Msfc Std 2903b

March 24, 2018 | Author: brow69691 | Category: Marshall Space Flight Center, Electrostatic Discharge, Technology, Engineering, Science



Downloaded from NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE National Aeronautics and Space Administration George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama 35812 MSFC-STD-2903 REVISION B EFFECTIVE DATE: June 21, 2006 QD01 MULTIPROGRAM/PROJECT COMMON-USE DOCUMENT MSFC TAILORING GUIDE FOR NASA-STD-8739.3, SOLDERED ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited. CHECK THE MASTER LIST— VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE MSFC - Form 454 (Rev. October 1992) Replaced O-T-620 with ASTM D4126. Reformatted document to new template. CHECK THE MASTER LIST VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE .: MSFC-STD-2903 Revision: B Effective Date: June Title: MSFC Tailoring Guide for NASA-STD-8739.3. Deleted MIL-C-85447 since it has been canceled without replacement. Updated “SCOPE” to reflect changes due to reorganizations of the Safety & Mission Assurance (S&MA) and Engineering Directorates. Replaced MIL-STD-1686 with ASNI/ESD S20. Updated “APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS” to remove canceled.Downloaded from http://www. or add replacement documents. 2006 Page 2 of 8 DOCUMENT HISTORY LOG Status (Baseline/ Revision/ Canceled) Document Revision Effective Date Description Baseline Revision A 2/5/99 4/18/05 Revision B 06/21/06 Initial Release Updated document per NASA Headquarters Rules Review. Soldered Electrical Connections Multiprogram/Project Common-Use Document QD01 Document No. which supersedes O-T-620.6.everyspec. Updated “Training Resources” information in paragraph 5.20-1999. 3.everyspec. Soldered Electrical Connections Multiprogram/Project Common-Use Document QD01 Document No. 2006 Page 3 of 8 FOREWORD This standard sets forth the MSFC tailoring requirements for NASA-STD-8739. These requirements shall be invoked by drawings and specifications for flight hardware and critical support equipment. CHECK THE MASTER LIST VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE .3.: MSFC-STD-2903 Revision: B Effective Date: June 21.Downloaded from Title: MSFC Tailoring Guide for NASA-STD-8739. ............ 4..................................................................................2 FOREWORD .....................................6 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS.............. SCOPE ..................................................5 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS Title: MSFC Tailoring Guide for NASA-STD-8739.........................................................................................................6 NOTES.......Downloaded from http://www.............................................................................................5 DEFINITIONS............................ 5............................................................8 CHECK THE MASTER LIST VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE ................3 1.................: MSFC-STD-2903 Revision: B Effective Date: June 21........................ 3...................... Soldered Electrical Connections Multiprogram/Project Common-Use Document QD01 Document No................................................................ 2006 Page 4 of 8 CONTENTS PARAGRAPH PAGE DOCUMENT HISTORY LOG .............. 2......................6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ..................everyspec............................................................... 6.............................................................. 2006 Page 5 of 8 1.1 Scope. Soldered Electrical Connections.3. This tailoring guide was prepared jointly by the Safety.2 NASA Document Number NASA-STD-8739. Trichlorotrifluoroethane Trichloroethane 1.3 Title Soldered Electrical Connections Military Standards. Electronic. 1 (Methyl Chloroform) Inhibited. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices) Document Number ANSI/ESD S20.3.everyspec. Title Requirements for Electrostatic Discharge Control Document Number MSFC-RQMT-2918 2. Packaging & Assembly Branch of the Instrument & Payload Systems Department.1. and Electromechanical (EEE) Parts.201999 2. This tailoring guide sets forth the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) exceptions to the use of NASA-STD-8739. 1.3 2.4 American National Standards Institute. This guide shall be used on contracts and for in-house work.5 American Society for Testing and Materials Title Vapor-Degreasing Grade and General Solvent Grade 1. December 1997. 2. Title ESD Association Standard for the Development of an Electrostatic Discharge Control Program for –Protection of Electrical and Electronic Title: MSFC Tailoring Guide for NASA-STD-8739. SCOPE 1. Reliability & Quality Assurance (SR&QA) Policy and Assessment Department and the Electrical. Soldered Electrical Connections Multiprogram/Project Common-Use Document QD01 Document No.: MSFC-STD-2903 Revision: B Effective Date: June 21.Downloaded from http://www. Vapor Degreasing Document Number MIL-C-81302 MIL-T-81533 2. Solvent. Title Cleaning Compound.1Trichloroethane Document Number ASTM D4126 CHECK THE MASTER LIST VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE . 5.2 Exclude paragraph Title: MSFC Tailoring Guide for NASA-STD-8739. 5.Downloaded from http://www.3. or a documented audit of actual work performed.everyspec. Electronic.2 and replace with the following: "Recertification shall include demonstration of proficiency.: MSFC-STD-2903 Revision: B Effective Date: June 21.1.3 shall apply: 5. Reliability.d to require recertification every three years. Demonstration of proficiency shall be accomplished by retraining/retest. Soldered Electrical Connections Multiprogram/Project Common-Use Document QD01 Document No.1 Acronyms used in this standard.4 Exclude paragraph 5.4. and Quality Assurance 4. sample preparation/inspection. exclude "Level B"." 5. The recertification procedure shall be documented by the supplier.6. Certification Levels. CHECK THE MASTER LIST VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE . and Electromechanical Electrostatic Discharge Marshall Space Flight Center Plated-Thru-Hole Printed Wiring Board Safety. 2006 Page 6 of 8 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS None.3 In paragraph 5.1 In paragraph 5. 5.6.2. change the vision test frequency to every 3 years. DEFINITIONS 3.5 Modify paragraph 5.a. The acronyms used in this standard are defined as follows: ANSI ASTM EEE ESD MSFC PTH PWB SR&QA American National Standards Institute American Society for Testing and Materials Electrical. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS The following exceptions to NASA-STD-8739. 10 Replace paragraph 8.” 5. ESD requirements shall be in accordance with ANSI/ESD S20.everyspec. This program shall define the ESD control requirements for any activity that tests. b.4. services. labels or otherwise processes ESD sensitive parts or assemblies. or KNI-2000 shall be acceptable provided other compatible solvents are used to remove their residue. 5. CHECK THE MASTER LIST VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE .7 titled “Training Resources” with the following: “Training shall be obtained from a school approved by a technical advisor and the MSFC Certifying Officer.-C-81302.7 Trichlorotrifluoroethane (MII.4 with the following: "Swage type terminals that are mounted in a PTH shall be secured to the PWB by an elliptical funnel swage to permit complete filling of the PTH with solder. Electrostatic Discharge Requirements. All personnel who handle static-sensitive parts and assemblies shall have been trained in the proper procedures and in the use of appropriate protective equipment to prevent ESD damage.1-Trichloroethane (MIL-T-81533 and ASTM D4126) may be used until supplies on-hand are depleted and if allowed by Title: MSFC Tailoring Guide for NASA-STD-8739.13. Requirements for Electrostatic Discharge Control. manufacturers. Other bench cleaners may be used if data supporting their cleaning capability is submitted to the NASA procuring organization and they are approved prior to use.Downloaded from http://www.20-1999 or other approved ESD control procedures. Solvents and Cleaners: Cleaners Terpene or hydrocarbon bench cleaners Specification/Note (See 6. with the following: "The supplier shall implement an electrostatic discharge (ESD) Control Program.6) 5.11 Replace paragraph 11.: MSFC-STD-2903 Revision: B Effective Date: June 21.13. 2006 Page 7 of 8 5. Type II) and 1. Axarel 36.6 Replace paragraph 5.13.6 Terpene or hydrocarbon bench cleaners such as BioAct EC7-M.a with the following: "Functional PTH's on double-sided PWB's shall require the use of a filler wire as an interfacial connection".9 Add items 6 and 7 to paragraph 6.8 Add the following to bottom portion of Table 6-1. Contact the MSFC Certifying Officer within the Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) organization for an approved training school. 6.1. (See Figure 8-4." 5.3.2.)" 5. packages. Soldered Electrical Connections Multiprogram/Project Common-Use Document QD01 Document No. Solvents and Cleaners as shown below: a.3. inspects.13.2.7 Replace paragraph 6. installs. ESD requirements for MSFC in-house work shall be in compliance with MSFC-RQMT2918. 6. 3.6." 6. 2006 Page 8 of 8 5. CHECK THE MASTER LIST VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE .1 with the following: "Separation of conductor pattern from substrate except lifting of pads after PTH soldering shall be acceptable if the pad is not lifted more than .com Title: MSFC Tailoring Guide for NASA-STD-8739.12 Replace paragraph 13. Soldered Electrical Connections Multiprogram/Project Common-Use Document QD01 Document No.2.everyspec.001 inch half-way to the hole. NOTES This document replaces MSFC-STD-2903 dated April 18. 2005.: MSFC-STD-2903 Revision: B Effective Date: June 21.c.Downloaded from http://www. ..... N/A 02/15/07 (FINAL) ................................ CHG NO....... CHG REV CHG NOTICE RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER MARK STRICKLAND GOGGANS ACTION DATE 02/12/99 02/22/07 DOCUMENT RELEASED THRU PDS...... NO LONGER TRACKED IN ICMS..............everyspec.....................3...MSFC-STD-2903 PACKAGE NO..... .....Downloaded from http://www. I0443R MSFC CODE IDENT 14981/339B2 ISSUE D_E FEB22 2007 C H * 202 DOCUMENTATION RELEASE LIST GEORGE C............................................. SOLDERED 000-00-0000 DOCUMENT ITtrMBER MSFC-STD-2903 DRLDRL DSH REV 202 MSFC TAILORING GUIDE CONNECTIONS RESPONSIBLE ORGANIZATION CR30 EO03 FOR ELECTRICAL TITLE FILE NO....................................... * 1 DCN000 EUGENA CHECKER ...... PCN PC EFFECTIVITY 0000000 ZA NONE .............. MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CEN_ER DR060PR0 PAGE1 CCBD NO... Downloaded from DOCUMENTATION PACKAGE/ROUTING REPORT PACKAGE NO: I0443R LAST UPDATED: 02/22/07 DRI20PR0PAGE 1 02/22/07 PROGRAM/PROJECT: MULTI NOMENCLATURE: MSFC-STDGOING TONONE EFFECTIVITY ECR NO: PCN: EO03-0000 0000000 CCBD NO: DATE PREPARED: 000-00-0000 SB3-00-0000 02122107 DWG SIZE DRAWING NUMBER DWG REV EPL/DRL/DDS NUMBER MSFC-HDBK-1453 MSFC-HDBK-1674 MSFC-HDBK-2221 MSFC-HDBK-505 MSFC-HDBK-670 MSFC-MNL-1951 MSFC-PROC-1301 MSFC-PROC-1721 MSFC-PROC-!83! MSFC-PROC-1832 MSFC-PROC-404 MSFC-PROC-547 MSFC-QPL-1918 MSFC-RQMT-1282 MSFC-SPEC-II98 MSFC-SPEC-1238 MSFC-SPEC-1443 MSFC-SPEC-164 MSFC-SPEC-1870 MSFC-SPEC-1918 MSFC-SPEC-1919 MSFC-SPEC-2083 MSFC-SPEC-2223 MSFC-SPEC-2489 MSFC-SPEC-2490 MSFC-SPEC-2491 MSFC-SPEC-2492 MSFC-SPEC-2497 MSFC-SPEC-250 MSFC-SPEC-445 MSFC-SPEC-504 MSFC-SPEC-521 MSFC-SPEC-548 MSFC-SPEC-560 MSFC-SPEC-626 MSFC-SPEC-684 MSFC-SPEC-708 MSFC-SPEC-766 MSFC-STD-1249 MSFC-STD-1800 MSFC-STD-246 MSFC-STD-2594 DWG REV EPL DSH 202 202 203 202 202 209 202 202 202 202 202 202 204 202 202 202 202 202 202 203 206 202 202 206 205 203 203 211 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 203 EPL REV -.everyspec. - EO DASH EO REV PART NUMBER NUMBER . com DOCUMENTATION PACKAGE/ROUTING REPORT PACKAGE NO:I0443R DWG DRAWING SIZE NUMBER _DWG REV EPL/DRL/DDS NUMBER MSFC-STD-2903 MSFC-STD-2904 MSFC-STD-2905 MSFC-STD-2906 MSFC-STD-2907 MSFC-STD-366 MSFC-STD-383 MSFC-STD-486 MSFC-STD-506 MSFC-STD-531 MSFC-STD-557 MSFC-STD-561 MSFC-STD-781 DWG EPLEPL REV DSH REV 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 203 202 202 203 202 02/22/07 DR120PR0 PAGE 2 EODASHEO NUMBER KEY PART NUMBER SUBMITTED BYENGINEERING AREA: EO03 PREPARED BY: EUGENA GOGGANS 12/19/06 REMARKS: BASICCHANGE PARTIAL COMPLETE CLOSES ACTION X X EO03 SUBMITTED BY: CONCURRENCE: TRANSMITTAL DATES TORELEASE DESK 02/22/0710:00 TOMSFC DOC REP 02/22/0700:00 3_D .Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.
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