Muhurtha Basics

March 26, 2018 | Author: thryee | Category: Astrology, Superstitions, New Age Practices, Ancient Science, Divination



Muhurtha BasicsI. Panchanga is the most important thing to see while looking for the right muhurtha. Panchanga means five parts/ organs of any time and control different elements of time. The panchanga is made up of (i) Vara- Agni Tattva- shows the life/ longevity of the undertaking. Check how the vara lord placed, this shall indicate the longevity of the event for which the Muhurtha being determined. The Vara should be determined by the horosocope of the main person involved. The day lord should preferably be as per the lord of the house which signifies the muhurtha. Vara lord should never be a planet squarely opposed to Karaka as per the zodiac sign ownership. Thus Marriage should not happen on Tuesday as Mars is totally opposed to Venus. Mars is Brahmacharya, It is finished when marriage takes place. Merc is opposed to Jup as their signs are opposite. Also Sun is oppsed to Rahu and Moon to Saturn. Chose the day as per the naisargika (natural) karakatva (significations) of the day lord, such as -> Start learning Jyotisha or Vedas on a Thursday. -> First feeding of child should be done on a Monday (ii) Karana- Prithvi Tattva- This shows the accomplishments/ achievements/ final outcome of the event for which the muhurtha is being determined. Karana is half of a Tithi. Thus a lunar month which consists of thirty tithis, have 60 Karanas. There are altogether 11 karanas, out of which 7 are movable and 4 are fixed. The fixed Karanas occur only once in a lunar month. They are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Shakuni: 2nd half of Krishna Chaturdasi. Chatuspada: 1st half of Amavasya. Naga: 2nd half of Amavasya. Kimstughna: 1st half of Shukla Pratipad This shows that nothing should be undertaken between 2nd half of K14 to 1st Half of S01. That's why Gurudev says that these tithes are cursed. (iii) Nakshatra- Vayu Tattva- This shows different kinds of experiences the person will pass through during the muhurtha. The Nakshatra should not be a. A bad Nakshatra as per the Navatara Chakra (If the Lagna is stronger, Navatara starts from Moon and if Moon is stronger, the Navatara shall start from Lagna) b. A Nakshatra which causes Vedha to the Janma Nakshatra The Vedha Causing Nakshatras to each other is as follows: * Aswini and Jyeshta; * Bharani and Anuradha; * Krittika and Visakha; * Rohini and Swati; * Ardra and Sravana * Punarvasu and Uttar-ashadha; * Pusayami and Poorv-ashadha; * Aslesha and Moola; * Makha and Revati; * Purva-Phalguni and Uttara-bhadrapada; * Uttara-Phalguni and Purva-bhadrapada; * Hasta and Satabhisha, * Mrigasira, Dhanishta and Chitra Merc. Hora of the 8th house lord and badhakesh from the signification house (of the principle person involved in muhurtha) is prohibited. it should not be placed in Karya Bhava. Malefics in the 8th should be avoided in all circumstances.6th Saturn.Venus N. The Hora shows the focus of the activity at any time.8th Mars.Saturn .Mars S . However. Sat. Lord -Kala Lord -----------------------------------------E .7th Mercury. The Karaya Bhava (Singnifying house) should be empty.Saturn N . For studies. III.(iv) Tithi.W . Jup. take both the natural significations and temporal significations of the Hora lord at any time to find the different events likely to happen in that muhurtha.E .e in evil matters ( war etc.Mercury W . There should not be any malefics in the Sukha Trikona (4th/8th/12th). V. IV.W . Check how well the Yoga Lord placed and also the nature of the Yoga.Sun S. The Malefics should preferably be placed in the Upachayas (3/6/10/11).Moon . Kala represents the atma of the Kalapursha and influence on it shall show the influence of different persons during that muhurtha. Ketu has no lordship over any tithi. 4th is the karaka bhava and it should be empty.9th Ketu. Ven. The Moon should be strongly and well placed in the Muhurtha Chart.Jupiter S. The first tithi.Venus . Mars.Nowhere. either in the Lagna or in the Kendra to the Lagna.12th Moon.Shows how different elements in the event shall be bonded to each other.Moon .Dir.Shows the financial prosperity/ difficulties a person shall have during the event. IV. The Karaka should be well placed. it does not apply for 6H / 11H matters i. Karaka should not be in Marana Karaka Avastha.3rd Venus. however the Purnima is ruled by Saturn.Akasha Tattva. The houses where the planets becomes marana avastha are: Sun. as it doesn't have body and hence cannot physically suffer. The lord of a tithi is easy to find. (v) Yoga. Dir. Pratipada of both the Paksha is ruled by Sun and all the subsequent tithis are ruled by planets in the order of weekday lords (Sun. ) planets in Karya Bhava are good.Mars . Rahu). But. Moon. The 8th Tithi is ruled by Rahu and so also the Amavasya.Jala Tattva. II.Lagna Rahu.Mercury . VI.Rahu . This shows the nature of relationships between different members involved in the event.Sun . Check the Hora and the Kala. The various directions governed by the planets and the directions of the lord of the kalas as per the Kalachakra is as follows. .7th Jupiter. In addition. N. Pishacha etc. the kala of the planet. the Navamsa Lagna should be well placed in the Muhurtha Chart. Venusian activity is prohibited and so on. Check the Navamsa. Thus in Rahu Kala. Study the Ghataka Chakra in Pt. Jupiter's activity is prohibited and in Mars's kala. Moon should not be placed in the 8th from the Arudha Lagna. Above all. in the fifth from the vara lord starts the sequence repeats in the order given. X.5 hours.Rahu One should not start any activity pertaining to a direction lord in the Kala of the corresponding Kala lord. The influences on the Atmakaraka shall help deciphering many things that happen in a Muhurtha.E .srath. The Yoga-karakas in the Rasi Charts should be well placed in the Navamsa Chart. Check how the Dharma Devata placed. Along with the Lagna. VIII. The method to find the kala is: The Kala of the Vara lord starts at 6:00 am LMT and thereafter. the kala of the planet rises in the following order: Sun-> Mars-> Jupiter-> Mercury-> Venus-> Saturn-> Moon-> Rahu. do not ignore the Atmakaraka. Be careful of all the major bad yogas such as Kalasarpa. His blessings shall show how smooth the acitivity undertaken in a muhurtha would be.Jupiter . From 6:00 "pm" LMT. . Sarpa. the Arudha shall be well placed. Last but not the least. each 1. VII. It is very informative on Muhurtha. Sanjay ji's website (www. XI. Aani (Mithuna). •The next two lines are Karana. Panguni (Mina). (Ganda 08:31:32). However this samkranti time is good for donation. Purattasi (Kanya). The Tamil calendar is a derivative of the old Hindu solar calendar and is based on the sidereal year. Vaidriti. This is also known as samkranti.•The next line is Yoga. Please try to avoid vishti (Bhadra) karana in all auspicious ceremonies. Aavani (Simha). Aippasi (Tula). all times presented in our panchangam have been adjusted for daylight saving time for North American/Candaian Panchangam. Likewise the same rule applies to the other samkrantis. Karthikai (Vrishika). satyanaraya puja but not good for Weddings. Unlike other online panchangam. For example: Tamil calendar uses sun's rasi names as their solar months. Please manually adjust for other places in the world where daylight saving time applies. Good Karana: Please avoid Vishti (Bhadra) Karana. Shoola. Note for Muhurtha: Please avoid day of eclipse and the six hours before and after from the time of samkranti for any good work / muhurtha. (Balav 08:32:33). •The next line if sun changes the sign or rasi that day it will have a line SN: which means sun and the rasi after that is the rasi sun is changing to the time is the time when sun will enter that rasi or sign on that day. Aadi (Karka). where the time next to the karana indicates when it is going to end. Sun's rasi names can be also names for hindu solar month names. Good Yoga: Please avoid Vyatipata. The same rules for tithi timings applies to Yoga as well. Atiganda. all times presented in our panchangam have been adjusted for daylight saving time for North American/Candaian Panchangam. Markazhi (Dhanu). Vyagata. which means moon and the rasi after that is the rasi moon is changing to the time is the time when moon will . Vaikasi (Vrishabha). Thai (Makara). Please manually adjust for other places in the world where daylight saving time applies. For example: Makara samkaranti is when sun enters makara rashi (This also becomes Thai(Makara mase) month for tamil calendar). Graha Pravesha etc. Vajra. Maasi (Kumbha). (SN: Makara 4:36). The Yoga name is followed by Y: The time next to the Yoga indicates when it is going to end. The same rules for tithi timings applies to karana as well. Parigha. Tamil solar month names are Chiththirai (Mesha). •The next line is MN: which means moon sign changes. Karana name is indicated by K: There are two karanas per thithi hence there are two lines for karana. Vishkumbha. Unlike other online panchangam. Gulika is also called Mandi (i. or varjyam. The time frame indicates rahu kalam duration. (YM:11:09-12:12). For other days please check rahu kalam as well. When you don't have any muhurtham you can use this time if its not overlapped by rahu kalam or durmuhurtham. The time frame indicates Gulika kalam duration.3. His rising period is also not auspicious. and other rituals. Please avoid this time for your muhurtha. •The AJ: means Abhijit Muhurtha (AJ: 12:30. (MN: Mithuna 20:38) A Note on chandra bala in muhurtha: Chandra Balam is important in weddings. (RK:09:03-10:06). Tarabalam is more subtle. Gulika (Kulika) needs to be avoided as they are inauspicious times.enter that rasi or sign on that day.11:22. 15:22.10. •The YM: means the Yamagandam kalam. if moon occupies that rasi for whole day you'll observe (full) right after the rasi name. The time frame indicates yama kalam duration. Please avoid this time for your muhurtha.7. e. •The V:: means Varjyam or Vishagatika (V:30:00-31:37) means varjyam starts at 6:00 AM of following day and lasts till 7:37 AM of following day.13:18). Yama kalam.6. •The GK: means the Gulika kalam (Gulikai). •The DM: means Durmuhurtha (DM:: 10:34.16:10) means first Durmuhurtham starts at 10:34 AM till 11:22 AM and the next one starts at 15:22 PM to 16:10 PM. •The RK: means the Rahu kalam (Tamizh: Raghu kalam). The rising period of Rahu is considered inauspicious in the South as he is considered a malefic for auspicious functions. These times should be avoided for any good ceremonies. the son of Manda alias Shani). On Wednesday abhijit muhurtham is bad as its the same time as durmuhurtham. There could be more . (GK:09:03-10:06). Counting from your moon rashi (Hindu rashi) to the day's chandra rashi if the count is 1.11 then that day will be good for you. Rahu kalam. Please avoid this time for your muhurtha. Yamaganda is the son of Guru and he is also considered inauspicious. hence we gave only durmuhurtham time on wednesday not the abhijit muhurtha time. It is Sri Hari Vishnu's time. so you are off by 40 minutes here (not some minutes.30-12. Saturday 9.00-10.than one varjyam line.30. Now on Thursdays. Its your muhurtham. and being winter sunrises at 8:10 AM. Australia and other places where in summer sun rises at 4:00 AM (with the daylight time added 5:00 AM) and sets at 8:00 PM.13. Europe. Please avoid in all muhurthams.. Which is completely wrong as the sun doesn't rise at 6:00AM and sets at 6:00PM for most part of the world every day. Even in India if you live further north. etc. This is a good time. Please donot perform annaprasana samskara in this time as this this visha-gatika time. Yamagandam and Gulika Kalam: What most online panchangam. •The AK:: means Amritkala (AK: 15:13. for example Sunday 4. so your yamagandam has already passed before sunrise? aren't you off by one and half hour?. 12. Europe. People who live in North America. and in winter sun rises at 8:00 PM and sets at 3:45 PM this rahu kalam time given above is off by hours then minutes (as one of my learned friend argued the world is not going to change if rahukalam is off by minutes.9.0016. This time is not a good time. This time is good for annaprasanam samskara as well as other rituals. Friday 10.16:53) means Amrita kala starts at 3:13 PM till 16:53 period.30.00. and other panchangam give rahukalam which is fixed for every day of the week. we are not talking about minutes but hours. precise or fix rahu kalam.6. and it will not at at 9:00 could very well end just after 9:00AM).15.) if sun rises at 8:10AM and rahukalam duration is 7:30AM to 9:00 AM. Monday 7. Check the sunrise and sunset time of your local newspapers and if not look into our panchangam you'll notice that in 99% of the world sun will never rise at 6:00 AM and will set at 6:00 PM most of time (99% of time). Rahukalam.00.30 . These times are given based on assumption that sun rises and set at 6:00 AM/PM. Thursday 13. •About Rahu Kalam. Yamaganadam doesn't start till sunrise. You be the judge which rahukalam needs to be taken.00 . Even if you took the fix one the world is not going to end but if you want to follow rahukalam why not the precise one? .30 . Yamagadam is from 6:00AM to 7:30AM(According to the fix calculations assuming sun rises at 6:00 AM).00. There could be more than one Amrit kala line. so you be the judge. For example in winter in certain places (America.30. the sun will rise earlier than 6 AM in summer and will set after 6 PM.00. Australia. sunrise doesn't happen till 8:10AM . Tuesday 15.30 . Wed. The data provided here is based on actual precise method of arriving Rahu Kalam. Saturn. Simha. Dhanu. Lagna is the rising sign on the eastern horizon at a given time and a given place. . Lagna shuddhi removes most evils and without lagna shuddhi it gives all bad yogas. That's the another reason why indian muhurtham calculated for india can't be used outside of india. Lagna has very important role in muhurtham. Mithuna. This changes from place to place. Mars. Mostly people calculate chogadia from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM which is wrong as sun doesn't rise at 6:00 AM and doesn't set at 6:00 PM. the Sun will be always in the first house during the sunrise. during the evening sun will be in 7th house. Kumbha. and Mina. Three bad chaugadia are Rog. and simplicity.Amrit. Traditionally chogadia is used only for travel muhurthas only but due to simplicity it is used widely for any muhurtha. This langna is the rasi in first house. and during the midnight sun will be in the 4th house. Udyog. For any place in the world. during the midday sun will be in the 10th house. Kanya. There are four good chogadia to start auspicious work -. and Gulika Kalam. The actual way is to calculate dinamana and divide by 8 an each kala will be day chogadia's kala and likewise divide ratrimana by 8 and each kala will be night's chogadia kala. We have provided link with the chogadia table at the top of every panchangam presented here and they are calculated based on that places' sunrise. Yama kalam (Yama Ganadam). The good planets should be in kendra(1/4/7/10) and tikona sthana (5/9) Mercury. Jupiter. Shubh. even after subtracting the time difference. This lagna can be obtained by using lagna table calculated in our panchangam for each place's panchang. kaal. •About Chogadia Table: Chogadia used for checking auspicious time to start new work. •Lagna Table. Good Lagna for Grahapravesha: Vrishabha (2). That is Sun. and sunset. Labh and Chal. At the time of muhurtha There shouldn't be any evil grahas / planets in kendra sthana of muhurtha kundli. and Venus.The fix rahu kalam is taken for ease of calculation. Hence we need longitude and latitude of the place for correct lagna. Rahu and Ketu. Some astrologers even knowing this fact makes the same mistake of subtracting appropriate time differences from indian muhurtha and give out wrong muhurtha (unknowingly). So it is important to calculate rahukalam and other information by subtracting the sunset from sunrise and divide by 8 and then use that as a kalam interval. Vrischika. . ◦ 4 (raja panchakam). Indian day is from one sunrise to another sunrise.Important ceremonies such as marriage.. You can find the tithi in our panchangam.. risk from fire. bad results.. ◦ The number of the constellation (from Aswini 1.). For the night time muhurtha please don't change the day.6. Monday 2. You can find the lagna from our lagna table for your city. You can find the nakshatra in our panchangam. it indicates danger. Tauras/Vrishabha 2. ◦ 6 (chora panchakam).4. . or 8 then it indicate bad results as follows: ◦1 (mrityu panchakam). etc. etc. The time after tithi is the time when the tithi ends. Now add these together and divide the total by 9. It's the top most header of the column. Sunday 1. The time after the nakshatra is the time when the nakshatra ends. etc.•Panchaka Rahita Vidhi for Muhurtha . nuptials.). There are several methods by which panchaka is determined. ◦ The number of the weekday. The most common method is to add following and divide by the number 9: ◦ The number of the lunar day (from the 1st of the month). ◦ 2 (agni panchakam).). this should be carefully looked into. Bharani 2. You can find the day in our panchangam. ◦ The number of the Lagna (from Aries/Mesha 1. If the remainder is 1. evil happenings. It's marked with T:. entry into new houses. It's marked with N:. Tuesday 3.2. etc. Please consult astrologer for advanced panchaka rahita vidhi. 5. Example: Let's consider Tithi: Krishna Paksha Dwitiya(2). Let's add these together. disease. Now divide this total of 39 by 9 giving us the reminder of 3 hence it is good. Moola/Mula nakshatra(19). . 7 or zero then it is good. Saturday (7).◦ 8 (roga panchakam). This gives us total of 39. If the remainder is 3. and Kumbha(11) lagna.
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