Ncert Books

March 23, 2018 | Author: chandu_ccna | Category: Dairy, Agriculture, Teachers, Teaching And Learning, Further Education



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VI Santosh Sharma Rs.95.00/166 pp detksj n`f"V okys cPps Rs. 26.00/56 pp Let us Talk Mamta Agrawal Rs.14.00/64 pp 12 1559 Constructivist Approaches to 55.00 Teaching and Learning 1560 305.00 1561 30.00 1562 Art Education 225.00 Resource Book for Teachers' Cl-XI 1563 A Kit of Essential Play Materials 85.00 1564 Meeting Special Needs in Schools 45.00 1565 Early Childhood Education 25.00 An introduction 1566 Science Exempler Problems 140.00 Class-IX 1568 Mathematics Exempler Problems IX 90.00 1570 Physics Exmpler Problem Class XI 130.00 1574 Mathematics Exemplers Problems 140.00 Class-XI 1576 Biology Exempler Problems 145.00 Class - XI 1578 Laborotory Manual 115.00 Science Class-IX 1579 IX 115.00 1582 Lab Manual Chemistry - Class XI 95.00 1583 XI 95.00 1586 Early Childhood Education 195.00 Programme 1587 Laboratory Manual Science Class X 160.00 1588 X 160.00 1591 Laboratory Manual Chemistry-XII 95.00 1592 XII 95.00 1595 Souce Book on Assesment Cl- I-V 60.00 Art Education 1596 Souce Book on Assesment Cl- I-V 85.00 English Language 1597 85.00 1598 Source Book on assesment for 115.00 Class I-IV, Mathematics 1599 Source Book on assessment 100.00 for class I-V(Environmental Studies) 16060 115.00 16070 Science Exempler Problems Cl - 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M/ s Jyot i Book Depot 2/ 28, Gr ound Fl oor Ansar i Road, Dar i yaganj New Del hi -110002 Ph: 011-23268121, 23268122 Mob: 09818200226 Fax: 011-23268122 47. M/ s Jant a The Book Shop 1521/ B-18,1522 & 1519 Wazi r Nagar , Opp. Axi s Bank Defence Colony, New Delhi 110003 Ph: 011-41021794, 24655432 Mob: 09350268100 Fax: 011-24604413 48. M/ s Sachdeva Book Depot IX/ 6081, Mai n Road Gandhi Nagar , Del hi 110031 Ph: 011-22082399, 22073756 22070812 Mob: 09818414944 49. M/ s Sahani Pust ak Bhandar A-129, Gal i No.5 Near Sr . Sec. School Ghonda Del hi 110053 Ph: 011-22199087 Mob: 09810471290 53 50. M/ s Chasvi k Tr ades 2591, Hudson Li nes GTB Nagar Del hi 110009 Ph: 011-42870001 Mob: 09811624222 Fax: 011-27137735 51. M/ s Need Pr akashan (P) Lt d 219, Jamr udpur , Opp. N-Bl ock G.K.-1, New Del hi 110048 Ph: 011-29245460 Mob: 09868458607 09968383261 52. M/ s Devr a Books 1381, Kashmer e Gat e Del hi 110006 Ph-011-45360093, 23951867 Mob- 09311056416 Fax:-011-45360093 53. M/ s Gyan Ganga & Co. Publ i sher s IX/ 1752, Gal i No. 6 Kai l ash Nagar Del hi 110031 Ph: 011-22074727 Mob: 09811211012 Fax: 011-22074727 54. M/ s G.Lal & Company 2259 Hudson Li ne Ki ngsway Camp Del hi 110009 Ph: 011-27128641 Mob: 09811377804 55. M/ s Gugl ani Br ot her s Shop No. 96, Mal l Road Ki ngsway Camp, Del hi 110009 Ph: 011-27249371, 27112963 Mob: 09818663430 09891172290 56. M/ s Aar t i Book Depot Shop No.1, Amar Col ony Mar ket Laj pat Nagar -IV New Del hi 110024 Ph: 011-26467211, 26410973 Mob: 09868015678 09810192345 57. M/ s Raj Pust ak Bhandar Shop No.54, Cent r al Mar ket Laj pat Nagar , New Del hi 110024 Ph: 011-29832627, 29845965 Mob: 09810138927 58. M/ s Shar ma Book Depot F-88 A, Subhash Chowk, Laxmi Nagar , Del hi 110092 Ph: 011-64657263 Mob: 09654526868 09278765101 Fax: 011-23830981 59. M/ s Pr i yanka Book Depot N-15, Gr ound Fl oor , Shop No.3 Mal vi ya Nagar , New Del hi 110017 Ph: 011-26687240, 26685248 Mob: 09971876333 09910173909 Fax: 011-26015249 60. M/ s Pr anet Infosoft Pvt .Lt d 35A, Bhagi r at hi Compl ex Pr at ap Nagar , Mayur Vi har -I Del hi 110091 Ph: 011-22757570 Mob: 09868869225 61. M/ s Adi t ya Tr ader s 705/ A-7 War d No.6 Whi t e Apar t ment , Mehr aul i New Del hi 110030 Ph: 011-65070697 Mob: 09851381838 09312156969 62. M/ s Kumar Ent er pr i ses 97, Model Bast i New Del hi 110005 Ph: 011-20116954 Mob: 09810929537 09810129572 Fax: 011-23536782 63. M/ s Kashyap Book Depot 1/ 68, Gal i Hayder i a Si ngh Mot or Mar ket Mor i Gat e, Del hi 110006 Ph: 011-65196167 Mob: 09811744071 09212144071 54 64. M/ s Ani l Book Cent r e 4537, G.F. Dai war a, Nai Sar ak Del hi 110006 Ph: 011-23926645 Mob: 09871067578 65. M/ s Bhar at Pr akashan 2640-Roshan Pur a Nai Sar ak, Del hi 110006 Ph: 011-2326855, 23257011 Mob: 09871774601 09811229616 66. M/ s Gopi Ram & Sons 2619/ 20-C/ III, New Mar ket Nai Sar ak, Del hi 110006 Ph: 011-23283351 Mob: 09868110104 Fax: 011-23261885 67. M/ s Sanj ay Book Depot 2590, Nai Sar ak, Del hi 110006 Ph: 011-23261916 Mob: 09811671893 Fax: 011-23250651 68. M/ s Sanj ay Br os 2578, Nai Sar ak, Del hi 110006 Ph: 011-23250644, 23204102 Mob: 09899013539 69. M/ s Shyam Book Depot 1680/ 81-20A Nai Sar ak Del hi 110006 Ph: 011-23250632 Mob: 09711410104 70. M/ s Shyam Br os (Book Sel l er s) 2619/ 20-18, New Mar ket Nai Sar ak, Del hi 110006 Ph: 011-23253351 Mob: 09313619935 Fax: 011-23261885 71. M/ s Subhash Br ot her s 2606, Nai Sar ak, Del hi 110006 Ph: 011-23283733, 65392030 Mob: 09810571063 Fax: 011-23261011 72. M/ s Vi shwa Bhar at i Pr akashan 4071, Nai Sar ak, Del hi 110006 Ph: 011-23916973 Mob: 09871282751 09711249759 73. M/ s Chawl a Book Depot WZ-1566/ 2 Nangal Raya New Del hi 110046 Mob: 09212540565 09810691237 74. M/ s Lal i t Book Depot WZ-540 Nangal Raya New Del hi 110046 Mob: 09212540565 09810691237 75. M/ s Khar banda Ent er pr i ses D-1, Punj abi Bast i , Nangl oi New Del hi 110041 Ph: 011-25471812, 25181239 Mob: 09891751550 76. M/ s New Shyam Book Depot A-15 Har dev Mar ket Punj abi Bast i , Sul t anpur i Road Nangl oi , Del hi 110041 Ph: 011-25477977 Mob: 09810854131 77. M/ s Jant a Book Depot Z-60, Okhl a Indust r i al Ar ea Phase II, New Del hi 110020 Ph: 011-40520743, 40520750 40520751 Mob: 09899107846 Fax: 011-26383679 78. M/ s Ni t i n Books & St at i oner s WZ-97, Mat ke Wal i Gal i Jawal a Her i Mar ket Paschi m Vi har , Del hi 110063 Ph: 011-25282829 Mob: 09873125292, 20554282 79. M/ s Mal i k Ent er pr i ses 2185/ 4 Gur u Ar j un Nagar Opp. West Pat el Nagar New Del hi 110008 Mob: 09811230852 09810296278 Fax: 011-25708963 55 80. M/ s Kaml esh St at i oner s 7-8, Shi v Mandi r Kal eshwar Nat h, Pat par Ganj Del hi 110091 Ph: 011-65449675 Mob: 09212699553 81. M/ s Sat i j a Book Sel l er s Shop No.15, S.U. Bl ock C.S.C. Pi t ampur a Del hi 110034 Mob: 09899359966 82. M/ s Rakesh Book St or e Shop No. 24, Sect or -3 R.K.Pur am Mar ket New Del hi 110022 Ph: 011-26167575, 26782011 Mob: 09810045756 09810045752 Fax: 011-26167575, 26782012 83. M/ s Hi manshu Book Depot Shop No. 38-39, Pocket -26 Sect or -24, Rohi ni Del hi 110085 Ph: 011-65769629 Mob: 9891341020 84. M/ s Sat i j a Book Depot Shop No.4, 21st Cent ur y Pl aza Communi t y Cent r e Sect or -8, Rohi ni Del hi 110085 Ph: 011-27941152 Mob: 09899898989 09873373373 85. M/ s Shi v Books & St at i oner s B-5/ 209, Sect or XI Rohi ni , Del hi 110085 Ph: 011-27571922 Mob: 09868505088 Fax: 011-27571922 86. M/ s Shi vam Ent er pr i ses B-5/ 57, Sect or XI Rohi ni , Del hi 110085 Ph: 011-27570105 Mob: 09868153586 87. M/ s Jant a Ent er pr i ses 1/ 11160 B Gal i No.11 Subash Par k, Shahdar a Del hi 110032 Mob: 9311801126 09312801126 Fax: 011-22019878 88. M/ s Gupt a Sons Book Sel l er Shop No.3, A.G. Mar ket Shal i mar Bagh, New Del hi 110088 Ph: 011-27475852, 42258334 Mob: 09312651705 89. M/ s Abl oom Book House A-142, Shast r i Nagar Del hi 110052 Ph: 011-23649248, 23649258 Mob: 09868247320 Fax: 011-23649258 90. M/ s M.K. Suppl i er s 3379, Shop No.13 Si t a Ram Bazar , Del hi 110006 Ph: 011-23280502, 24513940 Mob: 09810101486 Fax: 011-23269900 91. M/ s Jant a Book Depot Pvt .Lt d. C-58 Sout h Ext ensi on Par t One New Del hi 110049 Ph: 011-24635759 Mob: 09891627746 09312053501 Fax: 011-23362985 92. M/ s Gupt a Ent er pr i ses 104, Mai n Mar ket , Sul t anpur New Del hi 110030 Ph: 011-69801963 Mob: 09310060586 09313060586 93. M/ s Lamba Book Depot Shop No.9, Ol d Mar ket Ti l ak Nagar New Del hi 110018 Ph: 011-25992462 Mob: 09871950163 09810156674 56 94. M/ s Mal hot r a Book Depot 17/ 40 Ol d Mar ket Ti l ak Nagar New Del hi 110018 Mob: 09268177710 09810465547 95. M/ s Edu Car e Booksel l er s Shop No.1, J-42, Ramapar k Mohan Gar den, Ut t am Nagar New Del hi 110059 Ph: 011-25359309 Mob: 09650878646 09211009873 Fax: 011-25726020 96. M/ s Di amond Book Cent r e B-5, Mar ket , Shop No 30 Yamuna Vi har , Del hi 110053 Mob: 09868002528 09212054060, 09968921030 97. M/ s Kamal Book Depot 82/ A Bl ock-B, Gal i No.2 West Vi nod Nagar Del hi 110092 Ph: 011-22474863 Mob: 09811491261 09811491296 GUJARAT, DAMAN & DI U AND DADRA NAGAR HAVELI 98. M/ s Agrasen Books & St at ionary Mart 102, Sagar Compl ex Near Jant a Ice Cr eam Gur ukul Road, Memnagar Ahmedabad 380052, Guj ar at Ph: 079-27486239, 27438200 Mob: 09998884019 Fax: 079-40058781 99. M/ s Ki shor e Book & St at i oner s G-47, Subh Compl ex Near Raj ast an Hospi t al Shahi baug, Ahmedabad 380004 Guj ar at Ph: 079-30421199, 30421122 Mob: 09426341529 100. M/ s New Tushar Book Depot 47, Pankaj Soci et y Behi nd. Zal ak Compl ex Bhat t ha, Pal di Ahmedabad 380007 Guj ar at Ph: 079-26642732, 65215142 Mob: 09377521819 101. M/ s Ni r av Book Agency 5/ Pushpam Appar t ment Opp. UCO Bank Fl at s Bhudar pur a Road, Ambawadi Ahmedabad 380006 Guj ar at Ph: 079-25356031, 65445805 Mob: 09824046230 09824090430 102. M/ s Omkar Book St al l 7-A, Shant i Soci et y, Behi nd Bombay Gar age, Shahi baug Ahmedabad 380004 Guj ar at Ph: 079-25621748, 25621497 Mob: 09904477855 103. M/ s Pavan Book Agency 39, Capi t al Commer ci al Cent r e Opp. LIC Bui l di ng, El l i sbr i dge Ahmedabad 380009, Guj ar at Ph: 079-26578741, 26587103 Mob: 09924526622 Fax: 079-66613639 104. M/ s Tushar Book Depot 36,37, Capi t al Commer ci al Cent r e, Near B.M.Inst i t ut e Opp. LIC Bui l di ng, Ashr am Road Ahmedabad 380009, Guj ar at Ph: 079-26578741, 26587103 Mob: 09824219183 Fax: 079-66613639 105. M/ s Raj a Book St al l Defence Col ony, Post -Khodi yar Col ony, Jamnagar 361006 Guj ar at Ph: 0288-2711167 Mob: 09227700295 57 106. M/ s Royal St at i oner s Shop No. 14, Sagar Appar t ment Opp.Ramdham, 6-Royal Par k Kal wad Road, Raj kot 360005 Guj ar at Ph: 0281-2582926, 2576910 Mob: 09824207514 Fax: 0281-2576910 107. M/ s Shoppi ng Poi nt Shop No. 2010-11 & 1030-31 Vai bhav Appar t ment Bhat ar Road, Sur at 395007 Guj ar at Ph: 0261-2230097 Mob: 09824129592 Fax: 0261-2230097 HARYANA 108. M/ s Sar aswat i Book Depot Near B.D. School Ambal a Cant t . 133001, Har yana Ph: 0171-2644949 Mob: 09416180549 09416975449 Fax: 0171-4007718 109. M/ s Shar ma Br ot her s Near B.D.Sr . Sec. School Ambal a Cant t . 133001, Har yana Ph: 0171-2640525, 2601525 Mob: 09812044336 09812037555 Fax: 0171-4007718 110. M/ s Uppal Tr adi ng Company 2629/ 2, Near Har i Mandi r Dhar mashal a Ambal a Ci t y 133001, Har yana Ph: 0171-2446918 Mob: 09416021024 Fax: 0171-2442438 111. M/ s Bansal Stationers & Book Selllers Mai n Bazar , Near Post Offi ce Bal l abgar h 121004 Har yana Ph: 0129-2242608 Mob: 09873455170 112. M/ s Kashi Ram Ki shan Lal Near Aggar sai n Chowk Mai n Bazar , Bal l abgar h Di st t . Far i dabad 121004 Har yana Ph: 0129-2242643 Mob: 09818543441 113. M/ s Goyal Book Cent er 100, K.M., Mar ket , Hansi Gat e Bhi vani 127021, Har yana Ph: 01664-251305 Mob: 09416387396 092553812 Fax: 01664-241940 114. M/ s Vi j ay Book St al l Rai l way Road, Sar ai Chopt a Bhi wani 127021, Har yana Ph: 01664-253400 Mob: 09416230717 Fax: 01664-240682 115. M/ s A.B.C. Ent er pr i ses Shop No. 188 Sect or -14 Mar ket Far i dabad 121002, Har yana Ph: 0129-2265096, 2500075 Mob:09810122305 116. M/ s Aggar wal Book House Shop No. 15, Gopi Col ony Ol d Far i dabad 121002, Har yana Ph: 0129-2224445 Mob: 09810657456 Fax: 0129-2224445 117. M/ s Fr i ends Book Ser vi ce Shop No. 68, 2 H Par k Mar ket N.I.T. Far i dabad 121001 Har yana Ph: 0129-4029242 Mob: 09811136950 Fax: 0129-2432265 118. M/ s Gul at i Book Cent r e 1 F-31, N.I.T., Far i dabad 121001 Har yana Ph: 0129-2420346 Mob: 09810031755 9810031788 58 119. M/ s Gul at i Book Pal ace Shop No. 130-131 Sect or -15, Far i dabad Har yana Ph: 0129-2295960, 4007870 Mob: 09810221647 120. M/ s Azad Book Depot Sadar Bazar , Near Sar dar j i Jal abi wal e, Gur gaon 122001 Har yana Ph: 0124-2328767 Mob: 09350177066 09313593233 121. M/ s Dwar aka Pr asad & Sons Mot i Bazar , Hi sar 125001 Har yana Ph: 01662-231657, 237035 122. M/ s Nat r aj Book Cent r e Mot i Bazar , Hi sar 125001 Har yana Mob: 09215731677 09255417286 Fax: 01662-231677 123. M/ s St udent s Choi ce 4, Tower Encl ave Del hi Road, Hi sar Har yana Ph: 01662-221181 Mob: 09416044333 09896219283 Fax: 01662-246927 124. M/ s Bansal Book Depot Mai n Bazar , Kal ka 133302 Har yana Ph: 01733-220582 Mob: 09896131720 Fax: 01733-220582 125. M/ s Mahi nder Pust ak Bhandar Shop No 104, 105 Ramnagar Kar nal 132001, Har yana Ph: 0184-2291271 Mob: 09416217771 Fax: 0184-2291271 126. M/ s Swami Tr ader s 8/ 1112, Sadar Bazar Kar nal 132001, Har yana Ph: 0184-2272652 Mob: 09215539943 Fax: 0184-4040762 127. M/ s Aggar wal Book Depot Mot i Chowk, Kur ukshet r a 136118 Har yana Ph: 01744-235747 Mob: 09416361486 09896223974, 09466648288 Fax: 01744-235747 128. M/ s Gobi nd Book Depot Naya Bazar , Nar naul 123001 Har yana Ph: 01282-252301, 251585 Mob: 09416480350 09416382533 Fax: 01282-256581 P.P. 129. M/ s Hol kar an Das Hem Raj Naya Bazar , Nar naul 123001 Har yana Ph: 01282-252008 Mob: 09355552008 Fax: 01282-252008 130. M/ s Par veen Book Depot Rai l way Road Near Appol o Chowk, Nar wana Di st . Ji nd 126116, Har yana Ph: 01684-242113 Mob: 09416157969 09466421630 Fax: 01684-240271, 242908 131. M/ s Gar g Book Cent r e Near Bus St and, Rai l way Road Pal wal 121102, Har yana Ph: 01275-254300 Mob: 09896914300 09416374163 132. M/ s Bhar at Book House D.S.S. 140, Near Geet a Mandi r Sect or -11, Panchkul a, Har yana Ph: 0172-2570477 Mob: 09815165644 59 133. M/ s Mal hot r a Book Shop S.C.F. 14, Sect or -15 Panchkul a, Har yana Ph: 0172-2592014 Mob: 09316100026 134. M/ s Chawal a St at i oner s 1233, Geet a Col ony Near Rai l way Road, Pani pat Har yana Ph-0180-2585201, 4015908 Mob-09896292229 09215278300 135. M/ s Goyal St at i oner s & Book Sel l er s, Sal ar ganj Gat e Devi Mandi r Road Pani pat 132103, Har yana Ph: 0180-4009283 Mob: 09812064112 09215580370. 136. M/ s Shyam Pust ak Bhandar Ol d Sabzi Mandi Rewar i 123401 Har yana Ph: 01274-254994 Mob: 09215063994 09416882894 Fax: 01274-254595 137. M/ s Asha Book Depot Anaj Mandi , Roht ak 124001 Har yana Ph: 01262-269184 Mob: 09416401595 138. M/ s Bhagawat i Paper Mar t Opp. Vai sh Gi r l s School , Jhaj j ar Road, Roht ak 124001 Har yana Ph: 01262-268184 Mob: 09416230139 Fax: 01262-268071 139. M/ s Gandhi Ki t ab Ghar Par t ap Chowk, Roht ak 124001 Har yana Ph: 01262-247860 Mob: 09416961587 140. M/ s Gur u Nanak Ki t ab Ghar 33-34, Opp. PWD Rest House Near Pal ace Ci nema Subhash Road, Roht ak Har yana Mob: 09254301763 092541149 Fax: 01262-257295 141. M/ s Mani sh Tr ader s Par t ap Tal ki es Road Peer Ji Mohal l a, Roht ak 124001 Har yana Ph: 01262-268715 Mob: 09812700687 09812255687 142. M/ s Swami Ki t ab Ghar Kaccha Ber i Road Near Ol d Bus St and, Roht ak Har yana Ph: 01262-235879 Mob: 09254335879 09355611088 Fax: 01262-235879 143. M/ s Vi j ay Book Depot Sur at gar i a Chowk Si r sa 125055, Har yana Ph: 01666-220234 Mob: 09254220234 Fax: 01666-230812 144. M/ s Bat r a & Co. Geet a Bhawan Chowk 14, Gur udwar a Mar ket Sonepat 131001, Har yana Ph: 0130-2244631 Mob: 09416305931 09215817857 HI MACHAL PRADESH 145. M/ s Mal hot r a Book Depot C-89, Sect or -1, New Shi ml a Hi machal Pr adesh Ph: 0177-2670221, 2670816 Mob: 09418066033 Fax: 0177-2670221 60 146. M/ s Raj Kamal Tr ader s Nangal Road, Di st . Una 174303 Hi machal Pr adesh Ph: 01975-225490 Mob: 09418191739 Fax: 01975225490 JAMMU & KASHMI R 147. M/ s Bal kr i shan & Sons Rehar i Col ony Jammu 180 001 Jammu & Kashmi r Ph: 0191-2569032, 2564075 Mob: 09419190490 148. M/ s Book Pal ace Rehar i Col ony, Jammu 180 005 Jammu & Kashmi r Ph: 0191-2579032, 2564075 Mob: 09419189622 Fax: 0191-2579032 149. M/ s Har nam Dass & Br os Pacca Danga, Jammu 180001 Jammu & Kashmi r Ph: 0191-2542175, 2574428 Mob: 09419131000 150. M/ s Sahi t ya Sangam Kachi Chawni , Jammu 180 001 Jammu & Kashmi r Ph: 0191-2579593, 2562191 Mob: 09419190177 Fax: 0191-2579593 151. M/ s Gupt a St at i oner y Mar t Opp. Govt . Gi r l s Hr . Sec. School Udhampur , Jammu & Kashmi r Ph: 01992-270519 J HARKHAND 152. M/ s Bhar at i Bhawan Agency Agr awal Mar ket , Mai n Road, Chas, Bokar o 827013 Jhar khand Ph: 06542- 265302 Mob: 919431733968 Fax: 06542-232876 153. M/ s Bokar o St udent s Fr i end Pvt . Lt d., C-8, Ci t y Cent r e Sec-IV, Bokar o St eel Ci t y 827004 Jhar khand Ph: 06542-236010 06452- 234706 Mob: 09234628152, 09234628051 Fax: 06542-236293 154. M/ s Gyan Ganga Agency Pl ot No.B/ 1, Cent r e Mar ket Sector-4, Bokaro Steel City 827004 Jhar khand Mob: 919431733968 919431740797 Fax: 06542-232876 155. M/ s Sahu Pust ak Bhandar Check Post Chas Bokar o Jhar khand 827013, Jhar khand Ph: 06542-235031 Mob: 09431378296 Fax: 06542-235031 156. M/ s M/ s Gyan Bhar at i Kamdhenu Compl ex, Jor aphat ak Road, Dhanbad 826001, Jhar khand Ph: 0326-2307933, 2302969, 92349- 90201 Fax: 0326-2307933, 2302969 157. M/ s Ki t ab Mahal Rat an Jee Road Pur na Bazar P.O. Dhanbad 826001 Jhar khand Ph: 2304813, 2304813 Mob: 9431388268 158. M/ s Vi dyar t hi Pust ak Bhandar Dhar mast han Chowk Dumka 814101, Jhar khand Ph: 06434-223016, 225145 Mob: 09431310228 159. M/ s Shar da Bhawan Cour t Road Gi r i di h 815301 Jhar khand Ph: 06532-223249 06532- 251062 Mob:9431366378, 9431922264 Fax: 06532-251062 61 160. M/ s Khandel wal Book Depot Khandel wal Bhavan, Mai n Road Hazar i bag 825301 Jhar khand Ph:225325, 222478 Mob: 9431140173 161. M/ s Agar wal Book St or e 35, Sakchi Bazar Jamshedpur 831001 Jhar khand Ph: 0657-2432696 0657- 2438180 Mob: 09431113974 Fax: 0657-2249849 162. M/ s Ar chna Book Depot 101 Thakur bar i Road Sakchi Jamshedpur 831001 Jhar khand Ph: 0657-2230361 163. M/ s Cr own Book Depot Pust ak Pat h, Upper Bazar Ranchi 834001 Jhar khand Ph: 0651-2203275 Mob: 9431106189, 9431173904 Fax: 0651-2213735 164. M/ s Gyan Ganga Lt d. Ci r cul ar Road, Opp.Ranchi Women’s Col l ege, Ranchi Jhar khand Ph:0651-2563570 Mob: 9304826657 Fax: 0651-2563884 165. M/ s Nut an Pust ak Kendr a Bi r l a Boar di ng Rat u Road Ranchi 834001 Jhar khand Mob: 9234772808 166. M/ s Pust ak Mandi r G-1, Shr ee Gopal Compl ex Kut cher y Road Ranchi 834001 Jhar khand Ph: 0651-2203273, 2213249 Mob: 09431115138 Fax: 0651-2205217 167. M/ s Shr ee Ki t ab Ghar Pust ak Pat h, Upper Bazar Ranchi 834001 Jhar khand Ph: 2202714, 2214804 Mob: 9431101966 168. M/ s St udent Book Depot Kunj Lal St r eet Upper Bazar Ranchi , Jhar khand Ph 0651- 2203048, 2200123 Mob: 9431170155 Fax: 2200123 KARNATAKA 169. M/ s Avenue Book Cent r e Avenue Book Cent r e Deal er s i n: Case & ICSE Text Gui des No. 44 Avenue Road Bangal or e 560002 Kar nat aka Ph: 22244753, 41474496 Mob: 9341254836 170. M/ s Bal aj i Books Cent r e 41/ 9, 5t h Mai n Road Ganganagar Bangal or e 560032 Kar nat aka Ph: 23331259 Mob: 9844498254 171. M/ s Bhagwan Kr i shan Tr ader s No.25, Mamul pet Bangal or e 560053 Kar nat aka Ph: 22207141, 22872774 Mob: 9448382774 Fax: 22207141 172. M/ s Dur ga Book Agenci es No. 26, Veer a Pi l l ai IInd Par al l el t o Commer i cal St r eet Bangal or e 560001 Kar nat aka Ph:080-25598677 Mob: 09448058677 Fax: 080-25598677 62 173. M/ s Hema St or es No.21/ 2,Vannar pet Mai n Road Near Sr i Bal aj i Theat r e Vi vek Nagar P.O., Bangal or e 560047 Kar nat aka Ph: 080-25575110 080- 25910984 Mob: 09845436325 Fax: 080-25578255 174. M/ s Pr i me Books 16 & 17, ‘C’ Cr oss 43r d Mai n Ideal Homes Townshi p 2nd St age Raj Raj eshwar i Nagar Bangal or e 560098, Kar nat aka Ph: 28602100, 28608657 Mob: 9886040415 Fax: 28602100 175. M/ s Sapna Book House (P) Lt d. 3r d Mai n Road, Gandhi nagar Bangal or e 56009, Kar nat aka Ph: 080-40114455 Fax: 080-22269648 KERALA 176. M/ s Li ght Tower Ent er pr i ses 17/ 533, Opp. Sast ha Templ e, Er nakul am Road, Al uva 683101 Ker al a Ph:0484-2631302 Mob:09447433918 Fax: 0484-2631302 177. M/ s Pupi l s’ Foundat i on Ni r mal Apar t ment s, House No.703 Rari chan Road, Eranhi pal am, P.O. Cal i cut 673006, Ker al a Ph:0495-6451265 Mob: 09388488757 178. M/ s TBS Publ i sher s Di st r i but or s TBS Bui l di ng, G H Road Cal i cut 673001, Ker al a Ph:0495-2721025, 2720085 2720086 Mob: 09847001315 09847487008 Fax: 0495-2721414 179. M/ s Hol i fai t h Int er nat i onal (P) Lt d. Sur abhi Bul di ng, Sout h Janat ha Road, Pal ar i vat t om Cochi n 682025, Ker al a Ph: 0484-2338107, 2347371 Mob: 09847033607 Fax:0484-2338107 180. M/ s Mal hot r a Book Depot Sur abhi Bui l di ng, Sout h Janat ha Road, Pal ar i vat t om Cochi n 682025, Ker al a Ph:0484-2338107, 2347371 6453318 Mob:09388618596 Fax: 0484-2338107 181. M/ s Academi c Book House Chi t t oor Road, Sout h Junct i on Er nakul am 682016, Ker al a Ph: 0484-2376613, 2376615 Mob: 09388488757 Fax: 0484-2376615 182. M/ s H & C St or e Poot hampal l i Tower s (Swamy Chi nmayananda Road) D.H. Road Er nakul am 16, Ker al a Ph: 0484-2377235, 2375563 Mob: 09447496683 183. M/ s H & C St or s Nedumchal i l Est at e Ammankovi l Road, Er nakul am Ker al a Ph: 0484-2350128 Mob: 09447496683 184. M/ s Book Land Veekey Compl ex For t Road Kannur 670001 Ker al a Indi a Ph: 0497-2705529 Mob: 9447705529 185. M/ s Poor na Publ i cat i ons TBS Bul di ng , Pr abhat Junct i on For t Road, Kannur , Ker al a Ph: 0497-3247713, 2713713 Mob: 09847487008 09847001315 Fax: 0495-2721414 63 186. M/ s Pr ogr essi ve Cur r i cul um Management Pvt . Lt d. Nedumchal i l Est at e Ammankovi l Road Kochi 682035, Ker al a Ph:0484-2380362, 233677 Mob:09447496683 Fax: 0484-2335516 187. M/ s Pupi l s’ Foundat i on 38-332B, Nandanam Kar i t hal a Cr oss, Kar shaka Road Kochi 682016, Ker al a Ph: 0484-646713, 2323333 Mob: 09388488757 Fax: 0484-2323333 188. M/ s H & C St or es Bi shop Jer ome Nagar Chi nnakada Road Kol l am 691001, Ker al a Ph: 0474-2765421 Mob: 09446154020 189. M/ s H & C St or e Regent Pl aza, C.M.S. Col l ege Road, Kot t ayam 686001, Ker al a Ph: 0484-2304351 Mob: 0984603335, 09447186488 190. M/ s Vi dyar t hi Book Labai ds Post . Box 223, CMS Col l ege Jn., Kot t ayam 686001, Ker al a Ph: 0481-2561203 Mob: 09447130515 Fax: 0481-2568648 191. M/ s H & C St or es Gal ar i a Tr ade Cent r e Opp. New Bus St and Mavoor Road Kozhi kode 673004, Ker al a Ph: 0495-2720620 Mob: 09447496695 192. M/ s H & C St or es Door No. XVIII/ 739 Gur uvayoor Road Kunnamkul am 680503, Ker al a Ph: 04885-222243 Mob: 09447028262 193. M/ s H & C St or e Sunshi ne Compl ex T.B. Road., Pal akkad 678014 Ker al a Ph: 0474-2526317 Mob: 09446154020 194. M/ s Academi c Book House Pr ess Road, Pul i moodu Jn. Thi r uvanant hpur am 695001 Ker al a Ph: 0471-2333349 Mob: 09447134329 Fax: 0471-2331879 195. M/ s H & C St or es Vasant ham Chamber s, S.S. Kovi l Road Thampanoor Thi r uvanant hpur am 695001 Ker al a Ph: 0471-2329436 Mob: 9446411996 196. M/ s New Jyot hi Publ i cat i ons T.C. 25/ 1745 Manj al i kul am Road, Thi r uvanant hapur am Ker al a Ph:0471-2335748, 2335948 Mob: 09447165796 09446365796 Fax: 0471-2335948 197. M/ s TBS Publ i sher Di st r i but or s Kar i mpanal St at ue Avenue St at ue Junct i on Thi r uvanant hapur am 695001 Ker al a Ph: 0471-2570504, 3254383 Mob: 09847001315 09847487008 Fax: 0495-2721414 198. M/ s Gi ft al i a Book Bhavan Near BPL Gal l ar y, Nor t h Bus St and Thr i ssur 680020 Ker al a Ph: 0487-2336918 Mob: 9895182290 Fax: 0487-2336918 64 199. M/ s Gi ft al i a Book Suppl i es Nel l i kunnu, Thr i ssur 680005 Ker al a Ph: 0487-2442290 Mob: 09249862360 200. M/ s H & C Publ i shi ng House Sout h Bazar , Hi gh Road Thr i ssur 680001 Ker al a Ph: 0487-2421467, 2442881 Mob: 0984603335 201. M/ s H & C St or es Hi gh Road, Thr i ssur 680001 Ker al a Ph: 0487-242462, 2421467 Mob: 0984603335 202. M/ s Ashr afi Book Cent r e and Ti r ur angadi Pr i nt er s 7/ 175, Chandappady Ti r ur angadi Mal appur am Di st Ker al a St at e Ker al a Ph: 0494-2460395, 2462705 Mob: 09447091395 203. M/ s Cent r al Book Depot New Bus St and Tr i puni t hur a 682301, Ker al a Ph: 0484-2779196, 2780182 204. M/ s TBS Publ i sher Di st r i but or TBS Bui l di ng MG Road, Tr i ssur 680001 Ker al a Ph: 0487-2320776, 3299963 Mob: 09847001315, 09847487008 Fax: 0495-2721414 MADHYA PRADESH 205. M/ s Books N Books Shop No. 63, 10 No. St op Mar ket Ar er a Col ony, Bhopal Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0755-2673602 Mob: 09826431102 206. M/ s Pr i yanka Book & St at i oner y Cent r e 2, Mar war i Road Bhopal 462001 Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0755-2673600, 2673601 Mob: 09826431104 Fax: 0755-2673605 207. M/ s Sanskar Book Cent r e 8, Pr esi dent Compl ex Lal wani Pr ess Road Bhopal 462001 Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0755-2673610, 2744180 Mob: 09893285050 Fax: 0755-2710044 208. M/ s Adar sh St at i oner y St or es M-48, Dar pan Col ony That i pur Gwal i ar Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0751-2344784, 2444312 Mob: 09301100910 Fax: 2751-2444312 209. M/ s New Bhar t i ya Pr akashan Pat ankar Bazar Gwal i or 474001 Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0751-2625534 Mob: 09425787178 Fax: 0751-2422220 210. M/ s Shr i Kr i shna Chi l dr en Book Cent r e Shr i Kr i shna Bhawan Pat ankr Bazar , Laskar , Gwal i or Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0751-2378315, 2372052 Mob: 09425117302, 09425110809 211. M/ s Ar un Par kashan 613, Khaj ur i Bazar , Indor e Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0731-2454372 Mob: 9425055811 Fax: 0731-2454448 65 212. M/ s Bhai ya St or es 166, Khaj ur i Bazar Indor e 452002 Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0731-2531207, 2540166 2417013 Mob: 09826044033 Fax: 0731-2417013 213. M/ s Pr adeep Tr adi ng Co. 13/ 2, Khaj ur i Bazar M.G. r oad, Indor e Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0731-2540008 Mob: 09425400959 214. M/ s Si ngal St or e 50 Usha Ganj , Mai n Road Chhwani Indor e, Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0731-2707864 Mob: 09893194101 215. M/ s Sushi l Pr akashan 212, Khaj ur i Bazar , M.G. Road Indor e Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0731-2535892, 2530007 Mob: 09425322330 Fax: 0731-253007 216. M/ s Agr awal Spor t s 149, Ti l ak War d, Gal gal a, Jabal pur , Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0761-4068183 Mob: 9424311008 Fax: 0761-2658283 217. M/ s Akash Pust ak Sadan 156 Naya Bazar , Near Punj ab Nat i onal Bank Jabal pur . Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0761-2403099, 4063099 Mob: 9827286020 Fax: 0761-2653200 218. M/ s Ki t ab Ghar 24 Pr i nce St r eet Gal gal a, Jabal pur Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0761-2655306, 4068017 Mob: 09425152846 Fax: 0761-2655305 219. M/ s Suni l Pr akashan 71, Pr i nce St r eet Gal gal a Jabal pur Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 0761-2651742, 4063038 220. M/ s Vishwa Vidyalaya Book Depot Bus St and Road Rewa 486001 Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 07662-251753, 404019 Mob: 09425185072 221. M/ s New Vi r at Pust ak Bhandar Near Jai n Tampl e Shahdol 484001 Madhya Pr adesh Ph: 07652-244185 Mob: 09425180885 Fax: 07652-241239 MAHARASHTRA 222. M/ s Maya Book Cent r e Opp. Aur angpur a Pol i ce St at i on Aur angpur a, Aur angabad Mahar asht r a Ph: 0240-2360150 Mob: 09421983933 Fax: 0240-2354445 223. M/ s New Popul ar Book Shop IIT Campus, Powai Mumbai 400076 Mahar asht r a Ph: 022-25720055, 25723866 25725396 Mob: 09869541962 Fax: 022-25723866 224. M/ s Shivam Book & Stationary Shop Shope No.29, Kaml esh Co. op. Hsg Soci t y Sher e-e- Punj ab Col ony MC Road, Andher i (E) Mumbai 400093 Mahar asht r a Ph: 022-28230897, 28236000 Mob: 09892935799 Fax: 022-28230897 66 225. M/ s Shi vam St at i onar y and Gener al St or e, Shop No-9 Sumi t r a Mar ket Navy Nagar Col aba, Mumbai 5 Mahar asht r a Mob: 9221512403 226. M/ s Shr i Jyot i Book Sel l er s and St at i oner , Jeevan Chhaya Mur kut e Col ony, Gangapur Road Nashi k 422002, Mahar asht r a Ph: 0253-2306702, 2306703, 2306704 Mob: 09373907751 Fax: 0253-2306705 227. M/ s Kapoor s St at i onar y Mar t Shop No. 40/ 42, Vasant Vi har Amr apal i Ar cad, Pokhar an 2, Thane (W)-400601 Mahar asht r a Ph: 022-2173441, 40241341 Mob: 09322214225 Fax: 022-21730441 MANI PUR 228. M/ s Gl obal Agency M.P.P. Shoppi ng Compl ex Kangj ei bung, Mani ng Imphal West 795001 Mani pur Ph: 0385-2400565, 2401005 Mob: 09436027239 Fax: 0385-2441450 229. M/ s R. K. Book House Paona Bazar , Imphal 795001 Mani pur Ph: 0385-2452281 Mob: 09436036645 MEGHALAYA 230. M/ s Ashok Goenka Gl or ys Pl aza, 2nd Fl oor Pol i ce Bazar , Shi l l ong 793001 Meghal aya Ph: 0364-2211811, 2211611 Mob: 09863091011 Fax: 0364-2211811 231. M/ s Cent r al Book Depot Bar apat har (Mawbah) Opp. Li t t l e Angel School Shi l l ong 793001 Meghal aya Mob: 09856526153 9862560234 232. M/ s St udent s’ Home Near D.C. Par k, Tur a 794001 Meghal aya Ph: 03651-221605, 222338 Mob: 09434033599 09436112214, 09434033799 ORI SSA 233. M/ s Gyan Bhar t i 48, Khar vel Nagar , Uni t -III Bhubaneswar 751001, Or i ssa Ph: 0674-2534736, 2392664 234. M/ s Jyot i Book Depot Pl ot No 4009, Ashok Nagar Bhubaneswar 751009, Or i ssa Ph: 0674-2530807, 3253125 Mob: 09437036887 Fax: 0674-2534010 235. M/ s Pust ak Mandi r (P) Lt d. Opp. Pvt . Bus St and , Badambadi Cut t ack 753012 , Or i ssa Ph: 0671-2312703, 3292320 2312903 Mob: 09861122959 236. M/ s Book Wor l d Govt . Hospi t al Road, Mar war i Par a, Jhar suguda 768201, Or i ssa Ph: 06645-273651 Mob: 09853482016 Fax: 06645-273651 PUNJ AB 237. M/ s Ahuj a Book Depot Opp. HDFC & ICICI Bank (R.S. Tower ) Hal l Bazar , Amr i t sar Punj ab Ph: 0183-2548105, 2546478 Mob: 09465084533 09463828264, 09463828263 Fax: 0183-2546478 67 238. M/ s Shi va Book Cent er 100 Feet Road, Ci vi l St at i on Bhat i nda 151001 Punj ab Ph: 0164-2240450 Mob: 09417363362 239. M/ s Har bans Lal And Sons Mai n Bazar Di nanagar Gur daspur Punj ab Ph: 01875-220352, 221352 Mob: 09417317084 Fax: 01875-220352 240. M/ s Aggar wal Book Depot Opp. Ci vi l Hospi t al Gur dashpur 143521, Punj ab Ph: 01874-247518 Mob: 098725334561 241. M/ s Book Pl aza Mai Hi r an Gat e, Bi kr ampur a Jal andhar 144001 Punj ab Ph: 0181- 2404355 Mob: 09876624356 09815324355, 09815208527 242. M/ s Mal hot r a Book Depot MBD House, Rai l way Road Jal andhar 144001 Punj ab Ph: 0181-2457160, 2458388 2459046, 2455663 Mob: 09872600802 Fax: 0181-2243076, 2227388 243. M/ s Par amvi r Ent er pr i ses Ol d Rai l way Road, Opp. Kehr i Pul l i e, Jal andhar , Punj ab Ph: 0181- 2236248, 2231744 2241248 Mob: 09878636348, 09878626248 Fax: 0181-2241248 244. M/ s Punj ab ki t ab Ghar Mai Hi r an Gat e Jal andhar Ci t y, Punj ab Ph: 0181-2281578 Mob: 09815069790 Fax: 0181-2404518 245. M/ s Gol den Book Company Book Mar ket , Ludhi ana Punj ab Ph: 0161-5035725, 6534507 Mob: 09814300725 Fax: 0161- 5032210 246. M/ s Har bans Book Depot 30, Books Mar ket , Ludhi ana Punj ab Ph:0161-2726480 Mob: 09815536851 Fax: 0161-2781082 247. M/ s Nar ul a Sons 501, Guj j ar khan Road Near Model Town Cl ub Model Town, Ludhi ana Punj ab Ph: 0161-2410255 0161- 2410755 Mob: 09814200423 09914393793 Fax: 0161-4630423 248. M/ s Des Raj & Sons Ar na Bar na Bazar Pat i al a 147001 Punj ab Ph: 0175-2216076 Mob: 09814041941 Fax: 0175-2216076 249. M/ s G.G. Publ i cat i ons C-99, Focal Poi nt Pat i al a Punj ab Ph: 0175-2232784 Mob: 09814851623 250. M/ s Pear l Books Pvt . Lt d. Books Mar ket , Ar na Bar na Bazar , Pat i al a 147001 Punj ab Ph: 0175-2304179, 2216076 Mob: 09876606235 Fax: 0175-2216076 251. M/ s Pepsu Book Depot Book Mar ket , Pat i al a, Punj ab Ph: 0175-2214696 Mob: 09814041623 68 252. M/ s Yuvr aj Tr adi ng Company Mool Chand St r eet Chowk Ar ya Samaj , Pat i al a, Punj ab Ph: 0175-2310051 Mob: 09815176900 Fax: 0175-2230377 RAJ ASTHAN 253. M/ s Gupt a Br ot her s Madan Gopal Mar g, Kai ser Ganj , Aj mer 305001 Raj ast han Ph: 0145-2460919 Mob: 09829073573 254. M/ s Nakoda Book Depot G-13, Fat eh Tower , Nagor i Gar den, Bhi l war a, Raj ast han Ph: 01482- 239653 Mob: 09214983594 Fax: 01482-234903 255. M/ s Ever gr een Books Di st r i but or B-7, Fat eh Si ngh Mar ket Near R.S.R. Post Offi ce Rai l way St at i on, Jai pur 6 Raj ast han Ph: 0141-2362395, Mob: 09829262395 256. M/ s Goyal Book Di st r i but or s 296-297-298, Chour a Rast a Jai pur , Raj ast han Ph: 0141-2571673, 2571675 Mob: 9414782130 Fax: 0141-2571675 257. M/ s Manohar Book Depot Pvt. Ltd. 32, Tiwari Compound St at ion Road Jai pur 302006, Raj ast han Ph: 0141-2202903, 4039542 Mob: 09413345497 Fax: 0141-2204542 258. M/ s Modi Genral Store & Stationers Opp. Govt . School Jamana Dai r y, Sodal a, Aj mer Road Jai pur 302006, Raj ast han Ph: 0141-2223825 Mob: 09829353401 259. M/ s Ravi Par akshan Mandi r 1173, Sakr i Gal i Nat ani yon Ka Rast a, Choor a Rast a Jai pur 302003, Raj ast han Ph: 0141-2132860, 2326763 Mob: 09829014406 Fax: 0141-2132860 260. M/ s S.V. Book Co. Rast a That her an, Chour a Rast a Jai pur , Raj ast han Ph: 0141-2317889, 231819 Mob: 09829139101 Fax: 0141-2320089 261. M/ s V.K. Ent er pr i ses Shop No.7, Khat i pur a Road Jhot war a, Jai pur 302012 Raj ast han Ph: 0141-2466261 Mob: 09829085534 262. M/ s Manohar Pust ak Bhandar Gul ab Sagar , Jodhpur 342002 Raj ast han Ph: 0291-2540526, 2549027 6533135 Mob: 09829231668 Fax: 0291-2655532 263. M/ s Bhandar i St at i oner s Gumanpur a, Kot a 324007 Raj ast han Ph: 0744-2392876, 2391678 Mob: 09829038758 Fax: 0744-2392285 264. M/ s Br i ght St or es Near Vi dhya Bhar t i Publ i c School Pol i ce Li ne Road, Ci vi l Li ne Si kar 332001, Raj ast han Ph: 01572-244999 Mob: 09413357999 Fax: 01572-258875 TAMI L NADU 265. M/ s Ami t Ent er pr i ses No. 21, Chi nnat hambi St r eet Chennai 600001, Tami l Nadu Ph: 044- 42627728, 42627729 Mob: 09941975111 69 266. M/ s Cent r al Book Di st r i but or s No. 6, Ramanat han St r eet T. Nagar Cheenai 600017 Tami l Nadu Ph: 044-24343336, 24342564 Mob: 09444042905 267. M/ s Pal ani appa Br ot her s No.25 (Ol d No.14) Pet er s Road Royapet t ah, Chennai 600014 Tami l Nadu Ph: 044-28132863, 42156123 268. M/ s Pr ogr essi ve Cur r i cul um Management Pvt . Lt d. Sundar am Compl ex 1st Fl oor , 91 Usman Road T. Nagar , Chennai 60017 Tami l Nadu Ph: 044-24337329 0484- 233677 Mob: 09444050325 269. M/ s Vandana Ent er pr i ses No. 59, Chi nnat hambi St r eet Chennai 600001 Tami l Nadu Ph: 044-25224545, 25264679 Mob: 09841075111 TRI PURA 270. M/ s Cent r al Books Depot P.O. Dhal eshar , Kal ayani Agar t al a 799007 Tr i pur a Ph: 0381-2385110, 2227477 Mob: 09436136688 Fax: 0381-2385110 UTTAR PRADESH 271. M/ s Aj ay Book Depot 14/ 130/ 131/ 1, Vi dhya Mar ket Hospt i al Road, Agr a 282003 Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0562-2254621, 2250262 Mob: 09411205449 Fax: 0562-2254621 272. M/ s Govi nd Book Agency Shr i Si t ar am Pl aza, Near Bhar at Ci nema, Raj a Mandi Agr a 282002, Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0562-2854577, 2526134 Mob: 09412271138 09359146941 Fax: 0562-2526134 273. M/ s Om Pust ak Mandi r Vi dhya Mar ket , Hospi t al Road Agr a 282003 Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0562-2464014, 3059218 Mob: 09319117771 Fax: 0562-3059218 274. M/ s Shakt i Book Agenci es Mi l i t ar y Road, Raj pur Chungi , Agr a 282001 Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0562-2481926 Mob: 09837004559 Fax: 0562-2481926 275. M/ s Al i gar h Book Sel l er s & St at i oner s, Uni que Pal ace Opp. Sul ai man Hal l Shamshad Mar ket Al i gar h 202002 Ut t ar Pr adesh Mob: 09412172232 09837775365 276. M/ s Anwar Book Depot Shamshad Mar ket , A.M.U. Al i gar h 202002 Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0571- 2700727, 2701103 Mob: 09358252428 09837989404, 09319326795 09368687572 Fax: 0571- 2701103 277. M/ s Al l ahabad Book Cent r e 20, M.G. Mar g, Ci vi l Li nes Al l ahabad Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0532-2427636 Fax: 0532-2623468 70 278. M/ s Bookwal a 46, Chah Chand, Zer o Road Al l ahabad 3, Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0532-3202827 Mob: 09415217615 09838203252 Fax: 0532- 2402323 279. M/ s Kanhai ya Pust ak Bhawan 727, Ol d Kat r a, Al l ababad Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0532-2462412 Mob: 09415214322 09415317109 280. M/ s Mehrot ra Book & Sport s Agencies Shop No. 24/ 18, Mahaj an Tol a Zer o Road, Al l habad Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0532-2266128 Mob: 09415636890 281. M/ s Deepak Book Depot Bar a Bazar , Bar ei l l y 243003 Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0581-2573403 2573118, 394795 Mob: 09837027416 09756705554 Fax: 0581- 2573118 282. M/ s Moder n Book St al l No.4, Punj abi Mar ket , Opp. Kot wal i , Bar ei l l y 243003 Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0581-2556784 Mob: 09837372032 Fax: 0581- 2556784 283. M/ s Sar aswat i Sadan 19, Subhash Mar ket , Bar ei l l y Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0581-2574092, 2554478 3294092 Mob: 09837074042 Fax: 0581-2574092 284. M/ s Ghanshyam Das & Sons Chowk Fai zabad 224001 Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 05278-222813, 221108 Mob: 09336659888 285. M/ s Kamal Pr akashan 153-Pakki Mor i , Dasma Gat e Ghazi abad Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0120-2830051, 2803426 Mob: 09811353490 Fax: 0120-2830051 286. M/ s Navyug Book Depot 12, Insi de Del hi Gat e Gazi abad 201001 Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0120 -2833389 Mob: 09810388532 287. M/ s Pr akash Pust ak Bhandar 228, Dasna Gat e Ghazi abad 201001, Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0120- 4153970 Mob: 09871360902 288. M/ s Vi dya St udent Cor ner Sh. -295, Opp. Mi an Gat e of Ut t am School for Gi r l s Shast r i Nagar , Gazi abad Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0120-2706131 Mob: 09810246309, 09910878401 289. M/ s Agar wal Pust ak Bhandar Buxi pur , Gor akhpur Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0551-2337952, 2241172 Mob: 09432845248 Fax: 0551-2241172 290. M/ s Bhar at Bhar at i y Pust akal ay T.D. Col l ege Road, Jaunpur Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 05452-261698 Mob: 09415207303 Fax: 05452- 220686 291. M/ s Pust ak Bhawan Near T.D. Col l ege Road PO- Kat chr r y Sadar Jaunpur 222002 Ut t ar Pr adesh Mob: 09450214900 71 292. M/ s Gul ab Chandr a Vi shwa Nat h Agar wal & Co. 43/ 219, Janki Tower Chowk Sar afa, Kanpur 01 Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0512-2368858, 3012771 3249279 Mob: 09336115057 09415129385, 09336209496 Fax: 0512- 2309677 293. M/ s Kamal Book Depot 34/ 124 (Near Kot wal eswar Mandi r ) Chowk, Kanpur 1 Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0512 - 2353833 Mob: 9935849356 Fax: 0512 - 2539349 294. M/ s Lamba Book St al l 119/ 554,555A Gumt i No.5 Kanpur 208012 Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0512-2219584 Mob: 09839024277 Fax: 0512-2559453 295. M/ s Sat hi sh Book Di st r i but or 83A/ 80, Juhi , Kanpur 208014 Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0512-2607580 Mob: 0936930208 Fax: 0512-2607580 296. M/ s The Book Shop L.G.B. – 6, Gumt i Pl aza, Gumt i , No.5, Kanpur Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0512- 2295415 Mob: 09935516517 09935535355 297. M/ s Ar or a Book Agenci es 172/ 179, Bazar Jhau Lal Gwynne Road, Lucknow 226018 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0522-4046778, 2626366 Mob: 09235551771 Fax: 0522-4046778 298. M/ s Azad Book Agency S-6/ 52, Azad Mar ket , Opp. H.A.L. Gat e, Indi r a Nagar Lucknow 226016 Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0522-3040183 Mob: 09415470581 299. M/ s Azad Book Depot S -6/ 62, Azad Mar ket , Opp. H.A.L. Gat e, Indi r a Nagar Lucknow 226016, Ut t ar Pr adesh Ph: 0522 - 2350981 Mob: 09415584511 Fax: 0522 -2350981 300. 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National Curriculum Framework 2005 Position Papers of National Focus Groups on Curricular Area Vol .380.00/466 pp 20 .II Rs.00/298 pp National Curriculum Framework 2005 Position Papers of National Focus Groups on Systemic Reform Vol .255.I Rs.00/206 pp National Curriculum Framework 2005 Position Papers of National Focus Groups on National Concerns Vol .III Rs.185. V O CAT I O N A L E D U CAT I O N BOOKS 21 . 00/35 pp 1718 1719 1720 1721 1731 1746 22 (iii) Dairying Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination (Ref.00 48. 1732 Nursery Pond Management (Practical Manual) 2336 Fish Breeding and Seed Production (Practical Manual for Class XII) 1772 Fish Breeding (Ref.50 14.50 9. Book) 1714 1716 Soft Toys For Pre-vocational Course Instructional-cum-Practical Manual Rs.00 .13.25.00 Manual for Class XI) Fruit Production 88.00 4.00 7.50 13. Book) Dairy Animal Management (Practical Manual) Feeds and Feeding of Dairy Animals (Practical Manual) Forage Production. A. 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Guntur-522003 Andhra Pradesh Ph: 0863-2320166 Mob: 09848317234 9. Chapel Road Hyderabad 500001 Andhra Pradesh Ph: 040-23203108.List of Distributors FOR FOREIGN DISTRIBUTION 1. Pendela Complex Main Road. Safdarjang Enclave New Delhi 110029 Ph: 011-41651834. Ajanta Gate Mukkaramjahi Road Hyderabad 500001 Andhra Pradesh Ph: 040-24732057. M/s Andaman Book Centre Shop No. 009716-5334021 Mob: 00971506265861 Fax: 009716-5334844 3. 26015249 Mob: 09910173909 Fax: 011-26015249 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLAND 6.O. Opp.Box 7897. Box 3449 St.A. 41651835 Mob: 09810032042 Fax: 011-26183237 5. Janta Dal Building Goalghar. Hudson Lines. 2. Ph: 009714-3521529. Ltd. Malviya Nagar New Delhi 110017 Ph:011-26015149. Shop No.O. M/s Goyal Books Overseas Pvt. 24732097. Kachiguda Hyderabad 500027 Andhra Pradesh Ph: 040-32998606. 49 . M/s Ashok Book Centre 59-6-15. 0891-2541415 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 17. Hedayetpur Guwahati 781003. Road. M/s Sri Venkateswara Book Depot 11-16-32. Principal J. Pan Bazar Guwahati 781001. Pan Bazar Guwahati 781001. 15. M/s Saraighat Enterprise Habibur Rahman Complex Adabari.C.12.O.B. 2350532 Mob: 09436897392 Fax: 0360-2350056 ASSAM 18. M/s Rajkamal Book Agency 4-5-221. Assam Ph: 0361-2660465 Mob: 09207040944 Fax: 0361-2662634 20. 2565038 Mob: 09848122879 09848129265.T. M/s Universal Book Stall Radhamayee Complex Jaswanta Road. P. M.Road Guwahati 781014. Silpukhuri Guwahati 781003.D. Opp. Assam Ph: 0361-2543799 Mob: 09435104876 21. Singarajuvari Street Kothapeta. Kanchukota Street Opp. C. Guwahati Club Guwahati 781003. Books 16. M/s R. M/s Assam Business Machines Co. Dabagardens Visakhpatnam 530020 Andhra Pradesh Ph: 089-16645757 Mob: 09848196991 Fax: 089-12541203 16. Vijayawada 520001 Andhra Pradesh Ph: 0866-6663733. Assam Ph: 0361-2671766 Mob: 09435108460 09435103870 24. Assam Ph: 0361-2632005 Fax: 0361-2639810 50 . Narayan Naik Complex Sultan Bazar. Maris Stella College Vijayawada 520008 Andhra Pradesh Ph: 0866-2476966. M/s Bani Mandir MMC Bhawan. 30-6-8/1 Dabagardens. Assam Ph: 0361-2666197 Mob: 09864010040 09435551218 Fax: 0361-2661430 19. Pan Bazar Guwahati 781001. A. Assam Ph: 0361-2630642 Mob: 09864016985 22. M/s Shanti Enterprises Dogar Complex. M/s Sri Rajeswari Book Links Door No. Premasamajam Visakhpatnam 530020 Andhra Pradesh Ph: 0891-6661718. Road Opp. Hyderabad 500195 Andhra Pradesh Ph: 040-24754671 Mob: 09849540577 13. Assam Ph: 0361-2661536 Mob: 09864852842 Fax: 0361-2665732 23. M/s LBS Publications H. Barua Road Panchavati.Sector Naharlagun 791110 Arunachal Pradesh Ph: 0360-2350056. 2472096 Mob: 09849082096 14. 30-6-8. M/s Jyoti Book Depot 30-15-138. M/s N B Enterprise S C Goswami Road. 2541415 Mob: 09848063014 Fax:. Khazanchi Road. Patna 800004 Bihar Ph: 0612-2303336. Chowhatta Patna 800004. Patna 800013 Bihar Ph: 0612-2268394 Mob: 09304826650 09304826655.Puri. Muzaffarpur 842002 Bihar Mob: 09334374400 09304958122. Annapurna Complex Naya Tola. 2303294 Mob: 09334702785 Fax: 0612-2303336 31.1. M/s Bokaro Students Friend Pvt. Sector-19-C Chandigarh 160019. Sector-23-C Chandigarh 160023 Chandigarh Ph: 0172-2704320. 5/3 Rajeshwari Niranjan North S.Ltd. 2301500 Mob: 09431015405 Fax: 0612-2301500 CHANDIGARH 33. M/s Manchanda Departmental Store. M/s Paras Publication Pvt. M/s Anil Book Depot Sector-VI. M/s Ramesh Book Depot SCF No. M/s Shri Durga Pustak Mandir Khazanchi Road. Patna-800004 Bihar Ph: 0612-2301704. 2112323 Mob: 09425239330 Fax: 0788-2224250 51 . Chandigarh Ph: 0172-5000553.Ltd. A-Market.-Durg. Chandigarh Ph: 0172-2725216. 09470263915 27. SCF-2. M/s Shree Ganesh (P & D) Tullu Complex. Bhilai Dist.8.09304826651 9304826652. M/s Verma Press (P & D) Anugrah Seva Sadan Lane Khazanchi Road. M/s Manchanda Traders & Suppliers.2712462 CHHATTISGARH 36. 09304826653 Fax: 0612-2261093 29. 4642255 Mob: 09814019933 09814006655 Fax: 0172-4642255 35. Club Road Mithanpura. M/s India Book Centre Ashok Rajpath. SCF No. Bihar Ph: 0612-3295213 Mob: 09431022986 30.BIHAR 25. Patna-800004 Bihar Ph: 0612-2300111.K. Patna 800004 Bihar Ph: 0612-2660600 Mob: 09234634706 09234628152 Fax: 0612-2924400 28. 4625100 Mob: 09814612121 09814600121 Fax: 0172-5000553 34. 5073320 Mob: 09814118059 Fax: 0172-2704320. Sector-19-C Chandigarh 160019. M/s New Pustak Sadan Ambedkar Market Dakbungalow Road Gaya 823001 Bihar Mob: 09431378416 09234682416 Fax: 06542-234367 26. M/s Gyan Ganga Ltd. 2666920 Mob: 09334477386 32. Chhattisgarh Ph: 0788-2224250. Axis Bank Defence Colony. Bhagat Singh Market Near Gole Market New Delhi 110001 Ph: 011-42432511 Mob: 09310071245 44. M/s Janta The Book Shop 1521/B-18.5 Near Sr. Central Market Ashok Vihar Phase-I Delhi 110052 Ph: 011-27224769 Mob: 09968916032 09811075111. Ambedkar Nagar New Delhi 110062 Ph: 011-65804631 Mob: 09810256733 09810322275 41. New Delhi 110003 Ph: 011-41021794. 24373142 Mob: 09810161738 09810447318 46.1522 & 1519 Wazir Nagar. School Ghonda Delhi 110053 Ph: 011-22199087 Mob: 09810471290 52 . LIG Gayatri Enclave Dr. M/s Sahu Stationery & Book Depot. Ground Floor Ansari Road. M/s Bhartiya Janta Store 26 A Bhogal Lane. M/s Jyoti Book Depot 2/28. Dariyaganj New Delhi-110002 Ph: 011-23268121. Sec. M/s Prakash Book Depot 5. 23268122 Mob: 09818200226 Fax: 011-23268122 47. Raipur Chhattisgarh Ph: 0771-2533243. M/s ACE Marketing 21. Near Mandi Gate Jivan Bima Marg. M/s Sahani Pustak Bhandar A-129. Bagadi Nursing Home Satti Bazar. Delhi 110031 Ph: 011-22082399. Bhogal New Delhi 110014 Ph: 011-24374408. Pandri Tarai Raipur-492004 Chhattisgarh Ph: 0771-4057514 Mob: 09425501814 Fax: 0771-4057514 DELHI 40. M/s Sachdeva Book Depot IX/6081. Opp.10 East Azad Nagar Delhi 110051 Ph: 011-2242165. M/s Romil Publishers (P) Ltd A-18.48. Gali No. 09868060472 42. M/s Prakash Brothers Shop No. M/s Vidya Mandir Kali Mandir Chowk Khaparganj.37. 24655432 Mob: 09350268100 Fax: 011-24604413 48. Bilaspur Chhattisgarh Ph: 07752-220621 Mob: 09300311253 38. M/s Gupta Pustak Mandir Opp. Main Road Gandhi Nagar.27. Street No. Bhagat Singh Market New Delhi 110001 Ph: 011-23362616 Mob: 09810071245 Fax: 011-23362617 45. M/s My Shop (Educational Book Sellers) Shop No. 22091154 Mob: 09811011154 09810169735 Fax: 011-22098017 43. 22073756 22070812 Mob: 09818414944 49. 2227343 Mob: 09329100851 Fax: 0771-2227343 39. Opp. Mall Road Kingsway Camp. Gali Hayderia Singh Motor Market Mori Gate. Bhagirathi Complex Pratap Nagar. M/s Raj Pustak Bhandar Shop No. Ground Floor. 29845965 Mob: 09810138927 58. New Delhi 110048 Ph: 011-29245460 Mob: 09868458607 09968383261 52. 96. Laxmi Nagar. New Delhi 110024 Ph: 011-29832627. M/s Pranet Infosoft Pvt. M/s Aarti Book Depot Shop No. 26410973 Mob: 09868015678 09810192345 57.3 Malviya Nagar. 27112963 Mob: 09818663430 09891172290 56. Subhash Chowk. Model Basti New Delhi 110005 Ph: 011-20116954 Mob: 09810929537 09810129572 Fax: 011-23536782 63. M/s Devra Books 1381. New Delhi 110017 Ph: 011-26687240.54. Hudson Lines GTB Nagar Delhi 110009 Ph: 011-42870001 Mob: 09811624222 Fax: 011-27137735 51. Kashmere Gate Delhi 110006 Ph-011-45360093.-1. M/s Chasvik Trades 2591. Gali No. Jamrudpur. Shop No. Amar Colony Market Lajpat Nagar-IV New Delhi 110024 Ph: 011-26467211. M/s Kumar Enterprises 97.1. M/s Priyanka Book Depot N-15. M/s Sharma Book Depot F-88 A. Mehrauli New Delhi 110030 Ph: 011-65070697 Mob: 09851381838 09312156969 62.K. 6 Kailash Nagar Delhi 110031 Ph: 011-22074727 Mob: 09811211012 Fax: 011-22074727 54.Ltd 35A.Lal & Company 2259 Hudson Line Kingsway Camp Delhi 110009 Ph: 011-27128641 Mob: 09811377804 55. 26685248 Mob: 09971876333 09910173909 Fax: 011-26015249 60. Publishers IX/1752. M/s Gyan Ganga & Co.09311056416 Fax:-011-45360093 53. M/s G.6 White Apartment. 23951867 Mob. N-Block G. M/s Need Prakashan (P) Ltd 219. Delhi 110006 Ph: 011-65196167 Mob: 09811744071 09212144071 53 . Delhi 110009 Ph: 011-27249371. M/s Aditya Traders 705/A-7 Ward No. Mayur Vihar-I Delhi 110091 Ph: 011-22757570 Mob: 09868869225 61. M/s Kashyap Book Depot 1/68. Delhi 110092 Ph: 011-64657263 Mob: 09654526868 09278765101 Fax: 011-23830981 59.50. M/s Guglani Brothers Shop No. Central Market Lajpat Nagar. 65392030 Mob: 09810571063 Fax: 011-23261011 72. Delhi 110006 Ph: 011-23250644. M/s Shyam Book Depot 1680/81-20A Nai Sarak Delhi 110006 Ph: 011-23250632 Mob: 09711410104 70. Delhi 110063 Ph: 011-25282829 Mob: 09873125292. New Market Nai Sarak. M/s Kharbanda Enterprises D-1. Sultanpuri Road Nangloi. 23257011 Mob: 09871774601 09811229616 66. 25181239 Mob: 09891751550 76. M/s Nitin Books & Stationers WZ-97. 40520750 40520751 Mob: 09899107846 Fax: 011-26383679 78. Delhi 110041 Ph: 011-25477977 Mob: 09810854131 77.64. M/s Malik Enterprises 2185/4 Guru Arjun Nagar Opp. M/s Sanjay Bros 2578. M/s Subhash Brothers 2606. West Patel Nagar New Delhi 110008 Mob: 09811230852 09810296278 Fax: 011-25708963 54 . New Market Nai Sarak. Nangloi New Delhi 110041 Ph: 011-25471812. M/s Sanjay Book Depot 2590. Delhi 110006 Ph: 011-23283351 Mob: 09868110104 Fax: 011-23261885 67. Delhi 110006 Ph: 011-2326855. M/s Lalit Book Depot WZ-540 Nangal Raya New Delhi 110046 Mob: 09212540565 09810691237 75. 20554282 79. Punjabi Basti. Matke Wali Gali Jawala Heri Market Paschim Vihar. M/s Janta Book Depot Z-60.F. Delhi 110006 Ph: 011-23283733. Nai Sarak. M/s Shyam Bros (Book Sellers) 2619/20-18. M/s Chawla Book Depot WZ-1566/2 Nangal Raya New Delhi 110046 Mob: 09212540565 09810691237 74. Daiwara. Nai Sarak. Delhi 110006 Ph: 011-23261916 Mob: 09811671893 Fax: 011-23250651 68. Delhi 110006 Ph: 011-23916973 Mob: 09871282751 09711249759 73. Nai Sarak Delhi 110006 Ph: 011-23926645 Mob: 09871067578 65. G. Nai Sarak. Okhla Industrial Area Phase II. M/s Anil Book Centre 4537. Delhi 110006 Ph: 011-23253351 Mob: 09313619935 Fax: 011-23261885 71. Nai Sarak. M/s Gopi Ram & Sons 2619/20-C/III. M/s New Shyam Book Depot A-15 Hardev Market Punjabi Basti. M/s Bharat Prakashan 2640-Roshan Pura Nai Sarak. M/s Vishwa Bharati Prakashan 4071. New Delhi 110020 Ph: 011-40520743. 23204102 Mob: 09899013539 69. 11 Subash Park. Block C. Delhi 110085 Ph: 011-27571922 Mob: 09868505088 Fax: 011-27571922 86. M/s Abloom Book House A-142. M/s M.K. M/s Kamlesh Stationers 7-8. 38-39. Suppliers 3379. Shahdara Delhi 110032 Mob: 9311801126 09312801126 Fax: 011-22019878 88. M/s Himanshu Book Depot Shop No. Sector XI Rohini. Patpar Ganj Delhi 110091 Ph: 011-65449675 Mob: 09212699553 81. 26782012 83. 24513940 Mob: 09810101486 Fax: 011-23269900 91. 24. Delhi 110006 Ph: 011-23280502.C.Puram Market New Delhi 110022 Ph: 011-26167575. Pitampura Delhi 110034 Mob: 09899359966 82. Rohini Delhi 110085 Ph: 011-27941152 Mob: 09899898989 09873373373 85. M/s Satija Book Depot Shop No. M/s Gupta Enterprises 104. M/s Satija Book Sellers Shop No. Shop No.Ltd. 42258334 Mob: 09312651705 89. M/s Lamba Book Depot Shop No. Shiv Mandir Kaleshwar Nath.U. M/s Janta Enterprises 1/11160 B Gali No. Old Market Tilak Nagar New Delhi 110018 Ph: 011-25992462 Mob: 09871950163 09810156674 55 . 21st Century Plaza Community Centre Sector-8. Market Shalimar Bagh.15. M/s Rakesh Book Store Shop No. M/s Shiv Books & Stationers B-5/209. 23649258 Mob: 09868247320 Fax: 011-23649258 90.S. Rohini Delhi 110085 Ph: 011-65769629 Mob: 9891341020 84. M/s Gupta Sons Book Seller Shop No. C-58 South Extension Part One New Delhi 110049 Ph: 011-24635759 Mob: 09891627746 09312053501 Fax: 011-23362985 92. M/s Shivam Enterprises B-5/57.4. S.9. Sultanpur New Delhi 110030 Ph: 011-69801963 Mob: 09310060586 09313060586 93. A.G. Delhi 110085 Ph: 011-27570105 Mob: 09868153586 87. Pocket-26 Sector-24. New Delhi 110088 Ph: 011-27475852. Main Market. Shastri Nagar Delhi 110052 Ph: 011-23649248.13 Sita Ram Bazar. Sector XI Rohini.3. 26782011 Mob: 09810045756 09810045752 Fax: 011-26167575. Sector-3 R. M/s Janta Book Depot Pvt.80.K. Ashram Road Ahmedabad 380009. 25621497 Mob: 09904477855 103. Zalak Complex Bhattha. J-42. LIC Building.2 West Vinod Nagar Delhi 110092 Ph: 011-22474863 Mob: 09811491261 09811491296 GUJARAT. Ramapark Mohan Garden.37. Gali No. Behind Bombay Garage.Institute Opp. 30421122 Mob: 09426341529 100. Capital Commercial Centre Opp. Market. Uttam Nagar New Delhi 110059 Ph: 011-25359309 Mob: 09650878646 09211009873 Fax: 011-25726020 96. M/s Omkar Book Stall 7-A.M. Gujarat Ph: 079-26578741.1. M/s Malhotra Book Depot 17/40 Old Market Tilak Nagar New Delhi 110018 Mob: 09268177710 09810465547 95. 65215142 Mob: 09377521819 101. M/s Kishore Book & Stationers G-47. M/s Tushar Book Depot 36. 65445805 Mob: 09824046230 09824090430 102. M/s Edu Care Booksellers Shop No. Gujarat Ph: 079-26578741. Delhi 110053 Mob: 09868002528 09212054060. Capital Commercial Centre. Pankaj Society Behind. Ambawadi Ahmedabad 380006 Gujarat Ph: 079-25356031. 27438200 Mob: 09998884019 Fax: 079-40058781 99. Near B.94. Memnagar Ahmedabad 380052. M/s Diamond Book Centre B-5. Paldi Ahmedabad 380007 Gujarat Ph: 079-26642732. M/s Pavan Book Agency 39. Post-Khodiyar Colony. Gujarat Ph: 079-27486239. DAMAN & DIU AND DADRA NAGAR HAVELI 98. Ahmedabad 380004 Gujarat Ph: 079-30421199. 26587103 Mob: 09824219183 Fax: 079-66613639 105. M/s New Tushar Book Depot 47. 26587103 Mob: 09924526622 Fax: 079-66613639 104. M/s Raja Book Stall Defence Colony. Sagar Complex Near Janta Ice Cream Gurukul Road. Jamnagar 361006 Gujarat Ph: 0288-2711167 Mob: 09227700295 56 . M/s Kamal Book Depot 82/A Block-B. Subh Complex Near Rajastan Hospital Shahibaug. M/s Nirav Book Agency 5/Pushpam Appartment Opp. Shop No 30 Yamuna Vihar. M/s Agrasen Books & Stationary Mart 102. Shanti Society. Shahibaug Ahmedabad 380004 Gujarat Ph: 079-25621748. 09968921030 97. LIC Building. UCO Bank Flats Bhudarpura Road. Ellisbridge Ahmedabad 380009. Enterprises Shop No. M/s Gulati Book Centre 1 F-31. Sarai Chopta Bhiwani 127021. 133001. M/s Goyal Book Center 100. Haryana Ph: 0171-2446918 Mob: 09416021024 Fax: 0171-2442438 111. Haryana Ph: 0171-2644949 Mob: 09416180549 09416975449 Fax: 0171-4007718 109.D. M/s Sharma Brothers Near B. 133001. M/s Friends Book Service Shop No.Sr.C. 68. Near Hari Mandir Dharmashala Ambala City 133001.B.Ramdham. Haryana Ph: 0129-2265096. Haryana Ph: 0171-2640525. K. 2601525 Mob: 09812044336 09812037555 Fax: 0171-4007718 110. School Ambala Cantt.106. Faridabad 121004 Haryana Ph: 0129-2242643 Mob: 09818543441 113. Haryana Ph: 0129-2224445 Mob: 09810657456 Fax: 0129-2224445 117.. Market. Haryana Ph: 01664-251305 Mob: 09416387396 092553812 Fax: 01664-241940 114. Hansi Gate Bhivani 127021. M/s Kashi Ram Kishan Lal Near Aggarsain Chowk Main Bazar.T. Rajkot 360005 Gujarat Ph: 0281-2582926. Faridabad 121001 Haryana Ph: 0129-4029242 Mob: 09811136950 Fax: 0129-2432265 118. 15. M/s A. Surat 395007 Gujarat Ph: 0261-2230097 Mob: 09824129592 Fax: 0261-2230097 HARYANA 108. M/s Uppal Trading Company 2629/2.I. M/s Royal Stationers Shop No. Sagar Appartment Opp.M. Gopi Colony Old Faridabad 121002.I. M/s Bansal Stationers & Book Selllers Main Bazar. N. 2 H Park Market N. M/s Saraswati Book Depot Near B. M/s Vijay Book Stall Railway Road. Sec. M/s Aggarwal Book House Shop No. 14. School Ambala Cantt. Haryana Ph: 01664-253400 Mob: 09416230717 Fax: 01664-240682 115. M/s Shopping Point Shop No. 188 Sector-14 Market Faridabad 121002. Faridabad 121001 Haryana Ph: 0129-2420346 Mob: 09810031755 9810031788 57 .T. 2500075 Mob:09810122305 116. Near Post Office Ballabgarh 121004 Haryana Ph: 0129-2242608 Mob: 09873455170 112. 6-Royal Park Kalwad Road.. 2010-11 & 1030-31 Vaibhav Appartment Bhatar Road.D. 2576910 Mob: 09824207514 Fax: 0281-2576910 107. Ballabgarh Distt. M/s Dwaraka Prasad & Sons Moti Bazar. 140. Panchkula. M/s Aggarwal Book Depot Moti Chowk. Gurgaon 122001 Haryana Ph: 0124-2328767 Mob: 09350177066 09313593233 121. M/s Gobind Book Depot Naya Bazar. 242908 131. 09466648288 Fax: 01744-235747 128.P. Railway Road Palwal 121102. M/s Bharat Book House D. 130-131 Sector-15. 105 Ramnagar Karnal 132001. M/s Gulati Book Palace Shop No. Haryana Ph: 0184-2272652 Mob: 09215539943 Fax: 0184-4040762 127. Kalka 133302 Haryana Ph: 01733-220582 Mob: 09896131720 Fax: 01733-220582 125. Haryana Ph: 01684-242113 Mob: 09416157969 09466421630 Fax: 01684-240271. 4007870 Mob: 09810221647 120.S. Narwana Dist. Haryana Ph: 0172-2570477 Mob: 09815165644 58 . Near Geeta Mandir Sector-11.119. Jind 126116. Hisar Haryana Ph: 01662-221181 Mob: 09416044333 09896219283 Fax: 01662-246927 124. Haryana Ph: 01275-254300 Mob: 09896914300 09416374163 132. Narnaul 123001 Haryana Ph: 01282-252301. M/s Swami Traders 8/1112. Tower Enclave Delhi Road. M/s Azad Book Depot Sadar Bazar. M/s Holkaran Das Hem Raj Naya Bazar. M/s Mahinder Pustak Bhandar Shop No 104. Sadar Bazar Karnal 132001. 129. 237035 122. M/s Garg Book Centre Near Bus Stand. Near Sardarji Jalabiwale. Haryana Ph: 0184-2291271 Mob: 09416217771 Fax: 0184-2291271 126. M/s Students Choice 4. Kurukshetra 136118 Haryana Ph: 01744-235747 Mob: 09416361486 09896223974. 251585 Mob: 09416480350 09416382533 Fax: 01282-256581 P. M/s Bansal Book Depot Main Bazar. Hisar 125001 Haryana Ph: 01662-231657. Faridabad Haryana Ph: 0129-2295960. M/s Parveen Book Depot Railway Road Near Appolo Chowk. Hisar 125001 Haryana Mob: 09215731677 09255417286 Fax: 01662-231677 123. M/s Natraj Book Centre Moti Bazar.S. Narnaul 123001 Haryana Ph: 01282-252008 Mob: 09355552008 Fax: 01282-252008 130. 2670816 Mob: 09418066033 Fax: 0177-2670221 59 . M/s Swami Kitab Ghar Kaccha Beri Road Near Old Bus Stand. Haryana Ph: 0130-2244631 Mob: 09416305931 09215817857 HIMACHAL PRADESH 145. M/s Gandhi Kitab Ghar Partap Chowk. Sector-1.F. Jhajjar Road. PWD Rest House Near Palace Cinema Subhash Road. M/s Manish Traders Partap Talkies Road Peer Ji Mohalla. Rohtak 124001 Haryana Ph: 01262-269184 Mob: 09416401595 138. Vaish Girls School. Rohtak Haryana Mob: 09254301763 092541149 Fax: 01262-257295 141. M/s Malhotra Book Shop S. Rohtak 124001 Haryana Ph: 01262-268715 Mob: 09812700687 09812255687 142.133. M/s Goyal Stationers & Book Sellers. Haryana Ph: 0180-4009283 Mob: 09812064112 09215580370. Geeta Bhawan Chowk 14. Panipat Haryana Ph-0180-2585201. M/s Vijay Book Depot Suratgaria Chowk Sirsa 125055. Gurudwara Market Sonepat 131001. Rohtak 124001 Haryana Ph: 01262-268184 Mob: 09416230139 Fax: 01262-268071 139. M/s Batra & Co. Haryana Ph: 0172-2592014 Mob: 09316100026 134. Rohtak 124001 Haryana Ph: 01262-247860 Mob: 09416961587 140. 4015908 Mob-09896292229 09215278300 135. New Shimla Himachal Pradesh Ph: 0177-2670221. Opp. Rohtak Haryana Ph: 01262-235879 Mob: 09254335879 09355611088 Fax: 01262-235879 143. M/s Asha Book Depot Anaj Mandi. Geeta Colony Near Railway Road. 136.C. Haryana Ph: 01666-220234 Mob: 09254220234 Fax: 01666-230812 144. M/s Shyam Pustak Bhandar Old Sabzi Mandi Rewari 123401 Haryana Ph: 01274-254994 Mob: 09215063994 09416882894 Fax: 01274-254595 137. 14. M/s Malhotra Book Depot C-89. M/s Chawala Stationers 1233. M/s Guru Nanak Kitab Ghar 33-34. Sector-15 Panchkula. Salarganj Gate Devi Mandir Road Panipat 132103. M/s Bhagawati Paper Mart Opp. School Udhampur. Jammu & Kashmir Ph: 01992-270519 JHARKHAND 152. 2562191 Mob: 09419190177 Fax: 0191-2579593 151. M/s Bokaro Students Friend Pvt. M/s Vidyarthi Pustak Bhandar Dharmasthan Chowk Dumka 814101. Dhanbad 826001 Jharkhand Ph: 2304813. City Centre Sec-IV. 09234628051 Fax: 06542-236293 154. Dhanbad 826001. Jammu 180001 Jammu & Kashmir Ph: 0191-2542175. M/s Balkrishan & Sons Rehari Colony Jammu 180 001 Jammu & Kashmir Ph: 0191-2569032. M/s Sahitya Sangam Kachi Chawni. Joraphatak Road. 2564075 Mob: 09419190490 148. M/s Kitab Mahal Ratan Jee Road Purna Bazar P. Sec. 2574428 Mob: 09419131000 150. M/s Harnam Dass & Bros Pacca Danga. Una 174303 Himachal Pradesh Ph: 01975-225490 Mob: 09418191739 Fax: 01975225490 JAMMU & KASHMIR 147. Centre Market Sector-4.146. 92349-90201 Fax: 0326-2307933. C-8. M/s Bharati Bhawan Agency Agrawal Market. 2564075 Mob: 09419189622 Fax: 0191-2579032 149. M/s Raj Kamal Traders Nangal Road.B/1. 225145 Mob: 09431310228 159. 2302969 157. Jharkhand Ph: 06434-223016. Jammu 180 005 Jammu & Kashmir Ph: 0191-2579032. M/s Sharda Bhawan Court Road Giridih 815301 Jharkhand Ph: 06532-223249 06532-251062 Mob:9431366378. Dist. M/s Gupta Stationery Mart Opp. Bokaro Steel City 827004 Jharkhand Mob: 919431733968 919431740797 Fax: 06542-232876 155. M/s Book Palace Rehari Colony. Bokaro Steel City 827004 Jharkhand Ph: 06542-236010 06452-234706 Mob: 09234628152.265302 Mob: 919431733968 Fax: 06542-232876 153. Jammu 180 001 Jammu & Kashmir Ph: 0191-2579593. Ltd.. Main Road. Govt. Chas. 9431922264 Fax: 06532-251062 60 . Girls Hr. Jharkhand Ph: 0326-2307933. M/s M/s Gyan Bharati Kamdhenu Complex. M/s Sahu Pustak Bhandar Check Post Chas Bokaro Jharkhand 827013. Jharkhand Ph: 06542-235031 Mob: 09431378296 Fax: 06542-235031 156. 2304813 Mob: 9431388268 158. M/s Gyan Ganga Agency Plot No. 2302969.O. Bokaro 827013 Jharkhand Ph: 06542. Jharkhand Ph 0651.Ranchi Women’s College. 9431173904 Fax: 0651-2213735 164. M/s Durga Book Agencies No.2203048. 2213249 Mob: 09431115138 Fax: 0651-2205217 167. 22872774 Mob: 9448382774 Fax: 22207141 172. M/s Student Book Depot KunjLal Street Upper Bazar Ranchi. Main Road Hazaribag 825301 Jharkhand Ph:225325. 222478 Mob: 9431140173 161. Opp. M/s Pustak Mandir G-1. 5th Main Road Ganganagar Bangalore 560032 Karnataka Ph: 23331259 Mob: 9844498254 171. Circular Road. M/s Khandelwal Book Depot Khandelwal Bhavan.160. M/s Bhagwan Krishan Traders No. Mamulpet Bangalore 560053 Karnataka Ph: 22207141. M/s Gyan Ganga Ltd. Shree Gopal Complex Kutchery Road Ranchi 834001 Jharkhand Ph: 0651-2203273. Sakchi Bazar Jamshedpur 831001 Jharkhand Ph: 0657-2432696 0657-2438180 Mob: 09431113974 Fax: 0657-2249849 162. 2200123 Mob: 9431170155 Fax: 2200123 KARNATAKA 169. 44 Avenue Road Bangalore 560002 Karnataka Ph: 22244753. Ranchi Jharkhand Ph:0651-2563570 Mob: 9304826657 Fax: 0651-2563884 165. M/s Avenue Book Centre Avenue Book Centre Dealers in: Case & ICSE Text Guides No.25. M/s Agarwal Book Store 35. 26. Veera Pillai IInd Parallel to Commerical Street Bangalore 560001 Karnataka Ph:080-25598677 Mob: 09448058677 Fax: 080-25598677 61 . M/s Crown Book Depot Pustak Path. M/s Shree Kitab Ghar Pustak Path. 41474496 Mob: 9341254836 170. M/s Balaji Books Centre 41/9. M/s Archna Book Depot 101 Thakurbari Road Sakchi Jamshedpur 831001 Jharkhand Ph: 0657-2230361 163. Upper Bazar Ranchi 834001 Jharkhand Ph: 2202714. M/s Nutan Pustak Kendra Birla Boarding Ratu Road Ranchi 834001 Jharkhand Mob: 9234772808 166. Upper Bazar Ranchi 834001 Jharkhand Ph: 0651-2203275 Mob: 9431106189. 2214804 Mob: 9431101966 168. M/s TBS Publishers Distributors TBS Building. 28608657 Mob: 9886040415 Fax: 28602100 175. Ernakulam Road. Ernakulam Kerala Ph: 0484-2350128 Mob: 09447496683 184. M/s Academic Book House Chittoor Road.H. Sastha Temple. Aluva 683101 Kerala Ph:0484-2631302 Mob:09447433918 Fax: 0484-2631302 177.O. Karnataka Ph: 080-40114455 Fax: 080-22269648 KERALA 176.173. South Janatha Road. South Janatha Road. Kerala Ph: 0484-2377235. 2713713 Mob: 09847487008 09847001315 Fax: 0495-2721414 62 . Calicut 673006.Vannarpet Main Road Near Sri Balaji Theatre Vivek Nagar P. Kerala Ph:0495-2721025. Kerala Ph:0484-2338107. M/s Poorna Publications TBS Bulding . M/s Pupils’ Foundation Nirmal Apartments. Kerala Ph: 0484-2376613. Eranhipalam.O. M/s Malhotra Book Depot Surabhi Building. M/s H & C Store Poothampalli Towers (Swamy Chinmayananda Road) D. South Junction Ernakulam 682016. Palarivattom Cochin 682025. Karnataka Ph: 28602100. 2347371 Mob: 09847033607 Fax:0484-2338107 180. M/s Holifaith International (P) Ltd. 2720085 2720086 Mob: 09847001315 09847487008 Fax: 0495-2721414 179. M/s Book Land Veekey Complex Fort Road Kannur 670001 Kerala India Ph: 0497-2705529 Mob: 9447705529 185.21/2. Bangalore 560047 Karnataka Ph: 080-25575110 080-25910984 Mob: 09845436325 Fax: 080-25578255 174. 2376615 Mob: 09388488757 Fax: 0484-2376615 182. G H Road Calicut 673001.. M/s Sapna Book House (P) Ltd. House No. Road Ernakulam 16. Kerala Ph: 0484-2338107. M/s H & C Stors Nedumchalil Estate Ammankovil Road. Kannur. Kerala Ph: 0497-3247713. Prabhat Junction Fort Road. 2375563 Mob: 09447496683 183. M/s Prime Books 16 & 17. Opp. Gandhinagar Bangalore 56009. Surabhi Bulding. P. Kerala Ph:0495-6451265 Mob: 09388488757 178. M/s Light Tower Enterprises 17/533. M/s Hema Stores No.703 Rarichan Road. 3rd Main Road. 2347371 6453318 Mob:09388618596 Fax: 0484-2338107 181. ‘C’ Cross 43rd Main Ideal Homes Township 2nd Stage Raj Rajeshwari Nagar Bangalore 560098. Palarivattom Cochin 682025. Kerala Ph: 0481-2561203 Mob: 09447130515 Fax: 0481-2568648 191. M/s H & C Stores Door No. Kottayam 686001. M/s Pupils’ Foundation 38-332B. Nedumchalil Estate Ammankovil Road Kochi 682035. Road.. Ltd. M/s H & C Stores Galaria Trade Centre Opp. M/s TBS Publisher Distributors Karimpanal Statue Avenue Statue Junction Thiruvananthapuram 695001 Kerala Ph: 0471-2570504.S. 25/1745 Manjalikulam Road. Kerala Ph:0484-2380362. Box 223. M/s Vidyarthi Book Labaids Post.B. Kerala Ph: 0495-2720620 Mob: 09447496695 192. S. CMS College Jn. Palakkad 678014 Kerala Ph: 0474-2526317 Mob: 09446154020 194. M/s H & C Stores Bishop Jerome Nagar Chinnakada Road Kollam 691001. Kerala Ph: 0484-646713.C. M/s Giftalia Book Bhavan Near BPL Gallary. New Bus Stand Mavoor Road Kozhikode 673004. XVIII/739 Guruvayoor Road Kunnamkulam 680503. College Road.M. M/s Academic Book House Press Road. 233677 Mob:09447496683 Fax: 0484-2335516 187. M/s New Jyothi Publications T. M/s Progressive Curriculum Management Pvt.S.186. M/s H & C Stores Vasantham Chambers. Pulimoodu Jn. 3254383 Mob: 09847001315 09847487008 Fax: 0495-2721414 198.. Karshaka Road Kochi 682016. North Bus Stand Thrissur 680020 Kerala Ph: 0487-2336918 Mob: 9895182290 Fax: 0487-2336918 63 . Thiruvananthpuram 695001 Kerala Ph: 0471-2333349 Mob: 09447134329 Fax: 0471-2331879 195. C. 2323333 Mob: 09388488757 Fax: 0484-2323333 188. Nandanam Karithala Cross. Kottayam 686001. Kerala Ph: 0474-2765421 Mob: 09446154020 189. Kovil Road Thampanoor Thiruvananthpuram 695001 Kerala Ph: 0471-2329436 Mob: 9446411996 196. 2335948 Mob: 09447165796 09446365796 Fax: 0471-2335948 197. Thiruvananthapuram Kerala Ph:0471-2335748. M/s H & C Store Sunshine Complex T. 09447186488 190. Kerala Ph: 04885-222243 Mob: 09447028262 193. Kerala Ph: 0484-2304351 Mob: 0984603335. M/s H & C Store Regent Plaza. Darpan Colony Thatipur Gwaliar Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0751-2344784. M/s Central Book Depot New Bus Stand Tripunithura 682301. M/s TBS Publisher Distributor TBS Building MG Road. M/s H & C Publishing House South Bazar. 63. Indore Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0731-2454372 Mob: 9425055811 Fax: 0731-2454448 64 . 09847487008 Fax: 0495-2721414 MADHYA PRADESH 205. 3299963 Mob: 09847001315. M/s Arun Parkashan 613. M/s New Bhartiya Prakashan Patankar Bazar Gwalior 474001 Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0751-2625534 Mob: 09425787178 Fax: 0751-2422220 210. M/s Ashrafi Book Centre and Tirurangadi Printers 7/175. 2444312 Mob: 09301100910 Fax: 2751-2444312 209. Khajuri Bazar. Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0755-2673602 Mob: 09826431102 206. M/s Giftalia Book Supplies Nellikunnu. Laskar. 2780182 204. Trissur 680001 Kerala Ph: 0487-2320776. M/s Sanskar Book Centre 8. High Road Thrissur 680001 Kerala Ph: 0487-2421467. M/s Adarsh Stationery Stores M-48.199. Thrissur 680005 Kerala Ph: 0487-2442290 Mob: 09249862360 200. 2462705 Mob: 09447091395 203. 09425110809 211. 2673601 Mob: 09826431104 Fax: 0755-2673605 207. Stop Market Arera Colony. 2372052 Mob: 09425117302. 2442881 Mob: 0984603335 201. Thrissur 680001 Kerala Ph: 0487-242462. M/s H & C Stores High Road. Chandappady Tirurangadi Malappuram Dist Kerala State Kerala Ph: 0494-2460395. M/s Books N Books Shop No. M/s Priyanka Book & Stationery Centre 2. Kerala Ph: 0484-2779196. 10 No. Gwalior Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0751-2378315. Marwari Road Bhopal 462001 Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0755-2673600. 2421467 Mob: 0984603335 202. 2744180 Mob: 09893285050 Fax: 0755-2710044 208. M/s Shri Krishna Children Book Centre Shri Krishna Bhawan Patankr Bazar. President Complex Lalwani Press Road Bhopal 462001 Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0755-2673610. M/s Vishwa Vidyalaya Book Depot Bus Stand Road Rewa 486001 Madhya Pradesh Ph: 07662-251753. Main Road Chhwani Indore. Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0761-2403099.Punjab Colony MC Road. Powai Mumbai 400076 Maharashtra Ph: 022-25720055. 2540166 2417013 Mob: 09826044033 Fax: 0731-2417013 213.212. Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0731-2707864 Mob: 09893194101 215. M/s Shivam Book & Stationary Shop Shope No. Prince Street Galgala Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0761-2651742. Kamlesh Co. M/s Pradeep Trading Co. M/s Singal Store 50 Usha Ganj. M/s Agrawal Sports 149. Road Indore Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0731-2535892. M/s Maya Book Centre Opp. 404019 Mob: 09425185072 221. Tilak Ward. Khajuri Bazar Indore 452002 Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0731-2531207. M/s New Virat Pustak Bhandar Near Jain Tample Shahdol 484001 Madhya Pradesh Ph: 07652-244185 Mob: 09425180885 Fax: 07652-241239 MAHARASHTRA 222. 13/2. 4063099 Mob: 9827286020 Fax: 0761-2653200 218. M/s Bhaiya Stores 166. Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0761-4068183 Mob: 9424311008 Fax: 0761-2658283 217. M. Aurangabad Maharashtra Ph: 0240-2360150 Mob: 09421983933 Fax: 0240-2354445 223. Jabalpur. M/s Sunil Prakashan 71. op. 4063038 220. 25723866 25725396 Mob: 09869541962 Fax: 022-25723866 224. 4068017 Mob: 09425152846 Fax: 0761-2655305 219. Khajuri Bazar. M/s Sushil Prakashan 212. Galgala. M/s Akash Pustak Sadan 156 Naya Bazar. 28236000 Mob: 09892935799 Fax: 022-28230897 65 . Khajuri Bazar M. M/s New Popular Book Shop IIT Campus. 2530007 Mob: 09425322330 Fax: 0731-253007 216.29. Near Punjab National Bank Jabalpur. road. Aurangpura Police Station Aurangpura.G. Andheri (E) Mumbai 400093 Maharashtra Ph: 022-28230897. M/s Kitab Ghar 24 Prince Street Galgala. Indore Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0731-2540008 Mob: 09425400959 214.G. Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh Ph: 0761-2655306. Hsg Socity Shere-e. 2306703. Mumbai 5 Maharashtra Mob: 9221512403 226. Book House Paona Bazar. M/s Jyoti Book Depot Plot No 4009. Maning Imphal West 795001 Manipur Ph: 0385-2400565. 2392664 234.S. Marwari Para. Badambadi Cuttack 753012 .P. M/s Gyan Bharti 48. Tower) Hall Bazar. M/s Pustak Mandir (P) Ltd. Maharashtra Ph: 0253-2306702. Vasant Vihar Amrapali Arcad.P. M/s Central Book Depot Barapathar (Mawbah) Opp. Imphal 795001 Manipur Ph: 0385-2452281 Mob: 09436036645 MEGHALAYA 230. 3292320 2312903 Mob: 09861122959 236. M/s Global Agency M. M/s Ashok Goenka Glorys Plaza. 09463828263 Fax: 0183-2546478 66 .C. Park. M/s Shri Jyoti Book Sellers and Stationer. Ashok Nagar Bhubaneswar 751009. M/s Kapoors Stationary Mart Shop No. Orissa Ph: 06645-273651 Mob: 09853482016 Fax: 06645-273651 PUNJAB 237. Pokharan 2. Hospital Road. M/s Shivam Stationary and General Store. M/s R. Little Angel School Shillong 793001 Meghalaya Mob: 09856526153 9862560234 232. 09434033799 ORISSA 233. 2401005 Mob: 09436027239 Fax: 0385-2441450 229. Shop No-9 Sumitra Market Navy Nagar Colaba. 222338 Mob: 09434033599 09436112214. Jharsuguda 768201. M/s Ahuja Book Depot Opp. 2546478 Mob: 09465084533 09463828264. Kharvel Nagar. 3253125 Mob: 09437036887 Fax: 0674-2534010 235. Tura 794001 Meghalaya Ph: 03651-221605. 2nd Floor Police Bazar. HDFC & ICICI Bank (R. Amritsar Punjab Ph: 0183-2548105. Shopping Complex Kangjeibung. 40241341 Mob: 09322214225 Fax: 022-21730441 MANIPUR 228. Pvt. Thane (W)-400601 Maharashtra Ph: 022-2173441. M/s Book World Govt. Orissa Ph: 0671-2312703. M/s Students’ Home Near D. Orissa Ph: 0674-2534736.225. Shillong 793001 Meghalaya Ph: 0364-2211811. 2211611 Mob: 09863091011 Fax: 0364-2211811 231. Unit-III Bhubaneswar 751001. Opp. 2306704 Mob: 09373907751 Fax: 0253-2306705 227. Jeevan Chhaya Murkute Colony. Gangapur Road Nashik 422002. 40/42. Orissa Ph: 0674-2530807. K. Bus Stand . 2231744 2241248 Mob: 09878636348. M/s Harbans Lal And Sons Main Bazar Dinanagar Gurdaspur Punjab Ph: 01875-220352.238. 09878626248 Fax: 0181-2241248 244. Opp. M/s Book Plaza Mai Hiran Gate. Patiala 147001 Punjab Ph: 0175-2304179. M/s Shiva Book Center 100 Feet Road. M/s Harbans Book Depot 30. M/s Paramvir Enterprises Old Railway Road. Gujjarkhan Road Near Model Town Club Model Town. Ludhiana Punjab Ph: 0161-2410255 0161-2410755 Mob: 09814200423 09914393793 Fax: 0161-4630423 248. Punjab Ph: 0181-2281578 Mob: 09815069790 Fax: 0181-2404518 245. Books Market. Punjab Ph: 0181. Railway Road Jalandhar 144001 Punjab Ph: 0181-2457160. M/s G. Books Market. Arna Barna Bazar. M/s Pearl Books Pvt. 2455663 Mob: 09872600802 Fax: 0181-2243076. Patiala. Kehri Pullie. 09815208527 242. 2216076 Mob: 09876606235 Fax: 0175-2216076 251. Bikrampura Jalandhar 144001 Punjab Ph: 0181. 2458388 2459046. Civil Station Bhatinda 151001 Punjab Ph: 0164-2240450 Mob: 09417363362 239. M/s Golden Book Company Book Market.5032210 246. Punjab Ph: 01874-247518 Mob: 098725334561 241. Ludhiana Punjab Ph: 0161-5035725. M/s Punjab kitab Ghar Mai Hiran Gate Jalandhar City. 2227388 243. 6534507 Mob: 09814300725 Fax: 0161. Ludhiana Punjab Ph:0161-2726480 Mob: 09815536851 Fax: 0161-2781082 247.G. Ltd. Punjab Ph: 0175-2214696 Mob: 09814041623 67 . M/s Aggarwal Book Depot Opp. 221352 Mob: 09417317084 Fax: 01875-220352 240. Publications C-99. Civil Hospital Gurdashpur 143521.2236248. M/s Malhotra Book Depot MBD House. Focal Point Patiala Punjab Ph: 0175-2232784 Mob: 09814851623 250. M/s Des Raj & Sons Arna Barna Bazar Patiala 147001 Punjab Ph: 0175-2216076 Mob: 09814041941 Fax: 0175-2216076 249. M/s Pepsu Book Depot Book Market. M/s Narula Sons 501. Jalandhar.2404355 Mob: 09876624356 09815324355. 32. M/s Amit Enterprises No. M/s V.R. Mob: 09829262395 256. Nagori Garden. Ltd. Rajasthan Ph: 0141-2202903. Jaipur 6 Rajasthan Ph: 0141-2362395. M/s S. 231819 Mob: 09829139101 Fax: 0141-2320089 261. Ajmer 305001 Rajasthan Ph: 0145-2460919 Mob: 09829073573 254. M/s Yuvraj Trading Company Mool Chand Street Chowk Arya Samaj. Sakri Gali Nataniyon Ka Rasta. 42627729 Mob: 09941975111 68 . Book Co.S. Rajasthan Ph: 01572-244999 Mob: 09413357999 Fax: 01572-258875 TAMIL NADU 265.42627728. Enterprises Shop No. M/s Evergreen Books Distributor B-7. Fateh Tower. Ajmer Road Jaipur 302006. M/s Modi Genral Store & Stationers Opp. Kaiser Ganj.V. Rajasthan Ph: 0141-2571673. M/s Manohar Pustak Bhandar Gulab Sagar.7. M/s Gupta Brothers Madan Gopal Marg. Fateh Singh Market Near R. Kota 324007 Rajasthan Ph: 0744-2392876. Tiwari Compound Station Road Jaipur 302006. Rasta Thatheran. M/s Bright Stores Near Vidhya Bharti Public School Police Line Road. Tamil Nadu Ph: 044. Rajasthan Ph: 0141-2132860. Post Office Railway Station. Punjab Ph: 0175-2310051 Mob: 09815176900 Fax: 0175-2230377 RAJASTHAN 253. Rajasthan Ph: 01482. 21. Govt. M/s Nakoda Book Depot G-13. Rajasthan Ph: 0141-2223825 Mob: 09829353401 259. Chinnathambi Street Chennai 600001. Khatipura Road Jhotwara. 4039542 Mob: 09413345497 Fax: 0141-2204542 258.239653 Mob: 09214983594 Fax: 01482-234903 255. Patiala. Choora Rasta Jaipur 302003.252. Bhilwara. Civil Line Sikar 332001. Choura Rasta Jaipur. Jodhpur 342002 Rajasthan Ph: 0291-2540526. M/s Goyal Book Distributors 296-297-298. 2391678 Mob: 09829038758 Fax: 0744-2392285 264. M/s Manohar Book Depot Pvt. Rajasthan Ph: 0141-2317889. 2571675 Mob: 9414782130 Fax: 0141-2571675 257.K. M/s Bhandari Stationers Gumanpura. M/s Ravi Parakshan Mandir 1173. Jaipur 302012 Rajasthan Ph: 0141-2466261 Mob: 09829085534 262. School Jamana Dairy. Sodala. Choura Rasta Jaipur. 2326763 Mob: 09829014406 Fax: 0141-2132860 260. 2549027 6533135 Mob: 09829231668 Fax: 0291-2655532 263. Raja Mandi Agra 282002. Chennai 60017 Tamil Nadu Ph: 044-24337329 0484-233677 Mob: 09444050325 269. M. 2526134 Mob: 09412271138 09359146941 Fax: 0562-2526134 273. 2701103 Mob: 09358252428 09837989404. M/s Ajay Book Depot 14/130/131/1. Rajpur Chungi. Aligarh 202002 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0571. M/s Palaniappa Brothers No. Nagar. M/s Progressive Curriculum Management Pvt. Ramanathan Street T. M/s Aligarh Book Sellers & Stationers. Agra 282001 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0562-2481926 Mob: 09837004559 Fax: 0562-2481926 275.2701103 277. Sundaram Complex 1st Floor. M/s Central Books Depot P. Chinnathambi Street Chennai 600001 Tamil Nadu Ph: 044-25224545.25 (Old No. 2250262 Mob: 09411205449 Fax: 0562-2254621 272. M/s Om Pustak Mandir Vidhya Market. M/s Govind Book Agency Shri Sitaram Plaza. Unique Palace Opp. Dhaleshar. M/s Allahabad Book Centre 20. Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0562-2854577. Marg. M/s Shakti Book Agencies Military Road. 59. Near Bharat Cinema. Nagar Cheenai 600017 Tamil Nadu Ph: 044-24343336. M/s Anwar Book Depot Shamshad Market.O. 2227477 Mob: 09436136688 Fax: 0381-2385110 UTTAR PRADESH 271. Kalayani Agartala 799007 Tripura Ph: 0381-2385110. Hospital Road Agra 282003 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0562-2464014. 91 Usman Road T. 24342564 Mob: 09444042905 267. 6.2700727. 09319326795 09368687572 Fax: 0571.U. Chennai 600014 Tamil Nadu Ph: 044-28132863.266. 3059218 Mob: 09319117771 Fax: 0562-3059218 274. Civil Lines Allahabad Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0532-2427636 Fax: 0532-2623468 69 . Agra 282003 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0562-2254621. 42156123 268. M/s Vandana Enterprises No. Vidhya Market Hosptial Road. 25264679 Mob: 09841075111 TRIPURA 270. Ltd.14) Peters Road Royapettah. Sulaiman Hall Shamshad Market Aligarh 202002 Uttar Pradesh Mob: 09412172232 09837775365 276. M/s Central Book Distributors No.M. A.G. Gaziabad Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0120-2706131 Mob: 09810246309.220686 291. Allhabad Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0532-2266128 Mob: 09415636890 281. M/s Navyug Book Depot 12. Chah Chand. Punjabi Market. M/s Mehrotra Book & Sports Agencies Shop No.D. Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0532-3202827 Mob: 09415217615 09838203252 Fax: 0532. M/s Bharat Bharatiy Pustakalay T. Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh Ph: 05452-261698 Mob: 09415207303 Fax: 05452. Bareilly Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0581-2574092. Allababad Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0532-2462412 Mob: 09415214322 09415317109 280. Mahajan Tola Zero Road. Subhash Market. M/s Modern Book Stall No. 2241172 Mob: 09432845248 Fax: 0551-2241172 290. 09910878401 289. Opp.4153970 Mob: 09871360902 288. M/s Bookwala 46. 394795 Mob: 09837027416 09756705554 Fax: 0581.2556784 283. College Road PO. Bareilly 243003 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0581-2573403 2573118. M/s Kamal Prakashan 153-Pakki Mori. -295. M/s Saraswati Sadan 19. Bareilly 243003 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0581-2556784 Mob: 09837372032 Fax: 0581. Inside Delhi Gate Gaziabad 201001 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0120 -2833389 Mob: 09810388532 287. Zero Road Allahabad 3. M/s Agarwal Pustak Bhandar Buxipur.278. College Road. 2554478 3294092 Mob: 09837074042 Fax: 0581-2574092 284. M/s Vidya Student Corner Sh.Katchrry Sadar Jaunpur 222002 Uttar Pradesh Mob: 09450214900 70 . M/s Deepak Book Depot Bara Bazar. Opp. Mian Gate of Uttam School for Girls Shastri Nagar. Dasma Gate Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0120-2830051.D. 221108 Mob: 09336659888 285. Kotwali. M/s Pustak Bhawan Near T. 24/18.4. M/s Kanhaiya Pustak Bhawan 727. M/s Prakash Pustak Bhandar 228.2573118 282. 2803426 Mob: 09811353490 Fax: 0120-2830051 286.2402323 279. Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0551-2337952. Old Katra. Dasna Gate Ghaziabad 201001. M/s Ghanshyam Das & Sons Chowk Faizabad 224001 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 05278-222813. Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0120. 2456851 303.2353833 Mob: 9935849356 Fax: 0512 . Gumti.555A Gumti No. Aliganj Lucknow 226022 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0522 – 2320825 Mob: 09415002443 71 . Indira Nagar Lucknow 226016 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0522-3040183 Mob: 09415470581 299.226005 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0522-2456851 Mob: 09415423995 Fax: 0522. M/s Sharma Stationery. Book & General Stores. Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0522 .L. M/s Arora Book Agencies 172/179.A. No. M/s Swati Enterprises Shop No. Indira Nagar Lucknow 226016. M/s Azad Book Agency S-6/52. Lucknow 226018 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0522-4046778.1. Kanpur 01 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0512-2368858. M/s Lamba Book Stall 119/554. Gwynne Road Aminabad.2309677 293.B. Kursi Road Petrol Pump.2539349 294. 559/Kha/419 Sri Nagar. Lucknow 226018 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0522-2627915 Mob: 9839703520 Fax: 0522-4064094 302. H. M/s Kamal Book Depot 34/124 (Near Kotwaleswar Mandir) Chowk. Gumti Plaza. 09336209496 Fax: 0512.A. Kanpur 208014 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0512-2607580 Mob: 0936930208 Fax: 0512-2607580 296. Juhi. M/s Azad Book Depot S -6/62.2350981 Mob: 09415584511 Fax: 0522 -2350981 300. M/s The Book Shop L. Azad Market. M/s Sathish Book Distributor 83A/80.5. 3012771 3249279 Mob: 09336115057 09415129385. M/s Chacha Book Store 121. Gate.L. Opp. Bazar Jhau Lal Gwynne Road. Kanpur Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0512. Janki Tower Chowk Sarafa.292. 2626366 Mob: 09235551771 Fax: 0522-4046778 298. Opp. M/s Gulab Chandra Vishwa Nath Agarwal & Co. Gate. M/s Gupta Book Distributors (Whole Sale) 177/38 Furqan Complex. Church Road.5 Kanpur 208012 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0512-2219584 Mob: 09839024277 Fax: 0512-2559453 295. 43/219. Sadar Bazar Lucknow 226002 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0522-2481177 Mob: 09415010343 Fax: 0522-2480173 301.G. – 6. H. Alambagh Lucknow .2295415 Mob: 09935516517 09935535355 297. Kanpur 1 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0512 . Opp. Azad Market. M/s Bhagwan Stores 133. Town Hall Moradabad 244001 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0591-2327175. B.. Teshil Gate. M/s Badri Prasad Murli Dhar Bhadurganj Shahjahanpur 242001 Uttar Pradesh Mob: 09415572589 72 . M/s Vishwa Bharti Publication 197.2327175 314. M/s Ideal Book Depot 195. 09897827777 Fax: 0591-2320999.2652511 312.K. Meerut 250001 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0121. Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0121-2649263 Mob: 09412205484 Fax: 0121-4001277 311.304. Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0121-2663617. M/s Indian Book House Opp. M/s Kumar Book Agencies 138.4020487 Mob: 09219798432 309. College Road Chhippi Tank Meerut Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0121-2524016 Mob: 09927052149 307. Road Vijay Nagar. M/s Mahi Book Palace 90. W. 4000462 Mob: 09415001085 Fax: 0522-4000462 305. Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0121. Vijay Nagar.2641791 Mob: 09837334864 Fax: 0121-2641791 310.2668279 308. Sadar Bazar. Meerut Cantt Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0121-2660648 0121-2668279 Mob: 09837894819 Fax: 0121. Railway Station Road Imperial Cinema Choraha Moradabad 244001 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0591-2311764. Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0121-2660503 Mob: 09837047321 Fax: 0121-2660503 306.Vijay Nagar. Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0522-2612462. Sunil Complex. M/s Raghubar Dayal & Sons Court Road Gali Planning Office Muzaffarnagar 251001 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0131-2623425 Mob: 09837411650 Fax: 0131-2623425 315. M/s Universal Book Store Opp. Meerut. Rajendra Nagar Lane No. Verma Road Near Union Bank of India Lucknow 226018. M/s Shyam Pusthak Bhandar Matiya Mahal Saharanpur 247001 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0132-2643824 Mob: 09837069149 Fax: 0132-2647025 316.N. Sadar Chowk Bazar Meerut Cantt. M/s Shalu Prakashan 127/B.1 Nauchandi Ground Meerut. 3296200 Mob: 09927447777. 2490775 313. M/s Vyapar Sadan 173/45.2762783 Mob: 09411024198 Fax: 0121. M/s Garg Book Depot 136/2. 6453444 2950820 Mob: 09837023213 09412248484 Fax: 0591. Western Kutcheri Road Meerut City. 2401101 322. M/s Gyan Ganga D-53/97-12 Maharana Pratap Colony Luxa-Rathyatra Road Varanasi 221010 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0542-3241543 Mob: 09335090704.317. 2363001 Mob: 09235597555 09234628152 Fax: 0542-2363001 320. 3291563 Mob: 09336853599 Fax: 0542-2413363 319. M/s Uttam Pustak Bhandar 1. Moti Bazar Dehradun 248001. Bulanala. M/s Himalaya Book Service Shop No. M/s Ganpati Enterprises 40. 2360858 Mob: 09336911206 Fax: 0542-2360643 323. 62/91. M/s Vidyarthi Kendra D 45/3. Uttarakhand Ph: 0135-2655639 Mob: 09411313498 Fax: 0135-2659349 327. Fax: 0542.58/52 B Sigra Rathyatra Road Varanasi 221010 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0542-2364355. Haldwani Uttarakhand Ph: 05942-239853 Mob: 09359779663 09412084105 Fax: 05942-239853 73 . M/s Vidya Kendra Books & Stationers Pvt. 2625645 Mob: 09897163852 09456743040 328.2413017. M/s Arunoday Book Depot CK.2413363. M/s Jai Emporium B-37/112A-1. M/s Arunodaya Book Centre D-45/194. Akhara Bazar. M/s Sardar Jota Singh & Sons D-53/90D Narayan Nagar Guru Bagh. 59/5. D. Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0542-2400176. M/s Bokaro Students Friend Pvt.2391322 UTTARAKHAND 326. Varanasi Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0542-6540210 Mob: 09839415220 324. M/s Gupta General Trading Co. (Radha Chitra Mandir Building) Varanasi Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0542. Dehradun Uttarakhand Ph: 0135-2624820. 2-3. K. Varansai 221001 Uttar Pradesh Ph:0542. Luxa Road Varansi. B-37/108A Shantipuram. Ltd. 3291516 Mob: 09235697363 Fax: 05422413017 321. Ltd.2364355 325. Tara Place Nainital Road. 3242755 2364354 Mob: 09415300310 09335512282 Fax: 0542. Karanghanta Bulanala. Gurubagh. 2391322 Mob: 09335041943 Fax: 0542. Birdopur Varanasi 221010 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0542-2360643. Birdopur Varanasi 221010 Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0542-2363001. Varanasi Uttar Pradesh Ph: 0552-2400724 Mob: 09336911384 Fax: 0552-2400724 318. Near Panchayat Ghar Katwaria Sarai New Delhi 110016 Mob: 09312230495 341.P. Ltd.329. M/s Deepali Stationers 82. Mukharjee Road Kolkata 700026 West Bengal Ph: 033-24635715.O. Kalkaji New Delhi 110019 Mob: 9971705700 340. M/s Dutta Book House 130 A. Ram Nagar Krishna Nagar Delhi 110051 Ph: 011-22547622 Mob: 09811006733 74 . Jalpalguri 735223 West Bengal Ph: 03562-256719.P. 272341 Mob: 09719190955 331. 13. 23863697 Fax:. P. Bankim Chatterjee Street Kolkata 700073. Roorkee 247667 Uttarakhand Ph: 01332-272345. M/s Katha-O-Kahini (Book Sellers) Pvt. Railway Road. Nirankari Colony Delhi 110002 Ph: 011-26701283. Building Kashmere Gate. M/s Bookwell 3/79. 22196313 Mob: 09830257999 Fax: 033-22570850 URDU TEXTBOOK DISTRIBUTORS 337. 236164 Mob: 09412084105 Fax: 05942-239853 330. Taj Apartment Gazipur. Ganeshpur Roorkee 247667 Uttarakhand Ph: 01332-265526 Mob: 09897635526 WEST BENGAL 332. Delhi 96 Ph: 011-22235819. M/s Daanish Distributors C-502. Delhi (Govt. 336. West Bengal Ph: 033-22419071. 23863858 23863566. Ramnath MaazumdarStreet Kolkata 700009 West Bengal Ph: 033-22193671 334. M/s Cambridge Book Depot Civil Lines. 22230812 Mob: 9868242343 339. M/s Sarv Priya Book Depot F-112. M/s Dev Sahitya Kutir (P) Ltd.O. Jhamapukur Lane Kolkata 700009 West Bengal Ph: 033-23504294. 255686 Mob: 09434184803 Fax: 03562-255686 333. Nainital Uttarakhand Ph: 05942-235164. M/s Gupta Prakashan Panwar Basti. S. M/s Delhi Book Agency M-64. 27604536 Mob: 09810043240 342. 21. M/s Consul Book Depot Bara Bazar. Delhi 110006 Ph: 011-23865436. of Delhi) G. 23504295 335. Mal Dist. M/s Partap Publisher & Distributor. 25632813 Mob: 09339753936 336.011-23863773 LIST OF DISTRIBUTORS FOR NCERT GENERAL PUBLICATIONS DELHI 338. M/s Bijali Book House 6 D. Urdu Academy. Rajasthan Ph: 0294. Fatehpura Udaipur 313004. Joseph’s Convent Shopping Complex. Cape Road Nagercoil-1.K. M/s Topper Books. 5451323 TAMIL NADU 346. Mohan Singh Mehta Marg Dewali Road. Sector 30 Faridabad 121008 Haryana. District Tamil Nadu Ph: 04652-229788 Mob: 09443579852 75 . Ph: 0129-2255531 Mob: 09811608009 MADHYA PRADESH 344. Shivaji Nagar Bhopal 462016 Madhya Pradesh 0755-2550976. M/s Deepthi Book World No-2.A Colony.Com Plot No. 2450911. Shankar Nagar B. K. St. M/s Eklavya E-10.D. 2551108(F) RAJASTHAN 345.HARYANA 343.44. Vidya Bhawan Socity Dr. 76 .
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