MT 1100-2100 - Manual

March 26, 2018 | Author: AbdulQuddus | Category: Calibration, Personal Computers, Computing And Information Technology, Nature



MiniTest 1100 - 2100Technical Manual and Operating Instructions Advancing with Technology ElektroPhysik © 01/2003 B20-N Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Subject to change without notice. ElektroPhysik Dr. Steingroever GmbH & Co. KG Pasteurstr. 15 50735 Köln Deutschland Tel.: +49 221 752040 Fax.: +49 221 7520467 web: Short Instructions with Key Symbols C ON T IN UE ZER O C LR S ta ndard calib ra tio n n x ZE RO O n e-point C A L w ithout foils ZE RO Z E R O flash ing Z E R O s tea dy. n x n x ZE RO Tw o-p oint C A L w ith Ze ro an d 1 foil Z E R O flash ing ZE RO Z E R O s tea dy CAL C AL fla sh in g foil CAL C AL ste ad y n = Pu t dow n 1,2,3... x = S elect value or nu m b er ElektroPhysik E-i CAL CAL flashing Foil 2 CAL CAL steady steht.2.Short Instructions with Key Symols n x C AL on a coa ted surface (M iniTest 2100 only) CTC CAL Fo il CT C steady n x n x Two-point CAL w ith 2 foils (M iniTest 2100 only) CAL Foil 1 CAL steht..3. x = Select value or nu mber E-ii ElektroPhysik .. n x ZE RO Fo il Z E RO flash ing Interrupt CAL procedure C ON T IN U E CL R n x Fo il n = Pu t dow n probe 1. Delete Functions D elete the last read ing C ON TIN U E CLR D elete statistics (M iniTest 2 100 only) STATS LCLÖRSC H CLR LÖ SC H C LR D elete all rea dings. statistics and calibration values (Tota l R eset) ElektroPhysik STATS LCLÖRSC H CLR E-iii . .....6 Stabilising of Readings .... 2.......................... 2........8 LCD Backlight ....5.............4..........1 1....2. 2.................. E-9 E-iv Basic Settings ..3 Probe selection .............. E-12 E-12 E-13 E-13 E-13 E-13 E-14 E-14 E-14 E-15 E-15 E-15 3................. 2....... E-iii Table of Basic Settings .....2 Replacing the battery ...... E-4 Description of the gauge ..3 Viewing / Adjusting Date and Time .........2 MiniTest 2100 .... E-10 2....4 Start-up functions ...........5 Manual / Automatic Data Transfer ........ E-16 3.5........ E-5 1.’Imperial’ ..........................................2 Application ............ E-3 1.......... E-6 2.....................5...............5...... 2.... E-1 MiniTest 2100 Front View ...1 General Remarks on Calibration ..... E-10 Short Instructions with Key Symbols ...........................2.............. E-10 2............. 2. E-5 1.....2 LCD Test .....1 MiniTest 1100 ... 2....E-4 1.......... 2......5.................2 Automatic Switch-off Mode .... Preapring MiniTest ....5 Delete Functions ........................................... CAL and CTC ....... 2......................................................................................9 Storage of Min Reading in Continuous Mode ..... E-i 2.. E-5 1...................... E-16 3............ Calibration and Measurement .................5....4................................................ E-5 1..Table of Contents 2. E-11 Short Instructions with Key Symols ................3 Supply schedule ....1 Calibration Methods ..........4 Single Value / Block Value Statistics (MiniTest 2100 only) ..................................1...............................5.5............ MiniTest 1100 Front View .......................................1 Power supply .....5............................. E-16 ElektroPhysik ......7 Keylock of ZERO.. E-8 2...6 Single Measurement / Continuous Measurement Mode ....... General Information ...................4 Probes . E-ii 2.................................3 Data format: Floating Point / Fixed Point 2....1 Measuring Unit: ‘Metric’ .....................E-8 2..............1 Total-Reset ... E-9 2..........................4...... E-2 MiniPrint 4100 Front View ................ ........ 3.......1.4 4....6 Dual Probes FN .............4 E-31 E-31 E-31 E-32 E-33 General Remarks on Measurement E-33 Using the Foot-Operated Switch ...... Acoustic Signals .......1......2......6/90............... 3.....3..................5....... 3........... ElektroPhysik E-17 E-17 E-18 E-18 E-19 E-19 E-19 E-19 E-20 E-21 E-23 E-25 E-26 E-26 E-27 E-29 E-30 3.....1...6 3........ E-36 Deleting an Erratic or False ReadingE-36 Storage Capacity Overflow .5 Statistical Terms .. E-36 Display and Print-out of the Statistics of a Measuring Series ...........14 Shot-blasted Surfaces ............. 3.2..... 3...........2............2.......9 F20 Probe ...................3 4.....................2 Special Hints for Calibration .........12 Chrome Coatings on Copper . E-37 4...... 3. 3.....2.....1..... Example of Calibration ......... Measurement Using Statistics ........2....... F2/90.3 Two-Point Calibration (ZERO with one calibration foil ........2 One-Point Calibration without Foil (Zeroing) ... N1....2....2 Block value statistics ..........1 Enable Standard Calibration ..15 Adjusting to Basic Calibration .................2......2...... E-35 Entering a Series of Readings for Statistics Calculation ...1.....5.1 Single value statistics .......2.....................10 F50 Probe .. 3....1 4..............2 4....................3 3.......... 3................2....1.................. Stabilisation of Calibration Values ...............7 3......................6/90 and N2/90 .........6 Print-out of all Statistical Values and Readings of a Series of Measurements ...1 Single value statistics ...........5 3... E-34 4.........13 CN02 Probe ........... Influence of Substrate Thickness ..... E-37 4......8 Storage of Calibration Values ...... E-37 4.................................2............ E-38 E-v .... 3........5 CTC: Calibration Through the Coating (MiniTest 2100 only) .. E-34 4....2...........2........ E-19 3.....4 Two-point Calibration with two Foils (MiniTest 2100 only) .......4 3...... 3................................ Cleaning the Measuring Point .....6.........................8 N100 Probe ..2 3............... High-Accuracy Calibration ...........1................ 3............ 3............. 3..7 N10 and N20 Probes ............... E-38 4............................2...3 3.. E-19 3...................11 Tube probes F1............... .......2 Block value statistics ....................... E-42 16......................6........... E-47 Index .. Combination Interface for Footoperated Switch....................... Bleeper or Lamp . E-42 9......... E-41 Deleting Data Memory (Statistical and Measuring Values) .......2 5......... E-45 18.........1 5.................... Delete Functions ... E-45 17................................ E-43 12. E-41 Deleting Calibration. After-Sales Service ..... Interface Descriptions for MiniTest and MiniPrint . E-44 5............. E-42 8...........4............ E-41 15............... Measuring and Statistical Values........ Trouble Shooting ........................ E-54 6.................................. E-43 11....... Total Reset . Gauge Control via PC .................................... MiniPrint 4100 Data Printer ...... E-39 14.3 Deleting the last Reading: .... E-43 10.... Using the Gauge without Probe ..... Technical Data ..................... EC Declaration of Conformity ..................... Connecting a PC . Useful Accessories ........ E-42 7........ E-44 5.................. Maintenance and Maintenance Contracts ........... E-43 13....... E-44 E-vi ElektroPhysik ....... Measuring Example .... FERROUS for measurements on steel 3 5 Measuring unit: Switches automatically according to probe connected. Mitutoyo Mini processor.g. 4 5 6 Z ERO 7 -9 18 FUN C 10 Arrow-keys for parameter setting (e.MiniTest 1100 Front View 13 14 15 1 Probe socket 2 Indicates that the gauge is currently controlled via PC. MiniTest key-lock activated. mm or mils. inch 6 Interface for MiniPrint. setting and/or measuring value: µm. 1 M EA N NO N -FER RO U S 110 µ m 16 17 3 BAT: Low battery / storage battery indicator 2 4 Mode indicator: NON-FERROUS for measurements on nonferrous substrates. calibration values) 11 Key to switch to continuous mode 12 Delete key 13 Socket (optional) for connecting lamp our horn (to confirm measuring value) 14 Socket for AC adaptor 10 11 15 Mean value indicator (no statistical value) 16 4-digit LCD with floating point 12 17 Zero setting indicator 18 ON/OFF key Print PRINT 19 20 ZERO CAL 21 CONSTINU LÖ CH E CLR 22 ElektroPhysik --- 19 Key for activating upper key function 20 Key for zeroing without calibration standard 21 Key for calibrating with calibration standards 22 Battery compartment at bottom side E-1 . PC etc. setting and measuring value: µm/mm or mils/inches Interface for MiniPrint. PC. MiniTest key-lock activated. Mitutoyo mini processor. FERROUS for measurements on steel 7a 7a 7b 16 BAT: Low battery / storage battery indicator 4 6 3 M EAN 3 11 Socket (optional): a) external trigger feature.g. 19b Key for calibration with standards 20 Battery compartment at bottom side E-2 ElektroPhysik .g. calibration values) 10a Clear-key to delete statistics 10 b Delete key 8a 8b 17 Mode indicator: NON-FERROUS for measurements on nonferrous substrateds. to store readings via foot switch b) signal to confirm readings by lamp or horn 12 Socket for AC adaptor 13 Indicates a statistical value. 4 Key for print-out of readings and statistics 5 6 7b Key for print-out of statistics 8a Key to swtich into continuous mode 8b Key for calling statistics 9 Arrow-keys for parameter setting (e.g. e. etc.MiniTest 2100 Front View 11 12 1 2 13 NO N-FE RR OUS 21 0 µ m 14 15 ZER O FUN C C O NTIN UE Print STATS PRINT 18 ZE R O 19 a 19 b C TC 5 Measuring unit: switches automatically according to probe. mean value 14 4-digit LCD with floating point 15 Zero setting indicator 16 ON/OFF-key CAL 9 C LRSCH S TATS LÖ C LR 10 a 10 b 20 17 Key for activating upper key function 18 Key for zeroing without calibration standard 1 Probe socket 19a Key for CTC calibration 2 Indicates that the gauge is currently controlled via PC. e. 1% M ax 150.6 µm M in 104. switch on control lamp 4 Interface 5 Socket for charger unit 6 Low battery indicator 7 Battery charge control lamp 8 Paper feed 3 6 2 1 ElektroPhysik AC CU L OW C HARG E 7 8 E-3 .PR OG R A M 02-M ar-02 09:41 Probe F3 02-M ar-02 07:35 4 STATIS TIC S N-Val 20 M ean 124.6 µm St.MiniPrint 4100 Front View Elektro Physik STATS .2 µm 1 Connector pin for MiniTest 2 ON/OFF-key 3 Green LED. D 9. copper. rubber etc.1 Application This compact and handy gauge is designed for nondestructive. for paintshops and electroplaters. The principal applications lie in the field of corrosion protection. Please select your applicable sections from the table of contents or index. A large selection of probes is available to cover a wide range of applications. either immediately or for later analysis. ElektroPhysik . ASTM B499. automobile. workshop and outdoor use. for offices and specialist advisers. The gauges conform to the following industrial standards: DIN EN ISO 2178. they are not suitable for austenic steel). MiniTest works on both principles. the gauge can document all readings and statistical values. If dual probes are connected. DIN EN ISO 2808.. shipbuilding and aircraft industries and for light and heavy engineering. DIN 50982 and ASTM B244. The last section includes short instructions along with an example measurement. enamel. fast and precise coating thickness measurement. chrome. 1. E-4 1. When connected to the MiniPrint 4100 portable data printer. on an iron or steel substrate. DIN EN ISO 2360. depending on the type of probe used. paint and varnish. they are also suitable for alloyed and hardened magnetic steel (however. zinc. General Information The MiniTest 1100 and 2100 coating thickness gauges work either on the magnetic induction principle or on the eddy current principle. for the chemical.Foreword The present operating instructions has been designed for both MiniTest 1100 and MiniTest 2100. It is ideal for manufacturers and their customers. MiniTest gauges are suitable for laboratory. F probes work on the magnetic induction principle and should be used for non-magnetic coatings such as aluminium. Measured values and user information are shown on large.1 MiniTest 1100 FN probes are dual probes and work both principles. zinc die casting. all single readings along with statistics can be printed out immediately during measurement or at a later date. they can be used on special geometries or on materials with special properties. easy to use. on all non-ferrous metals such as Aluminium. ceramics.2. ElektroPhysik Basic model. Can be connected to MiniPrint 4100 data printer for immediate print-out of all readings. 1. 1. brass etc.3 Supply schedule Gauge with alkaline battery. copper.2 Description of the gauge MiniTest can be connected to an controlled via a personal computer thus making it a network capable tool in automated work places. Up to 10. Optional accessories: - probes - zero plate and calibration standards according to probe selection E-5 . etc. 1.g. If connected to the MiniPrint 4100 data printer. 1. Special probe data are stored within the probe to be recalled for the required conditions. without data memory and statistics. screw driver. plastics carrying case. and on austenitic stainless steels. in dark conditions.2. This model includes a data memory and statistics.000 reading can be stored and statistically evaluated. i. paint. One probe only is required for coating measurement both on ferrous and non-ferrous metal substrates.. Statistics include 6 values. A display back light ensures easy reading of screen data.N probes work on the eddy current principle and should be used for insulating coatings e.2 MiniTest 2100 All MiniTest ‘smart’ probes are adaptable to specific tasks. anodizing. operating instructions (German/English).e. magnetic induction and on the eddy current principle. easy-to-read LC display. Can be connected laterally to the MiniTest gauge without using a cable - Belt-case set .1x® or WINDOWS 9x® to process MiniTest measuring and statistical values. 9 or 25 pole connection for PC - connecting cable for Mitutoyo mini processor - high precision measuring stand for measuring on small parts - mains adaptor 230V AC/12V DC - mains adaptor 110V AC/12V DC - accumulator battery and charger. ElektroPhysik .- MiniPrint 4100.two cases of different sizes for gauge and accessories - Dust protection case - Twin case for gauge and printer - ‘MSave’ program disc for data acquisition via PC - ‘MSoft41’ program disc for WINDOWS 3. 230V AC or 110V AC E-6 1. portable data printer. This ensures safe and stable positioning of the probe and even contact pressure.4 Probes All the probe systems (apart from CN02-probe and special models ) are spring-mounted in the probe sleeve. A V-groove in the sleeve of the probes facilitates reliable readings on small cylindrical parts.Hold the probe by the spring mounted sleeve (23) and put on measuring object (25). (MiniTest 2100 only) - connecting cable (serial). The hemispherical tip of the probe (24) is made of hard and durable material. 800 mils F50 0.2 inches E-7 ..60 mils F2/90 tube probe 0.All probes listed in the following tables can be connected to the MiniTest 1100 and MiniTest 2100 gauges..60 mils F1...... red for N probes and green for FN probes)...2000 µm 0.20 mm 0.. Measuring range metric Measuring range imperial F05 0.80 mils F3 0.3000 µm 0.... ElektroPhysik Probes for measuring on steel substrates Type Nr..1600 µm 0.500 µm 0.6P powder probe 0..400 mils F20 0..6 0..6/90 tube probe 0.20 mils F1....1600 µm 0.06 080-0402) and the colour on the protective sleeve (black for F probes.10 mm 0... Please quote the identity number when ordering replacement probes.g...1600 µm 0..120 mils F10 0. The probes are identified by a type number (e.......60 mils F1..... FN 1..50 mm 0. .3 mils FN 1.Probes for non ferrous substrates Dual probes for steel and non ferrous substrates Type Nr....1600 µm 0..1 Power supply N100 0.10 mm 0......80 mils Preapring MiniTest 2.......08Cr 0..2000 µm 0.mains adapter ElektroPhysik ..4 inches CN 02 Cu-coatings on insulating substrates 10..200 µm 0...8 mils E-8 .1600 µm 0.1 x 9 Volt alkaline battery or ..60 mils N1....6 0.......6 P powder probe 0.1600 µm 0.60 mils FN2/90 tube probe 0.80 mils N10 0....200 µm 0..... Measuring range metric Measuring range imperial Type Nr.1600 µm 0.6 0...20 mm 0.6/90 tube probe 0..60 mils N02 0. Measuring range metric Measuring range imperial N.60 mils FN 1..100 mm 0..2000 µm N2/90 tube probe 0.4..60 mils N1.. 0..6/90 tube probe 0..80 µm 0..1600 µm 0..8 mils FN 1.800 mils 2..1 x 9 Volt accumulator battery or .400 mils N20 0... Please observe your local instructions for battery disposal. If not. 2. Replace battery immediately. Raise the lid of the compartment. the LC display will show the permanent BAT warning and the gauge will switch itself off after about a second. If not. Place the gauge upside down on a suitable surface. all data saved to memory will be lost. Caution: BAT flashes durign measurement: Make sure the positive and negative poles are correctly positioned. The battery is running low and should be replaced before the gauge is switched on next time. Close the lid and fasten with screws. 5. Battery disposal: Do not discard used batteries in your regular trash. time and date (MiniTest 2100 only). 4. Remove battery. gauge switches off after about one second: 6.3 Probe selection 1. ElektroPhysik Select a probe according to your application. Flashing BAT display. No LC display: 3.For checking the battery’s state of charge please press ON-key: 2. calibration values. Battery or accumulator missing or battery charge too low to illuminate display. Insert new battery.2 Replacing the battery 2. connect it to the MiniTest gauge and screw in place. Remove the screws from the battery compartment with a crosstip screwdriver. Note that the gauge will not make faulty measurements even if the voltage is very low. E-9 . An interval of more than 10 seconds between removing the old battery and inserting the new one will also result in the loss of data (readings. 4. 2. Table of start-up functions Function Key sequence Total-Reset FUNC + CLEAR + ON LCD-Test UP Arrow key + ON Clock setting (MiniTest 2100 only) CAL + ON Basic settings FUNC + ON calibration values. all sections of the LC display will be shown.5) 1.2. Press CLEAR + FUNC + ON simultaneously.4 Start-up functions The MiniTest 1100 and 2100 gauges include a number of functions that can only be called up or activated during start-up. 2. 2. This includes all sets of readings plus their associated statistics and E-10 ElektroPhysik . 3.1 Total-Reset A total reset erases data from all memories.4. Total reset is confirmed by a long bleep. 4. Total reset erases temporary settings and the gauge will resume the basic mode setting (FUNC : / 0. Switch off gauge. Switch off the gauge if necessary. As long you keep both keys pressed down. see section 2. Connect probe. Hold down the UP Arrow key and press ON-key. 2.2 LCD Test The LCD segment test enables all sections of the LC display to be inspected and checked 1. keep pressing CLEAR until the gauge returns to measuring mode. Switch off the MiniTest gauge. ElektroPhysik Note: When you view the time and date. Use Arrow-keys to adjust to the required month. A month appears. <3m>.2. 4. If the timer does not need adjusting. press CAL again. If an FN1. The current date and time appear automatically on each print out of statistics. Press CAL to confirm. <3M>.g. The gauge has a quartz-controlled timer which relays information to the MiniPrint 4100. ‘TIME’ flashes with a preset year. Press CAL to confirm.g. e. <3d>.6 or FN2 probe is attached. Use Arrowkeys to ajust to the required day. The hour now appears. The gauge will return automatically to measuring mode. The minute now appear. please remember that the clock stops for as long as it is on display. e. 6. 8.g.g. To save the new date and time . press one of the arrow keys. e. To view and if necessary adjust the time and date: 1. e.4. Use Arrow-keys to adjust to the requird hour. E-11 . Press CAL to confirm.3 Viewing / Adjusting Date and Time 7. 2. <3h>. 9. Use arrow keys to set the required year. e. Keep both keys depressed until you hear the bleep. Hold down the CAL key and press ON. Press CAL to confirm. 5.g. <2Y>. A day of the month appears. 3. Use Arrowkeys to adjust to the required minute. erscheint. hold down the FUNC key and press ON.2. OFF 0 3 0 3. value (MiniTest 2100 only) 0 10 OFF ON -- -1 E-12 Option metric / mm -- ElektroPhysik . OFFSET 0 8 Single value statistics Block value statistics on key action automatic ON OFF OFF ON OFF Display backlight 1 0 9 1 ON Storage of Min. For setting options please proceed as follows: Table of Basic Settings Func Setting Mode 0 1 Measuring unit 1 1.6 or FN2 probe. CTC. 0 6 1 Note: 0 7 1 If using an FN1. Switch off the gauge . Press FUNC to move through each of the table’s function from 1 to 10. The gauge will now display a pair of numbers: 1:0 or 1:1. Floating point Data format 1 1 4.5 Basic Settings Please refer to the opposite table for basic setting options. use the arrow keys to activate the F section (UP Arrow) or the N section (DOWN Arrow). CAL. imperial / inch 0 2 ON Automatic switch off 1 2. Keep both keys pressed until you hear the signal. Fixed point Statistics (MiniTest 2100 only) Data transfer to statistics memory (MiniTest 2100 only) Stabilization of reading Keylock for ZERO. 4 1 0 5 Press FUNC again to return to measuring mode. Use the arrow keys to set the option 0 or 1. Press FUNC 10 times. Previous readings in the series will be converted to the new unit automatically (MiniTest 2100 only).’Imperial’ To switch from metric units (µm. proceed as follows: 1. please refer to the table of gauge settings in section 2. 1 = Imperial.1 Measuring Unit: ‘Metric’ . Hold down the FUNC key and press ON. Use the arrow keys to adjust to the required measuring unit. 0 = metric. Keep both keys depressed until you hear the bleep. 3. To switch between fixed and floating point options.5. In Imperial units. 5. all metric readings in microns will be displayed with one digit after the decimal point. 2. 2. 2. The gauge will now display a pair of numbers: 1: 0/1.2 Automatic Switch-off Mode The gauge is programmed to switch itself off after about 90 seconds of inactivity.3 Data format: Floating Point / Fixed Point The standard data format of readings transferred via the combination interface uses the floating point data format. The series of measurements can be continued with the new measuring unit. Please refer to the table of basic setting in section 2.5.4 Single Value / Block Value Statistics (MiniTest 2100 only) The statistical values can be calculated on the basis of either individual values or blocks of values before being transferred to a printer or PC.2. In the fixed point format.5 and use FUNC and Arrow-keys to make your setting. This can hinder operations in certain circumstances. readings in mils will be displayed with two digits after the decimal point. mm. 2. cm) to Imperials (mils. For data loggers etc.5.5. inch) or vice versa. Adjust to the required mode using FUNC and Arrow keys.5. this default setting can be changed to fixed point format. 4. In this case the operator should ElektroPhysik disable the automatic switch-off to operate in the continuous mode. Switch off gauge. E-13 . The gauge will now return to the measuring mode. please refer to the table of gauge settings in section 2. In continuous measuring mode.5.5. To activate the KEYLOCK function of ZERO. 5 per second. To select the single-value or block-value option. 2. choose manual measurement mode (setting <0>) and enter the readings either via the keyboard (UP Arrow-key) or by a footoperated switch (optional extra).8 and 4. ElektroPhysik .Block value statistics are calculated from a block of mean values. CAL and CTC An accidental recalibration can be prevented by using the KEYLOCK function. If only selected readings are to be logged to memory.2. To disable the stabilising procedure. stored into the statistics memory (MiniTest 2100 only) or transferred to a printer or PC until the signal stabilises within a given range (data filter).5 Manual / Automatic Data Transfer The continuous mode allows automatic transfer of readings to statistics memory (only MiniTest 2100) or to a printer or PC (setting <1>).g. (See also section 2. Select option with the FUNC and arrow keys as described. 2. Select option with the FUNC and Arrow keys as described. this stabilising procedure can be disabled.5.14). To switch between automatic and manual mode. . E-14 2. for easier acquisition of minimum and maximum readings. please refer to the table of gauge settings on section 2. however. (See also sections 4. Select an option with the FUNC and arrow keys as described.5.6 Stabilising of Readings In the standard gauge setting. Default = 5 readings.2.5. Select option with the FUNC and arrow keys as described.5.5.7 KEYLOCK of ZERO.9) In automatic mode readings can be entered at a rate of approx. e. readings are not displayed.5. CAL (and CTC with MiniTest 2100) please refer to the table of gauge settings in section 2. please refer to the table of gauge settings in section 2. The number of readings assigned to each block can be altered via a PC. 2. This procedure allows to view the Min reading value for a short time while taking a continuous measurement. mm.5. cm) indicateds that the continuous mode has been enabled. readings are not accompanied by a bleep and the display lamp is disabled. Select option with the FUNC and Arrow keys as described. 2.and Arrow-key as described in 2. the Min reading can be transferred to the statistics via the UP arrow key or via a foot-operated switch (optional extra). the actual readings are currently updated.2.Please adjust to the continuous mode as follows: 1. the current measuring value is displayed.5.8 LCD Backlight If you enable the backlight function. A short bleep confirms the change of mode. during this time.9 Storage of Min Reading in Continuous Mode This function allows to determine the Min reading within a continuous measuring procedure.-).5. A flashing measuring unit (µm. Press FUNC.6 Single Measurement / Continuous Measurement Mode It can sometimes be of advantage (measurement inside tubes) if the probe does not need to be raised between each measurement so that there is a running display of readings. Please remember that using the lamp requires extra current. When measuring. 3.. In continuous mode. With MiniTest 2100. E-15 . 2. it will disappear from display. the display lights up for about 2 secs after a reading has been taken. the Min reading (minimum value of a measuring series) is displayed for about 5 seconds. The Min reading mode is set by FUNC. the existing Min reading remains is saved and shortly ElektroPhysik appears on display. If fur ther measurements are taken within these 5 seconds. To activate the display light please refer to the table of gauge settings in section 2.. Readings beyond the measuring range will be indicated by 4 strokes (.5 and in the table of basic settings. Switch on gauge. If within these 5 seconds you will not take another reading or after the Min reading has been stored to the statistics memory. then CONTINUE. After lifting the probe from the surface. 1 Calibration Methods MiniTest 1100 can be calibrated according to methods 1-3 and MiniTest 2100 according to methods 1-5: E-16 1. Readings taken in this mode will automatically be entered into the statistics program as long as sufficient memory is available. 3. For continuous input of all readings. To log readings to the statistics memor y (MiniTest2100 only) or to print-out readings on a printer.5. 6.1.4. F50 and N100.1. follow the procedure described in section 2. size and curvature as the ElektroPhysik zero plate .±(1%.. 4.5. Return to standard mode (i. One-point calibration (zeroing without using a calibration foil): recommended if measuring errors up to ± (3% of reading* plus the constant error of probe) are permitted.6: 1 µm). (Example for constant probe error: F. press the UP Arrow key or push the footoperated switch (optional extra).e.3% of reading* (according to probe) plus constant probe error) * referring to the supplied calibration standards under laboratory conditions. b) exact measurements are required on smooth surfaces if the thickness to be expected lies between that of the two calibration foils ElektroPhysik . 2. (Switching OFF and ON again does not apply to probes F20. Two-point calibration (using a set of two calibration foils): a) Recommended for measurements on rough surfaces.1 General Remarks on Calibration 3.. or to transfer readings to a PC via the interface. Standard calibration: recommended for measurement on even surfaces and if the measuring object has the same material. 5. single measurement mode) either by repeating steps 1 and 2 or by switching the MiniTest off and on again. Calibration and Measurement 3. Two-point calibration (zeroing and calibrating using a calibration foil): recommended if readigns to be expected will be close to the calibration value and if the permitted error of probe will be max. 3. Recommended if the test sample is coated and no uncoated sample is available for comparison. This method is suitable for the following probes: F05.1.5. Example: If a product is to be measured on a steel cylinder.8 Stabilisation of calibration values).6/90. F3 and FN1. simply carry out a new calibration.1. Note: The calibration procedure should be restarted from the beginning if · an incorrect reading is taken · an incorrect command is entered Hinweis: - the gauge has switched off In this manual.6 (ferrous par t only). quality ST37 (mild steel).g. This automatically deletes the previous calibration values and saves the new ones for immediate use. F20 and F50.3 Example of Calibration 3. The more closely the calibration sample matches the product sample. including those usually not described as ‘foil’: e. the term calibration foil applies to all calibration standards. the calibration values will be stored in memory until changed. F1.1.6. will be. ø 6 mm. those of 2mm. 5mm and 10mm thickness. the more accurate the calibration. F10.(See also section 3. If a calibration is to be altered for a certain probe.2 Storage of Calibration Values If the gauge is calibrated for a particular purpose. the calibration of the uncoated sample must take place on a steel cylinder of similar quality with the same diameter. ElektroPhysik Calibration is the most important requirement for accurate measurement. F1. Calibration through the coating (CTC): Calibration using a calibration foil. and therefore the reading. 3. E-17 . F2/ 90. 5 High-Accuracy Calibration To achieve high-accuracy readings. it is sufficient to use the standard calibration. For more details please refer to the technical data. E-18 In the case of non-magnetic metals. The precision stand will prove invaluable here. as long as the substrate is thicker than the range of probe. The enclosed steel and aluminium zero plates are for test purposes only and are not generally recommended for calibration. In this way the gauge will automatically establish a mean calibration value. ElektroPhysik . The minium measuring areas as specified in the technical data should also be taken into account. especially in the case of corners and edges of small components. 3. even surface (not shot-blasted) and if it has the same thickness as the zeroplate.2-3.2. surfaces. it is sufficient if the substrate is 50 microns thick and strong enough not to give way under the pressure of the probe tip.1. e. 3. it is advisable to log calibration values (both zero values and calibration foil values) several times in succession.9 on calibration.4 Influence of Substrate Thickness In case of steel substrates.2. if stuck on a hard base.g. A thin layer of aluminium foil can be suitable. Exceptions: The zero plates may be used for calibration if the product sample has a smooth.The calibration sample must correspond to the product sample in the following ways: · curvature radius · substrate material properties · substrate thickness · size of measuring area · The point at which the calibration is made on the calibration sample must always be identical with the point of measurement on the product itself.1. This method is an obvious advantage when calibrating on uneven. shot-blasted. For more details see sections 3. it must be held in place and not lifted until the bleep sounds 3. Applies to all probes except CN02.6 Cleaning the Measuring Point 1.1 Enable Standard Calibration The gauge is temperature and drift compensated. etc. 3. Position the probe on the calibration standard. The activated function flashes on display.e.7 Acoustic Signals Whether the probe is being used for calibration or for measurement. For that reason it is not necessar y to recalibrate in changeable external conditions (see Technical Data).2.2. 3.2 Special Hints for Calibration For calibration according to sections 3.2 to 3. Before calibration the measuring point.8 Stabilisation of Calibration Values 3. Ta k e re a d in g s . oil. and the probe tip must be free from grease.3. i. ElektroPhysik E-19 . Press appropriate key according to required calibration method: ZERO.1. CAL or CTC (MiniTest 2100 only). CAL or FUNC + CTC (MiniTest 2100 only). The slightest impurity will affect measurement and distort readings 2. Switch the gauge on.1.1.13 please proceed as follows: 1. 4. C O N TINU E C LR 3. 3.2. To complete calibration press calibration key again: ZERO. scraps of metal.on steel components made of conventional construction steel (mild steel) or on Aluminium components. Z E R O flash ing The standard calibration stored in the gauge should only be used for measurements on even surfaces. ZERO 2. It is important to record a sufficient number of exact zero readings on an uncoated sample. If not. one-point or twopoint calibration should be used.2 One-Point Calibration without Foil (Zeroing) n x ZER O ZE R O flashing Deleting ZERO Calibration: It may be necessary to delete the ZERO calibration if. Place the probe on uncoated sample (zero coating thickness) and raise it after the bleep. The reading is shown on display. for example. In this case: ZER O ZE R O steady 1.2. MEAN indicates that the mean value of the readings will be shown on the display. The display will show ZERO (flashing) and MEAN (steady). Now take readings by placing the probe on the object to be measured and raise the probe after the bleep. This automatically deletes the old calibration and saves the new calibration.Note: 3. 3. b) or restart ZERO calibration by repeating steps 1 to 3 above. Press ZERO to initialise ZERO calibration. Note: ZERO calibration deletes any existing CAL calibration. E-20 ElektroPhysik . 2. 4. a) press ZERO then CLEAR to delete the zero calibration and any existing CAL calibration. Note: This will reactivate the default standard calibration for use on even surfaces. Repeat this procedure several times. The display always shows the mean value of the previous readings. an incorrect zero value is entered. Press ZERO to complete Zero calibration. ‘ZERO’ appears on display. n x CAL Foil C A L flashing ElektroPhysik CAL C A L steady E-21 . 3. Lay the calibration foil on an uncoated sample. Press ZERO to complete Zero calibration. Place the probe on uncoated sample (zero coating thickness) and raise it after the bleep. ZE R O steady 5.The thickness of the foil should be roughly equivalent to the estimated coating thickness.3 Two-Point Calibration (ZERO with one calibration foil 1. This method is recommended for high precision measurements and measurements on small parts and hardened and low-alloy steels n x ZER O ZER O ZE R O flashing 4. The display always shows the mean value of the previous readings. MEAN indicates that the mean value of the readings will be shown on the display. apply the probe and raise it after the bleep. 5.2. 6. press CLEAR. ‘ZERO’ appears on display. Apply the probe to the test sample several times. Applicable to all probes (except CN02). Use Arrow key to adjust the required foil thickness. MEAN indicates that the mean value of the readings will be shown on the display. CAL flashes and MEAN appears (steady). To discontinue calibration. The display always shows the mean value of the previous readings. 2. Press ZERO to initialise ZERO calibration. 7. 4. 6. The display will show ZERO (flashing) and MEAN (steady). Press CAL to initialise foil calibration. Repeat this procedure several times.3. Note: Even while a series of measurements is being taken. foil calibration can be carried out as often as necessary.g. Under certain circumstances. It may be necessary to delete CAL calibration. F20 or F50 probes for measuring on metal coatings. E-22 ElektroPhysik . after entry of a faulty calibration value: a) Special remark: When using F10. b) Restart CAL calibration by repeating steps 4 to 7 above. 8. Note: This will reactivate the default standard calibration for use on even surfaces. it is essential to carry out two-point calibration. Press CAL. CAL calibration and any existing ZERO calibration will be deleted. e. This automatically overwrites the old calibration and saves the new values.7. Now take readings by placing the probe on the coating and raise it after the bleep. this may also apply to Fprobes with a low measuring range. The calibration standards must be of the same metal as the actual coating. Press CAL key followed by CLEAR key. The old calibration will be overwritten. CAL will appear on the display (steady). the ZERO calibration remains in memory. It is advisable to take a mean of CAL values. n x CAL CAL Foil 1 C AL fla sh in g C AL ste ady 6. E-23 . the factory set standard calibration should be enabled (please refer also to 3. This method is especially suitable for taking measurements on rough shot-blasted surfaces or for high-precision readings. 3. The foils should differ in thickness by at least a factor of two. 1.1).2.2. 4. Proceed with step 1. ElektroPhysik 2. If necessary switch to the mode as in section 2. 3. This method requires the use of two foils of varying thickness. n x CAL Foil 2 C AL fla sh in g CAL C AL ste ady Press ZERO key followed by CLEAR-key. The display will show CAL (flashing) and MEAN (steady). 8. MEAN indicates that the mean value of the readings will be shown on display. For best results. 5.1.6. This considerably reduces the effect of scattering which occurs during calibration of upper and lower values. Note: Before carrying ut the two-foil calibration. the estimated thickness of actual coating should lie somewhere between the two calibration values. 7. The calibration foils may be used in any order.4 Two-point Calibration with two Foils (MiniTest 2100 only) Applicable to all probes (except CN02) Calibration is only possible in single measurement mode. apply the probe and raise it after the bleep. b) Restart CAL calibration by repeating the steps 2-9 as above. Repeat this procedure several times. after entry of a faulty calibration value: a) Press CAL key followed by CLEAR key. Use Arrow key to adjust to the required foil thickness. t may be necessary to delete CAL calibration. Press CAL key. ‘CAL’ appears on display (steady). e..2. press CLEAR. E-24 ElektroPhysik . This automatically overwrites the old calibration and saves the new values. 3. This step must follow straight on from step 5. 9. The LC display will show the CAL (flashing) and MEAN (steady). 20. Place the thicker of the two foils (this should be at least twice as thick as the other foil) on the uncoated sample.. MEAN indicates that the mean value of the readings will be shown on the display 6.g. 8.g. To discontinue calibration. The reading is shown on display. approx. Both CAL calibrations will be deleted. Note: This will reactivate the default standard calibration for use on even surfaces. Use Arrow key to adjust to the required foil thickness. 5. 7. apply the probe and raise it after the bleep. Place the thinner of the two foils (e. ‘CAL’ appears on display (steady). Now take readings by placing the probe on the unknown coating and raising it after the bleep. The display always shows the mean value of the previous readings. Press CAL to initialise calibration with the second foil. Press CAL key. 4.30µm) on the uncoated test sample. To discontinue calibration. press CLEAR. The gauge will not accept readings until CAL has been pressed. press CLEAR. patent This method is recommended when an uncoated test sample is not available. ElektroPhysik E-25 . 1. 2. Press CAL key. however. F2/90. Lay the calibration foil on the same point. F20 and F50. Display will show CTC (flashing) and MEAN (steady). The display always shows the mean value of the previous readings. only be used when the coating is smooth at the calibration point and measured values are reproducible.6/ 90. Repeat this procedure several times. 5. Then CAL / CTC to initialise CTC calibration. 2. 5. To discontinue calibration. n x C A L s te a d y. 3. Press CAL to confirm calibration. FN1. apply the probe and raise it after the bleep. F1. n x FUNC C TC C TC CAL CAL C T C fla sh in g 6.2. CTC will appear on the display (steady). 7. F1. The display always shows the mean value of the previous readings 4. Place the probe on the calibration point of the test sample and raise it after the bleep. 3. F3.5 CTC: Calibration Through the Coating (MiniTest 2100 only) (CTC: Procedure DE3404720C2) according licence The CTC method may. Do not use for textured coatings.6.3. C TC F o il CAL C T C s te a d y. F10. 6. Press FUNC key. 7.6 and FN2 (F-part). Use Arrow keys to adjust to the required foil thickness. 1. 4. MEAN indicates that the mean value of the readings will be shown on the display.The thickness of the foil should be roughly equivalent to the estimated coating thickness. It can be employed with the probe types F06. Apply the probe to the test sample several times. g.2 or 3.Now take readings by placing the probe on the unknown coating and raising it after the bleep.2. If you make no selection at all. Note: This will reactivate the default standard calibration for use on even surfaces. The „Continuous Mode“ will be indicated by a flashing measuring unit (µm. Readings beyond the measuring range will be indicated by 4 strokes flashing (. Standardization (Acquisition of Infinite Value) Place the probe on the thicker of the two supplied standards. the eddy current E-26 3. the magnetic induction and the eddy current principle.2. the gauge will automatically display FERROUS after about 5 secs. Press the UP Arrow key to select FERROUS. the magnetic induction method.2. and select the magnetic induction method. i. 8. The gauge automatically switches to „Continuous Mode“. mm.3 or 3..2. press ON.. proceed as usual according to either 3. without any metal underneath. cm).7 N10 and N20 Probes During calibration with N10 and N20 probes the dielectric characteristics of the calibration standard and of the coating material must be taken into consideration. Press the DOWN Arrow key to select NON-FERROUS.6 Dual Probes FN The FN dual probes can work on both. The reading is shown on display.4 or (for the magnetic induction principle) 3. To avoid any ElektroPhysik . e. Switch the gauge on.2. 3. To switch to „Single measurement mode“ press FUNC followed by CONTINUE. This automatically overwrites the old calibration and saves the new values.-).2.To select the measuring procedure. i. CTC calibration will be deleted.e.e. FERROUS will flash on screen. after entry of a faulty calibration value: For calibration and measurement. This mode will be of advantage when measuring with the N10 and N20 probes. a) Press FUNC key followed by CLEAR key. b) Restart CTC calibration by repeating the steps 1-6 as above. It may be necessary to delete CTC calibration. method.5. For minimum error the following is recommended: a) For calibration choose a spacer whose thickness is similar to the expected coating or wall thickness respectively (see following calibration principle)..4. With smaller areas.2. 5.external dielectric influences. or 3. the base material can be of ferrous or non-ferrous metal.3. The base must be a minimum 30x30 cm. FUNC ZE R O Note: This deactivates the automatic temperature compensation feature. Eliminating the effects of dielectric influence of the coating material. C TC CAL C AL ste ady 3. nx ZER O ZER O Zeroing 7. Recalibrate in case of changes in temperature.2. Place the probe on the coating material without a metal base. 1.2. C a lib ra tio n stan d a rd S tyro p o r Zeroing / Calibrating For calibrating an zeroing please proceed as described in section 3. ZE R O steady 9.3. an effective base for the standard is a polystyrene block at least 3cm in thickness. nx C TC CAL C AL fla sh in g 10. 3. (Calibration according to 3. 4. 6. 2. the measuring tolerance will be greater. 3.) ElektroPhysik E-27 . 8.2. Press FUNC and followed by ZERO.2.8 N100 Probe For coating or wall thickness measurement with the N100 probe.2. Press FUNC followed by ZERO key. 3. ZERO stops flashing and the bleep stops. ZER O 2. Press ZERO again. The „Continuous Mode“ will be indicated by a flashing measuring unit (µm. 3. 2. E-28 ElektroPhysik .. 3. 1. Standardization (Acquisition of Infinite Value) 1.b) 1. 3.0 mm.4) with two spacers. ZER O ZER O Ze ro steady Ze ro fla shing Ze ro plate Press ZERO and place the probe on the zero plate. Readings beyond the measuring range will be indicated by 4 strokes flashing (. Here the expected thickness should lie between that of the two spacers. 3. ZERO flashes and a bleep sounds repeatedly. mm.-). cm). FUNC 2.. 2. Zeroing 4. To switch to „Single measurement mode“ press FUNC followed by CONTINUE.2. This mode will be of advantage when measuring with this probe. The gauge automatically switches to „Continuous Mode“. Calibrating 1. C TC C TC CA L CAL C AL fla shing C AL stea dy Ze ro plate Hold probe in the air and press FUNC followed by ZERO Press CAL. Switch the gauge on.CAL flashes and there is a repeated bleep. Make a two point calibration (3. Display shows 0. point 5 „Eliminating.e..Place the spacer supplied . after using the gauge for more than two hours or in case of variations of temperature of more than 10°C.. This procedure must be carried out for both calibration methods a) (page 27) and b) (page 28).g. Now press FUNC and ZERO one after the other. 3.minimum thickness 30mm. After entering calibration values.2. mm.. Adjust to the spacer thickness with arrow keys. but without a metal base. Use Arrow keys to adjust to the value specified on the spacer.g. e. 2. E-29 . The „Continuous Mode“ will be indicated by a flashing measuring unit (µm. Readings beyond the measuring range will be indicated by 4 strokes flashing (. 50 mm . 50 mm. Note: It is recommended that you check and repeat the calibration occasionally. Place both together on the measuring reflector. This mode will be of advantage when measuring with this probe. cm).“ must be repeated 3. e. Eliminating the effects of dielectric interference of the coating material 1.-).. CAL appears on display (steady). the probe must be placed on the material .in the recess in the base of the probe. The thickness of the spacer should be similar to that of the expected thickness to be measured. The gauge automatically switches to „Continuous Mode“. The probe base must be held parallel to the measuring reflector. 5. Now the gauge is ready for operation.g. Press CAL to confirm.9 F20 Probe FUN C ElektroPhysik ZERO Switch the gauge on. If the gauge is to be used on other types of material. instruction manual. The probe will be drift and temperature compensated. enabled. The gauge automatically switches to „Continuous Mode“. battery consumption is higher. the probe must be held away from the measuring object ensuring a minimum distance of 0.2. store reading into the statistics memory by pressing UP Arrow key (see section 2. The infinite value automatically taken by the instrument or probe must be taken from the same angle to the measuring object as the reading which is to be taken later on. mm. Notes on calbration and measurement using F50 probe: Use the calibration and measurement routines of this E-30 ElektroPhysik . In addition. The „Continuous Mode“ will be indicated by a flashing measuring unit (µm. If necessary. This mode will be of advantage when measuring with this probe. after each measurement. Readings beyond the measuring range will be indicated by 4 strokes flashing (. only refers to MiniTest 2100).2 ‘Special Hints for Calibration’.. 3.3m away from any metal parts. Further. cm).1 ‘General Remarks on Calibration’ and 3.5.5 and 2. the probe must be moved at a constant speed towards the measuring object. In order to avoid hysteresis errors.10 F50 Probe Switch the gauge on.-). the following remarks should be observed: The position of the probe influences the measuring result. Place the probe on the sample to be measured.6.Hold the probe in the air and pres FUNC followed by ZERO. Note: If the display backlight function is enable in continuous mode.. Please follow the instructions as described under 3.5. 2. In continuous measurement mode. 3.The thickness of the foil should be roughly equivalent to the estimated sample thickness.Note: 3. Calibration should be carried out in single measurement mode according to section 3.6/90. For F1. apply the probe and raise it after the bleep.13 CN02 Probe In single measurement mode. N1. you can also proceed according to 3.2.5. the use of tube probes requires a slightly different procedure: The CN02 is a flat probe for use on even surfaces.6/90 and N2/90 1.0.3 must be used. Press CAL to initialise calibration. To avoid such interference. F2/90. Place the metalic calibration foil on an insulating piece of minimum 10mm thickness.12 Chrome Coatings on Copper The magnetic field created by the measuring probe might interfere with or even destroy electronic or medical equipment or gauges in the vicinity. it is recommended to keep a distance of a least 1m away from such instruments or any magnetic data carrier. 3.Only one-point calibration using one calibration foil is required. Apply the probe to To measure the thickness of copper laminates or copper foil: Then proceed according to 2.2. You can switch from single measurement mode to continuous mode by pressing „FUNC“ and „CONTINUE“. MEAN indicates that the mean value of the readings will be shown on the display.2. The LC display will show CAL (flashing) and MEAN (steady). ElektroPhysik E-31 . Applicable to probe N08C.6/90 and F2/90 probes.2. Use the special calibration foil marked ‘Chrome on Cu‘.11 Tube probes F1. 1. The two-point calibration method described in 3.6.2. 2. Requires to use a special calibration foil. proceed as normal for calibration and measurement. 50 microns thickness each and should roughly correspond to the estimated coating thickness.2. The the greater standard deviation s of the two values Xm and X o should also be taken into consideration: Measurements on double-sided laminated PC boards will require calibration using a double sided laminated copper standard or use the correction diagram (available on request).2. Wait for the bleep and raise the probe. E-32 The gauge should be calibrated according to 3.the metallic calibration foil several times. After this take approx. Use Arrow keys to adjust to the foil thickness. 3. Carry out a zero calibration of 10 readings on a shot-blasted. Press CA. Xeff 3. Place the probe to the layer to be measured. The display always shows the mean value calculated from the previous readings. The difference between the two mean values is the mean coating thickness X eff over the peaks. 10 further readings on the coated and similarly shot blasted test sample to produce the mean value Xm .2. 3. 2. 4. Use a smooth calibration sample with 1. 10 readings on the uncoated. Then calibrate with a foil on the uncoated substrate.14 Shot-blasted Surfaces = ( Xm − Xo) ± s Method B (Rz < 20µm) The physical nature of shot-blasted surfaces results in coating thickness readings that are too high. ElektroPhysik . Now take approx. ‘CAL’ appears (steady). shot-blasted sample to produce the mean value Xo . The mean thickness over the peaks can be determined as follows (note that the statistics program is of great benefit in this procedure): Method A (Rz > 20µm) 1.3. Important: the same curvature radius and the same substrate as the later measuring sample. The foil set should consist of a number of individual foils of max. uncoated sample. 5. 4.2 or 3. .g.10 single measurements. The coating thickness can be read directly and should be averaged from 5. the influence of roughness generally is of no importance and it will not be necessary to apply above calibration methods.2. 3. · for special applications This method also gives reliable results. The basic calibration can be adjusted to your specific requirement. ElektroPhysik 3. Note: For coatings over 300 µm thickness. the foil value can be reached by using several foils . When using the statistic programme (MiniTest2100 only) for obtaining a mean value it is advisable to place the probe several times at a typical measuring spot. Any false or erratic readings can be cleared immediately by pressing CLEAR. Method C (MiniTest 2100 only) · if the probe tip is worn Calibration with two different calibration foils.The mean coating thickness should be calculated from between 5 and 10 readings. Strong magnetic fields near generators or live rails with strong currents can affect the reading.4.2.50µm each.2. The statistics function is useful here. For a maximum approach to the respective nature of surface.. E-33 .15 Adjusting to Basic Calibration In certain cases it can be of assistance or even imperative to reset the basic probe calibration e. Simply follow the two-point calibration method using two foils as described in section 3.3 General Remarks on Measurement After careful calibration has been made all subsequent measurements will lie within the guaranteed measuring tolerance (see technical data). The statistics programme can be useful here. Please contact ElektroPhysik. as when using the probes for internal tube measurement.7). The footE-34 swtich is especially helpful if the operator needs both hands for measurement. Coating Thickness D = X±s±u 4. The analysis of any one series appears on the display and on the printout as follows: n-values : number of single readings mean ( x ) : mean calculated from a series of single readings ElektroPhysik .5.4 Using the Foot-Operated Switch In continuous mode.6. 153 µm Mean value: X Standard deviation: s = ± 3 µm Measuring uncertainty: u = ± (1% of readingt + 1µm)* = 153 µm * referred to the supplied standards under laboratory conditions D = 153µm ± 3µm ± (1. 4. The MiniTest 2100 can calculate both single-value and block-value statistics from a maximum of 10.5µm 3. The statistical values can be printed out either with or without a list of corresponding single values (see 4. 156µm. One is based on single-value statistics. The MiniTest 2100 gauge is equipped with two statistics programs.53 µm + 1µm) = 153 µm ± 5. Example: Readings: 150 µm. Data can also be printed-out on an optional printer or transferred to a PC via an interface. 4. readings are logged to statistics memory by pressing UP-Arrow key or by operating the foot-switch.The final reading derives from the statistical calculation and from the guaranteed tolerance levels of the gauge. the other on block-value (DIN 50982). Single Value Statistics: This program automatically stores and evaluates the readings of a series of measurements. Measurement Using Statistics This section only refers to MiniTest 2100.000 single readings. (s) : standard deviation MIN kvar : variation coefficient max : maximum single reading After each block has been registered (default after every 5th reading) the gauge emits a double bleep. DEV.d.D (s) : standard deviation (mean value) KVAR : variation coefficient (mean value) MAX : maximum reading of all blocks The sample standard deviation is a statistic that measures how „spread out“ the sample is around the sample mean. ElektroPhysik : The sum of single readings divided by the number of readings. Default: 5 readings = 1 block. The standard deviation of a set of numbers is the root mean square of the variance s². The sample standard deviation increases with increasing spread out. The size of a block is alterable via PC and optional software. In this mode the readings of a series are logged in blocks. For calculating the statistics over the blocks. x= ∑x n E-35 . the mean value ( x ) of the relevant blocks are used. The analysis of any one series appears on the display and on the print-out as follows: Mean value : ( x ) N-Groups number of blocks or groups Standard Deviation s ( which will consist of the 6 values listed above.): MEAN ( x ) : mean calculated from mean values ST.4 Single Value / Block Value Statistics) 4.1 Statistical Terms The MiniTest 2100 and is provided with the block-value statistics program.5. min : minimum single reading Block Value Statistics: : minimum reading of all blocks At least 2 single values or 2 block values are required to produce a statistical analysis. (see also 2. 3 Deleting an Erratic or False Reading Deletion must take place immediately after a faulty measurement hs been taken i. simply overwrite the old calibration.e. Any remaining statistical values can be erased by pressing FUNC and CLEAR STATS. ElektroPhysik . 4. that is. before taking the next one (see also section 5). 2. To recalibrate. Remember to check whether a recalibration is required and/or if any redundant statistical values need to be erased 3. Press CLEAR once. K var = s ×100% x 4. Variance s 2 = ∑ (x − x)2 n −1 Standard deviation s = s2 Variation coefficient Kvar The variation coefficient „Kvar“ is the Standard Deviation of a set of samples divided by its Mean. The result is expressed as a percentage. 4. They will be marked with the error message E11.1).4 Storage Capacity Overflow If the storage capacity is exceeded the statistics will not be updated. the average of the squares of the deviations of the numbers in the list from their mean divided by the (number of readings . E-36 The gauge is ready for measurement immediately after switch-on. although measurement can continue.2 Entering a Series of Readings for Statistics Calculation 1. subsequent readings will be omitted from the statistics. All readings will be automatically logged to the statistics program.The variance of a list is the square of the standard deviation of the list.If the memory is full. A bleep confirms that the last registered value has been deleted. 4. Each time STATS is pressed. If the block-value statistics mode is selected (see also section 2. Display of statistics (without printer) Each time STATS is pressed. MIN. time and probe type used. Kvar. ST.1 Single value statistics If single-value statistics mode is activated.5 Display and Print-out of the Statistics of a Measuring Series 3.The statistical values can be viewed at any time. even while a series of measurements is being taken. Press PRINT-key once. To cancel printing.4) all readings can be displayed and printed out as follows: 1.2 Block value statistics If a MiniPrint 4100 printer is connected the statistical values can be printed out..4) the statistical values can be displayed or printed out as required. If a printer is connected. If a PC is connected. MAX. MEAN. the data can be transferred via a serial interface (see also section 9 „ Gauge Control via PC“). E-37 .5. press OFF on the MiniPrint 4100 printer.5. ST. MAX. Complete print-out of statistics Note: The MiniTest print-out of single-value statistics is headed STATISTICS.D. ElektroPhysik Note: It is also possible to display and print out single-value statistics in this mode. the single value statistics will be printed out including date.4. Printing single statistical values 4.D. MEAN. MIN. (see also section 2. 4. the statistical values will be printed/transferred in the order N (values). 2. the statistical values will appear in the order: N (number of values). Kvar.5..5. 3. MAX. If a PC is connected. The MiniPrint print-out of block-value statistics is headed: BLOCK-STATISTICS. MEAN. even while a series of measurements is being taken.1 Single value statistics If single-value statistics mode is activated.6 Print-out of all Statistical Values and Readings of a Series of Measurements 4. all readings of a measuring series including the 6 single-statistics values will be printed out. the data can be transferred via a serial interface (see also section 9 „PC Control“. (see also section 2. Kvar. ST.The 6 block-value statistics will be displayed for just a second at a time. ST. MAX. 4.. If a printer is connected. Each time STATS is pressed. Display of block-value statistics ( without printer) Press PRINT once.1. time and probe type used. MIN. 4. press OFF on the MiniPrint 4100 printer. E-38 To cancel printing.5. Display of single-value statistics Note: Each time STATS is pressed the statistical values will appear in the order N (values).D. The statistical values can be viewed at any time. 2..D. the statistical values will be printed or transferred accordingly. Printing single-value statistics If a MiniPrint 4100 printer is connected the statistical values can be printed out. Kvar. MIN. MEAN. If a printer is connected to the gauge it will simultaneously print out the block-value statistics with date. ElektroPhysik . Display of block-value statistics and print out all statistical values Press PRINT once.4) all individual readings of a series and the accompanying statistics can be displayed and printed out as follows: Press FUNC and PRINT ALL.6. The 6 block-value statistics will appear for just over a second at a time in the order N (groups). Print-out of all readings of a series.Note: 1. Press FUNC and PRINT-ALL. MEAN.6. Pressing PRINT will result in a print-out of statistical values. Pressing PRINT will result in a print-out of statistical values. 2.D and 6 block statistic readings will be printed out. 1.5. the statistics of each block and all block-value statistics. MIN. Press Off on the MiniPrint 4100 printer to cancel the print-out of readings. Pressing FUNC and PRINT-ALL will result in a print-out of all readings and statistical values 2. The readings on the display and the print-out are rounded off. 3. MEAN. ST. Kvar.D. 4. 3. If a printer is connected. 4.. Pressing FUNC and PRINT ALL will result in a print-out of all readings and statistical values. 2. Note: 4. Press Off on the MiniPrint 4100 printer to cancel the print-out of readings.2 Block value statistics If block-value statistics mode is activated. The 6 (8) blockstatistics values will appear for just over a second at a time in the order N (groups). MAX. Display all block-value statistics (without printer) Press FUNC and PRINT-ALL.4) the corresponding statistical values and all individual readings of a series can be displayed and printed out as follows: 1. all readings of a series. The readings on the display and the print-out are rounded off. St. ElektroPhysik E-39 . (See also section 2. date and time. Block value statistics are continuously displayed for 1 sec. Single value statistics each time you press STATS. All readings of a measuring series. Print-out Block Value Statistics Display Print-out Single value statistics each time you press STATS. single value statistics incl. Block value statistics including date and time -- All readings of a measuring series. Block value statistics are continuously displayed for 1 sec. ElektroPhysik . block value statistics incl. -- Single value statistics including date and time. Single value statistics each time you press STATS. at a time. date and time. at a time.Table Single Value Statistics and Block Value Statistics Key Single Value Statistics Display STATS PRINT PRINT ALL E-40 Single value statistics each time you press STATS. Delete Functions 5. A short bleep confirms deletion.1 Deleting the last Reading: ntin LÖCo SC Hue CLSC R S TAT LÖ H S C LR ElektroPhysik STATS. E-41 . D 9.6 µm M e an St. 5.1% Variation coefficie nt M ax 150.2 µm M inim u m rea d in g ElektroPhysik C LR M iniTe s t 2 1 0 0 Press the CLEAR-key once immediately after a reading has been taken.Print-out of Single Value Statistics 5.PRO GR AM M iniTe s t 11 0 0 02-Mar-02 09:41 D a te of print-o ut Probe F3 02-Mar-02 07:35 P rob e typ e D a te of 1st re ad in g STATISTICS N-Val 20 N u m be r of rea dings M ean 124.2 Deleting Data Memory (Statistical and Measuring Values) MiniTest 2100 FU N C + C LR LÖ SCS TATS H C LR Press both keys simultaneously.6 µm M a xim um rea ding M in 104. A short bleep confirms the reading has been deleted.1% S tan da rd d eviation kvar 2. 5.3 Deleting Calibration, Measuring and Statistical Values, Total Reset C LS R CH S TAT S LÖ C LR FU N C 7. MiniPrint 4100 Data Printer MiniPrint 4100 provides immediate or later (MiniTest 2100 only) print-out of all single readings and statistics (MiniTest 2100 only). 1. Plug the printer laterally into the MiniTest gauge. 1. Switch the gauge off. 2. Switch on the MiniTest gauge (ON). 2. Press and hold down the CLEAR, FUNC and ON keys. Press these keys one after the other and hold all three down. 3. Switch MiniPrint 4100 into the requested mode (ON / OFF). A long bleep confirms deletion of all data. 6. Using the Gauge without Probe Certain gauge functions can be activated without a probe being connected. These are as follows: 1. Defining the initialising function and standard gauge settings. 2. Print-out of statistics and readings 3. Gauge control via a PC (see section 9). E-42 For fur ther details see MiniPrint 4100 operating instructions. 8. Connecting a PC The MINITEST 1100 and 2100 gauges have a combination interface which can accommodate a MiniPrint 4100 data printer, a Mitutoyo system evaluator and two-way RS232C interface. The connecting cable and the data transfer program can be used to transfer all readings and statistics (MiniTest 2100 only) to a PC for further processing. The data transfer procedure is the same as that for data print-out. ElektroPhysik Note on the Mitutoyo printer DP1-HS: As the Mitutoyo printer DP1-HS works on his own statistics function, the MiniTest statistics cannot be printed out with this printer. For that reason, the statistics provided by the Mitutoyo printer is different from the MiniTest statistics program. 9. Gauge Control via PC The two-way interface can be used to control MiniTest gauge functions via a PC keyboard and a PC program. The option of program control enables the gauge to be used both for semi-automatic and fully automatic operation.For further details consult our special leaflet (interface description). See also section 11. 10. Combination Interface for footoperated Switch, Bleeper or Lamp This optional interface makes available an external trigger mechanism which enters readings in continuous mode into the statistics program by a foot-operated switch as well as a reading confirmed signal for a bleeper or a lamp. Length of reading confirmed signal - 0.2 sec. ElektroPhysik 11. Interface Descriptions MiniTest and MiniPrint for Available on request. 12. Useful Accessories · Various probes · Belt-case · Transparent case protection case · Twin case for gauge and printer · MiniPrint 4100 portable data printer · PC connecting cable · Program disk: processes MiniTest readings and statistics. For IBM PC or compatible. · High-precision stand for measurement on small parts. · Mains adapter 230V AC / 12V DC or 110V AC/ 12V DC · Accu battery including charger 230V AC or 110V AC E-43 13. Maintenance and Maintenance Contracts The MiniTest needs an occasional battery change but is otherwise maintenance-free. It is extremely robust, but, as with any measuring apparatus, it should be handled with care. Used batteries must be removed from the gauge without delay. The accumulator batteries in the MiniPrint printer need regular recharging. If the customer takes out a maintenance contract the gauge and all supplementary hardware will be serviced annually. We will gladly supply an estimate for maintenance agreement with further details of the service guarantee. 14. After-Sales Service 15. Trouble Shooting The following list of error messages explains how to identify and eliminate faults. „E“ (E = error). Faults that cause the gauge to switch off: E 1 : Probe type incompatible E 2 : Probe not connected. This message only appears when no probe is connected after a Total Reset. E 3 : Probe defective. This message only appears immediately after the gauge is switched on or if the probe becomes detached from the socket while in use. E 4 : Probe is giving unreliable readings (e.g. as a result of strong fluctuations in the magnetic field or readings taken on soft coatings). Please send a damaged or defective gauge to us directly or forward it via your dealer. E 5 : Probe was held too near to metal when switched on. Please enclose a brief error description. E 6 : Low battery. E-44 ElektroPhysik E 12 : Zero calibration not possible.1992 .Illogical readings Total Reset: 1. which is applied through the German law for electromagnetic conformity (EMVG) dated 9. E-45 . Press ON. Measuring Example . The following errors can be remedied by a Total Reset: A long bleep confirms that all readings and calibration values have been deleted If you cannot switch the gauge of via key operation. ElektroPhysik 1. please use the ferrous zero plate supplied with the probe.None or several of the keys work Chose probe according to your application. EC Declaration of Conformity We declare that the gauges MiniTest 1100 and MiniTest 2100 as well as the data printer MiniPrint 4100 are in correspondence with the safety requirements of the EMC directive 89/336/EWG. To check whether gauge and probe work within the specified tolerances. 2. F3. Press FUNC and CLEAR and keep pressed down while pressing ON.g.The gauge does not switch off automatically . 2. 17. For calibration please use an uncoated sample of the same material and geometry as the later measuring object.5.11. E 15 : 1-point calibration after CTC clibration not possible. ‘FERROUS’ flashes.Readings are no longer registred. E 13 : CTC calibration not possible. . remove batteries to perform Total Reset.secs: E 11 : Memory full. E 14 : 2-point calibration (using 2 calibration foils) not possible. e.Error messages displayed for about 1. Insert and screw in probe. Switch the gauge off. 16. 10. Place one of the enclosed calibration foils on the zero plate and apply the probe several times. 6. 7. 8. ‘CAL’ appears on display. taking into account gauge tolerances. For two-point calibration press CAL. Now take readings on your measuring sample. 11. 9. Adjust to the thickness of the foil with the arrow keys. Press CAL. ‘ZERO’ appears on display. ‘ZERO’ and ‘CAL’ appear on display along with ‘µm’ or ‘mm’.3. E-46 ElektroPhysik . Press ZERO.The gauge will now display the calibration foil thickness. 4. 5. Now start measurment: Take a calibration foil. ‘ZERO’ flashes. Carry out one-point calibration (zeroing): Press ZERO. lay it on the zero plate and place the probe on it several times. Apply the probe serveral times to the zero plate. 5 mm 8 x 11 x 180 F10 0.3000 µm 0.6 0. curvature radius (convex/ concave) Min. measuring area Min.6P Powder probe 0..6/90 Internal tube probe 0.1 µm ± (3% of reading + 1 µm) flat surfaces only Ø 30 mm F 0..2 µm ± (1% of reading + 1 µm) flat / 6 mm Ø 5 mm 0.5 mm / 10 mm Ø 5 mm 0.Metric Units Probe Measuring range Low range sensitivity Measuring accuracy related to the supplied standards and under laboratory conditions Min...1600 µm 0.....5 mm / 10 mm Ø 5 mm 0..1 µm ± (1% of reading + 1 µm) flat / 6 mm Ø 5 mm 0.75 mm / 5 mm Ø 3 mm (using stand) 0.1 mm Ø 12 x 49 F1. Technical Data F Probes (Magnetic Induction Principle) .20 mm 10 µm ± (1% of reading + 10 µm) 10 mm / 30 mm Ø 40 mm 2 mm Ø 40 x 65 F50 0.1600 µm 0...1 µm ± (1% of reading + 0.18.5 mm Ø 15 x 62 F1.5 mm Ø 15 x 62 F3 0..500 µm 0..10mm 5 µm ± (1% of reading + 10 µm) 5 mm / 16 mm Ø 20 mm 1 mm Ø 25 x 46 F20 0.7 µm) 0.5 mm Ø 21 x 89 F2/90 Internal tube probe 0.50 mm 10 µm ± (3% of reading + 50 µm) 50 mm / 200 mm Ø 300 mm 2 mm Ø 45 x 70 ElektroPhysik E-47 .2 µm ± (1% of reading + 1 µm) 1.5 mm N 0... substrate thickness Probe dimensions in mm F05 0.1 µm ± (1% of reading + 1 µm) 1.2000 µm 0...1600 µm 0.5 mm 8 x 11 x 180 F1.. 60 mils 0..400 mils 0.32" x 0.04 mils) flat / 0.20 mils 0.47" x 1..08" Ø 1.. measuring area Min. substrate thickness Probe dimensions F05 0.60" 0.04 mils) 0.06" / 0.12" (using stand) 0.04 mils) flat / 0. curvature radius (convex/ concave) Min.43" x 7.09" F2/90 Internal tube probe 0.01 mils ± (1% of reading + 0.2 inches 1 mils ± (3% of reading + 2 mils) 2" / 7.9" 12" x 12" 0.02" Ø 0.08" Ø 1..50" F3 0.800 mils 1 mils ± (1% of reading + 1 mils) 0.020" 0.09" F10 0.44" F1.6/90 Internal tube probe 0.44" F1.60 mils 0.63" Ø 0.20" Ø 0.60 mils 0..6P 0.120 mils 0.02" 0.98" x 1.77" x 2.020" Ø 0.24" Ø 0....01 mils ± (1% of reading + 0.03" / 0.24" Ø 0.4" Ø 0.40" / 1.01 mils ± (1% of reading + 0.01 mils ± (1% of reading + 0.4 mils) flat surfaces only Ø 1.40" Ø 0.20" F 0..20" / 0.004" Ø 0.83 x 3.81" F20 0..06"/ 0.020" 0..32" x 0...60" x 2.04" Ø 0.01 mils ± (1% of reading + 0.60" x 2.80" 0.028 mils) 0...20" 0.5 mils ± (1% of reading + 1 mils) 0.F Probes (Magnetic Induction Principle) .01 mils ± (3% of reading + 0.2" Ø 1.80 mils 0.43" x 7.04 mils) 0.02" N 0.02" 0..6 0..93" F1.57" x 2..75" E-48 ElektroPhysik .20" 20 mils Ø 0.Imperial Units Probe Measuring range Low range sensitivity Measuring accuracy related to the supplied standards and under laboratory conditions Min.55" F50 0. 2000 µm 0..1 µm ± (1% of reading + 1 µm) 1..3 mm) 100 mm / eben Ø 200 mm 50 µm Ø 126 x 155 CN02 Cu coatings on insulating substrates 10.1600 µm 0.1 µm ± (1% of reading+ 1 µm) 2.5 mm / 10 mm Ø 5 mm 50 µm Ø 15 x 62 N1...2 mm 50 µm Ø 16 x 70 N1....5 mm / 10 mm Ø 5 mm ≥100 µm (Cu on steel) Ø 16 x 70 N02 0...20 mm 10 µm ± (1% of reading + 50 µm) 25 mm / 100 mm Ø 70 mm 50 µm Ø 65 x 75 N100 0..100 mm 100 µm ± (3% of reading + 0.10mm 10 µm ± (1% of reading+ 25 µm) 25 mm / 100 mm Ø 50 mm 50 µm Ø 60 x 50 N20 0.80 µm 0.200 µm 0.. substrate thickness Probe dimensions in mm N..5 µm) 1 mm / 5 mm Ø 0.1600 µm 0. curvature radius (convex/ concave) Min...200 µm 0.2 µm ± (3% of reading + 1 µm) Ø 7 mm any substrate thickness Ø 17 x 80 ElektroPhysik flat surfaces only E-49 .Metric Units Probe Measuring range Low range sensitivity Measuring accuracy related to the supplied standards and under laboratory conditions Min.1 µm ± (1% of reading+ 0..2 µm ±( 1% of reading+ 1 µm) flat / 6 mm Ø 5 mm 50 µm 8 x 11 x 180 N10 0.N Probes (Eddy Currents principle) .6/90 Internal tube probe 0. measuring area Min.6 0.08Cr 0..1 µm ± (1% of reading + 1 µm) flat / 6 mm Ø 5 mm 50 µm 8 x 11 x 180 N2/90 Internal tube probe 0... 60 mils 0.04 mils) flat / 0..32" x 0.87" 0.0" / 3..1" / 0.20" Ø 0....43" x 7.04 mils) flat / 0.09" N10 0.36" x 1.40" Ø 0.67" x 3.01 mils ± (1% of reading + 0.3 mils 0.6/90 Internal tube probe 0.40 mils ± (1% of reading + 1 mils) 1..01 mils ± (1% of reading + 0.Imperial Units Probe Measuring range Low range sensitivity Measuring accuracy related to the supplied standards and under laboratory conditions Min.01 mils ± (3% of reading + 0..06" / 0.N Probes (Eddy Currents principle) .002" Ø 0.75" 0.004" (Cu on steel) Ø 0.14" thickness ElektroPhysik .75" N02 0.94" Ø 2.40" Ø 0.95" N100 0. curvature radius (convex/ concave) Min.09" N2/90 Internal tube probe 0.20" 0..59" x 2.43" x 7.400 mils 0.40 mils ± (1% of reading + 2 mils) 1.94" / flat Ø 7.20" 0.01 mils ± (1% of reading + 0.800 mils 0.0 mils ± (3% of reading + 12 mils) 3.80 mils 0..002" Ø 4.8 mils 0.002" 0.002" Ø 2.4.44" N 1.008" 0..75" N1.96" 0. substrate thickness Probe dimensions N.04" / 0.28" any substrate Ø 0.08 Cr 0.25" Ø 0.96" x 6.60 mils 0..002" Ø 2...96" N20 0.6 0.32" x 0.25" Ø 0.20" ≥ 0.01 mils ± (1% of reading + 0.56" x 2. measuring area Min...04 mils) E-50 flat surfaces only Ø 0.20" 0.01 mils ± (1% of reading + 0.002" Ø 0..04 mils) 0.20 mils) 0.0" / 3.10" CN 02 Cu coatings on insulating substrates 0..94" Ø 1.4 inches 4.8 mils 0.63" x 2..04 mils) 0.002" 0.63" x 2. substrate thickness Probe dimensions in mm FN1. curvature radius (convex/ concave) Min. measuring area Min.1 µm ± (1% of reading + 1 µm) 1.6 0..Metric Units Probe Measuring range Low range sensitivity Measuring accuracy related to the supplied standards and under laboratory conditions Min..6 / 90 Internal tube probe 0.5 mm N 50 µm 8 x 11 x 180 FN2/90 Internal tube probe 0..5 mm N 0..Dual Probes (Magnetic Induction and Eddy Currents Principle) .2 µm ± (1% of reading + 1 µm) flat / 6 mm Ø 5 mm 0..1600 µm 0.1600 µm 0.1 µm ± (1% of reading + 1 µm) flat / 6 mm Ø 5 mm F 0.1600 µm 0.2000 µm 0..5mm Ø 21 x 89 FN 1..5 mm 8 x 11 x 180 ElektroPhysik E-51 ..5 mm / 10 mm Ø 5 mm F 0.5 mm N 50 µm Ø 15 x 62 FN1.1 µm ± (3% of reading + 1 µm) flat surfaces only Ø 30 mm F 0.6P 0. 09" FN2/90 Internal 0.01 mils ± (3% of reading + 0. substrate thickness Probe dimensions FN1.4 mils) flat / 0..02" N 0.09" E-52 ElektroPhysik .Imperial Units Probe Measuring range Low range sensitivity Measuring accuracy related to the supplied standards and under laboratory conditions Min.6" x 2.6/90 Internal 0. measuring area Min.02" N 0.44" FN1. curvature radius (convex/ concave) Min.01 mils ± (1% of reading + 0.6 0.01 mils ± (1% of reading + 0.24" Ø 0.24" Ø 0.50" FN 1.40" Ø 0.83" x 3.01 mils ± (1% of reading + 0..002" Ø 0.Dual Probes (Magnetic Induction and Eddy Currents Principle) .20" 0.43" x 7.02 " 32" x 0.02" N 0.4 mils) 0.4 mils) flat surfaces only Ø 1..6P 0.06" / 0.60 mils tube probe 0.80 mils tube probe 0..43" x 7.002" 32" x 0..60 mils 0.20" F 0..60 mils 0.4 mils) flat / 0...02" Ø 0.20" F 0.20" F 0. .. briefly to 120°C (High temperature probes up to 350°C) 14°..50°C 32°..5 ozs ElektroPhysik E-53 . briefly to 248°F (High temperature probe F2 HT up to 662°F) Norms and standards: DIN EN ISO 2178.Further Technical Data Power supply: 1 x 9 V Alkaline battery (mor than 10. ASTM B499 Dimensions / weight of gauge without probe: 150 mm x 82 mm x 35 mm / 270 g 5. DIN 50982 ASTM B244. DIN EN ISO 2360.70°C.2" x 1....4" / 9. Akku.000 measurements).. DIN EN ISO 2808.9" x 3. mains adapter Ambient temperature gauge: 0°.158°F.122° F Ambient temperature probe: -10°C. E-17 calibration and measurement.E-5–E-6 foot-operated switch.E-6 Data Transfer.....................E-43–E-45 continuous mode....... viewing / adjusting..E-13–E-17 FN probes..E-17 checking battery... eliminating.......E-13–E-17 floating point...E-44–E-45 F F probes...E-17 according to licence patent.............E-16–E-17 calibration methods.... on Copper................E-34 ElektroPhysik ....E-31 CNO2 probe...E-41–E-42 deleting data memory.......E-27–E-29 dual probes...E-4–E-6 F20 probe.................... example of..........E-11 delete funcitons... storage of..E-17 A D accumulator battery....E-29 F50 probe........E-9–E-11 C calibration.........E-14 date and time......E-31 combination interface.E-41–E-42 dielectric influences............ manual / automatic...... adjusting to....E-8 B basic calibration.E-29 fixed point.....E-9 Chrome coatings....Index Control via PC.........E-43–E-45 CTC.....E-15–E-17 E-54 E error messages........E-16–E-17 calibration values.E-25 calibration trough the coating.......E-33–E-35 battery's state of charge... . E-26......of the coating material.... E-27 N100..... E-27 N20...E-44–E-45 K kvar..E-16...... single measurement ElektroPhysik continuous measurement..E-5 P PC.........E-18–E-19 I industrial standards. acquisition of......... probes for.E-43–E-45 Power supply..E-15–E-17 LCD test.E-42 N N Probes.E-8 O one-point calibration........ deleting the............. imperial. E-50 N probes..H high-accuracy calibration......................... E-7 N10.................. .E-15–E-17 measuring unit..E-4 infinite value......E-16... connecting a...E-13–E-17 MiniPrint 4100 data printer..E-10–E-11 M mains adapter..E-44–E-45 mean value.E-8 maintenance...E-27 interface descriptions..........E-16–E-17 Optional accessories..E-34–E-35 L last reading..E-41–E-42 LCD backlight...................................E-5.....E-49........E-42–E-45 gauge control via........E-8 preparing MiniTest.E-26–E-29 influences..E-6 E-55 .E-35–E-37 measurement mode....E-8–E-11 probes.E-26 non ferrous substrates.. .E-19 standard deviation.E-35.E-7 storage capacity..... E-22.. E-31....E-26–E-29 start-up functions...............E-16–E-17 standard calibration...E-14–E-17 standard calibration............... E-44.... E-56 overflow.............E-32 spring mounted sleeve......... probes for... printing all readings and statistical values of a..E-13 T Total Reset...E-6 variance..... E-45 Total-Reset... .................E38 shot-blasted surfaces...E-15–E-17 supply schedule........E-37 measurement using.....E-35 standardization....... display and print-out of..E-27–E-29 ElektroPhysik ...E-9–E-11 S series of measurements......... enable.......E-23 Two-point calibration.E-35–E-37 steel substrates...... statistical term.E-21 Two-point Calibration... automatic... E-33 U using one calibration foil..E-16 two-point calibration.......E-20...E-31 V V-groove...... E-36 Z zeroing..R replacing battery.....................E-10–E-11 tube probe..E-10–E-11 statistics.....E-42...E-35..E-5–E-6 Switch off mode..E-36–E-37 storage of Min reading.. dev..........E-34–E-35 single value block value..E-6 stabilising of continuous mode.......E-31 Two-Point Calibration..E-38 Std. E-36 variation coefficient. ElektroPhysik E-57 .
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