
May 10, 2018 | Author: Dominic Roman Tringali | Category: Lecturer, Academic Degree, Vocational Education, Doctorate, Teachers



MCAST – MUTCOLLECTIVE AGREEMENT 2011 – 2016 1 Table of Contents 1 Preamble ..........................................................................................................................4 2 Management Clause ........................................................................................................4 3 Definitions........................................................................................................................4 4 Recognition and Scope.....................................................................................................6 5 Duration of the Agreement..............................................................................................6 6 Subject matter .................................................................................................................6 7 Management of Business.................................................................................................7 8 The MUT and the MUT’s MCAST Section Committee .....................................................7 9 MCAST-MUT Relations.....................................................................................................7 10 Working obligations for Lecturing Staff...........................................................................8 11 Academic Year and Hours of Work ................................................................................11 12 Contact hours.................................................................................................................12 13 Classes performed after Normal Working Hours ..........................................................13 14 Continuous Professional Development .........................................................................14 15 Health and Safety...........................................................................................................15 16 Leave entitlement ..........................................................................................................15 17 Engagement ...................................................................................................................15 18 Staff Structure................................................................................................................16 19 Administrative Duties ....................................................................................................21 20 Institute Coordinators and Lead Internal Verifiers and / or Subject Coordinators ............................................................................................................................21 21 Part-Time Lecturers........................................................................................................21 22 Notes regarding Staff Structure .....................................................................................22 23 Staff Appraisal ................................................................................................................25 24 Resignation or Termination of Employment .................................................................25 25 Special Paid Leave ..........................................................................................................25 26 Special Leave without Pay..............................................................................................29 27 Special Leave..................................................................................................................34 28 SICK LEAVE .....................................................................................................................34 29 Injury on Duty ................................................................................................................36 30 Post-injury on duty.........................................................................................................37 31 Absence from Work .......................................................................................................37 32 Time Recording and Late Attendance............................................................................38 33 Redundancies and Demotions .......................................................................................38 34 Re-Employment .............................................................................................................39 35 Reckoning of Seniority ...................................................................................................39 36 Retirement .....................................................................................................................40 37 Right of Search ...............................................................................................................40 38 Health and Safety at Work.............................................................................................40 39 Health and Safety Committee........................................................................................41 40 Insurance Coverage........................................................................................................42 41 Transport........................................................................................................................42 42 Engagement in other Work............................................................................................43 43 Code of Conduct.............................................................................................................43 44 Equal Opportunities .......................................................................................................44 2 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Grievance Procedure .....................................................................................................44 Withholding of Services .................................................................................................45 Unofficial Industrial Action ............................................................................................46 Information regarding the MCAST and Confidentiality .................................................46 Resignation or Termination of Employment .................................................................47 Dress Code .....................................................................................................................47 Discipline ........................................................................................................................47 LEARNING SUPPORT ASSISTANTS ..................................................................................52 Hours of Work for Learning Support Assistants ............................................................53 Salary Structure and Work Resources ...........................................................................54 3 1 2 Preamble 1.1 Whereas the MCAST and the MUT agree that a stable and harmonious relationship between both parties is desirable for the maintenance of stability and industrial peace which would lead to the prosperity, welfare and efficient operation of the undertaking in the mutual interest of both the employer, the employees, and the students, the MCAST and the MUT enter into this Agreement and pledge themselves to abide by its provisions and to co-operate in all good faith in upholding the principles embodied therein. 1.2 Meeting together in free and voluntary association to determine and to subsequently regulate the relations between them in the interest of mutual understanding and co-operation, the parties to this Agreement have agreed: Management Clause 2.1 3 The parties agree that the Management of the College has the authority to execute all the various duties, functions and responsibilities vested in the Management provided that the exercise of such authority shall not in any way conflict with this Agreement. Definitions 3.1 ‘Agreement’ means the Collective Agreement 3.2 ‘Working day/s, hour/s’ for the purpose of notice of industrial action shall mean such day/s/hours as are worked by the academic staff of the College and for this purpose days of shut-down, Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays shall not be considered as working days. 3.3 ‘Consultation’ means the establishment of a mechanism for dialogue and exchange of views between the Union and the Management in such a manner as to permit the Union, on the basis of the information provided, to express an opinion on measures planned to be taken by Management which may be taken into account in the decision-making process. 3.4 ‘Management’ is to be understood to be the Principal/Chief Executive Officer or such official of the 4 College authorised by the Principal/Chief Executive Officer to head the Administration. 3.5 ‘Union’ means the Malta Union of Teachers. 3.6 “Contact Hours” shall mean those hours dedicated to: class/group teaching, tutorials, teaching/demonstrations in laboratories and workshops and similar/ancillary lecturer-student teaching and learning activities, invigilation, mentoring of Degree Dissertations and HND projects as provided in clause 12.4 and contact time whilst visiting students on placement. Lecturers from across all institutes can be assigned for invigilation duties during the exam period as established by each respective institute. Job shadowing shall only be considered as forming part of the contact hours if the lecturer concerned is actually teaching. Job shadowing shall not be considered as contact hours, however job shadowing shall be in lieu of contact hours and shall not exceed the maximum number of hours established as contact hours in this Agreement. 3.7 ‘Union Official’ shall mean the President, the Vice President and the General Secretary of the Section or other senior official of the Union. 3.8 A Shop Steward or member of the MCAST union committee is not considered to be a union official. 3.9 'Immediate family' means the husband, wife, married or unmarried children, as well as family relations up to the first degree, and whether living in the same household or not and persons having legal custody of a child (L.N. 296/03). 3.10 ‘Place of work’ shall be construed to mean MCAST Corradino and the satellite institutes and centres and any other place where the employee is assigned to render service on behalf of MCAST such as places of students’ placements and places where students receive their practical training. 3.11 The singular includes the plural and references to the male gender shall be deemed to be applicable to the female gender unless otherwise specified. 5 4 5 6 Recognition and Scope 4.1 The effective date of the provisions of this Collective Agreement shall be the date of signing of the Agreement. Science and Technology recognizes the MUT as the sole negotiating body in respect of and on behalf of the academic staff covered by this Agreement. all or a majority of the lecturing staff of MCAST not belonging to the MUT. Until such time as a new agreement is concluded. the contents of this Agreement shall remain in force and no industrial dispute shall be declared as a result of the non-agreement of this issue. In the case of no agreement being reached. Subject matter 6. 6 . such a change or a similar move will not affect in any way the members’ or the employer’s undertakings through this Agreement. the parties shall meet with a view to reach a new Agreement.2 At any time either party may give the other one month’s notice in writing expressing the wish for the whole or parts of this Agreement to be revised before the expiry date. The Agreement shall remain in force until the 31st December 2016. except for the salary structure which shall be effective from 1st January 2012.2 MCAST reserves the right to withdraw recognition if the fully paid-up membership of the MUT falls below 50% plus 1 of the number of the employees whose nomenclatures are covered by this Agreement registered in the records of the College covered by this Agreement. form another union or amalgamate with another staff association. this agreement shall remain in force. during the validity period of this Agreement.1 The Malta College of Arts. Duration of the Agreement 5.1 If. Within six months prior to the expiry of this Agreement. 4. In this event both parties will enter into discussions. 5. CAP 327. at least once every two months in order to discuss developments and issues and ensure efficient and effective communications.1 8 9 Both parties agree that the management in general. are vested in MCAST in accordance with Part VIII of the Education Act.4 MCAST Executive Management and the MUT will meet on a regular basis. Both parties agree to meet as often as required in order to maintain the best possible relations. of the Laws of Malta and other related present and future legislation. functions and responsibilities incidental thereto. 8.2 Union representatives shall be granted a total aggregate of three (3) working days every calendar year to attend seminars. MCAST-MUT Relations 9.7 Management of Business 7. This Agreement shall not affect the exercise of such authority. 8. The MUT and the MUT’s MCAST Section Committee 8. and the operation of MCAST to carry out all the various duties.1 MCAST hereby agrees to afford reasonable assistance to the MUT’s MCAST Section Committee for it to conduct business and legitimate functions as specified within this Agreement. This special leave shall be requested in writing by the Union and shall be granted depending on the exigencies of the College. 8.3 The MUT agrees to inform MCAST of the names of persons serving on the MUT’s MCAST Section Committee/sub-committees and of any other duly accredited representatives. The members elected to sit on the MUT’s MCAST Section Committee shall be free to undertake their activities on behalf of the MUT. Authorisation for release to attend to Union business during College time is required and under normal circumstances will be granted.1 MCAST and the MUT agree that in the event of any difference of opinion that may arise in the interpretation 7 . or congresses of the Union or to represent the Union locally or abroad. conferences. If these efforts do not provide the necessary solutions.2 All forms of pedagogical work which will generally entail associated organisational and administrative work. The request will be copied to the Union.2 10 Lecturing staff of MCAST may voluntarily request the Management of the College to deduct membership fees from their monthly salary and to have the funds collected and transferred to the MUT. assignment writing. Other related pedagogical duties including the timely submission of all course documentation as required for the respective institute course files and full support to the MCAST established internal and external verification process. Working obligations for Lecturing Staff 10.of this Agreement or any other matter but which is not referred to in this Agreement. both parties will enter into discussions in an attempt to seek a settlement satisfactory to both parties. 9. It includes tutorial work. though not exclusively. the preparation and production of teaching material. This includes. the case will be referred to mediation and conciliation before being submitted to Arbitration. the preparation of schemes of work. marking and assessment of examination papers. the keeping of records of students’ attendance and achievements through both manual and computerized profiling. lesson notes. all classroom / workshop / laboratory lecturing. 8 . appropriate student academic counselling and contribution to the College’s Quality Assurance process. in full cognizance of the autonomy of the Institution. This shall not preclude either party from exercising its rights according to law. the preparation. MCAST will refrain from deducting Union fees upon the written request of the employee concerned. assessments and feedback to learners.1 • • • • • • • • 10. course management. according to the established guidelines.7 The development of relevant and appropriate courses. retention rates. These hours do not fall under contact hours. These placements are to be made for observational.4 Curriculum development work includes identification of learner requirements and the drawing up. seminars and any other initiatives which may involve stakeholders. and the provision of feedback which will enhance the delivery of courses. management. 10.3 The College Management will ensure that there is an equitable distribution of duties. examination results and student progress. The Union may ask for consultation on change in the format that has additional administrative workload. participation in quality assurance and control procedures. development and evaluation of courses and course materials. In order to keep abreast of new developments. 10. assessment. together with other professionals. Placements in industry are part and parcel of compulsory professional staff development. programmes or curricula or revision of same in order to respond to the needs of industry.6 Other administrative work includes: responsibilities related to participation in appropriate team and committee meetings. foreign experts and others in order to reach the aims and objectives set internally and/or externally. Meetings of this nature shall not exceed an average of six (6) hours per month. research and CPD purposes and are not to be interpreted as 9 .5 Staff may also be required to participate in meetings. the preparation of statistical returns including attendance. business and commerce. staff shall also participate in industrial placements. monitoring and review of students’ performance and relative evaluation. of individual learning plans. government and industry’s representatives. 10.10. as deemed necessary by the College Management. the preparation of material relating to induction programmes. This shall be without prejudice to other clauses regarding intellectual property covered in this Agreement. 10. Staff shall also be expected to contribute towards planning. unless otherwise agreed between the Institute and the Lecturer concerned. a reasonable balance in terms of teaching hours due shall be agreed upon with the lecturer concerned. Professional development programmes may be: • Optional. For verification duties. for every four (4) internally verified study units.having to work within the industry in any industrial process.11 Management may request teaching material from academic staff. The employee shall apply to avail of his TOIL to his Director. will be expected to study outside the working day/s and hours and without financial compensation or the award of time off in lieu. there shall be given a concession of one (1) contact hour per week which may be availed of outside MCAST premises and at the beginning or at the end of the working day according to MCAST exigencies. who shall present the said material.9 Staff development work organised by the College including the conduct of and participation in continuous professional development programmes and in in-service training and participation in staff appraisal. 10.10 Internal Verifiers shall be appointed by the Director of the respective institute in consultation with the MCAST QA.8 10. which will normally be conducted during working hours. • Compulsory continuous professional development programmes. applied to voluntarily and which may be required for career progression. 10 . 10. In this regard. subject to attendance registration by the means provided by MCAST for this purpose. 10. Staff who are required to undertake development as specified by relevant professional or awarding bodies after normal working hours. will be given time off in lieu at hour for hour. Approvals shall be granted according to the exigencies of the College and TOIL must be availed of during the same academic year. Staff profiting from scholarships or participating on a voluntary basis in continuous professional development programmes organized and/or sponsored by the MCAST. 5 hours per week. 11.2 Any lecturing undertaken outside these dates will be voluntary and against payment as specified hereunder. plus the time for scheduled meetings and compulsory continuous professional development spread between 8:00am – 4:30pm between Monday and Friday during the academic year. 11. but in no case earlier than on the first Monday of September 11. Lecturing shall commence as indicated by management. student notes.3 Lecturing staff will be in attendance and providing service at College or on College activities during normal working hours. student packs that are developed by the academic staff and any changes thereto belong to MCAST.5 Lecturing staff are entitled to a one hour break which is to be taken during periods when lectures. MCAST will seek to make a structured provision for study-time for staff members undertaking approved academic training. provided that lecturing staff may be obliged to undertake classes between 4:30pm and 8:00pm as defined in clause 13. are not assigned. scheduled meetings and compulsory continuous professional development if any. 11 Academic Year and Hours of Work . teacher packs. syllabi.12 MCAST shall have the sole ownership of any resulting material and IP emanating through EU funded projects.4 Lecturing staff shall have their contact hours.6 Lecturing staff must be present at the place of work during the core hours which are from 10:00am – 11 . 10. 11. 11. Lecture delivery notes that pertain to the lecturer shall remain the property of the lecturer.1 The academic year commences on the first working day in September and finishes on Friday of the first full week in July. 11.14 Without prejudice.10. which is for 37. IP resulting from teaching materials. 10.13 As from the date of signing of this Agreement. the number of students being taught and the number of contact hours reflecting preparation and any other administrative duties related to the subject/s taught. The staff member may request that he/she is awarded time off in lieu. instead of payment. Part of the contact load may be tutorials or mentoring of students. 11. the range and levels of subject areas.8 The Management in consultation with the respective Directors shall ensure an equitable distribution of work and shall give due consideration to the duration of the teaching programme. Any hours in excess of the 19 contact hours shall be remunerated at €23.3 Lecturing/lessons are to start as indicated by Management but in no case before the first Monday of September and finish on the Friday of the first full week 12 . to the performance of the pertinent working obligations as detailed in clause 10 of this Agreement. Such time off in lieu is to be availed of from non-contact hours.03:00pm and during those times when the lecturing staff concerned has been assigned lecturing duties or compulsory continuous professional development.6 of this Agreement. 11. During the academic year 2012/2013 staff may be assigned 20 contact hours per week if exigencies so demand. with effect from the academic year 2013/2014.7 Lecturing staff shall devote the working time that they are not present on campus. 12. Contact hours 12.2 Lecturing staff may be requested. such additional duties in excess of the 19 contact hours shall be on a voluntary basis. subject to Management approval and to the provisions of para.29 per hour. On the contrary.1 Lecturing staff may be allocated a maximum of 19 contact hours + 2 equivalent contact hours in a particular week. 12 11. Lecturing staff may leave the premises during the break period.29 per one (1) hour of lecturing delivered. hour for hour. following approval from the Principal. 12. to perform additional lecturing duties in excess of 19 contact hours per week and in such circumstances shall be remunerated at €23. • when lectures delivered after the normal working hours form part of the 19 contact hours load. This shall be without prejudice to the total annualised hours which comprise the stipulated 19 weekly contact hours plus 2 equivalent contact hours per week for 34 weeks (totalling 714 hours). Lecturers shall be allocated a maximum of 30 minutes per degree dissertation and a maximum of 10 minutes per Higher National Diploma project per week respectively for each degree and each Higher National Diploma student allocated to them by Management. Therefore the total annualized hours amount to 738 hours.4 Mentoring of Degree dissertations and Higher National Diploma projects shall be scheduled in the timetable and shall form part of the contact load. Classes performed after Normal Working Hours 13. the Institute Director may request the Principal in writing to extend the allocated 10 minutes per week for Higher National Diploma projects to 15 minutes per week. 12. This request shall be made in exceptional circumstances only. The decision of the Principal shall be final and shall be communicated in writing to the Institute Director concerned.1 Lecturing staff are obliged to undertake classes between 4:30pm and 8:00pm up to a maximum of two evenings in any one week of the academic year in the following cases: • when timetabling restrictions do not permit otherwise.29 per hour paid pro-rata of the allocated time. in addition to 24 hours flexibility for MCAST administration.of July as stipulated in article 11. MCAST retains the right to compensate for such time in lieu of a reduction in contact hours at the fixed rate of €23. 13 . and • when these lectures pertain to day programmes listed in the Prospectus. giving due justification.1 above.5 In exceptional circumstances. 13 12. following a request from the lecturers. 13. Other evening classes not forming part of day programmes listed in the Prospectus fall outside the scope of this Collective Agreement. 13. the remuneration for this work shall be at €23.5 In addition to the provisions of para. an employee may request to shift part of the employee’s contact hours from the 8:00am – 4:30pm session to the 4:30pm – 8:00pm session at no extra remuneration or any other entitlement. for both the waiting time (from 4.2 Classes covered by this clause.29 per hour. 11. subject to Management approval and to the provisions of para.4 Other evening classes not pertaining to day programmes listed in the Prospectus fall outside the scope of this collective agreement. hour for hour.29 per evening.1. be necessary to exceed this limit.30pm onwards) and the duration of the lecture in addition to the disturbance allowance. 14 . 13. When lectures start after 4:30pm. in addition to 24 hours flexibility for MCAST administration. Such time off in lieu is to be availed of from non-contact hours. classes held from 4:30pm onwards. 14.14 13. Such requests may be acceded to subject to the exigencies of the Institute. If this forms part of a day programme listed in the Prospectus. shall not exceed a total of 2 hours 30 minutes per evening. This comprises the stipulated 19 weekly contact hours plus 2 equivalent contact hours per week for 34 weeks (totalling 714 hours).3 In such cases compensation for lectures delivered shall consist solely of a disturbance allowance of €23. CPD (including job shadowing) and scheduled meetings shall be timetabled within the agreed 738 annualized hours. 13. tutoring/mentoring.6 of this Agreement. Should it however. then this will be voluntary. Continuous Professional Development 14.1 Compulsory Continuous Professional Development may be scheduled within the 738 annualized hours.2 All lecturing. the lecturer shall be entitled to time off in lieu. i.e. MCAST shall have a Health and Safety Officer and a Health and Safety Representative. Health and Safety 15. This shall also apply to staff who are placed within industry for CPD purposes.1 16 Leave entitlement 16. To this end. Once a year. the College will issue an internal open call for application to all members of the lecturing and administrative staff who wish to undertake relevant and appropriate CPD as outlined in the MCAST Strategic Plan. the latter being elected from the lecturing staff. Lecturing staff shall be entitled to an annual leave entitlement of 50 days per academic year. This leave includes the summer break and the Christmas and Easter breaks. 14. In addition all staff will be entitled to a minimum of 4 hours CPD that will be taken from the 738 annualized hours. MCAST shall however enter into a separate agreement on a case by case basis in case of commercialisation or financial profit. the College is committed to the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of its staff.15 14.1 17 MCAST shall bind itself to observe all applicable Health and Safety legislation and regulations. The received applications will be processed by the MCAST Staff Development Committee and in accordance with the published staff development procedures as approved by the MCAST Board of Governors. IP arising from research shall belong to MCAST and the collaborating industrial partner. Engagement 15 . Staff participating in such activities shall have their contact load reduced by an amount of time which reflects their additional responsibilities.4 Academic staff may be required to participate in research and/or industrial collaboration activities.3 As a teaching and learning institution and a professional organisation. 17.18 17.2 In case of a negative report the lecturer shall have the right to appeal to a board constituted of the Principal as chairperson. During the appeals board meeting/s the appellant shall have the right to be represented by his Union and/or a person of his choice. as on the date of signing of this Agreement. The decision of the appeals board shall be final and binding. Following a positive report. Prior to the lapse of the probationary period.1 For the purposes of this Agreement a “relevant degree” shall be interpreted to mean that the transcript of the Degree in question must have at least 60% of the modules directly related to the field of the subject area that the lecturer was recruited to teach. a deputy principal and one director from an Institute other than that of the appellant. 18. present academic staff. the Director or Head of Unit shall be required to forward to MCAST Management a probation report.1 All staff shall be appointed on an indefinite period. Staff Structure 18. the first year of which shall be a probationary phase. 18. Such verification cannot be interpreted as an approval for automatic progression upon obtaining qualification.3 Following the date of signing of this agreement any progression/promotion shall be strictly tied to obtaining the necessary relevant qualification in the field of studies the academic staff was engaged to teach and as established in this Agreement. excluding peripheral subjects. and who have been requested by Management to teach peripheral subjects for a minimum of 4 years in which an average of 50% of the teaching load assigned each year was not 16 .2 Academic Staff who wish to continue their studying may request the Progression Board to verify that the course which they are about to undertake or are undertaking would be classified as “relevant” in the current circumstances.4 On a one-time basis only. the lecturer shall be informed that the probationary period has been successfully completed. 18. National Qualifications Framework (NQF) or the relevant national body] and at least five years full-time.2 New applicants qualifying for employment by virtue of section 18. Holders of relevant vocational qualifications will commence at point one of the related salary scale. 18.directly related to their field of studies.3 Holders of a relevant Post Graduate Certificate / Diploma in Education (PGC/DE) or a similar professional teacher training qualification recognized by MCAST and / or a relevant first degree shall qualify the Assistant Lecturer to commence on point three of the related salary scale. relevant and appropriate relevant industrial or teaching experience. shall have these peripheral subjects which they are currently teaching taken into consideration when considering themselves for progression.1 The minimum qualifications for appointment to the Assistant Lecturer grade shall be: (a) A relevant first degree in a subject specifically relevant to the published call. Assistant Lecturer Grade: 18.1 (b) will qualify for progression to the Lecturer Grade when they obtain a first degree in the relevant area of study. an Assistant Lecturer will 17 . provided all other conditions are satisfied. OR (b) Relevant vocational qualifications [a full level five qualification (120 ECTS) according to the Malta Qualifications Council (MQC) .4 After completion of three years full-time satisfactory lecturing / relevant industrial experience and after achieving a professional teacher training qualification together with a relevant degree.5.5. 18. 18. 6.6 A recommendation from the Institute Director and an approval from the Principal is a prerequisite for progression from any one grade to another. Staff progressed in terms of this provision will not be entitled to further progression.1 The minimum qualifications for appointment to the Lecturer grade shall be: a) A relevant first degree together with a professional teacher training qualification and at least three years full-time and appropriate relevant lecturing and / or relevant industrial experience OR b) A relevant first degree and a relevant masters degree and at least three years fulltime relevant industrial and / or relevant lecturing experience ` OR c) A relevant MQF full Level 5 qualification (120 ECTS) with a professional teacher training qualification and at least seventeen (17) years full-time satisfactory performance in the grade of Assistant Lecturer.6.3 Applicants qualifying for appointment to the grade of Lecturer in terms of para. 18.1 (b) will be accepted on condition that they commit themselves to obtaining a professional teacher training qualification within a five-year period of taking up the appointment.1 (b) shall remain on the first step of the salary 18 .6.5.2 Applicants qualifying for employment by virtue of para. 18.6. 18.6. 18.progress to the Lecturer grade at the next incremental point. 18. Lecturer Grade: 18.5 18. 1 (b) will be accepted on condition that they commit themselves to obtaining a professional teaching training qualification within a five-year period of taking up the appointment. a Senior Lecturer 1 will progress to Senior Lecturer 2 at the next incremental point 19 .4 18.2 Applicants qualifying for employment by virtue of the second paragraph of section 18. 18.7. Senior Lecturer 1 Grade 18.scale until a professional teacher training qualification is obtained. provided they receive a positive appraisal report and recommendation by their Director of Institute.1 (b) shall progress to the Senior Lecturer 1 grade at the next incremental point after completing five years satisfactory lecturing experience and after achieving a vocational teacher training qualification along with a relevant first and masters degrees.7 Lecturing staff qualifying for progression to the grade of Lecturer in terms of paras. 18.3 After completing seven years satisfactory lecturing experience and after achieving a vocational or other approved teacher training qualification along with a doctorate degree. OR (b) Relevant first/masters and relevant doctorate degrees and at least five years full-time relevant industrial and / or relevant lecturing experience. 18.7.1 The minimum qualifications for appointment to the Senior Lecturer 1 grade shall be: (a) Relevant first and relevant masters degrees together with a professional teacher training qualification and at least five years full-time relevant lecturing and / or relevant industrial experience.1 (a) and 18. 8.provided he receives a positive appraisal report and recommendation by the Director of Institute. OR (b) Relevant first. However the question of relevance shall be based upon the parameters established in this Agreement. 18.4 18. 18. Senior Lecturer 2 Grade 18.3 Qualifications deemed to be equivalent to a masters or doctorate degree by MQRIC (or other recognized authority) shall entitle the holder to apply for Senior Lecturer 2 as per academic qualification.8 Qualifications deemed to be equivalent to a masters or a doctorate degree by MQRIC (or other recognized authority) shall entitle the holder to apply for Senior Lecturer 1 as per academic qualification. The minimum qualifications for appointment to the Senior Lecturer 2 grade shall be: (a) Relevant first/masters and relevant doctorate degrees together with a professional teacher training qualification and at least seven years full-time relevant lecturing and / or relevant industrial experience.1 (b) will be accepted on condition that they commit themselves to obtaining a professional teacher training qualification within a five-year period of taking up the appointment. 18. However the question of relevance shall rest with MCAST. relevant masters and relevant doctorate degrees and at least seven years full-time relevant industrial and/ or relevant lecturing experience.2 Applicants qualifying for employment by virtue of section 18. 20 .8. shall agree on how his contact hours may be reduced to attend for the extra duties expected of him in his new position. The assignment of additional administrative duties shall be for one academic year. Part-Time Lecturers 21 .19 Administrative Duties 19. provided that the same provision for the reduction of contact hours shall apply. in consultation with the Director of the respective Institute. the MCAST management reserves the right to assign the additional administrative duties to a member of the lecturing staff they deem fit. Institute Coordinators and Lead Internal Verifiers and / or Subject Coordinators 20. a professional teacher training qualification.1 20 21 When. production of programme materials. a member of the lecturing staff is allocated specific additional administrative duties including those of a programme coordinator or internal verifier in relation to his area of studies.2 The post holder will receive an annual allowance of €2000 and an appropriate reduction of not more than five (5) hours in the weekly lecturing commitment of nineteen plus two (19 +2) contact hours to be dedicated to programme development. renewable at the discretion of the MCAST Management. the Management. The additional administrative duties will be agreed on between the Director of the Institute and the lecturer and approved by the Principal prior to the lecturer taking up the additional duties. mentoring of other lecturers and similar duties agreed to with the Director of the Institute or the Head of Unit and approved by the Principal. If following an internal call no application is received or if the applicant/s is/are deemed to be inappropriate for the assigned responsibilities. 20. following an appropriate internal call for application.1 The minimum qualifications shall be at least a relevant first degree. and five years lecturing experience. These shall be subject to the Quality Assurance appraisal system. 22.1 Relevant qualifications and work experience claimed by an applicant for a post shall be fully supported by the applicant him/herself by related documentation and attestation.5 Teacher training programmes approved and provided by MCAST and comparable qualifications accepted by MCAST shall be considered as professional teacher training qualifications for the purpose of this Agreement.1 MCAST reserves the right to employ lecturers on a parttime basis. 22.3 Failure to present such documentation may result in disqualification of the applicant at various stages of the recruitment process.22 21. However. available bursaries and scholarships.2 All part-time lecturers will be encouraged to follow the Certificate in Vocational Teacher Training administered by the Vocational Teacher Training Unit and provided by MCAST. 22. Proof of comparability of qualifications shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant who shall avail him/herself of the services of the relevant competent / designated authorities in Malta. 22. 21. 22 . as indicated by MCAST) administered by the Vocational Teacher Training Unit and provided by MCAST for personnel already employed by MCAST. a lecturer may utilize mechanisms such as the MCAST Staff Development Fund.2 Qualifications claimed by applicants shall be obtained from reputable higher and / or further education institutions that are recognised by the relevant competent / designated authorities in Malta. or the European Social Fund as and where applicable. Notes regarding Staff Structure 22.4 The acquisition of the appropriate qualifications shall be the responsibility and at the expense of the applicant / lecturer except for the Certificate in Vocational Teacher Training (or equivalent. MCAST reserves the right to require new employees engaged after the date of signing of this Agreement.8 MCAST shall endeavour to identify teacher training programmes which are deemed by the College to be comparable to the vocational teacher training programme offered by the VTTU.22.7 The Certificate in Vocational Teacher Training is provided by MCAST free of charge for those lecturers entitled to follow the course. Such qualifications shall be considered for the purpose of progression but MCAST reserves the right to require the holders of such qualifications to undertake an additional module (or some additional modules) of a pedagogical nature related to VET. Failure to attend and/or pass such training will result in the lecturer forfeiting any further progression in the grade or into other higher grades until he or she passes such training. who are in possession of approved comparable teacher training qualifications. It is understood that. 22. No more than three increments shall be awarded to any qualifying individual for any additional qualifications and / or work experience.10 Lecturing staff shall progress annually along the salary scale provided that no unsatisfactory appraisal report 23 . the lecturer is obliged to attend such training. 22. a lecturer shall be entitled to progress to the next higher grade. In the event that such course is not made available within the first four years of appointment. 22.6 Without prejudice to other clauses in this Agreement. should the course be offered after progression and/or after the four year period. Lecturers are obliged to attend such a course. 22. to undertake an additional module (or some additional modules) of a pedagogical nature related to VET. provided that he/she satisfies all the other criteria for such progression. and will also be entitled to both increments and collective agreement increases as applicable in this collective agreement.9 Additional increments or other remuneration related to qualifications and work experience beyond what is required for the post as indicated in the call for applications shall be fully substantiated by relevant documentation and attestation and shall be awarded at the sole discretion of the MCAST. €700.has been submitted in their regard by the Director or Head of Unit concerned. Appraisal reports are to be forwarded to the Principal at least two (2) months prior to the date on which progression is due.13 Lecturers engaged in a specific lecturing grade on condition that they acquire a particular qualification or work experience within a stipulated period of time shall not be able to proceed beyond salary step 1 unless they satisfy their commitment.11 Following attainment of the minimum requirements for the next grade (qualifications must be backed by official documentation from the awarding University) and a positive appraisal report and recommendation by the Director of the Institute and the Principal. and not the date of publication of the final result. Staff progression to the next grade shall take place on a quarterly basis. 22. 24 . If the necessary action is not taken within three months of receipt of the letter sent to the Principal. a lecturing member of staff shall progress to the next grade at the next incremental point. which date cannot be earlier than the date when the qualification was obtained. the employee shall be entitled to the increment in full. 22. The payment of a qualification allowance is effective from the date of application.12 Employees in possession of qualifications that are beyond the qualifications required for entry into a grade shall be entitled to receive the following additional remuneration: • First Degree: • Masters: • Doctorate: €466. backdated to the date that it was due. 22. then the Lecturer shall proceed to the next grade automatically. If an appraisal report is not forwarded to the Principal. If the said report is not submitted within one (1) month of the date when the increment is due. the lecturer concerned is obliged to write to the Director or line Manager and copy the Principal. The term “when the qualification was obtained” means “the date of conferment of the qualification”. €932. 14 Notwithstanding the above. Notice of termination of employment by either party must be given as stipulated within this Agreement. shall progress on the lines indicated as long as the Malta Qualifications Council and/or the Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre certify comparability of such qualifications. It is the prerogative of the College to decide whether such qualifications are relevant to the employee’s duties or not. if necessary. This is not linked to performance related pay. Chapter 452 of the Revised Laws of Malta. staff appraisal should act as an indicator of strengths and weaknesses and. Special Paid Leave 25 .1 24 Resignation or Termination of Employment 24. Staff appraisal will also include classroom observation by qualified observers so that good practice and/or staff development needs may be identified.42 of the Employment and Industrial Relations Regulation Act (2002). Management may request teaching material from academic staff. who shall present the said material. The appraisal will provide the candidate with the opportunity to meet with a senior manager at least once a year and to be entitled to a formal appraisal that will be documented and agreed by all parties. Nonetheless. resignation or termination of employment by either party may only be given effect to in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Section 33 . The material may be retained by management for an agreed period of time. should motivate academic staff to retain good practice and to focus on areas which require improvement. it is however agreed that those academic staff who are in possession of other qualifications other than those indicated above. or in accordance with any such law as may be in force from time to time.1 25 MCAST operates a staff appraisal mechanism. 23 Staff Appraisal 23.22. In the case of resignation or termination of employment for reasons other than instant or summary dismissal. 1 Birth of child: Two (2) working days shall be allowed to male employees immediately following the birth of each of their children. In such circumstances. 25.4. daughter. husband.Unless otherwise provided by law. 25.2 Bereavement: Full time employees shall be allowed two (2) working days paid leave on the occasion of the death of any of the following relatives: wife. the employee has to inform the Management of the necessity of such leave as soon as 26 . academic employees shall be entitled to the following special paid leave: 25. son. father (or person who at the time was acting as father or mother).1 Full time employees may utilise sixteen (16) hours of their annual vacation leave entitlement for the purpose of urgent family matters. 25.4 Urgent Family Leave 25. 25. sister. • Situations requiring their presence during births and/or deaths of the immediate family.4. mother. arrangements are to be made between the employee concerned and the Office of the Principal as to how such hours are to be worked.3 In such circumstances.3 Marriage: Three (3) working days considered as special leave is granted to employees on contracting marriage.2 Urgent family leave is granted in the following circumstances: • Accidents to members of the immediate family. and following the utilisation of such urgent family leave. • Sudden illness or sickness of any member of the immediate family requiring the assistance or presence of the employee. brother. 25. The leave is to be availed of at a stretch and should commence on the first working day following the marriage.4. 5. 25. 25. is unable to resume duties at the expiration of the maternity leave owing to a pathological condition arising out of confinement. shall be entitled to a further period of absence of up to five (5) weeks. pregnant employees are entitled to sixteen (16) weeks of maternity leave in accordance with law.4. If the employee opts to avail herself of maternity leave beyond the paid 14 weeks. pregnant employees are entitled to eighteen (18) weeks of maternity leave in accordance with law.5.3 Eligible employees are to apply in writing four (4) weeks before stopping work in preparation for the birth: a medical certificate confirming the expected date of confinement is to be submitted.5.1 For 2012. If the employee opts to avail herself of maternity leave beyond the paid 14 weeks. Employees are entitled to their full salary for the first 14 weeks of maternity leave.2 From 2013 onwards. 25. Employees are entitled to their full salary for the first 14 weeks of maternity leave. she will be entitled to the applicable benefits payable under the Social Security Act.5.5 Maternity: 25. 25.5 Special maternity leave: An employee who.possible. 27 . The Management may request documentary evidence. having been granted maternity leave.4 The provisions of LN 296/2003 apply. In the event that the employee fails to work these six (6) months. she has to refund any monies she received during the maternity leave.5. she will be entitled to the applicable benefits payable under the Social Security Act.4 Employees who take maternity leave are obliged to work for six (6) full months (excluding leave and sick leave) on return. 25. 25. having resumed work.1 Those employees who avail themselves of adoption leave are obliged to work for three months after the five weeks adoption leave. 25. these three months are calculated on a pro rata basis to the leave availed of individually.1 The sick leave procedure as contemplated in article 28 applies and has to be abided by. If the adoption leave is shared between both parents.6 Adoption leave: Employees shall be entitled to five (5) weeks leave with pay on the legal adoption of a minor.6. Adoption leave commences on the day that a child passes into their custody. The 28 .5. 25. 25. Adoption leave may be availed of by the mother or the father.7 Jury Service: The employee shall be granted all the necessary time-off with full pay less any payments effected by the Authorities concerned.8 Police Witness: An employee shall be granted the necessary time-off when he is required by the competent Authorities to assist in investigations connected with the MCAST or its activities provided that the employee himself is not the subject of such investigations. 25.2 Those employees who fail to resume duties at the expiration of this leave. 25.5. shall be liable to pay MCAST a sum equivalent to the salary they received during the Adoption Leave. resign or abandon their employment without sufficient cause within three months from such resumption.Such further absence shall be deducted from the employee’s sick leave entitlement. or shared by both parents if they are both employed by MCAST provided they do not exceed the prescribed limit and do not take the adoption leave concurrently. Applications for such leave have to be submitted as early as possible. or who. 25.6. 5 The Management may request documentary evidence in support of requests for special leave without pay and. 29 .6 An employee who has been granted permission to avail himself of special leave without pay.1.1 employment for at least twelve (12) months.1. may request in writing to be allowed special leave without pay for circumstances and under the conditions indicated hereunder. 26.1.1. 26. 26.9 26 Exam Day Leave: Employees sitting for exams shall be allowed one (1) day special paid leave on the day of the examination.employee shall produce an official document proving the request by the Authorities. has to submit a written request to the Management at least four weeks in advance.1.2 Such requests have to be submitted at least three (3) months prior to the intended date of commencement of such leave. 26. MCAST shall consult its medical doctor for his advice. 25. This agreement shall indicate the conditions under which such approval is being granted. These requests have to indicate the duration of the period which is being applied for. Special Leave without Pay 26.3 The Management shall take into consideration the work exigencies of MCAST when considering such requests. and because of new circumstances would like to either cut short or extend the approved period of leave. 26.1. who has been in continuous 26.1 General Provisions An employee.4 All special leave that is approved has to be covered by a written agreement that has to be signed by both the Management and the respective employee. where medical certificates are produced. 3 In cases when both parents are employed with MCAST this period of special leave may be shared between them.5. 26. even if on no pay.5 An employee who has been granted this special leave shall refrain from taking up another job elsewhere both on a full time or on a part time basis. may request in writing to avail themselves of up to twelve (12) months per child special leave without pay following the birth. subject to an overall total limit of eight (8) years unpaid leave for the whole duration of his employment with MCAST.2 Such requests have to be submitted at least three months prior to the period when the employee concerned intends to make use of this facility. 26.2 26.1. 26.2.7 An employee who fails to report for work at the end of an approved period of unpaid leave.1 Both male and female employees who have been in employment with MCAST for a minimum of one (1) year. 26. 30 . shall be considered as having abandoned his employment and would be considered as having terminated it at his own volition.2. Parental Leave 26.2. would still be obliged to work the six (6) months as contemplated in para.4.8 Any type of unpaid leave may be followed by another. 25. 26.2.1. This leave may be availed of at a stretch or broken up by periods of resumption of duty. adoption or on taking legal custody of a child to enable them to take care of the child until the child has attained the age of eight (8) years.2.26.4 Female employees who would have availed themselves of the maternity leave. An employee who infringes this condition shall be recalled back for work with immediate effect. 4.2 The fostering of more than one (1) child at the same time is regarded as one placement.2 If both parents are employed with MCAST this special unpaid leave may be shared between them and should not be availed of concurrently. 31 .4 26. Fostering 26.4. They must declare their option upfront when submitting their application for adoption leave.7 All the conditions laid down in LN 225/2003 apply.3 26.6 The granting of this special leave shall be covered by a written agreement wherein the Management may list the conditions under which such a concession is being granted. 26.26. This agreement shall be signed by both parties.3. They must declare their option upfront when submitting their application for fostering leave. 26.2. 26. Adoption Leave 26.4.3. additional fostering unpaid leave may be allowed provided that not more than a total of twelve (12) months special unpaid leave is availed of in every period of four (4) years. Should the occasion arise for a further foster placement. this special unpaid leave may be shared between them and should not be availed of concurrently.3 If both parents are employed with MCAST.1 Special consideration shall be given for additional separate periods of unpaid leave not exceeding three (3) months in aggregate in those cases of international adoptions that involve lengthy processing abroad. 26.1 Employees may avail themselves of special unpaid leave for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months in order to foster a child.2. 7 If the reason for allowing unpaid leave for fostering is no longer applicable. child or spouse must be certified by a medical specialist that they require care. and may be reduced by multiples of three (3) months.6. the outstanding period of leave may only be taken for the care of other child/children. If both elderly parents are alive. or spouses.6 Career Break 26. The five (5) years must be utilised as a whole period.1 Parents may be allowed a total of five (5) years leave to be utilised to take care of own/adopted/fostered child/children under the age of six (6) years. 26. An employee may be granted one (1) year unpaid leave. The elderly parent or spouse must have no other responsible person living with him during the day. humanitarian and family reasons. Special Leave to accompany spouse abroad 26.1 26. The elderly parent.5. to accompany their spouse abroad on sponsored courses or assignments. the employees shall have their unpaid leave terminated and they have to revert to work as and when directed by Management.2 Unpaid leave taken from this entitlement of five (5) years may be shared once by both parents.1 An employee may be granted twelve (12) months responsibility leave on no pay – which may be renewable – to take care of their dependent elderly parents. These four (4) years may be utilised at a stretch or broken by periods of resumption of duties. sons and daughters.5. If five (5) years are not availed of in one whole period.4 26.5 26. Responsibility leave 26.26. 32 . but not concurrently.4. because of serious medical. renewable yearly on application. for a maximum of four (4) years.7. Adequate arrangements must be made with the employer beforehand.1 MCAST may consider allowing special leave without pay to employees who of their own initiative wish to further their education in subjects relating or that may be related to their work at MCAST.2 An employee who would like to avail himself of such a concession has to submit a written request to the Management wherein he indicates the period of special leave he intends to avail himself of. A maximum of thirty (30) calendar days special leave without pay may.10.they must be certified as being dependent on care. 26.1 MCAST may consider allowing an annual aggregate of five (5) working days as special leave without pay that may be shared among those employees who are selected by a National Sports Organisation to represent Malta at international events. be granted in any period of twelve (12) months. 33 .10 Study leave 26. 26. for a special reason.8 Thirty Days Unpaid Leave 26. 26.8. Sports Activities 26.1 26.2 An employee wishing to participate in this concession shall submit a request in writing accompanied by documentary evidence.9 If parents (or brothers and / or sisters) are employed with MCAST.9. 26.2 26. The employee has to avail himself of his vacation leave (on a pro rata basis) before he avails himself of this concession.10. This leave may also be utilised for the purpose of finding alternative employment. this leave may be shared between them but not availed of concurrently.7.9. The Management may request documentary evidence.4 For the purposes of this clause “sickness” does not include sunburn or hangovers.3 Government employees (employed prior to 1979) who have resigned their employment from the Government service to join MCAST. SICK LEAVE 28. 27. including any circumstances envisaged by any other policy or regulations related to urgent family leave or on grounds of any force majeure related thereto. Special Leave 27. This agreement has to be signed by both parties. 34 .4 The provisions of Legal Notice 296/2003 apply.26. 28. This leave cannot be availed of just before or just after the holidays.1 Lecturing staff may utilise twenty seven and a half (27.2 After the first six months employees shall be entitled to: 30 days on full pay and 30 days on half pay 28.3 In such circumstances. the employee has to inform the Management of the necessity of such leave as soon as possible.3 27 28 Requests that are favourably considered by the Management have to be covered by a written agreement in which the conditions under which this concession is granted are listed.2 This Special Leave shall cover leave for special circumstances. 27.10. 28.1 New employees have the right to fifteen (15) days sick leave on full pay in the first (6) months of service. except in circumstances of urgent family leave. 27.5) hours Special Leave for urgent and unforeseen circumstances. shall continue to retain on a personal basis their sick leave entitlement. 28.10 The employee shall be obliged to give correct details as to where the doctor is to visit.3 Employees who absent themselves from work owing to sickness shall inform the MCAST as per established procedure by not later than the normal time of commencement of work. 28.1 An employee reporting sick has to produce a medical certificate (i. 28.2 Reports of sick leave not certified by a medical doctor shall be considered as absence without leave. The MCAST reserves the right to ask its medical doctor to visit those employees reporting sick. 28.5 In cases of hospitalization or long serious illness certified by the MCAST’s doctor.7. 28. when an employee has exhausted his sick leave entitlement on full pay for the year. the MCAST may consider extending the sick leave entitlement referred to in para. 28. Payments in respect of sick leave shall be subject to deduction of amounts to which the employee may be entitled under the Social Security Act.6 An employee who has exhausted his sick leave on full pay may opt to utilize his vacation leave entitlement prior to going on half pay. In such cases.8 In the case of conflict between the employee’s doctor and MCAST doctor. official blue certificate).7 Payment of the above-mentioned sickness benefits shall be subject to the following conditions:28. the employee shall be subject to disciplinary action and no payments shall be effected for this absence. regulations in force from time to time by the Medical Council shall apply.e.2 by carrying over fifty per cent of the unutilized sick leave of the previous three (3) years. 28.7. otherwise the employee 35 . The MCAST medical doctor may visit an employee reporting sick up to 20:00 hours of the day when he is reported sick. the employee shall remain at home. unless certified fit to return to work earlier. the payment for sick leave shall be withheld. In such a case the MCAST 36 .4 If the injury is likely to extend beyond twelve (12) months. until such time as the employee presents documentary proof to justify his absence from home. During any sick or injury leave. If the employee is not found at his place of residence. 29. working hours shall be considered as a normal sick day. subject to the provisions of Clause 28. such professional medical advice it deems necessary to establish the likelihood of the employee returning to work within a reasonable time to determine whether the employee shall no longer be capable of performing his normal duties or other alternative duties as may be suitable for him.2 Any injury on duty shall be reported immediately to the MCAST and the necessary Social Security forms shall be duly completed. 29.7. Certification shall be required as from the next day. 29. A certificate issued by the MCAST’s doctor shall be produced. signed and witnessed and endorsed by the immediate line manager. at any time during injury leave.3 The payment by the MCAST of the above-mentioned benefits shall be without prejudice to the question of legal responsibility and shall not be deemed to be an admission of legal liability by either the MCAST or the employee. 29 Injury on Duty 29.1 An employee who sustains an injury arising out of employment and/or during the execution of his duties pertaining to his job – which injury is not caused through negligence on the employee’s part or through noncompliance with Health and Safety Regulations issued by the MCAST and / or by the Health and Safety Authority and / or according to current relevant legislation and / or by improper use of safety equipment and / or clothing – shall be entitled to up to one (1) year’s absence from work on full basic pay less any Social Security injury benefit. the MCAST may seek.shall be subject to disciplinary action. 28.11 When retiring from work owing to sickness. shall inform the MCAST by telephone or by any other means by not later than one (1) hour after their normal time of commencement of work.6 The injured employee shall be obliged to inform the MCAST of the outcome of the Injuries Board decisions. render themselves liable to disciplinary action. apart from the relative deduction of pay. he shall have his salary stopped and shall be subject to disciplinary action. If the employee fails to inform MCAST of the Injuries Board’s decisions. Employees on shift work or flexitime shall likewise inform the MCAST at least one (1) hour before their normal time of commencement of work. the employee shall remain at home and shall not perform any paid work.5 During the period of injury leave. Post-injury on duty 30.1 Employees on day basis. If the employee is not found at his place of residence. who absent themselves from work for any reason other than for sickness. Absence from Work 31. An employee shall not be entitled to any time off if he had not complied with health and safety norms or regulations.2 Employees absenting themselves without the due notice and/or a justifiable cause shall. 31. unless with the employee’s consent. before the expiry of twelve (12) months from the start of his injury. the payment for injury shall be withheld until such time as the employee presents documentary proof to justify his absence from home or that such action has been authorized by a doctor. The MCAST shall inform the Union about action taken. 37 .1 31 An employee who has been entitled to injury leave as contemplated in this Article shall be granted the necessary time off to attend for post injury treatment and/or to appear before the Social Security Injuries Board provided that he produces prior official notification to the MCAST. 30 29. 29. either part-time or full-time.may terminate his employment but in no case. 2 An employee who reports for work late shall have his/her salary deducted at double time lost (the least deduction being ¼ of an hour).3 Part of the deduction is for the time that the employee did not report for work at the appropriate time.1 When MCAST requires reducing the number of employees. and the Management is of the opinion that it would be in the interest of the MCAST for this training to be given.2 Before effecting terminations of employment the MCAST shall first demote from grade to grade any employees who had been promoted in order to give consideration to seniority within the MCAST. temporary or permanent employment. instead of termination of employment. 32.3 In the event that training is required in order for employee(s) to be assigned alternative. the other part is the penalty for reporting late. 32. Redundancies and Demotions 33. 33.4 Employees who are repetitively late shall be liable to disciplinary action.1 All employees shall register their attendance by those means provided by MCAST for this purpose. Time Recording and Late Attendance 32. 31. this shall be done in accordance with the law. 32. the affected employees shall be offered the 38 .4 Employees absenting themselves from work without due notice and/or a justifiable cause for ten (10) consecutive working days shall be considered as having resigned their employment with the MCAST incurring the equivalent deduction of the notice period which shall have been due as provided for in this agreement.3 Employees who are not found at their place of work shall be considered as absent from work without permission and shall be liable to disciplinary action. 33.32 33 31. • Previous service and any other related benefits shall be regarded as forfeited when employment shall be interrupted by an employee as a result of voluntary resignation. • Previous service shall not be regarded as broken when employment in a post is resumed within one (1) year of discharge from that grade because of redundancy. length of service in a particular grade shall be solely determined by the date of first appointment to that grade subject to the rules set out below on breaks in service:• Previous service in a higher or equivalent post counts towards service in the lower post. 39 . shall be treated in the same manner unless some other form of agreement with the Government is concluded. Reckoning of Seniority 35. who had resigned from Government service to join the MCAST. On re-employment the employee shall qualify for a degree of seniority as provided for in Clause 35.5 Former Government employees. 34 33. Such a break in employment shall not however count towards length of service. 33.1 For whatever reason. Re-Employment 34. Such employee shall be so re-employed on conditions not less favourable than those to which he would have been entitled if the contract of service relating to him had not been terminated.4 In the case of termination of employment that is not for disciplinary reasons the MCAST shall give the notice of termination provided for above or make payment in lieu.opportunity to undergo such training.1 35 Any employee whose employment shall be terminated by the MCAST on grounds of redundancy shall be entitled to re-employment if the post formerly occupied by him is again available within a period of one (1) year from the day of termination of employment. Employees who refuse such training shall have their employment terminated. In the case of male employees. 37. 37.1 It shall be the duty of MCAST to ensure the health and safety of workers at all times in every aspect related to work. body searches shall be carried out by a female and witnessed by a female. goods or material belonging to the MCAST unless prior written authorization to do so is given by the Management.2 All employees are obliged to observe health and safety regulations with particular reference to the regulations 40 . 38. or at any time whilst the employee is on the premises.4 All employees. Right of Search 37. In the case of female employees. 37. parcels and cars. shall follow all procedures and are subject to all security measures introduced by the MCAST from time to time. Health and Safety at Work 38. briefcases. depending on their place of work.• 36 Retirement 36.1 37 38 When an employee is retained by the MCAST on unpaid leave. Should any employee refuse to submit himself to such a search. handbags. This right applies also to searching employees’ personal lockers.2 The MCAST shall have the right to search any employee on entering or leaving any premises falling under the responsibility of the Management of MCAST.3 Searches shall be carried out in the presence of the employee and one witness of his choice. for whatever reason. body searches shall be carried out by a male employee and witnessed by a male.1 No employee shall have in his possession or take out from the MCAST premises any documents. Retirement shall be in accordance with the relevant Legislation prevailing at the time. the MCAST shall have the right to call in the Police. such period of unpaid leave shall be deducted for the purpose of reckoning the total length of service. In such cases the employee shall be deemed to be absent without authorisation. 39. Health and Safety Committee 39. If an employee refrains 41 . 38. shall lose the day’s pay and be subject to disciplinary action that may lead to dismissal. 39. The Union shall be consulted on health and safety issues as appropriate. may be either refused access to the workplace or sent home if he had already started work. It shall be its function to promote safe practices and to make recommendations for improvements in health and safety matters to Management in line with the guidelines issued by the competent authorities. as it may be amended from time to time. because of activities outside his normal working schedule.3 39 An employee who. and/or reports for work in a condition that may constitute a danger to health and safety.3 The ultimate responsibility to implement recommendations shall be vested in the Management. Employees shall adopt safety measures and make use of equipment and protective clothing provided by the MCAST to ensure their safety and that of other employees. The employees shall abide by all health and safety regulations.2 The main function of this committee shall be to make recommendations to the Management as to how the place of work can be rendered as safe as possible.4 The MCAST shall provide the necessary training and protective clothing/equipment that shall remain the property of MCAST.relating to working time and shall report for work duly rested in order not to constitute a danger to themselves and other employees.1 A Health and Safety Committee shall be established. 39. Protective clothing/equipment shall only be used during/for work carried out on behalf of MCAST. would not be observing or would be breaking the provisions of the working time directive in force in Malta. It shall consist of two (2) representatives of the Management and two (2) representatives of the general staff under the chairmanship of the Manager performing Health and Safety duties or under the chairmanship of an official so designated by the Principal. 1 Employees who opt to make use of their cars for official duties shall be paid an allowance as established from time to time by the Ministry of Finance. 39. 41.7 40 41 Disciplinary action may even be initiated for the first offence if the risk to which the employee would be exposing himself and others would be a serious one.5 An employee who loses or damages the clothing/equipment provided to him by MCAST because of improper use shall have to refund MCAST the cost of such damaged/lost clothing/equipment. 39.6 An employee who is noticed not to be making use of the protective clothing/equipment provided to him shall be liable to: First offence .from doing so he shall be subject to disciplinary action which could lead to dismissal and he shall forfeit any compensation due to him by the MCAST.2 The current rate established by MFEI by MFEI Circular No. MCAST shall abide by all those conditions that such policies impose.3 Employees who are detailed to a particular place of work and who are then asked to re-locate from one place to another during working hours on the same day owing to the MCAST’s exigencies shall be reimbursed for the relocation transport expenses at the above rate or at the 42 .disciplinary action that may lead to dismissal. 39.a written warning plus one (1) day’s pay Third offence . 41.2 Employees who are sent abroad at the request of the Management of MCAST shall be covered by a 24-hour insurance for the duration of their stay abroad.31c per km.a written warning plus three (3) days’ pay Fourth offence . 06/2011 is €0. 40. Transport 41.a written warning Second offence .1 MCAST shall insure according to legislative obligations. Insurance Coverage 40. 1 Each employee shall devote all his working time to the service of the MCAST. shall comply with all the orders.2 Employees shall not accept any gifts either in cash or in kind or in any way reap any personal advantages through the conduct of business on behalf of the MCAST. regularize their position by requesting permission from the MCAST within twenty (20) working days from the publication of this Agreement. which may give rise to a conflict of interest. and shall account for all data.1 Employees shall serve the MCAST honestly. Employees who engage in other work without the prior written permission from the MCAST shall be subject to disciplinary action which may lead to dismissal. 42 43 Engagement in other Work 42. They shall conduct themselves in such a manner as not to impair the reputation of the MCAST. Permission for an employee to engage in other work shall not be withheld unless the work is in conflict or in direct competition with MCAST or if it impedes the employee from rendering professional service to MCAST. 43 .3 An employee who wishes to perform other work after his normal working hours has to request in writing the permission of the MCAST. faithfully and diligently. materials. rules or regulations made by the MCAST from time to time. Employees already performing such work shall. nonetheless. instruments.public transport cost. 43. which may come in their possession or within their responsibility as employees of the MCAST. 42.2 No employee shall undertake any additional work or accept to form part of the management of any society or undertake any commitment of any commercial. tools or documents. In these circumstances. industrial or financial form. Each case shall be considered on its own merits and the Management may refuse sanctioning such work. 42. software and other records. Code of Conduct 43. time used for transportation shall be deemed as part of the weekly contracted 37 ½ hrs of work. Grievance Procedure 45. to discuss the grievance with the employee’s superior.1 An attempt shall first be made by the employee.3 The manager or his accredited representative. This shall be done as expeditiously as possible after such grievance has arisen. every endeavour shall be made to settle the matter in accordance with the procedure set out hereunder: 45. 45. 45. if so desired by the employee.2. head of section or his accredited representative. or compliance with the provisions of this Agreement.1 45 The MCAST declares itself an equal opportunity employer and binds itself to put this principle in practice in all aspects of its administration. with or without the assistance of the representative of the Union. with the assistance of the representative of the Union.3 Employees who become involved in criminal proceedings that somehow may have an adverse effect on their line of work shall immediately report the matter to the Management.44 43. may bring the matter to the attention of his Director.4 Failure to comply with the provisions of this article shall render the employee subject to disciplinary procedures. 43. or if any individual complaint/grievance is raised by an employee or group of employees.2 If the grievance is not settled at this level. Equal Opportunities 44.2 Should any difference arise between the MCAST and the Union or any of the employees as to the interpretation or application of. 45. the employee’s superior as 44 .2. the aggrieved employee.2.1 Both parties to this Agreement shall establish the means for the prompt disposal and amicable settlement of any complaint which may arise out of the application and/or interpretation of this Agreement. 2 In the event that in spite of their best endeavours to reach an amicable settlement satisfactory to both sides.1 Both parties to this Agreement recognize that the wellbeing of both the MCAST and the employee is dependent upon the maintenance of good relations and industrial peace. shall do their best to dispose swiftly of the grievance. therefore. the employee and the representative of the Union.2. 46. Any actions taken by an employee/s of the MCAST which are not in accordance with the provisions of this clause 45 . 45.4 46 Neither the employee involved nor the employee acting in the capacity of Union representative shall incur any loss of pay for any absence from the place of work in connection with the above procedure. and At least three full working days notice in writing is given to the other party.3 Either party may refer the dispute to the attention of the Director of Employment and Industrial Relations. provided that permission is sought in advance from the MCAST except in cases of emergency upon the Union’s request. both the MCAST and the Union shall be free to take whatever action is considered necessary provided that: • • • 46. Such action is not contrary to the laws of the country.specified above. which is not contrary to the provisions of the Law or to the provisions of this Agreement. They. both the MCAST and the Union may take such action. but should such grievance remain unsettled even after a conciliatory meeting chaired by a mutually agreed conciliator. seek to reach an amicable settlement satisfactory to both sides through meaningful discussions and agree that no arbitrary action designed to withhold labour shall be taken by either side unless discussions have been exhausted without a positive result. Withholding of Services 46. that may be deemed proper under the circumstances. no such agreement is registered. 1 The MCAST and the Union agree that unofficial industrial actions are detrimental to both the MCAST and the Union and as such shall not be supported. disclose to. 47. Employees in possession of confidential information of whatever nature (of a personal or group nature) shall not divulge such information to any other MCAST employee/s or external persons or agency unless specifically authorised to do so by their superior. 47 48 Unofficial Industrial Action 47.1 All employees of whatever grade are expected to be loyal to the MCAST with respect to legal provisions in force from time to time.2 No one except a Union Official may give directives of industrial action to the employees. or knowingly permit or enable any other person to acquire any information concerning the affairs of the MCAST or of any matter connected with its business or activity. Such directives have to be communicated to the Management by the same official who issues the directive(s).2 The employees shall not at any time. or for any reason whatsoever.shall be considered by the MCAST to be unofficial actions and the employee/s taking part in such actions shall be liable to disciplinary action which shall lead to dismissal. 48.3 Any employee/s who organize/s and/or take/s part in any unofficial industrial action shall be liable to disciplinary action which shall lead to dismissal. Information regarding the MCAST and Confidentiality 48.4 Employees who do not observe this obligation of confidentiality shall be subject to disciplinary action which may lead to dismissal and/or shall be subject to procedures according to law. 46 . 48. during their employment with the MCAST or after the termination of their employment.3 48. 47. Dressing for success has three main effects for lecturers – it maintains respect. All lecturing grades are expected to follow an appropriate dress code that befits their professional dignity at the College and reinforces teaching alongside the established professions.1 51 Both MCAST and the MUT stress the importance of adherence to dress code. Discipline 51. establishes credibility and reinforces authority and professionalism.49 Resignation or Termination of Employment 49.1 The MCAST requires all its employees to conduct themselves properly with high standards of performance and behaviour and to maintain the highest levels of integrity. 47 . Lecturers should act as role models.1 Notice of resignation or termination of employment shall be of the following duration:More than one (1) month but not more than six (6) months service: week one (1) More than six (6) months but not more than two (2) years service: weeks two (2) More than two (2) years but not more than four (4) years service: weeks four (4) More than four (4) years but not more than seven (7) years service: weeks eight (8) More than seven (7) years service: week for an additional 1 every subsequent year of service up to a maximum of 12 weeks 50 Dress Code 50. 51. 48 . 51. Proceedings shall commence within ten (10) working days from the date of the letter of charge.51.4 The director of the Institute concerned and/or the Principal may refer the case to a disciplinary board if it is believed that the reply given by the lecturer does not exonerate him from the offence.2 In cases of offences as outlined below. 51. Cases of gross misconduct shall be completed within three (3) months of commencement of the proceedings. Minutes of the proceedings of the Disciplinary Board shall be taken and signed by the board members and the proceedings may be recorded. 51.9 It is understood that when a lecturer is facing legal action for such offences committed.6 Disciplinary cases referred to above shall be heard by a Disciplinary Board set up for the purpose.5 Cases of minor offences or misconduct shall be concluded within a maximum period of thirty (30) working days of commencement. the academic staff shall be issued with a specific charge in writing within ten (10) working days from the date of reporting of the alleged breach. In such instance.7 Each case shall be heard by a Disciplinary Board set up for the purpose. 51. The Board shall consist of a Chairman and two members appointed by the MCAST. 51.3 The lecturer concerned will have the right to reply to this charge in writing within ten (10) working days of receipt of the charge. are considered as gross misconduct.8 Any instance of a lecturer committing an infringement of existing legislation as well as the calling of unofficial industrial action. The time limit may be extended in extenuating circumstances. The employee shall acknowledge receipt of such letter of charge which cannot be refused. The Chairman of the Board shall be an official delegated by the Management. 51. the lecturer concerned shall be issued a letter stating that his case is being referred to the Disciplinary Board. MCAST will suspend procedures until such time as the case is decided by the Law Courts. 11. records.12.11 Classification of Offences: 51. • Attending for work not in a state to perform one’s duties efficiently because of being under the influence of unauthorised substances and/or alcohol • Continuous poor performance • Flagrant or repeated disregard of the MCAST’s rules and practices • Gross negligence in performance of duties • Repeated unauthorised and/or unjustified absence from work • Unauthorised use of MCAST hardware and software to house and/or process personal and/or third party data when such use is not connected with duties at the MCAST • Sexual harassment • Wilful damage to the MCAST’s property • Insubordination or failure to comply with any lawful and reasonable order of a superior.51. etc.2 The following offences – among others of similar nature and gravity – are to be considered as minor whether they are committed to the detriment of the MCAST or of fellow workers: • Poor quality work • Poor attitude at work • Misconduct and/or disobedience 49 . software. 51. 51. computer data.1 Disciplinary hearings for Minor Offences shall be heard by the Head of Section or Director as appropriate following a written report by the manager concerned.12 Minor Offences 51.1 The following offences may be considered as constituting gross misconduct: • Abuse and/or misuse of MCAST documents. 51.10 Both MCAST and/or lecturers affected may refer cases of alleged breach of law to the competent authorities for investigation.12. In case of an appeal a board shall be set up consisting of a chairperson agreed to by the Management and the Union.5 The persons appointed to chair the Appeals disciplinary board shall be agreed by the Union and Management within six (6) months of signing of this Agreement.13.12.3 No person involved in the disciplinary proceedings may disclose to any person other than in the exercise of this official function relative to such disciplinary procedures. 51. 50 .13.• Unwarranted unpunctuality including both late arrivals and early departure from work without authorization.13. 51.13 General Procedures 51. which shall be convened within one (1) month from the receipt of the written appeal.3 Note: Repeated offences. communication. 51. shall then be considered as final. shall be considered as final unless the employee appeals in writing to the Management within ten (10) working days after the decision has been communicated to the employee. 51. or information whatsoever which has come to his notice during the proceedings of the case. even if considered ‘minor’. 51.2 Employees charged with any offence shall be given every opportunity to state their case and to be represented by their Union or person of their trust.4 The decision of the Management following the termination of the disciplinary procedures. The outcome of this board.13. the contents of any document. shall be treated as more serious gross misconduct.13. a representative of the MCAST and a representative of the Union. 51.1 The MCAST shall be represented at disciplinary hearings by MCAST officials who may be assisted by a consultant/legal adviser. Documentation which is related to the disciplinary proceedings shall be made available to the employee in accordance with the Data Protection Act. is in conflict with his duties and responsibilities at the MCAST. or if such action is taken and the employee is found not guilty of what he was suspended for. after investigations by the MCAST.15 Suspension from Work 51.4 If. in the MCAST’s opinion.14.1 An employee may be suspended by the Management or disciplinary board during the course of investigations and/or disciplinary proceedings and/or criminal proceedings if his retention. No pay shall be given to employees suspended in connection with criminal offences.15.15. 51 . he shall be fully reinstated in his former post and refunded the pay withheld.15. 51.51.2 The period of suspension for alleged offences within the MCAST shall not exceed one (1) year. 51.3 During the period of suspension regarding alleged offences within the MCAST the employee shall receive half his salary.15.1 Following the disciplinary procedures as outlined in this Agreement: a) The maximum penalty for Gross Misconduct shall be dismissal. 51. b) The maximum penalty for Minor Offences shall be: • First offence • Second offence one (1) day’s pay • Third offence three (3) days’ pay • Fourth offence Gross Misconduct. For alleged criminal offences there shall be no such limit. no action is taken against the employee.14 Maximum Penalty 51. a written warning a written warning plus a written warning plus will be considered as 51. participate in the observation. consult and cooperate with other members of the team in the interests of the students. • communicate. • assist students during assessments and examinations according to pre-established arrangements and criteria. they shall: • in collaboration with the lecturer.52 LEARNING SUPPORT ASSISTANTS 52. work places and other further and higher educational institutions. • provide. assistance to students with learning disabilities and difficulties as agreed in the students’ programme and in the delivery of the modules. • support student/s during activities held outside the school premises including experiences in the community. where appropriate.1 Working Obligations for Learning Support Assistants 52.1 Learning Support Assistants will be expected to support the students on mainstream courses and assist the class programme as stipulated in their job description. • carry out other related duties that may be deemed necessary for the benefit of the students on the MCAST courses. assessment and documentation process of the performance and behaviour of the learners concerned. • attend team meetings and staff development meetings of the Inclusive Education Unit. 52 . • participate in the organization and planning of Individual Education Programmes and assist with monitoring the programme. Amongst other duties.1. • ensure that students have the correct learning material and necessary equipment. Such attendance entails a total of five (5) working days. 53 . Learning Support Assistants shall be entitled to twenty-seven and a half (27.3 A maximum of 30 hours out of the 37. 53. During the summer break Learning Support Assistants are expected to report for work during the initial assessment days. Such leave is to be availed of during the Christmas. for a total of 37. 53.5 weekly hours on campus shall be contact hours. This Special Leave is regulated by the provisions of clause 27 of this Agreement.2 Learning Support Assistants will be in attendance and providing service at College from Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 4:30pm. The summer break is to start from Monday of the first full week of July. 53.e. Easter and summer breaks.1 The academic year commences on the first working day in September and finishes on Friday of the first full week in July. 53.5 In addition. during College time. i.5) hours Special Leave for urgent and unforeseen circumstances.5 hours per week.53 Hours of Work for Learning Support Assistants 53.4 Learning Support Assistants shall be entitled to fifty (50) days vacation leave per academic year. 400 15.910 14.165 13.647 16.055 14.322 15.110 13.200 15.365 14.855 14. An LSA who has a Certificate in Education for Learning Support Assistants shall enter the Salary Scale at Step 3 of Learning Support Assistant 1 for the respective year.922 16.420 13.020 13.965 14.400 12.655 14.472 14.847 15.655 15.022 14.020 13.172 14.972 15.455 14.147 14.297 15.000 15.772 14.055 14.397 2013 15.820 13.54 Salary Structure and Work Resources Salary Scales 2011 – 2016 All salaries are inclusive of COLA Grade F Nomenclature Learning Support Assistants II (Diploma) Coll Agr increase 2012-2016 400 Increment 2012-2016 275 Grade Nomenclature E Learning Support Assistants I Coll Agr increase 2012 .222 13.747 14.220 14.365 13. 54 .255 16.765 14.620 14.372 16.447 15.272 14.000 14.722 15.510 14.310 14.822 15.197 2015 16.110 14.094 13.622 14.800 14.122 15.765 13.565 14.997 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 14.820 13.547 15.222 200 An LSA with 2 A Levels shall enter the Salary Scale at the minimum of Learning Support Assistant I for the respective year.710 14.897 14.097 15.797 2014 16.872 14.600 15.697 15.165 13.522 16.497 14.572 15.965 13.455 15.220 14.200 14.247 15.2016 345 Increment 2012-2016 2012 15.347 14.710 14.565 15.800 15.855 14.420 14.597 2016 16.910 15.510 13.310 15.047 14.672 13.072 13.947 13.255 15.600 13.620 13.422 15. 411 31.579 2015 32.177 2012 29.862 22.226 24.030 19.524 29.785 27.477 22.737 24.781 22.834 28.347 24.248 23.559 22.201 21.290 20.502 30.689 25.412 24.311 2013 30.265 24.984 25.165 26.447 27.669 24.Grade Nomenclature 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 D Assistant Lecturer 22.797 22.220 29.277 31.388 24.067 26.881 22.736 27.801 20.928 19.519 20.234 25.393 22.417 19.995 30.866 22.137 28.555 23.129 Coll Agr Increase 2012 .770 31.008 20.943 25.110 20.599 21.710 24.648 21.306 24.270 22.190 21.986 21.052 24.052 25.314 20.052 32.792 24.2016 591 Increment 2012 .176 26.727 30.577 22.964 22.496 27.643 24.461 23.244 21.906 20.445 2014 31.952 29.902 25.073 23.539 25.395 20.373 21.292 21.196 23.541 19.326 26.2016 489 Grade Nomenclature C Lecturer Coll Agr Increase 2012-2016 637 Increment 2012-2016 596 Grade Nomenclature B Senior Lecturer I (Masters) Coll Agr Increase 2012-2016 690 Increment 2012-2016 641 Grade A Nomenclature Senior Lecturer II (PhD) Coll Agr Increase 2012-2016 775 Increment 2012-2016 641 These salaries are effective as from 1st January 2012 Notes re: Salary Structure: Employees shall enter into the new structure as from 1st January 2012 in the following way: 55 .635 24.806 27.701 21.008 20.088 21.116 26.950 18.214 2011 29.861 30.757 27.990 23.604 21.268 21.453 22.132 19.679 22.354 2016 33.803 21.168 22.333 18.657 23.580 25.146 23.518 22.822 19.779 21.475 25.751 24.922 22.621 20.114 23.825 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 23.683 26.628 24.285 21.844 18.963 27.044 23.436 22.066 22.377 25.600 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 25.884 21.475 21.212 20.355 17.636 30.497 21.155 23.723 20.855 27.312 19.439 18.086 29.759 23.840 22.032 23.426 25. In no circumstances is the maximum of the grade to be exceeded. shall be assimilated into the structure by taking into consideration their salary as at that particular period in 2012 and then be placed into the next higher notch of their respective Salary Scale. related to the lecturer’s area of teaching or research 2. 5. Entry into the grade of Senior Lecturer I (Masters) and Senior Lecturer II (PhD) Employees who on the date of signing of the collective agreement. Employees who were recruited or promoted in 2012 up to the date of signing of this Agreement. 4. All salaries are inclusive of COLA. according to their respective grade. When the maximum of the respective Salary Scale is reached the employee shall continue to benefit from a Collective Agreement Increase only. 2. 7. Books. for approval. Employees shall continue to receive a Collective Agreement increase according to their respective grade. In addition. the Allowance can only be carried forward every alternate year. or who. Respective basic salary as at 31st December 2011 + Collective Agreement Increase as at 1st January 2012. Work Resources The Work Resources Allowance. These employees will be entitled to an increment as from 2013. which is paid according to the period established in the existing procedure. All other employees entering grades A and B above are to be placed on the minimum of the scale. 6. which shall continue to be awarded annually until they reach the maximum of the Salary Scale. for the years 2013 -2016 on 1st January every year. Requests for the payment of the Work Resources Allowance are to be made to Management. 3.000 per annum where lecturing staff may put forward claims (against receipts) for additional assistance in those circumstances where academic staff need to purchase particular computer programs and 56 . Should there be no equivalence the employee will enter into the next higher notch. Computer Accessories -These accessories are to be bought with the intention of assisting the lecturers in the fulfillment of their duties.1. However. Employees will then be placed on the equivalent notch of their respective grade. are in possession of an ‘acceptance letter’ from a recognized University to further their studies and obtain an academic qualification at either Master Degree or PhD. Other Literature and Memberships with Learned Societies. When the maximum of the respective Salary Scale is reached the employee shall continue to benefit from a Collective Agreement Increase only. The Employees are also entitled to an increment. is of up to €450 per annum is to be used by the lecturers for the purchasing of: 1. The works resources allowance can be carried forward from one year to another if unutilised. and who upon the attainment of such a qualification satisfy the entry requirements for either Senior Lecturer I or Senior Lecturer II as stipulated in the collective agreement shall be placed on the maximum of the respective scale (A or B). which shall continue to be awarded annually until they reach the maximum of the Salary Scale. as from the date of signing of this Agreement. MCAST is allocating a fund of a maximum of €65. by 31st October 2013. Journals. Claims are to be made by not later than the end of March of the following year. administration and mechanisms of the in the related field of the subject taught. It is agreed that within 6 months from the signing of the collective agreement the Management shall issue the first guidelines regarding the operation and administration of the work resource fund. Date: 20th September 2012 ___________________________ Mr Joseph Farrugia President. Assistance from this fund will be on a pro rata basis depending on the claims as approved by MCAST management. Subsequent guidelines may be issued from time to time by the Management regarding the operation. MUT __________________________ Mr Stephen Cachia Principal & CEO Designate __________________________ Mr Ted Darmanin Shop Steward _________________________ Mr Christian Calleja Shop Steward 57 . The union shall be consulted throughout the process. MUT __________________________ Profs Maurice Grech Principal and CEO __________________________ Mr Franklin Barbara General Secretary. Board of Governors _________________________ Mr Kevin Bonello President.
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