NAVAIR 17-1-573

March 24, 2018 | Author: sergey62 | Category: Dangerous Goods, Hvac, Air Conditioning, Thermostat, Quality Assurance



NAVAIR 17-1-57301 March 2009 GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT MANUAL ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 GEC6 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors to protect publications required for official use or for administrative or operational purposes only, determined on 01 March 2009. Other requests for this document shall be referred to Naval Air Systems Command, Code, 47123 Buse Rd, Patuxent River, MD 20670 DESTRUCTION NOTICE: For unclassified, limited documents, destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Published by Direction of the Commander, Naval Air Systems Command 0817LP1091347 NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 NUMERICAL INDEX OF EFFECTIVE WORK PACKAGES List of Current Changes Original ..........................0 ............................. 01 MARCH 2009 PAGE A Only those work packages/pages assigned to the manual are listed in this index. Insert Changes as issued. Dispose of superseded work packages and deleted work packages. If change pages are issued to a work package, insert the changed pages in the applicable work packages. The portion of the text affected in a change or revised work package is indicated by change bars or the change symbol “R” in the outer margin of each column of text. Changes to illustrations are circled and/or indicated by pointing hands or change bars as applicable. Total number of pages in this manual is 232 consisting of the following: WP Number Title Page Page A........................................Numerical Index of Effective Work Packages TPDR..........................................List of Technical Publication Deficiency Reports Incorporated HMWS ........................................Warnings Applicable to Hazardous Materials Work Package 001 00 ................Alphabetical Index Work Package 001 01 ................Numerical Index of Part Numbers Work Package 001 02 ................Index of Reference Designators Work Package 002 00 ................Introduction Work Package 003 00 ................Description and Leading Particulars Work Package 004 00 ................Principles of Operation Work Package 005 00 ................Preparation for Use, Storage, and Shipment Work Package 006 00 ................Operating Instructions Work Package 007 00 ................Testing and Troubleshooting Work Package 008 00 ................Leak Test Work Package 009 00 ................Discharge / Recovery Work Package 010 00 ................Evacuation Work Package 011 00 ................Charging Work Package 012 00 ................Pressure Testing Work Package 013 00 ................Indoor Thermostat, Panels, and Covers Work Package 014 00 ................Chassis Assembly Work Package 015 00 ................Refrigeration Assembly Work Package 016 00 ................Control Box Assembly Work Package 017 00 ................Indoor Blower Assembly Work Package 018 00 ................Frame Assembly Work Package 019 00 ................Unit Wiring Inspection, Test, Repair, and Installation Work Package 020 00 ................Illustrated Parts Breakdown Title NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 WP/Page No. Change No. WP/Page No. Change No. WP/Page No. PAGE B Change No. (Manual) Title ................0 A ....................................0 TPDR-1..........................0 HMWS-1 ........................0 001 00............................0 002 00............................0 003 00............................0 004 00............................0 005 00............................0 006 00........................... 0 007 00........................... 0 008 00........................... 0 009 00........................... 0 010 00........................... 0 011 00........................... 0 012 00........................... 0 013 00........................... 0 014 00........................... 0 015 00 ...........................0 016 00 ...........................0 017 00 ...........................0 018 00 ...........................0 019 00 ...........................0 020 00 ...........................0 NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 TPDR-1 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN TECHNICAL PUBLICATION DEFICIENCY REPORTS ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT, A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 The TPDRs listed below have been incorporated in this issue. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER None LOCATION NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 TPDR-2 THIS PAGE HAS INTENTIONALLY BEEN LEFT BLANK. . Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual. A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 1. a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must be provided and available for review by users. Hazardous Materials Information System (HMIS) series publications. In the text of the manual.27. and the DoD 6050. Warnings for hazardous materials listed in this manual are designed to warn personnel of hazards associated with such items when they come in contact with them by actual use. and appropriate handling and emergency procedures and disposal guidance. Each hazardous material is assigned only one numeric identifier.2 INTRODUCTION. or high pressure.1 1. Under the heading HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WARNINGS. Explosive Hazard This rapidly expanding symbol shows that the material may explode if subjected to hightemperature. EXPLANATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ICONS Biohazard The abstract symbol bug shows that a material may contain bacteria or viruses that present a danger to life or health.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 HMWS-1 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN WARNINGS APPLICABLE TO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT. Navy Hazardous Material Control Program.4 . NAVSUPINST 5100. Since only those hazardous materials addressed in this manual will be listed. Eye Hazard The symbol of a person wearing face shield shows that the material will injure eyes. MSDSs. Cryogenic The symbol of a hand in a block or ice shows that the material is extremely cold and can injure human skin or tissue. including related icon(s) and a numeric identifier. the nomenclature of the hazardous material. Fire Hazard The symbol of a fire shows that the material may ignite and cause burns. are provided for hazardous materials used in this manual. and the numeric identifier that relates to the complete warning. Consult your local safety and health staff concerning any questions regarding hazardous materials.3 1. the caption WARNING is not used for hazardous material warnings. personal protective equipment requirements. sources of ignition. Chemical / Corrosive The symbol of a liquid dripping onto a hand shows that the material will cause burns or irritation to human skin or tissue. 1. For each hazardous material used within the Navy. Hazards are cited with appropriate icon(s). the numeric identifiers may not appear in sequential order.5. Users of hazardous materials shall refer to the complete warnings.23. complete warnings. Additional information related to hazardous materials is provided in OPNAVINST 5100. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 Poison The symbol of a skull and crossbones shows that the material is poisonous or is a danger to life. . Breathing Hazard The symbol of a human figure in a cloud shows that the material vapors present a danger to life or health. HMWS-2 Radiation The symbol of three circular wedges shows that a material emits radioactive energy and can injure human tissue or organs. OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION. AND NAUSEA. WEAR APPROVED PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND GOGGLES OR FACE SHIELD. OR WHILE SMOKING. DO NOT EXCEED 15 PSIG AT THE NOZZLE. AVOID ORAL INGESTION OF DETERGENT. INHALATION MAY CAUSE IRRITATION OR BURNING OF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM AND DIZZINESS. IT CAN IRRITATE CONTACTED AREAS AND CAUSE NAUSEA. WEAR APPROVED GOGGLES OR FACE MASK TO PROTECT EYES WHEN HANDLING. IF INHALATION OCCURS GO TO AREA WITH FRESH AIR. INHALATION OF AIR BLOWN PARTICLES OR SOLVENT VAPOR CAN IRRITATE AND DAMAGE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. VOMITING AND DIARRHEA. OPEN FLAMES. TYPE III IS COMBUSTIBLE NEAR SPARKS. MIL-D-16791 3 CLEANING SOLVENT. GENERAL PURPOSE DETERGENTS CAN CAUSE GENERAL SKIN IRRITATION AND MORE SEVERE IRRITATION TO EYES AND UPPER RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. INHALATION OF REFRIGERANT MAY CAUSE IRRITATION OR BURNING OF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM AND/OR DIZZINESS. USE GLOVES AND GOGGLES TO SHIELD FACE WHEN HANDLING. R-134A. INGESTION MAY CAUSE IRRITATION OR BURNING OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEM.NAVAI 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 HMWS-3 REFRIGERANT . WELDING AREAS. COMPRESSED AIR 2 GENERAL PURPOSE DETERGENTS. COMPRESSED AIR IS USED FOR ANY CLEANING AND DRYING OPERATION. IF SYMPTOMS PERSIST SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. CAN CAUSE BURNS AND/OR FREEZING OF SKIN IF REFRIGERANT LIQUID AND/OR VAPOR CONTACTS SKIN. CONTACT WITH AIR STREAM CAN CUT SKIN. WEAR 1 APPROVED GLOVES. HEADACHE. USE IN WELL VENTILATED AREA. CLEANING SOLVENT. CONTAC WITH EYES/FACE/SKIN/ MAY CAUSE IRRITATION OR BURNING. HOT SURFACES. REFRIGERANT IS UNDER PRESSURE. MIL-PRF-680.R134A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WARNINGS INDEX HAZARDOUS MATERIAL WARNING REFRIGERANT. MIL-PRF-680 TYPE III 4 . EYES CAN BE PERMANENTLY DAMAGED BY CONTACT WITH LIQUIDS OR LARGE PARTICLES PROPELLED BY COMPRESSED AIR. WHEN USING COMPRESSED AIR FOR CLEANING OR DRYING WEAR APPROVED GLOVES AND GOGGLES OR FACE SHIELD. WASH HANDS/EXPOSED SKIN WITH SOAP AND WATER AFTER HANDLING.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 INDEX HMWS-4 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL WARNING ROBINAIR VACUUM PUMP OIL IS A HYDROTREATED HEAVY PARAFFINIC DISTILLATE. EXPOSURE MAY CAUSE TEMPORARY IRRITATION TO THE EYES. USE CHEMICAL RESISTANT GLOVES AND LONG SLEEVE SHIRT. PROLONGED OR REPEATED EXPOSURE MAY CAUSE SLIGHT SKIN IRRITATION. 13203 5 . WEAR APPROVED GOGGLES OR FACE SHIELD. ROBINAIR VACUUM PUMP OIL. NAVAI 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 HMWS-5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 001 00 Page 1 of 2 ALPHABETICAL INDEX ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT, A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 Title WP Number Abbreviations........................................................................................ WP 002 00 Accumulator Assembly......................................................................... WP 015 00 Air Circulation Only Mode .................................................................... WP 006 00 Alphabetical Index ................................................................................ WP 00100 Arrangement and Use of Manual ......................................................... WP 002 00 Charging of ECU Refrigeration Assembly ........................................... WP 011 00 Compressor.......................................................................................... WP 015 00 Compressor / Control Box Section ...................................................... WP 003 00 Compressor Short Cycle Protection .................................................... WP 004 00 Condensate Drain ............................................................................... WP 003 00 Control Box Assembly ......................................................................... WP 003 00 Control Box Assembly .......................................................................... WP 014 00 Control Box Assembly .......................................................................... WP 016 00 Controls and Indicators ....................................................................... WP 006 00 Cool Cycle Power Distribution ............................................................. WP 003 00 Cooling Cycle ....................................................................................... WP 004 00 Cooling Mode ...................................................................................... WP 006 00 Corrosion Prevention and Control ....................................................... WP 002 00 Covers and Panels ............................................................................... WP 013 00 Defrost Cycle ....................................................................................... WP 003 00 Defrost Cycle........................................................................................ WP 004 00 Defrost Cycle Power Distribution ......................................................... WP 003 00 Discharge / Recovery of Refrigerant ................................................... WP 009 00 Evacuation of Refrigeration Assembly Accumulator ............................ WP 010 00 Expendable Materials and Durable Items Required ........................... WP 002 00 Filter-Dryer .......................................................................................... WP 015 00 Frame Assembly .................................................................................. WP 018 00 General Description.............................................................................. WP 003 00 General Theory of ECU........................................................................ WP 004 00 Group Assembly Parts List (GAPL)...................................................... WP 002 00 Hazardous Materials Warnings ............................................................ HMWS-1 Heat Cycle Power Distribution ............................................................. WP 003 00 Heater Cutout Switch .......................................................................... WP 014 00 Heating Cycle ....................................................................................... WP 004 00 Heating Element................................................................................... WP 014 00 Heating Mode ...................................................................................... WP 006 00 High Pressure Cutout Switch ............................................................... WP 015 00 Illustrated Parts Breakdown ................................................................. WP 020 00 Indoor Air Flow Section ....................................................................... WP 003 00 Indoor Blower Assembly....................................................................... WP 014 00 Indoor Blower Assembly....................................................................... WP 017 00 Indoor Coil Assembly ........................................................................... WP 015 00 NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 Title WP Number Indoor Thermostat ............................................................................... WP 003 00 Indoor Thermostat ................................................................................ WP 004 00 Introduction........................................................................................... WP 003 00 Introduction to the Illustrated Parts Breakdown ................................... WP 002 00 Key Features and Characteristics ........................................................ WP 003 00 Leading Particulars............................................................................... WP 003 00 Leak Testing......................................................................................... WP 008 00 List of Technical Publications............................................................... TPDR-1 Low-Pressure Cutout Switch ............................................................... WP 015 00 Motor and Fan Assembly ..................................................................... WP 014 00 Numerical Index of Effective Work Packages/Pages........................... Page A Numerical Index of Part Numbers ........................................................ WP 001 01 Numerical Index of Reference Designations........................................ WP 001 02 Operating Instructions ......................................................................... WP 004 00 Operation, Three Cycles ..................................................................... WP 004 00 Outdoor Coil Assembly......................................................................... WP 015 00 Ozone Delpleting Substances.............................................................. WP 002 00 Panels and Covers .............................................................................. WP 003 00 Power Distribution ................................................................................ WP 003 00 Preoperational Checkout ..................................................................... WP 006 00 Preparation for Shipment ..................................................................... WP 005 00 Preparation for Storage ........................................................................ WP 005 00 Preparation for Use .............................................................................. WP 005 00 Pressure Testing ................................................................................. WP 012 00 Primary Power...................................................................................... WP 003 00 Purpose and Scope of Manual............................................................. WP 002 00 Quality Assurance Requirements......................................................... WP 002 00 Record of Applicable Technical Directives........................................... WP 002 00 Reference Material ............................................................................... WP 002 00 Reversing Valve .................................................................................. WP 004 00 Reversing Valve Assembly................................................................... WP 015 00 Rotolock and Coupling Nuts Fittings .................................................... WP 015 00 Safety ................................................................................................... WP 002 00 Secondary Power ................................................................................. WP 003 00 Setup of Robinair Unit ......................................................................... WP 009 00 Shutdown ............................................................................................ WP 006 00 Support Equipment, TMDE, and Special Tools Required.................... WP 002 00 System Airflow ..................................................................................... WP 003 00 System Description ............................................................................. WP 003 00 Temperature Setting ............................................................................ WP 006 00 Troubleshooting.................................................................................... WP 007 00 Tube Assemblies.................................................................................. WP 015 00 Unit Wiring............................................................................................ WP 019 00 Warnings and Cautions Applicable to Hazardous Materials ................ WP 002 00 001 00 Page 2 of 2 NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 001 01 Page 1 of 4 NUMERICAL INDEX OF PART NUMBERS ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT, A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 PART NO. 154-211111-22000AA 1559AS127-2 WORK PACKAGE / FIGURE NO. / INDEX NO. 020 00 / 9 / 6 020 00 / 4 / 13 020 00 / 4 / 17 020 00 / 4 / 19 020 00 / 4 / 27 020 00 / 4 / 29 020 00 / 4 / 33 020 00 / 4 / 36 PART NO. 1559AS173-1 1559AS173-2 1559AS173-3 1559AS177-1 1559AS182-1 1559AS242-1 1559AS260-1 1559AS262-1 1559AS265-1 1559AS266-2 1559AS267-1 1559AS281-1 1559AS282-1 1559AS283-3 1559AS294-1 1559AS299-1 1559AS400-1 1559AS401-1 1559AS402-1 1559AS403-1 1559AS404-1 1559AS405-1 1559AS412-1 1559AS413-1 1559AS414-1 1559AS415-1 1559AS416-1 WORK PACKAGE / FIGURE NO. / INDEX NO. 020 00 / 5 / 2 020 00 / 9 / 45 020 00 / 9 / 44 020 00 / 5 / 3 020 00 / 9 / 49 020 00 / 9 / 23 020 00 / 9 / 25 020 00 / 3 / 9 020 00 / 3 / 4 020 00 / 3 / 1 020 00 / 3 / 2 020 00 / 3 / 15 020 00 / 1 / 3 020 00 / 1 / 1 020 00 / 1 / 2 020 00 / 3 / 3 020 00 / 9 / 43 020 00 / 1 / REF 020 00 / 11 / REF 020 00 / 5 / 1 020 00 / 11 / 1 020 00 / 11 / 2 020 00 / 11 / 3 020 00 / 11 / 4 020 00 / 11 / 5 020 00 / 11 / 6 020 00 / 11 / 7 020 00 / 11 / 8 020 00 / 11 / 9 1559AS136-1 1559AS142-1 020 00 / 9 / 3 020 00 / 7 / 7 020 00 / 12 / 2 020 00 / 13 / 2 020 00 / 7 / 2 1559AS148 1559AS148-1 1559AS159-3 1559AS159-4 1559AS159-5 1559AS159-6 1559AS159-7 1559AS160-1 1559AS160-2 1559AS169-2 1559AS171-1 1559AS171-2 020 00 / 8 / 5 020 00 / 13 / 4 020 00 / 6 / 4 020 00 / 8 / 6 020 00 / 6 / 5 020 00 / 6 / 7 020 00 / 8 / 9 020 00 / 6 / 15 020 00 / 6 / 14 020 00 / 13 / 5 020 00 / 8 / 4 020 00 / 6 / 3 020 00 / 7 / 3 020 00 / 7 / 6 020 00 / 5 / 10 020 00 / 5 / 32 NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 WORK PACKAGE / FIGURE NO. 020 00 / 11 / 10 020 00 / 11 / 11 020 00 / 9 / 12 020 00 / 9 / 22 020 00 / 9 / 29 020 00 / 9 / 32 020 00 / 9 / 36 1559AS427-2 020 00 / 10 / 2 020 00 / 11 / 12 020 00 / 2 / 14 020 00 / 2 / 18 020 00 / 2 / 22 020 00 / 2 / 4 020 00 / 2 / 7 020 00 / 5 / 8 020 00 / 9 / 19 020 00 / 9 / 26 020 00 / 9 / 8 1559AS427-3 020 00 / 2 / 10 020 00 / 2 / 12 020 00 / 2 / 29 020 00 / 2 / 5 020 00 / 2 / 8 1559AS427-4 1559AS428-1 020 00 / 9 / 17 020 00 / 9 / 4 020 00 / 1 / 3 020 00 / 4 / 11 020 00 / 5 / REF 1559AS430 1559AS434 1559AS438 1559AS439 1559AS441-1 1559AS441-2 1559AS444 1559AS444 1559AS445 1559AS446 020 00 / 5 / 11 020 00 / 8 / 1 020 00 / 5 / 7 020 00 / 5 / 28 020 00 / 5 / 24 020 00 / 5 / 15 020 00 / 5 / 16 020 00 / 6 / REF 020 00 / 6 / 1 020 00 / 5 / 18 1559AS518 1559AS484-1 1559AS496 1559AS500 1559AS515-1 1559AS483-1 1559AS482 1559AS481 1559AS469 1559AS470 1559AS474 1559AS474-1 1559AS457-1 1559AS457-2 1559AS458 1559AS462-14 1559AS462-18 1559AS462-22 1559AS462-24 1559AS462-37 1559AS462-42 1559AS462-46 1559AS462-8 1559AS467 1559AS467-1 1559AS452-1 1559AS453 1559AS456 001 01 Page 2 of 4 WORK PACKAGE / FIGURE NO. / INDEX NO. PART NO. 1559AS449 1559AS450-1 020 00 / 6 / 13 020 00 / 12 / 4 020 00 / 7 / 4 020 00 / 4 / 16 020 00 / 5 / 30 020 00 / 13 / 3 020 00 / 5 / 9 020 00 / 8 / 7 020 00 / 8 / 8 020 00 / 12 / 3 020 00 / 6 / 8 020 00 / 6 / 10 020 00 / 6 / 12 020 00 / 8 / 11 020 00 / 6 / 9 020 00 / 8 / 10 020 00 / 6 / 11 020 00 / 6 / 6 020 00 / 5 / 31 020 00 / 2 / 17 020 00 / 2 / 19 020 00 / 5 / 4 020 00 / 7 / 5 020 00 / 2 / 32 020 00 / 1 / 2 020 00 / 4 / REF 020 00 / 4 / 38 020 00 / 1 / REF 020 00 / 4 / 37 020 00 / 1 / REF 020 00 / 4 / 28 020 00 / 9 / REF 020 00 / 9 / 40 020 00 / 5 / 20 020 00 / 9 / 20 020 00 / 10 / REF 020 00 / 4 / 26 020 00 / 4 / 34 . / INDEX NO. 1559AS420-1 1559AS424-1 1559AS427-1 PART NO. 020 00 / 10 / 10 020 00 / 10 / 3 020 00 / 10 / 11 020 00 / 10 / 12 020 00 / 10 / 5 020 00 / 10 / 4 020 00 / 10 / 6 020 00 / 10 / 1 020 00 / 4 / 32 020 00 / 4 / 1 020 00 / 2 / 21 020 00 / 9 / 41 1559AS556-1 1559AS557-1 1559AS574-1 1559AS575-1 1559AS579-1 1559AS580-1 1559AS593-1 1559AS595-1 1559AS598-1 1559AS601 1559AS604 1559AS605-1 1559AS607 1559AS610 1559AS620-2 1559AS630-02 1559AS630-2 1559AS640 1559AS650 1559AS655-2 1559AS662 020 00 / 2 / 16 020 00 / 3 / REF 020 00 / 3 / 16 020 00 / 2 / 11 020 00 / 2 / 9 020 00 / 2 / 3 020 00 / 2 / 6 020 00 / 2 / 28 020 00 / 2 / 13 020 00 / 2 / 26 020 00 / 2 / 31 020 00 / 2 / 23 020 00 / 9 / 42 020 00 / 5 / 22 020 00 / 12 / REF 020 00 / 5 / 27 020 00 / 2 / 33 020 00 / 2 / 1 020 00 / 5 / 25 020 00 / 8 / 3 020 00 / 13 / 1 020 00 / 8 / 2 020 00 / 6 / 2 020 00 / 5 / 21 020 00 / 12 / 1 020 00 / 5 / 23 6X752 75-240301-2506AB 315-002 321P031A 350A035H16 35301 603-3F 2040QL2-43 2119 2166 224-010 3126-216 1559AS669 1559AS670 1559AS670-1 1559AS671-13 1559AS671-14 1559AS671-15 1559AS671-16 1559AS671-16 1559AS671-17 1559AS680-2 1559AS682 1599AS400-1 001 01 Page 3 of 4 WORK PACKAGE / FIGURE NO. 1559AS518-1 1559AS521 1559AS522 1559AS523 1559AS525-1 1559AS525-2 1559AS529-1 1559AS531 1559AS538-1 1559AS543-1 1559AS555-1 PART NO. / INDEX NO.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 WORK PACKAGE / FIGURE NO. / INDEX NO. 020 00 / 7 / REF 020 00 / 7 / 1 020 00 / 5 / 17 020 00 / 5 / 6 020 00 / 9 / 48 020 00 / 9 / 47 020 00 / 13 / REF 020 00 / 5 / 38 020 00 / 5 / 14 020 00 / 5 / 26 020 00 / 8 / REF 020 00 / 1 / 4 020 00 / 1 / 5 020 00 / 1 / 6 020 00 / 1 / 7 020 00 / 1 / 8 020 00 / 1 / 9 020 00 / 8 / 12 020 00 / 1 / 4 020 00 / 1 / 1 020 00 / 2 / REF 020 00 / 4 / 12 020 00 / 9 / 39 020 00 / 4 / 14 020 00 / 3 / 5 020 00 / 9 / 27 020 00 / 9 / 28 020 00 / 4 / 18 020 00 / 4 / 5 020 00 / 9 / 7 020 00 / 9 / 5 020 00 / 9 / 1 020 00 / 9 / 13 020 00 / 4 / 25 020 00 / 9 / 10 020 00 / 9 / 11 020 00 / 9 / 34 020 00 / 9 / 35 PART NO. 1559AS662-1 1559AS663 1559AS664 1559AS665 1559AS666-1 1559AS667-1 1559AS668 . NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 WORK PACKAGE / FIGURE NO. MS35649-2382 MS3600-03-VF-42 . / INDEX NO. 1357 SW4L-2030-010 MS4500-08-VF-10 MS51470-03 MS90725-3 001 01 Page 4 of 4 WORK PACKAGE / FIGURE NO. 020 00 / 5 / 5 020 00 / 9 / 14 020 00 / 9 / 2 020 00 / 9 / 16 020 00 / 3 / 8 020 00 / 10 / 7 020 00 / 4 / 2 020 00 / 5 / 34 020 00 / 4 / 6 020 00 / 2 / 24 020 00 / 4 / 10 PART NO. / INDEX NO. 020 00 / 9 / 15 020 00 / 9 / 24 020 00 / 9 / 31 020 00 / 5 / 37 020 00 / 5 / 33 020 00 / 3 / 13 020 00 / 4 / 20 020 00 / 4 / 23 020 00 / 2 / 15 020 00 / 3 / 14 MIL-R-15624 CL1 MS**** MS20604-AS4T2 MS21316-36 MS21919WDG48 MS27183-10 020 00 / 2 / 30 020 00 / 5 / 29 020 00 / 2 / 27 020 00 / 3 / 10 020 00 / 5 / 19 020 00 / 10 / 9 020 00 / 3 / 12 020 00 / 4 / 3 020 00 / 4 / 7 020 00 / 5 / 36 MS27183-12 MS27183-42 MS35207-265 MS35338-44 020 00 / 5 / 13 020 00 / 3 / 7 020 00 / 3 / 6 020 00 / 10 / 8 020 00 / 3 / 11 020 00 / 4 / 4 MS35338-44 MS35338-44 MS35489-17 MS35489-17 MS35489-23 MS35489-6 MS35649-2252 MS35649-2312 020 00 / 4 / 8 020 00 / 5 / 35 020 00 / 9 / 33 020 00 / 9 / 37 020 00 / 9 / 38 020 00 / 4 / 35 020 00 / 4 / 9 020 00 / 5 / 12 MS90725-6 NO. 812-8-KT79-KT81 97F5339 A22-391 AS21919WDG-3 AS21919WDG-8 C7988-1420 COMCO VINYL TUBING SIZE 31 ES500-1 LINACOUSTIC PART NO. ...................................................................................TBD S3 ........................................................................................................................................................................020 00 / 9 .........................................................TBD K3 ................019 00 / 1 ........................................................................................................................................TBD TB2 ..................020 00 / 9 ...........020 00 / 9 ...................................................................................020 00 / 9 .................................................................................TBD S1 ...............020 00 / 4 ....................TBD S4 ....................TBD HR1-HR4 .......................................................................................... A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE DESIGNATOR WP / TABLE Index No...................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 001 02 NUMERICAL INDEX OF REFERENCE DESIGNATORS ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT..............020 00 / 9 .............................................................................TBD K2 .............................TBD S2 ...................020 00 / 9 .............................................TBD TB3 ..............................................020 00 / 9 ....................................................................020 00 / 9 ...................TBD RV.......................................................................020 00 / 9 ...............TBD C1 .....................................................020 00 / 9 ...............................................................................TBD K5 ...........020 00 / 9 ........................................................................TBD K4 ....019 00 / 1 .......................................................................................................................................020 00 / 4 ............................TBD K1 ......................TBD S5 ........................................................................020 00 / 9 ..TBD DC .....................................................TBD ........020 00 / 9 ............020 00 / 9 .......................................................................................TBD TB1 .............. Part Number B1 ......................................................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 001 02 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . .. NAVSUPINST 4423.Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services........... NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-2 Technical Manual.............. Operation and Intermediate Maintenance With Illustrated Parts Breakdown........................Leak Test........Charging............................... Vendor Manual Navy Uniform Source................. A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER Technical Manual......Preparation for Use................. Recycling............................................. NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 007 00 .....Evacuation........2A Management of Ozone Depleting Substances .............Testing and Trouble Shooting ...... Robinair Recovery.......................................................................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 011 00 ...................... Maintenance...................................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 009 00 ............. Maintenance Requirements Manual Environmental Control Unit A/E32C-45A .............Introduction................2 WP 002 00 ........... MIL-STD-129 Operating Manual............................................................Description and Leading Particulars ....29 Joint Regulation Governing the Use and Application of Uniform Source Maintenance and Recoverability Codes .......................................... Military Marking for Shipment and Storage... NAVAIR 19-25-177 Department of Defense Standard Practice................................. NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 003 00 ...........NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 002 00 Page 1 of 10 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN INTRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT........................ and Recoverability (SM&R) Codes . and Recharging Unit......................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 010 00 ................................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 012 00 ..............Discharge / Recovery.......... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 006 00 . Mobile Facility .............................................. NAVAIR 17-1-573 ................................ and Shipment .......................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 005 00 ......Operation...... NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1 Technical Manual............................... OPNAVINST 4410.......................... OPNAVINST 5090....................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 008 00 ......................... Pre-operational Checklist.. Mobile Facility Program Environmental Control Unit A/E32C-45A ............. Storage................ .............................. and Covers ........... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 014 00 – Indoor Thermostat.............002 00 / 4 ...................................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 017 00 .......................................................................................002 00 / 8 Ozone Depleting Substances..................................Refrigeration Assembly ..... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 019 00 .. NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 022 00 ............................................. and Special Tools............................... WP 021 00 – Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB) ....... NAVAIR 17-1-573 NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 020 00 .....002 00 / 5 Expendable Materials and Durable Items Required . Repair......................Chassis Assembly..............................................................................................Pressure Test ..........Frame Assembly ................................. and Installation .................................. TMDE.......................002 00 / 5 Safety ..................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 016 00 .....................002 00 / 5 Reference Material ...................................................................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 WP 013 00 ...............................002 00 / 5 Support Equipment.................................002 00 / 3 Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPC)...............002 00 / 8 Illustrated Parts Breakdown .................. Test.................................................................................................................................002 00 / 3 Quality Assurance Requirements......................002 00 / 4 Arrangement and Use .......................................................................................................................................002 00 / 7 Group Assembly Parts List (GAPL)............................................................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 018 00 ...........Unit Wiring Inspection...........................................................................................002 00 / 6 Warnings and Cautions Applicable To Hazardous Materials.. NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 015 00 .......................Indoor Blower Assembly .... Panels................002 00 / 6 Purpose and Scope.........Control Box Assembly.................Illustrated Parts Breakdown ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE NAVAIR 17-1-573 002 00 Page 2 of 10 WP / Page Number Abbreviations........................... ......002 00 / 4 Record of Applicable Technical Directives........................................................................................................ To become established on the ADRL.2 2. Destroy superseded WPs and pages ARRANGEMENT AND USE. 90. and an Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB). or a WP as a whole.3 2.5 1. Incorporation of manual changes. To incorporate a manual change. MILSTRIP requisitions can be submitted through your supply office. Additions. Last minute corrections of obvious errors essential to safety or equipment performance will be incorporated after the freeze date. insert revised and added work packages (WP) into the basic publication. San Diego. you may establish your automatic distribution by contacting the Commanding Officer. insert the changed pages in the applicable work packages. For assistance with a MILSTRIP requisition. Bldg. Attn: Distribution. Work package/manual revision and change dates. part number 1559AS400-1. deletions and changes are not included in the manual. consult the numerical index of effective WPs at the beginning of this manual 1. P.2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE. Publication date. an activity must be established on the Automatic Distribution Requirements List (ADRL) maintained by the NAVAL Air Technical Data and Engineering Service Command (NATEC). The copy freeze date is the date after which further additions. or SALTS to Defense Automated Address System (DAAS). WPs for performing maintenance on the ECU. If additional or replacement copies of this manual are required with no attendant changes in the ADRL. Requisitioning and automatic distribution of NAVAIR technical publications. Environmental Control Unit (ECU) used on Navy/Marine Mobile Facilities (MF).1 2. To check the status of any individual WP page. CA 92135-7031. Naval Air Systems Command Technical Manual Program. If you activity does not have a library. 0700 to 1600 Eastern Time. To automatically receive future changes and revisions to NAVAIR technical manuals.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 002 00 Page 3 of 10 1. Publication date of this manual is the copy freeze date.6 2. Procedures to be used by naval activities and other Department of Defense activities requiring NAVAIR technical manuals are defined in NAVAIR 00-25-100. Navy message. and changes accumulated after the copy freeze date shall be incorporated in the next change to the manual. Box 357031. notify your activity central publications librarian.3 1. contact the Naval Inventory Control Pint (NAVICP) Publications and Forms Customer Service at DSN 442-2626 0r (215) 697-2626. deletions.1 1.4 1. Please use your NATEC assigned account number whenever referring to automatic distribution requirements. This technical manual provides information and procedures for operation and intermediate maintenance of the A/E32C-45A. NATEC. they may be ordered by submitting a MILSTRIP requisition in accordance with (IN ACCORDANCE WITH) NAVSUP 485 to Routing Identifier Code (RIC) NFZ. This manual consists of introductory material. Monday through Friday. Annual reconfirmation of these requirements is necessary to remain on automatic distribution. Arrangement of manual. NAS North Island.4 .O. or through the DAAS or NAVSUP web sites. If change pages are issued to a work package. 1 5.5 Hazardous Materials Information System (HMIS) series publications. Consult your local safety and health staff concerning specific personnel protective requirements and appropriate handling and emergency procedures.2 Table 1.1 4. ABBREVIATIONS. Radiological Corrosion Prevention and Control Direct Current Discharge Department of Defense Environmental Control Unit High Pressure Cut Out In Accordance With Illustrated Parts Breakdown Left Hand Low Pressure Cut Out Mobile Facility Material Handling Equipment Ozone Depleting Substance Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Part Number Right Hand Repair Parts List .2 5. A quality assurance of each step so marked shall be made prior to proceeding to the next step.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 3. Biological.1 3. Warning and cautions for hazardous materials used in this manual are designed to alert personnel to hazards associated with such items when they come in contact with them by actual use. 4. Improper performance of these procedures or steps may cause equipment failure or personnel hazards. Abbreviation/Acronym AC BTU CB CBR CPC DC DISCH DoD ECU HPCO IAW IPB LH LPCO MF MHE ODS PMCS PN RH RPL Full Text Alternating Current British Thermal Unit Circuit Breaker Chemical. Refer to Table 1 for a list of the abbreviations and acronyms used in this manual.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS.23 Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual and the DoD 6050. 002 00 Page 4 of 10 Certain procedures or steps are followed by the letters QA in parenthesis “(QA)”. Abbreviations and Acronyms Used in This Manual. WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS APPLICABLE TO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Additional information related to hazardous materials is provided in OPNAVINST 5100. unless such inspection can be performed after completing the entire procedure. etc. etc.. There are no applicable technical directives. these reference materials also are listed on the title page of the applicable work packages. This manual is intended to provide safe procedures and processes for accomplishing the maintenance herein described. . While corrosion is typically associated with rusting of metals. RECORD OF APPLICABLE TECHNICAL DIRECTIVES. and Notes..NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 002 00 Page 5 of 10 Table 1. It is important that the significance of each be thoroughly understood by personnel using the manual.1 9. Cautions. Measurement. captions. SAFETY. which will result in damage or destruction of equipment if not correctly followed. or breaking of these materials may be a corrosion problem. 7. will result in loss of life or injury to personnel.2 8. 3. swelling. In addition.1 7. they will be listed on the title page of this WP. Warnings. Abbreviations and Acronyms Used in This Manual.2 CORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL (CPC). In the future. It is important that any corrosion problems with this item be reported so that the problem can be corrected and improvements can be made to prevent the problem in future items.1 6. 9. Their definitions are as follows. Reference material related to and used in conjunction with this manual is listed on the title page of this WP. care. and Diagnostic Equipment Work Package 6. to ensure correct maintenance. or provide information. softening. and handling practices and procedures will allow personnel to perform their duties in a safe and hazard-free environment. if there are any applicable technical directives.2 REFERENCE MATERIAL. if not strictly observed. and equipment damage. Abbreviation/Acronym RV TMDE WP Full Text Reversing Valve Test. WARNING – alerts the technician to a procedure or practice. such as rubber and plastic. CAUTION – alerts the technician to a procedure or practice. The operating procedures often involve using equipment and materials that are potentially hazardous. which. Unusual cracking. the applicable technical directives also will be listed on the appropriate WP title page. Injury to personnel and damage to equipment caused by fire and misuse of equipment can be avoided by alert and responsible operators and technicians. In addition. Warnings.1 8. and notes will be found throughout the manual in various procedures.2 8. NOTE – used to highlight a procedure or practice. 2. It is important that personnel thoroughly understand and follow the Warnings and Cautions of possible personnel death. injury. it can also include deterioration of other materials.3 1. Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPC) of Navy material is a continuing concern. Strict observance to established safety. 1 SUPPORT EQUIPMENT.2 Refer to Table 2 for the list of the support equipment.1 OZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES (ODS). TOOLS OR TEST EQUIPMENT REF CODE 1 2 3 5 5a NOMENCLATURE NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER TOOL NUMBER (CAGE) Tool Kit. and special tools required to perform and/or verify each of the maintenance procedures described in this manual. Trailer Mounted Solder Gun Kit Thermometer Set Straightener Fin Screwdriver. Support Equipment and Tools Required. Refrigerant / Robinair (for R134A) Heat Gun Rivet Gun Welding Shop. Cross Tip Key. In addition. AND SPECIAL TOOLS. Refrigeration Unit Pump.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 10. TMDE. Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE). 002 00 Page 6 of 10 10. Service. General Mechanics Tool Kit. Socket Head Screw Tool Kit. Refrigerant (for R22) Recovery and Recycle Unit. 11. and Test. the applicable support equipment is listed on the appropriate WP title page. Vacuum Recovery and Recycle Unit. Special Torque 5180-00-699-5273 5180-00-596-1474 4310-00-289-5967 4130-01-338-2707 4250-01-411-7240 SC5180-90-CL-N05 (50980) SC5180-90-CL-N18 (50980) 1550-Z138K-634AX (24123) 17500B (07295) 17800B (45225) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4940-01-042-4855 5120-00-508-1588 3431-01-090-1231 3439-00-930-1638 6685-00-874-5834 5120-00-157-2180 5120-01-412-3430 5120-00-076-1787 HG201 (83284) G11 (11815 SC-3431-95-CL-A04 (19204) 450K4 (11103) 211-001 (38508) P12 (17529) 34L (08125) A/E32C-45A-TTIC . Table 2. 11.2 A key characteristic of the A/E32C-45A ECU is its use of the R-134A refrigerant which is not an ozone depleting substance. P-D-680 Type III (81348) Coater. cy roll pkg pt cy U/I . Table 3. General Purpose. CAGEC. etc. MIL-A-46106. If quality of material requirements is not stated in this TM. General Purpose 4240-01-152-3555 Mask. Type I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Solder. Expendable Materials and Durable Items Required List.1. Type IV. and Part Number.1 EXPENDABLE MATERIALS AND DURABLE ITEMS REQUIRED. This code indicates the physical measurement or count of the item. Technical: w/cylinder 50 lbs. Size I Lubricating Oil. such as per gallon. MIL-L-2104 (81348) Adhesive. 12. Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGEC).3 Quality of material. the applicable expendable materials and durable items required are listed on the appropriate WP title page. 1. 12. This column provides the other information you need to identify the item.1. identifies the expendable materials and durable items required to perform the maintenance required to maintain the ECU. the material must meet the requirements of the drawings. 1 pint container 6830-00-292-0732 Nitrogen Industrial Sealant 800 Acid Swab Brush 9150-00-985-7316 Grease. 002 00 Page 7 of 10 12.2 – Tetrafluoroethane Refrigerant Tape PPP-T-60. specifications. QQ-S-571. Antiseize. gross. RTV. dozen. or approved engineering change proposals applicable to the subject equipment. Type IV 6850-01-331-3349 Dry Cleaning Solvent. Description. DESCRIPTION.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 12. standards. Class I Trichloromonofluoromethane. In addition. Type II (81348) 8030-00-889-3534 Tape. Polytetmfluoroethylene. ITEM NATIONAL STOCK ITEM NAME. Expendable and Durable Items List.4 Explanation of Columns in Table 3. 4. 2. Item Number. MIL-T-27730. Air Filter. MMM-A-121 qt roll Qt 5 gal. BB-F-1421. Lead-Tin. 1. General. This number is assigned to the entry in the list and is referenced in the narrative instructions to identify the item. Type SN60WRP2 3040-00-664-0439 Adhesive. National Stock Number. This is the NSN assigned to the item that you can use to requisition it. Air Filtering 7920-00-205-1711 Rags 6830-00-439-0614 R-134A. NUMBER NUMBER PART NUMBER 1 Silicone Adhesive Sealant. Unit of Issue (U/I). Material used for replacement and /or repair of the ECU must meet the requirements of this manual. 3. (Refrigerant-11). Item Name. VV-L-825.2 Table 3. This column lists the prime contractor part number. Sheet. or attaching parts as applicable.3 GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST (GAPL). This column is used when more than one configuration is covered in the IPB. Absence of an alpha character in this column indicates the part is used on all assemblies. Units per Assembly. 13. If more than one assembly is required. ITEM NATIONAL STOCK ITEM NAME. The description obtained from engineering drawings is given in this column. Type I. NUMBER NUMBER PART NUMBER 18 Cellular Rubber Strips. Sheet) Acetone Insulation. MIL-P-15280 Adhesive. Navy SM&R Code Guide. Part Number Column. 3. DESCRIPTION. MIL-R-6130.2 The information contained in the Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB) found in WP 021 00 is intended for use in identifying and requisitioning replacement parts and components. Alpha characters in the usable on code column identify which assembly uses that particular part. . 5. Figure & Index Number. Cellular. or other vendor part number. 13. Next is (assembly) or any other modifiers required for positive identification of the part. Definitions and explanations of SM&R Codes used in this manual are contained in NAVSUP P-719. Usable On Codes. MIL-I-14511 Plastic Foam. 4. MMM-A-132. Expendable and Durable Items List. Unicellular. This column contains the number of units per assembly. The columns appear from the left margin to the right as follows: 1. This column reflects the number of the figure that applies to the parts list. and index numbers that are key listed parts to the figure. Grade A 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Flexible Elastomeric Thermal Insulation (ASTM C 534. SM&R Codes. Descriptions are arranged with the identifying noun first. Type I.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 002 00 Page 8 of 10 Table 3. Class I Roninair Roto Lock Gasket (Large) Roto Lock Gasket (Small) Heat Shrink Tubing U/I ft shts pt 13. See Table 6 for applicable SM&R Codes. The part may not be included on the engineering drawing.1 ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN. the total of such assemblies shall be known. Type 2. subassembly. All illustrated parts on the IPB are listed in columns of tabular data in order of assembly. Description Column. 6. Sheet Form. CAGEC. government standard part number. 2. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 Table 6. 002 00 Page 9 of 10 . Navy Application of Joint Services Uniform SM&R Codes. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 002 00 Page 10 of 10 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . .............003 00 / 5 Compressor / Control Box Section.......................................................................................003 00 / 8 Panels and Covers ........................................................................................ A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number General Description....................................................................................003 00 / 8 Outdoor Airflow Section......................................................................................................................................................003 00 / 12 Indoor Air Flow Section ....................003 00 / 13 Primary Power...............................................................................003 00 / 11 System Power Distribution ..........................................................................................................................................003 00 / 13 ..............................003 00 / 2 Purpose ....................................................................................................003 00 / 13 Defrost Cycle Power Distribution ..............................................003 00 / 6 Indoor Thermostat .......................................................................................003 00 / 2 Leading Particulars..................................................................003 00 / 7 Control Box Assembly .......NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 003 00 Page 1 of 16 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTION AND LEADING PARTICULARS ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT..........003 00 / 9 Outdoor Thermostat ..............................................................................003 00 / 2 Introduction...........................................................................................................003 00 / 10 System Airflow..........................................003 00 / 13 Cool Cycle Power Distribution........................................................................003 00 / 2 Key Features and Characteristics ...........................................................................................................003 00 / 2 System Description .....................................................................................003 00 / 7 Defrost Cycle and Condensate Drain.....................................................................003 00 / 13 Heat Cycle Power Distribution .......................................................003 00 / 13 Secondary Power ......................... It does not contain mercury as do legacy thermostats. The scroll compressor works best with the R134A refrigerant. This WP provides a description of the A/E32C-45A. It provides nominal cooling capacity of 36. and 36. part number 1559AS400-1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The A/E32C-45A ECU has fittings that allow liquid fill charging of the refrigeration assembly in minutes. This delay prevents damage to the compressor. Leading particulars are in Table 1. R134a refrigerant. Previous ECU models used a reciprocating compressor. It does not feature automatic switching from heating to cooling.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 003 00 Page 2 of 16 1.1 4.2 1. A/E32C-45A.2 5. R134A refrigerant is not an ODS. 5.000 BTU/hr with supplementary heaters. Brass Adapters. 2. The roto-lock fittings eliminate the requirement for debrazing and brazing in order to remove and replace refrigeration assembly components. It has a nominal heating capacity of 77. 3-wire power. The solid-state indoor thermostat allows for manual switching to select heating or cooling. 2. 50/60 Hz. The ECU will control the temperature of an adequately enclosed MF within the variable range of 7° C to 32° C (45° F to 90° F) in ambient temperatures of -32° C to 52° C (25° F to 125° F). The ECU is used to provide conditioned air (heating or cooling) to a Navy / Marine Mobile Facility (MF). Scroll compressor. 3. are ODSs and their use is now restricted or disallowed. The ECU is a lightweight. 4.2 INTRODUCTION. Earlier refrigerants. vertical. The temperature is controlled by a cool-heat control thermostat. A built in delay prevents the ECU from being restarted until 5 minutes has elapsed since the previous shutdown. There are five Roto Lock fittings used. This replaces the time consuming gas charge method used to introduce refrigerant into legacy ECUs.2 4. Compressor Quick Restart Protection Delay. 6.1 1. such as R22. Roto-lock fittings. compact.000 British Thermal Units per hour (BTU/hr). LEADING PARTICULARS. KEY FEATURES AND CHARACTERISTICS. Environmental Control Unit (ECU). Liquid fill charging.2 3. Digital indoor thermostat with LCD. PURPOSE. The roto locks fitting components are variously referred to as Straight Adapters. Key features and characteristics of the A/E32C-45A ECU distinguish it from legacy ECUs. The scroll compressor requires correct phase matching when connected to external power.000 BTU/hr without supplementary heaters when supplied with 208-VAC. Environmental Control Unit (ECU) and it leading particulars. self-contained unit in a weatherproof aluminum case.1 5.1 3. and Tube Coupling Nuts. Gas charging may still be accomplished and is the method for adding additional refrigerant to an already charged ECU. . 3-phase. It contains a built-in heat pump designed to provide a high capacity heat-cool environmental control system. four of which are of a single size and the fifth is a smaller size.1 2. ....................................... 25............5 inches Width ............ 1-phase RPM .... 7 psig ± 5 psig Lubricant charge ....... 6............................................. 5 oz Suction Pressure ........625 ..... 375 psig ± 5 psig Low-pressure cutout...8 inches Net Weight .........4°C) (Factory set to 40°F (4.................... 35 PSIG ± 10 PSIG @ 90°F Discharge Pressure.............................000 BTU/HR @ 60 Hz Supplementary Heaters ..... 72.....................000 BTU/HR @ 60 Hz Heating Capacity .................................6 amp Phase ........ 3-phase......... 36..........................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 Table 1.................................................. 50/60 Hz............ 208 VAC............. 2........................ 200-220 VAC............ 1......................2 inches Depth.....................................................................................0 Power Requirements........900 at 50 Hz High-pressure cutout........ Leading Particulars.. 208-220 VAC........4°C) Compressor Type ....... 76................................... ITEM SPECIFICATION 1................... at factory Compressor Quick Restart Protection ..................................... 3-phase......................................................................................................500 at 60 Hz......... 5 Minute Delay from Previous Shutdown Refrigerant .................... 6 KW each) Maximum input (total unit....................................................400 watts varies with ambient) 003 00 Page 3 of 16 Outdoor Thermostat... 500 pounds Power Requirements ...... R-134A – 7 lbs.................................. 3......................................... 3-phase..000 BTU/HR @ 60 Hz Application rating (20°F).......................000 BTU/HR @ 60 Hz Standard rating (45°F)..........................000 BTU/HR (2-steps................................................................. 36....... Max....Adjustable range -10° to 40°F (-23° to 4............. 39............................... 14........... 17............................................................................. ECU Dimensions Height ......... 41..... 150 PSIG ± 10 PSIG @ 90°F Indoor Blower HP .................. 1........... 50 Hz 200-230 VAC........ 50/60 Hz Cooling Capacity................................... 60 Hz RPM ...... Sealed hermetic Power requirements ..................... .............................. 8 Maximum wire length for 3% voltage drop – feet 150 Conduit Size – inches ......... Leading Particulars......) Class 2 Supplementary Heaters – Nominal size KW ..) heating .............. Propeller........................................... 18 National Electrical Code (N............................................................. No.......... INDOOR THERMOSTAT .........................0 HP) Full load amperes.. ¾ Maximum fuse size – time delay type – amperes 40 Disconnect switch size – horsepower.. 20-inch dia......................... 12 Rated Amperes .....................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 Table 1.............. No.... 39 Outdoor Fan Motor (1........... ITEM SPECIFICATION CFM (nom...... 156 Indoor Fan Motor (1...... No........................................... 32 Minimum wire size type 75°C – AWG....... 40 Disconnect switch size – amperes .................................C.... 60 2......................4 Locked rotor amperes ............) cooling..............410 Lubricant.... 6..E.......................................400 CFM (nom..................................................... 1. None 003 00 Page 4 of 16 Outdoor Fan ......... 4-blade 27” pitch.... Two-stage heating.......... 7°C to 32°C (45°F to 90°F) insulated compartment . 1. 17........... -32°C to 52°C (-25°F to 125°F) Temperature control range of............. 39 Minimum wire size type 75°C – AWG ................ ¾ Maximum fuse size – amperes............... 24-30 VAC Ambient temperature control range .................... 10 Control Wiring – AWG ... 8 Maximum wire length for 3% voltage drop – feet 150 Conduit size – inches......... one-stage cooling Power requirements .... clockwise Compressor Full load amperes................................0 HP) Full load amperes............................................................. 6...............................6 Locked rotor amperes ................................................................................6 Locked rotor amperes ........... . 156 Indoor Blower Motor (1............. Leading Particulars...................................6 Locked rotor amperes............................. The A/E32C-45A ECU’s are designed for mounting to an MF......................... 6............................... The units are patterned for installation with ductwork but may be applied as free-blow.......................................... 150 ft............. compressor / control box assembly section........ 39 Minimum Wire Size Type 75°C AWG .... Control Wiring – AWG............... 18 – National Electric Code Class 2 Supplementary Heaters Nominal Size KW ................ ITEM 3.................................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 Table 1.................. The ECU is physically and functionally divided into three sections: the indoor airflow section............. No.......... and outdoor airflow section (Figure 1)..................... The ECU air filters are part of the MF Accessories Assembly..........4 Locked rotor amperes .................... 197-253 Compressor Full load amperes............... 3-phase......0 HP) Full load amperes.......... ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ECU Power ...... ............ 50/60 Hz Applied Voltage (min/max)................................................. 8..2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION... 12 Rated Amperes ................ 208 VAC....... 150 ft.............. Maximum Fuse Size – Amperes................ 32 Minimum Wire Size Type 75°C .................1 6.0 HP) Full load amperes.....6 Locked rotor amperes .......3 wire SPECIFICATION 003 00 Page 5 of 16 Main Power Maximum Wire Length (For 3% voltage drop) ..... 17.. 60 6...... 39 Outdoor Fan Motor (1. 8... 3-wire Maximum Wire Length (For 3% voltage drop) ................................................... 40 Disconnect Switch Size – Amperes... No........... 6.... No. The indoor airflow section recirculates interior airflow and heats or cools the air as selected.4 INDOOR AIRFLOW SECTION.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 003 00 Page 6 of 16 Figure 1. indoor coil.3 6. A/E32C-45A Environmental Control Unit (Indoor / Front View). The indoor blower assembly consists of motor. and supplemental heaters with a high temperature cutout thermostat switch. . 6. The main components consist of the indoor blower assembly. 1. fresh air intake. which turns two fans (on either side of the motor) that introduces and recirculates conditioned air into the MF. Indoor Blower Assembly. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 003 00 Page 7 of 16 2. Fresh Air Intake. The fresh air intake is located on the upper rear (outdoor) service panel. When opened fresh exterior unconditioned air is drawn into the indoor airflow section. A sliding cover controls the quantity of outdoor air entering the indoor airflow section. 3. Indoor Coil. The indoor coil is the primary heat exchange element for providing conditioned air into the MF. 4. Supplemental Heating Elements. The supplemental heating elements are protected by two fail-safe, fuse links in each stage set to open at 306° F (152° C). The first stage supplemental heating is controlled through the indoor thermostat. The second stage of supplemental heating is controlled by the outdoor thermostat. 5. High Temperature Cutout Thermostat Switch. Overheating protection is provided by a 160° F (71° C) cutout (Thermoguard) located in the air return plenum over the indoor coil. 6.5 6.6 COMPRESSOR/CONTROL BOX SECTION. The compressor/control box section houses the compressor, reversing valve, accumulator, control box assembly, and outdoor thermostat. 1. Compressor. The ECU contains a 3500 RPM, 200-230 VAC, 3 phase, 50-60 Hz, scroll compressor. It is hermetically sealed and force feed lubricated with 60 oz. (initial), 56 oz. (wet). The compressor is designed for operation with Refrigerant R-134A. See Table 1 for other data. The scroll compressor requires correct phasing of external power supply to operate correctly. 2. Reversing Valve Assembly. The reversing valve assembly (Figure 2) enables the ECU to switch from cooling to heating or heating to cooling by reversing the refrigerant’s direction of flow. 3. Accumulator. The accumulator is where entrained (trapped and suspended in hydraulic fluid) liquid refrigerant is removed from the refrigerant vapor. Liquid-free vapor from the accumulator is drawn into the suction side of the compressor. Reversing Valve Assembly Figure 2. Reversing Valve Assembly (Shown Partially Connected). 6.7 6.8 CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY. The control box assembly houses the electrical components (relays, transformers, cut-out switches, defrost control, thermostats, etc.) used to control and power the operation of the ECU. Access to the components in the control box is through the rear (outdoor) side of the ECU. Refer to Figure 3 for location of control box assembly components. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 003 00 Page 8 of 16 Figure 3. Control Box Assembly and Components. 6.9 Outdoor Thermostat. The outdoor thermostat, S5, activates the second stage of the supplemental heating unit when the outdoor temperature is less than 40°F (4.4°C). 6.10 Indoor Thermostat. The indoor thermostat (Figure 4 is a solid-state, low voltage (24-30 VAC) thermostat. It is wired to control operation of the ECU through the Control Box. It has sufficient wire to enable remote mounting inside the MF. It has a large back lit LCD digital display. The display shows the ambient (room) temperature and will display the set point. The thermostat has a system switch to control system operation. The system switch has positions EMER, HEAT, OFF, and COOL which enable manual switching from heating to cooling or to switch the system off. The EMER (emergency heat) position is not wired / not used. A fan switch has ON and AUTO positions which provide for continuous or intermittent operation of the indoor blower. The indoor thermostat controls incorporate a sensor that activates solidstate circuits. The sensor is hermetically sealed and calibrated for temperature range. Up and down arrows to the right of the LCD display. A push button switch located below the LCD display turns on / off an internal back light for the display. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 003 00 Page 9 of 16 Fan Switch System Switch LCD Display Wires to ECU Control Box Temperature Setting Controls Light Switch for LCD Backlight Figure 4. Indoor Thermostat. 6.11 OUTDOOR AIRFLOW SECTION. 6.12 The outdoor airflow section contains the outdoor fan, outdoor coil, expansion valve, sight glass, liquid charge valve, and filter drier. Unless otherwise noted see Figure 1 for location of components. 1. Outdoor Fan. The outdoor fan is located forward (on the MF side) of and facing towards the outdoor coil. It is surrounded on the indoor side by a protective shroud. It blows air across the outdoor coil to increase the exchange rate of heat from or to the refrigerant in the coil depending on the mode of operation (heating or cooling). 2. Outdoor Coil. The outdoor coil located on the bottom rear (outdoor) side of the ECU is where heat exchange occurs. 3. Expansion Valve Assembly. Liquid refrigerant under high pressure is circulated from the filterdrier to the thermostatic expansion valve assembly (Figure 5). The valve removes pressure from the liquid refrigerant so that it can expand and become refrigerant vapor. 4. Sight Glass. The sight glass (Figure 5) allows observation of the refrigerant. An indicator visible through the sight glass provides assessment of moisture level in the refrigerant charge. 5. Liquid Charge Valve. The liquid charge valve (Figure 5) allows rapid charging of an evacuated refrigeration assembly with liquid instead of gaseous refrigerant. 6. Filter Dryer. The bi-directional flow filter dryer (Figure 5) removes moisture and contaminants from the refrigerant. The filter dryer must be replaced each time the refrigeration system is opened to the environment. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 003 00 Page 10 of 16 Filter-Dryer Expansion Valve Sight Glass (rear view) Liquid Charge Valve Figure 5. Refrigeration Assembly Components Located in Outdoor Airflow Section. 6.13 PANELS AND COVERS. 6.14 The sides, rear, and top of the ECU are enclosed with aluminum panels (Figure 6). The panels are attached to the ECU chassis with hex head machine screws. A fiberglass duct liner (not shown) is applied to the interior of the panels enclosing the indoor air section. Figure 6).15 SYSTEM AIRFLOW. Within the outdoor airflow section. heat is dissipated from the outdoor coil or absorbed into the system through the outdoor coil. .16 OUTDOOR AIR INTAKE AND OUTDOOR AIR DISCHARGE.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 003 00 Page 11 of 16 1 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 6 8 7 8 LEGEND. 9 6 – Lower Side Panel 7 – Side (Slide) Panel 8 – Side (Extension) Panel 9 – Control Box Cover 6. ECU Panels and Covers. 6. dependent upon mode of operation. the outdoor fan blows exterior air over the outdoor coil and.17 Outdoor air is continuously drawn into the ECU through each side of the outdoor air intake (vent grid on lower side panels (6. 6. 1 – Top Cover 2 – Fresh Air Intake Cover 3 – Upper Rear Panel 4 – Lower Rear Panel 5 – Upper Side Panel Figure 6. A sliding cover (2. Figure 6) controls the quantity of outdoor air entering the indoor airflow section.23 The defrost cycle is automatic.21 The fresh air intake permits fresh exterior air to be drawn into the indoor airflow section.20 FRESH AIR INTAKE.18 INDOOR AIR SUPPLY AND INDOOR AIR RETURN. Figure 7. 003 00 Page 12 of 16 6. Condensate is automatically drained at the bottom of the outdoor coil frame. 6. Indoor air is returned to the ECU in a continuous cycle through the indoor air return located in the area around the indoor blower assembly.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 6. 6. 6.19 Conditioned air is supplied to the MF from the indoor air supply located at the top of the unit around the indoor coil and supplemental heaters. Air Flow Diagram. 6.22 DEFROST CYCLE AND CONDENSATE DRAIN. . 11 DEFROST CYCLE POWER DISTRIBUTION. the booster heater No. The defrost cycle is terminated by the thermal defrost switch on the outdoor coil when the coil reaches a temperature that assures that the frost has melted. The outdoor fan relay is energized by the heat relay and transfers primary power to the outdoor fan motor. Also the booster heater(s) are activated. 7. A 208-24 VAC step-down transformer converts primary power to the required 24 VAC operating voltage. When energized. L3) applied via control circuits activates the compressor. . the energized indoor fan relay transfers single-phase. 7. 24 VAC supplied by the step-down transformer activates the cool relay and indoor and outdoor fan relays. For outdoor temperatures less than 40°F.5 7.6 7. primary power to energize the contactor.7 7. placing the system in a heating configuration. Activation of the cool relay transfers 208 VAC. primary power to the indoor blower motor. single-phase. Heat control circuits are activated whenever the remote thermostat senses a temperature below the set point.4 7.9 7. If the temperature sensed by the remote thermostat falls below 68°F. An alternate termination of the defrost cycle is provided by the defrost control. Under these conditions.10 Cool control circuits are activated whenever the remote thermostat senses a temperature above 76°F. 3-phase power for normal operation. The ECU requires 208-240 VAC.8 7. the system switch is set to HEAT and the fan switch is set to ON or AUTO. 2. the heat relay contacts close providing 24 VAC to energize the reversing valve solenoid. Activation of the cool relay transfers 208 VAC. the contactor supplies 3-phase primary power to the ECU compressor and 1 phase primary power to the outdoor fan relay. the defrost control deactivates the reversing valve solenoid and the outdoor fan contactor.12 During the heat cycle. and condenser fan motor.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 7. L2. the system switch is set to COOL and the fan switch is set to either ON or AUTO. the energized indoor fan relay transfers single-phase primary power to the indoor blower motor. An additional single-phase primary power is applied directly to the compressor crankcase heater (208V). Similarly. PRIMARY POWER. 50/60 Hz. SECONDARY POWER. Additionally. and the two booster heater stages. 1. 1 relay is energized by 24 VAC permitting primary power to activate booster heater No. 003 00 Page 13 of 16 Refer to Figure 8 and Figure 9. 7. primary power to the outdoor fan relay. 24 VAC is transferred by outdoor temperature sensor to activate booster heater No. 24 VAC supplied by the step-down transformer activates a timed delay element when then activates the heat relay. single-phase primary power to energize the contactor. Similarly. Primary power (L1. permitting primary power to activate booster heater No. 2 relay. the contactor supplies 3-phase primary power to the ECU compressor and single-phase. COOL CYCLE POWER DISTRIBUTION. When energized.1 7. Once activated. when the thermal defrost switch senses a coil temperature which could cause frost on the coil and the defrost control completes its 30 minutes cycle. Under these conditions. All ECU control circuitry requires 24 VAC for normal operation. HEAT CYCLE POWER DISTRIBUTION. indoor blower motor.3 SYSTEM POWER DISTRIBUTION. the reversing valve solenoid is deenergized. placing the system in a cooling configuration.2 7. .NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 003 00 Page 14 of 16 Figure 8. ECU Functional Block Diagram and Power Distribution. (Refer to Table 2 for Definition of Component Labels). ECU Schematic Diagram. .NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 003 00 Page 15 of 16 Figure 9. Power In Electric Heat Terminal Board. . LABEL K5 RV S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 TB1 TB2 TB3 TR 003 00 Page 16 of 16 COMPONENT Relay – Elec.HR4 K1 K2 K3 K4 COMPONENT Compressor Motor* Indoor Fan Motor* Outdoor Fan Motor* Capacitor – Outdoor Fan Motor Crankcase Heater Defrost Control Electric Heater Elements Relay – Compressor Motor Relay – Indoor Fan Motor Relay – Outdoor Fan Motor Relay – Elec.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 Table 2. Definition of Component Labels from ECU Schematic Diagram. LABEL B1 B2 B3 C1 CH DC HR1 -.Power In Heat Pump Terminal Board . Heaters 1st Stg. B2 and B3 have thermal protection. Reversing Valve High Pressure Cutout Switch Low Pressure Cutout Switch Defrost Termination Thermostat Switch Heater Cutout Switch 2d Stg Heater Thermostat Switch Terminal Board .Room Thermostat Transformer – 24VAC Control Circuit * Motors B1. Heaters 2d Stg. .......................................................................004 00 / 2 Reversing Valve ............................................................................004 00 / 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................004 00 / 2 Principles of Operation .............................004 00 / 5 General Theory of ECU..........................................................004 00 / 2 Three Cycles of Operation ......................................................................004 00 / 2 Heating Cycle ...............................................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 004 00 Page 1 of 6 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT.........................................004 00 / 3 Defrost Cycle....004 00 / 4 Indoor Thermostat ........ A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Compressor Short Cycle Protection..................................004 00 / 5 Cooling Cycle ..................................................................... the solenoid is not energized. if by using a system of valves. As room temperature increases or decreases above or below a selected temperature. The theory of the heat pump is based on the principle that heat will move from a high temperature to a lower temperature. GENERAL THEORY OF ECU. The solenoid coil is energized on the heating cycle causing the slide to move. Then. THREE CYCLES OF OPERATION. The solid-state switch turns the heating system off or the cooling system on. the evaporator coil is changed into a condenser.. This principle means that if a heat transfer coil can be maintained at a lower temperature than its environment. A reversing valve (Figure 1) reverses the flow of refrigerant in the ECU system to provide heating or cooling. a heating cycle or defrosting cycle. If an evaporator coil is mounted outdoors and operated at a refrigerant temperature of 0°F. A four-way solenoid type sliding port reversing valve is used in this application.e. it will remove heat from the air even though the outside temperature is only 10° or 15°F.1 1. The A/E32C-45A ECU is a heat pump that can either remove heat from an indoor area and discharge this heat to the outside. it will pick up heat from its environment. 1.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 004 00 Page 2 of 6 1. if an evaporator coil of an ECU system can be kept at a temperature below its environment. heat can be removed from indoors and discharged outdoors. after it has evaporated. reversing the refrigerant flow from the cooling cycle. i. or it can be used to pick up heat from the outside and discharge it into the indoor area for heating.5 1. it will release heat to the surrounding area. The ECU works as a heat pump in one of three cycles. REVERSING VALVE. and the condenser is changed into an evaporator coil during hot weather. is compressed by a compressor to a temperature of 120° to 140°F. the inside of a MF. In the cooling cycle.2 1. If this refrigerant. a cooling cycle. it will pick up heat. depending whether the thermostat system switch is manually set for heat or cool.3 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION. Therefore.6 . the indoor thermometer’s sensor changes resistance so that solid-state circuitry is activated.4 1. INDOOR THERMOSTAT. During the cooling cycle (Figure 2). High-pressure. This low-pressure.Sliding Valve Type. low temperature refrigerant vapor from the indoor coil flows through the reversing valve into the accumulator where any entrained (trapped and suspended in hydraulic fluid) liquid refrigerant is removed from the refrigerant vapor.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 004 00 Page 3 of 6 Figure 1. Heat is drawn from the refrigerant liquid by the outdoor coil and transferred to a cooling stream of ambient air induced by a motor-driven fan. low temperature vaporized refrigerant flows through the reversing valve into the accumulator and the cooling cycle is repeated. is compressed. 1. and flows through the reversing valve in the form of high-pressure.10 Liquid refrigerant flows from the outdoor coil through the bi-directional filter dryer removing entrained moisture. the refrigerant assumes a gaseous form. heat is transferred from the air to the indoor coil. This heat is extracted from the indoor coil by the refrigerant as latent heat of vaporization.8 1. Liquid-free vapor from the accumulator is drawn into the suction side of the compressor. With this addition of heat. Solenoid Activated. Reversing Valve Schematic. to the indoor coil where cooling of the indoor area is accomplished. This heat is extracted from the indoor coil by the refrigerant as latent heat of vaporization. Compression of the refrigerant raises the pressure and temperature to a point where the outdoor coil temperature is above that of the ambient air. the refrigerant assumes a gaseous form. low temperature vaporized refrigerant flows through the reversing valve into the accumulator and the cooling cycle is repeated from the air to the indoor coil.9 1. With this addition of heat. high temperature refrigerant vapor from the compressor enters the outdoor coil where heat is removed. As indoor air is circulated through the indoor coil by a motor-driven fan. which acts as a throttling valve. 1.11 Temperature of the refrigerant at this point is lower than that of the indoor area air. low-pressure. then through the capillary control assembly. . This lowpressure. high temperature refrigerant vapor to the outdoor coil.7 COOLING CYCLE. changing the gaseous refrigerant into a high-pressure relatively lower temperature liquid. The ECU operates as an air conditioner providing cooling air to the MF when the indoor thermostat system switch is set to cool. 1. The indoor coil temperature is above that of the indoor area ambient air. low temperature refrigerant vapor from the outdoor coil flows through the reversing valve (Figure 1) into the accumulator where any entrained liquid refrigerant is removed from the vaporous refrigerant. Overheating protection is provided by a 160° F (71° C) cutout (Thermoguard) located in the air return plenum over the indoor coil.4° C) it will activate 1. changing the gaseous refrigerant into a high-pressure relatively lower temperature liquid. Supplemental heating elements are protected by two fail-safe. Each stage contains 6-KW heaters capable of dispersing a total of 41. 1. A two–stage supplemental heating assembly augments the primary heating. is compressed and flows through the reversing valve under high-pressure and temperature into the indoor coil. The second stage supplemental heating is controlled by an outdoor thermostat located on the control box. low temperature refrigerant vapor flows through the reversing valve into the accumulator and the heating cycle is repeated.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 004 00 Page 4 of 6 Figure 2. This low-pressure. the refrigerant assumes a gaseous form. ECU Operating in Cooling Cycle. Heat is drawn from the refrigerant liquid by the indoor coil and is transferred to the indoor area by a stream of ambient air induced by a motor-driven fan. fused links in each stage set to open at 306° F (152° C). . This heat is extracted from the outdoor coil by the refrigerant as latent heat of vaporization. Primary heating is provided by operating the ECU in the heat mode when the indoor thermostat system switch is set to heat. The first supplemental heating stage is controlled through the second stage of the indoor thermostat.000 BTU/hr. high temperature refrigerant vapor from the compressor enters the indoor coil where heat is removed. 1. With this addition of heat.13 During the heating cycle (Figure 3.). This liquid-free vapor from the accumulator is drawn into the suction side of the compressor.14 High-pressure. When the outdoor thermostat detects an outdoor temperature at or below 40° F (4. 1.15 Liquid refrigerant flows from the indoor coil through the filter dryer and capillary control assembly to the outdoor coil where heat is transferred from the air to the outdoor coil.12 HEATING CYCLE. low-pressure. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 004 00 Page 5 of 6 Figure 3. returning the unit to the heating cycle. At this time. The defrost relay normally closed contacts deenergize the outdoor fan relay. the coil temperature drops and.20 COMPRESSOR SHORT CYCLE PROTECTION. At the same time. deenergizing the reversing valve and placing the ECU in the cooling cycle (see Figure 2). This protects the compressor from damage.16 DEFROST CYCLE. At a predetermined coil temperature of 61°F. 1. at the predetermined temperature spread (15°F) between the two sensing feeler bulbs. the defrost switch actuates. frost can form on the outdoor coil at outdoor temperatures below 50°F. The ECU contains an automatic defrost cycle to preclude this frost buildup. As the outdoor coil begins to frost. A defrost cycle is automatically activated to remove frost that may be formed on the outdoor coil when the ECU is operating in the heating cycle. The outdoor air feeler bulb temperature is used as a reference. 1. Frost removal is accomplished by action of the defrost electronic control sensor. a coil temperature of 30°F (-1. Condensate is drained through a tube at the bottom of the outdoor coil frame. the defrost switch is again actuated by the coil temperature sensing thermostat. When the system turns off in the cool mode the indoor thermostat’s built in short cycle protection delay prevents the system from turning on again until 5 minutes has elapsed. This control has one outdoor coil temperature. 1. . the frost can build up sufficiently to block airflow over the coil. If not removed.18 Defrost Switch. 1. 2 which energizes the second stage of the supplemental heater to temper the indoor air supply. which minimizes the airflow across the coil.17 When the ECU is operating in the heating cycle.1°C) is sensed due to frost build up on the coil surface. 1. stopping it during the defrost cycle. the normally open contacts of the defrost switch energize the defrost relay.19 The defrost relay normally open contacts energize booster heater relay No. ECU Operating in Heating Cycle. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 004 00 Page 6 of 6 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . ..................................................................... Operation and Intermediate Maintenance With Illustrated Parts Breakdown................... STORAGE.... NAVAIR 17-1-573 Department of Defense Standard Practice............. NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1 Technical Manual............................... Military Marking for Shipment and Storage.................................. Domestic Type ......................................................... ASTM-D-3951-95 Level AB.......................................... A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER WP 014 00 ......................................................................................................................................005 00 / 2 MATERIALS REQUIRED NOMENCLATURE NUMBER Refrigerant.... NAVAIR 19-25-177 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Introduction.................................................. MIL-STD-129 Pre-operational Checklist.................................... and Covers ................... Mobile Facility .............NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 005 00 Page 1 of 6 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN PREPARATION FOR USE............................005 00 / 4 Preparation for Use ..........005 00 / 2 Preparation for Shipment ....... R-134A Shipping Container................ Panels.................................. AND SHIPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT.................... Mobile Facility Program Environmental Control Unit A/E32C-45A ...................................Indoor Thermostat................................005 00 / 4 Preparation for Storage .... NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 005 00 Page 2 of 6 1. WARNING Sharp edges sometimes produced in the forming process of the ECU’s aluminum panels. To prepare for use an ECU that was transported within the MF do as follows. when preparing for use. 3. . part number 1559AS100-1. 2. installing or removing an A/E32C-45A ECU.4 ECU Transported in MF.2 INTRODUCTION.1 2. When the MF is being transported.3 2. connected to electrical power. The applicable preparation for use procedure depends if the ECU was transported within an MF or if the ECU is new or a replacement unit that now will be installed in an MF and placed into service. 1. 2. and the ECU access door or panel is closed and latched. To prepare for use a new or replacement ECU. as needed. especially at the top panel corners and at the air inlet openings can cause severe injury. 2.1 1. except as noted herein. the ECU must be removed from shipping protection. 1. CAUTION ECUs must always be kept in an upright position to avoid damage to compressor and refrigeration system. and which is convenient to installation site. and. Refer to NAVAIR 19-25-177 for additional data on preparation for use and operation of MF ECU.6 New or Replacement ECU. Use the procedure provided in NAVAIR 19-25-177 for the A/E32C-45 ECU. part number 1559AS400-1. Select a location where the ECU may be uncrated without exposure to inclement weather. Move ECU into the operating position IAW procedure in NAVAIR 19-25-177.2 2. Perform pre-operational inspection IAW NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1. PREPARATION FOR USE. installed in an MF. 2. rigidly secured in transport position. NOTE The A/E32C-45A. it is not practical to provide detailed installation instructions for all individual situations. the ECU is moved on roller slides into the MF interior. Because of the many various methods of installing the A/E32C-45A Environmental Control Unit (ECU) in a Mobile Facility (MF). a new indoor thermostat installed.5 2. ECU is prepared for use and installed into / removed from an MF in the same manner as its predecessor. A/E32C-45. ECU.7 Removal of Shipping Protection. Inspect ECU to ensure no damage and all connections are secure. 10 Install ECU in MF IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Handling of the ECU may be accomplished by using a forklift or similar Material Handling Equipment (MHE) using a wood pallet to support the underside of the ECU. Handle ECU carefully to prevent damage to system components due to excessive shock or vibration.8 Initial Inspection (Prior to Installation in an MF). Check for missing parts and hardware. 6. 4. Verify all refrigeration system components. 8. pipes. 1. Remove any shipping protection material from the interior of the ECU. 2. . NOTE Installation of new or replacement ECU in a Mobile Facility (MF). Visually examine housing assembly for damage. roller-slide assembly that extends through the MF outside sidewall when in its operational position. 5. Voltages present are very dangerous and may cause death or serious injury if contacted. indicator should be green. Observe sight glass. Remove service panels (WP 014 00) as needed if additional access is required. 4. Access may be gained from the indoor (MF) side. capillaries. Remove exterior shipping protection. Remove accessories kit from area below indoor blower. 7. 1. 2. Confirm data plate is present and securely fastened to side service panel. CAUTION Dropping or inverting ECU may result in loss of refrigerant charge due to separation of system piping connections. 2. Perform electrical power hookup of ECU to MF IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Remove side service panels as needed (WP 014 00) to unbolt ECU from wood pallet.9 HANDLING ECU. 2.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 005 00 Page 3 of 6 2. 3. are properly connected and undamaged. Run ECU through one heating and/or cooling cycle. The ECU is mounted on a drawer-type. 3. 5. Ensure “This Unit Contains R-134A Refrigerant” decal is affixed near to the data plate on the side service panel. then move the unit into the upright position and leave for 48 hours before energizing. 1. WARNING Extreme care must be observed when working on electrical portions of the ECU. Observe for proper operation. 2. Perform preoperational inspection IAW NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1. Sight glass should be clear. If unit was inadvertently placed in any position other than upright. Ensure condensate drain for indoor coil is securely connected and properly routed. 3. 3. 3. Seal all openings with polyethylene film and ½-inch pressure sensitive tape.3 1. technical manuals. Short Term Storage. Shipment in an MF. 3. Disconnect power supply and remove from shelter IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. cable connectors. After an ECU has been removed from an MF IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177.3 Long Term Storage. crate in suitable container in the upright position. The ECU may be shipped inside the MF or it may be removed from the MF and prepared for separate shipment. Blow out condensate drains. 4. 5.11 PREPARATION FOR STORAGE AND SHIPMENT. NOTE Wrap cable connectors in cushioning material before packaging. 005 00 Page 4 of 6 CAUTION ECUs must always be kept in an upright position to avoid damage to compressor and refrigerant system. 1. Make sure unit is clean and dry. Cover the entire unit with a polyethylene film shroud and secure with ½-inch pressure sensitive tape. etc. . To ship an ECU in the MF the ECU must be moved into the MF interior / shipping position IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. There are no other shipment and storage procedures when the ECU is transported in the MF interior. 4.4 4. 2. 2. Make sure unit is clean and dry.1 4. 4. 4. Package all hardware. Staple shut and secure to unit.1 3.2 PREPARATION FOR STORAGE. Prior to shipping or storing an ECU separately. prepare it for shipment as follows. 1. Store in a clean dry area in upright position. Disconnect power supply and remove from shelter IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Prepare unit as prescribed for long-term storage. Store ECU in a dry.5 Separate Shipment.2 PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT. and mark IAW MIL-STD-129. 6. 2. dust-free space and in upright position. 1. in a cushioned protective sack.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 2. . A minimum of 1-9 inch clearance will exist between the ECU and walls of the box. Close shipping container and secure with steel strapping material. CAUTION ECUs must always be kept in an upright position to avoid damage to compressor and refrigerant system. The bolts with washers should protrude at least 3/8 inch above the pallet and not more than ½ inch. The ECU must be shipped in the upright position. Wood spacers will be padded with water resistant cushioning material to prevent abrasion. 4.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 005 00 Page 5 of 6 2. Bolt heads will be countersunk into the bottom of the pallets. Fabricate a corrugated paper-shipping container conforming to ASTM-D-3951-95 Level AB. 6. Letters must be black and at least 3 inches high. The box will be modified with a wood pallet located so that the bolts securing the ECU pass through the skids. Domestic Type. Fabricate Shipping Container (Figure 1). 3. 5. Corner pads constructed of corrugated paper will be used on all top and bottom edges of the ECU. Pack ECU in shipping container and secure to the wood pallet skids with four bolts (3/8-24) and washers. Stencil or otherwise mark the words “THIS END UP” and include arrows pointing upwards within the upper third of each side of the shipping container. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 005 00 Page 6 of 6 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . ...............................................................................................................................................006 00 / 4 Preoperational Checkout.............................................................................................................. Mobile Facility Program Environmental Control Unit A/E32C-45A .......................................................................006 00 / 3 Heating Mode ..............................................006 00 / 3 Air Circulation Only Mode .............................................................................................. NAVAIR 17-1-573 Pre-operational Checklist.................. NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Controls and Indicators .........................006 00 / 2 Operation...........................006 00 / 3 ...........................................006 00 / 2 Introduction............................Testing and Trouble Shooting ...........................................................................................................................006 00 / 3 Shutdown ........ A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER WP 008 00 .006 00 / 3 Temperature Setting.......................................................................006 00 / 4 Cooling Mode ..................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 006 00 Page 1 of 4 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT...................................................................................... 2.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 006 00 Page 2 of 4 1. heat. Indoor Thermometer – Control and Indicators. part number 1559AS400-1. The system switch located at the top left of the indoor thermostat has four labeled settings: emer.6 . off.2 Figure 1. off or cool to select the mode of operation.1 2. heat. 2. and LCD display located on the ECU’s Indoor Thermostat (Figure 1). ECU that is used to heat and cool MFs. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. 2. which can be manually selected to set the mode of operation of the ECU. heat position – place the system switch to “heat” to cause the ECU to operate in the heat pump mode.2 INTRODUCTION. Position the raised button on the sliding system switch above emer. These are identified and their respective functions explained as follows. This does not remove primary power from the ECU. and cool.1 1. off position – place the system switch to “off” to turn off both heating and cooling modes. button.4 2. This WP identifies and describes controls and indicators used for operation of the A/E32C-45A. Controls and indicators required for system operation consist of the switches. emer position – The “emer” switch position is not wired / not used for the A/E32C-45A ECU. It only prevents the ECU from turning on in either the heating or cooling mode regardless of the thermostat temperature setting.5 2.3 SYSTEM SWITCH. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 2. In the AUTO mode. “off””. NOTE The indoor thermostat has a built-in compressor short cycle protection delay that prevents the ECU from turning on until the 5 minute delay has elapsed since the previous shutdown. 2. PREOPERATIONAL CHECKOUT.9 2. The up touch pad (Δ) increases the set point temperature in either the heat or cool mode. Position the raised button on the sliding system switch above “on” or “off” to select the mode of operation of the indoor blower motor.7 006 00 Page 3 of 4 cool position – place the system switch to “cool” to cause the ECU to operate in the heat pump cooling mode. 5.1 3. When fan blower turns on the display will show a fan symbol. 2. Set fan switch to “on” for continuous operation or “auto” for intermittent (cycle dependent) operation. The fan switch is identified by the fan symbol between the two settings “auto” and “on”. CAUTION Do not use cooling mode / set system switch to “cool” if the temperature is below 50°F. 5.2 TEMPERATURE SETTING. 3. When indoor fan blower turns on the display will show a fan symbol. Set temperature to desired value (°F) by using the up touch pad (Δ) or down touch pad (∇).1 4. 3. . 4.2 HEATING MODE.10 on -. the indoor fan blower may not turn on immediately when the ECU turns on in either the heat or cool mode. OPERATION. Set system switch to “heat”. There is a built in fan delay. auto – Position the fan switch to “auto” to cause the indoor fan to operate only when the system switch is set to “heat” or “cool” and the “ecu” is running. or “cool” setting. 1. Perform the preoperational checklist in NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1 prior to each use.1 1. The down touch pad (∇) lowers the set point temperature in either the heat or cool mode. This protects the compressor from damage. Set temperature to desired value (°F) by using the up touch pad (Δ) or down touch pad (∇). Set fan switch to “on” for continuous operation or “auto” for intermittent (cycle dependent) operation. otherwise damage to ECU can occur. It controls the operation of the indoor blower motor. 2.Position the fan switch to “on” to cause the indoor fan to operate continuously when the system switch is in the “heat”.3 COOLING MODE. Manually adjust the up and down touch pads Δ∇ on the right-side of the indoor thermostat cover to set the target temperature for the ECU. The ECU will turn on when the room temperature is less than the set temperature.8 2. FAN SWITCH.2 5. 4. ECU heating or cooling operation will cease.5 SHUTDOWN. Set system switch to “off”. Set fan switch to “on”. 5. 2. The ECU will turn on when the room temperature is greater than the set temperature. 1. Indoor fan blower will turn on and run continuously. Set fan switch to “auto”. If a discrepant condition is found perform troubleshooting (WP 008 00) as needed to identify cause of discrepancy and perform corrective action.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 006 00 Page 4 of 4 3. 5. 2. After approximately 5 minutes in “cool” mode operation. Set system switch to “off”.4 AIR CIRCULATION ONLY MODE. observe sight glass to check for moisture and low refrigerant charge. . Yellow indicates moisture. Set system switch to “cool”. 1. bubbles or milky appearance indicates low charge. ..............Discharge / Recovery......... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 010 00 ......... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 011 00 ........................................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 1 of 16 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN TESTING AND TROUBLESHOOTING ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT................................. NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 019 00 ........................................... Operation and Intermediate Maintenance With Illustrated Parts Breakdown................Evacuation.......................................Refrigeration Assembly ......007 00 / 2 Troubleshooting.................................007 00 / 2 ............... Mobile Facility ........................................................................................................ NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 015 00 .............................................................. Maintenance Requirements Manual Environmental Control Unit A/E32C-45A ........................................................ NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 014 00 ..................................................................... Test.. A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER WP 008 00 .....................................................................Unit Wiring Inspection..............Frame Assembly .....Charging.......... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 018 00 .............................Control Box Assembly......... Repair........... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 016 00 ... and Installation .........Chassis Assembly...............................................Pressure Test .............. NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-2 Technical Manual.............. NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 009 00 ............................................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 012 00 ............... NAVAIR 17-1-573 Technical Manual.............................................. NAVAIR 19-25-177 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Introduction..................................................Leak Test......................... c.1 1. 1. Defective transformer with respect to secondary winding (24 VAC). This WP provides troubleshooting procedures used to identify the cause of unsatisfactory operation and other system discrepancies with the A/E32C-45A ECU.1 2. REMEDY 1. TROUBLESHOOTING.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 2 of 16 1. In Control Box Assembly check for 24 VAC at transformer secondary winding with multimeter. Combinations of problems listed in Table 1. Replace defective transformer (WP 014 00). 1. Reset circuit breaker in power distribution panels. PROBABLE CAUSE a. Connect power cables. FAULT ISOLATION 1. PROBLEM 1. as well as other malfunctions are possible.2 INTRODUCTION. Check power cables connection. Refer to Mobile Facility Technical Manual NAVAIR 19-25177. Troubleshooting. Troubleshooting should be approached in a logical manner and the most obvious troubles checked first.2 2. 2. Check power at ECU terminal board (TB2) in Control Box Assembly Panel. 60 Hz. b. Refer to Mobile Facility Technical Manual NAVAIR 19-25177. Refer to WP 019 00 for schematic and wiring diagrams as an aid in troubleshooting. Tripped circuit breaker in main power source.3 Table 1. ECU inoperative in all modes of operation. . Most operational difficulties have definite symptoms that serve as clues to the cause of system performance and/or condition discrepancies. 2. Check MF power panel for 208 V. Read 24 VAC ±3 between TB3-C AND TB3-R. Table 1 provides information in troubleshooting and correcting of the ECU. 1. No input power. 3 phase (NAVAIR 1925-177) for open circuit breaker (CB). Place Fan switch to “on”. the multimeter should read 24 ±3 volts. Troubleshooting.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 3 of 16 Table 1. FAN CIRCUIT. If thermostat calls for cooling. COOLING CIRCUIT. Then place FAN switch to “auto”. 2. . When control calls for cooling. The multimeter should read zero volts. remove the indoor thermostat cover to expose the terminals on the PC board. Multimeter reading should be 24 ±3 volts when control is not calling for cooling. Place multimeter across R and Y1. Replace defective indoor thermostat (WP 014 00). d. Replace defective thermostat (WP 014 00). 1. Indoor thermostat defective. 1. multimeter should read 3 volts or less. PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE FAULT ISOLATION REMEDY NOTE Prior to troubleshooting. When control is not calling for cooling. Refer to Figure 1. the multimeter should read 3 volts or less. 2. Place multimeter leads across R (24 VAC Transformer) on TB1 and G (Fan Relay) on TB3. .NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 4 of 16 Table 1. remove the thermostat from its wall mounting and carefully turn it over to expose test points on back of PC board. Indoor thermostat defective. When control calls for cooling. Replace defective indoor thermostat (WP 014 00). the multimeter should read continuity. HEATING CIRCUIT. When control is not calling for heating. the multimeter should read 24 ±3 volts. Check wiring for continuity with multimeter (Figures 1 thru 3. a. Check indoor fan relay K2 coil terminals RD and BK for continuity with multimeter. NOTE Prior to troubleshooting. Fan set AUTO. Wiring open or shorted to ground. b. Troubleshooting. Values for heating and not heating correspond to those found with 1st stage heating. REMEDY 3. e. the multimeter should read 2 to 3 volts. the multimeter should read open. 2. NOTE Turn off power to both unit and electrical heat prior to making continuity checks. 2nd Stage Heating: Place multimeter across terminals R and W2. System set ON. WP 019 00). When control calls for heating. 1st Stage Heating: Place multimeter across terminals R and B. Indoor fan relay inoperative. Replace defective indoor thermostat (WP 014 00). COOLING CIRCUIT. PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE FAULT ISOLATION 3. When control is not calling for cooling. Repair or replace defective wiring (WP 019 00). ECU inoperative in cooling mode (with a room ambient temperature >76°F/ 24°C). Replace defective indoor fan relay. Place multimeter across R and Y1. HPCO switch tripped or defective 1. Check for tripped HPCO switch. Check T3 to gnd for short. Replace HPCO switch (WP 016 00). REMEDY Replace defective contactors.). d. Remove cover from compressor junction box. Check motor lead RD to ground for short in motor. Read continuity from motor lead RD to motor lead BK on K2 relay. 1. Contactor inoperative. Using a multimeter. PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE c. Check T2 to gnd for short. NOTE Secure both unit and electrical heat power prior to making continuity checks. Indoor blower motor inoperative. f. 2. Compressor inoperative. Troubleshooting. check between terminals for continuity. 2. Test compressor motor B1 windings for continuity and shorts with multimeter. Allow time for pressure equalization (2 min. Replace defective compressor (WP 016 00). . FAULT ISOLATION Use multimeter to check contactor K1 coil terminals RD and BK for continuity. e. Use multimeter to check indoor blower motor B2 for continuity of winding and shorts. Read the following: T1-T2 T2-T3 T1-T3 1 to 2 ohms 1 to 2 ohms 1 to 2 ohms Replace indoor blower motor (WP 018 00).NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 5 of 16 Table 1. Check T1 to gnd for short. WP 019 00). Outdoor fan motor inoperative. Repair or replace defective wiring (WP 019 00). h. NOTE Turn off power to ECU prior to making continuity checks. . Check outdoor fan relay K3 terminals BE and BK for continuity with multimeter. and recharge system (WP 008 00 thru WP 012 00). repair leak. Read outdoor fan motor lead RD to ground for short. PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE g. Replace LPCO switch (WP 016 00). evacuate. Using a multimeter check between LPCO switch S2 terminals for continuity. Associated wiring open. i. j. LPCO switch tripped or defective. Outdoor fan relay inoperative. (Figures 1 thru 3. WARNING Discharge capacitor prior to fault isolation. Replace outdoor fan motor (WP 015 00).NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 6 of 16 Table 1. Check system pressure for 40 PSI. 2. Discharge system. Troubleshooting. REMEDY 1. FAULT ISOLATION 1. Replace defective outdoor fan relay. 2. Check outdoor fan motor B3 leads RD to BN and BK (on capacitor) to BN for continuity. Check wiring for continuity with multimeter. Discharge. 3. Replace reversing valve solenoid coil (WP 009 00). Troubleshooting. WARNING Turn off power to ECU prior to making continuity checks. Using a multimeter check between terminals for continuity. System overcharged. 1. HEAT a. the multimeter should read continuity. evacuate and recharge the system (WP 008 00 thru 012 00). c. Check for continuity across coil terminals RV. Replace defective indoor thermostat (WP 014 00). ECU inoperative in heat mode (with a room ambient <72°F/22°C). PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE FAULT ISOLATION REMEDY NOTE Prior to troubleshooting. Check for tripped HPCO switch S1. When control is not calling for heating. 2nd Stage Heating: Place multimeter across terminals R and W2. Faulty indoor thermostat. Replace defective outdoor fan relay. Values for heating correspond to those found with 1st stage heating. Fan set AUTO. Reversing valve coil inoperative. the multimeter should read open. HPCO switch. Allow time for pressure equalization (2 min.) 2. Replace HPCO switch (WP 016 00). Check outdoor fan relay K3 coil terminals BE and BK for continuity with multimeter. 1. d. 2. System set ON. remove the thermostat cover to expose test terminal points on PC board. 3. HEATING CIRCUIT: 1st Stage Heating: Place multimeter across terminals R and B. b.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 7 of 16 Table 1. When controls calls for heating. Outdoor fan relay inoperative. . 3. High-pressure cutout switch tripped. Check system pressure for 40 PSI. 2. Replace contactor. Troubleshooting.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 8 of 16 Table 1. Replace fan motor (WP 015 00). WARNING Discharge capacitor prior to fault isolation. Check outdoor fan motor B3. Discharge system. Outdoor fan motor inoperative. f. evacuate. e. Read continuity on outdoor fan motor between motor lead RD to BN and BK (on capacitor) to BN. Using a multimeter check between terminals for continuity. Read outdoor fan motor lead RD to ground for short. 1. g. Replace LPCO switch (WP 016 00). repair leak. check contactor K1 coil terminals RD and BK for continuity. LPCO switch tripped or defective. Contactor inoperative. and recharge system (WP 008 00 thru WP 012 00). 1. PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE FAULT ISOLATION REMEDY WARNING Turn off power to ECU prior to making continuity checks. Using multimeter. . . Use multimeter to check indoor blower motor B2 for continuity of winding and shorts. Indoor fan relay inoperative. Read continuity from motor lead RD to motor lead BK on relay K2. Check motor lead RD to ground for short in motor. Indoor blower motor defective. Remove cover from compressor junction box. i. Check T1 to gnd for short Check T2 to gnd for short. PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE FAULT ISOLATION REMEDY WARNING Turn off power to ECU prior to making continuity checks. Troubleshooting. Compressor inoperative. j. h. Replace defective indoor fan relay. Replace indoor blower motor (WP 018 00). WARNING Turn off power to ECU prior to making continuity checks. Test compressor motor B1 windings for continuity and shorts with multimeter.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 9 of 16 Table 1. Check indoor fan relay K2 coil terminals RB and BK for continuity with multimeter. Read the following: T1-T2 T2-T3 T1-T3 1 to 2 ohms 1 to 2 ohms 1 to 2 ohms Replace defective compressor (WP 016 00). Check T3 to gnd for short. Electric heater relay defective. Check heater cutout switch S4 with multimeter. Associated wiring open. Indoor thermostat defective in 2nd stage heat. Reversing valve defective. REMEDY Replace defective reversing valve (WP 016 00). . Operate ECU in heating mode then in cooling mode. System should work in both modes. WARNING Turn off power to ECU prior to making continuity checks. c. remove thermostat cover to expose test points on PC board. When control is not calling for heating. Check for continuity between terminals. Heater cutout switch S4 defective. NOTE Prior to troubleshooting. Troubleshooting. 2nd Stage Heat: Place multimeter across indoor thermostat terminals R and W2. Check wiring for continuity with multimeter (Figures 1 thru 3. When control calls for heating. WP 019 00). Fan switch set ON. Repair or replace defective wiring (WP 019 00). stuck valve. b. Supplemental heat first stage inoperative (with room temperature <68°F/20°C). the multimeter should read open. System switch set to HEAT a.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 10 of 16 Table 1. FAULT ISOLATION Check reversing valve for switching action. Replace defective heater cutout switch S4 (WP 015 00). Check heater relay K4 coil with multimeter between coil to terminal wire BE to terminal wire BK for continuity. Replace electric heater relay. 4. PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE k. l. HEATING CIRCUIT. the multimeter should read continuity. Replace defective indoor thermostat (WP 014 00). WARNING Turn off power to ECU prior to making continuity checks. stuck valve. FAULT ISOLATION Check reversing valve for switching action. Replace defective outdoor thermostat. Check outdoor thermostat for continuity of thermostat terminals with multimeter. Check heater cutout switch S4 with multimeter. Supplemental heat second strip inoperative (with an outdoor temperature <40°F/4. Check wiring for continuity with multimeter (Figures 1 thru 3. WP 019 00). f. WP 019 00). Fusible link or heating element defective. Associated wiring open. Repair or replace defective wiring (WP 019 00). Check for continuity between terminals. Repair or replace defective wiring (WP 019 00). PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE d. Outdoor thermostat S5 defective. Replace heating element (WP 015 00). Fan set ON. Troubleshooting. e. WARNING Secure power prior to making continuity checks. REMEDY Replace defective reversing valve (WP 016 00). h. . WARNING Secure power prior to making continuity checks. System set ON. Replace defective heater cutout switch S4 (WP 015 00).4°C) (first strip operative). Reversing valve defective. WARNING Turn off power to ECU prior to making continuity checks. Associated wiring open. Visually check for open link or un-energized coil. Heater cutout switch S4 defective. Check wiring for continuity with multimeter (Figures 1 thru 3. NOTE Prior to troubleshooting. Heat/Cool set a. 5.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 11 of 16 Table 1. remove thermostat cover to expose test points on PC board. g. FAULT ISOLATION Check electric heater relay K5 coil with multimeter between coil terminal wire BE and terminal at wire BK for continuity Check wiring for continuity with multimeter. Check wiring for continuity with multimeter (Figures 1 thru 3. REMEDY Replace defective electric heater relay. c. d. WARNING Turn off power to ECU prior to making continuity checks. Repair or replace defective wiring (WP 019 00). WP 019 00). Reversing valve solenoid defective. b. Figure 3). Repair or replace defective wiring (WP 019 00). a. WP 019 00). Visually check for open link or unlit coil. Replace defective defrost control (WP 019 00.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 12 of 16 Table 1. Check defrost control output voltage to reversing coil for zero volts. Reposition defrost switch sensor. Associated wiring open. Ensure thermal defrost switch is in contact with outdoor coil. Check reversing valve for switching action. c. Replace heating element (WP 015 00). Defective defrost control. 6. Fusible link or heating element defective. (Figures 1 thru 3. . PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE b. Associated wiring open. Unit will not defrost after outdoor coil ices up. Replace defective solenoid (WP 016 00). Troubleshooting. Electric heater 2 relay defective. WP 019 00). . c. NOTE Prior to troubleshooting. a. Indoor fan relay defective. Compressor mounting assembly loose. 8. Check for proper electrical phasing. Indoor blower motor defective. Check wiring for continuity with multimeter (Figures 1 thru 3. c. e. b. remove thermostat cover to expose test points on PC board. Place FAN switch to ON. Compressor noisy. d. Tighten mounting bolts (WP 016 00). Replace capacitor Replace defective indoor blower motor (WP 018 00). Discharge capacitor and test with multimeter. Check for leaks. Then place FAN switch to AUTO. Compressor motor in reverse rotation. Indoor blower motor capacitor defective. Indoor thermostat defective. Correct power wiring connections. Replace defective indoor thermostat (WP 014 00). Replace defective indoor fan relay. Check mounting bolts. a. Associated wiring open. multimeter should read continuity. Fan switch set ON. PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE FAULT ISOLATION REMEDY WARNING Secure power prior to making continuity checks. Compressor oil charge low. System switch set OFF. FAN CIRCUIT. The multimeter should read continuity. Place multimeter across R and G. Recharge with oil as necessary (WP 011 00). Troubleshooting. Repair or replace defective wiring (WP 019 00). Check indoor fan relay K2 coil terminals for continuity with multimeter. Multimeter reading should be open when control is not calling for cooling. Check motor to ground for short in motor. Read continuity from motor lead RD to motor lead BK on contactor. If control calls for cooling. b.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 13 of 16 Table 1. Unit will not operate in ventilate mode. Use multimeter to check indoor blower motor for continuity of winding and shorts. 7. Visually check housing. or rubbing worn bearings. Troubleshooting. Replace motor (WP 008 00 and 010 00). Replace defective fan (WP 015 00 or WP 018 00). Defective bearings. Clean or replace indoor air filter and clean outdoor coil. Remove any foreign material blocking airflow (NAVAIR 17-600-762-62). Indoor or outdoor fan motor inoperative. Blocked or dirty coils. evacuate and recharge system (WP 008 00 and WP 012 00). Check indoor or outdoor fan motor. Check system for refrigerant leaks (WP 010 00). Restricted filter-dryer will cause low suction pressure. and fan area. Foreign objects in fan housing. PROBLEM 9. Leak in refrigerant system. c.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 14 of 16 Table 1. Check system for refrigerant leaks (WP 010 00). Icing of indoor/outdoor coils (low refrigerant charge). d. evacuate and repair system (WP 008 00 and WP 012 00). FAULT ISOLATION Check fan motor assembly mounting screws and bolts. Check for restricted airflow. Indoor air filter or outdoor coil blocked causing poor air circulation. ECU operates inefficiently. c. b. Fan mounting assembly loose. Check filter-dryer. REMEDY Tighten fan motor mounting screws and bolts (WP 015 00 and 018 00). . 10. Straighten fins with fin comb. Discharge system. a. Discharge system. repair leak. Check motor for binding. Check for bent/damaged fins. repair leak. b. Check for restricted airflow. g. PROBABLE CAUSE a. Replace filter-dryer (WP 016 00). f. louvers. Indoor blower or outdoor fan noisy. e. Remove foreign objects. Bent cooling fins. .NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 15 of 16 Terminals Figure 1. Indoor Thermostat Circuit Board. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 007 00 Page 16 of 16 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . ................................ NAVAIR 17-1-573 Technical Manual......................................... NAVAIR 19-25-177 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Leak Test.. NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 011 00 ................................008 00 / 9 SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REQUIRED DESCRIPTION NUMBER Detector Kit..........008 00 / 3 Troubleshooting Leak Test............................................................................................ NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 015 00 ..................................................Charging........008 00 / 8 When No Leak Is Found After Post-Maintenance / Pre Charge Leak Test........................................................................................008 00 / 3 Leak Test Methods...........................................Evacuation.Pressure Test ..............................................................................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 008 00 Page 1 of 10 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN LEAK TEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT.............. Operation and Intermediate Maintenance With Illustrated Parts Breakdown.................... 4180-53 (07295) ...............................................................................Refrigeration Assembly .....008 00 / 3 Soap Solution Leak Detection............................... A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER WP 007 00 ......... Gas (Soap Solution Kit)......... Mobile Facility ....008 00 / 3 Post Maintenance / Pre Charge Leak Test ......................Testing and Troubleshooting Procedures ............................................................................008 00 / 6 When Leak is Detected after Post-Maintenance / Pre Charge Leak Test................ ........ NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 012 00 ...................................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 010 00 .....................008 00 / 3 Electronic Leak Detector................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................. and Recharging Unit ......... ............................................... MIL-G-521 Goggles ....................... ........Manifold....................................................- ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... _............... R134.............................................. 1428AS100 MATERIALS REQUIRED NOMENCLATURE NUMBER 3M Coating ............... AC.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 DESCRIPTION NUMBER 008 00 Page 2 of 10 Gloves ....................................................... 3XL15 Respirator...Dry Nitrogen Cylinder .......................................... Refrigerant (R-134A) ................ GGG-M-125 Robinair Recovery.................................................................................... GG-G-521 Leak Detector........................................... R134A Recovery Bottle ........................................................................................................ .Refrigerant..................................._ Glycerin ................. 4 Valve with Hose Set.............................. Recycling.............. 17800B Walkaround Bottle ............................................. .................... Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177.6 2.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 008 00 Page 3 of 10 1. brazed joints under insulation. Soap Solution Leak Detection.1 2. and capillary tubes. LEAK TEST.1 1. The electronic refrigerant gas leak detector is highly sensitive to the presence of a minute quantity of refrigerant gas in the air making it very effective in the detection of even very small leaks. This WP provides instructions for performing a leak test of the refrigeration system assembly of the A/E32C-45A ECU. 2. 1. . However.4 2. Use of an electronic refrigerant gas leak detector is the preferred method for detecting refrigerant leaks when troubleshooting an ECU containing some refrigerant charge. TROUBLESHOOTING LEAK TEST.2 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel.1 3. A few drops of glycerin added to the solution will cause lather to remain wet longer. which is performed after repair or replacement of any part and/or component of the refrigerant system. One instance is the troubleshooting leak test which is performed when directed by the troubleshooting procedures (WP 007 00). indoor and outdoor coils. LEAK TEST METHODS. Areas to test for refrigerant leaks listed in relative order of susceptibility for leaks include: rotolock fittings. Troubleshooting Suspected Refrigerant Leak Test Using Electronic Leak Detector. The soap solution is then closely visually observed for the formation of bubbles.7 3. flare nuts. it may be necessary to use the soap solution method to pin point the source of a leak detected by the electronic leak detector. In this method.5 2. There are two instances when a leak test of the refrigeration assembly is performed.2 INTRODUCTION. The post maintenance / pre charge leak test is performed to confirm the refrigerant system has no leaks before charging the ECU with R134A refrigerant. Electronic Leak Detector. The other instance is the post-maintenance / pre charge leak test. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. There are two methods to leak test the refrigeration system.2 2. a strong solution of a liquid detergent and water is brushed onto exposed tubing and fittings of the refrigeration assembly where leak is suspected.3 2. a. refer to. then charge refrigeration assembly with nitrogen using walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder as follows. Pressure Test. 5. this WP. Then proceed as follows. WARNING High pressures used in this test may cause serious injury to personnel if unit should fail suddenly. 3. Otherwise. If there is sufficient charge then go to step 3. Refer to Figure 1.2. discharge / recover any refrigerant in system IAW WP 010 00. Otherwise. If there is sufficient charge then go to step 3. Ensure refrigeration system has sufficient charge (pressure) IAW WP 012 00. the system may be pressurized with dry nitrogen alone. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Leave charging manifold in place until leak test is completed. to accomplish leak test. marking. NOTE Leak test using the Soap Solution procedure does not require the presence of R134A in the refrigeration assembly.3. Refrigeration Assembly. If a leak is detected but cannot be pinpointed then use the soap solution procedure. Check entire system tagging. Prior to connecting manifold. this WP. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Ensure refrigeration system has a minimum charge of R134A refrigerant IAW WP 012 00. When Leak is Detected.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 008 00 Page 4 of 10 NOTE It is necessary for the refrigeration assembly to contain sufficient charge (pressure) with at least some R134A refrigerant gas for the electronic leak detector to detect and locate a leak. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. charge refrigeration system for leak test with nitrogen and a minute quantity of R-134A refrigerant. Post-Maintenance / Pre Charge Leak Test. 4. Stand in a safe location while building up pressure.3 Troubleshooting Suspected Refrigerant Leak Test Using Soap Solution. close valves. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Using electronic leak detector IAW manufacturer instructions systematically check refrigeration system for leaks. 3. c. If a charge is needed to perform the test. Leave charging manifold in place until leak test is completed. If no leak is detected return to troubleshooting procedures (WP 007 00). If a leak is detected. . to pinpoint source of leak. 2. or recording areas where leaks are detected. Connect walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder hose (yellow hose) to manifold center connection. If additional charge is needed to perform leak test then charge system with nitrogen and a minute quantity of R134A.3. Ensure walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder regulator shutoff valve is closed. b.3. refer to. 2. this WP. 1. WARNING Do not attempt to repair a leak. If no leak is detected return to troubleshooting procedures (WP 007 00). j. i. Disconnect walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder hose from manifold. l.1. A few drops of glycerin added to the solution will cause lather to remain wet longer. f. g. Slowly open manifold high side valve (red) to release nitrogen pressure from refrigeration assembly. Coat all refrigeration assembly fittings. n. Slowly open walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder shutoff valve. Refrigeration Assembly.2.2kg/cm²) with pressure regulator. Set pressure regulator on walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder for minimum pressure. Check entire system noting areas where leaks are detected. Bubbles will form in area of leak. Tag. . if equipped. Refrigeration Assembly (Leak Test Set-Up). mark or record locations of any leaks. h. Slowly open high side manifold valve. Apply soap solution systematically to the suspected joint(s). Visually observe solution for bubbles forming which indicates a leak. e. 6. Mix soap and water to obtain a solution that will lather freely. s.2kg/cm²) by adjusting pressure regulator on walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder. Connect manifold red and blue hoses to high and low pressure service valves of refrigeration assembly. Slowly increase system pressure to 300 PSIG (21. make repairs to refrigeration assembly IAW WP 015 00. If no nitrogen was added and a leak is detected. Refer to Figure 1. k. o. Disconnect manifold hoses from high and low pressure service valves of refrigeration assembly. t. Hold system pressure at 300 PSIG (21. Serious injury or death to personnel may result. m. discharge nitrogen into the atmosphere.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 008 00 Page 5 of 10 d. Install the protective caps on the high and low-pressure service valves. 5. Close walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder shutoff valve. Adjust nitrogen pressure regulator for minimum pressure. seals and exposed tubing with soap solution. r. Refer to Figure 1. Observe soap solution coated areas for formation of soap bubbles. p. with the refrigeration assembly under pressure. 3. and then perform post maintenance / pre charge leak test. 4. Shut manifold high side valve (red). Remove hose connection protective caps from the refrigeration assembly high and low pressure service valves. If nitrogen was added. except as noted on paragraph 5. q. Release nitrogen pressure trapped in hose using walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder bleed valve. discharge / recover any refrigerant in system IAW WP 009 00. c. The postmaintenance / pre charge leak test is performed after repairs are complete and the filter dryer is replaced. Remove the R134A cylinder from the center hose connection and connect to the nitrogen regulator. . ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. CAUTION Connect the R134A cylinder in the upright position so that only gas will be used for pressurization. 3. Connect the hoses from a charging manifold to the service valves. 4. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. REFRIGERANT . e. Perform post maintenance / pre charge leak test using electronic leak detector or soap solution. 008 00 Page 6 of 10 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel.R134A 1 a. NOTE It is necessary for the refrigeration assembly to be charged with nitrogen and a minute quantity of R134A refrigerant gas for the electronic leak detector to detect and locate a leak.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 4. g. Close the charging manifold valves and the refrigerant cylinder valve. Remove the hose connection protective caps from the high and low pressure service valves. f. d. NOTE A post-maintenance / pre charge leak test is performed whenever the refrigeration assembly is opened to the environment for repair and/or replacement of a component. 1. If using electronic leak detector do as follows. h.1 POST-MAINTENANCE / PRE CHARGE LEAK TEST. Charging manifold or Robinair Recovery / Recycling / Recharging unit should remain in place until leak test is completed. Connect a cylinder of R134A to the center hose connection of the charging manifold. Open both charging manifold valves. Open the refrigerant cylinder valve slightly and allow a small amount of refrigerant gas to enter the system. Charge system with nitrogen and a minute quantity of R134A as follows: b. 2. Set pressure regulator on walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder for minimum pressure. b. If no leak is detected. this WP.2kg/cm²) with pressure regulator. l. a. If a leak is detected. Connect walkaround bottle/ nitrogen cylinder hose (yellow hose) to manifold center connection. Refer to Figure 1. If using soap solution do as follows. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. f. Hold system pressure at 300 PSIG (21. Allow system pressure to build up until gauges read 300 PSIG (21. Connect manifold hoses to high and low pressure service valves of refrigeration assembly. j. d. 5. k. e. Slowly open high side manifold valve. Slowly increase system pressure to 300 PSIG (21. Charge refrigeration assembly with dry nitrogen using walkaround bottle or nitrogen cylinder as follows. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. NOTE Leak test using the soap solution procedure does not require the presence of R134A in the refrigeration assembly. g. i. If a leak is detected but cannot be pinpointed then use the soap solution procedure. close valves. Slowly open walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder shutoff valve.2kg/cm²). WARNING High pressures used in this test may cause serious injury to personnel if unit should fail suddenly. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Use electronic leak detector IAW manufacturer’s instructions to systematically check refrigeration system for leaks. refer to.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 i. When No Leak Is Found After Post-Maintenance / Pre Charge Leak Test. Stand in a safe location while building up pressure. Ensure walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder regulator valve shutoff valve is closed.2kg/cm²) by adjusting nitrogen with pressure regulator on walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder. c. Check entire system noting areas where leaks are detected. refer to. this WP. j. Prior to connecting manifold. 008 00 Page 7 of 10 Open the charging manifold valves and the nitrogen cylinder and regulator valve. Remove hose connection protective caps from the refrigeration assembly high and low pressure service valves. When Leak is Detected. h. . Leak Test Set-up. 6. this WP.2. 1. 008 00 Page 8 of 10 Coat all refrigeration assembly fittings. 7. 4. m. Replace rotolock gasket or Teflon tape on flare fitting (WP 015 00).NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 k. refer to. n. Disconnect manifold hoses to high and low pressure service valves of refrigeration assembly Install the protective caps on the high and low-pressure service valves. . s. Adjust nitrogen pressure regulator for minimum pressure. Apply soap solution systematically to small sections of the refrigeration system visually observing solution for bubbles forming which indicates a leak. with the refrigeration assembly under pressure. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Shut manifold high side valve (red).1 WHEN LEAK IS DETECTED.1. p. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Slowly open manifold high side valve (red) to release nitrogen pressure from refrigeration assembly. Serious injury or death to personnel may result. Tag. refer to. 5. Check entire system noting areas where leaks are detected. 5. o. 9. When No Leak Is Found After Post-Maintenance / Pre Charge Leak Test. Repeat leak test. q. Observe soap solution coated areas for formation of soap bubbles. Release nitrogen pressure trapped in hose using walkaround bottle bleed valve. If no leak is found. If leak cannot be eliminated by tightening leaking rotolock or flare fitting/connection. If a leak is detected. seals and exposed tubing with soap solution. Bubbles will form in area of leak. r. 8. If leak is found to be at rotolock and/or flare nut fitting/connection tighten rotolock and/or flare nut IAW WP 015 00 beyond initial minimum torque value and check to see if leak is eliminated. WARNING Do not attempt to repair a leak. mark or record locations of any leaks. Mix soap and water to obtain a solution that will lather freely. t. Close walkaround bottle shutoff valve. Release pressure from refrigeration assembly. 2. When Leak Is Detected. this WP. l. A few drops of glycerin added to the solution will cause lather to remain wet longer. except as noted on paragraph 5.. 3. Disconnect walkaround bottle / nitrogen cylinder hose from manifold. do as follows. If leak persists and cannot be found replace ECU IAW this manual and NAVAIR 19-25-177.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 008 00 Page 9 of 10 6. Apply 3M coating to all exposed fittings and connections NAVAIR 19-25-177. 7. If no leak is found. When No Leak Is Found After Post-Maintenance / Pre Charge Leak Test. 1. Replace any insulation that was removed from refrigeration assembly tubing to facilitate leak test (WP 015 00). 6. 3. Evacuate refrigeration assembly IAW WP 011 00. refer to. this WP. . then charge system IAW WP 012 00 and prepare ECU for use IAW WP 005 00. 2.1 WHEN NO LEAK IS FOUND AFTER POST-MAINTENANCE / PRE CHARGE LEAK TEST. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 008 00 Page 10 of 10 HIGH PRESSURE HOSE (RED) (BLUE) NITROGEN REGULATOR AND DRY NITOGEN TANK OR WALK AROUND BOTTLE (YELLOW) Figure 1. Leak Test Setup. . ... Operation and Intermediate Maintenance With Illustrated Parts Breakdown.................................................................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 Technical Manual............................................................................................................. 4 Valve with Hose Set............... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 015 00 .......... MIL-G-521 Goggles .Refrigeration Assembly ............................. 17800B MATERIALS REQUIRED NOMENCLATURE NUMBER Dry Nitrogen Cylinder ..................... Mobile Facility NAVAIR 19-25-177 Management of Ozone Depleting Substances ................................................... GGG-M-125 Robinair Recovery...................................009 00 / 11 Discharge / Recovery of Refrigerant with Robinair Unit.......... OPNAVINST 5090... .. Recycling...........2 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Alternate Method for Discharge / Recovery of Refrigerant .......009 00 / 3 Setup of Robinair Unit ..........009 00 / 8 Introduction......................... A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER WP 013 00 ................................................................... GG-G-521 Manifold. R134.......................................009 00 / 3 SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REQUIRED DESCRIPTION NUMBER Gloves ...............................................................................................................- ................................. and Recharging Unit . Panels...........................................Indoor Thermostat............NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 009 00 Page 1 of 12 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN DISCHARGE / RECOVERY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT.............................. 3XL15 Respirator.......................................... AC.................... and Covers ......... .NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 NOMENCLATURE NUMBER 009 00 Page 2 of 12 Recovery Bottle ................ R134A Robinair 50 lb (23 kg) Unit (Storage) Tank........... 1/4 Inch Flare Fittings ............................... 13203 .............................................................................................. ...............................................................................................................................Refrigerant R134A........... 19776 Robinair Vacuum Pump Oil (1 Quart) ... 17506 Robinair Filter Dryer .................................. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 1. 14 AWG minimum and keep cord length 25 feet or less in length. 1. Recycling. 2. (Figure 1.2 Perform setup when Robinair unit is being used for the first time or as needed after unit tank replacement. . For an alternate procedure (not using the Robinair unit) for discharge / recovery refer to. Open the system oil drain valve and allow the Robinair unit to depressurize. Plug the Robinair unit into a 110/120 VAC grounded electrical outlet. System Oil Drain Valve / Access to Vacuum Pump.) NOTE If an extension cord must be used. and Recharging Unit. etc. this WP. maintenance. 2. part number 17800B to discharge / recover the refrigerant from the A/E32C-45A ECU. use a No. Pressure / Temperature Chart Door Screw System Oil • Drain Valve Vacuum Pump Door Screw Figure 1. NOTE Operation of the Robinair recovery/recycling unit must be by authorized personnel only. 009 00 Page 3 of 12 This WP provides instructions for using the Robinair Recovery. Alternate Method For Discharge / Recovery Of Refrigerant.1 SETUP OF ROBINAIR UNIT. 2.1 INTRODUCTION. because of the position of the lockout door. designed for use with automotive air conditioning systems. This creates the potential for confusion because the Robinair’s R-12 (1/4 inch) fittings must be used in order to purge/recover. has hardware and software that equate use of R-134A refrigerant with 1/2 inch Acme fittings. NOTE The A/E32C-45A. uses R-134A refrigerant and 1/4 inch flare fitting service valves.” (Figure 2). On Robinair control panel use main power switch to turn on the Robinair unit. and charge the A/E32C-45A. In addition. Close the system oil drain valve. the Robinair unit. However. ECU.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 3. The door will lockout (cover) the 1/2 inch fittings. 009 00 Page 4 of 12 4. Slide the lockout door (in upper left corner of the back of unit) to the right to expose the 1/4 inch fittings (the “R-12” position). Liquid Vapor Indicator Tank Pressure Gage System Oil Indicator Low Side Gage High Side Gage Tank Temperature Gage High Side Valve Air Purge Valve Display Main Power Switch Low Side Valve Unit Circuit Breaker (17000B Only Oil-less Compressor Protector Keypad Keypad Expanded View Figure 2. Robinair Control Panel With Expanded View of Keypad. evacuate. The control panel display may flash “door. the Robinair display will show “R12” when actually R-134A is being used. (Figure 3). . 5.” “134a” or “R12. ECU. 14. (Figure 3). 11. 8. open both the low. 10. (Figure 2). Tighten the thumb screw on the scale ring to secure the tank to the scale platform. 13. Loop the tank strap through the tank collar. 7. 12. Connect the 36 inch red hose to the RED valve on the unit tank. 9. On the Robinair control panel. . Connect the 36 inch red hose to the RED 1/4 inch fitting. Purge the nitrogen charge in a new unit tank by opening the gas (vapor) valve on the tank. NOTE A new unit (storage) tank comes with a dry nitrogen charge of 5 to 10 psi to keep it clean and dry during shipment. Connect the 36 inch blue hose to the BLUE 1/4 inch fitting.and high-side valves. On the control panel. then close the valve. Connect the 36 inch yellow hose to the air purge fitting. and secure the latch end of the strap to the metal loop at the other end of the strap. Connect the 36 inch blue hose to the BLUE valve on the unit tank. Open the valve. (Figure 3). Open the valve. press SHIFT/RESET. Lockout Door with R-12 (1/4 inch) Fittings Exposed. Connect the 36 inch yellow hose to the YELLOW 1/4 inch fitting.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 009 00 Page 5 of 12 Lockout Door 1/4 inch Fittings Figure 3. 6. (Figure 3). Place the unit tank inside the ring on the scale platform at the back of the Robinair unit. Vent the pressure to the atmosphere . 15. Before starting the vacuum pump the first time it is necessary to fill it with oil. 18. Remove the black plastic plug from the vacuum pump’s oil fill port.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 009 00 Page 6 of 12 NOTE The Robinair’s vacuum pump is shipped without oil in the reservoir. Open the door to access the vacuum pump (Figure 1). Oil Filler Tube For Vacuum Pump Oil Bottle Pump Exhaust Inlet Oil Fill Port Sight Glass Oil Drain Fitting Figure 4. Do not discard plug. Attach flexible spout and cap to a bottle of vacuum pump oil. 13203 5 16. Robinair Vacuum Pump. . (Figure 4). ROBINAIR VACUUM PUMP OIL. 17. 19. Pour no more than eight (8) ounces of vacuum pump oil into the vacuum pump. This is the only time oil is added to the reservoir when the pump is not running. Remove the door access screws from the right side of the Robinair unit. R134A 1 30. (Figure 3). press HOLD/CONT on Robinair control panel. If not previously accomplished. 22. (Figure 3). Evacuate the unit tank. . The capacity of the unit tank is 50 lb (23 kg). NOTE The unit tank must be filled with refrigerant before the Robinair unit is ready for use. The capacity of the vacuum pump oil reservoir is approximately 13 ounces. then press “1. 28. This removes any air from the system. Connect the 96 inch blue (low) side hose to the liquid valve fitting on a source (supply) tank. 23. purge the 5 to 10 psi nitrogen charge in a new unit tank by opening the gas (vapor) valve on the tank. Insert the black plastic plug into the oil fill port. The Robinair accessory kit’s 1/2 inch Acme to low side adapter may be needed. Slowly pour oil into the vacuum pump oil fill port until the level of oil is even with the line on the pump reservoir sight glass. then close the valve. On the Robinair control panel press SHIFT/RESET and ENTER at the same time. This valve may be red on some tanks and blue on others. 26. 29. 20. Operate the vacuum pump for 5 minutes after adding oil to the reservoir. Vent the pressure to the atmosphere . On the Robinair control panel press SHIFT/RESET to exit the diagnostics mode. press at the same time SHIFT/RESET and ENTER. 27. REFRIGERANT . Connect the 96 inch blue hose to the low side port.” The vacuum pump will start and run continuously. 24. 21. NOTE The unit (storage) tank must be purged of its shipping nitrogen charge and pulled into a vacuum before it can be charged with refrigerant.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 009 00 Page 7 of 12 NOTE To fully charge the vacuum pump oil reservoir the vacuum pump must be running. On the Robinair control panel press HOLD/CONT to turn off vacuum pump. 25. Be sure to connect the 96 inch blue low side hose to the liquid valve on the source (supply) tank. Some tanks have slightly different valve configurations. Connect the 96 inch red hose to the high side port. On the Robinair control panel. NOTE To discontinue tank fill at any time. 31. 1. Set indoor thermostat system switch to OFF and fan switch to AUTO. part number 17800B. Place Robinair unit near the ECU from which refrigerant is to be discharged/recovered. . Cross-contaminated refrigerant can cause damage to or failure of ECU. 3. NOTE Environmental Protection Agency regulations require that refrigerants not be discharged into the atmosphere. or any other refrigerant. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. REFRIGERANT . Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. NOTE This procedure is written for use with the Robinair Recovery and Recycling Unit. 5. or is suspected of having been used. The Robinair unit is now ready for use. A refrigerant recovery unit must be used whenever discharging the refrigerant system. Remove lower rear service panel IAW WP 013 00 to access ECU refrigeration assembly compressor and tubing. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. 33.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 009 00 Page 8 of 12 32. CAUTION Do not use a refrigerant recovery and recycle unit if it has been used. Oil should be even with the line on the vacuum pump reservoir sight glass. 4. Unscrew protective caps from ECU refrigeration assembly suction (lowpressure) service valve and discharge (high-pressure) service valve.R134A 1 6. 7. Press “2”. Ensure Robinair unit was setup for use. 2. The Robinair unit will begin transferring refrigerant from the source (supply) tank to the unit tank.2. with R-22. this WP.1 DISCHARGE/RECOVERY OF REFRIGERANT USING ROBINAIR UNIT. Consult the Robinair vendor manual if any conditions arise with operation of the Robinair unit not covered in this WP. Verify there is vacuum pump oil in the Robinair vacuum pump. Refer to Figure 5. 34. Operation of the recovery/recycling unit must be by personnel with EPA certification IAW OPNAVINST 5090. 3. The display will flash “CPL” when the Robinair unit automatically stops indicating the unit tank is filled with approximately 30 lbs of refrigerant. refer to Setup Of Robinair Unit. (Figure 5). On the Robinair control panel. 13. 9. . 10. Turn on the MAIN POWER switch. Plug Robinair unit into 110-120 VAC outlet. press at the same time SHIFT/RESET and ENTER. verify both the high and low side valves are open (Figure 3). Connect the 96-inch long blue hose with 1/4 inch flare fittings from Robinair unit low side port to ECU suction service valve (low side). 14 AWG minimum and keep cord length 25 feet or less in length. 8. Connection of Robinair to ECU Refrigeration Assembly for Discharge/Recovery. NOTE If an extension cord must be used. If the unit tank contains too little or too much refrigerant the display will indicate “CHECK REFRIGERANT. (Figure 5).NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 009 00 Page 9 of 12 High Side Port (RED hose) Low Side Port (BLUE hose) Lockout Door To Reversing Valve Suction Service Valve (low side) BLUE Hose ECU Compressor Discharge Service Valve (high side) RED Hose Figure 5. The display on Robinair unit will indicate “R12” because the lockout door is set for use of the 1/4 inch flare fittings. Verify both valves on the Robinair unit’s tank are open. Connect the 96-inch long red hose with 1/4 inch flare fittings from Robinair unit high side port to ECU discharge service valve (high side). 12. On the Robinair control panel. NOTE There must be at least 6 pounds and no more than 30 pounds of R-134A refrigerant in the unit tank for the Robinair unit to operate correctly.” 14. 11. “FUNC” appears on the display. Verify unit tank weight. use a No. The refrigeration assembly is now discharged -. Otherwise. The clearing process takes from 20 seconds to four minutes to complete. 17. “CL-L” shows on the display if there is pressure in the Robinair unit. immediately close the valve when oil is completely drained in the next step.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 009 00 Page 10 of 12 15. Do not press HOLD/CONT to continue the recovery process unless the ECU refrigeration assembly contains refrigerant. 25. Verify the oil catch bottle is empty. wait for five minutes and watch the manifold gauges for a rise in pressure above “0” psi. 18. The Robinair unit’s compressor shuts off automatically when recovery is complete (at approximately 13 inches of vacuum). then slowly open the oil drain valve. the Robinair unit automatically begins to recover refrigerant from the ECU. This oil was removed from the ECU refrigerant system during recovery. Press RECOVER. When all the recovered oil has completely drained. and then alternately flashes the weight of refrigerant recovered. 22. and a self-clearing process of the components begins. Repeat as needed until the system pressure holds for two minutes. 24. The lower right corner of the display will indicate “OIL (OUNCES)” as a reminder. Make any needed repairs to the ECU refrigeration assembly and/or replace ECU refrigeration assembly components at this time IAW WP 015 00. 23. Do not completely depressurize the oil separator. To assure complete recovery of refrigerant. 20. press SHIFT/RESET. the compressor will shut off and the digital display shows the message “FULL”. recovery of refrigerant from the ECU begins immediately. change the unit tank. NOTE If there is no internal pressure in the Robinair unit. The display shows that the unit is in the RECOVER mode and the AUTOMATIC cycle. press HOLD/CONT. If the recovery tank fills completely.empty of refrigerant. . Press HOLD/CONT to bypass clearing if an accurate recovery amount is not required. 21. NOTE “CH-P” appears on the display if the ECU refrigeration assembly pressure is 25 PSI or less. 26. The display shows ‘CPL”. 19. Drain the oil from the separator only after each recovery. Dispose of waste oil in an appropriate manner. 16. If the weight is at least 6 pounds and no more than 30 pounds proceed with discharge/recovery. This serves as an alert not to attempt recovery from an empty system. Press “7. On the Robinair control panel. the Robinair unit’s compressor will start and the “CL-L” remains on the display. Monitor the amount of refrigerant removed from the system by watching the display. If a rise occurs. and drain the oil into the oil catch bottle. If this happens. immediately close the valve.” The weight of the unit tank is displayed. When clearing is complete. 1. refrigerant. 2. NOTE There are several different recovery units in use. Consult the vendor / technical manual of the model being used for specific hookup and operation. Do not use equipment if it has been used. . 13. Set indoor thermostat system switch to OFF position and fan switch to AUTO.R134A 1 4. CAUTION Ensure refrigerant recovery and recycle equipment is for use with R-134A refrigerant. REFRIGERANT . Remove lower rear panel to access ECU refrigeration assembly components. 10. 12. 3. Connect red manifold hose to discharge service valve (high side) and pressure gage of charging manifold. 11. or any other. Cross contamination of refrigerants can cause damage or operational failure of ECU. 8. Position charging manifold near ECU compressor. 4.1 ALTERNATE METHOD FOR DISCHARGE / RECOVERY OF REFRIGERANT.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 4. or is suspected of having been used.3 DISCHARGE OF REFRIGERANT FROM REFRIGERATION ASSEMBLY. Ensure charging manifold valves are closed. with R-22. Maintenance personnel must be EPA certified IAW OPNAVINST 5090. 5. Connect charging manifold hoses to the manifold and service valves as follows. Connect other end of yellow manifold hose to the recovery and recycling unit. Connect blue manifold hose to suction service valve (low side) and compound gage of charging manifold.2 This alternate procedure is for discharging the refrigeration assembly using a charging manifold and recovery and recycling equipment other than the Robinair unit. 009 00 Page 11 of 12 4. Connect yellow manifold hose to center connection of charging manifold. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Unscrew hose connection protective caps from suction (low-pressure) service valve and discharge (high-pressure) service valve (Figure 4). 9. 6. Position recovery and recycling unit near ECU. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. 7.2. Slowly open the low-pressure service valve on manifold to allow refrigerant gas to flow slowly out of the hose. Leave center hose connected to center port of manifold. Discharging Refrigerant Setup (Using non-Robinair Equipment). The refrigeration assembly is now discharged -. 17. Check the discharge (red) hose for the presence of oil. 16. 20. If oil is present. Check for presence of oil visually by observing mist for open end of red hose. Make any needed repairs to the refrigeration assembly and/or replace refrigeration assembly components at this time IAW WP 015 00.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 009 00 Page 12 of 12 14. 21. When gas stops flowing (pressure gage reads zero (0) psi). 18.empty of refrigerant. 19. close both service valves. Disconnect recovery-recycling unit from manifold. adjust (close slightly) manifold valves as necessary to prevent oil discharge. . Slowly open high-pressure service valve to allow refrigerant gas to flow slowly out of the hose. Pressure Gage To Discharge Service Valve (High Side) To Suction Service Valve (Low Side) High Pressure Hose (RED) Compound Gage Charging Manifold Low Pressure Hose (BLUE) Discharged Refrigerant (YELLOW Hose) To Reversing Valve Suction Service Valve (Low Side) BLUE hose Discharge Service Valve (High Side) RED hose Recovery Recycling Unit ECU Compressor Figure 6. 15. Disconnect red hose from manifold. Reconnect red hose to manifold. ..010 00 / 6 Evacuation of Refrigeration Assembly with Robinair Unit......................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 010 00 Page 1 of 8 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN EVACUATION ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT.................... GG-G-521 Manifold......................Leak Test Troubleshooting WP 009 00 – Discharge / Recovery WP 011 00 .............. Recycling........................................................... 3XL15 Respirator.............................................................................................. AC......................Charging Technical Manual............................................. R134................................................ 4 Valve with Hose Set................................. Mobile Facility Management of Ozone Depleting Substances ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number NUMBER NAVAIR 17-1-573 NAVAIR 17-1-573 NAVAIR 17-1-573 NAVAIR 19-25-177 OPNAVINST 5090......................................... GGG-M-125 Robinair Recovery...... Operation and Intermediate Maintenance With Illustrated Parts Breakdown............................ A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE WP 008 00 .......... and Recharging Unit ........................010 00 / 3 SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REQUIRED DESCRIPTION NUMBER Gloves ..... MIL-G-521 Goggles ........ 17800B Vacuum Pump.................................010 00 / 3 Introduction...............2 Alternative Method for Evacuation of ECU Refrigeration Assembly ...... 4Z577 .................................................................... ........................ R134A ................................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 MATERIALS REQUIRED NOMENCLATURE NUMBER 010 00 Page 2 of 8 Refrigerant........................................... Setup Of Robinair Unit. this WP. Set indoor thermostat system switch to OFF and fan switch to AUTO. Verify the Robinair unit’s 96 inch hoses are connected to the ECU refrigeration assembly’s service valves: RED hose to discharge service valve (high side) and Blue hose to suction service valve (low side). If needed. REFRIGERANT . part number 17800B.1 1. Proceed as follows. 7. and Recharging Unit.2 INTRODUCTION. Verify there is vacuum pump oil in the vacuum pump. CAUTION Do not use Robinair unit if it has been used. 2. or any other refrigerant. Verify both valves on the unit tank are open.1 2. plug the Robinair unit into a 110/120 VAC grounded electrical outlet. part number 17800B.2 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. 1. The ECU refrigeration assembly must be evacuated and leak tested prior to charging. Verify the Robinair unit is setup as described in. Cross contamination of refrigerants can cause damage to or failure of ECU. (Figure 1). (Figure 2). 6. 1. Recycling. EVACUATION OF REFRIGERATION ASSEMBLY WITH ROBINAIR UNIT.3 2. An alternate method using a manifold and vacuum pump instead of the Robinair unit for evacuation of the ECU refrigeration assembly refer to.R134A 1 5. Alternate Method For Evacuation Of ECU Refrigeration Assembly. Evacuation of the refrigeration assembly is accomplished by drawing a vacuum on the compressor low side at the suction line service valve. 3. NOTE This procedure is written for use with the Robinair Recovery and Recycling Unit. On the Robinair control panel. 8. 4. . verify the high and low – side valves are open. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. or is suspected of having been used. Operation of the recovery/recycling unit must be by personnel with EPA certification IAW OPNAVINST 5090. with R-22.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 010 00 Page 3 of 8 1. WP 009 00. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. This WP provides instructions for evacuating the refrigeration assembly using the Robinair Recovery.2. Connection of Robinair to ECU Refrigeration Assembly for Discharge/Recovery. If needed. use the main power switch to turn on the Robinair unit. To turn the vacuum pump off.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 010 00 Page 4 of 8 9. High Side Port (RED hose) Low Side Port (BLUE hose) Lockout Door To Reversing Valve Suction Service Valve (low side) BLUE Hose ECU Compressor Discharge Service Valve (high side) RED Hose Figure 1. Press ENTER. 12. The display counts down the time remaining. NOTE Fifteen minutes is the default time for evacuation. press HOLD/CONT then press ENTER. Press SHIFT/RESET to toggle the display to show “PROGRAM VACUUM MINUTES 15. The vacuum pump will start and the display will show “CON AUTOMATIC VACUUM”.” (Figure 2).99” by pressing the appropriate keys. To run the vacuum pump continuously the programmed time must be changed to 98 minutes and 99 seconds (the maximum setting) 10. on the Robinair control panel. .00”. 13. 11. then press VACUUM. The control panel display may flash “R12. Change the program time to “98. there is 25 psi or greater of pressure at the inlet. proceed as follows. Robinair Unit Control Panel. 18. The Robinaire unit will shut off automatically when recovery is complete and the display will show CPL. press RECOVER. To turn the vacuum pump off. The display shows the unit is in RECOVER mode and the AUTOMATIC cycle. This pressure (refrigerant) must be recovered before evacuation can continue.2. The vacuum pump automatically shuts off and the display shows “CPL” when the programmed time has expired. Press any key to exit vacuum mode. 16. Otherwise. press HOLD/CONT then press ENTER. 14. The ECU refrigeration assembly is now evacuated and ready for charging with R-134A refrigerant IAW WP 011 00. If necessary.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 010 00 Page 5 of 8 Liquid Vapor Indicator Tank Pressure Gage System Oil Indicator Low Side Gage High Side Gage Tank Temperature Gage High Side Valve Air Purge Valve Display Main Power Switch Low Side Valve Unit Circuit Breaker (17000B Only Oil-less Compressor Protector Keypad Expanded View Figure 2. 15. . 17. Repeat evacuation procedure at step 2. NOTE If the message “U-HI” appears. 10. 4. . Ensure charging manifold valves are closed.2 010 00 Page 6 of 8 ALTERNATE METHOD FOR EVACUATION OF ECU REFRIGERATION ASSEMBLY. 2. 16. 1. Stop vacuum pump. 13. 5. 9. 24. Position vacuum pump near ECU. do as follows. Connect red manifold hose to discharge service valve (high side)) and pressure gage of charging manifold. 22.1 3. If the vacuum cannot be held for 15 minutes. Run the vacuum pump until approximately a 270 to 300-micron vacuum is reached. 21. proceed to step 22. NOTE Inability to reach 270 to 300 microns may indicate either a leak in the refrigeration assembly or a problem with the vacuum pump. 20. Start vacuum pump IAW manufacturer’s instructions. Open both charging manifold valves. Let ECU sit for 15 minutes. If charging manifold / hoses are already connected to service valves from discharge procedure then go to step 4. If vacuum still cannot be held for 15 minutes.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 3. 19. Disconnect vacuum pump from center hose connection. Position charging manifold near ECU compressor. Unscrew hose connection protective caps from suction (low-pressure) service valve and discharge (high-pressure) service valve (Figure 2). Record reading. 23. 17. This alternate procedure is for evacuating the refrigeration assembly using a vacuum pump in place of the Robinair unit. Connect free end of yellow manifold hose to the vacuum pump. 11. Connect yellow manifold hose to center port of charging manifold. Close manifold valves and check compound gage. 3. Break the vacuum with dry nitrogen and perform troubleshooting leak test (WP 008 00). Connect charging manifold hoses to the manifold and service valves as follows. 14. 6. Shut vacuum pump off. there may be a leak in the ECU refrigeration system. Other wise. 15. 18. 12. Run vacuum pump for longer period and then repeat procedure from step 5. Close charging manifold valves. If the ECU refrigeration assembly held the vacuum without change of pressure. there may be water vapor in the system or refrigerant in compressor oil. Position vacuum pump near ECU. Observe compound gage reading. Connect blue manifold hose to suction service valve (low side) and compound gage of charging manifold. 8. 7. Alternate Evacuation Setup (Non-Robinair Unit).NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 010 00 Page 7 of 8 25. 26. The ECU refrigeration assembly is now evacuated and ready for charging with R-134A refrigerant IAW WP 011 00. Pressure Gage To Discharge Service Valve (High Side) To Suction Service Valve (Low Side) High Pressure Hose (RED) Compound Gage Charging Manifold Low Pressure Hose (BLUE) Discharged Refrigerant (YELLOW Hose) To Reversing Valve Suction Service Valve (Low Side) BLUE hose Discharge Service Valve (High Side) RED hose Recovery Recycling Unit ECU Compressor Figure 3. . Leave manifold and other hose connections in place if system is to be charged with refrigerant using alternate charging procedure. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 010 00 Page 8 of 8 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . ................................................................2 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Adding Additional Refrigerant to Charged Refrigeration Assembly Using Gas Fill Method..... and Shipment . NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 016 00 ............ NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 008 00 ..................... Mobile Facility ........ NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 010 00 .................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 013 00 ........................ NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 009 00 .....011 00 / 4 Correcting an Incomplete Transfer..... and Covers .. A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER WP 005 00 ..................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 Technical Manual.......................Control Box Assembly.................011 00 / 8 Liquid Fill Charge of Evacuated ECU Refrigeration Assembly ..............................Leak Test................011 00 / 7 Alternate Methods for Charging ECU Refrigeration Assembly ..........................................Evacuation.......................................011 00 / 16 Adding Refrigerant to Robinair Unit’s Tank.... Operation and Intermediate Maintenance With Illustrated Parts Breakdown.Indoor Thermostat................ Storage........Discharge / Recovery.........................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 011 00 Page 1 of 18 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN CHARGING ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT.................................................................................................011 00 / 12 Charging of ECU Refrigeration Assembly with Robinair Unit ............................................. NAVAIR 19-25-177 Management of Ozone Depleting Substances .....................................011 00 / 3 .................................. NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 011 00 .....................................011 00 / 8 Gas Charge of Evacuated ECU Refrigeration Assembly.... Panels...................................011 00 / 6 Introduction........Charging............................................................................................................Refrigeration Assembly .......................................................... OPNAVINST 5090......................Preparation for Use. NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 015 00 ................................ .................. and Recharging Unit ........MATERIALS REQUIRED NOMENCLATURE NUMBER Refrigerant................................. AC................................................................................................. .......................... R-134A ........................................................................... Recycling............. R134............................................................................................................................................. GGG-M-125 Robinair Recovery................................. ............................. MIL-G-521 Goggles .................................................. 17800B Scale............................ GG-G-521 Manifold.......................................................... 4 Valve with Hose Set..NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 ALPHABETICAL INDEX (continued) TITLE 011 00 Page 2 of 18 WP / Page Number Recycling the Refrigerant in Robinair’s Unit Tank .......................................................... 3XL15 Respirator.......................011 00 / 3 SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REQUIRED DESCRIPTION NUMBER Digital Thermometer.....................Gloves ...... 1 2. Liquid Vapor Indicator Tank Pressure Gage System Oil Indicator Low Side Gage High Side Gage Tank Temperature Gage High Side Valve Air Purge Valve Display Main Power Switch Low Side Valve Unit Circuit Breaker (17000B Only Oil-less Compressor Protector Keypad Expanded View Figure 1. part number 17800B. and Recharging Unit. Before charging the ECU refrigeration system with R-134A refrigerant it is necessary to perform the recycling sequence in order to remove any non-condensable gases in the tank. Alternate Methods for Charging ECU Refrigeration Assembly. Setup Of Robinair Unit.2 INTRODUCTION This WP provides instructions for charging the refrigeration assembly using the Robinair Recovery. RECYCLING THE REFRIGERANT IN ROBINAIR’S UNIT TANK. Recycling. then press 1 to start the recycling process. Verify the Robinair unit is setup as described in. For alternate methods (not using the Robinair unit) for charging of the ECU refrigeration assembly refer to. (Figure 1). Robinair Unit Control Panel (Expanded View of Keypad). 2.1 1.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 011 00 Page 3 of 18 1. .2 1. 3. this WP. 1.3 2. WP 009 00. Ensure both valves on the Robinair unit’s tank are open. press and hold SHIFT/RESET. On the Robinair control panel. press HOLD/CONT to resume operation. 8. 3. NOTE This procedure is written for use with the Robinair Recovery and Recycling Unit. with R-22.2.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 NOTE If the Robinair Unit’s unit tank is full. 011 00 Page 4 of 18 5. the display will show “FULL”. the ECU refrigeration assembly can be charged with R-134A refrigerant. If display shows “Full”. Use this temperature and pressure/temperature chart above Robinair control panel to determine the correct pressure for the R-134A refrigerant. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 4. or is suspected of having been used. Check tank pressure gage again. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Compare pressure read from the chart to the pressure shown on the tank pressure gage. After successful evacuation of the refrigeration assembly and recycling of the Robinair unit tank.2 CHARGING OF ECU REFRIGERATION ASSEMBLY WITH ROBINAIR UNIT. NOTE The Robinair will not function and “CHECK REFRIGERANT” will be displayed on the control panel if there are less than 6 pounds of refrigerant in the tank. If gage pressure exceeds the chart (target) pressure by more than 10 psi. read temperature of refrigerant on the tank temperature gage. Operation of the recovery/recycling unit must be by personnel with EPA certification IAW OPNAVINST 5090. Repeat as needed until chart and gage pressures are the same. 6. 7. The Robinair unit is now ready for charging the ECU refrigeration assembly. Consult the Robinair vendor manual if any conditions arise with operation of the Robinair unit not covered in this WP 2. After 5 minutes of recycling. or any other refrigerant. 9. part number 17800B. Close tank’s LIQUID valve to stop recycling. Cross contamination of refrigerants can cause damage to or failure of ECU. open the air purge valve on the control panel for approximately 30 seconds to release non-condensables from the tank. The unit will pull into a vacuum and shut off automatically.1 3. . Press any key on the control panel key pad to exit the recycle mode. Set indoor thermostat system switch to OFF and fan switch to AUTO. 1. CAUTION Do not use Robinair unit if it has been used. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Adding Refrigerant To Robinair Unit’s Tank. 5. . If there are less than 15 pounds in the Robinair unit’s tank refer to. 6. 7. (Figure 2). Press CHG and using the key pad enter the weight of the refrigerant to be charged. High Side Port (RED hose) Low Side Port (BLUE hose) Lockout Door To Reversing Valve Suction Service Valve (low side) BLUE Hose ECU Compressor Discharge Service Valve (high side) RED Hose Figure 2.42 charge pounds. then press ENTER to access the diagnostic mode. 9. The display will flash to indicate that the charge amount has been recorded in the Robinair’s memory. this WP. NOTE The A/E32C-45A ECU requires 7 pounds 5 ounces of R-134A refrigerant. Verify the Robinair unit’s 96 inch high and low – side hoses are connected to the ECU refrigeration assembly’s service valves: RED hose to discharge service valve (high side) and Blue hose to suction service valve (low side). Press ENTER. Press “7” to display the weight of refrigerant in the tank. the low side valve 8.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 011 00 Page 5 of 18 REFRIGERANT . open the high-side valve and. Check weight of refrigerant in the tank. Press SHIFT/RESET until the message “CHG” appears on the display. On the Robinair control panel. Connection of Robinair to ECU Refrigeration Assembly for Charging.R134A 1 3. 10. Seven (7) pounds 5 ounces are required. if allowable. enter as 7. Press SHIFT/RESET again to exit the diagnostic mode. Press and hold SHIFT/RESET. 4. Correcting An Incomplete Transfer. refer to. The display will show the message “AUTOMATIC” and the amount programmed for recharging. this WP. Charging of Refrigeration Assembly With Robinair Unit. 12. Continue with step 14. 2. 15. Turn on MF circuit breakers to restore power to ECU IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 13. Close the high and low-side valves on the control panel. the display shows the message “CPL. 4. Press CHG again to begin the charging process. Proceed as follows if the pressure in the ECU refrigeration system is equal to the pressure in the Robinair unit’s tank (the unit will produce an audible signal and show the remaining weight needed to complete the transfer). 16. The display counts down to zero as charging proceeds. Or. 18.3 INCOMPLETE TRANSFER DUE TO EQUAL PRESSURE. Otherwise. place fan switch to AUTO and system switch to COOL. 17. 14. NOTE If the scale value does not change for 30 seconds. the unit beeps continuously to indicate that the transfer of refrigerant was not completed. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Start the ECU. 19.1 CORRECTING AN INCOMPLETE TRANSFER. refer to. 3. and turn off the MAIN POWER switch.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 11. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. When charging is complete. 1. the transfer of refrigerant has stopped before the charging procedure was completed. and open both the high and low-side valves. close the low-side valve and turn off the A/CR system and disconnect the low-side hose from the system. two. . 4.2 4. Close the high-side valve. 011 00 Page 6 of 18 NOTE If the unit beeps continuously. this WP. On indoor thermostat. Adding Refrigerant To Robinair Unit’s Tank. Turn off the ECU and disconnect the high-side hose from it. the pressure in the ECU refrigeration assembly is equal to the pressure in the Robinair unit’s tank. there is not enough refrigerant in the Robinair unit’s tank. Disconnect the high-side hose from the ECU system.” If unit beeps to indicate transfer of refrigerant stopped before charging was complete. One. set target temperature to 60 to ensure ECU will start and continue running. There are two reasons for an incomplete transfer of refrigerant. Close the high-side valve on the control panel. At the lowest recommended operating pressure. refer to. if the display shows the message “CHECK REFRIGERANT” because there is not enough refrigerant in the tank. this WP. This pulls the portion of the programmed charge that is trapped in the hoses into the low side of the A/C-R system. 6. Turn disposable supply tank right side up. 5. 8. Press HOLD/CONT again to resume. 2. Ensure the 96 inch blue hose is connected to the Robinair unit’s low-side port. The display shows “ADD” for about two seconds. NOTE It takes about 45 minutes to add refrigerant to the Robinair unit’s tank. Press SHIFT/RESET to end process. The process can be interrupted by pressing HOLD/CONT once. Press HOLD/CONT again to resume the transfer. Proceed as follows if an incomplete transfer is noted by the display showing the message “CHECK REFRIGERANT” because there is not enough refrigerant in the tank. Press HOLD/CONT to interrupt the transfer. Press 2 to begin transferring refrigerant. The transfer of new refrigerant to the Robinair unit’s tank is limited by weight to leave space (about 6 pounds of refrigerant) in the unit tank for recovery purposes. The display shows “FUNC”. 3. Replace it with a tank containing additional refrigerant.) 4. 10.2 ADDING REFRIGERANT TO ROBINAIR UNIT TANK. If using a disposable supply tank follow the instructions on the side of the tank to obtain a liquid supply.1 5. then disconnect and remove the tank from the unit. Open the valve on the disposable supply tank. 1. NOTE Disposable refrigeration supply tanks have only one valve and must be turned upside down to transfer liquid. then shows the amount of refrigerant transferred. Carefully disconnect the 96-inch blue hose from the disposable supply tank valve.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 4. Proceed as follows to add refrigerant to the Robinair unit’s tank from a disposable supply tank. Transfer stops automatically and the display shows “CPL” when the source tank is empty or the weight of the refrigerant in the Robinair unit’s tank reaches 37 pounds. and open the low-side valve on the Robinair unit’s control panel (Figure 1.4 011 00 Page 7 of 18 INCOMPLETE TRANSFER DUE TO INSUFFICIENT REFRIGERANT IN ROBINAIR UNIT TANK. Close the high-side valve. 7. . 9. Verify both valves on the tank are closed. 2. 4. 5. Close the supply valve on the disposable supply tank. Press SHIFT/RESET and ENTER at the same time to access the diagnostic mode. It is necessary for the quantity (weight) of the refrigerant in the Robinair unit’s tank to exceed the quantity required to charge the ECU.5 1. 3. Open both valves on the Robinair unit’s tank. Ensure charging manifold valves are closed. The liquid fill charge method is the preferred alternative method for introducing a full charge to an evacuated refrigeration assembly.” 011 00 Page 8 of 18 11. 14. 6. 13.3 6. Close the low-side valve on the Robinair control panel (Figure 1). Press RECOVER. do as follows. Connect the 96-inch red hose to the Robinair unit’s high-side port. LIQUID FILL CHARGE OF EVACUATED REFRIGERATION ASSEMBLY. REFRIGERANT . (Figure 2). charging hose set and a disposable supply tank of R-134A refrigerant in place of the Robinair Recovery/Recycling/Recharging Unit. Unscrew hose connection protective caps from suction (low-pressure) service valve and liquid fill valve charging port. There are two alternative methods of charging the refrigeration assembly using a manifold gage set. then they must be purged with R-134A before connecting to service valves prior to charging refrigeration assembly. refer to.2 ALTERNATE METHODS FOR CHARGING ECU REFRIGERATION ASSEMBLY. 1. Perform the recycling process.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 NOTE If the blue hose is only partially clear. The blue hose will be pulled into a partial vacuum and the unit will turn off automatically. . ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 4. Use manifold hanger to hang manifold. If a partially clear message is displayed press HOLD/CONT to finish clearing the hose. 2. 12. These alternative methods are the liquid fill charge and the gas charge method.R134A 1 3. If charging manifold hoses are already connected to service valves from evacuation procedure (WP 010 00) then go to step 4. Position charging manifold near ECU compressor. Recycling The Refrigerant In Robinair Unit’s Tank. this WP. Other wise. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 5. NOTE If hoses and manifold did not remain connected to ECU service valves after evacuation.4 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. the unit will display “CH-P. 6.1 6. Connect one end of yellow manifold hose to R-134A refrigerant cylinder valve. 8. Observe scale for 7 lbs – 5 oz change in weight. Refrigeration assembly will charge quickly. 12. 17. CAUTION Never introduce liquid refrigerant into the low-pressure (suction) service valve. 11.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 011 00 Page 9 of 18 6. if needed to pull in additional charge. After 15 minutes of ECU run time. Open R-134A cylinder valve slightly. . 10. Liquid refrigerant will flow into evacuated refrigeration assembly. observe the liquid sight glass / indicator (Figure 6) on left bottom of unit. Close R-134A cylinder valve. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Purge yellow hose with gas (open and close cylinder valve). Remove left side bottom service panel (WP 015 00) to expose liquid charge valve. Use wrench to remove brass cap from end of liquid fill valve to expose valve seat. 22. 15. 21. Connect power to ECU. 9. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Position R-134A refrigerant cylinder in “upside down” position on scale so cylinder valve is nearest ground and cylinder is resting on handles. Connect red hose from manifold to charging port on liquid fill valve prior to evacuating unit. Turn on ECU circuit breakers in MF Circuit Breaker / Power Distribution Panel IAW 19-25-177. Use hex wrench to close liquid fill valve. 14. Adjust desired temperature to 60 degrees or lower to ensure ECU will continuously run in cooling mode. 16. Connect red manifold hose to liquid fill valve charging port and pressure gage of charging manifold. (Figure 3). 7. (Figure 4). Severe damage to equipment may occur. Check pressure gage. Set fan switch to AUTO and system switch on indoor thermostat to COOL. Connect charging manifold hoses to the manifold and purge hoses with R-134A refrigerant before connecting to service valves as follows. 20. 19. 18. 13. Connect blue manifold hose to suction service valve and compound gage of charging manifold. Pressure should be IAW WP 013 00. Open Liquid fill valve if closed (to draw in additional charge). Refrigerant Charging Setup – Liquid Fill Charging.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 011 00 Page 10 of 18 Figure 2. . Liquid Fill Valve.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 011 00 Page 11 of 18 Liquid Fill Charge Valve Figure 3. . 2 Charging Port 1 Valve Seat (Under Brass Cap) Figure 4. Location of Liquid Fill Charge Valve. Remove charging manifold hoses. There should be at least a 15°F temperature difference between evaporator discharge air and intake air. leak tested (WP 008 00) evacuated (WP 010 00) and charged (this WP). refer to. Milky white or bubbly liquid means the system has a low charge. If fully charged then check indicator in center of sight glass. 6. 2. 23. Green indicator means the refrigerant moisture content is acceptable.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 011 00 Page 12 of 18 NOTE An occasional bubble in the refrigerant is normal when the refrigeration assembly is fully charged. 26. Turn system switch on indoor thermostat to OFF and fan switch to AUTO. the filter dryer replaced (WP 015 00). Adding Additional Refrigerant To Charged Refrigeration Assembly Using Gas Fill Method. Otherwise do as follows. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. 1. 31. this WP. this WP. 32. hoses and manifold must be purged with R-134A before connecting to service valves prior to charging refrigeration assembly. 24. refer to. add more refrigerant using the gas charging procedure on the low side. Go to step 27.5 6. If charging manifold hoses are already connected to service valves from alternative method evacuation procedure (WP 010 00) then go to step 9. Use digital thermometers to check ECU for proper cooling. NOTE Hoses and manifold remain connected to ECU service valves after evacuation. 25. To fully charge an evacuated ECU refrigeration assembly using the gas charge alternative method proceed as follows. . If this is the case.6 GAS CHARGE OF EVACUATED REFRIGERATION ASSEMBLY. Clear bubble-free liquid around the center means the refrigeration assembly is fully charged. Adding Additional Refrigerant To Charged Refrigeration Assembly Using Gas Fill Method. 28. 30. 27. Install ECU access covers. 29. The ECU is ready for use. If not. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Yellow indicator means there is too much moisture in the system. Install service valve protective caps. The gas charge method is best used to add additional refrigerant to an already charged refrigeration assembly. The refrigeration system must be must be discharged and recovered (WP 009 00). Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. R134A 1 3. 6.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 011 00 Page 13 of 18 REFRIGERANT . Position charging manifold near ECU compressor. 8. 4. Connect red manifold hose to discharge service valve and pressure gage of charging manifold. The R-134A cylinder is prone to freezing up during the gas charging procedure. Unscrew hose connection protective caps from suction (low-pressure) service valve and liquid fill valve charging port. R134 Figure 5. Remove from bath periodically to place on scales. Use manifold hanger to hang manifold. Connect charging manifold hoses to the manifold and purge hoses with R-134A refrigerant before connecting to service valves as follows. This ensures only gas will be used for charging. Connect blue manifold hose to suction service valve and compound gage of charging manifold. Place the cylinder is a warm water bath to prevent it from freezing. Ensure charging manifold valves are closed. 5. (Figure 2). . Refer to Figure 5. Refrigerant Charging Setup – Gas Charging. NOTE Position the R-134A cylinder in an upright position. 7. or a charging cylinder. 12. remove the (2) two wires from the switch (quick-connect terminals) and connect the two wires with a small piece of wire inserted into the quick connect terminals. Note time. measure and record the weight of the charged R-134 cylinder. 5 oz. Fully open the R-134A cylinder valve. which is located on side of control box. Green indicator means the refrigerant moisture content is acceptable. Clear bubble-free liquid around the center means the refrigeration assembly is fully charged. Connect power to ECU. The refrigeration system must be must be discharged (WP 010 00). observe the liquid sight glass / indicator (Figure 6) on left bottom of unit. 15. or other suitable mean to connect the two wires electronically. 13. Using scales. 26. 25. When the system is fully charged. Set fan switch to AUTO and system switch on indoor thermostat to COOL. If needed. To jumper the low press switch (S2). Milky white or bubbly liquid means the system has a low charge. 24. Turn on ECU circuit breakers in MF Circuit Breaker / Power Distribution Panel IAW 19-25-177. Open the R-134A or charging cylinder valve slightly to allow a small amount of refrigerant to purge air from the hose. 14. Yellow indicator means there is too much moisture in the system. Loosen the hose connection to the center of charging manifold. add additional refrigerant gas by opening the R-134A cylinder valve and the manifold low-pressure valve . leak tested (WP 009 00) evacuated (WP 011 00) and charged (this WP). Open the low-pressure valve of the charging manifold. charge is obtained. NOTE An occasional bubble in refrigerant is normal when the refrigeration assembly is fully charged. 18. 16. If fully charged then check indicator in center of sight glass. Monitor the weight of the refrigerant cylinder as the ECU compressor pulls additional refrigerant gas into the refrigeration assembly until a full 7 lbs. 21.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 011 00 Page 14 of 18 9. 23. Continue to run the ECU in COOL mode. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 17. Adjust temperature setting to 60 degrees to ensure ECU will continuously run in cooling mode throughout the gas charging procedure. the filter dryer replaced (WP 016 00). immediately close the refrigerant cylinder valve. 19. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. It may be necessary to jumper low-pressure switch if unit cycles rapidly on its low pressure switch. Allow refrigerant gas to enter the system until the system pressure has equalized. Tighten the hose connection at the charging manifold. and the charging manifold low-pressure (suction) service valve. Connect the center hose (yellow) from the charging manifold to a well-charged cylinder of R-134A. After 15 minutes. 20. 11. Go to step 27. 22. 10. 32. 31.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 011 00 Page 15 of 18 27. Turn system switch on indoor thermostat to OFF. . There should be at least a 15°F temperature difference between evaporator discharge air and intake air. Secure service valve access covers. When bubbles clear close the R-134A cylinder valve and the manifold low-pressure valve. Install service valve protective caps. Use digital thermometers to check ECU for proper cooling. 30. Liquid Sight Indicator (Sight Glass) Figure 6. Remove charging manifold hoses. Observe sight glass. Go to step 19 above. 29. 28. Liquid Sight Indicator. Position charging manifold near ECU compressor. 6. That is. 8. Set system switch on indoor thermostat to COOL. Purge hose by loosening hose connection at manifold. Connect blue manifold hose to suction service valve and compound gage of charging manifold. Adjust desired temperature at very low temperature setting (60 degrees) to ensure ECU will continuously run in cool mode throughout the gas charging procedure. 9. Remove service panels IAW WP 013 00 as needed to access refrigeration assembly components. Ensure the charging manifold valves are closed. 13. 4. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Connect a cylinder of R-134A refrigerant to the center hose (yellow) connection of the charging manifold. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 7. 10. 2. REFRIGERANT .NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 6. Connect the hoses from the manifold to the service valves. 11. NOTE Connect the R-134A cylinder so that only gas will be used for pressurization. 1. Unscrew hose connection protective caps from suction (low-pressure) service valve and liquid fill valve charging port (Figure 2). Connect red manifold hose to discharge service valve and pressure gage of charging manifold. . place R134A cylinder in an upright position. Open the charging manifold blue valve. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Open the R-134A refrigerant cylinder valve slightly and adjust as needed to control flow of refrigerant gas into system. 5.7 011 00 Page 16 of 18 ADDING ADDITIONAL REFRIGERANT TO CHARGED REFRIGERATION ASSEMBLY USING GAS FILL METHOD. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Connecting the hoses opens the service valves. Connect power to ECU (Turn on ECU circuit breakers in MF Circuit Breaker / Power Distribution Panel IAW 19-25-177). Use manifold hanger to hang manifold. 12. Purge hose by loosening hose connection at manifold.R134A 1 3. 15. Remove charging manifold hoses. 20. Observe sight glass. 17. Use digital thermometers to check ECU for proper cooling. Turn system switch on indoor thermostat to OFF. . and the charging manifold low-pressure (suction) valve. Secure service valve access covers. Perform preparation for use procedures IAW WP 005 00. When bubbles clear immediately close the refrigerant cylinder valve. There should be at least a 15°F temperature difference between evaporator discharge air and intake air.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 011 00 Page 17 of 18 14. Install service valve protective caps. ECU is ready for use. 16. 19. 18. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 011 00 Page 18 of 18 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 3XL15 MATERIALS REQUIRED NOMENCLATURE NUMBER Mask.......................... 4240-01-152-3555 Gloves .....................................................................................................................................................................012 00 / 3 Pressure Testing ....................................................................................Charging......................................................................................................Operation................ Air Filtering...... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 011 00 ........................................................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 015 00 -Refrigeration Assembly ...................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 012 00 Page 1 of 4 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN PRESSURE TEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT................................ GGG-M-125 ................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Introduction........................................................................................ GG-G-521 Respirator....................................................................................Testing and Troubleshooting............................................012 00 / 3 SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REQUIRED DESCRIPTION NUMBER Charging Manifold with Hose Set................................. MIL-G-12223 Goggles .. NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 007 00 ............................................................................................................................ A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER WP 006 00 ... 1 1. Use manifold hanger to hang manifold near compressor. Otherwise. Unscrew hose connection protective caps from suction (low-pressure) service valve and discharge (high-pressure) service valve (Figure 1). Connect blue manifold hose to suction service valve (low pressure) and compound gage of charging manifold. PRESSURE TESTING. do as follows. If needed add refrigerant (WP 015 00). Purge hoses with R134A refrigerant by opening quickly then closing the discharge and suction hose connections at the charging manifold. Set temperature to 60 degrees or lower to ensure ECU unit will turn on and run during this procedure. 2. Go to troubleshooting (WP 007 00). If charging manifold hoses were left connected to ECU refrigeration assembly service valves from charging procedure (WP 011 00) then go to step 9. 3. Connect charging manifold hoses to the manifold. With the ECU operating. Record reading of compound and pressure gages. Check for and clear any blockage of air. Otherwise. 17. Ensure charging manifold valves are closed. 10. Turn off ECU by setting system switch to OFF and fan switch to AUTO. Connect red manifold hose to discharge service valve (high pressure) and pressure gage of charging manifold.1 1. 6. 012 00 Page 2 of 4 This WP provides instructions for testing the pressure of the refrigerant charge in the refrigeration assembly. Pressure testing is accomplished after charging the refrigeration assembly (WP 011 00) and when directed by troubleshooting procedures (WP 007 00). If not. 5. 11. 15. . Ensure manifold valves are closed. 4. allow manifold gages to stabilize. REFRIGERANT . go to step 15. If pressure is within appropriate range.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 1. 7.2 INTRODUCTION. hoses and manifold should remain connected to ECU service valves after charging. 16. Set ECU system switch on indoor thermostat to COOL and fan switch to AUTO. 12.R134A 1 2. Position charging manifold near ECU compressor (3). 9. Compare gage readings with the normal range of system pressure as shown in Table 1. NOTE If an alternate charging method was used. 8. 14. proceed as follows. hoses and manifold must be purged with R134A before connecting to service valves prior to charging refrigeration assembly. 13. refer to Figure 1. R134A 1 18. Go to WP 006 00 for operation of ECU. Table 1. 19. Normal Temperature – Pressure Relationships. 21. Install service valve caps. Remove manifold.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 012 00 Page 3 of 4 REFRIGERANT . Disconnect manifold hoses/gages. Temperatures Outdoor Ambient Evaporator Intake 90°F (32°C) Air to Unit (Dry Bulb) 80°F (27°C) Air to Unit (Dry Bulb) Pressure Range (PSIG) 50°F (10°C) 26-33 Suction 90114 Discharge 23-30 Suction 85105 Discharge 75°F (24°C) 34-40 Suction 130-158 Discharge 30-38 Suction 120-149 Discharge 100°F (38°C) 40-47 Suction 190-227 Discharge 38-43 Suction 180-214 Discharge 120°F (52°C) 55-27 Suction 270-300 Discharge 43-50 Suction 247-288 Discharge Figure 1. 20. . Install service panels. Pressure Testing Setup. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 012 00 Page 4 of 4 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . ....................................013 00 / 6 Installation...............013 00 / 9 Removal............Multimeter........................ Operation and Intermediate Maintenance With Illustrated Parts Breakdown.............. A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER Technical Manual........ Covers and Panels................................013 00 / 5 Introduction....................... and Corrosion Control) .................... NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1 Technical Manual................................................. PANELS.....................013 00 / 3 SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REQUIRED DESCRIPTION NUMBER Continuity Tester ..................................................................................... NAVAIR 17-1-125 Technical Manual..................................................................... 77AN ....... Covers and Panels.....................013 00 / 3 Maintenance and Repair of Panels and Covers ................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 013 00 Page 1 of 10 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN INDOOR THERMOSTAT........................... Model 8425 Indoor Thermostat................013 00 / 7 Removal.... Preservation.................013 00 / 6 Installation... Support Equipment (Cleaning....................................................... ... NAVAIR 19-25-177 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Covers and Panels ...................... Mobile Facility Program Environmental Control Unit A/E32C-45A ........................................................... Maintenance Instructions (Organizational and Intermediate Level)........................ Model 8425 Indoor Thermostat.................................................... Preoperational Checklist...... Mobile Facility ................................................................................ AND COVERS ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT................ ....... ......................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 MATERIALS REQUIRED NOMENCLATURE NUMBER 013 00 Page 2 of 10 3M Scotch-Grip High Performance Contact Adhesive............................................ R134A ...................................... 1357 (CAGEC 94959) Edge Seal for Insulation ...............................................Refrigerant.................................................. This WP also provides instruction for removal and installation of ECU service panels and covers from the ECU frame.2 The A/E32C-45A ECU uses the Robertshaw model 8425 indoor thermostat. Place indoor thermostat system switch (emer-heat-off-cool) in OFF position and fan switch in AUTO position. Figure 1. . 1. 1. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Remove Model 8425 indoor thermostat as follows. Indoor Thermostat: System Switch and Fan Switch Settings. 1. 2.2 This WP provides instructions for removal and replacement of the indoor thermostat from the MF and ECU.1 2. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 013 00 Page 3 of 10 1. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat.1 INTRODUCTION.3 2. (Figure 1). REMOVAL OF MODEL 8425 INDOOR THERMOSTAT. Figure 3. (Figure 3). (Figure 2). Use flat thin object to depress tabs and remove cover. Removal of Indoor Thermostat Cover.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 013 00 Page 4 of 10 3. Tag then remove wires from thermostat terminals. The thermostat has an interlocking cover secured by tabs at the top. . Remove two mounting screws (located in mounting holes) and detach thermostat base from wall. 4. 5. Figure 2. (Figure 4). Wiring Connections For Indoor Thermostat to Control Box Terminal Board 3 (TB3). 1 3.2 INSTALLATION OF MODEL 8425 THERMOSTAT. Align thermostat base with mounting bracket on MF wall and feed wires through opening. Insert wire tips into terminal strip IAW Figure 3 and match wire label (tags) to terminals. Secure base to wall with supplied screws. NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1. Install thermostat cover. refer to Preoperational Checklist. 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. The thermostat has an interlocking cover secured by tabs at the top. Set NON HP HP switch to HP. (Figure 1) 9. Indoor Thermostat Mounting Holes. When indoor thermostat installation is completed. Connect the ECU electrical wiring to thermostat base. 6. . 3. Place indoor thermostat system switch (emer-heat-off-cool) in OFF position and fan switch in AUTO position. 8. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Use coin or screw driver to remove cover. 5.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 013 00 Page 5 of 10 Figure 4. Set ELEC GAS switch to ELEC. (Figure 5). Operational Check. 4. 2. (Figure 2). Install model 8425 thermostat as follows. 7. CAUTION Ensure internal switches are set to correct position. operate the system through at least one full cycle of heating and/or cooling. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. 3. . 2. Remove only those panels needed to access the area where maintenance or servicing is being performed. Some panels are lined with a flexible duct liner. All other panels can be removed independently. 1. Take care not to damage the liner when removing or installing panels. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. The side extension panels allow removal of side panels without having to pull the ECU away from the wall of the MF. Do not remove this liner unless to replace it. 3. • 4.1 4.3 REMOVAL OF PANELS AND COVERS. Indoor Thermostat (cover removed): ELEC GAS Switch and Non HP HP Switch. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Refer to Table 1 and Figure 6 for identification of service panels and covers. NOTE • The rear lower panel must be removed before the rear upper panel can be removed. 4. Remove panels and covers by unfastening self-tapping hex head screws that the secure panels and covers to frame / chassis.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 013 00 Page 6 of 10 Figure 5. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177.2 COVERS AND PANELS. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 4.4 INSTALLATION OF PANELS AND COVERS. ECU Service Panels and Covers (Refer to Table 1 for Index). hex head screws used to secure the panels. CAUTION Exercise care when installing panels to prevent damage to tubing and wiring. 1. 013 00 Page 7 of 10 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. 2. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 1032x7/16 and 10-32x7/8. . Replace panels and covers in the reverse order they were removed. Figure 6. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. NOTE • There are two sizes of self-tapping. 3. Use correct size screws when fastening panel to frame (Table 1). Side. Side Extension Control Box Assembly Cover 1559AS607 10-32x7/16 1559AS427-2 4 9 . Slide 1559AS605-1 10-32x7/16 1559AS427-2 2 8 Panel. Lower Rear Panel. top Rear (outdoor). Lower Side Part Number Location Attaching Screw Size 10-32x7/16 multiple Self-Tapping Hex Head Screw p/n 1559AS427-2 multiple Screw Qty 2 multiple 1559AS580-1 1559AS556-1 Top of unit On exterior (outdoor) side of upper rear panel 3 4 1559AS557-1 1559AS579-1 Rear (outdoor).NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 013 00 Page 8 of 10 Table 1. Upper Side Panel. bottom left and right upper sides left and right side above slide side panels left and right bottom side over ECU mounting slides left and right side indoor corners of control box of control box 10-32x7/16 10-32x7/8 1559AS427-2 1559AS427-3 2 6 5 6 1559AS574-1 1559AS575-1 10-32x7/8 1559AS427-3 4 7 Panel. 1 2 Panel or Cover Cover Top Removable Panel Assembly (Fresh Air Vent Assembly) Panel. Panels and Covers (See Figure 6). Index No. Upper Rear Panel. 3. 5. Use old insulation and panel as template. compressed air. and cleaning of the duct liner (insulation) when needed. 2.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 4.6 Maintenance and repair of panels and covers consists of the following: Corrosion control IAW NAVAIR 17-1-125. . 013 00 Page 9 of 10 4. replacing missing hardware. COMPRESSED AIR 2 1. or brush. Apply adhesive to panel surface IAW manufacturer’s directions and attach duct liner. 4. Remove and replace damaged or missing duct liner (insulation). Coat any cut edges exposed to air flow with an edge treatment product. Cut new insulation to size for the effected panel. straightening bent or warped covers and panels. Clean the surface of duct liner with a dry cleaning method such as contact vacuuming with a shop-vac.5 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF PANELS AND COVERS. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 013 00 Page 10 of 10 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 014 00 / 6 Removal........................................................... Repair and Installation .... Heating Element .................................................014 00 / 7 Heater Cutout Switch (S4)........... Indoor Blower Assembly ....014 00 / 14 Removal.............................. HR2..... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 016 00 .........................................Control Box Assembly............. NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 019 00 – Unit Wiring Inspection......................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 1 of 14 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN CHASSIS ASSEMBLY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT............. A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER WP 013 00 ... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 017 00 ................................................................................................. NAVAIR 17-1-573 Technical Manual................... Preoperational Checklist..................014 00 / 12 Installation.... Test................................... Mobile Facility ..................................................................................Indoor Thermostat....014 00 / 3 ALPHABETICAL INDEX (continued) ......014 00 / 14 Installation................... Heater Cutout Switch .................................................. Heater Cutout Switch ....................... NAVAIR 19-25-177 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Control Box Assembly ................... NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1 Technical Manual.. Control Box Assembly.Indoor Blower Assembly .................................................... Control Box Assembly........... HR3............................................... Indoor Blower Assembly ............................... Mobile Facility Program Environmental Control Unit A/E32C-45A ............ Heating Element ......................................................... Operation and Intermediate Maintenance With Illustrated Parts Breakdown..........014 00 / 3 Introduction................. Panels and Covers ................................................................................ HR4) ...............014 00 / 7 Installation.......014 00 / 14 Heating Element (HR1...................................................014 00 / 12 Indoor Blower Assembly....................................014 00 / 3 Installation.....................................................014 00 / 8 Removal.........................014 00 / 13 Removal..... .................................. .....014 00 / 11 Removal.............014 00 / 9 Installation........................................................- .................................. Multimeter............................................................................ Tool Kit................................................................... MATERIALS REQUIRED NOMENCLATURE NUMBER NUMBER -77AN 5180-00-699-5273 Silicon Sealant............................................. General Mechanics ...................... Motor and Fan Assembly .....................014 00 / 9 SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REQUIRED DESCRIPTION Continuity Tester ................................................................. Motor and Fan Assembly .....NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 2 of 14 TITLE WP / Page Number Motor and Fan Assembly ..................................................................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION. NOTE Lower rear panel must be removed before upper rear panel can be removed. 2. HR2.1 2. Heating Element (HR1. HR4). HR3. INDOOR BLOWER ASSEMBLY.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 3 of 14 1. 1. This WP provides instruction for removal and installation of the following chassis assembly components: Indoor Blower Assembly. Control Box Assembly. Tag and disconnect indoor fan motor electrical wires from the indoor fan motor relay (K2) in control box. Motor and Fan Assembly (Outdoor). and Heater Cutout Switch (S4). and control box cover IAW WP 013 00. 2. (Figure 1). REMOVAL OF INDOOR BLOWER ASSEMBLY.2 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. upper rear panel. Remove lower rear panel.1 1. . K2 Relay Figure 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 3. Location of Indoor Fan Motor Relay (K2) in Control Box. . Pull wires through hole in control box panel and through bushing on fan shelf. Cut wire ties. 4. 6. Remove four bolts and washers securing motor bracket to motor mount. 7. 8. Refer to WP 017 00 for maintenance on the indoor blower assembly. CAUTION Support indoor blower assembly to prevent it from falling when screws and bolts attaching it to the indoor coil drain pan are removed.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 4 of 14 NOTE The fan motor wires pass through a bushing in the fan shelf. silicon sealant and bushing as needed to remove the fan motor wires (Figures 2 and 3). 9. Do not discard the bushing. Remove screws from blower mounting angles on both sides of the two indoor fan housings (total of 12 screws) (Figure 4). two fan blower housings) from ECU. 5. Remove two screws securing front of each blower housing to drain pan flanges (total of 4 screws) (Figure 5). Fan Shelf Indoor Fan Blower Electrical Wires Control Box Assembly Figure 2. Indoor Blower Assembly Electrical Wires (View from Indoor Side). The bushing is filled with silicon sealant. Remove indoor blower assembly (motor. Leave motor mount fastened to drain pan. Location of Screws Securing Side Flanges of Fan Blower Housings. Drain Pan Figure 4.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 5 of 14 Indoor Fan Blower Electrical Wires Bushing with Silicon Sealant in Fan Shelf Figure 3. Detail of Indoor Blower Assembly Electrical Wires Passing Through Fan Shelf. . ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Fasten motor bracket to motor mount using four bolts and washers. (Figure 1). and control box cover IAW WP 013 00. upper rear panel. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Route indoor blower motor electrical wires through bushing in fan shelf and into control box assembly. (Figure 5) CAUTION Support indoor blower assembly until it is securely fastened to the indoor coil drain pan. Connect electrical wires to indoor fan relay (K2) in control box assembly.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 6 of 14 Drain Pan Figure 5.3 INSTALLATION OF INDOOR BLOWER ASSEMBLY. . Fasten fan blower housings to drain pan by installing three screws in each blower mounting angle on both sides of the two indoor fan housings (total of 12 screws) and through holes in outdoor side of the indoor fan housings (total of 4 screws). 4. Location of Screws Securing Front Flange of Fan Blower Housings and Motor Bracket. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. 5. Seal bushing in fan shelf with silicon sealant to prevent air leakage to/from indoor air section to compressor/control box section of ECU. If needed. 8. 3. remove lower rear panel. 9. 1. 2. Install control box cover. 7. (Figures 4 and 5). upper rear panel and lower rear panel IAW WP 013 00. 6. 2. Install wire ties to indoor blower electrical wires. (Figure 6). REMOVAL OF CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY. upper rear panel. 10. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 2. 4. 8. Refer to WP 019 00.2 CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY. Do not disconnect capillary tubing from LPCO or HPCO switches. Remove four screws that secure flanges of control box to compressor shelf. 1.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 7 of 14 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. and control box assembly cover IAW WP 013 00. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Do not disconnect LPCO and HPCO tubing or refrigerant may be discharged and refrigeration assembly will require complete servicing. Remove lower panel right side. Operate the ECU through at least one full cycle of heating and/or cooling to ensure indoor fan blower operates properly. 7. Open clamp on defrost sensor bulb and remove bulb from outdoor coil. lower rear panel. Perform preoperational checklist NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1. For minor repairs and removal/replacement of individual components refer to WP 016 00.1 3. move the LPCO and HPCO switches away from the control box (Figure 7). . ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 3. CAUTION Exercise care when moving LPCO and HPCO away from control box to prevent bending capillary tubing. Connect ECU power (plugs/cables) and turn on circuit breakers in MF IAW MF pub. 9. 5. 6. Operational Check. NOTE The LPCO and HPCO switches are independent assemblies but their respective mounting brackets share a screw for mounting to the outside of the control box. 3. Tag and disconnect electrical wiring from control box components and control box assembly. 11. Take care not to bend the capillary tubing. Remove three screws securing LPCO and HPCO switches mounting brackets to control box assembly (Figure 7). Slide control box assembly out of chassis / compressor – control box section. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 8 of 14 Defrost Sensor Bulb Figure 6. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. lower rear panel. 2. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Mounting Brackets and Screws Control Box Assembly LH side LPCO and HPCO Switches Capillary Tubing Figure 7. Position control box assembly flanges over holes in compressor shelf and fasten control box assembly to shelf with four screws. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Defrost Sensor Bulb. 1. . and upper rear panel IAW WP 013 00. 4. Remove lower panel right side. Slide control box assembly into chassis / compressor – control box section. 3. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY. LPCO and HPCO Switches on Control Box Assembly. 1. Operate the ECU through at least one full cycle of heating and/or cooling to ensure indoor fan blower operates properly. Connect ECU power (plugs/cables) and turn on circuit breakers in MF IAW MF pub. 4. Remove lower rear panel. 5. 4. WARNING Capacitor may contain charge. Remove ECU from MF IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Take care not to bend the capillary tubing. Connect electrical wiring to control box components. CAUTION Ensure ECU is on a stable surface to preclude it from falling over when working on fan motor and fan assembly. Perform preoperational checklist NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1. lower rear panel. 7. (Figure 7). Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. use an instrument with insulated handle to discharge outdoor fan motor capacitor.1 4. 6. Install control box assembly cover.2 OUTDOOR FAN MOTOR AND FAN ASSEMBLY. lower side panels (as needed). 8. Clamp defrost sensor bulb to outdoor coil. 2. 9. Electrical shock hazard with potential injury to personnel may exist. Before disconnecting wiring. 3. C1.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 9 of 14 NOTE The LPCO and HPCO switches are independent assemblies but their respective mounting brackets share a screw for mounting to the control box. Figure 8) by causing a short across capacitor leads . and lower right side panel IAW WP 013 00. REMOVAL OF OUTDOOR FAN MOTOR AND FAN ASSEMBLY. Attach mounting brackets for LPCO and HPCO switches to control box assembly using screws. (Figure 6). ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. upper rear panel. (1. 10. and control box cover IAW WP 013 00. Operational Check. 9. Figure 9) with motor (5) and fan propeller (6) from fan shroud (11) by removing six screws (2). CAUTION Carefully handle fan propeller blades. and screw (6) in fan support (1). 6. . 5. flat washers. they have sharp edges. Remove ground wire from fan shroud. Loosen two setscrews that secure fan propeller to motor shaft and remove fan propeller (10) from motor (5). 10. Tag then disconnect motor leads to capacitor C1 (1) and outdoor fan relay K3 (2). (3) and lock washers (4). 8. Cut tie straps as needed and remove wires from control box.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 10 of 14 2 1 Figure 8. Loosen nut (9). 7. Remove motor (5) from fan support (1). Remove fan support (1. Outdoor Fan Motor Electrical Components in Control Box Assembly. washers (7 and 8). Install fan propeller (10. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat.3 INSTALLATION OF OUTDOOR FAN MOTOR AND FAN ASSEMBLY. lock washer (4). remove ECU from MF IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. As needed. Secure with screws (2).NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 11 of 14 12 11 Figure 9. 4. 2. Do not tighten setscrews. 4. and flat washers (3). Outdoor Fan Motor and Fan Assembly. CAUTION Ensure ECU is on a stable surface to preclude it from falling over when working on fan motor and fan assembly. Install fan support (1) with motor (5) so that motor leads are on the bottom. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Figure 9) on motor (5) shaft. Clamp must be 180 degrees from motor leads. Distance from end of motor (end without shaft) to bracket of fan support must be 2 inches. Secure using screw (6). 5. NOTE Replace fan propeller if fan propeller blades are bent or twisted. and nut (9). washers (7 and 8). . Position motor (5) in fan support (1) as follows. 1. 6. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. positioning it so there is only 1/4 inch clearance from motor. 3. Connect ground wire to fan shroud. upper rear panel and control box cover IAW WP 013 00. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 5. Install control box cover. 3. Remove screws (3) holding heating element (4) to evaporator closeout bracket (5). HR3. side panels (as needed) and lower rear panel IAW WP 013 00. Install wire ties as needed. 5. HR2. CAUTION Ensure ECU is on a stable surface to preclude it from falling over when working on heating element. Perform preoperational checklist NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1.2 HEATING ELEMENT (HR1. Operate the ECU through at least one full cycle of heating and/or cooling to ensure outdoor fan motor and assembly operates properly. Install ECU in MF IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Tighten setscrews against flat section of motor shaft. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. upper right side panel. Figure 8) and to outdoor fan relay K3 (2). Manually rotate fan propellers (10) to check clearance and reposition on shaft if necessary. Figure 10) by removing screws (2). 7. lower rear panel. HR3. . 13. 8. 7. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Operational Check. Remove four screws (6) holding heating element (4) to chassis assembly. 14. AND HR4). Connect ECU power (plugs/cables) and turn on circuit breakers in MF IAW MF pub. 1. Remove bracket assembly (1. HR2. 9. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Remove heating element (4) from indoor air section. 4. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 12 of 14 NOTE Ensure fan propeller set screws will contact flat section of motor shaft at 90-degree angle.1 5. 11. 12. 2. 10. 6. Position fan propeller (10) for a 1/2 inch clearance between blades and condenser coil (12). REMOVAL OF HEATING ELEMENT (HR1. Tag and disconnect wires from heating element (4). 8. Insert motor leads into control box and connect leads to capacitor C1 (1. Remove top cover. HR4). Remove ECU from MF IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Position heating element (4) into indoor air section. 8. and top cover IAW WP 013 00. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. . Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 1. 6. Install bracket assembly (1) with screws (2). Heating Element and Heater Cutout Switch – Removal and Installation 5. HR2. Connect electrical wires to heating element (4) and remove tags. Attach heating element (4) to evaporator closeout bracket (5) using screw (3). If needed. 4. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Secure heating element (4) to chassis using four screws (6). HR4).NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 13 of 14 3 2 4 8 6 2 1 7 5 Figure 10. lower rear panel. remove ECU from MF IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. upper rear panel. HR3. CAUTION Ensure ECU is on a stable surface to preclude it from falling over when working on heating element. Install ECU in MF IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 5. 3. Install control box cover. upper RH side panel. 7. 2.3 INSTALLATION OF HEATING ELEMENT (HR1. 9. 10. Attached bracket assembly (1) with screws (2). WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 014 00 Page 14 of 14 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Remove MF front panel IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 4. Perform preoperational checklist NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1. 6. Operate the ECU through at least one full cycle of heating and/or cooling to ensure ECU operates properly. REMOVAL OF HEATER CUTOUT SWITCH (S4). . Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 6. Operational Check. 6. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. 7. 8. Figure 10) by removing screws (2). ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Remove screws (7) and switch (8). Connect wire leads then remove tags. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Operate the ECU through at least one full cycle of heating and/or cooling to ensure ECU operates properly. Install panel (9) using screws (10). 1. 3. 2. 5. 3. Install switch (8) to bracket (1) using screws (7). 4. Connect ECU power (plugs/cables) and turn on circuit breakers in MF IAW MF pub.1 6.3 INSTALLATION OF HEATER CUTOUT SWITCH (S4). Perform preoperational checklist NAVAIR 17-600-762-6-1.2 HEATER CUTOUT SWITCH (S4). Connect ECU power (plugs/cables) and turn on circuit breakers in MF IAW MF pub. Tag and disconnect wire leads from bracket assembly (1). 1. 5. 2. 11. Remove LH upper side panel IAW WP 013 00. Remove bracket assembly (1. Install MF Front Panel IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 6. Operational Check. .....015 00 / 12 Installation.............. High-Pressure Cutout Switch.........................................................................................................015 00 / 19 Indoor Coil Assembly .......... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 013 00 Indoor Thermostat............................. NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 009 00 Discharge ........015 00 / 19 Installation......................015 00 / 6 Installation ........................................ NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 014 00 Chassis Assembly ......015 00 / 18 Compressor............................................................ Accumulator Assembly .....................................................................015 00 / 19 Removal..................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 011 00 Charging .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................015 00 / 13 ............... Accumulator Assembly ..............015 00 / 18 Removal.......................................................................................... Operation and Intermediate Maintenance With Illustrated Parts Breakdown............................... A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER WP 008 00 Leak Test................................................................................ Panels and Covers ................................015 00 / 6 High-Pressure Cutout Switch .015 00 / 7 Removal .................................................015 00 / 15 Removal.....NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 015 00 Page 1 of 22 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN REFRIGERATION ASSEMBLY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT................................................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 010 00 Evacuation............................................. NAVAIR 19-25-177 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Accumulator Assembly.................................015 00 / 15 Filter-Dryer ......015 00 / 18 Installation.......................................................... Indoor Coil Assembly ................................................................................................... High-Pressure Cutout Switch........................................................................................................... Compressor................ NAVAIR 17-1-573 Technical Manual............................ Compressor ...................................... Mobile Facility ............................................................015 00 / 15 Installation....................................... ................015 00/ 5 Disassembly ......................................................................015 00 / 21 Removal................................................. Crowfoot.............................. 1/2 DR 1-1/4 ............. none Wrench. 1/2 DR 5/16 ............................................................................. 5180-00-699-5273 5/16 socket ............................................................................................ Tube Assemblies . Low-Pressure Cutout Switch.............................. Refrigeration Equipment ..................... J5330CF (Grainger/MCMC) Wrench.................................................................................................................. Low-Pressure Cutout Switch ...............NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 Removal........................ General Mechanics .........Tool Kit......................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................015 00 / 4 Assembly................................................015 00 / 10 Reversing Valve Assembly..........................................................015 00 / 20 Outdoor Coil Assembly.....015 00 / 8 Removal.... GG-G-521 Respirator................015 00 / 20 Installation................................................ Indoor Coil Assembly ..............015 00 / 10 Installation......... Crowfoot..................015 00 / 13 Rotolock and Coupling Nuts Fittings ............................ 1/2 DR 1-3/8 ............. Reversing Valve Assembly ................... J5336CF (Grainger/MCMC) . Tube Assemblies ........................................................... Outdoor Coil Assembly ...................................... J5340CF (Grainger/MCMC) Wrench............................................................................................................................ Reversing Valve Assembly ............................................ Service.....................015 00/ 5 Tube Assemblies........................................015 00 / 8 Installation..................................................015 00 / 11 Removal............................ Outdoor Coil Assembly ........................................................................................ Crowfoot........................... Refrigeration Unit ..............015 00 / 4 Low-Pressure Cutout Switch ............................................................. Air Filtering...............................015 00 / 8 SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REQUIRED DESCRIPTION NUMBER 015 00 Page 2 of 22 Tool Kit........................015 00 / 13 Installation............................................................................ Crowfoot..................................................................Mask......................................................015 00 / 14 Removal...015 00 / 12 Introduction.................................................................. SC5180-90-CL-n18 Recovery and Recycle Unit... 5180-00-596-1474 Tool Kit.... ........................... 4240-01-152-3555 Gloves ............................................................................................................ 1TEK4 (Grainger/MCMC) Wrench................................................................................ MIL-G-12223 Goggles ... 1/2 DR 1-1/8 ....... 77AN ECU Torque Tool Set ..............................................................................Lifting Device................................... Refrigerant ...................................................... GGG-M-125 Multimeter..................................... .................................................... ........... 3/8F x 1/2M ..... 1/2F x 3/8M ........................ ...........Rotolock Gasket........................ .............................................................Nitrogen .......... 1UDT1 (Grainger/MCMC) Wrench...................................................................................................................................... 3/8 DR 7/16 ........ (Teflon Ring) small............................................................. 3ZB25 (Grainger/MCMC) Manifold.. 1UDR5 (Grainger/MCMC) Wrench........ 3ZB37 (Grainger/MCMC) Adapter...............................................................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 DESCRIPTION NUMBER 015 00 Page 3 of 22 Wrench............................ 6830-00-292-0732 Rotolock Gasket........ 1UDR8 (Grainger/MCMC) Wrench................................................... 1/2 DR 10-150 ..................... 3/8 DR 3/4 ................................. 5274A13 (Grainger/MCMC) Adapter. Crowfoot................. 1/2 DR............. AC R134 4 valve... Torque...... .............. 3/8 DR.. 3XL15 (Grainger/MCMC) MATERIALS REQUIRED NOMENCLATURE NUMBER 3M Sealant Corrosion Inhibitor............................................ Crowfoot.. .......- ..........................................................Teflon Tape ...Filter-Dryer ................................ (Teflon Ring) large ............................................................................. 3/8 DR 5/8 ..................... Crowfoot................... including rotolock fittings. Proper assembly / disassembly of the rotolock / coupling nut fittings is essential to maintaining the refrigeration assembly. 1 1/8 inch Coupling Nut 1. There is no brazing / debrazing of refrigeration assembly tubes with the A/E32C-45A ECU. A key feature of the A/E32C-45A ECU that is different from legacy ECUs is the use of rotolock fittings instead of brazing to connect component parts to the refrigeration assembly. This WP provides instruction for repair. the fifth fitting has a 1/1/8 inch coupling nut.3 2.2 1 3/8 inch Rotolocks Figure 1. and installation of refrigeration assembly components.1 2. Rotolock and Coupling Nut Fittings (Accumulator / Reversing Valve View). These gaskets must be replaced each time the fitting is opened. A Teflon seal is used in the fitting to provide a leak free seal. ROTOLOCK AND COUPLING NUTS FITTINGS. There are five rotolock/coupling nut fittings used instead of brazing to assemble refrigeration components into the refrigeration assembly (Figures 1 and 2).NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 015 00 Page 4 of 22 1. Use of rotolock fittings eliminates the requirement to purge the refrigeration assembly after maintenance and/or prior to charging it with refrigerant.2 INTRODUCTION.1 1. . removal. Four of these fittings have a 1 3/8 inch nut. . the rotolock gasket must be replaced. NOTE Always use two wrenches to assemble rotolock fittings. Tightening beyond this minimum torque valve is allowed if needed to preclude leaks. Place one wrench on non-moving part of rotolock fitting to stabilize the joint and adjacent tubing. One wrench is used to stabilize the fitting while the other wrench is used to tighten the fitting by turning the nut. 1. 2. Rotolock assemblies must be torqued to a minimum value to achieve a leak-free seal. One wrench is used to stabilize the fitting while the other wrench is used to break the fitting by turning the nut. 2. Place second wrench on moving part of rotolock fitting and turn nut counterclockwise to loosen.3 DISASSEMBLY OF ROTOLOCK FITTINGS. Rotolock and Coupling Nut Fittings (Compressor View).4 ASSEMBLY OF ROTOLOCK FITTINGS. Rotolock fittings may be coated with 3M Sealant corrosion inhibitor. Use wrench or other tool to remove coating if needed to fit wrench onto fitting. NOTE Always use two wrenches to disassemble rotolock fittings. 2. 2. Remove used rotolock gasket and replace it with a new gasket.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 015 00 Page 5 of 22 1 3/8 inch Rotolocks Figure 2. Align rotolock components and hand tighten by turning moving component clockwise. NOTE Every time a rotolock fitting is disassembled. 1. 3. 4.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 015 00 Page 6 of 22 3. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. . Discharge refrigerant from ECU as needed IAW WP 008 00. Apply 3M Sealant corrosion inhibitor to all exposed areas of rotolock fittings and exposed adjacent tubing. Remove service panels as needed IAW WP 0013 00. Filter Dryer. Figure 3.1 FILTER-DRYER. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 3. 3.2 REMOVAL OF FILTER DRYER. 2. Use ECU torque wrench tools and tighten rotolock fitting to minimum torque of 60 lb ft – or as specified in applicable procedure. NOTE The filter-dryer must be removed and replaced with a new filter-dryer every time the refrigeration assembly is opened for repair / replacement of a component. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Hold filter dryer hex fitting and turn flare nut counterclockwise. 3. Use a 3/4 inch wrench on the filter dryer hex fitting (1) and a 15/16 inch wrench on the flare nut (2). WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Apply 3M Sealant corrosion inhibitor to all exposed areas of flare nut fittings and exposed adjacent tubing.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 015 00 Page 7 of 22 NOTE Always use two wrenches to disassemble filter dryer flare nut fittings. 11. Tighten fitting up to two turns with a wrench. If needed. Perform other maintenance as needed to return ECU to service. Tighten fitting up to two turns with a 3/4 inch wrench on the filter dryer hex fitting (1) and a 15/16 inch wrench on the flare nut (2). Disconnect the flare nut (2. Perform the leak test after repairs IAW WP 008 00. 2. 10. 3. 7. Charge refrigeration assembly IAW WP 0011 00. Evacuate refrigeration assembly IAW WP 0010 00. 5. One wrench is used to stabilize the fitting while the other wrench is used to break the fitting by turning the nut. One wrench is used to stabilize the fitting while the other wrench is used to tighten the fitting by turning the nut. 8. 1. standoff (6). 5. Filter dryer flare nut fittings may be coated with 3M Sealant corrosion inhibitor. Figure 3) from each end of the filter dryer (3) as follows. remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. 4. NOTE Always use two wrenches to assemble filter dryer flare nut fittings. Install service panels IAW WP 013 00. Do not over tighten fitting. Align flare nuts (2) to each end of the filter dryer (3) and hand tighten flare nuts onto threaded part of filter dryer hex nut. Do not force the fitting if it wants to stop before two turns. Remove the screw (4). and screw (4). and clamp (7) securing the filter dryer (3) to the outdoor fan housing assembly (8). washer (5). . Wrap the Teflon tape 3 times around the fitting. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 9. Place the clamp (7) over the filter dryer (3). Apply Teflon tape to threads of filter dryer hex fitting. washer (5).3 INSTALLATION OF FILTER DRYER. 4. Secure the clamp (3) to the outdoor fan housing assembly (8) with the standoff (6). 6. You can damage the threads or destroy the Teflon tape seal. Place the tape on top of the threads and hold the tape down with index finger and roll the fitting in a clockwise direction. then hold down on the threads with your thumb and pull on the tape roll to 'cut' the tape. 12. Use wrench or other tool to remove 3M coating if needed to fit wrench onto fitting. 11. 9. Charge system IAW WP 011 00. Remove tube sections from unit by disassembling rotolock fittings. refer to. Apply 3M Sealant corrosion inhibitor to exposed areas of flare nut fittings and exposed adjacent tubing. Evacuate refrigeration assembly IAW WP 010 00. .NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 4. attaching hardware and insulation from tube as necessary. refer to.2 TUBE ASSEMBLIES. 1. Cover tube ends to prevent moisture and foreign particles from entering refrigerant system. this WP. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Remove protective covering from tube end sections and position replacement tube. REMOVAL OF TUBE ASSEMBLIES. 2. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. this WP. Perform leak test after repairs IAW WP 008 00. Assembly Of Rotolock Fittings. Remove tube clamps. 6. 5. this WP. 4. Install service panels IAW WP 013 00.1 4. Filter Dryer. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF TUBE ASSEMBLIES. 2. Disassembly Of Rotolock Fittings. Discharge refrigeration assembly IAW WP 009 00. refer to. remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. 7. 10. NOTE The filter-dryer must be replaced after any refrigeration system component is replaced. Remove service panels IAW WP 013 00. 1. 5. 6. If needed. 3. 4. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 4. 015 00 Page 8 of 22 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Install and connect tube sections by assembling rotolock fittings. 8. Replace filter-dryer. Perform other maintenance as needed to return ECU to service. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. . Refrigeration Assembly.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 015 00 Page 9 of 22 Figure 4. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 5.1 5.2 OUTDOOR COIL ASSEMBLY. REMOVAL OF OUTDOOR COIL ASSEMBLY. 015 00 Page 10 of 22 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 2. Remove ECU from Mobile Facility IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. CAUTION Ensure ECU is on flat level surface to minimize possibility it could fall over during maintenance. 3. Remove lower rear, lower sides (left and right) side, side slide panels (left and right), and side extension (left side) service panels IAW WP 013 00. 4. Discharge refrigeration assembly IAW WP 009 00. 5. Remove side brace (1, Figure 5) from left side (compressor side) of frame assembly. 2 1 Figure 5. Frame Assembly – Removal of Outdoor Coil. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 6. Remove LH back angle (2) from frame assembly. 015 00 Page 11 of 22 7. Disconnect outdoor coil (28, Figure 4) from tubing by disassembling rotolock fitting, refer to, Disassembly Of Rotolock Fittings, this WP. NOTE Always use two wrenches to disassemble flare nut fittings. One wrench is used to stabilize the fitting while the other wrench is used to break the fitting by turning the nut. 8. Disconnect flare nut at top of sight glass as follows. Use a 3/4 inch wrench on the sight glass hex fitting and a 15/16 inch wrench on the flare nut. Hold hex nut and turn flare nut counterclockwise. 9. Remove Teflon tape from threaded part of sight glass hex nut. 10. Cover tube ends to prevent moisture and foreign material from entering refrigerant system. 11. Remove clamp on tube above sight glass. 12. Detach defrost termination switch sensor bulb from side of outdoor coil (28) and position it where it will not interfere with removal of outdoor coil. 13. Remove eight screws (29) securing condenser coil (28) to outdoor fan shroud assembly. 14. Remove outdoor coil (28) from ECU by pulling / sliding it towards side where frame brace (1, Figure 5) and LH side angle (2) were removed. 5.3 INSTALLATION OF OUTDOOR COIL ASSEMBLY. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 2. If needed, remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. CAUTION Ensure ECU is on flat level surface to minimize possibility it could fall over during maintenance. 3. Slide replacement outdoor coil (28, Figure 4) in to ECU from side where frame brace (1, Figure 5) and LH side angle (2) were removed. 4. Secure outdoor coil to outdoor fan shroud assembly with screws (29, Figure 4). 5. Attach defrost termination switch sensor bulb to outdoor coil (28). 6. Remove protective coverings from tube end sections. 7. Apply Teflon tape to sight glass hex nut threads. Place the tape on top of the threads and hold the tape down with index finger and roll tape around the fitting in a clockwise direction. Wrap the Teflon tape 3 times around the fitting, then hold down on the threads with your thumb and pull on the tape roll to 'cut' the tape. 8. Align flare nut on tubing above sight glass with sight glass hex nut and hand tighten. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 015 00 Page 12 of 22 NOTE Always use two wrenches to assemble flare nut fittings. One wrench is used to stabilize the fitting while the other wrench is used to tighten the fitting by turning the nut. Do not over tighten fitting. You can damage the threads or destroy the Teflon seal. Tighten fitting up to two turns with a wrench. Do not force the fitting if it wants to stop before two turns. 9. Tighten fitting up to two turns with a 3/4 inch wrench on the hex fitting (1) and a 15/16 inch wrench on the flare nut (2). 10. Install clamp on tube above sight glass. 11. Connect outdoor coil to tubing by assembling rotolock fitting , refer to, Assembly Of Rotolock Fittings, this WP. NOTE The filter-dryer must be replaced after any refrigeration assembly component is removed and replaced. 12. Replace filter-dryer, refer to, Filter Dryer, this WP. 13. Install LH back angle from frame assembly (2, Figure 5) 14. Install side brace on left side (compressor side) of frame assembly (1). 15. Perform leak test after repairs IAW WP 008 00. 16. Evacuate refrigeration assembly IAW WP 010 00. 17. Charge system IAW WP 011 00. 18. Apply 3M Sealant corrosion inhibitor to all exposed areas of rotolock and flare nut fittings and exposed adjacent tubing. 19. Install service panels IAW WP 013 00. 20. Perform other maintenance as needed to return ECU to service. 6.1 6.2 INDOOR COIL ASSEMBLY. REMOVAL OF INDOOR COIL ASSEMBLY. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 2. If needed, remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. 3. Discharge refrigeration assembly ECU IAW WP 010 00. 4. Remove heating element IAW WP 014 00. 5. Disconnect indoor coil (7, Figure 4) from tubing by disassembling rotolock fitting, refer to, Disassembly Of Rotolock Fittings, this WP. 6. Cover tube ends to prevent moisture and foreign material from entering refrigeration assembly. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 7. Remove screws (32) securing bracket (31). 8. Remove screws (8) securing indoor coil (7). 9. Lift and remove indoor coil from ECU. 6.3 INSTALLATION OF INDOOR COIL ASSEMBLY. 015 00 Page 13 of 22 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 2. If needed, remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. 3. Remove protective coverings from tube end sections. 4. Position replacement indoor coil (7) in ECU. 5. Install heating element IAW WP 014 00. 6. Secure indoor coil in ECU with screws (8). 7. Install bracket (31) and secure with screws (32). 8. Connect indoor coil to tubing by assembling rotolock fitting, refer to, Assembly Of Rotolock Fittings, this WP. NOTE The filter-dryer must be replaced after any refrigeration assembly component is replaced. 9. Replace filter-dryer (22) Refer to, Filter Dryer, this WP. 10. Perform the leak test after repairs IAW WP 008 00. 11. Evacuate refrigeration assembly IAW WP 010 00. 12. Charge refrigeration system IAW WP 011 00. 13. Install service panels IAW WP 013 00. 14. Install Mobile Facility Front Panel IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 15. Perform other maintenance as needed to return ECU to service. 7.1 7.2 REVERSING VALVE ASSEMBLY. REMOVAL OF REVERSING VALVE ASSEMBLY. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 2. Remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. 1. Cover tube ends to prevent moisture and foreign material from entering refrigeration assembly. Disassembly Of Rotolock Fittings. 5. 9. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Tighten rotolock fittings to 50 to 60-foot pounds for the three suction connections and 40 to 50 foot pounds for the discharge connection of compressor. 3. 11. 7. Connect reversing valve assembly to refrigeration assembly tubing by assembling rotolocks . refer to. NOTE The filter-dryer must be replaced after any refrigeration system component is replaced. Filter Dryer. refer to. 6. Perform the leak test after repairs IAW WP 008 00. 6.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 3. Install service panels IAW WP 013 00. Charge refrigeration assembly IAW WP 011 00. remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. Install expansion valve sensing bulb to tubing with two clamps. 4. 12. Cut foil and cork tape to expose expansion valve sensing bulb. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Discharge refrigeration assembly IAW WP 009 00. 8. this WP. Remove solenoid retaining screw and slide off solenoid from reversing valve. Assembly Of Rotolock Fittings. Remove reversing valve from ECU. 10. this WP. . 8. refer to. 9. Remove two clamps to release expansion valve bulb from tubing. 2. 5. 7. Disconnect reversing valve from refrigeration assembly tubing by disassembling rotolock fittings. 4. this WP. Remove protective covering from tube ends.3 INSTALLATION OF REVERSING VALVE ASSEMBLY. Wrap expansion valve sensing bulb and tube with cork tape and foil. Replace filter-dryer. 015 00 Page 14 of 22 7. Evacuate refrigeration assembly IAW WP 010 00. If needed. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Perform other maintenance as needed to return ECU to service. 6. Remove cover from compressor terminal box. (Figure 6). ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. T2 and T3. Cut wire ties as needed. 1. 5. NOTE Remove reversing valve assembly. REMOVAL OF COMPRESSOR. then disconnect compressor electrical wiring from terminals T1. 015 00 Page 15 of 22 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. this WP. 3.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 8. Remove exterior crankcase heater “belly band” from compressor (located approximately 1 inch above base of compressor) by loosening adjusting screw and disconnecting ground wire from ECU. Remove service panels IAW WP 013 00. 2.2 COMPRESSOR. tag. Compressor Terminal Box Terminals T1. . Discharge refrigeration assembly IAW WP 009 00. T1 T2 T3 Figure 6. Remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. (Figure 7). and T3. 4. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. T2. prior to removing compressor.1 8. Figure 7. 1 2 3 4 3 5 Figure 8.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 015 00 Page 16 of 22 Compressor Crankcase Heater.Compressor-to-Compressor Shelf. Crankcase Heater on Compressor. . Attaching Hardware -. 9. If not corrected it will result in failure of compressor. Replace filter-dryer. 3) and nuts (1). 8. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Install exterior crankcase heater “belly band” (Figure 7) on compressor approximately 1 inch above base of compressor. remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. Carefully lift compressor from compressor shelf weldment and remove from ECU. Remove nuts (1. 9. Tighten fittings to 50-60 foot pounds for the suction connection and 40-50 foot pounds for the discharge connection. Install service panels IAW WP 013 00.3 INSTALLATION OF COMPRESSOR. Disconnect compressor from tubing by disassembling rotolock fittings at compressor suction (larger diameter) port and discharge (smaller diameter) port. 1. 7. T2. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Install Mobile Facility Front Panel IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Figure 8). CAUTION Compressor wiring at T1. washer (2). 10. 2. this WP. Secure with washers (2. . Filter Dryer. 15. NOTE The filter-dryer must be replaced after any refrigeration assembly component is replaced. Install compressor on mounts. Tighten adjustment screw and attach ground wire to ECU. Connect compressor to refrigeration assembly tubing by assembling rotolock fittings. 8. 8. Evacuate refrigeration assembly IAW WP 011 00. refer to. 12. and upper elastomeric washer (3). this WP. Connect electrical wiring from compressor to terminals T1. If needed. T2 and T3 must be phased matched for proper operation of compressor. Perform other maintenance as needed to return ECU to service. Install new rotolock gaskets on compressor suction and discharge rotolock fittings. 13. and T3 of relay (Figure 6). 16. Cover tube ends to prevent moisture and foreign particles from entering refrigeration assembly. 6. 4. Charge refrigeration assembly IAW WP 012 00. 11. refer to. Remove protective covering from tube end sections and position compressor. 5. Assembly Of Rotolock Fittings.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 015 00 Page 17 of 22 7. Improper phasing will result in noticeably noisy compressor operation. Replace compressor-mounting hardware if damaged or worn. 14. Perform the leak test after repairs IAW WP 009 00. 3. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Figure 4) and connect it to the refrigeration assembly by assembling rotolock fittings. Position accumulator (26. Remove nut (5.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 9. NOTE The filter-dryer must be replaced after any refrigeration system component is replaced.1 9. 9. Remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. Install expansion-sensing tube by connecting flare nut to accumulator tubing. Filter Dryer. 6. 3. 9. refer to. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. refer to. Connect low-pressure switch flare nut and expansion valve equalizer tubing flare nut to accumulator tubing fittings. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. 8. 4. 10.2 ACCUMULATOR ASSEMBLY. 7. Perform the leak test after repairs IAW WP 009 00. Evacuate refrigeration assembly IAW WP 010 00. . Disconnect low-pressure switch flare nut and expansion valve equalizer tubing flare nut from accumulator tubing. 6. Secure accumulator (26) with washer (6) and nut (5). 1. Figure 4) and washer (6) from bottom of accumulator mounting stud and remove accumulator assembly (26) from ECU. this WP. Install rotolock gaskets on accumulator tubing fittings. 2. this WP. Discharge refrigeration assembly IAW WP 009 00. 5. 2. 7. REMOVAL OF ACCUMULATOR ASSEMBLY. 4. Remove expansion-sensing tube by disconnecting flare nut from accumulator tubing. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 5. 1. 015 00 Page 18 of 22 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. refer to. Assembly Of Rotolock Fittings. Remove protective covering from tube end sections.3 INSTALLATION OF ACCUMULATOR ASSEMBLY. If needed. 11. Replace filter-dryer (22). Disassembly Of Rotolock Fittings. 3. Disconnect accumulator tubing from compressor and reversing valve tubing by disassembling rotolock fittings. this WP. 6. 15 and 16 (Figure 9). Remove mounting screw specific to HPCO switch and loosen shared mounting screw. 13. Tag and disconnect the high-pressure cutout (HPCO) switch electrical wires number 13. Secure with HPCO specific mounting screw and mounting screw shared with LPCO switch. remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 4. Install service panels IAW WP 013 00. 2. Remove HPCO switch from ECU. Perform other maintenance as needed to return ECU to service.3 INSTALLATION OF HIGH-PRESSURE CUTOUT SWITCH. 15. 10. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 12. 7.2 REMOVAL OF HIGH-PRESSURE CUTOUT SWITCH. 14. Mount HPCO switch. 2. Connect HPCO switch tubing to fitting on compressor discharge tubing with flare nut. 4. Charge refrigeration assembly IAW WP 011 00. . 3. Discharge refrigeration assembly IAW WP 009 00. 5. If needed. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. Connect HPCO switch electrical wires 13. Disconnect HPCO switch tubing flare nut from compressor discharge tubing. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. NOTE HPCO and LPCO switches are mounted adjacent to one another on the control box using three screws – one screw specific to each switch and the third screw shared between the two switches. 10. next to LPCO switch. 10. If needed. S1. on exterior of control box. and 16. S2. 3. 5. 015 00 Page 19 of 22 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. (Figure 9).1 HIGH-PRESSURE CUTOUT SWITCH. Perform the leak test after repairs IAW WP 008 00. Figure 9.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 015 00 Page 20 of 22 NOTE The filter-dryer must be replaced after any refrigeration system component is replaced. 11. Control Box . 7. 11. Wiring for HPCO Switch (S1) and LPCO (S2) Switch. 9. this WP. 6. 10.1 LOW-PRESSURE CUTOUT SWITCH. refer to. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 11. Replace filter-dryer. 8. Filter Dryer. 12. Charge system IAW WP 011 00.2 REMOVAL OF LOW-PRESSURE CUTOUT SWITCH. Install service panels IAW WP 013 00. Perform other maintenance as needed to return ECU to service. Install Mobile Facility Front Panel IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Evacuate refrigeration assembly IAW WP 010 00. . Remove LPCO switch from ECU. 1. Perform other maintenance as needed to return ECU to service. 2. 5. remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. Tag and disconnect low-pressure cutout (LPCO) switch. Install Mobile Facility Front Panel. 9. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Replace filter-dryer. refer to. this WP. If needed. 6. 2. Evacuate refrigeration assembly IAW WP 010 00. 11. Connect LPCO switch flare nut to fitting of accumulator tubing. Charge system IAW WP 011 00. on exterior of control box. Connect LPCO switch electrical wires number 14 and 16 (Figure 9). S2. Secure with LPCO specific mounting screw and mounting screw shared with HPCO switch. 6.3 INSTALLATION OF LOW-PRESSURE CUTOUT SWITCH. 7. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 3. Discharge refrigeration assembly IAW WP 009 00. 8. electrical wires number 14 and 16 (Figure 9). 4. Install service panels IAW WP 013 00. Disconnect LPCO switch flare nut from accumulator tubing.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 015 00 Page 21 of 22 1. Mount LPCO switch. Perform the leak test after repairs IAW WP 008 00. 11. 10. Filter Dryer. 7. NOTE The filter-dryer must be replaced after any refrigeration system component is replaced. 4. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. S1. 12. S2. Remove service panels IAW WP 0013 00. NOTE HPCO and LPCO switches are mounted adjacent to one another on the control box using three screws – one screw specific to each switch and the third screw is shared between the two switches. next to HPCO switch. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. Remove mounting screw specific to LPCO switch and loosen mounting screw shared with HPCO switch. 3. Refer to NAVAIR 19-25-177. 5. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 015 00 Page 22 of 22 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . .............................016 00 / 2 Installation of Control Box Electrical Components ............. ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Control Box Assembly .................................... Repair....016 00 / 3 .................................................................... Operation and Intermediate Maintenance With Illustrated Parts Breakdown........................ and Covers .... Panels...........NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 016 00 Page 1 of 6 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT..............016 00 / 2 Removal of Control Box Electrical Components ..... NAVAIR 17-1-573 NAVAIR 19-25-177 Technical Manual.....Unit Wiring: Inspection. Mobile Facility ......... NAVAIR 17-1-573 WP 019 00 .........016 00 / 6 Introduction...................... Test........................................ and Installation .. A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER WP 013 00 – Indoor Thermostat.................................................... Control Box Electrical Components. Repair of the control box assembly (Figure 1) is limited to replacement of defective electrical components (Table 1).NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 016 00 Page 2 of 6 1. Components are attached to the interior of the control box assembly with self-tapping screws.2 INTRODUCTION. . Figure 1. This WP provides maintenance instructions for the control box assembly.2 2. CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY.1 1.1 2. Power In Electric Heat 1 Terminal Board. . 7. Refer to Figures 2 and 3 and WP 019 00 for control box wiring details. 2.3 REMOVAL OF CONTROL BOX ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. Compressor Motor Relay. 1. Remove lower service panel IAW WP 013 00. Tag and disconnect electrical wires to component(s) to be removed. Electric Heaters Stage 1 Relay. Remove selected component from control box assembly. 3. Outdoor Fan Motor LABEL TB1 TB2 TB3 K1 K2 K3 COMPONENT Relay. COMPONENT Terminal Board. Electric Heaters Stage 2 Capacitor.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 016 00 Page 3 of 6 Table 1. Indoor Fan Motor Relay. 6. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. Control Box Electrical Components. 4. 24 VAC Control Circuit Switch. 5. Power In Heat Pump Terminal Board. Outdoor Fan Motor Transformer. Detach selected component from control box assembly by removing self-tapping screws. Prior to removal of defrost control loosen clamp holding defrost switch sensor bulb. NOTE The defrost termination thermostat is part of defrost control and is replaced as complete assembly. 2d Stage Heater Thermostat Defrost Control LABEL K4 K5 C1 TR S5 DC 2. Remove control box cover IAW WP 013 00. Room Thermostat 3 Relay. .NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 016 00 Page 4 of 6 Figure 2. Control Box Electrical Wiring 24VAC Control. .NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 016 00 Page 5 of 6 Figure 3. Control Box Electrical Wiring High Voltage Power. Refer to Figures 2 and 3 and WP 019 00 for control box wiring details. Prior to installation of defrost control install defrost switch sensor bulb and tighten clamp. 3. Perform other maintenance as needed to return ECU to service. As needed. Connect electrical wires to component(s). remove lower service panel and control box cover IAW WP 013 00. 1. 7.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 2. . Install lower service panel IAW WP 013 00. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 4. 5. 6. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat.4 INSTALLATION OF CONTROL BOX ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS. Attach selected component to control box with self-tapping screws. 016 00 Page 6 of 6 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. 8. Install control box cover IAW WP 013 00. 2. ..................................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 017 00 Page 1 of 4 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN INDOOR BLOWER ASSEMBLY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT... MIL-D-16791 ...... Wiping... Simple Green Cleaning Solvent .......Chassis Assembly........................................................................................................ Solvent......................................017 00 / 2 Introduction.017 00 / 2 Assembly of Indoor Blower Assembly.............................................................................. Lint Free.............................................. Liquid ........ DDD-R-30 Detergent.......................017 00 / 2 Disassembly of Indoor Blower Assembly .....01700 / 3 Cleaning of Indoor Blower Assembly .............................................................................017 00 / 2 MATERIALS REQUIRED NOMENCLATURE NUMBER Cleaning Compound................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Indoor Blower Assembly....................................... Detergent................................................................................................... MIL-PRF-680 Type III Cloth............ A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER WP 014 00 ................................................................................................017 00 / 2 Visual Inspection of Indoor Blower Assembly ...................................... 1 2. cleaning. MIL-D-16791. corrosion. 2. water cleaning to eliminate dirt. 2. oil. cracks. 2. Remove screws (2. Wipe with clean. This WP provides maintenance instructions for disassembly. 3.2 INTRODUCTION. Remove outer inlet flange from each side. Clean all parts with cleaning solvent. lint-free cloth. Insert long (10-inch) hex wrench through access hole to engage set screw.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 017 00 Page 2 of 4 1. 1. Inspect motor (6) for free rotation and evidence of overheating.2 2. Remove inner inlet flange from motor side of respective fan housing. Loosen set screws to release impeller from motor (6) shaft. 3. promote.5 VISUAL INSPECTION OF THE INDOOR BLOWER ASSEMBLY. 2. 2. Figure 1) to detach the two inlet flanges (1) from each of the two fan housings (3). 7.3 1. 5. or mask corrosion.1 1. Type III or detergent. CLEANING SOLVENT. DISASSEMBLY OF THE INDOOR BLOWER ASSEMBLY. Slide each impeller (4 and 5) off its respective shaft. INDOOR BLOWER ASSEMBLY. Tag impellers LH and RH. Refer to WP 014 00 for instructions on removal and installation of the indoor blower assembly from / into the ECU. MIL-PRF-680 TYPE III 4 GENERAL PURPOSE DETERGENTS. 6. Remove each fan housing (3) by sliding it over its respective fan impeller (4 and 5). and excessive wear. Inspect wiring for chafing and deterioration. and assembly of the indoor blower assembly after it is removed from the ECU. Inspect all parts for damage. Inspect capacitor for overheating. 4. MIL-PRF-680. . inspection. 2. Align access hole in each impeller with its impeller set screw.4 CLEANING OF THE INDOOR BLOWER ASSEMBLY. and other contaminants that cause. MIL-D-16791 3 1. 4. 3. Inspect fan impellers (4 and 5) for damage or distortion. 2. 5. Inspect terminals for security and corrosion.6 ASSEMBLY OF THE INDOOR BLOWER ASSEMBLY. Slide fan housings (3) over their respective motor shafts. 6.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 5. . Assembly an inlet flange (1) to the motor side of the each fan housing (3). 017 00 Page 3 of 4 1. Remove tags and slide LH and RH fan impellers (4 and 5) into respective fan housing (3) over motor shaft 4. Tighten set screws to securely attach impeller to motor (6) shaft. Insert long (10-inch) hex wrench through access hole to engage set screw. 2. Install inlet flanges (1) in the outside of RH and LH fan housings (3). Secure with screws (2). align access hole in each impeller with its impeller set screw. Working through exhaust port in fan housing. . Indoor Blower Assembly.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 017 00 Page 4 of 4 Figure 1. ............... A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER Maintenance Instructions (Organizational and Intermediate.......................................018 00 / 2 Introduction..................... and Corrosion Control .......................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 018 00 Page 1 of 4 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN FRAME ASSEMBLY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT....Illustrated Parts Breakdown .................... NAVAIR 17-1-125 WP 020 00 ............. Levels) Support Equipment Cleaning Preservation........................................................................018 00 / 2 .............................. NAVAIR 17-1-573 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Frame Assembly ........... FRAME ASSEMBLY. . Frame Assembly. Table 1 lists the significant structural members of the frame assembly. Exercise care when installing frame parts to prevent damage to tubing and wiring.1 2.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 018 00 Page 2 of 4 1. 2. Refer to the IPB. (WP 020 00) to identify parts.1 1. Maintenance of the frame assembly (Figure 1) is limited to corrosion control IAW NAVAIR 171-125 and replacement of missing parts / hardware.2 Figure 1. part number 1559AS401. This WP provides maintenance instructions for corrosion repair and replacement of missing hardware for the frame assembly.2 INTRODUCTION. Front. Bottom Angle. Frame Assembly Structural Members (Refer to Figure 1). Fan Weldment.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 018 00 Page 3 of 4 Table 1. LH Angle. LH Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 Component Bracket. Front. Component Pan. LH Angle. Back. RH Bracket. Back. EVAP. RH Shelf. Fan Brace. RH Angle. Compressor Weldment Pan Drain Shroud. Side Label 7 8 9 10 11 12 . Shelf. EVAP. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 018 00 Page 4 of 4 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 019 00 Page 1 of 10 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN UNIT WIRING INSPECTION, TEST, REPAIR, AND INSTALLATION ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT, A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER Technical Manual, Operation and Intermediate Maintenance With Illustrated Parts Breakdown, Mobile Facility ............................ NAVAIR 19-25-177 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Introduction..................................................................................................019 00 / 2 Repair of Unit Wiring ...................................................................................019 00 / 3 Replacement of Unit Wiring ........................................................................019 00 / 3 Test of Unit Wiring.......................................................................................019 00 / 2 Visual Inspection of Unit Wiring ..................................................................019 00 / 2 SUPPORT EQUIPMENT REQUIRED DESCRIPTION NUMBER Heat Shrink Tubing..................................................................................... Multimeter................................................................................................... 77AN NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 019 00 Page 2 of 10 1.1 1.2 INTRODUCTION. This WP provides maintenance instructions for visual inspection, test, repair, and replacement of ECU electrical wiring. Refer to Table 1, Wire List, for wire number, labels (from / to) wire size (AWG), wire color, type of end-to-end connections, length of wire, and remarks. Refer to Figures 1, 2 and 3 for wiring schematic diagrams. VISUAL INSPECTION OF UNIT WIRING. 1.3 1.4 2.1 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 2. Visually inspect all installed wiring for cracked or frayed insulation. Pay particular attention to wires routed around sharp edges. 3. Repair unserviceable wiring, refer to, Repair Of Unit Wiring, this WP, or replace unserviceable wiring, refer to, Replacement Of Unit Wiring, this WP. Remove wire bands / ties as required to remove damaged wire. Determine wire gauge and length from Table 1 4. Inspect terminal screws, compression terminal, and quick-connect terminals for tightness and good electrical conductance. 5. Replace damaged connectors. 3.1 TEST OF UNIT WIRING. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 2. Test for continuity of wiring using multimeter. 3. Touch the test probes of a multimeter set on low-resistance range to ends of wire and/or corresponding pin of connector. 4. If continuity is not indicated, repair wire, refer to, Repair Of Unit Wiring, this WP, or replace wire, Replacement Of Unit Wiring, this WP. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 4.1 REPAIR OF UNIT WIRING. 019 00 Page 3 of 10 WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 2. Remove the insulation to expose 1/2 inch of bare wire on each side of break or damaged insulation. 3. Insert the wire ends into a splice-connector, splice, and crimp the connector to make firm electrical contact. Alternatively, heat-shrink tubing may be slipped over one end of the wire before splicing, and then heated after the splice is made and soldered, so as to cover the spliced area. 4. Be sure that no bare wire or wire strands are exposed after splice is complete. 5. Replace broken or loose terminal lugs with exact duplicates. 6. After repair, check continuity terminal-to-terminal. 5.1 REPLACEMENT OF UNIT WIRING. WARNING Severe electrical shock may cause injury or death to personnel. ECU has two (2) power circuits – Heat Pump and Electric Heat. 1. Ensure power to ECU is secured by turning off heat pump and electric heat circuit breakers and disconnecting plugs (cables) IAW NAVAIR 19-25-177. 2. Verify all labels on all wire leads prior to removal. Refer to wire list (Table 1. 3. Disconnect all terminals. 4. Carefully remove connectors from unit. 5. Install new labels on new wires. Refer to wire list (Table 1). 6. Verify correct labels on wires and connect all terminals. Refer to schematic diagrams (Figures 1, 2 and 3) and wire list (Table 1). 7. Route new wire and secure in bundle with wire bands. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 019 00 Page 4 of 10 Table 1. COIL K2-COIL K5-COIL K4-COIL S1 S2 S1 S2 K1-COIL WIRE SIZE AWG 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 WIRE COLOR BLUE WHITE YELLOW BLUE BLACK RED RED BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK RED BLUE BLACK BLACK RED TYPE OF END TO END CONNECTION #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 SPADE-PIGGY BACK 1559AS281-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE-PIGGY BACK 1559AS281-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE-PIGGY BACK 1559AS281-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE-PIGGY BACK SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 LENGTH OF WIRE 12 20 20 20 22 20 6 6 12 7 10 7 17 17 15 5 13 REMARKS 24 VAC CONTROL 18 19 DC-CC DC-FAN K1-COIL K3-COIL 20 20 BLACK BLUE 11 12 . Wire List. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TB3-G TB3-W TB3-Y TB3-B TB3-C TB3-R TB3-R TB3-C TR-24VAC GND K3 COIL K2 COIL K5 COIL DC-HPS DC-LPS DC-LPS S1 DC-CC LABELS FROM TO K2-COIL DC-W DC-Y DC-B DC-C DC-R TR-24VAC TR-24VAC GND K3. WIRE NO. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 019 00 Page 5 of 10 Table 1. Wire List. WIRE NO. 20 21 30 S5 S5 TB1-1 LABELS FROM TO K5-COIL K4-COIL K4-CONTACTS WIRE SIZE AWG 20 20 10 WIRE COLOR BLUE BLUE BLACK TYPE OF END TO END CONNECTION SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE-PIGGY BACK 1559AS281-1 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 LENGTH OF WIRE 7 11 7 CONTROL BOX – HIGH VOLTAGE POWER REMARKS 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 50 51 52 TB1-2 TB1-2 TB1-3 TB2-1 TB2-2 TB2-3 K1-L1 K1-L2 K1-L2 K1-L3 K1-T3 K1-T1 C1 DC-RV K1-COIL S4 K4-CONTACTS K5-CONTACTS K5-CONTACTS K1-L1 K1-L2 K1-K3 K2-CONTACTS K2-CONTACTS TR-COM TR-208V K3-CONTACTS K3-CONTACTS K3-CONTACTS RV-COIL RV-COIL TB-3-W 10 10 10 10 10 10 14 14 20 20 14 14 14 20 20 20 RED RED BLUE BLACK RED BLUE BLACK RED BLACK BLUE BLUE BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK WHITE #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 SPADE 1559AS282-1 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 7 9 9 6 6 6 6 6 11 10 15 17 8 38 32 WIRE LIST CHASSIS . 53 54 S4 B1-T1 LABELS FROM TO K4 COIL K1-L1 WIRE SIZE AWG 20 10 WIRE COLOR WHITE BLACK TYPE OF END TO END CONNECTION #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 #10 RING 1559AS283-3 SPADE 1559AS282-1 FLAG COMPRESSOR 1559AS682 FLAG COMPRESSOR 1559AS682 FLAG COMPRESSOR 1559AS682 24 LENGTH OF WIRE REMARKS 55 B1-T2 K1-L2 10 RED 24 56 B1-T3 K1-L3 10 BLUE 24 .NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 019 00 Page 6 of 10 Table 1. WIRE NO. Wire List. Electrical Wiring – 24VAC Control.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 019 00 Page 7 of 10 Figure 1. . NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 019 00 Page 8 of 10 Figure 2. . Electrical Wiring – High Voltage Power. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 019 00 Page 9 of 10 LEGEND LABEL B1 B2 B3 C1 CH DC HR1 -. Reversing Valve High Pressure Cutout Switch Low Pressure Cutout Switch Defrost Termination Thermostat Switch Heater Cutout Switch 2d Stg Heater Thermostat Switch Terminal Board . Heaters 2d Stg.Room Thermostat Relay – Elec. TR Transformer – 24VAC Control Circuit * Motors B1.HR4 K1 K2 K3 K4 COMPONENT Compressor Motor* Indoor Fan Motor* Outdoor Fan Motor* Capacitor – Outdoor Fan Motor Crankcase Heater Defrost Control Electric Heater Elements Relay – Compressor Motor Relay – Indoor Fan Motor Relay – Outdoor Fan Motor LABEL K5 RV S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 TB1 TB2 TB3 COMPONENT Relay – Elec. Figure 3.Power In Electric Heat Terminal Board. Heaters 1st Stg.Power In Heat Pump Terminal Board . . B2 and B3 have thermal protection. Environmental Control Unit Wiring Schematic Diagram. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 019 00 Page 10 of 10 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . ................. NAVAIR 17-1-573 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TITLE WP / Page Number Chassis Assembly ...............Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................020 00 / 4 Environmental Control Unit ........................................................020 00 / 2 Expansion Valve Assembly ......................................020 00 / 12 Indoor Blower Assembly...................................................020 00 / 7 Reversing Valve Assembly............................................................020 00 / 2 Liquid Valve Assembly ..............020 00 / 22 Frame Assembly .........................................................................020 00 / 9 Control Box Assembly ........................020 00 / 30 Discharge Tube Assembly ..............................................020 00 / 26 Refrigeration Assembly ................................................................................................................................................................................020 00 / 28 ECU Panels and Covers .................................................................................................020 00 / 24 ...........................................................................020 00 / 16 Removable Panel Assembly ...............................................020 00 / 20 Suction Accumulator Assembly........................................................................020 00 / 14 Introduction............................. A/E32C-45A PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 REFERENCE MATERIAL TITLE NUMBER WP 002 00 ..................................................................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 1 of 34 ORGANIZATIONAL AND INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT....................................................................... (Sheet 1 of 2) . 1. Environmental Control Unit. Part Number 1559AS400.1 1. A/E32C-45A. This WP provides the Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB) for the A/E32C-45A ECU and its component assemblies.2 INTRODUCTION.3 1 2 3 Figure 1. A detailed introduction to the IPB is provided in WP 002 00.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 2 of 34 1. ..............NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 3 of 34 Figure 1.......................... 1 • ECU PANELS AND COVERS / 30003 (Breakdown in Figure 2) ... Environmental Control Unit.... 1 • • REFRIGERATION ASSY / 30003 (Breakdown in Figure 7)........ A/E32C-45A.. PART NUMBER 1559AS400-1 1 2 3 REF 1559AS474-1 1559AS428-1 DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT (ECU) 3-TON................... Part Number 1559AS400. A/E32C-45A / 0V5R4 ............................................. • CHASSIS ASSY / 30003 (Breakdown in Figure 4) .... 1 XAGGG AGGGG UNITS PER ASSY USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE PEOGG .............................. (Sheet 2 of 2) INDEX NO.......... ECU Panels and Covers.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 4 of 34 Figure 2. (Sheet 1 of 4) . .... TOP / 30003.. 2 /ATTACHING PARTS/ • SCREW.... 1 /ATTACHING PARTS/ 4 5 6 MS35207-265 MS51470-03 MS27183-42 • SCREW.... NO........ UPPER REAR/ 30003............. 10 / 80205 (not shown) . 2 SCREW.............................. 10-32 X 7/16 / Tower Fasteners Corp (not shown)..... (Sheet 2 of 4) INDEX NO.. 1 ........... PART NUMBER REF 1 2 1559AS580-1 1559AS427-2 1007RW DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PANELS AND COVERS / 30003 (NHA in Figure 1) /ATTACHING PARTS/ • SCREW................................................................ 10-32 X 7/16 / Tower Fasteners Corp (not shown) ---*--Continued on next page PAGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ UNITS PER ASSY REF USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE PEOGG XBGZZ • COVER............................ FLAT.............................. ZNPL NO................ SELF TAPPING.......................... 10-32 X 3/4 / 80205 (not shown) ........................... SELF TAPPING...................... UPPER SIDE / 30003 ........................ 8 • NUT... 10-32 X 7/16 / Tower Fasteners Corp (not shown) ---*--11 12 1559AS574-1 1559AS427-2 1007RW • PANEL........ 3 • SCREW..... SELF TAPPING. 1 /ATTACHING PARTS/ • SCREW. LOWER REAR/ 30003 ...... SELF TAPPING..................../ (not shown) ---*--3 1559AS556-1 • REMOVABLE PANEL ASSY / 30003 (Breakdown in Figure 3) ......................... SELF TAPPING...... SELF TAPPING..... ECU Panels and Covers............... 8 • WASHER................................................ 6 • SCREW........... 10-32 X 7/16 / 30003 (not shown) ....... 10-32 X 7/16 / 30003 (not shown) ---*--9 10 1559AS579-1 1559AS427-2 1007RW • PANEL. SELF TAPPING....NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 5 of 34 Figure 2... ZNPL..... 4 • SCREW.... HEX.......................... 10-32 X 7/16 / 30003 (not shown) ....... ZNPL NO... 10-32 / 80205 (not shown) ..... 10-32 X 7/16 / 30003 (not shown) . 10-32 X 7/16 /Tower Fasteners Corp... 16 ---*--7 8 1559AS557-1 1559AS427-2 1007RW • PANEL...................... SELF TAPPING.. SELF TAPPING.... 1 /ATTACHING PARTS/ • SCREW.............. .... (Sheet 3 of 4) INDEX NO....NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 6 of 34 Figure 2............. 2 /ATTACHING PARTS/ • SCREW SELF TAPPING... 4 • SCREW SELF TAPPING............ SELF TAPPING.......... 10-32 X 7/8 / 30003 (not shown) ....... PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITS PER ASSY USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE 13 14 1559AS574-1 1559AS427-2 1007RW • PANEL............. 4 • SCREW SELF TAPPING................... SELF TAPPING......... 10-32 X 7/16 / 30003 (not shown) .......... 3 • SCREW................. 1 /ATTACHING PARTS/ • SCREW SELF TAPPING... 10-32 X 7/8 / 30003 (not shown) ..................................... AR • INSULATION.................. FIBERGLASS (1/2 X 47-1/4 X 100 INCHES) / 75165 • ADHESIVE / 30003................................. 2 • SCREW SELF TAPPING. 1357 CONTACT CEMENT PAGZZ Continued on next page .......................................... 10-32 X 7/8 / 30003 (not shown) ............................................... 2 /ATTACHING PARTS/ • SCREW SELF TAPPING........ FIBERGLASS (1/2 X 47-1/4 X 100 INCHES) /30003 ... 10-32 X 7/8 / Tower Fasteners Corp (not shown) ---*--• INSULATION....................... 10-32 X 7/16 / Tower Fasteners Corp (not shown) ---*--• PANEL.. 2 /ATTACHING PARTS/ • SCREW.... CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY / 30003................ AR • ADHESIVE / 3M Corp/ XBGZZ PAGZZ 15 16 1559AS605-1 1559AS427-3 1007RW XBGZZ PAGZZ 17 18 1559AS607-1 1559AS427-3 1007RW XBGZZ PAGZZ 19 20 1559AS555-1 1559AS427-3 1007RW XBGZZ PAGZZ 21 1559AS272-1 LINACOUSTIC PAGZZ 22 1559AS267-1 NO... 10-32 X 7/8 / Tower Fasteners Corp (not shown) ---*--• PANEL.. SIDE EXTENSION /30003 ................. ECU Panels and Covers.... 10-32 X 7/8 / Tower Fasteners Corp (not shown) ---*--• COVER........ LOWER SIDE / 30003..................................... SIDE (SLIDE) / 30003 . . SCHEMATIC DGRM / 0V5R4 (not shown) • PLATE.....NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 7 of 34 Figure 2. 1 • PLATE... POP / 96906 (not shown) ........................... 4 ---*--- XCGZZ 24 1559AS593-1 ES1559AS593 XBGZZ 25 MS20604AS4T2 PAGZZ ........... 1 • DECAL............. IDENTIFICATION / 0V5R4 (not shown) /ATTACHING PARTS/ • RIVET......... (Sheet 4 of 4) INDEX NO.. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITS PER ASSY USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE 23 1559AS598-1 ES1559AS598 • DECAL.......... SCHEMATIC DGRM / 30003 (not shown) ........ IDENTIFICATION / 30003 (not shown) .... ECU Panels and Covers......... 11 10 . ECU Upper Rear Panel with Linacoustic Insulation Panel.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 8 of 34 16 1 14 7 4 12 See Exploded View for Vent Installation 2 3 15 14 4 9 1 5 13 5 6 Figure 3. ...................... • FILTER.................. Removable Panel Assembly......... DUCT LINER ½ X 47-1/4 X 100 AR PAGZZ .. 11............ RUBATEX R1800-FS............... 0125 INCH THICK / 30003 • INSULATION FIBERGLASS / 30003 .............. • SCREW................................. 1 XBGZZ 16 1559AS272-1 AR PAGZZ FIBERGLASS • DUCT LINER / UNITED REFRIGERATION ........................... 2............................... RUBATEX R1800-FS.......................................... • COVER............... • NUT...... 3.............. • ADHESIVE / 3M Corp UNITS PER ASSY REF 1 1 1 16 1 1 8 1 8 1 1 1 1 AR USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE XBGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ 1559AS294-1 MS27183-42 MS27183-10 MS35338-44 MS51470-03 1559AS259-1 C7988-1420 MS35207-265 MS21316-36 1559AS265-1 ES1559AS265-1 1559AS262-1 1559AS260-1 1559AS267-1 NO................. REMOVABLE / 30003............... • WASHER / 96906 ...................... (Sheet 1 of 2) INDEX NO....... 0125 INCH THICK / 30003...... • GASKET........... SELF RETAINING / 72800 • SCREW / 80205 ............................................. /ATTACHING PARTS ITEMS 1... PART NUMBER 1559AS556-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1559AS557-1 1559AS271-1 ES 1559AS271-1 DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 REMOVABLE PANEL ASSY / 30003 (NHA in Figure 2) • PANEL. ---*--• COVER............. • NUT............................... 12 and 13 • WASHER / 80205 .......... 1357 CONTACT CEMENT 15 1559AS266-2 1559AS266-1 • GASKET.... • NUT.. • FILTER............................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 9 of 34 Figure 3............................................. SELF RETAINING / 30003 ............... /ATTACHING PARTS/ • ADHESIVE /30003.................. AIR / 0V5R4 • PLATE / 30003 ..... • FRESH AIR DAMPER / 30003 ..................... AIR / 30003 / ........ Part Number 1559AS556-1. HEX / 80205 ....... FRESH AIR INTAKE / 30003 . BLACK.. FRESH AIR INTAKE / 0V5R4 • BRACKET ASSY / 30003 . • WASHER / 96906 ........ BLACK......................................................... THUMB / 96906................................ (Sheet 1 of 3) .NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 10 of 34 Figure 4. Chassis Assembly. Part Number 1559AS474-1. ................................ 1 • CONTROL BOX ASSY / 30003 (Breakdown in Figure 13)...................................................................... VINYL (57 INCHES) / 30003 1 1 XBGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ COMCO VINYL • TUBING.... 3 • NIPPLE............... CONDUCTOR / 30003 ............. FLEXIBLE............................................ 2 • BUSHING ELECTRICAL / 30003 ............. 1 • SWITCH. 1 • INSULATION SLEEVING / 30003 ..................... OUTDOOR/ 0V5R4 • CLAMP/ 81343 ........................................................... 1 • HEATING ELEMENT.................. 1 • SCREW / 96906 ......... 1 • PROPELLER........... VINYL (57 INCHES) / 21916 TUBING SIZE 31 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AS21919WDG14 1559AS483-1 1559AS127-2 1559AS538-1 1559AS515-1 1559AS173-1 1339AS952-5 7513K242 1559AS684-3 1559AS176-1 15589AS289-1 1559AS496-1 • CLAMP/ 81343 ................................ Chassis Assembly.. CHASE / 30003 ........... PART NUMBER 1559AS474-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1559AS401-1 MS90725-3 MS27183-10 MS35338-44 1559AS548-1 ES7124 2512 AS219WDG-3 MS90725-63 MS27183-10 MS35338-44 MS35649-2252 1559AS250-1 SW4L-010 1559AS543-1 1559AS242-1 20400L2-43 1559AS173-1 1559AS237-1 ES315-002 1559AS253-1 DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CHASSIS ASSEMBLY / 30003 (NHA in Figure 1) UNITS PER ASSY REF 020 00 Page 11 of 34 USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE XAGGG XBGGG PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ FRAME ASSEMBLY / 30003 (NHA Figure 4)....... 1 • WASHER / 96906................. FAN / 30003 ..... FLEXIBLE.................. THERMO / 30003 .. 1 • INDOOR BLOWER HOUSING ASSY / 30003 (Breakdown in Figure 6)................ 24 • BRACKET..... 1 • NUT / 80205 ...... Part Number 1559AS474-1............................................. FAN / LAU INDUSTRIES • FAN SUPPORT ASSY (FAN WELDMENT) / 30003............................................ AR • REFRIGERATION LABEL / 30003 ........... 1 • SLICER............................................ 3 • LOCKNUT / 30003 .................. 1 • WASHER / 96906................................. 1 • MOTOR..................................................................... 3 • CRANKCASE HEATER / 30003................. 1 • PROPELLER.................. REF • SCREW / 96906 ...................................... OUTDOOR/ 30003 ..... 1 • MOTOR........ THERMOSTATIC (S4) / 82647 • BUSHING ELECTRICAL / 30003 ...... SELF TAPPING......... 3 • HEATING ELEMENT............................. ELECTRICAL / 0V5R4 • TUBING.... 1 • WASHER / 96906............................................................................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 Figure 4...... 1 • SCREW........................................... THERMOSTATIC (S4) / 30003 • SWITCH. 1 PAGZZ XBGGG PAGZZ XBGZZ AGGGG PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ . 10-32 X 7/16 / 30003 ....................................................... 1 • WASHER / 80205......................................................................... ELECTRICAL / 30003.......................... (Sheet 2 of 3) INDEX NO............... NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 12 of 34 Figure 5. (Sheet 1 of 2) . Frame Assembly. Part Number 1559AS401-1. .... Frame Assembly................. FAN / 30003....... (Sheet 2 of 2) INDEX NO.. 1 • BRACE............................. 10-32 X 7/16 / 30003 ................... 1 • ANGLE............... 54 • SCREW......... SIDE / 30003....................... RH / 30003 ............. 1 • BOTTOM PAN ASSY / 30003 ........... 1 • SHELF.......... Part Number 1559AS401-1.................. PART NUMBER 1559AS401-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1559AS402-1 1559AS403-1 1559AS404-1 1559AS405-1 1559AS412-1 1559AS413-1 1559AS414-1 1559AS415-1 1559AS416-1 1559AS421-1 1559AS425-1 1559AS608-1 1559AS427-02 1007RW DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITS PER ASSY USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE XBGGG XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ FRAME ASSEMBLY / 30003 (NHA Figure 4).. BACK................... 1 • DRAIN PAN WELDMENT / 30003.. LH / 30003 ... 1 • ANGLE.............. 1 • ANGLE........ ---*--- ......... SELF TAPPING...... 1 • COMPRESSOR SHELF WELDMENT / 30003...... 1 • BRACKET..... 1 /ATTACHING PARTS/ FOR ITEMS 1 THRU 12 • SCREW.... LH / 30003 ..... REF • BRACKET................... 1 • ANGLE......... EVAPORATOR LH / 30003 .. RH / 30003 ......................... EVAPORATOR RH / 30003........................................ FRONT...NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 13 of 34 Figure 5... BACK............... 1 • FAN SHROUD / 30003..................... FRONT.................. SELF TAPPING..................... 10-32 X 7/16 / TOWER FASTENERS CORP.............. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 14 of 34 Figure 6. Indoor Blower Assembly. (Sheet 1 of 2) . Part Number 1559AS515. ............ LOCK / 80205 .......... 4 • WASHER / 96906........................................ 4 • WASHER...... RH / 30003............................................................... INDOOR FAN / 30003 ..... 4 .................... 2 XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ UNITS PER ASSY REF USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE AGGGG PAGZZ • FLANGE............ LH / 0V5R4 ...... Indoor Blower Assembly................ RH / 0V5R4............. ---*--3 4 5 6 1559AS521-3 1559AS525-2 ES9500-6355 1559AS525-1 ES9500-6354 1559AS529-1 ES7124 2258 7 8 9 10 11 12 MS90725-3 MS35338-44 MS27183-10 1559AS518-1 1559AS522 1559AS523 • HOUSING.............. LH / 30003 ...... (Sheet 2 of 2) INDEX NO.............. 1 • ANGLE.......... FAN......... • IMPELLER........... 1 • IMPELLER............ SELF TAPPING 10-32 X 7/16 / TOWER FASTENERS CORP............... Part Number 1559AS515................. INLET / 30003 .. FAN.............. 16 • SCREW....... BLOWER / 30003 ............... PART NUMBER 1559AS515-1 1 1559AS531 ES7461022 2 1559AS427-2 1007RW DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 INDOOR BLOWER ASSY / 30003 (NHA in Figure 4) • FLANGE......................... 4 ---*--• BRACKET ASSY / 30003 ............. FAN. • MOTOR / 30003 ................................................................... 1 • IMPELLER................. SELF TAPPING 10-32 X 7/16 / 30003 ...... 2 • IMPELLER..... FAN........................ 1 • MOTOR / 0V5R4 ..........................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 15 of 34 Figure 6................. /ATTACHING PARTS/ • SCREW / 96906 .................. 2 • ANGLE..... BLOWER / 30003 ...... INLET / 0V5R4 /ATTACHING PARTS/ • SCREW................................. NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 16 of 34 Figure 7. (Sheet 1 of 4) . Part Number 1559AS428. Refrigeration Assembly. (Sheet 2 of 4) . Part Number 1559AS428. Refrigeration Assembly.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 17 of 34 View “A” Figure 7. ........................ ELASTOMER / 30003............... SELF TAPPING / 30003......... 1 • R134A DECAL / 30003 (“Far Side”) . 4 • MOUNTING SPACER/ 0V5R4 • LIQUID TUBE ASSY / 30003 ....... 4 • WASHER / 96906............................................. 1 • COMPRESSOR / 14569 • NUT / 96906 (not shown) ....... PART NUMBER 1559AS428-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1559AS401-1 1559AS173-1 1559AS173-3 1559AS469 MS35649-2382 1559AS665 ES9500-E9987 1559AS438 ES105642102 1559AS427-2 1007RW 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1559AS455-1 1559AS171-1 1559AS430-1 ZR72KCE-TF5 MS35649-2312 MS27183-12 1559AS669-1 ES13225E8453 1559AS441-2 1559AS444-1 1559AS664-1 ES9500-E9972 1559AS446 1559AS496 1559AS650 SA-14 1559AS601 HPC-169-HH 1559AS662 1559AS441-1 DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 REFRIGERATION ASSEMBLY / 30003 UNITS PER ASSY REF USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE AGGGG AGGGG PAGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ FRAME ASSEMBLY / 30003 (Breakdown in Figure 5) ........................................ Refrigeration Assembly...... 1 • COMPRESSOR / 30003.. Part Number 1559AS428............................................................................................................................................................... 1 PAGZZ PAGZZ ......... 1 • SIGHTGLASS / 30003..................................................................................... 8 • WASHER..............................................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 18 of 34 Figure 7......................................... 1 • NUT / 96906 .................... 4 • WASHER...... 1 • REVERSING VALVE ASSEMBLY / 30003 (Breakdown in Figure 8)......... 1 • BUSHING / 30003 .............. CUTOUT / 30003 ..... • LIQUID TUBE ASSY / 30003 ........................................................ HIGH PRESSURE............................................................. INDOOR / 0V5R4 • SCREW............... 4 • GROMMET / 96906..... 1 • INSULATION SLEEVE....................... 1 • COIL. THERM – 36 INCHES / 30003..... 1 • MOUNTING SPACER/ 30003 . 1 • BUSHING / 30003 ... 2 • SUCTION TUBE ASSY / 30003 ............................................... (Sheet 3 of 4) INDEX NO........................................................................... 1 Continued on next page XBGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ MS21919WDG48 • CLAMP / 96906 ....................... SELF TAPPING / TOWER FASTENERS CORP.............................. ELASTOMER / 0V5R4 • LOW PRESSURE CUTOUT SWITCH / 30003...................... 1 • SWITCH.. INDOOR / 30003....................... 4 • WASHER / 0V5R4 • COIL............... 23 • SCREW....... 1 • SIGHTGLASS / 78462 • FILTER-DRYER / 30003 ... 1 • FILTER-DRYER / 78462 • EXPANSION VALVE ASSEMBLY / 30003 (Breakdown in Figure 9).... .............................................. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITS PER ASSY USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1559AS610-1 1559AS670-1 1559AS604-1 1559AS439-1 ES104227602 MS21044-NO8 1559AS453-1 1559ASAS467-1 1559ASAS171-2 AS21919WDG-8 MS90725-3 MS35338-44 MS27183-10 AS21919WDG-3 1559AS668-1 • BRACKET ANGLE / 30003 ........................... LOCKING #8-32 / 96906 ....... 1 • COIL................. 1 • CLAMP / 81343 ............................................................................................................................................................... OUTDOOR / 30003 ... 1 • DISCHARGE TUBE ASSEMBLY / 30003 (Breakdown in Figure 12)............. 1 • TUBING CLOSURE PLATE/ 96906 ..................... 1 • COIL............... Refrigeration Assembly............. (Sheet 4 of 4) INDEX NO........ 1 • SCREW / 96906 ..................... Part Number 1559AS428.......................................................... 1 • WASHER/ 96906.................................................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 19 of 34 Figure 7............................. 1 • SUCTION ACCUMULATOR ASSEMBLY / 30003 (Breakdown in Figure 10)..... 1 • CLAMP / 81343 ............................. 1 • SUCTION TUBE ASSEMBLY OUTDOOR / 30003 .............. 4 • INSULATION SLEEVING/ 30003 ............................................. 1 XBGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ .. OUTDOOR / 0V5R4 • NUT.................. 1 • WASHER/ 96906. 1 • LIQUID VALVE ASSEMBLY / 30003 (Breakdown in Figure 11) ............. Part Number 1559AS444. Reversing Valve Assembly. (Sheet 1 of 2) .NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 20 of 34 3 2 9 8 10 4 5 16 11 3 2 13 7 8 15 12 1 14 2 3 Figure 8. ... 1 • • 7/8 INCH TEFLON SEAL FOR ROTO LOCK NUT / AJ WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO.......... 1 • STRAIGHT TUBE / 30003 ........ 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1559AS160-2 A03546 1559AS159-3 1559AS159-4 1559AS462-8 1559AS159-5 1559AS462-14 1559AS462-37 1559AS462-18 1559AS462-46 1559AS462-22 1559AS449 1559AS159-7 1559AS159-6 .............................. 1 • ELBOW TUBE (45°) / 30003 ................... MI............................. 1 • FLARE FITTING / 41947 • ELBOW TUBE (STD) / 30003................................................................................... LINEAR / 0V5R4 • STRAIGHT ADAPTER (roto-lock nut) / 30003.............. TEFLON SEAL FOR ROTO LOCK NUT / 30003 ......... TEL 517-784-8383 • FLARE FITTING / 30003 ............................ 1 • STRAIGHT TUBE / 30003 ................. (Sheet 2 of 2) INDEX NO................. Reversing Valve Assembly...... TUBE (LONG 90°) / 30003 ........ 1 • STRAIGHT TUBE / 30003 ............. PART NUMBER 1559AS444 1 1559AS445 ESV6-414080100 2 3 1559AS640 SA04CP 1559AS680-02 AC-7000-024 DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 REVERSING VALVE ASSEMBLY / 30003 (NHA in Figure 7) • VALVE................. Part Number 1559AS444................. 1 • ELBOW TUBE (ST) / 30003 ..... 1 • STRAIGHT TUBE / 30003 . 1 • STRAIGHT TUBE / 30003 ........................... 1 • STRAIGHT TUBE / 30003 ....................................................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 21 of 34 Figure 8.. 1 • TUBING COPPER (1/2) / 30003.................................... 3 • STRAIGHT ADAPTER (roto-lock nut) / 30003 • • 7/8 INCH DIA......... JACKSON....... 2 XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ UNITS PER ASSY REF USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE PAGZZ XBGZZ • VALVE............................................. LINEAR / 30003 ............................. TUBE (LONG ST) / 30003 .......... 1 • ELBOW............. 1 • ELBOW................................ NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 22 of 34 Figure 9. Part Number 1559AS662. (Sheet 1 of 2) . Expansion Valve Assembly. .. PART NUMBER 1559AS662-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1559AS663 EBFJE-C 1559AS142-2 1559AS160-2 1559AS450-1 1559AS470 1559AS169-2 1559AS142-1 DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITS PER ASSY USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE PAGGG XBGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ EXPANSION VALVE ASSEMBLY / 30003 (NHA in Figure 7) .......... COPPER (CAP) / 30003 ..... 1 • TUBING... Part Number 1559AS662............ COPPER (FLARED) / 30003 .....NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 23 of 34 Figure 9.. Expansion Valve Assembly.... TUBE COUPLING / 30003 ...... 1 • TUBING.. (Sheet 2 of 2) INDEX NO............... 1 • ADAPTER...................................... 1 ....... TUBE COUPLING / 30003 .......... REF • EXPANSION VALVE / 30003 .............................................. 1 • EXPANSION VALVE / 78462 • NUT................ 1 • FLARE FITTING / 30003 ................................ CAPILLARY TUBE / 30003 ................................. 1 • NUT................ Part Number 155AS670. (Sheet 1 of 2) . Suction Accumulator Assembly.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 24 of 34 Figure 10. .......... MI.. TEL 517-784-8383 PAGGG XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ . 1 • BRASS ADAPTER / AJ WILLIAMS MFG CO... 1 • BRASS ADAPTER / 30003 ........ 1 • TUBING........ 2 • VALVE............. REF • ACCUMULATOR / 30003.........NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 25 of 34 Figure 10.............................. 1 • 7/8 INCH TEFLON SEAL FOR ROTO LOCK NUT / AJ WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO........................ 1 • TUBING................. COPPER / 30003 ....... 1 • TUBING......... 1 • ELBOW........... • FLARE ADAPTER / 30003 ... 2 • TUBING.... PNEUMATIC / 30003 ....... 2 • 7/8 INCH DIA................................................... JACKSON.... Suction Accumulator Assembly............................... (Sheet 2 of 2) INDEX NO.. TUBE (STD) / 30003................................................................... 1 • ELBOW................................. TUBE (45°) / 30003 ... COPPER (7/8) / 30003....... COPPER / 30003 ............ PART NUMBER 1559AS670-1 1 1559AS434-1 A-AS 5 97 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1559AS630-1 1559AS620-2 AD-7000-188 1559AS160-1 1559AS148-1 1559AS159-3 1559AS457-1 1559AS457-2 1559AS159-5 1559AS462-42 1559AS462-24 1559AS680-02 AC-7000-024 DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITS PER ASSY USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE SUCTION ACCUMULATOR ASSEMBLY / 30003 (NHA in Figure 7)............ COPPER (7/8) / 30003................ TEFLON SEAL FOR ROTO LOCK NUT / 30003 ........................ Part Number 155AS670............................................................ 1 • ACCUMULATOR / EMERSON CLIMATE TECHNOLOGIES DISTRIBUTION SERVICES • ANGLE ADAPTER / 30003 ................ NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 26 of 34 Figure 11. Liquid Valve Assembly. (Sheet 1 of 2) . Part Number 1559AS606. ..............NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 27 of 34 Figure 11.................... (Sheet 2 of 2) INDEX NO. Part Number 1559AS606.. TUBE COUPLING / 30003 .......................................................... 1 PAGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ .......................................... 1 • TUBE / 30003 ......... REF • LIQUID VALVE / 30003 ..................................................................... 2 • TUBE / 30003 .......... 1 • LIQUID VALVE / PARKER HANNIFIN CORPORATION • NUT....... PART NUMBER 1559AS604 1 1559AS655-2 278397-08 2 3 4 1559AS142-2 1559AS458-1 1559AS450-1 DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITS PER ASSY USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE LIQUID VALVE ASSEMBLY / 30003 (NHA Figure 7)............................ Liquid Valve Assembly.... Part Number 1559AS668. Discharge Tube Assembly.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 28 of 34 1 5 6 3 4 2 1 Figure 12. (Sheet 1 of 2) . .......... PART NUMBER 1559AS668 1 2 3 1559AS630-1 AA04CP 1559AS680-01 AC-7000-023 DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITS PER ASSY USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE DISCHARGE TUBE ASSEMBLY / 30003 (NHA Figure 7).................................................... 1 • VALVE / 30003 ................... JACKSON..................... 1 • ANGLE ADAPTER / • • 5/8 INCH DIA.................. Part Number 1559AS668........................................... 1 • • 5/8 INCH TEFLON SEAL / AJ WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. (Sheet 2 of 2) INDEX NO... MI.... 1 • FLARE FITTING / 30003 ............................................. TEFLON SEAL FOR ROTO LOCK NUT / 30003................ REF • ANGLE ADAPTER / 30003 ............................ Discharge Tube Assembly.............. 1 AGGGG XBGZZ PAGZZ 4 5 6 1559AS456-1 1559AS148-1 1559AS160-1 XBGZZ XBGZZ XBGZZ ..... TEL 517-784-8383 • TUBE / 30003 .......NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 29 of 34 Figure 12.................. Part Number 1559AS483.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 30 of 34 Figure 13. (Sheet 1 of 4) . Control Box Assembly. Part Number 1559AS483.NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 31 of 34 Figure 13. (Sheet 2 of 4) . Control Box Assembly. . FIXED (C1) / 01002.. 6 • TERMINAL..................................... 6 • TERMINAL........................................ Part Number 1559AS483.................................. • RELAY....................... • RELAY.......................... 1 • BRACKET............................... REF • TERMINAL BOARD (TB1........................ 1 • LOW-PRESSURE CUTOUT SWITCH (LPCO) (S1) / 41947... • TERMINAL BOARD (TB3) / 30003 (shown in view “A”) ............ 1 • CAPACITOR.................... TB2) / 30003 ......... K3................................................ RUBBER / 96906 ................... ELECTROMAGNET (K1) / 80089 .......... 1 • CAPACITOR.................... CAPACITOR / 30003 ............... CAPACITOR / 82647 • HIGH-PRESSURE CUTOUT SWITCH (HPCO) (S2) / 30003........ (Sheet 3 of 4) INDEX NO............ 1 • RELAY................... DESIGNATION / 30003 ...... LUG (FOR TB1) / 06383 .............. 1 • BRACKET........ ELECTROMAGNET (K2............... DESIGNATION / 30003 (shown in view “A”) ... 1 • TRANSFORMER / 80089 ....................................... 2 • PLATE... K5) / 1 30003 ............. K4. • RELAY......... 1 • TERMINAL BOARD (TB3) / MARATHON (shown in view “A”) • PLATE...............NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 32 of 34 Figure 13................ 1 • TERMINAL BOARD (TB1..................... 6 • GROMMET... ELECTROMAGNET (K1) / 30003 ...... DESIGNATION / 9R803 ............................................... Continued on next page XBGGG PAGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ ......................... FIXED (C1) / 80089...... 1 • HIGH-PRESSURE CUTOUT SWITCH (HPCO) (S2) / 41947..... • LOW-PRESSURE CUTOUT SWITCH (LPCO) (S1) / 30003............ ELECTROMAGNET (K1) / HARTLAND CONTROLS LLC • TRANSFORMER / 30003 ...... • INSULATION SHEET / 30003..... PART NUMBER 1559AS483-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1559AS201-1 603 GP 03 1559AS202-1 MS3600-03-VF-10 1559AS136-1 MS35489-17 1559AS205-1 CB35-36-C 1559AS490-1 HCC-3XQ02CY 7 8 1559AS199-1 HCT-09J4AG08 1559AS195-1 H230A 9 1559AS503-1 672 GP 06 10 1559AS504-1 MS4400-06-XP-SP 11 12 13 14 1559AS500-1 ES1559AS500 1559AS227-2 HCK-100V370Z 1559AS512-1 20400L2-43 1559AS441-1 P20EB-2C 15 1559AS441-2 P20EB-1C DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UNITS PER ASSY USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY / 30003 (NHA in Figure 4) ......................... 2 • PLATE.......................................................... 1 • DEFROST CONTROL (DC) / 0V5R4..................................... DESIGNATION / 9R803 (shown in view “A”) .................... Control Box Assembly.................... LUG (FOR TB1) / 30003 ...................................................... • DEFROST CONTROL (DC) / 30003.. TB2) / MARATHON • PLATE......................................................... ........... SELF TAPPING 10-32 X 7/16 / • SCREW............................5M-M 1559AS484-1 • SWITCH.................NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 33 of 34 Figure 13...... 12 • BAND...... SELF TAPPING / • LABEL. • RIVET....................... PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION / CAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Continued from previous page 16 17 18 19 1559AS206-1 RC31-1012 1559AS173-1 1559AS173-2 1559AS299-1 2119 20 21 22 23 24 1559AS427-2 1007RW 1559AS427-3 1014RW 1559AS666-1 ES1559AS666 25 26 27 MS35206-246 1559AS555-1 1559AS598-1 ES1559AS598 28 29 1559AS667-1 91010A160 1559AS177-1 PLT1..... Control Box Assembly... 6 • SCREW...... 1 • SWITCH. 1 • SCREW....................... REF • WIRING SCHEMATIC (LABEL)/ 30003 (not shown)............ ELECTRIC / 28520 • CONTROL BOX / 30003 ..................... SELF TAPPING / 30003 ... 1 • BUSHING........THERMOSTATIC (S5) / 80439 . SELF TAPPING 10-32 X 7/16 / 30003...... WIRE / 30003 (not shown) .............................. 8-32X 3/8 / 80205........... SELF TAPPING 10-32 X 7/8 PHILIP HD / 30003 ............................ 1 • SCREW... ELECTRIC / 30003 ... 1 • BUSHING................. 6 • COVER.... WIRE / 06383 PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ XBGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ PAGZZ UNITS PER ASSY USABLE ON CODE SM&R CODE ......... DANGER WARNING / 30003 (not shown)..... (Sheet 4 of 4) INDEX NO................................................ 2 • RIVET............... DANGER WARNING / 0V5R4 (not shown) • SCREW.............. 1 • BUSHING.... MACHINE... 1 • WIRING SCHEMATIC (LABEL)/ 0V5R4 (not shown)............ Part Number 1559AS483.......... ELECTRIC / 30003 (shown in view “A”) ........... ELECTRIC / 30003 .. 2 • BUSHING.....THERMOSTATIC (S5) / 30003 .................................................................... 1 • LABEL........................... 23 • SCREW... PUSH-IN / 30003 (shown in view “A”) .............. PUSH-IN / • BAND........... CONTROL BOX/ 30003 (see figure 2) ...................... NAVAIR 17-1-573 01 MARCH 2009 020 00 Page 34 of 34 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK .
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