MTech IT Placements 2013

March 27, 2018 | Author: nesemohankumar | Category: E Commerce, Databases, Computer Security, Online Safety & Privacy, Cloud Computing



M.Tech.(IT) Placements 2013 Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (Established by Reserve Bank of India) University of Hyderabad Department of Computer and Information Sciences (A Central University) CONTENTS IDRBT Governing Council ................................................. Message from Director .................................................... Message from Placement Coordinator ............................ Message from M.Tech. (IT) Coordinator .......................... About IDRBT ...................................................................... M.Tech. (IT) ........................................................................ Course Curriculum ............................................................. Research Initiatives of M.Tech. (IT) Students ..................... Past Recruiters .................................................................... M.Tech. (IT) Alumni Speak .................................................. M.Tech. (IT) - Batch (2011-13) ............................................ IDRBT Faculty ...................................................................... IDRBT Adjunct Faculty ......................................................... 01 02 03 04 05 07 08 11 13 14 15 20 25 M.Tech.(IT) Placements 2013 Reserve Bank of India Shri G. Sivakumar Professor. Phalguni Gupta Professor. Indian Banks Association Shri R. D. Kamath Chairman. Gandhi Executive Director.B. Corporation Bank Shri K. Subbarao Governor. IDRBT 01 M.R. IIT. G. Sambamurthy Member Secretary Director. Barman Former Executive Director. Jajoo Professor.(IT) Placements 2013 . Kanpur Shri B. Mumbai Prof. B.Tech. IIM.H. Ahmedabad Prof. IIT. CHAIRMAN MEMBERS Dr. Reserve Bank of India. Reserve Bank of India Prof. Reserve Bank of India VISITOR Shri Anand Sinha Deputy Governor. Reserve Bank of India Shri Ajai Kumar Chairman & Managing Director. R. Padmanabhan Executive Director.IDRBT GOVERNING COUNCIL Dr. these students would be assets to any organization. Banking industry is the key stakeholder of IDRBT and it is appropriate for banks to exploit the opportunity and engage these students with a unique and comprehensive learning experience. operate and exploit their Information Technology infrastructure are taught to them. Recognizing the importance of soft skills. The unique feature of the two-year course is a rigorous one year project work at IDRBT under the guidance of our faculty members. Sambamurthy Director. The technology content is quite comprehensive and intensive.(IT) Placements 2013 . B. they are exposed to INFINET.Tech. The appended syllabus clearly outlines the focus and the thrust of our programme in detail. IDRBT 02 M. Given this unique learning experience. Intense technical skills needed by banks to build. Students are oriented to the banking domain by experts drawn from the industry. Tech. Hyderabad. SFMS. The syllabus of this two-year post graduate course concentrates on subjects which are directly relevant to Banking Technology. IDRBT has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of Hyderabad (UoH) to run the M. Given the good blend of theory and practice on one hand and technical skills and soft skills on the other.MESSAGE FROM DIRECTOR Applied research with practical bias is one of the key missions of IDRBT. (IT) programme with a focus on Banking Technology. and DIGITAL CERTIFICATES that are important aspects of modern Indian Banking. Further. it is no surprise that these students are very much sought after and we achieved nearly 100% placement last year in financial services industry. Our faculty members possess a good blend of theory and practice. the current batch has undergone the ‘English Impact’ programme from British Council. In order to realize this mission. We welcome Banks to participate in the campus placement opportunity of IDRBT. CRM Lab and Mobile Security Lab. It has earned 9 rank among Indian universities. Students are exposed to rigorous training in the state-of-the-art labs like Secure Technology Lab. The University of th Hyderabad is one of the top Central Universities in the country. As witnessed recently. the global economic crisis happened due to the failure of the banking system in the United States. Financial Services and Insurance Industry (BFSI) is a critically important industry in any economy.MESSAGE FROM PLACEMENT COORDINATOR Banking. Tech. Therefore. We will be privileged if you offer them an opportunity to be a part of your team. which led to a contagion effect that was procyclical and therefore. IDRBT M. The students are capable and competent of handling demanding assignments in the banking sector. They undergo a one month internship programme on the field in a real world banking context. (IT) students undergo a rigorous training in banking information systems. Dr. The Banking and Financial System in the country reflects the economic health of the country. The banking industry has always been under supervision by national regulatory authorities as well as international frameworks for regulation. primarily because of the due diligence exercised by the professionals of our banking community and the prudence of our regulatory authorities.(IT) Placements 2013 . Our Indian economy successfully survived through the global crisis. they are equipped with Communication Skills courses offered at the British Council in Hyderabad. Mahil Carr Placement Coordinator. triggered a systemic crisis that affected the entire globe.Tech. IDRBT 03 M. Moreover. banking is a highly regulated industry worldwide as depositor interests needs to be protected. (IT) COORDINATOR The Information and Communication technologies together enabled the Banking and Finance industry what they are today. SOA. Tech. Data Integration and Data Analytics would be providing the right platform for banks to embark upon meaningful strategies for innovation and integration. I am sure they can perform well with the help of the knowledge they gained in IDRBT. IDS. As of now. Tech. one vital issue that quite often gets sidelined is security.(IT) Placements 2013 . Dr. (IT) students are well-equipped in all the latest technologies. Radha M. much of the business processes are just e-enabled without reaping the benefits of business process reengineering. In the race for embracing new technologies to join the bandwagon.Tech. Much emphasis is given to Firewall. However.Tech. IDS will soon be overburdened unless “Secure Coding Practices” and “Source Code Review” are relied upon to plug loopholes and fatal flaws. I wish them all success in their career. IDRBT 04 M. V. (IT) Coordinator. etc.MESSAGE FROM M. New technologies and processes like XML. The M. Tech. customer satisfaction and to offer innovative and value-added services in tune with the global trends in the BFSI sector. the IDRBT has created the nationwide communication backbone for the Indian banking industry – the INdian FInancial NETwork (INFINET) and setting up of the National Financial Switch (NFS) (now a part of the NPCI). which issues Digital Certificates to the banking industry. IDRBT is also a Certifying Authority (CA) under the IT Act 2000. to facilitate inter-bank communication in the country.(IT) Placements 2013 . in order to suffice the need for a secure and common messaging system for intrabank and interbank 05 M. The Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) has played a vital role in this journey by providing inter-bank services. IDRBT was established by the Reserve Bank of India in March 1996. IDRBT has taken the lead – from anticipating the technology requirements. as an autonomous body. In a short span. Subsequently.ABOUT IDRBT The Indian Banking and Financial Sector has considerably modernized the use of Information Technology over the last two decades. The Institute pioneers the modernization process by introducing Information Technology to the Indian Banking and Financial Sector. developing solutions to creating and customizing IT and IT infrastructure for the benefit of the Indian Banking and Financial Sector. The Institute plays a catalytic role in ensuring that technology is leveraged to the maximum to enhance productivity. the Institute launched the framework of Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS). IDRBT now provides many avenues to gain and share knowledge in the niche area of Banking Technology. These highly specialized Executive Development P ro g ra m m es a re co n d u c ted fo r b a n k i n g professionals exposing them to state-of-the-art developments in Information Technology. IIMs and Central Universities. Information Security/ Assurance and IT Governance. The research outcomes are imparted to various banks through Executive Development Programmes. IDRBT has also set up Indian Banking Technology Consortium (IBTC) to guide banks on the latest in financial technology.applications. IDRBT is now an Associate Institution of the University of Hyderabad (A Central University) for undertaking research for the award of Ph. with a renewed vigour. Post Doctoral Fellowship (IPDF) and IDRBT Research Project Scheme (IRPS).Tech. IDRBT has deep and wide access to domain knowledge in the area of banking. It offers at tractive research opportunities for both academicians as well as practitioners through its Ph. the Institute started the IDRBT Project Trainee Scheme (IPTS). Thus. Work is in progress to set up Centre of Excellence (CoE) on CRM/Analytics. an opportunity to carry out short projects in various areas of Banking Technology. which focuses on providing project trainees from reputed Institutions like the IITs. In the year 2009.(IT) Placements 2013 . this enables customers to make inter-bank payments online.D Programme. degree in the areas of Computer Sciences and Information Technology. there is a robust industry-academia partnership.D. IDRBT as a research institution focuses on applied research with practical bias. All National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) messages are routed through a hub hosted by IDRBT. 06 M. The curriculum consists of courses on core Computer Science. as the ‘first-its-kind in India and perhaps in the world’ is aimed at creating responsible a n d res o u rc ef u l I nfo r m at i o n Te c h n o l o g y professionals for the Banking and Financial Sector. the programme banks on innovative learning and is supported by quality research in a scenario where the Banking and Financial industry is becoming increasingly dependent on Information Technology to retain its customers and competitiveness. Reddy (Former Governor. Designed to deliver in-depth knowledge and expertise in the area of Information Technology specifically related to banking.Tech. The programme. Tech in Information Technology (with specialization in Banking and Information Security) is a four-semester course spread over two years. referred to by Dr.M. (IT) The M.V. Quantitative Techniques in Finance and Customer Relationship Management. the final two semesters are focused on project work on a specific topic relevant to the banking industry. who can lead the technology initiatives of the sector. Banking Technology and Information Security. The course is designed to provide a perfect mix of various aspects of Computer and Information Security as well as on Soft Computing. (IT) programme was launched in the year 2001 and currently 11th and 12th batches are successfully in progress.(IT) Placements 2013 . While the first two semesters of the programme are classroom-oriented courses. jointly conducted by Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) and the University of Hyderabad (UoH). Tech.Tech. Data Mining. Y. This programme merges the new and emerging information technologies with the domain expertise in banking to create professionals. 07 M. The M. a Central University. RBI). 08 M. It is an Indian standard similar to SWIFT. distributed shared memory. Tech. distributed file systems. distributed scheduling. etc. It helps students appreciate that technology cannot be viewed in isolation. The course includes the following subjects: Computer Networks and Distributed Computing Here students learn basic computer networks concepts. are treated in-depth..(IT) Placements 2013 . (IT) course is designed to produce qualified and trained personnel for the banking industry who will be able to handle the various aspects of the IT Systems in banks. Aspects relating to distributed computing. Banking Technology Banking Technology offers students an insight into the role played by technology in enhancing the effectiveness of the banking sector and also to provide a strong foundation in the various technologies used for delivering banking and financial services. Associated lab exercises give hands-on experience of the concepts. The course exposes students to various symmetric and asymmetric encryption schemes. Transport Layer. as well as digital signature schemes. This programme is offered by IDRBT in collaboration with the University of Hyderabad. Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS) is a secure messaging standard developed to serve as a platform for inter-bank applications. Students undertake one year project work to do in-depth work on a particular topic of immediate relevance to the banking industry. concepts relating to the Transport Network Layer and Routing issues. Architectures of Distributed Systems and Concurrency in Distributed Computing. Cryptography Cryptography enables you to store sensitive information or transmit it across insecure networks so that it cannot be read by anyone except the intended recipient.Tech. Banks use encryption methods all around the world to process financial transactions.COURSE CURRICULUM The M. Cryptography finds application in SWIFT which operates a worldwide financial messaging network. hash functions and secret sharing schemes. which is a crucial step in integrating the technology and business goals of banks. It includes: OSI Seven-Layer Model. numerical 09 M. Java servlets. Object-oriented Database Systems. DBMS System Architecture. (v) Stochastic processes and Stochastic programming. techniques and operations research models with examples. etc. asset liability management. etc. Storage and Indexing Concepts. It covers topics of basic statistics. Quantitative Techniques in Finance Quantitative Techniques in Finance deals with fundamental concepts and models of quantitative measures required for scientific decision making relevant to the banking and financial sector. cash management. This course helps to learn necessary skills to understand. portfolio optimization. formulate.Tech. Object-Oriented and Mobile databases along with their application are discussed. interest rate sensitivity analysis. data storage and retrieval. Current developments in database systems such as Distributed. Various banking and financial applications including net present valuation. Relational Algebra and Calculus. (iii) Linear and Non-linear Optimization methods. liquidity risk analysis. Analytical tools such as MS-EXCEL. Parallel.Advanced Data Base Management Systems The course deals with various aspects of database design. (ii) Forecasting Techniques.(IT) Placements 2013 . Transaction Management. analyze and handle important real-life financial problems. MATLAB and R help in the analysis and solution of the formulated problems. exercises and case studies.. Relational Model. Recovery. It also focuses on issues pertaining to concurrency in transaction management and database security. Course syllabus includes Basics of database concepts (Data Modeling using ER. are exercised by students in their lab work. Database Management Systems Concepts. Information Retrieval and XML Data Management. Parallel and Distributed Database Systems. probability.. supply chain. SQL). (iv) Multiple Objective Optimization and Dynamic Optimization methods. It has five modules covering (i) Valuation Techniques. value at risk. are covered. Programming concepts such as multithreading. Concurrency Control. Database Security principles. stress testing. transfer pricing. Java and Scripting Languages – Lab This course enables the student to develop skills in object-oriented programming with a focus on Java. JDBCODBC connectivity. (IT) Placements 2013 . The M. Web Services.C o m m e rc e Technologies (XML & Java). and Security Protocols such as IPSEC. Credit rating. Access Control Systems Using Swipe Cards. Tech.Systems Security The course covers concepts such as Fundamentals of Computer Security. The course exposes the student to a step-by-step process of software development. Over all. E.. Course syllabus includes E-Commerce Business Models and Concepts. Security Vulnerabilities and Secure Design Principles. and Legal aspects of ECommerce. Social. Data Base Security. RFID. and Classification and Clustering. Security Mechanisms. Data Warehousing and Data Mining The course exposes the intricate concepts of data mining with several examples and delves a good amount of time in the major tasks of data mining viz. Software Engineering This course exposes the student to different software development life cycle stages and activities including cost estimation models and software metrics. Management problems such as Risk Management. Building an E-Commerce website. Soft Computing in Finance This course covers fundamentals of soft computing methodologies and focuses on their application in the areas of Economics. Financial Time Series. Biometrics. Finance and Banking 10 M. Ethical. this course is a highly practical-oriented course that offers immense benefits to the students and banks stand to benefit from the students who take up this course. classification. clustering and association rule mining. Decision Making Problems of Risk Management. E-Commerce and Payment Systems This course aims to expose students to current trends in electronic commerce and payment systems. E-Commerce Marketing Concepts. Operating System Security. Different software testing approaches along with software quality and software reliability issues are also covered in detail. It includes Traditional Security. Network Programming and Web Services – Lab This course provides the basics of Networking and Security from a practical perspective that complements the foundations taught in the Network course. Network Security. (IT) students undertake a one-year project work in the III & IV Semesters respectively. Online S e c u r i t y. Software testing techniques are also dealt with in-depth. Mobile Commerce. It elucidates the essentiality of the link between the D ata M i n i n g a n d C u sto m e r Re l at i o n s h i p Management (CRM) through concepts and examples. Portfolio and Investments. PKI. and Digital Signatures. Implementation and software maintenance issues are discussed. Pay m e nt Syste m s .Tech. It also highlights the all-important issue of feature selection and various algorithms that achieve it. Image Processing By using various application areas of Image processing (like watermarking and stenography). we are working with the design and development of various Mobile Banking Applications like Mobile Wallet. We also try to address major risks and threats in Mobile Banking. We also work on different methods/approaches of Digital Forensics. Information Security emerged as a big concern. to investigate electronic evidences.Tech.(IT) Placements 2013 . Information Security With the advancement of technology in banking and financial sector. we try to harden the Financial Transactions carried out by 11 M. we work on Fraud Detection. Customer Churn Prediction. Bankruptcy Prediction. So here in this field.Tech. (IT) STUDENTS Mobile Banking Mobile banking is the new emerging channel for banks. Asset Liability Management for Banks and Financial Institutions. Customer Credit Scoring. Profitability Modeling and Ranking. Banking Cloud Services onto Mobile Device. involved in Cyber Crime / Fraud scenario. is a powerful new technology with great potential to help companies focus on the most important information in their data warehouses and data centers. So. here we deal with various methods (including tools & techniques) for identification of vulnerabilities in existing system. Here. Near Field Communication (NFC) based payments.RESEARCH INITIATIVES OF M. Data Mining Data Mining. the extraction of hidden useful information from large databases. Formal methods are a means of ensuring mathematically software quality. Therefore. Various applications running over the INFINET network for accomplishing transactions. etc.banks (online Cheque Truncation System) and attempt to provide new methods for secure communication in financial messages. The project is to specify the system using formal methods and prove its security features and properties. We are working on building a model for forecasting the network bandwidth required for these transactions. and the premier financial institutions in the country are the members of the INFINET. Financial Network The INdian FInancial NETwork [INFINET] is the communication backbone for the Indian Banking and Financial Sector. Payment System Today banks face big challenges to reduce cost of services.Tech. resource pooling.(IT) Placements 2013 12 . provide services to unbanked people. cooperative. As it offers advantages like on-demand self-service.. broad network access. (Palm-print Authentication) for banks. M.. Cloud Computing Cloud computing is the use of computing resources that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). The value would be held in a central server. We work on Biometrics to generate a new and secure user authentication method. etc. etc. Mobile phone owners may transfer value from their purses to other purses without the intervention of banks. we proposed a new Payment System which would enable electronic transfer of money. we are working on dynamic resource allocation strategies in order to address the various risks related to cloud data security and implementation issues to adopt cloud computing for financial sectors. private Unique Qualities of IDRBT Students l l l l Students are GATE qualified Exposure to the banking domain Technically competent in IT Managerial (and decision making) skills. we proposed to create an electronic purse for every mobile phone owner. All banks in the public sector. require some bandwidth. In this system. sector. rapid elasticity. our students have been recruited by the leading banking institutions like: Reserve Bank of India Relationships beyond banking.Tech.PAST RECRUITERS During the previous years. EXIM BANK 13 M.(IT) Placements 2013 . .“IDRBT provided the perfect platform for those intending to make a career in Banking Sector and possessing IT skills.Tech (IT course – in collaboration with University of Hyderabad) has provided me the perfect platform to learn various areas of banking technology. Sailaja Rani Assistant General Manager Reserve Bank of India “IDRBT has provided a platform for bright students with its unique course in M. We have attended few self-development workshops which are very useful in my career. Radhakrishna Akella Senior Manager Data Centre.’ I wish all the best to all in their careers to grow and show path to others. etc. evaluating the IT requirements for specific functionalities in the Bank. The course provided me career growth with strong technical capabilities to address issues related to banking domain. I have got in-depth knowledge of various subject areas which are very useful for me to relate practical areas with theoretical knowledge in my SAP career. Payment and Settlement Systems.” Best Wishes. As a Banking professional with IT background. All the very best in your efforts.(IT) Placements 2013 14 . viz. NPCI.Tech with specialization in "Banking Technology & Information Security". thus the right mix of Technology and Banking domain.” Regards. Mumbai “IDRBT M. The Course was very useful in giving a jet start for handling many cases related to IT and Banking. One of my many roles is coordinating with the vendors for conveying the requirements in the Bank in a way that can be comprehended by the IT sector and vice versa in the best interests of the Bank. I also have worked on case studies and research areas as part of IDRBT project. information security and advanced information systems technology. The course has helped me to work on various integration platforms and to provide solutions for complex integration challenges. J. it has given me indepth knowledge on various cutting edge technologies that are useful for Banking Domain.” Best Wishes.Tech. Sai Krishna Kalivarapu Chief Analyst (SAP) National Bank of Canada M. E. (Computer Science) Email: Project: Oracle RPM Test Automation Maintenance.BATCH (2011-13) Vijaya Lakshmi Vemuri B. Tech.(IT) Placements 2013 . (IT) . (Computer Science Engineering) Email: [email protected] Project: Soft Computing and Data Mining-based Cyber Fraud Detection in Banking Brahmaiah Divve Project: Retail Pricing Management Prachi Goel B.M. (Information Technology) Email: [email protected]@yahoo. (*RPM . (Computer Engineering) Email: [email protected] Pricing Management) Project: Digital Forensics Mayank Kumar Pandey B.Tech. (Computer Engineering) Email: [email protected] Project: Design and Development of Mobile Wallet 15 M. Surendranath Reddy B. Tech.Tech.BATCH (2011-13) Vidyadhar Chidambar Inamdar Project: Computational Intelligence and Statistics-based Data Imputation Abhishek Pandey B.E.Tech. (Computer Science) Email: [email protected]. (Computer Science) Email: PAbhishek@idrbt. using Model Checking Cherukuri BalaKrishna B. (Computer Science Engineering) Email: MKrishna@idrbt. Project: Designing the communication protocol of a new Payment System (M-Rupee). (Computer Science Engineering) Email: [email protected] Project: Secure Communication in Banking/Financial Messages using Image Steganography Techniques Tripti Gupta B.(IT) Placements 2013 16 Project: Z Specification for a New Payment System and Proving its Security Properties using Formal Methods M. (Information Science) Email: [email protected] Project: Oracle RMS Test Automation Maintenance Mannepalli Krishna B. (IT) Project: Forecasting Bandwidth using Genetic Algorithm and its Application in Building a Model for Bandwidth on Demand for INFINET Network 17 M.Tech.(IT) Placements 2013 . (Computer Science) Email: [email protected] (2011-13) Deepak Gupta B.Tech.Tech. (Computer Science) Email: RKiran@idrbt. (IT) .ac. (Computer Engineering) Email: [email protected] Project: A New Access Control Mechanism for Files using Light Weight Cryptography Rayapu Kiran B.Tech.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Email: [email protected] Project: Harnessing Underutilized Resources of Banks to create a Virtual Data Center Dasari Ravi Kumar Project: Digital Forensics Spandana Veesam (Computer Science) Email: [email protected] Project: Design and Development of Secure Mobile Banking Application Framework using Wireless Public Key Infrastructure (WPKI) Godisela Madhu Tech. SashiKanth Nagireddi B. Tech. (Computer Science Engineer) Email: [email protected] Project: Design and Development of Banking Cloud Services onto Mobile Phone Banoth Sammulal B. (Computer Science) Email: jonnalagaddashiva24@gmail. (Computer Science) Email: [email protected] Project: Oracle RMS Test Automation Development Raja Rao Done Lakshmi Devi B.Tech.Tech. (IT) .ac.Tech (Computer Science Engineering) Email: [email protected] Project: Design and Implementation of Near Field Communication Based Mobile Payment System Project: Building a Private cloud and Hosting a Web Service on the Cloud for Banks Project : Palmprint Authentication V.(IT) Placements 2013 18 .BATCH (2011-13) Jonnalagadda Shiva B. (Information Technology) Email: [email protected]. in Project: Prediction and Dynamic Resource Allocation in Multi-tenant Service Clouds Maloth Rajender B. (Computer Science Engineering) Email: [email protected]. (Computer Science Engineering) Email: [email protected] Project: Data Storage and Identity Management in Cloud Ram Kumar Gupta Project: System Vulnerabilities 19 Project: Network Security Assessment Platform Shaga Praveen B.Tech. (Information Technology) Email: [email protected]. (IT) .in Project: Digital Watermarking Techniques to Secure Cheque Images in “Cheque Truncation System” Vivek Kumar Yadav B. Tech.Tech.(IT) Placements 2013 .BATCH (2011-13) Manish Verma (Computer Science Engineering) Email: MVerma@idrbt. (Information Technology) Email: VKYadav@idrbt. Risk Measurement and Asset Liability Management through Optimizing. 1.(IT) Placements 2013 . Global/Multi-Criteria/Combinatorial pp. N . Tiruchirapally for 7 years during 1993 to 1999 l Executive Secretary of the Mobile Payment Forum of India (MPFI) l Guided 4 Ph. Asset Liability Management. Routing Algorithms. K. J. S. “Analytical CRM in Banking and Finance using SVM: A Modified Active Learning Based Rule Extraction 20 M. Professional Exposure l Served at NIT. S. V. Risk Modeling. Banking Grid. Dr.D. S. S. B. Sastry. Bankruptcy Prediction. Ravi. Recent Publications 1.” International Journal of Information Security and Privacy. V. S. Sastry. V. V. H. Professional Exposure l Worked in National University of Singapore during 2002-2005 as Faculty l Worked as Assistant Director (Scientist ‘E1’) from 1996-2002 and Scientist C from 1993-1996 at the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT). Udgata. Sastry Professor Ph. Farquad. Raju. “A New Secure Route Discovery Protocol for MANET to Prevent Hidden Channel Attacks. Ammayappan. Soft Computing.Sastry. A. Ravi. students and 3 are currently working and guided about 50 PG Areas of Interest Fuzzy Computing.” Expert Systems with Applications. A. 64-94. 2012 3. Sastry. V. A. “Secure and Optimized Mobile based Merchant Payment Protocol using Signcryption. N. No.” International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions. Access Control Models. Ammayappan. USA and “IJDATS & IJIDS” published by Inderscience.71–103. and Fuzzy Control Applications. K. 2012 2. Dr.D. IIT Kharagpur Email: vnsastry@idrbt. V. Portfolio Optimization. No. Osmania University. “A New Mobi le Payment System with Formal Verification. 2011 Associate Professor Ph. 4. Negi. I. Ahamad.IDRBT FACULTY 4. S. V. Ahamad. Negi. N. M. “Soft Computing Based Imputation and Hybrid Data and Text Mining: The Case of Predicting the Severity of Phishing Alerts. Nishanth. V. N. Neuro Computing. Vol. Hyderabad Email: vravi@idrbt. Switzerland. Multiple Objective Optimization. 9. K. Ankaiah.Tech. K. 2012 2. K.. Recent Publications 1. “A New ECC based Two-party Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for MANETs.N. Hyderabad l Editorial Board Member for the “IJISSS & IJITPM” published by IGI Global.D. Data Mining. 6(2). Vol. 2011. Bose. K. Mobile Ad Hoc Ravi Areas of Interest Mobile Banking and Security. Udgata.” International Journal of Network Security. N. A.” Journal of Computers. Das. (Soft Computing). S. DNA. Mehtre. Kharagpur Email: bmmehtre@idrbt. August 2011 2. Hong Kong. Financial Inclusion.D. C. Yelhanka. M. Pahariya.Tech. M. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. B. D. Biometrics. B.” International Conference on Communication. USA (visiting scholar. Image Processing. Dr. Software Engineering for Banking. Ravi. V. Mehtre. 2010 4. 4. Pat tern Recognition. Karnataka.” International Conference on Trends in ePayments: Challenges and opportunities. Control and Nanotechnology. “Recent Trends in Biometrics – Technology and Applications. Mobile Banking. 2010 2. Madurai. Vol. Carr. Ravi.3. Vendor Management l IBA-IDRBT. 2012 N. “Biometrics in India. Gandhinagar. V. Rao. Reddy. “Biometric Authentication in ePayments. (Engineering) IIT. Professional Exposure l Director-in-Charge. and Michigan State University. Standards on Financial Inclusion.(IT) Placements 2013 . “Knowledge Management for Indian banks. Professional Exposure l Worked at the Research & Development Centre. Recent Publications 1. 1990).ac. 2011. Mahil Carr Associate Professor Ph. 3. Gujarat Forensic Science University. 2010 3.” The Indian Banker.D.” International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (In Press). Veeranna. Recent Publications 1. 2000-2001).” Signal and Image Processing Workshop. 104-112. REVA Institute of Technology and Management. Mehtre. Naveen. M. “Review of Knowledge Base. Ravi. October 29-30. Philosophy of Information Systems. pp. “Machine Learning Techniques Applied to 21 M. V. Mehtre.” International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications. 2000-2003 l E xe c u t i ve D e ve l o p m e nt P ro g ra m m es : Technologies for Financial Inclusion. Areas of Interest Software Engineering. 2. D.” The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. N. Mehtre Associate Professor Ph. American College. B. Mumbai. V. Bengaluru. M. Approach. M. Vasu. 2010. Carr. October 28-29. B. Naveen. R. Sarath. Rao and K. and DVI for SAARC Countries. Rural Engineering College Bhalki. C. S. M. S. “Computational Intelligence Hybrids Applied to Software Cost Estimation. 2011. CMC Areas of Interest Information Security. G. 2010. J. “Rule Extraction using Firefly Optimization: Application to Banking. B.” Interpol Meeting on Fingerprints. Ravi. “Forecasting using Rules Extracted from Privacy Preserving Neural Network. National University of Singapore (1990-1992). Computation. for over 22 years l Coordinator for Intellectual Property Rights Cell at CMC l Held academic positions at the IIIT Hyderabad (adjunct faculty. Profile Mobile Banking Users in India. Dr.” Multi-Disciplinary International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence.. R. April 27-30. M.” International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management. Carr. 2012 N.M. Department of Computer Science. Decision Sciences. M. 5 (12) pp 45-47. (Software Engineering) City University of Hong Kong Email: mahilcarr@idrbt. Radha. Rao. MVNK Prasad Assistant Professor Ph. 42 – 45. K.” Third International Conference on Computing. 2012. Vol. 2.” International Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing. 2012 2. S. Kumar. Institute of Technology. B.N. Payment System Technologies and Digital Watermarking. Professional Exposure l Has 23 years of experience in Banking l Associated with Software Development for Total Branch Automation.. Professional Exposure l Worked in UNDP projects of IGNCA. Control and Information Technology. V. C. “Digital Watermarking Algorithm based on Complete Complementary Code. Areas of Interest Technology Management. and OFX. V. Agarwal. CAIIB. “An Application of Naive Bayes Classification for Credit Scoring in elending Platform. H. PGDCA..V.. V. Kumar. No. H. Recent Publications 1. K.A. “Palm-print Identification based on Wide Principal Lines. to be published M. Kumar.” CUBE 2012: International Information Tech. CISA. M.V. H. Internet. XML.” International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology. V. Kumar. V.D. Training in Technology and Computer Orientation 22 Dr. N. to be published 2. Web Services. Agarwal. to be published 3. K.(IT) Placements 2013 . P.” IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Engineering. India Email: vradha@idrbt. K. Professional Exposure l 13 years of Teaching and Research experience l Guided one Ph. Prasad. “Automatic Detection of ‘Printf’ Format String Vulnerabilities in Software Applications using Static Communication and Networking Technologies. 2012. R. to be published. LA BS7799. Radha. University of Hyderabad. K. 2012 4. Swathi. Radha. M. “A Survey on Single Signon Techniques. A. Conference & Exhibition. Vijay. M. V. Areas of Interest Biometrics. Radha Assistant Professor Ph. Radha. 2011. “Dynamic ROI Extraction Algorithm for Palmprints. pp. pp. V. R. Prasad. student and four are currently working.. 134-139.” 2nd International Conference on Computer. B. A. Extensive Business Reporting Language. Prasad. Prasad. BHU Email: mvnkprasad@idrbt. Information Systems Security and Audit.Tech. New Delhi and LIBSYS. 7. Sivakumaran Assistant Professor M.D. MBA. to be published. IFX. Recent Publications 1. “E-lending platform. N. M.D. 2012 3.” International Conference on Swarm Intelligence. A.217 – 227.” The Indian Banker Journal. IT Governance for Banks. “Towards Cashless Society. Areas of Interest Computer Applications. N. pp. Elsevier Publications. 2012. S. Reddy. M.Dr. (CISM) Email: mvsivakumaran@idrbt.. ” Proc. Gangadharan Assistant Professor Ph. 14. Legal. Tunisia. November 2011.Gangadharan. “Effective Reuse via Modeling. and Computing. Dr. Recent Publications 1. M. Trento. Italy l Post-doctorate researcher. D’Andrea. June 2012 G. Enterprise Information Systems.R. Economic. of Third International Conference on Advances in Communication. “Service Commons: Serve and Serve Alike. September 2012 2. Chennai.” Proc. Information Systems Frontiers. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for/in Emerging Markets. M. S. of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing. Springer Publications Vol. Cloud Computing. Bangalore. “Managing License Compliance in Free and Open Source Software Development”. Karthikeyan. S. Energy Efficient Computing. “Architectural Design and Issues for Ad-hoc Clouds. and Social Aspects of Software and Services. MNNIT Allahabad. IBM Research. February 2012 2..Tech. Recent Publications 1.” Proc. Dehradun from 2006-2008 l Research Scholar with MHRD Fellowship in Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology. Formal Methods. Vardhan.): CNC 2012. University of Trento. 2012. Aditya.): CNC 2012. Gangadharan. Recent Publications 1. Pippal. Mishra. Professional Exposure l Worked as Lecturer in AIET. Mishra. Hawaii. of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing. India Email: [email protected]. Allahabad from 2008-2011.” Proc. USA. S. D. India l Researcher. Tatsubori and G. Managing. Dustdar. Kushwala. P. D. Business Process Assets. University of Trento. Cloud Computing. Service Oriented Architecture. S. Network. JanahanLal Stephen ( Areas of Interest Service-Oriented Computing. Green Information Systems. May 2010 2. M. 31 – Areas of Interest High Performance Computing. G. Italy Email: [email protected]. Network. pp 143-154. Weiss. Milan. 291 – 296. D. Lucknow from 20052006 l Worked as Lecturer in Dehradun Institute of Technology. “Free and Open Source Software Adoption in Emerging Markets: An Empirical Study in the Education Sector. Butler.Currently working on an IT Governance Framework for Banks. and Searching of Dr. Chennai. Professional Exposure l Researcher.(IT) Placements 2013 . Truong. JanahanLal Stephen (Ed.D. LNICST pp. R . Gangadharan and M. and G. G. of the IFIP 8th International Conference on Open Source Systems.” Proc. June 2012 3. Gangadharan. Trento. “IT Governance Series: Organizational Structure for IT in the Indian Banking Sector”. and Computing. Italy. V. “On Demand Logical Resource Replication Scheme as a Service. S. R. S. Narendra. “IT Governance Series: Information Security Governance for the Indian Banking Sector”. G.. Kushwala. H. Hammamet. Hawaii. S. Issue 2. N. FOSS. R. Paoli. l 4. Shakti Mishra Assistant Professor Ph. February 2012 23 M. of Third International Conference on Advances in Communication.L. LNICST pp. Politecnico di Milano. Shanghai. Mallick. and Virtualization CLOUD COMPUTING. Mitra. 104-109.” The Second International Conference on Cloud Computing.” Proc. 4. J. Mitra. “Video Summarization and Significance of Content: A Review. GRIDs. Kharagpur E-mail: prajarshi@idrbt. Sharma. June 2011. Vardhan.” Handbook in Soft Computing for Video Surveillance. S. Center for Soft Computing Research. LNCS 6744. Recent Publications 1. 1457-1460. Rome. Pal. USA. S. M. October 2011 3. J. Kushwala.” Proc. Mishra. S. Russia. Areas of Interest V i s u a l At t e n t i o n . from December 2010 to August 2011. Kushwaha. Indian Statistical Institute. September 2011 S. of 9th IEEE International Conference on Web Services.D. Italy. Mukhopadhyay. July 2011. “Simplifying Web Service Discovery & Validation for Service Composition. “Suitable Features for Visual Saliency Computation in Monochrome Images. “Image Retargeting through Constrained Growth of Important Rectangular Partitions. ISBN: 978. Rajarshi Pal Assistant Professor Ph. D.3. “A Generalized Approach for Fault Tolerance and Load Based Scheduling of Threads in Alchemi . A. Professional Exposure l Working as Assistant Professor in IDRBT since August 2011 l Worked as Research Associate. pp. pp. China. K. Washington DC.(IT) Placements 2013 24 . (Computer Science & Engineering). M. IIT. Mishra. of 4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence. Chapman & Hall/CRC 2. Steganography and Video Summarization. 211 – 216. S. World Congress on Services Computing. P.61208.1. Mukhopadhyay. V. I m a g e Wa t e r m a r k i n g . of 4th IEEE International Congress on Image and Signal Processing. Pal. P. R. pp. D.” Proc. R. Kolkata.153-3.Tech. Pal. Pal. S. Dr. Foundation for Advancement of Education and Research (FAER).L. He has published many articles in international journals and has participated in international conferences such as Java One. Warangal. NABARD. Reserve Bank of India. Expert Group on Investment Credit. is the co-founder and CEO of ‘Talent Sprint’. Ministry of Finance. Sriram Distinguished Fellow. Indian Institute of Science. M. He is currently the Chairman. He was awarded the Padmashri in Jan. He has over 150 research publications and has guided 18 Ph. Santanu Paul. Prof.(IT) Placements 2013 . Dr. Bharat Electronics Ltd.D.K. Deekshatulu Distinguished Fellow. He was formerly Chief Controller R&D and Distinguished Dr. Comdex. Bengaluru. IDRBT Dr.S. Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing. Formerly Director. Inter-ministerial Working Group on Information Security. Presently. and a Member of the Task Force on Revitalization for Co-operative Rural Banking. Advisor (Technology) Indian Bank. D. Subramanian is former Dean. Santanu Paul Distinguished Fellow. IDRBT Email: bldeekshatulu@idrbt. Sriram. He is currently the Chairman of National Institute of Technology. and AIIM. 25 M. He is a Member of Expert Panel for an Implementable Action Plan for Agrarian Distress. Government of India. he is Honorary President. scholars. S. M. Deekshatulu has distinguished himself through his research and technological contributions in the fields of Control Systems. Dr. Distinguished Fellow. B.IDRBT ADJUNCT FACULTY Padmashri Prof. Distinguished Fellow.L. Subramanian Distinguished Fellow. Sitaram is Advisor. IDRBT Shri N. DRDO. Prof. Centre for AI & Robotics (CAIR). Bengaluru. at the Institute. IDRBT Shri N. Sitaram Distinguished Fellow. IDRBT Prof. B.Tech. brings with him rich experience in the area of Financial Inclusion and Micro-Finance. Bengaluru. Corporation Bank and Punjab National Bank. Prof. Kanpur and is Fellow of National Academy of Sciences.A. He was with Bank of India from 1975 and retired as General Manager – IT. holds a Ph. Venu Govindaraju Distinguished Fellow. and also a Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers of India. Adjunct Faculty in the Institute. is a founder director of Koparkar Art of Analytics Applications Pvt. neural networks and machine learning. Sree Hari Rao. Shri Srinivasa Katuri Adjunct Faculty. IDRBT Dr. a company into strategic consulting in consumer retail finance. Sagar Koparkar Adjunct Faculty. predictive mathematical models. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief. India Task Force. IDRBT Dr. V. Fellow of Forum D'Analystes. IDRBT Shri P. IEEE Biometrics Council Compendium (2012-Present) and he is on the editorial board of International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition (2003-) and IET Biometrics Identification (2012). Shri Niraj Kapasi Distinguished Fellow. He was Vice President and Member of the Board of ISACA International till recently and he is the Present Chairman of the ISACA. Kalyana Sundar has over 35 years of rich experience in the banking industry of which 16 years in Senior/Top Management Grade. His areas of research are operational risk modeling. Dr. (AoAA). He is also a visiting faculty for Quantitative Methods and Management Information Systems at Indo-German Training Center in Bengaluru. optimization. M. Sagar Koparkar. has over 20 years of experience in Payment Systems and IT. State University of New York.Prof. managing ATM and POS systems. IDRBT Shri Srinivasa Katuri. Venu Govindaraju is SUNY Distinguished Professor at University at Buffalo. Dr.D from Indian Institute of Technology. banking technologies. dynamical systems. V.(IT) Placements 2013 26 . Sree Hari Rao Adjunct Faculty. Kalyana Sundar Adjunct Faculty Mr.Tech. IDRBT Shri Niraj Kapasi has over 18 years of experience in Assurance and related advisory services including 12 years of specialized IT Audit related experience. Adjunct Faculty at the Institute. He is a member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI). consulting on large bank mergers. Ltd. lodging in Institute's Begumpet Quarters and food in the canteen at nominal cost. 7. The Scheme aims to bring on board practitioners who would be able to undertake and pursue short-term critical research projects successfully and deliver working prototypes for commercial use in due course. The duration of the project will not normally be over six months. The IRPS Scholars get economy class apex return-airfare from place of residence/work in India for interview. Reward of Rupees One to Three Lakh.D degree holders within three years of award of Ph. Degree in the areas of Computer Sciences and Information Technology. Two scholarships are open to scholars from other countries.D. Ph. Research Grant of Rs 50. The Institute offers Five Post Doctoral fellowships in one financial year. Monthly allowance of Rs. While the Research Fellows carry out their research independently at the IDRBT in various areas of Banking Technology. 50. funding for attending national and international conferences.per month in the first two years and Rs 15. honorarium of upto Rupees three lakh depending upon the deliverables of the project. Lodging in Institute's Begumpet Quarters and food in the canteen at nominal cost. And the trainees get a stipend of Rs. The Institute will shortly be advertising for its Ph. Free Shared Accommodation Facility. incidental expenses of upto Rs. The Institute offers Eight Ph.Tech.per month and other normal facilities.D thesis to undertake critical research projects and thereby contribute to the IDRBT's research initiatives. 10.000/-. Two fellowships are open to scholars from other countries.D Programme. It envisages bringing on board Ph. 750/. Fellowships of Hyderabad.D degree or those who have submitted Ph.000/. reimbursement of telephone calls upto Rs. The Institute offers six IRPS scholarships in one financial year. 40. in cases of outstanding work.000/.000/-. Students pursuing their graduation and post graduation in highly reputed Institutions can carry out short-term projects in the area of Banking Technology during their summer and winter breaks at IDRBT. Fully-funded participation in one national seminar/conference/workshop once in a year. the Ph. We provide opportunities for up to 75 student trainees every year.IDRBT Research IDRBT Post Doctoral Fellowship (IPDF) The IDRBT Post Doctoral Fellowship aims to encourage promising young researchers with innovative ideas to work on focal areas of research of the Institute.D degree is awarded by the University IDRBT Project Trainee Scheme (IPTS) The IDRBT Project Trainee Scheme aims at providing exposure to emerging young talent in the niche area of Banking Technology through internship opportunities. 27 M.000/.in the third year. The IPDFs shall bring with them in-depth knowledge in their area and would utilize it to work out ITbased solutions in various areas of Banking Technology. economy class apex return airfare from place of work in India to IDRBT for carrying out the project.(IT) Placements 2013 . free lodging and food in the canteen. The minimum duration of the project is two months.per month.000/-. IDRBT Research Project Scheme (IRPS) The IDRBT Research Project Scheme encourages Research & Development-oriented talent to work on specific implementable solutions for IT based problems / issues/ challenges faced by banks. Monthly Post Doctoral Fellowship of Rs.D fellowships in a year. The IPDF Post Doctoral Fellows get one economy class apex return-airfare from place of residence/work in India for attending interview.D Fellowship IDRBT has been granted Associate Institution Status of the University of Hyderabad (A Central University) for undertaking research for the award of Ph. The Fellows get Rs 14. Free Lunch and Dinner Facility.000/-. Dasari Ravi Kumar Student Placement Coordinator Phone: 09052131403 Email: [email protected] US For further details please contact us: Dr. 984 FAX: 91-40-23535157 Email: [email protected] .in IDRBT Office Phone: 91 -40 -23534981. Mahil Carr Placement Coordinator Phone: 09440803816 Email: [email protected]. in .40 .in E-mail : publisher@idrbt.. India.500 057.Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (Established by Reserve Bank of India) Castle Hills. 1.40 . Hyderabad . EPABX : +91 . Road No.23534981. Masab Tank.idrbt. A. Fax : +91 .P.23535157 Web :
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