct 1 Oct 2 10 GigE Inter_Processor Communication 10/1 GigE Oct 3 Network Interfaces 10GE Switch ext. 88 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . 10GE Switch int. RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Figure 19 mcRNC unit architecture Internal HW Management FD LMP Interfaces switch Man. The software is based on Linux or Simple Executive (SE) as shown in Figure 20: mcRNC HW and SW components. Mac-d and FP-d. MAC. The logical resource model is based on the traffic mix used by Nokia Solutions and Networks during the development. UMW cores are dedicated core(s) in USPU and in CSPU for UMW processing only. User Plane Middleware provides the relevant interfaces and services for the complete functioning of the User Plane applications in mcRNC. certain amount of core(s) is/are dedicated for the UMW processing and the rest of those SE cores are used for RNC User Plane Application processing (like FP. USPU fill factor for calls (user plane).1 mcRNC DSP capacity for calls The DSP capacity of the mcRNC means that the USUP software is running on Simple Executive on the Octeon multiprocessor core. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Figure 20 mcRNC HW and SW components RNC RNC Control Plane and O&M User Plane Applications Applications IPA Light (Middleware and Adaptation Layer) User Plane Middleware (Middleware and Adaptation Layer) Flexi Platform (Base Platform + Optional Components) SMP Linux Simple Executive Multi-core and Multiprocessor Hardware mcRNC The Linux-based software can use multiple cores. USUP implements the HSPA services in the mcRNC and hosts the enhanced CELL FACH/RACH services. based on the M2002 measurement. RTCP. One USPU and CSPU consist of multiple cores and part of them are used for user plane processing on top of Simple Executive (SE). From those SE cores for user plane processing. 5. which might differ from the actual traffic in the operator network. The mcRNC unit loads can be followed by KPIs. The USUP implements all UE-specific protocols: Iu-UP. needed by the UE can be monitored with the KPI RNC_5233a. PDCP. maximum and minimum usage percentages. the actual DCP CPU loads should be measured as well. Issue: 03I DN0972569 89 . RLC. The logical DSP resources.5. RTP. while the simple executive runs on single core. RLC and PDCP protocols). The M610 measurement for DSP resource is the average. Therefore. 5. Upgrade Upgrade to a higher mcRNC capacity step. Monitored CFPU load capacity item You can monitor the processor loads of CFPU with the following KPIs. . 2. The OMU performs the basic system maintenance functions such as hardware configuration. Overload - 6. g CFCP and OMU loads are found in a common KPI. It also contains cellular network-related functions such as radio network configuration management. 2. which represent the loads of the most loaded nodes. etc. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5233a Peak USPU fill factor 95% .1 CFPU The Centralized Functions Processing Unit (CFPU) consists of Operation and Management Unit (OMU) and Centralized Functions for Control Plane (CFCP). Proactive Counter/KPI Name. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. It provides the highest resource usage value in percentage.5. which is based on logical resource usage (M610). The CFCP is the node meant to host program blocks where the centralization does not became a bottleneck. for example. Management connections (ssh) and connection to OMS goes through this interface. LCS. alarm system. The CFCP consists of functions that need to or can be run centralized in the RNX. Monitored mcRNC DSP capacity capacity item The DSP resources on USPU can be measured with the KPI RNC_5233a. radio network recovery and RNW database. - 4. unit Description monitoring . Proactive Counter/KPI Name. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag 90 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . The USSR in the CFPU terminates the external Ethernet interface needed for management plane operations.2. centralized information maintenance (RC3).2 mcRNC units 5. RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 42 mcRNC DSP capacity 1. configuration of signaling transport and centralized recovery functions.5. Analysis - 5. Table 43 CFPU load 1. 3. SABP handling (Iu-BC interface). User plane fill factor (resource usage) for calls in RNC. . USSR node processes External Ethernet interface needed for management plane operations. unit Description monitoring . cores for CSUP nodes in CSPU Application cores [%] processing unit. 3. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5437a CPU load of CSCP in < 80% . Overload - 6. in CFPU [%] CFPU node process centralized functions for both Control Plane ((CFCP) and O&M (OMU). Therefore. Upgrade Upgrade to a higher mcRNC capacity step.2. Proactive Counter/KPI Name.2 CSPU The Cell-Specific Processing Unit (CSPU) implements all cell-specific control and user plane processing. 2. Monitored CSPU load capacity item You can monitor the processor loads of CSPU with the following KPIs. which represent the loads of the most loaded nodes. RNC_5487a CPU load of CSUP < 80% . Average CPU load of the application Rel2 HW in CSPU . CSPU node processes Cell Specific functions for Control Plane (CSCP). Reactive Counter/KPI Name. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Table 43 CFPU load (Cont.5. 5. The communication between CSCPs in different CSPUs shall be limited to the exchange of information on its own state rather than to delegate the processing of the Radio Layer feature. Average CPU load of the most loaded functions in CFPU [%] USSR node in CFPU processing unit. Analysis - 5. all control- and user plane resources for a single BTS are allocated from the same CSPU unit. CSUP node processes Cell Specific functions in User Plane (CSUP). Further. Issue: 03I DN0972569 91 . Average CPU load of the most loaded CSPU [%] CSPU node in CSPU processing unit.) RNC_5435a CPU load of < 80% . CSPU units can function independently from one another. RNC_5436a CPU load of transport < 80% . Average CPU load of the most loaded Centralized Functions CFPU node in CFPU processing unit. Table 44 CSPU load 1. - 4. 2. RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 44 CSPU load (Cont. Average CPU load of the UMW (timer. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. Monitored EIPU load capacity item You can monitor the processor loads of EIPU with the following KPIs. Overload - 6. - 4. and egress) cores in the most -UMW cores [%] loaded CSUP node in CSPU processing unit. RNC_5493a CPU load of CSUP < 80% .) RNC_5488a CPU load of CSUP < 90% . ingress. 92 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . unit Description monitoring . Average CPU load of the most loaded EIPU [%] EIPU node in EIPU processing unit.3 EIPU The External Interface Processing Unit (EIPU) hosts the networking and transport stacks needed for processing both signaling and user plane date. Table 45 EIPU load 1. Rel1 HW in CSPU ingress. Rel2 HW in CSPU . and egress) cores in the most UMW cores [%] loaded CSUP node in CSPU processing unit. Upgrade Upgrade to a higher mcRNC capacity step. CSUP node processes Cell Specific functions in User Plane (CSUP). . Average CPU load of the UMW (timer. 5. 3. It consists of two functional units - the Signalling Transport Plane (SITP) and External Interface Transport Plane (EITP). unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5439a CPU load of SITP in < 45% . CSUP node processes Cell Specific functions in User Plane (CSUP). RNC_5494a CPU load of CSUP < 90% . Analysis - 5.5. 2. which represents the average load of the most loaded nodes. EIPU node processes Signaling Transport Plane functions (SITP). Reactive Counter/KPI Name. CSUP node processes Cell Specific functions in User Plane (CSUP). It also handles the load balancing and distribution to the other units. Average CPU load of the application Rel1 HW - Application cores for CSUP nodes in CSPU cores [%] processing unit. Average CPU load of the most loaded loaded EITP in EIPU EITP node in EIPU processing unit. Average CPU load of the ETIP nodes EIPU [%] in EIPU processing unit. [%] EITP node processes External Interface Transport Plane functions (EITP). Proactive Counter/KPI Name. which represents the average load of the most loaded nodes. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag Issue: 03I DN0972569 93 . EITP node processes External Interface Transport Plane functions (EITP).2. Analysis RNC_5440a: Used in all cases RNC_5499a: Used in combination with RNC_5440 to check the level of unbalance between EIPUs 5. . unit Description monitoring . 5. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Table 45 EIPU load (Cont. 3. reaching in such case a maximum of 90% load. Monitored USPU load capacity item You can monitor the processor loads of USPU with the following KPIs. g The target level for RNC_5231a is only 45% because two EIPUs in successive BCNs are backing up each other so that for active recovery units in EIPU 1. all dedicated control- and user plane resources for a single UE are allocated from the same USPU unit. Further. Otherwise. USPU processing unit houses USCP and USUP functional units. - 4.) RNC_5440a CPU load of most < 45% . there are standby recovery units in EIPU 2. USCP unit is loaded by control plane traffic whereas USUP unit is loaded by user plane traffic and also by control plane traffic due to user plane traffic resource reservations and configurations. the other EIPU activates all the recovery units and handles the two EIPUs’ loads. Overload handling and shared channel processing optimization require some communication between the USPUs but this is minimal and is mostly limited to control message exchange only. If one of these EIPUs fail. .5. Upgrade Upgrade to a higher mcRNC capacity step. Table 46 USPU load 1. 2. the USPU units are mostly independent of one another. Overload - 6. RNC_5449a CPU load of EITP in .4 USPU The UE-Specific Processing Unit (USPU) implements all UE-specific control and user plane processing. as long as the resource management policies permit. This chapter describes the options to monitor the probable capacity bottlenecks in Flexi Direct RNC so that the operator could be able to look for some feature or parameter based optimization options (not part of this document scope). Reactive Counter/KPI Name. USUP node processes UE-Specific functions in User Plane (USUP). USUP node processes UE-Specific functions in User Plane (USUP). Average CPU load of the application Rel1 HW in USPU . RNC_5495a CPU load of USUP < 80% . NOTE: Flexi Direct RU30 does not have any capacity upgrade possibilities in terms of hardware. 3. Upgrade Upgrade to a higher mcRNC capacity step. unit level or licensing. 94 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . - 4. USUP node processes UE-Specific functions in User Plane (USUP). Rel2 HW in USPU . RNC_5489b CPU load of USUP < 80% . The Flexi Direct RNC processing loads and Flexi Direct RNC connectivity should be followed separately.) RNC_5441a CPU load of USCP in < 80% . and egress) cores in the most UMW cores [%] USUP loaded node in USPU processing unit. ingress. Analysis - 5. Average CPU load of the UMW (timer. and egress) cores in the most UMW cores [%] loaded USUP node in USPU processing unit. USPU node processes UE-Specific functions for Control Plane (USCP). cores for USUP nodes in USPU Application cores [%] processing unit. The USUP node processes UE-Specific functions in User Plane (USUP).6 Flexi Direct RNC capacity You can follow the Flexi Direct RNC capacity by monitoring the Flexi Direct RNC User Plane Fill Factor at high level. Average CPU load of the application Rel2 HW in USPU . 5. RNC_5490a CPU load of USUP < 90% . ingress. Average CPU load of the UMW (timer. Overload - 6. Rel1 HW in USPU . RNC_5496a CPU load of USUP < 90% . RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 46 USPU load (Cont. unit Description monitoring . . cores for USUP nodes in the USUP Application cores [%] processing unit. Average CPU load of the most loaded USPU [%] USPU node in USPU processing unit. Both IP/Ethernet and ATM interfaces are supported for the external interfacing in Flexi Direct. The following diagram shows the functional architecture and interfaces of Flexi Direct and Flexi Direct BTS.1 Flexi Direct RNC processing load RNC feature (Flexi Direct RNC) is integrated with the FlexiBTS in Flexi Direct system.0 Product Description reference: Document name: Flexi Direct RNC Product description Number: DN0931395 Location: NOLS 5. The SoC model architecture makes it complex to have a unit level redundancy realization. FTLB is one of the FTM (Flexi Transport Module) variant which is used for Flexi Direct. The functional interfacing is depicted in Figure 22: Flexi Direct BTS functional interfacing. memory and interfacing units. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity ADA4. while there is no hardware or software redundancy supported in Flexi Direct RNC. The FTLB module in the FlexiBTS hardware accommodates the Flexi Direct RNC software. the operator shall analyze possible feature or parameter based optimizations or add a new Flexi Direct BTS for additional capacity. FTLB comes with an Octeon processor. In case of processing capacity overflow.6. which makes it possible for the Flexi Direct RNC platform and application software to run on top as shown in Figure 21: Flexi Direct functional architecture. Issue: 03I DN0972569 95 . 96 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Figure 21 Flexi Direct functional architecture Flexi Direct RNC HW: CPU Node OMU RU GFCP RU EITP SE UP SE Figure 22: Flexi Direct BTS functional interfacing shows the functional architecture and interfaces of Flexi Direct BTS. This is dependent on the core distribution applied in the ADA product such that there are 5 cores available for user plane. Control Plane CPU load The Octeon processor load consumed for control plane processing in Flexi Direct RNC. Note that the core distribution is not operator configurable. This is dependent on the core distribution applied in the ADA product such that there are 3 cores available for control plane. Note that the core distribution is not operator configurable. the unit level load monitoring is not possible. It is also to be noted that there is no possibility to perform a unit level upgrade for any hardware units of Flexi Direct RNC/Flexi Direct BTS. Table 47 Flexi Direct RNC processing load Monitored User plane CPU load capacity item The Octeon processor load consumed for user plane processing in Flexi Direct RNC. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag IHSPA_5400a FD-RNC user plane 80% . The average CPU load of the load [%] most loaded core. Issue: 03I DN0972569 97 . Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Figure 22 Flexi Direct BTS functional interfacing Octeon Westport Flexi Direct BTS Transport I/F IuPS-U GGSN IuPS-C FSP Flexi Direct RNC SGSN IuCS-U MGW Iub’ IuCS-C FSP Iur Ethernet RNC MSC (C-plane + FSP U-plane) Iur or Flexi Direct PDH/ATM BTS ATM WPOI IuPC SAS & Switch Flexi Direct QoS Manager O&M scheduling shaping VLAN FTM OMS NetAct IP O&M FCM O&M BTS-SEM Flexi Direct BTS ToP ToP The processing load (CPU utilization) in the Flexi Direct RNC is possible to be monitored at two levels: 1) user plane level 2) control plane level However. see sections IP transport interface capacity and ATM transport interface capacity. This section explains how to calculate the Controller Fill Ration (CFR). Because of this. unit Description monitoring . - Analysis The load levels of user and control plane processing resources need to be compared along with other problems and conditions in the network. This date can be used to plan optimization or capacity upgrade actions. several weeks. and a common ‘offered load’ KPI - the controller SP load index. For example low average throughput + higher call drops + high call attempts. Used KPIs There is a set of ‘internal load’ KPIs that need to be followed for each controller product. Assumption For a given traffic profile. estimate when internal resources might become limited. 5. Here the control plane could be the bottleneck and the Flexi Direct RNC C-plane processing level can be verified with IHSPA_5401a. g Not all internal resources are tracked through a specific KPI. The second method is a trend follow-up over.) IHSPA_5401a FD-RNC control plane 80% . The average CPU load of the load [%] most loaded core. This can be written as KPI = a * offered load + b. Overload - Upgrade Install an additional Flexi Direct BTS network element to increase network level capacity/connectivity. a KPI value cannot be used as a direct indicator or of how much more traffic to controller can carry. g The focus here is on internal controller capacity. and presents two methods that can be used to estimate when the nominal capacity of internal resources will be reached. each internal load KPI grows about linearly with the offered load. and using the KPI data collected from the controller. The first method is based on the current fill ratio and some assumed traffic growth. The details about the KPIs are given in section. 98 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 47 Flexi Direct RNC processing load (Cont. For the network transport interface capacity. for example. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. where the coefficients a and b are specific for each KPI. .7 RNC capacity usage forecasting Purpose For an installed controller product. hence this method does not cover capacity limitations related to these resources. • The CFR is the maximum over the normalized KPI values. it is recommended to repeat this assessment periodically. The growth rate is assumed to remain constant until the estimated date. – Calculate a normalized KPI (nKPI). using its coefficient b and target load: nKPI = [max(KPI) - b] / [target(KPI) - b]. from Ncells1 to Ncells2. – Calculate the linear fit coefficient a and b: KPI = a * index + b. • For each KPI: – Plot the KPI values as a function of time. CFR = max(nKPI). • The estimated date is the earliest of all the KPI-specific dates. And that date might change over time. for a minimum of 4 weeks. • It is important to recognize that there might be a large error in the estimated date. from the maximum daily value. and perform an extrapolation. and the estimated “b” coefficients should be multiplied by a correction factor: Ncells2 / Ncells1.7.1 Calculation of the controller fill ratio (CFR) • Principle: use the observed daily variation of the KPIs as function of the offered load. or to use the next method. The fill ratio is defined by the KPI that would first reach its target level. for example. to the date when internal resources might become limiting.quick estimation • A pre-requisite is to have an estimation of the traffic growth rate (GR.7. in %/day). • Periodically collect the maximum hourly KPI values per day. Issue: 03I DN0972569 99 . if the offered load was increased. the CFR calculation must be modified. Hence.2 Estimation of the date when internal resources might become limiting . weekdays with lower activity might be left out. we simply have ndays = (100% - CFR) / GR. and estimate when the KPI-specific target level will be first reached. • For each KPI: – Plot the hourly data as function of the Controller CP load index KPI. • If we call ndays the estimated number of days from the date the KPI data was collected. • Collect the hourly data for the relevant KPIs.3 Estimation of the date when the internal resources might become limiting .standard trend follow-up • The principle is to follow the evolution of the KPIs over a sufficiently long period of time. • In case the number of cells in the radio network is planned to be increased. For clarity. during a full day (24 hours). 5. • The CFR can be used to express the remaining traffic capacity as a function of the current traffic: (100% - CFR) * max offered load. – Extrapolate the trend.7. We also use the CFR from Calculation of the controller fill ratio (CFR). and verify that there is a linear dependency. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity 5. 5. if the traffic profile evolves. • Common KPIs for capacity licenses - applicable for cRNC and mcRNC.4 KPIs relevant for controller capacity upgrade planning • Controller CP load index - common for all controller products. Table 48 Common KPIs for capacity licenses Licence KPI Target AMR RNC_1773a 40% AMR RNC_1774a 20% Data RNC_1771a 40% Data RNC_1772a 20% • KPIs for cRNC Table 49 KPIs for cRNC Unit KPI Target ICSU RNC_5228a 80% RSMU RNC_1871a 70% NPGE RNC_1983a 80% DMPG RNC_1981a 80% DMCU RNC_5416a 70% DSP RNC_5209a 80% • KPIs for mcRNC Table 50 KPIs for mcRNC Processing FPNODE type Core type KPI Target Unit CFPU CFPU N/A RNC_5435a < 80% CFPU USSR N/A RNC_5436a < 80% CSPU CSPU N/A RNC_5437a < 80% CSPU CSUP Application RNC_5487a [2] < 80% 100 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . RNC capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity 5.7. The corresponding KPI is RNC_5234a. Issue: 03I DN0972569 101 . Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity RNC capacity Table 50 KPIs for mcRNC (Cont.) Processing FPNODE type Core type KPI Target Unit CSPU CSUP UMW RNC_5488a [2] < 90% CSPU CSUP Application RNC_5493a [1] < 80% CSPU CSUP UMW RNC_5494a [1] < 90% EIPU EIPU N/A RNC_5439a < 45% EIPU EITP N/A RNC_5499a < 45% USPU USPU N/A RNC_5441a < 80% USPU USUP Application RNC_5489a [2] < 80% USPU USUP UMW RNC_5490a [2] < 90% USPU USUP Application RNC_5495a [1] < 80% USPU USUP UMW RNC_5496a [1] < 90% [1] for Rel1 HW [2] for Rel2 HW g The upgrade actions are expected to be initiated sufficiently ahead of the estimated date. IP transport interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity 6 IP transport interface capacity Figure 23: IP interface capacity bottlenecks and Figure 24: IP transport interface show the main bottlenecks in the IP transport interface - the three different bandwidth levels. • Ethernet bandwidth • IP-based route bandwidth • IP-based route committed bandwidth Figure 23 IP interface capacity bottlenecks The bottleneck to be monitored is chosen based on the used capacity setting(s): • if internal flow control (IFC) is set to ON: IP-based route bandwidth is the traffic limiting factor • if IFC is set to OFF: Ethernet bandwidth is usually the traffic limiting factor g If this setting is used, IP-based route traffic and HSDPA part of the IP-based route traffic can also be limited using the RAN1110: HSDPA Congestion Control feature. • IFC ON is available only in IPA-RNC and mcRNC • if IP connection admission control (CAC) is set to ON: there is guaranteed bandwidth for some traffic g If the RAN1449: Dual Iub for Flexi WCDMA BTS and/or RAN1633: Dual Iub for UltraSite WCDMA BTS features are enabled, ATM and IP must be monitored separately. 102 DN0972569 Issue: 03I Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity IP transport interface capacity Figure 24 IP transport interface IP interface IP Bottlenecks EthernetifBw IPBRBw IPBRCommittedBw CapacitySettings IFC=OFF IFC=ON CAC=ON Iu-PStraffic Iubtraffic AllDCHtraffic Typically Monitored Iu-CStraffic Iub,Iu-CS,Iur RadioLayer Interfaces IFC=InternalFlowControl Iurtraffic IPBR=IP BasedRoute Iubtraffic 6.1 Ethernet interface The Ethernet Interface monitoring is done to check the utilization level of the Ethernet interface. The monitoring should be performed when the IFC is disabled for the related IP-based routes in the Ethernet interface, or if the interface overbooking is used and the sum of IP-based route bandwidths is higher than the interface capacity. Figure 25 Ethernet interface monitoring IFC = OFF for IP Route means that the monitored interface can fully use the whole Ethernet BW Capacity available for all Traffic Ethernet Interface BW Ethernet interface traffic Monitored Capacity item All traffic is sharing all the Ethernet BW resources Issue: 03I DN0972569 103 IP transport interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity In this case the nature of the traffic in the monitored interface does not matter, as all traffic is treated equally. A logical radio layer interface, for example the Iu-PS interface, might consist of one or more Ethernet interfaces. Therefore, the logical interfaces can be monitored using IP- based route monitoring. Figure 26: IP resource overbooking shows the traffic in Ethernet interface might be overbooked, that is, the total bandwidth of all related IP-based routes might exceed the configured bandwidth of the Ethernet interface. Figure 26 IP resource overbooking Table 51 Ethernet bandwidth capacity 1. Monitored Ethernet bandwidth capacity capacity item Ethernet interface-level monitoring is needed to monitor the use of the interface to avoid congestion on the interface level. Several IP-based routes for different logical interfaces, such as Iu-CS, and Iur, as well as Iub, can be sharing the same interface. 2. Proactive Counter/KPI Name, unit Target Red flag Description monitoring RNC_5210a NPGE Ethernet port This is the sum of the received RX_Utilization [%] Ethernet data compared to the maximum value, limited by the RncEthernetBw parameter. The formula to be used separately for each Ethernet port on the NPGE. < 80% - IHSPA_5210a FTLB Ethernet Port This is the sum of the received RX_Utilization Ethernet data compared to the maximum, limited by the parameter ETHERNET_BW. The formula should be used separately for each Ethernet port on the FTLB. RNC_5222a NPGE Ethernet port This is the sum of the transmitted TX_Utilization [%] < 80% - Ethernet data compared to the maximum value, limited by the 104 DN0972569 Issue: 03I The formula to be used separately for each Ethernet port on NPGE. when the IP-based route bandwidth is the traffic limiting factor (IFC is enabled) • this case is valid only for Iub interface monitoring • traffic bandwidth is limited to the configured IP-based route bandwidth Issue: 03I DN0972569 105 . but when there is constant overload. limited by the parameter ETHERNET_BW. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. unit Description monitoring RNC_1644a Ethernet frames drop Ingress Ethernet frames drop ratio.) RncEthernetBw parameter. IHSPA_5222a FTLB Ethernet Port This is the sum of the received TX_Utilization Ethernet data compared to the maximum. 5. • If high values are reached. summed up to unit level. egress [%] IHSPA_1645a 4. see point 2 in this table. Upgrade If some of the interface units are loaded.65 Gbps (see NPGE). Ethernet port utilization The Ethernet port utilization comes from all logical interfaces allocated to the Ethernet port: • If high values are reached.2 IP-based route In the described IP-based route monitoring there is no load sharing over multiple Ethernet interfaces. 3. Analysis 1. If all interface units are loaded. split the RNC or select a higher capacity model. throughput overload can cause packet drops in the RAN interfaces that are configured on the interface. the IP-based route for a logical interface based on multiple Ethernet interfaces exists but it is not described here as a separate monitoring case as there are no capacity restrictions for such a route configuration. ratio. Overload The overload is caused by high traffic volumes. ingress [%] IHSPA_1644a RNC_1645a Ethernet frames drop Egress Ethernet frames drop ratio. Ethernet frames drop ratio The possible overload is detected based on dropped frames in the Ethernet port(s) of the interface. 6. reconfigure the logical interfaces to the units that are not loaded. 2. ratio. summed up to unit level. The NPGE unit should tolerate short bursts of overload. check if the total traffic of the NPGE is close to the backplane limitation of 1. The formula should be used separately for each Ethernet port on the FTLB. 6. There are three separate cases for IP-based route monitoring: 1. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity IP transport interface capacity Table 51 Ethernet bandwidth capacity (Cont. that is. IP transport interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity 2. g It is recommended that the Iub interface monitoring is carried out based on IP-based route(s). and Iur interface monitoring • traffic bandwidth is limited to the configured IP-based route bandwidth • an additional bandwidth limit for CAC-controlled traffic is given. Monitored IP route bandwidth: IFC enabled capacity item This case of IP interface-related capacity monitoring is carried out when the IP-based route bandwidth is the limiting factor. 2. CAC-controlled traffic exists on IP-based route (CAC is enabled) • this case is valid only for Iub. committed bit rate traffic 6. when feature RAN1110: HSDPA Congestion Control is the traffic limiting factor (IFC is disabled) • this case is valid only for Iub and Iur interface monitoring • traffic bandwidth is limited to the related Ethernet interface bandwidth • but the actual traffic limiting factor is the allowed traffic rate given by feature RAN1110: HSDPA Congestion Control 3. there are no bandwidth limitations set on the IP route (s). Proactive Counter/KPI Name. Iu-CS.2.1 IP-based route: IFC enabled Figure 27 IP route monitoring: IFC enabled IFC = ON means that the monitored interface can use only the configured BW of used IP Route Capacity available Ethernet Interface BW IP based route BW for all Traffic IP-based route traffic Monitored Capacity item All traffic is sharing all the IP Route BW resources Table 52 IP route bandwidth: IFC enabled 1. IP route bandwidth monitoring In this case. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag 106 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . 40% is given assuming that the peak to average ratio is 2. • Outgoing traffic utilization rates: Can be monitored with specific KPIs (RNC_5450a and RNC_5451a) 2. The outgoing traffic includes all traffic utilization rate] user plane traffic between RNC and BTS or neighbor RNC or CN (depending on what the sending NE is). The Incoming data Incoming IP route RNC_5029a < 40% . Outgoing data traffic load RNC_5451a Outgoing traffic utilization rate (X > 88%) for IP-based traffic in controlling RNC for Outgoing IP route the reporting period for a selected logical traffic utilization rate . Outgoing traffic utilization rate (76% < X < 88%) for IP-based traffic in controlling RNC Outgoing IP route for the reporting period for a selected RNC_5450a traffic utilization rate . Peak outgoing traffic utilization rate for IP- based traffic in controlling RNC for the reporting period for a selected logical Peak outgoing IP route RNC_5473a < 100% 100% interface. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. 3. Outgoing traffic load • Outgoing data average load: The actual threshold for upgrade depends on the peak to average ratio of the traffic. Analyses 1. .) Average outgoing traffic utilization rate of IP-based traffic in controlling RNC for the Average outgoing IP reporting period for a selected logical RNC_5449a route traffic utilization < 40% . Total incoming data volume for IP-based traffic in controlling RNC for the reporting period for a selected logical interface. The outgoing traffic includes all (88 - < 100)% user plane traffic between RNC and RNC_5451a BTS/neighbor RNC/CN (depends on what is the receiving NE). The outgoing traffic (76 - < 88)% includes all user plane traffic between RNC and BTS/neighbor RNC/CN (depends on what is the receiving NE). - 4. incoming traffic includes all user plane traffic load traffic volume [Mbit] traffic between RNC and BTS/neighbor RNC/CN (depends on what is the sending NE). Incoming traffic load Issue: 03I DN0972569 107 . The outgoing traffic includes all rate user plane traffic between RNC and BTS/neighbor RNC/CN (depends on what is the receiving NE). < 3% < 5% logical interface. < 1% < 2% interface. interface. unit Description monitoring . Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity IP transport interface capacity Table 52 IP route bandwidth: IFC enabled (Cont.5. it might require an upgrade of the available bandwidth. 3. the transport capacity and the IP-based route bandwidth should be increased. Bandwidth utilization There is no threshold as the IP route bandwidth is not the limiting factor. This is relevant for the Iub interface of asymmetric transport. IP transport interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 52 IP route bandwidth: IFC enabled (Cont. If the average Iub throughput is close to the available transport capacity. a threshold can be created. for example. 5. for example.) Incoming data volume must be divided by measurement period and thereafter be compared to the IPRB bandwidth to obtain average traffic utilization. If overload is detected. Overload The IP-based route traffic cannot exceed the IP-based route BW when IFC is enabled. other traffic in the interface 3. the end-user throughput starts to decrease. 6. where the UL capacity is clearly lower than the DL capacity. Upgrade In the case of overload. When the IP route is on a single Ethernet with monitoring of the data volume KPIs (IHSPA_5084a and IHSPA_5085a) and comparing the values to Ethernet bandwidth. feature RAN1110: HSDPA Congestion Control (for the Iub or Iur interfaces) when it is active 108 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . In the case of overload the transport capacity should be increased.2.2 IP-based route: IFC disabled Figure 28: IP route monitoring - traffic limited by feature RAN1110: HSPA Congestion Control shows that if the IFC is disabled. 6. in asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL). There is a specific KPI (RNC_5473a_ that tells when the BW utilization has been 100%. logical interface capacity 2. the traffic in the IP-based route might exceed the IP-based route parameter value and then the traffic is restricted by: 1. 2. The outgoing traffic < 100% 100% traffic utilization rate includes all user plane traffic between RNC and BTS/neighbor RNC/CN IHSPA_5473a (depends on what is the receiving NE). Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity IP transport interface capacity Figure 28 IP route monitoring - traffic limited by feature RAN1110: HSPA Congestion Control Other IPBRs sharing Ether if + HSPA CC restricts the full usage Traffic load may of Ethernet if for one IPBR exceed the IPBR BW All Traffic IFC = OFF for IP Route means that the monitored interface can in principle fully use the whole Ethernet BW Capacity available for IP based route BW Ethernet Interface BW IP-based route all traffic traffic Monitored Capacity item All traffic is sharing all the Ethernet BW resources Table 53 IP route bandwidth: IFC disabled 1. Monitored IP route bandwidth: IFC disabled capacity item This case of IP interface-related capacity monitoring is carried out when the Iub transport interface is monitored and there are no bandwidth limitations set on the Iub IP route(s). unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_5449a Average outgoing traffic utilization rate for IP-based traffic in controlling RNC for the reporting period for a selected Average outgoing IP logical interface. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. RNC_5029a Total incoming data volume for IP- Incoming data Incoming IP route traffic based traffic in controlling RNC for the < 40% - traffic load volume [Mbit] reporting period for a selected logical IHSPA_5085a interface. The outgoing traffic route traffic utilization < 40% - includes all user plane traffic between rate RNC and BTS/neighbor RNC/CN IHSPA_5449a (depends on what is the receiving NE). The incoming traffic Issue: 03I DN0972569 109 . Outgoing data traffic load RNC_5473a Peak outgoing traffic utilization rate for IP-based traffic in controlling RNC for the reporting period for a selected Peak outgoing IP route logical interface. ) includes all user plane traffic between RNC and BTS/neighbor RNC/CN (depends on what is the sending NE) 3. 110 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . TO SEVERE IUB related to DELAY [#] HSDPA congestion control M5000C178 HS-DSCH CREDIT Number of HS-DSCH credit reductions because of frame loss. OVERLOAD [#] 4. LOSS [#] M1022C72 FRAME LOSS The number of “Congestion indication control frame - frame INDICATIONS SENT loss” messages sent to the BTS because of Iub delay detected DUE TO IUB DELAY [#] by the Frame protocol. Analyses 1. control M1022C70 DELAY BUILDUP The number of “Congestion indication control frame - delay INDICATIONS SENT build-up” messages sent to the BTS because of the RNC HW DUE TO HW overload congestion control feature. M1022C73 FRAME LOSS The number of “Congestion indication control frame - frame INDICATIONS SENT loss” messages sent to the BTS because of RNC HW DUE TO HW overload. TO IUB DELAY [#] M5000C177 HS-DSCH CREDIT Number of HS-DSCH credit reductions because of severe Iub REDUCTIONS DUE delay build-up. Used bandwidth IP route bandwidth is not the limiting factor when the IFC is disabled. • Incoming traffic: Incoming data volume must be divided by measurement period and thereafter be compared to the configured IPRB bandwidth to obtain average traffic utilization. TO MAC-HS BUFFER FILLING [#] related to M1022C69 DELAY BUILDUP The number off “Congestion Indication control frame - delay HSUPA INDICATIONS SENT build-up” messages sent to the BTS because of an Iub delay congestion DUE TO IUB DELAY [#] detected by the Frame protocol. OVERLOAD [#] M1022C71 FRAME LOSS The number of “Congestion indication control frame - frame INDICATIONS SENT loss” messages sent to the BTS because of Iub traffic loss DUE TO TRAFFIC detected by the Frame protocol. • Outgoing traffic: Average and peak utilization can be monitored. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. REDUCTIONS DUE TO FRAME LOSS [#] M5000C179 HS-DSCH CREDIT Number of HS-DSCH credit reductions because of MAC-HS REDUCTIONS DUE buffer filling. unit Description monitoring M5000C176 HS-DSCH CREDIT Number of HS-DSCH credit reductions because of Iub delay REDUCTIONS DUE build-up. IP transport interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 53 IP route bandwidth: IFC disabled (Cont. 5. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity IP transport interface capacity Table 53 IP route bandwidth: IFC disabled (Cont. the end-user throughput starts to decrease. 6. There is a specific KPI (RNC_5473a) that tells when the BW utilization has been 100%. Figure 29 Example for IP CAC monitoring for an IP-based route where IFC is also enabled IFC = ON means that the monitored interface can use only the configured BW of used IP Route Capacity available for IP based route BW NON CAC Traffic Ethernet Interface BW Traffic as a IP Commited BW subject for CAC Monitored Capacity item As the CAC is enabled there is committed traffic i. When the IP CAC is enabled. 6. CAC handled traffic have a committed share of configured IP Route BW resources. Congestion detection: • for the Iub in downlink: if there is congestion in the Iub transport. then the bandwidth limit of CAC-controlled traffic is set to be equal to the monitored IP-based route committed bandwidth. Then utilization KPIs 5449 and 5473 are not at all relevant. • for the Iub in uplink: if there is congestion in the Iub transport.3 IP-based route: CAC-controlled traffic If the IP-based route committed bandwidth is defined as a non-zero value (IP CAC is used). there start to be frame losses and delays. counter M5868C15 IP_EG_BW_CONFIG remains zero. the transport capacity should be increased. as they do not show any feasible value. the reserved bandwidth of the IP-based route should be monitored to avoid IP CAC blocking.e. Overload If overload is detected on the Iub interface. These are detected by the listed counters (M1022C69 - M1022C73). the given HDSPA credits are downgraded and detected by the counters (M5000C176 - M5000C179) listed above in this table. The Iub downlink IP CAC monitoring is performed in the RNC and the Iub uplink IP CAC monitoring in the BTS. 2.2. Upgrade In the case of overload. Committed BW includes besides CAC handled traffic also signaling and DCN traffic Issue: 03I DN0972569 111 .) – When IFC is disabled and there is no route bandwidth used for IPBR scheduler. Therefore. With VLAN differentiation in use. and Iur interfaces. IP CAC is not often enabled for Iu-PS. it is not necessary to monitor the signalling traffic similarly as it is in the case when the NBAP signalling is carried in ATM VCC. there are separate KPIs based on separate counters for cases with or without VLAN differentiation. The limitation is for the following types of traffic: • R99 CS Voice • R99 RT DCH CS: Conversational Class • R99 RT DCH PS: Streaming Class • R99 NRT DCH PS: Interactive and Background Class • HSPA CS Voice (if feature RAN1689: CS Voice Over HSPA is active) • HSPA RT PS: Streaming Class (if feature RAN1004: Streaming QoS for HSPA is active) • HSPA NRT (PS): Interactive and Background Class 112 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . Figure 30 IP CAC: committed traffic blocking Committed BW =Guaranteed Traffic - Committed SIG BW – Committed DCN BW New connection up to this capacity New connection would fit in requiring this much capacity would be blocked IP Based Route Committed BW IP CAC reservation for existing connections If the user plane traffic towards the BTS is separated onto several virtual local area networks (VLANs). The formula is (IP-based route committed BW - IP-based committed signalling BW - IP-based route committed DCN bandwidth). When assigned to the same PHB queue with CAC-controlled traffic. Monitored Committed bandwidth capacity item IP-based route committed bandwidth monitoring is usually done for the Iub. For DL IP CAC monitoring. because CAC is performed from the RNC towards the core network and the other direction is dominating. there is always a bandwidth for signalling the DCN traffic. the same KPI can be used for all monitored IP-based routes. Iu-CS. The committed bandwidth includes the given committed traffic types but also signaling traffic and possible O&M (DCN) traffic. Capacity Iub control plane (as well as for DCN) traffic is reserved by limiting user plane connections in IP Connection Admission Control (CAC) with parameter IP-based committed signalling BW. For UL IP CAC monitoring. This traffic is not limited to the IP-based committed signalling/DCN BW parameter value. there can be two separate IP-based routes in the RNC for the connection towards the BTS. it is also possible to enable CAC per VLAN. IP transport interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity The monitoring principle is to trace the changes of the Committed Bandwidth value. It is the IP CAC that manages the committed bandwidth. Table 54 Committed bandwidth 1. unit Description monitoring RNC_5005a IP route The transport resource request success ratio [%]. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. The maximum value of IP bandwidth usage rate. This KPI describes accessibility for the average success rate of the transport resource reservation outgoing traffic attempts for IP route based connections every/selected interface [%] where IP is used. IP route at Flexi BTS - IHSPA_5385a reservation VLAN [%] rate - UL with VLAN RNC_5386a IP-based Iub < 90% . This KPI describes accessibility for the average success rate of the transport resource reservation incoming Iub attempts for IP route based connections every/selected interface traffic [%] where IP is used. IP-based route comparing the maximum value of the reserved IP bandwidth layer bit rate against the available bandwidth. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag IP route RNC_1909b reservation Max reserved The maximum value of IP bandwidth usage rate. rate - DL with IP-based route < 90% . Issue: 03I DN0972569 113 . comparing the maximum value of the reserved IP or without bandwidth [%] layer bit rate against the available bandwidth. The maximum reservation rate of guaranteed IP differentiation uplink maximum transport resources at Ultra BTS per VLAN interface. RNC_5031a IP route The transport resource request success ratio [%]. reservation rate at Ultrasite BTS - VLAN [%] IHSPA_1909a Max reserved < 90% . 3. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity IP transport interface capacity Table 54 Committed bandwidth (Cont. VLAN IHSPA_1909a differentiation RNC_5383a IP-based Iub uplink maximum The maximum reservation rate of guaranteed IP < 90% - reservation rate transport resources at Flexi BTS per IP interface IP route IHSPA_5383a at Flexi BTS [%] reservation rate - UL without VLAN RNC_5384a IP-based Iub < 90% . M804C1 FAIL_RNC_IP_R The number of failed IP transport resource reservations in the RNC ES_EXT [#] because of external connection admission control. The maximum reservation rate of guaranteed IP differentiation uplink maximum transport resources at Ultra BTS per IP interface reservation rate at Ultrasite BTS [%] RNC_5385a IP-based Iub uplink maximum The maximum reservation rate of guaranteed IP reservation rate < 90% - transport resources at Flexi BTS per VLAN interface. Reactive Counter/KPI Name.) 2. Maximum reserved capacity for committed traffic If maximum reserved bandwidth > 90% the probability of blocking because of IP CAC increases. S [#] 4. or Iur interface. 2. the IP-based route committed bandwidth should be increased. IP route M804C1 FAIL_RNC_IP_R This is the number of failed IP transport resource reservations in the reservation ES_EXT [#] Flexi Direct RNC because of external admission control. Thus. The M804C1 is the most relevant of these in the downlink direction and M804C5 is the most relevant in the uplink direction. • IP route accessibility blocking: there are specific counters for blocking reasons. IP transport interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 54 Committed bandwidth (Cont. Upgrade In the case of overload. S [#] IHSPA_5086a IP route This is the transport resource request success ratio [%]/ This KPI accessibility for describes the average success rate of the transport resource outgoing traffic reservation attempts for IP route-based connections every/ selected [%] interface where IP is used. 114 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . • Outgoing traffic: Feature Transport Bearer Tuning can be used to decrease the activity factors used for calculating CAL allocation. • Incoming traffic: the IP-based route committed bandwidth (done with parameter cacCommitedBitRate) should be increased.) M804C5 FAIL_BTS_IP_R The number of failed IP transport resource reservations in the BTS ES_EXT_TRAN because of external connection admission control. Iu-CS. Overload If the reservation increases to above the threshold limit. Analysis 1. These counters means in practice that there is not enough transport capacity allocated for the related IP route in the Iub. This KPI accessibility for describes the average success rate of the transport resource incoming traffic reservation attempts of IP route-based connections every/ selected [%] interface where IP is used. 5. IP route accessibility IHSPA_5087a IP route This is the transport resource request success ration [%]. blocking M804C5 FAIL_BTS_IP_R This is the number of failed IP transport resource reservations in the ES_EXT_TRAN BTS because of external connection admission control. the IP-based committed bandwidth needs to be increased. the higher the threshold can be. g NOTE! Threshold value depends on the value of the committed bandwidth parameter. Blocking of committed traffic • The success ratio of IP route accessibility can be followed up in both uplink and downlink directions. The higher the bandwidth. 6. • The IP-based route committed bandwidth should be increased. the IP-based CAC blocking probability increases. the following issues are relevant: ATM service specifics ATM transport interface provides traffic for any of the three following different ATM service types: • Constant Bit Rate (CBR) traffic • Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) traffic • Unspecified Bit Rate+ (UBR+) traffic Optional features: RAN1095: UBR+ for Iub User Plane and RAN1192: UBR+ for Control Plane and Iu/Iur User Plane The ATM service types are primarily managed by the following parameters: • Peak Cell Rate (PCR) - limits the maximum total ATM traffic in the VPC/VCC. – The difference between UBR and UBR+ management is that for UBR the MDCR equals zero. – The MDCR might be exceeded. Figure 31: ATM interface capacity bottlenecks shows the main bottlenecks on the ATM transport interface - the three different interface levels. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity ATM transport interface capacity 7 ATM transport interface capacity g This chapter is relevant only for IPA-RNC. the guaranteed traffic load might exceed 100%. Issue: 03I DN0972569 115 . • ATM interface • ATM Virtual Path (VPC) • ATM Virtual Channel (VCC) Figure 31 ATM interface capacity bottlenecks Configuration specifics of given bottlenecks To find out what to monitor from each bottleneck. The guaranteed bitrate equals the sum of all CBR PCRs and UBR+ MDCRs. that is. • ATM Connection Admission Control (CAC) is based on these two parameters. • Minimum Defined Cell Rate (MDCR) - additionally for UBR+: – Guarantees a minimum throughput level for UBR+ traffic in the VPC/VCC. 116 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . UBR. the PCR can be exceeded and all surplus ATM cells can be discarded by the receiving network node. NRT DCH. shaping is considered only for CBR VPCs. a UBR+ VCC can only be mapped to a UBR+ VPC. The VCC is configured to be a CBR. ATM transport interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity The ATM service types can be separately configured for both VPCs and VCCs. see Table HSPA over Iur AAL2 VCC combinations in WCDMA RAN ATM Transport). ATM CAC does not accept a VC inside a VP if the sum of MDCRs exceeds the VP's MDCR. it is recommended to use a UBR+ VCC for stringent bi-level path for NRT-DCH and Streaming HSPA traffic. bi-level stringent. or UBR+. ATM configuration specifics The VPCs and VCCs can be shaped: Traffic shaping ensures that the egress traffic leaving the network element. ATM CAC does not accept a VC inside a VP if the sum of the VC PCRs (and the MDCRs of all UBR+ VCs) exceeds the VP's PCR. Furthermore. RT HSPA. or NRT HSPA. • VPC: the used ATM service type(s) + configuration limitations – For CBR VPs. – This AAL2 VCC selection possibility provides the means for traffic differentiation for user services based on the traffic type (DCH or HSPA) and different AAL2 path types: stringent. • On Iur: additionally it is possible to dedicate Iur VCCs for up to three different types of user services (related to the optional feature: RAN1231: HSPA over Iur). and another UBR+ VCC as tolerant path for NRT HSPA traffic. g In this document. – For UBR+ VPs. The capacity limitations for the bottlenecks are based on: • ATM interface: the bandwidth of the interface card (STM-1) + configuration limitations ATM CAC does not accept a VP inside an ATM interface if the sum of all guaranteed bitrates for VPs exceeds the guaranteed bandwidth of the ATM interface. for example RNC. does not exceed the PCR defined for the VPC or VCC. If the connection is unshaped. However. • On Iub: additionally it is possible to dedicate Iub User Plane VCCs for up to four different types of user services (optional feature - RAN759: Path Selection). This type of VCC configuration is primarily used on Iu interface (no HSPA). • A VCC is shared between all different types of user services. – It is recommended to use a CBR VCC as stringent and stringent&stringent bi- level paths for real-time traffic to maintain the QoS. • VCC: the used ATM service type(s) User Plane specifics User Plane (UP) VCCs have the following configuration options related to user (radio layer) services: • User services (in this case) mean: RT DCH. and tolerant (for more information. When peak traffic counter is not available and average traffic values need to be used. • Dedicated Iub VCCs are also possible to bundle (optional features: RAN1099: Dynamic scheduling for HSDPA with Path Selection. bi- level stringent. • C-plane or O&M VCCs are not bundled. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity ATM transport interface capacity – The Path Selection provides the means for traffic differentiation for user services based on traffic type (DCH or HSPA) and different AAL2 path types: stringent. it is recommended to use a CBR VCC as stringent path for real-time traffic in order to maintain the QoS. C-plane. The parameter is taken into account only when both HSDPA and NRT DCH are carried in dedicated VCs in the same VC bundle. – The VCCBundleEBS (VCC Bundle Excess Bandwidth Share) parameter defines how excess bandwidth is shared between NRT DCH and HSDPA traffic in a congestion situation. Control plane specifics For control plane (C-plane) and O&M. This means that unused capacity assigned to one of the bundled VCs can be used by other VCs of the same bundle at the same time if the total traffic of the bundled VCs does not exceed the bundle's PCR. the following aspects need to be taken into account: • On VCC level there always are separate VCCs for UP. measured traffic needs to have lower threshold values. VPC. or ATM interface) and the average traffic over the measurement period that is measured using the counters. RAN1100: Dynamic scheduling for NRT DCH with Path Selection). and another UBR+ VCC as tolerant path for NRT HSPA traffic. – It is recommended to use a UBR+ VCC as bi-level stringent path for NRT-DCH and Streaming HSPA traffic. and management plane (M-plane. VCC. Issue: 03I DN0972569 117 . and tolerant (for more information. – VCC Bundle is a group of User Plane ATM VCs in the Iub interface for which a VCCBundlePCR (VCC Bundle Peak Cell Rate) parameter is defined. Reference: WCDMA RAN ATM Transport. that is O&M) traffic. Further. see Table Iub VC combinations in WCDMA RAN ATM Transport). Monitoring of given bottlenecks Figure 32: Monitoring principle of ATM bottlenecks shows the actual traffic of the measured object (for example. Depending on the VCC configuration. and HSPA tolerant can be measured at VCC level. if both CBR and UBR+ VCCs exist inside VPC. only ATM Virtual Channel level is relevant. Otherwise. When separately monitoring Control Plane or Management Plane (O&M). g If the RAN1449: Dual Iub for Flexi WCDMA BTS and/or RAN1633: Dual Iub for UltraSite WCDMA BTS features are enabled. ATM transport interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Figure 32 Monitoring principle of ATM bottlenecks ATM Interface: The ATM interface level monitoring is relevant if you have unshaped VPCs with UBR/UBR+ VCCs inside. ATM and IP must be monitored separately. 118 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . DCH + HSPA stringent bi-level. the VCCs can be monitored on VCC level to follow up separately their relation to their PCRs. ATM Virtual Channel: The ATM Virtual Channel level monitoring is needed to identify the amount of traffic per VCC. the ATM CAC and/or VCC/VPC configuration will prevent overload possibility. the VCCs should be monitored on VCC level to follow up separately their relation to their PCRs and MDCRs. the different traffic types like DCH + HSPA stringent. the reason is given in the use case section. and the sum of VCC PCRs exceeds the interface capacity. ATM Virtual Path: The ATM Virtual Path level monitoring is relevant for a shaped CBR VPC that limits the traffic of the UBR/UBR+ VCCs inside the VPC to the VPC PCR. If there is only one VPC for the Iub connection. unless it is enough to follow up the capacity at VPC level. VPC monitoring can be used to monitor the total Iub capacity. If there are CBR VCCs inside a shaped CBR VPC. For the listed radio interfaces. For Iub. Figure 33: ATM transport interface: identified monitoring cases shows the above mentioned conclusions. Analysis 1. If the utilization rate is above 80% it might be necessary to move connections to another interface. Average ingress ATM interface utilization The data traffic load value gives the utilization rate against the interface capacity. The capacity of an STM-1 interface is standardized to 155 Mbit/s. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. unit Target Red flag Description monitoring RNC_1127a Average ATM unit 80% . Monitored Utilization of ATM interface capacity item ATM interface level monitoring is needed to monitor the utilization of the interface to avoid congestion in the used STM-1 interface. divided by the configured ingress bandwidth. Interface utilization is the total interface utilization number of transmitted egress ATM egress [%] cells. 2. unit Description monitoring 4. the utilization of all the traffic on the ATM interface is monitored. divided by the configured ingress bandwidth.1 ATM interface An ATM interface is one of eight STM-1 interfaces in an NPS1/NPS1P (RNC2600) or NIS1/NIS1P (RNC196/RNC450) unit. RNC_1128a Average ATM unit 80% . no user service separation is needed and the whole ATM interface is reserved for Iub user plane traffic. ATM interface monitoring is typically used for Iu-CS interfaces and for Iu-PS (in case ATM is used). Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity ATM transport interface capacity Figure 33 ATM transport interface: identified monitoring cases ATMtransportinterface ATM VirtualPath(VP) VirtualChannel(VC) Interface Bottlenecks Considered UBR+VCCinside ShapedCBR Configuration UnshapedVP(s) VP(s) CBR UBR/UBR+ 7. 3. Issue: 03I DN0972569 119 . that is. Table 55 Utilization of ATM interface 1. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. Interface utilization is the total interface utilization number of received ingress ATM ingress [%] cells. In this case the ATM services are not separated. that is. g It is also possible to use ATM interface level monitoring for Iub in case it is enough to follow up the capacity of the whole Iub. If the utilization rate is above 80% it might be necessary to move connections to another interface. Unshaped RNC_1061a Average ATM VPC . and Iub. This KPI shows the incoming ATM ingress utilization [%] layer guaranteed traffic load for a single ATM VP connection. The load is measured in RNC egress direction. The load is measured in RNC ingress direction. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. RNC_962a Average ATM VPC . This KPI shows the outgoing ATM unshaped egress throughput layer traffic for a single ATM VP VPC [cps] connection.) 2. 6. Upgrade For upgrade. Overload If data traffic load increases above the threshold limits. the utilization of all the traffic on the ATM VPC is monitored. . Iur. Monitored Utilization of ATM virtual path capacity item ATM virtual path monitoring is necessary to monitor the utilization of the interface to avoid congestion on the VPC level and to see whether guaranteed traffic reservation is sufficient (in a shaped VPC case). 5. RNC_1060b Average ATM VPC . that is. The load is measured in RNC ingress direction. and Iub interfaces. move ATM connections from one STM-1 to another. 3. Iu-PS (in case ATM is used). VPC monitoring is typically used for Iu-CS. In this case the ATM services are not separated. VPC monitoring is sufficient when it is enough to monitor only the whole capacity. . Iur. the user throughput is downgraded in high load situations. 2.2 ATM virtual path Table 56 Utilization of ATM virtual path 1. ATM transport interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 55 Utilization of ATM interface (Cont. The load is measured in RNC egress direction. g For Iu-CS. . This KPI shows the outgoing ATM VPC egress utilization [%] layer guaranteed traffic load for a single ATM VP connection. 7. unit Description monitoring 120 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . Reactive Counter/KPI Name. This KPI shows the incoming ATM ingress throughput layer traffic for a single ATM VP [cps] connection. Average egress ATM interface utilization The data traffic load value gives the utilization rate against the interface capacity. unit Target Red flag Description monitoring Shaped or RNC_963a Average ATM VPC . . Monitored Utilization of ATM virtual channel capacity item ATM Virtual Channel monitoring for CBR VCCs is necessary to monitor the utilization of the connection to avoid congestion on the VCC level. this means monitoring max AAL2 reservation level and AAL2 connection utilization (maximum number of AAL2 connections is 248 per VCC). Issue: 03I DN0972569 121 .) 4. AAL2 CAC is performed in the WBTS for Iub uplink traffic. must be checked from elsewhere) to obtain a data traffic load value for comparison against the threshold.CBR Table 57 Utilization of ATM virtual channel (CBR) 1. data can be transported over this connection within a specified delay boundary and loss ratio. the VPC utilization rate against the peak bandwidth (=PCR). Iu-CS (user and control plane connections).3. Iur. but the UBR/UBR+ VCC use cases including path selection are only for U-plane. The comparison result (=data traffic load for all traffic) is in that case the VPC utilization rate against the peak bandwidth (=PCR). If data traffic load is above the threshold it might be necessary to increase the PCR. CP and.3 ATM virtual channel The ATM VCC use cases are split into CBR VCC and UBR/UBR+ VCC parts. The comparison result (=data traffic load for all traffic) is. 6. Overload If data traffic load increases above the threshold limits. AAL2 CAC is in charge of AAL2 resources. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity ATM transport interface capacity Table 56 Utilization of ATM virtual path (Cont. Upgrade If overload occurs for all traffic. the PCR should be increased. 3. 7. A CBR VCC is typically used for Iub. Average ingress ATM interface utilization The data traffic load value tells the utilization rate against the committed bandwidth (= MDCR). Iur: It depends on the selected configuration which traffic type utilizes one VCC. In addition to monitoring the traffic carried in the VCC. 5.1 ATM virtual channel . the MDCR should be increased. MP (O&M). must be checked from elsewhere) to obtain a data traffic load value for comparison against the threshold. Iu-CS: All services are RT services in the VCC. Average ATM VPC egress throughput Compare the measured value to configured PCR (not part of KPI. 7. Average egress ATM interface utilization The data traffic load value gives the utilization rate against the committed bandwidth (= MDCR). that is. If data traffic load is above the threshold it might be necessary to increase the PCR. If the utilization rate is above 100% it might be necessary to increase the MDCR. AAL2 CAC ensures that once an AAL2 connection has been accepted. The use cases for CBR or UBR/UBR+ (without path selection) VCC are for U-plane. Average ATM VPC ingress throughput Compare the measured value to configured PCR (not part of KPI. 2. the user throughput is downgraded in high load situations. Analysis 1. 4. that is. and in the RNC for Iub downlink traffic. the AAL2 Connection admission control (CAC) should be monitored. If overload occurs for traffic. If the utilization rate is above 100% it might be necessary to increase the MDCR. in that case. if not. This KPI shows the outgoing ATM layer outgoing traffic load traffic load for a single ATM VC connection. 122 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . the monitoring provides the utilization rate of all services on the Iub VCC. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_732b ATM VCC-specific < 40% . Iub: It depends on the selected configuration which traffic type utilizes one VCC. RNC_5452a ATM VCC egress < 3% < 5% Outgoing ATM layer traffic utilization rate utilization rate - (76 - < (76% < X < 88%) for single ATM VC 88)% connection. the monitoring provides the utilization rate of all services on the Iub VCC. ATM transport interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 57 Utilization of ATM virtual channel (CBR) (Cont. The load is measured in RNC egress direction. The load is measured in RNC Outgoing data egress direction. RNC_5478a ATM VCC peak < 100% 100% Peak incoming traffic utilization rate for ingress load single ATM VC connection. The 100)% load is measured in RNC ingress direction. The load is measured in RNC ingress direction. if not. If there is path selection in use. 2. RNC_760a Allocated peak . RNC_960b ATM VCC-specific < 40% . the monitored CBR VCC can be used to follow up RT traffic utilization. The 100)% load is measured in RNC egress direction. RNC_5454a ATM VCC ingress < 3% < 5% Incoming ATM layer traffic utilization rate utilization rate - (76 - < (76% < X 88%) for single ATM VC 88)% connection. the monitored CBR VCC can be used to follow up RT traffic utilization. The load is measured in RNC Incoming data ingress utilization. traffic load RNC_5455a ATM VCC ingress < 1% < 2% Incoming ATM layer traffic utilization rate (X utilization rate (88 - < > 88%) for single ATM VC connection. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. This KPI shows the outgoing ATM layer incoming traffic load traffic load for a single ATM VC connection. . traffic load RNC_5453a ATM VCC egress < 1% < 2% Outgoing ATM layer traffic utilization rate (X utilization rate - (88 - < > 88%) for single ATM VC connection. RNC_5477a ATM VCC peak egress < 100% 100% Peak outgoing traffic utilization rate for load single ATM VC connection. [%] The load is measured in RNC egress direction. The ratio between peak reserved Connection capacity of ATM VCC bandwidth and total bandwidth of AAL2 utilization [%] path estimated by CAC during measurement period. [%] The load is measured in RNC ingress direction.) If there is AAL2 selection in use (because of RAN1231: HSPA over Iur feature). Then. The threshold for average traffic load for control plane VCCs is 60% for Iub and 20% for Iu. 4. Overload If data traffic load increases above the threshold limit. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. Incoming data traffic load Incoming traffic utilization rates: Can be monitored with specific KPIs (RNC_960b. Outgoing data traffic load Outgoing traffic load and utilization rates: Can be monitored with specific KPIs (RNC_732b. Allocated peak capacity of ATM VCC If threshold is exceeded. The ratio between the maximum number of connection utilization AAL2 path connections and the total [%] maximum number connections during the measurement period. success rate rate [%] 4. If more AAL2 connections are necessary. There are specific KPIs (RNC_5477a and RNC_5478a) that tell when the BW utilization has been up to 100%. that is.) RNC_1057a Maximum AAL2 < 90% . the PCR should be increased. probability AAL2 connection blocks increases. 2.3. AAL2 connection reservation success rate (VCC) If the rate is below for example 99% (threshold varies based on CBR VCC PCR) there is overload in the VCC. 3. 5. it is necessary to check the AAL2 connection reservation success KPI (RNC_602a). Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity ATM transport interface capacity Table 57 Utilization of ATM virtual channel (CBR) (Cont. 6. RNC_5454a and RNC_5455a) The data traffic load value gives the utilization rate against the peak bandwidth (= PCR). the user throughput is downgraded in high load situations. If allocated peak capacity exceeds the threshold value or maximum AAL2 connection utilization exceeds the threshold. If data traffic load is above the threshold it might be necessary to increase the PCR. Maximum AAL2 connection utilization (RNC_1057a) If threshold is exceeded. the probability of blocking because of AAL2 CAC increases. unit Description monitoring Connection RNC_602a AAL2 connection This KPI describes the average success rate of the transport reservation reservation success resource reservation attempts for AAL2 type connections. Analyses 1. The threshold for average traffic load for control plane VCCs is 60% for Iub and 20% for Iu. Table 58 Utilization of ATM virtual channel (UBR/UBR+) 1. additional VCC needs to be added. during traffic peaks load is close to 100%. RNC_5452a and RNC_5453a). a new UP VCC needs to be introduced for the same traffic.UBR/UBR+ UBR/UBR+ VCC Use Cases differ depending on whether the monitored VCC(s) are in a bundle or not. The data traffic load value gives the utilization rate against the peak bandwidth (= PCR). 5. Upgrade If overload occurs. Monitored Utilization of ATM virtual channel capacity item Issue: 03I DN0972569 123 . 7. If data traffic load is above the threshold it might be necessary to increase the PCR / bundle PCR. 3.2 ATM virtual channel . the peak and guaranteed bandwidth differs. g It might be enough to monitor the whole VCC bundle on VPC level when all bundled VCCs share the same VPC.) ATM virtual channel monitoring for UBR/UBR+ VCCs is needed to monitor the usage of the interface to avoid congestion on the VCC level. Iu-CS: All services are RT services in the VCC. the monitored UBR+ VCC can be used to follow up utilization of different radio services (RT DCH. there cannot exist a UBR configuration. Iur: It depends on the selected configuration which traffic type utilizes one VCC. 100)% RNC_5477a ATM VCC peak . For UBR+. A UBR+ VCC (with bundling) is only used on Iub interface. NRT DCH or HSPA). the monitoring provides the utilization rate of all services on the Iub VCC. that is. that is. . The load is measures in RNC egress direction. Iu-PS: The services in UBR+ VCC might be RT (Streaming) DCH/HSPA or NRT DCH/HSPA. it is necessary to monitor two separate load levels. the monitoring provides the utilization rate of all services on the Iub VCC. A UBR/UBR+VCC (without bundling) is typically used for any radio-layer user or control interface. unit Target Red Description monitoring flag RNC_732b ATM VCC. if not. only UBR+ VCC is allowed. The load is rate - (76 - < measured in RNC egress direction. and for UBR+ to see whether guaranteed traffic reservation is sufficient. Iub: It depends on the selected configuration which traffic type utilizes one VCC. • the radio services are on own VCCs. This KPI shows the outgoing ATM layer traffic load specific outgoing for a single ATM VC connection. 124 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . so the utilization rates can be monitored separately. If there is AAL2 selection (because of RAN1231: HSPA over Iur feature) in use. In this case: • the utilization rate for the whole bundle is assumed to be monitored as described in VCC bundle. Peak outgoing traffic utilization rate for single ATM egress load VC connection (% of the MDCR). The load is rate (88 - < measured in RNC egress direction. RNC_5452a ATM VCC . For path selection mapped VCC. 2. . . the monitored CBR VCC can be used to follow up RT traffic utilization. Also MP (O&M) typically uses UBR/UBR+ VCC. The load is traffic load [%] measured in RNC egress direction. 88)% Outgoing data traffic load RNC_5453a ATM VCC . if not. . . ATM transport interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 58 Utilization of ATM virtual channel (UBR/UBR+) (Cont. Outgoing ATM layer traffic utilization rate (X > 88%) egress utilization for single ATM VC bundle connection. Outgoing ATM layer traffic utilization rate (76% < X < egress utilization 88%) for single ATM VC connection. If there is path selection in use. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. Analysis 1. Peak incoming traffic utilization rate for single ATM ingress load VC connection (% of the MDCR). (88 - < 100)% RNC_5478a ATM VCC peak . Incoming ATM layer traffic utilization rate (76% < X < ingress 88%) for single ATM VC connection. The ratio between maximum number of AAL2 path connection connections and total maximum number connections utilization [%] during measurement period. Outgoing data traffic load Outgoing traffic load and utilization rates: Can be monitored with specific KPIs (RNC_732b. . The threshold for average traffic load for control plane VCCs is 60%. If data traffic load is above the threshold it might be necessary to increase the PCR / bundle MDCR. This KPI shows the outgoing ATM layer traffic load specific for a single ATM VC connection. . If data traffic load is above the threshold it might be necessary to increase the MDCR. 2. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity ATM transport interface capacity Table 58 Utilization of ATM virtual channel (UBR/UBR+) (Cont. The load is incoming traffic measured in RNC ingress direction. The ratio between peak reserved bandwidth and capacity of ATM total bandwidth of AAL2 path estimated by CAC VCC [%] during measurement period. in RNC ingress direction. . Connection utilization RNC_1057a Maximum AAL2 < 90% . Incoming ATM layer traffic utilization rate (X > 88%) ingress for single ATM VC connection. 3. Issue: 03I DN0972569 125 . Incoming data traffic load Incoming traffic utilization rates: Can be monitored with specific KPIs (RNC_960b. RNC_5452a and RNC_5453a). g No threshold recommendation is given for user plane UBR+ VCCs as the planned MDCR values vary depending on the traffic type carried in the UBR+ VCC and whether the UBR+ VCC is inside the VCC bundle or not. The threshold for average traffic load for control plane VCCs is 60%. Incoming data (76 - < 88)% traffic load RNC_5455a ATM VCC . unit Description monitoring Connection RNC_602a AAL2 connection This KPI describes the average success rate of the transport resource reservation reservation reservation attempts for AAL2 type connections. The load is utilization rate . load [%] RNC_5454a ATM VCC . . The data traffic load value gives the utilization rate against the peak bandwidth (= MDCR). . The load is measured in RNC ingress direction. Reactive Counter/KPI Name.) RNC_960b ATM VCC. success rate success rate [%] 4. RNC_760a Allocated peak . . measured in RNC ingress direction. The load is measured utilization rate . RNC_5454a and RNC_5455a) The data traffic load value gives the utilization rate against the peak bandwidth (= MDCR). 3. 4. a new UP VCC needs to be introduced for the same traffic. Figure 34 VCC bundle - UBR + VCCs bandwidth Bandwidth % 100% 88% VC 75% bundle 50% 25% g The monitoring of the separate VCCs inside the created VCC bundles are handled in sections ATM virtual channel - CBR and ATM virtual channel - UBR/UBR+. Table 59 Utilization of ATM VCC bundle 1. AAL2 connection reservation success rate (VCC) If the rate is below for example 99% (threshold varies based on CBR VCC PCR) there is overload in the VCC. 5. the probability of AAL2 connection reservation blocks is higher and there might be overload in the VCC. ATM transport interface capacity Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity Table 58 Utilization of ATM virtual channel (UBR/UBR+) (Cont. 6. Allocated peak capacity of ATM VCC If threshold is exceeded. If allocated peak capacity increases above the threshold limit.) g No threshold recommendation is given for user plane UBR+ VCCs as the planned MDCR values vary depending on the traffic type carried in the UBR+ VCC and if the UBR+ VCC is inside the VCC bundle or not. 5. Monitored Utilization of ATM VCC bundle capacity item 126 DN0972569 Issue: 03I . If more AAL2 connections are needed. Maximum AAL2 connection utilization (RNC_1057a) If threshold is exceeded. probability AAL2 connection blocks increases. The traffic carried in the UBR+ VCCs can exceed the guaranteed bandwidth (=MDCR). Then. additional VCC needs to be added. This section captures only the bundle level monitoring. the MDCR should be increased. during traffic peaks load is close to 100%. The traffic carried in the CBR VCCs are limited by the PCR. there can be both CBR and UBR+ VCC and they share the capacity within the VCC bundle. The total traffic within the VCC bundle consisting of CBR and UBR+ VCCs is limited by the VCCBundlePCR.4 VCC bundle Figure 34: VCC bundle - UBR + VCCs bandwidth shows that in a bundle. 7. that is. Upgrade If overload occurs for committed traffic. it is necessary to check the AAL2 connection reservation success KPI (RNC_602a). Overload If data traffic load increases above the threshold limit. the user throughput is downgraded in high load situations. • If the red flag is exceeded. Managing WCDMA RAN and Flexi Direct Capacity ATM transport interface capacity Table 59 Utilization of ATM VCC bundle (Cont. Reactive Counter/KPI Name. it might be necessary to increase the VCCBundlePCR. < X < 88%) for ATM VPC bundle. 3. Issue: 03I DN0972569 127 . 2.) ATM VCC bundle monitoring is necessary to monitor the utilization of the bundle to avoid congestion on the VCC bundle level. Proactive Counter/KPI Name. Overload If data traffic load increases above the threshold limits. All the VCCs in the bundle share the same PCR parameter (VCCBundlePCR parameter). the VCCBundlePCR should be increased. • If the target is exceeded. (76 - < 88)% The load is measured in RNC egress direction. 88%) for ATM VPC bundle. Upgrade If overload occurs for all traffic. unit Target Red flag Description monitoring RNC_5452a ATM VCC bundle < 3% < 5% Outgoing traffic utilization rate (76% egress utilization rate . Analysis Outgoing data traffic load The data traffic load value gives the utilization rate against the peak bandwidth (=VCCBundlePCR). The load (88 - < 100)$ is measured in RNC egress direction. the user throughput is downgraded in high load situations. it is necessary to increase the VCCBundlePCR. unit Description monitoring 4. 5. 6. Outgoing data traffic load RNC_5453a ATM VCC bundle < 1% < 2% Outgoing traffic utilization rate (X > egress utilization rate . ATM VCC bundling is only used on Iub interface.
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