NEWCROSS Site Survey -Rev1

May 14, 2018 | Author: eke23 | Category: Pump, Valve, Barrel (Unit), Safety, Personal Protective Equipment



NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE PROJECTEKULAMA-AWOBA FLOWSTATION PLATFORM SITE SURVEY REPORT Prepared for: Prepared by: Mr Tokunbo Ogunyemi K.Eke NewCross Petroleum Limited Petrorix Oil and Gas Services FF Towers 5 Ladipo Latinwo Crescent Plot 13/14 Ligali Ayorinde Off Admiralty Way, Lekki phase 1 Victoria Island Lagos, Nigeria Lagos, Nigeria Telephone: 014540107, 014547556 Website: Confidential: Restricted to NewCross Petroleum Limited NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 2 of 37 REVISION RECORD DATE REVISION DETAILS REV 01 15/01/18 First revision of document approved internally and submitted to Newcross. REPORT APPROVAL Issue Checked by Approved by Date 1.0 B.Obe A.E 18/01/18 NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 3 of 37 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 4 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 SITE VISIT TRAVEL INFORMATION........................................................................................................ 4 1.3 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................... 5 1.4 SITE SURVEY OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................................... 6 2.0 BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................... 7 2.1 EKULAMA-1 FLOWSTATION .................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 EKULAMA - 2 FLOWSTATION .................................................................................................................. 8 2.3 AWOBA FLOWSTATION ............................................................................................................................ 8 3.0 SITE SURVEY METHODOLOGY ........................................................................ 10 3.1 CHECKLIST................................................................................................................................................10 3.2 DATA GATHERING..................................................................................................................................18 3.3 OBSERVATION..........................................................................................................................................19 3.4 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION...................................................................................................19 3.4.1 Ekulama-1 Flowstation .................................................................................................. 19 3.4.2 Ekulama-2 Flowstation .................................................................................................. 20 3.4.3 Awoba Flowstation ........................................................................................................ 21 APPENDIX I – PHOTOGRAPH ...........................................................................................................................23 Findings (Observations) and Recommendations 1. Mechanical. This document presents the Piping. Ekulama-2 and Awoba Flowstations stating all the studies carried out and the systems in place to ensure safety of personnel.1 Executive Summary A site visit was conducted on the 30th November – 13th December at Ekulama1 and 2 Flowstations as well as Awoba Flowstation. NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 4 of 37 1. Awoba HSE Personnel: Mr Benjamin O. Process. Electrical and Structural site visit report which relates to site investigations base on Scope.2 Site Visit Travel Information Date: 30th November -13th December 2017 Place: Ekulama-Awoba Flowstations Petrorix Personnel: Kingsley Eke Newcross Project Rep: Mr Tokunbo Ekulama HSE Personnel: Mr Olanipekun A. 1. Newcross Production Limited (NPEL) has engaged Petrorix to support in developing an Operational Safety Case for the Ekulama and Awoba Flowstations. Instrumentation. equipment and environment. .0 INTRODUCTION The Newcross Production Limited Operation Safety Case shall include documentation of the processes and activities carried out at the Ekulama-1. Safety and Environment JHA Job Hazard Analysis OML Oil Mining Licence OSDV Operational Shut Down Valve PSH Pressure Safety High PSL Pressure Safety Low SCE Safety Critical Element NC Normally Closed PSV Pressure Safety Valve PDI Pressure Differential Indicator PTW Permit-To-Work . abbreviations and acronyms are used in this document LP Low Pressure HP High Pressure PPE Personnel Protective Equipment NEPL Newcross Production Limited Bbls Barrels of Liquid per day Mmscfd Million Standard Cubic Feet per day ESD Emergency Shut Down HSE Health.3 Definitions and Abbreviations The following definitions. NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 5 of 37 1. 4 Site Survey Objectives The objectives of the site visit are to carry out the following activities where operational possible and accessible:  Inspect physical conditions of the flowstations facilities  Review periodic testing. emergency drills. NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 6 of 37 1. inspection and maintenance records of Safety Critical Elements (SCE)  Review records of Health Safety and Environment (HSE) activities such as toolbox meetings. tasks. roles. manuals and procedures  Evaluate the compliance to periodic maintenance plans for SCEs . responsibilities and training records  Review availability of up-to-date facility operations standards. safety briefings. Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). etc  Review records for Permit To Work (PTW) processes  Review current drawings against existing conditions and configurations of the flowstations  Review site organizational charts. NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 7 of 37 2. These wells are located in swampy area with dredged slot to each well head for easy access during wellhead activities. It is design to handle a maximum capacity of approximately 30. while the separated gas is flared with horizontal flare unit located in a bunded area outside the flowstation. Accommodation for dedicated teams of technical personnel who visit the Ekulama-1 flowstation is provided at the nearest base station on Ekulama-2. . Although Ekulama 1 is described as unmanned. a flowstation attendant is on duty 24hours a day to keep vigilance and take bulk line meter readings on 2 hourly basis. Ekulama-1 flowstation is currently producing 17.000bbls/d. The processed crude is pumped with gas driven crude oil export reciprocating pumps into the trunkline.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Ekulama-1 Flowstation Ekulama-1 flowstation is located on piles on Oil Mining Licence 24 approximately 45km South West of Port Harcourt. The field is accessible by air and by water. Ekulama 1 is normally an unmanned flowstation however daily visit by means of sea transportation is required to carry out operational. Ekulama-1 field consists of 11 wells flowing into its flowstation.85%. It is bounded by Awoba field to the south. A journey from Port Harcourt by air takes approximately 40 minutes while boat transportation takes 2hours 15minutes. Soku field to the South East and close to Belema field.000bbls/d gross with an average water cut of 38. The flowstation is a single bank with vessels for a two-stage separation. maintenance activities and troubleshooting of equipment and instruments failure. The field is accessible by air and by water. Ekulama-2 flowstation is currently producing 40. NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 8 of 37 2. The field consists of 12wells flowing into the flowstation. A journey from Port Harcourt to Ekulama-2 by air takes approximately 45minutes while boat transportation takes 2hours 30minutes. It is bounded by Awoba field to the south. These wells are located in swampy area with dredged slot to each wellhead for easy access during wellhead activities. staff work 12hours rotating shift a day while on the field. The processed crude is pumped with motor driven crude oil centrifugal export pumps into the trunkline. extra high pressure (XHP). They work 14days on 14days off basis. The field is accessible by air and by water. The flowstation is unmanned. Ekulama-2 is a base station with full board accommodation unit provided for dedicated teams of personnel who provide operation and maintenance activities.2 Ekulama . and low pressure (LP) two phase liquid-gas separation stations.2 Flowstation Ekulama-2 flowstation is located on piles on OML 24 approximately 47km South-West of Port Harcourt. However. The accommodation unit is located a walkable distance from Ekulama-2 flowstation. 2. while the separated gas is flared with horizontal flare units located in a bunded area . It is designed to handle a maximum capacity of approximately 60. high pressure (HP).000bbls/d. Soku field to South-East and close to Belema field. while the separated gas is flared with two horizontal flare units located in a bunded area outside the flowstation. and troubleshooting of equipment and instruments failure for Ekulama-1 and 2 flowstations.000bbls/d gross with an average water cut of 38. The facility is a single bank with a three stage.71%. The flowstation is a double bank with vessels for two stage separations. A journey from Port Harcourt to Awoba by air takes approximately 15minutes while boat transportation takes 1hours. The processed crude is pumped with gas driven crude oil reciprocation export pumps into the trunkline.3 Awoba Flowstation Awoba flowstation is built on a piled foundation and bounded by Ekulama field. Soku field and Belema field. NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 9 of 37 outside the flowstation. and troubleshooting of equipment and instruments failure. a few walking distance from the facility.000bbls/d gross liquid and 54Mmscfd gas Awoba has a house-boat. Awoba flowstation is currently producing 23. However. It maximum design production capacity is 42. The field is unmanned.000bbls/d gross. . that provide full board accommodation for dedicated teams of personnel who provide operation and maintenance activities. They work 14days on 14days off basis. staff work 12hours rotating shift a day while on the field. NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 10 of 37 3.1 Checklist A site survey checklist (see tables below) was developed to ensure proper and adequate implementation of the work scope.0 Site Survey Methodology 3. Table1-Site Survey Checklist for Ekulama-1 Flowstation STATUS S/N DESCRIPTION REMARK OK NOT OK A Manifold Area I Confirm manifold arrangement in operation OK Confirm the availability of SDVs and their trip functions II (PSL/PSH) OK III Confirm the availability of ESD in operation OK IV Confirm set point of PSV installed OK B Process Vessel Confirm the Operating and Design Pressure and I Temperature of the process vessel OK II Confirm the availability of OSDVs and their trip functions NOT OK Faulty Rupture Disc III Confirm drain valves are in NC position NOT OK Faulty Rupture Disc Confirm all instrumentation tubing are properly arranged to IV avoid Trip and Fall accident OK . The checklist was strictly adhered to during the visit to each respective flowstations. NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 11 of 37 STATUS S/N DESCRIPTION REMARK OK NOT OK V Confirm all check valves are installed in the right direction OK Wrong connection VI Confirm all spectacle blind are installed in right position NOT OK of Spectacle blind VII Confirm all Lines and Valve are properly tagged NOT OK Tag not seen C EXPORT PUMP Overhauling I Confirm pump capacity NOT OK required Could not access II Confirm the availability of the pump data sheet NOT OK data Confirm the availability of Low/High Level Suction trip III function OK Confirm the availability of Low/High Pressure Discharged IV trip function OK V Confirm the availability of PDI across strainer OK VI Confirm the availability of recycle line OK VII Confirm all Lines and Valve are properly tagged NOT OK Tag not seen VIII Confirm all check valves are installed in the right direction OK Confirm the availability of Low pressure suction trip IX function OK D Metering System I Confirm all Meters are properly proved OK II Confirm all check valves are installed in the right direction OK . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 12 of 37 STATUS S/N DESCRIPTION REMARK OK NOT OK III Confirm all Lines and Valve are properly tagged NOT OK Tag not seen E Flare Stack Confirm the availability of past Technical Safety Studies conducted (Flare Thermal Radiation Study) to ensure all Information not I personnel working on the platform are in safe position NOT OK available D Pig Launcher and Pig Receiver I Confirm the availability of Pig signaler OK II Confirm set points of PSVs installed NOT OK Faulty Rupture Disc No operation more III Confirm the availability of the pigging operation NOT OK than a year Confirm all piping are fully rated to handle the maximum IV source of pressure OK . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 13 of 37 Table 2-Site Survey Checklist for Ekulama-2 Flowstation STATUS S/N DESCRIPTION REMARK OK NOT OK A Manifold Area I Confirm manifold arrangement in operation OK Confirm the availability of SDVs and their trip functions II (PSL/PSH) OK III Confirm the availability of ESD in operation OK IV Confirm set point of PSV installed OK B Process Vessel Confirm the Operating and Design Pressure and I Temperature of the process vessel OK II Confirm the availability of OSDVs and their trip functions NOT OK Faulty Rupture Disc III Confirm drain valves are in NC position NOT OK Faulty Rupture Disc Confirm all instrumentation tubing are properly arranged to IV avoid Trip and Fall accident OK V Confirm all check valves are installed in the right direction OK VI Confirm all spectacle blind are installed in right position OK VII Confirm all Lines and Valve are properly tagged NOT OK Tag not seen C EXPORT PUMP Overhauling I Confirm pump capacity NOT OK required . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 14 of 37 STATUS S/N DESCRIPTION REMARK OK NOT OK Could not access II Confirm the availability of the pump data sheet NOT OK data Confirm the availability of Low/High Level Suction trip III function OK Confirm the availability of Low/High Pressure Discharged IV trip function OK V Confirm the availability of PDI across strainer OK VI Confirm the availability of recycle line NOT OK Valve faulty VII Confirm all Lines and Valve are properly tagged NOT OK Tag not seen VIII Confirm all check valves are installed in the right direction OK Confirm the availability of Low pressure suction trip IX function OK D Metering System I Confirm all Meters are properly proved OK II Confirm all check valves are installed in the right direction OK III Confirm all Lines and Valve are properly tagged NOT OK Tag not seen E Flare Stack Confirm the availability of past Technical Safety Studies conducted (Flare Thermal Radiation Study) to ensure all Information not I personnel working on the platform are in safe position NOT OK available D Pig Launcher and Pig Receiver I Confirm the availability of Pig signaler OK . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 15 of 37 STATUS S/N DESCRIPTION REMARK OK NOT OK II Confirm set points of PSVs installed NOT OK Faulty Rupture Disc No operation more III Confirm the availability of the pigging operation NOT OK than a year Confirm all piping are fully rated to handle the maximum IV source of pressure OK . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 16 of 37 Table 3-Site Survey Checklist for Awoba Flowstation STATUS S/N DESCRIPTION REMARK OK NOT OK A Manifold Area I Confirm manifold arrangement in operation OK Confirm the availability of SDVs and their trip functions II (PSL/PSH) OK III Confirm the availability of ESD in operation OK IV Confirm set point of PSV installed OK B Process Vessel Confirm the Operating and Design Pressure and I Temperature of the process vessel OK II Confirm the availability of OSDVs and their trip functions OK III Confirm drain valves are in NC position OK Confirm all instrumentation tubing are properly arranged to IV avoid Trip and Fall accident OK V Confirm all check valves are installed in the right direction OK VI Confirm all spectacle blind are installed in right position OK VII Confirm all Lines and Valve are properly tagged NOT OK Tag not seen C EXPORT PUMP I Confirm pump capacity OK Could not access II Confirm the availability of the pump data sheet NOT OK data . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 17 of 37 STATUS S/N DESCRIPTION REMARK OK NOT OK Confirm the availability of Low/High Level Suction trip III function OK Confirm the availability of Low/High Pressure Discharged IV trip function OK V Confirm the availability of PDI across strainer OK VI Confirm the availability of recycle line VII Confirm all Lines and Valve are properly tagged NOT OK Tag not seen VIII Confirm all check valves are installed in the right direction OK Confirm the availability of Low pressure suction trip IX function OK D Metering System I Confirm all Meters are properly proved OK II Confirm all check valves are installed in the right direction OK III Confirm all Lines and Valve are properly tagged NOT OK Tag not seen E Flare Stack Confirm the availability of past Technical Safety Studies conducted (Flare Thermal Radiation Study) to ensure all Information not I personnel working on the platform are in safe position NOT OK available D Pig Launcher and Pig Receiver I Confirm the availability of Pig signaler OK II Confirm set points of PSVs installed OK . Evacuation and Rescue (EER)  Fire drill  Emergence drill . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 18 of 37 STATUS S/N DESCRIPTION REMARK OK NOT OK No operation more III Confirm the availability of the pigging operation NOT OK than a year Confirm all piping are fully rated to handle the maximum IV source of pressure OK 3. PTWs  Escape. the following documents were required from NEPL to serve as inputs into the development of the NEPL Operation Safety Case.2 Data Gathering As part of document collation.  List of past risk assessment studies  Fire and Gas detection system  Leak detection System  Sand monitoring system  Corrosion management System  Logistics and transportation (Journey Management Plan)  Periodic maintenance system  Standard operating procedures  Spares Philosophy  Security management system  Health and safety management system  Past incidents reports  Evidence of JHAs. 4. The job hazard analysis. 5. Man way Davit etc) 2. Safety briefing was carried out at the briefing room on arrival to the facility. Tool box meetings were effectively implemented prior to the commencement of all daily activities. fire drill and emergency drill were found to be progressing appropriately. 6. NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 19 of 37  Hazardous area classification layout drawing  Evidence of pigging operation  Chemical injection system  Fire protection system From the above list. the following documents were made available. 3.4 Findings and Recommendation The following findings were noted to constitute a major hazard.1 Ekulama-1 Flowstation 1. PTW. Stop cards were placed at strategic points and issued to personnel to encourage reporting of unsafe acts and unsafe conditions. 3. Frequent breakdown of reciprocating pumps . The Platform Structures Damaged due to corrosion (Handrails. flanges and piping are severely corroded 3. No Knockout Drum installed at Ekulama-2 flowstation and Awoba flowstation 3. 4. The Inlet manifold. and Past incident reports 3. Ekulama 2 and Awoba) were inspected and the following observations were made: 1. 2. Standard operating procedures.3 Observation The facilities (Ekulama 1. Use of minimum required PPE was adhered to strictly prior to platforms visit. valves. Hydrant line. No Fire and Gas detecting system 5. Replace faulty rupture disc in OSDV. Install a Fire and Gas system 8. Faulty recirculation valve 7. A documented Pigging Operation should be implemented 5.2 Ekulama-2 Flowstation 1. and LCV 3. Cathodic protection system be installed and working effectively 3. OSDV faulty in auto-mode 9. No pigging operation for more than a year 6. Wrong connection of spectacle blind on drain line 10. All corroded valve. Damaged pump oil seal 4. PSV. The reciprocating pumps are weak 3. No Fire and Gas detecting system 5.4. No pigging operation for more than a year 6. The relief valve on Test. Improve security system around the wellheads to prevent further theft of parts at the wellheads 6. Flare header in poor condition 8. Overhauling of reciprocation pump should be implemented and establish a scheduled periodic maintenance 4. No readily available spares (See Appendix 1 for pictures) Recommendation: 1. flanges and piping are severely corroded 2. Frequent theft at the wellheads 7. flanges be replaced 2. Check the connection of valves and fitting immediately after maintenance operation 7. Valves. HP and LP Separators depressurized to the atmosphere . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 20 of 37 4. 3. All corroded valve. Overhauling of reciprocation pump should be implemented and establish a scheduled periodic maintenance 4. Fire and Gas systems faulty (See Appendix I for pictures ) Recommendations: 1. NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 21 of 37 8. and LCV 6. Replace saver pit with a larger size. Install a Fire and Gas system 8. Water ingress in gas driven reciprocating pumps (See Appendix 1 for pictures) Recommendations: 1.3 Awoba Flowstation 1.4. PSV. Incomplete combustion as a result of Liquid-carryover at the flare stack 5. Modification required on mode of depressurization 7. Saver pit is small 10. Overhaul required on gas generators 2. Centrifugal Pump strainer clogged with sand deposit 3. The generators are weak 2. A documented Pigging Operation should be implemented 5. Inadequate appropriate working tools for the electrical and mechanical department 4. Cathodic protection system be installed and working effectively 3. flanges be replaced 2. PSV faulty in auto-mode 9. LCV. Provision of appropriate workings tools . Repair the Fire and Gas detector 3. Modification of pump house to prevent water ingress especially during rainy season 9. Breakdown of gas generators. OSDV. Replace faulty rupture disc in OSDV. Install or replace process vessels demystifier 5. Establish sand monitoring system . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 22 of 37 4. NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 23 of 37 Appendix I – Photograph Location Ekulama-1 Corroded flanges on the manifold . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 24 of 37 Location Ekulama-1 Corroded flanges fitting . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 25 of 37 Location Ekulama-1 Damaged Structural Platform . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 26 of 37 Location Ekulama-1 Damaged Structural Platform . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 27 of 37 Location Ekulama-1 Damaged Structural Platform . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 28 of 37 Location Ekulama-1 Poor Condition of FlareHeader . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 29 of 37 Location Ekulama-1 Wrong connection of Spectacle blind . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 30 of 37 Location Ekulama-2 Corroded fittings . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 31 of 37 Location Ekulama-2 Corroded fittings . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 32 of 37 Location Ekulama-2 Corroded Hydrant Line . Test Separator depressurized to the atmosphere . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 33 of 37 Location Ekulama-2 Relief Valve in HP. LP. NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 34 of 37 Location Awoba Liquid-Carry-Over on the flare stack . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 35 of 37 Location Awoba Vessel due for test . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 36 of 37 Location Awoba Vessel due for test . NEPL OPERATION SAFETY CASE Document Title: Ekulama-Awoba Site Survey Report Rev: 01 Document Number: NEPL-PETR-EKAW-SVR-001 Page 37 of 37 Location Awoba Fire and Gas Detector faulty .
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