Network Install



Network/WorkstationInstallation Merak Suite 2007.1 December, 2007 Microsoft® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. MSDOS®. Avocet Import/Export. Avocet Nomination. Avocet Capture. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license agreement. Merak VOLTS. Avocet Exchange. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form. BackOffice®. Merak Results Broker. OLE DB©. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2007 Schlumberger. Avocet Allocation. Avocet Integrated Asset Modeler. and FieldViz are marks of Schlumberger. Microsoft Access™. COM®. and Microsoft SQL Server™ are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. FieldBA. including photocopying and recording. . for any purpose without the express written permission of Schlumberger. Windows® 98. Merak Capital Planning. Windows NT®. Windows® 2000. Excel®. Merak Petroleum Financials. Windows® XP. ActiveX®. All rights reserved. Crystal Reports™ is a trademark of Business Objects. electronic or mechanical. Visual C++®. Merak Peep. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. Printed and bound in Canada. Avocet™ Data Manager. December 2007. Merak DBTools. Merak PetroDesk Administrator. Windows®. All other names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. or by any means. Merak Decision Tool Kit. Avocet Mobile. ODBC©. Merak PetroDesk. Oracle ® is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Terminal Server®. OFM. Merak™ is a trademark of Schlumberger. Word©. This software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such agreement. Internet Explorer®. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................5 How to reach us ................................................................... 1 About network installations ...........................1 About adjusting ......................................................NET security settings with the CasPol utility................................................................................................................4 Installing to a workstation..........1 Installing to a network ........ 6 ......................................................Contents Network/Workstation Installation .............................................. attempting to capture the . • • Click No if your users will not be using PetroDesk (PetroDesk files will not be installed. which will eliminate the risks of any drive-mapping conflicts. Accept the default location. Caution: If you are attempting to capture or repackage this installation for use with your internal distribution software. we recommend that you use a UNC Path.Network/Workstation Installation Merak Suite 2007. You are asked if your users will be using PetroDesk. For the first part of the network installation. Because a reboot is required at the end of the .EXE /a” from the INSTALL directory on your CD-ROM. and then click OK. or click Change to navigate to a different location. The Network Location dialog box opens.1 CD. 2.NET Framework installation. Failure to do so will incorrectly establish many of the settings required by the Merak Suite. It is during this phase of the installation that the following decisions must be made: • What applications will be installed? • What type of database will be used for each of those applications? The second part of the network installation involves setting up the workstations to run the installed software. Click Next. Note: The location indicated in this dialog box must be accessible by all users of the Merak 1 .1 Network/Workstation Installation About network installations Network installations comprise two separate installations. If you are performing the installation directly on the server. www. Installing to a network To install the Merak Suite to a network: 1. this will save about 125MB of hard disk space).NET Framework installation located in a Microsoft .sis. the files must be transferred to the network for the individual workstations to link to. Therefore. and • Creating all required icons and ODBC Sources. run “SETUP.NET Framework sub-directory on the Merak Suite v2007. 3. the Welcome dialog box opens. This phase of the installation includes: • Copying and registering System DLLs to the workstations. you must enter the drive-mapping or UNC path as though you were accessing the server remotely. Click Yes if your users require access to PetroDesk. you will have to capture the . To begin a network installation. When the InstallShield® Wizard is fully loaded. Setup requires you to know whether or not PetroDesk will be used in order to determine if the installation needs to install and configure special PetroDesk files. You can find the . 4.NET Framework installation within the Merak Suite installation will result in an incomplete capture.slb.NET Framework installation and the Merak Suite installation separately. If you choose either of these options. Therefore. • NOT be using the application listed (Capital Planning.1 (see the online Help for PetroDesk Administrator for more information on this process). the directory you select must be accessible by all users on your network. the Merak Suite installation will not actually load these 2 . therefore. 5. • be upgrading an existing database and therefore do not require new databases and/or ODBC data sources to be created. 10. Click Next to continue. Note: Like the directory for the installation files. 6. Click Yes to install the PetroDesk PDStore Directory. all users must have write permissions to this folder. the directory you select must be accessible by all users on your network. Both Peep and PetroDesk use the PetroDesk Configuration Files. and VOLTS. The following message appears: If you are upgrading the users on your network from a previous version of PetroDesk. 7.1 The PetroDesk Config File Path dialog box opens. click Change to change the default location of the PDStore File or click Next to continue. do not select any of the listed vendors. If this is the case.Network/Workstation Installation Merak Suite 2007. select the PDStore layers you want to use and click Next. 9. To load these layers. click Change and click OK when done. we recommend that you use a fixed drive mapping or UNC path. In the PetroDesk PDStore Layers dialog box. it will simply set up your system to accommodate them.slb. Select the appropriate option for each application and click Next. To change the destination folder for the installation. As well. and the application will not be visible for installation on the individual workstations. Note: Like the directory for the installation files. If you do not plan to use Canadian data. you can select the default directory. 11. In the PetroDesk PDStore File Path dialog box. rather. You are required to indicate whether your users will: • use Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle for your database. Petroleum Financials. Note: The listed data vendors supply only Canadian data. If this is the case. you will be asked for database/data source connection information.sis. or VOLTS). As well. all users must have write permissions to this folder. we recommend that you use a fixed drive mapping or UNC path. 8.1. Also. users will need to refresh the layers in their existing PetroDesk PDStore Directory with PetroDesk v2007. 6.1 Canadian Dataset DVD (see How to reach us on page 6 for contact information). it is not required to install the PetroDesk PDStore layers a second time. However. you are not asked for database information. if you are not using either application. Peep. Select a database using one of the following procedures: www. The existing databases will require an upgrade (using the Merak Database Toolkit) to the latest version before users can access them again. This dialog box is repeated for Capital Planning. Peep. The Capital Planning Database Options dialog box opens. Therefore. contact Schlumberger Information Solutions for a PetroDesk v2007. the application will continue to point at the same database that users were accessing before installing the Merak 2007. 12. which contains information that applies to all applications. • type of database(s) used for each application.ini file is contained in the root directory to which you chose to install the Merak Suite.ini file is broken into two sections: • a Merak section. In the Flexlm License Server dialog box. You do not need to restart your server at the end of this installation. Click Next. As with the SQL Server option. The information contained in the vr45. The vr20071. type either an IP address or DNS Name in the field. and • connection parameters required for those databases.1 • • To create a Microsoft SQL Server database. and this information is used by the Workstation Installation to set up the individual workstations on your network. you can modify the name of the ODBC data source that the installation creates. type the name of the Server and Database that you will be using and click Next. you can leave this field blank and the users will be prompted for the location the first time they launch the application(s).slb. The vr20071. You can also modify the name of the ODBC Data source that the installation will 3 . type the Connect String for the database you will be using and click Next. To create an Oracle database.Network/Workstation Installation Merak Suite 2007.ini file contains the information about how the Merak Suite was installed.ini file will include the following: • server that will be issuing FLEXlm licenses. Setup populates the vr20071. You are now ready to install the individual workstations.ini file. www.sis. 13. The Merak Suite files are copied to your network. If you are unsure of where the FLEXlm server will be located. The vr20071. and • an individual section for each product. 1.1 About adjusting .2 is the LocalIntranet group.modify the machine level of the policy. On NT platforms it's also the default level that CasPol works with. • n – name pf the code group www.50727) Merak 2007.NET security settings with the CasPol utility Some items within the Merak 2007.2 . and it should match anything with a URL that starts with file:// <servername>/Tools. you must use the CasPol utility that comes with the . The CasPol utility is installed as part of the .g.NET Components.2.The permission set to grant assemblies that match the code group.2 url file: \\”servername\serverpath\program files\schlumberger\merak*” FullTrust -n Merak2007.1 .4322) • . From the Start menu. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft. In this case.exe -m -ag 1. 2.4322. The CasPol utility allows you to set only those files in the Merak folder to Full Trust which for proper operation of Merak 2007. Caution: Changes to .1.NET security settings may affect the overall security of your system and should only be changed in accordance with your company security policy. so the new code group that we're creating will only be checked if the file comes from the intranet.1 install are new Microsoft .com 4 .sis.Network/Workstation Installation Merak Suite 2007. Set the directory to the .1 The following list provides an explanation of the syntax of the Caspol commands: • m . 3. since the machine level is where all of the default policy lives. • ag 1.Net Framework and is available in the following locations: • .0.0. therefore.add a code group under group 1.(%WINDIR%\Microsoft.The membership condition for the new code group should be a UrlMembershipCondition. • url file://ServerName/Schlumberger/Merak/* .Net Framework install.NET\Framework\v1. meaning that any file on the \\<servername>\Tools share will match this code group.Net Framework. Type in the following command to set the Merak folders to full trust CasPol.Net 2. This is needed.Net 1.0).NET\Framework\v2. group 1.Net 1.1 uses both versions of the . In order for these components to work correctly in network installations. (%WINDIR%\Microsoft.Net security: 1. To set the .Net version of Caspol that you want to use e.NET security settings with your network administrator. CasPol will default to the user level.1 (check with your local IT group before making any of these changes). In the default policy. the administrator must use both versions of CasPol utility (. FullTrust. We recommend that you coordinate any changes in the . • FullTrust . choose Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt to open the command line. however on Win9x.NET\Framework\v1. so putting m in the command line explicitly tells CasPol to use the correct level.1 and 2.slb. 11. 5. select the Canada and U. The Custom Setup dialog box displays a list of Merak applications installed to your 5 . Click Next. To display a list of the sub-components for the application. Click Install. 12. The list may differ depending on the applications selected during the network installation. The License Agreement dialog box opens. 14. In some cases. Only for me – prevents other users who are logged into the workstation from using this application. A dropdown list of options will open. usually consisting of the application Help system and release notes. 7. To create a custom installation.slb. 16. Read the agreement carefully.Network/Workstation Installation Merak Suite 2007. The Welcome dialog box opens. type the User Name and your Organization name in their respective fields to register this installation of the Merak Suite. click the icon next to the item you wish to change. because some items. all applications and their sub-components are installed. Obtain the name of the directory to which the Merak Suite was installed and run SETUP. Click Next. www. The Ready to Install dialog box opens. When the installation process is complete. Each application in the Merak Suite has sub-components. 9. and are licensed for. 8. Click Next. select This feature will be installed to run from network or This feature will be installed on local hard drive. If you are installing Peep. In the Customer Information dialog box. Select the economic regime(s) that you want to use. 10. such as Help files. 17. you will not see the option of running the software from the network. S. click the “+” symbol next to the application name.sis. 4.EXE. select This feature will not be available option from the drop-down list of options. 15. By default. Follow the InstallShield Wizard to complete the Merak Suite installation on the workstation. 13. restart your system before using the Merak Suite to ensure that it functions correctly. To remove an application or its sub-components from the installation. 3.1 Installing to a workstation Install the Merak Suite from a network server to a workstation PC: 1. For example. Check I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next to continue with the installation. click the icon next to the application name. Click Next. Select one of the following options: • • 6. Anyone who used this computer (all users) – makes the application available to anyone using this workstation. the Peep Economic Regimes dialog box opens. 2. check boxes and clear the World check box (as shown above). if you want to use Canadian and United States economics. must be copied to your local PC. Repeat step 1 to 16 for each licensed workstation. To install an application or sub-component. : 7 495 935 8200 Ext. installation. For more information about 6 . 2816 Schlumberger supplements the standard maintenance agreement by offering extended on-site support worldwide.: +86-10-64746699 0 800 444 0919 Brazil Tel.Network/Workstation Installation Merak Suite Malaysia Tel.: +62-21-5229343 Australia London Tel.: 000811 005 9068 Colombia Tel. 1218 South America International Offices E-mail: [email protected] Asia and Australia E-mail: merakcsasia@slb.: +61-1800001112 Thailand Tel.: +1 713-621-1165 Canada E-mail: merakcscanada@slb. www. This enhanced level of support includes on-site assistance.sis.: +66-2-9371300 China Tel. Merak is a product line of Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS).sis.: 0800 1 00 3588 Middle East E-mail: merakcsMiddleEast@slb.: +44 (0)207 517 2626 Russia and Caspian E-mail: merakcsmoscow@slb.: 001 866 326 0174 Argentina Mexico Tel.1 How to reach us United States E-mail: merak-us-support@slb. and maintenance services of licensed Schlumberger Houston Tel.slb.: +1-888-986-4357 (toll-free) Europe and Africa E-mail: merakcslondon@slb.: +60-3-21694266 Indonesia Tel. Calgary Tel.: 980912 3029 Venezuela Moscow Tel. please go to our Web site at http://www.
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