MTMA SEM I - Classical Algebra

March 17, 2018 | Author: Monty Sigmund | Category: Polynomial, Summation, Complex Number, Exponential Function, Zero Of A Function



CLASSICAL ALGEBRACHAPTER I COMPLEX NUMBERS: DE’ M OIVRE’S THEOREM A complex number z is an ordered pair of real numbers (a,b): a is called Real part of z, denoted by Re z and b is called imaginary part of z, denoted by Im z. If Re z=0, then z is called purely imaginary; if Im z =0, then z is called real. On the set C of all complex numbers, the relation of equality and the operations of addition and multiplication are defined as follows: (a,b)=(c,d) iff a=b and c=d, (a,b)+(c,d)=(a+c,b+d), (a,b).(c,d)= (ac-bd,ad+bc) The set C of all complex numbers under the operations of addition and multiplication as defined above satisfies following properties:  For z1,z2,z3 C, (1) (z1+z2)+z3=z1+(z2+z3)(associativity), (2)z1+(0,0)=z1, (3) for z=(a,b) C, there exists –z=(-a,-b) C such that (-z)+z=z+(z)=(0,0), (4)z1+z2=z2+z1.  For z1,z2,z3 C, (1) (z1. z2).z3=z1.(z2.z3)(associativity), (2)z1.(1,0)=z1, (3) for z=(a,b) C,z (0,0), there exists (4)z1.z2=z2.z1.  For z1,z2,z3 C, z1.(z2+z3)=(z1.z2)+(z1.z3). Few Observations (1) Denoting the complex number (0,1) by i and identifying a real complex number (a,0) with the real number a, we see z=(a,b)=(a,0)+(0,b)=(a,0)+(0,1)(b,0) can be written as z=a+ib. (2) For two real numbers a,b , a2+b2=0 implies a=0=b; same conclusion need not follow for two complex numbers, for example, 1 2+i2=0 but 1≡(1,0) (0,0) ≡0 and i=(0,1) (0,0) (≡ denotes identification of a real complex number with the corresponding real number). (3) For two complex numbers z1,z2, z1z2=0 implies z1=0 or z2=0. (4) i2=(0,1)(0,1)=(-1,0) ≡-1. (5) Just as real numbers are represented as points on a line, complex numbers can be represented as points on a plane: z=(a,b) P: (a,b). The line containing points representing the real complex numbers (a,0), a real, is called the real axis and the line containing points representing purely 1 C such that z. = .z=1, imaginary complex numbers (0,b) ≡ib is called the imaginary axis. The plane on which the representation is made is called Gaussian Plane or Argand Plane. Definition 1.1Let z=(a,b) ≡a+ib. The conjugate of z, denoted by ̅ , is (a,-b) ≡aib. Geometrically, the point (representing) ̅ is the reflection of the point (representing) z in the real axis. The conjugate operation satisfies the following properties: (1) ̅=z , (2) ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ Rez, z- ̅=2i Im(z) Definition 1.2Let z=(a,b) ≡a+ib. The modulus of z, written as | |, is defined as . √ Geometrically, | | represents the distance of the point representing z from the | origin (representing complex number (0,0) ≡0+i0). More generally, | represents the distance between the points z1 and z2. The modulus operation satisfies the following properties: (1) | | || | | | | | | |, (2) | | | | | |(3)| | | | | | ̅ ̅ , (3) ̅̅̅̅̅̅ ̅ ̅̅̅̅̅ ̅ , (4)( ) ̅̅̅ ̅̅̅ , (4) z+ ̅=2 (4) || | GEOMETRICAL REPRESENTATION OF COMPLEX NUMBERS: THE ARGAND PLANE Let z=a+ib be a complex number. In the Argand plane, z is represented by the point whose Cartesian co-ordinates is (a,b) referred to two perpendicular lines as axes, the first co-ordinate axis is called the real axis and the second the imaginary axis. Taking the origin as the pole and the real axis as the initial line, let (r, ) be the polar co-ordinates of the point (a,b). Then a=r cos , b=r sin . Also r=√ =| |. Thus z=a+ib=| |(cos +isin ): this is called modulusamplitude form of z. For a given z 0, there exist infinitely many values of differing from one another by an integral multiple of 2 : the collection of all such values of for a given z 0 is denoted by Arg z or Amp z. The principal value of Arg z , denoted by arg z or amp z, is defined to be the angle from the collection Arg z that satisfies the condition . Thus Arg z={arg z+2n : n an integer}. arg z satisfies following properties: (1) arg(z1z2)=argz1+argz2+2k , where k is a suitable integer from the set{-1,0,1] 2 such that - argz1+argz2+2k , (2) arg( ) argz1-argz2+2k , where k is argz1-argz2+2k . a suitable integer from the set{-1,0,1] such that - Note An argument of a complex number z=a+ib is to be determined from the relations cos =a/| |, sin = b/| | simultaneously and not from the single relation tan =b/a. Example1.1Find arg z where z=1+i tan . »Let 1+itan =r(cos +i sin ). Then r2= sec2 =- cos , sin =-sin . Thus r=- sec >0.Thus cos . Hence = + . Since > ,arg z= -2 =- . Geometrical representation of operations on complex numbers: Addition Let P and Q represent the complex numbers z1=x1+iy1 and z2=x2+iy2 on the Argand Plane respectively. It can be shown that the fourth vertex R of the parallelogram OPRQ represents the sum z1+z2 of z1 and z2. Product Let z1=| | ) and z2=| | ) where – < , . Thus z1z2=| || |{cos( + )+isin( + )}. Hence the point representing z1z2 is obtained by rotating line segment OP{ where P represents z1} through arg z2 and then dilating the resulting line segment by a factor of | |. In particular , multiplying a complex number by i=cos( ) geometrically means rotating the line segment by . T h e o r e m 1 . 1 (De Moivre’s Theorem) If n is an integer and is any real number, then (cos +i sin )n= cos n +i sin n . If n= , q natural, p integer, | |and q are realtively prime, is any real number, then (cos +i sin )n has q number of values, one of which is cos n +i sin n . Proof: Case ( ) 1 Let n be a positive integer. Result holds for n=1: (cos +i sin )1= cos 1 +i sin 1 . Assume result holds for some positive integer k: (cos +i sin )k= cos k +i sin k .Then (cos +i sin )k+1=(cos +i sin )k(cos +i sin )=( cos k +i sin k )( cos +i sin )= cos(k+1) +isin(k+1) Hence result holds by mathematical induction. Case 2 Let n be a negative integer, say, n=-m, m natural. (cos +i sin )n=(cos +i sin )-m= ) (by case 1) = cos m -isin m =cos(-m) +isin(-m) = cos n +i sin n . 3 (3) Finding n th roots of unity To find z satisfying zn=1=cos(2k )+isin(2k ). Thus cos p +isin p = cos q +i sin q .2Solve x6+x5+x4+x3+x2+x+1=0 4 . n n-2 cos n = cos cos +………………………………. Let ) = cos +i sin .…. x-n= cos n -isin n .n-1. that is.q-1 are the distinct q values. Thus q =2k +p . Some Applications of De’ Moivre’s Theorem (1) Expansion of cos n . and n-1 n-3 sin n = cos sin cos +……………………. Thus z=[ cos(2k )+isin(2k )]1/n=cos( { cos( of unity. Let x = cos . Equating real and imaginary parts.cosn-2 +…)+i( n-1 n-3 cos sin cos +…). replacing k by any integer gives rise to a complex number in the set A = )/ k=0. Cos n + i sin n = (cos +isin )n = cosn + cosn-1 (isin ) + cosn-2 )+…+insinn = (cosn .1.1. where k=0. p integer. k=0. Hence ) = cos( )+isin( ). where k is an integer. Then ) = (cos +i q sin ) .….Case3 n=0: proof obvious. sin n and tan n where n is natural and is real. Thus (2 cos )n=(x+ )n =(xn+ ) (xn-2+ )+…=2 cos n + (2 cos(n-2) )+… Similarly. | |and q are realtively prime. n n (2) Expansion of cos and sin in a series of multiples of where n is natural and .…. Then xn=cos n +isin n . expansion of sinn in terms of multiple angle can be derived. = . Thus A is the set of all nth roots ) Example1.n-1}. ) ( ( ). q natural. Case 4 Let n= .1. Thus z1=r(cos +isin )=r(cos isin )= ̅ . k=0. we obtain root of x-1=0. =1. By given condition. then argz2=. ) 6 }.6. 1+ 99 +( +( ) =1 and Example1. and so | |= .1. Putting k=0. arg z1= . that is. Then = ) ) . Thus sum of ) 1. . On simplification. Example1.5For any complex number z.7 If the amplitude of the complex number on a circle in the Argand plane.3 Prove that the sum of 99 th powers of all the roots of x 7-1=0 is zero. where =cos +isin .»We have the identity x6+x5+x4+x3+x2+x+1= .…. »The roots of x7-1=0 are {1.6Prove that if the ratio radius is .1) and radius 1. ) (representing )z lies on the circle whose centre is at the point √ »Let z=x+iy. show that z lies Example1.2(x2+y2)-(x+y)2=(x-y)2 0. s purely imaginary. 5 .4If | | | | and arg z1+argz2=0. k=1. then the point ) and Example1.. Hence z lies on the circle centred at (-1. Then =0. By given condition . »Let | | | |=r. ( whose centre is at the point ) ) . since th 99 2 . Thus x2+y2 √ | | | √ | | | | √ ) | . show that | | »Let z=x+iy. »Let z=x+iy. Thus the roots of given equation are cos Example1. is .Thus z lies on the circle √ √ ( ) ) and radius is . (x+1)2+(y-1)2=1. Roots of x7-1=0 are cos .…. .…. then show that z1= ̅ .6. ( ) . 99 powers of the roots is 1+ ) = =0. 11 If (x.y) represents a point lying on the line 3x+4y+5=0.z2.B.8 If z and z1 are two complex numbers such that z+z1 and zz1 are both real. If z=x+iy. By »z1+z2=-z3. that is. » z1 = . Example1. Hence | given condition.z3 in the Argand | |.10 If A. If z1+wz2+w2z3=0. prove that ABC is an equilateral | | | .)=0 proving the result. z2 are conjugates. ̅ ). Example1. Hence arg z1-arg z4=arg z3arg z2.9 If | . Example1.Example1. | || |cos =| | . |=| || |=| | similarly other part. find the minimum value of | |..Thus cos =. Prove that z lies on the imaginary axis. ̅ ) Or. prove that arg arg .z2=| | . | | +| | +2z1. that is.z2. =120 .12 Let z and z1 be two complex numbers satisfying z= | |=1. z2 are conjugates and z3. prove that arg z1 and argz2 differ by or | | | | Thus (z1+z2)( ̅ ̅ )= (z1-z2)( ̅ ̅ (1). Since z3. z2=r2(cos cos( . | | |. Let z1=r1(cos ).14 complex numbers z1. Example1. plane and z1+z2+z3=0 and | |=| | triangle.z4 are conjugates. Thus arg z1+arg z2=0= arg z3+arg z4.C represent complex numbers z1. » 0=z12+z22+z32-z1z2-z2z3-z3z1=(z1+wz2+w2z3)(z1+w2z2+wz3). Hence.z3 satisfy the relation z12+z22+z32-z1z2z2z3-z3z1=0 iff | | | | | |. arg z3+arg z4=0.z4 are conjugates. | | | | | | . x=0. thus result holds. Similarly other angles are 600. where is the angle between z1 and 0 z2. Hence the corresponding angle of the triangle ABC is 600. and Example1. From (1). then (z1-z2)=-w2(z3-z2). Example1.13If z1. arg z1+arg z2=0. By given condition. where w stands for an imaginary cube roots of unity. hence | 6 . show that either z and z1 are both real or z1= ̅. » Since z1. w=cos Functions of a complex variable Exponential function For a complex number z=x+iy. Then z2-z1=(z3-z1)(cos 600+isin600). (cos 3 + cos 3 +cos 3 )+i(sin 3 + sin 3 +sin 3 )=3[ cos( )+isin( ) .16 If cos +cos +cos =sin +sin +sin =0.n-1. Example1. Let x=cos +i sin .| | | | |. | | ).…. for two similarly | | | +2 ) ̅ ̅ )=| | | | -2 z1z2. Thus x3+y3+z3=3xyz. Using sin2 =1- Theorem. y= cos +i sin . By De’ Moivre’s Theorem.Thus. By De’ Moivre’s =3/2. by dividing respective sides. + ). Thus all points z satisfying zn=(z+1)n lie on the line x=. y= cos +i sin . and show that the points which represent them in the Argand plane are collinear. exp(z)=ex(cos y +i sin y). z1-z2=(z3-z2)( cos 600+isin600 ).. we get other part.…. | | =| | | | | | | | z1z2.z2. Now zn=(z+1)n implies wn=1. Then x+y+z=0. then z1. then prove that (1) cos 3 +cos3 +cos 3 =3cos( =∑ =3/2.15 Prove that | complex numbers z1. So z= = . Also hence xy+yz+zx=0. we get result. (2) ∑ Example1.k=0. k=1. if | of an equilateral triangle. Note 7 . Let w= .z3 represent vertices Conversely.z2. we get the result. z= cos +i sin . Then x+y+z=0. Let x=cos +i sin .n-1 . Thus x2+y2+z2=0. Adding we get the result. Hence∑ cos2 . z= cos +i sin . Example1. cos 2 +cos2 +cos2 =0. Equating.17 Find the roots of zn=(z+1)n. where n is a positive integer. Then there exists a complex number w such that exp(w)=z.exp(z2)=exp(z1+z2) » Let z1=x1+iy1. Thus z=(2n+1) i. For a given nonzero complex number z. exp(z1)exp(z2) = (cosy1+isiny1)(cosy2+isiny2) = [cos(y1+y2)+isin(y1+y2)]= exp(z1+z2).v= +2n .z2=x2+iy2. (2) If z = 0+iy is purely imaginary. 8 . thus x=0. denoted by log z. eusin v=r sin .(follows from (5). adding gives e2x=1 whence ex=1(since ex>0). (4) For every non-zero complex number u+iv=r(cos +isin ). (7) If n be an integer. Thus log z= ln| |+iarg z. n integer. Then exp(u+iv)= r(cos +isin ). Squaring.(1) If z=x+i0 is purely real. Let w=u+iv be a logarithm of z(that is.. since exp(2n i)=1) Example1. cos v=cos . Hence eu=r (by squaring and adding last two relations). Thus exp:C C-{0+i0}. Thus eucos v=r cos . sinv=sin .< . in particular exp(-z)= ) . (exp z)n=exp(nz) (follows from property(5) and (6)) (8) If n be an integer. Let z=r(cos +isin ). exp(z)=exp(iy)=cos y+i sin y. (6) exp(z1-z2)= ) ) . we obtain principal value of Log z. then exp(w+2n )=z. one of the values of Log(expz) is z. (1) exp(Log z)=z for z 0. exsin y=0. the other values are z+2n i. Note Putting n=0 in the expression for Log z. cosy=-1 and siny=0 gives y=(2n+1) . Thus excos y=-1. So u=ln r.18Find all complex number z such that exp(z)=-1 » Let z=x+iy. (5) exp(z1). |.n integer. Logarithmic function Let z be a non-zero complex number. exp(z+2n i)=exp(z). a member of Log z). we define Log z={w C/ exp(z)=w} and call the set Logarithm of z. further if exp(w)=z. thus exp(z) is a non-zero complex (3) Since ex | number for every complex number z. exp(z)=ex. exp(ln r+i )=eln r(cos +isin )=u+iv. Thus Logz=ln| |+i(arg z+2n ). Then ex(cos y+isiny)=-1. <2 +2k . Then Log z1=lnr1+i( +2n ). Log(z1z2)=Log(z1)+Log(z2) holds. » Let z1=r1(cos +isin ). but . b=r sin . Example1. where m. then p.. where n is an integer. m. »Let a+ib=r(cos +isin ). k are integers. 9 . Log(z1z2)=Log(z1)+Log(z2). exponent is many-valued.m=2. w 0.(2) For two distinct non-zero complex numbers z1.v. Now ( )+isin( )]= (2p )]=(2m . Log zm mLogz: take z=i. (3) For two distinct non-zero complex numbers z1. Log(z1)- » Proof similar. principal value of wz is defined as exp(z log w).z2.p are integers. where k is an integer such that .Thus the values of Log(-i)1/2 can be expressed as (n .)i and Log[ )i=[(2p+1) ]I. log( ) log(z1)-log(z2): take z1=-1.v. Log( ) Log(z2).20Prove that sin[ilog = .19Verify Log(-i)1/2=1/2 Log(-i) » -i=cos( )+isin( ). ( )+isin( ). Thus z=cos(2 )+isin(-2 ). then wz=exp(z Log w) .q are arbitrary integers. Log(-i)= [(2n Two values of (-i)1/2 are Log[ ( )+isin( ( ) ]=( n )+isin( ) and )I.)I. ). Since p. Example1.z2.z2=-1. Hence the result. Thus arg z=-2 +2k . )(p. NoteIf z1. hence sin(ilog z)=sin(2 2k )=sin2 = Exponent function If w be a nonzero complex number and z be any complex number. where n is an integer. Then a=r cos . z2= r2(cos +isin ). where q=m+n. Log z2=lnr2+i( +2m ).z2. Example1.21Find values of ii.v. log(z1z2) log(z1)+log(z2): take z1=i. Since Log is many-valued.z2=-i. So log z=(-2 +2k )i.w are complex numbers. Log(z1)+Log(z2)=ln(r1r2)+i( + +2q ). =(p.Log(z1z2)= z1=ln(r1r2)+i( + 2k ) where n. (4) If z 0 and m be a positive integer. 24Find all the values of √ circle in the Argand plane. cosh(iz)=cos z. (3) sin(z+2 )=sin z. (5) cos(iz)=cosh z.Hence (1) is proved. sin z and cos z are unbounded in absolute value. m. Backedup by theseresults. of aa=exp[a log a]=exp[a{ln1+i ]]. (2) p. exp(iy)=cos y+isin y. of ab+p. sin (1) cos2z+sin2z=1 (2) sin(z1+z2)=sinz1cosz2+cosz1sinz2.» ii=exp[iLogi]=exp[i(2n )i]= ) .v. for complex z. sin(iz)=isinh z. sinh(iz)=i sin z. sin y= ) ) ) ) .n are integers. cos y= ) ) ) ) .25 Find all values of z such that cos z=0.v. sin x and cos x are bounded functions. Example1. Thus for real y.22If a. where cosh z= ) ) and sinh z= ) ) .23 If iz=i. But if x is real. of ba = ⁄ √ √ . n any integer. .v. of aa+p. if a==exp[√ ]= ⁄ √ [cos ]. of bb= ⁄ √ [cos ]. 10 . Trigonometric function and show that the values lie on a From definition of exponential function. Similarly. show that z is real and the general values of z are given by z= . for real y. we define cos z= z= . of bb= ⁄ √ . cos(x+iy)=cosx cosh y-isin xsinh y. Example1. p. prove that (1) p. sin(z+ )=-sin z (4) if x.v. √ Example1. cos(z1+z2)=cosz1cosz2sinz1sinz2.v. p.b are the imaginary cube roots of unity. exp(iy)=cosy-isiny. Similarly (2) can be proved.v. where cosh x= ) ) and sinh x= ) ) .y are real. Thus | )|2=sin2x+sinh2y and | )|2=cos2x+sinh2y: since sinh y is an unbounded function. sin(x+iy)=sin x cosh y+icos xsinh y. Example1. x real. Thus x=(2n+1) . Example1. Thus t2= So exp(i )=tan( Inverse Trigonometric functions Let z be a given complex number and w be a complex number such that sin w=z. Hence cos1 (2)=ilog(2+√ ).a. = = . Thus exp(iz)=cos z+I sin z=2= √ . =tan . 11 . thus tan(a-ib)=x-iy. where is real. If x=log tan( ).b are real and (x. Since Log is a multi-valued function. If tan-1(x+iy)=a+ib. When exp(iz)=2-√ . Thus Cos-1(2)= 2n i log(2+√ ). But part. Hence ). 1). Then cos w= √ . z=-iLog(2-√ )=-i[log(2-√ )+2n i]=2n -i log(2-√ ) =2n +i log(2+√ ). sin z= √ i. . Sin-1z=w=iLog(iz √ ) is a multiple valued function of z. n integer. ex=tan( . n integer. Thus exp(iw)=iz √ or. where x. The principal value of Sin 1 z is obtained by choosing cos w=+√ and by taking the principal value of -1 the logarithm and is denoted by sin z. Hence sinh y=0. w=iLog(iz √ ). cos z=0 implies cos xcosh y=0. Since cosh y 0. Then cos z=2. Thus sin x=sin[(2n+1) ] 0. Again tan(2ib)=tan[(a+ib)-(a-ib)]= tan(2ib)= =i tanh 2b. (2) x2+y2+1-2ycoth 2b=0.28 »tan (a+ib)=x+iy. prove that =-iLog is real. Thus y=0.27Find Cos-1(2). Example1. hence the second part. prove that (1) x2+y2+2xcot 2a=1. .26 tan( »Since =i ). When exp(iz)=2+√ . =-iLog tan( )= = ).y) (0. where t=exp( ). sin xsinh y=0. Example1. Thus tan 2a=tan[(a+ib)+(a-ib)]= Hence the first ) ) . Hence z==(2n+1) . Thus . z=-iLog(2+√ )=-i[log(2+√ )+2n i]=2n -i log(2+√ ).»Let z=x+iy. cos x=0.y. cos-1(2). »Let Cos-1(2)=z. Therefore. if m<n = (a0+b0)xn+…+(an+bn). where the degree of q(x) is n-m and r(x) is either a zero polynomial or the degree of r(x) is less than m. In particular. the sum of the polynomials f(x) and g(x) is given by f(x)+g(x)= a0xn+…+an-m-1xm+1+(an-m+b0)xm+…+(an+bm). AdditionLet f(x)= a0xn+a1xn-1+…+an-1x+an. 2 ( Remainder Theorem)If a polynomial f(x) is divided by x-a. If a0 0. 12 . »Let q(x) be the quotient and r (constant)be the remainder when f is divided by Equality two polynomials a0xn+a1xn-1+…+an-1x+an and b0xn+b1xn-1+…+bn-1x+bn are equal iff a0=b0. Thus f(a)=r.a1=b1. identically zero or non-zero. then the remainder is f(a). if m>n. where ci=a0bi+a1bi-1+…+aib0. c0=a0b0 0.….a1.…. hence degree of f(x)g(x) is m+n. if degree of g(x) is 1. if m=n = b0xm+…+bm-n-1xn+1+(bm-n+a0)xn+…+(bm+an). then f(x)=(x-a)q(x)+r is an identity. where a0. Division Algorithm Let f(x) and g(x) be two polynomials of degree n and m respectively and n m. the polynomial is of degree n and a0xn is the leading term of the polynomial. the product of the polynomials f(x) and g(x) is given by f(x)g(x)=c0xm+n+c1xm+n-1+…+cm+n. then r(x) is a constant. T h e o r e m 1 . MultiplicationLet f(x)= a0xn+a1xn-1+…+an-1x+an. g(x)= b0xn+b1xn-1+… are real or complex constants.CHAPTER II THEORY OF EQUATIONS An expression of the form a0xn+a1xn-1+…+an-1x+an. A non-zero constant a0 is a polynomial of degree 0 while a polynomial in which the coefficients of each term is zero is said to be a zero polynomial and no degree is assigned to a zero polynomial. n is a nonnegative integer and x is a variable (over real or complex numbers) is a polynomial in x. g(x)= b0xn+b1xn-1+…+bn-1x+bn. Then there exist two uniquely determined polynomials q(x) and r(x) satisfying f(x)=g(x)q(x)+r(x). then x-a is a factor of f iff f(a)=0. Hence 6 is the remainder when f Synthetic division Synthetic division is a method of obtaining the quotient and remainder when a polynomial is divided by a first degree polynomial or by a finite product of first degree polynomials. bn-1 R Example1. Then a0xn+a1xn-1+…+an=( b0xn-1+b1xn-2+…+bn-1)(x-c) 3 ( Factor Theorem)If f is a polynomial. f(a) is the remainder when f is divided by x-a. The calculation of b0. if f(a)=0. then f(x)=q(x)(x+ )+6= is divided by 2x+1. if x-a is a factor of f. a0=b0. Hence b0=a0..bn1=an-1+cbn-2.T h e o r e m 1 .…. a2=b2-cb1.)=x+ is f(. 2 -2 1 | ½ 13 .29Find 2x+1.b1=a1+cb0.)=6. Conversely. hence.R=an+cbn-1.b1.….an-1=bn-1-cbn-2. equating coefficients of like powers of x. then f(x)=(xa)g(x) and hence f(a)=0. Example1. If q(x) be the quotient. a1=b1-cb0. then x-a is a factor of f. Let q(x)=b0xn-1+b1xn-2+…+bn-1 be the quotient and R be the remainder when f(x)=a0xn+a1xn-1+…+an is divided by x-c. »By Remainder » 2 -1 -1 0 1 1 -½ b2 …. Above is an identity. ) (2x+1)+6.30Find the quotient and remainder when 2x3-x2+1 is divided by …………………………….…. the remainder when f(x)=4x5+3x3+6x2+5 is divided by »The remainder on dividing f(x) by x-(.b2=a2+cb1.R can be performed as follows: a0 a1 a2 … an-1 an cb0 cb1 … cbn-2 cbn-1 b0 b1 2x+1. Let f(x)=a0xn+a1xn-1+…+an=A0(x-c)n+A1(x-c)n-1+…+An. Let f(x)=A0(x-c)n+A1(x-c)n-1+…+An. Repeating the process n times. We divide x4-3x3+2x2+x-1 by x-1 and then the obtained quotient again by x-3 by method of synthetic division. Example1. hence the quotient is x2+x+3 and the remainder is 10(x-1). the remainder is An and the remainder is q(x)= A0(x-c)n-1+A1(x-c)n-2+…+An-1. Thus on dividing f(x) by x-c. the remainder is An-1.Thus 2x3-x2+1=(x+ )(2x2-2x+1)+ =(2x+1)(x2-x+ )+ .32Express » Using method of synthetic division repeatedly. Now f(x+c)=A0xn+…+An. 2 -8 imaginary cube roots of unity) ---------------------------1 -4 2 4 | -8 -4 ----------------------1 -2 2 14 | 0 . Then f(x)=(x-c)[A0(x-c)n-1+A1(x-c)n2 +…+An-1]+An. the successive remainders give the unknowns An.A1 and A0=a0. Applications of the method (1) To express a polynomial f(x)=a0xn+a1xn-1+…+an as a polynomial in x-c.2+2w. to express f(x+c) as a polynomial in x. We get x4-3x3+2x2+x1=(x-1)[x3-2x2+1]+0=(x-1)[(x-3){x2+x+3}+10]= (x2-4x+3)(x2+x+3)+10(x-1). the unknown coefficients can be found out in terms of the known coefficients a0. by method explained above .2w. the quotient and remainder when x4-3x3+2x2+x-1 is »x2-4x+3=(x-1)(x-3).…. hence the quotient is x2x+ and the remainder is .2w2 (w is an Hence x=4. (2) Let f(x) be a polynomial in x. Thus x-2=2.2+2w2. we have 2| 1 -6 12 -16 8 Hence f(x)=(x-2)3-8=0. Similarly if q(x) is divided by x-c.….an. Example1. f(x)=x3-6x2+12x-16=0 as a polynomial in x-2 and hence solve the equation f(x)=0.31Find divided by x2-4x+3. f(a)=ra+s.34 If x2+px+1 be a factor of ax3+bx+c. Show that in this case x2+px+1 is also a factor of cx3+bx2+a. Comparing coefficients. Example1.33If f(x) is a polynomial of degree show that the remainder on dividing f(x) by (x-a)(x-b) is . If f(x) is a polynomial of degree n. where rx+s is the remainder. f(b)=rb+s.35 ) Show ). that 1- ) ) ) ) ) »1. let f(x)=(x-a)(x-b)q(x)+rx+s. T h e o r e m 1 . 4 ( Fundamental Theorem of Classical Algebra) Every polynomial equation of degree 1 has a root.b are unequal. Thus 2 is a simple root of x3-8=0 but 2 is a root of multiplicity 3 of (x-2)3(x+3)=0. then b is a root of f(x) of multiplicity r: a root of multiplicity 1 is called a simple root.-----------1 |0 2 in x and a. Replacing x by a and by b in turn in this identity.a+pd=b. solving for r. real or complex. »Let ax3+bx+c=( x2+px+1)(ax+d) (*) (taking into account the coefficient of x 3). then b is a root of the polynomial equation f(x)=0 or is a zero of the polynomial f(x).we get required expression for remainder. Replacing x by 1/x in the identity (*).s and substituting in the expression rx+s. by factor theorem. » By division algorithm.d=c whence the result a2-c2=ab follows.n are all zeros of the polynomial on the left. equating coefficient of x n from both side. 15 . we get the constant of proportionality ) on the right. we get cx 3+bx2+a=( x2+px+1)(dx+a): this proves the second part. If (x-b)r is a factor of f(x) but (x-b)r+1 is not a factor of f(x). prove that a2-c2=ab. If b is a real or complex number such that f(b)=0. then f(x)=0 is called a polynomial equation of degree n.(x-n) are factors of the polynomial and hence (x-1)…(x-n) is a factor of the n th degree polynomial on the left.…. Example1. d+ap=0.…. each of (x 1). ) ) ) ) Example1. g(x) of the polynomials f(x) and f(1)(x). multiplicity of each root being taken into account. 16 . 2 (x5) 10 20 10 4 60 16 20 12 12 50 16 2 4 10 …………………………………………………. we find the h. Example1.36x2-4=(x+2)(x-2) is an identity since it is satisfied by more then two values of x. 4 (x1/4) 1 12 48 1 4 12 48 1 12 1 12 | 5 5 8 60 6 5 8 60 1 …………………………………………. then f(x) =0 for all values of x. T h e o r e m 1 . the multiple roots of the equation Let f(x)=x5+2x4+2x3+4x2+x+2..c. The roots of g(x)=0 are the multiple roots of f(x)=0. in contrast (x-1)(x-2)=0 is an equality and not an identity. 5 If b is a multiple root of the polynomial equation f(x)=0 of multiplicity r. we can multiply by a constant of proportionality to our convenience. Then f(1)(x)=5x4+8x3+6x2+8x+1. Corollary If a polynomial f(x) of degree n vanishes for more than n distinct values of x.37 5 4 3 2 Find x +2x +2x +4x +x+2=0. The h.c. of f and f(1) are obtained by method of repeated division(at each stage.f. that does not affect the outcome): 5 8 6 8 1| 1 (x 5) 5 2 10 2 10 4 20 1 5 2 10 …5…………8…………6………8………1…………. Thus to find the multiple roots of a polynomial equation f(x)=0.f. Example1. then b is a multiple root of f(1)(x)=0 of multiplicity r-1.Corollary A polynomial equation of degree n has exactly n roots. Hence all roots of given equation must be real. Prove that the roots of are all real where Example1. is x2-1. given that 1+i is a 17 . then a-ib is a root of multiplicity r of f(x)=0.-2ib[ ) ) ) ]=0 which gives b=0.b are all positive real numbers and b>ai for all i. Let a+ib be a root of the polynomial equation (*) with real coefficients.….-52 -52 1 -52 1 -624 -624 -52 …………………………………………… 625 1 0 1| 1 1 12 0 1 1 12 0 625 …………………………. Then a-ib is also a root of (*). Thus f(x)=0 has two double roots( that is.38 Prove that the roots of are all real.c. Solve the equation f(x)=x4+x2-2x+6=0 . Polynomial equations with Real Coefficients T h e o r e m 1 .. Example1. N o t e 1+i is a root of x2-(1+i)x=0 but not so is 1-i.f. multiple roots of multiplicity 2) i and –i. 6 If a+ib is a root of multiplicity r of the polynomial equation f(x)=0 with real coefficients. ) ) ) ) ) ) Subtracting. Thus the h.Thus + + =-5 and + + =-5.39 Example1. 12 12 0 0 12 12 …………………………….40 root. » The given equation is + + =-5 (*). has only one real root. 9 (Rolle’s Theorem) Let f(x) be a polynomial with real coefficients . Roots of x2+2x+3=0 are -1 √ i. If f(a) and f(b) are of same sign.(x-1-i)(x-1+i)=x2-2x+2 is a factor of f(x).d are not all equal .(1. then all the roots of f (1)(x)=0 are also real and distinct. »Let f(x)= (x+3)(x+1)(x-2)(x-4)+a(x+2)(x-1)(x-3). then there is an even number of roots of f(x)=0 between a and b. Since the equation is of degree 4. 7 If a+√ is a root of multiplicity r of the polynomial equation f(x)=0 with rational coefficients. )= . ) contains a real root of f(x)=0. Example1. Between two distinct real roots of f(x)=0 . Thus each of the intervals ( .b are rational and b is not a perfect square of a rational number.there is at least one real root of f(1)(x)=0.42Show » Since f(x)=0 is a cubic polynomial equation with real coefficients. f(3)<0.b are distinct real numbers such that f(a) and f(b) are of opposite signs.-2).b. 8 (Intermediate Value Property) Let f(x) be a polynomial with real coefficients and a.1). -1 √ i. f(2)<0. (2) If all the roots of f(x)=0 be real and distinct. where a. 1-i is also a root of f(x)=0.(3. Hence the roots of f(x)=0 are 1 i. If be a real multiple root of f(x)=0 with multiplicity 3.(2. By factor theorem.41Show that for all real values of a. then is also a real root of f(1)(x)=3[(x-a)2+(x-b)2+(x-c)2+(x18 .c. Note (1) Between two consecutive real roots of f(1)(x)=0. Since every polynomial with real coefficients is a continuous function from R to R. Example1. then a-√ is a root of multiplicity r of f(x)=0 where a. T h e o r e m 1 .» Since f(x)=0 is a polynomial equation with real coefficients.3). T h e o r e m 1 . f(x)=0 has either one or three real roots. we have T h e o r e m 1 . f(x)=( x2-2x+2)(x2+2x+3). all its roots are real and simple. the equation (x+3)(x+1)(x2)(x-4)+a(x+2)(x-1)(x-3)=0 has all its roots real and simple. there is at most one real root of f(x)=0. Then f(x)=0 has an odd number of roots between a and b. by division. Then )= . f(1)>0. that the equation f(x)=(x-a)3+(x-b)3+(x-c)3+(x-d)3=0. Now )= . Example1. we obtain the result. Since all the roots of f(x)=0 are to be real and distinct. but 0 is not a root of given equation. so that a=0.1. » Roots of f(1)(x)=0 are -3. then 1+a+ +…+ =0 and 1+a+ +…+ ) =0.f(-1)=7+k. Example1.d are real). n(xn-1+a)= (x-c2)…(x-cn)+(x-c1)(x-c3)…(x-cn)+…+ (x-c2)(x-c3)…(xcn). Hence f(x)=0 has only one real root.f(1)=-9+k. If f(x)=0 has two distinct real roots. 19 .c. Hence no multiple root. we get p 1an-1+2p2an2 +…+npn=0.44 If c1. » By factor be the roots of xn+nax+b=0.d)2]=0. x.c2. Example1. Multiplying both side of (1) by n and both side of (2) by a and subtracting.b. both f(a)=0 and f(1)(a)=0 hold. Descartes’ Rule of signs T h e o r e m 1 . » Since a is a double root of f(x)=0. prove that (c1-c2)(c1c3)…(c1-cn)=n(c1n-1+a). )= . Example1.Differentiating thus follows that =0. f(-1)>0 and f(1)<0.replacing x by c1 in this identity. xn+nax+b=(x-c1)(x-c2)…(x-cn).45 If a is a double root of f(x)=xn+p1xn-1+…+pn=0.43 4 3 2 Find the range of values of k for which the equation f(x)=x +4x -2x -12x+k=0 has four real and unequal roots.f(-3)=-9+k.b.d are equal.46 Prove that the equation f(x)=1+x+ multiple root.Hence the result. they will be separated by the roots of f (1)(x)=0.…. Since f(3)<0.a. 1 0 The number of positive roots of an equation f(x)=0 with real coefficients does not exceed the number of variations of signs in the sequence of the coefficients of f(x) and if less. contradiction. prove that a is also a root of p1xn-1+2p2xn-2+…+npn=0. then in between should lie a real root of f (1)(x)=0. +…+ =0 cannot have a » If a is a multiple root of f(x)=0. contradiction since not all of a. it is less by an even number. and hence =a=b=c=d (since .-1. -7<k<9. Thus an+p1an1 +…+pn=0 (1) and nan-1+(n-1)p1an-2+…+pn-1=0(2). g(x)=0 has exactly one negative root. Thus g(c)=f(c-1)=0. being counted only once) is equal to the excess of the number of changes of signs in the sequence of Sturm’s functions are called Sturm’s functions.c.of changes of sign 3 .48Find the number and position of the real roots of the equation x3-3x+1=0. the remainder is -3. Let f(x)=x3-3x+1.The number of negative roots of an equation f(x)=0 with real coefficients does not exceed the number of variations of signs in the sequence of the coefficients of f(-x) and if when x=a over the number of changes of signs in the sequence when x=b.47 » By using method of synthetic division.f2. a<b. Let the modified remainders be denoted f2. hence f3 is 1. Thus f2=2x-1. Example1. f(1)(x)=3(x2-1). Apply Descartes’ rule of signs to both the equations f(x)=0 and f( -x)=0 to determine the exact number of positive and negative roots of f(x)=0.The remainder on dividing f by f1 is -2x+1.f1. express f(x-1) as a polynomial in x. Since there are 2 variations of signs in the sequence of coefficients of f(x)and since c-1 is a negative root of f(x)=0. we can multiply by positive constant but not by a negative constant. Let the operation of finding the h. Let g(x)=f(x-1)=2x3+x2-10x+4. If f(x)=2x3+7x2-2x-3 .…. it is less by an even number. f. Also.f 1. Sturm’s Theorem T h e o r e m 1 .…. of f and f1be performed with the following modifications: The sign of each remainder is to be changed before it is used as the next divisor and the sign of the last remainder is also to be changed. During the process of finding Sturm’s functions.…. hence c-1(<0) is a negative root of f(x)=0. f(x)=0 has two negative roots. f1(x)=x2-1. c. f(x)=2(x+1)3+(x+1)2-10(x+1)+4. The number of real roots of f(x)=0 lying between a and b (a multiple root. if there be any. f(x)=0 has exactly one positive root . at any step. 1 1 Let f be a polynomial with real coefficients and a. Dividing 2f1 by f2 (and multiplying by 2 at an intermediate step). Sturm’s Method of location of real roots of a polynomial equation with real coefficients Let f be a polynomial with real coefficients and f1 be its first derivative. say.b be real numbers. By Descartes’ f f1 + f2 20 f3 + Descartes’ rule. Example1.f. of changes of sign 3 2(0 to be treated as continuation) 0 1 2 + + 0 + + + + + + 1 0 2 Thus one root lies between -2 and -1. We can verify all the roots of f2=0 are complex and leading coefficient of f2 is positive. f1(x)=2x3+6x2-x-1. one lies between 0 and 1 and one lies between 1 and 2.c.0 + + + + + + 2 0 Hence the equation has 3 real roots. This is because fsretains same sign for all values of x and no alteration in the number of changes of sign can take place in the sequence of functions beyond fs. f sign 0 + + + 21 f1 + + + f2 2 1 No. hence f2(x)>0 for all real x. Example1. f(x)=x4+4x3-x2-2x-5.fs. then the h.49Find the number and position of the real roots of the equation x4+4x3-x2-2x-5=0. we obtain a function all of whose roots are complex.f.…. Hence the remaining Sturm functions need not be calculated. process need not be continued further and the determination and location of real roots will be possible from the set of functions f. NoteIf at any stage of finding out the sequence of Sturm’s sequence.(3-2=)1 negative root and (2-0=)2 positive roots. f2(x)=7x2+2x+9. Location of roots f -2 -1 + f1 + 0 f2 f3 + + No.f1. of changes of 0 . b. Equating coefficients of like powers of x.(5) ∑ . a0xn+a1xn-1+…+an-1x+an=a0(x-c1)(x-c2)…(x-cn). (7) ∑ =(∑ ) T h e o r e m 1 .c be the roots of a cubic polynomial. then ∑ will stand for a2+b2+c2.51 Solve x3+6x2+11x+6=0 given that the roots are in A..P. b . Then 22 . 1 1 ( Newton) Let a1. Hence ∑ =. one positive and one negative. a.-3. ∑ ). c1c2…cn=(-1)n .∑ = . Hence the roots are 3. (2)∑ (1)∑ =∑ ∑ If a. if a. find the value of . Hence a2=9. a2=a0∑ .(6) ∑ . (5) ∑ = . ∑ =∑ ∑ -3abc=-pq+3r. ∑ be the roots of the equation a0xn+a1xn-1+…+an-1x+an=0. ∑ (2) = ∑ .an=a0 (- Solve the equation 2x3-x2-18x+9=0 if two of the roots are equal in magnitude but opposite in signs.Using relations between roots and coefficients. a= 3.(4)∑ . sr=a1r+…+anr where r is a non-negative be the roots of xn+p1xn-1+p2xn2 +…+pn=0. b=(a)+a+b= and –a2b=.The equation has two real roots. that is.52 (1)∑ » ∑ .50 » Let the roots be -a. By factor theorem.…. A symmetric function of the roots of a plolynomial equation which is sum of a number of terms of the same type is represented by any one of its terms with a sigma notation before it: for example. (6) . . Symmetric functions of roots A function f of two or more variables is symmetric if f remains unaltered by an interchange of any two of the variables of which f is a function..(7) ∑ .c be the roots of x3+px2+qx+r=0.b. Relations between roots and coefficients Let c1.….a1=a0 1)nc1c2…cn. (3) ∑ . Example1.….…. Example1. ∑ = ∑ ) ∑ -∑ (3)∑ = . Example1. (4) ∑ ) -2abc∑ . we get a0d1n+ma1d1n1 +m2a2d1n-2+…+mn-1an-1d1+mnan=0. it may be possible .cn be the roots of a0xn+a1xn-1+…+an-1x+an=0. the required equation is y4+8y3+16y2+8y+6=0 23 . » Let d1= .+pr-1s1+rpr=0. Here s1=0.…. (3) Find the equation whose roots are the roots of f(x)=x 4-8x2+8x+6=0.mc2. So c1= . The method of finding the new equation is said to be a transformation.…. Hence s6=6p4p2+3p32-2p23. (2)∑ . we get a0+a1d1+a2d12+…+an-1d1n-1+an d1n=0. Thus s4=2(p22-2p4) (3)s6+p2s4+p3s3+p4s2=0. to obtain the equation whose roots are . Undertaking the transformation y=x-2. (2) Let c1. Replacing c1 by d1/m.Thus s3=-3p3. Transformation of equations When a polynomial equation is given.mcn. Thus are the roots of anxn+an-1xn-1+…+a1x+a0=0. Here s1=0 and s2=-2p2. we have a0c1n+a1c1n-1+…+an-1c1+an=0. if 1 sr+p1sr-1+p2sr-2+….a3. Thus the required equation is a0xn+ma1xn-1+… be the roots of a0xn+a1xn-1+…+an-1x+an=0 and let c1c2…cn 0. Example1.(1) (2) sr+p1sr-1+p2sr-2+…. (m=-1 is an interesting case) » Let d1=mc1.…. each diminished by 2. (1) Let c1. s4+p2s2+p3s1+4p4=0. Study of the transformed equation may throw some light on the nature of roots of the original equation.+pnsr-n=0. if r n If a1. to obtain a new equation whose roots are connected with those of the given equation by some assigned relation.(3)∑ . Since c1 is a root of a0xn+a1xn-1+…+an-1x+an=0. (2)By Newton’s Theorem. Substituting in a0c1n+a1c1n-1+…+an-1c1+an=0. without knowing the individual roots. find the value of (1)∑ . » f(x)=(x-2)4+8(x-2)3+16(x-2)2+8(x-2)+6=0(by method of synthetic division).a4 be the roots of the equation x4+p2x2+p3x+p4=0. to obtain the equation whose roots are mc1.a2.53 »(1)By Newton’s Theorem. s3+p2s1+3p3=0. the given equation can be written as x2(x2+q)2=r2. by Descrtes’ Rule.54 (1) »a(b+c)=∑ sustituting x= =q- =q+ . after squaring. we obtain the required equation. thus the transformed equation is (y+2q)(y+q)2=. f(-x) has two variations of signs in its coefficients and hence f(x)=0 has either two negative roots or no negative roots. in x3+qx+r=0 and simplifying. say.57 24 . hence the transformation is y=-2q-x2. Use Descartes’ Rule of signs to both the equations to find the exact number of real and complex roots of the given equation. or. whose roots are squares of the roots of the original equation. undertaking the transformation y=x2. Find the equation whose roots are a+b-2c. no positive root.56 Find the equation whose roots are squares of the roots of the equation x4-x3+2x2-x+1=0 and use Descartes’rule of signs to the resulting equation to deduce that the given equation has no real root. »The given equation. f(x)=0 transforms to g(y)=y4-4y3+9y2-2y-1. » Let f(x)= x4+3x2+8x+3=(x+1)4-4(x+1)3+9(x+1)2-2(x+1)-1 (by method of synthetic division). The roots of the equation x3+px2+qx+r=0 are a. the transformed equation is (y2+2y+1)2=y(y+1)2. By Descartes’ rule.c+a-2b.If a. The transformed equation. Deduce the condition that the roots of the given equation may be in A.b. Example1. Example1. also f(x)=0 has no positive root(since there is no variation of signs in the sequence of coefficients of f).b.a.r2. considering g(-y).a+b-2c. find the equation whose roots are (1) a(b+c). (2) »a2+b2=∑ -c2=-2∑ -c2=-2q-c2.P. can be written as (x4+2x2+1)2=x2(x2+1)2 . (3) »b+c-2a=∑ -3a=-3a.c(a+b). (2) a2+b2. Example1. x2=-(y+2q). hence the original equation has no real root. Undertaking the transformation y=x+1.55 4 2 Obtain the equation whose roots exceed the roots of x +3x +8x+3=0 by 1.b2+c2. Thus the transformation is y=q+ .c. has no nonnegative root by Descartes’ Rule of signs.c+a-2b. g(y)=0 has a negeative root. (3) b+c-2a. does not have 0 as one of its roots and consequently exactly two complex conjugate roots (since coefficients of f are all real). y4+3y3+4y2+3y+1=0. the transformation is y=-3x. Then f(x)=0 has a-1 as a negative root. that is. Example1.b+c-2a.b(c+a). the conclusion is f(x)=0 has two negative root.c be the roots of the equation x3+qx+r=0.c2+a2. c3 is (y+1)3+4y2=0. h=5. Cardan’s Method of solving a cubic equation Example1.-6w and -6w2. Hence u3=-216=v3. (x3+1)3+(4x2)3=(x3-a3)(x3-b3)(x3-c3). at least one root of transformed equation is zero.-6w. Thus the equation whose roots are a+b-2c. Example1. (y+1)3+4y2=(y-a3)(y-b3)(y-c3).11. The three values of u are -6.b.c. y3+7y2+3y+1=0. Equating coefficient of y2 to zero.6 and thus the roots of the given equation are (using x=y+5) -7.-6w2. uv=36 and u3+v3=-432. Thus the roots of (*) are 12.b+c-2a. or. or. to obtain x3+1+4x2=(x-a)(x-b)(x-c) x3+1+4x2w2=(xw-a)(xw-b)(xw-c)=(x-aw2)(x-bw2)(x-cw2) x3+1+4x2w=(xw2-a)(xw2-b)(xw2-c)=(x-aw)(x-bw)(x-cw) Multiplying respective sides. Step 1 To transform the equation into one which lacks the second degree term. If the roots of given equation are in A. we replace x by xw and xw2.c+a-2b is (y+p)33p(y+p)2+9q(y+p)-27r=0. Then x 3+4x2+1=(x-a)(x-b)(x-c). Comparing.. Undertaking the transformation y=x3.59 Solve the equation:x3-15x2-33x+847=0. Let x=y+h. In this identity.also a3=u3+v3+3uv(u+v)= u3+v3+3uva. The transformed equation is y3+(3h-15)y2+(3h2-30h-33)y+(h3-15h233h+847)=0. the product of all the roots of the transformed equation is 0. Hence u3 and v3 are the roots of t2+432t+363=0.b3. »Let the roots of the given equation be a.6. the corresponding values of v are -6.P. 25 . Thus the transformed equation is y3-108y+432=0 (*) Step 2 Cardan’s Method Let a=u+v be a solution of (*). where w is the imaginary cube roots of unity. that is . We undertake a transformation y=-p-3x. Thus the equation whose roots are a3.x= .»a+b-2c=∑ =-p-3c.58 3 2 Find the equation whose roots are cube of the roots of the equation x +4x +1=0.11. where w is an imaginarycube roots of unite. Then a3-108a+432=0 . so a3-3uva-(u3+v3)=0. Hence the condition is 2p3-9pq+27r=0. Since uv=36. n.4. CHAPTER III INEQUALITIES  I1(Weierstrass) If a1.62 Solve the equation x4+12x-5=0. FERRARI’S METHOD OF SOLVING A BIQUADRATIC EQUATION We try to write down the given biquadratic equation ax 4+4bx3+6cx2+4dx+e=0 in the form (ax2+2bx+p)2-(mx+n)2=0. we get 35=25+2p-m2. (x2-5x+6)(x2-5x+4)=0. Eliminating m and n. we get 36=m2n2=(p2+5)2p.m.n such that the given equation can be written in the form (x2+p)2-(mx+n)2=0. then 1-sn<(1-a1)…(1-an)< and 1+sn<(1+a1)…(1+an)< . that is. we get p. Thus the given equation is (x25x+5)2-1=0.61 Solve the equation x4-10x3+35x2-50 x+24=0. we take m=2. Thus the given equation can be written in the form (x2+2)2-(2x-3)2=0. Hence the roots of given equation are 1. hence m=0. Example1. Hence the roots of given equation are -1 √ . »We try to find p. Eliminating m. equating coefficients of like powers of x.Example1.2. n= 3. 1 2i. in the process we express the given biquadratic expression as product of two quadratic expressions and hence solve the given equation. hence p=2.3. Thus m= are all positive real numbers less than 1 and sn=a1+…+an. that is.n. (p2-24)(2p-10)=m2n2=(5p-25)2 (*) p=5 is a solution of (*).-50=-10p-2mn and 24=p2-n2. 2mn=-12. 26 . n=-3. we get p 2-n2=-5.….n such that the given equation can be written in the form (x2-5x+p)2-(mx+n)2=0.n= 1.m. x2+2x-5=0 and x22x+5=0.60 Solve the equation:x3+3x+1=0. Example1. Equating coefficients of like powers of x. »We try to find p. equating coefficients of like powers of x.2p-m2=0.m. Since mn=-6<0. y are positive rational numbers.  I10(Jensen) Let….…. if r<s.a 1.  I4(A. not all and b1. not all equal.s are positive rational be all real be n positive real numbers. and be n positive real numbers and p1.…..…. then ( ) according as m does not or does lie between 0 and 1.q are rational numbers. then x>y. prove that a2+b2+c2 ab+bc+ca »a2+b2+c2 ab+bc+ca)=1/2[(a-b)2+(b-c)2+(c-a)2] be n positive real numbers.… be all positive real numbers and r is a positive rational number.  I7If a > be real numbers ..….….l1.ln be m sets of positive real numbers each containing n members and if be positive rational numbers such that =1. and p.b.  I11(Minkowski)Let a1. if  I6If a>0.….  I8If a1. then (a12+…+an2)(b12+…+bn2) (a1b1+…+anbn) be n positive real numbers and r.. then ) . (a1r+…+anr)1/r+(b1r+…+bnr)1/r [(a1+b1)r+…+(an+bn)r]1/r. I2(Cauchy-Schwarz) If a1.….G.M. then am-1> or <m(a-1) according as m does not or does lie between 0 and 1. and m be a rational number.…. according as p and q have the same or opposite signs. then ) ) .….pn be n positive rational numbers.. then > or < .G.  I9(Holder) If be n positive real numbers. EXAMPLES and b1. Then r r 1/r r r 1/r r r 1/r (a1 +…+an ) +(b1 +…+bn ) [(a1+b1) +…+(an+bn) ] .)If a1. Then (a1r+…+anr)1/r>(a1s+…+ans)1/s.M. If a.M.….M. when r>1.…. then ..H. when 0<r<1.…. equality occurs when ai=kbi for all i for some non-zero real k or when ai=0 for all I or bi=0 for all i.M.a 1 and m be a rational number. b1. 27 .)If a1. √  I5(Weighted A.  I3If a1. LHS equals cn(c-a)2>0.c. 7. not all equal. Hence. 4. If a1. . prove that an(a-b)(a-c)+bn(b-a)(b-c)+cn(c-a)(c-b) 0. we get the result. If a.c be positive real numbers. 3. prove that a1< »a1= <an.d be positive real numbers.b.c be all positive real numbers and n be a positive rational number.y. If n>1. Hence . »LHS= 3(a2+b2+c2)-2(ab+bc+ca) 3(ab+bc+ca)-2(ab+bc+ca)=ab+bc+ca. prove that »2(a2+b2)=(a+b)2+(a-b)2 (a+b)2. Then an(a-b)(a-c)+bn(b-a)(b-c)=(a-b)[an(a-c)-bn(b-c)]>0 (since a>b and n positive). If a. be n positive real numbers in ascending order of magnitude. > =1. Hence. 28 . we can assume without loss of generality a>b>c. If a=b c. prove (1+2+…+n)(1+ »By I3.b. let no two of a. prove that (a+b-c)2+(b+c-a)2+(c+ab)2 ab+bc+ca. .2.b. Hence the result. 10.x. If a. If a. Since the expression on the left is symmetric in a.….b.b. (ax+by+cz)2 (a2+b2+c2)(x2+y2+z2)=1.If a. prove that (a+b+c+d)( )>16. nothing remains to prove. 5.z are real numbers and a2+b2+c2=1=x2+y2+z2. Next. Adding respective sides. If a. Also cn(c-a)(c-b)>0. Hence an(a-b)(a-c)+bn(b-a)(b-c)+cn(c-a)(cb) 0. . »By I3. prove that 1 ax+by+cz 1.c be positive real numbers. If n be a positive integer. 8. prove ( ) ( ) . »If a=b=c.c are equal. 9. . inequality.c. Similarly and . 6. »By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.b.c be real numbers.c. prove that »By Weierstrass ( )( ) ( ) ) = ) .b. If a.d are positive real numbers. . / 0 >3> .c be positive real numbers and a+b+c=1. 29 prove that . 12. Hence 14.b. ) 15.c.If a. 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 a +b +c +d abcd(a +b +c +d ).b. Hence.If a.c be positive real numbers. prove that 17. 1 =* ( )+ >1.c be positive real numbers. numbers. Hence Again.If a. . 13. ( ) ( ) ( ) .b. Hence the result. since m=2 does not lie between 0 and 1)= ) =9. Hence the result.If a.b.c be positive real numbers and a+b+c=1. unless a=b=c.If a. .b.b. ( ) . 3.If a.c be positive real numbers. Hence the result.» [ ( ) ] ⁄ .b.c.d are positive real 4 4 4 4 4 (1+a )(1+b )(1+c )(1+d ) (1+abcd) . prove ) . . . 11. Hence > . . prove » √ .Hence. 16. √ (a2+b2+c2+d2). prove that ) >( >( ) ) (by I8. . .b. Thus 4∑ ∑ ∑ 19.1.If n be a positive integer. prove ( 30 . we get the result. then .c.c.1+ ) ) ) real ) )] numbers.n= ) √ ) ) ) . Again.d be positive and s=a+b+c+d. Similarly others. [1.If a. Hence the result. Hence √ √ ).Hence. 21. ). 18. then 81abcd (s-a)(s-b)(s-c)(sd) s4. . Multiplying respective sides.d are four positive 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4(a +b +c +d ) (a+b+c+d)(a +b +c +d ) 16abcd. .b. then nn>1.If n be a positive integer >1. ∑ ∑ ∑ . ) ) ) ) . ) ( ) .n= > .…. . Hence √ √ . 23. [ ) ) s4. ) ) ) = .…. .5…(2n-1) n= n= √ ) ) ) ) .If n be a positive integer. prove ) ) 24. Multiplying respective sides.1.3.If a. Hence 81abcd (s-a)(s√ b)(s-c)(s-d). 20.If a. Adding similar terms.d be positive and s=a+b+c+d.c. prove that √ √ ). √ 22. we get the result.b. Thus √ .If n be a positive integer >1. . Hence (s-a)(s- b)(s-c)(s-d) Again.By ) Holder’s inequality. ) ) . prove that .b. ∑ ∑ = = . Hence.Let a=1( ) . + ) be positive and s=a1+…+an.b. Hence. 27.…. ) 26.c be positive rational.c are positive rationals.If a. ) [ ) ) ) ) 31 .(a+b)c(b+c)a(c+a)b<.If a1. ) = . unless a=b=c. we get ( Hence .If a. prove ( ( ) . )) ) . m= from am-1 m(a-1).
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