
BHARATHIDASAN UNIVERSITY, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI – 620 024.M.Sc. Information Technology - Course Structure under CBCS (For the candidates admitted from the year 2007-2008 onwards) Instrn hrs/we ek Sem ester COURSE Course title Cre dit Exam Hrs MARKS IA UE Total I CC-I CC-II CC-III CC-IV CC-V EC-I System analysis and design Object Oriented programming with JAVA Fundamentals of Multimedia Technology Applied database systems Computer programming lab I – JAVA Elective – I 4 4 5 5 6 6 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 25 75 100 25 75 100 25 75 100 25 75 100 25 75 100 25 75 100 Elective – I a. Introduction to Embedded Systems b. IBM Personal Computer Architecture & Hardware troubleshooting c. Micro-processors and Interfacing Sem ester Instrn hrs/we ek Cred it Exa m Hrs MARKS Total IA UE COURSE Course title II CC-VI CC-VII CC-VIII EC-II EDC-I EDC-II Web technologies Introduction to Unix & Open Systems Computer programming lab IIUnix & Shell programming Elective – II Extra Disciplinary course-I Extra Disciplinary course-II 6 6 6 6 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 25 75 100 25 75 100 25 75 100 25 75 100 25 75 100 25 75 100 Elective – II a. Wireless communications and networks. b. Data communications and networks. c. Computer networks and Internets. 1 Seme ster COURSE Course title Instrn hrs/we ek Cre dit Exam Hrs MARKS Total IA UE III CC-IX CC-X CC-XI CC-XII CC-XIII EC-III CC-XIV Data mining & warehousing Programming the web Enterprise software systems Object Oriented Systems Technology Computer programming lab IIIweb technologies programming Elective – III Soft skills development course 5 5 5 4 6 5 -- 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 25 25 25 25 75 75 75 75 100 100 100 100 25 75 100 25 75 100 25 75 100 Elective – III a. Geographical information system Technology. b. Microsoft Windows Programming technology. c. Advanced J2EE technology. d. Tamil Computing Technology. e. Software engineering. f. Network security. g. Computer Graphics. h. Mobile communication. i. Open source based web-application development. Semes ter Instrn hrs/ week Cre dit Exa m Hrs COURSE Course title IA UE Total IV Project work – Research Paper Project work – Viva voce (25 marks), Dissertation (75 marks) 30 2 10 ---- 25 75 100 -- -100 The department of Information Technology will offer the following EXTRA-DISCIPLINARY COURSES(for other Major degree students at post-graduate level). I. Introduction to Internet & World wide Web II. Office automation software packages 2 CORE COURSE – I – SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Objective: To teach students about complete set of activities performed by a software developer (and the role of various stake holders) in constructing a real world software system UNIT I Context of Systems Analysis and Design methods – Information System building block – Strategies for information Systems development – Activities in Project management. UNIT II Detailed study of Phases of Systems analysis – Techniques for requirement discovery – Modeling the system requirements (only outline). UNIT III Detailed study of Process modeling – Feasibility analysis and the system proposal – Tasks in System design. UNIT IV Application architecture and modeling – Input/output design & Prototyping – User interface design. UNIT V System construction/Implementation - Operation and Support.- case study using “Employee monthly salary bill Generation system” TEXT BOOK: 1. Whitten Jeffrey L. & Bentley Lonnie D., Systems Analysis and design methods, Seventh edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, , 2007 [ Unit-1 (Chapters 1,2,3,4) ; Unit-2 (Chapters 5,6,7) ; Unit-3 (Chapters 9,11,12) ; Unit-4 (Chapters 13,15,16,17) ; Unit-5 (Chapters 19,20) ] REFERENCE BOOK 1. Kendall. K.E & Kendall. J.E, System analysis and design, Fifth edition, Prentice Hall of India/Pearson education, 2006 3 UNIT-III GUI based programming – Methods.9) . Balaguruswamy E. 2005 REFERENCE BOOK 1. 4 .5. Classes – Arrays and Collection.0 (JAVA 2.Java class hierarchy – Writing complex programs using Packages. 2004. Iteration UNIT-II Basic JAVA classes..Graphics – Applets – JDBC programming. Internet & JAVA programming.Unit-2 : (Chapters 4.H. R. GUI-Interlude-2. Expressions.P. 7. Unit-4 (Chapters 9. User defined classes and flow control statements. Tata McGraw Hill.M & Deitel. Tata McGrawHill.15. UNIT-I Problem solving – Simple computations – Primitive types.2. Overloading – Examples – Exception Handling –Threads.Using Objects – Decisions.8. Deitel. First Indian Edition. variables.5).A Primer. Polymorphism. Krishnamurthy. James P Cohoon & Jack W Davidson. New Age publishers.0 SDK 1.6) . JAVA. 2007 (ISBN 0-07-063440-8) [ Unit-1 :(Chapters 1.How to program. 2006 (ISBN 81-203-2800-0). Third Edition.3. Programming with JAVA . Programming in JAVA 5. New Delhi. Prentice Hall of India/Pearson Education. 2.5.6) Unit-3 (Chapters GUI-Interlude-1. Prabhu . TEXT BOOK: 1.10. Sixth edition. UNIT-IV Inheritance. packages .J. UNIT-V Files and Streams.12 ) .CORE COURSE – II OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING WITH JAVA Objective: To teach students about developing object oriented programs using JAVA language (and side-by-side the JAVA language itself). Unit-5 (Chapters 14.16 of TEXTBOOK-2) ] 2. 2. UNIT-I Introduction to Multimedia – Multimedia Authoring and Tools – Graphics and Image Data Representations .Unit-5 (Chapters 15.CORE COURSE – III FUNDAMENTALS OF MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY Objective: To teach students about various tools & technologies that provide audio. (ISBN 81-7758-823-0) [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1.2006. UNIT-IV MPEG Video Coding (MPEG-1 and 2) .Image Compression Standards . TEXT BOOK: 1. Fundamentals of Multimedia . Unit-3 (Chapters 8. UNIT-V Computer and Multimedia Networks. First Edition.10).9.16. Unit-2 : (Chapters 5.Ze-Nian Li and Mark S.Color in Image and Video. UNIT-III Lossy Compression Algorithms . UNIT-II Fundamental Concepts in Video – Basics of Digital Audio .18)] 5 .MPEG Audio Compression. Drew . Pearson education/Prentice Hall of India.Multimedia network communications and applications – Content based Retrieval in Digital Libraries.Lossless Compression Algorithms.Basic Audio Compression techniques .4).7).6. 13).Basic video compression techniques. video data handling capabilities to a computer.3. Unit-4 (Chapters 11. Pearson Education.Database System Architecture – Physical data organization.Entity-Relational model – Enhanced ER model.3. Pearson education. UNIT II Relational query language SQL.19. Unit-2 : (Chapters 5.APPLIED DATABASE SYSTEMS Objective: To teach students about data storage. UNIT III Introduction to database design & Normalization . UNIT V Object oriented databases.18.Object Relational databases – Parallel & distributed database systems – Decision support systems – Emerging Database technologies –Introduction to MySQL. retrieval.J.C. 27) ] REFERENCE BOOK: 1. India.10..13. data base design. Eight edition. Database systems – Concepts.16.6. Unit-5 (Chapters 15. TEXT BOOK: 1. An Introduction to database systems. 2003 6 .Date.17.2.11). S. First edition . Introduce modern developments / concepts in data management. design and application. UNIT IV Transaction processing – Concurrency control – Database recovery Database security.Query processing – Query Optimization.K.CORE COURSE – IV. UNIT I Introduction to Database systems . Unit-3 (Chapters 8. 2006 [ Unit-1 :(Chapters 1.14).7).5 ).21. Unit-4 (Chapters 12.Singh. 3. Develop an applet to get interactive input for adding two numbers and display the sum of the same applet. read. The applet should change the colors according to the selection. Write a JAVA program to display the item selected from a drop-down list. Write a JAVA program to create a window with three check boxes called red. 18. Write a JAVA program to display the mouse co-ordinates. 10. Write a program to handle File open. write operations. 17. 4. 15. Write a JAVA program to find the area of a rectangle using constructor 7. Write a JAVA program to create threads and assign priorities to them 13. 6. Write a JAVA program to develop an applet to play multiple audio clips using multithreading. Write a JAVA program to handle the division by zero operation. Suggested exercises: 1. 5. Write a JAVA program to create buttons in a frame that displays the information on clicking it. 11. Write a JAVA program to find the student’s percentage and grade using command line arguments. Write a JAVA program to use inheritance. Use JDBC to connect to a database and retrieve /insert/update rows of data. Write a JAVA program to display the file name chosen from the file dialog box. 7 . 12.Write a JAVA program to sort the given numbers using arrays. Design an applet based GUI to carryout these operations. Write a JAVA program to implement the FIND and REPALCE operations in the given multiple text. green and blue. Write a JAVA program to implement a calculator to perform basic arithmetic operations. 16. 2. 9. Write a program to draw circle or triangle or square using polymorphism and inheritance. 8. 14.CORE COURSE – V COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LAB I – JAVA Objective: To teach students how to program in JAVA language (from an advanced perspective)and use certain object oriented concepts in programming. An embedded software primer. Embedded systems.2. UNIT-II Interrupts . 2005 (ISBN 0-07049470-3) (Unit-5 Chapter 6) 8 .Embedded software and various architectures for it – Basics of RTOS.6). Unit-3 (Chapters 7. TEXT BOOK: 1.Rajkamal.10.3).ELECTIVE COURSE I a INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Objective: To teach students about the basics of embedded systems.5. Pearson education. 2006 (ISBN 81-7808-045-1) [ Unit-1 :(Chapters 1.Debugging techniques – Sample RTOS applications. Unit-4 (Chapters 9. Tata McGrawHill. Simon. UNIT-III RTOS services . Unit-2 : (Chapters 4.Basic design using RTOS – Micro C/OS-II RTOS API calls and its design UNIT-IV Embedded development tools .8). UNIT-V RTOS Program modeling concepts for single and multiprocessor system software development. David E. UNIT-I Basics embedded systems – Hardware fundamentals – Advanced Hardware fundamentals.11) ] REFERENCE BOOK: 1. 11. Trouble shooting and Maintenance.. 9 . Rosch. Que/Techmedia publishers. PC hardware – The Complete Reference.5). Tata-McGraw Hill. Cooling and Protection. 12) . 2.2.ELECTIVE COURSE I b IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE & HARDWARE TROUBLESHOOTING Objective: To teach students about the internal architecture of IBM Personal Computer and various parts of it and give some knowledge in PC troubleshooting & maintenance. Unit-3 (Chapters 6. Unit-4 (Chapters 9.7. (ISBN 0-07-048286-1). Winn L. Unit-5 (Chapters 13. 2001 (ISBN 0-07-043606-1) [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1.Video sub-system – Audio subsystem. 2003 (ISBN 81-7635-696-4). Optical Storage. TEXT BOOK: 1.18) ] REFERENCE BOOK: 1.10.8). Unit-2 : (Chapters 4.17.15. Craig Zacker.3). Second edition. Tata McGrawHill. Hardware bible. UNIT-II Motherboards – Power supply. Govindarajulu. John Rourke . UNIT-IV I/O ports and Devices – Keyboards and pointing devices. IBM PC and clones : Hardware. Sixth edition. UNIT-III Data storage interfaces : Mass storage. UNIT-V Modem and Communication – Networking – Printers – Troubleshooting tools and techniques – Basic data recovery & disaster recovery. Magnetic storage. B. UNIT-I Fundamentals of PC technology – Signaling – CPU family & operation – CPU trouble shooting – details of RAM.14. 12.6). 2000 [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1. Penram international publishers.9). Unit-4 (Chapters 11. Mathur Adithya P.Counters-Time delays – Stack –Subroutines.3. Tata McGrawHill.14). UNIT-I Basic concepts of microprocessors.. Fifth edition. UNIT-V Serial I/O – Microprocessor applications. Microprocessor architecture.8085 Instruction set. GAONKAR Ramesh. and applications with 8085. UNIT-III Programming techniques . programming.17)] REFERENCE BOOK 1.. UNIT-II Interfacing I/O . Unit-3 (Chapters 7.2. TEXT BOOK: 1.ELECTIVE COURSE I c MICRO-PROCESSORS AND INTERFACING Objective: To teach students about 8085 microprocessor architecture and its interfacing.8085 Assembly language – 8085 architecture and memory interfacing.8.4). Introduction to microprocessors. Unit-5 (Chapters 16. This shall give them necessary technical basis for understanding modern processors. UNIT-IV Software systems & assemblers . 2003(ISBN 0-07-460222-5) 10 .Interrupts – Programmable interface devices. Unit-2 : (Chapters 5. WEB TECHNOLOGIES Objective: To teach students about various software protocols that are necessary to network computers and how they are layered one over the other to provide application level distributed connectivity (popularly known as web technology).14) .4).7). FTP. Unit-4 (Chapters 11. ICMP. TEXT BOOK: 1. Godbole Achyut S. Unit-3 (Chapters 8. Unit-2 : (Chapters 5.2. UNIT-V Middleware and Component technology for E-commerce – Electronic data interchange – Case study : Online shopping with ASP – Overview of . UDP protocols and their internal details. UNIT-I OSI Model – Internetworking concepts – IP.B) ] 11 .NET technology. RARP.6. Tata McGrawHill.12.CORE COURSE VI . Atul.10). UNIT-IV User sessions in E-commerce – Electronic commerce Transaction Management – Electronic commerce Security issues – Online payment processing mechanisms. Kahate. UNIT-III Introduction to Web technology – Dynamic web pages – Active web pages. Unit-5 (Chapters 15. 2003(ISBN 0-07-047298-x) [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1.16. ARP. TFTP. TCP. Web technologies.13. WWW. . UNIT-II DNS.3.AppendixA. TELNET protocols and their details – Introduction to electronic commerce. SMTP/Email.9. HTTP. 4). A practical guide to Linux.. UNIT-III Simple Filters – The UNIX process .Advanced Shell programming including korn and bash – Perl. Tata McGrawHill .Shell programming . Unit-3 (Chapters 9. Unit-5 (Chapters 21.22.11.Understanding the Unix command .Programming with awk – Customizing the environment .6.17. 2. Morris Bach.CORE COURSE VII INTRODUCTION TO UNIX & OPEN SYSTEM Objective: To teach students about the first modern operating system invented by academia namely UNIX and its current popular form namely LINUX.3. Mark G. Pearson education. Pearson education.The File System – File attributes – The Shell.13. Dreamtech press.8).14). UNIT-I Basic Concepts of UNIX. 2002 (ISBN 81-7808-690-5). Shah Steve.20) .18.23.12. UNIT-IV Filters using grep & sed. Sobell .General purpose utilities – the vi/vim editor. TEXT BOOK: 1.Graham Steven. programming of UNIX based on scripts and administration of UNIX systems. The Design of UNIX operating system. Third edition.The X window system – Electronic mail – The Internet. YOUR UNIX –The ultimate guide.TCP/IP Network Administration – Building the Internet Server. 2003.10. Linux Administration – A beginner’s guide.7.System administration II (General duties) . UNIT-II The GNU emacs Editor . 2004 12 . In this course. Unit-4 (Chapters 15.TCP/IP networking tools .2.2006 (ISBN : 0-07-044687-3) [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1.24) ] REFERENCE BOOK: 1. the student shall be exposed to various software modules of UNIX. Unit-2 : (Chapters 5. 3.19.16. UNIT-V System administration I (File system) . DAS SUMITABHA. set. xterm. find. passwd. lp.forward. Using UNIX commands – talk. Shell configuration – creating/making use of . Newsgroup.signature. . touch.bash. replacing. ping. du. changing/moving text. tty. nohup. Writing simple shell scripts using awk (such as list the file names in a directory. Internet applications : getting familiarized with Listserv. useradd. expr. mount. irc. cmp. File/File system manipulation – Try out basic commands like : pwd. string search/replace.UNIX & SHELL PROGRAMMING Objective: In this course students shall be exposed to using popular version of UNIX (namely LINUX). string search. initdd. . 2. test. 10. crontab.rcp. 7. cat. mkdir. echo. 9. web pages. wall.setting up vacation. mesg.profile. .mail. date. Electronic mail system – making use of :. cd. umask. ps. inserting/deleting text. info. fsck. xhost.logout.if. deleting. ln. file.CORE COURSE VIII COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LAB II. special files /dev/null. spell. whatis and apropos. redirection. gzip. shall learn programming of it based on scripts and carry out basic UNIX system administration tasks. . zip commands – Change file permissions using chmod. Writing Simple shell programs : use commands like :.cshrc. Using emacs editor – Basic operations like opening. 11. groupadd. df. usermod. copying. mkfs.rsh. ls. undo/redo editing. diff. cron. . Trying out basic UNIX commands – passwd. /dev/tty.logout. wc – Using man. while.xrdb. sort. 6. 5.login. 12. finger. moving. tin. tar. 3. and filter for a specific file name).ftp. at. nice. Suggested exercises: 1.elm. for. Basic system administration: Using commands like . netstat. . . pwd. ipconfig.bashrc. arrays. who. 8.fdisk. .pine. userdel. lpstat. . 13 . umount. Using vi editor – Basic operations like opening. chown. strings. navigation. rlogin. cancel. chgrp. messengers – MIME usage. batch. 4. compress. Trying out UNIX commands and writing simple shell scripts – pipes.bash_ profile. help facility. rmdir. lpmove. Note : Students may use the following books related to LINUX to carryout the above exercises apart from the text book they study in their theory course. 2002 (ISBN 81-7808-690-5).Graham Steven. Pearson education. Third edition. REFERENCE BOOK: 1. A practical guide to Linux. Mark G. Shah Steve. Linux Administration – A beginner’s guide. Sobell . (ISBN 81-7722-309-7) 2. *************** 14 . Dreamtech press. 2003. 2007.Mobile IP and wireless Access Protocols UNIT-V Wireless LAN technology – IEEE 801. TEXT BOOK: 1. Second edition. William Stallings. ************* 15 . Pearson education/ Prentice-Hall of India. UNIT-I Introduction to Wireless technology – Transmission fundamentals – Communication networks – TCP/IP suite. UNIT-II Antennas and propagation – Signal encoding techniques – Basics of spread spectrum coding UNIT-III Wireless networking – Satellite networking – Cellular wireless networks – UNIT-IV Cordless systems & Wireless local loop . Wireless communications and networks.ELECTIVE COURSE II a WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORK Objective: In this course students shall learn the basis & structure of wireless protocols and how they stack up to constitute a network module that can run on a computer to enable it to network.11 Wireless LAN technology. UNIT-III Data link control – Data link protocols – Local area networks.19. 2003 [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1. Unit-2 : (Chapters 6.4. UNIT-V Frame relay – ATM – TCP/IP protocol : Part-1. TEXT BOOK: 1.. mod/demodulation techniques. protocol layers that enable computers to interlink.25)] ************** 16 . Unit-3 (Chapters 10.25. UNIT-IV Switching – Point-to-Point protocol – X.17) Unit-5 (18. Tata McGrawHill.8.12).7.5).9).2. UNIT-II Data transmission interfaces – Transmission media.Multiplexing – Error detection and correction.24. Second edition.ELECTIVE COURSE II b DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING Objective: In this course students shall learn the basis of data communication. UNIT-I Introduction to Data communication – Basic concepts – OSI model – Signals – Encoding and modulation. Data communications and networking. FOROUZAN Behrouz A. Unit-4 (Chapters 14. Unit-3 (Chapters 16. Douglas E.3.17.13. 2004. Unit-5 (Chapters 28.2.TCP protocols –Internet routing UNIT-V Client-Server interaction – Socket interface –Example of Client and server – IP telephony (VOIP) TEXT BOOK: 1.7).24. Pearson education. UNIT-III Protocols and layering – Internetworking – IP. 14). Unit-2 : (Chapters 8. Frames and Error detection.9. UNIT-IV ICMP.10. Computer networks and Internets. UNIT-II Lan technology and network topology – Addressing and Framing – LAN wiring – WAN technology – Connection oriented networking. 27). ARP protocol.33)] 17 . ISBN 81-7758-749-8 [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1.UDP.19).18.30. UNIT-I Basics of Internet applications – Network programming – Transmission media – RS232 communication – Long distance communication – Packets.4.29.5. Unit-4 (Chapters 23.25.6.ELECTIVE COURSE II c COMPUTER NETWORKS AND INTERNETS Objective: In this course students shall learn the basis of various protocol layers that stack up to enable computers to interlink and work in the internet environment. Comer. REFERENCE BOOK: 1.He also learn how to consolidate huge volume of data in one place efficiently. UNIT-II Classification – Cluster analysis.2). UNIT-IV Data warehousing – Algorithms & operations to create data warehouse – Designing data warehouse. 2007 (ISBN: 81-312-0535-5) *************** 18 .4).Gupta. UNIT-III Web Data Mining – Search engines.2897-3) 2. G.CORE COURSE IX . Unit-5 (Chapters 8.Prentice Hall India . Second Edition. Prentice Hall of India. TEXT BOOK: 1. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber .K. 2006 (ISBN 81-203-3053-6) [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1.9)]. (ISBN -81-203. 2006. Unit-2 : (Chapters 3.Applications of data warehouse. Ajay. Data Mining Concepts and Techniques .Soman & Shyam Diwakar and V. Introduction to Data mining with case studies .P.K. Unit-4 (Chapters 7).6). UNIT-V Online analytical processing – Information Privacy. UNIT-I Introduction to data mining – Association Rule Mining.DATA MINING AND WAREHOUSING Objective: In this course students shall learn the mathematical & algorithmic details of various data association techniques to discover patterns in underlying data (namely mining data). Unit-3 (Chapters 5.Elsevier. Insight to Data Mining Theory and Practice. Robert W. H. DHTML. Deitel.9.B.Unit-5 (Chapters 11.CORE COURSE-X . 2002 (ISBN 81-7656-274-2). 2nd revised edition. BAYROSS IVAN. BPB publishing.How to Programe. Second Edition. TEXT BOOK: 1. UNIT-IV Introduction to XML – Basics of PERL – Using PERL for CGI Programming. 2.2005 (ISBN 81-297-0439-0) [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1. Programming the World Wide Web. *************** 19 . P. Pearson education. Prentice Hall of India . Java script.PROGRAMMING THE WEB Objective: In this course students shall learn programming tools and technologies with which he can create applications that run in a web browser environment.12. Perl CGI. Deitel and A. 2006 (ISBN 81-7758-239-9).J.2.Introduction to HTML and XHTML – Cascading Style Sheets. UNIT-II Basics of JAVASCRIPT – JAVASCRIPT and HTML Documents. Internet and World Wide Web . UNIT-III Dynamic Documents with JAVASCRIPT – JAVA APPLETS.10). Web enabled commercial application development using HTML. Unit-2 : (Chapters 4.13)] REFERENCE BOOK: 1. Goldberg.3). Third Edition. UNIT-I Fundamentals of web technology . Unit-4 (Chapters 8.M.7). Sebesta.5). Unit-3 (Chapters 6. UNIT-V Introduction to Web Server and Servlets – Introduction to PHP – Database Access through the Web. 2006( ISBN 81-317-0240-5) (Unit 1: Chapters 1 to 7. Unit 2: Chapters and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems – Planning .Design . production.Supply chains as Systems . Enterprise Resource Planning . First edition.CORE COURSE XI . Pearson education.Operations – Meeting Demand – Maintaining Supply – Measuring Performance UNIT-IV Planning – Forecasting Demand – Scheduling Supply – Improving performance – Mastering Demand – Designing the Chain – Maximizing Performance UNIT-V Essentials of Customer relationship management – Designing CRM application – Various modules of CRM application . customer relationship AND supply chain modules. financial .and Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems – ERP Systems: Sales and Marketing – ERP Systems: Accounting and finance ERP Systems :Production and Materials Management ERP Systems: Human Resources UNIT-II Managing an ERP Project – Supply chain Management and the marketplace – Rules of the game – Winning as a team. materials.9 (continued on text book number TWO) ) 20 .ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE SYSTEMS Objective: In this course students shall learn various components of an application software that help computerize functioning of an enterprise such as sales.Modeling the Supply Chain – Supply Chain Software .Advantages of CRM TEXT BOOK: 1. Sumner Mary. UNIT-I A Foundation for Understanding Enterprise Resource Planning systems – Re. UNIT-III Solutions . Introduction to supply chain management.2.8. Prentice Hall of India. ALTEKAR Rahul V. Prentice Hall of India. Ernest L. Unit 4: Chapters 10. Enterprise wide resource planning (Theory and practice).12. 3. Unit 3: Chapters 4. Garg Vinod K & Venkitakrishnan N. 2006 (ISBN 81-203-2753-5) *************** 21 . Pearson education.6.3. Handfield R. Essential guide to knowledge management : The e-business and CRM applications. 2005 (ISBN 81-203-2633-4) 2. Supply Chains (A managers guide).9.13) 3.7. Taylor David A. B & Nichols.K. Enterprise resource planning. 2006 (ISBN 81-203-2254-1). 2004 (ISBN 81-297-0334-3) (Unit 2: Chapters 1.2.5. Second edition. Tiwana. Pearson education (ISBN 81-780-8326-4) (Unit 5) REFERENCE BOOK: 1. Prentice Hall of India....11. The Unified modeling language – User Guide. 2.An overview of object oriented systems development & Life cycle UNIT-II Various object oriented methodologies – Introduction to UML UNIT-III Object oriented analysis – Use access layer.Object classification. methods UNIT-IV Object oriented design – Design axioms – Designing classes – Layering the software design :. Irwin McGrawHill.CORE COURSE XII OBJECT ORIENTED SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY UNIT-I Structured approach to system construction : SSADM/SADT . Rumbaugh James. attributes. Jacobson Ivar. 2006 (ISBN 81-7758-372-7) (UNIT -5 covered here). Booch Grady. Pearson education. User interface layer. TEXT BOOK: 1. Control/business logic layer UNIT-V UML . Object oriented systems development.Examples on : Behavioral models – Structural models – Architectural models from real world problems. 2005 (First 4 units covered here). 22 . relationships. Bahrami Ali. display the product details of a vehicle dealer for a given date and time. Create Web Pages which displays the menu card of a hotel. Using VB Script language . The first page should contain the list of items available. 8. 5. etc where ever applicable).Customer service using links. Using frames create web pages for a travel agency. (Use list box. the corresponding details should be displayed on the next page. Use necessary controls where ever applicable.. With necessary images and marquee. 9. Command Button. 2. Also display the details of the vehicles available. text box.. Using Java Script. Create a Web Page for XYZ INFOTECH LTD. to display the company profile employee details Balance sheet. Rich text box. Create a Web Page using forms for our college students admission process. Radio button. 4. 7. 6. Create a Web Page for ABC INFOTECH LTD.CORE COURSE XIII COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LAB III. Create a Web Page which receives suggestions from customers for a software development & consultancy agency using necessary VB Script. Write a program to display the multiplication table in web page. After selection of one item .WEB TECHNOLOGIES PROGRAMMING Objective: In this course students shall learn to use those modern programming technologies with which he can create applications that run in a web browser environment. Suggested exercises: 1. receive resume . Push button. Create a Web Page which displays the balance sheets for the given list of companies (same as above problem). 23 . 3. 12. *************** 24 . Create a Web Page which displays the wage of style attributes and event function with demo. The web page should consist of list of cites organized in an order and the responding information using mouse over. Create a Web Page which displays the dynamic changing style. Create a Web Page which displays the mouse co-ordinates and image coordinates.10. 11. Longley Paul.Bruce E.11. . and David Rahind. 2005 (ISBN 81203-2230-4) [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1. Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems. Prentice Hall of India. UNIT-II Data quality and Data standards – Raster based GIS data processing – Vector based GIS data processing. 2004. UNIT-IV Spatial analysis and modeling – GIS implementation – GIS Project management – GIS issues and prospects. 3. UNIT-V The Future of the GIS and GIS in the Future – Study of GIS authoring tools like ESRI/AutoCAD MAP. Geographic Information Systems and Science. 2004 (ISBN 0-415-28375-2) 25 . REFERENCE BOOK: 1.3).ELECTIVE COURSE III a GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY UNIT-I GIS and the Information Age –Introduction to GIS – Maps and GIS – Digital representation of Geographic data.Second Edition. CRC press . W. An introduction to Geographic Information Systems. . 5. 2006 ( ISBN 81-7758-784-6). Davis. Cornelius Sarah et aln.Onward Press.8.2. Heywood Ian. Unit-4 (Chapters 10.9). Prentice-Hall of India.12)] 2. GIS and AutoCAD Map. Maguire David. Michael Worboys & Matt Duckham.2005. 2005 (ISBN 0-470-87001-x paperback)... (ISBN 0-7668-2764-X) 2. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. GIS: A Visual Approach . Unit-3 (Chapters 7. Goodchild Michael. GIS A Computing Perspective . Second Edition. (Unit-5) (ISBN 81-203-2519-2). Unit-2 : (Chapters 4.6). UNIT-III Visualization of geographic information – Remote sensing and GIS integration – Digital terrain modeling. TEXT BOOK: 1. Yeung Albert K. 4. Pearson education. Lo C. NIIT course notes. P. 11. .NET historical background – C# language fundamentals – Object oriented capabilities of C#.14 ).ELECTIVE COURSE III b MICROSOFT WINDOWS PROGRAMMING TECHNOLOGY UNIT-I C# and .. LIBERTY Jesse.10. ISBN 81-203-2049-2.5. Shroff publishers & distributors/O’Rielly .9.Accessing data with ADO .NET UNIT-IV Programming web application with web forms – Sample application creation using WebForms.3. Wrox press/Shroff publishers. Unit-4 (Chapters 15).12).NET framework. TEXT BOOK: 1. 26 . Unit-5 (Chapters 16)] REFERENCE BOOK: 1.NET IDE for Dummies.6). 2. indexers – Strings – Exceptions – Events and Delegates. Unit-3 (Chapters 13. Angshuman Chakraborti. Roopendra Jeet Sandhu et aln…. Feb 2002 (ISBN 81-7366-431-5) [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1. IDG book house.2. Prentice Hall India ltd. Programming C#.8.Web services programming.NET framework. UNIT-V What is web service – Web service standards & their specification .4. 2005. UNIT-III Building windows applications in C# .. UNIT-II Structs – Interfaces – Arrays. First edition. 2003 (ISBN 81-7366-401-3). Visual Studio. 2002. 3. Hoffman Kevin et aln. Professional . Unit-2 : (Chapters 7. Jain Pallavi.. Siddiqui. J2EE unleashed. Unit-4 (Chapters 11. J2EE – Professional projects. UNIT-V Case studies in implementing Chat server .ELECTIVE COURSE III c . SAMS/Techmedia publishers. UNIT-III Java server pages : Introduction – Development – User interface design for Java applications. Shadab.Control flow: Servlets.Case studies in implementing a web enabled online banking application.13)] 2. Prentice Hall of India.4). UNIT-IV Enterprise java beans – Building Session & Entity beans. 2001 (ISBN 81-7635-616-6 ) [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1. [Unit-5 : Part 3 & Part-4 of the book). Bambara Joseph.6. UNIT-II Resource access : JNDI & LDAP – Data access: JDBC . TEXT BOOK: 1.10).9.7).ADVANCED J2EE TECHNOLOGY UNIT-I J2EE and distributed computing – Design and development of J2EE application – Task list for building J2EE application. Allen Paul R. Unit-2 : (Chapters Unit-3 (Chapters 8. et aln…. 2002 (ISBN 81-203-2051-4). 27 . Bharathidasan Institute of Technology. UNIT-II TAMIL key board layout – Interfacing application software for TAMIL keyboard – Open source TAMIL software application for office automation – Issues in Developing TAMIL software applications – Tools and techniques for TAMIL software development UNIT-III Porting other language software to TAMIL – Localizing commercial/packaged software to TAMIL – Developing client-server/webenabled software in TAMIL – Issues in creating/storing/retrieving TAMIL data from data stores like MySQL/Oracle. Department of Information technology. 2007. 28 . Bharathidasan University.TAMIL COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY UNIT-I Linux operating system – Localization – Character sets – MBCS/Unicode – Tamil character sets : TSCII/TAB –TAM Maduram etc… – Creating localized fonts – Installing fonts in the operating system. Handouts and notes specially prepared by the Lectures. UNIT-IV TAMIL optical character recognition OCR – Text-to-Speech conversion techniques for TAMIL language – Computer based Tamil speech recognition principles .ELECTIVE COURSE III d . TEXT BOOK: 1. – Survey of various tools available to carry out TAMIL computing on Windows /Linux environments. UNIT-V Resources for TAMIL software development.TAMIL language MULTIMEDIA assets. Unit-4 (Chapters 13. Unit-3 (Chapters 21.27. Software Engineering.31) ] REFERENCE BOOK: 1. Unit-5 (Chapters 26. Software engineering. Product..25). UNIT-V Quality management .3. 2005 (ISBN 007-124083-7) [ Unit-1 :(Chapters 1. 2007. UNIT-III Project management – People. Software engineering.6. Schach.22. Roger S.SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Objective: To teach students about systematic software development methods with emphasis on people.14..23. UNIT-I Scope of Software engineering – Life-cycle models – The Software Process – Agile Development.Metrics for process & project – Estimation – Project Scheduling. Pressman.Change management – Reengineering. is taught to the student. Pfleeger.7. Sixth edition. Seventh edition.15). TEXT BOOK: 1.ELECTIVE COURSE III e . Stephen.Testing tactics . 1999 29 . 2.8). Risk management. Process view. Prentice Hall.2. Tata McGrawHill edition. Here various prescriptions that seems to help produce quality software. process and product interrelationship.Product metrics. UNIT-IV Testing strategies . A practitioner’s approach.24.4). UNIT-II Practicing Software engineering – System Engineering – Requirements Engineering – Analysis and Design modeling – Architecture level considerations. Unit-2 : (Chapters 5. McGrawHill International edition. CTR – Generating MACs. Multiplication. Exponentiation. OFB. 30 . Secret key cryptography – Data encryption standard – International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) Modes 4 Operations – Encrypting a Large message – Electronic code book. NAT. worms. AH and ESP – Tunnel Transport mode why protect – IP Header IPV4 and IPV6. The Multi level Model of Security – Cryptography – Breaking an Encryption Scheme – Types of Cryptographic functions – secret key Cryptography – Public key Cryptography – Hash algorithms. cipher block chaining. Firewalls.logging into the network – replicated KDCs. UNIT III Authentication – Overview of authentication systems – password based authentication – Add nets based authentication – cryptographic authentication protocols – who is seeing authenticate – passwords as cryptographic keys – Eaves dropping and server database reading – Trusted intermediaries – Session key establishment.ELECTIVE COURSE III f .NETWORK SECURITY UNIT I Introduction – Primer on a Networking – Active and Passive Attacks – Layers and Cryptography – authorization – Viruses. UNIT IV Standards and IP security – Introduction to Kerberos – Tickets and Ticket granting tickets. IPV6 Authentication Header – ESP. Overview of IP security – security associations – security association database . IPV4. UNIT II Introduction to public key algorithms – Model of arithmetic – Modular addition.Digital Signature Standard – DSS Algorithm – Working of Verification procedure – Security and DSS – DSS controversy. CFB. Authentication of people – passwords – online – off line password of using – Eavesdropping – passwords and careless users – Initial Password distribution – Authentication policy database. RSA – RSA Algorithm – RSA Security – Efficiency of RSA – Public Key cryptography Standard (PKCS) . Configuration . MAIWALD. 3 Derek Atkins. **************** 31 .Repudiation – Proof of submission – Proof of delivery. 1998. Delhi. Second Edition. Cookies – other web security problems. 2. Network security – A begineer’s guide. Springer verlag. “Information and Communication Security”.Hans. Eric. “Network Security: Essentials Applications and Standards”. 2003 (ISBN 0-07-058241-6) REFERENCES 1. Pearson Education. Firewalls – packet filters – application level gateway – encrypted tunnels – comparisons why firewalls don’t work – denial of service attacks. Charlie Kaufman. Delhi. Radia Perlman and Mike Speciner. 2.UNIT V Network Security Application – Email Security – distribution lists – store and forward – security services for email – establishing keys privacy – authentication of the source – massage Integrity – Non. 2002. “Internet Security”. Tata-McGraw Hill. 2002. Second edition. Message flow confidentially – Anonymity – Names and Addresses. “Network Security: Private Communication in a Public Work”. Tech media. Pearson Education/Prentice Hall of India.William Stallings. Web security – Introduction –URLs/URIs – HTTP – HTTP digest authentication. 1998. TEXT BOOK 1. 13). 2006. .15. Newman William M.. (ISBN 81-7758-765-X) [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1.ELECTIVE COURSE III g .. Tata –McGraw Hill. UNIT-V Illumination models – Surface rendering methods – Color models – Computer animation. 1 (ISBN 0-07463293-0) *************** 32 . Pearson education. TEXT BOOK: 1.Visible surface detection methods. Principles of interactive computer graphics.6).2).4). Unit-3 (Chapters 5. Second edition. Computer graphics – C version. UNIT-IV Graphic structures – Hierarchical modeling – Graphical user interfaces and interactive input methods . & Sproull Robert F.16)] REFERENCE BOOK: 1.COMPUTER GRAPHICS UNIT-I A survey of computer graphics – Overview of Graphic systems UNIT-II Output primitives (Mathematical functions for creating graphic outputs) – setting attribute of Output primitives. Unit-2 : (Chapters 3. Baker Paulin M. Second edition.8. Unit-4 (Chapters 7. Unit-5 (Chapters 14. Hearn Donald. UNIT-III Two dimensional geometric transformations – Two dimensional viewing . ELECTIVE COURSE III h . Schiller Jochen H..6).9)] **************** 33 . [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1. Unit-3 (Chapters 5. TEXT BOOK: 1. Pearson education.2). UNIT-V Mobile network layer. Mobile communication.4).MOBILE COMPUTING UNIT-I Introduction to Mobile computing – Wireless transmission basics. Unit-5 (Chapters 8. UNIT-II Medium access control – Telecommunication systems. Unit-4 (Chapters 7).Mobile transport layer. UNIT-III Satellite systems – Broadcast systems. Second edition. Unit-2 : (Chapters 3. 2006 (ISBN 81-7758-263-1). UNIT-IV Wireless LAN. Wrox press/Wiley Dreamtech press. PHP suite). 2002. Gerner Jason. Beginning PHP5. Unit-5 (Chapters 17. Naramore Elizabeth. *************** 34 . Apache.9). Unit-4 (Chapters 13). 2005 edition. UNIT-IV Case study: Building content management system using LAMP stack UNIT-V Configuring log files to improve LAMP stack based web site – Troubleshooting web site. BPB publications. Bayross Ivan. Perl CGI. MySQL web development. Web enabled commercial application development using HTML. Unit-3 (Chapters 8. (ISBN 81-265-0581-8) [Unit-1 :(Chapters 1.ELECTIVE COURSE III i OPEN SOURCE BASED WEB-APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT UNIT-I Installing LAMP stack (Linux. MySQL..Configuring installation – Creating PHP pages – ingenerating MySQL with PHP. UNIT-II Web forms and user data manipulation – Basic data manipulation using PHP/MySQL forms UNIT-III Validating user inputs – Handling errors in form. Unit-2 : (Chapters 3.18)] 2..5. Apache..4. JavaScript. TEXT BOOK: 1.6). 2nd revised edition. DHTML.2). et aln. 13.7. UNIT V Web searching – Subscriptions and channels – Making use of web resource. NOTE: Only concepts and basic usage details needs to be introduced to the students.4) . Tata McGrawHill.14. UNIT IV WWW concepts – Basic usage of Netscape navigator/Internet explorer.. Unit-4 (Chapters– 18.Reading news group messages – Internet relay chat. UNIT III Online chatting & Conferencing – E-Mail mailing list – Usenet news groups (such as Yahoo groups.20) . (ISBN 0=07-463981-1) [Unit-1 (Chapters -1.24. Unit-2 (Chapters– 5.2.25)] ************** 35 .19. 2004. Students are to be tested on basic conceptual & actual usage aspects of various internet technologies as indicated above.8) . Unit-5 (Chapters– 23.15) . Margaret Levine Young. Unit-3 (Chapters– 11.12. INTERNET – Millenium edition – The Complete Reference. TEXT BOOK: 1.EXTRA DISCIPLINARY COURSE I INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET & WORLD WIDE WEB UNIT I Internet connection concepts – Connecting to dial-up internet accounts – Intranets & internetworking. UNIT II E-mail concepts – Email commands – Sending/Receiving e-mails – Controlling Email volume.6. Unit-3 (pages 279 to 364) . opening account).2.3.6) . TEXT BOOK: 1.Linux in Indian local languages. Unit-5 (pages 433 to 503)] ********************* 36 . 2005. Comdex Linux and Open office course kit.Web browser.Editing documents in WRITER.5.EXTRA DISCIPLINARY COURSE – II OFFICE AUTOMATION SOFTWARE PACKAGES UNIT I Basics of Linux system – Graphical interface to LINUX (GNOME) – Linux files and Directories – Storage media – managing user accounts – Working with Applications UNIT II Basics of Open-Office software bundle . UNIT III Spreadsheet basics – Introduction to CALC – Working in CALC – Performing calculations in CALC – Managing layout of a worksheet – Manipulating the worksheet. UNIT IV Presentation software basics – Working with IMPRESS – Creating slides – Managing Slides – Advanced features.Word processing software basics – Introduction to WRITER .Formatting document – Advanced features of WRITER. Unit-2 (Section-2 Chapters– 1. DreamTech press. VIKAS. GUPTA. Unit-4 (pages 365 to 432) .4.4 – pages 179 to 278) .2. (ISBN 81-7722-581-2) [Unit-1 (Section-1 Chapters -1.Electronic mail (sending & receiving.creating web page – Creating hyper link – web site fundamentals.3. UNIT V Internet basics. P. Ravindran. Course Objective: To develop soft skills. G.CORE COURSE XIV . presentation and netiquette. “ Success Through Soft Skills”. interpersonal skills and communication skill. lateral thinking. The curriculum also focuses on listening. However a special seminar or workshop may be conducted twice in a semester. particularly time management. S. Benjamin Elango and L. office communication. Ravindran) Evaluation Pattern: Credits : 2 Maximum Marks: 100 (IA 25 + UE 75) Question Paper Pattern : CBCS pattern ***************** 37 . 2007. ( To be published in June 2007) For copies contact: 98424 – 76848 (Prof.SOFT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COURSE (SELF STUDY & ACTIVITY BASED COURSE) Note: No Instructor is required for this course. Arockiam. leadership qualities. This course helps the students in getting exposed to different modes of interview and recruitment process as well. ICT. Unit I: Behavioral Skills Unit II: Business Communication Unit III: Group Dynamics Recommended Text Book: G. The research paper must have been submitted in a journal or magazine or presented in a regional / National level conference. Research Paper – 100 Marks A viva will be conducted for both Project and Research Paper. Project – 100 Marks 2. The certificate or the communication from journal will be considered for awarding internal marks.IV Semester .Project and Research Paper 1.External examiner will conduct the viva 75 marks only. Research Paper – Regulations Internal – 25 Marks External – 75 Marks The research paper component will have 25 marks for internal and 75 marks for . ******************** 38 .
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