MS 2530-2-2013 MPOB_watermark

June 8, 2018 | Author: wankartika | Category: Biodiversity, Environmental Impact Assessment, Waste, Water Resources, Sustainability



Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only, copying and networking prohibitedMALAYSIAN STANDARD MS 2530-2:2013 Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Part 2: General principles for independent smallholders Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO ICS: 65.020.20 Descriptors: palm oil, sustainable, general principles, independent smallholders © Copyright 2013 DEPARTMENT OF STANDARDS MALAYSIA The changes are indicated in an amendment page which is incorporated into the existing Malaysian Standard. Box 7035 40700 Shah Alam Selangor Darul Ehsan MALAYSIA Tel: 60 3 5544 6000 Fax: 60 3 5510 8095 http://www. Malaysian Standards are reviewed periodically. NOTE: Technical corrigenda are not to correct errors which can be assumed to have no consequences in the application of the MS. distribute and sell Malaysian Standards. 367474 . O. Approval of a standard as a Malaysian Standard is governed by the Standards of Malaysia Act 1996 [Act 549].my E-mail: central@standardsmalaysia. The use of Malaysian Standards is voluntary except in so far as they are made mandatory by regulatory authorities by means of regulations. please contact: Department of Standards Malaysia Ministry of OR SIRIM Berhad (Company No. local by-laws or any other similar ways. Malaysian Standards are aligned to or are adoption of international standards. standardisation and accreditation as a means of advancing the national economy. facilitating domestic and international trade and furthering international cooperation in relation to standards and standardisation. Amendment: A process where a provision(s) of existing Malaysian Standard is altered.sirim. the folowing definitions apply: Revision: A process where existing Malaysian Standard is reviewed and updated which resulted in the publication of a new edition of the Malaysian Standard. STANDARDS MALAYSIA has appointed SIRIM Berhad as the agent to develop. Block 2300. as may be appropriate to the subject at hand. To the greatest extent possible. promoting industrial efficiency and development. consumers and others with relevant interests. Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO Confirmed MS: A Malaysian Standard that has been reviewed by the responsible committee and confirmed that its contents are current. Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only. Century Square Jalan Usahawan 63000 Cyberjaya Selangor Darul Ehsan MALAYSIA Tel: 60 3 8318 0002 Fax: 60 3 8319 3131 http://www. Amendments can be of technical and/or editorial nature. For further information on Malaysian Standards. Persiaran Dato’ Menteri Section .standardsmalaysia. protecting the copying and networking prohibited For the purposes of Malaysian E-mail: msonline@sirim. for example minor printing errors. benefiting the health and safety of the public. Technology and Innovation Level 1 & 2.DEVELOPMENT OF MALAYSIAN STANDARDS The Department of Standards Malaysia (STANDARDS MALAYSIA) is the national standards and accreditation body of Malaysia. Malaysian Standards (MS) are developed through consensus by committees which comprise balanced representation of producers.V) 1. P. The main function of STANDARDS MALAYSIA is to foster and promote users. Technical corrigendum: A corrected reprint of the current edition which is issued to correct either a technical error or ambiguity in a Malaysian Standard inadvertently introduced either in drafting or in printing and which could lead to incorrect or unsafe application of the publication. ....All rights reserved i ....................... 3 Principle 3: Compliance to legal requirements .................................................................................................... 3 4.......... 4 Principle 5: Environment....................................... 1 3 Terms and definitions....................... 6 Bibliography ......................................................................................................iv 1 Scope ........................4 4.... 5 Principle 6: Best practices ........... 1 2 Normative references........................... safety and employment condition .............................2 4........................................................................................................................ iii Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only................................................................... health................................................................ 6 Principle 7: Development of new planting............MS 2530-2:2013 Contents Page Committee representation ...... 3 Principle 4: Social responsibility......................................................................................... 1 4 Principles and criteria .............................................................................1 4.................................. 7 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 ...........................................................................................3 4.....................................ii Foreword........................................................................................................... biodiversity and ecosystem services ....................................... natural resources................................................................ copying and networking prohibited Introduction ................5 4.. 3 Principle 2: Transparency ..................................................6 4..................................7 Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO Principle 1: Management commitment and responsibility ....................................... All rights reserved . Malaysia Malayan Edible Oil Manufacturers' Association Malaysian Palm Oil Association Malaysian Palm Oil Board (Secretariat) Malaysian Palm Oil Council Ministry of Health Malaysia Palm Oil Refiners Association of Malaysia Sime Darby Plantation Sdn Bhd SIRIM Berhad ii © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 .MS 2530-2:2013 Committee representation Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only. Food Products and Food Safety (ISC U) under whose authority this Malaysian Standard was developed. copying and networking prohibited The Industry Standards Committee on Food. Malaysia Department of Islamic Development Malaysia Department of Standards Malaysia Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute Malaysian Association of Standards Users Malaysian Institute of Food Technology Malaysian Palm Oil Association Malaysian Palm Oil Board Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Malaysia Ministry of Health Malaysia Ministry of International Trade and Industry Ministry of Science. comprises representatives from the following organisations: Department of Agriculture Malaysia Department of Chemistry. Technology and Innovation (National Biotechnology Division) SIRIM Berhad (Secretariat) SME Corporation Malaysia Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO The Technical Committee on Fats and Oils which developed this Malaysian Standard was managed by the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) in its capacity as an authorised Standards-Writing Organisation and consists of representatives from the following organisations: Department of Chemistry. this standard was developed under two layers structure. copying and networking prohibited Part 2: General principles for independent smallholders Part 3: General principles for oil palm plantations and organised smallholders Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO Part 4: General principles for palm oil mills Compliance with a Malaysian Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. under the general title. Under MPOB. Development of this standard was carried out by the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) which is the Standards-Writing Organisation (SWO) appointed by SIRIM Berhad to develop standards for palm oil products. palm kernel products and oil palmbased products. Members in these two committees were as stated at the acknowledgement. Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO): Part 1: General principles Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only. © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 . oil-based food products. National Committee for MSPO and Technical Working Committee for MSPO. Food Products and Food Safety. MS 2530 consists of the following parts.MS 2530-2:2013 Foreword This Malaysian Standard was developed by the Technical Committee on Fats and Oils under the authority of the Industry Standards Committee on Food.All rights reserved iii . MS 2530-2:2013 Introduction Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only. iv Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 . The standard describes the sustainability requirements for the production throughout the supply chain from the raw materials until the transport to consumer and makes it possible for each group of players to perform their respective roles and functions in the following ways: i) stakeholders will be able to exercise their interests by tracing all activities throughout the oil palm supply chain and monitor the established sustainability standards. . and ii) managers of oil palm premises and other relevant facilities along the supply chain will be able to understand the roles they need to play within their respective spheres and the actions that are needed to support and achieve the goals of sustainability. The supply of sustainable palm oil in Malaysia that is capable of maintaining its position in the future is important. as palm oil contributes significantly to the social and economic development of the country. is an indicator of its importance. copying and networking prohibited The Malaysian Standard on Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) addresses sustainability issues and challenges in relation to the multi-stakeholders involved in the industry.All rights reserved . Oil palm covers a wide acreage when compared to other export crops of Malaysia. only the edition cited applies. which can be monitored and influenced by the organisation. 3. For undated references.All rights reserved 1 . Transport and Storage of Products from the Oil Palm Kod Amalan Baik (GAP) Pekebun Kecil. Code of Good Nursery Practice for Oil Palm Nurseries Code of Good Agricultural Practice for Oil Palm Estates and Smallholdings Code of Good Practice for the Handling. implemented by all organizations dealing with oil palm cultivation and palm oil production. It applies to all factors affecting palm oil production and its use. © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 . the latest edition of the normative reference (including amendments) applies.2 child A person who is under the age of fifteen years old. Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only. This includes the diversity within species. Malaysian Palm Oil Board 3 Terms and definitions For the purpose of this standard. It shall be applied with reference to MPOB Codes of Practice and the Malaysian Standard Good Agricultural Practice (MSGAP) and can be used with other management systems.1 biodiversity Biodiversity is the variety of life on the planet. For dated references. 3. between species and of ecosystems. It does not prescribe specific performance criteria.MS 2530-2:2013 Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Part 2: General principles for independent smallholders 1 Scope This Malaysian Standard provides the general principles for Independent smallholders grouped into Sustainable Palm Oil Clusters (SPOC) and other forms of group management to establish and maintain a management system which enables each SPOC and the other groups to undertake a systematic approach in improving their operational practices. copying and networking prohibited This standard covers the areas of operations of the independent smallholders sector of the oil palm industry. in order to ensure sustainable production of palm oil. Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO 2 Normative references The following normative references are indispensable for the application of this standard. comprising SPOC and other management systems and operations. the following definitions apply. 6 group management Group management is the administrative structure established by the independent smallholders group to manage their group activities. 3.3 customary rights Patterns of long standing community land and resource usage created in accordance with the law of the state or nation. copying and networking prohibited 3.7 high biodiversity value Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO Land that has one of the following status: a) b) c) 3. 3. Identified customary lands however are not considered as primary forest. 3. Regardless of its age and notwithstanding that such forests that may be used inconsequentially by indigenous and local communities living traditional lifestyles and are relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. Areas designated by law or by the relevant competent authority to serve the purpose of nature protection.5 fragile soils Fragile soils are problematic and marginal soils in which their utilization requires higher production cost due to specific management requirements.10 Sustainable Palm Oil Cluster (SPOC) Sustainable Palm Oil Cluster (SPOC) refers to a group of independent smallholders within a specific boundary who are committed to produce sustainable palm oil through the cooperative structure. Independent smallholders or leases may employ workers to carry out daily work at their farms.8 Primary forest. then using the conclusions as a tool in planning and decision-making. independent smallholders Independent smallholders are individual farmers who own or lease less than 40 hectares of an oil palm farm and manage the farm themselves.All rights reserved .MS 2530-2:2013 3. National and state interpretations shall consider whether a more specific definition is required.9 primary forest A primary forest is a forest that has never been logged and has developed following natural disturbances and under natural processes. 2 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 .4 environmental impact assessment (EIA) A process of predicting and evaluating the effects of an action or series of actions on the environment. 3. Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only. 3. Areas for the protection of rare. threatened or endangered ecosystems or species recognized by international agreements or included in lists drawn up by intergovernmental organizations. and for disseminating this information throughout the group members.3. © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 .MS 2530-2:2013 3.1.3 Indicator 2: To keep records of sales and delivery or transportation of fresh fruit bunches.1 Principle 3: Compliance to legal requirements Criterion 1: Regulatory requirements 4.1.1 Indicator 1: Independent smallholders shall show awareness of compliance with all applicable local.All rights reserved 3 .2. state.1.2 There shall be a policy binding smallholders to MSPO.3 4.1 Indicator 1: The action plan for continual improvement shall be based on the consideration for the main social and environmental impact and opportunities of the independent smallholders’ group. copying and networking prohibited 4 Principles and criteria 4.2 Indicator 2: Group management shall establish a system to improve practices in line with new information and techniques. 4.1 Principle 2: Transparency Criterion 1: Traceability 4. Independent smallholders shall be aware of the need to understand the importance of continual improvement. Criterion 2: Continual improvement 4.2 4.1 Criterion 1: Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Policy Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO 4.2. or who is directly affected by the activities of an organization and the consequences of those activities. 4.1.12 sustainable development Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present. without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.1.2 Indicator 1: The group management shall commit itself to implement and maintain the requirements for traceability. 3. Principle 1: Management commitment and responsibility 4.1.11 stakeholders An individual or group with a legitimate and demonstrable interest in. such as SPOC.1 4. national and ratified international laws and regulations. 4.13 young person A person who has attained the age of fifteen years old and is under the age of eighteen years old.2. Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only.2.2. 3. political affiliation. if any. Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only.3. 4.2 Indicator 2: Independent smallholders shall provide equal opportunity and treatment regardless of race. these quarters shall be habitable and have basic amenities.2 Indicator 2: Maps of an appropriate scale showing extent of recognized customary rights land. Indicator 2: The local system should be able to resolves disputes. nationality.1 Indicator 1: Independent smallholders need not have a formal health and safety plan but shall ensure that all work practices are safe. Work by children and young persons is acceptable on family farms. The minimum age and conditions of employment shall comply with local.3. Criterion 2: Employees safety and health 4. should be made available. 4.1 Indicator 1: Independent smallholders shall be able to respond to complaints that are raised by their neighbours or other stakeholders.3. safety and employment condition 4. Where recognized customary or legally owned land has been taken over and where there is documentary proof of a transfer of rights (e. sex.3 Criterion 3: Employment conditions 4.g. 4. sale) and of payment or provision of agreed compensation.4.1 Criterion 1: Complaints and grievances Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO 4.3. social origin or other distinguishing characteristics and shall not engage in or support discriminatory practices in line with national aspiration. 4 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 . where available and practical. 4.1 Indicator 1: Independent smallholders shall demonstrate landholdings and there is no evidence of major land disputes.2.2 4. 4. copying and networking prohibited 4.1 Indicator 1: Independent landholdings. colour. 4.4.4. and when it does not interfere with their education. 4.5 Indicator 5: Children and young persons are not to be employed or exploited.3 Indicator 3: Independent smallholders shall ensure that workers’ pay and conditions meet legal standards as per mutual agreements. religion. Criterion 2: Land use rights 4.1.4. 4. smallholders shall demonstrate Not e.MS 2530-2:2013 4. state or national laws.All rights reserved .1.4. work conditions shall be in accordance with a mutual verbal agreement made transparently and freely.4. health. They are not to be exposed to hazardous working conditions. under adult supervision.3.3 rights to their rights to their Criterion 2: Customary rights 4.1 Indicator 1: For independent smallholders with temporary workers.4.4 Indicator 4: In cases where on-site living quarters are provided.3.4 Principle 4: Social responsibility. 4. copying and networking prohibited 4.5.1 Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only.1.2 4.1 Indicator 1: Independent smallholders shall not practice open burning during land preparation for oil palm cultivation or replanting.4.5 Principle 5: Environment.MS 2530-2:2013 4.1 Indicator 1: Independent smallholders can demonstrate that they understand the need to maintain the quality and availability of surface and ground water and steps are being taken for its implementation.5.5.5 Criterion 5: Status of rare.1 Indicator 1: Independent smallholders are expected to be aware of the environmental impact but are not expected to undertake any formal impact assessment unless there is a legal requirement. 4.5.6 Criterion 6: Zero burning practices 4. or endangered species and high biodiversity value 4.5. natural resources.5.3.5. Forest Research Institute of Malaysia and the Wildlife Department.2 Indicator 2: Water harvesting practices should be implemented.1 Criterion 1: Environmental management plan 4.1 Criterion 2: Efficiency of energy use and use of renewable energy Indicator 1: The use of renewable energy should be applied where possible.All rights reserved 5 .2. such as the Forestry Department. Smallholders shall adopt local and national legislation to dispose of hazardous chemicals and their containers. 4.4 Criterion 4: Natural water resources 4. 4. Criterion 3: Waste management and disposal Indicator 1: All waste products and sources of pollution shall be identified.4 Criterion 4: Training and competency 4.5.3 4. Information on protected species and their habitat with high biodiversity value may be obtained from relevant government agencies. Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO 4. 4.3. biodiversity and ecosystem services 4.5. 4. threatened.4. © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 .5.1 Indicator 1: Independent smallholders should show a basic understanding of any species or habitats of concern.1 Indicator 1: Independent smallholders are encouraged to seek knowledge to increase their competency in oil palm management.5. together with their conservation needs. Indicator 2: Independent smallholders shall ensure that waste from their smallholdings is disposed of appropriately.5.5. 4.4. unless with the permission of relevant state authorities.5. 6. Malaysian Standards or ISO Standards and the Kod Amalan Baik (GAP) Pekebun Kecil.2 Criterion 2: Economic and financial viability plan 4.6.1 Indicator 1: Independent smallholders should obtain information on soil types.1 Indicator 1: Extensive planting on steep terrain. millers.2.3 business or Criterion 3: Transparent and fair price dealing should adopt the appropriate and viable conservation measures. shall be avoided unless permitted by local legislation. marginal and fragile soils 4.3 Criterion 3: Planting on steep terrain. 4. 6 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 .2 Indicator 2: A visual identification or reference system shall be established for each field or block of oil palm planting.6. topography and their suitability for oil palm plantings from the relevant government agency.1. Independent smallholders who establish new plantings on steep terrain. local communities and other affected or interested parties.7. state and national legislation.1 Principle 7: Development of new planting Criterion 1: Oil palm shall not be planted on land with a high biodiversity value. New planting plans should be prepared in consultation with extension service officers.6.MS 2530-2:2013 4.All rights reserved . 4. copying and networking prohibited 4.1 Indicator 1: Independent smallholders shall not plant oil palm on land with high biodiversity value as identified by local.7 Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO 4.2 Criterion 2: Soil survey 4. 4.1 Indicator 1: Independent smallholders are encouraged to communicate with and have consultations with dealers.3.1 Indicator 1: All independent smallholders oil palm farms shall implement best practices such as the MPOB Codes of Practice.2.7. Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only. marginal and fragile soils.6. 4.1 Indicator 1: Group Manager shall establish a documented management plan to demonstrate attention to economic and financial viability.1. marginal and fragile soils.7.6 Principle 6: Best practices 4. 4.1 Criterion 1: Site management 4. org. systems and support techniques [4] ISO 14040:2006. Good agriculture practices (GAP) . Crop commodities . Our Common Future. Malaysian Palm Oil Board © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 . ISBN0-19-282080-X [2] ISO 14001:2004.Life cycle assessment . Malaysian Palm Oil Board [13] MS 1784. Environmental Management . Environmental Management .rspo. Guide for addressing environmental issues in products standards [7] Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO [8] [9] Management - Life cycle assessment - ISO 14020:2000. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Good agriculture practices (GAP) [14] MS 1784-2. Environmental labels and declarations .Requirements with guidance for use [3] ISO 14004:2004.General guidelines on principles.Environmental communication Guidelines and example Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). Environmental Management Systems.) [15] Guidelines for the development of a standard operating procedure for oil palm cultivation on peat.General Principles ISO 14063:2006. 1987. copying and networking prohibited Bibliography [1] Brundtland Report.Principles and framework for life cycle analysis [5] ISO 14044:2006. Environmental Management Systems .Part 2 . http://www.Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. [10] Environmental Quality Act 1974 (Act 127) & and regulations [11] Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and regulations [12] Guidelines for the development of a standard operating procedure for oil palm cultivation on peat.MS 2530-2:2013 Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only. Environmental requirements and Guidelines [6] ISO Guide 64:2008.All rights reserved 7 . Malaysia Mr Vincent Chew/ Mr Low Thing Malayan Edible Oil Manufacturers’ Association Dr K Ramadasan/Mr Tan Beng Huat Malaysian Palm Oil Association Dr Kalanithi Nesaretnam/ Dr Ainie Kuntom/ Dr Siew Wai Lin/ Dr Chong Chiew Let/ Dr Nuzul Amri/ Dr Chan Kook Weng/ Mr Mohd Mokmin Bahari/ Mr Hashim Man/ Mr Wahid Omar Malaysian Palm Oil Board Dr Yew Foong Kheong Malaysian Palm Oil Council Ms Rafeah Sibil Ministry of Health Malaysia Mr Mohd Jaaffar Ahmad Palm Oil Malaysia Mr Yosri Mohd Siran Sime Darby Plantation Sdn Bhd Ms Zainorni Mohd Janis SIRIM Berhad Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 . copying and networking prohibited Members of Technical Committee on Fats and Oils Datuk Dr Choo Yuen May (Chairman) Malaysian Palm Oil Board Dr Tan Yew Ai (Secretary) Malaysian Palm Oil Board Ms Nur Sharlina Samsuddin/ Mr Mohamad Saad Sukami Department of Chemistry.Acknowledgements Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only.All rights reserved Refiners Association of . Members under MPOB-SWO standards development structure Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only. copying and networking prohibited Member of National Committee for MSPO Datuk Dr Choo Yuen May (Chairperson) Dr Ahmad Khushairi Din (Deputy Chairman) Malaysian Palm Oil Board Ms Sharifah Nor Asni Felda Agricultural Services Sdn Bhd Mr Chew Jit Seng/Ms Gwendelynne Tanil/ Mr Yap Yau Koong Genting Plantations Bhd Mr Joshua Mathews/Mr Too Heng Liew/ Mr Tay Wai Chian/Mr Liew Kok Wei IOI Corporation Ms Xelena Yong KLK Oleo Mr Vincent Chew/ Mr Hamdan Mat Jaafar Malayan Edible Oil Manufacturers’ Association Mr Gan Tee Jin/Ms Khor Yu Leng Malaysian Estate Owners Association Mr Tan Kim Tun/Mr Azhari Wasi Malaysian Oil Palm Nurseries Association Dato’ Mamat Salleh/Dr K. Ramadasan Malaysian Palm Oil Association Dr Lim Weng Soon/ Mr Ahmad Tarmizi Mohammed/ Mr Idris Haji Omar/Dr N Kalanithi/ Mr Muslim Imam Amat Samsudin/ Dr Ainie Kuntom/Mr Adzmi Hassan/ Dr Norman Kamaruddin/ Mr Mohd Mokmin Bahari/ Mr Wahid Omar/Mr Hashim Man/ Dr Tan Yew Ai/Dr Chan Kook Weng/ Dr Puah Chiew Wei/Dr Nuzul Amri Ibrahim/ Mr Nik Mohd Aznizan/Ms Juanita Lourdes Malaysian Palm Oil Board Tan Sri Yusof Basiron/ Dr Yew Foong Kheong Malaysian Palm Oil Council Mr Harnarinder Singh Malaysian Timber Certification Council Dato’ Haji Aliasak Haji Ambia/ Mr Zulkifili Mohd Nazim National Association of Small Holders Mr Mohd Jaaffar Ahmad/ Mr Ahmad Norwin Ahmad Mahir/ Dr Lee Poh Hoon/Mr Siew Ching Wai/ Ms Lee Yoke Hui Palm Oil Refiners Association of Malaysia Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 .All rights reserved . All rights reserved . copying and networking prohibited Mr Paul Wong Hee Kwong/ Mr Philip Ho Kian Sin Sarawak Oil Palm Plantation Owners Association Ms Siti Norralakmam Yahaya/ Ms Nur Fatin Umaimah Takril Sime Darby Plantation Sdn Bhd Ms Zainorni Mohd Janis SIRIM Berhad Mr Edrin Moss/ Mr Hoong Hak Wan The East Malaysia Planters’ Association Mr Steven Yow Thin Chin The Federation of the Palm Oil Millers Association Mr Muhammad Pilus Zambri Tradewinds Plantation Bhd Dr A Xavier/Mr C Mathews United Plantation Bhd Members of Technical Working Committee for MSPO   Dr Ahmad Khushairi Din (Chairman)/ Malaysian Palm Oil Board Dr Ainie Kuntom (Deputy Chairperson) Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO Dr Shahrakbah Yacob Applied Agricultural Research Sdn Bhd Mr Tarmizi Taufek Boustead Estate Agency Bhd Mr Ong Kim Pin EPA Management Sdn Bhd Mr K Ilangovan Felda Agricultural Services Sdn Bhd Mr Kamaruzaman Rajikin Felda Holdings Bhd Mr Ismail Hassan Felda Palm Industries Sdn Bhd Mr Chew Jit Seng Genting Plantations Berhad Mr Liew Kok Wei IOI Corporation Ms Salasah Elias KULIM Berhad Mr Vincent Chew/ Mr Hamdan Mat Jaafar Malayan Edible Oil Manufacturers’ Association Mr Mursalin New/ Ms Noorsyakila Mohd Thulus Malaysian Biodiesel Association Mr Gan Tee Jin Malaysian Estate Owners Association Mr Yen Siew Fang Malaysian Oleochemical Manufacturers Group © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 .Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only. copying and networking prohibited Dato’ Mamat Salleh/Dr K. Ramadasan Malaysian Palm Oil Association Dr N Kalanithi/ Mr Ahmad Tarmizi Mohammed/ Mr Idris Haji Omar/ Dr Lim Weng Soon/Mr Adzmi Hassan/ Dr Hazimah Abu Hassan/ Dr Norman Kamaruddin/ Mr Mohd Mokmin Bahari/ Mr Wahid Omar/ Mr Hashim Man/Dr Mohd Haniff Harun/ Dr Chan Kook Weng/Ir Ravi Menon/ Dr Puah Chiew Wei/Dr Nuzul Amri Ibrahim/ Ms Siti Fatimatu Zahrah/ Mr Mohd Shahrin Rahami/ Ms Rozanna Rosdin/ Ms Rosearnida Senawi/ Ms Nazirah Khabibor Rahman Malaysian Palm Oil Board Mr Michael Ng Foo Yuen/ Dr Yew Foong Kheong/ Mr Muslimin Hashim Malaysian Palm Oil Council Mr Azhari Wasi Malaysian Oil Palm Nurseries Association Mr Zulkifili Mohd Nazim National Association of Small Holders Mr Pung Kian Sin/ Mr Ahmad Norwin Ahmad Mahir/ Dr P H Lee Palm Oil Refiners Association of Malaysia Mr Paul Wong/ Mr Philip Ho Kian Sin/ Mr Galau Melayong/ Ms Shannon Yii Sarawak Oil Palm Plantation Owners Association Ms Siti Norralakmam Yahaya Sime Darby Plantation Sdn Bhd Ms Radziah Mohd Daud/ Ms Ruzita Abd Gani SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd Mr Hoong Hak Wan/ Mr Edrin Moss The East Malaysia Planters’ Association Mr Steven Yow Thin Chin/ Mr Yong Kheng Chien The Federation of the Palm Oil Millers Association of Malaysia Dr A Xavier United Plantation Bhd Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2013 .All rights reserved .Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only. . without permission in writing from the Department of Standards Malaysia. copying and networking prohibited Y L N O G N I N I A R T R FO © Copyright 2013 All rights reserved.Licensed to MPOB / Downloaded on : 30-Oct-2013 11:52:02 AM / Single user license only. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means. electronic or mechanical. including photocopying and microfilm.
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