Nittr Programs for diploma lecturers

June 9, 2018 | Author: gaminigsuresh4069 | Category: Vocational Education, Electrical Engineering, Lecturer, Computer Science, Engineering



NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL TEACHERS TRAINING AND RESEARCH TARAMANI, CHENNAI - 600 113 PROGRAMME BROCHURE (2013-14) Shortterm Staff Development Programmes CONTENTS No. Item Page No. 1. Preface (i) 2. Address for Communication (ii) 3. General Guidelines (iii) 4. Schedule of Staff Development Programmes 1-11 5. Proforma for Application A-1 particularly in new technologies. design and development of learning resources and general management and development of institutions and programmes. We would like to thank the authorities of State Directorates / Board of Technical Education for their sincere efforts and co-operation in the identification and finalization of the staff development programmes. The AICTE has recognized the short term training programmes conducted by NITTTR for consideration for the purpose of movement to higher grades under the Career Advancement Scheme. from teachers of polytechnics all over the country. contribute in the design and conduct of these programmes. Government of India for improvement of quality of Technical Education in the country in general on the Southern Region in particular. The courses cover content updating. NITTTR. use of innovative instructional methods and approaches. With the advances in technology and its adoption by Indian industry occurring at a rapid pace. Through the process of need analysis. Karnataka. A few of the programs are earmarked for national level participation. Kerala.PREFACE The National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research is an autonomous institute established under the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Chennai has identified and finalized areas for staff development in consultation with the State Directorates / Board of Technical Education. This programme brochure gives details of the short term courses proposed for the benefit of polytechnic teachers of Andhra Pradesh. Tamilnadu and Puducherry to be organized during 2013-14 by NITTTR. DIRECTOR . It is hoped that the faculty and the management of the polytechnics will come forward in large numbers to participate in the programmes and derive maximum benefit from our common effort towards improving the quality of technical education. it has become essential that the technical teachers should develop an aptitude for life long learning and have an exposure to advances in their field through Staff Development Programmes. The continuous upgradation of laboratory and instructional facilities assure the participants a rewarding learning experience. The faculty form the most valuable resource of the technical education system. The NITTTR faculty who have developed rich expertise in their areas of specialization and who undertake consultancy and research work. Mahaveer Marg. HMT Junction Kalamassery – 683 104.2254 5441 / 46 : 044 .in NITTTR.. Extension Centre (ECH) Sanketika Vidya Bhavan Government Polytechnic Campus Masab Tank. Chennai – 600 113 Tamil Nadu Office CDC Hostel : 044 .in CDC : cdcniter@gmail. Extension Centre (ECB) S.2254 5400 : 044 .in dir@nitttrc. Karnataka Phone Telefax E-mail : : : 080 [email protected] 4154 080 Website : 1126 Fax Telegram : RITTSOUTH E-mail : [email protected] .com 2339 : 044 . Hyderabad – 500 028 Telefax E-mail : : 040 – 2339 1459 nitttrech@gmail. Kerala Telefax : 0484 – 2542 653 E-mail : [email protected]. Government Polytechnic Campus Seshadri Road Bangalore – 560 001.2228 1419 nitttrbangalore@gmail. Extension Centre (ECK) Government Polytechnic Campus NAD Road.ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL TEACHERS TRAINING AND RESEARCH Taramani P.2254 5470 044 . per day b. B. Note: Although every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this brochure is accurate. Chennai. Are not eligible for Travel Allowance C.GENERAL GUIDELINES A. b. Are not eligible for Pocket Allowance c. subject to providing proof of to and fro travel and subject to eligibility according to their post / cadre ). D.230/. they b. Participants from Self financing Polytechnics and teachers appointed under Self supporting / financing schemes of aided Polytechnics: a. Heads of Department and Principals as per the existing norms of Govt. Admission order will be dispatched only after receiving duly sponsored applications. Lecturers. Hostel facilities at NITTTR. However. Chennai will be provided on payment basis. the eligible participants are Assistant Lecturers. of India. it must be understood that changed circumstances may necessitate alteration or cancellation of some of the courses and the terms and conditions thereof and hence the institute cannot undertake any responsibility arising out of or in connection with them. . A Pocket Allowance of Rs. Family accommodation is NOT available in the Hostel. Participants from Government & Aided Polytechnics are eligible for: a. Reimbursement of Travel Cost by bus / or train (limited to maximum of A/C two tier. No Course fee has to be paid to NITTTR. c. For all participants: a. Target Group for Staff development programmes For all staff development programmes conducted. Code Title Venue From To Target Group Target States Coordinator MAY 2013 PFD-01 Induction Programme for newly recruited teachers Educational Video Production Workshop for Science and Humanities Teachers ECH NITTTR.13 05. Chennai NITTTR.13 07. Teachers of Textile Engg.13 01.13 07.06. ECE & IE Teachers of Civil Engg.13 17.13 17.13 R RT JUNE 2013 PFD-03 PLC & SCADA Design of Earthquake resistant Structures Optical Fibre Communication Electrical and Electronic Measurements Heat Engines Lab Data communication and networking Workshop for Curriculum revision (for CE & Arch) Instructional Design and Delivery System Embedded Systems – 8051 Microcontroller and LPC 2148 ARM Controller Induction programme for Newly recruited teachers NITTTR.06. & Allied branches Teachers of ECE Teachers of EEE. .13 Teachers of EEE.07.13 10.13 10.13 01. Chennai NITTTR.05.13 05. Teachers of EEE.13 All teachers R R R KE RR SS SDP PK Teachers of Mech. Chennai NITTTR.07.06. Chennai ECH NITTTR. 03.13 R R R KE R AP RS USS SD PK GK CRN PFD-10 24.06.13 R SRD PFD-11 AP USS JULY 2013 PFD-13 PFD-14 PFD-15 PFD-16 Soft Skills CNC Machines Curriculum Revision workshop for Skill Development . 22. ECE.13 07.05. ECE & IE Teachers of Mech.13 14. Chennai 03.13 24. Chennai 06.13 Newly recruited Teachers Teachers of Science & Humanities R CRN PFD-02 20.06. Teachers of Mech. Chennai NITTTR. ECE IE & CSE HoS & Teachers Teachers (< 5 years of Experience) Teachers of EEE. 05.13 R SD PFD-12 ECH 24.13 05.05. IE & CSE Newly recruited Teachers R GAR PFD-04 PFD-05 PFD-06 PFD-07 PFD-08 PFD-09 03.06.06.NITTTR.Textiles Machine Shop Practice NITTTR.13 05.13 05.06. Chennai ECK NITTTR.13 17. Chennai ECK 01.06.13 28. Engg. Engg.13 21. Chennai ECH NITTTR.06.06. Chennai-600 113 SCHEDULE OF STAFF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES 2013-2014 Prog.07.13 01. Engg. 07.13 02.13 19.13 02.07. Chennai NITTTR.S.07. Code PFD-17 PFD-18 PFD-19 VB.. Teachers of Civil Engg.07.13 N N R R R R AP KSAD GJ PK VSN APF SS CRN Teachers of Mech. Chennai NITTTR.13 12.07. Engg.07.07.07. Engg.13 26. Teachers of CSE All teachers R VSK PFD-22 ECH NITTTR.07. Chennai From 08.EXCITE Programme (EXcellence in CIvil Engineering TEaching) Thermal Engineering Workshop for Curriculum revision (for EC & EE) Limit State Design of Steel Structures as per I.08.13 29.07. ECE & IE PFD-20 NITTTR. Teachers of Mech.13 08.Prog.13 29. HoS & Teachers . Chennai NITTTR.07.07.13 26. Engg.. and Allied branches Teachers of CSE.07.13 26.13 R VSN PFD-25 15.08.13 AP CRN PFD-27 16. IT & CP Teachers of EEE Newly recruited Teachers All teachers of Engg.13 Teachers of Mech.07.07.13 26. Chennai NITTTR. Net Title Venue NITTTR.13 R SDP PFD-28 22.13 To 12.07. & Allied branches HoS & Teachers Teachers of Civil Engg. N GJ PFD-21 ECB 08.13 12.13 R MS PFD-29 PFD-30 PFD-31 PFD-32 PFD-33 PFD-34 PFD-35 22. branches Teachers of Mech. Chennai 08.13 26.13 26. and allied branches Teachers of Civil Engg.13 22.13 Chennai NITTTR.07.13 Teachers of Civil Engg.13 29. Chennai NITTTR. Chennai NITTTR. CT.07. Engg.13 02.13 26.07.13 18. Chennai ECH 08.13 R GAR PFD-26 15.13 R RS PFD-24 15.08. 800 -2007 Developing Data base application using ORACLE and VB. Chennai ECH NITTTR.13 13.Net Power Electronics and Electrical Drives Induction programme for newly recruited teachers Total Quality Practices in the industry Non-conventional energy sources Surveying using Total Station and GPS Research Methodology Fluid Mechanics and Pneumatics XML and Web Services e-Content Publishing Advances in Manufacturing Techniques Workshop for Curriculum revision (for ME & Auto) Teachers of EEE.13 22.13 08.07. Chennai ECK NITTTR.13 29.13 12. Arch.13 Target Group Teachers of CSE & CP All teachers Target States R R R Coordinator VSN APF GAR Multimedia Learning Circuit Simulation and PCB Design Lab (Using Multisim) Environmental Engineering Laboratory Practice .07.07. Chennai NITTTR.13 AP USS PFD-23 15.07. Chennai NITTTR.07. Engg..13 24..13 20.08.13 23.08.13 06.09. Chennai NITTTR.08.13 23.08. Chennai NITTTR.13 Newly recruited Teachers Teachers of CSE Teachers of Civil Engg. and allied branches Teachers of Mech. Arch. Chennai NITTTR.13 Teachers of Civil Engg.13 30. Chennai NITTTR.13 20.13 R SRD PFD-42 Computer Aided Manufacturing and CNC machining Workshop for Curriculum revision (for CME & CCP) Repairs and Renovations of Structures Modern trends in Automobile Technology Geotechnical Engineering Induction programme for newly recruited teachers ECB 19.09. Teachers of Civil Engg.13 26. Chennai 02.09. Code Title Venue From To Target Group Target States Coordinator AUGUST 2013 PFD-36 PFD-37 Induction programme for Newly recruited teachers Java Programming Workshop on Material Testing Laboratory Manual Preparation Instructional Graphic Design Advanced Communication Systems ECH NITTTR.13 19. and allied branches R VSN PFD-53 16. Chennai NITTTR. and Placement Officers Teachers of Mech.Prog. Chennai NITTTR.13 30.09. Chennai NITTTR.13 R RS PFD-39 PFD-40 and allied branches All Teachers Teachers of Civil Engg.13 23.13 R VSK PFD-43 PFD-44 ECH NITTTR.13 26. Newly recruited Teachers AP R USS VSN PFD-38 19.13 06.09.13 06.13 23.13 23.08.13 R KSAD . Chennai ECB NITTTR. & Allied branches HoS & Teachers Teachers of Civil Engg. 02. Chennai NITTTR.13 19.09.08. Engg.08.13 R R APF GK PFD-41 Guidance & Counselling 19.13 06.13 26. and Trg.08.13 R N AP MS GJ USS SEPTEMBER 2013 PFD-48 Open Source Softwares in Civil Engineering Communication Skills Building Information Modeling using REVIT Architecture Application of Mathematics for Engineering Data Structures using C Programming Language Computer Aided Drafting and Modeling NITTTR.13 R R R RR GJ VSK PFD-52 16.08. Chennai ECH Chennai NITTTR.09.13 02..13 16.09. Inter disciplinary N KSAD PFD-49 PFD-50 PFD-51 02.13 AP N USS KSAD PFD-45 PFD-46 PFD-47 26.13 30.08.13 06. and allied branches All teachers Teachers of ECE All Teachers of Polys.13 Teachers of CSE Teachers of Civil Engg. Chennai 05. & Auto.08.08.08. 09.13 HoS & Teachers Teachers of Civil Engg.10.10.09. Chennai 07.13 20. branches Teachers of Mech.09. Chennai NITTTR. and allied branches All teachers Teachers of EEE..13 R RR PFD-57 PFD-58 PFD-59 16.13 21.13 25.09. Chennai NITTTR. Code PFD-54 PFD-55 Title Advances in Welding and Manufacturing ARM Controller Instructional Design and Delivery System Workshop for Curriculum revision (Biomed & MPEC) Construction Techniques and Project Management Preparation of Evaluation Items for e-Content LabVIEW Programming Latest Trends in Town and Urban Planning Venue NITTTR.13 21.10.09.Prog.09.10.13 21.10.10. ECE IE & Biomedical Teachers of Civil Engg.13 To 20.10.13 23. Chennai NITTTR. Chennai NITTTR.09.10.13 20.13 28. Chennai NITTTR. and allied branches AP R R CRN ESMS APF PFD-60 04. Chennai ECK NITTTR.09.13 25. ECE.13 Target Group Teachers of Mech.13 R ESMS OCTOBER 2013 PFD-62 PFD-63 PFD-64 PFD-65 PFD-66 PFD-67 PFD-68 PFD-69 PFD-70 PFD-71 PFD-72 Surveying using Total Station and GPS 8086 Programming and Advanced Microprocessor Green Building Concepts and Sustainable Development Total Quality Practices in the industry Refrigeration and Air conditioning Satellite and Fiber Optic Communication Sustainable Construction Materials Concrete Technology NVEQF and implementation Disaster Management e-Content and Learning Management Systems NITTTR.13 27.09.13 24.09.13 23. Chennai NITTTR.13 11.13 11. Teachers of Civil Engg. and allied branches Teachers of EEE & ECE Teachers of Civil Engg. Chennai From 16.13 01.10. IE & CSE All Teachers Target States N N Coordinator SS SD PFD-56 16.13 27.13 22.10.13 07. Branches All teachers N R N R R R R R R N R KSAD SD GJ SDP MS GK GJ PK SDP ESMS APF .13 28. Engg.13 01. Chennai NITTTR. Chennai ECH NITTTR. and allied branches DoTE Officials & All teachers All teachers of Engg.13 07.13 27.13 08..10..09. Teachers of ECE Teachers of Civil Engg. All teachers of Engg. Chennai NITTTR.13 10.13 11.09.09. Chennai NITTTR.09..10. Chennai NITTTR.13 Teachers of Civil Engg. Chennai NITTTR.13 R GK PFD-61 21.13 16.09. Engg.11. Teachers of EEE.13 25. Chennai NITTTR.13 25. Chennai NITTTR.13 21. 13 09.11.. and allied branches Teachers of EEE All Teachers R SS PFD-82 PFD-83 PFD-84 18.13 28.11. Chennai ECH 25. Chennai NITTTR.11. Teachers of Civil Engg. Chennai NITTTR..11.13 Teachers of Electronics & Allied branches R RT PFD-86 ECH 18. Chennai NITTTR.13 15.11.11. Teachers of Civil Engg. Allied Engg.10..11.13 Target Group Teachers of EEE & ECE All Teachers Teachers of Civil. Chennai NITTTR.11.13 01.13 18.11. & Chemistry Target States R R Coordinator GAR SM Research Methodology in Engineering Education Environmental Impact Assessment PFD-75 28.10.11. Chennai NITTTR.13 R R AP SDP GJ USS HoS & Teachers PFD-81 18.13 08.11. Chennai NITTTR. Chennai 04.11.13 18.13 29.11.13 22.13 29.11.13 01. Mech.13 22.13 04.11.13 N SM NOVEMBER 2013 PFD-76 Workshop for Curriculum revision (All Others) Building Information Modeling using REVIT Architecture Curriculum Revision workshop for Skill Development – Automobiles Solid Waste Management Consolidation workshop for Curriculum revision (for Auto& ME and EC&EE) Computer Aided Manufacturing and Metrology Computer Applications in Civil Engineering Power Electronics Instructional Design and Delivery System Educational Video Production Workshop for Circuit branch Teachers Consolidation workshop for Curriculum revision (for CE & Arch and CME & CCP) ECH NITTTR.13 22. Engg. AP CRN PFD-77 04.11.11. Chennai ECH NITTTR.13 HoS & Teachers AP USS .11.13 All teachers R APF PFD-89 25.Prog.13 08.13 22. Arch.11.11.13 Teachers of Mech.13 R RS PFD-78 PFD-79 PFD-80 04. and allied branches R ESMS PFD-88 Social Media in Education Consolidation workshop for Curriculum revision (for Biomed & MPEC and All others) 25.. Engg. 23.11. and allied branches Teachers of Auto.13 08.13 To 01.11.13 11.13 23.11.13 Teachers of Civil Engg.11.11. Code PFD-73 PFD-74 Electrical CAD Title Venue NITTTR.13 HoS & Teachers AP USS PFD-87 Ground Improvement Techniques NITTTR.13 29.13 HoS & Teachers Teachers of Civil Engg. Chennai NITTTR. Chennai NITTTR. Chennai From 28.11.11. Chennai NITTTR.13 R R R KSAD GAR RR PFD-85 18.11.11. 14 Teachers of Civil Engg. Simulation and PCB Layout Soft Skills Induction programme for Newly recruited teachers NVEQF and implementation ASP.13 05.01.14 06.13 R RT PFD-104 16. Chennai NITTTR.12. and allied branches Teachers of CSE & IT All Teachers R R R KSAD VSN RR . Chennai NITTTR.13 R R KE APF SS PK PFD-102 09. and allied branches All teachers Teachers of Mech.13 09.13 06..12. Chennai NITTTR.S.13 Teachers of EEE. ECE & IE N R R R R GAR SRD CRN SDP VSN All Teachers Newly recruited Teachers DoTE officials & All teachers Teachers of CSE Teachers of Civil Engg. Chennai NITTTR.01.14 10.12. Chennai ECK NITTTR.12.12. Net Limit State Design of Steel Structures as per I.12.12. & Allied branches Teachers of ECE PFD-98 09. Engg.12.13 13.12..12.12. Chennai NITTTR.13 20. ECE IE & Biomedical Teachers of Mech.12.12.12. Chennai NITTTR.11.12.13 13.13 06.01. Chennai NITTTR.13 Target Group All teachers of Engg.Prog. Chennai 06.13 09.12.13 20. branches Target States R Coordinator PK DECEMBER 2013 PFD-91 PFD-92 Cloud Computing Geographical Information System and Mapping ORCAD – Capture. Engg.13 Teachers of CSE.12. Engg.12.13 To 28.13 13. Teachers of EEE.12.13 13.13 06.13 09.12. 800 -2007 Instructional Audio Design Non Destructive Testing and Non Traditional Machining Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Simulation and Graphical System design using MATLAB and LabVIEW Educational Video Production Workshop for Mechanical and Allied branch Teachers Advances in Wireless Communication NITTTR.13 N RS PFD-99 PFD-100 PFD-101 09.12. Chennai NITTTR.13 02.12. Code PFD-90 Title Total Quality Practices in the industry Venue ECK From 26.01. Chennai NITTTR. 03.14 10.12.13 02.13 06. Chennai ECH NITTTR. Chennai ECH 02.13 R GK PFD-103 16.14 06. CT & IT R N VSN ESMS All teachers PFD-93 PFD-94 PFD-95 PFD-96 PFD-97 02. Teachers of Mech.13 02.12.13 20.13 13.13 R USS JANUARY 2014 PFD-105 PFD-106 PFD-107 Ground Water Modeling Web Programming Soft Skills NITTTR.01.14 10.12. Chennai NITTTR. & Auto. & allied branches R N N R N VSN KSAD GK SRD RS . Chennai 03.14 To 24.14 R VSK PFD-120 04.02.02. Chennai NITTTR. Chennai NITTTR.14 21.14 06..14 21.02.02. HoDs and teachers R RT PFD-112 PFD-113 PFD-114 ECH ECK NITTTR..Prog.14 24. Chennai ECH 20. Chennai NITTTR.01.14 10. Arch. & allied branches Teachers of ECE All Teachers Teachers of Civil Engg.02. ECE IE & Biomedical Principals. 14.14 24.14 14.14 31.01. & Electrical Engg. 31. Chennai From 20.14 R GAR PFD-111 20.14 17.S.14 10.01. Teachers of Civil Engg. and allied branches Teachers of EEE.14 14.14 Teachers of Civil Engg.14 R USS FEBRUARY 2014 PFD-118 Limit State Design of Steel Structures as per I.14 31. and allied branches Teachers of EEE & ECE Target States R Coordinator VSN PFD-109 20.01.14 Teachers of CSE & IT Principals.01. Chennai NITTTR.14 14.14 07.01.02. and allied branches Teachers of Mech. HoDs and teachers All teachers Teachers of Mech.14 24.02.. Chennai NITTTR. Arch.14 14. Chennai NITTTR.14 R GK PFD-117 27.01.01. Chennai NITTTR.14 27. Chennai ECB NITTTR.14 Teachers of CSE Teachers of Civil Engg.01.14 All teachers R SDP PFD-121 PFD-122 PFD-123 PFD-124 PFD-125 10.14 10. Chennai NITTTR.14 R R R CRN PK SS PFD-115 27. Engg.02. Code PFD-108 Title Web Design (Commercial Practice) Building Information Modeling using REVIT Architecture Special Electrical Machines and Control Educational Video Film Making Workshop for Computer Science and Allied branch Teachers Students Guidance and Counseling Accreditation and Autonomy Robotics and Mechatronics for Industrial Automation Computer Application in Structural Engineering Biomedical Electronics and Telemedicine Students Guidance and Counseling Venue NITTTR.01.14 Target Group Teachers of CP Teachers of Civil Engg.01.01.14 31.01.14 R KSAD PFD-116 27.01. 800 -2007 Parametric Modelling Implementation of e-Governance for institutional needs Object oriented Programming using JAVA Limit State Design of RC Structures Satellite and Fiber Optic Communication Gender Issues in Technical Education Design of Earthquake resistant Structures NITTTR. Chennai NITTTR. Chennai NITTTR.& Allied branches R RS PFD-119 03.14 23.14 N RS PFD-110 20. 02.03.14 28. Engg. Chennai NITTTR. Teachers having basic knowledge in PLC prog.14 17.14 24. Karnataka.03.14 21.14 07.14 21.14 14.14 R N GAR SM PFD-132 24.14 28.03.14 17.03.03. Teachers of Civil & Arch.14 21.14 28. N SM PFD-130 PFD-131 Kerala.14 Teachers of Civil Engg.03.14 07.14 21.14 R GAR PFD-138 Guidance & Counselling Advances in Heat Treatment and Welding 10.02. Code PFD-126 PFD-127 PFD-128 Title Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning MATLAB for Simulation and Design Student Evaluation Workshop on Environmental & Pollution Control .Prog. ECE IE & Biomedical All Teachers Target States R R R Coordinator SS GK SRD PFD-129 17. Chennai NITTTR.03. Chennai NITTTR. Chennai ECH From 17. Chennai 03. Tamil Nadu and Puducherry States) Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala National (All over India) .14 14. Chennai NITTTR. Chennai NITTTR.02.Manual Preparation Electrical Systems for Wind and Solar Energy Water Quality Data Analysis and Interpretation Educational Video Production Workshop for Civil and Architecture branch Teachers Office Automation Venue NITTTR.02.14 28.14 Ministerial staff of Polys. Chennai NITTTR. Engg.02.03. AP R R USS VSN SS PFD-137 10.02. Teachers of EEE.14 07.02. and Placement Officers Teachers of Mech. Ministerial staff of Polys. Engg.14 R RT PFD-133 24.02. Chennai NITTTR.14 03. Engg. Chennai NITTTR. All Teachers and Trg.14 To R RR PFD-139 17.14 Target Group Teachers of Mech.03. Teachers of EEE Teachers of Civil Engg. Chennai NITTTR.14 R SS Notation R AP KA KE N : : : : : Regional (Andhra Pradesh.02. Chennai NITTTR. Chennai NITTTR.14 AP CRN MARCH 2014 PFD-134 PFD-135 PFD-136 Office Administrative Procedures Network Programming Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing Advanced Course on PLC NITTTR.14 03. Teachers of CSE Teachers of Mech. com For further information Contact: The Director National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Taramani. Chennai – 600 113 Phone: 044 2254 5400 Fax: 044 2254 1126 Email: [email protected] NITTTR Chennai website: www.For Further Details regarding:        Objectives Target Group Input Process Output Resource Persons and Last Date of Application for each of the programme PFD-01 to PFD-139 visit our website – /[email protected] / [email protected] For general enquiries and clarification contact: The Head Curriculum Development Centre National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Taramani. Chennai-600113 Phone: 044 2254 446 Fax: 044 2254 1126 Email: [email protected] . 2254 5464 [email protected].. Assistant Professor Shri S. Sambanthan. T.D. M.2254 5487 [email protected] 044 M.2254 5422 [email protected] 5446 surya@nitttrc. S. Natarajan. M. Ph..E. Mohan. Assistant Professor 044 P. Dhanapal.. E.DEPARTMENTS AND COURSE FACULTY Coordinator Code SM SM GJ VKN ESMS TJ RS KSAD TGS PM VSN SDP DVS SRD Department DIRECTOR Faculty Ph. F.A. Suresh. M.S. K. Prof.2254 5482 crd@nitttrc.) Ph.2254 5447 tj@nitttrc.. K. Education Dr. Ph. Janardhanan. F.2254 5423 [email protected] (Hons. Renukadevi.. G. Rajendran.. System Analyst Shri. PGDPM EDP Manager Dr.D.E. B.. R.A. Dr. Malliga. 044 .2254 5458 [email protected]. Curriculum Development Centre Dr.E. Ph. 044 . S.2254 5460 [email protected] 044 . Professor Shri..B. Professor Dr. Mohan.K.D. Ph. 044 . & Email address 044 M. Shanmughaneethi. Sr.E. Ph... Professor (Head. M.2254 5459 malliga@nitttrc.. M.D. T.Tech (HRD) Research Assistant RR KSG SR 044 .E. Computer Centre Dr.2254 5466 [email protected] 044 .com Centre for Sustainable Development Civil Engineering 044 .E.D..E.S. D. MCA..E. 044 ..2254 5442 sdp@nitttrc. 044 . V. M.E. Dinesh 044 . M. Associate Professor Dr. Associate Professor .in 044 . R.. B. 044 .E.A.2254 5460 [email protected] 5421 [email protected]. Jagathrakshakan.. S.D. Centre for Environmental Management 044 . Associate Professor Shri. Professor Dr.2254 5406 [email protected] 5464 [email protected]. Assistant Professor Phone 5457 tgs@nitttrc. CIA) Dr. B.).N. M.D..D. S. Director & Head Dr. M. M.E.D.. Santhakumar. Dr.... Programmer 044 . Ph.. M. Rajasekar. ( (USA) Associate Professor Dr. Ph. M. 2254 5412 [email protected] 044 . M. M..Sc. Professor Shri.S.Ph. Arunkumar. Extension Centre.. M.D.E.. D. G. V. PGDTCA. M. Sivasankar.Sc. 044 . M.Tech. P.2254 5413 [email protected]... Somasundaram. Nagendra Rao. (Engg. Assistant Professor Shri. Ravichandran.. Associate Professor 044 . Assistant Professor SS Mechanical Engineering 044 . 0484 . Ph. B. (Engg. M. R. MS 044 .ac. B. U. M. Hyderabad Dr.2254 5411 [email protected] 4154 ecb@nitttrc. P.Tech... B. M..Sc. Assistant Professor GAR SD GK PSS 044 . M..T. .2254 5479 felix@nitttrc.. Kalamassery Shri. Senior Librarian RRC 044 .).ac.2254 5469 [email protected]. M. P. 044 Dhanasekaran.E...Sc. Ph. Professor Dr.Tech.) PGDHRM.E..E.D.. M.2254 5417 sivasankar@nitttrc. R.Sc. Associate Professor Dr. Senthil Kumar.. S. Theagarajan. Professor Shri. M. (Engg. Professor Shri A. Extension Rathy. Felix Arokiya Raj.2254 5433 rtrajan@nitttrc. [email protected] 1459 cnrao@nitttrc. Coordinator Code RT APF Phone No. Ph. M.254 2653 [email protected]. Assistant Professor Dr.E. C. S. PGDCA . UK). Bangalore Dr.D. G.. Sivakumar. 5415 [email protected] 5418 somu@nitttrc. & Email address 044 Extension Resource Centre Dr.).R.. Associate Professor PAK VSK CRN 080 .in Assistant Professor Dr. Ph. Ph.Sc. Associate Professor USS PK [email protected]. Philip Kurian.D..Department Educational Media Centre Educational Technology & Multimedia Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering Faculty Dr.. CIC. 040 . M... (I. MBA.
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