nalco 72215 msds

May 16, 2018 | Author: dalton2004 | Category: Waste Management, Waste, Dangerous Goods, Phosphorus, Materials



SAFETY DATA SHEETP R ODUC T NALCO® 72215 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) See section 16, for Emergency Telephone Numbers. 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING P R ODUCT NAME : NALCO® 72215 AP P LICATION : BOILE R WATE R TR E ATME NT COMP ANY IDE NTIF ICATION : NALCO E UROP E B.V. P ostbus 627 2300 AP Leiden, The Netherlands E ME R GE NCY TE LE P HONE NUMBE R (S ) : S ee section 16, for E mergency Telephone Numbers. Date issued : 23.11.2009 Version Number : 2.6 COMP ANY CONTACT TE LE P HONE NUMBE R S . NALC O E UR OP E B .V. +31 71 5241 100 NALC O NOR G E AS (NO) +47 51 96 36 00 NALC O AB (S E ) +46 (0)31-21 88 00 Nalco Mobotec P olska S p. z o.o. P R ZE MYS ŁOWA 55 P L-43-110 T Y C HY T E L:+48 (0)32-3262750 F AX: +48(0)32 329 13 11 e-mail: [email protected] NALC O ANADOLU KIMYA (T R ) +90 216 5743464 NALC O P OR T UG UE S A LDA. (P ) +351 214130996 NALC O AP P L IE D S E R VIC E S +31 (0)73 6456980 NT D S .r.l (IT ) +39 (0) 313351325 OF E UR OP E BV NALC O B E LG IUM N.V./S .A. (B) +32 (0)3-450 69 10 Nalco S witzerland AG (C H) +41 (0)52 235 38 38 NALC O DANMAR K A/S +45-48195800 Nalco C ompany OOO +7 (0)495 980 72 80 NALC O DE UT S C HLAND G mbH +49 (0)69-79340 NALC O ÖS T E R R E IC H + 43(0)1 27026350 (D) G es.m.b.H. (A) NALC O E S P AÑOLA S .A. (E ) +34 93-4095555 F irst Distributor: Nalco C zechia S tankova 882/2,C Z-149 00 P raha s.r.o. (C Z) 4,C zech R epublic,+420 (0)2 679 123 50 NALC O F INL AND OY (F I) +358 (0)9 2517 4700 L ocal S upport: Nalco Hungary Kft. +36 1 880 5761 (HU) NALC O F R ANC E S AS +33 (0)3 20 11 70 00 L ocal S upport: Nalco Österreich +385 (0)1 377 95 21 G es.m.b.H., R epres entation Office P redstavnistvo Zagreb (HR ) NALC O HE LL AS S .A. (G R ) +30 210 238 9620 L ocal S upport: Nalco Österreich +40 (0) 21 224 17 93 G es.m.b.H. R epres entation Office R OMANIA (R O) NALC O IT AL IANA S .R .L.(I) +39 06-54565000 NALC O LIMIT E D +44 (0)1606 74488 NALC O NE T HE R LANDS B.V. +31 (0)13-5952200 F or P roduct S afety information please contact J acqueline Bland, e-mail E UP roductS [email protected] 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION HAZAR D CLAS S IF ICATION : This product is classified as dangerous in accordance with the P reparations Directive 1999/45/E C. Causes severe burns. HUMAN HE ALTH HAZAR DS - ACUTE : INHALATION : NALCO EUROPE B.V. P ostbus 627 2300 AP Leiden The Netherlands 0031 71 5241100 F or additional copies of an MS DS visit and request access 1 / 11 P ROMPT ACTION IS E S S E NTIAL IN CAS E OF CONTACT. causes chemical burns to the mouth. SAFETY DATA SHEET P R ODUC T NALCO® 72215 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) See section 16. Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. E Y E CONTACT : Corrosive.V. treat symptomatically. P ROMPT ACTION IS E S S E NTIAL IN CAS E OF CONTACT. R emove contaminated clothing. S KIN CONTACT : Get immediate medical attention. causes burns to gastro-intestinal tract. Contaminated clothing. Corrosive to respiratory system. HUMAN HE ALTH HAZAR DS . Artificial respiration and/or oxygen may be necessary. INGE S TION : Get immediate medical attention. NOTE TO P HY S ICIAN : P robable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. respiratory depression and convulsions may be needed.nalco. washout mouth and give water to drink. Hazardous S ubstance(s) E INE C S / C AS NO S Y MBOL R -P HR AS E S / % (w/w) E LINC S NO NOT AS S odium Hydroxide 215-185-5 1310-73-2 C R 35 5 . shoes. If conscious.10 R efer to S ection 16 for descriptions of relevant ris k phras es and Notas. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. 4. E Y E CONTACT : Get immediate medical attention. FIRST AID MEASURES INHALATION : Get immediate medical attention. throat and stomach. NALCO EUROPE B. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS This product is classified as dangerous in accordance with the P reparations Directive 1999/45/E C. INGE S TION : Corrosive. flood body under a and request access 2 / 11 . P ostbus 627 2300 AP Leiden The Netherlands 0031 71 5241100 F or additional copies of an MS DS visit www. In severe cases blood may be vomited. P HY S ICAL AND CHE MICAL HAZAR DS : Gives off hydrogen by reaction with metals. R emove to fresh air. Will cause eye burns and permanent tissue damage. Corrosive. S KIN CONTACT : Corrosive. and leather goods must be discarded or cleaned before re-use.CHR ONIC : No adverse effects expected other than those mentioned above. Wash off affected area immediately with plenty of water. for Emergency Telephone Numbers. 3. causes permanent skin damage. Measures against circulatory shock. F or a large splash. Nausea. the physician's judgement should be used to control symptoms and clinical condition. vomiting and stomach pain may occur. Based on the individual reactions of the patient. Immediately flush eye with water for at least 15 minutes while holding eyelids open. S P E CIF IC US E (S ) : BOILE R WATE R TR E ATME NT NALCO EUROPE B. Use personal protective equipment recommended in S ection 8 (E xposure Controls/P ersonal P rotection). HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING : Do not get in eyes. E NVIR ONME NTAL P R E CAUTIONS : Do not contaminate surface water. LAR GE S P ILLS : Contain liquid using absorbent material. S UITABLE CONS TR UCTION MATE R IAL : HDP E (high density polyethylene).com and request access 3 / 11 . S tore in suitable labeled containers. E nsure clean-up is conducted by trained personnel only. occupational health and safety and environmental authorities. SAFETY DATA SHEET P R ODUC T NALCO® 72215 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) See section 16. S tore the containers tightly closed. on clothing.) readily available. spills. S tainless S teel 304. wear a full face positive-pressure self contained breathing apparatus and protective suit. P ostbus 627 2300 AP Leiden The Netherlands 0031 71 5241100 F or additional copies of an MS DS visit www. Place residues in a suitable. Compatibility with Plastic Materials can vary. leaks. by digging trenches or by diking. S TOR AGE CONDITIONS : P rotect product from freezing.nalco. Do not touch spilled material. covered. Use personal protective equipment recommended in S ection 8 (E xposure Controls/P ersonal Protection). Keep the containers closed when not in use. 5. Contact an approved waste hauler for disposal of contaminated recovered material. leaks. S tore separately from acids. Wash affected area. prevent material from entering sewers or waterways. streams. etc. soil or sewers become contaminated. ME THODS F OR CLE ANING UP : S MALL S PILLS : S oak up spill with absorbent material. Do not mix with acids. S top or reduce any leaks if it is safe to do so. In the event of a spill. on skin. spills. Dispose of material in compliance with regulations indicated in S ection 13 (Disposal Considerations). S P E CIAL P R OTE CTIVE E QUIP ME NT F OR F IR E F IGHTING : In case of fire. for Emergency Telephone Numbers. Ventilate spill area if possible. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES F LAS H POINT : None E XTINGUIS HING ME DIA : Not expected to burn. Notify appropriate government. F IR E AND E XP LOS ION HAZAR D : May evolve oxides of phosphorus (P Ox) under fire conditions. Do not take internally. 6. E nsure all containers are labeled. properly labeled container. Have emergency equipment (for fires. Use with adequate ventilation. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES P E R S ONAL P R E CAUTIONS : R estrict access to area as appropriate until clean-up operations are complete. Do not breathe vapors/gases/dust. If drains. etc. Have emergency equipment (for fires. R eclaim into recovery or salvage drums or tank truck for proper disposal. Clean contaminated surfaces with water or aqueous cleaning agents. notify local authority. Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire. P revent product from entering drains. we therefore recommend that compatibility is tested prior to use.) readily available. Do not allow material to contaminate ground water system. Keep container in a well-ventilated place.V. 7. ) TWA 2 DE NMAR K S odium Hydroxide LOF T 2 F INLAND S odium Hydroxide HE T KE LL 2 F R ANC E S odium Hydroxide VME 2 IR E LAND S odium Hydroxide STE L 2 IT AL Y S odium Hydroxide C eiling 2 NORWAY S odium Hydroxide C E IL 2 S P AIN S odium Hydroxide VLA-E C 2 S WE DE N S odium Hydroxide (Inhalable dust) NG V 1 TGV 2 S WIT ZE R LAND S odium Hydroxide (Inhalable dust) TWA 2 STE L 2 UNIT E D KING DOM S odium Hydroxide STE L 2 P OLAND S odium Hydroxide MAC -NDS 0. C ountry/S ource S ubstance(s) C ategory: ppm mg/m3 AUS T R IA S odium Hydroxide (Inhalable fraction. for Emergency Telephone and request access 4 / 11 .5 C ZE C H R E P UBL IC S odium Hydroxide PE L 1 NP K-P 2 C R OAT IA S odium Hydroxide KG VI 2 R OMANIA S odium Hydroxide as NaOH TWA 1 STE L 3 R US S IAN S odium Hydroxide as NaOH (Aeros ol. F or specific dosages and customized applications please contact your representative. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION OCCUP ATIONAL E XP OS UR E LIMITS E xposure guidelines have not been established for this product. Available exposure limits for the substance(s) are shown below.) MAK 2 MAK C E IL 4 BE LG IUM S odium Hydroxide TWA 2 BULG AR IA S odium Hydroxide (Aeros ol.5 S LOVAK IA S odium Hydroxide TWA 2 NALCO EUROPE B. 8.5 F E DE R AT ION S E R BIA S odium Hydroxide MAC 2 S odium Hydroxide as NaOH MAC 0.) C E IL 0. SAFETY DATA SHEET P R ODUC T NALCO® 72215 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) See section 16. P ostbus 627 2300 AP Leiden The Netherlands 0031 71 5241100 F or additional copies of an MS DS visit www.nalco.5 MAC -NDS C 1 h HUNG AR Y S odium Hydroxide ÁK 2 CK 2 LAT VIA S odium Hydroxide TWA 0. In general. HY GIE NE R E COMME NDATIONS : Use good work and personal hygiene practices to avoid exposure. If clothing is contaminated. Breakthrough time not determined as preparation. S LOVE NIA S odium Hydroxide (Inhalable fraction. remove clothing and thoroughly wash the affected area. consult P P E manufacturers. P ostbus 627 2300 AP Leiden The Netherlands 0031 71 5241100 F or additional copies of an MS DS visit www. When handling this product never eat. the use of a chemical resistant suit and rubber boots is recommended. we recommend as a minimum precaution that safety glasses with side-shields and workclothes protecting arms. S KIN P ROTE CTION : When handling this product. The applicable E uropean standard can be found in E N IS O 20345. legs and body be used. NALCO EUROPE B. The applicable E uropean standard can be found in E N 374. R E S P IR ATOR Y P ROTE CTION : Where concentrations in air may exceed the limits given in this section. SAFETY DATA SHEET P R ODUC T NALCO® 72215 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) See section 16. MONITORING ME AS UR E S : A small volume of air is drawn through an absorbant or barrier to trap the substance(s) which can then be desorbed or removed and analyzed as referenced below: S ubstance(s) Method Analysis Absorbant S odium Hydroxide US NIOS H: 7401 Titration P TF E filter E NGINE E RING ME AS UR E S : General ventilation is recommended. institute a complete respiratory protection program including selection. the use of chemical gauntlets is recommended. P E R S ONAL P R OTE CTION GE NE R AL ADVICE : The use and choice of personal protection equipment is related to the hazard of the product. maintenance and inspection. A suitable filter material depends on the amount and type of chemicals being handled. HAND P R OTE CTION : When handling this and request access 5 / 11 . drink or smoke. including mucous membranes and the eyes. The choice of work glove depends on work conditions and what chemicals are handled. Always wash thoroughly after handling chemicals. fit testing. In event of emergency or planned entry into unknown concentrations a positive pressure. The applicable E uropean standard can be found in E N 166. E Y E P ROTE CTION : Wear a face shield with chemical splash goggles. P rovide mechanical ventilation of confined spaces. If respiratory protection is required. Consider the use of filter type: A-B-E -K-P The applicable E uropean standard can be found in E N 140.V. the use of a half face filter mask or air supplied breathing apparatus is recommended. but we have positive experience under light handling conditions using gloves made from P VC Gloves should be replaced immediately if signs of degradation are observed. the workplace and the way the product is handled.nalco. Keep a safety shower available. The use of local exhaust ventilation is recommended to control emissions near the source. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. training. Keep an eye wash fountain available. Laboratory samples should be handled in a fumehood.) TWA 2 S T E L MULT * A skin notation refers to the potential s ignificant contribution to overall exposure by the cutaneous route. for Emergency Telephone Numbers. E N 143 and E N 14387. The applicable E uropean standard can be found in E N 166. E N 137. In addition any person visiting an area where this product is handled should at least wear safety glasses with side-shields. full-facepiece S CBA should be used. sulfonic) may generate heat. NALCO EUROPE B. Under fire conditions: Oxides of phosphorus 11. the National Toxicology P rogram (NTP ) or the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).09 .1.V. 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY S TABILITY : S table under normal conditions. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No toxicity studies have been conducted on this product. Metals HAZAR DOUS DE COMPOS ITION P RODUCTS : Gives off hydrogen by reaction with and request access 6 / 11 . please consult section 2 and 12. for Emergency Telephone Numbers. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES P HY S ICAL S TATE Liquid AP P E AR ANCE Colorless ODOR None F LAS H POINT : None S P E CIF IC GR AVITY 1. sulfuric. 9. phosphoric.12 S OLUBILITY IN WATE R Complete pH (100 %) > 13 F R E E ZING POINT -3 °C Note: These physical properties are typical values for this product and are subject to change. nitric. chromic.. HAZAR DOUS POLY ME RIZATION : Hazardous polymerization will not occur. P ostbus 627 2300 AP Leiden The Netherlands 0031 71 5241100 F or additional copies of an MS DS visit www. SAFETY DATA SHEET P R ODUC T NALCO® 72215 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) See section 16. F or additional information on the hazard of the preparation. S E NS ITIZATION : This product is not expected to be a sensitizer.nalco. CAR CINOGE NICITY : None of the substances in this product are listed as carcinogens by the International Agency for R esearch on Cancer (IAR C). Contact with strong acids (e. hydrochloric. CONDITIONS TO AVOID : F reezing temperatures. splattering or boiling and toxic vapors. MATE RIALS TO AVOID : Acids.g. Oxidizing agents. MOBILITY : The environmental fate was estimated using a level III fugacity model embedded in the E P I (estimation program interface) S uite TM. If this product is used in any further processes.OF F S P E CIF ICATION BATCHE S AND UNUS E D PR ODUCTS . NATIONAL R E GULATIONS AUS TR IA : Waste Code :52404 NATIONAL R E GULATIONS CZE CH R E P UBLIC NALCO EUROPE B. E nsure compliance with E C. E mpty drums should be taken for recycling. Do not dispose of wastes in local sewer or with normal garbage. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION E COTOXICOLOGICAL E F F E CTS : No toxicity studies have been conducted on this product. If released into the environment this material is expected to distribute to the air.70% The portion in water is expected to be soluble or dispersible. and request access 7 / 11 . E UR OP E WAS TE CODE : 16 03 03* . P ostbus 627 2300 AP Leiden The Netherlands 0031 71 5241100 F or additional copies of an MS DS visit www. Dispose of wastes in an approved incinerator or waste treatment/disposal site. or disposal through a suitably qualified or licensed contractor. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS If this preparation becomes a waste. BIOACCUMULATION P OTE NTIAL This preparation or material is not expected to bioaccumulate.Inorganic wastes containing dangerous substances. drains. the final user must redefine and assign the most appropriate E uropean Waste Catalogue Code. Use only authorized contractors. 12. This product will generate an ash if burned. for Emergency Telephone Numbers. 13. The model assumes a steady state condition between the total input and output.50% 50 . Air Water S oil/S ediment <5% 30 . Any chemical waste is a potential environmental pollutant and is NOT suitable for disposal via ground. the final user must define and assign the appropriate E uropean Waste Catalogue code. municipal sewers.nalco. provided by the US E PA. in accordance with all applicable regulations.V. natural streams or rivers. P E R S IS TE NCY AND DE GR ADATION : Greater than 95% of this product consists of inorganic substances for which a biodegradation value is not applicable. It can be burned directly in appropriate equipment. The level III model does not require equilibrium between the defined media. water and soil/sediment in the approximate respective percentages. The information provided is intended to give the user a general estimate of the environmental fate of this product under the defined conditions of the models. national and local regulations. SAFETY DATA SHEET P R ODUC T NALCO® 72215 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) See section 16. P ostbus 627 2300 AP Leiden The Netherlands 0031 71 5241100 F or additional copies of an MS DS visit www. TRANSPORT INFORMATION The information in this section is for reference only and should not take the place of a shipping paper (bill of lading) specific to an order. 381/2001 Coll.P rimary : 8 P acking Group : II ADR /R ID H. properties.nalco. Valid and applicable waste legislation in the Czech R epublic: Waste Act ( and request access 8 / 11 . and mode of transportation. HAZAR D S Y MBOLS NALCO EUROPE B.I. 477/2001 Coll. REGULATORY INFORMATION CLAS S IF ICATION AND LABE LLING : GOVE R NING DIR E CTIVE (S ): Dangerous S ubstances Directive 67/548/E E C and Dangerous P reparations Directive 1999/45/E C.). Typical P roper S hipping Names for this product are as follows. SAFETY DATA SHEET P R ODUC T NALCO® 72215 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) See section 16.). 185/2001 Coll. P lease note that the proper S hipping Name / Hazard Class may vary by packaging. P ackaging Act (No. for Emergency Telephone Numbers. as amended 14.P rimary : 8 P acking Group : II IATA Cargo P acking Instructions : 813 IATA Cargo Aircraft Limit : 30 L (Max net quantity per package) IATA P assenger P acking Instructions : Y 809 / 809 IATA P assenger Aircraft Limit : 0.n.P rimary : 8 P acking Group : II OTHE R AP P LICABLE INF OR MATION CE F IC TR E MCAR D R E F E R E NCE : 80S 1824 E ME R GE NCY ACTION CODE : 2R 15.5 L / 1 L MAR INE TR ANS POR T (IMDG/IMO) P roper S hipping Name : S ODIUM HY DR OXIDE S OLUTION Technical Name(s) : UN/ID No : UN 1824 Hazard Class .) and the Decree of the Ministry of the E nvironment on the Catalogue of Wastes (No.V. LAND TR ANS POR T P roper S hipping Name : S ODIUM HY DR OXIDE S OLUTION Technical Name(s) : UN/ID No : UN 1824 Hazard Class . : 80 CLAS S IF ICATION CODE : C5 AIR TR ANS POR T (ICAO/IATA) P roper S hipping Name : S ODIUM HY DR OXIDE S OLUTION Technical Name(s) : UN/ID No : UN 1824 Hazard Class . S 26 . SAFETY DATA SHEET P R ODUC T NALCO® 72215 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) See section 16. this product is acceptable under : 21 CF R 173.In case of contact with eyes. COR R OS IVE Contains:. S 28 . Drug and Cosmetic Act : When use situations necessitate compliance with F DA regulations.nalco. see table(s): 65 Classified Industrial S ites (ICP E ): Not-applicable.. seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible).Avoid contact with skin and eyes. rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.After contact with skin. NATIONAL R E GULATIONS CZE CH R E P UBLIC This preparation is classified as per Act on Chemical S ubstances and Chemical P reparations (No.) This S afety Data S heet is drawn up as per Act and request access 9 / 11 . S 45 . gloves and eye/face protection.S odium Hydroxide R IS K P HR AS E S R 35 . and per Act 371/2008 Coll. P ostbus 627 2300 AP Leiden The Netherlands 0031 71 5241100 F or additional copies of an MS DS visit www. S ocial S ecurity Code. US A F OOD AND DR UG ADMINIS TR ATION (F DA) F ederal F ood.Decree 11/2/2003: R elevant. 356/2003 Coll. wash immediately with plenty of water. S AF E TY P HR AS E S S 24/25 .Causes severe burns. Occupational exposure limits for the Czech R epublic in section 8 are given as per Government's R egulation No. S 36/37/39 .Wear suitable protective clothing. 178/2001 Coll. laying down conditions of health protection of employees at work NATIONAL R E GULATIONS F RANCE Table of occupational diseases. 356/2003 Coll. for Emergency Telephone Numbers. Article L461-4. NATIONAL R E GULATIONS GE R MANY WGK 1 (Annex 4) NATIONAL R E GULATIONS HOLLAND ABM R E S ULT ABM R E S ULT S ubstance(s) % (w/w) 11 B NATIONAL R E GULATIONS .V.310 Boiler Water Additives INTE R NATIONAL CHE MICAL CONTROL LAWS E UR OP E NALCO EUROPE B.In case of accident or if you feel unwell. OTHER INFORMATION LIS T OF R E LE VANT R -P HR AS E S AND NOTAS IN S E CTION 3 R 35 .V. exposures should be evaluated so that appropriate handling practices and training programs can be established to insure safe workplace operations. . Please consult your local sales representative for any further information. It is our intention to pre-register all chemical substances that we manufacture or import into E uropean Union and to work with our suppliers to ensure a smooth transition to this new regulatory environment. The product is to be used in applications consistent with our product or visit our website. E ME R GE NCY TE LE P HONE NUMBE R (S ) Trans-European +32-(0)3-575-5555 Belgium / Luxembourg +32-(0)3-575-0330 Bulgaria +32-(0)3-575-5555 Croatia +385 (0)91-1-25-75-23 Czech R epublic +420-602-669421 Denmark +47-22-33-69-99 F inland +358-(0)9-471 977 F rance / F rench S witzerland +33-(0)6-11-07-32-81 Germany / Austria / German S witzerland +49-(0)6232-130128 Hungary +36-30-9-506-447 Italy / Italian S witzerland +39-333-210-7947 Latvia +32-(0)3-575-5555 The Netherlands +32-(0)3-575-0330 Norway +47-22-33-69-99 P oland +48-(0)601-66-2626 (S GS ) / +48 (0) 14 637 40 81 (S POT) P ortugal +351-91-911-1399 R omania +40-744 -34-14-53 NALCO EUROPE B. E and request access 10 / 11 . UNITE D S TATE S : This product has not been evaluated for TS CA and may contain substances not found on the TS CA 8(b) Inventory List. F or any other uses. Individuals handling this product should be informed of the recommended safety precautions and should have access to this information.R E VIS E D INF OR MATION: section(s): This product material safety data sheet provides health and safety information. for Emergency Telephone Numbers. SAFETY DATA SHEET P R ODUC T NALCO® 72215 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) See section 16. Nalco is committed to and fully supports the R egistration. J AP AN All substances in this product comply with the Law R egulating the Manufacture and Importation Of Chemical S ubstances and are listed on the E xisting and New Chemical S ubstances list (E NCS ). S hould you require any further information on Nalco's RE ACH programme please contact us at reach@nalco. P ostbus 627 2300 AP Leiden The Netherlands 0031 71 5241100 F or additional copies of an MS DS visit www.Causes severe burns. The substance(s) in this preparation are included in or exempted from the E INE CS or E LINCS inventories S afety Data S heet according to R egulation (E C) No 1907/2006. 16.nalco. This product may be used under the TS CA 5(h)(3) R esearch E xemption if all requirements are met. Authorization and restriction of CHemicals (R E ACH) regulation. R ussia / Belarus +7-812-449-0474 S audi Arabia +966-(3)847-1515 S erbia +32-(0)3-575-5555 S lovak R epublic +421-(0)905-585-938 S lovenia +386-41-634-916 S pain +34-977-551577 S weden +47-22-33-69-99 UAE +44-(0)7071-223-738 UK and R epublic of Ireland +44-(0)7071-223-738 Nalfleet International +32-(0)3-575-5555 P OIS ON CONTROL CE NTE R TE LE P HONE NUMBE RS Belgium +32-70-245245 Czech R epublic +420 224 91 92 93 Hungary +36-80-201-199 E TTS Z. P ostbus 627 2300 AP Leiden The Netherlands 0031 71 5241100 F or additional copies of an MS DS visit www.11.000 = 1 thousand. 1096 Budapest. for Emergency Telephone and request access 11 / 11 . SAFETY DATA SHEET P R ODUC T NALCO® 72215 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) See section 16.000 = 1 million and 1.001 = 1 thousandth NALCO EUROPE B.1 = 1 tenth and 0.6 Numbers quoted in the MS DS are given in the format: 1.V.nalco.2009 Version Number : 2. Nagyvárad tér 2 F rance +33-(0)145-42-59-59 OR F ILA S lovak R epublic +421 (0)2 5477 4166 P repared By : S HE Department Date issued : 23.000. 0.
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