


Altair HyperMesh Interfacing with NASTRANVersion 5.1 Contact Altair Engineering at: Web site FTP site Address: Login: Password: or ftp <your e-mail address> Location North America Germany India Telephone 248.614.2425 49.7031.6208.22 91.80.658.8540 91.80.658.8542 39.0832.315.573 39.800.905.595 81.3.5396.1341 44.1327.810.700 e-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Italy [email protected] Japan Scandinavia United Kingdom [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2002 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark Acknowledgments: HyperWorks, HyperMesh, OptiStruct, HyperForm, MotionView, HyperView, HyperGraph, HyperOpt, HyperShape/Pro, StudyWizard, HyperView Player and Templex are registered trademarks of Altair Engineering, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. NASTRAN Translation Overview This section describes the HyperMesh NASTRAN input translator, output template, results translator, and summary templates. HyperMesh treats NASTRAN as a card image code. Follow these guidelines when creating a model for use with the HyperMesh NASTRAN interface: • • The NASTRAN interface is based on MSC/NASTRAN version 70.5. During input, the NASTRAN interface assumes that the continuation line always follows the line before, therefore no continuation cards are needed in the input file. During export, to ensure that the continuation line follows the reference card, HyperMesh writes “+ or “* as a continuation card. Warnings and error messages are written to a file called nastran.msg. The lines that are unrecognized by the translator are written to a *.hmx file. These files are created in the same directory from which HyperMesh is launched. The HyperMesh NASTRAN input translator supports single, double, free, and fixed formats. The input translator does not import data that is in tab delimited fields. Two templates are available for export and viewing (editing) NASTRAN cards. The nastran/general template outputs all cards in single precision, fixed format. The nastran/generallf template outputs GRID, property and material cards in fixed, double precision format with all other cards in fixed, single precision format. • • • Note: Before exporting or editing NASTRAN cards, a NASTRAN template must be loaded into HyperMesh. See Also Import and Export Components Control Cards Coordinate Systems Elements Groups hmnast Utility hmnasto2 Utility hmnastf06 Utility hmnastopt Utility Working with Comment Cards Load Collectors Loads Mass Calculation Materials Multi-point Constraints Nodes Properties Results Translation Sets Summary Templates Supported Cards Templates Vector Collectors and Vectors Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 1 Importing and Exporting a NASTRAN File HyperMesh imports NASTRAN files using an internal reader called NASTRAN that is selected in the import panel. HyperMesh exports NASTRAN files using an internal program (template) called general (short fixed format) or generallf (long fixed format). This template is selected in the export panel. To import a NASTRAN file into HyperMesh: 1. Select the files panel. 2. Click import. 3. Click FE (if not already selected). 4. Select NASTRAN. 5. In the filename window, enter the directory and the name of the file to be read. 6. Click import. To export a NASTRAN file from HyperMesh: 1. Select the files panel. 2. Click export. 3. Double click template. 4. Click NASTRAN. 5. Select either general (for short fixed format) or generallf (for long fixed format). 6. In the filename window, enter the directory and the name of the file to be written to. 7. Click write. Supported Cards The NASTRAN interface supports the following cards. The cards are grouped with their corresponding HyperMesh entity. Components Control Cards Coordinate Systems Elements Groups Load Collectors 2 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering Load Steps Loads Materials Multi-point Constraints Nodes Properties Sets Vectors and Vector Collectors Control Cards NASTRAN Keyword DIAG ID SOL TIME TITLE SUBTITLE MAXLINES PARAM The maximum number of lines is 999999999 (NASTRAN default). The following parameters are supported: ASING, AUTOSPC, BAILOUT, COUPMASS, CURV, CURVPLOT, DDRMM, EPPRT, EPZERO, GRDPNT, K6ROT, MAXRATIO, MPCX, NEWSEQ, OLDSEQ, OUNIT2, POST, PRGPST, SPCGEN, TINY, USETPRT, WTMASS. Only real number sets can be created using control cards. For node and element sets, see Sets. CEND, BEGIN BULK, ENDDATA ACMODL When the model is created from HyperMesh, the cards are on by default. The cards can be turned on or off individually. Notes SET To create a control card: 1. From the BCs page, select the cntl cards panel. 2. Click the NASTRAN control card to be created. 3. Type in the necessary information for the control card you are creating. 4. Click return. Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 3 Converted to CORD2S on export. Converted to CORD2C on export. Pick the loads that need to be referenced to this coordinate system. Select the systems panel on the BCs page. or cylindrical. 8. Converted to CORD2R on export.Coordinate Systems NASTRAN Keyword CORD1R CORD2R CORD1C CORD2C CORD1S CORD2S NOTE Only CORD2R. 5. Pick the node that defines the x direction. Click origin. 5. 10. NOTE HyperMesh automatically assigns a system ID. spherical. 7. 3. Pick the node that defines the xy plane. 9. Select the coordinate system type you want to create: rectangular. To create a coordinate system card: 1. If the nodes are not displayed. Pick the node that defines the origin. Ensure that at least three nodes are available to create a coordinate system. Select the systems panel on the BCs page. Click return. Click create. Click the upper switch and select loads. 2. Notes Supported on feinput only. 4. Pick the coordinate system from the graphics window. Select the create subpanel. For cylindrical and spherical systems. 6. 3. 6. To assign a CID to a load: 1. Supported on feinput only. Supported on feinput only. Select the assign subpanel. use the temp nodes panel to add pick handles to the nodes. 2. 4. Click system. CORD2C. the x-axis defines the radial direction ( = 0) and the xy plane defines the r. and CORD2S card images are supported. 4 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering .plane. NOTE If a local coordinate system has been defined previously. Click set reference. Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 5 . In HyperMesh 5. velocities. Click system. NOTE You can also assign a load to a local coordinate system by choosing the local system switch in the forces. 3. Click return. Click create node. 8. 4. 2. 4. You have the choice of placing SPOINT anywhere in the model. moments. 2. 5. Select the create nodes panel on the geom page. Nodes NASTRAN Keyword GRID SPOINT Notes Permanent single point constraint field supported for feinput only. Pick the coordinate system. SPOINT is supported the same way GRID is supported. 3. On export. 8. 6. you can define the node in a reference coordinate system by specifying the ID of the system in the system = field before clicking create. Pick the nodes that need to be defined in this coordinate system. Click return. equivalent SPC cards are output. Select the type in subpanel and enter the coordinate values for the node. Select the assign subpanel. To create a GRID card: 1. or accel panel when creating these loads. Click set reference.1. Click the upper switch and select nodes. To assign a CP ID to a GRID card: 1. Click return. Select the systems panel on the BCs page. 7.7. NASTRAN Keyword MAT1 MAT2 6 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . Choose Node (if not already chosen). Click set analysis. Select the type in subpanel and enter the coordinate values for the node. 5. Check SPOINT box. 6.To assign a CD ID to a GRID card: 1. Select the systems panel on the BCs page. Select the create nodes panel on the geom page. Click card. 6. 3. 9. 1. Click edit. Click on the node designated to be SPOINT 8. Click the upper switch and select nodes. Click return. Click system. 4. Click return. 4. 5. Pick the coordinate system. Select the assign subpanel. These card images have the same name as the corresponding cards. Materials Some of the material data cards provided by NASTRAN can be created by loading and editing the appropriate card images in HyperMesh. 2. 7. Click create node. To create a SPOINT card: SPOINT is supported the same way GRID is supported. 10. 8. 7. Click return. Pick the nodes that have dof directions defined using this coordinate system. 2. 3. Click return. Appropriate default values are inserted during feinput. For Shell and Solid element properties see Components. 2.MAT4 MAT8 MAT9 MAT10 To create a MAT card: 1. rods. Properties The property data cards for NASTRAN 1-D elements (beams. 5. Select the card image type. Blank fields are not supported for intermediate stations. Click card image =. Select the create subpanel. 8. Click the upper switch and select mats. bars. 4. Enter the relevant data for the MAT card. NASTRAN Keyword PBAR PBARL PBEAM PBEAML PBEND PDAMP PELAS PROD PTUBE Blank fields are not supported for intermediate stations. Notes Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 7 . Appropriate default values are inserted during feinput. 3. and so on) can be created by loading and editing card images into property collectors in HyperMesh. 6. Click create/edit. 7. Select the collectors panel. 9. spring. Click name = and enter the name for the material collector. based on the following settings in the HM_ELAS property card: 8 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . Using HM_ELAS Note NASTRAN users should consider using the PBUSH property card instead of HM_ELAS.PGAP PBUSH PWELD HM_ELAS NOTE See Using HM_ELAS Only one card image can be loaded into each property collector. On export. A new node is created (Node 3) which is coincident with Node 2. To assign 1-D elements to property collectors. select the property collector from property = in the appropriate 1-D element panel. See the HyperBeam on-line help for more information. between Node 1 and Node 3. The HyperMesh spring entity is a single dof and single spring constant finite-length element. Up to six zero-length elements are created. The following diagram illustrates how a single HM_ELAS spring element converts to a NASTRAN bulk data file: As shown above. The component groupings are maintained on export and import. HM_ELAS property cards can be used to convert single HyperMesh spring elements into a group of zero-length springs and rigids. Six dofs are defined in a single property card. the single spring element in HyperMesh writes a group of rigids and springs. 2. The new node references the same local coordinate system as Node 2. and the springs in this group are created as zero-length to avoid some of the common modeling errors caused by finitelength springs. 1-D elements can be grouped into components with 2-D and 3-D elements for display purposes. Properties for PBAR and PBEAM cards can be manually input in the card image or automatically created using the HyperBeam module. with 6 DOFS fixed. between Node 2 and Node 3. 3. An RBE2 element is created. the following occurs: 1. 6 to create additional CONROD elements. Click rod = and select the CONROD element type. 5. 11. Select the rods panel on the 1-D page. an RBE2 element is created. Note Removing these comment cards allows you to load the elements back into HyperMesh the way NASTRAN sees them. NOTE It is not necessary to create a property collector for CONROD elements. After you select end A and end B. 12. HyperMesh creates the CONROD element. Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 9 . Click edit. HyperMesh comment cards are written at the beginning and end of each HM_SPRING element so that the element can be imported correctly in the HyperMesh session. 4. 15. While the lower node is highlighted. To create and assign properties to CONROD elements: 1. 2. These comment cards suppress the reading of the individual CELAS2 and RBE2 elements and the third "artificial" nodes so that you are left with the two original nodes and a single spring element once the bulk data file is loaded back into HyperMesh. 10. Click MID and select a material for these elements from the list of material collectors. 6. 14. Click type = and select CONROD. and NSM fields in the card image and enter the properties for the selected elements. Edit the A.í í í If the DOF is a value you set. Select the element types panel on the 1-D page. make sure that any equivalencing operations performed using these elements are done properly. If this is done. J. Repeat steps 4 . no elements are created for that DOF 4. Select the card panel on the permanent menu. 7. Click the switch and select elems. C. 9. Click config = and select rod. select end A from the graphics window. NOTE The property = field is not used for CONROD elements. select end B from the graphics window. Select the CONROD elements for which you want to specify properties. with the K field equal to the supplied value If the DOF is set to RIGID. 3. While the upper node is highlighted. 16. Click return. Click return. 8. 13. with that DOF fixed If the DOF is set to FREE. a CELAS2 element is created for that DOF. Ensure the appropriate DOF switch is unselected in the options list. Click property = and select the property with the HM_ELAS card image loaded. FREE is the default option for the DOF fields when the card is created. Select the collectors panel. 13. 7. 2. Type in the spring constant value under the appropriate DOF label in the card image. Click return. 16. Select the create subpanel. Click create/edit. Click the button under the DOF label in the card image and select RIGID from the pop-up menu. Click the upper switch and select props. 6. Click material = and select a material collector. Enter a property name after name =. 10. There are three choices for each DOF: FREE. 3. To enter a SPRING constant: í í í í Select the appropriate DOF switch from the options list. NOTE The orientation vector option is not used for HM_ELAS elements. To select the RIGID option: To select the FREE option: í í NOTE 9.To create HM_SPRING elements: 1. 11. After selecting end A and end B. 10 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . RIGID. Click the button under the DOF label in the card image and select FREE from the pop-up menu. While the lower node is highlighted. and SPRING constant. 17. 15. Select the springs panel on the 1-D page. Click return. HyperMesh creates the HM_SPRING element. Select the element types panel on the 1-D page. 5. 18. Click card image = and select HM_ELAS. 14. select end A from the graphics window. Click the orientation vector toggle switch to no vector. Click spring = and select the HM_SPRING element type. 4. While the upper node is highlighted. Ensure the appropriate DOF switch is unselected in the options list. 8. 12. select end B from the graphics window. X2. Repeat steps 2 . If the first node in the vector definition (from node) is not the same as end A of the CGAP element. NOTE For more information on creating vectors. or X3 fields and manually edit an orientation vector. 7. the second node of the vector definition (to node) is added as a direction node (G0) in the element definition. í If you select a vector which was created using the base and magnitude or cross product options: í A direction vector (X1. If you select no vector. Create an orientation vector using the vectors panel. Click edit. 5. Select the CGAP elements that you want to edit. since they are defined in the HM_ELAS property card. X3) is added to the element definition which is the direction of the selected vector resolved into the local coordinate system assigned to end A. Click the orientation vector toggle switch to no vector. Click config = and select gap.NOTE The DOF buttons in this panel are ignored. X2. 4. To create CGAP elements: 1. see the vectors panel in the on-line help. Click to node and select end B from the graphics window. Click CID and select a local coordinate system from the graphics window. Once you select the orientation vector. HyperMesh creates the CGAP element.8 to create additional CGAP elements. Click the switch and select elems. X3) is added to the element definition. follow these procedures: í í í í í í Select the card panel on the permanent menu. 3. a direction vector (X1. Click property = and select the property with the PGAP card image loaded. There are three options for choosing an orientation vector: If you select a vector which was created using the two nodes option: í If the first node in the vector definition (from node) is the same as end A of the CGAP element. Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 11 . If you want to use a local coordinate system (CID) to define the element coordinate system: í 8. X2. 9. which is the direction of the selected vector resolved into the local coordinate system assigned to end A. Click from node and select end A from the graphics window. Select the gaps panel on the 1-D page. 6. 2. Click the orientation vector toggle switch to orient vector. 10. or activate any of the X1. 4. The material longitudinal axis of the element. Elements that share property data are collected into one component. shown in the composites panel as elem orientation is obtained either by rotating the x axis of the element THETA degree (from THETA field in the element card) counterclockwise. is obtained by rotating the material longitudinal axis THETAi degree (from the THETAi field in the PCOMP card) counterclockwise. 2. shown in the composites panel as ply direction. Click return. or by projecting the x axis of a system (from MCID field in the element card) onto the surface of the element.NOTE í The default CID is blank. and a corresponding property data card is created by loading and editing the appropriate component card image. You can view each ply direction through the composites panel. including the orientation of the longitudinal direction of each ply. Select the create subpanel. 6. To create a property collector: 1. Select the collectors panel. NASTRAN Keyword PSHELL PSHEAR PSOLID PCOMP 12 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . Enter a property name after name =. 8. 7. Components The property data cards for NASTRAN shells and solids can be created using the component collector in HyperMesh. Enter the relevant data. Click create/edit. 9. which stands for the basic global coordinate system. Composite Materials The PCOMP card contains all information regarding composite materials. Click return. Click the upper switch and select props. Click material = and select a material collector. 5. Each ply orientation. Click card image = and select the card image type. These card images have the same name as their corresponding cards. 3. Enter the relevant data. Click the upper switch and select comps. 5. or CMB fields. and CDAMP2 with grounded terminals are not supported. CQUADR. An RBE2 element with one dependent node is identified as a rigid element. while an element with multiple dependent nodes is identified as a rigid link element. Click create/edit. 7. 6. 10. CDAMP2. CONROD. 3. Select the create subpanel. Notes RBE2 RBE3 CELAS1. Click card image = and select the card image type. See the on-line help for the rbe3 panel for more information. CMA. To edit the CNA. 8. CDAMP1. CNB. CDAMP1. you must view the card image for the RBAR element. Select the collectors panel.To create a component card: 1. CTUBE CBAR. CTRIAR CQUAD4. CELAS2. 2. Click material = and select a material collector from the list. CBEND CGAP CTRIA3. Enter a component name after name =. 4. Click return. 9. Individual weight factors can be created on the independent nodes of RBE3 using the update functionality in the rbe3 panel. CBEAM. Elements NASTRAN Keyword CONM2 CMASS2 PLOTEL RBAR RBAR CNA field defaults to 123456. CSHEAR Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 13 . Elements CELAS2. Click color and select a display color from the menu. and CBUSH CROD. respectively. Click spring = and select the CBUSH element type. the HyperMesh spotweld panel can only create Node-Node and Patch-Patch CWELD elements. you can define a second order element with missing mid-side nodes. Input data decks containing such elements are read by the translator as a first-order element.msg file indicating the corresponding element ID. Input data decks containing such elements are read by the translator as a first-order element. Input data decks containing such elements are read by the translator as a first-order element. Select the element types panel on the 1-D page.msg file indicating the corresponding element ID. A message is written to the nastran. CWELD element is stored in HyperMesh as an element of the "rod" configuration.msg file indicating the corresponding element ID. A message is written to the nastran. you can define a second order element with missing mid-side nodes. A message is written to the nastran. A message is written to the nastran. HyperMesh can read Node-Node. Input data decks containing such elements are read by the translator as a first-order element. 2. HM_SPRING CPENTA (15-noded) CHEXA (20-noded) CWELD To create CBUSH elements: 1. In NASTRAN.CTRIA6 In NASTRAN. A message is written to the nastran. Currently.msg file indicating the corresponding element ID. 4. you can define a second order element with missing mid-side nodes. Click return. In NASTRAN. you can define a second order element with missing mid-side nodes.msg file indicating the corresponding element ID. Node-Patch. HyperMesh always calculates the location of GA and GB by projecting GS in the normal direction of surface patch A and surface patch B. which were not created in HyperMesh will be displayed as zero length. 14 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . CQUAD8 CTETRA (4-noded) CPENTA (6-noded) CHEXA (8-noded) CTETRA (10-noded) In NASTRAN. CWELD elements using the “ELEMID option. 3. you can define a second order element with missing mid-side nodes. In NASTRAN. Input data decks containing such elements are read by the translator as a first-order element. Create an orientation vector using the vectors panel. or Patch-Patch weld elements. 6. Click the orientation vector toggle switch to orient vector. X2. If the first node in the vector definition (from node) is not the same as end A of the CBUSH element. X3) is added to the element definition. follow these procedures: í í í í í í í Click the card panel on the permanent menu. 7. NOTE The DOF selection buttons are not needed to define a CBUSH element. 5.11 to create additional CBUSH elements. 10. click on the CID field and select a local coordinate system from the graphics window.NOTE For more information on creating vectors. The default CID is blank. Select the springs panel on the 1-D page. Click the upper node and select end A from the graphics window. the second node of the vector definition (to node) is added as a direction node (G0) in the element definition. 9. 13. Click the orientation vector toggle switch to no vector. There are three options for choosing an orientation vector: If you select a vector which was created using the two nodes option: í If the first node in the vector definition (from node) is the same as end A of the CBUSH element. Click property = and select the property with the PBUSH card image loaded. 8. 12. HyperMesh creates the CBUSH element. NOTE Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 15 . If you select the no vector option or you want to specify an offset for any of the CBUSH elements. see the vectors panel in the HyperMesh Panels On-line Help. Repeat steps 5 . which stands for the basic global coordinate system. Once you select the orientation vector. Select config = and select springs. Click edit. Click the switch and select elems. X2. X3) is added to the element definition which is the direction of the selected vector resolved into the local coordinate system assigned to end A. a direction vector (X1. To use a local coordinate system as the element coordinate system. Select type = and select CBUSH. which is the direction of the selected vector resolved into the local coordinate system assigned to end A. Click the lower node and select end B from the graphics window. Select the CBUSH elements that you want to edit. A direction vector (X1. í If you select a vector which was created using the base & magnitude or cross product options: í If you want to use a local coordinate system (CID) to define the element coordinate system: í 11. Select the card panel on the permanent menu. 8. 16 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . Select the element types panel on the 1-D page. Click return. 5. Select the springs panel on the 1-D page. Select the CELAS2 elements for which you want to specify properties. NOTE It is not necessary to create a property collector for CELAS2 elements. select end B from the graphics window. 9. 13. 14. Repeat steps 4 . Click type = and select CELAS2. 17. í Click return.í To add an offset to the element: í í Click CONT and select one of the OCID options Type in the data in the card image. 3. GE. Edit the K. 16. Click the orientation vector toggle switch to no vector. 2. Click spring = and select the CELAS2 element type. 10. NOTE The orientation vector option is not used for CELAS2 elements. 15. 7. Click config = and select spring. 12. HyperMesh creates the CELAS2 element.8 to create additional CELAS2 elements. To create and assign properties to CELAS2 elements: 1. Select the toggle next to the DOF for this element. 6. While the upper node is highlighted. select end A from the graphics window. and S fields in the card image and enter the properties for the selected elements. Click the switch and select elems. Click edit. 4. After selecting end A and end B. While the lower node is highlighted. Click return. 11. On the 1D page. To create CWELD elements using the rods panel: 1. Click property = and select the desired property. Choose create (if not already chosen). Select CONM2. select the elem types panel. select the elem types panel. 2. it is important that CWELD is assigned to ROD element configuration (which is currently the default value). Select CWELD. 4. 5. Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 17 . í í Click masses. it is important that CONM2 is assigned to MASS element configuration (which is currently the default value). Create CONM2. 3. 3. 4. 5. select the rods panel.Creating CWELD Elements CWELD element is created using ROD element configuration. therefore before creating any CWELD element. You can create CWELD elements using either the rods panel (node-node only) or the spotweld panel (node-node and patch-patch). To assign CWELD to ROD elements configuration: 1. Click return. Click rod =. 3. Click mass =. Creating CONM2 Elements CONM2 element is created using MASS element configuration. 2. On the 1D page. 2. On the 1D page. Click return. therefore before creating any CONM2 element. 4. Pick the second node to be weld (click on the node). Pick the first node to weld (click on the node). Click return. To assign CONM2 to MASS element configuration: 1. Click mass =. Select CMASS2. 3. therefore before creating any CMASS2 element. select the elem types panel. Click on the node where CMASS2 will be attached. Click return. Click return.G2 and C2. 18 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . Fill in the mass value of CMASS2 element. Click return. it is important that CMASS2 is assigned to MASS element configuration (which is currently the default value). Click on CMASS2 element to be edited Click edit. 4. Click create.í í í í í Click on the node where CONM2 will be attached.C2 í í í í í í Click card. 5. 6. To assign CONM2 to MASS element configuration: 1. Fill in the mass value of CONM2 element. Fill in the value of C1. On the 1D page. Choose element. Creating CMASS2 Elements CMASS2 element is created using MASS element configuration. Choose create (if not already chosen). Click system to assign a system to CONM2 (blank or –1 is assigned through card viewer) Click create. Click return.G2. Assign C1. Create CMASS2. 2. í í í í í í Click masses. 2. or 3-D page. Select the card panel on the permanent menu. Verify the element type. 6. or 3-D page. 4. 7. Click return. Groups Heat transfer surfaces can be defined for NASTRAN using groups in HyperMesh. Click the leftmost switch and select elems from the pop-up menu. Select the elem types panel on the 1-D. 2-D. Click update. These types are used for any new elements created. Indicate which elements you want to update by picking them from the graphics window. 4. 2-D. 3. 2. Click return. 5. NASTRAN Keyword PCONV Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 19 . or click elems and choose from the extended entity selection menu. Click return. 2. Only convective heat transfer can be defined using this method. Set the NASTRAN type you want to use for each configuration of element. 5. Set the NASTRAN type you want to use for each configuration of element. 6. 3. To check an existing element’s type: 1.To select an element type: 1. Select the element for which you want to find the element type from the graphics window. To change an existing element’s type: 1. Select the elem types panel from the 1-D. Click edit. Select the appropriate NASTRAN template. Click elems. 3. Click add on the same line as slave to add those elements to the surface. For surfaces which are defined using the faces of solid elements: í Before you can select elements to define your surface. Click return. click delete faces on the faces panel before exporting the model to NASTRAN. 2. Select the card panel on the permanent menu. Click the switch under slave and select entities from the pop-up window. Click edit. 13. The original element that was selected is not modified. Click CONV. 12. 8. PCONID is determined automatically from the group to which the CHBDYE elements belong. 9. 5. 4. Select the interfaces panel on the BCs page. í 20 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering .To create CHBDYE elements and assign a PCONV card: 1. or any other ambient nodes. If you want to define FLMND. Click type = and select CHBDYE3 or CHBDYE4. For the ghost elements to refer to the solid elements and not to the face elements. 14. 10. Select the elements that you want to use to define the heat transfer surface. NOTE Comments When elements are added to a group. click the appropriate field and select a node from the graphics window. You can then add these face elements to the group using the procedure above. 17. Select the add subpanel. Select the CHBDYE slave elements for which you want to specify properties. 6. Click elems. Click name = and select the group with the PCONV card image loaded. 7. 3. For ambient nodes TA5-TA8. Click config = and select slave3 or slave4. 11. Click TA1 and select the first ambient node from the graphics window. 16. These ghost elements can be used to define the type of heat transfer occurring on the surface. click CONV_CONT and select the node input field from the card image. CNTRLND. NOTE For solid elements. Click the switch and select elems. you must use the faces panel to create face elements on the surface of the solid elements where the heat transfer will occur. see Comments. 15. HyperMesh creates ghost element images that are placed into the group. Click MID in the card image and select a material collector from the list. 5. Indicate the nodes or elems you want to include in the set by picking them from the graphics window. 6. or click nodes or elems and choose from the extended entity selection menu. Enter a set collector name after name =. 5. 2. 7. 3. Click return. 6. Select the interfaces panel on the BCs page. Edit the FORM and EXPF fields as necessary. NOTE Any CHBDYE elements created using this group are assigned to this PCONV card. To create a PCONV card: 1. When reading input decks that were not created in HyperMesh. HyperMesh attempts to create two sets for each set found: one containing elements and one containing nodes. You can delete the unnecessary set. 4. Click create. To create an entity set: 1. 9. 8. Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 21 .í If more than one solid element shares the same face along a contact surface. Click return. Enter a collector name after name =. the solid element to which the ghost element’s normal points is selected. Click the upper switch and select nodes or elems. Click type = and select PCONV. 3. 2. Click interface color and select a color. Select the create subpanel. Sets that are created in HyperMesh are maintained as node or element sets by using $HMSET comment cards. 4. Click create/edit. Select the entity sets panel on the BCs page. Sets NASTRAN Keyword SET NOTE Notes Node and element sets supported with the THRU option. vectors can be used to define orientation directions for gap and spring elements or to define the SNORM card. all vectors organized into that vector collector will write out as SNORM vectors to the NASTRAN bulk data file. Click review. 5. Select the set you want to review. 2. 2. For SNORM vectors. all vectors organized into that vector collector will write out as SNORM vectors to the Nastran bulk data file.To review an entity set: 1. In order to view the actual SNORM cards. For orientation vectors. For Nastran. vectors can be used to define orientation directions for gap and spring elements or to define the SNORM card. Select or deselect nodes or elements to change the definition of the set. Click update. Select the entity sets panel on the BCs page. Select the set to update. vector collectors are used to group vectors. NASTRAN Keyword SNORM Notes If the SNORM card image is loaded onto the vector collector containing this vector. 3. Vector Collectors In HyperMesh. Vectors For NASTRAN. Loading the SNORM card image onto the collector assigns the SNORM type onto all of the vectors contained in that collector. NASTRAN Keyword SNORM Notes There is no card image associated with the collector. this vector can be card edited. For SNORM vectors. 4. Once this is done. Click review. Once this is done. 3. Select the entity sets panel on the BCs page. HyperMesh selects the entities contained in the set that you selected. Loading the SNORM card image onto the collector assigns the SNORM type onto all of the vectors contained in that collector. you must load the SNORM card image onto the vector collector (see Vector Collectors above). HyperMesh selects the entities contained in the set you selected. you must load the SNORM card image onto the vector collector. it is not necessary to load any card image data onto the vector collector. 22 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . each vector must be individually card edited. To update an entity set: 1. Putting loads and constraints into a specific load collector results in errors in NASTRAN. there are two types of load collectors for NASTRAN: • • Specific load collectors with a card image Generic load collectors without a card image Generic load collectors are used to collect loads and constraints for display purposes and to assign an ID to the loads. GRAV. loads that have the same SID are collected into the same load collector. If a load collector already exists in the database with the same SID. NASTRAN Keyword SPCADD LOAD EIGRL MPCADD GRAV RFORCE EIGB EIGC EIGP EIGR Using load collectors and load steps to arrange subcases In HyperMesh. The original load collector and the loads it contains are deleted. the new load collector replaces the existing load collector. such as EIGRL. MPCADD. such as loads and constraints. and load steps interact in HyperMesh: Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 23 . During export. load collectors. and RFORCE. should not be collected into specific load collectors. the new load collector’s ID is offset and all loads in that collector will have a new SID upon export. Specific load collectors are used for specialized loading cards.Load Collectors When reading in a NASTRAN deck. Specific load collectors have card images which can be edited to do the following: • • Group other load collectors together for simultaneous application in a single load step Provide special information for a specific analysis type (such as modal analysis) General boundary conditions. SPCADD. The following diagram illustrates how loads. one of the following can occur: • • If overwrite is off (default). Each load step is a single subcase. HyperMesh writes SPC= or LOAD= cards based on the load collectors selected for the load step. Load steps are used to group load collectors into subcases. LOAD. If overwrite is on. Click create/edit. Click card image = and select the card image type (EIGRL. RFORCE). Click create. MPCADD. Enter the relevant data in the card image. Click color and select a color from the pop-up menu. 5.Click on one of the following to learn how load collectors and load steps can be combined to provide subcases for NASTRAN: Modal analysis with one subcase Static analysis with one subcase Static analysis with two subcases and multi-point constraints Static analysis with combined subcases To create a load collector: 1. 6. SPCADD. Click return. If creating a generic load collector: í í í Click the switch under creation method: and select no card image. GRAV. If creating a specific load collector: í í í í í Click the switch under creation method: and select card image. Select the collectors panel. Click the upper switch and select loadcols. Click return. Select the create subpanel. 4. 3. 7. 2. LOAD. Enter a load collector name after name =. 24 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . To organize loads into load collectors: 1. Enter a load collector you want to copy or move the loads into after destination =. Export the deck to NASTRAN. It contains information on using load collectors and load steps to arrange subcases. NOTE Loads and constraints should not be organized into specific load collectors. see the Load Collectors section. It contains information on using load collectors and load steps to arrange subcases. 4. Create constraints and place them in the generic1 load collector. For more information. Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 25 . 2. Putting loads and constraints into specific load collectors results in errors in NASTRAN. Create a load step called subcase1. 3.00 1000. 6. Create a generic load collector called generic1. Click the leftmost switch and select loads. Select the organize panel.NOTE Loads and constraints should not be organized into specific load collectors. Click copy or move. 5. 5. Create a specific load collector called specific2 with the EIGRL dictionary loaded. Click return. 2. For more information. 3. To create a subcase for NASTRAN using modal analysis with one subcase: SUBCASE 1 SPC=1 METHOD=2 BEGIN BULK EIGRL 2 1. see the Load Collectors section.00 5 To create the subcase in HyperMesh: 1. 4. Select load collectors generic1 and specific2 to be included in the subcase definition. Create a generic load collector called generic2. 8. Export the deck to NASTRAN. Select load collectors generic1 and generic2 to be included in the subcase definition. Create the loads for subcase2 and place them in the generic4 load collector. Create a loadstep called subcase1. 3. To create a subcase for NASTRAN using static analysis with two subcases and multi-point constraints: SUBCASE 1 SPC=1 LOAD=2 MPC=3 SUBCASE2 SPC=1 LOAD=4 MPC=3 To create the subcase in HyperMesh: 1. 4.To create a subcase for NASTRAN using static analysis with one subcase: SUBCASE 1 SPC=1 LOAD=2 To create the subcase in HyperMesh: 1. 2. Create a generic load collector called generic4. Create a generic load collector called generic 1. Create loads and place them in the generic2 load collector. 5. 6. 3. 5. Create a generic load collector called generic1. Create multi-point constraints and place them in the generic3 load collector. 7. Create a loadstep called subcase1. 6. 2. Create a generic load collector called generic2. 7. Create constraints and place them in the generic1 load collector. Create a generic load collector called generic3. 4. 9. Create constraints and place them in the generic1 load collector. 26 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . Create the loads for subcase1 and place them in the generic2 load collector. Create a generic load collector called generic1. Create a generic load collector called generic2. 7. To create a subcase for NASTRAN using static analysis with combined subcases: SUBCASE1 LABEL=X-FORCE SPC=1 LOAD=2 SUBCASE2 LABEL=Y-FORCE SPC=3 LOAD=4 SUBCASE3 LABEL=Z-FORCE SPC=5 LOAD=6 SUBCASE4 LABEL=ALL-FORCES SPC=7 LOAD=8 To create the subcase in HyperMesh: 1. Create the constraints for subcase3 and place them in the generic5 load collector. Create a generic load collector called generic4. 11.10. 6. and generic3 to be included in the subcase definition. Create a loadstep called subcase2. Select load collectors generic1. Create a generic load collector called generic3. Create the loads for subcase2 and place them in the generic4 load collector. 3. Create a generic load collector called generic5. 8. Select load collectors generic1. and generic4 to be included in the subcase definition. generic3. Create the constraints for subcase1 and place them in the generic1 load collector. Export the deck to NASTRAN. 9. 5. 2. 12. 10. generic2. 4. Create the constraints for subcase2 and place them in the generic3 load collector. Create the loads for subcase1 and place them in the generic2 load collector. 13. Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 27 . 11. 22. and generic6. generic4. and generic5. Select load collectors generic5 and generic6 to be included in the subcase definition. using the fields in the LOAD card image. Create a specific load collector called specific7 with the SPCADD card image loaded. 23. Create a loadstep called subcase2. 19. 21. Create a generic load collector called generic6. Create a specific load collector called specfic8 with the LOAD card image loaded. generic3. Group load collectors generic2. using the fields in the SPCADD card image. Export the deck to NASTRAN. Select load collectors generic1 and generic2 to be included in the subcase definition. 24. 20. Create a loadstep called subcase2. Load Steps NASTRAN Keyword SUBCASE LABEL DISPLACEMENT STRESS STRAIN ELFORCE ESE SPCFORCES 28 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . 15. Group load collectors generic1. 14. 13. 12. Select load collectors specific7 and specific8 to be included in the subcase definition. Create the loads for subcase3 and place them in the generic5 load collector. Create a loadstep called subcase3. 16. 25. NOTE You can edit the LABEL field in the subcase1 loadstep card image to add the label as shown above. Create a loadstep called subcase1. 18. Select load collectors generic3 and generic4 to be included in the subcase definition. 17. PUNCH. SGAGE. Select the stess argument box to activate one or more of the following arguments. Select the strain argument box to activate one or more of the following arguments. IMAG.DISPLACEMENT (arg1. arg1 = SORT1 (Default). arg5. NONE STRAIN (arg1. arg3. arg1 = SORT1 (Default). arg1 = SORT1 (Default). Select the displacements argument box to activate one or more of the following arguments. arg2. arg2. IMAG. PLOT arg3 = REAL (Default). PLOT arg3 = REAL (Default). arg6) = arg7 To select strain as an output: 1. arg6) = arg7 To select stress as an output: 1. PLOT arg3 = REAL (Default). PUNCH. 3. PRINT. PRINT. 3. 2. PHASE arg4 = VON MISES (Default). arg4. NONE STRESS (arg1. SORT2 arg2 = PRINT (Default). arg4. 3. arg5. Select Displacement. 2. SHEAR arg5 = STRCUR (Default). 2. Select Output. arg3. PRINT. PUNCH. SORT2 arg2 = PRINT (Default). PHASE Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 29 . arg2. FIBER arg6 = CENTER (Default). BILIN arg7 = ALL (Default). PUNCH. PUNCH. Select Strain. Select Output. SORT2 arg2 = PRINT (Default). CORNER. PUNCH. Select Stress. PHASE arg4 = ALL (Default). Select Output. arg3) = arg4 To select displacement as an output: 1. IMAG. PHASE arg4 = CENTER (Default). arg1 = SORT1 (Default). 3. PUNCH. Select SPCFORCES. FIBER arg6 = CENTER (Default). arg3) = arg4 To select SPCFORCES as an output: 1. SORT2 arg2 = PRINT (Default). BILIN. 2. arg4) = arg5 To select ELFORCE as an output: 1. arg1 = PRINT arg2 = PUNCH arg3 = ALL (Default). BILIN arg7 = ALL (Default). SGAGE. 2. Select Output. Select the ELForce argument box to activate one or more of the following arguments. Select Output. 3. arg2) = arg7 To select ESE as an output: 1. NONE SPCFORCES (arg1. 3. arg1 = SORT1 (Default). CORNER. 2. Select ELFORCE. CUBIC arg5 = ALL (Default). arg3. PLOT arg3 = REAL (Default). PRINT. IMAG. Select the ESE argument box to activate one or more of the following arguments. PUNCH. Select ESE.arg4 = VON MISES (Default). CORNER. Select Output. PRINT. arg2. Select the SPCFORCES argument box to activate one or more of the following arguments. SGAGE. SORT2 arg2 = PRINT (Default). SHEAR arg5 = STRCUR (Default). PUNCH. NONE ELFORCE (arg1. PLOT 30 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . arg2. PUNCH. NONE ESE (arg1. 3. 4. IMAG. Click return. 3. ASET1. Alternate format with THRU in the fifth field is supported. Select the load steps panel on the BCs page. Click loadcols. Click return. Select the load step for which you want to edit the card image. Select the NASTRAN/General template from the global panel. Click edit. To edit load steps: 1. On export. 6. NONE To create load steps: 1. Click name = and enter a load step name. 2. NOTE See the Load Collectors section for instructions on using load collectors and load steps to arrange subcases.arg3 = REAL (Default). Click loadsteps. equivalent SPC cards are written. Enter the relevant data. QSET1. Click create. OMIT1 SPC1 Supported for feinput only. 6. PHASE arg4 = ALL (Default). 2. Notes Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 31 . 8. 4. Loads NASTRAN Keyword FORCE MOMENT SPC. 5. SPCD. Click return. Select the card panel on the permanent menu. 7. 7. Select the load collectors that are to be included in this subcase definition. 5. CSET1. BSET1. Click the leftmost switch and select loadsteps from the pop-up menu. Click loads. Select the create subpanel. Click update. Indicate the loads you want to update by picking them from the graphics window. Select the load types panel on the BCs page. or click loads and choose from the extended entity selection menu. The individual field values. 3. For PLOAD4 card. 2. To select a load type: 1. Enter the relevant data. Select the appropriate NASTRAN template. 5. To check an existing load’s type: 1. 3. Click return. On export. the THRU field is supported for feinput only. 6. 4. Set the NASTRAN type you want to use for each load’s configuration. Select the type of load card to create on the BCs page. QBDY1 For PLOAD2 and PLOAD4 cards. 5. To change an existing load’s type: 1. NOTE Updating the magnitude of pressure from the pressures panel will have no effect on PLOAD4 cards defined using unequal nodal pressures. PLOAD2. 4. Click return. 2. PLOAD4. Set the NASTRAN type you want to use for each load’s configuration. 3.PLOAD. These types are used for any new loads created. To create load cards: 1. additional pressure cards for the range specified are written. The average pressure value is used as the magnitude of the pressure for visualization only. P1P4. 2. 32 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . Click create. Select the load types panel on the BCs page. unequal nodal pressures are now supported. can be viewed or edited using the card editor. Click return. 3. 4. 6.General Some of the functionality of the optimization capability is general. 5. Click the equations panel on the BCs page. Multi-point constraints are considered loads in HyperMesh. Click edit. renumber. Enter the relevant data. rename. Select the create subpanel. 7. Optimization . 5. Click return. and reorder. The optimization panels have separate delete. 3. 2. To define design variables. Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 33 . rename. Select the card panel on the permanent menu. Select the load for which you want to find the load type from the graphics window. Click return. Click create. To set up an optimization problem. renumber. MPCADD NOTE To create multi-point constraint cards: 1. and reorder panels to manipulate optimization entries. see Optimization Design Variables. Use load collectors to group multi-point constraints and to display them.2. design variables need to be defined. Further. To define design variables see Optimization . responses.Problem Setup. Verify the load type. See the on-line help for the equations panel for more information. an objective function and constraints need to be defined. delete. This includes the equation utility. These can be reached through the optimization panel on the BCs page. Is supported as load collector. Click the leftmost switch and select loads from the pop-up menu. 4. Multi-point Constraints NASTRAN Keyword MPC Note Individual weight factors can be created on the nodes of an MPC equation using the update functionality in the equations panel. DVPREL2 Table entries referenced on DRESP2. an objective function and constraints need to be defined. Click edit equation. 3.Problem Setup. renumber. Select the size DV panel. rename. Click create. 6. 7. Optimization – Design Variables Design variables need to be defined to solve an optimization problem. 8 characters) in name = . constraint screening. Further. 3. Type the function into the window that appears in the graphics area. Select the equations panel. table entries. To define design variables. Enter a name (max. 2. 5. Select the optimization panel on the BCs page. responses. see Optimization . OptiStruct Keyword DESVAR DLINK DVPREL1 DVPREL2 Notes Design variable definition Design variable link Generic Property Function Property To define design variables for size optimization: 1. and reorder are described in Optimization . Select the optimization panel on the BCs page. Click return. delete. to set up an optimization problem.OptiStruct Keyword DEQATN DTABLE DOPTPRM DSCREEN Notes Equations referenced on DRESP2. 4. Some more general feature such as the equation utility. DVPREL2 Optimization control card Constraint screening To define an equation: 1. 2.General. Select desvar using the toggle in the upper left 34 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . Click return. <PMIN. 2. 10. Select generic properties using the toggle in the upper left. Create as many design variables as needed in your size optimization. 6. Click return. Click on designvars. You enter the list of design variables. 10. The property is defined as a linear combination of one or more design variables. You may change the linear factors that are defaulted to 1. Select the property. Click create. 4. 11. 7. Enter a name (max. Edit PMAX. Click create. 3. You enter the list of design variables. Click return.0 by editing them. 9. Click on designvars. 8. Enter C0 or CMULT if needed. 8 characters) in dvprel = . To define design variable links: 1.4. Select the independent design variables. Enter a name (max. Select a dependent design variable.0 by editing them. Use the toggles to select the design variables for the given link. Select the optimization panel on the BCs page. 14. 9. Click create. 8 characters) in dvlink = . 13. Use the toggles to select the design variables for the given property. for example a shell thickness. This is to create the relationships between the properties to be designed and the design variables. Enter a name (max. 8 characters) in desvar = . Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 35 . 7. property collector or element from the database. Then automatically a selector pops up that gives a choice of which property is to be designed. 8. 6. 5. Select a component. Click return. You may change the linear factors that are defaulted to 1. 5. and C0 if needed. 15. 12. Select the desvar link panel. OptiStruct Keyword DRESP1 DRESP2 DCONSTR DCONADD DESOBJ Notes Generic response Function response Constraint to define lower and upper bounds Collects constraints Objective function.Optimization . Belongs in the subcase section DESSUB DESGLB To define a response: 1. More general features. see Optimization Design Variables. To define design variables. Belongs in the subcase section Global constraint. Click create. 2. Select the responses panel. design variables need to be defined. 6. Click return. and reorder are described in Optimization . renumber. 2. To define a constraint: 1. Select the constraints panel. can be in or out of the load step. 3. 5. such as the equation utility. elements. Further. If required. If the selected response is dependent on a specific load step. Select the optimization panel on the BCs page. 5. Activate and enter the bounds lowerbound= and/or upperbound= as needed.Problem Setup To set up an optimization problem. 4. Set the response type using the selector. Select a response. responses. 8 characters) in response = . Enter a name (max. properties. table entries. select a load step 36 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . an objective function and constraints need to be defined.General. Select the optimization panel on the BCs page. 6. 3. 8 characters) in constraint = . delete. Enter a name (max. select more information from the database such as nodes. components. materials. rename. Belongs in the subcase section Constraint dependent on the load step. 4. constraint screening. PROP. select the load step. ID is the collector ID. Select a response. VECTORCOL. Select min/max. Click return. These comment cards enable HyperMesh to preserve pre-defined preferences across sessions. right justified in an 8-character field. Color is an integer between 0 and 15. 8. To define the objective function: 1. Working with Comment Cards HyperMesh reads and writes certain HyperMesh commands in the NASTRAN bulk data file as commands. or LOADSTEP. Select the objective panel. Click return. GROUP. 5. 3. 6. Select the optimization panel on the BCs page. Each component creates a $HMCOLOR comment. SYSTCOL. COLLECTORTYPE is one of COMP. MAT. right justified in an 8-character field. The HyperMesh commands that can be defined are listed below. LOADCOL. The color command allows color information from the HyperMesh database to be included in the NASTRAN bulk data. Click create. feinput feoutput Comments $HMMOVE Format $HMMOVE ID Color definition of collectors. 4. If the objective is dependent on a specific load step. $HMCOLOR Format $HMCOLOR <COLLECTORTYPE> ID Color $HMCOLOR is an 8-character field followed by a space. CURVES. 7. Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 37 .7. Click create. and is left justified in a 15character field. 2. Extra continuation lines all have the same $HMASSEM_IDS format. $HMNAME Format $HMNAME <COLLECTOR TYPE> ID "Collector Name could be 32 characters" 38 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering .9I8). ID is the collector id. feinput feoutput Comments Organization commands. ID is the assembly id. feinput feoutput Comments Create assemblies. Each $HMMOVE command moves the list of elements to the component specified by ID. The format of the continuation cards is (8A.$id1 id2 id3 id4 id5 id6 id7 id8 id9 $id10 $id11 $HMMOVE is left justified in an 8-character field. component organization commands. The assembly name is a left justified strong no longer than 32 characters. Each 1-D element writes $HMMOVE commands. Color is an integer between 0 and 15. The format of the component collector IDs is (818). Each assembly writes $HMASSEM and $HMASSEM_IDS commands. right justified in an 8-character field. A blank space must appear between color and assembly name. right justified in an 8-character field. Each $HMASSEM commands adds the list of components to the assembly specified by the ID. $HMASSEM Format $HMASSEM ID Color <Assembly Name could be 32 characters> $HMASSEM_IDS id1 id2 id3 id4 id5 id6 id7 id8 $HMASSEM_IDS id9 id19 id11 $HMASSEM is left justified in an 8-character field. $HMASSEM_IDS is left justified in a 16-character field. right justified in an 8-character field. PROP. CURVES. ID is the collector ID. $HMASURF. or LOADSTEP and is left justified in a 16-character field. $HMNAME CWELD GA1. double quoted string. HyperMesh also writes the following comment cards: $HMAGEOM. loads ctr_of_gravity errorcheck Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 39 . Summarizes some common model errors. right justified in an 8-character field. The generallf template generates NASTRAN input decks in fixed. $HMALINE. GROUP. The name command allows the names of components and load collectors from the HyperMesh database to be included in the NASTRAN bulk data file. LOADCOL. Each component creates a $HMNAME comment. $HMNAME CWELD GB1. BEAMSECTS. Summary Templates The following summary templates are available for NASTRAN: elements Summarizes the number of each element type in the current HyperMesh database. BEAMSECTCOLS. Templates The general template generates NASTRAN input decks in fixed. $HMNAME CWELD SHDA SHDB These cards are generated when you create a CWELD element. Summarizes the forces and moments applied to the current model.$HMNAME is left justified in an 8-character field. feinput feoutput Comments The name of a collector. Calculates the center of gravity of the model. double precision format. COLLECTOR TYPE is one of COMP. MAT. $HMNAME BEAMSECTS These cards are generated when you create a beam section using the HyperBeam module and tie those cross sections to a property card. and $HMASSOC These cards are generated when you create lines and surfaces and enable the geometry option during feoutput. $HMNAME CWELD GRID. In addition to the above comments. The collector name is a left justified. single precision format. $HMNAME CWELD GAGB. $HMBEAMSEC. VECTORCOL. SYSTCOL. Click summary. 2. Double click template file. Double click template file. 4. 5. Click ctr_of_gravity. components To summarize the number of each element in the HyperMesh database: 1. 5. Click loads. 2. 4. Double click template file. 3. Click the summary panel on the Post page. 5. Click nastran (when using summary template for the first time. To summarize the forces and moments applied to the model: 1. 2. jump to step 4 thereafter). Click summary. Click nastran (when using summary template for the first time. 3. 3. 40 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . Summarizes the component information in the current HyperMesh database. 4. 3. Double click template file. Click summary. jump to step 4 thereafter). Click the summary panel on the Post page. To summarize common model errors: 1. To calculate the center of gravity of the model: 1.mom_of_intertia Calculates the mass moment of inertia of each component of the model as well as the mass moment of inertia of the entire model. 4. Click nastran (when using summary template for the first time. Click errorcheck. Click the summary panel on the Post page. jump to step 4 thereafter). Click the summary panel on the Post page. 2. Click nastran (when using summary template for the first time. jump to step 4 thereafter). Click element. Click nastran (when using summary template for the first time. Volume computation of 1-D elements. the thickness provided in the element continuation card is used. For elements with non-uniform thickness. 5. To summarize the component information in the HyperMesh database: 1. 3. such as CQUAD4 and TRIA3. 4. it is assumed that the variation between two successive cross-sections is linear. such as PBAR and PBEAM. Click component. Click nastran (when using summary template for the first time. 5. Click summary. such as CBAR and CBEAM. To calculate the mass moment of inertia of each component of the model and the entire model: 1. Click summary. the thickness information is retrieved from the component to which the elements are attached. Double click template file. For CBEAM elements with variable cross-sections. 3.5. 4. the average thickness is used to compute the volume. • Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 41 . Click the summary panel on the Post. Double click template file. Mass Calculation Certain functions in the templates allow you to calculate the mass of the model. • • Material densities needed to calculate mass are retrieved from the material associated with the element or component. 2. jump to step 4 thereafter). 2. jump to step 4 thereafter). uses the section properties of the corresponding property entities. Click the summary panel on the Post page. Click summary. If the elements are not attached to any component. such as PSHELL or PSHEAR. Click mom_of_inertia. To compute the volume of surface elements. To run hmnast from Hypermesh: 1. the option should be: -d –h3d 6. Enter the options. deformed. 2. and transient panels. Click output file = and select the output file location and name. 4. 3. To create an h3d file for a specific result. hmnast can be executed either independently or directly from HyperMesh. Click solve. hidden line.Results Translation You can view the result files from the contour. to create an h3d file of the displacement. Select solver on the BCs page. The following options are off by default: Flag -m -minimums -iter -trans -corner -bulk -noconv -nolabels -title -subtitle -disk Meaning Displacements and maximums Minimums instead of maximums Nonlinear iterations (from SOL 106) Transient thermal Corner stresses (for CQUAD4 and solid elements) Reads element connectivity from the bulk file (for use with the corner option) Do not convert local displacements into global coordinates Do not use subcase labels Use title for simulation name Use subtitle for simulation name Translation is performed on disk 42 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . stresses and strains are on by default. add –h3d after the first option. Click input file = and select the punch file. use the command hmnast -u. Click the translator toggle and select hmnast. hmnast hmnasto2 hmnastf06 hmnastopt hmnast Utility hmnast translates NASTRAN ASCII punch files into HyperMesh binary results files. use the following syntax: hmnast [arguments] <inputfile> <outputfile> where [arguments] are optional arguments. For example. 5. Arguments such as displacements. To obtain these arguments. To run hmnast independently. Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 43 . 68. 33. 75. velocities. 2. use –bulk <filename> in addition to –h3d. 70. HyperMesh performs no further translation. 75. 93. 68. * As defined by MSC-Nastran. in the case where no system is attached to the node. and accelerations SPC forces and SPC moments Grid Point Force Balance (totals block only) Real element forces Element name codes: 1. If the value is 1. hmnast supports the following data types: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Displacements. 91. 100 Real stresses Element name codes: 1. If there is no geometry in the punch file. The hmresult file includes translated model and results information. 82 Complex strains Element name codes: 33.-size -file -csa -1Dforce -1Dstress -2Dforce -repR -h3d Number of entities (10000 = default) Scratch file name Translates CSA/NASTRAN Reads all forces for 1-D elements Reads all stresses for 1-D elements Reads all forces for 2-D elements Replaces R/NaN/nan fields with 0. 70. 93. 82. 12.0 (found in strain energy data types) Outputs file to an H3D file instead of an hmresults file. 67. it checks the value of the flag. 10. 64. 39. 144 Real strains Element name codes: 4. 91. 74. 85. 144 Complex stresses Element name codes: 33. 11. rotations. 82.pch myFile. 10. 33. 39. a flag is set to 1. 64. 33. 67. 67. 64. 74.dat myFile. The punch file must contain geometry for it to be output to an H3D file.h3d H3D files can be created either by using hmnast or from HyperMesh. 74. If the value of the flag is 0. 74. 68. 74. 82 Temperatures Flux Strain energies Time Eigenvectors Frequency How HyperMesh displays displacement results translated by hmnast: When hmnast reads displacement results. The -noconv option sets this flag to 0. 39. 2. 68. 39. 88. 88. 75. When HyperMesh reads the results file translated by hmnast. 75. 70. HyperMesh translates the nodal displacement into basic* coordinate using the system attached to the node. Example: hmnast -h3d -bulk myFile. 90. HyperMesh performs no further translation. 34. 64. 70. 85. 34. 67. 4. 90. This can be done by using ECHO=PUNCH during analysis. 107. 103.NOTES • • • • • • To extract displacements and maximum von Mises stresses from the punch file. use the option -selmodes <selmodesfile>. If the size of the punch file is too large. Do not use -nolabels for SOL106. When using STRESS(CORNER). For direct frequency response. Any number of lines can be entered. Corner stresses: Use -corner option when STRESS(CORNER) or STRESS(BILIN) is used in the data file. and SOL129. use the option -noconv Simulation names: hmnast organizes the punch file results into a series of simulation names and data types. These numbers must have spaces separating them. where n corresponds to the maximum number of nodes/elements in the model and scratch. and so on. hmnast averages the corner stresses at the nodes for adjacent elements. 108. use the options -trans -iter. Use -subtitle to use the SUBTITLE card of your punch file as the simulation name. For modal frequency response problems. use the option d -von_max. the simulation name is Subcase # f #. 153 and 159 Both SORT1 and SORT2 formats are supported. For iterative solutions encountered in SOL 106. 110. A line cannot exceed 256 characters. The corresponding data types are Displacements. 106. SOL129). SOL159. use the option -disk -size n -file /temp/scratch. von Mises Stress. For transient problems (SOL159. use the option -selsubc <selsubcfile>. To display the results in HyperMesh as they are reported in the punch file. 112. specify the option -m.tmp. use the option -iter. When using -corner option. For modal frequency response problems where the complex part of the eigenvalue is used (SOL 107 and SOL 110). hmnast supports punch files for the following solutions: SOL 101. However. the simulation name is Time #. 105. To extract only a selected number of subcases. For nonlinear transient solutions encountered in SOL 129. the simulation name is Mode # f #Hz. HyperMesh converts the nodal displacements into global coordinates if there are non-zero values in the CD field of the GRID cards. the first 27 characters from the LABEL card are appended with the SUBCASE ID. the simulation name corresponds to the SUBCASE ID number. use the option -trans.tmp is the scratch file name that hmnast creates in the /tmp/ directory. 111. The simulation name for SOL106 is SUBCASE # Iter #. the simulation name is Mode # f #Hz(c). • • • • 44 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . use the -bulk <bulkfilename> option. If the option -nolabels is selected. 109. NASTRAN gives corner stresses on a per-element basis. The simulation names correspond to the LABEL card of the punch file for SOL101. To extract only the maximum values of the data types. To create a simulation name. Use -title to use the TITLE card of your punch file as the simulation name. Otherwise. where selmodesfile contains the mode numbers that need to be extracted. • To extract only selected nodes from a punch file. For transient solutions encountered in SOL 159. hmnast requires the bulk data information. 129. add –h3d after the second option. To run hmnasto2 from Hypermesh: 1.h3d H3D files can be created either by using hmnast or from HyperMesh. 5. To create an h3d file for a specific result. For example.dat myFile. the option would be: -sgi -d –h3d The following options are off by default: Flag Meaning -m Displacements and maxs -iter Nonlinear iterations -nolabels Do not use subcase labels -corner Corner stresses -csa Translate CSA/NASTRAN -subcman Subcase manager -cray Cray -dec Dec 5000 -decalpha Dec Alpha -hp Hewlett Packard -ibm IBM RS\6000 -pc PC -sgi SGI -sun Sun -h3d Outputs file to an H3D file instead of an hmresults file. To obtain those arguments. use –bulk <filename> in addition to –h3d. 2. to create an h3d file of the displacement result that was created from SGI computer. hmnasto2 can be executed either independently or directly from HyperMesh.op2 myFile.hmnasto2 Utility hmnasto2 translates OUTPUT2 NASTRAN binary results into HyperMesh binary results files. Click input file = and select the op2 file location and name. Enter the options. Example: hmnasto2 -h3d -bulk myFile. Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 45 . Arguments such as displacements. 4. Click the translator toggle and select hmnasto2. The model must contain geometry for it to be output to an H3D file. The first option should be the machine used to generate the NASTRAN binary results file. use the following syntax: hmnasto2 [arguments] <inputfile> <outputfile> where [arguments] are optional arguments. The file includes translated model and results information. If there is no geometry in the op2 file. use the command hmnasto2 -u. To run hmnast02 independently. stresses. 3. Select solver on the BCs page. and strains are on by default. Click output file = and select the output file location and name. hmnasto2 supports the following data types: • • • • • • • Displacements. 33. 75. 64. 74. 67. For iterative solutions encountered in SOL 106. it checks the value of the flag. Simulation names: hmnasto2 organizes the punch file results into series of simulation names and data types. To extract only the maximum values of the data types. If the option -nolabels is selected. 46 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . the simulation name is Subcase #f #. 33. 64. for example. the simulation name corresponds to the SUBCASE ID number. 75. HyperMesh translates the nodal displacement into basic* coordinate using the system attached to the node. The corresponding data types are displacements and von Mises stress. 67. 39. For direct frequency response. 85. HyperMesh performs no further translation. velocities and accelerations Nonlinear Stress and Strain Element Name Codes: 90. -sgi or -pc. the simulation name is Mode # f #Hz(c). The simulation names correspond to the LABEL card for SOL101. 91. 144 Real strains Element Name Codes: 4. * As defined by MSC-Nastran. NOTES • • • • To extract displacements and maximum von Mises stresses from the OUTPUT2 file. a flag is set to 0 if it reads displacement results in basic* * coordinate or 1 if it reads displacement result in global coordinate. specify the machine used to generate the NASTRAN binary results file (cray. 68. use the option -d –von_max.When you use hmnasto2. 93 Real and complex stresses Element Name Codes: 4. use the option -m. and so on). use the option -iter. 68. For modal frequency response problems. The -noconv option sets this flag to 0. The simulation name for SOL106 is SUBCASE # Iter #. If the value is 1. When hmnasto2 reads these data blocks. 144 Strain energies Shear Flux How HyperMesh displays displacement results translated by hmnasto2: MSC-Nastran writes displacement results into different data blocks based on selected parameters. the simulation name is Mode # f #Hz. For modal frequency response problems where the complex part of the eigenvalue is used (SOL 107 and SOL 110). 39. When HyperMesh reads the results file translated by hmnasto2. 88. If the value of the flag is 0. 74. OEF1. where n corresponds to the maximum number of nodes/elements in the model and scratch. ONRGY1. NOTES • • hmnastf06 requires that FIBRE ALL is used in the SURFACE command during analysis hmnastf06 organizes the GPSTRESS results into simulations based on subcase ID and surface ID/volume ID Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 47 . See hmnast for the file format. For more information regarding geometry information in an op2 file.Do not use -nolabels for SOL106. However.-1: OQG1. 105.tmp. 106.f06 file for SOL101 analyses. • • • • hmnasto2 supports the following data block names for PARAM. use the command hmnastf06 -u. hmnasto2 supports the following data block names for PARAM. • hmnastf06 Utility hmnastf06 translates NASTRAN *. 111 and 153. hmnastf06 reads only the GPSTRESS output from the . BOPHIG. In general. ONRGY1. hmnasto2 averages the corner stresses at the nodes for adjacent elements.f06 ASCII files into HyperMesh binary results files. OSTR1. see NASTRAN documentation. To obtain the arguments. use the option -disk -size n -file /temp/scratch. OEF1. To extract only a selected set of nodes and subcases. use an additional –bulk <bulkfilename> option. If there is no geometry information in the op2 file. ONRGY2 and OES1X. Use -nosubcman for SOL103 OUTPUT2 files when the HMNASTO2 default is unsatisfactory. geometry information is written into the op2 file if PARAM.-2: OQG1. hmnastf06 arguments are on by default. • Corner options: Use -corner option when STRESS(CORNER) or STRESS(BILIN) is used in the data file. The syntax to run the translator is: hmnastf06 [arguments] <inputfile> <outputfile> where [arguments] are the optional arguments. NASTRAN gives corner stresses on a per-element basis. OUGV1. 109. • If the size of the punch file is too large. OES1. Note that when STRESS(CORNER) is used. 110. BOUGV1.POST.POST. hmnasto2 supports OUTPUT2 files for the following solutions: SOL 101. 103.tmp is the scratch file name that hmnasto2 creates in the /temp/ directory.-2 is used in the input file. OSTR1. 107. use the option -selsubc <selsubcfile> or -selmodes <selmodesfile>. 108. OES1X and OPG1.POST. OES1. OUGV1. to view the smooth transition result. Click simulation to choose simulation title. the option -bulk <bulkfile>must be provided To generate HyperMesh compatible x-y plot data (design cycle number vs. 3. To translate NASTRAN results: 1. 4. or hmnastf06 translator. From the Post page. The model can be loaded prior to or after translating the result file. use the option -plot <plotfile> • • To post-process NASTRAN results in HyperMesh: Before viewing the result file. Or 48 Interfacing with NASTRAN Altair Engineering . Select the results subpanel. To view the contour result: 1. hmnast02. Click return. click contour. The file includes model and results information that was translated. 4. 3. hmnastopt requires the following options in the dat file: DISPLACEMENT(PUNCH) = ALL STRESS(PUNCH) = ALL ANALYSIS = STATICS ANALYSIS = MODES PARAM. thickness). Select the files panel. The –h3d flag outputs file to an H3D file instead of to an hmresults file. 2. Click file = to read the HyperMesh binary results file generated by the hmnast. The model must contain geometry for it to be output to an H3D file. DESPCH>0 The syntax to run the translator is: hmnastopt [options] <inputfile> <outputfile> NOTES • • Use the command hmnastopt -u to obtain information about the options. 2. If the punch file contains the keywords GRID and DESVAR. make sure that the model is loaded. Click data type to choose the data to be simulated. Click contour.hmnastopt Utility hmnastopt translates NASTRAN SOL 200 punch files into HyperMesh binary results files. 5. click deform. 3. Click start with to choose the begining of the transient simulation. Click end with to choose the end of the transient simulation. To view the transient result: 1. Click data type to choose the data to be simulated. 4. 2. To view the deform result: 1. Click data type to choose the data to be simulated. From the Post page. 4. 2. Click simulation to choose simulation title. Click transient. From the Post page. Altair Engineering Interfacing with NASTRAN 49 . to view deformation in dynamic condition. 3. Or Click linear. click transient. to view the border line result. Click deform.Click assign. to view deformation in static condition.
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