Nadi Jyotisha Book Vol 1.pdf

April 3, 2018 | Author: Anonymous jGdHMEODVm | Category: Planets In Astrology, Astrological Sign, Pseudoscience, Star Symbols, Occult



Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty1 uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd fghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq Nadi Jyotisha wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui Vol - 1 opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg Astrological Researches Group With hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc Jitender Kumar vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty 2 Respected my AstroFriends ! My Hearty welcomes to you to this wonderful “Nadi System! I dedicate this Book to my Grandparents (Late) Smt Bholi Devi & Shri Om Prakash Sharma and to my Guruji Pt. R D Vashishtha (Ret. Executive Engineer)! EBook Edition: 2017 July. For the benefit of all the Astrology friends who are interested in learning this wonderful ancient knowledge I have not fixed any price to this Ebook! But for learning a system, a Guru Dakshina is required! Hence you can pay ANY amount of contribution to me! Payment details will be provided further on request. Copy right: to the Author “Jitender Kumar” © “Astrological Researches Group”. All rights reserved. No part of this manuscript or EBook may be reproduced without written permission from the Author except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. 3 Nadi Jyotisha Jyotisha (Astrology) is an integral part of Hindu Culture. When we talk about Astrology, Horoscope (JanmaKundli) comes in mind. Horoscope Casting and its analysis are two important section of Astrology. Horoscope casting involves Astronomy and Geography along with required mathematical calculations. While, Horoscope analysis has own system and sutras. Horoscope analysis has further different discipline like “Parashari”, “Jaimini”, “Nadi” &“KP Paddhati” etc. Nadi Stream is further classified like Bhrigu, Dhruva, Saptarishi, Vasistha, Chandra Kala & Nandi Nadi etc. Each Nadi discipline has some basic Fundamental or Axioms. In this Book, I am going to share my studies, views, experiences on the bases of Bhrigu Nadi, Nandi Nadi, Saptarishi Nadi, Chandra Kala Nadi, Meena Nadi etc. I am hopeful that this work would be helpful for astrology learners, students and astrologers. If you have genuine technical query, I will try my best to reply, but I cannot make any promise in this regard. Also, personal queries will not be entertained. Jitender Kumar Mobile no. +91 81780 36134 Email id: [email protected] Astrological Researches Group (Face Book) Date: 10 June, 2017 4 Preface Sr. Topic Page No. No. 1. How to Proceed with Nadi Jyotisha? 5 2. Steps for Starting the process. 7 3. Chapter:1 ~ Karkatva of the Nine Planets 9 4. Chapter: 2 ~ Signs & their ruling Directions 12 5. Chapter: 3 ~ Aspect & Conjunction 15 6. Chapter: 4 ~ Retrogression (वक्रत्व) © 21 7. Chapter: 5 ~ Sign-Exchange (राशि-पररवर्तन) © 23 8. Chapter: 6 ~ Micro Progression © 29 9. Chapter: 7 ~ Saturnine Progression © 32 10. Chapter: 8 ~ Rahu’s Progression © 34 11. Chapter: 9 ~ Ketu’s Progression © 37 12. Some useful links 40 13. The following points will addressed in coming 41 publications ... stay tuned Palmistry etc… where each one have own Unique Methodology. NadiJyotisha is one of the oldest schools thought in Jyotisha. In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi. each Planet’s Karktavas (Significations) are given utmost importance. 4. which further have many branches where each one deals with a specific methodology. Ayanamsa: Which one Ayanamsa should be followed? Presently. Audio & Video Lectures) in my discussion with learners. Progression & some additional features…which are the basic Rules…that I have already shared and discussed (PDF Files. In our discussion. MeenaNadi is more Navamsha Methodology based while Nandi Nadi. Also. Nadi Jyotisha basically uses the natal position of each planet/sign wise along their exact degrees. Later on. 6. I advocate Lahiri Ayanamsa to avoid any confusion. Nadi. 5 How to Proceed with Nadi Jyotisha? There are different Schools of Thought in Jyotisha like Parashari. I will discuss later on. Saptarishi Nadi is almost similar to Bhrigu Nandi Nadi. Advanced students can also experiment with “Surya Siddhanta”. I would like to make clear that it does not mean the Ascendant has no Importance. One thing. Jaimini. Bhrigu Nandi Nadi& concerned Texts (as made available by Late Shri R G Rao) are sufficient for beginners. follow the Navamsa method and other rules strictly as per Book. but the ultimate goal/destination is to analyse with maximum accuracy. 5. MeenaNadi etc. I am following: SaptarishiNadi. Advanced students can also experiment with other options. . advanced students can do experiments with other methods. 3. SaptarishiNadi&Bhrigu Nandi Nadi are more Karkatva based. Next. For Meena Nadi. Bhrigu Nandi Nadi. KP. Some Basic Questions which need attention are: 1.Geocentric Positions of Planets & Mean Nodes should be used. 2. Ascendant is not given much importance in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Jyotish Texts. It has its own logic which. similarly Progression of Planets is given utmost importance where Progression period is mainly dependent of average time (years) taken by a Planet to complete one transit of whole zodiac i. Vimshottri Dasa System is very commonly known to all of us as per Parashari. I always suggest to learn Nadi Jyotisha in a systematic way under someone who is expert or familiar with Nadi Jyotisha. In my discussion.e. 6 At advance level and also to cast horoscope ascendant is the Key and necessity to understand Nadi Jyotisha.) based Progression duration according to Planetary Lordship of Nakshtras. where each Nakshtras is assigned a fixed Years duration (at Macro & Micro Level i. 7. Vimshottri Dasa System is itself a type of Progression where Natal Moon is Progressed from its Natal Position in Nakshatra in a mathematical well defined process. Jaimini and other Schools of Thought. In Nadi Astrology. so Jupiter’s Progression per Cycle per 30 Degrees is considered of 12 years duration. For example. . Moon is Progressed from Natal Nakshatra to next Nakshatras. 8. Here. MahaDasa. AntarDasa etc. 12 Signs.e. Jupiter on an average takes 12 years to transit the whole zodiac.  Direction of Motion for Each Planet. Follow the basic Lagna chart calculation as per Parashari System and Note down each Planet’s:  Sign & exact Degrees.In upcoming Chapters. .  Directions as per Sign occupied by each planet Note: Do not Jump to next step without understanding previous one. 7 Steps for Starting the process First of all.  Mutual distance between planets. Like.Now Proceed with Progression for analysis of Chart.  Conjunctions. where:  Meena Nadi is more Navamsha Methodology based while  Saptarishi Nadi & Bhrigu Nandi Nadiare more Karkatva based. Bhrigu Nandi Nadi. Retro or Stationary  Speed. I am following Saptarishi Nadi. Note: Do not mix Progression with Transit as both are different concepts. like Direct.  Combust or not. Meena Nadi etc.  Planets in opposition.  Planets in Trine. Now.  Mutual placement of planets. arrange all Planets in their respective Directions as per Sign Occupied by them in Natal Chart. with supportive examples and charts.  Aspects as per Nadi methodology. always note the “Disciplines/Rules” of “The System”which one you are going to follow. above said points will be discussed in detailed. 8 Vol .1 Nadi Astrology Rules . Directions. Sun Father. then it becomes very easy to analyse horoscopes for both Natives. Mythological. Sign Exchange. Each Planet is supposed to have certain basic features/qualities which influence Humanly Affairs under Karma Theory. Father-in-Law 2. In case of twin male natives. both natives have almost similar Horoscopes. Mother side relations. Moon Mother. Elder Sister-in-Law. Retrogression. above mentions some basics Rules.e. but to further differentiate among Elder and Younger nativity. I will share my views on Karkatva (Signification) in this chapter. we consider:  Elder as: Jupiter (Jeeva i. Astrological and Astronomical views related to that planet. 9 Chapter:1 ~ Karkatva of the Nine Planets Nadi Astrology follows certain rules / axioms like Karkatva. Life) + Saturn (Karka of Elder Brother). The features/qualities of each Planet are further dependent on Elementary. Planet and concerned Humanly Relationship Significations (or Karkatva as follows): 1.  Younger as: Jupiter (Jeeva i.It’s difficult to proceed with Nadi Astrology without knowledge of Significations or Karkatvas of each planet. Son (also 1 st Son). Maternal Uncle’s Wife. Among. Life) + Mars (Karka of Younger Brother). Each planet has been assigned certain fixed Significations or Karkatvas.e. but if we consider Karkatvas. Progression and Transit etc. For example: In case of Twin Birth. Jupiter remains Jeeva Karka. Aspect. Elder Sister. Mother-in-Law. 3 rd Wife . depending upon their features/qualities or elementary nature. Brother (2 nd). Younger Brother-in-Law. Younger Paternal Aunt. Self). Saturn Elder Brother. Sister-in-law. Venus Jeeva Karka of Female Nativity (i. Son-in-law. Elder Daughter-in-Law. Younger Brother (3 rd). Lover. Sun. 3. Moon. Ketu*. Moon*. Father-in-Law*. Mercury*. Rahu Grandfather ~ Pitrus (Paternal) 9. Girl/Boy Friend.. 2nd Husband. Prostitute** 7.... Jupiter. Younger Sister (3 rd). Saturn &Mercury behave according their condition in natal chart. as follows:  In Male Nativity. Mercury 2nd Wife..e. 10 3. depending upon (R~BAY Rule**) with native. Saturn* & Mercury* are considered for Male Nativity but each one different type of male nativity. Ketu Grandmother ~ Pitrus (Maternal) Some important views: 1. Servant. 4.. All Paternal side Relations 4. Younger Daughter-in-Law 5. Younger Sister (2 nd). Mars and Jupiter are unconditional male planets. Wife. alone Moon will act as Female*... Close Friends. Mars.. Maternal Uncle. . Friends. depending upon (R~BAY Rule**) with Native. Note: Venus is unconditional Female Planet. Saturn* & Rahu* are considered for Female Nativities. Venus. Daughter. Father’s Elder Brother. Jupiter Jeeva Karka for Male Nativity (i. Sun.. Guru. Guide. also 2nd Son.e. 2. Eminent Person (प्रतितििव्यक्ति). 6. Self). 3 rd Husband 8.but each one governs different type of Female Nativity. Mars Husband (in case of Female Nativity). Younger Paternal Uncle.  In Female Nativity. Rahu & Ketu also behave according to their Condition in Natal Chart.  In Female Nativity. they are not Eunuch.Mercury without Sun (i. Saturn & Mercury are known as Eunuch but. Look at both’s age and medical conditions. alone Saturn will act as Female*. 11  In Male Nativity. Both have dual nature and further react to the surrounding situation and modify their behaviour according to adjacent Planet as per BPHS Rules. check: Mercury as Male or Female~ When? Mercury is known as Eunuch Planet or in better sense Mercury should be considered as "Hermaphrodite (तित िंग)". Ketu has special influence on nativity & will discuss in detail in next Chapter. in real. . out of Combust Range/Degrees) acts as Female! Mercury is has a specialty that: The angle of the maximum elongation (east or west) for Mercury is between 18° and 28°. Ketu is also known as Eunuch but that also conditional. 6.  In Male Nativity. Also. 5. alone Moon will act as Male*. alone Mercury will act as Male*.e. 8. 7. under which age cycle both are running. Within range of 14 Degrees with respect to Sun is considered as combust. alone Mercury will act as Female (Like 2nd Wife)*. alone Saturn will act as Male*. Further. also need attention.  In Female Nativity. 12 Chapter: 2 ~ Signs & their ruling Directions Each Sign have been assigned a Direction as shown in below picture. The 12 Signs are grouped in 4 directions as follows: East Direction: Aries. Libra & Aquarius North Direction: Cancer. Scorpio & Pisces Sample Chart: 1 Sample Chart: 2 . Directions are helpful to group the Planets and further to analyse results of Planet/s in same direction. Leo & Sagittarius South Direction: Taurus. Virgo & Capricorn West Direction: Gemini. Leo. Sun. Gemini. Further. Gender of 12 Signs: As per Shri R G Rao. in alone. Capricorn & Pisces. It’s helpful to easily judge the mutual impact of Planets. Jupiter & Saturn ~ these four Planets are considered as Male for above said Gender based divisions of Signs. Mercury. Sagittarius. * Female Sign: Taurus. Same Direction/Trines Planets influence each other with 75% Strength as they share same Elementary Nature. Mars & Jupiter and Female: Venus). the 12 Signs are further grouped as: * Male Signs: Aries.. Libra & Aquarius*. Why not 100%? Further clarification will be given in upcoming publications. Virgo. also adopts the masculine/feminine quality of the Sign . Scorpio.. Moon.e. & Mercury ~ these are considered as Female Planets. Male: Sun. Cancer. 13 Arrange all the Planets according to Directions as per 2 nd Chart to analyse a Horoscope with Nadi Rules. Venus. Moon. other Planets: Saturn. Mars. except unconditional Male & Female Planets (i. Rahu & Ketu. Saturn was born from Sun & Chhaya. 14 occupied by them in natal Chart but this feature does not remain permanent and further get modified as per Cyclic Progression. So. these Five Female Signs: Taurus. Note: Leo (Sun ~ Male) ~ Aquarius (Saturn ~ Male). there is Darkness or Shadow (or छाया i. . how Birth can have? Who will be Female among Sun & Saturn? Here. Aquarius Sign symbolise an empty Pot! Inside Pot. In case of Cancer-Capricorn. Aquarius Sign is considered as Conditional Female Sign.e. Further. Moon is considered as Goddess Parvati & Saturn is considered as Lord Shiva. Gemini. Cancer. Virgo & Libra are termed as “PanchaKanya”. 2nd wife of Sun). 4. 15 Chapter: 3 ~ Aspect & Conjunction There are different Schools of Thought in Astrology. Trine House 5. But. Mutual Placement further involves: 1. Where each school follows certain fixed rules.”It’s the Mutual Placement of Signs along with Direction of Signs & Direction Motion of Planets which need to be checked to analyse the Influence of Planets on each other”. Sign-Exchange 4. षडाष्टक). Adjacent Houses/Signs 2.e. . Aspect & Conjunction” are important Factors. Planet/s in 7th House/Sign 3. it holds importance. Further.e.*  * The 6th-8 th Placement (i. The 6th-8th Placement (i. “Mutual Placement. How Planets influence each other? This is one of the key concerned areas of predictive astrology. these 12 Signs are also categorized on Direction basis. In Nadi Astrology. while judging the Strength and Productivity of Planets in a Horoscope: 1 Aspect ~ दृति 2 Conjunction ~ यु ति 3 Mutual Placement ~ पारस्पररकउपक्तथिति The 12 Signs are connected in a closed Chain Cycle like as shown on below picture. षडाष्टक) is not a direct feature of Nadi Astrology. 16 . Rule 1: Planets influence each other by means of “Mutual Placement”. 4 1 (a): Same Direction/Trines Planets influence each other with 75% Strength as they share same Elementary Nature as shown below in picture. Mutual Placement and its impact are studied by means of: “Conjunction & Aspects”. Further. 17 All the Planets are arranged according to Directions as per above said 2 nd Chart to analyse a Horoscope with Nadi Rules. It’s helpful to easily judge the mutual impact of Planets. Why not 100%? . Libra & Aquarius  North ~ Cancer. Scorpio & Pisces  One should make combinations of Planets on Direction bases.  Final placement of Retro Planets will discussed in separately. Leo & Sagittarius  South ~ Taurus. 5 1 (b): Planets in Adjacent Houses influence each as shown in below picture: . Virgo & Capricorn  West ~ Gemini. 18  East ~ Aries. in general.  2 (a): Two or more Planets within a Sign are termed “Planets in Conjunction”. Stationary Planet ~ क्तथिरग्रह (When a Planet Changes its Direction to become -> Direct or Retrograde seems Stationary for some time period) also a Key Factor to judge the strength of influence of Source Planet.. . 6 1 (c): Planet in 7 th house (also Planets in its Trine Planet/s) influences the Source Planet (i. Direction and Speed have Key role in Mundane Astrology. Without knowledge of Direction & Speed of Planets. Conjunction and Aspect are dependent of Direction of Motion and Speed of Planet/s in consideration. influence strength is considered 100%. the Planet~House/Sign in consideration) as with 50% Strength as shown below: Rule 2: The Strength & Applicability of Mutual Placement. 19 Planets in Adjacent Houses/Signs are dependent of their Direction & Speed to experience their influence on immediate next Planet/House/Sign. can results in totally wrong analysis. Both influence each other with 75 % to 100% Strength. Though.e.. 20  2 (b): Planets in same Directions (Sign based) are termed as “Trine Planets” and influence each other with 75% Strength.  5 (e): Retrogression: This is will be discusses in separate Chapter.  4 (d): Planets in Adjacent House/Sign are known as “Adjacent Planets”.e. in the 7 th House/Sign (Planets in Trine of the 7 th House i.  3 (c): Planet/s in the Opposite direction i. These Planets influence each other with 20% to 90% Strength. Retrogression is a type of Direction. Astronomically.e. in 3 rd and 11th of Source Planet) are termed of “Opposite Direction Planet/s” and influence each other with 50% Strength. . In short. Planets always move in one Direction. some topics are much debatable. वक्रा. while judging the strength & productivity of planets in a horoscope. मन्दर्रा. say “A”. always check. But. Further.. In both cases. visualization shows some different views also...e. ४. during its Retrogression period. ७. शवकला. Astronomically. ५. Retrogression would occur in Two Sign). first of all. मन्दा. out of such topics ~ Retrogression (वक्रत्व) is one such. अशर्चरा ~ ये आठ प्रकार की गशर् कही गई है ।  वक्रगशर्~जब ग्रह शजस राशि -शविे ष में वक्री हो और वक्रत्व अवशध के दौरान उसी राशि-शविे ष में रहे. 21 Chapter: 4 ~ Retrogression (वक्रत्व) © In FalitJyotish. ३. the Intensity of Influence. Same way. of Retrogression: Sign & Degrees . २. समा. चरा और ८. As per BPHS: वक्रानुवक्रा शवकला मन्दा मन्दर्रा समा। चराचाशर्चरे शर् च ग्रहाणामष्टधा गशर्:।। अर्ातर् ~ १.  कुशिला ~ स्थर्र ग्रह (गशर् िू न्य) In Nadi Astrology..  अनुवक्र ~ जब ग्रह वक्रत्व अवशध के दौरान दो राशियोों में भ्रमण करें. where the Retrograde Planet/s appear to be Moving Backward. अनुवक्रा. Retrogression of Planets (as seen from Earth) is not an actual occurrence. when we see from Earth. will the concerned Planet transit in Same Sign (i. Sign in Consideration) or will transit in Two Sign (i. ६. all Planets move in a fixed Direction on their fixed path around the Sun. but only an apparent phenomenon (आभासीयघटना/ दृश्य).e. Retrogression of three types: 7 Within Sign (वक्रगति)* 8 Involves Adjacent Signs (अनु वक्र)* 2 (1) With Forward Sign* 2 (2) With Backward Sign* To analyse Retrogression. Retrogression also needs special attention which influences. note the following points: (i) @ Starting Point. 3 times a year goes Retrograde for maximum duration of 22-24 Days. once every Some important points: Retro duration of Planets:  Sun & Moon never go Retrograde.  Exact stationary duration of should be checked carefully. 140 days approx.. What a Retrograde Planet Indicates? Answer: A Retrograde Planet indicates Fast execution of Karma Phala*. One may apply this rule in D-Charts also.  Rahu & Ketu always remains Retrograde. say “B”. once in two years. .  Saturn ~ He goes Retrograde for 4 & ½ months duration i.e.e.. If Planet/s is present there.  Outer Planets:  Mars ~ He goes Retrograde for Approx 2 & ½ month i.. of Retrogression: Sign & Degrees Now.e. 80 Days approx.. 120 days approx. 42 days approx. 22 (ii) @ Ending Point .A forbidden Predictive Tool” https://www. check if there are Planet/s in between Points “A” & “B” in Natal Horoscope.  Venus ~ She goes less Retrograde in compression of Mercury i.  Inner Planets:  Mercury ~ Approx.  Jupiter ~ He goes Retrograde for 4 Months duration i. once in two years.facebook. once every year. which in real remains for Hour or 1-2 day maximum according to Planets. those will more prone to experience the good/bad results of transiting Retrograde Planet. Retrogression impact should also be studied under “Triple Transit Theory” as proposed by me in one earlier article posted in “Astrological Researches Group” on Face book with Title: “Triple Transits.e. we know. but also helpful in other School of Thoughts of Jyotisha. Sign Exchange indicates some very Strong connectivity between both Planets’ Karkatvas by means of Karmic Bondage . a special attention should be given to Karkatavas to the Planets involved in Sign-Exchange. some very important fundamentals have been discussed. merely there seem two Planets are going to their own Signs. When we look on Sign-Exchange. So. *This rule can also be applied to Exchange among Planets at Nakshatra Level i. What is Sign-Exchange? Whenever Planet “A” sits in the Sign of Planet “B” and Planet “B” sits in the Sign of Planet “A” ~ this condition is known as “Sign-Exchange” between Two Planets. instead of houses. each planet’s karkatvas have been given utmost importance. 23 Chapter: 5 ~ Sign-Exchange (राशि-पररवर्तन) © Nadi Astrology is one of the best Schools Of Thought on Astrology (Jyotisha). In continuity to the same this Chapter I will share my views on another very important Fundamental of Nadi Astrology ~ “Sign Exchange (राति-पररवितन)”. Further. if Planet “A” sits in Nakshatra of Planet “B” and Planet “B” sits in Nakshatra of Planet “A” ~ this Condition is Known as “Nakshatra- Exchange” between Two Planets.e. There are many secret fundamental/rules in Nadi Astrology which have proven their importance not only for Nadi Astrology. in Nadi Astrology. In earlier Chapters. its own Sign. Saturn is in its sign of debilitation i. after sign-exchange. after sign-exchange.e. after sign-exchange. But. While. there is Sign Exchange between Mars & Saturn. Own Sign. We all know that. this needs further scrutiny to judge the final results. So. Aries and Mars is in its sign of exaltation i. 24 Sample chart: 1 Sign-Exchange analysis needs special attention.e. Additional factors which influence the result of Sign-Exchange are:  Check the Mutual Placement of Planets (involved in Sign-Exchange) before applying the Sign-Exchange Rule. Capricorn. . is also considered Powerful. With Sign-Exchange. This will be helpful for know the Distance between Planets. Mars loses its exaltation status. when a Planet is considered relocated in his/her own sign. a Planet in own Sign is always considered Powerful. after Sign-Exchange.e. But. i. Originally. In above example Chart: 1.e. Saturn will gain more in compression of Mars... Saturn would be assumed in Capricorn Sign. Here. Mars would be assumed in Aries. i. e. check the Friendship-Relation of Planet/s in Conjunction of both Planets. after Sign-Exchange. from Exaltation. After Sign Exchange.. But.e. before Sign-Exchange) like. Original condition of Planet (i.e. Sample Chart: 2 (Below) In this Chart. in above Example Chart: 1. Note. Sun goes to own Sign Leo. Follow next step. Saturn is in gain while Mars is in loss (though very little).  Now. there is Sign Exchange between Sun & Mars. Before & After application of the Sign-Exchange Rule. Before & After application of the Sign-Exchange Rule and note down all information separately. while Mars is in its Friendly Sign ~ Leo. both Planets would be considered powerful..e. and Friendship etc with respect to Own Sign Placement (i. . Check the Change in Planetary Status i. After Sign Exchange). Aries. but this loses his status of Exaltation. being considered in own Signs. Debilitation. Sun is in its Sign of Exaltation i.  Initially. 25  Check the Planet/s in Conjunction of both Planets.  Now. Enemy Sign. Mars gains from this Sign Exchange because Mars shifts from Friend’s Sign to Own Sign. .. Mars is under affliction of Rahu. So. Rahu. Now. Example Chart: 3 In above Example Chart: 3 If we look at planetary conditions before Sign-Exchange:  Aries Sign: Sun + Jupiter  Leo Sign: Mars + Rahu Points to note: Sun is Exalted and in conjunction of Jupiter.t. Mars is in friend’s Sign but in conjunction of its enemy.r. 26  Check the Change in result after Sign-Exchange w. we look at planetary conditions after and after Sign-Exchange:  Aries Sign: Mars + Jupiter  Leo Sign: Sun + Rahu . a benefic Planet. Planet/s in conjunction + new Planets. Here. Sun will enjoy the benefic result of Exaltation as well of Jupiter’s Conjunction.  Check for Planet’s Active & Passive Signs (who are involved in Sign- Exchange). Suppose. Water or Earth. This will further influence the results. there will no/little influence of Rahu on Mars. 27 Points to note: Mars joins Jupiter. Now. Retrograde or Stationary (ग्रह की गति की तििा . Suppose. Suppose. if Sun is at 9 Deg... here Rahu. वक्री या क्तथिर).  Check both Signs (Signs involved in Planetary Exchange) for their Elementary Nature i. though Sun losses its Exaltation status. a benefic. Mars gains and become more Powerful in own Sign under Jupiter’s benefic influence.मागी. if Mars is at 24 Deg. in its own Sign~ Aries. Airy. This way.. Mars and Rahu both will influence each other.Direct. * Planetary Speed (ग्रह की गति/वे ग) and * Distance between two Planets (िो ग्रहोिं के बीच की िू री). when we see on them from Earth. Important points to remember:  Always.e. after Sign exchange. Sun joins Rahu in Leo Sign but here Sun loses his Exaltation Status and also comes under Rahu’s influence. it seems like . being Retrograde will apply its aspect on Mars and Mars will also apply its aspect on Rahu.. in above sample chart: Suppose. check the: * Direction of Sign (राति की तििा). Like. then after Sign-Exchange. But.... Sun is at 28 Deg and Jupiter is at 19 Deg. Sun would have to face the impact of Rahu’s affliction. So. Rahu is at 14 Deg and Mars at 9 Deg.then. Fiery. but will remain out of reach of Rahu (at 14 Deg) while Sun at 28 Deg because Sun and Rahu both. seem to separating from each other. * The Direction of Motion of the planet/s.all Planets are moving on same Path but that’s only Visual Impact. Note: All Planets transit in their own fixed Paths around the Sun and they never meet to each other in real.. .. 28 . Jupiter takes 12 years (approx) to complete one Cycle Transit of Whole Zodiac.e. Micro Level As per Nadi Astrology fundamentals.Duration per Cycle per Sign/House. Now question arises. Jupiter’s Progression per Cycle is of 12 Years duration. this Chapter I will share my views on another very important Fundamental of Nadi Astrology i. .is according to time taken by each individual Planet to complete One Cycle of Whole Zodiac.e. each Planet’s Progression. This will be discussed in Advance Classes. This is the basic fundamental of Nadi Astrology. Same way.. *This rule can also be applied to all Planets. all matter related to Female Nativity in astrological prospective should be checked with Venus. all matter related to Male Nativity in astrological prospective should be checked with Jupiter. How to logically use Jeeva’s Progression in practical horoscope analysis? Progression of any Planet should be analysed at two levels i. some very important Fundamentals have been discussed.. So.e. As per Nadi Astrology.: 1. because without Life/Longevity. I will start with Progression of Jeeva Karka (i. especially gradually or in stages. Jupiter is Karka of Male Nativity and Venus is Karka of Female Nativity. ~ “Progression (प्रगमन)”. 29 Chapter: 6 ~ Micro Progression © In earlier Chapters. This means. In continuity to the same.. Life governing) Planets. This is known as Macro Progression. What is Progression? Progression can be defined as a Movement or Development toward a Destination or a more Advanced State. For example. Macro Level & 2. every other Calculation would be Inattentive (जीवन के तबना अन्य सब बेमानी है ). Under this methodology. This has been discussed in previous Chapter. 1.. Macro Level Progression: Per Sign/House as per current Cycle of Progression. This is one of the most important rules to check for Event’s Time Frame at Macro/Broad Level. one should use “Micro Progression Method”. 30 Note: Venus is Karka of Female Nativity and its Progression per Cycle is also of 12 Years duration. in previous session. This was discussed in detail. Now. Jeeva Karka Planet is further Progressed in different Signs/Houses with respect to its 12 years duration’s Cycle position. next question. See Sample chart ~1 . Then What about other Signs/Houses? Here.. during Progression in a particular Sign for a Specific Cycle. Jeeva Karka Planet will Progress there for 12 years duration. Both are different. Caution: Do not Mix Progression with Transit. At Micro Level: See below Chart ~ 2 for Micro Level Progression for 1st Cycle of Jupiter. . Next important question arises: How Micro Progression Results? See our upcoming publications. 31 2. this is known as Marco Level Progression. Karma Karka Planet will Progress there for 30 years duration. Jeeva automatically keep on getting engaged into new Karmas. Then What about other Signs/Houses? according to time taken by each individual Planet to complete One Cycle of Whole Zodiac. As. Male ~ Jupiter & Female ~ Venus. So. one should use “Micro Progression Method”.e.. How to logically use Saturnine Progression in practical horoscope analysis? Progression of any Planet should be analysed at two levels i. Karma Karka Planet is further Progressed in different Signs/Houses with respect to its 30 years duration’s Cycle position. Progressed for 12 years for 30 Degrees. This is known as Macro Progression. Both Planets. Macro Level & 4.. to understand about Karmas and KarmaPhala’s possible results we need to Progress ~ Saturn.. Jeeva Karka Planet’s Progression basically deals with the conditions of Living along with Longevity issues. Saturn takes 30 years (approx) to complete one Cycle Transit of Whole Zodiac. Saturnine Progression per Cycle is of 30 Years duration. So.. depending upon Gender of Nativity i. Now question arises.: 3. As per Hindu Mythology..e. Now....Duration per Cycle per Sign/House. 32 Chapter: 7 ~ Saturnine Progression © In previous Chapter. For example. Saturn is Progressed for 30 Degrees in 30 Years duration.) to complete one cycle of Zodiac.. I have shared views on Progression of JeevaKarka Planets: Jupiter & Venus.. already told that ~ Saturn governs all kind of Karmas. Saturn takes 30 years (approx. Under this methodology. during Progression in a particular Sign for a Specific Cycle. . each Planet’s Progression. Jeeva has to do Karma and according to Phala of Karma. next question. Micro Level As per Nadi Astrology fundamentals. age span (31 st year to 60 th year). . Macro Level Progression: Saturnine Progression per Sign/ House for 30 Years duration per Cycle of Progression governs Age Group: From 1 st Day (1 st Year) to age of 30 th Years.e. Sample Chart: 1 3. Both are different. At Micro Level: Similar to Transit for 1 st Cycle (First 30 Years age span). The 2 nd Cycle will govern age from 31st Year to 60 th Year & so on.. And Micro Progression for each 2&1/2 Year will start from there in successive houses. 33 Caution: Do not Mix Progression with Transit. Macro Progression will get shifted into next Sign. In 2nd Cycle i.. 4. Now. I have shared views on Progression of: Now.e. Now question arises. So. . to understand the Progression of Rahu Rahu governs all kind of Material deeds. This is known as Macro Progression. interest & growth in them and Ending of Material world Life. 34 Chapter: 8 ~ Rahu’s Progression © In previous Chapters. each Planet’s Progression. this is known as Marco Level Progression of Rahu. Rahu is Karka of Vastness. Retrograde. I will share my views on Rahu’s Progression. Micro Level As per Nadi Astrology fundamentals. Macro Level & 2. Rahu’s Progression per Sign (or 30 Degs. Rahu’s Progression per Cycle is of 18 Years duration.  The 2nd Cycle: This cycle will govern age period from 19th Year to 36th Year. Rahu always Progressed in previous Sign.. in this Chapter. if there is Birth… then Death is also there… this is Birth & Death Cycle. i..) for 18 Years duration per Cycle of Progression start from Age Group:  The 1st Cycle: This cycle governs age period from 1st Day to age of 18th Years. Rahu takes 18 years (approx) to complete one Cycle “Transit” of Whole Zodiac.e. One side..Duration per Cycle per Sign/House is according to time taken by each individual Planet to complete One Cycle of Whole Zodiac. We all know. Rahu is known as KaalPurusha or Kaal in Nadi Astrology. other side also acts the Kaal for Jeeva i. How to logically use Rahu’s Progression in practical horoscope analysis? Progression of any Planet should analyse at two levels: 1. the Cause for Death of Jeeva. next question. 2. during Progression in a particular Sign for a Specific Cycle.. In 2nd Cycle i. Rahu is further Progressed in Two ways: 1. Then What about other Signs/Houses? Here. This method should be used only after a good practice else avoid this. Progression impact on Natal Planet/s present within Sign (30 Degs) should be judged carefully.e. Now.e. Within Same Sign: Within same Sign (or 30 Deg) of Each Cycle for 18 Years duration…. 12 Signs/Houses) with respect to its Current Cycle position i.. Here. Under this methodology. Further. Sample Chart: 1 Rahu’s Macro & Micro Level Progression: . Macro Progression will get shifted into next Sign (or next 30 Degs) & so on.. Rahu is Progressed 1 Deg 40 Min per Year for total duration of 18 Years i.e. 1 Deg 40 Min * 18 = 30 Degs. Macro Progression of 1st Cycle (First 18 Years age span) will continue up to next 30 Degs (in back Sign as Rahu always Transit Retro). Kaal Karka Planet. 35  The 3rd Cycle: This cycle will govern age period from 37th to 54th Year & so on.e. Kaal Karka Planet: Rahu will Progress there for 18 years duration.. Both are different. Caution: Do not Mix Progression with Transit.. one should use “Micro Progression Method”.. 1 & ½ Years per Sign * 12 Signs = 18 Years. For other Signs/Houses: Rahu is Progressed for 1 & ½ years duration in each Signs/Houses (i. age span (19th year to 36th year). 36 . e. i. we have to understand here… Life Cycle of “Birth & Death” will continue till Jeeva do not get free from all kind of Karmas..  Jeeva (Jupiter) approaches Kaal (Rahu) &  Karma (Saturn) approaches Moksha (Ketu) Now question arises. then End is also somewhere:  Jupiter/Venus governs the Beginning of Life or Existence of Jeeva  Saturn governs the Karma done by Jeeva&  Rahu governs all kind of Material deeds. Jeeva has to do Karma and according to Phala of Karma. Jeeva automatically keep on getting engaged into new Karmas.. a stage where no Karma Phala pending.Duration per Cycle per Sign/House.. I have shared views on Progression of: Moksha Karka Ketu: Ketu is of mysterious nature Planet and also have very different features/qualities among the Nava Grahas. This is known as Macro Progression. Macro Level & 2. each Planet’s Progression. Ketu’s Progression per Cycle is of 18 Years duration. Retrograde.e. So.Ketu takes 18 years (approx) to complete one Cycle “Transit” of Whole Zodiac. this is known as Marco Level Progression of Ketu. How to logically use Ketu’s Progression in practical. 37 Chapter: 9 ~ Ketu’s Progression © In previous Chapters. interest & growth in them and Ending of Material world Life.  Ketu governs Moksha i.. For example. . As per Hindu according to time taken by each individual Planet to complete One Cycle of Whole Zodiac. horoscope analysis? Progression of Ketu should be analyzed at two levels: 1. If there is Start. Ketu always Progressed in previous Sign. Ketu’s Progression needs special attention. Now. Micro Level As per Nadi Astrology fundamentals.. Further.  The 2nd Cycle: This cycle will govern age period from 19th Year to 36th Year. Progression impact on Natal Planet/s present within Sign (30 Degs) should be judged carefully.e. during Progression in a particular Sign for a Specific Cycle.) for 18 Years duration per Cycle of Progression start from Age Group:  The 1st Cycle: This cycle governs age period from 1st Day to age of 18th Years.e. Now. In 2nd Cycle i. Ketu is Progressed 1 Deg 40 Min per Year for total duration of 18 Years i.. next question.. Macro Progression will get shifted into next Sign (or next 30 Degs) & so on. 1 & ½ Years per Sign * 12 Signs = 18 Years... Caution: Do not Mix Progression with Transit. Then What about other Signs/Houses? Here. Within Same Sign: Within same Sign (or 30 Deg) of Each Cycle for 18 Years duration….. This method should be used only after a good practice else avoid this. 12 Signs/Houses) with respect to its Current Cycle position i. 4. Under this methodology. Sample Chart: 1 Ketu’s Macro & Micro Level Progression: . 38 Ketu’s Progression per Sign (or 30 Degs. Moksha Karka Planet…Ketu is further Progressed in Two ways: 3. For other Signs/Houses: Ketu is Progressed for 1 & ½ years duration in each Signs/Houses (i. one should use “Micro Progression Method”. Here. 1 Deg 40 Min * 18 = 30 Degs. age span (19th year to 36th year). Moksha Karka Planet: Ketu will Progress there for 18 years duration.  The 3rd Cycle: This cycle will govern age period from 37th to 54th Year & so on. Macro Progression of 1st Cycle (First 18 Years age span) will continue up to next 30 Degs (in back Sign as Rahu always Transit Retro)..e. Both are different.e. Hopeful. ॐश्रीकृष्णअपतणिंअस्तु । . readers shall be benefited. 39 These are basic rules to learn Nadi Astrology by means of Karkatvas (Significations). com/groups/266535793479406/ Astrological Researches Group https://www. 40 Some useful links: Nadi Astrology (नाड़ीज्योतिष): Astrological Researches Whatsapp Groups (Contact for further details): Free Nadi Astrology Group: Nadi Astrology: A R Group You Tube Channel Astrological Researches Group Astrological Researches https://www. 41 The following points will addressed in coming publications stay tuned Family  How to findout Siblings for native?  Marriage timing . Promise of marriage  Miscarriage  Birth of Child  Combination for Divorce / Separation  Second Marriage  Marriage Happiness  Combination for Ex Marital Affairs  How to check step mother /father on chart  Disputes in family  Rivalry between brothers  Widow hood  Matching kundli in Nadi style  Muhurats  Remedies for various dosh Health  Combination for heart attack  Diabetes  Kidney stones  Brain Hemorrhage  Baldness  Skin problem  Fractures  Accidents  Life and death situations  Yog for handicap  Cancer  Tumor  Gynec problems  Sinus/ ENT  Eyes . Delay. 42  Thyroid  Stammering  Sexual debility  Knee replacement Finance  Job or Business  Age to start earning  Gauging financial position of Native  BhagyaUday at native or somewere else?  Is there promise of wealth  For what combination Astrology predicts that the persons luck will open up after Marriage?  Which transitions show change in job/career/ location??  Hidden Treasure  Lottery  Help from wife’s side (Dowry) General  IstaDevta / Kuldevta  Black Magic  Combination to learn astrology  KaalSarp Dosh  Pitru Dosh  Curses from past life  Use of Ascendant in Nadi Astrology .
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