Nagendra Prasad.-Vastu detailsdocx.docx

May 25, 2018 | Author: nchandrapoojari | Category: Cabinetry, Kitchen, Astronomy, Science, Nature


Description Nagendra Prasad All information publishing for you ........... Ayam and vastu details SOME ESSENTIALS OF VASTU PLACES OF RESIDENCEIf one wants to construct a house and live in it happily for years, the first norm of vastu is Gramarvan which means a choice of the city town or village. The following are some of the methods dealt in our ancient texts of vastu, concerning Gramarvan. GRAMARAVAN: the syllables in Sanskrit alphabet are divided into 8 Vargas. They are Avarga, Kavarga, chavarga, Tavarga, Thavarga, pavarga, Yavarga, and Savarga. Method 1: KalamritaKeep the number counted from the first syllable of person's name, on the left of the number counted from to the first syllable of the village name. Divide the entire number counted by 8. The number Dhana. Now keep the number counted from to the first syllable of the person's name on the right of the number counted from to the first syllable of the village - name. Divide the entire number by 8. The reminder is rina. If dhana is greater than rina, the village (town/city) favors him with happiness in prosperity if he builds a house and lives in it. Dhana is less than rina, it doesn't favor the person. If dhana and rina are equal, it is mediocre. Example: - the name of the person is Raman. The name of the town is Bangalore. The first syllable of Rama is Ra. This is the 39th syllable counted from the first syllable of Bangalore is. This is the 35th, syllable counted from placing 39 on the left of 35, we get the number k3955. This when divided by 8, gives the remainder 7. This is dhana. Now keeping 39 on the right of 35, we get the number 3539. This when divided by the 8, we get remainder 3. So dhana is greater than rina. Method 2: MUHURTA CHINTAMANIAmong the 8 vargas of alphabet, mentioned previously find out the varga numbers that the first syllable of person's name and the first syllable of village - name belong to. Keep the person's varga number on the left of the village varga number. Divide the entire number by 8. The reminder is dhana. Now keep the person's varga number on the right of the village varga number. Divide the entire number by 8. The remainder is rina. Dhana should be greater than rina. Example: - the name of the person is Raman. The name of the city is Bangalore. The first syllable of Raman is 'Ra' which belongs to varga 7. The first syllable of Bangalore is (ba) which belongs to Varga 6. Keeping 7 on the left of 6. We get the number 76. This when divided by 8, gives the remainder 4. This is dhana. Keeping 7 on the of 6, we get the number 67. This when divided by 8 gives the remainder 4. This is Rina since Rina is less than Dhana, Bangalore favors Raman. Method 3: MUHURTA CHINTAMANIDouble the Varga number of the person and add to it, the Varga number of the village. Now divide the sum by 8. The remainder is Namakakaini. Double the Varga number of the village and add to it the Varga number of the person. Now divide the sum by 8. The remainder is Gramakakini. The Namakakaini is Dhana, while Gramakakini is Rina. The Namakakaini should be greater than Gramakakini. Example: - the name of the person is Raman. The name of the city is Bangalore. The Varga number of 'Ra' is 7. When double it becomes 14. Add the Varga number 6 of 'ba', now we get 14+6=20. This when divided by 8, gives the number 4. This is Namakakanini or Dhana. Now double the Varga number 6 of'ba' Example: . The village belonging to two 1st. If VARGAS LORDSAvarga sunKavarga Moon Chavarga MarsTavarga VenusThanvarga Mercury Pavarga JupiterYavarga Saturn(8 syllables) The two lords are neutral to each. Since the two lords are neutral. Namkakini is greater than Grmakakini. ElephantVarga. 8th or 12th name rasi is evil. The results are interpreted according as the number falls in the asterism connected with the as shown below: Head .the Nama rasi of Raman is Thula.5 . one should choose the village of the 5th direction from his own direction.griefLeft hand . rat and rabbit are symbolic respectively of the eight Vargas from Avarga to Savarga.4 . EagleKavarga. So. cat.1 . The village belonging to 6th. snake. never build a house in a village whose name asterism lies in the sign transited by Saturn. Method 5: MUHURTA CHINTAMANIThe eagle. it is mediocre.wealthSecret organ . DIGARVANA: having selected a favorable village. Example: . the village belonging to the 2nd . Divide the sum by 7. which indicates wealth. one should not choose a village from his own Varga. Counting from uttarashada to chitta. Method 4: VASTU PRADEEPAFind the varga lords of the person and the village. if the two lords are inimical to each. the village favors the person. His name star is chitta. during Saturn's transit period. This when divided by 8 gives the remainder 3.differenceExample: the name of the person is Raman.Example: . Bangalore is the name of the city 'ba' belongs to Pavarga whose lord is Jupiter. So.moneyRight hand . we get the number 24. gives the remainder 4. The Nama Rasi of Bangalore is Dhana. simha. So we get 19. SnakeTavarga God.1.6 .5. CatYavarga. Each is inimical to its 5th Varga.danger to lifeNavel . 3 and 7 are evil. Those with Nama rasi of vrischika should not construct houses in the east. 2. 10th or 11th name rasi is good to him to build a house and live in that village. This when divided by 7. The remainders 1. So. Bangalore is mediocre to Raman. Bangalore is good for Raman.gainFace . 4th or 7th name rasi is mediocre. So. the village falls in disfavor. The eight Vargas from Avarga to Savarga respectively represent the eight directions from the East to North. the name asterism of Bangalore is uttarashada. RatThavarga.moneyFoot . Method 8: VASTURATNAVALICount from the name asterism of the village to the name asterism of the person. it is Medicare. If the two lords are the same or if the two lords are mutual friends. ChartChavarga LionPavarga. favor the village or city where in you intend to build a house and live in. 3rd.5 .1 . Bangalore contains 4 syllables therefore 4*4+2 =18. Method 7: MUHURTA RATNAKARAMultiply the number of syllables in the name of the village with 4 and add the number of syllables in the name of the person.a dad to it the Varga number 7. Since Dhanus is the 3rd from Thula.Raman is the name of the person. makara and mithuna should not construct houses in the centre of the village.1. So. See that the majority of the eight methods mentioned above. Method 6: VASTU PRADEEPAFrom the person's name Rasi. Persons with Nama rasis of vrishabha. one has to decide the factorable direction reckoned from the centre of the village.harm to womanBack . See the table below: Savarga RabbitAvarga. Those with Nama rasi meena should not construct houses in .3 . for building a house.6 are good. So Bangalore suits Raman. dog. neither prosperous nor calamitous. lion. this falls in navel.Raman contains 2 syllabuses.loss of moneyBelly .East.4. 'Ra' belongs to Yavarga whose lord is Saturn. 5th 9th. The name of the city is Bangalore. the pit is no good for house constructing. Those with Nama rasi of kumbha should not construct houses in north-east.East = 5Chavarga. ass. prosperity Example: . Therefore. elephant. gives the remainder 5. dog. So. bamboo. mars (7).construction. divide the sum by 9. the plot is good. If the ground in the plot is too rough for one to stand or if the clay is too hot or too cold. Example: . rahu (18). The name asterism of arun is krittika . And one should not build a house in the village in the direction indicated by the 5th varga of his own varga. It should not have bad odour of meat or liquor etc. south .Rama builds a house in hanamkanda in north. The plot is good if the colour of the soil is white or brick -red. The constant of north. JUDGING THE PLOTTEST 1: dig s pit of s cubit's depth and fill it again with clay. So the planetary dasa of Jupiter of 16 years begins. So the Nama rasi of arun is mesha. Arun's varga is avarga in mesha. south .West = 1Yavarga. East = 8Kavarga.Moon dasa (10 y) = gain of moneyMars dasa (7 y) = fear and distressRahu dasa (18 y) = feversJupiter dasa (16 y) = happiness. Krittika . The remainders from 1 to 9 respectively indicated the planetary dasas of the sun (6). mercury dasa of 17 years begins from the time of house. DIG DASA: VASTU PRADEEPANote the constants of Vargas & directions. he could not build a house in the south reckoned from the centre of the village chosen by him.east is 2. If water remains the next day. Those with Nama rasi of kataka should not construct houses in south-west. If the clay falls short of filling the pit. the plot is good. The remainders 1 to 9 respectively show the planetary dasas from the sun to Venus.varga number of Rama is 7. it is bad reject the plot if you hear from the ground any fierce sounds like those of fox. kettle-drum or lute. west = 7Pavarga. smell. Since "ra" belongs to yavarga whose number is 7. the plot should be rejected. Varga number of north-east is 8.west = 6Tavarga.south-east. mentioned below: Avarga. "ra" belongs to yavarga of constants 3. moon (10). Test the colors. 23 when divided by 9. ocean. north . There is another school of thought concerning dig dasa which is as follows:- VASTU RAJA VALLABHAAdd the varga numbers of the person. If some of the clay remains left out. Those with Nama rasi of kanya should not construct house in south.1. If it tastes bitter or saline.west = 4Thavarga. Person's varga and direction. ketu (7). if the soil tastes sweet.arun is the name of the person. north = 3Savarga. The plot is good if you hear melodious sounds like those of horse. water fall or broken pots. So. 3 +2 +2 =7. 7 +8 +8 = 23. The results of planetary dasas are follows: Sun dasa (6 y) = fickle. touch and sound of the soil in the site. SITE EXAMINATION:The site before constructing a house should be examined to see if it favors the person with happiness and prosperity. Those with Nama rasi of dhanus should not construct houses in south.Therefore. This is not divisible by 9 and hence 7 is the remainder. village and the direction. because the first syllable belongs to the 1st pada of krittika.1 lies in mesha. Jupiter (16). north . taste. These planetary dasas begin from the time of house constructions. and Venus (20). If the clay exactly suffices to fill up. The maximum limit of life span of a house attained in varga calculation.mindedness and tensions. Those with Nama rasi of kumbha should not construct houses in north. TEST 2: fill the pit with water. Example: . south . mercury (17). Varga number of hanamkonda is 8 since 'ha' belongs to savarga whose number is 8. The 5th from mesha is simha representing south. The dasas of benefic planets are good while dasas of malefic planets are evil. it is mediocre.east from the centre of hanamkanda. The soil should have fragrance of flowers or of honey. So arun should not construct a house and live in north reckoned from the centre of the village or town city. If only the mud . Divide the sum by 9. "ha" belongs to savarga of constant 2.east = 2 Add the constants of the village varga. Saturn (19). prosperitySaturn dasa (19 y) = diseaseMercury dasa (17 y) = happinessKatu dasa (7 y) = troublesVenus dasa (20 y) = happiness. Those with name rasi of thula should not build houses in north-west. the plot augurs prosperity. it is dead. Ya represent the centre of the site. anthills or hillocks thrown up by white ants. bricks etc. eggs. Divide the sum by 3. gives the remainder 1 which is jagati.. South . and Savarga.East = 8. Such extraneous and evil-portent objects in the site should be removed by digging the ground before you build a house. happiness if assured. If the remainder is 1. it is bad.. Salyas in HousesIf deaths occur once in every three years in any house. it is dead. Ya. The constant of North . it means human bones may lie in the east. moles etc. The sight of cowries forebodes quarrels and distress. If infant mortality is frequent. or iron etc.TEST 3: add the constants of the Vargas of village. it is alive and if the remainder is 2. through rich. North . Divide the sum by 3. and Sa respectively represent the 8 directions from the east to north-East. If the head of the family suffers from a chronic disease human salyas lie in the south. for more than twelve years. snake. The syllables Aa.Example: the varga constant of Rama is 3. bone ash and pieces of coal lie in the middle of the site.east is 8 7 + 8 + 8 = 23.East is 2.Yavarga. it is void. They may be pieces of wood. If the family is extinct. If the remainder is 3 it is neither alive nor deed. SALYAS IN THE SITESalyas may be bones. The varga constant of Hanamkonda is 2. North = 3. bones of an infant child lie in the west. TEST 3: fill the pit with water.remains. seas mum. VASTU PLOTS WITH PROJECTIONS AND ROADSA square or rectangular plot is best preferred. Constant of North. If the remainder is 2 it is sleepy which is mediocre. This when divided by 3 gives the remainder as 2 which show the site is dead. Test 1: add the varga numbers of the person. Ta. or leather pieces. village and direction. it is alive and if the remainder is 2. mustard. when divided by 3. A dead site should be rejected fro house construction.West = 4. Tha. If the remainder is 3. If the head of the family is troubled with enemies or litigation etc. The sight of cotton portends disease.East is 2. if the remainder is 1. ash.Chavarga . At the time of ploughing the land for cleaning the site. person and direction. The sight of husk. Ka. This. it forebodes poverty. Example: varga number of Rama is 7 (Ya varga) Varga number of hanamkonda is 8 (SA varga) Varga number of north. wheat. If any member of the family is a vagabond because of lunacy. If the remainder is 1. husk. west = 7. bones. Pavarga. If they sprout in 7 days. it is rakshasi which is bad. This is the opinion of our ancient scholars of vastu. 3 +2 + 2 =77 + 9 =16. coal. The sight of pieces of fuel-wood presages fire-accident. A site mostly cracked or a site with salyas. Pa. augurs happiness and prosperity. If the head of the family. it is an indication of death.The constants of Vargas and directions are as follows: Avarga . If the water-level is less than a half and more than a quarter it is bad. indicate the salyas of donkey in the south-East. Pa.South = 6. Add 9 to the sum and multiply the sum with 7 and divide it by 4. Such extraneous and evil salyas should be removed and the site should be covered with fresh bricked or white clay.East = 2. The seeds may be of paddy. gold. it is jagati which is good. person's varga and direction. From the first syllable of a word uttered by the querent you can know in which direction the salyas lie in the site. If the first syllable of the querent is other than the above mentioned syllables. varga constant of Hanamkonda is 2. Frequent troubles from Government like suspension. 16*7 R = 4Therefore it is void. If the remainder is 1. canine bones lie in the south. Tavarga. If the remainder is 4. it means the absence of Salyas in the site.Thavarga. Salyas found beneath 12 inches depth in the ground bear no evil effect. tatters etc. North . Cha. Loss of cattle indicates human bones in the north-East.Test 4: if the seeds sown in the site sprout in 3 days.Therefore. loses his wealth gradually in twelve years. Example: varga constant of Rama is 3. it is good for house construction.West = 1. Kavarga. should be rejected for house construction. Ha. Any polygonal plot or any plot in the shape of a quadrilateral of unequal sides should be tailored if possible to a square or a rectangular plot. TEST 2: add the constants of the village varga.East = 5. barley etc. South . Therefore 3 +2 +2 = 7. the sight of stones.. husk and pieces of coal lie in the north-west. it is 2. If the remainder is 2. dismissal from services.west. The plot is good if the water remains in half of if it by the time a person walks hundred feet and returns. But moderns hold the . human bones lie in the north. If dust remains. The next test is to see if the site is alive or dead. may portend death. it is deed. one can choose any one among these nine asterism too. dhwaja. Ayams are eight in number. Both are inauspicious. simha.. the more auspicious and favorable is the plot. WEST PLOT: this will have a road in the west or roads in the East. Count the house-asteris from Aswini. SOUTH-EAST PLOT: this will have roads in the East and South main entrance should be in the East. uttarabhadra are generally considered auspicious for Kshetraphala. 5. satabhisha. will have much more open space in the south and similarly a house constructed with a little open space in the south. vrishabha. They are: 1. But even a corn-seed extension of south East corner will mar happiness and prosperity.asterism of the person by the 8-kuta judgments. namely. will have more open space in the west. dhuma. dhwaja. vrishabha and gaja are good while the rest are evil. alesh. erudition and cattle-wealth to the inmates of the house. Main entrance should be in the north.plot. with more open space in the East. south-West and North-West corners is must. or roads in the East. South and North. A more open space in the East is welcome. This is not necessarily the asterism at the time of beginning house-construction. It can be in the North. For example see the diagrams for North-East projections. and dhanus. they agree is a blemish. See the diagrams with much reduced south-west sectors in the plot. punarvasu.swana. Now multiply this by 152. that would suit the name-asterism of the person.Add the results of (a) and (b) and to this sum. simha.In the four-road plot.simha. But such a concept of the modern practioner contravenes the fundamental vastu norm that a plot of unequal sides causes distress and grief. SOUTH-WEST PLOT: this will have roads in south and west. In fact this seed-extent mentioned in the karika is not traceable to the naked eye. Determination of Kshetraphala is based on a chosen house- asterism and ayam. add 17 and divide it by . 7. the main-entrance door can be in the East for those with Nama rasis viz. makha. A house constructed with a little open space left in the west. Main entrance should be in the west. And they also hold the decrease of the south-East. khara. The odd numbered ayams. KSHETRAPHALA IN VASTUDEFINITION: KSHETRAPHALA is the product of length and breadth of the house. Subtract 1 from this number.vrishabha. simha. East and west. This will be the house-asterism. namely. makara. DETERMINATION OF KSHETRAPHALAChoose any asterism among the 27 asterisms from aswini to revati that suits well with the name . gaja. It can be in the west for those with Nama rasis viz. kumbha. A reduced North-East sector in the plot is not favored as much reduced south-west sector. PLOTS WITH ROADS:A plot with four around it is very good. Main entrance should be in the East with more open space in the North. It can be in the north for those with for those with narma rasis viz. 3. Aridra. vrishabha. So. This will be the house-asterism. And a projection in any other corner. with more open space in the north. Tula. NORTH PLOT: this will have road in the North or roads in North. dhwaja. Keeping entrance doors on four sides is no blemish. It is also called pada or panda. Kaka. Subtract 1 from this number. 4. With respect to the roads around a plot. Main entrance should be in the west. East and West. SOUTH PLOT: this will have a road in south or roads in south. gaja and 8. causing diseases. poorvabhadra. The main-entrance of the house should be in the East. Coverage of house in south is advisable. mesha. NORTH-WEST PLOT: this will have roads in the north and west. An obsolete karika states: A black-grain extension of North-East corner in the plot is enough to give education. Select any Ayam from the four odd-numbered ayams. pushyami. kanya.opinion that a North-East projections of a square or a rectangular plot yields better results. Main entrance should be in the south. Multiply it by 81. 6. pubba. keeping more open space in the East and North. 2. North and South. the eight directional plots are as follows: EAST PLOT: this will have a road in the East. Main entrance should be the west. mithuna. But today's practitioners not only accept the same kartika but also exaggeratedly state that the more the North-East corner is extended. NORTH-EAST PLOT: this will have roads in the north and East. This prevents evil effects of vastu blemish arising in the surroundings. see that it suits you well by Nava varga judgment. The name asterism and the house asterism should not be the same.1 = 99 * 152 = 1368His chosen ayam is gaja.5.4.Asterism:Kshetraphala*8\27 = reminder which is house-asterism.5. Sunday and Tuesday are evil. you can add 216 or 432 or 648 or 864 and so on. Vrishabha. xample: The Kshetraphala is143 for Gala Ayam. This ensures good progeny and prosperity.3. 2 = dhuma. That is. His name asterism is krittika. If it is vice versa one has to incur heavy expenditure of money and may have to grieve concerning progeny. But make sure that the breadth is an integer.9 are good. 4.Rina:Kshetraphala*3\8 = reminder which is Rina. Makha is the 10th asterism from aswini. 9gives fulfillment of ones desires. Makha is his chosen asterism because it matches with krittika by 8-kuta judgment. are good. Dhwaja. This is called Chandra viddha.8. Makha is therefore his house-asterism. For Kshetraphala calculated for other asterisms. See the midpoints of the gate and simhadwara do not lie on the same perpendicular. 4 = swana. Divide this number by 9. The gate should not be higher than simhadwara. The remainders will be 1. The reminders 2.New moon day and the 1st lunar day of the bright half are evil. 6 = khara and 7 = gaja respectively. 8gives cattle. Punarvasu. If the calculated Kshetraphala is too small for our intended house. GATE:If one desires to keep the gate frontal to simhadwara. 9. SPEARING ROADS:It is better to construct compound walls in the house plot before one begins constructing a house. GATE. You can divide Kshetraphala by your chosen length to get breath or by your chosen breadth to get length. the kshetraphala is 143 in which case the breadth can be 11 yards and the length can be 13 yards of the house-plinth.7 are evil. It is better that the length between the souths and north should measure ¼ more than that between the East and West in the house-plinth. Reminders 1. prefer always a square plot but in the case of rectangular plot. Pushyami. The compound wall in the north should be shorter in height than the compound wall in the south. Rina is greater than dhana. count from the name asterism to the house asterism of K. 3 gives wealth. Kshetraphala as calculated fro the 9 auspicious house asterisms and the 4 auspicious ayams is as shown in the table:Dhana:Kshetraphala*9\12 = remainder which is Dhana. The remainder gives ayam. 4. The compound wall in the east should be shorter in height than the compound wall in the west. 1.AYAM: multiply Kshetraphala (K.dhana.3. 3.6 are evil. It should have less height than simhadwara. 7 give progeny. 8. Pubba. .wealth.10 . Choose any one of the kshetraphala from the table on the next page that suits you by the least shadvarga. Makha. Aslesha. tithi and dikpati. avoid surya viddha. the 7th ayam from dhwaja.7 are good.rina. The remainder is Kshetraphala. AMSA:Kshetraphala * 6\9 =Reminder which is Amsa. therefore. advisable to first decide kshetraphala of the house-plinth with length and breathe in yards and then construct the house according to the palm keeping in view of vastu norms. 3 = simha.1 = 66 * 81 = 4861368 + 486 = 18541854 + 17 = 18711871 / 216 R = 143So for makha house-asterism and for gaja ayam. 5. Weekday. 2 give prosperity. Satabhiha. COMPOUND WALLS. (See the table)4 out of 6 Vargas is good. 1. Pooravabhadra and Urratabhadra are auspicious. It is.216. to get your intended house-plinth.7 .Remainders 2. 5. Ayam. Amsa. 3. Asterism and 6. Example: arun is the name of the person who intends to build a house. if you determine kshetraphala. The remaining three Vargas are ayu. This is covered by amsa which gives wealth. Aridra.P) by 9 and divide it by 8. 7. SIX VARGASThe six Vargas are 1.P.6. For house asterism other than the above mentioned 9 asterism.Weekday:Kshetraphala*9\7 = reminder which is weekday. therwise it is surya viddha which is mediocre.5. 2. (2) Deerghayur Vastu: Declivity in the North and North-East sectors. A road running in between two houses of a person has dwara vedha causing fatality to the family head. SLOPES IN A HOUSES PLOTA declivity of a hose-plot means a downward slope of the plot. the evil of spearing road may be reduced or sometimes may be mitigated completely. The inmates of this house will be healthy. with acclivity in the north and north-west sectors causes long illness and diseases. A gate in the east north or north-east is best preferred. Besides these. See the diagram. Smasana vastu: acclivity in the east and north-east sectors with declivity in the west and south-west sectors leads to family extinction. north-west and north-east sector causes destruction or death. Syenaka vastu: declivity in the south-east with acclivity in the south-west. West and North-West are in general the accepted norms of Vastu. Here are a few types of Vastu plots which are auspicious having both an acclivity and declivity. A declivity towards the East. Plot of gaja veedhi: declivity in the north giving wealth. This is one of the evil most vastu blemishes. . This gives cattle-wealth. A korma prishtta plot has acclivity in the central sector of the plot. INAUSPICIOUS PLOTS:Pitamaha vastu: activity in the east and south-east sectors. An acclivity of a house-plot means an upward slope of plot. This spearing never yield good and benefic results and hence there is nothing like a good spearing road or subha vedha. Progakrit vastu: declivity in the south and south-east sectors. Any one of the eight spearing roads is capable of causing long ailment to the mistress of the house and other troubles to the in habitants of the houses. Plot of goveedhi: this has declivity in the east sector of the plot. causes vedha blemish. gajaprishtta plots and korma prishtta plots are also auspicious. See the diagram below where four spearing roads are shown. Argala vastu: declivity in the south and south-east sectors with acclivity in the north and north-east sectors gives brahamahatya dosha. with activity in the west and north-west sector makes the inmates of the house quarrelsome and undergoes litigations. shown in the diagram is mitigated if the breadth of the parallel road exceeds the breadth of the spending road. (3) Punyaka vastu: declivity in the east and north-east sectors with acclivity in the west and south-west sectors is auspicious. with acclivity in the South and south- West sectors makes the family flourish. a south-east gate for west simhadwara. VEEDHI SHOOLA (SPEARING ROADS)A Vertical road ending at a house is called a spearing road. Anyone of the four would suffice to cause fatality to the head of the houses. west and North West sectors. There are also plots with only declivities which are auspicious. Apadha vastu: declivity in the east and south-east sectors. A spearing road is a capable if causing evil effects even though it end at or crosses another road running parallel to the houses. A gajaprishtta plot has activity in the south.Plot of dhana veedhi: this has declivity in the north- east sector giving happiness and prosperity. The inmates of this house will always be happy and prosperous.The gate should be broader than simhadwara. a north-west gate fro north simhadwara are generally allowed. Since it sometimes causes death of the family-head. Plot of dhanya veedhi: declivity in the north-west sector giving wealth of paddy. The causes grief and distress to the inhabitants of the houses. (1) Supadha Vastu: Acclivity in the South and South-East sectors. The evil caused by this may be less potential when compared to the above. This is auspicious. South-West. A north-east gate for east simhadwara.A spearing road may cover only a part of a house. prosperous and long-lived. North and North-East and an acclivity towards South-East. since the turn of a person from the gate to simhadwara is clockwise. The evil caused by any one of the eight roads.A vertical road towards a house is split running in the two sides of the house. The evil is also mitigated if the parallel road is longer then spearing road. At the most. with declivity in the North and North- West sectors forms Supadha Vasthu. with declivity in the west and north-west sectors of a house-plot is in auspicious. Vastu home should be done to the above mentioned deities. and from S. But some sort of evil effect is inescapable not doing vastu pooja. 8 deities preside. ekaseeti pada vastu means the occupancy of 45 deities on 45 limbs in the 81 fold division of vastu purushna. Sthavara vastu has activity in the south-east sector with declivity in the south-west. If any defect or injury strikes any limb of the person. 100-fold division. He who does vastu pooja lives 100 years here free from grief and dwells in heaven for a kalpa. We find also in the classical texts. . pootana and paparakshasi. south-east and north-east sectors with declivity in the east and north-west sectors is inauspicious. The central part in the diagram has nine squares marked as B. south-west and north-west is inauspicious. He who does not perform vasu pooja during the house warming function and does not honour the architect. The same fate would hit the same limb of the person who builds the house. Some believe that it causes family extinction while others say it is good. the mention of 64 fold division. the points of intersection are the vulnerable points which are called mahamarma sandhi and upamarma. For any class of building ekaseeti pada vastu is given much importance. Sandula vastu: acclivity in the north-east sector with declivity in the south-east. In the next 16 squares. Now the plot becomes a big square having 81 small squares. Naga prishtta plot: long sectors in the east and west and acclivity in the south and north sectors causes' early death of the head of the family or his wife. Vastu pooja may be done at least once in three years. yashovati.. laxmi.. kantaa. This is also harmful to progeny's and cattle. it means that the same limb of vastu purusha is weakened by a prohibited structure. house-warming etc. vidara. parnavahini. Brahmahna vastu: acclivity in the south-west. 49 fold division. north-east and west sectors with declivity in the south-west sector causes poverty. Ida.W. south-east and north-east sectors and declivity in the west makes the inmates of the house poor. north-west and north-east. if all the limbs of vastu purusha are well and intact the person becomes happy and prosperous. vishala. The names of the lines respectively are shanta. sati. Plot of vahni veedhi: declivity in south-east sector may cause fire accidents. The inmates will be driven out of the houses. Plot of naga veedhi: declivity in the south-west sector causes fear of serpents. If the feet are weakened death of a son is probable. vimala. he who performs vastu pooja and offers vastu Bali in accordance with the assemblage of ekaseeeti pada.E. EKASEETI PADA VASTU:Draw 10 straight lines from the west border of the plot to the east border of the south border of the plot to the north border of the plot. it may be loss of wealth. Plot of preta veedhi: declivity in the south sector may cause severe illness. If the left arm is weakened. vishaoka. suffers from leprosy for seven births and then goes to hell. subhadra. There are two opinions about sthavara vastu and sthandila vastu. The vastu term for this is garbha or the central hall of the building. the presiding deity here is Brahma representing the heart of vastu purusha. Some specific results may be attributed to the weakened limb or deity of vastu purusha. This implies that the corresponding limb at the vulnerable point gets disfigured. We find its exposition chiefly in matsys purana.Swamukha vastu: acclivity in the south-east. will be free from troubles and will be happy and prosperous. north-west and north-east. nanda. For example troubles to women occur if the right arm of the vastu purusha is weakened. Some believe that it is inauspicious while others others claim it is auspicious. priya. Daitya prishtta plot: acclivity in the east.E. harini.W. Sthandila vastu has acclivity in the south-west sector with declivity in the south-east. Plot of jala veedhi: declivity in the west causes shortage of money always. Avoid any structure in the exterior part of 32 divisions since it is pisachca part ruled by four evil spirits cahraka. Vastu scholars recommend its auspicious varga kshetraphala for happiness and prosperity. These are subject to vedha if a wall or window or pillar is constructed. suprabha. to S. vibthi. jaya. of vastu purusha. jwala. In the 24 squares 4 deities preside Draw major and minor diagonals from N. So vastu homa should be perdormed to the presiding deity of that limb. vasumati. and 196-fold division etc. There may be a bit of exaggeration here. Soon occasions like house-construction. manorama. to N. The main entrance door may be fixed in the east for those of vrishabha. it is good in the south. This blemish always causes ailment to the house-owner. This blemish makes the family-head associate with base people of vices like gambling. if the house is free from Vedas which are 16 in number. This causes death of the family-head. This gives troubles from devils and evil spirits. Kaikara: a house of extraordinary height and width causes kaikara vedha. Rudhira: a house constructed without following 81 divisions of vastu purusha. asthma. for those of mesha. forms kutila vedha. This blemish causes the family head to be deformed. See that no door. (digits with zero) is harmful. forms kubja vedha. one entrance door is good. Some essential principlesA door should be frontal to another door or a window. Kana: a window on either side of a simhadwara gives kana vedha. should be even. jaundice etc. almirahs etc. kanya and makara (earthy). A window should be frontal to another window and an almirah should be frontal to another almirah. Kubja: a house having entrance doors and windows of less measure of height and breadth. pornography. Muraja: a simhadwara with either of its two sides higher causes muraja vehda. drug. Numbers of doorsThe doors should be of even numbers. This blemish causes the death of the family head. This blemish frequently causes dysentery to the inhabitants of the house. commercial houses etc. 7. Incase of three entrance doors. the no. as given below. 8 of the 5th. but the number of doors like 10. Supta: a house built on the sleeping ground form supta vedha. 4.. This causes eye-diseases to the house. This causes family- extinction and poverty. disproportionate to the house-measure forms digvatra vedha.trafficking. simha and dhanus (fiery) it is good in the north. Chipita: a house of low height disproportionate to the house plinth forms chipita vedha. We should adopt the same principles of doors for fixing windows. This blemish indicates ugly- looking inhabitants. 5.owner. This casues many kinds of calamities and some times death too. a ground is said to be sleeping if the house construction begins in ghatis 3. This causes diseases like leprosy. tuberculosis. 6. For those of mithuna. forms rudhira vedha. prostitution etc. window or almirah is fixed on the middle of a wall. For shops. Kutila: the roof of the house at a lower height that is the height of a person. Badhira: a simhadwara placed to the ground level causes badhira vedha. But all the other doors should be of equal dimensions. But a house having 3 or 5 corridors of unequal measures of length and breadth forms kanka vedha. . This blemish cause's harm to the mistress of the house. 9th. One entrance door is permissible. In the modern times any one of the three following measures of length and breadth of the main entrance door and other doors could be made use of.SIXTEEN KINDS OF VEDHAS IN VASTUThe in habitants of a house would be happy and prosperous. 30 etc. Kanka: a house having 1 corridor is good. disproportionate to the house measure. Digvaktra: a house having windows of more measure of height and breadth. the south one should be closed. This blemish causes distress to the family head. Any door or entrance door should be lesser in measure of length and breadth than the main entrance door (simhadwara).Andhaka: a simhaswara having no windows on its both sides from andhaka vedha. airy or fiery. DOORSPlacements of the main entrance door (simha dwara) DIRECTION: The direction of the main door depends on whether your janma rasi (moon sign) is watery. But the entire doors of a house not are telescopic or compartmental. Vyangya: a house looking ugly and grotesque causes vyangya vedha. Windows in the improper directions to the entrance doors also cause kana vedha. Tula and kumbha (airy) it is good in the west. Sankapalaka: a house constructed without pillars forms sankapalaka vedha. 19th and 26th asterisms respectively counted from the sun's asterism. to the house-owner and the inhabitants of the house. 7th. This blemish causes death of the family head. Kuttaka: a house built on the up paved ground causes kuttaka vedha. if it is in the east. Vikata: a formidable and hideous simhadwara forms vikata vadha. 12th. 20. earthy. This blemish causes loss of progeny and abortions. 4) If towards the south. BEDROOM: This can be in the south west. family quarrels are probable. Keep it in the south or in the south west. in the safe lockers adjoining the north wall of the room. An out space may be built in the south west leaving the west border wall. a grave concern for the progeny is probable. east and north-east. of storey should be odd. While the fruit trees causes' loss of progeny. any other room may be L-shaped platform in it in the south east such that the cook can face the east for cooking. Prosperity is assured. Extension in the east and in the north is not evil. 7) If towards the North West. The next preference could be north. The trees of banana. WATER FLOW1) If the water flows out towards the north east from house compound. 6) If towards the south west. KICHEN: South-east room is most preferred. 3) If the water flows out towards the east. OUT HOUSESAn outhouse may be built in the south west corner of the plot. 8) If towards the north they will be happy. OVERHEAD TANK: Provides over head tank in the mid north or in the mid east of the 1st or the last floor. serious illness is probable. North West and north. TERRACE: Open terrace should be in the north. Cover the balconies in south and west with curtains and glass. TREASURY: A bedroom in the north may be used to keep money. The height of the upper floor be 1/12 less of the lower floor. TREES IN HOUSE COMPOUNDIn the house compound milky trees and fog trees are in auspicious and they destroy the riches of the house owner. OPEN SPACETo keep open space on all the 4 sides of a building is much favored. since it gives all- round happiness and prosperity. But in the houses of main entrances in the east the alternatives are the north east. but never the south or west. DINING ROOM: This can be in the west. insults and disappointments may be frequent. make sure that it is constructed at a distance twice the height of the existing . BATHROOM: The bathroom in the east is the best choice. The open space in the north should be more than the one in the south.ALLOTMENT OF ROOMS IN THE HOUSE POOJA ROOM: The north east room may be used for pooja. But no outhouse should be built in the North West covering the border wall of the east and north. The thorny trees cause troubles from the enemies. The open space in the east should be more than the one in the west. peepal and neem would not allow the house owner to flourish. coconut or tulsi in the midst of those inauspicious trees. a well/bore well/sump should lie in the north east sector of the plot. but never on one side. The northeast corner of the kitchen may be used. it is better to plant any auspicious trees like jack. 2) If the water flows out towards the south east. Extension in the eastcauses enmity with the neighboring friends. Incase no separate room pooja is spared. STAIR-CASE: For a multistoried building the no. HOUSE EXTENSIONIf one intends to make the house bigger. Extension in the south causes fatel diseases. Extension in the west causes loss of money. gold etc. the extension should be in all the 4 sides. If a person intends to construct or purchase another house by the side of his existing house. The out house should not be higher than the main building. 5) If towards the west. STUDTROOM: This can be in the mid west in between the south west and west. the inhabitants may never be happy. If this is not possible. TOILET: This can be in between the south west and south attached to the bedroom. a latrine could be constructed if necessary in the south west corner covering the walls of the south and west. If one doesn't want to remove such trees. PORTICO: Prefer the portico towards north east lower than the roof level. More open space should be left in the north east sector of the plot. turmeric. It can also be built in the west. BALCONY: Keep balconies towards north & east. health is assured. SEPTIC TANKNever keep a septic tank in the north east. east is most preferred. But if the construction is unavoidable in the south. If the house is divided into 2 partition. south. If the plot is extended to the east. Among the brothers the elder should reside in the east and north. the one who lives in the front portion. PLOT EXTENSIONNever extend your plot to the south east. The house of the brothers should never be frontal to each. Posted by Nagendra Prasad . HOUSE PARTITION Two partitions of a house are not advised. west or North West. north east or north. your prosperity is assured. The inhabitant in one partition only flourishes more than four partitions bear no specific result. front and back. only will have good south-west.
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