Nahuatl Bibliography Recompiled by Tezozomoc



Nahuatl Bibliography Nocnihuan, This is short and arbitrary.It undoubtedly leaves out some items which should be included in even such a small source list, but I thought that anybody derived some benefit from it, well... rjc Skeletal Bibliography of Nahuatl Sources Florentine Codex Anderson, Arthur J.O., and Charles E. Dibble (translators). [Sahagun, Historia general de las cosas de Nueva Espana]. Santa Fe, New Mexico: the School of American Research and the University of Utah, 1950-61 Introduction to Classical Nahuatl Andrews, J. Richard. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1975. A Morphological Dictionary of Classical Nahuatl Campbell, R. Joe. Madison, Wisconsin: The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, Ltd., 1985. Five Studies Inspired by Nahuatl Verbs in -oa. Canger, Una. (Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague 19) Copenhagen: Reitzel, 1980. Arte de la lengua mexicana con la declaracion de los adverbios della. Carochi, Horacio. [d. 1662] Mexico: Juan Ruiz, 1645. [Lilly Library] Llave del Nahuatl, Coleccion de Trozos Clasicos con Gramatica y Vocabulario Garibay K., Angel Maria., para utilidad de los Principiantes. Mexico City,1940, 1961. De Porfirio Diaz a Zapata. Memoria nahuatl de Milpa Horcasitas, Fernando. Alta. Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas. Serie de Historia Moderna y Contemporanea 8. Mexico City: 1968, 1974. An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl. Karttunen, Frances. Austin, Texas: Univ. of Texas Press, 1983. Introduction a la langue et a la litterature azteques I: grammaire. Launey, Michel Paris: L'Harmattan, 1978. Aqui comiena un vocabulario en la lengua castellana y mexicana. Molina, Alonso de. Mexico: 1555. [Lilly Library]. Arte de la lengua mexicana y castellana. Mexico: Pedro Ocharte, 1571. [Lilly Library]. Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana. Mexico, 1571. Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana. (Facsimile ed.), Vol. IV, Coleccion de Incunables Americanos. Madrid, 1944. Arte de la lengua mexicana y castellana. (Facsimile ed.), Vol. IV, Coleccion de Incunables Americanos. Madrid: Ediciones Cultura Hispanica, 1945. Sahagun, Bernardino de. Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espana. Edited by A.M. Garibay, 4 vols. Mexico City: Porrua, 1956. Dictionnaire de la Langue Nahuatl. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 1 of 125 Simeon, Remi. Paris, 1885. (reprinted, Graz: Akademische Drucku. Verlagsanstalt, 1963). Compendio de Gramatica Nahuatl. Sullivan, Thelma. Mexico City: UNAM, 1976. Alabado que contiene los actos de fe, esperanza, caridad, y contricion en idioma mexicano. Puebla: Anonymous. Imprenta Nacional, 1832. [Lilly Library] Clara y sucinta exposicion del pequen~o catecismo. Puebla: Oratorio de S. Felipe Neri, 1819. [Lilly Library] Compendio del confessionario en mexicano y castellan~o. Puebla: Imprenta Antigua, 1840. [Lilly Library] Explicacion clara y sucinta de los principales misterios de nuestra Santa Fe. Puebla: Hospital de San Pedro, 1835. [Lilly Library] Lecciones para las tandas de ejercicios de S. Ignacio dadas a los indios en el idioma mexicano. Puebla: Imprenta Antigua, 1841. [Lilly Library] Diccionario de vocablos aztecas contenidos en el Arte de la lengua mexicana de Horacio Carochi. Adrian, Karen, Una Canger, Kjeld K. Lings, Jette Nilsson, and Anne Schlanbusch. Copenhagen: The University of Copenhagen, 1976. Trilinguismo y prestigio en un pueblo nahuatl del Estado de Mexico. Albores, Beatriz A. Anuario de Letras 14.239-254 (1976). Alabado en lengua mexicana. Mexico: Imprenta de la Bibliotheca Mexicana Aldama y Guevara, Jose Augustin., 1755. [Lilly Library] Arte de la lengua Mexicana. Mexico: Imprenta nueva de la Biblioteca Mexicana, 1754. [Lilly Library] Piadoso devocionario del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus. Almeida, Teodoro de. Orizaba: Felix Mendarte, 1839. [Lilly Library] [fl. 1630] Confessionario mayor y menor en lengua mexicana Alva, Bartolome. Mexico: Francisco Salbago, 1634. [Lilly Library] Doctrina extractada de los catecismos mexicanos de los padres Paredes, Carochi, y Castan~o. Amaro, Juan Romualdo, ed. Mexico: Abadiano y Valdes, 1840. [Lilly Library] Presencia espiritual de la cultura nahuatl en la toponimia Anaya Monroy, Fernando. ECN 2.7-25 (1960). La toponimia indigena en la historia y la cultura de Tlaxcala Mexico City: UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas, 1965. [Serie de Cultura Nahuatl. Monografias: 4] Florentine Codex [Sahagun, Historia general de las cosas de Nueva Espana]. Anderson, Arthur J.O., and Charles E. Dibble (translators). Santa Fe, New Mexico: the School of American Research and the University of Utah, 1950-61. Rules of the Aztec Language. A translation by Arthur J.O. Anderson with modifications of Francisco Xavier Clavijero's Reglas de la lengua mexicana. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 2 of 125 Anderson, Arthur J.O. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press, 1973. Grammatical Examples, Exercises, and Review. Anderson, Arthur J.O. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press, 1973. Materiales colorantes prehispanicos. ECN 4.73-83 (1963). Medical Practices of the Aztecs. El Palacio 68 (no. 2):113-118 (1961). Refranes en un santoral en mexicano. ECN 6.55-62 (1966). Sahagun's Nahuatl Texts as Indigenist Documents. ECN 2.31-42 (1960). Beyond the Codices. The Nahua View of Colonial Mexico. Anderson, Arthur J.O., Frances Berdan, and James Lockhart (translators and editors). UCLA Latin American Studies Series, Vol. 27. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1976. The discovery of corn Anderson, Selma E. ECN 2.177-195 (1960). Introduction to Classical Nahuatl. Andrews, J. Richard. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1975. Las Lenguas de Mexico (2 volumes). Arana de Swadesh, Evangelina, Mexico City: SEP-INAH (1975). [fl. 1600] Vocabulario manual de las lenguas castellana y mexicana. Mexico: Viuda de Bernardo Calderon, Arenas, Pedro de. 1683. [Lilly Library] Tres vocabularios dialectales del Mexicano. Arreola, Jose Maria. INVLING 2.428-443 (1934). Arte de la lengua Mexicana. Avila, Francisco de. Mexico: Herederos de la viuda de Miguel de Ribera Calderon, 1717. [Lilly Library] Un cuento sobre el dia de los muertos. Barlow, Roberto H. ECN 2.77-82 (1960). Remarks on a nahuatl hymn. Tlalocan 4.185-192 (1963). "The Tlaquiltenango Manuscripts." Tlalocan 1.362 (1944) [note]. "Textos de Hueyapan, Morelos." Barrios, Miguel. Tlalocan 3.53-75 (1949). Textos de Xaltocan, Estado de Mexico. Mesoamerican Notes, n. 1, pp. 1-25. Mexico City: Mexico City College (1950). Textos de Xaltocan, continuacion. Mesoamerican Notes, n. 2, pp. 68-85. Mexico City: Mexico City College (1950). Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 3 of 125 Bibliografia sobre Cultura Nahuatl, 1950-58. Basilio, Concepcion. ECN 1.125-166 (1959). Bibliografia sobre Cultura Nahuatl 1959. ECN 2.209-217 (1960). [1555-c1613] Advertencias para los confessores de los naturales. Bautista, Juan. Mexico: Melchior Ocharte, 1600. [Lilly Library] Confessionario en lengua mexicana y castellan~a. Mexico: Melchior Ocharte, 1599. [Lilly Library] Huehuetlatolli, o Platicas de los Viejos. Mexico: 1600. Sermonario en lengua mexicana Primera parte. Mexico: Diego Lopez Davalos, 1606. [Lilly Library] Mito y simbolismo del Mexico antiguo. Beyer, Hermann. Mexico: Sociedad Alemana Mexicanista, 1965. [El Mexico Antiguo, Vol. 10] (1804-1886) Evangeliarium epistolarium et lectionarium Aztecum sive Mexicanum ex antiguo codice Mexicano nuper reperto depromptum cum praefatione interpretatione adnotationibus glossario Biondelli, Bernardino. edidit Bernardinus Biondelli. Mediolani: 1858. Glossarium Azteco-Latinum et Latino-Aztecum cura et studio Bernardino Biondelli collectum ac digestum. Mediolani: 1869. [Lilly Library] El dialecto mexicano de Pochutla, Oaxaca. Boas, Franz. IJAL 1.9-44 (1917). "Cuentos en Mexicano de Milpa Alta, D.F." Boas, Franz, and Jose Maria Arreola., JAF 33.1-24 (1920). "Ten Folktales in Modern Nahuatl" Boas, Franz, and Herman K. Haeberlin. JAF 37.345-370 (1924). A Grammar of Tetelcingo (Morelos) Nahuatl. Brewer, Forrest. Language 30.1-67 (1954). Yulcome. Mexico City: SIL, 1964. Vocabulario mexicano de Tetelcingo, Morelos. Brewer, Forrest, and Jean G. Brewer. Mexico City: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1971. "Accent" in Classical Aztec. ” Bright, William. IJAL 26.66-68 (1960). "Inventory of Descriptive Materials" Norman A. McQuown (ed.), Handbook of Middle American Indians, 5: Linguistics, pp. 9-62. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1967. "Un vocabulario nahuatl del Estado de Tlaxcala" Bright, William., ECN 7.233-253 (1967). "The phonemes of North Puebla Nahuatl." Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 4 of 125 Brockway, Earl. AL 5.2.14-18 (1963). How Aesop Fared in Nahuatl. Brotherston, Gordon. Arcadia 7.37-43 (1972). "Underlying /nw/ in Hueyapan Nahuatl" Campbell, R. Joe., IJAL 42.46-50 (1976). The Languages of Native America: Historical and Comparative Assessment. Campbell, Lyle, and Marianne Mithun (eds.). Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1979. Five Studies Inspired by Nahuatl Verbs in -oa. Canger, Una.(Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague 19) Copenhagen: Reitzel, 1980. [d. 1662] Arte de la lengua mexicana con la declaracion de los adverbios della. Carochi, Horacio. Mexico: Juan Ruiz, 1645. [Lilly Library] Arte de la Lengua Mexicana. Mexico City: 1892. La magia amorosa entre los Antiguos Mexicanos. Carrera Stampa, Manuel. Boletin Bibliografico de la Secretaria de Hacienda, no. 272, pp. 10-11 (1963). The Aztecs, People of the Sun. Caso, Alfonso. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1958. Land Tenure Among the Ancient Mexicans. American Anthropologist 65.863-878 (1963). "Bibliografia nahuatl: Castillo Farreras, Victor Manuel. 1960-1965", ECN 6.227-261 (1966). "Las particulas de nahuatl" Castillo Farreras, Victor Manuel, Karen Dakin, and Roberto Moreno de los Arcos, , ECN Vol. VI, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas. Mexico City, 1966. (d. 1877) Epitome o modo facil de aprender el idioma nahuatl o lengua mexicana. Chimalpopocatl Galicia, Faustino. Mexico: Viuda de Murguia e Hijos, 1869. [Lilly Library] Silabario de idioma mexicano. Mexico: Imprenta de las Escalerillas, 1849. [Lilly Library] Reglas de la lengua mexicana. Clavijero, Francisco Xavier. Biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio, Mezzofanti MS xii-lo, Bologna. Manual de administrar los santos sacramentos a los espanoles y naturales desta Nueva Espan~a. Contreras Gallardo, Pedro. Mexico: Juan Ruiz, 1638. [Lilly Library] Arte, vocabulario, y confessionario en el idioma mexicano, como se usa en el Obispado de Guadalajara. Cortes y Zeden~o, Jeronimo Tomas de Aquino. Puebla: Colegio Real de San Ignacio, 1765. [Lilly Library] Matlapa and Classical Nahuatl with Comparative Notes on the Dialects. Croft, Kenneth. Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University (1953). "Six Decades of Nahuatl" Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 5 of 125 IJAL 19.57-73 (1953). "El carbonero: un cuento nahuatl." Dakin, Karen. ECN 10.329-336 (1972). "Dialectologia Nahuatl de Morelos: un estudio preliminar" ECN 11.227-234 (1974). "Pedro Cuaresma and Other Nahuatl Stories." Tlalocan 7.5-66 (1977). "Phonological Changes in Nahuatl: The Tense/Aspect/Number Systems" IJAL 45.48-71 (1979). Verb-System Change in Santa Catarina (Morelos) Nahuatl: Its Relation to Bilingualism. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin (l971). La escritura de la lengua nahuatl a traves de los siglos. Davila Garibi, J. Ignacio. Mexico, 1935. Intento de clasificacion del verbo nahuatl en grupos afines. ECN 4.61-72 (1963). Posible influencia del Nahuatl en el uso y abuso del diminutivo en el espanol de Mexico. ECN 1.91-94 (1959). La botanica medicinal indigena de Mexico. Del Pozo, Efren C. ECN 5.57-73 (1965). Glifos foneticos del Codice Florentino. Dibble, Charles E. ECN 4.55-60 (1963). Nahuatl Names for Body Parts. ECN 1.27-30 (1959). La olografia de fray Bernardino de Sahagun. ECN 9.231-236 (1971). Spanish influence on the Nahuatl Texts of Sahagun's Historia. Akten des en Internationalen Amerikanistenkongresses, pp. 244-247 (1962). Dominicans. Doctrina cristiana en lengua espan~ola y mexicana. Mexico: 1550. [Lilly Library] The Work of Sahagun. Edmonson, Munro S. Sixteenth-Century Mexico: Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1974. The Badianus Manuscript. Emmart, Emily Walcott. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1940. Clases en mexicano. (mimeographed in the dialect of Tepoztlan, translated into Spanish and English. Escalada, Apolonio H. The originals were in the Byron McAfee collection. The British Museum has microfilm) (1934/1936). "Tepoztecatl." Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 6 of 125 INVL 4.271-301 (1937). El arte textil entre los nahuas. Fernandez Barrera, Josefina. ECN 5.143-152 (1965). Arte Mexicano. Galdo Guzman, Diego de. Mexico: 1642. "La lengua de los ancianos de Jalupa, Tabasco." Garcia de Leon, Antonio. ECN 7.267-281 (1967). Pajapan, una variante del nahua del este. Thesis, ENAH (1969). Llave del Nahuatl, Coleccion de Trozos Clasicos con Gramatica y Vocabulario, para utilidad de los Principiantes. Garibay K., Angel Maria. Mexico City, 1940, 1961. El nawat de Cuzcatlan. Geoffroy Rivas, Pedro. San Salvador (1969). Cuentos Indigenas. Gonzalez Casanova, Pablo. Mexico City, 1946, 1965. The Phonemes of Orizaba Nahuatl. Goller, Theodore R. and Patricia L., and Viola G. Waterhouse. IJAL 40.126-131 (1974). (1794) Tardes americanas: gobierno gentil y catolico. Granados y Galvez, Joseph Joaquin. Mexico: Felipe Zun~iga y On tiveros, 1778. [Lilly Library] Arte de la lengua Mexicana segun la acostumbran hablar los indios en todo el Obispado de Guadalaxara, parte del de Guadiana, y del de Mechoacan. Guerra, Juan. Mexico: 1692. (Republished by Alberto Santoscoy, Guadalajara, 1900) Gramatica del nahuatl de Santa Catarina, Morelos. Guzman Betancourt, Ignacio. Mexico City: SEP-INAH, 1979. "Extracto de un vocabulario de los Tuxtlas, Veracruz." Hasler, Juan A. Archivos Nahuas 1.173-185 (1958). "Los fonemas del nahuatl de los Tuxtlas." ECN 2.129-134 (1960). "Tetradialectologia nahua." In Elson and Comas (eds.), A William Cameron Townsend, pp. 455-464, Mexico City (1961). "Cuatro dialectos de la lengua nahua." Hendrichs, Pedro. Por tierras ignotas 2.78-129, Mexico City (1964). Ancient Life in Mexico and Central America. Hernandez, Francisco. Hewett, Edgar L. New York: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1936. Honorific Usages in Modern Nahuatl. Hill, Jane H. and Kenneth C. Hill. Language 54.123-156 (1978). Language Death and Re flexication in Tlaxcala. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 7 of 125 International Journal of the Sociology of Language 12.55-70 (1977). De Porfirio Diaz a Zapata. Memoria nahuatl de Milpa Alta. Horcasitas, Fernando. Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas. Serie de Historia Moderna Contemporanea 8. Mexico City: 1968, 1974. "La narrativa oral nahuatl (1920-1975)," ECN 13.177-209 (1979). El teatro nahuatl: epocas novohispana y moderna. Primera parte. Mexico City: UNAM (Instituto de In vestigaciones Historicas. Serie de Cultura Nahuatl, Monografias, 17) (1974). Los Cuentos de don~a Luz. Horcasitas, Fernando, Sarah O. de Ford. Mexico City: UNAM, 1979. [1514?-1594] Sermonario en lengua mexicana . con un cathecismo en lengua mexicana y espan~ola, con el calendario. Juan de la Anunciacion. Mexico: Antonio Ricardo, 1577. [Lilly Library] Nahuatl in the Middle Years: Language Contact Phenomena in Texts of the Colonial Period. Karttunen, Frances, and James Lockhart. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1976. "Nahuatl Nasals," Linguistic Inquiry 7.380-383 (1976). Situacion social y economica de los aztecas durante los siglos XV y XVI. Katz, Friedrich. Mexico City: Instituto de In vestigaciones Historicas, UNAM, 1966. "Algunas observaciones preliminares de la dis tribucion dealectal del nahuatl en el area HidalgoVeracruz Puebla." Key, Harold. In Huastecos, totonacos y sus vecinos, pp. 131-144, edited by I. Bernal and E. Davalos Hurtado, Sociedad Mexicana de Antropologia, Mexico City (1953). Vocabularies of languages of the Uto-Aztecan Family. Misc. Coll., no. 38, University of Chicago (1954). "The Phonemes of Sierra Nahuatl." Key, Harold, and Mary Ritchie de Key. IJAL 19.53-56 (1953). Vocabulario Mejicano de la Sierra de Zacapoaxtla Puebla. Mexico City: Summer In stitute of Linguistics, 1953. "Possessives in Classical Nahuatl," Langacker, Ronald W. IJAL 38.173-186 (1972). "Relative Clauses in Classical Nahuatl," IJAL 41.46-68 (1975). "Apuntes sobre dialectologia Nahuatl," Lastra de Suarez, Yolanda. AA 11.282-298 (1974). "Distribucion de hablantes de nahuatl en la Republica Mexicana: observaciones sobre el censo de 1970," Notas antropologicas, Vol. I, 9.59-65 (1974). y Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 8 of 125 "Dialectologia Nahuatl del Distrito Federal," AA 12.335-340 (1975). "El Nahuatl en el Distrito Federal," Lastra de Suarez, Yolanda, and Fernando Horcasitas. AA 13.103-136 (1976). "El Nahuatl en el Oriente del estado de Mexico," AA 14.165-226 (1977). "El nahuatl en el note y el occidente del Estado de Mexico," AA 15.185-250 (1978). Introduction a la langue et a la litterature azteques I: grammaire. Launey, Michel. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1978. Herencia cultural del mundo nahuatl. Leander, Birgitta. Mexico City: Ediciones Andrea, 1961. [fl. 1600] Camino del cielo en lengua mexicana. Leon, Martin de. Mexico: Diego Lopez Davalos, 1611. [Lilly Library] Manual breve y forma de administrar los santos sacramentos a los indios. Mexico: Francisco Rodriguez Lupercio, 1669 [later edition of a work first published in 1617]. [Lilly Library] "Bibliografia linguistica nahua" Leon-Portilla, Ascension H. de. ECN 10.409-411 (1972). Los antiguos mexicanos. Leon-Portilla, Miguel. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1961. Aztec Thought and Culture. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963. The Broken Spears. The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico. Boston: Beacon Press, 1962. Filosofia nahuatl. Mexico City: UNAM, 1959. La historia del Tohuenyo --Narracion erotica Nahuatl ECN 1.95-112 (1959). Ritos, sacerdotes y atavios de los dioses. Fuentes Indigenas de los Informantes de Sahagun 1. Mexico City: UNAM, 1958. Siete ensayos sobre cultura nahuatl. Mexico City: UNAM, 1958. Significado de la obra de fray Bernardino de Sahagun. Estudios de Historia Novohispana 1.13-28 (1966). Los manifiestos en nahuatl de Emiliano Zapata. Mexico City: UNAM, 1978. El hacha nocturna. Lopez Austin, Alfredo. ECN 4.179-186 (1963). Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 9 of 125 Descripcion de estupefacientes en el Codice florentino. Revista de la Universidad de Mexico 19(no. 5).17-19 (1965). Cuarenta clases de magos del mundo nahuatl. ECN 7.87-117 (1967). "De las plantas medicinales y de otras cosas medicinales" ECN 9.125-236 (1971). "Textos acerca de las partes del cuerpo humano y de las enfermedades y medicinas en los primeros memoriales de Sahagun" ECN 10.129-153 (1972). "Descripcion de medicinas en textos dispersos del Libro XI de los Codices Matritense y Florentino" ECN 11.45-135 (1974). Textos de medicina nahuatl. Mexico City: UNAM, 1975. "Intento de reconstruccion de procesos semanticos del nahuatl" AA 15.165-183 (1978). Cuerpo humano e ideologia. Las concepciones de los antiguos nahuas. Mexico City: UNAM, 1980. [..1669] Manual mexicana de la administracion de los santos sacramentos. Lorra Baquio, Francisco de. Mexico: Diego Gutierrez, 1634. [Lilly Library] Diccionario de la lengua nahuatl. Con terminos, expresiones e inflexiones verbales de la gramatica de Carochi-Paredes. Anotaciones e iconografia de codices y piezas arqueologicas. Macazaga Ordono, Cesar. Mexico City: Innovacion, 1979. Nombres geograficos de Mexico. Macazaga Ordono, Cesar, and Antonio Penafiel. Mexico City: Ed. Innovacion, 1978. Distribucion municipal de los hablantes de lenguas indigenas en la Republica Mexicana. Marino Flores, Anselmo.Mexico City: INAH, Departamento de Investigaciones Antropologicas, 1963. Ensayo de interpretacion del Libro Undecimo de la Historia General de las cosas de la Nueva Espana de Fray Bernardino de Sahagun. Martin del Campo, Rafael. Anales del Instituto de Biologia (Mexico) 9-11 (1938-40). Las plantas medicinales de Mexico. Martinez, Maximino. Mexico City: Ediciones Botas, 1944 (3rd ed.). [RS173/.M6M4 (Biology Library)] La anatomia entre los mexica. Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural 17.145-167 (1959). Barlow. Dicctionario de elementos foneticos en escritura jeroglifica (Codice Mendocino). McAfee, Byron, and Robert H. Mexico City: Instituto de Historia, 1949. "Noun Incorporation and Discourse Re ference in Modern Nahuatl" Merlan, Francesca., IJAL 42.177-191 (1976). Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 10 of 125 Uto-Aztecan cognate sets. Miller, Wick R. University of California Pulications in Linguistics, 48. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967. Aqui comienc/a un vocabulario en la lengua castellan~a y mexicana. Molina, Alonso de. Mexico: 1555. [Lilly Library]. Arte de la lengua mexicana y castellan~a. Mexico: Pedro Ocharte, 1571. [Lilly Library]. Confessionario breve. En lengua mexicana. Mexico: 1563/1564?. [Lilly Library]. Confessionario mayor, en lengua mexicana y castellan~a. Mexico: Antonio de Espinosa, 1565. [Lilly Library]. Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana. (Facsimile ed.), Vol. IV, Coleccion de Incunables Americanos. Madrid, 1944. Arte de la lengua mexicana y castellan~a. (Facsimile ed.), Vol. IV, Coleccion de Incunables Americanos. Madrid: Ediciones Cultura Hispanica, 1945. Manuscritos en lengua nahuatl de la Biblioteca Nacional de Mexico. Moreno, Roberto. Boletin de la Biblioteca Nacional 17(nos. 1, 2):21-210 (1966). Historia de los indios de Nueva Espan~a. Motolinia (Toribio de Benavente). Mexico City, 1941. "Classical Nahuatl" Newman, Stanley., Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. V, Linguistics. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1967. Los principales dioses Mesoamericanos. Nicholson, H.B. Esplendor del Mexico Antiguo 1.161-178 (1959). La poesia Nahuatl. Nicholson, Irene. Esplendor del Mexico Antiguo 1.191-198 (1959). (1499-1590). Historiadores de America 9. Nicolau D'Olwer, Luis. Fray Bernardino de Sahagun Mexico City: In stituto Panamericano de Geografia e Historia, 1952. Fray Bernardino de Sahagun. in Hand book of Middle American Indians (ed. Robert Wauchope). Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1973. Onamatologia del estado de Mexico. Olaguibel, Manuel de. (facsimile edition of the 1894 edition) Mexico City: Biblioteca Enciclopedica del Estado de Mexico, 1975. (b. 1703) Promptuario manual mexicano. Paredes, Ignacio de. Mexico: Imprenta de la Bibliotheca Mexicana, 1759. [Lilly Library] Aztec Surveys in Puebla, Veracruz, Morelos and Tlaxcala. Parsons, David. Ms. in the Archives of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Mexico City (1972). Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 11 of 125 Nombres geograficos de Mexico: catalogo alfabetico de los nombres de lugar pertenecientes al idioma "Nahuatl". Penafiel, Antonio. Mexico: 1885. Arte de el idioma Mexicano. Perez, Manuel. Mexico: Francisco de Ribera Calderon, 1713. [Lilly Library] [trans.]. Cathecismo romano traducido en castellan~o y mexicano. Mexico: Francisco de Rivera Calderon, 1723. (bound in: Bartolome Alva, Confessionario mayor y menor) [Lilly Library] (fl. 1713-1726) Farol indiano y guia de curas de indios. Mexico: Francisco Rivera Calderon, 1713. [Lilly Library] El ayudante de cura. Perez de Velasco, Andres Miguel. Puebla: Colegio Real de San Ignacio, 1766. [Lilly Library] "Nahuatl Honorifics," Pittman, Richard S. IJAL 14.236-239 (1948). A Grammar of Tetelcingo (Morelos) Nahuatl. Language Dissertation 50. Baltimore: Linguistics Society of America, 1954. Meditaciones del Santo Via Crucis. Portomauricio, Leonardo de. Puebla: Hospital de San Pedro, 1837. [Lilly Library] Las particulas nahuas: Estudio basado en la gramatica de Horacio Carochi, Arte de la lengua mexicana. Ramirez, Jose Fernando. Mexico City: Cosmos, 1980. Medicina Precortesiana en Mexico. Ramirez Aguirre, Adrian. Revista de la Sociedad Medica B-56, Vol. 1, no. 1, 47-55 (1959). Vocabulario nahuatl de Xalitla, Guerrero; Cuadernos de la Casa Chata 16. Ramirez de Alejandro, Cleofas, and Karen Dakin. Mexico City: centro de Investigaciones Superiores de INAH, 1979. The Royal Botanical Expedition to New Spain. Rickett, H.W. Chronica Botanica 11.1-86 (1947). [1556-1601] Arte Mexicana. Rincon, Antonio del. Mexico: Pedro Balli, 1595. [Lilly Library] Catecismo mexicano. Ripalda, Geronimo de. (1536-1618) Paredes, Ignacio de [trans. and ed.]. Mexico: Imprenta de la Bibliotheca Mexicana, 1758. [Lilly Library] "Nahuatl Source Materials 1887-1952" Ripley, June E., Tlalocan 4.17-48 (1962). Diccionario de aztequismos (o sea Jardin de las raices aztecas). Robelo, Cecilio A. Mexico City: 1940. Mexican Manuscript Painting of the Early Colonial Period. Robertson, Donald. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1959. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 12 of 125 Aztec Studies II: Sierra Nahuat Word Structure. Robinson, Dow F. (ed.). (SIL 22) Norman, Oklahoma: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1970. Textos de medicina nahuatl. America Indigena 21.345-353 (1961). El inventario anatomico sahaguntino. Rogers, Spencer L., and Arthur J.O. Anderson. ECN 5.115-122 (1965). La terminologia anatomica de los mexicas precolombinos. Actas y Memorias, XX- XVI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Espana, 1964, 5.69-76 (1966). On the Relative Clauses of Classical Nahuatl. Rosenthal, Jane M. CHIWHI 246-255 (1973). Some Types of Subordinate Clauses in Classical Nahuatl. YOUTAK 23-32 (1973). Vocabulario Mexicano de Tuxpan, Jalisco. Ruvalcaba, J. Melquiades. INVLING 3.208-214 (1935). Exhortacion de un padre a su hijo: Texto recogido por Andres de Olmos. Quintana, Josefina Garcia. ECN 11.137-182 (1974). (d. 1631) Confessionario breve activo y passivo en lengua mexicana. Saavedra, Marcos de. Mexico: Maria de Rivera, 1746. [Lilly Library] Manual de los sacramentos. Saenz de la Pen~a, Andres. Mexico: Francisco Robledo, 1642. [Lilly Library] Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espana. Sahagun, Bernardino de. Edited by A.M. Garibay, 4 vols. Mexico City: Porrua, 1956. Arte de la lengua mexicana. Sandoval, Rafael Tiburcio. Mexico: Alejandro Valdes, 1810. [Lilly Library] Diccionario de Mejicanismos. Santamaria, Francisco J. Mexico City: Editorial Porrua, 1959. A Catalogue of Pre-1840 Nahuatl Works Held by the Lilly Library. Schwaller, John F. IUB 11.69-88 (1973). Dictionnaire de la Langue Nahuatl. Simeon, Remi. Paris, 1885. (reprinted, Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1963). Gramatica nahuatl de Remi Simeon (traduccion y adaptacion de Enrique Torroella). ECN 3.137-201 (1962). La vida cotidiana de los aztecas en visperas de la conquista. Soustelle, Jacques. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1956. Compendio de Gramatica Nahuatl. Sullivan, Thelma. Mexico City: UNAM, 1976. Nahuatl Proverbs, Conundrums and Metaphors Collected by Sahagun. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 13 of 125 ECN 4.93-178 (1963). A Prayer to Tlaloc. ECN 5.39-55 (1965). Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Deification of the Women Who Died in Childbirth. ECN 6.63-96 (1966). Los mil elementos del mexicano clasico. Swadesh, Mauricio, and Madalena Sancho. Mexico: UNAM, 1966. Arte novissima de lengua mexicana. Tapia Centeno, Carlos de. Mexico: Viuda de Joseph Bernardo de Hogal, 1753. [Lilly Library] Catalogo de obras escritas en lenguas in digenas de Mexico. Ugarte, Salvador. Mexico: 1954. [Z 7120 / .U26] "Additions to Croft's Six Decades of Nahuatl" Ulving, Tor., IJAL 19.245-246 (1953). Arte de la lengua Mexicana. Vazquez Gastelu, Antonio. Puebla: Diego Fernandez de Leon, 1689. [Lilly Library] Breve practica y regimen del confessionario de indios, en mexicano y castellan~o. Velazquez de Cardenas y Leon, Carlos Celedonio. Mexico: Imprenta de la Bibliotheca Mexicana, 1761. Lilly Library] "Ayamo moyolpachihuitia in Totlatocatzin Rey D. Fernando VII." Venegas, Francisco Xavier. Mexico: 1810. (Broadside which abolished Indiana tribute payments to the king) [Lilly Library] [1620-1700] Arte de lengua Mexicana. Vetancurt, Agustin. Mexico: Francisco Rodriguez Lupercio, 1673. [Lilly Library] The comparative linguistics of Uto Aztecan. Whorf, Benjamin L. American Anthropologist 37.600-608 (1935). The origin of Aztec /tl/. American Anthropologist 39.265-274 (1937). The Milpa Alta Dialect of Aztec, with notes on the Classical and Tepoztlan dialects. Linguistic Structures of Native America, 367-397, edited by Harry Hoi jer. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology 6. New York, 1946. La situation de la Medicine chez les Azteques avant la Conquete. Wolter, A. Medicine et Hygiene, Geneva, Switzerland, 10 Feb. 1959, pp. 65-66. Marriage Customs of Our Forefathers. Wolgemuth, Carl. Tlalocan 6.347-373 (1969). [Nahuat of Mecayapan.] The Great Temple of Tenochitlan. Broda, Johanna. Berkeley: Unversity of California Press, 1988. Moctezuma's Mexico : Visions of the Aztec World. Carrasco, David. Niwot: Unversity Press of Colorado, 1992. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 14 of 125 Quetzalcoatl and the Irony of Empire. Carrasco, David. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982. Religion and Empire. Conrad, Geoffry W. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984. Book of the Gods and Rites of the Ancient Calander. Duran, Diego. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1971. Computo Azteca. Esparza Hidalgo, David. Mexico: Editorial Diana, 1975. The Aztec Image of Self and Society. Leon Portilla, Miguel. Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, 1992. Aztec Thought and Culture. Leon Portilla, Miguel. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963. The Offerings of the Temple of Tenochtitlan. Lopez Lujan, Leonardo. Niwot: University Press of Colorado, 1994. The Graet Temple of the Aztecs. Matos Moctezuma, Eduardo. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1988. Leyendas Aztecas. Meza, Otilia. Mexico: Talleres Graficos del Museo Nacional de Mexico, 1934. Aztec Art. Pasztory, Esther. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1983 The World of the Aztecs. Prescott, William Hickling. New York: Tudor Publishing Company, 1974. General History of Things of New Spain. Sahagun, Bernadino de. Santa Fe: School of American Research, 1950-1982. Daily Life of the Aztecs: On the Eve of the Spanish Conquest. Soustelle, Jacques. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1955 State and Cosmos in the Art of Tenochtitlan. Townsend, Richard F. Washington: Trustees for Harvard University, 1979. Exploring the Lost Maya There is a company called Sumeria that has a CD called "Exploring the Lost Maya" which follows their previous release "Exploring Ancient Cities". It covers the time period from 150BC to 1500AD and covers some 40 sites. Narrative is by Dr. Robert Sharer of the University of Pennsylvania. They were at the 4th Miami Conference on pre-Columbian Studies earlier this month and their product looks quite interesting. Price is $49.95, release date Feb 96. Phone (415) 904-0800 Address 329 Bryant Street, Suite 3D San Francisco, CA 94107-9680 Info from Ernie Marc ([email protected]) "Human Body, Human Spirit - A Portrait of Ancient Mexico", about $12.95 from Optical Data Systems Inc. is well worth the money. It is a multimedia presentation of a number of artifacts from various areas and time periods in Pre_columbian Mexico. The photos are high quality; the artifacts are not just the ones you see everywhere and the associated text is informative. Aztec and Maya Ruins and Meso-America Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 15 of 125 Corel has two CD-ROMs with 100 Photo-CD pictures each, that are royalty free to use for publications. One is "Aztec and Maya Ruins", the other is "Meso America". They show the usual well - known sights, Most pictures are good shots, like any good amateur can do. Runs on Windows and Mac. Corel has a huge number of Photo-CDs in this collection with many other topics. Royal Tombs of Sipán Notes: Exhibition catalogue Alva, Walter, and Donnan, Christopher B. (1993) Archaeologia Mundi. Mittelamerika Baudez, Claude F. (1970) Portrait of an Explorer. Hiram Bingham, Discoverer of Machu Picchu Bingham, Alfred M. (1989) Lost City of the Incas Bingham, Hiram (1948) Markham in Peru. The Travels of Clements R. Markham, 1852-1853 Blanchard, Peter, ed. (1991) El Dorado - Der Traum vom Gold Bray, Warwick (1978) Chavin and the Origins of Andean Civilization Burger, Richard L. (1992) Historical Atlas of World Mythology. Vol II: The Way of the Seeded Earth. Part 3: Mythologies of the Primitive Planters: The Middle and Southern Americas Campbell, Joseph (1989) Entierros primarios de Tierradentro Chaves, Álvaro, y Puerta, Mauricio (1980) History of the Inca Empire. An Account of the Indians' Customs and their Origin together with a Treatise on Inca Legends, History, and Social Institutions Cobo, Bernabé, translated by Hamilton, Roland (1979) Mexico. From the Olmecs to the Aztecs Coe, Michael D. (1994) Arqueologia de San Agustin. El Estrecho, El Parador y Mesita C Cubillos, Julio Cesar (1980) Die Azteken. Meister der Staatskunst - Schöpfer hoher Kultur Davies, Nigel (1973) The Toltecs. Until the Fall of Tula Davis, Nigel (1977,1987) The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico. 1517-1521 Notes: Translated by A.P. Maudslay del Castillo, Bernal Díaz (1956) The Codex Borgia. A Full-Color Restoration of the Ancient Mexican Manuscript Díaz, Gisele, and Rodgers, Alan (1993) Das Imperium der Inka und die indianischen Frühkulturen Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 16 of 125 Disselhoff, Hans Dietrich (1972) Moche Art of Peru. Pre-Columbian Symbolic Communication Notes: Exhibition catalogue Donnan, Christopher B. (1978) Anasazi Ruins of the Southwest in Color Ferguson, William M., and Rohn, Arthur H. (1987) Goldmuseum Kolumbien. Banco de la Republica Gomes, Luis Duque (1982) Arqueologia de San Agustin. Alto de los Idolos. Montículos y Tumbas Gomez, Luis Duque, y Cubillos, Julio Cesar (1979) Chalcatzingo. Excavations on the Olmec Frontier Grove, David C. (1984) Ancient Calcatzingo Grove, David C., ed. (1987) Lines to the Mountain Gods. Nazca and the Mysteries of Peru Hadingham, Evan (1987) Südamerika: präkolumbianische Hochkulturen Helfritz, Hans (1973) Monuments of the Incas Notes: Many black & white photographs of Inca Ruins Hemming, John, and Ranney, Edward (1982) Lords of Sipan. A true Story of Pre-Inca Tombs, Archaeology, and Crime Kirkpatrick, Sidney D. (1992) The Great Temple of the Aztecs. Treasures of Tenochtitlan Moctezuma, Eduardo Matos (1988) The Incas and their Ancestors. The Archaeology of Peru Moseley, Michael E. (1992) The Codex Nuttall. A Picture Manuscript from Ancient Mexico Nuttall, Zelia, ed. (1975) Hernan Cortes: Letters from Mexico Pagden, Anthony (1986) The World of the Aztecs Prescott, William H. (1974) Entdeckung und Eroberung von Mexiko Prescott, William H. (1950) Geheimnis der Wüste. Mystery on the Desert. Secreto de la Pampa Reiche, Maria (1968) Die Olmeken. Ursprünge der mexikanischen Hochkulturen Soustelle, Jacques (1979) Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 17 of 125 The Aztecs Townsend, Richard F. (1992) The Land of the Incas Silvester, Hans, and Soustelle, Jacques (1976,1986) How the Maya Built Their World Abrams, Elliot M. (1994) Dzibilchaltún Notes: Guide to the ruins Andrews V., e. Wyllys (1978) Diccionario Ch'ol Aulie, H. Wilbur, and de Aulie, Evelyn W. (1978) The Sky in Mayan Literature Aveni, Anthony F., ed. (1992) Inside Guatemala. The Essential Guide to its Politics, Economy, Society, and Environment Barry, Tom (1992) From the Mouth of the Dark Cave. Commemorative Sculpture of the Late Classic Maya Bassie-Sweet, K. (1991) Diccionario Basico Español Maya Español Bastarrachea, Juan R., Pech, Ermilo Yah, Chel, Fidencio Briceño (1992) Lost Cities of the Maya Notes: Small book about the history of the discovery of the Maya Baudez, Claude, and Picasso, Sydney (1987, 1992) Maya Sculpture of Copán. The Iconography Baudez, Claude-François (1994) The Monuments and Inscriptions of Caracol, Belize Notes: University Museum Monograph 45 Beetz, Carl P., and Satterthwaite, Linton (1981) Lost Empires. Living Tribes Notes: Past and Present Indians of Mesoamerica, Caribbean, Andes, Amazonia and Fireland. National Geographic Bennett, Ross S. (1982) City-States of the Maya: Art and Architecture Notes: Edzna, El Mirador, Tikal, Copan, Palenque, Uxmal Benson, Elizabeth P., ed. (1986) Teotihuacan. Art from the City of the Gods Berrin, Kathleen, and Pasztory, Esther (1993) Der Easy Reisefuehrer von Tulum und Cobá Notes: guide to ruins Bloomgarden, Richard (1979) Der Easy Reisefuehrer von Palenque Notes: guide to ruins Bloomgarden, Richard (1979) A Grammar of Mayan Hieroglyphs Bricker, Victoria R. (1986) La Ruta Maya. Yucatán, Guatemala & Belize Notes: travel guide Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 18 of 125 Brosnahan, Tom (1991) The Maya Calvani, Vittoria (1976) The Quiché Mayas of Utatlán. The Evolution of a Highland Guatemala Kingdom Carmack, Robert M. (1981) Treasures of Ancient Mexico. From the National Anthropological Museum Cervantes, Maria A. (1978) The Maya Coe, Michael D. (1993) Breaking the Maya Code Coe, Michael D. (1992) Die Maya Coe, Michael D. (1968) Old Gods and Young Heroes (The Pearlman Collection of Maya Ceramics) Coe, Michael D., Kerr, Justin (1982) Tikal. A Handbook of the Ancient Maya Ruins Coe, William R. (1978) Cenote of Sacrifice. Maya Treasures from the Sacred Well at Chichén Itzá Coggins, Clemency Chase, and Shane III, Orrin C., eds. (1984) Popol Vuh. Das Buch des Rates Cordan, Wolfgang (1962) Yucatan Before and After the Conquest. de Landa, Diego (1937, 1978) Kulturen vor Kolumbus. Das Abenteuer Archäologie in Lateinamerika Deuel, Leo, ed. (1967) Geschichte der Altamerikanischen Kulturen Disselhoff, Hans Dietrich (1967) Heaven Born Merida and its Destiny. The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel Edmonson, Munro S. (1986) The Ancient Future of the Itza. The Book of Chilam Balam of Tizimin Edmonson, Munro S. (1982) Maya Society under Colonial Rule. The Collective Enterprise of Survival Farriss, Nancy M. (1984) Scribes, Warriors and Kings. The City of Copán and the Ancient Maya Fash, William L. (1991) Mesoamerica's Ancient Cities Notes: Aerial photographs of many sites Ferguson, William M., Rohn, Arthur H., Royce, John Q. (1990) Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 19 of 125 Coba. A Classic Maya Metropolis Folan, William J., Kintz, Ellen R., and Fletcher, Laraine A. (1983) Xaman - Chikin - Lakin - Nohol. The Ancient Maya of Belize. Their Society and Sites Notes: Short guides to: Altun Ha, Lamanai, Santa Rita Corozal, Cerros, Nohmul, Cuello, Las Milpas, Baking Pot, Pacbitun, Caracol, Cahal Pech, Tipu-Negroman, Xunantunich, El Pilar, NimLiPunit, Lubaantun, Uxbenka, Wild Cane Cay Ford, Anabel (1994) Maya Cosmos. Three Thousand Years on the Shaman's Path Freidel, David, Schele, Linda, and Parker, Joy (1993) The Art of Maya Hieroglyphic Writing Notes: Small exhibtion booklet Graham, Ian (1971) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 3 Part 3. Yaxchilan Graham, Ian (1982) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 1. Introduction Graham, Ian (1975) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 3 Part 2. Yaxchilan Graham, Ian (1979) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 5 Part 3. Uaxactun Graham, Ian (1986) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 4 Part 2. Uxmal Graham, Ian (1992) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 2 Part 3. Ixkun, Ucanal, Ixtutz, Naranjo Graham, Ian (1980) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 2 Part 2. Naranjo, Chunhuitz, Xunantunich Graham, Ian (1978) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 2 Part 1. Naranjo Graham, Ian, and von Euw, Eric (1975) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 3 Part 1. Yaxchilan Graham, Ian, and von Euw, Eric (1977) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 4 Part 3. Uxmal, Xcalumkin Graham, Ian, and von Euw, Eric (1992) The Sculpture of Palenque. Vol. IV Notes: xerox Greene Robertson, Merle (1991) The Sculpture of Palenque. Vol. II Notes: xerox Greene Robertson, Merle (1985) The Sculpture of Palenque. Vol. III Notes: xerox Greene Robertson, Merle (1985) The Sculpture of Palenque. Vol. I Notes: xerox Greene Robertson, Merle (1983) Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 20 of 125 Precolumbian Terracottas Hamlyn, Paul (1969) Pre-Columbian Cities Hardoy, Jorge, E. (1964,1973) A Supplement to Understanding Maya Inscriptions Harris, John F. (1993) A Resource Bibliography for the Decipherment of Maya Hieroglyphics and New Maya Hieroglyphic Harris, John F. (1994) Understanding Maya Inscriptions Harris, John F., and Stearns, Stephen K. (1992) Mexiko. Ein Reisebegleiter zu den Götterburgen und Kolonialbauten Mexikos Helfritz, Hans (1980) Die Götterburgen Mexikos. Ein Reisebegleiter Kunst Alt-Mexikos Helfritz, Hans (1968) A General Introduction to Maya Art, Architecture, & Archaeology. Tikal Copan Travel Guide Hellmuth, Nicholas M. (1978) Pre-Columbian Architecture of Mesoamerica Notes: Pictures and sites not much found in other books Heyden, Doris, and Gendrop, Paul (1980,1988) Hieroglyphs and History at Dos Pilas. Dynastic Politics of the Classical Maya Houston, Stephen D. (1993) Reading the Past. Maya Glyphs Houston, Stephen D. (1989) The Monuments and Inscriptions of Tikal: The Carved Monuments. Notes: xerox Jones, Christopher, and Satterthwaite, Linton (1982) HSU Maya Hieroglyphic Workshops Notebook Notes: original is a xerox Jones, Tom, and Jones Carolyn (1993) Deciphering the Maya Script Kelley, David Humiston (1976) An Archaeological Guide to Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula Kelly, Joyce (1993) The Maya Vase Book. A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases. Volume 2 Kerr, Justin (1990) The Maya Vase Book. A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases. Volume 3 Kerr, Justin (1992) The Maya Vase Book. A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases. Volume 1 Kerr, Justin (1989) The Maya Vase Book. A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases. Volume 4 Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 21 of 125 Kerr, Justin (1994) The Paris Codex. Handbook for a Maya Priest Love, Bruce (1994) The Dynamics of Apocalypse. A Systems Simulation of the Classic Maya Collapse Notes: Computer models of Maya collapse Lowe, John W. G. (1985) Mayan Vision Quest. Mystical Initiation in Mesoamerica Notes: Black and White artistic photographs of many sites MacAdams, Cynthia, Men, Hunbatz, and Bensinger, Charles (1991) Mesoamerican Writing Systems. Propaganda, Myth, and History in Four Ancient Civilizations Marcus, Joyce (1992) The Inscriptions of Calakmul. Royal Marriage at a Maya City in Campeche, Mexico Marcus, Joyce (1987) The Flayed God. The Mythology of Mesoamerica Markman, Roberta, H., and Markman, Peter, T. (1992) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 6 Part 1. Tonina Mathews, Peter (1983) Biologia Centrali-Americana; or Contributions to the Knowledge of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America. Archaeology. Volume I - VI Notes: Facsimile of 1889-1902 publication by Robicsek, Francis Maudslay, A.P. (1974) I, Rigoberta Menchú Notes: Ordeals of a contemporary Maya in Guatemala Menchú, Rigoberta (1983) The Rulers of Tikal. A Historical Reconstruction and Field Guide to the Stelae Notes: data up to 1985 Michel, Genevieve (1989) Maya Rulers of Time. A Study of Architectural Sculpture at Tikal, Guatemala Miller, Arthur G. (1986) The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya Notes: An Illustrated Dictionary of Mesoamerican Religion Miller, Mary, and Taube, Karl (1993) The Frieze of the Palace of the Stuccoes, Acanceh, Yucatan, Mexico Notes: Studies in Pre-Columbian Art & Archaeology, Dumbarton Oaks Research Libarary and Collection, Washington, D.C. Miller, Virginia E. (1991) Piedras Negras. Drawings Notes: original is a xerox Montgomery, John (n.d.) The Ancient Maya Notes: 4th edition Morley, Sylvanus G., Brainerd, George W., revised by Sharer, Robert J. (1983) Marvels of Copan Notes: Guide to the ruins. Muñoz, Joaquin (1941, 1976) Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 22 of 125 The Last Lords of Palenque. The Lacandon Mayas of the Mexican Rain Forest Perera, Victor, and Bruce, Robert D. (1982) The Puuc. An Architectural Survey of the Hill Country of Yucatan and Northern Campeche, Mexico Notes: Memoirs of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Harvard University. Volume 19, Numbers 1,2,3,4 Pollock, H.E.D. (1980) Heirs of the Ancient Maya. A Portrait of the Lacandon Indians Price, Christine, and Duby Blom, Gertrude (1972) Jades from the Cenote of Sacrifice. Chichén Itzá, Yucatan Proskouriakoff, Tatiana (1974) An Album of Maya Architecture Proskouriakoff, Tatiana (1946, 1988) Maya History Proskouriakoff, Tatiana (1993) The Caste War of Yucatan Reed, Nelson (1964) Painting the Maya Universe: Royal Ceramics of the Classic Period Reents-Budet, Dorie (1994) The Maya Book of the Dead. The Ceramic Codex Robicsek, Francis, and Hales, Donald M. (1981) The Cities of Ancient Mexico. Reconstruction a Lost World Sabloff, Jeremy A. (1989) The Mesoamerican Ballgame Scarborough, Vernon L., and Wilcox, David R., eds. (1991) Maya Glyphs: The Verbs Schele, Linda (1982) A Forest of Kings. The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya Schele, Linda, and Freidel, David (1990) The Bodega of Palenque Notes: xerox Schele, Linda, and Mathews, Peter (1979) The Blood of Kings. Dynasty and Ritual in Maya Art Schele, Linda, and Miller, Mary Ellen (1986) The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop. Notes: original is a xerox Schele, Linda, transcribed by Phil Wanyerka (1990) The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop. Notes: original is a xerox Schele, Linda, transcribed by Phil Wanyerka (1991) Maya Textiles of Guatemala. The Gustavus A. Eisen Collection, 1902 Schevill, Margot Blum (1993) Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 23 of 125 Visions of Ancient America Notes: Black and White Photographs of Mesoamerican Ruins Schezen, Roberto (1990) Mayan Folktales. Folklore from Lake Atitlán, Guatemala Sexton, James D. (1992) Centers of Civilization. Quirigua. A Classic Maya Center & its Sculptures Sharer, Robert J. (1990) The Ancient Maya Notes: 5th edition Sharer, Robert J. (1994) Archaeological Investigations in the Northern Maya Highlands, Guatemala. Interaction and the Development of Maya Civilization Notes: University Museum Monograph 59. Small sites in the Salama Valley, Baja Verapaz Sharer, Robert J., and Sedat, David W. (1987) A Study of Maya Art. Its Subject Matter & Historical Development. Spinden, Herbert J. (1913, 1975) Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. Vol. I and Vol. II Stephens, John L. (1843, 1963) Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. Vol. I and Vol. II Stephens, John L. (1841, 1969) The Art of Maya Stierlin, Henri (1981) Classic Maya Place Names Notes: Studies in Pre-Columbian Art & Archaeology, number 33 Stuart, David, and Houston, Stephen (1994) America's Ancient Cities Notes: Eastern Woodlands, Plains and Northwest, Southwest, Mesoamerica. National Geographic Stuart, Gene S. (1988) Lost Kingdoms of the Maya Notes: National Geographic Society Stuart, Gene, S., and Stuart, George, E. (1993) The Mysterious Maya Notes: National Geographic Society Stuart, George E., and Stuart, Gene, S. (1977, 1983) Unfinished Conversations. Mayas and Foreigners Between Two Wars Notes: Mayas of Santa Cruz in Yucatan, and their memories of the area between WWI and WWII Sullivan, Paul (1989) Yaxchilan. The Design of a Maya Ceremonial City Tate, Carolyn E. (1992) Aztec and Maya Myths Taube, Karl (1993) Time and the Highland Maya Tedlock, Barbara (1982, 1992) Breath on the Mirror. Mythic Voices & Visions of the Living Maya Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 24 of 125 Tedlock, Dennis (1993) Popol Vuh. The Definitive Edition of the Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life and the Glories of Gods and Kings Tedlock, Dennis (1985) A Catalog of Maya Hieroglyphs Thompson, J. Eric S. (1962, 1991) Maya Hieroglyphs Without Tears Thompson, J.Eric S. (1972) Maya Hieroglyphic Writing Thompson, J.Eric S. (1971) Maya History and Religion Thompson, J. Eric S. (1970) A Maya grammar Tozzer, Alfred M. (1921, 1977) Tortillas for the Gods. A Symbolic Analysis of Zinacanteco Rituals Vogt, Evon Z. (1976, 1993) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 4 Part 1. Itzimte, Pixoy, Tzum von Euw, Eric (1977) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 5 Part 1. Xultun von Euw, Eric (1978) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 5 Part 2. Xultun, La Honradez, Uaxactun von Euw, Eric, and Graham, Ian (1984) The Proceedings of The Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop by Linda Schele Wanyerka, Phil, ed. (1991) Lacandonia. Ein Volk stirbt im Dschungel Westphal, Wilfried (1972) Excavations at Seibal. Memoirs Vol. 17 Notes: Memoirs of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Harvard University. Volume 17, Numbers 1,2,3,4. Monumental Sculpture and Hieroglyphic Inscriptions; Burials: A Cultural Analysis; The Ethnozoology of the Maya: Faunal Remains from Five Sites in Peten, Guatemala; General Summary and Conclusions (Maps) Willey, Gordon, R., ed. (1990) Time Among the Maya. Travels in Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico Notes: Travelbook Wright, Ronald (1989) Toniná Notes: Excellent pictures of Tonina Yadeun, Juan, and Doniz, Rafael (1993) The Ballcourts of Southern Chiapas, Mexico Agrinier, Pierre 1991 "The Ballcourts of Southern Chiapas, Mexico". The Mesoamerican Ballgame. Scarborough, Vernon L. and David R. Wilcox eds. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Chapter 10. The Politicization of the Mesoamerican Ballgame Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 25 of 125 Alexander, Rani T.; Robert S. Staltley, and Michael J. Berman 1991 "The Politicization of the Mesoamerican Ballgame and Its Implications for the Interpretation of the Distribution of Ballcourts in Central Mexico". The Mesoamerican Ballgame. Scarborough, Vernon L. and David R. Wilcox eds. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Chapter 1. Great Sculpture of Ancient Mexico. Bernal, Ignacio 1979 Reynal & Company in association with William Morrow and Co., Inc., New York. Stone Reliefs in the Dainzu Area. 1973 The Iconography of Middle American Sculpture. Plantin Press, New York. The Anthropology of Sport an Introduction. Blanchard, Kendall and Alyce Cheska 1985 Bergin Garvey Publishers, Inc., South Hadley, Mass. Pre-Hispanic Ballcourts from the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico Blanton, Richard E.; Stephen A. Kowalewski; Gary M. Feinman, Laura Finsten 1991. The Mesoamerican Ballgame. Scarborough, Vernon L. and David R. Wilcox eds.University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Chapter 2. The Pre-Columbian Ballgames -a Pan-Mesoamerican Tradition. Contributions in Anthropology and History, Borhegyi, Stephan F. de 1980 Milwaukee Public Museum vol. 1 February. "Pre-Hispanic ball game and the origin of the game on the Central Mexican Plateau" El JUEGO DE PELOTA EN EL MEXICO PRECOLOMBIO y su pervivencia en la actualidad. Castillo, Patricia O 1992 Folch, Fundacio ed. Museu Etnologic, Barcelona. In the Land of the Olmec. Coe, Michael D. 1980 University of Texas Press, Austin. Mexico From the Olmecs to the Aztecs. 1994 Thames and Hudson, London. The Political and Conflictual Aspects of the Ballgame in the Northern Chiapas Area". Colsenet, Benoit and Eric Taladoire 1991 ""Bois Ton Sang, Beaumanoir" The Mesoamerican Ballgame. Scarborough, Vernon L. and David R. Wilcox eds. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Chapter 9. Indian Art of Mexico and Central America. Covarrubias, Miguel 1957 Alfred A. Knopf, New York. "Ball game in a sub-area of Wetern Mexico". Czitrom, Carolyn B. 1992 El JUEGO DE PELOTA EN EL MEXICO PRECOLOMBIO y su pervivencia en la actualidad. Folch, Fundacio ed. Museu Etnologic, Barcelona. Art Before Columbus. Emmerich, Andre 1963 Simon and Shuster, New York. Ceramica Olmeca. Feuchtwanger, Franz 1989 Editorial Patria, S.A. de C.V., Tizapan, Mexico. Xochipala: The Beginnings of Olmec Art. Gay, Carlo T.E. 1972 Trustees of Princeton University, New York. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 26 of 125 Ballcourts of the Northern Maya Lowlands. Gillespie, Susan 1991 The Mesoamerican Ballgame, Scarborough and Wilcox eds. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Chapter 16. Anecdotal Sculpture of Ancient West Mexico. Hammer, Olga and Hasso Von Winning 1972 Ethnic Arts Council of Los Angels, Los Angels. "The Olmec Dragon: A Study in Pre-Columbian Iconography". Joralemon, Peter David 1976 Origins of Religious Art and Iconography in Preclassic Mesoamerica ed. H. B. Nicholson, 27-71. Los Angeles. Ballcourts of the Northern Maya Lowlands. Kurjack, Edward B.; Ruben Maldonado C.; and Merle Green Roberston 1991 The Mesoamerican Ballgame,. Scarborough, Vernon L. and David R. Wilcox eds. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Chapter 8. "A Middle Preclassic Clay Ball Court at Abaj Takalik, Guatemala". Lavarreda, Christa Schieber de 1994 Mexicon News and Studies on Mesoamerica, vol. XVI, Nr.4. "Ball game among the Zapotecs and the Mixtecs in ancient Oaxaca". Macias, Martha C. 1992 El JUEGO DE PELOTA EN EL MEXICO PRECOLOMBIO y su pervivencia en la actualidad. Folch, Fundacio ed. Museu Etnologic, Barcelona. Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya: An Illustrated Dictionary of Mesoamerican Religion. Miller, Mary Ellen, and Karl Taube 1993 Thames and Hudson, London. "Ball game in Teotihuacan and other sites of the Classic Era on the Cenral Mexican plateau". Oyarzabal, Clara Luz 1992 El JUEGO DE PELOTA EN EL MEXICO PRECOLOMBIO y su pervivencia en la actualidad. Folch, Fundacio ed. Museu Etnologic, Barcelona. "Ball game in Mesoamerica". El JUEGO DE PELOTA EN EL MEXICO PRECOLOMBIO y su pervivencia en la actualidad. Puche, Mari C. S. and Karina R. D. Velasco 1992 Folch , Fundacio ed. Museu Etnologic, Barcelona. "The Relationship of Izapan-Style Art to Olmec and Maya Art: A Review". Quirarte, Jacinto 1973 Series in Pre-columbian Art and Archaeology no 10. Dumbarton Oaks, Washintong D.C. The Rubber-Ball Games of the Americas. Stern, Theodore 1950 Monographs of the American Ethnological Society no 17. J.J. Augustin Publisher, New York. 100-101, EL JUEGO DE PELOTA Una Tradicion prehispanica viva. Sociedad de Amigos del Museo 1986 Museo Nacional de Antropologia, Mexico. Ambrosino, J. Katun History in the Classic Maya Lowlands: Evidence and Implications 1.54 Anderson, Lloyd "Cahal" v. "The Caj of": A Brief Note on Suffixation and English Translations Anderson, Lloyd Dresden Codex Almanac 59: Leftwards Subtractive Counting Anderson, Lloyd Palenque Cross Group Text Arrangements: Questions of Discourse Structure Anderson, Lloyd Parallels between the Japanese Kojiki, the Navajo "Where the Two Came to Their Father," and the Quiche Popol Vuh Anderson, Lloyd Sentence Structures in the Dresden Codex: A Very Preliminary Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 27 of 125 Anderson, Lloyd Visual Arrangements for Linguistic Data and Narrative Text Andrews, E.Wyllys Olmec Jades and Early Maya Pottery Bardsley, Sandy Additional Agendas: Art for Political Purpose Bardsley, Sandy Cultural Conflict and Sculptural Change Bardsley, Sandy Successor Appointment at Yaxchilan: Fact or Fabrication? Brisko, Jo Ann Aztec Goddesses: A Historical Perspective. M.A. Thesis, San Jose State U., 1993 8.50 Calvin, Inga Images of the Supernatural on Classic Period Pottery Carlson, John Venus-regulated Warfare and Ritual Sacrifice in Mesoamerica: Carlson, John Venus-regulated Warfare and Ritual Sacrifice in Mesoamerica: Teotihuacan and Cacaxtla "Star Wars" Connection Codex Dresden Codex (After Villacorta and Villacorta) Codex Grolier Codex (After Coe 1973) Codex Madrid Codex (After Villacorta and Villacorta) Codex Paris Codex (After Villacorta and Villacorta) Cohodas, Marvin Bird Jaguar's Secondary Wives? A Curious Pattern in the Yaxchilan Lintels Cohodas, Marvin Date of Bird Jaguar IV's Ball Game: Mathematical Contrivance and Venus Cycles Cohodas, Marvin Yaxchilan's Lintel 26: A Rationale for the Placement of the Calendar Round Date Cortez, Constance The Principal Bird Deity in Preclassic and Early Classic Maya Art. 1986. Thesis, U. Texas at Austin Cox, Rebecca The Iconography of Lip to Lip Cache Vessels of the Early Classic Maya 1991. Thesis, U. Texcas at Austin Davoust, Michel Les Premiers Chefs Mayas de Chichen Itza Davoust, Michel Les Principaux Textes Epigraphiques de Yaxchilan Diedrich, Martin Period Ending Regalia of Late Classic Maya Rulership Fash, William Regional Interaction in the SE Maya Area: An Epigraphic Approach Fields, Virginia Origins of Divine Kingship Among the Lowland Classic Maya 1989. Ph.D. diss. U. Texas at Austin Freidel, David Children of First Father's Skull: Terminal Classic Warfare in the Northern Maya Lowlands and the Transidon of Kingship and Elite Hierarchies Freidel, David Loltun Bas Relief and the Origins of Maya Kingship Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 28 of 125 Freidel, David Yaxuna Archaeological Survey: Report of the 1986 Field Season Grube, Nikolai Epigraphic Research at Caracol, Belize Headrick, Annbeth The Chicomoztoc of Chichen Itza. 1991. Thesis. U. Texas at Austin Hopkins, Nicholas A., Notes on Chol Grammar and J. K. Josserand Hopkins, Nicholas A. Cholan as Western Mayan with a Yucatecan Substraturn Hopkins, Nicholas A. Knowledge and Use of Dialect Variants in Lowland Chol Hopkins, Nicholas A. Positionals in Chol (Mayan) Inscriptions Caracol (Stela 6, sides) .56 Johnson, Richard Dresden 13b-14b: A Reading of "MAK" for T74-699a Johnson, Richard Dresden 4c-5c(l): A Reading of TUM for T91-19 Johnson, Richard Notes on Tl 14 and Tl 16 Jones, Tom Introduction to the Mayan Calendar Jones, Tom PAY: A Proposed reading for the "God N Verb" (no illustrations) Jones, Tom Vultures, Fog, and Snow: Some Notes on Maya Codices, Ancient and Modern Josserand, J. Kathryn Chol Grammar Notes, Charts and Formulae and N. Hopkins Josserand, J. Kathryn Discourse Analysis of Narrative Hieroglyphic Texts and Linda Schele Josserand, J. Kathryn Archaeological and Linguistic Correlations for Mayan Prehistory Justeson, John IWAL as a Reading of the Posterior Event Indicator (T679a) of Maya Hieroglyphic Writing Justeson, John Interpretation of the Classic Maya Spelling of "East" Keeler, Peter Guide Book to Austin, Texas, and the Glyphs Kelley, David Phoneticism in the Maya Script, 1962 Kerr, Justin Database for Maya Vases Knorosov, luri V. Ancient Writing of Central America Koontz, Rex Ashley The Iconography of El Tajin, Veracruz, Mexico 1994. Ph. D. diss. U. Texas at Austin Krochock, Ruth Hieroglyphic Inscriptions and Iconography of the Temple of the Four Lintels and Related Monuments at Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico. 1988. Thesis, U. Texas at Austin Looper, Matthew G. The Dances of the Classic Maya Deities Chak and Hun Nal Ye 1991. Thesis. U. Texas at Austin. Lounsbury, Floyd Base of the Venus Table of the Dresden Codex, and its Significance for the CalendarCorrelation Problem Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 29 of 125 Lounsbury, Floyd Formulae for Maya Calendrical Computations MacLeod, Barbara North Austin Hieroglyphc Hunches 1-10 MacLeod, Balb0ra Passives and Anti-Passives in the Maya Writing System MacLeod, Barbara Primary Standard Sequence: A Brief History of Decipherment and Outline of the Scribal Database Manning-Schwartz, L. Calendric Tables Manning-Schwartz, L. Life, the Juniverse and Everything: Appendix Calculations Marhenke, Karl Additional Pages to "Calculator Program for HP 41C Calculators" Marhenke, Karl Calculator Program for Hewlett-Packard 41C Calculators Marhenke, Karl Calendar Program for HP-48 Calculator Marhenke, Karl Commodore Pet Program: Maya Calendar Martin, S., and Evidence for Macro-Political Organization Amongst Classic Nikolai Grube Maya Lowland States Mathews, Peter, Altun Ha Jade Plaque: Deciphering the Inscription and D. Pendergast Mathews, Peter Dynastic Sequence of Tonina, Chiapas Mathews, Peter Inscription of the Back of Stela 8, Dos Pilas, Guatemala Mathews, Peter Missing Pages from earlier copies of The Sculpture of Yaxchilan Mathews, Peter Glyph Workshop Notebook (USC 1985) Mathews, Peter Sculpture of Yaxchilan. 1989. Ph.D. diss. Yale Matthews, Paul H. Continutiy and Change: Terminal Classic Maya Programs at Seibal. 1994. Thesis. U. Texas at Austin Moore, D. Phonetic Reading of XAMAN in the Maya Inscriptions Newsome, Elizabeth The Trees of Paradise and Pillars of the World Vision Quest and Creation in the Stelae Cycle of 18-Rabbit-God K, Copan, Honduras. 1991. Ph.D. diss. U. Texas at Austin Norman, Garth Astronomical Orientations of Izapa Sculptures. 1980. Thesis, Brigham Young U. Nonnan, Garth Geornetry and Measurement in Mesoamerican Art Norman, Garth Measure in Mesoamerican Sculptural Art Orejel, Jorge Parallel Linguistic Patterns Between the "Paxbolon-Maldonado Papers" and the Classic Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions. 1991. Ph.D. diss. U. Texas at Austin Participants Participants - 1992 Advanced Seminar Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 30 of 125 Pedergast,David Lamanai,Belize: 1981 Excavations Quist, Linda Index to the 1991 Maya Hieroglyphic Workbook Quist, Linda Index to 1993 Maya Workshop Notebook Quist, Linda Index to 1994 Maya Workshop Notebook Quizar, and Ergativity in the Cholan Languages Knowles-Berry Reents, Dorie Inter-site Dynastic Relations Recorded on a Plate from Holmul, Guatemala Reents,Dorie LateClassic "Codex-Style" Pottery Reents, Dorie Narrative in Classic Maya Art Reilly, F.Kent Ecological Origins of Olmec Symbols of Rulership. 1987. Thesis, U. Texas at Austin Robertson, Merle G. Ritual Bundles of Yaxchilan Schele, Linda Brotherhood in Ancient Maya Kingship Schele, Linda History of Katun 13 Schele, Linda Preliminary Commentary on the Tablets of the Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque, 1978 Schele, Linda Preliminary Study of Pictorial Devices used in Narrative Maya Art Schele, Linda. Copan Drawings, Volume I et al. Schele, Linda, Copan Drawings, Volume II et al. Schele, Linda, Copan Drawings, Volume III et al. Schele, Linda, Copan Notes 1-112 (Full Set) et al. Schele, Linda, Copan Notes 39-53 (1988 additions) et al. Schele, Linda, Copan Notes 54-67 (1989 additions) et al. Schele,Linda, Copan Notes 68-71 (1990 additions) et al. Schele, Linda, Copan Notes 72-93 (1990 additions 2) et al. Schele, Linda, Copan Notes 94-103 (December 1991) et al. Schele,Linda, Copan Notes 104-110 (1992-1993 additions) et al. Schele, Linda Copan Notes 111-112 (1994 additions) Schele, Linda Copan Note 74 (written 1990, never distributed) Schele, Linda, Correspondence: January 1974-June 1974 et al. Schele, Linda, Missing Figures from Early Distributions of the Texas Notes et al. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 31 of 125 Schele, Linda, Texas Notes on Precolumbian Art, Writing, and Culture 1-68 et al. Schele, Linda, Texas Notes on Precolumbian Art, Writing, and Culture 7-27 et al. (1991 additions) Schele, Linda, Texas Notes on Precolumbian Art, Writing, and Culture 28-52 et al. (1992-93 additions) Schele, Linda, Texas Notes on Prccolumbian Art, Writing, and Culture 53-68 et al. (1994 additions) Schele, Linda, Courts of Creation: Ballcourts, Ballgames, and Portals to the and D. Freidel Maya Otherworld Schele, Linda, Parentage Statements in Classic Maya Inscriptions and P. Mathews Chapters from the book Ancient Maya Writing (210-214) Schele, Linda, Distance Numbers: The Roadmaps of Time G. Stuart, and D. Stuart Schele, Stuart Mayan Languages and the Writing System and Stuart Schele,Stuart, Numbers and Stuart Schele, Stuart, Period-endings, Anniversaries, and Distance Numbers and Stuart Schele, Stuart, Titles, Epithets, and other Personal Designations and Stuart Stone, Andrea Zoomorphs of Quirigua, Guatemala 1983. Ph.D. diss., 33.18 U. Texas at Austin Stross, Brian, Sky and Earth: From Icon to Glyph and K. Reilly Stross, Brian Classic May a Directional Glyphs Stross, Brian Color Symbolism of a Maya Glyph: The Kan Cross Stross, Brian Language of La Mojarra, Stela 1: Fish and Maize Stross, Brian Maya Bloodletting and the Number Three Stross, Brian Oppositional Pairing in Mesoamerican Divinatory Day Names Stuan, David "Lu-Bat" Glyph and Its Bearing on the Primary Standard Sequence Stuart, David Comments on a Marble Onyx Bowl at Dumbarton Oaks Stuart, David Epigraphic Evidence of Political Organization in the Usumacinta Dlainage ("The Cahal Paper") Stuart, David Hieroglyphs of a Vessel from Tomb 19, Rio Azul Tate, Carolyn Use of Astronomy in Political Statements at Yaxchilan, Mexico Tedlock, Barbara Earth Rites and Moon Cycles: Mayan Synodic Lunar Reckoning Tedlock, Dennis Hearing a Voice in Ancient Text Tedlock, Dennis Sowing and Dawning of all the Sky-Earth: Astronomy in the Popol Vuh Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 32 of 125 Tedlock, Dennis, Text and Textile: Language and Technology in the Arts of the and B. Tedlock Quiche Maya Quist, Linda Index tothe 1995 Maya Workshop Notebook Schele,Linda useful information from the 1991 Workbook Van Akkeren, Ruud Rabinal Achi, Drama of Creation Mary Ellen Miller March 1985 A Re-examination of the Mesoamerican Chacmool; THE ART BULLETIN - A Quarterly Published by The College Art Association of America, Vol. LXVII, No. 1; 15pp Virginia E. Miller Section 20: Star Warriors at Chicken Itza, Word and Image in Maya Culture - Explorations in Language, Writing, and Representation; Edited by William F. Hanks and Don S. Rice; 20pp David A. Freidel Chapter 7: Maya warfare: an example of peer polity inter-action; Peer Polity Interaction and SocioPolitical Change, Edited by Colin Renfrew and John F. Cherry, Cambridge University Press; 18pp David Webster 2-15-88 Preliminary Draft - The Study of Maya Warfare: What it tells us about the Maya and what it tells us about Maya archaeology, Prepared for Resource, Power, and Interregional Interaction, Eds. Schortman and Urban; 50pp Linda Schele May 1986 The Tlaloc Complex in the Classic Period: War and the Interaction between the Lowland Maya and Teotihuacan, presented at the Symposium on The New Dynamics, Kimbell Art Museum, Ft. Worth, TX; 84pp Karl A. Taube Oct. 8-9, 1988 Preliminary Draft - The Iconography of Mirrors at Classic Teotihuacan, paper presented at the Dumbarton Symposium Art, Polity, and the City of Teotihuacan; 62pp David Stuart Epigraphic Evidence of Political Organization in the Usumacinta Drainage; Preliminary Draft; 62pp Brian D. Dillon January 1982 Bound Prisoners in Maya Art, Journal of New World Archaeology, Vol. V, No. 1; 32pp Nikolai Grube June 8-14, 1986 An Investigation of the Primary Standard Sequence on Classical Maya Ceramics ; a paper presented at the 6th Mesa Redonda de Palenque; (a revised version for publication in the Palenque Round Table Series); 40pp F. Kent Reilly, III The Shaman in Transformation Prose: A Study of the Theme of Rulership in Olmec Art; 44pp Yuri V. Knorozov 1952 Ancient Writing of Central America, translated from Sovietskaya Etnografiya 3: foreword and Section 1 omitted]; 26pp F. G. Lounsbury Formulae for Maya Calendrical Computations; 21pp 100-118; [Editor's Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 33 of 125 F. G. Lounsbury Maya Numeration, Computation, and Calendrical Astronomy; 60pp Tatiana Proskouriakoff Portraits of Women in Maya Art; 19pp Tatiana Proskouriakoff 1960 Historical Implications of a Pattern of Dates at Piedras Negras, Guatemala, from American Antiquity, Vol. 25, No. 4; 22pp Tatiana Proskouriakoff Historical Data in the Inscriptions of Yaxchilan Part I : The Reign of Shield-Jaguar and Part II: The Reign of Bird-Jaguar and His Successors, Estudios de Cultura Maya; 46pp Tatiana Proskouriakoff Fall 1961 The Lords of the Maya Realm, Expedition; 16pp Heinrich Berlin El Glifo En Las Inscripciones Mayas, Societe Des Americanistes (Text is in Spanish); 9pp Heinrich Berlin The Palenque Triad, Societe Des Americanistes; 9pp Heinrich Berlin 1959 Glifos Nominales en el Sarcofago de Palenque, Humanidades, Vol. II, No. 10, (Text is in Spanish); 8pp David H. Kelley 1962 Phoneticism in the Maya Script, Estudios de Cultura Maya, Vol. 2, pp. 277-317, [originally in spanish** this is the english version **]; 39pp David H. Kelley 1962 Glyphic Evidence for a Dynastic Sequence at Quirigua, Guatemala, American Antiquity, Vol. 27, No. 3; 13pp Schele & Mathews 1983 Parentage Statements in Classic Maya Inscriptions; 57pp Linda Schele Oct. 20-21, 1989 Brotherhood in Ancient Maya Kingship", Prepared for New Interpretation of Maya Writing and Iconography, - a conference held at the University at Albany, New York, (preliminary draft: printed Oct. 11, 1989); 46pp David Stuart December 1987 Ten Phonetic Syllables, section 14 from Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing; Center for Maya Research, P.O. Box 65760, Washington, D.C. 20035-5760; 52pp Josserand & Hopkins March 15, 1984 Mayan Languages: Comparison, Reconstruction, and Diversification, Prepared for the Advanced Seminar on Mayan Hieroglyphic Writing, Austin, Texas; 20pp Nikolai Grube August 20-24 Hieroglyphic Sources for the History of Northwest Yucatan, a paper presented at the First Maler Conference on the Archaeology of Northwest Yucantan, Universitat Bonn; 86pp Karl A. Taube May 1990 Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 34 of 125 The Temple of Quetzalcoatl and the Cult of Sacred War at Teotihuacan; 84pp Schele & Freidel February 12, 1991 Preliminary Draft - Chapter 5 - Flint Shields and Battle Beasts: The Warrior Path of Kingship, 44pp David Stuart 1-89 Preliminary Draft -- Kinship Terms in Mayan Inscriptions, Princeton University; 23pp Nicholas A. Hopkins February, 1989 Decipherment and the Relation Between Mayan Languages and Maya Writing; 16pp Victoria R. Bricker What Constitutes "Discourse" in the Maya Codices?, Abstract, Tulane University; 1pp Alfred Maudslay Drawings at Quirigua - drawings and photo material used for ARH 390/Art History classes during Spring 1990; 50pp Linda Schele January 10, 1991 A New Look at the Dynastic History of Palenque; 41pp Floyd G. Lounsbury Section 19 - A Palenque king and the planet Jupiter, Yale University; 16pp Linda Schele June, 1989 Some Thoughts on the Inscriptions of House C; a paper prepared for the Seventh Round Table of Palenque; 52pp Linda Schele House Names and Dedication Rituals at Palenque, material to be in Visions & Revisions, University of New Mexico Press; 30pp Photgraphs of Maya pottery paintings used for Dr. Linda Schele's Art History 390 classes; Spring 1990; 288pp A compilation of material used for ARH 390/ Art History Maya Pottery Painting classes during Spring 1990; total volume length 269 pages Edmund Leach A View from the Bridge, a commentary on a one day conference at Cambridge - dated unknown - page 1 Clifford Geertz 1966 "Religion is ..", one page definition from "Religion as a Cultural System", in Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion (Michael Banton, ed.), Tavistock, London; page 17 Mircea Eliade Selections from The Sacred and the Profane; The Nature of Religion, translated from the French by Willard R. Trask, Harper Torchbooks, The Cloister Library, page 18 Selected items from "Symbol and Meaning Beyond the Closed Community: Essays in Mesoamerican Ideas" edited by Gary H. Gossen from Studies on Culture and Society, Vol. 1, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, The University at Albany State University of New York; total 57 pages. Mesoamerican Ideas as a Foundation for Regional Synthesis by Gary H. Gossen Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 35 of 125 A Scattering of Jades: The Words of the Aztec Elders by Thelma D. Sullivan Metaphors, Nahualtocaitl, and Other "Disguised" Terms Among the Aztecs by Doris Heyden On a Mountain Dark: Encounters with the Quiche Maya Culture God by Barbara Tedlock Evon Z. Vogt 25 August 1988 Indian Crosses and Scepters: The Results of Circumscribed Spanish-Indian Interactions in Mesoamerica, a paper prepared for the Symposium on In Word and Deed: Interethnic Images and Responses in the New World in Trujillo, Spain, December 12-16, 1988 Ä paper, page 77 David Stuart The Hieroglyphs on a Vessel from Tomb 19, Rio Azul, Princeton University, page 130 David Stuart Comments on a Marble Onyx Bowl at Dumbarton Oaks, page 137 Linda Schele Balan-Ahau: A Possible Reading of the Tikal Emblem Glyph and a Title at Palenque, page 163 Linda Schele The Xibalba Shuffle: A Dance after Death, page 170 Floyd G. Lounsbury 1980 The Identities of the Mythological Figures in the Cross Group Inscriptions of Palenque from The Fourth Palenque Round Table, The Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco, page 193 Floyd G. Lounsbury 1978 Some Problems in the Interpretation of the Mythological Portion of the Hieroglyphic Text of the Temple of the Cross at Palenque, from the Third Palenque Round Table, - Part 2; The University of Texas Press, Austin and London, page 209 Floyd G. Lounsbury Dec. 14-21, 1974 A Rationale for the Initial Date of the Temple of the Cross at Palenque, The Art, Iconography & Dynastic History of Palenque Part III, proceedings of the Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque, - Palenque, PreColumbian Art Research, The Robert Louis Stevenson School, Pebble Beach, California, page 227 Material entitled Ancient Maya writing and calligraphy, including topic listings "Funerary ceramics of the Classic Maya", "Symbolism and Ceremonial paraphernalia", "Scenes on Maya Pottery", "Maya Pottery Texts", "The Primary Standard Sequence", page 242 A compilation of material used for ARH 390 / Art History classes - The Tikal and Peten Wars Supplementary Papers Spring 1992, total 284pages. Schele, Fahsen 1991 A Proposed Reading for the "Penis-Perforation" Glyph. Texas Notes on Precolumbian Art, Writing, and Culture 8. Austin: CHAAAC, University of Texas at Austin, page 7 Curl-Snot Under Scrutiny, Again. Texas Notes on Precolumbian Art, Writing, and Culture 13. Austin: CHAAAC, University of Texas at Austin, page 9 Nikolai Grube 1991 Epigraphic Research at Caracol, Belize. Unpublished manuscript. page 15. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 36 of 125 Mary Ellen Gutierrez 1991 A Reconsideration of the Chronology of Caracol Altar 21. Unpublished manuscript. page 69 William A. Haviland Nov. 1991 Star Wars at Tikal, OR, Did Caracol Do What the Glyphs Say They Did? Paper presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, page 89 Stephen D. Houston 1985 The Middle Classic Dynasty, Caracol, Belize. Unpublished manuscript. page 99 Houston, Mathews 1985 The Dynastic Sequence of Dos Pilas, Guatemala. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, Monograph 1. San Francisco: Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, page 133 Simon Martin 1991 Some Observations on Site Q and Related Texts. Unpublished manuscript. page 163 Some Thoughts and Work-in-Progress: Summer 1991. Unpublished manuscript. page 209 Linda Schele 1991 Some Observations on the War Expressions at Tikal. Texas Notes on Precolumbian Art, Writing, and Culture 16. Austin: CHAAAC, University of Texas at Austin, page 267 Schele, Fahsen 1991 A Substitution Pattern in Curl-Snot's Name. Texas Notes on Precolumbian Art, Writing, and Culture 12. Austin: CHAAAC, University of Texas at Austin, page 271 Schele, Villela 1991 Some New Ideas about the T713/757 "Accession" Phrases. Texas Notes on Precolumbian Art, Writing, and Culture 27. Austin: CHAAAC, University of Texas at Austin, page 275 Milky-Way Clock. University of Texas at Austin, 15pp Linda Schele Mar. 10-11, 1990 The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop at the University of Texas at Austin. Presented by: Dr. Linda Schele; Professor of Art, University of Texas at Austin; Transcribed by Phil Wanyerka, 268pp A compilation of material used for ARH 390 / Art History classes - Maya Hieroglyphic Writing: Introductory Packet Spring 1994; total 269 pages. Peter Mathews July 10, 1979 Maya Glyph Notes No. 6, On the Glyphs "West" and "Mah K'ina" John S. Justeson An Interpretation of the Classic Maya Hieroglyphic spelling of "East" William M. Norman (T679a) of Mayan hieroglyphic writing Nicholas A. Hopkins On the History of the Chol Language Selected material from Anthropology 724b class material (Yale University, 1989) Robert S. Carlsen, Martin Prechtel Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 37 of 125 The Flowering of the Dead: An Interpretation of Highland Maya Culture [forthcoming, MAN n.s. vol. 25, no.1] The Mesoamerican Archives and Research Project, University of Colorado, Boulder, 56pp Linda Schele Spring 1992 Mixtec Codices I - Material compiled for ARH 390 / Art History classes, 61pp Mary Elizabeth Smith 1973 Picture Writing from Ancient Southern Mexico - Mixtec Place Signs and Maps; University of Oklahoma Press, 38pp John M. D. Pohl 1984 The Earth Lords: Politics and Symbolism of the Mixtec Codices, a dissertation submitted by Pohl for his Doctor of Philosophy in Archaeology, University of California at Los Angeles, 114pp Linda Schele The Four Priests: Political Stability, 138pp David H. Kelley A History of the Decipherment of Maya Script, Texas Technological College, Anthropological Linguistics, Vol. 4, No. 8, 48pp Phoneticism in Mayan Hieroglyphic Writing, Publication No. 9, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, State University of New York at Albany, 14pp Maya Hieroglyphic Writing: Intorductory Packet -1995, See S-97 269pp Schele and Grube March 12-13, 1994 Notebook for the XVIIIth Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop at Texas, March 12-13, 1994, edited by Timothy Albright, 92 pp Schele and Grube, March 12-13, 1994, The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop. TlalocVenus Warefare, March 12-13, 1994 Transcribed and edited by Phil Wanyerka 214pp Schele and Grube, 1994, Part II - Tlaloc-Venus Warfare, The Peten Wars - edited by Timothy Albright, composed by Linda Schele and Timohty Albright. 86 pp Alva, Walter, and Donnan, Christopher B. (1993) Royal Tombs of Sip‡n. Exhibition catalogue Baudez, Claude F. (1970) Archaeologia Mundi. Mittelamerika. Bingham, Alfred M. (1989) Portrait of an Explorer. Hiram Bingham, Discoverer of Machu Picchu. Bingham, Hiram (1948) Lost City of the Incas. Blanchard, Peter, ed. (1991) Markham in Peru. The Travels of Clements R. Markham, 1852-1853. Bray, Warwick (1978) El Dorado - Der Traum vom Gold. Brown, Dee (1970) Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee. An Indian History of the American West Burger, Richard L. (1992) Chavin and the Origins of Andean Civilization. Burland, Cottie (1965) North American Indian Mythology. Campbell, Joseph (1989) Historical Atlas of World Mythology. Vol II: The Way of the Seeded Earth. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 38 of 125 Part 3: Mythologies of the Primitive Planters: The Middle and Southern Americas. Chaves, çlvaro, y Puerta, Mauricio (1980) Entierros primarios de Tierradentro. Cobo, BernabŢ, translated by Hamilton, Roland (1979) History of the Inca Empire. An Account of the IndiansÕ Customs and their Origin together with a Treatise on Inca Legends, History, and Social Institutions. Coe, Michael D. (1994) Mexico. From the Olmecs to the Aztecs. Cubillos, Julio Cesar (1980) Arqueologia de San Agustin. El Estrecho, El Parador y Mesita C. Curtis, Edward S. (19721994) In a Sacred Manner We Live. Photographs of the North American Indian by Edward S. Curtis. Davies, Nigel (1973) Die Azteken. Meister der Staatskunst - Schšpfer hoher Kultur. Davis, Wade (1985) The Serpent and the Rainbow. del Castillo, Bernal D’az (1956) The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico. 1517-1521. Translated by A.P. Maudslay D’az, Gisele, and Rodgers, Alan (1993) The Codex Borgia. A Full-Color Restoration of the Ancient Mexican Manuscript. Disselhoff, Hans Dietrich (1972) Das Imperium der Inka und die indianischen FrŸhkulturen. Donnan, Christopher B. (1978) Moche Art of Peru. Pre-Columbian Symbolic Communication. Exhibition catalogue Ferguson, William M., and Rohn, Arthur H. (1987) Anasazi Ruins of the Southwest in Color. Gomes, Luis Duque (1982) Goldmuseum Kolumbien. Banco de la Republica. Gomez, Luis Duque, y Cubillos, Julio Cesar (1979) Arqueologia de San Agustin. Alto de los Idolos. Mont’culos y Tumbas. Hadingham, Evan (1987) Lines to the Mountain Gods. Nazca and the Mysteries of Peru. Hemming, John, and Ranney, Edward (1982) Monuments of the Incas. Many black & white photographs of Inca Ruins Kirkpatrick, Sidney D. (1992) Lords of Sipan. A true Story of Pre-Inca Tombs, Archaeology, and Crime. Moctezuma, Eduardo Matos (1988) The Great Temple of the Aztecs. Treasures of Tenochtitlan. Moseley, Michael E. (1992) The Incas and their Ancestors. The Archaeology of Peru. Nuttall, Zelia, ed. (1975) The Codex Nuttall. A Picture Manuscript from Ancient Mexico. Pagden, Anthony (1986) Hernan Cortes: Letters from Mexico. Prescott, William H. (1974) The World of the Aztecs. Prescott, William H. (1950) Entdeckung und Eroberung von Mexiko. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 39 of 125 Reiche, Maria (1968) Geheimnis der WŸste. Mystery on the Desert. Secreto de la Pampa. Richardson Fleming, Paula, and Luskey, Judith (19861992) The North American Indians in Early Photographs. Soustelle, Jacques (1979) Die Olmeken. UrsprŸnge der mexikanischen Hochkulturen. Townsend, Richard F. (1992) The Aztecs. Turner, Frederick W. III (1974) The Portable North American Indian Reader. Chagnon, Napoleon A. (1992) Yanomamš. The last Days of Eden. Silvester, Hans, and Soustelle, Jacques (19761986) The Land of the Incas. Crow, John A. (1980) The Epic of Latin America. Andrews V., e. Wyllys (1978) Dzibilchaltœn. Aulie, H. Wilbur, and de Aulie, Evelyn W. (1978) Diccionario Ch'ol. Aveni, Anthony F., ed. (1992) The Sky in Mayan Literature. Barry, Tom (1992) Inside Guatemala. Environment. The Essential Guide to its Politics, Economy, Society, and Bassie-Sweet, K. (1991) From the Mouth of the Dark Cave. Commemorative Sculpture of the Late Classic Maya. Bastarrachea, Juan R., Pech, Ermilo Yah, Chel, Fidencio Brice–o (1992) Diccionario Basico Espa–ol Maya Espa–ol. Baudez, Claude, and Picasso, Sydney (19871992) Lost Cities of the Maya. Small book about the history of the discovery of the Maya Beetz, Carl P., and Satterthwaite, Linton (1981) The Monuments and Inscriptions of Caracol, Belize. University Museum Monograph 45 Bennett, Ross S. (1982) Lost Empires. Living Tribes. Past and Present Indians of Mesoamerica, Caribbean, Andes, Amazonia and Fireland. National Geographic Benson, Elizabeth P., ed. (1986) City-States of the Maya: Art and Architecture. Edzna, El Mirador, Tikal, Copan, Palenque, Uxmal Berrin, Kathleen, and Pasztory, Esther (1993) Teotihuacan. Art from the City of the Gods. Bloomgarden, Richard (1979) Der Easy Reisefuehrer von Tulum und Cob‡. Bloomgarden, Richard (1979) Der Easy Reisefuehrer von Palenque. Bricker, Victoria R. (1986) A Grammar of Mayan Hieroglyphs. Brosnahan, Tom (1991) La Ruta Maya. Yucat‡n, Guatemala & Belize. travel guide Calvani, Vittoria (1976) The Maya. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 40 of 125 Cervantes, Maria A. (1978) Treasures of Ancient Mexico. From the National Anthropological Museum. Coe, Michael D. (1993) The Maya. Coe, Michael D. (1992) Breaking the Maya Code. Coe, Michael D. (1968) Die Maya. Coe, Michael D., Kerr, Justin (1982) Old Gods and Young Heroes (The Pearlman Collection of Maya Ceramics). Coe, William R. (1978) Tikal. A Handbook of the Ancient Maya Ruins. Coggins, Clemency Chase, and Shane III, Orrin C., eds. (1984) Cenote of Sacrifice. Maya Treasures from the Sacred Well at ChichŢn Itz‡. Cordan, Wolfgang (1962) Popol Vuh. Das Buch des Rates. de Landa, Diego (19371978) Yucatan Before and After the Conquest.. Deuel, Leo, ed. (1967) Kulturen vor Kolumbus. Das Abenteuer ArchŠologie in Lateinamerika. Disselhoff, Hans Dietrich (1967) Geschichte der Altamerikanischen Kulturen. Edmonson, Munro S. (1986) Heaven Born Merida and its Destiny. Chumayel. The Book of Chilam Balam of Edmonson, Munro S. (1982) The Ancient Future of the Itza. The Book of Chilam Balam of Tizimin. Farriss, Nancy M. (1984) Maya Society under Colonial Rule. The Collective Enterprise of Survival. Fash, William L. (1991) Scribes, Warriors and Kings. The City of Cop‡n and the Ancient Maya. Ferguson, William M., Rohn, Arthur H., Royce, John Q. (1990) MesoamericaÕs Ancient Cities. Aerial photographs of many sites Folan, William J., Kintz, Ellen R., and Fletcher, Laraine A. (1983) Coba. A Classic Maya Metropolis. Ford, Anabel (1994) Xaman - Chikin - Lakin - Nohol. The Ancient Maya of Belize. Their Society and Sites. Altun Ha, Lamanai, Santa Rita Corozal, Cerros, Nohmul, Cuello, Las Milpas, Baking Pot, Pacbitun, Caracol, Cahal Pech, Tipu-Negroman, Xunantunich, El Pilar, NimLiPunit, Lubaantun, Uxbenka, Wild Cane Cay Freidel, David, Schele, Linda, and Parker, Joy (1993) Maya Cosmos. Three Thousand Years on the Shaman’s Path. Graham, Ian (1971) The Art of Maya Hieroglyphic Writing. small booklet about an exhibition Graham, Ian (1982) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 3 Part 3. Yaxchilan. Graham, Ian (1975) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 1. Introduction. Graham, Ian (1979) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 3 Part 2. Yaxchilan. Graham, Ian (1986) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 5 Part 3. Uaxactun. Graham, Ian (1992) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 4 Part 2. Uxmal. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 41 of 125 Graham, Ian (1980) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 2 Part 3. Naranjo. Graham, Ian (1978) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 2 Part 2. Xunantunich. Ixkun, Ucanal, Ixtutz, Naranjo, Chunhuitz, Graham, Ian, and von Euw, Eric (1975) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 2 Part 1. Naranjo. Graham, Ian, and von Euw, Eric (1977) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 3 Part 1. Yaxchilan. Graham, Ian, and von Euw, Eric (1992) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 4 Part 3. Uxmal, Xcalumkin. Hardoy, Jorge, E. (19641973) Pre-Columbian Cities. Harris, John F. (1993) A Supplement to Understanding Maya Inscriptions. Harris, John F. (1994) A Resource Bibliography for the Decipherment of Maya Hieroglyphics and New Maya Hieroglyphic Readings. Harris, John F., and Stearns, Stephen K. (1992) Understanding Maya Inscriptions. Helfritz, Hans (1980) Mexiko. Ein Reisebegleiter zu den Gštterburgen und Kolonialbauten Mexikos. Helfritz, Hans (1968) Die Gštterburgen Mexikos. Ein Reisebegleiter Kunst Alt-Mexikos. Hellmuth, Nicholas M. (1978) A General Introduction to Maya Art, Architecture, & Archaeology. Tikal Copan Travel Guide. Heyden, Doris, and Gendrop, Paul (19801988) Pre-Columbian Architecture of Mesoamerica. Pictures and sites not much found in other books Houston, Stephen D. (1993) Hieroglyphs and History at Dos Pilas. Dynastic Politics of the Classical Maya. Houston, Stephen D. (1989) Reading the Past. Maya Glyphs. Kelley, David Humiston (1976) Deciphering the Maya Script. Kelly, Joyce (1993) An Archaeological Guide to MexicoÕs Yucat‡n Peninsula. Kerr, Justin (1990) The Maya Vase Book. A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases. Volume 2. Kerr, Justin (1992) The Maya Vase Book. A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases. Volume 3. Kerr, Justin (1989) The Maya Vase Book. A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases. Volume 1. Kerr, Justin (1994) The Maya Vase Book. A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases. Volume 4. Love, Bruce (1994) The Paris Codex. Handbook for a Maya Priest. Lowe, John W. G. (1985) The Dynamics of Apocalypse. A Systems Simulation of the Classic Maya Collapse. Computer models of Maya collapse Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 42 of 125 MacAdams, Cynthia, Men, Hunbatz, and Bensinger, Charles (1991) Mayan Vision Quest. Initiation in Mesoamerica. Black and White artistic photographs of many sites Mystical Marcus, Joyce (1992) Mesoamerican Writing Systems. Propaganda, Myth, and History in Four Ancient Civilizations. Marcus, Joyce (1987) The Inscriptions of Calakmul. Mexico. Royal Marriage at a Maya City in Campeche, Markman, Roberta, H., and Markman, Peter, T. (1992) The Flayed God. The Mythology of Mesoamerica. Mathews, Peter (1983) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 6 Part 1. Tonina. Menchœ, Rigoberta (1983) I, Rigoberta Menchœ. Ordeals of a contemporary Maya in Guatemala Michel, Genevieve (1989) The Rulers of Tikal. A Historical Reconstruction and Field Guide to the Stelae. data up to 1985 Miller, Arthur G. (1986) Maya Rulers of Time. A Study of Architectural Sculpture at Tikal, Guatemala. Miller, Mary, and Taube, Karl (1993) The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya. An Illustrated Dictionary of Mesoamerican Religion Miller, Virginia E. (1991) The Frieze of the Palace of the Stuccoes, Acanceh, Yucatan, Mexico. Studies in Pre-Columbian Art & Archaeology, Dumbarton Oaks Research Libarary and Collection, Washington, D.C. Morley, Sylvanus G., Brainerd, George W., revised by Sharer, Robert J. (1983) The Ancient Maya. Mu–oz, Joaquin (19411976) Marvels of Copan. Pollock, H.E.D. (1980) The Puuc. An Architectural Survey of the Hill Country of Yucatan and Northern Campeche, Mexico. Memoirs of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Harvard University. Volume 19, Numbers 1,2,3,4 Proskouriakoff, Tatiana (1974) Jades from the Cenote of Sacrifice. ChichŢn Itz‡, Yucatan. Proskouriakoff, Tatiana (19461988) An Album of Maya Architecture. Proskouriakoff, Tatiana (1993) Maya History. Reed, Nelson (1964) The Caste War of Yucatan. Reents-Budet, Dorie (1994) Painting the Maya Universe: Royal Ceramics of the Classic Period. Robicsek, Francis, and Hales, Donald M. (1981) The Maya Book of the Dead. The Ceramic Codex. Sabloff, Jeremy A. (1989) The Cities of Ancient Mexico. Reconstruction a Lost World. Scarborough, Vernon L., and Wilcox, David R., eds. (1991) The Mesoamerican Ballgame. Schele, Linda (1982) Maya Glyphs: The Verbs. Schele, Linda, and Freidel, David (1990) A Forest of Kings. The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya. Schele, Linda, and Miller, Mary Ellen (1986) The Blood of Kings. Dynasty and Ritual in Maya Art. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 43 of 125 Schevill, Margot Blum (1993) Maya Textiles of Guatemala. The Gustavus A. Eisen Collection, 1902. Schezen, Roberto (1990) Visions of Ancient America. Black and White Photographs of Mesoamerican Ruins Sexton, James D. (1992) Mayan Folktales. Folklore from Lake Atitl‡n, Guatemala. Sharer, Robert J. (1990) Centers of Civilization. Quirigua. A Classic Maya Center & its Sculptures. Sharer, Robert J., and Sedat, David W. (1987) Archaeological Investigations in the Northern Maya Highlands, Guatemala. Interaction and the Development of Maya Civilization. University Museum Monograph 59. Small sites in the Salama Valley, Baja Verapaz Spinden, Herbert J. (19131975) A Study of Maya Art. Its Subject Matter & Historical Development.. Stephens, John L. (18431963) Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. Vol. I and Vol. II. Stephens, John L. (18411969) Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. Vol. I and Vol. II. Stierlin, Henri (1981) The Art of Maya. Stuart, David, and Houston, Stephen (1994) Classic Maya Place Names. Studies in Pre-Columbian Art & Archaeology, number 33 Stuart, Gene S. (1988) AmericaÕs Ancient Cities. Eastern Woodlands, Plains and Northwest, Southwest, Mesoamerica. National Geographic Stuart, Gene, S., and Stuart, George, E. (1993) Lost Kingdoms of the Maya. Society National Geographic Stuart, George E., and Stuart, Gene, S. (19771983) The Mysterious Maya. National Geographic Society Sullivan, Paul (1989) Unfinished Conversations. Mayas and Foreigners Between Two Wars. Mayas of Santa Cruz in Yucatan, and their memories of the area between WWI and WWII Tate, Carolyn E. (1992) Yaxchilan. The Design of a Maya Ceremonial City. Taube, Karl (1993) Aztec and Maya Myths. Tedlock, Barbara (19821992) Time and the Highland Maya. Tedlock, Dennis (1993) Breath on the Mirror. Mythic Voices & Visions of the Living Maya. Tedlock, Dennis (1985) Popol Vuh. The Definitive Edition of the Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life and the Glories of Gods and Kings. Thompson, J. Eric S. (19621991) A Catalog of Maya Hieroglyphs. Thompson, J.Eric S. (1972) Maya Hieroglyphs Without Tears. Thompson, J.Eric S. (1971) Maya Hieroglyphic Writing. Thompson, J. Eric S. (1970) Maya History and Religion. Tozzer, Alfred M. (19211977) A Maya grammar. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 44 of 125 Vogt, Evon Z. (19761993) Tortillas for the Gods. A Symbolic Analysis of Zinacanteco Rituals. von Euw, Eric (1977) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 4 Part 1. Itzimte, Pixoy, Tzum. von Euw, Eric (1978) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 5 Part 1. Xultun. von Euw, Eric, and Graham, Ian (1984) Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Vol. 5 Part 2. Xultun, La Honradez, Uaxactun. Wanyerka, Phil, ed. (1991) The Proceedings of The Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop by Linda Schele. Westphal, Wilfried (1972) Lacandonia. Ein Volk stirbt im Dschungel. Willey, Gordon, R., ed. (1990) Excavations at Seibal. Memoirs Vol. 17. Memoirs of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Harvard University. Volume 17, Numbers 1,2,3,4. Monumental Sculpture and Hieroglyphic Inscriptions; Burials: A Cultural Analysis; The Ethnozoology of the Maya: Faunal Remains from Five Sites in Peten, Guatemala; General Summary and Conclusions (Maps) Wright, Ronald (1989) Time Among the Maya. Travels in Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico. Travelbook Yadeun, Juan, and Doniz, Rafael (1993) Tonin‡. excellent pictures of Tonina Deuel, Leo (1969) Flights into Yesterday. The Story of Aerial Archaeology. Mazonowicz, Douglas (1974) Voices from the Stone Age. A Search for Cave and Canyon Art. Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute 1100 Sacramento St. San Francisco, CA 94108 USA CD ROM set for Macintosh: Their price (before distributor takes over): 500$ includes: 10 CD ROM discs of rubbings of 89 sites. Monograph 6 (rubbings of Maya sculpture, 25$ if bought separatly, by Robertson) Iconographic Database (Mac version) Iconographic Database Manual. New version for Windows in works. U MUT MAYA P.O. Box 4686 Arcata, CA 95521 USA (707) 822-1515 1993 HSU Maya Notebook, 226p. Introduction to Maya hieroglyphic writing, with exercises. $30 U MUT MAYA P.O. Box 4686 Arcata, CA 95521 USA (707) 822-1515U Mut Maya II, 1988, 226p, 12 foldouts, $25 U MUT MAYA P.O. Box 4686 Arcata, CA 95521 USA (707) 822-1515U Mut Maya III, 1989, 196p, 10 foldouts, $28 U MUT MAYA P.O. Box 4686 Arcata, CA 95521 USA (707) 822-1515U Mut Maya IV, 1990, '91, 300+p, $30 U MUT MAYA P.O. Box 4686 Arcata, CA 95521 USA (707) 822-1515U.Mut Maya V, 1992, '93, 270+p, fold-outs, color plates $32 Kerr Associates Studio 14 West 17th Street New York, NY 10011 USA email: [email protected] (212) 741-1731 Volume 4: 183 pages, 125 rollouts, 15 full color pages The Maya Vase Book, Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4: 45$ each The whole set (all 4): 160$ for within NY add 3.71$ tax per book Shipping: US: 1 book: 5$; 2: 6.50; 3: 8$; 4: 9.50 outside US: 1 book: 7.50$; 2: 9.50; 3: 11.50; 4: 13.00 Checks or money order on a US Bank payable to: Kerr Associates Ecological Linguistics P.O. Box 15156 Washington, D.C., 20003 USA email: [email protected] When ordering, shipping charges are to be entered for each book. US Post shipping/handling charges shown are for the USA, Canada and Mexico. Overseas shipping is extra (please see at the end of this message). Please use a US ship-to address if possible. Please mark all items ordered (book prices and shipping prices). Note quantities if more than one each. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 45 of 125 Spanish-Yucatec-Spanish dictionary $15 each (no shipping charge within US) Diccionario Basico Espanol-Maya-Espanol, by Juan R. Bastarrachea, Emilio Yah, Pech, Fidencio Briceno Chel, 134 pages (publ. Maldonado) Mesoamerican Codices (order from Ecological Linguistics): Color Screenfold Facsimiles by Akademische Druck und Verlagsanstalt, Graz, Austria. Commentaries in Spanish, published by Fondo de Cultura Economica (Mexico). The commentaries with the Graz facsimiles are very detailed, including Maarten Jansen as co-author, in the range of 280-380 pages each, with keying to particular figures on particular pages of the originals. The facsimiles are manufactured in Graz, just as their earlier publications, but with minor improvements in some cases, such as page numbering and white margins. Some of them contain in addition to the Graz facsimile also a black-and-white line drawing facsimile in small format for ease of use. The Azoyu and Badianus are publications of Fondo de Cultura Economica alone. The Dresden Codex is not currently available, it is being reprinted. Instead of a check or order, please send a letter indicating your interest. $20 each -- Dresden Codex screenfold facsimile (Graz/FCE) $40 each $4 Dresden Codex commentary (translation of Thompson's, FCE) $124 each $6 Codex Nuttall screenfold & commentaryGraz/FCE $124 each $6 Codex Vindobonensis screenfold & commentary Graz/FCE $124 each $6 Codex Borgia screenfold & commentary Graz/FCE $104 each $6 Codex Vaticanus B screenfold & commentary Graz/FCE $144 each $6 Codex Borbonicus screenfold & commentary Graz/FCE $80 each $4 Codex Azoyu facsimile with commentary FCE $80 each $4 Codex Badiano facsimile with commentary, 2 volumes FCE $36 each $4 Painting the Maya Universe (paperback) Duke $69 each $4 Painting the Maya Universe (hardback) Duke The Fondo de Cultura Economica series is expected during the next two years to include the following codices. Those currently available were priced above. Mixtec: Nuttall, Vindobonensis, Egerton and Becker II Borgia Group: Borgia, Cospi, Fejervary-Mayer, Laud Others:Vaticanus B, Vaticanus A, Borbonicus, Ixtlilxochitl Moctezuma (Matricula de Tributos), Magliabechiano (Ecological Linguistics will be publishing an English commentary on Mayan codices later in 1994.) $39 each - The Writing System of La Mojarra Spiralbound 2 vols. $20 each - The Writing System of La Mojarra Looseleaf discounted. $5 - Illustrated catalog of La Mojarra, Tuxtla, Olmec, and Mayan hieroglyphs available as typeable fonts for Macintosh computers (a few available also for PC's running Windows) (Prices for various font sets vary) $18 each $2 The Human Nature of Birds Ecological Linguistics, P.O. Box 15156, Washington, D.C., 20003. Remember to include your full name and shipping address. Mesoamerican Codices from Dover Publications, Inc. Order these two books direct from: Dover Publications, Inc. 31 E. Second St. Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (***not*** from Ecological Linguistics) Send checks for total purchase including ISBN #s. Include a single shipping charge whether one or a few books. within the USA: $3 for USPost / $4.50 for UPS. Or call Dover Press Express Orders at 1-800223-3130 within the USA. Color reproductions. These are standard book formats, not screenfolds. They are "restorations," easier to read than facsimiles. Both are ***highly*** recommended. Codex Nuttall: ISBN # 0-486-23168-2 $12.95 Codex Borgia: ISBN # 0-486-27569-8 $14.95 To join the Pre-Columbian Society of D.C., please send a check for one of the following amounts to Donald Fairbairn PCS Treasurer 13006 Birdale Lane Darnestown, Maryland, 20878 USA You will receive a membership card and further information, in reply. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 46 of 125 To join the Pre-Columbian Society at the University Museum Philadelphia: Please make out a check to the Pre-Columbian Society at the University Museum, $25 (single) or $42 (family). Send to Brian D. Ampolsk 1605 Brookhaven Rd. Wynnewood, PA 19096-2605 (610)658-0521 [email protected] To join the University Museum, please make out a check to the University Museum, $40 (individual) or $45 (household). Send to University Museum 33rd and Spruce Streets Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing c/o the Center for Maya Research, P.O. Box 65760, Washington, D.C., 20035-5760. This one contains many of the classic published articles in the field, ask for a listing of available back issues, issued irregularly, they are well worth it. Get the ResReport1.gif and ResReport2.gif files for a listing of currently available issues Texas Workshop related documentation: Copan Notes (epigraphy reports of the Copan project) Full Set (1-112) $53.55 Texas Notes on Mayan Hieroglyphic Writing Full Set (1-68) $29.82 Available from kinko's-the copy center 2901-C Medical Arts Street Austin, Texas 78705 Phone (512) 476-3242 Fax: (512) 476-2371 They also have other files available, see separate list (KINKO.TXT) Texas workshop notebooks: Inquire with Peter Keeler at the Maya Hotline USA (512) 471-MAYA or: Peter Keeler The Mayan Hieroglyphic Workshops P.O. Box 5645 Austin, Texas, 78763 USA See separate files WORKSHOP.TXT for listings and WORKSHOPFORM for order form Jenn's Copy & Binding: see separate file. MAYA HIEROGLYPHIC WORKSHOP TRANSCRIPTS The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Weekend, Oct. 24-25 '87 Cleveland, Schele, 106p, 25$; Yaxchilan and Palenque The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Weekend, Nov. 5-6 '88 Cleveland, Schele, 151p, 30$; Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop, Mar. 11-12 '89 Austin, Schele, 384p, 45$; Copan The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop, Mar. 10-11 '90 Austin, Schele, 267p, 35$; Tikal The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Weekend, Oct. 27-28 '90 Cleveland, Mathews, 267p, 35$; Palenque and Dos Pilas The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop, Mar. 9-10 '91 Austin, Schele, 254p, 40$; Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Weekend, Oct. 26-27 '91 Cleveland, Mathews, 191p, 35$; Palenque The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop, Mar. 14-15 '92 Austin, Schele, 243p, 42$; The creation story of the Maya The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Weekend, Oct. 31-Nov.1 '92 Cleveland, Mathews, 147p, 35$; Piedras Negras The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop, Mar. 13-14 '93 Austin, Schele, 190p, 37.50$; Dynastic History of Palenque The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop, Mar. 12-13 '94 Austin, Schele/Grube, 202p, 37.50$; Venus-Tlaloc Warfare Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 47 of 125 Please make check (drawn to US Bank) payable to Phil Wanyerka 6607 Orchard Ave. Parma, Ohio 44129 USA (216) 886-0924 Postage and Handling USA $3.50; outside USA $6.50 Ancient Mesoamerica. Subscription 29 UK pounds per year (two issues). Subscription Office: Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building Shaftesbury Road Cambridge CB2 2RU England USA: Cambridge University Press 40 W. 20th St. New York, N.Y. 10011 USA Program: Mayan Calendrics, V3.3 Runs under: MS-DOS What it does: Allows conversion among tzolkinhaab, long count, Gregorian and Julian dates and astronomical Julian day numbers. Permits specification of correlation number, year- bearer system and first day of the month (0 or 1). Author: Peter Meyer Price: $68.00 including shipping Publisher: Dolphin Software 4815 W. Braker Ln. #502 Austin, TX 78759 Phone: (512) 479-9208 The Tulane Latin American Library has full-color posters of the Palenque sarcophagus cover, available for sale by mail. The posters are enlargements of a photograph taken by Merle Greene Robertson and Lee Hocker. They are roughly 2' x 4' in size, and are each signed by Merle Greene Robertson. The posters are available by mail for $20 each. Make checks payable to Latin American Library, and send to: Latin American Library Tulane University New Orleans, LA 70118 Send e-mail inquiries to: Paul Bary Reference Librarian [email protected] The Smoking Mirror, c/o editor Sharon Bowen, 4 Stuart Mills Place, Baltimore, Md., 21228. Yearly subscriptions $15 USA, Mexico, Canada; $25 overseas. Checks payable to Treasurer, Pre-Columbian Society of Washington, D.C. Institute of Maya Studies Newsletter, 3280 South Miami Ave., Miami, Florida, 33129 THE LORDS OF LIFE is a catalog of the Olmec and Tlatilco culture figurines in The Snite Museum of Art. It reviews the history of Preclassic archaeology and publishes for the first time in English the revised chronology of the Valley of Mexico derived from Christine Niederberger Betton's unbroken stratigraphy from 5500-1 B.C. at Tlapacoya, Mexico. Betton's work proves that the Vaillant chronology used for the last 60 years is upside down. The LORDS OF LIFE also demonstrates that Olmec iconography on Tlapacoya and Tlatilco Olmec figurines is identical to that found on human figural monuments from the Olmec occupations at San Lorenzo, La Venta and other sites. In addition, the catalog identifies the first non-Olmec female goddess, the Displayed Deity, as a diagnostic feature of Tlatilco culture. The Lords of Life: The Iconography of Power and Fertility in Preclassic Mesoamerica by Douglas E. Bradley and Peter David Joralemon, 1993 * a catalog of 25 Olmec and Tlatilco culture Early Preclassic figurines in the collection of The Snite Museum of Art * two major essays: An Overview of the History of Preclassic Archaeology and An Iconographic Approach to Figurines * 25 duotone photographic images with catalog commentaries * 5 sets of illustrations and 3 tables * color cover images front and back * 50 pages * $14.95 (US$) plus $3.00 shipping and handling ($6.00 foreign orders) Send orders to The Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556. Museum Telephone: 219-6315466. Fax: 219-631-8501 Museum Shop: 219-631-7961. THE FORUM ON MAYA HIEROGLYPHIC WRITING Linda Schele and Matthew Looper on: QUIRIGUA AND COPAN: SIBLING RIVALRY IN A CLASSIC PERIOD KINGDOM THE MAYA MEETINGS AT TEXAS THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN, MARCH 7-16, 1996 For more information call the MAYA hotline: 512-471-6292 Or write Maya Meetings, PO Box 3500, Austin TX 78764-3500. John Clark - The Origins of Mesoamerica George L. Cowgill - Foundations and Transformations of Political Authority at Teotihuacan Ann Cyphers - Olmec Power and Rulership at San Lorenzo Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 48 of 125 Federico Fahsen - A review of Early Writing at Kaminal Juyu and Other Preclassic Sites John Fox - Quiche Founding Events in Petroglyphs, Astronomy, and Settlement Patterns Gary Gossen - The Maya Zapatista Movement: From Political Economy to Maya Cultural Agency Nikolai Grube - Crosses in Exile: How Sacred Places Are Made and Destroyed by the Masewales in Quintana Roo Richard Hansen - Late Preclassic Paradigms of Power: the Emergence of Civilization Marion Hatch - Influences of Societal Development in Preclassic Kaminal Juyu Jeff Kowalski - Cosmos, Creation, and Kingship in Northern Yucatan: a Comparison of the Iconography of Power at Uxmal and Chichen Itza Robert Sharer and David Sedat - Archeology and History at Quirigua and Copan For more information call the MAYA hotline: 512-471-6292 Our NEW ADDRESS is: P. O. Box 3500, Austin, Texas 78764-3500. "Introducing Maya Glyphs" is an introductory public lecture to be given by Dr. Peter Mathews of the University of Calgary, on Friday evening, March 8, from 7 PM to 10 PM. The lecture will provide an introduction to the weekend Forum on Hieroglyphic Writing, setting the context, and explaining and reviewing essential background material. A veteran of the Maya Meetings and many hieroglyphic workshops such as the Cleveland Maya Festival, Dr. Mathews is an expert epigrapher. This year's theme is PARADIGMS OF POWER: Genesis and Foundation in Mesoamerica. Papers will be presented by John Clark, George Cowgill, Ann Cyphers, Federico Fahsen, John Fox, Gary Gossen, Nikolai Grube, Richard Hansen, Marion Hatch, David Sedat, Robert Sharer, and others. See back page for paper titles. A round table discussion will follow the papers. FORUM ON MAYA HIEROGLYPHIC WRITING The XXth Forum on Maya Hieroglyphic Writing (formerly the Workshop on Maya Hieroglyphic Writing) will be held on Saturday and Sunday, March 9-10, 1996. It will be conducted by Dr. Linda Schele (Department of Art, University of Texas at Austin), and Dr. Matthew Looper. Both are experts on Maya glyphs. Dr. Schele was co-curator of the acclaimed 1986 Blood of Kings exhibition at the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth and co-author of A FOREST OF KINGS. Her newest book, written with David Freidel and Joy Parker, is THE MAYA COSMOS (1993). Dr. Looper's recent research on Quirgua forms the basis of much of this year's Forum presentation. His 1995 University of Texas dissertation is entitled THE SCULPTURAL PROGRAMS OF BUTZ'-TILIW, AN EIGHTH-CENTURY MAYA KING OF QUIRGUA, GUATEMALA. For those with a desire for a closer encounter with the glyphs, attention is called to the Beginners' Practicum of the Long Workshop, which is specifically designed to provide an intensive, hands-on experience in deciphering real glyph texts. Location: McCullough Theatre (Opera Lab), in the Performing Arts Center on the University of Texas campus, on the west side of East Campus Drive, roughly across the street from the LBJ Library (see map). Fee: $45, which includes a copy of the Notebook. Preparatory reading; Alfonso Caso: "Calendrical Systems of Central Mexico"; in Handbook of Middle American Indians, vol. 10, Univ. of Texas Press 1971. John Pohl and Bruce Byland: "Mixtec Landscape Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 49 of 125 Perception and Archaeological Settlement Patterns"; in Ancient Mesoamerica, vol. 1, 1. 1990. Mary Elizabeth Smith: Picture Writing from Ancient Southern Mexico", Univ. of Okla. Press 1973 (read pages 9-11, 20-41). Ronald Spores: "Postclassic Mixtec Kingdoms"; in The Cloud People, eds: Kent Flannery and Joyce Marcus. Academic Press 1983. ADVANCED SEMINAR GROUPS. Under the leadership of Federico Fahsen, Barbara MacLeod, Simon Martin, and Nicolai Grube, research groups will be formed to investigate early, middle and late Copan, and early, middle, and late Quirigua. A group will concentrate on Tikal and its early Peten connections, another on early Maya connections to Teotihuacan. Kathryn Josserand and Nicolas offer a workshop titled The Power of Paradigms: Classic Maya and Modern Chol Grammar and Folklore. Ruth Krochock will head groups working on Chichen Itza/western Yucatan and the Puuc/eastern Yucatan. Justin Kerr leads a group on Maya ceramics texts. Richard Johnson researches the Dresden Codex. Saburo Sugiyama and Annabeth Headrick head an investigation into the iconography of Teotihuacan. John Justeson and Terry Kaufman lead groups on Zapotec glyphs, and the epi-Olmec La Mojarra script. The Documents Project continues, with research on the Popol Vuh, lead by two native speaker/linguists from Guatemala, Saqajix Lopez-Ixcoy and Florentino Ajpacaja-Tum. The Southeast (U.S.) Ceremonial Complex group continues under the direction of Kent Reilly. 1996 Notebook (free to Forum attendees) $45 postpaid 1995 Notebook for the IXX Workshop: $45 postpaid 1994 Notebook for the XVIII Workshop: $40 postpaid 1993 Notebook for the XVII Workshop: $35 postpaid 1992 Notebook for the XVI Workshop: $35 postpaid 1991 Notebook for the XV Workshop: $35 postpaid 1990 Notebook for the XIV Workshop: $35 postpaid 1989 Notebook for the XIII Workshop: $35 postpaid 1988 Notebook for the XII Workshop: $35 postpaid 1987 Notebook for the XI Workshop: $35 postpaid 1986 Notebook for the X Workshop: $35 postpaid 1985 Notebook for the IX Workshop: $35 postpaid 1984 Notebook for the VIII Workshop: $35 postpaid 1983 Notebook for the VII Workshop: $35 postpaid 1982 Notebook for the VI Workshop: $35 postpaid TRANSCRIPT: The 1989 Copan Workshop.....$45 postpaid TRANSCRIPT: The 1990 Tikal Workshop.....$40 postpaid TRANSCRIPT: The 1991 Yaxchilan Workshop.$45 postpaid TRANSCRIPT: The 1992 Origins Workshop...$45 postpaid TRANSCRIPT: The 1993 Palenque Workshop..$45 postpaid TRANSCRIPT: The 1994 Star Wars Workshop.$45 postpaid TRANSCRIPT: The 1995 Terminal Classic Workshop.$45 postpaid. PALENQUE TRIAD:Inscriptions of '86,'87,'88 Notebooks.$45 (pp). PIEDRAS NEGRAS: Drawings of John Montgomery.$45 postpaid. 1994 MIXTEC WORKSHOP NOTEBOOK (Nuttall)..$35 postpaid 1995 MIXTEC WORKSHOP NOTEBOOK (Vindo-B)..$35 postpaid 1996 MIXTEC WORKSHOP NOTEBOOK (Bodley)...$40 postpaid POSTER: THE TABLET OF THE 96 GLYPHS.....$25 postpaid TOTAL ENCLOSED FOR BOOKS AND POSTERS. Make checks payable to: Maya Workshop Foundation. Sorry, no credit cards and no faxes. Mail to: Peter Keeler::Maya Meetings::P. O. Box 3500::Austin, TX 78764-3500::USA Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 50 of 125 Turner Libros, S.A., they make many of the Citibank series of books in Spanish on Mesoamerican topics. They are well illustrated with high-quality color photographs. Each book has in average at least the same number of color photographs as it has pages, and they are all 24x31cm in size. Some are hardback, some paperback, prices range from 5000 to 8000 pesetas. Turner Libros are located in Mexico City, and in Madrid. Here is their new Madrid address, and a review of current art books. Turner Libros, S.A. c Zurbano 10 28010 Madrid Spain tel: 308 33 36 or 308 33 89 fax: 319 39 30 Teotihuacan:Citibank Book, 1989, 152 pages. ~25 pages: Historia de Teotihuacan: pictures of the site, murals, sculptures ~20 pages: Historia de una conciencia historica: more pictures of the site, sculptures, vessels ~20 pages: Pintura mural: pictures of murals with text. ~60 pages: All pictures of murals Monte Alban:Citibank book, 1990, 200 pages. ~60 pages general information: pictures of site, sculptures, murals ~50 pages mainly about tombs, i.e. tomb 7 etc. ~65 pages pages: discovery and detailed documentation of sculpture/murals of tomb 5 de Huijazoo (discovered in 1984) El Puuc: Citibank book, 1991, ~200 pages. Nice pictures, including very good details of sites like Uxmal, Labna, Xcalumkin, Sayil. Also, newly discovered material like door jambs from the Coodz Pop in Kabah (found in 1991), as well as murals from Mul Chic are presented. Tonina: Citibank book, 1993, 160 pages. Great overview over the site, many good pictures of sculpture Los Olmecas en mesoamerica: Citibank, 1994, 300 pages. Great overview over sculptures, heads. Also presented the finds from El Manati, i.e. wood sculpture etc. Dioses del Mexico antiguo: Grupo Tribasa book, 1995, 200 pages. Catalogue to an exhibition at the Colegio de San Ildefonso About 220 objects, mainly sculptures are represented in color pictures. --------------------------------------------------------------------The following two books were still available at their office in Madrid, even though they are out-of-print, and not available anymore. Perhaps you can obtain them directly from them. Bonampak: Citibank book, 1988, ~180 pages. (only few copies left) Introduction to Bonampak, with site and stelae. Pictures of the restored murals, almost completely covered. Tajin: Citibank book, 1992, 170 pages. (still several copies left) Good site overview, also sculptures and murals are presented, some of them new finds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------In the USA, Flo Silver books is importing some of these books. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Thomas Burglin, 30 April 1996 Sender: [email protected] Date: Wed, 03 Jul 1996 14:54:29 -0700 From: Tezozomoc <[email protected]> Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 51 of 125 To: [email protected] Subject: [Fwd: Mexico: Technical Publications] Content-Disposition: inline X-UIDL: 836437994.008 Received: from nova.Tera_std (nova []) by (8.7.1/8.7.1) with SMTP id LAA14960 for <[email protected]>; Wed, 3 Jul 1996 11:22:44 -0700 (PDT) Received: from nova by nova.Tera_std (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id LAA01628; Wed, 3 Jul 1996 11:22:42 -0700 Sender: estebant Message-ID: <[email protected]> Date: Wed, 03 Jul 1996 11:22:41 -0700 From: Tezozomoc <estebant> X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (X11; I; SunOS 5.5 sun4m) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: esteban <estebant> Subject: Mexico: Technical Publications X-URL: Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------F19572670F2" Content-Length: 170953 X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------F19572670F2 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --------------F19572670F2 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="mexi_bib_tech.html" Living Languages of the Americas MEXICO Studies in Languages of Mexico Technical Publications General, Amuzgo, Guerrero, Chatino, Nopala, Chatino, Tataltepec, Chatino, Yaitepec, Chinanteco, Comaltepec, Chinanteco, Lalana, Chinanteco, Lealao, Chinanteco, Ojitlán, Chinanteco, Ozumacín, Chinanteco, Palantla, Chinanteco, Quiotepec, Chinanteco, Sochiapan, Chinanteco, Tepetotutla, Chinanteco, Tlacoatzintepec, Chinanteco, Usila, Chocho, Chol, Tila, Chol, Tumbalá, Chontal of Oaxaca, Highland, Chontal of Oaxaca, Lowland, Chontal of Tabasco, Cocopa, Cora, Cuicateco, Tepeuxila, Cuicateco, Teutila, Guarijío, Huasteco, San Luis Potosí, Huasteco, Veracruz, Huave, San Mateo del Mar, Huichol, Kikapoo, Kiliwi, Lacandón, Matlatzinca, Atzingo, Mayo, Mazahua, Mazateco, Huautla de Jimenez, Mazateco, Jalapa de Diaz, Mazateco, San Jerónimo Tecoatl, Mazateco, San Juan Chiquihuitlán, Mexican Sign Language, Mixe, Coatlán, Mixe, Guichicovi, Mixe, Juquila, Mixe, Mazatlán, Mixe, Tlahuitoltepec, Mixe, Totontepec, Mixteco, Alacatlatzala, Mixteco, Chayuco, Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 52 of 125 Mixteco, Coastal Guerrero, Mixteco, Diuxi-Tilantongo, Mixteco, Eastern, Mixteco, Eastern Juxtlahuaca, Mixteco, Huajuapan, Mixteco, Metlatonoc, Mixteco, Northern Tlaxiaco, Mixteco, San Cristobal, Mixteco, San Esteban Atatlahuca, Mixteco, San Juan Coatzospan, Mixteco, San Juan Colorado, Mixteco, San Miguel el Grande, Mixteco, Santiago Yosondua, Mixteco, Santo Tomás Ocotepec, Mixteco, Silacayoapan, Mixteco, Southeastern Nochixtlán, Mixteco, Southern Puebla, Mixteco, Southwestern Tlaxiaco, Mixteco, Tezoatlán, Mixteco, Western Jamiltepec, Nahuatl, Central, Nahuatl, Classical, Nahuatl, Huasteca, Eastern, Nahuatl, Huasteca, Western, Nahuatl, Isthmus, Nahuatl, Michoacán, Nahuatl, North Puebla, Nahuatl, Orizaba, Nahuatl, Sierra de Puebla, Nahuatl, Tetelcingo, Otomí, Eastern, Otomí, Mezquital, Otomí, State of Mexico, Otomí, Temoaya, Otomí, Tenango, Paipai, Pame, Central, Popoloca, Eastern, Popoloca, Northern, Popoloca, Western, Popoluca, Oluta, Popoluca, Sayula, Popoluca, Sierra, Seri, Spanish, Tarahumara, Central, Tarahumara, Western, Tarascan, Tepehua, Huehuetla, Tepehua, Veracruz, Tepehuan, Northern, Tepehuan, Southeastern, Tipai, Tlapaneco, Tojolabal, Totonaco, Northern, Totonaco, Papantla, Totonaco, Sierra, Trique, Chicahuaxtla, Trique, San Juan Copala, Tzeltal, Bachajón, Tzeltal, Highland, Tzotzil, Chamula, Tzotzil, Chenalhó, Tzotzil, Huixtán, Tzotzil, San Andrés Larrainzar, Tzotzil, Zinacanteco, Yaqui, Yucateco, Zapoteco, Albarradas, Zapoteco, Central Miahuatlán, Zapoteco, Chichicapan-Tilquiapan, Zapoteco, Choapan, Zapoteco, East Central Tlacolula, Zapoteco, Eastern Zimatlán, Zapoteco, Isthmus, Zapoteco, Northeastern Miahuatlán, Zapoteco, Northern Isthmus, Zapoteco, Northern Villa Alta, Zapoteco, San Bartolomé Zoogocho, Zapoteco, Santa Catarina Quierí, Zapoteco, Santa Catarina Xanaguía, Zapoteco, Sierra de Juárez, Zapoteco, Southern Ejutla, Zapoteco, Southern Villa Alta, Zapoteco, Texmelucan, Zapoteco, Western Ixtlán, Zapoteco, Western Ocotlán, Zapoteco, Western Tlacolula, Zapoteco, Western Yautepec, Zapoteco, Yalalag, Zapoteco, Yatzachi, Zoque, Copainalá, Zoque, Francisco León, Zoque, Rayón, Zoque, Santa María Chimalapa General Aguirre B., Gonzalo. 1981. El Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. In Andrew Gonzalez and David Thomas (eds.), Linguistics across continents: Studies in honor of Richard S. Pittman, 3--18. Linguistic Society of the Philippines Monograph 2. Manila: Summer Institute of Linguistics and Linguistic Society of the Philippines. Alsop, John R. n.d. La política del lenguaje y la lingüística aplicada. In Indigenismo y lingüística: Documentos del Foro ``La Política del Lenguaje en México'', 137--44. Mexico: npl. Bartholomew, Doris. 1992. Reverberaciones de la pérdida de la `h' en la transcripción del matlatzinca en los siglos XVI y XVII. In Elizabeth Luna Traill (ed.), Scripta Philologica 3: In honorem Juan M. Lope Blanch, 17--37. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónama de Mexico. Bartholomew, Doris A. 1969. Boletín informativo sobre idiomas indígenas de Latinoamérica. América Indígena 29:515--28. ---------. 1969. Linguistics. In H. E. Adams (ed.), Handbook of Latin American Studies 31, 163--78. Gainesville: University of Florida. [annotated bibliography]. ---------. 1971. Linguistics. In D. E. J. Stewart (ed.), Handbook of Latin Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 53 of 125 American Studies 33, 150--66. Gainesville: University of Florida. [annotated bibliography]. ---------. 1973. La preparación de gramáticas descriptivas en lenguas indígenas para el uso popular. In Ponencias de los miembros del Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C., en las XIII Mesa Redonda de la Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología, Jalapa, Veracruz, 9 al 15 de septiembre de 1973, 3--7. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. [also pub. in XIII Mesa Redonda (antropología física, lingüística, códices). Mexico: Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología (1975), pp. 213--17]. ---------. 1976. A manual for practical grammars. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 44 pp. ---------. 1980. Cornfield: A loan translation for the number thousand in some Mexican languages. International Journal of American Linguistics 46:315--16. --------- and Louise C. Schoenhals. 1983. Bilingual dictionaries for indigenous languages. Mexico: Summer Institute of Linguistics. xvii, 370 pp. Biber, Douglas. 1982. Proto-Mixtec. In Historical and comparative, 3--44. Research Papers of the Texas SIL at Dallas 12. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics. Bradley, C. Henry. 1969. Metodología y práctica para determinar afinidades dialectales. In El Simposio de México, enero de 1968: Actas, informes y comunicaciones, 264--69. Programa Interamericano de Lingüística y Enseñanza de Idiomas. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. --------- and Barbara E. Hollenbach, eds. 1988. Studies in the syntax of Mixtecan languages 1. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 83. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. x, 449 pp. --------- and ---------, eds. 1991. Studies in the syntax of Mixtecan languages 3. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics 105. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. ix, 506 pp. Cowan, George M. 1947. Una visita a los indígenas amuzgos de México. Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 2:293--98. [+ 3 maps]. ---------. 1951. El panorama indígena en América visto a través del Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. Exito 2:4. ---------. 1952. El Instituto Lingüístico de Verano y sus actividades en 1951. Boletín Indigenista 12:156--62. ---------. 1953. El Instituto Lingüístico de Verano en México y sus actividades en 1952. Boletín Indigenista 13:132--41. Echegoyen, Artemisa. 1973. La literatura indígena contemporánea en el desarrollo de los grupos idiomáticos de México. In Ponencias de los miembros del Instituto Lingüístico de Verano , A.C., en la XIII Mesa Redonda de la Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología: Jalapa, Veracruz, 9 al 15 de septiembre Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 54 of 125 de 1973, 21--27. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. [also pub. in XIII Mesa Redonda (antropología física, lingüística, códices). Mexico: Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología (1975), pp. 203--11]. Egland, Steven T. 1972. A method for surveying literacy in minority languages in Mexico. M.A. thesis. University of North Dakota. vi, 129 pp. ---------, comp. 1978. La inteligibilidad interdialectal en México: Resultados de algunos sondeos. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 92 pp. Elson, Benjamin F. 1960. El Instituto Lingüístico de Verano y sus actividades, 1958--1959. Boletín Indigenista 20:44--51. ---------. 1965. Indian education and Indian languages. América Indígena 25:239--44. [---------] and [Juan Comas], eds. 1961. A William Cameron Townsend en el vigésimoquinto aniversario del Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xiv, 694 pp. --------- and Velma B. Pickett. 1973. Introdução à morfologia e à sintaxe. Tr. by Aryon D. Rodrigues and others. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes. 220 pp. --------- and ---------. 1984. Introducción a la morfología y sintaxis. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xiii, 178 pp. [rev. ed. (1986), xiii, 186 pp.]. Gudschinsky, Sarah C. 1959. La preparación de cartillas de alfabetización: Tendencias actuales. Educación Fundamental 11(2):62--94. [also published as ``La composition des manuels élémentaires de lecture: tendances récentes.'' Education de Base et Education des Adultes 11:2 (1959)]. ---------. 1967. Environmental correlational studies. In Handbook of Middle American Indians 5, 161--75. Austin: University of Texas. ---------. 1974. Manual de alfabetización para pueblos prealfabetas. Tr. by Celia Paschero and Miguel Donoso Pareja. SepSetentas 149. Mexico: Secretaría de Educación Pública. 215 pp. ---------. 1974. Primer stories by indigenous authors. Notes on Literacy 16:12--3. [repub. in Notes on Literacy: Selected articles, issues 1--19, comp. by Margaret M. Wendell (1979), p. 69]. ---------. 1977. Approaches to literacy in indigenous languages: Examples from Mexico. In Carla Clason-Höök (ed.), Teaching reading and writing to adults, 435--46. Tehran: International Institute for Adult Literacy Methods. [repub. from Handbook of literacy, by Sarah C. Gudschinsky (1971), pp. 33--36, 41--42, 47--49]. Harris, Mary and Margaret H. Daly, comps. 1985. Bibliografía del Instituto Lingüístico de Verano en México, 1935--1984. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xxii, 204 pp. Herzog, Dorothy L. 1985. Second advanced seminar for Indian writers. Notes on Literacy 46:11--14. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 55 of 125 Hollenbach, Barbara E. 1978. Abstracts from S.I.L. Mexico workpapers, vols. 1 (1974) and 2 (1976). International Journal of American Linguistics 44:69--72. Jones, Larry B. and Linda K. Jones. 1984. Verb morphology and discourse structure in Mesoamerican languages. In Robert E. Longacre (ed.), Theory and application in processing texts in non-Indoeuropean languages, 25--48. Papers in Textlinguistics 43. Hamburg: Buske. Jones, Linda K., ed. 1979. Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 1: Discussion. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58(1). Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. x, 379 pp. ---------, ed. 1979. Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 2: Texts. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58(2). 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Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. xii, 274 pp. --------- and ---------. 1972. Los lacandones de México: Dos estudios. Tr. by Carmen Viquiera. Serie de Antropología Social 15. Mexico: Instituto Nacional Indigenista. 281 pp. Matlatzinca, Atzingo Bartholomew, Doris A. 1989. The Proto Otopamean vowel system and the development of Matlatzinca. In Mary Ritchie Key and Henry M. Hoenigswald (eds.), General and Amerindian ethnolinguistics: In remembrance of Stanley Newman, 345--63. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Mayo Collard, Howard and Elizabeth Collard, comps. 1962. Castellano-mayo, mayo-castellano. Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 6. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. vi, 219 pp. [rev. ed. (1974), 224 pp.]. Hagberg, Larry. 1989. Floating accent in Mayo. In S. Lee Fulmer, Masahide Ishihara and Wendy Wiswall (eds.), Arizona phonology conference, vol 2, 32--47. Coyote Papers 9. Tucson: University of Arizona. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 74 of 125 Hagberg, Lawrence. 1988. Stress and length in Mayo. In William Shipley (ed.), In honor of Mary Haas: From the Haas Festival Conference on Native American Linguistics, 361--75. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Mazahua Bartholomew, Doris A. 1975. Some morphophonemic rules in Mazahua. International Journal of American Linguistics 41:293--305. Pike, Eunice V. 1951. Tonemic-intonemic correlation in Mazahua (Otomi). International Journal of American Linguistics 17:37--41. [repub. in Studies in tone and intonation by members of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, ed. by Ruth M. Brend. Basel: Karger (1975), pp. 100--7]. Spotts, Hazel. 1953. Vowel harmony and consonant sequences in Mazahua (Otomi). International Journal of American Linguistics 19:253--58. ---------. 1954--55. Mazahua place names. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 14:165--67. ---------. 1956. Some post-conquest changes in Mazahua. International Journal of American Linguistics 22:208--11. Stewart, Donald; Shirley Stewart; and Hazel Spotts. 1954. Vocabulario mazahua. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 95 pp. Mazateco, Huautla de Jimenez Cowan, Florence H. 1937. Report on the Mazateco dialect---morphology and grammar. Investigaciones Lingüísticas 4:144--47. ---------. 1946. Notas etnográficas sobre los mazatecos de Oaxaca, Méx. América Indígena 6:27--39. ---------. 1947. Linguistic and ethnological aspects of Mazateco kinship. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 3:247--56. ---------. 1952. A Mazateco president speaks. América Indígena 12:323--41. ---------. 1963. La mujer del agua arrastradora: Un texto mazateco. Tlalocan 4:144--47. [Abs.: Bright, IJAL 30:399 (1964)]. Cowan, George M. 1946. Mazateco house building. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 2:375--90. ---------. 1948. Mazateco whistle speech. Language 24:280--86. [repub. in Language in culture and society, ed. by Dell Hymes. New York: Harper & Row (1964), pp. 305--11; Readings in general anthropology, ed. by Holmes. New York: Ronald Press (1971), pp. 268--76; Studies in tone and intonation by members of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, ed. by Ruth M. Brend. Basel: Karger (1975), pp. 108--17]. ---------. 1952. El idioma silbado entre los mazatecos de Oaxaca y los tepehuas de Hidalgo, México. Tlatoani 1:31--33. ---------. 1953. El motivo `mariposa' en la cultura mazateca contemporánea. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 75 of 125 Yan 2:92--94. ---------. 1954. La importancia social y política de la `faena' mazateca. América Indígena 14:67--92. ---------. 1965. Some aspects of the lexical structure of a Mazatec historical text. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields 11. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. ix, 146 pp. [Abs.: Linguistics 26:144 (1966)]. ---------. 1974. 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Basel: Karger (1975), pp. 118--25]. ---------. 1959. Discourse analysis of a Mazatec text. International Journal of American Linguistics 25:139--46. ---------. 1959. Mazatec kernel constructions and transformations. International Journal of American Linguistics 25:81--89. ---------. 1959. Proto-Popotecan: A comparative study of Popolocan and Mixtecan. Indiana University Research Center in Anthropology, Folklore and Linguistics Memoir 15. Bloomington: Indiana University. viii, 118 pp. [supplement to International Journal of American Linguistics 25:2]. ---------. 1959. Toneme representation in Mazatec orthography. Word 15:446--52. Pike, Eunice V. 1937. Mazateco fonetics. Investigaciones Lingüísticas 4:148--50. ---------. 1937. Una nueva industria mazateca. Boletín Indigenista 7:150--53. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 76 of 125 ---------. 1948. Head-washing and other elements in the Mazateco marriage ceremony. 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Cowan; and Willard Rhodes. 1974. María Sabina and her Mazatec mushroom velada. Ethnomycological Studies 3. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. xxxiii, 282 pp. Mazateco, Jalapa de Diaz Kirk, Paul L. 1959. A note on morphemic fusion and empty morphs. Studies in Linguistics 14(1, 2):7--9. ---------. 1966. Proto-Mazatec phonology. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Washington. viii, 502 pp. ---------. 1966. Social vs. consanguineal distance as reflected by Mazatec kinship terminology. In Antonio Pompa y Pompa (ed.), Summa anthropologica: En homenaje a Roberto J. Weitlaner, 471--80. Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. ---------. 1970. Dialect intelligibility testing: The Mazatec study. International Journal of American Linguistics 36:205--11. Schram, Judith L. and Linda K. Jones. 1979. Participant reference in narrative discourse in Mazatec of Jalapa de Diaz. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 1: Discussion, 269--89. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. --------- and Eunice V. Pike. 1978. Vowel fusion in Mazatec of Jalapa de Diaz. International Journal of American Linguistics 44:257--61. Schram, Terry L. 1979. Tense, tense embedding, and theme in discourse in Mazatec of Jalapa de Diaz. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 1: Discussion, 141--67. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 77 of 125 Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. ---------. 1979. Theme in a Mazatec story. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesocamerican languages 1: Discussion, 329--51. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. --------- and Judith L. Schram, eds. 1979. About the thunderman (Ts'&ebarbelow; nd&abarbelow;ch'&obarbelow;n): Mazatec of Jalapa de Diaz. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 2: Texts, 17--27. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Mazateco, San Jerónimo Tecoatl Agee, Daniel M. 1993. Modal clitics in San Jeronimo Mazatec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 10:1--28. --------- and Stephen A. Marlett. 1986. Indirect objects and incorporation in Mazatec. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 30:59--76. Agee, Margaret A. 1993. Fronting in San Jeronimo Mazatec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 10:29--37. Bull, Brian E. 1983. Constraint-governed rule application: Principles underlying the application of phonological rules in San Jeronimo Mazatec. 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El origen del nombre del pueblo de Chiquihuitlán, Oaxaca. Tlalocan 7:173--79. ---------. 1984. The unproductiveness of Chiquihuitlan Mazatec word-forming processes. SIL Mexico Workpapers 5:45--51. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 78 of 125 --------- and Ernesto Tejeda, comps. 1978. Mazateco: Chiquihuitlán, Oaxaca. Archivo de Lenguas Indígenas de México 5. Mexico: Centro de Investigación para la Integración Social. 151 pp. Jamieson, Carole. 1974. Chiquihuitlan Mazatec phrases. SIL Mexico Workpapers 1:1--7. ---------. 1976. Chiquihuitlán Mazatec verbs. SIL Mexico Workpapers 2:85--107. ---------. 1982. Conflated subsystems marking person and aspect in Chiquihuitlán Mazatec verbs. International Journal of American Linguistics 48:139--67. ---------. 1988. Gramática mazateca (mazateco de Chiquihuitlán de Juárez). Gramáticas de Lenguas Indígenas de México 7. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. vii, 176 pp. Merrifield, William R., ed. 1977. Studies in Otomanguean phonology. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 54. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. v, 180 pp. Mexican Sign Language Bickford, J. Albert. 1989. Lexical variation in Mexican sign language. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 33:1--29. [repub. in Sign Language Studies 72:241--76 (1991)]. Parkhurst, Stephen J. 1993. Smalley's `maximums' of orthography design and sign languages. Notes on Literacy 19(2):18--28. Mixe, Coatlán Hoogshagen, Searle. 1959. Three contrastive vowel lengths in Mixe. Zeitschrift für Phonetik 12:111--15. [Abs.: Bright, IJAL 30:182 (1964)]. ---------. 1960. Elección, instalación y aseguramiento de los funcionarios en Coatlán. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 16:247--55. ---------. 1960. 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Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 80 of 125 Mixe, Mazatlán Bickford, J. Albert. 1984. Vowel shifts in Mixe. Linguistic Notes from La Jolla 12:18--48. Mixe, Tlahuitoltepec Lyon, Don D. 1967. Tlahuitoltepec Mixe verb syntagmemes. International Journal of American Linguistics 33:34--45. Lyon, Shirley. 1967. Tlahuitoltepec Mixe clause structure. International Journal of American Linguistics 33:25--33. Mixe, Totontepec Crawford, John C. 1959. Pike's tagmemic model applied to Totontepec Mixe phonology. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Michigan. vi, 237 pp. ---------. 1963. Totontepec Mixe phonotagmemics. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields 8. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. ix, 197 pp. Morgan, Mary M. 1980. Language change in progress in Totontepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Ph.D. dissertation. Georgetown University. iii, 135 pp. Schoenhals, Alvin. 1962. A grammatical classification of Totontepec Mixe verbs. M.A. thesis. University of Texas. vi, 61 pp. ---------. 1979. Totontepec Mixe stage and event clauses. Discourse Processes 2:57--72. --------- and Louise C. Schoenhals. 1965. Vocabulario mixe de Totontepec. Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 14. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. ix, 353 pp. Mixteco, Alacatlatzala Anderson, Lynn. 1993. You can say that again: Repetition in Alacatlatzala Mixtec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 10:38--53. Zylstra, Carol F. 1980. Phonology and morphophonemics of the Mixtec of Alacatlazala, Guerrero. SIL Mexico Workpapers 4:15--42. ---------. 1991. A syntactic sketch of Alacatlatzala Mixtec. In C. Henry Bradley and Barbara E. Hollenbach (eds.), Studies in the syntax of Mixtecan languages 3, 1--177. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics 105. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Mixteco, Chayuco Pensinger, Brenda J., comp. 1974. Diccionario mixteco-español, español-mixteco (Mixteco del este de Jamiltepec, Pueblo de Chayuco). Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 18. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xii, 159 pp. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 81 of 125 --------- and Larry Lyman. 1975. Some Eastern Jamiltepec Mixtec phrase constructions. International Journal of American Linguistics 41:158--61. Mixteco, Coastal Guerrero Bradley, C. Henry and Barbara E. Hollenbach, eds. 1990. Studies in the syntax of Mixtecan languages 2. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics 90. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. ix, 479 pp. Hills, Robert A. 1990. A syntactic sketch of Ayutla Mixtec. In C. Henry Bradley and Barbara E. Hollenbach (eds.), Studies in the syntax of Mixtecan languages 2, 1--260. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics 90. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. --------- and William R. Merrifield. 1974. Ayutla Mixtec, just in case. International Journal of American Linguistics 40:283--91. Pankratz, Leo and Eunice V. Pike. 1967. Phonology and morphotonemics of Ayutla Mixtec. International Journal of American Linguistics 33:287--99. [repub. in Studies in tone and intonation by members of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, ed. by Ruth M. Brend. Basel: Karger (1975), pp. 131--51]. Mixteco, Diuxi-Tilantongo Daly, John P. 1978. Notes on Diuxi Mixtec tone. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 22:98--113. Kuiper, Albertha and William R. Merrifield. 1973. Verbos de movimiento en el mixteco de Diuxi. In Ponencias de los Miembros del Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C., en la XIII Mesa Redonda de las Sociedad Mexicana de Antropologia: Jalapa, Veracruz, 9 al 15 de septiembre de 1973, 36--43. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. [also pub. in XIII Mesa Redonda (antropología física, lingüística, códices). Mexico: Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología (1975), pp. 251--58]. --------- and ---------. 1975. Diuxi Mixtec verbs of motion and arrival. International Journal of American Linguistics 41:32--45. --------- and Joy Oram. 1991. A syntactic sketch of Diuxi-Tilantongo Mixtec. In C. Henry Bradley and Barbara E. Hollenbach (eds.), Studies in the syntax of Mixtecan languages 3, 180--408. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics 105. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. --------- and Velma B. Pickett. 1974. Personal pronouns in Diuxi Mixtec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 1:53--58. Oram, Joy. 1970. A sketch of Mixtec grammar. M.A. thesis. Columbia Bible College. 101 pp. Pike, Eunice V. and Joy Oram. 1976. Stress and tone in the phonology of Diuxi Mixtec. Phonetica 33:321--33. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 82 of 125 Mixteco, Eastern Daly, John P. 1966. Generative syntax of Mixteco. Ph.D. dissertation. Indiana University. iv, 154 pp. ---------. 1969. The poor man and the buzzard. Tlalocan 6:89--96. ---------. 1973. A generative syntax of Peñoles Mixtec. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields 42. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. xi, 90 pp. ---------. 1973. Los cambios tonales del Mixteco de Peñoles. In Ponencias de los miembros del Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C. en la XIII Mesa Redonda de la Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología: Jalapa, Veracruz, 9 al 15 de septiembre de 1973, 8--13. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. [also pub. in XIII Mesa Redonda (Antropología física, lingüística, códices). Mexico: Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología (1975), pp. 259--64.]. ---------. 1977. A problem in tone analysis. In William R. Merrifield (ed.), Studies in Otomanguean phonology, 3--20. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 54. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. ---------. 1993. The role of tone sandhi in tone analysis. Notes on Linguistics 61:5--24. --------- and Margaret H. Daly, comps. 1977. Mixteco: Santa María Peñoles, Oaxaca. Archivo de Lenguas Indígenas de México 3. Mexico: Centro de Investigación para la Integración Social. 153 pp. Daly, Margaret H. 1973. El telar precolombino de los mixtecos de Peñoles. In Ponencias de los miembros del Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C., en la XIII Mesa Redonda de la Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología: Jalapa, Veracruz, 9 al 15 de septiembre de 1973, 14--20. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. ---------. 1984. A socio-linguistic analysis of a Mixtec text comparing oral and written versions. SIL Mexico Workpapers 5:63--84. Merrifield, William R., ed. 1977. Studies in Otomanguean phonology. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 54. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. v, 180 pp. Mixteco, Eastern Juxtlahuaca Johnson, Audrey F. 1974. Primer stories for the San Juan Mixtepec Mixtec. Notes on Literacy 16:9--10. [repub. in Notes on Literacy: Selected articles, issues 1--19, comp. by Margaret M. Wendell (1979), pp. 70--71]. Pike, Eunice V. and Thomas Ibach. 1978. The phonology of the Mixtepec dialect of Mixtec. In Mohammed Jazayery, Edgar C. Polomé and Werner Winter (eds.), Linguistic and literary studies in honor of Archibald A. Hill, vol. 2: Descriptive linguistics, 271--85. The Hague: Mouton. Mixteco, Huajuapan Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 83 of 125 Marlett, Stephen A. 1994. Nasalization in Huajuapan Mixtec. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session 38:122--24. Pike, Eunice V. and John Cowan. 1967. Huajuapan Mixtec phonology and morphophonemics. Anthropological Linguistics 9(5):1--15. Mixteco, Metlatonoc Overholt, Edward. 1961. The tonemic system of Guerrero Mixteco. In Benjamin F. Elson and Juan Comas (eds.), A William Cameron Townsend en el vigésimoquinto aniversario del Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, 597--626. Mexico. Mixteco, Northern Tlaxiaco Gittlen, Laura and Stephen A. Marlett. 1985. Ñumí Mixtec syllable structure and morphology. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 29:175--94. Mixteco, San Cristobal Johnson, Audrey F. 1988. A syntactic sketch of Jamiltepec Mixtec. In C. Henry Bradley and Barbara E. Hollenbach (eds.), Studies in the syntax of Mixtecan languages, vol. 1, 11--150. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 83. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Mixteco, San Esteban Atatlahuca Alexander, Ruth Mary. 1980. Gramática mixteca de Atatláhuca (Gramática yuhu sasau jee cahan ñayuu San Esteban Atatláhuca). Gramáticas de lenguas indígenas de México 2. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. viii, 256 pp. Mak, Cornelia. 1953. A comparison of two tonemic systems. International Journal of American Linguistics 19:85--100. ---------. 1959. Mixtec medical beliefs and practices. América Indígena 19:125--50. ---------. 1961. Estudio comparativo de dos dialectos mixtecos. México Antiguo 9:577--88. --------- and Robert E. Longacre. 1960. Proto-Mixtec phonology. International Journal of American Linguistics 26:23--40. Mixteco, San Juan Coatzospan Bradley, C. Henry and Barbara E. Hollenbach, eds. 1990. Studies in the syntax of Mixtecan languages 2. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics 90. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. ix, 479 pp. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 84 of 125 Pike, Eunice V. and Priscilla C. Small. 1974. Downstepping terrace tone in Coatzospan Mixtec. In Ruth M. Brend (ed.), Advances in tagmemics, 105--34. North-Holland Linguistic Series 9. Amsterdam: North-Holland. Small, Priscilla C. 1974. Coatzospan Mixtec pronouns. SIL Mexico Workpapers 1:9--14. ---------, ed. 1979. Frog and deer story; Orange tree story; Rabbit and coyote story: Coatzan Mixtec. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 2: Texts, 31--63. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. ---------. 1979. Prominence and dominance in Coatzospan Mixtec narrative. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 1: Discussion, 353--72. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. ---------. 1990. A syntactic sketch of Coatzospan Mixtec. In C. Henry Bradley and Barbara E. Hollenbach (eds.), Studies in the syntax of Mixtecan languages 2, 261--479. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics 90. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Mixteco, San Juan Colorado Stark, Sharon; Audrey F. Johnson; and Filiberto Lorenzo C., comps. 1986. Diccionario mixteco de San Juan Colorado. Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 29. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xii, 209 pp. Mixteco, San Miguel el Grande [Dyk, Anne]. 1951. Vocabulario de la lengua mixteca de San Miguel el Grande, Oaxaca. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 52, 43 pp. ---------. 1959. Mixteco texts. Linguistic Series 3. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. 248 pp. --------- and Betty Stoudt. 1965. Vocabulario mixteco de San Miguel el Grande. Vocabularios Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 12. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 132 pp. [repub. (1973)]. Hunter, Georgia and Eunice V. Pike. 1969. The phonology and tone sandhi of Molinos Mixtec. Linguistics 47:24--40. Longacre, Robert E. and René Millon. 1961. Proto-Mixtecan and Proto-Amuzgo-Mixtecan vocabularies: A preliminary cultural analysis. Anthropological Linguistics 3(4):1--44. Mak, Cornelia. 1950. A unique tone perturbation in Mixteco. International Journal of American Linguistics 16:82--86. ---------. 1953. A comparison of two tonemic systems. International Journal of American Linguistics 19:85--100. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 85 of 125 ---------. 1959. Mixtec medical beliefs and practices. América Indígena 19:125--50. ---------. 1961. Estudio comparativo de dos dialectos mixtecos. México Antiguo 9:577--88. Merrifield, William R. 1968. Number names in four languages of Mexico. In H. Brandt Corstius (ed.), Grammars for number names, 91--102. Dordrecht: Reidel. --------- and Betty Stoudt. 1967. Molinos Mixtec clause structure. Linguistics 32:58--78. Pike, Evelyn G. 1974. Coordination and its implications for roots and stems of sentence and clause. In, 3--27. Peter de Ridder Publications in Tagmemics 1. Lisse, Netherlands: Peter de Ridder. ---------. 1991. Contrastive paragraph types in a procedural discourse of the Mixtec of San Miguel el Grande, Oax., Mexico. In Angela Della Volpe (ed.), The Seventeenth LACUS Forum 1990, 313--30. Lake Bluff, IL: Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States. Pike, Kenneth L. 1937. Una leyenda mixteca. Investigaciones Lingüísticas 4:262--70. ---------. 1944. Analysis of a Mixteco text. International Journal of American Linguistics 10:113--38. ---------. 1945. Mock Spanish of a Mixteco Indian. International Journal of American Linguistics 11:219--24. ---------. 1945. Tone puns in Mixteco. International Journal of American Linguistics 11:129--39. ---------. 1946. Another Mixteco tone pun. International Journal of American Linguistics 12:22--24. [repub. in Studies in tone and intonation by members of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, ed. by Ruth M. Brend. Basel: Karger (1975), pp. 57--61]. ---------. 1946. The flea: Melody types and perturbations in a Mixtec song. Tlalocan 2:128--33. ---------. 1947. A text involving inadequate Spanish of Mixteco Indians. International Journal of American Linguistics 13:251--57. ---------. 1947. Grammatical prerequisites to phonemic analysis. Word 3:155--72. [repub. in Kenneth L. Pike: Selected writings, ed. by Ruth M. Brend. The Hague: Mouton (1972), pp. 32--50; Phonological theory: evolution and current practice, ed. by Valerie Becker Makkai. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1972), pp. 153--65; Phonology: selected readings, ed. by Erik C. Fudge. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin Books (1973), pp. 115--35]. ---------. 1948--49. Cuento mixteco de un conejo, un coyote y la luna. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 10:133--34. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 86 of 125 ---------. 1949. A problem in morphology-syntax division. Acta Linguistica 5:125--38. [repub. in Kenneth L. Pike: Selected writings, ed. by Ruth M. Brend. The Hague: Mouton (1972), pp. 74--84]. ---------. 1967. Suprasegmentals in reference to phonemes of item, of process, and of relation. In To honor Roman Jakobson: Essays on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, 11 October 1966, 1545--54. Janua Linguarum, series maior 31--33. The Hague: Mouton. [repub. in Studies in tone and intonation by members of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, ed. by Ruth M. Brend. Basel: Karger (1975), pp. 45--46]. ---------. 1980. A Mixtec lime oven. Summer Institute of Linguistics Museum of Anthropology Publication 10. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics Museum of Anthropology. 9 pp. ---------. 1986. Mixtec social `credit rating': The particular versus the universal in one emic world view. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 83:3047--49. Stark, Donald S. 1947. Mixteco: Complex phonemes. Aboriginal Linguistics 1:10--15. Mixteco, Santiago Yosondua Bradley, C. Henry and Barbara E. Hollenbach, eds. 1992. Studies in the syntax of Mixtecan languages 4. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics 111. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. ix, 431 pp. Farris, Edwin R. 1992. A syntactic sketch of Yosondúa Mixtec. In C. Henry Bradley and Barbara E. Hollenbach (eds.), Studies in the syntax of Mixtecan languages 4, 1--171. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics 111. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Mixteco, Santo Tomás Ocotepec Alexander, Ruth Mary. 1988. A syntactic sketch of Ocotepec Mixtec. In C. Henry Bradley and Barbara E. Hollenbach (eds.), Studies in the syntax of Mixtecan languages, vol. 1, 151--304. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 83. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Avendaño J., Lucio and Ruth Mary Alexander. 1970. Stories of a Mixteco town. Tlalocan 6:169--75. Mak, Cornelia. 1958. The tonal system of a third Mixtec dialect. International Journal of American Linguistics 24:61--70. ---------. 1961. Estudio comparativo de dos dialectos mixtecos. México Antiguo 9:577--88. ---------. 1977. Maguey tapping in the highland Mixteco. Tlalocan 7:115--19. ---------. 1977. Picturesque Mixtec talk. Tlalocan 7:105--14. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 87 of 125 Mixteco, Silacayoapan Sender: [email protected] Date: Wed, 03 Jul 1996 14:54:29 -0700 From: Tezozomoc <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: [Fwd: Mexico: Technical Publications] Content-Disposition: inline X-UIDL: 836437994.008 Merrifield, William R., ed. 1977. Studies in Otomanguean phonology. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 54. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. v, 180 pp. North, Joanne. 1987. Participant tracing and prominence in Silacayoapan Mixtec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 8:100--128. --------- and Jäna K. Shields. 1977. Silacayoapan Mixtec phonology. In William R. Merrifield (ed.), Studies in Otomanguean phonology, 21--33. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 54. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Shields, Jäna K. 1988. A syntactic sketch of Silacayoapan Mixtec. In C. Henry Bradley and Barbara E. Hollenbach (eds.), Studies in the syntax of Mixtecan languages, vol. 1, 35--449. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 83. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Mixteco, Southeastern Nochixtlán Bickford, J. Albert and Stephen A. Marlett. 1988. The semantics and morphology of Mixtec mood and aspect. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 32:1--39. Mixteco, Southern Puebla Pike, Eunice V. and Kent Wistrand. 1974. Step-up terrace tone in Acatlán Mixtec (Mexico). In Ruth M. Brend (ed.), Advances in tagmemics, 81--104. North-Holland Linguistic Series 9. Amsterdam: North-Holland. Mixteco, Southwestern Tlaxiaco Bickford, J. Albert and Stephen A. Marlett. 1988. The semantics and morphology of Mixtec mood and aspect. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 32:1--39. Mixteco, Tezoatlán Bickford, J. Albert and Stephen A. Marlett. 1988. The semantics and morphology of Mixtec mood and aspect. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 32:1--39. Williams, John L. 1993. Four conjunctions in Tezoatlan Mixtec. SIL Mexico Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 88 of 125 Workpapers 10:68--84. Williams, Judith. 1993. The fronting of noun and adverb phrases in Mixtec of Tezoatlan. SIL Mexico Workpapers 10:85--111. Mixteco, Western Jamiltepec Bradley, C. Henry. 1965. A linguistic sketch of Mixteco of Jicaltepec. Ph.D. dissertation. Cornell University. vi, 187 pp. ---------. 1970. A linguistic sketch of Jicaltepec Mixtec. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields 25. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. 97 pp. Nahuatl, Central Tuggy, David H. 1987. La incorporación de sustantivos en el Náhuatl. SIL Mexico Workpapers 8:1--13. Nahuatl, Classical Bartholomew, Doris A. 1980. Otomanguean influence on Pochutla Aztec. International Journal of American Linguistics 46:106--16. Nahuatl, Huasteca, Eastern Thomas, Mary Ann. 1970. A lad who doesn't like work: A Huasteca Nahuatl tale. Tlalocan 6:146--58. Nahuatl, Huasteca, Western Beller, Richard and Patricia Beller. 1979. Curso del náhuatl moderno: Náhuatl de la Huasteca, 1 and 2. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 2 vols. vii, 184 pp; viii, 235 pp. [vol. 1 repub. (1981, 1984)]. --------- and ---------. 1979. Huasteca Nahuatl. In Ronald W. Langacker (ed.), Studies in Uto-Aztecan grammar 2: Modern Aztec grammatical sketches, 199--306. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 56. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. --------- and ---------. 1979. Rank of participants in Huasteca Nahuatl. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 1: Discussion, 247--68. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. --------- and ---------. 1979. The house of palms: Huasteca Nahuatl. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 2: Texts, 67--84. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Langacker, Ronald W., ed. 1979. Modern Aztec grammatical sketches: Studies in Uto-Aztecan grammar 2. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 56(2). Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 89 of 125 University of Texas at Arlington. x, 380 pp. Nahuatl, Isthmus Bartholomew, Doris A. and David Mason. 1980. The registration of transitivity in the Guerrero Aztec verb. International Journal of American Linguistics 46:197--204. Hurst, Christopher. 1993. Third person participant reference and zero anaphora in Isthmus Nahuatl. SIL Mexico Workpapers 10:54--67. Law, Howard W. 1948. Greeting forms of the Gulf Aztecs. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 4:43--48. ---------. 1951. Gulf Aztec texts and dictionary. Microfilm Collection of Manuscripts on Middle American Cultural Anthropology 27. Chicago: University of Chicago Library. 556--707 pp. ---------. 1954. Formas de salutación del pipil del golfo. Archivos Nahuas 1:109--11. ---------. 1955. The phonemes of Isthmus Nahuat. México Antiguo 8:267--78. ---------. 1957. Tamakasti: A Gulf Nahuat text. Tlalocan 3:344--60. ---------. 1958. 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Nahua affinal kinship: A comparative study. Ethnology 8:103--21. Robinson, Dow F., ed. 1969. Aztec studies 1: Phonological and grammatical studies in modern Nahuatl dialects. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields 19. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. ix, 74 pp. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 90 of 125 Wolgemuth, Carl. 1969. Isthmus Veracruz (Mecayapan) Nahuat laryngeals. In Dow F. Robinson (ed.), Aztec studies I: Phonological and grammatical studies in modern Nahuatl dialects, 1--14. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields 19. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. ---------. 1971. Marriage customs of our forefathers: Nahuat text from Mecayapan, Ver. Tlalocan 6:347--73. ---------. 1981. Gramática náhuatl de Mecayapan. Gramáticas de Lenguas Indígenas de México 5. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xvi, 222 pp. Nahuatl, Michoacán Langacker, Ronald W., ed. 1979. Modern Aztec grammatical sketches: Studies in Uto-Aztecan grammar 2. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 56(2). Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. x, 380 pp. Robinson, Dow F., ed. 1969. Aztec studies 1: Phonological and grammatical studies in modern Nahuatl dialects. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields 19. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. ix, 74 pp. --------- and William R. Sischo. 1969. Michoacán (Pómaro) Nahual clause structure. In Dow F. Robinson (ed.), Aztec studies I: Phonological and grammatical studies in modern Nahuatl dialects, 53--74. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields 19. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. Sischo, William R. 1967. The man who abandoned his children. Tlalocan 5:227--34. ---------. 1979. Michoacán Nahual. In Ronald W. Langacker (ed.), Studies in Uto-Aztecan grammar 2: Modern Aztec grammatical sketches, 307--80. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 56. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Nahuatl, North Puebla Bartholomew, Doris A. and Earl Brockway. 1988. Honorific morphology in North Puebla Aztec. In J. Kathryn Josserand and Karen Dakin (eds.), Smoke and mist: Mesoamerican studies in memory of Thelma D. Sullivan, 449--60. BAR International Series 402. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports. Brockway, Earl. 1963. The phonemes of North Puebla Nahuatl. Anthropological Linguistics 5(2):14--18. ---------. 1969. A lazy man and the jug of gold: A Nahuatl legend. Tlalocan 6:68--75. ---------. 1969. Términos de parentesco del Nahuatl (Dialecto del Norte de Puebla). Anuario del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 7:123--25. ---------. 1979. North Puebla Nahuatl. In Ronald W. Langacker (ed.), Studies Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 91 of 125 in Uto-Aztecan grammar 2: Modern Aztec grammatical sketches, 141--98. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 56. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Langacker, Ronald W., ed. 1979. Modern Aztec grammatical sketches: Studies in Uto-Aztecan grammar 2. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 56(2). Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. x, 380 pp. Nahuatl, Orizaba Goller, Theodore R.; Patricia L. Goller; and Viola G. Waterhouse. 1974. The phonemes of Orizaba Nahuatl. International Journal of American Linguistics 40:126--31. Tuggy, David. 1986. Noun incorporations in Nahuatl. In Scott Delancey and Russell S. Tomlin (eds.), Proceedings of the second annual meeting of the Pacific Linguistics Conference, 455--71. Eugene, OR: Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon. ---------. 1992. The affix-stem distinction: A cognitive grammar analysis of data from Orizaba Nahuatl. Cognitive Linguistics 3(3):237--300. Tuggy, David H. 1985. Why the oddness of reflexives isn't odd. Southwest Journal of Linguistics 8(1):44--59. ---------. 1988. La distinción entre afijos y raíces en náhuatl de Orizaba, según la gramática cognoscitiva. Función 8:21--46. ---------. 1989. The Nahuatl verb maka: A cognitive grammar analysis. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 33:121--47. ---------. 1991. Lecciones para un curso del náhuatl moderno. Puebla: Universidad de las Américas. ix, 132 pp. Nahuatl, Sierra de Puebla Key, Harold. 1952--53. Algunas observaciones preliminares de la distribución dialectal del nahuatl en el área Hidalgo-Veracruz-Puebla. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 13:131--43. ---------. 1954. Rito funerario entre los mexicanos de la región de Zacapoaxtla. Archivos Nahuas 1:73--84. ---------. 1957. Vocabularies for languages of the Uto-Aztecan family. Microfilm Collection of Manuscripts on Middle American Cultural Anthropology 38. Chicago: University of Chicago Library. iii, 473 pp. ---------. 1960. Stem construction and affixation of Sierra Nahuat verbs. International Journal of American Linguistics 26:130--45. ---------. 1964. Un diálogo sobre la muerte. Tlalocan 4:360--68. ---------. 1965. Texts on Nahuat healing methods. Tlalocan 5:74--84. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 92 of 125 --------- and Mary R. Key. 1953. The phonemes of Sierra Nahuat. International Journal of American Linguistics 19:53--56. --------- and ---------. 1953. Vocabulario mejicano de la Sierra de Zacapoaxtla, Puebla. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 232 pp. McKinlay, Arch. 1948. The account of a punitive sentence. Tlalocan 2:368--73. ---------. 1950. Nahuat folklore from Xalacapan, Puebla. Tlalocan 4(2):164--65. ---------; Harold Key; and Mary R. Key. 1951. Puebla Sierra Aztec texts and dictionary. Microfilm Collection of Manuscripts on Middle American Cultural Anthropology 27. Chicago: University of Chicago Library. n.p. Robinson, Dow F. 1961. Textos de medicina náhuat. América Indígena 21:345--53. ---------. 1966. Sierra Nahuat word structure. Ph.D. dissertation. Hartford Seminary Foundation. x, 166 pp. [Hartford Studies in Linguistics 18]. ---------, ed. 1969. Aztec studies 1: Phonological and grammatical studies in modern Nahuatl dialects. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields 19. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. ix, 74 pp. ---------. 1969. Gramatica inductiva mexica (Nahuat de la Sierra de Puebla). 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Robinson (ed.), Aztec studies I: Phonological and grammatical studies in modern Nahuatl dialects, 33--51. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields 19. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. --------- and Jean G. Brewer. 1962. Vocabulario mexicano de Tetelcingo, Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 93 of 125 Morelos. Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 8. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. vii, 274 pp. [repub. (1971)]. Langacker, Ronald W., ed. 1979. Modern Aztec grammatical sketches: Studies in Uto-Aztecan grammar 2. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 56(2). Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. x, 380 pp. Pittman, Catherine. 1951. Modern household utensils of an Aztec village. 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Mexico. Robinson, Dow F., ed. 1969. Aztec studies 1: Phonological and grammatical studies in modern Nahuatl dialects. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields 19. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. ix, 74 pp. Townsend, William Cameron. 1937. Comparaciones morfológicas entre cakchiquel y nahuatl. Investigaciones Lingüísticas 4:324--31. Tuggy, David. 1988. Náhuatl causative/applicatives in cognitive grammar. In Brygida Rudzka-Ostyn (ed.), Topics in cognitive linguistics, 587--618. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 50. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Tuggy, David H. 1979. Tetelcingo Náhuatl. In Ronald W. Langacker (ed.), Studies in Uto-Aztecan grammar 2: Modern Aztec grammatical sketches, 1--140. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 56. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. ---------. 1981. The transitivity-related morphology of Tetelcingo Nahuatl: An exploration in space grammar. Ph.D. dissertation. University of California at San Diego. xii, 611 pp. ---------. 1983. Aztec causative/applicatives in space grammar. Work Papers Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 94 of 125 of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 27:147--59. Otomí, Eastern Echegoyen, Artemisa. 1979. Luces contemporáneas del otomí: Gramática del otomí de la sierra. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 358 pp. --------- and Katherine Voigtlander. 1977. Peregrinación a la laguna y En busca de trabajo en la carretera. Tlalocan 7:69--102. Jenkins, Joyce. 1946. San Gregorio---an Otomi village of the highlands of Hidalgo, Méx. América Indígena 6:345--49. ---------. 1958. Morphological phoneme sequences in Eastern Otomi. Phonetica 2:1--11. [Abs.: Bright, International Journal of American Linguistics 27:258 (1961)]. Voigtlander, Katherine and Doris A. Bartholomew. 1972. Semology and transitivity in Eastern Otomi verbs. Lingua 29:38--53. Otomí, Mezquital Andrews, Henrietta. 1950. Vocabulario otomí de Tasquillo, Hidalgo. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 82 pp. Bartholomew, Doris A. 1968. Concerning the elimination of nasalized vowels in Mezquital Otomi. International Journal of American Linguistics 34:215--17. Hess, H. Harwood. 1956. Diccionario otomí del Mezquital-español-inglés. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 52 pp. ---------. 1962. The syntactic structure of Mezquital Otomí. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Michigan. n.p. ---------. 1968. The syntactic structure of Mezquital Otomi. Janua Linguarum, series practica 43. The Hague: Mouton. 159 pp. Lanier, Nancy. 1968. Three structural layers in Mezquital Otomí clauses. Linguistics 43:32--85. Merrifield, William R. 1968. Number names in four languages of Mexico. In H. Brandt Corstius (ed.), Grammars for number names, 91--102. Dordrecht: Reidel. Sinclair, Donald and Kenneth L. Pike. 1948. The tonemes of Mezquital Otomi. International Journal of American Linguistics 14:91--98. Wallis, Ethel E. 1953. Problemas de aculturación implícitos en la educación indígena del otomí del Mezquital. América Indígena 13:243--58. ---------. 1954--55. Toponimia otomí del Valle del Mezquital. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 14:153--60. ---------. 1956. Simulfixation in aspect markers of Mezquital Otomi. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 95 of 125 Language 32:453--59. ---------. 1956. Sociolinguistics in relation to Mezquital Otomi transition education. In Estudios antropológicos publicados en homenaje al Doctor Manuel Gamio, 523--35. Mexico. ---------. 1964. Mezquital Otomi verb fusion. Language 40:75--82. ---------. 1968. The word and the phonological hierarchy of Mezquital Otomi. Language 44:76--90. ---------. 1970. The trimodal structure of a folk poem. Word 26:170--93. --------- and Nancy Lanier, comps. 1956. Diccionario castellano-otomí, otomí-castellano. Cuadernos del Valle del Mezquital 1. Itzmiquilpan: Patrimonio Indígena del Valle del Mezquital and Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. vii, 283 pp. Otomí, State of Mexico Andrews, Henrietta. 1955. Otomi place-names in the state of Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 14:161--64. ---------. 1972. Rhetorical questions in Otomí of the State of Mexico (San Felipe Santiago). Notes on Translation 44:25--28. ---------. 1993. The function of verb prefixes in Southwestern Otomí. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics 115. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. x, 105 pp. Bartholomew, Doris A. 1954--55. Palabras prestadas del español en el dialecto otomí. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 14:169--71. ---------. 1960. Some revisions of Proto-Otomi consonants. International Journal of American Linguistics 26:317--29. ---------. 1963. El limosnero y otros cuentos en otomí. Tlalocan 4:120--24. [Abs.: Bright, IJAL 30:398 (1964)]. ---------. 1965. The reconstruction of Otopamean (Mexico). Ph.D. dissertation. University of Chicago. viii, 445 pp. ---------. 1969. Los numerales uno a diez en los idiomas otopameanos. In El Simposio de México, enero de 1968: Actas, informes y comunicaciones, 282--86. Programa Interamericano de Lingüística y Enseñanza de Idiomas. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. ---------. 1984. Algunas diferencias entre la narración oral y la narración escrita, con referencia a una muestra en el otomí del Estado de México. SIL Mexico Workpapers 5:52--62. Otomí, Temoaya Andrews, Henrietta. 1949. Phonemes and morphophonemes of Temoayan Otomi. International Journal of American Linguistics 15:213--22. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 96 of 125 Otomí, Tenango Blight, Richard C. and Eunice V. Pike. 1976. The phonology of Tenango Otomi. International Journal of American Linguistics 42:51--57. Paipai Wares, Alan C. 1965. A comparative study of Yuman consonantism. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Texas. vi, 193 pp. ---------. 1968. A comparative study of Yuman consonantism. Janua Linguarum, series practica 57. The Hague: Mouton. 100 pp. [Abs.: Linguistics 30:175--76 (1967)]. Pame, Central Gibson, Lorna F. 1954. El sistema de parentesco pame. Yan 2:77--82. ---------. 1956. Pame (Otomi) phonemics and morphophonemics. International Journal of American Linguistics 22:242--65. ---------. 1966. The man who abandoned his wife: A Pame story. Tlalocan 5:169--77. --------- and Doris A. Bartholomew. 1979. Pame noun inflection. International Journal of American Linguistics 45:309--22. ---------; Donald Olson; and Anne Olson. 1963. Four Pame texts. Tlalocan 4:125--43. [Abs.: Bright, IJAL 30:400 (1964)]. Olson, Donald. 1963. Spanish loan words in Pame. International Journal of American Linguistics 29:219--21. Popoloca, Eastern Austin, Jeanne and Velma B. Pickett. 1974. Popoloca clause and sentence. SIL Mexico Workpapers 1:59--92. Beebe, Alice. 1974. Eastern Popoloca verb stems with person markers. SIL Mexico Workpapers 1:15--29. Kalstrom, Marjorie R. and Eunice V. Pike. 1968. Stress in the phonological system of Eastern Popoloca. Phonetica 18:16--30. Popoloca, Northern Longacre, Robert E. 1986. A feature of Proto-Otomanguean discourse structure? In Benjamin F. Elson (ed.), Language in global perspective: Papers in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1935--1985, 139--47. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics. Machin, Polly. 1977. Discourse markers in Northern Popoloca. M.A. thesis. University of Texas at Arlington. x, 124 pp. ---------. 1980. The clause of Northern Popoloca. 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Williams, Ann F. 1946. Notes on the Popoloca Indians of San Felipe Otlaltepec, Puebla, Mexico. American Anthropologist 48:683--86. ---------. 1948. Pequeño informe sobre un proyecto sanitario entre los popolocas de Puebla. Boletín Indigenista 8:152--55. --------- and Robert E. Longacre. 1967. Popoloca clause types. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 10:161--86. --------- and Eunice V. Pike. 1968. The phonology of Western Popoloca. Lingua 20:368--80. Popoluca, Oluta Clark, Lawrence E., comp. 1981. Diccionario popoluca de Oluta: Popoluca-español, español-popoluca. Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 25. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xvii, 162 pp. Popoluca, Sayula Clark, Lawrence E. 1959. Phoneme classes in Sayula Popoluca. Studies in Linguistics 14(1, 2):25--33. [Abs.: Hymes, IJAL 27:165 (1961)]. ---------. 1961. Sayula Popoluca texts, with grammatical outline. Linguistic Series 6. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. vii, 216 pp. ---------. 1962. Sayula Popoluca morpho-syntax. International Journal of American Linguistics 28:183--98. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 98 of 125 ---------. 1969. Initiation at school: A Sayula Popoluca text. Tlalocan 6:38--45. ---------. 1977. Linguistic acculturation in Sayula Popoluca. International Journal of American Linguistics 43:128--38. ---------. 1982. An obsolete numbering system uncovered. International Journal of American Linguistics 48:223--25. ---------. 1983. Sayula Popoluca verb derivation. Language Data, Amerindian Series 8. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics. vi, 80 pp. ---------. 1995. Vocabulario Popoluca de Sayula. Serie de vocabularios y diccionarios indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 104. Tucson: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xiii, 114 pp. --------- and Nancy D. Clark. 1960. 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Longacre; and Ella Marie Button. 1968. Totonac: From clause to discourse. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields 17. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. 185 pp. Totonaco, Papantla Aschmann, Herman P. and Elizabeth D. Aschmann, comps. 1973. Diccionario totonaco de Papantla. Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 16. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xiii, 268 pp. Totonaco, Sierra Aschmann, Elizabeth D. 1963. The snake that gives money: A Totonac myth. Tlalocan 4:236--38. ---------. 1984. The relative clause in Highland Totonac. SIL Mexico Workpapers 6:1--27. Aschmann, Herman P. 1946. Totonac categories of smell. Tlalocan 2:187--89. ---------. 1946. Totonaco phonemes. International Journal of American Linguistics 12:34--43. ---------. 1949. Vocabulario de la lengua totonaca. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 213 pp. [2nd ed. (1950), 246 pp.; Vocabulario totonaco. (revision of the Totonac-Spanish section) (1956), 52 pp.; revised (1961) 171 pp.]. ---------. 1952--53. Los dos niveles de composición en el verbo totonaco. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 13:119--22. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 109 of 125 ---------, comp. 1962. Castellano-totonaco, totonaco-castellano (Vocabulario totonaco de la Sierra). Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 7. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. v, 171 pp. [Abs.: Bright, IJAL 29:264 (1963); repub. (1973); 2nd. ed. (1983)]. --------- and William L. Wonderly. 1952. Affixes and implicit categories in Totonac verb inflection. International Journal of American Linguistics 18:130--45. Christiansen, Landis G. 1937. Totonaco. Investigaciones Lingüísticas 4:151--53. Wendell, Margaret M. 1970. A problem in Totonac orthography. Notes on Literacy 9:30--34. 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Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 13. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 215 pp. Tzeltal, Highland Blackburn, Linda. 1979. Basic values as reflected in language: Tzeltal. In Cognitive styles and cognitive studies, 62--65. Research Papers of the Texas SIL at Dallas 7. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics. Gerdel, Florence L. 1949. A case of delayed afterbirth among the Tzeltal Indians. American Anthropologist 51:158--59. ---------. 1952. Nacimientos complicados entre los indios tzeltales (Complicated births among the Tzeltal indians). Boletín Indigenista 12:50--55. ---------. 1974. Tzeltal (Mayan) phonemes. SIL Mexico Workpapers 1:101--6. Jarvis, David. 1974. Tzeltal literacy and culture change. Notes on Literacy 16:2--7. [repub. in Notes on Literacy: Selected articles, issues 1--19, comp. by Margaret M. Wendell (1979), pp. 275--78]. Olson, Ronald D. 1964. Mayan affinities with Chipaya of Bolivia I: Correspondences. 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Ph.D. dissertation. University of Texas at Arlington. 322 pp. Tzotzil, Chamula Jacobs, Kenneth and Robert E. Longacre. 1967. Patterns and rules in Tzotzil grammar. Foundations of Language 3:325--89. [repub. in Advances in tagmemics, ed. by Ruth Brend. Amsterdam: North-Holland (1974) pp. 205--22]. Tzotzil, Chenalhó Weathers, Kenneth and Nadine Weathers. 1949. Diccionario español-tzotzil, tzotzil-español. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. v, 24 pp. Weathers, Nadine. 1947. Tsotsil phonemes, with special reference to allophones of b. International Journal of American Linguistics 13:108--11. ---------. 1949. Tzotzil texts and dictionary. Microfilm Collection of Manuscripts on Middle American Cultural Anthropology 26. Chicago: University of Chicago Library. iv, 157--215 pp. ---------. 1950. Morphological analysis of a Tzotzil (Mayan) text. International Journal of American Linguistics 16:91--98. Tzotzil, Huixtán Cowan, Marion M. 1960. The translation of questions into Huixteco. 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Diccionario zapoteco de Mitla, Oaxaca. Serie de Vocabularios y Diccionarios Indígenas 31. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xvi, 300 pp. Zapoteco, Eastern Zimatlán Jones, Larry B. and Linda K. Jones. 1979. Multiple levels of information in discourse. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 1: Discussion, 3--27. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Persons, David. 1979. Plot structure in Lachixio Zapotec discourse. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 1: Discussion, 123--40. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. ---------. 1979. Rabbit, coyote, and skunk; When people die: Lachixio Zapotec. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 2: Texts, 211--21. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Zapoteco, Isthmus Embrey, Virginia. 1969. Literacy among the Zapotecs of the Isthmus. Notes on Literacy 5/6:13--18. [repub. in Notes on Literacy: Selected articles, issues 1--19, comp. by Margaret M. Wendell (1979), pp. 59--64]. Marlett, Stephen A. 1985. Some aspects of Zapotecan clausal syntax. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 29:83--154. ---------. 1990. Zapotec pronoun classification. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 34:35--58. ---------. 1993. Zapotec pronoun classification. International Journal of American Linguistics 59:82--101. [earlier version published in WPSILUND 34 (1990)]. --------- and Velma B. Pickett. 1985. Syllable structure and aspect morphology in Isthmus Zapotec. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 29:155--74. --------- and ---------. 1986. Pluralization in Zapotec languages. In Mary C. Marino and Luis A. Perez (eds.), The twelfth LACUS forum 1985, 246--55. Lake Bluff, IL: Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States. --------- and ---------. 1987. The syllable structure and aspect morphology of Isthmus Zapotec. International Journal of American Linguistics 53:398--422. Pickett, Velma B. 1951. Nonphonemic stress: A problem in stress placement in Isthmus Zapotec. Word 7:60--65. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 117 of 125 ---------. 1953. Isthmus Zapotec verb analysis I. International Journal of American Linguistics 19:292--96. ---------. 1953. Las construcciones de los verbos del zapoteco del Istmo, de Juchitán, Oaxaca. In Ciencias sociales, 191--98. Memoria del Congreso Científico Mexicano 12. 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Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónama de Mexico. --------- and Virginia Embrey, comps. 1974. Zapoteco del Istmo: Juchitán, Oaxaca. Archivo de Lenguas Indígenas del Estado de Oaxaca 1. Oaxaca: Instituto de Investigación e Integración Social del Estado de Oaxaca. 139 pp. --------- and others. 1959. Castellano-zapoteco, zapoteco-castellano [Vocabulario zapoteco del Istmo]. Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 118 of 125 ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 3. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. ii, 246 pp. [2nd ed., rev. and enlarged (1965), xii, 163 pp.; repub. (1968, 1971)]. Pike, Kenneth L. 1962. Dimensions of grammatical constructions. Language 38:221--44. [repub. in Kenneth L. Pike: Selected writings, ed. by Ruth M. Brend. The Hague: Mouton (1972), pp. 160--85]. Weber, David. 1994. Reflections on Isthmus Zapotec inflection. Notes on Linguistics 64:20--27. Zapoteco, Northeastern Miahuatlán Riggs, David B. 1987. Paragraph analysis for Amatlán Zapotec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 9:1--11. Zapoteco, Northern Isthmus Marks, Donna. 1980. Morphophonemics of the Guevea de Humboldt Zapotec verb. SIL Mexico Workpapers 4:43--84. Zapoteco, Northern Villa Alta Alleman, Vera Mae. 1952. Vocabulario zapoteco del Rincón. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 30 pp. Earl, Robert. 1968. Rincon Zapotec clauses. International Journal of American Linguistics 34:269--74. Pickett, Velma B. 1990. Comparación de dos `dialectos' zapotecos. In Beatriz Garza and Paulette Levy (eds.), Homenaje a Jorge A. Suárez: Lingüística indoamericana e hispánica, 407--36. Estudios de Literatura y Lingüística 18. México: Colegio de Mexico. Zapoteco, San Bartolomé Zoogocho Butler, Inez M. 1985. Event prominence in Zoogocho Zapotec narrative discourse. SIL Mexico Workpapers 7:16--60. Long, Rebecca. 1985. Topicalization in Zoogocho Zapotec expository discourse. SIL Mexico Workpapers 7:61--100. Zapoteco, Santa Catarina Quierí Ward, Michael. 1987. A focus particle in Quioquitani Zapotec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 9:26--32. Zapoteco, Santa Catarina Xanaguía Marlett, Stephen A. 1990. Zapotec pronoun classification. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 34:35--58. ---------. 1993. Zapotec pronoun classification. International Journal of American Linguistics 59:82--101. [earlier version published in WPSILUND 34 (1990)]. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 119 of 125 Zapoteco, Sierra de Juárez Bartholomew, Doris A. 1983. Gramática zapoteca. In Neil Nellis and Jane G. Nellis (eds.), Diccionario zapoteco de Juárez, 335--444. Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 27. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. Butler, Inez M.; Katherine Earl; David Nellis; and others. 1986. Expressions of the sacred in Zapotecan languages. NAOS: Notes and Materials for a Linguistic Study of the Sacred 2(2):13--14. Gibbs, William P. 1977. Discourse elements in Sierra de Juarez Zapotec. M.A. thesis. University of Texas at Arlington. viii, 146 pp. Longacre, Robert E. 1986. A feature of Proto-Otomanguean discourse structure? In Benjamin F. Elson (ed.), Language in global perspective: Papers in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1935--1985, 139--47. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics. Marks, Donna. 1976. Zapotec verb morphology: Categories and tonomechanics, with special attention to Sierra Juarez Zapotec. M.A. thesis. University of Texas at Arlington. vii, 141 pp. Nellis, Jane G. 1947. Sierra Zapotec forms of address. International Journal of American Linguistics 13:231--32. Nellis, Neil and Jane G. Nellis, comps. 1983. Diccionario zapoteco de Juárez: zapoteco-español, español-zapoteco (Ca titsa' qui' ri'u). Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 27. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xxiii, 484 pp. Zapoteco, Southern Ejutla Robinson, Dow F. 1963. Field notes on Coatlán Zapotec. Hartford Studies in Linguistics 7. Hartford, CN: Hartford Seminary Foundation. v, 53 pp. Zapoteco, Southern Villa Alta Jones, Larry B. and Linda K. Jones. 1979. Multiple levels of information in discourse. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 1: Discussion, 3--27. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. --------- and Donald G. Nellis. 1979. A discourse particle in Cajonos Zapotec. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 1: Discussion, 189--218. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Nellis, Donald G. 1979. The old woman and the town authorities: Cajonos Zapotec. In Linda K. Jones (ed.), Discourse studies in Mesoamerican languages 2: Texts, 181--208. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics 58. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 120 of 125 --------- and Barbara E. Hollenbach. 1980. Fortis versus lenis in Cajonos Zapotec phonology. International Journal of American Linguistics 46:92--105. Zapoteco, Texmelucan Marlett, Stephen A. 1990. Zapotec pronoun classification. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 34:35--58. ---------. 1993. Zapotec pronoun classification. International Journal of American Linguistics 59:82--101. [earlier version published in WPSILUND 34 (1990)]. Speck, Charles H. 1978. Texmelucan Zapotec suprasegmental phonology. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 22:1--28. ---------. 1994. Texmelucan Zapotec verbs. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session 38:125--29. ---------. 1994. The existential use of positional verbs in Texmelucan Zapotec. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session 38:75--86. --------- and Velma B. Pickett. 1976. Some properties of the Texmelucan Zapotec verbs go, come, and arrive. International Journal of American Linguistics 42:58--64. Zapoteco, Western Ixtlán Thiessen, Grace. 1987. The functions of the clitic -ha in Western Ixtlán Zapotec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 9:85--100. Zapoteco, Western Ocotlán Olson, Donald. 1970. The earthquake in Ocotlán: Three texts in Zapotec. Tlalocan 6:229--39. Zapoteco, Western Tlacolula Jones, Theodore and Ann D. Church. 1985. Personal pronouns in Guelavía Zapotec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 7:1--15. --------- and Lyle Knudson. 1977. Guelavía Zapotec phonemes. In William R. 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Santa Cruz: Linguistics Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz. ---------. 1994. Quiegolani Zapotec syntax. Ph.D. dissertation. University of California Santa Cruz. 412 pp. Regnier, Susan. 1993. Quiegolani Zapotec phonology. Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 37:37--63. Zapoteco, Yalalag López L., Filemón and Ronald Newberg. 1990. La conjugación del verbo zapoteco. México: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. vi, 94 pp. Newberg, Ronald. 1987. Participant accessibility in Yalálag Zapotec. SIL Mexico Workpapers 9:12--25. Zapoteco, Yatzachi Biber, Douglas. 1978. Evidence for rule re-ordering from the Otomanguean languages. In Donald A. Burquest (ed.), Topics in natural generative phonology, 70--82. Research Papers of the Texas SIL at Dallas 5. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics. Butler, Inez M. 1976. Reflexive constructions of Yatzachi Zapotec. International Journal of American Linguistics 42:331--37. ---------. 1976. 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International Journal of American Linguistics 14:161--70. [repub. in Studies in tone and Copyright, R. Joe Campbell, 1984 and recompiled by Tezozomoc with some additional Titles: Page 122 of 125 intonation by members of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, ed. by Ruth M. Brend. Basel: Karger (1975), pp. 84--99]. Zoque, Copainalá Biber, Douglas. 1978. Evidence for rule re-ordering from the Otomanguean languages. In Donald A. Burquest (ed.), Topics in natural generative phonology, 70--82. Research Papers of the Texas SIL at Dallas 5. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics. Elson, Benjamin F. 1992. Reconstructing Mixe- Zoque. In Shin Ja J. Hwang and William R. Merrifield (eds.), Language in context: Essays for Robert E. Longacre, 577--92. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics 107. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. Engel, Ralph and Robert E. Longacre. 1963. Syntactic matrices in Ostuacan Zoque. International Journal of American Linguistics 29:331--44. Harrison, Roy. 1952. The mason: A Zoque text. Tlalocan 3:193--204. --------- and Margaret Harrison. 1948. Diccionario español-zoque y zoque-español. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. v, 85 pp. [mimeo]. --------- and ---------, comps. 1981. Diccionario zoque de Copainalá. Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 23. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. ix, 489 pp. --------- and ---------. 1984. Survey of morphology and syntax for Zoque of Copainala. SIL Mexico Workpapers 6:29--71. Nordell, Norman. 1962. On the status of Popoluca in Zoque-Mixe. International Journal of American Linguistics 28:146--49. Wonderly, William L. 1943. Notes on Zoque grammar. Glendale, CA: Summer Institute of Linguistics. 93 pp. [mimeo]. ---------. 1946. Phonemic acculturation in Zoque. International Journal of American Linguistics 12:92--95. ---------. 1946. 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International Journal of American Linguistics 17:137--62. ---------. 1951. Zoque IV: Auxiliaries and nouns. International Journal of American Linguistics 17:235--51. ---------. 1952--53. Sobre la propuesta filiación lingüística de la familia totonaca con las familias zoqueana y mayense. Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos 13:105--13. ---------. 1952. Zoque V: Other stem and word classes. International Journal of American Linguistics 18:35--48. ---------. 1952. Zoque VI: Text. International Journal of American Linguistics 18:189--202. --------- and Benjamin F. Elson. 1953. El sistema de prefijos personales en las lenguas zoqueanas. In Ciencias sociales, 207--13. Memoria del Congreso Científico Mexicano 12. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Zoque, Francisco León Engel, Ralph and Doris A. Bartholomew. 1987. Gramática Zoque. In Ralph Engel and Mary Engel (eds.), Diccionario zoque de Francisco León, 329--416. Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 30. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. ---------; Mary Engel; and José Mateo Alvarez, comps. 1987. Diccionario zoque de Francisco León. Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 30. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xxxiii, 429 pp. Zoque, Rayón Harrison, Roy and Margaret Harrison, comps. 1984. Vocabulario zoque de Rayón. Vocabularios (y Diccionarios) Indígenas ``Mariano Silva y Aceves'' 28. Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xii, 115 pp. Zoque, Santa María Chimalapa Knudson, Lyle M. 1975. A natural phonology and morphophonemics of Chimalapa Zoque. M.A. thesis. University of North Dakota. vii, 83 pp. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Date created: 29-Feb-1996 Last modified: 29-Feb-1996 Copyright © 1996, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Inc. Reply to [email protected] [SIL Home Page | Living Languages of the Americas] Copyright, R. 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