May 11, 2018 | Author: LakshmikanthSathianarayanan | Category: Anger, Religion And Belief



Category Archives: Healing by MudraUses of Chin Mudra If you are angry you can do this Mudra. It activates and balances Apana Vaayu. When you have a back pain or any pain for that matter, do this Mudra. Unwanted Apana Vaayu will be released in 15 minutes.This Mudra activates air and air means movement. Whenever you are in a traffic jam, it will create movement in you and thus movement outside you.It reduces infatuation.It also helps us to avoid misconduct between male and female. Refer this blog to know more details about Chin Mudra: Posted in Healing by Mudra Uses of Akash Mudra MAY 22 Posted by Naran S. Balakumar It creates space inside you. You don’t have space when you are stuck in a traffic jam (what’s inside us is reflected outside us). Put both the Chin and Akash (space) Mudras (let the index and middle fingers touch the tip of the thumb in both the hands). Then we will have space and move. Akash Mudra activates our own teacher inside us. If anybody is selfish, you can ask them, “Please put this Mudra”. It will make him broad-minded. It widens your views and helps to understand your life better. This also helps to clears the throat. A Case History Dear Naran, Thanks for the wonderful program at “Raj Bhavan”. While teaching on “Akash Mudra”, you mentioned that the teacher in us will be widened and awakened. Evening after coming from the function, I checked my mails. There was an invitation mail from a Chartered Accountants study circle to address the chartered accountants. Thanks to you Naran. Tomorrow, I’m doing counselling for CA (Chartered Accountants) students appearing for final exams. I attribute all these success to you! Mrs. Sasikala Ravivenkatesan Uses of Shunya Mudra Place the middle finger at the base of the thumb. Your movement will be restricted. When there are too much of problems in your life – one problem after another, your problems will be restricted due to this Mudra. You get ear problems because of heavy usage of mobile. Even if it is not ringing, you think it is ringing. It means your ear is not working properly. May be there will be a heavy sound – some form of humming sound in the ear. Any ear problem can be mitigated with this Mudra. This Mudra is useful, when you are airborne. Your ear pains, while flying high altitudes. Cotton is used to mitigate this issue. Do this Mudra. Your ear pain will automatically come down. Uses of Fire Mudra Also called as Agni Mudra or Surya Mudra. Place the ring finger in the base of the thumb, strengthens eyes. It reduces weight too. Whenever somebody comes to me, the first request would be, whether there is any remedy to reduce their weight. People who are over weight or look obese, their fat level is high and it is not burnt properly. If the fire element is activated, the weight can be brought down. Though, don’t see the weighing machine after doing the Mudra for 1 hr. Do it daily and check it after 20-30 days. If you want to break away from somebody or not to talk to someone, when you want to assert yourself, and not able to say no to anybody then do this Mudra. You will automatically be able to say no, whenever you want to. You will not behave like a door mat. This Mudra is good for anaemia – where there is less of iron. When there is physical exhaustion do this Mudra. Uses of Meru Mudra Thumb straight like thumbs up, and the other fingers folded touching the palm. The hands rests on the thighs. This Mudra energises the entire autonomous system and spinal cord – which is massaged well, making the pranic energy flow well. All spinal problems can be handled with this Mudra. You can combine doing the Mudra with pranayama. Do the breathing with the following count: inhale for four counts, hold for one count, exhale for five counts and hold for one count. Do this 40 to 50 times in the morning. Entire spinal cord will be strengthened. Sympathetic nervous system controls all the organs. Then the entire system is energised and our stress level gets to zero. Do the Mudra when you are tired. Direct the prana (visualising) to the spinal cord, while doing the pranayama. Vallabam Gajaananam Eka Thandham This mantra along with Meru Mudra is good for the spinal cord. It drives out our insecurity also. If you chant regularly, your back will become solid and strengthened. Chin Mudra This activates air element – one of the five elements, inside you. It is connected with Heart Chakra. Chant the bija mantra ‘Om Yum Namaha’ when you do the Mudra. How to do Chin Mudra On both hands, index finger touching the thumb, keep the other three fingers straight. Can keep the eyes closed — not necessary though. Watch the breath. Preferably keep the back straight or move around if you are feeling lethargic. Advantages of doing Chin Mudra  For Lower Back Pain, do Chin Mudra and chant “Wung R Hong”.  Chin Mudra brings down the stress level. Therefore, do Chin Mudra until tension comes down to zero.  This is also called as Gyan Mudra as it is normally used during meditation by keeping your hands on your lap, with the palm of the hands facing the sky. You can put Chin Mudra while chanting mantras.  Chant EEJO while doing Chin Mudra. After eating food, if Belching happens, then it means the Apanan – a type of prana that is supposed to flow down, is coming up. I release my desire to reduce my weight”. Sometimes we want something consciously. You will get better relief by doing this Mudra and chanting the Chinese mantra. it can normalize.  Kindles yellow energy inside you. it means there is a resistance inside you. Do Jupiter Mudra and affirm.  Mentally stressed out in the evening as too many thoughts in the 2. If you have a desire that is unfulfilled.wordpress.  This Mudra releases the excess energy from us. If you want to reduce your weight then affirm. The Chin Mudra helps to boost activity during the day.wordpress. I release my desire to be an actor”. (Desire and resistance work in opposite directions) Fulfilment at Your Finger Tips The Mudra healing has been combined with ‘Living with Awareness’ techniques here. Chin Mudra boosts your energy and thus activity. If its infatuation. but unconsciously we will be resisting that. Chin Mudra is the most effective way to remove the congestion. “I accept myself totally. Good for Lethargy  When you feel sleepy after lunch. they will separate and if it is true love they will marry. Why should I release my desires? Even desires are a form of resistance to achieve our goals and objectives. then do the following: 1. This Mudra controls the infatuation. Chin Mudra will activate the Apana Vaayu which goes Three Steps to Fulfilment If you have a desire that’s not fulfilled (let us say you want to be an actor). Infatuation is excess of un-channelled energy. Mars is activated. To reduce your weight. Or you affirmation could be. “I release my resistance to become an actor”. “I release my resistance to reduce my weight”.It will also bring down your head aches – which could be happening due to too much worry and thinking. give them gem remedy Coral. To understand how our mind works against our own goals and objectives. “I accept myself totally. May be it is infatuation. to achieve any goal or objective. This is called psychological reversal. . When the mind has gone http://healbyrule. To see how to do acceptance Mudra: http://healbymudra. This Mudra helps to prevent misconduct between male and female. I release my desire to look attractive”. Thus release all your desires to loose your weight.  Not able to get from bed in the morning.wordpress. “I I accept myself totally. If they don’t want to do the Mudra. your excess anger will come down. A 20 year old girl accidently falls in love with a person of 40 years. For example. affirm. Do the Acceptance Mudra and affirm.  How to remove congestion from the pranic body? If the congestion is more. You have to do inhaling and exhaling with Chin Mudra.  Affirmations to remove lethargy “I release my desire to sleep” “I release my resistance to get up and do the work. please read the following posts: http://healbyrule. he was able to get up early without an alarm. Surprisingly he found that he could beat the traffic somehow. He found a house. whenever he had to wait for the signal or when the traffic stops. Balakumar  To move forward in life. So he can afford to go late to office.  After 8th month of pregnancy is over. Timings are flexible. “I have started to act in so and so film” as though the desire has happened already. even after setting up an alarm. Do Movement Mudra and affirm. Do them twice a day. though suddenly he had to go early to office. do this Mudra. especially if you are not a morning person. Also called as Aakaash (space) Mudra.wordpress. So after waking up. the morning hour’s traffic was too much for him to handle. This he found it very difficult to do.wordpress. as he started reaching his office early without any effort At least spend 5-15 minutes in each Mudra.  This Mudra activates Jupiter inside you and brings abundance in your life. He started doing this Mudra. and until he got up from bed.  If you are stuck up in a traffic. Beat the Traffic – a Case History Tom is not a morning person. To see how to do Movement Mudra: http://healbymudra.  To feel fresh. which was closer to his office. . he started doing Movement Mudra or otherwise called as a Kubera Mudra. He works for a software company. 3. he was asked to vacate his house. Within a couple of months. He thinks there is a connection between this change and the movement Mudra. do this Mudra. “I have become an actor”. Due to some work pressure. After a couple of weeks. Movement of the child will be smooth. Index and middle fingers touches the thumb. Natural movement of foetus will happen and there will be an easy delivery. Movement Mudra NOV 24 Posted by Naran S. Keyword for this Mudra is “expand”.To see how to do Jupiter Mudra: http://healbymudra. in the order mentioned. think about Rama and his deportation to forest for fourteen long years. Rama taught this Mudra to Lakshmana. Every time something happen. You will choose the right food. When the patterns and unwanted energies are cleared. Before taking food. we make it either as a big problem or a small problem by categorizing. wisdom shines through. It’s ok. This will help to avoid our tendency to eat everything. be in the Mudra and then do the forgiving exercise. Digestion This Mudra helps your digestion. wisdom becomes visible. If any disappointment strikes you. Rama consoled his brother that whatever happens is right and therefore one has to accept what happens.  This generates blue energy and thus activates throat Chakra. See how much god is fulfilling our needs without intention. When we were seven years old. Balakumar (From Multi Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop) It helps us to accept our live situations as it is. it was not as important as it was when it happened. Because of thought patterns and life reaction patterns. Every problem is same – no big or small. it’s shrouded.  The teacher in you will be activated too. and do this Mudra. After two years. who wanted to kill their father Dasaratha. Then you will understand the meaning behind the incident that happens in your life. The wisdom does not exist separately. Chant Bija Mantra “Om Hum Namaha” while doing this Mudra. yet I got some.  Person who is mean minded and selfish will become broad minded and selfless. Changes Will Happen Without our effort things happen. and left hand touching middle and ring fingers — check the pictures at the end of the article). let it be with you for a while. I didn’t put an intention to get the sweet today. .  It will expand your horizon and get wider views of life and you will become a good judge of the life’s events. There are two rules in the world: You don’t get what you desire and you will get what you don’t desire. say in a buffet. do this Mudra. Chant the mantra Om Rum Namaha while doing the Acceptance Mudra (right hand – thumb touching index and middle fingers. How they are happening and why they are happening – there are no known answers. we fought over a broken pencil and got emotional. Therefore. When we are angry we don’t want to forgive. Once you remove ignorance. Touch the middle finger with thumb on both the hands Acceptance Mudra AUG 2 Posted by Naran S. who asked me to come after a week. I will come to know I am a man of wisdom.  With this Mudra – chant the names of the flowers – Beech. If we accept ourselves totally.  When you want to avoid conflict. . Think about green colour and visualize nature before going to the place where you expect conflict. touch little and ring fingers with thumb). chant “Bow Concede Together Divine” Switch Words.blogspot. which is a pain reliever. This will heal the conflict situation. Willow. It dispels the darkness which is like the clouds that covers the sun. along with Mudra. whether he knew any Mudras for this tooth ache. Our normal reaction is to express our anger. It was just frustrating. and Cherry Plum. Agrimony. Changes will happen automatically happen then. then things happen. Join 213 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. which we think is a natural and the right thing to Category Archives: Healing by Mudra Manage Confrontation My husband keeps fighting with me. I couldn’t hold this pain that long. I tried using Anbesol. had loads of work. Walnut.html) About a year ago. It works effectively but not this time even though I applied more than prescribed :). before it came and went but I didn’t see the dentist then. Chicory. Awareness removes ignorance. Balakumar. We try to change without acceptance. Don’t change anything. I asked my brother. Any financial problem – this Mudra will remove it. Our anger will come down along with opposite person’s anger.  Alternatively. So. with a hand in my face of course. I suddenly developed toothache. Once the cleansing is over. visualize Green colour. No Pain No Anger How to break the cycle? Do Safe and Secure Mudra (on both hands. Anger will produce only anger. Mentally accept whatever happens. I called the local dentists. Therefore. if I take a break it will pile on me. I just postponed it.  Mudra Healing” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. To sleep like a child. He asked me to do Varun Mudra after consulting Naran S. Without acceptance our life is spoiled. this Mudra will help. I had to try something else. says a lady. But this time it was plain unbearable. Balakumar Snoring means less oxygen to the throat and head area. water element is activated and the pain is reduced. Anger influences anger. one’s auric field becomes red and projects red. When Varun Mudra is practised. So. Water is cold and cooling. It can also control your anger. Handle Fire with Varun Mudra (Naran) How Varun Mudra reduces pain? Fire is red. In fact. I stopped being angry totally and then I did this Varun Mudra. she said it worked.My brother also gave me some more advice from Naran. Water will increase in the body and bring down the fire in the body – I mean fever. The pain was gone and it didn’t come back at all. I feel it was bad as it just drives them away like a fire. but it can also alleviate the pain. touch the tip of the thumb with tip of the little finger. yes direct name at that :). The thumb should touch the bottom of the little finger and closed by other fingers. Varun Mudra Little finger represents water. And only water can put out the fire. Most of the pain and illnesses are caused byemotions. if one is in a state of anger. One of my friends did this few days ago. But in hindsight. Therefore. fire is fever. This Mudra is basically used for reducing fever and colds. while the left tooth aches shows one is angry with a female. It looked simple enough. When I was in school. the body is crying for water locally. . it reduces anger also. You can do it while walking or lying down or while watching TV. the opposite person also will react in anger or at least seethe within. Varun Mudra: Touch the tip of the little finger with the tip of the thumb.wordpress. the opposite person should be in safe and secure Mudra. How one can increase oxygen to these areas through Mudras?  Adi Mudra can help. Yoga exercise. When one is in a state of anger. You won’t believe it. Fire also means anger. http://healbymudra. fire is inflammation and fire is pain because inflammation is expressed as pain (inflammation is red). Who would want to stand next to a raging fire that is anger? Naran said if the right tooth portions ache then one is angry with a male. Do this in both hands. Another friend tried this before and after she had a surgery. Mind and body affect each other significantly. she said it worked. Do it on both hands for 15 to 30 minutes a day. In a state of anger. Fire is heat and inflammation is nothing but heat or pita. in anger. Not only I should do this Varun Mudra but also I should get rid of anger. If you have fever you can also do this one. because I used to get upset even for small and trivial things. 75% of the body is water and when there is pain. So I did this for 10 to 15 minutes with normal breathing in and out. they used to call me “Short Temper”.com/2009/04/01/safe-and-secure/ This Mudra will cool down one (by activating the water element) and stabilise the person (earth element) as well. Therefore. Snoring Chris Are there any Mudras. or Reiki for curing the snoring problem? Naran S. I will direct whether that product is reliable or not. on Inhalation. There may be a problem in the cervical area of the spine. Please check with your local yoga expert. There are good testimonials.  Body care companies of Japan manufacture pillows that take care of snoring.naranheal. “I am at ease with all. Good luck to your partner and your neighbors to Sleep Well  To know more about Mudras. chant HIPPIENG. Thumb touching the middle finger can help. within the mind.  One has to check for Cervical Spondylosis.” This affirmation will help. These two words increase the space in the neck area. Search for them on the web. Please come back with the company selected.  Affirm. for which doing Yogasanas can help.  I understand the value of relationship. please click the link: http://www.  While doing the Mudras. The space in the tongue area is less. chant PAHANG and on exhalation. visit a chiropractor and make the necessary correction. Do this space Mudra after Adi Mudra.php?cat_id=44 Safe and Secure .  Increasing the space element is important too. Instructions are the same. but unable to do. and if we don’t. Do it for at least 10 minutes a day. For better results do it for 30-45 minutes. He did this Mudra for few I am the Hero and the Villain. Please click the link to see the class material: http://naranheal. However. then there is some resistance inside us. the classic reason we give for any major setback in life is. his job contract was renewed and got a good hike too. “My family is not supporting me doing anything concrete in life”. Therefore. brings money into your life. Do the Mudra. interestingly we always find the reasons outside us. the Universal Mind is Awake and it works very hard to get not only what you want. you activate your calmness. This calmness in turn. Enough money on hand creates a mental state of Relaxation and Calmness. A child feels safe and secure under the protection of his parents. When you do this Mudra. Sometimes we say. whether this Mudra works or not!” The additional benefit of this Mudra is that you will sleep like a child. you could do it. This Mudra called as Pran or Prana Mudra. His feedback is. How we developed this internal resistance . “I didn’t know when I went to sleep. on both hands. “My family commitments don’t allow me to take up music as my hobby”. For example. Lack of money = Worry. Therefore. While you are Relaxed and Though. while walking. Within a week. before going to sleep. you would feel safe and secure too. Join 213 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. or may be when your manager bores you with his lectures! Explanation The mental state worry links with the scarcity situation.php?page=2&task=mudras   RECENT COMMENTS Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. for not doing them. lying down. Balakumar was about to be fired. Balakumar on Feb 14th. I can’t say. in the Movie (Life) Directed By Me I have a BIG list of “shoulds” “I should get up from the bed very early in the morning” “I should keep the house clean” “I should avoid sweets” (a classic example) This is a list that contains items that we desire to do. by touching the Thumb with the tips of Ring and Little fingers. 2009. Ideal position is to sit erect. but also more than what you want! The above material is an extract from Mudra Class conducted by Naran S. Why can’t we implement them Whenever we want to do something. A student of Naran S. This is like pressing acceleration and applying breaks at the same time. Nobody is blocking us. When our parents asked us to study. we pretended that we are studying. for example. 3. What’s the feeling behind lack of money? Welcome this feeling and release it. affirm. The block is only inside us. “I want abundance of money” – is the desire. the fact that you are poor or overweight. Desires coming from the Parent Ego are resisted by the Child Ego. do it regularly or as soon as we get those feelings again. Mind Working in Opposite Directions Our Life is dominated by two divisions that are inside our mind. we resisted it. 1. Whenever our parents want us to do something. We should be aware of the two forces opposite to each other inside us. Affirm. “I accept my feelings of shamefulness” “I release my feeling of shamefulness” “I release the thought. Accept your present by affirming. Examples  “I am working hard but not making money” – something in me is resisting making money. while another part resists by eating all junk stuff. 2011 at 3:56 pm How do we do tapping while making affirmations? . we see nothing but our own opposition) Do tapping while affirming the above for better results. I can’t make money” Then release your internal resistance. and the other one the rebellion is our Child Ego. “I release my own opposition to making millions” (When we see opposition outside us. Lata | March 29. TRACKBACKS 2 COMMENTS 2 1. How do I manage these two forces working in opposite direction Let us take the example of not making enough money. Should it be done routinely? For better results. as internal resistance. Resistance means opposition. Therefore. You are also resisting the present state. while the resistance is unconscious. There is always a conflict between the Parent Ego and the Child Ego. When they told us not to do something.We learnt this resistance from our childhood days.  “I want to reduce my weight” – one part desires to be slim. then making money is a piece of cake. You are not able to accept your present state. Why don’t we realise this? It’s because our desire is conscious. “I release my resistance to earn ___________”. This results in non-fulfilment of our desires. we did it without their knowledge. “I accept myself totally” “I accept myself even though I am poor (or overweight)” 2. If I release that resistance. “I accept my lack of money”. Release every feeling associated with lack of money. This childhood behaviour became part of us. Then start accepting the feelings and thoughts associated with it. One is the Parental Ego – our desires stem from here. while a state of employment brings in stability and happiness. with a garland on the chest. Pingback: I am the victim! I am the villain!!  BLOG ARCHIVES Follow Follow “RULE your MIND” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Getting Employed A state of unemployment causes worry and fear. 1. The son of a poor cobbler. . Join 96 other followers Sign me up To get married dress up as married Rule: Be As You Want To Be!!! Single persons go for a pilgrimage to Thirumanancheri Temple as they believe they will get married. so that the state of happiness brings in the employment. Plenty of the local folks were present in the prayer hall. And it did rain. 2. Faith works here too.  Finally they take the blessing of the Lord. Tapping the Positive Frame Of Mind 1. It works like this. A Magic Umbrella that Brings in Rain A prayer for rains was organised in a church located in the middle of a desert. Just go into the state of stability and happiness when you are job less. Visualize the employment that you will eventually get and bring in that state of mind. wanted to attend too. for the Lord of the Rains didn’t want the little fellow to lose his FAITH. Though.  The moment they wear the garland. who are not married yet. a person wears a garland only on the day of their marriage. a four-year old child. thanks to the blessings of the Lord of that temple. Pingback: Fulfilment at Your Finger Tips 2. they go into the mental state of marriage. for in India. Change your Life. will go around the main deity for three times.  The persons. Change your Mind. Or visualise the past when you were really doing well. This positive frame of mind will bring in the job – which will match your frame of mind. Tap on all points (EFT) until the positive state is reinforced inside you. unlike others he brought an umbrella with him as he was sure the prayers will bring in rain.  To have an appointment with him. 2013 at 2:16 pm I have started a homemade business recently. Thanks  LEAVE A COMMENT  COMMENTS 267 1. and i cant lead my life without him. He was liking me from the first day of college. Balakumar please send your emails to: balakumar49@yahoo. Now am seriously in need of money to pay my store-rent within the next three weeks and to solve other problems. Am having difficulty even in the little business am doing. Sunny | April 3. I am very serious about  After posting a question. call Shobana: 9884301634  Don’t send questions to reachnaran@gmail. He doesnt like talikng to me only. 2013 at 7:43 am Elamathi Saravanan chant together find count divine customers everyday 2.  Don’t mention the question number. I would like to know the chant to develop my business. Balakumar | March 29. no matter how hard i tried. Pingback: Seeing ray of hope o  RECENT POSTS  G ARCHIVES . Chant MIMULUS PINK TOURMALINE COUNT NOW DIVINE  pp | June 5. after few months our relationship did not last. Sir. how will i change him? I want him to love me like how he was loving me earlier. 2013 at 9:39 am SUNNY. Naran | April 2. TRACKBACKS 2 COMMENTS 0 1. Elamathi Saravanan | March 28.  Please make sure the questions are not more than 5 lines. Lakshmi K | March 29. Follow Follow “RULE your MIND” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. o Naran S.  Put the reminder under the question you have posted. as it will change continuously. i could not make out money or valuable things to show. 2013 at 5:59 am lakshmi K. o Naran | April 5. take the flower remedies chicory gentian walnut hornbeam each 2 pills three times a day  Don’t post more than one problem in a question. 2013 at 1:29 am Sir. Join 96 other followers Use this page to post your questions…  Questions are answered in the order of receiving them. Pingback: Getting married is in your hands 2. he proposed me only after 3 years and i later accepted his proposal. I want to get married to him only. Please give me solution.Naran. please wait for at least for 5 days. I was in a relationship with a person who was my collegemate from past 1 yr. but i still love him.  To communicate with Naran S. before putting a reminder.  Don’t put the same question twice. 2013 at 7:57 am . 3. 2013 at 4:28 am I am Lakshmi from Bangalore . please what will i do now?. o Preeti. Preeti. cussing and using the choicest words. can he practice prithvi mudra to gain weight? and will you please specify when and how long he can do it? and im overweight. I admire a lot! 6. Ranjini | April 13. i think i am making things easier for him .I have been divorced and am single for the last 6 years. do that 9. 2013 at 5:13 am . i want to practice agni mudra. karinapach | April 5. 2013 at 7:06 am sir I am wishing to do start a new profitable bussiness. o Naran | April 18. They are old. 2013 at 9:33 am karinapach what do you want? 7. 2013 at 6:41 am Sir. I am practicing all you tell. I am in the safe & secure mudra. switch words. 10. | May 24. He gets up shouting. there are some 70 day programme in one of the pages of this site. animal spirits . like magic . buy eye tones vision improvement cd from the center 5. 2013 at 3:29 am preeti there will be posting on using chinese kanjis. o Naran | May 28. hope your parents die soon. I cannot say no else he gets so abusive. can i do it after bath while my hair is wet? and can any mudras be practiced for few mintues before starting cardio-vascular exercise or aerobics? and does shunya mudra help in losing weight? I’m very sorry to ask you so many questions at once but I found this is the only reliable blog on net to clarify my doubts on mudras. My son now 17 years is behaving so badly with me . I have been hit time and again. time and again he hits my head hard from top. come means come leaving everything. 2013 at 9:16 am ranjini. its no use. As he is taller than me. but the whole day being in that mudra is difficult. what can i do ? shall i go on? he says we can have a good relationship in the future but i am not sure. It was like this before also. karinapach | April 7. Naran | April 23. vivek | April 19. Naran | May 29. He calls them and hangs up. plz. help me with s. all very helpful. 2013 at 8:57 am vivek Thanks divine order 11. dont practise agni mudra after bath. TD | May 23. Please suggest a chant for me to bring someone who I will love. yes. I am getting insane as I cannot talk or say anything fearing that I will be abused and hit. FOR SINGERS :ELM CHERRYPLUM CRYSTAL ACT BETWEEN FOR Myopia. Do this do that. 2013 at 6:29 am hello Naran. mudras be practiced for few mintues before starting cardio-vascular exercise or aerobics? any mudra can be practised for a maximum 30 minutes 12. Sir Naran. 2013 at 2:34 am dear Sir. well. 2013 at 9:10 am PP. but my son is a problem I cannot handle. it is helpful. 2013 at 4:25 am TD underweight – both hands thumb touching little and ring fingers.I do not tell him anything .whichremedies for abilities in foreign speech and for singers?I have also a serious myopia and I was born in amavasya day (surya and chandra in my aquarius lagna)and planets in 12th(with lord of lagna saturn):do you have remedies please? prana mudra or other mudras? Regards…  Naran | June 5. first of all thank you so much for these useful mudra lessons. thank you in advance. 2013 at 5:24 am karnapach give love and love and respect all 8. 13. in the meantime [email protected] phrase.I have to. i dont know how to proceed. Naran | April 7. my friend is underweight and he’s for getting symbols that can be used for your son. bach. I want a good life partner. Last time my mother almost fell trying to take the call. but from the past 15 days it’s become unbearable. Please help. I am fed up sir as my husband says why I am provoking him. listen to the cd i love myself. He says when will you die. He says stand . | September 2. respect admire . 2013 at 3:27 pm I wanna be loved and respected o Naran | April 10. Now he is abusing my parents saying what a S*** they gave birth to.he is strong and it hurts a lot. 2013 at 7:31 am Dear Narain Sir. I have separated from my husband but we are now friends with benefits now and it hurt me. I´m having lot of financial problems. pills are couriered within india I found your question there. 2013 at 11:42 am . What I mean to say is when I look at near objects and THEN far away objects. Vikas Mahendru. Are you still waiting for symbols. Thanks in advance for your help. stressed and just cannot understand why he is so angry and upset and abusive all the time with me. have to drop him. I was feeling like someone(divine) is guiding me to reply you. Thanking you again. 2013 at 5:40 am Thank you Naran Sir and Mohan sir. Regards. Please help. 2013 at 6:29 pm Preeti.wordpress.? Sorry this question just cropped up in me . Waking my son (17 years) everyday is a big task. Vikas Mahendru | June 1. wishing me dead is the only wishes I get from him. 18. angry and more angry. There are total 114 symbols. and get the pills. 2013 at 6:03 pm Sir. I am sad. | October 14. Naran | May 31. I sincerely thank you for your immediate reply. Cannot concentrate on studies . Thank you for your kind help. I will get the two printouts for now and get the 114 symbols from the center. therefore. I want my son to be happy.. Being abused by him everyday has become a way of life for me .I have Written “my” instead of “by”…It’s “all the replies given by Naran sir”  Preeti. Take 3 pills 3 times a day. Vikas Mahendru. 2013 at 2:31 am Sorry for the typing mistake. ( 25 km. 2013 at 3:02 am Sir. Thank you. Or is there any other thing including the mudra that I can do to save my eyes? I am completely new to this Sir. Getting desesperate. 14. In my free time I just go through blog and read all the reply given my Naran sir. be grateful to God for all he has. Luciana o Naran | June 2. some Om chanting and is basically done to unlock the powers of Kundalini. Sir. Vikas Mahendru here. 2013 at 3:57 am vikas mahendru. 2013 at 9:24 pm Dear Sir. Be calm . makes them heavy and my vision has also got blurry. My name is Vikas and am a Pilot. Can you please guide me how to go about it with regards to the method and the duration.. sales had decreased a lot. I wanted to ask you that should there be a time gap between that Mudra and Pran Mudra so that there is no energy conflict or some other irregularity. Which switchwords to can buy those from center. 15. again will not eat. Sir I had one question with regards to Mudras. but dont think it will unlock your kundalini.. too much debts. gratitude and love. Naran | June can take colored printouts of both symbols and do as directed. still waiting for your response.. contact yogashobana@yahoo. it will set right your problem. 2013 at 9:34 pm Respected Sir. Naran sir has replied you there.. so he gets hungry and gets more angry. throws & breaks things. the far away objects look blurry to me for sometime. 2013 at 2:37 am vikas mahendru pran mudra you can daily for 30 minutes at a stretch. http://reachchildcare. | September 18.then go through this link. This. Luciana Marins | May 31. study & get on in life. | June 2. The moment he is before me I get so scared. always counting pages gets stressed and gets more upset . Get the EYE TONE pills from the centre. 19. you can do. I have to keep my eyes near to the LCD screens in the cockpit and cannot change my eye distance from them also.. Does not eat break fast refuses to take short break food .. 2013 at 3:22 am luciana chant wolf cancel debts divine 17. misses bus. Hope these symbols will help address these issues. I do one more Mudra for 21 minutes daily.  m | October 14. you are the best to answer Below reply there are 2 links. My eyes cannot focus properly. I have started the Pran Mudra for 30 minutes daily keeping the spine straight and I hope Ill benefit from it in the coming weeks / months.  m | October 13.!  Preeti.?If yes. be less angry( as that is eating him) with everything esp me. Still not received symbols. full way at times) angry . I read about prana Mudra. That mudra that I do involves Gyan Mudra. Vikas Mahendru | May 30. THE MOTHER 25. Having very difficult time in family. Is this the correct way of doing the Prana Mudra? Do I have to take care of the way I inhale and exhale? Is there anything else I have to do so that I am in a perfect posture and doing the Mudra correctly? Kindly guide. I am settled Pediatrician in my town and well known also. Me too not keeping well. 2013 at 7:19 am I LOVED THE BLOG 29.can u suggest a SW to get the project immediately 23. Thank you for guiding me. Dear Sir. Can u show me a way out of it thanks in advance . my husband is still waiting for a job abroad . I already dropped you a email on 18th may with details. my wife and my son got seperated from me. Can you please suggest a remedy. They seems to be under some pressure but are not willing to talk.he is getting any onsite opportunity and als no promotion. I’m very skinny and I want to gain some weight and fat. Tushar | July 1. Chestnut Bud but didnt see any positive effect. unni | June 2. 2013 at 11:21 am naranji. 2013 at 6:45 pm naranji. Left the job. o Naran | June 10. Mithi | July 2. Waiting for your reply desperately. breathe normally. 2013 at 11:15 am I recently got married and we both husband and wife have no issues or fight. Thank you. I am pediatrician i have lot of questions needs to be asked to you for many of my patients but at present i will like to ask for me first.VIVEK PANDYA | July 5. Please suggest a suitable mudra which can help me gain weight without increasing my height. 2013 at 7:32 am No sir. Husband always gets angry for every little thing and teen daughter does not obey at all. what to do? I wanted to shift and they dont want me to do just because of fear of failure. 2013 at 4:02 am UNtNI it is better to stay here at least for one year 22. Soumya Sharma | June 8. I sit up. Suggest something. Sameera | June 4. Many tensions. But for my only childs education we need to shift my wife and kid to a new big city.My wife is currently with her parents and we are not communicating. 2013 at 11:15 pm Hi Naran. Is it wrong sir? Shall I start practising prithvi mudra?  Naran | June 11. My wife is also renowned gynecologist. Naran | June 3. but the problem is as you know that my family ( mother father uncles) they are saying why you want to shift to a new city and start a new struggle. 2013 at 3:15 pm meera chant together be bring divine job count now 24. 2013 at 3:06 am vikas. I tired Agrimony. my mother and my brother has invested huge money in money marketing fund and couldn’t recover it. 28. Dr Nilesh Jaiswal | July 17. meera | June 3. my husbang is trying for a foreign job for past 3 years. I want the marriage to continue. 27. 2013 at 5:05 am soumya sharma how do you know that prithvi mudra increases height? Did you put prithvi mudra in your childhood days and grow in height?  soumya sharma | June 10. The matter is already in court. 2013 at 3:54 am soumya sharma do 26.e. 2013 at 11:46 am Naran sir. 2013 at 8:11 am Hi Naran. I have a book mudra healing book with me in which it is written that prithvi mudra increases height and weight. please suggest any mantra for foreign job and promotion 21. Beech. DR. Thanks o Naran | June 5. Sir. I’ve heard of Prithvi Mudra But the problem is prithvi mudra also increases height and I’m already very tall. o Naran | June 3. so we plan at least to start a new hospital in that city only. its better to remain here so now i am in a mess.plz help us. keeping my spine straight. he is in IT field. 2013 at 6:19 am Hello many times should i chant to get a project. But my in-laws are now trying to separate us without any reason. sir. Pls. 2013 at 2:47 am sameera chant DIVINE HELP CHANGE SWEETCHESTNUT WITH CRYSTAL EASE as many times as possible “If you are not satisfied with what you are take divine help and change yourself.” -RAYS OF LIGHT. touch my thumb with my little and ring finger on BOTH my hands. in any posture 20. myself. Naran | June 3.. Now its like we both got seperated i.  Dr Nilesh Jaiswal | July 23. I am dependent on my employer for my immigration status. mentally form a plan to handle these objections. I tried to search from the web and BY GOD’S GRACE I found your blog. 2013 at 9:19 am Remedies – where to buy them and how to use them? http://naranshealingmethods. i am also practising vayu mudra regularly for last 20 days 30min/day. I have a severe neck & shoulder pain. 2013 at 8:49 am Chant Pahang Hipieng Strengthen your shoulder with exercises. wherever you go.Nilesh jaiswal you will be successful as a professional. prabu | August 11. Convince that part and your parents will change. Always having confusion. Thank you. pessimistic attitude is another reason. Vishnu NUNKOO | September 2. 2013 at 6:44 am Dear Naran Sir. for removing the built up. Gentian is the remedy for that. When any child comes. 2013 at 9:53 am ram What is your age? vericocele is similar to varicose veins.wordpress. fear of taking a decision. many times in a year. list out their objections. be in acceptance mudra. 2013 at 11:22 am Gentian Wild Rose 32. 2013 at 12:29 pm Dear Naran Sir. 36.i waiting ur reply. 2013 at 2:16 am Dr. 2013 at 11:03 am pls tell me what is switch word for joy and happiness. Please help me o naran | July 18. Preeti. We have been going there for the past 25 years . Smarty | July 17. is the nature of the family. o R Mohan | August 11. | September 2. but the site of problem is scrotum. I have been working as a Dentist for a company in USA. naran | August 25. 2013 at 3:12 am The BEST Darshan! Dear Naran sir. between two choices. bult-up or accumulation venous blood. not doing anything in Time. It needs the answer or explanation from the other part. calls for scleranthus. Crab apple is also needed. Thank you 33. think that your one part of the mind is raising the objection through your family members. Scleranthus is the remedy. I went to a Dharmasthala last week. At present I am facing lots of financial difficulties in my life. hare krishna. Giving or spending with a wry face. Kindly suggest something to me. which is against the natural flow. It was amazing how things fell in place and so effortlessly. 31. harsha | August 14. ram | August 20. There is a block of blood flow. Take the flower remedies scleranthus gentian walnut – each two pills three times a day. 2013 at 3:35 am Hello Naranji. 2013 at 6:37 am For how many days that remedies should be taken  Web Admin | July 23. Best of luck. A combination of chicory gentian scleranthus crab apple is to be taken for 4 months. For the back flow. And after reading about a few mudras from a book. I kept chanting also. I didn’t get any benefit and the pain continues as usual. He has been taking advantage of it and is giving me lot of troubles at work. one part of the mind is resisting. I live in pls guide me how to cure them from manthras or mudrs or yoga. but this time it was awesome ! Before we started I gave my husband and I took gorse and clematis. for them is there any mudra that i can do (for my patients). Thanks & Regards o Web Admin | July 17. Take the flower remedies chicroy (for holding on to what all is not needed) The person’s stingy – calculating every paisa that is being spent – is one of the causes. There is no space to go and there is back flow. Half hour before we reached we had another 30. 35. Doctor says it is cervical spondylitis and prescribed me some medicines and neck belt which seems to be in vain. 2013 at 11:05 am hi guruji. When you want to shift and your family members object. Last week I don’t know why I wanted to know more about mudras . I intend to change jobs please let me know if any mantra will do the favor. 34. . guruji i am suffering from vericocele problem. there are many problems in small kids which i think is psychological and needs no medical treatment. In other words. But not benefited till now. Chant the mantra. 2013 at 1:58 pm Dear sir…. I do as you have directed. I’ll start chanting it from today till the my IUI procedure is done. Despearation cannot be there when there is faith. circle technique. Naran give me a solution . I’m expecting my .  Naran | September 24. my family member know. He even sometimes don’t enter classroom to attend lectures. Since last year. also i’ve have consulted doctors however i’m not able to get success. continue with faith. PLEASE NEED YOUR URGENT HELP GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS Vishnudutt Email : vishnunk@hotmail. 2013 at 6:24 pm http://healbyanimalspirits. 2013 at 5:06 am neelu. 2013 at 10:24 am Thank you naran sir. he is with friends with bad habits and have started smoking and even drinking alcohol as we caught him recently ans has started lying to us. Last year he failed at the end of the year exams so he is repeating the fourth year again. Now he has only third term left and have to sit for exam in 5-6 weeks . 2013 at 7:03 am Thanks a ton for you assistance.  Neelu | October 24. He says that he is very nervous while he attend classes at all the time and he can’t remember anything he studies . First I don’t have any project I am a Building & Civil works Contractor so I don’t have money and living through a sum I borrowed from my mum.  Neelu | October 26. My only child my son. Please help me with mantra & switchword  m | October 25. I’m immensely happy to share this new with you. Take the flower remedies SWEETCHESTNUT GORSE WILLOW PINE regularly  Neelu | October 3. tel me is reki will help in achieving success in  Neelu | September 37. etc. Please help me… I’m desperate to have a child. is 16 years old and even he attended a low level primary school he scored good marks and was awarded a seat at the top rank secondary school at national level.  Neelu | November 22. My son was very obedient before but now he even don’t respects my wife and me and anything we talk to him is useless he just don’t want to listen to us Please Mr. But since he is at this secondary school he is not doing well in his studies . Accordingly this year first term he scored very well but he failed the second term again. I’m not been able to conceive.) in last 1 year.wordpress. I’m taking flower remedies as directed by you. Please guide me which mantra or switch word I should chant for achieving success. though I’m still continuing with chanting. We don’t have any Homeopathy or Nathuropathy shop I know in Mauritius. Regards. faith will disintegrate desperation. you are first one know that my iui procedure has generated result…. With full faith in divine powers I’ve already tried all the techniques (pic of rabbit. 2013 at 1:40 pm Namaste naran Ji. 2013 at 5:18 am Neelu. In fact he is shows no interests in his studies and don’t do revision studies at home. facing issue from last couple of years. Sir next month I’ll be undergoing IUI procedure for pregnancy. 2013 at 6:54 am Dear Sir. if he don’t pass it then he will be expelled from school and he won’t be allowed to any state funded school. Please let me know what to chant for conceiving? regards o R Mohan | September 18.  Neelu | October 15. 2013 at 11:48 am Dear Sir. If I have to talk to you please let me know as well. perhaps you can chant gentian Mimulus together divine thanks. I’m grateful to you. Please give me an URGENT SOLUTION so that my son can pass his exams and stop his bad habits. Also sir pls. Neelu | September 3. Uvindra . 2013 at 9:19 am Dear Sir. Will definitely update Naran Sir about the outcome. The names of Bach flower remedies can be written in a notebook daily for 21 times.Waiting for revert  m | November 22. Is there a mudra and or chant that will help me over come my fear and disgust of myself and body? Thank you o R Mohan | September 3.. WALNUT. Check with centre to buy the I love myself CD:http://naranhealingproducts. By keeping the hands on the Hara Chakra (situated below the belly button).. http://healbybachflowers. 5)And read this . Good luck. Thank you for your time. Please help me with mantra or switch word which will help fetus grow and I’ll compete the full term… Next 15 days are crucial for the pregnancy …. 4) All pregnant women can chant “TOGETHER DIVINE”. Virat Deshmukh | September 4. So happy for you…. 39. Don’t be hard on yourself.(got these things related to pregnancy from blog) 1)chant redchestnut and mimulus 2)If the child has to grow well. first baby… With your blessings and remedies I’m pregnant after 4 years of my marriage Sir but as per doctor fetus is not growing at desired speed…. I feel sad to read your comment.wordpress. one can chant TOGETHER DIVINE.c om/2009/10/13/bach-flower- remedies-for-pregnancy/ 38. Chant “Pine Rock Water” Pine for self-dislike and Hara Mudra will improve self-acceptance. HORNBEAM. lequis | September 3. I am a Buddhist who has dealt with physical aliments most of my life and had tried to over come it with Buddhist philosophy. give products/ What fear you have? Just read now a quote from Buddha before reading your comment. . 2013 at 9:44 am Dear Naran. They can write in a paper the Bach Flower Remedies – “ELM. RED CHESTNUT” and keep it under the pillow. Rock water for self-denial – trying to discipline oneself and hurting oneself in the process. I am a woman who feels ugly and unattractive to the point I cannot look at myself in the mirror. SWEET CHESTNUT. Yellow Sapphire and Pearl. which will make the development of the foetus well. 2013 at 10:26 am Be in Hara Mudra. 2013 at 5:47 pm Neelu. I see a coincidence here as Hara Mudra represents water element in the body and I wanted to suggest Rock Water based on your comment.wordpress.(listen through speaker) Get this CD from centre. This combination can be given throughout the pregnancy. 2013 at 12:38 pm Dear Sir. May your commitment to healing lead you to the right way. ms. “Water win over rock not due to strength but through persistence”.(you can chant the name of remedies) Contact and ask centre for this… 3)Listen bach flower medtitation cd daily throughout the pregnancy. as I mentioned in my message on 2nd Sept 2013. vilas | September 15. I doing Sat Kriya. 2013 at 5:29 pm Namaste’ Naran. 2013 at 5:42 pm Please contact centre: http://naranshealingmethods. This will be done by me only.wordpress. Unnecessarily he gets anger. http://naranshealingmethods. Thnks. When can I expect a solution from you Sir. He wont 43. Kindly give me the solution. Agni | September .wordpress. M | September 17. I have a small problem. Elizabeth | September 13. Loved your blog. you are solving so many problems and helping people. Nothing is fruitful. which mudra i need to practice to restore energy. 2013 at 8:22 am Chant Om Hreem Taha. Ling Mudra and Kundalini Mudra. Elizabeth Erwin o Web Admin | September 13. Hari Om regards. but after doing this. 2013 at 3:53 pm Pran Mudra 40. 2005) has been diagnosed with Asperger’s and grandson. vrushali | September 16. 2013 at 4:47 pm Dear naran sir i waiting for your reply and also i want to ask you that i am not self confidant i got nervess whenevr i have meeting in myoffice . 41. Vishnu NUNKOO | September 16. I feel exhausted. o R Mohan | September 20. 2013 at 9:02 am Dear naran sir.I would sincerely pray for his marriage with a good and understanding partner. Am posting to find remedies/cures for my two grandchildren. 2013 at 4:00 pm Chant “VALLABHAM GAJANANAM EKA THANDHEM” for your brother’s marriage as many times as possible.pls guide me vilas 47. Please guide me accordingly. 2006) has been diagnosed with autism. 2013 at 10:29 am U have been replied in other blog as below:-pls check below link • http://abundancein. Chaithanya | September 9. An I expect answer to my question? Where to see the answer. when. There s another overhead also b’coz I ( sister) am at the verge of divorce. Use both Water and Circle techniques. 2013 at 1:04 pm Dear sir . as a new commer to your blog I am eager. Please tell me if.still awaiting your reply. Sophia (February 4. please be kind enough to solve the same. 2013 at 9:43 am Sir dis is ssilent. we are looking for a bride for my brother from a long time. o R Mohan | September 12. Regards Virat Deshmukh o R Mohan | September 4. 2013 at 12:16 pm Dear Naran 42. Vishnu o R Mohan | September 16. my problem is my husbands short temper. 45. 2013 at 12:58 pm Sir. i want a very good job in abroad so i can pay my debt pls guide me for the mantra and how many times i should chant this pls guide 44. Pls tell me some manthras to chant to reduce his anger. please excuse me if am wrong to ask ask. 2013 at 5:25 am Sir. After that he himself asking why I m getting this much of anger. Zakkery (December 20.Kindly suggest a remedy for this. Many thanks for any direction and clues to greater wholeness for them both. Thank you o v | September 12.Kindly help with remedy 46. Give to sell Write them as many times as possible. Valarmathi Kannan | September 5. 2013 at 12:31 pm “Release Resistance Hole Find Count Divine Give Now Done” Hole to attract buyers.wordpress. I am doing prana mudra and chanting “Find Count Divine ‘ but am not able to find a buyer with a good price for a plot of land I want to sell and my financial situation is same. Would like to know what I must chant. My ultimate and childhood goal is to do TV commercials(Adds for big brands) and print adds and want to try in films as well. laxmi | October 22. . “I release the part that is angry with him. o M | September 21. Am staying in Bangalore. Pls give me the solution thanks. i need her love. Nor only on my husband I have ro resuce my anger totally pls tell me. sir. 2013 at 2:10 pm Please.wordpress. i find it very helpfull. from bangalore iam an advocate by profession. Pls. s.8.advice : I often have “fire” in chest. we are suffering a lot in terms of business lost. From Overseas When he regrets. financial debts and children not in good terms and we are not sure whether she has done anything black magic. Puneeth | September 21. i also give programmes solo and group. I want her back in my life.. paru | October 18.I have tried varuna mudra : but the sense of inflammation still remain . my name is prasanna vijaykumar. and sing please help me so that i can sing confidently and memorise all . 2013 at 6:12 pm Sir one more request I m getting anger that much on my husband. I wish to go middle east and earn money to clear homeloan and make some financial strength. 2013 at 2:10 am Chant whenever you find time. I love her lot. Regards. 52. chant Honeysuckle. o Naran | September 26. Please suggest me some remedy to get her back. 2013 at 2:29 pm Dear Naran Sir. 2013 at 3:14 am Namaste. I am trying for jobs which are not fetched so far. 2013 at 9:31 am Thank Naran who has given this mantra for harmony to all the couples. Can you please conduct workshops in Bangalore. 2013 at 7:14 am sir namasthe. read this. I have cholesterol 5. I was in relationship with a girl for 2. 2013 at 7:52 pm am foreigner .  R Mohan | September 24. 2013 at 9:26 am please meet in person  please | September 26.Thanks . One of my husbands sister’s daughter always curse my family . 54.Mohan I ll do that. 2013 at 11:37 am Dear Naran Sir.prasanna vijaykumar | October 23.. even while in class i have to see the book. 48.  R Mohan | September 25. Suggest me a way 50. .Sir. carntic misic. please | September 25. Thank you 55. i do not have the confidence and start to shiver when i give programmes and tend to forget the lyrics and not able to byheart the song. 2013 at 3:07 pm paru.kindly suggest some mantra. i have by chnce bllogged and seen several mantras and chant it every day. Thanks once again.never mind.So that it will be useful to us.thanks! 51. Gayatri Tomar | October 2.back and head nose …I ‘ m not ill – without fever . Pls tell me how to control. http://naranshealingmethods. http://healbymindbodymessages. i also go to music classes because i love singing. . . but my problem is though everybody says and praises my voice. 2013 at 3:13 am Dear Sir. Vazhga Vazhamudan | October 9.  M | September 23. Srill I m waiting foe yr reply. Puneeth 49. 2013 at 6:56 am Hello Sir. I am a vegetarian since birth. o m | October 18.wordpress. Chandramouleswarappa | September 25. 2013 at 11:16 am Sir I m egarly waitin for ur divine help. 2013 at 8:40 am Hi Sir. Please suggest me what should i chant in order to achieve my goals soon.5 years. 2013 at 9:10 am Thank you very much Mr. She gave silly reasons and left me. Thanks Divine order Vazhga Vazhamudan! 53. I align with that part that loves him deeply and totally”  M | September 25. . I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP. Even he beats her. I posted my problems on Oct 24th. 2013 at 10:06 am Hello Sir. L. 4)chant “coral” on behalf of her. 2013 at 11:13 am puni. 2013 at 8:20 pm L. and infatuation. thanks. 1)say as it is —first call magum star.But the problem is I don”t have money to do business. let her eyes be opened and he decides correctly” 2)Walnut is bach flower remedy–you can get it from any homeopathy shop. since my ultimate plan is to down the line i wnt to selltle as a classical singer please help shobanayogashobana@yahoo. let his eyes be opened and he decides correctly”. addictions. We don’t know whether this is real love or infatuation. I AM FACING PROBLEM SOMETIMES WHEN WE CALL THE CLIENTS THEY REFUSE TO ANSWER OUR CALLS. I have a problem with my sister. If they are destined to marry. THANK YOU SIR SO MUCH.still i have not got any response????waiting for your reply. both of them will come out of the relationship. then say–Activate the energy field of (your sisrer name). they will break out of it. she is in love with a guy who has no good character. WHERE WE CALL OUR CLIENTS AND CONDUCT A SURVEY STUDY BY PHONE. 56. I want an improvement in our financial status as we belong to a lower middle class. Thank you in advance  m | November 21. THANK YOU. FOR (B)SINCE HE RAISED A PURCHASE ORDER FOR (A) I SENT HIM A PROFORMA INVOICE FOR (A) AND HE PAID MEFOR (A). 60. 58. 57. regards Ms. Take larch . puni | October 28. Thank you for your feed back Sir I would like to clear the 1).Please reply o m | November 10.My family also has debts too that has to be repaid soon. 2013 at 8:19 am DEAR SIR.or get it from center. 2013 at 5:09 pm s. We can’t do anything about it.mimulus and rescue remedy. puni | October 25.. 1)Infatuation: call Magam star and affirm. Please explain . We want her to leave this guy please help me. craving. Thank you. add the gem remedy Coral to Walnut. 59. then it will happen as one has to undergo certain experiences. 2013 at 12:41 pm puni. NOW THE SHIPMENT IS READY BUT SUDDENLY HE SAY THAT THE PAYMENT IS FOR (B). 4) Also. 2013 at 8:50 am DEAR SIR . BUT DID NOT RECEIVE A PURCHASE ORDER. LAXMI | October 29.. 2013 at 6:11 am Sir namasthe. PLEASE HELP ME SIR. very suspicious and he charmed my sister.Hema | October 29. 2013 at 9:59 am Dear Sir. SIR THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT I HAVE BEEN READING YOUR BLOK AND I FIND IT VERY INTERESTING SOME MANTHRAS ARE VERY HELPFULL. 2013 at 6:07 am . PLEASE HELP IS THERE A SOLUTION THROUGH MANTHRA OR SWITCHWORD. WE ARE ONLY PAID IF WE FINISH EACH SURVEY . ISHAA | October 29. o m | October 28. When you tend to forget lyrics? Can you recall lyrics after performance? thanks. o m | October 26.Please can u Plz suggest me a mudra and also switch words to earn more more money.give her 3-4 pills 4 times day.Hema what’s your question?  L. Thank thanks. THANK YOU. I AM WORKING FOR A MARKET RESEARCH COMPANY.prasanna vijaykumar. If it’s not required. If it is infatuation. it will break the relationship. SIR RECENTLY I HAD A PURCHASE ORDER(A) BUT BEFORE PURCHASE ORDER (A) MY CUSTOMER REQUEST ME TO SEND A PRO FORMA INVOICE FOR (B) FOR ANOTHER ITEM.Hema | November 18.prasanna vijaykumar o m | October 23. 3) and 4) which I do not understand. 2)Chant the mantra “PASUPADHIM MAHAADEVAM” to come out of temptation. 3)give her walnut– If you give the Bach Flower Remedy Walnut. from Naran sir’s blog. 2013 at 4:05 am Sir. “Activate the energy field of so and so person. It is a link breaker. the lyrics of song which i perform. They would have been thinking it is true love. if it is that i can repay all my debts and make my family leave happily.Currently i am working in a private concern and i am interested in doing a business of my own which gives a handful of money. o m | November 8.thank you  m | November 21. AND NOT TO HAVE MANY BOYFRIENDS..Hema | November 22. 2013 at 11:53 am ISHAA. or both to avoid a person in our life…such that they should not disturb in any way?My friend is in such a need . Thank U so much for ur kind reply sir.. Thank u again for ur kind rply…i have been reading ur blogs for sometimes.wordpress. your friend expressions are important. Tried taking antibiotics inhalers etc. 2013 at 6:53 pm .Hema. will be grateful if u chant ““Lalitham Sridharam Lalitham Baskaram Lalitham Sudarshnam” 2)also read this. can u please suggest me either a switch word or mudra/mantra. Nithya | November 8. 2013 at 4:57 pm by llstening all chkra cleaning and balance every day or once in a week how long we have to listen when we get any development pls give details eager to know prabakaran chennai 62.thank u 61.. PLEASE HELP ME. I request u to kindly help me to get relieved from all this. 2013 at 10:15 am Hello sir.but the phlegm doesnt seem to go away. ISHAA | November 8. 2013 at 7:02 am DEAR more question i have. May be your friend can do forgiveness exercise for them. It completely blocks my nose and fills my chest which is causing great difficulty in sleeping.. Please get Sinus Pack from centre http://naranshealingmethods. rob | November 8. Thanks in advance.wordpress.from that i have picked 3 switch words and one mantra tat is 1)For money flow “MUSTARD FIND COUNT DIVINE NOW ON” 2)For miracles “BRING PRAISE DIVINE” 3)To release the block “RELEASE RESISTANCE FIND COUNT(THE AMOUNT I NEED)DIVINE 3)Again for money the mantra “LALITHAM LAMBODARAM LALITHAM SRIDHARAM” I am chanting the switch words and the mantra when ever i am getting time that is one switch word for 15 minutes and the other for 15 64. MY DAUGHTER IS ALWAYS INVOLVING WITH LOTS OF BOYFRIENDS.wordpress. 2013 at 5:53 pm L.hema 1)for debt–read this http://healbybachflowers.What i am doing is that right ??? please suggest me. prabu | October  L. I FOUND OUT THAT SHE IS SMOKING ALSO. 2013 at 11:06 am nithya. chant CONCEDE HOLD DIVINE CORAL read this.Hema | November 21. I am mother on 1. 2013 at 10:29 am Hello sir.. so its really difficult to manage him with such health.5years old son. o m | November 8. I WANT HER TO BE OBEDIENT TO US.. He/she can say “I AM SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME LOVE THANKS DIVINE”. loneliness and their constant shunning of us is making us both sad and quite frankly if the people we sacrificed so much for don’t want us can you at least give us a mantra or switch word that allows us to move on hopeful of your reply r99 o m | November 8. 2013 at 9:54 am I have been suffering from sinus infection and I wheeze daily.  L. http://naranheal. http://naranheal. 2013 at 5:37 pm respected sir. Also i’ve gastritis and esophagitis stage-1 due to improper sleep and stress. what can i and mom do to heal our relationship with my sister and father and gain acceptance in our social circle. i don’t know what we will do if things don’t change soon.. k. i love her a lot and want to see her happy once again. tell everything step by step Sir. Also if you could give me some switch word to chant. 1)for debt …your family can chant ……. pooja | November 19. its been 2 years that i have been working on deputation. but no body ready to help me. 2013 at 9:14 am Dear sir. and every time we try to get good dentures made they don’t turn right and mostly make her look old. finding a right direction by being focused(POINT). i have written to you before as well but not in detail. but since few years when he stopped me from working and going out. vinod | November 19.. 2013 at 6:25 pm santose kumar. v.and stop thinking about it(END). Please GIve me Quick suggestion o m | November 13. I would like to mention my problem in detail. 2013 at 11:45 am i am new to switchword. I beg on your Feet 69. rob | November 10.  pooja | November 21. rob | November 8. she has become depressed and blames herself for my state too. please advice sir thanku r99 66. http://healbyanimalspirits. but i want to very badly get into this job in that particular MNC (bangalore).thank the divine for finding a solution to the problem(REACH) of debt. 2013 at 6:44 am SANTOSE M is asking you to chant “WINGS LIMIT PRAISE POINT END THANKS REACH COUNT NOW” & “CRYSTAL GORSE WOLF REACH HELP NOW” as many time as possible These are for release from ur debts 70. Mudra. Santose Kumar | November 13.” Move freely above the pressure of debts(WINGS) and put an end to the debt(LIMIT). 2013 at 5:49 pm one more thing sir my mother has been suffering from high bp. has a slight blocage in artery and has lost most of her teeth. should i try getting her to chant kunjita padam sharanam? she used to be vital happy and joyous and despite my father’s constant harshness was very positive.wordpress. and from that company i have been deputed to an MNC outside india (bahrain)..agarwal 71. Actually i work for a small company. 2013 at 10:50 am Dear sir. 2)read this http://healbymeditation. stop being critical of yourself and others(who gave the loan)(PRAISE) close it now. I’m sorry but I do know what do you mean by requesting the wolf. iam staying at delhi and want to meet you please advise. can you please help me with this? which switch word mantra will be helpful for this issue? Kindly help me. Personally i am having 5 lakhs. my family is in 15 Lakhs Rupees Loan. simply say “Wolf pls help me…I want to join MNC Bangalore etc…and say thank you wolf” . read these blogs. Thanks o m | November 21. 2013 at 2:45 pm pooja.i tried to contact mobile no of sobhana but she is getting disconnected as soon as she is lifting. v | November 14. by getting money(COUNT now. can you please tell me in detail about it.wordpress. Santose Kumar | November 13. 2013 at 6:40 am Request wolf and say this. 2)you can chant “CRYSTAL GORSE WOLF REACH HELP NOW” as many time as possible 65. and everythhing.) i will have move back to bangalore by terminating my overseas assignment 2. i started new business i cant run the business need intial amount to be invested.) I will have to resign from my old company. I would require your help immediately. then i would be able to apply to the MNC in india ( bangalore) which is also not sure if they will take me..(NOW). 2013 at 11:39 am I am in extreme bad condition. 2013 at 7:53 am I Read your blog and quite impressed . from naran sir’s blog 1)chant change divine order These SwitchWords brings peace and harmony within us as well as outside us. the conditions to join the MNC in india are 1. Any one who has debt can chant this. 2013 at 6:44 pm thank you so much sir for replying feels like we have someone who cares we have started chanting grateful for your help r99 67. now i want to join this MNC in india ( bangalore) but the problem is i cant join this MNC until i m in my old company. Thanks  m | November many time as possible “WINGS LIMIT PRAISE POINT END THANKS REACH COUNT NOW. 73. 2013 at 3:03 pm Dear sir. Please sir it is very important. After asking the wolf. Thanks  pooja | November 27. 2013 at 11:17 am Neelu.  pooja | November 29. I’m grateful to you & Naran for helping me. Have you read this blog. Kindly tell me what to to. send your emails to: balakumar49@yahoo. Also i would continue to ask the wolf. soI am going to send my CV to that company through a friend. Kindly give me a switchword so that my CV gets accepted easily and I get recruited there for sure. I have submitted my CV to the manager of the company directly. thanks for assistance nd. Sir. 2013 at 7:06 am Dear sir. 2013 at 12:39 pm Thank you sir. and send reminder on 21st Sep’13… but I’ve not received any reply… I can understand that there must be 100 of mail coming in on daily basis. Regards  m | November 23. 2013 at 1:08 pm Dear many repititons must be done in one day. M feeling sad. Also i would continue to ask the wolf Thanks  pooja | November 27. but there are good chances that it might get rejected. is there any other mantra or anything else which can help me out. chant “GORSE”  pooja | November but i havent got any reply from his end.Sir.  Manesh | November 23. Is there any remedy to clear past life’s bad karma and sins. 2013 at 11:00 am Dear m.kindly help me. it is almost a week now. Neelu | November 26. soI am going to send my CV to that company through a friend. i spoke to my manager and he told me to send the CV to that MNC in india. Radha | November 23. I want him to accept my Cv & give me the job. 2013 at 2:34 pm Thanks. call Shobana: 9884301634  Neelu | November 28.. Thanks. 2013 at 1:14 pm Sir. we have waited for 4 years for this nd it dint survived. apart from switchwords. Sir I’ve sent mail on this id on 2nd Sp’13. . but I had a miscarriage on 23rd there any switchwords or such that can be used to increase charisma and beauty in oneself and also. 2013 at 5:37 pm http://joboneoone. I need to get this job. I will be waiting for your reply.kindly help me. 2013 at 3:18 pm Neelu. i spoke to my manager and he told me to send the CV to that MNC in india. …. then kindly let me know. Thanks  m | November 30. A very important public event is coming up soon in my life and i want people to appreciate me . 2013 at 12:42 pm Dear Sir. I need to get this job. 2013 at 11:43 am chant Gorse call wolf also to help you.wordpress. 2013 at 5:32 am pooja. 2013 at 9:23 am Sir. After asking the wolf.  m | December 26.Kindly guide me further.  pooja | December 72. then kindly let me know. Thats why I’ve started writing here. Sir please help me…. Please sir it is very important. is there any other mantra or anything else which can help me out. What I should do now for conceiving ? o m | November 26. but there are good chances that it might get rejected. Please direct what should I do to achieve result soon?  m | November 28. Kindly give me a switchword so that my CV gets accepted easily and I get recruited there for sure. apart from switchwords. Wishes. I will be waiting for your reply. To have an appointment with him. I will follow what you said. wordpress. Today I am just stopping by again. i had mailed you regarding this. 2013 at 9:08 am Sir .i mean that my cv gets accepted for sure. I am frustrated because it is not working. Anonymous | December 9. not getting other one o rupesh | December 18. my mind gets distracted. 2013 at 5:44 pm REminder ——–1 78. Thanks o m | November 30. i am feared due to my job may it with me or i may loose it. Well. 2013 at 5:41 pm syl. I removed distractions from my room. 2013 at 12:10 pm Dear sir. I keep disappointing my parents and keep taking away precious time by waking up late – which really gets me no-where in life. I would persist and try again. I meditate before sleep (sometimes I successfully go into slumber sleep. The procedure is scheduled for last week of May’ many time as possible. Can you guide me? o m | December 9. but i dint get any reply. I just randomly came across your website a few days 76.wordpress. I even eat dinner early – by 7 pm. pooja | November 30. Curiosity has placed a seed in my mind. but im scared that my cv might get rejected. so chant ” Mimulus Gorse” 75. 2013 at 6:41 am M. 2013 at 3:11 am Thank you M for your  Neelu | December 2. I have been chanting gorse and asking yhe wolf. 2014 at 9:01 am Dear Sir. I have been trying to sleep early and wake up early – sleep by 11 pm and wake up by 4:45 am – I tried and tried – with positive attitude and if one day I failed.  Neelu | May 5. Kindy help me with my son’s problem . Please sir. For this cycle I want to prepare my self in advance. i need help.He is 17 and is actually a bright boy but now he is mixing with wrong company and not serious about studies and always coming home late and even going to school late till he has gotten a warning letter from his polytechnic. I’m starting a fresh… started chanting & asking for help from animal spirits. Megha Patel | December 8. 2013 at 2:35 pm Sir I am always tensed as i am working in private sector and economically not kind enough to full fill family requirement my relation due to this with wife day by day getting very weeker. revert awaited. 2013 at 1:39 pm Megha Patel. 2013 at 7:01 pm neelu. 2013 at 12:18 pm pooja. rupesh | December 12. I’ve read the blog. so I thought I might as well ask you something.. 2014 at 4:51 am . but i dont know where to include it. so can you please tell me a switchword which will prevent rejection. Syl | December 30. add mimulus…as you are 79. 2014 at 9:20 am Sir’s new website is reachnaran. u had added a new word in the chant. 77. This month again I’m undergoing IUI procedure for conceiving. I’ll keep u updated. You can chant “SWEET CHESTNUT CHESTNUT BUD WILD ROSE ROCK ROSE”. Syl | December 19.  m | May 5. Thanks for your much needed support. regards  m | November 28. http://healbyswitchword. previously in the month of Nov’13 I lost my pregnancy. Chestnut | January 6. 2013 at 3:06 pm Dear Sir . http://healbyanimalspirits. sometimes I am very restless). Syl 74. Please let me know which switch word I should chant this time for achieving success.wordpress. read this and do as instructed http://powerlifesymbols. Please give me some advice thank you sir Syl o m | December 26. 2013 at 10:26 pm Hello Naran. Sir i request you to tell me where to include that word. 2014 at 5:02 am Sir thanks for reply  Bal | January 14.can u please suggest a switch word for change of job or some movement from one place to another. They complaint in the head office and supervisor was shouting at me lps help me to come out from this problem. I am massage theraist but five years ago in car accident hurt my back . http://joboneoone. How can i do that? Pls exlpain me i can write names each of them on papper or alltogether. Im trying for job overseas but its not happening. 2014 at 6:55 am Naran sir i just got big isues at my work problem is my coworker are pointing me things which is not done by me they dont me to work here but i dont want to leave . 2014 at 3:14 am Naran Sir thanks for quick reply i went to head office today and told my manager he said ok in my office but where i am working in that office my image get damiged so what i should do to respect back .com/2013/05/07/getting-back-your-dues/  Bal | January 9. i am chanting ” FIND DIVINE ORDER COUNT NOW DONE” pls… explain me this is right or not. 2014 at 11:42 am Bal.. 2014 at 6:32 am Naran ji pls help me iam waiting for u r reply . Can i write insurance company name or my case adviser’s http://colorhealing. can i chant “find divine job count now done” ? please clarify Thanks. 2014 at 4:59 am chestnut. This is bothering me dont feel good. 2014 at 4:36 am Dear Sir thanks for divine heip i wrote my name & her name in middle circle in 2 circle sweet chestnut and one by one each circle outword i hope idid it name per gap http://naranhealingproducts. Naran ji. Pls reply me as soon as u can i know that u r busy but pls …….com/2013/11/14/office-politics/ chant”together divine praise with”  Bal | January 15.  m | January 13. Pls help mre any mantrs or switch words or .. Thanks…………  m | January 10. I am waiting from long time to get my money back. I am to tell u i got phone call from lawyer i have my appointment with my case adjuster from insurancecompany..wordpress. I posted my problem on mudrahealing site . CERATO ROCKROSE TOGETHER FIND DIVINE TENANT  Bal | January 14. I can’t explain thanks in words to u. Sir i need to rent my house one portion how can find good tanants . Divine o m | January 6.write first remedy name in first gap.  Bal | January 15. 2014 at 4:52 am draw a cirle .in that circle write your name and his name. Bal | January 6. 2014 at 4:44 am bal. http://abundancein. 2014 at 1:42 pm Bal. Pls help me now i can get my loss from company. Pls pls pls … reply  Bal | January 13. Pls help me Divine thanks . http://joboneoone.ok now but when doing massage my lower verterbre giving me problem so i can not perform my service anymore so they have to pay me all of my loss .  m | January 14. 2014 at 5:17 am Naran Sir so thankful for reply i want to buy Abundance CD and i am in Canada . for house payment. Thank you sir very much o m | January 8. Pls help me for that any montra or swichwords ican do i really need rent it. 2014 at 10:56 pm Naran Sir million of thanks for helping us to solving our problems.then make 5 more circle around it. rock water chestnutbud . 2014 at 6:22 am chant WATERVIOLET LARCH GENTIAN CHICORY WILDROSE  Bal | January 20. 2014 at 5:15 am Remider ….  Bal | January 20. 2014 at 4:40 pm Bal. 2014 at 1:05 pm Dear sir namaskar. on that day. mudras. When Satyam and Dharma accompanies a person nothing can go against the person.  Bal | January 21. I release the part of me that damaged my image in office. I have appointment to examine for discovery with insurance company’s lawyer in the court so when i’m going for that can chant Ambica mantra or any mudra can do that time pls sir i have little fear i do reiki too my self to clear that i need ur help and i belive on u million times .sir every day i read u r blog looking that u r kindness to helping people” God bless u”.. 2014 at 8:42 am Sir i can’t explain u my happiness for u r reply . I don’t think u mad at me i ask u so many questions . I open and allign to part of me that makes my seniors/office to appreciate/respect me'” Also chant “TOGETHER DIVINE PRAISE WITH”  Bal | January 25. They will be with you and will get the verdict in favor of you. 2014 at 7:18 am Bal. No words for thanks . I have no words to say thank you sir again divine thanks. he visualized the court and affirmed “CHESTNUT BUD be in the court hall and sustain there for next 8 hrs” You can directly talk to Dharma and Satyam and ask them. Sir i realy appriciate for u r help . Call Dharma and .1 sir i just close my eyes and belive on u give me chant for renting my place i did 5day and rented that . Sir i can chant same for my case settlement with my insurance company too pls help me for that too .mimulus ” on a piece of paper and keep it in your pocket… Before going to the court.. Thanks … Bal  m | January 25.. 2014 at 7:03 am Remider…1 Divine &million thanks  m | January 20. Chant as many time as possible.write on a piece of paper “water voilet.solve my work problem too pls sir tell me about anything i can get my loss from my insurance company. “Please be with me for next eight hrs”. Thsnks  m | January 22. I’m chanting waterviolet larch gentian chicory wildrose as ur advise. Pls help me any mantra or switch word for that my company provide good report of my record to the lowyer. charnvandna First of all thank you so much.I done my esthetician diploma in 2008 and in two weeks i hv to pay fee for my certificate but i couldn’t make it cause accident happen in 10days .. 2014 at 4:58 pm . Bal  Bal | February 19. Mohan Sir Namaste. rupesh | January 6. Pls……thank u so much. i followed u r advise for my examination for discovery in court it is good 3hours long. I have developed a vitiligo white patches on my body few months ago and recently I started having eye issues with blurred vision due to Uveitis (inflammation in the eye). Thanks god bless you Bal 82. however the doctor says it could be an auto-immune issue. wild Rose. 2014 at 5:12 am Naran Sir. Thanks in Advance. Sir i hv full confident on you pls sir help me . God bless you Bal  Bal | February 18.pls.wordpress. Sir thanks no words to explain u for u r help to everyone.larch . help urgently o m | January 6. Gentian. The optimist. Sir i down load u r CD’s.welcome Change. “As it prevailed with Lord Rama.chanting water violet. Now hv few problems and really need u r help. Pls can u tell me what should i do ? I really need ur help. Subash | January 7. 2014 at 5:54 pm rupesh. 2014 at 6:04 am Subash. 2014 at 12:16 pm Naran Sir . Chant “TOgether Find Divine Order Now On” as many time as possible 83. o m | January 8.Insurance company lowyer wants the information about my current job from my head office( security company).Mohan Sir Charanvandna Sir i was trying to put reminder under my posting on february14. http://healbyreiki. 2014 at 7:54 am Reminder…. 1.may be you can chant “CERATO”  Subash | January 8. lowyer wont make this big issue for that . please…. 2014 at 9:03 pm Dear Naran Sir. please be with us”. The reason is not known.. So now is school shut down due to financial problems and i can’t get it . 2. 2014 at 11:44 am Sir I got married 1 year back i have 1 kid due to some cirumstances my family relation are in trouble.chicory. Abundance.1 Sir pls reply i am waiting eagrly pls . Satyam and affirm. If the reason is not know. Would you please help me what do I need to do. sir pls explain me how often we can listen ? I also doing forgivness exercise too.Forgivness. Together Change 3/07/26/implicated-in-a-false-case/  Bal | February 14.other part is i am having very less salary so that i can not fullfill both side family requirement so all are very diappoint and i am also not getting immidiate high salary job in home town.2014 at 5:12 am but it did not work out . Pls help me for this . Please help me get the transfer from Mumbai to Delhi as soon as possible. . help most urgently | January 9. https://healbybachflowers. they care very less when it comes to their exams. help most urgently pls contact Naran sir directly o Rupesh -----Pls. pls. Bal | January 8. Please advise how many times I can chant “CERATO” and how long.wordpress. they sleep well. o m | January 9. help most urgently | January 9. While they help their friends in studies. help and suggest strong switch mudra word to get this job immidiatelty pls. Thank you sir.  m | January 8. I am trying very hard but even though I am very well qualified.wordpress. in the family. 2014 at 4:19 am vasigi. 2014 at 6:05 am may be you can chant “GORSE” 88. I am not getting senior executive jobs. help urgently most most required o m | January 9. there is some obstruction or the other and the transfer is getting delayed. I have been intervied at one reputed compony at my home town but yet not recived confirmation for selection while asking them they said yet they have not recived approval for this vaancy pls. Please suggest a treatment for all of us. i am facing a lot of problems to sell my house for the last 6 months. Regards Padmanabhan S 86. 2014 at 6:46 am Reminder…………1 Thanks Sir 85. help most urgently | January 8. Chant “TOgether Find Divine Order Now On” as many time as possible 91. Padmanabhan S | January 8. Thank you so much sir. But. can you please suggest me a good powerful mantra to chant. 2014 at 6:06 am sai http://healbyswitchword. Thank you very much for the reply. 2014 at 9:08 am call Shobana: 9884301634 90. 2014 at 9:45 pm Thank you very much sir. Pls. 2014 at 5:26 am Dear Naan Sir I am running my own tuition programme at a rented place. from sai sreedhara. 89. al | January 10. 2014 at 5:18 pm as many time as possible  Subash | January 8. Also please advise if I can do Prana Mudra and Varuna Mudra as well. I o m | January 13.wordpress. What can I do to land that perfect job? So far I have tried – together divine find count o m | January 10. vasigi | January 11. anandigAnandi | January 11. Now we are o m | January 9. I am a single parent whout any support from my ex husband. This causes lot of friction in the family. I have applied for a transfer to Delhi as my husband is already there. However my enrolment hasn’t been satisfactory. v | January 9. 2014 at 1:25 pm dear naren sir. pls. 2014 at 1:56 pm Dear  v | January 10. they do not score marks. 2014 at 9:57 am Naran Sir – I am a government employee and posted in Mumbai. Most of the time are they are playful and when tired. sai | January 8. forb which i will be very thankful & greatful to you 92. Pls. 2014 at 11:51 am Pls. Although my case is very straightforward. 84. 2014 at 5:16 pm http://naranshealingmethods. 2014 at 6:10 am what causes friction in family?age of your daughters? 87. I need help to increase the number ofestudents in my classes and make this man realised for what he had done to me. He has neglected me for 13 years and hasn’t provided me with any financial help. 2014 at 12:24 am reminder – Dear sir. My daughters are shrewd & intelligent. 2014 at 2:59 pm Any contact number  Website Admin | January 9. 2014 at 9:16 am Dear Sir. 2014 at 9:39 am Dear sir My child is 3 month old having water in his brain doctor suggest to do shunt surgery how to solved this problem without doing this surgery by god blesses suggest strong solution. 2014 at 5:00 am al. Please advise if I can do PRANA MUDRA and VARUNA MUDRA also. 2014 at 3:37 pm Sir I have been given admission to do postgraduation in NZ .com/2013/10/16/mudra-for-savings-part-i/ 95. 2014 at 11:38 am Dear Sir. i got my last pay certificate and the charges against me were dropped.else they will go to police and court for divorce i can not left my very old parents and my wife & child too what should i do . syl | January 19. 2014 at 2:11 am Dear Naran Sir. I am trying very hard but even though I am very well qualified. They given me deadline for decision till comming sunday.I just want that my marriage should occur within the budget of my father and it should happen that all should love the arrangements and should appreciate it . 2014 at 3:01 am Naran sir – How do I call Wolf and how should I phrase my request? Please help. 3)In addition to this call wolf and request for happy and smooth function 4) Invoke Arch Angels like St. 2014 at 2:33 am Thankyou sir.CHESTNUT BUD. help | January 14. chant “ROCKWATER. there is a small problem. 97. and. pls. WATER VIOLET .pl. I’m not sure what is the cause as I’m also suffering from spine and neck problems. sir my marriage is in this month.Do this on the day of event. v | January 30. I called Wolf and I not only got my transfer order but was also compelled to join my new posting office in Delhi. 2014 at 5:48 am 1)chant “MIMULUS . Can you please help me with switchwords or flower remedy or animal guide to assist me in getting that about of 28K NZ dollars.I have to deposit payment by May and I’m having difficulties to get that amount of money as I have responsibilities here. 2014 at 4:38 pm Sir my wife was gone to her mother house for delivery she given 1 cute baby boy but having water in barin. help----most most most urgent | January 30. I would be grateful indeed. 98. What can I do to land that perfect job? So far I have tried – together divine find count 94. 2014 at 11:29 am reminder – Dear sir.wordpress. bdash733 | January 14.suggest mudra for proper blood circulation in the body by which one can normalise hypertension.wordpress.daily  anandigAnandi | March 29.please tell me to chant something so that everything happens good o m | January 30. even i try to make her understand this is not in humans hand its in god hand She and her parents always abuses me and thretning to me and my parents.CHICORY . pls save me.AGRIMONY ” Also call wolf and request. I should have been officially relieved from my Mumbai office and then joined here. rescue remedy. o m | January 14. now they want me to live seprate from my parents. All my office problems got resolved yesterday. receiving memorandums calling for explanation.  m | January 20.. Due to this baby issue she is bleming so many nonsense to me and my parents. My Mumbai office has taken this very seriously and I am in trouble. I cannot thank you enough for help me get my life back. http://healbyanimalspirits.HEATHER” as many time as possible 2)and in a half bucket of water add 10 pills of walnut . Please help me .I have tried saying Pahang Hippieng so many times . Rupesh ----------pls.  anandigAnandi | January 20. I’m in dire straits and have postponed this course once because of lack of funds.  m | January 30. 93.sweet chestnut. How do you invoke angels? Merely request the angels to come & be present in the place/event of your choice and request the Angels to do their duty..I’m taking too many painkillers yet the pain is also eased for a moment and it comes back again. 2014 at 7:10 am anandigAnandi. 2014 at 5:28 pm call wolf and request. I am not getting senior executive jobs. I request you to help me out of this situation so that the problem is resolved and that my Mumbai office drops the case against me and sends all my documents so that I can now draw my salary at my Delhi can give reiki also. o m | January 12. 2014 at 3:10 am Sir the last two days I have been walking up around 5. 5)If you know reiki .30am with a terrible headache and its right at the centre of my head. 2014 at 5:55 am anandigAnandi. 2014 at 12:49 pm naranji. 2014 at 1:47 pm http://healbymudra. Germain for happy and smooth flow of the event. is there anything else more I can do to get rid of this pain..And you can sprinkle/splash in area/hall(for marriage). However.Please sir help me…. . 96. Please help Sir .com/2013/04/11/how-can-we-call-upon-wolf/  anandigAnandi | January 29. atewhs | January 29. Wolf helped me. 2014 at 6:08 am Dear Naran sir. Mahesh 105. 4) My brother is not getting settled in life. kindly tel me which switch words to chant to come out of this situation and make profit from my business . A good friend of mine is suffering from myasthenia gravis and he is not getting any better despite medication. 2014 at 1:14 am 1) I suffer from chronic pain 2) My inlaws always seems angry of me and my parents 3) My job pays very less and I cant move jobs because in this job I can work from home thus being able to work with pain and manage home/kids. The other day she broke down and cried and telling me she was to suicide because she has to face so much problems in her life. sandeep | March 11.She has three other children who are all not studying well and are mischievous. sandeep | March 6. since i have got stuck in same company for almost ten years it has very minimal growth and always night shift and bad management. krish | March 14. 6) I want to work and play hard and take risks and he my husband has high inertia and fear of trying anything new.In fact his eyelid has started drooping and he is practically confined to his home. 2014 at 10:58 am i have lot of doubts wt to do sir 104.wordpress. 5) My husband comes across as selfish and does not believe in helping others and being their for others. Kindly give me solutions to the above problems for me to live a peaceful life. I n my cousin started distribution of namkeen & food products 8 months ago we r not getting any profit & more than 3 lakh rs is stuck in market & our bad luck continues yesterday our bill book bag. 2014 at 6:49 am Dear Sir I know of a lady who is going through so much problems in her life. I am trying for change in job. 2014 at 2:44 pm Dear Sir . Regards. Please help me to help this lady.He cannot use one side of the body and has fallen down too many times and fractured himself. Please tel me which mantra to chant so we get our stuck money and we start making profit 106. Please suggest some switch words so that i get a short term onsite oppurtunity. From 1 year I have had severe financial losses which I need to recover to pay off debts. I would appreciate some switch words to chant. After going through the various post above. Letchumy | February 6.His eyesight is also failing. Thank U With regards Sandeep 107. 2014 at 3:15 pm Hi Naran Sir.There are moments he feel so lethargic. 2014 at 2:37 pm Sir.He cannot go anywhere and cannot move much. 99. Gov | February 3. 2014 at 4:44 pm sir its a gentle remainder . 103. read this. how can I advise her? Is there any switchwords for her to say. She is earning a meagre salary and looking after the entire family. I have been sending my resume to various companies but no reply east all. o m | February 4. He is 30 and still struggling in a new country. What is that I should do for the same to get a well paying job. Krish 108. I’m not sure what switchwords to pray for him. so we r in huge loss now. 2014 at 8:28 am Dear sir. http://healbymeditation. help me to resolved the problem it still persist o Rupesh | February 19. Thanks in advance. 2014 at 5:05 am Gov. My son is having skin problem. sri | March 15. 101. 8) My father/mother are in India and cash strapped. battery n stepny wheel was robbed from our delivery vehicle. princi | February 25. shipra | February 18. 2014 at 5:27 am Dear Sir. thank you. Her husband has diabetes and had his leg amputated. Kindly suggest some thing for him so that he get healed. 2014 at 3:18 pm Pls. can you please help. o rupesh | February 6. 2014 at 1:30 pm Dear sir help me to come out of this problem and help to get setteled issue. Please help my friend. Sri . I request for a mantra to change job and progress in my career. Gov | February 9. 102. 7) My daughter is anxious with more than 4-5 people and hardly eats and showing signs of weekness. my self confidence has increased bcos I had completely lost faith. I’m qualified but still no success.He is always in a cast. He is alone with no parents and living with his brother’s family. It makes me sad and angry. In this situation . Her first son was born with 100. mahewarr | February 28. i will never forget the help priest okpobo temple render to me in my marital & m. Thanks! Regards Ayyappan 118. Selvi 117. where at least someone will always be there to take care of her.that they will restored my marriage but i will make a free donation to their Priest home anything my heart told me. Kindly suggest the sequence and duration for doing the same. sangeetha | June 23. 2014 at 4:15 pm sir how are you . 2014 at 10:30 am Dear Mr Naran.only . Dheera | March 26. I am working in IT-Software for more than 18 years but yet not settled in career. low self confidence and not motivated. I would like to understand the related mudras for keeping the balance of all chakras. 2014 at 6:50 am hello naran sir.U are amazing!! 115. contact him viapriestokpobomagictemple131@gmail. the last resort is putting her in a home for the elderly. My mom has rheumatoid arthritis over 15 years.a (hr) working as a accountant they are paying 8000/. motion sickness and sinking feeling in first trimester of pregnancy. We would like him to continue his studies and not lose his university place. She’s not willing to have someone take care of her at home.its like blood is running fast in tiny veins. after 3 years of our marriage my husband suddenly change he was having an affair with a lady outside. Avalon Sandy | June 27.i notice it then i was praying for divine intervention the thing became more serious i told my pastor about it we prayed but nothing happen. 2014 at 9:18 am Hi Naran. What can I chant to dissolve Breast cysts? thank you . is bedridden also very bitter and full of self pity. whenever i do prana mudra i feel energetic . 2014 at 9:27 am Hi Mr Naran i am having numbness in one foot sometimes so can you you suggest any mudra for this.109. Thank you in advance 110.. He is very reclusive and does not mingle with anyone. 2014 at 8:58 am . My grown children are abroad and I too have to go back. 2014 at 5:27 pm i am suffering for money pls advise what to do to get incoem 116. University has started this year but he is still not going. He is not interested and did not attend college for the whole of last year. Lilly nicom | March 28. At present also I do not find any growth prospects in my current organization. 2014 at 1:17 am Hi everyone. Can you tell me any mudra that help me in increasing my height? I am 23 now 113. im 32 years old yet not married and not even getting matches plsssssssss help you . She doesn’t cooperate with the nurses I get to help her. 2014 at 2:45 pm Dear Sir. I have been told to avoid apana mudra for first 2 trimesters as this can lead to early labour hence was worried to do pushan mudra too where one hand is in apana mudra. Please suggest mudras to combat nausea. Thank you Avalon 121.friends your case is not too hard why don’t you give priest okpobo a try they work surprises because i know they will also bring back your husband. 2014 at 7:46 am Dear sir. karinapach | May 5. he told me what went wrong with my husband and how it happen. 112. I do hope my post gets read and hopefully helps somebody along the line. My son is a 22 years old university student. Please suggest if I can do anything on his behalf as he will not do anything or seek help from anyone.b. upesh | March 21. Ayyappan | May 28.all my laziness quit from my body so quickly. prabakaran | May 5. Raghavendra | April 9. 2014 at 9:10 am Hi Naran. my name is sangeetha i have completed m. Selvi Chellaswamy | May 6. sir pls guide me so that i should get good job very soon and good salary sir plssss . i was just checking my mails in the office when i saw someone sharing her testimony on how priest okpobo temple help her out with her marital problems so i contacted the email of priest okpobo i told him my problem and i was told to be calm that i have come to the right place that i should fill some information concerning my self i did after 30 minus he called me again congratulating me that my problems will be solve within 5days. 2014 at 11:01 pm Hi there. Please help. 2014 at 10:19 am Dear Naran. astute | March 18. Also please suggest mudras and chanting for financial stability. 120. to my greatest surprise my husband came to my office begging me on his knees that i should find a place in my heart to forgive him i quickly ask him up that i have forgiven him. nisha | July 8. my financial weak . i have been married for 4 years now and my husband and i love each other very dearly . He has low self esteem. 114.but my problem is whenever i do prana mudra it feels great but at night i feel little little itching in my body and thats why i cant able to sleep.and i am a vipassana meditator so i can recognise what is happening in the body…so can you help me with this…can prana mudra makes blood pressure high?? 111. Selina Jackson | June 22. my husband just came home one day he pick up his things and left me and the kids to his mistress outside at this time i was confuse not knowing what to do again because i have lost my husband and my marriage feels great. Kindly suggest me a mudra to find a job soon with better future prospects. 2014 at 8:03 am Sir i really need your help eagerly……. I ‘ll do hard work for hubby had low count. Akshatha pai | August 16. 2014 at 3:59 pm Need help with liver problem fatigue feverishness acid reglux constipation nausea lack of enrergy raised lft ese what mantra. please help. kavitha | August 20.mudra will be good 127. my step daughter. we were going to marry in next 4-5yrs…… our parents also agreed and were happy with our relationship…… i ws a bit possesive for him as i never wanted to lose him…… i respect him and ws protective for him…. sir. 2014 at 8:56 am Hi sir I am rajeshwari 35 yrs and my husband nandagopal 37 yrs trying to conceive for past 2yrs. 2014 at 8:05 am sir I want get job Canada please give me SW 126. i love him and want to marry him…. 2014 at 6:17 am Sir – With your guidance. i. 130. my mother has ear infection problem. i m committed to him for my life… 2 months ago he broke off with me due to some misunderstangs…… Sir i really love him and need him for my entire life…. 2014 at 4:06 am Dear Naran ji Not sure if your still taking questions. J RAJA RAJESHWARI | September 1. i promise that i wont repeat the same mistakes again…….. i feel it might be recurring. 2014 at 11:06 am Naran Ji. Please help sir. t b | July 18. 131. My height is 148 cm. Varun – Is this related to skin problems like acne. my father’s is 5’6 & my mother’s is 5’2 . we went to many doctors but she dint get any improvement. Please reply me for my problem. . 133.I went to many doctors but all say it’s psychological.. i need him back and his love back in my life…… Waiting very eagerly for your reply…. dark spots etc In a day if I want to take benefits of all how do I use them ? Can we use it one after another ? Is there any order ? Thanks Auro 129. and I feel uneasy in throat and easophagus. darshan | July 8. plz help by suggesting switch word or back flower. i jst need a last chance to start from a new happy beginning…… plz help me…. hip pain. Auro | August 11. I really love a boy and even he loved me….Thanks 124. wrinkles. Neeru Seth | July 12. Does not take my calls or meet me. there is no improvement and we are facing lots of financial stern please advice a good remedy. Please guide me how I can increase my height ? 128. This also cure negative thoughts. her ear make noices and due to which she is facing a problem of low hearing. I want to increase my height any how.joint pain. mudras or animal spirit guide. What you have advised has always worked for me. 122. i m feeling very sry…. Our business is getting bad to worse. also experiencing severe hairfall. please help…… 132. 2014 at 10:36 am Respected Sri. Thank you. I have severe acidity problem. Tell me Sw. 2014 at 2:52 am Dear Naran Ji. please help me out. Rajan | July 17. i jst need a last chance so that we can start our relation again with same love and happinness…. two yrs back i had tennis elbow in my rt arm . Switch words. Can you tell me the whether this is correct ? Can we use this mudra for these problems ? If yes when and how much time in a day ? Akaash – I read this one helps with BP and problems with ear and tooth. I had a single fibroid no other issues in uterus. Do we have restrictions like Vayu mudra for this one ? When is the ideal time to perform n how much in a day ? Gyan – Please let me know about the benefits of this as well. i cant think of anyone else…. I need your help so that I can form a bond with her.e.Stiffness of thighs etc. I also read some caution that it should be stopped when problem is stopped. with her problem sometime she felt shy to go in front of others as she hesitate due to her low hearing. 2014 at 6:27 am sir i am having pain in both my elbows.. It is now three months since he has spoken to me. back pain. o Rajan | July 23. 2014 at 6:08 pm I’m 23 yrs old female. gauri | August 24. i can see her depressing face. KIRAN | September 18. anandi | September 17. He stays with his father. Secondly. I was able to get a divorce from my husband and got remarried last year. Mayuri Parmar | August 1. specially leg pain. Pls help us to conceive a baby. 2014 at 10:41 am sir i completed my be in 2013 but still i did not getting any job please help me sir 123.. I am very much disturbed about this and all my near and dear ones are also tensed. acne marks. 134. 2014 at 11:02 am I have excess fat on hips. Naran. My son from first marriage does not accept this and has stopped talking to me totally. there is a big problem. However. piya | July 17. 125. I would be very happy if you can kindly answer my queries on these mudras Vayu – I read this help arthritis problems a lot... Things are good between us. Thank You.. my husbands daughter from his first marriage is not finding it easy to accept me. 2014 at 1:42 pm sir I am facing health problem from since a year. i’m trying my best to get a job .i become hopeless and frustrated .guide me. Leave a Reply   TOPICS Follow Follow “Mudra Healing” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. be in this Mudra. graduate with 2 yrs computer diploma. even though if it is escapism. and you will continue to sit for the meditation.i have 2 yrs work experience.i want to attract my ex boyfriend back. KIRAN 135. Have been practising your 5 mudra combination and getting good results. deepika | October  Category Archives: Chakra healing Mudra for surrender JAN 28 Posted by Naran S. 2014 at 11:24 am Hello sir. “CLIMB CRYSTAL TOGETHER DIVINE”.i’m 32 yrs. To sit regularly for a meditation.i’m searching for a job but not getting 2014 at 5:40 pm Sir pls tell me can i do pran mudra after doing apan vayu mudra?during pran mudra should i keep my rest fingers(index and middle finger in touch of each other) together or only streched out upward . Apart from that this can be helpful for bad throat condition also. When you are stuck in a problem situation. 2014 at 5:31 pm hello sir.not together? 137. Join 213 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. be in this Mudra and chant the switch words.pls suggest me. Balakumar Udana Mudra It activates the throat chakra that energizes the head. What is meant by surrender? .please advice me what switchwors should i chant.i’m b. It brings in the clarity of the mind.. sri | September 27. 136. Please guide to get and be in a state of stillness (without any thoughts) Regards. Surrender It is also called as Mudra for Surrender.i really need a job. sri | September 27. surrendering means. Let us say the pen says to you that “I am writing so many things. It is the training of the mind. the attitude of ownership is relinquished. during all the classes I am conducting these days: http://wp. This is the LETTING GO Mudra. but divine is the doer? Instructions to do the Mudra: On both the hands.Surrender is not inaction. I have been telling the following story about a Hungarian. ‘I am not the doer’ – that attitude should be cultivated. Whatever we are doing we have do it. this mudra will be very helpful. Similarly. You are doing the action for the divine. How to believe we are not the Do you know how to surrender: http://wp. That attitude has to be ingrained in every part of the brain. keep the thumb at the base of the little finger (first image) and rest of the fingers covering the thumb (next image). You are writing with a pen. Suppose the pen gets a life and says. you will break the pen and will go for a new one. Everything is coming from the space. That can be cultivated or trained by being in this Mudra. You are not the doer – understanding and believing it How to understand and believe that you are not the doer? It is not the question of understanding. Balakumar Help Is there a Mudra for cleansing the basic chakra? Naran Keep the index finger at the base of the thumb on both the hands. If so. we are doing something. So many good ideas come to me. “I am writing so many things”.me/ptUMq-4M  Chronic Health and Financial Issues MAY 16 Posted by Naran S. by the power of the divine and with the help of the divine. Will you accept it? The pen is not supposed to say that and that to you. For which. .me/ptUMq-5r Related Blogs Develop a surrendering attitude: http://wp. when I am writing”. Because of the divine. Keep a picture of King Fisher under his pillow. This Mudra is also called as Prana Mudra. . energizes and balances all chakras – which are the energy centers for our Decrease in oxygen level is the reason for all health-related issues. Balakumar Client My husband handles a lot of our home and business management issues and he often feels overwhelmed by too many problems and responsibilities that just land on him and drag on forever.wordpress. Are there any switch words or remedies I could use on his behalf? Naran 1. one or more of the chakras will get Go Search for:  TOPICS Chakra healing Follow Follow “Mudra Healing” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Explanation When you fall We will get a good mood. It increases oxygen level. He feels he is always putting out fires and not having time to move forward. by chanting the Bija mantras. OM VUM NAMAHA OM RUM NAMAHA OM YUM NAMAHA OM HUM NAMAHA)? If so.wordpress. Letting Go Mudra fixes this problem. Join 213 other followers Sign me up Get the money you want FEB 15 Posted by Naran S. what should the duration for the Mudras be? Naran You can chant the mantras while doing the Mudras) so. Keep for 10 minutes. 15 minutes per Mudra will be ok. Then be in SAFE and SECURE Mudra (ring and little fingers touching the tip of the thumb on both the hands) for 10 minutes. Chanting of Bija Mantras cleanses. Nobody else seems to take any responsibility or do anything competently. It also drives away cancer:http://healbymeditation. mental and Pranic bodies: http://healbymeditation. we will feel energized and uplifted.wordpress. When we chant Bija mantras. Safe and Secure Mudra will bring in financial stability in your life:http://healbymudra. Help If there are chronic health and financial problems will it be beneficial to do both the Mudras and chant the Bija mantras (OM LUM NAMAHA. Regards uday 6. which stops us from achieving our objectives. Alamelu 5. 2. santhana | March 29. 2012 at 3:54 pm .impressions) o mahesh | April 1. Naran S. simallrly u adviced me on roc rose and milimunus for my shaing problem only a very littlte diffence is there hope to meet you once you are back or any advice on that. Count: to get the money you require Move: to move forward in life and not stuck up in the current situation On: nothese About stagnation ads (remember the expression here: MOVE ON) View all posts by Naran S. How to increase income and position in the company? Please help me to achieve good results 2. Right now I am working with one good reputed e-commerce company since 4. It means there is internal resistance in us. 7. today i told her to write ceantro find divine fd recipts is that ok and eep it under her pillow . Sir my mom has misplaced some fixed deposit recipt which she is been searching for a long time. Please help by some remedies to get sufficient money from him which i expect.from the inception of the company. the desired results are not accomplished.5 years. 4. NARAN | February 24.precious stones etc. 2012 at 7:37 am uday YES i remember you well. Wanted to have good earnings. mahesh | March 31. Kind regards alamelu 3. very arrogant. Balakumar | April 1. pls help me immediately. highly short tempered. 2012 at 9:24 am Hi. Putting much efforts and skills. Explanation King Fisher: is a bird. chant also while buying. 3. 2012 at 12:55 pm naran sir! Thanks a million. For you take take MIMULUS ROCKROSE CHERRYPLUM each separately. 2012 at 7:57 am mahesh chant HOLLY(to align yourslef with the flow of divine love from your female side within) STAR OF BETHLEHEM(to change the previous beliefs. coz she has reached saturation point and no way she can change herself. My husband is giving only part amount to me which is not sufficient for running family. 9. For misplacement chant REACH DIVINE Since she is tensed. 2012 at 4:28 pm dear sir.any remedy to get correct price to know if we are getting genuine things??Also in day to day life how to avoid from getting cheated by shop keepers who inflate prices/cheat without our knowledge. alamelu iyengar | February 24. uday | March 25. They are ELM and OAK. Write his name and circle. please advice. uday subashs friend in chennai here hope you rembr me (Shirdi prasadam) before you left to delhi. He is earning sufficient but giving only part amount only. coz she is highly doubtfull by nature.. It will help anyone find new sources of money Elm: will make you handle multiple things at the same time – like for example. Draw one more concentric circle and write these flowers. could you please come to my rescue to find a solution or remedy to get rid of this girl from my life. she is quite tensed. Chant or write them on your husband’s behalf. Naran S. organizing a wedding. opinions. You gave three pockets of UDHI. 2012 at 2:05 am Sir! When we go to buy expensive items like Gold. 8. ruchirpandya | February 23. she is un-control able. Balakumar | March 26. You can use switch words RELEASE RESISTANCE COUNT MOVE ON. Daily see them and read them. Give her Rockrose and or Rescue Remedy plus Gorse. Balakumar »  LEAVE A COMMENT  COMMENTS 21 1. 2012 at 9:40 am alamelu iyengar write in a piece of paper CHICORY CENTAURY ROCKWATER CHESTNUTBUD and keep it with you when you do shopping. since the time i got married 5yrs ago till date i am finding it extremely difficult and tough to lead a life with her. 2012 at 4:34 pm omsairam Good evening sir. alamelu iyengar | February 24. When anybody is overwhelmed with work there are two remedies in Bach flowers. where you need to be multi-tasking Oak: work smarter and get your things done Release Resistance: After making several efforts. 2012 at 11:01 am Dear Sir. Please help by some remedies to get sufficient money from him which i expect. 16. I am weary and hopeless that I will have a good/joyous life. 2012 at 2:59 am It is the name of a Bach Flower Remedy available in Homeopathy shops. 2012 at 4:38 am husband is not earning well. there is lot more that I can tell but the only thing I want to say is plz sir suggest some way so that he could get success in arranging funds. Grace | June 4. I am trying 17. my father invests in commodity share business but he is getting loss there too. The message is “Do it differetently and try. the fear would go and the next day it would go to the same place. MANISH KAPOOR | January 27. it works like a Switch Word 11. it should be a right one. suggestions and remedy. 2012 at 12:08 pm Dear Naran. some worse things means internal change has not happend in some areas.” Write WHITECHESTNUT (to come out of worry) and GORSE (to become hopeful again) in a piece of paper and keep it under the pillow while sleeping. As his father is not supporting him at all. Plz Sir. I am not sure what else to do. Plz guide me sir Leave a Reply  TOPICS . I want to help my father sir. It’s starting to feel pointless. (my first quesn was related to this only sir for which I am trying to do ur prescribed solution). sapna | July 28. sir. actually after 2-3 months my elder brother is going to get married.I want my own house. He has issues with his father also. I also feel very alone in my endeavors.These issues are to be viewed and handled differently. 2012 at 6:01 pm what the meaing of walnut? o Naran S. 2013 at 6:47 am good afternoon sir. but still we are at short of funds severely. But no animal would think in the night what happened previously. it would have flighted out of terror and escaped. Dispite the improvements I am feeling worse than ever. how will i change this into a good feeling? Something always gets worse? or i think it worse? You can never alter anything outside. 15. you have to change internally. Anky | December 1. paresh bhatt | April 15. santhana | May 7. I need ur help again sir. I have been doing all of these healings and its true as I have said somethings are dramatically improving. The moment it escaped. ask yourself “what should I do differently? How diiferent should i aproach this? Is this feeling empowering me or disempowering me? if it empowers i will go ahead. How my husband will get his rights from his parents property. I have noticed yes Kingfisher brings opportunities but how to capture and maintain the right opportunity? 14. When you analyse and think it worse. 2014 at 8:30 pm Hello Naran Sir Since I got married 5 years ago I m facing financial problems. 12. If a deer was pounced upon by a tiger in the day time. some improvement means some internal change has happened in some areas. His job n career n Financial Problem. 10. plz sir plz help. My husband is giving only part amount to me which is not sufficient for running family. He is earning sufficient but giving only part amount only. Please help…! 18. Dont analyse the events. sir on one side my father want to make it a grand function coz its first big happiness celebration in our family. the approach is wrong. your effective suggestions are my only hope sir. Most of the property he had given to his elder son. 2012 at 10:36 pm Dear Naran. We are on rented house . I feel hopeless because it seems something always gets worse and that I cannot sustain all of the problems that come my way. Naran | June 8. But as he is not providing any financial support to my parents. Naran | May 9. you feel sad and stop proceeding to work differently. thanks a million Mr naren for your advise. they have to manage all the expenses themselves. By chanting the name of the flower. if the result is not to our expectation. 2012 at 1:58 am santhana chant ELM CHICORY FIND COUNT DIVINE 13. chant LARCH HONEYSUCKLE REACH DIVINE ORDER o Grace | June 7. It is the thinking process which spoils us. Balakumar | April 16. When we catch the opportunity. 2014 at 11:38 am Am 40 years old & employed in Aviation Industry & am looking for better job with good salary package and position…am also frustrated with my health issues as am highly stressed with current job. from last too months I have heard his tense voice only ( I can’t reach them coz I m studying at Punjab and they are in delhi). there are loads of expenditures that my father is trying to manage. 2012 at 10:46 am Dear Sir. and we are just an avg middle class family. Every result is an event. To make any opportunity a right one. and on other side he is too much upset at the short of funds. He deserves but not getting any better job. If disempowering. 2012 at 5:10 am Grace. Plz guide me . Naran | June 5.He is also facing problems in job no salary hike no promotion. You need to diversify 6. Naran “Adjust” is the message Other messages 1. I saw a huge chameleon on the garden wall. Tone your heart and express your love . it was a distance and I saw from the window. Balakumar Blogger I love squirrels ever since the story of how Sri Rama gave them the stripes. Don’t show your anger Adjust is the message NOV 15 Posted by Naran S. Always I am hearing the sound of house owner is having hen family as pet. Balakumar Anuy I am living in a rented house. Thank them every day. Now. a little). tell us significance of chameleon if any. Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Today. after knowing about animal spirit guides. What does it mean? Can I continue staying here? Please help. We are likely to get indigestion or flatulence – so take care of your diet 2. Related Blogs Believe in co-existence: http://wp. Face anything boldly 3. Not able to shift this house since my husband is not interested to move. Hen is making us to stay here. Naran You can stay. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. I feel positive about all of them (not much. But. Be patient 4. Art of living in co-existence within a family: http://wp. So I was  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Thank them every day JAN 14 Posted by Naran S. Take care of your heart and circulatory problems 7. I am very scared of them since childhood and really hate them for the fear they cause in me. Read what you had written after 42   No ill-feeling from the past NOV 4 Posted by Naran S.Related Blogs Separated Relationship: http://wp. but what has happened is good for you. Write your problems/ feelings with left hand on a sheet of paper and keep it with you. Otherwise. Does it tell something too? Naran The owl says “Be careful”.me/ptULP-2D Don’t think about savings OCT 13 Posted by Naran S. Any conflict just gets dissolved. Money aspect is well taken care of (for you). The snake says that the past may be repeated. He was the first one to spot it. Does it mean something? An owl came and sat in front of my husband’s office yesterday night and didn’t move from there even after taking some picture and going near it. Look for what you have learned from it. Weeks to patch up OCT 31 Posted by Naran S. . I thought it as coincidence and kept that paper under some dailies. Develop prosperity consciousness. But next day morning my mom took and showed the same paper to me. whenever there are arguments and conflicts of opinions. Balakumar Satya I saw white cobra picture in the paper and saw the same picture 4 times in the same day. Other Messages from the Animal spirit guide Dog You may be disappointed. Related Blogs Animal Spirits June 27 2009 Part II: http://wp. Balakumar Ftrrs What does Ox and dog when seen in dream means? Naran Don’t always think about savings. it will take weeks for us to patch up Adjust to a new place/environment: Good Communication and Understanding: http://wp. Balakumar Client I call upon the animal spirit Blue Whale for harmony in the house or office. We become OK the next minute. We prayed that weight of all the 3 bags should not cross the limit.Related Blogs Unable to Receive: http://wp. Naran Call WOLF and say this. At last we got the visa SEP 21 Posted by Naran S. Naran Chant “WATER VIOLET. The interview mantra: WATER Travel to US was smooth SEP 30 Posted by Naran S. When he weighed at the airport. Nov 8th Finally. WILD ROSE Messages from Animal Spirit Guides SEP 1 Posted by Naran S. call the animal spirit guide FOX and ask it to be with you to give the right answer. Along with that he had clothes. Before attending the interview. It will get you the visa. even though the bag was jam-packed. since then I have not received any interview call. Balakumar Sinobia. GENTIAN. Even in UK/Dallas airports. we gave him variety of ready-made foods. But. I prayed to WOLF that his travel should be smooth. Sep 20th An interview appointment is required before the visa is granted. You can write these names in a paper and keep it in your pocket on the date of interview. which happened. Can’t keep extra money ever: http://wp. LARCH. Sinobia. Balakumar How animals provide us with messages? Animals work from their right brain – so they are intuitive. Sinobia. he was never questioned. WILD ROSE”. and Fox to answer smartly. Balakumar Sashi My son was travelling to US. for more than a minute. In august 2010 all my documents have been submitted correctly as requested by the National Visa Centre. Explanation Use the Animal spirit guides Wolf for help. Human beings work from their left brain – their decisions are based on their thinking. LARCH. I have received my visa. utensils etc. . Since he was going for the 1st time. GENTIAN. By calling WOLF I got the interview date!!! What I do next so that I get the Visa for sure on the day of the interview. August 7. it was perfect. 2012 My father applied for USA visa in 2006. They can’t be ignored or not taken seriously. So you cannot be blaming the house. many bad things may happen in the current house. This implies there is a strain in your relationship. Don’t show your anger or ill-feelings. Then your anger. resentment. By analyzing our current life situation to see which one is appropriate and then follow that message. God gives us messages in the form of nature. it will be given tomorrow or many times over the week. One of the messages will be relevant for us in the current juncture of our lives. To be there in a particular place or in a job of your liking. To like the place where we are. Pelican Release all the anger. What about animals that are among us all the time – for example. You might meet them in an unusual way – say a Squirrel jumps on you when you are clearing the attic. By following these messages then we could heal ourselves or our lives in some way. resentment – everything will come down. you have to look at the picture of PELICAN. thank the house. Why we need to follow those messages? By following the messages from animal spirit guides and resolving the issues. We can thus reduce our karmas instead of keep on doing the same (unwanted) thing again and again. Thus. they intend to give us a message or instruction.So when animals appear in our lives in the form of a dream. Openly express your love for others. So they give us the message – the call of the day. the Human Beings!! Posted in Animal Spirits Guides Enjoy Your Life and Work AUG 25 Posted by Naran S. What if we don’t follow? Animals are intuitive. Animals are a way for him to do so. we make sure the related situations don’t appear again in our lifetime(s). TV program. If we don’t follow a message. Strengthen your Hara Chakra. Tone your heart and express your love Hummingbird Be flexible. the only prerequisite is love. In addition. the message of the Pelican is stop criticizing and grudging. Book or appearance. a crow or a squirrel. Some examples Chameleon Be patient. God bless the Animal Kingdom! Thus. Genital organs. Instead. Balakumar Love your house and place of work We may be blaming the present house where we are living. blaming. Then we will not get a good house in the future. How to follow them? Each animal give us their own set of messages – one to four messages. When you are feeling resentful. the Animal Spirit Guide PELICAN will help. guilt Rabbit Take care of your Urinary. . Houses are very sensitive. Don’t be adamant. Curb the desires (message from God and not from the Rabbit). In all such cases. Keep it under your pillow and your husband’s. recognition is not there or proper remuneration is not there. if you meditate on PELICAN. Health issues PELICAN is good for varicose veins problems. Suddenly you will dislike a place. By cursing the employer and everyday going to the work with lot of resentment. Balakumar Ishah I am keen to change my relationship with my husband to total love and harmony. feel somebody is bossing over you. In the morning or evening look at the picture. and chant the switch words. I also know he loves me a lot. “TOGETHER DIVINE”: Explanation The entwined swans represent intimate love. But things tend to go wrong and out of hand sometimes. If the body has become hot (excess heat) then meditate on PELICAN. For the same reason it should not be used for fever. As I do sometimes make mistakes for which I immediately say sorry. Entwined in Love JUL 28 Posted by Naran S. PELICAN will work wonders by making that person give hundred percent in their present job. you will not find a new job of your liking Many people say. But still I really want to change everything to LOVE and make him happy and calm. If you are not getting a new job then find out how you treat your current job. It makes the body cool. With the result they will not give their hundred percent to their work.If you dislike your current job. Join 73 other followers Sign me up . Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. So. you will not get any other job. you have to give your hundred percent in your current job. because most of the times he is always angry with me. Naran Download a picture of two swans with their necks entwined. Life lessons You will understand your life lessons. “I don’t like this job”. 3. Instead these two birds approached me. inches away from my face. 2011 at 4:39 am i have shifted to a new house last week. 2010 at 6:32 pm Hi Naran. thank those known to you thank your parents teachers. I just know it. which would be hereafter would be called as ‘HELP each other’ Thanks PS: When your comment has reference of more than one link. The comments of those who  Give their own solution  Refer other sites  Who cites others’ techniques Will not be published and they will be sent to Trash. People who want to comment or reply a question should give their comment. it was amazing.necesary arrangement for the water scarcity was also done thanks to wolf. They normally are peaceful birds but tend to shy away from humans and don’t walk around front lawns. What else you need in this life other than God. COMMENTS 35 1.” What do you want?”.Do not send reminders. pray and thank God. 2010 at 6:15 am they just came to teach you a lesson. ANIMAL SPIRIT GUIDES  HELP EACH OTHER Help Each Other HELP each other!!! It is informed by the web admin that the comments will not be replied by Naran. “when you are here. a week ago. it became our favorite family bird. We had such a connection. naran | February 8. Happy New Year to you. Since my family and I have moved to Florida. Vicky | December 25. Wondering if you could help me with an animal spirit guide question. based on Naran’s Healing methods only. in front of me.Any explanation or any further elucidation will be given by Naran. what else i need? the baktha said. Please wait until then. A day later I had a dream about a crane at a front door trying to get in. His pages and his site can be cited further to enhance the credibility of the reply. what is the message of this crane? Express your thanks and gratitude to what all happened in your life. 2. All the doubts either about the products or methods will be cleared by Naran. It is nice to read this posting and through the cran. ganga eswaran | February 7. Naran | December 30. but I wonder if it is a permanent guide or just to teach a lesson or both. Blog-related comments can be put under the blog itself. It just looked at me. all the incidents – good or unwanted.His reply or explanation is his choice. one was more daring and actually touched it’s beak to my right leg. those unknow to you. I know they are my spirit guides now. we have admired and loved the Florida Sand Hill Crane. Then they both laid down and fell asleep.(we r on the fifth floor) there was water scarcity i called the wolf to help me to ease out the situation. right next to me.thanks to narainkumarji for teaching all this 4. Vicky.Your comment can be answered by anyone who browses the pages of this site. I had to go answer the phone and then when I came back they were gone. I am reminded of a story. I felt like it was so amazing and spiritual. while other questions can be posted in the ‘Ask Naran’ pages. Well. Thank you. Thus. the god asked. Any insight into this encounter and dream would be appreciated. then it will go for moderation and so will not appear until it is approved.within a day of shifting the lift stopped working. i am amazed at how God is guiding all of us especially you. 2011 at 10:58 am . God is always beside you. findally with tears in your eyes flowing down to the cheeks.the liftman came to repair the liftand repaired it. which happens to be an injured leg from nerve damage. friends and all those who interacted with you. I felt it was a sign. They can reply using his other replies and his blog postings. it can be a discussion forum on Naran’s healing spread over 700 pages (not including comments). chanting NAMASHIVAYAM from the heart.within minutes of calling the wolf. I wouldn’t let it in. it was aggressive and upset.During sundays no repair man comes. two Cranes literally came to my front door. THANK YOU 8. Thank them everyday 16. Thank you 13.Is there any method of Knowing?I am new to this logic kindly explain.)…. anuy o Naran | May 29. Nature is at our beck and call. 2011 at 4:43 pm Reaspected Sir Naranji Namashkar! Sir How can we know Our Animal Guide…. I really aspire to become a CEO or COO of an infrastructure company and put my knowledge and 36 years of experience to use. 2011 at 2:09 pm shakuntala. diego | December 8. 12.i want to get a credit for to buy a motorcycle. Think positively and do things. Iam living in a rented house. when you come to the office.i want to know what spirit animal invoked to obtain credit or what other remedy use thank you REPLY o Naran | December 10. 2012 at 4:06 am hi sir naran mi name is diego. let love only rule the world. Ftrrs | July 7.salutations to the universal love which. 2012 at 2:12 pm While travelling in a car I saw an eagle flying and sitting on an electric pole . the world would be dfiferent. Is there anything else which will help? Am really desperate to get out of this section and go back to my former place as its still empty and may be filled by someone else. acted through wolf. under a boss who is very unaccomadating. sakuntala | February 17. Naran. Thank you for sharing this. 2012 at 8:32 am I am a well qualified construction specialist with Project Management experience in large and complex projects. I was working in a good dept in my office where I was very happy. the pure consciousness or God is nearby and if only we know how to call him. 9. chant GORSE IMPATIENS FIND. Deepa | September 22. Have a long term goal. 2012 at 9:40 am diego.waiting for our call. DIVINE NOW ON. I really do need your help urgently in this and the new job is taking its toll on my health as I am returning home late. Can you please advise as to what I can do or say to enable me to move back to my former department. Naran. anuy | May 24. VPR SUDHAGAR | September 7. there was a reshuffle and I was put in a different section where work is really hectic and worse. can i continue staying here? please help. so that all of us are united. Naran | September 24. you can stay.Is there a message there. mamatha | May 28. Naran | September 8. 2011 at 2:29 pm Dear Mr.(name of the previous dept. VPR SUDHAGAR 11. I was reciting what you gave but so far there have been no house owner is having hen family as pet. chant WALNUT CHANGE DIVINE ORDER 7. sakuntala | February 24.hen is making us to stay here. Naran | February 18. what does it mean. 2011 at 9:06 am sakuntala Thank the present department daily in the morning. call wolf 15. 2013 at 5:55 am Dear Guru. 2012 at 6:07 am Deepa.always i am hearing the sound of hen.not able to shift this house since my husband is not interested to move. 2012 at 1:50 am VPR SUDHAGAR CALL WOLF AND SAY THIS. Thanks 10. In fact. naran | March 1. 5. Thank you for all your help 6. Due to office politics. 2011 at 1:55 pm Dear Mr. Thank everybody there. 2013 at 3:18 am anuy. Please guide me which animal spirit I should invoke to get a good opportunity. 14. its becoming more apparent that I’ll not be allowed to go into any other department with my duty list already being processed. 2013 at 5:36 am . 2013 at 6:23 pm I havd a big argument with my boyfriend this morning that resulted in us both saying mean things to each other and him threatening to move out. Today morning when i saw. 2013 at 6:14 am This is really something that is wonderful. wolf dint turn up.. if anyone fights or quarrels. can an individual have more than one Animal Spirit Guide. Naran told me like the cat.. My boyfriend and i had a fight he hurted me i called upon wolf spirit to help me i said like make my bf call me and ask sorry for hurting me and he should show his love and affection to me. pls wolf help me i should 1 rupee in my bag . He has said he has fallen out of love and does not want to live with me anymore within just 1 month of marriage..Your words have given me more courage and I can now connect to my Cat 24. 2013 at 12:34 pm mamatha visit the postings on conceiving. Thank you Wolf for resolving my issue……. for a person who had abortion. junju | June 28. 23. take the flower remedy gentian for a month 18. i called the airlines and when i asked for cancellation penalty they said that not even a single rupee will be deducted as cancellation charge and cancelled the previous ticket and i could re-do the booking at a substantially low price. I admit I was wrong and tried all morning to tell him I was sorry but the base level is that there were things that needed to have been discussed and they weren’t so .. one will not do the work of the other 19. How can i bring back the love? o m | August 5. After I asked wolf sorry.. be courageous to walk through the darkness of life. Thanks Naranji for giving us such tremendously useful and helpful remedies to manage the day to day issues. 2013 at 10:32 am Thanks for the reply. 2013 at 6:18 pm Hi Naran. If so how can we consider both or call both? o Naran | June 16. dear sir I am 27yrs F.20k. I was praying to wolf yesterday to help me in this ticketing with affordable price. 2013 at 1:17 pm Sir.what does the Animal spirit guide of Cat signify Sir… 22. and also I sent blue whale pic which helped us solve the problems. Vasanta Vijay 25.I had an abortion 6months back(had undergone IVF treatment). I was very depressed but wolf dint help me. Vasanta Vijay | July 21.we r trying to have a baby from 6years. really amazing. I was really feeling bad and was thinking that wolf did not help me. Meenakshi | July 8. For total harmony in the family. JELLY FISH is an excellent resource. thanks Naren ji. After couple of hours just out of curiosity i tried again and this time i saw that the prices came down drastically. Vasanta Vijay | July 22. You will be able to find the way. 20. Meenakshi | June 30. please advice some mantra to chant to conceive a baby. Naran | May 29. I had to book a ticket to US and for the last few days the prices were really high.. 2013 at 6:51 am Once I had a dream of a cat walking through a waterfall. pray to blue whale. I am fond of cats…in fact in my life. I started thanking wolf and prayed to wolf that it should be with me till i finish the booking.. 2013 at 3:35 am Wow my bf called the other day morning and he spoke well and asked sorry too. hang a picture of jelly fish in the house. pl refer to my earlier query about Cats. Is there something wrong with me ? or wolf doesnt want to help me ? Pls answer naren Ji o Naran | June 27.. 2013 at 6:32 am Naranji. Prasant | June 12. 2013 at 12:42 pm Naran Sir. Kindly let me know the significance of Animal Spirit Guide of cats…Thank you… o Web Admin | July 9. Meenakshi | July 9. Please suugest some mantras to chant and to have a fruitful result Thank you 17. Sarah | December 5. means like (Eagle & Wolf). I wished wolf thanks a lot for the help. the price was very affordable but when i started booking the price fluctuation began and by the time i finished the booking i had to shell out an additional Rs. cats always come to our home and they get attached to me only. 2013 at 4:18 am Naran Ji. wolf would be hurt. 2013 at 2:16 am PRASANT Each one is specific in its work.. Even today morning for auto i needed money i called upon wolf to help me during emergency situation for 1 rupee some how i should have it in my bag . chant together divine 26. junju | June 26. u are really great .. thanks for guiding 21. 2013 at 6:36 pm For harmony between husband and wife. Can you please suggest which animal should i call to help me reunite with my husband separated because of lot of misunderstandings and suspicion. 2013 at 4:10 am jinju. 2014 at 8:55 am I wanted to go to usa for sometimes now. even though the bag was jam-packed. . I belong to a very well-educated and close- knot loving family. we had a restless night. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Category Archives: Wolf Travel to US was smooth SEP 3 Sashi My son was travelling to US. sapna | May 20. We prayed that weight of all the 3 bags should not cross the limit. his parents and my mother-in-laws parents too. My in laws are not giving us our rights. they don’t visit often worrying that my husband will trouble me. we gave him variety of ready-made foods. Now I have a 7 month old son ans still don’t mind living with everyone. I am an live with my husband and in-laws. utensils etc. Since he was going for the 1st time. Snake’s Visit JU Mangala We had a rat snake (about a foot long) in the house on Monday evening. which happened. to help me find the snake. Prince Amartey | January 30. gave it to my aged mother (who was very worried). 7 men with sticks. My husband loves me as such but gets bursts of uncontrollable anger when he verbally abuses me and my family and says I have not been brought up properly. and they keep rejecting me. & Rescue Remedy for all of us.My husband is facing difficulty in job too. 2014 at 7:04 am Namaste narak ji We live in rented house. 2014 at 6:49 am Hi Naran. my maid with s broom & me. Even though they talk to me. We could not find it even though we knew it was hiding near the fridge. Leo | August 6. 29. Even in UK/Dallas airports. 27. could not find it anywhere within a few minutes of having seen it on the kitchen floor near the fridge. husband and I are very tensed due to paying rent.My brother in law goes for black magic for us as I should not get anything from in laws narak ji Plz help me. When he weighed at the airport. provisions. I don’t mind that but he hates me being close to my parents and family. I chanted (Bach Flower Remedy for fear) MIMULUS. my husband with an emergency lamp. I prayed to WOLF that his travel should be smooth. His father is extremely possessive of him and is now possessive of my son too. He never lets us spend time with each other and keeps interrupting our conversations.I just want my husband to love my family and stand by me.Can you help this time What should i do this time 28. he was never questioned.What should I chant and which animal should I call for getting our property. for more than a minute. Along with that he had clothes. MY sasur ji has given 75 % property to his elder son. it was perfect.  REC  BLOG ARCHIVES TOPICS Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. What switchwords or switchphrases can I say today at work? I want to be able to return to our home tonight and he’s still there. I have a very close knit family myself and hence relented to staying with my husband. I really want my parents . He never appreciates the sacrifices I make. uncles and brother to be close to me and my son and also to my husband. I then prayed to WOLF.. My husband always supports his father no matter what. it resulted in the blow-up this morning. I do love him and I know that he loves me and we’re happy most of the time but it’s been a very stressful couple of weeks for us both. They are divine angels. we could use animal spirits too. We label someone as a dog. who normally helps with snakes in this area. I thanked WOLF for helping me find the snake. Snake represents new life. I pushed a broom stick inside the drain to check if anything was clogged. but does feel bad that we had to take a life. Whenever you think about Animal Spirit Guides. The water would not flow down. but I guess it is a question of survival. their homes are being flooded by the rains. Please note: Picture of Animals like Rabbit. Only human beings are not divine as our mind rules us. minerals (gemstones) etc. For example. and then the head of the snake appeared inside the drain. They will come to your aid. they will keep returning. He got it out. Like calling upon Bach Flower remedies – in the form of chanting. If you see snake often means you have to let go of the past and start a new life. One student asks if snake falls on me what it represents. flowers. Naran Message from the animal spirit guide snake 1. Wolf and other 36 animal spirit guides are available at the centre. I could not stop him killing it. the eggs have hatched & many young ones are coming out in search of safe hiding place. to help us. once they find a way inside. Balakumar Call them when you require help Animal spirits are there. It’s raining and you need a taxi. They are your friends We are part of animals. Buy them and use them to invoke their energy/resource. Speak to them as though speaking to a friend. I feel bad about that. I kept the milk to boil. It tells be ready for a new life. Animals are right brain beings and therefore they are much more intelligent than us. even though we don’t have intelligence of a dog. and then turned the kitchen tap on to fill water in a vessel for tea. Seeking the Help of Animal Spirit Guides APR 11 Posted by Naran S. Call Wolf whenever you need help – let us say you need to get a seat in the bus. Some more examples: to get hotel reservations. 3. Then I called the gardener. and fill yourself as well as your surroundings with that energy. Actually we humans have taken their place. They can be called for any kind of help. How Can We Call Upon WOLF? .Early morning. OUT popped a tail. to get the appropriate rent. I know I cannot give them a place in my home. God is helping us through nature – Bach Flower Remedies and Animal Spirits for example. when we wanted to abuse them. prostrate to them as they are divine beings. I am doing the forgiveness Mantra. 2. Each animal has some resource that we could use. it means release your guilt. to get the reasonable price when selling the land and to get volunteers (for Wolf is a Volunteer). because he says. If you get a dream where in a snake chasing you. How and when to call them? Call them when there is a need. You will find one stopping by your house. Calling it by name Talk to it as though it is your friend. that we are calling the spirit of WOLF and not the animal itself. as there was long week-end holiday ahead. Only because of him. 2) Got the permission from my husband.m. The call method or word for help if we need from Wolf is. say “Wolf! I thank you. Write its name in a piece of paper and carry it. 3) Help me to get some way of transportation to reach Chennai. I am new to Chennai and have no friends or relatives in Chennai.Have its picture in the office or at home. Project their image of WOLF on the concerned person. Wolf will never let us down – it’s the truth!!! Meditate upon it – for example look at the picture of WOLF for five minutes and then look at it internally for five minutes. got reminded of WOLF. nothing worked out. I prayed to WOLF: 1) Please help me find a suitable place to stay within my budget. our great friend. We are just remembering it. Connections with animal spirits are always there. Instantly. only 4 days left for the class. sitting at office around 11-00a. You can also sleep with the Wolf picture under the pillow Call it using its Tamil name or a Hindi name. Suddenly. WOLF is my best friend. Please note here. But till that day. everything got arranged. 1) Got a PG to stay with the help of Shobana madam. within next 48 hrs. Please help me” Wolf the Friend. Tuesday morning. . You just need awareness. The story goes like this: It was almost over. And lo. I had not found a place to stay in Chennai. as language is not important. I could attend the Reiki Past-Life healing classes at Chennai. 3) Got my ticket to travel by Special buses arranged by KSRTC. Reiki the Saviour Yes friends. Spoke to Shobana madam requesting for some arrangement for stay. 2) Help me to get the permission from my husband to go to Chennai. Keep its picture in the pocket. so we could convince them and get orders. especially when I am late to airport. DS I am marketing my friend Wolf! In many ways I have tried out his assistance. I catch flights on time even though I am late. to exchange the love and light energy to the HUMAN KIND. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. Monthly Archives: March 2012 Manage Your Work and Assignments Successfully MAR 28 Posted by Naran S. I ask Wolf to order someone to call me. . I am a lazy bugger and hit the airport in the last-minute. so many times. channel of Lord Narayan in the form of human being. nowhere else we might get such enlightenment.Superb. It is very helpful while doing negotiation too. I Am a Free Ambassador for the Animal Spirit Guide Wolf!!! AUG 19 Mr. when you want to give up a project – maybe it’s too complicated to complete and you become desperate to finish. Probably. was the class which came as a blessing for me from the UNIVERSE. Getting taxis in need. Thanks to NARAN. I use it in meetings with customers. Balakumar Call upon Animal Spirit Guide TORTOISE. I call Wolf. His help is limitless!!! Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. especially while making international trips. The equivalent Switch Words are SLOW CARE. I can go on talk about him. It’s especially helpful for advocates. You will find the time to do it. You will be able to split up your work in such a way. Creativity For creativity in the film world. Share this: Manage your Bosses and Coworkers tactfully MAR 12 Posted by Naran S. Facing an interview To gather all resources for an interview. see the picture of EMU Getting co-operation When you need cooperation from others especially for computer professionals. Handling a difficult task When you are heavily burdened. chant HORSE and (Bach Flower Remedy) WILLOW If in a factory the workers are not working properly. Handling those who criticizes you Someone criticizes and attacks you verbally.Manage your work SQUIRREL can help you to organize and execute your work. Balakumar Being tactful is the need of the hour Seek FOX when thinking or being tactful is the need of the hour (tandrama pesanum – speak smartly) and you need to be diplomatic. you can hang the photo of the WOLF there. make the criticizing person leave you seek HARE. CHIMPANZEE will work. that you will complete them by bits and pieces. Resources to achieve your goal At work. you have to make your point and at the same time the other person should not get angry but understand you. Project Management RABBIT also helps to complete all projects in time. Managing your superiors INDIAN CUCKOO: In government offices where the higher-ups pressurize too much the lower staff. if you think there is no promotion in sight. To maintain your distance and space. to handle them by lower rank people. this bird will help. finding it difficult to do the job on hand. CUCKOO will give you the required patience to achieve your goal. when you are not prepared for it and therefore you worry about it: SQUIRREL . Nobody from office should disturb you. in all situation you will not get any other job till you give your hundred percent. you will not find a new job Many people say that “I don’t like this job”. for example to your boss at work  To have freedom from workplace – you are stuck with lots of work and not able to get out of office. The Mystique Theme. Balakumar Even in the morning times when one is not motivate to do the work. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. Cursing the employer and everyday going to the work with lot of resentment. PELICAN will work wonders and make that person give hundred percent in the present job.  When a task couldn’t be completed.  Yes! Your job can be fun and enriching!! MAR 5 Posted by Naran S. If you dislike your current job. With the result they will not give their hundred percent to their work. DRAGON FLY will help you Feeling bored When you are getting bored with doing the same routine work look at the picture of DOLPHIN and immediately you will get a surge of energy. Interest to do your job Not to lose interest in your work. In all such Work-Life balance Call upon . Suddenly will dislike a place and feel somebody is bossing over you and recognition is not there or proper remuneration is not there. when:  You don’t want to be a slave to somebody. If you are not getting a new job then find out how you treat the current job. or you need strength to complete the work  When we want to come out of dire straits.  Say. And it’s already late. HUMMING BIRD can help. Follow Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. for example the economic downturn in US (you could project it on to US)  It gives you leadership qualities  BLOG ARCHIVES  TOPICS Create a free website or blog at WordPress. you are away on a holiday for 10 days. he stuck to his vow. One day by chance he got up early. for example. and some are unable to settle down in life. Moral of the story Rooster will make you enthusiastic about your endeavors. Somebody didn’t settle in a job. of course. with assistance of CAMEL. the Animal Spirit Guide CAMEL will help him to settle. Have the picture of it as your screen saver. Going forward… So pray to the animal spirit guide Rooster to have enthusiasm and joy for your studies or work. However. so that their children could study well. Well. HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: April 2012 A lazy boy becomes studious APR 26 Posted by Naran S. Heard the wake-up call of a Rooster. Balakumar A Chinese mythological story… A boy was not doing well in class. But. when one says that he cannot make friends in the new environment. can handle those difficult circumstances calmly. they feel bored. He was lazy. thanks to Rooster they will develop interest in their studies. . He used to get up late and had never been to school on time. rather woke up due to it. On a whim he took a decision that he will wake up early like the Rooster and will be the first person to reach the school. Feeling isolated For people who feel isolated. when it comes to their studies. Balakumar Whenever we visit a foreign country or when somebody is settling down in a new job. have a picture of ELEPHANT and meditate upon that and keep it under the pillow then you will make friends. To adapt to a new place: FROG. Settling Down APR 8 Posted by Naran S. Parents could put up of picture of Rooster. They can call upon the Animal Spirit Guide CAMEL. Settle down in a new place – totally a new circumstance. was the first to reach his school. RAT will help one to adjust to a new place and new environment. How? They do study story books with a great deal of interest. until he completed his schooling. a bride moving to her in-laws place. In any case I have been in a serious conflict with my boyfriend for a few days – the culmination of a little over a year of disagreement. I have also been writing down some of the mantras from your site so I have been close to healing vibes if you will. It was too frustrating. For this entire time I have not felt listened to you. The Mystique Theme. Share this:  Print  TOPICS Select Category Create a free website or blog at WordPress. I want to preface this by saying that I have also been using the circle technique to utilize a set of Bach flowers you gave me for releasing old fears and securing a new job. I asked Blue whale to help resolve the situation because I felt I couldn’t let it go without being Balakumar Grace I have another incredible turnaround. Follow Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: May 2012 Good Communication and Understanding MAY 18 Posted by Naran S. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. I have explained to him again and again my views and why I have been upset with him. Growing desperate yesterday I just remembered the animal spirit guide BLUE WHALE. Over the next few hours he SUDDENLY started actually listening and understanding what I have been saying. Many things were cleared up! This does not mean we have decided to continue our relationship necessarily but there is such peace for me in . knowing that I am not doomed to always be unheard. Don’t want to have problem inside family how to call upon BLUE WHALE and CHIMPANZEE Naran “Blue whale.” say this once daily or whenever the conflict arises. He also was able to express to me several things which were on his mind. I felt compassion for myself because I know I am a good worker and that this is happening because I have ignored myself wanting to leave too many times. My problem is how I should call them for help in my below situation: 1. be here in the house with me and my husband and establish harmony here. Thank you Blue whale! Thank you Naran! Harmony with Husband CJ I read through your blog “Animal Spirit Guide” wonderful and amazing. I am sure Emu will continue to help me until I get to the very end of my to-do list. 2. Hornbeam and Elm. I tried to use the circle technique with the Bach flowers Oak. I really wanted to get my work done. For peace and harmony – my husband use to nag for petty things the moment he gets home and this really annoys kids and me. I even got sick for a week I believe as a way to escape the office. no matter what sort of affirmation or pushing I did to myself. Balakumar Grace I have been seriously procrastinating in the office due to my heart no longer being I the work I am doing. I want everyone to know EMU is the animal that will help you defeat procrastination IMMEDIATELY. I still was not able to get any work done and instead spent my time looking at my astrology and in resolving other personal issues (these issues are important too but work is not the right place!) Finally. I was thinking of an animal other than horse but I couldn’t remember what Naran had said. The situation was becoming problematic though because I was running out of excuses as to why certain items have not yet been completed. Thank you Naran. Join 73 other followers . I would waste time. It went from a chore to just simply the next thing I am going to do…no problem. Share this: Emulate MAY 8 Posted by Naran S. This really will help me to release my pile-up loads that were stock up and pressure me all this while. I am a bit more light-hearted and finished something that should have been done 3 weeks ago in less than 30 mins. Thank you God! Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. I saw a picture of Emu and laughed! After that the work became necessary to do. It was a self-protest if you will. Thank you EMU. To clean up so that I can feel comfortable moving on to a better more suitable location. However. You can say this again and again also. something reminded me to go check out Naran’s animal suggestions. Get Ready to Become a Mother Pigeon is an excellent and useful bird. Explanation Sweet Chestnut and Walnut are Bach flower  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: August 2012 It’s all about Getting Pregnant AUG 30 Posted by Naran S. Chant “SWEET CHESTNUT. Sweet Chestnut: gives you divine grace Walnut: will make you get ready to transition to motherhood Rabbit: the animal spirit guide to get pregnant. hang a RABBIT photograph in the bedroom. Many ladies have pregnancy problem. Rabbit the savior Bala Are there are any remedies to get pregnant? Naran  If both are clinically ok. why not me?” If such ladies come to know that if another woman of their age is pregnant then they cannot rejoice. It gives you what you need for mother hood.  Take sweet chestnut walnut two doses a day. 3. One of the reasons for that is that they are not ready for that. Balakumar 1. Need Divine Grace Rumpi I want to conceive and for successful conceiving. 2. WALNUT” in the night about two hundred times. Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. can you suggest some remedies to chant? Naran Hang a picture of RABBIT in the room. And meditate upon it for 5 minutes before going to bed. Those ladies who do not have children may have their mental pattern as “All other ladies have children. . For a woman to become pregnant she needs the help of the animal spirit guides RABBIT and a PIGEON. In such situations the message of God is ‘Be patient. Have been through a lot of treatments – nothing worked. Searching for a solution – going from one doctor to another Vidhya I have hypo thyroid problem.They will also have guilt feeling thinking what sin they have committed. My sister-in-law is affected by uterus tuberculosis. She takes a lot of medical treatments. doctors say no serious complication. Can you please advise me? Naran  Hang a picture of rabbit in your bedroom. We have a 9-year-old boy.  Both you and your husband should take the flower remedies.  Chant the mantra “LALITHAM PADMANABAM LALITHAM SRINIVASAM LALITHAM DAMODARAM”. Around the first circle write “SWEET CHESTNUT JUPITER WALNUT FIND DIVINE child”. CERATO. She didn’t get conceived. Here you are seeking expansion of your family Find Divine: to get the blessings of divinity to get a child 6. Naran  Ask them to hang a rabbit photo in the bed rom.  Write their names and circle it. Thank the Unborn Child Rita I and my husband are trying for a second baby. Till now he has no child. Please give the remedy to conceive and get child. We were caught up with life here in the USA and so never thought about a second one. WALNUT and HORNBEAM Explanation Cerato: the Bach flower will show you the way for the solution Hornbeam: not to get stuck up and move on . once a day – SWEET CHESTNUT. So all these three qualities one can get from Pigeon. not able to conceive. Naran  Have a RABBIT picture in the bed room.  Thank the child which is to be born 5. Don’t know which doctor to go. Advance thanks. married for seven years. have faith and perseverance’. 4. but it’s not working. Ask them to chant this mantra too. Explanation LALITHAM PADMANABAM LALITHAM SRINIVASAM LALITHAM DAMODARAM: helps getting pregnant Jupiter: is for expansion. We need blessings of Jupiter Santhose Kumar My brother got married 8 years back. I ask Wolf to order someone to call me. It is very helpful while doing negotiation Getting taxis in need. The Mystique Theme. especially while making international trips. Balakumar Mr. so we could convince them and get orders. I call Wolf. I use it in meetings with customers. . DS I am marketing my friend Wolf! In many ways I have tried out his assistance. His help is limitless!!! Blog at WordPress. especially when I am late to airport. It was very large! Can it mean something other than being pregnant? I am 100 percent sure I am not pregnant nor do I intend to be. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. I can go on talk about him. Share this:   Pocket  44 Comments I Am a Free Ambassador for the Animal Spirit Guide Wolf!!! AUG 19 Posted by Naran  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: September 2012 Think Differently Says the Rabbit SEP 24 Posted by Naran S. Follow Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. The night following I had a dream featuring a hawk. I am a lazy bugger and hit the airport in the last-minute. Balakumar Grace In a very unusual circumstance a black rabbit came to cross my path. so many times. I catch flights on time even though I am late. 2. This difference you have to understand. Take care of your Urinary. Think differently or approach any problem differently. Naran When the animals appear suddenly either in dream or you see them. Share this: Go  NARAN ONLINE  RECENT POSTS  TOPICS Create a free website or blog at WordPress. especially the food cravings Resources of Rabbit To drive out any pessimistic talk rabbit will help and to help one to become optimistic. Follow Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Take the decision now. Act now. friend. There is no more time available. Hang the picture of Rabbit facing your bed. Curb the desires (message from God and not from the Rabbit). The Mystique Theme. the message they give is different. .com. Rabbit wants you to be careful for another 3 weeks. RABBIT also helps to complete all projects in time. This implies there is a strain in your relationships 4. Genital organs – strengthen your Hara Chakra. Somebody is waiting to cheat – it could be your relative. From the Animal Spirit Guide Manual Messages from Rabbit 1. 3. it can be used along with PIGEON. Their resources or what they can do if we call is different. As RABBIT improves fertility in persons. Assuming no problem between husband and wife physically – they need to beget a child. You may love a person 5. shop keeper or unknown person. so that you could see them first thing in the morning and last thing in the night before going to sleep. Hang the picture of Pigeon in the hall. Balakumar Adjusting to the new family When the bride goes to groom’s house after the marriage. Reiki the Saviour OCT 11 Posted by Naran S. Hang the picture facing your bed. As RABBIT improves fertility in person. Wolf the Friend. so that you could see them first thing in the morning and last thing in the night. I had not found a place to stay in Chennai. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. give the picture of Crab. Only because of him. Satisfying your partner When you want to please and satisfy your partner. For total harmony in the family. Tuesday  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: October 2012 Just Married OCT 18 Posted by Naran S. hang a picture of jelly fish in the house. Child birth RABBIT: assuming no problem between husband and wife physically – they need to beget a child. use the resources of an ELEPHANT. I am new to Chennai and have no friends or relatives in Chennai. She will understand her husband’s family easily. Balakumar Roopa Yes friends. . she can carry the photo of RAT with her. only 4 days left for the class. WOLF is my best friend. Harmony For harmony between husband and wife. The story goes like this: It was almost over. For newly married girl. it can be used along with PIGEON. The Animal Spirit Guide CRAB helps you to quickly adapt to new situations and a new life. I could attend the Reiki Past-Life healing classes at Chennai. JELLY FISH is an excellent resource. And lo. channel of Lord Narayan in the form of human being. I prayed to WOLF: 1) Please help me find a suitable place to stay within my budget. our great friend. everything got arranged. to exchange the love and light energy to the HUMAN KIND. 3) Got my ticket to travel by Special buses arranged by KSRTC. Instantly. 1) Got a PG to stay with the help of Shobana madam. Probably. The Mystique Theme. Follow Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. got reminded of WOLF. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. Balakumar . nothing worked out. within next 48 hrs.m. 2) Got the permission from my husband. as there was long week-end holiday ahead. Superb. Thanks to 2) Help me to get the permission from my husband to go to Chennai. was the class which came as a blessing for me from the UNIVERSE. nowhere else we might get such enlightenment. 3) Help me to get some way of transportation to reach Chennai. sitting at office around ANIMAL SPIRIT GUIDES  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: November 2012 Be a Smarty NOV 29 Posted by Naran S. Spoke to Shobana madam requesting for some arrangement for stay.  TOPICS Blog at WordPress. But till that day. Suddenly. Pray to it. till the interview is over. you want to handle people  To say “NO” without offending  Handle negotiations  Work through property dealings. he is not getting appreciated. Your visa application will be accepted. Bach Flower Remedy Gorse could help too. to be with you. Getting co-operation from others NOV 9 Posted by Naran S. It’s like Bach Flower Remedy WALNUT. He doesn’t have job satisfaction either. It works for diplomacy like gem stone EMERALD. This is required especially when you apply for an American Visa. from starting till closing the deal. Dealing with airport authorities We don’t know what they are thinking and we couldn’t read their minds (Tamil proverb ‘Nari Moonjia Parthittu Ponga’ – to get better results. Because of office politics he is suffering a lot. Balakumar My husband doesn’t have job satisfaction Ambika Even though my husband is working hard. It’s especially helpful for advocates. LARCH. For getting a visa. Keep the HORSE picture also in his pocket. WALNUT” in a piece of paper and keep it in his pocket. How to gain respect. WATER VIOLET. Rajalakshmi What should be done to gain respect and affection and cooperation from colleagues at work place? Naran . Request it to answer for you. GENTIAN and WILD ROSE is a beautiful combination. His colleagues and manager are trying to spoil his name. Call upon Fox. Naran Write the names of Bach flowers “HOLLY. WILLOW. One percent if they ask you.Diplomacy Fox: Keyword is ‘Adjust’. the Bach Flower Remedies. 99% of the time you won’t be asked any questions. affection and cooperation? V. when:  Confrontation won’t work  Divorce proceedings is taking longer  Without getting irritated. Plus you have to ask the animal spirit guide Fox to be with you. watch the face of the fox before you attend to your problem). to speak smartly and tactfully Visa Finder Getting visa – for we might be cornered in some way. Fox: Activates left brain – thinking brain. Being tactful is the need of the hour Seek FOX when thinking or being tactful is the need of the hour (tandrama pesanum – speak smartly) and you need to be diplomatic. you have to make your point and at the same time the other person should not get angry but understand you. Fox will help you then. the animal spirit FOX will answer on your behalf. Write FOX in a paper and keep the paper with you until the interview is over. BEECH. write the name of the child. when the child is under-prepared and anxious. Study. Follow Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. will find purpose in life People . Balakumar For… Money. Keep a HORSE picture. Daily chant WATER VIOLET while going to the Write WATER VIOLET in a piece of paper and keep it with you. Purpose Squirrel: For people who are doing nothing or loitering around. The Mystique  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: December 2012 Find the Right Resources for SUCCESS DEC 18 Posted by Naran S. Share this:  Print  StumbleUpon  Email  TOPICS Blog at WordPress. Call HORSE and ask “please be in my energy field so that I get cooperation from my colleagues”. and Squirrel using the circle technique. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. Purpose and People… Study To gather all resources for the exam. To be surrounded and attract honest and straight-forward people: Squirrel. Interview To gather all resources for an interview, when you are not prepared for it and therefore you worry about it: SQUIRREL Work SQUIRREL can help you to organize and execute your work. You will find the time to do it. You will be able to split up your work in such a way, that you will complete them by bits and pieces. Investment SQUIRREL: For wise investment. We don’t know how to invest and the company where we have invested will not do well. To handle all of them, call upon Squirrel. Savings Squirrel: Promotes savings and to accumulate money bit by bit Cut down Unwanted expenses or money is over by 10th: SQUIRREL. It also helps to do anything within the budget. Money Squirrel also will bring in lot of money. To start earning money, and there will be no financial problem as somehow you will get money: SQUIRREL You can call upon Squirrel when you are desperately looking for money. Though, it will work only when you need money and constantly worry about it. Too much financial worries, even though you have enough money in your hands: SQUIRREL Share this: Love follows without fail DEC 10 Posted by Naran S. Balakumar One person who is loved by all is the one who loves all One’s love is different as a wife, as a daughter and as a son. But as a mother one’s is totally different. To know what is mother’s love is taught by Pigeon. If you go on seeing the photo of Pigeon and meditate upon it, it will make you conceive as it gives you motherly qualities. We have all lost the patience, love and so we all can see the photo of Pigeon often. Love is measured by us to give it others and we do not give it spontaneously. Those who do not have these, the pigeon will cultivate it in them. What is the mental state here is the person cannot enjoy at the success of others. “Why me?” the question is there in all of us. If one says, why me, it means there is no love, there is no perseverance and there is no patience. The pigeon will give you all these three qualities. You are in the midst of trials and tribulations. You need to have endurance and perseverance, and wait for your turn. So to develop endurance, perseverance, and patience seek Pigeon. The Animal Spirit Guides BLUE WHALE, JELLY FISH, PIGEON and CHIMPANZEE are the best combination for harmony. It makes you become more sociable. Share this:  Print Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: January 2013 Surviving in your job and office is easy JAN 1 Posted by Naran S. Balakumar Office politics When you feel victimized and blame others. Horse will reduce the victim mentality. When you blame even in mind, the other person will start blaming. Pray, “Horse! Help me to stop this blaming”. When you need cooperation from others, especially for computer professionals, chant HORSE and (Bach Flower Remedy) WILLOW When there is a severe commotion and you are not able to come out, at that time call horse or look at the picture of horse. Work-Life balance Call upon HORSE, when:  You don’t want to be a slave to somebody, for example to your boss at work  To have freedom from workplace – you are stuck with lots of work and not able to get out of office. And it’s already late.  Say, you are away on a holiday for 10 days. Nobody from office should disturb you.  When a task couldn’t be completed, or you need strength to complete the work  When we want to come out of dire straits, for example the economic downturn in US (you could project it on to US)  It gives you leadership qualities Getting co-operation from others Ambika Even my husband working hard, He is not getting appreciation. He doesn’t have job satisfaction. Because of office politics he is suffering a lot. His colleagues and manager are trying to spoil his name. Naran Write the names of flowers “HOLLY, WILLOW, BEECH, WALNUT” in a piece of paper and keep it in his pocket. Keep HORSE picture also in his pocket. V. Rajalakshmi What should be done to gain respect and affection and cooperation from colleagues at work place? Naran Keep a HORSE picture. Call HORSE and ask “please be in my energy field so that I get cooperation from my colleagues”. Daily chant WATER VIOLET while going to the office. Write WATER VIOLET in a piece of paper and keep it with you Gain everything For boost of strength: Hornbeam, Elm, and Horse Look at the picture of horse to get self-confidence. Keep HORSE for any tight financial situation, where your earnings are restricted. Settle property disputes HORSE will help you to settle any dispute In all negotiations you can keep photos of KIWI, HORSE and CRANE. Share this:   TOPICS Create a free website or blog at The Mystique Theme. Follow Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Join 73 other followers He did the same and slept very well. The next day he got up so fresh. I got a too long sleep such that I got up late too but this time with a sense of some fullness. One day out of frustration I saw the WOLF picture in my mobile and I started telling what all I did on that day. I really don’t know what happened before I could complete it. WOLF is the remedy. I want to have a sound sleep’. Next day also I did the same and I told WOLF to wake me up at 6am in the morning and I also thanked the WOLF for waking me up at 6am. But if we did not get sleep for am sharp. The Mystique Theme. for years then it becomes a problem. I used to think a lot about my problems and I don’t get any proper sleep. I told him to believe first and not to laugh at my technique. it also adds on and we get irritated through the day. Amazing. My day starts and ends with WOLF. I suggest everyone to make use of WOLF for anything and everything. My husband was also suffering from this same problem. I had a good sleep and got up on  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: February 2013 Angel for Sleep FEB 17 Posted by Naran S. most importantly out of the bed at 5. And he told thanks to WOLF for this. I fell asleep. Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. I sleep very late and get up late and everything becomes late and irritating. I thank you for introducing WOLF. I hope WOLF will clear out other issues also and I will again post about it. With all the other problems. Usually he gets up irritatingly as he will not get sleep at all. It was such a deep and sound sleep I ever had with the problems around me. Follow . Once again thank you! Share this:  Print  StumbleUpon Top of Form  TOPICS Blog at WordPress. I told him to tell WOLF ‘Please make me sleep well. If we need any help anytime no matter what the circumstances are. I was so happy that I was able to get up early. Sleep might turn out to be a small problem. For years I was struggling to get up early. Balakumar Karthika I would like to share my experiences here. WOLF is a Hero. For any immediate and instance help WOLF is there. Is there a message there? Naran Have a long-term goal. Avoid sweets – it will take you down spiritually 8. God is helping us through nature – Bach Flower Remedies and Animal Spirits for example. Balakumar Call them when you require help Animal spirits are there. . We label someone as a dog. to help us. even though we don’t have intelligence of a dog. They are your friends We are part of animals. Any struggle is not a struggle and it is only a challenge. arguments – which will lead you to harmful ways 5. minerals (gemstones)  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: April 2013 Fly High APR 19 Posted by Naran S. Get initiated into a Mantra 3. when we wanted to abuse them. Conserve your energy Share this:  Print  StumbleUpon Seeking the Help of Animal Spirit Guides APR 11 Posted by Naran S. They can be called for any kind of help. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. Avoid fats 7. Other Messages from Eagle 1. flowers. Stop the quarrel you are presently involved and rise above mundane things 6. Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Balakumar Deepa While travelling in a car I saw an eagle flying and sitting on an electric pole. Think positively and do things. Animals are right brain beings and therefore they are much more intelligent than us. Watch your temper. Walk in the spiritual path 4. 2. to get the appropriate rent. Connections with animal spirits are always there. prostrate to them as they are divine beings. Wolf will never let us down – it’s the truth!!! Meditate upon it – for example look at the picture of WOLF for five minutes and then look at it internally for five minutes. say “Wolf! I thank Please help me” Blog at WordPress. Wolf and other 36 animal spirit guides are available at the centre. Write its name in a piece of paper and carry it. Speak to them as though speaking to a friend. we could use animal spirits too. to get the reasonable price when selling the land and to get volunteers (for Wolf is a Volunteer). The call method or word for help if we need from Wolf is. Some more examples: to get hotel reservations. You can also sleep with the Wolf picture under the pillow Call it using its Tamil name or a Hindi name. We are just remembering it. They will come to your aid. They are divine angels. The Mystique Theme. It’s raining and you need a taxi. that we are calling the spirit of WOLF and not the animal itself. For example. Share this:  Print How Can We Call Upon WOLF? APR 11 Posted by Naran S. Please note here. You just need awareness. Buy them and use them to invoke their energy/resource.Like calling upon Bach Flower remedies – in the form of chanting. Please note: Picture of Animals like Rabbit. and fill yourself as well as your surroundings with that energy. Calling it by name Talk to it as though it is your friend. Each animal has some resource that we could use. Whenever you think about Animal Spirit Guides. Balakumar Have its picture in the office or at home. Keep its picture in the pocket. You will find one stopping by your house. Follow Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. . Project their image of WOLF on the concerned person. Only human beings are not divine as our mind rules us. How and when to call them? Call them when there is a need. Call Wolf whenever you need help – let us say you need to get a seat in the bus. as language is not important. If you go on seeing the photo of Pigeon and meditate upon it. perseverance. it will make you conceive as it gives you motherly qualities.  TOPICS Blog at WordPress. Balakumar Grace A pigeon came to my windowsill in my living room for the first time. You are in the midst of trials and tribulations. I was shocked by it. Other message from Pigeon is. Jellyfish. and wait for your turn. as a daughter and as a son. “We have all lost the patience. The pigeon will give you all these three qualities. To know what mother’s love is taught by pigeon. It makes you become more sociable. Follow Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” . it is the call of the ancestors and he has to think of his ancestors and feed some body. What does this mean? Naran There is nothing to fear about it. But as a “Why me?” the question is there in all of us. Those who do not have these. The Mystique Theme. love and so we all can see the photo of pigeon often” Love is measured by us to give it others and we do not give it spontaneously. why me. if one hears only the sound of pigeons and not sees the pigeons. What is the mental state here is that the person cannot enjoy at the success of others. Pigeon and Chimpanzee combination is the best combination for harmony. If one says. Blue Whale. So to develop endurance. one’s is totally different. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. there is no perseverance and there is no patience. and patience seek  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: May 2013 Take measured steps MAY 12 Posted by Naran S. When you call upon Pigeon… “One person who is loved by all is the one who loves all” One’s love is different as a wife. Chant the switch words “SLOW CARE”. it means there is no love. the pigeon will cultivate it in them. You need to have endurance and perseverance. who normally helps with snakes in this area. they will keep returning. I could not stop him killing it. my husband with an emergency lamp. Early morning. we had a restless night. I know I cannot give them a place in my home. I feel bad about that. to help me find the snake. Naran Mes sage from the animal spirit guide snake . and then the head of the snake appeared inside the drain. 7 men with sticks. but does feel bad that we had to take a life. I thanked WOLF for helping me find the snake. We could not find it even though we knew it was hiding near the fridge. & Rescue Remedy for all of us. but I guess it is a question of survival. gave it to my aged mother (who was very worried). Snake’s Visit JUN 9 Posted by Naran S. their homes are being flooded by the rains. because he says. Then I called the gardener. Naturally. could not find it anywhere within a few minutes of having seen it on the kitchen floor near the fridge. I pushed a broom stick inside the drain to check if anything was  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: June 2013 Be patient JUN 21 Posted by Naran S. Are sparrows animal guides and is there a message here or can I just take it as a coincidence? Naran Be patient. my maid with s broom & me. Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. once they find a way inside. I chanted (Bach Flower Remedy for fear) MIMULUS. I am doing the forgiveness Mantra. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. As I was praying. That is the message. Actually we humans have taken their place. I then prayed to WOLF. and then turned the kitchen tap on to fill water in a vessel for tea. Balakumar I went to the Vinayaga temple on my birthday. OUT popped a tail. I kept the milk to boil. He got it out. the eggs have hatched & many young ones are coming out in search of safe hiding place. The water would not flow down. Balakumar Mangala We had a rat snake (about a foot long) in the house on Monday evening. there were 2 sparrows which flew in and stood above the deity. “TOGETHER DIVINE”: Explanation The entwined swans represent intimate love. 1. I also know he loves me a lot. Share this:  Print Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Naran Download a picture of two swans with their necks entwined. But things tend to go wrong and out of hand sometimes. 3. Keep it under your pillow and your husband’s. 2. you can call upon the animal spirit guide HORSE. because most of the times he is always angry with me. If you see snake often means you have to let go of the past and start a new life. One student called me up and said he could not get a project. In the morning or evening look at the picture. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. But still I really want to change everything to LOVE and make him happy and calm. Balakumar Ishah I am keen to change my relationship with my husband to total love and harmony. Within the next 2-3 days he got a project. Balakumar . I asked him to download a picture of Horse and look at it daily. One student asks if snake falls on me what it represents. where you think that you are  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: July 2013 Entwined in Love JUL 28 Posted by Naran S. Posted by Naran S. As I do sometimes make mistakes for which I immediately say sorry. It tells be ready for a new life. and chant the switch words. No Work during festival holidays JUL 8 Posted by Naran S. If you get a dream where in a snake chasing you. Balakumar Naran In situations. Final-year engineering students need to do a project as part of their course. Snake represents new life. it means release your guilt. thank the house. due to tight project schedule. the only prerequisite is love. you have to give your hundred percent in your current job. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. If you dislike your current job. knowing Swami’s need to go to his native place. His boss. Then your anger. you have to look at the picture of PELICAN. you will not get any other job. As he is the business analyst for the project and his presence is a must. Swami was asked to work through festival holidays. To be there in a particular place or in a job of your liking. So. He downloaded a picture of horse and kept it as a screen saver. many bad things may happen in the current house. So you cannot be blaming the house. Houses are very sensitive. recognition is not there or proper remuneration is not there. “I don’t like this job”. If you are not getting a new job then find out how you treat your current  Monthly Archives: August 2013 Enjoy Your Life and Work AUG 25 Posted by Naran S. Life lessons . Then we will not get a good house in the future. the Animal Spirit Guide PELICAN will help. resentment – everything will come down. Balakumar Love your house and place of work We may be blaming the present house where we are living. the message of the Pelican is stop criticizing and grudging. To like the place where we are. without any prompting from Swami. Thus. with an additional two day’s comp-off. With the result they will not give their hundred percent to their work. PELICAN will work wonders by making that person give hundred percent in their present job. he couldn’t ask for leave during that period. allowed him to go to his native place. you will not find a new job of your liking Many people say.  MMENTS  ARCHIVES  TOPICS Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Instead. In all such cases. feel somebody is bossing over you. In addition. By cursing the employer and everyday going to the work with lot of resentment. Suddenly you will dislike a place. When you are feeling resentful. blaming. 2012 My father applied for USA visa in 2006. for more than a minute. For the same reason it should not be used for fever. Balakumar Sinobia. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. We prayed that weight of all the 3 bags should not cross the limit. When he weighed at the airport. utensils etc. Along with that he had clothes. Balakumar Sashi My son was travelling to US. If the body has become hot (excess heat) then meditate on PELICAN. if you meditate on PELICAN. Health issues PELICAN is good for varicose veins problems. The Mystique Theme. At last we got the visa SEP 21 Posted by Naran S. August 7. But. You will understand your life  HOME  DISCLAIMER  HELP EACH OTHER Monthly Archives: September 2013 Travel to US was smooth SEP 30 Posted by Naran S. even though the bag was jam-packed. It makes the body cool. In august 2010 all my documents have been submitted correctly as requested by the National Visa Centre. since then I have not received any interview call. Even in UK/Dallas airports. Naran . he was never questioned. Follow Follow “Animal Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. we gave him variety of ready-made foods. I prayed to WOLF that his travel should be which happened.  TOPICS Blog at WordPress. Since he was going for the 1st time. provisions. it was perfect. Human beings work from their left brain – their decisions are based on their thinking. So they give us the message – the call of the day. Why we need to follow those messages? By following the messages from animal spirit guides and resolving the issues. Naran Chant “WATER VIOLET. they intend to give us a message or instruction. it will be given tomorrow or many times over the week. Animals are a way for him to do so. Before attending the interview. By calling WOLF I got the interview date!!! What I do next so that I get the Visa for sure on the day of the interview. LARCH. I have received my visa. Nov 8th Finally. a crow or a squirrel. If we don’t follow a message. Sep 20th An interview appointment is required before the visa is granted. Some examples Chameleon Be patient. One of the messages will be relevant for us in the current juncture of our lives. God gives us messages in the form of nature. Explanation Use the Animal spirit guides Wolf for help.Call WOLF and say this. call the animal spirit guide FOX and ask it to be with you to give the right answer. So when animals appear in our lives in the form of a dream. Book or appearance. You can write these names in a paper and keep it in your pocket on the date of interview. and Fox to answer smartly. You might meet them in an unusual way – say a Squirrel jumps on you when you are clearing the attic. GENTIAN. How to follow them? Each animal give us their own set of messages – one to four messages. LARCH. The interview mantra: WATER VIOLET. Sinobia. WILD ROSE Messages from Animal Spirit Guides SEP How animals provide us with messages? Animals work from their right brain – so they are intuitive. By analyzing our current life situation to see which one is appropriate and then follow that message. we make sure the related situations don’t appear again in our lifetime(s). By following these messages then we could heal ourselves or our lives in some way. Tone your heart and express your love . TV program. GENTIAN. Sinobia. WILD ROSE”. It will get you the visa. What if we don’t follow? Animals are intuitive. What about animals that are among us all the time – for example. We can thus reduce our karmas instead of keep on doing the same (unwanted) thing again and again. They can’t be ignored or not taken seriously. Don’t show your anger or ill-feelings. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Monthly Archives: October 2013 Weeks to patch up I call upon the animal spirit Blue Whale for harmony in the house or Don’t think about savings Ftrrs What does Ox and dog when seen in dream means? Naran Don’t always think about Good Communication and Understanding: http://wp. We become OK the next minute. Develop prosperity consciousness. Curb the desires (message from God and not from the Rabbit). Don’t be adamant. but what has happened is good for you. whenever there are arguments and conflicts of opinions. Genital organs. Related Blogs Animal Spirits June 27 2009 Part II: http://wp. Other Messages from the Animal spirit guide Dog You may be disappointed. it will take weeks for us to patch up . the Human Beings!!   POSTS TOPICS Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. This implies there is a strain in your relationship. Openly express your love for others. Any conflict just gets Can’t keep extra money ever: http://wp. Hummingbird Be flexible. Related Blogs Unable to Receive: http://wp. God bless the Animal Kingdom! Thus. guilt Rabbit Take care of your Urinary. resentment. Write your problems/ feelings with left hand on a sheet of paper and keep it with you. Money aspect is well taken care of (for you). Strengthen your Hara Chakra. Read what you had written after 42 days. Otherwise. Look for what you have learned from it. Pelican Release all the anger. I feel positive about all of them (not Adjust to a new place/environment: http://wp. You need to diversify 6. I saw a huge chameleon on the garden wall. Balakumar Satya I saw white cobra picture in the paper and saw the same picture 4 times in the same day. He was the first one to spot it. Be patient 4. a little).Spirit Guides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. But next day morning my mom took and showed the same paper to me. We are likely to get indigestion or flatulence – so take care of your diet 2. . Naran “Adjust” is the message Other messages 1. Face anything boldly 3. Does it mean something? An owl came and sat in front of my husband’s office yesterday night and didn’t move from there even after taking some picture and going near it. Now. after knowing about animal spirit guides. Take care of your heart and circulatory problems No ill-feeling from the past NOV 4 Posted by Naran S. But. So I was calm. Does it tell something too? Naran The owl says “Be careful”. tell us significance of chameleon if ANIMAL SPIRIT GUIDES Monthly Archives: November 2013 Adjust is the message I love squirrels ever since the story of how Sri Rama gave them the stripes. it was a distance and I saw from the window. Don’t show your anger 5. Pls. I am very scared of them since childhood and really hate them for the fear they cause in me. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. Tone your heart and express your love Related Blogs Separated Relationship: http://wp. I thought it as coincidence and kept that paper under some dailies. Today. Join 73 other followers Sign me up Build a website with WordPress. Avoid acting from memory – let go of any ill-feeling carried from the past.c .  uides” Get every new post delivered to your Inbox.The snake says that the past may be repeated.
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