1M.TECH. POWER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (EPS) SEMESTER I 12MAT11 APPLIED MATHEMATICS IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 12EPS11 Subject Code No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Numerical Methods: Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations- iterative methods based on second degree equation – Muller method,(no derivation) Chebyshev method, general iteration method (first order),acceleration of convergence, system of non-linear equations, and complex roots – Newton-Raphson method, polynomial equations – Birge –Vieta method and Bairstow’s method. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: Classification of second order equations, parabolic equations- solution of one dimensional heat equation, explicit method, Crank-Nicolson method and Du Fort-Frankel method, hyperbolic equations- solution of one dimensional wave equation. System of Linear Algebraic Equations and Eigen Value Problems: Iterative methods Gauss-Seidal method, SOR method, Eigen value problems – Gerschgorian circle, Eigen values and Eigen vectors of real symmetric matrices -Jacobi method, Givens method. Interpolation:Hermite interpolation, spline interpolation, numerical solution of differential equations – Numerov method. Optimization: Linear programming- formulation of the problem, graphical method, general linear programming problem, simplex method, artificial variable technique -M-method. Graph Theory: Basic terminologies, types of graphs, sub graphs, graphs isomorphism, connected graphs-walks, paths, circuits, connected and disconnected graphs, operations on graphs, Eulerian paths and circuits, Hamiltonian paths and circuits, applications of graphs. Linear Algebra: Vector spaces, linear dependent, independence, basis and dimension, elementary properties, examples. Linear Transformations: Definition, properties, range and null space, rank and nullity, algebra of linear transformations- invertible, singular and non-singular transformations, representation of transformations by matrices. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. M K Jain, S R K Iyengar and R K Jain, “Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computations”, New Age International, 2004. 2. M K Jain, “Numerical Solution of Differential Equations”, 2nd edition, New Age International, 2008. 3. Dr. B.S. Grewal, “Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science”, Khanna Publishers. 4. Dr. B.S. Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, 41st edition, Khanna Publishers, 2011. 5. NarsinghDeo, “Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science”, PHI. 6. Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Knuze, “Linear Algebra”, 2nd edition, PHI. 2 12EPS12 MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES 12EPS12 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Subject Code No. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. of Lecture Hours Basic Concepts of Modeling: Basic two pole machine representation of commutator machines, 3-phase synchronous machine with and without damper bar and 3-phase induction machine, Kron’s primitive machine-voltage, current and torque equations. DC Machine Modeling: Mathematical model of separately excited dc motor-steady state and transient state analysis, sudden application of inertia load, transfer function of separately excited dc motor, mathematical model of dc series motor, shunt motor, linearization techniques for small perturbations. Reference Frame Theory: Real time model of a two phase induction machine, transformation to obtain constant matrices, three phase to two phase transformation, power equivalence. Dynamic Modeling of Three Phase Induction Machine: Generalized model in arbitrary frame, electromagnetic torque, deviation of commonly used induction motor models-stator reference frames model, rotor reference frames model, synchronously rotating reference frames model, equations in flux linkages, per unit model, dynamic simulation. Small Signal Equations of the Induction Machine: Derivation of small signal equations of induction machine, space phasor model, DQ flux linkages model derivation, control principle of the induction motor. Transformer Modeling: Introduction, single phase transformer model, three phase transformer connections, per phase analysis, normal systems, per unit normalization, per unit three phase quantities, change of base, per unit analysis of normal system, regulating transformers for voltage and phase angle control, auto transformers, transmission line and transformers. Modeling of Synchronous Machines: Introduction, voltage equations and torque equation in machine variables, stator voltage equations in arbitrary and rotor reference frame variables, park’s equations, torque equations in substitute variables, rotor angle and angle between rotors, per unit system, analysis of steady state operation. Dynamic analysis of Synchronous Machines: Dynamic performance during sudden change in input torque and during a 3-phase fault at the machine terminals, approximate transient torque versus rotor angle characteristics, comparison of actual and approximate transient torque-angle characteristics during a sudden change in input torque; first swing transient stability limit, comparison of actual and approximate transient torque-angle characteristics during a 3-phase fault at the machine terminals, critical clearing time, equal area criterion, computer simulation. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. P.S.Bimbra, “Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines”, 5th edition, Khanna publications, 1995. 2. R. Krishnan, “Electric Motor Drives - Modeling, Analysis & Control”, PHI Learning Private Ltd, 2009. 3. P.C.Krause, Oleg Wasynczuk, Scott D.Sudhoff, “Analysis of Electrical Machinery and Drive Systems”, 2nd edition, IEEE Press. 4. Arthur R Bergan and Vijay Vittla, “Power System Analysis”, Prentice Hall. 5. PrabhaKundur, “Power System Stability and Control”, TMH, 2010. 6. CheeMunOng, “Dynamic Simulation of Electric Machinery using Matlab / Simulink”,PHI. de-coupled three phase algorithm. Transient Stability Studies: Swing equation.3 12EPS13 ADVANCED POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND STABILITY Subject Code No.2004. . Allen Wood and Woolenberg. three phase load flow-synchronous machine modeling.200l. definition.R.Padiyar. P. transient stability studies using Runge Kuttamethod.2011.Taylor. “Power System Control &Stability”. 5. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. “Modern Power System Analysis”. basic concepts & structure of power system stabilizer. “Power System Voltage Stability”. Stagg &EI-Abiad. voltage stability analysis by PV & VQ curves. Power System Stabilizer: Introduction. 4. Wiley India. 7. Kimbark. “Computer Modelling of Electrical Power System”. 6.2008. 2nd edition. Dynamic Stability: Concept of dynamic stability.2009.2008. optimal load flow.N R Watson.M Anderson.BSP. W. Demello-Concordia model. NR method. 3. McGraw Hil. effect of saliency and saturation on Stability. dynamic stability assessmentusing torque angle loop analysis. McGraw Hill. “Computer Methods in Power System Analysis”. A A Fouad. Nagarath& Kothari. TMH. 2. Stability & Control”. of Lecture Hours 12EPS13 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Load Flow Analysis: Review of recent trends in loadflow studies. 4th edition. John Wiley. C. relation of voltage stability to rotor angle stability. long term transient stability studies. K. 2nd edition. de-coupled. effect of excitation on stability. “Power System Stability” Vol-III. mechanism scenarios. Voltage Stability: Introduction. IEEE Press. 2ndedition. J Arillaga. fast de-coupled and DC load flow. “Power System Dynamics.Wiley student edition. 8. time frames for voltage instability. “Power Generation Operation and Control”. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. G-matrix building and nodal solutions. current transformers.4 12EPS14 DIGITAL PROTECTION OF POWER SYSTEMS Subject Code 12EPS14 IA Marks 50 No.Johns and S. 2nd Edition. 3. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100 Introduction to Digital Relay: Introduction. motor protection. modeling for transient simulation. T. transient performance. desirable features in a protection scheme. 2. over-fluxing detection algorithm. typical numerical over-current relay. 1997. transformers and control devices. TMH Publication. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Total No. Current Voltage Transformers: Introduction. Butterworth low pass filter. computer architectures. James S. “Power System Protection – Static Relays”. integrated hierarchical computer control and protection. relaying algorithms. 2009. John Wiley and Sons Inc. feeder protection.K. microprocessor application to protection. “Digital Protection for Power Systems” Peter Peregrinus Ltd. digital relays for synchronous generators protection: introduction. 4. . Relaying Algorithms: Introduction. analysis of simulation results. Harr algorithm. 2009. 100% stator ground fault protection. analysis of simulation result. wound voltage transformers. compensating algorithms for CTs and dynamic compensation of CTs. Hardware Considerations: Continuous versus discrete time signals: introduction. introduction. A/D relay. digital techniques for protection of transformers. modeling of 3-phase networks. digital relay implementation procedure using microcontroller(Intet-80196) SBC card. substation digital protection system. special over current relay characteristics.MadhavaRao.Salman. “Digital Protection of Power Systems”. equivalent circuits. synchronous machines. Institution of Electrical Engineers. multiprocessor based poly-phase numerical distance relay. ArunG. data acquisition interface card for personal computer. operating algorithms.Thorp. under impedance protection. switches and non-linear elements. Fourier half cycle algorithm modified half cycle Fourier algorithm. negative sequence protection. Walsh algorithm. least squares fitting algorithm. frequency dependence of distributed parameters of lines. transformer line protection. voltage transformers. out of set generator protection. modeling of induction motors. modeling for transient simulation. distance relay characteristics. VT model. voltage restraint technique. amplitude and phase response of low pass filters. microcomputers for digital relay: introduction. bus bar protection: introduction and digital protection schemes for bus bars. protection features in numerical distance relays. dynamic compensation for CTs and PTs. subsystems of a digital relay.S. sample and hold circuit.2nd edition. full cycle Fourier algorithm.TMS32050 DSP based general purpose hardware. simulators for testing. Proder 70 Algorithm. harmonic restraint percentage differential protection. differential equation algorithm. Protection of Power System Components: Introduction. transformer protection: introduction. measures of noise and surge immunity. derivation of linear equivalents. introduction. mean square error minimization technique. Dual DSP based SBC hardware. advantages of microprocessor technology. microcontroller(Intet-80196)based SBC card. multiplexer. ISTE WPLP Learning Material Series. improved digital harmonic filtering algorithm. REFERENCE BOOKS 1.Phadke. Bangalore. A. Transient Analysis of Power Systems: Introduction. differential protection of stator windings. analog signal conditioning. anti-aliasing filter. Parthasarathy. relay performance. multifunction protection scheme. Indian Society for Technical Education. “Computer Relaying for Power Systems”. use of mimic impedance. DSP processor based hardware schemes. classification of relaying algorithms. algorithms for numerical relaying. adaptive relaying.T. cosine filters. flux restraint approach. sample and derivative technique. K. Fletcher – Goldfarb – Shanno method. pivotal reduction of a general system of equations. duality theorems. expansion. primal-dual relations when the primal is in standard form. Broydon. S. constraint qualification. constraint surface. definitions and theorems. objective function. changes in right-hand-side constants bi. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. pattern directions. 3. Linear Programming-I: Introduction. transportation problem. interval halving method. number of objective functions. statement of an optimization problem. permissible values of the design variables. Newton’s method. multivariable optimization with no constraints. design constraints. Non-Linear Programming . Classification of Optimization Problems: Introduction. 1972.One Dimensional Minimization Methods: Introduction. “Applied Nonlinear Programming”. single variable optimization. Davidon-Fletcher-Powel method. Powel’s methods. objective function surfaces. nature of the equations involved. Non-Linear Programming . motivation of the simplex method. design vector.Unconstrained Minimization Methods: Introduction. geometry of LPP. symmetric and primal-dual relations. A P Verma. Hook and Jeeve’s method. Mcgraw-Hill. quasiNewton methods. reflection. univariate. multivariable optimization with equality constraints. Quasi-Newton and Secant methods. contraction. Karmarkar’s method. deterministic nature of the functions. changes in the cost coefficients Cj. simplex algorithm. Kuhn-Tucker conditions. direct search methods: random search methods. Kataria& Sons. classification of optimization problems based on existence of constraints. Cauchy method. duality in linear programming. identifying an optimal point. by the method of constrained variation and by the method of Lagrange multipliers. Unimodal function. formation of LLP. multivariable optimization with inequality constraints. quadratic programming.1996.5 12EPS151 LINEAR AND NONLINEAR OPTIMIZATION 12EPS151 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Subject Code No. addition of new variables. physical structure of the problem. grid search. conversion of an LPP into required form. “Engineering Optimization”. decomposition principle. dichotomous search. optimization techniques. John Wiley and Sons. Linear Programming-II: Revised simplex method. improving a non-optimal basic feasible solution. gradient of a function. practical considerations. golden section method. engineering applications of optimization. Unrestricted search with fixed step size and accelerated step size. conjugate gradient methods. David MautnerHimmelblau. sensitivity or post. Rosenbrock’s method of rotating coordinates. solution by direct substitution. comparison of elimination methods. Newton. Marquadrant method. indirect search methods. saddle point. applications of linear programming. test functions . interpolation methods. graphical method. algorithm. dual simplex method.Inc. exhaustive search. standard form of a LPP. quadratic and cubic. direct root methods. semi-definite case. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. statement of the problem. solution of a system of linear simultaneous equations. nonlinear and linear programming problem(NLP and LPP). historical development.optimality analysis. K. . 2. Fibonacci method. 2009. Singiresu S Rao(S S Rao). changes in the constraint coefficients aij. addition of constraints. of Lecture Hours Optimization: Introduction. direct and indirect methods. two phases of the simplex method. constrained and unconstrained optimization techniques. nature of the design variables. simplex methods. “Operation Research”. Discrete . PHI.2008. derivation of state space model of MlMO systems from transfer matrix. Z transforms.stability analysis by using bilinear transformation and Ruth stability criterion. “Introduction to Control of Dynamic Systems" 4. 3. mapping between the s-plane and z-planes. obtaining response between consecutive sampling instants. Ogata “Modern Control Engineering”.Ogata. “Discrete Time Control Systems”. 2nd Edition.variant systems. solution techniques. design of state observers ( f ul l order and minimum order). linear time . Nagarath and Gopal. 2011.2012. K. state space representation of discrete time systems.Time Control System: Introduction. spectrum analysis of sampling process. “Control Systems Engineering”. order of MIMO systems. “Power System Control and Stability”. . 5th Edition. control system design via pole placement. transmission lines and induction machinessolution techniques.M Anderson and Fouad. of Lecture Hours Analysis of Control Systems in State Space: State-space modeling of synchronous machines. New Age International. inverse Z transforms. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. and speed governing systems. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Chidambara and Ganapathy. j u r y stabilitytest. IEEE Press. K.6 12EPS152 DYNAMICS OF LINEAR SYSTEMS 12EPS152 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Subject Code No. 5. P. 2. effect of addition of observer on a closed loop system. MIMO systems. controllability and observability. state -space equations in canonical forms. excitation systems. Shannon's sampling theorem. stability analysis of closed loop systems. PHI. non-interaction in MIMO systems. transfer function. 2011. difference equations. signal reconstruction. .2007. “Power Circuit breaker Theory and Design”.TMH. “Switching Phenomena in High Voltage Circuit Breakers”. 1977. Flursscheim C H.Heathcote. effective capacitance. travelling wave theory frequency behaviour of velocity of propogaton equivalent circuit fourier spectrum of unit stop wave. “Transformers”. evaluation of radial and tensile forces. insulaion clearences in air. construction and operating principles of bulk oil. London..2nd edition. Types of circuit breakers. Scott connection. New York. “Transient Recovery Voltage and Circuit Breakers”.design.dielectric and mechanical strength consideration. 4.TMH.coordinaton between inner and external insulation.dielectric materials. operation and design of power transformers PSG College of Technology. estimation of magnitude of in rush current and its maximum value.symmetrical and assymetrical ratings. BHEL. voltage gradient line and sress. magnetisng current and inrush phenomenon. minimum oil. Stevenago. role of inductance. 3. Peter Peregrinus Ltd. bushing insulation. air blast. TC Leniiox. oil.rating of circuit breakers.” 13th edition. New York. Solid insulating materials. S. G Camilii. volts per turn and concept of AT thinning. of Lecture Hours HV Power Transformer: Equivalent circuits-limitations and validity. Ananthakrishnan S and Guruprasad KP. zig zag and coils of unequal height cases.2003. standing wave theory for earthed neutral andinsulated neutral cases. SF6 and Vacuum circuit breakers. 1951. SF6 and vacuum. 1999. BHEL. eddy current loss in conductors placed in alternating magnetic field. 1991.comparision of different types of breakers. 2nd edition.seperation of leakage reactance. insulation requirement of transformer against surges – principle of fully shielded transformers and interleaved disc coils. New Delhi. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. Herts. A Boyajian. “Jand P Transformer Book. Principle. axial force calculation. SC1 1HQ. Marcel Dekker Inc. Coimbatore-1962 2. Minnar and VM Montsinger “Transformer Engineering”. “Hand Book of Switch Gear”. 7.. Electro Magnetic Forces on Short Circuit: Philosophy. Magnetic Leakage Reactance Calculations: Inductance evaluation in single phase winding and three phase winding transormers. IEE monograph series 17. 5. arbitrary MMF distribution. 6. John Wiley and Sons Inc. REFERENCE BOOKS 1.2008. interleaved coils. High Voltage Switch Gears:Introduction to switch gears. England.Newness. S S Vasutinsky. Circuit Interruption : Arc characteristics directand alternating current interruptions-arc quenching phenomenon-transient re-striking voltage-RRRV-recovery voltage. inrush current in three phase transformer.current chopping-capacitive current breaking-auto reclosing. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. Funio Nakanishi. M. 8.7 12EPS153 HIGH VOLTAGE POWER APPARATUS 12EPS153 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Subject Code No. L F Blume. . South Gate House.Short circuit calculations and rating of breaker: Types of Faults in Power Systems:Short circuit current and short circuit MVA calculations for different types of faults. its evaluation and minimization in transformer. Surge Phenomenon in Transformer: Equivalent circuit initial voltage distribution with grounded and insulated neutral. Chapman and Hall Limited. Hoop tension and copper loss. Elgerd. TMH. P. S. incremental production costs for steam power plants. spinning reserve.2011. factors affecting system security. 9. POWER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (EPS) SEMESTER II 12EPS21 ECONOMIC OPERATION AND CONTROL OF POWER SYSTEMS 12EPS21 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Subject Code No.R. CRC Press. Power System Optimization: Optimal system operation with thermal plants.2011. incremental transmission of transmission loss.flow chart -AGC -AGL . C.4th edition. calculation of network sensitivity factor. power systems control problems. C. of Lecture Hours Introduction: Different states of power systems.merit order scheduling. 7. 8. relation between voltage. “Electrical Energy Systems”. El-Hawary. 4. security monitoring. Loss Co-efficient : Definitions and Computation of loss co-efficient. Power System Security: Introduction. unit commitment: statement of the problem. “Power System Analysis” .2010. Wiley India 2nd edition. analytical form of generation costs of thermal power plants constraints in economic operation flowchart. 2ndedition. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. power system contingency analysis. methods of voltage control-voltage stability. networksensitivity methods.2008.2010. Wadhwa .8 M. steady state&transient security of power systems. “Power System Operation and Control”. block. “Power Generation Operation and Control”.S. Allen Wood and Woolenberg. McGraw Hill.Mukhopadhya. generation a n d a bsorption of reactive power. 6. “Economic Operation of Power Systems”.TECH. “Electrical Power System” New Age International.Murthy. connecting generator dispatch by sensitivity methods.L. SCADA systems. use of load flow Jacobian for economic dispatch.2009.TMH. Stevenson. “Modern Power System Control and Operation”.2001. power and reactive power at a node-single machine infinity bus system. 2.L. constraints. Automatic generation and voltage control.use of AGE for economic dispatch. Transmission loss equation for B co-efficient. energy control centers.IT edition. loss of co-efficient using Y Bus. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. 3. and detection of network problems. voltage collapse. 3rd edition. Control of Voltage and Reactive Power: Introduction. .Taylor and Francis.Kusic “Computer Aided Power System Analysis”. Nagrath& Kothari. block diagram. contingency ranking. 5. sparse matrix techniques. “Modern Power System Analysis”. TMH. knowledge based system. Gorti Ramamurthy. 2nd Edition. economic justification. . University Press. “Electric Power Distribution System”. D general circuit constants to radial feeders.allocation. 2011. comparison of four and six feeder patterns. practical procedure to determine the best location. “Hand Book of Electrical Power Distribution”. C. substation services area with ' n primary feeders. Turan Gonen. Application of Capacitors in Distribution Systems: Introduction. substation location. Distribution Substation: Introduction. feeder types and voltage levels.S. Primary and Secondary Distribution Systems: Introduction. of Lecture Hours 52 Distribution System Planning&Automation: Introduction. applications of capacitors and installation. dynamic behavior of distribution system.types of control. 6th edition. REFERENCE BOOKS 1.2009. knowledge based methodologies for system reconfiguration and service restoration. Power capacitors series and shuntpower factor correction. 2007. ’ r at i n g a distribution substation. CRC Press. feeder loading rectangular type development. secondary banking. derivation of K con stant. distribution system planning. factors affecting system planning. typical control applications. Expert system. A. distribution automation. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Total No. local energy control center. 2.9 12EPS22 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DESIGN AND CONTROL IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Subject Code 12EPS22 No. Pabla. present technique. “Electric Power Distribution System Engineering”. present voltage drop formula. B. Artificial Intelligence Methodologies in Distribution System Operation&Control: Introduction. substation application curves. load characteristics. radial type development application of the A.2nd edition. simulated annealing technique for loss minimization and voltage control. mathematical procedure for optimum. role of computers in distribution planning. 3. economic power factor. control of open circuit voltage by shunt reactance.E Abinandan. D. of Lecture Hours Theory of Load Compensation : Introduction.Tagare. Harmonics : Sources. mid point shunt reactor or capacitor. thyristors switch capacitor. load power and p. static starting. the ideal compensator specifications of a load compensator . f. reinsertion schemes. objectives and practical limitation . power transfer characteristics and maximum transmissible power for a general case. voltage and current profiles of uncompensated radial and symmetrical line on open circuit. “An Introduction to Reactive Power Control and Voltage Stability in Power Transmission Systems”. D. transmission benefits. need for adjustable reactive compensation. voltage control by means of switch shunt compensation. protective gear. Series Capacitors: Introduction. four characteristics time period. starting methods for motor. compensation in terms of symmetrical components . objectives in load compensation. power system voltage control. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. effect of line length. passive and active compensators.PHI.2010. T. correction of unsymmetrical loads. A. 2. 2011 3.K Mukhopadhyay and D. emergency reactive power supply. series compensation . Dynamic Performance of Transmission Systems with Reactive Power Compensation: The dynamics of electrical power systems. Principles of Static Compensation: Principle of operation of thyristor controlled reactor. utility objectives and utility practices.J. REFERENCE BOOKS 1.2010. A.E Miller . expression for mid point voltage. reduced voltage starting. expression for the compensating susceptances in terms of phase line currents. Synchronous Condenser : Introduction. uniformly distributed fixed compensation. passive shunt compensation.Chakrabarti. f on voltage and reactive power. . multiple shunt reactors along the line. power factor correction and voltage regulations in single phase system. effects of harmonics on electrical equipment.10 12EPS23 REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT IN POWER SYSTEM 12EPS23 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Subject Code No. uncompensated line under load. symmetrical line with mid point series capacitor and shunt reactor. surge impedance and natural loading. Reactive Power Control: Fundamental requirement in AC power transmission. saturated reactor compensator.P Kothari. Reactive Power Co-Ordination: Reactive power management. fundamental transmission line equation. “Reactive Power Control in Electrical Systems” John Wiley . TMH. required reactance of shunt reactors. fundamental concepts of compensation by sectioning. varistor protective gear.Requirement for compensation. “Reactive Power Management”. phase balancing and p. dc line insulators. voltage stability. 2011. solution procedure. case study. description of DC transmission systems. general aspects of DC transmission. “High Voltage Direct Current Transmission”. Control and Protection Methods: DC link control principles. protection against over voltages. dc system model. advantages and disadvantages of DC transmission. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. on line power flow analysis for security control. protection against over currents. equivalent circuits and characteristics of 6 pulse and 12 pulse converters with and without overlap. generation of harmonics. Arrilaga. surge arrestor. Power Flow Analysis in AC/DC Systems: Introduction. transient over voltages in dc line. of Lecture Hours 12EPS24 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 DC Power Transmission Technology: Introduction to transmission of power. dc breaker. Stability Analysis and Power Modulation: Introduction to stability concepts. 2nd Edition. K. application. “HVDC Power Transmission Systems: Technology and System Interactions”. Vol. power flow analysis under dynamic conditions.11 12EPS24 HVDC POWER TRANSMISSION Subject Code No. control and protection. mono-polar operation. power flow with VSC based HVDC system. converter control characteristics. 2012. Kimbark. Padiyar. over voltages in converter station. TMH. firing angle control. current and extinction angle control. practical considerations in the application of modulation controllers. “HVDC Transmission”. W. Analysis of HVDC Converters: Converter circuits. types. 4. 2. Wiley Interscience. New Age International. S Kamakshaiah and V Kamaraju. E. static VAR systems. corona. 2007. The Institute of Engineering and Technology. effects of proximity of ac and dc lines. power modulation. comparison with AC transmission. smoothing reactors. design of AC and DC filters. applications. inclusion of constraints. analysis of voltage stability in asynchronous AC/DC system. Reactive Power andHarmonics: Reactive power control – discussion on control strategies under steady state and transient state and Sources of reactive power in HVDC systems. detection and protection of faults. . 3. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Multi Terminal DC systems: Introduction. R. “Direct Current Transmission”. converter faults. 1971. I. current and voltage source converters. modern trends in DC transmission. definitions. SCADA Honeynet project. bad data handling. supply line sectionalizing. L . SCADA system security issues. power plant automation. alarm processing. observability analysis. of Lecture Hours State Estimation in Energy Control Centers (ECC): Introduction. assessing the risk. substation control panels – with electromechanical devices. SCADA threats and attack routes. SCADA systems in the critical infrastructure. SCADA system architecture. 2005. employment of SCADA systems.12 12EPS251 POWER SYSTEM SCADA 12EPS251 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Subject Code No. mitigating the risk. and It Systems for Electric Power”. SCADA Vulnerabilities and Attacks: The myth of SCADA invulnerability. overview of power system instrumentation. Krutz . Ronald. Substation Automation and Protocol Standards for Power Systems: Need for a automation. power system measurements. . power system metering. “A Guide to Utility Automation: Amr. the DNP3 protocols. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. device Net. SCADA security standards and reference documents. FFB. EtherNet/IP. 2. definition of integration and automation. SCADA protocols( the MODBUS model. SCADA applications.0 and IE61850 standards. automatic load restoration – intelligent bus fail over. substation automation. the security implications of the SCADA protocols. profibus. overview of different state estimator techniques. 2005. SCADA Security Methods and Techniques: SCADA security mechanisms. Power System Automation: Introduction. SCADA distribution management. UCA 2. load management. components of modern ECC. Wiley publishers. demand side management. SCADA intrusion detection systems. equipment rating. power quality. with Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED). overview. SCADA System: History of Critical Infrastructure Directives. transmission management. distribution management. 2nd edition. distribution automation – feeder automation. switched feeder capacitor banks. SCADA risk components. control area network. “Securing SCADA Systems”. monitoring of equipment condition. control Net. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. SCADA. Evolution of SCADA Protocols: Background technologies of the SCADA protocols. demilitarized zone. SCADA system desirable properties. risk management components. Integrated protection functions – adaptive relaying. control and information protocol.states of power systems. Wiley Publishers. SCADA system evolution. Michael Wiebe. Sugeno fuzzy logic inference system. A new fuzzy control approach to voltage profile enhancement for power systems [IEEE Transactions on power systems. 10 . August 1996] 6.single-layer and multilayer feed forward ANNs. adaptive fuzzy logic systems. of Lecture Hours Fuzzy logic Systems: Introduction. parameters sets.13 12EPS252 INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS APPLICATION TO POWER SYSTEMS 12EPS252 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Subject Code No. April 2001] 7. characteristic functions. application of the error back propagation algorithm. Vol. artificial neuron model. fuzzy set operations. 4. Dynamic reactive power compensation based on fuzzy logic in power transmission grids. various fuzzy inference systems-Mamdani fuzzy logic inference system.control systems.No. Fuzzy. extension principle . Tsukamoto fuzzy logic inference system. bias. neuro. various ANNs and training strategic for different applications. membership function. fuzzy rules. Overview and literature survey of fuzzy set theory in power system[IEEE Transactions on power systems.Based voltage / reactive power scheduling for voltage security improvement and loss reduction [IEEE Transactions power delivery. fuzzy set. and characteristic. 13. 8. No. Vol. static and dynamic artificial neuron models. Vol. Vol. input. Vol. 2008] 3. Artificial Neural Networks: ANN fundamentals. classical set operations. 16. adaptive function estimators. May 1993] 8. Fuzzy based reactive power and voltage control in a distribution systems [IEEE Transactions on power delivery. No. Vol. No. proven advantages of various industrial fuzzy logic applications. classical set. fuzzy reasoning .automatic generation of fuzzy rules from data. A fuzzy based optimal reactive power control [IEEE Transactions on power systems. A fuzzy control for network overloads alleviation [Electrical power and energy systems 23 (2003)] 5. design steps. fuzzy logic basics. No. competitive learning. 2. radial basis function neural network. April 2003] 4. [IEEE Transactions on power delivery. No. 3. 2. fuzzy system design. August 1995] 2. various membership functions. ANN networks. unsupervised(self-organized) learning . ANN networks. Oct 1998] . weights . 3. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. Study of related papers and implementation for small power system network Applications of fuzzy logic control: 1. activation functions. fuzzy inference system(fuzzy logic controllers). functions of fuzzy sets. classical set operations. 2. conventional fuzzy set operations. 11. 18. [IEEE Xplore. general. Fuzzy-Neuro approach to fault classification for transmission line protection. 3.Truiisni. [World Academy of Science. Forecasting Electricity Demand on Short. No. March 2002] 7. 2001. Improving Voltage Stability Margin Using Voltage Profile and Sensitivity Analysis by Neural Network. 2. [Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. Global model for short-term load forecasting using artificial neural networks [IEE ProcGener. Artificial Neural Network Approach for Short Term Load Forecasting for Illam Region.Printed in the Netherlands. Medium and Long Time Scales Using Neural Networks. 4. Application of Neural Networks in Power Systems. No.] 4. No. A Review. Vol. Engineering and Technology 6. August 2011] 8. [World Academy of Science. Mid-Term Load Forecasting Based on Neural Network Algorithm: a Comparison of Models. February 1992] 6. [Transactions on Power Systems. [Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 31: 129–147.© 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 149. Matlab Based Artificial Neural Network Algorithm for Voltage Stability Assessment. 2005] . Ghandakly] 3. Vol. [D. 7. 1.14 Applications of ANN: 1.Distrib. 2011] 2. Engineering and Technology 28 2007] 5. Short-Term Load Forecasting Using an Artificial Neural Network. Vol. [International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering.ThukaramSukumarKamalasadan Adel A. obtaining time solutions from phase plane plots. Numerical Methods: Introduction. extensionof PP concept to higher order systems. dual input describing function. definitions.2011.PHI. stability analysis of non-linear systems. inverse describing function.Adams method. nonlinear control systems. W J Cunningham. singular points. “Analysis and Design of Non-Linear Feed Back Control Systems”. “Introduction to Non-Linear Analysis”. Katsuhiko Ogata “Modern Control Engineering”. introduction to adaptive systems. 4. second method of Lyapunov. 5th edition. An approximation method for second order system. phase plane analysis of non-linear control systems. George J. ' Phase Plane Analysis: Introduction. optimization of an autonomous positioning system with ON-QFF non-linearity. of Lecture Hours Describing Function Analysis: Introduction to nonlinear systems. . Lyapunov Stability Analysis: Introduction. Krasovskis method and variable gradient methods. Runge -Kutta method of least square fit. 3. Poincare Perturbation method. “Non-Linear Automatic Control”. McGraw Hill Publication. i n p u t adaptation or response optimization. phase plane analysis of linear control systems. stability analysis of linear systems. Milnes method. describing function analysis-of NL control systems. the first method of Lyapunov. John E Gibson. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. simplified switching of second-order autonomous system. Optimal and Adaptive Control Systems: Introduction.15 12EPS253 NON-LINEAR AUTOMATIC CONTROL THEORY 12EPS253 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Subject Code No. 2. methods for constructing trajectories. generalized describing function. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. stability definitions of non-linearsystems. Taylor series expansion method. describing functions. McGraw Hill Publication. Bendixson's criterion. model adaptive systems. Modified -Eulers method. point-care index of a singular point. Z form numerical-calculus method. NY. “Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems. 1979. “Monte Carlo Methods”.M. Kluwer Academic Press/Springer India. IEEE PAS. . 3. 4. Allen. System Adequacy Evaluation: RTS. R. interruption energy assessment rate.N. Handscomb D. John Wiley and Sons Inc. Vol. cost/worth/data. Hammersley J. basic distribution systems and reliability assessment. 2. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. IEEE Reliability Test System. Billington and A. security. Monte Carlo simulation.1992.2008. pp 2047-54. Roy Billington.. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. reliability test system (RTS). 1964.C. dependency effects in power system reliability and evaluation of statistical distributions. industrial and residential users. of Lecture Hours 12EPS31 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Basic concepts: Adequacy. Springer.TECH. reliability. PAS98. IEEE committee report. contingency enumeration approach. “Reliability Assessment of Large Electric Power Systems”..16 M. Concepts and Techniques”. Assessment of Reliability Worth: Interruption costs for commercial. POWER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (EPS) III SEMESTER 12EPS31 POWER SYSTEM RELIABILITY ENGINEERING Subject Code No. Performance and Information Technology”. transmission open access and pricing mechanisms in various countries. Reliability and Deregulation: Terminology. formation of power pools. developments in international transmission pricing in Europe. benefits from a competitive electricity market. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. unit commitment. . Trading. Ltd. hierarchical levels. reactive power as an ancillary service. Power System Economic Operation Overview: Introduction. security management in deregulated environment. Loi Lei Lai. transmission open access. REFERENCE BOOK 1. economical load dispatch. 2001. congestion management in deregulation. Ancillary Services Management: Ancillary services and management in various countries. pricing of power transactions. meaning of deregulation. Kankar Bhattacharya. Jaap E Daalder. reliability and deregulation. 2. network model. Math H J Bollan.operational planning activities of a Genco. cost components in transmission. Transmission Open Access and Pricing Issues: Introduction. John Wiley and Sons. role of independent system operator (ISO). background to deregulation and the current situation around the world. operational planning activities of ISO. “Operation of Restructured Power Systems”. performance indicators. power wheeling. after effects of deregulation. Power System Operation in Competitive Environment: Introduction.17 ELECTIVE-III 12EPS321 PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT OF DEREGULATED POWER SYSTEMS Subject Code No. of Lecture Hours 12EPS321 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Deregulation of the Electricity Supply Industry: Introduction. reliability costs. 2002. optimal power flow as a basic tool. reliability analysis. Kluwer Academic Publishers. “Power System Restructuring and Deregulation. PH. linear regulator problem using variational approach. formulation of optimal control problems. 5. Analysis and Design. application to optimal control problems. continuous time linear regulator problems. tracking problem. John Wiley and Sons. Hinfty control (simple case). principle of imbedding. Moore. general Hinfty solution.. computational procedure. Matrix Riccatti equation. output regulator problem. 2004. Dynamic Programming-Principle of optimality.B. 2. 6. and K. Skogestad and I. LQG/Loop transfer recovery. . H2-Hinfty integral control (qualitative). K. John Wiley and Sons. Pontryagin’s minimum principle. Glover.L. Infinite and finite time problems.. Variational Calculus: Introduction. examples. B. examples. “Optimal Control”. H2 Optimal Control. transversality condition.O. Prentice Hall. 1996. J. Postlethwaite. and White C. evaluation of extremal for free/fixed end point problems. introduction to observers and Kalman filter.18 12EPS322 OPTIMIZATION AND ROBUST CONTROL 12EPS322 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Subject Code No. 3. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kirk D. Lewis and V. “Multivariable Feedback Control”. “Optimal Control-Linear Quadratic Methods”. Anderson and J. Euler-language equation. F. 1995.C. 4.P.C. Robustness Issues: Model Uncertainty. “Robust and Optimal Control”. Syrmos. Sage A. Doyle. Zhou. L. 1977. 1998. examples. “Optimal Control Theory-An Introduction”. Prentice Hall. 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Thyristor and GTO Controlled Series Capacitor: Introduction . “Flexible AC Transmission System”.SVC Controller – voltage regulator design . “FACTS Controllers in Power Transmission and Distribution”. T. Johns.mitigation of sub synchronous resonance with TCSC and GCSC .R Padiyar.multilevel voltage source converters .compensation by STATCOM and SSSC .harmonic transfer and resonance in VSC. Gyugyi.damping of low frequency power oscillations applications of SPST. 2009. applications of STATCOM. New Age International.control of type I Converters .protection aspects – modeling of SVC – applications of SVC.control of TCSC .applications of TCSC. Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM): Introduction . Song and A. Static Phase Shifting Transformer: General . of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. 2007.a simplified analysis of a three phase six pulse STATCOM . Y. of Lecture Hours FACTS CONTROLLERS 12EPS323 04 52 IA Marks ExamHours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Introduction: Basics of power transmission networks .some issues . REFERENCE BOOKS 1.basic concepts of controlled series compensation -operation of TCSC .configurations of spst improvement of transient stability using SPST .principle of operation of STATCOM .modeling of TCSC for stability studies . H. New-Delhi.19 12EPS323 Subject Code No. K.basic principle of a PST .compensation by a series capacitor connected at the midpoint of the line .some representative examples. “Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems”.harmonics and filtering . Static Var Compensator: Analysis of SVC .Configuration of SVC. AC Transmission Line and Reactive Power Compensation: Analysis of uncompensated AC Line . domestic water heating. Kithsiri Liyanage. Janaka Ekanayake. James Momoh. IEEE Press. nodes of innovation. smart distributed energy resources. intelligrid today. residential. Market Implementation: Framework. Efficient Electric End – Use Technology Alternatives: Existing technologies . key characteristics of smart devices. low carbon central generation. generic features of the energy port Policies and Programs to Encourage End – Use Energy Efficiency: Polices and programs in action. . local energy networks. 2009. data center energy efficiency. DC sources. multinational. manufacturing process. 2. integrated communications architecture. alternate views of a smart grid. future neighborhood.Wu. program planning. overview of the perfect power system configurations. electricity network. device level power system. variable refrigerant flow air conditioning. indoor air quality. equipment retrofit and replacement. attributes of the smart grid. benefits of and drives of dc power delivery systems. distributed power systems.2012. cogeneration. Intelligrid Architecture for the Smart Grid: Introduction. monitoring and evaluation. Nick Jenkins. electro -technologies. Clark W Gellings. of Lecture Hours SMART GRID 12EPS331 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Introduction: Introduction to smart grid. Akihiko Yokoyama.20 12EPS331 Subject Code current limitations to dynamic energy management. Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Response”. hyper efficient residential appliances. process heating.2012. building integrated power systems. thermal energy storage. DC Distribution and Smart Grid: AC Vs. national. industrial motors and drives. commercial and industrial sectors. smart grid vision based on the intelligrid architecture. state. city and corporate levels. “Smart Grid :Fundamentals of Design and Analysis”. space conditioning. powering equipment and appliances with DC. CRC Press. Dynamic Energy Systems Concept: Smart energy efficient end use devices. advanced whole building control systems. hyper efficient appliances. role of technology in demand response. launching intelligrid. fully integrated power system. overview of a dynamic energy management. industrial energy management programs. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. REFERENCE BOOK 1. key characteristics of advanced whole building control systems. electric transportation. 3. key characteristics of dynamic energy management system. factors influencing customer acceptance and response. Wiley. Energy Port as Part of the Smart Grid: Concept of energy -port. potential future work and research. barriers and enabling technologies. “Smart Grid :Technology and Applications”.Jianzhong. LED street and area lighting. data centers and information technology loads. ductless residential heat pumps and air conditioners. energy management. Smart Grid to Evolve a Perfect Power System: Introduction. “The Smart Grid. Wiley. heat pump water heating. distributed energy resources. insulation co-ordination.2nd edition. C.K. problems on switching surges. finite line analyses. “Electromagnetic Transients in Power Systems”. 1980. EHO 144-6-PWR. “Surge Protection in Power Systems”. Beweley Lattice diagram.PHI. Green wood. Plenum Press. Behavior of apparatus and line insulation under all types of over voltages.Kothari. 8.D. .2010.PritindraChowdhuri. 1984. AshtafaqHussain. leader development. PHI. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. backstroke. of Lecture Hours Over Voltages in Power System: Transient phenomena on transmission lines: infinite line definition and its transient behavior. 3. 2. Ragaller K. origin and characteristics of switching over voltages and temporary over voltages. use of standards in the design of transmission line insulation against over voltages. 7. introduction to use of EMTP. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No.P. Orient Longman.Indulkar. 1 & 2 Edition. 4. EPRI. problems. IEEE publication. problems.PHI. surge arresters. origin of lightning. Transmission Line Reference Book – 345 kV and above. 5. “Power Systems”. “Power System Transients. “Surges in High Voltage Networks”. isokeraunic level. Use of transient Network Analyzer.Ramalingam.2009. protection of apparatus against over voltages. PHI. 1987. “EHV Transmission”. Characteristics of lightning discharges. theory of cloud formation. 6. line terminations. concept of BIL. digital and hybrid computers for solving large-scale problems. No. back flashover. shielding angle calculation for HV/EHV/UHV lines. different types of line interaction. counter poise. 79. grounding rods.S. 2ndedition. Begamudre. MATLAB and PSPICE packages to solve transient problems.21 12EPS332 OVER VOLTAGE PHENOMENA IN POWER SYSTEM 12EPS332 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Subject Code No. A statistical Approach”. “Power System Transients”. Academic Press. other sensitive load. stochastic prediction of short Elsevier. voltage sag magnitude. 3. Math H J Bollen. method of critical distances. system equipment interface. “Power Quality in Power System and Electrical Machines”.voltage sag coordination chart. overview of reliability evaluation. Stars in a Circle Publications. 2011. of Lecture Hours/Week Total No. 4. power quality monitoring. voltage sag duration.22 12EPS333 POWER QUALITY ISSUES AND MITIGATION Subject Code No. single phase tripping. Ewald F Fuchs. Roger C Dugan.Characterization: Introduction. observation of system performance. computers and consumer electronics.el. REFERRENCE BOOKS 1. magnitude and phase angle jumps for three phase unbalanced sags. G T Heydt. “Elecrtic Power Quality”. Voltage Sags and Interruptions”. Voltage Sags – Equipment Behavior: Introduction. “Electrical Power Systems Quality”. Short Interruptions: Introduction.el. Voltage Sags .1991. 2009. “Understandind Power Quality Problems. Mitigation of Interruptions and Voltage Sags: Overview of mitigation methods. standards and regulations. terminology. 2nd edition. sag due starting of induction motors. load influence on voltage sags. origin of short interruptions. adjustable speed DC drives. Voltage Sags – Stochastic Assessment: Compatibility between equipment and supply. comparison of observation and reliability evaluation. phase angle jumps. . monitoring of short Long Interruptions and Reliability Evaluation: Introduction. Wiley India. adjustable speed AC drives. three phase unbalance. other characteristic of voltage sags. influence on equipment. method of fault positions. cost of interruptions. 2. power quality and EMC standard. power system design – redundancy through switching and parallel operation.2011. reliability evaluation techniques. overview of power quality phenomena. TMH. examples. of Lecture Hours 12EPS333 04 52 IA Marks Exam Hours Exam Marks 50 03 100 Introduction: Introduction to power quality. 23 .
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