Necphilips Draft v0.4vgj

March 22, 2018 | Author: karmentgn668 | Category: Session Initiation Protocol, Voice Over Ip, Proxy Server, Telecommunications, Computer Networking



NEC Philips SOPHO IS3000White Paper 4 Prepared by Val Jelinic Reviewed by Marc Storck .Version 0. ...........................................................................2 Version Compatibility ........ 6 Projecting the ISG ...................................................................................................................................1 Getting Started.....White Paper NEC Philips SOPHO IS3000 Table of contents 1 Introduction ........................................ 3 2.............1 4...................................................................................................................................................2 0................................................1 Making Test Calls ..1 0....A....... 11 5...................................................... 2 2 voipGATE Settings ...................................................07...........1 Required information for configuration ............................................... 2 1............................................05......................................4 Release Date 27....................................................................................................09........................................... version 0.................................................. 5 3..............................................3 Latest Information .............................................................6 4.................3 4........................................ 5 4 SOPHO IS3000 Settings ............. 5 4...................2 Settings / Dial Options .......................................... 4 3 SOPHO IS3000 Configuration ............... 6 SIP Trunk Specific Data ......................................................................................................08..... 11 5.............. 5 Number Analysis and Routes............2009 Description DRAFT Only for internal use only DRAFT Only for internal use only DRAFT Only for internal use only DRAFT Only for internal use only Author Val Jelinic Val Jelinic Val Jelinic Val Jelinic voipGATE S..........5 4................... 2 1.......................3 0........................ 0......................2009 14.......................................................................... 5 Installing the signalling group(s) ...7 SOPHO IS3000 System Requirement .4 Page 1 ............................................................................. 11 Document history Ver............................. 5 Virtual Hardware ................4 4.............................................................2 voipGATE Support .................................................................. 7 5 Using voipGATE ............................................2009 08................................... 6 Security Aspect ........................................................... 3 2.2 4..................1 Settings / Advanced / VoIP Settings................................2009 31.............................. 2 1........... 3 Latest Information All information presented in this document is current at time of The product‟s pictures and names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.A. voipGATE version utilised: 1. Unless otherwise stated please use the default or factory settings.content. products.1 Getting Started This White Paper is intended as a guide for the configuration of the PBX devices listed below to connect to the voipGATE service.White Paper NEC Philips SOPHO IS3000 1 Introduction 1. conversely.4. logos and VoipGATE SA does not claim any ownership rights to these The latest information regarding voipGATE compatibility and testing should be sourced directly from the voipGATE Support page which you can find at: Or. The latest information regarding NEC Philips build versions should be sourced directly from the NEC Philips website which you can find at: www. 1.43. Please ensure you have received the Welcome Email from voipGATE for the required SIP trunking information necessary to configure the PBX. 1. The intended audience of this document is the PBX Administrator or Network/Solutions Integrator of the PBX device. version 0. voipGATE S.75450 NEC Philips Software tested: is3000 package 9810.2 Version Compatibility The build versions utilised in this series of testing are.A NOTE: Please note that differing results of compatibility may be experienced on other releases/versions of the same product line. if you have tested a version that is not present on our Support site.voipgate.voipgate.r. please feel free to post your findings on our Forum: http://www.4 Page 2 . White Paper NEC Philips SOPHO IS3000 2 voipGATE Settings 2.A.1 Settings / Advanced / VoIP Settings Login into your voipGATE account and go to the “Advanced Settings” tab then “VoIP Settings” tab and configure your settings as per below. version 0.4 Page 3 . voipGATE S. version 0.2 Settings / Dial Options Configure the “Dial Options” tab as per below.4 Page 4 . Please note that it is important to choose an “International prefix” of “00” voipGATE S.White Paper NEC Philips SOPHO IS3000 2.A. 4. some of the settings described below might be present already. In principle three things need to be configured : projecting a virtual SIP shelf. 4. 3. version 0. Check boundaries (max number of SIP signalling groups) Assign the correct media access code to the signalling group(s) Assign the Codecs used Assign the payload Assign whether RFC2833 is used (1) or not (0). Please contact your nearest NEC Philips Partner representative of NEC Philips Solutions Integrator for assistance.05 (or higher). 4.1 SOPHO IS3000 System Requirement      Call@Net 3. “CCIS over IP” or "Software SMA". When the iS3000 is already configured for "IP enabling".4 Page 5 voipGATE S. 4.1 Required information for configuration Refer to your Welcome Email from voipGATE to ensure you have the following info ready:  STUN Server  STUN Port  Outbound Proxy  SIP/IAX Proxy/Registrar  SIP/IAX User ID  SIP/IAX Authenticate ID  Password  Time Server 4 SOPHO IS3000 Settings This Whitepaper describes the projecting aspects how to configure SIP in the iS3000. Note: Do not put the virtual SIP trunk board/circuits in service. 3. ISG firmware release 201. CPU3000 with Accelerator Module (AM) and a 32 MB DRAM. Check boundaries (max number of PMs & max number of virtual PMs in a unit) Assign a virtual “SIP” shelf (PM-shelf) Assign a PMC board and then set the PMC board in service. a virtual SIP trunk board and the ISG board. It is assumed that the necessary SIP related boundaries are known.A.03. 5. 2.3 Installing the signalling group(s) 1.2 Virtual Hardware 1.White Paper NEC Philips SOPHO IS3000 3 SOPHO IS3000 Configuration To avoid possible interruption or potential loss of all services and communications we recommend that the configuration of the SOPHO IS3000 only be performed by an approved NEC Philips Administrator or Technician. Assign a virtual SIP trunk board Assign the “SIP” service to a service client profile. 5.5 (or higher). . before assigning SIP specific data to the SIP route. CIE firmware release A100. 4. 2.05 (or higher) ISG license number 59 is required to make "SIP trunk" calls. 3.10. 4 Page 6  1.4 Number Analysis and Routes 1.5 SIP Trunk Specific Data Before a SIP trunk may be taken into service.305 or higher. Bundle splitting can be done in order to leave a guaranteed amount of ISG-channels available for SIP calls. "IP-enabling". In that case. 3. . Activate registration of the SIP route Check the projected SIP items. Note that in a “CCIS over IP” network with an SV7000 release fa2010v1.White Paper NEC Philips SOPHO IS3000 6.003 or higher. The CIE (in CCS systems) must be loaded with firmware release fa1001. Besides the possibility to have only one route to the ISG it is also possible to project more routes and to apply bundle splitting. IP trunking routes and CCIS allocated channels are exhausted. Assign SIP IP related data to the SIP route (XX). 2. Assign SIP specific data to the SIP route (XX). Assign the 32 lines to the bundle 4. CHSIPA and RESIPR. 4. 9. Assign the ISG with board-type 18 in a 'real' PM shelf. voipGATE S.305 or higher is required. Assign an analysis tree to DIAL-TYPE 11: “media dialling” Assign the media access code (trunk access code) to the destination (the ISG) in the analysis tree related to the dial type “media dialling” Set the destination characteristics version 0. Set the virtual PMC and SIP trunk board/circuits in service (board previously assigned in sub-section "Virtual Hardware") 4. 5. "IP-trunking" and “CCIS”may share ISG channels with SIP. 3. 4. Assign a Trunk Access Code to reach the SIP destination (XX) Set the destination characteristics for destination XX Assign the external numbering scheme Create a route for SIP trunks Enter the route in the route table Set the route characteristics Assign the internal number range in the incoming analysis tree Set the bundle characteristics Assign the bundle to the route 10. 3. 5. 4. This is done using OM commands CHSIPD. 4. 7.6 Projecting the ISG REMARKS:    The ISG must be loaded with firmware release fa2010v1. 1. provided that the ISG license is present. congestion tone is given. It is possible to achieve load-sharing when two (or more) ISGs are present in the system. certain SIP related items have to be projected first. Check the changed signalling group data. 6. 2.A. the no "ISG channels" license alarm will be generated when the to IP enabling. 2. 8. when the data is "unknown".A.501 onwards it is possible to switch OFF the ISG web server page. To check the settings on the ISG.7 Security Aspect From ISG release fa2010v1. 12. Assign 10. This can be : Free Busy IO Busy TO Busy TI Busy C Busy CN Busy EI Busy EO Busy S Busy SN B-channel is not used B-channel is used for an 'Internal Outgoing' call (call from/to IP phone) B-channel is used for a 'Trunk Outgoing' call (call between ISGs) B-channel is used for a 'Trunk Incoming' call (call between ISGs) B-channel is used for a 'CCIS' call B-channel is used for a 'CCIS' call. In the 'Channel Status Overview'. the second column indicates the status of the channels. but no RTP channel is assigned Note that for a CCIS call it is not possible to discriminate between an incoming or outgoing call.305 is present 13. voipGATE S.305. 8. Create a QSIG route Enter the route in the route table Set the route characteristics Set the bundle characteristics Assign the bundle to the route 10. B-channel is used for an Incoming call to an Extension connected to an IP21 B-channel is used for an Outgoing call from an Extension connected to an IP21 B-channel is used for „SIP‟ call B-channel is used for „SIP‟ call. use "isgadmin" for both the Username and Password (case sensitive and fixed). e. 6. To achieve this the following text lines have to be included in the preisg.txt (or prebisg<mac-address>.txt file : [WebServer] WebServerEnabled = 0 Default = webserver will be on. or 30 lines (depending on the ISG license) to the bundle 11.4 Page 7 . but no RTP channel is assigned. 9. This file contains the name of the used ISG software package. Make sure that on the TFTP server a prebisg. version 0. 4.txt in case only one specific ISG should be loaded) file is present. fa2010v1. start up a browser and fill in the IP address of the ISG.g. This means that the layout might be enhanced in the future release of the ISG. Make sure that on the TFTP server the software package fa2010v1. To login.White Paper NEC Philips SOPHO IS3000 5. Set the ISG board and circuit 0 into service 14.g. 20. then it means default value. Keep in mind that the browser output is mainly for test/check-purpose. 7. Furthermore not all data is valid e. White Paper NEC Philips SOPHO IS3000 4.88 22 External number 6 . S=Server. Q=A-queue.8 SIP Trunking parameters overview (note: to be used as a guide only) <dinars:0.A. P=Paging route.88 22 External number 2 . S=Server.21 DESTINATION ID: D=Destination.1100000000101001 5 24 B-CH LINE 8801 8802 8803 8804 version 0. BSPT - ROUTE 88 UNIT DIR-AND-NEG OPTIONS CON-AND-SIG-TYPE ALL-CALLS 1 2 .88 22 External number 4 .EXECUTED <dirota:88 ROUTE-TABLE 88 NORMAL EXTENSION ROUTE PREF TRFC SMART 88 p 2 No EXECUTED <dirout:88 ROUTE 88 UNIT 1 BSPT UNIT 1 SEQUENCE-TABLE 1 PRIORITY EXTENSION ROUTE PREF TRFC SMART 88 p 2 No OPERATOR ROUTE PREF TRFC SMART 88 p 2 No GEN-OPTS GEN-TONE 111101001110000 440440 TREE 38 A-QUEUE 16 CV 0 CC-TABLE OVE SCNE - INC-OPTS TONE-AND-DDI-OPTS 10100000100 000699999 OUT-OPTS 010100 ATF 0 NO INCOMING DIGIT CONV. L=Line. Q=A-queue. P=Paging route. U=Unit DESTINATION TREE CODE ANALYSIS RESULT NUMBER ID NUMBER 88 22 External number 00 .) SEQ BUNDLE 0 88 EXECUTED <dibndl:88 BUNDLE 88 SEQ 0 1 2 3 voipGATE S.4 Page 8 SHELF BRD CRT 13 1 0 13 1 1 13 1 2 13 1 3 . L=Line.U=Unit DESTINATION TREE CODE ANALYSIS RESULT NUMBER ID NUMBER 0 21 Trunk access code 0 D 2 0 21 Trunk access code *88 D 88 EXECUTED <didest:88 DEST TREE FST-DT SND-DT ACC-REP ROUTE-TABLE DELAY-SEIZURE NUMB-PLAN 88 88 0 0 0 88 D 0 0 EXECUTED <dinars:88 DESTINATION ID: D=Destination. ON THIS ROUTE (USE DIDGCO FOR OUTGOING DIGIT CONV. 92. UserName vgnecphilips01 Proxy Name 80.16. PROF-ID 1 SERVICE OM TMS FDCR SIP SIP LDN VDU010 SS FDCRIP - 5 Default EXECUTED <diippr:.40 Inside glob.92.86. IP-ADDRESS PROF-ID 1 1 5 1 10.86.1. IP 212. Reg.40 Req.152 172.1.A.0.151 10.92.40 SPV 0 Port 5060 Auth.White Paper NEC Philips SOPHO IS3000 4 5 6 7 8 9 EXECUTED <didial:.168. Status CLIENT Cur.92.15 EXECUTED <disipr:88 ROUTE 88 Route Name vgnecphilips01 Port 5060 Port 5060 Auth. Password vTC45snbf2 PROT UDP P2P-RTP 0 Proxy IP-Address 80.249 192. Domain Name Lease Time (min) Requested Expires 60 40 EXECUTED < voipGATE S.76. IP-Address 80.0. 13 13 13 13 13 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 8805 8806 8807 8808 8809 8810 0: 0: 1: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: DIAL-TYPE Extension dialling Extension dialling Enquiry dialling Enquiry dialling Operator dialling Post dialling Alternative destination dialling FM primary dialling Pick up destination dialling Executive secretary dialling Overlay time out dialling Overlay continue dialling ANALYSIS GROUP 000 001 000 001 000 000 ANALYSIS GROUP - ANALYSIS TREE 000 010 001 011 002 003 005 005 005 007 008 009 ANALYSIS TREE 015 ROUTE ROUTE - DIAL-TYPE 11: Media dialling EXECUTED <diprof:.40 Reg.255.4 Page 9 . Status INS version 0.86.0. version 0.White Paper NEC Philips SOPHO IS3000 4.4 Page 10 .9 Configuration Data Overview (note: not to be used as a reference) voipGATE S.A. (same Area Code) b) Test an Outbound call to a Local Mobile Number. (different Area Code) d) Test an Outbound call to an International Fixed Number. checking ringtone.voipgate. f) Test an Outbound call to Auto-Attendant (check DTMF) g) Test inbound to an internal DID (for each DID created) h) Test inbound to Auto-Attendant (check DTMF) i) Test transferring calls off-site (to an external number) j) Test Outbound call to Emergency Services (as required.1 Making Test Calls After successfully configuring your voipGATE Service you should validate your settings by performing the following series of audio & quality on all calls: a) Test an Outbound call to a Local Fixed Number.2 voipGATE Support voipGATE Support can be obtained via our web portal which can be found at: voipGATE S.4 Page 11 . (to Mobile Network) c) Test an Outbound call to a Local Fixed National Number.php/en/support Or by contacting voipGATE Support directly @: support@support. version 0.White Paper NEC Philips SOPHO IS3000 5 Using voipGATE 5.voipgate. e) Test an Outbound call to an International Mobile Number. Ensure Emergency Services Operator is advised that this is a test call!) 5.
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