Mswa's Review Feb - 2013

March 25, 2018 | Author: Jnanam | Category: Cooperative, Architect, Basement, Taxes, Property Tax



SocialFebruary 2013 Vol. 06 Issue 11 o-operative Enterprise An Initiative of MSWA Price : ` 25/- MCHI - NAVI MUMBAI & RAIGAD PROPERTY EXPO - 2012 MCHI - THANE - PROPERTY EXPO - 2013 02 FREE ! FREE ! FREE ! FREE ! SAVE WATER, SAVE POWER & SAVE NATION DISTRIBUTORS FOR MAHARASHTRA: BICCON/JESCO 5* RATING PUMPS 0.5 HP TO 200 HP AND DEWATERING / SUBMERSSIBLE/OPENWELL PUMP Good News for Co-op. Housing Societies One year free amc Free installation against buy back scheme Replace old pumps and save electricity 40% One year guarantee Total cost recovered within 8 months Increase water level to carried out Rain water harvesting Work OUR Services : drilling of borewell Pumps maintenance / replace old pump by install new Pump of Energy Efficient 5* Rating Pump Water tank cleaning buy using expert Quality chemicals and pressure pumps Autorised Distributor BICCON / JESCO HARSH CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING MOBILE NO: 9004517535 / 8976880086 / 9769241416 /E-mail : [email protected] 303 SAHAKAR BUILDING,SHIPHOL ROAD RANI GARDEN, BORIVALI(WEST),MUMBAI-400092 MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 03 February 2013 16. Wadala. An initiative for “ Cooperative Social Enterprise” also has been undertaken by your association to increase the income level of unorganized sector under Co-operative principles. Viswanathan By the time this Magazine reaches you. SRA. We have given in the center page. On 16 and 17 Feb. The bye-laws for co-operative housing societies are also under preparation. Mumbai . 14. Prakash Valecha PRINTED AT Maya Print Art. the details of the program. MSWA Local Area Citizen Group.42551414 / 26248589 / 65 Mob. Your association has taken up the initiative of MCGM to make MUMBAI clean and safe by making 2184 RAMESH PRABHU Chairman. D. CONTENT Redevelopment Made Easy DNA Exhibition Program Flowcharts Page No. 06. your association jointly with DNA property has arranged two day. Ambedkar Marg.Dear All.CREDAI Exhibition Report DNA Property Exhibition Poster BMC Property TAX MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 04 February 2013 .: 09820106766 MANAGING EDITORS 9890187344 97th Constitutional amendment will be effective from 15th Feb. C. 16. Free Rs. 08.hsg@gmail. 22 MOST IMPORTANT For General Housing Society related queries. Few meetings to promote LOCALITY Management societies through the support and guidance of your association has been Views expressed in this Magazine are of the authors & MSWA is not Responsible for its Contents. collector societies. 1124/& th th Mr. so that every member of your society can enrich with the redevelopment knowledge. Estate. Chairman. we request you to display the same on the notice board of the society. Circulate among Friends and other members of the Society 97th Constitution Amendment MCHI . 10 12. Mr.19 20. Sonawane Mr. very informative “ Redevelopment 8291100821 Exhibition cum Conference” to empower the housing societies and 9869391191 tenanted buildings. V. Sarang CA.: 022-42551414 E-mail : mswa. Hanuman Indl. MHADA societies 9821045102 planning for redevelopment. With lot of love and spirit to serve the community. 18. Off : 022 .D.Ramesh S Prabhu ( 09820106766) Hon. Contact MSWA office at Tel. G. the state Government must have brought out an ordinance to give effect to the constitutional amendments. 2013. 2013.31 The details are given elsewhere in this magazine. CA. You will be pleased to know that many activities are undertaken by your association in the year 2013. Necessary for Co-op.1 German Technology MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 05 February 2013 . Housing Societies Water Tank Cleaning Service WORLD’s No. . NSC Grounds. Co-operative department and BMC. From old chawls to tenanted buildings and old housing societies. Builders who redevelop the properties will exhibit their profile and projects along with housing society members/ office bearers who want to carry out the redevelopment.m.BOMBAY EXHIBITION CENTER.12. professionals like architects. onwards. every type of structure can benefit from it. advocates etc. To facilitate this process DNA has launched a dedicated interactive platform. Redevelopment of old buildings has become a common cause for concern where existing housing societies across Mumbai are concerned. THE FOCUSED REDEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE-EXHIBITION SERIES PROCEEDS TO THE WESTERN SUBURBS OF MUMBAI. 2013 from 10.00 a.REDEVELOPMENT MADE EASY 5 TH INNINGS OF DNA'S UNIQUE INITIATIVE WILL PROVIDE CLARITY ON THE REDEVELOPMENT PROCESS WITH EXPERTS EXPLAINING IMPORTANT KEY NORMS AND ANALYSING THEIR IMPLICATIONS AFTER A SUCCESSFUL FOURTH PROPERTY REDEVELOPMENT EXHIBITION ACROSS MUMBAI IN 2011. stable redeveloped structure is not an easy task due to various MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 06 February 2013 .IN FEBRUARY 2013 Redevelopment is the magic mantra that can give Mumbai's old and dilapidated buildings a complete makeover. structural engineers and chartered accountants. Stake holders like project management consultants. AT AN EASILY ACCESSIBLE VENUE . Making the transition from an old dilapidated building to a new. which will help and ensure that the residents in these old structures take an informed decision and give them a new lease of life. Goregaon (E) on February 16-17. February 2012 will mark the fifth time that DNA has arranged a Redevelopment and Conveyance Exhibition in which all the four stakeholders related to redevelopment are brought under one platform: Policy makers like the Housing minister. For more details contact : 022 . GOREGAON (E) .42551414 / 26248589 / 65 For more information visit www. the fifth DNA Property Redevelopment Conference-cum-Exhibition will be held at Bombay Exhibition Center. As part of DNA's sustained endeavour in this direction. Eminent experts will discuss solutions and the implications of policies. analysing the concept of redevelopment and highlight its advantages.mswahousing. B. S. D.. V. IL & FS. No. L.F. RUNWAL GROUP. H. Shivaji Nagar.Shop no. Gangawadi lane Off. & MANY MORE HOUSING SOCITIES. Vile Parle (E). · Cleanup with potable water. K. COLLEGE. BIRLA SCHOOL.L. Chamunda Heritage Bldg. GODREJ. W. algae. EMPIRE INDUST. R.S.B.known for water tank cleaning. M. J. Ltd. · Using water jet pressure to remove stubborn physical matter of wall. 4th Floor. Ensure good health for families in your society by cleaning your water tank professionally by spectra. WADIA HOSPITAL. ADD. J. N. 405. Marg. Keep your water tank Clean with Hygenic process & Safeguard your family’s Health. a specialist in water tank cleaning. E-mail : [email protected] GuruKrupa Bldg. 9769893121/9769348021 MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 07 February 2013 ..Road Ghatkopar(W). THOMAS COOK. from the tank. Hygenic Cleaning Through Word’s No. Our cleaning process: · Removing all physical matter like dirt. 1 German Technology We are a reputed organization & well . Mumbai .com Under Ground Water Tank Over Head Water Tank Sintex Plastic Water Tank All Types of Water Tank Off. Bhramhanand Chs. Our valued Client. HOSPITAL. Opp. CENTRAL GOVT.: R.Scientific Water tank cleaning specialist SPECTRA When Was The Last Time You Cleaned Your Water Tanks??? Water in taps may seem very safe but unfortunately if the underground and overhead tanks are not cleaned regularly it could lead to accumulation of impurities which result in water related sickness.400 057. C. mud. J. · Spraying antibacterial disinfectant to sanitize the entire water tanks. Municipal Commissioner. Latest amendment expected in Co-op Act due to 97th Constitutional amendments etc.REDEVELOPMENT & CONVEYANCE CONFERENCE CUM EXHIBITON CONFERENCE PROGRAM DAY 1 : February 16. Co-operative Minister. HSG. Patron Speaker Redevelopment agreement and Taxation applicable on Redevelopment Q&A Difficulties faced by the housing societies or its members in the Redevelopment Process and policy changes required to make a redevelopment a success.00pm 2. Deemed Conveyance etc. Role of Co-operative dept in the process of Redevelopment & Conveyance. Suhas Borole . TDR. Commissioner. MLC 11.40 pm 4. K.10pm 5. 2013 Time 10.K Ramani. 2012. Metro etc in boosting the redevelopment in the cities. 5. Gopal Shetty.00pm 4.00am Session Inauguration and Various initiates of Government on Housing and Redevelopment such as Maharashtra Housing (Regulation & development) Act. Vinod Sampat. Adv. MP Shri.00pm Hon’ble Shri.40pm 1.20pm 12. Case study of a successful Redeveloped society Precautions to be taken at the time of Selection of the Developer. Expert in Redevelopment and Taxation Above Faculties Shri.30pm 4. MMRDA Adv. past experience.30pm 3. MLA and Shri.50am 12.50pm Legal advisor Mr.30pm Above faculties MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 08 February 2013 . Patron speaker Documentation to be followed for Redevelopment & various provisions of law. Chief Minister 5TH DNA & MSWA 11. Prithviraj Chavan.30am 11. Harshavardhan Patil. Uday Wavikar.00am Guest of the Honour: Hon’ble Shri. Rahul Asthana. Secretary & Chairman Adv. Shri.. System to be adopted for verification of the credentials of the developers. reliability etc Q&A Speakers Chief Guest: Hon’ble Shri. Sanjay Nirupam. Parimal Shroff Talati & Pantaki. Patron Speaker Role of Project Management Consultants & its importance. Ashish Shelar. Sitaram Kunte. Fungible FSI on different types of Redevelopment and important provisions of Development Control Rules. Arch. Arvind Nandapurkar. FSI. 3. Patron Speaker Infrastructure development. MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 09 February 2013 . 10pm 12. Lalit Jain. Chairman .IAS.20pm 4. 2013 Time 10.50pm 2. Sunil Prabhu.30am Session Policy initiatives of BMC for redevelopment and housing societies. President Credai MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 10 February 2013 . Rajgopal Devara . 5TH DNA & MSWA 11. PMC & Structural Engineer CA.mswahousing. President Elect from MCHI Speakers Shri. Leader of Shiv sena. Patron speaker Case Study: Greed on Redevelopment benefits Precautions to purchase flat in a Redeveloped society Role of Structural Engineer.00pm 3. Vimal Punamiya Above faculties CA.42551414 / 26248589 / 65 For more information visit www. Krishnaraj Rao .15pm Note : Guest / Panelist are Invited & their Confirmation is awaited.REDEVELOPMENT & CONVEYANCE CONFERENCE CUM EXHIBITON CONFERENCE PROGRAM Day 2 : February 16. PMC Shri. Vat applicability to Housing Society on Redevelopment Q &A Shri Samir Dharulkar PMC Arch And Shri. Mayour of Mumbai Hon’ble Shri. MSWA Above Faculties Shri. Organizer Reserves the right to Reschedule the Program depending on the availability of Guests & Panelists For more details contact : 022 . Satish Rao.50am 12. Mhada Redevelopment.Policy Paralysis and how the same can be resolved Patron speaker Over All redevelopment prospects & the trend & scope of Real estate in general Patron speaker Importance of conveyance & procedure of Deemed Conveyance Q&A Redevelopment of Societies under Co-operative Social Enterprise and 97th Constitutional amendment.50am 11.00am 10. Quality Control during the Redevelopment Income tax. A consultant Shri.15pm 4. Service Tax.30pm 3. Umesh Dhargalkar. Vimal Shal. Secretary (Co-operation) & Shri.45pm 5. Subhas Desai. Ramesh Prabhu.20pm 12. MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 11 February 2013 . have attained prosperity by forming cooperatives like KRIBHCO and Amul Dairy. and it will be easier for ordinary society members to have corrupt managing committee members penalized. by inclusion in article 19. but it also issues a Directive Principle of State under Section 43. various offences by the people who run cooperative societies will now be clearly punishable. MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 12 February 2013 .” Like Municipalities and Panchayats. one of the most important economic sectors of our country. that “The State shall endeavour to promote voluntary formation. for reforming the cooperative sector. the scope for government control and interference in the functioning of cooperatives is reduced..) Under Article 243 AQ (1). democratic control and professional management of cooperative societies. provide for access to every member of a co-operative society to the books. ““The Legislature of a State may. Some of the most widespread economic groups of our country. (The absence of such provisions has long been felt as a basic shortcoming of the co-operative sector.Forming Co-operatives is now our Fundamental Right! 97TH AMENDMENT: nd e Am n me t n Co 9 stituti 7th on he most recent amendment to the Constitution was enacted on 13th January 2012. and conduct of. The amendment says under Article 243 ZO (1). a very large proportion of houses are managed by the residents themselves through cooperative housing societies. by law. In a nutshell. The latest amendment aims to infuse fresh blood into this sector. Significantly. It not only recognizes the right to form co-operatives as our fundamental right. ““The Legislature of a State may. In urban areas. and this is to the detriment of the co-operative movement. like farmers and cattle rearers. the amendment says. autonomous functioning. as may be provided by the Legislature of a State..” The Article goes on to give examples such as willfully furnishing a false return or false information. direction and control of the preparation of electoral rolls for. information and accounts of the cooperative society kept in regular transaction of its business with such member. co-operative societies are also defined.” The right of ordinary members to get information from the managing committee of the co-operative is now enshrined in the Constitution.” Also. the norm is that officebearers are virtually selected by a dominant clique term after term. “The superintendence. which are defined in detail in the Constitution. (Currently. and are now seen as a necessary organ of governance. the amendment mandates that states must take steps to ensure that elections are held in T a proper & constitutional manner. In many ways. this amendment mandates the state governments to pass new legislations to make it make it easier and more fruitful to form cooperatives.) The amendment states under Article 243 ZN. make provisions for the offences relating to the cooperative societies and penalties for such offences. by law. all elections to a co-operative society shall vest in such an authority or body. MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 13 February 2013 . vora. urban credit. 2] 3] 4] KIRAN K VORA . Indeed. a view has emerged in the cooperative sector.2006. Any amendment to the Constitution is done with utmost seriousness. it is more difficult to amend the Constitution that even to pass a new law! Downloads: Gazette of 97th amendment http://tinyurl. which go beyond the spirit of democratic functioning of cooperatives. agricultural inputs. 2. MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 14 February 2013 . opp... “Since Independence. dairy. It is like a contract between the common citizens of India. Union Minister of Food Processing Shri Sharad Pawar said in his Amendment-India Why was this amendment necessary? While moving the 97th Amendment in the Parliament. handlooms and handicrafts.kiran @yahoo. Tejpal Rd.It is worth remembering that the Constitution of India is the blueprint of our country's governance. etc. Necessary Permission from MCGM [Liaison work from BMC] Enlargement of the Water Connection from BMC Water Department. Mumbai . Accordingly. the pace of reforms in cooperative legislations by the States is not encouraging. Repairs of Leakages and Miscellaneous Maintenances. In many cases. MOB:. housing. the Constitution (One Hundred and Sixth Amendment) Presentation on Positive Implications of Amendment: http://tinyurl. for which State Governments have been persuaded to amend their Acts. storage and processing of agro produce. 2004. However… Many of these institutions are not being managed on principles of democratic member control and professional management.02226115679 Office: Vireshwar Chhaya Society.. Plot No.57. production of OUR SPECIALIZATIONS 1] NEW Building Contracts with Complete Water Supply As Well As Drainage Street Connection Including Interior Bathroom & Toilet Fittings. Therefore. all over the country.” “It is expected that these provisions will not only ensure the autonomous and democratic functioning of cooperatives. fisheries. but enhance the public faith in these institutions and also ensure the accountability of management to the Members and other stakeholders and also provide for deterrence for violation of the provisions of the law.9820035858/9324435858 OFF. These cooperative institutions are functioning in the sectors of agricultural credit. 2006 was introduced in Fourteenth Lok Sabha on 22. to incorporate certain provisions in the Constitution to provide protection to cooperatives and to insulate them from avoidable political and bureaucratic interference. marketing of agricultural produce. which has led to intervention in their day to day functioning. This was also endorsed by the Conference of State Cooperative Ministers held way back in December.Mob :. these cooperatives are heavily dependent on financial support from the Government. and the people who occupy positions of power in India's government and administration. cooperative movement has grown significantly with most extensive network of cooperative institutions all over the country. STERILIZATIONS [GERMAN TECHNOLOGY] with our professional touch. Vile Parle (E). Water tank Cleaning BY LICENSED PLUMBER with HIGH JET IMPORTED PRESSURE MACHINE.5. There are also instances of avoidable political interference… “It has been felt that there are several provisions in the State Acts. Co-operative Activist DINAL SANITATION LICENSED PLUMBER & SANITARY ENGINEER Email Id :. Dwarkadish Haveli.09920035858 / TEL :.” n Krishnaraj Rao. after months or even years of deliberation in the Parliament. Also available Key Box for 20. VSNL. SWIMMING POOLS waterproofing (Ready in 24 hours) Clients : Godrej. Pavers & other concrete products. Khopoli-Pen. S’cruz (E). Tal. Pleasing appearance. Drivers. Security for Housing Societies & Industrial Units Area of operation All over Maharashtra & Gujarat MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 15 February 2013 . Indian Express. Water resistant.Unit No. TIWARI SECURITY & DETECTIVE AGENCY PVT. Garages. Walkways. Dogs Squads. Fact. Best suited for building compound. Body Guards. Aarey Colony.. * Exceptional strength to withstand the toughest daily grind & heaviest wear & tear. Swimming pool deck.C.No. Mumbai-400 065 Email : gmassociates03@gmail. Armed Guards.N. Khalapur.MILIND PARVATE : 9 3 2 0 0 2 4 6 4 8 AJAY RANE : 9 3 2 4 2 5 4 5 5 2 UNIQUE TILES & PAVERS We are reputed & trusted manufacturers of Chequred tiles.aquatyte. Features of our products : * Ideal for non-skid external paving applications. * * * * * LIC 101 203 We also Undertake tiles & Pavers Fixing Mob : 9821037635 9892977396 Tel.G. Goregaon (East). 108. Tambati Village. O. Pizza Hut etc. : 1/11. Royal Palms.. : S. 30. LTD. BATHROOMS. MIAL. 50 keys Off. Fax : 28798640 28790120 & 21 WATERPROOFING SPECIALISTS & APPLICATORS OF Full Proof Method Specialists in TERRACE WATERPROOFING at Competitive Rates WATER TANKS. Foot Paths. patterns & colours. & Many Housing Societies in Mumbai. URL : www. * Guarantee of our product & work is given. Reliance. Hinduja Hospital. 127. Army (MES). Excellent finish without pinholes. Sister Concern of New India Security Force We provide Security Guards. Barista. Datamatics. Raigad Email : unique_tiles@yahoo. Off : Mastermind . Bulosroy colony Rd. Public Park etc. Range of various designs.4. Sahakar Ramnagar. Factory Labours for Commercial Estb. The exhibition was inaugurated by Shri. 'Evolving Thane'. MCHI-CREDAI Thane. Source : India Infoline News Service / 17:43 . Harischandra S. with many home seekers finding their ideal homes at the expo.A. Thane. with 10 banks participating in the expo. and this proves that the Thane property expo was a great success. Hon'ble Mayor on 18th January 2013 along with Shri.S ) Municipal Commissioner of Thane and Shri.P. ” Jitendra Mehta. Hon Secretary. 20. The four-day MCHI-CREDAI Thane Property expo 2013 received thunderous response from both the developer community as well as home buyers. Jan 22. MCHI-CREDAI Thane Property Expo 2013 showcased more than 300 Projects. K. MCHI-CREDAI Thane unit and chairman Organizing Committee . Around 375 flats were booked at the expo. “We received unprecedented footfall this year. The Commissioner of Police. 800 crore at the expo. This expo saw 85. said said Mr.S ). Over the last few years. This exhibition was a great platform where home seekers could access all the information about residential projects in and around Thane under one roof”. The highlight of this exhibition was the innovative QR code campaign. 4 7 0 footfalls as people poured in searching for their dream homes in Thane and its peripheral regions. Shailesh Puranik.000-plus units of properties from 40-plus developers in the 20th edition of the Property Exhibition. we have seen that home seekers from all over the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) have been opting Thane as their dream home destination. There is a huge demand from the property buyers in this area and we see this demand continue to grow in coming years. The number of footfalls at the Thane expo exceeded those observed at other similar expos. Around 375 flats were booked at the expo. This trend has continued this year as well.A Rajiv ( I. 2013 MSWA IS PROVIDING FREE CONSULTANCY ON CONVEYANCE and REDEVELOPMENT ON SATURDAY BETWEEN 6PM TO 8 PM WITH PRIOR APPOINTMENT. R. President.470 footfalls as people poured in searching for their dream homes in Thane and its peripheral regions. P Raghuvanshi ( I. which was based on the concept.022 / 42551414 ) MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 16 February 2013 . Patil. Banks sanctioned principal loans amounting to Rs. “Thane has managed to create a good reputation in the real estate market.MCHI-CREDAI THANE PROPERTY EXPO 2013 ENDS WITH ROARING SUCCESS T h i s e x p o s aw 8 5 . (Call . Road. Bhayandar – Excellence Redefined… 102. Dist .Thane . B.WATER IS LIFE MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 17 February 2013 . P. Vetoskar Vihar.401105. Office : 022 3226 8900 | 022 2816 5958 Mobile: +91 823 767 7804| +91 902 945 0859 Email: society@sdhventure.: 93227 04830 / 9833097799 E-mail: Watertank_cleaning@rediffmail. Goddev. Goregaon (East).00 am to 7. Know all that you wanted to know about Redevelopment at DNA’s 5th Property Redevelopment Conference.00 pm Exhibition Venue : Bombay Exhibition Center.17th. MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 18 February 2013 . Date : February 16th .REDEVELOPMENT MADE EASY. NSE GROUND. 2013 Time : 10. For more details contact : 022 . 26248589 / 65 or For more information visit : www. MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 19 February 2013 E.Y R T EN FREE SMS DNA RED <Name><Address> to 575758. For more information visit .: DNA RED Vikram vaswani Bandra (W) pre book your slot for a face -to-face Interaction with experts.mswahousing. M-VAT. the Final Rules should be seminar on Property Tax. Property tax will be the same whether it is occupied or given on Leave & Licence basis. 2. may contact our Association separate and specific heading. So far in our association nobody has requested to challenge such system However a lot of housing societies are coming to our office and enquiring about the same.e. Subzone. depreciation is not taken or the capital value adoption method) as per the rules mentioned in Government GR. The said Rules which provide details of the factors and categories of users of buildings.REDEVELOPMENT & DEEMED CONVEYANCE BMC PROPERTY TAX & SEMINAR ON PROTAX C Y BM T PER The change over in the system for levy of BMC tax/property tax impacts all citizens of Mumbai. Re-development. Therefore. Property tax for non-residential premises will be three times of the existing tax or as per capital value. (Final Rules are office on 022 .04. which ever is less. The MCGM website shows the Rules for Fixing Capital Value of Lands and Buildings which contains such critical information for calculation of capital value of buildings/flats and the tax payable in the section called "News and Events" and as such is not easy to locate. which ever is less. Now also many of the property owners. 3. ou must be aware that a debate on changes in the system of collecting property tax was in progress for the last ten years and now the same has been approved by the Government of Maharashtra for change in the system of collecting the tax from Rateable value to Capital Value Basis with effect from 01. In case you don't want to be a part of the above mentioned option. Property tax will not increase for residential flat upto 500sq. We would like to mention that once we receive 100 societies then only we will be able to file a case in Court.42551414 attached herewith). Property tax for residential flat more than 500sq. The applicable fees has to paid by respective societies. we understand are planning to move to the High Court against the change in assessment system. from Rateable value system to Capital Value system) and GR issued by the Maharashtra Government before Hon'ble High Court. carpet area. floor factor and weightage by multiplication to be assigned thereto and also the tax rate are very Any NGO / Federation / Resident’s Association or a important for all citizens for calculating the tax few Societies in the area which want to conduct free payable. Your society has two ways to look at the present issue:1. . the entire process has to be transparent and citizens should not be compelled to run from pillar to post. In case your society is willing to be a part for petition to challenge the system then you are requested to contact MSWA to enable us to file the matter before the court. The Notice also states that “For Review 20 February 2013 MSWA’s Housing Societies details of Zone.ft. So far no one has challenged the change in the system from last so many years. mentioned zone is wrong. nature and type of building. Y 4. The brief changes that had affected are as under:1.2010. carpet area will be two times of the existing tax or as per capital value. For this purpose you need to hire a good Council/Advocate to represent your society before the Hon'ble High Court. Panel advocates will be able to clarify those issues and guide the file the complaints. you can get the valuation calculated of all your flats as per notice issued by BMC (Such as difference in area. 2.ft. and base values. age factor. Therefore. You can challenge the entire change in the system (i. It is the BMC who has taken three years to do the calculation regarding the same. posted prominently on MCGM website under a Deemed Conveyance. 400 102. : 23. Jogeshwari (W).. Esteem Classic. MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 21 February 2013 . Mumbai .Regd. Off. A-01. Amrut Nagar. and to registrar pertaining to misconduct.only two are housing societies in Mumbai. Dated 29. Please contact MSWA on 022 . with fewer reservations.mswa.42551414 or E-mail Search Request In case you want to have a view of GR of BMC you can view the same in our website : www. ranges from housing societies to sugar cooperatives to district cooperative banks. M NEW LAWS FOR HOUSING SOCIETIES Ø New election authority to be set up for housing society polls Ø Only those who attend one general body meeting in five years and provide minimum level of services (to be defined later) are eligible for voting Ø Size and nature of managing committee to change. If the annual general body meeting of a cooperative is not conducted by September 30.The number of reserved seats on committees has been lowered from seven to five. They must file FIR against concerned members upon registrars permission Ø Powers taken away from registrar to appoint administrators to housing societies Ø Scope of recovery proceedings widened to increase maintenance and service dues of members Ø In-house grievance redressal panel mandatory Ø Mandatory for societies to maintain list of active members Ø New additions to criteria for disqualification of members Source : Times of India. January.There are 14.after a marathon meeting.1960. Current managing committees and boards will be permitted to complete their tenure.if you need the draft of the objection letter to be given to BMC.Co-opted managing committee members will have voting rights except for officebearer elections.the guilty parties will be disqualified from being on the managing committee for five years.298 cooperative societies in the state whose elections are due by March 31. boards allowed to finish term umbai: The state cabinet on Wednesday approved major amendments to the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act .housing. which recognizes the formation of societies as a fundamental Co-op panels. the government decided to extend the time for cooperative society elections due by March 31 to December 31. which forms the backbone of state politics. 2013 MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 22 February 2013 . With the setting up of the separate election authority likely to take time. The amendments will come into force after an ordinance is promulgated by the governors office. upper ceiling on number of members and requirement to coopt two expert members Ø Annual general body meeting to be conducted without fail on or before September 30 Ø General body to appoint auditors from a government approved panel Ø Mandatory for returns to be placed before general body Ø Auditors must submit reports to members pertaining to losses. The Centre fixed February 14 as the deadline to amend laws. for calculation methods adopted by them and also against the GR issued by the Government of Maharashtra. The influence of the cooperative sector.The amendments are meant to align cooperative law with the 97th Constitution (Amendment ) Act. E mail: info@supremeengicons. Andheri (W).co. Stability certificate on completion REDEVELOPMENT Feasibility survey of the society building Preparation of Tender document for Developer/ Builder Supervision / quality control during execution work Expert in Liasoning with BMC/ MHADA /Collector / SRA / MMRDA Legal consultancy towards Redevelopment work Redevelopment Panel consists of Structural Engineer. Shree Krishna tower. Link Road. SERVICES OFFERED IN MOST REASONABLE TERMS STRUCTURAL AUDIT / REPAIRS : Details Structural Survey / Audit of the building Find out the Leakeges Source from External / Internal Suggesting cost estimation preferring economical & Effective remedial ways Conducting Advance Technologies of NON . Tel: 2673 Web Site: MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 23 February 2013 . 2673 2436.!! KINDLY ATTENTION ALL OFFICE BEARERS !! DON’T GET YOUR BUILDING REPAIR / REDEVELOPMENT TILL YOU CALL US FREE ADVICE * WE EXPERTISE IN REPAIR & REDEVELOPMENT CONSULTANCY Mobile : 9820146623.supremeengicons. guidance to contractor while execution on repair / supremeconsultants@yahoo. selecting best & competitive bidder on behalf of society. Tender Document formulation.DESTRUCTIVE TESTS (Ultra Pulse & Rebound Hammer Test) Half cell potential chemical analis. Architects. Mumbai 400053. (AN ISO 9001 .2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY) Office: 401. Day to day site supervision. Legal Consultants. ” said Assistant Municipal Commissioner (P-South) Ramakant Biradar here on Assistant Police Commissioner Uttam Aba Khermode urged the local youth to join the police force. plumbers and other service providers can all benefit by forming a cooperative enterprise. L to R . and also to manage their localities. please approach me without hesitation. activist Krishnaraj Rao said.Ramesh Prabhu. rickshaw and tempo drivers. “If you are not happy with your experience when you register a complaint at any police station. MCGM P-South Ward Officer .Ramakant Biradar. they can increase their income by Rs 500 per day. and explained the criteria and process of selection. MSWA chairman . “Neighbourhood-level cooperative societies specially formed for the purpose can also play the role of LACGs more effectively than associations. said Sulaiman Bhimani. and incidents like the ones that happened in Delhi will not occur in our city. 25 Jan 2013: “Citizens are not generally aware of many schemes that MCGM has initiated to empower economically weak sections. especially for 97th-Amendment Social o-operative Enterprise An Initiative of MSWA Download PDF file about Positive Implications of Amendment: http://tinyurl. he can approach us for free guidance. while making onions more cheaply available to the residents'. “If anybody wises to start a cooperative enterprise. Download gazette o f 9 7 t h amendment: http://tinyurl. full of SRA colonies. addressing the women in the gathering. “If you can manage 20 percent seed capital for starting your own enterprise such as tailoring. SAHAKARI UDYOG KE SAATH” MSWA has invited Societies / ALM or SRA Colonies who want to Conduct such Free Seminars Mumbai. housewives. and Senior Police Inspector (Goregaon) . “Unemployed youths. ACP . mentoring and assistance. We will help them in various ways and make their job easier. As Somanigram is a poor people's locality.Krishnaraj Rao.” ACP Khermode said confidently. The meeting was organized by RTI activist Sulaiman Bhimani on behalf of Maharashtra Societies Welfare Association (MSWA) on the theme “Kaise Badhayen Aamdani.” he said. the main objective of the meeting was enabling increase of people's income by coming together in cooperative societies. He also encouraged the women to move around in the city without fear. “If a dozen onion and potatopheriwallahs (hawkers) form a cooperative enterprise.” Referring to Local Area Citizens Groups (LACGs) mooted by MCGM in 2006.” said Prabhu. MCGM will assist you with the balance 80 percent. senior citizens.“KAISE BADHAYEN AAMDANI.JPG MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 24 February 2013 . Oshiwara. MSWA chairman Ramesh Prabhu spoke about how the 97th Constitutional Amendment passed in January 2012 enabled much-needed reforms to the cooperative sector. Sahakari Udyog Ke Saath” (How to increase income with cooperative enterprises).Activist . Goregaon West to motivate and assist the local people to form cooperative enterprises for their own economic upliftment. He was speaking at a large public meeting held at Somanigram. “Mumbai police is far more capable in handling anti-social elements.” he added.Uttam Aba Khermode.Arun Jadhav. MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 25 February 2013 . assistance in deemed conveyance etc. Waterproofing coatings in 2 coats should be applied on the dead walls. “Common citizens should not just criticize the government. supply pipes & PVC drainage pipes should be of good ISI q u a l i t y. 5. 12 – 15 years. The External dead walls The Bathrooms & toilet area.cse@gmail. Conventional Brick bat coba and waterproofing plaster should be done.9821588114 Krishnaraj. 3. The most common areas from where the leakages take place are as mentioned below:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) The Terrace floor slab. The Plumbing lines which include GI water MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 26 February 2013 . 1. G e n e r a l l y e n t i r e plumbing lines should be changed once in 20 years. These should be waterproofed once in every 10 years. The holes made in walls should be properly filled and sealed. MCGM and police. Sulaiman Bhimani . The External dead walls generally develop separation cracks at the junction of RCC & masonry which need to be opened and filled properly using polymer Gathering of Somanigram residents LEAKAGE & SEEPAGE PROBLEMS IN BUILDINGS . to which it provides legal advice. MSWA has 30. This is the oldest and best type of terrace waterproofing. accounting services. 2.” Krishnaraj argued. It has a decade of experience in the cooperative sector. The Box type Chajjas. The Plumbing lines.” he added. 4. The Basements floors. ultimately weakening the structure. The Overhead Tanks are water retaining structures. The Rising dampness in Walls.The electoral reforms and right to information embedded in the 97th amendment will improve the social usefulness of the cooperative sector.93236 42081 Krish . These are major sources of internal house to house leakages.HOW TO SOLVE Fast track construction and special elevation designs now days leave behind certain unattended potions and areas which lead to leakages & seepages which harm the building by corroding the steel bars. Forming cooperatives to take ownership of our localities is a perfect way for all of us to take leadership and exercise ownership of our shared open spaces. The Overhead tanks The extended portion of Balconies.rao. The Bathroom & Toilets waterproofing should be redone once in every 15 years. The extended portion of Windows. Conventional brick bat coba and waterproofing plaster should be done. The Terrace floor slab should be waterproofed with Brickbat coba and china mosaic. which is being leveraged for the CSE initiative. This type of waterproofing generally lasts for approx. The entire walls should be checked and loose plaster should be removed the replastered. they should participate in the process of governance.000 member cooperative societies in Mumbai. Repair & Maintenance – Rs.I / T.rexgroup.S ANT SULTEERS N O T C ENGIN PMENT MEN AGE CTURALDEVELO N A T M STRU N RE JEC PRO ITECTS TORATIO H S ARC S & RE IR A P RE REX CON COR Consultants Pvt. BOOK ON Planning. of Gujrat & Mah. 100/Available at book store near you & at wheeler shop on all Railway stations.26734133 / 26730455 / 2635 4386 / 26344950 / 9221020869 Crystal Plaza 706 – 707 A wing. Licensed / empanelled with . MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 27 February 2013 . Link Road. Tendering Process. Andheri (W). work guarantee. [email protected] .& To register your problems / suggestion about redevelopment email to gruhusankalp@ymail. Quality & Quantity Control. Details survey / Audit. notification 2009 . Infiniti Mall. Selection of builder. Selection of Contractor. Anup D. Non-Destructive Test / Chemical Test. If society needs 100% consent for Re-development.R): as per govt. Ltd. Technical Supervision.BMC – MHADA – COURTS – BANKS . 77 ) & as per BMC / ISSE norms. Consultants For more than 1500 Housing / Commercial / industrial Units since last 15 Years.D. etc. Gupta – 98211 78321 Direct. 150/. Architects – Civil / Structural Engineer .Govt. Observation / Supervision & Quality Control / Proof Consultants. Legal documentation. Mr.400 053.Legal Advisor ( PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ) RE. Remedies. Mumbai . Email – rexgroup@ymail. BUILDING MAINTENANCE: Annual Retainer ship for monthly inspection & Corrective advice. Office Tel . Tendering process.feasibility Report. Opp. Estimation.DEVELOPMENT / CONSTRUCTION (F.www. Certification. STRUCTURAL AUDIT / SURVEY & BUILDING REPAIRS : ( As per bylaw No. find & reach us.development guideline – Rs. Bill website . Legal documentation.. Civil) having 25 years experience is an expert in Major Structural Repairs and intricate Waterproofing techniques as problems and remedies differ in many and all complicated situations. gaps in the wooden frames in the bathrooms and all other joints and gaps need to be properly sealed to avoid this type of seepage. The Extended portions of balconies if not carefully enclosed can cause major leakages. Vinod . 8. Mob: 9594838213 /9870049667 Fields of Specialization:Ø Terrace & Walls Water Proofing without breaking Ø External Painting & texture Ø Crack filling & Civil Repairs Ø Plumbering Ø Structural Repairs & Rehabilitation Ø Fixing Paver Blocks & Chequered Tiles Ø Home Painting & Interior Decorators We Provide Preparation of Reports. 7. He may be contacted on his personal Mobile No. This is very specialized job and needs special skilled manpower. Survey. 9. CST Road.6. The basement floors need to be waterproofed from inside as well as outside. Interior Decorators Admin off: 2. The chajjas above the Alluminium windows should have proper vattas at joints to avoid these leakages. The chajjas above the Alluminium windows should have proper vattas at joints to avoid these leakages. All waterproofing works should therefore be carried out under the expert guidances of persons who are very well experienced in such waterproofing techniques. Mr.Tech . The Box type chajjas are again a major source of leakages as they are not plastered from inside due to which they retain the monsoon water inside and slowly release the water throughout the year. Santacruz (E). Kalina. Sequeira Villa. The joints in nahani traps. tile joints. FIRST IMPRESSION ENTERPRISE Email: firstimpressionsenterprise@gmail. The box type of waterproofing has to be done in basements which comprise of Shahabad ladi sandwiched between two waterproofing plaster layers. The plastic nipples have to be inserted inside them through the ceiling so that the water is drained out completely. The Rising dampness in walls in many cases is due to the seepages from the bathrooms.: 9920585441 – Please SMS also with your query and problems so he can answer and get back to your questions with solutions. and kitchen areas. and Estimation work. toilets. 10. *conditions apply SERVICE GUARANTEE OF 10 YEARS MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 28 February 2013 . External Civil & Painting Contractors. Mumbai-98. The Extended portions of windows if not carefully enclosed can cause major leakages. Harisingani (M. Certification of bills. Preparing Tender crack depth etc Rebound Hammer test for concrete strength. 3. Detailed Cost [email protected]. Guiding Society in selection of contractor.e Feasibility Report. WITH OWN NDT EQUIPMENTS ARVIND SINGH CONSULTANTS NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 65345001. www.:. CC etc. Tel-022-65210232. 29272735 / 29272382. MUMBAI -400 055. Chandrakant Apt. before vacating the plot. Feasibility report. Thakur Niwas. Hanuman Mandir. Shreyas Colony.. d) Liasoning with BMC & other Govt dept etc Contact OFFICE : : ARVIND U . Tender Making. Day to day supervision. Tel Nos.. corpous fund etc. Moisture Testing instrument for leakage/seepage detection Specialist in as follows with 10 years experience & done more than 150 bldgs structural audits a) STRUCTURAL AUDIT BY NDT & DETAIL SURVEY b) PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS for Redevelopment of existing society building i. (NDT) 1. Guiding society for amenities. Mob:9820993481 Email:arvindsingh. Verifying various permission like IOD. SANTACRUZ (E). Ultra Sonic Pulse Velocity for Concrete strength. Strict supervision to monitor quality of construction.:.9322255108.REPAIRING (23 YEARS EXPERIENCE ) Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ REDEVELOPMENT (18 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS PMC ) Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Structural Audit as per BMC norms. ARCHITECT & PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT. uniformity. Opp. H.consultant@gmail. Scrutinsing all property paper before handover to society. 2. Near shiv mandir. add area. Goregaon (E).SINGH (BMC Registered Structural Engineer licence no:STR/229/S ) Shop no 6.shivaji Rd. 1st floor.Quality control of site up to possession. Selection of Developer . Mumbai .arvindsinghconsultants. E-mail :. Stability Certificate. OTHER SERVICES Ÿ Ÿ Installation of lift. c) Repairs &Restoration with advance technology of polymer treatment and 5 to 10 years warranty for repair & waterproofing CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. Ÿ Deemed Conveyance Verifying property document. Pratap house bldg.4. Preparing and floating tender. Opp. Guiding society's solicitor in preparing legal documents.63. vakola bridge . Guiding society in selecting good For more details : MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 29 February 2013 . 9930344006. Stack car parking. 2. Commissioner. 7. of Maharashtra has introduced Act.Regarding action to be taken (initiated) within 12 weeks on the requests /complaints received by Govt. chapter 3 of this Act & also provision is made to take disciplinary action against those who will not take the decision within specified time limit. Govt. MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 30 February 2013 . A brief report of this review should be prepared & sent it to senior officer by every officer. Revenue & Forest Dept. A separate register should be maintained to make note & to take action on the complaints / applications of the people. 26. Mumbai All Vidhanmandal/Parliament Members. 8. And to prevent the delay while performing Govt. 1 & 2 letters related Jobs/Services should not be included. Copy of this Govt. Dept.2006 in the state. Maharashtra & its computer no. Maharashtra Vidhimandal.O.02. 5. Head to No.8/18 Extension Mantralaya. dtd. 16. Secretary of Hon. a disciplinary action must be taken against such officers. Leader of the Opposition.www. 6731/2012 that proper implementation of these provisions is not being done. Madam Cama Road.2003 to take immediate cognizance of the complaints and grievances of the people. Mumbai High Court. If a officer is purposely making a delay in decision making or avoiding decision making on application. 3. Departments Government of Maharashtra General Administration Department Government Circular No. To expedite the working and decision making in the matters of people received by Govt. Mumbai through writ petition no. Hutatma Rajguru Chowk. duties & transfers of Govt. Dept. Hon.. Lok Ayukta.08. Chief Minister Secretary of Hon. 6. Circular. As per the provisions made in the Govt. Govt. 2005 dtd.. Above notices/suggestions should be strictly followed on each & every step/level. should report to Dept. But it has been to come to the notice of the Hon. Mumbai Administrator.7. etc. 18th January 2013 Foreword:S u g g e s t i o n s / N o t i c e s a re g ive n t h ro u gh Government Circular. 2013/Ref. 4. Website :. Head as to whether the action has been taken or not on the complaints / applications mentioned / noted in the above register. General Administration Department _________ dtd.E. Maharashtra State. In any circumstances a final decision should be taken & final answer should be given to the applicant on this application within 4 weeks from the date of filing petition/ appeal in the court. In the above mentioned point no. 1. Vidhansabha. Circular 1. A particular time period to finalize the complaint has been fixed in Section 10. By Govt.maharashtra. Government of Maharashtra Sd/(Jayant Kumar Banthiya) Chief Secretary CC. Employees. Mumbai-400 032 dtd. Deputy Chief Minister All Upper Secretaries/Chief Secretaries of Mantralaya Administrator. A monthly review should be taken by the Dept.2010 a final decision must be taken within 12 weeks on the applicants complaint/request recd. For example Collector / C. is 201301181102551007 By order. Circular is available on Govt. Secretary. Governor. In exceptional circumstances in a particular case explanation must be given to the applicant as to why the decision could not be taken within 12 weeks. Governor Chief Secretary of Hon. Mumbai 2. Mumbai High Court. Naupada. BCC. 9769088340.D. Khalid Barudgar (Architect ). Prajakt Patil ( Architect ). Tendering & Contractor selection.KIND ATTENTION ALL THE MEMBERS OF CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETIES!!! WE PROVIDE FOLLOWING SERVICES FOR STRUCTURAL AUDIT. Defect Liability period.. Mr. Bill check. Mr. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT LIASONING WORK : Liasoning work for procuring documents from various Governments. Nagar. Mr. Call: . Legal Service. Harshal Patil ( MCGM License Surveyor & Civil Engineer ). Call 9769088340 ANDHERI OFFICE: 73. REPAIRS. Mr.T. Supervision. Civil from VJTI ) Mr. Tech Structures (IIT Mumbai) Call: 9821038065. Architects & Structural Engineers Mr. Societies Member of : Practicing Engineers Architects and Town Planner Association (PEATA). CC. Architectural Planning & Designing. Municipal License Structural Engineer & Surveyor Project Management Consultants.9821367035 Call our 15 Years Experienced Engineers for best Technical advice & prompt Economical service. Retrofitting.op.B. Liasoning work for Plan approval. Feasibility Report. Tendering & Contractor selection. Civil ). Tendering & Developer selection. Thane (W) . Civil from VJTI). 9769088250 Email: vastu_associates@yahoo. 9821535291. [email protected]. Hsg. Quality Control. MCGM department for Co. haarshaal@gmail. Structural stability certificate. E. D/2. Vakola. Supervision & Quality Control. TECHNICAL LEGAL SERVICE : Legal Service provides for Society documentation by our Advocates. Samir Sayyed (B. Amit Thakur ( B. Andheri-Kurla Rd. Structural Audit. Defect Liability period. RETRO-FITTINGS & REDEVELOPMENT. Shivaji Nagar. J. Santacruz (E). E. OC etc. Nikhil Pimputkar ( Structural Engineer ) (B. Nehru Road. Government department Liasoning work. IOD. Estimation of Repairs & 9821367035. MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 31 February 2013 . Government department Liasoning work. THANE OFFICE: 602. Defect Liability period OUR SCOPE IN SELF REDEVELOPMENT WORK : Legal Service. Jogiya Society. Ekatmata Nagar. Technical & Economical Repairs. Damodar Niwas. Supervision & Quality Control. ‘B’ Cabin.9821535291 SANTACRUZ OFFICE: B -106. Structural Designing. Feasibility Report. Financing project. OUR SCOPE IN REDEVELOPMENT WORK : Legal Service. OUR SCOPE IN REPAIR WORK : N. Andheri (E). We have expressed our support to the Co-Operative Department and we hereby request all the members of the forum to kindly leave the details of society and its Hon' Secretary/Chairman to whomever they know in following format: Sr. which we are submitting them during this period. No. We also appreciate his sincere concerns towards the participation of Co-operative Housing Societies to make the above said drive grand success. & Date Name and Contact No of Chairman and Secretary Number of Members Is conveyance Done or Not Building Photo Last Audit Period Reply You can mail the above sought information to mswa. It further gives us a great pleasure to submit that this is the first time we are heartedly supporting the movement of the State Government and your Department. MSWA IMPORTANT NOTE: 1) 2) We are supporting them to understand later how many societies are getting OC and Conveyance in year 2013 from the list. Ramesh S. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Particulars Name of the Society Address of the society Registration No.Initiative by CM Prithviraj chavan We appreciate the measures /steps initiated by our Hon'ble Chief Minister in the interest of co-operative housing societies across the Mumbai region by taking the decision to undertake a SPECIAL DRIVE from 15th December 2012 to 30th June 2013 with a view to confer upon the Co-Operative Housing Societies the legal right of land from the developers. You can update the information by visiting Website link or fill the Society information by taking Xerox of the contents of the webs ite link http://societywelfare. which is indeed the demand of present time and is in the interest of all the Cooperative Housing Societies across the Mumbai and Mumbai Suburban District & Maharashtra.SOCIETY INFORMATION DRIVE . Prabhu Chairman.aspx & Send it to our Your email will help us to support the government in their drive which is for the good cause and in the interest of Co-Operative Housing [email protected] & mswahousing@gmail. For More details Contact – 022 -42551414 MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 32 February 2013 . Stability certificate on completion.TO MAKE IT TO SUCH BUILDING REPAIRS. Conduction of NON – DESTRUCTIVE TESTS (Ultra Pulse & Rebound Hammer test) Tender document formulation. No. STR/S/197) Services offered in most reasonable terms: STRUCTURAL AUDIT / BUILDING REPAIRS · · · · · · Detail Structural survey / Audit of the building. 1st Floor. Lohiya Nagar. Francis BUILDING REPAIR / REDEVELOPMENT B. 9821604948 MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 33 February 2013 . St. Suggesting cost estimation preferring economical & Effective remedial ways. Day to day site supervision.. Mumbai . Tel.M. WATER PROOFING & PAINTING JUST DO THE MUMBAI’S MOST RELIABLE ONE OUR SERVICE AT MOST AFFORDABLE PRICE Free Inspection. Mumbai . guidance to contractor while executions of repair work.108.56 Mob. 9821604948 / 9323234747. Architects. 100% Relief from Leakages. REDEVELOPMENT: · · · · · Feasibility survey of the society building. APPROVED P. Oshiwara. (BMC PANEL STRUCTURAL ENGINEER REGD.C.102. Mega mall.MC. Opp. 022-32159649 Office : 302. selecting best & competitive bidder on behalf of society. Preparation of Tender document for Developers / builders Supervision / quality control during execution work Legal consultancy towards redevelopment work Redevelopment Panel consists of Structural Engineer. Mahatrangan Bldg.. Tel No. 9324561022. Vile Parle [W]. Free Estimate & Technical Advice . Our Service with a team of qualified and expereinced Artisans & Engineers SPECIALIST IN : ¥ Building Structural Repairs With Polymer Concrete ¥ Polymer Coating Stop Heavy Water Leakages / Seepages with / Without Breaking Building Side Walls & Terrace ¥ Painting ¥ Water proofing ¥ Plastering ¥ Plumbing ¥ Flooring ¥ Torchshield Membranes Water proofing ¥ General Civil Jobs ¥ Interior Works Service Guarantee Agreement Period of 5-10 Years Since 1970 Experience is new way A QUALITY PROMISE FROM ECOTECH ENTERPRISES Room No. And Legal Consultants ANY ENQUIRY CALL US. ‘A’ Bldg. Jogeshwari (W). : 022 6500 1302 Email : structcureengi@gmail. 07 BS .AVAILABILITY OF .42551414 BOOK NO.08 BS .FAQ PAAA Bye .Laws Marathi Housing Manual .03 BS .10 BS .Tender Process Redevelopment .Laws English Bye .36% Service Tax ` 3000/.23 BS .24 BS .14 BS .FAQ Redevelopment .05 BS .022 .Preparation Redevelopment .Marathi / English HSG. Societies FAQ . Duties Circular of Housing Societies Indemnity Bond Rights and Duties of Members Managers Manual Election Rules Minutes Writing Secretarial Manual Sinking Funds Deemed Conveyance .18 BS .Marathi / English ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` 500 150 120 100 100 50 120 100 100 50 80 150 150 150 50 120 50 100 80 50 120 80 50 150 100 80 40 30 100 200 PERIOD 1 YEAR 3 YEAR 5 YEAR FOR SOCIETY & INDIVIDUAL ` 1000/.02 FAQ .Documentation Associate Member .13 BS .29 FAQ .+ 12.BOOKS .13 BS .11 BS .21 BS .+ 12.20 BS .06 BS .19 BS .26 BS .36% Service Tax ` 2000/.Rights.09 BS .04 BS .22 BS .02 BS .12 BS .+ 12. TITLE OF THE BOOKS PRICE BS .15 BS .15A Deemed Conveyance Recovery of Dues Practical guide on Stamp Duty Registration of Documents Registration of Housing Society Statutory Obligation of Society Transfer of Flat Parking Rules & Regulations Nomination & Will Burning Issues Leave & License Redevelopment .36% Service Tax = ` 1124/= ` 2248/= ` 3371/- MSWA’s Housing Societies Review 34 February 2013 . Tel. Mumbai . Road. V.400058. Empower. : 022-42551414 Email: PRABHU ASSOCIATES Specialized in Accounts & Income Tax Our Services Ø Society Accounting Ø Society Monthly/Quarterly Bills & Receipts Ø TDS Returns Ø Service tax calculation & filing Returns Ø Company Formation Ø Partnership Firm Registration Ø Income tax returns of all types Ø Annual return filing with ROC Contact us A/2 . Andheri (West) Mumbai +91 9819513758 ." Your preferred PMC from Concept to Completion. S. Above Golden Gate Hotel.400 058. Sagar Avenue. Enrich Contact us: info@redconsult. Laram Sunder Rajan . Andher (West).9820131759 / 022 .302.2620 5701 202. Conveyance to Construction” With a Solid Experience of over 25 Redevelopment Projects” REDEVELOPMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES Educate. With RCS www. above ICICI Bank. Tel. MH/MR/N/ 79 /MBI/13-15 Posting At : Mumbai Patrika Channel. Date of Publication : 10th of Every Month Posting Date : 10th & 11th of Every Month For more details contact : 022 .: 022 . 26248589 / 65 or For more information visit : www. . GPO.mswahousing.Postal Registration No. Mumbai.42551414 / 26248589 / 65.
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