National Service Training Program



National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001(REPUBLIC ACT 9163) “AN ACT ESTABLISHING THE NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM (NSTP) FOR THE TERTIARY LEVEL STUDENTS, AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE REPUBLIC ACT NO 7077 AND PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO 1706 AND FOR OTHER PURPOSE” Be enacted by the senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: Rule I GUIDING PRINCIPLES SECTION 1: Guiding Principles – While it is the prime duty of the Government to serve and protect its citizen. In turn it shall be the responsibility of all citizens to defend the security of the State and in fulfillment thereof, the Government may require each citizen to render personal military or civil service. SECTION 2: Role of the Youth – a. Recognizing the youth’s virtual role in nation building, then state shall promote civic consciousness among the youth and shall develop their physical moral, spiritual intellectual and social well-being. It shall inculcate to the youth patriotism, nationalism and advance their involvement in public and civic affairs. b. As the most valuable resource of the national shall motivated, trained, organized and mobilized in military training, literacy civic welfare and other similar endeavors in the service of nation. Rule II DEFINITION OF TERMS SECTION 3: As used in this implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) the following terms shall mean: a. “National Service Training Program” (NSTP) – is a program aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethic of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its three (3) program components. Its various components are specially designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution to the general welfare. b. “Reserve Officer Training Corps” (ROTC) – is program institutionalized under Section 38 and 39 of RA No. 7077 designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, organized and mobilize them for national defense preparedness. c. “Literacy Training Service” - is a program designed to train students to become teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of society in need of their service. d. “Civic Welfare Training Service” – refers to programs of activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizen; e. “Program Component” – shall refer to the service components of the NSTP as enumerated and defined here in; f. “Clustering” - refers to the grouping of students enrolled to different schools and taking up the same NSTP component into one (1) group under the management and the supervision of a designated school; g. “Cross Enrollment” - refers to a system of enrollment where a student is officially enrolled in a n academic program of an origin school but is allowed to enroll in the NSTP component of another accepting school; and h. “Non-Government Organization” (NGO) - refers to any private organization duly accredited by CHED or recognized by TESDA. Rule III PROGRAM IMPLIMENTATION SECTION 4: Coverage a. Students, male and female of any baccalaureate degree course or at least two (2) year technical vocational courses in public and private educational institutions shall be required to complete one (1) of the NSTP components are requisite for graduation. All program components. subject to the existing rules and regulations of the AFP. PMA. . the ROTC in particular shall instill patriotism. and The Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS). c. may design and implement such other nonmilitary training components as may be necessary in consonance with the provision of R. a3. b.The above provision. The Literacy Training Service (LTS). Private higher and technical-vocational education institutions with at least 350 students’ cadets may offer the ROTC component and consequently establish/maintain a DMST. All higher and technical-vocational educational institutions must offer at least one (1) of the NSTP component. does not cover the following: a1. c.A. Other State Universities and Colleges of similar nature will be exempted subject to the approval of the DND. SECTION 5: Program Components a. TESDA. PMMA. e. however. and a2. 9163. d. shall offer the ROTC component and at least one (1) other NSTP component. Foreign students or aliens b. COCOPEA and other concerned government agencies. Section 3 hereof: The Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC). SUCs. and PNPA are exempted from the NSTP in view of the special character of these institutions. moral virtues. Students who completed any of the three NSTP components but considered freshmen to the school where they transferred and course they shifted. in consultation of the DND and PASUC. The CHED. Students who finished or graduated from a baccalaureate degree or two year technical-vocational or associate course and pursuing or enrolled in another or additional baccalaureate degree or two-year technical vocational or associate course in SY 2003-2004. respect for rights of civilians and adherence to the constitution. The NSTP shall have the following components which the students can choose from as define in Rule II. irrespective of whether such school is under CHED or TESDA. shall allow their students to cross-enroll to other schools. Each of the aforementioned NSTP Program components shall be undertaken for and academic period of two (2) semesters. irrespective of whether the two semesters shall be taken from different schools whose ROTC are administered/managed by different branches of origin and accepting school. . formulated and adopted by the DND. taking into account logistics. and TESDA. TESDA. b. or do not odder the component chosen by the students. Earned NSTP units shall not be included in the computation of GPA grades of college graduating students. SECTION 6: Duration and Equivalent Course Unit a.d. CHED. the CHED. It shall be credited for three (3) units per semester. Within thirty (30) days from the approval of this IRR. and in the case of students taking the ROTC component. and the DND shall jointly issue the minimum standards for the three (3) NSTP components which shall form parts of these guidelines. branch of service and geographical locations. SECTION 8: Monitoring and Evaluation A. c. Clustering of the students from different educational institutions during semester or summer periods may be done for any of the NSTP component. The school authorities shall exercise academic and administrative supervision over the design. A OSP in lieu of the two (2) semester program may be designed. subject to the capability of the school and the AFP to handle the same. adoption and implementation of the different NSTP components in their respective schools. formulation. SECTION 7: Clustering and Cross-Enrollment a. for fifty-four (54) to ninety (90) training hours per semester. Schools that do not meet the requires number of students to maintain the ROTC and any of the NSTP components. The host school shall be responsible in managing the Program. b. Management 1. 1 names who finished under each NSTP component. A functional chart of the NSTP Office shall be structured based on the capability of the institution to sustain the component program being offered based on the number of enrollees. Within forty-five (45) days from approval and issuance of this IRR. Monitoring 1. the school authorities and DND. Each of the NSTP components is considered a distinct and/or separate unit under the NSTP or its equivalent position. 4. TESDA and DND. TESDA Provincial/District Offices and DND & AFP (through the Major Service Reserve Commands). There should be an NSTP Office in each school or college/university headed by an NSTP Director or its equivalent position responsible for the implementation of the Program. subject to the policies and regulation and programs of DND on the military component of the training shall exercise joint supervision over its implementation. 3. indicating the following: 3. These Sub-Offices shall submit periodic reports to the Central Office of CHED. B. 2. shall oversee and monitor the implementation of the NSTP under their respective jurisdiction. to determine if the trainings conducted are in consonance with the Act.2. 5. In case of ROTC. CHED Regional Offices. . Schools which have contracted CHED-accredited or TESDA-recognized NGOs to formulate and administer training modules for any of the NSTP components shall jointly exercise such academic and administrative supervision with those NGOs. At the end of every school year the HIE shall submit an Annual Report to the CHED Regional Office copy furnished the Office of the Student Services in electronic template. CHED deputized officials shall coordinate and conduct spot visits to actual NSTP activities. the TESDA and DND shall issue the necessary guidelines for the accreditation of non-government organizations (NGOs) and training modules to be utilized by these NGOs. 3. No fees shall be collected for any of the NSTP components except basic tuition fees which should not be more than fifty (50%) percent of the charges of the school per academic unit. 4. projects and activities undertaken with pictorials and documentation as much as possible. Subsidies from the government. warnings and/or sanctions may be imposed to schools and accredited NGOs that disregarded or grossly violated the provisions of this IRR. Rental space of school and other similar expenses shall not be charged to NSTP. B.2 the programs. provided.3. any legal agency or institution appropriated for NSTP shall be included in the preparation of the program of expenditure and report on the utilization of funds.3 Financial statements on the funds collected. F. which shall be exclusively used for the operation of the Program. NSTP funds shall not be converted into savings at the expense of the proper implementation of the program. . NSTP funds derived from NSTP-related operations shall serve as augmentation to sustain un-programmed activities of NSTP. D. and 3. Expenditures/disbursements shall submit a comprehensive report on the utilization of the NSTP Funds by program component to the school head. In cases of violations of guidelines. however. allocated and utilized. Rule IV FEES AND INCENTIVES SECTION 9: Fees A. E. NSTP tuition collected shall constitute a Trust Fund. C. two weeks after the end of every semester. The unexpected fund balance shall be carried over to the next semester. Insurance and Protection 1. . with funds for the purpose to be included in the annual regular appropriations of the two agencies. in coordination with DILG. Insurance and Protection A. 4. A program of assistance/incentives for ROTC students shall be provided and administered by DND. are deemed to have complied with this requirement. the funding of which shall come from available NSTP funds of the school. 3. Graduates of the non-ROTC components of the NSTP shall belong to the NSRC and could be tapped by the state for literacy and civic welfare activities. Schools that already provide health and accident group and collect necessary fees for the purpose from their students as of the affectivity of this Rules. DSWD and other concerned agencies/associations. CHED and TESDA. Incentives 1. CHED and TESDA shall ensure that health and accident group insurances are provided for students enrolled in any of the NSTP components. Rule V ORGANIZATION OF NSTP GRADUATES SECTION 11: Organization of NSTP Graduates a. 2. Personnel involved in the NSTP shall be provided honorarium and other incentives based on the standard policy set forth by the HEIs. B. A SSP and other forms of assistance and incentives for qualified NSTP students shall be administered by CHED and TESDA.SECTION 10: Incentive. in accordance with existing laws and regulations and subject to the availability of funds. subject to the availability of funds. 2. especially in times of calamities through the joint efforts of DND. The college or universities may provide scholarship and other forms of assistance and incentives to qualified and deserving NSTP students. School authorities concerned. in consultation with PASUC. These Rules may be amended.If any of section or provision of this IRR shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 15: Separability Clause . No. 1. maintenance and utilization of the NSRC. TESDA or DND.O. rules and regulations and other issuances inconsistent with the provisions of the Act are hereby deemed amended and modified accordingly . orders. No. NGOs and recognized student organizations.A. b. . TESDA and DND shall provide information on these Act and IRR to all concerned publics through different modes of disseminating information. c.D. TESDA and DND. 7077.b. in consultation with other concerned government and non-government agencies. COCOPEA. shall issue the necessary guidelines for the establishment. modified or replaced jointly by CHED. 207 of 1939.A. No. No. SECTION 16: Effectivity – These rules shall take effect 15 days after publication in a newspaper of general circulation and shall remain in force and effect until revoked or amended. Section 35 of C. decrees. Adopter and issued on _______________ day of ________________ 2006. as well as all laws. organization. 1706. The CHED. 7077. Graduates of the ROTC Program shall form part of the CAF pursuant to R. the other sections or provisions not affected thereby shall remain in full and effect. and Section 38 and 39 of R. SECTION 13: Information Dissemination – The CHED. TESDA and DND.Section 2 and 3 of P.A. shall be awarded to students who have successfully complied with the program components. subject to the requirements of DND. Rule VI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SECTION 12: Certificate of Completion – Certificate of Completion with corresponding serial numbers issued by CHED. E. SECTION 14: Amendatory Clause – a. Title. The State shall promote and develop public support to and awareness of the important role of the Citizen Armed Force as protector of the people and the State. The Citizen Armed Force shall be provided maximum opportunity to participate in safeguarding the security of the state and assisting in socioeconomic. developed and maintained as to ensure their readiness to immediately respond to the call to service. It is not envisioned by the State to have a nation under arms. TRAINING. The Regular Force.REPUBLIC ACT 7077 (AFP Reservist Act of 1991) AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ORGANIZATION. ADMINISTRATION. SECTION 5. The Citizen Armed Force shall be so organized. unless extremely necessary. This Act shall be known as the "Citizen Armed Forces or Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act." ARTICLE II DECLARATION OF POLICY SECTION 2. invasion or rebellion. SECTION 3. The manpower objective of the Citizen Armed Force shall conform to projected and actual needs. trained. SECTION 6. MAINTENANCE. SECTION 4. It is the policy of the State to maintain a standing force or regular military force in times of peace consonant to its adequate and actual needs for the security of the State but which can be rapidly expanded by the well-disciplined Citizen Armed Force in the event of war. AND UTILIZATION OF THE CITIZEN ARMED FORCE OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES ARTICLE I TITLE SECTION 1. The Security and Socio-Economic Development of the State. The manpower of the Citizen Armed Force. The Public Awareness. . The Call to Personal Military and Civil Service. The roster of the officials and employees of these affiliated units . SECTION 10. manning and equipment of reserve units shall conform to the organization of the regular force. on a regional basis The organizational structure and manning of the affiliated reserve units shall be prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense and shall as much as possible conform to their existing organization. is to provide the base for the expansion of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the event of war. SECTION 8. and The Affiliated Reserves. provincial and municipal levels which provide essential public services such as water. light. establishments and organizations at the national. Reserve units of a battalion type or equivalent shall be organized on a provincial basis. and to assist in the operation and maintenance of essential government or private utilities in the furtherance of the overall mission. Affiliated Reserves. namely: The Army Reserve Component. transportation and communications which are necessary to support the prosecution of national defense plans or to meet an emergency shall be organized as affiliated units of the Reserve Force. to assist in socioeconomic development. Organization of Reserve Components. given unit designation and assigned to the appropriate reserve components of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). and reserve units of a brigade or division type or equivalent. corporations. SECTION 9. structure. These affiliated units shall be constituted by appropriate orders to be issued by the Secretary of National Defense. The organization. Mission The Mission of the Citizen Armed Force. The Air Force Reserve Component The Navy Reserve Component The AFP-Wide Technical Reserve Component. The Reserve Force shall be organized into five (5) components. alternately referred to as the Reserve Force. The organization of each component of the Reserve Force and the manpower objective of each component shall be as prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense and approved by the President of the Philippines.ARTICLE III MISSION AND ORGANIZATION OF THE CITIZEN ARMED FORCE SECTION 7. invasion or rebellion. ORGANIZATION. to assist in relief and rescue during disaster or calamities. As the President shall approve upon recommendation of the Secretary of National Defense. certain private and government entities. who compose the Reserve Forces are those reservist of the Armed Forces of the Philippines who are incorporated into the Reserve Force. noncommissioned officers and privates under the existing laws and including those procured under Project 36-70 and included in the present AFP roster before the enactment of this Act and those to be commissioned or enlisted after the enactment of this Act. were issued orders as enlisted reservists or reserve officers. Commissioned and noncommissioned officers under the affiliated Reserves category and graduates of the National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP).The First Category Reserve shall be composed of able bodied reservist whose . These units shall be so utilized in times of war or emergency to ensure the continuous and uninterrupted provision of the essential services they are rendering. and Commissioned. the Second Category Reserve. ARTICLE IV DEFINITION OF CITIZEN SOLDIERS SECTION 11. and the Third Category Reserve based on age. Graduates of authorized basic military training instructions who. The citizen soldiers. Ex-servicemen and retired officers of the AFP and other armed forces that have diplomatic relations with the Philippines who were honorably discharged or retired from the service and who are Filipino citizens upon their application. ARTICLE CATEGORIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF CITIZEN SOLDIERS SECTION 12. Recognized World War II guerillas who were honorably discharged from the service. as follows: Graduates of the Reserve officers Training Corps (ROTC) basic and advance courses and who were issued orders as enlisted reservists or reserve officers of the AFP. alternately referred to as reservists.Citizen Soldiers.shall be included in the orders of constituting the units. First Category Reserve . Categorization of Citizen Soldiers. There shall be there (3) categories of citizen soldiers or AFP reservists: the First Category Reserve. as a result thereof. SECTION 13. transportation and communications.The ready Reserve shall be composed of citizen soldiers belonging mostly to the first category reserve and others as provided in this Act who shall be organized. security and stability in any locality. The following citizen soldiers may be exempted from rendering service with said reserve units: Active members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippines National Police.The Second Category Reserve shall be composed of able-bodied reservist whose ages are between thirty-six (36) years and fifty-one (51) years. if qualified and fit for duty. Third Category Reserve . the Standby Reserve and the Retired Reserve based on their operational readiness for immediate deployment /utilization. All citizens soldiers belonging to the First Category Reserve. except those exempted under this Act. inclusive. Classification of Reserve Force Units Based on the categorization provided in Section 12 above. . Those who are residing abroad but only during the duration of their absence from the Philippines. trained and maintained as mobilizable ready reserve subject to call at any time to augment the regular armed force of the AFP not only in times of war or national emergency but also to meet local emergencies arising from calamities. the Reserve Force units shall further be classified into the Ready Reserve. to join and actively participate as part of the Ready Reserve and shall serve with an appropriate Ready Reserve unit. Ready Reserve . regardless of their categorization shall be classified as Ready Reserve.ages are between eighteen (18) years and thirty five (35) years.The Third Category Reserve shall be composed of able-bodied reservist who are above fifty-one years (51) of age. among others. inclusive. who will volunteer to serve with the Ready Reserve shall be allowed. Any reservist or citizen soldier belonging to the Second Category Reserve and/or the Third Category Reserve. Second Category Reserve . Those who are physically and mentally unfit to serve their tour of duty. water supply. such as power and electricity. disasters and threats to peace. shall be required to serve with the Ready Reserve units and will have assignments and promotions in accordance with existing policies of the AFP until transferred tot he Standby Reserve by virtue of their age. members of the AFP Affiliated Reserve units of various government and private utilities and services considered essential for the preservation of economic stability of the country or particular locality. order. including the need to provide assistance in relief and rescue work and other civil assistance activities. particularly the commissioned and noncommissioned officers. Furthermore. Retired Reserve The Retired Reserve shall be composed of citizen soldiers who have qualified for retirement through length of service. a member of the Retired Reserve may be ordered to active duty in times of local or national emergencies if he volunteers for active duty and when the Secretary of National Defense determines that there are not enough qualified citizen soldiers with his special skills and qualifications in the Ready Reserve or Standby Reserve in his particular area of residence. rules and regulations as may be necessary. except as provided in this Act. However. Registration shall take place in suitable registration places to be prescribed by the city or municipal government between the dates of April First and Seventh commencing one (1) year after the effectivity of this Act. The Standby Reserve may be mobilized or ordered to active duty only in times of national emergency or war. among others. Exemption from Compulsory Military Training.Those who are convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude. the AFP shall such appropriate guidelines. SECTION 15. Stand by Reserve The Stand by Reserve shall be composed of citizen soldiers belonging mostly to the Second Category Reserve and the Third Category Reserve. For this purpose. old age or disability. Those in the active service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and police members of the Philippine . and Those who may be exempted from duty for valid reasons which may be authorized on a case-to-case basis by appropriate and competent authority. They will however be encouraged to upgrade their military knowledge and skills by taking up nonresident or resident courses which shall be set up for the purpose. if qualified and fit for duty. All male citizens between the ages of eighteen (18) and twenty-five (25) years who are not reservists shall be required to register for military instruction. Compulsory Military Registration and Training. ARTICLE VI MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT SECTION 14. sixty-five (65) years shall be considered as the retirement age. For this purpose. Biennial registration shall be held during the same period in succeeding years. The ranks of the members of the Standby Reserve may be upgraded if they voluntarily participate in training or serve with the ready Reserve units in their areas or if their Standby Reserve units undergo retraining. The members of the Standby Reserve shall be organized and assigned to specified reserve units and shall be maintained through annual assembly test to update their records and present addresses. except if they volunteer. The following are exemption from military training: Members of the clergy of any religious order or sect. Superintendent and uniformed members of the National Penitentiary. Registrants who are to undergo compulsory training as provided for in this Act shall be selected in the month of May every year by drawing of lots by a board of canvassers. Provided. corrective instructions. SECTION 17. Registering Officer. Board of Canvassers. SECTION 16. Those suffering incarceration awaiting trial by a court of law. universities and similar institutions who are undergoing ROTC training during the tendency of their training recognized by the military authorities as among those undergoing training to qualify as reservists. Provided. and insane asylums. the city/municipal treasurers of chartered cities and municipalities are hereby designated as registering officers. Those who are physically or mentally unfit as certified by an AFP medical officer. Selection of Registrants for Compulsory Training. that upon their release from custody they shall without delay register. one (1) for each province and chartered city. for the purpose of selecting the registrants who will undergo compulsory military training as provided for in Section 18 thereof. The following persons are disqualified or exempted from registering: Persons who are disqualified by law from employment in government service. Persons Disqualified or Exempted from Registration. The board shall be composed of the following: . and Those persons who are constituted as members of affiliated units for the duration of time they hold such membership. navigators and merchant marine officers. There is hereby created a board of canvassers. and Licensed air and maritime pilots. Students of colleges. they shall be subject to military training. The secretary of National Defense shall prescribe and provide the forms to be used in registration and prescribed the procedures for the conduct and reporting of the results of the registration. Those convicted by final judgment of criminal offenses involving moral turpitude. For the purpose of registration as provided for in Section 14 hereof. SECTION 18. The Secretary of National Defense shall prescribe the procedure for the selection of registrants.National Police. SECTION 19. That upon the termination of their membership. Filipino citizens residing or working abroad. Acceptance Board. if any. Registration of Citizens Residing or Working Abroad. That said volunteers shall be made to execute a written statement that they volunteered for training at their own will. SECTION 24.IN PROVINCES Division Superintendent of Schools -------------------. The decision of the board shall be by majority vote. Provided. The board of canvassers shall cause the immediate and adequate publication of the names of the registrants who have been selected in accordance with Section 18 hereof and at once notify the registrants concerned to report to the acceptance board of the city or municipality where they reside.Chairman Provincial Fiscal--------------------------------------------. registrants who are not selected for compulsory military training but who volunteer for such training may be accepted and allowed to undergo military training. The board of canvassers shall furnish each acceptance board with the list of the registrants whose names were drawn.Member They appropriate military commander as the Secretary of National Defense may be designate --------------------------------Member IN CHARTERED CITIES City Superintendent of Schools -----------------------. shall register with the nearest diplomatic or consular officer of the Republic of the Philippines which shall transmit the registrants data to the Secretary of National defense. Volunteering for Military Training. The Secretary of National Defense shall furnish each provincial governor and city mayor with the quota of registrants for compulsory military training to be drawn from their respective province or chartered city. The . when they become liable to register for reservists training under this Act. SECTION 21.Member Chief of Police --------------------------------------------. The quota for the province shall be broken into municipal quotas. Notice to Selected Registrants.Member SECTION 20. Quota for Compulsory Training.Chairman City Fiscal --------------------------------------------------. SECTION 23. SECTION 22. Acceptance of Registrants. There is hereby created an acceptance board in each municipality and chartered city which shall examine and classify registrants whose names have been referred to it by the board of canvassers and pass upon the registrants fitness for training and application for deferment. The board shall be composed as follows: IN CHARTERED CITIES Local Civil Registrar --------------------------------------Chairman City Heath Officer -----------------------------------------Member Chief of Police --------------------------------------------Member One Civic Leader (to be chosen by Local civic organizations) ---------------------Member IN MUNICIPALITIES Local Civil Registrar/Municipal Treasurer --------------.Chairman Municipal Health Officer ------------------------------------. and Class D Exempted for mental/physical reasons.Secretary of National Defense shall prescribe the procedure for the operation of the acceptance board. The acceptance board shall then classify them into the following categories: Class A Fit for unlimited service.Member SECTION 26. Registrants shall undergo physical examination to be conducted by the health officer. Deferment from Training.Member One Civic Leader (to be chosen by Local civic organizations) -----------------------.Member Chief of Police ------------------------------------------------. Classification of Selected Registrants. upon evaluation of the evidence . Class C Deferred until later date. SECTION 27. SECTION 25. Class B Fit for limited service only. Composition of the Acceptance Board. The acceptance board. Cadets of the Philippine Military Academy and of other military or police service academics. Those who successfully complete at least one-half (1/2) of the prescribed period of the course shall be exempted from training. Students enrolled in the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) in colleges and universities are automatically granted deferment which shall not extend beyond the period they are to complete their basic ROTC training. shall be granted deferments for not exceeding two (2) years. High school students who are in their last year of schooling may be granted deferment for not more than one (1) year. local or foreign. Seminary students of any religious sect shall be granted deferments for not exceeding the prescribed course in the seminary. Students who successfully complete such training shall be exempted. Appeal from Decision of the Acceptance Board. Those who completed the course shall be exempted from training. Those who fail to complete one-half (1/2) of the prescribed period shall. or discontinue the training. SECTION 28. shall be subject to training. to include cadets of the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy and other similar local merchant marine academies duly recognized by the Government for the training of officers candidates. be subject to training. The Secretary of National Defense shall render a decision thereon within sixty (60) days from the date of filing of the appeal. during their incumbency. Those who fail to complete shall be subject to training. may grant deferment on the following grounds and conditions: Individuals who are indispensable to the support of their dependent families may be granted deferments not exceeding two (2) years after which they shall be subject to training. The decision of the Secretary of National Defense or his duly authorized representative shall be final. Where the acceptance board denies the claim of an individual for deferment. including those selected for cadetship in such academies. Selected registrants residing or working abroad shall be granted deferment for the duration of their stay abroad. . upon their discharge from their courses. and Elected officials and presidential appointees whose appointments are passed upon by the Commission on Appointment. Those who fail to complete. The appelant shall be accorded the right to enjoy the right to be heard by himself and counsel and to present evidence in his behalf. he may within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notification by the board appeal his case in writing directly to the Secretary of National support application for deferment. Provided. As may be ordered by the President.00) and not less than twenty (20) employees who undergoes military training shall not be separated or terminated from such employment. Upon termination of his military training. Expenses of the Acceptance Board. Draftee Training and Service. shall not be considered as having forfeited his seniority status. As such. Final Acceptance by Board. provided he is honorably terminated or discharged from military training or service shall be taken into account as to whether or not he should be reinstated to his former employment. The expenses incident to the operation of the acceptance board shall be borne by the Department of National Defense which shall include the funds therefor in its annual appropriations. SECTION 30. he shall resume his former position or. corporations. he shall be assigned to a new position or. if not practicable. Those selected shall upon instruction report to the designated military camp or unit for training. after which his services as draftee shall be terminated. A draftee may volunteer and be accepted for an extension of active service of not more than twelve (12) consecutive months. if not practicable. SECTION 32. and shall continue to receive the salary he was receiving prior to his call to military training.000. The nature and amount of such expenses shall be prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense. Security of Tenure in Government or private Employment while on Military training. An employee in the Government including one in a government-owned or controlled corporation or private employment with monthly operating volume of not less than three hundred thousand pesos (300. Registrants will be selected for draftee training and service in accordance with Sections 14 to 26 hereof. broken down into a training period of not more than six (6) months and an active service period of not more than eighteen (18) months. they shall be assigned to key positions in the affiliated units where they are employed and called to active service with these units once they are activated. ha shall . SECTION 31. The registrants who shall have been finally qualified and selected by the acceptance board shall be reported to the Secretary of National Defense.SECTION 29. Key officers and employees of government or private entities. payment of basic salary during such military training shall be in accordance with existing laws or with his company’s policies on its employees on leave from his employment. Than upon termination of his draftee service. SECTION 33. he shall be assigned to a new position without diminution of his pay and allowances. A draftee during the period of his active duty service to include extension of such service is entitled to receive all the pay and allowances due his grades as received by any member of the regular force. if any. establishments and organization which have affiliated units shall be encouraged to undergo military training to qualify them as reserve officers or noncommissioned officers. male citizens between the ages of eighteen (18) and thirty-five (35) shall be called to training and active service for a period not to exceed twenty-four (24) months. The members of the acceptance board shall not receive any salary or compensation for their services in the board. Procurement of Reservist Officers and Non-commissioned Officers for Affiliated Reserve Units. In the case of private employment. Registrants finally selected for military training pursuant to Section 30 hereof shall undergo a basic military training for a period of not more than six (6) months. shall be retained beyond the period of his reservist/draftee service with his consent for the necessary hospitalization and medical care until such time that he recovers. and respect for the rights of civilians. ARTICLE VII CITIZEN MILITARY TRAINING SECTION 35. patriotism. The Secretary of National Defense shall prescribe the course of instruction. The course of instruction shall include. . the commanding officer of the training center shall be authorized to issue the necessary orders covering his transportation and provide the funds for the purpose: Provide. not due to his intentional misconduct. There shall be established in every province at least one (1) training center for the conduct of citizen military and reservist training with a minimum training capacity of one (1) infantry rifle company at a time. Retention for Maximum Hospitalization. subjects on moral virtues. During the period of hospitalization. he shall be entitled to subsistence allowances and hospitalization benefits as are available tot he members of the regular force who are patients in armed forces hospitals. SECTION 37. Upon reporting to their assigned training centers. discipline support for an adherence to the Constitution. Where a change of training center is necessary to provide the requisite training. That no registrants shall be transferred to a training center outside his province or designated training center except in the case of Philippine Navy and Philippine Air Force registrants if there are air or naval training centers thereat. A reservist/draftee who is injured or contracts a disease or sickness while undergoing training and service. SECTION 34. SECTION 36. Incorporation into Training. Citizen Military Training Center. These training centers shall form part of the reserve component organization of the major services and shall be referred to as citizen military training centers. or is determined that further hospitalization will not improve his condition. universities and similar institutions of learning is mandatory pursuant to the provisions of the National Defense Act and the 1987 Constitution. Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC). among others. SECTION 38. the selected registrants shall be physically examined and if found fit for the service shall be inducted into service. willful failure or neglect. Military training for students enrolled in colleges. Basic Citizen Military training. or vicious or immoral habits.receive a separation gratuity of not less than one (1) month salary for every of his service to include six (6) months of training upon the condition that a period of six (6) months shall be considered a complete year for purposes of this gratuity. SECTION 40..Acceptance for Advance ROTC. which is voluntary. Reserve Officers in the active service as well as qualified enlisted and officer reservists in the inactive status shall be given priority to handle training instruction and to assist in the administration and shall be entitled to receive honoraria and other allowances as the Secretary of National Defense shall prescribe. which shall conduct military training for the students of such institutions for the purpose of producing enlisted and officers reservists. universities and similar institutions of learning that request for the conduct of military training in their institutions. Students who volunteer for advance ROTC shall be screened by an ROTC acceptance board which is hereby created for the purpose. they shall further be subject to competitive examination in order to select the best material. those taking the basic ROTC are required to pay a reasonable . Such appropriations shall provide for all the full funding support for advance ROTC only.SECTION 39. which is mandatory. However. shall hereafter be referred to as advance ROTC. In the case of students volunteering for reserve officers training. SECTION 42. and a military physician. and four (4) academic years in the case of officer reservists which shall include as necessary summer probationary training of not more than sixty (60) consecutive days. The funds for the establishment. Organization and Staffing of ROTC Units. The program of institution shall be prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense and may include instruction to prepare female students for military service: Provided. operation and maintenance of ROTC training: Provided. The first two (2) years of training. he shall be required to obtain his parents or guardians consent. composed of the commandant of the ROTC unit. The school of the student may not be required to spend any amount for the establishment. Funds for Maintenance and Operation of School ROTC Units. The student volunteer shall be physically examined for fitness for training and shall further be made to execute in writing a testament that he volunteered for training of his own volition. That the school requesting for such establishment shall provide the training ground and office facilities free of charge. there shall be established and maintained Reserve Officers Training Corps units as the Secretary of National Defense may approve. The advance ROTC cadets shall each be provided free two (2) suits of fatigue uniform with headgear. shall hereafter be referred to as basis ROTC while the second two (2) years after said basic ROTC. a representative of the school nominated by the school authorities. Where the student is below eighteen (18) years of age. maintenance and operation of ROTC units shall be provided for in the regular annual appropriations of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Establishment of ROTC Units in Schools. At such colleges. The Secretary of National Defense shall prescribe the organization and staffing of ROTC units. That such course of instruction shall not exceed two (2) academics years in the case of enlisted reservist. SECTION 41. The allocation of ROTC units to the various major services of the AFP shall conform to the projected manpower needs of their respective reserve components. The students undergoing advance ROTC shall be referred to as advance ROTC cadets. belt and one (1) pair of combat boots for the duration of the training. ARTICLE VIII INCORPORATION INTO THE RESERVE FORCE SECTION 44. Those with manifest potential may be commissioned in the regular force as second lieutenants subject to the criteria for regular officers of this rank for that particular service. SECTION 46.fee. Scholarship Incentive for Advance ROTC Training. Award of Ranks and Assignments to reserve Units of Graduates of ROTC. That the quota for noncommissioned officers shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the authorized strength of the unit to which the reservist shall be assigned after graduation: Provided. He shall be made to acknowledge receipt in writing of such notification. The armed Forces of the Philippines shall provide all city/municipal treasurers of chartered cities and municipalities of the list of those who have . The Chief of Staff. Reservist Registry. Disposition of Graduates of Advance ROTC. Those who fail to complete the course shall be conferred the enlisted rank of sergeant or its equivalent and similarly assigned to reserve units and mobilization centers. That those to be awarded rank above private shall be chosen based on merit. Those who continue to the advance ROTC course shall continue to carry their enlisted rank until their successful completion of advance ROTC. Probationary training as a requisite before commissionship shall be determined by the major service concerned based on technical skills. experience or qualifications of the applicants. SECTION 48. SECTION 43. The ranks to be awarded shall be from private and sergeant or its equivalent: Provided. The funds for the purpose shall be carried in the annual appropriations of the AFP. Elected Officials and Presidential Appointees. Those who successfully completed the advance ROTC course shall be recommended for commission in the reserve as second lieutenants ands assigned to the reserve units and mobilization centers in their provinces. the amount to be determined by the Secretary of National Defense in coordination with the school officials concerned. Notification of Reserve Assignment. The reservist shall be notified in writing of his assignment to reserve unit and a mobilization center. further. AFP shall promulgate the guidelines for the implementation of this provision. Graduates of basic ROTC shall be given a reserve enlisted rank and serial number and assigned to reserve units and mobilization centers in their provinces. Students undergoing advance ROTC who belong to the upper five percent (5%) of their academic class shall be provided a tuition subsidy of fifty (50%) of their annual tuition for the period of their advance ROTC. SECTION 45. Elected officials and presidential appointees may be commissioned into the Reserve Force subject to the existing AFP rules and regulations. SECTION 47. serial number. reserve unit assignment and mobilization center. To this end. Organization for Maintenance and Administration of the Reserve Force. The major services shall be responsible for the administration. Accounting of Reservists. commissioned and noncommissioned officers shall be encouraged to undergo training on a voluntary basis to upgrade their proficiency with priority to the officers and key noncommissioned officers of the Standby Reserve units. SECTION 50. ARTICLE IX MAINTENANCE. Individual reservists. equipage and maintenance of their respective reserve components subject to the regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense. there shall be a staff division of the level of the principal coordinating staff which shall be dedicated to planning and policy formulation for the administration. TRAINING AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE RESERVE FORCE SECTION 49. AFP shall create an AFP Reserve Command within one (1) year from the effectivity of this ACT. the services of the national and local reservists and veterans organizations will be tapped to assist in the accounting of reservists. Such training shall have for its principal purpose the enhancement of the readiness of the individual reservists and reserve units to respond to the call to service. The services of qualified individual enlisted and officer reservists shall be utilized to the maximum in the conduct ROTC . and Voluntary training subject to the capability of the AFP to provide the training. particularly those belonging to the Ready and Standby Reserves. development and utilization of their respective Reserve Force component. their records and status updated and present whereabouts ascertained in order to ensure their readiness to the call of duty. In staffing the command structure of these units.successfully completed military training. The chief of Staff. In the General Headquarters. training. In the case of the major services. indicating therein among others their rank. Training of Individual of Reservist and Reserve Units. AFP and in each Major Service Headquarters. there shall further be a separate unit dedicated to the implementation of such plans and policies. Shall be accounted for. preference shall be given to qualified reserve officers in the active service and integrees. The Secretary of National Defense shall prescribe the course of instruction for the aforementioned training. Maximum opportunity shall be afforded the reservists to update their skills through compulsory or voluntary training. SECTION 51. It shall be the duty of the local civil registrar to maintain and update the reservist registry. As far as practicable. All reservists. there shall be two (2) types of training: Compulsory training of not less than thirty (30) days but not more than sixty (60) days for reserve units and/or individual reservist in a given year preferably to First Category Reservists. with priority to units of Ready Reserve I: Provided. The whereabouts of their reservists shall be constantly ascertained. further. As necessary. Mobilization Stock. The minimum essential individual and organizational equipment . there shall be at least one (1) unit of infantry battalion strength under readiness status of Ready reserve I. particularly key officers of Ready Reserve units. there units shall carry an excess of twenty percent (20%) of their authorized personnel strength to compensate for those who may fail to report or be late in reporting for duty. The Chief of Staff. The individual and crew served weapons and individual clothing and equipment shall be ready for distribution upon their activation. Ready Reserve II Units classified as Ready Reserve II shall be maintained in a high degree of readiness as to be ready for operational employment in not more than fifteen (15) days.and reservists training. Reserve Officers Nonresident Instruction. That the quota for such active duty tour shall as far as practicable be proportionately distributed to the provinces and cities based on their reserve officer population and size of the reserve units. SECTION 52. SECTION 54. Classification and Maintenance of Readiness of Reserve Units. SECTION 53. Active Duty Tour for Training of Reserve Officers. Units which are composed of reservists of the Ready Reserve shall be classified as to degree of readiness to respond to the call to service. The reserve officers undertaking such course shall be given priority for call to annual duty training or service with their units or with other AFP{ units. That the reserve officers called to active duty shall as far as practicable serve in the province of their reserve unit assignment. except in case of mobilization. as follows: Ready Reserve I Units classified as Ready Reserve I shall be maintained in a high degree of readiness as to be ready for operational employment in not more than seven (7) days after activation. SECTION 55. AFP shall select and recommend to the Secretary of National Defense the reserve units under Ready Reserve I and Ready Reserve II: Provided. Each major service shall conduct on a continuing basis nonresident instruction for the purpose of maintaining and updating the proficiency of its reservist officers. A reserve officer who has served his tour shall not be called again to active duty until after (5) years. Successful completion of the nonresident course will be equivalent to having undertaken one (1) annual active duty training tour. reserve officers in the inactive status shall be called to active duty for a period not exceeding two (2) years without extension: Provided. Such instruction shall prepare the reserve officers to assume duties up to brigade command and staff or equivalent. That in areas threatened by insurgency. In order to improve their professional competence and leadership qualities. only the units of the Ready Reserve as are necessary to meet the threat will be activated. Partial mobilization shall be through the joint act of Congress and the President. When so ordered. The utilization of the Reserve Force in times of emergency to meet threats to national security shall be through mobilization. Classification of Reserve Officers in the Inactive Status. subject to the rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense. When full mobilization is ordered. SECTION 59. Successful completion of training pursuant to Section 51 and 52 hereof shall be a requisite for promotion in rank in the inactive status. Full Mobilization Full mobilization shall be through the joint act of Congress and the President. there shall be only one (1) seniority and lineal list for all reservist officers in the inactive status regardless of their source of commission. or active auxiliary units are organized and volunteer reservist are called to active auxiliary service for the purpose. Partial Mobilization. They shall not receive pay but shall be entitled to allowances and burial benefits as provided by law. All other reservists not assigned to any unit or those assigned to reserve pools shall be organized into replacement units. and Selective Mobilization. only selected units of the Ready Reserve of the localities involved are activated and the reservists assigned to them are called to active duty. all units of the Ready and Standby Reserves will be activated. the reservists constituting them are called to active duty. There shall be only one (1) classification of reserve officers in the inactive status regardless of their source or nature of commission. The President will specify the units to be activated. the reservists assigned to these units are called to active duty and the activated units are placed on operational readiness. Training as Requisite for Promotion. under such rules and . Selective mobilization may be ordered to meet a local threat or emergency situation. � Selective mobilization shall be by authority of President. SECTION 57. Reservists on compulsory training shall be subject to military law. When partial mobilization is ordered. stored and maintained for selected Ready Reserve units to enhance rapid transition to readiness required for employment in the shortest possible time. and the units activated are placed on operational readiness. UTILIZATION OF THE RESERVE FORCE. Status of Reservists on Training.and supplies shall be procured. Likewise. SECTION 56. Mobilization. ARTICLE X. SECTION 58. Reservists on voluntary training are also subject to military law but shall not be entitled to allowances. the President shall order the demobilization of the reserve units activated and the reservists of such deactivated units shall be reverted to the inactive status. health welfare activities and participating in local socioeconomic development projects. For the purpose of helping maintain local peace and order meeting local insurgency threat. assisting in rescue and relief operations during disasters and calamities. provided adequate control measures are instituted by the proper authorities concerning the carrying and use of firearms. Auxiliary Service. Reservists serving under this category shall not be armed. shall prescribe the location of the mobilization centers. participating in socioeconomic development projects. Elected/appointment local government officials are expected to perform their duties and responsibilities in their respective peace and order council levels or similar organizations . Military Auxiliary Service Military auxiliary service covers services rendered in meeting local insurgency threat. Status of Reservist under Mobilization. medical care. hospitalization and other privileges and benefits prescribed by law or regulations for officers and enlisted personnel of the regular force. Reservist serving under this category will be organized into Ready Reserve units. SECTION 63. The Secretary of National Defense. SECTION 62. SECTION 61. SECTION 60. The citizen military training centers in the provinces established under this Act may also be used as mobilization centers. Female reservists shall be given greater participation in this regard.regulations as the Secretary of National Defense may prescribe. Demobilization When the threat or emergency for which mobilization had been ordered has passed. the President may call upon the reservists in the affected or concerned localities to volunteer their services. AFP and in consultation with the local executives. Those who have licensed firearms may be granted permit to carry firearms only when they are actually performing duties in maintaining peace and order. assisting in rescue and relief operations. An enlisted or officer reservist when called to active duty by virtue of mobilization shall receive all the pay and allowances. There shall be established in each province as many mobilization centers as needed corresponding to the number and distribution of reservists in the province to which reservists will report when mobilization is ordered. delivery of health services and any other nonmilitary activity. upon recommendation of the Chief of Staff. Such voluntary services shall be referred to as auxiliary service and shall be of two (2) types: Civil Auxiliary Service Civil auxiliary service covers services rendered I n helping maintain law and order. That these reservists will be utilized only for the defense of their respective localities and will not be employed outside their localities. In no case shall the reservists be vested with police powers. They must be issued and allowed to carry firearms: Provided. The location of these centers shall be given the widest public information by the local executives. Mobilization Centers. efficiently and effectively to enhance a total integrated system approach against threats to national security. Women Reservists Women shall have the right and duty to serve in the AFP. whereas. All funds previously appropriated for the administration. whether civil or military. The President shall utilize a portion of the Military Assistance Fund available from any source to augment the appropriation for the Reserve Force. organization. The Secretary of National Defense shall prescribe the rules and regulations to implement this section in coordination with the Secretary of the Interior and Local Government. A reservist serving military auxiliary service is subject to military auxiliary service is subject to military law. development and training of the reserve components of the AFP and which will subsequently and hereafter be appropriated for the purpose shall be used exclusively for the purpose of implementing the provisions of this Act. ARTICLE XII TRANSITORY PROVISIONS . training and commissioning of women shall be the same as those required for men. training. a reservist serving civil auxiliary service is not. except for those essential adjustments in such standards required because of physiological differences between men and women. All reservist performing auxiliary service shall not receive pay but shall be entitled to receive allowances and burial benefits as provided by law. adequate funds for this purpose. Funding. SECTION 65. Status of Reservists on Auxiliary Service. To sustain the efficient and effective administration. ARTICLE XI FUNDING SECTION 66. may continue to render such service without receiving the allowances due him. maintenance and utilization of Ready Reserve units and keep them appropriately and adequately equipped and in a state of readiness. SECTION 64. With his consent. as may be requested or recommended by the AFP Reserve Command or the AFP. The relevant standards for admission. as well as provide for the adequate training of citizen soldiers or reservists. a reservist on auxiliary service. shall be appropriated and made available on a continuing basis. upon conviction by the civil court. Repealing Clause. executive orders. . Penalties. Citizens who fail to register for compulsory military training or who after having selected to undergo such training and have been notified thereof fail to report for training shall. Retention of ROTC Units in Colleges and Universities. All laws. be punishable and liable for imprisonment of not less than one (1) month to not more than three (3) months. upon conviction by the civil court be punishable and liable for imprisonment of not less than one (1) month to not more than three (3) months under Section 16 and 19 of this Act. Failure to Provide Updated List of Registrants. and those convicted by a court martial shall be liable for imprisonment of not less than two (2) months to not more than twelve (12) months.SECTION 67. SECTION 71. decrees. ARTICLE XIII SECTION 68. Failure of registrars ands canvassers to provide an updated listing of registrants under their responsibility shall. Failure of reservists to respond to the call to compulsory training or service shall be punishable in accordance with the Articles of War. Effectivity. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. SECTION 69. ROTC units in colleges and universities shall continue with ROTC training in accordance with this Act. ARTICLE XIV RESCISSION AND EFFECTIVITY SECTION 70. rules and regulations which are inconsistent or in conflict with any provision of this Act are hereby repealed or modified.
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