MSDS of stadis-450.pdf

March 25, 2018 | Author: Tirumal rao | Category: Firefighting, Toxicity, Benzene, Vomiting, Hypothermia



Stadis® 450 Conductivity Improver(DINNSA Stabilizer) STADIS® is a registered trademark of Octel Starreon LLC Material Safety Data Sheet 1 Company Identification Octel Starreon LLC 8375 S. Willow Street Littleton, CO 80124 Product information 1-800-441-9547 In Case of Emergency Call Chemtrec 1-800-424-9300 2 Composition / Ingredient Information Material CAS Number % *Toluene ..................................................................108-88-3 ................................. 40-50 *(Benzene).........................................................71-43-2 ............................... <0.0595 Isopropyl Alcohol .....................................................67-63-0 ........................................ <5 NJ Trade Secret #35-1927749-5457 ......................................................................... 1-10 NJ Trade Secret #35-1927749-5037 ....................................................................... 10-20 Dinonylnaphthylsulfonic Acid (DINNSA) ..................25322-17-2 ............................... 5-15 Heavy Aromatic Naphtha.........................................64742-94-5 ............................. 15-25 *(Naphthalene)...................................................91-20-3 ........................................ <3 *Disclosure as a toxic chemical is required under Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372. 3 Hazardous Identification Potential Health Effects Skin contact with the product may cause skin irritation with discomfort or rash. Skin contact with the product ingredients may cause defatting of the skin resulting in irritation with discomfort and rash. There are rare inconclusive reports of human sensitization from skin contact with Isopropyl Alcohol. Significant skin permeation after contact appears unlikely. Eye contact with the product ingredients may cause eye irritation with discomfort, tearing, or blurring of vision. Exposure by inhalation to the product components may cause irritation of the upper respiratory passages, with coughing and discomfort; or possibly modest initial symptoms of lung irritation followed in hours by severe shortness of breath requiring prompt medical attention. Inhalation may also cause nonspecific discomfort such as nausea, headache or weakness; or temporary nervous system Stadis 450 Conductivity Improver Revised 4/30/02 Page 1 of 8 Octel Starreon Higher or prolonged exposures may lead to abnormal liver or kidney function as detected by laboratory tests. Because of the danger of aspiration. Pulmonary edema or bleeding. Carcinogenicity Information The components are listed by IARC. Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal tract irritation with upper abdominal pain. Aspiration of this product into the lungs during ingestion or vomiting may result in “chemical pneumonia”. confusion. Symptoms may develop immediately or as late as 24 hours after the exposure depending on how much material entered the lungs. Notes to Physicians Activated charcoal mixture may be administered. there may be no symptoms at all. decreased pulse rate and blood pressure or fatality from gross overexposure. headache. liver or kidneys may have increased susceptibility to the toxicity of excessive exposures. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. gasping. incoordination and loss of consciousness. remove to fresh air.OSHA. bone marrow. Eye Contact In case of contact immediately. Administer 5 ml/kg or 350 ml for an average adult. A “P” indicates a proposed carcinogen. cardiovascular system.depression with anesthetic effects such as dizziness. To prepare activated charcoal mixture. Symptoms include coughing. Steroid therapy in mild to moderate cases does not improve outcome. bluish discoloration of the skin. give oxygen.NTP. do not induce vomiting. If not breathing. However. Skin Contact Flush skin with water after contact.ACGIH as carcinogens. coma and seizures may occur in more serious cases. choking. shortness of breath. temporary alteration of the heart’s electrical activity with irregular pulse. but prophylactic antibiotics are not indicated and should be reserved for documented bacterial pneumonia. drowsiness. Call a physician. Call a physician. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. If breathing is difficult. suspend 50 grams activated charcoal in 400-ml water and mix thoroughly. palpitations or inadequate circulation. Call a physician. emesis or gastric lavage should not be employed unless the risk is justified by the presence of additional toxic substances. Activated charcoal may induce vomiting. Allow victim to rinse his mouth and then to drink 2-4 cupfuls of water. Bacterial pneumonia often occurs after exposure. Individual with preexisting diseases of the central nervous system. rapid breathing and heart rate and fever. “heart burn”. Ingestion If swallowed. flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Material BENZENE IARC X NTP X OSHA X ACGIH X Octel Starreon controls the following materials as potential carcinogens: BENZENE 4 First Aid Measures Inhalation If inhaled. Stadis 450 Conductivity Improver Revised 4/30/02 Page 2 of 8 Octel Starreon . vomiting and diarrhea. give artificial respiration. confusion. nausea. Epidemiologic studies demonstrate significant risk of neurological effects attributable to toluene overexposure. but may be given after emesis or lavage to absorb toxic additives. PMCC Autoignition..... Soak up with sawdust.. Unless released material is immediately cleaned up for reprocessing.. Store in accordance with National Fire Protection Association recommendations. Use appropriate PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT during clean up.5 Fire Fighting Measures Flammable Properties Flash Point . recycling or reuse. Foam. Wear full protective equipment. a release of 100 lbs.... flame.. sparks.. 6°C (42°F) Method .. Prevent material from entering sewers.. sparks and flames. sand. Use of non-sparking and explosion-proof equipment may be necessary depending on type of operation. Keep container tightly closed..... Wash thoroughly after handling. 7 Handling and Storage Handling (Personnel) Avoid breathing vapors or mist. 6 Accidental Release Measures Note: Review FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES and HANDLING (PERSONNEL) SECTIONS before proceeding with clean up.. 440°C (824°F) (estimated) Flammable liquid. Spill Clean-Up Soak up with sawdust. Dike spill.. Vapor forms explosive mixture with air.. Cool tank/container with water spray to absorb much of the heat and to keep exposed material from being damaged by the fire. Accidental Release Measures Spills are very slippery and should be cleaned up promptly. may trigger reporting requirements of CERCLA Section 103. Handling (Physical Aspects) Keep away from heat... Avoid contact with eyes. skin...... Ground container when pouring.... Stadis 450 Conductivity Improver Revised 4/30/02 Page 3 of 8 Octel Starreon .. waterways. sparks and flames.... CO2.... Remove source of heat.. sand. or electricity.. Storage Store in a well-ventilated place.. Keep away from heat. friction.... impact. oil dry or other absorbent material.. or low areas.. Dry Chemical. oil dry or other absorbent material. Fire Fighting Instructions Wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Extinguishing Media Water Spray. or clothing.... . 8 hr.... 1... 300 mg/m3............... 50 ppm.......... ACTION LEVEL TLV (ACGIH) ..... TLV (ACGIH) ...................... None established TLV (ACGIH) .......230 mg/m3 (Notice of intended changes for 2002: 200 ppm TWA..................... 200 ppm............ Respirators Where there is potential for airborne exposures in excess of applicable limits... 300 ppm..... 400 ppm STEL............5 ppm.. 980 mg/m3....... max.. 50 ppm. 8 mg/m3 Skin........ 8 hr................ 400 ppm................... 1 ppm.......... None established AEL* (Octel Starreon).......... TWA................................................... TWA 5 ppm........6 mg/m3. 0..... 8 hr.......................................... Keep container tightly closed... wear NIOSH/MSHA approved respiratory protection.............. Personal Protective Equipment Eye/Face Protection Wear coverall chemical splash goggles or safety glasses........ 1. TWA...... 188 mg/m3........ 400 ppm....... 8 hr............. TWA Heavy Aromatic Naphtha: PEL(OSHA) .......... TWA STEL 500 ppm..... pants......... 983 mg/m3....... 8 hr......... Exposure Limits Toluene: PEL(OSHA) ............. A1................... BEI AEL* (Octel Starreon)............................. TWA ......... 8 hr...... 50 ppm.. TWA TLV (ACGIH) ... Skin A4......5 ppm. 500 ppm...... BEI AEL* (Octel Starreon)......... 400 ppm....5 ppm.........8 Exposure Controls Engineering Controls Use only with adequate ventilation.................... STEL 2........................... 10 min... 8 hr.......... A4) AEL* (Octel Starreon)....................... TWA Isopropyl Alcohol: PEL(OSHA) .............. TWA Stadis 450 Conductivity Improver Revised 4/30/02 Page 4 of 8 Octel Starreon ... 8 & 12 hr..... 8 & 12 hr. TWA Benzene: PEL(OSHA) ... 8 & 12 hr........... hood and jacket................. STEL 0... Protective Clothing Where there is potential for skin contact have available and wear as appropriate Impervious gloves... 1 ppm.. Ceiling ........ apron.......... .............. None established The “skin” notation following the exposure guideline refers to the potential for dermal absorption of the material...... A4 AEL* (Octel Starreon).. It is intended to alert the reader that inhalation may not be the only route of exposure and that measures to minimize dermal exposure should be considered * AEL is Octel Starreon’s acceptable exposure limit....... A4 10 ppm............... 7.. 11 Toxicological Information Animal Data Toluene: Inhalation 4 hour ALC.... IBP 90°C (194°F) @ 760 mm Hg Evaporation Rate................................................/gal @ 60°F (16°C) Solubility in water........ 0...................Naphthalene: PEL (OSHA) ......4........... Incompatibility None reasonably foreseeable.. Skin................................000 ppm in rats Skin absorption LD50 ...................... Liquid Odor ..... 10 ppm.........12.. 50 mg/m3...... Decomposition Decomposes with heat............. TWA TLV (ACGIH) ....5...................... Decomposition products formed: SO2....92 @ 60/60°F (16/16°C) Density ..580 mg/kg in rats Stadis 450 Conductivity Improver Revised 4/30/02 Page 5 of 8 Octel Starreon ...... 79 mg/m3...... Slight Boiling Point ................ such limits shall take precedence.......... Polymerization Polymerization will not occur........................... Toluene Specific Gravity.... 8 hr TWA. Where governmentally imposed occupational exposure limits which are lower than the AEL are in effect. 9 Physical and Chemical Properties Physical Data Appearance ......7 lbs.... Clear Dark Amber Form ......... >1 (Butyl Acetate = 1) 10 Stability and Reactivity Chemical Stability Stable at normal temperatures and storage conditions................................... 52 mg/m3... 8 hr. STEL 15 ppm...............124 mg/kg in rabbits Oral ALD...................... .. Dogs administered 1... respiratory tract irritation. and thymus.. ataxia and loss of consciousness...... Isopropyl Alcohol is a mild skin irritant.. lungs... but is not a skin sensitizer in animals.. changes in motor activity......... and equilibrium disturbances......... and behavioral changes in newborn pups. anesthetic effects..700 mg/kg in rats Heavy Aromatic Naphtha: Inhalation 6 hour LC50 ....160 mg/kg in rabbits The product is a slight skin irritant in animals...900 ml/kg Oral LD50 .. and fatty degeneration of the liver. Repeated inhalation exposure caused reduced growth rate. is a mild eye irritant.... Heavy Aromatic Naphtha is a severe skin irritant.......... incoordination.. Single dermal application of a 70% solution showed significant skin absorption. excitement.... is a moderate eye irritant... gastrointestinal tract irritation... congestion in liver and spleen.. and tremors..12.... decreased motor performance... and microscopic and morphologic changes of the epithelian cells of the nose and middle ear mucosa. respiratory changes and cardiac sensitization... and effects on body weight gain and growth...... No animal Stadis 450 Conductivity Improver Revised 4/30/02 Page 6 of 8 Octel Starreon ........ liver and kidneys..... and symptoms associated with anesthesia............. Long term administration caused sluggishness. changes in the appearance of the stomach.. but only at maternally toxic dose levels............. anesthesia.... and is not a skin sensitizer in animals......>3.. and cracked skin.......4....Isopropyl Alcohol: Inhalation 4 hours LC50 ........300 mg/kg exhibited signs of drunkenness. Continued voluntary drinking of 2......... changes in blood tests... Isopropyl Alcohol does not produce genetic damage in bacterial or mammalian cell cultures... Tests in rats indicate that toluene may have developmental toxicity....16.. The effects in animals from single exposure include initially an excitatory response followed by various motor decrements.67 mg/L in rats Skin Absorption LD50.... decreased skin tone.. Other more extensive inhalation studies demonstrated no carcinogenic effects in animals.. Exposures resulted in weight loss... No adequate test reports are available to define carcinogenic hazards..... This material produced genetic damage in tests in animals and in human lymphocytes. but a Russian study reports genetic effects in non-reproductive cells of animals. Isopropyl Alcohol did not cause genetic damage in one animal study. No lung tumors were observed in a long-term inhalation exposure............. and increased relative liver weights.>11.......5% aqueous Isopropyl Alcohol through two successive generations of rats produced no reproductive effects. The effects in animals from single exposure by inhalation include decreased activity..... hypothermia.. and a reversible increase in liver and kidney weights. and is untested for animal sensitization. Repeated dermal exposure caused dryness.. Repeated administration of approximately 6 g/kg in rats demonstrated no effects on growth of liver weights.... One published study reports limited data suggesting long-term ingestion of 500 mg/kg of toluene caused increased malignant tumors in rats. as evidenced by reduced litter size. Repeated exposures in the range of 10 to 60 times the TLV resulted in hearing loss..... weight changes. Toxicity described in animals from a single ingestion of near lethal doses include incoordination decreased activity. Long term dermal applications of a 50% solution to the face of rats resulted in no adverse effects. Acceptable tests in animals for reproductive effects have not been performed.. disorientation..... is an eye irritant.. Developmental toxicity was observed in animals exposed to Isopropyl Alcohol.... Reduced sperm counts have been reported..... lowered average birth weight of pups............. It does not produce heritable genetic damage.. and nonspecific changes such as lethargy.000 ppm in rats Skin absorption LD50 ... lacrimation.. Repeated exposures resulted in narcosis........ Longer-term inhalation exposures resulted in decreased body weight.... Toluene is a slight skin irritant... kidneys.. slight redness.. A single exposure produced inflammation of lungs.... peeling.. and increased lung weights. . No IMO Label ...... State/Provincial and Local regulations. N... (Toluene.......... DOT Label (s) ........ No................. 12 Ecological Information 96 hour LC50........... Reported/Included Stadis 450 Conductivity Improver Revised 4/30/02 Page 7 of 8 Octel Starreon . 14 Shipping Information DOT Proper Shipping Name ........ No Reportable Quantity..... This material may be a RCRA regulated hazardous waste upon disposal due to the ignitability characteristic.......................... Flammable Liquid..................... II Marine Pollutant....................... Isopropanol) Hazard Class ..D..... UN 1993 Packing Group.......D........test reports are available to define carcinogenic.. Flash Point 6°C Marine Pollutant...S. (UN/NA) ...... Flammable Liquid Shipping Containers Steel Drums UN1A1/Y/100 (phenolic lined) 15 US Federal Regulations TSCA Inventory Status .....S............... storage............. N...............O............... Toluene 1000 lbs.......... and disposal must be in accordance with applicable Federal....................... Flammable Liquid IMO Proper Shipping Name ................. Flammable Liquid........ mutagenic.... Isopropanol) Hazard Class ......................... No........................................... (UN/NA) ..... transportation...... (Toluene............ 3 I.... fathead minnow: 12 mg/L 13 Disposal Considerations Waste Disposal Treatment.......................O. developmental or reproductive hazards.... UN 1993 Packing Group.......... II Special Information.. 3 I. Naphthalene 100 lbs.............................. ... a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer....... 2 Flammability .............Yes Reactivity .... 312 Acute.....Yes Fire.. Personal Protection rating to be supplied by user depending on uses conditions The data in this Material Safety Data Sheet relates only to the specific material designated herein and does not relate to use in combination with any other material or in any process. DE 19702 (800) 441-9547 or (302) 451-1362 Page 8 of 8 Octel Starreon .Yes Chronic..TITLE III HAZARD CLASSIFICATIONS SECTIONS 311.........................No 16 Other Information NPCA-HMIS Rating Health ...........No Pressure.. 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This product contains trace quantities (<600ppm) of Benzene................. 3 Reactivity ........... Responsibility for MSDS: Stadis 450 Conductivity Improver Revised 4/30/02 Ann Marie Williams Octel-Starreon LLC Newark...................
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