Murphy ShuTDOWN

March 20, 2018 | Author: Reider Amundaray | Category: Ignition System, Valve, Electrical Wiring, Switch, Resistor



M2582, M5081, and M5180 Series Electromechanical and Pneumatic, Fuel Gas Shutoff Valves Installation and OperationInstructions GENERAL INFORMATION M-7980N Revised 11-02 Section 55 (00-02-0206) Please read the following instructions before installing. A visual inspection of this product for damage during shipping is recommended before mounting. It is your responsibility to have a qualified person install the unit and make sure installation conforms with NEC and local codes. WARNING BEFORE BEGINNING INSTALLATION OF THIS MURPHY PRODUCT ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Disconnect all electrical power to the machine. Make sure the machine cannot operate during installation. Follow all safety warnings of the machine manufacturer. Read and follow all installation instructions. Model M5081 Approved* M2582 and M5081Series Tripping Power From Engine Ignition System or Battery (Models available for magneto, CD ignition or 12/24 V battery) These fuel shut-off valves are semi-automatic devices for shutdown of natural gas fueled engines. The standard valve opens by manual operation of the reset handle. A latch in the upper body of the valve will set and hold the valve open. At this point no electric power is used. The electromagnetic coil is de-energized, the snap-switch(es) is SET. If a SWICHGAGE® contact closes, a circuit is completed from power through the snap-switch and coil. Now energized, the electromagnet trips the latch, (latch can be tripped manually), the valve closes, and the snap-switch resets. Power switches from the coil circuit to your choice of an open line, an electrical ground, or an alarm. After tripping, the vent seal opens, and on the M50 models, the open/close indicator (green button) retracts to indicate that the valve is closed. Valve body is sandcast aluminum. Optional cast steel for M5081 models. M2582-P and M5180-P MURPHY-NUMATIC™ Pneumatic Version for Pressure The M2582-P and M5180 pneumatically controlled valves can operate from pressure, and are designed to open and close automatically or semiautomatically (the supply can be air, oil or gas). NOTE: If using oil as a pressure source, use a lightweight oil. These valves will open on rising control pressure and close on decreasing control pressure. M2582-P and M5180-P automatically open at 2 psi (14 kPa) [0.14 bar] and fully open at 3 psi (21 kPa) [0.21 bar]. All models include a built-in lever to aid in opening the valve manually. The M2582-P can be manually opened against inlet pressure of 80 psi (552 kPa) [5.52 bar]. The M5180-P valve can be opened against inlet pressure of 100 psi (689 kPa) [6.89 bar]. Standard models include an escape vent for gas trapped forward in the line after shut-off. M5081FS Normally Energized Circuit The M5081FS is manually opened, electrically latched open and tripped by interrupting the coil power circuit. Magnetic Switch Adapter As ignition systems wear from usage, their power output becomes less and less. Ignition may not have the capacity to reliably trip the Fuel Valve. Therefore, the use of a Magnetic Switch Adapter for CD ignition systems is recommended. The Magnetic Switch Adapter is a device that stores energy from the CD ignition to trip the Fuel Valve. Three models are available: 65700053 (was 65020126): For use with negative ground ignitions up to 240 VDC. 65700054 (was 65020127): For use with positive ground ignitions up to 450 VDC. 65700055 (was 65020155): For use with negative ground ignitions up to 450 VDC. 100 ohm, 2 watt Resistor For Capacitor Discharge Ignitions that are specified to be grounded when the valve closes, and a Magnetic Switch Adapter is in use. The resistor must be connected in the system to prevent damage to the snap-switches in the fuel shut-off valve (see typical wiring diagrams). Diode Package The Murphy diode package (65010065) is designed to allow the fuel shutoff valve to be used with dual Magneto Ignition systems. NOTE: All aluminum versions of the M5081 Series Fuel Valve carry Canadian Registartion Number OC1476.2. * M5081 model is CSA approved for Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D. See Specifications on page 12. Installation M-7980N page 1 of 12 38 psi bar g (2 ] 07 kPa ) [2 .72] [70.60] A.48] [56.48] [4956] [56.2] 7.) D Vent to relieve trapped fuel outside the hazardous area. Main Stem B.8] 1.32] [42. Millimeters water column in brackets [ ].44] [141.6] 10.12] [113.0 [25.2] 2. Cubic meters per hour in brackets [ ].0 [50.) 10 p a) [ 0.6] 3.96] E G B C A Standard cubic feet per hour.69 psi bar g (1 ] 38 kPa ) [1 30 . (0 ig (3 .) 10 o 5 ps z.88] [84. H Pipe Plug (remove to install vent tube). Millimeters water column in brackets [ ].0 [127.8] 6.4] 4 oz .0 [228.80] [77. TYPICAL MODEL (M5081) SHOWN Terminal Block is within this case. (0.38 10 p 38 kPa) 1 bar] sig ( 2. Manual Trip Knob (not available for M5081FS) G. 28 (.28 k 4 kP g. Reset Knob (latches valve open) F. The vent (D) opens to relieve trapped downstream fuel to vent to a non-hazardous area.4] ar] 9b ) [. M5081 and M5180 Series Inches water column (∆p) drop across valve. remove O-ring (D). (.1 kg 1k . seat (B) is open. Be sure to replace Pipe Plug (H) and to clean vent periodically. Pipe Plug Standard cubic feet per hour.96] [99.0 [76.0] 4.) g. seat closes (C).34 sig (69 bar] kPa ) [0 20 .40] [42. 8. F 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 [7.0 [101. 11 k g.80] [84. Indicator Button (out with valve open) H. to avoid condensation accumulation that can hamper trip action.0 [76. Installation M-7980N page 2 of 12 . 10 oz 4o . When valve is in the tripped position (closed).0 [152.FLOW CHARACTERISTICS VALVE CUT-OUT Understanding the Basic Operation of the Fuel Shut-off Valve M2582 Series 9.8] 1.0 [25.16] [21.07 20 p Pa) [ k 7 0 ig (2 30 ps 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 [14.6 a P k bar] (69 sig [1.0 [254.08] [14.0 [177.4] 5. Cubic meters per hour in brackets [ ].32] [35. Pressure Disc/seal (in run/open) C. z.64] [70. Pressure Disc/seal (in trip/closed) D.0] Inches water column (∆p) drop across valve.07 bar ] The valve below is shown in the run (open) position.2] 2.28] [127. 3.16] [28. Pressure is equalized. allowing the fuel to flow.0 [203.24] [28. Vent Seal Gland E.0 [50. NOTE: If the vent-after-tripping feature is not used.64] [63. DIMENSIONS CAUTION: THE ARROW ON THE SIDE OF THE FUEL VALVE MUST POINT TO THE CORRECT DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. 6-9/16 in. (238 mm) 4-1/4 in. 75 psi (517 kPa) [5. (62 mm) . (2 mm) 1 NPT (2 places) 7-5/16 in. (79 mm) 5-1/2 in.21 bar] minimum. (59 mm) 1-15/32 in.17 bar] maximum. (12 mm) Terminal screws 8-32 N. (140 mm) 1/4 NPT Vent and Plug 3-3/32 in. x 1/4 in. (79 mm) 5-1/2 in.52 bar] maximum (see NOTE 1) 6-1/8 in. (265 mm) 1/4 in.17 bar] required to release cocking latch). APPLY PIPE DOPE ONLY TO FUEL PIPE. NOT TO THE FUEL VALVE. (8 mm) long 31/32 in. M2582 Reset Knob Manual Trip Knob 1 NPT (2 places) Breather/Vent 1/16 in. (111 mm) NOTE 1: Control pressure connection fitting and breather vent fitting can be swapped to convert to vacuum control. Magnetic Switch Adapters 65700054 (was 65020127). 65700053 (was 65020126). (6 mm) connection. (167 mm) 3-3/32 in. 65700055 (was 65020155) 3/8 in. (44 mm) 2-7/16 in. (10 mm) 2-5/8 in.5 psi [17 kPa] [0. (6 mm) tube connection.17 bar] required to release cocking latch) M5180-P Latch Arm (see NOTE 2) Breather Vent (see NOTE 1) 10-7/16 in. (25 mm) 15/32 in.5 psi [17 kPa] [0. control pressure 3 psi (21 kPa) [0. 80 psi (552 kPa) [5. (6 mm) long Installation M-7980N page 3 of 12 GND ALT1 ALT2 SW 1-23/32 in.C. (186 mm) 1/4 NPT Vent and Plug 1/2 NPT Conduit Connection M2582-P Latch Arm (see NOTE) 1/4 in. FROM FUEL SOURCE TO THE ENGINE. (108 mm) 4-3/8 in. NOTE 2: Thumb operated opening latch (2.C. (156 mm) 2 NPT (2 places) Vent and Plug 1/2 NPT 9-3/8 in. (140 mm) NOTE: Thumb operated opening latch (2.21 bar] minimum. (37 mm) Panel Mount screws 10-24 N. control pressure 3 psi (21 kPa) [0. x 5/16 in. (67 mm) 2-5/16 in. (35 mm) 10-5/16 in. (bolt circle) 2 in. (366/367 mm) Installation M-7980N page 4 of 12 .c. FROM FUEL SOURCE TO THE ENGINE. (76 mm) 7-3/4 in. (92 mm) dia. M5081 and M5081FS Manual Trip Knob (M5081 only) Inlet Breather 1/2 NPT Conduit Connection (2 plcs. (197 mm) 4-1/16 in. NOT TO THE FUEL VALVE.) Reset Knob 1-3/8 in. (121 mm) b. (51 mm) dia. APPLY PIPE DOPE ONLY TO FUEL PIPE. (262 mm) 3-7/16 in. (19 mm) dia. (87 mm) Indicator Button Vent and Plug 1/2 NPT 9-3/8 in. (103 mm) M5081-3 Steel Flanged Option 45° 3-5/8 in. 3/4 in. 2 places 150# RF (raised face) pipe flange 14-25/64 to 14-29/64 in. (4 places) each end equally spaced on a 15/32 in.DIMENSIONS continued CAUTION: THE ARROW ON THE SIDE OF THE FUEL VALVE MUST POINT TO THE CORRECT DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. (238 mm) 2 NPT (2 places) 3 in. Installation M-7980N page 5 of 12 . (Refer to Figure 1. A lever/arm (handle) and a cocking latch are provided to allow manual opening of the valve. Route to non-hazardous area. apply pipe dope to plumbing male threads Physical Location and Plumbing (typical) that will be inserted into the valve. To mount flanged models. Master Regulator Bypass Fuel mounting the valve horizontally (with vent pointing down) is (High pressure) Regulator Filter Carburetor recommended. Repeat the steps above (1 thru 5). page 12 for maximum control pressure.17 bar]). CAUTION: BE SURE PNEUMATIC SOURCE RELEASES THE MECHANICAL LATCH WHEN RUNNING. Hold valve in position. Before connecting the unit. (use a tool on valve wrench flats) and tighten plumbing into inlet and outlet ends. 2). See Specifications. BEGIN THE INSTALLATION BY SECURING AREA OF ANY HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS. Remove the plug and install the line. 2. swap the Control Pressure connection fitting and the Breather Vent fitting on your M5180-P model (see Fig. Do not apply pipe dope to the valve. 2. 5. and press the latch down into ridge with thumb. and observe the necessary cautions. Make sure that the arrow on the side of the valve indicates the correct Fuel Shut-off Valve direction of the flow.) 6. Fuel shut-off valves can be installed in all three planes. M2582-P and M5180-P automatically open at 2 psi (14 kPa) [0. FOR HAZARDOUS APPLICATIONS REFER TO NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE SPECIFICATIONS.) 4.) Wrench Flats CAUTION: DO NOT TWIST THE VALVE BODY HOUSING. Do not install valve with top down.INSTALLATION WARNING: STOP THE ENGINE AND DISCONNECT ALL ELECTRICAL POWER BEFORE BEGINNING INSTALLATION. SHUTOFF THE FUEL GAS SUPPLY. and fully open at 3 psi (21 kPa) [0.) Figure 2 Pull the lever up. (Refer to Figure 1. The thumb-operated latch can be locked in place to hold the lever/arm latched. The cocking latch will be released when pilot pressure reaches 2. Level Arm (Handle) Control Pressure Connection Thumb-operated Cocking Latch Breather Vent 3. 3. (For dimensions see page 4. A vent line (to allow gas trapped forward between fuel valve and the carburetor to escape) should be attached to the vent connection at the bottom of the valve housing.14 bar]. follow the appropriate installation codes and ordinances for the application.21 bar]. If vacuum control is desired. Connecting the Fuel Shut-off Valve Figure 1 1. FUEL FLOW Remove plug and attach vent line. (Refer to dimensions on pages 3-4.5 psi (17 kPa) [0. However. Connecting Pneumatic Models M2582-P and M5180-P 1. The 18 AWG (1. For wiring the M2582 fuel valve to Solid-State TATTLETALE® annunciators. Installation M-7980N page 6 of 12 .WIRING INFORMATION WARNING: PERFORM THE WIRING OPERATION WITH THE POWER SOURCE “OFF” AND THE AREA MADE NON-HAZARDOUS. refer to pages 9. M2582 Internal Wiring Wiring shown in normal mode of operation (seat open). IN4007 GND ALT 1 ALT 2 SW Negative ground Magnetic Switch Adapter shown NOTE: Wiring shown in normal mode of operation (seat open). HARD CONDUIT WITH APPROVED SEALS IS REQUIRED BY THE NEC FOR HAZARDOUS AREA INSTALLATIONS. For typical wiring of the M5081 models refer to pages 7 and 8. MAKE SURE THE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT REQUIREMENTS ARE WITHIN THE FUEL SHUT-OFF VALVE RATINGS. and 11. 10. below and the “TO CLOSE THE FUEL VALVE and GROUND THE IGNITION” attachment. refer to pages 9.0 mm2) wire is color coded to the coil: For CD Ignitions: White and Orange For Magneto Ignitions: White and Green For Battery: White and Blue Conduit Installation Install a 1/2 NPT conduit from the M5081 conduit connection to the power source. Internal Wiring for M2582 Optional Resistor (Note) White Black NOTE: For grounding the ignition (CD models only) through the fuel valve snap-switch. See wiring diagrams (pages 7 and 11). below) and install a 100 ohm. and install a 100 ohm. see Magnetic Switch Adapter. and 11. Magnetic Switch Adapters for Use with Capacitor Discharge Ignitions Connect the Magnetic Switch Adapter between the fuel Valve terminal 1 and the CD Ignition. The 20 AWG (0. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 + 65700055 (was 65020155): For use with negative ground ignitions up to 450 VDC. Red Ground M5081 Internal Wiring Wiring shown in normal mode of operation (seat open). M5081FS Internal Wiring For typical Wiring refer to page 8. ® M5081 Internal Wiring Valve Coil Disconnect Switches Ignition 1 Ignition 2 Ground 10 9 Jumper 8 7 6 5 Jumper 4 3 2 1 White FV– Orange White FV– Orange Optional Resistor (See Note) FV+ (IGN) FV+ (IGN) NOTE: For grounding the ignition (CD models only) through the fuel valve snap-switches.0 mm2) wire is red color for both options: 12 VDC and 24 VDC. use a Magnetic Switch Adapter. 10. Ground Switch 2 Valve Coil (Note) Switch 1 65700053 (was 65020126): For use with negative ground ignitions up to 240 VDC. 2 watt resistor (included with your attachment).75 mm2) wire is color coded to the coil: For CD ignitions: White and Orange For Magneto ignitions: White and Green For Battery: White and Blue Conduit Installation Install a 1/2 NPT conduit from the M2582 conduit connection to the power source. 2 watt resistor (included on page 11). Refer to Dimensions (on page 4) for location. use a Magnetic Switch Adapter (see Magnetic Switch Adapter. For wiring the M5081 fuel valves to Solid-State TATTLETALE annunciators. 65700054 (was 65020127): For use with positive ground ignitions up to 450 VDC. See M2582 Dimensions (page 3) for location. The 18 AWG (1. For wiring the M5081FS to MARK IV 12/24 refer to page 10. Connect a 100 ohm. NOTE 2: To CLOSE FUEL VALVE–NOT GROUNDING THE IGNITIONS (Dual CD Ignition Systems) Remove the jumper on terminals 6-5. Ground terminal 6. Connect second ignition to Magnetic Switch Adapter terminal ALT2. TYPICAL WIRING for M5081-B (BATTERY IGNITION MODELS) M5081-B Battery Models Terminal Block + -DC Power source 10 9 Ground 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Jumpers * IN4005 Diode *for flyback protection MS2110 MS2110 Start-run timer 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 To additional TATTLETALE® Installation M-7980N page 7 of 12 . Connect second ignition to Magnetic Switch Adapter terminal ALT2. NOTE 3: To CLOSE FUEL VALVE and GROUND THE IGNITION (Single CD Ignition Systems) Remove the jumper on terminals 6-5. 2 watt Resistor (Notes 3 and 4) Start-run timer MS2100 MS2100 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 To additional TATTLETALE® NOTE 1: To CLOSE FUEL VALVE–NOT GROUNDING THE IGNITION (Single CD Ignition Systems) Remove the factory-installed jumper on terminals 6-5. Connect a 100 ohm. Ground terminal 6. Do NOT ground terminal 6.TYPICAL WIRING for M5081-C (CD IGNITION MODELS) M5081-C CD Ignition Models Terminal Block GND ALT1 ALT2 SW Magnetic Switch Adapter 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CD ignition Additional CD ignition Ground Jumpers 100 ohm. NOTE 4: To CLOSE FUEL VALVE and GROUND THE IGNITION (Dual CD Ignition Systems) Remove the jumper on terminals 6-5. 2 watt resistor between valve terminals 1-2. 2 watt resistor between valve terminals 1-2. NOTE 4: To CLOSE FUEL VALVE and GROUND THE IGNITION (Dual Magneto Systems) Remove the jumper on terminals 9-8. Add 65010065 diode package as shown. NOTE 3: To CLOSE FUEL VALVE and GROUND THE IGNITION (Single Magneto Systems) The factory-installed jumpers (6-5 and 9-8) must be in place. Add ground wire to terminal 5. Add 65010065 diode package as shown.TYPICAL WIRING for M5081-A (MAGNETO IGNITION MODELS) M5081-A Magneto Ignition Models Terminal Block 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Magneto Ground 65010065 Diode Package (See Notes 2/4) Jumpers Additional Magneto Start-run timer MS2120 MS2120 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 To additional TATTLETALE® NOTE 1: To CLOSE FUEL VALVE–NOT GROUNDING THE IGNITION (Single Magneto Systems) Remove the factory-installed jumper on terminals 6-5. TYPICAL WIRING for M5081FS (NORMALLY ENERGIZED MODELS) M5081FS 12 or 24 VDC Models Terminal Block 10 9 8 7 6 Ground 5 4 3 2 1 + -DC Power source MS2110 Ground * MS2110 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 * * Start-run timer IN4005 Diode * for flyback protection Installation M-7980N page 8 of 12 . Do NOT ground terminal 5. Add ground wire to terminal 5. Do NOT ground terminals. NOTE 2: To CLOSE FUEL VALVE–NOT GROUNDING THE IGNITIONS (Dual Magneto Systems) Remove the factory-installed jumpers on terminals 6-5 and 9-8. 125/250 VAC Relay contacts rated: 3 A. 125/250 VAC M2582-C to MARK IV-N (negative ground) M5081-C to MARK IV-N (negative ground) M2582 Fuel Valve + – M5081 Terminal block 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 White Black Ground GRD F/VF/V+ IGN 1 MARK IV-N terminal block * MARK IV has FET outputs rated: 0. 30 VDC. Relay contacts rated: 3 A. 30 VDC.5 A @ 250 VDC max. 125/250 VAC * Relay contacts rated: 3 A.5 A @ 250 VDC max. Relay contacts rated: 3 A. 4 A. 4 A.5 A @ 250 VDC max. 125/250 VAC M2582-C to LCDT-PS-CD-N (negative ground) LCDT-PS-CD-N – + IGN 1 FV(+) M5081-C to LCDT-PS-CD-N (negative ground) LCDT-PS-CD-N Terminal block – + IGN 1 FV(+) M5081 Terminal block 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 M2582 Fuel Valve White Black FV(-) * jumper jumper FV(-) GND * Red GND NO C NC Relay Contacts NO C NC Relay Contacts Ground * FV(-) FET output rated: 0. M2582-C to LCDT-PS-CD (R)-P (positive ground) LCDT-PS-CD (R)-P M5081-C to LCDT-PS-CD (R)-P (positive ground) LCDT-PS-CD (R)-P Terminal block + – M5081 Terminal block M2582 Fuel Valve White GND + – IGN 1 10 9 FV(+) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 IGN 1 GND FV Black FV(-) Red jumper NO C NC jumper FV(-) NO C NC * Relay Contacts Relay Contacts Ground * FV(-) FET output rated: 0. MAKE SURE THE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT REQUIREMENTS ARE WITHIN THE FUEL SHUT-OFF VALVE RATINGS. 30 VDC.TYPICAL WIRING to SOLID-STATE TATTLETALE® Annunciators WARNING: PERFORM THE WIRING OPERATION WITH THE POWER SOURCE “OFF” AND THE AREA MADE NONHAZARDOUS. HARD CONDUIT WITH APPROVED SEALS IS REQUIRED BY THE NEC FOR HAZARDOUS AREA INSTALLATIONS. 4 A. 30 VDC. Installation M-7980N page 9 of 12 GRD F/VF/V+ IGN 1 MARK IV-N * terminal block Red jumper jumper . 4 A. 5 A @ 250 V max. C & D areas. M5081FS to MARK III-12/24 M5081-C to MARK III-N M5081FS Terminal Block 1 * – MARK III-12/24 terminal block + -12/24 VDC Power source †† Alarm Relay K1 + Power Supply – M5081 Terminal block 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 * * IN4005 Diode for flyback protection 1 2 12/24 S/D FV ALM GRD 2 jumper jumper IGN 90-250 Vdc +FV -FV ALM GRD Ignition Auxiliary Relay MARK III has FET outputs rated: 0. Gps. Division 2. C & D areas. Auxiliary Relays must be hermetically-sealed. Gps. Remove shunt jumper E2 for ignition ground time delay.TYPICAL WIRING to SOLID-STATE TATTLETALE® Annunciators WARNING: PERFORM THE WIRING OPERATION WITH THE POWER SOURCE “OFF” AND THE AREA MADE NONHAZARDOUS. third party certified for use in Class I. Division 2. MAKE SURE THE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT REQUIREMENTS ARE WITHIN THE FUEL SHUT-OFF VALVE RATINGS. * – * – * IN4005 Diode for flyback protection † MARK III has FET outputs rated: 0.5 A @ 250 VDC max.5 A @ 250 VDC max. MARK IV-12/24 terminal block GRD F/V S/D 12/24V 1 MARK IV has FET outputs rated: 0. M5081-C to TTDJ-IGN-(T) M5081 Terminal block M2582-C to TTDJ-IGN-(T) M2582 Fuel Valve 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 IGN NA GRD FV+ FVALR NA NA – + IGN NA GRD FV+ FVALR NA NA White Black jumper jumper Red Installation M-7980N page 10 of 12 . M5081FS to MARK IV-12/24 M5081FS Terminal Block M5081-B to MARK IV-12/24 M5081-B K1 and K2: External Relay(s) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 MARK IV-12/24 terminal block 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 – K1 * + -DC Power source 12/24V SD F/V GRD * jumper jumper * + – K2 + * K2 K1 IN4005 Diode * for flyback protection 1 * for flyback protection IN4005 Diode 1 + -DC Power source MARK IV has FET outputs rated: 0. third party certified for use in Class I. † MARK III-N K1 K2 + + 2 terminal block Auxiliary or Shutdown Relay †† Alarm Relay must be hermetically-sealed. HARD CONDUIT WITH APPROVED SEALS IS REQUIRED BY THE NEC FOR HAZARDOUS AREA INSTALLATIONS.5 A @ 250 V max. Gps. 2. (C). 2. 2. Div. and (D) on this page. 2. SD 10-32VDC GRD NA FV ALR MPU GRD * * 1N4005 diode for flyback protection. TTDJ-DC-(T) to Relays Connections Shown for Use with Diagrams (A). Div. Gps. HARD CONDUIT WITH APPROVED SEALS IS REQUIRED BY THE NEC FOR HAZARDOUS AREA INSTALLATIONS. third party certified for use in Class I. third party certified for use in Class I. 2. third party certified for use in Class I. MAKE SURE THE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT REQUIREMENTS ARE WITHIN THE FUEL SHUT-OFF VALVE RATINGS. (A) M5081-B to TTDJ-DC-(T) M5081 Terminal block 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SD 10-32VDC GRD NA FV ALR MPU GRD (B) M2582-B to TTDJ-DC-(T) To 12 or 24 VDC power supply M2582 Fuel Valve White Black K2 1 SD 10-32VDC GRD NA FV ALR MPU GRD To 12 or 24 VDC power supply K1 jumper jumper * K2 1 K1 Red 1 K1 and K2 are hermetically Sealed auxiliary relays. 1 K2 is hermetically sealed auxiliary relay. C & D areas. Div. third party certified for use in Class I. 1 M5081FS to TTDJ-DC-(T) To 12 or 24 VDC power supply SD 10-32VDC GRD NA FV ALR MPU GRD M5081FS Terminal Block – IGNITION RELAY + K1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12-24 VDC Power supply + * 1 K2 – * 1 K1 and K2 are hermetically Sealed auxiliary relays. Gps. * 1N4005 diode for flyback protection. Div. Div. * 1N4005 diode for flyback protection. third party certified for use in Class I. C & D areas. (C) M2582-C w/Magnetic Switch Adaptor to CD Ignition Magnetic Switch Adapter (D) M5081-C w/Magnetic Switch Adaptor to CD Ignition Magnetic Switch Adapter GND ALT1 ALT2 SW GND ALT1 ALT2 SW M5081 Terminal block M2582 Fuel Valve White Black K2 1 – – + 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 + jumper Red jumper K2 1 1 K2 is hermetically sealed auxiliary relay. C & D areas. 1 K1 and K2 are hermetically Sealed auxiliary relays. Installation M-7980N page 11 of 12 . (B). C & D areas. Gps.TYPICAL WIRING to SOLID-STATE TATTLETALE® Annunciators continued WARNING: PERFORM THE WIRING OPERATION WITH THE POWER SOURCE “OFF” AND THE AREA MADE NONHAZARDOUS. C & D areas. Gps. S. SERVICE PARTS Coil Assembly Battery CD Ignition Magneto Ignition M5081FS Coil Assembly 12 VDC 24 VDC Latch Block Assembly Latch block assembly Latch block switch and coil assembly Latch block switch and mounting bracket assembly Handle and Latch Kit Handle and latch kit Handle kit Manual DIsconnect Assembly Snap Switch Assembly Close/Open Indicator Assembly Stem and Seat Kit Top Works Complete Valve Less Body and Vent Vent Bushing Assembly Diaphragm Assembly Pilot Diaphragm Diode Package for Dual Magneto Ignitions Magnetic Switch Adapter for CD Ignitions Single/Dual ign.fwmurphy.murphyswitch.fwmurphy.2. Salisbury SP1 FRANK W. Box 1819.A.O. DE C. Valve Seat: Buna-N Maximum Valve Inlet Pressure: • M2582/M2582-P: 80 psi (552 kPa) [5. – positive ground up to 450 VDC Single/Dual ign. Fracción del Aguaje San Luis Potosí. M5081.8 A • M5081FS: Energized to Run (continuous-duty coil) coil resistance: 12 V model: 33 Ω. California 93551-1442.89 bar].uk www. 5 amps maximum.fwmurphy. painted red (corrosion resistance).52 bar] • M5081/M5081FS/ M5180-P: 100 psi (689 kPa) [6. Rosenberg.2 to 2. – negative ground up to 450 VDC Coil Rating: Intermittent Vic models M5081 and M5081-CD engine ignition powered. – negative ground up to 240 VDC Single/Dual ign.52 bar] Snap-switch: M2582: One SPDT. and M5081FS: Two SPDT.V. 12 or 24 VAC or VDC.O.P. Maximum pressure 100 psi (689 kPa) [6. LTD. • CD ignition coil resistance: 72 Ω CD ignition primary voltage: 1. 5 A @ 480 VAC Wiring: M2582: Wire leads. Optional cast steel available for M5081 and M5081FS models only. Groups C and D Hazardous Locations.38 to 3. and M5081FS: Terminal blocks NOTE: All aluminum versions of the M5081 Series Fuel Valve carry Canadian Registartion Number OC1476.4 A Laboratory Approval: CSA listed for Class I. www. intermittent duty. coil type must match power FW Murphy P. switch contacts rated 5 A @ 480 VAC maximum. we reserve the right to change our specifications and designs at any time. M5081FS ---------------------------------55000158 55000159 ----------------------55000196 55000102 -------------------------55000160 55000138 55000135 55000161 55000132 ------------------------------------------------------------------- M2582 55000128 55000129 55000094 ----------------------55000095 ---------------------------------55000096 55000097 55000098 -----------55000093 55000146 55000143 ---------------------------------65700053 65700054 65700055 M5081 55000126 55000127 55000080 ----------------------55000074 -----------55000118 55000102 -----------55000137 55000072 55000138 55000075 55000131 55000132 ----------------------65010065 65700053 65700054 65700055 M2582-P ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5500148 -----------------------------------------------------55000147 55000150 55000143 55000184 00007908 --------------------------------------------- M5180-P ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------55000154 -----------------------------------------------------55000135 55000155 55000132 55000153 55050420 --------------------------------------------- Warranty A limited warranty on materials and workmanship is given with this FW Murphy product. 5 A @ 480 VAC M5081. Australia +61 3 9358 5555 fax +61 3 9358 5558 e-mail [email protected]. +44 1722 410055 fax +44 1722 410088 e-mail [email protected]. Oklahoma 74147 USA +1 918 317 4100 fax +1 918 317 4266 e-mail [email protected]. A copy of the warranty may be viewed or printed by going to www. and model M5081-B.. 0966106 Installation M-7980N page 12 of 12 E D RE .htm CONTROL SYSTEMS & SERVICES DIVISION www. Blvd.SPECIFICATIONS Valve Body: Sandcast aluminum. MURPHY.murphymex. México 78384 +52 444 8206264 fax +52 444 8206336 Villahermosa Office +52 993 3162117 e-mail [email protected] MURPHY SWITCH OF CALIFORNIA 41343 12th Street West Printed in U. Church Rd. Box 470248 Tulsa.89] Maximum Control Pressure (Pneumatic Models): • M2582-P: 75 psi (517 kPa) [ MACQUARRIE CORPORATION 1620 Hume Highway MURPHY DE MEXICO.17 bar] • M5180-P: 80 psi (552 kPa) [5. USA +1 661 272 4700 fax +1 661 947 7570 e-mail [email protected] GI STER USA–ISO 9001:2000 FM 28221 UK–ISO 9001:2000 FM 29422 In order to consistently bring you the highest quality. USA +1 281 633 4500 fax +1 281 633 4588 e-mail [email protected] www. Texas 77471. full featured products.. 24 V model: 136 Ω • Magneto ignition coil resistance: 0.5 Ω Magneto primary voltage: 1 to 5 A • Battery coil resistance : 7 Ω 12 or 24 VDC: 1. Antonio Rocha Cordero 300. Laverstock. S.
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