March 24, 2018 | Author: Dil Vasconcelos | Category: Personal Protective Equipment, Fires, Combustion, Chemistry, Waste



MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETHOLDFAST SG226 SYNTHETIC GRASS ADHESIVE Issue Date: 1st July 2013 Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: HOLDFAST ADHESIVES SG226 SYNONYMS: Adhesive PROPER SHIPPING NAME: ADHESIVES PRODUCT USE: The use of a quantity of material in an unventilated or confined space may result in increased exposure and an irritating atmosphere developing. Before starting consider control of exposure by mechanical ventilation. Adhesive for bonding synthetic grass. SUPPLIER: Holdfast Adhesives Pty Ltd Address: 90- 92 Bay Street, Botany NSW 2019 AUS Telephone: +61 2 9316 4655 Emergency Tel: +61 2 9316 4655 Fax: +61 2 9316 4223 Section 2 – HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION STATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS NATURE: HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE. DANGEROUS GOODS. According to the Criteria of NOHSC, and the ADG Code. POISONS SCHEDULE S5 RISK SAFETY: Highly flammable. Keep locked up. May cause CANCER. Keep away from sources of ignition. No smoking. May cause heritable genetic damage. Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapour/spray. Toxic to aquatic organisms - may cause longterm adverse effects in the aquatic environment. In case of insufficient ventilation wear suitable respiratory equipment. HARMFUL- May cause lung damage if swallowed. Use only in well ventilated areas. Keep container in a well ventilated place. Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use. To clean the floor and all objects contaminated by this material use water and detergent. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Keep away from food drink and animal feeding stuffs. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water and contact Doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Use appropriate container to avoid environmental contamination. Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets. This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste. Section 3 – COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS NAME: CAS RN % naphtha petroleum, light, hydrotreated 64742-49-0. 30-<50 other non hazardous ingredients 30-<50 Issue Date: 07/13 Page 1 Wear breathing apparatus plus protective gloves. Gloves: PVC chemical resistant type. Observe the patient carefully. Vapour may travel a considerable distance to source of ignition. When any large container (including road and rail tankers) is involved in a fire. oxidising acids. EYE: If this product comes in contact with the eyes: Wash out immediately with fresh running water. Respirator: Type ANO Filter of sufficient capacity Issue Date: 07/13 Page 2 . Heating may cause expansion or decomposition leading to violent rupture of containers. Ensure complete irrigation of the eye by keeping eyelids apart and away from eye and moving the eyelids by occasionally lifting the upper and lower lids. INHALED: If fumes or combustion products are inhaled remove from contaminated area.HOLDFAST ADHESIVES SG226 Section 4 – FIRST AID MEASURES SWALLOWED: If spontaneous vomiting appears imminent or occurs. Carbon dioxide. Other measures are usually unnecessary. i. lower than their hips to help avoid possible aspiration of vomiting. Contains low boiling substance: Closed containers may rupture due to pressure buildup under fire conditions. Dry chemical powder. May emit clouds of acrid smoke. FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARD: Liquid and vapour are highly flammable. SKIN: If skin or hair contact occurs: Flush skin and hair with running water (and soap if available). pool chlorine etc. Seek medical attention in event of irritation. lean patient forward or place on left side (head-down position. HAZCHEM: 3YE PERSONAL PROTECTION: Glasses: Safety Glasses. If pain persists or recurs seek medical attention.e.e. Never give liquid to a person showing signs of being sleepy or with reduced awareness. Avoid giving milk or oils. Chemical goggles. If swallowed do NOT induce vomiting. if possible) to maintain open airway and prevent aspiration. Therefore emesis should not be induced mechanically or pharmacologically. other pyrolysis products typical of burning organic material. Combustion products include: carbon dioxide (CO2). spillage from entering drains or water course. hold patient's head down. Removal of contact lenses after an eye injury should only be undertaken by skilled personnel. Severe fire hazard when exposed to heat. Avoid giving alcohol. May be violently or explosively reactive. as ignition may result. nitrates. consider evacuation by 500 metres in all directions. flame and/or oxidisers. FIRE FIGHTING: Alert Fire Brigade and tell them location and nature of hazard. Section 5 – FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Alcohol stable foam. chlorine bleaches. FIRE INCOMPATIBILITY: Avoid contamination with oxidising agents i. NOTES TO PHYSICIAN: Any material aspirated during vomiting may produce lung injury. If vomiting occurs. becoming unconscious. by any means available. BCF (where regulations permit). Prevent. (23 C).HOLDFAST ADHESIVES SG226 Section 6 – ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MINOR SPILLS: Remove all ignition sources. Section 8 – EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EXPOSURE CONTROLS The following materials had no OELs on our records: naphtha petroleum. For manufactured product having a viscosity of at least o o 250 cSt. Plastic containers may only be used if approved for flammable liquid. spillage from entering drains or water courses. Ensure electrical continuity by bonding and grounding (earthing) all equipment. even those that have been emptied.0. Do NOT cut. drill. (ii) : Where a can is to be used as an inner package. weld or perform similar operations on or near containers. light. SUITABLE CONTAINER: Packing as supplied by manufacturer. Check for bulging containers.this may result in fire. including inhalation. For materials with a viscosity of at least 2680 cSt. No smoking.49. may contain explosive vapours. depressions. Restrict line velocity during pumping in order to avoid generation of electrostatic discharge (<=1 m/sec until fill pipe submerged to twice its diameter. Electrostatic discharge may be generated during pumping . Keep containers securely sealed. naked lights. Use in a well-ventilated area. Prevent by all means available. MAJOR SPILLS: Clear area of personnel and move upwind. STORAGE INCOMPATIBILITY: Avoid reaction with oxidising agents. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS: Store in original containers in approved flame-proof area. Control personal contact by using protective equipment. Wear protective clothing when risk of exposure occurs. Personal Protective Equipment advice is contained in Section 8 of the MSDS. DO NOT allow clothing wet with material to stay in contact with skin. DO NOT store in pits. Avoid breathing vapours and contact with skin and eyes. the can must have a screwed o enclosure. RESPIRATOR: Type ANO Filter of sufficient capacity Issue Date: 07/13 Page 3 . basements or areas where vapours may be trapped. For low viscosity materials (i) : Drums and jerry cans must be of the non-removable head type. Section 7 – HANDLING & STORAGE PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING: Containers. Contains low boiling substance: Storage in sealed containers may result in pressure buildup causing violent rupture of containers not rated appropriately. Prevent concentration in hollows and sumps. (23 C) Manufactured product that requires stirring before use and having a viscosity of at least 20 cSt (25 C). then <= 7 m/sec). grind. Clean up all spills immediately. heat or ignition sources. hydrotreated: CAS:64742. Alert Fire Brigade and tell them location and nature of hazard. Wear full body protective clothing with breathing apparatus. Avoid all personal contact. Avoid splash filling. Check that containers are clearly labelled and free from leaks. Vent periodically Always release caps or seals slowly to ensure slow dissipation of vapours. Wear safety footwear or safety gumboots. Employees should wash their hands and arms upon completion of the assigned task and before engaging in other activities not associated with the isolated system. with any sample ports or openings closed while the carcinogens are contained within. or long-sleeved shirt and pants). eg. Prior to removing protective garments the employee should undergo decontamination and be required to shower upon removal of the garments and hood. A written policy document. In the event of chemical exposure. mists and fumes.g. eg. supplied with potable water. Chemical goggles. [CDC NIOSH Current Intelligence Bulletin 59]. should be located near. Work should be undertaken in an isolated system such as a "glove-box" . and on the same level with locations where direct exposure is likely. Contact lenses may pose a special hazard. gloves.lens should be removed in a clean environment only after workers have washed hands thoroughly. chemical resistance of glove material. Issue Date: 07/13 Page 4 . Employees engaged in handling operations involving carcinogens should be provided with. A respirator affording higher levels of protection may be substituted. describing the wearing of lens or restrictions on use. begin eye irrigation immediately and remove contact lens as soon as practicable. glove thickness and dexterity. boots and continuous-air supplied hood. Factors such as: frequency and duration of contact. the carcinogen should be stored in sealed containers. Rubber. Overalls. impervious garments. to place used clothing and equipment in impervious containers at the point of exit for purposes of decontamination or disposal. should be created for each workplace or task. The contents of such impervious containers must be identified with suitable labels. PVC. within sight of. where rapid build up of concentrated atmosphere may occur. Emergency deluge showers and eyewash fountains. including gloves. or air purifying canisters or cartridges. PVC Apron.HOLDFAST ADHESIVES SG226 PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATOR Type ANO Filter of sufficient capacity EYE: Safety glasses with side shields. including piping systems. This should include a review of lens absorption and adsorption for the class of chemicals in use and an account of injury experience. and required to wear and use half-face filter-type respirators with filters for dusts. Wear chemical protective gloves. or enclosed in a closed system. Lens should be removed at the first signs of eye redness or irritation . For maintenance and decontamination activities. OTHER: Employees working with confirmed human carcinogens should be provided with. Within regulated areas. and be required to wear. Open-vessel systems are prohibited. overshoes) are not recommended as they may produce static electricity. Medical and first-aid personnel should be trained in their removal and suitable equipment should be readily available. soft contact lenses may absorb and concentrate irritants. Eyewash unit. HANDS/FEET: Suitability and durability of glove type is dependent on usage. PVC protective suit may be required if exposure severe. aprons. shoe covers and gloves prior to entering the regulated area. employees should be required to remove and leave protective clothing and equipment at the point of exit and at the last exit of the day. ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Employees exposed to confirmed human carcinogens should be authorized to do so by the employer. coveralls. and work in a regulated area. clean. full body protective clothing (smocks. could require increased ventilation and/or protective gear. authorized employees entering the area should be provided with and required to wear clean. Some plastic personal protective equipment (PPE) (e. Prior to each exit from an area containing confirmed human carcinogens. CARE: Use of a quantity of this material in confined space or poorly ventilated area. CHEMICAL STABILITY AND REACTIVITY INFORMATION CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO INSTABILITY: Presence of incompatible materials.62 Upper Explosive Limit (%): 13. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Liquid.May cause lung damage if swallowed. with prolonged contact causing inflammation.00 Autoignition Temp (°C): Not Available Decomposition Temp (°C): Not Available State: Liquid Viscosity: Not Available Section 10 .111. Section 11 – TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: ACUTE HEALTH EFFECTS CHRONIC HEALTH EFFECTS HARMFUL.Register of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances. with prolonged contact causing inflammation. HYDROTREATED: Unless otherwise specified data extracted from RTECS . May cause heritable genetic damage.HOLDFAST ADHESIVES SG226 Section 9 – PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE: Yellow highly flammable liquid with a hydrocarbon solvent odour.82 Solubility in water (g/L): Partly Miscible pH (as supplied): Not Available pH (1% solution): Not Available Vapour Pressure (kPa): 2. Molecular Weight: Not Applicable Boiling Range (°C): 56.Register of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances. NAPHTHA PETROLEUM. Hazardous polymerisation will not occur. The material may be irritating to the eye.Handling and Storage. Product is considered stable. The material may be irritating to the eye. No significant acute toxicological data identified in literature search. partly mixes with water. Repeated or prolonged exposure to irritants may produce conjunctivitis. Vapours may cause dizziness or suffocation.30 Lower Explosive Limit (%): 2.00 Melting Range (°C): Not Available Specific Gravity (water=1): ~0.5. May cause CANCER. LIGHT. Lifetime exposure of rodents to gasoline produces carcinogenicity although the relevance to humans has been questioned.47 @ 20C Volatile Component (%vol): Not Available Evaporation Rate: Not Available Relative Vapour Density (air=1): Not Available Flash Point (°C): <. Lifetime exposure of rodents to gasoline produces carcinogenicity. TOXICITY AND IRRITATION: Unless otherwise specified data extracted from RTECS . For incompatible materials . Gasoline induces kidney cancer in male rats as a consequence of accumulation of the alpha2-microglobulin protein in hyaline droplets in the male (but not female) rat kidney. Gasoline induces kidney cancer in male rats as a consequence of accumulation of the alpha2-microglobulin protein in hyaline droplets in the male (but not female) rat kidney.refer to Section 7 . Repeated or prolonged exposure to irritants may produce conjunctivitis. although the relevance to humans has been questioned. Issue Date: 07/13 Page 5 . Ecotoxicity Ingredient Persistence: Persistence: Bioaccumulat Mobility Water/Soil Air ion Holdfast Adhesives SG226 naphtha petroleum.PP1 Packing instruction: Special packing provisions: None. • Consult manufacturer for recycling options or consult local or regional waste management authority for disposal if no suitable treatment or disposal facility can be identified.P001. may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. • Decontaminate empty containers.D Special provisions: 944 Limited Quantities: 5 L Shipping Name: ADHESIVES containing flammable liquid Issue Date: 07/13 Page 6 . and bury at an authorised landfill. light. Otherwise: • If container can’t be cleaned sufficiently well to ensure that residuals do not remain or if the container cannot be used to store the same product. • Recycle wherever possible. then puncture containers.TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Labels Required: FLAMMABLE LIQUID HAZCHEM: ●3YE (ADG7) ADG7: Class or division: 3 Subsidiary risk: None UN No. hydrotreated Section 13 –DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS • Containers may still present a chemical hazard/ danger when empty. • It may be necessary to collect all wash water for treatment before disposal. None Shipping. S. Refer to special instructions/ safety data sheets. • In all cases disposal to sewer may be subject to local laws and regulations and these should be considered first. • DO NOT allow wash water from cleaning or process equipment to enter drains. A Hierarchy of Controls seems to be common . • Return to supplier for reuse/ recycling if possible. Legislation addressing waste disposal requirements may differ by country. • Dispose of by: Burial in a licensed land-fill or Incineration in a licensed apparatus (after admixture with suitable combustible material).E. This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste.: 1133 UN packing group: II Shipping Name:ADHESIVES containing flammable liquid Air Transport IATA: ICAO/IATA Class: 3 ICAO/IATA Subrisk: None UN/ID Number: 1133 Packing Group: II Special provisions: A3 Shipping Name: ADHESIVES CONTAINING FLAMMABLE LIQUID Maritime Transport IMDG: IMDG Class: 3 IMDG Subrisk: None UN Number: 1133 Packing Group: II EMS Number: F. • Where in doubt contact the responsible authority. Name: ADHESIVES containing flammable liquid Land Transport UNDG: Class or division: 3 Subsidiary risk: None UN No.the user should investigate: • Reduction. • Where possible retain label warnings and MSDS and observe all notices pertaining to the product. Avoid release to the environment.: 1133 UN packing group: II Special provisions: None Packing Instructions: None Notes: None Limited quantities: 5 L Packagings and IBCs . to prevent re-use. Each user must refer to laws operating in their area.. IBC02 Packagings and IBCs .HOLDFAST ADHESIVES SG226 Section 12 – ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Toxic to aquatic organisms. Observe all label safeguards until containers are cleaned and destroyed. state and/ or territory. Section 14 . a copy of which is sent to our customers and is also available upon request. This is the end of the MSDS. Since Holdfast Adhesives Australia Pty Ltd cannot anticipate or control the conditions under which the product may be used.OTHER INFORMATION Material Safety Data Sheets are updated frequently. the user should contact this company. Issue Date: 07/13 Page 7 . If clarification or further information is needed to ensure that an appropriate assessment can be made. each user must.HOLDFAST ADHESIVES SG226 Section 15 . This MSDS summarises at the date of issue our best knowledge of the health and safety hazard information of the product. prior to usage. Australia Hazardous Substances Australia High Volume Industrial Chemical List (HVICL) Australia Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS) Australia Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons (SUSDP) . Please ensure that you have a current copy. and in particular how to safely handle and use the product in the workplace.Schedule 5 International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) . Our responsibility for product as sold is subject to our standard terms and conditions.Appendix E (Part 2) Australia Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons (SUSDP) . hydrotreated (CAS: 64742-49-0) is found on the following regulatory lists.High Production Volume List OECD Representative List of High Production Volume (HPV) Chemicals Section 16 . review this MSDS in the context of how the user intends to handle and use the product in the workplace. light.REGULATORY INFORMATION POISONS SCHEDULE: S5 REGULATIONS Holdfast Adhesives SG226 (CAS: None): No regulations applicable Regulations for ingredients naphtha petroleum.
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