Msc Chem Syllabus DU



UNIVERSITY OF DELHI_______ SCHEME OF EXAMINATION AND COURSES OF READING FOR M. Sc. CHEMISTRY EXAMINATION I Semester Examination November 2006 II Semester Examination April 2007 III Semester Examination November 2007 IV Semester Examination April 2008 Syllabus applicable for the students seeking admission to the M.Sc. Chemistry Course in the academic year 2006-07 UNIVERSITY OF DELHI Scheme of Examination for M. Sc. Course in Chemistry Semester I Duration (Hours) Paper I Paper II Paper III Semester II Duration (Hours) Paper IV Paper V Paper VI Practical Test Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry 3 3 3 18 Maximum Marks 50 50 50 200 Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry 3 3 3 Maximum Marks 50 50 50 Note: The Practical test shall consist of three papers, each of six hours duration, suitably spread over three days and shall be at the end of Semester II. One-fourth of the total marks for the Practical test shall be reserved for the Laboratory Record/ Sessional Work of the candidates and 30 marks for viva-voce. 12 marks in each theory paper are reserved for internal assessment, as per the University ordinance. Semester III Duration (Hours) Paper VII Paper VIII Paper IX Inorganic Group: Paper X(i) Organic Group: Paper X(ii) Physical Group: Paper X(iii) Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry (Special-I) Organic Chemistry (Special-I) Physical Chemistry (Special-I) 3 3 3 3 3 3 Maximum Marks 50 50 50 50 50 50 2 Semester IV (1) Inorganic Group: Duration (Hours) Paper XI(i) Paper XII(i) Paper XIII(i) Inorganic Chemistry (SpecialII) Inorganic Chemistry (SpecialIII) Inorganic Chemistry (SpecialIV) 3 3 3 3 18 Maximum Marks 50 50 50 50 200 Paper XIV(i) Inorganic Chemistry (SpecialV) Practical Test (2) Organic Group: Duration (Hours) Paper XI(ii) Paper XII(ii) Paper XIII(ii) Paper XIV(ii) Practical Test Organic Chemistry (SpecialII) Organic Chemistry (SpecialIII) Organic Chemistry (SpecialIV) Organic Chemistry (SpecialV) 3 3 3 3 18 Maximum Marks 50 50 50 50 200 (3) Physical Group: Only four of the following are to be opted:Duration (Hours) Paper XI(iii) Paper XII(iii) Paper XIII(iii) Paper XIV(iii) Paper XV(iii) Physical Chemistry (Special) Physical Chemistry (Special) Physical Chemistry (Special) Physical Chemistry (Special) Physical Chemistry (Special) 3 3 3 3 3 Maximum Marks 50 50 50 50 50 3 Paper XVI(iii) Paper XVII(iii) Paper XVIII(iii) Paper XIX(iii) Paper XX(iii) Paper XXI(iii) Practical Test Note: Physical Chemistry (Special) Physical Chemistry (Special) Physical Chemistry (Special) Physical Chemistry (Special) Physical Chemistry (Special) Physical Chemistry (Special) 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 TOTAL 50 50 50 50 50 50 200 1100 (1) In the beginning of the Third Semester, the students will be required to choose their special subject, viz., Inorganic, Organic or Physical Chemistry. They will take one Special Paper in the Third Semester, four Papers of the specialization of their choice or, alternatively * , three special papers of the specialization of their choice and one paper out of the special papers offered in the other two specializations in the Fourth Semester. They will also have to take one Special Practical Test in Semester IV. For Physical Chemistry (Special), the number of options available in a particular year will, however, depend on the availability of teachers, and it will be ensured that at least ten students take each course. (2) Each of the Practical Tests shall consist of three papers of 18 hours duration, suitably spread over three days. One-fourth of the marks will be reserved for the Laboratory Record/ Sessional work of the candidates and 30 marks for presentation of a project report and viva-voce. (3) 12 marks in each theory paper are reserved for internal assessment, as per the University ordinance. * This arrangement will be implemented subject to the availability of logistic support. 4 (Previous) Paper I. F. complexometric titrations (Conditional constants. Use of masking and demasking agents in complexometric titrations. gravimetric analysis. stepwise formation of complexes. Course B: Supramolecular and Photoinorganic Chemistry Molecular recognition: Receptors. Analytical applications of complex equilibria Halsted Press: New York. Sc. 2. A. Supramolecular reactivity and catalysis. examples using [Ru(bpy)3]2+ complex and [Fe(bpy)3]3+ complex. {αC. φ. semiconductor supported metal oxide systems. Analytical applications of complex formation. Supramolecular devices. binding of organic molecules. Role of spin-orbit coupling. Logarithmic method. Burgess. Calculation of stability constants. J. (1952). & Calvin. Graphical Methods: using sets of data {φ.[A]} and { n . titration error. detection of end point using metal indicators and instrumental methods. formation functions. Elimination method.DETAILED COURSES M. Inczedy. Cation binding hosts. Method of corresponding solutions. NY (1976).[A]}. n and αC and relationship between different functions. Chemistry of the Metal Chelate Compounds. nitrogen fixation and CO2 reduction.[A]}. design and synthesis of co-receptors and Multiple recognition. Use of H-bonds in crystal engineering and molecular recognition. 3. Bent and French mole ratio method. water-photolysis. Utilisation of Hbonds to create supramolecular structures. R. Simultaneous titrations. Ringbom. Metal complex sensitizers: Electron relay. Recommended Texts: 1. M. A. Potentiometric method. back titrations). weak and very weak H-bonds. M. Ion exchange method. Solution Equilibria Prentice-Hall: Europe (1980). Transport processes and carrier design. R. binding of anions. and Spectrophotometric methods which include Job's method of continuous variation. Polarographic method. 4. Curve fitting method. stepwise titrations. Hydrogen bonds. strong. Numerical method.. Indicator correction etc. binding of neutral molecules. life-times of excited states in these complexes. excited electron transfer. Martell. Y. Redox reactions of metal complexes in excited states. Hartley. C.Inorganic Chemistry Course A: Stability constants of metal complexes and their applications Stoichiometric and thermodynamic equilibrium constants. & Alcock. 5 . titration curves. Indicator errors. E. Chelate and macrocyclic effects. Complexation in Analytical Chemistry Wiley: New York (1963). supramolecular photochemistry. Turner and Anderson methods and Yatsimirskiis method.Prentice-Hall: N. Solvent extraction. 11. ionpairs. cyclohexanones. (Eds. biphenyls (atropisomerism). octant diagrams. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry. neighbouring group participation. chirogenicity. 10. helicity.. Stereoisomerism: Classification. alkylidine cycloalkanes. & Fleischauer. F. Configuration nomenclature. Ed. J. 12. C. Course B: Study of Reactive Intermediates A review of reaction mechanisms including methods of determination. 3rd Ed. D. catenanes. V.5. Asymmetric induction: Cram’s. stability and reactivity of bridge-head carbocations. conformations and stability of cyclohexanes (mono-. spiranes.Organic Chemistry Course A: Organic Stereochemistry Molecular symmetry and chirality: Symmetry operations and symmetry elements. The axial haloketone rule. 8. Curtin-Hammett Principle. H. 7. 18. racaemic modification. molecular rearrangements in acyclic. circular birefringence and circular dichroism. The Determination of Stability Constants McGraw Hill: London (1961). Balzani. D L. Linear free energy relationships and their applications (Hammett equation and modifications). Photochemistry of Coordination Compounds Academic Press (1970). Topicity and prostereoisomerism: Topicity of ligands and faces and their nomenclature. Atwood. R. and pseudoasymmetry. W. Desiraju. Stereochemistry and configurations of allenes. M. Qualitative correlation between conformation and reactivity. adamantanes. cyclohexenes. ORD and CD curves. Cotton effect. J. L. & Steed. J.) Concepts of Inorganic Photochemistry. Axial and planer chirality and helicity (P & M). T. M. molecules with one. 9. decalins. decalols and decalones. stereogenic centre. 2: Crystal Engineering and Molecular Recognition Wiley: Chichester (1995). Adamson. Molecular dissymmetry and chiroptical properties: Linear and circularly polarised lights. Stereogenicity. 6. Supramolecular Chemistry: A Concise Introduction John Wiley & Sons (2000). halocyclohexanones. Perspectives in Supramolecular Chemistry. point group classification and symmetry number. Application of ORD and CD to structural and stereochemical problems. 6 . Dynamic stereochemistry (acyclic and cyclic). Simple chemical correlation of configurations with examples. and Lowe’s rule. G. Wiley: New York (1975). Carbocations: Classical and non-classical. Supramolecular Chemistry: Concepts & Perspectives Wiley-VCH (1995). Lehn. A. J. & Rossotti. monocyclic and bicyclic systems. bridged biphenyls. and trisubstituted). Vol. R S and E Z nomenclature. ansa compounds and cyclophanes. W. two or more chiral centres. Beck. Paper II. Chemistry of Complex Equilibria van Nostrand Reinhold: New York (1970) Rossotti. Prelog’s and Horeau’s rules. di-. Vol. Cyclostereoisomerism: Configurations. quasiracemates. P. Nitrenes: Generation. Simple harmonic oscillator problem and its solution using series solution or factorization method. S. J. anharmonic oscillator. Angular momentum operators. 5. Ground and excited state of helium atom. Fourier and Laplace transforms. approximate functions for particle in a box and hydrogen atom). orthonormal sets. A. E. N. Carey. Ipso effect. Plenum: U. L. L. (1981). Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Calculation of various average values using ladder operators and recursion relations of Hermite polynomials. Advanced Organic Chemistry. Radicals: Generation. I. Advanced Organic Chemistry John Wiley & Sons (1992). Organic Chemistry Vol. 6. & Finar. Approximate methods: First order time-independent perturbation theory for nondegenerate states. Differential equations. Use of these methods illustrated with some examples (particle in a box with a finite barrier. 1.Physical Chemistry Quantum Chemistry Postulates of quantum mechanics. Virial theorem. Nucleophilic aromatic substitution: Benzynes. Lowry. 3. Addison-Wesley (1998). transformation of coordinate matrix. D. cage effects. L. Parts A & B. 7 . T. Finar. linear vector spaces. Qualitative treatment of Hartree theory and Hartree-Fock SCF procedure. Finar.A.Carbanions: Generation. J. Recommended Texts: 1. 2. Organic Chemistry Vol. Carbenes: Formation and structure. structure and stability. Eliel. H. Concept of spin and determinantal wavefunctions. SNAr and SRN1 mechanisms. & Sundberg. Nasipuri. Rigid rotator and hydrogen atom: Complete solution. March. I. & Richardson. Concept of degeneracy and Jahn-Teller distortion. Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry AddisonWesley Educational Publishers. K. stability and reactions. partial differential equations. Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds Textbook Publishers (2003). eigenvalue problem.S. radical-cations & radical-anions. structure and reactions of nitrenes. Radial distributions. Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds: Principles & Applications South Asia Books (1994). Pauli’s Exclusion principle. Many-electron atoms. Some exactly soluble problems: Particle in a box and ring. Paper III. L. R. Inc. 2. series solutions and special functions. Variation theorem and variational methods. reactions involving carbenes and carbenoids. structure. representation of operators. HSAB principle and its applications. (2004). 7. F. Commutation of operators and Uncertainty Principle. 4. Ladder operators. Longman (1998). ambident ions and their general reactions. Linear and Hermitian operators. Pilar. Quantum Chemistry Academic Press (2005). Lowe.Y. 8 . Variational treatment of hydrogen molecule ion. linear and bent triatomics. Elementary Quantum Chemistry 2nd Ed.. alternant and nonalternant hydrocarbons. similarity transformation.. Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach 3rd Ed. Hückel Molecular Orbital Theory of conjugated systems. Calculation of properties. Pairing theorem.: N. Mortimer. 7. The method of descending symmetry. classes. Symmetry: Optical activity and dipole moment. Oxford University Press (2006). 4. G. R. position vector and base vector as basis for representation. SALCs. Comparison of the MO and VB treatments and their equivalence limit. Extension of MO theory to other systems. McQuarrie.Chemical bonding: Born-Oppenheimer approximation. illustrative examples. Mathematics for Physical Chemistry 2nd Ed. 6.and d-orbitals). subgroups. 3. relations between symmetry elements and operations. Products of symmetry operations. Ltd. L.. (2001). Physical Chemistry 4th Ed. & Simon. definition of group and its characteristics. Elsevier (2005). Valence bond and MO (LCAO) treatment of hydrogen molecule. F. Correlation diagram. J. L Quantum Chemistry 5th Ed. Silbey.Delocalization energy. K. Vanishing integral. Engel. Paper IV-Inorganic Chemistry Course A: Group Theory and its Applications Molecular symmetry: Symmetry elements and symmetry operations. Direct product. Univ. A.: New Jersey (2000). & Reid. reducible and irreducible representations. Dover Publication Inc. bond order. J. & Peterson. character tables.. 9. J. Science Books (2001). Symmetry: Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy. Russell-Saunders coupling for dn states. electron density. P. D. McQuarrie. de Atkin’s Physical Chemistry 8th Ed. Electronic and ESR spectra. 2. W. R. P. Representation of groups. Wiley (2004). Reactivity and electrocyclic ring closures. Splitting of one-electron levels in an octahedral environment. P. Spectral transition probability. Quantum Chemistry Viva Books Pvt. Physical Chemistry Benjamin-Cummings (2005). Walsh diagrams for dihydrides. Recommended Texts: 1. selection rules. G..Homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomics. M. equivalent atoms and equivalent symmetry elements. Atkins. A. vibronic coupling.: New Delhi (2003). D. T. polarization of allowed transitions. D. Effect of substituents on spectra. noncentrosymmetric complexes. Prentice-Hall Inc. 5. Levine. & Bawendi. polyatomics. HMO method and its applications: π-Electron approximation. J. 8. A. I. point groups and classification. R. Alberty. classes of symmetry operations. Configuration Interaction. projection operators. The Great Orthogonality theorem. & Paula. Wavefunctions as bases for irreducible representations (p. Inc. Saunders Co. F. Wulfsberg. M. Mabbs.K. effect of external magnetic field. 3. Spectrochemical series and effects of covalency. A. proton exchange. D. Shriver.K. Chemical and magnetic equivalence. E. Oxford Univ. H. Course B: Chemistry of d-and f-block elements: Term-symbols. anisotropic effect. determination of Dq and Racah parameters. Mo. H. W.: N. Clarendon Press: Oxford. Simple. poly-oxo metallates of Ru. D. Crystal field theory and splitting in Oh. Applications of PMR in structural elucidation of simple and complex compounds. 5. 19F and 31P nuclei. Hatfield. J. Paper V. 9 . spin-spin coupling. 11. E.: N. Magnetism and Transition Metal Complexes Chapman and Hall: U. D. Symmetry in Chemical Bonding & Structure C. cluster compounds of d-block elements. A. E. E. Viva Books: New Delhi. MOs using Group Theory principles. Jaffe. Group Theory and Chemistry. F. 2. D. virtual and complex spin-spin coupling. 9.Y (1990). U. factors affecting the coupling . B.: U.K. Inorganic Chemistry. field effect. 10. Structure and bonding in complexes containing π-acceptor ligands.Hybridization and its applications. Recommended Texts: 1. oxidation states and electronic absorption spectra of complex ions. Td. S. D4h and C4v systems. Inorganic Chemistry Univ. Relativistic effects affecting the properties of heavier transition elements. Chemical Applications of Group Theory Wiley Interscience: N. 8. 4.Organic Chemistry Course A: Spectroscopy PMR: Natural abundance of 13C. (1977). Factors influencing chemical shift. Hybrid orbitals as Linear Combinations of Atomic Orbitals. Inorganic Chemistry. 6. precessional motion and frequency. H. Merrill Publishing Co. magnetic properties of transition metal complexes and lanthanides. J. & Orchin. Chemical shift and its measurements. (1985). (1973). Energy transitions. double resonance and lanthanide shift reagents) and NOE. M. Problems in Structural Inorganic Chemistry W. W. R. Cotton. Symmetry in Chemistry Dover Publications (2002). splitting theory. Y.. Saunders and Co. Os. R. A. F. Integrals of protons.. & Kotz. Drago. Benjamin. C. Sutton. W. Press (1998). P. 7. & Langford. 2nd Ed. C. Atkins. & Machin. Electronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes McGraw-Hill: New York (1968). Physical Methods in Chemistry W.Y (1971). G. Russel-Saunders states. The spinning nucleus. B. F.: USA (1974). & Parker. W. magnitude of coupling constant. Purcell. Bishop. Symmetry and chemical reactions. Selected examples. (1973). Hatfield.First and nonfirst order spectra. F. W. Orgel and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams. Science books: USA (2000). Simplification of complex spectra (solvent effect. K. nephelauxetic series. metal-metal bonds. & Palmer. diisoamylborane. Carruthers. base peak. isotropic mass peaks. nitrogen and halogens. Reductions: Stereochemistry. β-.Physical Chemistry Statistical Mechanics. Thermodynamic probability and most probable distribution. C. sulphur. 2. R. W. Canonical and other ensembles. Deuterium. & Morrill. Structural applications of CMR.. relative intensity. Statistical mechanics for 10 . isopinocamphenyl and diisopinocamphenyl borane. H. sodium cyanoborohydride... including compounds containing oxygen. Unit mass and molecular ions. metastable peak. Applications of hydroboration (reductions. Combined problems on UV. Oxidations: Scope of the following oxidising reagents with relevant applications and mechanisms: DDQ. Important terms. Freeman & Co. α-. Hydride transfer reagents: Sodium borohydride. instrumentation and modifications. Silverstein. etc. Introduction to 2D-NMR ESR: Derivative curves. Preparation and applications of lithium organocuparates. 9-BBN. IR. Kinetics and Macromolecules Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics: Fundamentals: Concept of distribution. DIBAL. broad band decoupling. hyperfine splitting. (1991). McLafferty rearrangement. Applications of Pd(0) and Pd(II) complexes in organic synthesis.Stille. noise decoupling. March. off-resonance. oxidations and cabonylations): diborane. Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds John Wiley & Sons (1981). Heck reaction and Negishi Coupling. 1H-decoupling. W. Paper VI. Recommended Texts: 1. Bassler. Kemp. allylic and benzylic cleavage. stereoselection and mechanism of the following reagents: Catalytic hydrogenation and metal-liquid ammonia reductions. Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis Cambridge University Press (1971). proton decoupling. NMR and MASS Course B: Methods in Organic Synthesis Organosilicon Compounds: Preparation and applications in organic synthesis. 3.singly and doubly charged ions. Sharpless epoxidation. Tl(NO3)3.CMR: Resolution and multiplicity of 13C NMR. Homogeneous hydrogenations: Mechanisms and applications using Rh. Recognition of M+ ion peak. NOE signal enhancement. ESR spectra of simple molecules MASS: Theory. 4. General fragmentation rules: Fragmentation of various classes of organic molecules. J. SeO2. Advanced Organic Chemistry John Wiley & Sons (1992). Organic Spectroscopy 3rd Ed. Ru and other metal complexes. M. Suzuki and Sonogashira coupling. FTMS. C. Thermodynamics. T. W. fluorine and phosphorus coupling. lithium aluminium hydride and alkoxy substituted LAH reducing agents. G. thexylborane. g-values. DEPT. Statistical Mechanics Viva Books Pvt. P. Residual entropy. Evaluation of translational. A. viscometry. Applications to ideal gases: The molecular partition function and its factorization. Lagrange’s undetermined of independent particles and its importance in chemistry. Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics. Addison Wesley (1974). Stirling’s approximation. Ltd. Billmeyer. perfect gas mixtures. Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach 3rd Ed. 3. Theory of unimolecular reactions. Physical significance of activity coefficients. W. A. 6. Hinshelwood treatment. rotational and vibrational partition functions for monatomic. Laidler. Lindemann mechanism. Secondary salt effects.. Electrochemistry: Solutions: Activity coefficients and ion-ion interactions. F. Calculation of thermodynamic properties of ideal gases in terms of partition function. statistical weights of ortho and para states. Statistical definition of entropy. Molecular partition function and its importance. Potential energy surfaces (basic idea).. Solution kinetics: Factors affecting reaction rates in solution. Kinetics: Theories of reaction rates: Collision theory. Effect of solvent and ionic strength (primary salt effect) on the rate constant. D. Calculation of equilibrium constants of gaseous solutions in terms of partition function. Chemical Kinetics 3rd Ed. Benjamin Cummings (1997). Distribution of chain lengths.: New Delhi (2003). & Simon. 5. Ortho. J. RRKM model (qualitative treatment). Univ. mean activity coefficient of an electrolyte and its determination. Thermodynamic probability (W) for the three types of statistics. 2. Transition state theory (both thermodynamic and statistical mechanics formulations). D. Wiley-Interscience: New York (1984). Atkins.and para-hydrogen. Macromolecules: Concepts of number average and mass average molecular weights. Elements of Statistical Thermodynamics 2nd Ed. L. Recommended Texts: 1. Einstein theory and Debye theory of heat capacities of monatomic solids. D. Derivation of the Debye-Hückel theory of activity coefficients (both point ion size and finite ion size models). K. Nash. Oxford University Press (2006). sedimentation equilibrium methods). Excess functions. J. Methods of determining molecular weights (osmometry. Derivation of distribution laws (most probable distribution) for the three types of statistics. K. 4. de Atkin’s Physical Chemistry 8th Ed. Theta state of polymers. & Paula. The electronic and nuclear partition functions.. Third law of thermodynamics. J. McQuarrie. Textbook of Polymer Science 3rd Ed. Average end-to-end distance. 11 . Assembly partition function.. McQuarrie. diatomic and polyatomic gases. Science Books (2001). W. Idea of microstates and macrostates. Types of statistics: Maxwell-Boltzmann. symmetry number. Quantitative analysis of mixtures of metal ions by complexometric titrations (mixture of two metals) with the use of masking and demasking agents. Determination of specific rotation and resolution of racaemic mixtures iii. and find out (i) the order with respect to sucrose. Bromination and bromine addition vii. 3. Diels-Alder reaction v. (b) Study the acid catalyzed inversion of cane sugar. Nucleophilic aromatic/aliphatic substitution vi. 5. i. Determination of some metal ions. nickel. Oxidations and reductions iii. Study the reaction at two different temperatures and calculate the thermodynamic parameters. Qualitative analysis of mixtures of salts including rare element salts (soluble and insoluble) containing eight radicals including interfering. Qualitative analysis of mono and bifunctional compounds ii. Diazotisation reactions III UV and IR spectra of simple compounds (for functional group identification) Physical Chemistry Chemical Kinetics 1. (ii) the rate constant. Determine the specific reaction rate of the potassium persulphate-iodide reaction by the Initial Rate Method.Practical Test. 6. Analytical and preparative TLC II Small scale organic synthesis using some of the following reactions: i. Determine the specific rate constant for the acid catalyzed hydrolysis of methyl acetate by the Initial Rate Method. Study the saponification volumetrically.200 Marks Inorganic Chemistry 1. Compare the strengths of hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid by studying the rate of hydrolysis of methyl acetate. by colourimetric method. 2. 12 . such as iron. Coupling reactions iv. 3. of ethyl acetate with sodium hydroxide Organic Chemistry I 4. Acetylation reaction ii. Study the kinetics of the iodination of acetone in the presence of acid by the Initial Rate Method. Condensations viii. (a) Determine the specific rotation constant for sucrose. 2. etc. 3. 2. (iii) Sodium acetate vs. 5. 6. Titrate hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide potentiometrically. Determine the equivalent conductance. Titrate a mixture of (i) (ii) (iii) strong and weak acids (Hydrochloric and acetic acids) weak acid (acetic acid) and dibasic acid (oxalic acid) strong acid (hydrochloric acid) and dibasic acid (oxalic acid) versus sodium hydroxide. ( Note. 5. Study the conductometric titration of (i) Acetic acid vs. electronic spreadsheets. citric acid.g. Any other experiment may be introduced during the year) 13 . Computational Methods Familiarity with word processing. Determine the Cell Constant of the given conductivity cell at room temperature and study the equivalent conductance versus square root of concentration relationship of a strong electrolyte (KCl or NaCl) and weak electrolyte (acetic acid). oxalic acid. Study the conductometric titration of a mixture of a strong and weak acid. 8. Determine the dissociation constant of acetic acid potentiometrically. mathematical packages. Potentiometry 1. (ii) Acetic acid vs. Determine the equivalent conductance at infinite dilution for acetic acid by applying Kohlrausch’s law of independent migration of ions. 3. Study the estimation of potassium sulphate solution by conductometric titration. 7. Comment on the nature of the graphs. 6. Titrate a solution of Mohr’s Salt and potassium dichromate potentiometrically. Study the stepwise neutralization of a polybasic acid e. succinic acid by conductometric titration and explain the variation in the plots. Prepare and test the Calomel Electrode. sodium hydroxide. 7. Study the conductometric titration of hydrochloric acid with sodium carbonate and determine the concentration of sodium carbonate in a commercial sample of soda ash. 4. 2. Titrate oxalic acid and sodium hydroxide potentiometrically. data processing.(iii) Compare kinetically the strengths of two acids (HCl and H2SO4) Conductometry 1. ammonium hydroxide. 4. degree of dissociation and dissociation constant (Ka) of acetic acid. HCl. Titrate a solution of Mohr's salt against potassium permanganate potentiometrically. chemical structure drawing and molecular modelling. delayed fluorescence. Precursor complex formation and rearrangement.Inorganic Chemistry Course A: Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Mechanisms of substitution reactions of tetrahedral. H. chelation therapy/chelating agents in medicine. Homogeneous Transition Metal Catalysis Chapman & Hall (1981). A. D.and 1. Trans effect and its application to synthesis of complexes. isomerization. Tobe. energy pooling. factors affecting the reactivity of square planar complexes. nature of bridge ligands. Benjamin: N. Thomas Nelson: London (1973). &. & Gordon.γ-unsaturated ketones. chemical activation. N. Swain-Scott equation.5-dienes. photochemical additions. photosensitization. ATPase or sodium pump.. Paterno–Buchi reactions. Hughes. Stern-Volmer plot. B.Sc. Katakis. olefin oxidation. Photochemistry of alkenes: cis-trans isomerization. 1. G. Potential energy diagrams. (1966). etc. Langford. The Inorganic Chemistry of Biological Processes. Two-electron transfers. Toxic metal ions and their detoxification. mixed valence complexes and internal electron transfer. cyclohexenones (conjugated). fission of successor complexes. cyclohexadienones (cross-conjugated & conjugated). 3. Y (1987). C. Photochemistry of carbonyl compounds: Norrish type I & II reactions (cyclic and acyclic). Mechanism of Inorganic Reactions John Wiley & Sons: N. transition states and intermediates. C. reactions of 1. β. 2. square planar. Na-K. H. exciplexes. dimerizations. 14 . α. Role of metal ions in biological systems. solvent effects. Recommended Texts: 1. isotope effects.. Ligand Substitution Processes W. Wiley (1981). Recent advances in cancer chemotherapy using chelates. M. trigonal bipyramidal.Gray. Berry's pseudo rotation mechanism.4. (Final) Paper VII. excimers. Futuristic aspects of organo transition metal complexes as catalysts and in bio-inorganic chemistry. square pyramidal and octahedral complexes. Wadington. Y. in Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms F. Paper VIII-Organic Chemistry Course A: Photochemistry & Pericyclic Reactions Photophysical processes: Jablonskii diagram. Masters. Ed. HOMO and LUMO of oxidant and reluctant. Synthesis of coordination compounds using electron transfer reactions. 5. 4. Molecular rearrangement processes: Electron transfer reactions (outer and inner sphere). M. Biological nitrogen fixation. Natural and synthetic oxygen carriers.3-. non-vertical energy transfer. photoreductions.M.β-unsaturated ketones. quantum yield. 2nd Ed. Course B: Catalysis and Bio-inorganic Chemistry Transition metal ion catalysts for organic transformations and their application in hydrogenation (using symmetric and chiral organometallic catalysts). carbonylation and polymerization reactions. Fatty acid metabolism: Even chain and odd chain (saturated and unsaturated) fatty acids.. Chymotrypsin. (1981). T. genetic code (origin. 5. carcinogenesis and recombinant DNA technology. P. energy rich and energy poor phosphates. tertiary and quaternary structure. R. 7. 2. secondary. J. TPP. C4 pathway. Biochemistry Addison-Wesley (1983). uric acid and ammonia formation. r-RNA). fatty acid anabolism.Physical Chemistry Molecular Structure: Spectroscopic and Diffraction Methods Spectroscopic methods: Characterization of electromagnetic radiation. Inc.. calorific values of food. Aspects of Organic Photochemistry Academic Press (1976). Advanced Organic Chemistry. ketone bodies. Horspool. Dewar and prismanes in isomerization. Frontier Orbital approach. F. Parts A & B. & Sundberg. 6. cycloaddition. structure and functions of DNA. & Richardson. 3. 4. Nucleic acids: Chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis. H. Enzymes. 8. (1995). citric acid cycle. General pericyclic selection rule and its applications.S.Photochemistry of aromatic compounds: Isomerizations. Course B: Chemistry of Life Processes Introduction to metabolic processes: Catabolism and anabolism. W. Photo Fries rearrangement of ethers and anilides. FADH2.currency of biological energy.g. NADPH. Protein metabolism and disorders: Degradation of amino acids (C3. Prentice-Hall (1996). S. skeletal isomerizations. BornOppenheimer approximation. t-RNA. Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry AddisonWesley Educational Publishers. H. genetic errors. Plenum: U. E. e. PMO approach. an overview of gene expression (replication. Singlet oxygen reactions. ATP. Correlation diagrams for different systems. P. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. pentose phosphate pathway and photosynthesis. (2004). 1.. Pericyclic reactions: Electrocyclic. Proteins (structure and functions): Primary. allosteric sites and mechanisms of their actions. Carbohydrate metabolism: Glycolysis. Carey. General Orbital Symmetry rules. Wobble hypothesis and other important features). carboxypeptidase. Basic elements of 15 . A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry 6th Ed. gluconeogenesis. Barton reaction. S. lipases. active sites. Sykes. Hoffman-Loefller-Freytag reaction. R. C4. M.3-dipolar additions.A. fate of pyruvate under anaerobic conditions. etc. Freeman & Co. Paper IX. role of NADH. A. lipoic acid and biotin. urea cycle. Advanced Organic Chemistry John Wiley & Sons (1992). Recommended Texts: 1. Stryer. C5 family). & Lehr. oxidative phosphorylation (electron transport system). RNA (m-RNA. J. Lowry. Ene reaction. Zubay. Pericyclic Reactions Academic Press (1977). transcription and translation). Hückel–Mobius approach. Marchand. W. K. sigmatropic and chelotropic reactions. coenzyme A. Biochemistry 4th Ed. March. L. Dissociation energies from vibrational data. Fluorescence and phosphorescence and factors affecting these. Koopmans’ theorem. Systematic absences for different types of unit cells (primitive. Use of Group Theory in assignment of spectra and selection rules for simple molecules. zinc blende). Structure factors. Vibrational spectroscopy: Normal coordinate analysis of homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules. Selection rules and relative intensities of lines. hydrogen bonding. Q and R branches. Derivation of selection rules for diatomic molecules based on Harmonic oscillator approximation. Effect of isotopic substitution. Overtones and combination bands. Miller indices. Introduction to molecular spectroscopy: Rotational spectroscopy of diatomic molecules based on rigid rotator approximation. Applications in structure determination. Microstate and spin factoring methods. 16 . Zeeman and Stark effects. Stern-Volmer equation. Adiabatic and vertical ionization energies. Classification of polyatomic molecules. Principles of Mossbauer spectroscopy: Isomer shifts. Jablonskii diagram. Quenching of fluorescence. Bragg’s law and Laue’s equations. Photoelectron spectroscopy of diatomic (N2) and simple polyatomic molecules (H2O. Breakdown of selection rules. Structure determination for organic crystals like naphthalene. HMO theory and Group theory for polyenes and carbonyl compounds (formaldehyde). Qualitative ideas of solvent effects. P. Breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Integrated absorption coefficients. Spectra of complex atoms. formaldehyde). NMR spectroscopy: Larmor precession. Atomic photoelectron spectroscopy. Excited states: Deactivation. First order Stark effect. Energy levels and spectra of symmetric top molecules and asymmetric top molecules. Fourier series. Selection rules. Franck-Condon factors.spectroscopy. Einstein coefficients. Vibration-rotation spectra. Polarizability ellipsoids. Rotational and Vibrational Raman spectroscopy. Polyatomic molecules. Derivation of spin and orbital selection rules (based on recursion relations of Legendre polynomials). Hund’s rules. Mechanisms of spin-spin and spin-lattice relaxations and quantitative treatment of relaxation. Space groups. Electronic spectroscopy: Diatomic molecules. Scattering by a small crystal. body-centred. Raman spectroscopy: Stokes and anti-Stokes lines. face-centred.viscosity. Selection rules. Use of Free Electron Model. Nuclear spin effect. Anharmonic oscillator. Diffraction Methods. Glide planes and screw axes. Atomic spectra: Characterization of atomic states. Extension to polyatomic linear molecules. Quantum mechanical treatment of the AB system. Symmetry of normal coordinates. Non-rigid rotator. Oscillator strengths. Polarization of Raman lines. Determination of bond lengths and/ or atomic masses from microwave data. polarity. side-centred) and application to some common metal and metal salt structures (rock salt. Atomic scattering factors. Quadrupole and Nuclear Zeeman splittings. Lambert-Beer’s law. Direct and reciprocal lattice. Dissociation energies. Force constants and amplitudes. Time dependent perturbation. Calculation of excited state life-times from absorption data. Transition dipole moments and general selection rules based on symmetry ideas. Evaluation of energy matrices using Slater’s method. Spin orbit coupling and its magnitude in comparison to crystal field. phosphazenes. X-Ray Diffraction Dover Publications (1990). G. carboranes. R. Chang.Patterson’s functions. W. Lande’s interval rule. polyhedral boranes. Non octahedral fields. cages and metal cluster compounds. E. 3. borazines. tetrahedral (including contribution of odd harmonics). surface activity pore size. J. Single electron in a cubic field. direct product. contribution of spherical harmonics to the octahedral potential Vxyz. trigonal and tetragonal (including Ds & Dt parameters). Paper X(i)-Inorganic Chemistry (Special-I) Course A: Chemistry of inorganic rings. E and T terms in octahedral fields. Fifty Years of Neutron Diffraction Hilger (1987). Wave functions forming basis for irreducible representations. M. Characterization of clays. metalloboranes and metallocarboranes.θ. and zeolites. Warren. for a d1 and d9 case. Hollas. Edward Arnold: London (1975). 7. structure. G.. Moore. Physical Chemistry 4th Ed.. J.φ) for the splitting of d orbital to eg and t2g in terms of Dq. Course B: Introduction to the solution of multielectron problems. multielectron systems . Basic Principles of Spectroscopy McGraw-Hill. the central field approximation. pillared clays and zeolites with emphasis of catalyses. distribution and interlayer spacing. 6. Operator equivalent technique. J. quantitative basis (r. Spherical harmonics and their linear combinations. Application of clays. Barrow. Heavy atom method.Y. Molecular Structure: The Physical Approach 2nd Ed. (1970). & Speakman. Brand. Bacon. B. pillared clays and zeolites from measurement of surface area. Splitting of eg and t2g orbitals due to spin orbit coupling. Silicates and aluminosilicates Classifications. C. John Wiley & Sons (2004). properties and applications of naturally occurring silicates and aluminosilicates. D. Bethe’s method of descending symmetry. Effect of spin orbit coupling on A. Modern Spectroscopy 4th Ed. 5. Syntheses of pillared clays. Recommended Texts: 1. The use of double group D4’ and O’. Generation of a secular determinant for 3F term (d2) in weak field. J. Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy McGraw-Hill (1962). E. N. C. angular momenta. 17 . 2. step up and step down operators and their use in atomic spectra. Comparison of X-ray method with electron and neutron diffraction methods. M. Prentice-Hall (1972). 4. New York.the weak and strong field cases. The octahedral potential. benzotriazine. isothiazole and benzofused analogs. Five membered rings with two heteroatoms: pyrazole. indole. Benzofused five membered heterocycles with one heteroatom. An Introduction to Concepts in Solid-State Structural Chemistry John Wiley & Sons Azaroff. Structural Inorganic Chemistry Oxford University Press. spectral characteristics. thiarines. 3. lithiated ethers and related compounds). Thermodynamic versus Kinetic enolates.g. L. aziridine. Marshal. W. Seven and large membered heterocycles: azepines. oxetenes and thietanes. pteridines. 18 . e. Chemistry and Use. phenoxazine. nitro compounds. Applications in chiral synthesis. isoquinoline. Inorganic Solids. oxepines. Introduction to Ligand Field Theory McGraw Hill Book Co.: N. Adams.Y (1962). 4.Structure. M. Chemistry of bicyclic compounds containing one or more heteroatoms. Paper X(ii). Benzofused six membered rings with one.Recommended Text: 1. D. azirine. Chemistry of porphyrins and spiro heterocycles. Sulphur and nitrogen ylides: Preparation. Wells. thiepines. The Physical Chemistry and Minerology of Soil Vol.Organic Chemistry (Special-I) Course A: Newer Synthetic Reactions and Reagents Enolates. imidazole.. J. C. Introduction to Solids Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. two and three heteroatoms: benzopyrans. Principles of ultrasound and microwave assisted organic synthesis. oxiranes. Ltd. crown ethers and polymersupported reagents in organic synthesis. E. Reactions in ionic liquids Course B: Heterocyclic Chemistry Introduction to heterocycles: Nomenclature. Zeolites Molecular Sieves. V. 6. Principles and applications of phase transfer catalysis. quinolines. Phosphorus. azetidine. Ballhausen C. I Soil Materials John Wiley & Sons. reactivity and aromaticity Synthesis and reactions of three and four membered heterocycles. 5. Umpolung reactions (sulphur compounds. thiazole.g. benzofuran. applications in organic synthesis and mechanism. oxazole. 2. Breck. benzothiophene. advantages and disadvantages. F. D.. phenothiazine. enonate equivalents and enamines: Applications in carbon-carbon bond formation and related reactions. Principles of Green Chemistry and its applications: Biotransformations: Classification of enzymes. e. A. quinoxazaline. acridine. John Wiley & Sons. applications in organic synthesis. & Curren. J. Gibbs equation. relaxation method. microemulsions. de Atkin’s Physical Chemistry 8th Ed. J. relation between diffusion coefficient and mean free path. EinsteinSmoluchowski equation.. Science Books (2001). Paper X(iii). Thermodynamic criteria for non-equilibrium states. electrical double layer. Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics Wiley-VCH (2003). Univ. Zwanzig.Linear laws.Recommended Texts: 1. Recommended Texts: 1. 9. micellization. M. W. counterion binding to micelles. 2. K. Stokes-Einstein equation. Thomas. Principles and Practice of Heterogeneous Catalysis John Wiley & Sons (1996). Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis Cambridge University Press (1971). Chorkendorff.A. flash photolysis and magnetic resonance method. Electrode/ electrolyte interface. Campbell. J. P. 3. F. Chemical Kinetics 3rd Ed. D. Nernst-Einstein equation. Carey. J. relation between flux and viscosity. W. Non-equilibrium stationary states. P. M. Transport phenomena: Diffusion coefficients. Fast reactions: Luminescence and energy transfer processes. W. Krafft temperature. study of kinetics by stopped-flow technique. J. Coupled phenomena. Catalysis at Surfaces Chapman and Hall. & Thomas. 5. R. Acheson. Surface phenomena: Surface active agents. J. A. Oxford University Press (2006). & Paula. 3. Introduction to Colloid and Surface Chemistry 2nd Ed. R. Shaw. Prigogine’s principle of maximum entropy production. (2004). Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach 3rd Ed. Nernst equation. electrode kinetics. 19 . M. surface films (eletrokinetic phenomena). Fick’s first and second laws. Carruthers. 4. solubilization. ESCA and Auger spectroscopy to the study of surfaces. Parts A & B. D. M. J. Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics Oxford University Press (2001) Laidler. & Simon. classification of surface active agents. J.specific examples of entropy production. 7. Non Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Biophysics Harvard University Press: Cambridge (1965). thermodynamics of micellization.Physical Chemistry (Special-I) Irreversible thermodynamics: Meaning and scope of irreversible thermodynamics. Kinetics of solid-state reactions. Ib. New York/London (1988). I. critical micelle concentration (CMC). relation between thermal conductivity/viscosity and mean free path of a perfect gas. & Sundberg. McQuarrie. Introduction to the Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds John Wiley & Sons (1976). F. reverse micelles. Benjamin Cummings (1997). Butterworths (1970). A. Some important applications. hydrophobic interaction. Advanced Organic Chemistry. Katchalsky. Einstein relation. 8. Onsager’s reciprocal relations. Entropy production. & Niemantsverdriet. R. D. Phenomenological laws. catalytic activity at surfaces. Atkins.. 2.. Plenum: U. 6. Factors affecting the CMC of surfactants.S. Application of PES. W. molecular ions. Application of Raman and Infrared selection rules to the determination of inorganic structures. F and G matrix. Pascal's constants. ion reactions and their interpretation. van Vleck's equation. spin orbit and vibronic coupling contributions. Magnetism: Types of magnetic behaviour. Course-B: Electronic spectroscopy: Vibrational and electronic energy levels in a diatomic molecule. cis and trans isomers and bonding parameters from spectra of tetragonal complexes. appearance and ionization potential. bond strength frequency shift relations. oscillator strengths. resonance Raman spectroscopy. D2d. selection rules.. change in symmetry on coordination. spectrochemical series. applications to metal complexes. paramagnetism in experimental simple systems where S = ½. changes in spectra of donor molecules on coordination. etc. effect of σ and π bonding on the energy of t2g orbitals and Dq. Wiley Interscience. potential energy level diagram. P. Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 6th Ed. symmetry of an entire set of normal vibrations. FT spectrometers. A. Nonresonance overtones and difference bands. absorption in infrared. Symmetry requirements for n to π* transitions. effect of distortion on the d orbital energy level (Td. magnetic moments of metal complexes with crystal field terms of A.Inorganic Chemistry (Special-II) Spectral Techniques in Inorganic Chemistry Course-A: Vibrational spectroscopy: Vibrational motion and energies. Raman spectra and selection rules. thermodynamic data. High and low spin equilibria. intramolecular effects. effect of magnetic field on Mossbauer spectra. mixing of d and p orbitals in certain symmetries. nephelauxetic effect. Partial quadrupole splittings and geometry of the complexes. D4h). anharmonicity. bonding parameters. Ds and Dt for 20 . & Gast. Fe-S cluster and tin compounds. fragmentation. calculation of Dq. antiferromagnetism and ferromagnetism of metal complexes. effects of phase on spectra. its derivation and its applications. isomer shift and its interpretation.10. rotational fine structure in gas phase IR. use of symmetry to determine the number of active infrared and Raman lines. Survey of the electronic spectra of tetragonal complexes. quadrupole interactions.(1997) Inorganic Chemistry Special Papers (II-V) Paper XI(i). polarized and depolarized Raman lines. transition moment integrals (electric dipole and magnetic dipole moment operator). Application of mass spectroscopy to inorganic compounds. Calculation of Dq and β for Ni(II) Oh complexes. Mass spectroscopy: Experimental arrangements and presentation of spectra.P. number of vibrational modes. Adamson. metal carbonyls. Mossbauer spectroscopy: Doppler shift and recoil energy. E and T symmetry. A.I. Spin-orbit coupling and susceptibility of transition metal ions and rare earths. selection rules. effect of isotopes on the appearance of a mass spectrum. super paramagnetism. vibrational spectra and symmetry. T. Polarized absorption spectra. molecular weight determination. magnetic susceptibilities. cell systems. S. alkyne. Hyperfine splittings in isotropic systems. factoring contact and pseudo contact shift for transition metal ions. Effect of an external magnetic field. signal intensities and splitting.K. nitrosyls. Paper XII(i). Behaviour of a bar magnet in a magnetic field. 4. cyclopentadiene. Types of nuclei based on value of Ι. 15N. spin polarization mechanism and McConnell’s relations Anisotropy in g-value. (1977). O.: U. alkene. measuring chemical shifts. Shift operators and the second order effect. signal intensities and spin-spin coupling to structure determination of inorganic compounds carrying NMR active nuclei like 1H. (1983). nuclear spin angular momentum quantum number. energy lends of a quadrupolar nuclease and effect of asymmetry parameters and energy lends. Saunders Co. π delocalization. Ι. Nuclear Quadrupolar Resonance (NQR) Spectroscopy: Quadrupolar moment. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: Nuclear spin quantum number.K. 183W. 11 B. A. Carrington. NMR of paramagnetic substances in solution. structural evidence from electronic spectra. Fluxional organometallic compounds including π-allyl complexes and their characterization.tetragonal complexes. EPR spectrometers. A. 31P. Introduction to Magnetic Resonance Chapman & Hall: N. tertiary phosphines. 19F. intervalence electronic transition. E. selected examples for elucidation of structural aspects of inorganic compounds using NQR spectroscopy. Drago. F. Physical Methods in Chemistry W. diagram for Co(II) and Ni(II). E. Contrast agents. Application of chemical shifts.Y. Structural Methods in Inorganic Chemistry Blackwell Scientific Publications (1991). nuclear and electron relaxation time. hydrides. arene compounds and their M. Contact shift and spin density. The NMR transition and NMR experiment. Metallocycles. pseudo contact shift. Recommended Texts: 1. Futuristic aspects of organotransition metal chemistry. 3. A. π bonded organometallic compounds including carbonyls. & McLachlan. 195Pt. zero field splitting. Electronic paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy: Electronic Zeeman effect. cyclobutadiene. spin parity rules.O. D. & Machin. Application to planar tetrahedral equilibrium. unsaturated nitrogen ligands including dinitrogen complexes. Metal-carbon multiple bonds. Structure and bonding. 21 . simplified M. 2. R.Inorganic Chemistry (Special-III) Course A: Organotransition metal chemistry General introduction. the expectation value of <Sz>. The effects of electron Zeeman. Kramer's rule. nuclear Zeeman and electron nuclear hyperfine terms in the Hamiltonian on the energy of the hydrogen atom. Mabbs. B. diagrams. etc. Ebsworth. Survey of organometallic complexes according to ligands. D. presentation of spectra. contact shift. EPR of triplet states. and its relation to classical magnetic moment. coupling to quadrupolar nuclei. Effect of fast chemical reactions.O. (1973). 29Bi. and its calculation using the nuclear shell model. Magnetism and Transition Metal Complexes Chapman and Hall: U. survey of EPR spectra of first row transition metal ion complexes. Zeeman Hamiltonian and EPR transition energy. J. Fixation of dinitrogen biologically and abiologically. J. Wiley-Interscience (1991). neurotransmitter. G. (1968). Metal complexes of polynucleotides. L. AC and pulse). Paper XIII(i). Role of alkali/alkaline earth metals in bio-systems. stability of DNA. Metal ions as probes for locating active sites. J. ESCA. Lippard.K. L. E. 22 . Resonance Raman and Surface Enhanced Raman SpectroscopyDispersive and Fourier Transformed. Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry Univ. Recommended Texts: 1. coulometry and anode stripping voltammetry. Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES). biotransformation of nonmetallic inorganic compounds. Role of metal ions in oxygen carriers and synthetic oxygen carriers. Environmental bioinorganic chemistry. Coates. Template temperature. M. & Powell.Polarography (DC.K. (1988). M. Science Books (1994). geo-chemical effects on life systems. M. X-ray diffraction (iv) Imaging Techniques: Electron microscopy (SEM. 2. Metal ions as antioxidants. H. muscle contraction blood clotting. Inhibitions as competitive and non-competitive. & Berg. 4. Organometallic Compounds Chapman & Hall: U. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). essential and non-essential elements in bio-systems.. Metal complexes as probes of structure and reactivity with metal substitution. Dispersive and Fourier Transformed Raman. J. Green. S. 18 and 38. H. S. Fundamentals of Toxicity and Detoxification. Metals in the regulation of biochemical events. (iii) Diffraction Methods: Electron diffraction. Principles of Organometallic Chemistry Chapman and Hall: U.Inorganic Chemistry (Special-IV) Analytical techniques (Instrumentation and Application) Course A: (i) (ii) Electroanalytical methods:. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry Vols.UV/Visible. Nuclear medicines. Anti-oxidants. 3. Transport and storage of metal ions in vivo. Optical methods:. Lippard. metals and metalloproteins. Biochemistry of calcium as hormonal messenger. P. Role of metal ions in replication and transcription process of nucleic acids. cyclic voltammetry. Biochemistry of dioxygen. TEM) (v) Infrared Spectroscopy. Atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy. Designing of chelating agents and metal chelates as medicines. bioinorganic chips and biosensors.Course B: Bio-inorganic chemistry Fundamentals of inorganic biochemistry. Role of 3d block elements and nonmetals in bio-systems. calcification reclaiming of barren land. metal ion enhancing catalytic activity of enzymes (Biocatalysts). nucleosides and nucleic acids (DNA & RNA). Green. Band theory (Zone model. DSC and thermometric titrations. (2004).. Paper XIV(i).. 5. Principles of Electron Microscopy. R. Superconductors. West. optical. catalysis and Zone refining of metals. Brillouin Zones. A. Course B: Nuclear and Radiochemistry Nuclear structure and nuclear stability.). Statistical evaluation of data -indeterminate errors. YAG and tunable lasers): Inorganic phosphor materials. J & Nieman. IC.. Skoog. (Eds. L. M. Atomic Force Microscopy and characterization of nanomaterials. ion exchangers including liquid ion exchangers and chromatographic methods for identification and estimation of multicomponent systems (such as TLC. Holler. Eds.) Instrumental Methods of Analysis . Types of errors in experimental data determination (systematic).. D. Limitations of the Zone model). magnetic and thermal properties of inorganic materials. Oxford (1987) Christian. M. L. & Day. 6th Ed.. A. precision –standard deviation. Recommeded Texts: 1. H. Dean. F. Solid State Chemistry Techniques Clarendon Press. metallic bond. with special emphasis on the synthesis and structure of high temperature superconductors. Sources of errors and their effect upon the analytical results. accuracyabsolute error.. Principles of Instrumental Analysis Saunders Golden Sunburst Series (1997). Preparation of nanomaterials and their characteristic differences over bulk materials. John Wiley & Sons. Merritt. Nuclear Models. Wadsworth Publishing (1988) ISBN 0534081428 Khopkar.7th Ed. HPLC.. Synthesis and advantages of optical fibres over conducting fibres.(vi) Hifanated Techniques: GC-IR. GC. 3. Solid State Lasers (Ruby. p-type and n-type. relative standard deviation. Inc. 2.). 23 . indeterminate (random) and gross. Spectroscopy and any other. Radioactivity and nuclear reactions (including nuclear fission and fusion reactions). S. Analytical Chemistry. etc. T. Cheetham.. A. J. etc. A. D. Electrical. Inorganic semiconductors (use in transistors. The use of statistics.Inorganic Chemistry (Special-V) Course A: Inorganic Materials Introduction to the solid state. P. Defects in solids. & Settle. (ii) (iii) Thermal Methods: TG. Willard. Diffusion in solids. A. Concepts in Analytical Chemistry Halsted (1984). 4. Course B (i) TG-IR Spectroscopy. DTA.mean and median. G. Methods for reporting analytical data. Dynamic Light Scattering. Separation Methods: Theory and applications of separation methods in analytical chemistry: solvent extraction. H. GC-Mass Errors and Evaluation: Definition of the terms. D. K. Y. Detectors and their principles. Ed. organic conductors and organic superconductors. β-ecdysone. catenanes and rotaxanes Chemistry of small. Tandem reactions. Kennedy. Asymmetric synthesis: Development of methodologies for asymmetric synthesis. H. Marcus. G. Nanotechnology Springer-Verlag: N. Gelators fibres and adhesives. Recommended Texts: 1. Hannay. Harvey. 6. The counting errors and their corrections. Nuclear Fission and Fusion Reactors. Cheetham. 24 . Molecular devices. J. Supramolecular reactivity and catalysis.Organic Chemistry (Special-II) Course A: Advanced Organic Synthesis Philosophy of organic synthesis: Disconnection approach. metallocenes and annulenes Bridged rings. Novel liquid crystals. Self assembly and self organization.Hot atom Chemistry. Menthol. medium and large ring compounds Chemistry of non-benzenoid aromatics: Tropones. Ion channels. (1999). 5. Organic Chemistry Special Papers (II-V) Paper XI(ii).3-difunctional and 1. prostaglandins E2. Taxol and gandriol Course B: Supramolecular Chemistry and Carbocyclic Rings Principles of molecular associations and organizations: Non-covalent synthesis. stereoselectivity and stereospecificity. Oxford (1987) Timp. The interaction of nuclear radiations with matter. caged molecules and adamantane. regioselectivity.. Eds. Radiation hazards and therapeutics. one group C-C disconnection. Nuclear & Radiochemistry. W.: New Delhi (1993).g. Dendrimers. azulenes. chemoselectivity. tropolones. 1. two group C-C disconnections. the technique of isolating two or three different fission products of U or Th and determining the yields). K. Solid State Chemistry and its Applications John Wiley & Sons (1987). Keer. R. N. M. Treatise on Solid State Chemistry Plenum (1976). 4. & Day. 3. F2a. C. B. John Wiley & Sons (1981). E. P. reversal of polarity. V. West. Total synthesis of the following compounds using disconnection approaches: Vitamin B12.. Introduction to Nuclear Chemistry Prentice-Hall (1969). G. 7.5-difunctional compounds. J. Tracer techniques and their applications. Principles of the Solid State Wiley Eastern Ltd. Isotope dilution and radio-activation methods of analysis. one group and two group disconnections. Domino reactions and multi-component reactions. Solid State Chemistry Techniques Clarendon Press. A. S. Fission product analysis (e. organic solids. 2. & Miller. The direction of radioactivity. A. Friedlander... Ed. I. branched chain sugars. A.. combinatorial synthesis of peptides. L. Sinden. phosphodiester-triester and phosphite methods. enkephalins. F. chemical synthesis of phospholipids and glycolipids. M. HPLC and gel electrophoresis Carbohydrates: Types of naturally occurring sugars. & Finar. LNA. (3) Vögtle. cell-cell recognition and blood group substances. Mevalonic acid. valinomycin. acetoacetyl CoA. Acetyl CoA. Solid phase synthesis. amino sugars. 1. Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach John Wiley & Sons (1984). enzymatic and mass spectral methods. chemistry of sialic acids.and triterpenoids and steroids. chemical synthesis of DNA. sequence determination by chemical and enzymatic methods. P. Bioorganic Chemistry: A Chemical Approach to Enzyme Action Springer-Verlag (1989). phosphoramide approach. Addison-Wesley (1998). Supramolecular Chemistry: An Introduction John Wiley & Sons (1993). self assembly and aggregation of peptides. micelles. 5. 6. I. lyposomes and biological membranes. diosgenin and its utility in hormone synthesis. A Personal Account Vch Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh (1995). Gait. sugar methyl ethers and acid derivatives of sugars. stereochemical notation in lipids. Paper XII(ii). Cholesterol to estradiol. H. Lipids: Classification and biological importance of fatty acids and lipids. bilayers. Organic Chemistry Vol. polymorphic nature of DNA. Course B: Nucleic Acids and Carbohydrates Nucleic acids: Secondary structure of DNA and RNA. & Penney. Oligonucleotide Synthesis-A Practical Approach IRL Press (1984). C. Chemistry of oxytocin.Organic Chemistry (Special-III) Course A: Proteins and Lipids Peptides and proteins: Classification of naturally occurring peptides. Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure Springer-Verlag (1984). Finar. PNA. W. 4. Longman (1998). genome sequencing. (2) Lehn. Bodansky. Supramolecular Chemistry: Concepts & Perspectives. deoxy sugars. J. 7. L. 2. properties of lipid aggregates. stabilising forces.Organic Chemistry (Special-IV) Course A: Terpenes and Steroids Terpenes and steroids: Classification and biosynthesis of mono. dextran. depsipeptide and peptide alkaloids with examples. automated DNA synthesizers. Finar. Peptide Chemistry: A Practical Textbook Springer-Verlag (1988). Paper XIII(ii). multistranded DNA structures. R. 2. 3. M. DNA Structure and Function Academic Press (1994). polysaccharides of industrial and biological importance. solution phase and solid phase synthesis. Dugas. J-M. S. Recommended Texts: 1. squalene to lanosterol. chemical.sesqui-. Sequence determination. L. di. 25 . Modern methods of peptide synthesis with protection and deprotection.Recommended Texts: (1) Warren. Organic Chemistry Vol. purification of oligonucleotides. Saenger. nonlactam antibiotics and quinilones. Structure and synthesis of morphine. C and E. Organic Chemistry Vol. & Finar. Gibbereline A3. chemistry of Vitamins A. Pyrethroids: Introduction. chemistry of Juvabione Precocenes: Chemistry of Precocene I and II Antifeedants: Different classes of antifeedants. Longman (1998). structure elucidation and synthesis of pyrethroids. 1. reserpine. namely pyrethrins. L.g. structure elucidation and synthesis. occurrence. development. I.. Insect hormones: Introduction to BH. Drug discovery. biosynthesis. and Diadzen Recommended Texts: 1. Course B: Alkaloids and Polyphenols Isolation and structure elucidation of alkaloids. classes of neurotransmitters. Artemisinin. e. etc. Acetate and shikimic acid pathways. Synthetic pyrethroids: Structure–activity relationships. structure elucidation and synthesis. anticancer and anti-hypertensive drugs New developments. Addison-Wesley (1998). synthesis of various synthetic pyrethroids. carbohydrates. L. Drug metabolism and inactivation. I. deficiency syndromes. Structure and synthesis of apigenin. mixed function oxygenases. anti-analgesics.General chemistry of the following compounds. oxidative phenol coupling of selected alkaloids. gene therapy and drug resistance. A. anti-inflammatory. Organic Chemistry Vol. Drugs affecting collingeric and adrenergic mechanisms Anti-histamines. JH mimics– some structures. cinerins and Jasmoline. 26 . Biosynthesis and biogenesis of alkaloids using thiokinase. design and delivery systems General introduction to antibiotics. Finar. Course B: Bioactive Compounds Vitamins: Classification. Mechanism of action of lactam antibiotics. L. quercetin. ergotamine and acotinine Biosynthesis of flavonoids and related polyphenols.Cholesterol. luteolin. Azadirachtin. proteins and nucleic acids. Finar. methyl transferases. 2. Receptor structure and sites. amino acid decarboxylases. antiviral and anti-AIDS Neurotransmitters. structural analogs. role of azadirachtin in IPM. Paper XIV(ii). chemistry of JH. 2.Organic Chemistry (Special-V) Course A: Medicinal Chemistry Introduction to the history of medicinal chemistry General mechanism of drug action on lipids. JH and MH. Antifertility agents. primers and releasers. mechanism of action of water soluble and fat soluble hormones. secondary messengers. Hormones: General study of hormones including classification. Molecular Quantum Mechanics 3rd Ed. advantages of pheromones over conventional pesticides. I. Roothaan equations. & Peterson. & Finar. INDO and other semiempirical theories. Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry Oxford University Press (2001). I. P. EHT and PPP methods. Pressure of gas expressed as a power series in activity. negative feedback mechanism. Atkins. Many electron systems. R. Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. etc. Orbital and spin angular momentum operators. Irreducible cluster integrals. Theory of condensation. This project will carry 10 marks out of a total of 50 marks and shall replace the internal assessment test. electronegativity equalization. Determinantal wavefunctions. Introduction to second quantization in chemistry. 4. Electron correlation and CI theories. Recommended Texts: 1. Quantum Chemistry 5th Ed. L. Levine. Pauli matrices. 1. Gringauz. Lowe. Paper XII (iii) –Physical Chemistry Special (Advanced Statistical Mechanics) Theory of Imperfect Gases and Condensation Partition functions and cluster integrals. 3. 2. Basis sets (Slater. Nature of electron density distribution and Density Functional theories. Addison-Wesley (1998). A. Physical Chemistry Special Papers Paper XI(iii). S. Virial expansion for a gas. Koopmans and Brillouin theorem.). Longman (1998). A. synthesis of different pheromones. Term symbols and term energies. Prentice-Hall Inc. Finar. L. & Friedman. K. Finar. etc. N. W. I. Density functional interpretation of some concepts (electronegativity. MOPAC. 3. 2. different classes of pheromones. Matrix elements for one and two electron operators. A review of HMO. 27 . Recommended Texts: 1. G. Gaussian and integral transform). Organic Chemistry Vol. P. L. L. ZDO approximation and CNDO. Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry: How Drugs Act and Why? John Wiley & Sons (1997). Patrick.. Basis Set Superposition Error (BSSE). pheromones. 2.) Computer experiments: Use of some packages to study molecular electronic structures (GAMESS.Insect pheromones: Semiochemicals. Organic Chemistry Vol. Quantum Chemistry Academic Press (2005).Physical Chemistry Special (Advanced Quantum Chemistry) Perturbation theory for degenerate states.: New Jersey (2000). Double perturbation theory. J. Oxford University Press (1997). softness and hardness. Part 1. Tafel plot. M. Exchange current density. Potential of mean force and the superposition approximation. glass transition in supercooled liquids. Quantum aspects: Charge transfer at electrode-solution interfaces. Fluid with modified LennardJones molecular interaction potential according to the superposition approximation. Exact and formal methods. Cohen-Turnbull free volume model. Kirkwood integral equation. Paper XIII (iii) –Physical Chemistry Special (Advanced Electrochemistry) Relaxation Methods-Theory and Techniques Electrode kinetics: Overpotentials.. Grand Canonical Ensemble: Distribution functions in monatomic. Derivation of ButlerVolmer equation and its implications. Thermodynamic functions of a fluid and the radial distribution function. L. P. Distribution function at a phase transition. Intermolecular potentials Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo Methods Supercooled and Ionic Liquids Theories of transport properties. 3rd Ed. N. & Lifshitz. Fluid of hard spheres according to the superposition approximation. Macedo-Litovitz hybrid model. Kirkwood-Salsburg integral equation. L. 2. Tunnelling Semiconductor interfaces: Structure of double layer at the semiconductor-solution interface. Stochastic Processes in Physics & Chemistry 2nd Ed. D. Neutron and X-ray scattering. van Kampen. configurational entropy model. Elsevier Science (2001). G.: New York (1987). Landau. Mass transfer by diffusion. BornGreen-Yvon (BGY) integral equation. Methods for Structure Determination Spectroscopic techniques for liquid dynamic structure studies.Theory of Liquids Canonical Ensemble: Definition of distribution and correlation functions. T. M. Statistical Mechanics: Principles and Selected Applications Dover Publications Inc. non Arrhenius behaviour of transport properties. Multistep electrode reactions. 4. Lattice Statistics Nearest neighbour lattice statistics-Thermodynamics and interconnections. Computational Techniques Computer simulation: Motivation and applications. Determination of multistep electrode reactions. Quantization of charge transfer. & Tildesley. J. Hill. one-component systems. 3. Effect of light at semiconductor-solution interface 28 . D. Statistical Physics Vol. Pergamon Press (1980).. 5. Computer Simulations of Liquids Oxford Science Publications: Oxford (1987). Allen. HNC equation. Recommended Texts: 1. I. PY equation. Corrosion monitoring and prevention methods Conversion and storage of electrochemical energy: Fuel cells and batteries. Modern Electrochemistry 1: Ionics 2nd Ed. Springer (2001). Dvorak.Electrochemical methods: Controlled potential and current techniques. Modern Electrochemistry 2B: Electrodics in Chemistry.attractive and repulsive forces. N. Tobin. Temkin.. L. 2nd Ed. Photochemical reactions. Brett. A. Engineering. Growth. K. 6. M. Hodgkin-Huxley Paper XIV(iii) –Physical Chemistry Special (Advanced Chemical Kinetics) Statistical theories of kinetics: Collision theory. J. 29 . fall-off region and its limitations. forms of corrosion. Faulkner. J. Enzyme kinetics: Michaelis-Menten mechanism .energy transfer. J. Surface Diffusion. O’ M. O’ M.. L. Nernst-Planck equation.Langmuir.. Electrocapillary phenomena. A. Reddy. & Kavan. Core Conductor model. K. A. Electrochemical instrumentations. N. Electrocatalysis: Influence of various parameters. 5. & Reddy.Gouy-Chapman. Hydrodynamic techniques. Electrochemistry Oxford University Press (1993). Adsorption and Electric Double Layer Thermodynamics of the double layer. Adsorption – Ionic and organic molecules. Bard. 2. E. & Brett. J. Springer (2001). Graham-Devanathan-Mottwatts. Biology and Environmental Science 2nd Ed. Adsorption isotherms . & Reddy. J. Electrocardiography Applied Electrochemistry Corrosion: Introduction to corrosion. O’ M.. Rice-Ramsperger and Kassel (RRK) model. Structure of electrified interfaces . Bockris. K.. Frumkin. Principles of Electrochemistry John Wiley & Sons: NY (1993). Bockris. Homogeneous catalysis. Experimental evaluation of surface excesses and electrical parameters. Variety of shapes formed in electrodeposition. Complex reactions: Chain reactions and oscillatory reactions. and Marcus refinement of RRK model (RRKM) for the calculation of rate constants of simple unimolecular (isomerization) reactions. N. Activated Complex theory. M. John Wiley & Sons: New York. Bioelectrochemistry Membrane potentials. Lindemann’s theory of unimolecular reactions.Nucleation. O. R. Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications. A. King-Altman method for working out the kinetics of complex enzyme reactions. J. A. equations. 4. Stern.single and double intermediates. Devanathan models Electrocrystallization Electrogrowth of metals on electrode. Bockris. M.. Springer (1998). 3. Scanning probe techniques. & Gamboa-Aldeco. C. Bockris. Modern Electrochemistry 2A: Fundamentals of Electrodics 2nd Ed. Potential energy surfaces. Hydrogen electrode Recommended Texts: 1. 2002. A. Underpotential deposition. Koryta. reversibility and products inhibition. unit cells. m. Laidler. Applications of ESR spectroscopy . Reaction Dynamics: Molecular beams. trigonal bipyramid. U. J. Bishop.K. Electronic spectroscopy: Electronic spectroscopy of transition metal complexes. e. Collision cross-section. P. Spinlabelling studies of biomolecules. Probing the transition state. 2. M. g-factor for organic radicals. Paper XV(iii) –Physical Chemistry Special (Advanced Molecular Spectra) Vibrational spectroscopy: Group theory and symmetry classification of normal modes of vibration. Vibronic analysis. W. Isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine coupling constants. Clarendon Press: Oxford. Zero-field splitting and Kramer’s degeneracy. D. & Seakins. Symmetry and Spectroscopy: An Introduction to Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy Dover Publications: New York (1990). g-factor for paramagnetic ions. M. Reaction Kinetics Oxford Press (1997). M. Chemical Kinetics 3rd Ed. pyrazine. Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy: Basic principles. Relaxation and Line Widths. and crystal symmetry. Recommended Texts: 1. C. Spin Hamiltonian. Recommended Texts: 1. Computer simulation (analog computer) in chemical kinetics. 2. Molecular encounters and principal parameters. Square planar. K. . Pilling. Jahn-Teller distortions.g. Electronic spectroscopy of organic molecules . Benjamin Cummings (1997). Correlation diagrams for octahedral fields and fields of lower symmetry. Kinetic studies of electron transfer reactions. Factors affecting the g-factor. pyrimidine. Dependence of collisional cross-section on translational energy.Enzyme inhibition. D. & Bertolucci. naphthalene radical anion. Normal coordinate analysis in Cartesian and internal coordinates of small molecules: BF3. Study of unstable paramagnetic species. framework and cage molecules. Fine splitting in triplet spectra.benzene. Octahedral and tetrahedral complexes. (1973). Harris. effect of substitutionpyridine.and p-xylene radical ions from HMO theory..Structure determination. Dynamics of barrierless chemical kinetics in solution. Group Theory and Chemistry. toluene and o-. J. dynamics of unimolecular reactions. Interpretation of ESR spectra of simple organic radicals like benzene radical anion. NH3. Impact parameter. Spin densities and McConnell relationship. D. Relation of the crystal symmetry to the symmetry observed in a 30 . principle of crossed-molecular beams. Reaction cross-section and relation between reaction cross-section and reaction rate (single velocity). Paper XVI(iii) –Physical Chemistry Special (Crystal Structure) Crystal Structures and Basic Symmetry Overview: Description of a crystal structure in terms of atom positions. methyl substitution. Magnetic properties. p-n junctions. band structure of metals. Phase problem. and cubic crystal systems.Schottky defects and Frenkel defects. absolute configuration of molecules. Hysteresis. super conductors. Electron Microscopy Fundamentals of electron microscopy as a useful subsidiary technique for crystallographers. Estimation of errors. Thermodynamics of Schottky and Frenkel defect formation. Organic solids: Electrically conducting solids. 2. intrinsic and extrinsic defects. steps. Bragg method. colour theory.magnetic domains. L. doping semiconductors. Structure of simple lattices and X-ray intensities. non-stoichiometry and defects. E.tetragonal.diffraction experiment for primitive. Recommended Texts: 1. Examples of its application in materials science and macromolecular structural biology.Classification of materials: Quantum theory of paramagnetics cooperative phenomena . Electronic properties and Band Theory: Metals. identification of unit cells from systematic absences in diffraction pattern. Ramachandran diagram. new superconductors. concept of non-crystallographic symmetry to protein crystallography.point defects. instrumentation. Elsevier (2006) 31 . Fourier refinement. Protein Crystallography Basics of modern protein crystallography using Web-based material. magnetic scattering. measurement techniques. insulators and semiconductors. vacancies. & Smart. Effects of thermal motion. and methods used in protein crystallography with appropriate case studies. Fourier synthesis. organic metals. trigonal. Determination of absolute configurations (Bijvoet method). index reflections. Heavy atom method. intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. hexagonal. Chapman & Hall (1996) Rhodes. measurement technique. Crystal defects and non-stoichiometry: Perfect and imperfect crystals. Miller indices. Least squares refinement. Electron diffraction: Scattering intensity versus scattering angle. R factor. elucidation of structure of simple gas phase molecules. Direct method. Bragg condition. Neutron diffraction: Scattering of neutrons by solids and liquids. Low energy electron diffraction and structure of surfaces. organic charge transfer complexes.. Chemical interpretation of results. Wierl equation. Structure factor and its relation to intensity and electron density. Laue method. Scattering and Diffraction Theory X-ray Diffraction: Interaction of radiation with condensed matter and how this can be used in generalized crystallography. Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction 2nd Ed. Concept of Reciprocal space. electronic structure of solids. different levels of structure exhibited by proteins. Moore. line and plane defects. Elucidation of structure of magnetically ordered unit cells. orthorhombic. Refinement. limitations. Description of the procedure for an X-ray structure analysis. Crystallography Made Crystal Clear: A Guide for Users of Macromolecular Models 3rd Ed. Patterson synthesis. G. insulators and semiconductors. Debye-Scherrer method of X-ray structural analysis of crystals. . Sands. The Perrin formulation. Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach 3rd Ed. Practical significance of polymer molecular weight. Dover Publications (1990). Photophysical radiationless transitions: Wave mechanical interpretation of radiationless transitions between state factors that influence the rate of vibrational relaxation. E. Warren. standard free air chamber method. 3. The absorption and emission of light . triplet-singlet. energy transfer by electron exchange: An overlap or collision mechanism. The Franck-Condon Principle and radiative transitions. Diffusion controlled quenching. 5.. Univ. Recommended Texts: 1. Stopping power and linear energy transfer. transitions between potential energy surfaces. and nucleic acids). Compton effect. Paper XVIII(iii) –Physical Chemistry Special (Macromolecules) Recapitulation: Polymers and their classification and nomenclature. J. Potential energy surfaces. D. 2. N. free radicals: Various mechanisms of their formation and energy transfer processes). absorption complexes. & Paula. spin-orbit coupling and spin forbidden radiative transitions. J. G-value. de Atkin’s Physical Chemistry 8th Ed. Multiphoton energy transfer processes. 4. Pair production. The role of energetics in energy transfer mechanism. & Simon. 4. McQuarrie. & Baggot. reversible energy transfer. amino acids. classical and quantum dynamics. polydispersity. Radiolysis of water and aqueous solutions.. W. Gilbert. Photoelectric effect. J. 32 . A. Introduction to Crystallography Reprint Dover Publications (1994). A. Crystal Structure Determination 2nd Ed. total absorption coefficient. excitation and ionization. Radiolysis of molecules of biological interest (carbohydrates. Radiation dosimetry: Radiation dose and its measurement. Springer (2004). Modern Molecular Photochemistry Univ. B. P. J. vibronic states). X-Ray Diffraction 1st Ed. E. excited molecules.3. The mechanism of interaction of high energy radiation with matter. Paper XVII(iii) –Physical Chemistry Special (Advanced Photochemistry and Radiation Chemistry) Photochemistry Molecular photochemistry: An overview: Transitions between states (Chemical. peptides. degree of polymerization. chemical dosimeter (Frick’s Dosimeter). Molecular weight and size. Science Books (2001). Energy transfer: Theory of radiationless energy transfer. Science Books (1991).state mixing. Oxford University Press (2006). D. Massa. Essentials of Molecular Photochemistry Blackwell Scientific (1990) Atkins. Short lived intermediates (ions. W. singlet-triplet energy transfer. Flash photolysis: Principle and its applications. Turro. delayed fluorescence and phosphorescence. D. Types of polymerization. Radiation Chemistry An overview. A classical model of radiative transitions. Triplet-triplet. Morphology of solution grown single crystal and bulk grown crystal. Polymer microstructure: Microstructure based on chemical structure and geometrical structure. composition of nucleic acids. 2. Thermodynamics of polymer dissolution. Tg and melting point Polymer solutions: Process of polymer dissolution. Meaning of glass transition temperature (Tg). nature of polymer molecules in solution. Applications of degradable polymers. Stimuli-sensitive (smart) polymers: pH. Chapman & Hall (1991). A.Kinetics of polymerization: Kinetics and statistics of step growth polymerization. Kinetics of free radical chain polymerization. Properties of water. polarons and bipolarons. Chemical and biodegradation. Degradable polymers: Types of degradable polymers. nonlinear polymerization and prediction of gel point. Conformations and configurations of polymers in solutions. Colligative properties. Viscosity of polymer solutions. & Lovell. P. Electrochemical polymerization. P. DeGennes. factors influencing the glass transition temperature. degree of crystallinity. copolymerization. Mechanism of conduction in polymers. topological routes. Amorphous polymers: Structure in amorphous polymers. Properties of nucleosides and nucleotides. Structure of macromolecules: Polymer crystals: crystallization in polymers. Factors affecting the conductivity of conducting polymers. Introduction to Polymers 2nd Ed. anionic polymerization and polycondensation. Semi-crystalline polymers: spherulites. Paper XIX(iii) –Physical Chemistry Special (Biophysical Chemistry) Fundamentals of biological macromolecules: Chemical bonds in biological systems. Designing of conducting polymers: Substitution. Recommended Texts: 1. Nature of charge carriers in conducting polymers: solitons. cationic polymerization. factors affecting melting. Applications of conducting polymers. Structures of nucleic acids. Properties and classification of amino acids. Electrically conducting polymers: Discovery of electrically conducting polymers. Molecular mechanism of crystallization. Electronic structure of polymers: Band theory of polymers. R. G. size distribution in linear polymers. Thermodynamic principles in biological systems. Donor-acceptor polymerization. Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics Cornell University Press (1979). The Flory-Higgins Theory of polymer solutions. J. Doping of conducting polymers. importance of glass transition temperature Tg and molecular weight. Methods for determining band structure of polymers: An introduction. Young.and temperature-sensitive smart polymers and their applications in biotechnology and medicine. 33 . crystallization and melting. factors determining crystal structure. Kinetics of crystallization. Important structural features. ladder polymerization. Protein structure and function. . Fluorescence spectroscopy. integration and solution of ODE. Paper XX(iii) –Physical Chemistry Special (Computational Methods in Chemistry) Programming: BASIC and FORTRAN/C languages. Structural determinations: Physical methods: Ultracentrifugation and other hydrodynamic techniques. Dynamic light scattering. H. John Wiley & Sons (2003). etc. matrix inversion and diagonalization.) Use of electronic spreadsheets in chemistry. Modelling Molecular Structures 2nd Ed. L. scattering from particles that are not small compared to the wavelength of radiation. Moving Boundary Sedimentation. 10 marks should be reserved for internal assessment based on project work. Freeman (1980). Ramachandran plots. The course should be coupled with practical training in the laboratory. Stabilizing interactions in biomolecules. Some illustrative numerical methods in chemistry: Least squares fit. Capillary electrophoresis. Molecular Mechanics. Basics of electronic structure calculations. etc. & Cox. Basic ideas on structure-activity relationships. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 4th Ed. Chemoinformatics. Sedimentation. M. Single and multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Recommended Texts: 1. simulating macromolecular structure. Nelson. which will replace the mid-semester internal assessment test. Lehninger. Molecular mechanics. Development of some simulation programs and use of the internet for chemical information retrieval. Linear and Circular Dichroism. Low angle X-Ray scattering. Neutron scattering. Cantor. Freeman (2004). W. Introduction to LINUX/UNIX and shell scripts. drug and catalysis design. Molecular Dynamics. MALDI-TOF. Hinchliffe. 34 . 1-3.. A. root finding. Isoelectric focusing. Light scattering. including Chromatography. molecular dynamics packages. polypeptide chain geometries and internal rotational angles. and. Electrophoresis. H. numerical differentiation.Molecular modelling and conformational analysis: Complexities in modelling macromolecular structure. Raman scattering Optical methods and applications: Optical techniques in biological systems: Absorption spectroscopy. Pattern recognition techniques and molecular graphics. Computer experiments: Use of some packages to study molecular electronic structures and molecular modelling (GAMESS. MOPAC. Each student should complete at least one project. D. L. fundamental concepts. Zonal Sedimentation. scattering from a number of small particles: Rayleigh scattering.. interpolation. energy minimization. & Schimmel Biophysical Chemistry Vols. 2. Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulations. out of a total of 50 marks. R. W. Recommended Texts: 1. C. Methods for the separation of biomolecules: General principles. A. M. glass formers and glass modifiers.. dispersion strengthened and particle-reinforced. Lyotropic phases and their description of ordering in liquid crystals. macroscopic composites. Pearson Education: England (2001). steric stabilization. phase transitions and mechanism of conduction in superionic conductors. viscoelastic behaviour. Tenkolsky. transistors. gels. fullerenes. foams. preparation and characterization of 1-2-3 and 2-1-4 materials. clays. characterization. S. optical properties. H-D. ceramics. positional order. R. T. normal state properties. thermotropic liquid crystals. emulsions. sols. Wiley-VCH (2003). position lifetimes. special properties. Ceramic structures.The tube model. planar and schlieren textures. Glassy state. & Folkers. vacancy mechanism. properties and applications of thin and LB films. polymer blends. optical phonon modes. Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film. properties and applications. 35 . H.. W. forces between colloidal particles. Press. capacitors IV-V compounds. experimental observations of single chain dynamics. twisted nematics. Cambridge University Press (1996). A.homeotropic. applications. chemical processes. Polymer: Polymer melts. & Flannery. anisotropy. examples and applications of ionic conductors. Applications. evaporation/sputtering. concentrated colloidal dispersions. growth techniques. interstitial types (Frenkel). Materials for solid-state devices: Rectifiers. copolymers. molecular rearrangement in smectic A and smectic C phases. composites and nanomaterials. optical properties of liquid crystals. Microscopic composites. B. magnetism in organic materials.. Ionic conductors: Types of ionic conductors. Organic solids. P. elastic constants.Rouse and Zimm models. mechanical properties. fibrereinforced composites. food colloids. Leach. preparation procedures. Paper XXI(iii) –Physical Chemistry Special (Physical Chemistry of Materials) Glasses. Nanocrystalline phase. smectic-nematic transition and clearing temperature. 4. sol-gel.2nd Ed. organic superconductors. characterization of colloids. molecular devices: Conducting organics. applications of high Tc materials. superconducting state. G. Thin Films and Langmuir-Blodgett films Preparation techniques. 3. Liquid crystals: Mesomorphic behaviour. microwave absorption-paying and multigap structure in high Tc materials. bond orientational order. clay products. Refractories. W. Rognan. Vetterling.2. nematic and smectic mesophases. effect of polymer on colloid stability. chiral nematics. incompatibility and segregation. high Tc superconductivity in cuprates. diffusion superionic conductors. Sippl. D. photolithography. A. High Tc materials: Defect perovskites.. temperature dependence of electrical resistance. Dielectric susceptibility and dielectric constants. kinetic properties. Colloids: Types of colloids. Numerical Recipes in Fortran/C 2nd Ed. low-dimensional quantum structures. Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications. etc. charge stabilization. mechanism of ionic conduction. Molecular Modeling: Basic Principles and Applications 2nd Ed. W.. coherence length. heat capacity. Höltje. MOCVD. 4369.3H2O.Fullerenes . Nonlinear optical materials: nonlinear optical effects. Educ. N. and its transition metal complexes. M. viz. Materials Science & Engineering: An Introduction John Wiley & Sons: New York. W. 4. Ashcroft.N)-bis(salicyldehyde)ethylenediamine Salen H2.doped fullerenes as superconductors. 6. W. Chem. V. Thermotropic Liquid Crystals John Wiley & Sons: New York (1987). optical storage memory and switches. G. 130. UV.. (viii) (N. Amphiphiles and Liquid Crystals John Wiley & Sons (2000). Chem. 3.. 730. 55. Soc. Visible. Synthesis of inorganic complexes/compounds and their characterization by various physicochemical methods. 1980.: New Delhi (1993). 4 119. 43. J.materials for second and third harmonic generation. N. and its cobalt complex [Co(Salen)]. Cis and trans isomers of [Co(en)2Cl2]Cl J. Cr(acac)3. Chem. IR. Preparation of triphenyl phosphene Ph3P. 5. 1960. Colloids. Inorg. 1963. Tin(II) iodide. artificial photosynthetic devices.. [Cr(H2O)4Cl2]Cl. N. E. second and third ordermolecular hyperpolarizability and second order electric susceptibility. W. Principles of the Solid State Wiley Eastern Ltd. D. 316. Practical Test. 73. 1. CRC Press (1991) Hamley. 1957. Synth. W. 1978.200 Marks Inorganic Chemistry I. Solid State Physics Holt-Saunders (1976) Callister. Selection can be made from the following or any other from the existed literature. Serpone. Photocatalysis: Fundamentals and Applications John Wiley & Sons (1989). Synth.. H. Recommended Texts: 1. 1976. Preparation of Ferrocene. 36 . Keer. (vii) Tin(IV) iodide. 2. G. J. & Mermin. I. 183. 53. Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials 2nd Ed. 3. & Pelizzetti. Educ.. [Cr(H2O)6]NO3. NMR. Tin(IV) chloride.2H2O. Ed. Ion-exchange separation of oxidation states of vanadium. Jr. Molecular rectifiers and transistors. 1966. 5. magnetic susceptibility etc.sensors. Gray. [Cr(en)3]Cl3. D. 55. 57. Cowie. J. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Metal acetylacetonates Inorg. Introduction to Soft Matter: Polymers. Determination of Cr(III) complexes. 1953. proteins and caffeine by UV/VIS spectra Estimation of a given mixture by NMR spectra Estimation of ascorbic acid by chemical/UV method Any other estimations I. v. Isolation of natural products i. II(b) Instrumental methods of analysis utilising flame photometer. 1977. 75. turbidimeter. 670. IV. alloys and inorganic substances by various chemical methods. Advanced organic synthesis Multistage synthesis including photochemical and enzymatic methods (some examples are given below) 37 . Synthesis and thermal analysis of group II metal oxalate hydrates. vi. vi. Soc. Separation of mixtures by chemical and chromatographic methods 3. vii. ii. i. potentiometer. 1953. 1973..IV). vii. III. Quantitative analysis II. (ix) (x) (xi) (x) Reaction of Cr(III) with multidentate ligands. viii. J. Organic Chemistry 1. Vanadyl acetylacetonate. iv. Chem. Mixed valence dinuclear complex of Mangenese(III. iv. pH-meter. iii. v. Am. atomic absorption spectrophotometer.J. 2. 443. 50. Any other experiments done in the class during the current academic year. amino acids. (i) Isolation of caffeine from tea leaves Isolation of piperine from black pepper Isolation of β-carotene from carrots Isolation of lycopene from tomatoes Isolation of cholesterol from bile stones Isolation of limonene from lemon peel Isolation of euginol from cloves Estimation of glucose by chemical methods Estimation of amino acids by chemical methods Estimation of nitro group in organic compounds Estimation of iodine by Vij’s solution Estimation of carbohydrates. separation of mixtures of metal ions by ion exchange chromatography. a kinetics experiment. Educ. 54. electrochemical methods. Chem. iii. Semi-micro qualitative analysis of single/poly functional compounds (including use of spectral data). 5670. Other new novel synthesis reported in literature from time to time II(a) Analysis of ores. ii. PPL catalysed deacetylation of 2. 5. acetic acid and sulphuric acid with sodium hydroxide. chalcone → chalcone dibromide →α-bromochalcone Cyclohexanone →cyclohexanone oxime → caprolactone (ii) (iii) (iv) Enzymatic reaction: reduction of ethyl acetoacetate with Baker’s yeast. Determine the degree of hydrolysis of aniline hydrochloride. 38 . Titrate a tribasic acid (phosphoric acid) against NaOH and Ba(OH)2 conductometrically.Benzophenone →benzopinacol → benzopinacolone Benzoin →benzil → benzilic acid Benzaldehyde → chalcone → chalcone epoxide. Estimate the concentration of each component of a mixture of AgNO3 and HNO3 by conductometric titration against NaOH. 6. 4. Determine the velocity constant for the saponification of ethyl acetate conductometrically. Study the effect of dielectric constant (ε) on the nature of the conductometric titration between maleic acid and sodium methoxide using different mixtures of benzene and methanol as solvents. 9. 8. 7. Titrate a moderately strong acid (salicylic/mandelic acid) by the (a) salt-line method (b) double alkali method. Titrate (i) (ii) (iii) Magnesium sulphate against BaCl2 and its reverse titration HCl versus NH4OH Sodium oxalate against HCl. 3. 2.4-diacetoxyacetophenone. Use of ultrasound and microwaves in organic synthesis Application of phase transfer catalysis in organic synthesis Physical Chemistry List of Experiments (Sets A . Titrate a mixture of copper sulphate. Determine the critical micelle concentration of a surfactant (sodium lauryl sulphate) by the conductivity method.F) Set A CONDUCTOMETRY 1. Study the spectra of mesityl oxide in different solvents (as in 3(c)). Comment on the difference. CH3OH. and classify the observed transitions in terms of n→π* and π→π* transitions. Record the U.4-dioxane). Determine the concentrations of KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7 in a mixture by the MLRA method 2. cal/mol. Joules/mol. 10. (ii) the moment of inertia of the molecule. Discuss the shift in transitions relative to those in acetone by means of a qualitative MO diagram. Find the dissociation constant of a weak acid (β-naphthol or 4-methyl-7-hydroxy coumarin) in its ground state (by absorptiometry). 4. if any. Comment on the difference. 7. i. Comment on the difference. and (a) Explain the intensities of the rotational lines (b) Calculate (i) the force constant of the H-Cl bond. Determine the dissociation constant of an indicator spectrophotometrically.Set B SPECTROPHOTOMETRY 1. 5. (c) Assign the transitions by recording spectra in solvents of different polarities (H2O. and the rotational contribution to the molar heat capacity of the HCl molecule. pyridine and pyrimidine in methanol.e. spectrum of a given compound (acetone) in cyclohexane (a) Plot transmittance versus wavelength. (c) Calculate the rotational partition function. if any. (d) Calculate the energy involved in the electronic transition in different units. Record the UV spectra of p-nitrophenol (in 1:4 ethanol:water mixture). Repeat after adding a small crystal of NaOH. Record the UV spectra of benzene. Compare and discuss the various transitions involved in terms of MO theory. 3. (b) Plot absorbance versus wavelength. Determine the concentration equilibrium constant and extinction coefficient for the charge transfer complex by applying the Benesi-Hildebrand equation. (e) Calculate the oscillator strength/ transition probability. Comment on the energy of hydrogen bonding. Find the stoichiometry of the charge transfer (CT) complex formed between thiocyanate ions and iron(III) by Job’s method of continuous variation. cm-1. Study the vibrational-rotational spectrum of HCl in the gas phase.V. Record the fluorescence spectrum of phenolphthalein in the aqueous phase at pH 3 and 10 and compare the two spectra. CH3CN and 1. & eV. and (iii) the internuclear distance. 6. 39 . 8. and in its excited state (by fluorimetry). CHCl3. if any. 9. 4. (b) Cu⏐CuSO4 (0. Set up a calomel electrode (saturated) and measure its potential using the quinhydrone electrode as the reference. 7. 5.01 M hydrochloric acid solution. Determine the solubility and solubility product of an insoluble salt. H and S from Cp data v. Numerical solution of differential equations (e.1 M and 0.g. BASIC programming (a) Elements of the BASIC language including string manipulation and graphics (b) Numerical methods and their applications in chemistry (c) Some typical exercises based on the above i. quadrature and finding roots iii. Set up the following electrodes and measure their potentials. Decimal-binary conversion ii. Least-squares fit including graphics ix. Roots of cubic equations (e. pH of a weak acid vi. (b) mixture of KCl + KBr + KI and determine the composition of each component in the mixture. 9. Obtain values for their standard electric potentials: (a) Zn⏐ZnSO4 (0. AgX (X=Cl.g. Determine the mean activity coefficient (γ±) of 0.Set C POTENTIOMETRY 1. van der Waals’ equation) vii. 6. Set D COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES I. in kinetics) xi. Titrate potentiometrically solutions of (a) KCl/ KBr/ KI. 3. Br or I) potentiometrically.01 M).1 M and 0. Titrate potentiometrically a solution of ferrous ions against KMnO4/ K2Cr2O7. Determine the dissociation constant (pKa) of a weak acid using a pH-meter. Carry out the titration in the reverse order. 2. Density Functional modelling of atoms x. Titrate phosphoric acid potentiometrically against sodium hydroxide.01 M). Find the composition of the zinc ferrocyanide complex by potentiometric titration. Chemical kinetics simulations viii. 8. Titration curves and end-point location iv. Intrapolation & interpolation of data 40 . Numerical differentiation. 9.1 M). kinetics. Determine the intensity of light from a UV source using the reaction between Fe3+ and oxalate ions. 5.g. Record polarograms of a solution of KCl (0. regression.. Lambert-Beer’s law) II. 6. Study the kinetics of the photosensitized decomposition of oxalic acid by uranyl ions. energy of activation and possible mechanism for the reaction. Explain the nature of the polarograms.xii. Find the stoichiometry of the complex formed between a metal ion (Fe3+) and a ligand (salicylate) by Job’s continuous variation method and determine the stability constant of the complex formed.1M) containing 0. and solving simultaneous equations). Molecular modelling and its applications to problems from chemistry. Repeat the experiment after expelling the dissolved oxygen with a stream of nitrogen gas (5-10 mins. and determine the concentration of CuSO4/ KMnO4/K2Cr2O7 in a solution of unknown concentration colourimetrically. 7. 327 (1976)) 8. Set E PHOTOCHEMISTRY & COLOURIMETRY 1.).001 M) in KCl (0. 4. biochemistry and solid-state chemistry. potentiometric titrations.001 M) in KCl (0. Study the kinetics of iodination of acetone colourimetrically in acidic and basic media and comment on the difference.005% gelatin. Determine the order. Find the order and the energy of activation of the decomposition of the violet coloured Ce(IV) oxidation product of N-phenylanthranilic acid using a colourimeter.1M) in the absence and presence of 0. 2.g. if any. particularly for interpretation of UV/Vis and IR data from Set B (Spectoscopy). Chem. Prepare the transition metal complex cyano acid of potassium ferrocyanide (or ferricyanide) by the ion-exchange method. Use of spreadsheets and mathematical packages in data analysis and solving problems in chemistry (e. Determine the diffusion current and the half-wave potentials of Cd2+ and Zn2+ ions: (a) Cd2+ (0. III. Study the titration curves of the photolyzed acid (UV radiation). and suggest a possible mechanism for its decomposition. What do you conclude from the experiment? 2. Verify Lambert-Beer’s law. 3. Ed. rate constant. Determine the dissociation constant of an indicator colourimetrically. Gauss-Siedel method and its use in solving simultaneous equations (e. Determine the concentrations of KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7 in a mixture. Study the kinetics of oxidation of ethanol by potassium dichromate. (a) (b) Determine the nature of this acid by the conductometric method.005% gelatin in the solution. Set F POLAROGRAPHY 1. 41 . (J. 7. (b) Zn2+ (0. L. Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis . Estimate chloride ions in a given solution/ water from various sources.. Harris. F. A. Shoemaker. Merritt. (revised by G. 15. Experimental Physical Chemistry. H.. Das & R.7th Ed. P. C. C. & Underwood. Dean. A.001 M) in KNO3 (0.. M.(c) Cd2+ (0. 12. 10.. & Rattenbury.001 M) + KCl (0.: New Delhi (1977). 5. Tatchell et al. C. Willard. Repeat the experiment in the reverse order. (revised by Mendham et al) Longman Addison Ault Techniques and Experiments for Organic Chemistry 6th Ed. Vogel. Williams. (1993). F. W. Orient Longmans (1990). Wadsworth Publishing (February 1988) ISBN 0534081428 42 . Ltd. A. J. Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis . (Eds. L. 13. G..R. Mann. Day. 3. A. A.. McGraw-Hill: New York (1996).1M) + gelatin (0. & Settle. Svehla) Longmans (1996) ISBN 058-221866-7 Vogel.005%) against standard potassium dichromate (0. Bender. E. Pvt. (revised by A. P.6th Ed. Jr. W. Titrate amperometrically lead nitrate (0. 4. F. Cornwell. Ltd. (Note: Any other experiment may be introduced during the year.01 M). McGraw-Hill (1962). Determine the molecular weight of a given macromolecule (PVP) by the viscosity method. R. D. Freeman & Co. How can you identify the ion from the polarogram? Estimate the concentrations of the ions in separate and mixed solutions. VISCOMETRY 5. Prentice-Hall India Pvt. 3.7th ed. Introductory Practical Physical Chemistry Pergamon Press (1966) 14.) Instrumental Methods of Analysis . C.. B. Vogel's Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry 5th Ed. NEPHELOMETRY 6. 11. A. University Science Books (1998). H. A.001 M) + Zn2+ (0. & Saunders. Experiments in Physical Chemistry. Burns.1 M) + gelatin(0. & Nibler. Determine the stability constant of the lead oxalate complex by the polarographic method. R. W. Quantitative Analysis 3rd Ed.. J. J.) Recommended Practical Chemistry Manuals and Books: 1. T. I. H. Garland. D.) Wiley (1989) ISBN 0582-46236-3 Daniels.005%). A. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. 9. D. Alberty. J. Vogel. D. 2. & Harriman. L. Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th Ed. W. Estimate the concentration of sulphate ions in solution and in a sample of tap water by precipitation with barium chloride. (2002). I. B.. 4. C. & Behera. Experimental Physical Chemistry. Practical Organic Chemistry 4th Ed. 7. E.. I.
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