
April 2, 2018 | Author: Amitava Datta | Category: Production And Manufacturing, Industries, Technology, Science And Technology, Engineering



Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) What is PPAP? •Production Part Approval Process •Standard used to formally reduce risks prior to product or service release, in a team oriented manner using well established tools and techniques •Initially developed by AIAG (Auto Industry Action Group) in 1993 with input from the Big 3 - Ford, Chrysler, and GM •AIAG’s 4th edition effective June 1, 2006 is the most recent version •PPAP has now spread to many different industries beyond automotive NCR Confidential 2 Purpose of PPAP •Provide evidence that all customer engineering design record and specification requirements are properly understood by the organization •To demonstrate that the manufacturing process has the potential to produce product that consistently meets all requirements during an actual production run at the quoted production rate PPAP manages change and ensures product conformance! NCR Confidential 3 refurbishment.When is PPAP Required? New part Engineering change(s) Tooling: transfer. or additional Correction of discrepancy Tooling inactive > one year Change to optional construction or material Sub-supplier or material source change Change in part processing Parts produced at a new or additional location PPAP is required with any significant change to product or process! NCR Confidential 4 . replacement. Benefits of PPAP Submissions •Helps to maintain design integrity •Identifies issues early for resolution •Reduces warranty charges and prevents cost of poor quality •Assists with managing supplier changes •Prevents use of unapproved and nonconforming parts •Identifies suppliers that need more development •Improves the overall quality of the product & customer satisfaction NCR Confidential 5 . Production Run •PPAP data must be submitted from a production run using: Production equipment and tooling Production employees Production rate Production process All data reflects the actual production process to be used at start-up! NCR Confidential 6 . cost and single shift vs. for a specified period of time •Verification of the Run @ Rate will be at the Supplier Quality Engineer’s (SQE) discretion.Run @ Rate •The purpose of a Run @ Rate is to verify the supplier’s manufacturing process is capable of producing components that meet NCR’s quality requirements.  Factors such as product complexity. shelf life. multiple shift operations will be taken into consideration NCR Confidential 7 . •The number of components to be produced during the Run @ Rate should be sufficient to demonstrate process capability and will be predetermined by the SQE and the supplier. at quoted tooling capacity. The supplier will be notified of the need to perform a Run @ Rate as early in the process as possible. storage. Appearance Approval Report (AAR) 14. let’s take a closer look at NCR’s requirements . Records of Material / Performance Test Results 11. Design Records Authorized Engineering Change Documents Customer Engineering Approval. Sample Production Parts 15. 2. 6. if required Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (DFMEA) applied in special situations Process Flow Diagram Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (PFMEA) Control Plan Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) Dimensional Results 10. 5. 4. Checking Aids 17. 8. 7. Qualified Laboratory Documentation 13.Official PPAP Requirements 1. 3. Customer-Specific Requirements 18. Part Submission Warrant (PSW) NCR Confidential 8 Now. 9. Master Sample 16. Initial Process Studies 12. NCR’s PPAP Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Design Records Authorized Engineering Change Documents Customer Engineering Approval, if required Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (DFMEA) applied in special situations Process Flow Diagram Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (PFMEA) Control Plan Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) Dimensional Results 10. Records of Material / Performance Test Results 11. Initial Process Studies 12. Qualified Laboratory Documentation 13. Appearance Approval Report (AAR) 14. Sample Production Parts 15. Master Sample 16. Checking Aids 17. Customer-Specific Requirements 18. Part Submission Warrant (PSW) – NCR calls this the “Production Warrant” NCR Confidential 9 Supplier shall submit these 12 items and retain a copy of records at appropriate locations NCR’s PPAP Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Design Records Authorized Engineering Change Documents Customer Engineering Approval, if required Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (DFMEA) applied in special situations Process Flow Diagram Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (PFMEA) Control Plan Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) Dimensional Results 10. Records of Material / Performance Test Results 11. Initial Process Studies 12. Qualified Laboratory Documentation 13. Appearance Approval Report (AAR) 14. Sample Production Parts 15. Master Sample 16. Checking Aids 17. Customer-Specific Requirements 18. Part Submission Warrant (PSW) – NCR calls this the “Production Warrant” NCR Confidential 10 Supplier shall retain these 6 items at appropriate locations, and make readily available upon request PPAP Submission Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Production Warrant and Appearance Approval Report (if applicable) submitted to NCR Production Warrant, product samples, and dimensional results submitted to NCR Production Warrant, product samples, and complete supporting data submitted to NCR Production Warrant and other requirements as defined by NCR Level 5 Production Warrant, product samples and complete supporting data (a review will be conducted at the supplier's manufacturing location) NCR Confidential 11 Bulk Material Requirements Checklist (for bulk material only) 16. Process FMEA 7. Customer Engineering approval. and submit to NCR upon S = Supplier shall request. R = The supplier shall retain at appropriate locations and make readily available to NCR upon request. and submit to NCR upon request. documentation items at appropriate locations R = Supplier shall retain at appropriate locations and make readily available to NCR upon request S = The supplier shall submit to NCR and retain a copy of records or documentation items at appropriate locations. Part Submission Warrant (PSW) 14. (AAR) if applicable 15. Control Plan 13. Records of compliance with Customer-Specific Requirements (DVP&R) Level 1 R R R R R R R R S R R R R R S S R R R R R Level 2 R R R S S R R R S S R R R R S S R S R R R Level 3 R R R S S R S S S S R S S S S S R S R R R Level 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Level 5 R R R S S R S S S S R S S S S S R S R R R * = Supplier shall retain at appropriate locations. * = The supplier shall retain at appropriate locations. NCR Confidential 12 . Design FMEA 5. NCR will identify what is needed for submission. Performance. if any 3. Material. For all other components/details 2. if required 4. For proprietary components/details b. Design Records of Saleable Product a. Appearance Approval Report. Test Results 9. Qualified Laboratory Documentation 12. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SUPPLIER QUALITY ENGINEER WITH ANY QUESTIONS . Master Sample 18. Initial Process Study 10. Sample Product 17. Process Flow Diagrams 6. NCR will submit to NCR & retain identify what is needed a copy of records or for submission. Measurement System Analysis Studies 11.PPAP Submission Level Table PPAP Levels for Submission & Retention Submission Level Requirement 1. Dimensional Results 8. Engineering Change Documents. Checking Aids 19. or high end technology that is not yet established in the general manufacturing environment Supplier’s quality system and/or quality performance is not to NCR satisfaction •Medium Risk Parts that have at least one critical feature •Low Risk Parts that have no critical features and can be manufactured by any manufacturer in the commodity category Supplier’s quality system and quality performance are acceptable NCR Confidential 13 .Definition of Risk •High Risk Parts associated with multiple critical features. complex design. Submission Level Requirements •New Parts Level 2 is required for Low Risk Parts Level 3 is required for Medium and High Risk Parts •Part Changes Level 3 is required for Parts produced at a new or additional location Supplier Quality Excellence will define the level required for all other changes NCR reserves the right to redefine the submission level required NCR Confidential 14 . based on the production lot from which it was taken and/or accompanying documentation Production quantities may not be shipped before NCR Approval NCR Confidential 15 .PPAP Status •Approved  The part meets all NCR requirements  Supplier is authorized to ship production quantities of the part •Interim Approval  Permits shipment of part on a limited time or piece quantity basis •Rejected  The part does not meet NCR requirements. Electronic Submission Requirements •NCR requires that all PPAPs be submitted electronically •Use of paper submission must have prior approval by the SQE •Submission must be received on or prior to the PPAP due date •Review and Approval Process: NCR will attempt to review and provide feedback within 2 business days NCR requires all submissions to be electronic NCR Confidential 16 . NCR PPAP Playbook •What is the NCR PPAP Playbook? An Excel spreadsheet containing templates of the documents suppliers are required to submit to NCR •Why use the PPAP Playbook? Simplifies the process for suppliers by serving as a “checklist” of what needs to be submitted to NCR Reduces the number of files to manage Enables the SQE to quickly see if anything is missing Show PPAP Playbook NCR Confidential 17 . PRODUCTION WARRANT NCR Confidential 18 . and dimensional results submitted to NCR Production Warrant. Engineering Change Level NCR Part Number Supplier Part Number Dated Dated Weight (kg) Dated What is It? NCR SUBMITTAL INFORMATION NCR Location Street Address City Note: Region Postal Code Country Buyer Model Name / Number Yes Yes No No Buyer Code • Document required for all newly tooled or revised products in which the supplier confirms that inspections and tests on production parts show conformance to NCR requirements Does this part contain any restricted or reportable substances? Are parts identified with appropriate UL/CE/ISO marking codes if applicable? REASON FOR SUBMISSION Initial Submission Engineering Change(s) Tooling: Transfer. I further affirm that these samples were produced at the production rate of _____ pieces / _____ hours. and complete supporting data submitted to NCR Production Warrant and other requirements as defined by NCR Production Warrant. which were made by a process that meets all of NCR's Production Part Approval Process requirements. product samples. FOR CUSTOMER USE ONLY (IF APPLICABLE) PPAP Warrant Disposition: NCR Signature Print Name _____ NCR Tracking Number (optional) Approved Rejected Other Date ____________________________________________________ Date Now. Replacement.Explanation Required) statistical process package These results meet all drawing and specification requirements: Mold / Cavity / Production Process: DECLARATION When to Use It I affirm that the samples represented by this warrant are representative of our parts. I also certify that documented evidence of such compliance is on file and available for review. and complete supporting data reviewed at supplier's manufacturing location Change to Optional Construction or Material Sub-Supplier or Material Source Change Change in Part processing Parts Produced at New or Additional Location Other . product samples. or additional Correction of Discrepancy Tooling Inactive > than 1 year REQUESTED SUBMISSION LEVEL (Check one based on NCR requirements) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Production Warrant and Appearance Approval Report (if applicable) submitted to NCR Production Warrant. Engineering Drawing Change Level Additional Engineering Changes Safety and/or Government Regulation Checking Aid No. let’s take a closer look NCR Confidential 19 . Refurbishment.Production Warrant Production Warrant Part Name Shown on Drawing no. product samples.please specify Objective or Purpose Used to : • document part approval • provide key information • declare that the parts meet specification SUBMISSION RESULTS The results for dimensional measurements material and functional tests Yes No appearance criteria (If "No" . EXPLANATION/COMMENTS: • Prior to shipping production parts Supplier Authorized Signature Print Name Email Title Phone No. SUPPLIER MANUFACTURING INFORMATION Supplier Name Supplier Code Yes No Purchase order No. I have noted any deviations from this declaration below. Production Warrant Production Warrant Part Name Shown on Drawing no. changes not yet incorporated in Enter this number as found on Street Address Buyer otherwise “No” Buyer Code the design record but which are the contract / purchase order Checking Aid Number. & Date incorporated in the part City Region Postal Code Country Model Name / Number Enter if requested by the customer Note: Does this part contain any restricted or reportable substances? Are parts identified with appropriate UL/CE/ISO marking codes if applicable? Yes Yes No No NCR Confidential 20 . Change Level. Engineering Change Level Dated The design thatitem specifies Part number defined Show the change level and date of by the customer part number being the supplier. Weight (kg) Engineering released finished Shown on Drawing Number Supplier Part Number Engineering Change Level & Date end part name and number Checking Aid record No. Engineering Drawing Change Level Additional Engineering Changes NCR Part Number Supplier Part Number Dated Dated Part Name / NCR Part Number Safety and/or Government Regulation Yes No Purchase order No. if any INFORMATION SUPPLIER MANUFACTURING INFORMATION NCR SUBMITTAL the Design Record submitted Additional Engineering Changes Supplier Name Supplier Code NCR Location Safety and/or Government Regulation List all authorized Engineering Purchase Order Number “Yes” if so indicated by the Design Record. health. or environmental requirements NCR Location Supplier Name Supplier Code Show the location where Enter “Yes” or “No” ISO = International Organization for Standardization Buyer / Buyer Code to parts will be shipped Enter “Yes” or “No”the buyer’s name Street Address Buyer Enter Model Name / Number and code the model name City Region Enter Postal Code Country Model Name / Number and number Note: Does this part contain any restricted or reportable substances? Are parts identified with appropriate UL/CE/ISO marking codes if applicable? Buyer Code Yes Yes No No NCR Confidential 21 . Engineering Change Level Dated UL = Aid Underwriters Laboratories safety standards CE = Conformite Europeenne (European Conformity) – SUPPLIER MANUFACTURING INFORMATION NCR SUBMITTAL INFORMATION Certifies that a product has met European consumer NCR Location Restricted Substances Safety. Show the name and code assigned to Engineering Drawing Change Level the manufacturing site on the Additional order Engineering purchase /Changes contract Safety and/or Government Regulation Yes No Parts Identified with Appropriate Marking Codes Checking No. Weight (kg) Supplier Manufacturing Information Shown on Drawing no.Production Warrant Production Warrant Part Name NCR Part Number Supplier Part Number Dated Dated Purchase order No. die. Replacement. complete supporting data submitted to NCR Submission Results shall complete a dimensional evaluation on Check the appropriate Level 4 .Production product samples. Level 5 . or additional Correction of Discrepancy Tooling Inactive > than 1 year Requested Submission Level Identify the submission level REQUESTED SUBMISSION LEVEL (Check one based on NCR requirements) Mold / Cavity / Production Process requested by NCR Level 1 . Refurbishment.Warrant.Production Warrant. cavity. the and supplier Level 3 production .Production Warrant. product samples. pattern.Explanation Required) statistical process package These results meet all drawing and specification requirements: Mold / Cavity / Production Process: NCR Confidential 22 . product samples.Production Warrant REASON FOR SUBMISSION Initial Submission Engineering Change(s) Reason For Submission Check the appropriate box(es) Change to Optional Construction or Material Sub-Supplier or Material Source Change Change in Part processing Parts Produced at New or Additional Location Other . and dimensional results submitted to NCR more than mold. The specific Production Warrant and Appearance Approval Report (if applicable) submitted to NCR If production will be produced from Level 2 one .please specify Tooling: Transfer. shall then be identified here. or process.Production Warrant and other requirements as defined by NCR boxes one part from each. tool. etc. SUBMISSION RESULTS The results for dimensional measurements material and functional tests Yes No appearance criteria (If "No" . and complete supporting data reviewed at supplier's manufacturing location lines. Iapprove also certify that the documented evidence of such compliance is on file and available for review. I further affirm that these samples were produced at the production rate of is _____ available. I have noted any deviations from this declaration below. Attach additional A DECLARATION responsible supplier official. shall declaration pieces / _____ hours. which were made by a process that meets all of NCR's requirements and that all required documentation Production Part Approval Process requirements. Other Supplier Authorized Signature Signed by NCR Supplier Print Name Title Quality Engineer EXPLANATION/COMMENTS: Email FOR NCR USE ONLY PPAP Warrant Disposition: NCR Signature Print Name _____ NCR Tracking Number (optional) Approved Rejected Other Phone No.Production Warrant Declaration Declaration Explanation / Comments Affirmation that the samples represented Entercomments the number of pieces Provide any explanatory on the by the during warrant are representative and manufactured the submission results or any deviations Supplier Authorized Signature were made by run a process that meets NCR’s significant production from the Declaration. Rejected. after verifying requirements and the PPAP time (in hours) taken information as appropriate. that the results show conformance to all NCR for the significant production run I affirm that the samples represented by this warrant are representative of our parts. For NCR Use Only To be completed by appropriate PPAP Warrant Disposition NCR Supplier Quality Engineer NCR Signature Approved. Date ____________________________________________________ Date The approved Production Warrant officially warrants the parts ready for production NCR Confidential 23 . Production Warrant Reviewers Checklist Must be completely filled out Must be signed by the supplier P/N must match the PO Submitted at the correct revision level Submitted at the correct submission level Specify the reason for submission NCR Confidential 24 . AUTHORIZED ENGINEERING CHANGE DOCUMENTS NCR Confidential 25 . part or tooling. not pending) Specifications Feasibility Supplier studies change requests drawings Sub-assembly Life or reliability testing requirements NCR Confidential 26 . such as: ECNs (must be approved. but incorporated in the product.Authorized Engineering Change Documents The supplier shall provide authorized change documents for those changes not yet recorded in the design record. PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM NCR Confidential 27 . scrap Complete Project (Has to be fully Documented Master Form Will Generate Contract Master Form Will Generate Contract Yes Is Hard Savings > $??? Complete Project (Has to be fully Documented) Final Project Review Enter Remaining Information on Master Form 6 Sigma Project No Final Project Review Does the Project Involve Only Your Group? Finance Approval and Signature No Yes Department or Group Project Enter Remaining Information on Master Form Finance Approval and Signature When to Use It Other Required Signatures: Champion: Dir T&E Process Owner Project Owner Dept BB or MBB Does the Project Involve >2 Groups in Eng? Yes No Other Required Signatures: Champion: Dir T&E Process Owner Project Owner Dept BB or MBB Complete all Documentation including a (1) Page Closeout Sheet Close Project Yes Does the Project Involve >3 Depts. outside Eng? No Close Project Complete all Documentation including a (1) Page Closeout Sheet • To understand how a process is done • Prior to completing the PFMEA NCR Confidential 28 . handling) • Rework. Process maps can be used to understand the following characteristics of a process: • Set-by-step process linkage • Offline activities (measurement.Process Flow Diagram What is It? Operator Separate Cutting Tags (31) Evaluate for Corrective Action Yes Operator Get Traveler and Nest from Holding Shelf (26) Operator Prints Cut Tags (27) Operator Load Machine with Blanket (28) Operator Download Cutting Infomation (2s to 2m) (29) Operator Program Command "Ready to Cut" (30) Operator Observe Cutting Operation for Errors (32) Cutting Error? (33) No • A visual diagram of the entire process from receiving through shipping. including outside processes and services Operator Remove Small Plies from the Cutting Table (36) Small Plies Operator Cutting Operation Complete (34) Operator Move to Kitting Table (37) Operator Tag Small Plies (38) No Objective or Purpose Operator Move Plies to Kitting Table (41) Traveler Complete? (42) Yes Operator Stamp Traveler (43) Operator Large Tag while Laying Large or Small Plies Piies on the Cutting or Test Coupons? Table And (35) (39) Coupons Operator Remove Plies from the Cutting Table (40) 6 Sigma Project High Level Process Map Project Idea Department/Group Project High Level Process Map Fill Out Master Form with Initial Information Other Required Signatures: Segment CEO Champion Process Owner BB or GB Other Required Signatures: Champion: Process Owner Project Owner Dept GB/BB/MBB Get WO Assigned 6 Sigma Assigns Project Number Group Assigns Project Number Get DLN Assigned No Prefer to work this project within your area? Yes Begin/Work Project Follow DMAIC or DFSS process Monitor Progress through Power Steering and Monthly Financial Reviews Finance Approval and Signature No Do you have BB/GB to Assist/Work the project? Yes Finance Approval and Signature Monitor Progress through BiWeekly Updates and Monthly Reviews Begin/Work Project Follow DMAIC or DFSS process To help people “see” the real process. inspection. Process Flow Diagrams PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM Part Number: Part Description: Date: ECL: Prepared By: Fabrication STEP Operation Description Product and Process Characteristics Inspect Item # Item # Move Store Control Methods 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The process flow diagram utilizes these symbols to clearly identify each step in the process NCR Confidential 29 . INSPECTION PREPARED BY & DATE T T Arul APPROVED BY & DATE V Raja NCR Confidential 30 .PATROL INSPECTION .STORAGE .Example LEO Part No. Packing & Preservation 50 Layout Inspection 40 Pre delivery Inspection 30 Final Inspection register Pre shipment audit report Layout Inspection Report Self Inspection Report Not ok .08. No. Rejected ** Inspection as per RIQP If Rejected Inspection as per Opertion layout If rework possible Rework 100% Re-inspection Return to supplier Not ok . report Oiling. No. report Despatch 70 Pre shipment audit 60 Patrol Insp. Rejected Note : Tags to be provided for OK. Rev. / Date Deburring & Cleaning 15 : PFD/NCR/0264 : O / 10.SUPPLIER END OPERATION .09 Final Isnpection 20 **RM receiving Insp. Rework.Process Flow Diagram .MOVEMENT .PROCESS . Inspection & Rejection Not ok Scrap Ok Next operation . Part Name : : 484 -0100264 Shaft Pressure : Paddle Incoming Inspection 05 PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM Customer Name Page CNC Sliding Machining 10 F/QA/05/0 : NCR : 1 of 1 Doc. make 10 Shuriken Stars •This exercise will prepare your team to complete future exercises 45 Minutes NCR Confidential 31 .Star Exercise •Divide into teams •Distribute supplies − Paper for Stars − Instructions for making Stars − Scissors •Using the instructions handed out in class. Process Flow Diagram – Star Exercise Incoming Inspection Paper Folding Star Folding Final Inspection Cutting Tucking 05 10 15 20 Patrol Insp Report 25 30 Shipping Packing 40 35 Inspection as per Operation layout If rework possible Rework 100% Inspection OK Not OK Scrap Next Operation NCR Confidential 32 . Process Flow Diagrams Reviewers Checklist Process Flow must identify each step in the process Should include abnormal handling processes  Scrap  Rework Process Flow must include all phases of the process  Receiving of raw material  Part manufacturing  Offline inspections and checks  Assembly  Shipping NCR Confidential 33 . PROCESS FMEA NCR Confidential 34 . ) of ( R e v . reliability and safety of a product or process. • Prior to tooling for production 35 . P.) What is It? Responsibility & Target Com pletion Date Action Results O S c e c v u r D e t e c R. When to Use It IMPORTANT! The PFMEA should be completed using a cross-functional team! NCR Confidential • After completion of the process flow diagram. N. causes. Objective or Purpose • Identifies potential failure modes. and effects. N. Inputs come from the process flow diagram. Recom m ended Action(s) ActionsTaken • A tool used to identify and prioritize risk areas and their mitigation plans. P.Process FMEA (PFMEA) Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (Design FMEA) S ys t e m / C o m po ne nt : C o re T e a m : D e s ign R e s po ns ibilit y: F M E A N um be r: P a ge P re pa re d by: F M E A D a t e ( O rig. • Identifies key inputs which positively or negatively affect quality. Item / Process Function Potential Failure Mode Potential Effect(s) of Failure S e v Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism (s) of Failure O c c u r Current Design Controls Prevention Current Design Controls Detection D e t e c R. FMEA Origin •Created by NASA following Apollo 1 mission failure •Allows us to take a proactive approach to what can go wrong in a process and manage our risks better NCR Confidential 36 . ) Action Results Process Step Potential Failure Mode Potential Effect(s) of Failure Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure R.P. Occur Detec Class Current Process Controls Recommended Responsibility Actions & Target Date This is included in the PPAP Playbook! Sev R.N.) Date (Rev.Process FMEA (PFMEA) POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (PROCESS FMEA) Print # Item: Model Year(s)/Vehicle(s) Team: Rev.N.P. Actions Taken Occ Sev Det NCR Confidential 37 . Process Responsibility: Key Date FMEA Number Prepared by: Date (Orig. Step 1 Potential Potential Failure Modes Cause(s)/ Effect(s) of Mechanism(s) For each Process Input. NCR Confidential 38 .Impaired function of interior door hardware Spray head clogged: .PFMEA . of inner inserted spray wax inside door specified surface door panel head not panel inserter far Corroded interior enough lower door panels determine the ways in Sev 8 5 280 Using the completed Process Flow Diagram. Test spray at start-up and after idle periods and preventative maintenance program to clean heads 5 175 TIPS • There should be at least one failure mode for each input. Deteriorated life of door leading to: .Unsatisfactory appearance due to rust through paint over time . Visual check for coverage.P. Visual check for coverage Op 70: Manual Insufficient wax Allows integrity 7 inputManually which the can go application of coverage over breach wrong.Temp too low . Occur Detec Class Process Step Potential Failure Mode Current Process Controls Variables check for film thickness. enter the process step.Viscosity too high .Pressure too low 5 Variables check for film thickness. Failure of Failure R.N. Visual inserter far check for Potential Failure Effects enough coverage TIPS • There should be at least one failure effect for each failure mode.Unsatisfactory appearance due to rust through paint over time . . • Effects should be specific.Viscosity too thickness. NCR Confidential 39 . Visual high . Occur Detec Class Process Step Potential Failure Mode Current Process Controls Sev 7 Op 70: Manual Insufficient wax Allows integrity application of coverage over breach of inner wax inside door specified surface door panel panel Corroded interior lower door panels Deteriorated life of door leading to: .Step 2 Potential Effect(s) of Failure Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure R. and leave no doubt to the uninformed reviewer.Impaired function of interior door hardware For each Failure Mode.Temp too low . clear. determine what effect the specific failure Spray head 5 Variables check 5 175 could have on the clogged: for film process output. Test spray at start-up and after idle periods and preventative maintenance program to clean heads Manually 8 Variables check 5 280 inserted spray for film head not thickness.P.Pressure too low check for coverage.N.PFMEA . Unsatisfactory appearance due to rust through paint over time .P.panels 8 5 280 determine the possible cause of the failure. NCR Confidential 40 .N.Viscosity too high .Step 3 Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure Manually inserted spray head not inserted far enough Process Step Potential Failure Mode Potential Effect(s) of Failure R.Impaired function of interior door hardware Spray head clogged: . Deteriorated life of door leading to: .Temp too low .Pressure too low 5 Variables check for film thickness. Visual check for coverage Sev 7 Op 70: Manual Insufficient wax Allows integrity application of coverage over breach of inner wax inside door specified surface door panel panel Corroded interior Potential Causes lower door For each Failure Mode. Test spray at start-up and after idle periods and preventative maintenance program to clean heads 5 175 TIPS • There should be at least one potential cause for each failure mode. Visual check for coverage.PFMEA . Occur Detec Class Current Process Controls Variables check for film thickness. Viscosity too thickness.Step 4 Potential Effect(s) of Failure Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure R.Pressure too spray at start-up to rust through low and after idle paint over time periods and . Test appearance due . TIPS • This step in the FMEA current control plan. • If a procedure exists.P. Visual check for coverage Op 70: Manual Insufficient wax Allows integrity 7 Manually application of coverage over breach of inner inserted spray wax inside door specified surface door panel head not Current Controls panel inserter far For each potential Corroded interior enough lower door cause.N. list as “none. • If no current control exists. list the current panels method used for Spray head preventing or detecting Deteriorated life clogged: failure. Visual to: high check for .” NCR Confidential Sev 8 5 280 the 41 .Temp too low coverage.Impaired preventativeor gaps in begins to identify initial shortcomings function of maintenance interior door program to clean hardware heads enter the document number. 5 Variables check 5 175 for film of door leading .Unsatisfactory .PFMEA . Occur Detec Class Process Step Potential Failure Mode Current Process Controls Variables check for film thickness. Impaired function of interior door hardware 5 Variables check for film thickness. Occurrence and Detection rating details on next slide NCR Confidential 42 .N.PFMEA .Step 5 Assign Severity. Visual check for coverage. Occurrence. and Detection ratings Process Step Potential Failure Mode Potential Effect(s) of Failure Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure R. Occur Detec Class Current Process Controls Sev Op 70: Manual Insufficient wax Allows integrity (How serious is the application effect of coverage over breach of inner if it fails?) wax inside door specified surface door panel panel Corroded interior lower door panels Assign Severity 7 Manually 8 Variables check inserted spray for film headDetection not thickness.Pressure too to rust through low paint over time .P.Unsatisfactory .Temp too low appearance due . Test spray at start-up and after idle periods and preventative maintenance program to clean heads 5 175 Severity.Viscosity too to: cause to occur?) high . Visual Assign inserter far can the check for (How easily enough coverage cause or failure 5 280 mode be detected?) Spray head Deteriorated life Assign Occurrence clogged: of door leading (How likely is the . ability of current control scheme to detect the cause before creating the failure mode and/or the failure mode before suffering the effect (Higher Value = Lower Ability to Detect) Caution: Notice the scale difference for Detection! NCR Confidential 43 .frequency with which a given Cause occurs and creates Failure Mode.severity of the effect on the Customer and other stakeholders (Higher Value = Higher Severity) Occurrence (of Cause) . (Higher Value = Higher Probability of Occurrence) Detection (Capability of Current Controls) .Definition of Terms Severity (of Effect) .PFMEA . An Example of Rating Definitions Rating Severity Hazardous without warning Loss of primary function Occurrence Very high and almost inevitable High repeated failures Detection* Cannot detect or detection with very low probability Remote or low chance of detection High 10 Loss of secondary function Minor defect Moderate failures Occasional failures Failure unlikely Low detection probability Moderate detection probability Almost certain detection Low 1 No effect *If No Controls Exist. Detection = 10 Create a rating system that makes sense for the defects you are trying to prevent. NCR Confidential 44 . Temp too low . Occur Detec Class Current Process Controls Op 70: Manual Insufficient wax Allows integrity 7 Manually 8 Variables check application of coverage over breach of inner inserted spray for film wax inside door specified surface door panel head not thickness. Visual panel inserter far check for Corroded enough Calculate theinterior Risk Priority Number coverage lower door RPN = Severity x Occurrence x Detection panels Deteriorated life of door leading to: . Visual check for coverage. high Severity scores (9 or 10) should be given special attention.Step 6 Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure Process Step Potential Failure Mode Potential Effect(s) of Failure R. NCR Confidential 45 . Test spray at start-up identified in the first half and after idle periods and preventative maintenance to reduce the calculated program to clean heads • Regardless of RPN.Pressure too critical risks low Sev 5 280 TIPS • The RPN is used to of the FMEA.P.Unsatisfactory appearance due to rust through prioritize the most paint over time . take effort 5 Variables check 5 175 for film thickness.PFMEA .N.Viscosity too high . • High RPNs (125 or risk.Impaired function of above) are flags interior door to hardware Spray head clogged: . DO NOT forget to address high Severity scores Pareto Chart NCR Confidential 46 . Graphical and statistical tools can help the team select a “cut-off” RPN for the next steps. RPN Thresholds • When using an RPN threshold. Sort by RPN to determine the most significant failure modes ? How many items should be the focus of the next steps? • Sort the FMEA by the RPN numbers. they can be used to prioritize the most significant failure modes.Analyzing the PFMEA • Once the RPN Numbers are determined. PFMEA – Remediation Guidelines Severity – can only be improved by a design change to the product or process Occurrence – can only be reduced by a change which removes or controls a cause. substituting a more reliable component or function or mistake-proofing. simplification and statistically sound monitoring. Examples are redundancy. In general. Examples are mistake-proofing. Detection – can be reduced by improving detection. reducing the Occurrence is preferable to improving the Detection NCR Confidential 47 . P. Eng.N. Recommended Responsibility & Actions Target Date Mfg.Control charts show process is in control Cpk = 1. lower door determine the panels R. By 5/25/10 R.P. By 5/10/10 Mfg. Deteriorated life of door leading to: .Impaired function of interior door hardware 175 Use DOE on viscosity vs. 7 2 5 70 sprayer checked on-line Rejected due to complexity of different doors on the same line Temp and press 7 1 5 35 limits were determined and limit controls have been installed .FMEA – Step 7 • Determine Actions Recommended to reduce High RPNs Action Results Process Step Potential Failure Mode Potential Effect(s) of Failure Op 70: Manual Insufficient wax Allows integrity 280 Add positive application of coverage over breach of inner depth stop to wax inside door specified surface door panel sprayer panel Automate Corroded interior spraying For the high RPN numbers.N. Occ Sev Det Actions Taken recommended actions.Unsatisfactory appearance due to rust through paint over time . Eng.85 NCR Confidential 48 . pressure Mfg. Eng. temp vs. By 5/31/10 Stop added. Deteriorated life viscosity vs. . Recommended Responsibility & Actions Target Date Mfg. determined and to: column. Eng.P.FMEA – Steps 8 and 9 Action Results Process Step Potential Potential Failure Effect(s) of Mode (responsibility) Resp Failure Op 70: Manual application of wax inside door specified surface panel Assign a specific person who will responsible Insufficient wax be Allows integrity 280 Add positive coverage over breach of inner depth stop to for recommended actions. By Rejected due to Corroded interior spraying 5/25/10 complexity of Actions lower door Taken different doors on panels As actions are identified the same line 175 Use document DOE on Mfg. • Now recalculate your RPNs based on mitigation plans.N.85 reassess Severity. OCC. By 5/10/10 R. Eng.Unsatisfactory have been appearance due installed . DET.N. 5/31/10 limits were the “Actions Taken” of in door leading temp vs. pressure limit controls . 7 2 5 70 sprayer checked door panel sprayer on-line Automate Mfg. TIPS: Stop added.P. By Temp and press 7 1 5 35 and completed. NCR Confidential 49 R. interior door Occurrence.Impaired As actions are control complete Cpk = function of 1. RPN paint over time process is in . Occ Sev Det Actions Taken and recalculate RPN. Eng. and Detection hardware Continue updating the actions taken and resulting RPNs until all risks are at an acceptable level (below 125).Control to rust through charts show SEV. Calculate RPN. Recalculate RPNs. List the Current Controls for each Cause.Summary Steps To Complete a FMEA 1. determine Effects on the outputs. Determine Recommended Actions to reduce High RPNs. For each Process Input. Take appropriate Actions and Document. 3. 5. 8. 7. Revisit steps 7 and 8 until all the significant RPNs have been addressed. Identify potential Causes of each Failure Mode. 2. determine the ways in which the Process Step can go wrong (these are Failure Modes). For each Failure Mode associated with the inputs. Assign Severity. 6. 9. Occurrence and Detection ratings after creating a ratings key appropriate for your project. 10. 4. NCR Confidential 50 . PFMEA Exercise Instructions •Open the PPAP Training Templates. then select the PFMEA worksheet. •Using process steps 20 and 25 from the completed Star Process Flow Diagram handout.xls 51 NCR Confidential . complete 2 rows of the PFMEA.xls file. 30 Minutes Use the file PPAP Training Templates. • Action items are required for completion • Train team ahead of time by explaining scoring criteria • Proper preparation is needed for meetings • Summarize often: FMEA is a living document NCR Confidential 52 . use a group • Very laborious: Time consuming process.Process FMEA (PFMEA) Tips and Lessons Learned • Collaborative Effort: Do not try alone. Take necessary breaks. fit.Process FMEA (PFMEA) Reviewers Checklist Verify there is a system for prioritizing risk of failure such as RPN numbers of 125 or above Make sure that high RPN process concerns are carried over into the control plan Make sure that all critical failure modes are addressed  Safety  Form. function  Material concerns NCR Confidential 53 . CONTROL PLAN NCR Confidential 54 . the control plan is a living document! When to Use It • Implementation of new process • Following a process change NCR Confidential 55 . • Description of how teams should react to out-of-control situations. Objective or Purpose • Primary reference source for minimizing process and product variation.Control Plan What is It? A document that describes how to control the critical inputs to continue to meet customer expectations of the output. NOTE Since processes are expected to be continuously updated and improved. outside Eng? No Close Project Complete all Documentation including a (1) Page Closeout Sheet New/Revised Process Steps Invoice shows outstanding (AR balance does go down) Customer might catch it when reviewing the 5 next statement 10 250 Acct identifies problem when trying to apply 10 payment 5 250 Provide payment stub A. Adjus schedule. Hagar with statement for each invoice Revised stat include paym with each inv Identify Invoice Checks Invoice number Invoice shows not supplied outstanding (AR balance does go down) Customer error 5 Revised stat include paym with each inv Process Flowchart Process FMEA Control Plan NCR Confidential 56 .Control Plan Tool Interaction 6 Sigma Project High Level Process Map Project Idea Department/Group Project High Level Process Map Process Step Key Process Input Checks Potential Failure Mode Delay internal mail Potential Failure Effects AR balance does not go down S O E Potential Causes C V C Inadequate staffing in mail 7 room Customer or bank did not include name and/or 10 account info on wire transfer Customer error 5 Current Controls D E T R P N E O C Actions Recommended Resp. Begin/Work Project Follow DMAIC or DFSS process Monitor Progress through Power Steering and Monthly Financial Reviews Finance Approval and Signature No Do you have BB/GB to Assist/Work the project? Yes Finance Approval and Signature Monitor Progress through BiWeekly Updates and Monthly Reviews Begin/Work Project Follow DMAIC or DFSS process Identify Customer Complete Project (Has to be fully Documented Master Form Will Generate Contract Master Form Will Generate Contract Yes Is Hard Savings > $??? Complete Project (Has to be fully Documented) Wire Transfer reference line Information not AR balance is supplied past due 5 Acct identifies problem when trying to apply payment 5 250 Contacted b established w transfer proc 2112) Final Project Review Enter Remaining Information on Master Form 6 Sigma Project No Final Project Review Identify Invoice Checks Does the Project Involve Only Your Group? Finance Approval and Signature No Yes Department or Group Project Enter Remaining Information on Master Form Finance Approval and Signature Incorrect invoice supplied Other Required Signatures: Champion: Dir T&E Process Owner Project Owner Dept BB or MBB Does the Project Involve >2 Groups in Eng? Yes No Other Required Signatures: Champion: Dir T&E Process Owner Project Owner Dept BB or MBB Complete all Documentation including a (1) Page Closeout Sheet Close Project Yes Does the Project Involve >3 Depts. Lee staffing and associated processes Poka-Yoke wire transer N. Actions Fill Out Master Form with Initial Information Other Required Signatures: Segment CEO Champion Process Owner BB or GB Other Required Signatures: Champion: Process Owner Project Owner Dept GB/BB/MBB Get WO Assigned 6 Sigma Assigns Project Number Group Assigns Project Number Get DLN Assigned No Prefer to work this project within your area? Yes Process Steps Receive Payment None 7 10 490 Investigate mail room G. Peart process Added anoth clerk. Lifeson with statement for each invoice Provide payment stub S. Product Process Special Char.) Date (Rev.) Characteristics No.) Methods Sample Evaluation Product/Process /Measure Specification/ ment Size Freq. Tools.NCR’s Control Plan CONTROL PLAN Prototype Control Plan Number Part Number/Latest Change Level Part Name/Description Supplier/Plant Supplier Code Pre-Launch Production Key Contact/Phone Core Team Supplier/Plant Approval/Date Other Approval/Date (If Req'd.) Customer Engineering Approval/Date (If Req'd. Class Date:(Org.) Customer Quality Approval/Date(If Req'd.) Other Approval/Date (If Req'd. Description for MFG. Control Method Reaction Plan This is included in the PPAP Playbook! NCR Confidential 57 . Name/Operation Number Jig. Process Part/Process Device. Tolerance Technique Machine. Tools. Prototype and measurement and before systems that will occur duringwill Prototype build.) Customer Quality Approval/Date(If Req'd. full Production will .) Characteristics No.) Other Approval/Date (If Req'd. occur during mass production NCR Confidential 58 . Prototype – a of dimensionaland measurements documentationand of product/process dimensional measurements material and performance characteristics. Name/Operation Number Jig. Tolerance Technique Machine.Control Plan 3 Distinct Phases CONTROL PLAN Prototype Control Plan Number Part Number/Latest Change Level Part Name/Description Supplier/Plant Supplier Code Pre-Launch Production Key Contact/Phone Core Team Supplier/Plant Approval/Date Other Approval/Date (If Req'd. Control Method Reaction Plan 3 Distinct Phases 3 Distinct Phases 3 Distinct Phases 2. Process Part/Process Device. Product Process Special Char. the –Production a description –a of comprehensive the 1.) Date (Rev. Description for MFG. tests process that controls.description Pre-Launch 3. material and performance tests that occur after tests.) Methods Sample Evaluation Product/Process /Measure Specification/ ment Size Freq.) Customer Engineering Approval/Date (If Req'd. Class Date:(Org. ) Customer Engineering Approval/Date (If Req'd. NCR Confidential 59 .) Date (Rev. Tools.) Methods Sample Evaluation Product/Process /Measure Specification/ ment Size Freq. Class Date:(Org.) Customer Quality Approval/Date(If Req'd. required approval signatures.) Other Approval/Date (If Req'd. and dates. Process Part/Process Device.Control Plan Administrative Section CONTROL PLAN Prototype Control Plan Number Part Number/Latest Change Level Part Name/Description Supplier/Plant Supplier Code Pre-Launch Production Key Contact/Phone Core Team Supplier/Plant Approval/Date Other Approval/Date (If Req'd. supplier. Tolerance Technique Machine. Product Process Special Char.) Characteristics No. Control Method Reaction Plan Administrative Section Identifies part number and description. Name/Operation Number Jig. Description for MFG. ) Customer Engineering Approval/Date (If Req'd. Control Method Reaction Plan List the machine. Product Process Special Char. Machine/Tools. Description for MFG. Tolerance Technique Machine. device.) Characteristics No.Control Plan Process. Name/Operation Number Jig. or tools that will be used in the manufacturing process Machine/Tools NCR Confidential 60 . Class Customer Quality Approval/Date(If Req'd.) Supplier/Plant Approval/Date Other Approval/Date (If Req'd. Part Number/Latest Change Level Part Name/Description Supplier/Plant Supplier Code Part/Process Define Production Key Contact/Phone Core Team the characteristics of the product or process Characteristics Date:(Org.) Other Approval/Date (If Req'd.) Date (Rev.) Methods Sample Evaluation Product/Process /Measure Specification/ ment Size Freq. Tools. Characteristics CONTROL PLAN Prototype Pre-Launch Use this area to define Control Plan Number part/process number and description. jig. Process Part/Process Device. Control Plan Specifications, Measurement, Sample Size & Frequency What is the size of the sample you should gather data from? Sample Size CONTROL PLAN Prototype Control Plan Number Part Number/Latest Change Level Part Name/Description Supplier/Plant Supplier Code Use this area to define upper/lower spec limits for each Core Teamcontrol element. Supplier/Plant Approval/Date Other Approval/Date (If Req'd.) Characteristics No. Product Process Special Char. Class Specifications/Tolerance Key Contact/Phone Pre-Launch Production Date:(Org.) Date (Rev.) Customer Engineering Approval/Date (If Req'd.) Customer Quality Approval/Date(If Req'd.) Other Approval/Date (If Req'd.) Methods Sample Evaluation Product/Process /Measure Specification/ ment Size Freq. Tolerance Technique Machine, Process Part/Process Device, Name/Operation Number Jig, Tools, Description for MFG. Control Method Reaction Plan For each line in the control plan, list the measurement procedure that will be used (may list R&R Gage Plan or PokaYoke). Measurement Technique Define the frequency for which the measurement will be taken. 61 Frequency NCR Confidential Control Plan Control Method, Reaction Plan Control Method CONTROL PLAN Prototype Control Plan Number Part Number/Latest Change Level Part Name/Description Supplier/Plant Supplier Code Pre-Launch Production Key Contact/Phone Core Team Supplier/Plant Approval/Date Other Approval/Date (If Req'd.) Characteristics No. Product Process Special Char. Class Method that will be used to control the process Date:(Org.) Date (Rev.) Customer Engineering Approval/Date (If Req'd.) Customer Quality Approval/Date(If Req'd.) Other Approval/Date (If Req'd.) Methods Sample Evaluation Product/Process /Measure Specification/ ment Size Freq. Tolerance Technique Machine, Process Part/Process Device, Name/Operation Number Jig, Tools, Description for MFG. Control Method Reaction Plan Actions to be taken if controls fail Reaction Plan NCR Confidential 62 Control Plan Audit Plans •Audit plans should be included in the control plan as a separate line. •Auditing is an important tool for control. •Process auditing should be a key element of the quality system of a business. •Audits generally cover:  Effectiveness of controls  Control plan (say) vs. what is actually done (do) •Audits should be objective (done by internal or external third parties if possible). •Audit frequencies should be based on balancing level of risk (FMEA) and cost. NCR Confidential 63 Control Method Reaction Plan 2 Soldering Connections Flux Product = Sensor continuity check concen Process = Test sampling lab environment tration Measurement Technique Wave solder height 100% Automated inspection (error Continuous proofing) Adjust and retest Standard #302B 1 pc 4 hours Segregate x-MR chart and retest NCR Confidential 64 . Wave solder machine Core Team = Standard #302B Erin Hope. An automated feeder controls the solder level by sensing the level of solder and feeding in additional solder as the level is reduced. / Operation Jig. Properly soldered connections are the major product characteristics..) Customer Quality Approval/Date(If Req'd. Two major process characteristics for the wave solder machine are solder level and flux concentration.0 +/. Alan Burt. Description for MFG.) Other Approval/Date (If Req'd. This characteristic is measured 100% by checking electrically for continuity. Frequency Pre-Launch Production Machine/Tools Part/Process Process = Flux concentration Specifications/Tolerance Control Plan Number Key Contact/Phone Soldering Connections Wave solder machine 0.25 002 Product = 2. Tools.) Characteristics No.) Product = Adjust and 11/29/2009 2/20/2010 Process = Segregate and retest Customer Engineering Approval/Date (If Req'd. Ken Light Supplier/Plant Approval/Date Other Approval/Date (If Req'd.) Date retest (Rev. Process Name Device. Class Product/Process Evaluation / Specification/ Measurement Tolerance Technique Sensor continuity check Test sampling lab environment Sample Size Freq. Product Process Product = Wave solder height CONTROL PLAN Characteristics Product = inspection Product =Automated 100% Product = Continuous Process = x-MR chart Process = 1 pc Process = 4 hours Date:(Org.) Methods Reaction Plan 3 Distinct Phases Production 2.Control Plan – Example A supplier manufactures a circuit board with electronic components soldered on the board. Smith /mc 313-555-5555 Prototype Part Number/Latest Change Level Process 54321231 / D Part Name/Description Electronic Circuit Board Supplier/Plant Supplier Code ACR Control 439412 Part / Process Number Machine.25 mc Special Char.0 +/-T. The flux must be sampled and Control Method Sample Size tested for the concentration level. xls file. 20 Minutes Use the file PPAP Training Templates.Control Plan Exercise Instructions • Open the PPAP Training Templates.xls 65 NCR Confidential . • Using the completed Star Process Flow Diagram (process steps 20 and 25) and the completed PFMEA. • Document potential problems that might be encountered and potential solutions with your teams. complete 2 rows of the Control Plan. then select the Control Plan worksheet. keep them aligned Reviewer’s Checklist Controls must be used to be effective. Inspection. material. system of the business Keep it simple. Ensure that the control plan is in the document control Good control plans address: All testing requirements . Sampling Plan Control plans should reference other documentation Specifications. and performance All product and process characteristics at every step throughout the process The control method should be based on an effective analysis of the process Such as SPC.Control Plan Use process flow diagram and PFMEA to build the control plan. NCR Confidential 66 . tooling. etc. Error Proofing.dimensional. MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ANALYSIS (MSA) NCR Confidential 67 . • Quantifies the variability added by the measurement system. not an analysis of the people!! Who Should be Involved Everyone that measures and makes decisions about these measurements should be involved in the MSA. NCR Confidential 68 . • Applicable to attribute data and variable data. • To determine how much error is in the measurement due to the measurement process itself. IMPORTANT! Measurement System Analysis is an analysis of the measurement process.Measurement System Analysis (MSA) What is It? An MSA is a statistical tool used to determine if a measurement system is capable of precise measurement. Objective or Purpose When to Use It • On the critical inputs and outputs prior to collecting data for analysis. • For any new or modified process in order to ensure the quality of the data. strain…)  Continuous or non-ending Unless approved by an NCR SQE. timekeeping buckets – Variable Data Examples:  Physical measurement (length. pressure…)  Physical properties (strength. area. …)  Physical conditions (temperature. load. yes/no. red/green/yellow. attribute data is not acceptable for PPAP submission NCR Confidential 69 .Attribute and Variable MSA – Attribute Data Examples:  Count. width. Pass/fail. it is the variation in the process plus the variation in measurement that results from an inadequate measurement system.Measurement System Analysis (MSA) The observed variation in process output measurements is not simply the variation in the process itself. Measurement System Variation Observed Variation Process Variation Conducting an MSA reduces the likelihood of passing a bad part or rejecting a good part 70 NCR Confidential . Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Observed Variation Measurement System Variation Observed Variation The output of the process measured by: Process Variation • Cycle time • Dimensional data • Number of defects and others NCR Confidential 71 . Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Observed Variation (Variability) Resolution Precision Repeatability Reproducibility Measurement System Variation Linearity Observed Variation Accuracy (Central Location) Bias Stability Process Variation Calibration addresses accuracy NCR Confidential 72 . Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Observed Variation (Variability) Resolution Precision Repeatability Reproducibility Measurement System Variation Accuracy (Central Location) Linearity Observed Variation Bias Stability Process Variation Calibration Addresses Accuracy Let’s take a closer look at Precision NCR Confidential 73 . Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Resolution Error in Resolution The inability to detect small changes. Possible Cause Wrong measurement device selected . NCR Confidential 74 .divisions on scale not fine enough to detect changes. Possible Cause Lack of standard operating procedures (SOP). Equipment Variation NCR Confidential 75 . lack of training.Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Repeatability Error in Repeatability The inability to get the same answer from repeated measurements made of the same item under absolutely identical conditions. measuring system variablilty. Appraiser Variation NCR Confidential 76 . lack of training.Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Reproducibility Error in Reproducibility The inability to get the same answer from repeated measurements made under various conditions from different inspectors. Possible Cause Lack of SOP. a 3-person study is performed Each person randomly measures 10 marked parts per trial Each person can perform up to 3 trials •There are 3 key indicators EV or Equipment Variation AV or Appraiser Variation Overall % GRR NCR Confidential 77 .Variable MSA – Gage R&R Study •Gage R&R is the combined estimate of measurement system Repeatability and Reproducibility •Typically. 000 0.000 #DIV/0! 1 Operator 2 Trial 2 3 Automatically calculates EV.000 0. three trials.000 0.65 3 2.Variable MSA – NCR’s Gage R&R Form Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility This spreadsheet is designed for up to three operators. AV.000 #DIV/0! 1 Operator 3 Trial 2 3 Range 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. and ten samples.000 0. Enter data ONLY in gray shaded cells.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.7 Included in PPAP Playbook! NCR Confidential 78 .000 0.05 2. Discard values and recompute statistics.000 0.000 0.000 #DIV/0! Repeatability (EV) Reproducibility (AV) Repeatability and Reproducibility (R&R) Control limit for individual ranges Note: any ranges beyond this limit may be the result of assignable causes.56 3. and % GRR! Range 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 #DIV/0! Average range X-bar range 0. Identify and correct. #N/A #DIV/0! #N/A #N/A Tolerance analysis #N/A #DIV/0! #N/A Do not modify this table Trials D4 K1 K2 2 3.000 0.58 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.27 4.000 0.000 0. Number of operators Number of trials Number of samples Data Sample # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range average Sample average 1 Operator 1 Trial 2 3 Upper specification limit Lower specification limit Range 0.000 0. Assess MSA trust level. Have each appraiser assess each part 3 times (trials – first in order. samples and specification limits Analyze data in the Gage R&R worksheet. Open the Gage R&R worksheet in the PPAP Playbook to record data. Select 10 items that represent the full range of long-term process variation. trials. Input data into the Gage R&R worksheet. 10. 6. third random). 2. NCR Confidential 79 . 8. calibrate the gage or verify that the last calibration date is valid. 3. 5. Take actions for improvement if necessary. If appropriate. Identify the appraisers. 4. Enter the number of operators.Variable MSA – Gage R&R Steps Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 1. 7. second in reverse order. 9. etc.Steps 1 and 2: Variable MSA .).Gage R&R Select 10 items that represent Step 1 the full range of long-term process variation. Identify the appraisers. – Should use individuals that actually do the process being tested. – Can also include other appraisers (supervisors. Step 2 NCR Confidential 80 . – Should have a minimum of 3 appraisers. calibrate the gage Step 3 or verify that the last calibration date is valid.Steps 3 and 4: Variable MSA – Gage R&R If appropriate. Step 4 Open the Gage R&R worksheet in the PPAP Playbook to record the data NCR Confidential 81 . – Items should be evaluated in random order.Step 5: Variable MSA – Gage R&R Step 5 Have each appraiser assess each item 3 times. – After each appraiser completes the first evaluation of all items – repeat the process at least 2 more times. – Each appraiser has to work independently. – Do not let the appraisers see any of the data during the test !! NCR Confidential 82 . trials.Steps 6 and 7: Variable MSA – Gage R&R Step 6 Input data into the Gage R&R worksheet Step 7 Enter the number of operators. samples and specification limits NCR Confidential 83 . % Tolerance* – Red: > 30% (fail) – Yellow: 10-30% (marginal) – Green: < 10% (pass) 30% 10% NCR Confidential 84 .Steps 8 and 9: Variable MSA – Gage R&R Step 8 Analyze data in the Gage R&R worksheet Step 9 Assess MSA Trust Level. – Determine best “practical solution” (may require some experimentation).Step 10: Variable MSA – Gage R&R Step 10 If the Measurement System needs improvement: – Brainstorm with the team for improvement solutions. NCR Confidential 85 . – Pilot the best solution (PDSA) – Implement best solution – train employees. – Re-run the study to verify the improvement. Variable MSA – Gage R&R Example Problem Statement • The sulfuric acid concentration in process tank 8 is measured at least once per day • Additions/deletions of chemicals and decisions to shut down the process are dependent on these results. we need to do an MSA. MSA Process A Gage R&R was conducted in order to validate the process. MSA Parameters » (3) Operators » (3) Trials » (10) Samples NCR Confidential 86 . • Based on current data. 130 25.330 25.250 25.540 25.211 25.000 26.180 22.380 26.220 0.960 0.670 0.500 24.200 25.070 26.670 22.4827 1.840 25.960 1.520 0.540 25.390 0.960 25.290 25.730 25.65% 31.390 25.220 0.4732 0.390 0.920 0.390 25.5502 1.820 0.280 23.2461 Tolerance analysis 29.960 25. and ten samples. Number of operators Number of trials Number of samples Data Sample # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range average Sample average 1 25.810 25.540 25.390 25.440 26. and samples Entered upper and lower specification limits Chose 3 to Gage Repeatability and operators Reproducibility be appraisers 3 3 10 Upper specification limit Lower specification limit 27 22 This spreadsheet is designed for up to three operators.110 25. three trials.100 25.250 25.140 25.250 25.Variable MSA – Gage R&R Example Entered the number of operators.578 25.110 0.680 0.110 25.516 0.700 25.540 0.540 25.280 25.890 0.920 0.110 0.680 25.300 22.870 22.420 22.670 0.46% 9.540 0.370 22.220 22.540 25.660 26.290 25.140 25.960 0.390 0.800 26.440 25.810 25.483 0.680 Selected 10 samples to be measured Average range X-bar range 0.110 1.540 24.960 0.540 25.350 24.390 25.230 25.260 24.240 0.740 25.540 25. Discard values and recompute statistics.470 0.248 Had each appraiser measure each sample 3 times Results calculated automatically Repeatability (EV) Reproducibility (AV) Repeatability and Reproducibility (R&R) Control limit for individual ranges Note: any ranges beyond this limit may be the result of assignable causes.820 0.900 25.540 25.960 26.540 25.355 0. Enter data ONLY in gray shaded cells.820 25.290 25.200 23.390 25.420 0.680 25.520 25.660 25.110 24.700 25.250 25.330 26.390 0.380 26.250 25.040 22.810 22.680 25.250 25.580 25.570 24.290 25.100 0.000 25. Identify and correct.680 26.540 24.680 26.043 25.00% NCR Confidential 87 .610 24.390 0.370 24.420 22.820 0.205 Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3 Trial Trial Trial 2 3 Range 1 2 3 Range 1 2 3 Range 25.280 25. trials. 1.830 25.110 1.580 26. 110 24.680 0.670 0.820 0.280 25.960 25.700 25.680 26.290 25.46% 9.540 24.211 25.043 25.180 22.100 0.040 22.200 25.330 25. Discard values and recompute statistics.240 0.390 0.820 0.820 0.250 25.110 25.00% Average range = 0.Variable MSA – Gage R&R Example Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility This spreadsheet is designed for up to three operators.680 25.100 25.540 0.260 24.250 25.65% 31.516 0.300 22.280 23.830 25.680 25.390 25.380 26.390 25.290 25. % Tolerance* 30% 10% 88 % Tolerance is > 30% MSA fails! NCR Confidential .540 24.230 25.380 26.000 26.470 0.540 25.960 25.110 0.220 0. Number of operators Number of trials Number of samples Data Sample # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range average Sample average 1 25.390 0.920 0. Identify and correct.290 25.610 24. and ten samples.390 0.580 25.540 25.110 0.540 25.680 3 3 10 Upper specification limit Lower specification limit 27 22 Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3 Trial Trial Trial 2 3 Range 1 2 3 Range 1 2 3 Range 25.960 1.290 25. Enter data ONLY in gray shaded cells.250 25.810 25.540 25.540 25.370 24.870 22.680 25.355 0.670 0.810 25.840 25.110 1.960 0.420 22.250 25.110 1.520 0.390 0.250 25.370 22.390 25.248 Tolerance analysis 29.730 25.810 22.520 25.960 0.540 25.820 25.390 0.4732 Repeatability (EV) Reproducibility = (AV) X-bar range 0.390 25.890 0.4827 Equipment Variation Repeatability and Reproducibility (R&R) 1.110 25.205 Reproducibility (AV) 0.070 26.440 26.900 25.5502 Repeatability & Appraiser Variation Control limit for individual ranges 1.700 25.670 22.130 25.330 26.280 25.578 25.250 25.140 25.540 25.390 25.140 25.440 25.350 24.580 26.420 0.570 24.2461 Reproducibility = R&R Note: any ranges beyond this limit may be the result of assignable causes.960 0.540 25.800 26.680 26. three trials.500 24.483 Repeatability (EV) 1.540 0.960 26.540 25.660 26.200 23.000 25.920 0.740 25.220 0.220 22.420 22.660 25. •Mark the 2 points to be measured on each star (see diagram on next page) •Determine and document the measurement process.Gage R&R Exercise . •Number the stars from 1-10. •Determine roles. and markers (1 per team).Setup Instructions •Divide into teams •Distribute stars (10 per team). measurement devices (1 per team). − (3) inspectors. (1) data recorder. (1) customer NCR Confidential 89 . •Be sure everyone has a clear understanding of the process. Mark the 2 points to be measured Dimension NCR Confidential 90 .Gage R&R Exercise .Dimensional Information Each star will be measured as shown. 3. Repeat Step 3 with the 2nd inspector 5. Data collector record the data in the Gage R&R worksheet. All inspectors need to wait outside the room when it is not their turn to evaluate the stars. 7.xls file. Repeat Step 3 with the 3rd inspector 6. » Do not give any additional information to the inspector 4. Round 2 Change the inspection to reverse order and repeat.xls NCR Confidential 91 . Round 3 Change the inspection to random order and repeat. 2. Round 1 Have the 1st inspector come in the room and measure all 10 stars in order. then select the Gage R&R worksheet to record the data.Gage R&R Exercise – Inspection Instructions 1. Use the file PPAP Training Templates. Open the PPAP Training Templates. Gage R&R Exercise . and samples − Enter the upper and lower specification limit 2. Assess MSA Trust Level.are improvements required? 45 Minutes Use the file PPAP Training Templates. trials. Interpret results .Analysis Instructions 1. – Red: > 30% (fail) – Yellow: 10-30% (marginal) – Green: < 10% (pass) % Tolerance* 30% 10% 3. Complete the top section of the Gage R&R worksheet − Enter the number of operators.xls NCR Confidential 92 . For this and other reasons. always use variable data if possible. The involvement of people is the key to success. the process failed. If an MSA fails. A Variable MSA provides more analysis capability than an Attribute MSA. NCR Confidential 93 .Tips and Lessons Learned Important: An MSA is an analysis of the process. not an analysis of the people. Involve the people that actually work the process Involve the supervision Involve the suppliers and customers of the process An MSA primarily addresses precision with limited accuracy information. MSA Reviewer’s Checklist If the gage/inspection affects quality. then −Question the technique and part sampling −Ask for additional studies NCR Confidential 94 . then conduct a Gage R&R Make sure the study is recent .less than 1 year Compare the control plan gages against the Gage R&Rs If you question that gage. DIMENSIONAL RESULTS NCR Confidential 95 . and function. The non-critical data points must be taken from the same 35-piece sample as the critical data points. Non-critical dimensional results for the 5 parts being shipped must be entered below. patters. The supplier should make every effort to ship 5 parts that represent both the low and high ends of the specifications for the non-critical dimensions. or dies 96 List Gage R&R value: Name and ID of gage(s) used for measurement: NCR Confidential . When to Use It • For each unique manufacturing process (e.g. Five parts from a production run must be shipped to NCR for verification of form. The same 5 parts will be used to verify both critical and non-critical dimensions. Critical dimensional results must be entered into the "FAI Critical Dimensions" worksheet.Dimensional Results FAI Non-Critical Dimensions Date: Part Number: Revision: Supplier Name: Facility Location: Supplier Code: Date Code: Inspected By: Verified By: What is It? Evidence that dimensional verifications have been completed and results indicate compliance with specified requirements. The supplier must clearly identify which of the 35 parts are being shipped.33 will require action for improvement Print zone or spec note Nominal Value Tol + Tol - Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 Cp #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Cpk #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Pass/Fail Objective or Purpose • To show conformance to the customer part print on dimensions and all other noted requirements.. The number of non-critical data points required for part qualification is 5. Cpk less than 1. cells or production lines and all molds. fit. NCR Dimensional Report (Critical) FAI Critical Dimensions Date: Part Number: Revision: Supplier Name: Facility Location: Supplier Code: Date Code: Inspected By: Verified By: Print zone or spec note Nominal Value Tol + Tol - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 The number of critical data points required for part qualification is 35. production run must be shipped to NCR for verification of form, fit, and function. The same 5 parts will be used to verify both critical and non-critical dimensions. The supplier must clearly identify which of the 35 parts are being shipped. Critical dimensional results for the 5 parts being shipped must be entered below. Non-critical dimensional results must be entered into the "FAI Non-Critical Dimensions" worksheet. The supplier should make every effort to ship 5 parts that represent both the low and high ends of the specifications for the non-critical dimensions. Automatically These data points must be taken from a 35-piece sample. Five parts from a Calculates Cpk! Sample 18 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Cp #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! The number of critical data points required for part qualification is 35. These data points must be taken from a 35-piece sample. Five parts from a production run must be shipped to NCR for verification of form, fit, and function. The same 5 parts will be used to verify both critical and non-critical dimensions. The supplier must clearly identify which of the 35 parts are being shipped. Critical dimensional results for the 5 parts being shipped must be entered below. Non-critical dimensional results must be entered into the "FAI Non-Critical Dimensions" worksheet. The supplier should make every effort to ship 5 parts that represent both the low and high ends of the specifications for the non-critical dimensions. Cpk less than 1.67 will require action for improvement Cpk #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Pass/Fail List Gage R&R value: Name and ID of gage(s) used for measurement: Requires 35 data points Cpk must be greater than or equal to 1.67 This is included in the PPAP Playbook! NCR Confidential 97 NCR Dimensional Report (Non-Critical) FAI Non-Critical Dimensions Date: Part Number: Revision: Supplier Name: Facility Location: Supplier Code: Date Code: Inspected By: Verified By: The number non-critical data points required for qualification is 5. The non-critical data points must be of taken from the same 35-piece sample as the critical data points. Fivepart parts from a production run must be shipped to NCR for verification of form, fit, and function. The same 5 parts will be used to must beverify taken from the same 35-piece sample as the critical data both critical and non-critical dimensions. The supplier must clearly identify which of the 35 partspoints. Five parts from a production are being shipped. Non-critical dimensional results for the 5 parts being shipped must be entered run must be shipped to NCR for verification of form, fit, and function. The same 5 parts will be used to below. Critical dimensional results must be entered into the "FAI Critical Dimensions" worksheet. The supplier should make every effort to ship 5 parts that represent both theThe low and high ends of the verify both critical and non-critical dimensions. supplier must clearly identify which of the 35 parts specifications for the non-critical dimensions. are being shipped. Non-critical dimensional Cpk less than 1.33 will require action for results improvement for the 5 parts being shipped must be entered Automatically Nominal Tol + Tol - Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 be Sample 4 Sample 5 Cp Cpk "FAI Pass/Fail below. CriticalValue dimensional results must entered into the Critical Dimensions" worksheet. The #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Calculates Cpk! #DIV/0! supplier should make every effort to ship 5 parts that#DIV/0! represent both the low and high ends of the #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Requires 5 data points #DIV/0! #DIV/0! specifications for the non-critical dimensions. Print zone or spec note The number of non-critical data points required for part qualification is 5. The non-critical data points Cpk must be greater than or equal to 1.33 This is included in the PPAP Playbook! List Gage R&R value: #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Name and ID of gage(s) used for measurement: NCR Confidential 98 Acceptance Criteria Acceptance criteria for critical vs. non-critical characteristics Critical Red (Bad) Yellow (OK) Green (Good) <1.33 1.33-1.67 >1.67 Non-Critical <1.00 1.00-1.33 >1.33 Decision Cpk must be greater than or equal to 1.67 for critical processes Cpk must be greater than or equal to 1.33 for non-critical processes NCR Confidential 99 50 34.50 3.175 3.406 16.156 0. Five parts from a production run must be shipped to NCR for verification of form.862 Cpk Pass/Fail 2.96 76. The Calculations supplier should make every effort to ship 5 parts that represent both the low and high ends of the specifications for the non-critical dimensions.156 3. Critical dimensional results must be entered into the "FAI Critical Dimensions" worksheet.18 3.836 16.50 0.034 Pass Cpk > 1.88 34.50 3.08 75.18 0.703 Pass 11. The same 5 parts will be used to verify both critical and non-critical dimensions.175 3.156 3.18 Cp 4.18 3.09 0.50 75.833 Pass 2.173 3.50 3.118 16.NCR Dimensional Report Example FAI Non-Critical Dimensions Date: Part Number: Revision: Supplier Name: Facility Location: Supplier Code: Date Code: Inspected By: Verified By: The number of non-critical data points required for part qualification is 5.82 0. fit.18 3.011 Pass 11. The supplier must clearly identify which of the 35 parts Cp & be Cpk are being shipped.33 for all non-critical dimensions = Pass! NCR Confidential 100 .001 Pass 11.178 0.86 34.33 will require action for improvement Print zone or spec note Nominal Value 35 76 3 3 3 3 Tol + 0.50 0.017 17.50 0. Cpk less than 1.50 0.168 3.175 3.Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 0.178 3.174 3.156 3. Non-critical dimensional results for the 5 parts being shipped must entered Nominal Value Tolerance Sample Data Pass / Fail below.250 Pass 10.50 0.50 3. The non-critical data points must be taken from the same 35-piece sample as the critical data points.18 3.50 Tol .86 34.92 75.78 34.175 3.93 76.167 2. and function.18 3. 67 for critical dimensions and NCR Confidential 101 . and function dimensions The same 5 parts will be used to verify both critical and non-critical Supplier must clearly identify which of the 35 parts are being shipped Supplier should make every effort to ship 5 parts that represent both the low and high ends of the specifications for non-critical dimensions greater than 1.33 for non-critical dimensions Capability must be greater than 1.Dimensional Results Reviewer’s Checklist Thirty-five critical data points & 5 non-critical data points are required for part qualification piece sample Critical and non-critical data points must be taken from the same 35Five parts from a production run must be shipped to NCR for verification of form. fit. RECORDS OF MATERIAL / PERFORMANCE TEST RESULTS NCR Confidential 102 . the supplier shall procure materials and/or services from suppliers on that list Performance Test Results The supplier shall perform tests for all parts or product materials when performance or functional requirements are specified by the design record or Control Plan NCR Confidential 103 . or metallurgical requirements are specified by the design record or Control Plan  For products with NCR-developed material specifications and/or an NCR-approved supplier list.Records of Material/Performance Test Results Material Test Results The supplier shall perform tests for all parts and product materials when chemical. physical. No. date.Material Results Production Part Approval . and specification to which the part was tested  The actual test results Signature Title Date NCR Confidential 104 ./Date/Specification Supplier Test Results OK Not OK Material Results shall include:  The name of the laboratory that conducted the test  The type of test that was conducted  The number.Material Results Supplier Laboratory Type of Test Outside laboratory In-house testing Part Number Name of Laboratory Part Name Revision Level Material Spec. Module Test Results Supplier Laboratory Outside laboratory In-house testing Part Number Name of Laboratory Part Name Revision Level Type of Test Test description Parameters Tested Supplier Test Results OK Not OK Module Test Results shall include:  The name of the laboratory that conducted the test  The type of test that was conducted  A description of the test  The parameters tested  The actual test results Signature Title Date NCR Confidential 105 .Module Test Results Production Part Approval . INITIAL PROCESS STUDY NCR Confidential 106 Initial Process Study PPAP Levels for Submission & Retention Submission Level Requirement 1. Design Records of Saleable Product a. For proprietary components/details b. For all other components/details 2. Engineering Change Documents, if any 3. Customer Engineering approval, if required 4. Design FMEA 5. Process Flow Diagrams 6. Process FMEA 7. Dimensional Results 8. Material, Performance, Test Results 9. Initial Process Study 10. Measurement System Analysis Studies 11. Qualified Laboratory Documentation 12. Control Plan 13. Part Submission Warrant (PSW) 14. Appearance Approval Report, (AAR) if applicable 15. Bulk Material Requirements Checklist (for bulk material only) 16. Sample Product 17. Master Sample 18. Checking Aids 19. Records of compliance with Customer-Specific Requirements (DVP&R) Level 1 R R R R R R R R S R R R R R S S R R R R R Level 2 R R R S S R R R S S R R R R S S R S R R R Level 3 R R R S S R S S S S R S S S S S R S R R R Level 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Level 5 R R R S S R S S S S R S S S S S R S R R R Even though Initial Process Study is coded as an “R” on the PPAP Submission Level Table, we felt it was important to provide a brief overview during training R = Supplier shall retain at appropriate locations, including manufacturing and make readily available to the customer representative upon request S = The supplier shall submit to designated customer product approval activities and retain a copy of records or documentation items at appropriate locations, including manufacturing R = The supplier shall retain at appropriate locations, including manufacturing, and make readily available to the customer representative upon request * = The supplier shall retain at appropriate locations, and submit to customer upon request. The customer will identify what is needed for submission base on changes and conditions PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SUPPLIER QUALITY ENGINEER WITH ANY QUESTIONS . NCR Confidential 107 Initial Process Study Capability Analysis Process Capability of Length USL Within Ov erall P otential (Within) C apability Cp 0.64 C P L 0.88 C P U 0.40 C pk 0.40 O v erall C apability Pp PPL PPU P pk C pm 0.63 0.86 0.39 0.39 * LSL P rocess D ata LS L 24.5 Target * USL 25.5 S ample M ean 25.1877 S ample N 100 S tD ev (Within) 0.26108 S tD ev (O v erall) 0.266035 What is It? A set of tools used to understand process capability. Objective or Purpose 24.6 O bserv ed P erformance P P M < LS L 0.00 P P M > U S L 110000.00 P P M Total 110000.00 E xp. PPM PPM PPM 24.8 25.0 25.2 25.4 25.6 25.8 Within P erformance < LS L 4216.68 > U S L 115840.63 Total 120057.30 E xp. O v erall P erformance P P M < LS L 4866.91 P P M > U S L 120245.19 P P M Total 125112.10 Process Capability Sixpack of Length Xbar C har t 25.50 Sample Mean C apability H istogr am UCL=25.5380 _ _ X=25.1877 LSL USL 25.25 25.00 S pecifications LS L 24.5 U S L 25.5 LCL=24.8375 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 24.6 24.8 25.0 25.2 25.4 25.6 25.8 R C har t UCL=1.284 Sample Range Nor mal P r ob P lot A D: 0.151, P : 0.961 • To evaluate the performance of your process as compared to specification limits. • To determine if the production process is likely to produce product that will meet customer requirements 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 _ R=0.607 When to Use It 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 LCL=0 Last 2 0 Subgr oups 25.5 Values C apability P lot Within S tD ev 0.26108 Cp 0.64 C pk 0.4 Within O v erall S pecs O v erall S tDev 0.266035 Pp 0.63 P pk 0.39 C pm * 25.0 24.5 5 10 Sample 15 20 1. To establish baseline capability. 2. To validate process improvements. NCR Confidential 108 Validate the measurement system 4. Assess process stability 7. Collect data 5. Assess data characteristics 6. Decide on the product or process characteristic to be assessed 2. Calculate process capability NCR Confidential 109 . Validate the specification limits 3.Steps for Determining Process Capability Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 1. NCR reserves the right to require demonstration of initial process capability on other characteristics Step 1 NCR Confidential 110 .  Required for all critical characteristics  If no critical characteristics exist.Step 1: Which Characteristic Decide on the product or process characteristic to be assessed. – They may be based on previous designs and no longer be valid. NCR Confidential 111 . – May contain “guard banding” as a result of past problems or measurement error. controlling agencies Why is validation of the specification limits important? – They may not represent what the customer truly desires/needs.Step 2: Specification Limits Step 2 Validate the specification limits by talking to: – Customers. suppliers. Step 3: Measurement System Step 3 Validate the measurement system through the appropriate MSA Why is validation of the Measurement System important? – If there is significant error in your measurement system. NCR Confidential 112 . then decisions are influenced by the error not just the measurements themselves. etc..Step 4: Data Collection Step 4 When collecting data.e. etc. – Long term data » Subjected to the effects of both random and special cause variation » Collected across a broad inference space i. one operator. one shift.e. multiple shifts. consider the following: – Short term data » Free of special causes » Collected across a narrow inference space i. NCR Confidential 113 . operators. one machine. machines. Step 4: Data Collection Step 4 When collecting data. variation  Between subgroup: variation between subgroups that may be caused by specific identifiable factors. but still be independent of each other A die cut machine produces 100 plastic parts per » Use subgroups to separate the 2 types of variation in a process: hour. every effort should be made to eliminate between subgroup variation and reduce within subgroup variation NCR Confidential 114 . also known as common cause sample of 5 parts is a subgroup. consider the following: – Rational sub-grouping » A group of units produced under the same set of conditions » Mean to represent a “snapshot” of the process Example: » Must be taken close together in time. Each  at Within Theof variation measurements within subgroups. The quality engineer measures 5 randomly selected parts thesubgroup: beginning everyamong hour. or special causes » To improve process quality. 088 100 Step 5 Examine the shape of your data. – Is it what you would expect? If not. 20 15 Frequency Frequency 15 10 10 5 5 0 16 18 Normal Data 20 Mfg Hours 22 24 0 -15 0 15 Skewed Data 30 45 Mfg Hours 60 75 NCR Confidential 115 .87 3.87 100 The shape of your data is important for determining which type of Capability Analysis applies. Frequency 15 10 5 0 8 10 12 Bimodal Data Histogram of Mfg Hours 25 Mean StDev N 19.Step 5: Data Characteristics Assess data characteristics Histogram of Mfg Hours 20 Mean StDev N 14.713 100 14 16 Mfg Hours 18 20 22 Histogram of Mfg Hours 20 Mean StDev N 20.19 18.98 1. investigate. Step 6: Process Stability Assess process stability in order to understand how your process behaves over time. Step 6 Control Chart Examples Process is stable and in control Capability is only valid when the process being studied is stable! Process is not stable and therefore not in control NCR Confidential 116 . Control charts are the recommended tool. Step 7: Process Capability Step 7 Calculate the appropriate statistical metrics in order to determine how the “Voice of the Process” compares to the “Voice of the Customer.” Capability Metrics: PPM. DPMO. Pp. & Ppk . what would be happening in each situation? NCR Confidential 117 . and the dotted lines were the construction barriers. Sigma Levels (Z Scores) Specification Limits Specification Limits Process is capable Process is not capable If you were driving a truck. Cp. Cpk. attribute data are not acceptable for PPAP submission Focus on variable data NCR Confidential 118 . but is not covered in this initial study  To understand the performance of characteristics monitored by attribute data will require more data collected over time  Unless approved by an authorized NCR representative.Focus on Variable Data The initial process study should be focused on variable. not attribute data  Assembly errors. and surface defects are examples of attribute data. test failures. which is important to understand. ” meaning it is the 6*s Cp/Cpk short-term are used to Only tells you about the nearest spec limit. doesn’t tell anything about the other side PP Ppk Pp/Ppk are used to measure actual Relates mean & long term (overall) standard Min{(USL – X). doesn’t tell anything about the other side NCR Confidential 119 . (X performance – LSL)} process deviation to tolerance 3*slong-term 6*slong-term Relates long term (overall) standard deviation to tolerance Only tells you about the nearest spec limit. (X – LSL)} subgroup) standard deviation to tolerance 3*sshort-term (USL – LSL) Sometimes called “Entitlement. if centered Cp Cpk estimate potential Relates short term mean & short term (within process capability Min{(USL – X).Capability Indices Capability Index Formula (USL – LSL) What it shows Relates short term (within subgroup) standard deviation to tolerance best the current process can do. Capability Indices . manufacturing location.Cpk Cpk predicts capability Based on short term within subgroup variation Does not include the effect of process variability between subgroups Cpk should be used when: −Developing new parts −Revising specifications on a part −Materials. processes. or equipment have significantly changed −Material suppliers have changed (include certificate of analysis) NCR Confidential 120 . Ppk is not limited to variation within subgroups However. Cpk and Ppk can be compared to analyze the sources of process variation Ppk should be used when: – The supplier is new to NCR.Capability Indices .Ppk Ppk indicates past performance Based on long term total variation Unlike Cpk. but has already been manufacturing a part – The supplier is existing. but has produced a number of nonconforming parts NCR Confidential 121 . Ppk cannot isolate within subgroup variation from between subgroup variation When calculated from the same data set. 67 Cpk > 1.00 Not Capable. Not Centered NCR Confidential 122 . Not Centered Cp < 1.00 Cpk < 0 Not Capable.67 Cpk < 1.00 Cpk < 1.00 Capable.Difference between Cp & Cpk Cp – determines capability of producing to specification Cpk – same as Cp. Centered LSL USL LSL USL Cp < 1. Centered LSL USL LSL USL Cp > 1.67 Capable. but also measures how centered the process is It is important to look at both! Cp > 1. 00-1.00 1.67 >1.Acceptance Criteria Acceptance criteria for critical vs.33 1.67 for critical processes Cpk must be greater than or equal to 1.33 for non-critical processes NCR Confidential 123 .33 >1.67 Non-Critical <1.33 Decision Cpk must be greater than or equal to 1. non-critical characteristics Critical Red (Bad) Yellow (OK) Green (Good) <1.33-1. and that the process is stable and capable of producing a quality part PPAPs should only be approved if the capability is greater than 1.33 for non-critical dimensions More information about capability is available in the Appendix at the end of this presentation NCR Confidential 124 .Initial Process Study Reviewer’s Checklist Ensure that the results are acceptable.67 for critical dimensions and greater than 1. QUALIFIED LABORATORY DOCUMENTATION NCR Confidential 125 . Qualified Laboratory Documentation •Inspection and testing for PPAP shall be performed by a qualified laboratory as defined by NCR requirements (e.. The NCR Confidential 126 .g. and the standards used to run the tests shall be identified. an accredited laboratory). •The qualified laboratory (internal or external to the supplier) shall have a laboratory scope and documentation showing that the laboratory is qualified for the type of measurements or tests conducted When an external laboratory is used. the date(s) of the tests. the supplier shall submit the test results on the laboratory letterhead or the normal laboratory report format name of the laboratory that performed the tests. APPEARANCE APPROVAL REPORT NCR Confidential 127 . Date Customer Representative Signature Date • Prior to tooling for production IMPORTANT! Typically only applies for parts with color. or surface appearance requirements NCR Confidential 128 .Appearance Approval Report Appearance Approval Report Part Number Part Name Supplier Name Reason for Submission Part Submission Warrant Pre Texture What is It? Application Date Supplier Code Other Drawing Number Buyer Manufacturing Location Special Sample First Production Shipment Re-Submission Engineering Change E/C Level • A report completed by the supplier containing appearance and color criteria Appearance Evaluation Supplier Sourcing and Texture Information Pre-Texture Evaluation Correct and Proceed Correct and Resubmit Approved to Texture Customer Representative signature and Date Objective or Purpose • To demonstrate that the part has met the appearance requirements on the design record Color Evaluation Color Suffix Tristimulus Data DL* Da* Db* DE CMC Master Master Material Material Number Date Type Source Red Yel Hue Grn Blu Value Chroma Gloss Color Metallic Part Shipping Brilliance Disposition Suffix Light Dark Gray CleanHigh Low High Low When to Use It Comments: Supplier Signature Phone No. grain. Appearance Approval Report Administrative Section Appearance Approval Report Part Number Part Name Supplier Name Reason for Submission Supplier Sourcing & Texture Information Buyer List all first surface tools. grain type(s). graining Source(s). and grainLocation and Manufacturing Gloss masters used to check part Part Submission Warrant Pre Texture Special Sample First Production Shipment Drawing Number Application E/C Level Date Pre-Texture Evaluation To be completed by Supplier SQE Code Re-Submission Engineering Change Other Appearance Evaluation Supplier Sourcing and Texture Information Pre-Texture Evaluation Correct and Proceed Correct and Resubmit Approved to Texture Customer Representative signature and Date NCR Confidential 129 . Gloss. approved paint suppliers / ABS) color identification Color Shipping Suffix Color part number suffix or color number Color Evaluation Color Suffix Tristimulus Data DL* Da* Db* DE CMC Master Master Material Material Number Date Type Source Red Yel Hue Grn Blu Value Chroma Gloss Color Metallic Part Shipping Brilliance Disposition Suffix Light Dark Gray CleanHigh Low High Low Tristimulus Data List numerical (colorimeter) data of submission part as compared to the customerComments: authorized master Supplier Signature Phone No. Chroma. Value.g. Date Part Disposition Hue.Appearance Approval Report Master Master Material Number Date Type Material Source Color Suffix Enter Enter Identify alphanumeric the date first Identify on surface which first finish surface and and Alphanumeric or numeric master the substrate master identification was substrate (e. and To be determined by Metallic Brilliance NCR (approved or Visual assessment by NCR rejected) Customer Representative Signature Date NCR Confidential 130 . SAMPLE PRODUCTION PARTS NCR Confidential 131 . Objective or Purpose • Confirm cosmetic or functional part approval. When to Use It • Sample parts should be delivered WITH the PPAP submission NCR Confidential 132 .Sample Production Parts What is It? Actual samples that reflect the parts documented in the PPAP. Sample Production Parts •The sample parts provided should be the same parts measured for the dimensional results •Default quantity for all submissions is 3 parts unless otherwise requested NCR Confidential 133 . etc.Sample Production Parts Sample production parts MUST be properly identified – Include the following information on the part label: • Date • NCR parts were packed part number • Quantity • Serial number part number (optional) See NCR part label examples on the next slide • Supplier • Part description of origin of RoHS compliance • Country • Indication • Approval markings (UL.) where applicable NCR Confidential 134 . CE. Part Label Example NCR Confidential 135 . PPAP Summary •The Production Part Approval Process is an extensive approval process for new or changed designs or processes •It is very formalized. so it inevitably causes some administrative work •Later changes to the product or process can be expensive and time-consuming! NCR Confidential 136 . APPENDIX – CAPABILITY NCR Confidential 137 . However.Process Capability Tool Selection Map Process Capability can be determined for all types of data. Capability Analysis for Normal Data Yes Normal Data? Process Capability Binomial Process Capability Defective Variable Data Type? Attribute Defect or Defective No Defect Use Minitab's "Individual Distribution Identification" function Yes Is reason for Non-Normality understood? No Determine reasons for Non-Normality Poisson Process Capability Non-normal Distribution Identified? Yes Use Non-Normal Capability: Select Identified Distribution Capability Analysis for Normal Data (using Box-Cox Transformation) Yes No Transform the data using BoxCox Transformation No Rational Sub-groups? No Is transformed data Normal? No Contact your MBB Yes Apply Central Limit Theorem Resulting data Normal? Yes Capability Analysis for Normal Data (using subgroups) NCR Confidential 138 . selecting the correct method is critical. Normal Capability – Non-Normal Distribution Identification Central Limit Theorem Box – Cox Transformation NCR Confidential 139 .Index of Capability Examples (Using Minitab) Capability – Normal Capability . MTW determine the capability of the PO process in terms of the time is required to process the POs.MTW NCR Confidential 140 . Time to Process one individual PO Use the file Capability Example.Normal Capability Example Activity Using the data in a Minitab file Capability Example. Normal Capability Example Q Which Capability Analysis applies? Is the data attribute or variable? Is the data normal? Yes ??? Does sub-grouping apply? A NCR Confidential Normal 141 . Enter 1 if the subgroup size is 1. 2. 4. 5. Use the file Capability Example MTW NCR Confidential 142 . 3. Since the subgroup size is constant (n=5) the number 5 could be typed in the subgroup size field. b. Depending on subgroup information either: a. Click in the [Subgroup Size] field.Normal Capability Analysis in Minitab 1. Double click Indiv Dates_1 in the column on the left. Click in the [Single Column] field. Open the worksheet Capability Example. Choose Stat > Quality Tools > Capability Analysis > Normal. Double click [Time to Process] in the column on the left. 6.MTW. c. 11. Type 20 in Lower Spec. 8.Add Title if desired.Add target value (if applicable). 10. Capability Stats or Benchmark Z 12. Parts per million or Percents b. 9. 14.Under Display select a. 13. NCR Confidential 143 .Normal Capability Analysis in Minitab 7. Select [Options] button. Type 40 in Upper Spec.Click [OK].Click [OK]. 23 between subgroups.Normal Capability Analysis Results Process Capability of Time to Process (subgroup of 1) Sample Mean LSL P rocess D ata LS L 20.41 C pk 0. Within P erformance Represents long term data.45 C PL 0.54439 Voice of the Customer USL Within Ov erall Voice of the Process P otential (Within) C apability Cp 0.72100 S ample N 200 S tD ev (Within) 7.70 NCR Confidential 144 .69 % Total 17.48 C PU 0.00 > U S L 10.45 O v erall C apability Pp PPL PPU P pk C pm 0. 18 24 StDev (Overall): O bserv ed P erformance E xp.50 % < LS L 7. % < LS L 7.94 % Total 18. O v erall P erformance % < LS L 7.41 * StDev (Within): Represents short term data.44 0.47 0.00000 S ample M ean 30.77 % > U S L 10.41 0. 30 36 42 48 E xp.54 includes shift and%drift % > U S L 10.00000 Target * USL 40.41 C C pk 0.50 % Total 18.46329 S tD ev (O v erall) 7. Observed Performance: Represents the sample data.47 0.72100 S ample N 200 SExp tD ev (Within) 7.45 O v erall C apability Pp PPL PPU P pk C pm 0. Within Ov erall P otential (Within) C apability Cp 0.41 C pk 0.41 0.69 % Total 18.50 Exp Overall Performance: Based on StDev (Overall) and represents long term process capability.44 0. O v erall P erformance % < LS L 7. 18 O bserv ed P erformance % < LS L 7.23 E xp.94 % Total 18. Within P erformance % < LS L 7. 24 30 36 42 48 E xp.41 C C pk 0.48 C PU 0.77 % > U S L 10. Capability indices: Based on long term data.00000 Target * USL 40.00 % Total 17.46329 Within Performance: S tD ev (O v erall) 7.Normal Capability Analysis Results Process Capability of Time to Process (subgroup of 1) LSL P rocess D ata LS L 20.00000 S ample M ean 30.54439 Capability indices: USL Based on short term data.45 C PL 0.70 NCR Confidential 145 .54 % > U S L 10.50 % > U S L 10.41 * Based on StDev(Within) and represents short term process capability. MTW NCR Confidential 146 . Time to Process one individual PO Use the file Capability Example.Non-Normal Capability – Distribution Identification Exercise Using the data (Time_2) in a Minitab file Capability Example.MTW determine the capability of the PO process in terms of the time that is required to process the POs. Non-Normal Capability – Distribution Identification Q Which Capability Analysis applies? • Is the data attribute or variable? • Is the data normal? No • Are the reasons for non-normality understood? Yes • Can the data be described by another distribution? ??? A NCR Confidential Non-normal Try Individual Distribution Identification 147 . 2. MTW NCR Confidential 148 . 5. 6. 4.MTW. Choose [Use all distributions]. Double click Time_2 in the column on the left.Individual Distribution Identification in Minitab 1. Open the worksheet Capability Example. 3. Click in the [Single Column] field. Choose Stat > Quality Tools > Individual Distribution Identification. Click [OK]. Use the file Capability Example. Individual Distribution Identification in Minitab NCR Confidential 149 . Choose Stat > Quality Tools > Capability Analysis > Nonnormal. Select [Fit data with Distribution].Using Individual Distribution Identification 1. 3. Use the file Capability Example. Open the worksheet Capability Example. 5. 7. Double click Time_2 in the column on the left. Click in the [Single Column] field. 4. Type 40 in [Upper Spec].MTW. 8. MTW NCR Confidential 150 . Using pulldown menu select [3parameter Weibull]. Type 20 in [Lower Spec]. 2. 6. Using Individual Distribution Identification 9. Capability Stats 10. 10. Add Title if desired. Benchmark Z 12. 14. Click [OK]. Add target value (if applicable). 11. Click [OK]. Select [Options] button. 13. Under Display select 9. NCR Confidential 151 . Using Individual Distribution Identification Overall Capability: Benchmark Z or Capability indices based on long term data O v erall C apability Z.00817 S cale 6.31 E xp.U S L 0.0 P P M > U S L 82696.00000 Target * USL 40.LS L 6.92 P pk 0.00000 S ample M ean 31.6 Sample Mean P rocess D ata LS L 20.57 Z.Bench 1. O v erall P erformance P P M < LS L 0.04100 S ample N 200 S hape 1.6 P P M Total 82696.06360 Threshold 24.39 Z.99750 O bserv ed P erformance P P M < LS L 0 P P M > U S L 75000 P P M Total 75000 Calculations Based on Weibull Distribution Model LSL Process Capability of Time_2 Voice of the Customer USL Voice of the Process Observed Performance: Represents the sample data 24 30 36 42 48 Exp Overall Performance: Represents long term process capability 54 NCR Confidential 152 . Non-Normal Capability – Central Limit Theorem Activity Using the data (Time_3 and Time 3 sub) in a Minitab file Capability Example. Average time to process five POs per day Time to process one individual PO Use the file Capability Example.MTW determine the capability of the PO process in terms of the time is required to process the POs. MTW NCR Confidential 153 . Non-Normal Capability – Central Limit Theorem Q Which Capability Analysis applies? • Is the data attribute or variable? • Is the data normal? No • Are the reasons for non-normality understood? Yes • Can the data be described by another distribution? No • Can the data be sub-grouped? • Is the sub-grouped data normal? Yes ??? A NCR Confidential Non-normal Try sub-grouping the data 154 . Use the file Capability Example. 7. Click in the [Subgroup Size] field – Double click Individ Dates_3 in the column on the left. 6. 4. Open the worksheet Capability Example. MTW NCR Confidential 155 . 3. Type 40 in [Upper Spec].Using Central Limit Theorem Sub-Grouping Caution! Check sub-group data Time_3 sub for normality. Important! The sub-groups have to make logical sense. Choose Stat > Quality Tools > Capability Analysis > Normal. by shift. Double click Time_3 in the column on the left. such as by day. Click in the [Single Column] field. Type 20 in [Lower Spec]. by machine… 5. If the data is not normal then this method cannot be used! 1. 2.MTW. Select [Options] button.Using Central Limit Theorem Sub-Grouping 8. Under Display select 11. NCR Confidential 156 . 8. 9. Add Title if desired. 13. Click [OK]. Click [OK]. 9. Parts per million or Percents Capability Stats or Benchmark Z 10. 12. Add target value (if applicable). 40 0. O v erall P erformance P P M < LS L 89353.21 P P M > U S L 148388.262 S ample N 200 S tDev (Within) 7.87 30 35 40 45 50 E xp.00 P P M > U S L 123688.09 NCR Confidential 157 .44 C P L 0.35 * StDev (Within): Represents short term data StDev (Overall): 15 20 25 Represents long term data.38 between subgroups P P M > U S L 175000.3748 Voice of the Customer USL Within Ov erall P otential (Within) C apability Cp 0.55396 S tDev (O v erall) 8. O bserv ed P erformance E xp.49 P P M Total 260000.39 O v erall C apability Pp PPL PPU P pk C pm 0.Using Central Limit Theorem Sub-Grouping Process Capability of Time_3 Sample Mean LSL P rocess Data LS L 20 Target * USL 40 S ample M ean 31.39 Process C pk 0.00 P P M < LS L 67997.00 P P M Total 191685.50 Voice of the C P U 0.88 P P M Total 237742.35 0.45 0. Within P erformance includes shift and drift P P M < LS L 85000. 35 0.Using Central Limit Theorem Sub-Grouping Process Capability of Time_3 LSL P rocess Data LS L 20 Target * USL 40 S ample M ean 31.45 0. 15 O bserv ed P erformance P P M < LS L 85000.87 E xp.49 Total 191685.00 P P M Total 260000. 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Within P erformance < LS L 67997.09 NCR Confidential 158 .35 * Based on StDev(Within) and represents short term process capability Observed Performance: Represents the sample data. Capability indices: Based on long term data. Within Ov erall P otential (Within) C apability Cp 0.39 O v erall C apability Pp PPL PPU P pk C pm 0.88 P P M Total 237742.39 C pk 0.44 C P L 0.40 0.38 > U S L 123688. PPM PPM PPM Exp Overall: Performance: Based on StDev(Overall) and represents long term process capability.50 C P U 0. O v erall P erformance P P M < LS L 89353.21 P P M > U S L 148388.55396 Performance: S tDev (O v erall) 8.262 S ample N 200 Exp Within: S tDev (Within) 7.00 E xp.00 P P M > U S L 175000.3748 Capability indices: USL Based on short term data. Time to Process one individual PO NCR Confidential 159 .MTW determine the capability of the PO process in terms of the time is required to process the POs.Non-Normal Capability – Box-Cox Transformation Activity Using the data (Time_4) in a Minitab file Capability Example. Non-Normal Capability – Box-Cox Transformation Q Which Capability Analysis applies? • Is the data attribute or variable? • Is the data normal? No • Are the reasons for non-normality understood? Yes • Can the data be described by another distribution? No • Can the data be sub-grouped? • Can data be transformed? ??? No A NCR Confidential Non-normal Try Box-Cox transformation 160 . 6. Click [OK] 11. Open the worksheet Capability Example.Box-Cox Transformation 1. 2. 3. 4. Click [OK] NCR Confidential 161 . 7. 8. 5.MTW Choose Stat > Control Charts > BoxCox Transformation Choose [All Observations …in one column] from pull down menu Click in Large Box Double click [Time_4] in the column on the left Click in the [Subgroup Size] field – enter 1 Select [Options] radio button Select [Optimal Lambda] Enter column for Stored Data 10. 9. 071450 0.0% confidence) Estimate Lower CL Upper CL Best Value 0.Box-Cox Transformation Results Box-Cox Plot of Time_4 80 70 60 Lower CL Upper CL Lambda (using 95.280506 0.102509 -0.000000 StDev 50 40 30 20 10 -1 0 1 Lambda 2 3 Transformed Data Limit Lambda Values Q Is the transformed data normal? NCR Confidential 162 . Double click Time_4 in the column on the left  Use the original data. Open the worksheet Capability Example.MTW 2.Using Box-Cox Transformation 1. Type 20 in Lower Spec 7. Type 40 in Upper Spec Use the file Capability Example. If the data is not normal then this method cannot be used! 5. Click in the [Single Column] field 4. Caution! Check transformed data for normality. Choose Stat > Quality Tools > Capability Analysis > Normal 3. not the transformed data. MTW NCR Confidential 163 . Click in the [Subgroup Size] field – enter 1 (the data is already sub-grouped) 6. Select [Use Optional lambda] 4. Add target value (if applicable) 7. Parts per million or Percents Capability Stats or Benchmark Z 8. Select [Box-Cox] radio button 2. Click [OK] NCR Confidential 164 . Select [Box-Cox power transformation] 3. b. Click [OK] 10. Add Title if desired 9. Under Display select a.Using Box-Cox Transformation 1. Click OK 5. Select [Options] radio button 6. 00000 S ample M ean 27.28 Voice of the C pk 0.29 % > U S L* 19.01 Customer C C pk 0.27 Voice of the P pk 0.23 % Total 69. Within P erformance % < LS L* 48.00 Sample Data % Total 70.49272 * 1.133725 Original Distribution LS L* U S L* P rocess D ata LS L 20.63770 1.00 E xp.00 Transformed % > U S L 23.65 1.15 O v erall C apability Pp 0.14 PPL 0.18 1.01 C pm * Process Original Sample Data 1.18069 S tD ev (O v erall) 23.49973 0.89 % Total 68.20715 A fter Transformation LS L* Target* U S L* S ample M ean* S tD ev (Within)* S tD ev (O v erall)* 1.01 Transformed C P U 0.80 E xp.38 % > U S L* 21.01 Transformed P P U 0.17276 transformed data Calculated Within O v erall Lambda P otential (Within) C apability Cp 0.20 O bserv ed P erformance % < LS L 47.61 NCR Confidential 165 .73850 S ample N 200 S tD ev (Within) 20.35 1.00000 Target * USL 40.15 C P L 0.Using Box-Cox Transformation Process Capability of Time_4 Using Box-Cox Transformation With Lambda = 0.16316 0.50 1. O v erall P erformance % < LS L* 48. 01 * term capability. O v erall P erformance % < LS L* 48.49272 Target* * Observed U S L* 1.49973 S tD ev (Within)* Represents 0.15 C P L 0.16316 the S tD ev (O v erall)* 0.61 NCR Confidential 166 . Exp Overall Performance: Based on StDev (Overall) and represents long term process capability.01 C C pk 0.89 % Total 68.20715 transformed data LS L* U S L* Capability indices: Based on long term data.27 0.Using Box-Cox Transformation Process Capability of Time_4 Capability Using Box-Cox Transformation With indices: Lambda = 0.28 C pk 0.01 C P U 0.133725 Based on short term data P rocess D ata LS L 20.01 0.73850 Exp Within S ample N 200 Based Performance: S tD ev (Within) 20.00000 S ample M ean 27.14 0. Within P erformance % < LS L* 48.00 % > U S L 23. LS L*process 1.63770 Performance: S ample M ean* 1.29 % > U S L* 19.65 1.18069 on (Within) and S tD ev (O vStDev erall) 23.23 % Total 69.35 1.15 O v erall C apability Pp PPL PPU P pk C pm 0.80 E xp.38 % > U S L* 21. Within O v erall P otential (Within) C apability Cp 0.20 O bserv ed P erformance % < LS L 47.17276 sample data Arepresents fter Transformation short 1.00000 Target * USL 40.00 E xp.18 1.00 % Total 70.50 1.
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