Nagra Media Dtt

March 29, 2018 | Author: RicardoPerelman | Category: Set Top Box, Iptv, Video On Demand, Pay Television, Subscription Business Model



premium serVicesretAil mArket E UID NG Tio lu so end-to-end pAy-tV solution nAgrA mediA dtt the solutions also allow for a long term subscription approach. smardtV cA modules can be bundled with idtV sets to offer a complete package to subscribers without the need for separate set-top boxes. and to deliver content on portable devices is a testimony to the effectiveness of this approach. namely to help operators increase revenue per subscriber and to reduce operational constraints. these solutions can offer a combination of both models. clAss-leAding support serVices nagravision offers different support packages to assist operators in deploying and operating terrestrial solutions. nagravision also offers bespoke integration services for any additional elements. nagravision’s iptV expertise means that hybrid solutions combining dtt and iptV services can readily be provided. the evolution of those solutions from basic broadcast features to push/pull Vod. security must never be a compromise. makes this market very specific. these solutioNs combiNe advaNced securitY with alterNative services aNd iNteractive applicatioNs. such a model favours higher revenue per subscriber and helps to reduce churn. permanent active monitoring of all forms of attacks is also part of nagravision’s global security approach and allows for the most effective countermeasures to be deployed in the event of an attack. particularly suit the retail market. or more recently the nAgrA media plAyer solution. nagravision offers different security approaches according to each operator’s business model. dedicAted stAte-of-the-Art security nagravision believes that in the digital tV industry. for operators seeking more revenue from service packages. anonymous smartcards. for these reasons. A security system must be continuously adapted to new emerging threats to be considered fully effective. france and the uk. Accordingly. in addition. the nAgrA media dtt secure digital terrestrial end-to-end solutions are designed to provide operators with high value added features to help them strengthen their terrestrial market positioning and seize this growth opportunity.soluTioN GUIDE _ N A G R A MediA dTT NAGRAvisioN diGiTAl TeRResTRiAl soluTioNs secuRe opeRAToR ReveNues while eNAbliNG iNNovATive busiNess Models. this belief lies at the heart of nAgrA media Access conditional access solutions and drove the development of the company’s next generation security systems based on custom hardware. as well as offering an extensive portfolio of previously-integrated equipment from leading players in the pay tV industry. regulatory issues can pose additional challenges for pay tV service operators. . pre-paid. in addition. AlternAtiVe distribution chAnnels nAgrA media dtt solutions allow operators to reach their subscribers through either a horizontal model (retail distribution) or a vertical model (distribution controlled by the operator). alongside the inherent technical constraints. such as the limited bandwidth. to ensure maximum flexibility for operators. the combination of free to air and pay content. this rapid growth is already underway in a number of countries. combined with vouchers to easily access content. in addition. to stimulate aNd protect reveNue terrestriAl: seizing the digitAl opportunity the widespread switch off of analogue services offers dramatic near-term opportunities for increasing the size of the existing digital markets. NagravisioN: Your partNer to deploY secure eNd-to-eNd digital terrestrial solutioNs. including italy. innoVAtion for the digitAl terrestriAl mArket nagravision’s global pay tV perspective enhances its digital terrestrial solutions and enables operators to benefit from and create innovative services which differentiate them from the competition. this is in line with nagravision’s goals in any development. as logistic and operational costs will be limited. together with its kudelski group sister companies. legacy sms integration. nagravision.key feAtures of the nAgrAVision terrestriAl solution Are: fully integrAted end-to-end pAy tV solutions for digitAl terrestriAl networks AdVAnced security specific to Address operAtor’s business models eVolution bAsed on A globAl terrestriAl pAy tV perspectiVe AttrActiVe plAtform for terrestriAl business models nAgrAVision iptV expertise enAbles proVision of hybrid solutions extensiVe experience in deploying complex pAy tV solutions in internAtionAl enVironments clAss-leAding serVices offered to operAtors from end-to-end integrAtion to operAtionAl support of the complete plAtform eNd-To-eNd diGiTAl TeRResTRiAl soluTioNs nAgrAVision the ideAl pArtner for excellence in the highly competitive environment of the digital terrestrial market. nagravision can take responsibility for overall system integration. nagravision’s unique experience in deploying complex digital tV systems. has unparalleled know-how and expertise in delivering complete. it is essential that operators are able to deliver the best answers to the demands of their customers and address regulatory constraints in order to flourish. and its broad product portfolio. highly secure end-to-end solutions. nAgrA media dtt is a complete turnkey solution that includes the following applications and innovative elements: nAgrA media Access for conditional access and advanced smartcard delivery nAgrA media sms to manage subscribers’ video-on-demand delivery of interactive applications nAgrA media guide to deliver enhanced programming functionality middleware Advertising solutions dVb consumer cAm usb removable security products . and development of an epg. with the company’s product and service portfolio covering the complete pay tV value chain. makes it the ideal partner to assist operators in meeting and exceeding the expectations of their customers and in addressing the challenges of the digital terrestrial market. as well as providing specific services as required for set-top box selection. product design and certification. nagravision delivers complete turn-key systems as well as customised solutions to match any specific needs. compatible with both desktop and laptop personal computers .soluTioN GUIDE _ N A G R A MediA dTT modulAr And scAlAble solutions for high potentiAl business models fast time-to-market achieved through pre-integration of all system components flexible and scalable solutions to anticipate and match operators’ business growth high performing content management solutions with nAgrA media cms highly secure conditional access system with a full set of advanced pay tV products including short and long term subscription. and without the need for connection to the design: www.nagravision. Anyone with a pc can now expand its capabilities in order to be able to watch all types of premium content. smartcards can be configured for either registered or anonymous usage. nAgrA media guide. interActiVity And on-demAnd serVices nagravision digital terrestrial solutions enable broadcasters to offer a unique tV experience with a variety of interactive services. nagravision can also provide a subscriber management system (sms) and integration services for third party sms solutions. pay-per-time. including dVb with full simulcrypt support. the intelligent and attractive epg application. the nAgrA media plAyer pctV solution offers a pre-integrated built-in dVb-t tuner and nAgrA media Access security. the conditional access solutions are compliant with major industry standards. interactive set-top box applications such as impulse purchase applications and nAgrA media guide smardtV conditional access modules provide convenient set-top box alternatives. on-demand solutions. the complete pre-integrated solution is available today. PLAYER) TUNER + CA DONGLE WITH SECURE CHANNEL DONGLE TO PC BACK-END PORTAL www. simply by connecting the dtt dongle. impulse pay-per-view. or mobile phone sms. impulse products (with packages including season tickets). DTT SECURE APPLICATION PLATFORM (CORE. pay-per-time. According to an operator’s business model. plugged into a usb port on the pc. and integration services are also available as part of the standard offer. As an alternative to the set-top box. push Vod and many more registered or anonymous consumer smartcards integration with numerous set-top box manufacturers Voucher management capability to offer flexibility to subscribers customisable. conditionAl Access nAgrA media Access secure conditional access solutions offer the combination of a wide range of products supporting short and long term subscription. and can be bundled with tV sets nAgrA media plAyer solution for operators seeking to reach previously untapped audiences pctV with A cAs dongle nAgrA media plAyer . iVr.the simplest way to watch dtt content on a portable pc Anonymous smArtcArd business model 1 PURCHASE PRE-PAID SMARTCARD IN A RETAIL OUTLET WATCH BASIC CONTENT 2 SM CARART D RT SMAD R CA 4 WATCH NEW PREMIUM CONTENT ACCESS ADDITIONAL CONTENT VIA SCRATCH CARD OR VIRTUAL VOUCHER 3 NAGRA MediA dTT soluTioNs iN A NuTshell bAck office mAnAgement pre-integrated nAgrA media cms packages and delivers content conveniently. set-top boxes And consumer deVices the set-top box and its associated middleware provide the means by which the conditional access functionality is made available to pay tV subscribers. conditional products and more with flexible payment modes such as pre-paid or impulse purchase. in a convenient usb stick form factor. and allows operators to reach subscribers who may previously have been inaccessible. vouchers and subscriber messaging are key assets for growing the subscriber base and generating new revenue streams. nagravision also provides a complete voucher management solution which allows easy credit recharge or rights acquisition for subscribers via the internet. features such as impulse purchase of pay tV the nAgrA media plAyer solution provides an alternative to the traditional way of accessing and watching content. si/psi information management capabilities can also be provided.diabolo. offers convenient access to content and is part of the unique nagravision user experience. nagravision solutions have been pre-integrated with numerous set-top boxes. the device transforms the pc into a digital tV.
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