Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE)-(V600R008_04)



Nastar V600R008Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Issue Date 04 2011-03-31 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China [email protected] Website: Email: Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i . Issue 03 (2011-01-28) This is the third formal release. Intended Audience This document is intended for network optimization engineers. VIP analysis. Ltd.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) About This Document About This Document This section describes how to perform LTE network optimization on the Nastar. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Change History Changes between document versions are cumulative. and cell performance analysis. such as coverage analysis. Issue 02 (2010-12-30) This is the second formal release. cell fault analysis. This helps to quickly locate network problems. you can perform various theme analysis functions on the Nastar. terminal performance analysis. The latest document version contains all changes made to previous versions. Issue 01 (2010-10-30) This is the initial formal release. complaint analysis support. Through this function. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) This is the fourth formal release. iii .. . ........2-12 2...........................................1 Viewing Analysis Results by Using the Google Earth........................................................................................................................3 Parameters for Setting the LTE SAU.......5 Checking Engineering Parameters and Configuration Data...........................................................................................5...............................7 Managing the GIS Window........2-4 2.............................................................................2-1 2...................................................................................5 Reference for the OSS Management GUI..................3-7 3.............................7......................................1 Basic Knowledge of OSS Management............................................................3 Creating LTE SAU..2-5 2...........................5................................................7...........................................2-2 2............................................................................................................................................................................2-2 2........................................................................3-3 3............................................................................2 Analysis Data Sources (LTE).3-13 3..................................................................3-19 Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.........2-10 2...............................................................................3-6 3...........................3-1 3.............................................6 Measuring Distance on the Map...........................................................................5 Moving/Zooming In On/Zooming Out On/Refreshing/Fully Displaying a Map....................................5..............................7.3-14 3......7...................................................................iii 1 Overview................6 GIS Management...........Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Contents Contents About This Document................2 Parameters for Setting the Object Attributes of OSS Management........................................................2 Loading Site Information.........................3-13 3....................................2 Creating OSSs and the Managed NEs.......................2-8 2...3 Importing Configuration Data.........................................................................................................1 Interface Description: OSS Management........................5........................2 Collecting Configuration Data.......................1 Position of the Nastar on the Network...................................................................................................6............................................................3-10 3.....................1 Introduction to LTE Basic Data..................................................................................................................3 Network Optimization Process.................................................7 Saving the Map Display Effect............2-14 3 Collecting Basic Data..........4 Creating Custom NE Groups.......4 Importing Engineering Parameters..............................................3 Filtering Cells..................................................7...1-3 1.............................3-4 3...............4 Searching Cells................................................................3-19 3................................................3-15 3............................................................................7..........................................................................2 Viewing Analysis Results Through the GIS Window.....................7................................................................4 Parameters for Creating and Modifying Custom NE Groups...........................................1-2 1......................................................................................................................3-16 3.........................................................................3-11 3..................................6........................................................2-9 2......1-4 2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information...........................3-11 3...........................................................................................1-1 1..............................................................................1 Importing a Map............................ Ltd...........................................................................................................3-18 3....................3-17 3...... v ..................................... ..............3 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks..............4-11 4..4-9 4...4-15 4.........5-19 5.........4-13 4..................................................2 Creating LTE E2E Tasks.........................5-9 5..................................................8.........4-3 4.....................................................................................................................3 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data..1 Parameters for Creating LTE E2E Tasks.....2 LTE VIP Analysis Process..............2 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE Coverage Analysis Tasks.......8 Reference to the LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Interface.............1 Basic Knowledge of LTE VIP Analysis.............5-1 5...................................8.....................2 Creating LTE E2E Tasks.... Issue 04 (2011-03-31) ..............................................7 Reference for the LTE Coverage Analysis Interface.8 Reference to the Basic Data Collection Interface.........................................6-1 6............................................................3..............................3-20 3..................................................................................4.......................................................................................................................5-18 5....... Ltd.......................4...............5-16 5...................2 Creating LTE E2E Tasks........................... 5-6 5....3 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data..........3 Obtaining LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Data......................................................3 Managing LTE VIP Groups........................................................7..............5 Creating an LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Task..............................................................................................................3..................4-15 4..................................5-17 5............7 Exporting a Report of LTE Terminal Performance Analysis......3........................5 Querying LTE Coverage Analysis Reports.................................................................................................................3........................................................6 Exporting an LTE Coverage Analysis Report...................................................................8...........................................................................................................................6-10 6...............3 Parameters for Querying LTE Coverage Analysis Reports...............................6-13 vi Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co...........................................................................................................5-3 5.........8............. 6-3 6....................................................................................................................................................................................4 Parameters for Querying LTE UE Performance Analysis Reports..........................................................................................4 Obtaining LTE VIP Analysis Data...2 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Process.....1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data....................................................................................................................... 5-3 5..................................................5-18 5..........................4-16 4....................................1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data........................4-5 4...........................................................1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Coverage Analysis.........5-14 5.............................................6-11 6.........5-6 5...............3........................3-20 3.......................................................3 Obtaining LTE Coverage Analysis Data............4-17 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks......................................................................................3 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data...........2 Parameters for Creating LTE E2E Tasks..............................5-20 5.........................Contents Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3..............4-3 4.....................6 Querying LTE UE Performance Analysis Reports..............................4-7 4................................2 Process of LTE Coverage Analysis.........................................................................................................................................................................................1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data..............................1 Interface Description: GIS...........................5-11 5........................................................................................................4 Creating an LTE Coverage Analysis Task..........1 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis....8....................................................................6-4 6......................6-7 6...............................................7.............................................................................4 Managing the Terminal Types.........................7....3-21 4 LTE Coverage Analysis...4........8..... 4-6 4................................1 Parameters for Creating and Modifying the UE Type...........................................................................2 Parameters for Creating or Modifying a Data Collection Task......6-10 6..............4-1 4.............................................5-7 5.......................................................................................................................................................................................................3.....5-21 6 LTE VIP Analysis................................................................................................................4-14 4................ ...3...................2 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE Complaint Analysis Support Tasks..............................................................7 Exporting LTE VIP Analysis Reports..................1 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE VIP Subscribers/VIP Groups..8..........................2 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Process.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8-16 8.....................9-1 9...............................................................8-6 8....................................................................................................8-7 8...................................................................................1 Interface Description: LTE Complaint Analysis Support..................................................................................................................................................9-2 9.....3 Obtaining LTE Cell Performance Analysis Data..............................................8 Reference to the LTE VIP Analysis Interface.............1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Cell Fault Analysis...............7...................................................................................8..........7-12 8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis...6-22 6............9-8 9........................................................................................................................8-9 8...................................................6-20 6..............................................8-8 8.....................................................................4 Alarm Management......................................................................................................5 Querying LTE Cell Performance Analysis Reports..........4 Parameters for Querying LTE VIP Analysis Reports..............................................................3...................1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Cell Performance Analysis.................................................................................8......................................6 Reference to the LTE Complaint Analysis Support Interface..........................................................6-20 6.............3 Obtaining LTE Cell Fault Analysis Data.................................................................1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data.............6 Exporting LTE Cell Performance Analysis Reports..........9-10 9...6-15 6..........6 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Interface Description..............6...................3 Parameters for Querying LTE Complaint Analysis Support Reports.......3 Creating LTE Complaint Analysis Support Tasks..............................................6-17 6.........3 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data.............................................................................................2 LTE Complaint Analysis Support Process...........6............7 Reference to the LTE Cell Performance Analysis Interface......6 Querying LTE VIP Analysis Reports.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7-7 7.......................6-24 7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support........................1 Parameters for Creating LTE E2E Tasks.....................................8...............7-5 7....................................2 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data...................................9-11 Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co....................6....................7-9 7..................Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Contents 6...............................................9-4 9..............................................3 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE VIP Analysis Tasks..................7-8 7...........7-4 7..........................................................................................8-4 8...6-22 6..........................5 Exporting LTE Complaint Analysis Support Reports......3 Parameters for Querying the LTE Cell Performance Analysis Report..........................7-1 7.....................................................................4 Querying LTE Complaint Analysis Support Reports............................8-17 8..3.......................................................................................2 Parameters for Creating or Modifying LTE Cell Performance Analysis Tasks...........................................8-15 8.......................................8-12 8...........................9-2 9...........................................7-3 7...........8-3 8.........2 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Process...................8-16 8..9-5 9..............................................................9-6 9.....8-1 8................1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Complaint Analysis Support....2 Parameters for Creating LTE E2E Tasks...............................5 Viewing Cell Fault Analysis Tasks....................7-9 7.................................................. vii ..............6-20 6.......3..............................................................................................................................4 Creating LTE Cell Performance Analysis Tasks..........................8-18 9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis..7-11 7....................1 Subscribing to LTE Performance Analysis and Alarm Data.........................................................2 Creating LTE E2E Tasks......................................3.......8-14 8......5 Creating LTE VIP Analysis Tasks..7...7.. Ltd........................................................................... .........Contents Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 9.....9-11 9...............6........................................ Issue 04 (2011-03-31) ...............9-13 viii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co................... Ltd...............6...............2 Parameters for Setting the Basic Information of Alarms...................1 Parameters for Subscribing to LTE Alarm Data....... .4-4 Figure 5-1 Process of terminal performance analysis...................................................................................................... 1-2 Figure 1-2 Process of optimizing the Nastar.................................................................................................................................................................9-3 Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co......................................................................Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Figures Figures Figure 1-1 Position of the Nastar on the network............................................................................................... Ltd................3-20 Figure 4-1 Workflow of coverage analysis........................................6-5 Figure 7-1 Process of LTE complaint analysis support....... ix .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8-5 Figure 9-1 LTE cell fault analysis process..................................................1-4 Figure 2-1 Interface of OSS management.................................... 5-4 Figure 6-1 Process of LTE VIP analysis....................................................................................... 7-4 Figure 7-2 Complaint analysis support interface.................2-9 Figure 3-1 GIS interface......................................................................................7-10 Figure 8-1 Process of LTE cell performance analysis................... . 1-5 Table 2-1 Level 2 menu items in different network systems............................................................................................... 1-2 Table 1-2 Sources of the Nastar analysis data (LTE).........4-5 Table 4-2 Mapping between the E2E tasks and the analysis tasks.....................................Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Tables Tables Table 1-1 Description of the function units in the Nastar...................................5-12 Table 6-1 Process of LTE VIP analysis..................................4-7 Table 4-3 Mapping Between Analysis Task Types and Data Types.......................................................................................5-9 Table 5-4 Examples of terminal type files...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6-7 Table 6-3 Mapping between the E2E tasks and the analysis tasks........................................................................................................6-12 Table 6-4 Mapping Between Analysis Task Types and Data Types.......................................................................................................... Ltd......2-9 Table 3-1 LTE engineering parameters............................4-9 Table 5-1 Description of the terminal performance analysis process............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-3 Table 8-2 Description of the LTE cell performance analysis process.......................................... 2-6 Table 2-2 Interface description: OSS management........................................8-8 Table 8-4 Mapping Between Analysis Task Types and Data Types............................7-5 Table 8-1 Exception types and functions........................................................................................................... 9-4 Table 9-2 Mapping Between Analysis Task Types and Data Types......6-6 Table 6-2 VIP group file...................................6-13 Table 6-5 Description of KPI change trend chart...............................................................................................................1-3 Table 1-3 Description of each phase.................................................................................7-3 Table 7-2 Description of LTE complaint analysis support process.........................................3-3 Table 3-2 Restrictions on engineering parameters.................................................................................................................................................................................9-6 Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.................5-5 Table 5-2 Mapping between the E2E tasks and the analysis tasks..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... xi ..................8-10 Table 9-1 LTE cell fault analysis process.....................................7-4 Table 7-3 Complaint subscriber IMSI file.........................8-6 Table 8-3 Mapping between the E2E tasks and the analysis tasks..................................................................................................................................................................3-8 Table 4-1 Description of the workflow of coverage analysis....................................................................................................................................5-8 Table 5-3 Mapping Between Analysis Task Types and Data Types............6-18 Table 7-1 Cause type and related description................................................ . Ltd..2 Analysis Data Sources (LTE) Before performing analysis on the LTE network.1 Position of the Nastar on the Network The Nastar is deployed on a distributed client/server (C/S) network and is connected to an element management system (EMS). and provides theme analysis for network optimization. 1.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 1 Overview 1 About This Chapter Overview The Nastar is deployed on the EMS side of an operator's network. the Nastar needs to obtain the following analysis data: LTE configuration data. further optimization of each theme. 1. All the operations on the network must be recorded in details. The Nastar collects required analysis data from NEs through the EMS data center. and evaluation of optimization effect. The optimization adjustment results of the analysis can be saved as files and sent to the Configuration Management Express (CME) of Huawei or a third-party data configuration tool. These results can be provided as reference for network optimization. 1-1 . Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. network evaluation.3 Network Optimization Process The optimization process of the Nastar consists of collection and check of basic data. 1. LTE engineering parameters. and data related to Nastar analysis. The Nastar server and the EMS such as the M2000 must be in the same Local Area Network (LAN). Table 1-1 Description of the function units in the Nastar Functional Unit Nastar Function Description The Nastar is one of the multi-user telecommunication platform developed by Huawei. Figure 1-1 Position of the Nastar on the network The communication between different units on the network is based on the TCP/IP protocol. 1-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. and the IP addresses of the Nastar server and the EMS must be on the same network segment. Ltd.1 Overview Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 1. Table 1-1 describes the function of each unit. Figure 1-1 shows the position of the Nastar on the network. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) .1 Position of the Nastar on the Network The Nastar is deployed on a distributed client/server (C/S) network and is connected to an element management system (EMS). It helps you to perform performance analysis for the radio network and perform network problem troubleshooting.. Table 1-2 Sources of the Nastar analysis data (LTE) Analysis Data Source LTE configuration data LTE engineering parameters Description Basic information for network optimization. UMTS. used for the Nastar to correctly retrieve data of each cell from data sources. UMTS.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 1 Overview Functional Unit SAU Function Description SAU is short for Service Aware Unit (SAU). and data related to Nastar analysis. or CDMA network. LTE engineering parameters. and provides the Nastar with performance data. In an LTE network. 1. the Nastar needs to obtain the following analysis data: LTE configuration data. and measurement report (MR) preprocessed data through FTP. Mobility Management Entity (MME) provides data analysis function for the SAU on the LTE network.. Radio network MME Multiple radio networks are supported. Table 1-2 describes the sources of the Nastar analysis data. 1-3 . and LTE networks. configuration data.2 Analysis Data Sources (LTE) Before performing analysis on the LTE network.1 Introduction to LTE Basic Data. an SAU must be configured for the base station controller to preprocess the performance data required by the Nastar. Ltd. Call History Record (CHR) processed data. is a centralized management platform developed by Huawei. M2000 The M2000. CDMA. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. For details. The M2000 is connected to the Nastar. an element management system. The M2000 uniformly manages the NEs on a mobile network. including GSM. see 3. the SAU is deployed on the OSS side as a server. The main functions of the SAU are as follows: l Collecting raw data from BTSs l Preprocessing raw data and saving the preprocessed data l Uploading the preprocessed data In a GSM. 3 Network Optimization Process The optimization process of the Nastar consists of collection and check of basic data. Ltd. and evaluation of optimization effect. Figure 1-2 shows the process of optimizing the Nastar.. network evaluation. Figure 1-2 Process of optimizing the Nastar 1-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. All the operations on the network must be recorded in details. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . further optimization of each theme.1 Overview Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Analysis Data Source Data related to Nastar analysis Description Data related to Nastar analysis includes the following types of data: l LTE coverage analysis data l LTE VIP analysis data l LTE cell performance analysis data l LTE terminal performance analysis data l LTE M2000 performance data l LTE Call History Record (CHR) data for fault analysis l LTE CHR data for cell performance analysis l LTE device alarm data 1. and maps of related areas. Network evaluation The purpose of network evaluation is to learn the quality of the live network and main problematic cells and collect data for future in-depth analysis of network quality during the comparison of network quality at the network level. Effect evaluati on phase Evaluation of optimization effect Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Evaluate the effect of network optimization. you must check the consistency between configuration data and engineering parameters in the whole network and the integrity and accuracy of engineering parameters. The performance analysis functions of the Nastar includes RF performance optimization such as neighboring cell analysis and uplink interference analysis and subscriber-based performance optimization such as complaint analysis support and VIP analysis. Ltd.. In addition to basic data. You can use other tools such as PRS to monitor and evaluate network KPIs. VIP users. VIP cells. 1-5 . areas involving user complaints. users with complaints. Optimiz ation Further optimization of each theme Use various performance analysis functions of the Nastar to perform further optimization of each theme. configuration data.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 1 Overview Table 1-3 describes each phase. Table 1-3 Description of each phase Phase Preparati on Step Collection and check of basic data Description Basic data includes engineering parameters. . You should grasp the basic knowledge before performing management operations. After you configure information including the IP address of the OSS and software version. Ltd. importing. you must configure the OSS and NE information.2 Creating OSSs and the Managed NEs This section describes how to create OSSs. you can set NEs managed by the OSS so that the Nastar collects required data from the selected NEs.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information 2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information About This Chapter Before enabling the Nastar to collect data from an OSS.3 Creating LTE SAU This section describes how to create LTE SAU. You can create an OSS to initialize the protocol of the interface between the Nastar and the EMS device so that the Nastar accesses the EMS device through the interface to obtain the required data.5 Reference for the OSS Management GUI This section describes the parameters about the interface of OSS management and the parameters for setting the object attributes of OSS management. You can refer to the description when performing the relevant operations on the interface. 2. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 2. and exporting custom NE groups. deleting. 2. 2-1 .1 Basic Knowledge of OSS Management This section describes the basic knowledge about the Operations Support System (OSS) management functions..4 Creating Custom NE Groups This section describes how to create custom NE groups. 2. modifying. 2. the Nastar obtains the NE list managed by the OSS and analyzes the NEs in the NE list based on the configured OSS information. In addition. The Nastar client provides the functions of creating. so that the Nastar can collect the LTE analysis data from the LTE SAU server by FTP. The Nastar can communicate with the LTE SAU server after creating the LTE SAU. You can add certain NEs to an NE group so that the performance analysis can be performed for all the NEs in an NE group. and manage the information about NEs managed by the OSS. – Physical NEs are actual telecommunication devices of Huawei on the network. Ltd. The OSS management of the Nastar enables you to create and delete OSSs. 2-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. l Operations Support System The operations support system (OSS) defines network management devices that can be connected with the Nastar. The OSS management subsystem provides the basic functions for managing objects. A physical or logical entity. you can set NEs managed by the OSS so that the Nastar collects required data from the selected NEs. such as BTS and BSC.. l NE NEs are used to identify network devices. 1. can be an OSS or an NE. Set OSS property parameters. namely. In addition. objects represent the physical or logical entities on the network. Prerequisite You have logged in to the Nastar client.2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 2.NEs can be classified into physical NEs and virtual NEs. Click New OSS. – Virtual NEs are the NEs that actually do not exist or are telecommunications devices of other vendors on the network. You can create an OSS to initialize the protocol of the interface between the Nastar and the EMS device so that the Nastar accesses the EMS device through the interface to obtain the required data. The OSS Management window is displayed.1 Basic Knowledge of OSS Management This section describes the basic knowledge about the Operations Support System (OSS) management functions. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) .2 Creating OSSs and the Managed NEs This section describes how to create OSSs. 2. Procedure Step 1 Create an OSS. Choose Maintenance > OSS Management. view and modify OSS attributes. The subsystems such as centralized task management add objects to the GUI through the OSS management subsystem. 3. In the OSS management. an object. 2. You should grasp the basic knowledge before performing management operations. The Nastar collects the required data from a specified FTP server according to the relevant attributes set in the OSS and saves the data as files in a specified path on the Nastar server. you need to create a master server and then create slave servers during the creation of an OSS. Therefore. The Slave Server Information dialog box is displayed. 2-3 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. b. The Ne Selector dialog box is displayed. 6. you must fill in Internal Server IP. 4. 1. OSS Password. In this case. a. Then. FTP transfer mode. . and the pane on the right lists the NEs that are already selected. and then click Slave Server. Set NEs managed by the selected OSS. Otherwise. l You can select the update automatically node under an NE type in the left pane and then click Issue 04 (2011-03-31) to move all the NEs under the NE type to the right pane. FTP User Name. Click OK. The pane on the left lists the NEs that can be selected. 5. c. and OSS Server Port must be set correctly. Otherwise. Click Add. If OSS Type is set to M2000 V200R008 or a later version and the M2000 is deployed in the Multi-server load sharing system (SLS)/ATAE Cluster mode. . click OK. Select a created OSS (serving as a master server) from the navigation tree in the left pane. The network scale is large when the M2000 in M2000 V200R008 or a later version is deployed in SLS mode. Set parameters of a slave server. l When the M2000 has the standby server. Set FTP server parameters. . Select an OSS node from the navigation tree in the left of the OSS Management window. FTP Server Port. Ltd. perform the following operations to configure slave servers. OSS User Name. Double arrows indicate that you can select all NEs. An NE can only be listed in either of the two panes. The Slave Server dialog box is displayed. . d. and then click NE Manager. the Nastar fails to collect data. and to select NEs. click Close. data required by the Nastar is distributed over different servers. Then.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information CAUTION The parameters such as OSS Type. Repeat the preceding operations to set parameters of all slave servers.. CAUTION The parameters such as FTP Server Ip. and FTP Protocol must be set correctly. 2. you must fill in Standby FTP Server IP. Step 2 Set NEs managed by an OSS. the Nastar will fail to deliver E2E tasks and fail to collect data. FTP Password. A single arrow l You can click indicates that you can select one or multiple NEs. l When double Ethernet adapters are installed in the M2000. You should delete the data collect tasks first before you delete the OSS. If data collection tasks have existed in the selected OSS. 3. l If an NE is not added to the right pane. 2. Therefore. 2-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. the data of this NE cannot be collected to the Nastar server. the systems prompts The OSS has been used in these Data Collection task. Prerequisite You have created the OSS. Select an OSS node to be deleted from the navigation tree in the left of the OSS Management window. Step 3 Set OSS property parameters. the system remove the update automatically node under an NE type from the right pane automatically. l If update automatically is displayed under the selected NE type in the right pane. The Nastar can communicate with the LTE SAU server after creating the LTE SAU. click Delete. The OSS Management window is displayed. please delete them first:. do not select NEs whose names contain any of those characters. Procedure Step 1 Choose Maintenance > OSS Management.2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) l If you click to select an NE under an NE type from the right pane to the left pane. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . 1. Otherwise. the system automatically updates all NEs under the NE type every four hours according to the actual network situation. Ltd. Click OK. CAUTION l The Nastar does not support the NEs whose names contain any of the following characters: &. Then. 2. . Click OK in the displayed dialog box. so that the Nastar can collect the LTE analysis data from the LTE SAU server by FTP. Nastar analysis will fail.3 Creating LTE SAU This section describes how to create LTE SAU. Step 2 Click New LTESAU. or '. ----End Follow-up Procedure Delete an existing OSS. deleting.. Step 2 Create a custom NE group. Step 5 Click OK. Create a custom NE group by adding a new NE group Then. Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. You can add certain NEs to an NE group so that the performance analysis can be performed for all the NEs in an NE group. importing.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information CAUTION The parameters such as OSS must be set correctly. Ltd.. The Nastar client provides the functions of creating. FTP User Name must be set to inftpuser.csv. If you need to.xlsx formats are supported. FTP User Name.4 Creating Custom NE Groups This section describes how to create custom NE groups. FTP transfer mode. The NE Group Management window is displayed. FTP Password. You are authorized to manage NE groups. FTP Server Port. Perform Step 3. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. CAUTION The parameters such as FTP Server Ip.. and FTP Protocol must be set correctly. Step 4 Set FTP server parameters. . modifying. Otherwise. and exporting custom NE groups.xls. Context Custom NE group files in ... the Nastar will fail to deliver E2E tasks and fail to collect data. the Nastar fails to collect data. Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > NE Group Management from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. ----End 2. and FTP Password must be set to inftpuser. 2-5 . and . Otherwise. and then click Import. Step 4 Create a custom NE group by importing an NE group file.xlsx format is selected and the file contains multiple sheets. check the number of added records. In the OK dialog box. select an edited NE group file. Click Create to open the New NE Group dialog box. Click Import > ***. *** indicates the network system such as GSM.. SectorID.. 3. 1. If an NE group file in . click OK. 2. Click the *** NE Group tab. a message is displayed for you to select the sheet to be imported. Click the *** NE Group tab.. 3. Perform Step 4. 1. In the displayed Open dialog box. In the name of the tab page. 2. or LTE.2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) If you need to. Click OK. CellID. It is recommended that the remarks in different lines regarding an NE group be consistent when you define NE group information. Table 2-1 shows the mapping relation between network systems and level 2 menu items. Then. or UMTS. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.xls format or . the system displays the last line of remarks on the Note title bar of the NE Group Management window. In the name of the tab page. Then. UMTS. Ltd. *** indicates the level 2 menu item in the corresponding network system. CDMA. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) 2-6 . After you click an object in the navigation tree. updated records. *** indicates the network system such as GSM. Set the relevant parameters. see Parameters for Creating and Modifying Custom NE Groups. Table 2-1 Level 2 menu items in different network systems Network System GSM Level 2 Menu Item l Match LAC and CI l Match Cell Name UMTS l Match LAC and SAC l Match Cell Name CDMA Match BSCName. CDMA. BTSID. you can press Ctrl+F to search for and locate an object.. and CarrierID 4. Here. l For details about the parameters.. l The Nastar supports the function of searching for objects in the object navigation tree. and failed records. Create a custom NE group by importing an NE group file Step 3 Create a custom NE group by adding a new NE group. and then click Open. NOTE If multiple lines of remarks regarding an NE group are inconsistent in the edited NE group file. If. 5. or LTE. . click the *** NE Group tab. Then. In the name of the tab page.. delete or export this NE group. UMTS. CDMA. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Perform the operations as prompted. *** indicates the network system such as GSM. modify. partially imported. The import is complete. and then select an NE group to view. l Click Export Error Record.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information In the Import *** NE Group dialog box. ----End Follow-up Procedure In the NE Group Management window. 2-7 . Abnormal records exist in the imported information The NE groups displayed as the or icon are present.. and unsuccessfully imported respectively. The Nastar exports the error records as a file to modify error information and then complete the import operation. UMTS. l Click Close. Ltd. *** indicates the network system such as GSM.. or LTE. CDMA... The . The imported information is correct Only the NE groups displayed as the icon are present. In the name of the tab page. and icons indicate the VIP groups that are successfully imported. Click Close. you need to familiarize yourself with the functions of each area on the interface. NOTE If the NE group is used by other tasks. Delete a custom NE group . Click Modify. Click OK. Click Delete. 2. 2-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Query and modify the properties of a custom NE group Then. Set the file name and specify the save path and file type in the displayed Save dialog box. 3. Modify the relevant parameters..5. 4. If the NE group is used by a periodic task. the modification does not affect the ongoing tasks. The objects and remarks of an NE groups can be modified but the name of an NE group cannot be modified. 2. the related information is updated in the next period after the modification.. 2. For details about the parameters. make modifications. Click OK. All the NE group information displayed on this tab page can be exported.. If the NE group is used by a periodic task. TIP When you need to modify the information about NE groups in batches. Click Export.1 Interface Description: OSS Management This section describes the interface of OSS management. You can refer to the description when performing the relevant operations on the interface. perform 3 through 4. Ltd. 1. 2. View the information about members of the custom NE group.2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) If you need to. see Parameters for Creating and Modifying Custom NE Groups.. the modification does not affect the ongoing tasks. 2. you can export the NE group information.5 Reference for the OSS Management GUI This section describes the parameters about the interface of OSS management and the parameters for setting the object attributes of OSS management. the related information is updated in the next period after the modification. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . You can refer to the description when creating or modifying the objects of OSS management. NOTE If the NE group is used by other tasks. If the relevant parameters need to be modified.5..2 Parameters for Setting the Object Attributes of OSS Management This section describes the parameters for creating or modifying the objects of OSS management. and then import the NE group information again. 1. Before perform the relevant operations. and then click Save. 2. Export a custom NE group 1. 3 Parameters for Setting the LTE SAU This section describes the parameters for creating or modifying the LTE SAU.5. Provides the buttons for creating and deleting OSSs. Figure 2-1 shows the interface of OSS management. You can refer to the description when creating or modifying the LTE SAU. setting slave servers. modifying the attributes of the created OSSs. You can refer to the parameter description when creating and modifying the custom NE groups. and so on.5. you need to familiarize yourself with the functions of each area on the interface. managing NEs.4 Parameters for Creating and Modifying Custom NE Groups This section describes the parameters for creating and modifying custom NE groups.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information 2. 2.5. Ltd. 2. Before perform the relevant operations. (1) (2) Name Navigation tree Toolbar Description Indicates that the objects in the navigation tree are sorted by OSS.1 Interface Description: OSS Management This section describes the interface of OSS management.. 2-9 Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. . Table 2-2 describes the items in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1 Interface of OSS management Table 2-2 Interface description: OSS management No. the Nastar can collect the required files from the path specified by the OSS and saves the files in the specified path on the Nastar client. this interface defines the relevant principles such as the path of the configuration data files and performance data files in the OSS and the naming rules of the files. Value range: l A maximum of 60 characters l The following characters are not allowed: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * + =<>? l Unique and cannot be null l Case sensitive OSS Type Indicates the type of the interface between the EMS and the Nastar. You can refer to the description when creating or modifying the objects of OSS management. Displays the details of the FTP server corresponding to the OSS that you select in the navigation tree. Thus. NOTE If the network mode is Multi-server load sharing system (SLS)/ATAE Cluster.. l Single/High Availability (HA) l Remote High Availability (RHA) l Multi-server load sharing system (SLS)/ATAE Cluster Optional.2 Parameters for Setting the Object Attributes of OSS Management This section describes the parameters for creating or modifying the objects of OSS management. you need to set the slave servers. OMC920V400R001 and OMC920V400R005 When the Nastar collects data from the OSS.2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) No. Ltd. Value range: M2000V200R006. Parameters Related to the OSS Attributes Parameter OSS Name Description Indicates the name of an OSS to be created or modified. M2000V200R010. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . M2000V200R011. M2000V200R009.5. OSS Network Mode Set the network mode of the M2000. The default value is Single/High Availability (HA). M2000V200R008. 2-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 2. (3) (4) Name Area of OSS attributes Area of FTP server information Description Displays the details of the OSS that you select in the navigation tree. This parameter cannot be null. This parameter cannot be null. Value range: l A maximum of 25 characters l The following characters are not allowed: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * + =<>? l Case sensitive This parameter cannot be null. Ltd. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. FTP User Name Indicates the user name used to log in to the FTP server. FTP Server Port Indicates the port number of the FTP server where the file to be collected is located. OSS Server Port Indicates the port number of the OSS server.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information Parameter OSS User Name Description Indicates the user name used to log in to the OSS server. This parameter cannot be null. This parameter cannot be null. Indicates the internal IP address for communicating with the NEs. This parameter can be set to any integer from 1 to 65535. If the M2000 configures the dual Ethernet adapters. this parameter cannot be null. This parameter cannot be null. Standby FTP Server IP Internal Server IP Indicates the IP address of the standby server when M2000 deploys the standby server. The default value is 21. 2-11 . Value range: l A maximum of 128 characters l The following characters are not allowed: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * + =<>? l Case sensitive Parameters Related to the FTP Server Parameter FTP Server IP Description Indicates the IP address of the FTP server where the file to be collected is located. Description It is the description of an OSS.. OSS Password Indicates the password used to log in to the OSS server. 5. Parameter Related to the slave server Attributes Parameter FTP server IP Description Indicates the IP address of the slave server in the M2000 SLS system. You can refer to the description when creating or modifying the LTE SAU. FTP user Indicates the valid user name of the FTP service in the M2000 SLS system. FTP server port Indicates the FTP service port.3 Parameters for Setting the LTE SAU This section describes the parameters for creating or modifying the LTE SAU. 2-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. which requires the support from the FTP server. the system uses 0 as the port number.. This parameter cannot be null. The value of this parameter cannot be null. Ltd. 2. FTP Transfer Mode Protocol Indicates the transfer mode set for the FTP server.2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Parameter FTP Password Description Indicates the password used to log in to the FTP server. The default value is 21. The parameter value can be Passive Mode or Active Mode. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . l FTP: Indicates the non-encrypted FTP transfer. Value range: an integer from 0 to 65535. l SFTP: Indicates the encrypted FTP transfer. which is a general FTP mode. Value range: l A maximum of 25 characters l The following characters are not allowed: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * + =<>? l Case sensitive FTP password Indicates the password of the FTP service in the M2000 SLS system. If the parameter value is null. The parameter value can be Passive Mode or Active Mode. FTP Password Indicates the FTP password used to log in to the LTE SAU server. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Description It is the description of an OSS. This parameter can be set to any integer from 1 to 65535. FTP User Name Indicates the FTP user name used to log in to the LTE SAU server. It must be set to inftpuser. 2-13 . This parameter cannot be null. Ltd. Value range: l A maximum of 60 characters l The following characters are not allowed: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * + =<>? l Unique and cannot be null l Case sensitive LTESAU Type OSS Select the LTESAU. This parameter cannot be null. FTP Server Port Indicates the port number of the LTE SAU server. The default value is 21. This parameter cannot be null. It must be set to inftpuser. Indicates the OSS managing the LTE SAU server.. FTP Transfer Mode Indicates the transfer mode set for the FTP server.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information Parameters Related to the LTE SAU Attributes Parameter LTESAU Name Description Indicates the name of a LTE SAU to be created or modified. Value range: l A maximum of 128 characters l The following characters are not allowed: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * + =<>? l Case sensitive Parameters Related to the FTP Server Parameter FTP Server IP Description Indicates the IP address of the LTE SAU server. ' `:"<>? 2-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. which requires the support from the FTP server. for example. which is a general FTP mode. Cell_1. Value range: l A maximum of 512 characters l Characters not allowed: ~ ! # $ % ^ * + = | \ / . 2. Ltd. You can refer to the parameter description when creating and modifying the custom NE groups. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Value range: l A maximum of 128 characters l Characters not allowed: ~ ! # $ % ^ * + = | \ / .5. Parameter Description Parameter NE Group Name Description Indicates the name of the NE group..2 Configuring OSSs and NE Information Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Parameter FTP Protocol Description l SFTP: Indicates the encrypted FTP transfer.4 Parameters for Creating and Modifying Custom NE Groups This section describes the parameters for creating and modifying custom NE groups. l FTP: Indicates the non-encrypted FTP transfer. ' `:"<>? l Unique and not null l Case sensitive Remarks Provides the description of an NE group. The Nastar automatically and periodically obtains configuration data from a specified directory on the M2000 server and saves the data on the Nastar server. 3. the Nastar automatically imports the configuration data periodically based on the created import task. 3. 3. The Nastar collects and imports basic data into the database so that you can perform various theme analysis tasks based on other analysis data such as VIP analysis data and uplink interference analysis data to locate network problems. 3-1 . You can import engineering parameters into the Nastar database to provide a reference for certain algorithms related to performance analysis. The LTE basic data consists of engineering parameters. If the check result is inconsistent. You can view the Nastar analysis result directly on the map..1 Introduction to LTE Basic Data This section describes the LTE basic data used for analysis. thus facilitating the service analysis.4 Importing Engineering Parameters This section describes how to import engineering parameters. The Nastar automatically obtains configuration data from a specified directory on the Nastar server periodically and then import the data into the database. you can check whether the existing engineering parameter data is consistent with the configuration data. configuration data. Through this function. you can enable the Nastar to synchronize the engineering parameter data with the configuration data to ensure data consistency.6 GIS Management The Nastar can geographically display the performance analysis results through either the Geographic Information System (GIS) window or Google Earth.5 Checking Engineering Parameters and Configuration Data This section describes how to check engineering parameters and configuration data.2 Collecting Configuration Data This section describes how to collect configuration data on the Nastar. and map files. Ltd.3 Importing Configuration Data This section describes how to import configuration data. and map data. After you create a configuration data import task on the Nastar client. 3. 3. engineering parameters. 3. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3 Collecting Basic Data 3 About This Chapter Collecting Basic Data The basic data that needs to be collected by the Nastar contains configuration data. format and view the site information in the GIS window by using the engineering parameters. engineering parameters. you can perform the following operations in the GIS window through the GIS toolbar. or maps.3 Collecting Basic Data Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3.7 Managing the GIS Window You can import the map files in . such as move/center/zoom in on/zoom out on a map and measure the distance between two points on the map.8 Reference to the Basic Data Collection Interface This section describes the interface for collecting basic data on the Nastar and the relevant parameters.wor or . You can refer to this section when you import configuration data. 3.. 3-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . In addition. 1 Introduction to LTE Basic Data This section describes the LTE basic data used for analysis. Indicates the ID of a cell. The Nastar can obtain eNodeB configuration data from the specified path on the M2000. which is used for the Nastar to correctly retrieve data of each cell from data sources. Configuration Data Configuration data contains the basic information for network optimization. Indicates the ID of a local cell. Table 3-1 LTE engineering parameters Parameter ENODEBNA ME SITENAME Description Indicates the name of an eNodeB. configuration data. If the PC is connected to the Internet. Indicates the ID of a sector. l Integer l Value range: 0 to 503 3-3 Optional/ Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory CELLNAME Mandatory ENodeBID Mandatory SectorID Optional LocalCellID Optional CellID Mandatory Mandatory Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The LTE basic data consists of engineering parameters. and map files. Map Files Map files contain the geographical information of the area to be analyzed.doc and . the Nastar supports map files in . you can view analysis results on the Google Earth. Indicates the name of a site. including longitudes and altitudes of sites. Table 3-1 shows LTE engineering parameters supported by the Nastar. LTE Engineering Parameters LTE engineering parameters contain the basic information for LTE network optimization.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3 Collecting Basic Data 3. Currently. Ltd. Indicates the name of a cell. Indicates the ID of an eNodeB. . and azimuths and downtilts of formats. Value Range l String l Value range: 0 to 50 l String l Value range: 0 to 64 l String l Value range: 0 to 64 l String l Value range: 0 to 50 l Integer l Value range: 0 to 5 l Integer l Value range: 0 to 11 l Integer l Value range: 0 to 255 PHYCELLID Indicates the ID of a physical cell. Indicates the uplink ARFCN of the UTRAN.gz Format) chapter in the Nastar Commissioning Guide (HP). Issue 04 (2011-03-31) l 3-4 . Indicates the azimuth of an antenna. Indicates the height of an antenna. 39. l String l Value range: 0 to 10 l Integer l Value range: 0 to 16383 Optional UTRANULAR FCN Optional 3.30.2 Collecting Configuration Data This section describes how to collect configuration data on the Nastar.0. refers to the Collecting and Importing Basic Data > Collecting and Importing Configuration Data > Collecting and Importing Configuration Data (xml. 116.180. for example.0.3 Collecting Basic Data Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Parameter TAC Description Indicates the tracking area code of a cell. You have logged in to the Nastar client.. Value Range l Integer l Value range: 0 to 65535 [-180. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. - Mandatory LATITUDE [-90. Indicates the original data of the electrical downtilt.0] l String l Value range: 0 to 50 Optional Optional ISOUTDOOR Indicates whether the cell is an outdoor cell. The Nastar automatically and periodically obtains configuration data from a specified directory on the M2000 server and saves the data on the Nastar server. for example.90.0.0] Optional Mandatory Optional ETilt ANTENNA [-10.0.0] Mandatory Height AZIMUTH MTilt Integer [0.952778. Prerequisite l The configuration data is generated on the M2000. For details.360] [-10. Ltd.389722. Indicates the latitude where a cell is located.30. Indicates the original data of the mechanical downtilt.0] Optional/ Mandatory Optional LONGITUDE Indicates the longitude where a cell is located. Task Type is set to Data Collection. In the OSS Name drop-down list box. 2. l If Run Type is set to Once. 2. By default. Step 4 Click Next to set the execution time of the task. Perform corresponding operations based on task types. Then. once or periodical. set parameters in the Basic Information and Task Parameter areas. 3. 3... Perform Step 5. NOTE Performance data can be collected at an interval of half an hour or one hour. hours. If. l Begin time must be later than the current server time. The Task Management window is displayed. Then. 2. a. select the name of the OSS that the NE to be analyzed belongs to. Step 3 Set the basic task information. The unit of the task execution period can be minutes. weeks.. days. select the start time.. 3-5 . the task is performed immediately after being created. The configuration data collection task can be executed periodically or once. In the Data Query drop-down list box. Set the parameters in the Task Parameter area. Click NOTE . Select Data Collection > Data Collection from Task Type. In the displayed Date/Time Selection dialog box. In Run Type. Procedure Step 1 Choose Maintenance > Task Management. type the name of the data collection task. Step 2 Click New. Set the task execution period in Period Setting.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3 Collecting Basic Data Context l l A configuration data collection task is a user-defined scheduled task. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. In Task Name. In addition.. or months. select Config Data. The New Task dialog box is displayed. Ltd. 1. 1. Run Type is set to Once. the Begin Time parameter becomes invalid after you select Execute Immediately. Run Type is set to Period. select Once or Period. TIP You can choose Task Type > Data Collection > Data Collection from the navigation tree and then doubleclick Data Collection to open the New Task. 1. Step 5 Click Next. 3 Importing Configuration Data This section describes how to import configuration data. Ltd. The new data collection task is displayed in the task list. The Nastar allows you to create only one configuration data import task for each network system. the system resources can be saved. select Auto delete the files on ftp server when collected. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. M2000V200R006 is selected as the data interface type of the OSS selected from the OSS Name dropdown list box Then. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) 3-6 . Prerequisite You have logged in to the Nastar client. l Select Select Ne to sort the objects in the navigation tree by OSS or subnet. Context l A data import task is a user-defined scheduled task. M2000V200R009. select one or more OSSs or subnets..3 Collecting Basic Data Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) If. The related data of the NEs in the selected OSSs or subnets is periodically collected to a certain directory of the Nastar.. M2000V200R010. The related data of the NEs in the selected OSS or subnet is periodically collected to a certain directory on the Nastar. the Nastar automatically imports the configuration data periodically based on the created import task.. After you create a configuration data import task on the Nastar client. ----End 3. The collected data is saved under a specified directory on the Nastar. select one or multiple NEs. or M2000V200R011 is selected as the data interface type for the OSS selected from the OSS Name dropdown list box l Sort the objects in the navigation tree by OSS or subnet. l Clear Select Ne to collect configuration data and performance data from the M2000 to a certain directory of the Nastar. l Select Specify the time range and set Begin Time and End Time to collect related data from the EMS periodically or once within the specified time period. M2000V200R008. Then. Then. Then.. Step 6 Click Finish.. l If you need to delete the collected data files from the EMS after the data collection. The Nastar automatically obtains configuration data from a specified directory on the Nastar server periodically and then import the data into the database. Click Query. enter the name of the scheduled task. The Query Data dialog box is displayed. *** refers to the network system such as GSM. Click . In the name of a task type. In the name of a task type. Step 3 Set the basic task information. The new task is displayed in the task list. 3. Select a *** configuration data import task from Task Type.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3 Collecting Basic Data l The configuration data import task can only be executed periodically. Set the query conditions. or LTE.4 Importing Engineering Parameters This section describes how to import engineering parameters. or Month. In the Query Data dialog box. select the start time. you can query the imported configuration data by performing the following operations: 1. CDMA. 1. or LTE. (2) Select the names of the NEs to be queried. The New Task dialog box is displayed. CDMA. 3-7 . If the task status is Complete. 2. Step 5 Click Finish. *** refers to the network system such as GSM. You can import engineering parameters into the Nastar database to provide a reference for certain algorithms related to performance analysis. 2. UMTS. ----End Follow-up Procedure After the task is created. select *** Configuration Data. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Day. 1. 3. Set Execution Interval and Execution times. Ltd. Step 4 Click Next to set the execution period of the task. In the displayed Date/Time Selection dialog box.. Double-click Function List > System Function > Data Query in the Analysis Task Management window. The unit of the task execution period can be Hour. In Task Name. 2. UMTS. The Task Management window is displayed. Procedure Step 1 Choose Maintenance > Task Management. You can also set the start time in the Begin time area. you can query the status of the task in the task list of the Task Management window. (1) Specify whether to limit the time range. Week. NOTE Begin time must be later than the current server time. Step 2 Click New. 4. The query results are displayed in the Query Data dialog box. and then reconfigure the header. For details. .3 Collecting Basic Data Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Prerequisite You have logged in to the Nastar client.xls. The engineering parameter template files in . Otherwise. a pop-up message is displayed. the system displays a message. or LTE.xlsx format is selected and the file contains multiple sheets. l The engineering parameters must meet the following restrictions in different network systems. l If you need to modify an incorrectly configured column header. click the *** engineering parameters tab and then click Import. NCC. right-click the column header. l The values of BCC./Configured column title/Column title in the engineering parameter file. geographical information. Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > Engineering Parameter Management from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. and key configuration information of cells. select an engineering parameter file. UMTS. 3-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. clear the check box next to the original header. l At the header of each column. and . Context Engineering parameters mainly include the engineering information.xlsx formats can be imported. Step 4 Configure the column headers. showing the information about this column. you must install Microsoft Office 2007. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) .csv. To open . cells cannot be accurately located during neighboring cell analysis or frequency analysis. see Table 3-2. In the name of the tab. prompting you to select the sheet to be imported. MNC. l The column headers marked with the * character must be configured.xls or . Ltd. and then click Open. and MCC must not be empty. the import operation is not allowed. Table 3-2 Restrictions on engineering parameters Network System GSM Restriction l The values of BCC and NCC cannot exceed two digits. Otherwise. l The value of LAC+CI of a cell must be unique. NCC. Step 2 In the Engineering parameter management window. for example. CDMA. *** refers to the network system such as GSM. When you move the pointer to the column header of a column. the engineering parameter file cannot be imported into the database. Step 3 In the displayed Open dialog box. Otherwise. If an engineering parameter file in . BCC. Column No. It is recommended that the BCCH. right-click and choose the title of the current column. and CGI information regarding each cell in the engineering parameter files be the same as that in the configuration data..xlsx files. CELLID. LTE Step 5 Click OK. click OK.. Click Close. perform either of the following operations: l Click Export Failed Records. If. l Set a file name and specify the save path and file type in the displayed Save dialog box. UMTS. In the name of the tab. The system exports the error records to a file. updated records. and then click Save.xlsx file for easy query and management.. and failed records. The values of MSCID. 2. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. do as follows: 1. or LTE. Then. In the Engineering parameter management window. and SECTORID of a cell must not be empty and the value of MSCID+CELLID +SECTORID must be unique. you can export all engineering parameter data from the database and save the data as a . check the number of added records. Step 7 Perform the operations as prompted. Ltd.. The data that fails to be imported is highlighted in red. The values of eNodeB ID+CELLID of a cell must be unique. 3-9 .. l Click Close to complete the import operation. In this case. The imported engineering parameter data is correct The imported engineering parameter data is abnormal.. .xls. Step 6 In the OK dialog box. Then. To export engineering parameter data. or . *** refers to the network system such as GSM. Deleting engineering parameters Select the engineering parameters to be deleted from the engineering parameter list. and then click Delete. You can modify error data and then complete the import operation. click the *** engineering parameters tab and then click Export.csv. CDMA.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3 Collecting Basic Data Network System UMTS CDMA Restriction The values of RNCID and CELLID of a cell must not be empty and the value of RNCID+CELLID must be unique. ----End Follow-up Procedure l Exporting engineering parameters After engineering parameter data is imported. Select the saving path.xls. You are authorized to manage engineering parameters.3 Collecting Basic Data Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3. 2.csv. the folder includes three files: l Cells with both engineering parameters and configuration data: This sheet records the information about cells that are configured with both engineering parameters and configuration data. 3-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Through this function. l Number of cells with engineering parameters but without configuration: indicates the number of cells that are configured with engineering parameters but are not configured with configuration data. Check results are saved in a folder. 3. CDMA. Prerequisite l l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. l Cells with only engineering parameters: This sheet records the information of cells that are configured with only engineering parameters. see Importing Engineering Parameters. and saving format of the check results in the Save dialog box. Engineering parameter data is imported. 1. l Number of cells with configuration and engineering parameters: indicates the number of cells that are configured with both engineering parameters and configuration data. or LTE. Step 3 Check engineering parameters. click the *** engineering parameters tab. Click Export. The Nastar displays the check results. saving name.. . or . see Importing Configuration Data. UMTS. you can enable the Nastar to synchronize the engineering parameter data with the configuration data to ensure data consistency. l Number of cells with configuration but without engineering parameters: indicates the number of cells that are configured with configuration data but are not configured with engineering parameters. Step 2 In the Engineering parameter management window. you can check whether the existing engineering parameter data is consistent with the configuration data. For details. For details. In the name of the tab page. The check results in . Configuration data is imported. *** indicates the network system such as GSM. Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > Engineering Parameter Management from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window.xlsx format can be exported. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . If the check result is inconsistent. Click Configuration Check.5 Checking Engineering Parameters and Configuration Data This section describes how to check engineering parameters and configuration data. Ltd. thus facilitating the service analysis. Cell ID. 3. BSIC. The Nastar can quickly display BTS and performance analysis results (for example.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3 Collecting Basic Data l Cells configured with only configuration data: This sheet records the information of cells that are configured with only configuration data. After engineering parameter data is imported into the database. The following engineering parameters are updated: l GSM network: BSC Name. l CDMA network: BSC ID. ARFCN. The three-dimensional map enables you to easily view the network performance analysis results and reduces the workload of field survey.6 GIS Management The Nastar can geographically display the performance analysis results through either the Geographic Information System (GIS) window or Google Earth. The PC is connected to the Internet. you can import the modified engineering parameter file to achieve data consistency.6. The Nastar can quickly display BTS and performance analysis results (for example. Prerequisite l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. 3-11 . P-SC. If the configuration data changes. The three-dimensional map enables you to easily view the network performance analysis results and reduces the workload of field survey. The Nastar can quickly display BTS and performance analysis results (for example. l UMTS network: Cell Name. you need to manually synchronize the engineering parameter data with the configuration data to ensure data consistency. Ltd. ----End 3. and BTS ID.1 Viewing Analysis Results by Using the Google Earth This section describes how to view analysis results by using the Google Earth. BCCH. 3. Sector ID. and Site Name.6. neighboring cell analysis result and VIP analysis result) on the Google Earth.1 Viewing Analysis Results by Using the Google Earth This section describes how to view analysis results by using the Google Earth. Context The principles for displaying the Nastar data on the Google Earth are as follows: Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.2 Viewing Analysis Results Through the GIS Window This section describes how to view the analysis results through the GIS window. the Nastar updates some engineering parameters based on the latest configuration data. and UARFCN-DOWNLINK. neighboring cell analysis result and VIP analysis result) in the GIS window.6. neighboring cell analysis result and VIP analysis result) on the Google Earth. You can view the Nastar analysis result directly on the map. Step 4 Optional: Click Configuration Synchronize to synchronize engineering parameter data with configuration data.. Alternatively. The Google Earth is installed in the PC. Cell Name. 3. The geographic data is displayed on the scale of 2.600 meters at heights with the selected cell being in the center.. UMTS VIP analysis results. and then displays the geographic data on the scale of 2. Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > Satellite View from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. The EarthViewWindow window is displayed. Step 3 View the cell information. the system automatically reads the engineering parameters in the Nastar system and displays the engineering parameters as labels on the Google Earth. you need to double-click Function List > System Function > Satellite View again. Step 2 Enable the Google Earth to display the Nastar data synchronously. CDMA VIP analysis results. After the loading is complete. This problem may be caused by the low speed of loading the Google Earth components. NOTE l l The description of operations related to the Google Earth is not provided in this document. engineering parameters. After you click a cell in the analysis results. Currently. and CDMA pilot pollution analysis results The Legend tab page in the window shows the display effect of each type of analysis result.600 meters at heights.3 Collecting Basic Data Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) l After the engineering parameters are read. the Nastar can displays the following analysis results on maps: – GSM neighboring cell analysis results and GSM VIP analysis results – UMTS intra-frequency neighboring cell analysis results. ----End 3-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. If. The EarthViewWindow window displays the home page of the Google Earth Then. The EarthViewWindow window displays sites It indicates that the system succeeds in automatically reading the Nastar and cells. the geographic data is displayed on the scale of 2.. the Google Earth regards the selected cell as a center.. It indicates that the system fails to automatically read the Nastar engineering parameters. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) .. and UMTS pilot pollution analysis results – CDMA intra-frequency neighboring cell analysis results.. the Google Earth displays the engineering parameter information about the cell in a message box. After you click a cell. You can click the cell again to cancel the display of the message box. The system loads the Google Earth components through the Internet. In this case.600 meters at heights and with the last cell in the engineering parameter list being in the center by default. and the specified area is located. Ltd. The Nastar data can be displayed on the Google Earth synchronously. 3-13 .Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3 Collecting Basic Data 3.2 Viewing Analysis Results Through the GIS Window This section describes how to view the analysis results through the GIS window.. Step 4 View the cell information. After you click a cell in the engineering parameter list or analysis results. Step 2 Load the engineering parameters. the engineering parameters of the cell are displayed in the Click Parameters area in the right pane of the GIS window. You are authorized to use the GIS. Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. UMTS VIP analysis results. you can perform the following operations in the GIS window through the GIS toolbar. see Managing the GIS Window. The Nastar can quickly display BTS and performance analysis results (for example. the Nastar can displays the following analysis results on maps: – GSM neighboring cell analysis results and GSM VIP analysis results – UMTS intra-frequency neighboring cell analysis results.7 Managing the GIS Window You can import the map files in . In addition. such as move/center/zoom in on/zoom out on a map and measure the distance between two points on the map. the GIS window regards the selected cell as a center to display the geographic data. For details.6. ----End 3. format and view the site information in the GIS window by using the engineering parameters. Ltd. CDMA VIP analysis results. For details about the operations of the GIS window. Context The principles for displaying the Nastar data in the GIS window are as follows: l l The Nastar data can be displayed in the GIS window synchronously. to select a cell. neighboring cell analysis result and VIP analysis result) in the GIS window. The geographic data is displayed with the selected cell being in the center. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.wor or . see Loading Site Information. and UMTS pilot pollution analysis results – CDMA intra-frequency neighboring cell analysis results. Step 3 Enable the GIS window to display the Nastar data synchronously. Procedure Step 1 Click the GIS tab in the lower left corner of the Nastar client to open the GIS window. and CDMA pilot pollution analysis results The Legend tab page in the GIS window shows the display effect of each type of analysis result. Currently. You can import the map files in . You can export the display effect of overlapped layers in the map window as images in .7. 3. and specified areas to optimize only the specified cells.7 Saving the Map Display Effect This section describes how to save the map display effect.gif.3 Collecting Basic Data Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Context NOTE The GIS window is displayed in the lower left corner of the Nastar client.5 Moving/Zooming In On/Zooming Out On/Refreshing/Fully Displaying a Map This section describes how to adjust a map.7.2 Loading Site Information This section describes how to load the site information. move a map. . 3.. 3.1 Importing a Map This section describes how to import a map. The filtered cells are geographically displayed in highlighted colors to be differentiated from other cells. You can load the engineering parameters to the GIS so that the site information of the network can be displayed in the GIS window. Ltd.1 Importing a Map This section describes how to import a map. 3.png. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) .tab format to simulate the geographic environment.7. the filtered cells can be saved as a cell group. you can restore the map window to the default status through the refreshing function. You can zoom in or zoom out on a map to change the map size. thus facilitating the analysis and location of network problems. . or .7. In addition. specified engineering parameters.3 Filtering Cells This section describes how to filter cells. 3. In addition.7. and display all the objects in the map window. 3. You can import the map files in .6 Measuring Distance on the Map This section describes how to measure distance on the map. 3. You can filter cells based on the network system.7. Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client.4 Searching Cells This section describes how to search cells.wor or . Context The Nastar provides two modes for importing map files: l l 3-14 Mode 1: Importing a map file for the first time Mode 2: Loading a map file again (the map file was imported last time) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies format to simulate the geographic environment.7. You can click the GIS tab to open the GIS window.bmp. You can using the search function to locate the cell in the GIS window quickly.jpg format.wor or . thus facilitating the analysis and location of network problems.7. You can measure distance between two points on the map by using the distance measurement tool. You are authorized to use the GIS. 3. Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3 Collecting Basic Data When you import a map file by using mode 1, the importing speed is slow. Therefore, if you have already imported a map file, you are advised to use mode 2 to speed up the importing process. CAUTION When you perform operations in the GIS window, you are advised not to import or load map files repeatedly. This is to prevent any unknown impact. Procedure Step 1 Select a mode to import map files depending on the actual situation. If You Want to ... Then ... Import a map file for the first time For details, see Step 2 to Step 4. Load a map file again Click on the toolbar to load the map file that was imported last time. Step 2 Click on the toolbar. The Choose... dialog box is displayed. Step 3 Select a map file in .wor or .tab format. Step 4 Click Open. The system starts importing the map file. It takes some time to import a map file for the first time. Please wait. ----End Follow-up Procedure Deleting the geography layer. Right-click Geography Layer > The layer to be deleted on the navigation tree in the left pane of the GIS window, and then choose Delete from the shortcut menu. 3.7.2 Loading Site Information This section describes how to load the site information. You can load the engineering parameters to the GIS so that the site information of the network can be displayed in the GIS window. Prerequisite l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. You are authorized to use the GIS. The required engineering parameters are imported to the Nastar. For example, when you need to load the site information of the GSM network, you must have imported the engineering parameters of the GSM network. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-15 3 Collecting Basic Data Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Context When you open the client every time, you must load the site information again to view the site information in the GIS window. Procedure Step 1 Click on the toolbar. The Choose Geographic Sites dialog box is displayed. Step 2 Choose the network system from the drop-down list box. Step 3 Select the site whose information needs to be loaded from the group box at the bottom. Step 4 Click OK. After the site information is loaded, an icon is displayed in the GIS window. ----End Follow-up Procedure l Displaying or hiding the site icon. You can select or clear the check box before the Site layer navigation tree in the left pane of the GIS window. l Deleting the site layer. Right-click Site Layer > The layer to be deleted on the navigation tree in the left pane of the GIS window, and then choose Delete from the shortcut menu. 3.7.3 Filtering Cells This section describes how to filter cells. You can filter cells based on the network system, specified engineering parameters, and specified areas to optimize only the specified cells. The filtered cells are geographically displayed in highlighted colors to be differentiated from other cells. In addition, the filtered cells can be saved as a cell group. Prerequisite l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. You are authorized to use the GIS. The engineering parameters are imported to the Nastar. Context Before filtering cells, you must ensure that the engineering parameters are consistent with the configuration data. Procedure Step 1 Draw polygons to define the areas to be filtered. 1. 2. 3-16 Click on the toolbar. Click the GIS work platform to add points to the polygon one by one. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3 Collecting Basic Data CAUTION The lines of a polygon must not intersect. Otherwise, certain selected areas may be missed out. If only one point of a line in the polygon is determined, the line is displayed as a broken blue line. It indicates that you are drawing this line. If two points of a line in the polygon are determined, the line is displayed as a solid blue line. It indicates that you have finished drawing this line. 3. 4. 5. After the last point is added, right-click the work platform to exit the drawing of polygon. Then, open the Input dialog box. Set the name of the polygon. Click OK to complete the drawing of polygon. The polygon and the polygon name are displayed on the GIS window. Step 2 Set filtering conditions to filter the cells in the specified area, with the specified network system and engineering parameter field. 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the toolbar. The Search dialog box is displayed. Select the area to be filtered in Region. Select the network system in Network Technology. Set the fields of engineering parameters in the lower left corner of the dialog box. The Nastar supports the filtering through all engineering parameter fields. You can filter cells either through a certain field or two fields. The relation between the two fields can be set to And or Or. Step 3 Click Search. The system starts to filter cells. The filtering results are displayed in the Search Result area. Step 4 Select or clear the check box in the Search Result area to determine whether to filter cells again. Step 5 Geographically display the filtered cells. Click Geographic(D). The cells selected in the Search Result area are highlighted in the GIS window. Step 6 Save the filtered cells as an NE group. 1. 2. 3. Click Save As a NE Group(S) to open the Save as an NE group dialog box. Set NE Group Name and add the remarks. Click OK. The cells selected in the Search Result area are saved as an NE group. You can view the information about the NE group through the NE group management function. ----End 3.7.4 Searching Cells This section describes how to search cells. You can using the search function to locate the cell in the GIS window quickly. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3-17 the system searches for the cells that the cell name contains the keyword. You can zoom in or zoom out on a map to change the map size. Prerequisite Importing a map has been performed. click on the toolbar. You are authorized to use the GIS. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) 3-18 . l The keyword is case insensitive. You can scroll the mouse wheel forward or backward to zoom in or zoom out on the map. ----End 3. 2. 1. and then click the map. Click on the toolbar. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. l Move the map. The Nastar enables you to zoom in and zoom out on the map by changing the position of the mouse pointer. TIP . Click the map. you can restore the map window to the default status through the refreshing function. . and display all the objects in the map window. Click the corresponding icon on the tool bar to zoom in or zoom out on the map. move a map. l The GIS window regards the searched cell in blue as a center. Step 2 Type the keyword in the Cell Name field. Procedure l Zoom in and zoom out on the map. the size of the map does not change. Ltd. Then. In addition. Procedure Step 1 In the GIS window. The required engineering parameters are imported to the Nastar. Step 3 Choose the technology in the Select the network field. Step 4 Click Find Next. 1. the map is zoom out..5 Moving/Zooming In On/Zooming Out On/Refreshing/Fully Displaying a Map This section describes how to adjust a map.7. the map is zoom in. When you move a map. Move the mouse pointer on the map and drag the map to the required direction. and then click the map. – Click – Click 2. or press Ctrl+F to open the Find window.3 Collecting Basic Data Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Prerequisite l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. . In the status bar in the right pane of the window.6 Measuring Distance on the Map This section describes how to measure distance on the map. Then. Procedure Step 1 Click on the toolbar. Step 3 Click Save. After you click . When the mouse pointer moves away from the starting point. After you click . Press and hold the left mouse button.bmp. ----End 3. Step 2 Click a point on the map and use it as the starting point for measuring the distance.. Step 2 Set the name. 3-19 . the distance between two points is displayed in the Distance(km) area in real time. Procedure Step 1 Click on the toolbar. You can measure distance between two points on the map by using the distance measurement tool. and then move the mouse. Prerequisite Importing a map has been performed.7. . ----End 3. the system displays all the objects in the map window. Ltd. save path.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3 Collecting Basic Data l View the panoramic scene of a map. ----End Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. You can export the display effect of overlapped layers in the map window as images in .png.jpg format.gif. Step 3 Double-click or right-click the map to complete the distance measurement. and format of the file. or . The Open dialog box is displayed. the system displays a solid black connection line between the starting point and the mouse pointer. l Refresh a map.7. the starting point is fixed. the colors and connection lines of the site icons and sector icons that are highlighted because of the service geographical application are cleared.7 Saving the Map Display Effect This section describes how to save the map display effect. 2 Parameters for Creating or Modifying a Data Collection Task This section describes the parameters related to data collection tasks. (2) Toolbar 3-20 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 3. clearing. familiarize yourself with the functions of the areas on the interface.8. Figure 3-1 GIS interface SN (1) Item Layer area Description Allows users to perform operations on site layers or geographic layers.8. familiarize yourself with the functions of the areas on the interface.8.8 Reference to the Basic Data Collection Interface This section describes the interface for collecting basic data on the Nastar and the relevant parameters. Figure 3-1 shows the GIS interface.3 Collecting Basic Data Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3. Ltd.1 Interface Description: GIS This section describes the Geographic Information System (GIS) interface. such as selecting. Before performing relevant operations. You can refer to the description when creating or modifying data collection tasks. or maps. 3. or deleting layers. engineering parameters. Shows common GIS operation buttons. You can refer to this section when you import configuration data. 3. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) ..1 Interface Description: GIS This section describes the Geographic Information System (GIS) interface. Before performing relevant operations. This area consists of the following two tab pages: l Legend: shows cell types in the main area by legend in different colors. Ltd. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 3. (5) Geographic information Synchronously displays the longitude and latitude of area the location where the pointer stays and the distance between two points during distance measurement.2 Parameters for Creating or Modifying a Data Collection Task This section describes the parameters related to data collection tasks. l Parameter: displays engineering parameter information of selected cells. 3-21 . You can refer to the description when creating or modifying data collection tasks.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3 Collecting Basic Data SN (3) (4) Item Main area Legend/parameter area Description Shows cell relationships geographically. Parameter Description Parameter OSS Value Range Select a parameter value from the dropdown list box.8. Description Indicates the name of an EMS.. If you select this option. M2000 V200R009. if you set the value to 5 Minutes. Filter NE Period Select a parameter value from the dropdown list box. Description Indicates the type of the data that is collected from the EMS to the Nastar. Period for collecting data. Allows you to type keywords to filter NEs. you can only select all NEs under an NE type but cannot select some NEs under an NE type. When the NEs under the selected NE type change. Performance data.3 Collecting Basic Data Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Parameter Data Type Value Range Select an option from the drop-down list box. You can select or not select the option. The options are 5 Minutes. the system automatically updates the NEs every four hours. When the NEs change. 24 Hours. Collect All NE Collect By NE Type You can select or not select the option. 3-22 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. M2000 V200R010 and M2000 V200R011 are Config data. 60 Minutes. Neighboring Measurement Task File. l The data types corresponding to the OSS of the M2000 V200R008. After you select this option. and Adaption Layer Data. The options vary with the OSS version. the Nastar collects performance data from the EMS at intervals of five minutes. see the following description: l The data types corresponding to the OSS of the M2000 V200R006 are Config data and Any. the system automatically updates the NEs under the selected NE type every four hours. For example. For details. Frqlog Data. 30 Minutes. Ltd. 15 Minutes. you can select all the NEs.. If you select this option. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Any. you can select the NEs by the NE type. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Indicates the path for storing files in the EMS. Indicates the start time of the data collection period. If this option is not selected. Indicates the path for storing files on the Nastar. Ltd. Indicates that all the data in the M2000 is collected to the Nastar each time when a periodic data collection task is performed. - Indicates that the collected file are stored in $DATAROOT/oss_folder name containing the start time of a period/Destination directory/ Source file on the Nastar server. Indicates whether to traverse the files in subdirectories of the configured source data path.. - Description Indicates whether to collect data during the specified time period. *** indicates the name of the OSS. You can select or not select the option. it indicates that the files are not traversed. Indicates the name of the file to be collected from the EMS. Indicates that the system collects the Source directory/Source file from the selected OSS. Indicates the end time of the data collection period. 3-23 . You can select or not select the option.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 3 Collecting Basic Data Parameter Specify the time range Start Time End Time Source directory Source file Destination directory The following files will be collected from *** And save to the server path Get files repeatedly Get files all over Value Range You can select or not select the option. . you can enable the Nastar to periodically analyze the MRs sent by a UE. cross coverage. The Nastar analyzes the MRs sent by a UE and directly displays the information about coverage status. Ltd.. 4-1 . 4. you can learn about the coverage status of the measurement cell on the network and determine whether problems such as weak cell coverage. and exporting LTE coverage analysis reports. This helps you determine whether the network problems such as poor coverage. and poor QoS occur on the network. By creating LTE coverage analysis tasks. Based on the analysis results.4 Creating an LTE Coverage Analysis Task This section describes how to create an LTE coverage analysis task.2 Process of LTE Coverage Analysis This section describes the process of LTE coverage analysis. cross coverage.1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Coverage Analysis The LTE coverage analysis function enables the Nastar to analyze the MRs sent by UEs. and user distribution of the measurement cell through the GUI. cross coverage. and poor QoS occur on the network. The analysis results help you to check the coverage status of the measurement cell on the network and determine whether problems such as weak cell coverage. You can query the measurement reports (MRs) reported by a UE within a specific period and then learn the coverage condition of the selected measurement cell according to the queried MRs. 4. cross coverage. It helps you to quickly locate the problems such as weak cell coverage.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 4 LTE Coverage Analysis 4 About This Chapter LTE Coverage Analysis LTE coverage analysis involves managing LTE coverage analysis tasks. The system create a data import task automatically so that the Nastar imports the collected analysis data into the database. 4. measurement information reported by eNodeBs. 4. 4. 4. and poor QoS exist. and poor QoS on the radio network.3 Obtaining LTE Coverage Analysis Data This section describes how to enable the Nastar to obtain LTE coverage analysis data.5 Querying LTE Coverage Analysis Reports This section describes how to query LTE coverage analysis reports. and related events in important call records. signal quality. After subscribing to analysis data. querying LTE coverage analysis reports. you can create an E2E task to enable the Nastar to collect analysis data.6 Exporting an LTE Coverage Analysis Report Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. xls. After querying coverage analysis results. or . Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . 4.4 LTE Coverage Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) This section describes how to export an LTE coverage analysis report. you can determine the coverage of the measurement cells on the network. . Based on the exported analysis results. familiarize yourself with the functions of LTE coverage analysis. you can export the found analysis results as . Ltd. 4-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Before performing relevant operations.csv.xlsx files.7 Reference for the LTE Coverage Analysis Interface This section describes the interface for LTE coverage analysis and the relevant parameters.. Ltd. The analysis results help you to check the coverage status of the measurement cell on the network and determine whether problems such as weak cell coverage.xlsx file. RSRP. and number of uplink and downlink retransmissions collected and processed by the eNodeB. the Nastar analyzes the coverage of the selected cell and then displays the analysis results in a two-dimensional (2D) chart and a table. call drops. RSRP.UE TxPower is converted from the Power Headroom (PH) reported by UEs. IRAT handover. Information about the indicators such as UE TxPower. l On the 2D Chart tab page. l The analysis results can be exported as a . call drops. The coverage analysis data is as follows: l l Downlink RSCP and RSRQ that are contained in the MRs reported by UEs. and poor QoS occur on the network. 4.1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Coverage Analysis The LTE coverage analysis function enables the Nastar to analyze the MRs sent by UEs. . RSRQ. and IRAT handover. Figure 4-1 shows the general process of coverage analysis.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 4 LTE Coverage Analysis 4. call reestablishment. and UE TxPower).Timing Advance (TA). or . and UE TxPower are displayed in two-dimensional charts. measurement information reported by eNodeBs. charts of average indicator value and TA distribution (the indicators include RSRP. the statistics of all service indicators such as TA. call reestablishment. l After you specify the conditions for coverage analysis. 4-3 .csv. Key events including call setup. RSRQ. access failure. You can optimize the cell coverage based on the analysis results.2 Process of LTE Coverage Analysis This section describes the process of LTE coverage analysis. and UE TxPower).. access failure. cross coverage. the following charts are displayed: charts of indicator distribution in PDF or CDF mode (the indicators include TA. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. charts of number of key events and TA distribution (the key events include call setup. In the overview table. and uplink/ downlink retransmission).xls. and related events in important call records. RSRQ. Ltd..4 LTE Coverage Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Figure 4-1 Workflow of coverage analysis Table 4-1 describes the items listed in Figure 4-1. 4-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . 4-5 . 1 Procedure Querying NE data information Description In the Analysis Task Management window on the Nastar client. the NE that receives the MML commands performs the measurement task and generates measurement results.. After you create the task. the Nastar issues MML commands to the M2000 through the SAU. You can view the analysis results of the coverage analysis task that is successfully performed. After subscribing to analysis data. and then the M2000 sends the MML commands to the corresponding NE. At last.3 Obtaining LTE Coverage Analysis Data This section describes how to enable the Nastar to obtain LTE coverage analysis data. After you create an E2E task corresponding to a coverage analysis task. After an E2E task is created. You can export a coverage analysis report from the Nastar.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 4 LTE Coverage Analysis Table 4-1 Description of the workflow of coverage analysis No. You need to choose Maintenance > E2E Task Management on the Nastar client to open the E2E Task Management window. You must enable the switch for the coverage analysis data to enable the coverage analysis data to be reported to the Nastar server. 2 Subscribing to coverage analysis data Creating an E2E task corresponding to a coverage analysis task 3 4 Automatically creating a task for importing LTE coverage analysis data Creating a coverage analysis task 5 6 Querying coverage analysis reports 7 Exporting coverage analysis reports 4. and then generates an analysis report through the analysis. You can create a coverage analysis task in the Analysis Task Management window of the main interface on the Nastar client. After you create the task. and then create an E2E task corresponding to a coverage analysis task. learn about the coverage of the selected measurement cell on the network. the Nastar periodically obtains the required measurement data and configuration data from the Nastar database. After you create the task. the Nastar periodically imports the coverage data saved in files to the database. the Nastar automatically creates a task for importing the coverage analysis data. A data import task can be performed only after the corresponding collection task is complete. you can view the corresponding collection task that has been created by the system in the Task Management window. and determine whether the problems such as weak coverage. and poor QoS occur on the existing network. Ltd. you can create an E2E task to enable the Nastar to collect analysis Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. cross coverage. you can enter the data query window to query whether the raw data required for the coverage analysis is imported into the database. Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > Subscription Management from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window.1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data This section describes how to subscribe to LTE analysis data. the Nastar issues MML commands to the M2000 through the transfer of SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML commands to the corresponding NE to enable the data switch on the NE side. the NE performs the measurement task and generates the results. cell performance analysis. This ensures that NEs can collect and upload the data required for the theme analysis on the Nastar. and Not Modified. the Nastar issues MML commands to the M2000 through the transfer of SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML commands to the corresponding NE to enable the data switch on the NE side. After you subscribe to the LTE analysis data. Closed. VIP analysis. The SAU and NEs related to the analysis task are created. Ltd. Before using the Nastar analysis functions such as coverage analysis. Prerequisite l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. Before creating an analysis task.. Step 2 Click the NE object node in the navigation tree. Step 4 click Set. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . you need to check that the Nastar has imported the required analysis data into the database. and terminal performance analysis. you are required to subscribe to LTE analysis data. The Subscription Management window is displayed.3. Then. and terminal performance analysis. After you set an E2E task on the Nastar. The Set window is displayed.1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data This section describes how to subscribe to LTE analysis data. 4. Before using the Nastar analysis functions such as coverage analysis. 4-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.3. You can press the Ctrl key to select the subscription information about multiple NEs. complaint analysis support.2 Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes how to create LTE E2E tasks.3. Step 3 Select the subscription information about one or multiple NEs from the table.3. The subscription status can be Open. The system create a data import task automatically so that the Nastar imports the collected analysis data into the database. cell performance analysis. you are required to subscribe to LTE analysis data. 4. Step 5 Set the subscription status of each theme analysis function.4 LTE Coverage Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) data. After you subscribe to the LTE analysis data. the Nastar issues an MML command to the SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML command to the related NE through the transfer of SAU. The configuration data related to the analysis task is imported to the Nastar database. complaint analysis support.3 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data This section describes how to check the integrity of analysis data. The default subscription status is Not Modified before you set the subscription status on the Nastar. VIP analysis. This ensures that NEs can collect and upload the data required for the theme analysis on the Nastar. 4. 4. 1. Select a task from E2E Task List. Procedure Step 1 Choose Maintenance > E2E Task Management. In the SAU name drop-down list box. If Status of the E2E task is Complete or Failed after five minutes. 3. If Status of the E2E task is still Running after five minutes. Table 4-2 describes the mapping between the E2E tasks and the analysis tasks.. Context TIP After creating an E2E task by following the procedures in this section. The New Task dialog box is displayed. it indicates that the E2E task is executed normally. In the Task Name field.2 Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes how to create LTE E2E tasks. Prerequisite l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. select the SAU name for the task. Step 2 Click New Task. it indicates that the E2E task fails to be executed. you need to click Refresh to refresh the NE subscription information in the table and view the NE subscription status.3. you are advised to observe the E2E task for five minutes to check whether the task is executed normally. Note that the Nastar monitors the tasks by checking the task status on the M2000 at an interval of five minutes. The SAU and NEs related to the analysis task are created. Step 3 Set the basic information about the task. 4. the NE performs the measurement task and generates the results. enter the name of the E2E task. Then. Table 4-2 Mapping between the E2E tasks and the analysis tasks E2E Task LTE Coverage Analysis Data Task LTE VIP Analysis Data Task LTE Cell Performance Analysis Data Task Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Analysis Task LTE coverage analysis task LTE VIP analysis task LTE cell performance analysis task Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. ----End Follow-up Procedure After you subscribe to the LTE analysis data. 2. The configuration data related to the analysis task is imported to the Nastar database. After you set an E2E task on the Nastar. 4-7 . Ltd. the Nastar issues an MML command to the SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML command to the related NE through the transfer of SAU. The E2E Task Management window is displayed.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 4 LTE Coverage Analysis Step 6 Click Confirm. Delete the selected task... You must ensure that the data source switch is on before executing an E2E task. NOTE The E2E tasks in the running or waiting state cannot be deleted. or cancel it. see 4.1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data.. and select one or multiple NEs from the NE list. ----End Follow-up Procedure After an E2E task is created. Type the keywords. that is. You can perform a data import task only after the corresponding data collection task is complete. You can right-click any point of the navigation tree and then press Ctrl+F to open the Find dialog box.4 LTE Coverage Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) E2E Task LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Data Task Analysis Task LTE terminal performance analysis task Step 4 Click Next. Create a new task. the system searches for the query result that meets the search condition. Click Delete. Right-click a task from the task list in the right pane of the E2E Task Management window. 2. Click Property. select one analysis data E2E task to view. in the dialog box. View the selected task Delete the selected task Then. If you need to. Step 5 Click Complete. Ltd. the E2E task fails to be executed. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . You can select Case sensitive to ensure that the keywords you typed are case sensitive.. you can view that the corresponding collection task has been created by the system in the Task Management window. Then. Refresh the selected task Cancel the selected task Click Refresh. The cause of the failure is that the data source switch is off. In the task list on the right of the E2E Task Management window. You can select Up or Down in the Direction area to determine the direction of the search. delete.. For details about how to turn on the data source switch. Modify the selected task 1. refresh. Otherwise. 4-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. NOTE The E2E tasks in the running or waiting state can be cancelled. and then choose Cancel from the shortcut menu.3. A dialog box prompting you to check the status of the data source switch for the analysis task is displayed. set Begin Time and End Time. The system enables you to search for the objects in the navigation tree. the search condition. Then. 4-9 . you need to check that the Nastar has imported the required analysis data into the database. The progress bar of the data import task reaches 100%. Context You need to query the data of different types according to the type of an analysis task.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 4 LTE Coverage Analysis 4. UMTS/GSM neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters UMTS configuration data and UMTS coverage analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS VIP analysis data Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Before creating an analysis task. GSM neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data.3. GSM frequency analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data and GSM uplink interference analysis data GSM configuration data and GSM VIP analysis data GSM configuration data GSM configuration data and GSM cell performance analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS uplink interference analysis data UMTS configuration data.3 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data This section describes how to check the integrity of analysis data. Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. Table 4-3 shows the mapping between analysis task types and data types. Table 4-3 Mapping Between Analysis Task Types and Data Types Analysis Task Type GSM MR Analysis Task GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis Task GSM/UMTS Neighboring Cell Analysis Task GSM Frequency Analysis Task GSM Uplink Interference Analysis Task GSM VIP Analysis Task GSM Complaint Analysis Support Task GSM Cell Performance Analysis Task UMTS Uplink Interference Analysis Task UMTS Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cell Analysis Task UMTS/GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis Task UMTS Coverage Analysis Task UMTS VIP Analysis Task Data Type GSM configuration data and GSM MR analysis data GSM configuration data.. UMTS neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters UMTS configuration data. GSM/UMTS neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data. Ltd. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . 4-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. and CDMA uplink interference spectrum analysis data CDMA configuration data and CDMA neighboring cell analysis data (1X services)..4 LTE Coverage Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Analysis Task Type UMTS Complaint Analysis Support Task UMTS Pilot Pollution Analysis Task UMTS Cell Performance Analysis Task CDMA Uplink Interference Analysis Task CDMA Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cell Analysis Task CDMA Complaint Analysis Support Task CDMA Pilot Pollution Analysis Task CDMA Coverage Analysis Task CDMA Cell Performance Analysis Task CDMA VIP Analysis Task LTE Coverage Analysis Task LTE VIP Analysis Task LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Task LTE Cell Performance Analysis Task LTE Complaint Analysis Support Task LTE Cell Fault Diagnosis Analysis Task Data Type UMTS configuration data UMTS configuration data and UMTS pilot pollution analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS cell performance analysis data CDMA configuration data. Ltd. CDMA uplink interference ranking analysis data. CDMA neighboring cell analysis data (EV-DO services) and engineering parameters CDMA configuration data CDMA configuration data and CDMA pilot pollution analysis data (1X services) or CDMA pilot pollution analysis data (EV-DO services) CDMA configuration data and CDMA coverage analysis data (1X services) or CDMA coverage analysis data (EV-DO services) CDMA configuration data and CDMA cell performance analysis data CDMA configuration data and CDMA VIP analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE coverage analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE VIP analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE terminal performance analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE cell performance analysis data LTE configuration data - Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > Data Query from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. Step 4 Set Time Setting for Once Task Data. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. you can learn about the coverage status of the measurement cell on the network and determine whether problems such as weak cell coverage. ----End 4.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 4 LTE Coverage Analysis Step 2 Set Data Type on the left of the Query Data dialog box. You can view the analysis data in the right pane of the window. Condition Selection is optional. see Table 4-3. The Analysis Task Management-New Step 1 Click Task dialog box is displayed. GSM MR analysis data and GSM configuration data are imported into the Nastar database. Step 3 Click Next. Based on the analysis results. and poor QoS occur on the network. For details. Step 2 Set the basic task information such as Task Name. l Choose eNodeB Group or Cell Group above the navigation tree to display the objects in the navigation tree as required. and Note. Step 5 Click Query. contact Huawei technical support engineers. The value of Execution Type can be only Once Task. The system supports a maximum of 50 tasks of this type. If no relevant analysis data is displayed.4 Creating an LTE Coverage Analysis Task This section describes how to create an LTE coverage analysis task. Step 6 Select one or multiple objects in the object navigation tree on the NE Object Selection tab page. see Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data. For details about how to set Data Type. Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. Context l l Tasks of this type can be performed only once. Ltd. By creating LTE coverage analysis tasks. Step 5 Click Next. Step 3 Set Condition Selection. cross coverage. You can set the time range only after selecting Is time limit required.. you can enable the Nastar to periodically analyze the MRs sent by a UE. Step 4 Select the NE object node to be queried in the NE object navigation tree. Procedure in the Analysis Task Management window. The maximum time range is three days. The time range of the data to be analyzed cannot exceed 7 days. Task Type. 4-11 . click Apply. l The system enables you to search for the objects in the navigation tree. the coverage analysis task is in the suspended state. Set the formula related to the filtering condition. 3. in the dialog box. Suspending a task To delay the task execution. l Select a task from the task list in the upper-right pane. NOTE The system can schedule only the coverage analysis tasks that are not suspended. Type the keywords. the task list on the right displays all the performance analysis tasks. Choose LTE Coverage Analysis Task from the navigation tree in theAnalysis Task Management window.. After this operation. Then. select the target formula. – You can select Case sensitive to ensure that the keywords you typed are case sensitive. set filtering conditions. You can add or modify filtering conditions. 1. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. NOTE The tasks that are in the Running status cannot be deleted. 2. the system searches for the query result that meets the search condition. l Adding a filtering condition Select a counter . the search condition. and then click Click Yes in the displayed Confirm dialog box. Step 7 On the Parameter Setting tab page. and then click Add. Modifying or deleting the filtering condition of a task whose Status is Running or Complete is not allowed. Step 8 Click Complete. you can suspend a coverage analysis task that is in the idle state. l Deleting a filtering condition In the area of the filtering conditions. – You can select Up or Down in the Direction area to define the search range. select a target formula. Then. the system provides 12 filtering conditions. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) 4-12 . . data can only be analyzed by eNodeB group or cell group but cannot be analyzed by eNodeB or cell. l Modifying a filtering condition In the area of the filtering conditions. that is. You can right-click any point of the navigation tree and then press Ctrl+F to display the Find dialog box. If you choose Subject Function.4 LTE Coverage Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) In the LTE coverage analysis task. Choose LTE Coverage Analysis Task from the navigation tree in theAnalysis Task Management window. ----End Follow-up Procedure l Deleting a task You can delete a coverage analysis task that is not required so that you can save system resources. By default. and then click Delete. and then modify the formula in the condition setting area. Ltd. 1. Step 2 Select a task from the task list in the upper right pane. cross coverage. NOTE Only the analysis result whose Result Status is Successful can be queried. Otherwise. the button is unavailable. You can query the measurement reports (MRs) reported by a UE within a specific period and then learn the coverage condition of the selected measurement cell according to the queried MRs. Procedure Step 1 Click the LTE Coverage Analysis Task node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. l Resuming a task You can resume a suspended coverage analysis task to the idle state. Step 4 Double-click an analysis result. Select a task from the task list in the upper-right pane. the task can be scheduled by the system. the task list on the right displays all the performance analysis tasks. the task list in the right pane displays all the performance analysis tasks. The LTE Coverage Analysis window is displayed. Step 3 Select an analysis result from the result list on the lower right of the window. Ltd. and poor QoS exist. button is Only the coverage analysis tasks that are in the idle state can be scheduled by the system. All the analysis results of the selected task are displayed in the lower right pane. The task can be performed only when its Status is Suspend. and then click .Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 4 LTE Coverage Analysis If you choose Subject Function. Prerequisite You have logged in to the Nastar client. If you choose Subject Function. 2. 2. the unavailable. 1.. Then. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.5 Querying LTE Coverage Analysis Reports This section describes how to query LTE coverage analysis reports. If you choose Theme Function. This helps you determine whether the network problems such as poor coverage. and then click Only the tasks whose Status is Idle can be suspended. Select a task from the task list in the upper-right pane. Choose LTE Coverage Analysis Task from the navigation tree in theAnalysis Task Management window. If the task is not in the suspended state. or right-click an analysis result and choose LTE Coverage Analysis from the shortcut menu. the task list on the right displays all the performance analysis tasks. 4. NOTE . 4-13 . 4 LTE Coverage Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Step 5 Click a cell under Cell Group Overview Report in the left pane of the window. The twodimensional chart and indicator overview table of the cell is displayed in the right pane. l The two-dimensional chart window contains three tab pages: – PDF/CDF tab page: displays the PDF/CDF distribution chart of TA, UE TxPower, RSRP, and RSRQ. – Measurement Value/TA tab page: displays the statistical values of UE TxPower, RSRP, and RSRQ in different TAs. – Number of Events/TA tab page: displays the statistical values of events, such as call, call drop, and uplink/downlink retransmission, in different TAs. l The indicator overview table displays the statistical results of indicators of the selected cell. The display contents include the number of MRs, average TA value, average RSRP value, and average RSRQ value. ----End Follow-up Procedure l The Nastar supports the export of query results. You can right-click the query result list and then choose Save As... from the shortcut menu. In the displayed dialog box, you can set a file name and specify the save path and then click Save to save the query results to a .csv, .xls, or .xlsx file. You can perform the following operations to query, save, or print the chart, or adjust the chart size: – Right-click the chart, and then choose Property from the shortcut menu. In the displayed Chart Property dialog box, reset the coordinate axes and basic information of the chart. – Right-click the chart, and then choose Save as from the shortcut menu. In the displayed Save dialog box, specify the save path and file name. Then, click Save to save the queried chart in a file on the local PC. – Right-click the chart, and then choose Print from the shortcut menu. In the displayed Page Setup dialog box, set the print attributes, and then click OK. – If the chart cannot be viewed properly because of excessive data points, you can rightclick the chart and then choose Zoom In > ***, Zoom Out > ***, or Auto Range > *** from the shortcut menu to adjust the chart size. *** represents the level-2 menu name, including Both Axes, Horizontal Axis, and Vertical Axis. You can adjust the chart size in both the x-axis and the y-axis or either axis. l The Nastar supports the search for the query results. You can click any line in the query result list and then press Ctrl+F. In the displayed Find dialog box, type the keywords, that is, the search condition. Then, the system searches for the query result that meets the search condition. You can select Case sensitive to ensure that the keywords you type are case sensitive. You can select Up or Down in the Direction area to determine the search direction. l 4.6 Exporting an LTE Coverage Analysis Report This section describes how to export an LTE coverage analysis report. After querying coverage analysis results, you can export the found analysis results as .csv, .xls, or .xlsx files. Based on 4-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 4 LTE Coverage Analysis the exported analysis results, you can determine the coverage of the measurement cells on the network. Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. You have queried LTE coverage analysis reports. Procedure Step 1 Click in the LTE Coverage Analysis window. The Save dialog box is displayed. Step 2 Set the save path, and then click Save. An exported data report contains the information about coverage indicators related to the eNodeBs and cells in the NE group. ----End 4.7 Reference for the LTE Coverage Analysis Interface This section describes the interface for LTE coverage analysis and the relevant parameters. Before performing relevant operations, familiarize yourself with the functions of LTE coverage analysis. 4.7.1 Parameters for Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating LTE E2E tasks. You can refer to this section when creating an LTE E2E task. 4.7.2 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE Coverage Analysis Tasks This describes the parameters for creating and modifying LTE coverage analysis tasks. You can refer to the description when creating or modifying an LTE coverage analysis task. 4.7.3 Parameters for Querying LTE Coverage Analysis Reports This section describes the parameters for querying LTE coverage analysis reports. You can refer to this section when you query an LTE coverage analysis report. 4.7.1 Parameters for Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating LTE E2E tasks. You can refer to this section when creating an LTE E2E task. Description of General Parameters Parameter Basic information Task Name SAU Name E2E Task List Description Indicates the name of an E2E task. Indicates the name of the SAU related to the task Indicates the types of E2E tasks. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4-15 4 LTE Coverage Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Parameter Measurement information Start Time Description Indicates the time for starting an E2E task. The start time must not precede the current server time. The format is the same as that in the district setting, for example, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. End Time Indicates the time when the E2E task stops running. The format is the same as that in the district setting, for example, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. The start time must precede the end time. NE Object Indicates the NE related to the E2E task. 4.7.2 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE Coverage Analysis Tasks This describes the parameters for creating and modifying LTE coverage analysis tasks. You can refer to the description when creating or modifying an LTE coverage analysis task. Parameter Description Parameter Basic Information Task Name Description Indicates the name of a coverage analysis task. Value range: l A maximum of 60 characters l The following characters are not allowed: ` ~ ! @#$%^&*()+={}[]\|;':,.?/<>" l Unique and not null l Case sensitive Task Type Execution Type Remark Choose LTE Coverage Analysis Task from the navigation tree. Such a task can be executed only once in a time segment. Indicates the description of the task. Value range: l A maximum of 200 characters l The following characters are not allowed: ~ ! # $%^*+=|\/,'` 4-16 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Object Information eNodeB Group NE Group If you select this option. Indicates the timing advance.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 4 LTE Coverage Analysis Parameter Time Information Data Time Range Description The start time should precede the end time. the navigation tree displays the NEs managed by Nastar. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Task Execution Delay Indicates the time when the analysis task is executed.7. Indicates the reference signal receive power. which reflects the coverage strength of uplink signals. 4-17 . Parameter Description Parameter MR Overview Average TA Average RSRP Average RSRQ Average UE TxPower Description Indicates the total number of MRs for the coverage analysis. If you select this option. This parameter is valid for only one-time tasks. which reflects the distance between the UE and the eNodeB. or click to select the date and time in the Date/ Time Selection dialog box. Indicates the reference signal receive strength. You can either type the time value in this field. The time specified in this field should not precede the end time specified in the Data Time Range field. 4.3 Parameters for Querying LTE Coverage Analysis Reports This section describes the parameters for querying LTE coverage analysis reports. which reflects the coverage quality of downlink reference signals. Indicates the transmit power of a UE. the navigation tree displays the eNodeBs managed by Nastar. You can refer to this section when you query an LTE coverage analysis report. which reflects the coverage strength of downlink reference signals. Ltd. . This function helps operators identify the UEs with poor performance on the existing network so that they can promote UE manufacturers to improve the UE performance and guide subscribers to purchase UEs with good performance.1 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis This section describes the LTE terminal performance analysis function. and the subscriber satisfaction can be improved. 5.. you can create an E2E task to enable the Nastar to collect analysis data. The system analyzes the KPIs in the call records of terminal users. therefore encouraging terminal manufacturers to improve the terminals with poor performance and guide subscribers to purchase terminals with good performance.5 Creating an LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Task This section describes how to create LTE terminal performance analysis tasks. This function helps operators identify the terminals with poor performance in the LTE network so that they can promote Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. After an LTE terminal performance analysis task is created. The system create a data import task automatically so that the Nastar imports the collected analysis data into the database. 5-1 . subscribers can obtain stable services. This function enables the Nastar to analyze the call records of all the subscribers under the selected NEs and thus obtain the related KPI data. This function helps operators identify the terminals with poor performance in the LTE network. 5. including the management of terminal performance analysis tasks and the query and export of terminal performance analysis reports. and the subscriber satisfaction can be improved. You can also modify. After subscribing to analysis data.3 Obtaining LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Data This section describes how to enable the Nastar to obtain LTE terminal performance analysis data. 5. 5.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks About This Chapter This section describes the LTE terminal performance analysis tasks. The Nastar provide the function of managing terminal types. delete.2 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Process This section describes the LTE terminal performance analysis process. or export the created terminal types. subscribers can obtain stable services. Thus. 5.4 Managing the Terminal Types This section describes how to manage terminal types. Ltd. the Nastar analyzes the call records of all the subscribers under the selected NEs to obtain the related KPI data. You can create terminal types and establish management records of new terminal types as required for future terminal performance analysis. In this case. .8 Reference to the LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Interface This section describes the interface of LTE terminal performance analysis and the relevant parameters. familiarize yourself with the functions of LTE terminal performance analysis. the subscriber satisfaction can be improved. 5-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 5.xlsx format as required.5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) terminal manufacturers to improve the terminals with poor performance and guide subscribers to purchase terminals with good performance. 5. and the subscriber satisfaction can be improved. Thus..7 Exporting a Report of LTE Terminal Performance Analysis This section describes how to export a report of LTE terminal performance analysis.6 Querying LTE UE Performance Analysis Reports This section describes how to query LTE UE performance analysis reports.csv.xls. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Thus. 5. subscribers can obtain stable services. This helps to promote UE manufacturers to improve the UEs with poor performance and guide subscribers to purchase UEs with good performance so that subscribers can obtain stable services. or . The exported terminal performance analysis results propel terminal manufacturers to improve the terminals with poor performance and guide subscribers to purchase terminals with good performance. Ltd. You can export the queried terminal performance analysis results in . You can learn the performance of UEs on the LTE network by analyzing relevant KPIs. Before performing relevant operations. and the subscriber satisfaction can be improved. the Nastar collects and analyzes the KPIs in the call records of subscribers. the defects such as poor processing ability of chips and defective algorithms exist in the UEs. 5-3 . In the early stage of the LTE network application. This function enables the Nastar to analyze the call records of all the subscribers under the selected NEs and thus obtain the related KPI data. Figure 5-1 shows the process of LTE terminal performance analysis. thus determining the performance of different UEs on the LTE network. Thus. and mobility of UEs.1 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis This section describes the LTE terminal performance analysis function. The call records of subscribers can reflect the access performance.2 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Process This section describes the LTE terminal performance analysis process.. 5. Ltd. This function helps operators identify the UEs with poor performance on the existing network so that they can promote UE manufacturers to improve the UE performance and guide subscribers to purchase UEs with good performance. service retainability. subscribers can obtain stable services. The most important aspect for obtaining high-quality services for a subscriber is a UE with stable performance. The Nastar can obtain the inventory and use frequency of different terminals according to the number of terminals and the number of reports on the existing network. With the LTE terminal performance analysis function.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks 5. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. . 5-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Figure 5-1 Process of terminal performance analysis Table 5-1 describes the items in the flowchart. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Ltd. In the displayed E2E Task Management window. and supported network systems. type. After the information is set. vendor. The terminal information includes the IMEI-TAC. the Nastar automatically creates a task for importing the terminal performance analysis data. You must enable the switch for analyzing terminal performance data so that the terminal performance analysis data can be reported to the Nastar server. 2 Querying NE data information 3 Subscribing terminal performance analysis data Creating an E2E task for terminal performance analysis 4 5 Automatically creating a task for importing terminal performance analysis data Creating a terminal performance analysis task Querying terminal performance analysis reports 6 7 Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the NEs execute the measurement task and generate results. you can view the corresponding collection task that has been created by the system in the Task Management window. model. you can create terminal performance analysis tasks. You can view the analysis results of the tasks that are successfully performed. the Nastar sends MML commands to the SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML commands to the related NE through the transfer of SAU. On the Nastar client. After that.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Table 5-1 Description of the terminal performance analysis process No. In the Analysis Task Management window on the Nastar client. In the Analysis Task Management window on the Nastar client. After obtaining the related analysis data from the database.. choose Maintenance > E2E Task Management. After you create the task. the Nastar can display the terminal information accordingly based on the detected IMEI-TAC when creating a terminal performance analysis task. A data import task can be performed only after the corresponding collection task is complete. This helps users analyze the terminal performance efficiently. After an E2E task is created. the Nastar periodically imports the terminal performance analysis data saved in files to the database. 1 Procedure Managing terminal types Description In the Analysis Task Management window on the Nastar client. After you create an E2E task corresponding to a terminal performance analysis task. you can switch to the terminal type management window to set the information about the terminal types on the network. you can switch to the data query window to query whether the raw data required for the terminal performance analysis is imported to the database. After you create the task. the Nastar analyzes data and then generates the analysis result. 5-5 . Ltd. you can create an E2E task for terminal performance analysis. This ensures that NEs can collect and upload the data required for the theme analysis on the Nastar.3.1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data This section describes how to subscribe to LTE analysis data.3 Obtaining LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Data This section describes how to enable the Nastar to obtain LTE terminal performance analysis data. 5. 8 Procedure Exporting a report of terminal performance analysis Description You can export the result files through the one-key method in the analysis result query interface. you need to check that the Nastar has imported the required analysis data into the database.2 Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes how to create LTE E2E tasks. Then. and terminal performance analysis. you can create an E2E task to enable the Nastar to collect analysis data. VIP analysis.3 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data This section describes how to check the integrity of analysis data. 5. After subscribing to analysis data. cell performance analysis. Before creating an analysis task. The system create a data import task automatically so that the Nastar imports the collected analysis data into the database. After you subscribe to the LTE analysis data. Ltd. VIP analysis. and terminal performance analysis. you are required to subscribe to LTE analysis data. the Nastar issues MML commands to the M2000 through the transfer of SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML commands to the corresponding NE to enable the data switch on the NE side. the Nastar issues MML commands to the M2000 through the transfer of SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML commands to the corresponding NE to enable the data switch on the NE side. 5. Prerequisite l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. complaint analysis support.1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data This section describes how to subscribe to LTE analysis data.. This ensures that NEs can collect and upload the data required for the theme analysis on the Nastar. Before using the Nastar analysis functions such as coverage analysis.3. The SAU and NEs related to the analysis task are created. The configuration data related to the analysis task is imported to the Nastar database. Before using the Nastar analysis functions such as coverage analysis. cell performance analysis. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . After you subscribe to the LTE analysis data. the Nastar issues an MML command to the SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML command to the related NE through the transfer of SAU.5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) No. 5. 5. 5-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.3. you are required to subscribe to LTE analysis data. After you set an E2E task on the Nastar. the NE performs the measurement task and generates the results.3. complaint analysis support. After you set an E2E task on the Nastar. you need to click Refresh to refresh the NE subscription information in the table and view the NE subscription status. The configuration data related to the analysis task is imported to the Nastar database. 5. Step 3 Select the subscription information about one or multiple NEs from the table. Prerequisite l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. If Status of the E2E task is Complete or Failed after five minutes. Step 6 Click Confirm. 5-7 . Closed. Step 5 Set the subscription status of each theme analysis function. Note that the Nastar monitors the tasks by checking the task status on the M2000 at an interval of five minutes. Step 3 Set the basic information about the task. Context TIP After creating an E2E task by following the procedures in this section. and Not Modified. you are advised to observe the E2E task for five minutes to check whether the task is executed normally. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. ----End Follow-up Procedure After you subscribe to the LTE analysis data. The Subscription Management window is displayed. The E2E Task Management window is displayed.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > Subscription Management from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window.3. The Set window is displayed. The New Task dialog box is displayed. The SAU and NEs related to the analysis task are created. Step 2 Click New Task. the Nastar issues an MML command to the SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML command to the related NE through the transfer of SAU. The subscription status can be Open. Ltd. the NE performs the measurement task and generates the results. it indicates that the E2E task fails to be executed. Step 4 click Set. it indicates that the E2E task is executed normally.2 Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes how to create LTE E2E tasks. Step 2 Click the NE object node in the navigation tree. Then. You can press the Ctrl key to select the subscription information about multiple NEs. The default subscription status is Not Modified before you set the subscription status on the Nastar. Procedure Step 1 Choose Maintenance > E2E Task Management. If Status of the E2E task is still Running after five minutes.. see 4.. 3. In the task list on the right of the E2E Task Management window. 2. and select one or multiple NEs from the NE list. Then. the search condition. If you need to. Step 5 Click Complete. The system enables you to search for the objects in the navigation tree. Select a task from E2E Task List. You must ensure that the data source switch is on before executing an E2E task. You can perform a data import task only after the corresponding data collection task is complete. The cause of the failure is that the data source switch is off. or cancel it. the system searches for the query result that meets the search condition. that is. In the Task Name field. Click Property. You can select Up or Down in the Direction area to determine the direction of the search.. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.3.. you can view that the corresponding collection task has been created by the system in the Task Management window. Otherwise.1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data. Table 5-2 Mapping between the E2E tasks and the analysis tasks E2E Task LTE Coverage Analysis Data Task LTE VIP Analysis Data Task LTE Cell Performance Analysis Data Task LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Data Task Analysis Task LTE coverage analysis task LTE VIP analysis task LTE cell performance analysis task LTE terminal performance analysis task Step 4 Click Next.. In the SAU name drop-down list box. For details about how to turn on the data source switch. select one analysis data E2E task to view. A dialog box prompting you to check the status of the data source switch for the analysis task is displayed. View the selected task 5-8 Then. Table 5-2 describes the mapping between the E2E tasks and the analysis tasks. You can select Case sensitive to ensure that the keywords you typed are case sensitive. Then. Ltd. in the dialog box. enter the name of the E2E task. You can right-click any point of the navigation tree and then press Ctrl+F to open the Find dialog box. ----End Follow-up Procedure After an E2E task is created. the E2E task fails to be executed. . set Begin Time and End Time..5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 1. refresh. Type the keywords. select the SAU name for the task. delete. Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client... and then choose Cancel from the shortcut menu.3. GSM frequency analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data and GSM uplink interference analysis data GSM configuration data and GSM VIP analysis data Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 2. Right-click a task from the task list in the right pane of the E2E Task Management window. Before creating an analysis task. Delete the selected task Then.. Delete the selected task. GSM/UMTS neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data. Ltd. Click Delete. NOTE The E2E tasks in the running or waiting state cannot be deleted. The progress bar of the data import task reaches 100%. 5. Refresh the selected task Cancel the selected task Click Refresh. 5-9 . Table 5-3 Mapping Between Analysis Task Types and Data Types Analysis Task Type GSM MR Analysis Task GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis Task GSM/UMTS Neighboring Cell Analysis Task GSM Frequency Analysis Task GSM Uplink Interference Analysis Task GSM VIP Analysis Task Data Type GSM configuration data and GSM MR analysis data GSM configuration data. GSM neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data.. NOTE The E2E tasks in the running or waiting state can be cancelled.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks If you need to. Modify the selected task 1. you need to check that the Nastar has imported the required analysis data into the database.3 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data This section describes how to check the integrity of analysis data. Context You need to query the data of different types according to the type of an analysis task.. Create a new task. Table 5-3 shows the mapping between analysis task types and data types. CDMA neighboring cell analysis data (EV-DO services) and engineering parameters CDMA configuration data CDMA configuration data and CDMA pilot pollution analysis data (1X services) or CDMA pilot pollution analysis data (EV-DO services) CDMA configuration data and CDMA coverage analysis data (1X services) or CDMA coverage analysis data (EV-DO services) CDMA configuration data and CDMA cell performance analysis data CDMA configuration data and CDMA VIP analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE coverage analysis data 5-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. CDMA uplink interference ranking analysis data. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) .. UMTS/GSM neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters UMTS configuration data and UMTS coverage analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS VIP analysis data UMTS configuration data UMTS configuration data and UMTS pilot pollution analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS cell performance analysis data CDMA configuration data.5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Analysis Task Type GSM Complaint Analysis Support Task GSM Cell Performance Analysis Task UMTS Uplink Interference Analysis Task UMTS Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cell Analysis Task UMTS/GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis Task UMTS Coverage Analysis Task UMTS VIP Analysis Task UMTS Complaint Analysis Support Task UMTS Pilot Pollution Analysis Task UMTS Cell Performance Analysis Task CDMA Uplink Interference Analysis Task CDMA Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cell Analysis Task CDMA Complaint Analysis Support Task CDMA Pilot Pollution Analysis Task CDMA Coverage Analysis Task CDMA Cell Performance Analysis Task CDMA VIP Analysis Task LTE Coverage Analysis Task Data Type GSM configuration data GSM configuration data and GSM cell performance analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS uplink interference analysis data UMTS configuration data. Ltd. and CDMA uplink interference spectrum analysis data CDMA configuration data and CDMA neighboring cell analysis data (1X services). UMTS neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters UMTS configuration data. You can set the time range only after selecting Is time limit required. If no relevant analysis data is displayed. 5-11 . You are authorized to manage the terminal types. You can view the analysis data in the right pane of the window.4 Managing the Terminal Types This section describes how to manage terminal types. Step 2 Set Data Type on the left of the Query Data dialog box. The Nastar provide the function of managing terminal types. You can also modify. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. For details about how to set Data Type. contact Huawei technical support engineers. delete. see Table 5-3. Step 3 Set Condition Selection.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Analysis Task Type LTE VIP Analysis Task LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Task LTE Cell Performance Analysis Task LTE Complaint Analysis Support Task LTE Cell Fault Diagnosis Analysis Task Data Type LTE configuration data and LTE VIP analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE terminal performance analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE cell performance analysis data LTE configuration data - Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > Data Query from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. ----End 5.. or export the created terminal types. Ltd. Condition Selection is optional. You can create terminal types and establish management records of new terminal types as required for future terminal performance analysis. Step 4 Select the NE object node to be queried in the NE object navigation tree. Step 5 Click Query. Step 2 Perform the following operations as required: 5-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Data Transmission: You can click Create in the transmission data information area on the lower left of the window to add new information about transmission data. l l Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > UE Type Management from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. The latter seven digits uniquely identify a specific terminal among a type of terminals. Model Name. Terminal model. Ltd. UE Type. and Data Transmission. Model Name. l UE Type: You can click Create in the terminal type information area on the upper left of the window to add information about new terminal types. the transmission data is identified as error information during the import. Therefore. Model Name: You can click Create in the terminal system information area in the center of the left part of the window to add information about new terminal systems. The terminal types that are not created are invisible during the creation of management information about terminal types. The IMEI is a 15-digit string formed by numerals 0 to 9. as shown in Table 5-4. Therefore.5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Context IMEI is an abbreviation for International Mobile Equipment Identity.. The terminal system that are not created are invisible during the creation of management information about terminal types.xls formats. these terminal system are identified as error information during the import. The terminal type file to be imported must include the following fields: IMEI-TAC. Table 5-4 Examples of terminal type files IMEI-TAC Vendor Terminal model TD800 UE Type Model Name GSM Data Transmissi on GPRS/ EDGE/ HSDPA GPRS/ EDGE 86000400 China Unicom or China Mobile SAMSUNG MS 86004300 GT-I6320C MS GSM The terminal type files can be imported or exported in . The transmission data that is not created is invisible during the creation of management information about terminal types. The first eight digits uniquely identify a type of terminals. Therefore. The match sequence of columns is restricted and automatic matching of columns is not supported. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Vendor. these terminal types are identified as error information during the import. and Data Transmission on the left pane of the UE Type Management window.csv or . You can add information relevant to UE Type. The UE Type Management window is displayed. – You can click Cancel to terminate the import task. go to Step 4. the parameters IMEI-TAC. The UE Type ManagementCreate dialog box is displayed. Perform Step 3. l If the imported information is correct and no duplicates of the records exist. Click Import. Click OK. click OK. Then . a prompt is displayed for you to select the worksheet to be imported. For details about the descriptions of relevant parameters. The manufacturer and terminal type cannot be empty and the IMEI-TAC cannot be changed. 2. Perform Step 4. 1.. Ltd. and Terminal model are mandatory.. the current file cannot be imported. In the UE Type Management window. The UE Type Management-Modify dialog box is displayed. 3. go to Step 4. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.4. ----End Follow-up Procedure l Modify the relevant attributes of terminal types. l If the imported information is correct but certain duplicates of the records exist. 1. terminate the current import task. Step 4 Create a terminal type through import. and Terminal model cannot be empty. Vendor. In this case. l If certain abnormal records exist in the information to be imported. select a piece of terminal type information. Set the relevant parameters again.4. You can also click No in the displayed Confirm dialog box to ignore the duplicate records and import the additional records. The parameters IMEI-TAC. 2.. Click Create in the lower right corner of the window. 2. If an terminal type file in . and then click Modify. click Yes to overwrite the existing records and import the additional records. see Parameters for Creating and Modifying the UE Type. In the displayed dialog box. 5-13 ..xls format is selected and the file contains multiple worksheets. 1. 3. the system displays the number of abnormal records. Set the relevant parameters. Create a terminal type directly Create a terminal type through import Step 3 Create a terminal type directly. and then click Open. After the import is complete. Then.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks If You Need to. the Confirm dialog box is displayed. Vendor. – Click Export Checked Result to export the check result so that you can modify the error information. Perform the operations as prompted. 4. Select an edited terminal type file.. The Open dialog box is displayed. In this case. In the imported file. 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) For details about the descriptions of relevant parameters see Parameters for Creating and Modifying the UE Type. 3. Click OK. If the terminal type is used by certain tasks, the modification does not affect the ongoing tasks. If a terminal type is used by a periodic task, the related information is updated in the next period after the modification. l Delete the terminal type. 1. 2. In the UE Type Management window, select one piece or multiple pieces of terminal type information, and then click Delete. Click Yes in the displayed Suggestion dialog box. If the terminal type is used by certain tasks, the modification does not affect the ongoing tasks. If a terminal type is used by a periodic task, the related information is updated in the next period after the modification. l Export the terminal type information and save the information as the .csv or .xls format. 1. 2. In the UE Type Management window, select one piece or multiple pieces of terminal type information, and then click Export. Set a file name and specify the save path and file type in the displayed Save dialog box, and then click Save. NOTE Right-click in the UE Type Management window and then choose Save as from the shortcut menu to export all the terminal type information. 5.5 Creating an LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Task This section describes how to create LTE terminal performance analysis tasks. After an LTE terminal performance analysis task is created, the Nastar analyzes the call records of all the subscribers under the selected NEs to obtain the related KPI data. This function helps operators identify the terminals with poor performance in the LTE network so that they can promote terminal manufacturers to improve the terminals with poor performance and guide subscribers to purchase terminals with good performance. Thus, subscribers can obtain stable services, and the subscriber satisfaction can be improved. Prerequisite l l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. The ItmService process of the Nastar runs normally. You are authorized to perform the UE performance analysis. The E2E task, collection task, and data import task corresponding to the terminal performance analysis task are normal. The terminal performance analysis task can be created successfully even if the prerequisites are not met. The execution of the terminal performance analysis task, however, will always fail because the data to be analyzed is not imported into the database. Context l A maximum of 50 tasks of this type can be created, and data of maximum seven days can be included in an analysis task. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) 5-14 Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks l Before creating the terminal performance analysis task, you need to check and ensure that the data related to the analysis task is imported into the database by referring to Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data. Procedure Step 1 Click in the Analysis Task Management window. The Analysis Task Management-New Task dialog box is displayed. Step 2 Set the basic task information such as Task Name, Task Type, and Remark. The value of Execution Type can only be One-time Task. Step 3 Click Next. Step 4 Set Set time for one-time task data. Step 5 Click Next. Step 6 Select one or multiple objects on the Select NE Object tab page. l You can select eNodeB Group or Cell Group in the object navigation tree to display the navigation tree according to the specified mode. l The system enables you to search for the objects in the navigation tree. You can click any point of the navigation tree and then press Ctrl+F to open the Find dialog box. Type the keywords, that is, the search condition, in the dialog box. Then, the system searches for the query result that meets the search condition. – You can select Case sensitive to ensure that the keywords you type are case sensitive. – You can select Up or Down in the Direction area to determine the search direction. Step 7 Click Finish. ----End Follow-up Procedure l Deleting a task You can delete unnecessary terminal performance analysis tasks to release system resources. NOTE The tasks in the Running state cannot be deleted. 1. Click the LTE Terminal Performance Analysis node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. If you choose Theme Function, the task list in the right pane displays all the performance analysis tasks. 2. 3. l Select a task from the task list in the upper-right pane, and then click In the displayed Confirm dialog box, click Yes. . Suspending a task To delay the task execution, you can suspend a terminal performance analysis task that is in the idle state. Then, the terminal performance analysis task becomes a suspended task. NOTE The system can schedule only the terminal performance analysis tasks that are not suspended. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5-15 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 1. Click the LTE Terminal Performance Analysis node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. If you choose Theme Function, the task list in the right pane displays all the performance analysis tasks. 2. Select a task from the task list in the upper-right pane, and then click . This operation can be performed for only the tasks whose Status is Idle or Suspend. If a task is not in the Idle state, the button is unavailable. l Restoring a task You can restore a suspended terminal performance analysis task to the idle or suspended state. Then, the task can be scheduled by the system. NOTE Only the terminal performance analysis tasks that are in the idle state can be scheduled by the system. 1. Click the LTE Terminal Performance Analysis node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. If you choose Theme Function, the task list in the right pane displays all the performance analysis tasks. 2. Select a task from the task list in the upper-right pane, and then click . This operation can be performed for only the tasks whose Status is Suspend. If a task is not in the suspended state, the button is unavailable. 5.6 Querying LTE UE Performance Analysis Reports This section describes how to query LTE UE performance analysis reports. You can learn the performance of UEs on the LTE network by analyzing relevant KPIs. This helps to promote UE manufacturers to improve the UEs with poor performance and guide subscribers to purchase UEs with good performance so that subscribers can obtain stable services. Thus, the subscriber satisfaction can be improved. Prerequisite l l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. The ItmService process of the Nastar runs normally. You are authorized to perform the UE performance analysis. The UE performance analysis task is executed successfully. Procedure Step 1 Click the LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Task node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. If you choose Theme Function, the task list in the right pane displays all the performance analysis tasks. Step 2 Select a task from the task list in the upper right pane. All the analysis results of the selected task are displayed in the lower right pane. Step 3 Select an analysis result from the result list on the lower right of the window. 5-16 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) You can select Case sensitive to ensure that the keywords you type are case sensitive.. . Procedure in the LTE Terminal Performance Analysis window.xlsx format as required. In the displayed Find dialog box.csv. The Save dialog box is Step 1 Click displayed. You can right-click the query result list and then choose Save As. click Save. 5-17 . You can export the queried terminal performance analysis results in .Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Step 4 Double-click an analysis result. Then.csv. the search condition. that is. The Nastar supports the search for the query results. or right-click an analysis result and choose Analysis Result from the shortcut menu. The LTE Terminal Performance Analysis window is displayed. l 5. or . you can set a file name and specify the save path and then click Save to save the query results to a . You have queried the report of LTE terminal performance analysis. The exported terminal performance analysis results propel terminal manufacturers to improve the terminals with poor performance and guide subscribers to purchase terminals with good performance. type the keywords. Step 2 Specify a save path. ----End Follow-up Procedure l The Nastar supports the export of query results.xlsx file.xls. . You can select Up or Down in the Direction area to determine the search direction.xls.. NOTE Only the analysis result whose Result Status is Successful can be queried. Ltd. In the displayed dialog box. Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. Step 5 Click a UE in the UE list of the LTE Terminal Performance Analysis window to view the KPI details of the UE. from the shortcut menu. or .. ----End Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. You can click any line in the query result list and then press Ctrl+F. Then.7 Exporting a Report of LTE Terminal Performance Analysis This section describes how to export a report of LTE terminal performance analysis. the system searches for the query result that meets the search condition. 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 5.2 Parameters for Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating LTE E2E tasks. or delete UE types in the Analysis Task Management area.8.8.3 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating and modifying LTE terminal performance analysis tasks.1 Parameters for Creating and Modifying the UE Type This section describes the parameters for creating and modifying the UE type. You can add.8. 5. 5. modify. Ltd. Home network management device. 5. Before performing relevant operations.. The default values cannot be deleted. and Fixed wireless phone.1 Parameters for Creating and Modifying the UE Type This section describes the parameters for creating and modifying the UE type. Value range: a maximum of 20 characters UE Type Indicates the type of a UE.8. You can refer to this section when you query an LTE UE performance analysis report. You can refer to this section when you create and modify the UE type. 5. The parameter is mandatory.8 Reference to the LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Interface This section describes the interface of LTE terminal performance analysis and the relevant parameters. Description of Parameters Related to UEs Parameter IMEI-TAC Description Indicates the first eight digits of the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) that identifies the type of a UE. The default values in the system are Cellphone. The parameter is mandatory. Indicates the manufacturer of a UE. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . familiarize yourself with the functions of LTE terminal performance analysis. The parameter is mandatory. Value range: a maximum of 50 characters Style Indicates the style of a UE. You can refer to this section when creating an LTE E2E task.8. Value range: a maximum of 20 characters Manufactory 5-18 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.4 Parameters for Querying LTE UE Performance Analysis Reports This section describes the parameters for querying LTE UE performance analysis reports. You can refer to this section when you create and modify the UE type. 5. You can refer to this section when creating and modifying an LTE terminal performance analysis task. Netbook. The default values in the system are GSM. modify. YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. or delete systems in the Analysis Task Management area. . NE Object Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Indicates the NE related to the E2E task. GPRS/ EDGE/HSDPA. for example. The format is the same as that in the district setting. WCDMA. Value range: a maximum of 20 characters Data Transmission Indicates the transmission mode of data services supported by a UE.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Parameter Model Name Description Indicates the system supported by a UE. or delete transmission modes in the Analysis Task Management area. Indicates the time for starting an E2E task. The default values in the system are GPRS/EDGE. Only the manufacturers and models that are registered in the UE type management are displayed.. YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. End Time Indicates the time when the E2E task stops running. Ltd. The start time must precede the end time. You can add. and LTE. GSM/TD-SCDMA. You can add. The default values cannot be deleted. The format is the same as that in the district setting. modify. and GPRS/EDGE/HSPA. for example. GSM/WCDMA. 5-19 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Description of General Parameters Parameter Basic information Task Name SAU Name E2E Task List Measurement information Start Time Description Indicates the name of an E2E task. Indicates the name of the SAU related to the task Indicates the types of E2E tasks.2 Parameters for Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating LTE E2E tasks. 5. You can refer to this section when creating an LTE E2E task. The default values cannot be deleted. Value range: a maximum of 20 characters NOTE The system does not automatically display the manufacturers and models of UEs.8. The start time must not precede the current server time. TD-SCDMA. 5-20 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.8. You can either enter the time value in this field or click and select the date and time in the Date/Time Selection dialog box.5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 5.'` l Unique and not null l Case sensitive Task Type Execution Type Remark Select LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Task in the navigation tree.. Provides the description of the task. The time specified in this field must not precede the end time specified in the Data Time Range field. The value range is as follows: l A maximum of 20 characters l Characters not allowed: ~ ! # $ % ^ * + = | \/.3 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating and modifying LTE terminal performance analysis tasks. You can refer to this section when creating and modifying an LTE terminal performance analysis task. Object informati on eNodeB Group NE Group If you select this option. Value range: a maximum of 200 characters Time informati on One-Time Task Data Time Range The start time must precede the end time. Ltd. the navigation tree displays the eNodeBs managed by Nastar. Parameter Description Parameter Basic informati on Task Name Description Indicates the name of a terminal performance analysis task. Task Execution Delay Indicates the time when the analysis task is executed. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . One-time task: The system executes the created tasks only once at the specified time. the navigation tree displays all the NEs on the entire network. If you select this option. 5-21 . Indicates the call drop rate of all services. You can refer to this section when you query an LTE UE performance analysis report. Indicates the model of a UE. Indicates the Evolved UTRAN Radio Access Bearer (E-RAB) setup success rate. Indicates the Radio Resource Control (RRC) setup success rate. Indicates the total number of measurement reports (MRs) reported by the UE of each type.8.4 Parameters for Querying LTE UE Performance Analysis Reports This section describes the parameters for querying LTE UE performance analysis reports.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 5 LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Tasks 5. Indicates the manufacturer of a UE. Description of Parameters Related to Indicators Parameter IMEI-TAC Description Indicates the type of a UE.. Ltd. Indicates the number of UEs of each type that are connected to the selected NE. which consists of the Type Approval Code (TAC) and Final Assembly Code (FAC). You can obtain the information about the manufacturer and model of a UE according to the value of the parameter. The value of the parameter is an eight-digit numeral. Manufactory Style Terminal Count Number of Reports Business RRC setup success rate(%) E-RAB setup success rate(%) Call drop rate(%) Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. . the Nastar enables you to identify and solve the network problems that may cause VIP subscriber complaints.1 Basic Knowledge of LTE VIP Analysis The LTE VIP analysis function enables you to routinely monitor the calls of the selected VIP subscribers on the network.3 Managing LTE VIP Groups This section describes how to manage the LTE VIP groups. you can create an E2E task to enable the Nastar to collect analysis data. thus providing better services for VIP subscribers and improving VIP subscriber satisfaction. thus improving the satisfaction of VIP subscribers. 6. it helps network engineers actively analyze and locate possible network problems of VIP subscribers in advance. This helps solve the subscriber level network optimization problem. and then performs aggregation and analysis for the service call report quantity. In addition. After subscribing to analysis data. This helps provide good services to VIP subscribers and improve satisfaction of VIP subscribers. Ltd.5 Creating LTE VIP Analysis Tasks This section describes how to create LTE VIP analysis tasks.2 LTE VIP Analysis Process This section describes the LTE VIP analysis process. 6. 6. the Nastar obtains the IMSI reported by the mobile subscriber through the communications device. delete. 6-1 . In an LTE VIP analysis task. You can create VIP groups as required and add certain VIP subscribers to a VIP group to monitor the service quality of these VIP subscribers simultaneously.. traffic. The system create a data import task automatically so that the Nastar imports the collected analysis data into the database. By monitoring the KPIs related to the QoS of the VIP subscribers. including the management of VIP analysis tasks and the query and export of VIP analysis reports. or export a VIP group. and KPIs on the basis of VIP subscribers or VIP groups.6 Querying LTE VIP Analysis Reports Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 6. you can modify the attributes of a VIP group.4 Obtaining LTE VIP Analysis Data This section describes how to enable the Nastar to obtain LTE VIP analysis data. In addition.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6 LTE VIP Analysis 6 About This Chapter LTE VIP Analysis This section describes the LTE VIP analysis. Analyzing monitoring reports helps you learn the quality of service (QoS) of VIP subscribers. 6. 6. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) .. 6. Ltd. . You can export the queried VIP analysis results as . 6.6 LTE VIP Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) This section describes how to query LTE VIP analysis reports. familiarize yourself with the functions of LTE VIP analysis. 6-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.8 Reference to the LTE VIP Analysis Interface This section describes the interface for LTE VIP analysis and the relevant parameters.xlsx files as required. Before performing relevant operations. and KPIs of the selected VIP subscribers.7 Exporting LTE VIP Analysis Reports This section describes how to export LTE VIP analysis reports. or . The exported VIP analysis results help you identify and solve the network problems that may cause VIP subscriber complaints. traffic volume.csv. you can learn about the QoS of the VIP subscribers and identify and solve the network problems that may cause complaints. By monitoring the number of service call reports.xls. thus enabling operators to actively analyze and solve problems in advance to prevent losing important customer groups. The aggregation and analysis of KPIs of active cells based on VIP groups and VIP subscribers help network engineers learn the main active areas of VIP subscribers on the network. this function helps operators identify problem VIP groups and the corresponding VIP subscribers in time. By analyzing these reports. The amount of raw data is huge. limitation is required to prevent the system from becoming overloaded in the case of concurrent operations by a large number of users. thus improving the satisfaction of VIP subscribers. VIP Analysis The Nastar filters subscriber call events records by IMSI and then aggregates and analyzes KPIs (including monitor KPIs and active cell KPIs) based on the VIP group level and the VIP subscriber level. the Nastar supports the analysis of 30. Analyzing monitoring reports helps you learn the quality of service (QoS) of VIP subscribers. but the network engineers cannot recur and locate the problem at the site. Limitation The LTE VIP analysis function allows the NEs to report raw call data of important VIP subscribers to the Nastar. Based on the network problems that occur in these active areas. This effectively improves the operation efficiency and reduces the operation expenditure. In this manner. thus improving the efficiency of problem analysis and location. When the KPIs of important VIP subscribers of a group deteriorate.000 subscribers (that is. 6-3 . the network engineers quickly locate the key call report that results in the deterioration of KPIs. In addition. Ltd. it helps network engineers actively analyze and locate possible network problems of VIP subscribers in advance. Used with the Geographic Information System (GIS). and then analyzes the information such as the network quality and signaling procedure before the link release and abnormal causes. average rate of the downlink non-GBR service. In such a case. thus implementing the network optimization at the subscriber level.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6 LTE VIP Analysis 6. thus locating problems.. you can quickly identify the VIP subscribers with the worst and best QoS and the trends during a certain period and obtain more information about the time when network problems occur. they can timely solve the problem of the deterioration of QoS of VIP subscribers caused by network problems. l In addition. the network engineers can quickly identify the key cells that need to be preferentially treated to solve these network problems. Thus. the maximum number of subscribers in all Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. average rate of the downlink GBR service. Therefore. this function enables the Nastar to display active cells in geographic mode. the Nastar supports in-depth analysis for the important VIP subscribers whose raw data is collected in advance. In addition. average rate of the uplink non-GBR service. l The aggregation and analysis of KPIs based on the VIP group level help network engineers efficiently and timely monitor the service usage of subscribers from important groups in a centralized manner.1 Basic Knowledge of LTE VIP Analysis The LTE VIP analysis function enables you to routinely monitor the calls of the selected VIP subscribers on the network. The aggregation and analysis of KPIs based on the VIP subscriber level provide a detailed analysis on trends of KPIs (such as the average rate of the uplink GBR service. for the analysis function based on the VIP group level. uplink IBLER and downlink IBLER (code 1/code 2)) related to subscriber experience and behaviors. the Nastar helps to extract the detailed call records of these VIP subscribers within the specified period. for the analysis function based on the VIP subscriber level. Ltd. the maximum number of subscribers in all the VIP groups that are allowed to report data sources cannot exceed 2.000 subscribers (that is. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) .6 LTE VIP Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) the VIP groups that are selected for the analysis cannot exceed 30. 6. you need to import correct configuration data or engineering parameters. the Nastar supports the analysis of 2. Figure 6-1 shows the general process of LTE VIP analysis. In addition. 6-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co..000). the analysis function of KPIs in active cells of LTE VIP subscribers requires the display of geographic distribution of active cells.000). To ensure the display effect.2 LTE VIP Analysis Process This section describes the LTE VIP analysis process. .Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6 LTE VIP Analysis Figure 6-1 Process of LTE VIP analysis Table 6-1 describes the items in the flowchart. 6-5 . Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. you can create an analysis task for a specified VIP subscriber. the Nastar automatically creates a task for importing the VIP analysis data. After obtaining the related analysis data from the database. 1 Procedure Managing VIP groups Item In the Analysis Task Management window on the Nastar client.. the Nastar analyzes data and then outputs the analysis result. the VIP analysis function provides options based on the information about the created VIP subscribers or VIP groups. 8 Exporting VIP analysis reports You can export analysis result files in the Nastar performance analysis system. After you create an E2E task corresponding to a VIP analysis task. you can enter the data query window to query whether the raw data required for the VIP analysis is imported into the database. In addition. choose Maintenance > E2E Task Management. 2 Querying NE data information Subscribing to VIP analysis data Creating an E2E task for VIP analysis 3 4 5 Automatically creating a task for importing VIP data Creating a VIP analysis task 6 7 Querying VIP analysis reports 6-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. A data import task can be performed only after the corresponding data collection task is complete. you can view the corresponding collection task that has been created by the system in the Task Management window. You can view the analysis results of the VIP analysis tasks that are executed successfully and also perform comprehensive analysis together with maps. On the Nastar client. You can switch to the subscription management window from the Analysis Task Management window to query the status of the VIP analysis switch of an NE and to enable or disable the VIP analysis switch of an NE. After the creation. the Nastar issues an MML command to the SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML command to the related NE through the transfer of SAU. After you create the task. After an E2E task is created.6 LTE VIP Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Table 6-1 Process of LTE VIP analysis No. you can enter the VIP group management window to create the VIP groups and relevant subscribers required for the VIP analysis. Thus. In the Analysis Task Management window on the Nastar client. In the displayed E2E Task Management window. you can create VIP analysis tasks. the NE that receives the MML commands performs the measurement task and generates the results. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . In the Analysis Task Management window on the Nastar client. After you create the task. Ltd. At last. you can create an E2E task of VIP analysis. the Nastar periodically imports the VIP analysis data saved in files to the database. you can export the result files through the one-key method in the analysis result query interface. NMSI refers to the national mobile subscriber identification. Edit Time and Description. This identification can uniquely identify an MS in a country.3 Managing LTE VIP Groups This section describes how to manage the LTE VIP groups. MSIN refers to the mobile subscriber identification number..xlsx formats are supported. Where: l l l l MCC refers to the mobile country code of a mobile subscriber. In addition. PLMN refers to the public land mobile network. Context IMSI refers to the international mobile subscriber identity. You can create VIP groups as required and add certain VIP subscribers to a VIP group to monitor the service quality of these VIP subscribers simultaneously. delete. The VIP Group Management dialog box is displayed.csv. Table 6-2 VIP group file VIP Group Name Group1 Number of Members 50 Class Creator Edit Time Description High admin 2010-05-10 08:30:10 2010-05-11 09:40:50 Second level director of ** Group Project manager of ** Group Group2 100 Low admin The export of VIP group files in . Number of Members. The IMSI is a 15-digit string formed by numerals 0 to 9.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6 LTE VIP Analysis 6. namely. The structure of the IMSI from the left to the right is MCC+MNC+MSIN. MNC refers to the mobile network code. 6-7 . the PLMN code of a mobile subscriber. The match sequence of columns is restricted and automatic match of columns is not supported. and . The VIP group file to be imported must include the following fields: VIP Group Name. you can modify the attributes of a VIP group. The MNC and the MSIN forms the NMSI.xls. Creator. Class. Step 2 Perform the following operations as required: Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > VIP Group Management from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. or export a VIP group. as shown in Table 6-2. . Ltd. Perform Step 4.. 3. Set a file name and specify the save path and file type in the displayed Save dialog box. b. or . click Confirm.. If a VIP subscriber file in . c. 4. Click New below the Group Member list to open the VIP User Management dialog box. Click Export below the Group Member list. a. and Description.. and then click Open. l Adding a VIP subscriber a. b. or . it indicates that the setting of this parameter is mandatory. click New to open the VIP Group Management . Click Confirm. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 2. Select an edited VIP subscriber file. and Description.6 LTE VIP Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) If You Want to . 6-8 Click Import on the LTE VIP Group Name tab page to open the Open dialog box. a prompt is displayed. Click the LTE VIP Group Name tab. or save a record through the shortcut menu prompted by right-clicking in the Group Member list. do as follows: 1. l Importing a VIP subscriber l Exporting the VIP subscriber information to . In this case. do as follows: 1. b.csv. You can add new VIP subscribers to this list as required or import VIP subscribers to this list. Select one or multiple VIP subscribers from the Group Member list. Click Import below the Group Member list to open the Open dialog box. Then. Click Confirm. or export the VIP subscriber information in the list to . IMSI.xlsx files You can also select all records. .xlsx files. Ltd.csv. . Perform Step 3. Create a VIP group by adding one Create a VIP group by importing one Step 3 To create a VIP group by adding one.xls or . If the * character is present on the right of a parameter. find a record. Priority. Step 4 To create a VIP group by importing one. it indicates that the setting of this parameter is mandatory. Set Group Name. Then . If the * character is present on the right of a parameter. Set User Name. b. and then click Save. select the worksheet to be imported.xls.Create VIP Group dialog box. delete the existing VIP subscribers from the list..xlsx format is selected and the file contains multiple worksheets. Phone Number. l Deleting a VIP subscriber a.. a. In the displayed Confirm dialog box.xls. Select one or multiple VIP subscribers from the Group Member list and then click Delete below the list. ..1 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE VIP Subscribers/VIP Groups. You can modify the user name. If the VIP group is used by a periodic task. the related information is updated in the next period after the modification. You can modify the imported file as prompted and then perform the import. ----End Follow-up Procedure On the LTE VIP Group tab page. the modification does not affect the ongoing tasks. For details about parameters.8. NOTE If the VIP group is used by other tasks. the Nastar displays Priority and Description in the last row of the VIP group in the Priority and Description column on the LTE VIP Group Name tab page. l If the Priority column is empty. 3.xlsx format is selected and the file contains multiple worksheets. Click Modify to set parameters related to the VIP subscriber again. see 6. NOTE l In a VIP group file.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6 LTE VIP Analysis 2.. the related information is updated in the next period after the modification.xls or . If. Select an edited VIP group file. 6-9 .1 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE VIP Subscribers/VIP Groups.8. Click Modify to set parameters related to the VIP group again. see 6. MS number. Ltd. Click Delete.. If the VIP group is used by a periodic task. select the information about a VIP group. the modification does not affect the ongoing tasks. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Medium is displayed by default. NOTE If the VIP group is used by other tasks. View the information about members of a VIP group Modify VIP subscriber information Double-click a VIP group to view members of the VIP group. and then perform the operations as required. When the import fails. In this case. but cannot modify the IMSI. the system displays a message. a prompt is displayed. It is recommended that the description and priority information in different rows regarding a VIP group be the same when you define VIP group information. if Priority and Description of the same VIP group in different rows are different. and then click Open. indicating the cause of import failure. Export a VIP group Delete a VIP group Click Export. For details about parameters. select the worksheet to be imported. Click Import. Modify a VIP group Then. If a VIP group file in .. and remark information. The configuration data related to the analysis task is imported to the Nastar database.1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data This section describes how to subscribe to LTE analysis data.2 Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes how to create LTE E2E tasks. Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > Subscription Management from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. After you set an E2E task on the Nastar. Prerequisite l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. you are required to subscribe to LTE analysis data. After you subscribe to the LTE analysis data. the Nastar issues MML commands to the M2000 through the transfer of SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML commands to the corresponding NE to enable the data switch on the NE side. The Subscription Management window is displayed. the Nastar issues MML commands to the M2000 through the transfer of SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML commands to the corresponding NE to enable the data switch on the NE side. After you subscribe to the LTE analysis data. cell performance analysis. 6. 6.4.4. This ensures that NEs can collect and upload the data required for the theme analysis on the Nastar. complaint analysis support. the NE performs the measurement task and generates the results. the Nastar issues an MML command to the SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML command to the related NE through the transfer of SAU. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . you need to check that the Nastar has imported the required analysis data into the database. After subscribing to analysis data. Ltd.6 LTE VIP Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6.1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data This section describes how to subscribe to LTE analysis data. and terminal performance analysis. Before creating an analysis task. Before using the Nastar analysis functions such as coverage analysis. You can press the Ctrl key to select the subscription information about multiple NEs. The system create a data import task automatically so that the Nastar imports the collected analysis data into the database. 6.4 Obtaining LTE VIP Analysis Data This section describes how to enable the Nastar to obtain LTE VIP analysis data. cell performance analysis. This ensures that NEs can collect and upload the data required for the theme analysis on the Nastar.. VIP analysis. Then.4. 6. you can create an E2E task to enable the Nastar to collect analysis data.3 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data This section describes how to check the integrity of analysis data. VIP analysis. you are required to subscribe to LTE analysis data.4. The SAU and NEs related to the analysis task are created. Step 3 Select the subscription information about one or multiple NEs from the table. and terminal performance analysis. 6-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Step 2 Click the NE object node in the navigation tree. complaint analysis support. Before using the Nastar analysis functions such as coverage analysis. In the Task Name field. Context TIP After creating an E2E task by following the procedures in this section. Ltd. The New Task dialog box is displayed. the Nastar issues an MML command to the SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML command to the related NE through the transfer of SAU. Note that the Nastar monitors the tasks by checking the task status on the M2000 at an interval of five minutes. The subscription status can be Open. If Status of the E2E task is still Running after five minutes. it indicates that the E2E task is executed normally. 3. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Select a task from E2E Task List. Procedure Step 1 Choose Maintenance > E2E Task Management. Step 3 Set the basic information about the task.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6 LTE VIP Analysis Step 4 click Set. and Not Modified. enter the name of the E2E task. Step 2 Click New Task. you need to click Refresh to refresh the NE subscription information in the table and view the NE subscription status. After you set an E2E task on the Nastar.. Then.4. 6-11 . The Set window is displayed. Step 6 Click Confirm. 2. Table 6-3 describes the mapping between the E2E tasks and the analysis tasks. 1. The configuration data related to the analysis task is imported to the Nastar database. Step 5 Set the subscription status of each theme analysis function. Closed. the NE performs the measurement task and generates the results. select the SAU name for the task. The SAU and NEs related to the analysis task are created. it indicates that the E2E task fails to be executed. ----End Follow-up Procedure After you subscribe to the LTE analysis data. Prerequisite l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. 6. If Status of the E2E task is Complete or Failed after five minutes. The default subscription status is Not Modified before you set the subscription status on the Nastar.2 Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes how to create LTE E2E tasks. In the SAU name drop-down list box. you are advised to observe the E2E task for five minutes to check whether the task is executed normally. The E2E Task Management window is displayed. A dialog box prompting you to check the status of the data source switch for the analysis task is displayed.. see 4. the system searches for the query result that meets the search condition.1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data. You can select Case sensitive to ensure that the keywords you typed are case sensitive. Click Delete. Step 5 Click Complete. Create a new task. that is. NOTE The E2E tasks in the running or waiting state cannot be deleted. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . delete. Ltd. You can select Up or Down in the Direction area to determine the direction of the search.6 LTE VIP Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Table 6-3 Mapping between the E2E tasks and the analysis tasks E2E Task LTE Coverage Analysis Data Task LTE VIP Analysis Data Task LTE Cell Performance Analysis Data Task LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Data Task Analysis Task LTE coverage analysis task LTE VIP analysis task LTE cell performance analysis task LTE terminal performance analysis task Step 4 Click Next. ----End Follow-up Procedure After an E2E task is created. For details about how to turn on the data source switch. Delete the selected task. the E2E task fails to be executed. select one analysis data E2E task to view.. You must ensure that the data source switch is on before executing an E2E task. Modify the selected task 1. 6-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. If you need to. You can perform a data import task only after the corresponding data collection task is complete. 2. and select one or multiple NEs from the NE list.. you can view that the corresponding collection task has been created by the system in the Task Management window.3. The cause of the failure is that the data source switch is off. the search condition. View the selected task Delete the selected task Then. Then. The system enables you to search for the objects in the navigation tree. Type the keywords. Then. refresh. You can right-click any point of the navigation tree and then press Ctrl+F to open the Find dialog box. in the dialog box. Click Property. In the task list on the right of the E2E Task Management window. or cancel it. Otherwise... set Begin Time and End Time. Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6 LTE VIP Analysis If you need to.. Table 6-4 Mapping Between Analysis Task Types and Data Types Analysis Task Type GSM MR Analysis Task GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis Task GSM/UMTS Neighboring Cell Analysis Task GSM Frequency Analysis Task GSM Uplink Interference Analysis Task GSM VIP Analysis Task GSM Complaint Analysis Support Task GSM Cell Performance Analysis Task UMTS Uplink Interference Analysis Task Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Data Type GSM configuration data and GSM MR analysis data GSM configuration data. 6. Context You need to query the data of different types according to the type of an analysis task. . GSM/UMTS neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data. you need to check that the Nastar has imported the required analysis data into the database. Ltd. GSM neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data.3 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data This section describes how to check the integrity of analysis data. The progress bar of the data import task reaches 100%. Right-click a task from the task list in the right pane of the E2E Task Management window. Before creating an analysis task. Table 6-4 shows the mapping between analysis task types and data types. GSM frequency analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data and GSM uplink interference analysis data GSM configuration data and GSM VIP analysis data GSM configuration data GSM configuration data and GSM cell performance analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS uplink interference analysis data 6-13 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client.. NOTE The E2E tasks in the running or waiting state can be cancelled. Refresh the selected task Cancel the selected task Then.4... Click Refresh. and then choose Cancel from the shortcut menu.. UMTS/GSM neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters UMTS configuration data and UMTS coverage analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS VIP analysis data UMTS configuration data UMTS configuration data and UMTS pilot pollution analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS cell performance analysis data CDMA configuration data.. Ltd. and CDMA uplink interference spectrum analysis data CDMA configuration data and CDMA neighboring cell analysis data (1X services). CDMA neighboring cell analysis data (EV-DO services) and engineering parameters CDMA configuration data CDMA configuration data and CDMA pilot pollution analysis data (1X services) or CDMA pilot pollution analysis data (EV-DO services) CDMA configuration data and CDMA coverage analysis data (1X services) or CDMA coverage analysis data (EV-DO services) CDMA configuration data and CDMA cell performance analysis data CDMA configuration data and CDMA VIP analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE coverage analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE VIP analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE terminal performance analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE cell performance analysis data 6-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. CDMA uplink interference ranking analysis data. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) .6 LTE VIP Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Analysis Task Type UMTS Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cell Analysis Task UMTS/GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis Task UMTS Coverage Analysis Task UMTS VIP Analysis Task UMTS Complaint Analysis Support Task UMTS Pilot Pollution Analysis Task UMTS Cell Performance Analysis Task CDMA Uplink Interference Analysis Task CDMA Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cell Analysis Task CDMA Complaint Analysis Support Task CDMA Pilot Pollution Analysis Task CDMA Coverage Analysis Task CDMA Cell Performance Analysis Task CDMA VIP Analysis Task LTE Coverage Analysis Task LTE VIP Analysis Task LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Task LTE Cell Performance Analysis Task Data Type UMTS configuration data. UMTS neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters UMTS configuration data. will always fail when the data to be analyzed is not imported to the database. For details about how to set Data Type. Step 4 Select the NE object node to be queried in the NE object navigation tree. If no relevant analysis data is displayed. contact Huawei technical support engineers. In an LTE VIP analysis task. The execution of the VIP analysis task. see Table 6-4.5 Creating LTE VIP Analysis Tasks This section describes how to create LTE VIP analysis tasks. and then performs aggregation and analysis for the service call report quantity.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6 LTE VIP Analysis Analysis Task Type LTE Complaint Analysis Support Task LTE Cell Fault Diagnosis Analysis Task Data Type LTE configuration data - Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > Data Query from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. This helps solve the subscriber level network optimization problem. thus providing better services for VIP subscribers and improving VIP subscriber satisfaction. You can set the time range only after selecting Is time limit required. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Prerequisite l l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. The VIP analysis task can be created successfully even if the prerequisites are not met. Ltd. and data import task corresponding to the VIP analysis task are normal. the Nastar obtains the IMSI reported by the mobile subscriber through the communications device. and KPIs on the basis of VIP subscribers or VIP groups.. The ItmService process of the Nastar runs normally. The E2E task. ----End 6. collection task. traffic. 6-15 . Condition Selection is optional. however. You can view the analysis data in the right pane of the window. Step 5 Click Query. You are authorized to perform the VIP analysis function. Step 2 Set Data Type on the left of the Query Data dialog box. Step 3 Set Condition Selection. The Analysis Task Management-New Step 1 Click Task dialog box is displayed. To restore the modified threshold value to the initial value. Ltd. A maximum of 50 tasks of this type can be created and the time range of the data in a task cannot exceed 7 days. it is considered that this is a problem KPI or deteriorating KPI. Step 2 Set the basic task information such as Task Name. NOTE The tasks in the Running state cannot be deleted. see Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data. Before you create an analysis task. click Default. Click the LTE VIP Analysis Task node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. l In the analysis report of the corresponding task. Procedure in the Analysis Task Management window. click Apply. l To apply the modified threshold value to subsequent VIP analysis tasks. If you select to report raw data. The threshold values of the KPIs related to delay can be set to any number that is greater than zero and smaller than 65535. l The threshold values of the KPIs related to success rate can be set to any percentage from 0 to 100%. 1. set the threshold value of each KPI. Step 7 On the VIP KPI Threshold Setting tab page. For details. if the KPI value of a corresponding subscriber does not reach the threshold value. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) 6-16 . Step 3 Click Next. Task Type. Step 6 On the VIP Choose tab page. and Note. Step 5 Click Next. the original call record data is also collected when the VIP KPI overview information is provided. Step 8 Click Complete. you need to set only Data Time Scope. select one or multiple VIP groups and select Report Data Source as required. Execution Type. The supported unit of the execution period of a periodical task is hour. If Once Task is selected in the previous step.. Step 4 Set Task Configuration and Time Setting for Cycle Task Data/Time Setting for Once Task Data.6 LTE VIP Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Context l l l A VIP analysis task can be performed once or periodically. ----End Follow-up Procedure l Deleting a task You can delete an unnecessary VIP analysis task to release system resources. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. check to ensure that the data related to the analysis task is imported to the database so that the analysis task can be executed normally. Click the LTE VIP Analysis Task node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. l Select a task from the task list in the upper-right pane. and data import task corresponding to the VIP analysis task are normal. 1. traffic volume. l Restoring a task You can restore a suspended VIP analysis task to the idle state.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6 LTE VIP Analysis If you choose Subject Function. and then click the button. 3.. collection task. If a task is not in the idle state. and then click In the displayed Confirm dialog box. Then. you can learn about the QoS of the VIP subscribers and identify and solve the network problems that may cause complaints. you can suspend a VIP analysis task that is in the idle state. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. If you choose Subject Function. By monitoring the number of service call reports. Click the LTE VIP Analysis Task node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. the task can be scheduled by the system. If a task is not in the suspended state. This operation can be performed for only the tasks whose Status is Suspended. Select a task from the task list in the upper-right pane. the task list on the right displays all the performance analysis tasks. Suspending a task To delay the task execution. 2. Prerequisite l l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. and then click the button. You are authorized to execute the VIP analysis task. and KPIs of the selected VIP subscribers.6 Querying LTE VIP Analysis Reports This section describes how to query LTE VIP analysis reports. The E2E task. the task list on the right displays all the performance analysis tasks. The ItmService process of the Nastar runs normally. the button is unavailable. click Confirm. 6-17 Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . This operation can be performed for only the tasks whose Status is Idle. Select a task from the task list in the upper-right pane. Then. the VIP analysis task becomes a suspended task. the button is unavailable. 1. . If you choose Subject Function. 2. Ltd. 2. NOTE The system can schedule only the VIP analysis tasks that are not suspended. 6. the task list on the right displays all the performance analysis tasks. NOTE Only the VIP analysis tasks that are in the idle state can be scheduled by the system. l Initially. Step 5 Select a VIP subscriber record or a VIP group record from the VIP group overview table in the left pane of the LTE VIP Analysis Task window and then view the details and change trend chart of relevant KPIs of each service on the Monitor KPI and Active Cell tab pages on the right. Step 4 Double-click an analysis result. the change trends of some KPIs of the selected VIP subscribers are displayed in the area below the KPI list on the right. Step 2 Select a task from the task list in the upper right pane. After you change the value to User. l When a VIP group is selected as the analysis object. 6-18 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. l Table 6-5 describes the six types of KPI change trend chart provided by the Nastar. the KPIs of all VIP subscribers in the specified group are displayed in the VIP group overview table. In addition.6 LTE VIP Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) l The VIP analysis task is executed successfully. Ltd. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Procedure Step 1 Click the LTE VIP Analysis Task node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. The LTE VIP Analysis Task window is displayed. NOTE Only the analysis result whose Result Status is Successful can be queried. the change trend of the KPIs is not displayed in the KPI list area on the right. You can double-click a change trend chart to zoom in on the chart and then double-click the chart again to restore the chart to the original size. Step 3 Select an analysis result from the result list on the lower right of the window. Table 6-5 Description of KPI change trend chart KPI Change Trend Chart UL IBLER(%) Description Change trend chart of the initial block error rate (BLER) on the uplink. In this case. or right-click an analysis result and choose LTE VIP Analysis Task from the shortcut menu. Object type above the VIP group overview table in the left pane is set to ALL. you need to specify All Group.. the task list in the right pane displays all the performance analysis tasks. If you choose Theme Function. namely. which shows the change of the uplink initial BLER of a subscriber within a specific period. the VIP group to be analyzed. All the analysis results of the selected task are displayed in the lower right pane. Ltd.. which shows the change of the data transmission rate of an uplink non-GBR service within a specific period. ----End Follow-up Procedure l l The Nastar supports the export of query results. You can select the basic information of the VIP subscriber and then choose Start Further Analysis from the shortcut menu to start the complaint analysis support function for further analysis. For details. see 7. l If Code 2 is selected. see 6. 6-19 Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . which shows the change of the data transmission rate of the downlink GBR service within a specific period. You can click any line in the query result list and then press Ctrl+F. which shows the change of the data transmission rate of the uplink GBR service within a specific period. further analysis is required.6. which shows the change of the downlink initial BLER of a subscriber within a specific period. If certain KPIs of a VIP subscriber are abnormal according to the query result. The Nastar supports the search for the query results. you can view the change of the downlink initial BLER of a subscriber in receive diversity mode in the trend chart. l If Code 1 is selected. Then. For the description of the related parameters.3 Parameters for Querying LTE Complaint Analysis Support Reports. Change trend chart of the average data transmission rate of a downlink non-GBR service. the system searches for the query result that meets the search condition. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Change trend chart of the average data transmission rate of an uplink non-GBR service. you can view the change of the downlink initial BLER of a subscriber in spatial multiplexing mode in the trend chart. which shows the change of the data transmission rate of a downlink nonGBR service within a specific period. Average Rate of DL GBR Service(Mbps) Average Rate of UL NonGBR Service(Mbps) Average Rate of DL NonGBR Service(Mbps) Step 6 Start further analysis for one VIP subscriber. You can choose whether to display the Code 1 and Code 2 parameters in the trend chart. In the displayed Search dialog box. Average Rate of UL GBR Service(Mbps) Change trend chart of the average data transmission rate of the uplink Guarantee Bit Rate (GBR) service. that is. Change trend chart of the average data transmission rate of the downlink GBR service.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6 LTE VIP Analysis KPI Change Trend Chart DL IBLER(%) Description Change trend chart of the initial BLER on the downlink. the search condition. type the keywords.7 Exporting LTE VIP Analysis Reports. The exported VIP analysis results help you identify and solve the network problems that may cause VIP subscriber complaints.8 Reference to the LTE VIP Analysis Interface This section describes the interface for LTE VIP analysis and the relevant parameters.1 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE VIP Subscribers/ VIP Groups This section describes the parameters for creating and modifying LTE VIP subscribers and VIP groups. 6. familiarize yourself with the functions of LTE VIP analysis.2 Parameters for Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating LTE E2E tasks.xlsx files as required. click Save.3 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE VIP Analysis Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating and modifying LTE VIP analysis tasks. 6.xls. or . . 6. You can refer to the description when creating and modifying an LTE VIP analysis task. You can export the queried VIP analysis results as .8.6 LTE VIP Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) You can select Case Sensitive to ensure that the keywords you type are case sensitive. You can refer to this section when you create and modify an LTE VIP subscriber or VIP group.8. Before performing relevant operations. 6-20 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.8. ----End 6. Step 2 Set a file name and specify the save path and file type. You can refer to this section when you query an LTE VIP analysis report. Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client.7 Exporting LTE VIP Analysis Reports This section describes how to export LTE VIP analysis reports. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Ltd.8. You can refer to this section when you create and modify an LTE VIP subscriber or VIP group. 6. You have queried the LTE VIP analysis reports. Procedure Step 1 Click in the LTE VIP Analysis Task window. 6. Then.csv. You can refer to this section when creating an LTE E2E task.1 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE VIP Subscribers/VIP Groups This section describes the parameters for creating and modifying LTE VIP subscribers and VIP groups. The Save dialog box is displayed..8.4 Parameters for Querying LTE VIP Analysis Reports This section describes the parameters for querying LTE VIP analysis reports. 6. You can select Up or Down in the Direction area to determine the search direction. and Very Low. 6-21 . such as Very Important.. ' ` l Not null l Duplicate allowed (one VIP subscriber can use multiple SIM cards) l Case sensitive Cell Phone No Indicates the MSISDN used by a VIP subscriber. Medium. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Low. Important. Value range: l A maximum of 128 characters l Characters not allowed: ~ ! # $ % ^ * + = | \ / . Ltd. Value range: l A combination of 15-digit numerals from 0 to 9 l Unique and not null Description Indicates the description of a VIP subscriber.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6 LTE VIP Analysis Description of Parameters Related to VIP Subscribers Parameter User Name Description Indicates the name of a VIP subscriber. Value range: l A maximum of 512 characters l Characters not allowed: ~ ! # $ % ^ * + = | \ / . Value range: l A combination of 0-digit to 20-digit numerals from 0 to 9 l Duplicate allowed IMSI Indicates the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) of a VIP subscriber. ' ` l Unique and not null l Case sensitive Class Indicates the level of a VIP group. Value range: l A maximum of 128 characters l Characters not allowed: ~ ! # $ % ^ * + = | \ / . ' ` Description of Parameters Related to VIP Groups Parameter Group name Description Indicates the name of a VIP group. Value range: You can select a value from the drop-down list box. Ltd. You can refer to this section when creating an LTE E2E task. ' ` Members Indicates the information about all members in a VIP group. End Time Indicates the time when the E2E task stops running. Description of General Parameters Parameter Basic information Task Name SAU Name E2E Task List Measurement information Start Time Description Indicates the name of an E2E task. You can refer to the description when creating and modifying an LTE VIP analysis task. 6. The start time must precede the end time.8. The start time must not precede the current server time. YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. 6-22 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.3 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE VIP Analysis Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating and modifying LTE VIP analysis tasks. YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Value range: l A maximum of 512 characters l Characters not allowed: ~ ! # $ % ^ * + = | \ / .6 LTE VIP Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Parameter Members Description Indicates the description of a VIP group. NE Object Indicates the NE related to the E2E task.2 Parameters for Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating LTE E2E tasks. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Indicates the name of the SAU related to the task Indicates the types of E2E tasks. 6. The format is the same as that in the district setting. for example. for example. The format is the same as that in the district setting.. Indicates the time for starting an E2E task.8. This parameter involves the period unit and the interval. day. l One-time task: The system executes the created tasks only once at the specified time. You can either enter the time value in this field.'` l Unique and not null l Case sensitive Task Type Execution Type Choose LTE VIP Analysis Task from the navigation tree. 2009. Default value: 0. and select the date and time in the or click Date Selection dialog box. 6-23 .Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6 LTE VIP Analysis Parameter Description Parameter Basic informati on Task Name Description Indicates the name of a VIP analysis task. If Start Date is set to 12/16/2009 and Task Execution Delay is set to 3 hours. you can infer that the task is executed all the time. After this parameter is set. the Nastar will execute the task certain hours later than 00:00 of the specified day in Start Date. Unit: hour. The parameter must be used with Start Date.. Task Execution Delay Indicates the time delayed for running a task. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The start time must be later than the current server time. Remark Provides the description of the task. Period Indicates the interval between periodic tasks. Value range: 0 to 24. Value range: a maximum of 200 characters Time informati on Periodic task Start Date Indicates time for starting a task. Value range: 0 to 9999. If this parameter is set to 0. Value range: l A maximum of 60 characters l Characters not allowed: ~ ! # $ % ^ * + = | \/. the Nastar will execute the task at 03:00 on December 17. or week l Value range: 0 to 65535 Number of Execution Indicates the number of times a periodic task is executed. Ltd. l Unit: hour. l Periodic task: The system executes the created tasks at the preset time. or click and select the date and time in the Date/Time Selection dialog box. Object informati on Option If you select this option. Indicates the RRC setup success rate of service RRC setup requests. Ltd. if the KPI value of a corresponding user does not reach the threshold value.4 Parameters for Querying LTE VIP Analysis Reports This section describes the parameters for querying LTE VIP analysis reports. Indicates the name of a VIP group. Indicates the description of the VIP group. Indicates the number of members in the VIP group. Indicates the name of a KPI. Indicates the proportion of abnormal RRC releases after the service RRC setup is complete. the content in the Report Raw Data field corresponding to the VIP group can be selected. 6. This field is read-only. Task Execution Delay Indicates the time when the analysis task is executed.8. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. This parameter can be null. no threshold value is provided. The time specified in this field must not precede the end time specified in the Data Time Range field.6 LTE VIP Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Parameter One-Time Task Data Time Range Description The start time must precede the end time. You can either enter the time value in this field. You can refer to this section when you query an LTE VIP analysis report. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . That is. it is considered that this is a problem KPI or deteriorated KPI. Group Name Number of Members Description VIP KPI Threshold Setting informati on KPI name KPI value Indicates the threshold value of a KPI. Description of Parameters Related to Monitoring KPIs Parameter Number of Reports RRC Abnormal Release Rate(%) Business RRC setup success rate(%) 6-24 Description Indicates the number of measurement reports about KPI. In the analysis report of the task. Indicates the number of abnormal E-RAB releases of a VIP group or a VIP object in an active cell. Indicates the number of abnormal RRC releases after the RRC setup is complete. Indicates the number of E-RAB setup failures against E-RAB setup requests. Description of Parameters Related to Active Cell KPIs Parameter Number of Call Setup Number of Business RRC setup failures Number of Business RRC Abnormal Release Number of E-RAB Setup Failures Number of call drops Description Indicates the number of service RRC setup requests of a VIP group or a VIP object in an active cell. Indicates the proportion of call drops due to E-RAB abnormality after the E-RAB setup is complete. 6-25 . Indicates the number of E-RAB setup failures of a VIP group or a VIP object in an active cell. Indicates the number of service RRC setup failures of a VIP group or a VIP object in an active cell. Indicates the Evolved Radio Access Bearer (E-RAB) setup success rate of E-RAB setup requests.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 6 LTE VIP Analysis Parameter Number of Business RRC setup failures Number of Business RRC Abnormal Release E-RAB setup success rate(%) Number of E-RAB Setup Failures Call drop rate(%) Number of call drops Description Indicates the number of RRC setup failures against service RRC setup requests. Indicates the number of abnormal service RRC releases of a VIP group or a VIP object in an active cell. Indicates the number of call drops due to E-RAB abnormality after the E-RAB setup is complete. Ltd.. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. . 1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Complaint Analysis Support The LTE complaint analysis support function helps you to analyze the subscriber calls that are recorded before and after a complaint and to locate and rectify the fault. handover failure. and abnormal call drop. 7. 7. Through the analysis of causes of access failure. including the management of complaint analysis support tasks and the query and export of complaint analysis support reports. This improves the efficiency of handling complaints and increases user satisfaction. the Nastar assists in problem location and solution. The exported complaint analysis support results can then assist you in determining the network location where the problem occurs and the possible causes.2 LTE Complaint Analysis Support Process This section describes the LTE complaint analysis support process.3 Creating LTE Complaint Analysis Support Tasks This section describes how to create an LTE complaint analysis support task. With this function. The Nastar provides the information about the UE capability. and QoS regarding each call record to assist you in determining the network location where a problem occurs and its possible causes.. When receiving a subscriber complaint. or . 7. The Nastar can quickly locate all the call records that are related to the faulty cell involved in a complaint based on the known faulty cell and IMSI of the complaint subscriber.6 Reference to the LTE Complaint Analysis Support Interface Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.xlsx files as required.xls. This helps the analysis personnel in problem analysis and location. access and release. You can export the queried complaint analysis support results as . you can create an LTE complaint analysis support task to search for the subscriber call events records related to the complaints based on the cell and subscriber IMSI related to the complaint. 7. This improves the efficiency of handling complaints and increases the subscriber satisfaction. 7. 7.5 Exporting LTE Complaint Analysis Support Reports This section describes how to export LTE complaint analysis support reports. Ltd.4 Querying LTE Complaint Analysis Support Reports This section describes how to query LTE complaint analysis support reports. 7-1 .Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support 7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support About This Chapter This section describes the LTE complaint analysis support. you can view the call records of subscribers and the details of each call record. . Before performing relevant operations. familiarize yourself with the functions of LTE complaint analysis support. Ltd.7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) This section describes the interface for LTE complaint analysis support and the relevant parameters. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . 7-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. analysis of procedure before the signaling release in call reports from complaint subscribers. l l l Limitation The LTE complaint analysis support function requires the reporting of raw call data from complaint subscribers. aggregates. IMEI. 7-3 . access failed. For detailed description of cause types. access cell. release cell. The detailed analysis on call reports of complaint subscribers provides the details of all filtered call reports and helps you perform the complaint analysis support and locate problems. and service duration) and helps you analyze the basic information about complaint subscribers. Indicates the call report on the RRC access failure or ERAB access failure. Complaint Analysis Support The Nastar obtains the call history records (CHRs) from the network. The complaint analysis support consists of the aggregation and analysis of cause types in call reports from complaint subscribers. The analysis of active cells in call records of complaint subscribers enables network engineers to learn all the cells recorded in abnormal call records.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support 7. thus assisting in problem location and solving. The basic information about complaint subscriber CHRs provides an overview of CHRs of all subscribers (such as access time. The details of all filtered call reports includes the subscriber information and access/release information. see Table 7-1. IMSI. l The aggregation and analysis of cause types in call reports from complaint subscribers help network engineers filter and aggregate call reports based on abnormal causes. Indicates the call report on abnormal E-RAB release. The measurement reports (MRs) on calls of complaint subscribers before call release provide the information about the serving cells of subscribers before call release and the neighboring cells. The amount of raw data is huge. and then filters. and analysis of active cells in call reports from complaint subscribers.. limitation is required to Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Complaint Analysis Support The LTE complaint analysis support function helps you to analyze the subscriber calls that are recorded before and after a complaint and to locate and rectify the fault. Table 7-1 Cause type and related description Cause Type Normal Access failed Call drop l Item Indicates the report on the call without access failure or call drop. Therefore. Ltd. This helps engineers analyze and locate problems. and call drop. aggregation and analysis of information about call reports from complaint subscribers. The cause types are classified into three types: normal. analysis of detailed information about call reports from complaint subscribers. release time. This improves the efficiency of handling complaints and increases user satisfaction. and analyzes data based on a specified history period and detailed call records of subscribers in a specified area. Figure 7-1 Process of LTE complaint analysis support Table 7-2 describes the items in the flowchart. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . the maximum number of complaint subscribers allowed by the Nastar cannot exceed 2. Ltd. and the selected complaint subscribers must be under the same SAU. 7. you can create complaint analysis support tasks.7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) prevent the system from becoming overloaded in the case of concurrent operations by a large number of users. In such a case. Table 7-2 Description of LTE complaint analysis support process No. Figure 7-1 shows the general process of LTE complaint analysis support. In the Analysis Task Management window on the Nastar client. 2 7-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co..000. After obtaining the related analysis data from the database. the Nastar analyzes the data and then outputs the analysis result.2 LTE Complaint Analysis Support Process This section describes the LTE complaint analysis support process. 1 Procedure Subscribing to complaint analysis support data Creating a complaint analysis support task Item You can switch to the subscription management window from the Analysis Task Management window to query the status of the complaint analysis support switch of an NE and to enable or disable the complaint analysis support switch of an NE. 3 Creating LTE Complaint Analysis Support Tasks This section describes how to create an LTE complaint analysis support task.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support No. The IMSI file of the complaint subscriber to be imported contains only the IMSI column.. The ItmService process of the Nastar runs normally. as shown in Table 7-3. The time range of the data to be analyzed cannot exceed 7 days and the start time must be earlier than the current time. you can create an LTE complaint analysis support task to search for the subscriber call events records related to the complaints based on the cell and subscriber IMSI related to the complaint. When receiving a subscriber complaint. This helps the analysis personnel in problem analysis and location. 7-5 . The system supports a maximum of 50 tasks of this type. Table 7-3 Complaint subscriber IMSI file IMSI 460079053010239 460005396052916 460022068262211 Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. you can export the result files through the one-key method in the analysis result query interface. You can export analysis result files in the Nastar performance analysis system. Ltd. Prerequisite l l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. 3 Procedure Querying complaint analysis support reports Item You can view the analysis results of the complaint analysis support tasks that are executed successfully and also perform comprehensive analysis together with maps. You are authorized to perform the complaint analysis support. Context l l l Tasks of this type can be performed only once. In addition. The related data tracing task is enabled on the NE. 4 Exporting complaint analysis support reports 7. 7-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.Add User dialog box. perform the following operations: 1. Step 4 Set Time Setting for Once Task Data. In the SAU Namedrop-down list box. Step 3 Click Next. Step 7 In the User Filtering area.. Task Type. 3. In this case. – If the imported information is correct and no duplicates of the records exist. Perform the operations as prompted. Click Add.7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Procedure Step 1 Click in the Analysis Task Management window. 2. The Open dialog box is displayed. 2. – You can click Cancel to terminate the current import task. enter the IMSI of the subscriber. select one or multiple eNodeB. The value of Execution Type can only be Once Task. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . perform the following operations: l Adding a subscriber 1. the import of the current file is not allowed. the Confirm dialog box is displayed. In the displayed New Task . Click Select. After the import is complete. Step 2 Set the basic task information such as Task Name. 2. select the SAU name for the task. Step 8 Click Complete. – Click Export Check Result to export the check result so that you can make modifications based on the error information to complete the current import task. The Analysis Task Management-New Task dialog box is displayed. – If the imported information is correct but certain duplicates of the records exist. In the displayed eNodeB Selection dialog box. Click Importing(I). Select the edited IMSI file of a complaint subscriber. the system displays the number of abnormal records. Step 6 In the NE Filtering area. Step 5 Click Next. Click Confirm. – If certain abnormal records exist in the information to be imported. You can also click No in the displayed Confirm dialog box to ignore the duplicate records and import the additional records. Ltd. In this case. 1. click Yes to overwrite the existing records and import the additional records. and then click Open. click Confirm in the displayed dialog box. ----End l Importing a subscriber Follow-up Procedure l Deleting a task You can delete an unnecessary complaint analysis support task to release system resources. click Confirm in the displayed dialog box. and Note. The ItmService process of the Nastar runs normally. The LTE Complaint Analysis Support Task window is displayed. All the analysis results of the selected task are displayed in the lower right pane. The Nastar provides the information about the UE capability. access and release. If you choose Subject Function. click Confirm. You are authorized to execute complaint analysis support tasks. NOTE Only the analysis result whose Result Status is Successful can be queried.4 Querying LTE Complaint Analysis Support Reports This section describes how to query LTE complaint analysis support reports. namely. Step 3 Select an analysis result from the result list on the lower right of the window.. Step 5 Select a call record from the navigation tree of the call report cause type overview of complaint subscribers in the left pane of the LTE Complaint Analysis Support Task window to view the call report overview table and the detailed call report table of the call record in the right pane. or right-click an analysis result and choose LTE Complaint Analysis Support Task from the shortcut menu. l The navigation tree of the call report cause type overview of complaint subscribers provides two display modes. 7-7 . Click the LTE Complaint Analysis Support Task node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. and QoS regarding each call record to assist you in determining the network location where a problem occurs and its possible causes. Cause type-IMSI and IMSI-Cause type. Step 4 Double-click an analysis result. With this function. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. . the task list in the right pane displays all the performance analysis tasks. the task list on the right displays all the performance analysis tasks. Prerequisite l l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. The complaint analysis support task is executed successfully. Select a task from the task list in the upper-right pane. Ltd. You can also check the signaling record in the lower pane to learn the signaling information before the call release. Procedure Step 1 Click the LTE Complaint Analysis Support Task node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) NOTE 7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support The tasks in the Running state cannot be deleted. 3. Step 2 Select a task from the task list in the upper right pane. and then click In the displayed Confirm dialog box. 1. 2. If you choose Theme Function. you can view the call records of subscribers and the details of each call record. 7. see 7.1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Complaint Analysis Support. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . The details include the information about the subscriber.5 Exporting LTE Complaint Analysis Support Reports This section describes how to export LTE complaint analysis support reports. 7. subscriber type. The general information includes the IMSI. and call duration. The exported complaint analysis support results can then assist you in determining the network location where the problem occurs and the possible causes.xlsx file. all the call records are classified on the basis of cause types and the call records of each cause type are then classified on the basis of IMSIs.txt. – In IMSI-Cause type mode. duration. l In the table of the signaling flow before the call release associated with the complaint subscriber call report. You have queried the LTE complaint analysis support reports. access time. see 7. The lines where abnormal call records are recorded are marked by .6. access. you can view the general information about all the filtered call reports. You can export the queried complaint analysis support results as . you can view the detailed signaling flows before the call release of all filtered subscribers. all the call records are classified on the basis of IMSIs and the call records of each IMSI are then classified on the basis of cause types. l You can find a call record quickly from a great number of call reports by entering the IMSI or cause type in the Search area above the navigation tree of the call report cause type overview of complaint subscribers. l For the description of the related parameters.3 Parameters for Querying LTE Complaint Analysis Support Reports.. For detailed description of cause types. You can right-click in the result list and then choose Save As from the shortcut menu to save the current query results as a . access cell ID. 7-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. . you can view the MR details of all filtered subscribers before the call release. l In the call report overview table of a complaint subscriber.xls. . or . release eNodeBId.xlsx files as required. ----End Follow-up Procedure Export query results.xml. l In the MR Before Release table.xls. access eNodeB ID. and mobility. service type.7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) – In Cause type-IMSI mode. l In the detailed call report table of a complaint subscriber. Procedure l Export a complaint analysis support overview report. you can view the details of all the filtered call reports. or . Ltd. release cell ID. release time. Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. You can also right-click the complaint analysis support overview table and then choose Export complaint analysis support data report from the shortcut menu to export a complaint analysis support data report. 7. duration. 1. . 2. and mobility information.. l Click in the LTE Complaint Analysis Support window.1 Interface Description: LTE Complaint Analysis Support This section describes the interface for LTE complaint analysis support. The Save dialog box Set the folder and specify the save path and file type. In the LTE Complaint Analysis Support window. click Save. You can refer to this section when you query an LTE complaint analysis support report. Before performing relevant operations. familiarize yourself with the functions of the areas on the interface. Then. 7-9 .1 Interface Description: LTE Complaint Analysis Support This section describes the interface for LTE complaint analysis support. call access information. ----End 7. Set the folder and specify the save path and file type.6 Reference to the LTE Complaint Analysis Support Interface This section describes the interface for LTE complaint analysis support and the relevant parameters. You can refer to this description when creating and modifying an LTE complaint analysis task. click Save.6. The complaint analysis support results are displayed in charts and tables. Export a complaint analysis support data report.3 Parameters for Querying LTE Complaint Analysis Support Reports This section describes the parameters for querying LTE complaint analysis support reports. Then.6.6. 7. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support 1. An exported data report contains overview table information. 7. The Save dialog box is displayed. 7. familiarize yourself with the functions of LTE complaint analysis support. familiarize yourself with the functions of the areas on the interface. Before performing relevant operations. subscriber information.2 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE Complaint Analysis Support Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating and modifying LTE complaint analysis support tasks. 2. as shown in Figure 7-2. Before performing relevant operations.6. click is displayed. IMSI. (2) Navigation tree of the call report cause type The navigation tree of the call report cause overview of complaint subscribers type overview of complaint subscribers provides two display modes. Cause type-IMSI and IMSI-Cause type. Allows users to query the detailed measurement information before call release of all the subscribers that are filtered out. release cell. Name (1) Button area Description Two buttons are provided to export complaint analysis support overview report and complaint analysis support data report. Ltd. IMEI. release time.7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Figure 7-2 Complaint analysis support interface No. service duration. access cell. namely. (3) (4) Call report overview table (5) Measurement information before call release table 7-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Search panel You can precisely locate a call report through the search condition.. and call status. Provides options for displaying the information of all the filtered call reports in Area (2). Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . The information includes access time. access. Value range: l A maximum of 60 characters l Characters not allowed: ~ ! # $ % ^ * + = | \ / .Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support No.6. and mobility Description Provides options for displaying the detailed information of all the filtered call reports in Area (2). or click and select the date and time in the Date/ Time Selection dialog box.. Provides the description of the task. Such a task can be executed only once in one time period. Value range: a maximum of 200 characters Time information Data Time Range The start time must precede the end time. You can refer to this description when creating and modifying an LTE complaint analysis task. NE filtering information SAU Indicates the name of the SAU that is connected to the NEs. ' ` l Unique and not null l Case sensitive Task Type Execution Type Remark Choose LTE Complaint Analysis Support Task from the navigation tree. Ltd. You can either enter the time value in this field. 7.2 Parameters for Creating and Modifying LTE Complaint Analysis Support Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating and modifying LTE complaint analysis support tasks. Task Execution Delay Indicates the time when the analysis task is executed. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Parameter Description Parameter Basic information Task Name Description Indicates the name of a complaint analysis task. Name (6) Table related to subscribers. The time specified in this field must not precede the end time specified in the Data Time Range field. duration. 7-11 . Call services are classified into two types: l GBR (QCIN): indicates the GBR service with good QoS. Description of Parameters in the Call Report Overview Table Parameter Abnormal Description Indicates whether a call record is abnormal. Indicates the ID of the target cell a UE accesses at the beginning of a call. 7. 8. Indicates the time when the link is released at the end of a call. 2. Indicates the international mobile subscriber identity. N can be 5. 7. 6.6. or 9. You can refer to this section when you query an LTE complaint analysis support report. User Type Indicates the subscriber type that is defined on the basis of the access mode. If IMSI is displayed in the column.. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Access Time Access Cell ENodeB ID Access Cell ID Release Time 7-12 Indicates the time when a UE accesses the target cell at the beginning of a call.7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Parameter User filtering information Filter Users Description You can select IMSI to filter call records. 3. IMSI is short for International Mobile Subscriber Identity. Ltd. or 4. Subscribers are classified into four types: l RRC access l Re-establishment l S1 incoming handover l X2 incoming handover Service Type Indicates the type of a call service. Indicates the ID of the eNodeB to which the target cell belongs at the beginning of a call. the call record is abnormal. QCI: QoS Class Identifier GBR: Guarantee Bit Rate l Non GBR (QCIN): indicates the non-GBR service with poor QoS. N can be 1.3 Parameters for Querying LTE Complaint Analysis Support Reports This section describes the parameters for querying LTE complaint analysis support reports. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . .Access time Description of Parameters Related to Subscribers Parameter IMSI Description Indicates the international mobile subscriber identity.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support Parameter Release Cell ENodeB ID Release Cell ID Call Duration Description Indicates the ID of the eNodeB where the cell that is released at the end of a call is located. Indicates the ID of the cell that is released at the end of a call. RAT supported Indicates the Radio Access Technology (RAT)-supported capability of a UE. eNB UE S1AP ID MME UE S1AP ID IMEI Uniquely identifies a UE on the S1 interface between eNodeBs. 7-13 Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. STMSI Indicates the temporary mobile subscriber identity. Indicates the ID of the target cell a UE accesses at the beginning of a call. Ltd. IMEI is short for International Mobile Equipment Identity. IMSI is short for International Mobile Subscriber Identity. Indicates the duration of a call. User Type Indicates the subscriber type that is defined on the basis of the access mode. S-TMSI is short for S-Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity. UTRAN.. Call duration = Release time . Subscribers are classified into four types: l RRC access l Re-establishment l S1 incoming handover l X2 incoming handover Description of Parameters Related to Call Access Parameter Access Time Access Cell ID Description Indicates the time when a UE accesses the target cell at the beginning of a call. This parameter can be set to EUTRAN. GERAN. or CDMA2000. Indicates the international mobile equipment identity. Uniquely identifies a UE on the S1 interface between the eNodeB and the MME. Indicates the ID of the cell where the UE is located when the radio link is released at the end of a call. or 4. PCI of Serving Cell Indicates the physical ID of the serving cell. or 9. 8. Indicates the type of a call service. PCI is short for physical cell ID. 3. 2. Description of Parameters Related to the Call Retention Information Parameter Release Time Release Cell ID Release Cell Name Release Normal Cause Release Abnormal Cause Description Indicates the time when the link is released at the end of a call. N can be 1. Indicates the name of the cell where the UE is located when the radio link is released at the end of a call. Indicates the cause why RRC setup or E-RAB setup fails. Indicates the frequency band relation between the neighboring cell and the serving cell in the MR. Ltd. Indicates the cause why the radio link of the call is abnormally released.7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Parameter Access Cell Name Access service type Description Indicates the name of the target cell a UE accesses at the beginning of a call. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . The value of the parameter is intra-frequency. Call services are classified into two types: l GBR (QCIN): indicates the GBR service with good QoS. Description of Parameters Related to the MR Information Before the Call Release Parameter MR Time Measurement Type Description Indicates the time when the MR is sent. 7-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Indicates the cause why the radio link of the call is normally released. N can be 5. Access Cause Access Fail Cause Indicates the cause in the RRC setup request message.. 6. QCI: QoS Class Identifier GBR: Guarantee Bit Rate l Non GBR (QCIN): indicates the non-GBR service with poor QoS. 7. Indicates the RSRP value of the neighboring cell with the third highest RSRP. Indicates the physical ID of the neighboring cell with the highest RSRP. Indicates the RSRQ value of the neighboring cell with the third highest RSRP. Indicates the RSRP value of the neighboring cell with the second highest RSRP..Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 7 LTE Complaint Analysis Support Parameter RSRP of Serving Cell RSRQ of Serving Cell PCI of Neighboring Cell 1 RSRP of Neighboring Cell 1 RSRQ of Neighboring Cell 1 PCI of Neighboring Cell 2 RSRP of Neighboring Cell 2 RSRQ of Neighboring Cell 2 PCI of Neighboring Cell 3 RSRP of Neighboring Cell 3 RSRQ of Neighboring Cell 3 Description Indicates the RSRP value of the serving cell. Indicates the physical ID of the neighboring cell with the third highest RSRP. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Indicates the RSRQ value of the neighboring cell with the highest RSRP. Ltd. Indicates the physical ID of the neighboring cell with the second highest RSRP. Indicates the RSRQ value of the neighboring cell with the second highest RSRP. Indicates the RSRQ value of the serving cell. Indicates the RSRP value of the neighboring cell with the highest RSRP. 7-15 . . which facilitates identification of problem cells and enables the Nastar to obtain the data of exceptional calls in problem cells. After subscribing to analysis data.5 Querying LTE Cell Performance Analysis Reports This section describes how to query LTE cell performance analysis reports. 8-1 . the Nastar assists in identifying the causes of problem cells. thus improving the service quality and enhancing the user experience in the key areas.xls or . including the management of cell performance analysis tasks and the query and export of cell performance analysis reports. Ltd.6 Exporting LTE Cell Performance Analysis Reports This section describes how to export LTE cell performance analysis reports. 8. In an LTE cell performance analysis task.3 Obtaining LTE Cell Performance Analysis Data This section describes how to enable the Nastar to obtain LTE cell performance analysis data. By providing call data of abnormal users in problem cells. you can create an E2E task to enable the Nastar to collect analysis data. 8. By analyzing and displaying the data of exceptional calls. the Nastar assists you in analyzing the root cause of abnormal calls. The exported cell performance analysis results can then assist you in determining the problem cells on the network. This function helps operators locate and rectify network faults in key areas.xlsx files as required. the Nastar analyzes the abnormal call records associated with all problem cells under the selected NE to identify the cause of the abnormal calls. The system create a data import task automatically so that the Nastar imports the collected analysis data into the database. This helps to locate and solve the cell performance exceptions.1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Cell Performance Analysis This section describes the basic knowledge of the LTE cell performance analysis function. The Nastar analyzes the call records of abnormal users in all problem cells under the selected NE and identifies the cause and top users.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis 8 About This Chapter LTE Cell Performance Analysis This section describes the LTE cell performance analysis.. thus facilitating in-depth problem analysis. 8. You can export the queried cell performance analysis results and save them as .2 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Process This section describes the LTE cell performance analysis process. This helps to provide better services and improve user satisfaction. 8. 8. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 8.4 Creating LTE Cell Performance Analysis Tasks This section describes how to create LTE cell performance analysis tasks. 8-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. Before performing relevant operations. familiarize yourself with the functions of LTE cell performance analysis.8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 8.7 Reference to the LTE Cell Performance Analysis Interface This section describes the interface for LTE cell performance analysis and the relevant parameters. Ltd. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . the whole-to-partial analysis method is used during the network optimization or performance analysis. The Nastar. see Table 8-1. the Nastar assists in identifying the causes of problem cells.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis 8. the Nastar analyzes top problem cells based on the subnetwork. the Nastar provides you with an indepth understanding of top users with poor KPIs by providing the function of analyzing top exceptional users in cells. thus helping to identify the top problem cells. l The results of cell performance analysis can be exported as . the Nastar locates and analyzes network problems by monitoring KPIs. Exception Types The cell exception is analyzed in three aspects. At present. and then analyzes the KPIs of the entire network or a subnetwork. thus facilitating in-depth problem analysis. Then.1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Cell Performance Analysis This section describes the basic knowledge of the LTE cell performance analysis function. Cell Performance Analysis Generally. If problem cells are unknown. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. This parameter reflects the service call access exception in the cell. That is.xlsx files. E-RAB setup failure Indicates that the E-RAB setup fails after an E-RAB setup request is initiated. however. including the analysis of top cells and analysis of top subscribers. For details.. the minimum analysis unit of most performance data is cell. In this case. the Nastar analyzes cells of a faulty eNodeB to identify the top problem cells. network engineers can solve the problems of top users. The functions provided by the Nastar are as follows: l After the main causes of problem cells are identified. After that. Table 8-1 Exception types and functions Exception Type RRC setup failure Function Indicates that the RRC setup fails after an RRC setup request is initiated. Ltd. This function helps network engineers to locate a type of top users in problem cells. In this case. thus improving cell performance. By analyzing and displaying the data of exceptional calls. provides detailed and in-depth analysis on problem cells. This parameter reflects the service call access exception in the cell. which facilitates identification of problem cells and enables the Nastar to obtain the data of exceptional calls in problem cells. 8-3 . users can optimize problem cells in the network according to the exported analysis results. the Nastar analyzes the top problem cells.xls or . Figure 8-1 shows the LTE cell performance analysis process.8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Exception Type Call drop Function Indicates that the link is abnormally released after the E-RAB setup is complete. This parameter reflects abnormal service interruption in the cell. Ltd. 8.2 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Process This section describes the LTE cell performance analysis process. 8-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Ltd.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Figure 8-1 Process of LTE cell performance analysis Table 8-2 describes the items in the flowchart.. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 8-5 . You can view the analysis results of the tasks that are successfully performed. After you create the task. 2 Subscribing to cell performance analysis data Creating an E2E task for cell performance analysis 3 4 Automatically creating a task for importing cell performance analysis data Creating cell performance analysis task Querying cell performance analysis reports 5 6 7 Exporting cell performance analysis reports 8. the NE performs the measurement task and generates the result.3 Obtaining LTE Cell Performance Analysis Data This section describes how to enable the Nastar to obtain LTE cell performance analysis data. you can create cell performance analysis tasks. In the displayed E2E Task Management window. Ltd. 1 Procedure Querying NE data information Description In the Analysis Task Management window on the Nastar client. the Nastar periodically imports the cell performance analysis data saved in files to the database. Then. the Nastar issues an MML command to the SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML command to the related NE. 8-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. you can view the corresponding collection task that has been created by the system in the Task Management window. After an E2E task is created. the Nastar analyzes data and then generates the analysis result. A data import task can be performed only after the corresponding collection task is complete. After you create an E2E task corresponding to a cell performance analysis task. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . You can switch to the subscription management window from the Analysis Task Management window to query the status of the cell performance analysis switch of an NE and to enable or disable the cell performance analysis switch of an NE.. You can export analysis result files in the Nastar. After you create the task. In the Analysis Task Management window on the Nastar client. the Nastar automatically creates a task for importing the cell performance analysis data. you can switch to the data query window to query whether the raw data required for the cell performance analysis is imported to the database. choose Maintenance > E2E Task Management. After obtaining the related analysis data from the database. On the Nastar client. you can create an E2E task for cell performance analysis.8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Table 8-2 Description of the LTE cell performance analysis process No. The system create a data import task automatically so that the Nastar imports the collected analysis data into the database. you can export the result files through the one-key method in the analysis result query interface. In addition. you can create an E2E task to enable the Nastar to collect analysis data. After subscribing to analysis data. Prerequisite l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. ----End Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the Nastar issues MML commands to the M2000 through the transfer of SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML commands to the corresponding NE to enable the data switch on the NE side.3 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data This section describes how to check the integrity of analysis data. and Not Modified. you are required to subscribe to LTE analysis data.2 Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes how to create LTE E2E tasks. 8-7 . Closed. Step 2 Click the NE object node in the navigation tree. Ltd. This ensures that NEs can collect and upload the data required for the theme analysis on the Nastar.1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data This section describes how to subscribe to LTE analysis data. 8. complaint analysis support. Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > Subscription Management from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window.3. Step 5 Set the subscription status of each theme analysis function. 8. Step 4 click Set. You can press the Ctrl key to select the subscription information about multiple NEs. After you set an E2E task on the Nastar. 8. Before using the Nastar analysis functions such as coverage analysis.1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data This section describes how to subscribe to LTE analysis data. Before creating an analysis task. VIP analysis. you need to check that the Nastar has imported the required analysis data into the database. you are required to subscribe to LTE analysis data. After you subscribe to the LTE analysis data. Step 3 Select the subscription information about one or multiple NEs from the table. the Nastar issues an MML command to the SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML command to the related NE through the transfer of SAU. The default subscription status is Not Modified before you set the subscription status on the Nastar.. The subscription status can be Open. complaint analysis support. the Nastar issues MML commands to the M2000 through the transfer of SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML commands to the corresponding NE to enable the data switch on the NE side. The Subscription Management window is displayed. cell performance analysis. The configuration data related to the analysis task is imported to the Nastar database. This ensures that NEs can collect and upload the data required for the theme analysis on the Nastar. cell performance analysis.3. After you subscribe to the LTE analysis data.3.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis 8. Then. Step 6 Click Confirm. VIP analysis. The Set window is displayed.3. the NE performs the measurement task and generates the results. Before using the Nastar analysis functions such as coverage analysis. and terminal performance analysis. and terminal performance analysis. The SAU and NEs related to the analysis task are created. 2 Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes how to create LTE E2E tasks. Prerequisite l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. Table 8-3 describes the mapping between the E2E tasks and the analysis tasks. you are advised to observe the E2E task for five minutes to check whether the task is executed normally. 1. Then. enter the name of the E2E task. it indicates that the E2E task fails to be executed. 2. Step 2 Click New Task. the NE performs the measurement task and generates the results. If Status of the E2E task is Complete or Failed after five minutes. Context TIP After creating an E2E task by following the procedures in this section. Note that the Nastar monitors the tasks by checking the task status on the M2000 at an interval of five minutes. Procedure Step 1 Choose Maintenance > E2E Task Management. The E2E Task Management window is displayed. 3. the Nastar issues an MML command to the SAU and then the M2000 sends the MML command to the related NE through the transfer of SAU. Table 8-3 Mapping between the E2E tasks and the analysis tasks E2E Task LTE Coverage Analysis Data Task LTE VIP Analysis Data Task LTE Cell Performance Analysis Data Task LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Data Task Analysis Task LTE coverage analysis task LTE VIP analysis task LTE cell performance analysis task LTE terminal performance analysis task 8-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . The New Task dialog box is displayed. In the Task Name field. Step 3 Set the basic information about the task. Ltd. After you set an E2E task on the Nastar. 8. The configuration data related to the analysis task is imported to the Nastar database..8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Follow-up Procedure After you subscribe to the LTE analysis data.3. it indicates that the E2E task is executed normally. In the SAU name drop-down list box. The SAU and NEs related to the analysis task are created. you need to click Refresh to refresh the NE subscription information in the table and view the NE subscription status. If Status of the E2E task is still Running after five minutes. Select a task from E2E Task List. select the SAU name for the task. 3 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data This section describes how to check the integrity of analysis data. Delete the selected task. 8-9 . Right-click a task from the task list in the right pane of the E2E Task Management window. View the selected task Delete the selected task Then. In the task list on the right of the E2E Task Management window. NOTE The E2E tasks in the running or waiting state can be cancelled. see 4. 8.. in the dialog box. You can perform a data import task only after the corresponding data collection task is complete. and select one or multiple NEs from the NE list.1 Subscribing To LTE Analysis Data. The cause of the failure is that the data source switch is off. If you need to. Type the keywords. 2.. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. set Begin Time and End Time. You must ensure that the data source switch is on before executing an E2E task. Then. you can view that the corresponding collection task has been created by the system in the Task Management window. Ltd. ----End Follow-up Procedure After an E2E task is created.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Step 4 Click Next. Then. Before creating an analysis task. the E2E task fails to be executed. Create a new task. the search condition. Modify the selected task 1. Click Delete. You can select Up or Down in the Direction area to determine the direction of the search. You can right-click any point of the navigation tree and then press Ctrl+F to open the Find dialog box. you need to check that the Nastar has imported the required analysis data into the database.. and then choose Cancel from the shortcut menu. select one analysis data E2E task to view. You can select Case sensitive to ensure that the keywords you typed are case sensitive. Click Property.. NOTE The E2E tasks in the running or waiting state cannot be deleted. A dialog box prompting you to check the status of the data source switch for the analysis task is displayed. refresh.3. delete.. Step 5 Click Complete. Otherwise. For details about how to turn on the data source switch. or cancel it. the system searches for the query result that meets the search condition. The system enables you to search for the objects in the navigation tree.3. that is. Refresh the selected task Cancel the selected task Click Refresh. Table 8-4 Mapping Between Analysis Task Types and Data Types Analysis Task Type GSM MR Analysis Task GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis Task GSM/UMTS Neighboring Cell Analysis Task GSM Frequency Analysis Task GSM Uplink Interference Analysis Task GSM VIP Analysis Task GSM Complaint Analysis Support Task GSM Cell Performance Analysis Task UMTS Uplink Interference Analysis Task UMTS Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cell Analysis Task UMTS/GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis Task UMTS Coverage Analysis Task UMTS VIP Analysis Task UMTS Complaint Analysis Support Task UMTS Pilot Pollution Analysis Task Data Type GSM configuration data and GSM MR analysis data GSM configuration data. GSM neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data. UMTS neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters UMTS configuration data. Table 8-4 shows the mapping between analysis task types and data types. GSM frequency analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data and GSM uplink interference analysis data GSM configuration data and GSM VIP analysis data GSM configuration data GSM configuration data and GSM cell performance analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS uplink interference analysis data UMTS configuration data. GSM/UMTS neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data. Context You need to query the data of different types according to the type of an analysis task. UMTS/GSM neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters UMTS configuration data and UMTS coverage analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS VIP analysis data UMTS configuration data UMTS configuration data and UMTS pilot pollution analysis data 8-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client.. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . The progress bar of the data import task reaches 100%. Ltd. Step 2 Set Data Type on the left of the Query Data dialog box. For details about how to set Data Type. 8-11 .Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Analysis Task Type UMTS Cell Performance Analysis Task CDMA Uplink Interference Analysis Task CDMA Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cell Analysis Task CDMA Complaint Analysis Support Task CDMA Pilot Pollution Analysis Task CDMA Coverage Analysis Task CDMA Cell Performance Analysis Task CDMA VIP Analysis Task LTE Coverage Analysis Task LTE VIP Analysis Task LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Task LTE Cell Performance Analysis Task LTE Complaint Analysis Support Task LTE Cell Fault Diagnosis Analysis Task Data Type UMTS configuration data and UMTS cell performance analysis data CDMA configuration data. see Table 8-4. CDMA uplink interference ranking analysis data. and CDMA uplink interference spectrum analysis data CDMA configuration data and CDMA neighboring cell analysis data (1X services). Step 3 Set Condition Selection.. CDMA neighboring cell analysis data (EV-DO services) and engineering parameters CDMA configuration data CDMA configuration data and CDMA pilot pollution analysis data (1X services) or CDMA pilot pollution analysis data (EV-DO services) CDMA configuration data and CDMA coverage analysis data (1X services) or CDMA coverage analysis data (EV-DO services) CDMA configuration data and CDMA cell performance analysis data CDMA configuration data and CDMA VIP analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE coverage analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE VIP analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE terminal performance analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE cell performance analysis data LTE configuration data - Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > Data Query from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Step 3 Click Next. Step 2 Set the basic task information such as Task Name. the start time and end time are both within seven coming days. the Nastar analyzes the abnormal call records associated with all problem cells under the selected NE to identify the cause of the abnormal calls. Task Type.4 Creating LTE Cell Performance Analysis Tasks This section describes how to create LTE cell performance analysis tasks. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . You can set the time range only after selecting Is time limit required. The ItmService process of the Nastar runs normally. Step 4 Set Set time for one-time task data. see Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data. The E2E task. collection task. A maximum of 50 tasks of this type can be created and the time range of the data in a task cannot exceed seven days. You are authorized to perform the function of cell performance analysis. thus improving the service quality and enhancing the user experience in the key areas. Execution Type can only be set to One-time Task. This function helps operators locate and rectify network faults in key areas. In an LTE cell performance analysis task. For details. The execution of the cell performance analysis task. that is. however.. and Remark.8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Condition Selection is optional. and data import task corresponding to the cell performance analysis task are normal. Step 4 Select the NE object node to be queried in the NE object navigation tree. Prerequisite l l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. If no relevant analysis data is displayed. contact Huawei technical support engineers. check to ensure that the data related to the analysis task is imported to the database so that the analysis task can be executed normally. 8-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. You can view the analysis data in the right pane of the window. The Analysis Task Management-New Step 1 Click Task dialog box is displayed. Ltd. Before you create an analysis task. Context l l Tasks of this type can be performed only once. will always fail when the data to be analyzed is not imported to the database. l Procedure in the Analysis Task Management window. ----End 8. Step 5 Click Query. The cell performance analysis task can be created successfully even if the prerequisites are not met. Click the node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. 1. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Click the node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. – You can select Up or Down in the Direction area to determine the search direction. You can click any point of the navigation tree and then press Ctrl+F to open the Find dialog box. the system searches for the query result that meets the search condition. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. l You can select eNodeB Group or Cell Group in the object navigation tree to display the navigation tree according to the specified mode. the search condition. Then. the task can be scheduled by the system. 2. This operation can be performed for only the tasks whose Status is Idle. that is. in the dialog box. NOTE Only the cell performance analysis tasks that are in the idle state can be scheduled by the system. If you choose Theme Function. Suspending a task To delay the task execution. NOTE The system can schedule only the cell performance analysis tasks that are not suspended. 2. l Restoring a task You can restore a suspended cell performance analysis task to the idle state. and then click the In the displayed OK dialog box.. Select a task from the task list in the upper-right pane. l The system enables you to search for the objects in the navigation tree. Ltd. Step 7 Click Complete. you can suspend a cell performance analysis task that is in the idle state. Then. Step 6 Select one or multiple objects on the Select NE Object tab page. l Select a task from the task list in the upper-right pane. button. If you choose Theme Function. – You can select Case sensitive to ensure that the keywords you type are case sensitive. 8-13 . 1. the task list on the right displays all the performance analysis tasks. the cell performance analysis task becomes a suspended task. the button is unavailable. the task list on the right displays all the performance analysis tasks. click OK.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Step 5 Click Next. NOTE The tasks in the Running state cannot be deleted. Click the node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. Type the keywords. and then click the button. 1. If a task is not in the idle state. Then. ----End Follow-up Procedure l Deleting a task You can delete an unnecessary cell performance analysis task to release system resources. 3. l The exception types of the cells are displayed in a table and a pie chart in the middle area. 8-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. – The pie chart displays the percentage of each service regarding each exception type.5 Querying LTE Cell Performance Analysis Reports This section describes how to query LTE cell performance analysis reports. The cell performance exception is analyzed from two aspects. Step 3 Select an analysis result from the result list on the lower right of the window.1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Cell Performance Analysis. objective network exception and subjective experience exception.8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) If you choose Theme Function. and then you can view the KPI overview information of the selected cell and the ranking overview information of each KPI in the areas in the middle and on the right of the window. that is. For details. All the analysis results of the selected task are displayed in the lower right pane. Step 2 Select a task from the task list in the upper right pane. NOTE Only the analysis result whose Result Status is Successful can be queried. Prerequisite l l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Step 4 Double-click an analysis result. The LTE Cell Performance Analysis Task window is displayed. The Nastar analyzes the call records of abnormal users in all problem cells under the selected NE and identifies the cause and top users. the task list on the right displays all the performance analysis tasks. namely. – The table lists the number of records of each exception type and the percentage of each exception type to all exceptions in the report. and then click the button. The cell performance analysis task is executed successfully. The ItmService process of the Nastar runs normally. 2. This helps to locate and solve the cell performance exceptions. If a task is not in the suspended state.. Procedure Step 1 Click the LTE Cell Performance Analysis Task node in the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. Area (3) and Area (4). You are authorized to perform the function of cell performance analysis. Ltd. the button is unavailable. the task list on the right displays all the performance analysis tasks. Select a task from the task list in the upper-right pane. or right-click an analysis result and choose LTE Cell Performance Analysis from the shortcut menu. see 8. If you choose Theme Function. 8. This operation can be performed for only the tasks whose Status is Suspended. Step 5 Select a cell node from the object navigation tree in the left pane of the window. Zoom Out > ***. *** indicates a submenu item. cells. print.6 Exporting LTE Cell Performance Analysis Reports. right-click the chart. set print properties. You can click any line of the query result list and then press Ctrl+F to display the Search dialog box. set the coordinate axes of and basic information about the chart. By default. Here. top 10 users. – You can set Quantity in Area (8) to determine the number of top users. Then. l The system enables you to search for the query results. the system searches for the query result that meets the search condition. and then choose Property from the shortcut menu. Type the keywords. – If the chart is not clear due to an excessive number of dots. The default number can not be modified. 8. 8-15 .xls or . Ltd. Prerequisite l Issue 04 (2011-03-31) You have logged in to the Nastar client. ----End Follow-up Procedure l l The Nastar supports the export of the query results. and top exception causes. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. – Analyze Top exceptional cells is valuable in Area (8) only when the overview node or NE group node is selected in the object navigation tree in the left pane of the window. and save. To query chart properties.6 Exporting LTE Cell Performance Analysis Reports This section describes how to export LTE cell performance analysis reports.. set the save path and file name. see 8. respectively. – Right-click the chart.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis l In the area on the right. For details. the horizontal axis. and exception causes are displayed. that is. and then choose Zoom In > ***. Area (5) and Area (6). In the displayed Page Setup dialog box. in the dialog box. The exported cell performance analysis results can then assist you in determining the problem cells on the network. top cells. You can select Up or Down in the Direction area to determine the direction of the search. It can be Both Axes. top cells. and then choose Print from the shortcut menu. You can export the queried cell performance analysis results and save them as . The tables and pie charts show the number of exception records and the percentage of each exception type. In the displayed Chart Property dialog box. In the displayed Save dialog box. and top exceptions are illustrated in tables and pie charts. and then click Save to save the queried chart as a file on the local PC. or Auto Range > *** to adjust the size of the chart. the top users identified by IMSIs. perform the following operations: – Right-click the chart.xlsx files as required. or Vertical Axis. Horizontal Axis. You can select Case Sensitive to ensure that the keywords you typed are case sensitive. or the vertical axis. which indicates that you can adjust both axes. and resize the chart in the chart area. – Right-click the chart. namely. and then choose Save as from the shortcut menu. and then click OK. the search condition. Indicates the types of E2E tasks. 8-16 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. ----End 8. Parameter Description Parameter Basic information Task Name SAU Name E2E Task List Measurement information Start Time Description Indicates the name of an E2E task. The following information is included in an exported report: cell performance analysis overview.. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Indicates the time when the E2E task starts to run.7.7 Reference to the LTE Cell Performance Analysis Interface This section describes the interface for LTE cell performance analysis and the relevant parameters.3 Parameters for Querying the LTE Cell Performance Analysis Report This section describes the parameters for querying the LTE cell performance analysis report. Then. familiarize yourself with the functions of LTE cell performance analysis. Ltd. for example. 8. Before performing relevant operations. Procedure Step 1 Click in the LTE Cell Performance Analysis window. 8. and KPIs associated with the top 20 causes. The Save dialog box is displayed. 8.1 Parameters for Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating LTE E2E tasks. You can refer to the description when creating an LTE E2E task. click Save. KPIs of the top 20 abnormal users.2 Parameters for Creating or Modifying LTE Cell Performance Analysis Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating or modifying LTE cell performance analysis tasks. YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.7. You can refer to the description when querying the LTE cell performance analysis report. Step 2 Set a file name and specify the save path and file type.8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) l You have queried the LTE cell performance analysis reports. 8. You can refer to the description when creating or modifying an LTE cell performance analysis task.7.7. The format is the same as that in the district setting.1 Parameters for Creating LTE E2E Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating LTE E2E tasks. You can refer to the description when creating an LTE E2E task. The exported results are displayed in different worksheets. Indicates the name of the SAU related to the task. Value range: l A maximum of 60 characters l Characters not allowed: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) +={}[]\|..2 Parameters for Creating or Modifying LTE Cell Performance Analysis Tasks This section describes the parameters for creating or modifying LTE cell performance analysis tasks. YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. NE Object Indicates the NE related to the E2E task.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Parameter End Time Description Indicates the time when the E2E task stops running.7. You can refer to the description when creating or modifying an LTE cell performance analysis task. 8. You can either enter the time value in this field or click and select the date and time in the Date/ Time Selection dialog box. Parameter Description Parameter Basic information Task Name Description Indicates the name of a cell performance analysis task.. Ltd. 8-17 . for example.':. The start time must precede the end time. Provides the description of the task. This parameter is valid for only one-time tasks. Such a task can be executed only once in one time period. Value range: a maximum of 200 characters Time information Data Time Range The start time must precede the end time. The format is the same as that in the district setting.?/<>" l Unique and not null l Case sensitive Task Type Execution Type Remark Select LTE Cell Performance Analysis Task in the navigation tree. You can refer to the description when querying the LTE cell performance analysis report. Description of parameters in the exception type ranking table Parameter Show Description Select rank modes.1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Cell Performance Analysis. Indicates the proportion of exception cells and users. which consist of the following types: l Analyze Top exceptional subscribers l Analyze Top exceptional cells Quantity Ratio(%) Set the number of displayed objects. Object information eNodeB Group If you select this option. and call drop. If you select this option. Description of parameters in the exception type overview table Parameter Exception Type Number of Reports Ratio(%) Description The cell exception is analyzed in three aspects: RRC setup failure. all the NE groups that are managed by the Nastar are displayed in the navigation tree.8 LTE Cell Performance Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Parameter Task Execution Delay Description Indicates the time when the analysis task is executed. Indicates the number of exceptional call records of an exception type. 8-18 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. NE Group 8. The time specified in this field must not precede the end time specified in the Data Time Range field. Ltd. E-RAB setup failure.. Indicates the proportion of an exception type. see 8. For details.3 Parameters for Querying the LTE Cell Performance Analysis Report This section describes the parameters for querying the LTE cell performance analysis report.7. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . all the eNodeBs that are managed by the Nastar are displayed in the navigation tree. familiarize yourself with the functions of LTE cell fault analysis.5 Viewing Cell Fault Analysis Tasks Immediately after the KPI service alarm about a cell appears inAlarm List.1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Cell Fault Analysis Usually. Based on the alarm data.3 Obtaining LTE Cell Fault Analysis Data This section describes how to enable the Nastar to obtain LTE cell fault analysis data. and traffic statistics from the relevant NE. and exporting terminal performance analysis reports. 9-1 . 9. After subscribing to analysis data and fault data. Ltd. and helps network O&M engineers analyze and locate the network fault. 9. the Nastar creates the relevant cell fault analysis task automatically inFault Analysis Task and starts executing the task. 9. 9. the Nastar queries the alarm data..6 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Interface Description This section describes the interface for LTE cell fault analysis and the relevant parameters. call history record (CHR) data. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. LTE cell fault analysis is triggered by the KPI service alarm reported by an NE. 9. the system create a data import task automatically so that the Nastar imports the collected analysis data into the database.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis 9 About This Chapter LTE Cell Fault Analysis The Nastar provides the functions of managing LTE cell fault analysis tasks. which facilitates the analysis of the fault cause. You can view the execution progress of the cell fault analysis task inFault Analysis Task. Before performing relevant operations. querying cell fault analysis reports. analyzes the cause of the alarm. After such an alarm appears in Alarm List. After receiving a KPI service alarm. CHR data. the Nastar locates the surfacial cause and inner cause of the fault and provides rectification advice. the Nastar automatically creates a cell fault analysis task.4 Alarm Management Two classes of alarms can trigger cell fault analysis: alarms reported by NEs and alarms manually created by users.2 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Process This section describes the process of analyzing LTE faults. 9. and traffic statistics about the relevant cell. the eNodeB monitors and collects statistics on KPI counters periodically. you can optimize the problematic cell in the network according to this result. probability of occurrence of each cause. Ltd. You can analyze and locate network problems based on this report. When the value of a KPI counter exceeds the preset threshold. During cell fault analysis. Figure 9-1 shows the process of analyzing LTE faults.xlsx file. a KPI service alarm is generated and reported to the M2000. call history record (CHR) data. Cell Fault Analysis During network operation & maintenance..1 Basic Knowledge of LTE Cell Fault Analysis Usually. The result of cell fault analysis can be exported as a . After receiving the alarm. and traffic statistics from the relevant NE. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Thus. 9. and CHR data. and helps network O&M engineers analyze and locate the network fault. and CHR data about each UE when the fault occurs. the Nastar analyzes all possible causes of the fault and produces a cell fault analysis report. LTE cell fault analysis is triggered by the KPI service alarm reported by an NE.9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 9. the Nastar queries the alarm data.2 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Process This section describes the process of analyzing LTE faults. the Nastar starts cell fault analysis. 9-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. rectification advice. performance counter values.xls or . analyzes the cause of the alarm. After receiving a KPI service alarm. The report contains the possible causes of the fault. KPI service alarms include: l l l l l Cell RRC Connection Success Rate Too Low Cell SAEB Setup Success Rate Too Low Cell Call Drop Rate Too High Cell Handover Success Rate Too Low Intra-Frequency Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate Too Low and Inter-Frequency Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate Too Low No Traffic Volume in the Cell The Nastar analyzes the fault based on the alarm data generated when the fault occurs. Ltd. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Figure 9-1 LTE cell fault analysis process Table 9-1 describes the items of the flowchart. 9-3 .. 3. you can switch to the subscription management window to query the ON/OFF state of the NE cell fault analysis theme switch. Ltd. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . you can view the alarm in the alarm list. the Nastar issues an MML command to the SAU. 9.. and the M2000 sends it to the relevant NE to turn on the CHR data and alarm data switch on the NE. Thus. you can create an alarm manually in Alarm List to trigger a cell fault analysis task. Before performing cell fault analysis. 4 5 6 Querying a cell fault analysis report Exporting a cell fault analysis report You can view the analysis result of the task that is successfully executed.3 Obtaining LTE Cell Fault Analysis Data This section describes how to enable the Nastar to obtain LTE cell fault analysis data. you should subscribe to LTE performance analysis and alarm data. The alarm is classified as Custom. makes analysis. 9. the Nastar automatically creates an LTE cell fault analysis task. Viewing a manually created alarm Viewing an LTE cell fault analysis task After an alarm is created. you can switch to the data query window to check whether the data for cell fault analysis has been imported to the database. You can export the result file through the one-key method on the result query interface. After subscribing to analysis data and fault data. The SAU transfers this command to the M2000. You can view the cell fault analysis task and execution progress of the task in Fault Analysis Task. In the Analysis Task Management window on the Nastar client. 7 9.1 Subscribing to LTE Performance Analysis and Alarm Data After you subscribe to the LTE performance analysis and alarm data.2 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data 9-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. the Nastar can obtain the CHR and alarm data required for cell fault analysis from NEs. and generates the analysis result.3. 2 3 Creating an If you want to perform cell fault analysis on a cell but the relevant alarm manually NE has not reported an alarm. the NE can collect and upload the data for theme analysis to the Nastar. The Nastar obtains the data for cell fault analysis.9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Table 9-1 LTE cell fault analysis process Seria l Num ber 1 Procedure Description Querying NE data information Subscribing to LTE performance analysis and alarm data In the Analysis Task Management window on the Nastar client. the system create a data import task automatically so that the Nastar imports the collected analysis data into the database. After receiving a KPI service alarm. Thus. set the performance subscription switch to ON. You can press the Ctrl key to select the subscription information about multiple NEs. The configuration data related to the analysis task is imported to the Nastar database. the NE can collect and upload the data for theme analysis to the Nastar. you should turn on the KPI service alarm switch and set alarm triggering conditions on the NE. 9-5 Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . 2. you should turn on the CHR data switch on the NE. Step 2 In the left navigation tree. 1. Before performing cell fault analysis. Prerequisite l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. you need to check that the Nastar has imported the required analysis data into the database. double-click Function List > System Function > Subscription Management. the Nastar issues an MML command to the SAU. Thus. set the subscription to the performance analysis result. Before creating an analysis task. 3. To subscribe to performance analysis data. Click Set to open the Set Performance Subscription window. The SAU transfers this command to the M2000. Thus. TheSubscription Management window is displayed.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis This section describes how to check the integrity of analysis data. Step 3 In the Performance Subscription window. Ltd.3..1 Subscribing to LTE Performance Analysis and Alarm Data After you subscribe to the LTE performance analysis and alarm data. Context You can subscribe to both the performance analysis and the alarm data. To subscribe to the alarm data. select the subscription information about one or multiple NEs. the Nastar can obtain the CHR data for cell fault analysis from the NE. In the Set Performance Subscription window. the Nastar can obtain the alarm data for cell fault analysis from the NE. KPI service alarms include: l l l l l l Cell_RRC_Connect_Succ_Rate: Cell RRC Connection Success Rate Too Low Cell_SAEB_Setup_Succ_Rate: Cell SAEB Setup Success Rate Too Low Inter-Frequency_HO_Succ_Rate: Inter-Frequency Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate Too Low Intra-Frequency_HO_Succ_Rate: Intra-Frequency Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate Too Low Cell_Call_Drop_Rate: Cell Call Drop Rate Too High Cell_No_Access: No Traffic Volume in the Cell Procedure Step 1 In the Analysis Task Management window. click an NE node. The SAU and NEs related to the analysis task are created. Thus. In the Performance Subscription window. and the M2000 sends it to the relevant NE to turn on the CHR data and alarm data switch on the NE. 9. you should subscribe to LTE performance analysis and alarm data. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. In the Alarm Setting.. and No Operation.2 Checking the Integrity of Analysis Data This section describes how to check the integrity of analysis data. select the KPI service alarm to be set. Prerequisite l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. If you select multiple NEs for setting alarm subscription. GSM neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data.9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) The subscription state can be ON. OFF. 4. GSM frequency analysis data and engineering parameters Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Click Confirm. Table 9-2 Mapping Between Analysis Task Types and Data Types Analysis Task Type GSM MR Analysis Task GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis Task GSM/UMTS Neighboring Cell Analysis Task GSM Frequency Analysis Task 9-6 Data Type GSM configuration data and GSM MR analysis data GSM configuration data. For details. 1. Click Set to open the Set Alarm Subscription window. By default. Table 9-2 shows the mapping between analysis task types and data types. 2. see 9. In the form in Alarm Subscription window. turn on the KPI service alarm switch and set the relevant alarm triggering conditions. the subscription status of alarms is not available in the Set Alarm Subscription window. You can press the Ctrl key to select the subscription information about multiple NEs. 9.1 Parameters for Subscribing to LTE Alarm Data. ----End Step 4 In the Alarm Subscription window.6. select the subscription information about one or multiple NEs. Before creating an analysis task. and set the alarm reporting switch and triggering conditions. The progress bar of the data import task reaches 100%. In the Set Alarm Subscription window. Context You need to query the data of different types according to the type of an analysis task. GSM/UMTS neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters GSM configuration data. set the alarm subscription switch to ON. . the subscription state is No Operation. 3. click Refresh to refresh the subscription information in the form and view the subscription status of NEs.3. Follow-up Procedure After subscribing to the LTE performance analysis and alarm data. Ltd. you need to check that the Nastar has imported the required analysis data into the database. UMTS neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters UMTS configuration data. .. Ltd. and CDMA uplink interference spectrum analysis data CDMA configuration data and CDMA neighboring cell analysis data (1X services).Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Analysis Task Type GSM Uplink Interference Analysis Task GSM VIP Analysis Task GSM Complaint Analysis Support Task GSM Cell Performance Analysis Task UMTS Uplink Interference Analysis Task UMTS Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cell Analysis Task UMTS/GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis Task UMTS Coverage Analysis Task UMTS VIP Analysis Task UMTS Complaint Analysis Support Task UMTS Pilot Pollution Analysis Task UMTS Cell Performance Analysis Task CDMA Uplink Interference Analysis Task CDMA Intra-Frequency Neighboring Cell Analysis Task CDMA Complaint Analysis Support Task CDMA Pilot Pollution Analysis Task CDMA Coverage Analysis Task CDMA Cell Performance Analysis Task Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Data Type GSM configuration data and GSM uplink interference analysis data GSM configuration data and GSM VIP analysis data GSM configuration data GSM configuration data and GSM cell performance analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS uplink interference analysis data UMTS configuration data. CDMA neighboring cell analysis data (EV-DO services) and engineering parameters CDMA configuration data CDMA configuration data and CDMA pilot pollution analysis data (1X services) or CDMA pilot pollution analysis data (EV-DO services) CDMA configuration data and CDMA coverage analysis data (1X services) or CDMA coverage analysis data (EV-DO services) CDMA configuration data and CDMA cell performance analysis data 9-7 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. CDMA uplink interference ranking analysis data. UMTS/GSM neighboring cell analysis data and engineering parameters UMTS configuration data and UMTS coverage analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS VIP analysis data UMTS configuration data UMTS configuration data and UMTS pilot pollution analysis data UMTS configuration data and UMTS cell performance analysis data CDMA configuration data. Prerequisite l l l 9-8 You have logged in to the Nastar client. Condition Selection is optional. ----End 9. If no relevant analysis data is displayed. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. contact Huawei technical support engineers. The ItmService runs normally. Step 2 Set Data Type on the left of the Query Data dialog box. see Table 9-2.9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Analysis Task Type CDMA VIP Analysis Task LTE Coverage Analysis Task LTE VIP Analysis Task LTE Terminal Performance Analysis Task LTE Cell Performance Analysis Task LTE Complaint Analysis Support Task LTE Cell Fault Diagnosis Analysis Task Data Type CDMA configuration data and CDMA VIP analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE coverage analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE VIP analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE terminal performance analysis data LTE configuration data and LTE cell performance analysis data LTE configuration data - Procedure Step 1 Double-click Function List > System Function > Data Query from the navigation tree in the Analysis Task Management window. You can set the time range only after selecting Is time limit required. You can view the analysis data in the right pane of the window. which facilitates the analysis of the fault cause. After such an alarm appears in Alarm List. You are authorized to use the LTE cell fault analysis functions.. Step 3 Set Condition Selection. Step 4 Select the NE object node to be queried in the NE object navigation tree. For details about how to set Data Type. Ltd.4 Alarm Management Two classes of alarms can trigger cell fault analysis: alarms reported by NEs and alarms manually created by users. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . the Nastar automatically creates a cell fault analysis task. Step 5 Click Query. such as Alarm Source. Set the related parameters. TheLTE Fault Diagnosiswindow is displayed. see Parameter Description of the Alarm List Window. Detect Period and Detect Period Number. task ID. Custom: These alarms are created manually by users. Click to open the Add Custom Diagnosis window. Ltd. to open the Alarm Filter window and set conditions – You can also click for filtering alarms. Exceptions seldom occur in certain cells. see Parameter Description of the Alarm Filter Window. Procedure l Creating an alarm manually 1. – In the Category column. a cell fault analysis task is automatically created in Fault Analysis Task. 2. The Modify Custom Diagnosis dialog box is displayed. alarms reported by NEs are classified as NE alarm. 2. and location information. Occurrence Time. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. View the alarm in Alarm List.Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis l The related data tracing task is enabled on the NE. l Modifying a manually created alarm 1. the relevant NEs may report no alarms. 3. This section describes how to create and view alarms. see Parameters Description of the Add Custom Diagnosis Window. For details. l l NE alarm:These alarms are reported by NEs. l Click OK. ----End Follow-up Procedure Immediately after a KPI service alarm about a cell appears in Alarm List on the Nastar. As a result. For details about parameter settings. Alarm Name. After receiving such an alarm.. Context Two classes of alarms can trigger cell fault analysis:NE alarmandCustom. Choose Fault diagnosis > LTE Fault Diagnosis. – In the Category column. 4. Right-click the alarm and choose Modify Custom Diagnosis from the shortcut menu or click . Select a manually created alarm in Alarm List. such as the alarm ID. the Nastar automatically creates a cell fault analysis task. Set the basic information of an alarm. – You can double-click an alarm record to view details. For details. 9-9 . see Parameters Description of the Add Custom Diagnosis Window. For details about parameters of the alarm list. manually created alarms are classified as Custom. To view the status of these cells. you can define alarms manually and then trigger cell fault analysis. 3. 1.9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 9. Set the start mode of a cell fault analysis task to Automatic.. l l Automatic: The Nastar automatically starts the cell fault analysis task after the task is created. The relevant alarm record is available inAlarm List. Context The Nastar automatically creates a cell fault analysis task for each type of KPI service alarm generated by each cell. In Alarm List.5 Viewing Cell Fault Analysis Tasks Immediately after the KPI service alarm about a cell appears inAlarm List. You can view the execution progress of the cell fault analysis task inFault Analysis Task.000. to open the 2. Each KPI service alarm type matches a start mode. you can set the cell fault analysis tasks of these alarms to Manual.. Procedure Step 1 Optional: Setting the start mode of a cell fault analysis task If you need to. and set alarms of other types to Manual.. The Nastar can display a maximum of 10. 9-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The related data tracing task is enabled on the NE. You can view and modify cell fault analysis tasks but cannot delete cell fault analysis tasks. You can start a cell fault analysis task in two ways: Manual andAutomatic. When the number of tasks exceeds 10. the Nastar creates the relevant cell fault analysis task automatically inFault Analysis Task and starts executing the task. the Nastar clears 2000 tasks (in time order from the earliest). Ltd. The ItmService runs normally. You are authorized to use the LTE cell fault analysis functions. Prerequisite l l l l l You have logged in to the Nastar client. the Nastar only analyzes the tasks of the specified alarms and the working efficiency is improved.. Thus. Manual: You have to start the cell fault analysis task manually after the task is created. Then. Select Automatic after the KPI service alarm for which a cell fault analysis task is to be started. select Diagnosis Settings window. cell fault analysis tasks are started according to the KPI service alarm type. Application scenarios of Manual: If you intend to perform cell fault analysis on one or several KPI service alarms.000 cell fault analysis tasks. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) .. Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis If you need to... Set the start mode of a cell fault analysis task toManual. Then... 1. In Alarm List, select Diagnosis Settings window. to open the 2. Select Manual after the KPI service alarm for which a cell fault analysis task is to be started. 3. In Alarm List, select an alarm record. 4. Right-click the alarm record and choose Start Fault Analysis Task. The cell fault analysis task is started. NOTE You cannot set the start mode of cell fault analysis tasks of manually created alarms. Step 2 In Alarm List, select an alarm record. Step 3 In Fault Analysis Task, view the relevant cell fault analysis task of the alarm record. The execution progress, creator, and running time of the cell fault analysis task are available. ----End Follow-up Procedure l Re-executing an analysis task You can re-execute a failed task. In Fault Analysis Task, right-click the failed task and choose Restart from the shortcut menu. 9.6 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Interface Description This section describes the interface for LTE cell fault analysis and the relevant parameters. Before performing relevant operations, familiarize yourself with the functions of LTE cell fault analysis. 9.6.1 Parameters for Subscribing to LTE Alarm Data This section describes the parameters for subscribing to LTE alarm data. You can refer to this section when setting the subscription to LTE alarm data. 9.6.2 Parameters for Setting the Basic Information of Alarms This section describes alarm-related parameters. You can refer to this section when viewing alarms, creating or modifying alarms, and filtering alarms. 9.6.1 Parameters for Subscribing to LTE Alarm Data This section describes the parameters for subscribing to LTE alarm data. You can refer to this section when setting the subscription to LTE alarm data. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9-11 9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) KPI Service Alarms KPI Service Alarm Alarm class 1 Cell_SAEB_Setu p_Succ_Rate Description Cell SAEB Setup Success Rate Too Low. For parameter settings of this alarm, see Parameters related to alarm class 1. Cell RRC Connection Success Rate Too Low. For parameter settings of this alarm, see Parameters related to alarm class 1. Cell Call Drop Rate Too High. For parameter settings of this alarm, see Parameters related to alarm class 1. Intra-Frequency Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate Too Low. For parameter settings of this alarm, see Parameters related to alarm class 1. Inter_Frequency _HO_Succ_Rate Inter-Frequency Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate Too Low. For parameter settings of this alarm, see Parameters related to alarm class 1. Alarm class 2 Cell_No_Access No Traffic Volume in the Cell. For parameter settings of this alarm, see Parameters related to the No Traffic Volume in the Cell alarm. Cell_RRC_Conn ect_Succ_Rate Cell_Call_Drop_ Rate Intra_Frequency _HO_Succ_Rate Parameters related to alarm class 1 Parameter Alarm Type Description Indicates the KPI service alarm type. The value range is as follows: l Cell_SAEB_Setup_Succ_Rate l Cell_RRC_Connect_Succ_Rate l Cell_Call_Drop_Rate l Intra_Frequency_HO_Succ_Rate l Inter_Frequency_HO_Succ_Rate Reporting Switch Alarm Generation Threshold Alarm Clearance Threshold 9-12 Indicates the KPI service alarm switch, which controls whether an alarm is to be reported. The switch can be set to ON or OFF. Indicates the generation thresholds of alarms. When the value of a KPI counter reaches the relevant threshold, an alarm is generated. Indicates the clearance thresholds of alarms. When the value of the KPI counter reaches the relevant threshold, the alarm is cleared. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Parameter Minimum Attempt Times Detection period Description Indicates the minimum number of attempts to collect statistics on KPI values. Indicates the alarm detection period. Value: 60; Unit: minute. Continuous Check Period Times Check Start Time Indicates the alarm detection times. Value range: 1, 2, and 3. Indicates the start time of an alarm detection period. Currently, this parameter cannot be set. Parameters related to the No Traffic Volume in the Cell alarm Parameter Alarm Type Cell name Description Indicates a KPI service alarm type. This parameter can be set to Cell_No_Access. Indicates the name of the cell that receives traffic volume detection. When you are setting subscription to the alarms of multiple eNodeBs or cells, this parameter is unavailable. When you are setting subscription to the alarms of only one eNodeB or cell, this parameter is available. Check Duration Indicates the detection duration. Value range: 0-72; unit: hour. Begin Time End Time Indicates the start time of the traffic volume detection. Indicates the end time of the traffic volume detection. If the end time is equal to the start time, it indicates that the end time is 24 hours later than the start time. 9.6.2 Parameters for Setting the Basic Information of Alarms This section describes alarm-related parameters. You can refer to this section when viewing alarms, creating or modifying alarms, and filtering alarms. Parameters Description of the Add Custom Diagnosis Window Parameter Alarm Source Description Name of the cell for which the alarm is generated. All LTE cells managed by the Nastar are displayed in a navigation tree. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9-13 Alarms are classified into NE alarm and Custom. 9-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) . Six types of KPI service alarms are available: l Cell RRC Connection Success Rate Too Low l Cell SAEB Setup Success Rate Too Low l Cell Call Drop Rate Too High l Intra-Frequency Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate Too Low l Inter-Frequency Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate Too Low l No Traffic Volume in the Cell Occurrence Time Detect Period Indicates the time when the alarm is generated. and 3. Parameter Description of the Alarm Filter Window Parameter Alarm Source Description Indicates the name of the cell for which the alarm is generated. Ltd. only alarms generated within the period are displayed in the alarm list. Detect Period Number Indicates the alarm detection times. After you specify a period. You can filter alarms by one or two alarm classes. Value range: 1. You can filter alarms by one or two states. An alarm can be in Uncleared or Cleared state. 2. Value range: 60. Alarm Name Indicates the name of an alarm.9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Parameter Alarm Name Description Indicates the name of an alarm. Indicates the alarm detection period. Occurred Time Range Indicates the period when alarms are generated. Category Indicates the class of an alarm. Status Indicates the clearance status of an alarm. You can select a cell to view alarms related to this cell. Unit: minute.. You can filter alarms by one or multiple alarm names. Equipment Alarm Serial Number Alarm ID Issue 04 (2011-03-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Each alarm record matches a task ID. Six types of KPI service alarms are available: l Cell RRC Connection Success Rate Too Low l Cell SAEB Setup Success Rate Too Low l Cell Call Drop Rate Too High l Intra-Frequency Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate Too Low l Inter-Frequency Outgoing Cell Handover Success Rate Too Low l No Traffic Volume in the Cell Severity Indicates the severity of an alarm. In the same device. and analyze the way of handling alarms. Log Serial Number Indicates the serial number of an alarm in alarm logs. No user information is available for the alarm reported by an NE. Ltd. alarms are divided into 16 types. You can locate an alarm uniquely according to this serial number. Indicates the time when an alarm is cleared. the alarm source. you can locate an alarm uniquely according to the serial number. Alarms are classified into NE alarm and Custom. Occurrence Time Clearance Time Indicates the time when an alarm is generated. such as Power system and Environment system. The information is used to quickly locate the reason why an alarm is generated. Location Information Indicates the alarm location information. You can filter alarms by one or multiple alarm names. namely. Indicates the serial number of an alarm device. Indicates the name of an alarm..Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) 9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Parameter Description of the Alarm List Window Parameter Task ID Description Indicates the ID of a cell fault analysis task. According to sources. Name Indicates the name of an alarm. Indicates the user that creates the alarm manually. The value range is as follows: l Critical l Major l Minor l Warning Type Indicates the alarm class. It is the keyword of an alarm record . Category Creator Indicates the class of an alarm. 9-15 . Indicates the name of the cell for which an alarm is reported. Ltd. 9-16 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. such as Uncleared.. Indicates the OSS that manages the NE for which the alarm is generated. Indicates the NE type.9 LTE Cell Fault Analysis Nastar Network Optimization User Guide (LTE) Parameter Clearance Status Clearance Operator NE Type Alarm Source OSS Name Description Indicates the clearance status of an alarm. Indicates the user that clears an alarm. Issue 04 (2011-03-31) .
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