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Stage 1 FormationCFC SINGLES FOR CHRIST CHRI Stage 1 Formation Men’s Weekend I: Knights Tales Manual v.2011 CFC Singles for Christ Page 1 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales Stage 1 Formation About the Weekend The Knights Tales , SFC Men’s Weekend 1 is the first weekend retreat designed for the men of CFC Singles for Christ. This weekend has 2 basic goals: 1. Help the men understand the true definition of manhood. 2. Challenge the men to live as modern-day knights, ready to offer their lives for the cause of Christ. The Sessions The retreat is divided into four sessions. Session 1: Authentic Manhood. This session tackles the definition of true manhood, who bestows it, and what it takes to live out authentic manhood. Session 2: A Vision of Manhood. This session takes a deeper look into the heart of a true man. It examines the three basic desires that God placed in a man’s heart. Session 3: The Code of Conduct. This session explores the purpose for man’s creation and what responsibilities God gave to man. It talks about how Adam, the first man, fails to live out this call and thus brings suffering to all men. It also talks about how Christ, the new Adam, restores man by fulfilling God’s call that Adam failed to follow. Session 4: A Cause to Fight For. The final session talks about the need for men to step up to be modern-day knights. It will call the men to embrace the cause God has given to SFC. It will challenge them to live out the 7 core values, to be committed to their brothers, and to embrace modern-day knighthood in service to Christ and others. The Dynamics The activities supplementing the sessions include group discussions, personal reflection, meditation, vocal prayers, and some physical activities. The team can make adjustments based on any logistical or pastoral resources available for the retreat. The Team The team comprises of a Team Leader/Retreat master, Servants, Facilitators, Music Ministry, and Logistics. The Speakers The speaker profiles should be all men, preferably top leaders in CFC or SFC. He must study the talk and preferably read the references included in this manual to have a clear grasp of the concepts and points of the talk. He can employ sharers in his talk only if time permits and at the concurrence of the Team Leader. The Schedule CFC Singles for Christ Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales Page 2 Stage 1 Formation The Knights Tales Retreat can be given on a 2-day schedule but can also be modified to fit a 1day schedule. Below is the suggested 2-day format: Day 1 Morning 08:00 Arrival and Registration 08:30 Gathering, teaching of songs 09:00 Worship 09:30 Welcome remarks and Orientation 10:00 Session 1: Authentic Manhood 11:00 Group Discussion 11:30 Wrap Up/Lunch Afternoon 01:00 Gathering, teach song 01:15 Afternoon Praise 01:30 Session 2: A Vision of Manhood 02:15 Personal Reflection 02:45 Break 03:30 Session 3: The Code of Conduct 04:15 Healing Session with Confession 05:15 Mini-praisefest 05:35 Break. Prepare for Mass/Continue with confession 06:00 Mass Evening 07:00 Dinner 08:00 Fellowship 09:00 Activity: Man-to-Man talk or Eucharistic Adoration 10:00 Closing prayer CFC Singles for Christ Page 3 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales CFC Singles for Christ Page 4 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales .Stage 1 Formation Day 2 Morning 05:00 Wake up. 06:30 Common Prayer time 07:00 Breakfast 08:00 Gather. teach songs 09:00 Worship 09:30 Session 4: A Cause to Fight For 10:15 Knighting Ceremony 11:00 Praisefest 11:30 Closing remarks. End of Retreat. Morning exercises. Have them count off by threes. 3. Push-ups – In one minute. Arm wrestling – Find a sturdy table where participants can arm wrestle. Count the number of men who are attending the retreat.Have a brother assist each contestant by holding down their feet (to prevent it from lifting as they do the sit up) and also to count how many sit ups they can do in a minute. Authentic manhood is not necessarily the same as the secular world defines it. Masculinity is not something a man discovers by himself but is bestowed upon him by other men. • • • Do the event one at a time so the other men can cheer for the contestants. Define what constitutes authentic manhood. Key Messages: 1. the 2’s will be doing sit-ups. Tenor: Alive. Highlight the traits of a modern day knight and how our community prepares us for it. sit-ups. Congratulate the brother who has the highest score. Sit-ups . the brothers will do as many push-ups as they can. The arm wrestling participants should be equal in number so any odd participant will be added to the push up group. Have the brothers clasp their right hands together with their left hand down beside their opponent’s right elbow to prevent it from slipping.Stage 1 Formation SFC Men's Weekend 1: KNIGHTS TALES Session 1: Authentic Manhood Objectives: 1. Begin the match. Give them two • CFC Singles for Christ Page 5 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . Have them do sit-ups for one minute and tally the scores afterward. Activity: Proving Grounds – A Test of Manhood There are three events for this activity: push-ups. 2. In spite of the many obstacles. Help the brothers reflect on the people and experiences that have influenced their manhood. 2. Tally the scores after one minute and congratulate the brother who has the highest score. and arm wrestling. Designate a timekeeper. the 3’s will do arm wrestling. 3. Someone who exemplifies what it is to be a true man. the SFC Brother is called to be the modern day knight. All the 1’s will be doing push ups. exciting Speaker’s Profile: Someone who is a father or is a father-like figure to brothers. or how big his house is • Prowess . Crisis of Manhood While the above qualities of manhood are not intrinsically evil. • • Politicians have the opportunity to help the people but corrupt officials just use their power and influence for personal gain. • • Men who are unable to contain their anger can be violent. He enjoyed an abundance of wealth but all is in vain once death comes knocking at his door. fitness.his influence and authority over others • Prosperity . road rage." 1. declare a draw. drugs. they are unable to control their passions and urges. If both are still up after two minutes. History will never forget the heinous crimes that Hitler committed that caused the lives of millions of innocent people in the death camps. Prosperous men have the ability to bless others with their wealth. they can become dictators causing the suffering of millions.his money. 3. the kind of car he drives. The result could mean battered wives. A. and father many children B. Men can be physically strong but without internal strength and discipline. I.his manly looks. and abilities • Power . If any of the brothers wins the match. Powerful men who do not understand the meaning of justice. mercy. have both of them shake hands in the spirit of true sportsmanship. selfishness can set in a man's heart causing him to acquire more for himself but never really find any satisfaction. 2. and murder. The secular standards of manhood are often gauged by: • Physique . But without a generous heart. pornography. Worse.his ability to attract and seduce women. they are called "half-men. Men who are unable to contain their passions end up getting addicted to vices. and illicit sex. The Measure of a Man. and stewardship can become corrupt officials. In other words. CFC Singles for Christ Page 6 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . it is the lack of other meaningful qualities that actually makes a real man incomplete.Stage 1 Formation minutes to arm wrestle. • Luke 12:16-21 tells the parable of the rich fool. Hearts are wounded. This process was painful and hard but once a boy completes this rite of passage. Church . many do not even have a close relationship with their father. Wall Street scandal 2008).* (US Census Bureau. II. Bestowing Masculinity A. African tribal practices require boys to undergo training and bloody initiation. 1. abuse and even rape. No self-made man Masculinity is not something a man discovers by himself. And this emotional capital cannot be gained anywhere other than in the presence of a father. It is defined and bestowed upon him by other men. touching his flesh . Enron scandal 2001. 4. society suffers a blow. CFC Singles for Christ Page 7 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales .Communities in the past bestowed masculinity upon boys through ceremonies.g.watching him shave. • • • Their failure to honor and treat women with respect has led to unwanted pregnancies. Churches bear images of the suffering Christ that speak volumes about what authentic manhood is all about. Author Robert Lewis. 65 % of children in the US remain fatherless. Of that 65 %. Men who judge their masculinity according to their sexual prowess only end up using women.invests a son with large doses of male energy. Homes are broken. When a boy grows up to be a man without a strong grasp of authentic manhood. Wives have become desperate because their husbands have gone looking for younger women. Sons grow up fatherless. Community .Having been entrusted with Sacred Scripture and with the revelation of authentic manhood found in Christ. his tribe publicly welcomes him as a man. 3. Just being around dad . For example. the Church plays an important role in defining the true identities of men and women as sons and daughters of God."* 2. "Something about a father's physical and emotional presence gives life to a boy. hearing him laugh. Family . The priest alone has the distinct privilege of witnessing to all men how God is Father to us all.Fathers play an important role in defining for his son what a true man should be. from his book Raising A Modern-Day Knight writes.Stage 1 Formation • Some examples: Greedy businessmen have caused many corporations to go bankrupt because of fraud (e. Living Arrangements of Children: 2004 (feb 2008) • This crisis of manhood is borne from man's own struggle with his identity. We will talk about the vision for manhood. and of the faith. . our code of conduct. and Church in the formation of men. and his faith. • This weekend. A son of a knight or of a member of the aristocrat. A famous example are the warrior monks known as the Knights Templar who aided pilgrims to the Holy Land. a time when most men were raised as violent warriors.Knights often took on a cause that went beyond their own interests. It provided a vision of manhood.Knights followed a rule often known as the Code of Chivalry. Consider the similarities we already have in community with that of the process of knighthood. and our transcendent cause. 2. a boy was sent to a nearby castle and was was trained as a page. Raising Modern-Day Knights in SFC Raising modern day knights is not an impossible concept. A Path to Authentic Manhood • With a crested shield. we must look at a model to follow that involves family. community. He begins to interact with other members of community. Knighthood provided a vision for men that showed them they were made for more than just battle. knighthood offers us a model to follow if we are to help restore authentic manhood in this day and age. It gave man a worthy cause to fight for. women. This code shaped a man's behavior and channeled his strength and gifts for the benefit of others. The Knights Hospitalier were know to care for the sick. Young boys are fascinated by the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table. the women. A most fitting model we can follow is that of knighthood. They were also capable of championing the cause of the poor.The middle ages were a time of feuding kingdoms and barbaric invasions. Despite the shortcomings of some knights and their not so glorious reputation. • Robert Lewis highlights three important elements what knighthood did for a man: 1. 3. Lazarus took care of lepers. It taught a knight to live with honor and to perform his duties towards his king. III. Knighthood CFC Community Life In our community. B. He At eight years old. . . battle-worn armor and a long sword. It defined a code of conduct.Stage 1 Formation If we are to help men discover and live out authentic manhood. we will explore the elements that make a modern day knight. knights of the middle ages have often been a symbol of courage and bravery. The Knights of the Order of St. he CFC Singles for Christ Page 8 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . a page can be likened to a Kids for Christ (KFC) member. This was symbolic of what occurred in earlier times. a squire can be likened to a Youth For Christ (YFC) member. He takes up the cause of building the church of the home and the church of the poor. serving all of the knight’s meals. is taught how to pray by his older brothers and wrestling and riding horses. He brings other singles to Christ. CFC Singles for Christ Page 9 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . A lord would agree to knight him in a dubbing ceremony. Being a single professional. scripture and the sacraments are strengthened. He uses his time and resources to serve God and his SFC brethren. he is mentored by his older brothers in YFC and SFC. He learned how to sisters in YFC. he took a bath to show that he was pure. The chaplain would bless the future knight's sword and then lay it on the chapel or church's altar. His foundation in prayer. He learns about spiritual warfare as he begins to serve in camps and retreats. the priest would hear the young man's confession. He undergoes a longer formation process through the CLP. He also studied Latin and French. The squire would then eat breakfast. Before dawn. The lady of the castle taught the page to sing and dance and how to behave in the king’s court. and he dressed in his best clothes. He is respectful and protective towards his SFC sisters. and cleaning the knight’s armor and weapons. Still young in their faith. a squire could become a knight after proving himself worthy. A full fledged knight can be likened to a Singles For Christ (SFC) brother. He goes on his first mission trip under the guidance of his Couple Coordinator. Soon the dubbing ceremony began. the squire would dress in a white tunic and red robes. the person doing the In our community. sing. more civilized topics like reading and writing. a boy became a squire in service to a knight. The outdoor ceremony took place in front of family. When dawn came. and nobility. and worship before the King of Kings. who tapped the squire lightly on each shoulder with his sword and proclaimed him a knight.Stage 1 Formation spent most of his time strengthening his body. In the earlier middle ages. he is independent and is mostly mobile. fight with a spear and a sword. The night before the ceremony. a Catholic contrition rite. He followed the knight to tournaments and assisted his lord on the battlefield. A squire also prepared himself by learning how to handle a sword and lance while wearing forty pounds of armor and riding a horse. caring for the knight’s horse. His duties included dressing the knight in the morning. When he was about twenty years of age. friends. The squire knelt in front of the lord. He was taught dance. He takes on leadership and goes on mission. He learns how to pray. At the age of fifteen or sixteen. He would then fast and pray all night for the purification of his soul. V. If we are to be real men. * IV. What are the obstacles to becoming a modern day knight? 1. We must be ready to detach ourselves from this world lest we suffer the same fate of the rich young man who failed to follow Christ because he was concerned about his possessions (Luke 18:18-25). Obedience is a tool that God uses to fashion us to become the man we were meant to be. The consequences are tragic – from dysfunctional dads to power-hungry presidents. morals. He seeks out the lowly – just as He did when Jesus picked out his 12 disciples. Available – When God calls us. The world has defined what manhood means. Come as you are.Stage 1 Formation dubbing would actually hit the squire forcefully. After the dubbing. By admitting we are weak. 2. Attitudes we must take on 1. However this is exactly why we should become knights in the first place! All men are weak and the path to knighthood will help us overcome these weaknesses. We must look at the model of CFC Singles for Christ Page 10 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . B. He will become our strength. (Read 2 Corinthians 13:9) 3. We must be open to the ways on how God can continually fashion us to be real men. Humility – God doesn’t seek those who think they are something in the eyes of the world. Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Man? A. We need to unlearn all these standards and turn to Christ as the real definition of manhood. Our tendencies – We may feel unworthy of the call to become knights for God because we know we will only fail due to our weakness. men have lost their true purpose. Let God have his way with what you can offer at this time. 2. Our pride in our achievements in serving God could blind us from realizing that we are in need of constant transformation by Christ. 3. Conclusion The world is in a crisis due to the absence of real men. Our comfort – We can become too complacent and comfortable in our routine that we are not interested in pursuing growth and development of our values. we must be available to heed Him. Obedient – The path to knighthood is a path of obedience to God and his Word. we should not be afraid of the challenge to rise up and become even more holy and dedicated to the Lord. knocking him over. and principles. Our unwillingness – We may find ourselves simply unwilling to embrace this call. a great feast followed with music and dancing. 5. 3. Questions for Discussion 1. 2. who were the manly influences in my life? What did these men teach me about manhood? What do I think are the qualities of an authentic man? What has my father taught me about manhood? What qualities of a knight do I want to live out in my life? CFC Singles for Christ Page 11 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales .Stage 1 Formation knighthood as a means to not only live out the Christian ideals but as a step to imitating Christ. Growing up. Taking on the call of being knights for God will help us to transform into the man that God intends us to be. VI. 4. But he’s good. Guide the brothers to reflect on and assess their personal state of “manhood”. learn to use [taps William's forehead] this.e. 3. [taps his heart] Karate never here. Activity: The scenes from the movies below are defining moments for the characters in the story. accepts responsibility. Tenor: Straightforward and frank.Stage 1 Formation SFC Men's Weekend 1: KNIGHTS TALES Session 2: A Vision of Manhood Objectives: 1. He’s the King. Every man has three core desires in his heart which image God’s own desires for man. I tell you. then. Define what authentic manhood is for SFC Brothers and inspire them to aim for this. and expects greater reward). There are four principles that characterize authentic manhood and determines what makes a real man (i. Karate Kid Mr. belt mean no need rope to hold up pants. Kesuke Miyagi: In Okinawa. open. 2.. Chronicles of Narnia Lucy Pevensie: Is he—quite safe?” Mr. Speaker’s Profile: A brother who can encourage the brothers to reflect and be open about their manhood. One who can ground the concepts discussed through examples and real-life situations. seriously] Daniel-san. Prepare video excerpts of these famous movies and ask the participants to guess which movie these are taken from. 2. [taps his head] Karate here. rejects passivity. scenes can be re-enacted via short skit or play. Key Messages: 1. As an alternative. CFC Singles for Christ Page 12 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . [points to his belt] Understand? Braveheart Argyle Wallace: First. karate here. Highlight the core desires of man and relate how these affect him up to this day. Beaver: “Safe? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. [laughs. leads courageously. whom he represents. Neither does it lie on his skill or his wit. As we begin our journey into modern day knighthood. Gladiator Marcus Aurelius: I want you to become protector of Rome after I die. There really is no greater love than this. to redeem us and give us the promise of eternal life. These three desires image God’s own desires for man and in this way man becomes an image of God in the world. Briefly discuss the common points of these movies. Lord of the Rings: Return of The King Elrond: The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walks this earth. Become who you were born to be. Strength from Within A man has three core desires that are deep within his heart. and the values that lie deep within his heart. Put aside the ranger. gives a man his inner strength. Do you accept this great honour I have offered you? Maximus: With all my heart.Stage 1 Formation Argyle Wallace: Then I'll teach you to use [lifts the sword] this. to give power back to the people of Rome and end the corruption that has crippled it. Marcus Aurelius: Maximus. A. Star Wars Episode VI Darth Vader: The Force is strong with this one. His true stength lies in his identity . a man’s heart is also called to give himself selflessly in love to woman. Just as Christ gives Himself in love to His Bride the Church. that is why it must be you. I will empower you to one end alone. no. A Desire to Love • God is love (1 John 4:8) and He loves with a self-giving love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. II.knowing who he is. Being aware of these desires in our hearts and turning to God before anything and anyone else to fulfill them. • CFC Singles for Christ Page 13 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . The Man Behind The Armor The strength of a knight does not lie solely on his armor or weapons. we must first discover who we are as men of God. The ultimate sign of this is Jesus’ offering of His life for us. his vocation becomes clear to him.” B.Stage 1 Formation o If a man truly loves a woman. a man longs to accomplish his mission in the world. adoration. When a man discovers his gifts and talents. God made it that way so it reveals to man his wisdom. He will put her needs above His own and look after her welfare. St. God placed man in charge of creation (Genesis 1:28-30) and gave him stewardship over it (Genesis 2:15). CFC Singles for Christ Page 14 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . But in persisting and conquering these risks when he knows that this is where God calls him to be. and only in union with Him can man love in this way. O Lord. even if it involved the risk of being rejected and denied by them. of rejection. building a bridge. No adventure. man will always long to be with God. he realizes that this is his ultimate adventure and that it can only be fulfilled if he has a meaningful relationship with God who gave Him this purpose. a man’s heart will always long for a purpose for living. o • God designed man’s heart to love to so as to draw him to Himself. raising a family or celebrating Mass. he takes the risk of failure. we mirror God’s image and likeness. he sees her as a beautiful creature of God. of difficult challenges that need to be hurdled. And living out this vocation is what gives man great joy and fulfillment. His heart will seek an adventure because he wants to discover who he is and what he is meant to be. and our hearts are restless until they rest in you. his purpose is his life’s adventure. a man reflects God’s own desire to love us His children. Whether he be exploring the wilderness. inventing a cure for a disease. Agustine expresses this truth in his Confessions: “You have made us for yourself. worthy of his respect. • • • • • C. however. “The Lord is a warrior. painting a masterpiece. Thus. and selfless love. splendor. A Desire to Do Battle • • A true lover fights for the good and well-being of his beloved. A Desire for Adventure • Looking at creation. we cannot help but marvel at its beauty. Creation itself was a means to draw man closer to God. Because of this stewardship. is without risk. and Lord is his name!” God fought to liberate the Israelites from slavery from the hands of Pharaoh. In the end. As a man pursues his vocation. Like Christ who came to fulfill the purpose for which He was sent by the Father. In Exodus 15:3 Moses says. In loving in this way. and love. Only God can be the Source of this self-giving love. whether he is aware of it or not. but I chose you" (John 10).His Bride the Church. III. B. capable of employment. not the other way around. it is a man who pursues the woman. Clark "Men have a natural tendency to avod social responsibility. How many of you avoided your leader because you knew they were going to ask you to serve as a household head or give a talk? o Cite other examples that show passivity among SFC brothers or men in general. He is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of his beloved. He does not pass the blame on to others. (Cite other relevant examples. Similarly. neither should that one eat. if he is to fulfill his core desires. man images God our Warrior and Liberator. he must reject his passivity. A real man knows how to use his strength properly in the service and welfare of others.) • A real man will not run away from his responsibility and will even hold himself responsible for the welfare of others. He is response-able. but choosing to live with their parents for no other reason than comfort. o 2 Thes 3:10 says "if anyone was unwilling to work. o Look at the brothers in SFC. A Real Man Accepts Responsibility • A real man takes it upon himself to respond to the needs of others around him. ready to engage in battle." Because of our fallen nature." o Or how about the single man who gets his girl pregnant but refuses the responsibility of raising a child? He will even encourage his girlfriend to get an abortion. a man’s heart is courageous and strong. The knights are the first to charge in the battlefield to draw first blood. o How many men do we know are irresponsible? It is frustrating and shameful to see grown men. Four Principles of Manhood Robert Lewis proposes 4 principles that characterize authentic manhood: A. • A real man is not passive! Christ shows us that true manliness means loving first! "It was not you who chose me. A Real Man Rejects Passivity • According to sociologist Stephen B. We should reject passivity! • Being passive negates man’s three core desires for one cannot love. In his courageous and meek heart ready to fight for his beloved and for causes he believes in. Thus. He was not afraid to shed his blood for us .Stage 1 Formation • • • • Christ was willing to do battle with sin and Satan. • In a relationship. CFC Singles for Christ Page 15 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . and fight a battle passively. live an adventure. Meekness means strength under control. we tend to shy away from obligation and just hide in our man-caves. A Real Man Expects The Greater Reward • In today's world where almost every desire is met with an "instant" solution (e.g.Stage 1 Formation • A man needs to take responsibility if he is to fulfill his core desires. long term benefits and reward is a challenge." (1 Cor 2:9). • Not everything in life can be obtained in an instant. He knows how to wait and he is patient. We must judge ourselves by the standards of authentic manhood according to the 4 principles. living out one’s vocation (adventure). etc. C. D. IV. ready to shed his blood for her welfare. instant soup. A real man perseveres and has faith in things that will give him true satsifaction in the long run. a knight presses on to battle to lead his troops. and fighting a battle all require that a man accept and take responsibility. instant information [google]. and fighting a battle. • A real man is not impatient nor impulsive. That is why men in general have a broader. This allows us to survey the situation and lead others through the path." Men were created to lead by God. God has prepared for those who love him. Wimpy men make poor leaders because they easily crumble under pressure. Paul states the headship of a husband over his wife. which is the reason for his loving. He is like a farmer. toiling and tilling the soil till the seeds that he plants bear fruit. and what has not entered the human heart. instant coffee. living. it also means that the husband is a servant to his wife. • A leader cannot be passive and irresponsible. He does not give up easily. • For a man to fulfill his core desires. Conclusion Brothers. and for battle. But true servant-leadership as Jesus exemplifies should be the standard of every man. • Leadership does not mean dictatorship. We must first understand the deep desires that God placed in the heart of a man: a desire to love. macro perspective as compared to women. • But leadership without courage is impotent. Even when wounded. for adventure. our first step in our journey to knighthood is to embrace the definition of authentic manhood. A Real Man Leads Courageously • St. Whils St. "What eye has not seen. This is something we need to reckon with in our hearts today. Leadership requires vision. CFC Singles for Christ Page 16 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . expecting the greater. and the man is the head of a woman. Loving. Paul writes "But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man.). Leadership is naturally opposed by challenges of any given task. • Heaven is the greater good that we all aspire for. and ear has not heard. instant sex [prostitution]. he needs to persevere and keep his eyes focused on the greater reward (heaven). "Lord Jesus. and resources were not an issue. Defining moment [prepare a separate worksheet for each participant] • • Find a place where you can be alone for reflection. money. Jesus. my body. and my soul a deep mystery that reveals who you are to others. Amen" Reflect on the following questions. • • • Who or what do you love so deeply? If time. Create a journal of your reflections. Help me to fix my eyes on You. Help me to dive deeper and discover within my heart your design so that I may embrace it.Stage 1 Formation Activity A. I am a man created in the image and likeness of God. Thank You for creating me as a man for with it you have etched in my heart. Rate yourself On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 meaning least likely true. Pray before you reflect. that You may guide me to the path of authentic manhood. Why are they not a 10? What would it take for you to get a 10 in all these 4 principles? CFC Singles for Christ Page 17 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . what is the greatest adventure that you dream of pursuing? Who or what are you willing to fight for? How much would you give for this cause? • B. rate yourself against these 4 principles of manhood: I reject passivity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 I accept responsibility 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 I lead courageously 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 I expect (and can wait) for the greater reward 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Look at your answers. 10 meaning most likely true). Key Messages: 1. A Knight's Code of Conduct During the dark and often chaotic middle ages. Recall how man through Adam broke the code with God. 4. Love and Honor of Women . redeemed man by fulfilling the code of conduct. The four main values of his code of conduct are: • Loyalty . Give hope through God’s promise for redemption. the New Adam. Tenor: Serious and reflective. He treated women with respect and would fight for their honor. 3. a work to fulfill. Jesus. I. the knight stood out among the other warriors of his time. Highlight God’s desired code of conduct for man. Encourage the brothers to seek healing from their brokenness. One who is emotionally and spiritually strong and prayerful. then as a squire. "Loyalty.According to Barbara Tuchman.Gorges Duby says "The knight owes it to himself to keep nothing in his hands." • • • CFC Singles for Christ Page 18 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . All that comes to him he gives away..A knight who broke his oath was charged with 'treason' for betraying the order of knighthood" Excellence . a woman to love) will lead him to a full and satisfying life. 2. Man’s adherence to God’s desired code of conduct (a will to obey. by men who lived out these high ethical and moral standards. Although the code of conduct was broken initially through Adam and inherited by man. 3. Generosity to the Poor . was chivalry's fulcrum.. He was more than just an elite soldier in the kingdom.A knight was to be romantic and chivalrous. he was also champion of virtue. Man must continue to seek redemption through constant turning away from sin. leading to the desire to seek healing from the Lord Speaker’s Profile: A brother who can encourage the participants to acknowledge their brokenness and lead them in seeking healing from the Lord. This was brought about by his training as first a page.Stage 1 Formation SFC Men's Weekend 1: KNIGHTS TALES Session 3: A Code of Conduct Objectives: 1. What set him apart was his code of conduct.A knight was to conduct himself like a champion on the battlefield as well as in the king's court. meaning the pledged word. 2. " (2 Thes 3:10). B. If he adheres to these standards. hope. Work was also a means for man to provie for himself. and a woman to love. We need modern day Christian knights to be a light and witness in these dark and chaotic times.to till and keep the garden. A Woman to love • "The LORD God said: "It is not good for the man to be alone. Work was a means for man to utilize the gifts and talents God gave him as part of his stewardship of creation. so long as God keeps his heart occupied with joy. he will find a life that is satisfying and full. and love. A Work to fulfill • God did not just create man to passively enjoy what creation had to offer. neither should that one eat. A Will to obey • God is man's creator (Gen 1:26-28). Our obedience to him is a response of faith. Paul writes about the value of work "If anyone was unwilling to work." (Gen 2:15) • Scripture teaches us that work is a blessing from God. CFC Singles for Christ Page 19 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . A. II." (Gen 2:18). For such a person will hardly notice the passing of time. "The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it. Robert Lewis outlines these as as will to obey. To Adam. • God made known his will to man. a work to fulfill. • Adam was given a specific work to fulfill . and an activity where he can find fulfillment and joy." (Ecclesiastes 5:17-19) • St. He gave him a duty . I will make a suitable partner for him. God gave man fundamental codes of conduct to live by. He gave to Moses the 10 commandments which men must obey if they are to be God's people. C. And whenever God gives someone riches and property with the ability to enjoy them and to find contentment in work. "So my conclusion is this: true happiness lies in eating and drinking and enjoying whatever has been achieved under the sun. we live in a society where the moral and ethical standards can be likened to that of a medieval age.Stage 1 Formation Today. • Jesus gave us the Beatitudes and taught us many other standards by which we ought to live our life in obedience to God. throughout the life given by God: for this is the lot of humanity. God's Code of Conduct for Men A "code" means a set of rules and standards adhered to by society or individuals.a work to fulfill. this is a gift from God. he commanded that he take on stewardship of creation. We then further read that God formed other creatures but none proved to be a suitable partner for man. but God CFC Singles for Christ Page 20 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . This one shall be called 'woman. Adam was given a will to obey God. and honor his wife. He must be willing to give up his life for her. • • • III.' for out of 'her man' this one has been taken. A man must have a woman to love. He said to the woman. love your wives. "Did God say. "you shall die" appears in some translations to mean "you shall die the death". is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden.a death of a soul. saying. Ephesians 5 describes the standard for which a man must love his woman. author Scott Hahn breaks down for us the events in Genesis. God's command implied that there was something that must be kept out. 15-17). o • Now the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature that the Lord God had made. The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it. and there He put the man whom He had formed. and the treee of the knowledge of good and evil. And the Lord God commanded the man. Ancient rabbis taught this passage from Genesis implied two kinds of death a natural death. "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden. A man called to priesthood devotes his life to love. In his book "First Comes Love". but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat. Important details in the passage: o "to keep" in Hebrew literally means "to guard" as the Israelite priests guarded the sanctuary and kept it from defilement. A Broken Code and the Promise of Redemption A. at last. But seen in the light of a woman's body. 'You shall not eat of the any tree of the garden'?" And the woman said to the serpent. together they make perfect sense. Man was made for woman and woman for man. he gives Adam his commandment. for in the day that you eat of it you shall die. He exclaims "This one. But something went terribly wrong. Eve.the Church. This verse referred to the latter. And out of the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. in the east. something that might try to get in. lead. Adam’s failure and its consequences The first man had the opportunity to live out this code of conduct. it does not make sense by itself. just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her" (Eph 5:25). a most extreme kind of death . "Husbands. • After God creates man. . "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden. the tree of life also in the midst of the garden. and a supernatural death.Stage 1 Formation • God then creates woman from man's rib. A husband devotes his life to love. lead. A man is called to love a woman." (Gen 2:23). and honor the bride of Christ . a work to fulfill in the garden. Looking at a man's body. and a woman to love."(Gen 2:8-9. A single man is called to love his mother and his sisters.. and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons.. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened . f. not just Eve." a. The Old Testament translation of "serpent" is "nahash" denoting a dragon (Is 27:1) or a sea monster (Job 26:13).. Adam feared his own death. His fears kept him from defending his wife. b. Then the eyes of both were opened. he choose not to intervene when the serpent addressed the couple. she took of its fruit and ate and she also gave some to her husband. to pride. more than the spiritual death that awaited him if he offended God by sin. the serpent threatened to kill them if they did not comply to his proposal. Eve stepped in and was tempted. His fears overcame his ability to trust his Father God to rescue him. knowing good and evil. "He said. Why did he not intervene? d. He failed to love the woman God gave to be his companion. 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden. Because of his silence. Because Adam failed to fulfill his work «to till and keep». In other words. CFC Singles for Christ Page 21 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . b. c. and he ate. even if he loses his life in doing battle with the serpent." The serpent was addressing both of them. Moreover.'" But the serpent said to the woman. The serpent said "You will not die". and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise. (Gen 3:1-7) a. The Catechism of the Catholic Church identifies the serpent as Satan (CCC 291) who can physically harm Adam. Crippled with the fear. he feared his physical death at the hand of the serpent. "You will not die. His fears threw him back. and you will be like God. e. lest you die. It kept him from his duty to guard the garden." Who responds to the serpent? Only Eve. and that it was a delight to the eyes. neither shall you touch it. the serpent was able to enter the garden. Original Hebrew translation indicate the serpent speaks not to one person but to the couple. Where was the man tasked by God to till and keep/guard the garden? He is silent and allows his wife to succumb to the serpent's proposal. upon himself. Being a murderous beast. "the serpent" is not your small garden variety snake.Stage 1 Formation said. • So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food. he was implying that they would die if they refused to eat the fruit. "And the woman said. Adam had a choice to respond to this threat by intervening or calling out to God for help. o He advanced a little and fell prostrate in prayer. • Jesus was obedient to the will of the Father Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. For just as in Adam all die. not as I will. Therefore. Failing to live out our basic code of conduct as a man will have its consequences too in our daily lives. Jesus rebukes Satan and remains faithful to the Father. (Philippians 2). Jesus fulfills the code of conduct that God gave to man. And the way Christ did it was to become man Himself. Jesus Christ to redeem us and save us. He is risen from death on the third day. B. yet. just as through one person sin entered the world. Adam cowered in fear in the garden and chose to save his life by disobeying God. Jesus was also tempted in the desert. (Matt 4:1) o Just as Adam was tempted by Satan in the garden. the resurrection of the dead came also through a human being. saying. but as you will. Unlike Adam. His pride became his downfall and the consequences were borne by the rest of mankind. o o CFC Singles for Christ Page 22 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . death. let this cup pass from me. and thus death came to all (Rom 5:12) e. so too in Christ shall all be brought to life. also at the garden. o Satan's objective was to undermine the relationship of Jesus from the Father by offering Him power and pleasure. He sent his own son. if it is possible. (Matthew 26:39) o Jesus. Because of Jesus' obedience even to death on the cross. Because of that. In the end. remains faithful to his Father's will despite the fear of physical death that awaited him. d.Stage 1 Formation c. He sought to have Jesus disobey God. He trusted his own judgment instead of relying on God's power. God still loved us. Christ’s victory and promise of redemption For since death came through a human being. (1 Cor 15: 21-22) Despite Adam's failure. Adam failed to obey the will of God. he eventually died and brought death upon mankind. and through sin. "My Father. the dead are raised.We must die to ourselves and rise anew in Christ. the lame walk.his bride the Church In the garden.Stage 1 Formation • Jesus fulfilled the work his Father gave him When John heard in prison of the works of the Messiah. "Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight. the deaf hear. "Are you the one who is to come. (Eph 5:25) o o Jesus." And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. An interesting scene in the movie the Passion of the Christ shows Jesus during the agony in the garden. he said to his mother. (Gal 2:20). (Matt 11:2-5) o o Jesus fulfills his mission (Luke 4:16) on earth and remains faithful to the end. the lame walk. behold. o o Husbands. Jesus entrusts his beloved mother to the care of John the apostle. love your wives. your son. and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them. even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her. and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them. the bridegroom. stepping on and crushing the head of the snake. sheds his blood for his bride. he sent his disciples to him the blind regain their sight. lepers are cleansed." Then he said to the disciple. with this question. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved. "Woman. allowing the serpent to slip past him. Jesus response however was to take Satan head on by offering his life for the sake of his beloved . your mother. On Calvary. the dead are raised. the Church. (John 19:2527) o Adam was passive in the garden and did not take Satan's threat to the couple head on. we must go through the cross. Jesus drives away many demons from the possessed (Mark 5:9). lepers are cleansed. Adam lets Eve respond. "Behold. This is the only way we can break away from and will CFC Singles for Christ Page 23 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . o • Jesus loved the women in his life Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother's sister. or should we look for another?" Jesus said to them in reply. He never gave Satan a foothold during his ministry unlike Adam who failed to till and keep the garden. and Mary of Magdala. This ought to be our model! True love is nothing without SACRIFICE! If we are to become true men. Mary the wife of Clopas. the deaf hear. Jesus responds and Mary stays silent. Just as David prayed “Blessed be the Lord my rock. who trains my hands for battle. pains. now would be the best time to encourage the brothers to do so. we still CHOSE to indulge them instead of resisting sin. Allegiance – We need to re-commit ourselves to Christ as our Lord and King. which will always be there because of our concupiscence.If a priest is available for Confession. the new Adam. Brothers. But the effects of sin remains: hurts. and tendency to sin. let us not waste any more time rationalizing our sin. my fingers for war. This helps us also to continue to fight the good fight. o We must commit to fight the good fight or persevering and continuing to struggle amidst temptations. You can do the following guided prayer as an • • • CFC Singles for Christ Page 24 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales .” (Gal 5:1). Compliance – We need to grow in discipleship and formation so we can fortify our resolve to live a holy and righteous life. o God can forgive our sins if we repent. IV. o We must seek the power of the Holy Spirit so that we may “live by the Spirit” (Gal 5:24-25) and not live according to the desires of our flesh.Stage 1 Formation overcome the weaknesses we inherited from Adam. Even while our desires may be corrupted. • Healing session [Sacrament of Reconciliation . and humility are the key to deliverance. so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. Deliverance – “For freedom Christ set us free. We are weak and our desires are disordered. faith. But there is hope! Christ has come as the new Adam. redeeming us. the first man. the first man. Surrender. Our submission to Christ is essential else we will find ourselves submitting to our own will and desires. The path to redemption Brothers. we need to relearn the ways of true manhood by living a life of virtue. We still bear a strong semblance to Adam.” (Psalm 144:1). but also showing us men the way to authentic manhood! We must be transformed! The path we must take are the following: • Repentance – We need to be honest with ourselves and stop rationalizing our sins. and live in victory with Christ. We must ask Christ to heal us from the effects of sin and to deliver us from any vice or addictions we have nurtured in the past. are you ready to die? To die to yourself so that you may rise again with Christ? let us then begin our time of healing and restoration. We must seek God’s forgiveness and ask for the grace to be strong. I have chosen my human desires over and above what Your divine will is for me. and other risky behaviour? Have I been violent towards others? Have I used my strength to abuse. premarital sex? Am I addicted to gambling. I am a Knight. superiors. I have failed You miserably. Allow enough time of silence for this. masturbation. etc) abused me or failed to witness to me the true meaning of manhood? Have I failed to live out to the fullest the true meaning of manhood? Have I hurt or abused anyone in the process? Lead the brothers to continue praying to the Lord while waiting for the others to finish with their confession. and intimidate others? Am I hurting because of the failures of my father to love me and raise me up to be a good man? Have any of my male family members or relatives abused me or failed to witness to me the true meaning of manhood? Has anyone outside my family. • • • • • • • Do I struggle with sexual desires? Do I indulge in pornography. coerce. I chose this world over my place CFC Singles for Christ Page 25 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . I let you down my Father. “A WOUNDED KNIGHT’S PRAYER” Heavenly Father. figures of authority (teachers. Invite the Holy Spirit to come and open our hearts to His presence. I have sinned and continue to sin. You have created me in your image and likeness out of your love for me. I gave up eternal joy and bliss to be with You and instead feasted over temporary pleasure. Not from the battles in the field. singing in the Spirit. Have the music ministry continue to play soft melody of worship as the following session begins: Have the brothers close their eyes and answer the following questions in prayer. Pause frequently as the brothers follow silently. I am deeply wounded.Stage 1 Formation examination of conscience for the brothers prior to confession. lead the brothers in praying the Wounded Knight’s Prayer. but wounded from the battles from within. vice. After everyone has confessed.] Guided Prayers Lead the brothers in prayer using only slow songs of worship and adoration. I have turned my back on what is genuine and true and contented myself with the counterfeits of this life. I am your son and You have bestowed upon me the rights of an heir to your heavenly Kingdom. I have struggled with purity. and for a battle. I have succumbed to the temptations of the flesh. I have physically and sexually abused other people. CFC Singles for Christ Page 26 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . Make me worthy once again. Show me the light to salvation. Be with me in the battles I will never win alone. I have used power to intimidate and to coerce. My hurt is deeply-rooted. my Father. Make me realize what Your original plan for me is. What I do know is that I still hurt deep inside even. Do not let me succumb to temptation once again. I have sinned but You can heal me. Make we realize that it is the devil who has distorted what I am and corrupted my heart and distorted my desires. Make me realize that my heart was made for love. I humbly implore Your Divine Mercy to have pity on me. I ask for Your healing. I know that I am not worthy. I have given up but You have not given up on me. to materialism. I have kept these pains inside me. I have fallen but You can help me up. premarital sex. I ask for forgiveness. Was it my father who physically hurt me as a child? Was it the verbal abuse I was subjected to at home and in school? Was it the violation of my body by people who were supposed to protect me? Was it the effects of the drugs and alcohol I took to make me forget? Was it the love I offered to this girl which was scorned and ridiculed? Was it the absence of anybody who could have comforted me when I was alone in my life? All these years. I ask for Your deliverance. and masturbation. indulged in pornography. for adventure. I do not know anymore who or what caused my hurt. to alcohol. Cover me with Your love. and to power. Allow me to move on inspite of all the hurts I have been through.Stage 1 Formation deep in Your heart. I have been lost but You can find me. I have learned to numb my senses and to hide these feelings. Lead me Lord into Your arms. putting up a false façade of strength. I have lived a double life. Deep inside I long for Your love. I have been addicted to drugs. Heal me. Free me from the bondage of sin which slowly consumes me. for hearing the plea of Your son. Thank you for your grace to forgive and to heal. send forth your Most Holy Spirit to be my guide. Thank you for never failing to listen to the call of Your child. I am a wounded Knight but I choose to ask for forgiveness in order to be healed.Stage 1 Formation Heavenly Father. But most of all. CFC Singles for Christ Page 27 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . Amen. Thank you. dear Father. thank you for just being our Father. initiative. The lot fell on the princess and the king begged St. to fulfill this cause. SFC brothers are called to be the modern knights ready to fight the battle and must be ready to commit to the duty of knighthood.Stage 1 Formation SFC Men's Weekend 1: KNIGHTS TALES Session 4: A Cause to Fight For Objectives: 1. He rescues the princess and brings her back to his father. exhorting. It is also true for every man. One who can inspire. George and the Dragon According to a legend. Key Messages: 1. Exhort the SFC brothers to uphold the values of the SFC Knight. St. even his life. He takes up the cause of his King and offers his services. and servant leadership. The SFC brother is called to uphold the values of integrity. we too as God’s sons need to take up the cause of living like knights in this day and age. The Cause of A Modern Day Knight A knight does not live for himself. He came upon a town that was besieged by a dragon. Just as St. Tenor: Exciting. George took up the cause to slay the dragon. Solicit the brothers’ commitment to live out the life of a true SFC Knight. 2. The cause of the SFC brother should transcend beyond his personal cause. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. CFC Singles for Christ Page 28 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . The townsfolk drew lots to determine who among the maidens were to be offered to the dragon to appease it. Instill in the SFC brother the transcendent cause he must embrace as his own. faith. humility. 3. 3. the highest SFC brother leader of the area The Tale of St. and abilities. There's a purpose behind our masculinity. The gallant knight made a sign of the cross. George to help. Speaker’s Profile: A brother who can challenge the SFC brothers to commit to become a knight and live out the corresponding life. George was a knight who traveled the countryside. then proceeded to slay the dragon with his lance. our strength. courage. 2. excellence. the king. victorious. Ideally. This was my share for all my toil. with nothing gained under the sun. at the end of his life. Nothing that my eyes desired did I deny them. Life without a Cause • Secular manhood judges a man by his position (e. competitiveness. Timeless . that his life meant something for others. King Solomon. one of the most powerful and wisest man who ever lived. And I constructed for myself reservoirs to water a flourishing woodland.it contains significance beyond the moment. more than all who had been before me in Jerusalem. and to the toil at which I had taken such pains. but my heart rejoiced in the fruit of all my toil. behold! all was vanity and a chase after wind. What is missing is a transcendent cause. What is a Transcendent Cause? A meaningful cause is a mission that a man undertakes that adds value to the life of others. I made gardens and parks. Man needs to find meaning and purpose for his life. • B. there are two transcendent causes we can embrace as our own. "I'm a doctor"). elected as Senator). or how he enjoys his personal wealth and affluence (e. I also had growing herds of cattle and flocks of sheep. (Ecc 2:4-11) • Pursuing success is not what life is all about. "I'm a lawyer". and I stored up more than all others before me in Jerusalem. I built myself houses and planted vineyards. But the problem with making these standards our goals for living makes our life incomplete. He needs to know. has something to say about this matter: "I undertook great works. made it to CEO. a transcendent cause must have these following characteristics: • • • Heroic . big house. This mission transcends time and location. stayed with me.g. I amassed for myself silver and gold. it stretches beyond borders and generations. by his ability to "out-play" and win over others (e. my wisdom.g. Meaningful . luxurious life). too.g. He wants to know that his life was not in vain. nor did I deprive myself of any joy.Stage 1 Formation A. but he made a difference in the lives of others.a noble endeavor calling forth bravery and sacrifice. and the wealth of kings and provinces.it is supremely filled with meaning and value for others In SFC. and slaves were born in my house.g. I got for myself male and female singers and all human luxuries. I acquired male and female slaves. According to author Robert Lewis. how many goals he's achieved in his professional or political career (e. There is nothing wrong with pursuing these standards and being successful. strategic planner). I became great. and set out in them fruit trees of all sorts. But when I turned to all the works that my hands had wrought. CFC Singles for Christ Page 29 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . though he was God.Stage 1 Formation • Building the Church of the Home . emptied himself and took the form of man (Phil 2) Excellence . you do not keep the lady waiting. Initiate by expressing your intention and feelings first after your discernment. o If you see a need. building homes for the homeless. we will fulfill our SFC vision.God calls us to build up and strengthen the family against the evil forces that seek to undermine it. o Take on Christ as your model. o Never boast about your abilities or achievements. Building the Church of the Poor . Be thorough and diligent when you carry out your tasks c. If we remain faithful to this cause. o In courtship. Humility . • Integrity . We are active witnesses of our faith o Practice what we preach. be the first ones to respond. we are able to help the poor by giving a child the gift of education.Our words and actions are one. say YES! Mission readiness is a prerequisite of initiative. It starts with personal renewal. and creating communities of hope. The 7 values of an SFC Knight These are the top seven values that each SFC brother must pledge to uphold.We strive to excel in our professional and personal lives and reject mediocrity a. o When your leader asks you to serve.We reject passivity. • Now its not enough that we embrace a particular cause. We must also uphold within us values that will hone and channel our masculine strength as we pursue our mission. o Never allow your name to be tarnished by scandalous behavior or affairs. who.God calls us to evangelize but also to look after the welfare of the poor. then the renewal of marriages and families. Our basic call to evangelize and bring others to Christ is our foremost mission. Initiative . II. We don't wait for others to move but we initiate first. We do the ordinary things extraordinarily well b. Always give your 100% to everything. o You keep your word and your promise. that every single man and woman all over the world will experience Christ. Accord everything to God who provided you with all these. • • • CFC Singles for Christ Page 30 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales .We regard others as more important without belittling our own worth and abilities. No lip-service. Through ANCOP. We will challenge one another to bring out the excellence in our actions. We stick out for one another and we defend each other. Our Patron • We turn to Christ first and foremost. Brothers. we must learn to work things out in Christian brotherly love. • • III. We commit to love. We too have our fraternal order of brotherhood and that is SFC. honor. CFC Singles for Christ Page 31 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . as well as admonish and correct. o Leadership brings us to a position to help many.the true model of authentic manhood.God is our primary source of power and we seek him daily for His grace. a. o Use your leadership to bring other men and women close to Christ. Servant-Leadership . the patron of the Church and all fathers that we may learn what it means to live in humility. C. If there are disagreements among us.Despite our fears and weakness.Stage 1 Formation • Courage . o Your leadership is not your identity. Joseph. one another so that we can grow even more in our faith and service to God. B. Our Commitment We are committed to live out the true meaning of authentic manhood as defined by Christ. Do not give up easily but fight the good fight! c. We need to be committed to one another because we need each other to grow in our faith but also to grow in our understanding of authentic masculinity. We are our brothers keeper and we will teach.We lead courageously and use our leadership position to serve others. Faith . encourage one another! There is strength in numbers. We surrender our will to His. Use it wisely. we press on and stand up for what is right. The legendary King Arthur had his Knights of the Round Table. committed service. The Order of SFC Knights A knight does not live and fight alone. and love for Mary. • We look to St. as the new Adam . it is impossible to please God.(Heb 11:6) o Faith is trusting that God will MOVE. A. but a privilege that can be removed and given to others. Our Loyalty Our loyalty to one another must be without question. Do not buckle under pressure but learn to fix your eyes on Jesus b. and build up one another. o Without faith. Our love for Christ is what binds us together. Benedict. accept responsibility. and seek the greater reward. And help me to love the women in my life. Satan. I forgive the men in my life who have failed to witness true manhood. to defend our sisters from harm. that I may not be afraid to engage in battle for what is right. Help me to value the work you have given me. • This battle continues to rage. As modern day knights. We look to St. We ask his intercession as we learn about the ways of true manhood. Jesus.Stage 1 Formation • We look to St. we look to him as our inspiration to be ready for battle. Fill my heart with virtue and courage. of the power of God to dispel Satan. A. Our perception of true manhood has been warped by the influences of the world. waged war upon God’s children in the garden when he tempted our first parents Adam and Eve to sin. Help to know your will that I may obey it. Let us now commit ourselves to the duty of knighthood in SFC. We bear the weakness of Adam. we humbly come to you today. sister. George. lead courageously. the fist man.org/gen/medal. (See http://www. the patron of soldiers. my mother.osb. Teach me to become a true man for Christ. He is also an exemplary model of holiness and spiritual warfare. Have the brothers take a knee and bow their heads as you go through the prayers] Lord Jesus. Help me to reject passivity. so that I may live life as an adventure. We have seen how the model of knighthood is relevant to our times and that we must become modern knights ourselves. He does not want us to live up to our full potential. He continues to distract men from their true call as God’s sons. Reveal to me the purpose for which you have created me. St. Ceremony • We have now come to the end our Men's Weekend One. pursuing the mission you call me to fulfill. The book of Revelation illustrates the devil as a dragon who “became angry with the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring. those who keep God's commandments and bear witness to Jesus” (Rev 12:14) The enemy continues to lie to us. or girlfriend. We are born into a battle. the patron of learners and those who suffer from diseases. I forgive • CFC Singles for Christ Page 32 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . I ask you today to renew my understanding of authentic manhood.html for more information) • IV. Commitment Prayer [Have the music ministry play a reflection song. Benedict's Cross/Medal is a powerful sacramental that reminds whoever that wears it. Restore in my heart the desire to love only you above all else. in the form of a serpent. cleansed. help me to embrace the cause to build the Church of the home. I commit myself to the ideals of knighthood and the brotherhood of Christian knights in SFC. and colleagues. I also forgive all the women in my life that have sought to undermine my masculinity through their rejection or failure to love. For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities. having done everything. Help me to be a man of integrity. May I be excellent in everything I do and be courageous in the face of evil or danger. If I have suffered any abuse at the hands of men. that I may be able to resist on the evil day and. I take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. my sisters. and love. my priest. and build the Church of the poor. initiative. I now don the armor that St. I ask your forgiveness for my selfish exploitation of women through prostitution. In all circumstances. masturbation. casual sex. I ask the Holy Spirit to touch these painful moments in my life and pour out waves upon waves of love and healing. encouragement. Intercession of Patron Saints and Bestowing of a Sacramental CFC Singles for Christ Page 33 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . Therefore. Grant me your grace to be humble and to be a true servant-leader to others. and humility. Bestowing The Armor Of God and the Sword of The Spirit Lord I need you to equip me as a knight that I may be effective in this spiritual battle that I was born into. pornography. which is the word of God. I put on the armor of God. clothed with righteousness as a breastplate. that all hurts and wounds become submerged. and my feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace. with the powers. I hold faith as a shield. with the evil spirits in the heavens. ex-girlfriends. my teachers. hep me discover my gifts and talents that I may apply them to the cause you call me to embrace. and colleagues. to quench all (the) flaming arrows of the evil one. friends.Stage 1 Formation my father. and other illicit sexual activity. I release them from my anger and bitterness but hand them over to you. correction. and healed. with the world rulers of this present darkness. my brothers. As an SFC member. I forgive my mother. I commit myself to my brothers in this room and they can always count on me to be a source of healing. to hold my ground. Paul speaks about in Ephesians 6. B. C. Lord. I will stand fast with my loins girded in truth. I put on the armor of God so that I may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. strength. have a few leaders station themselves in the room and perform the initiation. Leader: <Name of brother>. Participant: Amen. St. Are we now ready to bring back the brothers to SFC? Man was made different from woman as God had his plan for man the same way He had His plans for women. I pray to St. Joseph that I may be true to my call as a man and as a future father. Man fell along the way. May I imitate his faith and become holy. and be a champion of Christ. St.g. and to rescue the captive women in my life from Satan's lies. Benedict's cross> so that it will be a solemn reminder of your promise today to become a modern day knight for Jesus. The phenomenon of the lack of SFC brothers remains a reality not only in the Philippines. V. May I be a champion of women and be a source of affirmation and love. Benedict's cross). Benedict. The brothers will kneel before the leader as he bestows upon them the sacramental (e. are we now ready? SFC has been around for the past eighteen years. May I imitate his love and devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary and his humble service to the child Jesus. When all the brothers have been initiated. I bestow upon you this sacramental <e.g. that I may forever be a diligent learner of the ways of Christ.] Leader: <Name of brother>. Go. pushing yourself to be excellent in your personal and professional life. are you ready to commit yourself to pursue authentic manhood as modeled by Christ? Participant: I am. have the worship leader begin the exhortation for the praisefest. that I may find courage to battle and slay my dragons.Stage 1 Formation I ask for the blessing and intercession of St. For holiness is a potent weapon against spiritual warfare. but God is willing to restore man to His CFC Singles for Christ Page 34 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . George. [The Team Leader now calls the men by name one by one to the front. Conclusion and Exhortation of Worship Leader Leading to Praisefest My brother knights. If there are many brothers that will be initiated. Leader: Will you commit to the standards of modern day knighthood. The situation is not unique to SFC as it involves the general nature of man wherever he is. You are hereby initiated in a deeper brotherhood in SFC. and upholding the values we share in SFC? Participant: I will. but around most parts of the world as well. I pray to St. If you hear a voice in you asking you to be a full time pastoral worker or a mission volunteer. We need more men like this. Let us live the lives of real knights. let us be the real SFC brothers! Praisefest CFC Singles for Christ Page 35 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . But along the way. May I ask these people to come up (on stage) with me? My brothers. notice how few these men are compared to the battle we need to fight. we are called to be humble. we need as many knights as we can. Are we ready to live out these virtues? Since we are in a battle. We will constantly be reminded of these traits with the SFC Brother’s crest. We need more of the special breed of knights who have fought gallantly beyond the call of duty. at times forsaking the needs of their families. the evil one will continue to thwart God’s plan. Are we ready to take our service to the next level and be a fulltime worker or a mission volunteer? We have taken this call to a new level by the knighting we all went through. Are we ready to fight the battle? As SFC brothers. courageous and men of integrity. please come up.Stage 1 Formation original plan. These are our full time pastoral workers and mission volunteers. Wikimedia Foundation. Robert. Theology of Her Body. <<http://en. Websites "Chivalry. Nashville. Scott. Captivating. Evert. Books Evert. 2001. 2005.C. TN: Thomas Nelson. 1986. <http://en. 2001." Wikipedia. First Comes Love. New York: Double Day. Hahn. 2009.Stage 1 Formation References Used. Jason. 2009. John and Stasi. 2007. Wikimedia Foundation. IL: Tyndale House. 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Carol Stream. Theology of His Body. Jason." Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia. PA: Ascension Press. PA: Ascension Press. D. Raising A Modern-Day Knight. 2002. Westchester.org/wiki/Knighthood> Scripture Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible with Revised New Testament and Revised Psalms © 1991. Lewis. Inc. John Wild at Heart.wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia. 2001. Washington. CFC Singles for Christ Page 36 Men's Weekend 1: Knights Tales . TN: Thomas Nelson. Westchester. January 15. Eldredge. January 15. Nashville.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chivalry> "Knighthood. Eldredge. Inc.
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