Nexus - 1506 - New Times Magazine

March 19, 2018 | Author: mufonnexus | Category: Radio Frequency Identification, Surveillance, Statin, Low Density Lipoprotein, Mobile Phones



NEXUSNEW TIMES MAGAZINE Volume 15, Number 6 PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560, Australia OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2008 Website: CONTENTS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.............................................4 Readers discuss retired astronaut Edgar Mitchell's UFO revelations, the spin effect in the universe, Rife machine capabilities, and much more. We report on the Knights Templar heirs' legal battle with the Pope, cancer and death risks from low LDL cholesterol, Chinese success in growing giant vegetables from seeds sent into space, and more. PROPHECIES AND THE GREAT PYRAMID—Part 2....49 By Tony Bushby. The gods and goddesses of Egypt left a legacy of prophecies and myths that foretell of cosmic cataclysms to affect Earth in the future. By Andy Thomas. With many beautiful formations appearing in the fields of England and other countries this year, the crop circle phenomenon remains mysterious and continues to enchant. We highlight Philip Coppens's update on the inscribed stone discs of the Dropa, former astronaut Ed Mitchell's UFO revelations, and NASA spacecraft officer Clark C. McClelland's admission on the tall alien he saw via Kennedy Space Center monitors. GLOBAL NEWS.............................................................6 GIFTS IN THE FIELDS: CROP CIRCLES OF 2008.......57 RFID CHIPS AND THE SURVEILLANCE SOCIETY.......11 THE TWILIGHT ZONE................................................65 By Tom Burghardt. Governments and agencies in America and China are touting radio-frequency ID chips to track and profile citizens for "national security" and population control purposes. By Gregory Damato, PhD. Billions will suffer from degenerative diseases because of poor nutrition and limited access to health supplements if the global corporations "harmonise" the world. COMBATTING THE CODEX ALIMENTARIUS.............15 REVIEWS—BOOKS.....................................................71 "The Essence of Woman" by Annie Meredith "Conscious Gardening" by Michael J. Roads "Coming Back to Life" by P. M. H. Atwater "The Dead Are Talking" by Ross Hemsworth "Too Many Secrets" by Kathleen McErlain "The Kingdom of Agarttha" by A. Saint-Yves d'Alveydre "2012 and the Galactic Center" by Christine R. Page, MD "The Rise & Fall of Atlantis" by J. S. Gordon "Forbidden Science" edited by J. Douglas Kenyon "Otto Rahn & The Quest for The Holy Grail" by N. Graddon "Silent Fields" by Donna Fisher "The Cosmic Pulse of Life" by Trevor James Constable "The End of Food" by Paul Roberts "The Ultimate Conspiracy" by James McCumiskey "Food Matters" by Permacology Productions "Skull & Bones" by Anthony J. Hilder "The Alchemical Dream" with Terence McKenna MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE FOR HEALTH....................21 By Barbara Bourke with Walter Last. A mineral compound sourced from sea water, magnesium chloride promotes health and vitality, treats many diseases, aids rejuvenation and fights infection. THE SERPENT AT THE END OF PRECESSION.............29 By Michael W. Weir. Decades of scientific studies suggest that the Earth is heading for a reversal in polarity and spin, a change in its angle of axis and the beginning of the next ice age. Interview with Vladimir Megré by Regina Jensen, PhD. Author of The Ringing Cedars books, Megré gives insights into the wisdom of Anastasia, recluse of the Siberian taiga, and his own spiritual development since he met her in 1995. ANASTASIA, WISE RECLUSE OF THE TAIGA..............37 REVIEWS—DVDS.......................................................78 REVIEWS—MUSIC......................................................79 "Extraordinary Rendition" by Rupa & The April Fishes "The Mandé Variations" by Toumani Diabaté "Introducing Perunika Trio" by Perunika Trio "Brazil" by Los Angeles Guitar Quartet SCIENCE NEWS..........................................................45 We feature Stefan Nyström's WaveReaper ™ technology that promises to produce kilowatts of energy cheaply and easily from wave action. OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS BOOKS, VIDEOS, ADS, SUBS...................87–96 NEXUS • 1 NEXUS MAGAZINE Volume 15, Number 6 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 Editorial W PUBLISHED BY NEXUS Magazine Pty Ltd, ABN 80 003 611 434 EDITOR Duncan M. Roads CO-EDITOR Catherine Simons ASSISTANT EDITOR/SUB-EDITOR Ruth Parnell OFFICE ADMIN/EDITORS' ASSISTANTS Jenny Hawke; Susie Foster MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Richard Giles; Susie Foster CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISSUE Tom Burghardt; Gregory Damato, PhD; Barbara Bourke with Walter Last; Michael W. Weir; Regina Jensen, PhD; Benjamin Fulford and Stefan Nyström; Tony Bushby; Andy Thomas; Philip Coppens; Clark C. McClelland CARTOONS Phil Somerville COVER GRAPHIC Jeff Edis, [email protected] PRINTING Beaudesert Times, Queensland, Australia AUSTRALIAN DISTRIBUTION Newsagents Direct Distribution HEAD OFFICE – All Correspondence PO Box 30, Mapleton, Qld 4560, Australia. Tel: (07) 5442 9280; Fax: (07) 5442 9381 Email: [email protected] Website: NEW ZEALAND OFFICE: RD 2, Kaeo, Northland. Tel: +64 (0)9 405 1963; Email: [email protected] USA OFFICE: PO Box 1248, Walterboro, SC 29488. Email: [email protected] UK OFFICE: 55 Queens Rd, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1BG. Tel: +44 (0)1342 322854. Email: [email protected] EUROPE OFFICE: Postbus 10681, 1001 ER Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Email: [email protected] STATEMENT OF PURPOSE NEXUS recognises that humanity is undergoing a massive transformation. With this in mind, NEXUS seeks to provide 'hard-to-get' information so as to assist people through these changes. NEXUS is not linked to any religious, philosophical or political ideology or organisation. PERMISSION-TO-REPRODUCE POLICY While reproduction and dissemination of the information in NEXUS is actively encouraged, anyone caught making a buck out of it, without our express permission, will be in trouble when we catch them! e all know that times are changing, but, after the quickest two months I've ever experienced, I'm beginning to wonder whether time itself is changing, too. Change is certainly coming to print media in a big way. For example, the death of the newspaper is now being touted in many countries— and some say the death of the magazine will follow. Now, before I hear you say "But I will always prefer reading a paper or magazine with coffee", let me clearly iterate that this is not happening because of paper or magazine purchasing preferences by readers and consumers; it is being driven by the fact that people are using the Internet, instead of newspapers, for classified advertising. And for those who don't yet know this, a newspaper's real financial worth is the revenue derived from its classified advertisements. So when that dries up, you have either super-expensive newspapers or none at all. The general-interest magazine categories, however, are dying. Why? Because in this information-flooded day and age, people are able, and prefer, to spend time on the specialised topics of their choice. And as for books, well, I think that it will be a long time before the sheer pleasure of snuggling up with a good book is replaced by reading it on a computer screen or having it downloaded directly into your brain via satellite. Speaking of snuggling up to a good read, allow me to introduce you to some of the topics covered in this issue of NEXUS. First up, we have an article which reveals the slow path towards microchipping the population "for their own good". Although the day is not yet here, it is still worth considering what you will do in the future when you are told that you must be chipped—or be denied government and public services, i.e., not allowed to buy or sell, travel on roads, planes or trains, go to hospitals, schools, etc. Next, we have a mind-boggling article on the latest developments with Codex Alimentarius. Codex is now more than just an assault on the natural health movement; it's an assault on the freedom to grow and eat natural foods. Yes, that's right: they want to remove vitamins and minerals from food sold commercially, and then irradiate the food for good measure. For those who are sceptical, consider that this already applies to milk from cows or goats in most western nations. You can milk the animal, but you cannot legally sell the milk unless it is pasteurised. In Australia, you are not even allowed to give raw milk away unless it has been "treated". On the more positive side in terms of articles, we have an interview that addresses the "solution" to the problems above. Rather than fighting the "old system" (where you become that which you fight, anyway), millions of people around the world are creating a "new system", inspired by the writings and ideas found in the Ringing Cedars books from Russia. On a practical level, thousands of people are "going back to the land" and growing their own food and providing their own shelter, spreading love of the Earth as they grow. We hope to report on developments of this nature that are happening in other parts of the world in future issues of NEXUS. As usual, there are many other important topics herein: a most interesting look at how and why the Earth "flips", "tilts" and "reverses spin" (sounds like a politician, doesn't it?); the latest Crop Circle season in the UK; and revelations by ex-NASA spacecraft operator Clark McClelland on how he watched an ET assist NASA astronauts on one of their Space Shuttle missions; and more. Enjoy! Duncan WARRANTY AND INDEMNITY Advertisers upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INDEMNIFY the Publisher and its servants and agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publication and without limiting the generality of the foregoing to indemnify each of them in relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles, unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violation of rights or privacy AND WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and regulations and that its publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities in the Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular that nothing therein is capable of being misleading or deceptive or otherwise in breach of the Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974. All expressions of opinion are published on the basis that they are not to be regarded as expressing the opinion of the Publisher or its servants or agents. Editorial advice is not specific and readers are advised to seek professional help for individual problems. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising material for any reason. © NEXUS New Times 1987–2009 2 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 3 Letters to the Editor ... In Search of the Truth Dear Duncan: I have been a long-time reader of NEXUS and enjoy it greatly. After reading the latest issue (15/05), I found three items that have compelled me to respond. 1) P age 9: "Biofuels Caused Food Crisis". Are people so stupid that they cannot make the connection between supply and demand? Why does it need the admission of a report from the World Bank (supposedly a trusted authority) for people to believe simple economics? If food crops are redirected to make fuel, then there is less for food! If there is less food in a given system, the price increases! I am not an economics professor or politician, so what would I know, eh? 2) Page 8: "Did Sichuan Quake Trigger Nuke Explosions?" What? How can a quake set off the complex procedure for a nuke detonation? And what's this I read? It was reported that "a nongeological shock had occurred at the earthquake epicentre". Er, excuse me, but don't you think it is the other w ay around? Just m aybe the "non-geological shock" (nuk e) was at the epicentre because it caused the quake? Hello! Nuke testing! Wakey, wakey! 3) Page 6: "Arctic Seabed Afire with Lava-spewing Volcanoes". Hmmm. Very interesting indeed. Er, excuse me, but isn't the Arctic...well, you know... being reported as melting at a far greater rate due to global w arm ing ? Well, hello! What happens when you put ice in a pot and heat 4 • NEXUS it? S ince when does atmospheric pollution cause volcanic eruptions? Clearly , the answer to the Arctic ice m elting is underwater heating! Hello! Global warming due to our screwing with C O2 emissions? Yeah, right! What the hell is the truth? Paul, South Australia Our Galactic Heritage Dear Duncan: I have been very pleased recently to see NEXUS encompassing a very broad spectrum of interests. I particularly enjoyed "The MitchellHedges C rystal S kull Mystery" and "Alien Memories and Dreams" in vol. 15, no. 4. After reading the latter article by Brad Steiger, I felt comforted to know that many others have memories where they experience Earth in prehistoric times. I myself have written memories and stories of past lives on Earth that involved catastrophic changes as well as rescues by advanced beings not of this world. These statistics that Brad and S herry have gathered represent a body of information that seems, in my opinion, to substantiate the stories of many people who channel information and/or are "walk-ins" from alien civilisations. R ecently I have been exploring much of this type of information in respect to human galactic history. I've found great consistency from a wide variety of sources, each different star- system source filling in missing pieces of our prehistory as humans. And I am beginning to correlate the channelled information with ancient stories of star people reported by indigenous sources such as the African shaman Credo Mutwa, the Dogon tribe, the Mirning people in Australia as well as the more traditional S umerian, Egyptian and Greek legends. I believe it's time to start understanding our pangalactic heritage in order to relate better to ourselves, our fellow humans and our extraterrestrial neighbours who are becoming more and more evident all the time. I look forward to more articles along similar lines. Aloha, David P., Hawaii, USA Prophecies for 2012 Hi Duncan: Love your work. I've been reading your publication for many years now and really enjoy the diverse and informative mix of alternative news you enlighten us lemmings with. The reason I am writing is that a couple of years ago I read a series of articles in your magazine and in the N ew Daw n publication regarding the prophecies accumulating in late December 2012. As we are now only four years away from the prophecies' expected end-date, I was wondering what the chances would be of extracting from you a "special edition" of NEXUS dedicated solely to the various prophecies which have been circulating over the past 10 years or so. I realise that you have a hectic schedule putting your magazine together in time for each issue, and if I were a hoarder I would have the past issues to review the prophecies (I generally pass NEXUS on to friends after I have read it from cover to cover). Unfortunately I'm not, hence this request. Anyway, keep up the good work and, regardless of the outcome of this email, thanks for your time and consideration. Kind regards, Harry L. [Thanks, Harry: I agree with you when you say that m ore and m ore people are talk ing about what m ight happen in December 2012, and, as y ou say, we still hav e four y ears to go! I don't really feel the need to do any such special edition in the near future, m ainly because there is nothing really "new " to say. If, how ev er, I discov er new inform ation that I think deserves special attention, then you will certainly read about it in NEXUS. Ed. ] UFO Disclosure Moves Hi Duncan: Wernher von Braun made a number of predictions which were on the mark about the use of fear, the Cold War, rogue states and the War on Terror—perhaps not in those precise terms. However, he is quoted as saying the final card would be a "false flag" extraterrestrial attack as a way to weaponise space. I always thought that was not possible, since the US denies that extraterrestrials exist. So how can you have an attack if they don't "officially" exist? Now we have the head Vatican astronomer saying that extraterrestrial life does not oppose C atholic doctrine. (There was a time OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 ... more Letters to the Editor when you'd be burnt at the stake for such a heresy.) Now, former astronaut Edgar Mitchell has stated in the media that ETs exist and that the Roswell event was true. So there appears to be a climate of disclosure and mounting reports of UFO sightings in the media. If there is a disclosure, then maybe another of Wernher von Braun's predictions may come true. Thanks, Duncan, for your hard work in informing us of the alternative news and views. T. W. , P erth, Western Australia ETs and UFOs are Real! Dear Duncan: Retired US astronaut Edgar Mitchell (the sixth man to walk on the Moon) has recently revealed that ETs are definitely real. He claims that he attended briefings on the subject whilst at NASA and that the US government and other governments have been hiding the truth about alien visitors from the populace for around 60 years. Mitchell says that he has many contacts who have interacted with small aliens similar to ET in the movie and that they are friendly. I also remember that Buzz Aldrin, in a TV interview, claimed to have seen alien craft whilst he was on a Moon mission. Other astronauts also claim to have seen alien craft on the surface of the Moon. I have never seen an alien (except my son as a teenager!) or a UF O but many other people from very reliable and credible sources have reported seeing strange craft in the sky over OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NB: Pl eas e keep l etters to appro x . 1 5 0 to 2 5 0 wo rds i n l eng th. Ed. on current affairs than any of the other stuff you talk about, and is just as secret. Anon. [Dear A non.: You m ay hav e noticed a spate of articles ov er the last few years which point out the lies and deceptions of various religions and their leaders, including the Old Testam ent, the N ew Testam ent, S ai Baba, the Papacy, Tibetan Buddhism, etc. It would appear that all organised religions are m erely tools of social control. Don't worry; I still Exposing the Talmud Dear NEXUS: Why don't hav e sev eral organised you ever talk about the religions to go before we're Talmud? What the Talmud finished! Ed.] says is far more interesting than far-fetched theories The Spin Effect about the Mayans and Dear Editor: I was just C hri st i ani t y—especi al l y reading the article by Buryl what it says about racial Payne titled "The Biofield: supremacy, human sacrifice A Different Type of (à là 9/11?) and much more. Magnetism?", in the new It is the real secret issue of NEXUS (15/04). religious text that is in plain The article reminded me of sight yet is never ever talked a book I read titled T he about in public—lost in Magnetic Blueprint of Life translation except to Hebrew (1979), by Albert R oy speakers, who may not Davis and Walter C. Rawls, discuss it openly or honestly Jr. Here is a quote from the in public. book. "Generally, the I suggest using the 1930s scientific community has S oncino edition of the completely ignored the spin Babylonian Talmud, effect of matter, not only in published before it was made protons, atoms, and quarks, politically correct. The but also in regard to original Hebrew version is magnetic fields. " In Dr not politically correct and is P ayne's article he states: still recited as the original "Whereas magnetic forces text; it's just not made only act on other magnets, public to western society. this life force, or biofield It is a glaring omission force, apparently acts on all from your magazine not to matter." do a full exposure of the Well, according to Davis Talmud, which takes and Rawls, magnetism acts precedence over the Old on all matter, too. They Testament and therefore state that the positive makes Judaism a totally clockwise energy (S outh different religion. P ole) expands, and the It has much more impact negative counterclockwise the last 60 years. I feel that Edgar Mitchell, a highly credible source, is right that ETs do exist and that it is now time that all governments released the information to the rest of us. Kind regards, Rick P., Perth, Scotland [Dear Rick: S ee Twilight Z one for inform ation on UFO rev elations by Dr Edgar Mitchell and form er S pacecraft Operator Clark C. McClelland. Ed.] energy (North P ole) contracts, and that this is occurring constantly in all matter, everywhere. Davis and Rawls further imply that this means the universe is not expanding: it's expanding and contracting simultaneously . The spin effect is very interesting. As Dr Payne says in the article, spin is found throughout the universe. Electrons spin around protons, planets spin around stars, stars spin around galaxies, and even black holes spin. Anon. Rife Machine Information Hi Duncan: I was very interested in the letter in the last issue (15/05) titled "R ife C ancer Treatment S uccess". I have been researching alternative cancer treatments for some time and have collected quite a bit of information. I am absolutely convinced that three treatments are very beneficial against cancer: Rife, Gerson and, recently, Jim Humble's MMS. The problem with the R ife treatment is there are too many machines on the market. S ome work and some don't. I would be most grateful if you could provide some contact information for your correspondent regarding which brand of machine he purchased. Many thanks, Mike Ashby [Dear Mike: Charles got so m any em ails and calls that we passed onto him that he is getting m ore for others. S ee his advert on page 48 of the A ustralian edition. Ed. ] NEXUS • 5 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR HEIRS IN LEGAL BATTLE WITH POPE VISION FOR A GLOBAL INTEL NETWORK he US Director of National Intelligence, Mike McConnell, and the Council on Foreign Relations have made public a 28-page document, "Vision 2015", which outlines a plan to integrate the entire US intelligence network into a global intelligence community. Unsurprisingly, there are many in the 16 US intelligence agencies that support it. McConnell stated: "By 2015, a globally networked Intelligence Enterprise will be essential to meet the demands for greater forethought and improved strategic agility. The existing agency-centric Intelligence Community must evolve into a true Intelligence Enterprise established on a collaborative foundation of shared services, mission-centric operations, and integrated mission management, all enabled by a smooth flow of people, ideas, and activities across the boundaries of the Intelligence Community agency members." This mammoth global intelligence project has been under wraps for some time, and now the NGOs, members of elite academia and think-tanks, are going to unveil it as if it were a brandnew concept. Our world has slowly been globalised from the economic sector to health, wealth and trade. They have taken the power from us, the people, and placed it in unelected nongovernmental organisations, which has led to heights of corruption never seen before. The effects of IMF, WTO and WHO programs are well known, but just imagine the power and influence that will be wielded by those who will control spy satellites and command intelligence forces around the world. (Source: By Michael Vail, 6 August 2008, http://www.blacklistednews. com; see the July 2008 "Vision 2015" report at 2015.pdf) OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 T he heirs of the Knights Templar have launched a legal battle in Spain to force the Pope to restore the reputation of the disgraced order which was accused of heresy and dissolved seven centuries ago. The Association of the Sovereign Order of the Temple of Christ, whose members claim to be descended from the legendary crusaders, have filed a lawsuit against Pope Benedict XVI, calling for him to recognise the seizure of assets worth 100 billion euros (£79 billion). They claim that when the order was dissolved by Pope Clement V in 1307, more than 9,000 properties as well as countless pastures, mills and other commercial ventures belonging to the knights were appropriated by the Church. "We are not trying to cause the economic collapse of the Roman Catholic Church, but to illustrate to the court the magnitude of the plot against our Order," said a statement from the self-proclaimed modern-day knights. T The legal move by the Spanish group follows the unprecedented step by the Vatican towards the rehabilitation of the group when last October it released copies of parchments recording the trials of the knights between 1307 and 1312. The papers had lain hidden for more than three centuries, having been "misfiled" within papal archives until they were discovered by an academic in 2001. (Source: The Telegraph, London, 13 August 2008, uxtxq) 6 • NEXUS ... GLOBAL NEWS ... LOW CHOLESTEROL INCREASES CANCER AND DEATH RISK I n a major shot fired across the bow of the statin-drug marketing machine, the levels of LDL [low-density lipoprotein] cholesterol that are the artificial targets of "health" promoted by the American Heart Association (AHA) have now been found to be associated with a significantly increased risk of cancer and death. The AHA recommends an LDL level of 100 for prevention and 70 for high-risk patients. In the new study an LDL level of 107 was associated with a 33 per cent increased risk of cancer and death, and an LDL level of 87 was associated with a 50 per cent increased risk. As the LDL goes lower, the risk keeps getting worse. These arbitrary AHA levels for LDL cholesterol were established by "experts" with direct financial ties to the statin industry, who knew full well that reaching their artificially low target levels for LDL would require double and triple doses of statin drugs, thus dramatically increasing sales (which has indeed happened). This new study paints the clear picture that lowering LDL too low actually increases the rate of death from any cause. It also points out the statistical shenanigans that the statindrugs industry uses to hide the actual risks of these drugs in the studies that have been published. There have been a number of studies in the past that link low cholesterol and cancer risk. However, these studies could not prove that the cancer was not already there prior to the start of the study—which has been the main argument used (besides statistical manipulation) by the statin industry to deny the association. In the new study, this issue was taken into account by eliminating participants with less than 2.5 years follow-up after the start of the study, thus demonstrating that the results were not due to pre-existing cancer. Needless to say, this study was not OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 part of the marketing machine propaganda that is rampant in universities and "scientific" journals that have been used to promote the statin scam around the world, while actively blackmailing and blacklisting any authors, institutions or journals that dare to step on Big Pharma's statin toes. The study was published on 26 August 2008 in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ). (Source:, 27 August 2008, http://www.natural; the CMAJ article is at content/full/179/5/427) HALF THE WORLD HAS A MOBILE PHONE T he number of mobile phone users worldwide soared to over 3.3 billion by the end of 2007, equivalent to a penetration rate of 49 per cent, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has said in a new report. Africa showed the strongest gains over the past two years, and more than two-thirds of all mobile phone subscribers by the end of 2007 were from developing countries. Mobile phones are eclipsing traditional fixed lines and in Africa they account for nearly 90 per cent of all telephone subscribers, the ITU report stated. While developing countries have made great strides in mobile phone growth, a significant "digital divide" remains for Internet use and particularly the availability of broadband connections, it noted. High-income countries account for 66 per cent of all fixed broadband subscribers although they only represent 16 per cent of the world's population, while developing countries have just one per cent of fixed broadband users but 38 per cent of the global population. "Low-income countries, where broadband access remains very low, risk falling behind in an area that is particularly important in delivering innovative applications and services," the ITU warned. Some countries have made progress and the ITU highlighted Chile, Senegal and Turkey as states where almost all Internet subscribers have now gone high speed. "For more people to benefit from the potential of broadband and the applications that it can deliver, governments need to do their share to ensure that high-speed technologies become more accessible as well as more affordable," the ITU urged. (Source: The Daily Telegraph, Sydney, 25 May 2008, http://tinyurl. com/3jxylc) NEXUS • 7 ... GLOBAL NEWS ... INQUIRY INTO PAN RAIDS T he Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd must initiate a formal inquiry into the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration's use of fraud and lies to justify its 2003 corporate terror raid on Pan Pharmaceuticals and the wider natural and traditional healthcare product industry, says analyst Ron Law. Australian Federal Court documents reveal that Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) officials embarked on an orchestrated litany of lies, falsified evidence and shredded documents, and fraudulently claimed that there was an "imminent risk" of death and serious harm, despite knowing that its expert advisory committee had concluded there was no serious risk. Officials even falsified the advice of the Solicitor-General during a briefing to the then Australian Prime Minister. The New Zealand government initiated a mandatory recall of hundreds of safe products in New Zealand in May 2003 on the basis of Australia's deceit and fraud. NZ Prime Minister Helen Clark and Kevin Rudd must now formally consign the much-maligned (proposed) joint Trans-Tasman Therapeutic Goods Administration to the history books. The revelations in the Australian Federal Court resulted in the Australian government paying out millions of dollars to the majority shareholder of Pan Pharmaceuticals. Industry sources suggest that claims by the rest of the Australian and NZ natural and traditional healthcare product industry will reach over A$200 million in further payouts, with NZ companies preparing claims against the Australian and NZ governments. The TGA's vindictive behaviour extended to New Zealand regulators. Companies that opposed the proposed joint agency were subject to unwarranted, random GMP (good manufacturing practice) audits that in some cases cost companies six-figure sums. This also requires investigation. The one positive to come from the Federal Court revelations is that some of the reasons for Australian and NZ industry's contempt and disdain for the Australian regulator have now been formally revealed. "There is no place in a modern democratic society for a regulator like the Australian Therapeutic Goods Agency," says Ron Law. "Mr Rudd, do the decent thing and establish a formal inquiry to unearth the extent of the regulatory malfeasance and then provide Australia with an honest regulator, fit for purpose." (Source: Scoop Independent News, 19 August 2008, 4qd56b) IMF LOANS LEAD TO MORE TB DEATHS T he International Monetary Fund lends money to countries with financial problems and in return requires them to cut spending (amongst other things) to control inflation. David Stuckler and colleagues at the University of Cambridge, England, have analysed the spread of tuberculosis in 21 countries in central and eastern Europe that received IMF loans after 1989. The researchers found that the loans were linked with a 13 per cent increase in cases of TB and 16 per cent more deaths. The team also discovered that countries spent less on TB control and had fewer doctors per person after receiving IMF loans. What's more, the bigger the loan, the bigger the increase in TB that followed. The effect was not because countries with worsening TB simply attracted more IMF attention, says Stuckler, as the TB rates were falling or at least steady before receipt of the IMF loans. The team also found that for each year of a country's involvement with the IMF, the TB death rate increased by four per cent on average. (Source: New Scientist , 23 July 2008) OLDEST SKELETON IN AMERICAS FOUND IN CAVE D eep inside an underwater cave in Mexico, archaeologists may have discovered the oldest human skeleton ever found in the Americas. Dubbed Eva de Naharon, or Eve of Naharon, the female skeleton has been dated at 13,600 years old. The remains have been excavated over the past four years near the town of Tulum, about 80 miles (128 km) southwest of Cancún, by a team of scientists led by Arturo González, director of the Desert Museum in Saltillo, Mexico. "We don't know how [the people whose remains were found in the caves] arrived and whether they came 8 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 ... GLOBAL NEWS ... from the Atlantic, the jungle or inside the continent," González said. The three other skeletons excavated in the caves have been given a date range of 11,000 to 14,000 years ago, based on radiocarbon dating. González has also found remains of elephants, giant sloths and other ancient fauna in the caves. (Source: National news, 3 September 2008) CHINA GROWS GIANT VEGETABLES FROM "SPACE SEEDS" W MIND CONTROL BY MOBILE PHONES? C an the electrical signals coming from a phone affect certain brainwaves operating in resonance with cellphone/mobile phone transmission frequencies? Two studies provide some revealing news. The first, led by Rodney Croft of the Brain Science Institute at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, tested whether cellphone/mobile phone transmissions could alter a person's brainwaves. The data showed that when the cellphone was transmitting, the power alpha waves in the person's brain were boosted significantly. If cellphone signals boost a person's alpha waves, does this nudge them subliminally into an altered state of consciousness or have any effect at all on the workings of their mind that can be observed in a person's behaviour? In the second study, James Horne and colleagues at Loughborough University's Sleep Research Centre in England found that not only could the cellphone signals alter a person's behaviour during the call, but the effects of the disrupted brainwave patterns continued long after the phone was switched off. "This was a completely unexpected finding," Horne said. This research shows that cellphone transmissions can affect a person's brainwaves, with persistent effects on behaviour. (Source: Scientific American, 7 May 2008) hile most governments are reacting to the global food shortage by growing more food, China's government has decided to grow the same amount of fruits and vegetables but with a twist: giant versions of standard food staples—210 lb (95.3 kg) pumpkins, 2 lb (0.9 kg) tomatoes, and cucumbers over two feet (61 cm) long—which are currently feeding families in 22 of China's provinces. Governments in Europe, Japan and elsewhere are taking notice. This weird, believe-it-or-not scenario becomes even more fantastic as it turns out that the reason these foods can grow so huge is because they've been sent into outer space. The seeds get blasted into outer space, and, after they return, they transform into enormous eatables—but no one knows why. The Chinese Academy of Sciences started looking at the benefits of growing seeds in space in 1987, working with the then Soviet Union. Two years ago, the Shijian-8, the first recoverable satellite designed solely to carry "space seeds", was blasted into outer space on a Chinese Long March rocket. On board were more than 2,000 seeds. Scientists have yet to offer a definitive explanation as to why space causes the seeds to mutate, but they believe that cosmic radiation, microgravity and magnetic fields may play a part. Beyond that guesswork, there seems to be no reason why seeds sent into space should grow into "miracle" foods back on Earth. Once the seeds are returned from space they are cultivated, and only fruit or vegetables that show improvements in size, taste or vitamin and mineral content are selected. The seeds from these plants are then bred over at least another three generations to ensure they remain stable. The Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Science, 50 miles (80.5 km) from Guangzhou, could be the taste of things to come as China struggles to feed its population of 1.3 billion. Vast farms are already being used to cultivate these crops, as "space fruit and vegetables" are put on dinner tables across China. The program is being coordinated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Futuristic greenhouses in southern China give birth to pumpkins 10 times their normal size, 160 lb (72.6 kg) Chinese winter melons, 14 lb (6.35 kg) aubergines, and chilli plants the size of small trees with fiery, nine-inch-long (22.8-cm-long) fruit that look more like exotic peppers. Chinese scientists claim that some "space fruit and veggies" are better than the originals. The vitamin C content in some vegetables is nearly three times higher and there is a marked increase in trace elements such as zinc. Yields of "space rice" are 25 per cent higher. Research also shows that certain "space breeds" use proportionately less water than their more traditional counterparts, so they could be perfect for growing in arid areas. To date, China has bred more than 50 new species of "space plants" and has plans to produce more than 200 new species. "A lot more space-seed products are going to be coming on the market in the next two to three years, with sweet pepper, tomato and cucumber breeds on sale," said Chinese expert Lo Zhigang. "Some of China's space-seed products are already exported to Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Japan. These include breeds of cucumber, sweet pepper, tomatoes and broccoli." And that's exactly what worries environmentalists. In the same way that genetically modified foods may present an as-yet-unknown danger to our health, the same may be true of "food from space". (Sources: MINA,; Sunday Mirror, UK, 11 May 2008, 11/will-giant-vegetables-help-solve-world-food-shortage-98487-20413648/) OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 9 I MPLANTED RFID C HIPS IN A S URVEILLANCE S OCIETY Governments and their agencies in the USA and China are touting the benefits of radio-frequency identity chips for their ability to track, monitor and profile citizens and keep them under control. I by Tom Burghardt © 6 September 2008 Posted on 6 September 2008 at The Centre for Research on Globalization website Web page: New Threats to Privacy and Civil Liberties f incorporating personal details into an RFID (radio-frequency identification) chip implanted into a passport or driver's licence may sound like a "smart" alternative to endless lines at the airport and intrusive questioning by securocrats, think again. Since the late 1990s, corporate grifters have touted the "benefits" of the devilish transmitters as a "convenient" and "cheap" way to tag individual commodities, one that would "revolutionise" inventory management and theft prevention. Indeed, everything from paper towels to shoes, pets to underwear has been "tagged" with the chips. "Savings" would be "passed on" to the consumer. Call it the "Wal-Martisation" of everyday life. RFID tags are small computer chips connected to miniature antennae that can be fixed to or implanted within physical objects, including human beings. The RFID chip itself contains an Electronic Product Code that can be "read" when an RFID reader emits a radio signal. The chips are divided into two categories: passive and active. A "passive" tag doesn't contain a battery and its "read" range is variable, from less than an inch (2.5 cm) to 20 or 30 feet (6.1 or 9.14 metres). An "active" tag, on the other hand, is self-powered and has a much longer range. The data from an "active" tag can be sent directly to a computer system involved in inventory control—or surveillance. But as Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (CASPIAN) together with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) stated in a 2003 joint position paper, "RFID has the potential to jeopardize consumer privacy, reduce or eliminate purchasing anonymity, and threaten civil liberties". ("Position Statement on the Use of RFID on Consumer Products", Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, 14 November 2003, Privacy/Surveillance/RFID/rfid_position_statement.php) As these organisations noted: "While there are beneficial uses of RFID, some attributes of the technology could be deployed in ways that threaten privacy and civil liberties: • Hidden placement of tags. RFID tags can be embedded into/onto objects and documents without the knowledge of the individual who obtains those items. As radio waves travel easily and silently through fabric, plastic, and other materials, it is possible to read RFID tags sewn into clothing or affixed to objects contained in purses, shopping bags, suitcases, and more. • Unique identifiers for all objects worldwide. The Electronic Product Code potentially enables every object on earth to have its own unique ID. The use of unique ID numbers could lead to the creation of a global item registration system in which every physical object is identified and linked to its purchaser or owner at the point of sale or transfer. • Massive data aggregation. RFID deployment requires the creation of massive databases containing unique tag data. These records could be linked NEXUS • 11 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 "secure" information plundered. According to a blurb on with personal identifying data, especially as computer the AAIM website: memory and processing capacities expand. "Automatic Identification and Mobility (AIM) • Hidden readers. Tags can be read from a distance, not technologies are a diverse family of technologies that share restricted to line of sight, by readers that can be the common purpose of identifying, tracking, recording, incorporated invisibly into nearly any environment where storing and communicating essential business, personal, or human beings or items congregate. RFID readers have product data. In most cases, AIM technologies serve as the already been experimentally embedded into floor tiles, front end of enterprise software systems, providing fast and woven into carpeting and floor mats, hidden in doorways, accurate collection and entry of data." (AAIM, undated, and seamlessly incorporated into retail shelving and counters, making it virtually impossible for a consumer to Among the "diverse family of technologies" touted by know when or if he or she was being 'scanned'. AAIM, many are rife with "dual-use" potential; that is, the • Individual tracking and profiling. If personal same technology that can keep track of a pallet of soft identity were linked with unique RFID tag numbers, drinks can also keep track of human beings. Indeed, the individuals could be profiled and tracked without their Association touts biometrics as "automated methods of knowledge or consent. For example, a tag embedded in a recognizing a person based on a physiological or shoe could serve as a de facto identifier for the person behavioral characteristic". This is wearing it. Even if item-level especially important, since the information remains generic, "need for biometrics can be found identifying items people wear or In 2006, IBM obtained a in federal, state and local carry could associate them with, governments, in the military, and for example, particular events patent that will be used for in commercial applications". like political rallies." (ibid.) tracking and profiling When used as a stand-alone or in conjunction with RFID-chipped The Security State consumers as they move "smart cards", biometric As the corporatist police state technologies "are set to pervade unfurls its murderous tentacles around a store, even if access nearly all aspects of the economy here in the USA, it should come to commercial databases and our daily lives". (AAIM, as no surprise that securocrats undated, http://www.aimglobal. breathlessly tout the "benefits" of is strictly limited. org/technologies/biometrics) RFID in the area of "homeland Some "revolution". security". It doesn't take a genius to conclude that when linked to massive commercial databases as well as those compiled IBM's "Person Tracking Unit" by the 16 separate agencies of the "intelligence The industry received a powerful incentive from the state community"—such as the Terrorist Identities Datamart when the Government Services Administration, a Bushist Environment (TIDE) that feeds the federal government's satrapy, issued a memo in December 2004 that urged the surveillance leviathan with the names of suspected heads of all federal agencies "to consider action that can be "terrorists"—the architecture for a vast totalitarian taken to advance the [RFID] industry". (http://www. enterprise is off the drawing board and onto the streets. An As last week's mass repression of peaceful protest at the example of capitalist "ingenuity" or another insidious Republican National Convention in St Paul, Minnesota, invasion of our right to privacy? amply demonstrated, the Bush regime's "pre-emptive war" In 2006, IBM obtained a patent that will be used for strategy has been rolled out. (Tom Eley, "RNC in Twin tracking and profiling consumers as they move around a Cities: Eight protesters charged with terrorism under store, even if access to commercial databases is strictly Patriot Act", WSWS, 6 September 2008, http://www. limited. And when it comes to tracking and profiling human beings—say, for mass extermination at the behest of crazed Nazi ideologues—IBM stands alone. In his groundbreaking 2001 exploration of the enabling RFIDs, AIMs and Biometrics technologies for the mass murder of Jews, communists, RFIDs are likened to barcodes that scan items at the Romany, gays and lesbians, investigative journalist Edwin grocery store checkout line, but what industry flacks such Black described in IBM and the Holocaust how, beginning as the Association for Automatic Identification and in 1933, IBM and its subsidiaries created technological Mobility (AAIM) fail to mention in their propaganda about "solutions" that streamlined the identification of RFIDs is that the information stored on a passport or "undesirables" for quick and efficient asset confiscation, driver's licence can be readily stolen by anyone with a deportation, slave labour and eventual annihilation. (IBM reader device—marketers, security agents, criminals or and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi stalkers—without the cardholder even being remotely Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation , aware that they are being tracked and their allegedly 12 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 "China's national ID cards, for instance, are encoded with Crown, New York, 2001, pp. 7-8, excerpts at http://www. what most people would consider a shocking amount of personal information, including health and reproductive It's an eerie echo of polices being enacted today against history, employment status, religion, ethnicity and even the Muslims and left-wing "extremists" by the corrupt Bush name and phone number of each cardholder's landlord. regime in its quixotic quest to "keep America safe" in More ominous still, the cards are part of a larger project to furtherance of capitalist and imperialist goals of global blanket Chinese cities with state-of-the-art surveillance domination. technologies. As security and privacy analyst Katherine Albrecht Michael Lin, a vice president for China Public Security writes, describing IBM's patented "Identification and Technology, a private company providing the RFID cards Tracking of Persons Using RFID-Tagged Items in Store for the program, unflinchingly described them to the New Environments": York Times as 'a way for the government to control the "It chillingly details RFID's potential for surveillance in a population in the future'. And even if other governments world where networked RFID readers called 'person do not take advantage of the surveillance potential inherent tracking units' would be incorporated virtually everywhere in the new ID cards, ample evidence suggests that datapeople go—in 'shopping malls, airports, train stations, bus hungry corporations will." (ibid.) stations, elevators, trains, I would disagree with Albrecht airplanes, restrooms, sports on one salient point: arenas, libraries, theaters, [and] governments, particularly the museums'—to closely monitor ...governments, particularly the crazed, corporate-controlled people's movements." ("How grifters holding down the fort in RFID Tags Could Be Used to crazed, corporate-controlled Washington, most certainly will Track Unsuspecting People", grifters holding down the fort take advantage of RFID's Scientific American , August surveillance potential. 2008, in Washington, most certainly In March 2005, for example, article.cfm?id=how-rfid-tagswill take advantage of RFID's the Senate Republican High Tech could-be-used) Task Force praised RFID According to the patent cited surveillance potential. applications as "exciting new by Albrecht, as an individual technologies" with "tremendous moves around a store or a city promise for our economy". In centre: "[An] RFID tag scanner this spirit, they vowed to located [in the desired tracking "protect" RFID from regulation and legislation. (http:// location] ... scans the RFID tags on [a] person... As that Needless to say, the track person moves around the store, different RFID tag scanners record of timid Democrats is hardly any better when it located throughout the store can pick up radio signals from comes to defending privacy rights or something as "quaint" the RFID tags carried on that person and the movement of as the Constitution. that person is tracked based on these detections... The Under conditions of a looming economic meltdown, person tracking unit may keep records of different rising unemployment, staggering debt, the collapse of locations where the person has visited, as well as the financial markets and continuing wars and occupations in visitation times." (ibid.) Iraq and Afghanistan, US imperialism, in order to shore up Even if no personal data are stored in the RFID tag, this its crumbling empire, will continue to import totalitarian doesn't present a problem, IBM explains, because "the methods of rule employed in its "global war on terror" onto personal information will be obtained when the person uses the home front. The introduction of RFID-chipped his or her credit card, bank card, shopper card or the like". passports and driver's licences for the mass surveillance As Albrecht avers, the link between the unique RFID and political repression of the American people arises number and a person's identity "needs to be made only within this context. ∞ once for the card to serve as a proxy for the person thereafter". (ibid.) With the wholesale introduction of RFID-chipped passports and driver's licences, the capitalist About the Author: panoptic state is quickly—and quietly—falling into place. Tom Burghardt is a researcher and activist based in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. As well as writing for Covert Action Quarterly, he is the editor of Police Population Surveillance in China and the USA State America: US Military "Civil Disturbance" If America's main trading partner and sometime Planning (2002), distributed by AK Press. The complete geopolitical rival in the looting of world resources, China, version of his article here is available on his Antifascist is any indication of the direction in which near-future Calling... blogsite at http://antifascist-calling. surveillance technologies are being driven by the "miracle and also at http://www.globalresearch. of the market", the curtain on privacy and individual rights is rapidly drawing to a close. Albrecht writes: ca/PrintArticle.php?articleId=10097. OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 13 14 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 C OMBATTING THE C ODEX A LIMENTARIUS Billions of people will suffer from degenerative diseases due to poor nutrition and limited access to health supplements if the powerful global corporations behind the new Codex standards are allowed to "harmonise" the world. T POPULATION CONTROL UNDER THE GUISE OF CONSUMER PROTECTION he Codeath, sorry, Codex Alimentarius Commission is a very misunderstood organisation. Most people have never heard of it, and those who have heard of it may not understand the true reality of this extremely powerful trade organisation. According to the official Codex website (, the altruistic purpose of this commission is in "protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations". The Codex Alimentarius (Latin for "Food Code") is regulated under a joint venture between the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). by Gregory Damato, PhD © September 2008 Email: [email protected] Website: Brief History of Codex The history of Codex began in 1893 when the Austro-Hungarian Empire decided it needed a specific set of guidelines by which the courts could rule on cases dealing with food.1 This set of regulatory mandates became known as Codex Alimentarius. It was effectively implemented until the fall of the empire in 1918. At a meeting in 1962, the United Nations (UN) decided that Codex should be re-implemented worldwide in order to "protect" the health of consumers. Twothirds of funding for Codex emanates from the FAO, and the other third comes from the WHO. In 2002, FAO and WHO had serious concerns about the direction of Codex and hired an external consultant to determine its performance since 1962 and to designate which direction to take the trade organisation.2 The consultant concluded that Codex should be scrapped immediately. It was at this time that big industry stepped in and exerted its powerful influence. The updated outcome was a toned-down report asking Codex to address 20 concerns within the organisation. Since 2002, the Codex Alimentarius Commission has covertly surrendered its role as an international public health and consumer protection organisation. Under the helm of big industry, the surreptitious purpose of the new Codex is to increase profits for the global corporate juggernauts while controlling the world through food. Codex Inequalities The most dominant country behind the agenda of Codex is the United States, whose primary purpose is to benefit the large multinational interests of Big Pharma, Big Agribusiness, Big Chema and the like. At the latest meeting in Geneva, Switzerland (30 June to 4 July 2008), the US became the chair of Codex3 and now will exacerbate the distortion of health freedom and continue NEXUS • 15 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 standing. Why should we be worried? These soon-to-be to promulgate misinformation and lies about nutrients and mandatory standards will apply to every country that's a genetically modified organisms (GMOs) while fulfilling member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) its tacit population-control agenda. One reason why the (presently there are 153 members). If countries do not US continues to dominate Codex is because other follow these standards, then crippling economic and trade countries falsely believe that it possesses the latest and sanctions may be imposed on them, although countries greatest food safety technology; hence, whatever the US may be able to avoid the standards of Codex through the asks for, its allies (Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, implementation of their own international standards. Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore and the Some government-run agencies, like the Therapeutic European Union) follow suit nearly every time. Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia, are informing The fact that Codex meetings are held all over the world the public that the vitamin and mineral guideline of Codex is also no accident and allows the US to maintain its tight will not affect their country. For grip on the Codex agenda example, the TGA had this to because the less economically country is safe from these say: "The proposed Codex viable countries are not able to Guidelines for Vitamin and attend. The governments of mandatory international Mineral Food Supplements will many of these countries (such as not apply in Australia and will Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, guidelines, regardless of have no impact on the way these Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, what government agencies are types of products are regulated in Sudan and Swaziland) realise Australia."4 that Codex has been altered from saying in order to quell a benevolent food organisation to The bottom line is that no one one that is fraudulent, lethal and knows what types of laws will be pre-emptively any potential illegitimate. passed before Codex public uprising. harmonisation occurs, and no country is safe from these Health Freedom Threats international guidelines, regardless of what government While the mainstream media are busy with their esoteric agencies are saying in order to quell pre-emptively any agenda of driving fear into the hearts of the world's potential public uprising. Many alternative health activists populace by focusing on terrorism, global warming, believe this may be a method to confuse and obfuscate the salmonella outbreaks and food shortages, the real threats Codex issue until it is too late. are surreptitiously becoming a reality. Soon, every single Some Codex standards which are proposed to take effect thing you put into your mouth, including water (with the in the near future, and which will be completely exception of pharmaceuticals, of course), will be highly irrevocable once initiated, include:5 regulated by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The Codex standards are a complete affront to people's • All nutrients (e.g., vitamins and minerals) are to be freedom to access clean, healthy food and beneficial considered toxins/poisons and are to be removed from all nutrients, yet these regulations have no legal international food because Codex prohibits the use of nutrients to "prevent, treat or cure any condition or disease". • All food (including organic) is to be irradiated, thus removing all "toxic" nutrients from food (unless consumers can source their food locally). The precursor to Codex harmonisation in this area began in the USA in August 2008 with the clandestine decision to mandate the mass irradiation of all lettuce and spinach in the name of public health and safety. If the safety of the public was the main concern of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), then why were people not alerted to this new practice? • Nutrients allowed will be limited to a Positive List developed by Codex; it will include such "beneficial" nutrients "I did my university degree online, met my girlfriend on FaceBook, got as fluoride (3.8 mg daily), sourced married live-streaming on YouTube and make a living buying/selling on eBay. I’m just worried I won't find a cemetery website I can be buried in." from industrial waste. 16 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 • Use of growth hormones and antibiotics will be • All nutrients (e.g., vitamins A, B, C, D, zinc and mandatory on all livestock, birds and aquacultured species magnesium) that have any positive health impact on the meant for human consumption. body will be deemed illegal in therapeutic doses under • The worldwide introduction of unlabelled and deadly Codex and are to be reduced to amounts negligible to GMOs into crops, animals, fish and plants will be health, with maximum limits set at 15 per cent of the mandated. current Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA).6 You • Elevated levels of residue from pesticides and will not be able to obtain these nutrients in therapeutic insecticides that are toxic to humans and animals will be doses anywhere in the world, even with a prescription. allowed. Potentially permissible safe levels of nutrients under the Codex are not yet set in stone. Some probable examples based on the European Union (EU) system may include: The Population Control Agenda – Niacin: upper limit of 34 μ g (micrograms) daily In 1995, the FDA adopted an illegal policy which stated (effective daily doses range from 2,000 to 3,000 μg). that international standards (i.e., Codex) would supersede – Vitamin C: upper limits of 65 to US laws governing all food, even if 225 μ g daily (effective daily doses these standards were incomplete. 8 range from 6,000 to 10,000 μg). Furthermore, in 2004, the US passed – Vitamin D: upper limit of 5 μ g the Central America Free Trade Population daily (effective daily doses range from Agreement (illegal under US law, but 6,000 to 10,000 μg). legal under international law) that control for – Vitamin E: upper limit of 15 IU requires the US to conform to Codex.9 money is the (international units) of alpha tocopherol Once these standards are adopted, per day, even though alpha tocopherol there is no way to return to the easiest way to by itself has been implicated in cell standards of old, but countries can damage and is toxic to the body adopt ones that are considered higher describe the new (effective daily doses of mixed than those of Codex. An example of Codex tocopherols range from 10,000 to this would be the European 12,000 IU). Supplements Directive. Once Codex Alimentarius, • It will most likely be illegal to compliance begins in any area, as give any advice on nutrition long as any country remains a which in effect is (including in written articles member of the WTO, it is totally being run by the posted online and in journals as irrevocable: the standards cannot well as oral advice to a friend, a be repealed, changed or altered in US and primarily family member or anyone). This any way, shape or form.10, 11, 12 controlled by Big directive applies to any and all Population control for money is reports on vitamins and minerals the easiest way to describe the new Pharma... and all nutritionists' consultations. Codex Alimentarius, which in This type of information may be effect is being run by the US and considered a hidden barrier to primarily controlled by Big trade and may result in economic Pharma with the aim of reducing trade sanctions for the involved the world's population from its country. current estimate of 6.692 billion to • All dairy cows on the planet are to be treated with a sustainable 500 million—an approximate 93 per cent Monsanto's genetically engineered recombinant bovine reduction. Interestingly enough, before the arrival of growth hormone (rBGH). Europeans in America, the Native American population in • All animals used for food are to be treated with potent the US was around 60 million;13 today it hovers around antibiotics and exogenous growth hormones. 500,000, or an approximate 92 per cent reduction as a • Deadly and carcinogenic organic pesticides, including result of government policies of genocide, starvation and seven of the 12 worst (e.g., hexachlorobenzene, toxaphene poisoning. and aldrin), which were banned by 176 countries Codex is similar to other population control measures (including the US) in 1991 at the Stockholm Convention undertaken clandestinely by governments of the western on Persistent Organic Pollutants,7 will be allowed back world; for example, the introduction of DNA-damaging and latent immunosuppressive agents in vaccines (e.g., into food at elevated levels. weaponised avian flu and AIDS), aspartame, chemtrails, • The Codex will allow dangerous and toxic levels of chemotherapy for cancer treatment and RU486 (the aflatoxin (0.5 ppb) in milk. Aflatoxin, produced in animal abortion pill funded by the Rockefeller dynasty). feed that's gone mouldy in storage, is the second-mostFAO and WHO have estimated that by the introduction potent (non-radiation-related) carcinogenic compound of just the vitamin and mineral guideline alone, within 10 known. OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 17 and virtually all the African countries and 26 European Union countries have fought the US for nearly 18 years to introduce mandatory labelling of GMOs. The US fallaciously considers GMOs to be equivalent to nonGMOs, based solely on a 1992 Executive Order from thenPresident George H. W. Bush. Consequently, no premarket safety testing is conducted on any GMOs before they are released into the food chain in the US. The FDA refuses to review any safety data except to conduct a single preliminary review early in the organism's development. Opponents of the US policy prohibiting labelling of genetically modified food conclude that the US does not want GMOs labelled because of the potential legal ramifications for and liability of manufacturers and the US government if these foods can be traced. If millions of people are harmed or killed due to the instability scientists of the inserted DNA promoter viruses and marker bacteria when interacting have repeatedly warned with the dynamic and fluid structure of Fighting Back with Private human body, then millions of Standards about releasing GMOs the lawsuits may result. But if these Rima Laibow, MD, medical director GMOs are totally untraceable, then for the Natural Solutions Foundation, into the general food corporate or government liability has brought legal action against the US supply because of the cannot be assessed and the health of government and continues to attend the entire population suffers. Some every Codex meeting as a public dangers, but they have FDA scientists have repeatedly observer while fighting for our warned about releasing GMOs health freedom. She has also been been ignored or into the general food supply meeting with delegates from because of the dangers, but they various countries to make them routinely overruled. have been ignored or routinely aware of Private Standards, which overruled. allow countries to draft food Prior to the Geneva meeting, the standards which are safer and Codex Committee on Food higher than those mandated by Labelling met in Ottawa, Canada Codex. Obviously, drafting safer (28 April to 2 May 2008). The standards is not a difficult task, and meeting concluded with several many countries can seemingly pro–mandatory GMO labelling circumvent the flawed and nations angry that the committee irrevocable guidelines that Codex had not objectively analysed the empirical research, is attempting to implement.17 prepared by the South Africa delegation, detailing the dangers of GMOs. This document delineated the need for Battle over GM Labelling mandatory labelling of GMOs, but was ignored and The latest Codex meeting in Geneva concluded with subsequently withdrawn due to US pressure. As a result, some interesting outcomes. Some long-simmering several countries planned to scrap the requirements of acrimony began to surface as the US continued to force Codex and adopt their own labelling system for GMOs in forward the biased agendas of Big Pharma, Big Chema, an effort to curtail the spread of "lethal" food. This became Big Agribusiness and the like without considering the a real quandary for FAO and WHO. input of many other countries. Typically, if the US does According to Dr Laibow, at the recent Geneva meeting not want a country's input, the host country of the meeting FAO and WHO finally stepped in and decided to simply denies visas to official delegates. Several countries undertake a program to identify low-level contamination object to this practice and stated that because of this and of GMOs in food. other reasons, decisions made by Codex in their absence The definition of low-level contamination will still do not have international legitimacy. depend on each country's standards. For example, the US One major point of contention is the US and the Codex Alimentarius Commission's staunch refusal to allow Continued on page 80 labelling of GMOs. Japan, Norway, Russia, Switzerland years a minimum three billion deaths will result.14 One billion of these deaths will be due to starvation, and two billion as a result of preventable and degenerative diseases of undernutrition, e.g., cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.15, 16 The foisting of degraded, demineralised, pesticide-filled and irradiated foods on consumers is the fastest and most efficient way to cause a profitable surge in malnutrition and preventable and degenerative diseases, for which the most appropriate course of action is toxic pharmaceutical treatment. Death for profit is the new name of the game. Big Pharma has been waiting for Codex harmonisation for years. An incognisant world population physically degenerating at an accelerated pace, providing a spike in revenue, is the ultimate goal for the furtive and egregious controllers of this corrupt trade organisation purportedly Some FDA looking out for the health of consumers. 18 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 19 20 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 M AGNESIUM C HLORIDE FOR H EALTH AND R EJUVENATION A mineral nutrient compound sourced from evaporated sea water, magnesium chloride is treasured for its ability to promote health and vitality, treat numerous diseases, combat the ageing process and fight infections. Magnesium is nothing short of a miracle mineral in its healing effect on a wide range of diseases as well as in its ability to rejuvenate the aging body. We know that it is essential for many enzyme reactions, especially in regard to cellular energy production, for the health of the brain and nervous system and also for healthy teeth and bones. However, it may come as a surprise that in the form of magnesium chloride it is also an impressive infection fighter.1 T he above statement by retired biochemist and nutritionist Walter Last is no exaggeration in summarising the overriding importance of magnesium for our health. It is doubly true because the magnesium intake with our food has greatly declined due to the use of inorganic fertilisers with an oversupply of calcium, and also because the medical profession overemphasises our need for a high calcium intake and excessive calcium supplementation at the expense of magnesium. While calcium and magnesium work together in the body, they are also opposites in their effects on our metabolism. This is largely due to the activity of the parathyroid glands which try to keep the combined product of calcium and magnesium in our blood steady and balanced against phosphorus. If the magnesium levels are low, then the calcium levels need rise to restore balance. Where does this extra calcium come from? From the bones and teeth, of course! This is even more of a problem when the parathyroids are chronically overstimulated, usually combined with an underactive thyroid. This is a common situation with the presence of candidiasis, mercury dental fillings and root canal fillings: all of these appear to depress thyroid functions and overstimulate the parathyroids. What does the body do with the excess calcium in the blood? It dumps it into tissue wherever there is some chronic inflammation. This leads, for instance, to the calcification of joints, as in arthritis, and to the calcification of ovaries and other glands, resulting in declining hormone production. Calcifying kidneys eventually require dialysis, and calcifications in breast tissue, especially the milk ducts, are often managed with unnecessary mastectomies and other invasive treatments. Magnesium for Healthy Bones and Teeth Medical authorities claim that the widespread incidence of osteoporosis and tooth decay in western countries can be prevented with a high calcium intake. However, published evidence reveals that the opposite is true.2 Asian and African populations with a very low intake of about 300 milligrams (mg) of calcium daily have very little incidence of osteoporosis. In Africa, Bantu women with an intake of 200 to 350 mg of calcium daily have the lowest incidence of osteoporosis in the world. In western countries with a high intake NEXUS • 21 by Barbara Bourke with Walter Last © 2008 Email: [email protected] Website: OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 of dairy products, the average calcium intake is about Magnesium Absorption and Dosage 1,000 mg. The higher the calcium intake, especially in the A solution to this problem is to lower calcium levels in form of cow's milk products (except butter), the higher the the blood by keeping up a high intake of magnesium. incidence of osteoporosis.3 However, any excess magnesium is quickly lost with the Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus levels are kept in urine. Therefore, to keep calcium in the bones and teeth a seesaw balance by the parathyroid hormones. If calcium rather than around the joints and in the soft tissues, we goes up, magnesium goes down and vice versa. With a need a steady supply of magnesium. low magnesium intake, calcium goes out of the bones to Traditionally, magnesium in our diet has been mainly in increase the calcium levels in tissues, while a high ionic form and is converted in the stomach into magnesium intake causes calcium to go out of the tissues magnesium chloride or it binds to protein, especially and into the bones. A high phosphorus intake without a chlorophyll, and then is broken down, ending up for high calcium or magnesium intake causes calcium to leach absorption as magnesium chloride or chelated magnesium. from the bones and then leave the body with the urine. A Therefore, when supplementing, we may as well use high phosphorus intake with high calcium and magnesium magnesium chloride directly instead of magnesium oxide leads to bone mineralisation. or hydroxide and other forms that require additional Dr Lewis B. Barnett, an orthopaedic surgeon, practised hydrochloric acid. in two different US counties with very different mineral Magnesium chloride has another advantage: it provides levels in soil and water. In Dallas County, Texas, with a ions of magnesium and chloride which are both required high calcium and low magnesium concentration in the to stimulate the activity of digestive enzymes and produce water supply, osteoporosis and hydrochloric acid in the stomach. hip fractures were very common, Magnesium sulphate, also while in Hereford, Texas, with known as Epsom salts, is poorly Therefore, to keep calcium high magnesium and low absorbed and therefore attracts calcium levels, these were nearly in the bones and teeth water in the colon and functions absent. In Dallas County, the as a laxative. rather than around the joints magnesium content of bones was If fruit and vegetables are 0.5 per cent, while in Hereford it grown in mineral-rich soil, then and in the soft tissues, was 1.76 per cent. In another these foods contain a high comparison, the magnesium we need a steady supply of content of minerals, including content in bones of osteoporosis magnesium. As the plant grows, magnesium. sufferers was 0.62 per cent, while it converts the inorganic minerals in healthy individuals it was 1.26 into organic minerals and these per cent.4 then bind to acids like citric acid The same applies for healthy teeth as for healthy bones. and are easily absorbed in this form. While most forms of In a New Zealand study, it was found that caries-resistant magnesium have a good bioavailability, chelates with teeth had on average twice the amount of magnesium as amino acids and magnesium bound to fruit acids also have caries-prone teeth. The average concentration of a beneficial alkalising effect on the body. magnesium phosphate in bones is given as about 1.0 per The efficiency of magnesium absorption varies inversely cent, in teeth about 1.5 per cent, in elephant tusks 2.0 per with the quantity of magnesium intake. Magnesium is cent and in the teeth of carnivorous animals that crush absorbed into the body primarily from the ileum of the bones it is 5.0 per cent. In regard to the strength of bones small intestine. When consuming the RDI and teeth, think of calcium as chalk and magnesium as (Recommended Dietary Intake) of magnesium, which is superglue. The magnesium superglue binds and an average of between 360 and 410 mg a day, we absorb transforms the chalk into superior bones and teeth.5 approximately 50 per cent of magnesium, but when One patient reported to Walter Last: "My doctor rang ingesting sub-optimal quantities we may absorb as much Friday afternoon re my bone density scan and wanted to as 75 per cent. Absorption decreases rapidly when more know what I have been doing over the last two years. I than 200 mg is consumed at one time, therefore it's asked why, and she said that by looking at the 2005 and important to take magnesium in divided doses throughout 2006 scans, she could see with the 2008 scan that I had the day. improved. She couldn't believe it, and said that normally Magnesium chloride can be added to food or drink, like when you are in the osteoporosis range you don't come out juice, mostly to disguise the salty-bitter taste. I mix it with of it."6 That doctor was actually saying that she knew the juice myself, a quarter of a teaspoon at a time, and it is accepted treatment of high calcium supplementation does fine. However, it's a matter of personal preference. You not work but is used anyway. can start with a few drops in your meal or drink and This patient had reversed the medical treatment by slowly build up to half a teaspoon twice a day— lowering calcium and greatly increasing her intake of amounting to 600 mg of magnesium chloride daily. magnesium (in addition to boron). When dealing with factors such as stress, advancing age, 22 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 cardiovascular problems and signs of calcification, up to Rejuvenation by ingesting more magnesium is a slow 1,000 mg is the daily dosage recommended by many process, especially as the amount of magnesium that we health practitioners. The intestinal absorption of can take is limited by its laxative effect and the need to magnesium declines with ageing and the presence of keep it in a reasonable balance with the calcium and gastrointestinal disorders, and especially with dysbiosis phosphorus intake. The other problem is that spastic caused by antibiotics and other pharmaceutical drugs. muscles have poor blood and lymph circulation, which Excessive loss of magnesium in urine can also be a side makes it difficult for ingested magnesium to dissolve and effect of some pharmaceuticals.7 flush out the tissue and joint calcifications. These problems then call for the use of magnesium oil. A study published in 2005 showed that over two-thirds We can greatly speed up the of Americans do not consume even the rejuvenation process by increasing the low level of the RDI of magnesium, circulation through permanently and 19 per cent use less than one-half contracted muscles by using of this.8 It may take up to three months magnesium oil with deep tissue or longer of oral magnesium massage or just frequent rubbing, or by supplementation to replenish using it in hot packs. However, we intracellular magnesium status, and He found that not need to be careful with sensitive skin, according to Dr Norm Shealy it can only was it harmless as the magnesium oil may sting for a take up to a year.9 while. In this case, it's best to dilute it for tissues, to an acceptable level. If rubbed on in a "Magnesium Oil" in Transdermal rather diluted form, it may gradually Therapy but it also greatly disappear into the skin, but in All these problems make it more increased leucocyte concentrated form it just remains sticky attractive to use magnesium chloride and needs to be washed or transdermally (absorbed through activity and showered off after some time. the skin), bypassing the digestive However, with many conditions, system with the need for phagocytosis, such as arthritis and other forms of hydrochloric acid and a wellthe destruction of stiffness and pain, it's a good idea functioning digestive tract. to apply it to the affected area and Magnesium chloride consists of pathogenic microbes. cover it with some old cloths 11.8 per cent magnesium bound to overnight. 88.2 per cent chloride. It is produced through evaporation from saline waters, mainly sea Antimicrobial Action of water (and also from the Dead Magnesium Sea). After removal of sodium Magnesium chloride is a great chloride, the bittern remains, infection fighter as well, which no containing mainly magnesium other magnesium combination can chloride and magnesium sulphate.10 Magnesium chloride claim to be. The first prominent researcher to investigate and is much less bitter than magnesium sulphate. promote the antibiotic effects of magnesium was a French In the dry form, magnesium chloride is usually sold as surgeon, Professor Pierre Delbet, MD.12 In 1915, he was white hygroscopic (water-attracting) flakes, hydrated with six molecules of water (hexahydrate) for each unit of looking for a solution to cleanse soldiers' wounds because magnesium along with two chloride ions (MgCl2). This he found that traditionally used antiseptics actually damaged tissues and encouraged infections instead of affinity with water means that magnesium chloride can be preventing them. In all his tests, magnesium chloride used as a product called "magnesium oil", which can be solution was by far the best. He found that not only was it applied to the skin as a transdermal magnesium therapy. It harmless for tissues, but it also greatly increased leucocyte is not oil in the true sense, but has the feel of oil when activity and phagocytosis, the destruction of pathogenic rubbed on the skin. microbes. Over a cup of lemongrass tea with Walter Last, I first Later, Professor Delbet performed experiments with the heard about magnesium chloride used as magnesium oil internal application of magnesium chloride and found it to and described in much detail in the book Transdermal be a powerful immune system stimulant. In his Magnesium Therapy by Mark Sircus. As a health experiments, phagocytosis increased by up to 333 per supplement, it is safe to take internally or externally. cent. This means that after magnesium chloride intake, Sircus writes: the same number of white blood cells destroyed up to Magnesium chloride solution is not only harmless for three times more microbes than before. tissue, but it had also a great effect over leucocytosis; Gradually, Professor Delbet found magnesium chloride so it was perfect for external wound treatment.11 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 23 be used to calm irritated and overexcited nerves. This is to be beneficial in treating a wide range of diseases. especially useful with epileptic seizures, convulsions in These included: diseases of the digestive tract such as pregnant women and the "shakes" in alcoholics. colitis and gall bladder problems; Parkinson's disease, Magnesium levels are generally low in alcoholics, tremors and muscle cramps; acne, eczema, psoriasis, warts contributing to or causing many of their health problems. and itching skin; impotence, prostatic hypertrophy, If magnesium levels are low, the nerves lose control over cerebral and circulatory problems; and asthma, hay fever, muscle activity, respiration and mental processes. urticaria and anaphylactic reactions. Hair and nails Nervous fatigue, tics and twitches, tremors, irritability, became stronger and healthier, and patients had more hypersensitivity, muscle spasms, restlessness, anxiety, energy. confusion, disorientation and irregular heartbeat all Professor Delbet also found that magnesium chloride respond to increased magnesium intake. A common had a very good preventive effect against cancer and cured phenomenon of magnesium deficiency is a sharp muscle precancerous conditions such as leukoplasia, reaction to an unexpected, loud noise. "Memory pills" hyperkeratosis and chronic mastitis. Epidemiological have been marketed that consist mainly of magnesium.15 studies confirmed that regions with magnesium-rich soil had less cancer than those with low magnesium levels. Sleep in magnesium deficiency is restless and agitated Professor Delbet used to give magnesium chloride and is disturbed by frequent night-time awakenings. solution routinely to his patients with infections and for However, all forms of magnesium are not equally several days before any planned surgery, and he was effective. In a study of more than 200 patients, Dr W. surprised that many of these Davis used magnesium chloride patients experienced euphoria as a possible means of and bursts of energy. combatting insomnia. The They also found it to have Magnesium chloride supposedly researcher reported that sleep was beneficial effects in cancer has a specific action on the induced rapidly and was tetanus virus and its effects on uninterrupted, and that waking therapy. In all of these cases, the body. It even seems to be tiredness disappeared in 99 per protective against snake bites. cent of the patients. In addition, magnesium chloride gave Guinea pigs did not die after anxiety and tension diminished much better results than other normally lethal injections of during the day.16 snake venom and a rabbit Many of the symptoms of magnesium compounds. survived a poisonous snakebite Parkinson's disease can be when given magnesium chloride overcome with high magnesium solution. supplementation; shaking can be Another French doctor, Dr A. Neveu,13 cured several prevented and rigidity eased. With pre-eclampsia, pregnant women may develop convulsions, nausea, diphtheria patients with magnesium chloride within two dizziness and headaches; in hospitals, this is treated with days. He also published 15 cases of poliomyelitis that was magnesium infusions. Because of its strongly relaxing cured within days if treatment was started immediately or effect, magnesium helps not only in promoting better sleep within months if paralysis had already progressed. Dr but is also useful in overcoming headaches and migraines. Neveu found magnesium chloride effective against Even the number of suicides is linked with magnesium asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, pharyngitis, deficiency: the lower the magnesium content in soil and tonsillitis, hoarseness, common cold, influenza, whooping water in a given region, the higher the suicide rate.17 cough, measles, rubella, mumps, scarlet fever, poisoning, gastroenteritis, boils, abscesses, whitlow, infected wounds Epilepsy is marked by abnormally low magnesium and osteomyelitis. levels in the blood, spinal fluid and brain, causing In more recent years, Raul Vergini, MD and others hyperexcitability in regions of the brain. There are many confirmed these earlier results and added more illnesses reported cases of epilepsy greatly improving or and conditions to the list of successful uses of magnesium disappearing with magnesium supplementation. In a trial chloride: acute asthma attack, shock, tetanus, herpes with 30 epileptics, 450 mg of magnesium supplied daily zoster, acute and chronic conjunctivitis, optic neuritis, successfully controlled their seizures. Another study rheumatic diseases, many allergic diseases and chronic found that the lower the magnesium blood level, the more fatigue syndrome. They also found it to have beneficial severe was the epilepsy. effects in cancer therapy. In all of these cases, magnesium Magnesium works best combined with vitamin B6 and chloride gave much better results than other magnesium zinc. In sufficient concentrations, magnesium inhibits compounds.14 convulsions by limiting or slowing the spread of the electric discharge from an isolated group of brain cells to the rest of the brain. Even the initial burst of firing nerve Magnesium for Nerves cells that starts an epileptic attack can be suppressed with Magnesium has a calming effect on the nervous system, magnesium.18 so it is frequently used to promote good sleep. It can also 24 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 Magnesium for Rejuvenation Other Health Benefits Calcium and magnesium are opposites in their effects on We see how essential magnesium is to the normal our body structure. As a general rule, the softer our body function of the cardiovascular and nervous systems as well structure, the more we need calcium; the more rigid and as in over 300 enzyme reactions and in energy production. inflexible it is, the less calcium and the more magnesium According to Mark Sircus: we need. Magnesium can reverse the age-related Magnesium is the single most important mineral for degenerative calcification of our body structure and, with maintaining proper electrical balance and facilitating this, help us to rejuvenate. Walter Last calls magnesium smooth metabolism in cells. Magnesium is the second "the mineral for rejuvenation". most abundant intracellular and the fourth most Young women, children and, most of all, babies have abundant cation (positively charged ion) in the body. soft body structures and smooth skin, with low calcium It is a transmembrane and intracellular modulator of and high magnesium levels in their organs and soft tissues. cellular electrical activity. As such, a deficiency in the They generally need high calcium body is nothing short of disastrous intakes. This is the biochemistry of for the cell's life. Yet, this fact is youth. As we age, we become more not widely known.20 and more inflexible; this is most pronounced in old men and postAnd is it not at the cellular level that menopausal women. health and disease start? The arteries harden to cause Sircus also says: "Without We see how essential arteriosclerosis; the skeletal system magnesium there is no energy, no magnesium is to the calcifies to cause rigidity, with fusion movement, no life."21 of the spine and joints; kidneys and In practice, I often use the help of a normal function of other organs and glands increasingly reference software program called calcify and harden, with stone Hyperhealth (the definitive database for the cardiovascular formation; calcification in the eyes natural medicine based on published and nervous systems causes cataracts; and even the skin scientific research; see http://www. hardens, becoming tough and It lists the as well as in over wrinkled. In this way, calcium is health benefits that magnesium in the same league as oxygen and exerts on the different body 300 enzyme reactions free radicals, while magnesium systems, including the and in energy works together with hydrogen and cardiovascular and nervous the antioxidants to keep the body systems (as already stated) and the production. structure soft. digestive, respiratory, excretory, While a higher magnesium lymphatic, immune, intake is beneficial for most musculoskeletal, respiratory and individuals, those with low blood reproductive systems, as well as on pressure usually require more energy production. calcium. Normal blood pressure is It mentions magnesium's about 120/80; the lower it is, the positive influence on metabolism higher should be the daily intake such as in control of weight, blood of calcium. While those with high blood pressure may sugar and cholesterol, and states that magnesium is needed benefit from ingesting up to twice as much magnesium as for protein, starch and fat metabolism and is important in calcium, those with low blood pressure may take twice as liver, thyroid and parathyroid function. It even lists much calcium as magnesium, but both minerals in benefits in hearing, vision and oral health. relatively high amounts. Those with low blood pressure The pathologies associated with magnesium deficiency and a tendency towards inflammation may also reduce are staggering: hypertension and other cardiovascular their intake of phosphorus. diseases, kidney and liver damage, migraine, multiple A gynaecologist reported that some of the first organs to sclerosis, glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease, recurrent calcify are the ovaries, leading to premenstrual tension. bacterial infections, fungal infections, premenstrual When he put his patients on a high magnesium intake, syndrome, calcium and potassium deficiency, diabetes, their PMT vanished and they felt and looked much cramps, muscle weakness, impotence, aggression, younger. Most of these women said that they lost weight, fibromas, hearing loss and iron accumulation.22 increased their energy, felt less depressed and enjoyed sex Increased magnesium intake helps to prevent or dissolve again much more than before. For men, magnesium is kidney stones and gall bladder stones.23 Activation of equally beneficial for problems arising from an enlarged digestive enzymes and bile production as well as prostate gland. Symptoms commonly improve after a improvement of intestinal flora health are factors that period of supplementation with magnesium chloride.19 make magnesium chloride beneficial in normalising OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 25 digestive processes and reducing digestive discomfort, bloating and offensive stool odours. It actually reduces all offensive body odours, including underarm and foot odour. This may explain why chlorophyll is generally very effective in reducing body odour, as it is high in magnesium. I'd like to share some of my own clinical experiences with magnesium oil. I treated a patient with diet and supplements while she decreased her intake of antidepressant drugs. She improved but still had a big problem with insomnia. Doing relaxation exercises and having a foot bath with added magnesium oil every night made her fall asleep while still soaking her feet! Another client, after using magnesium oil for the first time, slept through the night without waking up with leg cramps. She also took magnesium chloride orally (note that as it is salty-bitter in taste, it is best taken mixed with juice). Two friends of mine, after soaking their feet a few times, experienced a slight metallic taste in the throat. This can be interpreted as a sign of magnesium absorption into the system. Another person told me of dreaming much more than usual and waking up feeling refreshed after using magnesium oil. A colleague of mine reduced sun damage to his skin by applying magnesium oil. He recommended it to his clients and many had similar reports about their sun spots. Some words of caution... Magnesium supplementation should be avoided if you have severe kidney problems (e.g., when on dialysis with severe renal insufficiency), and also with myasthenia gravis. Check your status with a medical professional. Be careful with severe adrenal weakness or with low blood pressure. Endnotes 1. Last, W., "Magnesium Chloride for Health & Rejuvenation", 2. Cargue, Otto, Vital Facts about Foods, 1933, quoted in J.I. Rodale, Magnesium, the Nutrient that could Change your Life, Pyramid Books, New York, 1968; also see "Excessive Calcium causes Osteoporosis", at excessive_calcium_causes_osteoporosis.htm; Sircus, Mark, "Magnesium and Calcium", at Sircus/Magnesium_and_Calcium 3. Karpf, Anne, "Dairy Monsters", The Guardian, UK, 13 December 2003, dec/13/foodanddrink.weekend 4. Rodale, op. cit., chapter 15, at 5. ibid. 6. Personal communication from Walter Last, April 2008 26 • NEXUS Too much magnesium can cause muscle weakness; if this happens, temporarily use more calcium. ∞ About the Author: Barbara Bourke has worked in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years, eight of these as a manager and fitness instructor in her own fitness centre in Manly, Sydney, Australia. She later received an Advanced Diploma of Nutrition and now works as a nutritionist in her clinic in Mackay, Queensland. Her article here is an adaptation of Walter Last's article "Magnesium Chloride for Health & Rejuvenation", available at Barbara Bourke can be contacted by mail at PO Box 104, Kuttabul, Qld 4741, Australia, and by email at [email protected]. For more information, go to About the Co-author: Walter Last is a retired biochemist, research chemist, nutritionist and natural therapist who has worked in Germany, USA, New Zealand and Australia, where he is now based. He has written numerous health-related journal articles as well as several books, including The Natural Way to Heal (Hampton Roads, 2004; see review in NEXUS 11/04) and the Heal Yourself series (see He has contributed several articles to NEXUS, most recently "Are Most Diseases Caused by the Medical System?" (see 15/02). For information on health questions, see Walter Last's website 16. Davis, W. and Ziady, F., "The Role of Magnesium in Sleep", Montreal Symposium 1976, cited at insomnia__natural_minerals_for.html; also see articles/70832.php 17. Rodale, op. cit., chapter 19, at 18. Rodale, op. cit., chapter 7, at 19. Biser, Sam (ed.), Special Report on Aging, Health Discoveries Newsletter, The Lafayette Institute for Basic Research, 1988 20. Sircus, op. cit., p. 1 21. Sircus, op. cit., p. 4 22. ibid. 23. Piesse, J.W., "Nutritional Factors in Calcium Containing Kidney Stones with Particular Emphasis on Vitamin C" (review article), Int. Clin. Nutr. Review 1985; 5(3):110-129 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 7. Office of Dietary Supplements, "Magnesium", magnesium.asp 8. King, D. et al., "Dietary Magnesium and Creactive Protein Levels", J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 2005 Jun; 24(3):166-71 9. Sircus, Mark, AC, OCD, Transdermal Magnesium Therapy, Phaelos Books, Chandler, Arizona, 2006, p.199; see http://www. or http://www. 10. CSIRO Minerals Report DMR-2378, September 2004, at cnrm_mdbcapp2.pdf 11. Sircus, op. cit., p. 186 12 . Vergini, R., MD, "Magnesium Chloride in Acute and Chronic Diseases", at or magnesium_chloride.html 13. ibid. 14. ibid. 15. Rodale, op. cit., chapter 6, at OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 27 28 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 T HE S ERPENT AT T HE E ND OF P RECESSION W Decades of scientific studies suggest that the Earth is heading for a reversal in polarity and spin, a change in obliquity relative to the Moon, and the beginning of the next ice age. by Michael W. Weir © September 2008 Post Office Box 55 Quilcene, WA 98376, USA Email: [email protected] Website: OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 hen the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change drafted the Kyoto Protocol and presented it in 1997 to world governments as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to curb global warming, an international consensus was made to turn away from earlier concerns over evidence of a looming ice age. According to Al Gore, global warming is a blame game: "We are melting the North Polar ice cap... We are destabilizing the massive mound of ice on Greenland... We are dumping so much carbon dioxide into the Earth's environment that we have literally changed the relationship between the Earth and the Sun."1 The idea of global warming, however, runs contrary to official concerns going back at least 35 years. Stimulated by evidence of a cooling trend in the weather patterns, a 1973 report from the CIA concluded that "a global climatic change is taking place and that we will not soon return to the climate patterns of the recent past".2 This was soon followed by the 1975 First Miami Conference on Isotope Climatology and Paleoclimatology, where Nobel laureate Willard R. Libby warned: "Ice ages have been the normal condition during the last several million years, with temperate climates enduring only five percent of the time… Because the global food supply depends primarily on climate, current understanding of climate must be vastly improved…"3 Over 30 years later, in a report released in 2004, the Pentagon was still expressing grave concern over the fears of a looming cool-down. While opting for either a scenario similar to the climate change of 8,200 years ago when the weather decayed for only 100 years or a scenario like the Younger Dryas event that cooled Earth for more than a 1,000-year period between circa 12,800 and 11,500 years BP, the report still found in the projected future "a significant drop in the human carrying capacity of the Earth's environment".4 Yet, amidst the crescendo of recent global warming soothsayers and the scramble to create carbon exchange proposals for CO2-emitting industries, at least one geologist, Professor Richard A. Muller of the University of California, Berkeley, has sided with the Pentagon by saying "Our time looks about up" before this warm interglacial period comes to an abrupt termination.5 With a chart that shows three million years of temperature fluctuations based on oxygen isotope profiles, Professor Muller points out problematic discrepancies with the Milankovitch theory. Figure 1 shows that in the last 650,000 years the ice age was dominated by only the 100,000-year glacial cycle, that the previous two million years had a predominant 41,000-year cyclical pattern, and that around three million years ago there were no strong ice-age cycles at all. What historians determine to be the total length of time it took for modern civilisation to develop is all within our present interglacial period. Sharp spikes in the graph not only illustrate how quickly ice ages can end, but also how quickly they can begin. "These data should frighten you...the next ice age is about to hit us," warns Professor Muller.6 NEXUS • 29 Even with known cyclical variations affecting this planet, Moon controls Earth's obliquity Earth is very stable, its spin maintained by a solid, A large part of the failure of climatologists to find a better magnetically charged core which is surrounded by a explanation for ice ages is due to the application of the substantial molten mantle. This liquid interior creates a spinning-top model for Earth (which relies on the Earth still strong and stable centrifugal force against the equator that is spinning from the momentum acquired during its formation) kept steady by the presence of the Moon, which in the standard gravity-based universe model, rather than the subsequently acts as a climate regulator for the Earth.8 more practical spinning-top model (where Earth's rotation is With the pivoting of the axis centred in the middle of the stimulated and perpetuated by a governing force of planet, some degree of polar wandering (axial tilt due to electromagnetism) in the electric universe model. A surface imbalances) is possible, but would be restricted spinning top implies a single given momentum and a drag or within Earth's obliquity imposed torque against the axis of the spin. upon the planet by the Moon. Any This is a misleading image of suggestion that the Earth could Earth's rotational relationship to have turned on its side would its orbital plane. The belief that The idea of the Moon's suggest a point in time when the Earth would not change rotational relatively recent arrival is Earth didn't have a Moon. direction with a polarity reversal shows confusion if not denial of illustrated by one of the The captured Moon and solar the properties of simple physics. system problems in the theory of A gyroscopic effect model is The idea of the Moon's closer to the real model, and even "Snowball Earth". relatively recent arrival is this can give the wrong image of illustrated by one of the problems Earth's stability. Due to the in the theory of "Snowball Earth". presence of the Moon, Earth's Buried in the Precambrian past is obliquity cannot go past the 23 evidence of sand wedges in rock strata at the Mount Gunson degrees of the lunar orbit. What a gyroscopic model does copper mines in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Sand best is illustrate the relationship of the Moon to the Earth's wedges show seasonal temperature fluctuations at a place equatorial bulge, a suggestion of the lunar tidal drag against where there shouldn't have been any during the Snowball Earth's speed of rotation, and the cyclical changes in the period. For Australian geologist George Williams, the best Moon's own orbital plane which in turn controls the degree explanation for the ice/thaw repetition that would cause sand of Earth's obliquity. wedges at the equator is an obliquity of our planet of nearly But again, unlike a spinning top, Earth's tilt pivots on the a quarter circle.9 solar plane that dissects Earth's equator, not its bottom axis. This would imply a Precambrian Earth without a Moon. The torque against the axis that a spinning top will The Snowball Earth theory, rather than being challenged by experience is not a proper representation of what is Williams's findings, would be supported by the evidence of happening to Earth. The only torque on Earth's spin is equatorial sand wedges—since an absence of the Moon caused by the Moon's influence against Earth's equator, an during the Precambrian time period would have likely sent influence that absorbs and modifies additional influences by 7 Earth into periods of extreme elliptical orbiting around the both the Sun and Jupiter. Sun, cooling the Earth incredibly while allowing 100 kyr oscillation 41 kyr oscillation dominates dominates the potential of obliquity to reach a maximum of 90 degrees, creating conditions best supporting periodic snowball conditions. The best evidence for the geologically recent capture of the Moon is the Cambrian explosion circa 542 million years ago. Something happened that not only permanently ended the cycle of chilling conditions found Fig. 1. Climate of the last three million years (arrow enhancements by the author). (Source: on Earth's surface at the time, but also simultaneously R. A. Muller and G. J. MacDonald, Ice Ages and Astronomical Causes, Praxis Publishing Ltd, put Earth into a stable orbit Chichester, UK, 2000) closer to the Sun, readjusted 30 • NEXUS Relative temperature (°C) OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 We are not at the end of a glacial flux event currently, but the crust and brought to an end the devastating swings in in a true interglacial period that falls between a total ice age severe tilting or obliquity. cycle and lasts only 13,000 years, or one half of the Mass extinction of Precambrian fauna is found at the precession cycle. When Libby in 1975 said that temperate boundary of the Cambrian and was determined to be caused climates only endure for five per cent of an ice age, he was by sudden environmental change.10 almost right. A real interglacial period—the length of time It would be the passing of the Sun through the galactic not between ice flux cycles but between one total ice age plane, something our solar system does repeatedly, and the and the next—occupies about three per cent of the total subsequent though temporary collapse of planetary magnetic cycle, while a warming flux—the warming period between fields that would give rise to gravitational influences that glacial maximum events—can be 10 per cent or more of that could affect the potential shifting of astronomical bodies and cycle's duration. at the very least threaten the dislodgement of comets from Another look at Muller's graph of climate of the last three the Oort cloud.11 million years (fig. 1) shows that each glacial period In 1994, astronomers discovered a new galaxy very close associated with noticeable changes from the previous age is to the Milky Way galaxy. Subsequent analysis showed the approximately 650,000 years in duration. Al Gore only took Milky Way to be devouring this smaller galaxy, now known his graph of CO2 concentrations back 650,000 years for a as the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy (Sag DEG). Significantly, it intersects the Milky Way at our solar reason. The interglacial period which occurred beyond this system's precise angle and space.12 point was so warm that there were hippopotamuses and hyenas in This coincidence would be less England.14 significant if our solar system weren't also moving at this same Between each ice age cycle of The signature event that angle through the galaxy. It is 650,000 years, polarity reversals takes place like clockwork at acknowledged that our solar cause continental shifting that system passes through the galactic forces Greenland to move further the same 650,000-year period plane, usually described as a north while Europe spreads further bobbing motion that takes east, each shift increasing the of time is the Yellowstone anywhere from 33 million to 55 amount of warm Atlantic waters supervolcano eruption. million years to be completed. that reach the polar Arctic Ocean There is no direct reason for this during the following glacial cycle. conjectured time limit or bobbing The signature event that takes motion, other than a flawed attempt place like clockwork at the same to match the movement of the solar system to known periods 650,000-year period of time is the Yellowstone supervolcano of surface cratering or extinction events.13 eruption. Yellowstone is not random in its most violent eruption cycle and has marked the starting point for at least Considering the angle of the solar system and its given each of the last five ice ages. The apparent lack of sufficient momentum, it is unlikely that the solar system bobs in any gas and particulates in ice core samples shows that it is only way with reference to the galactic plane. If the solar system associated with the start of each glacial period and is not the were actually oriented relative to the galactic plane, it would cause of it. be easier to accept the notion of a bobbing of the solar Yellowstone eruptions are very often associated with a system along the galactic plane like the skipping of a rock on significant jolt of the North American continent. The a pond's surface, but this is not the angular momentum that caldera itself doesn't move, but the plate over it does. This the Sun is known to have. Whether or not our solar system continental shift is sudden and reveals a repetition in the comes from Sag DEG, though it seems most likely, the Sun direction the continental interior has been moving for at least would have long ago passed through the Milky Way and just the last 13 million years (fig. 2). kept going if our solar system's journey had not somehow Deformation in the Earth's crust prior to a polarity reversal been captured, resulting in a galactic orbit that apparently is the reason Yellowstone can set the signature for each ice takes the solar system through both galactic hemispheres in age cycle. As the solar system approaches the galactic its full orbital cycle. plane, where magnetic fields collapse before reversing, the magnetic field of the Earth must similarly collapse before Ice age cycles and interglacial periods reversing. Defining the length of this solar–galactic orbit leads back In 2002, scientists observed a noticeable flattening of the to the ice age cycle. Even though each warming period poles but could not arrive at an appropriate explanation, between glacial events is called an interglacial period, citing post-glacial rebound, global warming–induced technically it is not—because an ice age cycle takes 650,000 weather alterations and changes in gravity (!) as possible years to complete. There are warming flux events in causes.15 between glacial advancement (not the short interstadials, the warmer periods during a glaciation that last less than 10,000 Fluctuations in the strength of the magnetic field of the years), but they are not the true interglacial periods. core allow centrifugal forces of molten magma to bulge OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 31 with the rotating pole of the axis, the gyroscopic model collapses into a spinningtop model and a polarity reversal will follow. In a true interglacial period, that which lasts only 13,000 years and one of which we are now in, continental glacial sheets melt, Earth tilts to the obliquity set by the angle of the Moon's orbit, seasons begin and the planet spins counterclockwise as a negative polarity dictates. Precession, being a result of the Earth's obliquity, lasts only during this time. At the beginning of the next ice age, precession will end. Voltaire's Great Year (Plato knew nothing of precession) only ends up being a summer vacation. Once Earth reverses its polarity from the one it has now and is rotating clockwise against the Moon's orbit, it will lose the Moon's influence of obliquity and its axis Fig. 2. The Yellowstone hot spot. (Source: US Geological Survey) will become perpendicular. Clockwise more at the equator, resulting in a flattening of the planet at rotation also results in pulling the Moon into a closer orbit, the poles and creating tremendous stresses for the lower and reversing its slow drift away from Earth.18 middle latitudes as they bear the brunt of crust misshaping. Being perpendicular would put Earth into a constant state Yellowstone, being near the 45-degree latitude, is in essence of equinox (equal night), where night and day hours are the right on the fold of crust deformity. same from the poles to the equator. Charted seasonal Since 2004, magma under Yellowstone has been rising insolation values show how this perpetual state of from a chamber 30 miles beneath the surface to another spring/autumn insolation, as shown by the readings in March chamber only six miles from the surface, and at a rate three and September, could support glacial build-up in the uppertimes faster than previously recorded.16 middle and higher latitudes without a Milankovitch-style Even if the idea of pinpointing a specific date, such as the stretch of the ellipse (fig. 3). much-maligned date of 2012, to a polarity reversal seems A clockwise rotation for Earth would also reverse the hard to accept, the fact that Earth is experiencing the oceanic currents, most significantly those of the Atlantic collapse of its magnetic field is undeniable. Some research Ocean, which would now flow directly up the coast of shows the strength of Earth's magnetic field to have been Africa into the Arctic Ocean. This change in ocean currents weakening for at least the last 4,000 years, while the would saturate the polar Hadley cell with moisture while measurement of Earth's magnetic field for the last 30 years creating a temperate climate in the Arctic. The Hadley cell shows field strength decline to be gaining momentum.17 At would then carry and release its moisture in the midthe point where the degrading magnetic pole falls into sync latitudes, below the northern jet stream. On a world that doesn't spin, hot air at the equator would rise and flow toward the cooler polar regions where it would sink and flow along the ground until it reached the equator, where the cycle would begin all over again. Since our world does turn, this cycle of rising and sinking air is dragged across the irregularities of the surface and broken into three cells of rising and sinking air, like the stripes of Jupiter. The cells that start at the equator and extend out 30 degrees on either side are called tropical Hadley cells, discovered and named by George Hadley in 1753. Between 30 and 60 degrees are the Ferrel cells, named after William Ferrel who discovered Fig 3. Seasonal insolation values. (Source: Michael Pidwirny, University of them in 1856. Ferrel cells are defined by British Columbia, Okanagan, the jet streams that flow at both the southern 32 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 Astronomical charts in the chamber of Hatshepsut's architect and northern boundaries. Above the Ferrel cell is the polar Senmut show this, as do documents from the Harris, the Hadley cell. Sitting directly on top of the polar region is a Ipuwer and the Hermitage papyri.20 constant wind called the “polar vortex” that stays fixed above each pole. In this perpendicular position of Earth's axis, the pole star Interestingly enough, the Pleistocene glacial sheets in sits in the Draco constellation. All prehistoric people above America stop just below the northern jet stream, almost in a the equator were overseen by the constant presence of this line across North America with an allowable dip to the west Serpent. of the Great Lakes due to lake-effect snow. This is A clockwise rotation will change the length of the year, indicative of two things: a saturated jet stream and a lack of month and day. Eliminating the wobble of the barycentre seasonal variation in the weather. caused by the Moon will also equalise and better distribute For ice sheets to grow as large as those found in the the tidal drag, causing Earth to speed up slightly. duration of the Pleistocene epoch (circa 1.2 million to This change in calendar length is confirmed by fossilised 10,000 years BP), massive evaporation has to take place. tidal patterns at Pichi Richi in the southern Flinders Ranges, This is the ignored conundrum of the ice age cycle. If South Australia, where geologist George Williams glacial sheets crept down from the frozen polar regions, how determined that at the Precambrian–Cambrian boundary the did moisture get to the polar Hadley cells that fed the midsolar year lasted 13 months and the day just under 22 hours.21 latitude and northern glaciers? A reflection of this ancient From a detailed study of wind calendar and its close proximity patterns, Professor Xiahong to this interglacial period can be Feng of Dartmouth College, found in the ancient Tarot card Once Earth reverses its polarity UK, the lead author of a report system where the Major (Sun) from the one it has now and is released in 2007, suggests that Arcana represents the 22 hours in the dominant winds across the ice-age day and the Minor rotating clockwise against the North America during the (Moon) Arcana shows the 56 Pleistocene came from the east. Moon's orbit, it will lose the Moon's lunar weeks in a year. The early Analysis of ancient cellulose disuse of the 56 Aubrey holes of influence of obliquity and its axis shows oxygen and hydrogen Stonehenge may also illustrate isotope levels highest on the the revamping of old knowledge. will become perpendicular. East Coast while decreasing Removing one card from each toward the West Coast— suit of the Minor Arcana set (to completely opposite of how the become the common playing winds blow today, but exactly what would be expected with cards that we know today) reflected a readjustment of the a clockwise rotation of the planet and a reversal of the number of lunar months and total weeks in the new calendar present ocean currents and jet stream.19 year. However, totally remaking the symbolisms for the changes in the hours of the day was harder with the Major Spinning clockwise and perpendicular, Earth now acts like Arcana and didn't show up until the creation of the 24 Elder a real spinning-top and, as such, the build-up of glacial Futhark runes. sheets in the northern hemisphere along with declining sea Runes researcher Audrey Fletcher argues that the Elder levels in the southern hemisphere would make the planet Futhark has ancient Egyptian origins and records the respond to this imbalance in the same way a spinning top discovery of precession. In order to interpret their true would. meaning properly, the 24 runes must be arranged and read, With a top-heavy torque or drag against the rate of contrary to the Tarot's Major Arcana, in a counterclockwise rotation, the weight of glacial sheets in the northern direction.22 hemisphere could induce a pivoting of Earth on its southern pole or axis, causing Earth to respond with a slight bias toward the centre of its orbit, the Sun. This would not result Descent of the mesosphere in a return to precession as the pivoting of the bottom axis At the termination of the last ice age, ice sheets were the would leave Earth tilted toward the Sun in an annual biggest yet. The domination of the 100,000-year periods of continuity, not seasonally. The top-heavy northern land glacier building removed so much water from the oceans masses would lean toward the Sun only by a few degrees, that ocean levels dropped by an approximate 300 feet at the bathed in perpetual light for thousands of years until the equator and by up to 400 feet in the Arctic. glaciers receded enough to refill the oceans and start the As Earth passed through the galactic plane 13,000 years process all over again. ago, a tremendous event occurred in the Arctic that changed the topography and wiped out most of the extensive herds of mammals of the Arctic plains. Ancient knowledge of polarity reversals Underlying much of the Arctic landscape is a frozen muck Illustrations from ancient Egypt showing Earth to have the filled with the remains of various Pleistocene mammals, cardinal points reversed may suggest knowledge of a bugs and plants. A catastrophic and unrecognised weather polarity reversal and not necessarily the Earth's turning over. OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 33 phenomenon occurred at the moment of the pole shift and reversed within the length of a day the temperate Arctic landscape of the Pleistocene into the frozen one that we know today. Whitley Strieber first coined the term "global superstorm" in the book The Coming Global Superstorm, co-authored with Art Bell.23 It is a term he used to describe the fictional scenario of the collapse of the North Atlantic oceanic current, resulting in extremely frigid air rushing out of the Arctic, causing tremendous storms worldwide as a result. His idea is based on an anomaly that occurred at the end of the Pleistocene, in an event known by geologists as the Younger Dryas, when the Atlantic conveyor collapsed. This thermohaline circulation shutdown, in association with a change in tropical winds, plunged parts of Europe and North America into an extended period of cooling, in essence reversing the warming effects that had arrived with the ending of the ice age.24 However, this incident did not create a global winter, unlike in Strieber's scenario, as it only delayed glacial melting for a thousand years and impacted mainly northern Europe and parts of North America.25 A real global superstorm as Strieber envisioned would involve a rare event unrecognised by modern science and unprecedented in the history of modern meteorology. Above each pole, north and south, far above the swirling winds of the polar vortex, is a pocket of extremely frigid air in the layer of atmosphere known as the mesosphere. Here, allowing for seasonal variations, temperatures can range from –90 to –125 °C (–130 to –193 °F).26 The mesosphere has cooled at an estimated one degree per year over the last 30 years. It has also dropped eight kilometres in its ceiling and is predicted to drop another 20 kilometres within the next century. Oddly enough, the increased chilling of the mesosphere is found to be related to increases in greenhouse gas emissions.27 A descent of this frigid mesospheric temperature to the surface happens when the Hadley and Ferrel cells collapse Endnotes at the time that Earth stops and reverses rotation—a truly global superstorm finally realised. Even modified by polar surface temperatures, a descending mesosphere will bring temperatures to Earth's surface in excess of –73.3 °C (–100 °F). The initial descent of the mesosphere at the end of the last ice age would also have resulted in extreme differences in pressure gradients and created winds beyond our currently defined hurricane parameters, with a force that would have disarticulated—and, indeed, did disarticulate—much of what it swept up, as evidence shows in parts of the Alaskan and Siberian landscapes.28, 29 Today, a superstorm will not be confined by one- and two-mile-high glaciers circumventing the northern latitude. Passage through the galactic plane at the end of this type of interglacial period is far more destructive than at the end of a glacial period. The high ocean levels will intrude many miles inland as Earth reverses rotation, and the eruption of Yellowstone will eliminate any effective response the United States might be expected to make on the domestic or international scene. If this arrival of the next ice age is anything like the ending of the last ice age, then the modern human species, as unprepared as it is for this event, seems most likely to follow the same path as the woolly mammoth. ∞ About the Author: Michael W. Weir has been a herbalist and researcher for the last 21 years, while homeschooling four children. With his children now grown, he has turned his efforts to scientific validation of the stories of his elders and is currently working on two books, Saving Your Bees: Natural Remedies for Your Hives and Elven Handbook – Volume 1: The Lost History of Earth. He can be contacted by post at PO Box 55, Quilcene, WA 98376, USA, and via email at endofprecession@aol. com. Readers can request the full-length version of this article from the author or view it at his website, plane", Nature 1984 Apr 19; 308:709-712 12. Eden, D., "Scientists Now Know: We're Not From Here!", Viewzone, This is a hot topic and I encourage the reader to do further research. See coverage at milky-sept-24-2003.html and galaxy_gobble_030924.html. The desperate rebuttal, "Is the Sun From Another Galaxy?", is at http://blogs.discovermagazine. com/badastronomy/2007/06/27/is-the-sun-fromanother-galaxy/. Then see some great pictures and animation of the Milky Way cannibalising Sag DEG at x-objects/sag-deg.htm, where astrophysicist Continued on page 83 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 7. "The Earth's Orbit", Life in the Universe, Gore, A., An Inconvenient Truth, Rodale 05-03-02.html Books, New York, 2006, p. 10 8. Laskar, J., Joutel, F., Robutel, P., 2. Tompkins, P. and Bird, C., Secrets of the "Stabilization of the Earth's obliquity by the Soil, Earthpulse Press, 1998, p. 179 Moon", Nature 1993 Feb 18; 361 3. ibid. 9. Walker, G., Snowball Earth, Three Rivers 4. Schwartz, P. and Randall, D., "An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and its Implications for Press, New York, 2003, p. 165; also see G. Williams and P. Schmidt, "Proterozoic equatorial the United States National Security", Global glaciation: Has 'Snowball Earth' a snowball's Business Network, October 2003, available at chance?", The Australian Geologist 2000 Dec 31; 117 90/climate-change.pdf 10. Ward, P.D., Brownlee, D., Rare Earth: 5. Muller, R.A., "Brief Introduction to the Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the History of Climate", chapter 1 of R.A. Muller and G.J. MacDonald, Ice Ages and Astronomical Universe, Copernicus Books, New York, 2000, Causes, Praxis Publishing Ltd, Chichester, UK, p. 178 11. Rampino, M.R., Stothers, R.B., 2000; available at http://www.muller.lbl. "Terrestrial mass extinctions, cometary impacts gov/pages/IceAgeBook/history_of_climate.html 6. ibid. and the Sun's motion perpendicular to the galactic 34 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 35 36 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 A NASTASIA , W ISE Woman OF THE S IBERIAN TAIGA The story of Anastasia, the beautiful, wise visionary who lives quietly amidst the taiga forests of Siberia, is inspiring millions of readers to activate their spiritual natures and implement positive changes in their lives. I n the following interview (written for the online monthly newspaper The Earth), US-based Dr Regina Jensen talks with Vladimir Megré, author of The Ringing Cedars book series, about what he has learnt from Anastasia—the beautiful, wise, reclusive young woman who caused him to give up his lucrative business to record her life-changing wisdom. His books are now bestsellers read all over the world. — Editor Regina Jensen (RJ): Vladimir Nikolaevich, I would first like to ask you a philosophical question. You are a well-known person and writer with worldwide acclaim. Your books are sold in great numbers throughout the world; yet you live modestly, not surrounded with luxuries as is often the case with world-renowned celebrities. Can you explain why you differ from others in that respect? Vladimir Megré (VM): I consider it senseless and even unethical to own large apartments filled with a multitude of objects if you yourself cannot be constantly in contact with them and fill them with your aura. I sometimes visit my acquaintances, who have houses with twelve rooms and more. They have a servant, a cook, a gardener, but in their home one does not feel that invisible warmth that the surrounding space may give a person if the person is in direct contact and personal communication with this space. A hired gardener is involved with the garden, not with love but for money; a cleaning woman will hardly clean furniture and vacuum the floors with love—but they are the main persons responsible for that living space, not the owners. Even a highly qualified cook is not able to prepare the type of food that can be made by one's own grandmother, mother or beloved woman. Food made by a stranger will not have the same energy or force as food made by people close to you, who truly love you. That is why I live in a small apartment on the edge of the city. Twenty metres from the loggia of the apartment is a pine forest. I feel that the best place in my dwelling is my office, where there is a portrait of Anastasia, a picture portraying her parents and other pictures. There is a carved desk and chair of Siberian cedar, brought from the taiga, made by talented Siberian craftsmen. I work at this desk. I sleep on a couch in the same office. I believe that a person should have the type of dwelling that he himself can fill with his aura, and with which he can be in a kindly relationship. Then it will return to him its love. If strangers work in a person's dwelling, they can leave behind their energy, which is not always wholesome for the owner. Understanding this, I do not strive to have a luxurious apartment with a lot of rooms. RJ: That is a very touching and unusual way to consider and describe personal space, Vladimir Nikolaevich. Thank you! Regarding money, I know also that you send your personal funds to finance social projects, and you even gave up your country home to establish an art gallery. I understand all too well that for a person like you, money cannot be an end in itself. Even though, I am interested in your personal thoughts about money. VM: In actuality, no one really needs money. But in the conditions of the NEXUS • 37 Interview with Vladimir Megré by Regina Jensen, PhD © 2008 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 virtual world in which modern society finds itself, the The Wisdom of Anastasia virtual value of banknotes provides for real, everyday VM: Imagine a deserted bank of the Siberian Ob River, necessities. These are, of course, different for everyone. thousands of kilometres from our so-called civilisation. On The royalties I receive personally are completely sufficient the bank stands a woman in an old jacket, long skirt, for my everyday needs. But when I accumulate more wearing rubber galoshes, and so wrapped up in a shawl that money, I will direct it to the creation of feature films, which only her eyes are visible. I was looking for a guide who I hope will help me and many others to define our destiny in could show me the path leading to the place in the taiga space and time as we conceive it. In general, I have a where the ringing cedar grew. So I approached her. She balanced attitude toward money. I certainly don't worship answered that you had to walk twenty-five kilometres it. across the taiga to get there, and she agreed to take me. RJ: Vladimir Nikolaevich, currently many people are This woman's name, as it later turned out, was Anastasia. discussing "the Megré phenomenon". She, just as many researchers now You became involved in business as an consider, is indeed the most unusual ordinary photographer, without any initial phenomenon of our time—and not only capital or education in economics, and in because she was born and lives in the a short time you became chairman of the heart of the Siberian taiga. Recluses are Association of Siberian Entrepreneurs, a also found in other places on Earth. But businessman known throughout Russia. Anastasia possesses some mysterious You suddenly gave up business, all your "As shown by later abilities and knowledge of the savings, and began to write books, while primogenitors. She considers the basic events, she is able to having no specialised education and no science to be the science of imagery— money to publish the first edition. knowledge that was partially possessed design the future and, And again, in a relatively short period by the priests of ancient Egypt. The of time you have become a well-known following her thoughts, curing of all kinds of diseases and writer in modern Russia and all the teleportation are not at all the most this future begins countries of the former Soviet important of her abilities. As Union. The ideas contained in your shown by later events, she is able to materialise in the books are discussed at the highest to design the future and, following real circumstances levels of power, and the name her thoughts, this future begins to Vladimir Megré is frequently at the materialise in the real of our lives." centre of social and political circumstances of our lives. In conversations. doing so, she asserts that every Moreover—correct me if I am person living on Earth possesses wrong—your books have been these same abilities. They begin to translated into 20 languages and manifest themselves in people in a their total circulation is more than 11 certain way of life. million copies. The ideas described During the first hours of our in your books have found response meeting, Anastasia did not in any in the souls of people living in the way differ from the ordinary USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, United dwellers of the Siberian backwoods. More probably she Kingdom and many other countries. Your creative work is very skilfully disguised herself as one of them. And I had a compared to the work of the "later" Tolstoy [following his feeling of superiority over the ordinary woman walking in spiritual awakening], and John Woodsworth, a Canadian front of me along the path through the taiga. After all, at researcher and poet, has written an interesting paper in this that time I was a well-known businessman, travelling in a regard. Tell me, how do you, yourself, explain "the Megré comfortable boat, and who was she? phenomenon"? I would imagine that so much fame can be But at a stop, when I decided to have a rest and quench quite a burden. my thirst, the first startling event occurred. The woman VM: Fame is not a burden. It does, after all, have a life refused to share my meal, went off by herself, took off her of its own, beyond the walls of my office. When I walk shawl and outer clothing down to a short summer dress, and along the street, I in no way draw attention to the fact that I laid down on the grass under the weak rays of the Sun. am a writer, which allows me to observe life around me. I When I tore myself away from my meal and glanced at do not consider myself a phenomenon or special in any her, I was struck by what I saw. On the grass was lying an way. I was the most ordinary businessman, made trade uncommonly beautiful woman, about twenty-three, with expeditions on ships down rivers into the heart of Siberia, long, golden hair. The features of her face were regular, her and did not have any spiritual or moral goals before me. It well-tended skin did not at all resemble the weather-beaten was simply thanks to fate that I ended up at the right place faces of the dwellers of the Siberian backwoods. She had at the right time. large, kind, grey-blue eyes, and lips that smiled slightly. An 38 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 proportion to the construction of a perfected way of life for unusual energy emanated from her lithe body, which could people on planet Earth. be felt even at a distance of several metres. And it felt as if Anastasia has an unusually rapid speed of thought. She the Sun's rays, touching her body, were transformed into may exceed the speed of the most modern computers many some kind of bewitching energy that caressed the space times over. For example, in response to the question, "What around her. She was wearing a short, light dress, somewhat is the main source of air pollution in large cities?", she resembling a nightshirt, but one had the impression that her gazed for several minutes in her own individual way, body was not cold. analysed the situation in the cities of the entire world and I spent three days in the taiga together with Anastasia, but answered: "Smoke coming from the tailpipes of the cars had the sensation that I had passed through several moving in the city and leaving on the roads tiny particles of lifetimes—and, moreover, in different dimensions. At the their wheels." Of course, information about cars as the beginning, to a greater extent I was struck by the mode of main source of air pollution in large cities is widely known, life of this recluse of the taiga: at her gesture, squirrels but attention has not been drawn to the tiny particles of place dried mushrooms and cedar nuts at her feet, and she rubber from the tyres rubbing on the asphalt. sometimes plays with a she-wolf as with a pet dog. Not all But further, in only several minutes Anastasia had animals of the taiga serve Anastasia devotedly—only those analysed the vast number of alternative ways of cleaning the that live on her territory. But this did not turn out to be the harmful dust from the air of large cities, and offered, in her main thing. words, the most rational solution. She suggested placing The phenomenon of Anastasia lies in the fact that she is beneath the bottom of each car a small [elongated] box able to reproduce pictures of her family's life, beginning which would collect the harmful with the creation of the Earth. I particles while the car was did not accidentally use the word moving. This method has not "reproduce". When she speaks of "But further, in only several been referred to anywhere, but, the life of her distant forefathers minutes Anastasia had analysed using it, it would be possible to of tens of thousands of years in collect tens of tonnes of the the past, then vivid pictures of the vast number of alternative harmful substance from the these distant events arise. These streets of modern large pictures are much better than ways of cleaning the harmful metropolises. I would be happy those on a television screen. It is dust from the air of large cities, if it were used in America. as if holograms appear in space and the scents and sounds of the and offered, in her words, distant past are experienced. Creating Kin's Domains the most rational solution." Researchers suppose that, in RJ: Anastasia's philosophy, theory, pictures of the past of one's her descriptions of our reality family can be seen by each person today, her story and, more through genetic memory. However, the hustle-and-bustle of precisely, the image she creates of the wonderful future of modern life does not allow a person to do this, and perhaps Russia and the entire world have given rise to an these abilities for most people have been lost—as have, by unbelievable phenomenon in society. I understand that the way, many other abilities. hundreds of thousands of people, not waiting for RJ: To me, Vladimir Nikolaevich, it all rang true right instructions from above or government financing, have away, but my husband said wistfully: "It all sounds too embarked, on their own initiative, on making this created good to be true. If only that could be our reality." How do image a reality. Is that true? readers really know, unless they have a deep inner response VM: Yes. Anastasia believes that every family should themselves? have its own parcel of land with an area of no less than a VM: It is difficult to verify the authenticity of Anastasia's hectare. This parcel, which the recluse from the taiga calls stories about the past. However, the logic in her stories is a "Kin's domain", should be transformed by the family into greater than the logic in official historical works, and a living, heavenly oasis that answers all of a person's needs. Anastasia's construction of the pictures of people's lives in A person's level of spiritual development is represented by the future is beginning to come true, even in detail. the appearance of his living creation and the person's way of According to Anastasia, the future of humanity is seen as life in it. amazingly beautiful. However, this future is based not on She considers it totally unacceptable to bury members of so-called scientific and technological progress but on a a family in cemeteries. They should be buried only on Kin's profound knowledge of the natural world. domains. Then the spirits of the deceased relatives will not She considers the modern method of conquering outer suffer from the fact that their bodies have been discarded, as space using spaceships to be primitive, irrational and into waste pits far from their relations, in a cemetery. But impossible on a sufficiently serious scale. Mankind can on the contrary, buried in Kin's domains their souls will help settle distant planets and create life on them only by using and protect the people living in the domains. Analogous to our psychotelepathic abilities, which will develop in our modern ones, cemeteries existed in antiquity as well, OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 39 pronouncements of this recluse from the taiga quoted in but they were intended for animals that had died of diseases books, what force is hidden behind her phrases? It is and criminals without families. possible that they are constructed in such a way that the Anastasia speaks about how to lay out and develop one's letters form a certain code. It is possible that a certain Kin's domain so that, using it, it would be possible to rid rhythm of her phrases has significance. oneself of physical ailments. She also speaks about the Anastasia usually tries to attune herself to the manner of ancient and very beautiful wedding ceremony in a fair bit of speech of her interlocutor, using his vocabulary and way of detail—a ceremony through which the young couple, by the constructing phrases, but at certain moments she suddenly force of their thoughts, create the plan for their future Kin's begins to speak another language, categorically smooth and domain, and at the very moment of the marriage, with the rhythmic. She very precisely articulates each letter of the participation of their parents, relatives and friends, that phrases she pronounces, and an unusual energy is felt after which they thought about materialises in several minutes. each sound. And then what she has said is remembered Anastasia asserts that, for young couples who create their word for word, as if a tape recorder is operating in one's Kin's domains in this manner, love will never pass away. mind. And moreover, vivid pictures arise before the Moreover, it will become stronger with the years, and she listener, and the meaning of what was said is assimilated by explains why this occurs: "When a husband looks at his the subconscious. wife, he subconsciously identifies her both with his As an example, I quote an excerpt of God's conversation wonderful domain and with his child, who—this is also with the first man in Anastasia's re-telling: "Where is the essential—should be born on the domain." edge of the universe? What will I do when I come to it, This is something to believe in. After all, for each person, when I myself fill everything, and the very best place in the world have created everything I have remains his or her own small "When the inner, spiritual conceived?" the first of the homeland. The most beautiful primogenitors asks God, and and the best of the children of the world of a person changes, new receives this answer: "My son. entire world will always be his or knowledge and abilities will be The Universe itself is a thought, a her child. thought from which was born a Anastasia also asserts that, if all opened to him or her. A person dream, which is partially visible people or the majority of them as matter. When you approach begin consciously to create their may create wonderful worlds the edge of all creation, your Kin's domains, turning them into analogous to our Earthly world thought will reveal a new heavenly oases, then the entire beginning and continuation. world will be transformed. on other planets." From obscurity will arise the new Natural cataclysms and wars will and resplendent birth of you, and not occur on Earth. When the it will reflect in itself your soul, your dreams, your whole inner, spiritual world of a person changes, new knowledge aspirations. My son, you are infinite, you are eternal. and abilities will be opened to him or her. A person may Within you are your dreams of creation." create wonderful worlds analogous to our Earthly world on The future of the Earth as designed by Anastasia appears other planets. fabulously wonderful. People who are transforming it into RJ: Vladimir Nikolaevich, this all sounds so very reality are for the time being living it in their dreams, but I amazing and encouraging. But we have many people, believe that their dreams will definitely materialise. especially many authorities, who would not want people to have this information and criticise not only you but anyone who would believe Anastasia's philosophies. Countering Negative Rumours VM: The official critics may approach the subjects of the RJ: In your creative work, you touch on the most painful books and pronouncements of the recluse from the taiga in social problems. In many respects you uncover the causes various ways, but their opinions are not really that giving rise to these problems, and also for whom they are important now. The most important critics—the people— profitable. Of course, for a person like you there exist have expressed their positive opinion in tens of thousands of people who envy you and wish you ill, who try in every letters and hundreds of thousands of emails. They have way possible to slander you, spread scandals and dream up expressed themselves not only with words but also with the most absurd stories about you. concrete actions. The hundreds of large and small So, in English-speaking countries, among your readers settlements that have sprung up and continue to spring up the rumour has spread, and is being maintained, that you all across Russia are confirmation of that. abandoned Anastasia, periodically drink heavily and have RJ: Is that incredibly positive response all over the world found a young lover! Would you please comment on these not somewhat of a miracle in itself? allegations? Also, Vladimir Nikolaevich, should that VM: Yes. It is here that a riddle arises—a riddle that for happen again, might you have some helpful suggestions for the time being remains unsolvable and mysterious. If this your readers so that they might know how to protect mass movement has been provoked by only the themselves from these types of hurtful rumours? 40 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 that drinking and smoking are not good, that breathing fresh VM: Negative rumours have been circulating about me air is more wholesome, more pleasant, and that pure water for as long as ten years. In all this, the mass media have is more beneficial for our health. However, we continue to been used and exploited in the most active manner. I live in live in ecologically unhealthy and destructive large Russia. Once, when I was sitting in my garden beneath an metropolises, and the heroes of the majority of the most apple tree and working on my next book, a neighbour came popular television series—social models for many people— up to me in the garden with a newspaper in his hands and spend their leisure time in bars and discotheques. said: "Vladimir, you're sitting here, but the newspaper But all of a sudden, people did hear truths that have long writes that you live in an Egyptian palace, surrounded by been known, and the truths are inspiring them at last to take Mafia gunmen, that you operate a totalitarian sect and that concrete, real actions. So some kind of great power must the readers of your books are going out of their minds." have been concealed in the spiritual impulses of Anastasia, I didn't have to explain anything to my neighbour; he saw and this power seemingly overcomes the darkness that has with his own eyes that the newspaper was printing a lie. conquered the world. But after only several days, this same RJ: No wonder that there is a struggle article was reprinted by a number of against Anastasia's tangible, inspiring newspapers, including one Canadian ideas and philosophy. newspaper. The Russian District Court VM: Yes. In this instance, the told my lawyers that the newspaper had spreading of all sorts of rumours about said nothing insulting; the journalist had me is an ultimately futile subterfuge to simply expressed his opinion, and he had "So some kind of distract people away from the main the right to do so. But this journalist had issues at hand. Moreover, even in the not even met with me. The editor of the great power must first book I disclosed about myself that I Canadian newspaper, after Canadian have been concealed in had definitely not been a saint, that I readers appealed to him, and without the used to drink, smoke, flirt with women intervention of a court, made public the spiritual impulses and be overinvolved with my business. apologies. of Anastasia, and this But I've changed. Yes, the blood of the Regarding the sharing of this special businessman can still begin to rush; only material, there seems to be an overt, power seemingly now, it is not like before. concerted effort not to permit I am very proud that, with the society to discuss the ideas and overcomes the help of my daughter and son-in-law, suggestions set out in the books darkness that has I have been able to set up the regarding modern man's urgent production of cedar oil according to need to improve their way of living. conquered the world." Anastasia's technology. And I think The libellous publications never there are not many products in the earnestly discuss the issues raised in world equal to it. For a long time I the books, but speak in uninformed was unable to bring it up to the generalities and degrading terms quality of Anastasia's oil, even about me and my readers. though the modern technology of a Even the priests of ancient Egypt medicinal compounds factory was understood all too well that images used. But it soon became clear that rule the world. An image is a great it was impossible to obtain the required quality in the city, energy that is capable of having an influence on a slave and and it then became necessary to transfer the production to a a pharaoh in equal measure—through all time and space. village in the taiga 100 kilometres from the city—and it We have much scientific research which confirms all this worked out. now. Anastasia, the recluse from the taiga, to all With regard to Anastasia, she is always with me, in my appearances has a brilliant command of the science of heart, in my soul. imagery, and modern priests are not succeeding and will not succeed in overcoming her powerful, positive and living images. The Promise of a New Book RJ: Yes, as we said earlier, someone like Anastasia, and RJ: Vladimir Nikolaevich, readers will never forgive me you along with her, must be like big thorns in the sides of if I do not ask you some questions about your new book. many individuals of power who prefer that we remain the Could you tell us about some of the topics you touch on in blind and dull-witted masses and not come into the Godthe new book? given powers of which you and Anastasia remind us so VM: In the new book, I shall be speaking about the powerfully. power of human thought as the most powerful energy in the VM: I myself think that the point is not only the ideas, universe. but most likely their exposition in Anastasia's language. RJ: What are your favourite parts of the book? Judge for yourself. All of us have known for a long time VM: I always like to write about something good: even OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 41 RJ: What is Anastasia's basic goal in this book for the vitality and mood improve, and aches and pains disappear, readers? when you write about something good, about the victory of VM: I did not specifically ask what her goal is. good. In the new book I also talk about my children, about Intuitively, I myself feel that she desperately wants to do the ice age, when people left their familiar areas and, like a something good for people, to remind humanity of some little girl, attempted to stop the glacier. forgotten knowledge or feelings. She is prepared to call RJ: Vladimir, has Anastasia discussed things that were down fire on herself, and for that reason she says: "Woe completely new for you? unto you, Nostradamus! The dates of the fearful cataclysms VM: Yes, she has, but they are not always upon the Earth were not so much your divinations as the comprehensible or they seem insignificant. For example, creations of your thought. You made millions of people she says that humanity has not yet determined the purpose persuade themselves of these by what you taught and and meaning of its existence, and claims that human thereby aim their thoughts at the implementation of the existence lies in the perfection of the natural, living same. Your thought still hovers up there, hiding in the blue, environment. She had said that a long time ago, but I did still frightening people with your prophecies of despair, but not write it because I supposed that the living environment now they will no longer come true. Let your thoughts join included, for example, an apartment or domain, and that this into fray with mine. Of course, did not involve spirituality. you knew all this ahead of time, However, in further and that is why you are so eager to conversations it became clear that "...she says how a person can, flee away." Or another: "Prepare by "living environment" she in perfecting his or her living yourself, all wickedness and evilunderstands not only a Kin's mindedness, to leave the Earth domain, even a perfect one, but environment, protect the Earth behind and fall upon me!" the entire universe, and she says RJ: Thank you very much, how a person can, in perfecting even from meteorites and make Vladimir Nikolaevich, for the his or her living environment, time you have given to your protect the Earth even from the universe a more comfortable English-speaking readers. We are meteorites and make the universe place in which to live." all impatiently waiting to hear a more comfortable place in more! ∞ which to live. By perfecting his or her living environment, a About the Author: person perfects himself or herself as well as his or her own body and spirit. Regina Jensen, PhD, holds licences in psychotherapy as RJ: That does sound fascinating. Has she given you any well as physical therapy and works as a somatic other information that has appeared very strange to you? therapist and master executive coach. She has over 35 VM: Rather than strange, it was not completely years of professional training and experience and holds understandable. For example, she has several times tried to several advanced degrees in the human sciences. She is tell how a person, when dying, may not die, or, to put it a writer and independent researcher with a another way, when falling asleep may wake up in a new commitment to finding "intelligent, expedient and joyful body. She tells it in a more detailed way than I do. But solutions for the predicaments we have co-created for sometimes in doing so she uses words that are not found in each other on our Mother Planet". Dr Jensen can be our vocabulary. As a result I cannot set this out in contacted via her website, http://www.fullyalivewellness comprehensible language, so we speak about this topic again. I sometimes ask Anastasia: "Translate the words you are saying into a more understandable language." She Editor's Note: answers: "They cannot be translated into your modern This interview is copyright © 2008 Regina B. Jensen, language; I am probably illiterate in translations." And she Vladimir Megré and It was laughs. But I know that she is extremely literate. first published in the online monthly newspaper The RJ: Sometimes Anastasia has a very serious attitude Earth. toward certain scenes that she wants you to write. Did Reviews of books 1–3 and 4–6 in The Ringing Cedars something similar happen in this book? series were published in NEXUS 13/04 and 14/05 VM: Yes, it did. But, in general, when she speaks about respectively. For more information about The Ringing something significant that she herself believes deeply, then Cedars book series, visit the official Ringing Cedars she adopts an especially unusual construction for her website, at phrases. For example, in the book Co-creation, when she Leonid Sharashkin, editor of the English-language speaks about the interrelationships of the energy of Love versions of The Ringing Cedars series and advocate of with God, everything she says sounds like pure verse, and the Russian dacha gardening movement, is a speaker at one can remember the entire book not simply word for the NEXUS Conference, 4–6 October 2008, on the word but one sees pictures depicting what's said. Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. 42 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 43 44 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEWS NEWS SCIENCE W by Stefan Nyström © 2008 aves work in a constant movement, up and down, forth and back, and we can take advantage of this in a cheap way with the WaveReaper™, a simple mechanical device. As we said, the waves move up and down, but most generators rotate around an axle, and the wave size varies a lot and creates problems when you want to utilise their energy content. The current technologies regarding wave energy today are very costly and can't compete with other ways of making energy. Another factor to consider with water and generators is that, yes, almost any technology has a problem when it comes to the ocean's salt water unless more expensive designs and materials are used. Water can leak inside equipment and ruin electrical circuits, which therefore must be safeguarded against corrosion and also against leakage and pressure in those cases when the equipment is under water. In other words, underwater technology, with all these problems to solve, means high costs and therefore more expensive A FEARS FOR INVENTOR OF WAVE ENERGY GENERATOR THE WAVEREAPER™ TECHNOLOGY man by the name of Stefan Nyström has invented a way to generate energy from ocean waves that he claims would cost five per cent of what coal energy does. He set up a prototype in Ghana and, initially, claims to have found many potential investors. However, suddenly problems started to pop up. The investors, originally extremely enthusiastic, started to back off. He was offered bribes in order to quit. Finally, he began to be harassed by Ghanaian police and mercenaries. He contacted me in the hope of getting protection. I told him to come to Japan. He told me he was not allowed to leave the country. He said they had taken parts from his prototype. I said I would see what I could do. Before I could do anything, yesterday I received a disturbing set of phone calls from a very scaredsounding Mr Nyström. "They tried to kill me three times today," he screamed into the phone. Then I lost contact with him, and his phone has been switched off. In his last call, he asked me to make his technology public. So, here below is a description of his technology. Would people please pass it on and would as many people as possible, in a tribute to a man who has probably been killed by mercenaries hired by the oil industry, make sure that prototypes are developed. — Benjamin Fulford, 3 September 2008, via general83/been.htm [Editor's note: Benjamin Fulford is the author of "An Eastern Ultimatum to the Western Illuminati", published in NEXUS 15/04–05.] OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 energy for the consumer. This is not what we would like, so to solve the wave generation concept we need to get around these problems. The solution is simple: we can use basic items such as wire, plastic barrels, one-way bearings, a pulley, an axle, a flywheel and a generator. These are the main components in what, up to today, is the cheapest wave energy technology in the world. It can even be built in wood or with bicycle parts! This is very good in countries which have limited access to expensive metals and heavy machining tools. Except for wiring, most of the parts in the generator can be made of wood or plastic. [See fig. 1.] We use a set of plastic barrels as buoys; the cost is low, and PVC isn't affected by salty ocean water. The barrels are placed near shore or further out in deeper water, depending on the amount of energy needed in a particular wave plant. Each barrel has a lifting force of approximately 100 kilograms. A wire is connected to the barrel, which goes to a brass block on the bottom, which is weighted down with a big stone and connected to another wire. [See figs. 2 and 3.] Figure 1. WaveReaper™ plastic barrels in the waves. NEXUS • 45 NEWSCIENCENEWSCIENCENEWSCIENCE connected to the land-based WaveReaper generator via the powertransmitting wire. The barrels are also connected by a thinner wire between them so that if the power wire should break, the barrels don't drift away in the sea. This also evens out the possibility that the barrels would smash into each other when the sea is rougher. Rough weather capabilities The lifting capacity also sets a maximum power input into the device, since if a wave is too fast or large, the barrel would not lift more than it can, and forces are kept within the range chosen when constructing the WaveReaper plant. Rough waves are a problem for all wave-energy constructions. However, the WaveReaper has a built-in safety feature in its construction that avoids damage to the equipment: the barrels have a maximum lifting force, so they will sink under the surface if the force of the waves is too great. This makes it possible for the WaveReaper to work in any weather. However, for the best cost–benefit ratio, the plant should be constructed to take advantage of medium-sized waves that are present most of the time. Power output and cost With 10 barrels in each row and 10 rows, the plant would take up 20 x 20 metres of area, or 400 m2, and have 100 connected wires which transfer the mechanical energy to the generator. [See fig. 4.] This type of plant gives 100 to 300 kW every hour, which would generate profits of US$6,500 to $20,000 of revenue monthly. The cost of building the plant is estimated to be only $20,000. This means that the WaveReaper can pay for itself in a few months instead of years. I have chosen to use only cheap materials in this demonstration, because of the need to bring down production costs and make it possible to build this type of wave generation device anywhere in the world and with local materials, e.g., car parts, which don't OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 Figure 2. Power-transmitting wires and seafloor-based blocks. The location of choice is the main parameter for the size of the barrels: smaller waves, then smaller barrels and vice versa. Wave heights that can be utilised can be two feet and upwards. The number of barrels can be larger, but I think, for practical reasons, 100 on each plant would be good and reasonable. In the shoreline version, this number can give up to 500 kW of energy, and even more in special locations. A plant that covers 100 metres of shoreline can give 3 MW per kilometre of shoreline. The barrels are positioned at two metres' distance from each other and Blocks The pipe is mounted on the wire, and the block section is further lengthened out into the sea until the required distance from the shore has been reached. When service is required, the pipe is mounted off from the wire and the block section is hauled to the shoreline. No divers or loading service personnel are needed. Round pipe is mounted around the wire. A half pipe is mounted around the top of the wire. Next half pipe is mounted the othe way to the wire. Figure 3. Reverse half-pipe makes it possible to haul gear without divers. The pipe is mounted on the wire, and the block section is further lengthened out into the sea until the required distance from the shore has been reached. When service is required, the pipe is mounted off from the wire and the block section is hauled to the shoreline. No divers or loading service personnel are needed. Round pipe is mounted around the wire. A half-pipe is mounted around the top of the wire. The next half-pipe is mounted the other way to the wire. 46 • NEXUS NEWSCIENCENEWSCIENCENEWSCIENCE need to be imported. Other materials, of course, could be used, but the schematic for the design would be different. Simple is better, it is said, and fewer parts and bearings bring down the cost of building and also repair. WaveReaper set-up and action This is a simple schematic showing buoys, wire and a one-way bearing connected together. [See fig. 5.] The wire is connected to a chain in the end, which works on a gearwheel sitting on a one-way bearing mounted on an axle. This translates the pulling force of the wire to a circular movement. Wire of 4-mm stainless steel is good, providing a lifting ability of approximately 300 kg before it breaks. The plastic that's best to use is PVC, which has high strength and is also light and cost-effective. Of course, the UV light from the Sun will affect it in the long run, but the part that is in the water should be somewhat protected from UV rays. The flywheel is mounted on the axle to collect, even out and store the momentum produced by the lifting barrel. This will even out and smooth the turnings of the axle to the generator, which is driven by a pulley, which will give it the correct rpm. A simple brake, which can never wear down, is also planned, in which case a constant current generator or a special electronic device is not used. Pipes are mounted on the wire, which means we can haul each device in and out without leaving the shoreline. With this configuration, if one set of barrels malfunctions, only 10 per cent of the plant's output is lost. It can be hauled in to the shore and serviced with ease, without complicated offshore operations. With the wire coming to the generator housing, a chain is mounted to the wire, which drives the gear wheel and the one-way bearing, which makes the chain draw when a wave raises the barrel but lets it spin back freely when the wave height goes down. Also, a small weight is connected to the chain to OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 Figure 4. Schematic of 100–300 kW WaveReaper™ plant. make it even out slack in the wire. The flywheel is mounted and a pulley drives the generator evenly. A one-way bearing with pulley and wire but with bigger loads, chain and gearwheel is an option. A one-way bearing can be seen in the example of a bicycle; it rotates freely in one direction but grips in the other direction and transfers force. This principle is used in the WaveReaper, making it simple and cost-effective. A wave's up-and-down movement is translated to rotating movement, suited for a generator of choice. The barrels, of course, will jump up and down in random patterns; this will add to an even movement of the generator axle and its flywheel. As soon as a wave has energy to contribute, it will transmit its force to the wire and to the axle. The flywheel Pulley temporarily stores the momentum gained from the waves. Because of its design, the WaveReaper is always self-adjusting for wave height, tidal shifts and higher or lower water levels due to shifting weather patterns. No adjustment is needed: the WaveReaper is always balancing itself out to optimal level in the ocean. It's time for things to change in the world's energy sector. The oil-based economy is gone. Let's all accept it, and build a better world, feed the hungry, cure the sick and, of course, stop polluting the environment with oilbased, stone-age technology. ∞ (Source: Edited from the web page 1219330357093.html) 18 Kw prototype Oneway bearings and gear wheels Oil tank for lubrication of gears Flywheel Figure 5. Schematic of 18 kW WaveReaper™ prototype. NEXUS • 47 48 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 C ELESTIAL P ROPHECIES AND THE G REAT P YRAMID The gods and goddesses of Egypt, and the sages of other ancient cultures, left a legacy of prophecies and myths concerning cosmic cataclysms with major repercussions for Earth. U Part 2 of 2 Curious watermark on the Great Pyramid nfortunately for the development of our story, Masoudi does not give the date of the lifetime of King Saurid Ibn Salhouk, saying only that he lived 300 years before a huge flood. This Arabic legend is one of many that conserve a tradition concerning the coming of a great deluge and attempts by leaders to preserve important information from its catastrophic effects. The external inscriptions on the Great Pyramid were the original and main source of extraordinary celestial knowledge, and that is probably one reason why the structure was built. It is important to remember that records of the ancient mystery schools insist that many Egyptian structures were constructed "partly to provide permanent Halls of Initiation, but also to act as treasure-house and shrine for some great talisman of power during a submergence which Initiates knew was impending" (W. Scott-Elliot, The Story of Atlantis, preface to the first edition by A. P. Sinnett, 1896, p. 38). The conclusion reached is that the record of "sea shells…calcified high" on the Great Pyramid, as written by Herodotus over 2,400 years ago, is evidence that the structure was erected before the deluge—a theory substantiated by Arabic traditions that have been too often disparaged or ignored by mainstream Egyptologists. The hypothesis that the Great Pyramid was mostly underwater some time during its long life is substantiated by the extraordinary fact, not openly discussed by Egyptologists, that at two-thirds of the distance up its faces there is a watermark running around all four surfaces of the structure. It is informative to note that the adjoining Pyramid of Khephren is devoid of a similar watermark, revealing that whatever caused the staining on the Great Pyramid occurred before Khephren's Pyramid was built. Interestingly, the surviving higher-level white casing stones on Khephren's Pyramid are irregular, jagged, thin and ill-fitting, and reveal an inferior construction in comparison to the substance of the adjoining Great Pyramid. Also of importance is the fact that the casing stones of Khephren's Pyramid are not adorned with "celestial spheres" and other striking information as were those of the Great Pyramid. by Tony Bushby © June 2008 Website: Lost knowledge of Earth's future Sadly, in the 12th century, the entire 22 acres of white casing stones were stripped from the faces of the Great Pyramid to provide masonry for Cairo's mosques and fortifications. With their removal went the "secrets of the Heavens … the history and chronicles of past times … and that which is to come", once displayed for all to see upon the faces of the great white "walls of records" (E. Guimet, True Chronicles, c. 1480, tome xvii, p. 41, from older manuscripts, published by Bibliotheca Alexandrina). NEXUS • 49 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 That information was inscribed in stone when Egypt "had gods and goddesses for its rulers, who dwelt on Earth with the indigenous, one god always being supreme above the rest" (The Histories). At the time of the desecration of the Great Pyramid (c. 1100s), it was recorded that there were: "... eighteen pyramids on the Gizeh Plateau … each of the pyramids was consecrated to a star … a few of them are in steps or stages, but most of them have an inclined continuous form, and a smooth surface … they were originally erected in consequence of the stars foretelling the deluge … they contained every sort of charm and talisman … many of the pyramids were destroyed by Karakousch … who built, with the materials, Kela Gebel [the Citadel], the walls of Cairo, and the causeway with arches near Gizeh … those that remained contained dangerous passages, some of which communicated with the Fayoum" [south of Cairo, where once stood the famous 1,500-room marbled "Labyrinth" and a "huge pyramid with carved figures of animals upon its surfaces" (The Histories)]. (Makrizi [or Al-Maqrizi], an Egyptian historian [1364–1442], from Manuscript No. 671 in Uri's Catalogue; extracts passim from pp. 92-97 of Dr A. Sprenger's translation in Ouvaroff's Egyptian Mysteries, 1849 edition) Makrizi's reference to "eighteen pyramids" in northern Egypt in the 12th century reveals that nine were demolished before Colonel Vyse arrived there in 1837, for in his book, Operations Carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837, he provides detailed dimensions of nine pyramids then standing on the plateau. Today there are only three. The strange temple on the Giza Plateau The Great Pyramid was not the only inscribed structure on the Giza Plateau, for codicils attached to the Camoos of Firazabadi provide this intriguing information: "Below the south-east slant of the big Pyramid is a long Temple with a roaring lion-headed monster formed of stone sitting high up on its front … its purpose is to fend off misfortune coming from the stars … it is dreadful to behold, and everything connected to it is mysterious … it excites the astonishment of all beholders … it is called Balhouyah Balbit [Great Barabi] by the common people … it steps squarely up in stages all around; it is inclined upwards and backwards … its summit is flat, with space for ninety camels to rest [1,800 square feet?] … it has a secret door that leads to chambers … engraved on the upward [vertical] faces are inscriptions of stars, spheres and medical treatises." (Camoos of Firazabadi, passim) This is an ancient description of the Sphinx in its original, lion-headed form, its name never being "Sphinx" until after the Greeks conquered Egypt in the fourth century BCE. At this ancient stage in its existence, its appearance was so feared that the Arabs called the monument Abu al-Hol ("the Father of Terror") ( The Manuscript of Abu al-Hol, Bibliotheca Alexandrina). Renowned Russian author, researcher and painter Nicholas K. Roerich (1874–1947) lived for many years in Tibet, where he admitted to having "unearthed the hidden treasures of Egypt in a Tibetan monastery" (archival material used in the development of the Roerich Pact). In 1939, he provided a rendition of his unique knowledge of what the Sphinx originally was, and for some reason he presented his painting mirror-reversed. In a subtle, fudged manner, he depicts the lion head looking upwards through ferocious eyes and a large, aggressive, open mouth with sharp, protruding teeth. Did Earth capture the Moon in a cosmic upheaval? It is now generally accepted that the original lion head was re-carved in pharaonic times, and the fundamental stepped format of the Sphinx was also reshaped later, maybe by water erosion from centuries of waves lapping against its surfaces by receding flood waters. Exactly when This is Nicholas Roerich's painting of the damaged, inscribed, stepped temple this great cataclysm occurred in world now called the Sphinx. Roerich shows it devoid of its front legs and paws, history is not known, but it is possible possibly revealing that they were not original but built later (maybe during the to provide an opinion by introducing Roman occupation of Egypt). © Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow the folklore of other ancient races. 50 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 climate changes, could have seriously altered the face of Legends among African tribes, Easter Islanders, the globe. The wrenching, twisting and turning of the southern Greeks, Mexicans and South Americans, Earth in this gargantuan cosmic upheaval from Luna's including the Colombian Indians of the high savannahs, effect could have caused some areas to sink (Atlantis?) consistently maintain that a "great catastrophe befell the and mountains to rise (the Himalayas?). Earth before the Moon shone in the skies" (Harold T. If we consider that some centuries passed before Luna Wilkins, Mysteries of Ancient South America, Rider & settled down in its new orbit as our Moon, and that during Co., London, 1946; also see H. S. Bellamy, Built Before that time the ebbs and flows it created caused violent the Flood , Faber & Faber, London, 1943; Immanuel paroxysms of the Earth with tidal Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision, waves and eruptions that Macmillan, 1950). Existing harassed the bemused survivors, temple inscriptions support that ...there are numerous all this turmoil gave the Moon a view, and ancient Arabic, legends and lingering bad reputation and a connection Tibetan, Indian and Siberian with evil. Thus, "Sin became the records tell of the existence of memories among many name of the Babylonian Moonsecret subterranean chambers god", which people of the time bearing inscriptions which reveal nations that Venus, not the believed presided over (or lived that the Moon has not always lit Moon, once shone brightly within) that luminary (Dictionary the night sky. of the Bible , edited by James In the introduction to an down on the Earth. Hastings, DD, 1914, p. 863). At ancient sacred writing (the one stage, the Moon was called Kangyur) titled "Comments from "Lord Moon" ( Deus Lunus in a Lama", purportedly written in Latin), and its birthday was celebrated on 25 December "heavenly letters" by a delog (an advanced lama), there are because that was the day it was first seen in the sky records from around 4000 BCE of the existence in past (Camoos of Firazabadi). times of a "purple city [Shambhala?] set amidst greenery It is easy to understand the scepticism of an intelligent in Thibet", a people called "extractors of consciousness" reader who may find it difficult to believe that the Moon and, importantly for our thesis, "Earth without a moon". may not have always been our satellite, but there are Author H. S. Bellamy advanced the theories of Hans numerous legends and lingering memories among many Hoerbiger, an earlier author on the topic of a moonless nations that Venus, not the Moon, once shone brightly Earth, and extended the view that a planet, named Luna, in down on the Earth. our solar system was "captured" by the Earth's gravitational pull and became its present satellite, the Moon. In the opinion of those erudite authors (Bellamy and Hoerbiger), this cosmic event began thousands of years ago and its devastating effects eventually "caused the draining of the Mongolian Sea" ( Built Before the Flood ). This tremendous flood of water poured into the Black Sea and broke through the Bosporus, creating what is today the Mediterranean Sea. That body of water swelled to a level far higher than that seen today, and this theory provides an explanation for how the watermark came into being around the upper levels of the Great Pyramid. This 100-year-old photo of the Sphinx clearly shows the stepped structure of the original As can be imagined, these events, coupled with temple. Again, the Sphinx is devoid of front legs. © Film Library of Egyptian Antiquities OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 51 In the first century of the current era, renowned historian and naturalist Pliny the Elder (23–79 CE) recorded in Natural History (c. 77) that a great flood once occurred on Earth that was caused by the change of Venus's colour, size, shape and orbit. The ancient Book of Enoch narrates that a massive deluge on Earth was caused by a pole shift, saying that "the Earth became inclined, and d e s t r u c t i o n approached" (1 Enoch 65:1). It is certain from modern scientific studies that there was a major catastrophe maybe some 5,500 or more years ago. But what about the future? What can we learn from the pyramid prophecies? To answer those questions, we refer to some intriguing ancient records. Ancient prophecies of coming cataclysm It must be considered that if the future can be accurately predicted, then it must already exist—and this brings us to the Temple Dialogues, a summary of prophecies left by gods and This diagram was published in 1913 in the American Sunday edition of the Times of India. These the goddesses of Egypt. discoveries are rarely discussed today. © The Sphere magazine This document was found in the Rare Books Collection at the Bibliotheca After 40 years of dedicated research into the history of Alexandrina and was recently translated into English. The the ancient Mexican people, Harold T. Wilkins wrote: prophecies it records may have been originally sourced "It is curious that the ancient Mexicans spoke of the from inscriptions of "that which is to come, and of every planet Venus as lighting the Eastern Skies, and not the future event" once chronicled upon the faces of the Great Moon." Pyramid ( ibid. ). It is an assemblage of 49 celestial (Mysteries of Ancient South America) 52 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 prophecies that Egyptian priests preserved in their libraries, and it discloses that Planet Earth is moving towards a new period of great consequence, one that the gods and goddesses foresaw thousands of years ago. The prophecies of the wise sages of Shambhala, a mythical mystical city in northern Tibet, say that "a New Era begins amidst thunder and lightning" (Agni Yoga, transmitted to Nicholas and Helena Roerich, 1929, p. 277), but what is it that could evoke such a cosmic epoch? It is said in the Temple Dialogues that an "astronomical body" is to flare up in our solar system "[w]hen the Sun and Moon, ... Tishya, and the planet Jupiter are in one mansion". According to orientalists, Tishya is one of the stars of the constellation of Cancer (G. N. Roerich, Izbranniye Trudy ["Selected Works"], Moscow, 1967). Thus, the gods and goddesses foresaw a catastrophic time for Planet Earth when this star is in conjunction This is a photograph of an untranslated papyrus scroll that is part of the Temple with the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter. Dialogues. It is possible that it was written in the stepped Sphinx Temple at Giza. It may only be coincidence, but in © Bibliotheca Alexandrina ancient Chinese and Tibetan astrology This prophecy is strikingly similar to Apache Tishya is the name of one of 72 malevolent stars and has predictions of a "red sky that lingers for a week" ("Night the ominous meaning of "Earth's executioner" (E. T. C. of the Red Sky", NEXUS, vol. 7, no. 1). Werner, A Dictionary of Chinese Mythology, New York, Even the massive trans-Himalayan plateau of Tibet is 1961). The significance of the number 72 in ancient predicted to be "washed with moving waters, presumably tradition is thought to have originated with the 72 tidal waves" during this period (Andrew Tomas, associates of Seth, who were involved in the assassination Shambhala: Oasis of Light, Sphere Books, London, 1977, of his brother, Osiris, husband of the great Egyptian p. 164). goddess Isis, "Queen of Heaven" (The Histories). This flood, as foreseen, is to be accompanied by fiery They were members of the Company of Gods mentioned eruptions, earthquakes and hurricanes, and the cataclysm earlier [see part one]. We also know that there are 72 will spread to such an extent that entire populations will coded words in the Book of Exodus, and here we find that be displaced to other areas. identical number used in ancient Tibetan lore. The Under the heading "Crushing the Spiders of Greed", the interpretation of the word "Tishya" may be questioned by Temple Dialogues maintains that this period of Sanskrit scholars, but one thing can be said with certainty: chastisement will last 49 days, its celestial purpose being Tishya is an ancient name for a star or a comet. There is a to systematically purge the world of hatred, war, curious passage in a visionary Tibetan book, the Epoch of falsehoods, superstitions, moral corruption, greed and Maitreya, which confirms Egyptian and other prophecies materialism. It seems that those vices are responsible for about an unwelcome incoming stellar body. Under the the polluted mental atmosphere of which Indian mystics captivating heading "The Science of Cycles", this speak worriedly. If we accept the Egyptian prophecies as reference is found: documented, then it is evident that an approaching era of "The stars are manifesting a new era. The cosmic fire great significance is forthcoming, the keynote of its cause is again approaching the Earth. Again humanity will being the lack of spiritual ascent amongst the human race. be tested to see if the Spirit has progressed sufficiently In the early 1880s, the illustrious Mahatma Koot-Hoomi … and waves shall wash away the dwellings of the (K. H.), a prophetic sage of Tibet, wrote a letter to British unworthy … there will be lightning, thunder and star journalist A. P. Sinnett in which he described a "Raja-sun" showers." approaching from beyond Jupiter but as yet is hidden from (Epoch of Maitreya, Dunhuang collection, British Library) OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 53 view. He noted: " mortal physical eye has ever seen it during this, our Round [a regular cycle?] … In its present position in space, imperceptibly small though it be, the metallic substances of which it is mainly composed are expanding and gradually transforming themselves into aeriform fluids..." (Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett from the Mahatmas M. and K. H., Frederick Stokes Co. Publishers, New York, 1924, Letter XXIIIB, p. 167) what to watch for as a warning of a terrestrial emergency. Called the "Sacred Sign", it is found in the Mahatma Letters, and this forecast takes us back to Egypt: "When the Great Barabi [ancient name of the Sphinx] of Giza sounds his warning, prepare for great changes." (Mahatma Morya, Mahatma Letters, quoted in Passport to Shambhala, West Siberia Geographical Society, 1923, Letter 58, p. 79) That warning might come tomorrow or a thousand years from now. Maybe the Sphinx's head will drop off or its This may pour light on the mystery of the "astronomical back will collapse in upon itself. In all body" and the "cosmic justice" that the seriousness, we shouldn't take these Temple Dialogues says await mankind prophecies too solemnly, for hundreds and which, in Eastern thought, are of past predictions about the end of the deemed as the retribution of a collective world have not been fulfilled. Maybe world karma. we should simply accept the logic of If these events are to occur, or are to the famous American cartoonist be repeated in a long, natural cycle, will In all seriousness, Charles M. Schulz, creator of the there be early signs? Mother Shipton Peanuts comic strip, who said: "Don't (Ursula Sontheil, 1488–1561) predicted we shouldn't take worry about the world coming to an end that a world catastrophe would be these prophecies today. It is already tomorrow in preceded by "a light in the sky" Australia!" ∞ (Mother Shipton's Prophecies after the too solemnly, for most exact copy of 1641 , Yorkshire, hundreds of past About the Author: 1989). Interestingly, in 2004, a 400-metreTony Bushby, an Australian, predictions about wide asteroid was sighted a great became a businessman and distance from Earth by entrepreneur very early in his the end of the astronomers, who labelled it "2004 life. He established a magazineworld have not MN4". In 2005, it was renamed publishing business and spent "99942 Apophis", after an 20 years researching, writing been fulfilled. Egyptian serpent god, and it and publishing his own continues to be observed for the magazines, primarily for the expected close passage past the Australian and New Zealand Earth in 2036. markets. With his strong interest The disturbing prophecies of in metaphysical subjects, Tony Merlin end dramatically with a has developed longstanding vision of the goddess Ariadne relationships with many changing the cosmic order of associations and societies things by causing "Venus to forsake her appointed throughout the world that have assisted his research by circuits", creating a new reality (Geoffrey of Monmouth, making their archives available. The Prophecies of Merlin, adapted from the translation in Tony's previous article in NEXUS, "The Forged R. J. Stewart, Merlin: The Prophetic Vision and Mystic Origins of the New Testament", was published in vol. Life, Penguin Arkana, 1994). This is fascinating, because 14, no. 4. His series, "The Criminal History of the nearly 2,000 years ago Pliny the Elder noted that a great Papacy", was published in NEXUS 14/01–03. flood once occurred on Earth because Venus had changed Tony is the author of several books: The Bible Fraud its orbit. (Joshua Books, 2001; reviewed in NEXUS 8/06 with Maybe a natural universal cycle is in operation, and extracts in NEXUS 9/01–03), The Secret in the Bible consideration should be given to the possibility that Venus (Joshua Books, 2003; reviewed 11/02; extract, may one day reinstate itself to where it was before the "Ancient Cities under the Sands of Giza", in 11/03); Great Pyramid was built. If so, the Moon would then The Crucifixion of Truth (Joshua Books, 2005; necessarily escape the Earth's gravitational pull and return reviewed in 12/02); The Twin Deception (Joshua to its earlier orbit. In this scenario, Venus would then Books, 2007; reviewed in 14/03); and The Christ again light the night sky. Scandal (Stanford House, 2008; reviewed in 15/05). In trying to provide an impossible answer on a dating of Tony Bushby can be contacted via his website, a predicted cosmic crisis, we turn to Tibetan advice of 54 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 55 56 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 Gifts in the Fields C ROP C IRCLES OF 2008 During the summer in England, the fields were graced with beautiful, precision-made crop formations, one of them apparently depicting planetary positions for the December 2012 northern winter solstice. F ads come and go and mysteries rise and subside, but, despite the constant attacks from sceptics or damage from plain media ignorance, against all the odds the crop circle phenomenon somehow continues to entrance its devotees after all these years. From simple circles in lonely fields in the earlier years to the sudden explosion of complex glyphs and subsequent wide public fascination in 1990, the development of this never less than intriguing puzzle has seen the rise and fall of many design genres and styles, but always there has been a sense of a constant, slow progression of evolution towards...something. The dismissive view that all works of this mystery are merely human art (inevitably one still fostered by the usual dedicated debunkers) is countered in too many cases with evidence biological, statistical and geometrical that suggests something else at work outside the mundane. Whatever the case, the fact remains that, whether one believes the circles are patterns of nature, projections of collective consciousness by physical or metaphysical means or intelligent encoded communications from a great beyond, the view that the crop formations are heralds of some coming time of huge change, perhaps connected to the many predictions now surrounding the year 2012, has come to predominate the scene. But with that message now rightly or wrongly successfully lodged in so many minds, the phenomenon has seemingly reached some kind of plateau, as if it has done the bulk of its set-up work and is now biding its time to await either closure or the dawning of something even more momentous than spectacular glyphs. An enthusiastic response Last year I described the crop formations of 2007 as a "holding operation", a consistent supply of beautiful yet not shockingly groundbreaking designs which kept the faithful happy and continued to bring a modest influx of new enthusiasts into an awareness of something very curious going on in their world. I also suggested that 2008 was likely to be much the same, and that has turned out to be a fair prediction. This season has seen another run of ambitious and striking formations but without any major developments, yet still offering plenty of crowd-pleasing elements. And please the crowds it did, with the crop circle phenomenon enjoying a surprisingly high profile in its UK heartlands (in contrast to 2006, when the press and its readers seemed inexplicably convinced the circles were dying away) and a seeming resurgence of buoyant enthusiasm firing up its aficionados. The annual crop circle coach tour of the longest-running circle-related gathering, the Glastonbury Symposium, had more subscribers than ever before. Meanwhile, the rejuvenated Silent Circle at Compton Bassett in Wiltshire—once the crop circle–themed cafe at Cherhill and now reborn in a new venue next to The White Horse Inn as a shop and information point—was a constant hive of activity. It saw a steady stream of visitors each day of the summer and held many NEXUS • 57 by Andy Thomas © 2008 Southern Circular Research 3 Old House Courtyard Southover High Street Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1HT, UK [email protected] Websites: OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 19th April. Image: Janet Ossebaard © 2008 Barbury Castle, near Wroughton, Wiltshire. Reported 1st June. Image: John Montgomery © 2008 Furze Knoll, near Beckhampton, Wiltshire. Reported 20th June. Image: John Montgomery © 2008 58 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 well-attended lectures. Indeed, Silent Circle is now the first port of call for most Wiltshire circle adventurers keen to get a reasonably unbiased assessment of the latest wonders and the informed fine detail on how to find them (see The season unfurls The 2008 season began near Avebury on 19th April with a straightforward but attractive sixfold wheel in rapeseed, but the raised profile of the phenomenon was helped enormously on 1st June by the arrival of the first majorly significant formation of the year. Lying below the ancient hill fort of Barbury Castle, the perfectly ratcheted spiral in green barley was a more complex echo of the spiral incorporated into the famous triangular pictogram at the same location way back in 1991. This time, however, it embodied perfectly the mathematical principles of pi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter)—something very unlikely to occur by chance or without perfect precision of placement, and something which even the UK newspapers couldn't ignore. Several papers featured the thoughts of retired US astrophysicist Michael Reed, who made the following impressive observation, as reported by and Crop Circle Connector: "The ratcheting arcs starting at the centre and proceeding outward express pi as increments of a circle divided into tenths, or 36 degrees. If you proceed outward from the centre, the multiples of 1/10 of a rotation (including the small circle as a decimal) are 3.141592654..." This development was mostly reported, unusually, without the traditionally sneering "humorous" tones of the media that tend to accompany remarkable formations and instead bore tones of almost begrudging respect. The observations of an astrophysicist took cerealogy (the study of crop circles) back within the sphere of the officially approved scientism that grips the mainstream, just for one day at least, and therefore propelled it into the limelight. As a result, general interest in the circles rose a little and added to the curiously heightened excitement within the "croppie" community in 2008. Although nothing quite this mathematically significant was to follow, the fields of Wiltshire were then gifted with an eclectic mix of emblems and mandalas throughout the next few weeks, the best of which were perhaps the "wheel hub" at The Ridgeway, near Avebury, on 15th June and the elaborate, huge design at Furze Knoll on 20th June. July, however, saw the second most talked about formation of the year with the arrival of a very sharply rendered and astronomically themed nest of thin rings and circles near Avebury Manor on 15th July. It didn't take long for croppies to realise it was a diagram of our own solar system, with all the planets shown in the positions they will take on 21st December 2012—the winter solstice believed by some to herald the arrival of the "great shift" anticipated by several ancient cultures around the world, most notably the Maya. Although some of the planets were very slightly misplaced from their expected positions (which in itself caused debate about coming orbital perturbations amongst some, and about OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 The Ridgeway, near Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 15th June. Image: © 2008 Avebury Manor, near Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 15th July. Image: © 2008 South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire. Reported 22nd & 23rd July. Image: © 2008 NEXUS • 59 artistic inaccuracy in the more cynical), the message seemed nonetheless clear that we were being reminded of ancient time cycles which might impinge on our civilisation very soon. As just the latest in a line of crop formations to refer directly to the 2012 time cycle, it reinforced to many the idea that we are being called to readiness for that...something just around the corner. Not content to stop there, July continued to produce a stream of interesting glyphs, at least two of which were truly stunning. A line of three tail-to-tail "swallow" shapes which arrived at Alton Priors on 22nd July then performed the old trick of metamorphosis by turning into the astonishing sight of a whole larger flock of them on the next night, with a beautifully smooth crop-lay inside. Then, on 27th July, a field at Wayland's Smithy in Oxfordshire played host to an enormous complex of hundreds of large and small circles, looking like some kind of celestial game of Solitaire and crying out for some kind of decoding by the educated faithful. Wayland's Smithy, near Ashbury, Oxfordshire. Reported 27th July. Image: © 2008 Multifaceted designs August brought its own surprises. A triple-windmill-type design at Shrivenham, Oxfordshire, on 1st August seemed to be an obscure comment on the adjacent wind farm, perhaps calling attention to the current arguments raging in the UK about the pros and cons of wind power and its effect on the visual environment. A very literal rendition of a multifaceted gemstone at Yatesbury, Wiltshire, on 3rd August was perhaps the most unusual entry of the month, while a huge figure-of-eight of tailed circles back at the old haunt of Alton Barnes (amongst several other formations this season) was notable for appearing on 8/8/08. In fact, this was the only significant cerealogical event to occur on 8th August—after many unfulfilled Internet predictions of amazing things which otherwise didn't materialise, based on the supposed predictive symbolism of the preceding weeks and the neatness of the digits. Perhaps the most beautiful design to appear in August had a Celtic-Christian flavour in the shape of a huge crucifix of graceful curves and lines at Etchilhampton, Wiltshire, on 15th, raising some religious speculation (although many other faiths have also been referenced over the years). August provided a few more complex designs, tailing itself with a very striking star shape at Etchilhampton on 31st. Formations have continued into September (at the time of writing), perhaps because of late harvests due to wet weather—the latest to date appearing at Avebury on 7th, comprising a complex mandala rather like a Chinese puzzle. As ever, much of the activity was based in Wiltshire this season, although some other atypical counties such as Suffolk, Cornwall and North Yorkshire did produce the occasional single circle or simple design. There was even a grand surprise at Barton Le Clay in Bedfordshire on 14th August, with a very clear-cut mandala worthy of the very best. However, Kent and Sussex, both circle hotspots once, lay bereft. In amongst the masterpieces of the season, there were some less-impressive examples—of course, some clearly being messy doodles and others being more ambitious but flawed in their layout, demonstrating probable human error and notable signs of stem damage inside. But in the absence of firm evidence in either direction, as always it is up to individuals to make up their own minds as to the proportion of formations that are man-made (as some surely are) and those that are from that unreachable somewhere else. The lesson in discernment would appear to be part of the equation. Foreign formations and English domination According to the website, the UK, with 68 formations this summer (at the time of writing), was slightly up on 2007, the second year running of rising occurrences. Meanwhile, the rest of the world seemed slightly down in numbers but still came up with around 50 confirmed reports. Germany and Italy (the latter last year being the closest OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 Watchfield Wind Farm, near Shrivenham, Oxfordshire. Reported 1st August. Image: Frank Laumen © 2008 60 • NEXUS Yatesbury, near Beckhampton, Wiltshire. Reported 3rd August. Image: Lucy Pringle © 2008 Etchilhampton Hill, near Devizes, Wiltshire. Reported 15th August. Image: Frank Laumen © 2008 Below Milk Hill, near Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. Reported 8th August (08/08/08). Image: Lucy Pringle © 2008 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 61 Cherhill, near Calne, Wiltshire. Reported 7th August. Image: John Montgomery © 2008 Barton Le Clay, Barton Springs, Bedfordshire. Reported 14th August. Image: © 2008 second to the UK) effectively tied on numbers this year, both with their own mix of sublime and less sublime designs. Switzerland, which has been a growing presence in the circle tables, managed to produce six interesting formations this year, and even France, not usually a circle-oriented country, recorded five. Other nations to report a few circles included the USA, Canada, The Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic and even South Korea, which came up with a massive and breathtaking pattern to rival many of its English cousins. Nonetheless, the UK is clearly the centre of circular activity and seems set to remain so. Much speculation has been made over the years as to why the fields of the UK—and England in particular—have so much to say, while other countries remain muted. Theories range from the geological to the philosophical, with some believing that the UK is the "heart chakra" of the world and that its people are for some reason the most suited to receive this type of universal wake-up call and help take it out to the world. Accusations of misplaced patriotism aside, with all the 2012 expectations growing it is certainly interesting that the United Kingdom will draw massive attention to itself in holding the Olympic Games in London that year, and even astrologically it seems that its profile will be raised hugely in what may be a momentous but difficult period for the nation (a highly interesting article on this subject, by astrologer Helen Sewell, can be found at astro.html). Perhaps, with all the mystifying and spectacular symbolism we have been seeing in the UK over the decades, the circle phenomenon is drawing our attention to the fact that, this time around in the ancient cycle, it is in places like the UK—such a prominent example of western culture— where the work has the most to be done. Whether this turns out to be a blessing or a curse remains to be seen, but, for many, the reception of so many awe-inspiring and lifechanging gifts in the crops over the decades will have been a price worth paying. ∞ About the Author: Andy Thomas is one of the world's leading crop circle researchers and is the author of five books on the phenomenon including Vital Signs, considered by many to be the definitive guide. His new book The Truth Agenda: Making Sense of Global Deception and Unexplained Mysteries is due out in late 2008. For more details, see Andy Thomas can be contacted by email at [email protected]. Image Credits and Contacts: • Steve Alexander: • Crop Circle Connector: • Frank Laumen: • John Montgomery • Janet Ossebaard • Lucy Pringle: • Philippe Ullens OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 Eastfield, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. Reported 25th August. Image: Philippe Ullens © 2008 62 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 63 64 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 THE DROPA TRIBE AND THEIR STONE DISCS REVISITED by Philip Coppens © 2008 I n the mid-1990s, German author and tour guide Hartwig Hausdorf reignited the debate as to whether aliens had crash-landed in their craft in the remote mountainous region of Baian-Kara-Ula, in China's Qinhai Province. Over the past decade or so, several elements of the story have been confirmed. The alleged crash-landing at BaianKara-Ula has become known as "the Chinese Roswell"—though the crash, if there was one, occurred not in 1947 or thereabouts but thousands of years ago. At the core of the story is that in 1937–38, an expedition led by Chi Pu Tei, an archaeologist with the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Peking (Beijing), was trying to find shelter in the Kunlun-Kette mountain chain. The team members entered a cave and found inscriptions on the walls. At the back of the cave they found several tombs, aligned in a row, containing strange-looking skeletons, each measuring 1.2 metres in length and having an abnormally large skull. Buried with the skeletons were unusual stone discs, 716 in all, about 30 centimetres wide and 1.0 cm deep with a hole in the centre, each bearing strange hieroglyphs. Were these Stone Age long-playing records? The story goes that the Chinese Academy of Sciences tried to ban the publication of these findings, but eventually the story of the Dropa (or Dzopa) tribe and their stone discs was released—though never confirmed. There are several aspects to this story: the strange skeletons; the discovery of a little-known tribe of dwarf-like beings; the nature and whereabouts of the discs; and the decipherment of the inscriptions. The script was apparently only deciphered and the passages translated in the early 1960s by a team led by Professor Tsum Um Nui of the Peking Academy of Prehistory. He claimed that they describe the crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft 12,000 years ago. Here are a few lines from the translation: The Dropa came out of the clouds in their aeroplanes. Before sunrise, our men, women and children hid in the caves ten times. When they finally understood the sign language of the Dropa, they realised the newcomers had peaceful intentions... As for the discs, it has been pointed out that stone discs are a known ingredient of Chinese culture and are called "Bi" discs. Although their origin is unknown, these Bi discs have been dated to as far back as 10,000 BCE— thus largely coinciding with the timeframe of the alleged crash. Bi discs were normally made from jade or other precious materials and were regarded as status symbols. In the aftermath of war, the losers were required to hand over their discs as a sign of submission. Furthermore, it is known that the discs were used in burials. In aristocratic burials, the discs were normally placed above the head, below the feet and on the chest of the deceased. Interestingly, Bi discs were often considered to be "the Ear of Heaven", and sometimes the hole in the OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 65 THE TWILIGHT ZONE book details the 1947 expedition of the English scientist Dr Karyl RobinEvans, who supposedly reached the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains and made contact with the Dropa. According to the book, the tribe comprised several hundred members, all dwarfish in appearance and four feet (1.22 metres) tall on average. Dr Robin-Evans stayed there for half a year, learned the Dropa's language and was introduced to the history and traditions of the dwarfish beings, who told him that their ancestors had come from Sirius, of all places. It is now known that the book was largely science fiction dressed up as non-fiction, but many people had already decided that the Dropa story was bogus—especially those who erroneously argue that the book was the Descendants of the Dropa Many people incorrectly believe that first to mention the "ridiculous" story. It would seem that Sungods in Exile the story of the Dropa tribe was first aired in a 1978 book titled Sungods in either was meant to cash in on stories Exile, edited by David Agamon. This about the Dropa that were in circulation for a few years before it was published, or—if you like a conspiratorial explanation—was meant to discredit the story. Why? Perhaps it was merely because China was a communist nation and any interest in things Chinese was officially discouraged at the time by western governments. But it was definitely not a hoax—at least not one executed in 1978. The Berlin-based historian Dr Jörg Dendl has been able to trace the first mention of the Dropa story to 1962, when a monthly magazine for vegetarians, Das vegetarische Universum Rare 1947 photo of the royal couple at Baian("The Vegetarian Kara-Ula, claimed descendants of the Dropa. Universe"), published an disc was placed in front of the mouth so that the dead could speak to their ancestors. The story that stone discs with hieroglyphs were found in a tomb is therefore not only plausible but likely—considering, too, that Bi discs often carried inscriptions. In 1974, a tourist, Austrian engineer Ernst Wegerer, saw and photographed several discs in the Banpo Museum in Xian, in Shensi Province. But this begs the question of whether these discs, which are similar in description to those reportedly discovered in BaianKara-Ula, were "just" Bi discs or actual examples of the ones found in the mountain cave during the 1937–38 expedition. article titled "UFOs in Prehistory?" in its July edition. Dr Dendl has so far not been able to find the original Chinese or Japanese source, but it is clear that the story is much older than 1978. Furthermore, the story reported in Sungods in Exile of an expedition coming across dwarfish people in the Baian-Kara-Ula region has nonfictional counterparts. Dr Dendl found a 1933 clipping about a Chinese confrontation with dwarflike beings. Though some might argue that the location was in "Tibet", at that time Baian-Kara-Ula was mistakenly labelled as being part of Tibet. The article relates how a woman, only 1.2 metres tall, was seen being escorted by Chinese soldiers and that she and her group were being held as slaves. There was also a statement that they were cannibals, but this might merely have been an excuse to cover for their inhumane treatment. Most importantly, the existence of the Dropa—or a tribe like them—has been confirmed. In November 1995, the Associated Press (AP) stated that some 120 "dwarfish beings" had been discovered in Sichuan Province, in a so-called "Village of the Dwarfs". (Some sceptics cast doubt on the AP account, though it is easily verifiable. In fact, on 9 November 1995, the German publication Bild ran a report titled " Das Dorf der Zwerge – Umweltgifte schuld?" ["The Village of the Dwarfs – environmental pollution to blame?"] about the discovery.) The tallest adult in this village was three foot 10 inches (1.15 m) tall; the smallest was two foot one inch (63.5 cm) tall. The location of the village is only a few hundred kilometres from the Baian-Kara-Ula mountain range. However, despite China's becoming more open, this entire area including the village remains off limits to foreigners. Hartwig Hausdorf, who has been on 66 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 THE TWILIGHT ZONE the track of the Dropa since at least the early 1990s, ponders whether in recent years the Dropa's descendants might have abandoned the mountains and settled in the nearby lowlands—where they were "discovered" in 1995. According to a report in Bild on 27 January 1997, a Chinese ethnologist claimed that the tribe's dwarfism was due to a high concentration of mercury in the soil, which had poisoned their drinking water for several generations. The claim did not go unchallenged, however. Dr Norbert Felgenhauer of the Munich Institute of Toxicology argued that this theory is nonsense. He stated that such poisoning would result in immediate death, not stunted growth, and introduced as evidence the case of the Japanese town of Minamata, where in the 1960s many inhabitants died from mercury poisoning. He also noted that mercury was unable to change human DNA and hence could not be held responsible for causing an hereditary trait—one that was clearly apparent in this tribe. Deciphering the Discs So, we know that the existence of stone discs is possible, if not likely, and that, if the 1933 report is correct, there were dwarfish people living in that region. The question, then, is this: is the decipherment of the script correct? If it is, then it does not necessarily prove that alien beings crash-landed in China, but at the very least it shows that these "genetically bizarre" beings believed they were descendants of aliens. According to the story, in 1962 a team of five scientists from the Peking Academy of Prehistory, led by Professor Tsum Um Nui, managed to decipher the inscriptions. Despite the claims made in the translation, the scientists eventually published their findings. Professor Um Nui then apparently was forced (or he decided) to abandon his position, after which he returned to his native Japan, where he died shortly afterwards. Though little is known about what happened next, Hausdorf underlines that, in 1966, the Cultural Revolution began—and, as with all such revolutions, much was lost forever. There is no verification of the 1962 translation as such, though it should be pointed out that there is no evidence in the camp that argues it's all a hoax to suggest that the 1962 story and the translation are invented. So far, the best the detractors have been able to argue is that the story is improbable (of course!) and that no one has ever been able to decipher a standalone language, let alone an extraterrestrial language. That is true. But nowhere does the account say, and no one has ever argued, that this was a "unique language". The only claim in this connection is that in 1937–38, when the discs were discovered, their inscriptions could not be read immediately. Only in 1962 did a team of specialists succeed in this task. For all we know, the language in which the script was written had not yet been deciphered in 1937, or no one had paid sufficient attention to the inscriptions, or only in 1962 was someone able to identify the language in which the inscriptions were written. But note the year: 1962. This is the year that the earliest known reference to the story appeared—found by Dr Dendl in a German magazine—and it would suggest that something happened in 1962 that made a Chinese or Japanese source report on it. The translation of the discs might be precisely such an event: Professor Um Nui publishes his translation, the media pick it up and create a controversy; he decides to retire and return to Japan, while the media outside of China also report on it, ending up in the German magazine "The Vegetarian Universe". If the story was invented, it means that it was invented (or misreported) in 1962. The 1978 Sungods in Exile hoax is now clearly nothing more than a footnote in the story, largely responsible for popularising the entire saga but definitely not for creating or inventing it out of thin air. The 1962 article also discusses some technical details of the discs, underlining the potential factual nature Did Ernst Wegerer photograph Dropa discs or Bi discs in 1974? OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 67 THE TWILIGHT ZONE of the story. It notes that the discs are composed of cobalt, iron and nickel— the only metals to produce a magnetic field. Nickel is found largely in Canada and Central Africa, but in recent years it has been found in China, in the general area where the discs were located. For Hausdorf, this is a further indication that the story is factual, for this find post-dates the discovery of the discs—and the 1962 article. In short, what in 1962 was unlikely and improbable has now been confirmed. A New Expedition Baian-Kara-Ula remains one of China's most remote regions. Its mountains reach as high as 5,000 metres and descend to 2,000 metres. Despite the altitude, summers can be pleasantly warm in this region. It is now said that a new expedition is being prepared and will soon be under way. It is apparently largely an initiative of Chinese media empires, its main sponsor being the China Daily newspaper. If the participants are able to get their act together, it might not be another decade before this story takes yet another twist. ∞ About the Author: Based in the UK, Philip Coppens has previously contributed 12 articles to NEXUS, most recently "The MitchellHedges Crystal Skull Mystery" (see 15/04). His article, "The Strange Stone Discs of Baian-Kara-Ula", which contains more background on the mystery, was run in NEXUS 3/01 in 1995–96. Coppens is the author of several books including Land of the Gods: How a Scottish landscape was sanctified to become Arthur's "Camelot" (reviewed in NEXUS 15/01). He was a speaker at the NEXUS Conference in Queensland, Australia, in October 2007. Philip Coppens can be contacted by email at [email protected] and via his website http://www. 68 • NEXUS EX-ASTRONAUT EDGAR MITCHELL SAYS UFOS EXIST R etired Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the Moon, went public on Kerrang! Radio in the West Midlands, UK, on 23 July 2008 with his confirmation that UFOs and aliens do exist, that they visit our planet, and that governments have been covering up the truth for at least the last 60 years. Interviewed by Nick Margerrison, host of The Night Before team, Dr Mitchell assured with this comment: "The amount of misinformation, covert and actual attempts to cover up, seem to be decreasing. I think we're headed for real disclosure by some serious organisations moving in that direction." To download the audio, go to web page Article.asp?id=804160. A transcript of the interview can be found on – Editor. A FORMER NASA SPACECRAFT OFFICER ADMITS ETs ARE REAL I by Clark C. McClelland © July 2008 n support of my friend, courageous US NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14: I, Clark C. McClelland, former ScO [Spacecraft Officer], Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an eight-tonine-foot-tall ET on my 27-inch video monitors while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center [KSC], Launch Control Center (LCC). The ET was standing upright in the space shuttle payload bay, having a discussion with two tethered US NASA astronauts. I also observed on my monitors the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilised, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods. I observed this incident for about one minute and seven seconds— plenty of time to memorise all that I was observing. It was an ET and alien starship! To all who have faith in me , I present you with this artist's concept [overleaf] of what I saw many years ago at KSC. It was a tall creature, about eight to nine feet tall. It had a humanoid body shape with two arms, two hands, two legs, two feet, a slim torso and a normal-sized head for its size. The colour of its skin I could not determine. It appeared to have two, what appeared to be, eyes but it was not detailed enough for any other comments. How did it communicate? I have no idea. It did move its arms a lot— almost like giving instructions. I heard no voice communications. The helmet was not as large as [the helmets of] our two NASA astronauts, and had a viewport to look forward. It had a small, perhaps a communication, device attached only to the right side of the helmet. I saw no oxygen tank(s). It had a wide belt like wrapping around it. It did not appear to be tethered as the two astronauts were to the sides of the shuttle structure. I observed nothing that appeared to be a weapon. The time [duration] of this amazing scene was one minute and seven seconds. I timed it on my astronaut chronograph watch. A friend of mine later contacted me and said that this person had also observed an eight-to-nine-foot-tall ET inside the space shuttle crew compartment! Yes, inside our shuttle! Both missions were DoD (Pentagon) Top Secret (TS) encounters. With my verifiable background, there is no federal government agency that can say I am crazy! I am a space program pioneer. I assisted in launching the Mercury , Gemini , Apollo , Apollo–Soyuz , Skylab, Space Shuttle and Deep Space missions and the International Space Station. I have received character OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 THE TWILIGHT ZONE What I know, they would not allow me to publish. I have written at least three books to release the truth to all of the human race. I was on the leading edge of this subject, and I met with many NASA and other astronauts throughout the years that I was involved in military and NASA space programs, i.e., 1958 to 1992. I have heard many experiences of ETs having been seen on the Moon, etc., by NASA astronauts and I relate these and more in my books. NASA is not a civilian space agency. The Pentagon owns NASA! Some of the DoD (Department of Defense) missions I participated in were Top Secret . Those missions carried TS satellites and other space mission hardware into orbit, where several crews met with ETs! I am ready to tell my story, but for compensation. Please visit my background page to see documents, awards, certificates, photos—proof of my honourable past in the space industry, the United States space program and with NASA, as well as showing some of the recognition I have received from NASA astronauts. – Clark C. McClelland, former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, Kennedy Space Center, Florida ∞ substantiation from: Walter Cronkite; Major Donald Keyhoe, [former] NICAP Director; Richard Hall, [former] Assistant Director of NICAP; astronomer Dr J. Allen Hynek; etc. I served as the Assistant State of Florida and MUFON Unit Director at the KSC, and the Director of NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) at Cape Canaveral and KSC. I have received honoured mentions from US senators, congressmen, military officers and scientists. (See my website,, for more disclosures.) In fact, this absolutely verifies what my friend, astronaut Edgar Mitchell, of Apollo 14 , has recently and courageously released. I have launched or witnessed 650 missions so far in my life. I am an expert in visually recognising any craft created and flown by the human race, whether secret or otherwise. I know ET and alien craft when I see them! I was the Director of the NICAP Unit-3 actual "X-Files" at Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center from 1958 to 1992. Yes, the actual "X-Files"! Aliens are here! They walk among us. They may be implanted into our various Earth governments. Editor's Note: This article is copyright 2008 by Clark C. McClelland and is published here in slightly edited form with his permission, as is the artist's concept. The complete article is at release_mitchell.htm. We encourage readers to visit Mr McClelland's website,, to read many fascinating articles which we hope will appear with additional, as-yetundisclosed, material in book form in the future. Clark C. McClelland's article "A 'UFO Conversation with Senator Barry Goldwater" was published in NEXUS vol. 13, no. 4. OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 69 70 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 B O O K S Reviewed by Ruth Parnell W THE ESSENCE OF WOMAN by Annie Meredith Sarah Cête Press, Qld, Australia, 2008 ISBN 978-0-9586373-7-4 (295pp tpb) Available: oman in all her glory is praised, explained and encouraged in Annie Meredith's sensitive assessment, The Essence of Woman. With 30 years of experience in energy medicine to guide her, Meredith is well equipped to impart practical knowledge and wisdom on the inherent nature of woman. The female principle, she says, permeates a woman's life in her behaviour, physiology, emotions, cognition, expression, relationships and so much more, but it can be better understood when we translate the world and the people around us into energetic terms. This holistic perspective on a woman's life covers energetic polarities and sexuality (including differences between the sexes and hard-wiring of the brain), pregnancy and birth, puberty, menstruation, motherhood and growing old gracefully. It merges ancient wisdom with new physics and heralds an emerging consensus that we are all interconnected at an energetic level. Annie Meredith celebrates a woman's nurturing role: by tending to herself, her children, her relationships and the planet, she supports humanity's highest potential. She also explains the sevenyear cycles of growth and development that dominate a woman's physical growth and explores how "e-motions" are experienced differently between the sexes. She includes no-holds-barred details for women of any age, answering pressing questions that are often asked in key stages of a life's journey. REVIEWS metaphor for life. Roads provides not only a wealth of practical advice for both novice and seasoned gardener, but he shares his enlightened "conscious gardener" observations on companion planting, working with subsoil dynamics, restoring paramagnetic energy and fostering plant communication. He makes the distinction between "being with" and "doing things to" a garden, and suggests that too much focus on thinking rather than connecting intuitively with the natural world is neither workable nor therapeutic. He urges us to make the intuitive a part of our conscious self and put the magic back into gardening by developing a transcendant love for nature. O CONSCIOUS GARDENING by Michael J. Roads Roadslight, Nambour, Australia, 2008 ISBN 978-0-86436-243-8 (288pp tpb) Available: rganic gardening exponent, metaphysical teacher and author Michael Roads returns to his gardening passion in his latest book, applying to his already extensive knowledge base the wisdom he's since gleaned about nature and living in harmony with it. With his gardening books such as A Guide to Organic Living (mid-1970s) and The Natural Magic of Mulch (1989) now being out of print, Roads utilises some of this tried and trusted early material on subjects as diverse as soil analysis, growing organic fruits and vegetables, preparing compost and mulch, and making up natural sprays against marauding insects and animals. He's combined this with his more recent revelations on attuning to the spirit of the land, restoring the soil's energetic signature and appreciating the garden as a OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 71 REVIEWS T COMING BACK TO LIFE by P. M. H. Atwater, LHD Transpersonal Publishing, NC, USA, 2008 (2nd revised edition) ISBN 978-0-9557161-0-2 (428pp tpb) Available: www.Transpersonal he subject of near-death experiences (NDEs) is gaining in popularity, and Dr Phyllis Atwater is an authority on it, not just for having had her own NDEs (three in 1977) but for interviewing thousands of NDE "survivors" over the years. When her book Coming Back to Life came out in 1988, it was the first in-depth study of NDEs that examined the whole experience including the aftereffects, both positive and negative. This classic text is back in a second revised edition (also see review of The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences in 15/03). Certainly, the NDE can be a transformative experience that changes the individual in many ways—for example, by promoting an enlightened, even ecstatic, attitude to life and living or increasing psychic abilities—but it can also be hellish if no one believes your story, if you feel guilty for returning, or if you feel depressed that you had to leave a beautiful place and resume your former life. The problem with reintegration is one that Dr Atwater handles with care, and she gives pointers on how to help NDE survivors. She also includes a comprehensive sources and contacts section. From her studies, Dr Atwater concludes that the NDE can be used as a neutral prototype for studying the transformation of consciousness, and that the after-effects of the NDE can be used as a yardstick for measuring authenticity, i.e., it's our response to the experience that makes the difference. Her insights are brain-shifting and profound. L THE DEAD ARE TALKING: Proof of an Afterlife? by Ross Hemsworth TGS Publishing, USA, 2007 ISBN n/a (428pp tpb) Available: UK—www.nowthatsweird.; USA—www.hiddenmysteries. com; email [email protected] ittle did Ross Hemsworth realise how much his life would change when, in 1998, he began an interest in paranormal investigations with a newfound photographer friend and established The Phantom or Fraud Project. He set out as a sceptic, yet increasingly he realised that some happenings cannot be explained in scientific or rational terms. He was running a small TV production company in Bedfordshire, England, and eventually did a deal with Lion TV to record a series called The Ghost Detectives (2001). By 2005, Hemsworth had his own radio show and was considered a "leader in the search for scientific proof of soul survival". He even discovered he had a gift for clairvoyancy, which he then applied in progressing his research work; for example, in orb studies, and his own spiritual development. In The Dead Are Talking, Hemsworth covers much more than proof of life after death, but even this he peppers with tales of investigating parallel dimensions, communicating with ghosts and receiving taped messages from the departed (the electronic voice phenomenon). No longer a sceptic but one seeking to understand, he explores other paranormal realms such as dowsing for orbs and spirit presences, energy and ley lines, energy vortexes, telepathy, mediumship and the UFO phenomenon. He shares a few tips, too, on how to expand psychic awareness. His storytelling ability makes for an engrossing read. 72 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 K TOO MANY SECRETS by Kathleen McErlain K. McErlain, NSW, Australia, 2008 ISBN 978-0-9805244-0-6 (383pp l/f pb) Available: Kathleen McErlain, Box 11, Southlands Shopping Centre, South Penrith NSW 2750, Australia, email [email protected] athleen McErlain has spent many years researching and piecing together the big picture on the hollow Earth, its subterranean realms and species, and the myths surrounding them. In Too Many Secrets, she presents masses of evidence including testimony from people who have encountered large, populated underground bases built by aliens or in cooperation with humans with the help of advanced technologies. Some of these installations have been around for thousands of years, according to ancient records from Sumerian and Vedic cultures. She also claims that many archaeological sites around the world contain stargates, some of which are still operational. And she includes in her purview the establishment of military bases on Mars and how the Moon came to orbit the Earth. McErlain introduces the idea that the Babylonian Brotherhood, a secret cabal of powerful families working in cooperation with various alien groups, has ratcheted up its world-domination agenda in recent decades, dotting the world's continents with secret subterranean bases for nefarious purposes. One of their intentions is to subjugate humanity and fulfill an "end-of-the-world style, deliberately orchestrated mass hysteria event" that would do away with any democratic rights we thought we had. McErlain realises what she says may be shocking and that many people won't believe it. However, the solution as she sees it is to realise our spiritual potential, become self-empowered and short-circuit the agenda of fear and hate being imposed on us by the Illuminati and their puppeteers. Compelling stuff! REVIEWS information about the mythical kingdom from his "astral spying" forays. A student of Sanskrit in his middle years, Saint-Yves suggested that the name Agarttha means "closed to anarchy" (the opposite of synarchy). He made amazing but unprovable assertions about the sacred kingdom, its location (perhaps beneath the Himalayas), its secret language called Vattan, its spiritual hierarchy headed by Brâhatmah or "the King of the World", and its vast repositories of hundreds of centuries of knowledge in the arts, sciences and wisdom traditions. This edition's lengthy introduction by mystical musicologist Joscelyn Godwin provides rich historical context. T THE KINGDOM OF AGARTTHA by Marquis Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre Inner Traditions, Rochester, USA, 2008 ISBN 978-1-59477-268-9 (182pp tpb) Available: his is the first English-language edition of a book by the French occultist Marquis Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre (1842–1909). Published in 1886 as Mission de l'Inde en Europe ("Mission of India in Europe"), it didn't see the light of day then because the author destroyed all but one copy, perhaps because, being about the legendary Agarttha, it would likely be subjected to mockery and ridicule. Saint-Yves, a Christian synarchist who was also involved in political activities and had a bevy of followers including esotericists Papus and, later, René Guénon, apparently obtained much of his OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 73 REVIEWS S 2012 AND THE GALACTIC CENTER: The Return of the Great Mother by Christine R. Page, MD Bear & Co., Rochester, USA, 2008 ISBN 978-1-59143-086-5 (234pp tpb) Available: www.BearandCompany ome years ago, Dr Christine Page met up in the desert with her teacher who dispensed Mayan wisdom on the future of humanity in relation to the much-touted December 2012 galactic alignment. This once in 26,000 years line-up between our Sun and the centre of the Milky Way began to take shape with the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 and, she says, will play its part until 2023. This galactic centre alignment has associations with great mythological traditions across the planet and is particularly associated with the archetypal idea of the Triple Goddess and her attributes of intuition, emotional creativity and renewal. Dr Page, a medical doctor who specialises in energy medicine, explains that our source of creation is the "Great Mother", the heart of our galaxy, and that in this auspicious time we'll have the opportunity to connect with and use the sacred spiritual tools that will be offered to us. This new world era will be ruled by the fifth element of aether and is symbolised by the 12-faced Platonic solid, the dodecahedron, which ties in with the Earth's grid. It will be a new age of compassion and harmony where polarities, even spirit and matter, are fused in union. To help prepare us for this connection with the heart of the Great Mother, Dr Page turns to zodiacal archetypes and mythologies that hold the keys to wisdom and survival as well as transformation of consciousness. Dr Page's book is an inspirational journey into spiritual alchemy. I THE RISE & FALL OF ATLANTIS by J. S. Gordon Watkins Publishing, UK, 2008 ISBN 978-1-905857-43-2 (354pp tpb) Available: Watkins Publishing,; n his new book about Atlantis and the origins of civilisation, John Gordon extends the thesis of his 2004 book Egypt: Child of Atlantis (see 11/04) to examine evidence for cultures that preceded and seeded the ancient Egyptian. He draws on Blavatsky's writings about geological history and the seven root races (the Atlanteans being the fourth) to further the idea that consciousness evolves—without the need for gods and ETs, nor Darwinism and Creationism. Gordon revisits Plato's description of Atlantis and concludes that, though it may well be an account of a cataclysm submerging a continent thousands of years before, it can be understood as a map of the movement of the solar system, the "outer sea wall" representing the solar magnetosheath, for instance. Further, it serves as a metaphor for cosmic creation and evolutionary consciousness and is based on the most ancient of wisdom traditions. It is also a reminder of cyclic cataclysms known to the Egyptian priests—cosmic cycles that we'll have to adapt to in the future. Gordon rejects the present-day humancaused global warming scenario in favour of astronomical cycles that are beyond our control, but for which we can prepare. These cycles have meant that civilisations have risen and fallen over much longer periods than orthodox science will admit, and that human settlements have changed locations many times to adapt to new conditions. 74 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 T FORBIDDEN SCIENCE edited by J. Douglas Kenyon Bear & Co., Rochester, USA, 2008 ISBN 978-1-59143-082-7 (305pp tpb) Available: www.BearandCompany his is the third book in the Forbidden... series compiled by J. Douglas Kenyon from the pages of the US-based bimonthly magazine Atlantis Rising, which he edits. (We reviewed Forbidden History in 12/05 and Forbidden Religion in 14/03.) In the introduction to Forbidden Science, Kenyon explains why the proponents of materialistic reductionist science are wrong in their thinking and are increasingly being supplanted by "new science" visionaries prepared to consider spiritual and metaphysical realms in their understanding of our universe. All up in this inspiring compendium there are 42 essays from 19 contributors, several of whom are Atlantis Rising regulars (Len Kasten, David Samuel Lewis, Cynthia Logan, Jeane Manning), including Kenyon himself. The expanse covers debunker debunking, high technology of the ancients, new physics challenges, spiritual science, astronomy of cataclysms, energy medicine, paranormal psychology, ET technology, the mind-matter connection and the biology of transcendence. Among the leading lights featured in or interviewed for these essays are physicist Tom Bearden (scalar waves), Dr Masaru Emoto (memory of water), David Morehouse (psychic warfare), biologist Dr Rupert Sheldrake (ESP), and Dean Radin, who explores the relationship between physical events and mass human attention—the most amazing "event window" being just prior to 9/11. A book to rock the orthodoxy! REVIEWS Lange and Christian Bernadac, and conducting his own interviews with people who knew Rahn, Graddon goes on to posit that Otto Rahn was the reallife model for the fictional Indiana Jones. Philologist, mystic, adventurer and author, Rahn had studied mediaeval texts and deduced that treasures could be found in places like the grottoes of Lombrives in the French Pyrénées. All sorts of rumours surrounded Rahn, linking him with occult groups and intelligence agencies, and Graddon delves into these, including those concerning his apparent death by suicide in 1939, his life cut so tragically short. Rahn was a man on a mission with a brilliant mind and high ideals to match, though one who left behind no clues that he'd actually found anything of fabulous provenance. Still, a great tale. M OTTO RAHN & THE QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL: The Amazing Life of the Real "Indiana Jones" by Nigel Graddon Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois, USA, 2008 ISBN 978-1-931882-82-8 (380pp tpb) Available: Aust/NZ—NEXUS offices; Europe— whois_en.html; USA—www.adventures uch speculation surrounds the life of Otto Rahn (1904–1939), particularly during the early 1930s period when he explored the south of France looking for evidence of the Holy Grail. It was at this time that he was identified with Nazis intent on finding sacred objects that would justify their extreme political theories and activate the power of their ancient "Aryan" mythologies. However, author Nigel Graddon, who has been researching Rahn's life for decades, suggests that he was actually a defender of freedom and sought to rekindle humanity's light. Drawing on the few available historical works, e.g., books by Hans-Jürgen OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 75 REVIEWS I SILENT FIELDS: The Growing Cancer Cluster Story by Donna Fisher Lindlahr Book Publishing, Qld, 2008 ISBN 978-0-646-48743-4 (156pp tpb) Available: t was the prospect of an electricity substation being installed in her street in Logan City, near Brisbane, Queensland, in 1999 that sparked Donna Fisher to form a residents' action group to fight the energy utility Energex, a large public company, which took the local council and the group to court. But it was the growing incidence of cancer clusters, especially breast cancers among women working at the ABC's Toowong, Brisbane, headquarters which were announced in July 2006, that prompted her to write this book. Fisher extends her crusade to encompass the worldwide problem of cancer clusters and remains a courageous campaigner for cleaning up the scourge of so-called "dirty electricity". W LB Healing Products * Manual and electric Juicers * Miracle Healthy Soap * Grain Mills and Flakers * Easiest Seed Sprouter * Dehydrators and Solar Cookers * Coconut Scrapers * Rock Salt Lamps * Vacuum Sealers * Macadamia Nut Crackers * Water Ionizers Phone: 02 6373 3419 Web site: Deliveries Australia wide stimulating news and views streamed direct on the internet Presented by Barry Eaton, the host of RadioNexus, each show presents a unique look at a wide range of stories embracing mind, body and spirit the paranormal and the metaphysical. 76 • NEXUS In Silent Fields, Fisher tells the story of her fact-finding mission, two rigorous court cases which she headed without a legal team, and a landmark decision that acknowledged that adverse health effects occur in close proximity to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of as little as 2 milligauss (mG)—not the accepted, outdated Australian threshold of 1,000 mG that really only applies to "gross" or "thermal" effects. Sadly, the substation was allowed to proceed but with strict stipulations, e.g., that the fields emitted were not to exceed 4 mG and only two transformers would be allowed. Interspersed in the text are details of decades of important scientific studies showing the causal link between the presence of electromagnetic radiation and EMFs and diseases like leukaemia and breast cancer. THE COSMIC PULSE OF LIFE by Trevor James Constable The Book Tree, San Diego, USA, 2008 (revised and updated 4th edition) ISBN 978-1-58509-115-7 (355pp tpb) Available: hen the first edition of Trevor James Constable's classic book on UFOs, The Cosmic Pulse of Life, was printed in 1976, it was destroyed in a suspicious fire at the printer's warehouse. The second printing didn't fare much better, many copies being lost in a tanker explosion offshore from the author's garage. Now, here is an updated fourth edition with a new preface from Constable and some new photos. However, most were taken between 1958 and the mid-1970s and feature infrared images of not just discoid craft but what Constable calls "critters"—huge, living, intelligent, etheric, morphing forms that are prolific in our atmosphere and force us to rethink what constitutes a UFO. They have since been independently corroborated by teams in Italy and Romania as well as by NASA, as the new appendices show. In trying to understand the phenomenon, Constable turned to the work of philosopher Dr Rudolf Steiner, radionics physician Dr Ruth Drown and orgone energy pioneer Dr Wilhelm Reich, and here he includes his take on their perspectives. Constable went on to become famous in his own right for his "cloudbuster" rainmaking technology and methods (see Science News, 10/05). Constable was already an aviation historian and prolific author before he wrote his 1958 book They Live in the Sky . His contribution to UFO research was even too far ahead for many early ufologists let alone mainstream scientists, and his well-chosen words still ring true today, highlighting ongoing ignorance, disparagement and official silence on the phenomenon. The Cosmic Pulse... remains a profound thesis that deserves much wider attention. OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 W THE END OF FOOD by Paul Roberts Bloomsbury, London, UK, 2008 ISBN 978-0-7475-8881-8 (408pp tpb) Available:; e'll be paying a costly price if we don't address the mess that industrialised, globalised food production, distribution and retailing has become, says Paul Roberts in The End of Food. REVIEWS or at least regional food production and distribution systems, tackling problems of organic versus transgenic food production and considering political, economic and cultural realities. As consumers, we can do much to demand and promote change for the better. I Author of the bestselling The End of Oil, he argues that despite the fact that the food system has evolved like other economic sectors, food itself is basically not an economic phenomenon and is inherently unsuited to mass production and globalisation. Industrial-scale food production is reaching its limit in terms of supply and is fraught with concerns over health and safety, declining soil quality and water availability, rising costs of energy and inputs, changing climate and increasingly more land being devoted to biofuel production. In part one, Roberts explores the origins and operations of the food system from our carnivorous beginnings to the first agricultural revolution and on to latter-day industrialisation with its declining nutritional standards and the rise of obesity and diabetes. In the second part he examines the global food trade, the paradox of plentitude with the exclusion of a billion hungry mouths, and the conditions that could make a pandemic inevitable. In the final part he looks at ways to resolve these impasses, with reference to encouraging more local THE ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY by James McCumiskey Literally Publishing Ltd, UK, 2007 ISBN 978-0-9557161-0-2 (428pp pb) Available: t took the death of his father from liver cancer in 2002 for Belfast-based accountant James McCumiskey to begin to explore the German New Medicine developed by Dr Geerd Hamer in the early 1980s. By 2005, McCumiskey had learned enough to determine that the "biomedical paradigm" is the "ultimate conspiracy". In his view, 95 per cent of modern medicine is both scientifically and medically wrong. McCumiskey summarises Dr Hamer's hypothesis, including the Iron Rule of Cancer which holds that every cancer or cancer-equivalent disease originates with severe, acute, dramatic biological shock occurring simultaneously on three levels: psyche, brain and organ. It's an emergency response that involves a specific brain-relay mechanism affecting a particular organ, but to overcome it requires resolving the original shockconflict situation. This first biological law, the most important because it tells why a person gets cancer/disease in the first place, is accompanied by four other laws: that all meaningful biological programs (MBPs) have a conflict-active phase and a reparation phase; that disease symptoms depend on which germ layer the organ is made from; that the types of microbes operating during reparation depend on the germ-layer origin of the organ; and that the MBP is an all-out effort to resolve the shock. All this information McCumiskey applies to reassessing the modern medicine model, in the processs exposing myths and poor science to do with vaccinations, HIV and AIDS, lung cancer and more. By reading his book, you'll understand why fear, so widely encouraged by the medical establishment, is such a dead-end response. NEXUS • 77 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 REVIEWS DV D s Compiled by Duncan Roads T FOOD MATTERS: You Are What You Eat © 2008 Permacology Productions P/L. Available: his DVD lays it all on the table: how we got into our current state of dis-ease and ill health, how our lives are bound up with deleterious conventional agricultural practices around the world, and how we can break free from these bonds. Food Matters contains interviews with: Dr Ian Brighthope; Phillip Day; Charlotte Gerson, founder of the Gerson Institute; Dr Dan Rogers, Dr Andrew W. Saul; David Wolfe; and Dr Victor Zeines. Food Matters is both dynamic and entertaining—and is capable of convincing anyone of the power of natural foods and holistic therapies before resorting to more doctors, hospitals, surgeries and drugs. James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch are to be congratulated for their efforts with this film. It's available on DVD or via streaming over the Internet. SKULL & BONES: The Catholic Connection © Anthony J. Hilder, Free World Film Works, 2007 Available: film by Anthony J. Hilder, Skull & Bones features William David Cox, a former seminarian who has A I spent the past 30 years uncovering the sinister forces behind attacks upon the Catholic faith. Hilder, as a radio talk-show host, an investigative journalist, a war correspondent and a filmmaker, has done around 17,000 interviews over the past 30 years, working to bring his dream of a free world into being. Skull & Bones is one of Hilder's most explicit exposés of the Neoconazi cabal that is controlling our currency, our commerce and Christianity. THE ALCHEMICAL DREAM: Rebirth of the Great Work with Terence McKenna © Mystic Fire, 2008 Available: n the mid-1990s, Terence McKenna and Mystic Fire's Sheldon Rocklin teamed up to make this rich and exciting film. Little did they know that this would be their last collaboration. Filmed in Prague, with McKenna portraying his usual erudite rendition of the Irish bard, this beautifullooking film takes us on a journey into the alchemical renaissance of King Frederick V and his wife, Queen Elizabeth of Bohemia. Playing the role of John Dee, court magician to Queen Elizabeth I, McKenna shows us how the promise of a return to the tradition of alchemy was almost instituted in Europe. He also shows us that this early attempt to create an alchemical kingdom led to the rise of the European Renaissance, the institution of Cartesian science and the beginning of rationalism within the western mindset. This is McKenna's finest performance and a worthy eulogy to his genius. ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CENTER UNIQUE AND AFFORDABLE. Detox not only your body but also your mind. 6 days of therapies for only $880.00 all inclusive. BELIEFS affect your 1. MOODS; 2. HEALTH; 3. RELATIONSHIPS; 4. SELF IMAGE; 5. PROSPERITY; 6. SPIRITUALITY This is YOUR story YOUR life. You can change the story. Change the Subconscious beliefs that are sabotaging your goals and your dreams. These are toxic beliefs, which you can eliminate with Psych-K. The body detox is by Juices, Far-Infra Red Sauna, Colonics, Dead Sea Salt and Mud, Ozelator, Use of Infratonic, Lymphasiser, Color therapy, Energy Healing, and Nutritional information. Learn to relieve stress in your life through HEARTMATH WHEN ELECTRICITY KILLS? Phone: 02 66 366 176 Email: [email protected] WWW.MORNINGSIDECARE.ORG.AU 78 • NEXUS (see review on page 76 of this issue) OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 REVIEWS M U S I C Reviewed by Richard Giles I EXTRAORDINARY RENDITION by Rupa & The April Fishes Cumbancha, USA, 2008 (53mins) Distributors: Australia—Fuse Music, tel (02) 9699 7555; UK—Putumayo, tel 07759 600495; USA— Cumbancha, tel (802) 425 2118, f you want an "extraordinary" experience, this is your album—a cross between traditional tango, gypsy swing and American folk with some Latin influence thrown in. The band hails from San Francisco and Rupa, also a medical doctor, writes and arranges the songs on this first album. Instruments include cello, accordion, guitar, trumpet, bass and drums. An exciting trip through a dozen world influences with foot-tapping sounds of gypsy mixed with French chanson. An exhilarating album, definitely worth the purchase. has traditional Malian pieces, his own compositions and works inspired by groups like UB40. He uses two koras: one over 40 years old with traditional tuning using leather, and a younger one with machine-head tuning. A classic kora album with his unique, interwoven style of mixing bass and melody. T INTRODUCING PERUNIKA TRIO by Perunika Trio WMN, UK, 2008 (49mins) Distributors: Aust—The Planet Company, tel (02) 9283 8250; UK— World Music Network, tel 020 7498 5252,; USA— World Circuit, tel 800 955 9588 hese three Bulgarian women formed Perunika Trio in London in 2005 after they met through the London Bulgarian Choir. Putting together an album was an emotional journey for them all, as they connected with a centuries-old tradition of vocal harmonies. Perunika Trio explores Bulgarian, Macedonian and Russian folklore with its Slavic origins. The irregular time beats in the music are typical of the Bulgarian folk style. This combined with drone-like harmonisations gives the music its unique flavour. The piercing beauty of a strong tradition comes through powerfully in this album. BRAZIL by LAGQ (Los Angeles Guitar Quartet) Telarc Int., USA, 2007 (55mins) Distributors: Aust—Select Audio, tel (02) 8966 3307; USA—Telarc Digital, tel (216) 464 2313, his Grammy Award–winning quartet is famous for playing classical guitar and performing its own blend of world and contemporary styles. Of over 12 albums to date, this is the first featuring Brazilian-based material and tributes, inspired by the group's collaborations with Brazilian singer Luciana Souza, Female Jazz Singer of the Year in 2005. It includes a smooth track from Heitor Villa-Lobos, the country's most celebrated classical composer. A very infectious and joyous album. NEXUS • 79 O THE MANDE VARIATIONS by Toumani Diabaté World Circuit, UK, 2008 (58mins) Distributors: Aust—Destra, tel (07) 3849 6020; UK—World Circuit, tel 0171 383 4907, website; USA—World Circuit, tel 800 955 9588 (toll free) ne of the world's great musicians and the best kora player on Earth, Toumani Diabaté is known for his amazing versatility, having played with the likes of Taj Mahal, Ali Farka Touré and even Björk. His second solo album T OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 Combatting the Codex Alimentarius Continued from page 18 currently allows for up to 10 per cent (the highest of any country under Codex) of GMO contamination of organic foods and, amazingly, still allows them to be labelled as "USDA Certified Organic". Some governments, such as the European Union, allow only 0.9 per cent contamination, while others permit merely 0.1 per cent. However, the FAO and WHO's use of the term "contamination" simply does not describe the GMOs as being mixed in with normal food. This term is also very noteworthy, as most research on the dangers of GMOs can no longer be denied. The US, of course, vehemently objected to such a designation, but this time to no avail. Although FAO and WHO have not gone so far as to require mandatory labelling of GMOs, their recognition that GMOs can contaminate food is a huge win for health freedom. Expanding that requirement to mandatory labelling is the next logical step, but this is still a work in progress. Take Action against Codex! The only way to avoid the death-forprofit agenda is to fight back by disseminating knowledge to everyone you know. It does not matter whether they are still asleep or hypnotised by the enslavement of daily life or too busy to pay attention: the time to wake up is now. The US government and the collaborating media have been trying to distract the world while all these egregious and mandatory standards are covertly passed. It is time to take action, and you can do so by going to the website of the Natural Solutions Foundation, which can be found at www.healthfreedom, and following the latest updates on Codex. You can also sign a legal citizen's petition at the web page index.php?page_id=184. It is very important that swift and vociferous action be taken now. Times are changing very rapidly, and unless we all come together on this issue we may have to start thinking about growing our own food in the near future to avoid calculated extermination. Here are more contacts for action against the Codex: • Australia You can send an email to the Department of Agriculture and Food in Western Australia or the Minister for Agriculture in your respective state. For example, in WA the email address is [email protected]. The Therapeutic Goods Administration can also be contacted online via its website http://www.tga. • New Zealand You can use the NZ Health Trust's SKYFRUIT JUICE For the Man in the Bedroom! 20 serves = only 4.50 per night Special Price $90.00 Total Includes $10 P&H and Ins. Satisfaction Guarantee Order from Vitality Australia Ph: 07 4159 0228 Sms: 0422 166 696 80 • NEXUS OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 Combatting the Codex Alimentarius Continued from page 80 website to send your comments to your Member of Parliament: email_mp.html. • UK Emails can be sent to the Food Standards Agency, which represents the UK at Codex sessions. Contact Michelle McQuillan by email at michelle.mcquillan@foodstandards. • USA You can get your voice heard by sending emails or writing to your congressperson (go to https://forms. If you send one email to Congress, it will ostensibly count as 13,000 emails. (US Congress suggests that for each person who takes the time to write or email a congressperson, there are another 13,000 others who share similar views but do not take the time to promulgate them.) You can also contact US Congress via juan/congress/. The address for the US Codex is: US Department of Agriculture, South Building, Room 4861, 1400 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20250, phone (202) 205 7760, fax (202) 720 3157, email uscodex@fsis. The US Codex official website is Codex_Alimentarius/index.asp. • Other Countries The best way to have your voice heard is to determine who your local representatives are and contact them with a unified and vociferous stand. This can be done easily through various online search engines. ∞ Endnotes 1. Laibow, R.E., Nutricide: Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs (video), Natural Solutions Foundation, 2005, at 2. Laibow, Rima E., MD, "'Nutraceuticide' and Codex Alimentarius: The Death of Nutritional Medicine", Alternative & Complementary Therapies 2005 Oct 1; 11(5):223-229 3. USDA, "FSIS official Dr. Karen Hulebak elected chair of Codex Alimentarius Commission", News Release No. 0175.08, 1 July 2008, at!ut/ p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?contentidonly =true&contentid=2008/07/0175.xml (accessed 17 August 2008) 4. Therapeutic Goods Administration, Codex Fact Sheet, May 2005, at htm (accessed 17 August 2008) 5. Laibow, "'Nutraceuticide' and Codex Alimentarius", op. cit. 6. Codex Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements, at Codex%20vms%20Guidelines%2020 05.pdf (accessed 10 July 2008) Continued on page 82 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 81 Combatting the Codex Alimentarius Continued from page 81 7. Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, (accessed 10 July 2008) 8. US Food and Drug Administration, Federal Register, October 11, 1995 (vol. 60, no. 196), at http://www.fda. gov/oia/IH_policy.html (accessed 10 July 2008) 9. Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), Central America–Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement, at option=com_content&task= blogsection&id=6&Itemid=&topic= Rights+and+Development&sub=1& content_topic=CAFTA (accessed 10 July 2008) 10. Laibow, Nutricide (video), op. cit. 11. Laibow, "'Nutraceuticide' and Codex Alimentarius", op. cit. 12. Laibow, R.E., MD, Natural Solutions Foundation's Codex Commission Report (video), at (accessed 10 July 2008) 13. Cook, N.D., Born to Die: Disease and New World Conquest, 1492–1650, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 1998 14. Personal communication with Dr Rima Laibow from Jim Turner, JD, partner at Swankin & Turner, Washington, DC, quoted in: Laibow, "'Nutraceuticide' and Codex Alimentarius", op. cit., p. 223 15. Laibow, Nutricide (video), op. cit. 16. Laibow, "'Nutraceuticide' and Codex Alimentarius", op. cit. 17. Laibow, Natural Solutions Foundation's Codex Commission Report (video), op. cit. About the Author: Gregory Damato, PhD, enjoys a vegan lifestyle and runs a Quantum Biofeedback clinic managing various clients with conditions ranging from depression to cancer. He is currently writing a book for parents, educating on hidden dangers of vaccines, chemical toxicity in toys, GMOs, EMF and EMR, and on ways to combat rising levels of childhood illness and neurological disease by building immunity naturally and through detoxification and sound nutrition. His goal is to increase global awareness of the myriad health issues facing us today and the fact that 100 per cent of them are preventable and completely reversible. Dr Damato is a licensed psychologist based in Perth, Western Australia, and can be contacted by email at info@ His website is http://www.quantum A Must Read!! HIDDEN TRUTH: FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE by Steven M. Greer MD WWII Nazi Science Mystery SS BROTHERHOOD OF THE BELL : The Nazis' Incredible Secret Technology by Joseph P. Farrell $38.00 (includes postage & GST) In 1945, a mysterious Nazi secret weapons project codenamed "The Bell" left its underground bunker in lower Silesia, along with all its project documentation, and a 4-star SS general. Taken aboard a massive six-engine ultra-long range aircraft, "The Bell," Kammler, and all project records disappeared completely. As a prelude, the SS murdered most of the scientists and technicians involved with the project, a secret weapon that according to one Nobel prize-winning physicist, was given a classification of "decisive for the war," a security classification higher than any other secret weapons project in the Third Reich, including its atomic bomb. To order - mail, phone or fax your order to: NEXUS Magazine, PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. Ph: 07 5442 9280; Fax: 07 5442 9381 or use the coupon on page 96 of this issue. OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 $38.00 (includes postage & GST) rom his sighting of a UFO at an early age, to his amazing F near-death experience at age 17, to his unraveling of the secret cabal running the illegal transnational energy and UFO – related projects, to his meetings with a CIA Director, US Senators, heads of state and royalty – you will be moved, shocked and enlightened as you read through this memoir. Journey with Dr Greer as he takes you into the corridors of secret power – beyond the government as we know it- to a shadowy cabal of power-mad controllers, and their hidden agenda. To order - mail, phone or fax your order to: NEXUS Magazine, PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. Ph: 07 5442 9280; Fax: 07 5442 9381 or use the coupon on page 96 of this issue. 82 • NEXUS The Serpent at The End of Precession Continued from page 34 Rosemary Wyse of Johns Hopkins University estimates that as much as 10 per cent of the stars in the Milky Way halo come from other dwarf galaxies. 13. Bahcall, J. and Bahcall, S., "The Sun's Motion Perpendicular to the Galactic Plane", Nature 1985 Aug 22; 316:706-08 14. "When giant hippos roamed Britain",, 1 July 2004, 01/uk.gainthippos/index.html 15. Britt, R.R., "Mysterious Shift in Earth's Gravity Suggests Equator is Bulging",, 1 August 2002, _020801.html 16. Thompson, A., "Yellowstone Volcano Rises at Unprecedented Rate", Live Science, 8 November 2007, 071108-yellowstone-volcano.html 17. See, for example: reversals_e.shtml;; earth_poles_040407.html 18. Ward and Brownlee, op. cit. 19. Feng, X. et al., "The changes in North America atmospheric circulation patterns indicated by wood cellulose", Geology 2007 Feb; 35:163 20. Bushby, T., Secrets in the Bible, Joshua Books, Australia, 2003, pp. 48-49 For further information on this statement, see "The Earth Turned Upside Down" at html; or see chapter five of Immanuel Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision (Macmillan, London, 1950). Graham Hancock, in chapters 24–31 of Fingerprints of the Gods (Three Rivers Press, New York, 1995) also refers to ancient texts and mythology concerning Earth either being upside down or having a clockwise rotation. 21. Walker, op. cit. 22. Fletcher, A., "Ancient Egyptians and the Futhark Alphabet", Egyptians_and_the_Futhark_Alphabet.html 23 . Bell, A. and Strieber, W., The Coming Global Superstorm , Pocket Books, New York, 2000 24. Broecker, W.S., "Was the Younger Dryas Triggered by a Flood?", Science 2006 May 26, 312:1146-47 25. Christiane, S. et. al., "Evidence Against a Significant Younger Dryas Cooling Event in New Zealand", Science 1998 Aug; 281 26. Kloeppel, J., "Frigid South Pole atmosphere reveals flaw in global circulation models", September 4, 2002, via, html 27. Pearce, F., "Chill in the Air", New Scientist 1999 May 1; 162 28. Leonard, R.C., "Paleontological Testimony: The Pleistocene Extinction", This is a relatively good source for a list of references to pursue on this subject. Science cannot explain it, so it is largely ignored. Investigation will take the reader to older written works of people who either recorded first-hand accounts or were first-hand witnesses. 29. Badger, T.A., "Tunnels Bare Ancient Past", Associated Press, 5 April 2000, available at %20Fa/Arctic%20Council%C2%A0_%C2%A0P ermafrost%20Tunnel.htm No one actually asks why all these bones, flesh remains, bugs and plants are mixed together at one spot. And few of these seem to be whole, articulate specimens. An advertisement this size in NEXUS Magazine will cost you $198.00 incl GST It will be seen by over 75,000 people during its two-month on-sale period. Contact: NEXUS Magazine PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Tel: 07 5442 9280; Fax: 07 5442 9381 A full list of advertising rates and information can be found on page 93 of this edition, or, on our new website: OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 83 DE-CLASSIFIEDS BOOKS, TAPES, MAGAZINES & VIDEOS A FRESH APPROACH TO MAGNETISM , Version 2, by Thomas T. S. Watson. With experiments, formula to understand the magnetic science of gravity, covers the why reason for Global Warming. Price: $30 plus p&h. Ph: (03) 5278 7628. Email: [email protected] B OOK: "PLA NETS , S UNS POTS A ND EARTHQUAKES". The gravity trigger effect for solar flares, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. A new cycle is now starting – this could mean more earthquakes! See our website for more details at FREE BOOK TREE CATALOG. Over 1000 titles of books, dvds and audios on Ancient Mysteries, Anti-Gravity, Alternative Health, Black Projects, Conspiracies, Crop Circles, Free Energy, Gnosis, Human Origins, Lost Civilizations, Magic & Alchemy, Mind Control, New World Order, Remote Viewing, Secret Societies, Shamanism, Spiritual Growth, UFO's, Jordan Maxwell, Zecharia Sitchin, Paul Tice, David Icke, Nicola Tesla and more. Order via: R A W M EA TY B ONES : Promote Health ($33.00 + p&p) Work Wonders: Feed your dog raw meaty bones ($16. 50 + p&p). By Dr Tom Lonsdale. Memorable gifts for every dog, cat, ferret and their owners, friends and veterinarians. Available from Tel: 02 4578 1389 NEW DAWN MAGAZINE: Alternative info & healing, metaphysics, forbidden archeology, para/geo/exo politics, conspiracy, OOBE/RV/NDE research, Gnosticism, esoterica. Subscribe online www. newdawnmagazine. com. Published bimonthly. Challenging consensus reality for over 15 years. NIMBIN MAGAZINE. A Co-operatively run, FREE magazine with articles and information from Nimbin and other areas. Subs: 6 editions for $10for post and packing. PO Box 209, Nimbin 2480. Ph: (02) 6689 1184 website: WARM EARTH - Australia's 'down to earth' organic gardening magazine. All about growing fruit, vegetables and herbs organically in the home garden or small acreage. Subs: 6 editions $32. Sample $5.50. Box 695, Hervey Bay, QLD 4655. Email: [email protected] NEXUS CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS in Australia available on DVD & VHS from 1999 onwards. Details on website: 8 8 c p e r wor d i n c l . g s t HEALTH PRODUCTS, SERVICES, COURSES RADIONICS PRACTITIONER. 23 years experience. Worldwide distant instrumental energy healing. 001144 1227 720540 (UK). 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GYMPIE QLD - NEXUS Discussion Group Phone Angelique 0403 403 316 HERVEY BAY DISCUSSION GROUP Phone Alison & Graeme 0428171047 HOBART NEXUS DISCUSSION GROUP: Phone 0419 882 012 SUNSHINE COAST DISCUSSION GROUP Phone Geoff on 0401 250 420. PERSONAL GROWTH DISTANCE DEGREE COURSES. Holistic, alternative fields. Non-UK university. PhD by thesis / manuscript. Credit towards BA. Calamus International University. [email protected] INTERNATIONAL HOME STUDY COURSES - counselling, parapsychology, spirituality. UK College of Holistic Training. Email [email protected] GURDJIEFF: Teachings / groups / movements / music. SOLVE PROBLEMS, improve your finances, heal relationships, stop procrastination, cure geopathic stress now. Life transforming energy techniques for fast success. E-books for immediate download, workshops, one-to-one sessions. 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HAVEN - SANCTUARY - REFUGE Are you concerned about the ever worsening economy? Or the spiraling cost of food and rent? Or the possibility of severe Earthchanges attended by possible major coastal tsunamis? Do you desire a rent free, self sufficient community life with the support and co-operation of like-minded friends? If so you are welcome to experience life within 3000 + acres of natural wildlife reserve that is now open to people who are enthusiastic about p art i ci p at i n g i n v i t al an d i n t eres t i n g p ro j ect s wi t h i n t h e community, as well as the movement towards global harmony and the raising of consciousness. The area is 350 metres above sea level with river frontage. The aim is towards self-sufficiency and the coming together of co n s ci o us aware p eo p l e wh o can l i v e i n h armo n y b et ween themselves and within the environment. For more information please contact: email: [email protected] Barry: 0427 930 395 Kaali: 0423 932 308 Carolyne: 0427 935 733 OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 NEXUS • 85 Underwater Bases UNDERWATER AND UNDERGROUND BASES by ... back in stock ... UNDER GROUND BASES AND TUNNELS by Richard Sauder, Ph.D. Richard Sauder, Ph.D. $35.00 (includes postage) Eye-opening sequel to the best-selling, Un de rg ro un d B as e s an d Tun n e l s . Dr Sauder lays out the amazing evidence and government paper trail for the construction of huge, manned bases offsore, in mid-ocean, and deep beneath the sea floor! Bases big enough to secretly dock submarines! Official United States Navy documents, and other hard evidence, raise many questions about what really lies 20,000 leagues beneath the sea. To order - mail, phone or fax your order to: NEXUS Magazine, PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. Ph: 074 42 9280 Fx: 074 42 9381 or use the coupon on page 96 of this issue. 86 • NEXUS $34.00 (includes postage) There are more underground bases than you think, and there's more going on than just planning to keep the Government alive during a nuclear war. Working from public documents and corporate records, this book digs b el o w t h e s urface o f t h e g o v ern men t ' s s up er-s ecret un derg ro un d! Co n t ai n s 5 0 p ag es o f p h o t o s an d i l l us t rat i o n s , p l us addi t i o n al ch ap t ers o n UFO-l i k e technology. To order - mail, phone or fax your order to: NEXUS Magazine, PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. Ph: 074 42 9280 Fx: 074 42 9381 or use the coupon on page 96 of this issue. OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2008 B O O K S AVA I L A B L E T H R O U G H N E X U S – P r i c e s i n c l u d e G S T a n d p & h LAURENCE GARDNER Books/Audio/CD-ROM/Videos BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY GRAIL by Laurence Gardner Alleges that Jesus married and had children—and that his descendants are still alive today. This book gives a detailed genealogical account of the authentic line of succession from the sons of Jesus and his brother James, through centuries of royal houses down to recent times. Paperback: (Code: BOHG) $27.00 Audiotape: (Code: BLAU) $18.70 GENESIS OF THE GRAIL KINGS by Laurence Gardner According to Gardner's sources, the Grail bloodline can be traced not just through the Davidic line and various Egyptian kingdoms back to the Sumerians, but ultimately to the Anunnaki gods and goddesses who sparked the Sumerian civilisation itself, and seeded the "first man". Touches on the legends of the Garden of Eden and Tree of Knowledge, the Table of Destiny, Star Fire and white powder gold. Paperback: (Code: GOGK) $27.00 Audiotape: (Code: GKAU) $18.70 Music (CD) (Code: GKCD) $33.00 REALM OF THE RING LORDS by Laurence Gardner Time-honoured tales of fairies, elves and dragons have long carried a particular fascination which lingers in our collective psyche—a familiar but historical allure which is rooted in the far-distant realm of the Scythian Ring Lords. Dealing with numerous aspects, from Sleeping Beauty to Robin Hood and Count Dracula, the author reveals how a prestigious sovereign heritage has been strategically suppressed by parliamentary and church dictate, facilitated by a forged document which has controlled all monarchical and governmental practices in Western Europe for over 1,200 years. Paperback: (Code: RORL) $33.00 REALM OF THE HOLY GRAIL (CDROM) by Laurence Gardner & Adrian Wagner This is a simple-to-access, comprehensive collection of the works and research of Chevaliers Laurence Gardner and Adrian Wagner. Upon launching the main program, you are given an easy-to-follow menu into either The Bloodline of the Holy Grail or Genesis of the Grail Kings. Each of these two sections has a similar list of options, as follows: a talk given by Sir Laurence Gardner (which you can also read as he speaks); a talk given by Adrian Wagner; an interview with Sir Laurence (from the Laura Lee radio show), covering topics such as the Essenes, the dynasty of Jesus, the Celtic Church, Princess Diana, Freemasonry, etc; a display of paintings from Entropic Fine Art; and links to Internet sites and stores (for online ordering). Finally, this Realm of the Holy Grail CD-ROM gives you access to the two related music CDs composed and produced by Chev. Adrian Wagner: Holy Spirit and the Holy Grail and Genesis of the Grail Kings. Code: RHGR Cost:$66.00 HIDDEN HISTORY SECRETS OF THE HOLY LANCE by Jerry E. Smith and George Piccard As Jesus Christ hung on the cross a Roman centurion pieced the Saviour's side with his spear. A legend has arisen that—whosoever possesses this Holy Lance and understands the powers it serves, holds in his hand the destiny of the world for good or evil. Code: SOHL Cost: $37.00 SUNS OF GOD: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled by Acharya S Over the past several centuries, the Big Three spiritual leaders have been the Lords Christ, Krishna and Buddha, whose stories and teachings are remarkably similar . Acharya S reveals these striking parallels exist not because these godmen were historical personages who walked the earth, but because they are personifications of the central focus of the famous and scandalous mysteries. Code: SOG Cost: $37.00 THE WORLD'S SIXTEEN CRUCIFIED SAVIORS by Kersey Graves Apparently there were at least 16 avatars/saviours/ messiahs before Jesus Christ came along, whose mythologies have uncanny parallels, e.g., prophetic announcements, immaculate conception and virgin birth, a common birthday of 25 December, saviours of royal descent, anointing, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension and so on. Code: WSCS Cost: $38.00 THE BOOK OF ENOCH THE PROPHET translated by Richard Laurence One of the Bible's most famous "lost books", unearthed in Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) in 1773 by Scottish explorer James Bruce. The Book of Enoch includes apocalyptic visions, the actions of angels and demons, the Messianic age, the New Jerusalem, the Resurrection and the Final Judgement. Enoch, the son of Cain, communicates with the "fallen ones", whose interference in human affairs resulted in the introduction of evil into the world, and he is instructed through visions from angels of light to tell these "outcasts" of their fate. Code: ENOCH Cost: $35.00 GOD SAVE US FROM RELIGION by Ian Ross Vayro Archaeologist and Ancient Historian, Ian Ross Vayro, walks us through various versions of the Bible, Sumerian tablets and early Egyptian papyrus records in a vigilant search for the truth. Read about the deception, the tampering and the conspiracy within the Roman Church. The conclusions of Ian Ross Vayro expose the lies, fraud and so called infallible truths of Organized Religion. Code: GSFR Cost: $38.50 TEARS IN HEAVEN by Ian Ross Vayro In the past, the church has been accepted as the arbitrator and authority on theology and learning but the facade is now falling apart as an absolute multitude of lies and deceptions are continually exposed. Despite a mandate of helping the people of this planet, the cleverly veneered assurance of the Church under a guise of 'goodness', have served only to create distrust, disharmony and war. Code: TIH Cost: $38.50 THE BIBLE FRAUD by Tony Bushby Is the figure we know of as Jesus Christ, a composite character? Is the real story about twin brothers, the illegitimate sons of the Roman Emperor Tiberius and Princess Mariamne Herod? Bushby analyses many Gospel passages where it seems that two completely different personalities are interwoven; he charts the early genealogies showing that the genetic heritage of the Rabbi Jesus mingled with the Druidic/Celtic lines; and how the Church was created. Code: TBF Cost: $33.00 THE CHRIST CONSPIRACY: THE GREATEST STORY EVER SOLD by Acharya S Examines historical records and commentaries through the centuries and concludes there is no evidence for the existence of an historical Jesus Christ. Code: TCC Cost: $37.00 THE TRUTH BEHIND THE CHRIST MYTH by Mark Amaru Pinkham Radically new information including: the legend of Jesus Christ being based on a much earlier Son of God myth from India; how Saint Paul came from Tarsus, the center of Mithras worship in Asia Minor and amalgamated the legend of the Persian Son of God into Jesus' life story; the Three Wise Men were Magi priests from Persia who believed that Jesus was an incarnation of Mithras. Code: TBCM Cost: $33.00 PIRATES AND THE LOST TEMPLAR FLEET by David Hatcher Childress This lost Templar fleet was originally based at La Rochelle in southern France but fled to the deep fjords of Scotland, and was later commanded by the St Clair family of Rosslyn Chapel. St Clair and his Templars voyaged to Canada nearly 100 years before Columbus! Later, this fleet of ships and new ones to come, flew the Skull and Crossbones, the symbol of the Knights Templar. Code: PLTF Cost: $33.00 THE PAPAL BILLIONS by Tony Bushby A unique disclosure of the most formidable financial empire the world has ever seen. Centuries of astonishing wealth accumulation by the Catholic Church commenced with Pope St. Peter, and his actions led to a series of spectacular papal forgeries that established the foundation for the Vatican's vast riches today. Code: TPB Cost: $37.00 THE TWIN DECEPTION by Tony Bushby The Twin Deception unlocks the concealed evidence of Jesus' twin brother and reveals how the Church contrived for centuries to hide the information from the public. Code: TTD Cost: $35.00 THE CRUCIFIXION OF TRUTH: Startling New Evidence of Forgery and Fiction in the New Testament by Tony Bushby Using papal statements, the discovery of hidden Church scrolls and the evidence of history, Bushby takes his readers into the shadowy world of ecclesiastical dishonesty. Topics include: The discovery of hidden church scrolls; Origin of the Book of Revelation; Who were the early church fathers; New Testament anomalies; Late appearance of the Gospels and more. Code: TCOT Cost: $38.50 FROM LIGHT INTO DARKNESS by Stephen Mehler Building on the information revealed in Land of Osiris, this book presents more of Abd'El Hakim's oral traditions, with new interpretations of how religion evolved in prehistoric and dynastic Khemit, or Egypt. Mehler explores the teachings of the King Akhenaten and the real Moses, the true identity of the Hyksos, and Akhenaten's connections to The Exodus, Judaism and the Rosicrucian Order. Code: FLID Cost: $37.00 GUARDIANS OF THE HOLY GRAIL: The Knights Templar, John the Baptist, and the Water of Life by Mark Amaru Pinkham While in the Holy Land, the Knights Templar discovered that the Holy Grail of Jesus was but one of a long line of Holy Grail manifestations, and that a lineage of Guardians of the Holy Grail had existed in Asia for thousands of years prior to the birth of the Messiah. Code: GOHG Cost: $35.00 THE SECRET IN THE BIBLE by Tony Bushby Bushby's main focus is on the Egyptian mysteries as coded into the Giza Plateau, in the Book of the Dead and Book of Thoth, in the Tarot and the divinely given script of the Torah. Bushby gives insights into the revered black pyramidal Benben stone believed to have fallen from heaven, the sacred rites held within the Great Pyramid and the existence of other pyramids at Giza—including a Black Pyramid. Code: SITB Cost: $39.00 THE LAND OF OSIRIS by Stephen Mehler Mehler teams up with Abd'El Hakim Awyan and learns that an advanced civilisation known as Khemit (not Egypt) existed in North Africa thousands of years before the establishment of dynastic Egypt, and that these peoples were already in possession of advanced knowledge. They had the means to build the pyramids—and thousands of years earlier than generally believed—and even placed them according to the Fibonacci series spiral. Code: LOOS Cost: $38.00 THEY LIED TO US IN SUNDAY SCHOOL by Ian Ross Vayro They Lied to Us in Sunday School takes us on a whirlwind ride through ancient biblical texts and leads one to question all that was taught, and that which is still being taught, from the pulpits of churches every day. Code: TLSS Cost: $35.00 To order, see page 96 or phone with credit card on (07) 5442 9280, or visit B O O K S AVA I L A B L E T H R O U G H N E X U S – P r i c e s i n c l u d e G S T a n d p & h HIDDEN HISTORY THE SECRET VAULT: The Secret Societies' Manipulation of Sauniere and the Secret Sanctuary of Notre-Dame-deMarceille by Andre Douzet & Philip Coppens Was Berenger Sauniere, the priest at the center of the enigma of Rennes-leChateau, controlled by a secret society? Yes is the answer, but which one? On the surface, the church is like any other, but underneath the church lies a secret underground complex, hidden for more than 500 years. Code: TSV Cost: $35.00 WANDERINGS OF THE GRAIL: The Cathars, the Search for the Grail and the Discovery of Egyptian Relics in the French Pyrenees by Andre Douzet In the 20th century, German Nazis such as Otto Rahn became interested in Catharism and sent investigators to the region to search for the Holy Grail. They uncovered the ancient sanctuaries of the Cathars - often caves in perilous locations -- and found statues of Egyptian gods. Code: TWOG Cost: $35.00 JESUS, LAST OF THE PHARAOHS by Ralph Ellis Evidence the Jewish patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses were not just Semitic Shepherd Kings but Egyptian Pharaohs, with the royal bloodline being continued through to Jesus Christ—a Pharaoh in exile, in effect, and a secular and spiritual leader with wealth and status. Code: JLOP Cost: $33.00 THE CANOPUS REVELATION: Stargate of the Gods and the Ark of Osiris by Philip Coppens Rather than the constellation Orion, it is the star Canopus that is linked with Osiris, as identified by ancient writers as well as early 20th century scholars, whose evidence has since been bullied into silence, if not oblivion. Was Canopus a stargate? Code: TCR Cost: $35.00 THE TEMPLARS' LEGACY IN MONTREAL, THE NEW JERUSALEM by Francine Bernier Uncovers some of the secrets behind the foundation of this key French city in the New World. The island of Montréal had been designed in the 17th century as the New Jerusalem of the Christian world, and had become the centre for a group of mystics who wanted to live as part of a flawless Primitive Church of Jesus which could not be tolerated in their old world. Code: TTLM Cost: $35.00 CHILDREN OF THE SUN: A Study of the Egyptian Settlement of the Pacific by W. J. Perry, First published in 1923, this classic presents the fascinating evidence that envoys of the ancient Sun Kingdoms of Egypt and India travelled into Indonesia and the Pacific circa 1500 BC, spreading their sophisticated culture. Perry traces the expansion of megalithic building from its origin in Egypt through Indonesia and across the Pacific all the way to the Americas. A fascinating explanation for the mysterious megaliths of the Pacific! Code: COTS Cost: $38.50 SAUNIERE'S MODEL & THE SECRET OF RENNE-LE-CHATEAU by André Douzet Researcher André Douzet has made some exciting new inroads with the mystery surrounding the French village of Rennesle-Château. Did Saunière leave behind some clue to a specific location which holds "the secret"? Code: SMSR Cost: $27.00 TEMPEST AND EXODUS by Ralph Ellis Expands Ellis's theory on the origin of the Israelites and gives alternative translations of hieroglyphs, thus giving a different perspective on the roots of Judaism and Christianity as well as Egypt. Code: TEXO Cost: $33.00 K2: QUEST OF THE GODS by Ralph Ellis Is the cross-section of the Great Pyramid a map whose area can be understood when it is turned upside down? Is the King's Chamber a representation of Africa? Code: K2QG Cost: $33.00 THOTH: ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE by Ralph Ellis A number of mythologies have it that Thoth endowed upon evolving humanity the knowledge of architecture, astronomy, mathematics, measurement, physics as well as reading and writing. So did he leave messages encoded in monuments for future generations? Ellis notes the mathematical commonalities, such as the pi ratio, that are evident in pyramids at Giza, sites in Britain and the pyramids at Teotihuacan in Mexico. LOST CITIES OF NORTH & CENTRAL AMERICA by David Hatcher Childress Journey in search of lost Mayan cities and books of gold, ancient canals in Arizona, and gigantic pyramids in the US Midwest. Code: NOR Cost: $37.00 LOST CITIES & ANCIENT MYSTERIES OF SOUTH AMERICA by David H. Childress Travel deep into deadly jungles, windswept mountains and scorching deserts in search of lost civilisations, stone cities, Inca treasure, living dinosaurs and mysterious tunnels. Code: SAM Cost: $33.00 MEN & GODS IN MONGOLIA by Henning Haslund A rare travel book that takes you into the unknown world of Mongolia during the early part of the 20th century. Haslund, a Danish-Swedish explorer, visits the lost city of Karakota in the Gobi Desert. Code: MEN Cost: $35.00 IN SECRET MONGOLIA by Henning Haslund A camel caravan takes Haslund across the Gobi Desert where he meets with renegade generals, god-kings and shamans. He battles black magic and is captured, held for ransom and thrown into prison. Code: ISM Cost: $37.00 DANGER MY ALLY by F. A. Mitchell-Hedges Includes searching Mayan ruins for clues to Atlantis, discovering pre-Flood artefacts on Caribbean islands, fighting bandits, searching for lost cities in southern Africa, and battling giant sea-creatures off the coast of Panama. Code: DMA Cost: $33.00 THE RIDDLE OF THE PACIFIC by John Macmillan Brown First published in 1924, this is a rare classic. A highly illustrated volume covering subjects such as ancient writing in the Pacific, Easter Island statues, megalithic ruins on Rarotonga. Code: ROTP Cost: $33.00 THE MYSTERY OF EASTER ISLAND by Katherine Routledge Explore the secret caves, ancient roads, pyramid platforms and, of course, the strange stone statues on the island. Code: MOEI Cost: $33.00 ANCIENT MICRONESIA & THE LOST CITY OF NAN MADOL by David Hatcher Childress Visit the island of Pohnpei with the most imposing megalithic structure of all: the lost city of Nan Madol. Includes the menhirs of Palau, the Latte Stones of Guam, the canal city of Insaru on Kosrae, and the roads on Malden Island. Code: MICRO Cost: $33.00 ATLANTIS: MOTHER OF EMPIRES by Robert Stacey-Judd Stacy-Judd analyses the literature concerning various ancient cultures on both sides of the Atlantic and came to the conclusion that they had a common source—Atlantis. Code: AMOE Cost: $45.00 SECRET CITIES OF OLD SOUTH AMERICA by Harold T. Wilkins Was South America was once part of a vast empire known as Atlantis. Amazonian women warriors, the lost city of Gran Paytiti, monstrous creatures, the search for El Dorado. Code: SCSA Cost: $35.00 THE ROUND TOWERS OF ATLANTIS by Henry O'Brien Who built the Round Towers of Ireland and for what purpose remains a mystery. According to Irish tradition they were built by the ancient Tuatha de Danann, said to have been led to Ireland from the Holy Land by Queen Scota; . Discusses the connections that ancient Ireland had with India, Persia and China. Code: RTOA Cost: $35.00 ANCIENT MYSTERIES IN QUEST OF LOST WORLDS: Journey to Algeria, Ethiopia, Yucatan and Beyond by Count Byron de Prorok Between 1925 and 1934, Count Byron Khun de Prorok led a number of expeditions to northern Africa as well as Central America. In 1932–33, the Count turned his attentions to Mexico, to search for Atlantis at Chichén Itzá in the Yucatán, and to Guatemala, to uncover Mayan pyramids. Code: IQLW Cost: $39.00 ALTAI HIMALAYA: A TRAVEL DIARY by Nicholas Roerich. Chronicles the famous Russian-American explorer's expedition through Sinkiang, Altai-Mongolia and Tibet from 1924 to 1928. Roerich discusses mysteries of Central Asia including the controversial hidden cities of Shambala and Agartha. Code: AHIM Cost: $37.00 MYSTERY CITIES OF THE MAYA by Thomas Gann The story of Thomas Gann's early 1920s explorations and adventures around the Caribbean and the jungles of Central America, especially Belize and the unique Mayan city of Lubaantun which he first investigated in 1903. Code: MAYA Cost: $33.00 MYSTERY IN ACAMBARO by Charles H. Hapgood A curious collection of fired clay figurines was discovered in Acámbaro, central Mexico, in 1944, many of which depicted dinosaur-and monster-like creatures, sometimes in the company of humans and even reptilian alien figures. Testing yielded a date of 2500 BC, yet the source and purpose of these 33,500 clay figures, still eludes definitive explanation. Code: MIAC Cost: $33.00 IN SECRET TIBET by Theodore Illion A reprint of a rare 1930s travel book. Illion was a German traveller who ventured in disguise through forbidden Tibet when it was off-limits. Includes illustrations of Tibetan monks levitating stones. Code: IST Cost: $33.00 DARKNESS OVER TIBET by Theodore Illion The German traveller continues his journeys through Tibet and is given directions to an enigmatic underground city, which he enters. There he meets with a mysterious but powerful individual who invites him to 'join them'. A rare account of an underground world, by a Westerner lucky enough to have entered it. Code: DOT Cost: $35.00 Code: THOTH LOST CITIES SERIES Cost: $33.00 by David Hatcher Childress LOST CITIES OF ATLANTIS, ANCIENT EUROPE & THE MEDITERRANEAN by David Hatcher Childress Travel to Europe, the Mediterranean and beyond and explore megalithic ruins, history and legends of the area. Code: LCOA Cost: $35.00 LOST CITIES & ANCIENT MYSTERIES OF AFRICA & ARABIA by David Hatcher Childress Discover forbidden cities in the Empty Quarter of Arabia and 'Atlantean' ruins in Egypt, and search for King Solomon's Mines, the Ark of the Covenant, living dinosaurs and other mysteries. Code: AFAR Cost: $33.00 LOST CITIES OF ANCIENT LEMURIA & THE PACIFIC by David Hatcher Childress Was there once a continent in the Pacific? David Hatcher Childress combs the Indian Ocean, Australia and the Pacific in search of the astonishing truth about mankind's mysterious past. Code: LEMU Cost: $33.00 LOST CITIES OF CHINA, CENTRAL ASIA & INDIA by David Hatcher Childress Discover ancient cities and hear tales of lost continents, vanished civilisations and strange tunnels to mysterious subterranean cities. Code: CHINA Cost: $34.00 To order, see page 96 or phone with credit card on (07) 5442 9280, or visit B O O K S AVA I L A B L E T H R O U G H N E X U S – P r i c e s i n c l u d e G S T a n d p & h ANCIENT MYSTERIES THE LOST SCIENCE OF MEASURING THE EARTH by Robin Heath and John Michell A breakthrough in understanding the system by which prehistoric monuments were designed and placed on the landscape. Michell and Heath show that: * Prehistoric Britons knew the dimensions of the Earth and had undertaken an accurate survey of the British Isles, pre3000 BC, * The major time periods of the Sun and Moon were encoded within their monuments, measures and system of land surveying. * This prehistoric system was still being applied in the Middle Ages, and remnants survive today. Code: LSME Cost: $33.00 ATLANTIS IN SPAIN — A Study of the Ancient Sun Kingdoms of Spain by E. M. Whishaw A study of the megaliths of Spain, ancient writing, cyclopean walls, sunworshipping, hydraulic engineering, sunken cities and Atlantean myths. Code: AIS Cost: $33.00 PROPHECY & THE FUTURE NOSTRADAMUS AND THE LOST TEMPLAR LEGACY by Rudy Cambier Did Nostradamus steal and plagiarise the verses for which he is famous? A decade of research concludes that the 10 Centuries could not have been written in the 1550s by Nostradamus, but were in fact penned between 1323 and 1328 by a Cistercian Prior, Yves de Lessions, Abbey of Camron in Hainaut on the French/Belgian border. Code: NATL Cost: $35.00 THE SHADOW OF ATLANTIS by Alexander Braghine Covers anthropological, archaeological, cosmological, geological and historical evidence for the existence of a lost continent in the Atlantic Ocean. Code: TSOA Cost: $33.00 ANTI-GRAVITY & THE WORLD GRID edited by David H. Childress Is the Earth surrounded by an intricate electromagnetic grid network offering free energy to those who can tap into it? Earth grid, ley lines and planetary power points, plus chapters on the infamous Philadelphia Experiment in invisibility. Code: AGWG Cost: $38.00 ANTI-GRAVITY & THE UNIFIED FIELD edited by David H. Childress A compilation of material on gravity, electricity and magnetism, including why artificial gravity is possible; secrets of UFO propulsion; anti-gravity airships of the 1920s and 1930s. Code: AGUF Cost: $33.00 WORLD CATACLYSM IN 2012 by Patrick Geryl In this book the author reveals the millennia-old codes of the Maya and the Old Egyptians, which refer to a coming super-disaster. The Dresden Codex of the Maya contains secrets of the sunspot cycle, and the conclusions are staggering—at a certain moment, when the sun's magnetism reaches a crucial point, the sun's surface will be subjected to immense storms, causing a supercatastrophe on earth. Code: TWC Cost: $35.00 MAPS OF THE ANCIENT SEA KINGS by Charles Hapgood The classic 1966 book on ancient maps is back in print. Produces evidence of an advanced worldwide civilisation existing many thousands of years ago. Code: MASK Cost: $45.00 BRUCE CATHIE THE HARMONIC CODE - DVD with Bruce L. Cathie In this new DVD, UFO/antigravity researcher and author Bruce L. Cathie explains the unknown secrets of our reality. Discover the truth about matter and antimatter; time travel; UFO sightings; Earth's energy grid; and the connection between atomic bomb tests and volcanic activity. Code: HARC Cost: $33.00 THE HARMONIC CONQUEST OF SPACE by Bruce L. Cathie First published by NEXUS Magazine and now reissued with three new chapters. Summarises and updates the research in all his previous books, and contains his antigravity tables. Code: HCOS Cost: $33.00 THE BRIDGE TO INFINITY by Bruce L. Cathie A rare book on the subject of light harmonics and the nature of the Universe. Covers levitation, plus anti-gravity and its connection to the Earth's energy grid. Also looks at pyramid power, UFO propulsion, free-energy research and sacred geometry. Code: BTI Cost: $34.00 THE ENERGY GRID by Bruce L. Cathie Covers the Earth's energy grid system, antigravity, harmonic speed of light, the periodic table of elements, unified field equations, sacred geometry and Tesla. Code: TEG Cost: $35.00 TAYOS GOLD - Archives of Atlantis In 1976, Scottish engineer Stan Hall organized a landmark expedition to the caves of the Tayos Indians in Ecuador, involving a dozen institutions, joint Special Forces and astronaut professor Neil Armstrong as Honorary President and participant. Hall was driven by curiosity about Erich von Daniken's report of a Metal Library allegedly found in the caves by investigator Juan Moricz in the mid-1960s. Code: TAGO Cost: $35.00 THE HISTORY OF ATLANTIS by Lewis Spence A reprint of a rare book investigating sources of Atlantean history from Egyptian, Maya, Aztec and Irish myths to ancient and modern geological and archaeological evidence. Code: THOA Cost: $33.00 THE ORION PROPHECY by Patrick Geryl & Gino Ratinckx Will a super catastrophe will befall the Earth in late December 2012, just as it did nearly 12,000 years ago, and 12,00? Analysis of ancient monuments and documents concludes that the imminent sign will be in the sky when Venus moves in a retrograde circular motion above Orion; at that time, according to the coded warnings, the Sun will erupt with megabursts of magnetic activity, which will in turn cause the Earth's magnetic field to reverse and the planet to spin in reverse and flip on its axis. Code: TOP Cost: $35.00 THE ORION ZONE by Gary A. David This book explores the mysterious location of Pueblos in the American Southwest, circa 1100 AD, that appear to be a mirror image of the major stars of the Orion constellation. Includes: The Emergence and Migrations of the Anazazi; Orion Rising; The CosmoMagical Cities of the Anasazi; Ancient and Mysterious Monuments and more. Code: TOZ Cost: $38.00 HOLLOW EARTH THEORIES HOLLOW PLANETS by Jan Lamprecht Uncovers anomalous evidence on magnetic fields, gravity, seismic and radio waves, the aurora, plate tectonics and weather, and accounts from Arctic explorers and legends, suggesting there may be some truth to the hypothesis. Unexplained bright spots at the poles of Venus, dust storms at the poles of Mercury, and ion streams in the night atmosphere on Earth and more. Code: HOPL Cost: $55.00 ETIDORHPA, OR THE END OF EARTH by John Uri Lloyd The story of a man's early years as a mortal being, of his Masonic transformation, of his incredible journeys into hidden recesses of the Earth's interior and his encounters with strange beings. This is a very rare and hard-to-get book. Code: ETI Cost: $55.00 ATLANTIS AND THE POWER SYSTEM OF THE GODS by David Hatcher Childress and Bill Clendenon This is a two-books-in-one release. The first part is a reprint of much of veteran UFO researcher Bill Clendenon's decadeold book, Mercury: UFO Messenger of the Gods . In the second part, Childress examines Nikola Tesla's power broadcast towers in the light of evidence for the existence of "crystal power towers" in ancient and long-lost civilisations. Code: APSG Cost: $36.00 PATH OF THE POLE by Charles Hapgood According to Hapgood, the North Pole has occupied three different positions in the last 100,000 years, the last change occurring between only 18,000 and 12,000 years ago. Presents evidence, based on geomagnetism and radioactive dating, that the last crustal shift took place at the end of the last ice age. Code: POTP Cost: $37.00 ARKTOS: THE MYTH OF THE POLE IN SCIENCE, SYMBOLISM AND NAZI SURVIVAL by Joscelyn Godwin Investigates the tilt of the Earth's axis, the causes of catastrophes, tales of an ancient race said to have lived in the Arctic regions, German bases in Antarctica, UFOs, Hollow Earth theory and underground cities. Code: ARK Cost: $33.00 LOST CONTINENTS & THE HOLLOW EARTH by David Hatcher Childress & Richard Shaver Is the Earth is hollow, or at least pitted with vast caverns and tunnel systems and populated by secretive, ancient civilisations who have spaceships, death rays and mind-control machines? Code: LCHE Cost: $37.00 STRANGE SCIENCE THE GIZA DEATH STAR DEPLOYED: The Physics and Engineering of the Great Pyramid by Joseph Farrell Expands on his hypothesis that the Great Pyramid of Giza was much more than an observatory, an encoded library and a time capsule, but was also a machine designed as a weapon, a chemical maser, and eventually deployed with catastrophic results to our solar system. Code: GDSD Cost: $33.00 GIZA DEATH STAR DESTROYED: The Ancient War For Future Science by Joseph P. Farrell, Looks at what happened to the 10,000year-old Giza Death Star after it was destroyed by an internal explosion. Includes: The Mars-Earth Connection; The Lost Root Races and the Moral Reasons for the Flood; The Electrodynamic Solar System, Exploding Planets and more Code: TGDS Cost: $37.00 MYSTERIES OF ANCIENT SOUTH AMERICA by Harold T. Wilkins Wilkins travelled to South America in 1939 to try to verify his theory that Atlantis, or the ruins of an ancient Atlantean colony, might be found in unexplored parts of Brazil and the land further west. His conclusion was that a giant cataclysm had struck the planet in 9753 BC. Code: MASA Cost: $33.00 PROPHECY & THE FUTURE A HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO ARMAGEDDON by David Hatcher Childress Childress weaves through lost civilisations that have had their own 'end days' and speculates on the rise of secret societies and the transfer of occult knowledge through the ages. Is an Armageddon script being played out today? Will it be 'Star Wars' style, and will we believe our eyes? Code: HGA Cost: $37.00 ANTI-GRAVITY SERIES THE ANTI-GRAVITY HANDBOOK compiled by David Hatcher Childress This is the new, expanded edition of the book that raised the antigravity profile to new heights from the mid-1980s. Includes free-energy research, disc propulsion, suppressed technology, NASA cover-ups, Pine Gap and Tesla, and much more. Code: TAGH Cost: $35.00 ATLANTIS IN AMERICA Ivar Zapp and George Erikson Mysteriously aligned stone spheres— some measuring over nine feet in diameter and weighing up to 20 tons— found in the Diquis Delta region of southwest Costa Rica and much more. Code: AIA Cost: $30.00 To order, see page 96 or phone with credit card on (07) 5442 9280, or visit B O O K S AVA I L A B L E T H R O U G H N E X U S – P r i c e s i n c l u d e G S T a n d p & h STRANGE SCIENCE PERPETUAL MOTION: The History of an Obsession by Arthur W. J. G. Ord-Hume Make a machine which gives out more work than the energy you put into it and you have perpetual motion. The deceptively simple task of making a mechanism which would turn forever fascinated many an inventor and a number of famous men and physicists applied themselves to the task. Code: PERP Cost: $38.50 HARNESSING THE WHEELWORK OF NATURE: Tesla's Science of Energy edited by Thomas Valone, PhD, PE Tom Valone, an engineer, physicist, and author, explores the years of Tesla's genius with electricity, the principles of wireless power transmission, self-sustained longitudinal waves, Tesla's magnifying transmitter and ELF oscillator, how to harness the Earth-ionosphere resonant cavity, and much more. Code: HTWN Cost: $37.00 WEATHER WARFARE: The Military's Plan To Draft Mother Nature by Jerry E. Smith Hundreds of environmental and weather modifying technologies have been patented in the US alone-and hundreds more are being developed in civilian, academic, military and quasi-military laboratories around the world at this moment! Code: WWAR Cost: $35.00 ROBERT ADAMS THE ADAMS PULSED ELECTRIC MOTOR GENERATOR MANUAL In the Dec'92-Jan'93 issue of NEXUS, we published an article on what we believe to be a signpost to a 'free-energy' machine. This is the manual which further describes the details and principles of such a device. Code: APEM Cost: $44.00 VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER LIVING ENERGIES: VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER'S BRILLIANT WORK WITH NATURAL ENERGY EXPLAINED by Callum Coats Viktor Schauberger made his reputation in the 1930s as an inventor of devices in the areas of free energy extraction, soil fertility, water purification, river/flood management, home-power generation and water-fuelled devices for transport. Code: LIVEN Cost: $55.00 THE FANTASTIC INVENTIONS OF NIKOLA TESLA compiled by David Hatcher Childress An invaluable compendium of patents, diagrams, photos and explanations of the many incredible inventions of Nikola Tesla. Covered in depth are the wireless transmission of power, death rays and radio-controlled airships. Code: FINT Cost: $37.00 ADDENDUM TO THE ADAMS PULSED ELECTRIC MOTOR GENERATOR MANUAL by Robert Adams This addendum updates the research and theory surrounding the Robert Adams Pulsed Electric Motor Generator. Code: AMA Cost: $35.00 ECO-TECHNOLOGY STONE AGE FARMING: Eco-Agriculture for the 21st Century by Alanna Moore A holistic, practical approach to farm and ecosystem management that identifies and harmonises with subtle energies, utilises eco-sound methods and applies technologies such as energy-conducting coils for improving soil life and plant growth. Includes the Irish Round Towers and the work of Dr Phil Callahan. Code: STONE Cost:$33.00 VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER HIDDEN NATURE: The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger by Alick Bartholomew Victor Schauberger (1885-1958) pioneered a new understanding of the science of nature, (re)discovering its primary laws and principles, unacknowledged by contemporary science. He showed that water is like a magnetic tape; it can carry information that may either enhance or degrade the quality of organisms. Code: HNAT Cost: $44.00 THE WATER WIZARD – Vol. One by Viktor Schauberger (translated and edited by Callum Coats) This is the first of four volumes in the milestone 'Eco-Technology' series, encapsulating for the first time in English the work of Viktor Schauberger (1885–1958). Code: WWI Cost: $55.00 NATURE AS TEACHER: NEW PRINCIPLES IN THE WORKING OF NATURE – Vol. Two by Viktor Schauberger (translated and edited by Callum Coats) Extracts from Schauberger's writings, papers, magazine articles and correspondence, on environmental catastrophe and social devastation; or the other, practical solutions like free-energy devices which harness the magical processes of Nature. Code: NAT Cost: $55.00 THE FERTILE EARTH – Vol. Three by Viktor Schauberger (translated & edited by Callum Coats) Emphasises nature's subtle energies and their correct use in agriculture, soil fertilisation and forestry. By observing nature's forces and energies in action, Schauberger learned her secrets and came to understand what happens when the delicate balance is overstepped. Code: TFE Cost: $42.00 THE ENERGY EVOLUTION – Vol. Four by Viktor Schauberger (translated & edited by Callum Coats) Having observed how nature produces energy by a slow, cool, implosive means, Schauberger set upon designing machines based on this principle. Theories and observations on the biological vacuum, the life-current in air and water, electromagnetism and implosion. Code: TEE Cost: $46.00 THE TESLA PAPERS edited by David Hatcher Childress Great collection of work, including Dr Nikola Tesla's landmark article, "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy", published in Century Illustrated Monthly, June 1900, in which he outlined a blueprint for wireless power available for all, antigravity and free energy devices, robotic systems and even common-sense advice about good diet and clean living. Tesla coils, the Tesla electric-powered car, the infamous 'death ray' and 'shield', a 'lost' solar-electric panel and more Code: TTP Cost: $37.00 THE SS BROTHERHOOD OF THE BELL by Joseph Farrell In 1945, a mysterious Nazi secret weapons project code-named "The Bell" left its underground bunker in lower Silesia, along with all its project documentation, and a 4-star SS general. Taken aboard a massive six-engine ultralong range aircraft, "The Bell", Kammler, and all project records disappeared completely. As a prelude, the SS murdered most of the scientists and technicians involved with the project. Code: BOTB Cost: $38.00 PLANETARY POLLUTION SCORCHED EARTH: THE MILITARY'S ASSAULT ON THE ENVIRONMENT by William Thomas Defoliants, land mines, electronic warfare, nuclear waste and more. Code: SCOR Cost: $34.00 UFOs & THE UNEXPLAINED HIDDEN TRUTH – FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE by Steven M. Greer, MD From his sighting of a UFO at an early age, to his amazing near-death experience at age 17, to his unravelling of the secret cabal running the illegal transnational energy and UFO-related projects, to his meetings with a CIA director, US senators, heads of state and will be moved, shocked and enlightened as you journey into the corridors of secret power—beyond the government as we know it—to a shadowy cabal of power-mad controllers. Code: HTFK Cost: $38.00 THE TIME TRAVEL HANDBOOK edited by David Hatcher Childress An array of theoretical arguments on the nature of space-time, gravity and relativity, on technical developments over the last century (including from Tesla and Marconi) and on circumstantial evidence that suggest time travel to be a reality—in the future, the present, and in the past. Code: TTTH Cost: $35.00 HITLER'S FLYING SAUCERS: A Guide to German Flying Discs of the Second World War by Henry Stevens Did Germany conduct antigravity experiments and created antigravity craft at places like its Peenemünde facility? It's known that the Nazi powers had antiaircraft rockets, vortex cannon, infra-red homing devices, electronic devices designed to stop ignition-based engines, sun cannon, and many other exotic weapons under development. Code: HFS Cost: $37.00 QUEST FOR ZERO POINT ENERGY Engineering Principles for "Free Energy" by Moray B. King A compilation of papers which give reference to T. Henry Moray, Viktor Schauberger, E.V. Gray, Floyd Sweet, Tom Bearden and Ken Shoulders. Heavily referenced, technical diagrams and patents aplenty. Topics: vacuum energy vortices, charge clusters, vortex filaments, torsion fields, zero-point energy coherence and scalar compression. Code: QZPE Cost: $33.00 THE FREE-ENERGY DEVICE HANDBOOK: A COMPILATION OF PATENTS & REPORTS compiled by David Hatcher Childress A fantastic collection of patents, articles, papers and diagrams for researchers into free-energy devices, magnetic motors and over-unity engines, from Tesla on until the present. Code: FEDH Cost: $36.00 ETHER-TECHNOLOGY: A RATIONAL APPROACH TO GRAVITY CONTROL by Rho Sigma First published in 1977, this groundbreaking book delves into the international efforts at gravity control and discoid craft propulsion. Discusses ethervortex turbines, T. Townsend Brown, Searl discs, electric wind, German antigravity research and more. Code: ETHER Cost: $30.00 VIMANA AIRCRAFT OF ANCIENT INDIA & ATLANTIS by David Hatcher Childress Vedic texts such as the Ramayana and the Mahabharata show that ancient aircraft were in use more than 4,000 years ago in India. Included is the entire 4th century BC manuscript of the Vimaanika Shastra. This is a ‘must read' book! Code: VIMA Cost: $35.00 DISCLOSURE by Steven M. Greer, MD For the first time ever, over five dozen top-secret military, government, intelligence and corporate witnesses to secret projects tell their true stories which disclose the greatest covert program in world history. This explosive testimony by actual government insiders proves that UFOs are real, that some are of extraterrestrial origin and that supersecret programs have energy and propulsion technologies. Code: DISC Cost: $38.00 "THINGS" AND MORE THINGS: Myths, Mysteries & Marvels by Ivan T. Sanderson For over 30 years Ivan T. Sanderson has collected and studied reports of uncanny "things" from all over the world-and here is his complete collection. Flying Saucers; Telepathic Ants; Rocks that Singand Kill; "Abominable Snowmen"; Water Monsters; Giant Skulls; Living Dinosaurs; Frozen Mammoths; Animal ESP; Code: TAMT Cost: $35.00 TECHNOLOGY OF THE GODS: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients by David Hatcher Childress There is abundant evidence that ancient civilisations possessed varying degrees of advanced science and high technology. Examines the Antikythera device, a Greek astronomical calculator dated to the first century BC; the Baghdad battery and crystal lenses; the metal spheres found in 2.8 billion-year-old strata in Africa. Code: TOTG Cost: $37.00 To order, see page 96 or phone with credit card on (07) 5442 9280, or visit B O O K S AVA I L A B L E T H R O U G H N E X U S – P r i c e s i n c l u d e G S T a n d p & h UFOs & THE UNEXPLAINED INVISIBLE RESIDENTS: The Reality of Underwater UFOS by Ivan T. Sanderson Sanderson, a renowned zoologist, puts forward the curious theory that ''OINTS''—Other Intelligences—live under the Earth's oceans. Code: INRES Cost: $38.50 THE COSMIC WAR: INTERPLANETARY WARFARE, MODERN PHYSICS AND ANCIENT TEXTS by Joseph P. Farrell There is ample evidence across our solar system of cataclysmic and catastrophic destruction events. Farrell asserts that it is time to take the ancient myths of a Cosmic War in the heavens seriously. Code: TCW Cost: $36.00 STARWALKERS: AND THE DIMENSION OF THE BLESSED by William Henry Behind all myths there is one message, a timeless truth that mystic traditions point to: our Earthly lives are a preparation for life as Starwalkers, advanced, interdimensional beings, who travel the Dimension of the Blessed. Code: SDOB Cost: $36.00 MYSTERY OF THE OLMECS by David Hatcher Childress The Olmecs were not acknowledged to have existed until an international archeological meeting in Mexico City in 1942. Now they are slowly being recognized as the mother culture of Mesoamerica having developed metallurgy, writing and the calendar long before the Maya. Code: MOTO Cost: $38.50 MILABS: MILITARY MIND CONTROL AND ALIEN ABDUCTION by Dr Helmut & Marion Lammer A small proportion of people claiming to have been abducted by aliens also claim to have been kidnapped and experimented on by all-too-human military/medical personnel. Code: MILAB Cost: $33.00 COEVOLUTION by Alec Newald In late February 1989, Alec Newald arrived in Auckland after what should have been a three-hour drive from Rotorua. Soon he realised he had lost 10 days, but he had no idea how it could have happened. Alec had spent those 10 days in the company of some advanced, benevolent extraterrestrials, travelling to and from their home planet. Code: COEV Cost: $22.00 AN ALIEN HARVEST by Linda Moulton Howe The investigation into the mysterious mutilations and deaths of animals across the world. Large format and heaps of colour pics. Code: AAH Cost $55.00 MAURY ISLAND UFO: THE CRISMAN CONSPIRACY by Kenn Thomas With extensive footnotes and appendices, Kenn Thomas's book is the most definitive Maury Island account yet available. A real 'smoking gun' book! Code: MAU Cost: $33.00 GIANTS FROM THE DREAMTIME – THE YOWIE IN MYTH AND REALITY by Rex Gilroy The culmination of close to 45 years of field research, including a record of what he has gleaned from Aboriginal myth and anecdotal and recorded evidence from over 200 years of European settlement in Australia. A rare and hard-to-get book! Code: GFTD Cost: $60.00 THE RETURN OF THE SERPENTS OF WISDOM by Mark Amaru Pinkham According to ancient records, the early civilisations were colonised by spiritual masters—the Serpents of Wisdom. Code: ROSW Cost: $35.00 MAN-MADE UFOS: 50 YEARS OF SUPPRESSION by Renato Vesco & David H. Childress A comprehensive look at the 'flying saucer' technology of Nazi Germany and man-made UFOs. Includes secret bases in South America and Antarctica. Code: MMUFO Cost: $39.00 EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY by David Hatcher Childress A collection of photographs, drawings and maps, suggesting that many planets and moons of our solar system were not only inhabited in the past, but continue to be inhabited today. Contains some great pics of strange things on the Moon. Code: ETA Cost: $39.00 CASEBOOK ON THE MEN IN BLACK by Jim Keith Six MIB-type scenarios that may all have valid 'explanations' which may be a part of an 'evolving reality' whose script includes black magicians, government agency black operations, hoaxers, aliens in human disguise, extradimensional entities and paranormal manifestations of the human mind. Code: CMIB Cost: $27.00 MIND CONTROL & UFOS: CASEBOOK ON ALTERNATIVE 3 by Jim Keith Explores later research and findings regarding the popular classic, Alternative 3 . Is there a ruling elite? Is there a hidden agenda for world control? Who are 'they'? Code: MCUFO Cost: $34.00 INSIDE JOB: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies by Jim Marrs The official story about 9/11 is discredited. Were the horrific events of September 11, 2001 truly an inside job? The author provides heavy documentation of his findings, plus extensive appendices that include perspectives from families of 9/11 victims, and excerpts from the RICO Act lawsuit filed by Ellen Mariani. Code: INJO Cost: $33.00 INSIDE THE GEMSTONE FILE: HOWARD HUGHES, ONASSIS & JFK by Kenn Thomas & David Hatcher Childress Photocopied and distributed for over 20 years, the Gemstone File is the story of Bruce Roberts, the inventor of the synthetic ruby widely used in laser technology today, and his relationship with the Howard Hughes Company, Aristotle Onassis, the Mafia, and the CIA. Code: ITGF Cost: $35.00 UNDERGROUND BASES & TUNNELS by Richard Sauder, PhD Sauder digs below the surface of the US Government's super-secret underground. Contains 50 pages of photos and illustrations, plus UFO-like technology. Code: UBT Cost: $34.00 UNDERWATER AND UNDERGROUND BASES by Richard Sauder, PhD Sauder considers the technical feasibility of constructing secret, massive, offshore underwater bases as well as vast underground installations, thousands of feet deep, connected by tunnels. Code: UWUB Cost: $35.00 THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT: 9-11 AND STATE TERROR by Len Bracken A 'state terror' thesis in the context of key US foreign policy cover-ups in the last century or so and the events surrounding 9-11, and the CIA's complicity in the funding and training of al-Qa'ida and other groups. Code: TSG Cost: $33.00 FROM MAJOR JORDAN'S DIARIES by George Racey Jordan Evidence that extremely high-level cooperation was ongoing between Russia and the USA during World War II and the so-called Cold War. Code: MJD Cost: $40.00 ABOMINABLE SNOWMEN by Ivan T. Sanderson Do "Abominable Snowmen" exist? In the opinion of one of the world's leading naturalists, not one, but possibly four kinds, walk the earth! Ivan Sanderson, explains just why no "Snowman" has ever been captured and kept for a zoo or a museum. What has Established Science had to say on the status of the "Snowman"? Code: ABOM Cost: $38.00 THE A.T. FACTOR: PIECE FOR A JIGSAW – PART 3 by Leonard G. Cramp Cramp is a British aerospace engineer, scientist, inventor and UFO researcher who has spent more than five decades developing his theories on the Cosmic Matrix and tinkering away in his workshops, creating VTOL craft and experimenting with antigravity devices and space propulsion drives—as can be seen in the copious supporting documentary material, photographs and tech drawings herein. Code: ATF Cost: $37.00 THE COSMIC MATRIX: PIECE FOR A JIG-SAW – PART 2 by Leonard G. Cramp Cramp theorises that the two major cosmological theories—'steady state' and 'big bang'—may be aspects of one and the same thing. He posits that forces of attraction and repulsion do not originate or reside in matter; rather, he suggests the phenomenon that causes these effects resides in what we call 'space', so these forces are merely the effects of this energy being unbalanced or changed on interacting with 'matter'. Code: TCM Cost: $35.00 UFOS AND ANTI-GRAVITY: PIECE FOR A JIG-SAW – PART 1 by Leonard G. Cramp This classic 1966 book is available again. Cramp's book has a wealth of material and diagrams on flying saucers, antigravity, suppressed technology, suppressed scientists, G-fields, the ether and the bi-field theory. Code: UFAG Cost: $33.00 THE CASE FOR THE FACE: SCIENTISTS EXAMINE EVIDENCE FOR ALIEN ARTIFACTS ON MARS edited by Stanley McDaniel & Monica Rix Paxon In November 1997, a group of six scientists presented data to NASA officials, supporting the case for the existence of alien artefacts on Mars. Code: CASE Cost: $22.00 FLYING SAUCERS OVER LOS ANGELES by Dewayne B. Johnson Newspaper reports and eyewitness accounts, of an historic event that the authorities would prefer is forgotten. Code: FSLA Cost $29.00 CONSPIRACY BOOKS SAUCERS OF THE ILLUMINATI by Jim Keith Seeking the truth behind stories of alien invasion, secret underground bases, and the plans of the New World Order, this book offers research uncovering clues to the nature of UFOs and to forces even more sinister: the secret cabal behind planetary control. Includes mind control, saucer abductions, the MJ-12 documents, cattle mutilations, government anti-gravity testing, the Sirius Connection, plus more. Code: SOTI Cost: $33.00 MIND CONTROL, WORLD CONTROL by Jim Keith Covers the role of the Illuminati, the Skull and Bones society, Freemasons, the British Round Table, the RIIA, CIA and Tavistock Inst. in the development of early forms of mind control in education, psychiatry and social engineering. Code: MCWC Cost: $33.00 PARAPOLITICS by Kenn Thomas Join Steamshovel Press editor Kenn Thomas, as he tracks parapolitics (otherwise known as "conspiracy theory"), in the 21st Century. From the Kennedy assassination to 9/11, Thomas examines the underlying parapolitics that animate the secret elites. Contents include: Election 2000; Danny Casolaro; Orgone; Wilhelm Reich; Eisenhower's secret ally against the aliens; Clinton era conspiracies; Anthrax Terrorists; Media Mindwash; 9/11 Code: PARA Cost: $38.00 CLOAK OF THE ILLUMINATI by William Henry A veritable feast for those who seek knowledge from the ancient wisdom traditions passed down through the ages. Is humankind poised to don a "power suit" in the 21st century—a garb that incorporates genes, bits, neurons and atoms and might even be tuned to the frequency of love and allow interdimensional time travel via stargates and wormholes? Code: COTI Cost: $33.00 To order, see page 96 or phone with credit card on (07) 5442 9280, or visit B O O K S AVA I L A B L E T H R O U G H N E X U S – P r i c e s i n c l u d e G S T a n d p & h CONSPIRACY BOOKS THE ROBOTS' REBELLION by David Icke Points the finger at a secret and ruthlessly manipulative elite dedicated to world domination. Code: ROBO Cost: $44.00 NASA, NAZIS & JFK: THE TORBITT DOCUMENT & JFK ASSASSINATION by Kenn Thomas The Torbitt Document was a damning exposé of J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon Johnson, Werner von Braun and many others for their role in the Kennedy assassination. Links Area 51, Operation Paperclip, NASA, JFK and others. Code: NNJFK Cost: $30.00 MIND CONTROL, OSWALD & JFK by Lincoln Lawrence An underground conspiracy classic arguing that mind-control technologies were an intrinsic part of the JFK assassination scenario. Code: MOOJ Cost: $33.00 LIQUID CONSPIRACY by George Piccard Covers Nazi flying saucer and mindcontrol technology, Project Paperclip , CIA MKULTRA LSD experiments, the JFK acid link, Area 51 UFO programs, cult creation/control, AIDS, barcodes, black helicopters, HAARP and more. Code: LICON Cost: $33.00 THE HISTORY OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS by Charles G. Addison First published in 1842, this invaluable document sheds much light on the Templars and their place in history. Code: HOKT Cost: $33.00 MAURY ISLAND UFO: THE CRISMAN CONSPIRACY by Kenn Thomas With extensive footnotes and appendices, Kenn Thomas's book is the most definitive Maury Island account yet available. A real 'smoking gun' book! Code: MAU Cost: $33.00 into the afterlife, but of his finding fragments of himself from past lives and regaining an appreciation of the totality of his consciousness. Code: VITU Cost: $33.00 VOYAGE BEYOND DOUBT Exploring the Afterlife Series, Volume II by Bruce Moen Continues his journeys into nonphysical realms of existence, with stopovers in the various focus levels 23 to 27—occupied by people in stages from unawareness or denial to being blinded by an afterlife belief system—and in many soul-retrieval and ghost-busting situations. Code: VBD Cost: $35.00 VOYAGES INTO THE AFTERLIFE Exploring the Afterlife Series, Volume III by Bruce Moen Focus 27 is not just a realm to be relegated to the afterlife, there, ready for explorations and meetings, are healing, education and 'bright ideas' centres, coordinating intelligences overseeing time lines and the planetary Grid, and the extradimensional Gathering whose members are monitoring and learning from the 'Earth school'. Code: VITA Cost: $35.00 VOYAGES TO CURIOSITY'S FATHER Exploring the Afterlife Series, Volume IV by Bruce Moen Bruce goes further and deeper than ever before in this quest for knowledge, taking us on his odyssey across the strange, wondrous landscape of the afterlife realms where he meets those who have gone before, asking them some of our greatest questions: What is consciousness? Where do we, and our perceptions, fit into what's real? Code: VTCF Cost: $37.00 ASTRAL DYNAMICS by Robert Bruce A practical book for novices and experienced practitioners alike. Step-bystep guide through the elements of projection (mind-splits, astral sight), new energy ways (imagination vs visualisation, stimulating primary energy centres), core skills (deep physical relaxation) and projection techniques. Code: ASDY Cost: $45.00 KUNDALINI TALES by Richard Sauder, PhD Covers spontaneous spiritual awakenings, out-of-body experiences, close encounters with otherworldly beings. Discusses military/intelligence agencies having the means to induce OOBE and kundalini states electronically and to control remotely the mind and behaviour. Code: KUND Cost: $33.00 THE GOLDEN FOUNTAIN: THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO URINE THERAPY by Coen van der Kroon Urine therapy—the drinking and external application of one's own urine as a healing agent—is an ancient Eastern tradition that is gaining popularity in the West. This is one of the few available books on the subject. Code: TGF Cost: $44.00 THE THREAD OF INFINITY by Jon Whistler Is this fact disguised as fiction? The tale weaves the ultimate conspiracy, a plot which spans time itself. From Atlantis; Rome in the time of Julius Caesar; Judea in the time of Jesus Christ; an ancient American 'Indian' civilisation; the time of Arthur and Merlin in ancient Britain; pre–World War II Nazi Germany; and on into the super-secret world of the Illuminati and the upper echelons of the global intelligence community. Code: TTOI Cost: $39.00 ONE LIGHT by Jon Whistler The amazing story of three scientists who unearth a strange cylindrical object in California, and about the effects the cylinder has on their lives. The three were examining the object when the room filled with light and a holographically projected image addressed them by name. Read on... Code: ONE Cost: $27.00 ENTER THE VORTEX AS ONE LIGHT by Jon Whistler. This book is the followup to One Light, Jon Whistler's story of the unearthing of an artefact through which the messages of Zadore were communicated—to awaken us all to the higher dimensional consciousness that is our true essence. Code: ETV Cost: $29.00 HEALTH BOOKS EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE by Dr Paul J. Ameisen The only book we know of on the successful asthma treatment known as the Buteyko Method. Code: EBYT Cost: $25.00 VACCINATION: The Right Choice? by Maureen Hickman Sydney-based Hickman has drawn on her 25 years of para-legal experience and her expertise in research for legal claims by vaccine-damaged individuals. Code: VTRC Cost: $30.00 VACCINATION – THE "HIDDEN" FACTS by Ian Sinclair Everything the medical authorities don't want you to know about vaccinations, including vaccine deaths and complications, medical lies and coverups, links between cot death (SIDS) and DPT vaccine, and more. Code: VTHF Cost: $33.00 BEHAVIOURAL PROBLEMS IN CHILDHOOD by Viera Scheibner, PhD The increasing prevalence of neurological and behavioural disorders in children is due to vaccinations, argues Viera Scheibner, PhD. These have become worse in recent years with the vaccination of much younger children with increasingly toxic vaccine (and antibiotic) cocktails against diseases which actually boost natural immunity. Code: BPIC Cost: $30.00 HEALTH BOOKS COLLOIDAL SILVER- THE HIDDEN TRUTHS by Keith Courtenay It was only after years of trying to fight off a severe lung disease with antibiotics that Keith Courtenay realised his system was riddled with a chronic Candida yeast infection. In his search for alternatives, Keith stumbled across reference to colloidal silver as a universal germicide, able to kill up to 650 disease-causing micro-organisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts. He was surprised to find much early 20th-century literature about the efficacy of colloidal silver in medicine, and learnt that, with the introduction of antibiotics, its use was superseded and research was halted until the 1970s. Code: COLS Cost: $40.00 HORMONE HERESY: WHAT WOMEN MUST KNOW ABOUT THEIR HORMONES by Sherrill Sellman This is an easy-to-read guidebook about women's hormones and should be read by every woman contemplating going on hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The latest version includes a CD-ROM option, which is totally packed with new information. A must for researchers! Code: HOH Cost: $35.00 Code: HHCD (with CD) Cost: $55.00 VACCINATION (DVD or VIDEO) VACCINATION: THE HIDDEN TRUTH Was it vaccines that saved us? Why aren't they working? How are the many statistics misleading us? What do vaccines contain? Code: VTHT Cost: $40.00 LEN HOROWITZ – BioWarfare EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS & Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional? by Dr Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD Could modern advances in cancer research and genetic biotechnology have given rise to new viruses and the current and coming plagues? More frightening, could the AIDS and ebola epidemics have been planned? Code: EMVI Cost: $60.00 (Hardcover ) METAPHYSICS & MIRACLES THE RED LION by Mária Szepes A story spanning several centuries and lifetimes. This is one of the most amazing books you'll ever read! Code: RED Cost: $44.00 ORACLE OF THE ILLUMINATI: Coincidence, Cocreation, Contact by William Henry Investigative mythologist William Henry's primary mission is finding and interpreting ancient "gateway stories" which feature the use of advanced technology for raising spiritual vibration and increasing our body's innate healing ability. In this book, he shows how the human body shares the design of the complete Ark of the Covenant, and tells what the Gnostics knew about the Divine Particle within. He also unravels important discoveries about the creation of crop circles and the language of light. Code: OOTI Cost: $37.00 UFOs (VIDEO) UFO ABDUCTIONS: A GLOBAL PHENOMENON The latest and most up-to-date cases and research into this baffling phenomenon Code: UFAB Cost: $33.00 UFOs: THE CONTACTS – Part 1 A video documentary looking at the first 'contactees', including Adamski. Presents new and updated information. 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