Negative Consequences of Polygamy _ Zainab AL Hammadi _ Pulse _ LinkedIn

March 25, 2018 | Author: Anonymous jlLBRMAr3O | Category: Polygamy, Marriage, Wife, Family, Husband



7/19/2017 Negative Consequences of Polygamy | Zainab AL Hammadi | Pulse | LinkedInNegative Consequences of Polygamy Published on October 12, 2015 Zainab AL Hammadi Follow 14 8 0 Student at Higher Colleges of Technology This article will analyze and cover the issue of polygamy and how this issue affects family structure. This essay discusses how a woman gave what she owns for sake of her husband and then feels with pain and sufferings because there is no a real interest from the husband. This essay explains issue of gender bias within polygamy and how a woman may find injustice not to take her full rights. Polygamy issue is one of raised issues recently due to women rights are violated and breached in the developing countries. This paper presents detailed analysis on polygamy and its effects on women and children showing different factors including social, cultural, and economic forces. Polygamy is a term emerging from Greek terminologies. It refers to multiple marriages practiced by the men. Polygamy can be used in different contexts relating social, sociobiology, anthropology and sociology. There are some definitions of polygamy top of which as " form of marriage types wherein a person owns more than spouse " (Al- Krenawi and Gharaibeh 594). Anthropologists defined also polygamy as ''a marital relationship includes many wives’’. Sociologists see polygamy as a reproductive strategy also throughout increasing of number of men. Within some communities see that polygamy is economically benefit throughout increasing the labor power the family, and also increase prestige and power of family (Slonim & Al-Krenawi 312). Polygamy is widespread in places where farming is main craft and needs to big labor force. Polygamy is used as a tool to ensure social and economic stability of family. In 1/6 Accordingly. but a man may not have more than two.linkedin."( Sembène.). Polygamous marriages are the most popular in the rural regions and are taking place in low educated peoples. marriage type takes places due to its relationship with demand of fertility whether from men or women (Dodoo. two. this indicates that males have advantage in bearing responsibility. older wives feel pains and sufferings that their husband has neglected them because of his marriage of new wife. some societies and culture considered polygamy as reproductive strategy by men to increase their offspring (Hamdan and Apter. Polygamy refers also bias gender and why males are allowed to marry one wife. so that this act causes to serious consequences on the relationship between husband and wife. three or four wives. In addition. In most cases. Men can take decisions at any time to marry one. She loved her husband and so Noumbe " She had been hoping that he would come if only a moment…( Sembène). A woman may sacrifice with all her belongings for her husband. Noumbe had suffered so much and waited her husband for three days but there was no avail. two or three wives. a pain of anguish. children themselves are also used in farming works and then they will be backbone of their parents when they will be old age. It is expected that there is a gender bias. This desire changes in men's desire toward older wives.7/19/2017 Negative Consequences of Polygamy | Zainab AL Hammadi | Pulse | LinkedIn addition. a man in respect of polygamy controls a decision. Men are the masters in a family in particular in the developing nations and rural regions. Accordingly. One of missions of polygamy is to increase reproduction. Sembène said that " Noumbe forgot her illness and her baby's ailments. Marriage is more locus of reproduction in African countries (Dodoo 232). She had thought about these three days in a thousand different ways" (Sembène) Polygamy is widespread phenomenon in African countries that ranges from 20 %-50 % in comparison to 10 times of Asian societies . On the second hand. Polygamous marriage is resulted due to different causes and factors https://www. and so that they have ability to take decisions in their marriage type. Polygamy has reflected various differences on the couples where coupes relationship will be more traditional than in monogamous marriages. This sudden realization of the facts sent a pain to her heart. Marriage in Sub-African region includes the payments of bride wealth that transfer of money from husband's family to the wife's family that will be married. Hence. some culture are proud of polygamy and increasing number of children to ensure their social and economic positions. Polygamy is like to be concerning with definite relations between two gender and then reflects also making decision nature (Dodoo 233). " Mustapha had married a younger women. The main problem may face wives that men are always love new wife in particularly young wife. 755). As in indicated in the " Her Three Days" story as narrated by Numbe said. three or four 2/6 . some wives may feel injustice and pains if they don't their rights as other wives. Noumbe gave all things that she owned to satisfy her husband Mostafa. 240). and Gharaibeh 595). social. It is more likely that wives have short private time with the husband and so that may vie his favor. As stated in story of " Her Three Days" that the other wife told Noumbe had to go away her children to spend a good time with Mustapha. In a few of communities. Ousmane said " The other wife complimented her and insisted that Noumbe's children should go and spend a few days with her own children" (Sembène). so that polygamy should be lasting. In accordance with Jordanian study stressed that polygamy affected rate of drop in school among children. Families live mainly in overcrowded conditions making aggravates conflicts and stress between co-wives. It is confirmed that one of the biggest problem in polygamous marriage that education attainment and academic achievement of children as well as psychological problems of men. it is said that polygamy is a nature and compulsory because there are many of women for each man. On the second hand. self-worth of women is based on number of children and so that they'd like to spend more time with their husband (Al-Krenawi and Gharaibeh. Many studies have made sure that there is a close relationship between polygamy and psychological problems among children and women inside polygamous families. Wives wait the husband to visit or stand some time with them. Al-Sharbeni (2002) confirmed that the first wife is affected with psychologically in polygamous marriage and hence they are vulnerable to visit mental health centers (Al-Krenawi. In the Middle East region. 595). political. They do the best in cleaning of home. Some wives may resort to change their habits and improve conditions to satisfy the husband. 142). Based on culture aspects of polygamy. juvenile delinquency as well as causing to low self-esteem Al-Krenawi.7/19/2017 Negative Consequences of Polygamy | Zainab AL Hammadi | Pulse | LinkedIn including cultural. She never asked him for money.linkedin. or even they may demand money as a debt in a purpose of obtaining the best grade by the husband and to gain his love and interest. https://www. preparing tasty and delicious food. economic forces or behavioral and psychological factors (Marques. escalated addiction of alcohol. (Sembène).140). Indeed. It is shown in some studies that jealousy between wives may increase and escalate to different levels even they reach up to physical injuries by women and suicide trails among the women. Women are under polygamous marriage may be seen as slaves because they wait their master (Marques. hadn't she got herself into debt in the past. This visit may be regarded by any of wives that other wife will steal her husband. and Gharaibeh 595). Numbe said " The visit meant in fact: you stole those days from me because I am older than you" (Sembène). when Mustapha sometimes arrived unexpectedly. modernized women reject polygamy as an old custom and should be eliminated (Marques. 133). polygamy is featured with jealousy and competition among wives. "How to make tasty little dishes for Mustapha which cost him 3/6 . Based on different cultural traditions can make social constructs that are emerging from natural phenomenon. Moreover. In 4/6 .7/19/2017 Negative Consequences of Polygamy | Zainab AL Hammadi | Pulse | LinkedIn It was indicated that women who were living in polygamous marriage. Moreover. 756). "Noumbe finished preparing the meal. All such factors and problems have undoubted negative influences and impacts on children in their life in general. Children are also suffering from poor in their well-being due to bad nutrition and low interest and care with children. Polygamous marriage introduces several pressures on the women and problems in functioning and psychological acts (Al-Krenawi and Gharaibeh 601). Family structure is a poor among all members of one family (Hamdan and Apter 756). Sembène said "The flame of her dignity had been fanned on the way …. polygamy generates acrimony among the children and co-wives. have more problems than other type of marriage " monogamy" in terms of marital problems. Furthermore. this article examined and analyzed issue of polygamy and its negative effects on all member of family. and somatization than women who live in monogamous a man who seemed to have no desire to see her … and telling her self that her marriage to Mustapha was at an end”. sufferings and jealous from co-wives (Al-Krenawi and Gharaibeh. 599).linkedin. Children may have mental problems. social difficulties and low educational level. There are also poor in self-concept and high rate of attrition of school as well as sexual activity and abuse of drug and alcoholism. Although a wife prepare what she owns to her husband for obtaining his satisfaction. Chaleby (1985) discovered disproportionate women in polygamous families among inpatient populations and psychiatric outpatient in Kuwait. depression." (Sembène). family conflict is considered as usual pheromone in polygamous families (Hamdan and Apter. phobias. had a bath and went on to the rest of her toilette. It is shown that polygamy has a close link with mental illness between the children and co-wives as well. In respect with Bedouin life. In addition. child-parent relationship may be poor and not effective in polygamous families. She did her hair again. difficulties in communication and adjustment problems. It is confirmed that family structure has main effects on mental health for the children. hostility. The same phenomenon was noted in different societies as Nigeria (Slonim and Al-Krenawi 312 -313). polygamy has negative effects and influences on mental health adolescents and teenagers. In addition. it is found that Bedouin Arabian women face a great problems and sufferings in their life in particularly relating to polygamous marriage. but the husband may not mainly appreciate efforts and works of his wife. In addition. so the biggest problem in polygamous families is families will be more aggressive. There are also less life satisfaction and functioning problems. anxiety. Bedouin women have suffered from low self-esteem. It is concluded that polygamy is a popular phenomenon Sign in Join now https://www. studies confirmed as they were conducted in different countries in Middle East countries and African countries that polygamy causes competition and unequal distribution of the works in household among co-wives. polygamous women are less satisfied with their life because they feel pains. have disorder sin conducts and behavior. Slonim. so that women and children are forced to work in farming. References: Al-Krenawi. 2009. 2. co-wives and parents. No. p. Marques. A Comparison Study of Psychological.Saharran Africa.Nevo & Al-Krenawi. Therefore. [ 18 April 2014]. have mental and psychological problems. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. They are suffering from physical pains and problems. 2010. [ 19 April 2014]. Marriage Type and Reproductive Decisions: A Comparative Study in Sub. P312. have obstacles in social adjustment. P133. Irene. 5/6 . 3.313. 41. Ni. Success and Failure Among Polygamous Families: The Experience of Wives. It is existed greatly in rural places because families need to increase number of the labor force. Husbands. Accordingly.601. Hamdan.7/19/2017 Negative Consequences of Polygamy | Zainab AL Hammadi | Pulse | LinkedIn Sign in Join now in some countries in particular in Middle East region and African countries. Confused “Slaves” of Many Traditions: The Search for the Freedom Dance in Chiziane’s Niketche: A Tale of Polygamy . Journal of Marriage and the Family 60. polygamy has negative impacts on women and children. and Children. 232. drink alcohol. Vol. [ 16 April 2014].142. It is shown. Polygamous women have low self-esteem. Zainab AL Hammadi Student at Higher Colleges of Technology Follow 4 articles 8 comments Newest https://www. P 494. 2006. family structure is poor among children. Family Process. Polygamy and mental health of adolescents. [ 17 April 2014].756. 45. school absence. while children are vulnerable to serious consequences in their education. 1998.linkedin. Graham and Gharaibeh. F. polygamy is considered a serious social problem may threat and damage families at any time. this issue should be tackled in further research to give more recommendations and solutions to avoid communities from potential risks. [ 17 April 2014]. Community Ment Health J.240. p 755. It is concluded that children who live in polygamous families are low education attainment and achievement. inequality among co-wives. Vol. Auerbach and Apter. Research in African literatures. In addition. 2011. Family Function Marital and Life Satisfactions of Polygamous and Monogamous Women in Jordan. Dodoo.  Show more.7/19/2017 Negative Consequences of Polygamy | Zainab AL Hammadi | Pulse | LinkedIn Sign in to leave your comment SAIMA Rizvi 4mo welfare officer I want yrs article to print in india Like Reply SAIMA Rizvi 4mo welfare officer please contact me i m working in this 6/6 . Don't miss more articles by Zainab AL Hammadi Marriage in Hybrid Cultures Should Students Be Expelled for Happy Teachers Day Zainab AL Hammadi on LinkedIn Cheating? Zainab AL Hammadi on LinkedIn Zainab AL Hammadi on LinkedIn Looking for more of the latest headlines on LinkedIn? Discover more stories Sign up Help Center About Careers Advertising Talent Solutions Sales Solutions Small Business Mobile Language SlideShare Online Learning LinkedIn Influencers Search Jobs Directories Members Jobs Pulse Topics Companies Groups Universities Titles ProFinder © 2017 User Agreement Privacy Policy Community Guidelines Cookie Policy Copyright Policy Unsubscribe https://www.linkedin. 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