NI 0133 (English)

March 24, 2018 | Author: Cebrac Itatiba | Category: Welding, Stainless Steel, Steel, Heat Treating, Electric Arc



-PUBLIC- N-133 N REV.. L ENGLISH E 02 / 2014 CO ONTEC C Comissã ão de Normalizzação Técnica Weldin ng SC-26 Welding 1st Amendm ment This is the 1st Ame endment to PETROBRA AS N-133 RE EV. L, and it is used too alter the te ext of the Standarrd in the partts indicated below: b NOTE 1 The news pages with the t performe ed amendments are place ed in its correesponding po ositions. NOTE 2 The amen nded pages, indicated th he date of th he amendme ent, are placced at the end of this standard, in chronological order, an nd shall not be b used. CONTE ENTS OF THE T 1st AME ENDMENT - 02/2014 - Table 6 Alteratio on of the textt of Note 1. Include of Note 2. - Subse ection 5.12.4..2 Alteratio on of the textt. PROPE ERTY OF PETROBRAS 4 pages -PUBLIC- N-133 REV. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Welding Procedure This Standard replaces and cancels its previous revision. The CONTEC - Authoring Subcommittee provides guidance on the interpretation of this Standard when questions arise regarding its contents. The Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard is responsible for adopting and applying the sections, subsections and enumerates thereof. CONTEC Comissão de Normalização Técnica Technical Requirement: A provision established as the most adequate and which shall be used strictly in accordance with this Standard. If a decision is taken not to follow the requirement (“non-conformity” to this Standard) it shall be based on well-founded economic and management reasons, and be approved and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is characterized by imperative nature. Recommended Practice: A provision that may be adopted under the conditions of this Standard, but which admits (and draws attention to) the possibility of there being a more adequate alternative (not written in this Standard) to the particular application. The alternative adopted shall be approved and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is characterized by verbs of a nonmandatory nature. It is indicated by the expression: [Recommended Practice]. SC - 26 Welding Copies of the registered “non-conformities” to this Standard that may contribute to the improvement thereof shall be submitted to the CONTEC - Authoring Subcommittee. Proposed revisions to this Standard shall be submitted to the CONTEC Authoring Subcommittee, indicating the alphanumeric identification and revision of the Standard, the section, subsection and enumerate to be revised, the proposed text, and technical/economic justification for revision. The proposals are evaluated during the work for alteration of this Standard. “This Standard is exclusive property of Petróleo Brasileiro S. A. PETROBRAS, internal application and PETROBRAS Subsidiaries and shall be used by its suppliers of goods and services under contracts or similar under the conditions established in Bidding, Contract, Agreement or similar. The use of this Standard by other companies / organizations / government agencies and individuals is the sole responsibility of the users..” Introduction PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared by Working Groups - WG (consisting specialized of Technical Collaborators from Company and its Subsidiaries), are commented by Company Units and its Subsidiaries, are approved by the Authoring Subcommittees SCs (consisting of technicians from the same specialty, representing the various Company Units and its Subsidiaries), and ratified by the Executive Nucleus (consisting of representatives of the Company Units and its Subsidiaries). A PETROBRAS Technical Standard is subject to revision at any time by its Authoring Subcommittee and shall be reviewed every 5 years to be revalidated, revised or cancelled. PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared in accordance with PETROBRAS Technical Standard N-1. For complete information about PETROBRAS Technical Standards see PETROBRAS Technical Standards Catalog. PROPERTY OF PETROBRAS 107 pages, Index of Revisions and WG -PUBLIC- N-133 REV. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Summary Foreword................................................................................................................................................ 12  1 Scope................................................................................................................................................. 12  2 Normative References ....................................................................................................................... 12  3 Terms and Definitions........................................................................................................................ 15  4 General Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 17  4.1 General Welding Conditions ................................................................................................ 17  4.2 Welding Documents ............................................................................................................. 18  4.3 Welding Procedure Qualification .......................................................................................... 18  4.4 Personnel Qualification ........................................................................................................ 20  4.4.1 Welder and Welding Operator ..................................................................................... 20  4.4.2 Inspectors ..................................................................................................................... 21  4.4.3 Welding Supervisors or Welding Foremen .................................................................. 22  4.4.4 Certified Welding Specialist Engineer and Certified Welding Technologist................. 22  4.5 Welding Processes and Equipment ..................................................................................... 23  4.6 Welding Technique............................................................................................................... 24  4.7 Consumable ......................................................................................................................... 26  4.8 Environmental Conditions .................................................................................................... 28  4.9 Preheating and Interpass Temperature ............................................................................... 28  4.10 Post-heating ....................................................................................................................... 29  4.11 Inspection and Quality Control ........................................................................................... 29  4.12 Weld Repairs ...................................................................................................................... 30  4.13 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) ................................................................................... 30  4.14 Auxiliary Assembly Devices ............................................................................................... 31  4.15 Marking of Welded Joints ................................................................................................... 31  4.16 Safety in Welding ............................................................................................................... 32  5 Materials ............................................................................................................................................ 32  5.1 Carbon Steel and Carbon-Manganese Steel ....................................................................... 32  5.1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 32  5.1.2 Weldability .................................................................................................................... 32  2 ..........................2........................................4................................................................................................................ L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5....2 Weldability ..................................................................3 GMAW.......................3.3 General Welding Technique ..............................................5 Preheating and Interpass Temperature ....................................2.... 40  5............................................................................... 38  5................................................................ 34  5.....................1...................2 GTAW ...............3.............2............................................................................... 40  5........1............ 38  5...............................................1........................................4................... 36  5..............2...............................3 General Welding Technique .. 36  5.................... 37  5...................... 36  5..................................................................................................................4..... 40  3 .2......... 38  5..............1..................4..................................................8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT).......................3 Chrome-Molybdenum Steels and Molybdenum Steels ..........................................................3 GMAW................ 40  5...4 FCAW................. 37  5........................................................................1..................5 General Conditions for Consumables .................4 Applicable Welding Processes .....................4.........................1......... 34  5.................................... 36  5.................. 34  5............................................................................................. 36  5..............................................3................................4 Applicable Welding Processes ............................................2...................2...............................................10 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection .........9 Maintenance Weld Repair ................................. 33  5........................2 Heat-Treated Low Alloy Steel .....................3.......................2.................................4.............2.....1 SMAW .......................1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................................4............. 33  5.............................. 37  5...................................8 Weld Repair ......................9 Supplementary Requirements for Maintenance Weld .......................1. 39  5.................................... 34  5...................2 GTAW ............................................1.............3 General Welding Technique ......1...2 Weldability ...................................7 Post-Heating .........6 Post-heating ...............................................6 Preheating and Interpass ...............1...................... 38  5....................................................... 39  5...... 37  5...........2.4.............................3.................... 33  5............1...........3....4 Applicable Welding Processes ..................3..................................................................7 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)...........................1 Introduction ... 38  5........-PUBLIC- N-133 REV....................................................................................... 34  5.........1 SMAW ........ 36  5........ 39  5.......................................5 SAW .......................................................................................1..................................................................................... 40  5........................................... .................................................................3....................................5.............4....................................................................................................................... 46  5.......................3.........................................................4..... 48  5......................... 45  5.. 49  5................11 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection .................... 47  5....................................... 55  4 .......5 General Conditions for Consumables ..............10 Weld Repair ..............12 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection ... 51  5..................................................................................... 43  5..................................................................4.3..........................................................1 SMAW ................................................................. 41  5.............................................................4......... 48  5.....3........................................................ 47  5..................................5 General Conditions for Consumables ..................................3.................................. 51  5................................2 Weldability ......................................................................7 Post-heating .....................4...................5....4......................................3............4 FCAW-G......................4..................................................4........4......................................... 50  5..4.........................5 SAW ........................3....................3................ 48  5..4.....3 General Welding Technique .............................................7 Post-heating ..1 Introduction .........6 Preheating and Interpass Temperature .............4........ 41  5........................................................4..............................................................4...............................................11 Supplementary Requirements for Maintenance Weld ......................................................................4........................ L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.......4 Nickel Steel .......................................................................................................8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT).................. 50  5... 51  5...................................2 GTAW ...............................................................9 Hardness Test in Homogeneous Joints ...................5 Austenitic Stainless Steels ..............4 SAW ........................ 47  5...............................................................-PUBLIC- N-133 REV................................ 48  5...............4 Applicable Welding Processes ....... 46  5........ 41  5.... 52  5.....................4.............................9 Weld Repair ................3.................................5.................................. 51  5........5.............3 GMAW....3..................................................................8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)...............4......................4 Applicable Welding Processes ..................... 50  5................................................4........... 52  5............................ 48  5....................................................................................................................... 44  5.............4.............................................4...........................................2 Weldability .................................................................4........... 47  5...................... 46  5.................. 49  5.3 General Welding Technique . 51  5..............6 Preheating and Interpass Temperature ........................................................................1 Introduction ..............10 Supplementary Requirements for Maintenance Weld ............................ ......................................5......7... 56  5........... 62  5......................................11 Supplementary Requirements for Maintenance Weld .....................................6................................. 60  5..................... L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.............4.....................5 SAW ........ 60  5.................................6.....1 Introduction ....................................................................6............... 59  5..6..................................................................7 Post-heating ................................................2 GTAW ..........................................................8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)........................................4.........................................................5........................3 General Welding Technique .............................................................. 55  5.. 56  5.................... 59  5..................................3 GMAW........................ 56  5.........................................4.................5 General Conditions for Consumables ..................................................6...........................................................9 Weld Repair ................................................. 61  5.4 FCAW..........................5................................. 62  5...........4......... 59  5............................................ 62  5......................... 63  5. 58  5..............5.4 Applicable Welding Processes ..............6............. 58  5....................1 SMAW ..............3 GMAW........8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)...10 Weld Repair ........6..............................5....... 64  5 .............................6 Superaustenitic Stainless Steels .............................................................................................................................5...2 Weldability .........................5 General Conditions for Consumables ....5...........................................................6 Preheating and Interpass ...............................4......... 55  5........................11 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection .........................................................................................6.......4.................. 62  5.........................................................................................................5..........6............................................................5...................................5......................................... 62  5............................ Superduplex and Hyperduplex Stainless Steels .................................................................... 60  5.................12 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection ...1 Introduction ...1 SMAW ..................................... 63  5.....................................................................6........................6 Preheating and Interpass ................. 55  5................... 58  5..................................................................7 Post-heating . 59  5.........................-PUBLIC- N-133 REV...........6...... 62  5........................................... 58  5...............................6..9 Heat Treatment of Solubilization .............................6............4......................................5....10 Supplementary Requirements for Maintenance Weld ........4...................................6.....7...............................................................................................................................2 GTAW ........... 61  5......................................................................................................... 58  5...............6...... 58  5............................... 60  5........................................................5.7 Duplex.........................2 Weldability .............................................................. ...................................................... 73  5...............9 Weld Repair ..........6 Preheating and Interpass ................................................7....................................................................... 69  5...........4.............7....4............8......... 73  6 ......................................................... 69  5........................................... 73  5...........................8.....................................4 Applicable Welding Processes ..........................................4 Applicable Welding Processes ...........................4 FCAW..............................................................................4.....2 GTAW ............................................................................................................................8............8..............7 Post-heating ............... 67  5................ 69  5..................................... 72  5....................7....4.......8....................................................7.................8..........8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)...... 70  5.................1 Introduction ....... L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5...................................................................... 69  5.............................................................-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. 71  5.........................2 GTAW ........................3 General Welding Technique ...........................................7.....................9 Weld Repair ........... 68  5...........1 SMAW ............................. 70  5..........8...............................................................................................11 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection ..............................................................................8...................................................4.....7............8 Martensitic Stainless Steels ..........8......4 SAW .........................6 Preheating and Interpass ...............................................................3 GMAW...... 72  5................................................................ 68  5.............9 Ferritic Stainless Steels ...................................10 Supplementary Requirements for Maintenance Weld .......... 70  5................4.....8.............................................. 67  5..............................................................3 GMAW....................4.............1 Introduction ...................... 69  5..... 69  5....8......................................................................................................................... 71  5.......... 73  5.........................7............. 68  5...................................................................................................... 73  5...7 Post-heating ........8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)......................................................7...........10 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection .. 71  5......7........................................................................... 69  5...................5 General Conditions for Consumables .8.....................9...................... 67  5...3 General Welding Technique .........7..................... 68  5.............................................................8............................................................................................... 71  5..............................7....................................................................................................................................................... 64  5..........................................................................8.......7............5 SAW .......... 69  5............................7......4................................................4.................................. 71  5.................2 Weldability ......................................5 General Conditions for Consumables .....................................1 SMAW ................................8..... .........................9 Weld Repair ..........2 Weldability ................................................................................ 77  5.........10............. 79  5....................... 74  5.................................10 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection .4 FCAW.................................. 83  7 ..........................4............................................ 78  5..................................10 Nickel and Nickel Alloys ...............2 GTAW ......................10............................................. 82  5.................................... 82  5............................9.............10..................... 82  5........10....9......................................................................................4..............................................................................................9...............10.. 78  5........................................8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)..................4 Applicable Welding Processes .............................................10..................................................................4...........................5 SAW ........................... 80  5...........4....5 General Conditions for Consumables .9.............................. 77  5.........2 Weldability ............ 80  5...........................................................................................9........................................................................9.................................2 GTAW ..........................................4......................................1 SMAW .......10.............................3 GMAW..................................................... 77  5................................................. 82  5...................................9...........................11 Copper and Copper Alloys ....................3 GMAW...... 75  5................ 75  5.........9 Weld Repair ..................................................1 Introduction .................................................................. 80  5.......................................................6 Preheating and Interpass ...4 Applicable Welding Processes................................................................................................ 81  5...........................3 General Welding Technique ... 80  5.................... 73  5......................9......................................9..............................10.......3 General Welding Technique ....9.....................10 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection .............................9.4 FCAW...........................5 SAW ............7 Post-Heating ......................................4....1 SMAW ............................................................. 77  5..........................................10..............................................................10..............................................................8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)..................4.............................. 74  5.............................................10. 78  5................... 75  5........... 75  5......................................-PUBLIC- N-133 REV....10.....................10.................6 Preheating and Interpass .... L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5............................................................................................................ 75  5...................................................... 77  5..........................................................................9...............................................................................4.................................................... 82  5.........10..........5 General Conditions for Consumables ............ 81  5............................9.........7 Post-heating .......................................................................................................4...9............4..... 80  5........ 74  5.................................10................ ... 92  5................13..............................2................................. 85  5...................8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)..................................12....................12.13....................11....11...................2....................11.....................................................3 Weldability .............................................3 GMAW.8 Post-heating .....1 Introduction ......3 General Welding Technique ...................................11.. 85  5............................................11............................................................ 85  5..............11.......................4........12......................3 Plate with Lining .................................... 92  5.........................................2 Base Metal ...13............................................ 94  8 ......................7 Preheating and Interpass Temperature .......................5 General Conditions for Consumables ...................................12............................................................................................................................................................. 85  5............................................. 85  5...............................................7 Post-heating ..2 Weldability .....................................12.................................. 84  5........................................6 General Conditions for Consumables .................................................2 GTAW .........12..........2 Plate with Coating Deposited by Welding (Weld Overlay)............................10 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection .............................................................. 88  5............... 91  5.............1 Introduction .................-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.......................................11.......1 SMAW ................ 86  5...........11.....................1 Introduction ...............................................................11........3 General Welding Technique .................................................5 Preheating and Interpass Temperature ....................................................12................. 90  5....................... 92  5....................................12....9 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)..... 86  5.. 84  5............................... 84  5..........11..............................13..........12....................4................................. 92  5........................................................................................12......................... 83  5............................4........................................................ 91  5...... 85  5................. 86  5.............5 Applicable Welding Processes..........13 Dissimilar Welding ..............................................................12....... 87  5.......... 91  5...............................................12.............................................. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.....................4 General Conditions for Consumables ......12 Welding of Metal Sheets and Coated Tubes ........................13..6 Preheating and Interpass . 86  5....................................2........11.............................................................................................................................................1 Cladded Plate ....................................................................................................................................................4 Applicable Welding Processes.......2 Types of Metal Coatings ............................... 83  5.................................................. 86  5................................................................ 86  5........................... 83  5.. 84  5............... 92  5..........................................4 General Welding Technique ................12................................. ...............................2........3.................................... 97  Annex B - Hardness Measurement Test [Recommended Practice] ............................. 96  A..........................13...................................................2................................................................5 Hardness Measurement Test Performance ......2 General Conditions ..........4...................................2..................2 Sampling ................................. 100  B.................................2............ 99  B.............................................2..............................................................2...................3 Guide For Determination of Sample Size and Acceptance and Rejection Limits ...............................................................................................................2....................1 Objective .................13......... 105  B................2................................1 Calibration of Bench and Portable Measurement System ..................... 94  5.......4........................... 94  5..... 101  B..........................................4..........4 Hardness Measurement in Field ................................-PUBLIC- N-133 REV....................................................................2 Personnel Qualification .................................................3.. 99  B........ 99  B......... 100  B...4..................................................3 Suitability of Field Portable Instruments .................... 96  A..........................1 Measurement Procedure .............. 99  B.................... 99  B...2 Test Reports .8 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection .................................................. 95  Annex A - Instructions for Sampling Inspection on Receipt of Consumables .................3............................................................................................................ 106  B...................4 Hardness Measurement in Welding Procedure Qualification ..... 104  B.......................................................................2...... 105  B. 101  B..............3 Hardness Measurement in Laboratory ...........1 Measurement Procedure .........................2..... 104  B...........13....................................................2 Test Reports ..... 107  9 .................3 Test Specimen for Welding Procedure Qualification .......................................2......2........................... L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5...........................7 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT).................................................................................1 Objective ..................................................4.........6 Post-heating ........ 100  B.........3..4 Surface Preparation .............................................................................................. 96  A....................2........... 106  Figure B......................................... 66  Figure 6 ......................................................................................7 .............................. 53  Figure 3 .................Joint Preparation of Coated Plate with Access on Both Sides ...Hardness Profile for Double V Bevel ......... 102  Figure B.........5 -  Hardness Measurement Points in Profile of Plate with Coating Deposited by Welding (Weld Overlay) ........Application Diagram of a Simple Sampling Plan .......Hardness Measurement Points on Welded Joint Surface ............................................ 102  Figure B.......................... 53  Figure 4 -  Examples of Contamination Due to Different Concentrations of Oxygen in Purge Gas.......................1 ............. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Figures Figure 1 ......Examples of Solidification Cracks ...................4 – Hardness Measurement Points for Profile in V Bevel on Root ...............................................................Examples of Torch Outlet Profile ................................ 103  Figure B.........8 ................Surface Preparation for Hardness Measurement in Weld ............................ 107  10 ....................................... 86  Figure A........-PUBLIC- N-133 REV..................... 98  Figure B....................................................................... 86  Figure 7 - Preparation of Joint from Coated Plate with Access Only on the Substrate Side ..1 .................. 103  Figure B............3 – Hardness Measurement Points for Profile in V Bevel on Upper Face......Detail for Determination of Thickness ....................................................... and Base Metal) for Validation of Portable Durometer ........ 35  Figure 2 .............................Heat Input and Corrosion Resistance ................................... HAZ..6 -  Hardness Measurement Points in Welded Joint Surface (Weld Metal................2 ............................................. 106  Figure B........ 104  Figure B............. 54  Figure 5 .....................................................................................................Hardness Profile for V Bevel ........................... ..................................................... 44  Table 8 ... According to ASME BPVC Section IX .........................................Weld Overlay ...............Designation of P numbers...............Rods for Copper and Copper Alloys ...................................-PUBLIC- N-133 REV....................Electrodes and Rods for Ferritic Stainless Steels ..................................................................... 46  Table 10 ............ 67  Table 17 ...... 89  Table 23 ..................... 45  Table 9 ...........Electrodes and Rods for Nickel Steel.............................................Normal Inspection of Consumer’s Risk 5 % and 10 % ................................................. 68  Table 18 ..................Electrodes.....................Post-heating for Chromium-Molybdenum and Molybdenum Steels ......Diffusible Hydrogen Limit in FCAW Electrodes .............Weld Overlay ..................Consumables for Molybdenum and Chromium-Molybdenum Steels .............. 96  11 .......Consumables of Duplex and Superduplex Stainless Steels .............................................. Consumables for Heterogeneous Welding of Molybdenum and Chromium-Molybdenum Steels . 61  Table 15 .... 57  Table 14 - Coated Electrode........Simple Sampling Plan .............................. 43  Table 7 ...........................Preheating and Interpass Temperature for Chromium-Molybdenum and Molybdenum Steels Carbon Steel or Low Alloy Base-Plate on Equipment with No Need for PWHT ............................................................ 49  Table 11 .................................................................................................... 38  Table 4 .........................Minimum Preheating and Interpass Temperature for Welding of Steels to Nickel Homogeneous Welding .......................................Minimum and Maximum Preheating and Interpass Temperature of Heat-Treated Low Alloy Steels ............................................... 92  Table A...... 85  Table 22 .................................................... 42  Table 6 ............. 50  Table 13 ..... 64  Table 16 ........................Consumables of Austenitic Stainless Steels ................. 50  Table 12 .................... Filler Metals for Coating Deposited by Welding .................................................................... 72  Table 19 ................... 39  Table 5 .....Minimum Preheating and Interpass Temperature for Welding of Steels to Nickel Heterogeneous Welding Carbon Steel or Low Alloy Base-Plate on Equipment Requiring PWHT ..................................... 76  Table 20 ......Hardness in Welded and Heat Affected Zone after PWHT ..................................................... 34  Table 3 ..................................................... 81  Table 21 .......... Preheating and Post-Heating Temperatures for Welding of Dissimilar Joints ................. Rod and Solid Wire for Welding of Superaustenitic Stainless Steels .......................... Rods and Solid Wires for Nickel and Nickel Alloys .......... 90  Table 24 .....Minimum Preheating and Interpass Temperatures Specified for Welding of Carbon Steel and Carbon-manganese Steel ............... Consumables..........1 ................................................................................................................Chemical Composition (% in Weight) of the Main Duplex Stainless Steels....... L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Tables  Table 1 .Electrodes and Rods for Martensitic Stainless Steels .....Additional Testing to ASME BPVC Section IX .... Filler Metals for Coating Deposited by Welding .... 33  Table 2 ....... 1 In the event of welding or hot tapping of equipment. PETROBRAS N-1738 . i) ferritic stainless steel.4 This Standard contains Technical Requirements and Recommended Practices.Soldagem Subaquática.2 This Standard applies to the following materials and conditions: a) carbon steel and carbon-manganese.1 and 1. PETROBRAS N-1859 . h) martensitic stainless steel. j) nickel and nickel alloy. c) chrome-molybdenum steel and molybdenum steel. PETROBRAS N-2163 . PETROBRAS N-1438 . g) duplex. 1. Tubulações Industriais e Dutos em Operação.1.3 This Standard applies to procedures started as of its date of issuance. L 07/2013.1. only the edition cited applies. 1. Forjados e Laminados. d) nickel steel.Elaboração da Documentação Técnica de Soldagem. b) heat-treated low alloy steel.2 In the event of underwater welding.Terminologia Soldagem. For dated references.1. 1. the latest edition of the referenced document applies. industrial pipes and pipelines in operation with internal fluid.Descontinuidades em Juntas Soldadas. l) coated sheet. except for 1.Qualificação de Consumíveis de Soldagem. 1. k) copper and copper alloy. In case of doubt.1.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Foreword This Standard is the English version (issued in 12/2013) of PETROBRAS N-133 REV. For undated references. f) super-austenitic stainless steel. 12 .2. the Portuguese version. 1. super-duplex and hyper-duplex stainless steels.Segurança nos Trabalhos de Soldagem e Corte. PETROBRAS N-2036 shall be used. 1 Scope 1. PETROBRAS N-2163 shall be used. which is the valid document for all intents and purposes. PETROBRAS N-2349 . e) austenitic stainless steel.Soldagem e Trepanação em Equipamentos. PETROBRAS N-2301 . 2 Normative References The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. m) dissimilar welding. PETROBRAS N-2036 .1 This Standard establishes the requirements and recommended practices for fusion welding of steels and nonferrous alloys. shall be used. Fundidos. API TR 938-B . 13 .Specifications for Welding Rods.Technical Report on the Materials and Fabrication Issues of 11/4Cr-1/2Mo and 1Cr-1/2Mo Steel Pressure Vessels. FBTS 007 . and Welding and Brazing Operators.Use of 9Cr-1Mo-V (Grade 91) Steel in the Oil Refining Industry. and Filler Metals.Section IX . Oil.Section II. and 3Cr-1Mo-1/4V Steel Heavy Wall Pressure Vessels for High-temperature.Materials and Fabrication of 2 1/4Cr-1Mo. ABNT NBR NM ISO 9712 . and Gas Industries.Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection.Critérios para a Qualificação e Certificação de Inspetores de Soldagem. ABNT NBR 5426 . Welders. API TR 934-D .Standard Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels. Electrodes.Welding Guidelines for the Chemical. Part C . High-pressure Hydrogen Service.Planos de Amostragem e Procedimentos na Inspeção por Atributos. ASTM A 262 .Section VIII . ABNT NBR 14842 .Qualificação e Certificação de Pessoal.Rules For Construction of Pressure Vessels.Fabrication Considerations for Vanadium-Modified Cr-Mo Steel Heavy Wall Pressure Vessels.Nondestructive Examination.Requisitos Gerais para Competência de Laboratórios de Ensaios e Calibração.Planos de Amostragem e Procedimentos na Inspeção por Atributos. ABNT NBR ISO IEC 17025 . ABNT NBR 5427 . Brazers. 2 1/4Cr-1Mo-1/4V.Critérios para a Qualificação e Certificação de Engenheiro Especialista em Soldagem e Tecnólogo de Soldagem.Ensaio Não Destrutivo . and Alteration. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 ABNT NBR 5425 .Guia para Inspeção por Amostragem no Controle e na Certificação de Qualidade. API RP 582 .Materials and Fabrication of 1 1/4Cr-1/2Mo Steel Heavy Wall Pressure Vessels for High-pressure Hydrogen Service Operating at or Below 825 °F (441 °C). Repair. API 510 .Conformity Assessment . 3Cr-1Mo. ISO GUIDE 65 . API TR 934-B .Section V . API RP 934-E . ASME BPVC . ASME BPVC .Division 1 .Recommended Practice for Materials and Fabrication of 11/4CR-1/2Mo Steel Pressure Vessels for Service Above 825 °F (440 °C).Qualification Standard for Welding and Brazing Procedures. ASME BPVC . API RP 934-C .-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. ISO IEC 17024 .General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of Persons. API RP 934-A .General Requirements for Bodies Operating Product Certification Systems.Guia para Utilização da Norma ABNT NBR 5426 . Rating. ASME BPVC . 1 . Superficial Hardness. Knoop Hardness. AWS A5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 ASTM A 370 . ASTM E 340 .22 . AWS A3. AWS A5.Standard Test Method for Macroetching Metals and Alloys. and Systems.Specification for Nickel-Alloy Welding Electrodes for Shielded for Metal Arc Welding.Procurement Guidelines for Consumables . AWS A5.Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding. AWS A5. AWS A5. ASTM E 140 .18 .17 .Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Electrodes and Rods. AWS A5. ASTM A 1038 . AWS A5.Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding.Standard Procedures for Calibrating Magnetic Instruments to Measure the Delta Ferrite Content of Austenitic and Duplex Ferritic-Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metal. Vickers Hardness.6 Specification for Copper and Copper-Alloy Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding.Specification for Copper and Copper-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes. 14 . AWS A5.Standard Test Methods for Pitting and Crevice Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steels and Related Alloys by Use of Ferric Chloride Solution.Standard Welding Terms and Definitions Including Terms for Adhesive Bonding. Rockwell Hardness. AWS A5. AWS A5. Descaling.Standard Test Method for Knoop and Vickers Hardness of Materials. and Passivation of Stainless Steel Parts.Specification for Tungsten and Oxide Dispersed Tungsten Electrodes for Arc Welding and Cutting. Thermal Cutting.Specification for Stainless Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding. AWS A5.Standard Test Method for Determining Volume Fraction by Systematic Manual Point Count.Standard Practice for Cleaning.01 .11 . ASTM E 384 . Brazing.14 .12 .Specification for Stainless Steel Flux Cored and Metal Cored Welding Electrodes and Rods. ASTM G 48 . Equipment. AWS A5. Soldering.2 .9 .Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding.Specification for Bare Stainless Steel Welding Electrodes and Rods.5 .Standard Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals Relationship Among Brinell Hardness.Standard Test Method for Portable Hardness Testing by the Ultrasonic Contact Impedance Method.4 .-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.Welding and Allied Processes Flux and Gas Shielded Electrical Welding Processes. ASTM E 562 . and Scleroscope Hardness. ASTM A 380 .Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding.Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products. and Thermal Spraying.0 . AWS A5.7 . AWS A4. the PETROBRAS department that uses this Standard should be consulted for any information required for the specific application. the terms and definitions of PETROBRAS N-1438. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 AWS A5.Electrical Resistance Welding welding process using electrical resistance 3.Welding Consumables .5 .29 .23 . API RP 582.Specification for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Flux Cored Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding and Metal Cored Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding.Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding.34 .1 .Recommended Practices for Local Heating of Welds in Piping and Tubing. AWS D10.3 ERW .Electroslag Welding welding process using electro-slag 3.Recommended Practices for Local Heating of Welds in Pressure Vessels. AWS D10. NOTE For documents referred in this Standard and for which only the Portuguese version is available.Welding and Inspection of Piping.32 .-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.10 . WRC 452 . AWS A5.36 .Gases and Gas Mixtures for Fusion Welding and Allied Processes. AWS A5.Recommended Practices for Welding of Chromium-Molybdenum Steel Piping and Tubing.2 EGW .1 controlled deposition deposition technique with heat input control of each pass and with ratio between inputs.8 . AWS A5. AWS D1.Recommended Practices for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding.Electrogas Welding welding process using electro-gas 3. 3 Terms and Definitions For purposes of this document.5 FCAW-G . 3.Specification for Nickel-Alloy Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding.0 and the following ones are applied.4 ESW . N-1738. according to a predetermined sequence of welding 3. NORSOK M-601 . AWS A5.Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding.Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding.Structural Welding Code-Steel. AWS C5.28 . AWS A3.Gas Shielded Flux Cored Arc-Welding welding process using gas shielded flux-cored wire 15 . AWS A5. Pessoal (SNQC-PS) as welding inspector level 2 in the design standard applicable to the service 3. Also known as "MIG/MAG" 3.Plasma Arc Welding welding process using plasma 16 . L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 3. depending on the base material.9 level 2 welding inspector professional certified by the Sistema Nacional de Qualificação e Certificação .Gas Metal Arc Welding arc welding process using shielding gas. the bead may have a width up to three times the diameter of the coated electrode core wire 3.8 GTAW .Gas Tungsten Arc Welding arc welding process using shielding gas with non-consumable tungsten electrode. In some cases.13 average level of diffusible hydrogen in the weld metal hydrogen level above 8 mL and of 16 mL or below per 100 g of deposited weld metal (H16) 3. Also known as "TIG" 3.7 GMAW .15 straight-line pass straight-line pass with no significant oscillation.12 extra low level of diffusible hydrogen in the weld metal hydrogen level exceeding 4 mL of hydrogen per 100 g of deposited weld metal (H4) 3.16 PAW . in order to ensure specific requirements for corrosion resistance and toughness.10 high level of diffusible hydrogen in the weld metal hydrogen level exceeding 16 mL of hydrogen per 100 g of deposited weld metal 3. with automatic wire feeding.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.Flux Cored Self-Shielded Arc Welding welding process using self-shielded flux-cored wire 3.14 oscillating pass the oscillation of the electrode exceeds in more than three times the diameter of the electrode core wire 3.11 low level of diffusible hydrogen in the weld metal hydrogen level above 4 mL and of 8 mL or below per 100 g of deposited weld metal (H8) 3.6 FCAW-S . The conflicting requirements shall be discussed during the clarification phase in bidding period.2 Welding is not permitted without the required qualification of welders and welding procedures. 4. 4.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. fabrication.1 This Standard shall be used in conjunction with the design.Submerged Arc Welding welding process using submerged arc 3.1.21 welding supervisor or welding foreman leader of the team of welders.3 The requirements for welding operation are found in this Section. and with standards of additional requirements relating to the service conditions of the equipment item or the structure. according to the design code. flame.1. WPS.1 General Welding Conditions 4.Shielded Metal Arc Welding welding process using coated electrode 3. with PETROBRAS’s decision prevailing. Instruction for Execution and Welding Inspection (IEIS).17 welding responsible technician of PETROBRAS maintenance professional of PETROBRAS’ Operating Units and technician responsible for welding.20 multiple pass welding fusion weld produced by more than one progression of arc. or the energy source (pass) along the joint 3. designated by the Operating Unit and qualified to assess the behavior of the welded joint regarding the application and exposure to the environment.22 SW . who shall be registered in the Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Arquitetura (CREA).1. assembly and post fabrication standards. welding position. welding symbols and terminology. responsible for the team performance based on his/her knowledge about the qualification criteria of welders and welding operators. have experience and solid background in the welding area 3. The selection of the Welding Procedure Specification / Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPS / RQPS) that best meets the service conditions will be responsibility of this professional. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 3. being valid for any of the materials mentioned and all equipment items or structures made from those materials.18 SAW . 17 . and technical drawing 3. range of thicknesses.Stud Welding welding process using studs 4 General Conditions 4.19 SMAW . 5 The selection of WPS/RQPS for welding operation and maintenance.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. welding processes.2. dimensional tolerances. pre-heating. are not contained in this standard. 4. fabrication. which may indicate additional testing.1 or 4. 4.6 The heterogeneous welding shall be avoided. as well as with technical specifications and contract requirements. and with standards of additional requirements relating to the service conditions of the equipment item or the structure.3 Welding Procedure Qualification 4. and evaluation criteria of defects.3.1. assembly and maintenance designs. and its performance is mandatorily tied to prior approval by PETROBRAS. post-heating and heat treatment temperatures. adjustment of parts. [Recommended Practice] 4.4 For welding in operation.1. fabrication.4. the IESI may be approved by the welding responsible technician of PETROBRAS. for example. 4.2. such as. assembly and post fabrication standards.2. shall be endorsed by the welding responsible technician of PETROBRAS. 18 . need for heat treatment and its application method. 4.4 Section 5 lists the requirements relating to various materials mentioned. maintenance or works under management of PETROBRAS' Operating Units.4. 4.4.3 Welding documents shall be approved by the qualified welding professionals.1 The test specimens shall be identified in the test coupon before being removed. according to 4. observing the responsibilities of each certification level.6 Prequalified welding procedures provided in AWS D1. and their identification shall be maintained until the tests are performed. This information is defined by design. details of bevels. such as. for example.2. 4. and specific conditions for welding technique of the materials.2.1 All welding documents shall be prepared in accordance with PETROBRAS N-2301.4.7 The autogenous welding shall be avoided.2.1. and its performance is mandatorily tied to prior approval by PETROBRAS. based on service or material conditions.5 All welding requirements which depend on the characteristics of the equipment or structure.2. 4. requirements for inspection. an indication of consumables. except as described in 4.2.2 Welding Documents 4.2 Welding documents shall be prepared and qualified in accordance with design. 4. when done by the welding professional of the contractor.1.1 and the standard procedures specified in ASME BPVC Section IX are not accepted by PETROBRAS. 4. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 4. NOTE The dimensional tolerances and finish level of impact test specimens shall comply with ASTM A 370. when its removal before welding is not provided. fabrication or assembly standard requires hardness testing in qualification of welding procedure. In case of welding consumables are required to be approved by PETROBRAS N-1859.9 For pressure vessel and other equipment with toughness requirements.7 The application method and trademark of protective varnish of bevel shall be evaluated during the qualification of welding procedure. and an additional one. the melted and heat affected zones of the joints shall be contained within the bent portion of the test specimen and show plastic deformation.2 The maximum tensile strength of the deposited weld metal shall be equal to or greater than the minimum tensile strength specified for the base metal in the homogeneous welding. 4. it shall be fully applied.3.3. unless the trademark is an essential variable required by design code. the Annex B of this Standard may be adopted on fusion zone. such as Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) and the fusion zone.3.3. For dissimilar welding. the provisions of 4. 4. a method that proves the complete removal of the coating material shall be assessed and approved during the welding procedure qualification. and its results shall be compatible with the reference standard.8 For clad plates.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. 4. heat affected zone and base metal. foreseeing a future repair of equipment. 4. it shall not be partially applied. 4. shall be represented by complete set of test specimens with notch located within those zones.11 Welding consumables shall be approved according to 4. 4. as a normative requirement.3. the consumable trademark is not an essential variable in qualified procedures. during the welding procedure qualification.13 shall be observed. 19 . [Recommended Practice] NOTE When Annex B is adopted.1. all zones of different chemical composition. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 4.6 When the design. This method may not leave residues that contaminate the weld metal.3. 4.3. 4.4 Test specimens for mechanical tests shall undergo dimensional and visual inspection before tests are performed. The notch inspection of the impact test specimen shall be made in a profile comparator.10 In PWHT of the test coupon used for procedure qualification.3.7. 4. the maximum tensile strength of deposited weld metal shall be equal to or greater than the minimum tensile strength specified for the base metal of lower strength.3. the test specimens to be submitted to mechanical testing shall undergo a Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) that simulates all PWHT performed during fabrication and assembly phases.3 In the bend test.5 When impact testing on heterogeneous welds and dissimilar joints is required.3. 7 The qualification of welder or welding operator shall include visual inspection of test coupon welds.3. 4. 4. 4. maintenance or rehabilitation of pipelines.4 Personnel Qualification 4.1 Welders and welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with the applicable design standards.4.4 A List of Qualified Welders and Welding Operators (RSQ) shall be issued.5 Test specimens shall be identified in the test coupon.3. 4. For maintenance services.4.1. the minimum value of the final qualified range shall be limited to 10 % below the value recorded by the test coupon presenting the lowest heat input.1. removal of craters.1. containing analyzed mechanical and chemical composition properties. the Brazilian Register of Individual Taxpayers (CPF). 20 .4.1.6 For qualification of the welder or welding operator.4.4. with the same interpretation criterion of the design.1.14 For H2S service.4. 4. in order to fit in the design standard.2 The qualification of welders and welding operators shall be documented by the Welding Record Report (RRS) and the Certificate of Qualification of Welders and Operators (RQS).12 During fabrication or assembly using materials supplied in quenched and tempered or heatmechanical treatment condition. In these cases. the CPF shall be replaced by code or numbering of the document that unequivocally identifies the welders and operators. 4.3. 4.4. fabrication and assembly standard of equipment or structure. and arc strikes in the bevel or auxiliary plate shall be the same as those specified production welds. 4. 4. the welding procedure qualification shall be performed with the material of the same fabrication and heat treatment process.13 The welding procedure qualification and its tests for mirror tube welded joints shall comply with the design standard and with API RP 582. in order to be maintained traceable. For enlargement of existing facilities. in the occasional absence of the manufacturer’s quality certificate. the stamp number and qualification.1 Welder and Welding Operator 4. mechanical tests and chemical analyses shall be performed. hardness shall also be measured.1. The identification shall be maintained until the tests are performed. the materials used shall have their quality certificate issued by the manufacturer. monitored by PETROBRAS.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. the methods for cleaning between weld passes.4. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 4.1.3 Qualified welders and welding operators shall bear visible identification including name. For services performed abroad. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 4.IS). 4.2. For welding services performed abroad. 21 . monitoring and approval of qualification tests.0 m of weld inspected in the development of the welded perimeter. it is understood that the welder shall be disqualified when he/she obtains the minimum repair length of 60 mm for welds in workshop or 150 mm for welds in field. or. The welding inspector level 2 shall be qualified and certified in the main applicable standard to perform the attributions provided in ABNT NBR 14842 in relation to welding documentation. or. according to the calculation methodology defined in PETROBRAS N-2301. which fully meet the requirements of ISO IEC 17024 and operate in full compliance with ISO 9712.2. The acceptance criteria listed below shall be included in the specific procedure of the contractor.4. the sum of defective lengths not exceeding 2. or.4.9 The periodicity for presentation of CDS shall be sufficient to ensure the required corrections are done with no difficulty and without compromising the execution term and quality of work or service in progress. supervision of level 1 inspectors. NOTE 2 For ultrasound. the qualification and certification of personnel for nondestructive testing shall be made by the Sistema Nacional de Qualificação e Certificação em Ensaios Não Destrutivos (SNQC . non-destructive testing inspectors shall be qualified and certified by independent international entities.1. the sum of defective lengths not exceeding 5. regardless of reaching the minimum length to be inspected of 3. and the visual testing may also be performed by welding inspector qualified and certified by SNQC .1.4. The welding inspector level 2 employed abroad shall also be qualified and certified in the main applicable standard or evidence a minimum of one year of experience working with the mentioned standard.4. in ultrasound. or. in ultrasound. in ultrasound. a total not exceeding 5 % of disapproved films (a film) in a minimum of twenty radiographed films. accredited by national bodies in their respective countries. the sum of defective lengths not exceeding 2.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. according to ABNT NBR NM ISO 9712. c) construction and assembly: in radiography.5% (75 mm) in at least 3 m of weld inspected in the development of the welded perimeter. b) maintenance in field: in radiography. the sum of defective lengths not exceeding 2. NOTE 1 For radiography.2 Inspectors 4. which shall be evaluated and approved by PETROBRAS before starting the services: a) maintenance in workshop: in radiograph. welding inspectors shall be qualified and certified by international entities meeting the requirements of ISO IEC 17024. d) fabrication: in radiography.1 Welding inspectors shall be qualified in accordance with the Sistema Nacional de Qualificação e Certificação de Inspetores de Soldagem (SNQC . For inspection services performed abroad.2 For services performed in Brazil.1. 4. regardless of reaching the amount of twenty films in the period. a total not exceeding 10 % of disapproved films (four films) in a minimum of forty radiographed films. it is understood that the welder shall be disqualified when four films for welds in field or two films for welds in workshop are disapproved.0 % (150 mm) in at least 3.4.8 The control over performance of welders shall be carried out using the Control Over Performance of Welders and Welding Operators (CDS) form.0 % (60 mm) in at least 3.0 m. in ultrasound. a total not exceeding 15 % of disapproved films (a film) in a minimum of twenty radiographed films.END). in which case prior approval by PETROBRAS will be necessary. etc. the periodicity for presentation of CDS shall be previously approved by PETROBRAS. according to ABNT NBR 14842. 4.9 In every case. 4. a total not exceeding 10 % of disapproved films (two films) in a minimum of twenty radiographed films.0 m of weld inspected in the development of the welded perimeter.4.5% (150 mm) in at least 6 m of weld inspected in the development of the welded perimeter.IS. 4.4.3. c) know the welder qualification limits. — explain the requirements for bevel preparation. g) manage the workforce under his/her supervision.3 Welding Supervisors or Welding Foremen 4.4. c) monitor the work fronts in order to ensure that: — every welder or welding operator in service in field/factory has been assigned to a task within the scope of their certification.3 The monitoring of welding performance activities by certified welding inspectors level 1 and level 2 shall be made clear in applicable contracts. if not. 4. IEIS. so as to: — determine the quantity and type of consumables to be requested. d) know and instruct welders about the required precautions for pre-heating (homogenization e temperature measuring).2. and post-heating. specified in the contractor’s procedure. for example: a) review the service orders.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. d) ensure that joints to be welded in next shift have the correct joint geometry.1 Welding supervisors and foremen shall have the following minimum knowledge: a) interpret the welding information and parameters of IEIS. ensure the consumables that returned to warehouse are duly handled and stored.4 Certified Welding Specialist Engineer and Certified Welding Technologist Welding specialist engineers and technologists shall be certified in accordance with the Fundação Brasileira de Tecnologia da Soldagem (FBTS). 4. — every welding service in field/factory is performed within the requirements of IEIS.4. — the storage requirements of welding consumables in work fronts are complied with. give feedback to the boiler supervision. pre/post-heating and inter-pass temperatures for each work front to welders and/or welding operators. and. ensuring they are working properly.4. b) ensure the correct consumables are delivered to each work front. 22 .2 It is understood as activities of the welding supervisor or foreman.3. f) at the end of each shift. bevel drawings of joints to be welded. in order to ensure safety and good progress of welding services. interpass temperature control. — specify which welding machines and process shall be used in each work front. NOTE The certification process is being implemented by FBTS and will be available in January 2014. — assign welders and/or welding operators to adequate fronts.4. e) monitor the field assembly and adjustment of welding machines. with their attributions defined by FBTS 007. storage and drying of consumables. b) know the control methodology of quality. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 4. 4.4 The welding inspector shall ensure that the quantity of current and voltage provided in WPS/IEIS remains within the qualified limits throughout the welding performance.7. Ovens for keeping coated electrodes dry shall have perforated or grid-shaped shelves. and properly sized for working conditions and personal safety.5. wire feeders.5. 4. which may be fixed or portable. 4.3. GMAW.3 and 5. tubular electrodes. thermostat and vent with a diameter larger than 10 mm.5.11. GTAW. without affecting the operation of welding service in progress.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.1 Oven for drying coated electrodes shall have perforated or grid-shaped shelves at least 25 mm away from the vertical walls.5.5. The voltage shall be measured as close as possible to the electrode holder. without flaws or unprotected regions.7 Ovens used for keeping coated electrodes and fluxes dry shall be provided with a thermometer. and have a thermometer. cables. and others that have direct interference in the process or are interdependent shall meet the requirements of NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) or IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission).5. it is recommended the use of inverter power sources.6 Ovens for drying coated electrodes and fluxes shall be provided with electrical resistances to º control and maintain the temperature up to 400 C. a drying oven. and an oven for keeping things dry. All welding shall be performed according to the requirements of PETROBRAS N-2349.5. a thermometer and hygrometer.7.6. FCAW processes.2 For SMAW.5.5. high-frequency drive for GTAW process.3 The measurement instruments existing in welding sources shall be calibrated and within the expiration date. 4. Those ovens shall not be directly connected to welding source. control cables.5. welding guns and torches. rods and fluxes shall have heating. 4.5. clamps. in order to comply with 4. auxiliary command and control units coupled to equipment.1 Welding source.2 The insulation of electrode holders and cables shall be in good conditions. 4. 4. mainly for materials in 5. 4. thermostat and electrical resistances to control and keep temperatures up to 200 ºC. extension cords.5 The oven for storage or receipt of coated electrodes. fabrication and assembly design of equipment or structure.1 Welding shall be performed using processes permitted by the design.6.2 Oven for drying fluxes shall have a shaking device or trays at least 25 mm away from the vertical walls. 4. 23 .8 There shall be at least one storage oven.5.3. [Recommended Practice] 4.5 Welding Processes and Equipment 4. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 4. refrigeration unit. bare electrodes. electrode holder. 4. interpass and post-heating temperatures shall be checked by means of optical or contact pyrometer. For calibration performed abroad. it shall be used a tungsten sharpener with container that prevents dispersion in the environment. post-heating and PWHT shall meet the fabrication and assembly requirements of the equipment or structure. 4. 4.14 It is recommended the use of tungsten electrodes connected to Cerium (Ce).2 The electrical welding arc shall be struck at the bevel or an appendix plate used for that purpose. the laboratory shall have its metrological system formally recognized as operating in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025. rust.5. there shall be no contact of between copper pieces (or its alloys) and the areas heated or melted by welding and heat treatment. as long as it does not conflict with Section 5. 4. and to be of exclusive use for each welder.4 For welding with gas shielding. except in the case of copper bars for lateral protection of electrogas welding and copper butt-straps that are not consumable in any process. grease.5. 4.9 The portable oven for keeping low hydrogen coated electrodes dry shall have electrical resistances to keep the temperature between 80 °C and 150 °C.12 Measuring and testing instruments shall be calibrated in accredited laboratories. The temperature stick may also be used. and soot from gas preheating.5.5. It is acceptable that the calibrations are performed using standards traced by the Rede Brasileira de Calibração (RBC) or INMETRO. in an area of at least 25 mm on each side of the edges. paint.5.6. the bevel and edges shall be cleaned to white metal. Lanthanum (La) and Zirconium (Zr). liquid penetrant testing residues. [Recommended Practice] 4.3 Joints to be welded shall be free of oil. 4.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. 4. 24 . 4. taking care so that the instrument adjustment is correlated with the emissivity of the material.15 For the preparation of the thoriated electrode tips. sand.5.6. 4. slag. both internally and externally.6.13 Tungsten electrodes specified in AWS A5. according to ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025. The electrode sharpening profile shall be performed in accordance with AWS C5. Sharpening shall be performed longitudinally on the electrode. Calibration of measuring and testing instruments shall follow a Calibration Plan contained in the Quality System of the unit or contractor. in an area of at least 25 mm on both internal and external sides.6. 4. thermal or mechanical cutting irregularities and slag shall be removed. 4.5 When preparing the bevel. The ovens shall be calibrated. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 4.5.12 shall be used.10 Equipment for pre-heating.1 The use grounding clamps made of copper alloys is not allowed.5.6. In addition.6 Welding Technique 4.11 Pre-heating. 4. pore. It is required a liquid penetrant testing on 100% of the joints.6. in order to avoid the risk of contamination.6. 4. pipe connections with hull (nozzles) and socket welds may be used as long as the welder is qualified in 6GR position. with no indication being allowed.14 The welding procedure for socket welds shall be with the GTAW process.1. controlled hammering of welds is not permitted. for which it is always prohibited.8 Slag removal and cleaning tools shall be made of materials suitable for each base metal. 4. the surface preparation for the test shall be made by grinding or other machining process. rain and dust.6. 4. 4.7 Stainless steel. extensions.6. handled and processed completely separated from other materials. 25 . This requirement shall be mandatory from July 2014 on.10 When required in Section 5. 4.6. nickel and nickel-alloy materials shall be stored.6. with at least three layers and a smooth convex profile. c) the process with gas shielding may be used for welding of butt or angle joints of structural elements and pressure components.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 4. only classifications of consumables that have minimum impact evidenced by lot and with prior approval of PETROBRAS may be used.12 During the welding performance. slag.9 The gas shielding shall comply with requirements of AWS A5.6.6.11 In general.13 When liquid penetrant or magnetic particle testing after gouging is required. except for the first and last layer. it may be accepted if approved by PETROBRAS and supported by qualified procedure.6. 4. d) the use of welding consumables with AWS classification different from the one used in the qualification procedure is not permitted. 4.4 mm or the thickness of the welded joint. humidity. due to the criticality of that joint configuration. however. Special attention shall be given to protection against air currents.15 Specific conditions for the Flux Cored arc-welding (FCAW): a) the self-shielded process (FCAW-S) shall be only used for welding carbon-steel structural elements. the inert gas protection shall be used from the inside of the part (purge) until it reaches the lower value between: deposit (root pass + filling) of 6. slag and copper deposits resulting from carbon electrode cutting operations shall be mechanically removed to ensure complete removal of HAZ and the contaminants.6 Carbon. 4. When the metal structure shows impact requirement.6. b) flux-cored wires identified by the manufacturer for multiple pass welding may be used. and discontinuities identified by visual testing shall be removed.32. e) The process for use in derivations. according to AWS D1. 4.01 Schedule J. such as.7 Consumable 4. specific toughness requirements (testing temperature and impact energy). c) for low hydrogen fluxes. NOTE 1 The adoption of 6GR position does not imply in adoption of AWS qualification requirements. it shall have lot control. In case the welding consumables are not certified by the OCP. (only allowed when provided in the design standard of equipment). L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 The adoption of 6GR position does not imply in adoption of AWS qualification requirements.5 mm) and the vertical welding is performed in ascending progression. NOTE In procedures with consumables qualified according to PETROBRAS N-1859 Annex A. according to AWS A5. they shall be kept in the conditions established by the manufactured during the welding process.1. according to PETROBRAS N-1859. mentioned in 5. results in the requalification of the welding procedure. even if this does not modify its classification. the consumable trademark does not comprise an essential variable in the qualified procedures.1 Consumables used in Brazil shall be certified by the Product Certification Body (OCP) as a Conformity Assessment Body (OAC) accredited by INMETRO under the Sistema Brasileiro de Avaliação de Conformidade (SBAC).-PUBLIC- N-133 NOTE REV. the RQPS and WPS shall clearly contain: trademark.1. for example. extensions. 4. 4.17 Specific conditions for the process of submerged arc welding (SAW): a) the semiautomatic manual process is not permitted.16 Specific conditions for the short circuit GMAW process welding (GMAW-S): a) the process for use in derivations. according to AWS D1. For use of consumables generically classified (which means. and the same qualification requirements in the equipment or piping qualification standard shall be used. equivalent to suffix “G”) with specification different from AWS. pipe connections with hull (nozzles) and socket welds may be used as long as the welder is qualified in 6GR position. they shall be certified by an OCP accredited by INMETRO or a foreign OCP that complies with ISO GUIDE 65 and after previous approval of PETROBRAS. In addition. 4. specified chemical composition of deposited weld metal. the change of flux trademark is an essential variable for welding procedure. When used abroad. the requalification of welding procedure is not necessary. The respective lot certificates shall present the values specified and accepted by PETROBRAS. NOTE 2 This requirement is not applied to controlled short circuit GMAW. 26 . b) filling and finishing passes in butt or angle welds may be performed using this process. of European standard (EN) or standard ISO.7. b) except for carbon steel welding without impact requirement.7. and the same qualification requirements in the equipment or piping qualification standard shall be used. the change in consumable trademark. as long as the thickness of any element does not exceed 3/8” (9. their use shall be limited to situations in which there is no specific classification to optimize a characteristic required for welding of a given material. the same requirements described herein for suffix “G” consumables of specification AWS shall be met.6. If their use is required.6. and post-weld condition (as welded or treated). In this case. The welding of that consumable shall be used only with previous approval of PETROBRAS.2 Once the consumables with suffix G are not certifiable by OCP. regarding the absence of defects.7.7 Bare electrodes or rods with oxidization signs are unacceptable.6 Irregularities or discontinuities in the coating of coated electrodes.7.Section II. diameter. the corresponding specification of ASME BPCV .7. Part C shall be followed.3 The selection of consumables shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 5 of this Standard. 27 .7. For processes not covered by Section 5. 4.5 The coated electrode shall have individual identification through legible registration.14 Coated electrodes and low hydrogen fluxes shall be subjected to drying and conditions for keeping them dry in ovens meeting the requirements of 4.8 The packages of coated electrodes and fluxes shall be free from defects that cause contamination or damage to consumables.13 Packages shall be removed on a first-in first-out basis. c) if the consumable manufacturer indicates temperature and humidity values more restrictive than those required under a) and b). The following conditions shall be observed within the oven: a) the temperature shall be at least 10 °C above ambient temperature.10 A specific consumable for a particular welding process may not be used in another process.5. thereby avoiding extended storage of some lots.7.9 When a consumable is used. 4. 4.7. as well as dimensional deficiencies in length and eccentricity beyond the limits of the specification and core oxidation signs. its trademark.7. legibly and without erasures.9. The rolled wire shall be identified on the reel. 4.11 Coated electrodes.5. packages of coated electrodes shall be positioned with their arcing ends facing up. lack of adhesion.7. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 4.4 The package of the coated electrode. cracks. identification and condition of the package. 4. heat number and fabrication date. but always 20 °C or above and never exceeding 40 °C. such as localized thickness reduction. 4.7. rod or rolled wire shall indicate. 4. 4. they shall be met. rods and fluxes in their original packages shall be stored on supports or shelves. 4.12 When stored in vertical position. damages at the end. it shall present the same conditions of receipt. 4. unless it is expressly indicated by the manufacturer. b) the maximum relative humidity shall be 50 %. are unacceptable.7.7.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. in ovens fulfilling the conditions mentioned in 4. tubular electrodes.5 to 4.7. classification. 4.5. specification. bare electrodes. The rod shall be identified by punch marks at both ends.5. 8.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. the surface shall be preheated at 50 °C. 4. shall be kept between 80 ºC and 150 ºC in portable ovens.7. strong wind and dust in general.2 Welding shall not be performed when the part surface. 4. Later. application or removal of thermal and refractory insulation.1 Preheating shall be applied when required in Section 5. provided that it did not have any type of contamination.9.22 Covered electrodes shall be re-dried and kept at the temperatures recommended by the manufacturer. in a layer equal to or less 150 mm in thickness. the packages shall be considered as not-waterproof.9. 4.9 Preheating and Interpass Temperature 4. 4. 28 . such as those from abrasive blasting.7. unless the joint is protected.7. the flux layer shall be less than or equal to 50 mm in thickness. coated electrodes shall be arranged on shelves.7. and.7.8. is wet or below the established preheating temperature for the material. in the oven for keeping them dry.21 Submerged arc flux that does not melt during welding shall be sieved and re-dried.15 For purposes of application of drying requirements. 4. protection means shall be used to prevent the action of air currents that may alter welding conditions.16 In the drying oven. the temperature of the surface to be welded may not be below 10 °C. in this case.18 Drying and drying maintenance of coated electrodes and fluxes shall comply with the parameters specified by the manufacturer.19 Low hydrogen coated electrodes.1 Welding shall not be performed under rain. in an area of 150 mm centered on the joint to be welded. 4.7. or as otherwise determined in Section 5. 4. in a layer not exceeding 50 mm.8 Environmental Conditions 4.9. 4. returning to storage oven so as to be re-dried.7. Drying may be skipped in cases of packages designed to be waterproof. 4. as defined in 4.7. 4. whenever used in the field.20 Low hydrogen coated electrodes left outside ovens used to keep them dry and not used after a working day shall be identified and separated.9. and with previous approval of PETROBRAS. in general. Only one re-drying is permitted.3 If preheating is not required.2 For all welding processes. according to specific conditions in Section 5. 4.17 In the ovens with trays for drying and keeping items dry. it shall be mixed with the new flux in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 4.5. 4. 5 Generally. at a distance of 75 mm from weld edges.2 Post-heating shall be performed by electrical resistance. when required.1 Post-heating shall be applied when required in Section 5. where the temperature may only be measured from the side of the source. If the base metal is thicker than 75 mm. at a distance of 75 mm from the weld edges.10.11 Inspection and Quality Control 4. the completion of preheating by gas and gas distribution shall be on the opposite side where the welder is working.10 Post-heating 4. and also shall be guided about the possible metallurgical damage to the different materials to be welded if this operation is poorly executed. as long as there is no restriction to its use in Section 5. 4. induction or flame. fabrication and assembly standards of equipment or structure. Preheating and temperature control procedures shall be prepared.1 The inspection of welded joints and coating welds. the preheating temperature shall be measured on the base metal. on all joint components. 4. and also shall be guided about the possible metallurgical damage to the different materials to be welded if this operation is poorly executed.4 The preheating shall be performed by electrical resistance. as well as with the indications contained in Section 5. on the opposite side to the heating source. on the opposite side to the heating source.10. heating shall be interrupted for at least 1 minute for every 25 mm of thickness of the piece before it is measured. 4. If using temperature stick. on the region in which the next pass will be deposited.4 The post-heating temperature shall be measured on base metal. Professionals responsible for the manual post-heating by flame shall receive prior training.10. 4. The use of cutting nozzle blowtorch is not permitted in post-heating. the cooling cycle shall be interrupted in the post-heating temperature indicated for the alloy in Section 5. To this end. on all joint members. Manual preheating by blowtorch flame may be used. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 4. NOTE In case flame heating is used. 29 . This condition is not applied to mirror x pipe welded connections. For safety.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. Professionals responsible for the manual heating by flame shall receive prior training. The use of cutting nozzle blowtorch in preheating is not permitted.6 The interpass temperature shall be measured on the weld metal.9. then a post-heating and temperature control plan shall be submitted for previous approval of PETROBRAS.3 The post-heating. heating shall be interrupted for at least 1 minute for every 25 mm of thickness of the piece before it is measured.10. 4. shall be applied immediately after the completion of welding. shall comply with the design. as long as there is no restriction to its use in Section 5. induction or flame. 4.11. when permitted in Section 5. Manual postheating by blowtorch flame may be used.9. NOTE In case flame heating is used.9. 4. where the temperature may only be measured from the side of the source. as well as the interpretation of their results. the measurement shall be made in an adjacent area to avoid contamination of the following pass. 11. prepared according to PETROBRAS N-2301. Sampling shall be performed according to the instructions contained in Annex A.9 shall be checked. for manufacture or maintenance welds. prepared in accordance with PETROBRAS N-2301. and shall comply with the conditions prescribed by those standards. 30 .-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. 4. The document "Control Over Performance of Welders and Welding Operators" shall be prepared in accordance with PETROBRAS N-2301.13. 4.13. 4.13 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) 4.2 Tests applicable to each joint. except for fabrication repairs involving equipment of large dimensions and thicknesses.11.12. or in furnace.12 Weld Repairs 4. induction.11.7.11. 4.11. Additional repairs require previous approval of PETROBRAS.13.12.1 Welding defects shall be repaired in accordance with the IEIS document applicable to repair. 4. 4.5 to 4.2 The same inspection requirements needed for welded joints shall be applied to their repairs.5 Welding consumables shall be inspected upon receipt by sampling. In this case. A visual inspection shall precede the other non-destructive tests.1 PWHT shall be applied when required by the design or fabrication and assembly designs of equipment or structure. 4. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 4.3 The repair requirements for each material are detailed in Section 5 of this Standard. based on a qualified welding procedure. 4.12. 4.2 PWHT shall be performed by electrical heating. even when they have been removed.4 Non-destructive tests required in this Standard shall be performed according to qualified inspection procedure.4 The SAW process shall not be used in weld repairs. the document Welding Record Report (RSS) shall be issued in accordance with PETROBRAS N-2301. Each repair shall be registered. Non-destructive testing shall always be performed on 100 % of the surface on the excavated area before the release of the repair filling. as well as their extensions.7. 4.3 The zone to be heated to PWHT temperature shall cover the temporary weld areas referring to auxiliary assembly devices. 4. as per applicable standards PETROBRAS.12.6 The performance of welders and welding operators shall be controlled.3 All welds shall be 100 % visually inspected and evaluated with the acceptance criteria of the applicable standard of manufacture. It shall be performed in line with an attribute inspection and compliance of consumables with 4. shall be indicated in the IEIS document. 4.13. 4. fabrication and assembly standard.15 Marking of Welded Joints 4.15. observing the provisions in 4. molybdenum steel and chrome-molybdenum steel. so as to ensure electrical contact between the wires of the thermocouple and the heated surface. 4. at a minimum distance of 25 mm from the edge of the weld on carbon steel. based on analysis of the thermal gradient generated by computer simulation. tack welds and other temporary welds shall be considered definitive welds for purposes of application of the requirements of this Standard. as long as its composition does not contaminate the material. including those regarding the qualification of personnel. c) auxiliary assembly devices shall not be removed by impact.14 Auxiliary Assembly Devices Auxiliary assembly devices.6 PWHT requirements for each material.5 The performance of PWHT shall be documented. when permitted by the design.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. except when approved by PETROBRAS. pores. cracks. after it has been removed. b) the number of auxiliary assembly devices preventing transverse contraction of weld shall be minimized. may be done by welding. d) welds of auxiliary assembly devices shall be deposited at least 25 mm away from the edges of the bevel or directly on the faces of the bevel. and the area of temporary weld. or in which the component has the freedom of expansion during treatment. are detailed in Section 5 of this Standard. when permitted by the fabrication and assembly standard of equipment or structure. and devices limiting angular deformation of the welded joint and allowing transverse contraction shall be preferred. the conditions set forth in AWS D 10.8 Other settings of localized PWHT are not permitted. The document Heat Treatment Record Report (RRTT) shall be prepared in accordance with PETROBRAS N-2301. when applicable. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 4.13. NOTE The replacement of material to correct thickness reduction.13. [Recommended Practice] 4. shall be inspected using liquid penetrant or magnetic particle testing and present no undercuts. 31 . 4. 4.3 Punch marking shall only be allowed for nominal thickness greater than 6. thickness reduction or incomplete removal. 4.2 In joints welded by more than one welder or welding operator.12.4 It is recommended that thermocouples are fixed to the parts by capacitive discharge.15. if necessary.13.10 or WRC 452 shall be met. after previous approval of PETROBRAS. the mark shall distinguish who performs each of the passes. shall comply with the requirements of Section 5 and the following conditions: a) welds of auxiliary assembly devices.4 mm.13.7 When performing PWHT located in the circumferential welds.15. All other materials shall be identified by an industrial marker.1 Welded joints shall be marked with the identification number of the welder or welding operator. 4. 3 It shall be observed the additional requirements of standards and specifications for quenched.HSLA steels.1. 5. J) and 11B.1.2 Weldability 5. in some cases. 4. 4.2 Those steels shall not be used at temperatures above 400 ºC under continuous work. 5 Materials 5. 5. classified under P number 1 Group 3 or 4.1 Those steels generally have good weldability when the carbon content is below 0. it is inevitable the formation of microstructures susceptible to cold cracking. an additional assessment shall be made by HSE team regarding the protection of welding team.1.16.1 For purposes of this Standard. High tensile strength steels are those presenting a specified tensile strength limit of 490 MPa (71 ksi) or above and P number 1 Group 3 or 4. since.1 Introduction 5. J) and P number 11B. I. punch marking shall not be allowed.2. they may be susceptible to hydrogen induced cracking (cold cracking).16.20% and/or carbon equivalent (CEIIW) is below 0.44 %. however.2.1. 10 (except for H.1.3 In welding services in confined space. 32 .16. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 For oil and gas pipelines. P number 10 (except for groups H.16 Safety in Welding 4.2 Preheating may be necessary to reduce the cooling speed and to favor the release of the hydrogen. 5.1.1. Safety. especially when the chemical composition is enriched with alloying elements and/or in welding of thick plates. tempered and micro-alloyed High Strength and Low Alloy . low tensile strength steels are those presenting a minimum tensile strength limit below 490 MPa (71 ksi) and P number 1 Group 1 or 2.1. in addition to alloy steels of P number 3 (except molybdenum steels C1/2Mo and 1/2Cr1/2Mo. 5.-PUBLIC- N-133 NOTE REV. I.1.1.1 Carbon Steel and Carbon-Manganese Steel 5. included in CrMo family in this standard).1 Any welding service shall only be performed if it complies with the safety requirements provided in PETROBRAS N-2349 and with applicable Health. and Environment (HSE) procedures. [Recommended Practice] 4.2 It is recommended the use of photo-sensitive masks in welding service. 1 SMAW a) consumables shall be specified in accordance with AWS A5.3 Post-heating is not usually necessary. 5.36. Welding processes applied shall comply with the design code. 33 . grinding. For high strength steels.3 Basic type coatings of consumables and fluxes shall present maximum diffusible hydrogen of 8 mL of hydrogen per 100 g of deposited weld metal (H8). the multiple pass welding shall be performed with straight and thin passes. the diffusible hydrogen limits set forth in Table 1 shall be followed. AWS A5.1.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. EXX14.3. Other processes may be applied upon previous approval of PETROBRAS.3.3 General Welding Technique 5. EXX13. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. SW and SAW processes are permitted. plasma.1. b) electrodes with classification AWS EXX12. 5.1 or AWS A5. EXX24 and EXX27 shall not be used for welding offshore metallic structures and pressure components. or API RP 582) ≤ 70 ksi (483 MPa) H16 > 70 ksi (483 MPa) and ≤ 85 ksi H8 (587 MPa) > 85 ksi (587 MPa) H4 5. c) electrodes with classification AWS EXX10 and EXX11 shall not be used for welding metallic structures.1. Table 1 . cold cutting.5 mm or below.1 Welded joint preparation may be done by machining. 5. oxy-cutting. FCAW-G. the HAZ formed by cutting processes shall be removed by machining or grinding.1.4. 5. This requirement shall be mandatory from July 2014 on.4 For the FCAW process. Processes not provided in code shall be approved by PETROBRAS. however. pressure components and castings of any thickness.5.1. This requirement shall be mandatory from July 2014 on.3.2 When impact testing is required. not exceeding three times the diameter of the core of coated electrode in SMAW process. GTAW. except for oil and gas pipelines.3. d) in angle welds of storage tanks with thickness of 12.4 Applicable Welding Processes The SMAW. FCAW-S. GMAW.Diffusible Hydrogen Limit in FCAW Electrodes Minimum nominal tensile strength of base metal Designation of maximum diffusible hydrogen (according to AWS A5. it shall be evaluated when it involves welding of joints with large thickness and restriction. those consumables may be used when permitted by design standard and with previous approval of PETROBRAS. 5. except for cases where a larger control of hydrogen is required or specified.1. laser or water jet cutting. and [mm] (see Note 2 from 5.) 10 ºC (min. c) the process with additional gas shielding (FCAW-G) may be used for welding of butt or angle joints of structural elements and pressure components.) (100 ºC) 100 ºC (125 ºC) 10 ºC (min.45% < CEIIW ≤ 0. d) the possible variations of impact properties between different trademarks or even between lots from the same manufacturer shall be considered. When the metallic structure has impact requirement. 5. b) the self-shielded process (FCAW-S) shall be only used for welding carbon-steel structural elements. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. except for derivations.2) e ≤ 20 20 < e ≤ 30 e > 30 10 ºC (min. extensions and socket welds.4.1. therefore.1.4.5 Preheating and Interpass Temperature 5. c) the transfer mode by conventional short circuit may not be used in thicknesses above 10 mm.3 GMAW a) consumables shall follow the specifications of AWS A5. Table 2 . 0.50% Calculated thickness of welded joint.36.Minimum Preheating and Interpass Temperatures Specified for Welding of Carbon Steel and Carbon-Manganese Steel Carbon equivalent .) (50 ºC) 10 ºC (min. < CEIIW ≤ 0.18. d) the use of GMAW with controlled short-circuit is permitted to perform root pass in pipelines or piping systems.18. it shall be observed the minimum impact requirements established for weld metal.2 GTAW a) consumables shall follow the specifications of AWS A5.41% 0.CE (see Note 1 from 5.47% < CEIIW ≤ 0.5 SAW Consumables shall follow the specifications of AWS A5.43% 0.) (75 ºC) 10 ºC (min. b) it is not necessary to use gas for protecting the root of the weld from inside the part.1. 5. only classifications of consumables that have minimum impact evidenced by lot and with previous approval of PETROBRAS may be used. 5.4 FCAW a) consumables shall follow the specifications of AWS A5.47% 0.1 Joints shall be preheated to temperatures equal to or above those indicated in Table 2.5. In equipment fabricated according to ASME code.23.43% < CEIIW ≤ 0.) 10 ºC (min.2) CEIIW ≤ 0. consumables shall comply with ASME Section II Part C.) (50 ºC) 100 ºC 10 ºC (min.1.1.) 10 ºC (min.) (100 ºC) 100 ºC (125 ºC) 125 ºC (150 ºC) 100 ºC (125 ºC) 125 ºC (150 ºC) 150 ºC (175 ºC) 34 .-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.17 or AWS A5. 5. b) it is not necessary to use gas for protecting the root of the weld from inside the part.5. 1. When it is not possible or feasible.5 mm e = 0. CEIIW  % C  % Mn % Cr  % Mo  %V % Cu  % Ni   6 5 15 (1) NOTE 2 The thickness of welded joint shall be calculated according to Figure 1. based on the values obtained from fabrication certificates (chemical analysis). T3 = 0 37. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.5 (T1 + 2T2) T3 There may be a weld on both sides or on a single side. pre-heating shall be performed up to 50 ºC in order to remove moisture. at PETROBRAS’ discretion. replacing the values given in Table 2.2 The following information shall be followed in the application of Table 2: a) the values in brackets are applied to offshore metallic structures AWS D1.Detail for Determination of Thickness 35 . portable X-ray or optical emission spectroscopy equipment. In the absence of the material certificate.1 and high tensile strength steels.5. NOTE 1 The carbon equivalent (CEIIW) shall be calculated according to Equation 1. b) when the ambient temperature is below 10 ºC.5 (T1 + T2) 37. c) preheating temperatures of design and fabrication standards may be applied. identify the chemical composition of the material through one of the following tests: sample collection.5 mm T1 T2 T1 T3 = T2 T2 NOTE e = 0. Figure 1 . the maximum CEIIW specified in the fabrication standard of the material is used.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. 1. the maximum number of repairs is limited to three times. 5.1. When there is no toughness requirement.1. 5. Those steels are typically used in the petroleum and petrochemical industry as machine parts or components. In this case.8 Weld Repair 5.8.1 They are steels from the Chromium-Molybdenum and Chromium-Nickel-Molybdenum family.8. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. the procedure shall be previously qualified and approved by PETROBRAS.1 Introduction 5. use temperature of approximately 200 °C with baseline time of 1 min/mm of thickness of joint.1. except when there is risk of hydrogen cracking. the interpass temperature shall not exceed 250 ºC.8.9.6 Post-heating It is usually not required. including the number of treatment cycles. 5. and addition of alloying elements.7 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) PWHT shall comply with the respective design code and applicable technical specification. 5.9. for at least 4 hours). complexity and thickness of the equipment.1. which may vary depending on the base material.1.2. the temperature shall not exceed 315 °C.2 The same weld area may not be repaired more than twice when there is a toughness requirement.2 Heat-Treated Low Alloy Steel 5.1. The temperature shall not exceed 480 °C. 5.2 If applying controlled deposition techniques in maintenance service.1 Weld repair procedure shall be pre-qualified when there is toughness requirement.1.1.3 The repair shall be performed in multiple pass. trying to quench the previous passes. granting a high hardenability.28% and 0. as for thick plates and high restriction.1.1. Most of those steels have carbon content between 0.5.4 It is recommended that the manual heating by gas flame (blowtorch) is limited in tubes or shells with thickness up to 25. 5. When there is no toughness requirement. it shall be assessed the need for a previous dehydrogenation treatment (ranging from 300 °C to 400 °C.4 mm and nominal diameter up to 10’’.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.5.1 In equipment soaked in hydrogen.45% of carbon.3 When there is a requirement of toughness. 5. 36 .2. 5. [Recommended Practice] 5. but no less than 15 minutes.1.9 Supplementary Requirements for Maintenance Weld 5. Regardless the initial state of microstructure. 5. GMAW and GTAW welding processes are allowed. Consumables with maximum diffusible hydrogen content of 4 ml of hydrogen per 100 g of deposited weld metal (H4) shall be used.3 Multiple pass welding shall be performed with straight and thin passes.3 are not covered in 5. 5.3. 5. 5.3.2. in addition to a qualified welding procedure.2.2. The HAZ formed by cutting processes shall be removed by machining or grinding. those joints shall undergo heat treatment for fitness of mechanical strength after welding.-PUBLIC- N-133 NOTE REV. This requirement shall be mandatory from July 2014 on. when subjected to "high cooling rates".2. the cooling rate control is necessary in welding.3. 5. 5.2.3 General Welding Technique 5.2. AISI 4130/4140 steels shall be deemed ChromiumMolybdenum and AISI 4340/8630 steels shall be deemed Chromium-Nickel-Molybdenum.1 Due to the different heat treatments those steels may undergo during their fabrication.5 General Conditions for Consumables 5.2.3 Since they are high hardenability steels. laser or water jet cutting.2. not exceeding three times the diameter of the core of coated electrode in SMAW process. there shall be previous approval of PETROBRAS. oxy-cutting. plasma.5 Welding procedures shall be performed according to the hardness class of materials.2 The microstructure of HAZ of those materials.2. 5.2 The preparation of the welded joint may be made by machining. 5. 5. by controlling the preheating and interpass temperature.2. 5.2 Weldability 5. the mechanical strength of the base material to be welded shall be observed when choosing the consumable.2. 5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Chrome-Molybdenum materials mentioned in 5. materials are described based on the AISI classification and with hardness required for the mechanical elements to be welded.2 For the purpose of this Standard.1 For welding of those materials. will be composed of martensite or bainite and martensite.3.1 Those steels have better weldability in annealed or super-quenched condition (treated above the typical quenching temperatures). 37 .2.4 Applicable Welding Processes The SMAW.1. In these procedures.2. Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) PWHT shall comply with the respective design code and applicable technical specification. 5. but no less than 30 minutes.7 to 25.7 Post-Heating Post-heating shall be performed from 250 °C to 300 ºC. Table 3 .9.10. 5. the maximum number of repairs is limited to three times.2. the chemical composition of filler metal shall be as close as possible of the base metal.5.6 Preheating and Interpass Preheating and interpass shall be performed by electrical resistance. the cooling is controlled with cooling rate below 95 ºC/h up to 80 ºC and thermal insulation of joint up to ambient temperature. and the manual heating by flame is only allowed for welding of tethers and auxiliary assembly parts not subjected to internal pressure.4 ≥ 25. at the end of post-heating. induction or flame. 5.2.2. Preheating and interpass temperatures shall comply with Table 3. 38 . a liquid penetrant testing shall be performed. When preparing the bevel. trying to quench the previous passes.2. NOTE It is recommended that.3 If applying controlled deposition techniques.9 Maintenance Weld Repair 5.2.10 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection 5. the procedure shall be previously qualified and approved by PETROBRAS.2. When there is no toughness requirement. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.2 The repair shall be performed in multiple pass.Minimum and Maximum Preheating and Interpass Temperature of HeatTreated Low Alloy Steels AISI 4130 4140 4340 8630 Preheating for thickness ranges (mm) < 12.1 The same weld area may not be repaired more than twice when there is a toughness requirement.2 Whenever possible. with baseline time of 1 min/mm of thickness of joint.7 ≥ 12.4 150 ºC 200 ºC 230 ºC 175 ºC 230 ºC 250 ºC 230 ºC 250 ºC 300 ºC 100 ºC 120 ºC 150 ºC Maximum interpass 315 ºC 350 ºC 320 ºC 250 ºC 5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.2. 5. [Recommended Practice] 5. 15%.50Mo 9. some alloys may have addition of other carbide formers (V. the welds shall be 100% inspected using liquid penetrant. especially when the chemical composition is enriched with alloying elements and/or in welding of thick plates.3. since the formation of bainitic and/or martensitic microstructures is inevitable in some cases.3.Designation of P numbers.2 Weldability 5.0Cr-1.1%.2.50Cr-0. The molybdenum steel by familiarity was included in this subsection.5% and 11.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. 5.3.2. 5. Al.0Cr-0.25Cr-1.25Cr-1.3. those steels are denominated by the following P number. chromemolybdenum and modified chromium-molybdenum steels are those alloys with chromium content between 0.3 The post-heating for Cr-Mo steels is usually performed after welding.10. they are susceptible to hydrogen induced cracking (cold cracking).2 After welding. it is common the presence of elements Ni. W.44% and 1. Table 4 .1.3 The final inspection shall be performed 48 hours after welding.1. According to ASME BPVC Section IX Basic designation C-Mo Cr-Mo Cr-Mo-V Basic composition C-0. 5.0Cr-1.10.0Mo-V 9. Nb. as shown in Table 4. For purposes of this standard. and with molybdenum content between 0.0Cr-1Mo 5.0Mo-V P number 3 3 4 4 5A 5A 5B 5B 5B 5C 15E 5. 39 . Introduction 5.2.3 Chrome-Molybdenum Steels and Molybdenum Steels 5.0Mo 2. Ti). with some specifications being employed at temperatures up to 650 °C.5%.2.3. However.0Mo 3. These alloys show low hot deformation rate and good resistance to hydrogen. N and/or B. In this case.5Mo 2.1 Cr-Mo ferritic steels are normally used in temperatures above 400 ºC for their good hot strength.25Cr-0.2 Preheating is usually required to reduce the cooling speed and to favor the release of the hydrogen.50Mo 7.50Mo 1.1 Those steels have good weldability when the carbon content is under 0.2 Besides chromium and molybdenum. In case of ASME BPVC Section IX.5Mo 1.5Mo 0. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.0Cr-0. 5.0Cr-0. the wire shall have deoxidizing elements.3. 5. b) for steels with 2. it is recommended purging with inert gas. [Recommended Practice] c) inert gas protection in welding of 9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb steel (Gr91) shall present 99. b) root welding by SMAW process is not permitted. whichever is greater.3. The use of pure CO2 is not permitted.3. 5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.4.4.3. The FCAW-S process is not permitted.8 shall be followed. For relatively thin wall pipes and chromium content below 4 %. 5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. according to qualified procedure. as long as at least two welding layers are deposited or 1/3 of the bevel is filled. aimed at tempering the areas of coarse grains from the previous passes.3.998 % of argon (high purity).3. in order to prevent oxidation on the internal root face.1 Multiple pass welding shall be performed with low-thickness straight passes.4 Applicable Welding Processes The SMAW. 5.4 It is recommended that the welding cycle in Cr-Mo steels is not interrupted until the full completion of welding. when jointing two Cr-Mo steels of different chemical compositions.25 Cr-1Mo content.3.3. due to lower susceptibility to hydrogen induced cracking.3. the preheating temperature shall be the minimum specified for the steel with higher alloy content. 5. the welding cycle may be exceptionally interrupted.5 The manual heating by oxy-gas flame (shower-type blowtorch) shall be limited to pipes with thickness below 13 mm and a nominal diameter of up to 8". 40 . the recommendations of AWS D10.4. it shall be preferred the consumable indicated for the base metal of lower alloy content. and pulsed for all positions.3 GMAW a) the only allowed transfer modes are by spray to a flat position. Other processes may be applied upon previous approval of PETROBRAS. argon mixtures with up to 25 % of CO2 may be used.3.3 Generally. 5.3. GTAW.1 SMAW a) the use of synthetic consumables is not permitted. [Recommended Practice] NOTE If the welding cycle is interrupted.3. for steels with chromium content of 3 % or above. However.3.2 When jointing two Cr-Mo steels with different chemical compositions.2 GTAW a) root purging with inert gas is required when welding components to which there is no access from both sides of the joint. observing the specified post-heating. FCAW-G e SAW processes are permitted. 5. GMAW.3.3 General Welding Technique 5. b) when shielding gas in welding by GMAW process has active characteristic. 5.3. values below H8 are specified in equipment design. b) in welding of Cr-Mo steels.5 SAW a) the flux shall not contain alloying elements. where the maximum content of 4 mL of hydrogen per 100 g of deposited metal (H4) is required or. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 c) root pass welding is not permitted. 5. for base metals and consumables specified in contract documents.25 Cr-1Mo steels and their family. except for consumables with resistance of 90 Ksi or higher. the minimum requirements of API RP 934 A/B/C/D/E and API TR 938-B shall be met. 5. 41 . according to AWS A5.4. c) other processes shall present a maximum of 4 ml of hydrogen per 100 g of deposited weld metal. b) mechanical properties of cored wire deposits are sensitive to variations in the fabrication process and composition of raw materials.4 FCAW-G a) the process shall not be used on pressurized equipment and subject to embrittlement by tempering.1 The consumables shall be selected according to Table 5 and comply with the following indications: a) for equipment manufactured in Cr-Mo steel.01 schedule J. especially in 2. c) special care shall be given to the flux regarding the contamination risk by dirt and moisture. regardless of the resistance. following the design specification. In those cases. extensions. however. Schedule J. 5.01.3. when applicable. Restrictions of chemical composition and impurity control. Class T3. Watanabe Factor (Factor J). and pipe connections with hull are not permitted. the deposit shall be tested again. such as Bruscato Factor (Factor X).3.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. therefore.3. d) filler welding of derivations. the maximum percentage of ferrite and impact toughness. consumables shall be acquired in tests in the lot that will be used.4.3. subject to embrittlement or with impurity control. butt joint welding is allowed. b) in case of change of suppliers or some variable of fabrication. electrodes with basic type coatings and fluxes for submerged arc shall present a maximum diffusible hydrogen of 8 mL of hydrogen per 100 g of weld metal deposited (H8).5.5 General Conditions for Consumables 5. consumables shall be acquired as per AWS A5. K Factor and Komizo/Sugiyama Factor (Factor PE). shall be observed. 5Mo steel.2 The following indications and restrictions shall be followed in the application of Table 5: a) alternative consumables for maintenance shall only be used after previous approval by PETROBRAS. c) consumable ER80S-G shall present similar chemical composition and mechanical properties compatible with 0.23 Bare electrode and rod (GMAW / GTAW) AWS Classification Fabrication Alternative for and maintenance maintenance ER80S-D2 ER70S-A1 ER80S-G ER80S-B2 ER90S-B3 ER80S-B6 ER80S-B8 ER90S-B9 ER70S-B2L ER80S-B3L - Submerged arc (SAW) AWS Classification Fabrication Alternative for and maintenance maintenance EA1 EB1 - A5.28 E8018-B1 E8016-B1 A5.23 E8XT1-B1M A5.29 A5.25Cr-0.5Cr-0.5Mo 1.25Cr-0.5 Coated electrode (SMAW) AWS Classification Spec.5.5Mo 0.23 EB3 EB6 EB8 EB9 - 5.28 E8018-B2 E8016-B2 A5.28 E701X-B2L 2.25Cr-1Mo and 2.5 E801X-B8 E801X-B8L A5.5Cr-0.23 A5.25Cr-0.23 A5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.5Mo A5. AWS Fabrication Alternative for and maintenance maintenance E8XT1-A1M A5.5Mo 1Cr-0.29 A5. and the lots shall be specified according to the following minimum criteria: — 1. 42 .25Cr-0.5 E901X-B3 - A5.5Mo steel (Gr 11): impact testing shall have an average of 55 J and minimum individual of 47 J at a temperature of -18°C after PWHT. — 2.28 9Cr-1Mo-V A5.5 A5.23 A5.5Mo steel (Gr 22): impact testing shall have an average of 55 J and minimum individual of 47 J at a temperature of -30°C after PWHT. for which there is an impact requirement in design code. The certificates shall be submitted in advance and approved by PETROBRAS.5Mo Spec. AWS A5. the acquisition of those consumables shall comply with AWS A5.5Mo 1.23 EB2 - A5. In this case.29 A5.28 Type of material 0.25Cr-0.5Mo 0. e) for equipment manufactured with consumables of composition 1. d) The suffix M in the classification of consumable for cored wire indicates the shielding gas is composed by 80 % Air + 20 % CO2 or 75 % Air + 25 % CO2.3. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Table 5 .5 A5. AWS Fabrication Alternative for and maintenance maintenance E7018-A1 A5.29 A5.5Mo 9Cr-1Mo 9Cr-1Mo-V Spec.25Cr–1Mo 5Cr-0. AWS A5. provided that the mechanical properties and chemical composition are compatible with those specified in design.29 Cored wire (FCAW) AWS Classification Spec.25Cr–1Mo A5.5Mo 1Cr-0.28 9Cr-1Mo A5.5 E901X-B9 - A5.01 Schedule J.Consumables for Molybdenum and Chromium-Molybdenum Steels Type of material 0. b) for fabrication of coke drums.5Mo.25Cr-1Mo-V. 2.5 Cr-0.29 E8XT1-B2M E7XTX-B2L A5.5 E801X-B6 E801X-B6L A5.29 E9XT1-B3M E8XT1-B6M E8XT1-B8M E9XT1-B9M E9XTX-B3L E8XTX-B6L E8XTX-B8L - A5. consumables E 7018-B2L and ER 70S-B2L may be indicated.28 5Cr-0. the (minimum) total level time for PWHT shall comply with the design specification.5Mo 2. How wever. accordin ng to API TR R 938-B. simulated s PW WHT for Cha arpy testing.CO ONSUMABLES FO OR HET TEROGEN NEOUS WELDING G MOLYB BDENUM AND A CHR ROMIUM-M MOLYBDEN NUM STEE ELS perating con nditions Op OF M Maximum te emperature of applicatio on (°C) ≤ 315 5 > 315 (prefferred) > 315 Envirronme Tem mperature n nt GTAW SMAW GTAW SMAW G GTAW SMAW No sig gnificant Cyyclic or E ENiCrFe-3 ENiCrFe-3 prese ence of ERNiCr-3 E ERNiCr-3 E ENiCrFe-2 E ER RNiCr-3 nott E ENiCrFe-2 Note 1) (N su ulfur No sig gnificant E E309-XX ER309 prese ence of No on-cyclic E E309MoER309Mo E XX su ulfur NOTE 1 Maximu um operating g temperaturre of ENiCrFe e-3 is 480 °C C..6 P The pre eheating and interpass temperatures sshall be in ac ccordance with w Table 7. NOTE 2 The tem mperature lim mitations for chemical co ompositions (consumablees) indicated d in the table arre maintaine ed for other a arc welding processes p ad dmitted to thee welding off Cr-Mo steels.3. NOTE Other requ uirements of the design sspecifications s and applica able standardds to fabricattion of the equipmentt shall also be b specified and complie ed with in the e request of welding con nsumables such as. consu umables sha all be speccified as es stablished. Preheating and Interpass Temperatture 5. The FCAW W process shall s not bee used in pipes p and equipment subje ect to pressu ure. conside ering the SM MAW and GTA AW welding processes and a operatingg conditions as shown in Table e 6. when the average impact values are a at least 22 J (16 ( ft-lbs) witth no value bbelow 15 J (1 11 ft-lbs). it may y be used in non-pressuriz n zed equipme ent if approv ved in adva ance by PET TROBRAS. Th he GMAW proccess is not permitted. TABLE E 6 . exceptt for GMAW process.-PUBLIC- N-133 N REV. 43 . when not prohibited d by the dessign or fabric cation and assemb bly standard d of equipm ment. the followin ng minimum impact i requi rements sha all be met: — average of 34 J (25 ft-lbs) with no valu ue below 22 J (16 ft-lbs)) at 20°C (7 70°F) after PWHT for at lea ast 2 hours ffor all proces sses. g) in case e of heteroge eneous weld ding. L ENGLISH E 07 / 2013 f) for 9Cr-1mo-V-Nb steel s (Gr 91) . fo or instance. (PN 5B) 9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb . in accordance with Table 8.7 Post-heating 5.25Cr-1Mo . as long as approved by PETROBRAS and it demonstrably does not damage the lining.(PN 15E) NOTE 1 NOTE 2 NOTE 3 NOTE 4 NOTE 5 07 / 2013 ≤ 12 Thickness (mm) > 12 Maximum interpass temperature (see Note 4) All thicknesses Not required 150 ºC 250 ºC 150 ºC 200 ºC 300 ºC 200 ºC 250 ºC 350 ºC 200 ºC 250 ºC 350 ºC 200 ºC 250 ºC 330 ºC For GTAW welding. regardless of thickness. The maximum interpass temperature of heterogeneous or coating welds shall be lower than 175 °C. Preheating at 100 ° C is required for the carbon-molybdenum steel with thickness above 12 mm. any chromium content and joint thickness: 150 °C. the temperatures indicated in Table 7 may be reduced by up to 50 ºC in root pass when the thickness is 12 mm or below. L ENGLISH Preheating and Interpass Temperature for Chromium-Molybdenum and Molybdenum Steels Minimum preheating and interpass temperatures for welding CrMo steels of different thicknesses (see Notes 1. 5. However. Heterogeneous welds. 44 .3. for which no preheating is required.-PUBLIC- N-133 Table 7 - REV.5Mo .5Mo .7. After performing thermal cutting and gouging operations.5Mo . 2 and 3) Material .(PN 5C) 3Cr-1Mo . the minimum preheating shall be 150 ºC for the Cr-Mo steels.(PN 4) 1. it may be allowed an addition up to 220 ºC.5Mo .(PN 3) 0.25Cr-0.(PN 3) 1Cr-0. In deposition by welding of anti-corrosive coating (weld overlay). through corrosion testing according to ASTM A 262.3. the HAZ of the cutting shall be fully removed before welding (preparation of the bevel).1 It shall be required under the following conditions.(PN 5B) 9Cr-1Mo .P number (PN) C-0.(PN 5A) 5Cr-0. based on the material and thickness of the joint.5Mo .(PN 4) 2Cr-0.(PN 5A) 2. in fabrication.(PN 4) 2.5Mo . except for the carbon-molybdenum steels with joint thickness of 12 mm or below.5Mo .5Cr-0.25-3Cr-Mo-V .(PN 5B) 7Cr-0. 25Cr-1.5Mo 0. the welded joint shall be protected from quick cooling through insulating ceramic blanket.3.3.50Mo 7. 5C and 15E.3. in order to avoid plastic deformation without control. as in the welding of nozzles in equipment. PWHT shall meet the relevant design code and applicable technical specification. NOTE for materials with P number 5C in welding of joints with high restriction.3.0Cr-0.50Cr-0.3. at least. it shall be checked the need for backing or shoring of component.5Mo 1.0Mo 5.3 When post-heating is not required. 5. but it shall not exceed 175 ºC.0Mo-V 2.8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) 5.7.2 For Cr-Mo steels with P number 5A. 5.5 Required non-destructive tests shall be performed after PWHT. [Recommended Practice] 5.4 Before PWHT.7.400 1 min/mm (minimum 15 min) 4 to 6 hours 5.0Mo 9.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.3. 5B.0Cr-0. the PWHT shall be initiated only after the welded joint has cooled below 50 °C. except for joints with high restriction and/or thickness.0Cr-1. 5.8. including the number of treatment cycles.Post-heating for Chromium-Molybdenum and Molybdenum Steels Basic designation C-Mo Cr-Mo Cr ≤ 2 % Cr-Mo 2 % <Cr ≤ 7 % Cr-Mo Cr-Mo-V Cr-Mo-V 2 % <Cr ≤ 3 % Basic composition C-0. without letting the component/part/equipment cool below the interpass temperature.5Mo 9.2 Post-heating is not required for heterogeneous welds.3.0Cr-0.6 It is recommended that non-destructive tests are performed before PWHT. NOTE It is recommended to perform the post-heating before any displacement. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Table 8 . 5. the Intermediate TTAT immediately after welding shall be provided.8.8.25Cr-1Mo-V and 3Cr1Mo-V Thickness (mm) > 25 > 20 Temperature (°C) Time 200 300 > 12 300 >6 300 > 12 350 .3. 5.3.50Mo 1. the need to make the PWHT or.3 The welded joints in Cr-Mo that will be subjected to PWHT shall be carefully displaced in the period between the end of welding and completion of treatment. the maximum PWHT temperature shall be at least 30°C lower than the tempering temperature of the base material. 45 . [Recommended Practice] 5.0Cr-1.5Mo 2.8.7 For quenched and tempered materials.8.25Cr-0. 5. -PUBLIC- N-133 REV. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 The PWHT temperature in dissimilar joints shall be specified as a function of the steel with higher content of alloying element. 5.3.9 Hardness Test in Homogeneous Joints In general, the hardness in the welded and heat affected zone after PWHT shall not exceed the limits of Table 9. More restrictive values shall be used when indicated by the design standard. Table 9 - Hardness in Welded and Heat Affected Zone after PWHT Basic designation C-Mo Cr-Mo Cr-Mo Cr-Mo-V Basic composition C-0,5Mo 0,50Cr-0,50Mo 1,0Cr-0,5Mo 1,25Cr-0,5Mo 2,25Cr-1,0Mo 5,0Cr-0,50Mo 7,0Cr-0,5Mo 9,0Cr-1,0Mo 9,0Cr-1,0Mo-V Hardne ss 225 HB (237 HV) 241 HB (250 HV). 5.3.10 Weld Repair The same weld area may not be repaired more than twice in quenched and tempered steels or involving thicknesses above 19 mm. All weld repairs shall be performed by qualified welding procedure, as specified in Section 4. The repair shall be performed in multiple pass, looking for the tempering of previous passes, regardless if the part will be subject to PWHT. The welding shall always look for the tempering of the coarse grain region of previous passes and HAZ. The weld repair procedure shall provide for this tempering. The base metal near the repair shall be inspected with ultrasound to check for cracks, in accordance with specifications of ASME BPVC Section V. 5.3.11 Supplementary Requirements for Maintenance Weld During maintenance, if PWHT is skipped with approval of PETROBRAS, in addition to the layers with controlled depositions and filling passes, an additional layer of tempering shall be performed and subsequently removed. This tempering layer shall not touch the base metal. During the maintenance service, in case of applying controlled deposition techniques with final tempering pass and its subsequent removal, the procedure shall be pre-qualified, according to the design code, and with prior approval by PETROBRAS. These techniques require repeated tests, checking and training of the entire workforce. Change of welding position shall be considered as an essential variable because it influences the heat input. In addition to the heat input of each pass, the relationship of heat input among passes shall be controlled. Additionally, all other parameters incorporated into the technical procedure shall be recorded and faithfully fulfilled (overlap among passes, attack angle, diameter of electrodes, weld sequence). 46 -PUBLIC- N-133 REV. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 It is not allowed the use of controlled deposition techniques as a way of avoiding PWHT in 5Cr-0.5Mo steels or with higher alloy content when PWHT is indicated by the design standard. In weld maintenance, the parameters and weld techniques may show significant difference when compared to the materials in new condition, requiring assessment of the physical state of the material in aged condition. In this case, the repair procedure shall previously be evaluated and approved by PETROBRAS. 5.3.12 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection In equipment soaked in hydrogen, it shall be assessed the need for a previous dehydrogenation treatment (in range of 350°C to 450°C, for at least 4 hours), which may vary depending on the base material, complexity and thickness of the equipment. The temperature shall not exceed 480 °C. In maintenance weld, the bevel on the side of the aged material shall always be previously inspected with liquid penetrant before welding. Portable hardness testers that use spheres with 10 mm of diameter shall not be used to measure the hardness in the HAZ. 5.4 Nickel Steel 5.4.1 Introduction Ferritic alloys with addition of nickel have good mechanical strength and toughness, being used in cryogenic services or systems which occasionally may be subjected to low operating temperatures. The minimum application temperature is a function of the percentage of nickel in the alloy, and it may vary from -50 °C to -196 °C. For the purpose of this standard, nickel ferritic steels are those with nickel content ranging from 1 % to 9 %, and which meet the material specification indicated by the equipment design standard. 5.4.2 Weldability They have good weldability; however, the larger the addition of nickel is, the higher the hardenability of steel is, particularly in steels with high nickel content (Ni ≥ 5 %) in which the HAZ consists of martensite with relative toughness as a function of nickel content and control of carbon content. Mechanical properties and toughness may be compromised when there is overgrowth of grains of HAZ due to the high heat input adopted. In homogeneous and, specially, heterogeneous welding, the weld pool of C-Ni steels presents low fluidity compared to pool of C-Mn steel. Contaminants of foreign origin shall not touch these materials, especially the sulfur from tempilstick, grease, soap, etc. C-Ni steels are classified as P number 9 and 11A, according to ASME BPVC Section IX. 47 -PUBLIC- N-133 REV. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Porosity may be avoided by controlling the diffusible hydrogen and by using a very short arc. [Recommended Practice] Due to the higher capacity of magnetization compared to carbon steel, extra care shall be taken, particularly in 9 % Ni steel. Demagnetization or cancellation of the magnetic field in some cases may be required before welding. 5.4.3 General Welding Technique The welding shall be of multiple pass, with straight and slightly convex passes. Passes that have excessive convexity shall be repaired by grinding to avoid lack of fusion. Nickel steels and especially those with high nickel content, such as 9 % Ni, show a relatively adherent oxide layer which shall be removed before the start of welding. The heat input shall be below 2 kJ/mm in homogeneous and 1,5 kJ/mm in heterogeneous welding. With the submerged arc welding process, it shall be lower than 2,8 kJ/mm and 2,5 kJ/mm, respectively. In the qualifying phase of heterogeneous welds, it is recommended longitudinal bending test instead of the cross bending. [Recommended Practice] The manual heating by oxy-gas flame (shower-type blowtorch) shall be limited to pipes or hulls with thickness below 13 mm and a nominal diameter of up to 10". 5.4.4 Applicable Welding Processes The SMAW, GTAW, GMAW, and SAW processes are permitted. Other processes may be applied upon previous approval of PETROBRAS. The FCAW process is not permitted with or without shielding gas. SMAW a) the use of synthetic consumables is not permitted; b) the coating shall be basic and have a maximum diffusible hydrogen of H8. This requirement shall be mandatory from July 2014 on; c) root welding by SMAW process is not permitted; d) the oscillation of the electrode shall be such that the pass width does not exceed three times the coated electrode core diameter. GTAW a) the shielding gas of the root shall be argon, helium or a mixture of these gases; b) the root purging shall be maintained until the completion of the second layer. GMAW Root welding and root enhancing pass by GMAW process are not permitted. It is not permitted to weld derivations, extensions, pipe connections with hull (nozzles) and socket welds. 48 2 Heterogeneous welding with consumables ER309 and E309 is only permitted as an alternative to maintenance.5 % Ni A5. 1.5 % Ni 2. b) special care shall be given to the flux regarding the contamination risk by dirt and moisture.14 9 % Ni A5.14 A5.4. 5.5 E801X-C1 E801X-C1 3.28 A5. The review shall consider at least the following factors: compatibility with the fluid/corrosion.5 A5.5 General Conditions for Consumables 5.28 A5.5 A5.5 % Ni EBNi3 ERNiCr-3 A5.5. AWS Classification Preferred 1.5. and risk of thermal fatigue.4.23 3.11 ENiCrMo-3 Type of material AWS Spec. 5.5 % Ni 2. and it shall contain a maximum diffusible hydrogen of H8.4.5 % Ni 9 % Ni Alternative (see Note) E801X-C2 ENiCrMo-3 ENiCrFe-2 ENiCrFe-3 - Bare electrode and rod (GMAW / GTAW) AWS Classification Alternative Preferred (see Note) ER80S-Ni1 ER80S-Ni2 ER80S-Ni3 ERNiCr-3 ERNiCrMo-3 - Submerged arc (SAW) Type of material 1.14 ERNiCrMo-3 NOTE These consumables shall be used when the welded joint is subjected to temperatures close to the lower limit allowed for the base material.4 SAW a) the flux shall be neutral or basic.14 3.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.23 A5.4.25 % Ni AWS Spec.28 A5. 49 .11 E801X-C2 9 % Ni A5.23 A5. The requirement for diffusible hydrogen shall be mandatory from July 2014 on. after review and previous approval by PETROBRAS. it is not permitted the presence of alloying elements. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.5 % Ni 2. AWS Classification Alternative Preferred (see Note) EBNi2 EBNi2 - A5.25 % Ni A5.25 % Ni A5.1 The consumables shall follow the instructions in Table 10.Electrodes and Rods for Nickel Steel Coated electrode (SMAW) Type of material AWS Spec.4. design temperatures. Table 10 . 4. however. the PWHT temperature shall be 30 °C lower than the tempering temperature of the base material. In quenched and tempered materials. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.2 % 15 100 15 150 15 150 Maximum interpass (ºC) 250 250 230 Using the GTAW process.2 % ≤ 10 and C ≤ 0.Homogeneous Welding C-Ni 1. Table 12 .5 % Ni is only indicated from 20 mm or 35 mm on. 5.2% >19 or C > 0.5% Ni 2.5% Ni NOTE Thickness (mm) Minimum preheating and interpass (ºC) ≤19 and C ≤ 0. the design code is mandatory.Minimum Preheating and Interpass Temperature for Welding of Steels to Nickel .8. depending on the code.8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) 5.Heterogeneous Welding C-Ni 3.2% >12 or C > 0.8. [Recommended Practice] 5. unless it involves plates thicker than 50 mm. Due to the addition of nickel. it is recommended the post-heating at 150 °C.4.1 Normally. PWHT is only prescribed for large thicknesses and shall be performed as per design code. the critical temperature of transformation of these steels is always below 723 °C. with 1 minute per mm of thickness. the treatment is usually required for thickness above 35 mm.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.3 The excessive baseline time reduces the toughness of C-Ni alloys.4.4. the preheating may be reduced by 40 °C. Generally.4. the PWHT for materials with up to 3.5 %Ni 5 %Ni 9 %Ni Thickness (mm) <50 ≥50 <50 ≥50 <50 ≥50 Minimum preheating and interpass (ºC) 15 100 15 100 15 100 Maximum interpass (ºC) 150 150 150 5.8.2% >10 or C > 0.6 Preheating and Interpass Temperature Preheating and interpass temperatures shall be in accordance with Table 11 or 12.4. In this case. 50 . Table 11 .2 % ≤ 12 and C ≤ 0.7 Post-heating It is not required.Minimum Preheating and Interpass Temperature for Welding of Steels to Nickel .2 For steels with higher alloy content (5 % Ni and 9 % Ni).5% Ni 3. 5. 1 Introduction 5. the material may be put into operation or subjected to PWHT before elimination of contaminants.04 % to 0. In any case. 5.1 The liquid penetrant test shall be performed on root pass in pipe welding. looking for the tempering of previous passes. when required. 321. 5.11.11. and also has good toughness at low temperatures.3 The repair shall be performed in multiple pass.9. the repair procedure shall previously be assessed and approved by PETROBRAS. and nickel is added in a percentage sufficient to keep the austenite stable at ambient temperature.4. requiring assessment of the physical state of the material in aged condition. — controlled carbon steels from AISI 3XXH series.10 Supplementary Requirements for Maintenance Weld In maintenance welding. In this case. soaps and oils in general shall be avoided as they may contain sulfur. 5.11 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection 5. zinc. used in corrosive services with carbon content lower than 0.4. 347. and lead is not permitted. Contact with industry pencil.5.2 This Section includes the austenitic stainless steels with microstructure fully austenitic or austenitic-ferritic.1 This family has good resistance to corrosion and creep.1.1 No more than two repairs shall be done on the same region of the weld metal and HAZ.5. tin. used in services at high temperature.04 %. 5. 5. regardless if the part will be subject to PWHT.2 All weld repairs shall be performed a with qualified welding procedure. Chromium is kept above 16 %. copper.5 Austenitic Stainless Steels 5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.5.4.4. 316. being 18Cr-8Ni the basic composition.9 Weld Repair 5. which shall be lower than 50 ppm. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. does not compromise the toughness of the joint. 310) standard or conventional.11.4.4. 5. evidencing that the additional thermal cycle. — cast steels for general use and for use at high temperatures. 317. — low carbon steels from AISI 3XXL series. 51 .9. The welding shall always look for the tempering of the coarse grain region of previous passes and HAZ. with carbon contents ranging from 0.1 %.2 The contact of C-Ni steel with sulfur. such as: — steels from AISI 3XX series (304.4. 5.9. the parameters and welding techniques may show significant difference compared to the materials in new condition. Water used in hydrostatic testing shall present control of chloride.1. such as: joint preparation.3 General Welding Technique 5.4 In welding of austenitic stainless steel.2. Austenitic stainless steels have thermal expansion coefficient approximately 50% greater than the carbon steel. 5.5.5.FN lower than 3. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. they have good weldability.5. Figure 2 shows the formation of cracks due to the width/depth ratio (A) (B) (C) and concavity (D). 5.5. 5. according to the ASME BPVC Section IX.5.2 Weldability 5. or when eutectics with low melting point are formed. Solidification cracking may be controlled by the presence of delta ferrite and control of solidification mode (consumable composition and cooling rate of the weld pool).3 Austenitic stainless steels from 2XX series are not considered in this Standard.1 The fabrication of stainless steel piping and equipment shall be made in a segregated and protected area. 5. some details of extreme importance shall not be overlooked in order to reduce the risk of solidification cracking. because the root tends to close more often.3. 5.5. 5.2 They are susceptible to hot cracking (solidification. liquation.1. These factors generate high residual stress and higher tendency to distortion (warping) in the welded joint. 52 .2. preferably in a shed separated from other materials.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.1 In general. when the material contains impurities such as S and P (among others). ductility reduction).5.5.5. aiming the width/depth ratio equal to one. they are susceptible to precipitation of carbides (sensitization) in alloys with higher carbon content. surface cleaning.3 The root opening shall be slightly wider than the one commonly used for carbon steels. This phenomenon occurs especially on alloys with no delta ferrite or with ferrite number .3. quantity of material deposited per pass. Hot cutting shall be preferably performed by plasma or laser. slight convexity of passes. however. 5.3 They are generally classified as P number 8.2 Hot cutting with graphite electrode or oxycutting is not permitted. and lower thermal conductivity.2. which may result in lack of fusion.5. and suitable welding speed in order to avoid weld pool in drop form.3.3. and the surface shall be ground in order to remove any signs of oxidation and irregularities. -PUBLIC- N-133 REV. according to the classification of ASME BPVC Section IX. The input to processes with high density of current. For GTAW and SMAW processes.Examples of Torch Outlet Profile 5. as shown in Figure 3. such as SAW and FCAW. except for the AISI 317(L).7 The part of the auxiliary assembly device touching or welded in the equipment shall have the same P number of the base metal.5. [Recommended Practice] 5.3 kJ/mm due to the high content of molybdenum. iron and iron oxide are detrimental to corrosion resistance. it shall not exceed 1.3. in which the input shall be lower than 1.3. 5.8 The welding shall be performed with straight passes and low heat input. 53 .3.5 kJ/mm. Contamination with carbon (carburizing followed by precipitation). The profile shall be slightly convex. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Fusing depth Face width Face width Crack Crack Fusing depth Crack (A) Butt weld Crack (B) Angle weld (C) "T" weld Crack (D) (E) (F) Wrong Very large and concave pass Wrong Very high and concave finished pass Right Pass not very large and slightly convex or flat Figure 2 . especially when the GMAW and FCAW processes are used.5.3. or otherwise be coated with the consumable specified for welding of base metal in deposits of at least two layers.5 The risk of crater-type hot cracks may be mitigated by training welders on torch outlet.5.Examples of Solidification Cracks 5.6 It is recommended that the surface of the parts is protected from adherence from spatter and other projections resulting from the weld.5 kJ/mm. shall not exceed 2.5. Weld metal Weld metal Base metal Base metal Potential to form crater crack Avoids formation of crater crack Figure 3 . 5 000 ppm No.16 is applied. ensuring the absence of oxygen.200 ppm No. among others. Contact with chlorine or fluoride is extremely harmful. 5 .3.1 000 ppm No. Argon and helium may be used as purge gas. Tempilstick shall not be used. may irreversibly compromise the austenitic stainless steels when exposed to high temperature. 3 .3. according to AWS C5.3.3 mm. 9 . Figure 4.5. because they compromise the corrosion resistance in operation (fluoride). 10 . 1 . causing stress corrosion or pitting. b) the cutting disks shall be made of aluminum oxide with nylon core or of fiberglass.12 500 ppm No. 5. soaps and detergents used in bubble.9 Slag and flux residues shall be removed after welding.25 ppm No. 8 .3. lead.12 Upon completion of welding and before the start of operation. 7 .5.3 mm of the base material.11 Contamination by contact with sulfur.13 Welding by GTAW and GMAW processes shall be performed with oxygen-free shielding gas at the root of weld in order to protect the weld zone and HAZ.5. 6 .3.Examples of Contamination Due to Different Concentrations of Oxygen in Purge Gas 54 . Above this thickness. 000ppm Figure 4 . 5. tin. zinc. the purging is required up to a thickness of 6.100 ppm No.3. liquid penetrant and industrial marker residue tests shall be eliminated. No.50 ppm No. 5. copper. 5.500 ppm No. being recommended the contact thermometer for temperature control. The effectiveness of root purging may be identified by visual assessment. cleaning and cutting tools shall only be used for these materials and shall meet the following conditions: a) slag removal and cleaning tools shall be made of stainless steel or coated with this material.10 Slag removal. 2 . If socket weld or sealing is used.10 ppm No. it shall be evaluated by PETROBRAS. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. This protection shall be maintained until the completion of the third weld layer or 6. 4 . NOTE This item is not applied to joints with full root removal and when 5. illustrates the contamination caused by oxygen at different concentrations in the purge gas.5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. passivation is indicated immediately after sanding or etching. PETROBRAS shall be informed so as to make a decision. especially where there is contact with the fluid. Pickling and passivation shall comply with ASTM A 380. 5.4. b) the process may be used for filling and finishing.4.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.5.002 %. any flux residue shall be removed. 5. b) the welding of AISI 321 steel shall be performed with consumable 347 due to the low transfer of titanium in the process. and risk of hot cracking after welding shall be evaluated. either by controlled etching. 55 .2 GTAW a) besides argon (99. the argon + H2 mixture (1 % H2 to 3 % H2 maximum) may only be used with previous approval of PETROBRAS.5.3. c) when a cored wire specific for GTAW welding (100 % argon) is used. 5. GMAW-P. In applications requiring corrosion resistance.5. 5. and PAW processes are permitted. SMAW a) the use of synthetic consumables is not permitted. pipe connections with hull (nozzles) and socket welds is not permitted. due to the distance between the inert gas injection point and the measurement point.4 Applicable Welding Processes The SMAW. The device shall be able to detect the presence of oxygen from 0 to 1 000 ppm or mL/m3. the latter indicated for large surfaces. the passivated layer may be restored by removing the oxidized layer formed at high temperature. the consumable shall be acquired according to AWS A5. it is not possible to meet the requirement above. 5. therefore.3. c) whenever the material is exposed to temperature above 480 ºC in the operation. NOTE In situations where. b) root purging with inert gas is required during welding in order to prevent internal oxidation on the root face and HAZ. the argon + helium mixture or only helium may be used as shielding gas. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.14 Purging with nitrogen during welding is only permitted after previous review and evaluation of PETROBRAS.99 %).16 The contaminated base metal and face and root regions with coloring 4 or above shall be treated after welding. SAW. This measurement of residual oxygen shall be performed using an oxymeter with threshold value of 50 ppm. 5. sanding or blasting with glass beads. extra care is essential to the purge.15 The authorization for joint welding without internal access shall be made after checking and evidencing the oxygen content inside the tube.01. Cleaning with acid requires special care about the contamination of the environment and the health of the applicator. extensions.3 GMAW a) the root pass welding may be performed with controlled short circuit. In general cases.5. The FCAW-S process is not permitted. The welding of derivations. as long as welders are trained and qualified using base material (test specimens) and austenitic stainless steel consumables. GMAW. ensuring its bismuth content does not exceed 0. GTAW.5.4. The ferrite content in base material. Schedule J. gas purity. FCAW-G. Schedule J. b) weld fluxes shall be stored and handled so as to avoid contamination. without deleterious effect to the weld zone.5.5. and if it is performed the intergranular corrosion test during the welding procedure qualification. c) flux used in welding of austenitic stainless steel shall be neutral or basic. 5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 c) The welding may be performed with inert gas.01. c) the gas may be an argon + CO2 mixture (E XXXTX -4) or only CO2 (E XXXTX .1). 56 . the consumable shall be acquired according to AWS A5. as in ASTM A 262. ensuring its bismuth content does not exceed 0.5 SAW a) whenever the material is exposed to temperature above 480 ºC in the operation. d) root purging with inert gas is required during welding in order to prevent internal oxidation on the root face and HAZ. 5. The carbon percentage shall be assessed through chemical analysis and/or intergranular corrosion test.002 %. as indicated by the manufacturer. Contamination in stainless steels is critical. ensuring its bismuth content does not exceed 0.4 FCAW a) the welding of austenitic stainless steel is only permitted by the FCAW process with shielding gas.5. if previously approved by PETROBRAS. because it may reduce the corrosion resistance. b) whenever the material is exposed to temperature above 480 ºC in the fabrication (or PWHT process). the consumable shall be acquired according to AWS A5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.4. argon + O2 (maximum 2 %) or Argon + CO2 (maximum 5 %). e) moisture on plates or in the flux may cause porosity.002 %. wet fluxes shall be re-dried.01. mixtures of those gases. Schedule J.1 The consumables shall follow the instructions in Table 13. except to compensate for loss of alloying elements in the metal transfer.4. as long as it is not observed carburization with pure CO2 during the qualification process. d) the use of linked fluxes is not permitted. Other mixtures richer in CO2 may be used.5. according to ASTM A 262. 5. The alternative consumables shall only be used with previous approval of PETROBRAS.5.5 General Conditions for Consumables 5. 9 A5.22 A5.4 A5.9 A5. NOTE 4 The welding position is indicated by the manufacturer EXXXTX X.4 HK-40 - AWS Spec. NOTE 3 Consumable with minimum carbon of 0.9 A5. AWS Classification A5.9 A5.9 A5.4 A5.22 Preferred (see Note 4) E308TX-X E308LTX-X E308HTX-X E310TX-X 316 A5.9 A5.4C ER316L ER316 (Note 3) ER385 ER385 ER347 ER347 (Note 3) ER310H (Note 1) Cored wire (FCAW-G) Material Type Bare electrode and rod (GMAW / GTAW) AWS Classification 304 304L 304H 310 A5.22 E347TX-X A5. it is flat and horizontal position (EXXXT0-X).22 A5.22 E317LTX-X A5. with no similar for the flux. 9 A5.4 A5.9 ER347H NOTE 1 The electrode and the rod shall not be used in equipment operating under pressure.9 AWS Classification Preferred (see Note 5) ER308 ER308L ER308H ER310 ER316H Alternative - E316LTX-X ER316L E316HTX-X 316H A5.9 A5.4 E309 A5.4 A5.4 A5.9 A5.9 ER309 ER309 Mo A5. NOTE 2 For operating temperatures above 400 °C and any thickness.04 %C.4 A5.22 E316TX-X 316L A5.9 A5.4. E16-8-2 with 1 to 5 FN may be used.9 - E310-H (Note 1) - ER317 ER317L ER321 ER347 ER347 ER347H ER35Ni25Cr-0. if digit 1.9 Preferred ER308 ER308L ER308H A5.9 ER317 ER317L 317L A5. consumables whose chemical composition of the deposited metal is equal to the electrode AWS A5.4 E310 E316 (Note 2) E308Mo E316L E308LMo Alternative E308L E347 E308 (Note 3) E309 Mo E309MoL E310Nb E316L E316 E316L 316H A5.9 A5.Consumables of Austenitic Stainless Steels Coated electrode (SMAW) Material Type AWS Spec. AWS Classification 304 / CF8 304L / CF3 304H CH-20 (~309) 310/ (CK-20) 316 CF8M (~316) 316L CF3M (~316L) A5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. AWS Spec.9 ER317L 321 A5. NOTE 5 Only the consumable presents specification/AWS classification.4 E316H 317/CG-8M 317L 321 347 CF8C 347H A5.4 Preferred E308 E308L E308H A5.9 A5.22 E317TX-X E317LTX-X A5.4 A5. Alternative - Alternative ER308L ER347 ER308 (Note 3) A5.22 A5. it is all positions (EXXXT1-X).9 A5.9 ER347 347H A5.9 ER316 (NOTE 3) 317 A5.22 E347HTX-X E347TX-X (Note 3) A5. if digit 0. 57 .22 Submerged arc (SAW) AWS Spec.9 ER310 ER316 (Note 2) ER308Mo ER316L ER308LMo E316 (Note 3) A5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Table 13 .4 A5.22 A5.4 A5.9 ER321 347 A5.4 A5.22 E347TX-X A5.9 ER316H E317 E317L E347 E347 E347 E347H E385 E385 E347 (Note 3) A5.9 A5.4 A5.9 A5. 9. and the calibration of the ferritoscope tool shall be performed according to AWS A4. The measurement of ferrite shall be performed before PWHT. and when prompted. 5. 5.5. evidenced in fabrication weld. 5. In this case.5. including HAZ. 5.11.5% or 9 FN in steels exposed to high temperature (≥ 370 °C) or in those subjected to at least one PWHT cycle (coating /weld overlay) during fabrication.5. and the section shall be replaced.5.6. except for the 317L steel. the repair procedure shall be previously evaluated and approved by PETROBRAS.4 The ferrite shall be measured in qualification phase of welding procedure.5.5. In this case.5.9 Weld Repair 5.5.2 In classifications 308. requiring assessment of the physical state of the material in aged condition.9.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. the parameters and welding techniques may show significant difference compared to the materials in new condition. For classification 347.11 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection 5. it shall be removed.1 More than two repairs in the same location may irreversibly degrade the corrosion resistance. 58 . if their existence is evidenced. 317 and 321.2 The interpass temperature shall be kept as low as possible and not exceed 150 °C.2 Before the authorization for welding.6. the joint shall be evaluated for the presence of precipitates.6 Preheating and Interpass 5. 5.2 or through quantitative microstructural evaluation.5.1 Preheating shall not be permitted. 5. 316. the minimum ferrite content in the deposits shall be 3 % or 3 FN. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. the surfaces to be welded shall be inspected with liquid penetrant. due to precipitation of carbides or intermetallic phases. it shall be 5 % or 5 FN. 5.5. and.1 The liquid penetrant test shall be performed at 100% in the root pass and finishing.5. which shall not exceed 120 ºC.7 Post-heating It shall not be required. 5.3 The maximum content of ferrite shall be lower than 8.5. 5.8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) It is generally not required.5.10 Supplementary Requirements for Maintenance Weld In maintenance welding. 5. 2.1. The welding is performed similarly to austenitic stainless steels.5x%W) + 16 x (%N) 5. it shall be always richer in this element. which shall be lower than 50 ppm. It is recommended to use techniques that provide movement of the weld pool. 59 .2. They usually present the following composition: 20 to 25% Cr. the bevels shall always be inspected with liquid penetrant.6. due to the increase in the percentage of Mo and addition of N.6 Superaustenitic Stainless Steels 5.6.3 General Welding Technique All requirements indicated for welding of austenitic stainless steels are mandatory and shall be applied with the changes described in 5. 5. 5.03% C.3.3 x (%Mo + 0.3 Water used in hydrostatic testing shall present control of chloride. 0.2. There may be micro-cracks (liquation tracks) in multiple pass welding.2.1 The superaustenitic steels have fully austenitic microstructure and intermediate composition between the 300-series steels and nickel alloys.6.2 Weldability 5.1 and 5. like the 317 LN and LMN. 15 to 25% Ni. before the authorization for welding. 5. 5. and 317LMN and 904L steels (20Cr25NiMoCu) are included in this group because they are precursors of superaustenitic steels.2.5 The welder shall be properly trained and accustomed to welding these materials. 5.6.5 %. [Recommended Practice] 5.1 Introduction 5.2 to 0.1. This phenomenon may reduce the localized corrosion resistance.6.11. according to the following formula: PRENN = %Cr + 3. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.5.6% N and Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number (PRENN) above 45.5.6.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.3 Superaustenitic stainless steels are generally classified as P number 8 or 45. according to the ASME BPVC Section IX. becoming critical when the content is lower than 6 %.01 to 0. 4 to 8% Mo. The consumable shall compensate for the reduction of Mo due to the segregation.2 The 317 LN. 5.6.2 During maintenance. and. because they solidify in austenite mode.3 During solidification. in order to avoid lack of fusion due to the lower fluidity of pool when compared to carbon steel. being susceptible to hot cracking. there usually is segregation of Mo from 3. therefore. g) root purging shall be maintained until the completion of the third weld layer or 6. the bismuth content in deposit shall not exceed 0. GMAW..6. 317LMN. pipe connections with hull (nozzles) and socket welds. d) the shielding gas used in welding of the alloy 904L shall be 99. 25-6Mo and 654SMO shall be argon 99. except in derivations. chlorine and fluorine. 60 . L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. 5. 317LMN. INCONEL-25 6MO and 654SMO.4.2 Industrial marker shall not be used. it shall be reviewed the nitrogen percentage in welded and heat affected zone. the consumable shall be acquired according to AWS A5. 254SMO. b) the filler and finishing welding may be performed by GMAW process. 5. the argon + H2 mixture (1% H2 to 3% H2 maximum) may only be used with previous approval of PETROBRAS. extensions.3 kJ/mm for SMAW.4. it shall not exceed 1. e) the shielding gas used in welding of alloys 317LN. 5.3. 25-6Mo and 654SMO shall be argon 99.6. the welding shall only be performed with inert gas or inert gas mixtures. c) the shielding gas used in welding of the alloy 904L shall be 99.5 kJ/mm. and PAW processes are permitted.01.002 % whenever the material is exposed to temperatures above 480 ºC in fabrication (in PWHT process) or in operation.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.6. c) welding with active gas or mixtures containing active gases is not permitted. i) solvents used to clean the joint shall be free of sulfur. PAW. 317LMN. 254SMO. e) all slag waste shall be removed before the material is exposed to operational condition. 5. d) the shielding gas used in welding of alloys 317LN.99% argon. f) the purge shall be performed with argon + N2 (maximum of 3 % to 4 %) for materials 317LN.6.3. For the GMAW process. c) for 317LN and 317LMN steels.99% argon. GTAW. ensuring the absence of oxygen.4 Applicable Welding Processes The SMAW.99%).99% or argon + N2 (from 3 % to 5 %).2 GTAW a) the homogeneous welding is usually not performed without subsequent heat treatment of solubilization. b) besides argon (99.6. chlorine and fluorine. b) basic consumables tend to generate slightly convex weld beads. 5. d) solvents used to clean the joint shall be free of sulfur. 254SMO. In this case. The FCAW process is not permitted with or without shielding gas. In the qualification procedure.6.1 SMAW a) the use of synthetic consumables is not permitted. In the qualification procedure. h) the welding shall be performed with straight passes. Schedule J.3 GMAW a) the use of controlled short circuit GMAW process in root pass and root stiffener is not permitted. e) root purging with inert gas is required during welding in order to prevent internal oxidation on the root face and HAZ.3 mm.99% or argon + N2 (maximum of 3 to 5 %). it shall be reviewed the nitrogen percentage in welded and heat affected zone. the argon + helium mixture or only helium may be used as shielding gas. and GTAW.1 The heat input shall not exceed 1.4. which reduce the risk of hot cracking and have higher toughness. the maximum ferrite percentage in the deposit shall be lower than 5 % or 5 FN (E385Mod and E385).11 ENiCrMo-3 E317LMN ENiCrMo-10 5. INCOLOY 25-6MO.6.6.1 Preheating is not required.6. 5. Alternative AWS Classification Preferred Alternative 5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.6 Preheating and Interpass 5.4 ENiCrMo-3 E385Mod (↑Mo) E385 5. 317LMN. g) the purge shall be performed with argon + N2 (from 3 % to 5 %) for materials 317LN.6.6. Rod and Solid Wire for Welding of Superaustenitic Stainless Steels Coated electrode (SMAW) Type of material AWS Spec.14 ERNiCrMo-3 ERNiCrMo-4 ERNiCRMo-10 5. ensuring the absence of oxygen. NOTE 2 For purposes of this Standard. Table 14 - Coated Electrode.11 ENiCrMo-3 ENiCrMo-4 ENiCrMo-10 5. consumable E385Mod is the one where the molybdenum percentage in the deposit is higher than 5%.11 5.14 ERNiCrMo-3 ER317LMN ERNiCrMo-10 5.6.2 Manganese is important in the performance of consumables. and 654SMO. 5. 5.11 ENiCrMo-3 ENiCrMo-4 ENiCrMo-10 5.14 ERNiCrMo-3 ERNiCrMo-4 ENiCRMo-10 5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 f) root purging with inert gas is required during welding in order to prevent internal oxidation on the root face and HAZ. AWS Classification Preferred 317LMN (4-5Mo) 904L (4. in homogeneous welding.9 ERNiCrMo-3 ER385 5.5Mo)( Note) 254SMO UNS S31254 25-6MO UNS N08926 654SMO UNS S32654 Bare electrode and rod (GMAW / GTAW) AWS Spec.1 The consumables shall follow the instructions in Table 14. In this case.6.14 5. and may exceed 5.3 mm.14 ERNiCrMo-3 ERNiCrMo-4 ERNiCRMo-10 NOTE 1 The choice of alternative consumable for 904L steel shall be approved by PETROBRAS due to the corrosive medium and operating temperature.6. 5. 254SMO.2 Interpass temperature shall not exceed 100 ºC. avoiding hot cracks. h) root purging shall be maintained until the completion of the third weld layer or 6. 61 .5.11 ENiCrMo-3 ENiCrMo-4 ENiCrMo-10 5.5 General Conditions for Consumables 5. Preference shall be given to consumables of high manganese and low silicon content and impurities.5%Mo (above the %Max of AWS).5. 5.1 In fabrication. the repair procedure shall previously be assessed and approved by PETROBRAS. requiring assessment of the physical state of the material in aged condition. shall be performed on whole part. before the authorization for welding. the bevels shall always be inspected with liquid penetrant.1 When welding with consumables of higher alloy content. however. precipitation of carbides and intermetallic phases.1 In maintenance welding.6.6. 5. 5.1 More than two repairs in the same location may irreversibly degrade the corrosion resistance.9.6. 5. 62 .-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. In this case.2 Autogenous welding requires heat treatment of solubilization. 5.10 Weld Repair 5. 5.10. and the localized treatment of the joint may not be carried out. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. the bevels shall always be inspected with liquid penetrant. which shall be lower than 50 ppm.11 Supplementary Requirements for Maintenance Weld 5. including the HAZ.11.6. assembly and maintenance.6. and replaced. the parameters and welding techniques may show significant difference compared to the materials in new condition.2 Water used in hydrostatic testing shall present control of chloride.6.8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) PWHT is not required. the joint shall be cut.6. due to segregation of molybdenum. root stiffener and finishing shall be 100 % inspected by liquid penetrant.6. especially in molybdenum.6. solubilization treatment is usually skipped. The solubilization treatment shall follow the specification standard of the base metal.6.12 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection 5.6.10. 5. the root passes.7 Post-heating The post-heating is not required. In this case.9 Heat Treatment of Solubilization 5. 5.2 During maintenance.2 Before the authorization for welding.9. 5.12.12. it shall be observed the mandatory design specification. 6 In this Standard.5 %W) + 16x(%N) NOTE Both expressions have been used and meet respectively steels with and without W. which result in the reduction of corrosion resistance.7.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. such as.1 Under certain conditions. and thermal conductivity higher than austenitic steels. based on the chemical composition and PREN.7. 5. The basic difference between them is the Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number (PREN) value. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.3x(%Mo + 0.1. superduplex.7.2 Duplex steel shall not be exposed to operating temperatures exceeding 250 °C due to the precipitation of deleterious phases.3 x(%Mo) + 16x(%N) PRENW = %Cr + Throughout their evolution. ductility and toughness. the ferrite content in the weld zone may vary from 35 % to 65 %.7.1 Introduction 5. 5. especially due to the addition of nitrogen.7.7. Superduplex and Hyperduplex Stainless Steels 5.1. Two other properties are important for the welding: thermal expansion coefficient comparable to carbon steels. All of them have austenitic-ferritic structure. they replace austenitic stainless steels of 300 series because of the good relation between the mechanical strength and corrosion resistance.7 Duplex. according to the following formulas: PRENN = %Cr + 3. and gaps.3 The metal base has microstructure composed of approximately 50 % ferrite and 50 % austenite.5 It has been currently adopted the classification of the different degrees. 5. pitting. these stainless steels have been commercially referenced in three ways: duplex. unless where otherwise stated.7. 5. however.1. and hyperduplex. according to Table 15. the term duplex stainless is referring to the three trade names.1. 5. corrosion under stress. 63 . for instance. 50 0.1LDX2101 S32101 1.050.0 24.03 26.00 1.0 1.0 8.3.7 40. for the risk of precipitation of carbides.03 24.02205 S32205 1. nitrides and intermetallic phases due to the permanence in critical temperature range.5. The duplex stainless steels shall be clearly segregated from austenitic stainless steels during fabrication.7.0.50 1.1 - 35.20 0.502.052304 S32304 0. EN No.4 The filler metals with higher Ni contents ensure the weld metal properties compatible with the base metal.53.8 21.0.04 27.6 5.00 37.02507 S32750 1. Attention shall be given to the heat input and control of interpass temperature.25 0.0.8 - 28.5 3.52. 0.0 5. 5.1 The fabrication of stainless steel piping and equipment shall be made in a segregated and protected area.5 - 37.1.9 24.00 - - 34.0.0 1. 5.0 9.0.00 - ≥48 1.0 4.0 3.0 8.4462 0.7.0 6.6.200. according to ASME BPVC Section IX. and to avoid the precipitation of deleterious secondary phases on HAZ or weld metal. N Mn Cu W PREN 0.52205 S31803 1.0 29.35 0.2 Weldability 5.03 23.5 Hyperduplex 26.03 33.5 3.3.7 0.35.20 4.0 38.0 6. C Cr Ni Mo Duplex .00 5.4.03 S32707 0.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.0.0 9.300.7.8 0.1 The duplex stainless steels usually have good weldability and are classified as P number 10H.50 1.100.4462 0.9F255 S32550 24.50 5.3 In welding process.0 1.2.60 0.240.5 0.32 S33207 0.7.4410 0.3 General Welding Technique 5.51.50 1.32 0.7.5 2.60 Superduplex .0.20 0.5 22.0.2 0.52.5DP3W S39274 0.02520 S32520 1.5 3.4507 0.0 2.0.03 26.30 0.4501 0.0 0. 64 .50 0.5 21.25Cr 24.03 29.25 0.0.0 NOTE 1 Single % values are the maximum. preferably in a shed separated from other materials.0. especially in multiple pass welding.240.22 Cr standard 21.03 26.5 5.50 1.6.0 8.Chemical Composition (% in Weight) of the Main Duplex Stainless Steels Grade UNS No.0 24.4.1 26.0 0.4162 0. NOTE 2 (-) Not defined in the specifications.7.6.400.6. the goal is to achieve the correct balance between ferrite and austenite in the weld metal and HAZ.50 - 4.04 22.0Zeron100 S32760 1.00 - ≥48 8.02.0 0.51.00 - - 30.10.0 6.50 1.06.0. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Table 15 .03.0.20 23. 3.0 kJ/mm. which may be below 35 %.7.7. the preparation shall provide larger joint angle than for those steels. Higher H2 contents increase the arc energy. except for duplex 2205. 65 .6 It is recommended that the surface of the parts is protected from adherence of spatter and other projections resulting from welding.7. b) the cutting and trimming disks shall be made of aluminum oxide with nylon or fiberglass core wire. resulting in low formation of austenite. and the filler metals to weld them. 5. reducing the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. and meet the following requirements: a) slag removal and cleaning tools shall be made of stainless steel or coated with this material.2 Welding preparation may be performed through use of cold cutting.7.5 kJ/mm.7. [Recommended Practice] 5. or laser.7. 5. air or Air+H2 mixture may be used in the following combinations: 85/15%.7. in accordance with the classification of BPVC ASME Section IX. machining. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.3. resulting in higher cutting speeds and/or cutting of larger thicknesses. Thermal cutting with graphite and oxy-cutting are not permitted. The wires shall be cleaned with solvents before use. abrasive cutting disk.3.4 Preparation and cleaning shall include a range of 50 mm to both sides of the joint.7 The filler metals (wires and electrodes) shall be properly stored in clean and dry places. 5. and always handled with clean gloves.10 The heat input shall never be lower than The part of the auxiliary devices of assembly touching or welded to the equipment or piping shall be made of material with the same P number of base metal.7. In plasma cutting. cleaning and cutting tools shall be used exclusively for these materials.11 The heat input shall not exceed 1.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. or coated with consumable specified for welding of the metal with at least two layers.5 kJ/mm. After the thermal cutting. 5.3. A very low heat input of welding increases the cooling rate.8 The use of tacking or fastening devices shall be contained. which may reach up to 2. plasma. depending on the quality required for cutting.3. This area shall be cleaned by grinding and solvent to remove grease. Higher heat input values of welding may cause precipitation of deleterious secondary phases. 5.3. in the welding procedure to be submitted for previous approval of PETROBRAS. 5. including specification of materials to be used in the manufacture of devices. and 65/35%.5 Slag removal. the ends shall be trimmed in at least 1. in details.3 Also due to the high viscosity of stainless steel consumables regarding the C-Mn steels. especially when the GMAW process is used. and other contaminants that may be harmful to welding. 80/20%.0 mm. minimizing the risk of lack of fusion. c) additional precautions shall be taken to avoid contamination during the preparation of the joints.3.3. water jet cutting.7. milling. 5. marker paints. oxides. 5.3. 12 The ratio between the heat inputs of the first and second pass shall be around 85 %. and no welding shall be started before the oxygen content is 50 ppm or lower. Passivation shall be immediately performed after sanding or etching.4 kJ/mm 1.7.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. LP test.3.Wrong Damaging Weld 2 . but it is usually between 10 L/min and 15 L/min.7.Right Figure 5 .7. [Recommended Practice] 5. 5. 5. according to the example of Figure 5.7. pitting corrosion susceptibility test.3. It is allowed maximum oxidation of degree 3.5 (which reflects a maximum impurity of 50 ppm of oxygen).7. the loss of this element through the weld pool and dissemination of HAZ to the weld metal shall be avoided. The gas flow varies depending on the joint. whenever the welding is started.0 kJ/mm Damaging Weld 1 . not have a length exceeding 150 mm or exceed a quarter of the pipe circumference. the weld root shall be subjected to visual inspection to determine the oxidation level before any nondestructive testing. able to detect oxygen between 0 and 1 000 mL/m3.15 The purge shall ensure the expelling of all oxygen in the root area.14 As nitrogen is an important austenite former and strong contributor in increasing the resistance to pitting corrosion.7 kJ/mm 1.13 Field welding only on one side shall be performed by GTAW process with shielding gas free of hydrogen. The weld bead shall be straight.3.17 During the root pass. Pickling and passivation shall comply with ASTM A 380.16 The pipe welding shall be performed in alternating quadrants in order to avoid distortions. 66 . which shall be in the range of 35 % to 65 %.7. 3 Welding shall be discontinued if the content is higher than 100 mL/m (100 ppm).Heat Input and Corrosion Resistance 5.18 When qualifying the welding procedures. This control shall be done with oxygen analyzer. impact testing. 5. some aspects shall be considered in addition to the requirements of ASME BPVC Section IX: radiographic testing. 5. 1.Wrong Balanced Weld 3 .3.7. in order to avoid cracking and embrittlement of the weld metal. as described Table 16.3. Whenever possible. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. microstructural examination for detection of precipitates. according to AWS C5.3 kJ/mm 1. counting of volume fraction of ferrite in the weld. there may be a peak of oxygen.3.0 kJ/mm 2.3. 20 ºC for Duplex. b) consumables for SMAW shall be handled as low hydrogen electrodes. no single value below 70% of the required average NORSOK M-601 No precipitations . GTAW. HAZ. GMAW. The use of any other welding process shall be approved by PETROBRAS.7. Root pass in joints with unilateral access shall be made by the GTAW or PAW process. ensuring diffusible hydrogen concentration lower than 10 mL per 100 g of weld metal deposited. every Weld Metal (MS) Fusion Line (LF) Microstructural examination (+ photos) Ferrite counting MS. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Table 16 . HAZ. c) for root pass with unilateral access. PAW. 5. 40 ºC for Super and Hyperduplex (as welded) 35 % to 65 % Charpy V (-46 °C) (6 mm and larger thickness) or minimum design temperature Three test specimens. in order to avoid hydrogen cracking in ferritic phase.0 mm above 10 mm. or four side bends ASME BPVC Section IX ASME BPVC Section IX NORSOK M-601 10 mm 10 mm x 10 mm x 7.66 mm x above 27 Joules. 1 Ape.2 GTAW a) Shielding Gases: Argon (Ar) + 2% N2 (maximum value) or Ar and Helium (He) mixture.400X ASTM E 562 ASTM G 48 A. 5. MB No pitting. with the use of purge gas. Base Metal (MB) MS.35 mm. b) ar + N2 mixture shall be used for base materials with addition ≥ 0. whichever is thicker. HAZ. NOTE 3 The consumable shall have from 2 % to 4 % of Ni above the base metal in its composition.20 N.83 x 5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.Additional Testing to ASME BPVC Section IX Tests No. d) the purge gas to protect the root shall have the same composition of the shielding gas. 5. Autogenous welding is only permitted with previous approval of PETROBRAS. 1 Ape. 67 . NOTE 2 Shielding Gases: Argon (Ar) + 2 % N2 or Ar and Helium (He) mixture.4. 8 ASME BPVC Section IX ASME BPVC Section VIII Div. 20X Loss in weight does not exceed 4. The FCAW process is not permitted. and SAW welding processes are permitted.5 mm x 0. 8 Bending Two faces + two roots.7.4 Applicable Welding Processes The SMAW. purging shall be performed until the 3rd layer ( 6. In cases where the weld root is accessible for gouging with grinding machine. MB Pitting corrosion 1 test specimen.7.0 g/m2 NOTE 1 GTAW process is mandatory for the root pass. MS.35 mm thickness).1 SMAW a) the use of synthetic electrodes is not permitted.38 mm. e) the purge of the root shall be maintained until the 3rd weld layer or 6. 24HRS. and minimum expansion of 0.4. of tests Standard Acceptance Visual 100 % welds ASME BPVC Section IX ASME BPVC Section IX Radiography 100 % butt welds Liquid penetrant 100 % welds ASME BPVC Section IX ASME BPVC Section VIII Div. the GMAW-P and SMAW processes may be used for the root pass. 0. 9 ER2209 - A5. Bare electrode and rod (GMAW / GTAW / SAW) AWS Classification Preferred Alternative A5. extensions.4 E2553 - A5.6 Preheating and Interpass 5. (Grade) AWS Spec.5 General Conditions for Consumables The consumables shall follow the instructions in Table 17.4.4 E2209 - A5. except for materials with PREN ≥ 35. being usually basic fluxes with compensation for chromium. Ar + CO2 (1 % to 2 %). The other passes may be welded. except for derivations.9 ER2594 - - A5. the latter shall only be used with previous approval of PETROBRAS.4 E2553 - A5.9 ER2553 - E2594 - A5. except for compensation for losses in electric arc.6. 5. S32003 S31803 (2205) S32205 (2205) S32304 (2304) S32520 Coated electrode (SMAW) AWS Classification Preferred Alternative A5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.7.4/A 5.9 ER2209 - E2209 - A5.4 AWS Spec. 5.7.11 A5. for which the temperature shall not exceed 100 ºC.4/A 5.7.11 A5. b) the following shielding gases may be used: pure argon.9 ER2594 - - A5.6.7. Ar + N2 (1.1 Preheating is not applicable.7.4 E2209 A5. b) the flux shall consist of low diffusible hydrogen with a maximum of 8 mL of hydrogen per 100 g of deposited weld metal (H8).9 ER2209 - - A5.4 E2594 LDX2101 E2209 5.4/A 5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.Consumables of Duplex and Superduplex Stainless Steels Material type UNS No.4. pipe connections with hull (nozzles) and socket welds.4 E2209 - A5.4 SAW a) the flux shall not add alloying elements.7.2 Maximum interpass of 150 ºC.9 ER2209 - A5. 68 . 5. Table 17 .3 GMAW a) root pass welding by GMAW process is not permitted.9 ER2553 - A5.9 LDX2101 ER2209 - S32550 (F255) S32750 (2507) S32760 (Z100) S39274 (DP3W) A5.9 ER2594 - E2594 - A5.5 % to 2 %).11 S32101 A5. 11.9 Weld Repair No more than two repairs at the same region is permitted.8.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. 5. 5. 5.8. 5.7.2 To avoid hydrogen cracking.7. according to ASME BPVC Section IX.7.1 Introduction 5.2. and post-heated to promote the removal of hydrogen.3 Water used in hydrostatic testing shall present control of chloride. this Section also includes the UNS J91540 (CA6NM) cast martensitic stainless steel and the UNS S41426 steel (Super 13 Cr).11.1 The main problem in welding of martensitic stainless steels is the susceptibility to hydrogen cracking in weld metal and HAZ.2.1 Root passes. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. steels of this family shall be preheated to slow the cooling rate. root stiffeners and finishing shall be 100 % inspected with liquid penetrant. 5. before the authorization for welding.10 Supplementary Requirements for Maintenance Weld During maintenance. 5.2 In addition to the typical steels of this family. the bevels shall always be inspected with liquid penetrant.7. those stainless steels are not normally used in welded constructions.2 Weldability 5.1 This family comprises stainless steels usually containing 12 % to 18 % of chromium.2 All butt welded joints shall be radiographed. 5.7 Post-heating Not applicable.7.1. classified as P Number 6. 5.8.8. such as AISI 410.8. 5. Therefore. 69 .1.7. due to the formation of high hardness martensite.11 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection 5. 5. PWHT shall be performed after welding to increase toughness and reduce hardness. which shall be lower than 50 ppm. Martensitic Stainless Steels 5.8.8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Not applicable. in order to prevent contaminants.3.4 The preparation of the welded joint may be made by machining. 70 .8. 5.8.03%.8. 5. among others.2. laser or water jet cutting.3. c) additional care shall be taken as cleaning and preparation of the joint to be welded.8. FCAW. The FCAW-S process is not permitted. b) the cutting disks shall be made of aluminum oxide with nylon core or of fiberglass.8.4 Applicable Welding Processes The SMAW.3.8.8. 5. cleaning and cutting tools shall be used exclusively for these materials.4. These steels also have nickel and molybdenum to improve corrosion resistance and mechanical properties. In case of thermal cutting. GMAW.3 The part of the auxiliary device of assembly touching or welded into the equipment shall have the same P number of the base metal.8.2 The surface of the parts shall be protected against spatter adhesion and other projections resulting from welding.8. % C are considered not weldable. 5.5 In the case of heterogeneous welding with filler metal in nickel alloys. generating a weld deposit with hydrogen content not exceeding 8 mL per 100 g of deposited weld metal. the HAZ shall be removed by machining or grinding. GTAW and SAW processes are permitted.3.3. oxy-cutting.06% and 0.3 General Welding Technique 5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.2. or otherwise be coated with at least two layers of the consumable specified for the welding of base metal. the cleaning requirements indicated in the welding of nickel alloys item are applied. 5.1 Slag removal. 5.3. b) slag shall be completely removed before the material is exposed to operating conditions. plasma. c) synthetic electrode is not permitted.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. respectively) to improve weldability. 5. and meet the following requirements: a) slag removal and cleaning tools shall be made of stainless steel or coated with this material.3 CA6NM martensitic stainless steels and Super 13 Cr.1 SMAW a) the welding shall be performed with low hydrogen basic electrodes.5 The manual heating by oxy-gas flame (shower-type blowtorch) shall be limited to pipes or hulls with thickness below 13 mm and a nominal diameter of up to 10". have lower carbon content (lower than 0.4 Martensitic stainless steels with more than 0. according to the classification of ASME BPVC Section IX. 5. 5.3 GMAW a) root welding by GMAW process is not permitted.4. The temperatures indicated above are the limits of use for nickel alloys.8. c) moisture on plates or in the flux may cause porosity or cold cracking. wet fluxes shall be re-dried.2 In the case of heterogeneous welding. when not prohibited by the equipment design or fabrication and assembly standard.1).5 SAW a) the use of linked fluxes is not permitted. b) weld fluxes shall be stored and handled so as to avoid contamination. 71 .11 ENiCrFe-2 (maximum temperature = 760 °C) or AWS A5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. care shall be taken to avoid contamination of the flux during welding. 5. purging with argon or helium shall be done in the root pass and root stiffener pass. 5.5 General Conditions for Consumables 5. b) in pipe welding.11 ENiCrFe-3.4. 5. except to compensate for loss of alloying elements in the metal transfer. b) the gas may be argon + CO2 mixture (E XXXTX -4) or just CO2 (E XXXTX . In case of use of the consumable AWS A5.8. The alternative consumables shall only be used with previous approval of PETROBRAS. c) root purging shall be maintained until the completion of the third weld layer or 6. b) the welding may be performed with inert gas.4. the operating temperature shall not exceed 480 °C. but the operating temperature of the martensitic stainless steels shall be lower than 600 °C. E309 and AWS A5.2 GTAW a) the gas to be used shall be argon 99.8. being the latter limited to medium and high carbon steels. c) the shielding gases to be used shall be those specified by the manufacturer of the wire.4.1 The consumables shall follow the instructions in Table 18. argon + O2 (maximum 2 %) or argon + CO2 (maximum 5 %) to avoid oxidizing or excessive carburization of base metal and weld metal. except for filling and finishing. 5. ER309.4 FCAW a) the welding shall be done with shielding gas.14 ERNiCr-3 (maximum temperature = 760 °C).8. Contamination in stainless steels is critical because it may reduce corrosion resistance. consumables shall be specified as written below.8.3 mm. mixtures of those gases. b) noncyclic operating temperature and lower than 315 °C: AWS A5.9.5.8. ensuring the absence of oxygen.4. as indicated by the manufacturer. considering the SMAW and GTAW welding processes: a) cyclic operating temperature: AWS A5.99 %. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.8.5. designations (UNS J91540) CA 6NM. with no similar consumable for the flux.7. CA-15 and CA-15M.22 E2594TX-X A5. NOTE 2 The consumable ER2209 may be used only in the root pass.4 E410 Ni Mo - A5. homogeneous welding: 300 °C.22 E410NiMoTX-X A5.Electrodes and Rods for Martensitic Stainless Steels Material type 410. A5. heterogeneous welding: 200 ºC.9 ER2594 UNS S41426 NOTE 1 Only the consumable presents specification/AWS classification.9 ER410 Ni Mo - A5.9 Submerged arc (SAW) AWS Classification Preferred Alternative ER410 ER410NiMo CA 6NM A5. heterogeneous welding: 175 ºC. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Table 18 . CA-15 and CA-15M. designations (UNS J91540) CA 6NM.9 ER410 ER410NiMo A5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. homogeneous welding: 340 ºC.6. homogeneous welding: 120 ºC.4 AWS Spec. designations 410. heterogeneous welding: 150 ºC. A5.8. 5.2 The interpass temperature shall not exceed the following: a) b) c) d) e) designations 410. CA-15 and CA-15M. CA-15 AWS Spec. 5.8. designations 410. designations (UNS J91540) CA 6NM. homogeneous welding: 200 ºC. designations (UNS J91540) CA 6NM. CA-15 and CA-15M. homogeneous welding: 300 ºC. designations (UNS S41426) Super 13 Cr.4 E410 E410 Ni Mo A5. but for 1 hour or longer. heterogeneous welding: 150 ºC.8. CA-15 and CA-15M. CA-15 CA 6NM UNS J91540 Super 13 Cr UNS S41426 Material type 410.8. 72 .1 The post-heating shall meet the following indications: a) designations 410.9 ER410 Ni Mo UNS J91540 Super 13 Cr A5. heterogeneous welding: 120 ºC. the others shall necessarily be performed with consumable ER2594. designations (UNS S41426) Super 13 Cr.22 E2594 Cored wire (FCAW-G) AWS Classification Preferred Alternative E410TX-X E410NiMoTX-X Bare electrode and rod (GMAW / GTAW) AWS Spec.1 The parts shall be preheated according to the following indications: a) b) c) d) e) designations 410. 5. AWS Classification Preferred Alternative A5.7 Post-heating 5. heterogeneous welding: 50 ºC.6 Preheating and Interpass 5.6.9 ER2594 ER2209 (Note 2) AWS Spec.8. Coated electrode (SMAW) AWS Classification Preferred Alternative A5. for a period of 1 min/mm of weld dimension. In this case.8. homogeneous welding: 200 °C / 1 min. heterogeneous welding: not required.9. requiring assessment of the physical state of the material in aged condition. the parameters and welding techniques may show significant difference compared to the materials in new condition. designations (UNS S41426) Super 13 Cr. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 designation 410. 5. no more than two repairs at the same region is permitted. per mm.8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) 5.1 These steels shall be welded with low heat input to prevent excessive growth of the grains. regardless if the part will be subject to PWHT. 5. which tends to decrease toughness.9.1 Introduction This family comprises stainless steels classified as P Number 7.8. designations (UNS J91540) CA 6NM. 5.2. The welding shall always look for the tempering of the coarse grain region of previous passes and HAZ. looking for the tempering of previous passes.8. 73 .-PUBLIC- N-133 b) c) d) e) REV.8.2 Formation of sigma in welding of ferritic steels is not expected.2 Before the authorization for welding.9. 5.2.9. Generally. 5. especially in high-chromium steels.1 For martensitic steels with controlled carbon (low carbon). 5.J.8. however. 5.9. the HAZ of some alloys result in a microstructure comprised of ferrite and martensite. there may be some formation during welding of thick plates when subjected to high heat input in multiple pass welding. heterogeneous welding: not required.K). with high-chromium steels as P number 10 (I.8. the liquid penetrant test shall be performed after the end of welding. 5.3 The repair shall be performed in multiple pass. the bevels shall always be inspected with liquid penetrant.2 For the alloy (UNS S41426) Super 13 Cr in heterogeneous welding (duplex): 630 °C / 5 min followed by cooling in water up to 50 °C. CA-15 and CA-15M.9. designations (UNS J91540) CA 6NM. 5.8. the microstructure of these alloys at ambient temperature is fully comprised of ferrite.9 Weld Repair 5.2 Weldability 5. according to ASME BPVC Section IX.8. the repair procedure shall previously be assessed and approved by PETROBRAS.9 Ferritic Stainless Steels 5. 5.8.4 In maintenance welding.10 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection In all cases.1 It shall comply with the design code. heterogeneous welding: not required. However. welding may be performed without preheating.4 Applicable Welding Processes The SMAW. with at least two layers of the consumable specified for the welding of base metal. 5.3.4 The preparation of the welded joint may be made by machining.1 Slag removal.3. Welded joints without control of interstitial elements (C + N) and with high chromium content (above 18 %) always present low toughness. or otherwise be coated. especially when the alloys do not have Ti and Nb in their composition. FCAW. 5. and may present very low toughness when aged in operation at temperatures ≥ 400 ºC. 74 . according to the classification of ASME BPVC Section IX. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. b) slag shall be completely removed before the material is exposed to operating conditions.9. the HAZ shall be removed by machining or grinding. 5.1 SMAW a) the welding shall be performed with low hydrogen basic electrodes.3. it may be useful for some alloys to reduce the residual stresses. 5.3.2. oxy-cutting. 5. c) synthetic electrode is not permitted. however. b) the cutting disks shall be made of aluminum oxide with nylon core or of fiberglass. plasma. and meet the following requirements: a) slag removal and cleaning tools shall be made of stainless steel or coated with this material.9. 5. c) additional care shall be taken as cleaning and preparation of the joint to be welded. Since they are less susceptible to cold cracking than martensitic steels. The FCAW-S process is not permitted.9. cleaning and cutting tools shall be used exclusively for these materials.9.9. GTAW and SAW processes are permitted.5 Steels from this family are usually not highlighted for its toughness in new condition.9. the cleaning requirements indicated in the welding of nickel alloys item are applied.5 In the case of heterogeneous welding with filler metal in nickel alloys.4 Hot cracks are extremely rare.2.3 General Welding Technique 5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. generating a weld deposit with hydrogen content not exceeding 8 mL per 100 g of deposited weld metal. GMAW. decrease the cooling speed and cold cracking risk.2. In case of thermal cutting.9. 5. in order to prevent contaminants. 5.9. 5. For thick plates.4. laser or water jet cutting.9.3 The part of the auxiliary device of assembly touching or welded into the equipment shall have the same P number of the base metal.2 The surface of the parts shall be protected against spatter adhesion and other projections resulting from welding. 4.99 %. except for filling and finishing. 75 . The alternative consumables shall only be used with previous approval of PETROBRAS. 5. 5. 5. 5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. Contamination in stainless steels is critical because it may reduce corrosion resistance. Care shall be taken to avoid contamination of the flux during welding. in which the argon composition shall be 99.2 GTAW a) the gas to be used shall be argon 99.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.9.4 FCAW a) the welding shall be done with shielding gas.998 %. b) the root purge shall be maintained until the 3rd weld layer or 6.4. whichever is thicker. except to compensate for loss of alloying elements in the metal transfer.35 mm.3 GMAW a) root welding by GMAW process is not permitted.4. as indicated by the manufacturer. b) welding may be performed with inert gas. as indicated for the GTAW process. wet fluxes shall be re-dried. except for steels with high chromium percentage and control of interstitial elements (%C + %N). c) moisture on plates or in the flux may cause porosity or cold cracking.9.5 SAW a) the use of linked fluxes is not permitted.5 General Conditions for Consumables The consumables shall follow the instructions in Table 19. b) weld fluxes shall be stored and handled so as to avoid contamination. b) the shielding gases to be used shall be those specified by the manufacturer. 9 A5. 448) A5.14 ENiCrMo-3 ENiCrFe-2 A5.14 ENiCrMo3Tx-y ENiCr3Tx-y AWS Classification A5. NOTE 3 Only the consumable presents specification/AWS classification.9 ER410 ER409Nb ER410NiMo A5. 448) A5.Electrodes and Rods for Ferritic Stainless Steels Coated electrode (SMAW) Material type AWS Spec.14 Cored wire (FCAW-G) Type of material AWS Spec.05%.11 Bare electrode and rod (GMAW / GTAW) AWS Spec.14 ERNiCr-3 ERNiCrMo-3 A5.14 A5.34 ENiCrMo3Tx-y ENiCr3Tx-y A5. Preferred (see Note 2) Alternative A5.34 ERNiCrMo-3 ERNiCr-3 ER430 ERNiCrMo-3 ERNiCr-3 ERNiCr-3 ERNiCrMo-3 ER439 ERNiCr-3 ERNiCrMo-3 Submerged arc (SAW) (Note 3) Preferred (see Note 2) 405.11 A5.22 E409TX-X A5.11 439 A5. Preferred (see Note 2) Alternative A5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.9 ER409Nb ENiCrMo-3 ENiCrFe-2 E430 ENiCrMo-3 ENiCrFe-2 ENiCrMo-3 ENiCrFe-2 A5.14 ER430Nb ERNiCr-3 ERNiCrMo-3 ERNiCr-3 ERNiCrMo-3 ERNiCr-3 ERNiCrMo-3 NOTE 1 Use consumable with carbon content up to 0. with no similar for the flux.34 ENiCrMo3Tx-y ENiCr3Tx-y A5.9 ER430 A5.14 ERNiCr-3 ERNiCrMo-3 A5. 410S 409 A5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Table 19 .9 ER409Nb A5. 76 . 410S AWS Classification E409NbTX-X E430NbTX-X ENiCrMo3Tx-y ENiCr3Tx-y ENiCrMo3Tx-y ENiCr3Tx-y AWS Spec.22 E430TX-X 409 430 A5.9 ER410 (Note 1) ER409Nb ER410NiMo ENiCrMo-3 ENiCrFe-2 A5. 447. NOTE 2 Austenitic stainless steel consumable with nominal composition 25Cr13Ni (309 and family) may only be used when the operation temperature is below 315 °C.11 444 and ≥ 25 %Cr (446.34 439 A5.14 ERNiCr-3 ERNiCrMo-3 E409Nb A5.4 430 AWS Classification A5.14 A5.4 405.22 E410TX-X E409TX-X E409NbTX-X A5. AWS Classification Alternative A5.14 E430Nb A5.4 E410 (Note 1) E409Nb E410NiMo A5. Preferred (see Note 2) Alternative A5. 447.11 A5.34 444 and ≥ 25 %Cr (446. e) designation 409. in which the preheating is not required. c) designations 405.5 mm: 100 ºC. the bevels shall always be inspected with liquid penetrant. however. 410S and 430. 444 and 25 %Cr (446. heterogeneous welding: no preheating. the repair procedure shall be previously assessed and approved by PETROBRAS.3 In welding maintenance. homogeneous welding and thickness < 3 mm: no preheating. 5.7 Post-Heating Generally.9. d) designations 405. 5. 5.9 Weld Repair 5. heterogeneous welding and thickness > 10 mm: 100 ºC. 447. j) designations 444 and ≥ 25 Cr heterogeneous welding: no preheating. i) designation 439.10 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection In case of heterogeneous welding with austenitic filler metal.8.6 Preheating and Interpass 5. b) it shall not exceed 150 ºC for steels 409. heterogeneous welding: no preheating.9. 439 .9. 5. the parameters and welding techniques may show significant difference compared to the materials in new condition. 410S and 430.6.6. it is not required. the PWHT may cause formation of Sigma and Chi phases. depending on thickness. homogeneous welding and thickness > 12. heterogeneous welding up to 10 mm: no preheating. 5. 77 . f) designation 409. heterogeneous welding up to 12. requiring assessment of the physical state of the material in aged condition.2 Before the authorization for welding. the liquid penetrant test shall be performed in the root pass. 5. g) designation 409.9. no more than two repairs at the same region is permitted.9. 410S and 430. homogeneous welding and thickness ≥ 3 mm: 100 ºC. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.9.8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) 5.9. 5. NOTE The preheating may be used in heterogeneous welding as a way to avoid PWHT. 410S and 430.9. except for thick plates with major restrictions.1 The parts shall be preheated according to the following indications: a) designations 405.5 mm: no preheating. 410S and 430. PWHT is usually required in design codes. 448).9.9. it may also be required in heterogeneous welding. In this case. b) designations 405.1 For steels with controlled carbon (low carbon).2 The parts shall have the interpass temperatures according to the following indications: a) it shall not exceed 250 ºC for steels 405. h) designation 439.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.9.9.2 When prolonged.9.9. 5. according to the design code. homogeneous welding: no preheating.9.8.1 In homogeneous welding. Ni-Cr alloys. being susceptible to solidification cracking. — nickel alloys of designations Nickel 200 (N02200). It is possible to use an equivalent product. Monel®1)1 400 (N04400). 5. 625. Nickel 201 (N02201). C276.1 Nickel alloys generally have weldability similar to the austenitic stainless steels with fully austenitic microstructure and to superaustenitic steels.10. W and/or Zr) that meet the material specification indicated by the standard equipment design. Incoloy® 800HT (N08811). NOTE 2 Monel®.1 Introduction 5. It is possible to use an equivalent product. since it gives an equal result. etc. 3 Incoloy® is the trade name of the nickel alloy supplied by Precision Castparts Corp.10.1. C4. When welded with high heat input. 78 . Nb. since it gives an equal result. It is possible to use an equivalent product. This information is given to facilitate the users in this Standard use and it doesn’t mean a recommendation of the product mentioned on the part of PETROBRAS. Inconel®2 625 (N06625).2 Nickel alloys are usually classified in two ways: — according to basic chemical composition: commercially pure nickel. since it gives an equal result.10. in addition to the lack of fusion by low fluidity of weld pool. are initial patents (trade names). Hastelloy®4)4 B (N10001).10. liquation and the phenomenon of reduction of ductility. This information is given to facilitate the users in this Standard use and it doesn’t mean a recommendation of the product mentioned on the part of PETROBRAS. Hastelloy®. Incoloy®. Ni-Cu alloys. — alloys cast by centrifugation 32Ni20CrNb ("800HT Mod") and 35Ni25CrNb (HP and HP Mod with addition of Ti.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. these alloys are designated by P numbers 41 to 49.10.1. This information is given to facilitate the users in this Standard use and it doesn’t mean a recommendation of the product mentioned on the part of PETROBRAS. 1 Monel® is the trade name of the nickel alloy supplied by Precision Castparts Corp.10. etc. since it gives an equal result. Inconel®2) 600 (N06600).2. from cryogenic to 800 ºC. 4 ® Hastelloy is the trade name of the nickel alloy supplied by Haynes International. Ni-Cr-Fe alloys. reaching 1200 ºC in some cases.2. Ni-Cr-Mo alloys. the precipitation of carbides and intermetallic may happen in some alloys.1. 5. It is possible to use an equivalent product. and Ni-Fe-Cr alloys. Hastelloy® C22 (N06022).3 In this Standard.2 In the case of ASME BPVC Section IX.SAE/ASTM. Hastelloy® C276 (N10276). Nickel alloys may be applied in a wide range of temperatures. 2 Inconel® is the trade name of the nickel alloy supplied by Precision Castparts Corp. and it is common for these materials to be referenced only as Alloy 400. 800HT. Incoloy® 825 (N08825).2 Weldability 5.1 Nickel alloys are used in applications in which it is necessary to combine medium or high mechanical strength and excellent corrosion resistance at high temperatures. This information is given to facilitate the users in this Standard use and it doesn’t mean a recommendation of the product mentioned on the part of PETROBRAS. only alloys hardened by solid solutions are discussed. Incoloy® 800H (N08810).10 Nickel and Nickel Alloys 5. and the family is represented by the following alloys: — commercially pure nickel. C22. Ni-Mo alloys.10. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. Hastelloy® C4 (N06455). — according to the hardening mechanism: solid solution or precipitation. 5. 5. NOTE 1 The designations in parenthesis above correspond to the Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys . Incoloy®3)3 800 (N08800). 3.11 Contamination by contact with sulfur. 5. and copper and steel hammers or lead pads is not permitted. and suitable welding speed in order to avoid weld pool in drop form.2 The welding shall be performed with low heat input.10.3.3. To reduce the risk of solidification cracking. 5. and then passivated. superficial cleaning. 79 .3 Basic problems of welding nickel alloys may be avoided by cleaning the bevels and rods with non-chlorinated solvents.3.10.3. iron sulfide). the surface shall be cleaned by grinding or pickled by controlled etching. it shall be lower than 1. such as: joint preparation.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. Contact with industrial scaffold causes exposure to zinc. protecting them against wind and moisture.10.10. not being permitted to cut with graphite electrode and oxy-cutting.5 The welding of nickel allows shall be performed with straight passes. Etching and passivation shall comply with ASTM A 380. Slag removal.10. tin and lead irreversibly compromise the nickel alloys when exposed to high temperature. quantity of material deposited per pass in the width/depth ratio equal to one. 5. according to the classification of ASME BPVC Section IX.7 It is recommended to grind the end of the previous bead (nail) before starting the next pass. The input to processes with high density of current shall not exceed 1.10. Contamination with carbon (carburizing followed by precipitation). Cutting oil shall be free of sulfur. zinc. the HAZ shall be removed by machining or grinding. using specific tooling support for nickel alloys.10. 5. some details of extreme importance shall not be overlooked.3. The previous training of welders.3 General Welding Technique 5.3. bites. in order to remove potential discontinuities. The use of wedges.8 kJ/mm. The profile shall be slightly convex. 5. and removal of adhering oxide layer are essential. The use of tempilstick and industrial markers with these contaminants is not permitted. cleaning and cutting tools shall be compatible with nickel alloys and used only for these materials. laser.3. [Recommended Practice] 5. reduction in nose height.9 The part of the auxiliary device of assembly touching or welded into the equipment shall have the same P number of the base metal.10 In cases of contamination. water jet cutting or appropriate cutting disk. not having iron compounds and sulfur (for example.3.1 The cut shall be made by plasma.10. and increase in root opening. 5. In case of thermal cutting.4 Lack of penetration or fusion is controlled by the slight increase in bevel angle.10.3.8 Imperfections such as dents.5 kJ/mm. cleaning. and having functional hygiene with the use of gloves and apron at work.10. iron and iron oxide are detrimental to corrosion resistance. copper. 5. or otherwise be coated with the consumable specified for the welding of base metal in deposits of at least two layers.3. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. 5. arc openings and spatters shall be carefully removed. 5. For GTAW and SMAW processes. slight convexity of passes.10.10.6 The risk of crater-type cracks may be mitigated by training welders in the torch outlet. 2 GTAW a) consumables shall be constantly cleaned with acetone before the opening the arc. ducts or pipelines subject to pressure is not permitted. c) when the welding of nickel allows is performed using the SMAW processes. the last two with restrictions. argon + O2 (2 % maximum). ducts or pipelines subject to pressure shall have previous approval of PETROBRAS.4. argon + CO2 (2 % maximum). 5.13 Slag and flux residues shall be removed after welding. d) the shielding gas in GMAW process shall consist of pure argon. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. The measurement of residual oxygen shall be performed using an oxymeter with threshold value of 50 ppm.3 GMAW a) root and root stiffener pass welding by GMAW process are not permitted.4 Applicable Welding Processes The SMAW. because they compromise the corrosion resistance in operation (fluoride). causing stress or pitting corrosion. 5. c) It is recommended to use tungsten electrodes with addition of Cerium or Lanthanum. This protection shall be maintained until the completion of the third weld layer. b) root and root stiffener pass welding by FCAW process are not permitted. The FCAW-S process is not permitted. it is important that the slag is completely removed before the joint gets into operation. b) root welding and second layer by SMAW process is not permitted.4 FCAW a) the use of this process in equipment. 5.10. [Recommended Practice] 5.99%).14 The welding by GTAW and GMAW processes shall be performed with oxygen-free purging gas at the weld root in order to protect the weld zone and HAZ. and FCAW welding processes are permitted.10. soaps and detergents used in bubble and liquid penetrant tests shall be removed.1 SMAW a) the use of synthetic consumables is not permitted. Argon and helium may be used as purge gas.10. Contact with chlorine or fluoride is extremely harmful. GMAW. since they may contain elements with low melting point. argon + H2 (1 % maximum).4. SAW. e) The limitations of using this process are due to increased susceptibility to lack of fusion.10.4. low wettability and fluidity of nickel alloys. c) welding with pure CO2 shielding gas is not permitted. 80 . 5. 5.12 After the welding completion and before the start of operation.10. the argon + helium mixture or only helium may be used as shielding gas.3. GTAW. b) the use of this process in equipment.10. b) besides argon (99. especially sulfur. The argon + H2 mixture (1 % H2 to 3 % H2 maximum) may only be used with previous approval of PETROBRAS.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. 5. ensuring the absence of oxygen. Nitrogen shall only be permitted after previous evaluation and approval of PETROBRAS.4. 14 ERNiCrMo-4 - 32Ni20CrNb - - - - ER32Ni20CrNb ERNiCrCoMo-1 HP(35Ni25Cr) - - - - ER3525Ni-0 4C (Nb) - NOTE 1 It shall be previously approved by PETROBRAS.11 ENiCrCoMo-1 Incoloy 825 A5. and Submerged Arc (GMAW / GTAW / SAW) AWS Classification Preferred Alternative (see Note 1) Alloy 200/ 201 A5. Coated electrode (SMAW) AWS Classification Preferred Alternative (see Note 1) AWS Spec.10. Table 20 .10.14 ERNiFeCr-1 ERNiCrMo-3 (Note 2) ENiMo-1 - A5.14 Alloy 625 A5.10.5 SAW a) the flux shall be neutral or basic.14 ERNi-1 - Alloy 400 A5.14 ERNiCu-7 ERNi-1 Alloy 600 A5.11 Hastelloy C4 ERNiCr-6 ERNiCr-3 ERNiCrMo-3 (Note 2) - A5. b) when the welding of nickel alloys is performed using the SAW processes. e) the shielding gas in FCAW process shall be Argon + 25 % CO2 or Argon + 20 % CO2. Rods and Solid Wires for Nickel and Nickel Alloys Material Type AWS Spec. NOTE 2 Limited to 540 ºC.5.14 ERNiCrMo-7 - Hastelloy C22 A5. and linked fluxes are not permitted.14 Alloy 800/800H/ 800HT A5.11 ENiCu-7 ENi-1 A5.11 ENi-1 - A5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 c) coat welding by FCAW process with shielding gas is only permitted with prior approval of PETROBRAS.11 ENiCrMo-3 (Note 2) Hastelloy B A5.14 ERNiMo-1 - A5. Rod.Electrodes.5 General Conditions for Consumables 5. Bare electrode.11 ENiCrMo-3 (Note 2) - A5.11 ENiCrMo-10 - A5.11 ENiCrMo-4 - A5. 81 .11 ENiCrMo-7 - A5.14 ERNiCrCoMo-1 - - A5. it is important that the slag and flux residues are completely removed before exposure of the joint in operation. d) welding with pure CO2 shielding gas is not permitted.14 ERNiCrMo-10 - Hastelloy C276 A5.4. 5. 5.11 ENiCrFe-1 ENiCrFe-2 A5.1 The consumables shall follow the instructions in Table 20.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. 9. the repair procedure shall be previously evaluated and approved by PETROBRAS.10.10.9. it may be required depending on the fluid and according to design specification.9 Weld Repair 5.10.9. and to the appearance of cracks after cooling the joint.1 The defect shall be removed by manual or mechanized grinding.8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) It is usually not performed. 5. 5. due to the possible deterioration of material in service. milling or machining. 5.10. due to the formation of intermetallic phases that reduce the ductility and corrosion resistance.34. The welding shall be performed with low heat input using the GTAW process.3 In fabrication welding. 5. 5. 5.10.10 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection 5. assembly and maintenance. before the authorization for welding.10. AWS classification TNiXXXXT1 or TNiXXXXT0-4-4.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. 5.10. Preheating and Interpass 5. 5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.10.6. only one repair is permitted. 5.1 In fabrication.5 To perform the maintenance repair. however.9.6. 82 .2 After removing the defect.10.10. the interpass temperature shall be below 90 °C.10.10.2 The interpass temperature shall be below 150 °C.10.1 Preheating is not required.3 In case of maintenance welding in aged materials using the cold welding technique.10. second layer and finishing shall be 100 % inspected with liquid penetrant.7 Post-heating It shall not be required. the region shall be examined with liquid penetrant.10.6.4 In maintenance welding. 5. the root passes.10. a maximum of two repairs at the same region is permitted.2 During maintenance.2 The consumables for coat welding by the FCAW and FCAW-G cored wire processes shall comply with AWS A5.5.10. 5. the bevels shall always be inspected with liquid penetrant. 3 General Welding Technique 5. 83 .11. they have rapid cooling rate.2. homogeneous microstructure with single phase CFC-α. 5. arsenic. tin. favoring the lack of fusion due to the high coefficient of thermal conductivity of copper.11. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. slag removal.4 The mechanical properties may be compromised by the quick formation of copper oxide. The mechanical strength is compromised by the formation of pores (oxides) and impurities (antimony. For purposes of this Standard. 5. stainless steel or be coated with this material. 5.11. C-61400 bronze-aluminum alloy (Al-Cu-Fe). including the C-61400 bronze-aluminum. the Copper-Nickel (Cu-Ni with 30%Ni) and Copper-Aluminum (Bronze-Aluminum up to 8%AL) alloys are considered.1. with the following specifications: — — — — C-10200 deoxidized commercially pure copper (Cu). bismuth. and only be used for welding of copper and its alloys. This oxide is hygroscopic and highly reactive when exposed to oxygen at high temperature. 5. which may be softened by reduction of root opening.1 Copper and its alloys are generally used due to their high mechanical strength (especially fatigue) and corrosion resistance.2 A well pool of commercially pure copper has great fluidity. besides the commercially pure copper ( in which the percentage of aluminum does not exceed 8%. sharp deposition.2.2 Several alloys are produced by adding the main following elements: aluminum.11.1. Phosphorus and silicon are used as deoxidizers.3. and lead).1. C-70600 alloy 90Cu-10Ni (Cu-Ni-Fe). 5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. 5.2.3% Cu).3 Copper alloys.11. cleaning and cutting tools shall be used exclusively for these materials.11.11.11. in addition to the excellent thermal and/or electric conductivity.1 In general. and meet the following requirements: a) slag removal and cleaning tools shall be made of copper alloy.1 Introduction 5.2. which shall be lower than 50 ppm. nickel. and zinc. become susceptible to hot cracking.3 The materials in this standard have solid solution hardening.11. C-71500 alloy 70Cu-30Ni (Cu-Ni-Fe).2 Weldability 5. 5. when enriched in solute atoms.11 Copper and Copper Alloys 5.10.1 Hygroscopic oxide removal.3 Water used in hydrostatic testing shall present control of chloride. and by preheating in some alloys. 5. The welded joints shall not be contaminated by residues of any kind resulting from the welding and assembly work. zinc. Tempilstick and industrial marker shall not be used due to the risk of contamination. lead.3.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. c) the indicated shielding gases are: helium.4. for each deposited layer.11. PAW. c) weaving pass is not permitted due to a higher incidence of pores.6 consumables shall not be used in equipment operating under pressure. 5.4 Applicable Welding Processes The GTAW. 5. which may be partially compensated by increasing the preheating temperature.11.11. and there shall not be any contamination with substances containing sulfur. by its internal and external sides. GMAW. 84 .4 Slag shall be completely removed during and after welding. b) In welding of deoxidized copper in butt joints.11. 5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 b) the cutting disks shall have nylon core or fiberglass.11. 5.1 SMAW a) AWS A5. c) additional care shall be taken as cleaning and preparation of the joint to be welded. 5. argon or helium + argon mixture. the joint shall be cleaned with solvent. 5. b) argon and inert gas mixtures are used.11.3 In a range of 200 mm centered on the joint. Below 3 mm.3.2 GTAW a) consumables are used in thicknesses above 3 mm. d) the butt welding is basically performed in a flat position with spray transfer mode. The use of the argon results in low penetration. the welding may be performed in lower fluidity alloys (Cu-Ni and bronzealuminum) and using small diameter wires. b) higher densities of currents are normally used when compared to welding of carbon steel. and SMAW welding processes are permitted.11. 5.3.3 GMAW a) the process is more sensitive to pore formation than GTAW. the latter with restriction.4. c) in welding of deoxidized copper in butt joints.4.2 The surface of the parts shall be protected against spatter adhesion and other projections resulting from welding. They can be used in low responsibility joints. d) consumables shall be similar to those shown in Table 21 for GTAW and GMAW processes. and usually limited to a flat position. The measurement by oxymeter shall indicate oxygen content of 50 ppm or lower before the start of welding. 5. the welding is usually performed without filler material (autogenous). The surface irregularities of the weld shall be removed by grinding. and their compounds. it may necessary to use backing due to the high fluidity of copper. it may necessary to use backing due to the high fluidity of copper.11. Out of position. in order to prevent the existence of contaminants.3.5 The welding by GTAW and GMAW processes shall be performed with purging gas to protect the weld zone and HAZ. 11. being substrate generally made of carbon steel or low-alloy. Table 21 . nickel alloys (Monel®.6 Preheating and Interpass 5.11.8 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Not required. 5.5 Bronze-aluminum with a thickness of 6 mm or below does not require preheating.6.11. The materials most commonly used as a coating are stainless steels (austenitic. 5.12 Welding of Metal Sheets and Coated Tubes 5.12. 5.5 General Conditions for Consumables The consumables shall follow the instructions in Table 21.preheating and interpass shall not exceed 150 ºC. 5. alloy 625. ERCuAL-A2 5. 5. 5.11.7 Post-heating Not required.6.7 ERCu C-70600 (90Cu10Ni) A5. 85 .11.11.6 Bronze-aluminum with thickness above 6 mm and AL below 10% .11.11. among others) or copper alloys.3 Pure deoxidized copper with thickness ≥ 6.1 Introduction For purposes of this Standard.4 mm to 9 mm shall be preheated at 220 ºC.7 Copper-nickel is not necessary to preheat.2 Pure deoxidized copper with thickness ≥ 3 mm to 6 mm shall be preheated at 100 ºC.Rods for Copper and Copper Alloys Material of alloy AWS Specification AWS Classification C-10200 (deoxidized copper) A5.1 Pure deoxidized copper with thickness below 3 mm does not require preheating. Hastelloy®.11.11. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.6. ferritic or duplex).7 ERCuNi C-61400 (bronze-aluminum) A5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.7 ERCuNi C-71500 (70Cu30Ni) A5. 5. and interpass shall not exceed 65 ºC.6. a coated plate is a bimetallic set made of anticorrosive coating on substrate of structural function.6. 5. martensitic.4 Pure copper with a thickness ≥ 10 mm shall be preheated from 260 ºC to 480 ºC. 5. including for bbuttering.2. The p preparation of o the bevel shall be perf rformed by grinding g or machiniing. 5.12. The rremoval of the coating shall s be perfformed by grinding or machiniing. The full removal of the t coating sshall be chec cked with a supersaturatted solution of copper sulphate e. alloy 30 mily) shall be e limited too maximum operating tempera ature of 315 °C.. as in the case c of pipess and vessells of small diamete er: the full bevel b shall be b filled usin ng filler meta al that meets s the corrossion resistan nce of the coating..2.12.1 1 Cladded Plate P bond obtaine Bimetallic set with metallurgical m ed by co-lam mination. Figure 7 shows an example e of a bevel for this situation.1 1 When there is access s both by th he substrate e side and by b the coatiing side: the e junction between n coated pla ates shall alw ways be initia ated by the homogeneou h us junction oof substrate.12. being the adhesion ob btained mechhanically. Cutting with w carbon electrode e is n not permitted d.2 T Types of Me etal Coating gs 5. bond obtaine 5. Cutting wiith carbon ellectrode is n not permitted d.2.12. All welding requirem ments for eacch material shall s be conssidered indiviidually. The recom mposition of tthe coating layer shall be made e in at least two t layers.4.2 2 When therre is access only o by the ssubstrate side. such as Schaefffler. 5.4 G General We elding Techn nique 5.3 W Weldability The weldability of th hese materia als shall be evaluated by b applicable e constitutionnal diagrams s. co-e extrusion or w welding by explosion. De Lon ng.g. the mecha anical streng gth of the ssubstrate an nd does not present veery differentt physical characte eristics when n exposed to o operating te emperature (reduction ( of life due to thhermal fatigu ue failure). 5. Above 315 3 °C shall be used only consumable nickel basse. and WR RC diagram ms. among others. L ENGLISH E 07 / 2013 5.12. with prior removal of the coatting in the re egion adjace ent the joint..JOINT J PRE EPARATIO ON OF CO OATED PLATE WITH H ACCESS S ON BOTH H SIDES 5.3 3 Plate with h Lining Bimetallic set without metallurgical bonding .12.12.4. Figure 6 shows s an example e of a bevel for this situ uation. 86 . Subsstrate Co oating FIG GURE 6 . cover c weld orr sewing by e electric resistance. The we elding joints of cladded ferritic micro ostructure or coated "we eld overlay" employing austenitic 09 and fam stainless steel consumables (e e.2 2 Plate with h Coating De eposited by Welding (W Weld Overlay y) Bimetallic set with metallurgical m ed by arc we elding.12.-PUBLIC- N-133 N REV. with sealing welds at the ends. preventing that the weelding of the substrate (base p plate) is carrried out with h contact an nd dilution with w the coatting materiall. -PUBLIC- N-133 N REV..PR REPARATION OF JO OINT FRO OM COATE ED PLATE E WITH ACCESS A ON NLY ON TH HE SUBST TRATE SID DE 86-A . L ENGLISH E 07 / 2013 Subsstrate Co oating FIGUR RE 7 . ® c) cutting disks shall have nylon or fiberglass core for coating plates made of Monel and nickel alloys. in deposits of at least two layers. grinding and cutting operations. or be coated with consumable specified for coating welding. in which the ferrite content shall be within 5 FN and 9 FN.12.5 The Electroslag (ESW) and SAW processes with tape shall be used for coating large areas in fabrication. [Recommended Practice] 5.12. The preparation and cleaning of the substrate shall be to white metal. when there is evidence of failure of coating in equipment that operated with H2S or hydrogen.7 Welding with any process shall be performed with low dilution. The submerged arc welding shall be performed with parameters and fluxes favoring the reduction of dilution. 5.5. the ferrite content shall be determined before it. 5.1 The welding processes applicable to the substrate and coating shall follow the specific guidelines of this Standard for the corresponding material. it shall be checked the need for a dehydrogenation treatment before any intervention by welding.12.4. Preheating. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.12. according to the ASME BPVC Section IX. interpass and PWHT temperatures shall comply with The ferrite content of the weld metal of austenitic stainless steel coating shall be within 3 FN and 9 FN after welding.12.5.4 Slag removal. The welding by GMAW process with spray transfer is not permitted in the first layer due to the high dilution. except for stainless steel 347. being the defects repaired upon previous approval of PETROBRAS. 5.4. with the ESW having advantage due to lower dilution. In case of PWHT. 5. [Recommended Practice] 87 .5 Applicable Welding Processes 5.12.6 and 5.3 The use of GMAW-P process is recommended for its low dilution in large areas when the equipment is already assembled. The surface of the coating shall be protected against spatter adhesion and other projections resulting from welding.12. b) the cutting disks shall be made of aluminum oxide with nylon core. 5.4. 5. [Recommended Practice] 5. cleaning and cutting tools shall meet the following requirements: a) slag removal and cleaning tools shall be made of stainless steel or coated with this material.5.6 The part of the auxiliary device assembly touching or welded into the coating shall be made of material with the same P number.4 It is recommended the use of GTAW and PAW processes on small and medium equipment.12.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. In the case of coating deposited by arc welding (weld overlay).12.9 During maintenance. the sanitation of the substrate shall be verified by non-destructive testing. 5. 5. for coating plates of stainless steel. the consumables listed in Tables 22 or 23 may be adopted.01. additional tests shall be performed to ensure that the silicon content is within specification. depending on the need for PWHT.002 % whenever the material is exposed to temperatures above 480 ºC in fabrication (in PWHT process) or in operation. Schedule J.12. 88 .-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.5 The bismuth content in anticorrosive deposits using austenitic stainless steels by SMAW.6. FCAW-G. 5.12. SAW and ESW processes shall not exceed 0.5. 5.1 The consumable for welding of base-plate shall meet the information contained in this Standard for the corresponding material. 5.6 General Conditions for Consumables 5.12.6 For the welding of Hastelloy® C276 using the SAW process.12.6.5. In the absence of requirements. In this case.12. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. nickel alloys and copper alloys.7 Welding with pure CO2 is not permitted for stainless steels. the consumable shall be acquired according to AWS A5. 5.12. according to API RP 582.2 The consumable for welding of the coating shall meet the required specification of the equipment design.5. 9 304 A5.4 /A5.14 E/ER NiCrMo-4 E/ER NiCrMo-4 Alloy 625 (NiCrMo) A5. For the coating of Cu-Ni alloy. ER NiCr-3 E NiCrFe-2/3. For the remaining layers with consumable AWS E/ER NiCu-7.11/A5.14 E/ER NiCrMo-3 E/ER NiCrMo-3 Cu-Ni (Note 1) A5.11/A5. ER NiCr-3 E/ER 309/309L E/ER 309/309L E/ER 430 E NiCrFe-2/3.11/A5.9 E/ER 309/309L E/ER 309/309L 304L A5.4 /A5.4 /A5.14/ E/ER Ni-1 E/ER Ni-1 Alloy 400 (Ni-Cu) A5. 89 .4 /A5.4 /A5.4 /A5.Weld Overlay . ER NiCr-3 E/ER 309/309L E/ER 309/309L E NiCrFe-2/3.14/A5. ER NiCr-3 Hastelloy C-276 A5.11/A5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.4 /A5.14/A5. the interpass temperature shall not exceed 65 ºC.9 E/ER309L/309Nb E/ER 347 904L A5. ER NiCr-3 E NiCrFe-2/3.9 430 A5.9 E/ER 309LMo E/ER 316L/317L 317L A5.11/A5.11/A5.14/A5.9 410 A5. the final chemical composition of the coating shall meet the indicated composition for the finishing layer. NOTE 2 Regardless of the number of layers (buttering or finishing).7 E/ERCuAl-A2 E/ERCuAl-A2 AWS Classification Buttering layer Finishing layer (see Note 2) (see Note 2) E NiCrFe-2/3. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Table 22 . ER NiCr-3 E NiCrFe-2. the preheating temperature of the first layer using consumable E/ER Ni-1 shall not exceed 175 ºC. the preheating temperature ranges from 150 °C to 250 °C.9 E/ER309LMo/309Mo E/ER 316L/317L 316L A5.11/A5.14 E/ER Ni-1 E/ER Ni-1/ NiCu-7 Bronze aluminum (Note 1) A5.11/A5.4 /A5.Filler Metals for Coating Deposited by Welding .9 E/ER 309LMo E/ER 317L/385 321/347 A5.14/A5. ER NiCr-3 E/ER 309/309L E/ER 309/309L E/ER 410/ 410NiMo NOTE 1 For bronze aluminum.9 E/ER309L E/ER 308L 316/317 A5.11/A5.9 E/ER 309LMo//NiCrMo3 E/ER 385/NiCrMo-3 Duplex A5. except when the welding is heterogeneously performed.4 /A5.4 /A5.14 E NiCrFe-2.6/A5.11/A5. ER NiCr-3 E NiCrFe-2/3.4 /A5.9 E/ER 309LMo E/ER 2595 Alloy 200 (Ni) Carbon Steel or Low Alloy Base-Plate on Equipment with No Need for PWHT SMAW/GTAW/GMAW/SAW/ESW Process Type of the intended coating material AWS Specification 405/410S A5.14/ E/ER Ni-1/ NiCu-7 E/ER NiCu-7 Alloy 600/800 (NiCrFe) A5. regardless the substrate thickness.11/A5.14/A5.2 The minimum preheating and interpass temperature for welding the coating. AWS Classification Buttering layer Finishing layer (see Note 2) (see Note 2) E NiCrFe-2.9 E/ER 309/309L E/ER 308/308L 304L A5. however. ER NiCr-3 E NiCrFe-2.11/A5.12.12.14 E/ER NiCrMo-3 E/ER NiCrMo-3 Cu-Ni - Not applicable Not applicable Bronze aluminum - Not applicable Not Applicable. except as described in Notes 1 and 2 of Tables 22.4 /A5. ER NiCr-3 E NiCrFe-2/3.-PUBLIC- N-133 Table 23 - REV. ER NiCr-3 E NiCrFe-2.9 E/ER 309LMo E/ER 317L 321/347 A5.7.9 E/ER 309L E/ER 308L 316/317 - Not applicable Not applicable 316L A5.11/A5.14/A5.4 /A5.14 E/ER NiCrMo-4 E/ER NiCrMo-4 Alloy 625 (NiCrMo) A5. ER NiCr-3 E/ER 309L E/ER 309L E/ER 410 / 410NiMo (Note 1) E/ER 410 / 410NiMo NOTE 1 It needs minimum preheating of 150 ºC.4 /A5. NOTE 2 Regardless of the number of layers (buttering or finishing). ER NiCr-3 E/ER 309L E/ER 309L E NiCrFe-2.Weld Overlay .4/A5. and Note 1 of Table 23.9 410 A5. ER NiCr-3 E/ER 309L E/ER 309L E/ER 430 E NiCrFe-2.11/ Carbon Steel or Low Alloy Base-Plate on Equipment Requiring PWHT SMAW/GTAW/GMAW/SAW/ESW Process Type of the intended coating material AWS Specification 405/410S A5.9 E/ER 309L/309Nb E/ER 347 904L - Not applicable Not applicable Alloy 200 (Ni) A5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Filler Metals for Coating Deposited by Welding .14/A5.11/A5.7 Preheating and Interpass Temperature 5.9 430 A5.11/A5.4/A5.9 304 A5. shall meet the following guidelines: 90 .7.11/A5.9 E/ER 309LMo E/ER 316L/317L 317L A5. ER NiCr-3 E NiCrFe-2.4/A5.4/A5.14 E NiCrFe-2.14/ E/ER Ni E/ER Ni-1 Alloy 400 (Ni-Cu) A5.4/A5. whenever E/ER 410 or 410NiMo is applied. ER NiCr-3 Hastelloy C-276 A5.1 The minimum preheating and interpass temperature for welding the base-plate in homogeneous or heterogeneous welding shall meet the information contained in this Standard for the corresponding material. the final chemical composition of the coating shall meet the indicated composition for the finishing layer. except when the welding is heterogeneously performed.11/A5. 5.12. it shall only be used in special situations. 5.14/ E/ER Ni-1/ NiCu-7 E/ERNiCu-7 Alloy 600/800 (NiCrFe) A5. the joint shall be prepared for visual inspection and non-destructive testing. c) base-plate made of other materials: indication required by this Standard for heterogeneous welding of the corresponding material of the base-plate. the region adjacent to repairs in the substrate. — other layers: 150 °C.10. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 a) carbon steel and carbon-manganese base-plate with thickness below 30 mm. — other layers: 150 °C. b) base-plate made of other materials: — first layer: indication required by this Standard for heterogeneous welding of the corresponding material of the base-plate. when there is PWHT.12. 5. 5. 5. After welding. 5. 5. 5. b) carbon steel or carbon-manganese base-plate with thickness below 30 mm.10 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection 5.7.10. shall be inspected with ultrasound to check for cracks.1 Before welding of the base plate or substrate. 5.8 Post-heating The post-heating for welding of coating plate is not required. 91 .-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. the welding procedure shall consider the possible deterioration of the coating regarding the corrosion resistance. the need for dehydrogenation treatment shall be assessed.3 The maximum interpass temperature for welding the coating shall not exceed the following: a) carbon steel and carbon-manganese base-plate: — first layer: 175 °C. liquid penetrant testing shall be redone in the regions of welded joints. for any layer: no preheating.12.10. except when this temperature is excessive and is not permitted for the coating material. in accordance with API 510 in the pressure vessel manufactured in P number 3.4 During maintenance.12. The other tests shall comply with requirements of the design code. only for the first coating layer: 100 °C. welded joints shall first be 100 % inspected by liquid penetrant testing and released by radiographic or ultrasonic testing.12.5 Upon completion of the coating.12. before the deposition of the coating. 4 or 5 of ASME BPVC Section V.3 Before deposition of coating on hydrogen-soaked equipment in operation.2 Before welding the coating in equipment. except when this temperature is excessive and is not allowed for the coating material. or the weakening of the interface through PWHT stimulation in test specimens coated and evaluated according to tests from ASTM A 262.9 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) When PHWT of the substrate is required. according to percentage laid down in the design code. it shall be checked if there is no residue of the coating material on the surface of the plate next to the bevel. 5.12. This inspection shall be performed at least 24 hours after completion of the repair in the equipment.12. 1 Introduction 5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.13.4 General Conditions for Consumables The consumables shall follow the instructions in Table 24. 5.5 Ni steel -steel Steel 5 Ni / 9 Ni Steel Austenitic stainless steel - C C C C O C - A - - F C A B - - F C - - H P G 5 Ni / 9 Ni Steel C - - P H G Austenitic stainless steel O F F G G H HK-40/HP - - F1 - - I E E E - - E E E E - - E L L - D D M 405.2 The joint shall be welded with consumable of the same crystal structure and generally of lower alloy content. Preheating and Post-Heating Temperatures for Welding of Dissimilar Joints Type of Material Carbon and carbonmanganese steels Carbonmolybdenum steels Carbonmolybdenum steels 2.3 General Welding Technique The requirements of this standard shall be complied with.2 Base Metal Base metals specified in this Standard and that meet the design specifications of equipment/piping.5 Ni / 3.13.13. or heterogeneously with non-setting material.1. applicable to each of the base metals comprising the dissimilar joint.13. 5.5 Ni / molybdenum.molybdenum 3. 410S and 430 stainless steels 410 Stainless Steel 200/201 Nickel 92 . 5.13 Dissimilar Welding 5.13.1. Table 24 .Consumables. observing the physical-chemical properties of the material.5 Ni Steel Carbon steel and carbonmanganese Carbonchrome2.1 Dissimilar joints are those in which the parts joined by welding with different chemical composition. 5. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5.13. 5 Steel Ni/ Ni 3.5 405.5 Ni / 3. 410S and 430 stainless steels 410 Stainless Steel stainless 93 .5 Ni Steel 5 Ni / 9 Ni Steel Austenitic stainless steel Monel N N - N N D Incoloy 800/800HT D D1 D1 D D D Copper Q Q Q - - Q Copper-nickel T - - - - T Bronze aluminum R R R - - S Duplex stainless steel U - - - - U Type of Material HK40/HP 405. Preheating and Post-Heating Temperatures for Welding of Dissimilar Joints (Continued) Type of Material Carbon steel and carbonmanganese Carbonmolybdenumsteel chromemolybdenu m-steel 2. 410S and 430 stainless steels 410 Stainless Steel 200/201 Nickel Monel Incoloy 800/800HT - E E L N D - E E L N D1 F1 E E - - D1 - - - D N D 5 Ni/ 9 Ni Steel - - D N D Austenitic stainless steel I E E M D D HK-40/HP - - - - - D - - J M D2 D2 - J - M D2 D2 200/201 Nickel - M M - N M Monel - D2 D2 N - D Incoloy 800/800HT D D2 D2 M D - Copper - - - Q Q - Copper-nickel - - - T T - Bronze aluminum - - - T T - Duplex steel - - - - - - Carbon and carbonmanganese steels Carbonmolybdenum steels Carbonmolybdenum steels 2.-PUBLIC- N-133 Table 24 - REV. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Consumables. ENiCrFe-3. ERNiCr-3. E As indication for heterogeneous welding of ferritic and martensitic stainless steel.14.7 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) It shall be performed as indicated in the design standard.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.13. U Use consumable E or ER 309/309L/309MoL. also accepting consumables with specifications: AWS A5. Consumable with specification AWS A5. depending on thickness). Preheating. Option: E/ERCuAl-A2 or ERCuNi. C Consumable according to indication for carbon steel (example: basic electrode AWS E7018 or E7018-1). interpass temperature and post-heating according to indication for welding of stainless steel. and heterogeneous welding may be generally accepted. I As indication for the stainless steel with higher carbon content. ENiCrFe-2.14 ERNiCr-3. S Use consumable for welding of pure nickel AWS E/ER-1 Ni or bronze aluminum E/ERCuAlA2. interpass temperature and post-heating for chrome-molybdenum steel with higher chrome content. B Consumable according to indication for chrome-molybdenum steel with lower chrome content. In the case of base material 316(L) and 317(L) . 94 . D As indication for nickel alloys. preheating from 150 ºC to 260 ºC. Preheating. R Use consumable for welding of pure nickel AWS E/ER-1 Ni or bronze aluminum E/ERCuAlA2. ® N As indication for Monel . T Use consumable for welding of pure nickel AWS E/ERNi-1. Consumable with specification AWS A5. P As indication for welding of 5 Ni / 9 Ni nickel steel. and AWS A5.use consumable E or ER 309MoL. H As indication for any of the two base metals.11 ENiCrFe-2 and AWS A5. 5. ENiCrFe-3. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Where: A Consumable according to indication for carbon-molybdenum steel.6 Post-heating Post-heating shall meet the indications in Table 24. 5.13. Q Use consumable for welding of pure nickel AWS E/ER Ni-1.13.11 ENiCrFe-2 and AWS A5. Option: E/ERCuAl-A2 or ERCuNi. 5. and preheating shall not exceed 100 ºC. with previous buttering of copper and preheating of 220 ºC or above (220 ºC-530 ºC.5 Preheating and Interpass Temperature Preheating and interpass temperature shall meet the indications in Table 24. F1 As indication for heterogeneous welding of chrome-molybdenum steel using nickel alloy compatible with the operating temperature.11. interpass temperature and post-heating according to indication for alloy steel. consumable with specification AWS A5. ERNiCr-3. and preheating shall not exceed 65 ºC.14. F As indication for heterogeneous welding of chrome-molybdenum steel. ERNiCr-3. and AWS A5. M As indication for 200 or 201 Nickel. J As indication for 410 stainless steel.11 ENiCrFe-2. interpass temperature and post-heating according to indication for chrome-molybdenum steel. D2 As indication for heterogeneous welding of ferritic and martensitic stainless steel. L As indication for 200/201 Nickel. G As indication for heterogeneous welding of nickel steel. Preheating. O Consumable according to indication for heterogeneous welding of chrome-molybdenum steel.14. D1 As indication for heterogeneous welding of chrome-molybdenum steel. Preheating. preheating shall not exceed 65 ºC. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. the joint shall be 100% inspected with liquid penetrant. 95 .8.13.8 Supplementary Requirements for Inspection 5.1 The requirements of this Standard shall be followed.13.2 Upon completion of welding. observing the physical-chemical properties of the material. applicable to each base metal comprising the dissimilar joint. 5.13.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.8. 2. Ac Re 50 0 1 50 1 2 80 1 2 80 2 3 125 2 3 125 5 6 200 5 6 200 8 9 315 8 9 315 14 15 500 14 15 315 14 15 T.Normal Inspection of Consumer’s Risk 5 % and 10 % Lot size up to 500 501 to 1 200 1 201 to 3 200 3 201 to 10 000 10 001 to 35 000 35 001 to 150 000 Lot size up to 500 501 to 1 200 1 201 to 3 200 3 201 to 10 000 10 001 to 35 000 35 001 to 150 000 QL = 2.5 T.2. general inspection level II. Ac Re 80 0 1 50 0 1 80 0 1 80 1 2 125 1 2 125 3 4 200 3 4 200 7 8 315 7 8 315 12 13 500 12 13 500 21 22 T. The following characteristics shall be considered: a) b) c) d) e) normal inspection.0 QL = 6. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Annex A . Ac Re 80 0 1 80 0 1 125 1 2 200 2 3 315 5 6 500 8 9 Consumer's risk = 10 % QL = 4. carbon steel: QL=6.A.5 %.1 Sampling shall be performed in accordance with the ABNT NBR 5425.0 QL = 6. A.2.A. 96 .A.5 T. Ac Re T. Ac Re 125 0 1 125 0 1 125 0 1 200 1 2 315 3 4 500 7 8 Consumer's risk = 5 % QL = 4. determining the sample size and acceptance and rejection limits. NBR 5426 and NBR 5427. 50 80 125 200 315 315 QL = 10 Ac 1 3 7 12 21 21 Re 2 4 8 13 22 22 QL = 2.A.A.2 Sampling A.Simple Sampling Plan .5 T.2. other consumables: QL= 4 %.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. in a simplified way. 50 80 125 200 200 200 QL = 10 Ac 2 5 8 14 14 14 Re 3 6 9 15 15 15 A. in the inspection of electrodes based on threshold of quality for consumer’s protection.1. consumer's risk = 5 %.4 Only consider for sampling electrodes from the same run. consumer's risk = 10 %.1 Objective Provide a script for implementation of sampling.A.A. A.Instructions for Sampling Inspection on Receipt of Consumables A. simple sampling plan.A.3 The sample sizes and acceptance and rejection criteria shall be obtained in Table A.1 .2 The unit for lot and sample size is considered as a number of electrodes. Simple Sampling and General Inspection Level II. Ac Re T. considering Normal Inspection.5 T. A. Table A. A. c) rejection number (Re) = 9.3.5 Perform sampling by opening at least one package at each ten received.).A.3.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.5. A. it is concluded that: a) sample size = 200.corresponding to approximately 10 000 electrodes. b) acceptance number (Ac) = 8.5 (for carbon steel). — inspection level II. — consumer's risk = 10% (for carbon steel).1). c) sampling characteristics: — simple sampling plan.25 mm of diameter. the acceptance number (Ac) and rejection number (Re). randomly. 97 . A3. obtain the sample size (T. — QL = 6. according to Table A.4 Since the consumer's risk is 10 % and QL = 6.1 Determine the number of electrodes received in the lot (just estimate it by range.3. b) lot size: 500 kg . NOTE See this example of application in Figure A.2.3 Example: a) carbon steel electrodes AWS E7018 with 3.1. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 A.2 According to the consumer’s risk and the maximum allowable percentage of defective items in the lot (QL). and collect the sample equally shared from the opened packages.3 Guide For Determination of Sample Size and Acceptance and Rejection Limits A. — normal inspection. A.1. entering in Table A. . laboratories with standards traced by the Rede Brasileira de Calibração (RBC) or laboratories with its measurement system nationally or internationally recognized may be used. for fabrication and maintenance of equipment and piping. B. supplementing the contract reference standard or technical specification. 99 . castings. thicknesses of material or layer.2 The hardness standard block shall have calibration certificate and. registered in union council.1.Hardness Measurement Test [Recommended Practice] B.1. and hardness measurement of welds in field. For portable measurement system. When there is no accredited laboratory for magnitudes to be calibrated. heat affected zone and on the base metal.1.2.1 Objective B. an alternative hardness method compatible with the situation shall be applied and the conversion shall be performed.1. Its results shall be consistent with the reference standard. except for hardness standard block.5 Conventional hardness measurement of plates. B. shall be periodically calibrated according to Supplier’s Quality System.2. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 Annex B . forgings.1.1 The hardness measurement test in laboratory shall be performed by a laboratory technician duly trained.1.1. B.3 When the design. this frequency shall not exceed 24 months.1 The measurement system. once kept in good preservation conditions.4 The requirements of this Annex shall be met.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.2.2. B. B. regardless of the frequency established.1 This Annex establishes the requirements for performance of hardness measurement test in qualification of welding procedure and production tests in laboratory.2 General Conditions B. NOTE 1 Calibration certificates are issued by accredited laboratories according to ABNT NBR ISO IEC 17025:2005.1 Calibration of Bench and Portable Measurement System B. pipes. the welding procedure qualification shall be complemented by this test at the weld zone. or small size of part. When it is not possible to apply the specified method due to. B.2 This Annex does not define the evaluation of deviations regarding the hardness acceptance criteria defined by design. construction and assembly standards. fabrication. for example.2. according to ASTM E 140. it does not require frequent calibration.2. fabrication or assembly standard requires a hardness testing. B.2 Personnel Qualification B. NOTE 2 Any repair or maintenance in the measurement system implies the necessity of a new calibration. studs and piping accessories shall be performed as per specific ASTM standards and other internationally recognized standards. Maintenance and Inspection Engineers or Technicians.2. identification of test specimen. heat affected zone and in base metal. as per ABNT NBR 14842.2.1. b) numerical identification and procedure revision. the qualification of welding procedure and production test in laboratory shall be supplemented by this test. c) objective. by international entities that meet the requirements of ISO IEC 17024. — Welding Engineer. identification of corresponding welding procedure. qualified and certified according to Sistema Nacional de Qualificação e Certificação de Inspetores de Soldagem (SNQC – IS). or contract documentation requires a hardness test. — Construction and Assembly.3. and its results shall be compatible with the reference standard. numerical identification and procedure revision. including serial number.2.1 Hardness measurement procedure shall be submitted to PETROBRAS for approval. professionals shall be qualified and certified according to the main applicable standard. k) identification of durometer.2.2. d) personnel qualification requirements.3 For services performed abroad.1 Measurement Procedure B. performed in weld zone. B. registered in union councils. being required the previous approval of PETROBRAS in this case. B. Metallurgy or Mechanical Engineers. B. Technologists or Technicians. from PETROBRAS. fabrication.2 Hardness measurement test in field shall be performed by: — Welding Inspectors.3. B.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.2 Hardness measurement procedure shall contain at least the following items: a) name of issuer (department of PETROBRAS or executing firm). g) identification of test specimen. B.2. l) calibration certificate of durometer and used standard block.3. specification of base metals and welding consumables. o) identification and signature of responsible technician. or assembly standard. p) report form for presentation of results.2.2 Test Reports The test report on hardness measurement in laboratory shall contain at least the following items: a) b) c) d) e) test executing entity (PETROBRAS or laboratory from executing firm).1. f) hardness method to be used. 100 . h) specification of base and weld metal. m) preparation technique and condition of surface to be tested. — Welding. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 B.3.2. i) identification of corresponding welding procedure.3 Hardness Measurement in Laboratory When the design.2. n) reference standards and/or values for performance and interpretation of results. e) method and frequency of durometer calibration. j) drawing of welded joint with measurement points. including load used. as per Figures B.3 The hardness profile shall be obtained by measuring the cross section. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 f) drawing of test specimen and hardness profile points. B. o) report indicating acceptance.2. k) instrument (manufacturer. As an option for V bevel. the hardness profile may be obtained on surface.2. the test specimen for macrography shall comply with ASTM E 340 and Figures B.3.2 A bench durometer with 5 kgf or 10 kgf load shall be used.2.4 Objective evidences of hardness measurement in welding procedure qualification shall be kept so as to enable their evidence to PETROBRAS. Finishing of surfaces requires a minimum preparation until 220 grit sandpaper.3. rejection or recommendation of supplementary test. h) temperature of the part: i) hardness method.3. followed by etching of joint. m) calibration certificate of durometer and used standard block. p) date.4. with the duly preparation of the face representing the surface of equipment to be tested.3.4 Hardness Measurement in Welding Procedure Qualification B.4. B. 101 . j) hardness profile measurement system (manual or using attachment system).3 The laboratory test specimen may be used to validate the hardness measurement procedure in field. r) record of results. B.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. in this case.1 In welding procedure qualification. the test specimen shall be machined in upper and lower faces for macrography.4.2. as per ASTM E 340 and Figures B.3 and B.5 mm of surface from welded joint. observing what is established in design standard.3.2. and serial number). B. NOTE Figure B. l) frequency of calibration of instruments. B.1 and B.2.4.2. model.3. and comply with ASTM E 384 or equivalent internationally recognized standard.1 For hardness measurement in cross section. followed by etching of joint. so as to reveal the HAZ region.3.1 is the only option for obtaining hardness profile in Double V bevel. n) reference standards and/or values for performance and interpretation of results. The finishing in cross section requires a minimum preparation until 220 grit sandpaper.4.3 Test Specimen for Welding Procedure Qualification B. g) condition of tested surface and preparation technique. B.1 or B. the hardness measurement method shall be “Vickers”. so that the HAZ region is revealed.2 For hardness measurement on surface.2. q) identification and signature of responsible technician. and B.3. B.3. with maximum removal of 0.3. as per Figures B.2.3.3. -PUBLIC- N-133 REV. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 B. For hardness measurement in welding procedure qualification in plate with coating deposited by welding (Weld Overlay), hardness measurement points shall comply with Figure B.5. Surface as welded 2 Weld line HAZ 0,5 0,5 2 NOTE Dimensions in millimeters. Figure B.5 - Hardness Measurement Points in Profile of Plate with Coating Deposited by Welding (Weld Overlay) B.2.4 Hardness Measurement in Field When the design, fabrication or assembly standard requires a hardness testing, the welding procedure qualification shall be complemented by this test at the weld zone, heat affected zone and on the base metal. Its results shall be consistent with the reference standard. B.2.4.1 Measurement Procedure B. Hardness measurement procedure shall be submitted to PETROBRAS for approval. B. Hardness measurement procedure shall contain at least the following items: a) name of issuer (department of PETROBRAS or executing firm); b) numerical identification and procedure revision; c) objective; d) personnel qualification requirements; e) method and frequency of durometer calibration; f) hardness method to be used; g) drawing with location of measurement points in welded joint; h) identification of durometer, including serial number; i) calibration certificate of durometer and used standard blocks; j) preparation technique and condition of surface to be tested; k) maximum temperature of the part: l) reference standards and/or values for performance and interpretation of results; m) identification and signature of responsible technician; n) report form for presentation of results. 104 3 Suitability of Field Portable Instruments B. and serial number). including load used. as per ASTM E 384. it is deemed as suitable an instrument presenting a range of individual measurements from .2 % to + 5 %. q) identification and signature of responsible technician.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. with load of 5 kgf. so as the HAZ region is revealed. k) instrument (manufacturer. the use of standard block is not permitted. using the hardness measurement points according to Figure 6.3. For equipment items subject to wet H2S service.3. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 B. o) report indicating acceptance.3. according to A. duly calibrated in expected measurement range. g) condition of tested surface and preparation technique. before a PETROBRAS’ representative. e) identification of welded joint in equipment. according to ASTM A 1038. m) calibration certificate of durometer and used standard block. followed by etching of joint. the suitability of portable instrument shall be shown in laboratory through comparisons between hardness measurements obtained by the portable instrument and those from bench instrument.4.6.2 Test Reports The test report on hardness measurement test shall contain at least the following items: a) test executing entity (PETROBRAS or executing firm). B.2.5 Hardness measurements performed on surface with portable instrument shall be compared with those obtained with bench instrument in adjacent positions.3.4. 105 .2 Portable instruments based on “Leeb” (rebound) method.4. B.2.4. n) reference standards and/or values for performance and interpretation of results. and “Poldi” or “Telebrineller” type instruments may not be used for hardness measurement in welded joint. Such demonstration shall be performed on surface of a welded joint.3 At PETROBRAS’ criterion. For equipment items in general. with load of 5 kgf. p) date. B. B. h) temperature of the part: i) hardness method.3.2. l) frequency of calibration of instruments.6 The comparison results shall be previously submitted to PETROBRAS for approval.2. model. j) hardness profile measurement system (manual or using attachment system).5 mm away.4.2. a portable instrument with ultrasonic contact impedance (UCI) shall be used.3.2.4 % to + 10 %. c) identification of corresponding welding procedure. the acceptable range of individual measurements is from . 0. B.3. r) record of results. as per Figure B. Therefore. NOTE Any test specimen prepared for welding procedure qualification may be used. b) numerical identification and procedure revision.1 In hardness measurement in field. rejection or recommendation of supplementary test.4.2.4 Finishing of surfaces requires a minimum preparation until 220 grit sandpaper. d) specification of base and weld metals. f) drawing of test specimen and hardness profile points. B. Figure B. the measurement may be performed by the opposite side.2.Surface Preparation for Hardness Measurement in Weld 106 . If the access is impractical.5 N-133 Dimensions in millimeters.4 Surface Preparation B.-PUBLIC- 2 ENGLISH 2 0. with maximum inclination angle of 30 º. NOTE A transition between the removed area and the stiffener shall be performed.2.4. sanding the surface on an area of 50 mm wide by 20 mm long for each side of welded joint.1 Hardness measurement shall be performed.4. on the surface in contact with the process fluid.2 The leveling of work surface shall be performed by removing the face or weld root stiffener. HAZ. Figure B. such as in vessels or pipes with small diameter. B. as per Figure B.4. L Measurement Points in Welded Joint Surface (Weld Metal. and Base Metal) for Validation of Portable Durometer B. 50 20 20 Area to be leveled up to 220 sandpaper NOTE Dimensions in millimeters.7 .6 .5 Weld metal 07 / 2013 Base metal HA HA Z Base metal Z NOTE REV. whenever possible. 4. as per ASTM E 340.4. followed by etching of joint.2.2.4. B. One additional measurement shall be performed in the center of welded joint.5 The test extension shall comply with the design. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 B.2.5.2.B.4.5 mm of base metal.4.5 Hardness Measurement Test Performance B.2. Figure B. Additional point in the weld center 2 2 2 Base metal HA Z Base metal 2 Dimensions in millimeters.2.3 The sanding depth shall not exceed 0.3. B. B.4.1 When measuring hardness on welded joints in field.4 Finishing of surfaces requires a minimum preparation until 220 grit sandpaper. HAZs and weld metal.2.4 Hardness profile shall be obtained from measurement at every 0.2 The portable instrument adjustment shall be performed in the beginning of calibrations and every 4 hours of continuous operation.5.2.5 mm.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV. B. so as the HAZ region is revealed.Hardness Measurement Points on Welded Joint Surface 107 .5.5.5 Weld metal Z HA NOTE 0.8. B. as per Figure B. except when the geometry of welded joint does not allow it.4.8 .5. fabrication or assembly standard.3 A device for attachment and displacement of the portable instrument (example: magnetic base) shall be used. using the attachment device of portable instrument on a flat and leveled base. it shall be ensured that the portable instrument used is adjusted in hardness standard blocks with hardness values close to the minimum and maximum values expected before starting the operations. L ENGLISH INDEX OF REVISIONS REV. K Affected Parts All Description of Alteration Revised REV. E. C.2.2.2. D. J Affected Parts Description of Alteration 1.5.2 Revised 5. F.8. A. G and H There is no index of revisions. L Affected Parts All Description of Alteration Revised IR 1/1 07 / 2013 .2.2.-PÚBLIC- N-133 REV. Revised 5.2 Revised 2 Revised 4 Revised and Renumbered 5.2 Revised REV. B. REV.1 Revised 5.3 Revised 5. 6 Preheating and Interpass Temperature The preheating and interpass temperatures shall be in accordance with Table 7. when the average impact values are at least 22 J (16 ft-lbs) with no value below 15 J (11 ft-lbs). when not prohibited by the design or fabrication and assembly standard of equipment.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.Consumables for Heterogeneous Welding of Molybdenum and ChromiumMolybdenum Steels Operating conditions Environment Temperature Maximum temperature of application (°C) ≤ 315 GTAW SMAW > 315 (preferred) GTAW SMAW > 315 GTAW SMAW No significant Cyclic or ENiCrFe-3 ENiCrFe-3 presence of ERNiCr-3 ERNiCr-3 ENiCrFe-2 ERNiCr-3 not ENiCrFe-2 (Note) sulfur No significant E309-XX ER309 presence of Non-cyclic E309MoER309Mo sulfur XX NOTE Maximum temperature of ENiCrFe-3 is 480 °C. the following minimum impact requirements shall be met: — average of 34 J (25 ft-lbs) with no value below 22 J (16 ft-lbs) at 20°C (70°F) after PWHT for at least 2 hours for all processes. NOTE Other requirements of the design specifications and applicable standards to fabrication of the equipment shall also be specified and complied with in the request of welding consumables such as. consumables shall be specified as established. The GMAW process is not permitted. 5. simulated PWHT for Charpy testing. except for GMAW process. 43 . The FCAW process shall not be used in pipes and equipment subject to pressure. Table 6 .3. for instance. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 f) for 9Cr-1mo-V-Nb steel (Gr 91). g) in case of heterogeneous welding. it may be used in non-pressurized equipment if approved in advance by PETROBRAS. However. according to API TR 938-B. considering the SMAW and GTAW welding processes and operating conditions as shown in Table 6. Substrate Coating Figure 6 . The removal of the coating shall be performed by grinding or machining. including for buttering.12. as in the case of pipes and vessels of small diameter: the full bevel shall be filled using filler metal that meets the corrosion resistance of the coating and the mechanical strength of the substrate. The full removal of the coating shall be checked with a supersaturated solution of copper sulphate. 5. The recomposition of the coating layer shall be made in at least two layers.12.2 Types of Metal Coatings 5.12. Substrate Coating Figure 7 .12. De Long.12.4.12. 5.2. preventing that the welding of the substrate (base plate) is carried out with contact and dilution with the coating material. with sealing welds at the ends. Cutting with carbon electrode is not permitted. 5. Figure 6 shows an example of a bevel for this situation. such as Schaeffler. Cutting with carbon electrode is not permitted.4.12.3 Weldability The weldability of these materials shall be evaluated by applicable constitutional diagrams.4 General Welding Technique 5.-PUBLIC- N-133 REV.1 When there is access both by the substrate side and by the coating side: the junction between coated plates shall always be initiated by the homogeneous junction of substrate. being the adhesion obtained mechanically. 5.12. All welding requirements for each material shall be considered individually.2.Joint Preparation of Coated Plate with Access on Both Sides 5.3 Plate with Lining Bimetallic set without metallurgical bonding.2.Preparation of Joint from Coated Plate with Access Only on the Substrate Side 86 . The preparation of the bevel shall be performed by grinding or machining. among others.1 Cladded Plate Bimetallic set with metallurgical bond obtained by co-lamination. L ENGLISH 07 / 2013 5. and WRC diagrams. cover weld or sewing by electric resistance.2 Plate with Coating Deposited by Welding (Weld Overlay) Bimetallic set with metallurgical bond obtained by arc welding. with prior removal of the coating in the region adjacent the joint. Figure 7 shows an example of a bevel for this situation. co-extrusion or welding by explosion.2 When there is access only by the substrate side.
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