New Chemistry Curriculum

March 29, 2018 | Author: kiya01 | Category: Chemical Bond, Titration, Chemical Equilibrium, Molecules, Ph



HARMONIZED CURRICULUM FOR B.Sc.DEGREE PROGRAM IN CHEMISTRY ETHIOPIA Harmonization Team members: Hailemichael Tesso, PhD, Assistant Professor, Adama University; Tetemke Mehari, PhD, Associate Professor, Addis Ababa University; Mesfin Redi, PhD, Assistant Professor, Addis Ababa University; Fikre Mammo, PhD, Assistant Professor, Hawassa University ; Ayalew Temesgen, PhD, Assistant Professor, Gondar University. August, 2009 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Table of Contents 1. Rationale for the curriculum ....................................................................................................5 2. Aims, Goals and Objectives of the Program ............................................................................6 2.1 Aims of the Program ..........................................................................................................6 2.2 Goals of the Program..........................................................................................................6 2.3 Objectives of the Program ..................................................................................................6 3. Graduate Profile .......................................................................................................................6 3.1 Knowledge of chemistry ................................................................................................6 3.2 General intellectual and life skills ..................................................................................7 3.3 Values .............................................................................................................................7 Program Profile ........................................................................................................................7 Admission Requirements .........................................................................................................8 List of Major, Supportive and Common Courses ....................................................................8 6.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.2 6.3 6.4 7. 8. 9. Core Compulsory Courses .............................................................................................8 Analytical Chemistry..................................................................................................8 Physical Chemistry.....................................................................................................8 Organic Chemistry .....................................................................................................9 Inorganic Chemistry ...................................................................................................9 Applied Chemistry .....................................................................................................9 Core Elective Courses ....................................................................................................9 Supportive Courses ......................................................................................................10 Common Courses .........................................................................................................10 6.1.1 University Chemistry ......................................................................................................8 4. 5. 6. Summary of courses ...............................................................................................................10 Course Coding Style (Course Numbering) ............................................................................10 Sequencing of courses: Semester wise course breakdown.....................................................11 10. General Delivery Methods .......................................................................................................12 11. General Evaluation Methods ....................................................................................................13 12. Grading System ........................................................................................................................13 13. Duration of the Study ...............................................................................................................13 14. Grade Point Average Requirements for Graduation ................................................................13 15. Degree Nomenclature...............................................................................................................13 15.1 In English: ......................................................................................................................13 15.2 In Amharic: ....................................................................................................................13 16. Mechanism of Quality Assurance ............................................................................................13 17. Course descriptions, Course Outlines, Modes of Course Delivery and Modes of Performance Evaluation.......................................................................................................................................14 17.1 University Chemistry Section ..................................................................................14 2|Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17.1.1 University chemistry ...............................................................................................14 17.1.2 University Practical Chemistry ...............................................................................17 17.2 Analytical chemistry section ..........................................................................................19 17.2.1 Analytical Chemistry...............................................................................................19 17.2.2 Practical Analytical Chemistry................................................................................21 17.2.3 Instrumental Analysis I ...........................................................................................23 17.2.4 Practical Instrumental analysis I .............................................................................25 17.2.5 Instrumental Analysis II ..........................................................................................27 17.2.6. Practical Instrumental analysis II ...........................................................................29 17.2.7. Analysis of Real Samples.......................................................................................30 17.3 Inorganic chemistry section ...........................................................................................31 17.3.1. Inorganic Chemistry I.............................................................................................31 17.3.2. Inorganic Chemistry II ...........................................................................................33 17.3.3 Practical Inorganic Chemistry I...............................................................................34 17.3.4. Inorganic Chemistry III ..........................................................................................36 17.3.5 Practical Inorganic Chemistry II .............................................................................39 17.4 Organic chemistry section ..............................................................................................40 17.4.1 Organic Chemistry I ................................................................................................40 17.4.2 Practical Organic Chemistry I .................................................................................42 17.4.3 Organic Chemistry II...............................................................................................44 17.4.4 Practical Organic Chemistry II ................................................................................47 17.4.5 Physical Organic Chemistry ....................................................................................48 17.4.6 Practical Organic Chemistry III ..............................................................................51 17.4.7 Synthetic Organic Chemistry ..................................................................................51 17.5 Physical chemistry section .............................................................................................53 8.5.1 Physical Chemistry I (Chemical Thermodynamics) .................................................53 17.5.2 Physical Chemistry II (Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry)..........................55 17.5.3 Physical Chemistry III (Quantum Chemistry) ........................................................57 17.5.4 Physical Chemistry IV (Statistical Thermodynamics and Surface Chemistry) ......60 17.5.5 Practical Physical Chemistry I ................................................................................61 17.5.6 Practical Physical Chemistry II ...............................................................................62 17.6 Applied chemistry section ..............................................................................................63 17.6.1 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing .......................................................63 17.6.2 Industrial Chemistry I .............................................................................................64 17.6.3 Industrial Chemistry II ............................................................................................66 17.6.4 Biochemistry ...........................................................................................................68 17.6.5 Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology .............................................................71 17.6.6 Senior Student Project .............................................................................................73 17.7 Courses for non-chemistry majors .................................................................................74 17.7.1 Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry ....................................................................74 17.7.2 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry.......................................................................76 17.7.3 Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry ......................................................................80 17.7.4. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry ..................................................................83 17.8. Elective courses .............................................................................................................86 17.8.4 Chemical Instrumentation .......................................................................................86 17.8.5 Clinical Chemistry...................................................................................................88 17.8.6 Medicinal Chemistry ...............................................................................................90 17.8.7 Polymer Chemistry..................................................................................................91 Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 3|Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17.8.8 Food Chemistry .......................................................................................................93 17.8.9 Agricultural chemistry.............................................................................................93 17.8.10 Physical Inorganic Chemistry ...............................................................................94 17.8.11 Industrial Safety and Quality Control ...................................................................95 17.8.12 Biochemistry and molecular biology ....................................................................97 17.9 Supportive Courses ........................................................................................................97 17.9.1 Calculus I for Chemists ...........................................................................................97 17.9.2 Calculus II for Chemists..........................................................................................99 17.9.3 Introduction to Statistics .......................................................................................100 17.9.4 Mechanics and Heat for chemists..........................................................................104 17.9.5 Electricity and Magnetism for chemists II ............................................................106 17.9.6 Linear Algebra I for Chemists...............................................................................108 17.9.7 Introduction to Computer Applications for Chemists ...........................................110 17.10 Common courses ....................................................................................................110 17.10.1 Entrepreneurship .................................................................................................110 17.10.2 Communicative English skills.............................................................................111 17.10.3 University Writing Skills ....................................................................................111 17.10.4 Civics and ethical Education ...............................................................................111 Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 4|Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 1. Rationale for the curriculum Nationwide need assessment survey was conducted using questionnaire and interview with employers, alumina, students, and staff members of higher learning institutions. The aim of the survey was to make use of the collected feed back in designing relevant curricula for the B.Sc. program in chemistry. The need assessment revealed that the following were major problems that need to be addressed to make the quality of the graduates to the level expected. According to the result of the survey, graduates of the old curriculum of chemistry display: • Insufficient knowledge of chemistry, • Insufficient practical skills • Poor communicative skills • Poor desire for team work Similarly, incoming students exhibit • Insufficient basic subject matter knowledge • Poor language proficiency • Poor comprehensive skills (critical thinking and analytical skills) etc. The mode of delivery was described as being characterized by • Non interactive teaching methods • Uneven coverage of content and allocated credit hours • Lack of relevant teaching materials • Lack of tailored supportive courses • Lack of formative assessment etc External factors that contributed to the perceived problems included: • Less emphasis was given for science subjects in the university entrance examination • Lack of interface between preparatory program and university • Unavailability of institution to produce laboratory technicians • Mismatch between laboratory groups and existing facilities The need for proposing the new B.Sc. curriculum is therefore to address problems from the following sides: • Students • Stakeholders need • Delivery • Assessment. The result of the need assessment and the fact that chemistry is changing in its • Interaction with other disciplines • Increasingly complex problems • More advanced techniques and instrumentation • Working in a global context and education is changing • to reflect new research in how students learn (e.g., inquiry-based and active learning, team experiences) • because student population is becoming more diverse by age, gender, ethnicity and educational background have dictated the urgent need to design a fitting curriculum which ensures production of quality graduates capable of satisfying the stakeholders’ requirements. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 5|Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 2. Aims, Goals and Objectives of the Program 2.1 Aims of the Program The aims of undergraduate program in chemistry are: 1. To provide higher level training to a number of students who wish to secure B.Sc. degree in chemistry at University level through standard quality education; 2. To prepare students for pursuing further education; 3. To establish a research centred community where scientific research is undertaken; and 4. To benefit the society. 2.2 Goals of the Program The major goals of undergraduate program in chemistry are: 1. To establish in students an appreciation of the importance of the chemical science in industrial, economic, environmental and social context; 2. To provide a basic education appropriate to graduates in chemistry; 3. To develop basic and practical skills in chemistry; 4. To develop the ability to apply the learned skills for solving practical problems; and 5. To provide a wide range of transferable skills to the graduates. 2.3 Objectives of the Program The objectives of undergraduate program in chemistry are: 1. Produce skilled manpower of well-trained chemists capable of taking up positions in the growing demand of the various sectors of the economy such as various industries, and learning institutions, research institutions, as well as various environmental conservation endeavours of the country; 2. Disseminate knowledge in chemistry and related areas through active participation in related professional activities, such as Chemical Society of Ethiopia, Regional Networking, Workshops, Symposia and Publications; 3. Develop capabilities for the provision of consultancy and technical services as well as short term specialized training to both public and private sectors; and 4. To produce chemists who create job opportunities by applying the acquired knowledge and skills. 3. Graduate Profile Students who have completed an undergraduate degree in chemistry will have acquired an education at an advanced level, including: • Knowledge of chemistry • General intellectual and life skills and, • Values that equip them for employment, citizenship and lay the foundations for a lifetime of continuous learning and personal development. The chemistry graduates are expected to have the following attributes: 3.1 Knowledge of chemistry • • Master the fundamentals of chemistry including an understanding of broad conceptual and theoretical elements; Posses an understanding and appreciation of the theoretical bases, methodologies and characteristics of learning of chemistry, research and creative work in chemistry; 6|Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry • • • • • • An understanding and appreciation of current issues and debates in chemistry; Continue further specialized educations; Work as an industrial chemist in chemical processing industries; Be a potential candidate of a chemistry teacher; Serve as a research/graduate assistant in research /higher education institutions; Create job opportunities by the acquired chemical knowledge. 3.2 General intellectual and life skills • • • • • • • • • Posses critical, conceptual and reflective thinking, intellectual openness and curiosity, creativity and originality, Recognize when information is needed and locate, evaluate and use this information effectively. An ability to access, identify, organize and communicate chemical knowledge effectively , An ability to work independently as well as part of a team or group; An ability to lead in the community, professional associations etc. An ability to undertake numerical calculations and understand quantitative information. Perform qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis in chemical laboratories; Work as quality controllers in industries; Knowledgeable in IT and data processing skills in relation to chemical information. 3.3 Values • • • • • • • • • • Value intellectual integrity, respect for truth and for the ethics of research and scholarly activity; Demonstrate environmentally conscious attitude; Conduct assigned and professional activities with integrity and professional ethics; Contribute to the development of chemical industries with other professionals; Disseminate chemical knowledge; Enthusiastic about scientific ideas, discovery and learning Self-discipline and an ability to plan and achieve personal and professional goals; Willingness to engage in constructive public discourse and to accept social and civic responsibilities; Respect for the values of other individuals and groups, and an appreciation of human and cultural diversity; An awareness of international and global dimensions of intellectual, political and economic activities, and behaving as a responsible citizen. 4. Program Profile Main Aims of the program: • To provide students with a broad and balanced foundation of chemical knowledge and practical skills • To develop in students the ability to apply their chemical knowledge and skills to the solution of theoretical and practical problems in chemistry • To encourage originality of thought • To instil in students an appreciation of the importance of chemistry in an industrial, economic, environmental and social context Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 7|Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry • To provide students with the fundamentals of chemistry so that they can proceed to further studies in specialized areas of chemistry or multidisciplinary areas involving chemistry 5. Admission Requirements a) Successful completion of the preparatory program with a pass mark in university entrance examination and interest to study chemistry; b) Diploma in chemistry from higher learning institutions fulfilment of the general University’s admission requirements and c) Other department specific requirements. 6. List of Major, Supportive and Common Courses 6.1 Core Compulsory Courses Course Title University Chemistry Practical University Chemistry Subtotal Cr. Hr. 3 1 4 6.1.1 University Chemistry Course Code Chem 201 Chem 203 6.1.2 Analytical Chemistry Course Code Course Title Chem 222 Analytical Chemistry Chem 224 Practical Analytical Chemistry Chem 321 Instrumental Analysis I Chem 323 Practical Instrumental Analysis I Chem 322 Instrumental Analysis II Chem 324 Practical Instrumental Analysis II Chem 422 Real Sample Analysis Cr. Hr 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 Subtotal 14 6.1.3 Physical Chemistry Course Code Course Title Chem 331 Physical Chemistry I (Chemical Thermodynamics) Chem 334 Practical Physical Chemistry I Chem 332 Physical Chemistry II (Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry) Chem 433 Practical Physical Chemistry II Chem 431 Physical Chemistry III (Quantum Chemistry) Chem 432 Physical Chemistry IV (Statistical Thermodynamics and Surface Chemistry) Subtotal Cr. Hr 3 1 3 1 4 3 15 Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 8|Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 6.1.4 Organic Chemistry Course Code Course Title Chem 242 Organic Chemistry I Chem 244 Practical Organic Chemistry I Chem 341 Organic Chemistry II Chem 343 Practical Organic Chemistry II Chem 342 Physical Organic chemistry Chem 441 Practical Organic Chemistry III Cr. Hr 3 1 3 1 3 2 Subtotal 13 6.1.5 Inorganic Chemistry Course Code Course Title Chem 212 Inorganic Chemistry I Chem 313 Practical Inorganic Chemistry I Chem 311 Inorganic Chemistry II Chem 414 Practical Inorganic Chemistry II Chem 411 Inorganic Chemistry III Cr. Hr 3 1 3 2 4 Subtotal 13 6.1.6 Applied Chemistry Course Code Course Title Chem 352 Industrial Chemistry I Chem 451 Industrial Chemistry II Chem 452 Biochemistry Chem 455 Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Chem 453 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing Sub-total 6.2 Core Elective Courses Course Code Course Title Chem 426 Chemical Instrumentation Chem 416 Physical Inorganic chemistry Chem 446 Synthetic organic chemistry Chem 448 Polymer Chemistry Chem 456 Agricultural chemistry Chem 458 Medicinal chemistry Chem 450 Clinical chemistry Chem 454 Food chemistry Chem 351 Internship in Chemistry Chem 457 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chem 462 Industrial Safety and Quality Control Chem 460 Current Topics in Chemistry Chem 459 Student Project Cr. Hr 3 2 3 3 2 13 Cr. Hr 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 Subtotal 36 Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 9|Page Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 6.3 Supportive Courses Course Code Course Title Math 233 Calculus I for Chemists Math 224 Linear Algebra for Chemists Math 234 Calculus II for Chemists Phys 206 Electricity and Magnetism for Chemists Phys 205 Mechanics and Heat for Chemists Comp 201 Introduction to Computer Applications for Chemists Stat 273 Introduction to Statistics Subtotal 6.4 Common Courses Course Code EnLa 201 EnLa 301 CEEd 201 Mgmt 401 Cr Hr 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 Course Title Communicative English skills University Writing Skills Civics and Ethical Education Entrepreneurship Cr.hrs 3 3 3 3 Subtotal 12 7. Summary of courses SN 1 2 3 4 Description Major Courses Supportive Courses Common Courses Elective Cr. Hrs 72 21 12 2/3 Total Requirement 107/108 8. Course Coding Style (Course Numbering) In coding or numbering courses, the first four letters of the word “chemistry” with only the first letter in CAPITAL i.e. Chem followed by three digit numbers are used whereby: a) The first digit starts from 2; b) The middle digit indicates the course stream areas of chemistry; and -0- University Chemistry -1- Inorganic Chemistry -2- Analytical Chemistry -3- Physical Chemistry -4- Organic Chemistry -5- Applied chemistry -6-Miscellaneous courses c) The last digit indicates the semester in which the course is delivered: odd-for first semester and even for second semester; d) For practical courses offered in the same semester with its lecture course, the next odd or even number is used with few exceptions; e) Space is let between the letters, Chem and the numbers. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 10 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 9. Sequencing of courses: Semester wise course breakdown Year I Course Code Chem 201 Chem 203 Phys 205 Math 233 EnLa 201 Comp 201 Stat 273 Course Code Chem 222 Phys 206 Chem 242 Chem 244 Chem 212 Chem 224 Math 234 Course Title Cr. Hr Course type 3 Core 1 Core 3 Supportive 3 Supportive 3 Common Supportive 3 Semester I Semester II University Chemistry Practical University Chemistry Mechanics and Heat for Chemists Calculus I for Chemists Communicative English skills Introduction to Computer Applications for Chemists Introduction to Statistics 3 Supportive Total 19 Course Title Cr. Hr Course type Analytical Chemistry 3 Core Electricity and Magnetism for Chemists 3 Supportive Organic Chemistry I 3 Core Practical Organic Chemistry I 1 Core Inorganic Chemistry I 3 Core Practical Analytical Chemistry 1 Core Calculus II for Chemists 3 Supportive Total 17 Year II Code Chem 331 Chem 311 Chem 313 Chem 321 Chem 323 Chem 341 Chem 343 EnLa 301 Course Title Chemical Thermodynamics Inorganic Chemistry II Practical Inorganic Chemistry I Instrumental Analysis I Practical Instrumental Analysis I Organic Chemistry II Practical Organic Chemistry II University Writing Skills Semester I Cr. Hr Course type 3 Core 3 Core 1 Core 3 Core 1 Core 3 Core 1 Core 3 Common Total 18 Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 11 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course code Course Title Chem 332 Chem 342 Chem 322 Semester II Chem 324 Chem 334 Chem 352 Math 224 Cr. Hr Chemical kinetics and Electrochemistry 3 Physical Organic Chemistry 3 Instrumental analysis II 3 Practical instrumental analysis II 1 Practical Physical Chemistry I 1 Industrial Chemistry I 3 Linear Algebra for Chemists 3 Total 17 Year III Type Core Core Core Core Core Core Supportive Semester I Course Code Chem 455 Chem 411 Chem 441 Chem 453 Chem 431 Chem 433 Chem 451 Course Code Chem 422 Chem 452 Chem 432 Course Title Cr. Hr Course type Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology 3 Core Inorganic Chemistry III 4 Core Practical Organic Chemistry III 2 Core Research Methodology and Scientific Writing 2 Core Quantum Chemistry 4 Core Practical Physical Chemistry II 1 Core Industrial chemistry II 2 Core Total 18 Course Title Cr. Hr Type Analysis of real samples Biochemistry Statistical Thermodynamics and Surface Chemistry Practical Inorganic Chemistry II Civics and Ethical Education Entrepreneurship Elective 2 3 3 2 3 3 2/3 Total 17/18 Core Core Core Core Common Common Core Semester II Chem 414 CEEd ... Mgmt Chem ... 10. General Delivery Methods For theoretical courses given in class, student centred (active learning) methodology will be applied. To achieve this, the following methods will be used: • Brain storming, • Lecture, • Tutorial and seminars, • Practical classes, field work, industrial visits, • Group or individual assignments, • Independent, web-based and computer assisted learning, • Presentations and group discussion, • Project work, • Demonstration and observation and Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 12 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry • Problem solving. 11. General Evaluation Methods The evaluation methods of students include: • Quizzes, tests, mid-term, and final term exams; • Assignments and attendances; • Presentations in group or individual; • Laboratory reports and flow charts; • Practical and oral exams. 12. Grading System The system of grading shall be: Letter grade A A− B + B B− C + C C− D+ D D− F Numerical value 4.00 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 0.67 0.00 13. Duration of the Study The program shall be on the basis of three academic years of study. 14. Grade Point Average Requirements for Graduation SN 1 2 3 Description Cumulative GPA Major GPA No ''F'' in any course Minimum requirement 2.00 2.00 15. Degree Nomenclature 15.1 In English: Bachelor of Science Degree (B. Sc) in Chemistry 15.2 In Amharic: የ ሣ ይ ን ስ ባ ች ለ ር ዲ ግ ሪ በ ኬ ሚ ስ ት ሪ¶ 16. Mechanism of Quality Assurance Quality assurance is considered as the most important component of the teaching-learning process. The Department of Chemistry uses the following systems of evaluation and monitoring: Preparation of standard course outlines as per the course description: • Assignment of qualified instructors to teach courses, instruct laboratory works, and supervise student projects; • Identification of standard textbooks for each course; • Maintain appropriate student/teacher ratio; • Provision of tutorial and practical classes keeping the appropriate tutor/student ratio (40/1 for tutorial and 20/1 for practicals); • Provide proper advice to students; Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 13 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry • • • • • • • • • Evaluation of student performance through, reports, tests, mid semester examinations, and comprehensive final examination; Preparation of relevant teaching materials and laboratory manuals; Monitoring of instructors performance through student evaluation; Monitoring of instructors performance through colleague and Department Chairman evaluation; Standardization of exams by Department Examination Committee (DEC); Communication of the evaluations to instructors; Stakeholders feedback on the relevance of the training program and qualities of graduates; Conducting regular course self-evaluation, program self-evaluation and program peer and external evaluation; and Seeking program accreditation by external accrediting agencies. 17. Course descriptions, Course Outlines, Modes of Course Delivery and Modes of Performance Evaluation 17.1 University Chemistry Section 17.1.1 University chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE C REDIT HOURS CO TACT HOURS: PRE-REQUISITE U IVERSITY CHEMISTRY CHEM 201 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK Course description: Properties, Units and Measurement; The composition of matter, chemical reactions, reactions Stoichiometry, Atomic structure and the periodic table, The Chemical Bond, Structure of Molecules, The properties of Solutions, Chemical equilibrium, Introduction To Functional Groups And Their Typical Reactions Course rationale: The course university chemistry is designed to make students more prepared to the all chemistry courses by refreshing and summarizing the previous preparatory chemistry concepts before tackling the advanced chemistry courses. It ensures readiness of the students for the higher chemistry courses at university level and hence the name University chemistry is given. Course outline 1. Properties, measurements, and units 1.1. The Properties of Substances 1.1.1. Physical and Chemical Properties 1.1.2. Substances and Mixtures 1.2. Measurements and Units 1.2.1. The International System of Units 1.2.2. Extensive and Intensive Properties 1.2.3. Conversion Factors 1.2.4. The Reliability of Measurements and Calculations 1.2.5. Significant Figures in Calculations Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 14 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 1.2.6. Mass Percentage Composition 2. The composition of matter 2.1. Elements 2.1.1. The Names and Symbols of the Elements 2.1.2. The Periodic Table 2.2. Atoms 2.2.1. The Nuclear Atom 2.2.2. The Masses of Atoms 2.2.3. Moles and Molar Mass 2.3. Compounds 2.3.1. Molecules and Molecular Compounds 2.3.2. Ions and Ionic Compounds 2.3.3. Chemical Nomenclature 3. Chemical reactions 3.1. Chemical Equations 3.1.1. Symbolizing Reactions 3.1.2. Balancing Equations 3.2. Precipitation Reactions 3.2.1. Net Ionic Equations 3.2.2. Using Precipitation Reactions in Chemistry 3.3. Acid-Base Reactions 3.3.1. Arrhenius Acids and Bases 3.3.2. Neutralization 3.3.3. The Brönsted Definitions 3.4. Redox Reactions 3.4.1. Electron Transfer 3.4.2. The activity series 3.4.3. Balancing reactions by using half-reactions 4. Reactions stoichiometry 4.1. Interpreting Stoichiometric Coefficients I. Mole Calculations 4.1.2. Limiting Reactants 4.1.3. Chemical Compositions from Measurements of Mass 4.2. The Stoichiometry of Reactions in Solution 4.2.2. Molar Concentration 4.2.3. The Volume of Solution Required for Reaction 4.2.4. Titrations 5. Atomic structure and the periodic table 5.1. Light and Spectroscopy 5.1.2. The Characteristics of Light 5.1.3. Quantization and Photons 5.2. The Structure of the Hydrogen Atom 5.2.2. The Spectrum of Atomic Hydrogen 5.2.3. Particles and Waves 5.3. The Structure of Many-Electron Atoms 5.3.2. Orbital Energies 5.3.3. The Building-up Principle 5.4. A survey of Periodic Table 5.4.2. Blocks, Periods, and Groups Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 15 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 5.4.3. Periodicity of Physical Properties 5.4.4. Trends in Chemical Properties 6. The chemical bond 6.1. Ionic Bonds 6.1.2. The Energetics of ionic Bond Formation 6.1.3. Ionic Bonds and the Periodic Table 6.2. Covalent Bonds 6.2.2. The electron-pair bond 6.2.3. Lewis Structures of Polyatomic Molecules 6.2.4. Lewis Acids and Bases 6.2.5. Resonance 6.2.6. Exceptions to the Lewis Octet Rule 6.3. The Shapes of Molecules 6.3.2. Electron-pair Repulsions 6.3.3. Molecules with Multiple Bonds The structures of molecules 7.1. Bond Parameters 7.1.2. Bond Strength 7.1.3. Bond Lengths 7.2. Charge Distributions in Compounds 7.2.2. Ionic versus Covalent Bonding 7.2.3. Assessing the Charge Distribution 7.3. The Valence-Bond Model of Bonding 7.3.2. Bonding in Diatomic Molecules 7.3.3. Hybridization 7.4. Molecular Orbital Theory 7.4.2. Molecular Orbitals 7.4.3. Bonding in Period 2 Diatomic Molecules The properties of solutions 8.1. Measures of Concentration 8.1.2. Emphasizing the Amounts of Solute in Solution 8.1.3. Emphasizing Relative Amounts of Solute and Solvent Molecules 8.2. Solubility 8.2.2. Saturation and Solubility 8.2.3. The Effect of Pressure on Gas Solubility 8.2.4. The Effect of Temperature on Solubility 8.3. Colligative Properties 8.3.2. Changes in Vapor Pressure, Boiling Points, and Freezing Points 8.3.3. Osmosis 8.4. Mixtures of Liquids 8.4.2. Raoult’s Law for Mixtures of Liquids 8.4.3. The Distillation of Mixtures of Liquids Chemical equilibrium 9.1. The Description of Chemical Equilibrium 9.1.2. Reactions at Equilibrium 9.1.3. The Equilibrium Constant 9.1.4. Heterogeneous Equilibria Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 7. 8. 9. 16 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 9.2. Equilibrium Calculations 9.2.2. Specific Initial Concentrations 9.2.3. Arbitrary Initial Concentrations 9.3. The Response of Equilibria to the Reaction Conditions 9.3.2. The Effect of Added Reagent 9.3.3. The Effect of Pressure 9.3.4. The Effect of Temperature 10. Intrduction to functional groups and their typical reactions 10.1. Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes 10.2. Aromatic compounds 10.3. Alcohols 10.4. Aldehydes and ketones 10.5. Carboxylic acids and their derivatives 10.6. Ethers 10.7. Amines Mode of delivery: Gapped lecture Group discussion Questioning and answering Mode of assessment: Quizzes, assignments, tests, mid-term and final examination. Reference materials: 1. P.W. Atkins and J.A. Beran, General Chemistry, 2nd Ed., 1992. 2. R. Chang, General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts, 5th Ed., 2008 3. J.W. Hill and R.H. Petrucci, General Chemistry: An Integrated Approach, 2nd Ed., 1999. 4. J. E. Brady, J. W. Russel and J.R. Holum, General Chemistry: Principles and Structure, 5th Ed., 2006. 5. S. S. Zumdahal and S.A. Zumdahal, Chemistry, 7th Ed., 2007/ 17.1.2 University Practical Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE C REDIT HOURS CO TACT HOURS: PRE-REQUISITE U IVERSITY P RACTICAL CHEMISTRY CHEM 203 1 3 LAB. HR/WEEK - Course description: Measuring mass, and volumes by using cylinder and burette, experimental errors, systematic and random errors, significant digits/figures, beam balance, mean, mean deviation, Bunsen burner, luminous and non-luminous flame, physical and chemical changes, properties and reaction of substances, diffusion rates, kinetic theory of gases, Graham’s law of diffusion, percentage of water of hydration, calculating equivalent weight; basic laboratory operations such as recrystallization, simple distillation, fractional distillations and steam distillations. Course rationale: The course university practical chemistry is designed to make students more prepared to the all practical chemistry courses starting from developing the general rules of laboratory, handling of Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry chemicals and instruments and operating skills of this instruments. In addition it is also designed to refresh the previous preparatory chemistry concepts before tackling the advanced chemistry courses. It ensures readiness of the students for the higher chemistry courses at university level and hence the name University practical chemistry is given. Course objectives: Up on the completion of this course the students will be able to: • grasp the general guidelines of laboratory • develop the skill of mass and volume measurement • Know the difference between systematic and random errors • discuss the difference between physical and chemical changes • operate Bunsen burner and discuss on parts and description of each part • discus on the property of the flame of Bunsen burner • verify the Graham’s law of diffusion and observe the motion of the molecules • determine the percentage of water of hydration • discuss on the methods of calculating equivalent weight • carry out recrystallization, simple, fractional and steam distillations Course outline Experiment -1. Mass and volume measurements Experiment -2. Bunsen burner Experiment -3. Physical and chemical changes Experiment -4. Diffusion of gases Experiment-5. Determination of water of hydration Experiment -6. Equivalent weight of a metal Experiment-7. The effect of temperature on reaction rate Experiment -8. Determination of solubility of salts Experiment -9: Recrystallization Experiment -10: Simple and Fractional distillations Experiment -11: Extraction Experiment -12: Steam distillation Mode of delivery: -Lecture by demonstration -Group discussion during experiment time -Questioning and answering Mode of assessment: -Experiment report-------------------40% -Assignment---------------------------10% -Attendance ----------------------------5% -Final exam-----------------------------45% -Total------------------------------------100% Reference materials: 1. Experimental chemistry, Michell J. Seinko, Robert A. Plane, Stanley T. Marcus, 6th ed. 2. Ermias Dagne. Experiments in organic Chemistry I: Addis Ababa University; 1978 3. Laboratory manual for general and inorganic chemistry, Z. Vasilyeva, A. Granovskaya, A. Taperova Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 18 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 4. Practical skills in chemistry John R. Dean, Alan M Jones, David Holmes, Rob Read, Jonathan Weyers and Alan Jones. 5. General chemistry, UNO, KASK. J. David Rawn 17.2 Analytical chemistry section 17.2.1 Analytical Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: A ALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CHEM 222 3 3 LEC.HR/ WEEK Course description: Introduction to the subject matter; Ionic equilibria; statistical evaluation of analytical data; Solutions; titrimetric methods of analysis; gravimetric analysis: Course rationale: The course is designed to make the students develop competencies of chemical analysis, by using the various chemical techniques such as gravimetric and/or titrimetric techniques. The course familiarizes the students with statistical evaluation of analytical data. As a result the students, after completion of the course, will develop the competency to carry out chemical analysis in various fields such as chemical industry, agriculture, environmental chemistry, clinical chemistry, medicine, pharmaceutical industries and others. Course objectives: Upon completion of this course the students will be able to: • Describe the role of analytical chemistry in the society and day to day life; • Describe different methods of chemical analyses; • Discuss each step of the analytical process; • compare and contrast different schemes of systematic cation and anion analysis; • prepare solutions of different concentrations; • describe some of the properties of solutions and chemical equilibria; • describe the effect of different factors on solubility of a substance in a given solvent; • discuss the application of solubility product principle and complex ion formation reactions in chemical analyses; • Discuss principles of redox reactions and their applications. • Know different ways of validating analytical methods; • apply different statistical tests to analytical data and indicate the reliability of experimental results; • distinguish among neutralization, precipitation, complexation and redox reactions and use them as bases for quantitative determinations; • select appropriate indicator for detecting the end point of a given titration; • Carry out different titrimetric and gravimetric analyses. Course outline: 1. Introduction 1.1 Definition of analytical chemistry 1.2 Roles of analytical chemistry Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 19 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.3 Classification of Analytical Chemistry 1.4 Methods of chemical analysis 1.5 Steps in quantitative chemical analysis Ionic equilibria 2.1 Acid-base equilibria 2.1.1 Theories of acids and bases 2.1.2 Dissociation of strong monoprotic acids and bases 2.1.3 Dissociation of weak monoprotic acids and bases 2.1.4 Dissociation of water and pH of aqueous solutions 2.1.5 Common ion effect 2.1.6 Buffer solutions 2.1.7 Hydrolysis of salts 2.2 Solubility product principle 2.2.1 Solubility, solubility equilibria and solubility product 2.2.2 Common ion effect and salt effect on solubility 2.2.3 Effect of acidity on solubility 2.3 Complexation equilibria 2.3.1 Complex ion and ligands 2.3.2 Complex formation equilibria with unidentate and multidentate ligands 2.3.3 Factors affecting stability of complexes 2.3.4 Effect of complexation on solubility 2.4 Oxidation-reduction equilibria 2.4.1 Redox reactions, reducing and oxidizing agents 2.4.2 Redox reactions in electrochemical cells and electrode potential 2.4.3 Dependence of electrode potential on concentration 2.4.4 Calculating equilibrium constant from electrode potential Statistical evaluation of analytical data 3.1 Mean, Standard deviation, Variance 3.2 Accuracy and precision of measurements 3.3 Errors in analytical results 3.4 Confidence limit 3.5 Testing for significance (t-test and F-test) 3.6 Rejection test (Q-test) Solutions and their concentrations 4.1 Types of solutions 4.2 Different ways of expressing concentration 4.3 Preparation of solutions 4.4 Activity and activity coefficient Titrimetric methods of analysis 5.1 Fundamentals of titrimetry 5.1.1 Definition of terms 5.1.2 Ideal requirements for standard solutions 5.1.3 Volumetric calculations 5.2 Acid-base titration 5.2.1 Acid-base titration curves 5.2.2 Acid-base indicators 5.3 Precipitation titration 5.3.1 Titration curves 5.3.2 End point detection methods 5.4 Complexometric titration 20 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 5.4.1 Titration with aminopolycarboxylic acids (EDTA and its species) 5.4.2 EDTA titration curve 5.4.3 End point detection methods 5.5 Redox titration 5.5.1 Derivation of redox titration curves 5.5.2 Oxidation-reduction indicators 6. Gravimetric analysis 6.1 Principle and types of gravimetric analysis 6.2 Properties of precipitates and precipitating agents 6.3 Steps in gravimetric analysis 6.4 Gravimetric calculations Mode of delivery: Lecture group discussion assignment in group or individually home work Mode of assessment: - Quizzes, - assignments, - tests, - Mid-term and final examinations. Reference materials: 1. Skoog, D.A.; West, D.M.; Holler, F.J. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 7th ed.; Saunders College Publishing, New York, 1996. 2. Christian, G.D. Analytical Chemistry, 5th ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1994. 3. Harris, D.C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4th ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1995. 4. Jeffery, G.H.; Bassett, J.; Mandham, J.; Denney, R.C. Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York 1991. 5. Manahan, S.E. Quantitative chemical analysis, Brooks/Cole publishing company, California, 1986. 6. Fifield, F.W., Keale, D. Principles and practice of analytical chemistry, 3rd ed., Blakie academic and professional, Glasgow, 1990. 7. Marmet, J.M.; Otto, M.; Widmer, H.M. (editors). Analytical chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim,1998 17.2.2 Practical Analytical Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: PRACTICAL A ALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CHEM 224 1 3 LAB. HR/WEEK Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 21 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course description: Selected experiments on neutralization, precipitation, complex formation, redox titrations and gravimetric analysis, i.e., experiments on qualitative and quantitative analytical chemistry. Course Rationale: The course is designed for making the students know the classical techniques in both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Moreover, the course familiarizes the students with basic principles of gravimetric and titrimetric techniques. As a result the students, after completion of the course, will develop the practical competency to carry out chemical analysis in various fields such as chemical industry, agriculture, environmental chemistry, clinical chemistry, medicine, pharmaceutical industries and others. Objectives: Upon completion of this course the students will be able to: • • • • • • • • • • • • Describe different methods of chemical analyses; analyze the presence and/or absence of cations and anions in a given sample; discuss the qualitative properties of selected cations and anions; describe the effect of different factors on solubility of a substance in a given solvent; discuss principles of redox reactions and their applications; distinguish among neutralization, precipitation, complexation and redox reactions and use them as bases for quantitative determinations; select appropriate indicator for detecting the end point of a given titration; carry out different titrimetric and gravimetric analyses; interpret quantitative analytical results using figures; discuss and conclude qualitative and quantitative analytical results; compare the theoretical and practical aspects of analytical chemistry; Apply the different qualitative and quantitative techniques in their future career. Course outline: Experiments pool to be selected from for quantitative analyses: Experiment 1: Gravimetric determination of Calcium Experiment 2: Gravimetric determination of Iron Experiment 3: Standardization of sodium hydroxide solution Experiment 4: Determination of NaOH and Na2CO3 in the same solution Experiment 5: Determination of Na2CO3 and Na2HCO3 in the same solution Experiment 6: Determination of halides argentometrically Experiment 7: Determination of Potassium dichromate using Sodium thiosulphate Experiment 8: Determination of oxalate permanganometrically Experiment 9: Determination of hardness of water Experiment 10: Preparation of solutions from concentrated solids Experiment 11: Preparation of solutions from liquids Mode of delivery: Brief lecture, group discussion, individual works, experimentation, demonstration Mode of assessment: Laboratory reports, class activities and regular attendance, quizzes and final examination Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 22 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Reference materials: 1. Georg Schwedt. The essential guide to Analytical Chemistry, 2nd ed., Stuttgart-New York, 1996. 2. G. Svehla. Vogel’s qualitative inorganic analysis, 7th ed., 1996. 3. Negussie Retta. Quantitative Chemical Analysis Experiments for University Students (manual), 2nd ed., Addis Ababa University, Sept. 2000. 4. Dr. Ivan Linko and Dr. Sree Lkshmi. Practical Analytical Chemistry I, Qualitative Analysis (manual), Addis Ababa University, 1992. 5. I.T. Sidhwani and Sushmita Choduhry. Green alternative to qualitative analysis for cations without H2S and other Sulfur-containing compounds, Journal, August 2008. 6. Harris, D.C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4th ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1995. 7. J. Mendham. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6th ed., August 1999. 17.2.3 Instrumental Analysis I COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: I STRUME TAL A ALYSIS I CHEM 321 3 3 LEC. HR /WEEK CHEM 222 A D CHEM 224 Course description: Introduction to the subject matter; principles of chromatography; chromatographic methods and instrumentation: gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography, size exclusion chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, electrophoresis; electroanalytical methods: conductometry, potentiometry, coulometry, electrogravimetry and voltammetry; thermometric methods. Course Rationale: The course is designed to make the students develop competency in basic instrumental methods of analysis. The course will familiarize the students with the basic knowledge of instrumentations like in gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography, size exclusion chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, electrophoresis, potentiometry, conductometry, coulometry, electrogravimetry, voltammetry which are applicable in various fields like, toxicology, environmental science, pharmaceuticals, quality controlling, chemical industry, clinical chemistry, medicine and the like. Course objectives: After completing the course students will be able to: • describe underlying principle governing chromatographic separations; • distinguish among different chromatographic methods and discuss their applications; • select appropriate conditions (mobile phase, stationary phase, column, detector, etc) for a given chromatographic analysis; • discuss the application of supercritical fluid chromatography; • define electrophoresis and describe its application in chemical analysis. • choose appropriate analytical method for analysis of a given sample; • extract a given component from a sample using appropriate extraction technique. • classify analytical methods into classical and instrumental methods and distinguish between them; Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 23 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry • • • compare and contrast classical and instrumental methods with respect to speed, sensitivity, precision, ease of automation, etc; describe underlying principle governing different electroanalytical methods; and discuss the qualitative and quantitative applications of different electroanalytical methods. Course outline: 1. Analytical separation techniques and classical method of analysis 2. Introduction to chromatographic separation 2.1 Historical background 2.2 Types of chromatography 2.3 Paper chromatography 2.4 Thin layer chromatography 2.5 Column chromatography 2.6 Efficiency of separation 2.7 Application (Qualitative and quantitative information) 3. Gas Chromatography (GC) 3.1 Principle of GC 3.2 Instruments for GC 3.3 Applications 4. High-performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) 4.1 Principle of HPLC 4.2 Instruments for HPLC 4.3 Parts of liquid (liquid) Chromatograph 4.3.1. Liquid (partition) chromatography 4.3.2. Liquid – solid (Adsorption) chromatography 4.3.3. Ion-exchange chromatography 4.3.4. Molecular exclusion chromatography 5. Introduction to Electro-analytical Chemistry 5.1 Electrochemical cells and cell potential 5.2 Current in electrochemical cells 5.3 Types of electro-analytical methods 6. Potentiometry 6.1 Basic principles 6.2 Types of electrodes 6.3 Instrumentation 6.4 Potentiometric Titration 7. Voltammetry 7.1 Excitation signals in voltammetry 7.2 Types of voltammetry 7.3 Polarography and Amperometry 8. Coulometry and Electrogravimetric Analysis 8.1 Types of coulometry 8.2 Separation of cathode and anode reactions 8.3 Current effect on voltages 9. Conductometry 9.1 Basic principles and Instrumentation 9.2 Application 9.3 Conductometric titration 10. Electrophoresis Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 24 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 10.1 10.2 Basic principles of electrophoresis Types and application of electrophoresis Mode of delivery: Lecture, group discussion, seminar on selected topics, reading assignments, Mode of assessment: Attendance, assignment in groups or individually, home work, quizzes, oral questions, tests, final examination. Reference materials: 1. D.A. Skoog, D.M. West and F.J. Holler, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 7th Ed., Saunders College Publishing, New York, 1996. 2. G.D. Christian, Analytical Chemistry, 5th Ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1994. 3. D.C. Harris, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4th Ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1995. 4. G.H. Jeffery, J. Bassett, J. Mandham and R.C. Denney, Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York 1991. 5. S.E. Manahan, Quantitative chemical analysis, Brooks/Cole publishing company, California, 1986. 6. F.W. Fifield and D. Keale, Principles and practice of analytical chemistry, 3rd Ed., Blakie academic and professional, Glasgow, 1990. 7. J.M. Marmet, M. Otto and H.M. Widmer (editors), Analytical chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1998. 17.2.4 Practical Instrumental analysis I COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: CO-REQUISITE: PRACTICAL I STRUME CHEM 323 1 3 LAB. HR/WEEK CHEM 321 TAL A ALYSIS I Course description: Experiments in chromatography (TLC, CC, GC, HPLC) and electroanalytical methods (Potentiometry, Voltametry, Conductometry, coulometry, electrogravimetry, electrophoresis and refractive index) Course rationale: The course is designed in order to make the students develop the practical competency and skills in carrying out chemical analysis by using modern chromatographic and electroanalytical instruments. Course objective: At the end of the course the students would be able to: • Describe different types of analysis for the estimation of the concentration of an unknown solution. • Understand the theory behind every technique. • Know the correct choice of the instrument for a given analysis. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 25 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry • • • • • Know the extent of accuracy in each method. Understand the precautions required in every method. Identify different parts of selected instruments and describe their respective functions. Separate, identify and determine the quantity of a given species from a sample by using different chromatographic techniques (PC, TLC etc). Determine the quantity of a given species from a sample by using different electroanalytical techniques (conductometry, potentiometry etc). Course outline: 1. Chromatography 1.1. Paper chromatography: Determination of Rf of the given substance (amino acid) using an organic solvent 1.2. Thin layer Chromatography: Determination of Rf of a given dye (thymol blue, bromo cresol, phenol red etc) using a solvent mixture 1.3. Determination of the number of constituents in a given mixture 2. Electrophoresis 2.1. Determination of the charge and distance moved by an amino acid by the application of 300 V for a period of 1 hour using an electrophoretic power supply 2.2. Determination of the number of amino acids in the given mixture by electrophoresis method 3. Potentiometry 3.1. Redox system: Estimation of the given ferrous ammonium sulphate potentiometrically; a standard solution of 0.1 Potassium dichromate solution may be provided 3.2. Acid-Base Titration: Estimation of hydrochloric acid potentiometrically using a calomel electrode 3.3. Determination of single electrode potential; silver, zinc and copper electrodes may be used 4. Conductometry 4.1. Acid-base Titration: Estimation of Hydrochloric acid conductometrically using 0.5N sodium hydroxide. 4.2. Cell constant: determination of cell constant of a given conductivity cell using a conductivity meter 4.3. Equivalent conductance: determination of equivalent conductance of a given strong electrolyte 5. Refractive Index 5.1. Constructing a calibration chart for the determination of sodium chloride or potassium chloride; determination of unknown concentration of potassium chloride. 5.2. Determination of percentage composition of the given mixture. Water and ethanol may be used. 5.3. Studies on structural aspects. 5.4. Determination of Specific and Molar refractivity of some solutions. Mode of assessment: Practical examination/written examination may be conducted on the theories of various analytical techniques. Reports submitted will be evaluated; attendance, observation while the student was doing lab, oral questions and correcting laboratory report. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 26 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Mode of delivery: Lecture method with demonstration of experiments. Students have to do in batches all the experiments. Practical laboratory experiments, questioning, report writing. Reference materials: 1. G. Schwedt, The essential guide to Analytical Chemistry, 2nd Ed., Stuttgart-New York, 1996. 2. G. Svehla, Vogel’s qualitative inorganic analysis, 7th Ed., 1996. 3. N. Retta, Quantitative Chemical Analysis Experiments for University Students (manual), 2nd Ed., Addis Ababa University, 2000. 4. Harris, D.C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4th Ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1995. 5. J. Mendham, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6th Ed., August 1999. 17.2.5 Instrumental Analysis II COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: I STRUME TAL A CHEM 322 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK CHEM 321 ALYSIS II Course description: Introduction to the subject matter; analytical methods based on the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter; atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy; instrumentation for spectroscopy; ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy; infrared; nuclear magnetic resonance; fluorescence; phosphorescence. Course rationale: The course is designed to make the students develop the theoretical competency in using spectroscopic techniques for analytical purposes. The course familiarizes the students with the theoretical background of the principles of spectroscopic instruments like atomic absorption, atomic emission, ultraviolet-visible and infrared spectrophotometers ; nuclear magnetic spectrometer; fluorescence and phosphorescence instrumentations, which are used in various fields like, toxicology, environmental science, pharmaceuticals, quality controlling, chemical industry, clinical chemistry, medicine and the like. Course objectives: After completing this course students will be able to: • describe electromagnetic radiation; • define terms such as spectroscopy, absorption and emission of emr • discuss the qualitative and quantitative applications of different spectroscopic methods; • elucidate structure of compounds from spectra by using data from joint spectroscopic techniques; • describe the underlying principles of different spectroscopic methods; and • draw block diagrams for instruments of different spectrometric method. Course outline: 1. Introduction to Spectroscopy 1.1 Electromagnetic Radiation and its interaction with matter Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 27 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1.2 Electromagnetic radiation and its quantum mechanical property 1.3 Absorption and Emission of Radiation 1.4 The electromagnetic spectrum Absorption Laws (Quantitative Analysis) 2.1 Lambert-Beer's Law 2.2 Deviation from Beer's Law 2.3 Errors associated with Beer's Law Instruments for optical spectroscopy 3.1 Components of optical instruments 3.1.1 Source of Radiation 3.1.2 Wave-length selectors 3.1.3 Sample containers 3.1.4 Radiation Detectors 3.1.5 Read out detectors and signal amplification systems 3.2 Optical systems used in spectroscopy: Single beam versus double beam Atomic Absorption and emission spectroscopy 4.1 Principles 4.2 Instrumentation 4.3 Analytical Applications Ultraviolet and Visible (UV-Vis) Spectroscopy 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Basic Principles 5.3 Absorption characteristics of some chromopores 5.4 Instrumentation 5.5 Application Infrared Spectroscopy 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Energy levels in vibrating and rotating molecules 6.3 Characteristic vibrational frequencies 6.4 Factors affecting group frequencies 6.5 Instrumentation 6.6 Interpretation of some spectra Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) 7.1 Basic principle of NMR 7.2 NMR spectrometers 7.3 Proton NMR 7.4 C–13 NMR 7.5 Interpretation of NMR spectra Structure elucidations by joint application of different spectroscopic methods: UV, IR, NMR and mass spectrometry. Mode of delivery: Lecture, group discussion, seminar on selected topics, reading assignments. Mode of assessment: Attendance, assignment in groups or individually, home work, quizzes, oral questions, tests, final examination. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 28 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Reference materials: 1. D.A. Skoog and J.J. Leary, Principle of Instrumental Analysis, 4th Ed. Saynders College publishing, 1992. 2. C.N. Banwell and E.M. McCash, Fundamentals of Molecular spectroscopy, McGraw Hill, 1994. 3. R. Davis and M. Freason, Mass spectrometry (analytical spectrometry by open learning), John Wiley and Sons, 1987. 4. H. Gunter, NMR Spectroscopy, 2nd Ed., John Willey and Sons, 1995. 5. J. Hollas, Modern Spectroscopy, 3rd Ed. John Willey and sons, 1996. 6. J.D. Ingle and S.R. Crouch, Spectrochemical analysis, Prentice Hall, 1988. 7. L.D. Field, S. Sternhell and S. Kalman, Organic structure from spectra, 2nd Ed., John Willey and sons, 1995. 8. J.R. Chapman, Organic Mass Spectrometry, 2nd Ed.; John Willey and Sons, 1993. 9. D.H. Williams and I. Fleming, Spectroscopic method in organic chemistry, 5th Ed. McGraw Hill, 1995. 10. G.W. Ewing, Instrumental Method of Chemical Analysis, 5th Ed., 1985. 11. R.M. Silverstein, G.C. Bassler and T.C. Morril, Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, 5th Ed., John Willey and Sons, 1991. 17.2.6. Practical Instrumental analysis II COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: PRACTICAL I STRUME CHEM 324 1 3 LAB. HR/WEEK CHEM 323 TAL A ALYSIS II Course description: Experiments on spectroscopic techniques (absorption and emission techniques, molecular spectroscopic techniques) Course rationale: The course is designed to make the students develop the practical competency in using spectroscopic techniques for analytical purposes. The course familiarizes the students with the practical skills of operating spectroscopic instruments. Course objective: • Describe different types of analysis for the estimation of the concentration of an unknown solution; • Understand the theory behind every technique; • Know the correct choice of the instrument for a given analysis; • Know the extent of accuracy in each method; • Understand the precautions required in every method; • Identify different parts of selected spectroscopic instruments and describe their respective functions; • Operate and run different spectroscopic instruments and generate spectrum of a given substance; • Use appropriate spectroscopic method for quantitative determination of sample components; and • Elucidate structure of a compound using joint spectroscopic techniques. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 29 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Mode of assessment: Practical examination or written examination may be conducted on the theories of various analytical techniques. Reports submitted will also be evaluated. Attendance, observation while the student was doing laboratory and oral questions will have their own value. Mode of delivery: Lecture method with demonstration of experiments. Students have to do in batches all the experiments. Reference materials: 1. G.H. Jeffery, J. Bassett, J. Mandham and R.C. Denney, Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6th Ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York 2000. 2. D.C. Harris, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4th Ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1995. 17.2.7. Analysis of Real Samples COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: A ALYSIS OF R EAL SAMPLES CHEM 422 2 6 LAB. HR/WEEK CHEM 323, CHEM 324 Course description: Systematic analysis of real samples: sampling, preservation and preparation of samples for the determination of the major, trace elements, inorganic compounds (speciation) and organic compounds; biological samples; food and beverages; water and waste water samples; soils and related samples. Course rationale: The course is designed to make the students develop the competency to analyze real samples based on what they have already learnt. The course will familiarize the students with the techniques of sampling, storage, and analysis of real samples. Course objective: After completing this course students will be able to: • Select appropriate sampling and preservation of a particular real sample • Identify preparation methods for analysis of metals by different methods • Perform experiments on water, soil and air Course outline: 1. Systematic analysis of real samples 2. Sampling, preservation and preparation of samples for the determination of the major, trace elements, inorganic compounds (speciation) and organic compounds 3. Biological samples 4. Food and beverages samples 5. Water and waste water samples 6. Soils and related samples Mode of delivery: Practical laboratory experiments, questioning, report writing. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 30 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Mode of assessment: Attendance, observation while the student was doing lab, oral questions, correcting laboratory report, practical examination and written examination. Reference materials: To be designated at commencement of the course. 17.3 Inorganic chemistry section 17.3.1. Inorganic Chemistry I COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: I ORGA IC CHEMISTRY I CHEM 212 3 3 LEC. HR/ WEEK CHEM 201 Course description: Atomic structure, periodic trends, chemical bonding, Acid-base theory and solvent system, chemistry of main group elements; chemistry of hydrogen, s-block, p-block and noble gases; compounds of main group elements: synthesis, reactions and applications. Course objectives: After completion of this course, students will be able to: • Discuss the current view of atomic structure • Write & explain the electronic configuration • Relate electronic configuration to the classification of elements in the periodic table and their properties • Explain the basic concepts of chemical bonding and structure • Have a general overview of the descriptive chemistry of hydrogen and s p, d and f- block elements Course outline 1. Overview of Atomic theory and Periodic Table 1.1. Some principles of quantum mechanics 1.2. Radial and Angular wave functions and the quantum numbers 1.3. The periodic table and chemical periodicity 2. Chemical Bonding and Structure 2.1. Types of chemical bonding 2.2. Shape of simple covalent molecules 2.3. Theories of bonding for covalent molecules 2.4. Ionic solids 2.5. Metallic bonding and bonding theories 3. Acid base theory and the solvent system 3.1. Basic definitions 3.1.1. Strength of binary acids 3.1.2. Strength of Oxyacids 3.1.3. Strength of Lewis acid and base 3.2 Solvent systems 3.3 Hard –soft acid and bases Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 31 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 4. The chemistry of Hydrogen 4.1 Compounds of hydrogen 4.2 Synthesis 4.3 Reactivity of hydrogen 4.4 Application of hydrogen 5. The chemistry of s-block elements 5.1 The chemistry of alkaline metals 5.1.1 General trends 5.1.2 Some compounds of alkali metals 5.1.3 Occurrences, reactivity and extraction of the metals 5.2 The chemistry of alkaline earth metals 5.2.1 General trends 5.2.3 Occurrences, reactivity and extraction of the metals 6. The chemistry of p-block elements 6.1 The chemistry of boron group elements 6.1.1 Trends and some compounds of the group elements 6.1.2 Occurrences, reactivity and extraction of the elements 6.2 The chemistry of carbon group elements 6.2.1 Trends and some compounds of the group elements 6.2.2 Occurrences, reactivity and extraction of the metals 6.3 The chemistry of nitrogen group elements 6.3.1 Trends and some compounds of the group elements 6.3.2 Occurrences, reactivity and extraction of the elements 6.4 The chemistry of oxygen group elements 6.4.1 Trends and some compounds of the group elements 6.4.2 Occurrences, reactivity and extraction of the elements 6.5 The chemistry of halogen group elements 6.5.1 Trends and some compounds of the group elements 6.5.2 Occurrences, reactivity and extraction of the elements 6.6 The chemistry of noble gases 6.6.1 Trends and some compounds of the group elements 6.6.2 Occurrences, reactivity and extraction of the elements Mode of delivery: Gaped lecture, lecture–demonstration, group work and presentation, individual assignment and presentation, and project work. Mode of assessment: Oral questions, tests at the end of each chapter, assignment, group work, summative exam at the end of the semester Text: A new concise inorganic chemistry, J.D. Lee 5th Ed.. Reference materials: 1. Basic Inorganic Chemistry, F.A Cotton, G. Wilkinson, and P.L. Gaus. 2. An Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry, Purcell and Kotz. 3. Modern Aspect of Inorganic Chemistry, H.J.Emeleus and A.G.Sharpe. 4. Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of Structure and Reactivity, J.E. Huheey. 5. A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry, K N Upadhyaya 3rd edition. 6. Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry, G.I Brown. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 32 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17.3.2. Inorganic Chemistry II COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: I ORGA IC CHEMISTRY II CHEM 311 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK CHEM 212 Course description: Group properties of transition elements: general physical and chemical properties, variable oxidation states, stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric compounds, catalytic properties etc, coordination compounds (historical development, nomenclature, isomerism, VBT, CFT, MOT), metals and metallurgical processes, descriptive chemistry of transition and inner transition elements (electronic structure, oxidation states, occurrences, isolations, reactions and uses of selected d-block and f-block elements, and chemistry of their compounds). Course rationale: This course, Inorganic Chemistry II, allow the student to reflect the ease of recovery of metals from their ores and to the ways in which the various metals and their compounds are handled in the laboratory. It also provides responsiveness of electronic structure. Furthermore, the metallic elements are the most numerous of the elements and their chemical properties are central to both industry and contemporary research. Course objectives: After completion of this course, students will be able to: • Have a clear understanding of the group properties of the transition elements • Explain coordination compounds with respect to their formation, nomenclature, geometry, isomerism and bonding theories (VBT, CFT and MOT) • Describe metallurgical process in metals • Have a general overview of the descriptive chemistry of transition elements Course outline: 1. Chemistry of d-block elements 1.1 General physical properties of the elements 1.1.1. Density, melting and boiling points 1.1.2. Trends in the periodic table: size, IE, EN, etc. 1.2 General chemical properties 1.2.1. The inherent variable oxidation states and reactivity 1.2.2. Non-stoichiomtric compounds 1.3 Catalytic properties of the metals in the synthesis of: 1.3.1. Organic compounds 1.3.2. Inorganic compounds 1.4 Studies with specific reference to first series of transition metals 1.4.1 Occurrence and importance of compounds of the metals 2. Chemistry of f-block elements 2.1. General physical and chemical properties 2.1.1 Density, melting and boiling points, spectra, etc. 2.1.2 Trends in the periodic table: size, IE, EN, etc. 2.1.3 Reactivity 2.1.4 Occurrence and separation of their compounds Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 33 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 3. 2.1.5 Catalytic properties of the metals in synthesis Coordination chemistry of transition metals 3.1 Definition, nomenclature and isomerism 3.2 Valence bond theory 3.3 Crystal field theory 3.4 Molecular orbital theory Mode of delivery: Gapped lecture, lecture demonstration, group work and presentation, and project work. Method of assessment: Oral questions, tests at the end of each chapter, assignment, group work assessment, summative exam at the end of the semester. Text: A new Concise Inorganic Chemistry, J.D. Lee., 3rd or 5th edition. Reference materials: 1. Basic Inorganic Chemistry, F.A cotton, G.Wilkinson, and P.L. Gaus. 2. An Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry, Purcell and Kotz. 3. Modern Aspect of Inorganic Chemistry, H.J.Emeleus and A.G.Sharpe. 4. Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of Structure and Reactivity, J.E. Huheey. 5. A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry, K N Upadhyaya 3rd edition. 6. Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry, G.I. Brown. 17.3.3 Practical Inorganic Chemistry I COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: PRACTICAL I ORGA CHEM 313 1 3 LEC. HR/WEEK CHEM 203 IC CHEMISTRY I Course description: The chemistry of selected transition elements: titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, silver, cadmium, and mercury. Course rationale: The course is designed to give students competency in chemistry of transition elements mainly titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, silicon, cadmium, and mercury. The course familiarizes the students with the different oxidation states and reactions of transition elements and their compounds. The students will be able to prepare compounds of transitional metals and study their behaviours in different media (acidic, basic, neutral). The course equips the students with the required competency to work in areas that require the competency such as the chemical industry, agriculture, environmental chemistry, Geology, Biology and others. Course objective: After completing this course, students will be able to: • have a clear understanding of the group properties of the selected transition elements • Preparation, identification and properties of compounds formed from selected transition elements. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 34 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry • • Reactions of various oxidation states of the selected transition elements and study the properties of the known compounds under different kinds of media (acidic, alkaline, and neutral). Conversion of complex compounds of the transition elements into simplified once using different kinds of techniques. Course outline: 1. The chemistry of Titanium 1.1. Reaction of titanyl sulphate with aqueous NaOH and ammonia; preparation of Orthotitanic acid 1.2. Reaction of titanyl sulphate with ammonium sulphide 1.3. Behaviour of Orthotitanic acid with respect to dilute sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide 1.4. Conversion of Orthotitanic acid in to Met titanic acid 2. The Chemistry of Vanadium 2.1. Reaction of Vanadium (V) compounds 2.2. Preparation of vanadium penta oxide 2.3. Dissolution of vanadium pentoxide in sulphuric acid and aqueous alkali; amphotoric behaviour 2.4. Reaction of vanadium pentoxide with water, ”Metavanadic acid” 2.5. Conversion of tetra vanadate in to Hexa vanadate 2.6. Preparation of sparingly soluble vanadates 2.7. Synthesis of ammonium Thiovanadate and vanadium penta sulphide 2.8. Identification of vanadium (V) by means of the peroxo vanadium (V) reaction 2.9. Reaction of vanadium (IV) compounds 2.9.1. Preparation of vanadium dioxide 2.9.2. Amphoteric properties of vanadium dioxide 2.9.3. Reaction of vanadium (IV) by sulphite in aqueous solution 2.9.4. Hydroxide of tetravalent vanadium 2.9.5. Reducing properties of tetravalent vanadium; reduction of permanganate in acidic medium 2.9.6. Identification of vanadium (v) by reduction with hydrochloric acid and reoxidation with iron (III) 3. The Chemistry of Manganese 3.1. Manganese (II) compounds 3.1.1. Preparation of manganese (II) hydroxide and its oxidation by atmospheric oxygen 3.1.2. Action of ammonia on divalent manganese salts in the absence and in the presence of ammonium salts 3.1.3. Oxidation of manganese (II) to its tetravalent state by bromine in alkaline medium 3.1.4. Oxidation of manganese (II) to heptavalent manganese by bromine in alkaline solution with Cu (II) as a catalyst 3.2. Manganese (IV) compounds 3.2.1. Preparation and properties of permanganic anhydride 3.2.2. Thermal decomposition of potassium permanganate 3.2.3. pH dependence of the Oxidizing properties of potassium permanganate, Reaction with sodium sulphite in acidic, neutral and alkaline medium 3.2.4. Oxidation of hydrogen peroxide by potassium permanganate 3.2.5. Oxidation of alcohol by potassium permanganate in acidic and alkaline medium 3.2.6. Synproportionation of manganese (II) and manganese (VII) 4. The chemistry of Chromium Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 35 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 4.1. Preparation and reactions of Chromium (III) compounds 4.1.1. Preparation of chromium (III) oxide 4.1.2. Preparation of Chromic hydroxide 4.1.3. Amphotoric character of Chromium (III) hydroxide 4.2. Oxidation of tetravalent chromium to dichromate (VI) by peroxodisulphate in acidic medium 4.2.1. Introversion of chromium and dichromate 4.2.2. Oxidation of iodide by dichromate in acidic medium 5. The chemistry of Iron 5.1. Preparation and properties of pyrophoric iron 5.2. Reaction of iron with acids 5.3. Preparation of ferrous hydroxide and its oxidation by atmospheric oxygen 5.4. Basic character of ferrous hydroxide 5.5. Reaction of iron (II) with potassium hexacyanoferrate (III); Trundle’s rule 5.6. Preparation and properties of ferric hydroxide 6. The chemistry of Molybdenum 6.1. Preparation and reactions of molybdenum (VI) compounds 6.2. Preparation and properties of molybdic acid 6.3. Amphoteric properties of molybdic acid 6.4. Preparation of molybdenyl hexacyanoferate (II) 6.5. Preparation of sparingly soluble molybdates 6.6. Preparation of thiomolybdate and molybdenum (VI) sulphide 6.7. Peroxomolybdates 6.8. Identification of molybdenum by its red hexathiocyanate molybdate (III) complex Mode of delivery: Practical laboratory experiments, questioning, report writing Mode of assessment: Oral questions, flow chart, observation, lab report, Group work Assessment, tests at the end of each session, practical examination, and summative exam at the end of the semester. Text: Manual of Practical Inorganic Chemistry I Reference materials 1. A new Concise inorganic chemistry, J.D.Lee., 3rd or 5th edition. 2. Basic inorganic Chemistry, F.A cotton, G. Wilkinson, and P.L. Gaus. 3. An introduction to Inorganic chemistry, Purcell and Kotz. 4. Modern aspect of Inorganic chemistry, H.J. Emeleus and A.G. Sarpe. 5. Introduction to inorganic chemistry, G.I Brown. 17.3.4. Inorganic Chemistry III COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: I ORGA IC CHEMISTRY III CHEM 411 4 4 LEC. HR/ WEEK CHEM 311 Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 36 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course description: Symmetry and Group Theory; magneto chemistry; reaction mechanisms: inert and labile complexes; substitution in octahedral and square planar complexes; trans effect; electron transfer reactions: outer sphere and inner sphere mechanisms; Bioinorganic chemistry: metal ions and their biological importance; photosynthesis; nitrogen fixation; oxygen carriers; transition metals; organo-transition metal chemistry: synthesis, structure and bonding, reactions, applications. Course rationale: This course, Inorganic Chemistry III, create a chance to deal with concept of symmetry which helps to determine the physical properties of a molecule and provides hints about how reactions might occur. The electronic spectra help to demonstrate how to interpret the origins of the electronic spectra of coordination compounds and to correlate these spectra with bonding. Another feature that emphasize is the important role of steric congestion (which is responsible for the ability of some organometallic compounds to withstand hydrolysis, and has led to the synthesis of compounds containing multiple bonds between heavy metals) around the central atom. The d and f-block elements has grown into a thriving areas that spans interesting new types of reactions, unusual structures, and practical applications in organic synthesis and industrial catalysis. Furthermore, the bioinorganic chemistry motivates to study further on the role of metal ions in biology and their functions, pharmaceutical applications of metal ions and use of inorganic compounds for therapy purpose. Course objective: • Understand the basic principles of Group theory; • Apply the main concepts of group theory ; • Demonstrate clear understanding of the concepts of Coordination Chemistry; Organometallic chemistry and Bioinorganic Chemistry; • Determine the Magnetic property of Organometallic complexes; • Understand the structure and properties of organometallic complexes; and • Classify Organometallic compounds. Course outline: 1. Symmetry and Group Theory 1.1. Symmetry elements and operations 1.2. Point groups and molecular symmetry 1.3. Uses of point group symmetry 2. Coordination Chemistry 2.1. Introduction (Bonding in coordination compounds: Historical perspective, VBT, CFT, MOT, LFT) 2.1.1. Formation and Stabilities of coordination compounds 2.1.2. Preparation of coordination compounds 2.1.3. Reactivities of coordination compounds 2.1.4. Kinetics and reaction mechanisms 2.1.5. Addition reactions 2.1.6. Electron transfer reactions 2.1.7. Spectral properties of transition metal compounds 2.1.8. Energy levels in an atom 2.1.9. Spin –orbit coupling 2.1.10. Russel -Sounder’s coupling 2.1.11. Spectroscopic terms and their determination 2.1.12. Terms of non-equivalent electrons Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 37 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 3. 4. 2.1.13. Terms of equivalent electrons 2.1.14. Electronic spectra of transition metal complexes 2.1.15. Selection rules 2.1.16. Nature of electronic transitions in complexes with d1-d9 configuration in octahedral and tetrahedral complexes 2.1.17. Magnetochemistry Organometallic chemistry 3.1. Introduction 3.1.14. Historical background 3.1.15. Properties 3.1.16. Classifications of organometallic compounds by bond type 3.1.17. The ‘stability’ of organometallics compounds 3.2. Structure and bonding in organometallic compounds 3.2.14. Ionic 3.2.15. Covalent 3.2.16. Electron deficient complexes 3.3. Methods of formation of metal-carbon bonds 3.3.14. The reaction between a metal and an organic halogen compound 3.3.15. Metal exchange 3.3.16. Reactions of organometallic compounds with metal halides 3.3.17. Addition of metal hydrides to alkenes and alkynes 3.3.18. Formation of metal-carbon bonds by other insertion reactions 3.3.19. Preparation of π-bonded complexes 3.4. Catalytic applications of organometallic compounds 3.4.14. Description of catalysis 3.4.15. Properties of catalysis 3.4.16. Homogeneous catalysis 3.4.17. Heterogeneous catalysis Bio-inorganic chemistry 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Essential elements 4.3. Oxygen utilization 4.4. Supply and storage of iron 4.5. Oxidation reduction processes 4.6. Metalloenzymes 4.7. Vitamin B12 4.8. Nitrogenase 4.9. Photosynthesis 4.10. Roles of Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and iron pumps Mode of delivery: Gaped-lecture, lecture-demonstration, group work, presentation, and project work. Method of assessment: Oral questions, tests at the end of each chapter, assignment, group work assessment, summative exam at the end of the semester. Text: To be designated at the commencement of the course. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 38 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17.3.5 Practical Inorganic Chemistry II COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: PRACTICAL I ORGA CHEM 414 2 6 LAB. HR/WEEK CHEM 313 IC CHEMISTRY II Course description: Synthesis, isolation and characterization of a variety of inorganic compounds and the study of their chemical properties. Course rationale: This course is designed to give the students competency in analyzing inorganic compounds/species both in laboratory and in real samples. They will synthesize, isolate and characterize inorganic species by using classical and instrumental techniques. Course outline: 1. Synthesis of inorganic complexes and their characterization by various physicochemical and spectroscopic techniques; selection can be made from the following list or from current literature. 1.1. Metal acetylacetonates 1.2. Cis and trans isomers of [Co(en)2Cl2]Cl 1.3. Ion-exchange separation of oxidation states of vanadium. 1.4. Preparation of Ferrocene. 1.5. Preparation of triphenyl phosphene Ph3P, and its transition metal complexes. 1.6. Determination of Cr(III) complexes. 1.7. Tin (IV) iodide, Tin(IV) chloride, Tin(II) iodide. 1.8. (N,N)-bis(salicyldehyde)ethylenediamine Salen H2; and its cobalt complex [Co(Salen)]. 1.9. Reaction of Cr(III) with multidentate ligands, a kinetics experiment. 1.10. Vanadyl acetylacetonate. 1.11. Mixed valence dinuclear complex of Mangenese(III,IV). 1.12. Other new novel synthesis reported in literature from time to time II (a) Analysis of ores, alloys and inorganic substances by various chemical methods. 2. Analysis of the samples by instrumental methods such as flame photometer, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, pH-meter, potentiometer, turbidimeter, and electrochemical methods. 3. Separation of mixtures of metal ions by ion exchange chromatography 4. Synthesis and thermal analysis of group II metal oxalate hydrates Mode of delivery: Practical laboratory experiments, questioning, report writing. Method of assessment: Oral questions, tests at the end of each chapter, assignment, group work assessment, summative exam at the end of the semester. Text: To be designated at the commencement of the course. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 39 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17.4 Organic chemistry section 17.4.1 Organic Chemistry I COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: O RGA IC CHEMISTRY I CHEM 242 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK Course description: Historical background of Organic Chemistry; Bonding, Structure and Reactivity; Functional groups (Nomenclature, physical and chemical properties), Stereochemistry: Chirality and Optical activity; Stereoisomerism; Configuration: Cahn-Ingold-Prelog sequence rules for assigning configuration, Introduction to major classes of Organic Reactions: Substitution Reactions, Elimination reactions, Addition reactions; Rearrangement reactions. Course rationale: This course is primarily designed to offer basic understanding of structures, reactivities and synthesis of simple organic compounds and the relationships between structure and properties. Although the course follows mechanistic approach to reactions of organic compounds (substitution, elimination, addition, rearrangement reactions), a chapter is devoted to brief discussion of functional groups, their typical reactions and synthesis. This will enable the students to understand the twin strategies of studying chemistry of the millions of organic compounds by either classifying them according to the reaction types they undergo (mechanistic approach) or according to their functional groups (functional group approach). The course also introduces the concept of stereochemistry and stereoisomerism (configurational and conformational isomerism) and its importance in organic reactions. This enables the students to appreciate the more subtle types of isomerism than the obvious structural (constitutional) isomerism. This course will complement practical organic chemistry-I course as theoretical background and will create basic knowledge for next organic chemistry courses. Course objectives: Individuals who successfully complete this course will be able to: • Understand historical development of organic chemistry, • Draw reasonable and acceptable structural representations of organic molecules, • Understand the modern bonding concepts in organic compounds and their influence on properties of compounds, • recognize various common organic functional groups, • devise the preparation and reactions of common organic functional groups, • understand stereochemistry, recognize conformational and configurational isomerism as additions to stereoisomerism besides geometrical isomerism, • Employ stereochemical considerations when analyzing mechanisms and transformations, • recognize the major types of heterolytic organic reactions, • Describe mechanisms of addition, substitution, elimination and rearrangement reactions. Course outline: 1. Bonding, Structure and Reactivity Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 40 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Historical background of organic chemistry Energy Levels and Atomic Orbitals Bonding in carbon compounds: 1.3.1. Valence Bond Concept 1.3.2. Orbital Hybridizations 1.3.3. Molecular Orbital Concept 1.4. Factors influencing electron availability and reactivity of organic compounds 1.4.1. Inductive effect 1.4.2. Resonance effect 1.4.3. Steric effect 2. Functional groups in organic chemistry 2.1. The importance of Classification of organic compounds according to their Functionality 2.2. Introduction to the common functional groups in organic chemistry, their typical preparations and reactions. 2.1.1 Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, 2.1.2 aromatic hydrocarbons, 2.1.3 alcohols, ethers, and epoxides 2.1.4 amines, nitriles 2.1.5 Aldehydes and ketones, 2.1.6 Carboxylic acids and their derivatives. 3. Stereochemistry 3.1 Definitions: Symmetry, Dissymmetry and Chirality 3.2 Elements of Symmetry 3.3 Stereoisomerism: Definition and Classes (Geometric, Configurational, Conformational Isomerism) 3.4 Configurational (Optical) Isomerism 3.4.1 Common Criterion for Chirality: The Asymmetric Carbon 3.4.2 Enantiomers and their Properties 3.4.3 Optical Activity and Plane Polarized Light 3.4.4 Optical Rotation 3.4.5 Measurement of Optical Rotation: The Polarimeter 3.4.6 Specific Rotation 3.4.7 Racemic mixtures and their Properties 3.4.8 Configuration of Chiral Compounds The Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (CIP) sequence rules for assigning configurations 3.4.9 Fischer Projections 3.4.10 Multiple Stereogenic Centres 3.4.11 Diastereomers 3.4.12 Meso compounds 3.4.13 Resolution of Racemic Mixtures 3.5 Conformational Isomerism 3.5.1 Conformational Analysis in alkanes: Ethane and n-Butane 3.5.2 Cycloalkanes: Cyclopropane, cyclobutane, cyclopentane and Cyclohexane 3.5.3 Substituted Cycloalkanes: Methyl and Dimethyl cyclohexanes 4. Major organic reactions 4.1 Substitution Reactions 4.1.1 Introduction 4.1.2 SN2 and SN1 mechanism Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 41 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 4.1.3 Factors affecting SN2 and SN1 reactions 4.1.4 Applications of Substitution Reactions 4.2 Elimination reactions 4.2.1 Introduction 4.2.2 E2 and E1 mechanism 4.2.3 Elimination versus substitution 4.2.4 Zaistev’s and Hoffman rules 4.2.5 Applications of Elimination Reactions 4.2.6 Other Elimination Reactions 4.3 Addition Reactions 4.3.1 Mechanism and Reactivity 4.3.2 Markovnikove’s Rule 4.3.3 Anti-Markovnikove (Radical) Addition 4.3.4 Michael addition 4.3.5 Examples of Addition Reactions 4.3.6 Other Reactions of Double Bonds Ozonization Diels-Alder reaction Glycol formation Addition polymerization 4.4 Rearrangement reactions 4.4.1 Migration to electron deficient carbon Wagner-Meerwien Rearrangement 4.4.2 Migration to electron deficient oxygen. The Bayaer-Villiger Oxidation 4.4.3 Migration to electron deficient nitrogen Beckmann Rearrangement Hofmann Rearrangement Mode of delivery: Gapped-lecture, lecture-demonstration, group work & presentation & project work. Method of assessment: Oral questions, Short tests at the end of each chapter, assignment, group work assessment, summative exam at the end of the semester. Reference materials: 1. F.M. Menger, D. J. Goldsmith, L. Mondev, "Organic Chemistry", A concise approach, 2nd Ed., 1975. 2. F.A. Carey, "Organic Chemistry", 5th Ed., 2003. 3. T.W.G. Solomons, Organic Chemistry, 7th Ed., 2004. 17.4.2 Practical Organic Chemistry I COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: PRACTICAL O RGA CHEM 244 1 3 LAB. HR/ WEEK IC CHEMISTRY I Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 42 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course description: The course is designed to give basic understanding and concepts of practical organic chemistry. In the organic chemistry laboratory students will learn to decode some of the nature’s secrets and a new language that will enable them to describe what they see through the magnifying class of experimental organic chemistry. In this course students will also learn to work with organic chemistry by obtaining them, identifying them, and transforming them. Furthermore, they will learn many separation and purification techniques such as recrystallization, distillation, chromatography, sublimation and extraction. It is extremely important that the students carefully learn the scientific principles up on which each experiment is based. Course rationale: This course designed to make the students aware of basic organic laboratory activities such as simple recrystallization, melting point determination, simple, steam and fractional distillation, and chromatography techniques. In addition to this student will prepare simple organic compounds like soap, aspirn in laboratory scale. Student will learn the laboratory safely and regulation rules of organic laboratory. The course will give basic knowledge and skill on experimental organic chemistry because organic chemistry is everywhere, from the delicate smell of violets to the paper these words are printed on. It is in the laboratory where the advances of science are made. Without laboratory work, science would be just a poetic fabrication. Course objectives: Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to: • Train in performing organic chemistry experiments that have relevance in industrial, teaching medical and biological fields. • discuss the techniques used to purify contaminated organic compounds • Study characteristics of organic compounds • Develop an ability to synthesize different organic compounds • Design and interpret their own experiments • Understand the desirable techniques used to separate organic compounds from a mixture • Proficient in the most important aspect of laboratory work • Suggest methods of improving the experiment by pointing out the drawbacks encountered and sources of errors Course outline: Experiment 1: Survey of Some Functional Groups Experiment 2: Molecules in Three Dimensions (Stereochemistry) Experiment 3: Nucleophilic Substitution at a Saturated Carbon: Preparation of N-Butyl Bromide Experiment 4: Cyclohexene from Cyclohexanol Experiment 5: Preparation of Aspirin Experiment 7: Fats, Oils and Soaps: Preparation and Properties of Soap Experiment 8: Olefins from Alcohols Experiment 9: Introduction to Chromatography Experiment 10: Diels-Alder Reactions Experiment 11: Qualitative Organic Analysis Mode of delivery: Brief lecture, laboratory method, demonstration, gapped lecture, group discussion, and individual work. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 43 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Mode of assessment: • Flow chart preparation • Observation writing • Laboratory report • Before, While and post lab evaluation • Individual and group assessment • Oral questions • Final examination Reference materials 1. Ermias Dagne. Experiments in organic Chemistry I: Addis Ababa University; 1978 2. Wendimagegn Mammo. Practical Organic Chemistry II Laboratory manual: Addis Ababa University; 1996. 3. Hassan Bakr Amin, Riyadh. Practical Organic Chemistry: King Saud University, 2007 4. Vogel, A. I.; Furniss, B. S.; Vogel, Arthur Israel. Vogel's Textbook of practical organic Chemistry; Longman Scientific & Technical; Wiley: London; New York, 1989. 5. Richard C. Larock. Comprehensive Organic Transformations: A Guide to Functional Group Preparations. 1989 6. Corey, E. J., Angew. Catalytic Enantioselective Diels-Alder reactions: Methods, mechanistic fundamentals, pathways, and applications. Chem, Int. Ed. Engl., 2002, 41, 1650. 17.4.3 Organic Chemistry II COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: O RGA IC CHEMISTRY II CHEM 341 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK CHEM 242 Course description: Concept of aromaticity; electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions; the properties, reactions and preparations of amines, Reaction of Carbonyl Compounds ( aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids and their derivatives); oxidation-reduction reactions, chemistry of biomolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and proteins); Nucleic acids. Course rationale: This course designed to make students aware of organic reactions in detail and depth. It will elaborate chemistry of aromatic, amine, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acid, and oxidation– reduction reactions. In addition, biological molecules such as carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides, lipid, and nucleic acids are introduced to address basic concepts about natural product chemistry. Course objectives: At the end of the course the students will be able to: • Understand the concept of the aromaticity • Distinguish aromatic compounds from the non aromatic ones • Describe the mechanism of electophilic and nucliophilic aromatic substitution reactions • Describe the various chemical properties and reactions of carbonyl compounds • Describe the various chemical properties and reactions of amines Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 44 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry • Classify various preparative methods of biological molecule such as carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and proteins, and their important chemical properties Course outline: 1. The Chemistry of Aromatic Compounds 1.1 Aromaticity 1.2 Properties of Benzene and its Derivatives 1.3 Heterocyclic Aromatic Compounds 1.4 Aromatic Substitution Reactions and their Mechanism 1.4.1 Halogenation 1.4.2 Nitration 1.4.3 Friedel-Crafts Alkylation 1.4.4 Acylation 1.4.5 Sulphonation 1.4.6 Directing Effects of Substituents 1.4.7 Examples of Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions 1.4.8 Representative Reactions of pyrrole, furane, thiophen and pyridine 1.5 Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions 1.5.1 Reactions of Aryl halides 1.5.2 Mechanisms of Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions 1.6 Reactions of Aromatic Side Chains 1.6.1 Oxidation and Substitution of Alkyl Side-Chains 1.6.2 Reduction of Nitro Groups and Aryl Ketones 1.6.3 Conversion of Halogens to Organometallic Reagents 1.6.4 Hydrolysis and Fusion of Sulphonic Acids 1.6.5 Modifying the Influence of Strong Activating Groups 1.6.6 Diazotization of Primary Aromatic Amines and their Usefulness in Synthesis of Aromatic Derivatives 2. Amines 2.1 Nomenclature & Structure 2.2 Properties of Amines: Physical and chemical properties 2.3 Basicity of Nitrogen Compounds 2.4 Acidity of Nitrogen Compounds 2.5 Reactions of Amines 2.6 Electrophilic Substitution at Nitrogen 2.7 Preparation of 1º-, 2º & 3º-Amines 2.8 Reactions with Nitrous Acid 2.9 Reactions of Aryl Diazonium Intermediates (See Diazotization Reactions) 2.10 Elimination Reactions of Amines (See Hofmann Eliminations) 3. Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds 3.1 Addition Reactions 3.1.1 Hydrates 3.1.2 Hemiacetals 3.1.3 Cyanohydrins 3.1.4 Carbinolamines 3.1.5 Addition of Grignard Reagents 3.1.6 Addition of Hydrogen 3.1.7 Hydride Additions (lithium-aluminum hydride and sodium-borohydride) 3.2 Addition-Elimination Reactions 3.2.1 Imines and related compounds Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 45 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 3.2.2 Wittig reaction 3.2.3 Acetals 3.2.4 Ester hydrolysis and formation 3.2.5 Reactions of acid chlorides 3.2.6 Reactions of acid anhydrides 3.2.7 Reactions of amides 3.2.8 Reductions of acid derivatives 3.3 Enolization-Ketonization reactions 3.3.1 Haloform Reaction of Methyl Ketones 3.3.2 Alkylations at the α-Carbon 3.3.3 Aldol and Related Condensation reactions 4. Oxidation–Reduction reactions 4.1. Oxidation Reactions 3.3.4 Alcohols 3.3.5 Aldehydes 3.3.6 Multiple Bonds 4.2. Reduction Reaction 3.3.7 Catalytic Hydrogenation 3.3.8 Hydride Reduction 3.3.9 Dissolving metal reduction 5. Introduction to Chemistry of Biomolecules 1.1 Carbohydrates 1.1.1 Glucose 1.1.2 The Structure and Configuration of Glucose 1.1.3 Anomeric forms of Monosaccharides 1.1.4 Glycosides 1.1.5 Disaccharides 1.1.6 Polysaccharides 1.2 Lipids 1.2.1 Fatty Acids 1.2.2 Fats & Oils 1.2.3 Waxes 1.2.4 Phospholipids 1.2.5 Prostaglandins 1.2.6 Terpenes 1.2.7 Steroids 1.3 Proteins and Amino Acids 1.3.1 α-Amino Acids 1.3.2 Reactions of Amino Acids 1.3.3 Synthesis of Amino Acids 1.3.4 Peptides & Proteins 1.3.5 The Primary Structure of Peptides 1.3.6 Secondary & Tertiary Structure of Large Peptides and Proteins 1.3.7 Peptide Synthesis 1.4 Nucleic Acids 1.4.1 Introduction to the chemistry of Nucleic Acids (Structure and Chemistry) Mode of delivery: Gaped-lecture, lecture-demonstration, group work & presentation & project work. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 46 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Method of assessment: Oral questions, Short tests at the end of each chapter, assignment, group work assessment, summative exam at the end of the semester. Reference materials: 1. F.M. Menger, D.J. Goldsmith; L. Mandle, Organic chemistry: A Concise Approach, 2nd Ed., 1974 2. T.W G. Solomons, Organic Chemistry, 7th Ed., 2004. 3. J. McMurry, Organic Chemistry, 4th Ed., 1996. 4. F. A. Carey, Organic Chemistry, 3rd Ed., 1996. 17.4.4 Practical Organic Chemistry II COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: PRACTICAL O RGA CHEM 343 1 3 LAB.HR/ WEEK CHEM 244 IC CHEMISTRY II Course description: Esterification reactions; acetylation of aniline; p-nitroaniline from acetanilide; azo dyes and the dying process, oxidation of alkyl arenes; synthesis using the aldol condensation, Friedel-Crafts reaction; and extraction of limonene from citrus fruit; isolation of caffeine from tea. Course rationale: This course designed to integrate the theoretical organic reaction with small-scale laboratory practice. The course enable students to understand organic reactions such as Esterification reactions; dehydration, acetylation, oxidation, aldol condensation, Friedel-Crafts reaction; and the Diels-Alder reaction. Extraction technique is very helpful in organic research. Thus, under this course extraction of limonene from citrus fruit and isolation of caffeine from tea are included to introduce basic extraction skills. In addition to this, students will understand dying process. Course objectives: At the end of the course the students will be able to: • Carry out small-scale laboratory synthesis involving esterifications , dehydrations, acetylations, oxidations, aldol condensation, Friedel-Crafts reactions; and the DielsAlder reactions; • Synthesize various dyes; and • Interconvert one class of organic compounds to others. Course outline Experiment 1: p-Nitroaniline Experiment 2: Acetylation of Aromatic-Amines: Preparation of Acetanilide Experiment 3: Oxidation of Alkylarenes Experiment 4: Azo Dyes and Ingrain Dyeing Experiment 5: Kobel-Schmitt reaction: Preparation of β-Resorcyclic Acid (2,4-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid) Experiment 6: Esterification: Preparation of Amyl Acetate Experiment 7: The Aldol Condensation and Cannizzaro Reaction Experiment 8: Preparation of Aldehydes and Ketones by Oxidation of Alcohols Experiment 9: Introduction to Proteins Experiment 10: Introduction to Carbohydrates Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 47 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Experiment 11: Polymers Mode of delivery: Brief lecture, laboratory method, demonstration, gapped lecture, group discussion, and individual work Mode of assessment: • Flow chart preparation • Observation writing • Laboratory report • Before, while and post lab evaluation • Individual and group assessment • Oral questions • Final examination Reference materials: 1. Ermias Dagne. Experiments in organic Chemistry I: Addis Ababa University; 1978 2. Wendimagegn Mammo. Practical Organic Chemistry II Laboratory manual: Addis Ababa University; 1996. 3. Vogel, A. I.; Furniss, B. S.; Vogel, Arthur Israel. Vogel's Textbook of practical organic, Chemistry; Longman Scientific & Technical; Wiley: London; New York, 1989. 4. Whitford, D. Proteins: structure and function; John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, NJ, 2005. 5. Richard C. Larock. Comprehensive Organic Transformations: A Guide to Functional Group Preparations. .1989 6. Kürti, L.; Czakó, B. Strategic applications of named reactions in organic synthesis: background and detailed mechanisms; Elsevier Academic Press: Amsterdam; Boston, 2005. 7. E. J. Corey, Angew. Catalytic enantioselective Diels-Alder reactions: Methods, mechanistic fundamentals, pathways, and applications. Chem, Int. Ed. Engl., 2002, 41, 1650. 17.4.5 Physical Organic Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: PHYSICAL O RGA CHEM 342 3 3 LEC. HR/ WEEK CHEM 341 IC C HEMISTRY Course objective: At the end of this course, students will be able to: • Explain the mechanism of different types of reaction • Explain factors influencing electron availability • Correlate reactivity with structure • Investigate reaction mechanism using kinetics • Discuss energetic of reactions • Discuss methods of establishing reaction mechanism • Propose reaction mechanism for different reaction • Understand pericyclic reactions. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 48 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course description: Correlation of structure with reactivity; linear free energy relationships; energetics, kinetics and methods of establishing reaction mechanisms; the chemistry of reactive intermediates (carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes and nitrenes); pericyclic reactions; applications of Frontier Orbital Theory in electrocyclic reactions, cycloaddition and sigmatropic rearrangements, Structure Elucidation of Organic Molecules using molecular spectroscopy. Course rationale: This course is designed to introduce organic reaction mechanism. It will elaborate correlation of structure with reactivity, methods of establishing reaction mechanisms, and the chemistry of reactive intermediates. For advanced organic chemistry the students should understand applications of Frontier Orbital Theory in electrocyclic reactions, cycloaddition and sigmatropic rearrangements. The course will enable the students to explain organic reactions with reasonable mechanism. A chapter on spectroscopic methods of structure elucidation is included to enable the students to elucidate structures of organic molecules. Course outline: 1. Structure, Reactivity and Mechanism 1.1 Atomic orbital 1.2 Hybridization 1.3 Bonding in Carbon compound (Single, Double, Triple bonds) 1.4 The breaking and forming of bond 1.5 Factors influencing electron availability 1.5.1 Inductive effects 1.5.2 Mesomeric effects 1.5.3 steric effects 1.5.4 Effects of the medium 1.6 Correlation of structures with reactivity. 1.6.1 Electron demand 1.6.2 The Hammett equation 1.6.3 Substituent constant (σ) 1.6.4 Reaction constant (ρ) 2. Energetic, Kinetics and investigation of reaction mechanisms 2.1 Energetics of a Reaction: Thermodynamic Requirement for a Reaction 2.2 Kinetics of reaction 2.2.1 Reaction rate and free energy of activation 2.2.2 The rate-determining step 2.2.3 Molecularity 2.2.4 Kinetic Requirement for a Reaction 2.2.5 Kinetic and Thermodynamic Control 2.2.6 The Hammond Postulate 2.3 Methods of establishing reaction mechanism 2.3.1 The nature of the products 2.3.2 kinetic data 2.3.3 the use of isotopes (kinetic use of isotopes and non-kinetic use of isotopes) 2.3.4 the study of the reactive intermediates (Isolation, detection and trapping of intermediates) 3 The chemistry of reactive intermediates 3.1 Carbinions 3.1.2 Carbanion generation Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 49 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 3.1.3 Carbanion stability 3.1.4 Typical reation of carbanions (Addition, Elimination, Substitution and Rearrangements) 3.2 Carbocations 3.2.1 Carbocations 3.2.2 generation, 3.2.3 Carbocations stability, 3.2.4 Typical reactions of carbocations, (Addition, Elimination, Substitution and Rearrangement) 3.3 Carbenes and Nitrenes 3.3.1 Generation and reactions of Carbenes and Nitrenes 3.4 Free radical reactions 3.4.1 Free radicals (stability, Methods of generation, typical reactions) 4 Pericyclic reactions 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Classes of Pericyclic reactions 4.3 Electrocyclic reactions 4.3.1 Typical reactions 4.3.2 Stereospecificity 4.3.3 stereoselectivity 4.4 Cycloadditions. 4.4.1 Typical reactions 4.4.2 Regioselectivity 4.4.3 Stereospecificity 4.4.4 stereoselectivity 4.5 Sigmatopic arrangements 4.5.1 Typical reactions 4.5.2 Stereospecificity 4.5.3 stereoselectivity 4.6 Ene Reactions 5. Structure Elucidation of Organic Compounds 5.1 Combustion Analysis for Determination of Elemental Composition 5.2 Ozonolysis for Determination of Sites of Unsaturations 5.3 Molecular Spectroscopy 5.3.1 Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy 5.3.2 Infrared Spectroscopy 5.3.3 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 5.4 Mass Spectrometry Mode of delivery: Lecture, Lecture- demonstration, Assignment, inquiry, Laboratory, Discussion methods and questioning techniques. Mode of assessment: Assignments, presentation, mid exam, Final exam, and continuous assessment techniques of various types will be used. Reference materials: 1. P. Sykes; Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 1982. 2. R. B. Grossmann, The Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Reaction Mechanism, 2nd Ed., 2003. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 50 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17.4.6 Practical Organic Chemistry III COURSE TITLE: PRACTICAL O RGA CHEM 441 COURSE UMBER: 2 C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT HOURS: 6 LAB. HR/WEEK CHEM 343 PREREQUISITE: IC CHEMISTRY III Course description: Physical characterization of organic compounds: preliminary examination, melting point, boiling point, specific gravity, index of refraction of liquids; separation of mixtures; classification of organic compounds by solubility; preparation of derivatives; use of spectroscopic methods for structure determination; use of the chemical literature. Course rationale: This course designed to make the students skilful in measuring physical characterization of organic compounds: preliminary examination, melting point, boiling point, specific gravity, index of refraction of liquids. The students will also able to perform qualitative analysis of elements and use spectroscopic methods for structure determination. Course outline: Here the students will take unknown organic compound or unknown substance then they will determine and characterize the unknown substance (organic) in the sample. 17.4.7 Synthetic Organic Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: SY THETIC O RGA CHEM 446 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK CHEM 342 IC CHEMISTRY Course description Functionalization and Interconversion of functional groups; Formation of Carbon -carbon bonds and ring closure and ring opening reactions; Analysis of synthetic pathways; Principles of asymmetric synthesis and the use of protective groups in synthesis; Illustrative examples of multistep synthesis. Course objectives: At the end of the course the students will be able to or familiar with the following concepts: • Detailed knowledge about the various functional groups and their inter conversions using special reagents • Familiar with the mechanisms and the reagents in the organic reaction involving the c-c bond formation, • Ring opening and the ring closure reactions • Familiar with the asymmetric synthesis • Conduct the multi step synthesis Course outline: 1. Functionalization and interconversion of functional groups 1.1 Functionalization Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 51 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 1.1.1. Functionalization of alkanes, 1.1.2. Functionalization of alkenes, 1.1.3. Functionalization of alkynes, 1.1.4. Functionalization of aromatic hydrocarbon, 1.1.5. Functionalization of simple hetrocyclic compounds 1.2 Interconversion of functional groups 1.1.1. Transformation of the hydroxyl group, 1.1.2. Transformation of the amino group, 1.1.3. Transformation of the alkyl halides, 1.1.4. Transformation of the nitro compounds, 1.1.5. Transformation of the aldehydes, ketones, acid and acid derivatives Formation of carbon-carbon bonds; ring closure and ring opening reactions 2.1 Formation of carbon-carbon bonds 2.2 Electrophilic carbon bonds 2.3 Nucleophilic carbon bonds, 2.4 Reaction of organometallic species 2.5 Ring closure, Intramolecular cyclization electrophile-nucleophile interaction, cycloaddition, electrocyclic ring closure, ring opening reaction 2.6 Hydrolysis, Solvolysis, and other electrophile-nucleophile interaction, oxidative and reductive ring opening, electrocyclic ring opening Analysis of synthetic pathways 3.1. Synthetic strategies 3.2. target selection, 3.3. retrosynthetic analysis Principles of asymmetric synthesis 4.1. What is asymmetric synthesis? 4.2. Asymmetric induction Protective groups in synthesis 5.1 Alcohol protective groups, 5.2 Protective groups of aldehyde and ketones, 5.3 Protective groups of amino groups 5.4 Carboxylic acids protective groups Illustrative examples of multi-step synthesis Mode of delivery: Lecture, Lecture- demonstration, Assignment, inquiry, Laboratory, Discussion methods and questioning techniques. Mode of assessment: Assignments, presentation, mid exam, final exam and continuous assessment techniques of various types will be used. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 52 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17.5 Physical chemistry section 8.5.1 Physical Chemistry I (Chemical Thermodynamics) COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I (CHEMICAL THERMODY CHEM 331 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK MATH. 231 AMICS ) Course description: Ideal and real gases, Zeroth’s Law of Thermodynamics; First Law of thermodynamics, Thermochemistry, second Law of Thermodynamics, third law of thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, phase equilibrium, solutions. Course rationale: This course is very important for students of chemistry as it makes students have good understanding of bulk properties of system (thermodynamics) and enable them describe chemical and physical changes mathematically by computing the change in properties of the system during the change and Predict criteria for any change to take place. Course objective: Upon completion of this course the students would be able to: • describe the properties of gases • Explain the laws of thermodynamics • Apply the laws of thermodynamics • understand the effect of solutes on solvent in solution system Course outline: 1. Ideal and real gases 1.1. The equation of state 1.2. Ideal Gases and Ideal gas laws 1.3. Real Gase laws 2. Units and Mathematics 2.1 Basic SI units 2.2 Derived Units 2.3 Logarithms and Exponents 2.4 Differentials and Integrals 3. Thermodaynamics 3.1 Thermodynamic terms 3.1.1 System and surroundings 3.1.2 State of a system 3.1.3 Properties of a system 3.1.4 Thermodynamic equilibrium, Zeroth's law of thermodynamics 3.1.5 Thermodynamical process 3.1.6 State functions 3.1.7 Mathematical techniques interconnecting the state functions 3.1.8 Heat and work 3.2 First law of thermodynamics Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 53 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 3.3 3.4 4.1 3.2.1 Pressure volume work 3.2.2 Enthalpy (Heat content) 3.2.3 Heat capacities Heat capacities (CP and CV) relationships Heat capacity and temperature relationship 3.2.4 Reversible isothermal process 3.2.5 Reversible adiabatic process 3.2.6 Thermochemistry Internal energy and enthalpy The law of thermochemistry Second law of thermodynamics 3.3.1 The Carnot cycle 3.3.2 Entropy Entropy change in a reversible process Entropy changes in an irreversible process Entropy changes for an ideal gas Entropy change in a chemical reaction 3.3.3 Free Energy Dependence of Helmholtz free energy on volume and temperature Dependence of Gibbs free energy on pressure and temperature 3.3.4 Maxwell relations 3.3.5 Chemical potential Gibbs-Duhem equation Chemical potential for an ideal gas and gas mixture Third law of thermodynamics Chemical Equilibrium 4.1.1 Standard Gibbs free energy of reaction and equilibrium 4.1.2 Relationship between Kp and Kc 4.1.3 Variation of equilibrium constant with temperature and pressure Phase Equilibrium 4.2.1 Clapeyron and Clausius Clapeyron equation 4.2.2 Phase, components, degrees of freedom and phase rule 4.2.3 Phase diagram A single component systems A two component systems A three component systems Solutions of gases in liquids (Henry's law) Solutions of gases in gases (Daltons law of partial pressure) Solutions of liquids in liquids (Raoult's law) 5.3.1 Completely miscible liquids An ideal solution and vapour pressure of ideal solutions Vapour pressure of non-ideal solutions Boiling point diagrams of an ideal and real solutions Fractional distillation 5.3.2 Partially miscible liquids Solutions of non-volatile solutes (Colligative Properties) 5.4.1 Vapour pressure lowering 54 | P a g e 4. Chemical Equilibrium and Phase Equilibrium 4.2 5. Non Electrolyte Solutions 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 5.4.2 Boiling point elevation 5.4.3 Freezing point depression 5.4.4 Osmotic pressure Mode of delivery: Lecture, Lecture- demonstration, Assignment, inquiry, Laboratory, Discussion methods and questioning techniques. Mode of assessment: Assignments, presentation, mid exam, final exam and continuous assessment techniques of various types will be used. Reference materials: 1. P.W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, 2002. 2. T.R. Forester, Introductory Physical Chemistry, Addis Ababa University, 1990. 3. G.M. Barrow, Physical chemistry, 5th Ed., TATA McGraw-Hill Edition, New Delhi, 1992. 4. K. K. Sharma, A textbook of Physical Chemistry, Vicas Publishing House, New Delhi, 1981. 5. R.A. Alberty and R.J. Silbey, Physical Chemistry, Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1997. 17.5.2 Physical Chemistry II (Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry) COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II (CHEMICAL KI ETICS A D ELECTROCHEMISTRY) CHEM 332 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK CHEM 331 Course description: Kinetic theory of gases, Chemical Kinetics, Electrolyte solutions, Electrochemical Cell, interfacial electrochemistry, Transport phenomenon. Course rationale: This course is designed to enhance and extend students' ability to understand gaseous properties, rate of chemical reactions and electrochemistry through leaning theoretical law and principles and conducting laboratory experiments, making observations and analyzing results, designing and analyzing products, and formulating and testing hypotheses based on evidence so that they are ready for making environmental and chemical analysis. Course objective: Upon completion of this course the students would be able to: • Explain electrochemistry • Apply the concept of conductance for analysis • Indicate the principle of electrolytic conduction • Apply the concept of chemical kinetics to predict mechanism of reaction Course outline: 1. Electrolytic Solutions Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 55 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Transport properties 1.3. Activity and activity Coefficients 1.4. Theory of electrolytic conductance 1.5. Ionic equilibria 1.6. Application of electrolytic cells Electrochemical Cells 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Reversible electrodes 2.3. Thermodynamics of electrochemical cells 2.4. Determination of standard electrode potential 2.5. Classes of electrochemical cells 2.6. Liquid junction potential 2.7. Measurement of pH 2.8. Membrane potentials 2.9. Examples of electrochemical cells Interfacial Electrochemistry 3.1. Potential differences across interfaces 3.2. The electrical double layer 3.3. Thermodynamics of electrified interface 3.4. Electrochemical kinetics Kinetic Theory of Gases 4.1. Postulates of the kinetic theory of gases 4.2. Ideal gas laws 4.3. Barometric formula 4.4. Distribution of molecular velocities 4.5. Molecular collisions 4.6. Collisions with a surface or hole 4.7. Transport phenomena Chemical kinetics 5.1. The rates of chemical reactions 5.2. Reaction rate laws 5.2.1. First order reaction 5.2.2. Second order reaction 5.2.3. Third order and zero order reactions 5.2.4. Reversible or opposing reactions 5.2.5. Consecutive or sequential reactions 5.2.6. Parallel or side reactions 5.2.7. Chain reactions 5.2.8. Acid-base catalysed reactions 5.2.9. Enzyme catalysed reactions 5.3. Analysis of kinetic results 5.4. Reaction rate theories 5.4.1. Collision theory 5.4.2. Transition state theory Mode of delivery: Lecture, Lecture-demonstration, assignment, inquiry, Laboratory, discussion methods and questioning techniques. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 56 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Mode of assessment: Assignments, presentation, mid exam, final exam and continuous assessment techniques of various types will be used. Reference materials: 1. P.W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, 2002. 2. T.R. Forester, Introductory Physical Chemistry, Addis Ababa University, 1990. 3. G.M. Barrow, Physical chemistry, 5th Ed., TATA McGraw-Hill Edition, New Delhi, 1992. 4. K. K. Sharma, A textbook of Physical Chemistry, Vicas Publishing House, New Delhi, 1981. 5. R.A. Alberty and R.J. Silbey, Physical Chemistry, Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1997. 17.5.3 Physical Chemistry III (Quantum Chemistry) COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY III (QUA CHEM 431 4 4 LEC. HR/WEEK MATH. 231, MATH. 232 TUM CHEMISTRY ) Course description: Experimental foundation of Chemistry; The Schrödinger equation; Operators in quantum mechanics; Solution of Schrodinger equation for some simple systems; Atomic structure; Molecular structures; chemical bond; molecular spectroscopy. Course rationale: The academic standards for quantum Chemistry are designed to lead students to develop a knowledge base of science at microscopic level and enable students understand the science of modern spectroscopic method of analysis. It also enriches students with knowledge of computing properties of compounds and compares it with the experimental results so that they develop full confidence of their scientific results. Course objective: Upon completion of this course the students would be able to: • Distinguish between classical and wave mechanics • Apply quantum mechanics to simple systems • Describe molecular and atomic structure • Describe interaction of electromagnetic radiation and matter Course outline: 1. Introduction 2. Experimental Foundation of Quantum Theory 2.1. Black Body Radiation 2.2. Photoelectric Effect 2.3. The Compton Effect 2.4. Line Spectra of Atoms 2.5. Rutherford Model of the Atom 2.6. Bohr Model of the Atom 2.7. The Wave Properties of Particles Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 57 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 2.8. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle 3. The Schrödinger Equation 3.1. Derivation of Schrödinger's Equation 3.2. Schrödinger Equation: Steady-State Form 3.3. Interpretation of the Ψ 4. Operations in Quantum Mechanics 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Eigenvalue and Eigenfunctions 4.3. Angular Momentum 4.4. Important Theorems 5. Solutions of Schrödinger Equations for Simple Systems 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Free Particle in One Dimension 5.3. Particles in a One Dimensional Box: The Colour of Conjugated Organic Molecules 5.4. Rotational Motion 5.4.1. Particle on a Ring 5.4.2. Particle on a Sphere 5.5. Harmonic Oscillator 5.5.1. Classical Treatment of Harmonic Oscillator 5.5.2. Quantum Mechanical Treatment of the Harmonic Oscillator 5.5.3. Vibration of Diatomic Molecules 5.5.4. Selection Rules for Harmonic Oscillator 6. Atomic Structure 6.1. The Hydrogen Atom 6.2. Schrödinger Equation of the Hydrogen Atom 6.3. Hydrogen Wave Functions 6.3.1. The Radical Wave Functions 6.3.2. The Angular Wave Functions 6.4. Energy Eigenvalues of H-Spectrum 6.4.1. Derivation of the Rydberg Formula 6.4.2. The Spectral Selection Rule 6.5. Atomic Spectra in Magnetic Field 6.6. The Electron Spin 6.6.1. Stern-Gerlach Experiment 6.6.2. Energy of Electron in Magnetic Field 6.7. Pauli Exclusion Principle 6.8. The Periodic Table 6.8.1. Electronic Structure of the He Atom 6.8.2. Slater Determinant 6.8.3. Short Notation of Electron Configuration: nlx notation 6.8.4. Change of Energy Levels by Screening and Penetration 6.9. Angular Momentum of Many Electron Atom 6.9.1. Spin-Orbit Interaction (Vector Model of the Atom) 6.9.2. The Spin-Orbit Coupling Schemes 6.9.3. Energy States of Atoms and their Term Symbols 6.9.4. Polyelectronic Atoms 6.9.5. Relative Energies of the States and Hund's Rule 7. Approximation Methods 7.1. Introduction 7.2. The He Atom Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 58 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry The Method of Independent Approximation The Variation Method Perturbation Method Self-Consistent Field Approximation (SCF) 7.6.1. Hatree's Self-Consistent Field Theory 7.6.2. Hatree-Fock Self-Consistent Field (HFSCF) Theory 7.7. Ab Initio Method 8. The Chemical Bond 8.1. Introduction 8.1.1. Development of Valence Theory 8.1.2. Ionic Bond 8.1.3. Covalent Bond 8.2. Quantum Chemical Bond Description 8.3. Molecular Orbital Theory 8.3.1. The LCAO-MO Approximation 8.3.2. The Hydrogen Molecular Ion, H2+ 8.3.3. The Hydrogen Molecule 8.4. Valence Bond Theory 8.4.1. Hydrogen Molecule: Heitler-London Theory 8.4.2. The Shape of Polyatomic Molecules 8.4.3. Electronegativity 8.5. The Electronic Structure of Diatomic Molecules - MO Theory 8.6. Valence Bond Theory of π-electron Systems 8.7. Molecular Orbital Theory of π-electron Systems 8.8. Comparison of MO and VB Theories 9. Molecular Spectroscopy 9.1. Introduction 9.2. The Electromagnetic Radiation 9.3. The Width and Intensity of Spectral Transitions 9.4. Electronic Spectroscopy 9.5. Vibrational Spectroscopy 9.6. Rotational Spectroscopy 9.7. Vibrational-Rotational Spectra of Diatomic Molecules 9.8. Raman Spectroscopy 9.9. Electron-Spin Resonance 9.10. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Mode of delivery: Lecture, Lecture-demonstration, assignment, inquiry, Laboratory, discussion methods and questioning techniques. Mode of assessment: Assignments, presentation, mid exam, final exam and continuous assessment techniques of various types will be used. Text: H. Zewdie, Introductory Quantum Chemistry, AAU, A.A., 1999. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 59 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Reference materials: 1. D.A. McQuarrie and J.D. Simon, Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, University Science Books, Sausalito, California 1997. 2. P.W. Atkins, Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997. 3. A.K. Chandra Introductory Quantum Chemistry, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1979. 4. I.N. Levin, Quantum Chemistry, Ally Bacon Inc., 1974. 5. D.A. McQuarrie, Quantum Chemistry, University Science Books, 1983. 17.5.4 Physical Chemistry IV (Statistical Thermodynamics and Surface Chemistry) COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY IV (STATISTICAL THERMODY CHEM432 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK CHEM 431 AMICS A D SURFACE CHEMISTRY) Course description: Introduction to statistical thermodynamics, Terminology and basic concepts, Distribution function, Surface chemistry: Interfacial structure, Surface tension and surface free energy, Methods of surface tension measurement, Nature and thermodynamics of Liquid-Gas interface, the surface tension of solution, the two dimensional ideal gas laws, adsorption at the solid solution interface. Course objective: At the end of the course the students will be able to: • Know the basic concepts in statistical thermodynamics; • Understand the surface phenomena by applying their chemical knowledge; • Explain about adsorption phenomena; • Describe the solid solution interface Course rationale: This course is designed to enhance and extend students' ability to understand the properties of individual components of a system to explain particulate property of a system, structure of solid surface and its application and the interaction of similar and different phases and its real application. Course outline: 1. Statistical Thermodynamics 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Terminology and Basic Concepts 1.3 Basic Statistics 1.4 Statistics of Particles 1.5 Distribution Functions 1.6 Partition Function 1.7 Thermodynamic Functions 1.8 Statistical Mechanics of Ensembles 1.9 Thermodynamic Properties of Ideal Gas 1.10 Statistical Derivation of the Equation of State for Non-ideal Fluids Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 60 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 2. 1.11 Equilibrium Constants for Gas Phase Reactions Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 2.1 Interfacial Structure 2.2 Surface Tension and Surface Free Energy 2.3 Methods of Surface Tension Measurement 2.4 Nature and Thermodynamics of Liquid-Gas Interface 2.5 The Surface Tension of Solutions 2.6 Surfaces of Solids 2.7 Absorption at the Solid Solution Interface Mode of delivery: Lecture, Lecture- demonstration, assignment, inquiry, Laboratory, discussion methods and questioning techniques. Mode of assessment: Assignments, presentation, mid exam, final exam and continuous assessment techniques of various types will be used. Reference materials: 1. R.P. Rastogi and R.R. Misra, Introduction of Chemical Thermodynamics, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 1978. 2. D.A. McQuarrie, Statistical Thermodynamics, Harper & Row, 1976. 3. P.W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, 2002. 4. G.M. Barrow, Physical chemistry, 5th Ed., TATA McGraw-Hill Edition, New Delhi, 1992. 5. K. K. Sharma, A textbook of Physical Chemistry, Vicas Publishing House, New Delhi, 1981. 6. R.A. Alberty and R.J. Silbey, Physical Chemistry, Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1997. 17.5.5 Practical Physical Chemistry I COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: PRACTICAL PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I CHEM 334 1 3 LAB.HR/ WEEK Course description: Solubility, viscosity, phase rule, partition coefficient, adsorption, surface tension, transition temperature and freezing point, kinetics of reaction Thermochemistry. Course rationale: This practical course is supposed to be given for students of chemistry to visualize the theoretical physical courses students take. Most importantly this practical course enable students develop skill of analysis and do independent work through prediction of various physical properties of substances. Course objective: At the end of this course the student will able to: • Determine physical properties of matter; • Develop some techniques of determination of physical properties matter; and Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 61 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry • Work with different instruments of analysis. Course outline Experiments pool to be selected include 1. Enthalpy of Solution: Determine the enthalpy of solution ∆sH of a salt (e.g. KNO3). 2. Differential Scanning Calorimetry: Determine the molar heat of vaporisation ∆vapHm of a solute (e.g. Oxalic acid). 3. Boiling Point Diagram of Binary System: Draw a boiling point diagram of a binary system at ambient pressure (e.g. Chloroform and Ethanol). 4. Partial Miscibility of a Binary System: Draw a phase diagram of a partially miscible system; and to determine the critical temperature Tc (e.g. Phenol in Water). 5. Phase Equilibria: Determine the enthalpy of solution ∆sH of an organic acid (e.g. Benzoic acid). 6. Elevation of Boiling Point: Determine the apparent molecular weight of a non volatile solute M2 (e.g. NaCl). 7. Ionic Equilibrium: Draw the titration curve (pH vs. base) and to determine the buffer capacity β of a polyprotonic acid (e.g. H3PO4). 8. Hydrolysis reaction of a Solute with concentrated and diluted base solution: Determine the reaction orders v and rate constants k of the reactions (e.g. Crystal violet with NaOH). 9. Thermodynamics of an Electrochemical Cell: Determine the cell potential E; and the free Gibbs energy ∆rG, enthalpy ∆rH and entropy ∆rS of reaction of an electrochemical cell (e.g. Daniel Cell). 10. Conductance of Strong and Weak Electrolytes: Determine the molar conductance Λm of strong and weak electrolytes, and dissociation constant of weak electrolytes (e.g. HCl and CH3COOH) Textbook: Practical Physical Chemistry I, D. Ohms and T. Solomon, AAU 17.5.6 Practical Physical Chemistry II COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: PRACTICAL PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II CHEM 433 1 3 LAB. HR/ WEEK CHEM 334, Course description: Kinetic of Reaction, Conductance, electrochemistry, Spectroscopy, Computational software. Course rationale: This practical course is designed to familiarize students with mechanisms of by which rate of reaction is determined. It also enable students develop skill of analysis of compounds based on the electrochemical and optical characteristics of substances. This practical course familiarizes students with the research tool used by chemists. Course objective: At the end of this practical section, students will be able to: • Determine rate of any chemical reaction • Measure conductance of electrolyte in solution • Analyze sample with different electrochemical methods Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 62 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry • Develop skill of using chemistry soft ware to predict some properties of compounds theoretically. Course outline: Experiments pool to be selected include 1. Determination of equilibrium bond separation of HCl (gas) from vibrational-rotational spectrum. 2. Comparison of absorption strength of allowed and forbidden transitions. 3. Derivation of Frank-Condon progression for benzene molecule (gas) from UV-Vis measurement. 4. Effect of concentration and solvent polarity on UV-Vis absorption spectra of compounds. 5. Measurement of Fluorescence spectra of some selected compounds. 6. Determination of equilibrium separation and stabilisation energy of H2+ using variation method. 7. Quantum mechanical prediction of dipole moment, heat content, Gibb`s free energy of molecules. 8. Quantum mechanical prediction of NMR, IR-spectra of compounds. Mode of delivery: Purely practical Mode of assessment: Attendance, Laboratory Report, Practical exam, Final exam. Reference materials: 1. P.W. Atkins, physical chemistry sixth edition, Oxford University press, New York, 2004. 2. R. J. Silbey and R. A. Alberty, Physical chemistry 3rd Ed., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001. 3. J.R. Lakowicz, Principle of fluorescence spectroscopy, 2nd Ed., University of Maryland school of Medicine, 1999. 4. A. J. Bard and L. R. Faulkner, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas at Austin, 2000. 17.6 Applied chemistry section 17.6.1 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: RESEARCH M ETHODOLOGY A CHEM 453 2 2 LEC. HR/ WEEK D SCIE TIFIC WRITI G Course description: Use of the chemical literature: handbooks, chemical encyclopaedia, spectral collections, journals, abstracts and indexes, monographs; research methods; scientific writing. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 63 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course rationale: By taking this course the students will have the necessary knowledge in searching journals, chemical encyclopaedia, abstracts, indexes, and monographs. Moreover they will develop the necessary calibre in scientific writings and research paper writing. Course objectives: At the end of the course the students will be able to know about the • The importance of research • To conduct and present research Course outline: 1. Use of chemical literature 2. Use of handbooks, chemical encyclopedia and spectral collection 3. Accessing journals, abstracts and indexes 4. Using monographs 5. Research methods 6. Scientific writing 7. Preparing scientific paper and presentation 8. Evaluating scientific papers Mode of delivery: Lecture, lecture-demonstration, assignment, inquiry, discussion and questioning techniques and seminar by students. Mode of assessment: Assignments, presentation (seminar), mid exam, final exam and continuous assessment techniques. Reference materials: To be designated at the commencement of the course. 17.6.2 Industrial Chemistry I COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: I DUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY I CHEM 352 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK CHEM 311 Course description: Processes and processes variables and Introduction to unit operations, material balance and energy balance. Water in the chemical industry; basic inorganic industrial processing (acids, alkalis, salts; gases, fertilizers, ceramics, glass, cement, metals, pigments). Course outline: 1. General Introduction 1.1. Introduction to Industrial Processes and Process Variables 1.2. Introduction to Unit Operations 1.3. Introduction to Material Balance and Energy Balance 2. Water in the chemical industry 2.1. Sources of water Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 64 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 2.2. Dissolved solids, suspended solids, Hardness and alkalinity in water 2.3. Requisites of water for industries 2.4. Treatment of water by sedimentation, Filtration and membrane filtration (reverse osmosis) 2.5. Water treatment by Ion-exchange Process and electro-dialysis 3. Hydrochloric, Hydrofluoric and Sulphuric acids 3.1. Methods of manufacture of hydrochloric acid and its uses 3.2. Industrial manufacture of hydrofluoric acid and its uses 3.3. Chamber process and contact process of manufacture of sulphuric acid and its handling 4. Common salts and the Chlor-alkali industry 4.1. Common salt and its resources 4.2. Chlor-alkali Industry – Introduction 4.3. Leblanc Process 4.4. Deacon Process 4.5. Electrolytic Processes 4.6. The Solvay process 5. Industrial derivatives of nitrogen 5.1. Cyanamide Process and Haber Process of Ammonia synthesis 5.2. Manufacture of Nitric acid and its uses 5.3. Manufacture of TNT, Nitrocellulose and Nitroglycerine 6. Fertilizers and Phosphoric acids 6.1. Chemistry of manufacture of phosphoric acid 6.2. Phosphoric acid series 6.3. Essential and trace elements for plant growth 6.4. Manufacture of nitrogenous fertilizers – calcium cyanamide, ammonium Nitrate and urea 6.5. Potash Fertilizers 6.6. Manufacture of super phosphate and triple super phosphate fertilizers 7. Silicate Industry 7.1. Types of ceramics 7.2. Manufacture of structural clay products, white wares and stone wares 7.3. Glass and its properties 7.4. Manufacture of glass 7.5. Types of glasses 7.6. Classification of cement 7.7. Manufacture of Portland cement 7.8. Setting and hardening of Portland cement 8. Metallurgical Processes 8.1. Minerals and Ores 8.2. Concentration of ores 8.3. Roasting, calcination and smelting of ores 8.4. Refining of impure metal 8.5. Extraction of Iron and copper 9. High temperature materials 9.1. Refractories and their characteristics 9.2. Classification of refractories 9.3. Properties of refractories 9.4. Manufacture of refractories 9.5. Fire-Clay, Magnesite and Graphite bricks 10. Miscellaneous Products Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 65 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 10.1. Abrasives and their classification 10.2. Grinding wheels and abrasive paper 10.3. Dielectric materials and their characteristics 10.4. Thermal Insulators and their characteristics 10.5. Classification of thermal insulators and examples Mode of delivery: Lecture, group discussion, assignment in group or individually, home work, Mode of assessment: Quizzes, assignments, tests, mid-term and final examination Reference materials: 1. P.C. Jain and M. Jain, Engineering Chemistry by; Dhanpatrai and sons, Eleventh Edition, 1996. 2. B.K. Sharma, Industrial Chemistry, Goel publishing house; 11th Ed., 2004. 3. K.H. Buchel, H.H Moretto and P. Woditsch, Industrial Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd Ed., WILEY-VCH, 2000. 17.6.3 Industrial Chemistry II COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: I DUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY II CHEM 451 2 2 LEC. HRS/WEEK CHEM 352 Course description: Basic organic industrial processes (coal petroleum, main petrochemicals, basic organic products, plastics, rubber and fibers; sugar; oils and fats, detergents, paper; foodstuff, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals; dye stuff,; leather). Course objectives: To enrich the knowledge of the students in • Processing of coal and petroleum into value added products. • Industrial organic synthesis • Manufacture and properties of plastics, rubber, fibers • Chemistry of Oils, fats, Soaps, detergents, Pharmaceuticals, Dyestuffs and Insecticides • Sucrose, Paper, Leather and Food processing Industries. Course outline: 1. Coal and Petroleum Processing 1.1. Origin of coal and its ranking 1.2. Carbonisation of coal 1.3. Gasification of coal 1.4. Hydrogenation of coal 1.5. Petroleum – origin, Classification and mining 1.6. Distillation of petroleum 1.7. Rating of Petrol and Diesel Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 66 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 1.8. Cracking, Alkylation, Hydrotreating and Reforming 2. Main Petrochemicals 2.1. Introduction to petrochemicals 2.2. Chemical conversions for manufacture of petrochemicals 2.3. Petrochemicals from Methane, Ethylene, Propylene, Butylenes and BTX 2.4. Manufacture of Acetylene, Ethylene oxide, Acrylonitile, Dimethyl terephthalate 3. Basic Organic Products 3.1. Introduction to Industrial organic synthesis 3.2. Manufacture of Methanol and Isopropanol 3.3. Manufacture of Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde 3.4. Manufacture of Acetic acid 3.5. Manufacture of Acetone 3.6. Manufacture of Phenol and Styrene 4. Plastics, Rubber and Fibers 4.1. Introduction to polymers 4.2. Nomenclature of polymers 4.3. Addition and condensation polymerization 4.4. Methods of Polymerisation 4.5. Effect of polymer structure on properties 4.6. Plastics-Properties and classification 4.7. Moulding constituents of plastics 4.8. Moulding of plastics into articles 4.9. Preparation, properties and uses of PE, PVC and Bakelite 4.10. Rubber – properties 4.11. Natural and synthetic rubber 4.12. Natural and synthetic fibers 5. Chapter V Sucrose Industry 5.1. Manufacture of cane sugar 5.2. Manufacture of sucrose from Beet Root 5.3. Testing of sugar 6. Oils, Fats and Detergents 6.1. Introduction to oils and fats 6.2. Properties of oils and fats 6.3. Classification of oils 6.4. Manufacture of vegetable oils 6.5. Animal fats and oils 6.6. Analysis of oils and fats 6.7. Hydrogenation of oils 6.8. Manufacture of soap 6.9. Introduction to detergents 7. Paper Industry 7.1. Manufacture of pulp by mechanical and chemical process 7.2. Refining of pulp 7.3. Manufacture of paper 8. Chemical foodstuff processing 8.1. Introduction to fermentation 8.2. Alcohol Beverages 8.3. Manufacture of Beer, Spirit and wines. 9. Pharmaceuticals 9.1. Sulfonamide drugs Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 67 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 9.2. Antimalarial, antibacterial and antiviral agents 9.3. Antibiotics 10. Chemicals for agriculture 10.1. Introduction to Insecticides 10.2. DDT, BHC and Parathion 10.3. Fungicides – Baygon and 2,4,6-Trichloro Phenol 10.4. Herbicides–2,4-D and 2,4,5–T 10.5. Pesticides pollution 11. Dyestuff 11.1. Introduction to dyes 11.2. Colour and constitution 11.3. Methods of dyeing 11.4. Classification of dyes 12. Leather Industry 12.1. Animals skin 12.2. Preparation of skin for tanning 12.3. Vegetable tanning 12.4. Chrome tanning 12.5. Leather finishing Mode of delivery: Lecture, group discussion, assignment in group or individually. Mode of assessment: Quizzes, assignments, tests, mid-term and final examination. Reference materials: 1. P.C. Jain and M. Jain, Engineering Chemistry by; Dhanpatrai & sons, Eleventh Edition, 1996. 2. B.K. Sharma, Industrial Chemistry, Goel publishing house; Eleventh Edition, 2004. 3. J.N. Delgado and W.A. Remers, Text book of organic medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry 17.6.4 Biochemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: BIOCHEMISTRY CHEM 452 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK CHEM 342 Course description: Unique properties of Water as applied to Life, Structure and chemistry of biomolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, Minerals and Hormones); enzymology; intermediary metabolism and generation and storage of metabolic energy; oxidative-reductive processes; selected metabolic pathways of carbohydrates and fats; integration of metabolism, Structure and chemistry of biomolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids); enzymology; Hormones and their roles in metabolic regulations; intermediary metabolism and generation and storage of metabolic energy; oxidative-reductive processes; selected metabolic pathways of carbohydrates and fats; integration of metabolism. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 68 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course rationale: The course, Biochemistry is designed to make our students familiar with the different types of biological molecules so that they will understand the applications of chemistry in life. Moreover, the students will understand the different metabolic reactions and pathways in different kinds of living things. Course objective: At the end of the course the students will be able to: • Understand the structures and chemistry of biological molecules namely: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids; • Know the different metabolic reactions that take place in our body; • Describe enzymology and enzymatic reactions Course outline 1. Introduction to biochemistry 1.1. Definition and scope of biochemistry 1.2. Chemical and biochemical reactions 1.3. Chemistry of organelles (hierarchical organization of organelles in living cells, composition, properties, and function of organelles) 2. Water, pH, and buffer 2.1. Introduction 2.1.1. Unusual properties of water to be used as a biological solvent 2.1.2. Role of water in biological system 2.1.3. Intermolecular forces (forces responsible for interaction of bimolecules with water and those responsible for the integration of biomolecules) 2.1.4. Colligative properties 2.2. Hydronium ion and pH 2.3. Physiological Buffers and buffering agent 2.4. Buffers used by cells 2.5. Some common Buffers used in biochemical reactions 3. Protein Structure and Function 3.1 Structure and function of Amino Acids 3.1.1 Introduction to Amino acids (essential and non-essential amino acids) 3.1.2 Structure of Amino Acids 3.1.3 Amino Acids as Buffers 3.1.4 Peptide Bond Formation (Peptide linkage) 3.2 Structure and function of Proteins 3.2.1. Primary Structure of Proteins 3.2.2. Secondary Structure of Proteins 3.2.3. Tertiary Structure of Proteins 3.2.4. Quaternary Structure of Proteins 3.2.5. Denaturation of Proteins 3.2.6. Uses of proteins 4. Enzymes 4.1. Definition of Enzymes 4.2. Properties of Enzymes 4.3. Major Classes of Enzymes 4. 4. Enzyme Kinetics 4.5. Enzyme Mechanism (mechanism of catalysis) Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 69 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 4.6. Regulation of Enzyme activity (Activation/Inhibition) 5. Lipids 5.1. Definition of lipids 5.2. Fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated) 5.3. Triacylglycerols 5.4. Steroids and other lipids 5.5. Biological membranes 5.6. Membrane transports 6. Carbohydrates 6.1 Definition and Classification, 6.2 Monosaccharides 6.3 Disaccharides 6.4 Polysaccharides 7. Introduction to Metabolism 7.1 Metabolic Pathways 7.2 Bioenergetics 7.3 Regulations 8. Carbohydrate Metabolism 8.1 Structure of Carbohydrate 8.1.1 Overview 8.1.2 Digestion of Carbohydrate 8.2 Glycogen Metabolism/Starch 8.2.1 Overview 8.2.2 Degradation of Glycogen 8.3 Metabolism of Monosaccharides and Disaccharides (Overview) 8.4 Glycolysis 8.4.1. Fates of Pyruvate 8.4.2. Energy yield of Glycolysis 8.5 Citric Acid Cycle 8.6 Electron Transport Chain and Oxidative Phosphorylation 8.7 Hexose Monophosphate Pathway (Pentose Phosphate pathway) 8.7.1 Overview 8.7.2 NADPH/Pentose 8.8 Gluconeogenesis 8.8.1. Overview 8.8.2. Reactions Unique to Gluconeogenesis 8.8.3. Substrates for Gluconeogenesis 8.8.4. Regulations of Gluconeogenesis 9. Lipid Metabolism 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Metabolism of Dietary Lipids 9.2.1 Overview 9.2.2 Digestion, Absorption, Secretion, and Use of Dietary Lipids 9.3 Fatty Acid and Triacylglycerol Metabolism 9.4 Mobilization of Stored Fats and Oxidation of Fatty Acids 9.5 Phospholipid Metabolism 10. Amino Acids/Nitrogen Metabolism 10.1 Nitrogen Fixation and Synthesis of Amino Acids 10.1.2 Digestion of Dietary Proteins 10.1.3 Removal of Nitrogen from Amino Acids Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 70 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 10.1.4 Urea Cycle: The Major Pathway of Disposal of Nitrogen 10.2 Amino Acids: Metabolism of Carbon Atoms 10.1.1 Catabolism of the Carbon Skeletons of Amino Acids 10.1.2 Biosynthesis of Nonessential Amino Acids 10.3 Conversion of Amino Acids to Specialized Products: An overview 11: Integration of Metabolism 11.1 Metabolic Effects of Insulin and Glucagon 11.1.1 Overview 11.1.2. Insulin 11.1.3 Glucagon 11.2 Starvation and fasting; similarity and differences 11.3 Nutrition 11.4 Vitamins 12: Nucleic Acid Structure and Function 12.1 Structure of DNA and RNA 12.2 DNA Synthesis (Overview) (Replication) 12.3 RNA Synthesis 12.3.1 Overview 12.3.2 Transcription 12.4 Protein Synthesis 12.4.1 The Genetic Code 12.4.2 Translation Mode of delivery: Lecture, group discussion, assignment in group or individually Mode of assessment: Quizzes, assignments, tests, mid-term and final examination. Text: P.C. Champe; R.A. Harvey, Biochemistry, 4th Ed., Lippincott,s Illustrated Reviews, 2007. Reference materials: 1. J.M. Berg, J.L. Tymoczko and L. Stryer, Biochemistry, 5th Ed., 2005: and Student’s Companion to Stryer’s Book. 2. Voet and Voet, Biochemistry, 2nd Ed., 1990. 3. Zubay, Parson and Vance, Principles of Biochemistry, 1995. 17.6.5 Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: E VIRO ME TAL CHEMISTRY A CHEM 455 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK CHEM 222 D TOXICOLOGY Course description: Major chemical cycles and effects of environmental pollution in these systems; basics of atmospheric chemistry; aquatic chemistry; soil chemistry; pollution of air, water and soil; chemical toxicology: toxicants and their metabolism; energy production and its impact on the environment; analytical methods in environmental studies; Introduction to green chemistry. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 71 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course rationale: The course, Environmental Chemistry and toxicology, is designed to familiarize the students with the known pollutants of the environment that will affect the aquatic environment, soil, air and the like. So the students will have the necessary knowledge about the pollutants and will be concerned about their effect and also teach the society about it. Moreover they will part of the solution to minimize the problem and controlling it. Course objective: Upon completion of this course the students would be able to: • Familiarize with the concept of Environmental Chemistry; • Identify the common causes of environmental pollution; • Describe about Aquatic Chemistry and water pollution; • Explain about Atmospheric Chemistry and Air pollution; • Familiarize with the concept of Green Chemistry; • Study some toxic organic chemicals and their effects; and • Device methods to decrease pollution. Course outline: 1. Introduction to Environmental Chemistry 1.1. Basic concepts in Environmental chemistry 1.2. Properties of chemicals in the environment 1.3. Environnemental transformation and degradation 1.3.1. Abiotic transformation and degradation 1.3.2. Biotransformation and degradation 1.4. Matter and cycles of matter 2. Aquatic chemistry and Water pollution 2.1. Introduction to the Fundamentals of aquatic chemistry 2.2. The Properties of water, a unique substance 2.3. Water Quality 2.4. Water quality requirements 2.5. Nature and types of Water pollutants 3. Atmospheric chemistry and Air pollution 3.1. Importance and physical characteristics of the atmosphere 3.2. Atmospheric chemical reactions 3.3. Air quality 3.4. Nature and classification of air pollutants 3.4.1. Gaseous inorganic air pollutants 3.4.2. Organic air pollutants 3.4.3. Photochemical smog 3.4.4. Chlorofluro compounds and ozone layer depletion 3.4.5. Green House Gases and Global warming 4. Soil Chemistry 4.1. Soil and agriculture 4.2. Nature and composition of soil 4.3. Nutrients in soil 4.4. Reactions in soil 4.5. Wastes and pollutants in soil 5. Environmental Toxicity and toxicology 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Organic and inorganic pollutants Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 72 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Agricultural and pharmaceutical contaminants Pesticides PCB’s(polychlorinated biphenyls) Nitrogen and phosphorous compounds Toxic heavy metals and organo-metallic compounds 5.7.1. mercury 5.7.2. lead 5.7.3. arsenic 5.7.4. Chromium 6. Green chemistry 6.1. Introduction 6.2. The concept of Atom Economy 6.3. Design and application of surfactants for carbon dioxide 6.4. Designing an environmentally safe marine synthetic antifoulant Mode of delivery: Lecture, field trip, individual study and group assignment. Mode of assessment: Field trip report; term paper mid and final exams. Reference materials: 1. S. E. Manahan, Environmental Chemistry, 7th Ed., 1999. 2. M.-H. Yu, Environmental Toxicology, 2nd Ed., CRC Press, 2005. 3. R.N. Reeve, Environmental Analysis, 1994. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 17.6.6 Senior Student Project COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: SE IOR STUDE CHEM 459 3 T PROJECT Course description: Independent study of problems under the supervision of an advisor approved by the Department Course rationale: By taking this course the students will have the capability in doing research on their own preference that will make them to be capable enough in their graduate study. They will have a practical experience by their own in sample collection up to report submission. Course outline: Since it is an independent study or research there is no course outline for it. Mode of delivery: Presentation by individual student Mode of assessment: Seminar, project or presentation. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 73 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Reference materials: Any nationally and internationally accredited journals or scientific findings. 17.7 Courses for non-chemistry majors 17.7.1 Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: FU DAME TALS OF I CHEM 210 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK ORGA IC CHEMISTRY Course description: Review on the Electronic structure of the atom; an overview of the periodic table; structure and bonding in molecules (Bonding Theories); ionic solids; metallic bonding; hydrogen and hydrides; acid-base theories and the solvent system; Oxidation and reduction. Overview of descriptive chemistry of the representative elements (Groups 1, 2 and 13-18) with reference to: electronic structures, general properties, oxidation states, occurrences, extractions, reactivities, common uses of the elements and their simple compounds; bonding and reactions of their hydrides, oxides, hydroxides, oxyacids, halides; introduction to transition metal chemistry and coordination compounds. Course rationale: This course will help learners to have a deep understanding of their area of specialization by providing basic knowledge of structure of atoms and molecules, basic knowledge of all elements and their compounds. Course objective: Upon completion of this course the students would be able to: • discuss the current view of atomic structure; • relate electronic configuration to the classification of elements in the periodic table and their properties; • explain the basic concepts of chemical bonding; • have the general overview of the descriptive chemistry of hydrogen, main group elements and organometallic compounds; • describe acid-base concepts based on different theories; and • have the general overview of the descriptive chemistry of transition metals, inner transition elements and name coordination compounds. Course outline: 1. Introduction 1.1. Atomic theory (DAT) 1.2. Law of chemical combination 1.2.1. Conservation of mass 1.2.2. Definite composition 1.2.3. Multiple proportion 2. Structure of ionic solids 2.1. Radius ratio rules Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 74 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2.2. Close packing 2.3. Classification of ionic structures (AX, AX2) Acid-base theories and the solvent system Atomic structure 4.1. Atomic spectra of hydrogen 4.2. Atomic model (Bohr model of the atom) 4.3. Bohr theory 4.4. Quantum numbers Chemical bonding and structure 5.1. Introduction to bonding 5.1.1. Purpose of bond formation 5.1.2. Types of bonds The ionic bond The covalent bonds Lewis theory Sidwick-Powell theory Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory Valence bond theory Molecular orbital theory LCAO method Rules for LCAOs MO treatment for homonuclear & heteronuclear diatomic molecules The metallic bond General properties of metals Metallic bonding Chemistry of main group elements 6.1. Chemistry of hydrogen 6.2. General properties of the elements 6.2.1. Size, Ionization energies, Electronaffinity, Electronegativity, Polarizing power 6.2.2. Polarizability-Fajan’s rule, Metallic character, Variable valency 6.2.3. Diagonal relation ships in the periodic table 6.3. Descriptive chemistry of representative elements 6.3.1. S-block elements 6.3.2. P-block elements The Chemistry of transition elements 7.1. Physical and chemical properties 7.2. Size, Melting & boiling point, Ionization energy, Oxidation state, Color, Magnetic property, Catalytic property, Ability to form compounds 7.3. Bonding in transition metal complexes 7.3.1. Crystal field theory (CFT) 7.3.2. Octahedral complexes 7.3.3. Tetrahedral complexes 7.3.4. Color of transition metal compounds 7.3.5. Nomenclature of coordination compounds 7.3.6. Isomerism 7.4. Descriptive chemistry selected transition elements Mode of delivery: Group Discussion, lecture, Lecture (Seminar) by students, Reading Assignment. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 75 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Mode of assessment: Group discussions, monthly tests, Performance in Seminar and semester examination. Reference materials: 1. J.D. Lee, A new concise inorganic chemistry, 3rd or 5th Ed., 2. K.N. Upadhyaya, A text book of inorganic chemistry, 3rd Ed., 3. A.G. Sharpe, Inorganic chemistry, 3rd Ed., 4. J.E. Huheey, Inorganic chemistry principles of structure and reactivity, 5. G.I. Brown, Introduction to inorganic chemistry, 6. R. Kapoor, S.K. Vasisht and R.S. Chopra, Inorganic chemistry, 17.7.2 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: FU DAME TALS OF O RGA CHEM 240 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK IC CHEMISTRY Course description: Chemical bonding; inductive, steric and resonance effects; Functional groups in organic chemistry; stereochemistry; classes of organic reactions: substitution, elimination, addition and rearrangement reactions, Chemistry of Aromatic Compounds; Carbonyl Reactions; Introduction to biological molecules. Course rationale: This course will make students who take the course about the basic things in organic chemistry which are in touch with our day-to-day activities and us also. So the course makes the students to be familiar with the various biological molecules, natural products, synthetic compounds, polymers and their roles, functions, functional groups, chemical and physical properties so that they will apply to their different fields like Pharmacy, Biology, Medicine, Clinical Chemistry, Human Anatomy and the like. Course objective: Upon completion of this course the students would be able to: discuss the chemical bonding theories and influence of bonding types on properties of compounds predict the existence of the kinds of stereoisomers, represent and designate their structures determine the stereochemistry of organic molecules describe the factors affecting reaction rates and explain mechanisms in organic reactions give systematic name to different organic compounds review of the classes of organic compounds explain the physical and chemical behaviors of organic compounds based on their functional groups. explain the properties, preparation and reactions of aromatic compounds discuss different types of reactions of carbonyl compounds describe different classes of Biological molecules Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 76 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course outline: 1. Structure 1.1. Energy levels and Atomic orbitals 1.2. Covalent bonds 1.3. Molecular orbital theory 1.4. Orbital hybridization 2. Nomenclature 2.1. Alkanes 2.2. Alkenes and Alkynes 2.3. Alcohols 2.4. Aldehydes 2.5. Ketones 2.6. Amines 2.7. Ethers 2.8. Esters 2.9. Amides 2.10. Aromatics 3. Stereochemistry 3.1. Symmetry and dissymmetry 3.2. The asymmetric carbon 3.3. Optical isomerism 3.4. Fischer projections 3.5. Multiple asymmetric centers 3.6. Configuration 4. Substitution reactions 4.1. SN1 and SN2 mechanisms 4.2. Applications of substitution Reactions 4.2.1. Alcohols 4.2.2. Ethers 4.2.3. Carboxylic acids 4.2.4. Alkanes, Alkenes, and Alkynes 4.2.5. Amines 4.2.6. Epoxide Ring opening 4.2.7. Reactions of malonic ester and acetoacetic ester 5. Elimination reactions 5.1. Mechanisms 5.2. Evisences for mechanisms of elimination reaction 5.3. E1 versus E2 5.4. Elimination versus substitution 5.5. Applications of elimination reactions 5.5.1. Dehydration of Alcohols 5.5.2. Dehydrohalogenation of alkylhalides 5.5.3. Vicinal Dihalides 5.5.4. Hofmann Elimination 5.5.5. Acetate pyrolysis 5.5.6. Cope reaction 6. Addition Reactions 6.1. Mechanism 6.2. Reactivity 6.3. Rules of addition reactions Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 77 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 6.3.1. Markovnikov Rule 6.3.2. Michael Addition 6.3.3. Radical addition 6.4. Applications of Addition Reactions 6.4.1. Addition of halogen 6.4.2. Addition of hydrogen halide 6.4.3. Addition of hypohalous acids 6.4.4. Hydration of alkenes 6.4.5. Hydroboration 6.4.6. Diels-Alder addition Kinetic versus Thermodynamic control of the Diels-Alder reaction Stereochemistry of the Diels-Alder reaction 6.5. Catalytic hydrogenation 6.5.1. Ozonization 6.5.2. Peracid oxidation 6.5.3. Glycol formation 7. Aromatic substitution reactions 7.1. Introduction 7.2. Aromaticity 7.3. Aromatic substitution 7.4. Directing effects 7.5. Application of electrohilic substitutions 7.5.1. Halogenation 7.5.2. Sulfonation 7.5.3. Nitration 7.5.4. Friedel-Crafts Alkylation 7.5.5. Friedel-Crafts Acylation 7.5.6. Diazotization of Amines 7.5.7. Reactions of aromatic side chains 8. Carbonyl reactions 8.1. Carbonyl addition 8.2. Addition Elimination 8.3. Enolization-Ketonization 8.4. Application of Addition reactions 8.4.1. Hydrate formation 8.4.2. Hemiacetals and Hemiketals 8.4.3. Cyanohydrins 8.4.4. Carbinolamines 8.4.5. Addition of Grignard reagents 8.4.6. Addition of hydrogen 8.4.7. Lithiumaluminiumhydride and sodiumborohydride 8.5. Applications of addition-elimination reactions 8.5.1. Imines and related compounds 8.5.2. Wittig reaction 8.5.3. Acetal formation in acid media 8.5.4. Acids and their derivatives 8.5.5. Ester hydrolysis and formation in acid media 8.5.6. Acid chlorides 8.5.7. Acid anhydrides 8.5.8. Reduction of acid derivatives Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 78 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 8.6. Application of enolization-Ketonization reactions 8.6.1. Halogenation 8.6.2. Alkylation 8.6.3. Aldol condensation 8.6.4. Claisen-Schmidt condensation 8.6.5. Mannich condensation 8.6.6. Perkin condensation 8.6.7. Claisen condensation 9. Rearrangement Reactions 9.1. Rearrangement to an electro-deficient carbon 9.2. Rearrangement to electron-deficient oxygen 9.3. Rearrangement to electron-deficient Nitrogen 10. Oxidation-reduction reaction 10.1. Introduction 10.2. Oxidation Reaction 10.3. Alcohols and Aldehydes 11. Reduction reactions 11.1. Catalytic Hydrogenation 11.2. Chemical Reduction 11.3. Dissolving metal reductions 11.4. Acyloin condensation 12. Biological molecules 12.1. Glucose: An introduction to carbohydrate chemistry 12.2. Disaccharides and polysaccharides 12.3. Amino-acids, peptides, and proteins 12.3.1. The structure and properties of alpha-amino acids 12.3.2. Analysis of alpha-amino acids 12.3.3. Synthesis of alpha-amino acids 12.4. Peptides and proteins 12.5. Peptide synthesis 12.6. Introduction to Chemistry of Lipids 12.7. Introduction to Chemistry of Nucleic Acids Method of delivery: Reading assignments taking their own notes; Group discussion; Lecture; Demonstration; Seminar. Mode of assessment: Assignment, Term paper; Exams (mid, final, test); Class activities; Oral examinations. Reference materials: 1. Menger, Goldsmith and Mandell, Organic Chemistry: A concise approach 2nd Ed., 2. A.C. Knope and W.E. Watts, Organic reaction Mechanisms, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, 1993. 3. R.B. Low, Organic reaction Mechanisms, Columbia University, 2nd Ed., 4. T.W.G. Solomons, Organic Chemistry, 6th Ed., University of South Florida. 5. K.S. Tewair, S.N. Mehrotra and N.K. Vishnoi, A textbook of Organic Chemistry. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 79 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17.7.3 Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: FU DAME TALS OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEM 230 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK Course description: Kinetic molecular theory; Chemical Equilibrium; Phase equilibrium; Colligative properties; Nonelectrolytic Solutions; Electrolyte Solutions; First Law of Thermodynamics; Thermochemistry; The Second Law of Thermodynamics; The third law of thermodynamics; Electrochemistry; Chemical Kinetics; Basic Quantum Chemistry. Course rationale: It provides the basics of physical chemistry to non-chemistry major students. It helps the learners to have a deep understanding on their area of specialization. Course objective: Upon completion of this course the students would be able to: • describe the physical states of matter • describe the principles of thermodynamics • describe the colligative properties of solutions • explain phase equilibrium on the basis thermodynamic equations • Solve the mathematical problems of thermodynamics • solve the mathematical problems of electrochemistry • relate the ideal gas model and that of real gases • explain the kinetic theory of gases • distinguish between classical and wave mechanics • apply quantum mechanics to simple systems Course outline 1. Kinetic Theory of Gases 1.1. Kinetic molecular theory of gases 1.2. Derivation of kinetic gas equation 1.3. Distribution of molecular velocities 1.4. Different kinds of velocities 1.5. Calculation of molecular velocities 1.6. Molecular collisions 1.7. Collisions with a surface or hole 1.8. Collision properties 1.9. Specific heat ratios of gases 1.10. Ideal and real gases 1.10.1. Deviations from ideal behaviour 1.10.2. Explanation of deviations 1.11. Van der Waal's equation 1.11.1. Limitations of Van der Waal's equation 1.11.2. Law of corresponding states 2. Chemical Equilibrium 2.1. The law of mass action and its applications Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 80 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.2. The equilibrium stage 2.3. Thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium 2.4. The relation ship between equilibrium constants 2.5. Heterogeneous Equilibria 2.6. LeChateler’s principle and its applications 2.7. Equilibrium calculations The Phase Rule 3.1. Phase-components-degrees of freedom 3.2. Derivation of the phase rule 3.3. One component systems 3.4. Phase diagrams 3.5. Polymorphism 3.6. Experimental determination of transition point 3.7. The water system 3.8. Two component systems 3.9. Three component systems 3.10. Phase transitions Theory of Dilute Solutions 4.1. Colligative properties 4.2. Lowering of vapor pressure( Raoult's Law) 4.3. Derivation of Raoult's law 4.4. Determination of molecular mass from vapor pressure lowering 4.5. Measurement of lowering of vapor pressure 4.6. Boiling point elevation 4.7. Determination of boiling point elevation 4.8. Freezing point depression 4.9. Experimental determination of freezing point depression 4.10. Osmotic pressure 4.11. Colligative properties of electrolytes 4.12. Concept of activity and activity coefficient Thermodynamics 5.1. Basic concepts of thermodynamics 5.2. Thermodynamic process 5.3. Nature of heat, work and energy 5.4. Internal energy 5.5. First law of thermodynamics 5.6. Enthalpy of a reaction 5.7. Applications of first law of thermodynamics 5.8. Process in nature 5.9. Entropy 5.10. Second law of thermodynamics 5.11. Combined form of first and second laws 5.12. Third law of thermodynamics Electrochemistry 6.1. Introductory terms 6.2. Migration of ions 6.3. Relative speed of ions 6.4. Transport number 6.5. Determination of transport number 6.6. Determination of pH from EMF method 81 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 6.7. Classification of electrolytic cells 6.8. Galvanic cells 6.9. Determination of standard electrode potential 6.10. Reversible electrodes 6.11. Measurement of EMF of the cell 6.12. Construction of normal hydrogen electrode 6.13. Electrochemical series 6.14. Some commercial cells or batteries 7. Chemical Kinetics 7.1. Introductory terms 7.2. Derivation of integrated rate reactions 7.3. Units of rate constant 7.4. Half life of a reaction 7.5. Factors that influence the rate of reaction 7.6. Determination of order of a reaction 7.7. Examples of first, second and third order reactions 7.8. Analysis of kinetic results 7.9. Kinetics of ionic reactions 7.10. Pseudo order reactions 7.11. Theories of chemical kinetics 7.12. Catalysis 8. Elementary Quantum Chemistry 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Failure of classical mechanics 8.3. De-Broglie's concept of the dual nature of electron 8.3.1. Derivation of De-Broglie’s equation 8.3.2. Proof of De-Broglie’s equation 8.3.3. De-Broglie’s concept and Bohr’s theory 8.3.4. Experimental proof of De-Broglie’s concept 8.4. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle 8.4.1. Experimental proof of uncertainty principle 8.4.2. Applications of uncertainty principle 8.4.3. Limitations of uncertainty principle 8.5. Schrödinger’s wave equations 8.6. Derivation of Schrodinger’s equation Mode of delivery: Lecture, Historical, Lecture demonstration, Assignment, Discussion, inquiry, project methods and questioning technique Mode of assessment: Assignments; Class room tests; Quiz; Standardized final exam Reference materials: 1. P.W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, 2002. 2. T.R. Forester, Introductory Physical Chemistry, Addis Ababa University, 1990. 3. G.M. Barrow, Physical chemistry, 5th Ed., TATA McGraw-Hill Edition, New Delhi, 1992. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 82 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 4. K. K. Sharma, A textbook of Physical Chemistry, Vicas Publishing House, New Delhi, 1981. 5. R.A. Alberty and R.J. Silbey, Physical Chemistry, Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1997. 6. P.W. Atkins, Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997. 7. A.K. Chandra Introductory Quantum Chemistry, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1979. 8. I.N. Levin, Quantum Chemistry, Ally Bacon Inc., 1974. 9. D.A. McQuarrie, Quantum Chemistry, University Science Books, 1983. 17.7.4. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: FU DAME TALS OF A CHEM 220 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK ALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Course description: Introduction to the subject matter; Ionic equilibria; statistical evaluation of analytical data; Solutions; titrimetric methods of analysis; gravimetric analysis: chromatography; instrumentation: electrophoresis; electroanalytical methods: thermometric methods. Spectroscopic techniques Course rationale: The course is designed to make the students develop competencies of chemical analysis, instrumental methods of analysis. Course outline 1. Introduction 1.1 What is analytical chemistry? 1.2 Roles of analytical chemistry 1.3 Classification of Analytical Chemistry 1.4 Methods of chemical analysis 1.5 Steps in quantitative chemical analysis 2. Ionic equilibria 2.1 Acid-base equilibria 2.1.1 Theories of acids and bases 2.1.2 Dissociation of strong monoprotic acids and bases 2.1.3 Dissociation of weak monoprotic acids and bases 2.1.4 Dissociation of water and pH of aqueous solutions 2.1.5 Common ion effect 2.1.6 Buffer solutions 2.1.7 Hydrolysis of salts 2.2 Solubility product principle 2.2.1 Solubility, solubility equilibria and solubility product 2.2.2 Common ion effect and salt effect on solubility 2.2.3 Effect of acidity on solubility 2.3 Complexation equilibria 2.3.1 Complex ion and ligands 2.3.2 Complex formation equilibria with unidentate and multidentate ligands Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 83 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2.3.3 Factors affecting stability of complexes 2.3.4 Effect of complexation on solubility 2.4 Oxidation-reduction equilibria 2.4.1 Redox reactions, reducing and oxidizing agents 2.4.2 Redox reactions in electrochemical cells and electrode potential 2.4.3 Dependence of electrode potential on concentration 2.4.4 Calculating equilibrium constant from electrode potential Statistical evaluation of analytical data 3.1 Mean, Standard deviation, Variance 3.2 Accuracy and precision of measurements 3.3 Errors in analytical results 3.4 Confidence limit 3.5 Testing for significance (t-test and F-test) 3.6 Rejection test (Q-test) Solutions and their concentrations 4.1 Types of solutions 4.2 Different ways of expressing concentration 4.3 Preparation of solutions 4.4 Activity and activity coefficient Titrimetric methods of analysis 5.1 Fundamentals of titrimetry 5.1.1 Definition of terms 5.1.2 Ideal requirements for standard solutions 5.1.3 Volumetric calculations 5.2 Acid-base titration 5.2.1 Acid-base titration curves 5.2.2 Acid-base indicators 5.3 Precipitation titration 5.3.1 Titration curves 5.3.2 End point detection methods 5.4 Complexometric titration 5.4.1 Titration with aminopolycarboxylic acids (EDTA and its species) 5.4.2 EDTA titration curve 5.4.3 End point detection methods 5.5 Redox titration 5.5.1 Derivation of redox titration curves 5.5.2 Oxidation-reduction indicators Gravimetric analysis 6.1 Principle and types of gravimetric analysis 6.2 Properties of precipitates and precipitating agents 6.3 Steps in gravimetric analysis 6.4 Gravimetric calculations Introduction to chromatographic separation 7.1 Historical background 7.2 Types of chromatography 7.3 Paper chromatography 7.4 Thin layer chromatography 7.5 Column chromatography 7.6 Efficiency of separation 7.7 Application (Qualitative and quantitative information) 84 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 8. Gas Chromatography (GC) 8.1 Principle of GC 8.2 Instruments for GC 8.3 Applications 9. High-performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) 9.1 Principle of HPLC 9.2 Instruments for HPLC 9.3 Parts of liquid (liquid) Chromatograph 9.4 Liquid (partition) chromatography 9.5 Liquid – solid (Adsorption) chromatography 9.6 Ion-exchange chromatography 9.7 Molecular exclusion chromatography 10. Introduction to Electro-analytical Chemistry 10.1 Potentiometry 10.2 Voltammetry 10.3 Coulometry and Electrogravimetric Analysis 10.4 Conductometry 11. Introduction to Spectroscopy 11.1 Electromagnetic Radiation and its interaction with matter 11.2 Absorption Laws (Quantitative Analysis) 11.4 Instruments for optical spectroscopy 11.5 Atomic Absorption and emission spectroscopy 11.6 Ultraviolet and Visible (UV-Vis) Spectroscopy 11.7 Infrared Spectroscopy 11.8 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) Mode of delivery: Lecture, Lecture demonstration, Assignment, Discussion, inquiry, project methods and questioning technique Mode of assessment: Assignments; Class room tests; Quiz; Standardized final exam Reference materials: 1. Skoog, D.A.; West, D.M.; Holler, F.J. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 7th ed.; Saunders College Publishing, New York, 1996. 2. Christian, G.D. Analytical Chemistry, 5th ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1994. 3. Harris, D.C. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4th ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1995. 4. Jeffery, G.H.; Bassett, J.; Mandham, J.; Denney, R.C. Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York 1991. 5. Manahan, S.E. Quantitative chemical analysis, Brooks/Cole publishing company, California, 1986. 6. Fifield, F.W., Keale, D. Principles and practice of analytical chemistry, 3rd ed., Blakie academic and professional, Glasgow, 1990. 7. Marmet, J.M.; Otto, M.; Widmer, H.M. (editors). Analytical chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim,1998 Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 85 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17.8. Elective courses 17.8.4 Chemical Instrumentation COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: COURSE CREDITS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: CHEMICAL I STRUME CHEM 425 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK TATIO Course description: Electronic and optical aspects of chemical instrumentation: measurement and instrumentation, basic and digital electronics, input transducers and data acquisition, signal noise optimization, computers in instrumentation, process instruments and automatic analysis, basics of optical Course objectives: upon the completion of this course students would be able to • Distinguish the components of spectroscopy instruments and types of instruments • Identify the use of each component in the instruments • State the conversion of digital to analogue and vice versa • Explain how the transistors work as amplifiers • State how operational amplifier amplifies the signal and optimization of the signal Course outline 1. Signal and Noise 1.1. Signal 1.1.1 The general concept 1.1.2 Modulations 1.1.3 Amplification and Attenuation 1.2 Noise 1.2.1 Signal to noise 1.2.2 Noise power 1.2.3 Source of noise 1.2.4 Signal to noise enhancement 2. Measurements and Instrumentation 2.1 Two terminal circuit elements and circuit analysis- Fundamental Laws of electricity 2.2 Simple DC circuits Series resistive circuits : Voltage division , Loading Parallel resistive circuits DC Current resistance and voltage measurement 2.3 AC circuit Analysis 2.3.1 Reactive Components Series RC circuits with DC sources Rate of Current and Voltage Change Phase relations between voltage and current Series RC circuits with AC Sources: Reactance, Impendence RC filter circuits 2.4 Semi conductors 2.41. Diodes The pn junction diode Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 86 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry The i-v characteristics of diode 2.4.2. Transistors Field effect transistors Bipolar junction transistors NPN and PNP transistors Transistors as amplifier Bipolar junction and field effect transistor amplifier characteristics 2.5 Operational amplification in chemical instrumentation-Properities of operational amplification 2.1.1 Circuits employing operational amplifiers Feedback circuits Voltage Followers circuits 2.6 Amplification and measurement of transuded signals 2.6.1. Current measurement 2.6.2 Potential measurement 2.6.3 Resistance measurement 2.6.4 Comparison of Transducer outputs 2.7. Operational amplifiers to voltage and current control 2.8 Application of operational amplifiers to mathematical operations 2.8.1 Multiplication or division by a constant 2.8.2 Summing and difference amplifiers 2.8.3 Integrators and differentiators 3. Analog and Digital electronics 3.1 basic analogue and digital electronics 3.1.1 Analog Vs digital electronics 3.1.2 Analog signal components and circuits 3.1.3 Digital signal components and circuits 3.1.4 Relative advantage of Analog and Digital systems 3.2 Digital basics 3.2.1 Counting with binary and decimal numbers 3.2.2 Binary to decimal and Decimal to binary conversion 3.2.3 Binary codes 3.3 Basic digital circuit components 3.3.1 Signal shapers 3.3.2 Binary counters 3.3.3 Binary coded Decimal systems 3.3.4 Scalar 3.3.5 Clocks 4. Input transducers and data acquisition 1.1 Transducers 1.1.1 Input Transducers 1.1.2 Output Transducers 1.2 Data acquisition 1.2.1 Data acquisition system 1.2.2 Signal conditioning 1.2.3 Analog and digital signal conversion 1.2.4 Analog to digital conversion 1.2.5 Digital to Analog converters 1.2.6 Analog to digital converters 5. Computers in Instrumentation Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 87 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 5.1 Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcomputers 5.1.1 Computer Terminology 5.1.2 Hardware and Software 5.2 Operational modes of computerized instruments 5.3 Components computer 5.4 Application of computers 5.4.1 Active application 5.4.2 Passive application 6. Process instruments, automatic and automated method of analysis 6.1 Automatic instruments and automation 6.2 Flow injection analysis 6.3 Discrete automated system 6.4 Optical instruments-basics and components Mode of delivery: Lecture, Lecture demonstration, Assignment, Discussion, inquiry, project methods and questioning technique Mode of assessment: Assignments; Class room tests; Quiz; Standardized final exam 17.8.5 Clinical Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT HOURS: PRE REQUISITE: CLI ICAL CHEMISTRY CHEM 458 3 2 LEC. HR + 1 L AB. HR/ WEEK Course description: The course will focus on understanding of radiant energy and the type of analytical instruments and equipments used in clinical chemistry laboratory, specimen collection, handling, processing and analysis of specimens for analytes that help in the diagnosis of diseases, and basic quality assurance in clinical chemistry. The laboratory practical sessions will include instrument set up and calibration, specimen collection, handling processing and analysis as well as calculation and interpretation of test results. Course objectives: Up on completion of the course, students will be able to: • State properties of solutes, solvents and solutions, • Describe standard solutions, buffer solutions and their mode of action, • Discuss pH concept and convert one unit format to another • Describe the electro magnetic spectrum and state radiant sources for absorption measurement • Explain the interaction of radiant energy with matter and discuss fundamental laws of absorption. • Describe the basic components of spectrophotometer, colorimeter, flame photometer, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, • Select proper wave length for a given analyte and calibrate instruments Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 88 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry • • • • • • • • Describe the principles of electrophoresis, chromatography refractometry fluorometry turbidimetery and nephelometry State the type of specimens that can be analyzed in a clinical chemistry laboratory, collect process and preserve specimens and list the factors that affect test results Explain the biochemistry and metabolism of carbohydrates, Discuss diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia describes and performs the laboratory tests for the measurement of glucose Explain the biochemistry and metabolism of amino acids and proteins Describe the principles of the methods and perform the laboratory tests for the analysis of amino acids and proteins Explain functions of electrolytes discuss electrolytes and water balance electrolytes and acid base balance describe and perform the laboratory tests for the measurement of electrolytes and blood gases. Discuss quality assurance in clinical chemistry Course outline 1. Introduction to Clinical Chemistry tests 1.1. Solutions 1.2. Standard Solutions 1.3. Concepts of pH 1.4. Buffer solutions and their mode of action 1.5. Conversion of units of measure 2. Introduction to Radiant Energy 2.1. The Electro magnetic Spectrum 2.2. Radiant sources for absorption measurement 2.3. Interaction of Radiant Energy with matter 2.4. Absorption measurement 2.5. Fundamental Laws of Absorption 3. Analytical Procedures and Instrumentation 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Principles, Concepts, Fundamentals of the spectrophotometer, Colorimeter and flame Photometer 3.3. Selection of proper wave lengths 3.4. General guide lines on calibration and the use of calibration curves 3.5. Basic introduction to Electrophoresis, Refractometry, Fluorometry, Turbidimetry and Nephelometry 4. Specimen Collection, Handling, and Processing for Biochemical Analysis 4.1. Specimen Collection and Processing 4.2. Use of Preservatives and Anticoagulants in Biological Fluids 4.3. Factors Affecting Test Results 4.4. Preparation of Protein Free Filtrate (PFF) 5. Carbohydrates 5.1. Carbohydrate Chemistry 5.2. Metabolism of Carbohydrates 5.3. Diabetes Mellitus 5.4. Hypoglycemia 5.5. Measurement of Glucose in Body Fluids 5.6. Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) 5.7. Kenton Bodies 5.8. Lactate and Pyruvate Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 89 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 6. 7. 8. 9. 5.9. Glycated Proteins 5.10. In born errors of Carbohydrate Metabolism 5.11. Glycogen Storage Disease Amino Acides and Proteins 6.1. Basic Biochemistry of Amino Acids 6.2. The Amino Acidurias 6.3. Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism 6.4. Analysis of Amino Acids 6.5. Basic Biochemistry of Proteins 6.6. Plasma Proteins, Complement Proteins and Immunoglobulin 6.7. Methods of Assessing the Plasma Proteins 6.8. Total Protein Determination 6.9. Assay Techniques for Albumin 6.10. Determination of Total Globulin 6.11. The Albumin to Globulin Ratio Electrolyte and Blood Gases 7.1. Function of Electrolytes 7.2. Electrolytes and Water Balance 7.3. Condition of Fluid imbalance 7.4. Edema 7.5. Electrolytes and Acid-Base Balance Quality Assurance in Clinical Chemistry 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Pre analytical stage 8.3. Analytical stage 8.4. Post analytical stage Laboratory Practical Sessions 9.1. Lab 1: Preparation of standard solutions 9.2. Lab 2: Preparation of buffer solutions 9.3. Lab 3: Preparation of stock/working reagents 9.4. Lab 4: Instrument set up, calibration and selection of proper ware length for a given analyte 9.5. Lab 5: Specimen collection, handling and processing 9.6. Lab. 6: Measurement of glucose 9.7. Lab 7: Analysis of amino acids and proteins 9.8. Lab. 8: Measurement of electrolytes in synthesis Mode of delivery: Lecture, Lecture demonstration, Assignment, Discussion, inquiry, project methods and questioning technique, laboratory practicals Mode of assessment: Assignments; Class room tests; Quiz; Standardized final exam 17.8.6 Medicinal Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry M EDICI AL CHEMISTRY CHEM 458 3 3 LEC. HR/ WEEK CHEM 342 90 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course description: Pharmacologically active plant constituents: Introduction, history and general properties to the main classes of plant constituents (alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, glycosides, saponins, terpenoids, and essential oils); The chemical interaction of drug molecules with biological systems (enzymes, receptors, membranes and DNA); Physiological Effects of major classes of pharmaceutical agents including central nervous system depressant and stimulants, analgesics, anesthetics, cardiovascular agents and oral contraceptives; Quantitative structure-activity relationships; Mechanisms of drug metabolism. 17.8.7 Polymer Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: POLYMER CHEMISTRY CHEM448 2 2 LEC. HR/ WEEK CHEM 342 Course description: Introduction to polymers; polymer synthesis (Non vinyl based polymerization, vinyl based polymerization, ring opening polymerization, inorganic polymers, biological polymers); polymer structure and properties (polymer solution, polymer in the bulk state, mechanical properties, polymer flammability); Polymer Characterization; experimental determination of the sizes and shapes of macromolecules. Course objectives: To impart knowledge in • Synthesis of polymers and their reactions • Mechanistic aspects of polymerisation • Characterization, fabrication and testing of polymers • Relationship between structure of polymers with their properties • Different ways of Polymer degradation in the environment • Polymers found in living organisms and their reactions. Course outline: 1. Synthesis of Polymers 1.1. Types of polymerization 1.2. Condensation Polymerization 1.3. Addition Polymerization 1.3.1. Free radical polymerization 1.3.2. Ionic Polymerization 1.3.3. Coordination Polymerization 1.3.4. Ring opening polymerization 2. Reactions of Polymers 2.1. Reactions involving the main chain 2.2. Reactions involving the side group-Graft polymerisation 2.3. Surface reactions of polymers 3. Thermodynamics and kinetics of Polymerisation 3.1. Thermodynamics of polymerisation 3.2. Kinetics of step-growth polymerisation 3.3. Kinetics of free radical polymerization Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 91 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3.4. Free radical copolymerisation–Reactivity ratios 3.5. Kinetics of Ionic Polymerisation Characterisation of polymers 4.1. Number and weight average molecular weights 4.2. Absolute and secondary methods of determination of molecular weights 4.3. Morphology of polymers 4.4. Glass transition temperature 4.5. Degree of crystallinity Fabrication of polymers 5.1. Preparation of polymer films 5.2. Production of fibres 5.3. Foaming 5.4. Reinforced polymers 5.5. Polymer surface coatings Testing of polymers 6.1. Mechanical tests 6.2. Tests for thermal properties 6.3. Electrical tests 6.4. Miscellaneous tests Molecular structure, properties and uses of polymers 7.1. Influence of macromolecule skeleton 7.2. Influence of side groups 7.3. Electro active polymers 7.4. Electro–optical polymers 7.5. Biomedical applications of polymers Polymer degradation and environment 8.1. Polymer degradation and stability 8.1.1. Thermal degradation 8.1.2. Oxidative and UV stability 8.1.3. Chemical and hydrolytic stability 8.1.4. Effects of radiation 8.2. Management of plastics for better environment 8.2.1. Recycling 8.2.2. Incineration 8.2.3. Biodegradation Biological polymers and their reactions 9.1. Polysaccharides 9.1.1. General composition 9.1.2. Biological synthesis of polysaccharides and their reactions 9.2. Proteins 9.2.1. General composition 9.2.2. Types of proteins and their functions 9.2.3. Biological synthesis of proteins and their reactions 9.3. Polynucleotides 9.3.1. General composition 9.3.2. Synthesis and reactions of polynucleotides Reference materials: 1. R. Harry, R.A. Frederic and W. Lampe, Contemporary polymer chemistry 2. J.R. Fried, Polymer Science and Technology, Pearson Education, Inc., 2nd Ed., 2004. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 92 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17.8.8 Food Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: FOOD CHEMISTRY CHEM454 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK Course description: Introduction: Basic constituents common to food products (Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water, lipids and micro nutrients such as minerals, vitamins); Properties of food (Color, flavor, taste, etc); Influence and role of constituents of food on the quality of food; Methods of improving quality of foods (preservatives and additives, processing, cooking, browning, storage, packing etc); Toxicity of Foods: Natural toxins in food, chemical additives, methods of detoxification; possible changes in nutritional values; regulatory control of food composition, quality and safety. 17.8.9 Agricultural chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY CHEM456 3 3 LEC. HR/WEEK Course description: Soil Chemistry: Soil composition, formation and reaction, colloidal chemistry of soil constituents and solutions. Agro Chemicals: Pesticides and their mode of action (insecticides, fungicides and herbicides): some novel methods of insect control pesticides in the environment and fertilizers. Food Chemistry: Alcoholic fermentation, stimulant, flavors, spices, additive food coloring and contaminates, chemistry of vitamins, fruits and vegetables, quality control in food services. Course objectives: To impart knowledge in • Chemistry of soil formation, reaction and composition that supports the plant growth. • Agrochemicals like pesticides and fertilizers for better plant growth Course outline 1. Soil formation 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Physical weathering 1.3. Chemical weathering 1.4. Biological weathering 1.5. Humus formation 2. Soil Composition 2.1. Soil horizon or layers 2.2. Composition of soil 2.3. Properties of soil 3. Reactions in soils 3.1. Redox reactions 3.2. Acid–Base reactions 3.3. Ion-Exchange reactions Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 93 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 3.4. Precipitation reactions 3.5. Colloidal chemistry of soil constituents 4. Pesticides 4.1. Insecticides 4.2. Fongicides 4.3. Herbicides 4.4. Novel methods of insect control 4.5. Pesticides in the environment 5. Fertilisers 5.1. Plant nutrients 5.2. Functions of nutrients 5.3. Need for fertilisers 5.4. Nitrogenous fertilizers 5.5. Phosphate fertilizers 5.6. Potassium fertilisers 5.7. Mixed fertilizers 5.8. Fertilisers and the environment Reference materials: 1. P. Meenakshi, Elements of Environmental science and engineering, 2005. 2. A.K. De, Environmental Chemistry, 5th Ed., 2005. 17.8.10 Physical Inorganic Chemistry COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: PHYSICAL I ORGA CHEM416 3 3 LEC. HR/ WEEK IC CHEMISTRY Course description: Chemistry of Solids (Nature, Structure and properties of solids and surface chemistry); Nuclear Chemistry; Introduction to Group Theory (Symmetry elements, operations, and point groups, Mathematical representation of symmetry operations, Characters and character tables); Chemical Application of Group Theory (Vibrational spectroscopy, Electronic spectroscopy, Molecular orbital theory) Course objectives: The course provides knowledge of solid state chemistry, nuclear chemistry and spectroscopy. It offers additional information and directs the students for future specialization, especially in research. Course outline 1. Chemistry of Solids 1.1 Crystalline and Amorphous solids 1.1.1 Size and shape of Crystals 1.1.2 Space lattice, unit cell, Bravice lattices, seven basic crystal systems 1.2 Symmetry in Crystals 1.3 Radius ratio rules and their calculations for 3, 4 and 6 coordination 1.4 Packing of Spheres in Hexagonal, cubic close packing etc 1.5 Structure of metallic crystals Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 94 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 1.6 Structure of Ionic Crystals 1.6.1 Ionic crystal of AX type (ZnS, NaCl, CsCl) 1.6.2 Ionic crystal of AX2 type (CaF2, TiO2, SiO2) 1.6.3 Layer structure (CdI2, CdCl2) 1.7 Defects in solids and its Applications 2 Nuclear Chemistry 2.1 Structure of Nucleus 2.1.1 Liquid Drop Model & Shell Model 2.2 Forces in the nucleus (Nuclear forces) 2.2.1 Binding energy of the nuclei and its stability 2.2.3 Mass defect 2.3 Modes of decay i.e. α, β, γ etc 2.4 Half life period 2.5 Radioactivity 2.5.1 Radioactivity displacement law and Radioactivity decay series 2.5.2 Rate of radioactivity disintegration, nature of radiation emitted, there detection and measurements 2.6 Nuclear Reactions 3 Introduction to Group Theory 3.1 Symmetry elements 3.2 Symmetry operations 3.3 Point groups 3.4 Mathematical representation of symmetry operations 3.5 Character tables 4. Chemical Application of Group Theory 4.1 Vibrational spectroscopy 4.2 Electronic spectroscopy 4.3 Molecular orbital theory Reference materials: 1. J.D. Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry 2. C.E. Housecroft and A.G. Sharpe, Inorganic Chemistry 3. Puri and Sharma, Inorganic Chemistry 4. J. E. Huheey, Inorganic Chemistry 5. F.A. Cotton , Chemical application of group theory 17.8.11 Industrial Safety and Quality Control COURSE TITLE: COURSE UMBER: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: I DUSTRIAL SAFETY A CHEM 462 2 2 HOURS PER WEEK CHEM 352 D Q UALITY CO TROL Course description: Quality and safety; industrial quality control of processes and products, quality requirements; laboratory management, statistical quality control; international product and process standards; industrial safety and loss prevention; environmental management systems; case studies of selected industries. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 95 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course outline 1. Processes and Process variables 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Units and Dimensions 1.3. Systems of units and conversion of units 1.4. Process variables: Mass and volume, Flow rate, Concentration, Pressure and Temperature. 2. Safety in Chemical Processing Industries 2.1. Concern for chemical safety 2.2. Chemical plant safety 2.3. Hazards in Storage, handling and use of chemicals 2.4. Hazards and their control in important industries 3. Sewage and Waste Treatment 3.1. Sewage characteristics 3.2. Sewage treatment 3.3. Primary treatment 3.4. Secondary treatment 3.5. Tertiary treatment 3.6. Sludge disposal 4. Waste Minimisation and Pollution Prevention 4.1. Hierarchy of environmental management 4.2. Pollution prevention methodology 4.3. Pollution prevention techniques 4.4. Waste minimisation 4.5. Life cycle assessment 4.6. Sustainable manufacturing 4.7. Cleaner processes 5. Legal Control of Pollution 5.1. Responsibilities of Government agencies 5.2. Environmental laws and regulations 5.3. Environmental impact assessment 5.4. Polluters pay principle 5.5. International conventions and protocols on environment 6. Control of Industrial Pollution 6.1. Air pollution control 6.2. Water pollution control 6.3. Solid waste disposal 6.4. Noise pollution control 7. Industrial Waste Water and Hazardous Material Treatment Technology 7.1. Waste water treatment in 7.1.1. Sugar Industry and distillery 7.1.2. Tanneries 7.1.3. Textile and dyeing industries 7.1.4. Pesticides and Fertiliser industries 7.2. Definition, sources, transportation, minimization, treatment and disposal of hazardous waste 7.3. Radioactive waste disposal Mode of delivery: Lecture, group discussion, assignment in group or individually. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 96 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Mode of assessment: Quizzes, assignments, tests, and final examination. Reference materials: 1. D.H.F. Liu and B.G. Liptak, Environmental Engineer’s Handbook, 2nd Ed., Lewis Publishers, 2. S.C. Bhatia, Environmental Pollution and Control in Chemical Process Industries; Khanna Publishers, 3. G.N. Pandey and G.C. Carney, Environmental Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill. 17.8.12 Biochemistry and molecular biology COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE C REDIT HOURS CO TACT HOURS: PRE-REQUISITE BIOCHEMISTRY A CHEM457 3 3 LEC. HR/ WEEK CHEM 452 D MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Course description: Overview of Biochemistry (molecular basis of life, structure-function correlation of biomolecules such as protein structure and function with emphasis on non-covalent bonds; significance of Biochemistry to other "molecular-scale" biological sciences such as molecular biology, molecular genetics and immunology; Cells and Viruses: Overview; Nucleic Acids: DNA Replication, Mutation and Repair, Genomes and Proteomics, Gene Transcription, Posttranscriptional Processes and translation; Techniques of molecular biology: Expression cloning, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Gel electrophoresis, Macromolecule blotting and probing (Southern blotting, Northern blotting, Western blotting); Introduction to Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. 17.9 Supportive Courses 17.9.1 Calculus I for Chemists COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: C ALCULUS I FOR CHEMISTS M ATHS 233 3 3 LEC HR + 2 TUT HR/ WEEK Course description: Revision on functions, Limits and Continuity; Derivatives; Application of the derivative; Function; Inverse of a function and its derivative, inverse trigonometric, hyperbolic functions and their derivatives; L’Hopital’s rule; Integration; Techniques of integration (by parts, substitution, partial fraction, trigonometric integrals, trigonometric substitution); application of integration (Volume, arc length, surface area); improper integrals. Course objective: At the end the course the students will be able to: Investigate properties of Functions; Understand the concept of both limits and continuity intuitively and formally; Define the derivative of elementary functions; Differentiate and integrate different types of functions; Apply Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 97 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry differentiation to find extreme values and solve optimization problem; Find area of some regions using integrals; Sketch graphs of functions Course outline: 1. Revisions Functions and Their Graphs (4 Hrs) 1.1. Definition of Functions 1.2. Examples of Functions 1.3. Graphs of Functions 2. Limits and Continuity (16 Hrs) 2.1. Formal Definition of Limit 2.2. Basic Limit Theorems 2.3. One-Sided Limits 2.4. Infinite Limits 2.5. Limits at Infinity 2.6. Formal Definition of Continuity 2.7. One-Sided Continuity 2.8. The Intermediate Value Theorem for Continuous Function and Its Applications 3. Derivatives (14 Hrs) 3.1. Definition of Derivatives 3.2. Geometric Interpretation of Derivative as a Slope 3.3. Differentiable Functions 3.4. Derivative of Combination of Functions 3.5. The Chain Rule 3.6. Application of Chain Rule; Related Rates and Implicit Differentiation 3.7. Higher Order Derivatives 3.8. Implicit Differentiation 4. Application of Derivatives (16 Hrs) 4.1. Extreme Values Of Functions 4.2. The Mean Value Theorem And Its Application 4.3. Monotonic Functions 4.4. The First Derivative And Second Derivative Tests 4.5. Concavity and Inflection Points 4.6. Curve Sketching 4.7. Tangent Line Approximation 4.8. Indeterminant Form and L’Hopitals Rule 4.9. Tangent Line Approximations 5. Integrals (14 Hrs) 5.1. Anti-Derivatives 5.2. Partitions; Lower Sum, Upper Sum, Riemann Sum 5.3. Definition of Definite Integral 5.4. Basic Properties Of Definite Integral 5.5. Techniques of Integration; By Substitution, By Part, By Partial Fraction 5.6. The Fundamental Theorems Of Calculus 5.7. Indefinite Integrals And Their Properties 5.8. Application Of Integration To Find Area Of A Plane Region and Volume Of Solid Figure 5.9. Application of Integration to the concept of work Text: R. Ellis, Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 5th Ed., 1993. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 98 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 17.9.2 Calculus II for Chemists COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: C ALCULUS II FOR CHEMISTS M ATH 234 3 3 LEC HR + 2 TUT HR/ WEEK M ATH 233 Course description: Real Sequences; Real Series; Power and Tailor Series; Differential calculus; of functions of several variables; multiple integrals; ordinary differential equations and Laplace transforms. Course objective • At the end of the course the students will be able to Extend the integral calculus concepts of one variable in to several variables • Determine the limit of functions of several variables if exist • Check whether a function of several variables is continuous at a point and then in tits domain or not • Find partial derivatives of a function of several variables • Apply the concept of partial derivative to find relative extreme and to solve some verbal problems • Evaluate multiple integrals • Find surface area and volume of solid figures by use of double integral and triple integral. • Relate the concept of calculus to vector notion Course outline: 1. Real Sequences 1.1 Definition and examples 1.2 Convergence properties 1.3 Bounded and Monotonic sequence 1.4 Subsequences 2. Real Series 2.1 Definition of infinite series 2.2 Convergence and divergence, properties of convergent series 2.3 Nonnegative terms series 2.4 Tests of convergence: Integral, comparison, ration and root tests 2.5 Alternating series and test 2.6 Absolute and conditional convergence 2.7 Generalized convergence tests 3. Power Series 3.1 Definition of power series as any x0 and x0 = 0 3.2 Convergence and divergence, radius and interval of convergence 3.3 Algebraic operations between convergent power series 3.4 Different-ion and integration 3.5 Taylor series; Applications 3.6 Fourier series; Applicatios 4. Differential Calculus of Functions of Several Variables 4.1 Notations, examples, level curves and graphs 4.2 Limits and continuity 4.3 Partial derivatives; tangent lines, higher order partial derivatives Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 99 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 5. 6. 7. Directional derivatives and gradient Total differential and tangent planes Applications: error estimation, tangent plane approximation of values of a function 4.7 The chain rule, implicit differentiation 4.8 Relative extrema of functions of two variables 4.9 Largest and smallest values of a function on a given set 4.10 Extreme values under constraint conditions: Language’s multiplier Multiple Integrals 5.1 Double integrals and their evaluation by iterated integrals 5.2 Double integrals in polar coordinates 5.3 Application: Area, center of mass of plane region, surface area 5.4 Multiple integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinate 5.5 Multiple integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinate 5.6 Application: Volume, center of mass of solid region Partial Differential Equations 6.1 Int. to Partial Differential Equations 6.2 Finding solutions of PDE containing only partials of one variable. 6.3 Classification of PDE in terms of order, degree, hom. and non hom. constant and variable coefficient 6.4 Linear First Order Homogenous PDE with constant coeff. 6.5 Classification of second Order Linear Homogeneous PDE with constant coeff. 6.6 Finding Gen. solutions of Euler’s Equations with constant coeff. (Hyperbolic, parabolic and Elliptic Equations) Special Functions 7.1 Spherical Harmonics 7.2 Legendre Transformatiom 7.2 Laugre Functions 7.3 Laplace Functions 7.4 Fourier Transformations 4.4 4.5 4.6 Text: R. Ellis, Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 5th Ed., 1993. 17.9.3 Introduction to Statistics COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: I TRODUCTIO TO STATISTICS STAT 273 3 3 LEC. HR + 2 T UT. H R/WEEK Course description: Basic concepts, methods of data collection and presentation, frequency distribution and graphical presentation; measures of central tendency, dispersion and shape; Elementary probability, probability distribution; Binomial, Poisson, normal t-distribution ,chi-square; sampling and sampling distribution means ,proportions and variance; statistics inference ,concepts of parameter and statistics ,estimation (point and interval) and hypothesis testing for one mean, one proportion and variance ,chi-square tests of association. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 100 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course objectives: This course is intended to accomplish the following: • Provide students with an understanding and appreciation of statistics as a problem-solving tool. • Presenting the methods of data gathering. • Teaching students to present data using the tools of descriptive statistics. • Teaching the basics of probability that underlie statistical theory. • Analyze cases in which discrete and continuous probability distributions apply. • Apply probability distributions to random variables in order to solve applications involving statistics. • Discussing methods of estimation and hypothesis testing • Teaching the method to study the relationship between two variables Course outline: 1. Introduction 1.1. Definitions of statistics 1.1.1. Statistics and data 1.1.2. Statistics as a method 1.2. Some basic terminologies in statistics: Data, population, sample, parameter, Sample statistic, etc. 1.3. Types of Statistical method 1.3.1. Descriptive statistics 1.3.2. Inferential statistics 1.4. Uses of statistics 1.5. Types of statistical data 1.5.1. Depending on type of variable Data (categorical data) data 1.5.2. Depending on time reference series data data 1.5.3. Depending on scales of measurement: Normal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio data 1.5.4. Based on source of data: Primary and secondary data 1.6. Scope of coverage of data collection: Census and sample survey 2. Classification and presentation of data 2.1. Classification of data Classification 2.1.1. Definition of Classification 2.1.2. Types of classification or spatial 2.2. Presentation of data 2.2.1. Frequency Distribution of frequency distribution (discrete) frequency distribution (Continues) frequency distribution of constructing grouped frequency distribution frequency distribution Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 101 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 3. 4. 5. 6. frequency distribution (less than and more than) 2.3. Graphic and Diagrammatic presentation of data 2.3.1. Graphical presentation: Histogram, Frequency polygon, Cumulative frequency curves (ogives), vertical line graph and line graph 2.3.2. Diagrammatical presentation: Bar charts (simple, component, multiple and percentage), pie chart and pictogram. Measures of central Tendency 3.1. Summation notation and properties of summation notation. 3.2. Definition and purpose (objective) of average 3.3. Mathematical Measures of central tendency 3.3.1. Arithmetic Mean Arithmetic Mean (for ungrouped and grouped data properties of Arithmetic Mean and Demerits of Arithmetic Mean Arithmetic Mean mean mean (for ungrouped and grouped data) mean (for ungrouped and grouped data) among Arithmetic Mean, G.M, and H.M. 3.4. Positional measure of Central Tendency 3.4.1. The Median: Merits and Demerits of Median 3.4.2. The Quartiles or fractiles: Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles 3.5. The Mode: Merits and Demerits of Mode 3.6. Empirical relationship among mean, Median and Mode. Measures of depression and (Variation) 4.1. Definition and purpose of variation 4.2. Types of measures of variation 4.2.1. Absolute and relative measures of dispersion 4.2.2. Range and coefficient of range 4.2.3. Inter quartile range, quartile deviation and coefficient of quartile 4.2.4. Mathematical Measures of Dispersion (average) Deviation (about the mean and the medium) and Standard deviation Coefficient of variation Standard score (Z-score) Simple Linear regression and Correlation 5.1. Regression 5.1.1. Definition 5.1.2. Fitting linear regression by least squares method equation of Y on X and X on Y 5.2. Correlation 5.2.1. Definition 5.2.2. Measuring simple linear correlation coefficient 5.2.3. Measuring rank correlation coefficient, covariance and variances Elementary Probability 6.1. Definitions and concepts: Random experiment, sample space, sample points, exhaustive cases, etc 6.2. Counting Techniques 6.2.1. Multiplication principle (Fundamental of principle of counting) 102 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 6.2.2. Permutation and combination 6.3. Definition of probability, Classical (Mathematical) approach 6.3.1. Addition rule of probability 6.3.2. Conditional of probability 6.3.3. Multiplication rule of probability 6.3.4. Independent Events 6.3.5. Baye’s Theorem 7. Probability Distribution 7.1. Random variables: Definition and types of random variable 7.2. Probability Distribution of random variables 7.3. Distribution Function or Cumulative Distribution functions of random variables. 7.4. Expectation and variance of random variables 7.5. Some common probability distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions 8. Sampling and Sampling Distributions 8.1. The Concept of Sampling 8.2. Reasons for Sampling 8.3. Sampling Techniques 8.3.1. Random (probabilistic) Sampling techniques: Simple random sampling (SRSWOR and SRSWR), stratified random sampling, systematic random sampling, cluster random sampling, Multistage cluster sampling 8.3.2. Non-random (Non-probabilities) sampling techniques: Judgment, Quota and convenience sampling 8.3.3. Sampling Distribution distribution of the Mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the mean 9. Statistical estimation and hypothesis testing 9.1. The concept of estimation 9.2. Estimator and Estimates 9.3. Properties of best estimator 9.4. Point estimation: Point estimation of the population mean 9.5. Interval estimation: Confidence interval for the population mean (consider the three cases 9.6. Hypothesis testing 9.6.1. Basic concepts of hypothesis testing: Statistical decisions, hypothesis and types of hypothesis, test statistic, types of errors, and types of testes 9.6.2. Tests about population mean 9.6.3. Tests about the equality of two population mean 9.6.4. Goodness of fit test 9.6.5. Test of homogeneity Mode of assessment: Tests, Group assignment, Mid-semester Exam., Final exam. Reference materials: 1. Miller and Freund, Probability and statistics for Engineers. 2. S.P. Gupta, Business Statistics. 3. V.K. Kapoor, Statistics problems and solutions. 4. W. Mendenhall, Introduction to probability and statistics. 5. S.P. Gupta, Introduction to Statistical methods. 6. J.L. Devore, Probability and statistics for engineers and the science, 3rd Ed. Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 103 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 7. R.E. Walpole, Probability and statistics for engineers and the scientists. 17.9.4 Mechanics and Heat for chemists COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: M ECHA ICS A D H EAT FOR CHEMISTS PHYS 205 3 3 LEC. HR/ WEEK Course description Vector algebra, Particle Kinematics and Dynamics, Work and Energy, Conservative forces and Potential Energy Dynamics of Systems of Particles, Collision, Rotational Kinematics, Dynamics and Static of a Rigid Body, Oscillations, Gravitation and Planetary Motion, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Course rationale: At the end of this course students are expected to be acquainted with basic concepts in mechanics, identify the connection between them and explain the common phenomena. They will also develop skills of solving problems. . Course objectives: Upon completion of this course students should be able to: • compute average and instantaneous values of velocity, speed and acceleration • derive the kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated one-dimensional motion • solve problems involving bodies moving in one-dimensional and two-dimensional motion • using the concepts in calculus and trigonometry • explain some implications of Newton’s laws of motion • derive the work-energy theorem • solve mechanics problem using impulse, momentum and the conservation of linear momentum • apply the law of conservation of linear momentum to collisions • repeat the procedures followed in rectilinear motion for rotational motion • explain basic laws of heat and thermodynamics Course outline: 1. Vectors (2 hr) 1.1. Vector algebra 1.2. Geometrical & algebraic representation of vectors 1.3. Vector calculus 1.4. National Physics BSc Curriculum (Draft) Mechanics and Heat (Phys 205) 2. One and Two Dimensional Motions (6 hrs) 2.1. Average and instantaneous Velocity 2.2. Average and instantaneous Acceleration 2.3. Motion with Constant Acceleration 2.4. Projectile Motion 2.5. Uniform Circular Motion 3. Particle Dynamics (6 hrs) 3.1. Newton’s Laws of Motion Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 104 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3.2. Friction Force 3.3. Application of Newton’s Laws 3.4. Velocity dependent forces Work and Energy (10 hrs) 4.1. Work done by constant and variable forces 4.2. The work energy theorem 4.3. Conservative and non-conservative forces, conservative force and potential energy 4.4. Conservation of mechanical energy 4.5. Power Dynamics of System of Particles (9 hrs.) 5.1. Linear Momentum and Impulse 5.2. Conservation of Momentum 5.3. System of particles 5.4. Center of mass 5.5. Center of mass of a rigid body 5.6. Motion of system of particles 5.7. Elastic and Inelastic Collision (1-D & 2-D) 5.8. Elastic collisions in one-dimension 5.9. Two-dimensional elastic collisions 5.10. Inelastic collisions 5.11. Systems of variable mass Rotation of Rigid Bodies (6 hrs) 6.1. Rotational motion with constant and variable angular accelerations 6.2. Rotational kinetic energy 6.3. Moment of inertia 6.4. Rotational dynamics 6.5. Torque and angular momentum 6.6. Work and Power in Rotational Motion 6.7. Conservation of Angular Momentum 6.8. Relation between linear and angular motions Simple Harmonic Motion (3 hrs) 7.1. Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion 7.2. Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion 7.3. Pendulum 7.4. Damped and forced oscillations 7.5. Resonance Heat and Thermodynamics (10 hrs) 8.1. Temperature, Zeroth law of thermodynamics 8.2. Heat, work, and Internal energy of a thermodynamic system 8.3. The first law of thermodynamics, and its consequences 8.4. The second law of thermodynamics, Carnot’s engine 8.5. Entropy, the third law of thermodynamics, Kinetic theory of gases Method of delivery: Presentation of the course is through lecture, a related guided problems section with demonstrator assistance and additional assessed coursework, Online learning resources. Mode of assessment: • Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15% • In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering questions): 5% Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 105 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry • • Two Tests (40%) Mid-semester and Semester final tests (40%) Text: R. A. Serway, Physics for Scientists & Engineers, 6th Ed., 2004. Reference materials: 1. D. C. Giancoli, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4th Ed., 2005. 2. H.D. Young and R.A. Friedman, University Physics with Modern Physics, 12th Ed., 2008. 17.9.5 Electricity and Magnetism for chemists II COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: ELECTRICITY A D MAG PHYS 206 3 3 LEC. HR/ WEEK PHYS 205 ETISM FOR CHEMISTS II Course description The topics to be included are Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field, Gauss’ Law, Electric Potential, Electric Potential Energy, Capacitors and Dielectric, Electric Circuits, Magnetic Field, BioSavart’s Law, Ampere’s Law, Electromagnetic Induction, Inductance, Circuits with Time Dependent Currents, Maxwell’s Equations, ElectromagneticWave. Course rationale This course is designed to introduce concepts of classical electrodynamics with the aid of calculus. It also emphasizes on establishing a strong foundation of the relation between electric and magnetic phenomena; a concept that turns out to be a fundamental basis for many technological advances. Course objectives: Upon completion of this course students should be able to: • explain the basic concepts of electric charge, electric field and electric potential • apply vector algebra and calculus in solving different problems in electricity and magnetism • analyze direct and alternating current circuits containing different electric elements and • solve circuit problems • describe properties of capacitors and dielectrics • describe the magnetic field and solve problems related to the magnetic field and magnetic • forces • discuss about electromagnetic induction • state Maxwell’s equation in free space • describe some applications of Maxwell’s equations • describe electromagnetic radiation in medium and free space. Course Outline 1. Electric Field (4 hr.) 1.1. Properties of electric charges 1.2. Coulomb’s law 1.3. Electric field due to point charge Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 106 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1.4. Electric dipole 1.5. Electric field due to continuous charge distribution 1.6. Motion of charged particles in electric field 1.7. Gauss’ Law Electric Potential (3 hrs.) 2.1. Electric potential energy 2.2. Electric potential due to point charges 2.3. Electric potential due to continuous charge distribution 2.4. Relations between potential and electric field 2.5. Equi-potential surfaces Capacitance and Dielectrics (3 hrs.) 3.1. Capacitance 3.2. Combination of capacitors 3.3. Capacitors with dielectrics 3.4. Electric dipole in an external field 3.5. Electric field energy Direct Current Circuits (3 hrs.) 4.1. Electric current and current density 4.2. Resistance and Ohm’s law 4.3. Resistivity of conductors 4.4. Electrical energy, work and power 4.5. Electromotive force 4.6. Combinations of Resistors 4.7. Kirchhoff’s Rules 4.8. RC Circuits Magnetic Force (2 hrs) 5.1. Properties of magnetic field 5.2. Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor 5.3. Torque on a current loop in uniform magnetic field 5.4. Motion of charged particles in magnetic field 5.5. Hall Effect Calculation of Magnetic Field (4 hrs) 6.1. Source of electric field 6.2. Biot-Savart’s law 6.3. The force between two parallel conductors 6.4. Ampere’s Law and its application Electromagnetic Induction (7 hrs) 7.1. Magnetic flux 7.2. Gauss’s Law in Magnetism 7.3. Faraday’s Law of Induction 7.4. Lenz’s law 7.5. Induced Emf (including motional Emf) 7.6. Induced electric field 7.7. Displacement current Inductance (4 hrs) 8.1. Self inductance and mutual inductance 8.2. RL circuits 8.3. Energy in Magnetic field 8.4. Oscillations in an LC circuits AC Circuits (6 hrs) 107 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 9.1. AC sources and phasors 9.2. Resistors in an AC circuits 9.3. Inductors in an AC circuits 9.4. Capacitors in an AC circuits 9.5. The RLC series circuits 9.6. Power in an AC circuits 10. Maxwell’s Equations (4 hrs) 10.1. Maxwell’s equations 10.2. Electromagnetic waves 11. Nature of Light (6 hrs.) 11.1. Electromagnetic spectrum 11.2. Propagation and speed of light 11.3. Reflection and refraction 11.4. Refractive index and optical path 11.5. Reversibility principle 11.6. Fermat’s principle 11.7. Propagation of light in material medium Mode of delivery: Discussions, problem-solving and lecture methods are dominantly used through out the course. Students are expected and encouraged to set, solve and present problems relevant to the lessons. Mode of Assessment: • Homework will consist of selected end of chapter problems: 15% • In-class participation (asking questions, discussing homework, answering questions): 5% • Two Tests (40%) • Mid-semester and Semester final tests (40%) Text: R. A. Serway, Physics for Scientists & Engineers, 6th Ed., 2004. Reference materials: 1. D. C. Giancoli, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4th Ed., 2005. 2. H.D. Young and R.A. Friedman, University Physics with Modern Physics, 12th Ed., 2008. 17.9.6 Linear Algebra I for Chemists COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT H OURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: LI EAR ALGEBRA I FOR CHEMISTS MATH 224 3 3 LEC. HR + 2 T UT. HR/ WEEK - Course description: This course covers vectors, lines and planes; vector spaces; matrices; system of linear equations; determinant; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; linear transformations. Course objective: The main objective of this course is to lay down a foundation for advanced studies in linear algebra and related courses. At the end of successful completion of the course the students will be able to: Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 108 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry • • • • • • • • • • understand the basic ideas of vector algebra. understand the concept of vector space over a field understand the basic theory of matrices and its various applications determine eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix grasp the Gram-Schmidt process find an orthogonal basis of a vector space invert orthogonal matrices. understand the notion of a linear transformation find the matrix representation of a linear transformation with respect to two bases. find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation. Course outline: 1. Vectors 1.1. Definition of points in n-space 1.2. Vectors in n-space; Geometric interpretation in 2-and3-spaces 1.3. Scalar product and the norm of a vector, orthogonal projection, direction cosines 1.4. The vector product 1.5. Applications to area and volume 1.6. Lines and planes 2. Vector Spaces 2.1. The axioms of a vector space 2.2. Examples of different models of a vector space 2.3. Subspaces, Linear combinations and generators 2.4. Linear dependence and independence of vectors 2.5. Bases and dimension of a vector space 2.6. Direct sum and direct product of subspaces 3. Matrices 3.1. Definition of matrices 3.2. Operations of matrices 3.3. Types of matrices: square, identity, Scalar, diagonal, triangular, symmetric and skew symmetric matrices 3.4. Elementary row and column operations 3.5. Row reduced echelon form of a matrix 3.6. Rank of a matrix 3.7. System of linear equations 4. Determinants 4.1. Definition of determinants 4.2. Properties of determinates and uniqueness 4.3. Adjoint and Inverse of a matrix 4.4. Creamer’s rule for solving system of linear equations 4.5. Determinant of transpose and product of matrices 4.6. The rank of matrix and subdeterminants 4.7. Determinant and volume 4.8. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix 4.9. Diagonalization of a symmetric matrix 5. Linear Transformations 5.1. Linear transformations and examples 5.2. The rank and nullity of linear transformations Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 109 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 5.3. Algebra of linear transformations 5.4. Matrix representation of linear transformations 5.5. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation 5.6. Eigenspace of a linear transformation 6. Group Theory 6.1. Definition 6.2. Types of Groups and Representations 6.3. Reversible Representations 6.4. Irreversible Representations Mode of delivery: Three lecture hours and two hours of tutorial per week. Home do assignments will be given for each chapter covered. Mode of assessment: • Assignment/quizzes/ • Mid term exam • Final Exam 20% 30% 50% Text: D. Gemeda, An Introduction to Linear Algebra, Department of Mathematics, AAU, 2000. 17.9.7 Introduction to Computer Applications for Chemists COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT H OURS: PREREQUISITE: I TRODUCTIO TO COMPUTER APPLICATIO COMP 201 3 2 LEC. HR + 3 L AB. HR/ WEEK S FOR CHEMISTS Course description: An overview of computers; Development of Computers; Input Devices; Output Devices; Central Processing Unit; System Software; Application Software; Introductory concepts of Computer Networks and the Internet; Microsoft Windows; Microsoft office. Course objective: This course is intended to give chemistry students the basic introduction to computers and uses of computers. Specifically the students should be able to: • Prepare and edit texts • Make presentations • Use MS excel, access etc • Use chemical structure drawing software such as Chemdraw, Chemwindow etc 17.10 Common courses 17.10.1 Entrepreneurship COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: CO TACT HOURS: E TREPRE EURSHIP MGMT 201 3 3 LEC. HR/ WEEK Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 110 | P a g e Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry Course description: Introduction; Effective organization, development, creation, and management personal businesses; communication and interpersonal skills; economics; professional development foundations; marketing: distribution, financing, marketing/information management, pricing, product/service management, promotion, and selling; assessment of personal skills, the components of the free enterprise system and it’s place in our global economy, human relation and interpersonal skills, the importance of business ethics, and the role of quality and service play in business. 17.10.2 Communicative English skills COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: Course description: COMMU ICATIVE E FLE 201 3 GLISH SKILLS 17.10.3 University Writing Skills COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: Course description: U IVERSITY W RITI FLE 301 3 G SKILLS 17.10.4 Civics and ethical Education COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: C REDIT HOURS: Course description: CIVICS A D ETHICAL E DUCATIO CEED 201 3 Harmonized Curriculum for B.Sc. degree in Chemistry 111 | P a g e
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