Narrative Report OJT



I.Introduction The training develops attitude, knowledge, skill and behavioral pattern necessary for an adequate performance for a given job. On-the-job training prepares participants in some line of actions described by the organization in which they work. It provides individuals with capacity for improvement and job satisfaction. Cavite State University allows their students to engage and experience the actual business world thru On-The-Job training program. Giving us 240 hours they let us undergo training in our selected company to gain experience, apply theories and computations learned, and acquire relevant knowledge. Holding this On-The-Job training, (Christian R. Baldonanza) had chosen (Sydenham Laboratories Inc.) as a training ground in promoting professionalism. II. Company Background Sydenham laboratories Inc. (SLI) was named after one of the Great British physicians, Dr. Thomas Sydenham. He was an advocate of effective medicine through keen and detailed observation of the patient. Adopting the same principle, a group of physicians led by Eduardo dela Cruz established SLI in 1971. The 7,000 sqm manufacturing plant in Dasmariṅas, Cavite is fully equipped and compliant with ASEAN GMP Standards as well as Philippine FDA Regulation with over 250-trained employees being developed to be better altogether. Sydenham has four facilities: Non Penicillin, Penicillin, Cephalexin, and Hormone (the 1st and only hormone plant in the Philippines Sli is the first and only pharmaceutical manufacturing company certified by:   cGMP ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System Certified in the Development and Manufacture of Health Care Products  Growth Oriented o We will manage and align our total resources effectively to power our corporate growth objectives.  Manage the enterprise business by protecting and getting the best return on investment. Corporate Values  Customer Oriented o Customers are our reason for existence. . and continuously improve the business for success.  Innovative o We will take bold and logical steps in achieving our objectives. anticipate opportunities in the future. good and competitively priced products and services that respond to customer needs.  Vision HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points) The Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention and Pharmaceutical Inspection Sydenham laboratories. Inc. envisions to be the preferred world class health care products provider and globally competitive successful enterprise business. social and economic responsibilities for the betterment of the community.  Provide challenging opportunities and conducive working environment that brings out the best and enhances professional growth of their people.  Be a good corporate citizen fulfilling their environmental. We will ensure that their needs are met responsively. Mission  Produce fast.  Urgency o The time is now! We shall execute our task and attain objectives with speed. SLI’s Enterprise Organization SYDENHAM Laboratories Inc.  Fairness o We will treat each other justly. allow open communication and constructive criticism.  Quality o We will be diligent and steadfast to find ways to continually improve our work standards in order to bring market products and services of best quality. Enterprise Business Group Corporate Support Divisions Pharmaceuticals Consumers Technology Production Quality Assurance Materials HR/Admin Corporate Marketing and Communications Finance .  Integrity o We will be righteous and honest in our business undertaing and in the execution of our work. which include purchases from suppliers. I familiarized the documents used in actual business and I am looking forward of being taught on how to prepare them. which reflects the important information vital to track transactions and records. In the conference room. policies and procedures. Jam gave us a brief background about Sydenham. the company’s HR/Admin training officer. It shows the things learned and the skills enhanced after every job. by filing the payable accounts. Jamaica “Jam” Paulino. and values.III. so we had our early lunch until 1pm. The next day we issue official receipts supported by provisional receipts. vision. This system is important because it enables the officers to trace dealings and determine unpaid accounts and overdue accounts. I arrived at 7:37am when my co-interns came quarter to eight. its mission. Jam endorsed us at the finance department. my handwriting is not that beautiful so I exchange duty with my co-intern who was at that time. amount. Fortunately. Week 1 25-26. Internship Proper The following presents the entire training period with the tasks and activities done by the trainee. I did encoding of supplier’s accounts or the aging of accounts payable by inserting the preparation date. August 2013 This is the first week of our OJT. and terms. supplier’s name. We organized unit product documents that include batch manufacturing and packaging records. assisted us in our engagement. It lasted for more than an hour. receiving date. Ms. taxes etc. She discussed our internship guidelines. This serves as my weekly report. We started on our first task. Ms. sales invoice number. updates the Certificate of Product Registration. Ms. expenses incurred. Before we start the orientation. I am very excited to go to Sydenham for our orientation. many reimbursements from allowances. When we came back. . Our superior will introduce one more software this coming week. 2013 I started this week by filing the suppliers’ account and encoding the BMR (Batch Manufacturing Record). financial. The goal of ERP is to have one integrated system for the entire company. I use accounting software like “Peachtree” to adjust the manufacturing and packaging records easily. One task cannot be done in one day because of many transactions. Another accounting. we are now ready to use the accounting software. I use the SIM (Sales Invoice Manual) option to enter the information on the sales invoice form. and so on. PDR (Packaging Directory Record). ERP is a database software package that supports all of a business’s processes and operations including manufacturing. though it sometimes distorts the product costs. Other than a spreadsheet. Week 3 8-9. .Week 2 29 August – 3 May. I also did costing to analyze the cost and volume of products. marketing. human resources. SLI uses a traditional costing method where standard costs are used to cost products. August 2013 This is the third week of my OJT. software was introduced to me this week and that is the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). this is good because the other costing method (Activity Based Costing) is complicated and very expensive to implement. material requisition slip and material return and issuance slip. checks. According to the internet. we are almost done filing all the accounting documents for the past months. I learned about accounting software while practicing my typing skill. The payday falls this week on May 15 so I am able to handle payroll accounts. I said to myself that it would never happen again. These accounts are for SLICKCHEM only. The last thing I did was to make a delivery receipt and sales invoice. I equalized the accounts the next day. one thing comes interesting. Did the costing of products. Philhealth and SSS. I finished adjusting inventory documents left from my work last week. In accounting. my work is unbalanced with my reference paper and it is almost 6pm so I just go home. May 2013 We have done nothing new for this week we just file and xerox documents because there is a conduct of audit assistance and our superiors were busy doing their work. disastrous thing happened I found errors in the printed documents so I have to reprint it again. We are not yet told if we will . Sylvia introduces Ms. where our satellite companies located. I am dazed when I saw unpaid balances since 2007. encode all deductions in salaries like HDMF. The SPI (Sydenham Pharmaceuticals Inc. we considered this as doubtful accounts and added as an expense. Again. and make it to print afterwards. Sylvia Antinero went to Las Piṅas. Ms. along with our supervisor. Week 5 20-24. Unfortunately. where I encode the purchases procured and the system will automatically compute for the input tax imposed. then adjust if collected.Week 4 14-17. my co-interns and I.) situated on the third floor of a building together with the SLIKCHEM. Evelyn Envase the General Accountant to us. May 2013 For this week. There are many unpaid accounts and we did the job for two days. However. used by BIR RELIEF (Reconciliation of Listing for Enforcement) System. We pulled out existing sales invoices of our customers with unpaid balances. Ms. It was not only a page but was more or less 15 pages so I felt frustrated and wary of what happened. I also did encoding of unreleased checks. My internship changed me for the better and reaffirmed my decision to become a successful accountant. Self-Assessment We learn many things from our experiences. I feel I will be more confident in my abilities and myself. The audit ended along with our graduation day. and pizza. Week 6 For the last part of our OJT. Overall. I discovered on how to commute to Las Piṅas. may it be good or bad. The auditors requested many files and some are hard to find. correctly and on time. . I found that nobody expects you to know everything and that mistake can be tolerated if learned from it. ice cream. and it has assured me that I chose the right field of study. improves my abilities in doing work neatly. To celebrate and thank our superiors for their kindness we buy cake. it was an incredible experience and I am very happy with it. what's important is that you can remember what had happened and that will remind you of something. and develops my socialization towards people. On this trip. It helped me develop necessary skills and improve my knowledge base.come back to help with the SPI accounts. We experience overtime and work on Saturday to look for customers’ transaction in the ERP. we did many pulling out and filing of documents because of the audit. My involvement in the real business world empowers my self-esteem and self-confidence. They instructed us only once and let us ask questions if there are . Honestly.  Punctuality Time is gold. We must not waste time.           I learned to manage time I learned to use accounting softwares I became familiarized in the nature of manufacturing I learned to use xerox machine I learned to fax documents I become more patient to do routinely tasks I learned to always speak English I become more responsible I become optimistic in everything I do I learn to be sociable V. I learned some things that improve my skills. Evaluation and Overall Experience and Its Impact on the Career Goal The following is the knowledge and ability I developed during our internship to become upright and productive individual.  Commitment We should be responsible for every task assigned and considered this as your own job. Evaluation Company and Overall Learning Environment provided by the During my internship. for the first part of my internship I usually came late until my supervisor told me. In the business world. being late is like a sin especially when your work is related to the other.IV.  Interpersonal Relationship In order to have better communication with the employees.  Integrity One of the core values of being a CPA. lead and influence them. organize and delegate tasks. We are committed to work as one family to achieve our common goal in the spirit of cooperation. mutual respect and trust. I am lucky that I was placed in the finance department because we get along easily. we will be able to understand the task further. We complied with every rule and regulations of the company. which we obtained in the course of our training. they are always open to questions and clarifications.  Confidentiality This is very important. we must act as professionals and maintain our behavior in and out of the company.  Professional behavior We are in the actual workplace.  Interpersonal Skills We should know how to get along with the people. because we are three interns from the same school. Every joke counts. They also let us to think of ourselves and make our own decision.misunderstandings and from that. What we have seen and heard in Sydenham stays in Sydenham.  Teamwork This is vital. withstand and resolve conflicts. They allow us to ask everything and at the same time teach us. We always help each other especially in filing documents. motivate them. We are ordered not to disclose confidential information. . There are times that we always laugh. we are committed to uphold ourselves to the principles of honesty and transparency in all our actions. Levine. complete it faster so that I can do more jobs. which makes it easier for a student to do the job. et. educational administration professors are expected to ensure that their graduates. Not only has it helped me in school. Simultaneously. but I feel that it has provided me with a good solid work experience background. some educational and political leaders are challenging the quality of administrative preparation programs and even proposing changes which they contend will strengthen the profession (Darling-Hammond. Every day was a learning experience. VI. I see that everything is done for a reason and to see all the aspects you learn in class coming together is just amazing. More than ever.. In the training have seen and experienced almost everything that I learned from The quality of education programs has come under increased scrutiny. The procedures learned are those used in actual practice. 2005. I know I will benefit from it for a long time to come. What we studied is far more difficult than what we experienced. The formal education helps especially when you are in the field of accounting. They did not give us complicated tasks but I saw and heard accounting terminologies and procedures from them. Enthusiasm I am diligent to finish the task even I am tired. 2005). are well prepared to assume sophisticated leadership positions. . How well the Accountancy program prepared the intern including the description of how the formal education and work experience interrelate. Listen and observe carefully. and excellence among all of your employer's personnel. With your words and your behavior.     Set a productive agenda for yourself and stick with it. and diligent. and presentation skills. Sometimes. perhaps. remember the importance of perceptions and that. If you find yourself in such a situation.  Be punctual. an internship is what you make of it. Strive to continue refinement of your writing. its missions. no internship is a waste of time since it provides professional experience to list on your resume. Develop a reputation for diligence. Avoid making the same mistake twice. Frame failures positively and remember that failure is sometimes the best teacher. computer.  To gain the maximum benefit from your internship experience. and doing more than your part. reasonableness.  You may sometimes feel awkward.VII. If you have the misfortune to find yourself in a seemingly dead-end internship. Recommendations for improvement of your specific internship position and Accounting program in general. Seek assistance and supervision from experienced employees.  Always take initiative and go after the best assignments. . become involved (to the extent possible) in expanding and managing the internship. plan to work sufficiently learn your job thoroughly. and to give your employer a chance to appreciate your abilities. integrity. frequently communicate your interest in the company. to complete projects. reliable.
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