Nagoya Port

March 27, 2018 | Author: Isnaini Setiyowati | Category: Tsunami, Earthquakes, Flood, Tide, Port



Information on seawall forstorm surge 2014 Oct 29 Chubu Regional Development Bureau Nagoya Port office History of Development ◇1601 Atsuta is designated as the 41th post station among the 53 Stations of the Tokaido (Miyanowatashi). ◇1907 Atsuta Port is renamed as Nagoya Port. Designated as treaty port (port opening). Atsuta Shrine Atsuta Port ◇1930 The Nakagawa canal line and North branch line commenced operation. ◇1951 Designated as a "special major port". The Nagoya Port Management Union is established. ◇1959 Hit by Ise Bay typhoon. A raft transporting wood logs enters the Nakagawa canal Construction of seawall for storm surge (1962 - 1964). with wharf ahead located downstream Construction of seawall for storm surge ◇1968 The cell-guide equipped container ship "Hakone Maru" enters Nagoya Port for the first time. ◇1998 Opening of the three Meiko bridges collectively known as "Meiko Triton" and the Ise Wangan roads. ◇2011 "Special Major Port" is renamed as "International Hub Port“. Selected as International Strategic Bulk Port (grain commodities). The cell-guide equipped container ship "Hakone Maru" (Kinjo Pier) Opening of the Meiko Toriton 1 History of Development Until 1900 Miyanowatashi (The place of origin of Nagoya Port) 1901 to 1950 Chuo Pier (Current: Garden Pier) Nagoya Port aerial view 2 . History of Development 1951 to 1960 1961 to 1970 3 . History of Development 1971 to 1980 1981 to 1990 4 . History of Development 1991 to present day Shinpo Pier (Terminal for loading automobiles) Nabeta Pier (Container logistics) Kinjo Pier (Terminal for Tobishima Pier loading automobiles) Tokai Motohama Pier (Container logistics) (Iron and steel commodities terminal) Kitahama Pier (Grains and oil commodities terminal) Minamihama Pier (LNGTerminal・Oil commodities terminal) 5 . The damage was enlarged by the outflow of logs. and the waves reaches a height of more than 1m above the highest tides experienced so far in Nagoya Port. Flood status (flood period) Driftwood that were washed into residential apartments during the Ise Bay typhoon (Near Meitetsu Daito machi station) Location of breach in seawall downstream of the Shonai River in Minato district of Nagoya city . and certain regions remain flooded for more than 4 months.Damages caused by the Ise Bay typhoon Typhoon hits Ise Bay on 26 Sep 1959. The breakwater stretches a total length of 8. after sustaining damage from the Ise Bay typhoon.250m. 7 . and was completed in an extremely short period of 2 years and 8 months.Ise Bay Typhoon ~Construction of seawall for storm surge~ The seawall for storm surge (development costs: 11 billion yen) was built by the government between 1962 to 1964. where damages caused by the tremor reach a maximum. Flood region Case 1 "Suruga Bay to Kii Peninsula offshore" scenario with a large area of slip Seawall condition: No seawall.0 or intensity of 7. Height of tsunami Seismic intensity map ・The height of the tsunami triggered by Nankai megathrust earthquakes is estimated to reach 5m in Nagoya city (Minato district) and it is feared that the city area will sustain flood damages. no earth-made levee Source: Taken from Japan Cabinet office "Regarding tsunami height and flood region due to Nankai megathrust earthquakes (second report) and estimated damages (first report)" on 29 Aug 2012 8 . levee condition: breach in the levee once the tsunami flows over the levee ※ The hypothetical seismic motion is assumed to be "towards the land". if the Nankai megathrust earthquakes occur between Suruga Bay and Kyushu offshore eastward.Fear of occurrence of Nankai megathrust earthquakes Nankai megathrust earthquakes with magnitude of 9.0 are being estimated. Graph showing the height of the tsunami along the coast(during high tide) Case 1 "Suruga Bay to Kii Peninsula offshore" scenario with a large area of slip and extremely large area of slip. The case where the damages reach a maximum compared to the Great East Japan Earthquake Flood area Population within flood region Deaths and missing people Building damages (Number of houses totally destroyed) 561 km2 About 620.000 people (-) About 323.000 people About 200 people About 109.700 people) (About 32.630.000 people About 18. number of required rescues due to tsunami) Aichi prefecture Mie prefecture Gifu prefecture Shizuoka prefecture About 23.400 people) About 71.700 people) About 2.000 people) About 65.6 times About 17 times About 18 times Great East Japan Earthquake Source: 19 Aug 2012 Nankai megathrust earthquake strategy assessment working group official release information Estimated deaths and required rescues of each prefecture within the Chubu region jurisdiction Maximum predicted deaths in each prefecture (From the above figures.8 times About 2.000 people (―) (About 95. Large damage is predicted.800 people About 130. Japan Cabinet office made an official announcement of estimated damages due to Nankai megathrust earthquakes.386.On 29 Aug 2012. number of deaths due to tsunami) Maximum predicted rescues required in each prefecture (From the above figures.000 people (Abou t1.000 people (About 6.000 people) Source: 19 Aug 2012 Nankai megathrust earthquake strategy assessment working group official release information 9 .000 people (About 8.200 houses) multiplying factor About 1.015 km2 (-) About 1.000 houses (About 940.000 people About 43.400 people) (―) About 1.000 people (About 2. Tonankai and Nankaiin the year 2003) 1.000 people (About 24. even when compared with the Great East Japan Earthquake.400 houses Nankai megathrust earthquake (Reference:Hypothetical earthquakes in Tokai.000 people) About 34. 14m※1 Tsunami height 津波高 T.20m Crest height after the earthquake  (before improvement) L. +3.58m※1 (湾奥部) Tsunami height (before  improvement) 津波高(整備前) Tsunami height (after improvement) 防 T.P. +3.Safeguard to protect the inland area by double defense protection The Nagoya Port is equipped with seawall for storm surge (first line of protection) and coastal seawall (second line of protection) to safeguard the inland area from floods during high tides and tsunami.L 津波高(整備後) 潮 地震後の天端高(整備前) T.W.P.P. +1. ①Reduce the height of the high tides and waves by 30% within the seawall Seawall 1. liquefaction and tectonic movements ※3: A separate assessment is to be carry out for subsidence due to coastal maintenance facility (coastal management) Source: Chubu Regional Development Bureau(2012) 10 .L 津波による 潮位差 Difference of tidal level due to Tsunami 壁 H.W.-1.P+1.37m ※ 3 ※ 2 Seawall Breakwater ※1: Average value for the entire seawall ※2: Subsidence due to seismic motion.P.01m※1 高 潮 防 波 堤 Crest height after the earthquake  (after improvement) 地震後の天端高(整備後) Breakwater 0.4m reduction (About30%) Breakwater Sea level at high tide Astronomical tide level Source: High tides strategy discussion meeting for Ise Bay (Oct 1960) ②Reduce the height of the tsunami that reaches the rear region of the bay by 15%※Earthquake and tsunami of largest scale Seawall T.4m reduction (About15%) T.  east L=507m) Chita levee (L=1. and stand up to typhoon-class high tides that frequently occur in the Ise Bay after huge earthquakes. ■Project location diagram Nabeta levee (L=2.347m) Central levee (west L=307m. The structure.Seawall for storm surge improvement project The seawall for storm surge was built 50 years ago in 1964 and has aged significantly. In addition. when completed.329m) 11 . will be able to withstand earthquake and tsunami of the largest scale. Improvement works began in fiscal year 2011 after the 3rd revised budget is approved. it is presumed that it will not be able to provide sufficient protection due to subsidence triggered by liquefaction in the event of a large scale earthquake occurrence.  tsunami.■Illustration of breakwater improvement Facade repair 断面補修 Strom surge. Heightening 高潮・津波など 中詰砂 洗掘防止 中詰砂 Scouring prevention 嵩上 ケーソン補強 Caisson reinforcement  Filled material ■Breakwater development schedule Construction works location 2013 2014 2015 Caisson reinforcement Heightening Scouring prevention Facade repair Part of the elevation of the Nabeta levee (at location with land behind) is to scheduled to be completed in 2015.12 . etc. 26 1997.3 1997. Honmoku Shimane Pref. The ships arrived on-site within Japan coastal region 48 hours after deployment. The three large scale dredging and oil spill recovery ships. ◆The deployment scheme of the three large scale dredging and oil spill recovery ships covers the whole of Japan Seiryu Maru (Nagoya Port) Niigata Kitakyushu Nagoya ◆Oil spill recovery results of the Seiryu Maru Date 発生月日 (H: hours) Hakusan (Niigata Port) 【Work completionin May 2002】 Seiryu maru (Nagoya Port)【Work completionin Mar 2005】 Kaisho Maru (Kita Kyushu Port)【Work completioninNov 2000】 1978.04Update informationNo.1. Tsushima.2 1997.4. "Seiryu Maru (Nagoya Port) .  Okinoshima. as a result of the Nakhodka tanker oil spill accident in Jan 1997.D004 Dredging and oil spill recovery ship "Seiryu Maru" Large scale dredging and oil spill recovery ships are deployed to strengthen the ability to prevent and remove oil spill along the Japan coastline region.7.  Accident Yotsukaichi.11.18 1990.1.Source: Chubu region development research group Handling notes 09. 京都府 経ヶ岬沖 島根県 隠岐島沖 長崎県 対馬沖 東京湾 本牧 発生場所 site Mie pref.1. "Kaisho Maru (Kita Kyushu Port) and Hakusan (Niigata Port)". Nagasaki Pref. Spilled 流出量 105KL 650KL 6240KL 186KL 1550KL amount Ship  Maritime  Diamond Grace Nahodka マリタイムガーデニア号 ダイヤモンドグレース号 Ryuyomaru Ohsung 事故船名 降洋丸 ナホトカ号 オーソン号 name Gardenia 7 Working 5 days 26 days 出動日数 5日間 26日間 54日間 13日間 5日間 54 days 5 days 13 days days Collected oil  油水回収量 5KL 20KL 938KL 8KL 228KL volume 13 .  三重県 四日市沖 Kyoto Pref. were deployed on request by Japan Coast Guard (according to Act 41-2 of Marine Pollution and Disaster Prevention Law).2 Kyogamisaki.  Tokyo Bay. and established a framework to carry out speedy and precise operations. and handle transport of crews and commodities ・Equip with disaster countermeasures room and helicopter landing pad Helicopter landing pad Disaster countermeasures planning room 14 . oil spill recovery and disaster support.D004 Seiryu Maru is responsible for dredging.11.04Update informationNo.Responsibilities of "Seiryu Maru" Source: Chubu region development research group Handling notes 09.526 m3) Oil spill recovery Dredging Able to handle changing characteristics of the oil spill as time passes ・Able to carry out dredging operations without obstructing other vessels ・3 shifts schedule.792 t 2. Total length 104 m 3. Speed 13. 24 hours dredging operations Drag head Cruising at 2~3 knot Sediments from the seabed are being sucked into the drag head Low viscosity oil spill recovery in progress Disaster support Highly viscosity oil spill recovery in progress ・Quick grasp of the disaster situation.5 knots (maximum) (Speed per hour About 25 km) 4. Oil spill recovery tank (1. <Seiryu Maru data> 1. Gross tonnage 4. Heavy machineries for construction and emergencies supplies (food.11.Source: Chubu region development research group Activities of "Seiryu Maru" after the Great East Japan Handling notesEarthquake 09.D004 The harbors along the side of the Tohoku region Pacific sea were non-operative during the Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 Mar 2011.04Update informationNo. drinks and daily products) were transported by the Seiryu Maru (dredging and oil spill recovery ship) to Kamaishi Port and Ofunato Port. as it was difficult to carry large amount of cargoes by land. Ofunato Port Unloading of emergency supplies at the Ofunato Port Nagoya Port‐Kamaishi Port Nagoya Port Ofunato Port‐Nagoya Port Unloading of emergency supplies at the Ofunato Port that came from Tomakomai Port 15 . Tomakomai Port During the Great East Japan Earthquake Vicinity of Ofunato city on National Route 45 after road clearance Sea route of Seiryu Maru for the rescue and support activities Kamaishi Port‐Tomakomai Port Tomakomai Port‐Ofunato Port Kamaishi Port The ports serving as key points for transport of supplies and the roads that connects the surrounding region were cleared for opening immediately after the disaster struck. Due to clearing of the water routes. part of the Kamaishi Port (15 Mar 1800 hours) and Ofunato Port (22 Mar 2100 hours) became operational again. Hakuryu Debris recovery track record per fiscal year ㎥ Hakuryu (Nagoya Port) 600 : Debris recovery track record in Tohoku region during Great East Japan Earthquake 500 400 330 300 187 200 100 371 239 260 151 177 296 H22 H23 93 81 000 H17 H18 H19 H20 H21 H24 H25 Status of marine debris Debris recovery status Debris and oil spill recovery range 16 .11.04Update informationNo.D004 Sea environment maintenance vessel "Hakuryu" Responsible for "recovery of marine debris on sea surface“. "oil spill recovery" and "environment monitoring investigation".Source: Chubu region development research group Handling notes 09. Sendai Shiogama Port and Ishinomaki Port. to ensure the safe passage of vessels to the Sendai Bay water region where the marine logistics bases.1 m3] (23 Apr 2011 .04Update informationNo. Amount of recovered marine debris in Sendai Bay [239.11.19 May) Shipping route of Hakuryu Marine debris recovery works by Hakuryu in progress Recovering fishery farm rafts and equipment Sendai Shiogama Port Outbound route 4/19~4/22 Nagoya Port Inbound route 5/22~5/24 Recovering parts of destroyed houses Recovery of driftwood by a multi-segment crane 17 . are situated.Source: Chubu region development research group Activities of "Seiryu Maru" after the Great East Japan Handling notesEarthquake 09.D004 Recovered a large amount of marine debris that were generated by the tsunami. 15:21 hours The check point for tidesLand Station (GPS base  at Kamaishi Port recorded waves taller than 4.2m station) Aomori east coast offshore Installed on Mar 2008 Iwate northern offshore Installed on Feb 2009 Network ネットワーク GPS Roles of the surface buoys: ○ Accurate observations of the offshore waves required for port maintenance. ○ The observed results are sent to Meteorological Agency and related organization for use as tsunami measurement information during earthquake. The surface buoys at Kamaishi Port recorded ebbing tides after the earthquake occurred. Iwate southern offshore Installed on Apr 2007 14:57 hours Kamaishi Port GPS surface buoy recorded rise in sea level Miyagi northern offshore Installed on Mar 2008 15:09 hours Kamaishi Port GPS surface buoys recorded sea level difference of more than 3m Miyagi central offshore Installed on Mar 2007 15:14 hours Meteorological Agency updated the predicted height of tsunami to be 6m at Iwate and Fukushima and 10m at Miyagi.GPS Surface buoys distribution The 3rd buoy with GPS capability for the Chubu region in Ise Bay offshore was installed on Jun 2013 Trial implementation of the observed results commenced on Mar 2014. Iwate central offshore Installed on Mar 2008 Sent to Meteorological Agency (Utilized as tsunami information) Shizuoka prefecture Omezaki offshore: 01 Jul 2010 ~ Mie prefecture Owase offshore: 01 Apr 2009 ~ Ise Bay offshore: 07 Aug 2013 Legend Fukushima prefecture offshore Installed on Mar 2009 : Installation completed Shizuoka Omaezaki offshore Shizuoka Feb 2009 GPS Satellite GPS station Observation station GPS wave gauge Ise Bay offshore (Installed on 23 Jun 2013) Waves Miyazaki Hyuga offshore Installed on Mar 2014 Wakayama southwest Kochi prefecture offshore Mie Owase offshore western offshore Installed on Dec 2007 Installed on Feb 2008 Installed on Nov 2007 Installed at Tokushima prefecture offshore on Jan 2010 Ise Bay offshore GPS surface buoy 18 . Installed at Aomori west coast southern offshore on Jul 2010 Akita prefecture offshore Installed on Jul 2010 Observation Center 観測センター Collection 収集・ /Analysis 分析 Provision 提供 Yamagata prefecture offshore Installed on Jul 2010 14:46 hours Earthquake occurrence 14:49 hours The Meteorological Agency make official announcement of "tsunami alarm (large tsunami)" 14:50 hours Meteorological Agency announced predicted height of tsunami to be 3m at Iwate and Fukushima and 6m at Miyagi. Overview of GPS surface buoys at the mouth of Ise Bay Observed information is made available for public viewing on 07 Aug ・Mobile version: 19 . Also.mlit. The observed information is made available to the public through the website "realtime NOWPHAS" Location of observation station (Nagoya Port Bay Office) Ise Bay offshore Omezaki offshore (already installed) Owase offshore (already installed) Ise Bay Mikawa Bay Location of ground station (Ise Wan Vessel Traffic Service Center ) About 25km Location ◆ "Realtime NOWPHAS" ・PCversion:http://www.go. Ise Bay was added as a new tsunami observation point by the Meteorological Agency on 05 Nov 2013.go. Installed GPS surface buoy at Ise Bay offshore (on 23 Jun 2013) Observed information is made available to the public on 07 Aug 2013.
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