Navamsa Chart in Predictions

March 25, 2018 | Author: tamiyanvarada | Category: Divination, New Age Practices, Superstitions, Hindu Astrology, Occult



Usage of Navamsa Chart in PredictionsNavamsa Chart is the most important divisional chart, Navamsa means nine part of a particular Rashi in which each Amsa consists of 3 degrees and 20 minutes. It is usually used during predictions about marriage of the native, spouse, married life etc but is also useful to know characteristics of the native and also his/her spouse in much detail. For a planet posited in a Movable sign (Chara Rashi) counting starts from the sign itself, in fixed sign counting starts from 9th and in dual sign counting starts from 5th from where the planet is posited. Planets in the first Navamsa division. Chara Rashi, 5th division in the fixed sign (Sthir Rashi) and 9th division in Dual Rashi are Vargottoma. Importance of Navamasa Navamsa is invariably necessary to be checked for each and every event to be delineated from the horoscope. According to Shastras, without Navamsa chart predictions are not ventured without anyalsing the position of planets in the Navamsa chart for a particular bhava and its representative. Sthoolam or apparent look is D-1 chart, Sukhsham Sharira is D-9 chart and it should have inherent permanent strength. If Sukhsham Sharira does not possesses strength one will always be liable for having loss the materalistic possessions he has. Otherwise also sustaining engeries for a native will be very less if Sukhshma Sharira is not properly balanced. Planets debilitated in D-1 exalted in D-9 are considered to give more favourable results and are considered to be more powerful and vice-versa. Any planet or Bhava should have equal or more strenght in D-9 chart to advocate sustaining power of that particular Bhava or planet. Any planet in its own Rashi placed in D-1 chart should go into its own Rashi, Mooltrikon sign, exaltation sign or great friend’s sign. They should not go into inimical signs, untoward behaves or connected with them should not be debilitated or should not otherwise loose strenght in D-9 chart. One has to analysis the exact strength of a planet in D-9 chart in respect of basic chart, transit chart (prashna chart) any planet gaining strength in Navamsa multiply its power with three times. Classification and Lords of Navamsa The lords of Navamsa are as follows: a. The lord of first, 4th and 7th Navamsa is Deva which means the divine lord. It represent the qualities of generosity, power, wealth. Native born in this part of Navamsa are generous, religious and powerful. b. The lord of 2nd, 5th and 8th Navamsa represent Nara which means a man or person of kind, soul and reputed. Engaged in the pursuits of human welfare. c. The lords of 3rd, 6th and 9th Navamsa represent the charatertistics of Rakshaha or a demon. This part represent cruel, quarry, violent, selfish and person of a negative qualities. In Navamsa two things are must to be seen. The Lagna Bhava and Lagna Lord should not be into 6th, 8th or 12th Bhava in D-9. If it is moveable sign it should not be in 6th Navamsa or 8th Navamsa, if it is fixed Sign it should not to be in 4th Navamsa and in Dual sign it should not be in 2nd, 4th, & 8th Navamsa. Secondly, 6th, 8th & 12th lord of D-1 should not get associated with Lagna Bhava or lagna lord in D-9. When the Lagna and Lagna Lord of D-9 gets associated with 6, 8 or 12 of D-9. The first level of afflictions will give the affects in the Mahadasha of Planets connecting to these Lagna Lord and Lagna. The second level of afflictions is in the Antradasha of these planets and the third level in the Pratyanter Dashas. One with experience these kinds of troubles and anxietities in life. Blessings of Pushkara Navamsa Pushkaramsa represent Pushkara Navamsa of 3o-20′ in a Rasi which is its most ausupious part. Each Rasi has two Pushkara Navamsa and thus their total in 12×2 = 24. These Navamsa are owned by the benefic planets and can predict benefic results, when applying in muhurata, prasana and timing of events, Jupiter when in pushkara bless the native with plenty of wealth and progress in life. In Navamsa for the purpose of self one has to see the strength of 5th house in D-9 of Lagna, Lagna Lord, the Sun and dispositior of the Sun. For analysing one’s poorva punya karma’s how will they fruitify. Lagna Lord. Moreover. Ketu and dispositor of Ketu for diseases and curing of disases Rahu and dispositior of Rahu (in transit). 12 houses/ Lords (Kalapursha’s 3th lord Gemeni and its Lord Mercury alongwith Venus) they talk of foreign settlements and disease. 7th Lord. engaged in the pursuits of human welfare and reputed. A planet may be well-placed in the natal-chart Rasi-wise but its full effects may not materialise if its situation in the navamsa-chart is not supportive. physical appearances. 3) Mithuna (Gemini). Foreign travels and associated things – 3. and the Zodiac of Signs comprises 108 navamsas divided into four groups. The following charts will help in understanding the importance of Navamsa Charts. in the 5th navamsa of Sthira rasis ("fixed signs") and in the 9th navamsa of Dwisavbhava rasis ("common signs") will be in Vargottama and hence strong. lagna Lord.cruel. the 8th or the 12th bhava in the Navamsa Chart nor the lords of the 6th. Navamsa and Marital happiness Navamsa chart help in analysising the married life of the spouse and their contirbution in the growth of family. 9. 3rd house. temperament. 7th house. the free encyclopedia In Vedic astrology a constant reference is made to the Navamsa occupied by planets and the Lagnapoint. 4th and 7th navamsa of a sign represent the Deva ("Divine beings" and constructive forces).[2][3] The lords of 1st. the 6th or the 9th navamsa whose lords represent the Rakshasas ("Demonic beings" and evil forces) are selfish. Individual analysis of D-9 chart is also possible for looking at the prospects of one’s life. Lagna. the Lagna-rasi and the Lagna-lord should not form or occupy the 6th. Tula (Libra) and Kumbha (Aquarius)– they are from Tula to Mithuna. the Lagna (Ascendant)rising or the planet situated in the first navamsa of Chara rasis ("movable signs"). Thus. consulted together. wealthy. Whereas the Rasi-chart provides overall information regarding the location of planets and sensitive-points such as the Lagna. colour. Navamsa literally means the "Ninth Division". Lagna Lord. and in the 3rd. It help in assessing the mental compatability with his spouse and their capactities in life. Further Navamsa chart analyses the timing of marriage and means to counteract the delays.[1] Definition In Vedic astrology. Lagna.Lagna. Both. destructive and possess many negative qualities. 2) Vrishibha (Taurus). religious. 5th or the 8th navamsa whose lords represent the Naras ("Human beings" and their efforts) are generally kind. violent. Navamsa means one-ninth part of a Zodiac Sign. Poorva punaya karma’s and their afflictions can be seen from 5th houses/ 5th lord and from the Karka Jupiter and its dispositior. the latter provides vital information regarding their active quality and strength.[4] In the Jaimini System of prognostication the use of seven karakas determined according to the respective longitudes of the seven planets is recommended and their navamsa-occupation noted. Vrishchika (Scorpio) and Meena (Pisces) – they are from Kataka to Meena. Simha (Leo) and Dhanus(Sagittarius)– for which signs the navamsas are from Aries to Dhanus. each navamsa measures 3 degrees and 20 minutes in longitude or one-quarter of a Nakshatra (Constellation). 3rd Lord. 4) Kataka (Cancer). persons born with any of these navamsas rising in the Lagna are generous. Persons born in the 2nd. 1) Mesha (Aries). Navamsa From Wikipedia. Now where you are analysing spouse. Lagna will talk of one’s spouse and spouse qualities. powerful and influential. Any . the Rasi-chart and the Navamsa-chart are deemed equally important and therefore. Saturn and its dispositor in D-9 they will talk of one’s endurance in this life. 7. Venus and its dispositor. 6th lord. good natured. Kanya (Virgo) and Makara(Capricorn) – they are from Makara to Kanya. the 8th or the 12th of the Rasi Chart associate with the Navamsa Lagna or its lord. and general disposition. g. however. the 8th or the 12th from the lord of the 10th then contrary results will be experienced. The occupation of own navamsa by a planet is superior to the occupation of its exaltation-navamsa. a planet situated in its debilitation sign in the Rasi-chart but in its uccha-navamsa (exalted in Navamsa-chart) invariably confers auspicious results. in the 9th or in the 2nd house from the lagna make one very learned. the lord of the Lagna situated in the 3rd house in conjunction with the lord of the 3rd gives prosperous.[8] The Navamsa Chart is also called the "Fortune Chart". A planet otherwise strongly placed in the Rasi-chart with reference to a specific bhava or its lord does not produce in its own dasha/antradasha the anticipated good results relating to that bhava in full if it happens to be situated in the navamsa-chart in the 6th. Birth in Vargottama Lagna is considered very fortunate and planets in Vargottama are very strong and confer benefic results if they do not occupy inimical signs. the same is true if many planets are in debilitation. at the time of query and for purpose of fixing auspicious muhurtas.[5] Results of planetary periods (dashas) and sub-periods (antra-dashas) vary in accordance with the particular location of those bhava-lords in the Navamsa-chart. for it is the hidden force and on its strength or weakness depends how one’s destiny unfolds. the 8th or the 12th from the lord of the 3rd then there may be enmity with brothers or sorrow to them. it should be ruled by a benefic planet and not be in a Shunya Rasi at the time of performing any beneficial activity. the situation of the Moon in 11th house removes all defects. If at the time of birth planets are placed in inimical signs even if they be in Vargottamathey render all Raja yogas useless. The planet which is in its exaltation sign in the Rasi-chart but situated in its neecha-navamsa (debilitated in Navamsa-chart) produces its bad results very soon.e. be of planets whose varas are favourable for the event. This chart. Implication A Navamsa is equal to one-ninth part of a sign or one nakshatra-pada (one-fourth part of a constellation) and is one of the Shodasvargas i. one of the sixteen sub-divisions of a sign that give more and more precise good or bad position of a planet or lagna-point in the natal-chart vis-à-vis other signs and sign-lords. helps judge the strengths and weaknesses of planets and their respective dispositors as at the time of one’s birth. famous and even establish a new school of thought or system. happy and helpful brothers but if in the navamsa-chart the lord of the lagna is in the 6th. the 8th or the 12th from the sign occupied by that particular bhava-lord e.[6] In Prasna Marga the author has in addition to the Navamsa also referred to the Nava Navamsa and the Navamsa Dwadasamsa positions. and the latter by multiplying the actual longitude (signs excluded) of a planet by 12. it gives the measure of destiny. Rahu and Ketu (mythology) do not rule any navamsa-division but a navamsa of Mars is to be found in all signs. Saturn occupying its own or exaltation sign does not afflict natural benefics or their yogaformations provided it does not simultaneously occupy its neecha-navamsa but all planets occupying navamsas ruled by Jupiter usually act as benefics and if situated in a kendra. The Rajayogakarakas cease to be Rajayogakarakas if the happen to occupy their neechanavamsas. If the lord of the 2nd house is in conjunction with the lord of the 10th situated in the 10th house and the lord of the lagna is involved in Rajayoga one secures a high political or administrative position during the dasha/antra-dasha of the lord of the 2nd house but in case in the navamsa-chart the lord of the 2nd is in the 6th.[7] In Horary astrology. the navamsa-lagna has a direct bearing on the level of success reached.[9] Role in Yoga formation . the former position is obtained by multiplying the actual longitude (signs included) of a planet by 81. Negative effects diminish if benefic are strong in the lagna. which complements the Rasi Chart. in a kendra or in a trine.planet can acquire any karakatwa but the prime indicator is the Atmakaraka along with the various lagnas and padas. have prescribed roles and results and contribute to their varga-wise awastha determination. While a Rasi Chart consists of 12 parts. Moon and Jupiter or if the Arudha rasi of the 7th house happens to be a kendra or trikona or the 3rd or 11th from Lagnarudha the person will be very wealthy. . a king is born. Arudha lagna associated with benefics gives wealth. Jataka Tattva states that first find out in which drekkena (decanate) the lords of the 2nd and the 11th are placed.The Key to Marriage The Basics: The Navamsa is a zooming tool into your basic horoscope. It is a 9x Zoom meaning each sign is expanded 9 times so you have a finer picture of the position of planets in your horoscope. 8th or 12th) happens to occupy all ten own. For example in a Rasi Chart the Ascendant changes every 2 hours in a Navamsa chart the Ascendant changes every 2 hours / 9 = 13 minutes and 20 minutes. This yoga is possible for Gemini lagna and Libra lagna. All sub-divisions of a sign.[11] Karakamsa is the navamsa occupied by the Atmakaraka. Maharshi Parasara the sage whose writings are found today in the book titled "Maharshi Parasara Hora Sastra" says "From your Navamsa chart know more about your marriage". For example. and in the case of Libra lagna the person will be an all-conquering emperor. A Navamsa chart resembles your basic Rasi chart and is extracted out of your Rasi Chart or your basic horoscope. And. the Navamsa consists of 12 x 9 = 108 parts. Poverty is indicated if the Arudha rasi of the 7th falls on the 6th. if the 2nd house from this lagna is occupied by Venus. if the lords of these navamsas attain Vaishesika-amsa and occupy the kendras or the trikonas from the lagna then the person will be blessed with a very sound financial status. casting its aspect on the lagna while occupying an unfriendly but a benefic navamsa can make one an unforgiving undisputed undefeated despot. then find out the lords of the navamsas that are occupied by the lords of those drekkenas.[10] As per Jaimini the financial status of a person is indicated by the Lagnarudha and its lord. Vaishesika-amsa is attained when a planet not in its debilitation sign or combust or defeated in grahyuddha avoiding a trika-bhava (6th. the Moon occupying its exalted navamsa will be in a trikona-bhava from a strong Mercury.Main articles: Yoga (Hindu astrology) and Raja yoga (Hindu astrology) All yoga formations follow inviolable basic rules and principles and therefore. The problem with the Navamsa Chart is that it is very sensitive to time of birth when compared to a Rasi chart. In the case of Gemini lagna the person will be a very wealthy ruler. including the navamsa situation of planets. a Raja yoga description reads as follows: If at the time of birth the Moon situated in a trikona-bhava (trine) is in the 8th navamsa of Aquarius. the 8th or the 12th from Lagnarudha. the yogas described by the various texts are very certain in their construction and impact. the planet most advanced in any one sign in one's natal chart. Mars in its own sign in the house of gains (11th house) or in the 7th. An error of a few minutes may cause very significant changes in the Navamsa Chart. friendly or exalted vargas (sub-divisions) of a sign. Navamsa . Mars occupies the 7th navamsa of Aries and Mercury is in the 21st vimsamsa of Gemini. Then. There will be destruction of wealth through association with women of illrepute if the 9th from Karakamsa is joined by Rahu. for example. 6th. Sometime this may confuse researchers in Astrology when the client refuses to part with the secret affair. It may be a temporary separation. If the lord of the 7th house in the Navamsa Chart is Jupiter and Jupiter (Guru) is exalted in Navamsa then the person will get married to a very attractive person (usually fairer or more charming than others). If from the Rasi chart the same planets are connected to houses of marriage you can be 100% sure that such planets will give marriage. then the love affair will end (break) during that time. If a person is in love with someone and then in the near future there is the conjoined periods of planets placed in the 3rd. . Navamsa reveals when the Divorce will happen Planets placed in the 3rd. 8th and 12th house divorce is strongly indicated. In case the Rasi chart does not indicate divorce even then these planets indicate some other problem related to marriage. 6th. Navamsa reveals when the Marriage will happen Planets placed in the 1st or 7th house in the Navamsa may be considered as giver of marriage. 6th. Usually in traditional Indian families pre-marital sex is the worst thing that can happen so the person does not reveal the premarital sex because in most cases the parents come along with the children to an Astrologer. This planetary position also indicates that the spouse will have a positive role to play. This means that after marriage the person will become happier and wealthier or get luckier. Of course the positions of planets in Navamsa do not change with changes in time of birth but we are talking about the Navamsa Lagna (Ascendant). NAVAMSA and its Hidden Concepts . Planets exalted in Navamsa usually gives auspicious results and marriage is one. In most cases the basic horoscope is sufficient for finding the most probable time for marriage. Which is when the Navamsa comes in as a handy tool. the spouse may go off to a foreign land for example. the navamsa indicates when the divorce will happen. Warning: Without the basic chart indicating divorce do not use the Navamsa for timing divorce. then during the ruling period of that planet the marriage will take place. This may often lead to the situation where the Astrologer feels that the time of birth is probably wrong. 8th and 12th house of the Navamsa chart. It is better to get married after the bad period is over. If the Rasi Chart indicates divorce.So if you are not sure of the time of birth it is better to leave the Navamsa alone. During the conjoined periods of planets in the 3rd. Therefore Planets exalted in Navamsa also try to give marriage during their sub periods (Bhukti). If marriage does not take place then the person will have "marriage like experience" meaning regular physical union with someone without the marriage. But in case there are many planets that become nominee planets for marriage choosing one may become difficult even for experienced Astrologers. 8th and 12th are indicators of trouble in marriage. Sometime a planet that is in the 7th house in the Bhava Chart (house division chart) is also in the 7th house in the Navamsa Chart then if the person is not yet married. A wise Astrologer should advise the person to delay the marriage (cross the weak bridge). The Navamsa reveals more about your spouse. The lord of the 7th house in the Navamsa chart is a strong contender for marriage. the partner will always be able to find or identify that one fault. NOW coming to the point please don’t mind these stories and introduction are always necessary to bring you all on my thinking platform. focus on it consistently keeping aside all the good habits which your partner invariably have. Then you say that I never deserved this. First concept We generally have a lot of expectations from our spouse or would be spouse but when those expectations doesn't get fulfilled or met which is generally the case. in some or the other way we are in a habit of finding fault with our spouse or partner. Comments like you should have done this. which are the part and parcel of any relationship then you would find that. there are many aspects of native's life which can be seen and understood from this chart only. No other chart can even dare to give those detailed clues which Navamsa chart can easily provide at one glance. In other words your spouse is nothing but your own reflection which you have never seen. This is the irony of the concept. you should not take me for granted. Yes I know that many of the learned members must be contemplating and assuming that we already know well about this chart. you never acknowledge me etc Now if you closely observe all of the above comments. Divorces happen because your other side of personality (unknown to you) when comes in front of you in the form of your spouse then it gives a big shock to you. In-spite of the fact that you were already nurturing those qualities inside you for a long time. Reason is simple. CRUX is. he/she was not meant for me. It reflects all the weaknesses which we have all-through but fail to acknowledge them. Actually Navamsa chart operates more on an astral plane rather than on a materialistic plane.Almost all of the Indian Vedic astrologers and many of the western astrologers too consider this chart as one of the most important charts after Lagan chart and Shastyamsa (D-60) chart. Indeed the point is he/she has not changed but the destiny has shown you the MIRROR. Habits which your partners have are nothing but your own subtle expectations of which you are also unaware about and all these habits can be understood deeply by analyzing the Navamsa chart. When your own hidden negative qualities come to you through your spouse then you express SHOCK. then we tend to start the blame game. why don’t you respect me. SEE THE UNKNOWN SIDE of your personality (Good or bad) in the Navamsa chart . why you always keep fighting with me. In fact most of the times that 1 fault of your partner becomes everything for you which in turn provokes you to blast him/her then and there. I am not saying that your partner can never be at fault but the point is even if he or she has 1 fault then out of the 100 good points. he/she has changed. so there is no need for us to read this post but still I beg your pardon to write something more about this chart. Couples say that we two are absolutely different personalities but they forget that they are the different sides of the same coin. Few other concepts 1) Analyze your Navamsa lord of 7th lord (From lagan chart). If it is placed in 6th house: native will tend to fight with his/her spouse. now the lord of this rashi is Saturn. But careful analysis should be done before jumping to any conclusion. For example. take Scorpio lagan. 4) Spouse should be seen from 7th house of Navamsa chart. 12th house: The native would be indifferent for his or her spouse. they are open enough to know about their negative qualities and rectify lagan chart. How will he/she behaves with the native. Their SOUL matches with their actions as a result whatever work they will do will have purity. placement. what are the qualities which helps you to hold your relationship or the qualities which you and your spouse cherish and because of which you two are together. Now observe how the native inherently behaves with his/her spouse. 3) See the placement. Reason is now clear. how the native behaves with his spouse in front of the whole world. If you are doing bad deeds. strength.. People who are afraid to look deep inside them are left behind in the race of life.People who have no hidden negative qualities or know about their negative qualities their D-9 chart supports their lagan chart or compliments their lagan chart and we all know that when this happens then the native RISE in life and hence are much more fortunate in life. you will not be able to look into your own eyes and this would be visible from your D-9 chart. Looking at you own negative qualities means you are honest to yourself and when you are honest to yourself. conjunctions of this Saturn in LAGAN chart.. For ex: If a native has Scorpio ascendant and Virgo ascendant is in Navamsa then though mars and mercury are enemies but if Jupiter happens to be in Navamsa lagan then since Jupiter is the friend of mars so the bad influence would be reduced an astrologer should be very careful while analyzing things. Few more concepts 1) Kind of relationship between the native and his spouse can also be judged by the intensity of friendship between the lagan lord and Navamsa lagan lord. Hence see the strength. 2) See the placement of Navamsa lagan lord in Navamsa chart. you will honest to others too as a result GOD will always be there at your back. then obviously. so the success rest with them as these people never hide anything from them. conjunctions of the Navamsa lagan lord in lagan chart. This will give you the information about. suppose Venus is placed in Capricorn in d-9. . Venus becomes the 7th lord (take the corrected lordship from cusp chart). 8th house: native will hide the things from his spouse and will not be transparent. Apply the 2nd and 3rd points likewise. This will give you the information about. com-bust. But again remember do not jump to conclusions immediately this Navamsa lagan lord should NOT be debilitated. under any kind of malefic influence etc etc. . Otherwise results will not come to pass. in enemy sign. 3) If Lord of the Navamsa happens to be in lagan or 7th or 9th house of lagan chart then marriage would be auspicious and stable.2) If the lord of Navamsa lagan is present in 2nd or 11th house of lagan chart then the spouse will bring wealth to the family.
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