Mudgal Puran

March 30, 2018 | Author: arjun_chip_c | Category: Nature, Religion And Belief



NameEnglish Meaning Image Descriptionatha dvātriṁshadgaṇapatInāṁ dhyānaṁ || mudgalapurāṇe || Bala Ganapati "Childlike Ganapati" tatra bālagaṇapatidhyānaṁ karasthakadalīcūta | panasekṣucamodakaṁ | bālasūryanibhaṁ vaṁde | | doses bālagaṇādhipaṁ | | 1 | | raktavarṇaḥ Adorned with a garland o tender lowers! having plantain "banana#! mango! $ack ruit! sugarcane and sweets "modaka# in %is hands and who is eulgent like the rising sun &11' "red color#( Taruna Ganapati ")angerine Ganapati" atha taruṇagaṇapatidhyānaṁ | | mudgalapurāṇe | | pāshāṁkushāpūpakapittha$aṁbū | svadaṁta*ālīkṣumapi svahastaiḥ | dhatte sadāyastaruṇāruṇābhaḥ | pāyātsa yuṣmāṁstaruṇogaṇeshaḥ | | + | | raktavarṇaḥ "Carrying in %is hands the noose! hook! rice,cake ! guava ruit! rose apple! own "broken# tusk! bunch o corn ears "paddy# and sugarcane and who vividly shines orth with %is brilliant youthulness" &1+' "-ed Color#( "According to the .udgala /urana version! kadubu , an edible speciic to 0ord Ganapati is mentioned instead o rice,cake#( Bhakti Ganapati "1evotee "1evotion# Ganapati" Atha bhaktagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | nArik20Amrakada03 | gu1apAyasadhAri4a. | sharacca.drAbhavapu5ha. | bha$2 bhaktaga4Adhipa. | | 6 | | shvEtavarNaH 1escribed as 7 the 0ord o %is devotees and who shines like the autumn moon! with coconut! mango! plantain "banana#! $aggery and sweets in his hands(" &16' "8hite Colour# Vira Ganapati 9aliant Ganapati " atha vIragaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | bh2tA0ashaktisharakAr : mukacakra;a1ga | ;a)vA.gamudgaragadA.kushanAgapAshAn | sh<la. ca ku.taparashu. dhva$amudvaha.ta. | -A. ga42shamaru4a. satata. smarAmi | | = | | rakatavarNaH "Armed with >hetala! the weapon o power"shakti#! arrow! bow! wheel"Chakra or discus#! sword! club! hammer! mace! hook! nagapasha "serpent noose#! spear! plough! and the shining a?e(" &1=' "-ed Colur#( "According to the .udgala /urana version! lag is mentioned instead o plough#( Śakti Gaṇapati )he "/owerul" Ganapati atha shaktigaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | Ali.gya d2v3. not ritA.gaya5h)i. | parasparAshli5h)aka)iprad2sha. | sa.dhyAru4a. pAshas-u43 vaha.ta. | %e is red in colour( %e has our arms( %is low right hand shows the movement o lack o ear "abhaya#@ the two others wear the elephant goad and the noose@ the last hand! who holds a lemon! embraces the goddess( 8ith the top o his trunk! 5hakti Ganapati holds a cake( Dvia Gaṇapati "Ganapati the )wice,>orn" atha dvijagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | Aam pustukAk5hagu4ada.1akama.1ala shr3vidyBtamAnakarabh<5ha4a mi.duvar4a. | sta.b2ramAnanacatu5h)ayashBbhamAna. | tvA. yah smar2ddvi$aga4Adhipat2 sadhanya% | | C | | shubhravarNaH %e has our heads and our arms( %e is white in colour( %is hands hold the rosary! the washing pot "kamandalu#! the walking,stick o an ascetic or the ritual spoon "sruk# and the manuscript on palm,leaves "pustaka#( !iddhi Gaṇapati Ganapati bestowing success"5iddhi# or ")he Accomplished Ganapati" Atha siddhagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | pakvac<ta/alapu5hpama.$ar3 | mik5huda.1atilamBdakaisvaha | udvahanvarashumastu t2 namashr3 sam-uddhiyutah2mapi.ga0a | | D | | piMgaavarNaH Eond o the sesame cake( %e has our arms( %e is golden in colour( %is hands hold the a?e! the noose! the sugar, cane stem and the mango( "#$hish%a Gaṇapati "Ganapati devouring the remnants o the meal" Atha u!i"h#agaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | n3lAb$adA1im3v34A | shAl3gu.$Ak5has<traka. | dadhaduCCi5h)anAmAya. | ga42sha% cymbal m2caka% | graMthAMtare | nAr3yBnirasAsvada | lBlupa. kAmamBhitamiti | | F | | nIlavarNaH %e has si? arms( %e is blue in colour( %is hands show the rosary! the pomegranate! the paddy ear "shalyagra#! the nocturnal lotus! the lute "vGna#@ his si?th hand sometimes bears a guH$a berry! embraces the goddess( )he <cchista Ganapati trunk is placed on the goddessIs thigh( &citation needed' Vighna Gaṇapati Ganapati , "0ord o Bbstacles" Atha vi$nagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | sha.;2k5hucApakusum25huku)hArapAsha | cakrasvada.tas-u4ima.$arikAshanAdai% | pA4ishritai% parisam3hitabh<5ha4ashr3 | viGn2shvarB Jayate tapan3yagaura % | | K | | svarNavarNaH %e has eight arms( %e is golden in colour( %is hands hold the single tusk! the disc! the arrow,lowers! the hatchet! the conch! the sugar,cane stem! the noose! the elephant goad( 8ith the tip o his trunk! he carries a bunch o lowers "pushapamaH$ari# &shipra Gaṇapati "Ganapati who is easy to Appease" or "Luick,acting Ganapati" Atha k"hipragaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | da.takalpalatApAsha | ratnaku.bhA.kushB$vala. | ba.dh<kakaman3yAbha. | dhyAy2tk5hipraga4Adhipa. | | 1M | | raktavarNaH %e has our arms( %e is red in colour( %is hands show the single tusk! the elephant goad! the creeper o the votive tree "kalpalatN#! the noose( 8ith the end o his trunk! he carries the stone cup ull o precious stones "ratnakumbha#( 'era(ba Gaṇapati ".otherIs >eloved 5on" Ganapati atha hEraMbagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | abhayavaradahasta. pAshada.tAk5hamAlAs-u4iparashudadhAna. mudgara. mBdaka. ca | /alamadhigatasi.ha% pa.camAta.gavaktrB | ga4apatiratigaura% /atu h2ra.banAmA | | 11 | | gauravarNaH )he ive,headed Ganapati riding the lion( %e has ten arms( %e is dark in colour( %is irst hand shows the movement o lack o ear "abhaya#! the others hold the rosary! the citron! the club! the elephant goad! the noose! the a?e! the kadabu cake! the single tusk@ his tenth hand shows the movement which bestows boons "varada#( )aksh(* Gaṇapati "Ganapati the Eortunate" similar to Goddess0akshmi Atha lak"hmIgaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | bibhrA4ashshukab3$ap<rakami0anmA4ikyaku.bhA.kushA | npApAsha. kalpalatA. ca ;a1gavilasa$$yBtissudhAnirJara% | shyAm2nAttasarBruh24a sahita. 1evi dvaya. cA.tike | gaurA.go varadAnahastasahito lak5hm3ga42shovatAt | | 1+ | | gauravarNaH 2mbracing his wives 5iddhi"Achievement# and >uddhi"8isdom#( %e is white "air# in colour( %e has eight arms( %is hands hold a pomegranate! a sword! the creeper o the votive tree! the elephant goad! the parrot! the noose! the $ewel pot@ his eighth hand bestows boons "varada#( +aha Ganapati ")he Great Ganapati" Atha mahAgaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | hast3.drAnanami.duc<1amaru4aCAya. tri42tra. rasAdAshli5h)a. priyayA sapadmakarayA svA.kastayA sa.tata. | b3$Ap<ragad2k5hukArmukalasaccakrAb$apAshBtphala | vr3hyagrasvavi5hA4aratnakalashAnhastair : vaha.ta. bha$2 | | 16 | | raktavarNaH 8ith a shakti! %e has ten hands( %e is red in colour( %is hands hold the single tusk! the pomegranate! the club! the sugar,cane bow! the disc! the conch! the noose! the nocturnal lotus! the paddy ear! the $ewels pot( Viaya Ganapati "Ganapati the 9ictorious" atha vijayagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | pAshA.kushasvada.tAmra/alavAnA;uvAhana% viGna. niha.tu nassarva. | raktavar4B vinAyaka% | | 1= | | raktavarNaH -iding a rat which trots at a smart pace! %e has our arms( %e is red in colour( %is hands hold the single tusk! the elephant goad! the noose and the mango( ,-itya Gaṇapati "Ganapati the 1ancer" Atha n%uttagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | pAshA.kushAp<paku)hArada.ta ca.catkarAkluptavarA.gu03yaka. | p3taprabha. kalpatarBradhastA. | bha$Ami n-uttBpapada. ga42sha. | | 1O | | pItavarNaH 1ancing under the boon,tree! %e has our arms( %e is golden in colour( %is hands hold the single tusk! the elephant goad! the noose! the a?e "parashu# or the hatchet "kuthNra#( )he dhyNna sloka speciies that one o the our hands can show a cake apPpa( .rdhva Gaṇapati ")he 2levated Ganapati" atha &rdhvagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | kalhArashAlikamal2k5hukacApabA4a | da.taprarBhagadabh-utkanakB$$ | Ali.ganBdyatakarB not ritA.gaya5h)yA | d2vyA karBtu shubham<rdhvaga4Adhipom2 | | 1C | | kanakavarNaH 5eated with his 5hakti on his let thigh! %e has eight arms( %e is golden in colour( %is hands hold the single tusk! the arrow,lower! the daylight lotus! the blue lily "kalhara#! the sugar,cane bow! the paddy ear! the club@ his last hand claps the goddess( )he e?tremity o his trunk is rolled around the right breast o the goddess( /kākshara Gaṇapati Ganapati identiied with "5ingle 5yllable""ga0#( Atha EkAk"haragaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | raktB raktA.garAgA.shukakusumayutastu.dilashca.dramau0e | nesatraiyusaktastribhirvAmanakaracara4o b3$ap<ra. dadhAna% | hastAgrakluptapAshA.kusharadavaradB nAgavaktrBhibh<5hB | d2va% padmAsanasthB bhavatu su;akarB bh<taye viGnarA$a% | | 1D | | raktavarNaH %e has our arms( %e is red in colour( %is hands hold the single tusk! the elephant goad! the noose and the cake modaka( 5ometimes! he wears! with the e?tremity o his trunk "bG$apPra#( Vara Ganapati )he "boon,giver" Ganapati Atha varagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | 3 .d<rAbhamibhAnana. tri4ayana. haste ca pAshA.kushau | bibhrA4a. madhumatka pAlamanisha. sAdhvi.dumau0i. bha$2 | | pu5h)yAshli5h)atanu. dhva$AgrakarayA padmBllasaddhastayA | tadyBnyAhitapA4imAttavasumatpAtrBllasatpu5hkara. | | 1F | | raktavaraNaH 8ith a shakti seated on his let thigh! %e has our arms( %e is red in colour( %is irst three hands hold the elephant goad! the skull illed with liQuor "madhumatkapNla# and the noose( )he ourth hand creeps between the thighs o the goddess who holds a lotus and a banner( Tryakshara Gaṇapati 0ord "o the )hree, letters AR<R." Ganapati Atha tryak"hagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | ga$2.dravadana. sAk5hAccalatkar4a. sacAmara. | h2mavar4a. caturbAhu. | pAshA.kushadhara. vara. | svada.ta. dak5hi42 haste | savy2 tvAmra/ala. .attatha | pu5hkar2 mBdaka. caiva | dhAraya.ta% manusmar2t | | 1K | | svarNavarNaH %e has our arms( %is hands hold the single tusk! the elephant goad! the noose and the mango( %e holds the cake modaka with the trunk end( &shirpra 1rasāda Gaṇapati Ganapati the "Luick,-ewarder" Atha k"hipraprasAdagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | dh-utapAshA.kushakalpalatAsvaradashca b3$ap<rayuta% | shashishakalakalitamaulistrilBcanB ru4ashca ga$avadana% | bh<surabh<5had3ptB b-uhadudara% /adma vi5hvarollasita% | viGnapayBdharapavana% karadh-utakamalassadAstu m2 bh<tyai | | +M | | aruNavarNaH %e has si? arms( %e is red in colour( %is hands hold the single tusk! the elephant goad! the lotus! the creeper o the votive tree "kalpalatN#! the noose! the lemon( 'aridrā Gaṇapati ")he curcuma, colored Ganapati"( atha haridrAgaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | haridrAbha. caturbAhu. | haridrAvadana. prabhu. | pAshA.kushadhara. d2va. | mBdaka. da.tam2va ca | bhaktAbhayapradAtAra. | va.d2 viGnavinAshana. | | +1 | | haridrAvarNaH %e has our arms( %e is yellow in colour( %is hands hold the single tusk! the elephant goad! the noose and the cake modaka /kdanta +andolin ")he 5ingle )usked .andolin"( Atha EkadaMtagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | la.bBdara. shyAmatanu. ga42sha. | ku)hAramak5ha sra$am<rdhva gAtra. | sala11uka. da.tamadha% karAbhyA. | vAm2tarAbhyA. dadhAnam312 ca | | ++ | | shyAmavarNaH %e has our arms( %e is blue in colour( %is hands hold a large tusk! a rosary! a hatchet "kuthNra# and the small ball o sweets "laddu#( !-ish%i Gaṇapati "Ganapati the Creator"! atha s%u"h#igaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | pAshA.kushasvada.tAmra | phalavAnA;uvAhana% | viGna.niha.tu nashyB4a | ss-u5h)i dak5hBvinAyaka% | | +6 | | raktavarNaH -iding a big rat! %e is red in colour( %e has our arms( %is hands hold the single tusk! the elephant goad! the noose and the mango( "ddaṇ2a Gaṇapati "Ganapati the <nchained"! Atha uddaMDagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | kalhArA.bu$a b3$ap<raka gadAda.t2k5hucApa. suma. | bibhrA4B ma4iku.bhashAli kalashau sham s-u4i. cAb$aka. | gaurA.gyA rucirAravi.da karayA d2vyA samAli.gita | shsho4A.gashshubhamAtanBtu bha$atA mudda.1aviGn2shvara% | | += | | raktavarNaH 8ith his 5hakti seated on his let thigh! %e has twelve arms( %e is red in colour( %is hands hold the single tusk! the club! the nocturnal lotus! the noose! the paddy ear! the elephant goad! the washing pot "kamandalu#! the sugar, cane bow! the disc! the daylight lotus! the conch and the pomegranate( %is trunk is placed on the top o the goddesseIs breast or! sometimes! maintains a $ewels pot "manikumbha#( 3iṇamochana Gaṇapati "Ganapati the liberator rom depts" Atha %uNam'canagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | pAshA.kushau da.ta$a.b< | dadhAna% spha)ikaprabha% | raktA.shukB Ganapati | rmud2 syAd-u4amBcaka% | | +O | | shvEtavarNaH Ganapati seated on a large lotus with his 5hakti( %e removes the impediment( %e has our arms( %e is white in colour( %is irst hand show the movement to bestow boons "varada# @ the three others hold the elephant goad! the noose and the bowl o sugared rice "pNyasapNtra#( 4huṇ2hi Gaṇapati ")he Ganapati 5ought Ater" dhuMDigaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | ak5hamAlA. )haram ca | ratnapAtra. svada.taka. | dhatt2 karairviGnarA$B | dhu.1inAmA mudestu 4ah | | +C | | aucityAdraktavarNaH %e has our arms( %is hands hold the single tusk! the rosary "rudrAk5ha#! the hatchet "kuthNra# "an a?e # and the pot o $ewels "ratnapNtra#( "-ed Color#( Dvi(ukha Ganapati ")wo,aced Ganapati" Atha dvimu(agaNapatidhyAnaM | mudgalapurANE | svada.tapAshA.kusharatnapAtra. | karairdadhAnB not rin3lagAtra% | ratnA.shukB ratnakir3)amAl3 | bh<tyai 5ada bhavatu m2 dvimu;B ga42sha% | not suruvarNaH %e holds in his hands his own tusk! a noose! a hook and a pot ull o gems( %is body comple?ion is greenish blue and he is wearing a red colored robe( A gem studded crown embellishes his head( Tri(ukha Ganapati ")hree,aced Ganapati" Atha trimu(agaNapatidhyAnaM | mudgalapurANe | shr<matt3k5h4a shi;A.kushAk5ha varadAndak5h2 dadhAna% karai% | pAsha.cAm-uta p<r4aku.bhamabhaya. vAm2 dadhAnB )ime | p3)h2 svar4amayAravi.da vilasatsatkar4ikA bhAsure | svAs3nastrimu;a% palAsharucirB nAgAnana% cymbal 4ah | raktavarNa | %e has si? arms( %e carries in two o his right hands very sharp elephant goad! a rudrNksha rosary and is holding another hand in boon bestowing gesture "varada#( %e carries in two o his let hands a noose! a urn ull o celestial nectar "amruta# , ambrosia pot "amritakumbha# and is holding the another hand in gesture o bestowing earlessness "abhaya#( %e is seated on shining golden throne with lotus in the center( %e has three eyes with elephantine ace and he eulgent like the lame o orest lower "bastard teakSbutea rondosa#( "-ed color#( !inha Ganapati ")he 0ion Ganapati"( Atha siMhagaNapatidhyAnaM | mudgalapurANE | 3Im 9inaya kalpalatam vidhate to land in 1akshina 9arada ca ca vas tamarasa but 3 sanmam$ ratnakalasha 3Im cabhaya | .y shumdadamdalasanmrugemdravadana shamkemdugaurashshubho | dTvyadratnanibhamshukoganapatih payadapayats nah | | +K | | ) nah is shvetav %e has eight arms( %e is white in colour %e is holding in his right hands a vGna "3ndian lute#! a creeper o votive tree , kalpav-uk5ha " )ree which can cure all diseases#! a discus and another held in a gesture o granting boons "varada#( %e is holding in his let hands a lotus! a pot o gems! a lower bunch and another held in a gesture o granting earlessness "abahaya#( %e is lion aced with an elephant trunk and shining( %is body is shining like a white conch and moon( %e is wearing a gem studded shining robe( 5oga Gaṇapati "Ganapati the Ascetic"( Atha y'gagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANe | | yBgAr<1hB yBgapa))AbhirAmB | bAlAr : kAbhashca.dran3lA.shukA1hya% | pAsh2k5hvak5hAnyBgada.1a.dadhAna% | pAyAnnityaU. yBgaviGn2shvarBna% | | 6M | | raktavarNaH %e has our arms( %e is red in colour( %is legs are surrounded with the meditation girdle "yogapatta#( %e is engrossed in yoga and is strapped in a yoga posture( %e looks beautiul and shines like the rising morning sun( %e is adorned with a colored robe which is shining like blue sapphire( %is hands hold the rosary! the elbow,rest or the walking,stick "a yoga wand#! the noose and the sugar,cane stalk( Durga Gaṇapati "Ganapati the 3nvincible" similar the Goddess 1urgN( atha durgAgaNApatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | taptakA.canasa.kAsha | shca5h)ahastBmahattanu% | d3ptA.kusha.shara.cAk5ha. | da.tta.dak5h2vahankarai% | | 0A)A. $a.b<.dadhatkarai% raktA.shukassadAbh<yA ddurgAga4apatirmud2 | | 61 | | kanakavarNaH %is body glows like burnished gold "Golden Color#( %e has eight hands and massive body( %e is holding a shining hook "Ankush#! an Arrow! a rosary and a tusk with the our hands on the right side( %e is holding a noose! a bow! a wish bestowing creeper and -ose Apple "2ugenia Jambolana# with the our hands on the let side( %e is dressed in red clothes( "According to another version! the Arrow is replaced by a noose# !aṇka%ahara Gaṇapati "Ganapati , 1ispeller o )roubles"( Atha saMka#aharagaNapatidhyAnaM | | mudgalapurANE | | bAlArkAru4akA.tirvAm2bAlA.vahanna.k2 | lasadi.d3varahastA. | gaurA.g3. ratnashBbhA1hyA. | dak5h2.kushavaradAna. | vAm2pAsha.capAyasa.pAtra. | n3lA.shukalasamAna% | p3)h2 padmAru42 ti5h)han | sa.ka)ahara4a% pAyAtsa.ka)ap<g2dga$AnanB 4ityam | raktavarNaH %e has our arms( %e is eulgent like the rising red sun "-ed in Color#( %e has his wie "shakti# , who is carrying a beautiul lotus! glowing with radiance and be$eweled , sitting on his let lap( %e is carrying in one o his right hand a hook "Ankusha# and with the other bestowing boon"varada#( %e is carrying in one o his let hand a rope"noose# and with the other a vessel brimming with sweet soup "/ayasam#( %e is seated on a -ed 0otus and wearing a blue robe( "According to another version! the varada gesture and vessel o /ayasam is replaced by the broken tusk and the rose,apple ruit(#
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