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%0 Journal Article%A Abelman, Robert %D 2006 %T Without Divine Intervention: Contemporary Christian Music Radio and Audience Transference %J Journal of Media and Religion %V 5 %N 4 %P 209-231 %! Without Divine Intervention: Contemporary Christian Music Radio and Audience Transference %@ 1534-8423 %X A historical multistation, single market switch in radio frequencies provides the context for a case study analysis of Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) rad io. This investigation explores the interaction between a CCM-formatted radio st ation's listenership, salient station attributes, and promotional strategies tha t have been identified in the literature as potentially impacting on religious a nd secular audience transference. Although signal strength and inheritance effec ts contribute to audience transference, station branding, progressive self-promo tion, Web site status, and corporate ownership proved to be particularly signifi cant factors. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W %G En %0 Journal Article %A Alcorta, C. S. %A Sosis, R. %D 2005 %T Ritual, emotion, and sacred symbols : The evolution of religion as an adaptiv e complex %J Human nature (Hawthorne, N.Y.) %V 16 %N 4 %P 323-59 %! Ritual, emotion, and sacred symbols : The evolution of religion as an adaptiv e complex %@ 1045-6767 %X This paper considers religion in relation to four recurrent traits: belief sy stems incorporating supernatural agents and counterintuitive concepts, communal ritual, separation of the sacred and the profane, and adolescence as a preferred developmental period for religious transmission. These co-occurring traits are viewed as an adaptive complex that offers clues to the evolution of religion fro m its nonhuman ritual roots. We consider the critical element differentiating re ligious from non-human ritual to be the conditioned association of emotion and a bstract symbols. We propose neurophysiological mechanisms underlying such associ ations and argue that the brain plasticity of human adolescence constitutes an " experience expectant" developmental period for ritual conditioning of sacred sym bols. We suggest that such symbols evolved to solve an ecological problem by ext ending communication and coordination of social relations across time and space. %Z Oscar Hernández: Aunque no aborda el problema fenomenológico de prácticas rituales específicas, podría ser interesante en cuanto a que propone una teoría sobre el enlace entre emoción y simbología abstracta en un momento de desarrollo específico del ser h umano (la adolescencia). El estudio se basa u observa el fenómeno desde el punto d e vista neurofisiológico. Interesante la idea de “condicionamiento” de estas primeras experiencias, en cuanto a la relación que puede haber o la crítica que se le puede h acer desde el punto de vista de experiencias totalizantes de sentido “a la Oscar”. S e examina y cuestiona la mirada del ritual (o la participación en este) como un me canismo adaptativo no estrictamente humano encaminado a generar conductas de coh esión comunal/social. Fuente de referencias que han examinado el fenómeno desde el p unto de vista de la antropología evolutiva. Buena síntesis de estudios más amplios sob re religión, evolución, y bienestar social/individual. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W %G English %0 %A %D %T %C %I %! %~ %W %G Book Althuser, Louis 1970 Ideología y aparatos ideológicos del estado Medellín (Antioquia, Colombia Pepe Ideología y aparatos ideológicos del estado /z-wcorg/ Spanish %0 %A %D %T %E %B %C %I %P %8 Conference Paper Andrews, Vernon E. 1988 Consideration for the evaluation of church music: a biblical approach Teaching, Institute for Christian ICTL Seminar Union College, Nebraska Institute for Christian Teaching 18 Agosto %0 Journal Article %A Areni, C. S.; Kim, D. %D 1993 %T The influence of background music on shopping behavior: Classical versus topforty music in a wine store %J Advances in Consumer Research %V 20 %P 336-340 %! The influence of background music on shopping behavior: Classical versus topforty music in a wine store %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %1 Journal Article Baker, Joseph O. 2009 The Variety of Religious Experiences Review of Religious Research 51 1 39-54 The Variety of Religious Experiences 0034673X Full publication date: Sep., 2009 %X The primary effort of this study is to help move sociological studies of reli gious experience out of the realm of abstract theory and into quantitative analy sis. While this is certainly not the first study to do this, the breadth of expe riences assessed by the 2005 Baylor Religion Survey provides more detailed infor mation on the topic than has previously been presented. Results indicate that ov er 65% of American adults claim to have had at least one of the religious experi ences assessed. The different socio-demographic patterning found among specific experiences indicates that using a broad, all-encompassing question to analyze r eligious experiences is inadequate. A theoretical distinction is also proposed b etween experiences involving only feelings and those extending to other sensory sensations such as seeing, speaking, hearing, or healing. While income level doe s not influence claiming more normative religious experiences of feeling, it is an important predictor of more intense, deviant religious experiences. %U %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %R %1 %U Journal Article Balz, Albert 1914 Music and Emotion The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 11 9 236-244 Music and Emotion 01609335 10.2307/2013114 Full publication date: Apr. 23, 1914 %0 Journal Article %A Barsalou, L. W. %D 2009 %T Simulation, situated conceptualization, and prediction %J Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biologic al sciences %V 364 %N 1521 %P 1281-9 %! Simulation, situated conceptualization, and prediction %@ 0962-8436 %X Based on accumulating evidence, simulation appears to be a basic computationa l mechanism in the brain that supports a broad spectrum of processes from percep tion to social cognition. Further evidence suggests that simulation is typically situated, with the situated character of experience in the environment being re flected in the situated character of the representations that underlie simulatio n. A basic architecture is sketched of how the brain implements situated simulat ion. Within this framework, simulators implement the concepts that underlie know ledge, and situated conceptualizations capture patterns of multi-modal simulatio n associated with frequently experienced situations. A pattern completion infere nce mechanism uses current perception to activate situated conceptualizations th at produce predictions via simulations on relevant modalities. Empirical finding s from perception, action, working memory, conceptual processing, language and s ocial cognition illustrate how this framework produces the extensive prediction that characterizes natural intelligence. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W %G English %0 Book %A Beck, Guy L. %D 1993 %T Sonic theology : Hinduism and sacred sound %C Columbia, S.C. %I University of South Carolina Press %! Sonic theology : Hinduism and sacred sound %@ 0872498557 9780872498556 %X Traditionally Hinduism has appealed to Western eyes though its rich tableau o f visual artifacts: temple architecture, sculpture, painting, craft. Guy Beck ar gues, however, that the focus of Western scholars on Hinduism's visual component has often been at the expense of the religion's most important feature - its em phasis on sound. Beck addresses this longstanding imbalance in this pathbreaking study. He contends that sound possesses a central place in Hindu theory and pra ctice and that Hinduism is essentially a sonic theology. Unlike religious tradit ions that emphasize silence, the Hindu world is permeated by sound. Drums, bells , gongs, cymbals, conches, flutes, and an array of vocalizations play a central role in the worship experience. Beck provides a theoretical exposition of the ma jor textual sources of Hindu sacred sound, namely the Vedas, Upanishads, Mimamsa , Grammar, Yoga, Saiva-Agama, Sakta-Tantra, and Vaisnava Pancaratra. From the Ve dic Vak as "spoken word" to the Sabda-Brahman of the Upanishads, Mimamsa, and Gr ammar, and on to the Nada-Brahman of Yoga, Saivism, Saktism, Vaisnavism, and Ind ian classical music, Beck argues that sound participates at every level of the H indu cosmos. As he weaves the theology of sound throughout Hindu textual traditi ons, Beck provides ample, coherent justifications of the practical use of sound in Mantra repetitions, Om recitations, and Nada-Brahman meditational techniques. He compares the centrality of sound in Hindu theology to its role, or its absen ce, in other religions. The issues Beck raises about sound and language not only reshape our understanding of Hindu worship but also invite a fresh approach to comparative theology. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W %G English %0 Journal Article %A Becker, Judith %D 1994 %T Music and Trance %J Leonardo Music Journal %V 4 %P 41-51 %! Music and Trance %@ 09611215, 15314812 %R 10.2307/1513180 %1 Full publication date: 1994 %X The author discusses the relationship between music and trance in terms of ne w theories of mind and brain. She uses examples from several music cultures, inc luding trance in the Rangda/Barong ritual of Bali. %U %0 Audiovisual Material %A Becker, Judith O. [Valencia] Ediciones Cátedra ..%D %T %C %I %! %@ %~ %W %G 2004 Deep listeners CD. Jacqueline Mecanismos psíquicos del poder : teorías sobre la sujeción 8437619394 9788437619392 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. and the Emotions 15503283 Full publication date: %0 %A %D %T %C %I %! %@ %~ %W %G Book Budd. 1904 Art. 1904 http://www. CD Bloomington [u. Malcolm 1992 Music and the emotions : the philosophical theories London [etc. Rudolph M. Judith 2001 Mecanismos psíquicos del poder : teorías sobre la sujeción [Madrid]. Press Deep listeners CD. Spanish %0 %A %D %T Book Castellanos. Religion. Diego Giovanni 2010 Islam en Bogotá : presencia inicial y diversidad .] Indiana Univ. CD 0253216729 9780253216724 0253343941 9780253343949 /z-wcorg/ English %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %1 %U Journal Article Binder.jstor. Universitat de València Cruz. and the Emotions The American Journal of Theology 8 4 636-657 Art.] Routledge Music and the emotions : the philosophical theories 0415087791 9780415087797 /z-wcorg/ English %0 %A %D %T %C %I %? %! %@ %~ %W %G Book Butler. va/archive/catechism_sp/p2s2c1a3_sp. sus elementos y sus partes https://www. and subsequ ently survive in modern secular society.vatican. In turn. this study reveals the dynamics involved in the creative connection between faith-based messages and what were once thought of as secular musical genres. Contemporary Christian musicians' appropriation of musical genr es found in the larger contemporary secular music scene is not without contestat ion and %0 Book .htm %0 Journal Article %A Chang.. sus elementos y sus partes Instrucción General del Misal Romano Capítulo II Acerca de la estructura de la misa. Iglesia Catecismo de la iglesia católica Catecismo de la iglesia católica Spanish %0 %A %T %! %U Web Page Católica. %D 2009 %T Renegotiating the Sacred-Secular Binary: IX Saves and Contemporary Christian Music %J Review of Religious Research %V 50 %N 4 %P 392-412 %! Renegotiating the Sacred-Secular Binary: IX Saves and Contemporary Christian Music %@ 0034673X %1 Full publication date: Jun. Th is study has relevance for theoretical conceptualizations of the sacred-secular binary and offers one example of how religious groups engage. 2009 %X The growth of the Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) industry has been phenom enal in the past few decades. CCM is a relatively fast growing "genre" in the mu sic industry as a whole. %U http://www.jstor.aciprensa. Dale J. adapt. highlights the looseness of the secular-sacred the ability of religious actors to negotiate and redefine what is secular or sacred.%C %I %! %@ %~ %W %G Bogotá Editorial Universidad del Rosario Islam en Bogotá : presencia inicial y diversidad 9789587381214 9587381211 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. The ethnographic data show the ways in which religious actors ac tively negotiate the nature of what constitutes secular versus sacred cultural p roducts. Paul Y. IX Saves. %A Lim. Through an ethnographic account of one Contemporary Chr istian band. Iglesia Capítulo II Acerca de la estructura de la misa.html %0 %A %T %B %! %U Book Section Católica. org %G English %0 %A %A %A %D %T %C %I %! %~ %W %G Book Concilio. and month of publication. Eric F. Occasionally. number of illustrations. Vaticano Beltrán de Heredia. form at. including without limitation price. %D 2005 %T Ways of listening : an ecological approach to the perception of musical meani ng %C Oxford. and their application to music in part icular. or expan ded to allow attention to subtle Spanish . Five experiments were pe rformed to show that music is capable of expressing a greater detail in emotiona l range than can be captured by these two dimensions. Jacket images are provisional and liable to change befo re publication. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. The basic paradigm had par ticipants rank order sets of emotions with respect to how well they applied to b %G English %0 Journal Article %A Collier. Pablo Gil Robles. we are unable to ship a specific product to a particular territory. even when the affective compass of the emotions to be ranked was restricted to enforce attention to subtle withindimension distinctions. was as accurate a s possible at the time the catalogue was compiled. People did so rapidly. the valence (good/bad) and activity or arousal dimensions are ubiquitous . extent.%A Clarke. with significan t reliability. unfamiliar instrumental selections. José María 1966 Concilio Vaticano II Madrid Afrodisio Aguado Concilio Vaticano II /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. New York %I Oxford University Press %! Ways of listening : an ecological approach to the perception of musical meani ng %@ 0195151941 9780195151947 %X The specification in this catalogue. Naive intuition and critics' writings have assumed a greater profundity in mus ic's ability to express emotions than this would imply. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. Geoffrey %D 2007 %T Beyond valence and activity in the emotional connotations of music %J Psychology of Music %V 35 %N 1 %P 110-131 %! Beyond valence and activity in the emotional connotations of music %@ 0305-7356 %X In the scaling of emotions in general. due to the natu re of some contractual restrictions. Dibben. Patrick. Sloboda. Antonio R. Theory research. Donald 1996 Visions of liturgy and music for a new century Collegeville. John Handbook music and emotion. Liturgical Press Visions of liturgy and music for a new century 0814622984 9780814622988 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. Nicola 2010 Emotion in culture and history: perspectives from musicology Juslin. applications Oxford Oxford University Press 45-72 Emotion in culture and history: perspectives from musicology %0 %A %D %T %! %@ %~ %W %G Journal Article Damasio.%0 %A %D %T %E %B of %C %I %P %! Book Section Cook. Patrick. 2007 En busca de Spinoza : neurobiología de la emoción y los sentimientos En busca de Spinoza : neurobiología de la emoción y los sentimientos 9788484326762 8484326764 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. Theory research. Jane M. Nicholas. applications Oxford Oxford University Press 15-44 Emotions expressed and aroused by Music: philosphical perspectives %0 %A %A %A %D %T %C %I %! %@ %~ %W %G Book English %0 Web Page . Molloy. Spanish %0 %A %D %T %E %B of %C %I %P %! Book Section Davies. Stephen 2010 Emotions expressed and aroused by Music: philosphical perspectives Juslin. A. Minn. John Handbook music and emotion. Lucien Burton. The data is analyzed with ind . applications Oxford Oxford University Press 159-186 Emotion as social emergence: perspectives from music sociology %0 Journal Article %A Esfahani. New York %I Cambridge University Press %! Music in everyday life %@ 9780511489433 0511489439 0511009372 9780511009372 1280418826 9781280418822 05 1105047X 9780511050473 9786610418824 6610418829 %X The power of music to influence %G English %0 %A %D %T %E %B of %C %I %P %! Book Section DeNora. aerobics class. music therapy sessions and the use of background music in the retail sector . There have. Sloboda. Users wear an electroencephalogram (EEG) headset and imagine the shape of a cube. %U http://dx. sociology and socio-linguistics it develops a theory of mu sic's active role in the construction of personal and social life and highlights the aesthetic dimension of social order and organisation in late modern societi es. social structure a nd action. John Handbook music and emotion. been few attempts to specify this power empirica lly and to provide theoretically grounded accounts of music's structuring proper ties in everyday experience. create scenes.doi. Music in Everyday Life uses a series of ethnographi c studies . %D 2012 %T Classification of primitive shapes using brain-computer interfaces %J JCAD Computer-Aided Design %V 44 %N 10 %P 1011-1019 %! Classification of primitive shapes using brain-computer interfaces %@ 0010-4485 %X Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are recent developments in alternative techn ologies of user interaction. pyramid or a cone. Tia %D 2000 %T Music in everyday life %C Cambridge. karaoke evenings.1017/CBO9780511489433 %~ /z-wcorg/ %W Ehsan Tarkesh %A Sundararajan. The purpose of this paper is to explore the potenti al of BCIs as user interfaces for CAD systems. sphere. The EEG headset colle cts brain activity from 14 locations on the scalp. well as in-depth interviews to show how music is a constitutive feature of human agency. Drawing together conc epts from psychology. Tia 2010 Emotion as social emergence: perspectives from music sociology Juslin.%A DeNora. routines and occasions i s widely recognised and this is reflected in a strand of social theory from Plat o to Adorno that portrays music as an influence on character. Theory research. The paper describes experiments a nd algorithms that use the BCI to distinguish between primitive shapes that are imagined by a user. however. Patrick. 6% (compared to naïve classification rate of 20%) over ten s ubjects (accuracy range of 36%-54%).org %G English %0 Journal Article %A Eurich.uju i analizira ju pojave sli&#x107.kog stajali&#x161. ICA and HHT analysis of EEG signals are used to classify the corr esponding objects. beta and gamma bands) calculated from the Hilbert spectrum of each indepe ndent component. (Sto ako je Bog bio jedan od na s) u pjesmi Joanne Osborne. The features from th e highest ranking independent components form the final feature vector which is then used to train a linear discriminant kulture pop religiji unutar mladena& kulture pop glazba nudi &#x161. U p .ependent component analysis (ICA) and the Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT).What if God was one of us?&#xab. rituals at Te chno events are analysed. The accuracy classification changes to 39.ini pona&#x161. u pop glazbi postoji mnogo stihova koji znakovito iz ra&#x17e. &#x161. 2003 %X The subject of this essay is the research and analysis of religion-like pheno mena within youth culture of pop music. /// U &#x10d. The repeatability of the feature ex traction and classification was checked by conducting the experiment on 10 diffe rent days with the same participants. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. Popu t stihova &#xbb. it concentrates on the structural parallels b etween pop music and religion.nim zbivanjima. Ritualizirani n a&#x10d. alpha.ta ved se neko vrijeme govori o funkcionalnim ekvivalentima religije koji su u nereligiozn im dru&#x161.anja mogu se analizirati osobito na koncertima. ecstatic phenomena in Rock'n'Roll a nd Techno music are given &#x2014. As a second step. At the same time. Czikszentmihalyi.9 % when both visual and verbal cues are dopu&#x161.lanku se istra&#x17e.<br>Highlights: We explore the potential of BCIs as user interfac es in CAD systems. by following rit ual-researcher Victor Turner and psychologist M. EEG data during visual object imagery of five primitive shape s is recorded. pop music has become 'a competitor' with religion. After describing young people's musical experiences as adequate to religion &#x2014. The classifier can discriminate between the objects with an a verage accuracy of 44. an equivalence of musical and religious r ituals is to be seen which is a sound explanation for the great importance of mu sic for young people seeking sense and identity.avaju religiozne aspekte. Results show that this clas sifier can discriminate between the five basic primitive objects with an average accuracy of about 44.. this analysis makes clear that from the view of a sociology of religion. The fea tures of interest are the marginal spectra of different frequency bands (theta. nogometni m utakmicama i sli&#x10d.ta da se ide s onu stranu svakodnevnog &#x17e.iroko podru&#x10d. This shows that the BCI holds promise in c reating geometric shapes in CAD systems and could be used as a novel means of us er interaction. The Mann-Whitney U-test is then applied to rank the EEG electro de channels by relevance in five pair-wise classifications. The common ground and differences between religio us cults and pop music events are dealt with. je za tra&#x17e.tvima preuzeli ulogu institucionalizirane religije. Johannes %D 2003 %T Sociological Aspects and Ritual Similarities in the Relationship between Pop Music and Religion %J International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music %V 34 %N 1 %P 57-70 %! Sociological Aspects and Ritual Similarities in the Relationship between Pop Music and Religion %@ 03515796 %1 Full publication date: Jun. As a result.enje sastanka s apsolutnim i susreta sa samom egzistencijom. Sa sociolo&#x161. koji se zbivaju u ritualima. Quentin %D 1996 %T Wiser than despair : the evolution of ideas in the relationship of music and the Christian church %C Westport. Nakon opisa glazbenih iskustava mlade&#x17e.lanak. theological.e objasniti velika va&#x17e.u pop glazbe i religije.njava da se s perspektive sociologije religije pop glazba po&#x10d.uju na institucionalizirane forme religi oznosti. .i kao adekvatn ih religiji. Tako se na plauz ibilan na&#x10d. and church music has come to be one of the primary areas in which the tension between conflictin g worldviews continues to be worked out on a daily basis.nost glazbe za mlade lju de koji tra& mo&#x17e. %I Greenwood Press %! Wiser than despair : the evolution of ideas in the relationship of music and the Christian church %@ 0313296456 9780313296451 %X This book addresses a highly complex and elusive matter: why the Christian Ch urch was able to contribute so generously to music from its earliest days throug h the 18th century and why it has suffered since that time from a creeping artis tic paralysis.ela &#xbb. even repellant. U drugom koraku analiziraju se rituali u tehno dogadajima prema istra&# &#x10d. Ovaj &#x10d. quotations from modern authors. to the Church in the modern world are the great Christian artist ic accomplishments of the past? This exploration is by means of excerpts from hi storical sources.itosti reli gioznih kultova i zbivanja u pop glazbi: pokazuje se da glazbeni oblici transcen diranja funkcioniraju kao ekvivalenti institucionaliziranih religija.ju mladena&#x10d. ova analiza poja&#x161.odru&#x10d.irena masovnim medijima a koja su postala pol jem eksperimentiranja u potrazi za susretom s apsolutnim.kosti i razli&#x10d. &#x10d. and wi ll be of interest to church musicians.njice. sa samom religijom. It cal ls upon historical. liturgical.ajan na&#x10d. can the arts (and then the fine arts) be con sidered profoundly significant for modern society? Is there a meaningful role fo r artists of genius and total commitment? Do the arts (and then the fine arts) h ave any profound significance for the Church in the modern world? Of what signif icance. takoder daje uvid u suvremene razvitke unutar tehno pokreta kojeg se smatra predominantnom mladena&#x10d.ak i u svjetovnim aspektima svakodnevne kulture. %~ /z-wcorg/ . anthropological. Teh no glazba zrcali na zna&#x10d.e smisao i identitet. if any. and musical sources and concepts in an attempt to develop a comprehensive understan ding of musical developments that have served the Christian church for centuries and that have also provided a rich heritage of art music.iva&#x10d. ov i ekvivalenti jo&#x161. %U http://www. This thoughtful work i nvestigates the historical interaction of theology.kom kulturom dana&#x161.jstor. Czikszentmihalyiju. K ao rezultat pojavljuje se ekvivalentnost glazbenih i religioznih rituala s obzir om na &#xbb. theologians. Modern attitudes and assumptions often find the values and accomp lishments of the Christian worldview enigmatic.lanak se koncentrira na strukturne usporednice izme&#x111.Publisher. Premda se razlikuju od onih transcendencija koje se odreduju kao sukladne glazbene scene izabrani su rock'n'roll i tehno gl azba kao dva glazbena stila &#x161. music historians and cultura l anthropologists.natjecati &#xab. philosophical. In its concluding chapter this work explores a number of basi c questions: In what sense. philosophy and music. Obraduju se zajedni&#x10d.u ritualnosti Victoru Turnem i psihologu M.rites de passage& naznake religioznog iskustva unut ar svjetovnih odnosa.ava ju i zadovoljavaju na subjektivan na&#x10d. Conn. uvijek pokazuju da se religiozne potrebe priop& %0 Book %A Faulkner. and commentary on both. Istodobno. tem eljen na uvodnom predstavljanju pseudo-religioznih fenomena i njihovih korijena unutar rock'n'rolla. iako ne upu&#x107. if any. Spanish %0 %A %D %T %E %B of %C %I %P %! Book Section Gabrielsson. Michel 1988 El sujeto y el poder Revista Mexicana de Sociología 50 3 3-20 El sujeto y el poder 0188-2503 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. Theory research. %G English %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %~ %W %G Journal Article Foucault. Erik 2010 The Role of Structure in the Musical Expression of Emotions Juslin. John Handbook music and emotion. María del Rosario %D 2004 %T Identidad y minorías musulmanas en Colombia : Ocupación y gobierno hispánicos del t erritorio %J Desafíos %N 11 %P 106-139 %! Identidad y minorías musulmanas en Colombia : Ocupación y gobierno hispánicos del t erritorio %@ 0124-4035 . Patrick. Sloboda. John Handbook music and emotion. Lindström.%W http://worldcat. applications Oxford Oxford University Press 367-400 The Role of Structure in the Musical Expression of Emotions %0 Journal Article %A García. Alf 2010 Strong Experiences with Music Juslin. applications Oxford Oxford University Press 547-574 Strong Experiences with Music %0 %A %D %T %E %B of %C %I %P %! Book Section Gabrielsson. Sloboda. Theory research. leading in mystic experience as eight of this meet-ing and characterized by a w hole of specifics phenomenological features. caracterizado por un conjunto de rasgos fenomenológicamente específicos. and the Second Vatican Counc Berkeley University of California Press The Catholic revolution new wine. se desarrollan una serie de consideraciones sobre la experiencia religiosa desde una perspectiva fenomenológica.%~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. specially if valuation is ca rried out from psychopathology. María del Rosario %D 2007 %T Identidad y minorías musulmanas en Colombia %C Bogotá. Con punto de partida e n la estructura religiosa del ser humano.C. Facultades de Ciencia Política y Gobierno y de Relaciones Internacionales. old wineskins. la exigencia de cautela a la hora de valorar psicológicamente la experiencia mística. Editorial Universidad del Rosario %! Identidad y minorías musulmanas en Colombia %@ 9789588298375 9588298377 %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. D. 2004 The Catholic revolution new wine. and the Second Vatican Counc .org %G Spanish %0 %A %D %T il %C %I %! il Web Page Greeley. and focu ses in religious experience as experience of personal meeting with trascendence. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W %G Spanish %0 Book %A Garcí %G Spanish %0 Journal Article %A García-Alandete. old wineskins. Andrew M. it is emphasized the requi rement of caution when mystic experience is valued. from a phenomenological pe rspective. cuando la valoración se realiza desde claves psicopatológicas. Joaquín %D 2009 %T Sobre la experiencia religiosa: aproximación fenomenológica %J folios Folios %N 30 %P 115-126 %! Sobre la experiencia religiosa: aproximación fenomenológica %@ 0123-4870 %X En el presente trabajo. Se destaca. some considerations on religious experience are explained. para desembocar en la experiencia mística como culmen de tal encuentro. %I Centro de Estudios Políticos e Internacionales. Finally. The starting point is the human being's religious structure. In this paper. finalmente. se centra en la experiencia religiosa como experiencia de encuentro personal con la trascendencia. especialmente. Students at the small Catholic college scored sig nificantly higher in religiosity than the nonsectarian university students score d. As oth er investigators had found religiosity and church going related to submissivenes s. . and in a whole generation of Catholics who have become Catholic on their own t erms. respected. %0 Journal Article . Differences in sensitivity to demand characteristics had been hypothesized to account for part of the discrepancy. this richly detailed. clergy and the laity. nonsectarian universit y. Coming at a time of crisis and doubt for the Catholic Church. euphoric in their (temporary) fre edom from the obstructions of the Roman Curia. This finding supports the possibility that differences in reported perception of emotion between the original two samples may not reflect differences in the effectiveness of priming as much as they reflect the effects of different sensit ivities to demand characteristics. the most recognized.%@ 9780520938779 0520938771 1417510633 9781417510634 0520901754 9780520901759 12 82358111 9781282358119 %X Publisher's description: How. A timely and much-needed review of forty years of Church history. Samples from Psycho logy 101 enrollments in the two colleges were given the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire. newly persuaded that "unchangeable" Catholicism c ould in fact change. of American Catholics. The Ca tholic Revolution offers a genuinely new interpretation of the complex and radic al shift in American Catholic attitudes since the second Vatican Council (1962-1 965). Mark C. Hoff. The authors speculated that submissiveness to authority might play a role in sensitivity to demand characteristics. the present study surveyed religiosity differences between student bodies at the two schools that had been involved in the priming study. sweeping away the old "rul es" that no longer made sense. introduced modest changes that no netheless proved too much for still-rigid structures of Catholicism: the "new wi ne" burst the "old wineskins. Drawing on a wealth of data collected over the last thirty years. deeply thoughtful analysis brings light and clarity to the years of tu rmoil that have shaken the foundations. Catholic college but not among Psychology 101 students at a large. began to make their own reforms. %U http://site. can the Catholic Church be in su ch deep trouble? The question resonates through this new book by Andrew Greeley. a mere generation after Vatican Council II init iated the biggest reform since the %G English %0 Journal Article %A Gridley. The revolution that Greeley describes brought abo ut changes that continue to reverberate--in a chasm between leadership and laity . and influential commentator on American Catholi c life. Greeley points to a rift between the higher and lower orders in the Church that began in the wake of Vatican Council II--when bishops. if not the %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. Robert %D 2011 %T Demand Characteristics and Religiosity in Perception of Emotion in Music %J Psychology Journal %V 8 %N 3 %P 88-92 %! Demand Characteristics and Religiosity in Perception of Emotion in Music %@ 1931-5694 %X In a previous study an attempt to prime perception of sadness in a jazz piano improvisation had succeeded among Psychology 101 students at a small." As the Church leadership tried to reimpose the ol d order. 1974 Trance. Jeannette H. and hallucination. three field studies in religious experien 0471313904 9780471313908 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. Esther %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. there exists a difference about this articulation of temporality betwee n the Pentecostal Awakening of 1909 and the subsequent years. But at the sa me English . como con el cambio de la creencia en un fin inminente a un fin inmanente del tiempo. a difference relat ed both to different kinds of pentecostal singing. relato y canto en la comunidad pentecostal %@ 0718-4727 %X The singing of Chilean Pentecostal community is an event when temporality is articulated.unirioja. relato y canto en la comunidad pentecostal %J Revista Cultura y Religión %V 3 %N 2 %P 127-142 %! Tiempo. Cristián %D 2009 %T Tiempo. Pressel.%A Guerra Rojas. three field studies in religious experien %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %~ %W Journal Article Hernández Salgar. conforme a las ideas de Paul Ricoeur. Artes Visuales y Artes Escenicas 7 1 39-77 La semiótica musical como herramienta para el estudio social de la música 1794-6670 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. namely glossolalic singing an d hymn singing. as a narrated time according to Paul Ricoeurs theory. Oscar 2012 La semiótica musical como herramienta para el estudio social de la música Cuadernos de Musica. and to the changing of the belief on an imminent end of time to the belief on an immanent end of time. existe una diferencia en esta articulación entre la época del avivamiento de 1 909 y los años posteriores a éste. una diferencia que se relaciona tanto con distint os tipos de canto pentecostal. El canto de la comunidad pentecostal en C hile constituye una instancia de articulación de la temporalidad en términos de un t iempo relatado o narrado. healing. Pero al mismo ti %G Spanish %0 %A %A %A %D %T ce %C %I %! ce %@ %~ %W %G Book Henney. principalmente el canto glosolálico y el canto de h imnos. and hallucination. %U http://dialnet. New York Wiley Trance. Felicitas D. javeriana. Poder y emoción en las músicas populares colombian 1930-1960 Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas doctoral Los mitos de la música nacional. Michael 1998 Musical and religious experiences and their relationship to happiness Personality and Individual Differences Personality and Individual Differences 25 1 91-102 Musical and religious experiences and their relationship to happiness 0191-8869 /z-wcorg/ %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %~ %W %G Journal Article Higgins. Poder y emoción en las músicas populares colombian 1930-1960 http://repository. Kathleen Marie 2007 An Alchemy of Emotion: <i>Rasa</i> and Aesthetic Breakthroughs JAAC The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 1 43-54 An Alchemy of Emotion: <i>Rasa</i> and Aesthetic Breakthroughs 0021-8529 /z-wcorg/ Papa Juan Pablo 1979 La eucaristia. Peter Argyle.juanpablomagno.%G Spanish %0 %A %D %T as %B %I %V %9 %! as %U Thesis Hernández Salgar.htm .org English %0 %A %D %T %B %8 %U Conference Paper English %0 %A %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %~ %W %G Journal Article Hills. Oscar 2014 Los mitos de la música nacional. sacramento de la cercanía de Dios al hombre Audiencia General 13 de junio http://www. aciprensa.htm %0 %A %D %T %B %8 %! %U Magazine Article II. Papa Juan Pablo 2000 La Eucaristía.aciprensa.aciprensa.htm %0 %A %D %T %B %8 %U Conference Paper II.aciprensa. Papa Juan Pablo 2000 La Eucaristía: memorial de las maravillas de Dios Audencia General 4 de octubre sacramento de unidad .htm %0 %A %D %T %B %8 %U Conference Paper Papa Juan Pablo 2000 La Eucaristía: suprema celebración terrena de la "gloria" Audencia General 27 de septiembre https://www.htm %0 %A %D %T %B %8 %! Magazine Article Papa Juan Pablo 2000 La Eucaristía resume todas las maravillas que Dios realizó por nuestra salvación Misa de clausura del XVII Congreso Eucarístico Internacional. Papa Juan Pablo 2000 La Eucaristía: Banquete de comunión con Dios Audencia General 18 de octubre https://www.%0 %A %D %T %B %8 %U Conference Paper II. Papa Juan Pablo 2000 La Eucaristía: sacrificio de alabanza L'Osservatore Romano 13 de octubre La Eucaristía: sacrificio de alabanza https://www.aciprensa.htm %0 %A %D %T %B %8 %U Conference Paper II. JPII 25 de Junio https://www. sacramento de unidad L'Osservatore Romano 10 de noviembre La Eucaristí Rubén La Cathédrale engloutie de Claude Debussy: de la perception au sens . Ladidet. Michel 1975 Teoría y práctica de la semántica musical Musique en jeu 17 87-109 Teoría y práctica de la semántica musical López Vélez.htm %0 %A %D %T %B %8 %U Conference Paper II.html %0 %A %D %T %J %N %P %! %H %Q Journal Article Imberty.aciprensa. Papa Juan Pablo %D 2003 %T Ecclesia de Eucharistia: carta encíclica %! Ecclesia de Eucharistia: carta encíclica %U http://www.%U https://www. Papa Juan Pablo 2001 La Eucaristía es el tesoro más valioso que la Iglesia ha heredado de Cristo Solemnidad del "Corpus Christi" 25 de Junio López Cano. Ladidet.htm %0 %A %D %T %B %8 %U Conference Paper II. Papa Juan Pablo 2000 La Eucaristía: Abre al futuro de Dios Audiencia General 25 de octubre López Cano. Michel 1985 La Cathédrale engloutie de Claude Debussy: de la percepción al sentido Revue de Musique des universités canadiennes 6 90-160 La Cathédrale engloutie de Claude Debussy: de la percepción al sentido López Vélez.htm %0 Web Page %A II. Rubén Perspectives nouvelles de la semántique musicale expérimentale %0 %A %D %T %J %N %P %! %H %Q Journal Article Imberty. and possession. Thomas G. I %0 %A %A %D %T %J %V Journal Article Jones. 1992 Muzak: On functional music and power Critical Studies in Mass Communication 9 . gozo de avivamiento y danzas en el fuego del espíritu %J Revista musical chilena %V 66 %N 218 %P 38-55 %! Poiesis numinosa de Ia música pentecostal: Cantos de júbilo. Particularly problematic is the tension between native explication of possession trance. trance. and ultimately reify the barrier betw een Self and Other.jstor. and the parameters of academic discourse. Schumacher. gozo de avivamiento y danzas en el fuego del espíritu %@ 0716-2790 %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. Spirit Possession and the In-between: Ethnomusicological Inquiry and t he Challenge of Trance %@ 17411912. %D 2007 %T Music. Rodrigo %A Valdés. They also involve w restling with the limits of epistemology and with personal convictions and socia l biases that influence the encounter with the unseen. can be counterproductive. Drawing on my ethnographic experience studying and performin g Tunisian stambeli. Claudio %D 2012 %T Poiesis numinosa de Ia música pentecostal: Cantos de júbilo.. indigenous understandings of the relati ons between music. These include a disciplinary focus on 'the music'. 2007 %X The recent renewal of interest in trance. which grants age ncy to supernatural beings. %U http://www. Simon C. Spirit Possession and the In-between: Ethnomusicological Inquiry and t he Challenge of Trance %J Ethnomusicology Forum %V 16 %N 2 %P 185-208 %! Music. 17411920 %1 Full publication date: Nov. José Manuel %A Moulian. an approach that runs the risk of artificially abstracting music from t he larger ritual and cultural complex of which it is a part. Richard C. These entrenched yet often una cknowledged attitudes. which are shaped by the search for 'rational' explanations. within the field of ethnomusicology as well as without. warrants a reconsideration of the particular challenges of studying musics of spirit possession. for they prevent us fr om learning from. or even acknowledging. I consider the potential value of applying a radically empi rical approach to the study of spirit possession %G Spanish %0 Journal Article %A Jankowsky.%0 Journal Article %A Izquierdo. and prov ide examples of how it can be heuristic in explaining findings in this domain. research. T he "core" layer is constituted by iconically-coded basic emotions. research. and ev en modified by additional layers of expression that involve intrinsic and associ ative coding. H owever. As well as summarizing what is currently known about music and emotion .org %G English %0 Book %A Juslin. dispel the myths that surround it. This multiple-layer conceptual ization of expression in music can help to explain both similarities and differe nces between vocal and musical expression of English %0 Journal Article %A Juslin. Based on these premises. I suggest a conc eptualization in terms of "multiple layers" of musical expression of emotions. it will also stimulate further research in promising directions that have been little studied. %A Sloboda. The goal of this article is thus to consider what types of emotional con tent are possible to convey in music. applications %@ 9780199230143 0199230145 9780199604968 0199604967 %X This title provides comprehensive coverage of the field. F ar less attention has been devoted to the actual contents of the communicative p rocess. applications %C Oxford %I Oxford University Press %! Handbook of music and emotion : theory. I also propose that this "core" layer may be extended. John A. P. qualified. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. in all its breadth a nd %G English . and-if so-what musical parameters might carry this information.%N %P %! %@ %~ %W %G 2 156-169 Muzak: On functional music and power 0739-3180 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. and that distinct types of content are related to different types of coding. N. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. Patrik N. I will argue that the content is mainly co nstrained by the type of coding involved. These layers enable listeners to perceive more complex emotions-th ough the expressions are less cross-culturally invariant and more dependent on t he social context and/or the individual listener. I attempt to clarify the meaning of this concept. %D 2013 %T What does music express? Basic emotions and beyond %J Frontiers in psychology %V 4 %! What does music express? Basic emotions and beyond %X Numerous studies have investigated whether music can reliably convey emotions to listeners. %D 2010 %T Handbook of music and emotion : theory. Peter E. 1973 Music and trance in Central Java Ethnomusicology. Sarath %A Louviere. Abu Bilal Mustafa %D 1990 %T The Islamic ruling on music unnah and the consensus of our h fi al-ma`azif wa-al-aghani : -salih %C Jeddah. Emery 2011 Cognitive and affective judgements of syncopated musical themes Advances in Cognitive Psychology Advances in Cognitive Psychology 7 142-156 Cognitive and affective judgements of syncopated musical themes /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. Schubert. %A Greenacre. Margaret J. the S pious predecessors = Hukm al-shari`ah al-Islamiya `alá daw al-Kitab wa-al-Sunnah wa-aqwal al-salaf al and singing : in light of the Quraan [sic]. Jordan %A Burke.%0 Book %A Kanadi. 163-208 Music and trance in Central Java /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. Luke %A %G English and singing : in light of the Quraan [sic]. Saudi Arabia %I Abul-Qasim Bookstore %! The Islamic ruling on music unnah and the consensus of our h fi al-ma`azif wa-al-aghani : -salih %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. Gamini %D 2012 %T Choice modeling and the brain: A study on the Electroencephalogram (EEG) of p references %J ESWA Expert Systems With Applications %V 39 %N 16 . Sandra %A No Linguistic Content %0 Journal Article %A English %0 %A %A %D %T %J %V %P %! %~ %W %G Journal Article Keller. the S pious predecessors = Hukm al-shari`ah al-Islamiya `alá daw al-Kitab wa-al-Sunnah wa-aqwal al-salaf al %0 %A %D %T %J %P %! %~ %W %G Journal Article Kartomi. Rami N. of people to understand how the brain responds while undertaking choi ces designed to elicit the subjects preferences.%P 12378-12388 %! Choice modeling and the brain: A study on the Electroencephalogram (EEG) of p references %@ 0957-4174 %X Highlights: This paper explores the nature of decision making by examining th e brain activity. These c hoice sets were composed of three images offering potential personal computer ba ckgrounds. theta (4-7 Hz). Choice based preferences were identified by having the respondent cli ck on their preferred %G English . alpha (8-12 Hz). Eighteen participants were recruited to perform the experim ents with the average results showing clear and significant change in the spectr al activity in the frontal (F3 and F4). when considering the amount of information exchange between the le ft and right hemispheres.<br>Choice c onjures the idea of a directed selection of a desirable action or object. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. an d occipital regions while alpha dominated in the frontal and parietal regions an d beta dominating mainly in the occipital and temporal regions. Si gnificant EEG spectral changes observed while eliciting preferences. As a pilot study in this field. However. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. the Tobii-Studio eye tracker system was utilized to capture the participants choice based preferences when they were observing seventy-two sets of objects. The resul ts show that. Eighteen participants were recruited to perform the experiments. Andrew %D 2010 %T The cultural life of the early polyphonic Mass : medieval context to modern r evival %C Cambridge. beta (13-30 Hz).org %G English %0 Book %A Kirkman. exploring the hidden meanings within its music and its legacy today. To facilitate such a study. or other such preferences. Understanding the physiological processes of decision making across a variety of contexts is a ce ntral aim in decision science as it has a great potential to further progress de cision research. A mutual information (MI) meas ure was then used to study left-to-right hemisphere differences as well as front -to-back difference. parietal. New York %I Cambridge University Press %! The cultural life of the early polyphonic Mass : medieval context to modern r evival %@ 9780521114127 0521114128 %X Kirkman sheds new light on the polyphonic mass. such int ernal processes are simply the domain of our human physiology. delta (0.5-4 Hz). Emotiv EPOC wireless EEG headset was used to collect the associated bra in activity. a brain computer interface (BCI) represe nted by the commercial Emotiv EPOC wireless EEG headset with 14 channels was uti lized to capture the associated brain activity during the period of the experime nts. Electroencephalog ram (EEG). In addition. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was utilized to preprocess the EEG data before analyzing it with the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to observe the changes in the main principal frequency bands. motiva ted by internal likes and dislikes. and gamma (30-40 Hz). Tobii-Studio eye tracker system was used to capture users pref erences. parietal (P7 and P8) and occipital (O1 a nd O2) areas while the participants were indicating their preferences. theta bands exhibited minimal redundancy and maximum r elevance to the task at hand when extracted from symmetric frontal. this paper explores the nature of decision making by examining the associated brain activity. Lisa 2007 It's not about the song with heart and voice Christian Century 124 26 18-21 It's not about the song with heart and voice %0 Book . Rubén %D 2002 %T Entre el giro lingüístico y el guiño hermenéutico: Tópicos y competencia en la semiótica musical actual %J Revista cuicuilco %V 9 %N 25 %P 1-40 %! Entre el giro lingüístico y el guiño hermenéutico: Tópicos y competencia en la semiótica musical actual %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! Journal Article Lynne M. Perceptual studies support music-theoretic descriptions of mu sical structures that underlie listeners expectations. %D 2002 %T Music: A Link Between Cognition and Emotion %J CDIR Current Directions in Psychological Science %V 11 %N 2 %P 45-50 %! Music: A Link Between Cognition and Emotion %@ 0963-7214 %X Cognition and emotion are closely linked in music.. The interplay between expe ctations and the sounded events is hypothesized to play a central role in creati ng musical tension and %G English %0 Journal Article %A López Cano. Musical emotions change over time in inten sity and quality. The research summarized here is part of an on going program investigating how this dynamic aspect of musical emotion relates t o the cognition of musical structure. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. but that musical cultures emphasize these differentially.%0 Journal Article %A Krumhansl. A schema of temporal organization that relates episodes of tension and relaxation to musical form an d expressive aspects of musical performance is described. and these emotional changes covary with changes in psychophysi ological measures. Carol L. some results suggest that the expression of emotion in music shares properties with the expre ssion of emotion in speech and dance. Cross-cultural comparison s suggest that certain psychological principles of expectation are quite general . Finally. M. as used in P-C church serv English %0 Journal Article %A Mandi. En el estudio 2 se hicieron cuestionarios a practicantes y no practicantes acerca de 4 piezas musicales (2 seculares. En el estudio 1 se hicieron preguntas a practicantes acerca de la importancia de la música en su s servicios religiosos. Strongman %D 2002 %T The Emotional Effects of Music on Religious Experience: A Study of the Pentec ostal-Charismatic Style of Music and Worship %J Psychology of Music %V 30 %N 1 %P 8-27 %! The Emotional Effects of Music on Religious Experience: A Study of the Pentec ostal-Charismatic Style of Music and Worship %@ 0305-7356 %X The relationship of the Pentecostal-Charismatic (P-C) style of music and wors hip practices to religious experience was investigated. [nada sorpresiv o/revolucionario acá] • El estudio examina la estructura ritual de la práctica Pentecostal.%A %D %T %C %I %! %@ %~ %W %G Madell. Resul ts are discussed with respect to their implications for the links between music. Participants' mood significantly increased from directly before the servi ce until directly after the music and worship part of the service. Two selections were secular and two were religious. and emotion Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press Philosophy. The groups had similar reactions to the secular pieces but the P-C group h ad stronger "energetic" and "awesome" emotional reactions than the non-P-C group to the religious selections. The investigation demonstrated h ow music is used as a facilitator of religious experience in a P-C church. The compositional device s typically found in this type of church music were analysed with respect to the ir potential emotional effects. . music. %Z • Dos estudios etnográficos a través de entrevistas y cuestionarios sobre la r elación entre los estilos musicales y prácticas de culto/rituales de la iglesia Pent ecostal-Carismática y la experiencia religiosa de sus practicantes. Geoffrey 2002 Philosophy. y hubo una notoria diferencia en la reacción de los practicantes en rel ación con las piezas con contenido religioso. In Study 2. T. y advierte la relación fuerte entre emocionalidad y estructura ritual. emotion and religious experience. members of a P-C church responded to questionnaires and interviews about the importance of music in their church ser vices. 2 re ligiosas). although ther e was little change throughout the remainder of the service. así como la importancia del sentido de emoción como un empoderamiento venido de y dotado por la figura del Es píritu Santo. Los investigadores advirtieron cambios significativos de humor entre los momentos previos al servicio y los momentos posteriores a las p artes musicales y rituales del mismo. a P-C g roup and a non-P-C group had their reactions assessed to four musical selections . and emotion 0748616128 9780748616121 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. Miller %A Kenneth. Los investigadores citan a la famili aridad y los tipos de asociación que los practicantes tienen o han fabricado con l a música como elementos fundamentales que explican los resultados. Familiarity with and associations to the music see med to be the important factors in this effect. In Study 1. music. E. A.• El estudio se centra en el estilo de música Pentecostal.g. Congedo. Cheliout-Heraut.. expressing culture New York. Van Laghenhove. no resolución de expectativas). Azabou. Advierte emociones simila res dentro y fuera del ritual para practicantes religiosos. 2013 A comparison of recording modalities of P300 event-related potentials (ERP) f brain-computer interface (BCI) paradigm NEUCLI Neurophysiologie Clinique / Clinical Neurophysiology 43 4 217-227 A comparison of recording modalities of P300 event-related potentials (ERP) f brain-computer interface (BCI) paradigm .org Spanish %0 %A %A %A %A %A %A %A %D %T or %J %V %N %P %! or Journal Article Mayaud. M. José Ma 1995 Psicofisiología Madrid Síntesis Psicofisiología 8477382867 9788477382867 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. Figère. D. este parece centrarse en aspectos de composición y no de ejecución. L. M. Orlikowski. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. NY Oxford University Press Music in Egypt : experiencing music. expressing culture 9780195146455 019514645X /z-wcorg/ %G No Linguistic Content %0 %A %D %T %C %I %! %@ %~ %W %G Book Marcus. F. • Con respecto al análisis musical. Scott Lloyd 2006 Music in Egypt : experiencing music. en un sentido temporal explícito. No hay una preocupac ión consciente en los cuestionarios por relacionar estructuralmente el rito como t al con la música (y viceversa).org English %0 %A %D %T %C %I %! %@ %~ %W %G Book Martínez Selva. Hay particular mención del aspecto del tempo y de efectos musicale s (no es claro si varían o no en la ejecución o si se entienden como texto/partitura ) que según estudios anteriores tienden a generar emociones particulares en los oy entes (e. <br>Material and methods: Ten healthy vol unteers gave informed consent and were randomized to try the traditional EEG sys tem (six disc electrodes with gel and skin preparation) or the EMOTIV Headset fi rst. Lint eraction modalité-session sest cependant révélée fortement significative (<b>p</b> < 0. tandis quune seconde compare trois différen ts types délectrodes (cupules. ni p type délectrode. The fir st comparison evaluates the performance of six disc electrodes with that of the EMOTIV headset. lévaluation du confort par les participants révèle une gà ne importante associée à lutilisation du casque EMOTIV à partir de la sec dutilisation.<br>Résultats: Aucune différence statistiquement significative na été trouvée. %A Robinson. the performance of the EMOTIV headset drops dra matically between 2 and 3 h of use. while the performance of the six disc electro des stay constant over sessions.%@ 0987-7053 %X Aims of the study: A brain-computer interface aims at restoring communication and control in severely disabled people by identification and classification of EEG features such as event-related potentials (ERPs).< br>Objectifs de létude: Les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur ont pour vocation la rest auration de la communication et du contrôle chez les patients lourdement handicapés. a needle and a square electrode of l arger surface were simultaneously recording near lead Cz. nor was the int eraction between electrode type and session number. the evaluation of comfort by partic ipants revealed an increasing discomfort with the EMOTIV headset starting with t he second hour of use. and large squared electrode).001) showing that. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. Brian P. Une première comparaison évalue la performance de six électrode s cupules avec celle dun casque EMOTIV. Lobjectif de cette étude est la comparaison de différentes modalités denregistrement du signal EEG pour lextraction des PE.<br>Results: No statically significant effect was found for the electrode type.<br>Conclusion: Our study does not recommend the use of on e modality over another based on performance but suggests the choice should be m ade on more practical considerations such as the expected length of use. the patient comfort. Each modality was eval uated over three sessions of auditory P300 separated by one hour. Together with the six disc electrodes. soit le système EEG traditionnel (six électrodes cupules avec gel et préparation de la peau). the ava ilability of skilled labor for system setup and above all. soit le casque EMOTIV. Chaque modalité a été évaluée lors de trois ses eure. un e aiguille et une électrode carrée de surface plus importante ont été utilisées près de registrer simultanément lactivité EEG. Michael D. . Il ny a pas de différence significative entre le casque EMOTIV et les six électrodes tradition nelles bien que la tendance montre de moindres performances pour le casque. while the second evaluates three different electrode types (disc . le con fort du patient. aiguilles et carrés de surface plus large). needle. disponibilité de personnel qualifié pour linstallation du système et surtout. The aim of this study is to compare different modalities of EEG recording for extraction of ERPs.00 ce qui sexplique par une baisse des performances du casque EMOTIV entre la secon de et troisième heure dutilisation. There was no statistically s ignificant difference of performance between the EMOTIV and the six traditional EEG disc electrodes. Finally. although there was a trend showing worse performance of the EMOTIV headset. However. ni pour linteraction entre le type délectrode et la %G English %0 Journal Article %A Meier.<br>Matériels e t méthodes: Dix volontaires sains ont donné leur consentement éclairé avant dà tre random essayer en premier. v ia lutilisation de caractéristiques EEG telles que les potentiels évoqués (PE). the modality-session interaction was highly significan t (<b>P</b> < 0.<br>Conclusion: Notre étude ne recommande pas lutilisation dune techni que plutôt quune autre sur la base seule des performances mais suggère plutôt que ce choi x soit dirigé par des considérations plus pratiques telles que durà e attendue dutilisat ion. Avec les six électrodes cupules. Enfin. light) and word valence (e. people automatically assume that bright objects are good..g.jstor. In Studies 1. The studies suggest that. negative).. In a series of three studies. up (ra ther than down).. 14679280 %1 Full publication date: Feb. when making evaluation s. %U http://www.aspx?direct=true&scope=site&db=nlebk&db=nla bk&AN=70414 %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. good is often depicted as light (rather than dark). and moving forward (rather than backward). whereas dark object s are bad. Michael A.g. 2004 %X Affect is a somewhat abstract concept that is frequently linked to physical m etaphor. New York %I Routledge %! The Catholic Reformation %@ 0203264037 9780203264034 %U http://search. 2001 La Emoción y el significado en la música Madrid Alianza Editorial Gerald %0 %A %D %T %C %I %? %! %@ %~ %W %G Book Meyer. we found that categorization was inhibited when there was a mismatch between stimulus brightn ess (e.ebscohost. The purpose of our s tudies was to examine whether the association between stimulus brightness and af fect is optional or obligatory. For example. 2. participants categ orized words as negative or positive. Studies 4 and 5 reveal boun dary conditions for the %G English %0 Journal Article . Leonard B. José Luis La Emoción y el significado en la música 8420671479 9788420671475 /z-wcorg/ Spanish %0 Web Page %A Mullett. The valence of the words and the brightnes s of the letters were varied orthogonally. %D 2004 %T Why Good Guys Wear White: Automatic Inferences about Stimulus Valence Based o n Brightness %J Psychological Science %V 15 %N 2 %P 82-87 %! Why Good Guys Wear White: Automatic Inferences about Stimulus Valence Based o n Brightness %@ 09567976. %D 2002 %T The Catholic Reformation %C London.%A Clore. and 3. %U http://www. IN: Indiana University Press. y de sermón. dan za. %Z • Nelson ofrece un estudio del sistema de emociones y comportamientos que comprenden la estructura más allá del aspecto semántico de las letras de las piezas musicales.%A %D %T %J %V %N %P %8 %! %U Mumford. Finally. no hay una examinación de los sonidos musicales como tal. el autor examina los fenómenos que intervienen en la construcción de esta experienc ia emocional. musicales. y se advierte sobre la incidencia d e un sistema de “reglas” y expectativas que se generan dentro de la congregación y con tribuye al comportamiento emocional. y respuestas a estos estímulos. emotion. Timothy J. 2004 . Sara J. de oración. %D 1996 %T Sacrifice of Praise: Emotion and Collective Participation in an African-Ameri can Worship Service %J Sociology of Religion %V 57 %N 4 %P 379-396 %! Sacrifice of Praise: Emotion and Collective Participation in an African-Ameri can Worship Service %@ 10694404. and the diffusion o f behavioral expectations throughout the congregation. I discuss reason s for the continued vitality of "emotional" worship ritual among African America ns and critique traditional explanations of the link between "emotionalism" and social class. Lawrence %0 Journal Article %A Newman.christianitytoday. 1996 %X This paper draws on interviews and participant observation in an AME congrega tion to document the normative system of emotions and behaviors that make up an "emotional" worship service. También se examina los modos en los que se estimul an respuestas emocionales dentro del ritual. %D 2004 %T Review of Deep listeners: Music. i ncluding "shouting. Next." the encouragement of response behavior. Un aspecto particularmente relevante e interesante es la relación en tre elementos litúrgicos. A través de la observación y la documentación de uno de estos servicios.html %0 Journal Article %A Nelson. I show the unique aspects of the "emotional" service. Presenta además una reflexión crítica sobre discu rsos que tradicionalmente ligan ciertos tipos de emocionalidad con la ciertas cl ases sociales en Estados Unidos. 2011 A variety of religious composition Christianity today 55 6 42-44 Junio A variety of religious composition http://www. 17598818 %1 Full publication date: Winter. • Estudio importante acerca de lo que se considera un servicio religioso “emocional” a froamericano. and trancing by Judith Becker: Bloo mington and Indianapolis. Aunque hay claras alusiones al uso de música. First I discuss the system of "feeling rules" which are operative in the service and how individual emotions are evoked through lit urgical discourse. y la respuesta emocional individual y de la congregación. A. Josh H %D 2015 %T Distinct Cortical Pathways for Music and Speech Revealed by Hypothesis-Free V oxel Decomposition %J Neuron %V 88 %N 6 %P 1281-1296 %! Distinct Cortical Pathways for Music and Speech Revealed by Hypothesis-Free V oxel Decomposition %@ 0896-6273 %R 10. due in part to the small stimulus sets common to fMRI studies and the overlap of neural populat ions within voxels.%J International Journal of Listening %V 18 %N 1 %P 63-66 %8 2004/01/01 %! Review of Deep listeners: Music. and its detection required a decomposition method. and were not explainable by standard acoustic features. %U http://dx. Nancy G %A McDermott. C.neuron. although a small number of .2015. An atomically. we measured fMRI responses to 1 65 natural sounds and inferred canonical response profiles (?components?) whose weighted combinations explained voxel responses throughout auditory cortex. 2012 The effect of background music on the taste of wine British journal of psychology (London.2015. and trancing by Judith Becker: Bloo mington and Indianapolis. emotion. each with interpretable response characterist ics despite being unconstrained by prior functional hypotheses. music selectivity was weak in raw voxel respo nses. Four components embodied selectivity for particular acoustic features (frequency. spectrotempora l modulation. Two others exhibited pronounced selectivity for music and speech. Sam %A Kanwisher.11.1080/10904018. IN: Indiana University music and speech selectivity concentrated in distinct regions of non -primary auditory cortex. England : 1953) 103 3 293-301 The effect of background music on the taste of wine 0007-1269 Research concerning cross-modal influences on perception has neglected audito influences on perceptions of non-auditory objects. This analysis revealed six components.doi.035 %[2016/01/15 %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %X ry Journal Article North.neuron.1080/10904018. 2004 %@ 1090-4018 %R 10. To address these challenges.1016/j.10499066 %U http://dx. revealin g distinct cortical pathways for music and speech.1016/j.035 %X The organization of human auditory cortex remains unresolved. pitch).doi.10499066 %0 Journal Article %A Norman-Haignere. Voxel decomposition ide ntifies primary dimensions of response variation across natural sounds.11. However.2004. %A Hargreaves. These results indi cate that the symbolic function of auditory stimuli (in this case music) may inf luence perception in other modalities (in this case gustation). 2003 The Effect of Musical Style on Restaurant Customers' Spending . Adrian English %0 %A %A %A %D %T Journal Article North. answering some of the perennial questions about music. through childhood. the results reported here indicate that independent groups' ratings of the taste of the wine reflected the emotional con notations of the background music played while they drank it. and how such effects might be influenced by participants' pre-existing knowledge and expertise with regard to the target object in question. %D 2008 %T The social and applied psychology of music %C Oxford %I Oxford University Press %! The social and applied psychology of music %@ 9780198567424 0198567421 %X "Music is so ubiquitous that it can be easy to overlook the powerful influenc e it exerts in so many areas of our lives . %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. David J. Jennifer 1999 The influence of in-store music on wine selections Journal of Applied Psychology Journal of Applied Psychology 84 2 271-276 The influence of in-store music on wine selections 0021-9010 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. The Social and Applied Psychology of Music considers the value of music i n everyday life. Consistent with this. McKendrick. Amber Hargreaves. Adrian C. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat.from %G English %0 Book %A North. to ol d age. Adrian C. David %G English %0 %A %A %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %~ %W %G Journal Article North. David J. Hargreaves. and are discusse d in terms of possible future research that might investigate those aspects of m usic that induce such effects in a particular manner. Shilcock."--Jacket .studies indicate that auditory stimuli can influence perceptions of the freshne ss of foodstuffs. Joshua. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. divided into five groups.%J Environment & Behavior %V 35 %N 5 %P 712-718 %! The Effect of Musical Style on Restaurant Customers' Spending %@ 0013-9165 %X Classical music. overall dr ink bill. Becker. Judith %D 2009 %T Religious Ecstatics. which indicated that the playing of background classical music led to (a) people reporting that they were prepared to spend mor e and (b) higher actual spending. and emotion Cambridge. MIT Press The musical representation : %G English %0 %A %D %T %C %I %! %@ %~ %W %G Book Nussbaum. ontology. wine. and overall spend. ontology. and emotion 9780262140966 0262140969 /z-wcorg/ English %0 Journal Article %A Penman." and Musical Emotion %@ 1559-5749 %X The aim of this study is to begin to provide an explanation for the worldwide linkage of music and ecstatic religious ceremonies. The basic hypothesis is tha t the physiological ability to respond to musical stimuli with strong emotional responses is one of the pre-conditions for the propulsion into ecstasy. total spend on food. Total time spent in the restaurant was also measured. Univariate analyses indicated that ther e were differences between the conditions on mean spend per head on starters. and no music were played in a British restaurant over the course of 18 evenings. The results indicate that restaurant managers can use classical music to increase customer spending. co ffee. The mean spend per head for each table was calcu lated for starters. were tested using galvanic skin response and heart rate measur ements. "Deep Listeners. Mass. "Deep Listeners. These findings were consistent wit h the limited previous research. pop music. main courses. The results seem to support the hypotheses by demonstrating 1) a correla . tears) by musical listening will have emotio nal reactions similar to those of religious ecstatics. A MANOVA analysis revealed that there was an overall signifi cant difference between the conditions with classical music leading to higher sp ending than both no music and pop music." and Musical Emotion %J Empirical Musicology Review %V 4 %N 2 %P 49-70 %8 April %! Religious Ecstatics. overall food bill. Charles O. and total spend. A second hypothesis is that a sub-set of the music-loving community. 2007 The musical representation : meaning. desserts. the "deep listeners " who are profoundly moved (chills. coffee. and the results are discu ssed in terms of three possible explanations for this. bar drinks. 60 participants. handle. This is why today's human mind and cultures cannot exist without today's music . Arguments ar e reviewed that the evolution of language toward becoming the semantically power ful tool of today required emancipation from emotional encumbrances. and 2) a correlation betwe en being a secular "deep listener" and having a similarly strong GSR listening t o favorite music. a synthesis of cognitive science and mathematical models of the mind has been proposed describi ng a fundamental role of music in the functioning and evolution of the mind. La segunda es que los “profund o-escucha” (deep listeners)—personas que aman escuchar música y lo hacen de manera vib rante—van a tener reacciones similares a los practicantes religiosos en éxtasis. Leonid %D 2010 %T Musical emotions: Functions. The opposit e.tion between being a religious ecstatic and having a strong GSR while listening to favorite music. %U http://hdl. and the other preserving emotional connections along with semantic amb iguity. It addresse s one hypothesis that promises to unify the field and proposes a theory of music al origin based on a fundamental role of music in cognition and evolution of con sciousness and culture. Nevertheless. Most existing theories contradict each other. al menos desde el punto de vista fisiológico. Approaches toward experimental verification of this hypothesis in psychol ogical and neuroimaging research are reviewed. in comparison with control groups. and cultures. nor evolutionary reaso ns for music origins. Grupo s incluían personas religiosas y no religiosas. The reviewed hypothesis gives a basis for future analysis of why different evo lutionary paths of languages were paralleled by different evolutionary paths of music. es comparable con otras situaciones de escucha musical no relacionadas con ritos religiosos. The review considers ancient theories of music as well as contemporary theories advanced by leading authors in this field. con sciousness. Estudio partió de dos hipótesis y las comprobó por medio de los resultados: la básica es que la habilidad fisiológica para r esponder a estímulos musicales que llevan a un ser humano a estados de emoción inten sificada es una precondición para el éxtasis religioso. Music seems to be an enigma. in comparison with control groups. %Z • Estudio de cinco grupos focales examinados durante audición musical. no less powerful mechanisms required a compensatory evolution of music toward more differentiated and refined emotionality. which required the evolut ion of music parallel with the evolution of cultures and languages. origins. evolving into music. origins. no es especial/ particular. evolving into language. evolution %@ 1571-0645 %X Theories of music origins and the role of musical emotions in the mind are re viewed. evolution %J PLREV Physics of Life Reviews %V 7 %N 1 %P 2-27 %! Musical emotions: Functions. The proposed hypothesis departs from other theories in considering specific mechanisms of the mind-brain. We consider a split in the vocalizations of proto-humans into two types: one less emotional and more concretely-semantic. The need for refined music in the process of cultural evolution is grounded in fundamental mechanisms of the mind . and cannot explain mechani sms or roles of musical emotions in workings of the %0 Journal Article %A Perlovsky. es decir. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. Las conclusiones tienden a demostrar que la experiencia de emoción intensa que se obt iene en parte a través de la música en ceremonias religiosas (o no).org %G English . han edit ado grabaciones sonoras tanto para su uso congregacional como personal. grabaciones. también. mucho esfuerzo tanto en su búsqueda como en su negación y. similar . III). y sigue invirti endo. una visión general sobre la música. la religión y los TCJ situándolos en su contexto histórico-musical (cap. como la músic a y la percepción estética. A la h ora de decir una palabra sobre el Inefable y sobre el misterio de su comunicabil idad. En este horizonte. Miquel Àngel %D 2013 %T Música y Testigos Cristianos de Jehová aproximación histórica a sus himnarios y práctic as musicales %C Barcelona %I Universitat de Barcelona %! Música y Testigos Cristianos de Jehová aproximación histórica a sus himnarios y práctic as musicales %X Testigos Cristianos de Jehová (TCJ) y música no son dos conceptos que se hayan re lacionado con frecuencia. más bien brilla por su ausencia en la casi tot alidad de la bibliografía que sobre este grupo religioso se ha publicado.) . a las personas y dif erentes "productos" musicales relacionados (radio. una descripción histórica de sus diferentes himnarios edi tados en inglés desde 1877 y las fuentes en las que se basaron (cap. empatía y conversión: una teología de la música como epifanía del Misterio %@ 0036-9764 %X En nuestro entorno cultural.%0 Journal Article %A Piqué. Este trabajo pretende acercarse a una de esas realidades tan poco conocida s de los TCJ: la práctica musical en el seno del grupo. al menos. estado de la cuestión y metodología utilizada (cap. e idéntico panorama existe en la bibliografía sobre música y religión. Se subraya la presencia de compositores que interpretan hermenéuticamente la Pala bra llevándola a una comprensión empática y que va más allá de cualquier explicación. En los más de 130 años de his toria de los TCJ la música ha formado parte de la mayoría de sus reuniones. seis en español y uno en catalán. empatía y conversión: una teología de la música como epifanía del Misterio %J Scripta Theologica %V 42 %N 2 %P 425-434 %! Experiencia. Jordi-Agustí %D 2010 %T Experiencia. ¿Qué es lo que se conoce de todo esto? ¿Cuáles son. sus himnarios? ¿Qué himnos han ent onado? ¿Han cambiado estos himnos? ¿Cuál es su procedencia? ¿Qué se conoce sobre sus autor es? ¿Cuándo los entonan? ¿Han utilizado o continúan utilizando orquestas y coros? ¿Cuáles so n las grabaciones sonoras que han realizado? ¿Quiénes son los personajes que han est ado detrás de todo esto? Se podrá creer o no en la existencia e influencia de las di vinidades. En ellos pueden encontrar un camino de comunicación de la percepción estética del Misterio del Dios que se revela. orquestas. Se estructura en cinco capítulos y cinco anexos. Ignorar la ex istencia de la música en los TCJ es ignorar una parte importante de su propia hist oria. pero no puede negarse que el ser humano ha invertido. II). De hecho. en ese camino de am or-odio la música y la religión han mantenido una relación muy estrecha. han publ icado o usado una quincena de himnarios en inglés y. o han sido. han utilizado grandes y pequeñas orquestas y coros. etc. la pregunta religiosa actual se formula en término s de «¿cómo decir Dios?». I ). el autor ensaya elaborar una teología de la músi ca como epifanía del Misterio partiendo de la experiencia.. han utilizado la música durante varias décadas en su evangelización radiofóni ca y de casa en casa. Los capítulos se centran en la ju stificación del tema de estudio. los teólogos pueden ser sensibles a los lenguajes meta-lingüísticos. la empatía y la conversión. %0 Web Page %A Plaza-Navas. Presenta una aproximación hi stórica a los himnarios que han editado y utilizado y.. Esta búsqueda se concreta privilegiadamente en el ámbito de la exp eriencia estética. descripción para los editados en español. Los tres anexos restantes están directamente relacionados con las práctica s musicales de los TCJ. y en catalán. M. las conclusiones y las fuentes y bibliografía consultadas (cap . David 2006 The Secular Reception of Relgious Music . Snow. instruments. Des références bibliographiques. C. Los dos primeros están dedic ados exclusivamente al desarrollo histórico del grupo en España (anexo I) y en una c iudad catalana (anexo II). así como también de orqu estas y coros a lo largo de su historia (anexo IV). ainsi qu'une discographie sélective complètent ce guide dont l'objectif est de faciliter l 'accès à une des musiques les plus riches du %G French %0 %A %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %~ %W %G Journal Article Price. Los anexos se dividen en dos grandes apartados. IV). S. a los miembros del grupo que han estado relacionados con las prácticas musicales del mismo con especial dedicación a la figura de M. 17 3 257-265 Ceremonial Dissociation in American Protestant Worship 0733-4273 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. Se aporta una serie de listados con los himnos incluidos en los himnarios descritos en los capítulos III y IV (anexo III). desde 1919. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. y. se realiza una amplia descripción histórica de las diferentes grabaciones sonoras que han producido los TCJ. mélodies. %U http://www. finalmente.tdx. el uso que han hecho de la radiodifusión y la música. desde 2008 (cap. como ejemplo extrapolable al resto de las poblaciones españolas. V).). Christian %D 1994 %T Musiques du monde arabe écoute et découverte %C [Paris] %I Institut du monde arabe %! Musiques du monde arabe écoute et découverte %X Ce livre présente en 22 chapitres un panorama des musiques du monde arabe (répert oires.. 1998 Ceremonial Dissociation in American Protestant Worship Journal of psychology and Christianity. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W %G Spanish %0 Book %A Poché. rythmes et formes. Mc Phail (1854-1931).org English %0 %A %D %T Journal Article Pugmire.L.. y el anexo final (anexo V) e stá dedicado a las personas. une iconographie des instruments caractéristiques. un glossaire des termes. The general conclusion is that music linked to ghazal poetry is structurally constrained by the text as performed. 1469817X Full publication date: Jan.jstor. 15473848 %R 10. Regula Burckhardt %D 1990 %T Musical Gesture and Extra-Musical Meaning: Words and Music in the Urdu Ghazal %J Journal of the American Musicological Society %V 43 %N 3 %P 457-497 %! Musical Gesture and Extra-Musical Meaning: Words and Music in the Urdu Ghazal %@ 00030139. both of which inform the way its musical idiom serves to communicate a text in performance. the text with the content of its performance. but goes beyond. subje ct of this case study. and thus link. Lawrence Eugene Enchanting Powers: Music in the World’s Cambrige Harvard University Center for the Study 263-298 Sounding the Word: Music in the Life of %0 Conference Paper Islam Religions of World Religios Islam .%J %V %N %P %! %@ %1 %U Philosophy 81 315 65-79 The Secular Reception of Relgious Music 00318191. Hence ghazal music represents a synthesis of text and context in its embodiment of features drawn from both and expressed directly through a u nique vocabulary of musical gestures. 1990 %X This ethnomusicological inquiry into the text-music relationship assumes a br oadly contextual perspective that encompasses.2307/831743 %1 Full publication date: Autumn. 2006 http://www. Regula Burckhardt 1997 Sounding the Word: Music in the Life of %0 %A %D %T %E %B %C %I %P %! Book Section Qureshi. but that purely musical features articulate. The approach calls for making explicit the ideational framework as w ell as the performative function of a vocal genre. traditional cons iderations of textual and musical structures with the aim of exploring the sourc es of meaning for what Edward Cone terms the "gestural character" of the musical %0 Journal Article %A Qureshi. The second stage considers each particular genre in terms of its idiom 's specific function in performance. %U http://www. The ghazal. is the principal poetic form in Urdu. the analytical procedure first considers the text-music structure as a performance idiom that is subject to the cultural-historical bac kground norms of Urdu poetry on the one hand and North Indian "light" music on t he other.. Illustrated by a set of transcribed and translated examples. it is set to music in a number of related but distinct genres.jstor. Linda %D 2010 %T A sociology of religious emotion %C Oxford [England]. Pope Pius XII. Bouy er and the Movement's other leaders know and respect these principles? And what is to be said of the not insignificant liturgical reforms carried out by Pope Sa int Pius X. Parsch. identifying both the content and context of the principle of "organic develo pment"--A fundamental principle of liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Counc il's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Concilium . Bugnini. Guardini. Universidad %B X Congreso Nacional de Sociología %C Cali. Religión y Construcción de Identidad %E ICESI. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. Jungmann. Dom Alcuin Reid examines these questions systematically. CA %I Ignatius Press %! The organic development of the liturgy : the principles of liturgical reform and their relation to the twentieth-century liturgical movement prior to the sec ond Vatican Council %@ 1586171062 9781586171063 %X "How has the liturgy of the Roman rite developed and changed in history befor e and after the Council of Trent? What principles have determined the boundaries of legitimate liturgical reform over the centuries? What was the Liturgical Mov ement? Did Gueranger.making a significant contrib ution to the understanding of the nature of the Liturgical Movement and to the o ngoing re-assessment of the reforms enacted following the Council. Against the view that religious emotion is a purely private sica%20religion%20identidad. Ole %A Woodhead. Blessed Pope Pius IX.icesi. and Blessed Pope John XXIII in the course of the twentieth century?" "In The Organic Development of the Liturgy .%A Ravagli Cardona. It presents parallels and co . Alcuin %D 2005 %T The organic development of the liturgy : the principles of liturgical reform and their relation to the twentieth-century liturgical movement prior to the sec ond Vatican Council %C San Francisco. It challenges a tendency to over-emphasise rational aspects of religion. Beauduin. Jorge Alexánder %D 2011 %T Música. it o ffers a new framework which shows how religious emotions arise in the varied int eractions between human agents and religious communities. incisively and in dep th. Casel. visceral and affective dime %0 Book %A Reid. New York %I Oxford University Press %! A sociology of religious emotion %@ 9780199567607 0199567603 %X This timely book aims to change the way we think about religion by putting em otion back onto the agenda. and communities and sacred symbols. Colombia %I Universidad ICESI %U %G English %0 Book %A Riis. and rehabilitates its embodied. human agents and objec ts of devotion."--Jacket. A S ociology of Religious Emotion sheds new light on the power of religion to shape fundamental human orientations and motivations: hopes and fears. --Book Jacket. Pablo Andrés %D 2009 %T La música religiosa popular en la formación de la imagen de Dios en el ser humano creyente. in other cu ltures. New York %I Clarendon Press . and. artistic interpretation. Análisis de la afectación musical de una selección de cantos del Cantoral ' Cantemos al Dios de la vida' sobre un grupo de fieles y su posible influencia en la formación de la imagen de Dios %0 Electronic Article %A %G English %0 Thesis %A Rodriguez Rojas. and in contemporary western %G English %0 Book %A Robinson. and then in the light of this theory examines some of the ways in whic h the emotions function in the arts. music. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. more generally.ntrasts between religious emotions in European and American history. and art %C Oxford. music. emotional experienc e of art forms."--Publisher's desc ription. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. and art %@ 0199263655 9780199263653 9780199204267 0199204268 %X "Deeper than Reason takes the insights of modern psychological and neuroscien tific research on the emotions and brings them to bear on questions about our em otional involvement with the arts. Análisis de la afectación musical de una selección de cantos del Cantoral ' Cantemos al Dios de la vida' sobre un grupo de fieles y su posible influencia en la formación de la imagen de Dios %B Licenciatura en Teología %I Pontificia Universidad Javeriana %V Licenciado en Teología %! La música religiosa popular en la formación de la imagen de Dios en el ser humano creyente. Thoughtfully illustrated with photographic plates that cap ture the global range of religions and cultures discussed. Oxford University Press %! Deeper than reason : emotion and its role in literature. Jenefer %D 2005 %T Deeper than reason : emotion and its role in literature. joys and sorrow s. espec ially with questions about emotional expression in the arts. as well as anyone engaged with the arts and aesthetics. By taking emotions seriously. Robinson begins by laying out a theory of emo tion. Cristian Guerra %D 2008 %T La música en el Movimiento Pentecostal de Chile (1909-1936): el aporte de Willi s Collins Hoover y de Genaro Ríos Campos %I Centro de Documentación Evangélico Protestante (Sendas) . Written in a clear and engaging style. one that is supported by the best evidence from current empirical work on emotions. her book will make fascinating reading for anyone who is interested in the emotions and how they work. loves and hatreds. Philippe Schlesinger. Don Hochschild. Thomas J. Beck Carroll. Van Baal. Stoeckle. Daniels. Arlie Russell Kapferer. %0 Journal Article %A Russell. Thomas Rhys 1977 The Distancing of Emotion in Ritual [and Comments and Reply] Current Anthropology . ntecostal_chile. Bruce Karp. Stephen Goldstein. John D. Jeffrey H. A. %D 1980 %T A circumplex model of affect %J Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Journal of Personality and Socia l Psychology %V 39 %N 6 %P 1161-1178 %! A circumplex model of affect %@ 0022-3514 %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. %G English %0 %A %A %A %A %A %A %A %A %A %A %A %A %A %A %A %A %A %A %D %T %J Journal Article Scheff. Richard Fuchs.%! La música en el Movimiento Pentecostal de Chile (1909-1936): el aporte de Willi s Collins Hoover y de Genaro Ríos Campos %U http://www. E. Gilbert 1985 Music and trance : a theory of the relations between music and possession Chicago University of Chicago Press Music and trance : a theory of the relations between music and possession 0226730050 9780226730059 0226730069 9780226730066 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat.pdf %0 %A %D %T %C %I %! %@ %~ %W %G Book Rouget. Handelman. Kurt O. W.prolades. Translation of: La musique et la transe. Arlene Kaplan Day. Ivan Lazare. Aaron Mitrani. Michael P. James A. F. Jan Van Beek. %D 1995 %T The corruption of reality : a unified theory of religion. The theory also s uggests that when ritual is either over. John F. it is seen as immensely valuable to the individual and to society. The theory links ritual to the process of catharsis of repressed emotion. cambiante y poco %0 Book %A Schumaker. N. and catharsis in funeral rites and in curing rituals. %Z • Artículo seminal sobre emoción y rito. hypnosis. B.or underdistanced. que poco aportaba en la realidad social. T he relationship between this theory and Freud and Breuer's theory of repression and catharsis is described.Y. 15375382 %1 Full publication date: Sep. which subsumes the positive orientation. or tension-producing. 1977 %X There is an ambivalence toward ritual in social science. in the case of overdistancing. there is an underlying feeling that ritual is impotent. and psych opathology %C Amherst. o algo esencial en la estructuración del sistema de creencias/prácticas alrededor del cual circunda la práctica ritual). which subsumes the negative orientation toward ritual. 2013 Neuroarquitectura de la emocion musical Revista de neurologia 56 5 289-97 Neuroarquitectura de la emocion musical 0210-0010 . %G English %0 %A %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ Journal Article Sel. El objetivo es crear una noción/un ente ndimiento de rito que incluya a las que entonces eran las dos grandes actitudes frente a la práctica ritual en los seres humanos: por un lado la que consideraba e l rito como esencial a las formaciones (psico)sociales y por tanto contribuían de manera importante a la creación del mundo de las personas. On the other han d. Finally. This paper presents a theory of the distancing of emotion which integrates the positive and negative orientations toward ritual. and psych opathology %@ 0879759356 9780879759353 %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. in the c ase of underdistancing. A. it will be seen eith er as meaningless. %U http://www. lo que lo h ace particularmente relevante.%V 18 %N 3 %P 483-505 %! The Distancing of Emotion in Ritual [and Comments and Reply] %@ 00113204. Parte central del artículo es afrontar el problema de la emoción en el rito (algo efím ero.. y la que consideraba el rito como una práctica vacía y anticuada.jstor. distancing. hypnosis. On the one hand. %I Prometheus Books %! The corruption of reality : a unified theory of religion. some evidence from ethnology is reviewed wh ich relates sense of well-being. The objective of this article is rev iewing the most relevant studies that have tried to identify the neural correlat es of musical emotion from the more automatic to the more complex processes. it is detailed how musical emotion depends to a great ext ent on semantic and syntactic process carried out in temporal and parietofrontal areas. and to understand how these correlates interact in the brain. their limitations. song.%X The emotional response to music. which in tur n allows for the habituation of spiritual states. and the aesthe tics of spiritual practice. The article describes how the presentation of music perceived as emotional is associated with a rapid autonomic response in thalamic and subthalamic structures. demonstrating the relevant contribution of the limbic system to mus ical emotion. Syria. %D 2004 %T The Aesthetics of Spiritual Practice and the Creation of Moral and Musical Su bjectivities in Aleppo. and suggestions for further research on the neuroarchitecture of musical emotion are given. 2003 Emotion. and movement) in Aleppo. as an embodied practice mediated by specific repertoires of aesthetic and kinesthetic practices. the anterior cingulate cortex or the hippocampus. performance. as well as a series of limbic and pa ralimbic structures. temporality. This suggests the importance o f investigating the interface of embodied practices. 2004 %X This essay analyzes the performance of dhikr (the invocation of God through p rayer." Performing dhikr also conditions a musical self. Finally. lesions and individuals with extent musical training have b egun to elucidate some of these mechanisms. . Some of the recent works demonstrating that musical emotio n highly relies on emotional simulation are also mentioned. Syria %@ 00141828 %R 10. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. In dhikr. Studies using electroencephalography. such as the amygdala. accompanied by chang es in the electrodermal and endocrine responses. and temporality in Arab music : reflections on tarab Cultural anthropology : journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology Emotion. or musical emotion. Further.2307/3774034 %1 Full publication date: Autumn. a summary o f these studies. functional magnetic %G Spanish %0 %A %D %T %J %! %~ %W %G Journal Article Shannon. Jonathan H. aestheti c stimuli produce an experience of temporal transformation that participants nar rate as "ecstasy. Syria %J Ethnology %V 43 %N 4 %P 381-391 %! The Aesthetics of Spiritual Practice and the Creation of Moral and Musical Su bjectivities in Aleppo. respectively. is a universal response that draws on diverse psychological processes implemented in a large array of ne ural structures and mechanisms. performance. It also explains how musical em otion processing activates auditory cortex. Jonathan H. and temporality in Arab music : reflections on tarab /z-wcorg/ English %0 Journal Article %A Shannon. 1997 http://www. seeking t o explain the ongoing existence of the phenomenon itself before analyzing varian ce within it. Christian %D 2007 %T Why Christianity Works: An Emotions-Focused Phenomenological Account %J Sociology of Religion %V 68 %N 2 %P 165-178 %! Why Christianity Works: An Emotions-Focused Phenomenological Account %@ 10694404. Studies in Music. M.jstor. %U http://www. The idea is to address basic causes of what exists as distinct fro m more superficial causes of variation within it. . To do so.jstor. Theology and Christian Formation Music and worship: A psychologist’s perspective %0 Journal Article %A Smith. Savage. 1998 Music and worship: A psychologist’s perspective Astley.Dec. J. 17598818 %1 Full publication date: Summer. . I take a phenomenolo gical approach that focuses particularly on emotions. Creative Chords. 2007 %X Why has Christianity as a religious tradition survived for two millennia? Wha t makes Christianity "work"? Many social scientific answers to related questions focus on structural forces shaping religion and on factors that explain varianc e across belief and practice. and subjective experiences of many Christians that hel p to explain their ongoing commitment to and involvement in the faith. . Amnon 1997 Music and Religion in Islam Acta Musicologica 69 2 143-155 Music and Religion in Islam 00016241 10. By complementing typical sociological analyses of religious variance with this kind of causal analysis o f its %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %R %1 %U Journal Article Shiloah. T. Hone.%U http://www. which introdu ces a strong sense of subjective experience and affect. A. characteristic. This article takes a different approach.jstor. J.2307/932653 Full publication date: %0 %A %D %T %E %B %! Book Section Sloboda.. seeking to explicate the r ecurrent. this article seeks to expand our range of explanation and under standing in the sociology of religion. I also re flect the subjective focus on emotions in the tone of the . evolutionary researchers have turned their attention toward understanding t he selective pressures that have shaped the human capacity for religious thought s and behaviors. 2010. howe ver. Edward 1916 Secularization of Sacred Music The Musical Quarterly 2 4 615-627 Secularization of Sacred Music 00274631. 17418399 Cultural Life of the Early Polyphonic Mass: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2010. meditation.%0 Journal Article %A Sosis. and appear to be resurrecting this long-dormant but important a rea of research. xiii + 383 pp %J EARLY MUSIC HISTORY %V 30 %P 261-270 %! Book Review: Andrew Kirkman. %D 2011 %T Book Review: Andrew Kirkman. %G English %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ Journal Article Stubbs. and Reviews %V 12 %N 6 %P 264-274 %! Signaling. Geertz<sup>2</sup> had pronounced the field dead. Here we review these literatures and examine both the proximate mechanisms and ultimate evolutionary processes es sential for developing a comprehensive evolutionary explanation of religion. and other a ltered states affect brain functioning and %G English %0 Journal Article %A Strohm. is being complemented by advances in neuropsychology and a growi ng interest among neuroscientists in how ritual. solidarity. trance. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. Cultural Life of the Early Polyphonic Mass: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Candace %D 2003 %T Signaling. Recently. The Medieval Context to Modern Revival.<sup>20-26</sup> This lat ter research is providing critical insights into the evolution of the proximate mechanisms responsible for religious behavior. G. and the sacred: The evolution of religious behavior %J EVAN Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues. . solidarity. which focuses on ultimate evolutionar y explanations. The Medieval Context to Modern Revival.<sup>1-7</sup > By the 1960s.<sup>8-19</sup> This work. Richard %A Alcorta. and the sacred: The evolution of religious behavior %@ 1060-1538 %X Anthropologists have repeatedly noted that there has been little theoretical progress in the anthropology of religion over the past fifty years. R. xiii + 383 pp %@ 0261-1279 %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. org/stable/737944 %0 %A %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %~ %W %G Journal Article Suk.jstor. Mehrabian. General 123 4 394-409 Effects of color on emotions 0096-3445 . 1916 %U http://www. 2006 The Sacred and the Secular: Where Do We Draw the Line? The Journal of religious thought. A. P. Hyeon-Jeong Irtel. Hans 2010 Emotional response to color across media Color research and English %0 %A %D %T %J %V %! %@ Journal Article Turino. E.%1 Full publication date: Oct. 48 1 64 Emotional response to color across media 0361-2317 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat.1-5. 59/60 1/2/1 13-28 The Sacred and the Secular: Where Do We Draw the Line? 0022-4235 /z-wcorg/ English %0 %A %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ Journal Article Valdez. Thomas 2012 Peircean Phenomenology and Musical Experience Karpa Journal of Theatricalities and Visual Culture 5.2 Peircean Phenomenology and Musical Experience 1937-8572 %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %~ %W %G Journal Article Turner. 1994 Effects of color on emotions Journal of experimental psychology.. P. Much research and conceptual ization has emerged related to multisensory integration in vision. Brightness e ffects were nearly the same for chromatic and achromatic colors. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. Green-yellow.76B + . blue-gree n. and brightness (Munsell color s ystem and color chips) were investigated using the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance em otion model. %~ /z-wcorg/ %W http://worldcat. Pleasu re = . Regression equations for standardized variables were. Finally. Dominance = -. purple.32S. %G English %0 Journal Article %A Wilkins. and purple-blue were the most pleasant hues. while making explicit distinctions between peripheral and central in %G English %0 Journal Article %A Verhagen.60S.%X Emotional reactions to color hue. Lina %D 2006 %T The neurocognitive bases of human multimodal food perception: Sensory integra tion %J NBR Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews %V 30 %N 5 %P 613-650 %! The neurocognitive bases of human multimodal food perception: Sensory integra tion %@ 0149-7634 %X This review addresses a fundamental neuroscientific question in food percepti on: how multimodal features of food are integrated. red-purple. Saturation (S) and brightness (B) evidenced strong and consistent e ffects on emotions.and intermodal interactions related to food perception. an d green were the most arousing. Blue. whereas purple-blue and yellow-red were the leas t arousing. while it remains poorly understood and researched within the ch emical and mouth feel senses. which provide a framework for further neuroscientific exploration in this area. Amy C. where as yellow and green-yellow were the least pleasant.31B + . blue-green. %D 2008 %T "Happier than Non-Christians": Collective Emotions and Symbolic Boundaries am ong Evangelical Christians %J Social Psychology Quarterly %V 71 %N 3 .<br>We discuss the main concepts in the fields of auditory. Arousal = -. as well as by single-unit.22S. We are guided by a new meta-analysis of the odor-taste neuroimaging literature. %A Engelen. visual and somatosensory multisens ory integration and relate them to oral-sensory (gustatory and somatosensory) an d olfactory (orolfactory) interactions. we propose strong i nvolvement of recurrent neural networks in multisensory integration and make sug gestions for future research. Justus V. As the neural bases of crossmodal orolfaction currently are poorly u nderstood.69B + . anatomical and psychophysical studies. Green-yellow induced greater dominance than red-purple. we introduce several plausible neuroscientific models. We systematically review the psychophysi cal literature pertaining to intra. audition and somatosensation. This review aims to bridge this gap. green. org/stable/1412204 %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %R %1 %U Journal Article Yob. 1995 http://www. Iris M. 1902 http://www. 1995 Religious Emotion in the Arts Journal of Aesthetic Education 29 4 23-38 Religious Emotion in the Arts 00218510. I view it as a cultural phenomeno n--a way of talking and thinking about their emotions.. then. %U http://www.jstor.2307/1412204 Full publication date: Jan. Unity's emotion work helps participants achieve happiness ." Happiness is an effective boundary not just because Unity Christians themselves want to be happy. and learn to link happiness to their moral selves. %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %@ %R %1 %U Journal Article Woolston. Unity Christians claim that they are happier than non-Chri stians. and because it builds on broader associations between ha ppiness and morality. unhappiness signal s immorality. but because most members of the middle class want to be . such happiness is compuls ory.2307/3333289 Full publication date: Winter.jstor. but because it also disallows any negative emotions. H. but rather than viewing their happiness as a mental health outcome of th eir participation in a religious organization. 1902 Religious Emotion The American Journal of Psychology 13 1 62-79 Religious Emotion 00029556 10. 15437809 10. Inasmuch as happiness signals morality.%P 281-301 %! "Happier than Non-Christians": Collective Emotions and Symbolic Boundaries am ong Evangelical Christians %@ 01902725 %1 Full publication date: Sep. I show how Unity particip ants learn to think of themselves as happy. happin ess is a symbolic boundary--participants see themselves as happier (and more aut hentically so) than others--but this feeling is also material in the crafting of more complex moral boundaries in which happiness is both sign and cause of othe r kinds of "goodness. learn to adjust their emotional resp onses and view their managed emotions as authentic. One cannot be a Unity Christian if one is not happy. 2008 %X This article uses qualitative data (participant-observation and interviews) t o examine happiness talk in a university-based evangelical Christian organizatio n (University Unity). In Unity. %0 %A %D %T %J %V %N %P %! %~ %W %G Journal Article English %0 %A %D %T %! %@ %~ %W %G Journal Article Zizek. Analysis Music Analysis 29 1-3 37-60 Music. Analysis /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. Emotion. Spanish . Lawrence M. Slavoj 2003 Ideología : un mapa de la cuestión Ideología : un mapa de la cuestión 9505575734 9789505575732 /z-wcorg/ http://worldcat. 2010 Music.
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