New Asset Accounting.pdf

April 2, 2018 | Author: Mohamed Abdelgawad Ali | Category: Depreciation, Book Value, Valuation (Finance), Mergers And Acquisitions, Debits And Credits



12 3 4 .  Usage of New Depreciation Calculation Engine is mandatory: The new depreciation calculation engine is available since version 4.7 and should be applied on the side of customers. add-ons. This applies as well for PSM-FM. Details to the new depreciation calculation engine can be found e.g. 5 . in note 1498047  JVA (Joint Venture Accounting): Business Function “JVA_GL_INTEGRATION” shall not be activated  LAE (Lease Accounting Engine)  RE Classic (Real Estate management – Classic)  PSM-FM (Funds Management): soft switch can not be activated if requests exists in an open year (error message FAA_Post_006)  Please consider that many industry solutions.0 Support Package 1. or functions are not supported by SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA package 1. 6 . the “technical clearing account” balance to zero in the leading view  Non-Leading valuation: posts to the “contra account: Acquisition value” for the nonleading accounting principles (and not to the “technical clearing account”). the “technical clearing account” and the “contra account: Acquisition value” balance to zero for each non-leading view. the technical clearing account balance to zero in each view  Account approach:  The operational document posts to the “technical clearing account” being valid in all accounting principles  The accounting principle specific documents for the Leading valuation: posts to the “technical clearing account” for the leading accounting principle.Remark: How does the ledger approach balance to zero the technical clearing account by accounting principle in comparison to the account approach?  Ledger approach:  The operational document posts to the “technical clearing account” being valid in all accounting principles (without specifying a ledger-group)  The accounting principle specific documents performs postings to the technical clearing account by accounting principle (and ledger-group).  7 . Example for an integrated asset acquisition for the ledger approach. different amounts have to be activated due to the accounting principle.  Entering the data for the vendor invoice generates the following documents: (1) ‚Technical Clearing Account Acquisition‘ to Vendor being valid for all accounting principles (LG Blank) (2a) Asset to ‘Technical Clearing Account Acquisition‘ being valid for accounting principle IFRS (LG 0L) (2b) Asset to ‘Technical Clearing Account Acquisition‘ being valid for accounting principle local GAAP (LG N1)  Entering the data to correct the freight costs for local GAAP. restrict transaction to the accounting principles local GAAP (3) Freight expenses to Asset being valid for accounting principle local GAAP (LG N1) 8 . different amounts have to be assigned due to the accounting principle.Example for an integrated asset acquisition for the ledger approach. 9 . 10 . 11 . You can deactivate depreciation areas in the asset class or in a single asset. 12 . 13 . The account 199990 used for the local valuation posting has to be handled manually.In the figure. document $3. The example is representing the ledger approach. is generated for technical reasons (correct per ledger balance). when trying to perform a posting the system issues the message FAA_AA025 (which is the same as in classic FI-AA) 14 .Messages are issued:  If within one accounting principle only a statistical depreciation area is activated for an asset (the depreciation area posting APC (acquisition and production cost) online to the general ledger is deactivated). these messages can be changed to warning IMG: Asset Accounting (New) -> Transactions -> Maintain Message Types   posting an integrated retirement: message FAA_POST061 posting an integrated acquisition: message FAA_POST060  When no depreciation area is activated for an asset. 15 . 16 . 17 .In Asset Accounting (New) item you need to assign the settlement rule for each line per depreciation area posting to the general ledger (transaction AIAB). 18 .  Classic Real Estate (RE classic) is not compatible with New Asset Accounting.  Public Sector Management – Fund Management (PSM-FM) respectively IS-PS: it is not allowed to have posted any requests with reference to an asset in any period of an open year. entry view with GL view…) RAABST01/RAABST02 (FI-GL with FI-AA) RCOPCA44 (checks GL and profit center values) RFINDEX/RFINDEX_NACC (generell consistency checks) RM07MBST/ RM07MMFI (Consistency check FI and MM) RGUCOMP4 (TA GCAC) (Legder comparison) 19 .FI-AA: note 1939592 for pre-check includes check report RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK The following components are not compatible with New Asset Accouting:  Joint Venture Accounting (JVA) is not compatible with New Asset Accounting (and vice versa). Integration with New General Ledger Accounting (JVA_GL_INTEGRATION).  Lease Account Engine (LAE) included in the Enterprise Extension Financials Extension (EA-FIN) is not compatible with New Asset Accounting. This is also valid for the Business Function JVA. Reconciliation Reports for data consistency:       SAPF190 /TFC_COMPARE_VZ (Totals <-> Line items and Totals <-> Indizes.  With new asset accounting the new depreciation engine (Enterprise Extension Financials Extension (EA-FIN)) need to be active. Integration with New General Ledger Accounting (JVA_GL_INTEGRATION). With SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA only new general ledger and new asset accounting is available. 20 . periodic postings have been performed completely (RAPERB2000) -> no further asset transactions after last periodic posting run are allowed. Lease Account Engine (LAE) included in the Enterprise Extension Financials Extension (EA-FIN) is not compatible with New Asset Accounting. Public Sector Management – Fund Management (PSM-FM) respectively IS-PS: it is not allowed to have posted any requests with reference to an asset in any period of an open year. Classic Real Estate (RE classic) is not compatible with New Asset Accounting.  In case the new depreciation engine is not active yet: when migrating to SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA then the system will automatically activate Enterprise Extension Financials Extension (EA-FIN) (implicit new depreciation engine).  Check for each company code in FI which is being assigned to a depreciation plan that the parallel currency set up is complete:   In ledger solution applies for each valuation: the parallel currency in the general ledger (in the leading ledger and in the non-leading ledger) and in the depreciation areas in asset accounting need to be the same.  In case classic general ledger is used on your system: when migrating to SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA then the system will automatically be migrated to new general ledger. In account solution applies for the leading valuation: the parallel currency in the general ledger and in the depreciation areas in asset accounting need to be the same. This is also valid for the Business Function JVA. Classic general ledger and classic asset accounting is not supported any more.  No pending postings: no outstanding V2 postings.  The following components are not compatible with SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA New Asset Accounting:     Joint Venture Accounting (JVA) is not compatible with New Asset Accounting (and vice versa). IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> General Valuation -> Currencies And set up in financial accounting: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) -> Ledgers -> Ledger -> Define and Activate Non-Leading Ledgers Remark: Which parallel depreciation areas for parallel currencies are necessary for the ledger approach le in comparison to the account approach?  For the ledger solution approach: Parallel currency setup for:  the company code in FI need to correspond to the set up in FI-AA (parallel depreciation areas) for the leading valuation and  non-leading ledgers in FI need to correspond to the set up in FI-AA (parallel depreciation areas) for the non-leading valuation. You are able to reconcile the balance sheet in FI and sub-ledger FI-AA concerning parallel currencies. Parallel Currency Configuration must be completely in sync between G/L and FI-AA sub ledger.With Asset Accounting (New). 21 .  For the account approach: Parallel currency set up for the company code in FI need to correspond to the set up in FI-AA for the leading valuation (parallel depreciation areas) .  Before migrating your system to SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA it is essential to perform all periodic postings. It is not possible to post them later (after the migration)!  Please make sure to make a backup before migrating your system to SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA 22 . 23 . 24 . you still must migrate your chart of depreciation plans.g. EHP7) having FI-AA (new) already active. For example the scenarios have to be determined and assigned to the chart of depreciation.Even if you migrate to SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA from a system (e. an accounting principle has to be assigned to the depreciation areas. You are not able to post in asset accounting before having finished the migration of Asset Accounting in SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA! 25 .  Accounting principles need to be created in the system and afterwards they need to be assigned to ledger groups.  Each chart of depreciation is categorized as either ledger approach or as account approach (based as concerns the parallel accounting approach). ledger groups can either be created manually by the user or automatically by the migration program (program FAA_CHECK_MIG2SFIN. an accounting principle has to be assigned to the depreciation areas. „Active“ chart of depreciation: a chart of depreciation which is assigned to a company code.  A sample chart of depreciation can not (and does not have to) be migrated.g. tx FAA_CHECK_MIG2SFIN). In table T096 (field PARVAL SCENARIO) the system stores which scenario is used for parallel valuation. you still have to migrate your chart of depreciation plans. this field is updated automatically by the system.  Even if you migrate from a system (e. For example the scenarios have to be determined and assigned to the chart of depreciation. EHP7) having FI-AA (new) already active to SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA. 26 .  for each valuation you need to create a ledger group.  For the ledger approach and for the account approach you need to assign a ledger group to the accounting principle.  For the account approach the following settings apply:  a ledger group can either be created manually or automatically using the migration report (see separate slide). all ledger groups will always be assigned to the leading ledger 0L  Each depreciation area needs to be assigned to an accounting principle (and ledger group). 27 .  All depreciation areas representing the same accounting principle will be assigned to the same accounting principle (and ledger group). Each accounting principle (which will be assigned to a depreciation area later on) need to be assigned to a ledger group. the depreciation plan will not be migrated during this first execution (due to missing ledger groups). tx FAA_CHECK_MIG2SFIN once again. this ledger group will always be assigned to the leading ledger 0L. To create a ledger group automatically. IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) –> Ledgers -> Parallel Accounting -> Assign Accounting Principles to Ledger Groups  To migrate the depreciation plan you have to execute the migration report FAA_CHECK_MIG2SFIN. IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Migration: Asset Accounting (New) -> Migration for New Asset Accounting -> Migrate Charts of Depreciation In productive run the system will create a ledger group for each leading depreciation area of a non leading accounting principle. perform the following steps:  Perform migration report FAA_CHECK_MIG2SFIN.  The name given to the automatically created ledger group is: “&”+number of depreciation area+”&”  see example above: ledger group &31& for depreciation area 31. tx FAA_CHECK_MIG2SFIN for your depreciation plan. 28 .  Maintain the description of your automatically created ledger group: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) –> Ledgers -> Ledger -> Define Ledger Group  Check if the relevant accounting principle already exists and assign it to the ledger group.  “Active” chart of depreciation: a chart of depreciation which is assigned to a company code  IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Migration: Asset Accounting (New) -> Migration for New Asset Accounting -> Migrate Charts of Depreciation 29 .  “Active” chart of depreciation: a chart of depreciation which is assigned to a company code  IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Migration: Asset Accounting (New) -> Migration for New Asset Accounting -> Migrate Charts of Depreciation 30 .  “Active” chart of depreciation: a chart of depreciation which is assigned to a company code  IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Migration: Asset Accounting (New) -> Migration for New Asset Accounting -> Migrate Charts of Depreciation Further slides concerning (a) manual migration of chart of depreciation and (b) how to set up a chart of depreciation can be found in the appendix:  Active chart of depreciation plan:       IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Organizational Structures -> Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code Accounting principles: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) –> Ledgers -> Parallel Accounting -> Define Accounting Principles Ledger groups: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) –> Ledgers -> Ledger -> Define Ledger Group Assignment Accounting principles to Ledger groups: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) –> Ledgers -> Parallel Accounting -> Assign Accounting Principles to Ledger Groups Depreciation areas: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> General Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Define Depreciation Areas Indicator of APC values: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> General Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Specify Transfer of APC Values Indicator of depreciation terms: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> General Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms 31 . 32 . 33 .  Check in each system prerequisites to migrate your systems to SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA : for details see note 1939592  Perform periodic postings: transaction ASKB, report RAPERB2000 -> all outstanding       postings need to be performed due to former posting logic. Execute report in productive mode (and background) even if in your opinion there are no outstanding periodic postings => a time stamp will be stored in a table! Remark: in case the periodic postings have not all been performed before the system migration to SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA it is not possible to perform them any longer. You need to import your backup. Before activating check prerequisites for Activating Asset Accounting (New): IMG activity: Asset Accounting (New) -> New Asset Accounting: Preparation and Activation -> Check Prerequisites for Activating Asset Accounting (New) (tx FAA_CHECK_ACTIVATION, report RACHECK_ACTIVATION_PARVAL) Development system: check whether the prerequisites for activating new Asset Accounting are met Test and productive system (in case of error): check which prerequisites are not met if the switch for new Asset Accounting could not be set to Active during the import Activate Asset Accounting (New): IMG activity: Asset Accounting (New) -> New Asset Accounting: Preparation and Activation -> Activate Asset Accounting (New) Import Transport for Asset Accounting (New): all changes shall be imported to the target system (e.g. test system, productive system); after importing the transport the system performs the AIM (after import method); once again report RACHECK_ACTIVATION_PARVAL is executed to make sure that the import was successful. In case it was not successful Asset Accounting (New) will not be activated in the target system/client.  further slides – also concerning error handling - can be found in the appendix! 34 35 36 legal requirement in France): IMG: Asset Accounting (New) -> Transactions -> Retirements -> Gain/Loss Posting -> Post Net Book Value Instead of Gain/Loss -> Sub activity Specify Depreciation Areas for Net Book Value Posting Transaction Types: IMG: Asset Accounting (New) -> Overview for Experts -> Check Transaction Types 37 .g. Docs -> Specify Alternative Document Type for Acctg-Principle-Specific Documents Revenue Distribution for retirement: IMG: Asset Accounting (New) -> Transactions -> Retirements -> Gain/Loss Posting -> Define Revenue Distribution for Fixed Asset Retirement Post Net book value (e. Type for Ledger-Grp-Spec. migration of chart of depreciation has already been explained on former slides (manual and automatic)  Account approach: Define asset balance sheet accounts for parallel valuation:       IMG: Asset Accounting (New) -> Preparations for Going Live -> Production Startup -> Accounts Approach: Set/Reset Reconciliation Accounts for Parallel Valuation or create new asset balance sheet accounts as reconciliation accounts (tx FS00) and assign them in the account determination IMG: Asset Accounting (New) -> Integration with General Ledger Accounting -> Assign G/L Accounts Quantity update: IMG: Asset Accounting (New) -> Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Specify Depreciation Area for Quantity Update New technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisition: IMG: Asset Accounting (New) -> Integration with General Ledger Accounting -> Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition -> Define Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition Alternative document type: IMG: Asset Accounting (New) -> Integration with General Ledger Accounting -> Integrated Transactions: Alternative Doc. the area for quantity update can be chosen explicitly.With Asset Accounting (New). IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> General Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Define Depreciation Area for Quantity Update 38 . you need an additional reconciliation account (asset) if you want to post integrated asset acquisition. IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Integration with General Ledger Accounting -> Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisitions -> … New account technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisition needs to be set up:  Balance sheet account.With Asset Accounting (New). T095B.g. reconciliation account for asset accounting („A“)  line item management is not (should not be) activated  Is not allowed to be used in other FI-AA account determination (e. asset has been activated with net value (without discount). Its field status group should be correspondent to the field status group of the APC account. E.G. if you require different field control behavior depending on the asset balance sheet account to be posted then you set up an additional “technical clearing account for asset acquisition”. T095P) Flag „Posting without tax allowed“ needs to be activated in case SAPF181 shall post readjustment of cash discount (set up: document split is not active. 39 . table T095. payment is done without deducting discount) The following business transaction post to the new account technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisition  Integrated asset acquisition Remark: You can set up a different “technical clearing account for asset acquisition” for specific account determination. reconciliation account for asset accounting („A“)  line item management is not (should not be) activated  Is not allowed to be used in other FI-AA account determination (e. IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Integration with General Ledger Accounting -> Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisitions -> … New account technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisition needs to be set up:  Balance sheet account. asset has been activated with net value (without discount).g. Its field status group should correspondent to the field status group of the APC account. 40 . payment is done without deducting discount) The following business transaction post to the new account technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisition  Integrated asset acquisition Remark: You can set up a different „technical clearing account for asset acquisition“ for specific account determination. E. table T095. you need an additional reconciliation account (asset) if you want to post integrated asset acquisition.With Asset Accounting (New). if you require different field control behavior depending on the asset balance sheet account to be posted then you set up an additional „technical clearing account for asset acquisition“. T095P) Flag „Posting without tax allowed“ needs to be activated in case SAPF181 shall post readjustment of cash discount (set up: document split is not active.G. T095B. Docs-> … Remark for ledger configuration: If document splitting is active. you can specify alternative document types for ledger-group-specific documents of Asset Accounting. 41 . Type for Acctg-Princpl-Spec. IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Integration with General Ledger Accounting -> Integrated Transactions: Alternative Doc.With Asset Accounting (New). the system cannot always pass on the document type of the entry view to the valuating (ledger-group-specific) documents. With Asset Accounting (New). 42 . In the worklist you can still choose how you want to distribute the revenue. you can choose the distribution of revenue by net book value or by acquisition and production costs (on the level of a company code). IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Transactions -> Retirements -> Gain/Loss Posting -> Define Revenue Distribution for Fixed Asset Retirement Remark: this set up does not affect the worklist for mass retirement. With Asset Accounting (New).  Set TTY to obsolete: you can not post with this TTY. you do not need to restrict the transaction types to depreciation areas any more (former TABWA). it is only be taken in consideration for reporting purpose 43 . IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Procedures -> Enhancements -> Business Add-Ins for Enhancements -> Restrict Transaction Types to Depreciation Areas -> … Remark:  For Revaluation/New valuation and Investment Support (equal to former logic): the measure will generate the transaction types (which are restricted to depreciation areas).  Transaction types belonging to transaction type group 81/82/89 still can be restricted to depreciation areas  BADI „FAA_TTY_AREALIMITATION“ (valid in EHP7 to restrict transaction types by depreciation area) is not available any more. 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 .  New transactions: e. ABAAL. ABZPL. Asset Accounting” (EHP6) is automatically activated  Transaction types can not be restricted at all (no BAPI available)  User-Exit APCF_DIFFERENT_AMOUNTS_GET is not supported any more. ABAWL. ABNEL. ABZUL. ABUML. ABGLL.g. ABAOL. ABMRL. ABAVL. AB01L. Different amounts due to different valuations can be entered by restricting the business transaction to ledger groups or depreciation areas. ABMAL. ABNAL. 51 . ABZEL. ABCOL. ABSTL. ABAKL. BF FIN_AA_CI_1 “FI-AA. ABZOL. ABGFL. ABSOL. ABNKL. ABIFL. 52 . IFRS is set up as non-leading valuation.Example for an integrated asset acquisition for the account approach. Different amounts have to be assigned due to the accounting principle. in the set up of this chart of depreciation the local GAAP is set up as leading valuation. 53 . Technical account balances to zero for accounting principle LGAAP. technical account and contra account acquisition balances to zero for accounting principle IFRS. IFRS is set up as non-leading valuation. in the set up of this chart of depreciation the local GAAP is set up as leading valuation.Example for an integrated asset acquisition for the account approach.  Entering the data for the vendor invoice generates the following documents: $1 ‚Technical Clearing Account Acquisition (199909)‘ to Vendor being valid for all accounting principles (Accounting Principle Blank) $2 Asset (local APC account L011000) to ‘Technical Clearing Account Acquisition( 199909)‘ being valid for accounting principle local GAAP (Accounting Principle LOC2) $3 Asset (IFRS APC account I199990) to ‘Contra Account: Acquisition value (I199990)‘ being valid for accounting principle IFRS (Accounting Principle IFR2) 54 .  Document number $3 is the document for the valuation of the asset in company code FIA1.  Document number $2 is the equivalent document in company code FIA1.valid for one valuation . The document is posted for each valuation with accounting principle. In the example you see an integrated asset acquisition. Generated documents .of the entered business transaction are displayed together. In the document display you can  Change between different valuations using the button „Accounting Principle“  Change between different currency types using the button „Display Currency“ 55 . The document is posted without specifying an accounting principle. The document is posted for each valuation with accounting principle. all ledgers are affected. The document is posted without specifying a Ledger Group. one vendor and two assets in different company codes.In asset accounting a new document display is available.  Document number $4 is the document for the valuation of the asset in company code FIAA. For the selected valuation 4 documents will be created:  Document number $1 is the operational document (accounts payable) being posted in company code FIAA. 56 .  “Active” chart of depreciation: a chart of depreciation which is assigned to a company code  IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Migration: Asset Accounting (New) -> Migration for New Asset Accounting -> Migrate Charts of Depreciation 57 . transaction ASKB)  Activating Asset Accounting will result in the status „Active (Posting not possible in client)“. Posting is not possible. no entry is available in table TFAAD_BSN_FUNC. In case you want to perform postings in this system/client you need to perform transaction FAA_DO_ACTIVATION. In the development system in general you do not have any data. Posting is possible in the system/client. The AIM will be performed. Hence there may be no necessity to perform the periodic posting run (report RAPERB2000. The AIM (After Import Method) is not performed. The status will be changed to “Active”. In case the AIM (and hence all checks) is successful an entry is made in table TFAAD_BSN_FUNC. 58 . transaction ASKB).   status „in preparation“: customizing is not imported correct status „Active (Posting not possible in client)“: inconsistency in transactional data (e. 59 .g. But posting is possible in the system/client for testing purposes. It is possible to perform postings in Asset Accounting. The status will show „in preparation“ or „Active (Posting not possible in client)“. you can force the system with transaction FAA_DO_ACTIVATION to perform the AIM and set the status “Active”.  In case the transport and the AIM were successful. Be aware that the data will be inconsistent. An entry is available in table TFAAD_BSN_FUNC. Asset Accounting (New) has been activated and the status will display „Active“. there are still outstanding periodic postings). Hence you should perform the periodic posting run (report RAPERB2000. In the test system in general you have data and want to test the new functionality.  In case the AIM was not succesful. then you will not be able to perform postings in Asset Accounting (New). g. then you will not be able to perform postings in Asset Accounting (New). In the productive system you have to perform the periodic posting run (report RAPERB2000. transaction ASKB) and you have to make sure that there are no pending periodic posting before starting the migration toSAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA  In case the transport and the AIM were successful. It is possible to perform postings in Asset Accounting. 60 . Asset Accounting (New) has been activated and the status will display „Active“. there are still outstanding periodic postings). The status will show „in preparation“ or „Active (Posting not possible in client)“.  In case the AIM was not succesful.   status „in preparation“: customizing is not imported correct status „Active (Posting not possible in client)“: inconsistency in transactional data (e.  To activate the new architecture import the new customizing changes. all checks have been successful. Remark: in case the periodic postings have not all been performed before the system migration to SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA.Activation successful in the system/client: all periodic postings has been performed. Be aware that all „active“ company codes posting to FI-AA and all „active“ depreciation plans need to be migrated (adapted) due to the new requirements. … you are able to post due to the new posting logic Activation partial successful in the system/client: e. With this transaction you are able to force the system to activate the new posting logic. You need to import your backup. it does not fulfill the relevant requirements of the new posting logic. This transaction can not be performed in a productive system. You are not able to post in the client. Please proceed with the following steps in case activation was partially successful:  To analyze the errors perform in IMG: Asset Accounting (New) -> New Asset Accounting: Preparation and Activation -> Check Prerequisites for Activating Asset Accounting (New) (execute transaction FAA_CHECK_ACTIVATION )  Correct all errors. it is not possible to perform them any longer. 61 . the customizing was not set up correct (or not imported correct).g. you can perform transaction FAA_DO_ACTIVATION in a non-productive system. In case you do not care about correct values (due to the missing periodic postings). the after import method (AIM) was imported without errors. Perform transaction FAA_DO_ACTIVATION without selecting “Test Run” and choose “Force Activation”.In case you are trying to activate the new architecture in a non-productive system and you do not care about inconsistency in transactional data (e. In a productive system you will never be able to force the activation. Remark: In case the activation is successful and you can post with the new logic then the system will make an entry in table TFAAD_BSN_FUNC. you are not able to perform periodic postings due to faulty test data) you can force the system to activate the new architecture. This AIM is performed by:  The transport of the activation of Asset Accounting (New)“  Transaction FAA_DO_ACTIVATION 62 . In case of inconsistency the system will not perform the transaction.g. The trigger for the entry in table TFAAD_BS_FUNC is the AIM (After Import Method). 63 . 64 .  „Active“ chart of depreciation: a chart of depreciation which is assigned to a company code  IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Migration: Asset Accounting (New) -> Migration for New Asset Accounting -> Migrate Charts of Depreciation Manual migration of chart of depreciation:  Active chart of depreciation plan:       IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Organizational Structures -> Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code Accounting principles: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) –> Ledgers -> Parallel Accounting -> Define Accounting Principles Ledger groups: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) –> Ledgers -> Ledger -> Define Ledger Group Assignment Accounting principles to Ledger groups: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) –> Ledgers -> Parallel Accounting -> Assign Accounting Principles to Ledger Groups Depreciation areas: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> General Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Define Depreciation Areas Indicator of APC values: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> General Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Specify Transfer of APC Values Indicator of depreciation terms: IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> General Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms 65 . they do not post to the G/L. posting logic has not changed compared to FI-AA (classic). They can still be used for reporting purposes. 66 .With Asset Accounting (New). each and every depreciation area must be assigned to an accounting principle (and ledger group). IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> General Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Define Depreciation Areas -> Define Depreciation Areas (Tx OADB):  Each depreciation area needs to be assigned to an accounting principle  For each company code all active ledgers must be assigned exactly to one of the accounting principles  Ledger approach: former delta areas are not relevant any more.  Exceptions:  Investment support: depreciation area posts in realtime (BUHBKT = 1 Area Posts in Realtime)  „Special Items (Sonderposten)“: is the only depreciation area which still posts periodically (BUHBKT = 2 Area Posts APC and Depreciation Periodically). Within a set of depreciation areas being assigned to the same accounting principle only one area can manage and post APC (BUHBKT = 1 Area Posts in Realtime). each and every depreciation area must be assigned to an accounting principle (and ledger group).  Exceptions:  Investment support: depreciation area posts in realtime (BUHBKT = 1 Area Posts in Realtime)  „Special Items (Sonderposten)“: is the only depreciation area which still posts periodically (BUHBKT = 2 Area Posts APC and Depreciation Periodically).With Asset Accounting (New). IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> General Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Define Depreciation Areas -> Define Depreciation Areas (Tx OADB):  Each depreciation area needs to be assigned to an accounting principle  For each company code all active ledgers must be assigned exactly to one of the LGs  Within a set of depreciation areas being assigned to the same accounting principle only one area can manage and post APC (BUHBKT = 1 Area Posts in Realtime). posting logic has not changed compared to FI-AA (classic). 67 . These areas receive the option Area Does Not Post. 68 . Depreciation Periodically (or Area Posts APC and Depreciation Periodically).With Asset Accounting (New).  The following applies for the accounts approach: The leading area of the parallel valuation receives the option Area Posts APC Immediately. except for reporting purposes.  „Special Items (Sonderposten)“: is the only depreciation area which still needs to post periodically (Area Posts APC and Depreciation Periodically). And they are marked as “Depreciation area for reporting purposes only”  Investment support posted to liabilities: depreciation area use option Area Posts in Realtime.  The leading area of the leading valuation always contains the Area Posts in Realtime option.  The derived depreciation areas (delta depreciation areas) that posted to Financial Accounting up to now as part of the ledger approach are no longer needed. posting logic has not changed compared to FI-AA (classic). the Posting Indicator supports five (5) different values.  The following applies to the ledger approach: The leading area of the parallel valuation also contains the Area Posts in Realtime option. For the depreciation areas the Posting Indicator need to be adjusted. IMG: Asset Accounting (New) -> Integration with General Ledger Accounting -> Define How Depreciation Areas Post to General Ledger (Tx OADB): With Asset Accounting (New). each and every depreciation area must be assigned to a ledger group. . 69 . it does not take over values from another area. IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> General Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Specify Transfer of APC Values (Tx OABC):  Within a set of depreciation areas which are assigned to the same LG there is always one leading area of the valuation which value needs to be set to initial (indicator 00). .There is no longer a requirement to sequence the depreciation areas for value take over (former logic: value take over only allowed from a depreciation area with a lower number). APC Value Take Over must only be defined within one and the same accounting principle assignment.With Asset Accounting (New).Value take over can only be done within a set of depreciation areas which are assigned to the same accounting principle. APC Value Take Over and Parameter Take Over must only be defined within one and the same accounting principle assignment.  APC value take over and parameter take over can only be done within a set of depreciation areas which are assigned to the same accounting principle. IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> General Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms (Tx OABD)  Within a set of depreciation areas which are assigned to the same Accounting Principle there is always one leading area of the valuation which value needs to be set to initial (indicator 00).With Asset Accounting (New). 70 .  There is no longer a requirement to sequence the depreciation areas for APC value take over and parameter take over (former logic: value take over and parameter take over only allowed from a depreciation area with a lower number). it does not take over APC values or parameters from another area. 71 . 72 . You can use this program to check if the Customizing settings for your newly defined depreciation areas are correct for new Asset Accounting. IMG: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting (New) -> Overview for Experts -> Check Active Depreciation Areas for Asset Accounting (New) 73 . 74 .
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