


_______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== == N E X U S T H E J U P I T E R I N C I D E N T== =============================================================================== Game: Platform: Region: Guide Type: Written by: Version: Nexus: The Jupiter Incident PC European Release (English) Complete FAQ & Walkthrough Darrin Ackerman (VertigOne) <email: onevertigo1(at)gmail(dot)com> v1.4 -- July 19, 2006 This document was written with the font Courier New, Size 10, 79 characters per line. Best viewed with Courier New, Size 10. Notepad, WordPad, Word, UltraEdit and any other text viewer should work great for viewing. ******************************************************************************* * SPOILER WARNING *** SPOILER WARNING *** SPOILER WARNING *** SPOILER WARNING * ******************************************************************************* * * * This guide contains minor spoilers. I have tried my absolute hardest to * * minimize the amount of spoilers. However, in my efforts to be as complete * * and detailed as possible, I have had to include some very minor spoilers. * * There are no major spoilers at all. You have been warned. * * * ******************************************************************************* * SPOILER WARNING *** SPOILER WARNING *** SPOILER WARNING *** SPOILER WARNING * ******************************************************************************* _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> i. L E G A L I N F O R M A T I O N SLI01 =============================================================================== First and foremost let's get the legal stuff out of the way. This document is a copyrighted work and is intended solely for your PERSONAL USE. You may print a copy for yourself and you may give copies to your family and friends so long as you do NOT change a single thing. COMMERCIAL ENTITIES (INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS) ARE NOT PERMITTED TO USE THIS DOCUMENT FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER BEYOND THE PERSONAL USE OF AN INDIVIDUAL. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT TO BE INCLUDED AS PART OF ANY SOFTWARE, MAGAZINE, ON-LINE SOURCE OR ANY PART OR AFFILIATE OF ANY COMMERCIAL ENTITY. YOU MAY NOT REPRODUCE, DISTRIBUTE, MODIFY OR DO ANYTHING TO THIS DOCUMENT, BEYOND PRINTING FOR PERSONAL USE. DOING ANY SUCH ACTION IS A DIRECT VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT LAW! _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> ii. D I S T R I B U T I O N A N D H O S T I N G SDAH01 =============================================================================== Distribution and hosting of this document is limited to the following websites. Developers and/or publishers of the game are permitted to host this guide and do not need my permission to do so. No other sources are allowed! -> -> -> -> -> (and its affiliates) If you would like to host this FAQ on your website, drop me an e-mail at the address listed above, and we'll see what we can do. You MAY NOT host this guide without being listed in this section or my written permission! -[ Hosting Rules ]1. The guide must be displayed in plain-text format. However, it can be wrapped in a frame, table, or whatever. This is primarily to keep the proper formatting of the guide. 2. The guide must be publicly available for FREE. No charges of any kind may be applied for access to this guide! NO EXCEPTIONS! _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> iii. L A T E S T U P D A T E S SLU01 =============================================================================== Last Updated: July 19, 2006 It's been over a year since I've updated this guide. I simply have not had any spare time to devote to FAQ writing lately. I do have some spare time now, so this guide along with the others I've written will slowly be updated over the next month or so. *** IMPORTANT *** I have a new e-mail address, again. Yahoo is uncooperative and simply won't let me into my account. Any e-mails that were sent were not intentionally ignored by me. I apologize for not answering you. If you still need some guidance, drop a line to my new address at: onevertigo1<at>gmail<dot>com - Added Mission Objectives to mission strategies. - I have started adding objectives to the mission strategies. Some missions already had objectives listed while others did not, or they were not clearly defined for you. This will be completed over time. - Added Glossary of Terms to the guide. - I realize there are a lot of acronyms or terms used throughout the game and this guide that you may not be familiar with. I have added a small Glossary to the guide which gives definitions for these. - Rewrote Alpha Gate mission strategy. - I have completely rewritten the Alpha Gate mission strategy again. I figured out some new tricks this time around. This should eliminate any confusion about what can cause crashes in the following mission as well as just how much you can do without causing any glitches in the next mission. Hopefully, this will be the last rewrite, but ya never know. - Revised ALL mission strategies throughout the walkthrough. - Each mission has had new information added and almost all strategies were revised in some way. _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> iv. T H I N G S L E F T T O D O STLTD01 =============================================================================== Here's a list of what I have in the works for this guide. There's not a whole lot left and this guide will be finalized within the next couple of releases. - Just need to add a couple more Ships to the ships section. - Updates are sure to follow as I get submissions and revise, add, fix, etc. _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> v. T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S STOC01 =============================================================================== Welcome to the Table of Contents! Here you can see a quick outline of all the sections in this FAQ. Each section has a Search Code, as does any of its subsections. To use the Search Codes, press CTRL+F and enter the code into the Find box that pops up. That will then take you right to the section! If CTRL+F doesn't work for you, use the Edit or Search menu, then Find. Sec# Section Title Search Code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------i Legal Information SLI01 ii Distribution and Hosting SDAH01 iii Latest Updates SLU01 iv Things Left To Do STLTD01 v Table of Contents STOC01 I Introduction SI01 II The Interface STI01 a. Solar System and Galaxy Screen STI01A b. Fleet Screen STI01B 1. Devices STI01B1 2. Squadrons STI01B2 3. Repairing Your Ships STI01B3 c. In-Game Screen STI01C d. Game Controls STI01D III Walkthrough SWT01 a. Arrival to Jupiter SWT01A b. The Ronin SWT01B c. OSEC Encounter SWT01C d. The Chance SWT01D e. Kissaki Raid SWT01E Blockade Breakers y. This game isn't a complex game really. Raptor Genocide k. The Chase i. Heavy Weapons c. Weapon Generators f. Data Scanners j. but because of the lack of a decent tutorial (I hate manuals!) and a . Energy Cells h. Shields e. The Fight For Earth Ships Glossary of Terms E-Mail and Submissions Version History Credits and Special Thanks SWT01F SWT01G SWT01H SWT01I SWT01J SWT01K SWT01L SWT01M SWT01N SWT01O SWT01P SWT01Q SWT01R SWT01S SWT01T SWT01U SWT01V SWT01W SWT01X SWT01Y SWT01Z SEQ01 SEQ01A SEQ01B SEQ01C SEQ01D SEQ01E SEQ01F SEQ01G SEQ01H SEQ01I SEQ01J SEQ01K SEQ01L SEQ01M SAS01 SAS01A SAS01B SAS01C SAS01D SSHP01 SGLS01 SSUB01 SVH01 SCST01 _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> I. Sneaking n. Titan o. First Blood l. Raptor Raid h. Special Weapons d. The Siege of Avalon r. Alpha Gate u. Normal Weapons b. Back To Earth j. Other Generators g. The Mechanoid p. Mechanoid Invasion v. Shukenja Beta g. The Nexus Equipment a. Secondary Engines l. I N T R O D U C T I O N SI01 =============================================================================== Welcome to my Nexus: The Jupiter Incident FAQ! Thanks for taking the time to check this FAQ out. Locust Queen t. Hopefully you find it useful! I decided to write this FAQ for several reasons. Alpha Gate d. Peace Negotiations s. Special Engines m. Bridgehead x. Shukenja Beta b. Main Engines k. The Locust q.IV V VI VII VIII IX X f. The Mechanoid c. Saving The Scout m. Supports i. Squadrons Alternate Strategies a. The Fight for Earth z. The Fall of the Vardrags w. I haven't even looked at the manual. a walkthrough for all the missions in the game. and of course. On the right is a list of important objects such as fleets. replaying the briefing. Let's first talk about the layout of this screen. the interface of the game. From a gameplay standpoint. there's actually a pretty steep learning curve. there isn't a whole lot to do on this screen. I'll tell you about the interface while you're playing a mission. This screen is where you receive your mission objectives and are then allowed to explore the solar system and galaxy. and hopefully making it easier to understand.simplified interface. What is written here might match up with what's in the manual. you usually see the view shift from object to object as important events are highlighted and such. Just remember I didn't take the cheap way out and copy the manual :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> II-a. Keep in mind this guide was written with the UK (European. None of what I tell you about is copied from the manual. Solar System and Galaxy STI01A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the screen you are greeted with while you are receiving your mission objectives from your commanding officer. however. I didn't spend much time here apart from getting my briefings. but there is plenty to do. Also. First up is the Solar System and Galaxy Screen. accessing the Fleet Screen and Starting . Clicking one will bring up a display of that solar system. access the Fleet Screen or Start the mission. bases and other things to note. this is the part buttons you click and so forth. The this game relies entirely on this far the most important (and usually least This section is split up into a few subsections. I hate manuals. While the briefing is playing out. and that's fine. Everything I tell you is from my experiences playing the game. This guide is an attempt to make the game easy to understand by offering more detailed information. this is by understood) aspect of the game. more information will be available here. _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> II. You can. I will attempt to describe all aspects of the game. For those of of the game that YOU interact with. Along the bottom are buttons for reading the Captains Log (diary). Along the top is buttons for the solar systems you've been to. As you explore more of the Nexus universe. T H E I N T E R F A C E STI01 =============================================================================== The first thing we need to go over is you that don't know. check out all of the currently explored parts of space. Since interface for you to play. and there's NO HELP whatsoever in the Fleet Screen of the game. Next up is the Fleet Screen (much detail here) and finally. while keeping the lecturing to a minimum. English) version of Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. as I'm not aware of any region-specific changes at this point. you get pretty much total control over the load out of your fleet. From here you may review the briefings. In fact. It should apply to all versions of the game though. This lets you switch between the galaxy view or the solar system view. commandos. opinions and views on certain aspects of the previous and upcoming missions. This is (as far as I know) the only place you can see your Medals and what you got them for. They're entertaining to read. shields. -> Start Mission . show it's hull strength and how many Resource Points (RP) are available. -> Fleet Screen .This is probably the most complex part of the interface. Briefly. These ships are directly under your command. Check out the Fleet Screen section below for more detailed information. you can have a bit of fun configuring your ships how you like.Here you can review all the characters you've met and the ones in . at times. It has Captain Marcus' personal log entries and his thoughts. Double-clicking any object will zoom in on that object. Once you're ready to start your mission. this is where you configure the load out for your ships. Clicking on a ship changes the main view on the right. There's a lot to do in the Fleet Screen. where you do all your work. There is an entire section devoted to the intricacies of the Fleet Screen. which will list the ship name. just the first part or just the second part. If you have none.These three buttons let you replay the briefing in its entirety. you should check this out before each mission. Fleet Screen STI01B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now we get to the fun part. It's split up into different sections of its own which are: -> Characters . On the right side of the screen is the main view window.If you want some more depth to the story. Experiementing is half the fun! Okay so first up is the layout of the screen: On the left you'll see a list of all the ships you have in your fleet. you can't upgrade that ship. just click the Start button! -> Galaxy View / Solar System View . so treat them good! Each ship will have its own button. Each ship gets RPs after each mission (usually). generators. the Fleet Screen. etc. Replay Part 1 and Replay Part 2) .) and squadrons (fighters. but generally they hold no real valuable information. -> Briefing (Replay All. gunboats). Once you figure out what's going on here. This is where you go to configure your devices (weapons. and realize that it's not too confusing to use. -> Captain's Personal Log (Diary) .This is the last button all the way on the right. bombers.You click this button to start the mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> II-b. The rest of the screen is the display of the current solar system. You should ALWAYS check the Fleet Screen before any mission to configure your fleet! You will also want to check for updated weapons and such.the mission. RPs are the currency of this game. You can also review information about the crews of the ships. one for each type of device. Confirm and Undo . After missions. the information display in the top-right of the screen changes to reflect the information of whatever you just selected. as an example) and some other info about it. They are: Normal Weapons. -> Configuration . To mount a device you must have a free mounting slot on your ship. and enough free RPs to cover the cost of the device.This is at the bottom of the screen. When you click on an item in your stockpile. for engines. The device would simply be added to your stockpile. simply double- . Engines. Devices STI01B1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Devices are the vital components to your ship. On the left is a list of all available devices. shields. Click the Devices or Squadrons button to view and modify those items. Undo will undo (cancel) the changes you've made to the current ship as long as you haven't already hit Confirm. the Devices section is split up into two sections. if you click on a mounting spot on the ship. let's get into more detail about the sections of this screen. Here you can configure each ships devices and squadrons. RP Cost. The stockpile section is also split up into several sections. -> Back. First up. such as weapons. Device Name. The appropriate mounting spots will be highlighted. You can then double-click the device or drag and drop it onto the appropriate slot. You should always check and see if better stuff is available for you to mount on your ship. With the basics out of the way. All Devices cost RP to mount. Without them. generators.command of your fleet ships. Back takes you back to the Galaxy screen. This part of the screen shows you the type of damage (or speed. You don't get any RP for unmounting a device (unless you JUST mounted it and haven't Confirmed yet). Devices. On the right is what is already mounted on the ship you're working on. Please note. See the Equipment section for more detailed information about each type of device and the associated information. When you click a Device (or Squadron). Special Weapons. most mounting spots can hold a variety of devices. Also. Heavy Weapons. it will move the stockpile list to the first item you can mount on that spot. Shields. Just some general info about them. There's all sorts of weapons and everything else and there's always new stuff being added. engines. the right side (the stuff already on your ship) will switch focus to where you can mount whatever it is you clicked on. Secondary Engines. so check often! Now. Special Engines. etc. Generators. you will see the following information (from left to right) for each device: Quantity in stock. there is usually new stuff for you to get a hold of. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~> II-b. etc. your ship is pretty useless. This is your "stockpile" and it sometimes changes from ship to ship (but generally very little changes). Viewing the stockpile.1. Other Generators. Confirm will confirm (and save) the changes you made to whichever ship you're working on. To remove (unmount) a device. sensors.This is the real meat of this screen. such as: Shield Busters. Flaks are anti-fighter weapons and every ship should have at least one Flak system. ECMs have various levels. L2 is for medium ships. "other" generators.This is where the general stuff gets put that really doesn't fit under any other category. obviously the bigger the better it or drag it from the mounting slot to the stockpile. you'll get other special weapons you can use. L1 is for small ships. but generally speaking. These are the biggest of the weapons and these are the only type of weapons where you'll find the "mass destruction" type of weapons. There are three different types: Support Generators (your most basic). Battle. Battle Generators. but later on you'll get some good stuff. They help protect your ship from damage.These are basically huge batteries. you can't fire your weapons. and also help to jam the targeting of incoming missiles. -> Special Weapons . They're split up into different types designated by a "L#" where # is 1-3. Combat and Tactical generators come in two flavors. but they are strongly recommended. Device Destroyers and Special Use. -> Shields . bigger is better here. -> Energy Cells .These are. ECM (electronic counter measures). Basically. the better. There are several different types of shields. At first.. All Weapons have different uses. At first the only thing you're going to see here is Flak systems. the bigger. The devices are split up into the following categories: -> Normal Weapons . and L3 is for big ships. -> Heavy Weapons .. you definitely want these. weapons or engines.These generators power your weapons. Hull Destroyers. etc. to Combat and Tactical generators and the biggest. They power the other devices on your ship (shields. ECCMs are counter-counter measures.You won't see this section at first. -> Weapon Generators . -> Other Generators . Fusion Support Generators (better) and Quark Support Generators (even better). mess with enemy fighters sensors and weapons. You do not need Support Generators for your ship to operate. They store up reserve power that can be used to boost power to shields. ECMs help prevent enemies from getting a fix on you.These are (usually) more powerful weapons than the standard Weapons. Sensors are either Standard (passive) or Active. but it's easier to detect a ship using Active sensors because of the increased emission. These are your energy shields. well.These are your general class of weapons. Mostly just Support generators. -> Supports .) So yes. there's a pretty weak assortment. This section consists of Sensors. .These are your special use weapons. They are charged by Support Generators. ECCM (electronic counter-counter measures) and more. only after a certain mission. Without them. Active sensors are better. too. Firecloud and Firestorm. engines. Later on. That's bad! There are several types of weapons generators from your standard Weapons Generator. Going is good! Generally you want Engines with high speed and low emission.More advanced versions of a regular sensor array. you must have free docking slots to mount squadrons! There are four types of Squadrons. disabled or destroyed. Squadrons STI01B2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With Devices out of the way.These are the little brothers and sisters of the main engines. They're good to have on any ship. so caution is advised when using it. etc). so mobility will be reduced. In fact. They're good at attacking other Squadrons (fighters. This scanner requires the ships shields to drop while scanning. To mount a squadron you must have enough RP and enough free docking slots. Both can be used in place of your Main Engine.Should be self-explanatory. -> Data Scanners . They can also attack devices on ships if the ships shield is down. Special.These are. these can provide detailed information about any object. These are your fighters. you should have them. Keep in mind these are no where near as powerful as your main engines. They are useful for many things. well. no? These are all your main engines for your ships. Squadron name. This is what makes them go. These engines allow your ship to rotate on its axis and generally manoeuver much easier. You'll see the ships Total Docking Slots and the Free Docking Slots. where you see what squadrons are on your ship. bigger is better. -> Main Engines . On the right. just above that is the display for Docking Slots. -> Secondary Engines . RP Cost and Docking Slots cost. gunboats and commandos. bombers. there's only two types: Combat Drives and Deflection Engines. These also help manoeuvering the ship. Remember. Generally. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~> II-b. your secondary engines will help out.2. simply double-click the squadron to mount or drag and drop it. if a ship can hold Squadrons. They're also both pretty much identical.meaning they "attack" the enemies ECM systems. certain missions can only be beat using Squadrons. -> Special Engines . Then. as follows: -> Fighters . Do the reverse to unmount a squadron. Always good to have a wing or two anyway. bombers. Once again. Fast and deadly. but weakly armored.These are space-superiority fighters. however Deflection Engines are for smaller class ships. though they're slower. you'll see the following information (from left to right) for each squadron: Quantity in stock. so don't neglect them. we now move on to Squadrons. and as far as I know. so load 'em up! When viewing the stockpile of your squadrons. . while Combat Drives are for the bigger ones (cruisers and up). If your main engines are damaged. 3. They're somewhat slower. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> II-c. These are only good at attacking larger fleet ships (not other squadrons). They're a bit slower than fighters. with a wrench icon on the right. you can still use the ship. Now that you know what these squadrons are. They are more heavily armored than fighters. you'll see two icons. so you should always have at least one squadron of them. unmounting a Squadron won't give you RP back (it will give you Docking Slots back though) unless you just mounted them and haven't confirmed yet.These guys are your "Special Forces. They can attack through shields. The left button is Hull Repair and the right button is Device Repair. before deploying them! There are several missions where you need commandos. Once you confirm. So if your main engines are damaged and in need of repairs.These guys are your device destroyers. Their bombs can penetrate shields. You can also use them to take out other squadrons. If you need a force of men on a ship. but are far more powerful. and you'll see damaged devices highlighted in yellow. Squadrons cost RP and Docking Slots.-> Bombers . but the said device will be unavailable in the mission. RP = gone! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~> II-b. In the middle of the screen. you can add the Squadron. Look in the devices section. on site information gatherers and saboteurs. your ship will be unable to use its main engines. click the wrench to fix the device. Cyborgs) . so make sure you have taken out any enemy flak systems or fighters/etc. If you have enough RP and Docking Slots. Each ship has docking slots. If the number is 0. these are the guys to use! The ship they travel in is unarmed and very weak. In-Game Interface Screen STI01C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . and you do not repair them. but they aren't as effective as fighters are. Repairing Your Ships STI01B3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes after a battle. -> Commandos (Marines.These are the big brothers and sisters of the fighters." They are the rescue team. you can use them effectively. Below each icon is a number. your ships will have taken damage which will need to be repaired. otherwise you cannot! Same as with devices. -> Gunboats . If you have enough RP. no repairs are needed. but faster than bombers. If you cannot afford to repair a device. This number is the cost in RP to repair. They have anti-device weapons mounted which allows them to attack larger ships devices. bigger ships obviously have more. They're also more heavily armored. I'm sure. a hull strength bar (if applicable) and a shield health bar (if applicable). This is located on the top-right of the screen.. You can click any device you wish. if you select one of your ships and then RightClick on an enemy ship. if you right-click one of your own fleet ships (yours. At first it might seem confusing.For lack of better words.. >> NPC Fleet List << ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next up is the NPC Fleet List. it will display the health of each device. so throw that notion right out. This lists ALL ships NOT under your control. that means the device has been destroyed. Unless. of course. Many people compare this game to others like Homeworld. This information will show a picture of the selected object. Enemy and Friendly ships will be listed here. and that device will flash. Double-Left Click switches the view to that something. it's very simple. NAV points. Right-Click is to perform an action. but let's just take. red means the device is disabled and if the button for the device is grayed out. so if you order any ships . STRATEGY. It's split up into three main parts: Your fleet list. It took me a while to get comfortable with the interface myself. It's far different from any of the other screens. Also. but it has a very simplistic design. by "it's like" or "the same as" you mean that you have ships in space. swarm with tons of ships and pray. Each object has a picture. Homeworld is akin to . The differences are too many to list.. >> Your Fleet list << ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First. The default action for all ships is Go To (F2) for enemy/NPC ships and Guard (F11) for your fleet ships.. Green health bar means the device is active. the NPC fleets list and the commands and actions. it's distance listed (to the left of the picture). your fleet list. Left-Click selects something. then sure. Alternatively. more information will be displayed to the left of the NPC Fleet List. On the top left of the screen is a list of all the ships (and their squadrons) under your direct control. So. as well as its hull and shield strength (if applicable). it's also a good game in its own right. Left-Click selects a ship. Now I'm not bashing Homeworld at all. this is the interface you see while playing a mission. It's not. for one. I'll explain the actions and commands more later.. etc. That means that device now has priority to be destroyed. as well as bases. Ctrl + Left-Click allows you to select multiple ships. Then you can press 1-4 to select that group. and list any devices it may have. not NPCs) the selected ship will guard the ship you right-clicked. You will need some getting used to it. Alright so now we have to talk firstly about the layout of this screen. CTRL + 1-4 (not the numpad numbers) allows you to set a group of ships (you must have more than one ship selected).. Left-Click selects an object. the selected ship will perform a Go To. but I just want you to take any preconceived notions you may have about this game and forget about them! There's no other game quite like Nexus out there! You'll be using mostly your mouse in this game. but trust me. If you left-click an object. You absolutely need a good strategy to win in Nexus. Just above the Behaviour buttons is the power management window. or review the tutorials. affect how much you see. however doing so will drain your reserved support energy. Also. you'll get a complete list of all the devices. Shields. This is a small window that displays a picture of the ship and its captain. Sometimes this list will have nothing or only partial data in it. is a small group of three buttons (sorta triangle shaped). distance also plays a part. engines and other systems. In cases where you can learn more. if you have a Data Scanner. You have several options and commands to play with here. Starting from the left you'll see four buttons which allow you to control the behavior of your ship. Stealth (engage cloak if possible and use lowest emission devices) and finally Manual (you control exactly what the ship does). Setting devices to +50% or +100% will make them more efficient (more durable shields. This is automated for the most part. +100%. and generally you can ignore the Repair window. attack that ships devices. the more reserve energy you get. Sensors. Setting device power is easy. as well as the hull strength and shield power of that ship. How much information you see depends on several things. It also lets you control the power to each of the four main device groups: Support. no support generators means no extra support power. from farther away. shields. Better sensor systems let you see more. The reserve energy will recharge depending on the number of devices in use and how many Support Generators you have installed on your ship. you can store more reserve energy by adding Energy Cells (or better Electron Cells or Plasma Cells). This is the buttons along the bottom of the screen. this bar will fill up. you can sometimes scan ships to learn more about them. ranging from: Aggressive (attack everything and move freely). >> Actions and Commands Buttons << ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now on to the commands and actions. To the right of the Repair button is the Manual Control Panel. the more you'll see. This will fill up as you scan the ship as well. The more Generators you have. To set the power. You have 3 choices for each of the four groups: Normal. you can control every last device on the ship: individual weapons. Weapons. for one. The left-most button is the Repair window. Defensive (keep shields up. In here. they will target the flashing devices first. In here. Here you can view your mission objectives. If you have no Cells. As you scan. a small bar will appear below the portrait of the selected object. Also. The closer you are to the ship. Clicking them again removes priority. just click the appropriate boxes. The top button is the Information window. Engines. stronger weapons or faster engines). only attack when attacked). there sometimes is also a "Secret" bar. review any mission dialog. you can't store reserve power and the only available power will come from Support Generators. Just above the groups is your main support power bar. You can maximize or minimize this little window with the arrow in the top left of it. If nothing else. you can assign priority to which device you want to be repaired. Your reserve support energy is provided by Support Generators. To the right of the Behaviour buttons. Click on something to enable it (with weapons follow up with a right-click on a target) . That being said. Finally. Besides the Scanned bar. -> Attack Devices (F6) . You can either click the button or use the F keys. You use these to tell your ships what they should be doing.Tells a ship to move to another object or ship. This can be extremely handy for taking out an enemies weapons or engines. it may just run away from danger into even more danger. The last button (use wormhole) doesn't have a hotkey associated with it. Comes in handy at times..This will have your ship attack the shields of the targeted object. out of the frying pan and into the fire. maneuver. then rightclick on the ship or object you wish to perform that action on. Depending on the behavior. this is the "make that thing go boom" command. -> Attack Hull (F7) . If your ship is not equipped with any anti-shield weaponry.Your ship will attack the devices of the targeted object with all of its anti-device weaponry. -> Artillery Attack (F8) .or right-click to turn off or stop a weapon from firing (or anything else). It will (depending on behavior) automatically attack. But it's better than them doing nothing. this button will be unavailable. There are 13 buttons. This is only useful if the enemy shields are already down! Also. -> Hold Position (F3) .Orders the ship to stop where it is and hold that position. This is the list of actions if you have a single ship or multiple ships (not ships that you have assigned to a group or squadrons) selected: -> Automatic (F1) . so use it with caution. The actions are as follows (from left to right).Tells your ship to attack the hull of the targeted object. -> Go To (F2) . defend itself. -> Run Away! (F4) .. we have the actual command buttons. Depending on what you have selected in Your Fleet list (a single ship. The ship will take the most direct (straight as possible) course to the target.This has your ship move into artillery range and use all of its . if your ship has no anti-hull weapons. the ship may attack or defend itself along the way. F1-F12 (except for the last one). Left-click (or use the F keys) a button. I suppose. with all of its shield damaging weapons. so you have to click it.This will have the ship move away from the selected object or ship.This puts the ship into Automatic mode. However. a group of ships or a Squadron) you'll have different actions. so if for some reason you can't beat down their shields. Finally. etc. All anti-device weapons can penetrate shields. take out their weapons and engines! And everything else!!! This button will be unavailable if your ship has no anti-device weaponry. each is assigned to the function (F) keys. Basically. The ship will use all of its anti-hull weaponry on the targeted object. Not recommended because ships on Auto are generally pretty stupid. It will stay there and react to enemies according to the set behavior. -> Attack Shields (F5) . this button will not be available. You know. All ships will attack the targeted objects shields. Often times you can learn valuable information about an object from your Data Scanner. You should also be very careful with artillery! It can damage near by friendly ships as well.Tells your ship to Guard the targeted object. Also. well. If your ship has no Special Weapons (remember: NOT Flaks!) this button will not be available.All ships will run away from the targeted object. left! Not all ships are equipped with IP Drives..All ships stop and hold their current position. Missiles and Torpedoes fall into this category. .. Sometimes it's a mission objective to use the wormhole. -> Use Wormhole (no hotkey) . -> Use Special Weapons (F9) . this option will be unavailable. this button will be unavailable. Group will move to the targeted object. Please note. You will lose control of this ship until the next mission. while the ship is in Artillery mode. as most artillery has a large blast radius. this is not for Flak systems. They will react to threats depending on how their behavior is set. -> Data Scanner (F10) . -> Run Away! (F4) . other times you can just use it to make a weak (or badly damaged ship) flee the battle. there are some dangerous wormholes in the game which will suck your ships in if they get too close. Once you do this. this button will be unavailable! IP Drive = Interplanetary Drive. it will keep its distance from the target (so as not to hurt itself). this option will be unavailable. If there are no wormholes in the area.This tells the ship to use the targeted wormhole and flee the battle. so be careful. Pretty much exactly as it sounds. ships that you have assigned into a group). so be careful! Now. -> Attack Shields (F5) . Finally. Flaks are automatic! This is for weapons like the Energy Skeeter and Disrupter. when you have a group of ships selected (not multiple ships. if you run out of ammo or do not have any missiles or torpedoes. If your ship is not equipped with a Data Scanner.This option tells your ship to attack the targeted object with its special weapons. -> Use IP Drive (F12) .artillery weapons on the targeted object. Your ship will only fire as long as it has ammunition.Use this option when you want to use your Data Scanner on the targeted object. If a ship doesn't have one. -> Guard (F11) . the actions and commands buttons will change to the following: -> Approach (F2) . Your ship will have to drop its shields to use it. -> Hold Position (F3) . as it.Has the ship engage it's IP Drive and flee the battle. you will lose the ship until the next mission. Also.Same as Go to. The squadron(s) will Patrol the area around your fleet and protect the fleet from enemy missiles and fighters. This is really only useful if your fleet is relatively close together. -> Secondary Attack (F6) . -> Siege Formation (F8) .Squadron(s) guard selected object. This is the default action if you simply right-click a friendly target without pressing any of the action buttons.Exactly as it sounds. If they're far apart.Same as Goto. If you do not meet the requirements. This is the default action if you simply right-click a hostile target without pressing any of the action buttons.-> Attack Devices (F6) .All ships will attack the targeted objects devices. Squadron(s) will approach the targeted object.Squadron(s) attack with their primary weapons. the actions will change to the following: -> Go Home (F1) . If your fleet is far apart. If you have a squadron (or multiple squadrons) selected.Squadron(s) evade the attacks of the targeted squadron.All ships will attack the targeted objects hull. -> Primary Attack (F5) . protecting from other squadrons and missiles.Transfers squadron(s) to a different ship. For this to work you need a battleship equipped with a Siege Laser and at least 2 other ships in the group.Squadron(s) attack with their secondary weapons. this button will be unavailable. -> Evade (F4) . the squadrons are going to spend more time getting from ship to ship instead of actually protecting them. -> Guard (F7) . -> Guard (F11) .All ships will form into Siege Formation. -> Patrol Fleet (F8) . -> Transfer (F3) .The selected squadron(s) will return to their home ships and will be repaired. -> Approach (F2) . Game Controls STI01D . -> Attack Hull (F7) . use the Guard command instead. move into range of the targeted object and attack with the Siege Laser. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> II-d. All ships will Guard the targeted object. free movement. See previous section. a screenshot! Once again. I've tried to include all useful controls and some obscure ones.selects all squadrons CTRL + S -. not the actual # sign) SPACEBAR -.assigns selected ships to a group. so do check it out if you want to see all the keys or need any other information.same as free movement.selects all large ships S -. so I decided to include them all in this section. or scroll lists Keyboard Controls: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CTRL + # -. # -. To me. I know there are more commands. perform action click and hold both buttons then drag the mouse to zoom in/out roll to zoom in or Manual Control console R -. but there are more shortcuts we can Information console CTRL + H -. W A L K T H R O U G H SWT01 =============================================================================== Welcome to the walkthrough section! Nexus isn't exactly a walkthrough-friendly game.pause or unpause the game F1-F12 -. _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> III. I've tried my best to be as detailed and helpful as possible while .selects all squadrons on the selected large ship (mothership) SHIFT -. they're too obscure (as in. too. Must have more than one ship Repair console O -. Takes.I actually consulted the manual for this one. Mouse Controls: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Left-Click Right-Click Both-Click Mouse Wheel ----selects or deselects something. I'm aware there are more -.------------------------------------------------------------------------------We've already gone over the hotkeys for ship actions and such. Check the manual (yuck. manuals). hold and left-click (hold that too).. I don't use them!). Actually the Nexus manual is fairly good. drag mouse to set the distance of the move (smaller = farther) N -. except it sets a nav point in space you can use for relative (good ol' right-click / goto) movement M -..Action hotkeys.screenshot.selects previously assigned group (note: # = 1-4. A -. you'll be happier as you have good ships with good loadouts. Try to pick something equal to it. Obviously on Professional. For example. I list a recommended load out for each ship. actual terms of difficulty. If the crew manages to get evacuated (any of them) you usually get a new ship to replace the lost one on the next mission. it seems that equipment and the amount you get can change from game to game. the skill levels. However. these replacements start out with no RPs and with the default (and generally crappy) loadout. do try theirs! -[ RECOMMENDED LOADOUT ]At the beginning of each mission. You should try your hardest not to lose any ships. Nor do I know what modifiers there are (your ships are weaker. I do not know the differences between the three skills (Beginner. it's my suggestion to you. feel free to submit it. I tell you which) to each of your ships. . I do tell you if you absolutely have to have something to complete the mission. but because the game is more about strategy than just run-andgun. so at the very least you do need to include that. I'm trying to confirm the exact differences with the skills. if I tell you to pick a LaserGlobe Flak System. choose a Laser Ring or SpaceTech instead. while on harder. Here I explain how I structure each section. Maybe I'm special or maybe my loadouts are just that good. I see no difference. In the long run. I've included strategies that other people have submitted to me. If my method doesn't work for you. Experienced and Professional).writing this. Most of the time you can still pass objectives (or losing ships) it's really up replay the mission. The easier ones tend to give more RP. Also. this won't be a super-detailed walkthrough (or at least as detailed as a walkthrough would be for say. and you have none. you may have it a mission while failing certain to you to decide if you need to -[ YOUR FLEET SHIPS ]You can lose any ship (except for the Stilleto and Angelwing) and usually still successfully complete a mission. Everything here should hold true for any of Beginner you might have it easier. and list some important information. I have fully played the game through on each of the three skill levels. Please READ all of this before continuing on to the actual walkthrough. but other than that. weapons do more damage or whatever). so you may not have some of the items I listed. On the more complicated missions. Remember. an RPG type game). This information will NOT be repeated! -[ MISSION OBJECTIVES ]I will give you directions on exactly what you need to do to complete a mission in its entirety (including all objectives) and provide you with a good strategy for the mission. and I've noticed absolutely no difference between them. as opposed to crappy new ships every mission. Meaning. This is the equipment you should add (or replace. this is a RECOMMENDED LOADOUT. Feel free to change it as you see fit. If you have any of this information. I don't know. -[ DIFFICULTY LEVELS ]This walkthrough was made while playing on the Experienced skill level. You're then informed the Ronin has a Flak system (anti-fighter weapons) which . Arrival to Jupiter SWT01A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------This mission is basically just to get you used to some of the controls for the game. the Sunflower base. or use the Goto button (F2). we're told to approach the Sunflower base yet again. but they will slowly become available. Once the Ronin shows up. or press the Goto (F2) button then right-click the base.. you get there. Goto (F2) the base and once you get there. F2) to go Next. Right-click the base (or Michelangelo. Save often. If you don't like your load out (as in. Simply hit the Hold Position button (or press the hotkey F3). you'll be thankful you did. Now we've got to "give them a warning.-[ SAVE GAMES & RESTARTS ]Finally. let's get on with the walkthrough! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-a. At first. fail objectives or just get distracted and lose perspective. MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-b. Goto (F2) that. you'll be told to once again approach the Sunflower base. As soon as an Unknown Object appears." So. After a while. It's pretty simple. Press the Run Away! button (F4) and right-click the red mine. none of the action/command buttons are available. be prepared to reload and restart a mission often. use the Attack Hull (F7) action. Finally. Early on you shouldn't have much troubles.. When you have control. Goto (F2) Nav Point 1. The Ronin SWT01B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------We must intercept the Kissaki cargo freighter. it's. On the way. When show up in the NPC Fleet List (on the to approach. they'll surrender. Either right-click the base. Hit the Hold Position (F3) button. After the mines are deactivated. you'll be told a mine didn't deactivate and you need to get away from it. it's not working for you). The Ronin. restart the mission. You're told to approach Right-click it to go to the Sunflower base will screen) and you're told to it. then right-click the Ronin to attack it. but later on the missions to get harder and it's quite easy to lose ships. There's Nav Point it. Goto (F2) it. Just follow the directions you are given. With all that in mind. you will be told to stop so that they can deactivate the mine field. right of the goto. Your ship will turn around and run. then up at the top of the screen in the Devices list. then right-click the ship. then click the Flak PL button so it's flashing. So. Use the Attack Hull (F7) command. then right-click the Ronin's fighter squadron.. you'll be told the Dangerous has turned towards you.The Command Ship must survive Secondary: . Select your fighters. it's. and our friend. After you destroy the Flak guns. Kill both ships and it's. unless you have no other choice. Just getting caught in two missile blasts will nearly destroy the ship. OSEC Encounter SWT01C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------[ OBJECTIVES ]Primary: .. You can use missiles to attack the enemy ships here. we're informed that there's a battle going on and that our friend is here and needs some help. the Dangerous and the Invulnerable. Now use the Attack Devices (F6) command on the Ronin to destroy the Flak cannon.Save the Hawking When we arrive. Once you've done enough damage to a ship you should be told the ship is being evacuated and its icon in the NPC Fleet List will be greyed out. the FSF Hawking.The Stiletto must survive .we need to destroy. the Ronin will launch its fighter wing at you. but I STRONGLY suggest you do not. MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-c. click the Weapons tab. There are three ships in this area.. Select your Commandos. I suggest you save them for the next mission where they'll be more useful. The shockwave will seriously damage the Hawking. Focus on the remaining enemy ship and you'll win the mission. two enemy ships: both Longsword-class cruisers. Watch the Hawking and see which ship it is firing at. then it's safe for you to launch your Commandos. After some chat. It's considered dead once it's evacuated. it's engaged with the Invulnerable.. then right-click the Ronin to deploy them. Usually. Your boys will take down the enemy fighters. Once you get close enough to the battle. do not use missiles! Also. Do not waste your time trying to totally destroy a ship. Click the Ronin. Attack whichever ship the Hawking is firing on. MISSION COMPLETE! . head to Search Point 2. Our sensors aren't working so good right now. he'll give you the coordinates for all the platforms. kill off all the Inner platforms. so basically add whatever you want. MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-e. The Inner platforms attack fighters.Send a Commando unit to the Ashigaru Once you've rescued the survivor. You'll detect a platform. otherwise you'll fail one of the secondary objectives. so all we have to go by is some Search Points. Goto (F2) the Bushi and when you get close.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-d. . Start attacking the Outer platforms.. Also. and anything else. Kissaki Raid SWT01E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ All Ships ]Not much to choose from. Use your missiles until they're gone.. deploy your commandos to it. Use missiles on the platform (F8) to blow it up. There are two types. Goto (F2) Search Point 1. Destroy the remaining Outer platforms and. then head to the Ashigaru and deploy your commandos to it. and a frigate the Ashigaru.Deploy a Commando unit to the Shukenja We must now infiltrate the Shukenja base. two things will happen.Destroy all platforms . Now you'll deactivate the platforms for a short time. When you get close to the base. Outer and Inner. On your way. The Chance SWT01D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------[ OBJECTIVES ]Primary: . After you get some chat and the Search Point vanishes. Stay away from them for now. NEW SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: . Goto (F2) it. The Weak Point is a Nav listed in the NPC Fleet list. cause they hurt.Obtain the platform deactivation codes You'll also be informed about a weak point in the defense grid. and on the way we'll detect the cruiser Bushi. Add some Energy Cells. We should go to it. NEW SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: . and your commandos automatically head for the Shukenja base. Don't let your Commandos leave the station until we've killed all the platforms. yet again. don't destroy all the Outer platforms until you've taken care of all the Inner ones. then just use your regular weapons. while the Outer ones attack us. This mission is fairly easy no matter what you do. Make sure all of your ships are selected first (use CTRL+Click to select them all). Kill all the ships and the mission is complete! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-f. You'll get a cutscene. Watch out for the Lightning and Madeline as they can't take the same amount of punishment the Stiletto can. take out the Yamamoto. we don't know a whole lot about it. you'll be told the object appears to be absorbing your scans. 2x Uranium Gatling Guns. Scan the wormhole first. Once that's done. has an IP drive and more goodies which we'll find out about later! So our mission now is to scan the 3 objects in this area: a wormhole. Now attack the few (I think 3) platforms in this area. appropriated ship. a battleship along with two corvettes. the Ming and Tenbatsu. Right now. uh. After the Ming is dead. go after the Tenbatsu. Your ship will approach the object and scan it. It will take a fair bit of pounding to make it die. then the artificial object. Say Yes to continue. Some nice things to note about the Angelwing is: it regenerates its hull. For winning. has shields. an artificial object and the Shukenja base. so it's only working at half capacity. It's also handy to click the object you're scanning so you can see the progress. Make them run away (F4) if they're getting pounded too hard. we're greeted with a chance to play with our newly. Use the Attack Hull (F7) command. anything else you can fit.When this mission starts you're greeted with 3 enemy ships. It's a battleship and it's strong. then the base. Shukenja Beta SWT01F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]2x SpaceTech Laser Guns. While scanning the artificial object. To scan. You must wait until each object has been completely scanned before scanning the next. unless you do nothing! Start out by taking out the Ming. and asked if you wish to continue. you get a nice cutscene! (There is an alternate strategy available for this mission) . Your main objective is to protect the Angelwing.. This includes the Yamamoto. Once it's down.. In this mission. Be careful with the Yamamoto. use the Data Scanner (F10) button. click the Use Wormhole button and then right-click the wormhole to leave the system. with the Attack Hull (F7) command and destroy them. Also. The Annihilator has several squadrons. Great strategy. We're going to need that energy. This will allow you to fire all of your weapons at once. adding the extra L2 Fusion Support Generator will give us some extra power we can divert to the weapons (you should have a total of 2 L2's mounted now). At first. you fail the secondary). After you knock shields down and then attack hulls. So get attacking. Focus on one ship at a time and take them down. we have access to the Energy Shell anti-shield weapons. Leave the behavior set to Aggressive. 2x Laser Ring Flak System. We start off escorting a convoy before we're ripped out of deep space.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-g. if the enemy has shields. too. getting the shields down is going to be slow going. After the shields drop. This will have your ship fire its Energy Shells and pound the enemies shields. Half the time they aren't even getting hit. Because we now have shields. You're going to need them for this mission. 1x Uranium Gatling Gun. You can't control the Chrome. eh? Actually. Don't attack the carrier. you're going to need to use the Attack Shields (F5) command. It seems an attack is imminent! The main objective here is to survive for 10 minutes. 2x Electron Cells. I strongly recommend you set your weapon power to 200% (use the power management panel above the behavior buttons). The only real strategy here is kill everything you see. you can then use Attack Hull (F7) to finish the ship off. however you can still complete the mission if some die. if you fire at whatever the Chrome is firing at. At this point. First. the shields will go down much quicker. 2x Sliver Gatling Gun. until every other ship has been destroyed. too. Also. but they're whining to you for help. this mission may seem overwhelming. Here's a hint. Raptor Raid SWT01G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]2x Energy Shell. just ignore the cries for help. Good stuff. while the secondary objective is to protect all of the transports (if one dies. the Annihilator. Don't worry too much unless your shields are . You know when you're doing things right when you notice that you're getting attacked by lots of ships. 2x Spark Fighters and add an additional L2 Fusion Support Generator Finally we get some new weapons to play with. so be prepared to send yours out to counter them. you'll make your life easier if you team up with the Chrome and fire at whatever it is firing at. the ship will automatically target the closest ship and attack with the Energy Shells. but pay attention to what it's doing. This way you end up attacking two ships simultaneously. the hulls will go down quicker. but with 2 Sliver GGs and a Uranium GG. You should try to save all the transports. dropping quick. MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-h. Then select your Praetorian Gunboats and right-click the Fat Lady so they attack the engines.. We must first disable the engines of the Fat Lady. The Chase SWT01H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]Add 1 Sliver Gatling Gun (replace the Uranium GG). and pump your weapons to 200% to kill quicker. You need a Commando Squad for this mission. Make sure the Angelwing doesn't attack the Fat Lady! If it is. and click the Fusion and Secondary Fusion Engines device button (in the device view at the top of the screen) so they're flashing.. It should say "Skill point available. click the Manual Mode behavior button (not the hand icon). He'll tear up the remaining Raptors. select the Angelwing. Kill all the small ships and beat up on the Annihilator and. On the way 3 Raptor ships will appear on sensors. if so. a Sensor Array and a Commando Squad. MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-i.. Once one of the Raptors are down. then.. anything else you want. then Characters. as this will give all your ships more RPs to . You should have a skill point to spend by now. return Weapons to normal power and boost the shields to 200%. Set your shield power to 200% (use the power management window above the behavior buttons)." I recommend you spend it on Engineering. Then. After all the Raptors are down. shields first (F5) then hull (F7). In the fleet screen. Select the Fat Lady. and attack the closest ship. you'll get a cutscene when Norbank jumps in. you can set the shields to normal power. have the Angelwing goto the Fat Lady (F2). Back To Earth SWT01I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]Just add another wing of Spark Fighters if you need to. Remember. so make sure you have one. Raptor Genocide SWT01J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]Swap out your Hidron Shield for a Layer Shield. You have help in this mission so you should be able to take them down fairly quickly. and the mission will be complete. Attack the ships (remember. It helps greatly if you set everyone to Manual behavior. Then go to the base. ignore the Unknown Object and the base. As you approach the base. After a bit. You'll then get a distress signal from the Northstar. Send in your Commando squad to rescue the survivors. in his infinite wisdom. Now all you have to do is wait for Angel to return. Once your commandos have returned. Go after the smaller ships first. though. and you won't blow up the base before killing the Den (the Den is a secondary objective). Norbank. DO NOT ATTACK THE RAZOR. While you're waiting. so that's up to you). Hopefully. After a bunch of dialog. and the guys from the Northstar. Angel beams herself to Earth. If the Relay Station does get destroyed. Start off by attacking the closest ship. your fighters and the Angelwings Flak systems will take out the missiles. For now. you'll get a medal for this mission. Have your Spark fighters guard the relay. Make sure you have two squadrons of fighters and a commando squadron. I never managed to save it. You'll also be informed you need to scan the Raptor base. Have the Angelwing go to the Northstar for some more talking. Have all ships but the Angelwing attack the Den. is going to show us "how the big boys do battle. the Unknown Object should show up as the Den. Three ships will then show up on sensors. While your other ships are attacking the Den. DO NOT ATTACK. blow up all the ships (including the Razor).. not the Razor!) until you get some talk about a survivor on the Razor. Nearby is a Relay Station. too." All we're supposed to do is keep the ships and fighters in this area busy. have the Angelwing use its Data Scanner (F10) on . Provided you rescued the survivor on the Razor.. don't worry. Angel will eventually beam herself back to the Angelwing. this way they only do exactly as you tell them. It's not mission critical (though you will fail a secondary objective. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-j.spend. some Mechanoids will show up. Norbank gets his ass handed to him and you get control of the entire fleet. Easy enough? Yep. Set the Angelwing to guard the Relay Station. A shuttle will leave the Northstar and dock with the Angelwing. Select all your ships (use CTRL+Click) and finish off any remaining ships. The Brutus and the Sparta will be with us for the rest of the game (provided you don't get them dead) so take good care of them! This mission is all about speed. until they're destroyed. 2x Energy Shell 1x Sliver Gatling Gun. go help finish off the Den. Then take your remaining ships (Brutus.3. swap the main Ionstream Engine for a Fusion Engine -[ Sparta ]1x Deflection Engine. and the Quicksilver and Thunder (both frigates). Quicksilver and Thunder) and assign them to another group. swap Ionstream Engine for a Fusion Engine Finally we have some new ships in our fleet. Have all ships use the Run Away (F4) command to flee from the base (so as not to get caught in the shockwave from its explosion). swap one Laser Ring Flak System for a LaserGlobe Flak System. 3x Particle Gatling Gun. 1x Combat Drive. First. 1x Sliver Gatling Gun. 1x Energy Shell. We must act quickly and take down the enemy ships as fast as possible. I guess) and 4 or so smaller ships (destroyers). Now you can simply press the number keys (not the numpad) to switch to that group. 1x Electron Cell. While we're paused take this time to form two groups. Now. they should take out the Leaking Reactor. pause the game (spacebar).. I will refer to them as Group 2. First Blood SWT01K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]2x Bubble Energy Shell.the base to scan it. After the station goes boom. I will refer to them as Group 1. 1x Bubble Energy Shell. then there are two mid-sized ships (corvettes.4) to assign them a group. swap one squadron of Spark Fighters for a squadron of Sickle Gunboats -[ Brutus ]1x Deflection Engine. MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-k. Have Group 1 attack the mid-size Corvettes (or the Battleship if you're feeling . Sparta.. you'll notice we also have some extra ships under our command. the Colossus. Also a good idea to put every ships shield power to 200% You're greeted with several enemy ships here. swap Laser Ring Flak System for a LaserGlobe Flak System. On their way. then CTRL+1 (or 2. Make sure you select it first (so it's flashing). Then. Now. If not. 1x Electron Cell. have Group 2 attack the smallest ships first. Make the Angelwing and Avalanche into one group (use CTRL+Click to select them. The Valiant is a battleship. The main objective here is to protect the support ship. send in all your fighter wings to attack the reactor. We have the Avalanche (a corvette). attack them immediately! Unfortunately the Gorg have a weapon that can penetrate the Fortress Shield called a Siege Laser. and can't cloak itself properly. As long as you protect the Colossus (and it doesn't die) the mission is complete. have them help out Group 1. But good luck with that one. This is another mission about speed. you'll be able to tell as the smaller ships will have bluish-white beams connected to the battleship. they need a battleship (the Valiant) and two other ships. This is a massive shield that protects everything within its radius. After a good amount of pounding. Once Group 2 has destroyed all the small ships. Saving the Scout SWT01L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]Swap remaining Laser Ring Flak System for a LaserGlobe Flak System -[ Brutus & Sparta ]Swap Sliver Gatling Gun for a Particle Gatling Gun and add a squadron or two of Spark Fighters. Make the Sparta and Brutus into a group (CTRL+Click then CTRL+1 or 2/3/4). If the ship doesn't have . In order to use this. After a few moments. If there's no battleship or only 2 ships left alive. We need the speed right now. Have them attack the shields of the nearest ship. we also have to find the ship with the IP Blocker.. they can't do the Siege Formation. attack any of the ships in the formation to get it to break apart. You absolutely have to pay attention while scanning (click the ship being scanned so you can see the progress). Try not to lose any ships! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-l. Make sure her engines are set to 200%. it appears (and can be shot at.. We have to be very quick about what we do and hopefully distract the enemies enough to complete our objectives. When the ships enter Siege Formation. either way. This is the Angelwings job. First. Now. if you can. This ship is having some sort of problem. and use the Data Scanner on the closest ship. our main objective is to save the scout ship. By the time you get there. I'm sure you could run around disabling all their IP Drives. Set all ships engines to 200%.ballsy). The secondary objective for this mission is to destroy all the Gorg ships. If ANY enemy ships are INSIDE the Fortress Shield. the remaining ships use their IP Drives and flee. I can never seem to kill them fast enough. If they do form into Siege Formation. pause the game first. You know you found the right ship when it has a Secret bar in its portrait up top. So from time to time. don't worry if you can't destroy them all. which is bad!) then disappears again. Once again. If you prefer lasers and a more tactical approach. the Colossus will bring up the Fortress Shield. their shields will be up. Say Yes to stay. however it's very slow. we use our newly installed Stealth Drive. the base or an enemy ship. There is one drawback. To be quick. You should also have a wing of Sickle Gunboats. This mission is all about stealth. trust me. we can start. they'll spot us and it's mission failed. this one is somewhat simplistic. of course)! Destroy the remaining ships. After the IP Blocker is down. we have no shields. While cloaked. Sneaking SWT01M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]Swap your Layer Shield for a Jamming Shield. it's not that bad at all. The Archer usually has the IP Blocker. they'll detect us and it's mission failed. *** NOTE: The IP Blocker can change ships if you restart the mission! If it was on say. but you can have fun with it. With the shields down. If you really like stealth missions. but DO NOT destroy the ship with the IP Blocker until you have disabled the IP Blocker. If you like stealth. then send in ALL your Spark Fighter squadrons. Once you've found the ship with the IP Blocker (it'll appear under the Support tab in the Device list up top). We're not totally undetectable. you'll get thanked from the Scout ship. and it will flee the scene. If the Sparta and the Gunboats can't disable the IP Blocker. We have a total of 30 minutes to complete this mission. we must de-cloak for 30 seconds for the cloak to recharge. so you still have to scan all the ships (until you find the right one. then have the Sparta Attack Devices (F6) on that ship. I'm going to tell you the one route I know that works perfectly. We also have the ability to cloak now for short periods of time (5 minutes). the Archer one time. swap 1x Electron Cell for 1x Plasma Cell For this mission. have all ships attack its shields. if you hate stealth. have fun! Some things to note while we're cloaked. you can just pick another ship to scan instead. and blow up the remaining Gorgs. This drive is virtually undetectable. because it can be on different ships. If we de-cloak within the line of sight of one of the sensors. you should always scan the Archer first. we only have the Angelwing. while cloaked. have them attack the ship as well. There are several . With all that out of the way. MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-m. If we get too close to an enemy ship.a Secret bar. click the IP Blocker so that it's flashing. I say usually. and that is after every 5 minutes of cloak. well then. You'll then be asked if you want to stay and mop up the remaining Gorg (if you haven't killed them all already). Don't worry. it might not be on the next restart. they'll have no trouble blasting the IP Blocker to bits. Finally. When you get close to Nav 0. if you wish. Heh heh. Once you clear the radiation. this is the recharge time. MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-n. in terms of firepower.. This is okay. As soon as the cloak comes back up. It's not exactly the hardest mission. your cloak will drop again. right okay but there's some left. When the commandos get to the base. Titan SWT01N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]Add 1x Sickle Gunboat (replace a squadron if you have to). You should have about 1:50 left on the cloak timer. set engines back to normal power and set your shields to 200%. ahem. Once you're close enough to Nav Point 7. select your commandos and send them at the base. Now.. but so much can go .. the timer disappears and you get a cutscene. Er. you will re-cloak automatically. -[ Brutus ]Swap 1x Energy Shell for 1x Bubble Energy Shell -[ Sparta ]Swap 2x Energy Shell for 2x Bubble Energy Shell I'm going to be honest with you. we're in the radiation field and we can't be spotted.routes you can take to the base. Great. set your engine power to 200%. Commander Sweetwater will inform us she has some detailed information on this area.... Wait until the timer has 15 seconds left. and that's why we're going there. The cloak timer will now count down from 30 seconds. swap out 2x Electron Cell with 2x Plasma Cell and swap out your Sensor Array for an Advanced Sensor Array. and a bunch of Nav points and other crap will show up. Once they're all dead. but their weapons will also do some hull damage. Miss. what's that? Some Ghost ships were here?! Damn that Sweetwater. move to Nav Point 7. Oh wait. Now pay attention to the dialog! When you are told you're close enough to the base hit the Hold Position button (F3)! If you get too close. Now quickly head directly to Nav Point 3. As soon as you have control. feel free to experiment. Once you get in range you will be informed that you've entered the radiation field and your cloak will automatically drop. have the Angelwing go to Nav 0. then move to the Theta Base. this mission can be absolutely horrible. When time timer has 15 seconds left. The Ghost ships only have anti-device weapons. Ships go BOOM! Heh.. Angel should tell you that Asteroid #3 has lots of radiation and it's perfect cover. the base will detect you and it's mission failed!! Once you hold position. Well she's right. Start with the smaller or weakest ships and pound them to oblivion. If not. Now. If the Fort Shield comes back up. Okay. The Bleeder (some 47k away) and the Barbarian (battleship next to the Titan). start attacking the hull of the Titan with everything you have.e. first thing to do is PAUSE. It took me several (on the order of 15 or more) play-throughs of this mission to figure out the best strategy. you'll draw the enemy ships that are inside the Fortress Shield to the outside of it where you can proceed to blow them to bits. Some are patrolling while others are just sitting there. Do not get closer than 7k to another ship. examine the ships around you. From restart to restart. Right next to you is a destroyed ship. start mopping up all the ships outside of the Titan's Fortress Shield. 7k = 7000). Now with these three ships. Once it does. and without shields. Two things have to happen now. Besides that. have them attack the hull of the Titan. several things can happen. here's what you do. so we're paused and cloaked. Move the Angelwing in. Send out all of your fighters to attack the Titan. STOP (hold position) when you are 10k away from the Titan base. Alright. Now. Where is everybody?!! Anyway. Make sure the Fort Shield device is flashing in the Titans device view and nothing else is. hit the Stealth behavior button so your ship cloaks. Find the Bleeder and have the Angelwing go to it. or you will be detected and fired on. but we're going to use all three for navigation. have the Angelwing go to the Titan base. 7000. Once all enemy ships are dead. If you're lucky. Neither of these ships move (two are dead already). The strategy I'm going to give you I have tried repeatedly. Launch your Sickle Gunboats at the Titan base. Immediately have the Sparta and Brutus start attacking the closest ship to them. When you get within 12k of the Barbarian. you absolutely must pay attention to your distance to other ships for the time being. First and foremost. the Plague. Keep your badly damaged and smaller ships away from it as . since your fighters are already inside. When you mouse over a ship you'll see the distance (i. stop whatever you're doing and have ALL ships use the Attack Shields command on the Titan base until the shield drops. there are only two other ships you need to worry about. otherwise use Attack Shields and take it down. PAUSE THE GAME. right? Select the Titan base. then the Support tab (in the device view) and click the IP Blocker so it's flashing..: 47000. But don't jump for joy yet.. your job is easier.wrong so quick. drop cloak (set behavior to aggressive) and help out the Sparta and Brutus. with success each and every time. If you managed to destroy all the Gorg ships running around. they should be able to knock it down. their weapons HURT. things will change. Hopefully at this point the Fortress Shield is down. it's far from over and things will get worse. Then. you're gonna get some talk that the Balthasar was seriously hit and you'll get control of the entire fleet. kill off all the Gorg ships. If any ships of yours get stuck inside the Fort Shield. Your gunboats should disable the IP Blocker and your fleet will jump in. At this point. We start out all alone with a bunch of enemy ships running around. Otherwise you're going to have to wait for the Fortress Shield to drop. then have the Angelwing go to the Plague (back where we started). Otherwise. Watch your distance to the battleship Barbarian. With your fleet. After everything is destroyed. make it engage its IP Drive. MISSION COMPLETE! .. Angel beams herself over to the Mechanoid and proceeds to go mental on you. She'll be with us for the remainder of the game (provided you don't make it dead!) so treat her good! Once you have control. While you're battling. then it leaves. The Mechanoid SWT01O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]Swap 1x Particle Gatling Gun for 1x Volcano Plasma Gun. swap Weapon Energy Generator for a Combat FireStorm Generator.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-o. So start attacking. swap 1x Electron Cell for a Plasma Cell -[ Avalanche ]Swap both Eliminator Torpedos for 2x Particle Gatling Gun. add 1x Flash Fighter. Or. Have the Angelwing use the Data Scanner on the Mechanoid. 1x L2 Fusion Support Generator... 'cause a whole buttload of Gorg ships just jumped in! Just as your about to poop yourself. just wait it out. use it to attack! After a while. After a bit of talk. add 1x Flash Fighters (remove a squadron if you have to). 1x Electron Cell We have a new addition to our fleet. If all goes well. or turn control of the ship over to you for a very short time. swap Layer Shield for a Jamming Shield. Also. Angel comes back to her normal self and tells you she'll help. add a L1 Quark Support Generator. swap one L2 Fusion Support Generator for a L2 Quark Support Generator. Use this to your advantage. the heavy cruiser Avalanche. maybe you should worry. have all your ships move towards the Mechanoid. If she drops shields. Angel will lose control of the Mechanoid and it will help you blow up the remaining Gorg ships. I recommend you go after the Battleship first. If she turns it over to your control. swap 1x Electron Cell for a Plasma Cell -[ Sparta ]Swap Layer Shield for a Jamming Shield. you'll complete the mission and get a cutscene. attack that ships hull. -[ Brutus ]Swap Laser Ring Flak System for LaserGlobe Flak System.the Titan packs quite a punch. 1x Spark Fighter. you don't want them caught in the shockwave from the explosion. Angel will do various things to the enemy ships. which are: disable engines or shields. Don't worry. Ionstream Engine for a Sec.. assign priority (just click it) to fix them. swap Sensor Array for an Advanced Sensor Array. If a ship is getting pounded. Two things you must be aware of: the enemy fighters can drain shields and their weapons do massive damage to devices. Now all your fighters will patrol around all your ships and protect them as best they can. but it can be rough as the enemy has some very nasty fighters of its own. add a L2 Quark Support Generator and a LaserGlobe Flak System -[ ALL SHIPS ]You need fighters in this mission. try to have LaserGlobe Flaks on every ship! Fighters and Flaks are more important than anything else I listed!!! This mission is pretty simple. Fusion Engine -[ Avalanche ]Swap your Layer Shield for a Jamming Shiekd. So.(There is an Alternate Strategy available for this mission) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-p. Ionstream Engine for a Sec. Fusion Engine. features. so make sure you have them! Take fighters over some (or all) of my load out suggestions! Flak Systems are important. Swap 1x L2 Fusion Support Generator for 1x L2 Quark Support Generator. boost every ships shields to 200%.. make sure you check the Repair panel and if the flak systems are getting damaged. Take your fleet ships and move them towards the Mechanoid.. Make sure all ships have Flak systems. all you have to do here is survive. After that. uh. Have the Angelwing use its Data Scanner (F10) on the Mechanoid for some talk. too. Then it's. swap your Sec. Basically. This will hopefully keep your shields from dropping and allowing your ship to get pounded with nasty weapons. . Swap your Commandos out for Cyborg Commandos.. you should have absolutely no troubles. The Locust SWT01P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]Swap 1x Particle Gatling Gun for 1x Volcano Plasma Gun. add Standard ECM System -[ Sparta ]Swap Sensor Array for an Advanced Sensor Array. you'll get a short but cool cutscene showcasing one of the Angelwings. First thing to do is select all your fighters and gunboats (CTRL+Click) then press the Patrol Fleet (F8) button. With 4 ships (all should have LaserGlobe Flaks by now) and a bunch of fighters (I had 8 wings of fighters and 1 wing of gunboats at this point). add 1x Flash Fighter -[ Brutus ]Swap your Sec. to make things easier. : grayed out). but definitely a nice feature when shields drop! In this mission. to "launch" her.. swap 1x Electron Cell for 1x Plasma Cell -[ Avalanche ]Add 1x Electron Cell.. for the Avalon to survive. that's bad. after the Angelwing absorbed the Mechanoid. You should take one down fairly quickly.. swap SpaceTech ECM System for a Standard ECM System.MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-q. Once she starts attacking. obviously. her little pink mechanoid body will be slightly darker (i. When the shields go down. So. There are two Gorg battleships. . the Power and the Domination. and she cannot be killed while she's a Mechanoid. it's not as efficient as the Mechanoid. Angelwing and Avalanche into one group. After one battleship goes down. This is good. If your support power recharges enough to launch Angel again.. bust its hull to bits. and have Sparta and Brutus guard them for the time being. I never knew that. swap Combat FireCloud Generator for a Combat FireStorm Generator One cool thing to note that I didn't even notice until this play through (which is #6 btw). swap 1x L2 Fusion Support Generator for 1x L2 Quark Support Generator. they're going to form up into two Siege Lasers and. and a whole mess of Gorg jump in. Set the Angelwing group to attack the closest battleship. We need to take these guys out first. We have only these four ships. the Avalon. Once you're pretty close (13k or so away) launch Mechanoid Angel at the battle ship you're attacking. it now can transfer the power from weapons fired on it into Support energy. The main objective is.. don't overpower any systems. The secondary objective is to destroy all Gorg ships. for the Angelwing..e. use her!! If you can't launch her. Angel now has the ability to transform into a Mechanoid at will. have all ships attack the hull of that battleship. we need at least 80% support power. Split your ships into two groups. add 1x Sickle Gunboats (replace a squadron if you have to) -[ Brutus ]Swap Main Fusion Engine for Lightrider engine -[ Sparta ]Swap Main Fusion Engine for Lightrider engine. Otherwise. target the next one with your shield busters and beat it down. while the Sparta and Brutus make up the other. we're tasked with the protection of a large space fortress. however. The Siege of Avalon SWT01Q ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]Swap the remaining Particle Gatling Gun for a Bubble Energy Shell. too. but it helps in a later mission if it's not dead. Start taking out the rest of the ships going from biggest to smallest. You can ignore the smallest ships for the most part. Good luck with that.You can also not worry about the battleships. There has to be a battleship plus at least two other ships to make a Siege Laser Formation. or they flee. they can't use their Siege Laser. a whole mess of Gorg ships jump in. as you probably guessed. You can still technically pass this mission even if the Warcry dies. Between Mechanoid Angel and the Angelwing and Avalanche. even all of them together don't hurt much. Blah blah peace talks. and destroy all ships. Immediately set all Ghost Ship shields to 200%! Do the same with the Angelwing. If you're speedy enough. and they aren't very friendly. You might end up tearing some hair out over this one.. just start throwing shots at any of the ships in the formation. the Gorgs will retreat. The main objective here is just to live.. I'd definitely recommend you at least kill one battleship. have all the Ghosts attack the devices on one ship (prioritize weapons only) while the Angelwing pounds on its shields. she'll tear them down and do some decent hull damage. If there aren't enough ships. you'll kill them all before they can retreat. You can disrupt the formation. and go after the Destroyers first. the bastards always run away from me. you should be able to destroy one rather quickly. Peace Negotiations SWT01R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]Swap out the Standard ECM System for a Torsion ECM System This mission starts off pretty boring. They can only attack devices. After a while. Don't forget about Mechanoid Angel either. Get rid of the biggest ships first. It can be really annoying and the Warcry gets pounded hard. Start with the biggest ships. . If you need to buy some time. then all you have to do is finish it off. Rinse and repeat until you either kill them all. try to deal with the ones pounding the WarCry first. And then. Use her on a ship with full shields. by attacking any of the ships in the formation. Once you destroy them or they flee: MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-r. Secondary objectives are to protect the Warcry. but their lasers do a bit of hull damage. yay. Sweetwater informs you that 4 Ghost ships escorted us. then hull. This will stop them from firing. select all of your fighter squadrons and tell them to Patrol the Fleet (F8). they'll start firing at the Queen. the Battleship Guardian! Now we're really badass! As with the others. simple.. they'll tear up all your devices. You're going to constantly be attacked by annoying little fighters. she'll be with us for the remainder of the game. for a change. simple!! The first thing you should do is select all of your ships (CTRL+Left Click). Simple. as those damned Locusts can drain shields. -[ Guardian ]Add 3x Electron Cell We have a new addition to our Fleet. PAY ATTENTION TO THE QUEENS HEALTH. Once your Siege ships get in range. Once the Queen goes into the red. swap the Tactical FireCloud Generator for a Tactical FireStorm Generator -[ Sparta ]Add 1x L1 Fusion Support Generator. Hit F7 to form them into the Siege Laser Formation and right-click the Locust Queen.. but your squadrons and flaks should handle them. Your main group of ships should start moving towards the Queen whilst all your fighters start buzzing around the fleet. -[ Brutus ]Add 2x L1 Fusion Support Generators. MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-s. ... Now.Kill all enemies or make them flee and it's. Without shields.. Once the scan is complete. which is bad. DO NOT BLOW THE QUEEN UP. nothing new really. have the siege group HOLD POSITION (F3). Locust Queen SWT01S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]Whatever you want to add. Now all you have to do is send the Angelwing in to use its Data Scanner (F10) on the Queen. You know you've done enough damage when Angel says something about you needing the information from the Queen. so treat her well! This mission is actually really easy.. all the little ships go away and you stop getting attacked. It helps if you set all your ships shields to 200%. Once she goes into the red. All we have to do is scan the Queen and kill it. 1x Torsion ECM System -[ Avalanche ]Whatever you want. Assign them to a group (CTRL+1). not much can be added at this point. I wouldn't recommend using Crystalpin Light Lasers as they cannot penetrate the enemy's shields. If you want to make the next mission easier. 1x Particle Gatling Gun for 1x Volcano Plasma Gun. Make sure you have some hull destroying weapons if you plan on taking out any of the enemy ships. 1x Partical Gatling Gun for a Volcano Plasma Gun. 1x Electron Cell for 1x Plasma Cell -[ Sparta ]Swap 1x Bubble Energy Shell for 1x Delektron Shell. The first section just deals with completing your mission objectives and nothing more. 2x L2 Fusion Support Generator for 2x L2 Quark Support Generator. Just scan all the ships and survive. Mission Strategy #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This mission is pretty simple and straight-forward.MISSION COMPLETE! You'll get a nice cutscene for your troubles. swap 1x L2 Fusion Support Generator for 1x L2 Quark Support Generator. Alpha Gate SWT01T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]Swap 2x Bubble Energy Shell for 2x Delektron Shell. and that's it. You should have a skill point to spend. 1x Standard ECM System for 1x Torsion ECM System *** ALTERNATE LOADOUT *** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you wish to make the next mission much easier. I suggest bumping up the Military stat. swap 1x Sickle Gunboat for 1x Scythe Gunboat -[ Brutus ]Swap 1x Bubble Energy Shell with 1x Delektron Shell. but they're not really worth the slot. .destroying ships can make the next mission crash to desktop). but it isn't necessary if you're just going to go after subsystems (which is by far the most recommended approach -. check out part two of this mission strategy. load all of your ships with as many Burningfist Heavy Lasers as you have. add 2x Flash Fighter (replace squadrons if you have to) -[ Avalanche ]Swap 2x Particle Gatling Gun and 2x Magma Plasma Gun for 4x Anti-G Railgun. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-t. 2x Electron Cell for 2x Plasma Cell. I have split this mission into two sections. They will work once shields have dropped. Mechanoid must wait by scanning the Pathfinder. F9) on the if it's getting on your nerves. then the Starblazer. under the Support tab and click the "Armageddon" device. Have your remaining ships target devices on the Pathfinder (which is closest to them. Once the Pathfinder and Starblazer have been scanned. Sometimes it won't show up until the scan has been completed. if you really wanted to -. So far it seems just the destruction of the ships causes the crash but I've heard rumors that destroying shields and/or engines can have the same effect. The game has only crashed for me if I have destroyed any of the ships. take the Angelwing and use the Datascanner (F10) on the closest ship to you. Now comes the fun part. The Serenity is a big ship and will take much longer to scan than the other two. move onto the Serenity. the Mechanoid shouldn't really be all that damaging at this point. And I do mean several. Leave your other ships just where they are. I strongly suggest you do NOT destroy any of the ships. trying to figure out how much you can destroy without causing the next mission to crash. Once you've scanned it. you can leave the system by engaging your IP Drive (F12). destroying any of the ships IP Drives can. It should be flashing. I have NOT confirmed that. I have ran through this mission several times. then depart the sector via your IP Drives (F12). Due to some obvious scripting errors by the developers. but it just recharges anyway. at times.Start off Serenity. This is the ships weapons energy generator. Now scan the Starblazer. Ignore any Mechanoids or ships at this point. There are some things to note before we begin. at least. If they get too close to any enemy ship or structure.but don't!). On the order of 20. When the Serenity is scanned. kill all the Mechanoids and destroy every single subsystem on every ship (and blow up all the ships without any leaving. Now let's get into it. check the Devices list. The 3 main enemy ships. Then. under no circumstances. which is the Pathfinder. use only the Angelwing for now. Make sure you select the Armageddon device for the Starblazer. Just wait it out. should you destroy ANY IP Drive device until you've taken out subsystems on all the ships. just focus on subsystems and the Mechanoids. and the farthest . the Pathfinder. too. You should have one annoying Mechanoid following the Angelwing around. don't forget to select it's Armageddon device from the Devices list as well. Before you even move. I've figured out the precise order to do things in this mission so that you can scan all the ships. set all of your ships to Focused behaviour mode. After that. destroying any or all of these ships WILL cause the next mission to crash. That means. Furthermore. Starblazer and Serenity are part of the next mission. You until each ship is fully scanned. First. you will be detected prematurely and there's a good chance one or more of the Mechanoids will blast your fleet to bits. then finally the You can use your Energy Skeeter (use special weapons. cause the remaning ships to warp out of the sector. though. We're going to blow stuff up now. Mission Strategy #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** IMPORTANT *** Destroying entire ships has been known to cause the next mission to fail. Let the Mechanoid follow you around. Now you can use your Energy Skeeter on the Mechanoid. The Vardrag ships have some really strong hulls and shields. and they will recharge each other. Want to have all the time in the world on the next mission? Just take out engines. it's all up to you. Mechanoid Invasion SWT01U ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: If you added Laser weapons in the previous mission. send any fighters you have against the Pathfinder. Repeat the strategy you used on the Pathfinder and you'll be fine. good ideas. MISSION COMPLETE! (Much thanks to MouseNo4. The only subsystems you really need to take out at this point are Shields and Engines. One thing to note here is how you can pretty much adjust the difficulty of the next mission on your own. Since the Pathfinder has no weapons anymore. so you may want to consider taking out at least the Shields device. -[ Angelwing ]- . move on to the Starblazer and finally the Serenity. you should dock all of your fighters and gunboats before moving on to a ship that has weapons (ie. but it really makes no difference. The other support systems make no real difference. NightStalker and Pierce for helping me develop this strategy. DO NOT move away from the Pathfinder until you've dealt with all the Mechanoids. Don't want it too easy? Just take out the Armageddon. Depending on what you destroy (or don't) can make the next mission easier or harder. This way they don't die to the flak systems. but really. Now select the Shields device and destroy that. add anything else listed below that you can. do-everything strategy!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-u. Several other Mechanoids may activate at this time. Just remember. Send your Gunboats in after it's disabled and they'll take it out the rest of the way. But you can blow up everything if you want. use your IP Drives to leave the sector and complete the mission. Once all of your ships are attacking the Pathfinder (they should be focusing their attacks on the Armageddon device only).this is important!). They all had many different. wait for the Armageddon to become disabled (it's healthbar turns red). leave them alone. it cannot recharge the Mechanoid and you can kill it. but if you kill them fast enough you can wipe them all out. Weapons are useless without the Armageddon. Once you're done blowing the ships apart from the inside out. After the Pathfinder is out of commission. Armageddon device wasn't destroyed yet). and I've combined their thoughts and ideas into one nice.from the other enemy ships -. You can continue destroying devices without interruption at this point. You can destroy the rest. but don't remove the lasers. Then send in the Angelwing to target devices (F6) on the Pathfinder as well. Once the shields are down. read on. you can skip dialog. Not that it matters. the explosion shockwave from one of the ships is massive. Pathfinder and Serenity. select ALL of your squadrons (minus commandos of course) and have them attack the same ship you just attacked. Now that they're dead in space. 1x Volcano Plasma Gun. If you manage to save them. they can get to and infect the stargate. If you destroyed the Serenity on the previous mission. this mission will be extremely easy. Then. Select all your ships and have them Attack Devices (F6) on the nearest ship. It will wipe out a majority of your squadrons. your job is easier as the Fortress Shield prevents the infected Vardrags from using the Wormhole. is the damned Vardrags voice. you have to be very quick about taking the ships down.. as well as all of the subsystems of the other two ships. we'll deal with it. or you can let them get infected. if you did not destroy any devices -. so pull them back before it blows. After that. 1x L1 Fusion Support Generator for 1x L1 Quark Support Generator -[ Avalanche ]Add 1x Flash Fighter -[ Guardian ]Add 1x Flash Fighter. Lots can go wrong. Take out their shield systems and any remaining systems. What's most annoying. but don't sacrifice getting better weapons for fighters. If you have the RPs. If you can't save it. just blow them up as quickly as possible. I can't stand it! It makes me want to break things! Oh. -[ Brutus ]Add 2x Flash Fighters.. thus allowing you all the time you need to destroy the ships. Once one ships engines are down. but it's fun. but . When the mission starts. you can take your time. Click that ship and make sure any engine subsystems are highlighted and flashing. We have to blow up the three Vardrag ships in this area. -[ Sparta ]Swap 1x Bubble Energy Shell for 1x Delektron Shell. add fighters. two things can happen here. it's annoying! Anyway. the Starblazer. Otherwise. too. Strong weapons needed.Whatever you want. just click the dialog box! But still. If you trash the ships quick. OTHERWISE. swap Pulsar Missile for Magma Plasma Gun -[ All Ships ]Fighters are a help in this mission. you won't fail any objectives. and speed is a major determining factor. You do not need to save the Starportal here. Also.. which is extremely aggravating. One other thing to note is that the Vardrag ships have a huge shockwave when they explode. they'll die instantly. This is another one of those annoying missions. do the same to the other ship. If either the Sparta or Brutus are too close.. they never get close. pause the game (spacebar). You can try to save the Stargate and Starportal. They launch escape pods and if you don't blow the ships up quick. in my opinion. Fighters. But every time I've ever moved it. there's a survivor on one of the ships. add 1x L3 Quark Support Generator Despite the chaos in this mission... Destroy all the ships. MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-v. I've never managed to save him. Why didn't we use the Guardian? Well. you're done. If not... I'm not sure if its the Serenity or the Starblazer. Crisis Energy Torpedo for a Volcano Plasma Gun. The Fall of the Vardrags SWT01V ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ Angelwing ]Swap 2x LaserGlobe Flak System for 2x LaserNet Flak System. Set the Avalanche to 200% engine power and engage the closest ship (usually the Starblazer). pull all your fighters back (F1 them home) and have all your ships start pounding all the Vardrag ships. save or destroy the Starportal and it's. These will take out a battleship in one hit. Advanced Sensors for Palantir Sensors -[ Guardian ]Swap the Overload Energy Bomb for a Bubble Energy Shell. If you plan to try to save the star portal.. If all goes well.. too. Otherwise have all ships go back to the Guardian (we didn't move it remember?) and assign them a group and use the Siege formation to take out the Starportal.. All . and if you saved the starportal. So just leave it alone. Once all the ships are destroyed. If you're lucky and have fighters and flaks to guard the Guardian (heh. it's died. swap your Jamming Shield for an Integrity Shield -[ Brutus ]Swap Jamming Shield for Integrity Shield. while the other half guard the Stargate. the Vardrag ships have Cataclysm missiles.. Then take the Sparta and Brutus and guard the Avalanche. LaserGlobe Flak System for a LaserNet Flak System -[ Sparta ]Swap LaserGlobe Flak System for a LaserNet Flak System -[ Avalanche ]Swap Jamming Shield for an Integrity Shield. send half of your fighters to guard the Starportal. it would make your job easier. Watch out for the shockwaves! Also. your fighters and the Angelwing will manage to save the starportal.) it won't die. this is actually a pretty easy I said. Better to keep it alive.. You don't fail an objective for that either.. Send the Angelwing at 200% Engine power to guard the portal. and you need to save him. MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-w. minus the Angelwing of course. and survive. Just use your IP Drives (F12) and bail. followed by the Unknown Entry. The Colossus has a massive Anti-Mechanoid shield. First. like the others before it.. and kill any Mechanoids here to clear the way for . swap Advanced Sensor Array for Palantir Sensors -[ Sparta ]Energy Skeeter! Swap Advanced Sensor Array for Palantir Sensors. -[ Avalanche ]Energy Skeeter!! Swap out 2x Anti-G Railgun for 2x Nova Plasma Gun. swap Standard ECM System for Torsion ECM System. and have them Guard (F11) the Sunrider.. the massive Support Ship: Colossus! This ship will. Bridgehead SWT01W ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ ALL SHIPS ]All ships MUST have an Energy Skeeter weapon! -[ Angelwing ]Swap out Fusion Engine for an Antimatter Engine. you'll be told the Sunrider has admiral what's-his-face on it. Usually one stray Mechanoid follows you around and harasses you. Take all your ships. It's actually easy. so you must always keep an eye on it!! We're tasked with two objectives in this mission: test the Anti-Mechanoid shield that the Colossus has. swap 1x Bubble Energy Shell for Delektron Shell -[ Guardian ]ENERGY SKEETER! Swap 2x Bubble Energy Shell for 2x Delektron Shell -[ Colossus ]Add 1x L3 Quark Support Generator. you'll be informed you can leave. be with us for the remainder of the game. and add whatever else you want. and several weapons. and as many Plasma Cells as you can fit We have a new addition to the fleet.we have to do is scan the Entity and the Unknown Entry. for an Energy Skeeter! Swap 1x Bubble Energy Shell for Delektron Shell. Angelwing to 200% shield power. On your way or during your scans. then she scans the Entity first. After you're done scanning. Just use the Energy Skeeter (F9) on it to make it die. but it is still weak. Easy as that. swap 2x Volcano Plasma Gun for 2x Nova Plasma Gun -[ Brutus ]Swap out whatever is in the Energy Skeeter slot. our fleets. Oh, and we have to obviously keep the Colossus alive. Simple enough, eh? Heh... As soon as we jump in there's a whole mess of Mechanoids floating around. The ones that are bright pink spheres are active, while the rest are not... yet. Select all your ships (except the Colossus) and start blasting the closest Mechanoids with your Energy Skeeters (F9). You've got to be quick about it, as soon as one dies, target the next. Set your shield power to 200% on all ships for a bit of extra help. Make sure your ships do not fire ANY OTHER WEAPONS. Normal weapons fire recharges Mechanoids!!! After a while, the Colossus will finally bring up the Anti-Mechanoid shield and kill off the rest of the little buggers. At this point, you have a choice to make. You can send the Sparta and Brutus back through the wormhole, as they're the weakest ships and are usually the first to die at the next part. Or you can let them stay and chance it. It's up to you, but I'd have them bail... Now, the platforms activate. Take them out. Have the Angelwing approach the base here, and Angel will transfer herself over to it. An alien ship leaves the base. There are actually three of these ships here now. THEY HURT. Their weapons ignore shields. They'll randomly pick one of your ships and hammer on it constantly, so keep that ship guarded. The alien ships have no shields, so just pound them. Also, once one goes into the red and becomes inactive, scan it with your data scanner. Just kill off the aliens and... MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-x. Blockade Breakers SWT01X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recommended Loadout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ ALL SHIPS ]You still need Energy Skeeters, so don't remove them!! -[ Angelwing ]Swap 3x Plasma Cell for 3x Crystal Cell, and anything else you want. You need Commandos, so make sure you have them ON the Angelwing! -[ Brutus ]Swap 1x Volcano Plasma Gun for 1x Nova Plasma Gun, 2x Plasma Cells for 2x Crystal Cells -[ Sparta ]Swap 1x Volcano Plasma Gun for 1x Nova Plasma Gun. Add anything else you want. -[ Avalanche ]Swap Fusion Engine for Antimatter Engine, 1x Bubble Energy Shell for 1x Delektron Shell, and whatever else you want. -[ Guardian ]Swap Fusion Engine for Antimatter Engine, add L2 Quark Support Generator, add 1x Plasma Cell -[ Colossus ]- Add Torsion ECM System, 2x Delektron Shell We have a few things to do here. We must deploy four Blocker Generators so we can kill the Entity Sphere. Plus, there are some infected ships floating around that we need to deal with, and, a friend of ours is out there, too. And we need to save him. First, decloak. Being cloaked is worthless. Set all ships to defensive. Set the Ghost Ships shields to 200% and the Angelwings weapons to 200%. Now head to Deploy Point 2. Have the Ghost Ships guard the Angelwing for now. There are 5 ships in this area, three cruiser-class ships: Sentinal, Hacker and Keeper. These guys are more annoying than anything. There are also two battleships, the Balthasar and the Rampart. These ships are all infected and are hostile! Do not hesitate to destroy them!! On your way, the Sentinel will show up and start harassing you. Kill it. Deploy the Generator (just get to the deploy point, it's automatic from there). Once you're informed that it has been deployed, head for the next closest one. The Hacker and Keeper are still left, both are Cruisers. If you encounter them, kill them. You'll also find out that the Balthasar is here (Admiral Norbank) and there's one other battleship, the Rampart. Try to destroy all the other ships before messing with the Balthasar. Thankfully, the Balthasar has no Flak guns, so all we need to do is drop its shields and send in our Commandos. Use the Ghosts to attack the shield device while the Angelwing hammers with the Delektron Shells. Once the shields drop, send in the Commandos and rescue the Admiral. Once they return, destroy the Balthasar and any remaining infected ships. Once that's done, head to the rest of the Deploy Points and deploy the generators. When you've deployed them all, your fleet will warp in, along with the Exterminator, a battleship. Now, select EVERY ship and have them use their Energy Skeeters on the Entity Sphere. Make sure they're not firing any other weapons as they'll recharge the Entity. Once you destroy the Entity... MISSION COMPLETE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-y. The Fight for Earth SWT01Y -------------------------------------------------------------------------------[ Angelwing ]You need some hull damaging weapons. If you've followed my suggestions, you have them, otherwise add some Nova Plasma Guns or Anti-G Railguns. You should also have two wings of Flash Fighters, or a wing of Flash Fighters and a wing of Sycthe Gunboats. (Note: Do NOT use the squadrons in this mission, we need them for the next mission!). Swap Advanced Sensors for Palantir Sensors. -[ Brutus ]Swap Energy Skeeter for Delektron Shell. -[ Sparta ]Swap Jamming Shield for Integrity Shield, Energy Skeeter for Delektron Shell. -[ Avalanche ]Swap 2x LaserGlobe Flak System for 2x LaserNet Flak System. -[ Guardian ]Swap 2x Magma Plasma Gun for 2x Nova Plasma Gun. -[ Colossus ]Swap Crisis Energy Torpedo for 1x Volcano Plasma Gun, Pulsar Missile for 1x Volcano Plasma Gun, Eliminator Torpedo for Anti-G Railgun, Battle FireCloud Generator for Battle FireStorm Generator. -[ Sceptre ]Make the weapons loadout the following: 2x Anti-G Railgun, 2x Bubble Energy Shell, 2x Volcano Plasma Gun. Swap Layer Shield for Integrity Shield. -[ Crystal ]Make the weapons loadout the following: 4x Volcano Plasma Gun, 4x Bubble Energy Shell. -[ ALL SHIPS ]If you have extra RPs on any ships, add Fighter Squadrons or Gunboats. The weapons take priority here, so make sure you have all my above loadouts first. Just spend extras RPs Fighters, it'll help. They're not necessary, just helpful, so don't freak if you can't add any. We've got two new ships to our fleet, the missile cruiser Scepter and the light battleship Crystal! First, let me talk about the loadout. Why did I switch out missiles and bombs for shield busters and plasma guns? Simple. We're going to face a somewhat overwhelming force here. We need brute firepower. Missiles, torpedoes and bombs are nice, but friendly ships can be caught in the blast. We're going to have our ships relatively close together (and in close proximity of the enemy) so collateral damage has to be minimized. Second, when new enemy reinforcements arrive, their shields will be down. You notice we have a ton of plasma guns, yes? They do immense hull damage, and with 10 or so firing at once, any ship without shields is killed very quickly. Plus, we have 10 or so shield busters, so any ship with shields won't have them for very long! The time has come for us to take our home back from these vile invaders! This is going to be a tough battle, but we either succeed, or die trying!! Okay, I tried... pep talk over. This mission is absolutely insane. There's going to be a ton of stuff blowing a ton of other stuff up. It's chaos beyond what we're used to. What I'd really like to know is... where the hell is everyone else? Did you see the massive fleet that was leaving to come here? WHERE ARE THEY? Why is it just us?!?!! Ah well, it's more fun that way I guess. Alright let's cut to the chase. Our objectives are: -> Get Angel to a Relay Station so she can transmit herself to Earth -> The Angelwing MUST survive -> The Colossus MUST survive This is definitely another one of those multiple-restart-and-curse-everything missions. There is no easy way to beat this mission. The only thing I can tell try to take out the battleships before shields come up. and you can't use them anymore. Soon. As quickly as possible. Now. The Warcry jumps in right after the first Gorg fleet does. but remember not to let it get sucked into the wormhole. Take your remaining ships (leave the Colossus where it is) and move them towards the Entity Wormhole. another Gorg fleet jumps in with two . this should be somewhat easier. which is always a plus. Then cruisers. If you have any squadrons. have the Angelwing start mopping up the infected Earth ships around here. it helps to set weapons to 200%. Select each squadron from each ship and have it guard its mothership. 6 Noah battleships will jump in. we need to get Angel to Earth. and leave them there on aggressive. It does not matter if they get destroyed. assign them to guard your ships that are in battle. It's extremely slow though. which gets annoying quickly. but it's pretty far away. remember. Let's talk about the enemy forces you're going to encounter. Also. They'll help you shoot down the energy torpedoes. REMEMBER. so it probably won't make it until the Noah fleet arrives. ignoring the smaller ships for now. This is important. Stop them about 8k away from it. There's 8 of them. pause the game first. with your main group of ships. (like 3k or less I think) they'll get sucked in. Set the Angelwings engines to 200% and have it head for Delta. you'll get a Vardrag ship under your control and other reinforcements. They're just annoying. DO NOT LET THEM GET TOO CLOSE. So that means. That's bad. Once you've blown them all to bits. All enemy reinforcements come through the Entity Wormhole (more on that later) and when they arrive. from the earliest wave. Relay Station Delta is our best bet. All enemy ships come through the wormhole. have the Angelwing rejoin your main is for one. the following arrive: -> -> -> -> Gorg Fleet (1 Noah Fleet (6 Gorg Fleet (2 Vardrag Fleet Battleship and some other ships) Battleships) Battleships and more) (3 ships) You get reinforcements in this mission. After half of the Noah fleet is dead. a Gorg fleet will jump in. battleships first.screw the gunboats. one consisting of 8 Earth ships is already here (they have no shields).. There's a total of five fleets you're going to have to deal with. Once Angel has been transmitted to Earth. The Colossus has several squadrons. If they get too close to it. you must protect the Colossus or it's mission failed. their shields are down. Also. Now once Angel gets to Earth. they have energy torpedoes (knock shields down. Whenever new ships jump in. Pound them down. the relay stations are no longer needed. We're going to move our ships close to the wormhole and set up a blockade. but they have no shields and the Angelwing should have no problems taking them out. bad) and they also have a huge flash and blast radius. You must ALWAYS take out the biggest ships first. Since their shields are down. Then. depending on how badly you're getting beat up. BIGGEST SHIPS FIRST. Once the Angelwing gets Angel to Earth. the only strategy here is to DESTROY EVERYTHING. and really. Keep an eye on them and power up shields or weapons as needed. First things first. Bring it up to the front lines and make use of it. because you seriously need all the firepower you can muster. You have to take these guys down quick. you must absolutely try to kill the biggest off first and as quickly as possible.. If you have any fighters/gunboats (you should. but between your Flaks and fighters. If you're familiar with this. you should get close enough to the Vardrag ship to fire on . one Vardrag ship jumps in with a buttload of squadrons. Head to Nav Sol-Chakris. We must close them so that Angel can defeat the Entity.battleships and some other ships. so prioritize them. Survive all the ships. They're going to go after your engines. Pound them down.. then to Nav Chakris-Sol. Well. Why? You don't get to use your fleet anymore after this. The graphics are absolutely stunning in this mission.. We're only concerned with the button that says "Disruptor..within subspace itself. bear with me... I told you to bring some!) select them all and have them guard the Angelwing. but one or two is no big deal. and it's. screw everything else and focus on the Vardrag ships.. MISSION COMPLETE! NOTES (and spoilers!): It's okay if you lose ships on this mission. The Entity is gathering strength from the 5 wormholes in this area. so your ship is going to be bouncing around a lot as it tries to keep itself in position. If you go from Nav to Nav to Gate. which closes wormholes. and no RPs to spend. Angel has outfitted our ship with a Disruptor. as long as your engines don't die on ya. now. Noah. Lose too many and you'll die. rightclick the Disruptor button so it stops firing.. Once the Gorg battleships are dead. We aren't going to need anything else anyway. and the Entity will flee. pure eyecandy! Angel will inform us she's going to do battle with the Entity. We're constantly being sucked into the black hole. On the way. we need to open up the manual panel (click the hand icon in between the behavior and action buttons to bring it up). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> III-z.. The Nexus SWT01Z ------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have just the Angelwing in this mission. Don't worry too much about this. Ignore the ship for the moment. With that. Now use the Disruptor on Entity Gate Earth so it closes. Once that fleet is half dead. I'll give you exact directions. Chakris. That is.. you will not get sucked in. You'll see five wormholes (Earth. In this area. aside from the Angelwing and Colossus. Once you are notified that it's closed. White. Herlas) and a bunch of Nav Points in between. a Vardrag fleet will warp in consisting of 3 ships. Alright. so we can't add any new equipment. you should be okay. To use our Disruptor weapon. you see a list of all the stuff on your ship. In here. we're now inside the "Nexus" -." Leftclick it so it flashes. Finish off the Noah ships before turning on the Gorg battleships. There's a massive black hole here which we must stay away from. as long as you follow the exact path I tell you. That's all there is to it. we've got to get on closing these wormholes. then finally to Entity Gate Chakris. then right-click a wormhole. They are powerful and they hurt a bunch. but she needs our help.. you'll be okay and won't get sucked in. At this point. From Resource you can house Squadrons in the ship. However. As you add equipment. Rate of Fire (refire). Generally. but you do need to consider other factors such as stealth and such. E Q U I P M E N T SEQ01 =============================================================================== Within this section you'll find detailed information about every piece of equipment in the game. the last gate. Below is a rundown of all the information. In this case. that's it. and I really hope Mithis does make one. With them. the item simply goes into your stockpile. Nexus is an excellent game! Now. On to the next. Head to Nav White-Noah. man. A very powerful weapon with a very low refire is actually not as good as a weapon with decent damage and an extremely high refire. it was awesome. to Damage. Confirm = RP GONE! Docking Slots (DS) . This section is split up into different subsections for each of the equipment types. So 3 filled in blocks is 3. "bigger is better" holds true. Scale is 0-6. the RP goes down because it costs RP to mount equipment. Precision and more. Head on over to Nav Noah-Herlas. When you unmount equipment you DO NOT get RP back for it. Engines. Close Entity Gate Chakris.Used for Weapons and Squadrons. MISSION COMPLETE! * * * G A M E O V E R ! * * * Yep. including (but not limited to): Weapons. Close it and. . Damage (DMG) . Most of the information is displayed as a number of blocks (6 total. The information window you see on the upper-right of the Fleet Screen has various bits of information about each piece of equipment. Each Squadron needs a certain amount of Docking Slots and if you don't have enough. you can't mount that Squadron.Each ship has a certain amount of RP. Squadrons and more. 6 being the best. Now head to Nav Chakris-White.Most ships have Docking Slots. Close gate White with the Disruptor. However. higher is better. so the range is from 0-6). Shields. and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have the past 6 times I played! The ending cutscene sets us up for a sequel. check out the rest of the FAQ! _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> IV. then Nav Herlas-Noah and then finally to the Herlas gate.. Think of it like money. I list everything as numbers. Blow the damn thing to bits. if you add an item then unmount it (before hitting Confirm) you will get the RP back. you also have to look at a weapons Rate of Fire (RoF). Resource Points (RP) . and close it.. All equipment has several piece of information listed with it. then Nav White-Chakris and finally to Entity Gate White. game over! Well. Game over. Finally. then Nav Noah-White and finally to Entity Gate Noah. However. Remember.Rate of Fire (RoF) . This also makes the ship harder to "see" on sensors.How accurate the weapon (or Squadron) is. torpedoes and bombs.Sensor. Low precision means the weapon or squadron is going to miss its target often.: ECM/ECCM systems *** REAL DAMAGE *** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have listed the Real Damage of every weapon.Area. When considering stealth. Destructive and Area are for weapons. Each weapon's Rate of Fire determines just how much damage it will really do. The second number is the Rate of Fire percentage (RoF%) which is simply a percentage based off the weapons Rate of Fire. means the device has a use in combat. Support Ships). obviously. Area. Destructive.Supports will be listed under the following categories: . Higher is better. The more the better. Efficiency (EFF) .How efficient (good) a device is. Tactical.What is the device. Speed (SPD) . if it could detect you at all. engines and the likes. Corvettes. First. shield busting weapon. This number is the damage a weapon does per shot. anti-device weapon. This number gives you an indication of exactly how much damage any weapon will do in a predetermined time period. There are only two numbers you need to look at to figure out a weapon's Real Damage. this Real Damage number I listed is exactly how much damage each weapon will do in a set time period. Higher is always better. Used for generators. too) . This time period is determined considering the maxmimum rate of fire as a constant. All "Categories. is the listed Weapon Damage. Frigates) while Large (L) devices can only be mounted on large-size ships (Battleships. More speed is a faster engine. is usually better than a weapon with insane damage and a low refire rate. you want devices with low emissions (generally lower is better in this case). Higher is always better. i.Weapons will be listed under the following Categories: . A weapon with a high damage output but a low Rate of Fire may not be as effective as a weapon with a lower damage and a higher Rate of Fire. Medium (M) devices can only be mounted on medium-size ships (Cruisers. Sensor and Combat is for Supports. used for attacking shields .How fast (or how often) a weapon fires. but decent damage. So basically.Used for engines. Combat. Tactical. the weapon never misses. Size .Anti-Shield. while the Large size is for Cruisers and larger.e. With a precision of 6. Category (or Type) . Means its "area of effect" or that it has a blast radius (usually quite large. Size basically only determines which size ship a device can be mounted on.The size of a device.Tactical. Generally 'Small (S)' devices can only be mounted on small ships (Destroyers and smaller). means the device is some sort of sensor . meaning from great distances the enemy would be unable to tell what you were. Precision (Prec) . while a weapon with a RoF of . if there is only two sizes (Small and Large) then the Small size is for Destroyers and smaller.Destructive.How "visible" a device is.Combat. a weapon with an extremely high refire rate. Anti-Shield. High precision means less missing. A weapon with a RoF of 6 would have a RoF% of 100%. for missiles. Sensors." Tells you some more information about what the device is used for. hull damaging weapon . used for destroying devices . . Emission (EM) . The equation works out to be: (Weapon Damage * RoF%). but there are two that will do minor hull damage.5 (RoF% is 50%) . With a little bit of simple math. Plasma Guns and Rail Guns are among the best. I'll give you a couple of examples to hopefully make it clear.Equation: 5 * .3% of the time. . a weapon with a precision of 2 is inaccurate and will only deal the real damage number to a target 33. What this means is. They are only useful against shields and drain them quickly. Hull destroying weapons are only good against hulls. the RoF% is 66% (6 is the maximum Rate of Fire and 4 out of 6 is 66%). Normal Weapons include the tactical lasers (anti-device). we can come up with exactly how much damage each weapon will do in the same. RoF% is the Rate of Fire percentage. but with a relatively low (50% or less) precision modifier isn't as good as a weapon with a slightly lower Real Damage number. It is listed as a percentage. time period. Basically.Real Damage: 2. You want to balance it out so you have a high Real Damage number along with a high precision modifier (the number in parenthesis next to the Real Damage number). and that number is listed in parenthesis () next to the real damage number. If something has a Rate of Fire listed as 4. . it helps you determine exactly the best weapon to use at any given time. Rate of Fire is 3 . A weapon with a high Real Damage number. and a good precision modifier (50% or more). as it does more damage than the first weapon in the same time period. These are the basic weapons of the game. Tactical Lasers (anti-device) are only useful against destroying a ships devices. but don't let that fool you. the second weapon listed is the wiser choice.Weapon Damage is 5. As an exception. 0% being the slowest and 100% being the fastest. the anti-shield cannons (energy shells) and hull destroying weapons. The precision of the weapon also plays a part in this equation. They must have line of sight to the device to attack it. this represents the accuracy of the weapon. there are some really powerful weapons in here. Most do NO hull damage whatsoever.3 would have a RoF% of 50%. Anti-Shield weapons such as the Energy Shells are just that. Gatling Guns. Rate of Fire is 6 Equation: 3 * 1. constant.5 Now compare to this weapon: Weapon Damage is 3. most Plasma Guns will also damage shields (very minor). and this is the chance it has to do the damage listed in real damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> IV-a. is our Normal Weapons. What good is this information. you ask? Well. Normal Weapons SEQ01A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------First up.0 (RoF% = 100%) Real Damage: 3 So you can see. Better than Energy Shells. good refire. excellent refire. Which means you'll most likely run out of ammo during the course of a mission. missile and torpedo launchers require ammunition.33 (50%) Category: Anti-Shield Description: Decent damage. This is the mid-range model for Anti-Shield. excellent refire and precision. -[ Burningfist Heavy Laser ]RP Cost: 4 Damage: 5 Rate of Fire: 5 Precision: 5 Real Damage: 4. Choose wisely when adding missiles or torpedoes. refire and precision. -[ Crystalpin RP Cost: Damage: Rate of Fire: Precision: Real Damage: Category: Description: Light Laser ]2 3 6 6 3 (100%) Tactical Decent damage. Low damage. -[ Astronomical Laser ]RP Cost: 1 Damage: 1 Rate of Fire: 6 Precision: 2 Real Damage: 1 (33%) Category: Tactical Description: Basic Anti-Device weapon. good precision. One of the best AntiDevice weapons. excellent refire and precision. -[ Anti-G Railgun ]RP Cost: 3 Damage: 3 Rate of Fire: 6 Precision: 6 Real Damage: 3 (100%) Category: Destructive Description: Decent damage.Remember. -[ Bubble Energy Shell ]RP Cost: 4 Damage: 2 Rate of Fire: 4 Precision: 3 Real Damage: 1. low precision.16 (83%) Category: Tactical Description: Very good damage. Better than the Particle Gatling Gun. -[ Delektron Shell ]RP Cost: 6 Damage: 3 Rate of Fire: 4 Precision: 4 . It is immune to enemy Flak cannons.33 (50%) Destructive Very good damage. -[ Eliminator RP Cost: Damage: Rate of Fire: Precision: Real Damage: Category: Description: Torpedo ]4 5 4 3 3.Real Damage: 2 (66%) Category: Anti-Shield Description: The best of the "Shell" weapons. -[ Energy Shell ]RP Cost: 2 Damage: 1 Rate of Fire: 4 Precision: 2 Real Damage: 0. Immune to Flak. excellent refire and very good precision make this the best Gatling Gun available. -[ SilverLance Laser ]RP Cost: 6 Damage: 6 Rate of Fire: 5 Precision: 5 Real Damage: 5 (83%) Category: Tactical .66 (33%) Category: Anti-Shield Description: Basic Anti-Shield weapon. second-best antidevice weapon in the game. All very good for a torpedo. -[ Neutron Torpedo ]RP Cost: 2 Damage: 4 Rate of Fire: 4 Precision: 2 Real Damage: 2. excellent refire and precision.66 (33%) Category: Destructive Description: Good damage and refire despite the low precision make this a nice weapon. good refire and decent precision. -[ Particle Gatling Gun ]RP Cost: 2 Damage: 3 Rate of Fire: 6 Precision: 5 Real Damage: 3 (83%) Category: Destructive Description: Decent damage. -[ MirrorEye Laser ]RP Cost: 3 Damage: 4 Rate of Fire: 6 Precision: 6 Real Damage: 4 (100%) Category: Tactical Description: Good damage. Good damage. Better than an Astronomical Laser. they'll be useless. -[ SpaceTech Laser Gun ]RP Cost: 2 Damage: 1 Rate of Fire: 6 Precision: 4 Real Damage: 1 (66%) Category: Tactical Description: Anti-Device weapon. The absolute best anti-device weapon. very good refire and precision. Heavy Weapons SEQ01B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------These are the big boys in the world of weapons. missiles and torpedoes require ammo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> IV-b.33 (83%) Tactical Anti-Device weapon. Think of that when choosing them. very good refire and precision. -[ Big Bang Missile ]RP Cost: 8 Damage: 6 Rate of Fire: 2 . Capable of inflicting minor hull damage on a ship without shields. -[ Sliver Gatling Gun ]RP Cost: 1 Damage: 2 Rate of Fire: 6 Precision: 5 Real Damage: 2 (83%) Category: Destructive Description: Excellent refire and precision coupled with decent damage make this one of the better Gatling Guns. -[ Thornbird Light Laser ]RP Cost: 1 Damage: 2 Rate of Fire: 6 Precision: 6 Real Damage: 2 (100%) Category: Tactical Description: Anti-Device weapon. Excellent refire and precision. The most powerful and destructive weapons will be listed here.Description: Excellent damage. Remember. One of the best Anti-Device weapons. -[ Whitelight RP Cost: Damage: Rate of Fire: Precision: Real Damage: Category: Description: Heavy Laser ]2 4 5 5 3. Without it. Good refire for a missile. -[ Ion Scream RP Cost: Damage: Rate of Fire: Precision: Real Damage: Category: Description: Bomb ]8 6 1 6 1 (100%) Area (Anti-Shield) The most powerful of the energy bombs. Poor precision so it should only be used against large or stationary targets. 100% accuracy. but with only decent refire and horrible precision. Good damage.83 (50%) Category: Destructive Description: The weakest of the Gatling Guns.33 (100%) Category: Area Description: Very powerful anti-hull missile. Excellent damage with an absolutely massive blast radius. Awesome damage. -[ Nova Plasma Gun ]RP Cost: 6 Damage: 6 .Precision: Real Damage: Category: Description: 6 2 (100%) Area The ultimate missile. Good refire. -[ Diffuse Missile ]RP Cost: 3 Damage: 4 Rate of Fire: 2 Precision: 6 Real Damage: 1. Massive blast radius capable of destroying multiple ships. -[ Crisis Energy Torpedo ]RP Cost: 6 Damage: 6 Rate of Fire: 2 Precision: 1 Real Damage: 2 (16%) Category: Anti-Shield Description: Excellent damage. Don't use if possible. Very slow refire. if caught in the blast. -[ Magma Plasma Gun ]RP Cost: 2 Damage: 4 Rate of Fire: 3 Precision: 1 Real Damage: 2 (16%) Category: Destructive Description: This is the most basic Plasma Gun. Massive blast radius. -[ Linear Gatling Gun ]RP Cost: 2 Damage: 1 Rate of Fire: 5 Precision: 3 Real Damage: 0. 100% accurate. Decent refire. extremely low damage and mediocre accuracy. Rate of Fire: Precision: Real Damage: Category: Description: 3 2 3 (33%) Destructive Excellent damage. 100% accuracy. -[ Tremor Torpedo ]RP Cost: 6 Damage: 6 Rate of Fire: 4 Precision: 4 Real Damage: 4 (66%) Category: Destructive Description: Immensely powerful torpedo with good refire and precision. Capable of knocking down all ships shields within the blast radius. The best Plasma Gun there is.5 (100%) Category: Area Description: A basic missile with good damage and excellent accuracy. -[ Overload Energy Bomb ]RP Cost: 4 Damage: 4 Rate of Fire: 1 Precision: 6 Real Damage: 0. decent refire and precision. 100% accuracy. Capable of knocking out shields of all ships near the blast. -[ Pulsar Missile ]RP Cost: 6 Damage: 5 Rate of Fire: 2 Precision: 6 Real Damage: 1.66 (100%) Category: Area (Anti-Shield) Description: Very powerful anti-shield bomb with a massive blast radius. -[ Uranium Gatling Gun ]RP Cost: 2 Damage: 1 Rate of Fire: 6 Precision: 4 . -[ Tornado Autolock Missile ]RP Cost: 3 Damage: 3 Rate of Fire: 1 Precision: 6 Real Damage: 0. Its extremely low refire is its only downfall. Good missile. Massive blast radius. huge blast radius.83 (100%) Area (Anti-Shield) Very good damage.66 (100%) Category: Area Description: Very high damage. -[ Rad Energy RP Cost: Damage: Rate of Fire: Precision: Real Damage: Category: Description: Bomb ]6 5 1 6 0. poor accuracy. Energy Skeeters and Disruptors make up this category. Blinds enemy sensors. -[ Blinder ]RP Cost: Damage: Rate of Fire: Precision: Description: 4 0 1 6 Sensor-jamming weapon. Aids stealth.Real Damage: 1 (66%) Category: Destructive Description: The standard Gatling Gun. missiles and rescue pods regardless of the behaviour setting (with the exception of firing on rescue pods -. The Disruptor is an anti-EntityWormhole weapon. Better than the Magma Plasma Gun.5 (16%) Category: Destructive Description: Very good damage. decent refire.the behaviour does determine that). Flak Systems are anti-squadron weapons. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> IV-c. far as I know. Mission specific weapon. There is only one type. The Energy Skeeter is an anti-Mechanoid weapon. essentially destroying them. and will fire on enemy squadrons. Flak Systems.5 (100%) Category: Tactical (Anti-Mechanoid) Description: The only weapon to use against Mechanoids. but an extremely high refire rate with decent precision make up for that. Drains their power. -[ Volcano Plasma Gun ]RP Cost: 4 Damage: 5 Rate of Fire: 3 Precision: 1 Real Damage: 2. -[ Laser Ring RP Cost: Damage: Rate of Fire: Precision: Real Damage: Flak System ]2 2 6 3 2 (50%) . Special Weapons SEQ01C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------These are the special weapons. Still a very powerful weapon. Most ships can only mount one. Bigger is always better. There is only one type. Not very powerful. Flak Systems are all automatic. They only attack enemy squadrons. -[ Energy Skeeter ]RP Cost: 3 Damage: 3 Rate of Fire: 5 Precision: 6 Real Damage: 2. Better than nothing. -[ LaserNet Flak System ]RP Cost: 6 Damage: 3 Rate of Fire: 6 Precision: 4 Real Damage: 3 (66%) Description: The best Flak system you can get. Integrity and Defense are the two main factors. -[ SpaceTech Flak System ]RP Cost: 2 Damage: 1 Rate of Fire: 6 Precision: 3 Real Damage: 1 (50%) Description: Excellent refire rate. Big ]RP Cost: 4 Defense: 3 Integrity: 3 Emission: 4 Description: Basic energy shield. -[ LaserGlobe RP Cost: Damage: Rate of Fire: Precision: Real Damage: Description: Flak System ]4 2 6 4 2 (66%) Decent damage. too. despite its low damage. They come in different sizes and types. You want Defense first and foremost. but for these. and so should you. Everyone has them. but for the most part. the bigger the better holds true. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> IV-d. Small ]6 2 4 5 The best small shield.Description: Better than the SpaceTech system. you can safely ignore that. coupled with good precision make this a good weapon. Emissions also play a role. -[ Integrity Shield. Shields SEQ01D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shields are quite an important asset when you're traveling the depths of space. just get the newest. biggest one you can . but Integrity is needed. excellent refire and good precision. When looking at shields.) -[ Hidron Shield. But really. -[ Integrity RP Cost: Defense: Integrity: Emission: Description: Shield. So aim for a balance of both. Big ]RP Cost: 7 . Better than Laser Ring. With these. which is a really bad situation. -[ Layer Shield. better than Layer Shields.Defense: Integrity: Emission: Description: 4 5 5 The best large shield. -[ Jamming Shield. -[ Battle FireStorm Generator ]RP Cost: 7 Efficiency: 5 Size: Large Emission: 0 Description: The best Battleship class FireStorm Generator. Big ]RP Cost: 6 Defense: 4 Integrity: 4 Emission: 3 Description: Large energy shield. Without one. Small ]RP Cost: 5 Defense: 2 Integrity: 2 Emission: 3 Description: Small energy shield. Better than Hidron shields. Weapon Generators SEQ01E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The weapon generators provide power to your weapon systems. Better than Hidron shields. better than Layer Shields. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> IV-e. you would be unable to fire any of your weapons. -[ Combat FireCloud Generator ]- . -[ Battle FireCloud Generator ]RP Cost: 5 Efficiency: 4 Size: Large Emission: 0 Description: Large weapon generator. bigger is always better. -[ Jamming Shield. -[ Layer Shield. Small ]RP Cost: 5 Defense: 2 Integrity: 2 Emission: 4 Description: Small energy shield. Big ]RP Cost: 6 Defense: 4 Integrity: 4 Emission: 4 Description: Large energy shield. Other Generators SEQ01F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------These are basically secondary generators. Mounting more than one doubles the power and recharge. Support Generators generate extra energy for your ship. -[ Combat FireStorm Generator ]RP Cost: 7 Efficiency: 4 Size: Medium Emission: 0 Description: The best Medium weapon generator. -[ Tactical FireCloud Generator ]RP Cost: 5 Efficiency: 2 Size: Small Emission: 0 Description: Small weapon generator. Bigger (more efficient) generators generate more power and recharge Cells more quickly. -[ Weapon Energy Generator ]RP Cost: 4 Efficiency: 2 Size: Small Emission: 0 Description: Standard Small Weapon Generator. They compliment their bigger brother main generators. you should have at least one. and power non-combat systems. bigger is always better. With these.RP Cost: Efficiency: Size: Emission: Description: 5 3 Medium 0 Medium weapon generator. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> IV-f. -[ Weapon Energy Generator ]RP Cost: 4 Efficiency: 3 Size: Large Emission: 0 Description: Standard Large Weapon Generator. They're optional equipment. but generally. Secondary Generators are backup generators. -[ Tactical FireStorm Generator ]RP Cost: 7 Efficiency: 3 Size: Small Emission: 0 Description: The best Small weapon generator. . -[ L3 Quark Support Generator ]RP Cost: 6 Efficiency: 5 Size: Large Emission: 0 Description: Best large support generator.-[ L1 Fusion RP Cost: Efficiency: Size: Emission: Description: Support Generator ]4 2 Small 0 Small Fusion support generator. -[ L2 Quark Support Generator ]RP Cost: 6 Efficiency: 4 Size: Medium Emission: 0 Description: Best medium support generator. -[ L2 Fusion Support Generator ]RP Cost: 4 Efficiency: 3 Size: Medium Emission: 0 Description: Medium Fusion support generator. Better than the standard one. -[ Secondary RP Cost: Efficiency: Size: Emission: Description: -[ Secondary RP Cost: Efficiency: Size: Emission: Description: FireCloud Generator ]4 2 Medium 0 Secondary medium weapon generator. -[ Support Generator ]RP Cost: 3 Efficiency: 1 Size: Medium . -[ L3 Fusion RP Cost: Efficiency: Size: Emission: Description: Support Generator ]4 4 Large 0 Large Fusion support generator. -[ L1 Quark Support Generator ]RP Cost: 6 Efficiency: 3 Size: Small Emission: 0 Description: Best small support generator. Firepower Generator ]6 3 Medium 0 The best secondary weapons generator. even way in the future we still need batteries.Emission: 0 Description: Standard Support generator. Supports SEQ01H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Supports are just that. For Sensors. Efficiency is the determining factor. ECM systems are Electronic Counter-Measure systems. These store up power from your Support Generators. Otherwise. when that's . Very slow to recharge. as I said. they support your ship in one way or another. basically confusing them about where your ship is and what's in it. you generally want the most powerful one you can find (Efficiency = power). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> IV-g. -[ Electron Cell ]RP Cost: 2 Efficiency: 2 Size: Medium Emission: 0 Description: Better than standard Energy Cells. -[ Crystal Cell ]RP Cost: 6 Efficiency: 6 Size: Small Emission: 0 Description: Stores huge amounts of energy. Energy Cells SEQ01G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Energy Cells are the batteries for your ship. Once again. ECM systems. These are items like Sensors. ECCM systems and so forth. Sometimes. just get yourself one with the most Efficiency. -[ Energy Cell ]RP Cost: 1 Efficiency: 1 Size: Small Emission: 0 Description: Standard Energy Cell. Better than nothing. however. The more (and larger) cells you have. Yep. -[ Plasma Cell ]RP Cost: 4 Efficiency: 4 Size: Small Emission: 0 Description: Better than Electron Cells. when you want to remain undetected for longer. Emissions are key (get one with low emission). These systems mess with enemy sensors and scanners. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> IV-h. the longer you can overpower your systems. It mimics Ghost technology and only Commander Sweetwater can operate it. -[ Advanced Targeting System ]RP Cost: 6 Efficiency: 4 Size: Medium Emission: 0 Category: Combat Description: Advanced ECCM System. it's a better ECM. -[ Advanced Sensor Array ]RP Cost: 4 Efficiency: 4 Size: Medium Emission: 3 Category: Sensor Description: Advanced Sensors. These systems specifically target the ECM systems on enemy ships and render them useless. pick one with low Emissions. ECCM systems are Electronic Counter-Counter-Measure systems. Higher Efficiency means more range and more effectiveness. But if you need to be stealthy. With it. Better than Standard. . -[ Palantir Sensor System ]RP Cost: 5 Efficiency: 6 Size: Medium Emission: 3 Category: Sensor Description: The best sensors you can get. -[ Sensor Array ]RP Cost: 2 Efficiency: 2 Size: Small Emission: 3 Category: Sensor Description: Standard Sensor Array. -[ Cloaking Device Prototype ]RP Cost: N/A Efficiency: 5 Size: Large Emission: 0 Category: Combat Description: The Angelwing is mounted with this device when Commander Sweetwater joins up with us. -[ SpaceTech RP Cost: Efficiency: Size: Emission: Category: Description: ECM System ]3 2 Small 3 Combat Standard basic ECM system.higher. the Angelwing is the only ship in the Human fleet that can cloak. Better than ST Sensor Array. As it is a prototype there are some limitations to its abilities and it is not a perfect cloak. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> IV-i. They often can reveal more detailed information about a ship. so be careful nonetheless. your ship has to drop its shields. There's only one Data Scanner. -[ Data Scanner ]RP Cost: 5 Precision: 5 Description: The Data Scanner. Just hit them with the Data Scanner and you'll get a complete list. but you actually have to tell your ship to use them.-[ ST Sensor RP Cost: Efficiency: Size: Emission: Category: Description: Array ]1 1 Small 3 Sensor The most basic of Sensor Arrays. Very good efficiency with decent Emissions. But you have no way to tell if the shields will be dropped. Better than SpaceTech model. They're also handy to use to reveal all the devices on a ship. Doesn't get more basic. . -[ Torsion ECM System ]RP Cost: 6 Efficiency: 5 Size: Medium Emission: 3 Category: Combat Description: Best ECM system available. It can only be mounted on ships with a Data Scanner slot. -[ Standard ECCM System ]RP Cost: 4 Efficiency: 2 Size: Small Emission: 0 Category: Combat Description: Standard ECCM System. Better than nothing. When you use it. They're basically sensors like any other. -[ Standard ECM System ]RP Cost: 4 Efficiency: 3 Size: Small Emission: 3 Category: Combat Description: Standard ECM. so be careful. the shields aren't dropped. For short scans like this. Data Scanners SEQ01I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm not sure why Data Scanners has its own category. Used to reveal detailed info on a target. If a ship has a good ECM system (or you don't have an ECCM system) you sometimes cannot get a complete list of devices on a ship. because all ships are equipped with Secondary Engines. -[ Antimatter Engine ]RP Cost: 9 Speed: 6 Size: Large Emission: 1 Description: The best large engine you can get. Small engines are only for small class ships. Cruisers. Better than Ionstream. -[ Fusion Engine ]RP Cost: 5 Speed: 4 Size: Large Emission: 2 Description: Good speed. These are the fastest engines you can get. -[ Chemical Engine ]RP Cost: 5 Speed: 2 Size: Large Emission: 3 Description: Standard large engine. Rare. while large engines are for larger ships. -[ Ionstream Engine ]- . however once again.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------> IV-j. Speed is obviously the major determining factor. too. worry not. low emissions. When choosing engines. Angelwing is a Cruiser. Slow. low emissions. Slow. then you need to pay attention to Emissions as well. Main Engines SEQ01J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Main Engines are your ships primary source of propulsion. remember Speed is paramount. Missile Frigates. If your Main Engines are damaged or destroyed. Corvettes. by the way. Destroyers are small. they are most definitely better than nothing! Main Engines come in a variety of types. -[ Chemical Engine ]RP Cost: 5 Speed: 2 Size: Small Emission: 3 Description: Standard small engine. but low Emissions is very helpful. -[ Fusion Engine ]RP Cost: 5 Speed: 4 Size: Small Emission: 2 Description: Good speed. Support Ships and Battleships are Large. Though slower. Generally "bigger is better" holds true. Better than Ionstream. but awesome. for the most part. if you need to be stealthy. all space-faring ships equipped with Secondary Engines in the event the Main Engines go offline any reason. -[ Sec. -[ LightRider Engine ]RP Cost: 9 Speed: 6 Size: Small Emission: 3 Description: The best small engine you can get.. Chemical Engine ]RP Cost: 2 Speed: 1 Size: Medium Emission: 3 Description: Basic Secondary Engine.. . now isn't it? Secondary Engines also help in maneuvering. Better than Chemical. then you should have a Secondary Fusion Engine. high emissions. look for the same stuff as you would Main Engines. Secondary Engines SEQ01K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Due are for but to the hazards. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> IV-k. Engine ]4 3 Large 4 Decent speed. -[ Plasmastream Engine ]RP Cost: 7 Speed: 5 Size: Large Emission: 5 Description: High speed but high Emissions. When you pick them. So if you have Fusion Engines for your Main Engines. you won't get home soon. While much slower than Main Engines.RP Cost: Speed: Size: Emission: Description: -[ Ionstream RP Cost: Speed: Size: Emission: Description: 4 3 Small 4 Decent speed. Fastest there is. You generally want to match up the Secondary Engines with the Main Engines. Better than Ionstream. risks and inherent dangers of space. Better than Chemical. Just remember that they're slow and merely backup Engines. -[ Plasmatorch Engine ]RP Cost: 7 Speed: 5 Size: Small Emission: 5 Description: High speed but high Emissions. it's better than not getting home at all. high emissions. but very low emissions. Plasma Engine ]RP Cost: 4 Speed: 2 Size: Medium Emission: 4 Description: Good speed. Fusion is better. Better than Chemical. Special Engines SEQ01L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Special Engines are special-use engines. -[ Sec. . All ships should have a Combat or Deflection engine! -[ Combat RP Cost: Speed: Size: Emission: Drive ]4 2 Medium 4 -[ Deflection Engine ]RP Cost: 4 Speed: 3 Size: Small Emission: 4 -[ Stealth Drive ]RP Cost: N/A Speed: 3 Size: Medium Emission: 1 Info: This is the stealth drive mounted on the Angelwing. -[ Sec. Ionstream Engine ]RP Cost: 2 Speed: 1 Size: Medium Emission: 4 Description: High emissions. Fusion Engine ]RP Cost: 3 Speed: 2 Size: Medium Emission: 3 Description: Good speed. it's given to you. As far as I know. Basically. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> IV-l. decent emissions. You have Combat or Deflection engines. there are only two Special Engines you can pick. thereby getting less damage).-[ Sec. They also help in speedy maneuvering. high emissions. Chemical better in this case. Average speed. These engines allow the ship to rotate on its axis (which helps to keep devices out of an enemy's line of sight. though. they do the same thing. one for large ships and one for small ships. You can't add it yourself. the former for large ships while the latter is for smaller ships. Perfect when cloaked. It cannot be removed. -[ Gemini Fighter ]RP Cost: 2 Docking Slots: 3 Damage: 2 Rate of Fire: 0 . but more heavily armored. so flaks and/or enemy squadrons can take them down easily. and you shouldn't be without them. as well as harass larger ships. missiles and torpedoes. -[ Cyborg Squad ]RP Cost: 1 Docking Slots: 5 Damage: 5 Rate of Fire: 0 Precision: 6 Description: Cyborg Commandos. In the single player campaign. Guard them. Better than regular Commandos. Slower than Fighters. They carry some pretty powerful punch for such a little package. If you can't take out all the flaks or fighters. bombers. so don't neglect them. gunboats and commandos. They can take down enemy fighters. Fighters are your space-superiority force. be it for rescue or sabotage. Each has their own purpose. use your own squadrons as cannon fodder (launch them first). Cyborgs) are your Special Forces. Their weapons are powerful and can penetrate enemy shields. Slow. When you need to get a force of men on an enemy ship.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------> IV-m. but heavily armored. -[ Commando Squad ]RP Cost: 1 Docking Slots: 5 Damage: 4 Rate of Fire: 0 Precision: 6 Description: Commandos. Fast and lightly armored. Better than Space Marines. Squadrons SEQ01M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------These guys are your fighters. there are missions that you cannot beat without squadrons. They attack a ships devices. Gunboats are tactical fighters. these are the guys you call out. They are only effective against larger ships if the ships shields are down. Commandos (Space Marines. More powerful and accurate. Their bombs can penetrate shields. -[ Flash Fighter ]RP Cost: 4 Docking Slots: 4 Damage: 4 Rate of Fire: 0 Precision: 5 Description: Better than Spark fighters. Bombers are for attacking large ships. The ship they use is unarmed and lightly armored though. You can also use them to harass enemy fighters. These strategies are submitted by lots of different people. They make ships go boom. good precision. Better than Gemini Fighters. As this is the only class of bombers in the game. they are obviously the best! -[ Scythe Gunboat ]RP Cost: 6 Docking Slots: 6 Damage: 4 Rate of Fire: 0 Precision: 5 Description: The best gunboats. . Contact the person who wrote the strategy (if contact information is listed). _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> V. Low damage. good precision.Precision: 4 Description: Basic fighters. -[ Spark Fighter ]RP Cost: 2 Docking Slots: 4 Damage: 3 Rate of Fire: 0 Precision: 4 Description: Decent damage. and they are not mine. -[ Sickle Gunboat ]RP Cost: 3 Docking Slots: 6 Damage: 3 Rate of Fire: 0 Precision: 4 Description: Basic gunboats. A L T E R N A T E S T R A T E G I E S SAS01 =============================================================================== Here you will find all of the Alternate Strategies for some of the missions. Please do not contact me regarding the strategies listed here. -[ Space Marines ]RP Cost: 1 Docking Slots: 4 Damage: 3 Rate of Fire: 0 Precision: 6 Description: Basic commando squadron. good precision. They are not mine. -[ Meteor Bomber ]RP Cost: 3 Docking Slots: 8 Damage: 3 Rate of Fire: 0 Precision: 4 Description: Bombers. Decent damage. He gives some sound advice. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> V-b. it seems at least one person wasn't so lucky. it will give you another secret. Avalanche-Using this as an artillary fighter. You need to keep your distance (and that of the battle) from the Mechanoid or it gets enough energy from the ship emissions in combat to activate earlier than desired. For other people. removing only the gatling guns and lasers or that sort of weaponary. Angel returns early as well. Note: While I've never had any problems with this mission on any of the difficulties. It then attacks your ship and kills you in a heartbeat. this mission went to hell in a handbasket for him rather quickly. Attack the Gorgs early. According to Pearce. 2 Eliminator Torpedo Big Bang Missle . which meant they got to the mechanoid body at weapons range and the battle took place in close proximity to the mechanoid. Shukenja Beta SAS01A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------[ Submitted by Vapor ]Before scanning the base destory the 3 platforms. [Ed. I stuck to YOUR loadout when possible. The Fight For Earth SAS01D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------[ Submitted by Michael "Snowman" Keith <snwmnx(at)yahoo(dot)com> ]Just keep in mind. it still completes the objective. The Mechanoid SAS01B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------[ Submitted by Pearce ]You can get this wrong very very easily. they may not be able to pull the last plasma cell.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> V-c. Keep all ranged weaponary already on the sceptor there. Then use the 4 min that the alien ai gives you to datascan the alien artifact again after it starts attacking you. so if my strategy doesn't work.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------> V-a. I found I was being reamed because I was letting the Gorgs come to me. taking these changes as priority: Sceptor: Using this as an artillary fighter Added a Bing Bang missle 2 eleminator torpedo's 1 Rad Energy bomb crystal cell plasma cell That takes up all of the RP I had. give this a shot. figured you knew what you were talking about. 2 tremor torpedo. Loadout for weapons looks like: Eliminator Torpedo "" "" Default weapon "" "" Tremor Torpedo "" All in all. You had played it more than me. :) Using this loadout. and 3 of them were left as they came. The weapons looked exactly as I listed above. since RP are limited here. and still had fighters left over to harrass the left over Gorg. so my battleships could take the biggest beating. Attacking one noah ship should take them all out. Don't forget to turn missles / torpedo's "on" on the ship options. and attack the big ones first. just the shields.. I had to fall back and meet reinforcments half way. S H I P S SSHP01 =============================================================================== Ships are what Nexus is all about. I decided to let this one deal out as much damage as it could. in order. lol. Each ship has its own listing. you may want to alternate which missle boat fires. I was able to take them all down. and you DON'T wanna run out. set them all to Focus Behavior. Don't forget about it. it is IMPERITIVE that you keep your main force around at LEAST 8k from the wormhole. I didn't bother with the weapons. and if I had ANY RP left I went for what out of your config I could. which includes information such as the number of device slots and what type of devices can be mounted there and some other . as you do have a limited number of missles / torpedo's. Also. All other ships I left the same. NPC ships are not included. :) After that. and still won. or you will regret doing it this way. but I know in the end I wanted 3 elim torpedo.. nor is anything from Multiplayer included. from top to bottom. so here we have an entire section devoted to all of the ships in the game. I dont recall what I added. while I was running I sent EVERY fighter / bomber / gunboat I had to attack the vardrag shields. _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> VI. I did run out myself. I have yet to play this mission without some gorg cruisers surviving and pecking at the collosus. This section ONLY covers ships you can control in the Single Player Campaign.Rad Energy Bomb Brutus Heavy weapon I added Tremor Torpedo Sparta Heavy weapon I added Tremor Torpedo Crystal-It already has so much on there as torpedo's. Your blast radius is just so massive that you eat up the little ones as you go. and I kept my missle boats back 10k. 06. 04. 09. 12. similar to the Stiletto design. 05. Normal Weapons 13. regenerative hull.information. Other Generators / Supports Supports Supports Supports Energy Cells Energy Cells Weapons Energy Generators ----[ Lightning & Madeline ]--------------------------------------------------The Lightning and Madeline are both light corvettes. Special Engines (Stealth Drive) 15. 10. ----[ Stiletto ]--------------------------------------------------------------The Stiletto was the first Stiletto class corvette built by SpaceTech Industries. 14. Versatile ships that can hold a wide assortment of devices. Normal Weapons / Special Weapons 03. there are over 50 Stiletto class corvettes in service. 11. Originally discovered and/or created by the Kissaki Syndicate. Currently. 13. 07. and a Universe Technology Assimilator. it was stolen by SpaceTech Industries. It has many abilities including energy shielding. These ships are listed in order of appearance. 07. The ship is a medium-sized vessel with a decent assortment of device slots. Normal Weapons / Data Scanners Normal Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Special Weapons Main Engines Secondary Engines 08. Device Slots: 24 Docking Slots: 16 01. but it can certainly hold its own. Normal Weapons / Data Scanners 02. 13. Normal Weapons / Data Scanners Normal Weapons / Special Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Special Weapons Main Engines Secondary Engines Supports 08. however this is more than enough. Device Slots: 14 Docking Slots: 10 01. It is upgraded with new technologies throughout the course of its journey. Supports Supports Other Generators / Supports Energy Cells Energy Cells Weapons Energy Generators <----[ Angelwing ]------------------------------------------------------------> The Angelwing is a cruiser sized ship of unknown origins. 06. 03. which allow for only two Squadrons. 11. 03. Device Slots: 13 Docking Slots: ? 01. Supports . 12. 10. Not the most powerful ship. 09. 02. It has 10 Docking Slots. 05. 04. They are meant for support and recon roles. Special Engines 14. 02. 15. 06. 08.Weapons Energy Generators: Standard or Combat types only <----[ Brutus ]---------------------------------------------------------------> The Brutus is a Scout Destroyer. Supports Supports Other Generators / Supports Other Generators / Supports Energy Cells Energy Cells IP Drive Weapons Energy Generators Device Limitations: . 18. 21. 22.Shields: "Small" size only . Data Scanners Normal Weapons / Special Weapons Normal Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Special Weapons Shields Main Engines Secondary Engines Special Engines 10.Support Generators: L2 only . the psychologist brought on board to analyze Angel. . shifting the rest of the slots down. 08. 04. 17. 19.04. 07. 03. 24. The Stealth Drive is added (slot #13). 05. 07. Both cannot be removed. 17.Special Engines: Deflection Engine only .Main Engines: Small sized only . 11.Support Generators: L1 only .Weapons Energy Generators: Standard or Tactical types only <----[ Sparta ]---------------------------------------------------------------> .Main Engines: Medium sized only . 23. 09. 12. Device Slots: 17 Docking Slots: 9 01. 06. Supports / Other Generators Supports / Other Generators Supports / Other Generators Cloaking Device Prototype Energy Cells Energy Cells Energy Cells IP Drive Weapons Energy Generators Extra Information: . 05. 10. though somewhat smaller in size. 14. Normal Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Special Weapons Special Weapons Mechanoid Angel Shields Main Engines Secondary Engines 16. Essentially a larger version of the Stiletto in many respects. 12. 20. 09. . 02. Device Limitations: . 16. IP Drives come standard.Shields: "Big" size only.During the "Sneaking" mission: Cloaking Device Prototype is added at slot #18 (shifting the rest of the slots down).During "The Siege of Avalon" mission: Mechanoid Angel added at slot #09.Special Engines: Combat Drive only . 13. 11. Better engines and shields than the SpaceTech equivelents would've had. commanded by Rudolf Veltman. 14. 05.Support Generators: L1 only . 16. initially equipped with device-destroying weapons. 17. Nearly the same size as the Angelwing and with comparable arrament options. 02. 22. Comes equipped with a Whitelight Heavy Laser at slot 01 which cannot be removed.Shields: "Big" size only. the Avalanche will end up with more available weapon slots. . 06.Weapons Energy Generators: Standard or Combat types only . 06. 09. Nearly identical to the Brutus in all respects. 04. 15. commanded by Francis Delorian. 15.The Sparta is a Tactical Destroyer. Normal Weapons Normal Weapons / Special Weapons Normal Weapons Normal Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Special Weapons Special Weapons Shields Main Engines Secondary Engines 12.Special Engines: Deflection Engine only . 02. Supports Supports Other Generators / Supports Other Generators / Supports Energy Cells Energy Cells IP Drive Weapons Energy Generators Device Limitations: .Special Engines: Combat Drive only . 17.Main Engines: Medium sized only . 07. Whitelight Heavy Laser Normal Weapons / Special Weapons Normal Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Special Weapons Shields Main Engines Secondary Engines Special Engines 10. The ship serves in a supporting role. 08. Device Slots: 17 Docking Slots: 9 01. 05. 20. 11. 13. 19. 03. 04. 08.Weapons Energy Generators: Standard or Tactical types only <----[ Avalanche ]------------------------------------------------------------> The Avalanche is a Heavy Cruiser. 21. 16. 09. 18. 07.Shields: "Small" size only .Support Generators: L2 only .Main Engines: Small sized only . 12. Device Slots: 22 Docking Slots: 14 01. 11. Special Engines Special Engines Supports Other Generators / Supports Other Generators / Supports Other Generators / Supports Energy Cells Energy Cells Energy Cells IP Drive Weapons Energy Generators Device Limitations: . 03. 14. 13. 10. Because of the special devices that the Angelwing receives. Device Slots: 29 Docking Slots: 24 01. 28. 17. This is also the first ship to get the experiemental Anti-Mechanoid Fortress Shield. It is an absolutely massive ship with eight weapon slots! The Guardian comes equipped with a Siege Laser. 17.the largest combat vessel in the Human fleet. 21. 07. Normal Weapons Normal Weapons / Special Weapons Normal Weapons Normal Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Special Weapons 15. 20. 05. 04. 03. but it is capable of delivering a stunning amount of firepower. Supports Other Generators / Supports Other Generators / Supports Energy Cells Energy Cells Energy Cells Energy Cells . 16. 27. 02. 07. 04. As the ship is just plain large. 19. 09. 08. It's a slower ship. 13.Special Engines: Combat Drive only . 24. 29. 03. but it does have room for some weapons. It also has a massive fighter bay with 24 docking slots. Special Engines Supports Other Generators / Suppports Other Generators / Suppports Other Generators / Suppports Other Generators / Suppports Energy Cells Energy Cells Energy Cells Energy Cells Energy Cells Energy Cells IP Drive Weapons Energy Generators Device Limitations: . 22. Device Slots: 27 Docking Slots: 30 01.<----[ Guardian ]-------------------------------------------------------------> The Guardian is a Battleship -. 06. 20. 25. Along with everything else. Enough for 6+ squadrons to easily fit.Support Generators: L3 only (slot 21 takes an L2 only) .Main Engines: Large size only . 12. and may require additional defense at times. 06. it moves incredibly slow and is extremely vulnerable to attack because of this. Just plain's huge. 15. 11. 23. 10. 26. 05. it has the largest docking bay in the fleet with a total of 30 slots. or as a long range missile boat. Colossal. It's not designed for combat. definitely to be used in a defensive manner.Weapons Energy Generators: Standard or Battle types only <----[ Colossus ]-------------------------------------------------------------> The Colossus is a Support Ship and as its name implies -. 21. 19. which is capable of housing 3-6 squadrons. the most powerful weapon available. 18.Shields: "Big" size only . 02. 14. 18. It is the only ship capable of mounting the Fort Shield. Normal Weapons Normal Weapons / Special Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Normal Weapons / Heavy Weapons Siege Laser Special Weapons Special Weapons Shields Main Engines Secondary Engines Special Engines 16. Basically this means it makes stuff harder to detect and can jam targetting systems. more fully and with total accuracy. however.Weapons Energy Generators: Standard or Battle types only _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> VII. 23. solid (like wood) or Plasma. 10. Energy Cells Energy Cells Energy Cells Energy Cells IP Drive Weapons Energy Generators Device Limitations: . ECM Electronic Countermeasure. plasma is used as a engine technology and a destructive force. 27. 25.08. I've written up a small glossary section that lists these items and their definitions. 14. Matter can be gaseous (like air).Support Generators: L3 only . These definitions are meant to be as simplistic as possible. like those on missiles. G L O S S A R Y O F T E R M S SGLS01 =============================================================================== There are a lot of acronyms. This is a device that jams or otherwise hampers the usability of electronic sensing and tracking devices. This is a sub-lightspeed drive system used within solar systems (known as Sectors in the game).Main Engines: Large size only . abbreviations and perhaps simply words you don't recognize used throughout the game and this guide. liquid (like water). . 11. Special Weapons Special Weapons Special Weapons Shields / Fort Shields Main Engines Secondary Engines Supports 22. It doesn't apply to this guide. 12. I know some of the terms could be explained better. 09. Plasma Plasma is the fourth state of matter. trips that would take months or even years can be reduced to days or weeks. 13. Plasma is a high energy state of matter and is only found in space or controlled environments. for the casual gamer this information is irrelevant and generally unwanted. If you really know the quantum physics to wormholes. great. With this drive technology. ECCM Electronic Counter-Countermeasure. This is a device thats sole purpose is to disable or reduce the functionality of ECM systems. In the game. 26. IP Drive Interplanetary Drive. I don't mean to be rude. 24. but I don't care. I will NOT reply!) -> Constructive criticism.M A I L A N D S U B M I S S I O N S SSUB01 =============================================================================== Alright.) -> Questions regarding Nexus and this FAQ. Repeated attempts will get your address blocked. Continued attempts at harassment of any form will be forwarded to your ISP. Wormholes allow nearly instantaneous. These E-Mails will be deleted. I'll instantly delete any e-mails without that! What You Can E-Mail -------------------> Additions (new information) for anything not included in the FAQ. READ THE FAQ. I'll try to explain wormholes simply. Don't flame me. The only real downside to this is that you need a wormhole at your departure and destination points. Any E-Mails with attachments or files of ANY kind will immediately be deleted regardless of the content! -> Plagerism. I don't want any of your viruses. haikus or any of that stuff. Attachments. Second of all. Don't bother. that's stealing and it's wrong. -> Files. However. you'll get NO RESPONSE. How and What to Submit ---------------------- . I don't want any grief because you stole someone elses work and now they're bitching at me because I gave you credit. _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> VIII. -> Corrections (spelling errors. These E-Mails will be deleted on sight! Repeated attempts will get your E-Mail blocked. or how you think something should be done. -> Anything not related to this FAQ. DON'T FLAME ME. in an effort to keep myself from getting a clogged inbox. (Please read through the FAQ to see if your question has already be answered before E-Mailing me. I don't care. But again. A wormhole is a passage in subspace between two points in normal space. So don't do it. sorry. no exceptions. incorrect information. etc. if you wish to tell me how I could improve the guide. Don't steal someone elses work and submit it as your own. PLEASE read this before E-Mailing me. If something is already covered in the FAQ.Wormhole Without getting into quantum physics. E . -> Questions on stuff already in the FAQ. pictures. Personal insults and the likes. These type of E-Mails will immediately be deleted and your E-Mail address blocked. faster-than-light travel. Be SURE to include "Nexus: The Jupiter Incident FAQ" in the subject of your email. I'll be more than happy to give up your e-mail address to the person you stole from. here's a quick E-Mail policy and a guideline to submitting stuff to me. go right ahead. I'll delete the mail and block your address. Don't mail me questions that I've already covered. What You CANNOT E-Mail ----------------------> Flames. First of all. 3 . I hate guessing.If you have some information I don't have. I will not be including E-Mail addresses with submissions unless you SPECIFICALLY ASK ME TO. DIFFERENT from mine (or any others)! Now here are some quick guidelines: -----------------------------------> ENGLISH ONLY PLEASE.March 17. please do submit them. So please be patient and don't spam and we'll FAQs I respond me! Oh and in case you're too lazy to scroll back to the top (CTRL+HOME is easy) my e-mail address is: onevertigo1(at)gmail(dot)com _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> IX. I get lots of e-mail regarding the write. Please. Okay. RPs. I'm pretty good at figuring out bad English. Again. 2005 <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. and check! -> I will include your name (or nickname) in the FAQ. to make sure it's not already in there. V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y SVH01 =============================================================================== ------------------------------> v1.Added this section and moved the Version History section near the end of the guide. outlining the capabilities and configuration of all the ships you can control. Please be as detailed as you can be. -> BE AS DETAILED AS POSSIBLE. so it may take a few days for me to respond. I WILL NOT include your E-Mail address unless you SPECIFICALLY ASK ME TO. but try to be clear. etc. For equipment submissions and corrections. so don't make me do it! -> MAKE SURE IT'S NOT ALREADY IN THE FAQ. I strongly believe credit should be given. As in. Follow these FEW simple rules both be happy! Please understand. though). I can't read any other languages (unfortunately) so please submit only in English. you will be given credit in the FAQ. You should always check the FAQ thoroughly before submitting something. If you don't want to be mentioned at all. I hate guessing. A quick note on strategies. there are going to be lots of different strategies. . I promise I will (may take up to a week. YOU MUST LET ME KNOW. save both of us time. Don't make me guess. that's about all there is. I simply ask that you be as detailed as possible and that your strategy is UNIQUE. let me know. or any corrections or whatever. If I include anything you've submitted. well. If you do not wish to be listed in the document.Added "Ships" section. please include everything that I list (type. If you don't know some information. and there are several ways of going about completing a mission. please let me know.). Information is limited to the single player campaign and only the ships you gain direct control of. . Since this game is a tactical game. new section.Added another strategy for the Shukenja Beta mission (thanks Vapor) . oops) Added an additional strategy for the "Alpha Gate" mission (thanks MouseNo4) Updated the Submissions section Updated the preface to the Walkthrough section (read it!!) ---------------------------------> v1.2 .0 . If you're having trouble with a mission. 2004 <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Added Search Codes to the Interface section (forgot them last time. been tested and verified by me.Fixed up the preface to the Walkthrough section and added some new info to it . These have been incorporated into the main strategy in the walkthrough. --------------------------------> v1.November 25.Updated "Saving the Scout" mission strategy to include more details. .Updated "Alpha Gate" mission strategy.1 ..Added a couple strategies for the Alpha Gate mission (thanks NightStalker and Pearce) .FAQ completed and released to the public. so I had to change my address! The new address is: onevertigo1(at)yahoo(dot)com .Updated "Mechanoid Invasion" mission strategy to include more details.Added another strategy for the Fight For Earth mission (thanks to Michael "Snowman" Keith <snwmnx(at)yahoo(dot)com>) .Removed the "Alpha Gate" Alternate Strategies. 2005 <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------.Updated "The Siege of Avalon" mission strategy to include more details.My E-Mail address has been changed! I've had issues with Walla sending to AOL servers (among other problems).Moved ALL Alternate Strategies to their own.December 5.Lots of corrections throughout the entire guide. . totally revised to include all of the information submitted by MouseNo4.Added "Game Controls" section to "The Interface" section. Lots. so it really does work! . I found it to be more helpful and accurate to include all of their thoughts/ideas into the main strategy. . .Cleaned up the Version History section --------------------------------> v1. 2004 <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. as it makes the "Mechanoid Invasion" mission much easier and more tolerable. . Lots of shortcuts and hotkeys I was missing out on.Added some more info and a strategy for The Mechanoid mission (thanks Pearce) . of course. The strategy has. see the Alternate Strategies section! . NightStalker and Pierce. . This was done to keep the guide as clean as possible. All mouse/keyboard shortcuts listed.January 23. Let's not forget HD Interactive.hepled to develop the "Alpha Gate" mission strategy Pearce . for publishing Nexus! They saw the good that Nexus was. much thanks to Mithis. And because my computer (or maybe Nexus?) hates me so much._______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ==> X. so a big thanks to them!: -> -> -> -> -> MouseNo4 . and brought it to us! Thanks to me! I wrote this! I painstakingly played the game (evil as it was at times) through several times.altnerate strategy for the Fight for Earth mission Next. Awesome game. Nexus: The Jupiter Incident is Copyright (c) 2004 Mithis Entertainment.Alternate strategy for the Shukenja Beta mission Michael "Snowman" Keith <snwmnx(at)yahoo(dot)com> . and the rest of you! The following people submitted information for this guide. a big THANK YOU to all the people on the GameFAQs message boards.. ARRRGHHH!! It sucked. I had to rant. :) ------------------------------[ END OF DOCUMENT ]------------------------------ ..hepled to develop the "Alpha Gate" mission strategy NightStalker . They (probably unknowingly!) donated to the strategies I've come up with for this FAQ! You guys are great! -> Mech049. I couldn't ALT-TAB out while I was gathering information. They helped me immensely. C R E D I T S A N D S P E C I A L T H A N K S SCST01 =============================================================================== This guide was written by and is Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Darrin Ackerman. First and foremost.. I don't want a medal or a cookie or even a pat on the back. cause.hepled to develop the "Alpha Gate" mission strategy Vapor . well they made Nexus. So I had to write everything down in a notebook first and pen&paper sucks and it's like outdated and I shouldn't have to think that much and and. good job guys. No. Martin Pagan.
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