NFE Products Manual

May 26, 2018 | Author: kalandrak | Category: Battery Charger, Battery (Electricity), Booting, Usb, Clock



NFE​ Team Products Manualnfe​ 11/28/2017 edition Power Bank 9 4. Profiles 7 4. Screen Menu 11 6. Extended Error Codes 16 8.3.5. Credits 17 8.1.2. ​NFE ​Team Content: 1.1. Advanced settings 13 7. Smart Mode 8 4. Main Menu 11 6. Technical limitations 3 2. Preheat 7 4. Limitation of the battery charging current 15 Special Thanks 17 8. Lazy mode 8 Main ArcticFox differences 2 1.2.2. NToolbox 10 6. Installing 5 4. Donations 17 1 .4.4. Settings Menu​ 12 6.2. Supported devices 4 2. Roll back 16 7.1.6. Solving Common Problems 15 7.3. Skins 8 4. BVO 15 7. Description of the main features 7 4. Profile Menu​ 11 6. Clock 9 4. Stealth Mode 9 5. Restore in the Safe Mode 15 7. PI Regulator 8 4.1. Hardware version failure 16 7. Version compatibility 4 3.1.3. Introduction 2 Temperature Control 7 4.3.1. ArcticFox 11 6.2.2. ● Custom profile modes: ○ VW — variable wattage mode. Eleaf. including. ​NFE ​Team 1. 2 . ArcticFox ​— third-party firmware by NFE Team for Joyetech.1 A). Wismec and co-branded devices. ● PI Regulator. ● Smart mode — automatic profile switching by resistance. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the firmware is with you. ● Power Bank — use your device as a power source (limited to 2. but without any warranty.1. It is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. ● The main screen skins with customizable output in infolines. ● NFirmwareEditor ​— program for editing and updating firmware. ● Preheat.05 — 3. The set includes: ● NToolbox ​— program for monitoring. ● 8 fully customizable profiles. Main ArcticFox differences ● Atomizer resistance: 0. This is leads to the combustion of several chips that are responsible for screen power and the drivers of transistors output DC-DC converter and charging module. Introduction REMOVING BATTERY WHILE CHARGING ⚠ Never remove battery and even open slip-cover when device is charging or connected to a computer. editing and firmware updates. ○ TFR — temperature control mode by predetermined temperature curve. DISCLAIMER The firmware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. updating and customizing ArcticFox firmware. ● Clock. ○ TCR — temperature control mode by predetermined temperature coefficient. but not limited to.5 Ω. either expressed or implied. the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. NFE Tools — utilities set for flexible configuration. ● Custom button actions and their shortcuts. ● Custom timeouts for events and screen fading. 1. an atomizer is supplied with constant or predetermined by preheat power. ● Adjustable battery discharge curves. 3 . ● Output voltage range (depending on the device).2.1 A. "Depending on the device" means that each device has its own values. You can find this values on the product page of your manufacturer's website. which are chosen by the manufacturer. ● Output power (depending on the device). ● Maximum output current (depending on the device).05 Ω. ​NFE ​Team 1. ● Maximum output current in Power Bank mode is 2. Technical limitations ● Minimal atomizer resistance 0. ● Maximum charging current (depending on the device). 4 . ● Product name​ – ArcticFox or NFE Tools. where ● PXX ​— P means protocol and XX means version of the protocol. eg: 170822. ​NFE ​Team 2.0 iStick TC100W Reuleaux RX300 eVic Primo Mini iStick TC200W Predator 228 eVic Primo SE iStick QC 200W Sinuous P80 Cuboid Mini iStick Tria Presa TC75W Cuboid iKonn 220 Presa TC100W Cuboid 200 Invoke eGrip II eGrip II Light 2. Supported devices Joyetech: Eleaf: Wismec: Co-branding: eVic VTC Mini Aster Reuleaux RX75 VF Lite eVic VTC Dual iStick Pico 75W Reuleaux RX mini VF Stout eVic VTwo Mini iStick Pico 25 Reuleaux RX200 VF Classic eVic VTwo iStick Pico Mega 80W Reuleaux RX200S BV Centurion eVic AIO iStick Pico Dual Reuleaux RX2/3 La Petite Box eVic Basic iStick Pico RDTA Reuleaux RX GEN3 VS Switchbox eVic Primo iStick iPower 80W Reuleaux RX2 20700 eVic Primo 2. eg: P10. Version compatibility NFE Tools and ArcticFox are related products. The latest builds of NFE Tools and ArcticFox publishing on the forum with name of the [PXX] {Product name} {Version}​.1. ● Version​ ​– YYMMDD. Version compatibility is determined by the same version of the protocol. but can be published separately. from suitable section on the official forum: ● ArcticFox ● NFE Tools NFE Tools system requirements: ● Windows XP or higher.exe. Connect your device to the PC via USB cable. Installing Download latest versions of ArcticFox firmware and NFE Tools. Launch NToolbox. ● . Firmware Updater dialog will appear. In opened window choose «Firmware Updater»: 4. 2.NET Framework 4. Installing: The installation process is very simple and does not require special knowledge or skills. you should click on the big button «Update from file»: 5 . Unpack archive with NFE Tools. 1. ​NFE ​Team 3. 3.0 or higher. Firmware installation process will be started immediately: 7. that you've downloaded earlier: 6.) 6 . Choose ArcticFox firmware .​NFE ​Team 5. After a few seconds you will see notification that firmware was successfully installed: 8.bin file. You are done! Good job . set the TCR or import TFR graph. ● Press 3 times (by default) to select the desired profile. 2. enter the profile selection mode and hold down + (for eVic VTC/VTwo you can reassign shortcut in NToolbox). If the regular resistance is displayed on main screen. Can be set as a time and preinstalled power or percentage of power. resistance. which can also be downloaded as CSV files from ​steam-engine. 2. if this is not available. and by or .this means that the delay of the preheat is currently activated.working with the disconnected temperature control (normal variable wattage mode). Set the resistance block to a buttons shortcut in​. screw the room temperature (20 °C) atomizer and block the resistance. Preheat delay — used for intensive coil heating at the first puff. Also available is a more advanced setting: a graph of power versus time. To reset. toggle the lock. Note: TCR coefficient for SS is changed from 120 to 92. the DNA-style. Ni. power and temperature values. Profile is the set of parameters of used atomizer.standard Joyetech materials. ​NFE ​Team 4. activate the editing mode of main screen (4 clicks by default). which will cause for a forced resistance override (or reset. After this.1. Profiles The main difference is the profile based user interface. 7 .2. SS. 4. Enabled preheat is warned by the letter "P". The next power increase will happens after the set time. Temperature control mode works in the same way as in the Joyetech firmware: you need to select the material of the coil. 4.1. Used for faster heating of tricky coils. You can reset or edit the saved profile resistance by two ways: 1. Temperature Control There are 13 spiral materials: VW . and the larger focus on customization than original Joyetech firmware. TCR . Open Main Menu → Profile settings → Coil and edit manually. There are two ways to block resistance: 1. Description of the main features 4. select resistance by button. To edit the active profile: ● Hold + to access the main menu and press .1.1. or hold down button. and 8 preset TFR materials. if no atomizer is installed). Preheat Preheat ​— increasing supplied power to atomizer for the first seconds. so to say. such as coil material. if the indicator is flashing . Ti. The user have 8 profiles which can be edited with NFE Toolbox. and which can be assigned to his favourite atomizers. Edit selected item by pressing / buttons. ● I​ — integral constant. When you switching manually to profile that have saved resistance mismatch. the larger it is. 20% for example . To edit infolines on the main screen. 4. Lazy mode Profile switching happens only when atomizer is changed and only when device is active. you'll be prompted to select a new profile or re-assign existing. Note: to reset vape counter.3. Smart Mode Profiles can be switched automatically. call the «edit main screen» action (4 clicks by default). you'll be prompted to update or keep settings of selected profile. For example. as their description will take a few more pages. In a simplified sense PI controller has the following settings: ● Range ​— temperature range when PI regulation becomes active. PI Regulator To improve power and temperature stabilization in temperature control mode. the profile will not be switched automatically. You can also prepare profile using NToolbox.3.1. because they quickly losing their temperature. If resistance of installed atomizer is not found in profiles. ​NFE ​Team 4. For smaller screen you can set the font thickness for infolines. Classic and Circle. based on saved coil resistance. Skins There are 3 main screen skins in firmware: Foxy. If you change atomizer while device was in deep sleep or loaded a configuration from NToolbox. 4. 0 means that regulator is always on and controls power distribution from start of puff. Main screen can be also set up in NToolbox. Detailed principles of working can be found in ​Google​ or on our ​forum​. unlike more heavy coils. 4. and in manual mode. ● Р — proportional constant. All you need to use the automatic switch is to enable "Smart" mode. the firmware implemented an actual PI controller.1. the larger it is. the sharper the power changed. assigned profile will be activated automatically. 8 . When you re-install this atomizer later. on a simple coil better to increase this value.2. the settled power distribution is smoother.PI regulator turns on when temperature of coil reached 20% range from profile settings. To exit edit mode hold button for about 1 second. choose counter in infoline and hold + . install atomizer and assign them to the desired profile. Editing the main screen differs from the original Joyetech firmware. Single click switch to the next editing item.2. 1 A. however they can be enabled in the «Stealth» section of the screen settings or in a ​similar section​ in NToolbox. Power Bank mode has auto-off feature when current drain is not exceed 50 mA (indicated by blinking label «On»). which may indicate a hardware problem or the absence of a quartz resonator on your device board. while the battery is discharged by about 0. eVic AIO. LSL — Light Sleep Mode. put RC adapter on box. Pico RDTA. However. To do this.25 V. disconnect USB and restart your mod. Selection of the optimum value is possible only by trial and error. Clock Firmware supports time counting with hardware and without hardware support. Sinuous P80) in stealth mode. you can enable the time synchronization between device and PC. For each device. press button.1-0. Provides charging devices with a voltage of 5 volts (can be changed to 5. Press to turn the screen on. the clock does not affect to the power consumption. leave device for 30 minutes. To start charging. it is possible to assort an averaged frequency (LIRC Speed) in Settings → Clock. Power Bank Support for ​Avatar RC adapter and similar. The activated LSL mode is warned with by «!» right of battery indicator or by the letter «L» in the Foxy skin. then you don’t need to assort the frequency. Assorting method: lower value by 100. 9 . When you turn off the device goes to sleep. you can turn on the LSL mode. but it will not guarantee accurate clock movement. screen will be turned off again. With any other settings. Screen is turned off in Stealth Mode by default. which are prone to burnout. ​NFE ​Team 4. Activated by holding shortcut + (by default. see § ​ 6. press .4. stealth mode doesn’t display the charging screen and screensaver by default.4. the mode will automatically switch to LIRC/LSL. To exit Power Bank mode press and hold button or regulatory / buttons simultaneously. For holding button (puff) or at the end of the screen timeout. Note: backlight is off in devices with separate LED indicators (eGrip II/Light. Also. The central processor remains. To minimize risk of pixels burnout.1.​) and current up to 2. which ensures accurate clock movement. Also. but not completely. 4. Note: after switching the RTC mode. you need to right-click on the NToolbox icon in the tray (near the clock) and tick «Synchronize time when device is connected». compare the time. there is a Stealth Mode. For more convenient use. To stop charging. The clock can work in three modes of time counting: LXT ​— RTC mode for devices with built-in 32768 Hz quartz resonator. If the RTC module fails to start in LXT mode.5.2 volts per day on single-battery devices. after. connect device and press button. the value will be unique. Time will be controlled by an internal LIRC oscillator in deep sleep mode. 4. remove battery for about 30 seconds.6. Stealth Mode Supported devices are using LED displays. To turn off the screen while charging. LIRC ​— default RTC mode for devices without quartz resonator. Time will be inaccurate due to the oscillator high noise. can be reassigned in NToolbox). Allows you to record sensors and save them as .csv tables. Some settings are available only in NToolbox. ​NFE ​Team 5. 3. creates screenshots 4. NToolbox NToolbox ​— the utility included with NFE Tools. allows you to reset and write Dataflash. Provides huge opportunities to configure and monitor device from the computer. ArcticFox Configuration — a configurator that allows you to fully set up your device from a computer. Device Monitor — tracking of all device sensors in real time. Also shows the software and hardware version. Firmware Updater — used to update the device software. An example of the NToolbox main window. as well as reset settings or save their backup in configuration file. It is divided into 4 main components: 1. Screenshooter ​— broadcasts a device screen to a computer. 2. 10 . ● TCR ​— value can be edited when selected Joyetech TC algorithm with custom TCR.1. temperature control or not (VW). Dom ​— temperature-dominant regulation style. ● Clock 11 . Hold + or + to return to the previous menu.3. ​NFE ​Team 6. Profile Menu​ ​ ● Wire ​— coil material.2. ● Logo ​— showing custom logo on main screen. improves power and temperature stabilization. use preheat or power curve. Provides a wide range of different settings: 6. ● Preheat ​— power control. ● 1 Watt​ — increment/decrement power by 1 Watt. ● T. Screen Menu ​ ● Wake ​ — waking device up by pressing regulatory / buttons. ● 1°C/2°F​ — increment/decrement temperature by 1 or 2 degrees. The firmware is created with the idea of safe device using with its maximum control. working on boards of Joyetech and its subsidiaries. ● Coil ​— saved coil resistance. 6. Currently supports 46 box-mods. ● PI-Reg​ ​— PI Regulator for TC mode. Main Menu ​ Hold 1 second + (by default) to enter menu. ArcticFox Third-party firmware developed by NFE Team. 6. ● Skin​ ​— change main screen style. the same as + . ​— show vape stats info with opportunity to reset counters. ■ Profiles ​— Profiles Selector. 0 . 6. ○ Saver ​— show clock in standby mode. ■ Preheat ​— preheat settings for active profile. ○ Saver ​— screen saver will be shown in Stealth Mode.always on (the screen can be displayed by or buttons). ■ Reset Cnt.​ — extra item: clock or logo. ■ Clock ​— show/hide clock on main screen. they’ll be shown by click. ■ Main Menu ​— enter Main Menu. ■ Info ​— show Info Screen. ■ Stealth ​— switch Stealth Mode on/off. ○ ClkOnF ​— if Clock on Main Screen is enabled. ○ Charge ​— idle time before charging screen turns off. ● Stealth ​— settings for screen in Stealth Mode: ○ Charge ​— charging screen will be shown in Stealth Mode. ○ Clock ​— idle time before displaying clock. ■ ​Coil ​— re-reading atomizer resistance.​NFE ​Team ○ Type ​— analog or digital. ○ Dim — idle time before the screen turns off in locked state. ■ Edit Profile ​— enter in Profile Menu. ■ Coil — switch coil resistance lock on/off (for TC modes). ■ Edit Main​ — Joyetech default 3-clicks action. ● Contrast ​— adjust brightness of display.4. ● Timeouts ○ Dim ​— idle time before the screen turns off. ■ ​Smart ​— forced atomizer redefinition with a Smart call. Dom ​— temperature-dominant on/off. ○ On Main​ — show clock on main screen. 12 . standard or with additional information. ○ Logo ​— idle time before displaying logo. ■ Bank​ ​— switch device into Power Bank mode. Settings Menu​ ​ ● Clicks ​— actions assigned on ○ 2/3/4 button clicks: ■ None ​— not assigned. ■ T. ○ Add. ● Charge ○ Type ​— charging screen type. ○ Date/Time​ — set current date and time. ● BATT ​— battery discharge profile. ○ Date ​ — calendar date in the format DD. 6. ○ — switch box to powered off state before going into deep sleep. ● BVO​ ​— batteries voltages offset.YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY. clear vaping statistics. delay can be set with NToolbox) mode: ○ Std ​— standard deep sleep. ■ Device — lock all buttons but leave mod powered on. ○ LIRC Speed​ — adjusting speed of internal imprecise oscillator (for LIRC RTC). ○ Adjust Time​ — precise adjusting time by 1 second step. ■ Device — lock all buttons but leave mod powered on. 13 . ● RTC​ ​— Realtime Clock mode. ■ LSL ​— switch light sleep mode on/off. ● Shunt ​— Ohm-meter correction.1. ● DSleep — deep sleep (enter after 3 minutes of inactivity by default. ● Regional ○ Temp ​— temperature in Celsius (° C) or in Fahrenheit (° F). Advanced settings Advanced ​— settings section for expert users: ● USB ​— behavior while charging: ○ NoSlp ​— do not enter deep sleep mode while connected to USB .4. ○ Time​ — time in 24-hour or 12-hour format. ● Cutoff ​— maximum puff time correction. ● RCOBC ​— Reset Counters on Battery Change. ○ Range ​— resistance tolerance. ○ Limit ​— charging current limitation (N/A — device can’t regulate charging process by hardware). ■ On/Off ​— switch mod on/off. ○ 5 button clicks: ■ On/Off ​— switch mod on/off. ■ Key — switch Keylock on/off. ● Smart​ ​— automatic switching profiles settings: ○ Off/On/Lazy ​— Smart Mode behavior setting. ○ — lock box before going into deep sleep.may lead to self-discharging multi-cells boxes after charging stops. ● Clock ​— realtime clock setup. ​NFE ​Team ■ Smart ​— switch Smart Mode on/off.MM. ○ Charge ​— charging while connected to USB (for multi-cells devices only). MCU. Int . Off = detected on installing atomizer. Ext . Sinuous P80.thermistor. 14 . Pico RDTA. eVic AIO. like before. ● R. On = recent resistance while firing. ● Bank ​— applied voltage in Power Bank mode.Coil ​— (R means Real or Recent) allows to hold the last measured resistance of the atomizer on the screen.​NFE ​Team ● TEMP ​— board temperature sensor. ● LED ​— backlight control for eGrip II/Light. You can regulate current input in ​Advanced settings​ or in NToolbox. 15 . ● if you want to use maximum of the battery capacity. Solving Common Problems 7. There is a possibility to correct the device voltmeter. ○ press and hold button.2. calibrate the BVO with a battery voltage 3. you noticed unbalance of batteries charging in device: on one bank voltage at 100% 4. for proper voltage reading. Every device have own boot loader which we are not changing during firmware installation process.. measuring both batteries voltage by a tester or in an external charger gives same voltage: 4. calibrate BVO with fully charged batteries (ideally - just removed from an external charger after the full charge is completed).05 V and 4. it is the boot loader. ○ press and hold button. The boot loader is using to install firmware. which depended by voltage. In this case. correction of BVO is necessary. which leads to significant differences in the accuracy of measurements. However. If you delve into the details. 7. Note: changes will take effect on next USB connection or charging starting. ○ click Reset button on device (refer user manual). How to understand that the device is in Safe Mode? ● The screen is off. Works only on multi-battery devices and Pico 25.5 volts. For example. Correctly choose battery voltage during calibration: ● if you charge batteries in devices. It is used for recovery after an unsuccessful firmware installation or for test the viability of the device. ● If your box has built-in battery: ○ connect device to PC. Run Safe Mode: ● Unplug the USB cable if it was connected before.3. Note: many devices have a non-linear characteristic of the ADC.05 V another 4. It is named BVO — Battery Voltage Offset. Limitation of the battery charging current The firmware have ability to adjust the battery current. Restore in the Safe Mode Safe mode is a mode in which your device is booted in recovery mode. ​NFE ​Team 7.10 V. ● If your box has removable batteries: ○ remove all batteries from device.3. as well as protect the external power source from overload. If you did everything correctly. 7.05 V. BVO Some devices have problems with an inaccurate voltage measurement on the batteries. ○ connect device to PC.3. ● Now you can release button.1. your device is in Safe Mode. ​NFE ​Team ● The device does not respond to button presses. you will see that the "Boot Mode: is set to LDROM. go to the Firmware Updater and in the «Expert» tab and set correct version of your hardware. As a result. using NToolbox. the device’s screen may not work or future device update can be crushed. ● A ​— the current limit for coils with a resistance below 0. you need to download a binary firmware file from your device manufacturer's site and update device. Extended Error Codes Messages «​Atomizer Low /x/​» and «​Atomizer Short /x/​» have additional statuses (​x​ is error code) that will help solve some problems yourself or facilitate diagnostics.4. ● 0 ​— occurs when button is pressed in the standby mode .it can signal the "bounce" of the contacts. etc.). the hardware part of the box is faulty: the resistance can not be measured correctly. ● X ​— most likely. Can appear with incorrectly measured (overestimated) resistance when screwing atomizer. but the corresponding atomizer status is not set. ● P ​— coil resistance drops dramatically while puff (the measured resistance is below the fixed value by 4 times).00". «​Atomizer Short​» error codes: ● E ​— estimated current for atomizer is exceeded. but the resistance is below 0.02 Ohm during the puff. reduce the power. occurs when button is pressed in standby mode. 7. because the atomizer resistance can be measured correctly. ● L ​— resistance fell below 0.1 Ohm is exceeded.5. One of the symptoms leading to this error is the drop in the displayed coil resistance when is pressed and the increase in the standby mode. insufficiently fastened coil. «​Atomizer Low​» error codes: ● 0 ​— atomizer is detected. 7. a hardware version may fail due to a failure of device update process. ● S ​— the resistance fell below 0. 16 . Hardware version failure In very rare cases.05 Ohm. ● Firmware version displays as "0. ● The device will be detected by the PC. as well as with hardware problems (poor connections of the power section. ● If you are using NToolbox — Firmware Updater.6. Roll back To roll back firmware. 7.05 Ohm during the puff. In that case you need to start NToolbox. org/forum​. All the details are on the official website. which inspired us to create our own firmware and set of utilities to work with it. 8. Donations If you like our project and you want to help in its development. Credits Our small but friendly ​NFE Team​: maelstrom2001 ReikoKitsune Zinger ArionWT You always can find us on our official forum: ​https://nfeteam.2.1 Special Thanks Special thanks is expressed ​ClockSelect ​for a wonderful project myEvic. 17 . you can ​donate us the amount of money you deem acceptable. ​NFE ​Team 8. 8.
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