

NEO PI-R(NEO Personality Inventory-Revised) Orden, Mary Grace R. Outline • The Test • The Five-Factor Model (FFM) • Administration • Scoring • Interpretation The Test • NEO PI-R provides a comprehensive and detailed assessment of adult personality based on the Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality. • It was developed by Paul T. Costa Jr. and Robert R. McCrae for use with adult (17+) men and women without overt psychopathology. Paul T. Costa. McCrae . Jr. Robert R. extraversion.Form R . .Form S . called domain scales .agreeableness and conscientiousness • The inventory is composed of 240 items.30 subscales. • Two versions of NEO PI-R .Five (5) major scales.neuroticism.• The first design of the test . called facet scales. and openness to experience . activity level. . and capacity for joy.The Five-Factor Model (FFM) A mnemonic device for the five primary factors is the acronym "OCEAN. • Extraversion (E): refers to the quantity and intensity of preferred interpersonal interactions." or alternatively "CANOE". need for stimulation. • Neuroticism (N): refers to the chronic level of emotional adjustment and instability. . • Conscientiousness (C): assesses the degree of organization. persistence. motivation in goal-directed behavior.• Openness to experience (O): refers to the active seeking and appreciation of experiences for their own sake. • Agreeableness (A): refers to the kinds of interactions an individual prefers along a continuum from compassion to antagonism. control. Circle “SD” for strongly disagree . Circle “N” for neutral . has no time limit. and can be administered to one person or to many. Circle “A” for agree . Circle “D” for disagree . • 5-point Likert Scale . Circle “SA” for strongly agree .Administration of NEO PI-R • Uses a reusable test booklet. and separate answer sheet • Easy to administer. Nay-saying .Acquiescence .Missing responses .Random Responding .Validity checks .Scoring NEO PI-R • Keep in mind the following: . .• Tear-off the top stub and remove the top page. • The examinee must locate the first row of items and sum the values of the circled responses to these eight items. An analogous procedure will be used to calculate the remaining facet raw scores. The sum will be written in the space labeled “N1” located to the right of the row. The sum will be written in the box labeled “N” in the “DOMAIN RAW SCORES” located at the bottom of the answer sheet.• After all the facet scores have been calculated. . An analogous procedure will be used to calculate the remaining domain raw scores. the scores for facets N1 to N6 will be added. Interpreting NEO PI-R ❖ Neuroticism: identifies individuals who are prone to psychological distress High: may be at risk for some kinds of psychiatric problems Low: emotionally stable . • Anxiety: level of free floating anxiety High: The scale does not measure specific fears or phobias. • Angry Hostility: tendency to experience anger and related states such as frustration and bitterness High: Disagreeable person Low: easygoing and slow to anger . Low: do not dwell on things that might go wrong. but high scorers are more likely to have such fears. as well as free floating anxiety. and loneliness Low: rarely experience such emotions. and prone to feelings of inferiority Low: do not necessarily have poise or good social skills. sadness. sadness. but they are not necessarily cheerful and lighthearted • Self Consciousness: shyness or social anxiety High: uncomfortable around others. hopelessness. despondency and loneliness High: prone to feelings of guilt. sensitive to ridicule. but are simply less disturbed by awkward social situations .• Depression: tendency to experience feelings of guilt. having a high tolerance for frustration • Vulnerability: general susceptibility to stress High: feel unable to cope with stress. hopeless. or panicked when facing emergency situations Low: perceive themselves as capable of handling themselves in difficult situations .• Impulsiveness: tendency to act on cravings and urges rather than reining them in and delaying gratification High: inability to control cravings and urges Low: find it easier to resist such temptations. becoming dependent. and talkative. active.❖ Extraversion: quantity and intensity of energy directed outwards into the social world High: assertive. They like excitement and stimulation and tend to be cheerful in disposition Low: reserved rather than unfriendly. even-paced rather than sluggish . independent rather than followers. or who even actively avoid-social stimulation .• Warmth: interest in and friendliness towards others High: like people and easily form close attachments to others Low: neither hostile nor necessarily lacking in compassion. and the more the merrier Low: tend to be loners who do not seek. but are more formal. reserved & distant in manner than high scorers • Gregariousness: preference for the company of others High: enjoy the company of others. • Assertiveness: social ascendancy and forcefulness of expression High: speak without hesitation and often become group leaders Low: prefer to keep in the background & let others do the talking • Activity: pace of living High: people are in a need to keep themselves busy and lead fast. paced lives Low: more leisurely and relaxed in tempo. although they are not necessarily sluggish or lazy . • Excitement seeking: need for environmental stimulation High: like bright colors and noisy environments Low: feel little need for thrills & prefer a life that high scorers might find boring • Positive Emotion: tendency to experience positive emotions High: laugh easily and often Low: exuberant & high spirited . and their lives are experientially richer Low: tend to be conventional in behavior and conservative in outlook .❖ Openness to Experience: the active seeking and appreciation of experiences for their own sake High: curious about both inner and outer worlds. have a vivid imagination & an active fantasy life. They daydream not simply as an escape but as a way of creating for themselves an interesting inner world Low: more prosaic and prefer to keep their minds on the task at hand • Aesthetics: appreciation of art and beauty High: moved by poetry. and intrigued by art Low: insensitive to and uninterested in art & beauty .• Fantasy: receptivity to the inner world of imagination High: open to fantasy. absorbed in music. • Feelings: openness to inner feelings and emotions High: experience deeper and more differentiated emotional states and feel both happiness & unhappiness more intensely than others Low: have somewhat blunted affects and do not believe that feeling states are of much importance • Actions: openness to new experiences on a practical level High: prefer novelty and variety to familiarity and routine Low: find change difficult and prefer to stick with the tried-and-true . narrowly focus their resources on limited topics • Values: readiness to re-examine own values and those of authority figures High: have readiness to re-examine social. and religious values Low: tend to accept authority and honor tradition and as a consequence are generally conservative.• Ideas: intellectual curiosity High: enjoy both philosophical arguments and brain- teasers Low: have limited curiosity and. regardless of political party affiliation . if highly intelligent. political. and believes that others will be equally helpful in return Low: egocentric.❖ Agreeableness: the kinds of interactions an individual prefers from compassion to tough mindedness High: sympathetic to others and eager to help them. skeptical of others’ intentions. and competitive rather than cooperative . sincere.• Trust: belief in the sincerity and good intentions of others High: have a disposition to believe that others are honest and well. intentioned Low: tend to be cynical and skeptical and to assume that others may be dishonest or dangerous • Straightforwardness: frankness in expression High: frank. and ingenuous Low: willing to manipulate others through flattery. craftiness. or deception . prefers to compete than to cooperate. consideration of others. and has no reluctance to express anger when necessary . and a willingness to assist others in need of help Low: somewhat more self-centered and are reluctant to get involved in the problem of others • Compliance: response to interpersonal conflict High: tend to defer to others. and to forgive and forget Low: aggressive. to inhibit aggression.• Altruism: active concern for the welfare of others High: have active concern for others’ welfare as shown in generosity. High: humble and self effacing although they are not necessarily lacking in self.confidence or self-esteem Low: believe they are superiors and may be considered conceited or arrogant by others • Tender mindedness: attitude of sympathy for others.• Modesty: tendency to play down own achievements and be humble. High: moved by others’ needs and emphasize the human side of social policies Low: more hardheaded and less moved by appeals to pity . it may lead to annoying fastidiousness. just as they are more lackadaisical in working toward their goals . control and motivation in goal directed behavior High: associated with academic and occupational achievement. compulsive neatness. but they are less exacting in applying them. on the negative side. persistence. or workaholic behavior Low: not necessarily lacking in moral principles.❖ Conscientiousness: degree of organization. and well-organized Low: unable to get organized and describe themselves as unmethodical .• Competence: belief in own self efficacy High: feel well-prepared to deal with life Low: have a lower opinion of their abilities and admit that they are often unprepared and inept • Order: personal organization High: neat. tidy. purposeful and have a sense of direction in life Low: lackadaisical and perhaps even lazy. diligent. They are not driven to succeed but often perfectly content with their low levels of achievement .• Dutifulness: emphasis placed on importance of fulfilling moral obligations High: strictly adhere to their ethical principles and scrupulously fulfill their moral obligations Low: more casual about such matters and may be somewhat undependable or unreliable • Achievement striving: need for personal achievement and sense of direction Very High: may invest too much in their careers and become workaholics High: work hard to achieve their goals. but are able to make snap decisions when necessary . High: have the ability to motivate themselves to get the job done Low: procrastinate in the beginning and are easily discouraged. High: cautious and think carefully before acting Low: hasty and often speak or act without considering the consequences.• Self Discipline: capacity to begin tasks and follow through to completion despite boredom or distractions. eager to quit and cannot force themselves to do what they want themselves to do • Deliberation: tendency to think things through before acting or speaking. d.Bibliography • Costa. R. & McCrae. G. (1992b). from http://books. P. Odessa. (n. Psychological testing: an introduction. NEO Personality Inventory. from http:// www. & psychometric- testing. & McCrae. P. (2006).com. R. M.).Revised (NEO PI-R). FL: Psychological Assessment 2012. Retrieved July 11. T. NY: Cambridge University id=OiKau0aqtsYC&printse c=frontcover#v=onepage&q=neo&f=false .asp?NEO • Costa. • Domino. Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R) and NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO- FFI) Professional Manual. Retrieved July 11. 2012. d. The five-factor model: Psychometric. (n.multiply.wikipedia.) Retrieved July 11. (2006).htm • Revised NEO Personality Inventory. Nordic Psychology. (n. hment/0/ TU0SQgooCH0AAHjBXdE1/4. R. Revised_NEO_Personality_Inven tory • The five domains.Informationssystem/en/4en001/ d590668ef5a34f17908121d3 edf2d1dc/hb.%20NEO%20PI.multiplycontent.) Retrieved July 20. from http:// www.Manual.) Retrieved July 11. 58 (2).• Hartman.block1psy1. • NEO-PI-R .d. 2012. P. from http://en.doc? key=block1psy1:journal:19&nmid=411965100 . from http:// images. biological and practical (n. 2012. THANK YOU! ☺ .
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