Nbme Peds 1 and 2 Nbme Mastery Flashcards _ Quizlet

May 18, 2018 | Author: parth515 | Category: Fever, Lymph Node, Vein, Medicine, Clinical Medicine



NBME PEDs 1 and 2 NBME MASTERY 55 terms shkani04Like this study set? Create a free Create account a free account Maybe later to save it. J-wave hypothermia efers to a sudden, adam strokes attack transient episode of syncope, occasionally featuring seizures. cause of recurrent impaired humoral immunity infection mixed metabolic salicylate poisoning acidosis and resp alkalosis patchy irregular uptake Multinodular goiter of radioisotope PLays and ringworm but IT DOES NOT HAVE FEVER or TENDER sports in highschool. SCID bacterial. itching rash stared between the Keep in mind that athletes foot. bronchoscopy . Post pharyngeal wall is erythematous and covered with thin gray mucous SCID has an abscence T cells .immune Hep B core Ab + Hep B virus .leads to B cell impairment too. jock itch of both feel.What is anotehr name lymphocytic thyroiditis/ infiltration for multinodular goiter 14 day feevr headache Sinusitis and green nasal discharge in a 14 yr old kid.take it out next step kid has fever and right Pseudomonas .not immune Hep B surface ag + Hep B surface ab - .becasue he has fever. Both are low of what cells recurrent infection . foot pain. on PE he has a 6 cm round midline suprapubic pelvic mass Hep A ab + Hep A virus . LYMPH NODE Lymphnode in groin is tender 2 days after delivery a Posterior urethral valves male newborn has dribbling. Trichophyton rubrum is a second and third toes fungus that most common cause of athletes foot. fungal and viral Pt has foreign body. cortical tubers what can TMPSMX neutropenia** ( low segmented neutrophils) cause on labs 14 yr old girl pt with impreforate hymen .do cruciate incision of the hymen suprapubic tenderness for 6 mo. four periventricular nodules . ashleaf spots . murmur is heard Venous hum is when he blood goes through the internal through the cardiac jugular vein cycle and is most prominent at the left upper sternal border when the child is in the sitting position. She has a red smooth bulge between the labia. The murmur dissapears when his neck is rotated in the sitting position suspected G6PD from look at blood for heinz bodies and bite cells . Lab shows hypochromic microcytic anemia.Skin Tuberous sclerosis hypopigmentation.2 yr olld boy with lead poisoning (not iron def) anorexia poor coordination and sporadic vomiting over teh last month. next thin blood smears .thick and antimalarial meds. Next step? pt with anorexia is at osteoporosis risk for what bone morphology? A low pitched vibratory Venous hymm .when he turns his head left it cuts it off. xray cant visualize calcification main types are the result of either laxity of the supporting capsule or an abnormal acetabulum. 1cm smooth firm mass under right nipple. detected.step? 14 yr old girl with downs Pulmonary artery HTN is evaluated for polycythemia vera. 16 yr boy old with a Physiologic pubertal development painless lump in is right breast. she has a large ventricular septal defect and a dilated main pulmonary artery. she has cyanosis and clubbing. There is an S2 increased in intensity. papillemdema. Ortolani dysplasia.include subluxation. . cerebral examination shows an edema etc. What is causing the polycythemia? fundoscopic increased intercranial pressure.then can do xray. and dislocation maneuver and the Barlow maneuver U/S until 3 mo . abscence of venous pulsations appropriate therapy for 6 week course of oral AZT within 12 hrs after delivery a kid born to a mother with HIV "click" or more precisely "developmental dysplasia of the hip" (DDH) to "congenital "clunk" in the hip may be dislocation of the hip" (CDH). base of the lesion is smooth and non purulent bowing of legs outward Rickets in a kid anterior bowing of the hereditary syphilis tibia caused by 9 yr old with bowing of Tibia Vara her right leg .right knee bowed outwad on walking.no nipple or skin retraction or lymphadenopathy diarrhea with chicken salmonella . 10 mm nontender sharply demarcated elevated round lesion on the right labium majus. what could have prevented this? 16 yr old girl from africa Treponema pallidum **** has a painless lesion on her vulva. X ray of pt standing shows collapse of the medial aspect of the metaphysis of the proximal tibia next step in caustic fiberoptic endoscopy ingestion after .cook meat properly 18 mo old at daycare strict handwashing techniques at the day care center center with diarrhea has RSV. sexually active. what is the mechanism holosystolic murmur VSD with mid-diastolic murmur at the apex. blood pressure. treatment for the fever is started. and breathing. how do you confirm the dx next step in diazepam management in a febrile Treatment for prolonged seizures usually involves giving seizure for 35 min ( an antiseizure medication and monitoring the child's heart complex partial) in 7 mo rate. After the seizure has stopped. usually by giving oral or rectal acetaminophen or ibuprofen and sometimes by sponging with room temperature (not cold) water. when do you give penecillin until 5 yrs old penecillin or pneumococcal vaccination after 5 pneumoccal vaccine for asplenia? absent cremestaric torsion of testis .stabilization of airway newborn is getting decreased excretion of bili jaundice. After a simple febrile seizure. rickets mechanism of metabolic deformity 12 yr old boy is shortest determination of bone age boyin class but has a tall dad. most children do not need to stay in the hospital unless the seizure was caused by a serious infection requiring treatment in the hospital. bili is at 14 and direct is 6. If the seizure stops on old. antiseizure medication is not required. its own. stools are lighter. reflex on right 14 yr old tired.post strep is usually self glomerulonephritis limiting 3 mo old has ecoli renal U/S . 14 yr old girl with high turners .karyotype analysis BP and weak femoral pulses. no throat tx exudate of white count tx for diabetic who decrease insulin dosage by 10-15% only exercise days does intense exercise to reduce diabetes related complications outcome for post strep recovery without renal sequelae . leukopenia. SLE painful swelling of left knee. . next step 18 mo old with fever.pyelonephritis 100. longer Hypothyroidism menses and heavier.no abonormalities of pharynx. 3 yr old has fever. with low birthweights and who received prolonged mechanical ventilation to treat respiratory distress syndrome. anemia.000 and WBC in u/a . sore acetaminophen only . thyroid gland easily palpated. next step chronic lung disorder bronchopulmonary dysplasia that is most common among children who were born prematurely. bilirubin approaching 25 .barking cough hoarsness too noisy breathing when he inhales. crosses midline 1-2 yrs old .extrarenal mass.get bigger before they go away INFANTS and which and they BLANCH in INFANTS.thrombocytopenia.(up to 36 mo) 6 week old baby is formula with hydorlyzed casein having stols with blood and mucus in stool. 3-4 normal kidneys on US yrs old Neuroblastoma . . bilirubin 22. Next step 36 hr baby has jaundice. vs cherry hemangioma suspected adrenal increased ACTH insuff LOW CORTISOL 30 mo old kid with left Neuroblastoma flank mass with normal bone marrow. next step if it was alot less like 12 then do phototherapy 2 yr old boy with subglottic edema / narrowing . combs test +. and Wilm's tumor .do a exchange trasnfusion. she was changed from cows formula to soy forumla. tx: observation one blanches? -Cherry hemangioma DOES NOT blanch strawberry hemangioma.intrarenal mass.CROUP rhinorrhea (coryza). does not cross midline. protein in urine which one is in -strawberry hemangioma .inspiratory stridor difficulty breathing 15 yr old girl has Tinea versicolor multiple areas on her . 8 yr old boy with 9 mo E. colds seem to goto his chest and linger.spirometry hx of productive cough that is worse at night and SOB during physical activity. CXRAY shows mild hyperinflation. next step . PE shows multiple falt oval. she has mild itching over these areas when she plays volley ball.chest and upper back that are lighter than the rest of her skin. hypopigmented lesions.
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