
March 27, 2018 | Author: 124566 | Category: Portable Document Format, Mac Os, File Format, Software Bug, Library (Computing)



-------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7.1.7 (2015-02-23) * Fifi shape and color now depends on the context: whether snapping to a vertex, boundary, the grid, etc. When no snapping occurs, Fifi is not drawn at all. * The definition of B-splines has changed. For reasons lost in the mist of time, Ipe has for many years used an incorrect definition of uniform B-splines, which handled the boundary conditions wrongly. In particular, the first and final segment of a spline was always a straight segment. This has now been fixed, and the line/spline tools from now on create correct uniform B-splines. In particular, splines with four control points are now identical to cubic Bezier segments. As a generalization, a spline with three control points generates a quadratic Bezier segment, so the special keys 'q' and 'c' in the line tool are now longer needed. One benefit of this change is that it is now possible to cut B-splines (both open and closed) at any knot value, so that splines can be cut without first decomposing them entirely into Bezier curves. Splines created with older versions of Ipe continue to work as before and can still be edited. They are now called "old splines". As a result, the Ipe file format version was updated to 70107. Older versions of Ipe will not read files created with Ipe 7.1.7. * Separate snap mode for snapping to "control points". These are the control points of splines, but also the centers of ellipses/circles/arcs, the corners of images, and the corners and reference point of text objects. * The midpoint of every straight segment is now also a snap point (when control point snapping is on). * When drawing a polyline or spline object, the previous segments of the object being drawn are now already magnetic and can be snapped to. This feature was actually used in several snapping examples in the manual, but didn't work since Ipe 7.0.0. * A left double-click can now be used to terminate a path object instead of a right click. * Windows binaries now use a native UI without Qt. * On Windows, can now use two-finger touch gestures for pan and zoom. They work even in the middle of drawing an object with the mouse or the pen. * The paste actions (Ctrl+V) will now create an image object if the clipboard contains a bitmap (this function used to be "Insert image from clipboard"). * When selecting objects by dragging a rectangle, select all objects included in the rectangle when dragging is from left to right, select all objects intersecting the rectangle when dragging is from right to left. * Windows shell no longer pops up when running Latex (feature #2). * Abort button for current drawing operation (useful on tablet computers without Escape key). * Focus now on text field in text creation dialogs. * When an external editor is defined, the dialog displaying the Latex error log now offers to show the Latex source used by Ipe (feature #24). * Changed file extension of dynamic libraries to .dylib on Mac OS X (feature #20). * Charset support for Latex conversion now supported on Windows. * Static member function "selectPageOrView" moved from "PageSelector" to "CanvasBase". "PageSelector" is now considered an internal class and should not be used by external code (it doesn't even exist in Windows code). * Developer menu with useful functions for customizing ipelets: reload all ipelets (this is useful when working on an ipelet), list all the keyboard shortcuts, check if there are any duplicate shortcuts defined. The developer menu needs to be enabled by setting prefs.developer. * "Insert image" moved into Ipe program itself instead of an ipelet, now implemented using turbojpeg and libpng libraries instead of Qt. * Fixed creation of arc defined by three collinear points. * Lua bindings for: (1) getting gradient from a stylesheet; (2) creating gradients, tilings, and effects through an XML string; (3) removing definitions of symbolic names from a stylesheet. * In "Save as" file dialog, start with the current filename (feature #22). * Fixed missed intersection points between splines and splines/segments (bug #8). * Unused arguments of Object::setAttribute removed. * Fixed crash when snapping to the intersection of two parallel lines ( * Changed default "Save as" destination on Windows to something more useful. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7.1.6 (2014-12-05) * Fixed crash when input file contains zero-radius arc (bug #1). * Added missing "qhull.dll" (bug #3). * IPESTYLES and IPELETPATH now use semicolon as separator on Windows and colon on Unix (bug #4). * New arrow styles "ptarc" and "fptarc" for pointed arrows on circular arcs (feature #19). * Using a separate locale for number conversion, hopefully fixing the problems Ipe users on European locales with a comma for the decimal separator were having (bug #11). * Option "Pretty display" to avoid drawing the green bounding box for text objects, so that one can see what the drawing really looks like (feature #13). * Fixed snapping to negative grid coordinates (bug #9). * Preference prefs.editable_textfile to set the name of the text file to be written for editing in an external text editor. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7.1.5 (2014-05-07) * Enabled automatic shortcuts on MacOS X. The shortcuts Alt+Letter for menu items and dialog buttons should now also work on Macs (thanks Sascha). * Included Voronoi ipelet in Windows binaries * New -nocrop option in iperender. * prefs.editor_size setting now works in Qt build (bug #140). * prefs.docks to choose left/right dock side and prefs.hide_docks to select which docks should be visible when Ipe starts. * prefs.editor_closes_dialog to make editing dialog close immediately when user exits external editor * Fixed crash when Ipe file named on command line exists but cannot be loaded. * Fixed error message when trying to open PDF file that was not created by Ipe. * Iperender will now include the page background if used with -nocrop. * Fix compilation on MacOS X 10.9 (bug #145). * Del key on Mac keyboard now works to delete last vertex (bug #149). * Bitmaps are now displayed on screen with better quality (thanks Dmitriy). * Link to IpePresenter in Ipe manual and on the webpage. IpePresenter executable included in Windows binary package. so they don't wobble anymore (bug #81). . * Selecting objects by dragging a rectangle now correctly updates the primary selection to the last newly selected object (bug #83).1. * Using Monospace font for coordinates. It's faster and fixes bug #125. * Customizing mouse move works as expected (without _G. * Improved Info. * Fixed bug in "ipescript update-master" with several figures (bug #85).mouse) (bug #123). to register Ipe as an editor for IPE. * Snap modes on Ipe-startup can now be specified in preferences (feature #122). * Migrated to using Lua 5. * Snap turned off when switching to "ink" mode if prefs.3 (2013-01-08) Bayreuth edition * Work around rounding error in stretching code. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7.plist for Ipe application bundle on Mac OS X. * Added "Check layer from view" to layer menus (feature #115). Latex is automatically run. * Latex conversion did not work for old pdflatex versions without the \pdfobjcompresslevel macro (bug #116). * Ipe scripts (to be run with "ipescript <script>") must no longer contain the 'require "ipe"' line.2 (feature #113). * Move layer to top didn't work correctly (bug #114). * When text size is changed. * Support for scaling in coordinates display (feature #81). EPS. * "Insert text box" now computes position of new textbox based on the position of the visible text only (feature #141). * Added grid-visible button to toolbar.* Layer names with non-ASCII characters now work and no longer cause a crash (bugs #137 and #132).1.4 (2013-3-15) * Windows binaries provided again. and PDF files (feature #90). * Using libturbojpeg for decoding embedded JPEG images.tablet_mode is true (feature #76). * Fixed compiler warnings (bug #89).1. * Moving layers now moves them to the expected place. and the segment itself is not drawn at all (bug #78). * Fixed crash in rotate with right+alt (bug #97). but give an error message if the layer is active.1 (2011-09-07) SVN 563 Oberwolfach edition * Fixed crash on odoc event on Mac OS X (bug #63).) -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. * "Join paths" and "Compose paths" are again available in the properties menu (bug #91). (Once again. * Checkboxes in dialogs were not initialized correctly (bug #93). * "Delete" and "Merge" now show up for each layer. * Fixed incorrect display of thumbnails in page/view selector and page sorter.tablet_menu is true.2 (2012-1-16) SVN 580 Sydney edition * Latex is now automatically run every time text is inserted or edited. * No longer possible to delete all pages of a document from the page sorter (bug #111). then the arrows are drawn in the fill color. etc. Qt changed the semantics of an operation.lua (feature #98). will only be shown when prefs. * When the end of the undo/redo sequence is reached. This can be disabled from the File menu or from prefs. * Invisible line segments with arrows now work correctly: If a line segment is set to "filled only". Cut. * Properties menu less enormous. * It was impossible to add a clipping path to a group (bug #109).* Deleting single view of a page disabled (bug #110). . * Cycling through "stroke-only / stroke & fill / fill-only" no longer forgets the current colors of the object (bug #79).1. * Update stylesheets didn't look in current directory when filename contained no slash (bug #68). * Color icons again visible in stroke and fill color list in property menu. copy. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. * Search & replace ipelet now only affects selected text objects (bug #96). a message appears only in the status line (no longer using a pop-up). lua". with Canvas and dialog support implemented. and allows to change properties of multiple objects at once. * Zoom and pan now properly initialized when Ipe starts up (feature #4). force line cap to be round to avoid making invisible object (and for consistency with ink tool). * New script "add-style" to add stylesheet to an Ipe figure. * Added "ipescript" tool.* When a point is created using the lines tool (by clicking left and then right at the same location). -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. New "shred" operation. . A Gtk interface is being considered. It is no longer necessary to install the Ipe module for Lua to run scripts.1. More than three buttons can now be used. the last selected object is the primary selection. Perhaps someone will contribute a native Cocoa interface for Mac OS X. * New shredder mode (feature #16). * Always present 'normal' as the first attribute in dropdown list. and also ~/Library/Ipe/Styles on OSX. * Properties menu now also shown when no object selected. * Fixed bounding box when exporting a view to Postscript. * When adding objects to the selection. * Fixed omission of ~/. * Reenabled compilation of omitted image ipelet (bug #66). and created new script "update-styles". * Selection preserved after undo.ipe/ipelets on OSX and added ~/Library/Ipe/Ipelets as well. this will now include ~/. By default. A native Win32 interface is nearly complete.ipe/styles on Unix. * Layers can now be moved in the layerlist (right-click on layer name). * Easier customization of mouse buttons using a table in "mouse. Updating styles both inside Ipe and using "update-styles" now searches the entire IPESTYLES list. * Show real linewidth during handwriting.0 (2011-08-29) SVN 549 * Refactored Ipe code so that it is easy to build the Ipe application with different user interface toolkits. * Removed "-styleupdate" option from ipetoipe. Ipe will search for stylesheets in all these directories. * IPESTYLES is now a list of style directories. * New <textpad> setting in stylesheet to fix cropped text (bug #49). * Mark circle center now also works for arcs (bug #3). Original view/page highlighted in selector. * First attempt to handle file-open events on Mac OS X. * Background no longer hides page number in PDF output (bug #8).lua) (feature #17). not including control points (bug #2). * Fixed spurious loss of pinning information for group objects (bug #37). * Layers are now again presented in the order in which they were added (bug #32). thick lines drawn at configurable steps (see prefs. * Fixed iperender and thumbnails on 64-bit platforms. drawn grid can be coarser than grid resolution. * Pressing Enter in view/page selector now jumps to the view/page (feature #24). In the future we'll need a feature to rearrange them manually. the close button should now correctly reflect whether the document is modified. * Shortcut to rename the active layer (feature #50). This would allow to launch documents by clicking them (feature #58). * Fit to selection/objects now fits to visible object. * Fixed prefs.14 (2011-01-27) SVN 474 Australia edition * Fixed saving of <pagenumberstyle> (bug #7). * Added preference for zoom factor (feature #53). * Grid now only drawn inside page's frame area.* Updated Makefile and instructions for compiling on MacOS X (bug #20). which can then . then in ink mode the selection is not highlighted and the cursor remains a dot (feature #26).0. * Correctly render Latex text inside symbols (bug #18). * Easier to use symbols by remembering current symbol. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. * If prefs. Shortcuts for view/page selector. Including shell script for building an app bundle by leahcimb.tablet_mode is true. * matrix:inverse() no longer crashes on singular matrix. * Fixed regular k-gon ipelet (bug #35). * Circle to ellipse transformation no longer crashes on singular ellipse (bug #21). * Fixed display of subsection bookmarks (bug #31). * On MacOS X.lua for MacOS X (bug #28). -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe inserted with one function key (Alt+Y) (feature #19). and Ipe will display page numbers on screen as in the PDF output if page numbering is enabled. * New dialog for jumping to a page or view. and selecting those in ipetoipe. * Fixed selection of invisible objects. * Pressing the pen without movement in ink tool now makes a dot. * New preference: prefs. * Pressing the eraser end of a pen should generate a middle button event.coordinates_format * Feedback in status line for line and spline tools now permanent. * Introduced pref. * Page sorter that lets you rearrange the pages of the document. * Implemented marking of pages and views for printing in Ipe. This is implemented using a new widget and function in libipeqtcanvas so that it can be reused easily: int pno = ipeqt::PageSelector::selectPageOrView(doc) * When using the ink tool. * New action: "fit to page width" * In handwriting mode.13 (2010-11-26) SVN 466 * Error message when document requires charset conversion but iconv is not compiled in.12 (2010-11-21) SVN 452 . -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. * Handwriting now creates paths with round line cap. actual stroke color is used while handwriting. * Layers now shown in the order in which they appear in views of the page.0.close_distance. regardless of current setting (but that can still be changed afterwards).0. cursor is a dot. * Safety check for reasonable locale on startup. showing thumbnails of the pages/ views. * Paste at cursor now correctly observes pinning of the object. * ipeqt::Canvas can now show page numbers. * Fixed serious memory leak in group object. * New preference prefs.isy. * Stylesheet can specify an alternate encoding for the Latex source file. * Text edit window now has an "Apply" button. * Possibility to clip to paper in ipeqt::Canvas. * New -transparent flag for Iperender. It will update the text object and run Latex. * Added "mactex2009-fontmap. * Ignoring Escape button in text creation/editing windows. to make customization work as documented. * Fixed bug in Ipe6 stylesheet in ipe6upgrade. . * Edit toolbar. * Fixed loading of ipelets to occur before analyzing the configuration. Now using the file format version as intended. for tablet users. * Changed temporary latex filename to "ipetemp. * Fixed bugs in alignment ipelet (thanks Norbert).tex" * Small changes to make Ipe compile with Sun compiler (thanks Kostas). * Use -dylib_install_name option on Mac OS.11 release. * Fixed error reading views with no visible layer.0. * Fixed selection status in "Insert image" ipelet. * Implemented multiple shortcuts for an action (request #345). * Include "beamer.xml" (by Changmook Chun). without closing the editing window. * Made use of iconv configurable. * Worked around Qt crash in arc edit (bug #338).isy" to use math fonts as in beamer.isy and presentation. * config.* Fixed several small bugs in 7. Includes a sticky shift key.automatic_use_title.0. * Possibility to store notes with each page. The Latex source is converted from UTF-8 to this encoding during Latex conversion.screen_geometry provides width and height of default screen in Lua. * "version" attribute in <ipe> tag was incorrectly filled with the Ipelib version. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7.11 (2010-11-13) SVN 444 India edition * Fixed definition of filled marks in basic. 6 compilation. * Fixed bug in undo clipping (bug #333). * Shortcuts in linetool can be configured (#346). -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7.9 (2009-11-20) SVN 393 * Changed default setting for MOC to moc-qt4. * The "change width" box was placed incorrectly if the minipage had been moved (bug #326).40. * Fixed display in path drawing tool on Windows (bug #323).auto_external_editor. * Preference to set size of main window at startup (prefs. * Convert "runlatex. and symbolic links created while building and installing. * IPEANCIENTPDFTEX environment variable to support pdftex versions older than 1.* New preference prefs.0. * Ipe should now work with Texlive 2010 (bug #350).window_size).lua). * config. * New script "ipe-update-master" (see manual under "advanced topics").0. * Fixed broken line cap on circular arc (bug #325). . -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. * SONAME set for all dynamic libraries. * Support for color-keyed bitmaps. classic grid. * Better support for Mac OS 10.bat" to OEM codepage on Windows. * Allow customization of canvas display: paper color. thickness of grid lines (see prefs. * Fixed snapping to intersections of ellipses (bug #318). * Open/Save can now handle non-ASCII filenames when not using UTF-8.platform now returns "apple" on Mac OS X. * Fixed display of line cap and line join in EPS (bug #331).10 (2009-12-09) SVN 402 * Fixed crash in arc drawing (bug #324). * Support non-ASCII characters in PDF output of document title/subject/author and in bookmarks. * Lua code can show and hide dock windows using showTool. * Fixed broken interpretation of symbol/mark matrix (bug #310). * Tooltips in "Properties" dock. to avoid surprises like bug #308. * Added opacity and gradient pattern to path property menu. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. * Current settings indicated in path property menu. * Implemented "prefs. * Menu item for showing/hiding bookmarks. * FreeBSD and Mac OS do not support "install -t <dir>".0. * Recognize Mac OS and change some compilation flags in Makefiles. * Fixed crash during stylesheet add (bug #315). * Fixed mouse shortcuts (Shift+Right and Shift+Ctrl+Right didn't work properly).* Fixed snapping to boundaries of arcs. * Fixed page numbering (bug #311). * "Edit" button in stylesheets dialog to edit stylesheet using external editor. * Implemented F3 (Set line & snap) for arcs and Bezier splines. * New shortcut "Ctrl+Return" to accept dialogs (useful in multi-line text input fields).7 (2009-10-23) SVN 361 * Removed -fno-exceptions and -fno-rtti from CXXFLAGS.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. and so invocations of "install" were changed to use the traditional syntax "install <files> <dir>". * Enabled display of paper boundary during panning again.8 (2009-11-04) SVN 373 * Option -show-configuration to show the current configuration on stdout. * Moved path join/cap/fill rule to the path property menu. * Fixed wrong transformation matrix after path editing (bug #313). . * New preference to set size of dialog to create/edit text objects. * Fixed incorrect handling of line cap and line join (bug #312).select_distance". Saying. * Function to check symbolic attributes. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. then these arrows take on a shape that . When the final segment of a path is circular arc. Bug #309.0.5 (2009-10-22) SVN 357 * Created script "svgtoipe. (Bug #288) * #define to enable use of ancient pdftex versions ( < 130). * Fixed views without active layer. 'export IPEQTSTYLE="cleanlooks" ' would fix the Qt crash in some styles on some systems. * Support base64-encoding for bitmaps in XML format. The file format has changed slightly because of this. * Show current view and page number in the properties window. for instance. It is available as a separate download. Gradients can now have more than two color stops.6 (2009-10-23) SVN 359 * Worked around Qt styling bug in QComboBox (bug #308).) * Gradient support changed: gradients are now used as fill patterns for path objects. This fixes opacity names starting with digits.-------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. * Fixed handling of matrix in path join. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. * Fixed filename in autosave (bug #2883631).0. * Fixed selection of objects in locked layers. Using QSignalMapper now to map signals (no derived classes). * Fixed renaming of active layers. * LayerBox popup moved into Lua code. (See bug #308.interface now checks that attributes have correct type before passing them to Ipelib. There is no support for reading 70000-version files with gradients. * Added "arc" and "farc" arrow" to convert SVG files to Ipe format. * ipe6upgrade: fixed empty dash. so the current file format version is 70005.4 (2009-10-14) SVN 335 * Fixed bug in save_as (bug #305). * Made Lua interface for attribute values more robust . * Environment variable IPEQTSTYLE sets this Qt style.0. This is activated by creating a layer named "VIEWBBOX". so it suffices to say "ipe -sheet presentation" to create a new presentations. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. * Fixed handling of path objects with missing stroke and fill attributes. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. * Fixed cropped boundaries in iperender (bug #284). * Implemented automatic angular snapping. * Several bugs fixed.0. You can now create a new presentation by saying "ipe -sheet presentation". * Added "presentation.save_as_directory).1 (2009-09-17) SVN 288 * Path entry tool finished. * If Ipe is called with a non-existing file as an argument. * Using Cairo font if Latex has not been run. see prefs. require Pdflatex 1. it will not show an error message but remember the file for the next save.3 (2009-10-10) SVN 318 * Style sheets now looked for in IPESTYLES directory.0. including scissors and path join implemented. * "Save as" dialog will start in more sensible directory (can be customized. * Fixed snapping to ends of B-spline (bug #290).2 (2009-09-27) SVN 311 * Path edit tool. * Fixed handling of horizontal and vertical alignment and transformable text from Properties menu.30.isy" to styles directory. * Included intersection snapping (from pre29). * Fixed computation of bounding box of transformed text object. * Implemented clipping path operations for groups. can switch between spline and line mode and handle quadratic and cubic Bezier splines and circular arcs.0. * Fixed Cairo glyph cache handling (bug #293). as metafont arrows do.depends on the radius of the arc. . -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. * Fixed colorstack problem in Latex run. * Ipe can now create independent bounding boxes for each view. Iperender does not need to be linked with a GUI toolkit and requires no X server. Circular arcs on the screen should now be accurate even at high zoom. * There were many small changes in the file format during the lifetime of Ipe 6. * Group object can now have a clipping path. and a separate program ipe6upgrade is used to convert from Ipe 6 to Ipe 7 format. . * Gradients. * Painter now has a drawArc primitive. and Lua as a scripting language. though. (PDF and Postscript output still needs to approximate using splines.0 (2009-09-16) SVN 282 * Most of Ipe was rewritten entirely. Right mouse button is now always the popup menu. Ipeextract can help to recover files that are unreadable due to an Ipe bug.* Mark shape selection moved to properties window.) * Text "transformable" attribute replaced by general "transformations" attribute. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 7. ipeqt. * C++ method names now start with a lowercase letter.0. Any object can be restricted to translations only or rigid motions only. ipeui. and transparency added. SVG output can be used to embed scalable Ipe figures in webpages. * Mouse button shortcuts have been changed. tilings. so it can easily be used on a webserver (to convert Latex source to images or SVG art). which can produce output in PNG and in SVG. * Ipe now fails gracefully on incorrect XML input. ipelua. * Mark object removed (it is now implemented using symbols). The entire high-level Ipe model is written in Lua. * Using Cairo library for rendering Ipe documents. * Namespaces ipe. * Ipeextract can open any Ipe file (any version of Ipe 6 or 7) and extract the XML stream.0 has a fresh format. * The grid has been replaced by graph paper. * Ipetopng was replaced by iperender. Qt for the user interface. and it was becoming cumbersome (and buggy) to keep Ipe able to read all these various versions. Ipe 7. * Standard style settings are no longer hardwired into Ipe. * Added $(INSTALL_ROOT) variable to Makefiles for packaging. * User-defined marks and arrows can be defined in a style sheet. Everything is defined in loadable stylesheets. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. * Ipe XML format contains DOCTYPE declaration.* Ipe now runs creates temporary directory for running latex under Windows in user's local APPDATA directory.2 (bug #272). we just set the numeric locale until it becomes clear how ANSI C wants programs to write independent data files (bug #263). #268). It breaks Ipe whenever distributions upgrade freetype.0 preview 32 (2008-12-01) * Fixed writing floating point numbers (bug #274). * Path objects can be drawn using a pen on a tablet PC. freetype should provide upwards binary compatibility. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. Since the Ipe file must be locale independent. * New alignment modes to distribute centers and sides equally. * ANSI C format to "C" locale now requires printf to obey the locale. * Ipe symbols can be used as the "bullet" in itemize environments etc.0 preview 32 patch 1 (2009-04-30) * Fixed writing floating point numbers again (bug #279). * Ipetoipe. * Text for latex conversion is now written out in UTF-8. * Support for subpixel information from a tablet (but still completely untested).5 breaks setting locale (bug #281). * Fixed broken \rule (bug #268).0 preview 31 (2008-11-04) * Fixed display of mathematical symbols and rules (bugs #253. * Qt 4. * Removed check against freetype version. ipeextract guess output filename if it is not provided. either "inputenc" or "CJK"). * Appearance of page numbers on the page can be customized in the style sheet. and "ipe. * Latex and XML code can now be edited using an external editor. and seems no longer necessary. and it is assumed that Pdflatex can handle that (using a suitable package. * Fixed compilation with Qt 4. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. ipe6upgrade.dtd" is provided. . In principle. 3 (bug #265). * Correctly handle & in page titles and section headings (bug #240). top-to-bottom.40 (in MikTeX 2. * Snapping now recognizes the corners and the boundary of paper and frame. The function "Insert textbox" actually inserts a 'minipage'. * Fixed incorrect label for "Turn 90 degrees" and "Turn 270 degrees" ipelets (bug #244). * Fixed the broken user interface (fields were too small to contain the text) on Unix (removed a static QFont) (bug #191). vertically. * Some changes for g++ 4. The "layout" now defines the size of the paper and the 'frame'. * New alignment functions: left-to-right. and . * Textstretch is now a single scalar. * Pascal-Nicolas Becker. it is displayed on the page as defined in the style sheet. or entirely. * Antialiasing now also works on systems without X Render extension. * Figtoipe now distributed separately. The layout is specified in the style sheet (and so the paper size can no longer be changed from the UI). * Pages can now have a title (Page/Edit title and sections). a rectangular area where (most) drawing on a page will occur. set to cover the entire width of the frame and horizontally pinned.6 and texlive 2007). The frame can be anywhere on the paper. and is displayed with a dotted line on the screen. * Ipe5toxml now distributed separately.0 preview 30 (2007-11-27) * Ipe now works with pdftex 1. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. Frederik Hermans. * Objects can now be pinned horizontally.0 preview 28 (2006-12-23) * To allow for interesting styles that can be applied at will and exchanged to change the look of a presentation. If a title is set. The origin of the Ipe coordinate system is the lower left corner of the frame (no longer of the paper). there were several changes. and Damian Schmidt implemented the missing forms of intersection snapping (for arcs and Bezier curves). with bug fix by Jonathan Backer. with transformable set to false.* Ipe now tries hard not to write numbers in the "1e-3" format that PDF and Postscript do not understand (bug #209). * Ipe no longer makes a distinction between 'textbox' and 'minipage'. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. top-and-bottom. It was too annoying. * When the page is empty. * Added -from and -to options to ipetoipe. * Fixed display of bitmaps in Background template in PDF output. "Fit objects" does a "Fit frame".0 preview 27 (2006-09-26) * Function to update all style sheets of the document from external style sheet files (with matching names in the same directory as the Ipe document). * Hopefully fixed the bug that caused keyboard shortcuts to not work sometimes. and two columns as before). * Text style now accessible through popup menu. where the properties not in the properties panel can be set and changed (en masse). one column. * Added "Euclidean Geometry" ipelet by Jari Lappalainen to distribution. * Fixed paste-undo-undo crash (bug #198). Mark shape and transformable text have been moved here. * The layout of the properties panel can now be selected from three variants (one row. * Added "Change text width" to "Edit" menu (and a shortcut key).left-and-right. . * Moved layer renaming to layer list and fixed problem (bug #187). * Ipe now requires Qt 4. * Mark objects can now be filled (for type 'Box' and 'Circle') (bug #139). * Text size can now be set while creating text object. * Ipetopng no longer needs an X server. * Fixed crash when a style sheet containing a template was updated. * Added "Move" ipelet by Gunter Schenck to distribution (bug #53). * Automatic angular snap is now in force during moving. * Save and restore toolbar state (bug #197). * New functions for moving to/selecting all in any layer.2 or higher (Qmake has silently changed its quoting syntax) (bug #176). * Removed canvas tooltip again. * New "Properties" menu. * Coordinate display shows units. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. * Text in Background template works now. * Fixed rendering bug for text (bug #146). * Ipetoipe showed number of pages. * Disable canvas tooltip while drawing. * Fixed duplicated control point when joining paths to form a closed loop (bug #133). * Anti-aliasing enabled for lines and edges (this is controlled by the preference setting for anti-aliasing fonts). * Fixed display of size (not an integer) in ipetopng (bug #155). It didn't work in a portable way. inches. * Added "Reset Direction" function (bug #140).5 (bug #179). * Save as bitmap now uses anti-aliasing (bug #138). * Removed the inclusion of additional directories to the Latex source path. when testing for conversion to EPS (bug #155). and I don't think it's very useful. not number of views. * Double buffering is now a preference. * Fixed warnings on unused return values (bug #169. * New functions to move objects forward/backward more precisely (bug #144). It seems not to work on some (Linux) systems. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. Fixes problems with MikTex 2.2 (bug #159). * Reading and writing through Qt is now explicitely buffered (bug #162). Enabled double-buffering.0 preview 26 (2005-12-14) * Added visibility polygon ipelet by Chris Gray. * Fixed crash when path started with zero length segment followed by circle arc (bug #145). * Can now select display of mouse position in points. or millimeters (bug #156). * Last line in minipage environments is terminated with a LF now. * Fixed double vertex in regular k-gon. * Fixed inclusion of JPG images with zero resolution. * Changed project type of ipelets to plugin (bug #171). #170).* Option -styleupdate for "ipetoipe". . * Fixed warning when compiling ipestdfonts with GCC 4. * Removed the 'Postscript' file format. To draw objects without boundary.common Latex environments can be used that way without having to type them every time. use the new 'void' line style.0. and avoids problems with invisible text and marks. * Virtual destructors to make g++ 4 happy.0 preview 25 (2005-11-24) * Migrated to Qt 4. * Minipage objects now have a "Latex style" . * Fixed matrix problem in smallest-circle ipelet. this template will automatically be shown on each page. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. * Fixed cancellation of color dialog (bug #121). This replaces the old "background" layer + reference mechanism. * Fixed bug #122 (shortcuts for actions were not disabled during drawing). Keyboard shortcuts can be defined for any Ipelet as well. * If the style sheet contains a template with name "Background". * Fixed default setting of editor font (bug #131). * Templates containing bitmaps are now supported (bug #100). * When Ipe displays the Latex log file. it highlights the errors and . * Starting to make snapshots available between releases. This model allows for arrows without tails. Key assignments can be easily customized by editing an XML file. and EPS. PDF. The three Ipe file formats are now XML. * Fixed problem in JPEG importing on systems where char is signed. * Added "About ipelets" to display proper credits for code used in ipelets. * Changed rendering of text (using QPainter::drawImage). * Changed "default" text style back to Latex default style (justified).0 and switched to MinGW compiler on Windows. * Fixed bug #123 (Fifi bleeding). There is no need to explicitely create a reference on each page anymore. * Fixed "pan here" (bug #119).* Changed how key assignments are defined. * 'void' is no longer allowed as a stroke color. * Added smallest enclosing circle ipelet written by Chris Gray to the distribution. . * A subpath consisting of a single moveto no longer causes Ipe to crash (but to fail an assertion). * Fixed bug #103 (comment in last line of text object).scrolls automatically to the first one.. * Fixed building RPM from source RPM (bug #98. * 'media' attribute is now in the <info> element. * Fixed bug #116 (error in IpeBezier::Straight). line join. * Fixed bug #86 (incorrect XML for textsize). Object menu now shows them correctly (enhancement #79). . * Fixed bug #96 (vertical text caused Acrobat to fail opening PDF). where it should have been all along. * Ipe XML files can now have extension ". * Changes to stroke color of text objects are displayed immediately. * Loading and saving alternative formats replaced by auto-exporting.ipe" (enhancement #92). --> . * Ipe XML parser now silently skips all tags whose name starts with "x-".. * "Ipe5toxml" is no longer automatically called... * Removed handling of obsolete Ipe file versions in IpeImlParser. * Ipe can now number pages visibly in the PDF output. * Fixed -lastview option in ipetoipe (introduced in pre23 but didn't actually work. * Fixed bug #102 (bookmark destinations were wrong). * -nocolor option for ipetoipe (enhancement #107). * Fixed bug #77 (spaces in layer names). thanks to Laurent Rineau). * Resolution of bitmaps displayed on screen now configurable. to be shared between other programs and Ipe (enhancement #110). * Option -runlatex for Ipetoipe (enhancement #88). * Default line cap. This allows you to make XML files with more information. * XML comments now use correct syntax <!-. * Fixed bug #83 (editing a path lost arrows).) * No more support for KDE (it doesn't use Qt 4). * Recognize alternative names of standard fonts used in libwmf (bug #109). and fill rule can now be defined in the style sheet. . * Fixed filename of "ipe5toxml" in Unix build. an auxiliary program that converts figures in FIG format (as created by xfig) to Ipe format. as reported by Jirka Matousek.* Fixed bug #74 (New layer. * Fixed bug #70 (wrong filename for ipe5toxml) * Fixed bug #71 (compiler warning in qvoronoi. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. * Fixed bug #58: "Edit object" now in Edit menu.cpp) * Fixed ASCII85 encoder (if # bytes was multiple of 4.0 preview 23 (2004-11-22) * Option for ipetoipe to save last view of each page only (#69). -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. Caused errors in Ghostscript. * Snapping to center of arc works now. * "Last page" now goes to last page (not second-to-last one). * Fixed enabling/disabling of keyboard shortcuts for edit menu. * Bug #72 appears to be fixed.0 preview 22 (2004-09-07) * Fixed crash when cutting the only page. text size and mark shape in group objects. * Intersection snapping now works inside groups. * Fixed handling of mark size. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. new view keeps view settings). * Changed computation of dimmed colors (Qt's definition doesn't dim black at all). * Fixed bug #67 (splinegons with less than 3 control points). * Fixed bug #59: pasting didn't work on Unix. * Fixed bug #65 (changing attributes and visibility of layers does not cause "edited" status of page to be changed).0 preview 21 * Fixed compilation on some Debian architectures. no EOD marker was generated). * Fixed bug #64: undo wasn't properly cleared. * Added "figtoipe". Shortcuts should now be recognized in any situation.0 preview 20 * It now works to copy objects between Ipe and Emacs on Unix as well. * Added <cmap> tag to style sheet.. * Fixed rounding behavior of resolution when zooming in and out. * Members of IpeView are now private. The difference between a hidden layer and a layer not in the current view was too confusing. * Added -noshading option to ipetoipe. * Fixed bug #54: Selecting objects no longer first snaps the cursor position. * Fixed Postscript rendering of objects where stroke and fill color are identical (and not black). -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6./share/man/man1) * Saving page labels in PDF file. * Fixed rendering of selection on Unix. * Fixed behavior of "stretch" on aligned mouse movements (also fixes bug #49). * Page tools hidden when only one view exists. * Don't create CropBox/ArtBox for entirely empty pages (crashes gpdf). * Showing relative coordinates as well as absolute ones. * Made grid size an integer.* Corrected default location of manpages (.. * Documented environment variables in man pages and manual. * Fixed deletion of layer. * Added sections and subsections for multi-page documents (shown as "Bookmarks" in PDF readers). * Fixed crash in "Fit objects" when width or height is zero. * Fixed oversized color tools. * Fixed bug #55: Edit path didn't show your options when started. * Revised handling of shortcut keys completely. * Removed hiding of layers. -------------------------------------------------------------------- . * Removed dependence on Xpdf. * Ipe now displays current mouse position in user coordinates. * Fixed enormous memory leak in Ipebitmap destructor.0 preview 18 (2004-06-28) * Fixed crash when creating circle through three points. This only adds very rudimentary KDE support. * Removed IPEDATADIR from options. . -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6.Ipe 6.ipe * Added -debug command line flag. Ipelib now contains the necessary code to parse and produce PDF as well as Postscript. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6.0 preview 19 (2004-06-30) * Fixed crash in scissors. * All personal Ipe configuration files are now in $HOME/. * Ipe could not load its own figures because of a stupid typo. * Split ipetoipe and ipetopng. * Directory for documentation is now configurable separately (for systems such as Debian where the natural place for documentation is in /usr/share/doc/ipe). for instance Ipe now correctly switches style when the theme is changed in the KDE control center. * Compilation against KDE libraries supported. so Ipelib clients can open any kind of Ipe document. * Fixed incorrect call to putenv (glibc has changed the semantics). * Generate /ToUnicode character maps if Cyberbit is used. * Moved documentation to /usr/share/doc in RPMs. * Removed pdftoipe from main Ipe distribution and packaged separately (it's still contained in the Windows distribution). * Building source RPM and binary RPM for Fedora Core 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6.0 preview 16 (2004-06-05) * Ipetoipe was not installed.0 preview 17 (2004-06-25) * Added man pages. 0 preview 15 (2004-06-04) * Color changes in text objects (e. so that switching back to a view to edit it makes objects go in the right layer (usually). * Latex style files are now searched for both in the current directory and in the directory containing the Ipe document. * Pressing the right mouse button in the layer list opens a context menu. see the manual). * Added a simple clipping ipelet (clips only marks and line segments to a convex polygon . the style sheet tag has been renamed from <textmatrix> to <textstretch> (with slightly changed syntax. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6.g. made using \textcolor) and quotient bars are now shown on screen. A locked layer cannot be . * Simple background shadings are now possible using <shading> in a style sheet. They are just variants of label and minipage.just about enough to be useful for clipping Voronoi diagrams). this changes the semantics of Ipe documents! To make it possible to do this change automatically. the user drags out the actual desired width. A new function 'Insert text object' creates textbox objects with fixed left and right margins (set in the style sheet). and when creating a minipage object. the conversion factor is applied to the width of ALL text objects in the document. They are easier to create and maintain. * Two new types of text objects defined. Unfortunately. * Renamed the method NotifyStyle to CheckStyle. * Move-to-back function now inserts in front of anything in background layer. Smarter zoom on opening documents. page views) are now fully integrated in Ipe's main user interface. The width/depth/height of text objects now correctly reflects this stretching. where the option is '-geometry').* Fixed a bug in scissors. * Views keep a record of the active layer. * Fixed bug #42 (linewidth could be null in IpeBBoxPainter). * Command line option -geom WxH+X+Y (note the slight difference to X11. Currently. * Changed handling of style-sheet stretching of text objects. * Simplified handling of locked layers. * Views (that is. a simple automatic conversion is done: if the style sheet contains ANY textmatrix tag. * Ipe remembers file format used for saving. * In preferences dialog. and the default style sheet.dll) * Finally libipe is compiled as a DLL on Windows as well. The Ipe canvas can be reused by programs wishing to display Ipe data. -topdf etc) has been moved into a separate program "ipetoipe". * Changed license to allow linking with CGAL. * Disabled pasting bitmaps on Windows version . * Changed to using dynamic Borland RTL (cc3250.. and fixed a crash when it is called without any sites. * Fixed problem with templates not defined in current style sheet.Qt crashes on certain bitmaps (perhaps GIF format bitmaps??) * Fixed serious bug that stopped Ipe from opening any figure containing bitmaps. .made the active layer now. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. * Fixed bug #28 again. * Fixed bug #40 (atan2 DOMAIN bug on zero-length segments). default paper size. * Added setting for infinite-edge length to qvoronoi ipelet. window maximizing. * Only one (global) media size per Ipe document. * Ipe file format conversion functionality (-topng.0 preview 14 (2004-04-30) * Changed display of grid as requested by Sariel Har-Peled. and hopefully really. * Fixed divide by zero crash in arc drawing. one can now set the initial grid visibility.0 preview 13 (2004-04-20) * Official Windows Ipe distribution is now compiled with free Borland C++ compiler. differently. * Each page stores the grid size used to create it. * Style sheets can now define LaTeX preamble pieces. * Refactored Ipe program into separate model/canvas library. * New 'templates' ipelet with simple functionality for making backgrounds for presentations.. * Fixed bug #37 (Ipe now more accurately computes the bounding box stored in PDF output). XXX -->. Mac OS X 10. * According to Stefan Langerman. the current directory is searched. Fixed in Ipe. * Added feature #22 (loading and modifying files for which pdf and eps versions exist). added inserting from clipboard. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6.3 changes name convention for dynamic libraries. . * Fixed compilation on Solaris and other Unixes (thanks to Kostas Oikonomou).4. accepts XML comments <-. * Improved C++ portability (thanks to Thomas J. * Fixed bug #38 (horizontal text alignment not preserved when reloading). * Fixed bug #1 (copied text has wrong textmatrix). (When using the -topdf etc options.) * Fixed bug #20. * XML parser slightly improved. * Fixed display of arrows on non-solid lines.* Command line option to add a style sheet to new document.0 preview 12 (2003-11-18) * Fixed bug #24: A pdfTeX/pdfeTeX mixup that stopped Ipe from working with MikTeX 2. * Ipe now compiles on two different compilers without warnings. The directory containing the Ipe file is now searched for Latex style files. * Notes on changing keyboard shortcuts (thanks to Kostas Oikonomou). * Fixed bug #13 (Symbolic attributes missing in the style sheet no longer cause Ipe to crash). Kacvinsky). Ipe should compile with Forte C++ now. creation of arc/circle through three collinear points. * Invisible text objects no longer break latex run.0 preview 11 (2003-11-06) * Patches by Stefan Langerman for Mac OS X. * Fixed bug #28 (Ipe5toxml couldn't run). Ctrl+V will now paste a bitmap from the clipboard. * Fixed bug #18. * Documentation wasn't installed correctly. * "Insert image" moved to file menu. * Fixed bug #26 (Ipe doesn't work with fptex). -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. * Fixed stroke color appearing incorrectly on screen when using anti-aliased text. * Fixed bounding box of marks. * It's no longer necessary to enter an extension when saving. Ipe should now work correctly with the Freetype version already on the system. * "runlatex. * Fixed bug #11 (Ipe closes without saving file).* Ipe installation automated with "make install". even if they have been inserted several times from the same file. * Copy and paste for whole pages implemented.bat" created with CRLF * Support for multi-key sequences if compiled with Qt 3. * Function to move objects to current layer (in Layer menu). * Fixed Ctrl+E leaving Ipe. * Fixed handling of text matrix (with "presentation.1. * Fixed undocumented operator 'h'. * Added "What's this" to snap buttons. * Fixed bug #12 (Arrows drawn with dotted linestyle). * Fixed serious problem that caused Ipe figures to crash printer or previewer when circles/arcs where used.xml" style sheet). . * Paragraph input dialog comes up with focus. * Fixed bug that caused menu to be dimmed when creating marks and labels. * Copy and paste for images fixed. Ipe will now use whatever is set as the filter in the dialog.0 preview 10 (2003-04-14) * Changed calls to Freetype to be less dependant on Freetype version. * Ipe is now usable with two-button mouse (see manual section "Mouse shortcuts") * Images will only be embedded once. * Fixed crash when snapping to intersection on zero-length segments * Fixed bugs in "Goodies/Precise box" * "Duplicate" now unselects old objects. including baseline position.0 preview 9 (2003-03-26) * Compression option in Preferences is now a single checkbox.* Using system fontmap if available.txt" for instructions. * Keyboard shortcuts for ipelets possible (and used by align ipelet) * Copy and paste of Unicode text works now. * Style sheet dialog. . * Function to save current page as bitmap (can also be called from command line as -topng). * Fixed masks for toolbar icons. * Ipelet/Align supports baseline alignment. * Fixed behaviour when switching between absolute and symbolic attributes. * Edit and Ungroup now available in Edit menu. They are now finally embedded efficiently in PDF documents (that is. Introduced separate switch for grid size and angle. * Can change font of Latex source input fields. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. not once in PDF format and once in XML format). * Reference point of text objects can be chosen. See "install. * Fixed size selection of Ipe window on start-up. * Support for magnified text in presentations (see section on Style Sheets in the manual). stretched. * When saving a file. * Large bitmaps are rendered at lower resolution to speed up redisplay. * Anti-aliased text. otherwise allow installer to specify Ipe fontmap. * Finished handling of images. * Zoom spinbox buttons behave more reasonably. and scaled). * Displaying closed paths on-screen uses line-join properly now. * Goodies ipelet: Function "Create mediabox" added. * Pasting text creates a text object. * Text objects can now be transformed (rotated. * Ipe checks for not matching header files/library version for libipe and libfreetype. Ipe runs Pdflatex only if it's necessary. Can also be used to change the keyboard shortcuts. * Fixed origin of stretch/scale. EPS. 1994 * rewrote Ipe to run under the X window system. This version. one using gl and my previous code.4 in Windows distribution. * Text objects have no snapping. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. and XML files smaller).* Support for Ipe localization added.0 preview 4 (2003-02-28) * First public release of Ipe 6. and ported to HP7xx systems and Sun SparcStations. the other using plain X calls. upgraded to zlib 1. needs to allocate a large number of color cells to implement an overlay plane with double buffering (which gives much smoother drawing). * "Select all" retains primary selection. .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 5. * Object menu button finds near object if primary selection is far from mouse. * Width of paragraph objects can be changed (in object menu). angular snapping is now off.0 August 15. * Inserting bitmap images compresses the bitmap (makes PDF.0 preview 7 (2003-03-14) * Voronoi diagram ipelet * Invisible layers are hidden in default PDF presentation * Zlib no longer included in source distribution.1. * Snapping functions F3 and Shift-F3 implemented. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 6. * 'Normal size' function implemented according to Rene's suggestion. * In snapping functions F1 and F2. however. * there are two versions of the canvas. * the user interface is now based on Motif. * Inserting JPEG images is now supported. * Keyboard shortcuts can be configured (see section "Customizing Ipe" in the manual). * fixed up manual and index. * the height of the bounding box shown for minipages is now computed through LaTeX. you first have to drag out a bounding rectangle. * when creating a Minipage object. * added Segments object type. * the executable for a Ium is now required to have the file extension . Only the width is part of the minipage's definition. .* added fields showing the name of the last operation and the keyboard shortcut. like any other object. instead of in the Ipe documentation. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 4.ium. * the windows are now redrawn while loading and saving files. so we can use real LaTeX font sizes. * changed style files and documentation to conform to LaTeX2e. * the Ium interface now handles -input and -file. * moved more complicated Iums out of standard Ipe distribution and put the documentation on my www page (the world wide Ipe home page). * added blueadj and display options for mipe. and is capable of making this persistent. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 4. * when previewing a single page that does not contain any text object. The style file ipe.5 and irix 5. to compactify Ipe files containing lots of strokes of the same type (which typically arise in mechanically created drawings). * font sizes are now defined as floats. * changed calling of Iums so that the same Ipe binary works under irix 4.0.x.cls. This will make it easier and more convenient to update the set of Iums for non-local users. Latex is not run anymore. 1994 * the Ipe file format is now at the same time an encapsulated Postscript file (eps). and it can be included without any package support.0 March 8. 1994 * fixed bugs introduced with the transition to PLAGEO 2.sty is now only necessary for scaling or other non-standard behavior.0.1 July 5. * Text and Mark objects can now be invisible. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 3. * the pop up bit-planes are now managed via redraw events. * made changes necessary to use PLAGEO 2. * added arrows for splines (back). This may become confusing.2 February 10. the possibility to specify an Ipe file as a ``user macro''. * fixed treatment of linewidth for Postscript importing. the preamble of the containing file is used again. * added directional snapping modes. Ipe now has a full spline object type. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 3. * put documentation in html document.0. * added reading and writing of raw bitmaps when communicating with . Ipe will now redraw while waiting for a Ium to finish. * added "With Prologue" button and code.400bp). supports snapping to splines. The interface is much clearer. * made mouse-explainer work for forms objects and with Shift and Ctrl keys. * added some Ipe user macros for handling bitmaps.) * the manual is now in a reasonable shape * added ``Ipe user objects''. * added a Ium for polygon approximation.* introduced UndoLimit configuration variable and statistics function (in misc menu). so that printing the Ipe file directly will roughly center it on a4 or letter style paper. * the center of the drawing is now mapped to (300bp. and the ESC button can be used to cancel a Ium. and has a clearer interface. 1994 * made Ipe into a ``package'' (this concerns some changes in our local installation. After insertion. * changed handling for calling Iums. * while loading a file.1 February 1. the new Latex preamble is now already in effect. But: this is now also true when inserting a file. 1994 * rewrote the spline code. Made colors that are used in pop up planes user-definable. based on the "lug" graphics utilities library by Raul Rivero. * when Ipe is killed and the drawing is not saved.iperc file format. and controlled by a single subroutine. * added MakeBackups option. * Rotate. * export Idraw has disappeared for the time being. since all interesting pictures have some elements that Idraw doesn't understand. Scale. imgworks. * added type-driven selection mode. * revised the handling of keyboard and menu events. The same works for M-C-a. only objects of the currently active type are considered. Currently available are convex hulls. * added a contour tracer for the Bitmap Ipe user macro. * reintroduced the Zoom & Pan mode for synchronizing the Ghostscript window. * wrote several pretty simple Iums based on existing plageo or leda code. * added Iums to call imged.sty and epsf. a new Ghostscript window is created. and it's a mess. so they will not collide any more. Ipe will now save it in #unsaved. and moved several rarely used functions and the import functions into Iums. and no save configuration option. and Stretch are now available using a modifier key . and xpaint.0 January 1. font sizes. 1994 * fixed bug in Postscript prologue that made coexistence of ipe. All counters are replaced by choice objects. If the Ctrl key is pressed when selecting objects with the right mouse button. grid sizes and the like are now all defined in the configuration file. and made peaceful coexistence of angular and boundary snapping possible. * "preview page" and "preview all" now use different temporary files. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 3. and clipping of polygonal objects. Voronoi diagrams.sty in same LaTeX-file difficult * Now Ipe does not crash anymore when the Ghostscript window is deleted from the window manager.ipe#. * added interface to Ipe user macros. It is much more convenient than the fully dynamic mode. * Line widths. The next time that preview is called. There is no new line style function anymore. * revised the snapping concept. Ipe will no longer start up without such a configuration file (but you can specify a different one using the -n flag). * added a documented . introduced priorities. I have never actually used this feature yet. They are now table-driven.Iums. and a Ium to read in Silicon Graphics .'' * added delete function. since these operations are not actually object types. 1993 * fixed bug in text yank that made Ipe crash * added multi-page mode * when undo is turned off in the configuration panel. * added bitmap object type.3 August 11. * Ipe now does not crash anymore when the background Latex process for finding bounding boxes wants to read another file. were the template has to remain aligned with respect to all pages.and the mouse. * the snap to intersection point function now recognizes self intersections of polygonal chains. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 2. that deletes objects without placing them in the cut buffer. -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 2. This is much faster than the default behavior. * Zoom now has a logarithmic scale. and different interface. * fixed bug in precise scale . a little marker that accompanies the cursor and shows the current snapping. This was necessary because of the multi-page mode.rgb format files as bitmaps. * changed keyboard shortcuts to cohere to IES (International Emacs Standard) * changed layout of configuration form to fit better with main form * added configuration option to disable drawing of filled splines. * there is now a panning function. you are supposed to know what you are doing. and there should not be such an ``object type. If you use the edit properties function. Also added a button to control snapping to object itself during editing and entry of polygonal objects. Their buttons have disappeared. the storage currently used by the undo buffer is released * the saved properties now do not contain a description of the data. * added keys C-d and r for the polygonal objects edit mode. * added Fifi. and key C-d for line entry.4 December 3. 1993 * scale and rotate now use center of object by default. 0 July 14. 1993 * added circular arc object type * added minipage version of text objects * added support for splines. 1993 * snapping to other objects * viewing and editing object properties * parameter form to change the configuration * changed layout of form * added icons for object type buttons * added field showing arrow/line style choice -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 2.2 August 1. * circles now behave properly when stretched and become ellipses * more color buttons. click with left and right mouse for fill and stroke -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 2. to make sure that arbitrary Postscript files that can be read won't make Ipe crash * allow filled non-simple polygons * added snapping to intersection points -------------------------------------------------------------------Ipe 2. 1993 .1 July 28. using center of circle * added arrows on arcs * made Latex preamble for previewing and printing user-definable * bounding box for text objects is now computed by Latex * fixed two severe bugs that caused Ipe to eat up memory * put help information into a Texinfo file * made Control-middle button shortcut for scale/stretch * added Ghostscript previewer that runs in background * added importing Postscript files * changed all fixed limits to rerays.* added second input mode for arcs. It is version 2.* This is the first version of Ipe. -------------------------------------------------------------------- .0 to distinguish the Ipe file format from the format generated by "ipefy".
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