Mrunal Explained_ Niti Aayog, Planning Commission, Functions
Mrunal Explained_ Niti Aayog, Planning Commission, Functions
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10/19/2016Mrunal Explained: Niti Aayog, Planning Commission, Functions Mrunal http://mrunal.org [Economy] Niti Aayog, Planning Commission: Evolution, Structure, Function and truckload of Criticism explained Posted ByMrunalOn 21/01/2015 @ 1:00 pm In Economy | 137 Comments Timeline of planning in India Five Year plans: from 1st to 12th Planning Commission: Criticism/AntiArguments Niti Aayog: Structure, Membership NITI Aayog: functions, Mandates Functional Comparison: Niti vs PC Niti Aayog: Criticism/AntiArguments Allocation of funds to States? Chinese Niti Aayog? Mock Questions Timeline of planning in India Visvesvaraya plan in this book “The planned economy of India”. He was an Engineer, ExDiwan of Mysore and 1934 Bharat Ratna recipient. 1938 Nehru’s Congress plan. But not implemented due to WW2. 1944 Bombay plan by noted industrialists such as JRD Tata, GD Birla, Kasturbhai Lalbhai et al. 1944 Sriman Narayan Agrawal’s Gandhian plan. 1945 MN Roy’s “people’s plan” – with socialist leanings. 1950 Jayprakash Narayan’s Sarvodaya Plan based on Vinoba Bhave’s philosophy 1950,March 15 Cabinet resolution to form Planning commission. 1952,Aug. National Development council (NDC) made by Cabinet resolution. 2014,Aug. Modi shuts down planning commission. 2015, Jan Government notified the formation of Niti Aayog National Institution for Transforming India. Five Year plans in India Plan Period theme/Model/target Harrod Domar Model 1st 5156 Main focus: Agriculture, irrigation and power. Got more GDP growth than its original target. 2nd 5661 P.C.Mahalanobis Model Socialist model, Rapid industrialization, heavy industries. Sukhmoy Chakraborty and Sanddy 3rd 6166 Also called “Gadgil Yojana”. Failed to achieve its target due to droughts and wars with PakChina Holidays 6669 Holiday declared thanks to #EPICFAIL of 3rd FYP. Ashok RudraAlon Manney 4th 6974 growth with stability and selfreliance. [Garibi Hatao came here, says LucentGK] #EPICFAIL due to Bangladeshi refugee problem and drought. 5th 7479 RollingPlan 7880 6th C.Subramaniam and later redrafting by D.P.Dhar Originally it was a 10 year long term perspective plan with focus on poverty removal and selfreliance Morarji Desai’s Janta government came up with Rolling plan system – we’ll measure progress every year and make new plans accordingly for next year. 8085 Poverty removal (Garibi Hatao), IRDP, NREM, TRYSEM etc. [Garibi Hatao came here says Ramesh Singh] Pranav Mukherjee http://mrunal.org/2015/01/economynitiayogplanningcommissionevolutionstructuremembersfunctioncriticism.html/print/ 1/10 it did not use pilot projects / sample testing / interaction with states. Post subprime crisis.Child Sex ratio: 950. Planning Commission. from being a underdeveloped country in 1950s – India has become a major economic force. Government needs to become an “enabler” rather than a “player”. Theme: “Faster. Failed to implement land reforms. They tried to bypass state Governments via NGOfunding.html/print/ 2/10 . ICDS etc. GDPfell.Rangarajan framed it with targets: 810% growth rate. 10% Mfg. 8th 9297 9th 9702 10th 0207 8% GDP growth rate. But PAC too is pretty much toothless. today Indian industry and service sector has reached on global scale.1 Increase mean school years. Hence. Designed CSS with One size fits all approach and a few extra crores to NE/J&K/Hillstates and LWE. DRDA. IAY. Niti Aayog: Structure. Office manned by Generalist IAS/IES with short tenure; panel members filled with academicians and jholachhap NGOs. Hence only annual plans. Theme: “inclusive growth” C. Functions 8589 Focus on employment. Hence States unenthusiastic about implementing Central schemes named after you know who. Toothless body. So 9% GDP did not come from Montek’s magic wand.Miller model.10/19/2016 7th 2 Annual plans Mrunal Explained: Niti Aayog. Hence our needs have changed from mere food security to profitable agriculture. infrastructure investment. In this playground. programs failed to show tangible result despite pumping crores. Membership http://mrunal. inflation rose during 200813 nonstop. TFR: 2. create 50 million new jobs. Shortcomings in planning commission => new bodies sprung up like PM’s economic advisory council. Planning commission brags reducing poverty line on Tendulkar’s parameters. 8991 Political instability at Centre. For so many years. double per capita income in 10 years. Factorylabour law problems. 11th 0712 PV Narasimha Rao LPG reforms Growth with social justice and equity. 70 million new jobs. can’t hold State/union/ministries/departments accountable for failing to achieve targets. But for long. forest cover. Only in 2013 reforms done like reducing number of Centrally sponsored schemes (CSS). Get IMR:26. Faulty policies for MSME. TFR etc. PM’s project monitoring group and so on=> more brains=> more lack of coordination. But almost all nations of world experienced high growth. if we use Ranga line then 37 crore BPL. Need subject specialists with international exposure like Rajanbhai. MMR:1000. failed to evoke the “animal spirit” in Indian economy. More inclusive and sustainable growth”. Hence Modi felt that PC is beyond fixing just like Gotham city and Delhi city. a neomiddle class has emerged. Times have changed. Tendulkar line says 27 crore BPL.org/2015/01/economynitiayogplanningcommissionevolutionstructuremembersfunctioncriticism. Hopes that CAG and Public accounts Committee will take care accountability part. #EPICFAIL due to global slowdown after Asian financial crisis. direct transfer of money to state consolidated fun etc. And thus Niti Aayog was born. rural teledensity. CMR. Government worked as the “provider of first and last resort”. But. Planning Commission: Criticism/AntiArguments Achieved >9% GDP growthrate during 200507. John W. But it’s too little too late. Mostly “indicative” planning. industrialization. 10% flexifund to states. Reduced poverty by doctoring the BPLline. 12th 1217 10% reduction in poverty. 4% Agriculture. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana started. thanks to American boom prior to subprime crisis. lower IMR. Target growth rates: 9% GDP. Functions Niti Aayog: Structure. MemberSecretary (IAS) A secretary level bureaucrat with fixed tenure. January 1st became PM. and the the brain behind Rajasthan’s landlabour reform. August after Modi 2015. Composition. same Free market economist Arvind Panagriya. PM can nominate fourUnion ministers. He was the Chief economist of Asian Development bank. Chairman Vice Chairman CEO Prime minister Last Dy.org/2015/01/economynitiayogplanningcommissionevolutionstructuremembersfunctioncriticism. March 15th Born died in 2014. Planning Commission. Sindhushree Khullar (IAS) Same Ms. Modi has nominated following: Exofficio Finance Minister Home members Planning minister Finance Railway Agriculture Full time 47 full time members. Sindhushree Khullar is the first CEO.10/19/2016 Mrunal Explained: Niti Aayog. Membership Position Planning Commission NITI Aayog 1950.Chairman was Montek Singh Ahluwalia (Cabinet minister rank). who enjoy Bibek Debroy (Free market economist) http://mrunal.html/print/ 3/10 . Rotational posts. Dr. Planning Commission. They’ll be dealing with specific Regional issue concerning a group of states for example irrigation.org/2015/01/economynitiayogplanningcommissionevolutionstructuremembersfunctioncriticism. ad hoc Will have CMs of states that fall in the region. NITI Aayog: functions. Find best practices from other countries. http://mrunal. Councils infrastructure etc. Cooperative Federalism: Involve state governments and even villages in planning process. Saraswat (technocrat.10/19/2016 members Mrunal Explained: Niti Aayog. Sustainable development: + Modi’s Zero defectzero effect (on environment) manufacturing mantra. V. Mandates Niti Aayog: functions & mandate Think tank for Government policy formulation. parttime members Governing Council Tech experts from research institutes. missile scientist and ExDRDO chief. partner with other desividesi bodies to help their adoption in India.) Union ministers for Special Invitees Transport HRD Social Justice +PM can invite other experts as and when needed. Chairman: Prime minister Chief ministers of all states Lieutenant governors of all Union territories. naxalproblem. Functions “Minister of State” rank.html/print/ 4/10 .K. Currently none declared. Press release talks about participatory planning but how exactly will they do that? One size fits all. what if another party comes into power and dismantles this? Recall Morarji vs Indira. Help sorting interdepartmental conflicts. Leftwing extremism. Functional Comparison: Niti vs PC Planning commission Design FYPFive year plans NITI Aayog Design national agenda. Regional Councils will address specific “issues” for a group of states. In between that time. participating in ‘globalvillage’ etc. Extract maximum benefit from NRI’s geoeconomic and Geopolitical strength for India’s Development. (because Din Dayal said so. Niti Aayog and its free market economists will further reduce welfare schemes to help them. limited subsidies and monitoring through ICT. and cooperative federalism. Otherwise. Planning commission and NDC decided “special category states” and gave them additional funding to help the poor and backward regions. be an ‘indicative planning + core planning’ i. Participatory Development: with help of private sector and citizens. (because Poet Tiruvalluvar said so) Focus on 5 crore Small enterprises– to generate more employment for weaker sections. NITI Aayog too is a nonConstitutional. planning by Armchair Nehruvian IES officers are rarely invited in Modi’s meetings. topdown socialist No specific details laid out. accountability and good governance. It’ll take minimum 68 months for Niti Aayog to set things in motion. Functions Urban Development: to ensure cities can remain habitable and provide economic venues to everyone. Use Social media and ICT tools to ensure transparency. Niti Aayog should have been created through a legal/Constitutional amendment.org/2015/01/economynitiayogplanningcommissionevolutionstructuremembersfunctioncriticism. will those states lose their ‘status’ and extrafunding? Uncertainty prevails. ST and Women too enjoy the fruits of Development. centrally sponsored schemes (CSS) Some experts believe Interstate council will decide money allocation to states. Example: Regional Council for drought. States/UT represented in Governing council. States/UT were represented in National Development Council. a broad outline with selected targets. Lot of bolbachachan giri and vague ideas about national selfinterest. (Says Kerala CM). Like PC. The Press release is ‘silent’ on How much money to give to each state for money/funding. Modi should have specifically pointed out its functions and jurisdiction. Niti Aayog: Criticism/AntiArguments Bibek Debroy (Fulltime member) himself criticized the vaguely worded pressrelease on NitiAayog formation. economists and IES cadre officers (Indian But given the entry of Free market economists and Technocrats.html/print/ 5/10 . At present we’ve 60+ centrally sponsored schemes. then How much money to give for each state’s finance ministry will release the fund. poor and marginalized communities will suffer. without taking NDC or states into confidence this undermines cooperative federalism. if needed. But no specific mention about whether PC framed FYP=>went to Cabinet=>NDC they can approve/reject/amend Niti Aayog’s proposals? approved FYP=>Tabled in parliament. It is not accountable to parliament. most probably it’ll be left to finance ministry. Development will be halted due to paucity of funds and ideas.) Poverty elimination to ensure dignity and selfrespect. capacitybuilding.e. most probably it’ll Economic Service). and if lineministries fail to achieve targets. nonstatutory body formed by a cabinet resolution. Tribal welfare and so on. FinMin officials always try to squeeze budget to keep the fiscal deficit under FRBM targets. Niti Aayog will conflict with Cabinet Secretariat (for interministerial coordination) and constitutional body Inter State Council (for coordination with states).10/19/2016 Mrunal Explained: Niti Aayog. NITI Aayog cannot punish them. own statefiveyearplans. There should be a perspective plan spanning for 15 to 20 years. Thus. Modi’s “arbitrary decision” to dismantle the Planning Commission. From union territory only Lieutenant Governors invited. Monitoring and feedback. Make policies to reap demographic dividend and social capital. Ensure SC. after inputs of state governments. CM of Delhi and Puducherry can’t participate in Governing council. Modi aims to combine them into just 10 schemes. Midway course correction. Decide two “money” matters: Mostly work as a “policyformulationhub”. Planning Commission. http://mrunal. With advent of Niti Aayog. Inclusive Development or Antyodaya. so. Anyways. (It is both pro and antiargument depending on how brainwashed a person is after reading theHindu. How they’ll be integrated in the new system? No clear answers given in the pressrelease. So. Good work can be done even without them through line ministries and interstate councils. http://mrunal. Decides the formula for every 5 years. at union and state level. education etc.) 1961: Indian Economic Service (IES) was born on Nehru’s initiative. the real work of NITI Aayog is yet to begin.” Modi distributed the planningExpenditure function to FinMin and subject matters to respective ministries. Allocation of funds to States? Until now. only time will tell how NITI Aayog fares in real life.org/2015/01/economynitiayogplanningcommissionevolutionstructuremembersfunctioncriticism. Niti Aayog’s mandate repeatedly says they’ll focus on manufacturing sector. Gave two types of funding Planning commission Centrally sponsored schemes (~66 schemes). Modi doesn’t invite them in meetings.5% of GDP flew this way. commission ~2% of GDP flew this way.10/19/2016 Mrunal Explained: Niti Aayog. Subplans for women. There is no need for any Planning commission or Niti Aayog. Now State governments will have to lobby at both type of ministries to get funds released. free market economists look down upon them with utter disdain. Central assistance for state plans. States got funding from two places Finance Gave share from Union revenue to states. Niti Aayog doesn’t say how they’ll do it. Money given after consultation between PC and respective ministries of health. Planning Commission’s Nehruvian Economists advocated decentralized planning.html/print/ 6/10 . ~2. Rajanbhai says “just because China succeeded on manufacturing focus.”. FM and State Government. Functions Planning commission used to monitor of human development in the States. most criticism is centred around the theme that “Since press release doesn’t talk about xyz thing so only bad thing will happen. Modi’s free market economists and technocrats will pursue centralized planning and emonitoring. But. Money given after consultation between PC. This will result in loss of perspective and longterm view. Planning Commission. SC and ST. doesn’t automatically guarantee that same Cinderella story will repeat here. DG Hydrocarbon decide it. Union itself should give the planmoney to states. NOT ONE bit. Functions After scrapping the planning commission. Mock Questions Q1. hence it can look at the issues from a fresh perspective. Approves investment & construction projects CCI.Miller Harrod Domar Q4. FIPB and many other bodies @union and state level. throwing more money in existing schemes rather than fixing from scratch.org/2015/01/economynitiayogplanningcommissionevolutionstructuremembersfunctioncriticism.e. 49. Gujarat CM even said. Looks after backward provinces in the Western region. Separate ministry for NE Development RealBoss: State council headed by President of China. instead of keeping such ‘backdoor’ mechanism. MN Roy was associated with _____. Finance commission members are expert in revenuesharing. Read background theory in Indian Polity by M.Subramaniam John W. Because Finance commission is a nonpermanent body constituted every 5th year.e. Chinese Niti Aayog? Chinese NDRC Makes macroeconomic policy India present system Finance ministry makes fiscal policy. If its turned into a permanent body then incrementalist approach will creep in i.Laxmikanth (4th Ed. Congress Plan People’s plan Bombay Plan Gandhian Plan Q3. to give finance commission these new powers. 48. Find incorrect pairs of plan vs focus: 1st FYP: heavy industries http://mrunal. Makes Energy & oil policy Oil ministry. capitalasset building perspective. (National Development and reform commission).10/19/2016 Mrunal Explained: Niti Aayog. Share from union taxes CSS: Centrally sponsored schemes Union’s assistance to state’s plans. Modi wanted the Finance commission to overesee all three types of “money allocations” i. 41. RBI makes monetary policy.) Chapter 15.html/print/ 7/10 . But planning Expenditure requires expert members with development. First Five year plan was based on ____ model Mahalanobis C. But the Chairmen of 13th and 14th Finance commission don’t like this additional homework. it’s nowhere near Chinese NDRC. Arrange following plans in correct chronological order People’s plan Bombay Plan Congress Plan Visvesvaraya plan Answer choices 1234 4321 1243 2143 Q2. Planning Commission. But Modi couldn’t do it easily because: Constitution amendment necessary. Cabinet Headed by PM. But Niti Aayog press release and jurisdiction is so vague. Experts thought Modi wanted to replace PC with a body like China’s NDRC. More sustainable and sustainable growth Inclusive growth with social justice Social justice and sustainable growth Q6. Q8. National Institution for Transforming India. Functions 2nd FYP: Agriculture. More inclusive and sustainable growth Faster. if five year planning was continued. Planning Commission. Find correct pairs of person vs position held in Niti Aayog Sindhushree Khullar: Secretary Economist Jagdish Bhagwati: part time member VK Saraswat: special invitee Answer choices Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3 Only 1 and 3 none of them Q11.10/19/2016 Mrunal Explained: Niti Aayog. Theme of the 12th Five year plan was Faster. power Both A and B Neither A nor B Q5.org/2015/01/economynitiayogplanningcommissionevolutionstructuremembersfunctioncriticism. irrigation. What is the full form of Niti Aayog? National Institute to Transform India. Who can become a part time member of the Niti Aayog? A serving IES officer A serving IAS officer A union minister An Expert from Research institutes Q12. Presidential ordinance Allocation of business rules by President of India. Cabinet resolution None of above. National Institution to Transform India. Q9. National Institute for Transforming India.html/print/ 8/10 . Governing council of the Niti Aayog includes http://mrunal. Niti Aayog is formed via ____. the period of 13th five year plan would be 20132018 20152020 20172022 None of above Q7. A union minister can become ___ of Niti Aayog Part time member Exofficio member Special invitee Answer choices Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3 Only 1 and 3 All of them Q10. Answer choices Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3 Only 1 and 3 None of them Q14. The planning process India in the postNehru period has conducted to better CentreState relations. Official mandate of the Niti Aayog includes ___. Interstate council and not the Niti Aayog. Find statutory bodies among following Niti Aayog Controller of Certifying authorities Atomic energy regulation board Answer choices Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3 Only 1 and 3 None of them Q16. is the appropriate instrument to ensure linkages between the district. he must amend article 315.10/19/2016 Mrunal Explained: Niti Aayog. Can Niti Aayog fill this lacuna? If not. he must amend article 335. Functions Prime minister Finance minister Chief ministers of all states Answer choices Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3 Only 1 and 3 all of them Q13. but (it has) not necessarily brought about decentralization of the planning process. If Modi wants to implement GST. Planning Commission. for centrally sponsored schemes Approving funds for state plans.org/2015/01/economynitiayogplanningcommissionevolutionstructuremembersfunctioncriticism. the State and the regional levels of national planning processes. Find correct statements If Modi wants to expand the powers of finance commission. Do you agree? http://mrunal. Both A and B Neither A nor B UPSC Mains examination: General Studies Paper2 Answer following in 150200 words each: Examine the inadequacies of machinery for planning to ensure democratic but depoliticized planning process in Indian federation since independence. Discuss how Niti Aayog aims to fix this anomaly. Cadre controlling authority for Indian Economic service Decide allocation of funding among the states. Match correct pairs Person vs their brainchild service All India services: Nehru Indian Economic service: Lal Bahadur Shashtri Indian Civil service: Lord Curzon Answer choices Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3 Only 1 and 3 None of them Q15. suggest remedial steps.html/print/ 9/10 . which will ultimately feed the Niti Aayog at New Delhi. Do you agree? Article printed from Mrunal: http://mrunal.10/19/2016 Mrunal Explained: Niti Aayog. Niti Aayog may end up becoming yet another armchair advisory body like NAC.html Copyright © 2014 Mrunal. Compare and contrast the structure and mandate of planning commission and Niti Aayog. http://mrunal. All rights reserved.html/print/ 10/10 . Functions The ultimate picture of the development in India has to be a network of planning units in the villages and enterprises.org/2015/01/economynitiayogplanningcommissionevolutionstructuremembersfunctioncriticism. coordinated at successive higher levels by State .org/2015/01/economynitiayogplanningcommissionevolutionstructure membersfunctioncriticism.org URL to article: http://mrunal.“ Examine the argument in favor and against such design.‘ Make out a case for decentralized and depoliticized federal planning in India. “A National planning body must have a statutory or Constitutional backing. Planning Commission. (Interview) Without financial and Administrative powers.
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